The Princess’s Library Reopened

by TwiShine45

First published

10 more ponies…250,000 more bits…and an even more ticked off Twilight

After the success of the first season of The Princess’s Library, Twilight took time away to revamp and reinvigorate her literary sanctuary. Now, it’s back, and Twilight’s ready to put the fear of Celestia into 10 more recruits. The prize: 250,000 bits and a position at Twilight’s new magic school in Las Pegasus.

Welcome back…to Equestria’s nightmare. Welcome back…to The Princess’s Library.

(Rated T for ponified swearing)

Episode 1, Part 1

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Two years ago, a dream was realized. Within the walls of a sanctimonious surrounding of books and spells, a young unicorn named Starshine Manebright pushed her way into victory. It was a fight, one not unlike those in mythological tales where ponies and dragons collided. Ferocity and depravity were only bested by dogged courage and determination. Now, one might think that the scuffle came with the ruler of this small domain. For, after all, she is a master mage unlike any other who demands perfection at every turn. She’s ruthless, fearless, and holds not a scruple in her body…at least, as long as she’s inside those parapets.

But the truth is, the fight was more about defeating the surrounding equines. Yes, being in the employ of somepony so rich in rage is difficult. But, being in the company of those ponies who would backstab as soon as meet someone is so much worse. The hellish experiences endured by the winner and her comrades make them commendable, even down to the pony who got booted on the first day. However, that was then…and this is now. Twilight Sparkle is back. She’s got a new library, a new set of contestants, and a new magic school in Las Pegasus in need of a head mare or stallion. 250,000 bits are on the line as well. 10 ponies…one winner…welcome to The Princess’s Library Reopened!

The sun shone brightly upon the streets of Canterlot. Taxis whizzed by at breakneck speed as their drivers attempted to get their clients to their intended destinations. Meanwhile, six stallions pulled a massive carriage beneath the massive buildings that towered overhead. The concrete jungle seemed incredibly small to those who took up residence within the carriage walls. Ten equines, each with a different magical skill, had been selected to take part in The Princess’s Library. They knew the competition was notorious for its ferocity and aggressive savagery. Princess Twilight took no flak from anypony. That much was obvious.

While they drove towards a place that remained mysterious to them all, they introduced themselves. Learning each other’s different skills was vital both to playing the game and to winning. Some ponies were earth mages, others fire, and so on and so forth. Soon enough, all ten had described themselves. Some found annoyances among others already, while small pockets of friendship were forming as well. In the end, nopony knew what to expect when they arrived, and this level of intrinsic disinformation bound them together. The only thing they knew for sure was that Twilight Sparkle would be waiting for them.

Upon arrival, they noted that they stood in front of a small theater. Twilight was a noted lover of the stage, so this made some sense. However, they also saw that their mage was not there to greet them. Instead, her sous mages, the returning husband and wife team of Comet Streak and Astral Flare, were there. They smiled at the new recruits and led them into the hall. It wasn’t a massive place, but cozy and intimate. Each pony was offered a seat and they glanced up to see a movie screen in front of them. The “feature presentation,” as the sous mages called it, was simple footage of each pony in their element. They all worked in breweries of their own, and Twilight had sent her team in to catch footage of them unawares.

The end of the film brought a great deal of laughter and hoof stomps from the viewers. However, then, Twilight herself appeared on screen. She was wearing her head mage ring, and she had spread her wings intimidatingly. Her eyes flashed and she looked every bit as terrifying as the ponies had expected. But they also knew that she expected confidence and bravery out of them. So, they stood their ground and sat firmly entrenched in their seats. Nopony moved, and no one wanted Twilight to think they were the weak link. Minds raced collectively as Twilight seemed to bury her purple gaze into their very souls.

“Welcome to The Princess’s Library, mages,” Twilight greeted, with an air of warmth, but no small bit of seriousness. “This is where one of you will prove yourself to me and win Equestria’s greatest magic competition. If you thought today was all about rest and relaxation before the competition began…think again!”

Suddenly, the walls of the “theater” fell away, and all the ponies found that they stood on a stage in front of a huge throng of cheering peers. All ten saw their families there, and they waved with great gusto at their various spouses and foals. The entire crowd was thrilled, and at the head of it all, stood Twilight herself. She was flanked by her sous mages, and they gave the recruits a hard look before trotting down the center aisle and getting on stage themselves. The appearance of the future ruler of Equestria sent the viewers into another frenzy.

“Fillies and gentle colts, welcome to day one of The Princess’s Library!” Twilight announced to great adulation. “We’ve taken some time away to reinvigorate the library and its attached brewery. But now, we’re back, and this year, the competition is fiercer than ever! One of these ten Unicorn mages will become the next head pony at…my new magic school in…Las Pegasus!”

More applause followed as the competitors each felt their jaw hit the floor. Working in magic schools was every mage’s dream, but Las Pegasus? It seemed too good to be true, especially for those among their number who came from difficult backgrounds. They were all ecstatic over the prospect and a terrific need to dance washed over them. However, they remembered who they were addressing and remained steadfast in line.

“Alright, everypony, it’s time for the signature spells challenge!” Twilight announced. “You’ve all got 45 minutes to whip me up everything you’re known for. Leave nothing to chance, ensure the tightness of your spells, and show me what you’re made of. Well…don’t just bucking gawk at me, your time starts now! Let’s go!”

Episode 1, Part 2

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Forty-five minutes later, the contestants ran back into the theater. The crowd cheered their arrival, making them each feel like a superstar. But Twilight’s presence quickly reminded them that they hadn’t made it yet. In fact, nine of them wouldn’t make it at all. It would take that one special pony among them to bring the honor, skill, and communication skills necessary to become Twilight’s new head pony. Their signature spells challenge would go a long way towards telling Twilight who they were. The smiling faces that captured their attention would need to be ignored. It was all business.

​“Now, this year, I’ve decided to do something different,” Twilight said. “I’ll be judging your spells on a scale of one to one hundred. One hundred is perfection, and one is something that we don’t want to speak of. The pony who gets the highest grade will win this challenge and spend the rest of the day…here in Canterlot with their family!”

​The crowd applauded the reward. Determination among the competitors was now higher than ever, and the first pony stepped to the proverbial plate. His name was Mottle Top, a male fire mage from Manhattan. He presented his signature spell of a mid-level flame with dancing elements. Twilight enjoyed it well enough, though she did offer some pointers as to how he could make his flame dance even more. A solid effort warranted a solid score, and he got one.

​“85 out of 100,” Twilight said.

​Next up was Steam Bath, a female potion mage and friend of Starlight Glimmer’s from Sire’s Hollow. In fact, she’d tried out for the show on Starlight’s suggestion. Upon making the cut, she had hoped that Starlight’s influence would help her along in the competition. However, her potion that was supposed to create light within darkness, quite literally, blew up in her face. Needless to say, Twilight was unimpressed. However, she did offer marks for a creative idea.

​“15 out of 100,” Twilight said.

​The next two ponies were both female water mages from Vanhoover. First up was Starry Skies, who was bursting with enthusiasm at meeting the princess. While, like many others, she definitely idolized Twilight, she had always dreamt of entertaining a master mage with her talents. She didn’t skip on this opportunity, as she presented a dazzling spell of gentle mists and beautiful small geysers. Twilight was duly impressed, offering her a 95 out of 100.

​Next up to try and knock Starry off the pedestal was her colleague Cirrus Mane. Both ponies knew each other well from the Vanhoover independent magic scene, and both were fierce rivals. However, they shared a healthy respect for each other and secretly hoped that they could battle in the finale. But Cirrus’s spell, which was a bit more aggressive than Starry’s, put Twilight off just a bit. However, the princess did praise Cirrus for her planning and insight. The execution needed work, but that would all come in time. Cirrus took home a 90 out of 100.

​The next pony was a male potion mage from Twilight’s home of Ponyville. His name was Timber Claw. In spite of his ferocious sounding moniker, he was actually somewhat timid. He’d tried out for the show on his family’s suggestion, as he’d always been a talented magic user. For Twilight’s challenge, he’d created a bit of a mixed bag of potions that seriously impressed the princess. His combination of subtle flair, excellent skill, and creative forethought were praised. In doing so, Twilight gave him a 97 out of 100, proving that it would take aseverely terrific spell to garner perfect marks. Even so, it was enough to give him the lead.

​Two more ponies, earth mages Grouse Wing and Trust Fall, tried their hoof next. Grouse, a female from Catapony Island, presented a spell that could move a ton of earth without making a huge mess. Twilight was fairly impressed, offering a solid 75 out of 100. Next came Trust, a female from Manehattan, who offered up a spell that grew an entire garden from scratch. Though Twilight commended her for utilizing different types of flowers, she also said that she’d seen a ton of these spells in the past. Even so, Twilight gave Trust a 73 out of 100, and advised the young unicorn to work on her originality.

​Following Trust’s average performance came Dove Dawn, a female potion mage from right there in Canterlot. Her entire family had come to support her, and they made quite the ruckus as she appeared. Her demeanor was that of the typical snooty Canterlot pony. She made no effort to hide the idea that she thought she was better than everyone else. Her smile spoke volumes as she stepped up to where Twilight stood. It was one of those bit-eating grins that ponies use when they want to delude you into friendship. Then, they stab you in the back. Dove was an old pro at stabbing her fellow equines.

​“Good evening, mage,” she said politely, but with an air of superiority.

​“Good evening, and first name is…?” Twilight asked.

​“Dove. Dove Dawn.”

​“Dove Dawn. Now, I see that you have quite the cheering section down front here. So, you’re from here, you brought your entire family, and you probably think you’re fairly talented, right?”

​“I have my moments,” Dove said with a bit of a sneer towards her competitors.

​“Well, that will be for me to decide,” Twilight said with the faintest hint of a growl. “Now, show me what you made.”

​With great pride, Dove presented her potion…which was a vomit-inducing color of green and yellow. Twilight had to hold back as she received the vial. Looking upon it, she immediately knew who Dove was and the family she came from. The Dawns were well known all around Equestria’s capital. Unfortunately, they were known for living outside their means, mooching off of others, and believing that they were upper crust ponies simply because they lived in Canterlot. It seemed that the proverbial apple had not fallen far from the obnoxious tree.

​“Describe the potion, please,” Twilight said in an attempt to remain professional.

​“What you have is a play on a green tea, with elm leaves, twigs, and seeds,” Dove said proudly.

​Twilight was dumbfounded. “Really? You had forty-five minutes to make me the most incredible potion or spell…and you made me a glass of bucking tea?”


​“Once again…FORTY-FIVE MINUTES,” Twilight said, emphasizing every word of the time parameters.

​“Yes, FORTY-FIVE MINUTES,” Dove shot back.

​Twilight was irked. “Hey, smart mule. Listen and bucking listen closely. You’ve got a lot to learn, starting with time management. If you want to succeed in my world, you need tobuckle down and use every last bucking second to your advantage. If not, you get bit like this. You’re lucky this isn’t an elimination, or I might ask you to head down there and sit with your cheerleaders right bucking now. Got it?”

​“Yes, mage,” Dove said with no small huff in her voice.

​“A 1…out of 100,” Twilight growled. “Now, piss off!”

​Dove’s disastrous spell paved the way for the final two ponies to take their turn. The first was Smoke Stack, a male fire mage from Trottingham. His spell that pushed fire through a small set of tubes impressed Twilight, though his control could have used some improvement. He scored an 85 out of 100. Finally, there was Orchid Petal, a kind female earth mage from Ponyville. Twilight knew her well, as she often helped Fluttershy at the animal sanctuary. But here, the princess was in control, and she watched patiently as Orchid slowly fired up her horn. Her spell was floral based, causing showers of petals to fall from the ceiling. Though something with this many components was to be commended, Twilight found her speed lacking. She gave her an 80 out of 100.

​“That means the winner of today’s challenge…is Timber Claw, fillies and gentlecolts!” Twilight announced.

​The crowd cheered thunderously as a great smile spread over Timber’s face. He was so thrilled to be able to spend the rest of the day with his family. Twilight also mentioned that they would be dining that evening with her at one of Canterlot’s best establishments, The Tasty Treat. The reward was thrilling and Timber quickly joined his family to begin their day together. Meanwhile, Twilight delivered the bad news to the rest of the team. They would be returning to the library to organize books and outfit the brewery ahead of the next night’s demonstration.

Episode 1, Part 3

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That night, the brewery opened its doors to patrons for the first time. As in the previous season, Twilight would stand at the head of things, reading out orders and checking to ensure quality. The ten ponies had been split into five groups of two. These would run the various stations around the brewery. Each of the four main elements (earth, air, water, and fire) had its own station with potions rounding things out. Just like in a restaurant, the ponies in the library would order from a selection of Twilight’s creations. But, in addition to the regular menu, Twilight had added a very special fire spell that she’d worked closely with her brother, Shining Armor, in creating.

When Comet and Astral threw the doors open, ponies of all kinds poured into the library, ecstatic for opening night. They came from all backgrounds and levels of interest. There were those scholarly types, intensely focused on learning Twilight’s incredibly unique spell techniques. A second group consisted of aristocrats and the very elite of Canterlot society. These ponies weren’t as interested in seeing as in being seen, but the inevitable show would act as a perfect cherry atop that particular sundae. The third group were simple curious onlookers, interested in what made Twilight’s library such a foreboding, yet fulfilling, place.

Once the first guests had been seated, Twilight received the first orders of the evening. She turned, rapidly wished her team luck, and then began barking out tickets. The orders came fast and furious, and Twilight was even quicker with her call outs. This was overwhelming for a couple of ponies who were newer to the magical brigade system, but they pushed on and began working. For the team of Grouse Wing and Smoke Stack, on the fire station, the evening’s special turned out to be a particular bane. It was complex, requiring three or four different types of fire powder and three to four minutes of gestation just to get it to the base level. Once this was complete, five more types of fire powder and another five minutes completed the spell.

“On order, five ponies, table 35, five special fire spells!” Twilight barked as the brewery began buzzing.

“Heard! It’s gonna be…40 minutes on that!” Grouse yelled back.

“Buck that,” Twilight growled before moving over to the station. “40 minutes?! Why so long?!”

“Um…er…” Grouse stammered.

“BUCKING ANSWER ME!” Twilight screeched. “You’re prepared to tell my guests to wait 40 minutes for bucking spells, then you’d better have a bucking good reason!”


“You what?!”

“We didn’t pre-gestate the fire powders before service, mage!” Smoke finally said.

“You didn’t pre-gestate the spells?” Twilight asked in shock.

“Yes, mage!”

“So, what you’re telling me is that everypony who orders the special is going to have to wait at least 20 to 30 minutes for each one to get done?!”

“Yes, mage!”

Twilight nearly blew a fuse. Opening night was barely under way and things were already shot to pieces. By not pre-gestating the spells, Smoke and Grouse had guaranteed their station’s failure. All their mage could do was move back to the pass, levitate another ticket, and bark it out. Unfortunately, it contained three more special spells, and she was not prepared to tolerate such a long waiting period. So, she did something drastic. She used her magic to pre-gestate all the fire powder in one sitting. Normally, this would be somewhat taboo, especially in Twilight’s library. But pressure and need had conspired against her.

“There. Now your bucking fire powder’s pre-gestated. Now, for the love of Celestia, get your BIT TOGETHER!”


The decision to pre-gestate the spells wound up working, but Grouse and Smoke were very much behind. Twilight sent Trust Fall, another fire mage, over from the water station to help out. Thanks to that, the team was able to push out their special spells, along with their regular ones. Unfortunately, Trust’s involvement away from water put her station partner, Dove Dawn, in a hole. The haughty young mare didn’t appreciate being placed in such a situation, especially when a flurry of water spells came flying into the brewery.

“Wakey-wakey, Dove! Let’s go!” Twilight said. “On order, four ponies, table 42, three water spells, one fire spell. Water spells requested dancing and the fire spells are a mid-flame. HEARD?!”


“Five minutes to the window! Let’s bucking go!”

Dove was trotting around a bit, but was going much too slow for Twilight’s liking. She seemed rather incongruent with the rest of the brewery. Everypony else was rushing about, putting out spells as quickly as possible while Dove continued to lolly gag at her station. This did not get past Twilight, who was rather famous for having eyes in the back of her head. She suddenly whirled around after receiving a water spell that spit a pitifully tiny amount of liquid. To say that this level of performance was unacceptable was an understatement. Her nostrils flared as she descended upon Dove Dawn.


“Yes, Mage Twilight?” Dove answered in a tone that sounded like she was having a conversation with an old pal.

This only pissed Twilight off even more. “Don’t bucking dare! DON’T BUCKING DARE! Hey, witch, bucking listen to me! You send me a spell as pathetically weak as the one you just sent me and then you have the audacity to speak to me like we’re on a Sunday picnic with mother bucking mommy in the Canterlot park! Your performance tonight has been bit! GET IT TOGETHER!”

“Yes, mage,” Dove said, rolling her eyes in protest.

“HEY! MISSY!” Twilight roared as she made her way to the station, towering over the now quivering Dove. “Your attitude royally sucks! Now, either get your bit together or buck off out the front door! Your choice!”

Dove could only nod. She had no idea that Twilight could be so intimidating. The normally kind, cheerful, and sweet Princess of Friendship turned into a completely different pony within the brewery. Dove still had a lot to learn about what being a head mage was really about. The pressures demanded of such a position, especially in one of Twilight’s prestigious schools, was almost indescribable. However, Dove had one problem, and that was an insane level of pride. All her life, she’d been told that she was great. The Dawn family were well known in Canterlot for their lavish lifestyle, expansive spending, and, above all, business failures. Playing the capitalistic game had never worked out for them. However, their arrogance wouldn’t allow them to admit such things…so they kept it hidden. Dawn family members had even been jailed by Celestia for falsifying financial documents.

Now, Dove found herself in a situation where she could win 250,000 bits and help her family. But, first, she would need to put aside her pride and push herself to become humble. For her, this was almost impossible. She saw the ponies around her as second rate pawns to be used in different schemes. She was manipulative, an excellent con artist, and was willing to do almost anything to reach the top. Her eyes flashed as she watched Twilight, jealous of the success of a Canterlot pony whose name didn’t end in Dawn.

Someday, Twilight, Dawn mused as she worked, I’m going to run your empire…and what’s more, you’re gonna be the one handing me the keys. Mark my bucking words.