World of Chaos - Part 02: Twilight faces the Dark Martial March

by Khampostel

First published

The adventures of Twilight and her friends continue in a chaotic world.

Twilight is missing, her friends wake up in a strange and confusing world. What happened? How did they escape the battle against the knights of order? Where is Applejack's hat? They don't find answers to their questions but they do find an undesirable new friend...

📘Chapter index and release schedule

🛑 Warning: this fanfic comes from a Spanish version, translation errors may be found, your understanding is expected.

✨ [Midjourney] [Ratings Disabled] [Danu] [Order Knights] [Cunabula] [Season 10] [Comic]

[Unknown cable transmission 00]

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bzzz bzzz bzz

Hello, hello, hello! Are you ready for a culinary adventure full of fun and flavor? Then you're in the right place! Welcome to Pinkie Pie's Pizza Paradise, the ultimate destination for food lovers and unrestrained fun in Ponyville and beyond.

At Pinkie Pie's Pizza Paradise, we pride ourselves on offering you much more than just pizza. We're talking about a unique culinary experience, where each slice is an explosion of flavors, colors, and, of course, joy! How about starting with our Fiesta Pizza, the perfect choice for a celebration or simply to brighten any day? With a mix of homemade tomato sauce, melted cheese, and a variety of fresh and delicious ingredients, this pizza will make your taste buds dance with happiness.

Looking for something a little bolder and exciting? Then the Rainbow Pizza is for you! Imagine a pizza with a crispy crust adorned with a burst of vibrant and tasty ingredients like peppers, pepperoni, mushrooms, and much more. Every bite is like a magical journey through a rainbow of flavor!

But wait, there's more! Want a truly unique experience? Try our Joy Pizza, a special creation by Pinkie Pie that's sure to make you smile from ear to ear. With a secret combination of carefully selected ingredients, this pizza is guaranteed to fill you with happiness with every delicious slice.

And don't worry, we also have options for those with more specific tastes! From our Vegan Pizza packed with fresh and tasty veggies to our Extra Cheese Pizza for cheese lovers, there's something for everyone at Pinkie Pie's Pizza Paradise. Plus, who says the fun has to stop at pizza? Pair your meal with our crispy chicken wings, fresh salads, and refreshing drinks, and you'll be ready for an epic flavor party!

But wait, there's more! At Pinkie Pie's Pizza Paradise, we don't just care about your palate, but also your fun and entertainment. That's why we offer a variety of exciting activities for you to enjoy while you wait for your delicious pizza! From fun board games to cheerful music and live entertainment, every visit to Pinkie Pie's Pizza Paradise is a party in itself.

And have you ever wanted to learn how to make your own pizza like a true pro? Then join us for an exciting cooking class where we'll teach you all the secrets to creating the perfect pizza! From kneading the dough to choosing the right ingredients and baking it to perfection, you'll become a pizza master in no time.

And don't forget about our amazing deals and special promotions that make enjoying Pinkie Pie's Pizza Paradise even more exciting. From discounts on large groups to happy hour offers, there's always something new and exciting waiting for you at our restaurant!

So what are you waiting for? Join the fun and adventure at Pinkie Pie's Pizza Paradise today and let us take you on a magical journey of flavor and fun! We're open every day of the week, from lunchtime until late at night, so no matter when the pizza craving strikes, we'll always be here to satisfy it!

See you soon at Pinkie Pie's Pizza Paradise, where every slice is a smile waiting to be enjoyed!

bzzz bzzz bzz

Where is it? Nowhere, not anywhere!


bzzz bzzz bzz

[Character Presentation]

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Magazine Doublereport (MAGI)

Age: XX
Gender: Female
Race: Pegasus Pony
Residence: Manehattan - Averages Tower - third level - N 24
Occupation: Chief Manager of Averages company and Leader of Averages consortium
Hobby: Gardening

Despite her ordinary appearance, Magi is a pony with extraordinary skills in various fields such as administration, computing, economics, and human resources. However, her ability to manage multiple tasks at once is quite limited, leading her to delegate part of her work to other trusted ponies. Of course, the only pony she fully trusts is her girlfriend, whom she has overloaded with work on several occasions. Fortunately, this hasn't caused any issues in their relationship, as her girlfriend, Dulce, enjoys both the workload and being with her.

Badwhiz StarHeart

Age: XX
Gender: Male
Race: Earth Pony
Residence: Seventh level of the Knights of Order base in Tartarus
Occupation: Squire
Hobby: Training hard to become a knight

The last heir of the noble unicorn house StarHeart, Badwhiz was born approximately a hundred years before Nightmare Moon's return to Equestria. He spent most of his childhood in the grand family mansion in SilverHollow, alongside his siblings and cousins. Unfortunately, his relationship with them was always distant, even before the patriarch of the family passed away.

Currently, he holds a monetary inheritance registered in the master ledger of the Canterlot Central Bank, though it is practically inaccessible as it requires the presence of another living official relative to make a withdrawal, which he no longer has.


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Ahhh... It's been quite a while since I finished the first part of this story. Even now, I find myself rereading it and discovering potential improvements in the previous writing.

However, one cannot be confined to a single project.

Everything must continue.

I am still open to hearing any suggestions and improvements in the story. Maybe some crazy ideas from the supposed MLP fandom...

Uhmm, getting back to the topic. The previous fanfic told the story of Twilight receiving a quite hard blow from the Knights of Order. I'm sure many are eager to see the continuation of that conflict in "World of Chaos." Let me warn you...

It won't continue here.

The third part, titled "The Revenge of the Knights of Order," will be the one to continue that conflict. I promise plenty of gratuitous violence when we get to that part.

For now, let's just focus on relaxing and giving Twilight the well-deserved rest after her first three years of governance. Spending time with her friends, having fun with games, exploring new places...

Wait... Uhmmm... I'm sorry.

At the end of the previous part, she and her friends were imprisoned in a magical crystal. That's going to be a problem...

For anyone but Discord!

Our chaotic friend will finally join our heroines to save the day!

Well... he'll try in his own way. Don't be surprised if it doesn't turn out as expected.

Did I forget any additional characters? Don't worry! The OCs are ready, there will be fun for everyone. Even Pizza!

I hope this fanfic entertains you or at least gives you some time to kill.


The first chapter of this fanfic is scheduled for 2025. If you're wondering why so far away... well. Don't you believe in promises? Good luck to everyone.