• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran

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Signal Boost: Ten Minutes (or More) · 2:23am Yesterday

Imagine writing a story which simultaneously qualifies for two different contests . . . and one not-contest.

Odd_Sarge is enough of a madpony to have done it.

Presenting Ten Minutes (Or More)

ETen Minutes (Or More)
Nothing says dating like a ten minute there-and-back to the drive-through from the company parking lot.
Odd_Sarge · 1000 words  ·  25  1 · 227 views

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Stories that don't have ponies: Fictionpress
Offprint Alt
Some pony stories and some not

Stalk the Admiral on Goodreads!

"he’s an admiral. he outranks Lorem Faucet." —Posh
I'm just a humble squirrel, toiling through a boring life, and writing about magical pastel ponies.
The hard life pegasus among stupid bipedal cornstalk.
Ponies are for hugging, not yelling.
Axe body spray: confusing ponies since 1983.
"This was quite well written, and the characters had a very natural feeling back and forth. Shame I didn't like it at all."
Saint Admiral Biscuit, Patron Saint of Kirin
Life sucks, cuddle a pony, that’s therapy
Admiral Biscuit and the Horse Marines

I'm a little older than most bronies, but perhaps no wiser.
I'm detail obsessed. If I was one of the mane 6, I'd be Twilight.*
I work a blue-collar job during the day (with a blue shirt, even), and on the weekends I work at group homes.
When I'm not writing, I'm acting or practicing swordplay.
I'm terrible at bios.

I strive to maintain an open dialogue on all my stories and on my userpage; however, Comments that use inappropriate language or are inflammatory may be deleted at my discretion. Keep it civil, folks.

*even the pony personality test agrees!
Twilight Sparkle

Comments ( 1173 )
  • Viewing 1,169 - 1,173 of 1,173

That’s why it’s felt so quiet from you. Hi, Biscuit! Hope you’re well!

Thanks for reading To Our Dear Children.... I'll see you around the rest of the convention.



"Sometimes, when nopony is looking, I'm chasing my own tail. Hehe, silly tail. One day I will catch you!"

- Unnamed pony (adult)

Everybody thinks I'd be a pegasus, but really I'm an earth pony with aspirations.

It's why I ask it with such frequency. Pure curiosity. The range of answers is astonishing.

  • Viewing 1,169 - 1,173 of 1,173
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Science! · 2:56pm Aug 4th, 2013

So, in the interest of determining how much ponies actually weigh, I decided to conduct an experiment.

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