> Symbiote Saga: What if...? > by TheRayH > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Twilight's Mind Breaker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It finally happened, Twilight created the perfect living healing being, it took her several months of researchs and fails but for her peace it worked and didn't ended up with a liquid thing that could be perfect as a top for a rich table dinner. The colour of the creature she created was close to black with a little bit of blueish tones under the light; the goal of the creature is heal injuries in ways that a human couldn't be able to heal at all because of how impossible could it be to reach that injury. Earlier that day Twilight also had a visit from Sunset, who was a little worried about a programming test she will have next week but Twilight couldn't focus completely on the conversation, her mind was going mostly to think if her experiment would work correctly, there was only one way to find out. When Sunset leaved the house, Twilight went straight to her lab and looked at the container with the creature."Well hello again, you're such a cute little goo now, are you?" She spoke to it, like it was her own child, she had a wide smile that run from one cheek to another. "You seem to actually be a good creation, i should put you to test" Twilight had a slight cut on her wrist, she accidentally got cut a piece of paper that she forgot it was there enough to make her notice that she did got cut, but there was no blood. With a small suctioner, Twilight took a bit of the gooey creature and placed it on top of the little wound; she felt a slight tingle and after retreating the goo with the suctioner she didn't saw the cut, it got healed and then another cheeck to cheek smile. "YES! It works! You're going to be great and we will have a lot of things to discover" She said with a lot of happy feelings running on her body, counting as well little hops; leaving the suck device aside of the container and headed straight to the shower, it's been a long day and she's all sweaty, so she just leaved the lab. The goo did worked, Twilight did expected it to fail again and had to throw it again but lucky for her it worked well... maybe a bit too well; while she was taking the shower the goo creature escaped the sucking device but it was not whole as the rest was still inside the container, crawling it got closer to what got the rest of it contained and with a bit of struggle it opened and they've became one again, moving slowly but not stopping at all, as it was a semi-liquid creature it was able to slip behind doors and also climb up walls as it also was sticky; it appeared that it was sentient so it preffered to move on the dark areas of the house to not be seen although it could be heard moving around as it sounds like a slimey yogurt being removed by a spoon. Soon it reached the upper floor and catched Twilight stepping out of the shower with barely any clothes on top aside from a white shirt and a bright red thong, despite having no eyes it had a great vision and also a strong sense of smell; she looked clean but there was another smell, one that made the goo squirm around itself... the smell of arousal. Twilight walked inside her room and fell flat on her back on the mattress with her eyes slightly closed as her mind was a bit drowned into the recent pleasure she just had with the stream of the shower hitting her body, she felt like being on a cloud so she fell asleep in a matter of seconds with the most soft breathing she could ever do. With the coast clear, the goo approached its creator slowly so it's crawling sound couldn't wake her up until it was close to her, stretching itself up it clinged to Twilight's toe and the started to cover her whole feet making it look like a sock, the warm touch of the scientist woman was more than enough to make that goo grow up on her leg, the slimy sounds were intesifying as they kept growing on her and reaching her crotch area and making it's way inside Twilight's pussy, just ignoring the thong above it like it doesn't exist. The feeling of that thing crawling on her body jumped inside the dream she was having. "Mmm... Sunset..." She mumbled while still dreaming, all she was dreaming about was her surrounded by a large group of Sunsets touching her all over the body and one of them playing with her soaking wet pussy and then her butthole... in the real world it was that thing, it was invading all her holes and perfectly taking the shape of her body. "Yes... keep touching me Sunset" she mumbled again, that was being the best dream she had in ages; maybe too good, so then she slowly opened her eyes, but she couldn't move, all she could move were her head to look down at her body. "What in the f...!" She saw that her creation grew to cover almost her whole body, she was scared but it felt like that growing slimey body had a aphrodisiatic effect on her, she was enjoying that feeling, was it that good? Indeed it was, Twilight couldn't handle it and started moaning opening her mouth, giving that thing free way inside of her and with a blink of her eyes she saw how it got closer to her mouth until she felt how it was crawling inside of her clinging to her teeth and making her taste it... she couldn't say how it tasted but it was making her mind go blank as it still was making its way inside Twilight's throat, making her gag and she could feel like she could throw up but nothing happened. It was covering now all of her body except her head, that it was taking longer, she then felt something snapping her brain. "Submit... let us be in charge" Something spoke into her mind, it had a male and female voice mixed, Twilight's eyes were rolled up blank, her body felt like she just had sex a thousand times in about a minute. "N-no..." She tried to fight, but the feeling of her body was just perfect and her mind couldn't think on something else but all the pleasure. "I must... i must...." and then, her whole body relaxed and a wide smile, creepy looking formed on her face. "I must feel this fucking good... make me yours!" She implied, she begged, it was absolutely that thing, it broke her completely to the point of wanting to be just it's mere puppet. "Wise choice" It spoke before continuing to spread on her, covering her whole face. Wide white eyes shown and sharp teeth were also in sight, her tongue now was inhumanly long and was able to be as long as it wanted. "Oh my... how much retained lust we have" it spoke with Twilight's voice and moved her body, as it was no longer Twilight's; it's now property of that creature, while the scientist is just there... having her mind fludded with constant lewd fantasies that normal humans wouldn't be able to do. "We think it's also wise to have some fun with this new body of ours" It spoke again between hissing sounds, slowly caresing the hands all over the body and then inserting a finger in its new pussy, then two fingers, soon it had it's whole fist inside masturbating the new body that was way too sensitive to lustful moves like that. Squirtings made her bedsheets a mess, not stopping at all, human limits? That thing didn't knew they existed as it could make them non existent at all. About a Week Later... Sunset is arriving at Twilight's house, it's been a week since she last saw her due to her programming tests that she nailed perfectly with a perfect score, she was ready to become a game designer and so wanted to tell Twilight but she was a little lost for a week and was a little worried. When she arrived she knocked at the door, she had to wait a few minutes before Twilight opened just wearing a black shirt and her hair untied, ; a look that made Sunset blush instantly. "Twilight! Hey, you've been... lost for a week. I have something to tell you" Susnet then snaped back to reality smiling widely, while getting a cute glace from Twilight. "I have passed all the programming tests with a pefect score!" She yelled giving small hops, Twilight's eyes looking at how Sunset's boobs and ass bounced with such movemente, then a slight evil grinn showed up that Sunset did not see at all. "Sunset... i'm so happy for you!" She jumped into Sunset's arms and kissed her in the lips sliding her tongue inside; Sunset could feel that for some reason that tongue was way more slippery than it should and a bit more meaty but... that kiss was so arousing, she didn't knew Twilight was such a good kisser. Then both girls stopped kissing, a trail of saliva connected both their mouths and Sunset had an even darker shade of blush across her cheeks, Twilight gave Sunset the most inviting bedroom eyes to ever be seen but that wasn't Twilight's invitation... it was the creature's inside her body. "Why don't you come in and we celebrate it a little bit more... intimately?" It said, Sunset was aroused and deeply blushed towards that flirty attitude Twilight has, Sunset could tell that something was off and she even would say that Twilight did had sharper teeth at some point; but it was all about the smell and that kiss that dragged her into the danger of a scientist that got her mind broken by the pleasure. > Chapter 2: Celestial Desire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As principal, she has to make sure that the shool building is used correctly by all students; Celestia is always seen as a very respected authoritative figure and others see her ad the figure of their dreams in more than one way possible. What they don't know is that Celestia has other desires, another one who she thinks all day and night even knowing that it was wrong and shouldn't be feeling that way... she loves Luna, the vice-principal and her sister, she does really love her but knows she can't tell her feelings, that would probably scare her so she kept those feelings for herself. That day, very late in the school building is almost empty, the only one left is Celestia who walks through the halls arching a smile on her face as she got closer to Luna's office, it was a darker decorated office with a lot of folders and a very old computer sitting in the desk, Celestia had her priorities very clear... sniff the chair that Luna has been sat on the whole day, she leaded her nose closer to the chair and got what she wanted: Luna's scent. But she wasn't able to give it a good smell as she heard a noise, a very loud one comming from the labs. As she got closer to the lab's window she could see Twilight, working with a strange substance she didn't recognized, with a slight knock she went inside scaring slightly the scientist girl that pulled up the security glasses up. "Principal Celestia, why are you here this late?" Twilight asked, leaving the substance in a round container in the top of the table. "I could ask you the same" Celestia didn't waited a single second to answer. "I know you're a brilliant student Twilight; but why are you in the school's labs at this hour? We closed some time ago" "You see, i've been working on something interesting..." Twilight started speaking but Celestia was not in the mood for listesning to her at that moment, she just disconnected the ears and made the most serious look she had in a while while Twilight did not noticed this at all as she was absorbed into her explanation that went long for a straight minute. "So, what do you think?" Twilight asked with all her emotion, but Celestia obviously didn't heard any of that. "Twilight, let me just say this one more time" She placed a hand on top of the container that Twilight was holding making it hit the table, it didn't broke. "Take your things and leave the lab for today, Twilight. Get some rest" Celestia adviced Twilight, who did as told and took everything she brought with herself; all except the container that Celestia still had under her hand. Once Twilight left the room, Celestia gave a look at the container, she did not recognized that substance at all. "What was she even doing with this?" She thought to herself before opening the container, as soon as there was no glass in the way it jumped straight into Celestia's mouth making its way inside of her, Celestia got caught by surprise and that feeling of a goo going down her throat caused her to faint for a couple of hours. She woke up, with a little darker ambiance, it was almost night because of the light that came inside through the windows; the clock was about to reach nine o'clock, she ran back to her office and got her things back. She didn't remembered what happened before she fainted, she remembered telling Twilight to go back home and now a headache, but nothing more. Celestia decided to go back home, she wanted to be there and probably see her sister before she leaves for the night, that has been a current thing on Luna, always leaving on nights, arriving late to their house and sometimes leaving her cum stains on the sheets; she though multiple times that it doesn't turn her on... but it was lying to herself, she wanted to be part of those messy cumshots of her sister and more things. Celestia arrived home shortly after, when she opened the door she found Luna in the kitchen with what it looked like to be a revealing outfit, a dark blue dress, black heels and white garther stockings that made Celestia check her up and down. "You're heading out again?" Celestia asked a little disappointed. "Of course i am heading out" Luna said while applying a bit of lipstick, of a darker shade of blue. "Night is the most fun part of any day and i will enjoy them my way" "Grope her breasts..." Celestia heard at one moment, making her panic, a mix of a male and female voice. "Who said that?" Asked Celestia a little confused "Who said... what?" "N-nothing... i thought i heard something off" She tried to excuse herself rubbing her giners on her eyes and when she looked back at her sister, she gave a quick glance on her; why did she looked even sexier now? All she did was rub her fingers on the face. "What... is..." "You want to touch her... don't you?" The voice repeated again, Celestia gulped saliva and noded to the voice. "Well, what are you waiting for? Do it..." It said, Celestia stepped forward as that voice was telling her to do it, as it was an order and an approval of her inner feelings for her sister. Luna was giving the back to her sister, a perfect chance for Celestia to get closer and hold her breasts tightly, and so she did. "C-celestia?" Luna blushed really deeply while also letting go a little scream of surprise, Celestia's hands were able to squeeze Luna's boobs perfectly, no other person has ever grab her boobs entirely with their hands; Celestia was the first that were able to hold both and squeeze them at the same time with the whole hands. "What are you doing?" She asked again, but all she could hear was Celestia's heavy breathing. "Sorry Luna... but... we couldn't keep this hidden" Celestia said whispering into Luna's ear, her clothes started to melt and transform into something else, Luna heard something slimy moving and thought that Celestia started masturbating herself but... both her hands were busy with her boobs. "We... demand more!" She spoke before grabbing her sister by the chinn and forcing her to make eye contact and kissed her, deepely and for a long time, Luna couldn't move at all, where did Celestia gained this sudden strength? Didn't mattered, Celestia hold her sister all the way into her room and making her fall on the bed. Luna saw Celestia wearing a full gold latex alike bodysuit that she didn't recalled seing before. "When di you bought a suit like that?" Luna was still confused about it, when did Celestia got those clothes, but Celestia didn't answered, all she did was looking at her and strip her dress off her body slowly, Luna weren't wearing any udnerwear so her breasts were exposed as well her slit which Celestia did not lost any more time and started to lick. "Oh... my.... fuck" Celestia was really good at pleasing? She only did pleased herself, this time wasn't really Celestia; it was something inside Celestia's body that leaded her on how to please her sister's body; she pushed then her tongue inside Luna's pussy, twirling around not leaving any little corder inside without being licked, when she retreated her head, Luna got a view of that tongue that pleased her but she got a little scared, she could swear that no one could have a toongue like that; it was as long as Celestia's whole arm and also were dripping insane amounts of Saliva on top of the sheets. Luna really wanted to run away from that scary view and acting of her sister... but that pleasure she just felt, could she really run away? "You loved our way to please you?" Celestia spoke again, Luna could hear a mix of voices coming out of her mouth and saw how she crawled her way closer without losing eye contact. The room got the scent of their pleasure and Luna could reach to notice an intoxicating aprhodisiatic smell from her sister, opening her mouth "Yes... we see you want more" and so they both kissed again but this time Luna engaged into playing too; Luna's previous attemps of finding pleasure were a fail to the point that only toys with fake cum were the only thing pleasing her until that moment, Luna hold Celestia by both buttcocks and pushed her body closer, it was warm and felt slimy but she did not cared at all about that feeling and in fact embraced it and pushed her sister's crotch towards hers, both clits meeting. "I guess you know what to do" Luna asked rising a wide smile in pure bliss. "Of course we do!" Celestia answered with also a lot of bliss, holding Luna by her right thigh; both slits were dripping a lot of juices that surely made a great lube, with graceful movements, Celestia rubbed them both at a Speed that made Luna instantly bite her lips and moan as she never did before, and so Celestia did the same, any other human, moving the hips as such speed would have gotten tired in a matter of seconds, but it was not the case for Celestia thanks to that goo Twilight was making in the labs earlier that day, there was no regret in Celestia's actions as the only thing she cared at that moment was pleasure and the love of her sister. Both women clits were big and sensitive, lewd sounds came from their rubbing, it was similar to when someone swam in a pool in the silence of the night. "T-tia...." Luna spoke trying to focus in between moans, it's been so long since the last time Celestia were called that way by her sister. "I'm really close... to..." She then couldn't speak again, moans shouted her words completely. "Release it, we'll do it together my love" Spoke back, speeding up a little bit more until neither of the sister were able to hold it, they both squirted a lot, they looked like a fountain and the sheets were soaked in their juices. Luna was panting from all that pure pleasure she felt but then she heard a hiss. "We're not satisfied yet... the night is young they say. Why don't we continue all night?" Celestia and in its regard the creatire suggested while sticking the tongue out, that wild and slimy tongue, Luna couldn't imagine what other things that tongue could do with her so she immediately nod not prepared for all the pleases that would come later that night. The following day... Twilight is running on the halls of the school, she looks really worried and desperate to find something but no clues anywhere at all. Then she recalled tha visit of Celestia to the lab so she ran towards her office, she was there sitting at the desk while signing a few papers; Twilught knocked at the door to have permisson to walk in and so she did. "Excuse me for the interruption Principal Celestia" She excused herself walking in, arching her back in worry to the response she could get. "Haven't you seen a small container with a thing inside... i forgot to take it yesterday but i can't really find it in the lab and i was not able to find Luna either to ask if she saw it" Twilight explained the situations, waiting for a response that could relief her up. "Sorry Twilight, i haven't seen it or my sister" She lied, but the voice tone did not hint that it was a lie at all. "I'm sure that if someone found it would have thrown it into the trash or probably will give it a good use" Twilight's face changed to axiety at that moment, she had to repeat it all from the beggining, then she left the room closing the door at her back, Celestia made a big smile and looked underneath her desk. "And we're giving a good use, aren't we sister?" Luna was under the desk licking Celestia's pussy with also a long tongue... they seem to share now more than just a sister's link but a stronger and lewder one. > Chapter 3: No More Squeaks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- it's been said countless times that the ones that are the most quiet and shy tend to have the most dirty and lewd thoughts ever; is this a myth or a reality? That's what is going to find out Fluttershy, she's been asking Twilight for a solution to her overall shyness and the fact that she screams with almost everything scary looking, being compared sometimes to a squeaky toy due to how loud and pitched they sound; she wants to change this without the need of fighting her fears face to face... maybe it was her best plan without gaining another trauma or gain another new fear. She was at Twilight's lab, a very messy looking place with tubes, containers and probably dangerous stuff at the reach of anyone and she surely didn't wanted to touch anything there, and considering all the things Twilight had there, she chose an utfit that covered almost her whole body. She wore knee boots, navy blue pantyhose and a green dress that had sleeves all that covered all the way to her wrists; the only thing not covered by clothes where her head and her hands. Twilight walked closer to Fluttershy with a VR helmet, because the visor was merged to a full helmet because when Twilight tried it for the first time she fell back and hit her head so with that at least no one else would get hurt in any way. "Is this... thing safe?" Fluttershy asked holding it a little scared the helmet with both hands and giving it an unsure look. "Come one! Of course it is, when did i made something dangerous?" Fluttershy arched a eyebrow, she and her friends could make a list of things that went wrong with some of the experiments she previously made; Fluttershy was especially angry at a photo drone that flew all the way to her house and recorded her during a shower. "That one went badly doesn't mean that all will be. This will try to put you in a hypnosis mode, once you're in the headphones incorpored to the helmet will tell you to erase all your fears." Twilight put the helmet on top of Fluttershy's head she then saw a very bright pink spiral and relaxing music played through the headphones, Fluttershy felt relaxed; very well relaxed for once in a while, although she was mostly relaxed at the animal shelter. She felt sleepy, but the audio's Twilight chose for that hypnosis were not the correct ones, she didn't noticed and neither Fluttershy that had her focus a little blurred in the spiral and the headphone sounds, but then she felt dizzy all fo sudden, she tried to hold herself into the desk nearby her but she then... she fainted dragging with her some tubes, papers and a container that was on the table, the helmet stopped the fall correctly. She woke up a few minutes later on Twilight's couch, openning her eyes slowly and having a strange wet and moving feelinjg inside her womb; she thought it could be the effects of the strange treatment Twilight gave to her... silly Fluttershy didn't knew what was really inside of her womb at that moment. "My goodness, Fluttershy, i'm so sorry!" Twilight apologized holding Flutterhy by the hand, who opened her eyes widely and gave her the most nicer of the views. "Don't worry... you tried to help me" She answered with the most wide of the smiles. "Ok, time to check if i did helped you with your issue" She hold something from aside, it was a very spooky mask that she showed to Fluttershy and there it was: the squeaky scream. "Dang... it didn't worked. I guess not everyone has the same level of sugestion, i should have took that in consideration" "It's ok, we can try another day" Fluttershy smiled again before standing up, having her womb feeling a little more heavier than before, what was the feeling? The two girls said goodbye until the next time they see each other. Fluttershy's mood was a lot more happier than in other days, but then the heavy feeling in her womb started to melt away, like it was going all away from her, all she had now was only little tickle around her crotch zone and butt. She walked around parks and streets, checking on the flying birds and animals passing by, even the spiders were looking cute that day, until suddenly... Slap! Fluttershy felt a hand hitting on her butt and feeling like her brain shut off for a second, not a sound from her mouth, then Rainbo Dash, the slapper, slide on the pavement with a sassy look on her face. "haha, you weren't expecting that, huh?" Dash laughed so hard, then something inside of Fluttershy's mind snapped and so did on her body. "Oh, did the squeaky toy broke? I slapped you too hard i guess" She keep laughing, she knew Fluttershy for a long time and she always squeaked every single time Rainbow Dash slapped Fluttershy's butt; although she found funny the squeak noise it was just an excuse to freeluy touch that big butt that her old friend had and the she lacked. "Ehm... Fluttershy? Hello?" But then Fluttershy jumped on her and dragged the sport girl behind some bushes, she was acting weird and for Dash could swear that she had a very predatory look in her eyes that was checking her slim body. Fluttershy's mind then remembered what she heard in the audio helmet, lewd audios from erotic novels that Twilight had stored in her hard drive for some reason, Fluttershy felt something in her brain, like a warm hub or a helping hand, then she drooled a bit over Dash. "Squeaking? We think you will be the one squeaking now" She spoke as she hold Dash by the wrists and something similar to a bulge grew underneath her dress bulging on the tip of it, Dash glanced over that bulge and blushed deeply; she dreamed on that scenario where Fluttershy would get tired of her jokes and went a lot more aggresive on her, to the point that she ignored the fact that fluttersy mentioned 'We' as if she weren't only one. "Now prepare to squeak" Fluttershy's head leaned closer to Dash's neck and the she bited her and of course, a moan escaped, the tongue of the now not so shy girl were rubbing on the neck of what liked to be her prey. Dash suddenly felt the heat of the moment, Fluttershy was almost acting like an animal in breeding season, she let go the neck and both women eyes met. "What was that?" Dash asked moving her legs trying to make sure that she was wet. "You think you... could do more?" She said, at the mercy of her friend. Fluttershy lifted her dress and showed a shiny, slimy blueish (but closer to the most darker tone of blue) pulsating cock that was already leaking a transparent looking fluid, it was going throught her pantyhose but there was no hole in sight. Dash wanted to pull down her really tight pants, but Fluttershy quickly hold her hands to keep the clothes on. "Oh don't need to do that my dear" Fluttershy whispered to Rainbow's ears, a second group of hands also the same color lifted her dress so she had nothing in the way; with a slight change on her position, she placed herself with the tip of the cock pushing against Rainbow's crotch and started pushing it through the pants, Dash bit her lips not fully understanding how that thing was going inside of her without ripping a hole; she couldn't hold it and the first moan escaped her mouth. "What was that? I would call that your own kind of squeak... wouldn't you?" The shy girl said with a natural sassy and lewd tone as she then started fucking her friend, Dash was lucky that her pants were very dark colored or else everyone would see a wet stain in them as sje was dripping wet from that feeling. Dash looked at Fluttershy's face while feeling that huge cock ramming her insides, she could see that expression of lust all over her and she also saw something odd but that turned her on a lot more in a fraction of second, her tongue... it looked longer than the most of anyone ever had. "Can you... please... use your tongue?" She asked, getting a gently nod from Fluttersy, who sticked it out of her mouth and crawled its way towards Dash's mouth. "Hello there sexy..." She said before openning her mouth allowing it to go inside of her, so it did, and started to play inside of the mouth making it a lot more sloppier than before before it started going down her throat. Dash's eyes rolled blank, that was the most unique and arousing feeling ever; but foolish of her thinking that the tongue would stop at her throat. It continued its way inside of her, Dash squirts were almost immediate as soon as every single inch inside of her body felt that tongue moving inside of her; it wasn't hurting her at all, in fact it was still the most arousing feeling she ever had; the tongue then popped out from her butt, it went all the way through her and Dash's pants were proof of that. The tongue now squirmed before crawling up towards Dash's chest area and grope around her breasts. What it looked like to be the blueish goo grew on Fluttershy's body and a ripping sound could be heard, her dress ripped to pieces but her pantyhose and boots remained untouched, and her face now showed the sharpest of teeths that could now actually hurt her friend; but that was not the purpose. "Moan for me, be a good squeaky toy to fuck!" She claimed with hissing sounds in her voice, then hold Dash by the legs and started thrusting mercyless her hips, lust did flooded Rainbow's mind making her like a mindless being just craving for pleasure as only sounds she made were moans that were almost silenced by the tongue that was in her mouth and inside her body. Arching her body, Rainbow Dash came another time... and a third time... her face was completely red of all the pleasuring, Fluttershy came only once with a substance similar to cum but safe to not get her friend pregnant as that would break the fun. The following day... The morning made it's way with the first light of the day through a window, a text message notification woke up Fluttershy who grabbed the phone and read the text. "Hey Fluttershy, we can try the experiment again if you wish. I think i fixed it" Twilight's message was clear about the intentions, but Fluttershy arched a devious smile on her face. "No need Twilight, i appreciate your help but i have found my way" She answered right away. She was now covered by the substance as it was a bodysuit that was shaped perfectly to her body, she let out a moan and moved away her beedsheet. "Good morning to you too..." She said to Rainbow Dash who was sucking her cock, almost naked except for a pair of socks and the scent of sweat and lust all over the room. "Ready for another full day of play, my mindless squeaky toy?" She asked only to get a loud and high pitched yes from Rainbow Dash, who was already leaking pussy juices and a lot of cum from her crotch and ass; an odd relationship that craves for all and only lust above everything else. > Chapter 4: Part of the Garden > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Was it a nightmare? No... it was too real to be a nightmare, the ambiance felt heavy at the school grounds; and it was already one due to all the classes going there day by day and most heavier during the exams period but this was nothing like that in the slightest. The walls were covered in a strange dark greeen looking slimy matter and so were the floor with some strange looking plants around the corners; Twilight did woke up admiring this strange enviroment in a familiar place for her... she tried to remember what happened before that, what did happened? It all came back to her mind in a second. It was earlier in the morning and Twilight wanted relaxation to work in a secret project of her own, so she went to her most favorite relaxed classroom of the whole building: the labs. She worked with a black looking substance, she was really happy looking at it because it looked like it was responding as a living being to some stimulations like electricity or trying to reach for a seed, that was really a calmed moment and nothing could disturb it... or so she thought, from the door came in a girl she almost forgot existed, she couldn't recall her name exactly but she couldn't forget that green hair, freckles and turned off way to dress, she was also looking for a calmed moment for herself... but what she really wanted to do in the lab was something more personal than homework. The green haired girl saw waht Twilight had so she walked closer to ask what was that thing, but Twilight didn't wanted to tell; an experiment like that one could be a great advance in science and no one would steal it from her. Wallflower was her name, but she didn't told to Twilight because she thought that the scientist girl still remembered; then she tried to touch it just to find twilight agresively placing the cap on top of the container; that did upset the young gardener who hold the container waiting for answers and Twilight did the same trying to retreat it, they forced it in their hands until Twilight slipped her hands and fell down hitting the back of her head against a nearby table fainting in the process everything turning black for quite some time, in the next few hours of the same day is when she woke up. She looked around for hints, Twilight only found the container broken as if someone stepped on it. "What happened here?" The only question Twilight did to herself while still looking around and stepping with a lot of carefull until she found the in front of the door, when she opened it a big stink ram her nose that almost made her throw up. "What... could make something smell like that?" She covered her face with a scarf she had in her backbag and covered her nose and mouth and walked out of the lab. The halls were all like the lab, covered in that green matter all over the walls and the floor, she was still having a lot of carefull on where she stepped, hearing slimy noises and from time to time she also could heard a very terrifying giggle from far away, after turning in a corner, Twilight's eyes widen and she wanted to scream but what if the one that giggled can hear her, in front of her was Applejack with her eyes lost and getting penetrated by tentacles but they had strange plant resembling shape going inside her pussy meanwhile from her butt she was pooping a lot, she had a pile underneath that grew over the seconds. "T-wtilight?" She spoke or tried to as she was moaning non-stop. "You have to... run..." "Applejack, who did this to you?!" Twilight asked wanting to go closer to her but the scene was too much for her so she couldn't step any closer. "We... know her... she tried to... do somethin'... erasin'. Her name... is..." But before she could finish the sentence, another two tentacles clinged in her head, where her ears where and then her eyes rolled up blank and the moans became louder and so with that she also started to poop a lot more, a normal human wouldn't be able to do that much without feeling sick. "M-mistress... yes!" She spoke again, now with a smile on her face from cheeck to cheek. Twilight did really looked scared of that scene and moved away to another hall as Applejack obviosuly wouldn't be able to concentrate in the conversation anymore. "I'm sorry Applejack, i'll find the way to free you" She whispered before turning another corner, she spotted a walking figure that moved relatively fast, at its wandering, the strange slimy vines got thicker and also a little bit more shiny than before, in a blink Twilight lost track of that creature and continued her way on the halls until she saw the entrance of the building completely blocked by the vines. "I can't get out from there... i'm sure there is another way out. But where?" She looked around and noticed that all the building's bells were covered by the vines making them unable to sound, she remembered that it had a little weakness to sounds; so she understood that the creature made the building a more comfortable place to stay in. She kept wandering around the building still looking for an exit to leave that nightmare, but there was not a way out for her in sight just one thing she recognized... a pair of shoes, from Pinkie Pie, that should mean that she was close; and she indeed was close and not alone, the rest of their friends where all in a pile of vines, having their main holes filled with the vines as well she saw how their faces showed a very scary expression; Twilight walked closer, the smell around her friends was strong as she could see also big puddles of vomit with a mix of shit on top of them; she encouraged and hold one of the vines that was inside Pinkie's mouth and pulled it out causing another huge puddle of vomit to form underneath her; Twilight wanted to ask her who was doing this but... "NO! Give it back! I must produce more natural fertilizer and feel... GOOD!" She said holding the vine and shoving it into her throat caresing it while a laugh and a gag sounds escaped her friend. They were completely lost, she heard some farts comming from the rest of them even from Rarity, the classiest girl Twilight knew, pooping insane and inhumanly ammounts of shit that run down her legs despite having a vine inside her butt. "Well... looks like you finally ran out outside of that small lab" Twilight heard from behind feeling a cold shiver all over her body, she turned around and a creature with green hair, sharp teeth and white wide eyes looked at her. "We were waiting for you, you're the last one we need for this marvelous garden to blossom" It claimed as she saw how the theeth and the eyes were becoming less and less visible revealing the face of their problems... the girl that came into the lab when Twilight was there and she recalled her name as soon as she saw her, with that perverted expression, she was Wallflower Blush. "You forgot about us... but don't worry... soon we will be the only thing you will be able to remember" Between pants, they claimed as her face showed and even more deep perverted look in her eyes. "What have you done to them?" Twilight asked, freezed by the fear that invaded her body; she caused this by creating that thing and leaving it corrupt that poor young woman's mind. "You have to get rid of it, it's making you go insane" She warned while looking at Wallflower's body, that looked different from when she walked to the lab, her figure was a lot more curvy and shiny as it was completely covered by it and acted as a second skin, she could tell as she looked behind her legs and saw how she also was pooping almost non stop, then she felt a grab from the hands of that frightening creature... Twilight doubted that there was still something human about Wallflower. "Insane? Oh no... we understand each other" Claimed pinning Twilight to the floor, staining her panties in one of the vomit puddles. "We always wanted a garden... but we were alone, no one to help... but now" Both their eyes connected and a giggle made Twilight feel uncomfortable. "NOW! We have six members helping this garden to grow... this lust garden... giving us their perfect fertilizer and soon you'll be like them" Wallflower's mouth opened and a large tongue slipped between her lips making it's way to Twilight's; she tried to fight by moving her head away but then they both kissed and the tongue slipped all the way inside Twilight's throat. It felt sloppy, the tongue was covered in a very strange layer of saliva that made her body heat up and also hit her gag spot, Twilight wanted to throw up and tears run down her cheeks; she didn't knew was worse of that situation: The smell of the surroundings, the fact that she was going to become like her friends or that she caused that; Wallflower's hand cared on Twilight's cheek, that hand felt soft despite the slimy look of it, at one second the tongue retreated really fast from the throat inside the creature's mouth, the gag reflex of Twilight acted and then she threw up on top of her clothes. "P-please... stop this..." Twilight asked, almost sobbing as that were the most uncomfortable and unpleasing experiences she ever had, even when she turned into her Midnight form felt as a very strangely arousing hug; at that moment thought that she wouldn't mind turning into Midnight Sparkle just to escape... there was no escape at all, she then felt something tiering up her clothes except her socks, that's the only clothing that was kept on her body. "No... i don't want this..." She begged, that was really scary for her. "Neither they wanted and now they beg for more of us... blank your mind, just feel the pleasure" Wallflower spoke as another two vines clinged into Twilight's ears, she felt how they were going inside her head; strangely it was not hurting her but her eyes were rolling back and she was pressing her jaw with all her strength until she felt a zap in her brain causing her body to relax completely. "Well that was, quick wasn't it? Now you'll feel what they feel" Then the vines left her head and then dig inside both her pussy and butt, moans from Twilight were music to Wallflower's ears and a very small smile arched on her face. "Good, submit to us, to our pleasure" "Y-yes..." She spoke between moans, opening her mouth for another vine that were close to go straight down her throat, Twilight threw up wilder than before, her body was being welcoming to that sensation and the vine felt aprhodisiatic and laxative as she then pooped a pile that looked almost liquid. Wallflower as well the creature were both really pleased with the scene, they recalled that far away from that hall there was another one feeling good, so they freed Applejack who appeared soon enough. The following day, the whole building got in quarantine as no one could get inside and many wondered what was going on inside as none could see through those vines. None of them could imagine how seven friends got their minds broken by a creature and now they worshiped it; sloppy kisses, vomit puddles and poop piles where their life now; tthe life of the garden they now where part of and that they didn't wanted, nor they couldn't leave...