> Birds Of A Feather > by Goldfur > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cutting Edge hovered over the lake, surveying the shoreline for a suitable camping spot. The national forest surrounding the large body of water tended to reach all the way to the edge in most places, but there were a couple of open areas. The cobalt-blue anthro pegasus decided upon one that looked roomy enough for a tent and a fire and was also relatively safe from possible hazards. He lowered himself and his sky cart down to the ground and admired the view. Nodding in satisfaction, he began setting up his equipment. Because he intended to use this site as a base camp for exploring the parklands, he had brought everything he thought he might need for a two-week stay, necessitating the use of the cart rather than just a backpack. After clearing an area of stones and branches, he got out his tent and erected it. His bedroll and various other essentials were put inside before he got to work creating a safe campfire. With that completed, he finally allowed himself time to relax. With the majority of the day already taken up by traveling to the site, there would be no hiking done today. However, he did intend to try his luck at fishing. An hour later, he had two reasonably large trout cooking over the fire. He was trying for a third when he heard an angry screech from the sky. Looking up, he spotted someone diving toward him. His sharp eyesight quickly identified the newcomer not as a fellow pegasus but a griffon – or griffoness to be more precise. And she did not look happy. He stood up to meet her as she came in for a landing, observing her medium-brown coat, slightly darker wings, and white head and chest feathers. Purple markings surrounded her eyes and highlighted the crest feathers that hung over her face. She wore only shorts and a T-shirt which barely contained an ample bust. “Hi! What can I do for you?” he asked. “You can get out of my territory for starters!” she snarled. “Your territory? While we’re not far from the Griffonstone border, I think you’ll find we’re in an Equestrian national park.” “I don’t care what you believe,” she retorted with a scowl. “This is my turf and I want you gone.” “Not going to happen, lady. I’m all set up here and not inclined to move on.” The griffoness closed the distance between them and poked him hard with a talon while bringing her beak close to his face. “If you don’t leave, I’ll make you regret it.” “I don’t think so.” The stallion grabbed the arm with the offending talon, twisted around, and threw her over his shoulder. She landed with a splash and a squawk in the lake. His brow furrowed. “Damn – that will scare away the fish.” The griffoness clambered out of the water, muttering curses under her breath. Once on the shore, she seemed disinclined to harass him more, concentrating on wringing out the water from her T-shirt. The wet cloth gave him quite a view of her boobs with their pert nipples. The water saturating her fur clung to her sleek and toned body, making him whistle in admiration. She looked up at him, frowning. “What are you staring at?” she snarled. “A gorgeous sexy griffon,” he answered without a trace of hesitation. Her eyes widened and an eyebrow rose. “What are you – some kind of perv? I’m a griffon and you’re a pony.” The pegasus shrugged. “Beauty is beauty irrespective of species. Still, that won’t stop me from chucking you in the lake again if you attempt to push me around.” The griffoness growled and gave up her efforts to dry out her clothes. “I was only trying to scare you off. I wasn’t really going to do anything to you… probably” “Well, that backfired, didn’t it? Why are you so determined to get rid of me anyway?” “I chose this place to get away from all my hassles.” Her stare and tone of voice became more pointed. “I don’t need any new ones.” “I’m not about to give you grief. However, I can offer you a cup of coffee while you dry yourself by the fire.” The griffon’s eyes widened at the word ‘coffee’ and they shifted toward the fire where a pot sat amid the flames, steam just starting to waft out as the contents came to a boil. She hesitated and her tongue licked her beak before she growled and said, “Ah, rot it all! You win. I accept your offer.” “Take a seat and I’ll make us some.” The catbird sat down on the large log positioned near the fire, spreading her wings to catch the warmth to help them dry faster. Meanwhile, the winged pony made the coffee and passed a mug to her. While she drank it, he checked on the fish and deemed them cooked sufficiently. He put one on a plate and spread some butter, salt, and pepper on it. He looked at his guest speculatively, then held it out to her. “Want some trout?” She peered at him suspiciously. “Why are you treating me so nice?” “Why not? I wouldn’t mind the company of a pretty bird while having dinner.” She rolled her eyes. “You really are a dweeb.” She took the plate anyway and lifted the fish in her talons before he could offer her utensils. In two snaps of her beak, the trout was consumed. She licked off some spilled butter and said, “Very tasty. Thanks. Saves me having to catch my own.” He chuckled as he prepared the second fish. “Glad you liked it. Seeing as you scared away the fish and ate half of what I did catch, I suppose I’ll have to supplement my meal with some apple pie that I brought with me. Want some? Do you even eat that kind of stuff?” “I’m okay with most pony food. What’s the catch? You’re being too nice to somebirdy you just met.” “I’m a friendly guy when I’m not being poked with a talon. The name’s Cutting Edge, by the way. Call me Edge. I’m curious about why you’re hiding out here despite obviously liking the finer things in life.” The griffoness lifted one eyebrow. “What finer things?” “The coffee, for one,” Edge answered with a grin. “You drank that entire mug like someone who badly missed it.” She squawked out a laugh. “Yeah, you got me.” “Mind passing the mug back, Ms….?” “Gilda,” she supplied, giving the cup to him. “Ta. I’ve only got the one as I wasn’t expecting company way out here. You were going to tell me why I was wrong?” he hinted while making coffee for himself. Gilda glared at him before sighing. “I suppose it’s fair. I left Griffonstone to get away from certain cocks who wouldn’t take no for an answer.” Edge paused between bites of his fish. Unlike his dining companion, he took care to not include the bones in his meal. “Was the harassment that bad? Although I can see why the males would be chasing you.” Gilda blushed and turned her head away. “Stop being such a perv. But yeah, it was getting too much. Mating season isn’t far away and I’m still single. Can’t say I’m interested in any of those testosterone-fueled featherheads either.” Edge nodded, put his plate and mug aside, and then got up. He rummaged inside a large magically enhanced food storage chest and pulled out a pie. As he began cutting it into slices, he said, “I thought that griffon hens liked strong, confident males.” “Most do,” Gilda admitted. “I went to flight school in Equestria though, and that set my life ambitions higher than just being the cub-bearer of the loudest or strongest idiot of the flock. That might work for other hens, but not for me. So, after a particularly nasty altercation with Gerard, I packed my stuff and left. Made myself at home out here where no dweebs can bother me, and there’s plenty of food to hunt or fish.” “Seems like a pretty extreme solution to me,” Edge said as he passed a slice of pie to her. “After all, you’ve already run out of coffee.” Gilda chuckled. “Yeah, although I have this plan to take some pelts back to Griffonstone to trade for more supplies.” “How’s that working out for you so far?” “Let me put it this way – I’ve been without coffee for over a week,” she pointed out before eating the pie as hungrily as the fish. “I figured as much.” In his head, he added, ‘It also might explain why she’s wolfing down the food so fast.’ Aloud, he said, “Tell you what – I’ll trade you some coffee in exchange for you showing me around your little domain tomorrow, okay?” “Deal!” Gilda stood up and spread her wings. “I’ll see you after breakfast. Don’t sleep in.” She leaped into the air but paused, hovering. “And… thanks. The food was great.” She then accelerated off over the lake. Edge smiled. A good meal always made a positive impression. He had packed plenty of both beverages and food in case fishing and foraging were poor. When you had a food storage container that was bigger on the inside than the outside, you could afford to bring more than you thought you might need. He poured another cup of coffee and took it over to where he had set up his fishing pole. Perhaps he might yet catch something before he called it a day. The pegasus was cooking an omelet for breakfast when he heard the sound of large wings. Looking up, he saw Gilda coming in for a landing. Oddly, she was dripping wet once more. The reason why became obvious as she threw a large salmon in his direction. “Spotted this lunker on the way and couldn’t pass up the chance. Got some of that coffee you promised me?” she asked with a cocky grin, holding out a mug she had brought with her. Edge put the fish into his food chest where the stasis spell would keep it fresh and then took her mug. “I wasn’t sure when you’d turn up, so I started the coffee first to make sure it would be ready.” He poured a cup and passed it to her. “I ate some scones along the way here to save time,” Gilda said as she made herself at home by the fire to dry out. “Luckily I finished them before I spotted the salmon.” “Do you always fish that way?” The griffon shrugged. “It works and I don’t have a fishing pole anyhow.” “Fair enough. I guess those talons of yours let you grab a fish more effectively than my hands could.” Edge turned out the omelet onto a plate, retrieved a couple of slices of bread that had been toasting by the fire, added some butter and jam, and settled down on the log next to Gilda. “So – what’s the plan for today, Ms. Tour Guide?” “That depends on what you prefer. I didn’t come out here for the scenery like you did.” “I enjoy hiking and checking out the sights. If you know any particularly interesting spots, we can make our way there.” Gilda’s eyebrows rose. “You wanna walk? Are you crazy? You’ve got two perfectly good wings! So do I! Let’s do the aerial tour. Seriously, I thought you meant flying around to various places.” “Oh, I’ll do that too, but you miss a lot that you can only see at ground level. The point isn’t to get to the destination quickly – it’s to see what you can discover along the way.” He waved his fork around dramatically to emphasize the point. Gilda groaned. “If I’d known that, I wouldn’t have been so quick to take your offer. My paws are aching already.” Edge grinned. “It isn’t as bad as that. I’ll let you start off easy.” “What I’ll do for coffee,” she lamented. “Speaking of…” She held out her empty mug. The stallion chuckled and got up to get the coffee pot. They settled on a walk around the lake. The griffoness promised a great view of the falls which were the outlet for it. Edge packed a rucksack with a camera, a water bottle, and some protein bars for both of them to snack on. “You seem to have packed way more than you need,” remarked Gilda. Edge shrugged. “When you have an enchanted food chest that holds as much as a large family can eat but weighs only a couple of kilos because of a featherweight spell, it’s easier just to put in everything you might need rather than try to plan out your exact requirements. That’s why I can spare you a lot of coffee – I brought the whole can.” The two began their walk in a clockwise direction around the lake. Fortunately for Gilda, the trees weren’t too dense and the leaf litter made for reasonably comfortable hiking. Edge walked at a casual pace as he had no schedule to keep and it was easier on his companion. Once in a while, they would pause while Edge took photographs of wildflowers or other interesting wildlife. After yet another stop for snaps, Gilda rolled her eyes and said, “Geez! Why didn’t you just stay home and visit a flower shop instead!” Despite her griping, Gilda did have some sites worth visiting in mind. They soon came upon a low cliff and she urged him to take wing. There she showed him the nest holes that birds had riddled the face of the cliff with. The colorful residents were naturally perturbed by the visitors, so the two did not stay long. “We weren’t very popular,” Edge observed with a smile. “Probably because they’re safe from all but winged predators there,” Gilda replied. “Oh? With justification, perhaps?” The griffoness smirked. “Their eggs are tasty.” They continued their walk in silence for a while. They paused to rest and have a snack on a bluff that overlooked the length of the lake. The sun shimmered on the surface of the water and, with the mountains in the background, it presented an idyllic view. Edge took several photographs there and even managed to persuade Gilda to pose in one of them. They continued on their walk, crossing the occasional ferny creek along the way. At last, they heard the sound of water splashing down rocks and the falls came into view. They were a series of small drops rather than one tall fall, and Edge could see how they would serve as a fish ladder for the salmon migrating upstream. The pegasus spent some time taking more photos while the griffon soaked her sore paws in the cool water. When Edge was finally satisfied, they started back on the opposite side of the lake. They walked for about half an hour before the shore opened up onto a rocky shelf, revealing a campsite. A large lean-to was set up against a big tree at the edge of the shelf, and a fireplace occupied the middle of the clearing. A small oven formed of stacked stones indicated that this was far from a temporary camp. Edge looked at Gilda, raising an eyebrow. “Is this…?” She nodded. “Yep. Home sweet home. Baked my scones in there last night.” “You really have everything you need to make scones but have to forage for other food?” “I’m a baker, you dweeb – of course I have plenty of ingredients like flour and yeast.” Then she looked askance and mumbled, “Although I did forget to bring plenty of coffee.” “What are you going to do when those run out? Trade for them like you told me yesterday?” “Uh-huh.” “You can’t even afford coffee yet, so when will you be able to buy a sack of flour, let alone everything else?” Gilda scowled. “Who asked you to stick your nose into my business? I’ve been doing okay since long before we met, and I’ll be fine after you’re long gone. Now piss off! I’ve done as you asked. Go and take pictures of pansies or whatever and leave me alone!” She then stalked off and disappeared into her lean-to. Edge kicked himself for upsetting the griffoness. He knew they were a touchy species and it really was none of his business anyway. “Sorry, Gilda,” he called out. “I’ll have that coffee ready for you when you want it.” He then took wing and headed back to his camp, no longer in the mood to hike. An afternoon spent fishing had added a couple more fish to his supplies and he had all three cooking when the griffoness arrived. Silently, he handed her the can of coffee out of which he had already retained some for himself. Gilda nodded. “Thanks. Sorry I yelled at you.” Edge shook his head. “No, it was my fault. I had no right to pry. Want some fish? I cooked all of these in the hope of offering them as an apology.” The griffoness smirked. “I suppose I can’t afford to knock that back. I want the salmon though.” “Done. Would you like some lemon juice on it? I have some lemons with me.” Gilda rolled her eyes. “Of course, you do. Yeah, why not?” Edge served up the fish along with some grilled vegetables for both of them. Gilda sighed in satisfaction when she finished her meal. “You sure know how to cook a mean salmon.” “Mean, nice, shy – doesn’t make any difference to me. They all go in the pan!” The pegasus grinned. “I may not be a baker, but I do love a well-prepared fish.” Gilda nodded and got up from her seat on the log. “I’ll keep my eyes open for more. Might as well take advantage of your culinary skills if I have to put up with you here.” She spread her wings to fly off but hesitated. “By the way, how did you manage to throw me so easily yesterday?” “My sister is a Royal Guard and she insisted on teaching me self-defense. I had no interest in joining up like her, but it certainly came in handy to know.” The griffoness chuckled. “I suppose so. Same time tomorrow?” “I’d like that. I’ll have breakfast ready.” “Cool. Sleep well, dweeb.” Gilda took off and headed down the lake. Edge smiled. “Yeah, I think I will.” # # # # # # # # # > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edge was beginning to wonder if Gilda was going to be a no-show. However, the griffoness belatedly came into view and landed nearby, a disgruntled look on her face and water dripping from her legs. “You look pissed off,” the stallion commented. “I tried to catch another salmon, but the bastard got away from me.” “That’s too bad. Would you settle for soy sausages and fried eggs?” “Sure! Here – catch!” Gilda threw a bag to Edge who caught and opened it. Several fresh scones were inside. “If you have anything suitable to go on them from that food locker of yours, we can pack them for snacks on the walk.” The pegasus nodded. “I think I can dig up some butter and jam.” He put the bag aside and began serving up the food. “So – how are your paws feeling?” “Still a bit sore but better than I expected. I still say you’re nuts to want to hike everywhere, but I admit that we did see a lot more than I expected by pounding the ground.” Edge grinned as he passed her a plate. “Keep it up and your paws will get toughened by the experience. You’ll hardly notice it after a few days.” Gilda gave him a flat look. “Do you think I’ve got nothing better to do than follow you around every day while you’re here?” The stallion shrugged. “You didn’t even have to turn up today. You kept your side of the bargain yesterday.” The griffoness swallowed a sausage whole before staring at the pegasus. “You promised me breakfast. Did you think I’d forget?” She looked back to her plate and deftly scooped up a fried egg in her talons. “Also, I barely enjoyed myself enough yesterday to give it another go today.” “Great! I plan to follow one of the streams that we crossed up into the hills – maybe find its source.” Gilda gave him a sour look. “So – uphill all the way?” “Cheer up! We can take it easy and fly back down. If we get back early enough, we can try fishing for that elusive salmon.” “Sounds like a plan. Pass the coffee. I’ll need the caffeine!” After completing breakfast, Edge prepared the scones and packed them into his backpack along with two water bottles. They then set off in the same direction as last time. It took about ten minutes to find the small creek that Edge wanted to follow and they turned upstream. The presence of regular water meant that the foliage was quite thick, so they occasionally had to wade in the water if they could not find a way around. Gilda found that it cooled not only her paws but also helped deal with what was becoming a very warm day. After a few hours, the two encountered a little waterfall into a rockpool surrounded by ferns. Edge persuaded Gilda to pose for a couple of photos in front of it, although it took a few tries to get her to stop making snarky faces at him. Then they took a break to eat the scones. As they continued on their trek, they crossed some minor creeks that fed into their stream. As a consequence, the further they went, the smaller theirs became. They soon found a ridge in the landscape which the water descended in a series of little cataracts spread out over a face about three meters wide. Gilda eyed it dubiously. “Are we supposed to climb that?” she asked. Edge shook his head. “I reckon those rocks are pretty slimy and my hooves will almost certainly slip on them.” “So – we fly up?” “Yep. After you,” he replied cheerfully. Gilda didn’t hesitate to take off and Edge watched her ascend. “Hmm… nice arse to go with those boobs,” he murmured before following her. The landscape opened up at the top. Fewer trees and bushes made for easier hiking and the two could walk side by side occasionally. Edge gave the griffoness a sly smile. “You look like you’re enjoying yourself.” Gilda chuckled. “It’s been hard for me the past week and this has been quite relaxing. Besides, it was getting boring talking to myself.” “And the scenery…?” “Okay! I admit it – you do miss a lot by flying over it. But I don’t usually have the time to indulge in stuff like this. Gotta make a living, y’know?” Edge nodded. “As much as I enjoy the outdoors, I have to go back to work eventually too. I just try to make the most of my opportunities.” “You got that right! Thanks to you, I haven’t had to worry much about finding dinner these past couple of days. You keep catching and cooking those fish and I’ll keep turning up for these walks.” “Deal!” he replied with a grin. They passed into a broad valley where numerous rivulets joined onto their stream. It soon became hard to determine which was the main watercourse and which fed it. Edge pointed to what he thought was the head of the valley and decided that whichever looked as if it was going that way was theirs. It was another hour before the now miniscule stream ended in a spring. “Looks like we’ve reached the end,” Edge decided. “This spring is probably the outlet of an underground stream fed by rain and melting snow higher up in the mountains.” “You’re not planning to go up there?” Gilda asked. “Nope. Too far for a day hike. And I bet your paws could do with a break right now.” The griffoness was not about to admit it but she was glad that this was the end of their trek. “Time to head back then?” she asked, half-spreading her wings in anticipation. “Yep. Unless you’d like to rest here for a bit?” “My wings aren’t tired!” she scoffed and took off. The pegasus smiled and followed her into the air, staying a little behind her so that he could watch her lithe form making its way down the valley. “I know what you’re doing back there, perv!” Gilda called back with a laugh. Edge chuckled and caught up to her. “Sorry, not sorry.” They were about to clear the valley when Gilda abruptly dived toward the ground. Caught by surprise, Edge had to circle back before joining the griffoness on the ground where he saw that she had caught and killed a large rabbit. “Looks like I won’t have to rely on you catching fish for dinner tonight,” Gilda said smugly. “As long as you cook it downwind from me,” he replied. “What? Squeamish?” “Not really. I’ve seen plenty of nature in action. I just don’t like the smell of cooking meat.” “Fair enough, I suppose.” She held up the rabbit. “Wanna put this in your backpack?” “You caught it – you carry it!” Gilda laughed and pulled a cloth bag from the pocket of her shorts. She put the rabbit in it and tied the handles of the bag around her belt. “Let’s get back to camp so I can skin this sucker and cook it while you try to catch your meal, which is a problem I don’t have.” She took off without waiting for a reply. Edge shrugged. Even if the fish weren’t biting, it wasn’t as if his food chest didn’t have plenty of alternatives. It was nice to see her happy with her catch though. He quickly followed, taking the opportunity to admire the view once more. Gilda grinned and picked up the pace. The two raced each other back to base and arrived panting but smiling at the pleasure of the competition. “Got a sharp knife I can steal… I mean borrow?” Gilda asked, fluttering her eyes innocently for effect. Edge rolled his eyes and dug one out from his supplies before grabbing his fishing gear and heading to the upwind side of the lake. That was one activity the griffon could have all to herself. Perhaps the smell of roasting rabbit was driving the fish away, but whatever the reason, Edge caught only one modestly sized trout. Gilda snickered when she saw his catch. “I don’t think that’s going to fill you up after today’s exercise.” “True. However, I don’t have to rely on my luck with the fishing pole.” He put the trout in the food locker before rummaging around and bringing out a pie. “Potato and leek pie with a creamy sauce. I’ll warm this beauty up in my camp oven.” Gilda stuck her tongue out. “Bleah. You can have it! What else have you got in that bottomless chest?” As he prepared to heat his pie, Edge said, “I have a big assortment of pony food. Admittedly, I packed twice as much as I reckoned I would need so that I have some choice. When you don’t have weight or size limits, why not take advantage of them?” His nose wrinkled as he caught a whiff of the roasting rabbit as he pushed the camp oven into the coals. Gilda frowned. “Must be nice to be able to afford such toys.” “It’s my one big indulgence. I saved up for ages to afford it. I decided that I didn’t want half measures and I haven’t regretted spending all those bits on it in the least. I’m not so well paid that it didn’t leave a big dint in my savings though.” Edge went back to the food locker and drew out a couple of bottles. “Want a beer while we wait for our food?” “You even have that in there?” Gilda asked as she held out her hand for a bottle. “Cold too.” “Yep.” Edge twisted the top off his bottle. “When it’s hot out, beer’s more refreshing than coffee. I don’t drink much, but I think this is a good occasion. Cheers!” He clinked his bottle to Gilda’s. They each downed about half the contents and Gilda nodded in approval. “Not bad. You make a damn good host.” “And you make good company. I’m glad you chose this location to exile yourself.” Gilda grimaced. “I wish I hadn’t needed to.” “Want to talk about it?” The griffoness sighed and took another swig of her beer. “I suppose it can’t hurt. I already mentioned a certain cock named Gerard, but the problem goes back further than him. You see, I came back from Equestria with expectations that were too high for Griffonstone. I was smart, educated, and loudly opinionated. I was also a single female ripe for mating, but I couldn’t stand any of the single males who tried to get my interest. They wouldn’t take no for an answer though, and they kept harassing me. The worst among them was Gerard who began making my life hell. A few weeks ago, he cornered me and pointed out that mating season was coming up soon. When I came into season, he intended to make sure that I was his.” Edge frowned. “You mean…?” “Yeah, he was going to rape me and get me pregnant.” “Surely that’s as illegal in Griffonstone as it is in Equestria?” “Of course it is! That doesn’t stop it from happening. And once a hen gives birth to a cub, she’s considered officially mated to its sire.” “So, what did you do?” “Kneed him in the balls as hard as I could before heading home, hastily packed as much as I could carry, and got out of town.” “And ended up here. Now I understand why your campsite looked so inadequately equipped.” Gilda laughed humorlessly. “Yeah. Not much planning goes into fleeing before an angry griff turns up to get revenge.” “I’m sorry that happened to you. I feel a little guilty now about being glad to having some good company out here.” “Don’t sweat it, Edge. Barring my sister, you’re the best company I’ve had since I left Equestria. And now that I’ve spilled my guts, how about you telling me why a handsome stallion like you is not only unmated but also chooses to come out to the middle of nowhere by himself.” The pegasus chuckled. “I suppose that’s fair. Ironically, it’s kind of the reverse of your situation. It’s not as if I haven’t had many attractive mares trying to woo me. Some of them were fun but ultimately not what I was interested in for the long term.” “And what are you looking for?” “Hmm. I’m not really sure. I just know that the mares I’ve gone out with have all been too starry-eyed or too compliant to my desires. I reckon I need a realist – someone who’s willing to try something new while knowing it won’t be easy or guaranteed to work. Or maybe just someone who will tell me off when I’m being ridiculous. Anything but a ‘love will solve everything’ attitude.” “Is that all?” Gilda asked with a smirk. “Yep. That and great boobs and arse,” Edge added with a grin. The griffoness tossed her empty beer bottle at the pegasus who dodged it with a laugh. “Anyway, you asked why I came out here by myself. As I said previously, I enjoy camping and hiking. However, none of my friends do, and neither did any prospective marefriends. So, I not only get away from the hassles of everyday life, I also don’t have to deal with the incessant advances of mares who really don’t interest me.” Gilda shook her head in befuddlement. “Both of us have to deal with members of the opposite sex who don’t understand the meaning of ‘No’. Still, I’d rather be in your horseshoes.” Edge nodded. “Can’t say I blame you. Still, roughing it out here can’t be easy. Have you considered moving to Equestria someplace?” “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but griffons aren’t exactly popular with ponies. And I stupidly burned my bridges with the one pony friend who could have helped me despite that.” “You’ve got wings and can fly over those burned bridges. If that pony is a true friend, they’ll come to your aid.” Gilda shook her head sadly. “No, it’s too soon. I need to let the hurt fade for a lot longer yet.” Edge reckoned the griffoness was too stubborn for her own good, but he also recognized that there was no point in pushing it for now. “Oh well, maybe I can help improve your camp with the equipment I’ve brought along.” “Why would you do that for me? We’ve barely known each other for a couple of days.” The pegasus grinned. “You’re looking at an overachieving colt scout. That’s where I gained my love of camping. I earned so many merit badges! Seems like a good opportunity to put some to good use.” She gave him a flat look. “Yeah, now that you mention it, I see that you’re an overgrown colt scout alright.” Edge’s smile didn’t falter. “So – want to start first thing tomorrow?” Gilda rolled her eyes. “If it gets you to shut up, sure.” She stood up. “I think my rabbit’s ready.” Edge waited for her to retrieve her meal before checking on his pie. Judging that it needed a few minutes more, he spent the time figuring out what to bring with him to Gilda’s campsite. It did not take Gilda long to finish eating her meal. After washing the messy aftermath off her talons in the lake, she said, “I’d better head back before the light fades too much. Thanks for the beer.” The griffoness took off but then paused in a hover. “My turn to make breakfast, okay?” She then headed off without waiting for an answer. Edge watched her fly away for a while before a rumbling stomach reminded him that he had worked up an appetite and he had yet to eat. At least, the lingering odor of roasted rabbit had blown away and he could enjoy his pie fully. He just wished his guest had stayed a while longer so that he could nag her into trying a bite. And perhaps chat a bit more. # # # # # # # # # > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gilda made sure that she got up early to be ready for her visitor. The sun had barely risen before she emerged from her lean-to and shivered as she zipped up her jacket. She normally would let it warm up a little before starting her day, but she wanted to make her campsite look presentable, not to mention preparing breakfast for her and Edge. Caught up in the day-to-day struggle of merely coping with survival, the griffoness did not go to any effort improving the appearance of her unplanned residence. Glancing around, she felt an unfamiliar touch of shame at its shabby looks. She immediately began trying to remedy that, starting with materials that were carelessly discarded until she found the inclination to deal with them. At the very least, the effort would help warm her up. With that accomplished, she gathered some wood and lit a fire. Next came preparing food. She figured that hot cakes would work well, especially as she had seen some wild honeyberries nearby that she could add to them. With the batter ready, she filled a pot with water from the lake and put it on the fire to boil for coffee. That was halfway heated when she heard a greeting from above. Looking up, she spotted her pegasus friend towing his sky cart. He came in for a landing in an area that Gilda ensured would be clear. “I hope I’m not too early,” Edge said as he divested himself of his towing harness. “Nope. Pretty much on time,” Gilda replied. “I didn’t expect you to bring along everything though.” Edge chuckled. “Not quite everything. The tent and its contents are still back there. I figured that it was easier just to chuck everything else in the cart than guess what I might need.” “Fair enough, I suppose. Grab a chair while I start cooking breakfast.” Her talon indicated a log that she had dragged onto the campsite especially for her guest. “Want me to make the coffee first?” he asked, eyeing the pot that was just starting to boil. “Good idea. The coffee can is over there next to my mug.” Gilda was surprised when Edge rummaged in his cart and pulled out his coffee instead. “You’re going to have to be economical with what I gave you, so we’ll use mine instead.” The griffon felt inclined to object as she was the host, but she had to admit that he was right. “Thanks.” The hot cakes were well underway when the pegasus passed Gilda her mug of coffee. He sniffed appreciatively. “Those sure smell good. You’ve really got my appetite going.” Gilda smiled. “Have to make sure my renovator is well fed.” Edge grinned and sipped his coffee as he waited for the first batch to be ready. In the meantime, he looked around, assessing what needed to be done. He did not get much of a chance on his previous visit. His conclusion was pretty much everything needed to be improved if the griffoness intended to stay here long term. His ruminations were interrupted as Gilda passed a plate of hot cakes under his nose. “Eat 'em while they’re fresh,” Gilda told him. He willingly complied and was delighted by their fluffy texture and the sweet berries. “These are great!” “Thanks. I may not be the greatest at making camps, but I do know how to cook.” Not much else was said until after the second batch was eaten and sufficient quantities of coffee were consumed. Edge rubbed his belly with a satisfied sigh. “That was a great start to the day. Now, let’s get some work done. First – your lean-to.” The pegasus walked up to the structure, eyeing it critically. “Hmm… not too bad.” Gilda grimaced. “Yeah, now it is. When I built the thing, it leaked like a sieve the first time it rained. I had to add a lot more to it before it stayed dry. Mostly.” “Yep. It’s not enough to put up a few branches. You have to build up layers so that if rain gets past one, it gets caught by the next, or the one after that. That said, you haven’t done badly for an amateur. Still, if this is going to be your home for the foreseeable future, you’ll need to do something about keeping warm, and this open structure won’t cut it.” “So, what do we do about that?” “Well, we could do this the hard way and just use natural resources, but I’m going to cheat.” “Oh? How?” “I’ll show you soon. First though, I want lots more insulation. Gather plenty of leafy branches. I only want the ends of the branches where the wood is thin and there’s plenty of leaves. Like this one.” He picked out a sample from the lean-to. “Okay. How much?” “The more, the better. Just keep 'em coming. Meanwhile, I’m going to do something about closing off the ends of this thing.” Gilda set to work gathering the branches. Edge went hunting for some other materials. Upon returning for the third time with an armful of the leafy limbs, she found that the pegasus had acquired several reasonably straight branches which he used to not only extend the lean-to but also close off one end and partially the other. She tilted her head, eyeing it curiously. “What are you doing?” “Turning this into a little hut. A bit cramped but it should be a lot warmer when I’m done. Speaking of which, start weaving those longer branches into this framework.” Gilda noted the new additions were secured with pieces of lightweight rope, something that she didn’t have when building her shelter. He must have cut a rope he pulled from his cart’s storage. They quickly ran out of the long thin pieces and Edge got her to start adding the shorter leafier ones to the existing material. “We’re trying to make this as thick and evenly distributed as possible for insulation purposes. The more you have, the better the result. While you’re doing that, I’m going in search of some other suitable branches.” The two spent some hours getting the shelter up to Edge’s standard, including a basic door. Then he brought out the final component. He hauled a large tarpaulin out of the cart. Unfolding it, he handed one end to Gilda. “Hold this side while I pull the other over the top.” Gilda noted that it was not lightweight material – it was top-quality stuff! “You’re giving this to me?” “Well, there’s no point in taking it back with me when I leave,” Edge replied with a smirk. “That’s not my point, you dweeb! This thing can’t be cheap.” “I don’t need it for this trip, so you might as well have it.” “Are you being deliberately obtuse? I have no way of paying you back for this.” “I didn’t ask you to. Now, are you going to help me put this into place or not?” Stunned by his indifference to just giving her stuff, the griffoness numbly complied. Edge flew backward over the shelter, dragging his end of the tarpaulin with him. He then threw his arms wide, spreading it out as much as he could while Gilda imitated his actions. Still airborne, the pegasus pulled parts of the tarp into a better position on top of the structure before landing and doing the same at ground level. “Hmm, looks like I could have made the extension a tad longer after all. Oh well, at least I won’t have to struggle to make it fit.” He pulled out a ball of twine from his pocket and began securing the tarp through the eyeholes onto the branches of the doorway. He noticed the griffoness looking at him with a stunned expression. “Why don’t you hunt up some rocks to secure the tarp to the ground?” he suggested. Gilda shook herself and glared at him. “What? Don’t you have some proper stakes for that?” “They’re back at my camp being used on my tent,” he replied cheerfully. “Of course, he has them,” she muttered as she left to find some suitable rocks. Soon, the pair stood back to admire their handiwork. “There you are – one small but cozy insulated and weatherproof hut,” Edge declared. Gilda turned to look at him. “You’re too much, you know that?” “What? Don’t you like it?” “It’s great, but don’t think I don’t know what a quality tarpaulin like that would cost. You’d be eaten alive in a griffon community with that kind of attitude.” “Good thing we’re not in one then. Unless you feel like eating me?” He waggled his eyebrows. Gilda’s cheeks pinked and she turned away from him. “Perv!” Edge chuckled. “Why don’t you pay me back by making us lunch instead?” Gilda surprised him by showing him a couple of fish that she had caught yesterday. “I decided to try some moonlight fishing. It seems my luck has been running hot lately.” So, while the griffoness was frying those, the pegasus worked on a few other smaller tasks. He noted that there was some clothing hanging out to dry on tree branches. Instead, he used a rope to make a clothesline that was out in the open where the sun could assist in drying. “What’s your food storage situation like?” Edge asked as the smell of fish titillated his nose. “Besides flour and some other basics, I don’t really have anything to store. I’ve been pretty much been living day-to-day foodwise. If you’re worried about animals raiding me, well, this isn’t the Everfree Forest and the local wildlife isn’t much of a problem. The bigger predators know better than to mess with a griffon.” “Something like a raccoon might be more of a problem for you, I suppose. Try to keep food out of easy reach.” “Duh!” was Gilda’s sole response. Edge discovered that her hygiene situation was decidedly inadequate and set about making her a proper bush toilet downwind from her camp. He barely made a start to that before he was called to the meal. He went straight back to work on it afterward. Gilda was as grateful for that as for the hut. “I bet you would like a hot shower too occasionally,” Edge mentioned. “Yeah. Bathing in the lake may do the trick, but the water is going to get unpleasantly cold in a few months.” “You can use my set-up if you want. I’ll leave it with you when I go home.” Gilda blinked. “How do you manage that?” “It comprises of a magically fireproof bladder which you fill and put into a fire to heat up the water. When it’s the right temperature, the bladder turns red. You then hang it from a branch, screw in the shower head to activate the flow, and enjoy it while the water lasts. It doesn’t go for long, but it beats a cold bath.” Gilda grabbed Edge’s shirt and pulled him nose to beak. “You’re going to let me shower tonight,” she growled. The pegasus laughed. “Well, that wasn’t a hard sell.” Gilda let him go, blushing again. “Sorry. I’m dying for a hot shower though.” “I don’t blame you one bit. That’s why I have one after all. You can also use the bladder to make hot water for washing clothes. Just pour the water out of the fill cap.” “I don’t suppose you have a wash tub among that lot?” “Sorry, no. I have spare clothes to cover my needs for a two-week trip, but if I really need to clean something, I use my biggest pot.” “That’s what I’ve been doing too. Oh well, can’t say you haven’t been generous enough already. I’m surprised by what you already pulled out of your cart. Do you always pack that much for every camping trip?” Edge nodded, “Because I like to go to somewhere new each time, I never know exactly what I’m going to need. Just like when I came to your camp today, I find it easier to pack everything that might be useful in my cart. It’s a bit harder to lug around, but I don’t have any regrets because I forgot something. It also serves as storage, so I don’t have to unpack. I just have to add my food supplies and I’m ready to go.” Gilda gave him a flat look. “Don’t you think you’re taking the colt scout motto a tad far?” The pegasus grinned. “I might like camping but I’m not that keen on doing things the hard way. I’m out here to relax and enjoy myself, not do it tough.” “Speaking of enjoying yourself, now that we’re done here, what would you like to do for the rest of the day?” Edge pondered for a moment. “I’m thinking of hiking below the waterfall, following the river. When it gets late, we can fly back here to collect my cart and then to my campsite for dinner. We’ll leave enough time for you to have that shower afterward.” “Sounds like a plan. Gotta warn you though – it’s pretty rough down there from what I’ve seen from the air.” “Do you think that’ll deter me?” “Not in the slightest. Don’t blame me if you slip and fall though. If you break a wing, I’m not carrying you back.” “Will you at least feed me as I crawl back to camp eventually?” “If you insist. I’m sure that food chest of yours has plenty to spare for payment for my efforts.” “My hero,” Edge said with a smirk. “Shall we go?” Gilda answered by taking off and heading in the direction of the waterfall. Edge was mere moments behind, appreciating the view as usual. Downstream was just as ruggedly scenic as the pegasus expected. While the catbird proved to be more agile under the circumstances, the birdpony managed not to leave himself at Gilda’s mercy despite scrambling over some very slippery boulders. So, when the time came to head back to camp, both took wing, although Edge did so with some reluctance. He knew he needed to return and explore more of that beautiful landscape. After retrieving Edge’s sky cart and Gilda’s dried clothes and toiletries, the duo made good time to Edge’s camp. There, they made an extra big fire so that they could simultaneously cook their dinner and heat the water bladder. Although there was no meat available, the pegasus was able to find plenty of acceptable pony foods in his chest. The bladder changed color about ten minutes after finishing the meal and they were cleaning up. Gilda realized that there was a problem. “Okay, how do I go about this? Won’t that be too hot to carry?” “Nah,” Edge replied, walking over to the fire. He picked up the bladder by the incorporated handle and threw it over his shoulder. “Enchanted so heat goes in but doesn’t come out. That’s one other reason why it changes color. You don’t want to keep heating it indefinitely. Otherwise, the water will turn to steam, pressure will build up, and boom!” “There’s no pressure relief valve on it?” “Technically, the filler cap has it, but you never rely on those things. So, where do you want to shower? I’m thinking that this handy branch might not suit you.” He pointed to a tree a couple of meters away. “I know it would suit you, perv. Take it down the shore and out of sight of the camp.” “Your wish is my command, milady,” Edge replied with a grin. “Grab a towel, a change of clothes too, if you’re into that kind of thing—” “Perv!” “—and follow me.” They found a spot with a suitably high branch from which to hang the bladder. Edge handed the shower head to Gilda, saying, “When you’re ready, screw this into the outlet. The water will start flowing immediately. You can stop it temporarily by unscrewing it again. That way you can soap up, scrub anything needing extra attention, then rinse off.” “Got it. Now, make yourself scarce.” The pegasus did so with a chuckle. Edge finished cleaning up and had a couple of beers ready when the griffoness returned. She was still damp but Gilda felt a lot better than in a long while. She put aside her dirty clothes and accepted the beer from Edge. They sat around the fire and quietly enjoyed the brew. The pegasus finally broke the silence. “What has you so quiet for a change?” Gilda chuckled. “Just thinking about the biggest mistake I almost made.” “What’s that?” “Trying to make you leave. I still can’t figure you out though. Why would you do so much for me? Give me so much without asking for repayment?” Edge looked away, a wistful smile on his face. “Do you have any idea how nice it has been for me to be able to do something for a mare without them expecting it from me? Okay, so you’re not actually a mare but the circumstances are the same. If I did what I’ve done for you to a typical mare, they’d see it as a response to their overtures for attracting a mate when all I wanted was some pleasant company. Instead, I’d be hounded by them. With you, I could indulge my desire to help while getting some interesting company. And I mean that in the most non-pervy way despite my tastes.” Gilda stared at him for a long moment before chuckling. “You really are an overgrown colt scout, aren’t you?” “Guilty,” he replied, turning back to her with a smile. “Huh! I’m not used to being regarded as interesting company rather than a potential mate. Kinda nice.” She swallowed the last of her beer and tapped the empty can with a talon as she stared over the lake. After half a minute, she said, “So, what do you want to do tomorrow? More hiking?” “Got any suggestions?” “How good are you at swimming?” The next morning, Gilda turned up at breakfast time with a satchel slung over her shoulder. She extricated a bag containing a batch of scones that she provided as her contribution toward breakfast as they had agreed upon the previous day. He prepared baked beans on toast for both of them… and coffee, of course. After cleaning up, they headed out on a hike with Gilda in the lead. She knew quite well what some of the scenery Edge was admiring but she didn’t mind. In fact, she was starting to feel quite flattered. She found it harder to navigate to her destination from the ground but there was a distinctive landmark in the surrounding mountains that kept her on track. Over three hours later, they encountered a small stream which the griffoness followed uphill. Eventually, they reached a point where it cascaded over a rock shelf which they climbed up. “Here we are,” Gilda declared. Edge looked around, noting several natural rock pools formed over the millennia by the waterfall over the cliff ahead of them. There was one big one that qualified as a small lake, two to the left and one to the right that were made by the terrain above splitting the stream into small side rivulets. At the moment, hardly any water flowed into the smaller pools and the main one had only a modest fall. Gilda said, “I think these rock pools are seasonal. When it rains a lot, those smaller pools get a decent amount of water. Right now, though, so little enters that the sun has a chance to warm them up. I’ve been bathing here since I spotted them. Nowhere near as good as a hot shower but way better than the cold lake. The big pool is colder but great for swimming, and seeing as I’m hot from the hike, I’m ready to cool off.” “So, this is the bathing spot you promised to take me to. I was wondering after we headed away from the lake.” “Yep. Last one in is a plucked chicken!” With that, Gilda stripped off her shirt and dropped her pants, revealing the bikini she was wearing underneath. She posed for the pegasus briefly before she took off her sunglasses and dived into the rock pool. Edge elected to wear his bathing shorts, so all he needed to take off was his T-shirt. When Gilda surfaced, she found him in the water beside her. “You forgot so many things in your rush to leave Griffonstone but remembered to pack your bikini and shades?” he pointed out ironically. “They were already in the bag that I threw my clothes into,” she replied, poking her tongue out at him defiantly. “Makes sense,” he conceded. “I’m glad that I got to see them on you.” “I bet you did, perv. Get a good eyeful?” “Yes, ma’am!” he replied. She laughed and then dunked him. The war was on! A while later, the pair dragged themselves out of the pool and grabbed their towels. After getting the worst of the water out of her fur, Gilda spread the towel out on the ground and lay face down on it. Edge dug out some snacks and drinks from his backpack. When he turned back, he saw that the griffoness had untied the strings of her bikini top and fanned her wings out to catch the sun better. She noticed him staring and frowned in return. “What?” “Nothing. I just find it odd that someone who ran away from a griffon who was only interested in her sexually would be so willing to let me admire her ass… ets.” Gilda rolled her eyes. “There’s a big difference between escaping from a potential rapist who only wanted to use me as a breeder and showing off to somepony I actually like. Every hen likes to be considered beautiful and you’re gallant enough to not take liberties. If you were a griff, I’d seriously consider dating you. So, look as much as you like, birdpony – you’ve earned it.” “Thanks. I’m honored. Would my sexy griff like a muffin?” “After that workout, I’m starving,” she admitted. “Me too,” Edge said as he put a muffin in front of her along with a drink. Then he settled down on his towel with his snacks. “This was a great idea,” he said after a few mouthfuls. “I thought so. I would have come here more often except I was too busy trying to survive. Thanks to you, that hasn’t been a problem the last few days.” “Glad to be of help. Hopefully, things will improve after I’ve left. The more you learn about the territory, the better your chances of foraging for food. And your new hut should be a lot more comfortable too.” “Yeah.” Her mood turned more somber. “Cozy but lonely. Gotta admit that I’ve appreciated the company too. I’ll have to try to get my sister to visit more often. I didn’t take that into consideration when I decided to become a crazy hermit.” “I’d reconsider checking out your pony friend. I’m sure it would be better for you in the long run.” “Like I said, it’s too soon. When I burn bridges, I do a heck of a job of it. I made a thorough jackass of myself.” “Don’t let pride stop you if you really need help, Gilda.” “You’re my pervy friend, not my psychologist, Edge.” “Noted. Shutting up now.” The two decided to fly back to Edge’s camp and try their luck at fishing. At worst, it was a nice way to relax after the active morning. However, they did manage to catch three and, although the pegasus bagged two of them, the griffon gleefully ate the extra one. # # # # # # # # # > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following days were filled with more hikes to various destinations. Gilda’s paws toughened up from all the extra walking that she did, but she still balked when one of their treks brought them to a steep cliff face that Edge did not hesitate to begin climbing. “Oh, come on!” the griffoness exclaimed, hands on her hips and brow furrowed. “Surely you can see that it’s more practical to fly up this one?” “It’s not that bad,” the pegasus replied. “Besides, it’s not whether it’s practical or not – it’s the challenge!” Gilda rolled her eyes. “Males!” she grumbled, but decided to follow suit his lead. Edge was about three-quarters up the cliff by the time Gilda made it halfway. He looked down at his struggling friend and said, “You’re half cat – why aren’t you better at this?” She looked up, glaring at him. “You must be all mountain goat! Shut up and let me concentra-ACK!” The rock Gilda was holding while reaching for the next handhold broke off and she began falling. However, she had the presence of mind to push away from the cliff to give herself plenty of room to spread her wings and maneuver. Within seconds, she regained control and flew up to the top of the cliff. She waited for Edge to complete his ascent, giving him dirty looks as he clambered over the edge. “There! That wasn’t so hard,” he said with a grin. “Sure!” she said in a deeply sarcastic tone. “Easy as falling off a cliff.” She then shoved him back over the edge. The pegasus took longer to gain control of his descent than the griffoness due to needing to get clear of the cliff face first, but he quickly rejoined Gilda at the top. She seemed to be in a better mood now that she’d had her revenge. “I suppose I deserved that,” Edge admitted. “Want to take a break before we continue?” “Sounds good,” Gilda replied. They broke out the snacks and drinks from their backpacks and settled on a fallen tree trunk to eat, drink, and admire the scenery. The cliff allowed them an unbroken view down to the lake. They could see along most of its length from this vantage point and their avian eyesight managed to pick out Edge’s campsite after looking carefully, but Gilda’s was much further away and hidden from view. “This is what I come to see on my hikes,” Edge remarked. “It’s a completely different perspective from the view flying above it all. It’s also something you can share with flightless friends. I never tire of it.” Gilda nodded. “I gotta admit that you’ve given me a new appreciation of the place. But I still think you’re nuts for wanting to climb cliffs.” Edge chuckled. “I suppose that’s not for everyone. Thanks for giving it a try though.” The griffoness looked away from the pegasus, mumbling, “You’re welcome, dweeb.” “Shall we push on?” “Of course. Lead on, billy goat.” With a laugh, Edge got up and recommenced their hike. Depending on where their hike of the day took them, the two either made their way back by a different route or returned to camp by wing. On one of the return walks, they encountered a deer grazing in a clearing. As they approached downwind of it, the doe did not notice them until too late. Gilda launched herself at it without hesitation. Deprived of the cover of trees, the deer was unable to escape and the griffoness quickly pounced on it, dispatching it with grim efficiency. Edge rejoined Gilda and she looked at him with a slight frown. “Don’t you dare say anything about me killing this thing. I need red meat in my diet. Fish won’t cut it indefinitely.” The pegasus shook his head. “I wasn’t going to say anything. Just wondering how you’re going to cope with a full-grown deer.” “I can manage to carry this back to my camp. I’ll have to skip dinner at your place though. Gonna stuff myself silly with venison tonight. It won’t be a pretty sight. I can’t keep it for too long before it spoils.” Edge pondered that for a moment. “I’ve got a few large multi-purpose plastic bags. If you want to fill them with cuts of meat, I’ll store them in my food locker until I have to leave.” Gilda smiled and gave a quick nod. “Thanks. I’d appreciate that.” “I’ll fly back to my camp, grab them, and drop them off.” He then took to the sky. The griffoness chuckled. Edge did a great job of remaining calm but she knew that he was less than thrilled about the visceral scene. She was impressed by his willingness to put up with her needs despite how ponies in general were skittish about such things. “If only he was a griff,” she lamented as she maneuvered the carcass into position for carrying. “There you are!” Edge looked up to see a female griffon coming in for a landing. This time, it was not Gilda who happened to be fishing with him that afternoon. “Gabby!” Gilda got up to meet the newcomer, hugging her when she landed. “Hey, Gil! Who’s your friend?” “This is Cutting Edge. He came here to hike and fish. I’ve been hanging out with him for a while. Edge – this is my sister, Gabriella, but we all call her Gabby.” The grey-colored griffoness smiled and said, “Hi! I’m so glad that my big sister has found a friend. I’ve been super worried about her being out here all by herself.” Edge grinned. “She’s been interesting company, that’s for sure.” Gilda said, “Not that I’m ungrateful for the visit, but what are you doing out here?” “I got myself work as a courier. That means I’ll be traveling to other places such as Equestria. I’m actually en route to a delivery.” She patted a padlocked courier bag strapped securely to her lower back. “I only needed to make a small detour to drop in on you and see how you’re coping.” “A courier job? That’s cool. I know you like meeting new people. Anyway, thanks to Edge, I’ve been doing a lot better since you were here last time. How are things back in Griffonstone?” Gabby rolled her eyes. “That creep, Gerard, has stopped trying to find you for now. He’s convinced you’re going to come crawling back at Mating Season.” Gilda blinked. “Why the fuck would I do that?” Then she chuckled. “He’s going to be so pissed off when I’m a no-show.” Edge spoke up. “Let me guess – Gerard is such a narcissist that he can’t imagine Gilda not succumbing to his masculine charms?” Gabby giggled. “You got it. His buddies just feed his delusion, so he only keeps getting worse.” Gilda sighed. “I had some hope that this would all blow over eventually, but it looks like I’m going to be stuck out here for the indefinite future.” “I guess so,” Gabby agreed. “That’s why I decided to bring you some more essential supplies.” She handed over a small backpack to her sister. “Because I was given an official assignment, Gerard didn’t have me followed as usual, so I was able to come here without having to try to elude his spies.” “Awesome. Hopefully, you’ll get plenty more jobs and I’ll see you more often.” “Me too!” “Would you like to stay and have dinner with us?” Edge asked. “We’ve been doing well with our fishing.” He held up a trout that he had caught. “Aw! I’d love to but I need to get going. Places to be, y’know! Love ya, Gil!” Gabby gave Gilda a quick hug, then she took off and headed on her way. Edge grinned. “You have an excitable little sister.” “Don’t I know it!” Gilda said with a resigned shake of her head. “I’ve never been able to figure out how she’s managed to keep such a positive outlook in life after being brought up in Griffonstone.” The pegasus began packing up their fishing gear. “Let’s call it a day and make dinner. You can tell me all about her.” Days passed with the two exploring the area and then having their evening meal at Edge’s campsite. However, they would alternate between their camps for breakfast. The sun was barely risen although hidden by a thick overcast when Edge came in for a landing at Gilda’s place. He was surprised to note that the griffoness was not at work preparing her signature scones. In fact, the fire was not even lit yet. Concerned, he called out to the hen. “Gilda! Where are you?!” Edge heard movement from inside the griffon’s hut. Moments later, Gilda stepped out covered in sweat… and nothing else. The pegasus’ breath was taken away by the sight and he immediately felt a growing tightness in his pants. Barely managing to tear his eyes away from her nude splendor, he saw the expression on the catbird’s face. The look of hunger warring with restraint made him concerned. “Have you forgotten something, Gilda?” Edge asked gently. Ignoring the question, she replied, “Remember that griffon mating season was due soon? I went into heat last night.” “Uh… so… you want me to leave?” “No! I want you to fuck me until my feathers fall out!” Edge blinked. He shifted nervously, his erection now making him very uncomfortable. “You’re just overwhelmed by hormones, Gilda. I can’t take advantage of you like—” The griffoness was up in his face before he could finish. “You think this is my first Season? That I have no idea how to control myself? I’ve spent many Seasons with zero desire to have any griffon cocks near me. But you? I haven’t been able to get you off my mind pretty much since we met. You get me. You help me. You think I’m sexy but keep your hands to yourself. And, fuck it, I think you’re hot too. Best of all, I’m a griffon but you’re a pony, so you can’t get me pregnant. So, are you interested?” she asked, pressing her ample bust against his chest while glaring in his eyes. Edge swallowed. “Hell, yeah, Gil,” he replied, reaching for those tempting mounds. Gilda stepped back as one of her talons ripped the front of his T-shirt, exposing his chest. She danced away from him, laughing. “Not so fast. First, let’s see if you’re up to the challenge of outflying a griffon hen. Try and catch me, you dweeb!” She took off, screeching excitement. Edge’s jaw dropped, stunned momentarily before he realized that griffons did things differently. She might desire him but she wanted him to win her first! With a grin and a powerful flap of his wings, he launched himself in pursuit. What followed was an hour-long game of tag where he would catch up to Gilda who would twist out of his grasp while slashing at his clothing. He quickly lost the remainder of his shirt and his shorts were soon in tatters before the waistband snapped. His overstrained underpants did not survive the first assault and, as they drifted down to the distant ground, he faced his quarry, drenched in sweat just like her. After a moment of taking in each other as they panted both from excitement and exertion, they came together, face-to-face, just as the clouds parted to illuminate the lovers. The two embraced tightly, she nuzzling him while he kissed her. Then, as the pegasus maintained their altitude, Gilda used her wings to maneuver herself above his erection and impale herself on it. The griffoness threw back her head and screeched in pleasure before the two worked to make love midair. She was quick to orgasm after being pent up for hours, and a second came not much longer afterward. However, with her desperate need satiated, she was able to concentrate more on pleasuring him, and the third time had them climaxing together. Flying while mating was not conducive to maintaining altitude so, although they were in no danger of crashing, they had drifted fairly close to the ground by then. By mutual unspoken agreement, they headed down for a landing in a meadow. Panting hard, they grinned at each other before Gilda spoke up. “Not bad for a first time,” she said. “Oh?” he replied. “How often have you done that?” “Once!” Gilda declared with a laugh. “I wondered what it would be like. You’d make a fine griffon mate. But now that you’ve done things my way, I think it’s fair I indulge your whims. So, what’s your desire, my pervy lover?” “Well, now that you mention it, there are a couple of things I’d like to lay my hands on.” His gaze left no doubt in the griffoness’ mind as to what he was referring to. She rolled her eyes. “What’s with pony stallions and their obsession with teats?” “You’re telling me that male griffons don’t have any interest in boobs?” “Aside from a clear indication that a hen is mature enough to feed a cub, not really.” Edge smirked. “Then, perhaps I should educate you in their other merits.” He took Gilda’s arm and drew her close, the griffoness not resisting at all. “Let’s get you warmed up for the second act.” He leaned over and began licking the nipple of her right breast. Gilda’s eyes shot wide open. “Oh. That’s… nice.” Edge paused. “So, a he-griff has never done that before?” “Like I’d let a sharp beak anywhere near my sensitive nipples!” “Well, that explains a lot. However, this is only the beginning of the fun stuff.” Edge lowered himself down to the grass next to a convenient boulder that he could lean up against. Gilda could see that his penis had recovered from their first session and was fully erect once more. He gestured toward it and said, “Have a seat, my lady.” Intrigued and not a little excited, she positioned herself over the pegasus and guided his member into her vagina, humming in satisfaction and pleasure. When he was hilted within her, she asked with a smirk, “This may be the best seat in the house, but when’s the performance going to begin?” “Lean forward and we can start.” Doing so brought her boobs right up to his face. He licked the left nipple before planting his lips around it and started sucking. Gilda gasped as a thrill rocketed through her. She clamped down on his penis before she began bouncing up and down. “Why the fuck does this feel so good?!” she cried. Edge was surprised by the strength of the response, but that only encouraged him to be even more aggressive in his ministrations. When she orgasmed, he swapped breasts and repeated the performance. Gilda was on an unbelievable high. She was putty in Edge’s hands, lost to this novel and exquisitely thrilling sexual experience. Perhaps it was due to her high hormone levels but she could not stop herself. She came again and again. The pegasus was getting almost as much pleasure from making the griffon orgasm as from the ministrations of his cock, but he eventually concentrated on bringing the session to a close. For the second time, he filled his lover with his seed, nearly bucking her off in the process. With the cessation of both the sucking and thrusting, Gilda collapsed on Edge before rolling off, slipping free of his member. They both lay there panting hard for a long while before she finally managed to speak. “You’ve ruined me.” Edge blinked and turned his head to face her, an eyebrow raised. “Say what?” “You realize that no griff can hope to match that performance?” “Oh, come on. I’m good but there’s got to be a potential griffon mate out there who will make me look ordinary.” “There’s one thing you can do that they can’t,” she explained, raising her hand to tap her beak with a talon. “Oh. Right. No lips. Was it really as amazing as you made it sound?” “At the risk of giving you a swelled head, fuck yes! I don’t understand it but your sucking seemed to amplify the sexual pleasure I was feeling… oh. Now I get it.” “Get what?” Edge asked. “Why hens nursing their cubs have those goofy grins on their faces.” “Because it feels so pleasurable, I guess.” Then he frowned. “Wait. You have beaks, so how the hell do cubs nurse anyway?” “That’s easy. When the cubs are born, their beaks are soft and rubbery like your lips. So, they can suckle until their beaks harden and they’re weaned onto solid food.” “That makes sense. It doesn’t explain why you find it so much more pleasurable than any mare that I have known.” Gilda sighed and put her hands behind her head, staring up into the clearing sky. “I can guess. Relationships between hens and cocks can be rocky at times, and bearing cubs puts a strain on them. However, nature may have found a way to compensate. If nursing a cub is an overwhelmingly positive experience, it can smooth over the rough spots.” “You make griffon matings sound like a shitty outcome.” Gilda chuckled humorlessly. “Yeah, way too often, although there are lots of exceptions. It’s why there’s that law binding the hen to the cock after they have a cub. There needs to be some stability for the child, not to mention the potential for having more cubs. Sometimes I think the griffon race would quickly die out if it wasn’t for such laws.” Edge nodded. “I think I better understand why you got out of Griffonstone. I’m just glad that I was able to give you a positive sexual experience.” The griffoness smirked at him. “And you got to indulge your pervy desires.” “That too,” he admitted without a hint of regret or shame. “And you didn’t have to worry about getting pregnant.” “That too,” she echoed. After a pause, she added, “Hungry?” “Starving. You wouldn’t believe it, but I spent all morning outflying a sexy griffoness!” “Oh, ha, ha, ha! Next time, I’ll make you work harder.” Edge gasped theatrically. “You’re in luck! ‘Harder’ is my middle name.” Gilda looked down. “So, it is. Maybe I’ll let you prove that to me later. I still owe you breakfast, lovercolt. Shall we go?” “Do you often entertain naked ponies?” he asked with a grin as they got up and took to the air. “Only on special occasions,” she retorted. “You owe me for a shirt and a pair of pants.” “I can offer you a deer skin.” Thinking of the untanned hide, Edge shuddered. “Pass. I’ll survive until I get back to my camp.” “I’ll stay nude too until then… in solidarity with your sacrifice, of course,” Gilda said with a wink before pulling ahead. The pegasus chuckled and enjoyed the view. After they both took a quick dip in the lake to rinse off, Edge got the fire going while Gilda prepared the batter for hot cakes. As previously, she added honeyberries to the mix. She made an extra-large batch and that proved barely enough for their raging appetites. After cleaning up, the griffoness grabbed a halter and shorts but only carried them to Edge’s camp to keep her promise. When both were appropriately dressed once more, they headed off on a hike they decided upon while eating their breakfast. “I’m still on heat,” Gilda explained. “By exercising a lot, it will burn off the energy and keep the cravings at bay.” “I hear it’s the same for mares too. Okay, you can decide on where we go,” Edge agreed. They rounded off the day bathing at the rock pools before flying back to Edge’s camp to have dinner. They shared a beer afterward, chatting about nothing in particular. Eventually, the pegasus pointed out the time. “You’d better head out soon if you want to get back to your hut before sunset.” Gilda nodded slowly. “I could, or I could stay the night. I’m feeling the need again and it’s so hard finding good lovers out here.” “You sure, Gil?” “We’re both mature adults who can enjoy some sex without making a big thing about it. I’d rather have some fun times with you rather than try some self-relief.” “I can’t say that I wouldn’t enjoy that, but I’ll let you take the initiative.” “Awesome! I suggest you strip unless you want to lose another set of clothes.” Edge did as he was told, finding that the griffoness had already done so and crouched provocatively on the ground. “Let’s do this a bit more traditionally, shall we? None of your pervy kinks,” Gilda said with a smirk. “You love my pervy kinks,” the pegasus accused as he moved into position. “Guilty, but let’s save that for tomorrow. I think I can only take so much pleasure in one day.” “Let’s see if that’s true,” Edge said as he mounted her. It wasn’t. As Edge lay in his tent with one arm around the griffoness slumbering beside him, he pondered the events of the day and what they meant to him. Despite Gilda’s insistence that this was just two adults enjoying adult activities, his viewpoint had taken a hard shift due to this unplanned relationship. He was still wondering what the next day would bring when he drifted off to sleep. # # # # # # # # # > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A pressing need to empty his bladder woke Edge. However, as he attempted to get up, a weight on his chest resisted his movement. Glancing down, he could make out a feathered head in the dim dawn light. And she was drooling on him. ‘Better that than have her disappear while I was sleeping,’ he mused. Edge gently stroked Gilda’s head while pondering his predicament. He did not want to wake her and he loved the way she had claimed his torso as a pillow, but he really needed to go. He sighed. He had no choice. As gently as possible, the pegasus attempted to move the griffon without waking her. Instead, without opening her eyes, Gilda grabbed hold of him as if her pillow needed to be pulled back into position. Unfortunately, her talons stuck into his side painfully. “Ow! Damn it, Gil!” The griffoness glanced up, blearily blinking at him before recognition clicked in. “Oh. Uh… Good morning.” “Yes, and it will be even better when you let me get up to use the toilet!” She looked down and realized that she had him pinned. She saw the damp spot on his fur even as another drop of saliva joined it. She blushed, swallowed, and hastily sat up. Edge threw back the blanket to free their lower halves, got up, and exited the tent without bothering to dress. Gilda giggled as she noticed that he had a serious case of morning wood, and that was going to make peeing interesting. Thinking about the latter made her notice that her own bladder was full. Also, despite being deprived of the blanket and Edge out of the tent, she was quite hot. She was horny as Tartarus! She reckoned she would need to deal with both issues promptly. As soon as she heard Edge returning from the bush toilet, she hastened to take his place. “Wait for me in the tent,” she said in passing, saucily shaking her tail at him, leaving no doubt about her intentions. Edge grinned. The day was getting off to a good start. After working off Gilda’s urges in the most enjoyable manner possible, the pair washed up, got dressed, and started breakfast preparations. As Edge worked on scrambled eggs, he broached the topic of the day’s itinerary. “Did you have anything special in mind to do today? Besides passionate sex, I mean,” he asked with a smirk. Gilda blushed. She was not used to having a coltfriend, let alone one she wanted so badly even after taking into account her heat. She was reminded of how griffon bonds were supposed to form, but he was no griffon cock. However, as she had told him yesterday, she liked him because he understood her and he was fine with that. Hell! She’d gone on a mating flight without hesitation and it had been awesome. Why wouldn’t she want more? “Gil?” Edge prompted when he got no response. The griffoness shook her head in an attempt to clear her mind. “Hiking again! Anywhere you want!” The pegasus chuckled, understanding the reason behind her vehemence. “Okay. There’s one place I wanted to go before my holiday was over.” He pointed over her shoulder. Gilda turned around to see that he was indicating the highest peak in the region. “I don’t think we’re going to be able to hike that in just one day.” “Nope,” Edge agreed. “I had originally intended to do an overnight hike, but that was before I met you and we did treks together. So, we’re going to cheat and fly several sections. Whatever it takes to get there, admire the view, take some pictures, then fly back to base for dinner.” “I’m fine with that, as long as you don’t want me to climb a cliff again.” “We wouldn’t have time to spare. Anyway, the eggs are ready. Hand me your plate.” To make their goal within the time constraint, they had to cheat even more than Edge had anticipated. On the plus side, avoiding the time-consuming portions allowed the duo to reach the peak mid-afternoon instead of an hour or so later. The last part was a modestly hard climb that Gilda was comfortable with tackling despite its length. It meant that both were panting and sweaty when they topped the rise. However, a strong breeze helped cool them off as they sat on the rocks and admired the view. Edge took a long drink from his water bottle before saying, “This made all the effort worth it.” Gilda nodded. “Although I’m not as keen on this kind of thing as you are, I think I enjoyed it because I did it with you. Your enthusiasm is infectious.” “Well then, we’d better record this moment for posterity.” He took his camera out of its bag. “Let me take a few pictures of you with this vista – one beauty complementing another.” “Shameless flatterer!” Gilda said, giving him a mock punch in the shoulder. Nevertheless, she posed for several pictures, including a couple with him after he set the timer on the camera. As Edge was putting the camera away, Gilda said, “Hey, perv. One more.” Edge looked up to see that griffoness had taken off her halter top. She grinned, hands on her waist. The pegasus matched her smile and took several more shots of her. Gilda then replaced her top and Edge carefully packed the camera. He did not want to lose those photos! {*1} After they had their fill of the view, it was time to head back. “Since we’re running early, I suggest we visit the bathing pools after picking up towels at your camp,” Gilda said as they took wing. “Not a bad idea,” Edge agreed. “And to give us the most time there, let’s pour on the speed.” He pulled in his wings and dived. Gilda squawked and followed suit. “It’s a race, is it? Let me show you who’s queen of these skies!” The steepness of the terrain allowed the pegasus and the griffon to continue to accelerate, only pulling up to level flight as the landscape flattened out. By then, both were traveling at a rate that they could barely control, but neither was willing to ease up and let the other get an advantage. Edge could hear his companion screeching in excitement as they roared over the treetops but he concentrated on just breathing. The catbird had taken the lead! A headwind eventually slowed both to the point where they had to actively pump their wings to maintain their speed. This time, it was the pegasus who had the advantage due to his greater strength. His wings pumped hard to catch up to Gilda who spared a glance back and laughed. The chase continued for several kilometers and it looked like the griffoness would hang onto her lead as Edge’s campsite came into view. However, mere moments before she could have dived and taken the win, she swung around into his path, back-winging, and opened her arms wide. The pegasus could not avoid flying into her embrace. Despite the collision, neither was greatly affected as both avian species were resilient to impact. Instead, Edge lifted an eyebrow in query and Gilda grinned back. “Caught me, pony boy. Now, what are you going to do with me?” she asked coyly. The pegasus understood now. The competitive flight while she was on heat apparently felt much like the previous day’s mating flight. He was lucky she wasn’t ripping another set of clothes off him right now. They settled to the ground and he didn’t waste words on the hen. Instead, he began undoing her halter. This rapidly devolved into each trying to undress the other simultaneously which was both chaotic and fun. However, the griffoness soon had the pegasus on his back and she took up her new favorite position. When the pair were finally done making love, Edge said, “It’s a good thing we’ve decided to visit the pools. We both need a good bath.” “I hope your wings aren’t too tired because I’m not planning on walking there,” Gilda said. “Not a problem, Gil. Grab a towel and let’s go.” Neither bothered to dress, so the naked duo dropped their towels and dived straight into the big pool without coming to a landing first. {*2} After thoroughly washing themselves and cavorting in the water for a while, they moved over to one of the smaller rock pools and relaxed side by side in its warm water, each with a wing around the other. They enjoyed it in companionable silence for a while before Gilda spoke up. “I think I want to do this every day with you.” The griffoness felt the pegasus stiffen and she looked at him with a furrowed brow. “Is something wrong with that?” Edge sighed. “I wanted to bring the subject up sooner, but there never seemed to be a good moment. Gil, I have to leave for home tomorrow.” “What?! Why?” “I’m only on holiday until then. I have to go back to my job. I could only buy all that expensive top-quality camping gear because I work for a living. I can’t afford to extend my vacation despite how much I am enjoying spending it with you.” Gilda’s expression fell. She had blinded herself to that obvious fact. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t told her as much back when they first met. However, they had so readily fallen into a mutually pleasant routine that it seemed like it would never end. But it had to. “I see. It’s my fault for not realizing sooner. I… I’m going to miss you, dweeb.” That last admission made up Edge’s mind. “Why don’t you come home with me? My apartment isn’t fancy, but it does have a spare room, and I reckon I’d enjoy your company. And think of all the weight you’d save by not needing to bring any clothes!” He chuckled at her dark look. “At the very least, you could chase off all those overly persistent mares hounding me.” Gilda couldn’t resist a snort of amusement at that image, but she shook her head sadly. “I’ve already explained why I don’t want to go into pony society. I don’t fit in, Edge.” “How can you be so sure of that, Gil? We two got along well soon after we met. You may have had hard luck and done some dumb things, but we learn from our mistakes and life goes on. Please reconsider my offer.” She turned to face him, glaring. “Do you think I would have set myself up here in the middle of nowhere if I thought I would get a fair deal in places like Ponyville, or Canterlot, or Cloudsdale? I’ve spent time in all three, Edge! You don’t know what it was like for me!” “No, I don’t, but you’re a strong hen, and I’m willing to help you over the rough times. You can’t stay out here forever and think things are going to improve.” “No, they won’t, but I always intended to go back to Griffonstone once Gerard forgot about me and latched onto some other poor hen. The place ain’t great but it’s home.” She surged up out of the water and stepped up onto the rock ledge. She retrieved her towel and began drying herself off. “I’m hungry. Time for dinner.” Edge sighed as he followed suit. It appeared he had been wrong to imagine something more between them. The meal was a quiet affair as neither wanted to broach the subject of Edge’s departure tomorrow. Normally, they spent the time discussing their plans for the next day, but that was pointless now and only reminded them that they would soon be parting. Eventually, Gilda stood up and looked at Edge regretfully. “It’s getting close to sunset. I’d better head off.” Edge nodded. “I’ll drop off the meat you have stored in the locker in the morning.” “Oh. Right. I suppose it’s my turn to make breakfast anyway, so we can do both tomorrow.” “Okay. Sleep well, Gil.” “You too, Edge.” Although that seemed like a lame way to end the day, she could not think of anything else to say right then. So, she spread her wings and headed back to her hut without looking back. Edge watched her leave wistfully before he shook himself. “I’d better clean up and pre-pack what I won’t need in the morning.” He set to work to distract himself from her absence. When he settled down to sleep, he felt the absence of the griffoness beside him. Just one night with her had changed the pegasus, but apparently not for Gilda. He sighed and tried to put her out of his mind but sleep was slow to come. Gilda watched Edge bring his sky cart in for a landing. She had anticipated him spending time to pack up and had prepared breakfast with that in mind. She had a plate ready for him as soon as he had undone the harness. “I made extra in case you need the energy for hauling all that back home,” she said. “Thanks. It’s a long flight to the station and I’ll have to be quick or else I’ll miss my train. They don’t run many services this far out.” He began eating with gusto. Gilda nodded. “Yeah, it was the same when I returned to Griffonstone.” After a long awkward moment, Edge paused. He had to try one more time and he gazed at the griffoness with a pleading expression. “Gil, please come with me. Staying out here by yourself is no way to live.” Gilda folded her arms and looked away. “No, Edge. My mind is made up.” The pegasus cast his eyes down. He hadn’t expected her to agree but it was still disappointing. He concentrated on finishing his meal while Gilda cleared up. Edge handed her his empty plate and then walked over to his cart. He hauled out the food locker and carried it over to the griffon. Gilda said, “Thanks for storing the meat. I suppose I’ll have to try preserving some of it.” Edge shook his head. “No, you won’t. I want you to have the locker. You’re going to need it a whole lot more than I will.” The griffoness gaped. “That… that’s too much. I have a good idea of how much it’s worth.” “Gilda, shut up and take it. I’m not putting it back in the cart.” “I… Thanks, Edge.” Impulsively, she threw her arms around him. He returned the hug before disengaging and walking back to the cart. He harnessed himself before looking back to her. “I don’t usually return to a place where I’ve already camped, but I’ll try to look in on you sometime to see how you’re doing. Goodbye, Gilda. It was truly a pleasure knowing you.” “Same here, dweeb. Have a safe trip.” She watched him take wing and head off in the direction of the distant station. “Goodbye, Cutting Edge,” she said softly. “I wish things could have been different.” Edge made it to the station with about twenty minutes to spare. He loaded his cart into the baggage carriage and then found his seat in the private compartment that he had booked. As the train pulled away from the station, he had a good view of the mountains that surrounded the lake where Gilda resided. He sighed and turned away from the window. The journey took many hours and the pegasus only made it home well after sunset. However, unlike back at the lake, the city had plenty of street lamps to light the way. Taking only his dirty clothes, he stored the cart away until his next trip. He threw the clothes in the wash and made dinner for himself. He hadn’t cooked for just one for several weeks and it seemed strange now. It only emphasized how empty this place was with just him. Perhaps he would need to try his luck again at finding a mare that got him like Gilda had. But that was a project for another time. For tonight, he hung his clothes to dry and headed to bed. He had to get up early to start back at work. “Glad you’re back, Edge,” the forepony said. “We’ve gotten quite a backlog since you’ve been gone. We’ve had to work Saturdays to make up the difference.” “I won’t be going anywhere for a while, and I can do with the extra work. I had a few unexpected expenses on my trip.” “Then you’re going to love the overtime we’ll be putting in for the next big contract that starts in a month.” “I suppose so,” Edge agreed. And maybe it would help distract him from a certain griffon hen that occupied his thoughts incessantly. A couple of weeks after Edge had left, Gilda was feeling thoroughly pleased. Luck had been with her lately and the food locker was filled to capacity with the results of a successful hunt as well as a few fat trout. The remainder of the pony food that was in there had been consumed over the past few days, and there had been one last bottle of beer which she drank in celebration. However, the next day, the griffoness realized she had absolutely nothing to do now that all her needs were covered. After some consideration, she made a decision. “I’m going on a hike.” It was not the last. The pleasant weather that Gilda and Edge had enjoyed finally started to turn cool a month after his departure. The griffoness was not uncomfortable yet, but she knew this mountainous region not only got very cold but also snowed quite regularly. Her hut’s insulation had been fine so far, but she knew that would change. She set to work remedying that problem. With the luxury of free time due to an assured food supply for the moment, she planned carefully how to add a fireplace to the hut. She had a good idea of how they were built because her home in Griffonstone had one, just like every other griff’s. The challenge was to find suitable stones to build it. It took her longer than anticipated but eventually she had replaced part of the back wall with a conical teepee structure which she hoped was ventilated properly. She did not want to choke on smoke in her attempts to keep warm! It proved a success, and a strategically positioned thick branch let her hang a pot over it so she could make coffee if she wished. She was all set! She was miserable. Three weeks after completing her fireplace, an early snowfall had confined her to the hut. That would not have been so bad but the nausea that had been plaguing her lately was making everything harder. Worse yet, she knew she could have been in the comfort of a pony home in the company of a stallion she could not get off her mind. She angrily sharpened her talons with a file, sure that she had blown her chance. She was certain now that he was the right mate for her, but what stallion would respect a hen that crawled back to him exactly the way Gerard expected her to? Especially after she had twice rebuffed his offer. Her stomach suddenly churned and she threw up. She grabbed a cloth to wipe the bile from her beak, then used it to clean up the mess while angrily chiding herself for getting so worked up over Edge. “Enough of this! I’m going hunting.” She grabbed her coat, pushed aside the deerskin door flap that kept out the weather, and took to the sky. Edge lay in the bathtub, water just below his nostrils, letting the warmth soothe his tired body. The six-day work weeks were exhausting, but at least he could sleep in tomorrow. Then he’d have to find something else to occupy his mind. He did not want to go out. Trying to get back into the dating scene was a disaster. On top of the usual annoying traits of the borderline desperate mares, he found himself inevitably comparing them to Gilda. He sighed, blowing soapy bubbles. He had to face it – he was hopelessly smitten with the catbird. He had to go back to the lake. “Sorry. No can do, Edge.” “But I need to go, boss.” “You have my sympathy but we can’t spare you at the moment. We’ve got a hard deadline with this contract and even a few days off could cause us to miss it. … Look … I know how much extra time you put in to get Staunch Legion up to speed as your apprentice, just so you could spend the time off … that I agree you’ve fully earned! It’s just plain rotten luck that he got called back to active duty when his old platoon leader got his wing shorn off in a training accident.” Edge sighed. “Yeah, I know. Needs of Equestria and all that.” “Sorry, mate. No one in the shop can program the CNC machines or maintain them when they go down.” “What about a new apprentice? How about Pummeling Blow?” That earned him a snort. “I’ll tell you what. I’ll keep an eye out for a good candidate for you to train.” “Again.” “Yeah, again. And it won’t be Pummeling. You’ll need a pupil that can a least spell ‘CNC’.” Edge’s shoulders slumped. He was stuck. The only way he could go now would be to resign, but he loved his job and the company was a good one. They did not deserve him running off, no matter how worthy the reason. If only he had discussed with Gilda the idea of coming home with him that morning in the tent. He might have been able to convince her over the rest of the day. Better yet, suggested it days earlier. Now, he had to live with that mistake. “Okay. I’d better get back to work. Thanks for listening.” Gabby put on her best serious face and looked Gilda in the eyes. “Face it – you’re pregnant.” Gilda stumbled to a nearby log and sat down. “But… how?” “Well, duh – you had sex with Edge.” “But ponies and griffons can’t interbreed!” “Apparently they can.” Gilda gave her sister a hard look. “Did you know that?” Gabby shook her head. “Nope, but I wouldn’t have assumed that we couldn’t.” Gilda groaned, leaned back and slid off the log. She lay on the ground, staring at the sky. “I’m such an idiot.” “The only idiotic thing would be staying here and not going to Edge. You know you want to.” “I don’t know where he lives!” Gilda wailed. Gabby gave her a flat look. “Are you telling me that in all the time you spent with Edge, he never told you about his hometown?” “No! Or at least I don’t remember. It just wasn’t important at the time.” “No landmarks he might have mentioned?” “Again, I don’t remember. Funny thing – he was always more interested in me, always asking stuff about me. If I hadn’t been so dense, I would have seen that he was courting me. It was so different from the way griffons do things that I dismissed it as mere curiosity. I should have known better. From the day we met, he treated me better than I deserved. Hell! Even when I went into heat, I practically had to throw myself at him before he would do anything that he felt I might regret.” “Gil, I have to say that not going with him has to be the most boneheaded thing you’ve ever done, and you’ve done plenty.” Normally, Gilda would argue with her sister about her opinion, but this time she was right. Devastatingly so. “Gabby, do me a favor?” “Sure thing, sis.” “Keep your ears and eyes open for any hint of Cutting Edge during your travels.” “That’s a slim hope, Gil.” “I know. Almost as bad as hoping to see him fly in with his cart again someday.” “I wouldn’t give up on him so easily.” Gilda snorted. “When have I ever got it right, Gab?” The weeks went by without hearing any good news from her sister. The morning sickness wasn’t the only obvious symptom of her pregnancy now. Gilda’s belly bulge was definitely noticeable. She did not look forward to the further problems gestating a cub were going to bring. She was already eating enough for two, and the winter had made hunting difficult. And if it came to the worst, Celestia knows what she would need to do to cope with being a single parent! Maybe it was time to swallow her pride and return to Griffonstone? Six months! Nearly twenty-seven weeks since Edge left Gilda by the lake, but at last he had the opportunity to go back. The big contract was finally completed with a day to spare and his boss called him into the office that afternoon. “We’ve got another huge job just come in, Edge.” The earth pony manager held up a hand to forestall the pegasus’ objections. “But I know you’ll blow a gasket if you don’t go visit your girlfriend, so I’m giving you three days off. That plus the weekend should be enough to find out if it’s true love. Now, get the hell out of here!” “Thanks, boss!” Edge called back over his shoulder as he was already halfway out of the office. The stallion chuckled. He looked forward to meeting the griffoness that had his best employee so twitterpated. When Cutting Edge arrived at the lake, he headed directly for Gilda’s camp – if she hadn’t abandoned it. He saw the expanded hut but no obvious sign that she was present as he came in for a landing with his sky cart. Shrugging out of the harness, he called out to the griffoness. “Gilda! Gilda! Are you here?!” There was a squawk from within the hut and a moment later, a feathered head peered out from the door flap. Edge’s relief was palpable. Gilda was still there and safe. “Sorry it took me so long to come back for a vis—OOF!” The griffoness practically teleported across the intervening gap and embraced the pegasus fiercely. “You came back! You actually came back!” she sobbed. Edge hugged her with one arm while rubbing her soothingly between the wings with the other. “I wanted to return sooner but I couldn’t. But I had you on my mind every single day, Gil. I’ve come here for you, and this time when I return home, I won’t accept you not coming with me.” Gilda pulled away from him slightly and he could see the tears streaming down her face. “I won’t, Edge. Not without you accepting what you are to me. First, you need to know something.” She stepped back and gestured toward her bare midriff. Edge got a good look at her and saw her obviously swollen belly. For the first time, he had a dash of nerves. “I notice that you managed to find an acceptable griffon mate after all.” Gilda punched him in the arm. “No, dweeb!” I haven’t had sex with anyone since you left. This cub is yours.” Edge blinked. “But… you said that ponies can’t get griffons pregnant.” “I know what I said, but…” She gestured again at her belly. “Huh. So, I’m going to be a dad. How about that?” Edge said in a daze. Gilda took his shoulders in her hands and drew his attention back to her face. “Not without some commitment. Cutting Edge – will you take me as your mate?” Edge looked into her eyes seeing both hope and fear, and his heart melted. “Gilda, you’re already my soulmate. I merely hoped to bring you home with me and try to convince you to be my marefriend. But I see that you’ve already decided that I’m the one for you. When we get back home, I’m going to buy a ring and ask you to marry me.” Gilda gaped. “You’d do that? Yes! A hundred times yes!” She began nuzzling him enthusiastically. Edge laughed with joy and then kissed her long and thoroughly. At last, they pulled apart. Ignoring her gorgeous boobs and their pert nipples poking the material of her halter, the pegasus’ gaze shifted down to her midriff. “Gil, turn around, will you?” The griffoness did so and Edge reached around her body to cradle her pregnant belly. “I love you, Gilda Griffon. We three are going to be the happiest mixed-race family in town.” Gilda smiled in joy. “Y’know, I believe you, my beloved.” # # # # # # # # # > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gilda reluctantly pulled away from Edge’s embrace, took his hand in hers, and guided him toward the hut. “Let me show you the improvements I’ve made.” The pegasus raised an eyebrow. “That’s what you want to talk about now? I thought we… oh… right.” He saw the griffon’s mischievous smile and caught on. Architectural critique wasn’t on the menu… he was! The two made love that was all the more passionate for having been parted for so long. With due care for her pregnant belly, they revisited the heights of ecstasy that had been their first time together. When finally sated, they lay in each other’s embrace, content to be with their beloved. They might have stayed like that for a lot longer except that a loud rumble from Edge’s stomach broke the mood. Gilda chuckled. “Hungry much?” “Starving,” he admitted. “I haven’t eaten since the buffet car on the train, then I had the long flight here and some rather enjoyable exercise with a certain someone. I’ve worked up quite an appetite.” Gilda rose onto her paws. “Then, I suggest that we wash and make dinner. We can catch up meanwhile.” She pushed aside the door flap and exited the hut, waving her tail at him. Edge grinned and followed. They bathed in the lake, the cold water quenching any desire for further shenanigans, although it did not prevent some admiring glances between the two. They quickly emerged and toweled off, but neither bothered to dress yet, electing to let their fur dry more first. At least, that was their excuse. Gilda’s campfire had been banked, so it did not take long to stoke it back up. She pulled several fish out of the food locker which she gave to Edge to prepare and fry. Meanwhile, she whipped up some batter and chopped some local plants to make vegetable pancakes, adding a few spices that the pegasus provided upon request. Edge was impressed by the result and complimented her on the creation. “Thanks. I’ve learned a lot about what’s good to eat around here. Adding the vegetables also stretched out my flour supply. That’s almost the last of it. Gabby isn’t due to bring me more for a couple of weeks.” “Did you ever do the trading that you planned back then?” “The pelts that I send back with my sister? Kind of. I admit that I was overconfident. I barely scrape together enough to pay for the supplies that Gabby brings me. Actually, I think she’s giving more than they’re worth.” “You have a great sister, Gil.” “Yeah, I know. She’s the one that made me face the fact that I was pregnant. I was in denial until then.” “It must have come as a shock. We’re going to have to visit a doctor to give you a checkup and find out how it was possible.” “Now that I have you back, I’m glad that it happened. It might not be the reason why I fell in love with you, but it shows we’re even more compatible than I first thought.” “I look forward to being a dad.” Edge chuckled. “There are going to be a lot of disappointed mares back home.” Gilda smirked as her eyes wandered over the handsome stallion. “I look forward to sending them on their way. You’re mine!” Edge returned the frank appraisal. “I will only have eyes for you, Gil.” The mutual admiration continued for a long moment before Edge spoke up again. “So, what have you been doing besides just surviving these past six months?” Gilda had a lot to tell which she did while they cleared up after the meal. She showed the improvements she had made to the hut and campsite and told him of the exploring she had done in the times when she had been free from the need to hunt or fish. He, in turn, told her about his frustrations back home, and how he had not been able to get her off his mind. They were conversing when they retired for the night. “When do you have to go back?” Gilda asked, wondering if that would be the final night spent in the hut. “I have a couple of days to spare. Because I don’t want to rush things when we get home, I’m thinking of taking only tomorrow off to relax and head back first thing the next day. That’ll give me the chance to get you settled in before I have to go back to work.” Gilda nodded. “That works for me. I get to have a stress-free day with you before my life changes for good. Besides, I have someplace I’d like to show you before we leave.” “Oh? What’s that?” “Not saying, but I think you’ll love it.” “Considering how you felt about hiking when we first met, it’s great to see that you haven’t lost your enthusiasm for discovering things.” “A lot of things have changed about me since we met, and much for the better. Thanks for coming into my life, pervy dweeb.” “The feeling is mutual, sexy bird.” They kissed before settling down to sleep, the griffon’s arm and wing wrapped around her mate possessively. The pair got up at dawn and prepared breakfast from Edge’s supplies including, to Gilda’s delight, bacon. “A bribe,” Edge said with a grin. “Just in case you needed more encouragement.” “You should have led with that,” Gilda replied with a laugh. “Seriously, though, how did you get hold of that in your rush to travel here?” “You won’t be the only carnivore species in town. There’s a butcher shop serving their needs and, by luck, it was on the route to the station. I ducked in there on a whim. The Abyssinian owner was surprised to have a pegasus customer but was happy to suggest the bacon.” “Huh! I never thought about those cats making their homes in Equestria, but at least I won’t have to worry about a meat supply.” “And I promise to get used to the smell of cooking meat,” Edge said as he watched Gilda putting several slices into a frypan. “Just you wait, Cutting Edge. I’m going to cook you something when we get to your place that will convert you. Bacon is awesome.” The pegasus gave her a half-smile. “I’m not so sure about that, but if anyone can convince me, I bet you will.” Edge stuck to making an omelet for himself and both washed their meals down with coffee. After clearing up, they prepared themselves for their hike. “Lead on,” Edge told the griffoness. Gilda led them up a game path into the foothills. After an hour and a half, the forest abruptly opened up to reveal a massive hole in the ground. Edge estimated it to be fifty meters across with steep sides dropping down to a rocky floor about twenty meters below. The bottom was well-vegetated and he could hear water running. He took wing and flew into the depression. “I think I know what this is,” Edge said. “This was once a cave and the roof collapsed into it. See there?” He pointed at a stream that was pouring out of a crevice in one wall, flowed to the other side, and disappeared once more into a large hole. “That underground stream carved it out but a weakness in the rock structure caused the roof to break and fall in. Judging by how it looks, it must have been a long time ago. It’s very beautiful and impressive.” He pulled out his camera to take some pictures. “I knew you’d like it. Funny thing – from the air, it’s hardly noticeable. The vegetation blends in well. Only when the sun shines at an angle on the cliff sides does it catch the eye.” “Have you tried exploring down that hole and seeing if there’s more cave further down?” Gilda shuddered. “No way! I’m not going anywhere surrounded by tons of rock, especially if it could collapse like this did.” “I’m in agreement with you this time,” Edge with a grimace. I’ll leave that to those who like that kind of thing. However, if the geology allows for the formation of a large cave, that implies the strong possibility of more. I’ll have to pass the word on to any interested parties. I bet that will bring in lots of explorers.” He continued taking photos. “That’s a little sad,” Gilda said. “I liked the idea of this being our secret place.” Edge turned to reply, only to find the griffoness posing nude upon a boulder. He grinned and obliged with several shots. Gilda emphasized her belly bulge in a couple of them. They eventually flew out of the sinkhole and resumed their hike. Gilda led Edge to some interesting sights that she had found over the past several months such as a long crevasse, ferny waterfalls, and several exceptionally tall trees. While they did pause for a lunch break, both were very hungry by the time they returned to the campsite. After dinner and everything was cleaned up, Gilda stoked the fire and put the hot water bladder into it to heat up. Edge had acquired a new one and it joined the first. Then the two made love while the water warmed. They had a shower together to clean up – fortunately, the lovers had double the water to double their time – and then went to sleep. They needed to make an early start tomorrow. Edge set an alarm to ensure they woke as soon as it was light. While he had not needed to make use of much of the gear that he brought along, Gilda’s possessions were another matter. As soon as they had completed breakfast, they packed all her cooking equipment and other items she accumulated over the months. The food locker also was a welcome return. “Didn’t think you’d get that back, did you?” Gilda commented. “Nope,” Edge agreed. “However, I did not regret giving it to you for one second.” The one item that the pegasus had given to the griffon that stayed was the tarpaulin that protected the hut. “It’s so much part of the structure now, it really isn’t worth the effort to salvage it,” Edge decided. “Besides, if we make sure to close the hut up well, it should remain a useful shelter for a long time. We could use it again in the future.” “I thought you said that you never returned to places you visited before, barring this one exception,” Gilda added. “True, but I’ve decided I like this area a lot, and I have some great memories made here. What about you?” “Well, I can’t say that some of the past few months were fun, but the highlights – wow! Yeah, I can see us coming back here occasionally.” Edge nodded. “Then, if that’s everything, let’s tie down the load and get going. The train’s not going to wait for us!” “You do that. I’ve gotta leave a note for Gabby. She’s going to wonder what happened to me otherwise.” “Good idea. You can add my address so she can find us again.” With those tasks done, the pair took off and winged toward the distant station, carrying away some beautiful memories. Edge booked a private compartment for them, and they spent the long journey cuddling, talking, making love, and napping. They only left to visit the dining car before returning to do more of the same. The train arrived at their destination late in the evening and the pair made their way to Edge’s apartment complex. Upon arrival at the garage, Gilda took only what she thought she immediately needed from the cart while the pegasus lifted out the food locker before storing the rest. He then led his mate to his apartment and opened the door with a flourish. “Welcome to your new abode, my dear.” Gilda strode inside and dropped her bags. Looking around, she realized that it was fairly basic, but compared to her old home in Griffonstone, it was luxurious. She hadn’t been interested in the finery she had seen in Canterlot, so this was more than she had ever dreamed of possessing. “You never told me you live in a palace,” Gilda said with a grin. “Yup. A pity it’s the servants’ month off. The chef too. I’m afraid you’re going to have to do some cooking.” “Ha! Good thing I have a locker full of meat then.” “The kitchen is through that door. You can drop off your cooking gear in there. I’ll take the rest of your stuff into the bedroom. Don’t worry about the food locker. We can deal with that tomorrow.” “Want me to make us a snack?” Gilda asked as she headed to the kitchen. “Sounds good,” Edge called back. “I’ll start coffee in a moment.” Gilda checked out the contents of the fridge and took out several items to make sandwiches. “Where’s your bread?” she called out as she placed them on the bench. “Top row of cupboards is the pantry,” the pegasus replied as he returned. “Bread is in the left one.” The griffoness quickly found the loaf of bread which was as fresh as it was when put in the cupboard. The magic stasis spell on it was similar to the one on the food locker and was why the fridge did not need to be large. Food that had been chilled in there could be moved to the pantry for long-term storage and would stay cool and fresh indefinitely in the stasis. Gilda knew enchanted items like that were common in pony homes, but Griffonstone was completely devoid of them. She was enormously grateful that Edge had left her the locker as she would never have been able to lay her talons on one otherwise. The coffee pot beeped soon after Gilda finished the sandwiches. The two sat down at the table to enjoy them at leisure. Edge grinned at Gilda. “It doesn’t feel quite real yet, does it?” Gilda chuckled. “Nope. So much has happened in so short a time, and all of it seems like a dream still.” “Well, we both woke up this morning, so it’s no dream. We’ll have a few reality checks, I’m sure, but we’ll deal with them as they come up. Firstly, we’ll go to see a doctor, have you and the baby checked, and hopefully get an explanation why you’re pregnant.” “Yeah, I’d like to get those things off my mind.” Then she yawned mightily. “Right now though, I’m more interested in sleep.” “I agree. It’s been a long day. Go ahead and use the facilities while I clean up.” “Thanks. I won’t be long.” Gilda emptied her bladder while she admired the shower, promising herself a long soak under it in the morning. The bed looked amazing and she wasted no time in shedding her clothes and climbing in. She pulled a blanket only halfway up, posed herself, and waited to see Edge’s reaction. The pegasus walked in only moments later to find that the griffoness had already passed out. He paused to admire his beautiful sexy hen before using the bathroom and joining her in bed. He put an arm around his mate and quickly joined her in slumber. Gilda was the first to wake but she was content to lie in the embrace of her partner. Only now that she had left the lake behind did she dare believe that her fortunes had turned around. She was not so starry-eyed that she thought that all her troubles were behind her, but she had her beloved mate, a new home, and a child to look forward to bringing into the world. Right now, all was right with the world. The griffoness basked in the warmth of both the bed and the relationship for another ten minutes or so before Edge began to stir. “Morning, perv,” Gilda murmured as the pegasus’ eyes fluttered open. “Morning, boobalicious,” he replied with a grin. “How’d you sleep?” “Like the weight of the world was taken off my shoulders and I could finally rest.” Edge chuckled. “You must have zonked out the moment you hit the sheets.” “Pretty much, I guess. Did you at least like the view?” “Loved it, pretty bird. Thanks.” He kissed her on the cheek, then pulled back the blanket and leaned over to kiss her on the belly. “And I hope our child appreciated their first night in their home.” Gilda giggled. “They didn’t bother me all night, so that’s a yes.” Edge smiled. “Good. Now that we’re all awake, what do you want to do?” “Well, as much as I’d like to ravage you right now, I need to get a few things done. You have to go back to work tomorrow, right?” At his confirming nod, she continued. “Besides finishing unpacking and putting stuff away, we have to arrange a visit to a doctor and shop for a few basics for myself. Also, I’d like to get familiar with the territory while we’re at it.” “Makes sense. Anything else?” “Yeah. A long hot shower. I call first dibs!” She scrambled out of the bed and headed for the bathroom. Edge smirked. “Did you notice that the shower stall is big enough for two?” The joyful laugh that came back answered that question. They shared the breakfast duties before they began their other tasks. Gilda obviously did not have many possessions yet but the wardrobe still required some rearranging and leaving space for future acquisitions. That done, they set out together for the center of town. They flew there, gaining stares from several pegasi in passing but nothing else. Edge took her to a clinic that he had used previously and, after confirming that the staff could deal with a griffon, made an appointment with a doctor. Because it was not for another couple of hours though, they left to do some shopping. Gilda’s first priority was several items for the bathroom. Then they stocked up on food, especially some more palatable to the griffon. She did insist on lots of baking supplies though. Then there was a stop at a locksmith to get a duplicate made of the apartment key for the griffoness. The next stop almost brought tears to Gilda’s eyes. As he had promised, Edge took her into a jeweler’s shop to buy her a ring. The stallion owner, Gleaming Gem, was too professional to be disconcerted by the odd couple and was more than helpful when Gilda was unsure what she would like. When she showed little interest in the fancy gems, he suggested something more representative of their mutual love. He brought out a small box which he opened to reveal a pair of golden rings with a single pink diamond embedded in each of them. Curiously, they were firmly separated by a raised wall of the material in which they were embedded, ensuring they would never touch. “These are no ordinary rings,” Gleaming explained. “They have been enchanted to fit perfectly on any finger, but their main feature is only revealed when joined by true love.” Gilda tilted her head and frowned, suspicious of such an outlandish claim. “How do they do that?” “These are Crystal Empire Cadance Rings. Designed by the Princess of Love herself in conjunction with the Empire’s finest craftponies, when worn by a couple and brought into contact, their enchantment reveals the depth of the love each has for the other. But, be warned! If your feelings are not true, that will be revealed also.” Gleaming was reluctant to show these rings to just any couple who entered his store. The spell was a once off, rendering the bands little more than common bling if the love connection was not made. However, he was a good judge of character, and while he had never encountered a griffon-pony couple before, the way they behaved made him reasonably sure he was correct. Gilda slowly nodded and turned to Edge. “I know that you promised to buy a ring for just me, but what do you think of those?” “If you like them, I would be proud to show my bond with you.” Gilda made up her mind. “We’d like to try them, please.” “Ma’am, there is no ‘try’ with these rings. The nature of the enchantment means that you must commit to buy them, regardless of the result. Are you absolutely certain that you truly love each other?” The griffoness faced the pegasus once more. “Yes,” she said simply. “Yes,” Edge echoed. Gleaming smiled gravely and quoted the price which Edge accepted without hesitation, although it cost nearly every bit he had brought with him. Then, the pegasus took one of the rings and passed the box to the griffoness who took the other. Edge said, “Gilda, as I told you back at the lake, I love you with all my heart. Will you marry me?” Gilda replied, “I love you too, Cutting Edge. It will be with great joy that I will marry you.” As Gilda held out her hand, Edge slipped the ring over her talon to settle snugly in place on the finger, the sizing spell working perfectly. The griffoness did the same for him. Then they held their hands up and clasped them together, and the rings touched at last. For both, there was a blinding flash and, for a long moment, they seemed to be gazing into each other’s souls. There, they felt the depth of love and commitment that had bound them together, and it left them overflowing with joy. The spell ended, leaving them staring at each other in wonder. Then they embraced, he kissing her enthusiastically while she hugged and nuzzled him ecstatically. Gleaming Gem smiled in satisfaction and turned away to give them a semblance of privacy. They were not the first to propose in his shop, but they were certainly among the most demonstrative of their commitment to each other. The time for the doctor’s appointment was close, so the couple made their way in the clinic’s direction. They walked arm-in-arm, the subject of a wedding the topic most on their minds. “So, do you want to do something fancy, or will we visit a Justice of the Court for a strictly legal ceremony?” Edge asked. Gilda sighed. “Face it, Edge – who do I know that will come to a formal wedding? Besides Gabby, I mean. And if your entire family turns up and there’s no one but her, what will that look like to them?” “Fair point. Of course, we can always do something later when your social situation has improved, if you want to.” “Eh. Griffs aren’t big on that kind of thing anyway. They cost too much.” “Right. The infamous bit-pinchers. We’ll leave that option open then. See what the future brings. Meanwhile, we can make a Court appointment to formalize our mating.” “Sounds good. The sooner the better. I wanna be able to point to you and say, ‘That sexy stallion is my husband’.” Edge chuckled. “I think they’ll be able to tell by the way I can’t keep my hands off that gorgeous hen.” And if the expressions on the faces of passing ponies were any indication, he was quite correct. As is typical for a doctor’s appointment, they were kept waiting many minutes beyond the designated time. Eventually, a unicorn mare in a white coat came out of one of the doors and called Gilda’s name. Both of them got up to go into the doctor’s office, but the mare held them up. “This appointment was for Ms. Gilda Griffon. May I ask why you are accompanying her?” she asked Edge. Gilda answered instead. “I know the appointment is for a major check-up for me, but there’s one question that involves both of us that we’d like answered first, if possible?” The mare looked between them, considering, then nodded. “I’ll let you ask and, if I deem it appropriate, I will answer it for you both. If not, I will ask you to leave, sir.” “That’s acceptable,” Edge replied. The doctor ushered them into her office, closed the door, and then sat at her desk. “My name is Doctor Positive Diagnosis. What did you wish to ask?” Gilda gestured toward her belly. “As you can see, I’m pregnant. My fiancé, Cutting Edge, is the sire. We believed that it is impossible for a pony to get a griffon pregnant, or vice versa. Can you explain why we’re wrong?” The doctor looked at Edge and smiled slightly. “Fiancé? Good. The answer is – you’re not wrong… usually.” “Usually?” both echoed. “Have either of you heard of hippogriffs? No? They’re not well known around here. Even less so in Griffonstone which I’m guessing is where you’re from, Gilda, judging by your accent.” “I am,” she confirmed. “Very well, I will tell you what is known about them and their relevance to you two. Please bear in mind that the events occurred a very long time ago, well before Princess Celestia herself was born. Many details have been lost to time and the rest were reconstructed by researchers from old records and hearsay.” “Understood,” Edge said. “Far to the south of Equestria, beyond the Bone-Dry Desert and all the way to the coast, there once was established a small colony of ponies disaffected by the fighting between the tribes. These ponies had made peace, so it had a fairly even mix of unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies, which meant they possessed the mixture of skills and talents necessary for a budding colony. What they did not have were great numbers. That meant that it only took a few generations before every pony was related to every other pony to some degree, and that does not make for a viable long-term future for the colony. However, they did have one option.” Gilda said, “I’m going to go out on a limb here and say griffons?” Dr. Diagnosis nodded. “By good fortune, a group of griffons similarly disaffected by internecine conflict between the griffon clans had sought to make a new start far from all the fighting. Coincidentally, they ended up in the same area as the pony colony. While there was a lot of initial suspicion, eventually they worked out a peaceful and mutually beneficial arrangement, merging with the town’s population. It was to the griffons that the ponies started looking for mates.” “But that doesn’t explain how we can interbreed.” The doctor sighed impatiently. “I know, and it frustrates everypony that there is no clear answer. Oral history suggests that there was some major magical event that made every member of that colony fully able to breed with the other race. Some claim it was an act of Harmony. Others say that a unicorn wizard devised a powerful spell. Still others suggest that it was a joke on the part of Discord. The only thing we know for sure was that suddenly, mares and hens became pregnant and hippogriffs were born. Those are a hybrid species, if you haven’t guessed by now.” The mare rummaged in her desk drawer and pulled out a file. From it, she withdrew a photograph which she showed to the couple. “This is a typical hippogriff mare. As you can see, the hindquarters are equine while the forequarters are generally griffish, despite having ears and a different build. The males are a bit bigger. Anyway, between births from both ponies and griffons, the colony had sufficient numbers to thrive. All subsequent births were hippogriffs and eventually, the griffons and ponies aged out, leaving just the new species. The hippogriffs bred true, and now you will find them in their home city on Mount Aris. And that’s how things would still stand if it wasn’t for the adventurous among them leaving to explore other lands. They ended up in both Equestria and Griffonstone, found mates, and had children. Yes, they were still compatible with both species, but due to the gene’s recessive nature, all the births resulted in the child being of the non-hippogriff’s race. Nevertheless, the trait could be passed on. Future pairings of ponies or griffons bearing the hippogriff gene can still breed with the other race. And since this has been going on for literally centuries, a small but significant portion of both populations have that gene.” Gilda clapped her hands. “So, either I or Edge has that hippogriff gene!” “Correct. Or both of you. It’s rarer still for that to happen, but not unknown.” Edge frowned and gave the doctor a sharp look. “How would you know if it did? What would be different about it?” The mare smiled. “Then, you would be expecting a hippogriff foal.” Gilda looked at Edge, beak and eyes open wide. “Do you think…?” Edge shrugged. “Is there any way we can tell, Doctor?” “If the mother desires, we can test for that. And now that I have answered your questions to the best of my ability, I must ask you to leave so that I can conduct the examination of your mate.” “Okay. Thanks, Doctor.” Edge began to leave. “Oh! And I will be billing you for a separate consultation, Mr. Edge.” “Fair enough, Doctor. I’ll be waiting for you, Gil.” The unicorn turned to the griffon. “Let’s get started with the basics….” # # # # # # # # #