> A Loveless Tundra > by Dworthy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 00: Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The jet streams whipped around, attempting to bring the upper atmosphere back to thermal equilibrium and undo the uneven heating of the sun with high-speed air movement, though constantly hindered (and thus, made long-lived) by the very rotation of the planet. This phenomenon was, for the most part, just a novelty for the local scientists and something of an invisible nuisance to those on the frontiers of societies practicing local weather control, as the air over nine kilometers up has less than a third of the equivalent oxygen content of sea level. This is fatal for most of the flight capable species, and any exceptions will usually find the low air density blocking their wing’s effectiveness at gaining altitude, assuming the freezing air doesn’t force them to descend. Still, nature always has a part in history, and as luck would have it, an unusually large number of macroscopic creatures called changelings ended up launched into the air by a spherical shell powered by love. This was entirely unintentional, and most of them were barely conscious for most of the flight, given that unexpected physical trauma and rapid temperature changes are not conducive to continued awareness. One outlier, who was hovering a good distance above the rest of their kind due to a reluctance to partake in combat, ended up gaining much more altitude than the others, and lost consciousness entirely from the pressure and temperature changes. The initial trajectory intercepted a jet stream almost directly overhead, and the limp body was quickly flung by the strong winds northward. Despite mostly being a black carapace pocked with holes, the changeling caught the wind fairly well, though the rapidly deteriorating wings flapping uselessly in the buffeting jets made such a prospect rather poor in results. Of course, flight by any object with zero awareness and less than the escape velocity is doomed to end by gravity, and its inexorable pull brought it down and out of the jet stream. Even if that had not happened, the stream was about to make a sudden bend in another hundred kilometers or so, and that would have ejected the changeling anyway, though far further north. Returning to the most interesting thing in kilometers, the literally-battered-by-thin-air changeling was quickly dropping to the ground. The fall was particularly chaotic as the near-useless wings made the rotation particularly unstable and rapidly shifted around the terminal velocity. Nevertheless, rapid descent was guaranteed. The rapidly approaching ground was covered by thick clouds. Most flight capable creatures, thanks to magic suffusing the environment, were perfectly capable of interacting with clouds under normal circumstances. This did not include speeds that were usually only flown by daredevils attempting a Sonic Rainboom. The changeling’s form smashed a hole through the clouds with ease, slowing the fall down far more effectively than the gradually thickening air, and the far floatier snowflakes helped a little, too. Below the expansive cloud cover, only briefly marred by the descent, an expanse of snow stretched ever onward. Precipitation such as snowflakes was fairly rare at these areas normally, with how little water is in the air, but the area held a mostly forgotten curse that locked away the center from the outside space-time, as well as ancient evil whose legacy had long degraded into holiday tales. Overall, despite the definite evil lurking in the area, these circumstances were extremely lucky for the creature forcibly set apart from the hive, as it changed the fall speed from most likely fatal to survivable… maybe. Out of all the natural surfaces on a wet planet, snow might just be the best for minimizing the physical impact of a landing. Unlike most other materials, the fluffy nature of undisturbed snow provides a massive crumble zone, spreading out the force needed to stop over time. In fact, this distribution tends to be the deciding factor for the survivability of any large fall, as the lethal factor is the necessary acceleration to stop the fall at the moment of hitting the surface of the planet again. There have been a few tales of wingless ponies surviving falls from the cloud cities of the pegasi by landing in hay bales, though also a couple on the surprising rigidity of water at high speeds. To be short, when falling near terminal velocity, avoid bodies of water if a perfect diving position is impossible, as it would be just as bad as landing on bare mountain rock. All in all, the changeling had a great deal of luck, not only having the help of the weather to slow down, fresh snow to provide a soft landing, but also managing to land on a snowbank, all without even being aware of what was happening. Outside of the wings ripped to uselessness and hypothermia slowly setting in, the hapless victim of circumstance was entirely uninjured from a very, very fast journey. Now, this creature would go on to change the fate of the entire species… assuming death of frigid temperatures or starvation is avoided. > 01: Arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first thing he noticed was the wind, loud, but oddly, he couldn’t feel it on his chitin. The second thing he noticed was the cold. He felt it everywhere. It was like some towel that someling sprayed cold water on and draped over him. It was even a little wet to complete the experience. The third thing he noticed was how he couldn’t move anything. Something kept him from moving his legs, wings, neck, head… he couldn’t even open his eyelids. He felt oh so tired, though. Maybe he should just… rest for a… little… wh…i…l…e…. A freezing drop of water splashed onto one of the softer, more sensitive parts of his chitin at the base of his neck, waking him back up. An unconscious shiver managed to dislodge a bit of whatever was keeping him trapped, and a strong shake of his head freed him from his frigid prison. Finally opening his eyes, he could see a blank expanse of white. Looking from left to right changed nothing, looking down provided the same view, and looking up finally gave a different color: gray checkered by moving white spots. It really wasn’t that much different. It took a while, but he was finally able to dig himself out of the snow he was buried in. Now, he needed to leave the crater he was in, and the best way to- A jolt of pain broke his train of thought as he extended his wings, and he looked back at them. With horror, he saw that the previously ragged wings were barely more than stubs. While he could regrow them with time and energy – rough-housing often tore a wing at the hive – he wouldn’t be able to fly anytime soon with how bad they looked. With a sigh, he started carefully climbing/digging his way out. He slipped a few times on his way up the crumbly and squishy snow walls, but when he finally managed to get out of the hole that he made on his landing, and saw nothing but snow in every direction, including up if the snowflakes and snow clouds counted. It was then that it sank in: Thorax had no idea where he was, outside of far away from anything and anyling he knew. He had no idea how far he travelled. The falling snow made it impossible to see anything far away, and difficult to see anything that wasn’t close. The only landmarks he could see were the crater he made, long out of view, and the prints he was leaving behind, which were being slowly filled in. He wasn’t even sure what he was walking on. To be more precise, he wasn’t sure how far down it was before the ground became solid again. It could be just a hoof length or two under the snow, or he could be walking on top of some massive amount of ice, with snow just dusting over the top like a thin layer of barren dirt, as it was near the hive. He belatedly added to the list of possibilities that there could also be a thin sheet of snow suspended over thin air when a hoof broke through snow and found nothing underneath, and in his surprise lost his balance and fell into the hole. Thankfully, it wasn’t that deep, so all he got was a light ache in his jaw when he landed on it. “Why does this always happen to me,” Thorax moaned. He got up and looked around the small cavern he dropped into, taking note of the floor of dirt with some grass here and there as well as the walls made entirely of compressed snow. There were also a few passageways that led to somewhere else, and what was down one of them caught his attention: a group of small, white-furred foxes, staring at him with some shock. He said with a calm, quiet voice, “Don’t worry, I don’t mean you any harm.” The snowy foxes still fled down the corridor into a small branch partway in, likely their den. With a weak sigh, he looked back up at the hole, and the snow slowly drifting down. While it was surprisingly warm in this cavern, considering it had snow for walls, it was rapidly cooling with that sudden opening. However warm that nearby den was, it wouldn’t be nearly as pleasant soon. However, he had no idea how to patch that hole, and he was too tired to think something up. This was also the only shelter he had found so far, and not even the Queen would know when he would find another in the snowfall. Coming to a decision, he laid down in the entryway to the foxes’ corridor, back to the outside in the hopes of the chill keeping his wings numb, and let himself drift off. Soon, his snores filled the otherwise silent caverns. Something tickled Thorax’s nose. Something light and fuzzy was pulling him from his sleep. Well, unless one of the other changelings of the hive were pulling a prank on him… again…, everything that happened wasn’t some strange dream he was having while camping out outside of Canterlot’s walls and shield. He slowly opened his eyes and blinked a few times to clear them, as all he saw was white. A little more time to wake up along with refocusing his eyes let him see the differences in texture. There was the flat white of snow at the front, which were the walls, and some fuzzy white downwards. That’s right, he fell asleep in that entry way, and he had his back to the chamber he fell into. His wings didn’t ache much, though he didn’t know if that was from the cold or because they were healing. Lifting his head a little bit, he could finally get a good look at why his underside felt so warm. The little foxes were all huddled up against his stomach, except for one bold enough to nap under his chin. That one’s tail was the culprit for his ticklish nose. He kept himself from chuckling at the adorable sight, not wanting to wake them up. Whatever warm feeling he felt froze solid when he finally bothered to look down the corridor again and saw the cold, angry glare of a fox that was much larger than the small ones. > 02: Shelter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The older fox, presumably the mother of the little foxes, tilted her head down towards the ground, keeping her eyes pointed towards Thorax, and let out a short bark that almost sounded like a cough. While the changeling had no idea what that meant*, the cubs that were napping along his belly likely knew, as all four of them opened their eyes, looked to their elder, and started huddling up closer to the black legs they were sleeping by. *Changeling education was highly specialized, focused on using natural abilities as well as how to blend into various societies for infiltration. Animals and their behaviors, especially of those that did not live near the hive, were one of the categories that Queen Chrysalis considered unnecessary, with other examples being advanced mathematics, critical thinking, and swimming. Tapping into his abilities to sense the emotions of nearby creatures, Thorax could tell that the parent's spiky rage was just shell over a watery but vibrating core of fear, so it was probably the case that she wanted her offspring to find somewhere safe to hide from him. Supporting that was their emotions, which, while obscured by the cloudiness of confusion, were changing from some baseline, solid contentedness to a similar fear, though it didn't change completely. As the younger foxes weren't moving, the changeling put two and two together and realized that he had accidentally gained their trust... somehow. Apparently, the adult fox did too, as she narrowed her eyes, then made a deep growl while moving her belly a bit. This time, the smaller foxes quickly got up and dashed their way over to her, most of their emotions replaced with anticipation, which had its outer part shudder and spike periodically. As he took notice of the parent's emotions reducing in intensity, he decided to try and say something. "Well, I'm sorry for coming in here with your nymphs, or, well, what ever words are used for the members of your clutch, but I fell into the caves on accident, and I can't fly out yet." He took another look at his wings, which managed to grow back a few inches since last night, a bit faster than he expected. "Is it fine if I stay here? I'll try and fix the hole I made, too." The family of creatures gave no indication of understanding what he said, which Thorax wasn't particularly surprised by. What few animals lived near the hive either fled or ignored changeling conversation, and getting the latter in this situation was probably for the best. Instead, the older fox brought to her offspring a small pile of what looked like smaller versions of the moles that often burrowed into the hive. As the original occupants of the snow caverns were busy eating, Thorax decided to check himself over. As he previously noted, the wings were growing back even faster than he expected, even when he was regularly eating the love the infiltrators brought back. They seemed a bit shinier than they usually were, though that might just have been the stronger lighting compared to the hive. While the hiverock did let light through, it wasn't nearly as translucent as snow, and the ceiling here was much thinner, too. After sitting up, he checked his other limbs, which moved just fine, and his disguises functioned just as well. While his magic was a little weaker than usual, that was probably from how poorly supplied the camp was, worse than the hive. Considering the latter was under permanent rationing... Thinking about food gave him a sudden realization. He felt less hungry than he usually did, despite the fact that he barely fed at all during the invasion and didn't quite get enough at camp. He didn't run into anyone at all since he landed in this tundra. In fact, the only creatures he even saw were these foxes, so.... The only explanation that he could think of was that he somehow fed in his sleep, but everyling knew that that you had to actively pull from a source to feed off of love, and that animals usually weren't worth the time. He had heard that it was easier to do so if the target was fooled into it rather than if it was just taken by force, but he never heard it being literally effortless. Thorax dropped that line of thought for later when he saw that feeding time was over, and the young foxes started playing with each other and some leftover bones. After a moment of watching them, the older fox stood up and walked towards the changeling. By now, the anger and fear were mostly gone, replaced by a very observant mix of curiosity and unease. In other words, about the same that he was feeling. He let he sniff him, as it didn't seem all that different from eyeing each other over. Plus, if she did anything aggressive, his fangs were far longer, and a kick from him would likely hurt, so he wasn't that afraid of her. Evidently satisfied, she walked past him, and looked up at the hole in the ceiling from the previous day. Beyond it, the sky was still overcast, but it wasn't snowing anymore. "I should be able to fix it with the snow on the floor," Thorax said, and lit his horn to try just that. Not used to magic, the fox glanced warily at him, then at snow he was lifting, but she stayed put and watched. He gently lifted it up to the ceiling, slowly inching the mass towards one of the edges of the hole, hoping to gently press it together. It didn't work. The edges crumbled down into the caverns every time he so much as brushed it with his load. Eventually, he gave up and haphazardly dropped it in the center of the chamber. Thorax groaned. "It won't work without some support. A pillar in the center would work, but I don't have enough snow for that, and I don't want to risk taking any from the walls." He looked at the fox, but, well, she wasn't there any more. Checking down one of the other tunnels, he could barely see her, mainly from movement and some lingering emotive energy. Having nothing much better to do, he followed her. The path taken through the various tunnels, which Thorax did his best to memorize, eventually led to another opening to the outside. This one much easier to go through, as instead of a sheer drop, it was merely a steep incline to the surface. While the elder fox wandered off, likely to look for food, he instead doubled back to where the hole was, just on the surface. He found it with no trouble, and started looking nearby for a good place to dig up snow to drop in. He stopped once he realized that, with an invisible cave network underneath, any digging might destabilize some of it, and the last thing he wanted to do was make even more holes. The solution he eventually came up with was to dig near the main entrance in the direction of the walkable slope. That way, he had little chance of damaging the caves, and could even make it easier to get in or out to boot. Of course, that meant yet another trip back, but the walk was only a few minutes, and even with the cold weather he preferred that over sitting bored in the invasion camp. Digging up the snow was a little difficult, as it was a formless mass that, for the most part, was stuck together as a giant mass covering the entire tundra. He had to kick hard to pick grooves into until it was loose enough that could rip it away with his magic, and then he had to carry it back. After that, he had to carefully drop it in without touching the unstable ceiling and making sure he wouldn't drop it in any unsuspecting foxes. Thankfully, a few trips provided enough building material by his reckoning, and he made his way into the caverns again. The proper way, this time. Managing to make it the whole way back was quite a feat of navigation, what with the walls and ceilings made of pure white snow and the ground a mix of mostly dead grass and uncovered dirt that occasionally dirtied the lowest layers of snow, but he still managed it, even if a little slower than before due to a lack of confidence. It did help that, near the end, he could hear the younger foxes playing, which made his decisions at any crossroads far less hesitant. The pile of snow in the middle was almost exactly as he left it; a couple depressions and a score of paw prints was evidence enough that the little foxes had a bit of fun there in the meantime. Thorax smiled a bit at that, then got started carefully forming the snow with his magic. Again, this was driven by caution and a lack of experience, as the Badlands rarely saw snow. It didn't take long for him to figure out that compacting the material hardened it and stuck it all together, and he began in earnest. Outside of the occasional interruption of a cub coming in our of either curiosity or, in one case, rolling right into the chamber with another while play fighting, it was peaceful work for him. He shaped a pillar that he hoped was thick and sturdy enough to ensure it would survive something small and fuzzy barreling straight for it, which broadened at the top and fanned outwards just underneath the edge of the hole. With that, not only was it better supported and less liable to fall inside should, say, the wind start blowing the wrong way, but it also sealed the chamber in again. He could already tell that, without the chill air from the surface coming in, it was a bit warmer inside the caverns. Not enough for the snow to melt, but still warm enough for a creature with enough insulation to find it comfortable. Of course, he did test the structure to make sure it was stable, and while he had one front hoof carefully pressing on the new ceiling and the other using the pillar for balance, the elder fox returned, carrying the result of successfully hunting rabbits. Thorax happened to be facing the wrong way to see her, but it was hard to miss the cubs running in with vibrating anticipation. She left the meal to them, and looked toward the pillar. Wanting to give her a better view, he pushed off from it and dropped back to his usual quadrupedal stance. It was hard to gauge what she was feeling, as outside of some slowly fading, but still bright pride over the hunt, and a small core of love for her offspring, it was all a gray, listless mass of neutrality. As a result, the changeling stood there in silence, unsure what exactly to say while his work was inspected. It seemed that the fox was satisfied, as she went to the family's storage and returned with a mouse, placing it on the ground in front of Thorax. "I, uh, appreciate the gesture, but I can't eat that," he said, pushing the chilled corpse away. She glanced between him and the rejected offering a few times, before just going ahead and biting into it herself. Having nothing better to do, he watched her for a while, until one of the little foxes pounced on some of the leftover snow right next to them. Just like earlier that day, they were playing with the bones that remained, batting them about and jumping on them. This one (which had larger ears than the rest, Thorax noted) happened to send the rabbit femur his way. He took it as a sign that they wanted to play with them, and lifted the bone using his magic. The youngling was a bit surprised by this, but then realized that it was a brand new way to play, and got very excited and barked in anticipation. After shaking it a bit, he tossed the bone down one of the corridors, the little one dashing after it. The other siblings all watched, pick up their own toys, and brought them over to Thorax for some fun, too. While he already knew about how much the young ones like him, he did learn something from the elder's reaction, or more precisely, the lack thereof. She just kept an eye on them, trusting him not to do anything to hurt them. 'I could get used to this,' he thought, and played with the rest of the cubs, a small smile on his face. > 03: A Fox's Life I > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been a couple days since Thorax reinforced the ceiling to what ended up becoming his chamber of the snow cavern network. Things have settled into a bit of a routine: he woke up with at least one of the young foxes curled up against him (so far, the first morning had Ears, the second had both him and Nosy, though on the current day it was only Spot), who raced away once their mother, who he'd been calling Vix out of a vague memory of what the term for a female fox was, gave the morning meal call. He checked his wings to ensure they were still growing back, wondered if they really were shinier than before, and slowly got up once the foxes were done with breakfast. Usually, at this point, the younglings would be running over for him to start playing. However, it seems they finally got bored of him, and to be frank, he was running out of ideas. It didn't help that yesterday evening was when the bone chandelier incident occurred, from which he learned three things: changeling goo made a great adhesive for connecting the leftover bones, it wasn't nearly as good when gluing onto snow, and creating a toy that got the foxes to apply weight on an unstable ceiling was a terrible idea. Thankfully, the only reminders left were an indentation in the snow at the top of one of the tunnels and the last of the names he gave to the foxes, Hops. What's especially strange was that he'd start playing with them with the intent to feed off of their joy and excitement a little, but by the time they finished, he had forgotten it entirely, and yet still felt a bit less hungry than he started. He was missing something, but couldn't tell what exactly. Either he was somehow getting nourishment, or his body had given up on survival... which still didn't seem right with how his wings were growing back so quickly. Anyway, as the little foxes no longer had as much interest in what he was doing, he might as well follow Vix to her hunt. As per usual with her, she glanced at him to see what he was doing, but otherwise didn't acknowledge his presence. He kept silent the whole way, especially once they left the cave network. While changelings did not hunt, at least, not in the traditional sense, it was fairly obvious to him that it would be a bad idea to shout to anyling nearby that they were a potential enemy. Besides, it wasn't as if she would talk back. Eventually, she stopped and smelled the air, ears swiveling all the while. Thorax halted as well, patiently watching. As far as he could tell, there was no other creature around. Soon, though, Vix bunched up her hind legs, kept into the air, and planted her head into the snow. The changeling just blinked, unsure of what he just saw, until she backed out of the hole she made, triumphantly carrying a small rodent in her jaws. He strained his ears to try and hear if there were other rodents nearby, but even if there were, he probably couldn't hear them through the layers of snow, unlike Vix. He then had the idea to swap to his emotional sense, and while it usually didn't work through solid things, the snow was fluffy enough so he could just barely catch glimpses of emotion moving around underneath, likely more of the same prey. An idea formed, and Thorax turned himself into a copy of Vix, which caused her to jump back in mute surprise, though she calmed down again after sniffing him. Then, he scoured the underground while quietly moving until he found a relatively stationary bundle of emotions. Finally, he imitated her leaping pounce and successfully grabbed a burrower in his borrowed teeth. The flailing against his jaws made him hesitate. He never, ever wanted to hurt anything, not even a small insect, and what biting down would do seemed far beyond that. Still, Vix did it all the time, and she and her young needed to eat something. That thought got him to strain his jaws closed, and he felt the struggling quickly still. While he felt a little empty inside about doing that, he did notice when glancing at her that while shelled by the usual aloof indifference, there was a small amount of respect underneath, which wasn't something he usually has directed towards him. It did help a little with that, even if not by much. Apparently satisfied, Vix turned around and wandered off, likely to go hunt for more prey somewhere else, leaving Thorax with his own thoughts along with his catch. Normally, he'd never do something like that, but the thinking about how Vix had to silence prey all the time as well as how overjoyed Spot and his siblings would be with it pushed him to do it. Was that... what taking care of someling a part of the family was like*? *Thorax never had the opportunity to be responsible for another being. Firstly, none of the changelings in the hive liked him enough to be cordial with him, let alone sire nymphs with him. Secondly, Queen Chrysalis kept him as far away from the nursery and school as possible to minimize the chances of his ideas spreading. Finally, changelings never kept pets, as any decently sized animal that wasn't a mole of some kind was assumed to be a nymph practicing their shapeshifting and were placed back in the nursery, which hadn't always gone well. Thinking about his family inevitably led to him thinking about his brother Pharynx. Unlike Thorax, he stayed behind at the hive as ordered by the Queen. The surprising part wasn't that he obeyed without question, as her temper was not to be tested, but that he personally wanted to stay. His calling was to defend the hive, and he felt that the invasion was far too risky for it to be good idea. Of course, this was told in private and in confidence, as disagreeing with the Queen openly was tantamount to treason, especially when she was thoroughly invested in a plan. Still, Thorax had to wonder if his brother knew anything about his fate. Heck, before he came to this place, he had no idea there could be flat land covered in snow like the mountain peak Canterlot rested near. His best guess was that he must have gone quite far north, as the weather was a good bit cooler at that mountain city compared to the Badlands where the hive was. The rest of the invasion force might have landed somewhere even more dangerous, like a bottomless pit or an endless expanse of water. With his previous conceptions about how the world could look like busted, anything seemed possible. He shook his head to clear his mind. Something about this place just made him think more. Maybe it was the blank white visible in almost every direction, the lack of anyling to talk to, or maybe the invasion gave him a lot to think about. Either way, he was always taught that too much thinking never helped anyling, and he knew he could help those foxes he lived with by hunting some more. And so, he did. The wonderful mix of surprise and joy he sensed from the first fox he ran into when he came back to the snow caverns, Hops, made all that trouble worth it, and getting the same from her siblings just added to that. > 04: A Fox's Life II > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another few days passed. Thorax's wings had managed to regrow to about half their original size, and if he shunted a lot more magic into them than usual, he could hover or even ascend. It likely also helped that there weren't any holes in them, which was a bit odd, and that they stopped hurting when moving the day before. Speaking of magic, his had fully recovered. While transforming into something with similar size or mass was easy, the same could not be said of more general shapeshifting. To ensure he wasn't completely out of practice (though hunting did help, Vix wasn't that much smaller than him), he decided to take on the form of one of the burrowing animals he once caught and test himself to see how long he could hold it. Turned out, looking like prey in the den of a fox family was not a good idea. Spot, who had a noticeable star pattern in her coat around one of her eyes, noticed him rather quickly with a hungry look in her eyes, and crouched down to pounce. Thankfully for him, he noticed her before she committed to it, and squeaked out, "Uh, Spot, what are you doing?" Having heard his voice often enough to easily recognize it, she relaxed from her crouch and looks around for him. She was a bit confused when she couldn't find him, but then noticed the prey animal looking straight at her, so she quickly leapt for it while it was presumably still in shock. Thorax had a bit of a reputation in his hive. While he was, at heart, a pacifist, his whole conflict avoidance quickly branded him as a coward in the rough-and-tumble culture of changeling nymphhood, and when his default response to bullying or straight up getting attacked was to run or hide, he started thinking of himself that way, too. Any progress that might have been made in growing away from that was tossed aside by bolting from the much larger fox. Undeterred and craving some fun, she gave chase. Naturally, any young creature scampering about and apparently enjoying it would attract the interest of bored siblings, and once they realized what their sister was chasing, they joined in as well. The pack quickly herded him to a part of the snow caverns he found unfamiliar, which just added to his panic. After what felt like an hour of fleeing, he finally took a wrong turn and hit a dead end. He turned around and pressed up as close to the wall as possible, as if it would help. Naturally, Hops went for a pounce, but Ears did too at the same time, resulting in them colliding with each other and falling onto Spot, leaving the three in a dazed heap. That left the last of the siblings, Nosy, who carefully stalked up to him and then grabbed him before he could react. His claws kept Thorax in place, but weren't digging into the skin, and he went for a sniff, as he always did with something new. Apparently, the smell wasn't what he was expecting, and he let go and backed off a bit. Now that he finally had enough room to think things through, the changeling finally realized what would've been the most sensible thing to do from the start: change back to his undisguised form. Once that was done, he held a hoof to his chest and tried to breathe slowly in the hopes of calming down his rapidly beating heart. It was quite successful, helped along by very obviously being the biggest thing in the tunnels again. It also didn't hurt that Nosey walked up to him again and gave him a nuzzle. The pile of siblings also started shaking their heads to get rid of some cloudiness and looked at Thorax in confusion. After a few seconds, it dawned on them that the mouse they were chasing was just Thorax in disguise, and they bounced over to him again, doing their best to express that they wanted to do it all again. "You-you want to do all that again?" Spot gave him a nod of affirmation. He tried to look more calm and collected. It didn't go very well. "Well, you have promise me that you'll let me go after you catch me. I don't want to be badly hurt while playing." She nodded again, and let out a playful mewling sound to her siblings. It was almost odd how well she understood him, possibly better than Vix. Still entirely convinced, but willing to give it a try, he walked past them to the crossroads and took on the rodent form once again. "Just give me head start to hide, and then we can get started." The response was one shake of the head and four foxes crouching low to ground. "Uh oh." The (far more playful) hunt was on again. > 05: Cursed Weather > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Less than two weeks into his stay, and Thorax's wings had finally recovered in full. However, it was another two days until he could try them out again, as the weather outside was so bad that Vix didn't even bother to go hunting. With the skies once again free of falling snow, he left to do some real exploring. He first rose high into the air, trying to see if he can get a better view of what lay off into the distance. The east and west were fairly boring, leading to more snowy flatlands as far as he could tell. To the north was a wall of mountains that were almost entirely covered in snow, and the parts that weren't looked like sheer cliff faces. The south finally had something under than the greyscale that dominated the region with dark greens, though based on how there were even more white over there just above the green, it was likely a forest covered in even more snow. Any place warm enough to reliably get above freezing was more than a day's flight away, and Thorax didn't want to risk trying to leave just yet. After that part of the reconnaissance, he glided his way nearer to the ground and started circling around the entrance to his shared shelter while slowly increasing his distance. The spiral would allow him to thoroughly scan the surrounding area while minimizing the chance he'd get lost along the way. To keep his mind occupied while staring the frankly boring terrain, he thought further on his future plans. He would have to leave eventually, as there would come a time when Ears, Spot, Hops, and Nosy would be old enough to strike out on their own. Even if it only took a year, he should've left a long time ago by that point if he wanted to get back to the hive without the chance of a desertion charge. On the other hoof, traveling in the area could be very treacherous, especially when the weather turned bad. He's seen it happen in minutes with next to no warning there, and if it struck while he was heading back south, he would have to rely on luck yet again to find shelter. That's just too dangerous to risk. With that reasoning out of the way, he readily came to the conclusion that he'd wait with foxes until the snow melted. His conviction in the whole thing was a lot weaker on that last part, truth be told. Two hours into the search pattern, so about a fifteen minute flight from the snow tunnels, he noticed it suddenly get colder. Thinking the weather would swap to a blizzard yet again, he made a 90 degree turn towards the center of the spiral. A few seconds later, the air warned back up to its original, less frigid temperature, which got him to hover in place and turn around. He stuck one of his forelegs out, and as a reward got a chilly hoof. That was very strange, and feeling curious, he flew in deeper. It visibly got darker as the ever-present cloud cover thickened further. Not only that, he could feel the magic of the area slowly intensify above the natural background. It wasn't like any other magic he ever felt. A part of him wanted to figure out what it was and maybe take that power for himself, but the vast majority of himself found it oddly icky and wanted little to do with it, outside of using to know which way not to go. It even started to snow, but it was light enough to not bother his flight too much, so he pressed on a little further, the precipitation gradually increasing. He knew he would have to stop eventually if kept worsening like that and promised himself to keep going until just before then, pushing through the drifting snowflakes and that odd-feeling magic. He never made it to anywhere close to that point. His eyes picked up something that made him stop, stare for a good minute to be sure, then race back to safety again. Near the center, there was a lot of snow in the air. It wasn't falling. It wasn't even moving at all. > 06: A Fox's Life III > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thorax trudged his way through the familiar snow caverns, a small pile of fresh game on his back. It was barely enough to feed the foxes for a day, but hopefully Vix had just as much luck, if not more. Neither of them had much of any in the last couple of days. The weather, which was slowly warming until a week after he had found that... thing that he really didn't like thinking about, had taken a turn for the worse in that next week. It quickly got colder than the day he had arrived, and harsh winds and snowfall became the norm. What's worse was that the food stockpile had already started to slowly dwindle before that happened, and now... Now, every chance he got, he went out with Vix to try and find prey for the little ones. When combined, their catch was usually enough for a day and a half, maybe two. Normally this would be fine, but with every other day just too bitterly cold, wet, and windy to spend any large amount of time outside... The worst part was that the foxes weren't the only ones struggling to get by. The burrowers he had found lately were all thin and lethargic from a lack of food. It made them easier to catch, especially for someling with his lack of skill in a fox's particular way of hunting, but there was much less nutrition provided. As he mused over all this yet again, he turned the final corner to where the most lived in areas of the caverns were, and the four fox kits greeted him. While the joy of seeing and seeing fresh food was there it was a bit muted compared to when he hunted just as a means to get above the surface. Maybe it was the fact they were older and a little more mature, as they had they gotten bigger over the last month, or maybe it they understood how good was running low. Either way, they were much less interested in playing lately, which Thorax found very disquieting. As for the changeling himself, he felt better than ever did before. He only felt hungry when he thought about it, and not in the way a growling stomach forces forces the thought, but more as an idle question on the matter. He had more magical power in his reach than ever before, and his legs felt even sturdier than usual, with the holes in them slowly shrinking. Oh, did he feel terribly guilty about it. The once lively fox family struggling to get by, while he was the pinnacle of changeling health. Once he had dropped his burden off at food storage chamber, he walked back to the chamber the fox siblings were laying about in. Soon after he arrived, Ears' namesake swiveled towards the cavern entrypoint. His siblings took notice and did the same, and moments later, their mother appeared, carrying her own catch in her mouth. Thorax's heart sank at the sight. For the first time, he managed to catch more then she did. Obviously, there was no pride in that; the situation was just too precarious, and he was never the type to gloat. With the kind of world-weary groan he made way more often before he landed here, he laid himself down on the floor of the chamber. Spot quickly bounded up to him and curled up against his belly, and her siblings soon followed. It seems she had guessed that the best way to cheer him up was a repeat of that first night. It wasn't quite the same, as Ears barely fit next to his sister and Nosy took the below-the-chin position, so Hops made the emotional equivalent of a shrug and hopped over the bunch to curl upon against his back. Still, it pulled him out his fugue. Eventually, it was mealtime, and the foxes left the chamber to go eat. He lifted his head off the ground to watch them go. A thought struck him: if the hunting remains this bad, they might need to find somewhere else to stay, where food is more plentiful. He concluded with zero hesitation that he would follow them. They got him back up to his feet, and who would he be if he didn't return the favor? Certainly too similar to some of the changelings he knew for his liking, that was for sure. As was usually the case lately, Vix walked straight to her sleeping chamber, melancholy dragging behind her like a tattered cape. Her offspring followed behind, glancing at Thorax as they passed within view. It seems that they all decided that she needed their company more than he did, and he fully agreed with them. Having nothing better to do, he settled his head to the ground, did his best to set aside his worry, and slowly fell asleep. Thorax fitfully stirred from his sleep far earlier than usual. Once he was awake enough to think, even if the thoughts were groggy, he felt the shaking of the ground he was laying on. That was probably the cause for him waking up. He also heard pebbles of packed snow start to fall down from the walls and ceilings. All this got him to open his eyes sleepily, not quite understanding what was going on. The first thing he saw was the snow pillar he made on that second day toppling towards him, along with the ceiling it supported. It was also the last thing he saw for a good while. > 07: Hope Dies Last > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The pile of snow in the hole shuddered before falling apart as Thorax burst out of it, gasping for breath. While changelings needed very little air, spending a few hours buried under snow was one way to hit the limits of that. He looked around, confused at why there were snowflakes in his chamber, then how the roof managed to collapse on him. And then the memory of the collapsing caverns hit him. He pulled himself the rest of the way out of the snow that was burying him, hovered up several hooflengths above the surface and started yelling out the names that he had given the foxes. After a few minutes of doing this and getting no response, he had the terrifying thought that they might not have escaped from the tunnels. He dropped to the ground and started digging away at where the tunnels used to be, hoping to find something, anything that could tell him what happened to them. A couple hours of digging, and most of what he found was just little clumps of fur. He dismissed it as a bit meaningless, as they were fairly easy to find before the tunnels were destroyed. What was interesting was that he managed to dig his way into the food stockpile chamber, still mostly intact. It had nothing in it, so either something managed to sneak in and steal it all, or one of the foxes had the foresight to grab it while trying to flee. He found no other traces of them, which was a good thing, in a way. The last thing Thorax wanted to see was the unmoving body of one of the foxes stuck in the snow he was digging away at. It gave some hope that they made it out, but they must feel terrible about needing to leave him behind... Another epiphany arrived, and he fluttered his wings to gain altitude in the snow storm. He swept a circle while focusing on his emotional sense, hoping that the falling snow wouldn't block it too much. There was direction that got a ping that he ignored until he made three full sweeps. It was in the last direction he wanted to go, the one with the repulsive magic. Still, if it was his only hope to find them, it he could push through. Probably. He grit his teeth and shot out in that direction. The icky magic was a lot closer then he remembered it being, but it didn't intensify nearly as much as it did before, which he was grateful for. It did get a bit colder as he went along, but again, it did not worsen much. He expected to see the creepy frozen-in-the-air snow again, but that was not what he found, as the snowflakes fell as they should. Instead, he saw a set of silhouettes reaching for the sky, the middle one both taller and wider the ones surrounding it. It reminded him of Canterlot's castle, though the shapes weren't quite the same. He could also barely see some smaller obstacles that looked like structures. They and the towers reflected the weak sunlight in weird ways, making it hard for him to tell what exactly they were by sight. His emotional sense wasn't affected by that, though, and what it told him was disconcerting: there were simply too many sources of negative emotions to easily identify the foxes. Even worse, the ones he could tell apart were all far too strong to be the foxes, either. Animals in general didn't have very strong emotional energies, and the only beings he ever saw outputting that much were fellow changelings that have recently fed and the ponies. He glided his way down as discreetly as he could manage and landed near the outskirts of what was now obviously a city of some kind. What it was doing in these frozen wastes, he had no idea, but it was there all the same. With no guards of any species racing his way, he either avoided detection or was deemed no threat. Erring on the side of caution, he took on Vix's now familiar form and stalked his way into the depressed city, hoping to find those he was separated from. The pawprints he left behind quickly vanished, with the snow in the air slowly filling it in while the winds brushed the surface snow back to uniformity. The footprints from his landing persisted longer, but they too faded in the face of the weather. > 07a: Second Honeymoon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I can't believe we were woken up at six thirty on the morning and told 'I hope you didn't unpack your luggage, because you're going on a train in five minutes to the middle of nowhere'!" "Cadance, honey, that's an exaggeration and you know it. We were given half an hour to get ready, and the train wouldn't leave without us," Shining Armor replied, not bothering to look at her despite sitting next to her. Instead, he watched the trees outside the window gradually convert from deciduous to evergreen as the train chugged ever northward. "I know, but can't I complain about how quickly Auntie dumped all this on us? I mean, we got back from our honeymoon yesterday evening, and the next morning I wasn't even given enough time to curl my mane! Do you know how hard it is to do that on a moving train?" Her husband decided not to answer that, as he had helped her with that earlier. Instead, he went for an indirect route. "Well, maybe thinking positive about it will help you feel better about it." Cadance almost scoffed at this, then her eyes twinkled a bit. "Oh, that's a great idea, I'll think of it as our honeymoon." That got Shining to look at her. "Didn't we just have one?" he asked, not-so-secretly hoping for a specific response. She smirked. "Well, yes, but what about a second honeymoon?" He laughed quietly in response, and she giggled at how easily the reference could do that in the right situation. He used it a few times when they started dating, and he had explained it was from one of his favorite books (or was it book series? It was long enough ago so that she couldn't remember that, let alone any titles). It didn't take long for her to get the gist of it and start making her own versions of the joke, which left him overjoyed. She treasured the memory of his expression the first time she did it. After he settled down again, Cadance said with more seriousness, "I'm just trying to unpack how I feel about all this so I can put it behind me, and you're the best pony in the world for me to confide to." She then added with a light snort, "And the only pony on this train." Shining leaned his head against hers. "And I wouldn't have it any other way. Minus the bit about the train, of course. And I know you would be there for me, too, if I needed to do the same. In fact, I will right now." He pulled away and let the moment stretch on with a self-depreciating smile, "I'd feel a bit better if we went over the plan again." The young alicorn sighed and rolled her eyes in mock frustration (her husband could easily tell by the grin she had the entire time), muttering loudly enough to be easily heard, "That's what I get for marrying a Guardstallion," and pulled a scroll from her saddlebags hooked on the wall. On it were the instructions that Celestia wrote for them while they were getting ready to leave. The magical flow transitioned from baby blue to pink as her husband took it in his own magic. "Right, so first things first, when we reach the end of the railroad, we'll get out with our luggage and make the rest of the way in hoof," Shining said, paraphrasing what was written as the first instruction. "Oh, I'm not going to like that part. I bet twenty bits that Sombra's Curse has a blizzard for gift-wrapping." "I'd be twenty bits poorer if I took that bet. Though I do wonder why the track ends there, a good distance from where the Empire should be, but also so far away from the nearest town or even village." "Oh, I was actually there for that in the castle. See, Auntie wanted to build a railroad to Yakyakistan, although I wouldn't put it past her for this mission being the real reason, and the rail builders went on a strike partway through. While one demand stood out, the rest were all about better working conditions, all of which should've been given to them already, as a crown corporation handles railway building, and those are supposed to follow a stricter version of our labor regulations. She checked the Labor Ministry as to why that never was dealt with, and it turns out it was a teensy bit corrupt." The unicorn raised an eyebrow. "How did that happen under the watch of the Ministry of Good Governance?" "Oh, that got really corrupt since the last time Auntie thoroughly checked on it. Apparently, the nobleponies had been doing their best to bribe it for the last decade so that they could do the same to other parts of the government. In a way, it was lucky that the strike happened so that all that could be rooted out before it got any worse." Shining quietly let the gears in his head turn. He could vaguely remember her talk about it some years back as it had happened, but he didn't find politics all that interesting, neither then nor now. Still something didn't quite add up, and he soon figured out what the missing piece was. "What was the unusual demand the strikers made?" "Hmm? Oh, they didn't want to build all the way Yakyakistan while we were still at war with them. It's not like we've had any battles in decades, but Prince Yoki was adamant that nopony could enter his territory, not even the diplomats we sent to negotiate a peace treaty." "Well, that part hasn't changed yet, as far as I know." He moved on to the next part of the plan. "We're to appraise the situation when we arrive. Once we get a reasonable idea of how things are, we'll have a guard deliver a message to the train, which will take it back to the Princess so she can act on her part, assuming it's safe to stay. If not, we gallop back to the train and ride back to prepare multiple full guard complements for a war." Cadance shuddered at the thought, but didn't add any remarks. Shining continued, "That's only the worst case scenario and the one Princess Celestia found least likely. The most likely is where we get there safely but have to defend the place from Sombra's Curse, in which case we should hold the line until Twilight and her friends arrive." He lowered the paper as his eyes turned towards his wife. "Any reason why she wants us to wait for my little sis to come save the day for us?" She shrugged. "I think Auntie has big plans for them. You know how she is." He nodded and resumed with the plan. "Should we get to the point where we cannot maintain a defense, we are to try and neutralize the threat. Should we fail, a tactical retreat is to be attempted." He grimaced at that. "That'll be difficult without a train engine letting us make a quick getaway. The final possibility is where the crystal ponies manage to defeat the Curse by themselves. If that occurs, we are to officially congratulate them, offer them aid in adapting to the new millennium, and pave the way for future diplomacy. " "Is it bad that I'm hoping for the last one?" Cadance asked half-jokingly. "No, no it's not." He replied, nuzzling her. "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, expect the most likely. It's an old guard saying." The two quietly enjoyed each other's company as the train rolled along. Far too soon, a knocking came at the car's door a a guard walked in. "Sir, we're almost at the end of the tracks." Shining sighed, knowing that their moment was drawing to a close. "Thanks for letting me know. Tell the rest of the guards to prepare so that we can leave for the Empire as soon as the train stops." The guard nodded and left the way he came. Cadance gave her husband a quick squeeze before the couple got up and walked to the wardrobe. "Everything we'll need to brave the tundra is right here," Shining said as he opened the wardrobe. "We've got enough scarves to cocoon the both of us and snow blinders." Cadance incredulously lifted with her magic what looked like a black rectangle with two slits cut into it. "Snow blinders?" "Yep. They keep the snow out of your eyes and prevent the sunlight reflecting off the snow from blinding you." She took a glance at the snowflakes rapidly increasing in quantity outside the window. "I think we'll just need it for the first part." Her husband frowned at the view. "That's got to be the Curse. The last snow this heavy should've been a month and a half ago at the latest, and most of the snow on the ground should have melted by now." "How do you know so much about the tundra, anyway?" He blushed a bit at the question, a rare sight that his wife always enjoyed. "Well, the thing is, Twily always liked to play trivia games, and she got good at them very quickly. I had to start working to keep my lead, and started studying for those during the times when I usually studied for school." He chuckled sheepishly and added, "I'm not sure if it's a good or a bad thing that my grades actually improved when I started doing that." Cadance laughed at that last sentence. "Just admit that your little sister is a good influence on you, Shining!" He echoed with his normal laughter. "I never denied it." The two decked themselves out in as many scarves as they felt necessary. Cadance rolled her eyes at Shining only taking a single one. A long and bulky one, yes, but still only one, while she took five of them. It looked frightfully cold outside, after all. It wasn't long until the brakes were hit and the train slowed to a stop. The couple left the car and quickly joined up with the guards. All of their manes and scarves whipped in the wind as Shining gave a quick speech. "Men, we're heading for the long lost city of the crystal ponies, sent to today from the distant past by the curse of their dark enslaver, King Sombra. We are going to do what we guards do best for our ancient brethren, defend them from the evils that lurk. To arms!" The guards hefted their spears into the air and shouted back his last words. They quickly began marching to the city's silhouette barely visible in the distance, and Shining made to follow them until he noticed his wife wasn't moving. "Cadance? Are you coming?" She shook her head and tried to fight down the blush she had ever since he started the speech. "O-oh, yes, of course." As they followed the guards to the snowed-on city, she mused how, for a moment, her husband looked like the cover art of some of the... steamier books she had read in her late teens. Any teeny-tiny lingering regrets on marrying him have been blasted out of the water with that. > 08: The Other Side > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thorax continued sneaking around in Vix's form, keeping to the alleyways to avoid attention. He didn't really need to: the locals all seemed to be too worried about something else to pay a snowy female fox any mind. There also weren't any guards around, or at least not any that were on duty and suited up. Now that he was in their midst, he could see the individual details of these ponies' emotional states. While of course all unique, a pattern emerged: a core of wild fear was being suppressed by a hefty mantle of dejection. Whatever it was that they were afraid of, they'd taking it as a foregone conclusion. Even the pony nymphs he walked past were like that. Well, not the freshly hatched ones, but the ones who had seen at least a dozen seasons were all feeling just like the adults. Normally, this would be unsettling. Normally, he'd see if he could figure out a bit more. But he had a job to do. If it took searching the entire other half of the city like he did this one over the last few hours, so be it. They had to be there, after all. ... He didn't know what to do if they weren't. Another hour or so later, he finally noticed a positive emotion. It's faint and a bit distant, but it would be a welcome reprieve from the cloying negativity. While it was only a small chance of being one of the foxes, he'd take any chances he could get his fangs on. The disguised changeling prowled towards the source, stealthily avoiding the attention of the locals. A few were also heading the same direction he was, and soon, more joined in. Normally this would make sneaking around harder, but Thorax found he had to watch where those ponies were going, because they certainly weren't. Successfully avoiding getting stepped on, he managed to find a perch where he could get a good view in an out-of-the-way corner. While he couldn't recognize the alicorn or unicorn that stood out in the center of the crowd, their entourage were another thing: Royal Guards from Canterlot with their signature golden armor along with the concession of a scarf due to the weather. They were just so creepy with how they looked and acted all the same, as if they were puppets to some greater mind. Shaking his head to to rid himself of those disturbing thoughts, he focused on what the stallion was saying: "Citizens of the Crystal Empire, we are here to provide aid against King Sombra's evil machinations!" There was some muttering in the crowd. While it was difficult to make out anything specific, the general sentiment was, "Why would it matter? The King will return, and any resistance will be punished harshly." "Sombra is not invincible. In fact, he only cursed this city to vanish because he was on his last leg from Princess Celestia and Princess Luna defeating him in battle too many times. If we stand together and face him, he'll finally be defeated for good and you can live the rest of your lives free from him!" The changeling could feel hope start to ripple through the crowd, but it wasn't enough to overcome the despair quite yet. The unicorn looked around and inaudibly sighed, then asked, "Can anypony point is to the local government so we can coordinate the defence plans?" The crowd silently looked amongst each other with a bit of confusion. This was quickly mirrored by the newcomer ponies, who apparently didn't expect a lack of real response. Eventually, an aged voice said, "Oh, I guess I must step up, then." The crowds parted to let him through, and Thorax was able to see him as he approached the center. He was an older stallion, several wrinkles on his face, though his body had not yet shriveled from time. His coat was a light blue, his mane and tail were a light reddish hue, though if he squinted, he could make out various thin streaks of both far more colorful and gray hair. Oddly, the large beard he had was a brilliant orange, having avoided any graying. At his arrival, he bowed down and said, "Princess Cadance, Prince Shining Armor, I am Fading Script, the librarian of the castle's private library." The royal pair with oddly familiar names shared a glance before the alicorn asked, "So, are you the ranking member of the government here?" "Your Majesty, I'm the only member of the government still in employment." "What? What happened to all the rest of them?" "Well," he shuffled his hooves slightly, "His Fearsomeness was quite enraged with the progress of the war, and any of the staff who would bother him would be masked and sent to battle. I was the only one left once his Awesomeness left to oversee the fighting himself days ago." Another glance was shared between royals before the prince spoke up, "Well, a city is too much for one pony to handle, so we should form a council and-" "With all due respect, Prince, are you daft? A council will just bicker the time away while threats could march in, take what they want, and leave before they could order the guard to mobilize. What we need is strong ruler, iron in her will and loving in her care, like a mother leads her husband and children." The newcomers (Thorax included) raised an eyebrow at that. The resulting lull in conversation was broken by Cadance. "Okay... why not have one of the local nobles become monarch?" "I cannot remember any events that occurred before his Darkness took power, and his first act was to strip them of all their privileges. I do not know who, if any of us in the crowd, have noble blood." He looked to the crowd and asked, "Might any of you remember a grand heritage, or anypony that has one?" Every pony that the changeling could see shook their heads to the negative. It seemed that the pony princess came to the same conclusion, as she asked the castle librarian, "Well, as the sole member of the government, you should be able to act as regent until-" "No, never. Any stallion who manages to take power will by his baser instincts pull as much of it as possible to himself, fearing that the mare would use any smidgen of leftover influence to retake her rightful position as leader. I would surely do the same if given the reins, so I must refuse." Thorax could easily sense the confusion radiating from the royals and their guards, though some of the latter had something else that he couldn't quite figure out. The prince asked, "Why would you say something like that? Aren't you a stallion, too?" He scoffed. "Of course. It means that I am fully aware of my place and failings as a member of the fairer sex, and help to ensure that an event like the ascension of his Terribleness would never again occur. A land not ruled by a strong and righteous mare is doomed to fall to either to irrelevance, cruelty, or both." Thorax was finally able identify the hidden emotion that the entire entourage was feeling: anger. He wasn't too surprised, as the other nymphs in his class had reacted similarly when the teacher taught them how the other species of the world looked down upon the changelings. It instead made him feel little sad when he learned that, and a bit uncertain what to think when the teacher added that as the superior species, changelings would one day take their rightful place through hard work, great strength, and enlightened leadership. Returning to the present, the princess not only felt the anger, but also seemed aware that the others were feeling it too, so to end the conversation with the source, she proclaimed, with a bit of venom in her voice, "Well, as I am likely the mare with the most political experience in this city, I shall act as regent until the present situation has been resolved and a more permanent government has been set up." Appeased, Fading Script walked back to his previous position in the crowd, the guards trying to burn holes in his mane with their stares all the while. The princess had a hoof to her face while regret started welling up, and the prince had a leg over her withers to comfort her. At that point, something brought a strange chill up Thorax's spine. It was very, very familiar to him, especially as it came with a very weak yearning to have it for himself. He looked in the sky where it seemed to come from, and saw a tornado made of the blackest clouds stretch towards the top of the local castle. "That must be Sombra!" The prince had noticed the funnel cloud as well, and cast a massive pink shield... identical to the one that covered Canterlot before the invasion. Was he Queen Chrysalis's target in her plans for infiltration? The forming tornado hit the top of the shield and bounced back up. It bent its end back in a way that was more reminiscent of arm movements than air flows, sharpened its tip, and punctured its way through the shield, causing it to shatter into harmless glitter. The princess then stepped up and shot a wide beam of what felt like raw love contained by magic, and was so tempting that Thorax couldn't help but lick his furry lips. The attack did the trick, successfully repelling the dark funnel cloud back into the far more normal looking cloud cover. Then, a mass of black mist fell out and landed a distance beyond the outskirts of the city, and began approaching again. "Shining!" she yelled, "I need your help with a shield!" The prince quickly placed the tip of his horn near hers, and together cast a spell that created another dome over the city, this time infused with some love energy and looking very much like the wave of energy he saw that catapulted him all the way here. It not only stopped whatever dark thing that was outside and resisted any attempts at puncturing through it, it also kept the magically harsh weather out and gradually warmed the city, too. Although, it flickered a bit when the princess weakened her magic output, so she quickly pushed back to full. It probably wasn't possible for him to pass through, either, so now he was stuck in a city being run by the two ponies who managed to defeat the entire changeling army on their own and likely had a personal vendetta to his kind as well as the innate bias against them. At least he had as much time as he could possibly want to search the city multiple times, and could maybe sneak some food from the shield. > 09: Heroes To All But One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thorax slowly pulled love from the barrier surrounding the city. He did it with great care, as weakening it too much would give Sombra an opportunity to break through and attack the ponies that lived in the city. He needed to eat, though, so pulling from there put him between an angry Queen and her elite guard. In theory, he could just extract it from the ponies, but not only did he feel less bad about the idea of taking it from the shield, there was also very little love to be had inside the hearts of the populace. It soon became common knowledge that the spell had to be constantly maintained by the Equestrian princess, and the sparks of hope soon were drowned out by a mass of dull acceptance of the inevitable. Another thing he had to worry about was that draining enough energy to last him half a day left a window to the outside that persisted for an hour or two. He wasn't sure if it was a addition made by one of the spellcasters after the fact or a long term element of the love shield spell, but a couple hours after it was cast, the white ground and gray skies of the outside world were replaced by illusions of grassy meadows and blue, cloudless skies. It did not help the sullen mood of the Empire, but it was pretty to look at. Plus, the improved weather meant that he didn't need to find any shelter from the elements, just somewhere secluded to sleep for the night. Still, he was hungry when he woke up, and so made a beeline to the shield itself. He finished once his stomach felt satiated again, but the constant hunger of a changeling seemed a little stronger than it was before. He certainly didn't miss the feeling, and it was yet another reason to find the foxes again. Yes, he had zero luck the previous day, despite spending the whole of it searching the city as thoroughly as he could without arousing suspicion. Twice. Shaking his head as if it would dismiss the ever-growing dread, he forced himself to walk away from the barrier. While Vix's form helped to escape attention, standing around the temporary hole was pushing it. He also pressed himself to pay more attention to his surroundings, as an infiltrated changeling ought to do. This halfway situational awareness led him to jump behind a nearby crystal pillar when he noticed emotional signatures suddenly appear very close by. Normally it was difficult to surprise a changeling that's paying attention for that reason, but a quirk with the shield made it impossible for him to sense anything outside of it. Plus, infiltrators were generally taught to act as if nothing happened when they are surprised to minimize calling attention to oneself, but with a couple hours of hindsight, hiding was absolutely the right call. It took only a second for him to recognize the six ponies gasping for breath, as they were the mares that had managed to fight off a large fraction of the swarm despite being outnumbered. While he himself was terrible at fighting, the other soldiers of the invasion were trained well enough to take down a civilian with little to no effort and keep an experienced guard distracted long enough for another changeling to make a sneak attack. These ponies had managed to beat ten to one odds, though, and were only defeated once most of the rest of the swarm had converged on them, being the last point pf major resistance after about fifteen minutes of fighting. That amount of skill was frankly ridiculous, and the only explanation he could think of was that they must have been some secret wing of the guard that, while extremely proficient, also hid in plain sight, based on the lack of uniforms. There was also another creature with them that was mainly green and purple that he couldn't tell the species of. They had scales, which pointed to a dragon, but there was no way dragons started off that small. With how big they could get, their newly hatched nymphs had to be at least as big as a full-grown changeling, if not bigger than the Queen. His reasoning on why the kinda cute creature was not scary enough to count as a dragon was interrupted by another pony passing through the shield, the prince. He was a lot for wear than the last time Thorax noticed him return from a trip out beyond, as he not had something wrong with his horn, though the black spots were just barely visible from this distance, but there were also black spikes of pain shooting out of his emotional core. After a bit of time spent making sure he was fine, the group of newcomers followed the prince into the city, and figuring it was best way to avoid getting them, Thorax followed them, too. He bounded off into an alleyway the first chance he got, though, as he still had more important matters to deal with. Even if the Empire's dread was slowly getting to him. "Oh my!" Thorax, stilled disguised as Vix, reflexively turned to the source of the exclamation, the yellow coated and pink maned pegasus from the powerful six. She was looking straight at him. "A fox with a coat white as snow! You should be native to the area, so you must know something!" Predicting an uncomfortable interrogation in his near future, he ran off. With enough speed, he could lose her and hide in a random alley until she gave up. "No, wait, I just want to talk to you, I promise!" Thorax risked a look back, and saw that the pegasus was flying just a bit faster than he could run. Losing her would take a bit of trickery. At the first opportunity, he made a couple of tight corners and borrowed the form of one of the older crystal pony nymphs he saw. Less than a second after the transformation finished, the pegasus reached the intersection he was just at and she looked around, not finding the object of her pursuit. She instead saw the changeling's new form, fluttered down to the ground, and hesitantly walked up to him. "Um, did... did you happen to see a fox run by?" The juxtaposition between the determined mare he was running from and the shy one asking for directions made him blink, but he then nodded and pointed the way further along the path he was on. "Oh, thank you," she said, amazingly looking relieved that she didn't need to talk to him anymore. As she walked by him, she also muttered, "Don't worry, Fluttershy, this won't be like the Gala was." Thorax couldn't stop himself from asking, "Who's Fluttershy?" Not only did did the hair on her hackles rise, she also blushed a bit. "O-oh, you h-heard that. Um. That's me." She smiled awkwardly and here eyes darted back and forth, as if seeking an escape from the conversation. Evidently deciding that simplicity was the soul of grace, she flew off to the next intersection and called out, "Mrs. Fox, I'm so sorry for scaring you, I really just want to talk to you." Left alone once again, Thorax pored over the emotional observations he managed to make while she was in close proximity to him. Her entire surface was made of fear, most of it latent, though he saw some of it awaken when she tried to talk with his current form. There was also a shell of dark repression underneath that. What it was covering was hard to tell, as repression that deep-seated was entirely opague, but he did get small hints of rage, hatred, and love poke through before being ruthlessly shoved back in. Who knew what could happen if the repression was undone too quickly... and that might be a source of the fear as well. "Hey, what do you know about how the Crystal Empire defended itself before King Sombra?" He looked up to see a pony that looked like Fluttershy on the outside. The voice was wrong, the mare looked a little bigger than she should have been, and her emotions were different. While there was still a shell of repression, it seemed to be holding in despair similar to the general mood of the Empire and was itself encased in light joy tinged with a bit of frustration. "You're not Fluttershy." The pretend-mare's eyes flashed with a bit of of bit of panic. "Of course I am," she replied, her mouth not opening at all. "Why, I just love animals and am terrified of... talking to... new ponies...." She sighed, put a hoof to her mane, and unzipped her head in half, revealing that the pony underneath was none other than the all-pink one of the six mare team. He might as well get some information for himself. "What are you weird foreigners doing here, anyway?" "Hey, we're not that foreign, we're ponies too! Except for maybe Spike, but he grew up with Twilight, so he's basically a pony anyway, even if you have to watch out for his fire breath when he sneezes or has hiccups, and not give him too many presents on his birthday, which is just sad! What's the point of a birthday without loads of presents? I mean there's still the party, but-" As the mare kept blabbing on and on, one of her costumed hooves slowly rose before lightly slapping herself on the face, breaking herself off. "I'm Pinkie Pie, and we're here to save the Crystal Empire from King Sombra." Thorax stared in stunned silence for a second. He talked to Kevin a few times, the weirdest changeling in the hive, but even this would be strange for him. Still, he asked, "Wasn't that what the prince, princess, and their guards came here to do?" "Well, yeah, but the princess has to keep to her spell going constantly, so we're looking for something that can last longer than an alicorn's magic reserve, which can last a while, don't get me wrong, but Princess Cadance hasn't been taking it well, so we need to find something before she's forced to drop the shield and let Sombra just waltz in. Wait, forget I said that, keeping the Crystal Ponies happy and oblivious of their potential enslavement is going to be important soon, even if I'm not supposed to know that yet." Thorax, uncertain what to make of all that, decided to just ignore most of it and ask, "Why aren't you going out and fighting the king, then? If you're the reinforcements, then you have to good at fighting, good enough to scare him off or defeat him forever?" She giggled in response. "No, you silly fil- colt, it's way too cold out there. Plus, I'm just a party pony, and I've never been trained to fight. None of my friends have, either. Well, except for Shining Armor, but he's a little busy with other things, and Twilight knows a couple of combat spells, but just as extra stuff for self-defense, not the mind-blowing stuff you can find in other stories where pony mages fling massive spells like they were nothing." Thorax's transformed jaw hung open for a while, until he voiced his thoughts. "Why are you the ones supposed to save the Empire, then?" "That's because we're really good friends," she answered, grinning while poking him in the side with her elbow. He just gave her confused look. Pinkie stepped back, saying, "Say it with me, everypony," before rearing up on her hindlegs and raising her forelegs straight up in the air. She spread them out to draw an arc in the air as she shouted, "Friendship Is Magic!" She looked around with a bit of annoyance at noling else joining in, then dropped down to all fours again, grabbed the pretend-colt, and pressed him against her side cheek-to-cheek while pointing her other arm into the sky. "We always have each other's back, and so long as we believe in each other, we can do just about anything!" Thorax continued to silently look at her, less confused, more incredulous, while also struggling his way out of her grip. After he managed to escape, Pinkie suddenly raised her wrist near her face and said, "Gosh, look at the time, I'll miss our meeting under the castle if I don't hurry it up. Bye, random crystal colt!" She zipped up the head of her costume and dashed off, leaving Thorax with a lot to think about. After a minute or so, he pushed it to the side and went back to what he was doing before getting distracted, swapping to Vix's form yet again. Thorax was at the outskirts again when the barrier truly fell. He had just been feeding off it earlier, though he had stopped early with how much it had flickered. While it was worrying, he learned to ignore as it had been happening since around midnight, though the frequency has been steadily increasing. It even collapsed completely for a few seconds, just long enough for Sombra to react to it, but it came back in the nick of time. This time, the darkness outside took no chances, and rocketed inside the shield's radius. Once that was done, the mist swept a wide area, though much more slowly than that initial movement. Thorax, of course, turned tail and ran, wanting nothing to do with anything that happened here. Hoping the buildings would slow it down, he ran into the city, avoiding the center that he expected Sombra to aim for. However, every time he looked back, not only was the blackness gaining on him, it was also corrupting the crystals that made up the buildings behind him. All the running was in vain, as another part of the dark fog suddenly appeared in front of him, and the two waves washed over him. He could feel the darkness encroaching, trying to change him... then it suddenly receded. He looked around at the darkness surrounding him, confused. The only difference he could find was his hunger growing to a level he never, ever felt before, but the suddenness shocked him out of acting on it. Some time later (the hunger fighting to take control made it hard to tell how much), he could sense a massive amount of love and hope suddenly appear nearby, and the unnatural need to feed shoved his mind from the controls. He dropped the disguise, prepped his wings (which were rapidly gaining holes, but it didn't hurt at all), and flew at a leisurely pace towards the center of the city. Something gave his mind enough of an opening to force him to hover in place. The love had densely concentrated to a single point, and he could remember two other times when it happened. In both of them, it had been used to devastating effect. The point then emitted a lot of that love energy in an expanding sphere, convincing the ravenous need to feed to give up the wheel again with the agreement that leaving was top priority. Nothing could escape the Crystal Heart's power, though, and the pulse hit him hard. As it launched him away from yet another pony city, it at least had the courtesy to remove Sombra's influence on him, banishing almost all of the hunger from his mind. Eventually, he landed in the snow yet again, still awake, the city easily visible with the clouds clearing up to show a bright, sunny sky. Apparently, the Crystal Heart was too busy ridding the Empire of its old oppressor to really do much anything about him. In fact, he might even have just been collateral damage. Then, he could sense the Heart's influence yet again, this time pulsing with hope. It launched into the sky streaming lights stretching off into the distance, announcing to the world that the Crystal Empire was back, with a bright future ahead of it. It was enough to give even him hope, and swelling with the conviction that even if he couldn't find the foxes again, he might find someling willing to accept him as the changeling he was, he stood up and started walking back to the Empire. A few steps later, his hoof broke clean through a suspended snow layer and fell down the tunnel underneath, sliding until his head hit a stalagmite of ice, knocking him unconscious.