> Some Assembly Required > by False Door > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Some Assembly Required > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “A toast to Twilight and her little heir,” declared Celestia, floating her drink high with jovial holiday spirit. Canterlot Castle’s banquet hall rang out with cheers as friends and family tipped their champagne. “Where's my drinking buddy,” laughed Twilight in her chair amongst the Sparkle clan. She clinked her glass with Flurry Heart's sippy cup which held the very same non alcoholic juice as her champagne flute. On the side of the hall was a great evergreen tree decorated with garland and enchanted candles of every color. The base was surrounded with all of Twilight's baby shower gifts in a beautiful marriage of both occasions. Princess Luna and Princess Celestia sipped from their glasses behind a table topped with freshly cut evergreen boughs as conversation and laughter swelled around them. Celestia watched her star pupil glowing, surrounded by so many well-wishers as she rode the euphoric crest of the evening’s festivities. A baby shower on Hearth's Warming Eve. What could be more joyous? The princess's eyes fell on Twilight's bulge, the top showing just above the edge of the table. It was the real focal point of the hour. Twilight Velvet smiled and rested a hoof on the bump, beckoned by her only daughter. “Can you feel him,” asked Twilight excitedly. “Dad. Gimme your hoof. It's probably the coldness of the juice.” “Yeah, dad,” Rainbow Dash ribbed him smugly. “It's not mine,” replied Night Light awkwardly. “That's exactly what an anonymous donor would say,” she countered dubiously. “Rainbow, stop trying to figure it out and touch the bump,” demanded Twilight. Celestia felt an unexpected pang of profound emptiness at the sight. It wasn't quite jealousy, at least that's what she told herself. But it was a longing for something. She’d been around for thousands of years, ruled all of Equestria through good times and bad, she even brought the light giving and life sustaining sun itself up each morning… but what was it like to have life growing right inside you the way that Twilight did? Or to have a toddler accidentally transmuting flatware into chocolate like Cadance and Shining appeared to be struggling with at the moment? It was certainly not the first time the thought had taken root in her brain. She looked at Shining Armor and sighed. She could have any stallion she wished, even in the uninvested way that Twilight had gone about things but what she really wished was for solitary immaculate conception or perhaps seed from an alicorn stallion if one existed, other than the one inside Twilight. Celestia had taken lovers before but lovers and donors were entirely different in her mind and just as Twilight had decided, genetics were the top concern and the Princess of Equestria was as picky as they came. “Sister,” called Luna from her left. “You are still here but you have clearly left the party. What vexes you?” Jarred from her reveries, Celestia floated her fork to her plate to go through the motions of someone still engaged in the moment. “Oh, uh, nothing. Just worried about the Crystal Empire’s diplomatic quagmire.” - - - The celebration of new life and togetherness continued but Luna departed early to set the moon in the sky as the sun sank behind the cold mountains. She stood solemnly upon the balcony of her quarters as the veil of night settled over the snow capped land and the crystal clear sky began to sparkle with ten thousand stars. The nights of Hearth's Warming Eves were always engineered to perfection. She looked down from the heavens when she felt a familiar presence beside her at the railing. “Shouldn't you be at the party?” she murmured. “It will end soon and there will be more time for that tomorrow,” sighed Celestia, looking up at the multitude of stars great and small, near and far. “Something is definitely bothering you,” accused Luna. “Sister, I have the itch again. Very badly.” Luna pointed back at her bedroom. “I left the cream on my bureau.” Celestia furrowed her brow in frustration. “No. I mean for foals.” “Oh, that is what you were occupied with at dinner.” “Yes. Have you never felt the desire to have your own little ones?” “Yes, actually. The truth is that I couldn't stand it in there any longer. Everything was about babies.” “That's what a baby shower is,” giggled Celestia. “You went to Cadance's too, remember?” “That was my first one and I didn't like that one either,” admitted Luna candidly. Thankfully Twilight's venue was mixed company and decidedly less risque than Cadance's. Though much of that was subdued naturally by removing sex and relationships from the pregnancy equation. The sisters looked back up at the sky in reflection. “So then, would you have foals?” asked Luna bluntly. “At this point it's not a question of if, it's who.” “Precisely. Who?” agreed Luna. “The question has haunted me so many nights even though I already have a clear answer: no one. No one is appropriate. But I just keep thinking that perhaps they are out there somewhere and I have yet to meet them.” “And ask them for their seed?” laughed Celestia. Luna shrugged indifferently. “However that part goes, but I can't imagine wanting to make things more complicated than that.  “I hear that,” muttered Celestia. “Twilight was lucky to have a serviceable stud nearby.” Love and rulership was a complex animal but especially when mingling with the non alicorns which was really all there was to be had. “We can't be jealous; we are simply victims of our own persnicketiness. Well, maybe when Twilight's son comes of age.” “Oh, Celestia,” she scoffed. “I know you. Don't act like it didn't cross your mind.” Luna squinted suspiciously at the sky. “That’s strange. I've never seen that one.” “What are you talking about? Trying to change the subject?” “A new star.” Luna pointed up at the heavens. “I am intimately familiar with the night sky and I can assure you, that star was not there last night.” “Which star?” “That one,” replied Luna pointing again with vague yet vehement assuredness. Celestia squinted at the sky, quickly realizing what a futile effort it was. Like looking for a grain of sand in a sand dune “The one between the Wand of the Oracle and the Great Toad,” explained Luna as if it were the most obvious thing. Celestia bit her lip. “Uh… Where?” “It is across from the top of the bottom third of the wand and upish leftist from the toad’s eye,” she expounded impatiently. “Oh, you mean the Wagon Wheel, not the Great Toad,” she offered. Luna’s eyes narrowed. “No, I mean the toad. Are you suggesting that I do not know my constellations?” “No, I'm saying-” “I had nothing to do for a thousand years of banishment but look at stars!” Celestia threw up her hooves “Ugh! That was one time!” Just as they were moments away from escalating to a Royal Canterlot Voice shouting match, a glorious beam of iridescent colored light shone down upon them. “Salutations,” came a booming jolly voice. The sisters ceased their bickering immediately and looked wide-eyed into the cosmic spotlight above as a heavenly chorus rang out with exaltation. “I am the Hearth's Warming Wishing Star!” Celestia side-eyed her sister. “Do you know anything about a Hearth's Warming Wishing Star?” “No.” “Well then so much for being ‘intimately familiar with the night sky,’” quipped Celestia, twirling her hoof in the air. “Listen,” hissed Luna. “Ahem. Anyway,” continued the star in mild agitation. “Every Hearth's Warming Eve, I visit the sky above and grant a wish to the first creature to spot me and this year it's a tie between you two.” “How?” shrugged Luna. “She didn't see you, I saw you.” “I saw him,” scoffed Celestia. “I just didn't know he wasn't supposed to be there. If he says it's a tie, it's a tie. And anyway it's basically rigged in favor of a small subset of creatures who are overly obsessed with astronomy.” “Well excuse me for being passionate and knowledgeable in my field,” bristled Luna. “Do you want wishes or not?” interjected the star in annoyance. “Yes,” they replied in emphatic unison. “Okay, then let's just stop talking so we can move this along. What are your wishes? One each. White pony first.” “I wish to be the parent of my very own foal,” blurted Celestia. “Please!” “Very well,” agreed the star. “I also want a foal,” added Luna. “No, two foals, twin foals!” “Very well.” Suddenly the light beam intensified around them until they were both visoring their eyes from its brilliance. “You have until the sun rises on Hearth's Warming Day before the magic vanishes.” “Wait, what?” “Farewelllllllllllllllllll~” The light faded away along with the mysterious sentient star. As their eyes adjusted to the dark again, they looked expectantly in every direction for their foretold progeny but it was still only the two of them upon the balcony. “Where are the foals?” asked Luna in dismay. It said there would be foals.” “I don't know,” shrugged Celestia. with a voice three octaves lower. “Perhaps we are pregnant with them?” “What happened to your-” Luna's eyes bulged when she caught sight of her sister. “I do not think you are pregnant.” “Why?” “Because you appear to be a stallion now.” Celestia blinked. “What?” She teleported inside Luna's bed chamber before her vanity and looked into the mirror to see an unfamiliar face looking back. The princess gasped. Her front half had a bulkier build now, her muzzle more squared with defined masculine features. Warily she bowed her head to look down along her undercarriage. There, at the end, between her hind legs was a pair of big white balls just hanging as if they'd always been there. She slowly raised her head with a shocked expression to see Luna’s reflection over her shoulder. “I don't understand,” she murmured. “This isn't what I asked for, not at all.” She continued looking over her new body. True, she hadn't been as specific as she'd have been if the star hadn't put her on the spot the way that it did but this was simply incorrect by any interpretation.  Luna scoured her room for a crib or bassinet that might contain her new sleeping twins but nothing appeared to have changed. She sighed. “Well I didn't seem to get anything at all, much less twin foals.” “Ugh,” grunted Celestia in annoyance. “Well, at least this isn't permanent… at least the star said it wasn't.” Her forehead wrinkled in concern. Could they really trust anything the mysterious star had told them? “I have half a mind to raise the sun early and be done with it immediately.” “It would make many foals happy to have an early Hearth's Warming,” mused Luna. “But you mustn't.” “This almost feels like a Discord prank but if it was, it wasn't his best work. Quite lazy and I don't get it.” “That is true,” agreed Luna. “And Discord usually likes to revel in spectacle. Why saddle just you with something you can sleep off?” The two of them pondered silently at the strange, seemingly arbitrary nature of their wish’s manifestation. Luna frowned as a bizarre thought crossed her mind. “You don’t suppose… we were meant to make our own foals… with each other.” Celestia recoiled at the idea. “What?” “Does that not seem to be implied? You were made a stallion to impregnate me with twins. Then we would both have foals in accordance with our wishes. What else makes sense?” “But… I- I just wanted a foal, not an ordeal where I had to breed my own sister before the sun comes up.” “Oh, so breeding me is an ‘ordeal,’ scoffed Luna. “Yes, because we are siblings and the thought never crossed my mind until just now. Pregnancy is also an ordeal.” Luna gestated on that. Yes, incest between siblings was weird and she wasn't even sure if she could inspire her sister enough to get the job done but the added requirement of carrying their own foals quickly began to grow on her. “I'm not saying your theory doesn't make sense,” posed Celestia. “I'm just at a loss as to why it would happen this way.” “Perhaps this is due to us tying for the wish. The wish must be split in two and shared?” she shrugged. “If just one foal was given to us out of thin air we'd be fighting over whose it was, but this way we know exactly whose it is: ours.” “We don't really want to do this,” Celestia laughed nervously. “Do we?” Luna awkwardly scratched the back of her neck as Celestia pawed idly at the rug. “I mean… I really want a foal,” she continued. “As do I,” added Luna. “Can you think of any better way?” Celestia bit her lip in desperate thought. “Well, at least we could do Invitro… like Twilight.” “That's really what you want to do?” “Yes. Why not? You just want to… to do it the regular way?” “That was my first thought. Wouldn't that be easiest and work best? We're not experts on Invitro.” “What's there to know? I go in my bedroom and come out with a flask of ejaculate and a funnel…” “You've never jerked off as a Stallion,” droned Luna. “No, but I've jerked off a stallion,” she argued flippantly. “I just think that’s overly complicated and should be our backup plan. “Ugh. Fine,” conceded Celestia. “But we tell no one.” “We have to tell. How do we explain my presumed pregnancy and the foals?” “I mean that we say it's from an anonymous sperm donor like Twilight. We can figure that part out later.” “Fine,” agreed Luna. “How do we start?” Celestia rolled her eyes. “Well, not by asking ‘How do we start,’ for one.” “Oh, I'm sorry,” she snapped. “I'm a little rusty after being imprisoned on the moon for-” “Yes, a thousand years, a thousand years,” groaned Celestia. “I thought we were finally over this.” “A thousand years is a long time! Generations came and went! Empires grew and crumbled! An entire-” Spurred on by the sudden desire to truncate her sister's tirade, Celestia leaned forward and wrapped her lips around Luna’s with as much passion as she could muster. Perhaps kissing one's sister was like a swimming pool, she thought. Getting used to it was easier if you just dove right in. It was very uncomfortable at first but then all of a sudden it was fun… One could hope. Luna squeaked in surprise at her sister's aggressiveness but quickly made the most of it. She moaned, parting her lips to welcome Celestia's tongue into her mouth. It lashed and tangled with her own. Celestia wrapped a hoof behind her smaller sibling’s head and held her close as their lips wrestled. For someone apparently so hesitant, she made a convincing show of proactive lust. However it was mostly for convincing herself. Luna put a hoof on Celestia's snow white chest as a dampness began to grow in her loins. Suddenly Celestia pulled away, panting with her heart beating in her throat. She sat on her haunches and looked down between her legs to assess if she'd achieved an erection. Alas. Her sheath was empty. Luna looked down at her brand new genitals and frowned in disappointment. “For what it's worth, it was working for me.” Celestia sighed, hoofing her testes curiously. It felt nice for something so foreign. She hadn't even gotten used to being in a male body and she was already trying to procreate with it. It was all so haphazard and amateurish. “I feel a strange sudden attraction to your body but my mind can't put aside the fact that we are still siblings,” she admitted. “Perhaps some libations are in order?” suggested Luna. “Yes, powerful libations,” she agreed. Luna opened the cabinet in the corner with her magic and floated out a corked decanter of brandy and a pair of tumblers. “Just enough to tear down your reservations. I'd rather you not be sloppy for this.” Luna poured two glasses in the air. “To fertility and foals,” she declared. “Yes.” They clinked their drinks together and took a taste. Physiologically, Luna was already turned on. She did not need an icebreaker but she drank for the fun of it and it felt weird to just watch her sister drink alone until she could find her arousing enough to rut. She sipped her brandy while Celestia slammed hers and refilled her glass on her own. “Okay, I think that's probably enough,” cautioned Luna after seeing her sister down the third glass. “Let's see how you feel.” “One more for good measure,” argued Celestia, tipping the bottle into her mouth. “Ugh.” She was already drinking straight from the bottle and saying ‘Just one more.’ Celestia clenched her eyes shut and sighed as the alcohol surged into her system and warmed her body. She blinked several times before her vision stabilized and her sister came into focus. “How do you feel now?” “Hmm…” mumbled Celestia, eying her up and down like she was a pile of chocolate ice cream. “I thing thiz’ll werk,” she slurred. “Lez make sum folz.” “Well of course you completely disregarded what I wanted,” grunted Luna in annoyance. Celestia wobbled forward, shaking a hoof at her. “Shuddup an’ get on the bed,” she commanded, possessing none of the patience and grace of her sober self. “Oh, so it's going to be like that, is it?” Celestia didn't wait for her to comply, instead picking up right where they left off. She clumsily pushed her muzzle into hers. Their tongues slipped eagerly inside one another and they both moaned passionately. This time the only thing resonating in Celestia's brain was the pleasant, soft wetness of Luna's lips caressing her own. She did not need to look down to see, she felt a strange stirring between her legs that could only be one thing. Luna, meanwhile, was utterly stunned, not just by how little making out with her gender swapped sister bothered her but how incredibly arousing it was. She had definitely learned something about herself tonight but she wasn't sure what. The thought of doing this with her had never seriously crossed her mind before but the moment she possessed the body of a well built stallion, one significantly larger in stature than herself, it was all suddenly fair play. Still kissing with eyes shut, Luna slipped her hoof beneath her sister's underside, wishing to know what she had down there. As she groped around blindly, her hoof cradled the warm tip of Celestia's fully erect stallionhood  With mutual surprise, they broke the kiss. Celestia sat on her haunches again and looked down. There, standing proudly at attention, was a beautifully sculpted pillar befitting a god, easily the largest pony phallus either had laid eyes on. Every vein and raised ridge of flesh really did look chiseled from marble. It pulsed with unbridled energy, the ultimate specimen of male virility but wielded by a mare. Luna reached out and ran a hoof down its length from tip to base. The shaft flexed in reaction like a mighty bow being drawn. Celestia shivered. “Oh, that felt good but it also aches.” She joined her sister in stroking it up and down, wanting to feel it for herself, wanting more of that sensation. It was so warm and incredibly stiff, a wonder of nature. Had she not known better, she would have conjectured that surely there was one large bone in there. They gazed in awe, continuing to pump. A sheen of precum spilled over the flat dome of her tip. Luna had officially lost all composure at the sight. “Enough of this! Sister, take me now,” she commanded. She scampered up upon her great four poster bed and unabashedly threw herself on her back, hind legs stretched wide to present her eager and well lubricated marehood. The volatile cocktail of stallion hormones and alcohol roiling in Celestia's brain made the display absolutely irresistible. Without hesitation, she pounced. A little unsteady on the mattress, she loomed above her sibling. Luna beheld the robust member cantilevered above her with a gravity defying rigidity. She grasped it in her magic and pointed it downward toward her entrance, not wanting her sister to have to flounder around helplessly with the unruly appendage. Following the magical pull on her cock, Celestia knelt down till their undercarriages touched. With intense anticipation, Luna steered her flaring tip downward, meeting it half way with an impatient upward thrust of her hips. The dripping head popped inside her with a short protest over her size. They let out a communal gasp as Luna's warm pussy embraced her fat knob. The grip tightened around her thick flare as she pulled back slightly. Luna's swollen lower lips refused to fully relinquish her awe-inspiring endowment. Going on newfound instinct, Celestia rocked her hips forward to plunge deeper into her sister. Luna arched her back and cried out as her own sibling slid deep inside her. She could feel her canal widening around the monstrous girth as her clit bounced over Celestia's medial ring. Her cock finally came to a stop, bumping into the door to Luna's womb.  Celestia shuddered at the nearly full length embrace around her stallionhood. “Thiz feels incredible,” she panted in disbelief. “Yes,” agreed Luna emphatically. “Now hurry and put your foals in me!” Celestia pulled back and thrust forward much to their mutual delight. Once again, her flare kissed Luna's cervix, seeking passage. Though the sensation of first time sex in a stallion body was nearly overwhelming, she still could not dismiss the desire to go deeper, to go beyond and be fully inside her sister. Luna closed her eyes and braced her hooves submissively on her sister's chest as she began to pound her with wild abandon. The feeling of being stuffed to the point of feeling like she was splitting apart at the seams was constant but undeniably mind-blowing and irresistible. Celestia couldn't wrap her brain around the sensation of being inside a pussy. All she knew was that she didn't want it to stop. Her length throbbed in approval as she continued to plow Luna. She tested her boundaries and kept pushing forward, Luna screaming louder with each advance she made. In a flash of self awareness, the princess of night put a hoof over her own mouth until her cries were reduced to muffled whimpering. All she could see was her larger sister's athletic barrel heaving before her face, grunting with each thrust, hot blasts of brandy breath sweeping through her mane. There was no stopping this train; they were fully enslaved to their biological needs despite the strangeness of the situation. Luna's pink ring stood out in stark contrast against her black coat as it flexed and squeezed around Celestia's pistoning shaft. Her juicy clit slipped and slid down the length of the wide intruder and their ecstasy grew. “I- I thing I'm almos there,” quivered Celestia, her loins trembling in anticipation. She redoubled her efforts, eliciting a foalish squeal from her sibling, just when she thought she could go no faster. Little by little, with every wreckless pound, Luna's cervix widened a bit more. Celestia's eyes were glazed over and unfocused; her mouth hung wide open, thick drips of drool pattering in her sister's starry mane like she'd lost her mind. With one final push, the passage opened, sending them into simultaneous nirvana. In that moment of bliss garnished with pain, Luna's eyes rolled back as she was ambushed by a sudden, hard climax surging through her like a lightning bolt. Her hind legs twitched in the air on either side of Celestia's furiously pumping hips as she lost all control to carnal satisfaction. Her sister's newly acquired battering ram had finally squeezed through the threshold of her fertile womb. Celestia lost her breath as her tip lodged snugly inside Luna's innermost core. Her base swallowed whole by her sister's hungry vulva as she finally hilted inside. Her mighty, plump balls squeezed between their colliding thighs and immediately began to clench in orgasmic celebration as if they had been waiting for this moment, as if the impact had squeezed the seed directly from them. Luna felt every undulating pulse of her sister's cock as it pumped her full of cum. Quickly she reached full capacity and the prodigious flood of seed began to spurt back onto Celestia's balls until they were coated and dripping with white on white. They laid there, comfortably paralyzed in a post orgasmic daze. “I can't believe we only get this for one night,” panted Luna, knowing that Celestia was going to wake up tomorrow either remembering nothing or pretending like she remembered nothing. Celestia struggled to a kneeling position. She felt her flare ruffle deep inside of Luna as she uncorked her stuffed womb. She withdrew from her with a wet squelch followed by a gush or white cream that pooled on Luna's dark tail. She looked down at her sister and felt a deeply satisfying sense of conquest different from any she had felt before. She had just bred her own sibling and she was still hard. Celestia got to the floor with her rubber legs wobbling on impact. “See? I told you,” began Luna, rolling over to face her. “That wasn't difficult. And it was more fun that a stupid funnel.” “The funnel comment wuz jus a joke; you don't hafta be zo cridigal all the time,” huffed Celestia. “Go to bed, sister. You over did it on the alcohol… as usual.” “I'm exagly as drunk az I need ta be ta fuck my annoying moon zister,” growled Celestia, jabbing a hoof at her. Luna glared back at her. “Oh, you are one to talk,” she snapped. “Have you any idea how many glkk-” Her eyes bulged as her sister reared up in a flash and plugged her sassy mouth with the tip of her wet cock. A mix of her own essence and Celestia's musky cum assaulted Luna's taste buds. Before she could process what was happening, her sister's fat girth began driving straight down her gullet as she mounted her face on the edge of the bed. Celestia grunted and shuddered as she pushed her stallionhood all the way down her sister's throat till her semen slathered balls bumped her chin. Luna's tongue squirmed inertly along the underside of her cock as her cream covered lips strangled her base. Luna could only whimper in helpless submission as Celestia pulled back with a squelch and pushed back in with vigorous indifference. Her sister's vocalizations sent a pleasant buzz down her shaft as she picked up speed. Celestia was already lost in the mentally hazy throes of ecstasy, forgetting about their argument or her sister's possible discomfort. It was all quickly eclipsed by the need for more sexual gratification. Luna's loins gushed with fresh juices as she found herself more aroused than she could ever remember before. Being dominated by her sister in a stallion body was simply on another level, a carnal desire she never knew she wanted. Still laying prostrate on the bed, she squeezed her forehoof under her body and between her legs where she began to rub with immediate results. She moaned deeply as Celestia slammed her mouth, her dick filling out once more to its full thickness. Her balls slapped her sibling's chin accompanied by the soft rhythmic slurping of cum and saliva as it built up on her muzzle, only to drip gracelessly on the floor. Her pathetic squeals were muffled by a mouthful of meat as the pleasure from her marehood collided with the erotically satisfying discomfort of the forceful mouth fucking. Climax was coming so unbelievably fast, especially for a second round. Her body convulsed with an ecstasy rivaling any from her past. Her hoof trembled on her clit as a surge of fresh drool poured from her moaning mouth. Luna's second orgasm would have gone entirely unnoticed by her sister if it weren't for the vibrations it sent through her length. She was still in her own world as she mindlessly railed her throat. Celestia braced her hooves on the top of her sister's head, holding her down and fully reducing her to a powerless sex toy. She sped up to a blistering pace as she quickly neared release. She cried out and threw her head back as stars filled her vision. Her cock throbbed as she blasted another salvo of cum inside her sister. Luna didn't so much swallow the load as it was piped directly to her stomach like a garden hose into a balloon. Unbelievably, she expelled just as much seed as the first time. It had to be an effect of the magic spell. Only after the final spurt did Celestia exhale and release her reeling sister's head. She pulled back slowly, her now softening length slithering from the bottom of Luna's throat and shimmering with her saliva as it emerged. Even after the flare slipped from her lips, Luna laid limply on the mattress with a dazed expression. “Anyway,” panted Celestia. “We shu jus seddle down an meditate on the beauty ov creationon en new live.” Celestia bowed her head and retched over the porcelain bowl once more and once more nothing came out. There was simply nothing left in her to throw up. She spat into the water, trying to rid her mouth of the bitter taste of bile. “Must reach the balcony,” Celestia grunted in determination. She braced herself on the bathroom counter, switched on the water faucet and lapped at the cool stream. She swished the water in her cheeks to wash her mouth out and then chugged straight from the tap to replenish her fluids. The things that she did behind closed doors had always been scenes indistinguishable from the life of a common bachelor. The lax behavior brought a necessary balance to her existence that had gotten her through centuries of ruling. Celestia steeled her resolve and staggered outside through the double doors. She squeezed her head between her hooves on the balcony rail and gazed out over a cold, dark Equestria with a grimace. She looked down at her balls and empty sheath, dismissing the sudden urge to let the sun sleep, just till her headache went away, just so she could experiment with her temporary body a little more. “Well, goodbye, penis,” she sighed. “That was quite an interesting experience that I will remember forever… and tell no one.” “Okay. Focus, focus, focus,” she whispered to herself. She squinted her eyes and pushed through the vice of the migraine. It wasn't the first time she'd summoned the sun with a hangover and it surely wouldn't be the last. Slowly the horizon began to glow deep purple, then hot pink, then orange and at last, her old friend, the great golden orb, crested low in the sky. Dawn had arrived. Celestia's body illuminated with a magical aura not her own. As the strange light vanished, she began to look herself over. She stroked her face, feeling a smooth complexion without edge or stubble. Her figure was svelte and graceful and there were no weird dangly bits between her legs. Just as the star had said, she was back to normal at first light. At least that part was straight forward. Her stomach heaved in futility again, though the reaction never reached her throat. “Aaaand the hangover is still here,” she grumbled disappointedly. She hurried back in her bed chamber on hoof because her current state made teleportation sketchy. The doors clicked shut behind her. She drew the curtains ironically to block out the growing light that she'd just conjured. Then she collapsed on her bed with a groan. It was now Hearth's Warming day. Foals would be waking with ecstatic fervor to open their long coveted presents. And she had obligations just like every other day but she couldn't even muster the constitution to leave her bedroom. How long before an assistant knocked on her door to do a welfare check? She closed her eyes and sighed. “Sister,” blurted Luna, aparating from the air at her bedside. Celestia cringed in pain at the grating volume of her intrusion. “Do you remember what we did last-” Her words were cut off as she retched and hurled right there on the rug. The sound of the wet splatter coupled with the blast of smell set off Celestia's stomach once again. She quickly rolled to the edge of her bed as her guts convulsed. In an unpleasant revisiting, she expelled much of the water that she'd just drank. “Ugh,” she grunted, rolling back over to face her sister. “How did you get a hangover too? I thought you only had one glass… I mean after a couple at the party.” Luna wiped her mouth sluggishly with one hoof. “It's not a hangover. Look.” She turned to show her her profile. Celestia's eyes landed on a strange bit of pudge in her stomach that wasn't there before. Celestia blinked. “It can't be. That was fast. You look like you're five or six weeks along already.” Luna ran a hoof down her undercarriage. “I don't know if it happened right when the sun came up but that was when I noticed and that was when I started feeling sick… I hope my due date doesn't come before Twilight’s; she'd never forgive me.” Celestia frowned as she ruminated on this sudden development. “How are we going to explain this now?” - - - “And that is why I am so pregnant all of a sudden,” concluded Luna, gesturing to her bulging underside. “It is indeed twins and nothing short of a Hearth's Warming miracle.” Apple Bloom stayed on her haunches looking like she’d just swallowed a worm and wondering if this was actually any better than the horrible nightmare Luna had interrupted. “Ya coulda just said the wishin’ star made ya pregnant with magic, left it at that, and Ah woulda believed ya and been fine.” “That is the story that my sister tells,” explained the princess. “I, however, subscribe to a different philosophy. Better to let foals know the truth when they ask than to fill their head with misleading fairytales.” Apple Bloom' scratched her head in bewilderment. Still didn't need to be that detailed ‘bout it, she thought. “Well… Ah know a lot about where foals come from now… and some other stuff Ah really didn't need ta know at all, but what about mah cutie mark anxiety?” Luna frowned with confusion. “Hmm? Oh. Oh yes.” She patted the little filly on the head. “Don’t worry; you'll get it eventually.”