> Punda: Cadence's Striped Toy > by Brony-wan-kenobi > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Punda walked up from the lower deck of the zeppelin, a silver tray skillfully held in her hands as she made automatic adjustments to it whenever she felt the ship being battered by sudden powerful winds. Something that occurred more often the closer they got to their final destination. As she walked out upon the open deck heading towards the front of the zeppelin where the suites were, Punda could feel the elements assaulting her body. The wind was strong and constant, probably due to the ocean located far below the zeppelin. As it did, it blew against the Prench Maid uniform she wore in a manner that felt like it was trying to tear it off. Her small black skirt, something that just barely covered her best feature (her large, shapely flank) and panties, was constantly being pushed to the side or lifted upwards. An action of the wind that revealed to the world her tiny thong panties as well as the image of her mistress’s cutie mark that had been tattooed right above her pussy. Well, if you were looking at the front. If you were lucky enough to get a few of her generous backside, you could see the trap stamp that held the insignia of the royal family she served. But the wind did more than just pushing at her skirt. It blew through the folds of her low cut, short sleeved button up black blouse as if it were doing its best to pop off the white buttons to expose her body to the world. An act that was reserved for her mistress and those approved by said mistress. While the winds were somewhat cooling, the heat of the sun reigned supreme. Its rays rained down unchallenged by any cloud in the endless sea of light blue skies around them. To most races, wearing black (something that absorbed the heat) would have been insane. However, Punda wasn’t most species. No, her tribe, the zebras, were used to this sort of weather. Like the rest of her tribe, she had a white coat with black stripes along with a black muzzle. Though she would proudly proclaim that her stripes were a bit thicker than normal. She also had an interesting pattern going on with her fingers as they alternated from black to white. Her mane was done up in a Mohawk with large golden earrings dangling from her ears. Her breasts, which were practically spilling out of her uniform, could best be described as slightly above average. They were certainly larger than a handful but not comically oversized. However, just because her kind was used to the extreme heats and humidity of the jungle didn’t mean it didn’t bother her. They did have their limits and she was used to living in a much different climate. Thankfully, she would only have to deal with her uniform for just a bit longer. At least this one. Thankfully, her excursion under the sun was short lived as she made her way towards the front of this mainly white zeppelin with golden, almost angelic, trimmings. The front of this ship was a large glass dome that went down several levels, each one holding its own suite for guests save the first. That one belonged to the captain and her crew; holding not just the bridge, but the captain’s private quarters as well as the crew’s cabins. Below that, floors of the most opulent pleasures one could imagine, each one large enough to hold over a hundred ponies or more in perfect comfort. Not that that was needed for this trip. After getting into a small lift, Punda went down several floors until she reached her destination at the center of the zeppelin. Cooler air hit her instantly, causing her dark nipples to harden. Even more so when she saw her mistress and long time friend lounging around on an elegant loveseat facing the glass wall before her. She laid there, stroking her naked thigh as her eyes took in the majesty of the ocean before her. As part of the protocol of using the island that was their destination, she was required to be stripped of all normal royal attire so that now she wore only the skimpiest, deep red bikini whose fabric was cut into hearts that barely hid her nipples and sex. Not that she would ever complain about such things. The only reason the zebra maid wasn’t wearing something like that was because, as a servant, special clothing was stored onboard which she had to change into. Not like it was all that different from what she normally wore. And it wasn’t like she was going to be wearing it for too much longer. “Thank you Punda,” said Princess Cadence when she saw the maid approaching in the window’s reflection. Gracefully the alicorn got up into a sitting position just in time for Punda to place the tray on the small table next to the loveseat. “There is no need for thanks Mistress,” spoke Punda, a slight shudder coursing through her very being as she said that last part. Enough to make her pussy twinge while fluids began to gather at its entrance. “I am happy to serve.” As Punda began to prepare the fruit drink her Mistress had requested, she couldn’t help but think about how true that statement was. She had known Cadence for almost her entire life, meeting her for the first time after her family had moved to Equestria back when she was a filly. Unlike many of the other stuck up nobles of Canterlot, Cadence had always treated her kindly. Always looking out for her and knowing what to say. She was like a light that Punda would happily follow, trusting that her friend would always be there. While some called her a follower or somepony trying to cozy up to the crown, Punda knew the truth. She loved Cadence and only wished to bask in her friend’s glow. As time went on, that desire turned into love. To be by her side no matter what. Perhaps it had been foolish on her part to blurt out her feelings to Cadence after the alicorn had begun dating Shining Armor, but she had ultimately been glad that she had. Being the alicorn of love had given Cadence insight into her friend’s feelings. Feelings that the princess longed to share with the zebra. What followed that night had been immortalized within her heart. How they had kissed within the mare’s locker room, Cadence’s tongue deep inside of Punda’s throat as she pressed the zebra mare against the locker. How she had then asked her to help make their first time with Shining Armor memorable; to put on a collar and blindfold before being led, naked, to the nerdy stallion on all fours like a bitch in heat. How Cadence ordered her to lap at her sex while she gave into Shining Armor’s demands to suck his cock. She could recall how Shining Armor roughly pulled on her nipples while her Mistress slapped her ass until the pleasure and pain melted together in the most delightful way. The feeling of her Mistress ramming that dildo right into her ass, taking her anal virginity, while Shining Armor claimed her pussy. Yes, Punda was a complete masochistic submissive. Something she had suspected for some time but only truly discovered in the throws of passion. As for her Mistress, she was a switch. The pink alicorn would gladly surrender herself to the control of a powerful figure like Shining Armor or a group of her guards. But, when it was Punda, that’s when Cadence took full control. Ever since that night, Punda found herself in a world of submissive pleasure. The reason Punda had taken up the position of Cadence’s personal maid was so that she could continue to serve her mistress in all ways. During the day, she made sure that the mare she loved would also be well dressed and cared for. That all tasks and duties were seen to and executed, all so that she could hear her Mistress praising her while the alicorn’s fingers caressed her cheek. Then, at night or whenever they traveled, she gave her body to be pleasured by her Mistress. The nights when Shining Armor had to stay late on patrol or was taking an additional class to prepare him for becoming Captain, Cadence would have the zebra maid bound as she used a riding crop on her flank. When the elder princesses were away, Mistress would have her maid paraded around naked once more like she were a dog. Then there were the trips Princess Celestia would send her beloved Mistress on to represent the royal family. During those long trip where it would be just the two of them, the pink princess would press her naked maid up against the window of the zeppelin or train, plowing Punda’s slutty ponut while teasing her that there was a chance somepony could see her writhing in ecstasy. None of this had changed since getting married or even having a foal. Why would it? Cadence had even given Shining Armor the all clear to have a few mares to have fun with as well. Just as long as he was willing to share them like she was willing to share Punda. So far, he had three. One was his Vice Captain of the Royal Guard and in charge of the Night Watch, a thestral mare named Violet Star. When he first brought in that petite mare, he and Cadence had a little contest to see whose submissive pet could last longer. Just thinking about that night, how her arms had been bound above her head while her Mistress rubbed the lips of her sex with a riding crop, wetting it before bringing it down on her flank, always made her moist. As for the other two, well, they were very recent additions: Kirin sisters who had taken up the duty of being his personal maids. Oh, that brought a whole new level of fun to their nightly activities. “Are our guests comfortable?” asked the Mistress, her words snapping Punda from her thoughts. “As comfortable as they can be Mistress,” replied Punda as she handed the fruity drink to the pink alicorn. “However, they are beginning to grow restless. They have been kept within their suite for the entire trip and have indicated that they are beginning to feel a little, ah, pent up.” “Oh, those poor dears,” cooed Cadence as she took a sip of her drink. The tone she had used was not mocking in the slightest. Rather, to Punda, it was empathetic. “I really wish we could let them move about the zeppelin a bit more, perhaps letting them stretch their wings. But Princess Celestia is very strict when it comes to this island. We are only letting them see what we want them to see in order to make sure that they can never find our secret hideaway from the rest of the world.” There was a moment of pause as Cadence set down her drink. But, that wasn’t all she did. Punda’s cheeks began to warm up as she watched her Mistress pulling on her bikini bottom to reveal the moist sex it had barely concealed. Her other hand then approached the damp folds, rubbing them slightly as a serene smile graced her lips before moaning slightly. “Thankfully, we have the perfect way to help them let out all that pent up energy. Don’t we Punda?” asked the Mistress, nipples hardening underneath the remaining fabric on her body as she spoke. No doubt fantasizing about all the things that Punda would be doing. “Y-Yes Mistress,” stammered Punda, feeling the heat building up within her core as she imagined how she would be serving them. Becoming nothing more than their plaything for the remainder of the trip. To debase herself in every conceivable way for their pleasure until everything was wrapped up. What they would do to her, she had no idea. All she knew was that she would enjoy every single second that she was used as long as it helped out with this deal for her Mistress. And if her Mistress finished early, getting a chance to watch her horny zebra slut getting it in every hole with her stomach so full of male seed that her stomach bulged…well, just thinking about that made her cunt drip all over the cleanly polished floor. Punda was about to point that out to her Mistress, hoping that the pink alicorn would order her to lick it clean before they landed only for a stray thought to cross her mind. “Pardon me for asking this Mistress,” began the maid, watching as her beloved dom glanced her way to show she had her attention. “But I was wondering if you had any idea on how long these talks will take place?” Cadence let out a sigh as she repositioned her bikini bottom to once again cover her sex. “Unfortunately, no,” she said as her tone took on more of a businessmare/princess tone. While the Mistress was a horny mare, she knew that there was a time for play and a time for work. “While I would love to stay here for as long as necessary until we have a trade agreement that benefits both parties, neither of us can stay here indefinitely. For right now, the plan is to stay the week. Though, if need be, we can extend it by another week if both sides agree to this. However, any more time is out of the question. The beginning of next month, Shining Armor is scheduled to make a trip to the Kirin village to discuss helping them expand their territory along with Princess Twilight. We cannot leave the Crystal Empire leaderless during that time just to indulge in our pleasure.” She then turned to look at Punda, a coy smile on her lips. “Nor do I want my favorite plaything to be permanently damaged from overuse over a protracted period of time. You wouldn’t want me to be sad, would you?” “Of course not Mistress,” answered Punda, her cheeks burning even hotter while her heart sang to know just how much her Mistress cared about her. No matter what the alicorn and her husband did to the degenerate zebra mare, they always made sure to stop at the point where her body couldn’t take it anymore. Whether it being her screaming the safe word or the two of just making their own judgment, Punda knew she would always be safe in their care. As for the guests, hopefully they wouldn’t be stupid enough to do anything too reckless like how the Diamond Dogs had treated her that one time. It is said that on certain nights around the Crystal Empire, when the winds stop blowing their eternal winter wonder, you can still hear their cries and begging for mercy. Before Princess Cadence could grab hold of her drink once more, the zeppelin began to shake wildly. No doubt by the powerful winds that surrounded the island, so strong that not even an ancient dragon would wish to cross. As Punda quickly grabbed the drink to prevent it from crashing to the ground, she couldn’t help but think about what was undoubtedly below them. There on the ocean surface would be multiple whirlpools, pulling in anything that got too close before sinking them to the ocean floor. From what she knew, not even the most powerful creatures that called the ocean their home could pass. As for the more cunning, well, they knew better than to try. She had heard that the Kelpie, also known as shark ponies, had tried several times in the past, only to meet a horrible fate. Meanwhile, the sea ponies were wise enough to steer clear. As for magic, well, it was best just to not even try unless you were alicorn level and above which was still tricky. The best and safest way was to use a secret path through the air where even a single wrong move would lead to your utter doom. Thankfully, the pilot of this airship was skilled enough to do just that. Once the shaking had stopped, it was only a few more minutes before the island came into view. Both Punda and her Mistress gazed out the window as it seemed to grow the closer they got. It was like a splotch of green created by the wild forests that consisted of the entire mainland. Within that small jungle lay various plants that could easily eat any pony who managed to get on it without permission, further cementing its natural defenses. It was also said that it was very easy to get lost in, as was the case of one of Princess Celestia’s ‘guests’. The poor stallion was lost for three days. It was safer on the sandy beach that surrounded the mass of green. Slowly, the zeppelin began to descend until it seemed to crash into the water causing Punda to be nearly thrown off her hooves by the shock. But despite this, the zeppelin continued to move as it no doubt turned on the propellers in the back to steer the vessel towards the long white dock just up ahead. Seeing this, both Punda and her Mistress rose to leave so that they could begin preparing to welcome their guests in the most proper of fashions. Very soon, Punda was walking behind her Mistress on the long white dock. The only sounds that could be heard were the crashing of the waves, the sounds of a few seagulls who had managed to cling to the zeppelin (this one or previous ones) at just the right time to hitch a ride onto the island, and their hooves on the dock. As they walked, with her Mistress swaying her hips for Punda to see , her tail swishing in a way that provided a delicious view of the royal pink ponut, the zebra maid noticed that theirs wasn’t the only ship parked at the dock. She counted at least two sail boats tied to the docks. Not big ones, just large enough for at least four ponies to sit comfortably in them without worry. She had heard from her Mistress that these were used whenever Princess Celestia wanted to either take a quick dip deeper in the ocean, to get fucked in the water, or to get plowed on the deck in some manner. As Punda briefly pictured what that would look like for her, hands tied to the railing of the front of the ship while her Mistress slammed a large strap-on dildo into her in time with the waves rocking the boat and her screaming out how she was nothing but a filthy slut that loved it rough, the pair’s hooves touched the sandy beach. There wasn’t that much for them to see. There was a drink bar that was currently unmanned by any stallion or mare, though there was magic set in place so that the supplies there would always be refilled. There were also a few picnic tables and a supply shed where life vests as well as other basic beach needs were stored. There was also a path leading to the white beach house whose large windows overlooked the ocean before it. “Hmm, I believe that this looks like the perfect place to set up our little welcoming gift,” said Cadence, gesturing to a wide open patch of sand not too far away from the path. As Punda dipped her head in agreement, Princess Cadence’s horn lit up. Instantly trees from within the forest were pulled out from the roots, flying around the pink alicorn as their forms were altered to suit her needs. They began to form planks of wood that were cut in specific lengths to form a large, circular platform with a stairway leading to its surface. The Mistress also created an archway with dangling vines and flowers hanging off of it as decorations. Of course, it could also have other uses should their guests desire it so. Once the last piece was put into place, Cadence turned to look at her favorite pet with a smirk reserved for when they were ready to play. Without saying a word, the pink alicorn closed the distance between them and began to unbutton the blouse of Punda’s uniform. Oh, how the zebra maid wanted to tell her to just rip it off so that they could be done with it. But, alas, she couldn’t but instead just watched as those skilled fingers undressed her this time. When the last button was undone, the Mistress licked her lips at seeing Punda’s bare chest. Slowly the blouse was removed with Cadence pressing her breast into the zebra’s, causing the maid to shudder as she felt her hard, thick black nipples pressing into the royal flesh. Cadence seemed to enjoy it as well as she let out a sigh, wrapping her arms around the neck of her submissive as she kept them close while the blouse fell to the ground. “I am going to enjoy watching all the things they are going to do to you,” whispered Cadence, her voice husky as the day they had both shared their most intimate moments with each other for the first time. The only difference was the increased lust that it held, the only two whom she ever spoke to having more being Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle when she fantasized of her. And that didn’t bother Punda at all as the next thing she knew was Cadence leaning in for a kiss. Not a small peck on the lips, but instantly shoving her tongue into the maid’s eager mouth. Her tongue took full control of Punda’s mouth, tasting everything as it moved about. As Punda moaned in sweet surrender, she became vaguely aware of what else was happening to her in that moment. The feeling of her mistress’s hands sliding down her back, feeling and savoring her pet’s fur until it reached the zebra’s short skirt. Pink fingers took hold of the material before they too were pulled down and pooled around the maid’s hooves leaving the mare completely naked. Cadence made sure that her body was pressed against that of her sub, hands now squeezing her fully exposed flank as she did so. Punda could feel the heart shaped fabric of her Mistress’s bikini as it rubbed against her clit as it gradually became more exposed. The higher brain functions of the maid began to shut down as she continued to melt in her Mistress’s embrace. To just let the dom take her, right there on the beach. To have her rub her hips against the zebra’s sex until she came. To have her nipples pulled until it felt like they were going to rip off. Perhaps even mark her again, using the alicorn magic she possessed to brand her body with something to mark the occasion. Then suddenly, Punda threw her head back as she let out a loud cry of pain. The reason for this was that her Mistress had grabbed hold of her tail and had given it a firm yank. “But, no matter what happens,” whispered her Mistress, eyes half lidded as she watched her beloved pet whimpering in pain and pleasure. “No matter what they do to you on this island, one thing will never change. You belong to me. Isn’t that right?” “Yes Mistress,” gasped Punda, nodding so hard that she felt her breasts jiggling into Cadence’s. “I belong to you. Only you.” “I am only loaning you to them because you’ve been such a good little pet,” continued the Mistress. “Because you’ve been wanting to be gangbanged for some time now. To be used by a large group, dominated over and over again. To fill every one of those holes with their cum. To make you scream in pain and pleasure. To degrade you as their slutty little cum pet. But, when it’s over, what will you do?” “I’ll come crawling back to you Mistress,” gasped Punda as she felt another tug. This time on her mane forcing her to look up. “Good,” said Cadence, her horn glowing again as an ornate box made of crystal appeared next to her. It floated in the air, opening to reveal a number of ornaments. “Now then, let’s finish getting you ready. Our guests won’t wait in their suite forever.” After Punda nodded, Cadence went to work. The first things that were placed on the zebra maid were two golden rings. These were slid up the stripped mare’s legs until they reached her upper thighs. Once there, the magic contained within them began to tighten them just enough so that they would stay in place without restricting any blood flow. Once they were in place, with Cadence giving the zebra’s dripping wet pussy a slap, she then brought out two arm bands made of solid gold. The design of each was fairly simple, a thick ring at both ends connected by a thinner sheet of metal. Both slid up Punda’s arms with ease until they were parallel with her breasts. Then, like with the rings, they began to tighten. With them in place, Cadence then brought out eight more rings; six of them gold and two silver. On each arm, she slid a pair of golden rings up until they were several inches above her wrists. Then the pink alicorn brought a silver and then a gold up, these ones placed on the wrists when the magic that would keep them on activated. Then came the final touch: a pair of leg bracelets. In design they were fairly simple: a thick golden ring at the top and bottom of each with an additional golden ring running along the top with the rest of it being a thin layer of gold. Once they were slid up the submissive zebra’s ankle, they two locked into place. With the last piece put into place, the pink alicorn took a few steps back to admire her handy work. “My, my,” she said at last, a dark smirk on her face. “You look like a sex slave from the era of Somnambula. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our guests knew that as well? Understanding the implications of what you are wearing?” Cadence paused for a moment to give one of the black nipples before her a powerful flick, a little magic added to it so that there was a bit of a shock. One that made Punda cry out. “Then again, they already know what I am providing. So they’ll pretty much treat you like one anyway.” Less than ten minutes later, Princess Cadence’s guests left the zeppelin: a large group of dragons from the Dragon Lands. Leading the group was a blood red dragon, standing tall with his muscular form on full display as he wore only a loincloth that barely hid his large draconic member. This dragon, named Crisp, had a long snout that ended in an almost beak-like manner. Halfway down his longer jaw were two tendrils that wiggled with every step he took. As for the rest of him, on the top of the dragon’s bald head were two jagged black horns that almost resembled lightning bolts. His wings were extended, showing off the black membranes while making sure that everycreature there knew he was the most important. The one who would be speaking with the pink pony princess. Behind him were other dragons, nine in total, of all shapes and sizes. There was one called Sneak, a slender dragon whose scales had a more earthy tone to them with spikes along his back that almost had a gem-like appearance to them. When he had been younger, Sneak would blend into the mountain wall and wait for the puny ponies who tried to slip into their lands hunting for minerals. Then, well, he would show them how well he could use his claws. Besides Sneak was a white dragon named Brash. With his broad, muscular chest and shoulders, fin-like ears, and a large club-like tail, he certainly seemed like the brash type. But despite this, he was the most level headed dragon within the group. He also had a thing for the mares who wandered into the area, those who desired a strong dragon to dominate them like in their pony fantasy books. Out of the nine, there were three dragonesses. The first in the group could have been a dead ringer for Princess Twilight if she suddenly became a dragon. Large butt, heavy breasts that could barely be contained behind the flimsy cloth fabric that hung over her shoulder, hair and scale color that matched that of the pony royal, and even her eyes matched hers. The only difference was that she had two purple horns on her scaly head along with slit pupils in her eyes. Her name was Lava. The second was a pink dragoness who went by the name Burnin’. A more slender dragoness with an underbelly that was a darker shade of pink than the rest of her body, she also had pink horns that jutted out in multiple directions that reminded them of deer. Finally, there was Sapphire, a blue dragoness who was slender in all areas save her backside which bubbled up splendidly.  As the party of dragons made their way off the dock, they soon bore witness to an interesting sight. There, on the middle of the beach, was a wooden platform with an arch. By either some mechanism or magic, the inner base of the platform spun around. Turning the bent figure around so that she could be viewed by every angle. The figure was a zebra mare, bent over at an almost ninety degree angle with her glorious flank pushed out. The zebra’s hands had reached down to those cheeks, spearing them apart as well as her ponut. Even from where the dragons stood, they could see somewhat into the mare’s backside caverns. “Mr. Crisp,” came a new voice that distracted the dragons from the spinning treasure. Crisp turned to the side, finding Princess Cadence standing there with her hands behind her back. Like this, her breasts pushed up a tad making her MILF body all the more appealing. “I see you enjoy looking at my favorite pet as much as I do,” she continued, walking towards them as she spoke. With each step, her breasts jiggled in a way that almost made Crisp lose his mind. A part of him wanted nothing more than to lash out with his claws and remove that tiny fabric so he could suckle on her tits, drinking in the milk that was meant for her foal. “She is a fine specimen,” he replied, managing to keep himself under control. There was a lot of bits and gems to be made with these talks, something he knew he had to prioritize above his own personal pleasure. Though, that didn’t mean that he wouldn’t take his chances with her after the deal was set. And if not her, then perhaps… Cadence’s giggles broke his thoughts. “I’m glad you think so,” she said, a sultry grin on her face as she looked at him with those eyes of hers. “Because, while we’re going inside to talk business, your friends will get to play with her to their heart’s content. And, perhaps, if we get this done soon enough, you can join in on the fun.” Upon hearing that, all the other dragons let out a cheer. Then, almost as one, they looked at the zebra who was still standing there, presenting her ponut to the world around her. Drool escaped the maws of several of them, male and female alike as fantasies of what they would do to her passed through their mind. A few began to stumble towards the zebra, but were then stopped as a bright pink barrier appeared before them to block their path. “A few rules,” said Cadence as she then dropped her barrier. “I am not giving you her to keep, merely lending you my maid’s body with her consent. That means that I expect her back in relatively good condition. If you injure her in even the slightest way that would permanently damage her… well, then rest assured there will be severe consequences to all of you. And believe me, if she dies, then I will take that as a declaration of war. Now, if she says the word Flurry, that means slow down or take it easy. If she says Heart, then stop whatever you are doing and let her recover. Do we understand?” Slowly, a general murmur of agreement was heard. Still, this wasn’t good enough for the princess who narrowed her eyes. Seeing this, Crisp turned to the rest of his party. “Well, do you sissy eggs understand?” he bellowed with fire in his eyes. “Yes! We understand!” yelled all of them in something close to unison. Seeing that, Cadence’s harsh domineer lessened as she began to smile pleasantly upon the group. “Very good,” she said as she walked over to the lead dragon. With careful grace, she took the dragon’s arm with her own while making sure to press the side of her breast against his scales. “Shall we begin?” With that, she then led the dragon towards the house leaving behind her maid and the small horde of dragons on the beach to begin their fun. > 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For several long moments, not a single dragon said anything. They just stood there in the sand, the males feeling their cocks growing hard while the females felt their pussy tingle, as they stared at the zebra mare still presenting herself to them. An offering to them, like an offering meant to appease a pantheon of gods! Well, until this meeting was over, they would be her gods and goddesses. They would be in control of her, bringing her pain and pleasure until she figuratively passed onto the next life. They just had to make sure that they left no lasting damage. If dragons had learned one thing, you don’t mess with the ponies. Yet before they could begin, the dragons began to look at each other as a similar thought crossed through their minds: they had to check out the good. Not just looking at it from afar on a pedestal, but to see it up close. That was how those no good unicorn twins pulled a fast one on them not too long ago. Showing them ‘gems’ that rotated around in a glass case to show off their ‘quality’. It was only after the dragon had paid for what they believed to be high grade gems that the unicorns had split, leaving behind trinkets that were mostly glass themselves. Needless to say the dragons had learned a hard lesson that day about checking the merchandise. That, as well as the wonders of a warrant! “Striped pony, come down here,” called out Sneak, stepping forward as he did. The zebra mare, who even after her mistress had left, had remained in her pose. Body bent, flank exposed to all of them with those large cheeks spread so that they could all get a good view of her ponut. It was a shame really when she obeyed without question, standing straight up without a moment’s hesitation. And as the platform continued to spin, she walked towards them while adjusting her steps with such ease that one would have to be forgiven for thinking she had done this before. How many spinning platforms or even beds had she been on before? How many times had she been presented to others in such a manner? The questions and the implications caused his cock to twitch somewhat. In no time at all, the zebra was making her way down the steps leading from the platform to the sandy beach. Sneak could see a few of his fellow dragons, drakes and dragonesses alike, beginning to appear impatient as they watched her breasts jiggle with each step. Nor could they miss the gleam of her wetness, the sun’s light hitting it from between her legs as she walked. If Sneak were more of a betting drake, he’s wager that the only reason they couldn’t smell her arousal was due to the overpowering scent of the ocean! Thankfully, none of them acted out as they seemed determined to be on their best behavior. Whether that was because they didn’t want to scare the poor little zebra away thus ruining their fun or not wanting to tick off their hostess was anyone’s guess. Then, finally, she stood before Sneak. The earthy dragon was about to open his mouth and say something, but the zebra made a curtsy with her head bowed respectfully. “Tell me master,” she said, her voice just loud enough to be heard over the crashing waves. “What would you like of me first?” “Move your body as if you were dancing,” ordered Sneak. At this, the zebra mare looked up at him with obvious confusion in her expression. Chuckling at both himself and the rather cute expression she had, tilting her head to the side while blinking owlishly as she tried to figure out what or why he was asking this, he continued to explain. “We wish to see all of your body. All the ways that it can bend and twist. To know your limits. A fine hole you have from a distance, but we have several dragonesses here who also have fine holes. Show us all you have to offer.” The zebra’s eyes widened a bit in realization, now having a better frame of reference to what they desired. Slowly a smile appeared on her face. Not the type that some would consider a challenging smirk, but one that showed delight in what she was about to do. One showing she was going to enjoy this as well as making sure they enjoyed it as well. “As you wish…master,” she said, her voice trying to make a seductive purring voice while also trying to make sure it could still be heard. It almost worked had not a sudden crashing wave ruined the effect. Still the effort had been there. Still, her smile turned sultry as the zebra mare raised her hands up and to the back of her head where they then rested. As a needy look filled her eyes, one that begged for a cock to claim her holes with seemingly little mercy, the zebra began to sway her hips while standing in place. The movement reminded Sneak of smoke rising over a fresh patch of lava. The image was helped by her white coat. The mare then moved forward, her full body swaying as her hips rolled from side to side. Her breasts were now swaying, her flank jiggling slightly as she moved in the most enticing of ways. She didn’t stop until she was right in the middle of the group, her eyes then closing as her hands began to trail down her body. Dark fingers traced down and around her neck, moving around to her chest. The moment they were about to caress her breasts, her hips began to buck forward, rolling around as if she were straddling some imaginary cock right now. Her face was twisted in pleasure, like she was imaging that very thing happening to her in that moment. A finger then quickly moved to her pussy, never touching it but moving up as she began to buck her hips faster. Her breasts were really bouncing now while a little bit of sweat was forming. Every dragon there could see the sweat flying off her tail now. Their zebra plaything then fell onto her knees in the sand, still seeing to be writhing in pleasure. Her hips continued to thrust back and forth while her hands went for her nipples. Before the eyes of all the dragons there, she began to pinch and twist those dark nubs as her head was thrown back. After what seemed like longer than she should have, the mare’s hands then slammed onto the sandy ground before her. Her ass then pushed up into the air while her breasts somehow managed to be a hair’s length from touching the beach. Even more impressively, she somehow managed to reach back with one hand to spread her ass cheek for the crowd gathered without tumbling over. A few of the dragons, including Sneak, got an up close view of her ponut to see it clenching before them in a manner that seemed to invite them to break it in. When she was finished, the mare’s hand returned to the ground where, with the grace of a feline, she rolled her body forward. Her front rose up reminding Sneak of a dragoness breaking through the waters surface while her lower body sank low to the ground. Sneak had thought the dance was over at that point, but he was quickly proven wrong. The zebra mare flipped over so her flank was in the hot sand. Though if it bothered her you couldn’t tell. She managed to give them all an inviting grin before pulling her legs back so far that her hooves touched the back of her head! Sneak’s eyes widened, beholding both the mare’s pussy and anus before him on full display. Somehow the zebra then surprised them again as she held her legs in place without the need to hold them with her hands, her fingers already at her petals to spread them wide open for all to see. A few moments later, once all the cocks there were standing at attention, those same fingers hooked the sides of her ponut to spread it wide as well. When she had finally finished, the zebra mare had spun around quickly without kicking up any sand so that she was now on her knees looking around for approval. Something she received in the form of a nod from Sneak. It seemed like the princess’ toy was limber and had a decent range of motions. Not to mention shameless as she had done all this, outside and before a group of strangers, without so much as a hint of complaint. Truly, this striped toy of the princess was something. And they would enjoy her. Punda sat there in the hot sand, feeling its heat radiating into her fur as she sat there lightly panting. Her chest heaved slightly, her breasts pushing slightly outward with each intake of breath. Though she did not mind as the wetness between her legs had taken on a level that she hadn’t felt in a while. A part of her wanted to reach down with both her hands to begin stroking her sex in front of all these big, sexy dragons. To finger fuck herself like the wanton little submissive whore that she was, begging and pleading with them to start fucking her right away. But no. As a maid to her Princess, Punda knew what her duty was. She was here to service them and, as much as she would hate it, if they wished for her to just sit here while they did anything else then she would do it. She wouldn’t like it in the slightest, but she would do it. Thankfully, that didn’t happen as a ripping sound was heard moments before a cock was thrust into her face. So close that she felt like it could have smacked her in the cheek! Glancing past the earthy dragon who had commanded her before, she saw that he as well as the others had discarded their limited clothing in the most barbaric of manners. Now the beach had litter born from the discarded material. Yet such concerns were a far cry in her mind as she realized the glory that was before her. Not just one cock, but several! Many of the dragons had surrounded her, though a few went off to play with the dragonesses. Punda’s mouth watered as she realized that this was it. This was the moment her Mistress had promised her! Or, rather, the beginning of the moment! “Get to work slut,” growled the dragon whose name Punda didn’t know. Under normal circumstances, she would have at least asked who she was having the honor of pleasuring this day. But such thoughts were far from her mind as she licked her lips hungrily. He had waited long enough. And so had she. Punda moved towards the earthy dragon’s cock first as it had been the first she had noticed being presented to her to take care of. To clean with her tongue and mouth. As she reached out with both hands, she took in the sight of the beast before her. So thick that she doubted she could completely wrap her fingers around it. Instead of a flat head like most stallions, a dragon’s cock reminded her of a hawk’s beak or a triangular spear. Wide at the base but grew more narrow the further it moved away ending in a flattened point where the slit could be found. She also noted that there were several large bumps at the underbelly of his cock, though this fact didn’t worry her as all visitors to the island were tested. As for his ball sack, that was not as impressive. Shining Armor and most of the Royal Guard she had seen had larger testicles. For a moment, she wondered if it was because of all the fun the dragons had been having with each other before they arrived. Though one would think that it would have looked shriveled if that was the case. Not that any of that mattered as Pundra reached out reverentially to touch the first dragon cock she had ever seen. Both hands wrapped around its shaft, unable to fully reach around as she had expected. Though she was able to cover most of it. Before her hands went to work, Punda kissed the head with the same level of respect when kissing the ring finger of one above her. She could feel the dragon take a sharp intake of breath at this, even more when her hands began to move. As one, they began to pump the dragon’s length slowly while Punda stuck out her tongue. Her wet, soft muscle gave the spear head long, passionate licks. Her cheeks flushed, eyes half lidded as she made noises full of longing. Begging him to shoot his seed right into her face right then and there so that she could not escape his scent. So that her Mistress would have to work extra hard to re-mark her! When it became clear that that wouldn’t happen anytime soon, Punda decided to up her game a tad. Instead of just licking the head, she took the tip into her mouth. As soon as her lips wrapped around the tip the zebra mare let out a shudder and a bit of a move that her dragon overload for the day had to feel. Just like his scales, he had an earthy taste that she found different in an enjoyable way. It was far different from the regular, salty taste she was accustomed to. What’s more, the tip felt harder than the length of his member. For a moment she wondered if it felt like his scales. Something she would have to find out later but for now she had a cock to suck. Pre had already formed on the dragon’s cock, though at first its thickness made Punda think that it was his cum. The pre was hotter than expected, feeling like hot tea that was just at the right temperature to drink without scalding your entire mouth but still able to heat your core. As for the taste, it was hard to pinpoint but she couldn’t say that it was unpleasant. Just then, Punda felt two more cocks pressing against her face. One slid across her cheek while the other went right under her nose. Like this, she couldn’t help but to inhale his scent which brought forth a new level of euphoria. “Don’t forget about us slut,” growled a different dragon. A small part of her, the part of her that was a maid, wanted to chide the dragons. To tell them to kindly wait their turn and she would attend to their needs once she was down with this cock. But the submissive slut in her kept her quiet as hearts of lust appeared in her eyes. More cocks! Rather than remove her mouth, Pundra unwrapped her hands from the cock before her to grab hold of the two others. The owners of those impressive pillars of bitch breaking meat took a step or two back, keeping her face in their line of fire as she began to stroke them. Her hands instantly went to work stroking their cocks, not bothering to start slow. She held them firmly as her hands went at a particular speed that one only achieved through vigorous practice. One that was fast enough to make a stallion shoot his load all over you in a matter of minutes but not so fast that you hurt him. It was a skill she had honed ever since her first time with Shining Armor. As for her mouth, it was hard at work as well. The mare’s head began to thrust itself forward to take in as much dragon meat as was possible, not stopping until she felt its spear head hitting the back of her throat. Its mass stretched her jaw and filled up her maw, forcing her to begin instantly breathing through her nose if she wanted to remain in the world of the waking. Now with his taste fully inside her, Punda felt her eyes almost rolling into the back of her head. Somehow that earthy taste was amplified the further she took his mare breaker of a cock into her mouth. Drool was forming like crazy, quickly forming enough so that it was leaking past her lips before she knew what was happening. As she began to face fuck the dragon, an idea popped into her lust induced mind. Rather than wasting it, the zebra mare tried swallowing her own saliva along with the cock. Without thinking more on it, she drank in everything she could right as the dragon’s cock pressed against the back of her throat. Her eyes widened, tears rolling down her face. She had managed to get at least half of her own drool, drinking in a washed down flavor of this dragon’s meat. But she also took in the spearhead. For a brief moment she felt panic set in as she tried, and failed to pull it out of her throat! It was stuck in there. Eyes watering, she tried to figure out what to do as she tried to suppress her building gag reflex. When no other idea came, she just pulled back as hard as she could, feeling the hardened head rubbing firmly against the inner walls of her throat. “Look at the little cock slut,” said one of the dragons followed instantly by a loud smack. Punda cried out, having to release the cock in her mouth to do so as she felt a burning on her flank. As she glanced over at the dragon who had spoken, she had no idea if he had done it. The reason for this was their tails. She had realized that one of them had used the tail to give her that little spanking. But given how long they were and where they were positioned, there was a good chance that either of the dragons on both sides of her could have been the culprit. But, as she went back to sucking cock, she knew it didn’t matter as the pain hadn’t been that bad and was already turning into a throbbing pleasure. To be honest, her cry had been more out of shock. After a while, Punda shook things up. After removing her mouth from the earthy cock and panting for a moment, she turned her head to the right before lunging at that cock. She swallowed it nicely, drooling as a new flavor entered her mouth. While trying to decipher this flavor, her now free hand went to the earth dragon’s cock to begin stroking it. For sometime, she sucked this new cock for all it was worth losing all sense of time as she reveled in the taste. When she finally departed from the cock, the hands of the last dragon roughly grabbed her head before turning it to face his member and pulling it forward. Punda didn’t fight this. Why should she? As Punda continued to move her mouth between the three cocks, a part of her brain managed to wake up enough to take stock in her surroundings. On the beach, the other dragons were already fucking the dragonesses. In her field of vision, she could see one dragoness that looked so much like the mare that her Mistress used to fillysit, Twilight Sparkle. The purple dragoness was on her knees, clawing away at the ground like a cat as the drake behind her rammed her ass. Focusing on this a bit, more of Punda’s senses seemed to return. Enough to be able to hear what the purple dragoness was saying. It was a mix between claiming that it hurt and it felt so good. Before Punda could dwell on this for too much longer, the dragon pulled out of the purple dragoness’ ass. Using his wings, he got up and quickly moved over to them with one hand holding his erection. There was a brief moment where the dragons that were using Punda paused to give him a questioning look though that was replaced with smirks. The dragon she had been sucking on pulled out of her mouth, but still grabbed her head to point to the newest cock in the mix. “Open wide slut,” he rasped. Realizing what they were asking, Punda did the only thing she could: happily obliging! She opened her mouth wide to allow the cock that had just been in a dragoness’ back door into her mouth. As soon as the taste touched her tongue, the fireworks exploding in her brain told her that this was the right call! There was an additional musky taste to this cock that blended with his own. The poor mare felt her drooling from both mouths, eager to consume as much of it as she could. She sucked and sucked, licking and lapping away at his member with feverish passion until that musky taste was gone that made the experience all the more memorable. Thankfully, she needn’t wait long as another cock was brought to her. Noticing its approach from the corner of her vision, Punda waited until it was right in front of her before pulling away from her cleaned off cock to sample this new treat. A confused hum escaped her when the taste hit her tongue, this one having a slightly sweeter taste to it along with being wetter. Perhaps this one had been buried in the cunt of a horny dragoness? Well, it certainly wasn’t anything close to a bad experience so Punda continued to lap up all the juices and taste mixed on top of the cocks owner. Eventually, all the drakes were around her. Punda quickly adapted, turning around clockwise to suck one cock while stroking the other two next to her prize. As she did this, the others there stroked their staffs themselves ready to unleash their load in her direction. When that moment came, nature seemed to help announce it as a somehow louder wave crashed against the beach. The first shot that was fired came from Punda’s blind spot, the hot sticky cum hitting the back of her head and mixing in with some of her Mohawk. As she pulled back a bit, the cock she had been sucking on fired next to splash its load all over her face. As she felt her forehead all the way to the tip of her nose being covered in dragon jizz, three more ropes went off at about the same time. One such rope hit her on her left ear while the second gave her a pearl necklace as the last coated her right cheek. More cum flew at her, the weird mixtures of the combined scents causing her head to grow dizzy as she tried her best to pick out the smells. But it was like going into a scented candle shop where every candle was it, merging with each other to create something new and perhaps unholy. The dragons began to laugh, all of them, as Punda’s arms fell to her sides and she faced the blue skies above her with her eyes closed. What was surprising was just how much thicker, creamier dragon cum was. That as well as the fact that it wasn’t drying up as quickly as it should in this weather. Punda had expected it to start caking on her face the moment the light of the sun hit it, but no, it remained in its rather warm though not dangerously so liquid form. After taking a moment to catch her breath a little, Punda stuck her tongue out to get a taste of some of the cum. As her lower lip quivered from the taste, three long tongues began to caress her face. The dragonesses pressed their scaled bodies against her, their more firm figures pressing into her softness as they wrapped their arms around her. As Punda felt further cocooned in their embrace due to them wrapping their wings around her, the lone mare felt something sliding towards her sex! A gasp escaped her as she realized it was one of their tails, which was what the dragoness’ were hoping for. Once Punda opened her muzzle, one of the closer female dragons used this to kiss the zebra while pushing in cum scooped up by the reptile-like tongue. While Punda savored a mouthful of cum, the others were using their tails to great effectiveness. One of them slid upwards towards Punda’s chest. There it wrapped itself around the striped mare’s chest in a figure eight like motion before squeezing them a bit. Naturally the pleasure mixed in nicely with the pain causing the zebra to cry into the mouth currently feeding her dragon cum. While that was going on, the tail that had been near her pussy continued to stroke her down there for a bit longer. Punda could feel her juices being spread around while they coated the long appendage. Eventually the owner of the tail decided to take things up a notch, its tip entering her as if began to fuck her slightly. It had less depth than fingers, even less so than a cocks. But the thickness, the spreading of her pussy was gratifying in the moment. Meanwhile, as Punda felt sharp teeth lightly nibbling on her shoulder, she felt another tail sliding downward. This one aiming for her last empty hole. The anal loving zebra let out a pleading whimper as she felt the tail as it poked and prodded her backdoor, desiring to enter it as much as Punda did. However, this was not to be as this tail’s head was simply too large for even one who had so many things shoved up her ponut. It was honestly a little too unfair in her opinion. This continued long after the last bit of cum had been licked off her face. And, for the most part, Punda certainly didn’t mind if they stayed like this. Even with her face cleaned off, the dragonesses continued to lick her face or give her upper torso light nibbles in certain locations that sent certain chills down her spine. Chills she had not felt since that one time a griffon had been brought into the mix. While the griffon’s beak had been dangerous, these were dragons with teeth so hard and sharp that they could crew diamonds with ease. To think what they could do to her with those fangs if they so chose made her feel more helpless as well as more excited. And did she need to go into detail on how good they were making her feel with those tails? The only issue was that her ponut was not getting the level of attention that she desired. If her mouth were free she would have begged them to enter the beach house and retrieve one of the strap-on dildos that were scattered around the place by Princess Celestia. “Alright, you all have had your fun with the toy. Now it’s our turn,” said the earthy dragon. Several whimpers were heard as the dragonesses pulled themselves reluctantly away from Punda, said mare reaching out to them as they did so while making inarticulate pleading sounds for them to stay. But alas, they did not. “Don’t worry,” continued the earthy dragon as he laid on the ground. “We won’t leave you all hanging. But for now, I think it’s past time we got to the real fun.” Suddenly, Punda felt hands grabbing her arms before roughly pulling the zebra up onto her hooves. Silently, she felt herself almost being dragged over to the earthy dragon while her pussy quivered in anticipation. She knew what they were going to do to her and she was welcoming every moment of it. Punda was quickly proven right. Once she was right in front of the earthy dragons feet, the other two that had ‘roughly’ brought her here decided to further help her. Staring at the bitch breaker before her, Punda felt the clawed hands of her handlers grabbing hold of her legs before lifting her up. Within moments, she felt her knees pressing against her chest as she was bent in midair all while the dragons carried her with the same level of ease that one carried a small feather. Like she was literally nothing within their powerful grasp. But before she could dwell on this little discovery for too much longer, she found her body being positioned over the cock which was still dripping pre cum. She was lowered down onto it, slower than what ponies would have done in this position without the use of magic but also much faster than she thought they would. Punda felt her world expand as her pussy made way for the unusual cock to enter her. Instantly her teeth clenched tightly as she was spread in a manner she had never experienced before her mouth dropped slightly as the zebra began taking deep breaths to steady herself. The hardness of the head caused the walls to quiver, the feeling similar to that of a hard dildo. As for the bumps on the bottom of his cock, they began rubbing against her moist cavern to further stimulate her. And all that was just from having it enter her! “Well, what are you waiting for bitch?” demanded the earthy dragon, his tone commanding as he slapped Punda’s flank with enough force to make her yelp. “Get moving! We already had to carry you onto my cock. Don’t tell me that we have to keep doing all the work while your fat flank just sits there!” Hearing those demeaning words sent a shiver to run through Punda’s body as her maid’s determination took hold. She had to prove to him that she wasn’t lazy, not in the slightest. So, with that, Punda began to move. Placing her hands on the dragon’s firm hips, she raised her body up slightly before lowering as stars began to appear in her vision. What she was feeling was something beyond this world. The spear-shaped cock head stretched that part of her pussy the most, its sides making it seem like at any moment she could get it stuck down there like it had with her throat. As for the bumps on the underside of his cock, well, those rubbed against her pussy in the most delightful of manners. It was like this cock was designed for a filthy masochist like her, an almost perfect balance of pain and pleasure mixing into one. Small whimpers began to escape her throat as her head was flung back. Juices were drooling out of her pussy more, their presence adding to a wet smacking sound that was created whenever their hips met. The zebra was picking up speed, not wild and in control, but enough so that her breasts bounced in a circular motion on her chest while her nipples felt as hard as diamonds. Perhaps it was this that drew the dragon’s attention more towards her. Reaching around her back, the earthy dragon pulled her down so that their chests were almost touching. Keeping one hand on her back as the mare began to grind her sex against his, the dragon reached up to grab her breast. There was little that was gentle about his touch. Clawed fingers dug into her softness, squeezing her breast tight enough so that the flesh moved upwards between the gaps in his fingers. After kneading it for a bit, he let go before his fingers found her nipple. As he gave the nub a firm pinch, his mouth found her other nipple. Punda let out a whimper, her mind all but crashing, as she felt his tongue lashing out to flick the black nipple before seeming to wrap around it. If she believed in a being higher than her Mistress, Punda would have thanked them for giving dragons such abilities! His hips began to move now, thrust up into her as he continued to play with her body. Incoherent noises escaped Punda’s mouth loudly as he did so while continuing to toy with her body. The clawed hand that was on her breast continued to pinch her nipple, sometimes twisting it to make the zebra sing a song of pain as she howled loudly, broken only by a particularly loud wave. His mouth continued to make its mark on her other breast. No longer was he just flicking her black nub with his tongue, now he had captured it in his mouth and had begun to suck on it. She could feel his teeth nipping at her flesh causing her to moan in delight as those sharp fangs racked her breasts. Yet that wasn’t the end as there was still more the dragon could do. His tail, without warning, lifted up to suddenly smack the zebra mare’s flank. The sound of scaly tail smacking soft flesh could be heard, almost making the sound of a whip snapping followed by Punda’s scream of pain. When she was silent, she looked down into the eyes of the earthy dragon with her own teary ones. “Thank you sir,” she managed to breathe, smiling slightly as she did so to show she could take more. Wanted to take more. Needed to take more. All in pursuit of pleasing her guests while living out her own desires. The earthy dragon didn’t reply in words, just a firm unmistakable nod of understanding. His thrusting continued, matching with Punda’s as they worked closer to their own shared release. On occasion, his tail would collide with her flank seemingly at random so that she had no time to ready herself for the blow. Making the pain that much greater, spreading through her flank and into her core. Pain that soon gave way to the sinful pleasure she so adored. As Punda continued to allow herself to be fucked by this earthy dragon, another approached her. This one held his cock in his hand as he approached the zebra mare from the front. Even with her thought process incredibly hazy at the moment, she had enough sense to realize what he wanted from her. So, once this new dragon was standing close to the earthy dragon’s head, Punda leaned forward to take his green cock in her mouth. Once more she began to suck on it, doing her best to draw out the load and bring it into her belly as she fucked the beast below her. Yet he wasn’t the only one to approach her, just the only one she could see. Punda nearly jumped when she felt her flanks being spread, pulled apart roughly by a pair of clawed hands. Like this her ponut was now fully exposed to the hot sun, puckering up under its gaze. A whimper escaped from Punda, a needy sound that begged the dragon to not just stare at it. To use it, to use her more! The dragon, whoever it was, did not disappoint. It started with a firm lick across her backdoor that caused the zebra maid to let out a pleased hum, nearly closing her eyes as she used her face to fuck one of the cocks. It was slow, taking in her own natural taste while running across the entrance. Several more longer strokes soon followed, wetting the hole before the dragon’s thumbs pressed inward and into her anal passage. As Punda inhaled sharply from this, almost stopping in her fucking of the two other drakes, as her black ponut was stretched bit by bit. The zebra felt more exposed than ever before knowing that he and any other dragon that was back there could now fully see into her back entrance. For several moments, the maid could feel warm breath being blown against her open back door. No doubt the dragon’s regular breath, maybe a slight bit of flames that never left its jaw being added into the mix. But that was removed from her mind as something entered her. A long, somewhat reptilian tongue slithered into her ass. Punda wanted to squirm as she felt the wet appendage moving about in her insides, wetting the passage as it tasted everything it could. And, whoever it was seemed to be enjoying the taste of her as the dragon pressed his or her face closer into the zebra’s flank! Clawed hands gripped tighter, holding onto her back cheeks as the tongue darted back and forth as if it were a slender cock. This assault on all three of her holes was causing the maid to slowly lose her senses, eyes rolling into the back of her head as all thoughts that weren’t related to keeping herself alive to enjoy this longer simply crashed and burned. This assault on her ponut and mouth did not last long. The one in her mouth was the first to be pulled out, causing the mare to cough for a few moments as a new dragon took his place. But before she could begin serving this new cock, she turned around to see if she could find the last cock she had been polishing with her mouth. Its owner had moved behind her where a dragoness, a blue one, was holding her flank open. The dragoness looked her in the eye, gave her a wink, and then spat right on her back door. “Head this way,” commanded a different drake’s voice, right before her head was roughly grabbed and turned forward without a trace of gentleness beyond what was necessary to keep her from any lasting pain. The new cock was then pushed forward before Punda could even open her mouth, slapping her face in the process. The drake holding her head let out an annoyed growl as he then shoved his cock forward again, only this time her mouth was open. Though it had been more of a well planned coincidence than anything else. The reason for this? At that moment, the drake behind her had begun pressing his spear head into her rear. Despite all the work the dragoness had done up to this point, he still stretched her out causing her mouth to hang open long enough for a new cock to be slammed into the back of her throat. Tears blurred her vision as her mouth was brutally fucked while the cock in her backside slowly pushed forward with the drake breathing hard while his claws gripped her striped flank. Just barely she could mark out several words that the drake was saying that she believed to be dragon curses as her rear walls wrapped tightly around the invader. The drake pressed on, no doubt feeling the cock that was still plowing away inside her pussy without a care in the world. Eventually, the rear cock bottomed out. Its owner remained there for a moment, as if taking a moment to savor the sensation of being this deep in a mare’s flank before beginning to move. And it was in the moment that Punda felt herself break just a bit. The feeling of the cock was similar to the one in her pussy, only somehow a thousand times more intense. The bumps on his cock caused pleasure to explode in her mind as they rubbed against her inner walls. Then, when you added in the fact that there was a cock still in her pussy, you’d say it was a miracle that she had any mind left to break! The two cocks did not work in tandem. The one in her pussy was moving faster, thrusting into her with lustful abandon as though its release was soon coming. Meanwhile the one in her flank moved slowly as the drake became more accustomed to it. But when they were moving together, bottoming out inside of her at the same time? That was when the world ceased to exist for Punda. Everything just seemed to fade to white save the four of them as her body all but melted from the pleasure. Her eyes became almost glassy now as the truest happiness that a mare like her could receive was happening. So the only thing to do was get lost in the pleasure for as long as one could. That was simply all there was to it. Then, she was brought to a new height above heaven as the drake below her quickly approached his own climax! His thrusts were more erratic, hips moving like a blur as he slammed into her with more force. Eventually, that final thrust came. He buried himself in deep as his thick seed shot out! The heat this time was at least a dozen times warmer than what it had been when they had sprayed their load on her face, her pussy quivering from the new sensation as well as the new texture of the substance that was coating it. Her legs bent, dragging in the sand as she herself began to cum hard as the dragon’s seed flooded her womb and everything else. The maid then squirmed as a stray realization came to her as she felt the seed unable to escape. The dragon’s spear-like cock was probably designed like that to prevent their sperm from escaping! No doubt to help ensure the fertilization of eggs or whatever. Not like she had to worry about it. Or could worry about it for that matter. Somehow the earthy dragon managed to pull out of Punda, a popping sound being heard as he did so before his thick cum began to leak out of her still twitching pussy. Her mare cum drooled out along with the dragon seed, coating the sand while Punda just looked on with a blissed out face. With her mouth still wrapped around the cock, Punda let out several small hums of pleasure as well as a few whimpering noises that then sent various vibrations running into the bitch breaker. Those vibrations were then felt by the drake, groaning in pleasure as he continued to roughly fuck her mouth. It didn’t take long after that for the other drake in her ass to cum as well. With large globules of dragon seed dropping out of her pussy, the drake hilted himself deep in her ponut with one hand reaching forward to grab her by the Mohawk. Head now forcibly pulled back, the cock in her mouth removed as she looked up at the blue sky, the maid felt more of the warmer than normal baby batter being injected inside of her. She was now panting loudly, sweat rolling down her body, over her breasts, collecting at her nipples, and then falling onto the drake still below her as her orgasm coincided with this experience. How the dragon cream flowed deep inside of her, filling her gut faster than any magic could have done. Her belly bloating slightly as she moaned like a whore in heat which, frankly speaking, she knew she was. How the spearhead of his cock kept it in, her rear passage clenching around it to keep it in place for a few moments before she began to actively help push him out. All of this was just a delightful stream of pleasure. When it was over and he exited her, once more making a popping sound as he did so, Punda felt her ponut unable to close. The drake behind her was keeping her on her knees as large amounts of cum seemed to drool out. Before Punda could catch her breath, she felt someone behind her grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her backwards. As her strength had momentarily left her, and lets be honest even if it hadn’t it wouldn’t have helped her, she was pulled away from those she had been pleasuring to service a new drake master. Already feeling her mouth watering in anticipation, the  mare let it happen even while she was still leaking. The drake grabbed her by the forehead, claws almost digging into her scalp, as he began to fuck her throat once more. Right now Punda was on her knees, holding onto the rear of this dragon as she made gagging noises each time he thrust into her throat. All while looking up at him with watery, pleading eyes begging him to fill her belly more. What she got was not what she expected. The blue dragoness and the purple one crawled over to her like a pair of hungry beasts, licking their lips as they circled her on all fours. Punda barely even registered their slow approach until their goal was impossible to ignore. Clawed fingers stretched her pussy once more, a tongue gliding deep inside of her cunt while the exact same thing happened in her rear. The zebra mare screamed in both pleasure and protest as the two dragonesses began to clean her lower holes, removing as much of the dragon’s spunk as they could. Their long tongues were now showing off just how deep they could go, reaching into depths of her that no tongue had ever been able to reach before. Each caressing the walls of her sexual pleasure, scooping up as much of the spent seed as they could and robbing Punda of the delight she had knowing it was there. At least, in exchange, they were offering her a slight trade off. Yet it still robbed her of that pleasant bloated feeling of having so much cum inside you! And they continued to eat her out like this until she no longer looked like she was just beginning to show a pregnancy. When the dragonesses had finished, they got on their knees with the one in front placing a hand on the drake’s hip. Said drake, the one who was face fucking her like there was no tomorrow, paused for a moment before pulling his cock out of her mouth. Once freed, the blue dragoness asserted her own dominance towards the zebra by roughly grabbing her lower jaw with one claw to force Punda to look at her. The blue dragoness then roughly kissed her, mashing her fanged teeth against the flat equine’s, as her tongue won a short lived battle for dominance. When it was over, Punda was roughly pushed back by the blue one before she spat right into the zebra’s face. She probably would have then pushed her down had it not been for the purple one. This new dragoness was a tad more gentle, easing the zebra’s face towards her before they kissed as well. When this new tongue entered her, it moved more slowly allowing Punda to fully taste her own ass as well as the leftover flavoring of the seed that had shortly lived there. When it ended, the purple dragoness pulled away with a little giggle before placing her hands on Punda’s shoulder. A look was shared between them, one that could have meant that this dragoness was like her. A horny little submissive that was doing all this because those around her wanted her too. Or perhaps it said that I like you and if you weren’t already the Princess’ little bitch I would be taking you home with me. Heck, it could have meant nothing as the dragoness was just as blissed out as Punda! “Good, good,” said the drake she had been sucking not too long ago. He was now in a sitting position, cock pointing upwards as he patted his lap. “Come on girl. Time to take a ride on my shaft.” Grinning, Punda began to move on her shaky knees towards the drake she was to continue serving. Though she almost fell over twice, the first time managing to catch herself and the second time saved by the purple dragoness’s tail, yet still she made it to her destination. Once there, the drake used his own tail to grab her by the waist. The next thing Punda knew was that she had been turned around so that her back was facing his chest before being pulled in closer. Clawed hands then grabbed her by the hips, pulling her down roughly so that she landed on her lap with his cock gliding against her pussy. The two made almost simultaneous noises of pleasure, causing the zebra to glide her soaking pussy against the length of his shaft. The drake, for his part, moved his hands up her body until they reached her breasts. There he trailed along them, reaching forward until he found her nubs. Before the two dragonesses this drake began to pinch, pull and twist her nipples without any mercy causing the poor maid to let out hoarse cries of pain. Though nothing she cried out could ever be considered a cry to stop, her pussy leaking all the more. Still, given the heat, a water bottle was brought over to her. Most likely a few of them rushing into the beach house to get it. As the cap was twisted, the drake playing with her body reluctantly stopped to allow Punda to drink in peace. Though she did continue her grinding, albeit a bit slower as she took in the life giving liquid down to the last drop. Then another bottle was brought out to her. “We know how weak you pony races are,” said the purple dragoness, feeding her the water like Punda was a mere babe. “So needy for water that, if you go too long without it or sweat too much, you’ll pass out. And we wouldn’t want that, now would we? No, that would just ruin all the fun.” A small pit of shame appeared in Punda as she continued to drink, realizing her mistake. She had been so focused on making sure she could take care of the dragons, wanting to please them with her body, she had forgotten to take care of that body! If she passed out, that would mean that their fun with her would come to a grinding halt. And if Princess Cadence thought that they had hurt her, then by the time she had woken up the Alicorn of Love probably would have made them think that their true loves were jellyfish. They may be tough, but thinking about what those creatures could do once they got their holds on the dragon’s more exposed members was a disheartening thought. One they currently didn’t deserve. After a few more water bottles and feeling fully hydrated, Punda was ready to go. Since Mr. Drake had been so patient, she decided to make the first move. Lifting herself up, the zebra mare positioned herself in just the right spot while reaching down to line up his bitch breaker with her empty hole. The drake’s claws were back on her hips and, with the greatest ease, could have forced her down. But Punda could tell in the way he held her that he wanted her to do so. To have her impale herself on his member as her way of surrendering to this greater male. And as she thought this, her pussy began to drip all over his cock like a good needy slut! “Thank you for waiting…Master,” cooed Punda. The drake could not hide his surprise at this statement, cheeks somehow blushing despite the scales. But all that became mute as she quickly lowered herself onto his shaft, taking it all in at once. Punda threw back her head, teeth gritting once more from the experience. Yet still she loved every moment of it. Somehow, the mare managed to plant her hooves on either side of the drake. Using her well trained legs the maid began to lift herself up and down the mighty cock she was on, feeling the familiar sensations as she watched the scene before her with half lidded eyes. Before her, the two dragonesses were watching her with curious expressions on their faces. Those she had just finished pleasuring, like the earthy dragon, were off to the side taking a moment to recharge their sexual batteries. As for the rest, they were with the pink dragoness. Currently she was getting the spit roast treatment, one cock in her ass while another fucked her mouth. The rest of the drakes were stroking their cocks, eyes roaming between the pink dragoness before them and the main treat that the princess had gifted them. No doubt waiting for their turn to use her. “You know, I don’t mind ponies being so soft,” purred the purple dragoness, a clawed hand stroking Punda’s belly as she began kissing the zebra’s breast. “Their bodies feel so good against my claws. And they taste so much sweeter. What do you think, Sapphire?” “Hmm,” was the blue dragoness, Sapphire’s, response as she began to nip at Punda’s nipple to the point where she almost drew blood. “I will say that they have their charm, Lava. You don’t have to strain yourself spanking them to make sure they feel it. But that also means they’re easier to break.” Punda began to whimper as the two continued to play with her breasts, their hands roaming down her stomach to caress her as if she were their pet. Yet always staying away from her occupied pussy. As for the drake currently filling her, he was still sitting there like a king letting his loyal subject do all the work. Preparing to reward her for all her loyal service. After a while, Punda noticed that the dragoness that was getting spit roasted had gotten onto her feet. Slowly she approached their group, hips swaying as the fluids inside of her ran down her legs. All while having a smirk on her face that promised something truly interesting for everyone. Lava and Sapphire moved to the sides once this new dragoness was close enough. There was a gleam in her eyes now as she stared at the bouncing zebra maid slut for a moment. Then, without any warning, she turned around to stick her ass in Punda’s face! At first, the striped mare was taken aback by this. Yet her shocked expression quickly gave way to compliance as she inhaled the scent of a freshly fucked asshole. The mare moaned, breathing it in deeply as she struggled to keep bouncing on the meat stick filling her dirty cunt. To just lean forward and…and… Punda’s thoughts were interrupted as the pink dragoness made her desires a reality. The pink tail moved behind Punda’s head, pulling it forward so that her face was pressed right between the lower cheeks of the dragon in question. At the same time, the drake she was riding made his own move. Wrists were suddenly grabbed by clawed hands before the maid’s arms were pulled back behind her. Her feeling of helplessness was then added onto as another tail wrapped around her waist in the same manner as a snake wrapping around its prey. The tail then began to help move her up and down the shaft. “Go ahead,” said the pink dragoness. “We all figured out you’re a total butt slut. So eat up from your favorite place.” The dragoness didn’t need to tell her twice. Punda’s head was already leaning into her crack as far as she could, her nose pressing right above the backdoor entrance. She inhaled again, smelling everything she loved without the scent of the ocean to get in the way. There was no way it could. Not when she was this close! What’s more, she could feel the cum sliding out of the winged reptile’s other hole before getting smeared all over the striped one’s mouth. Just rubbing it all over without a care. And Punda loved it with all her heart! She had no idea how she managed to contain herself to this point, but once Punda began to eat that ass out she did so with great gusto. Her tongue lapped away at the puckered hole, taking in whatever was still leaking out like a hungry beast. Perhaps something even lower than a beast. But she didn’t care as she licked and lapped up everything, humming and moaning right into this dragoness’ rear while she did, causing shudders to run through her benefactor’s body. Her slurping grew louder when she began to push her way inside. Despite having just been fucked back there, the hole before her had closed in tightly already doing everything in its power to deny her entrance. Punda had to push as she continued to ride the cock below her, forcing her tongue forward bit by bit. Once it had been opened slightly, a large glob of cum seemed to shoot out of the ass with most of it getting smeared on Punda’s face while the rest managed to land in her mouth. Greedily the zebra swallowed what she could before shoving her tongue into the hole before it fully closed. “Oh yeah, that’s a good little butt slut,” breathed the pink dragon, wings flapping slightly as Punda’s tongue began to work on the inside of the ass. Her soft pink muscle did its best to reach as far as she could into the rear passageway. It pressed against those walls, doing her best to find dragon seed that it could scoop up and transfer to her waiting stomach. The dragoness helped, her anal walls pushing cum that had been planted deep inside of her towards the hungry zebra. Eventually, she managed to get it all but she continued to lick and toy with the ass her dragon mistress had presented to her until the drake finally came inside of her. As the dragoness moved away, Punda expected to be released. But that wasn’t what happened. With her arms still held behind her back, another dragon approached her. This dragon, once he was close enough, placed his cock right between the valley of her breasts before pressing them together. Glancing down, Punda could see the spearhead of the cock sticking out between her sandwiched breasts reminding her of a filling in a hayburger that was ready to fall out. Thankfully, she didn’t have to worry about that as the drake began thrusting back and forth while keeping her breasts together with his claws. On this, she had to regretfully say that stallions did it better. It was…fine, she guessed. It was just that she was used to the medial ring rubbing against the sides of her cleavage. Here, the only extra stimulation she got were the bumps on the bottom of his cock and they just weren’t doing enough. However, the drake seemed to be enjoying himself greatly if that dopey grin on his face was any indication. “So soft,” he moaned. “Like pillows. Two big, soft pillows.” “You like that master,” cooed Punda, thankful that this wasn’t a complete turn off. She just wished there was something more being done to her. After all she had been doing, this just felt more like a step down. But, in the end, it was what her dragon masters wanted. And it was a maid’s job to please their master. In the end, Punda at least got another shot of cum splashed across her face. A slightly larger load as well making the whole thing feel more worth it. The maid’s tongue darted out, quickly lapping away at whatever she could while still bound in the grasp of the drake. Soon enough, the three dragonesses began to help clean her off using her own tongues. While they did, Punda just closed her eyes while her expression was one of complete surrender. When the dragonesses gave the sign that she was clean, the drake finally lifted her off his cock…and then handed over to another drake who also had Punda sit on his lap! This time, the two dragonesses, Lava and Sapphire, were in position to help. The two held his cock in place, helping to aim it towards the striped mare’s anus. Punda saw that they watched with excitement in their eyes as her ponut was again speared, leaky cum filled pussy exposed to everyone there. “Get moving!” demanded the drake, smacking the mare on the ass. Offering him a quick apology, the maid set off to complete her task. While her legs were a little shaky, she somehow managed to begin bouncing on the cock like the needy whore that fucked just to fix her addition that she was. As Punda moved, revealing the spear shaped cock buried deep in her butt, she felt the seed planted in her pussy lose root. It leaked out of her, running down onto her own ponut before falling onto the ground. All while three pairs of hungry eyes watched her pussy as it twitched and spurted out juices mixed with cum. “Go ahead,” moaned Punda, leaning back onto the chest of the drake while her hands moved toward her pussy. Without a lick of shame, she spread her lower lips so that the three could get the best look possible while more cum slowly came out. “Feast on it my mistress’. I have finished seasoning dragon cum with my special sauce. All for you. So, please, enjoy.” The dragonesses didn’t need to be told twice. Soon, Punda was a moaning mess as she felt three tongues all fighting to eat out her cream filled treat like it was the last one in existence. All while Punda felt her ponut getting fucked wildly, her flank getting the occasional spanking as she was told to hurry up. This was paradise. And it was only just beginning! Sneak saw out of the corner of his eye the setting of the orange sun, seeming to sink into the ocean. Already, the sky was beginning to produce stars that twinkled as they seemed to celebrate the ending of another day. Yet while the day was done, he and his fellow dragons were not. None of them had stopped in the all day fuck fest that took place on the beach. Well, ok, they took short breaks after cuming thanks to a short recovery period but that’s besides the point! At all times, a dragon had his cock wetted by the mare provided to them by the princess. Or they were fucking one of the dragonesses they had brought with them. Or they were watching the dragonesses fucking each other or the mare. It was simply an all day orgy where anything could happen. Anything but end until they all passed out. Which, judging by the looks of things, wasn’t happening any time soon. Currently, Sneak was thrusting into the ass of the striped pony, feeling as her ass gripped his cock with all its might. Each thrust into this whore sent her forward, pushing the cock in her mouth deeper into her throat. They were just one part of a line, each of the dragonesses were also getting fucked by a drake as they faced the beach house before them. Yet it was the striped toy that got the special privilege of having her two favorite holes filled. As Sneak felt his orgasm grow nearer, his mind began to play out a nice little fantasy. One where they managed to convince the pink pony princess to let them keep this slut. Maybe it would be by showing her that her maid couldn’t live without real cocks anymore or that she was hopelessly addicted to dragon seed. Well, the details weren’t that important as he continued to imagine the important part. Bringing this striped mare back with him to his cave back in the Dragon Lands. There he would have a long chain attached to the wall near his horde, signaling that she was part of his treasure. His property. And then he would fuck this soft creature day in and day out to see if she could bear his child. Oh, wouldn’t that be a sight. Watching as she gave birth to a striped dragon hybrid. Sneak licked his lips at the prospect as well as the idea of doing this over and over again. But, as his seed filled her bowels once again, his release gave him sad clarity. There was no way any of that would happen. If they did manage to do that to this pony, the princess would certainly be mad. He knew he would if someone wrecked one of his treasures. Even a crappy piece he had long since forgotten about. Not to mention that, even if he did bring her back, the odds that she could give birth to any of his offspring were laughably low. Possibly downright impossible. They were simply too different. Still, a drake could dream. Perhaps, after they left, he would find his own striped slut like this one. Then again, if all ponies were this horny, he could just find one that caught his eye and pursue her. Besides him, the other dragons were finishing up. Many of the drakes had fallen onto their asses while they caught their breaths, some of the cocks still shooting out large patches of cum. Meanwhile the dragonesses seemed to crumble to the ground, panting heavily as they rode their own orgasms to their end. Their pussies and assholes continued to leak out the drake cream they had filled them with, some of them so full that their stomachs looked bloated. Perhaps to the point where they might lay an egg! Now wouldn’t that be a nice reminder of their stay here! As for the striped one, she remained on all fours with her head down. Sneak could hear her panting heavily even as the waves hit the shoreline. For a moment, he considered having more fun with her but the growling of his, as well as several others, stomachs interrupted him. Somehow, the striped pony heard that. After taking one last deep breath, she rose to stand on shaky hooves before turning to look at Sneak. “Please forgive me,” she said in a strained voice, wincing slightly as a hand went to rub her throat. But despite the discomfort she felt from talking, she continued. “I should have seen this coming. Please, allow me to tend to your hunger.” With that, she gave him a curtsy before leaving towards the beach house. “Damn,” sighed Sneak, watching the mare’s hips swaying from side to side as she walked away. “That is one fine mare. No wonder the pink princess likes her so.” “You said it,” commented Brash, raising a fist into the air as he laid on his back. “Here, here,” added Lava, Sapphire, and Burnin’ in unison. Grinning at the unison that dragons had adopted, not to mention sharing something amazing like the zebra mare, Sneak turned his attention towards the beach house where said mare had vanished into. There he could see a well lit window giving him an impressive show. Crisp, the leader of this draconic party seemed to have finished his talks with the pink pony princess and was now enjoying…the benefits of their new partnership. The lone alicorn on this island, that they knew of at least, was naked as the day she was born. A leg raised, Sneak could see her breasts smooched against the glass indicating that she was being pressed there by a great force. Squinting a little to try and make out more, he thought he saw her tongue pressed against the glass as well. Perhaps Crisp had cum on the glass, ordering the soft pink pony to lick it clean like the maid would have before taking her from behind. Or, more likely, she had simply lost herself in the pleasure as she was fucked dumb. He had seen it happen before. Looking downward, Sneak thought he could see Crisp’s cock plowing into her pussy. Yet, waiting a few moments longer showed that to be incorrect. It was too short and seemed to wiggle back and forth like a snake past the silhouette behind the mare. Either they had found a real snake in the house and were using her pussy to strangle it…or it was just one of the many sex toys he had heard was on this island. Honestly, he had been reading way too many kinky Kirin porn comics lately to even consider the first option. For the next several minutes, Sneak and the rest of his group sat there on the beach. They all drank whatever water was left while their gazes drifted over to the show going on in the window. Honestly, there wasn’t much else to do. Well, more like there wasn’t much else they wanted to do other than fucking. Maybe one of them should go in, knock on the door, and find out if they were done with the talks. If that were the case, that meant they would be leaving sooner than they expected. And if that was the case, then Crisp could convince her to let them leave with a bang! He could be one of the few dragons to know that he fucked a pony princess! Well other than the time Dragon Lord Ember had that threesome with the purple one and the moon one. That dragoness was bragging about that one for…ok, she was still bragging about it. Before Sneak’s mind could veer off into other, unrelated directions, he caught sight of a figure walking out of the house pushing something. At first, he wondered what it was. A trolley? A cart? Well, whatever the ponies called it, it was loaded with something. Something for them! And pushing it was the striped pony. Slowly she made her way to the beach, still naked yet despite everything they had done she seemed a little refreshed. Either she took something inside or hearing her mistress fucking like that had given her another wind. Which wind was it? Honestly it was impossible to tell. Once at the beach, the striped mare pulled out a beach towel from a compartment on the cart. She walked a few feet away from them before unraveling it in the air and letting it land perfectly with the skill that comes from doing such an act a number of times. Yet, while the skill was somewhat impressive given the size of the thing (easily able to allow all of them to lay down on it), Sneak had to wonder why she had done that. They had been fucking on the beach all day so sitting in sand a bit longer wouldn’t even be noticed at this point! That’s when the rest of the items on the cart came into play. Once she had finished setting down the large beach towel, the mare walked back to the cart with an extra sway in her hips. She then began to take bowls that he was just now noticing were on the top and carried them over four at a time. And these were no small bowls either! Each one looked large enough to fall off her slender arms if she made even one misstep. Yet the mare carried on like she was a waiter in a fancy restaurant, setting the bowls down at the edges of the towel while making sure that they all got a good view of her abused ass. One of the members of the group made a motion to head over to her, no doubt wanting to fuck her once more and seeing the act as an invite. Yet Sneak held out an arm to stop the drake in his path while Brash held him at bay. As for the rest of the party, they remained where they were watching their soft fuck toy set the blanket full of food. Just letting her do her job. Only a fool would interrupt the preparation of a free meal. Soon the last of the items had been placed on the beach towel. When the last bowl left her arms, Sneak expected her to turn to them and say something like ‘Your meal is served and I will be your dessert’ or something to that effect. The name of the game being eat before we continue our fun till the sun comes up. Yet that wasn’t what happened. Instead, the mare moved onto the towel while being careful not to knock over any of the bowls until she was right in the middle. In fact, now that he was looking at it more closely, she seemed to be in an ideal position where she could reach and grab anything from any bowl. Was she going to serve them like this? The answer came in a rather unexpected way. Instead of sitting down and gesturing for the dragons to approach, she sort of half laid down with her legs straight and spread apart a bit. Once situated, she began to get to work. The dragons watched as she grabbed various items from the bowls, placing them either around her body or on her. By the time she was done, there was a row of sliced apples across her chest drizzled in caramel. Sliced strawberries and kiwis were placed on her breasts, one after the other in a perfect pattern before topping the nipples with chocolate. But the real kicker was her lower body which was decorated in gems. A few smaller ones had been placed in her pussy and anus. “Please enjoy,” said the mare as she then laid down. The dragons grinned at each other before approaching. Even if everything ended tomorrow, the important thing was to enjoy this time together. For who knew if it would ever happen again.