> Hearth’s Warming Dress > by Big-Badd_MAC > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Hearth’s Warming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hearth’s Warming. It was a time of excitement and celebration. A time where everypony can just throw their cares away and be with family and loved ones. A holiday that everypony looks forward to every year. And that’s what Sunny Starscout was looking forward to. At the Crystal Brighthouse, preparations were being made by her friends. Pipp and Zipp were putting up decorations around the outdoor interior. Izzy was making a ton of arts and crafts for decorations on the very large tree that Hitch picked out weeks earlier. Misty, who had recently moved in, was working on the indoor decorations. While they were doing that(and while Hitch was finishing up his rounds), Sunny was finishing up her last bit of shopping for the day. She got the ingredients for some appetizers and entrees for her Hearth’s Warming party in a few days. She invited EVERYPONY there. She just hoped she would make enough. “All right. That’s apples, radishes, caramel, cinnamon, butter, oranges and onions. I hope that’s everything.” She said, looking down at her list she had made. When she looked up, she saw a familiar face walking through the town. It was Sprout Cloverleaf, who was carrying a small saddle bag with bits in it. She had also invited him to her party as well. Even after the whole destruction of her home, caused by him, the two of them had reconciled eventually. It took a bit, as well as Sprout serving a whole year and a half of community service, for the two of them to even speak again. They ultimately did, and she was glad that her and him were friends still. It also took a little bit for her new friend to trust him as well, but they ultimately did for her sake. Even if Zipp didn’t particularly like him all that much. She smiled and trotted over to him. “Hey Sprout. Getting the last bit of Hearth’s Warming shopping done?” She asked in an upbeat tone. Her smile faltered a little bit when she saw the look on his face. Now, for as long as she’s remembered him, Sprout has always been a naturally grumpy stallion. He was even given the nickname “Captain Grumpy” by Izzy. A nickname he didn’t appear to like. However, here it was different. Yeah, Sprout didn’t have a smile on his face, but she didn’t sense the Sprout Pout(a nickname given by his mother, Phyllis) upon him. This face was just…kinda bummed. Like, something was really bugging him. “Hello Sunny. And yes, I’ve already gotten most of my shopping done. Just gotta stop one more place and then I’m done.” He said in a gloomy tone. Sunny looked concerned. “Hey, what’s the matter? Are you feeling okay?” She asked him. He just shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess I’m just….not in the Hearth’s Warming mood.” Sunny gasped. “Not in the Hearth’s Warming mood? But why?” “I don’t know. I’m just not feeling it this year, I guess.” He said, his gloomy tone elevating. “Sprout, you used to LOVE Hearth’s Warming. Every year when we were young, you’d get so excited for my Dad’s party every year. And your Mom would have to hold you back from eating all the cookies.” She said with a giggle at the humorous memory. But, the memory didn’t seem to make Sprout even chuckle. Just make him more…down. “Like you said, that’s when were kids. We’re adults now. Things change when you get older. You just….lose that spark.” He said. “You haven’t lost your spark, Sprout. You just need something to light up your mood. Maybe, my Hearth’s Warming party will do that. You’ll be there, right?” She asked him, looking confident in her statement. “Yeah.” Sprout answered immediately. “I’ll be there. But, I can’t promise you it’ll make me get into the Hearth’s Warming mood.” Sunny didn’t say anything. She just gave him a sad look. She had never heard anything like this from him. It was really hard for her to hear him say all these things. After about a minute of silence, Sprout spoke up. “My Mom’s making her Hearth’s Warming casserole for the party.” “That’s great.” Sunny said, showing a sad smile. “Anyway, I gotta go finish up my shopping. See ya at the party.” He said, now trotting away from her. As he was walking, Sunny spoke out loud to him. “If it makes you feel a little better, Happy Hearth’s Warming, Sprout.” She said. All Sprout did was wave at her as he walked away. “So, do you think you have enough?” Seashell asked her friend Peach Fizz, who was carrying a small saddle bag filled with bits on her back. The unicorn filly nodded. “Yeah, I think so. I just…hope I can get it.” She said, looking away from Seashell and Glory with a sad look. The Earth Pony and Pegasus looked at their friend with concern and sympathy. They couldn’t begin to imagine what their friend was going through. After all these months, it must’ve been really hard for her. “I mean…I worked so hard for all these bits. They can’t…” Peach Fizz couldn’t finish her sentence as the thought of not getting what she wanted just hurt her so much inside. “We hope you get it too, Fizzy.” Glory said to her friend in support. “Yeah, and we’re here if you need us.” Seashell said. Peach Fizz nodded with a determined look. “Yeah. Thank you girls. I gotta go now.” She said, galloping off toward the store she was going to. Both Glory and Seashell sighed in sadness. “I really hope she gets it.” Glory said. “Yeah.” Seashell replied. “After all she’s been through, she needs this. For her.” Glory nodded sadly. “Do you think she’ll love it?” She asked her friend. “Of course. I mean, It came from her. I’m sure she’ll love it.” Seashell looked sad again. “It’s just too bad it’s probably the only time she’ll be able to wear it.” “Yeah.” Glory said, as the two of them trotted away. Hoping for the best for their best friend. Sprout trotted through the streets of Maretime Bay, taking in the sights of everything around him. Everywhere there was Hearth’s Warming lights on lampposts. Wreath’s on doors of local businesses. Snow on the ground. Pictures of Hearth’s Warming characters like Santa Hooves, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowpony, and even a poster of the Chaos in the Skyrise movie that came out a long, long time ago. Back when his Mom was around his age. Some called that film a Hearth’s Warming film for some reason, but he didn’t. He just saw it as a badass action film that anyone could watch at anytime. It was certainly a favorite of his. He even saw some carolers singing songs in the streets. Singing classic Hearth’s Warming songs. With true joy in their hearts. Sadly, Sprout just couldn’t find joy in his heart though. And he felt sad that he couldn’t. What Sunny said earlier to him was correct. Sprout used to LOVE Hearth’s Warming when he was younger. Every year, his Mom and him would bake something for Sunny’s Dad, Argyle Starshine’s big Hearth’s Warming party that he would throw every year. There would be a big feast, a nice tree, gift exchanges, and amazing treats that would make his mouth water. He did chuckle a little bit at when Sunny reminded him of the Cookies. She never would let him live that down. It was always something special to him. Even after both Argyle and his father had passed away, they still would be together for Hearth’s Warming. It showed that they still were close. However, over the years, as Sprout got older, he just didn’t exactly feel that way anymore. And he didn’t know why. He just didn’t seem as excited as years before. Whether it be his time doing community service or just growing up, his holiday spirit had just diminished. And he felt sad that he just couldn’t feel that spark. As these feelings were still felt within him, he noticed a little unicorn filly running toward a store he was right next to. It was some type of botique. A place where ponies made suits and dresses and what not. Sprout also swore he recognized the filly. He thought he saw her hanging out with that singing pegasi friend of Sunny. The pink one, Pipp. He wondered why she was looking so in a hurry to get to this store. Being curious, he decided to walk in. After being greeted by the counter pony, an earth pony stallion who looked about 10 years older than him, he saw Peach Fizz come up to the counter. The little unicorn filly was levitating a dress. What confused Sprout about this, was the dress obviously looked too big for her. In fact, it looked like it was a dress for an adult mare. Not a young filly. So, why did she pick out this dress? Granted, he did think the dress looked very pretty. Any mare would probably want to have it. But, why was a filly buying it? Could she even afford it? “Excuse me, Mister? I’d like to buy this dress please.” Peach Fizz said, dropping it on the counter. “Hmm.” The counter pony said, checking the dress over. “This dress is a little big for you, kiddo. Why don’t you buy something your size?” He asked, while Sprout decided to look at the suits. Which were close to the register area. Strangely enough, only him, Peach Fizz and the register mare were in the store now. As he looked over the suits, however, he could swear that he heard a small whimper. It was very soft, just barely audible. But still audible enough to make him listen in. He wasn’t looking at them. Not yet at least. Peach Fizz looked sad. “It’s not for me. It’s for my Mommy.” She said in a sad tone. When that word left her mouth, Sprout couldn’t help but look at her. The way she said it made him want to know why she said that in that type of tone. The register guy raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Why are you buying your Mom a dress, little filly?” He asked, sounding genuinely curious and with slight concern in her tone. Peach Fizz was only silent for a small minute before she dropped the bombshell on her. And unknowingly to Sprout as well. “My Mommy has been sick for a while. And she hasn’t gotten better. She’s….she’s gotten worse.” Sprout heard her say that with the utmost emotion in her little cracked voice. He almost felt his heart crack a little bit too. This little filly was gonna lose her Mom soon to some type of cancer? The register guy only groaned in remorse for the little filly. He and Sprout both felt tremendous sympathy for her. No filly should ever go through this in their life. Especially on Hearth’s Warming. Peach Fizz put her bag of bits on the counter. While the register guy was counting away at her bits, Sprout saw the desperation in the little filly’s face. She REALLY wanted to buy this dress for her Mommy. She wanted to get something for her Mommy before she would go to Heaven. Sprout almost felt the need to scoop this filly in his arms and give her a hug. But, he didn’t know her very well. He didn’t want to risk making a situation worse. His attention then went to the register guy, who let out another sad groan. “I’m sorry, sweetheart.” He said with care in her voice. “You don’t have enough.” Peach Fizz felt her heart sink. Her lip quivered. She felt tears run down her face. She felt sobs choking up her little throat. “W-What?” She asked in heartbreak. The register guy gave a sad look to her. “You’re 7 bits short. If it were a bit and a half or two, I could look the other way. I’m afraid I can’t do that with that much left.” He told the crying filly. Sprout almost felt angry. At first, he wanted to yell at the stallion for not doing some type of discount for her. But, he realized that, unfortunately, business was business. They had rules. And that’s just what she was doing. Sprout looked at Peach Fizz, who was just sitting there crying. Tears steamed down the poor little filly’s face. “B-B-But I worked so hard for those bits!” She yelled in heartache. “I know, sweetheart. But, I have to follow the rules. The dress will be half price the day after Hearth’s Warming. I could put it on hold for you.” He said, trying to cheer up the little filly. It didn’t work. It only made her sob even more. “It’ll be too late.” Peach Fizz cried softly as she started to walk toward the entrance. Walking away with a broken heart. Her sobs being heard by both of them. Sprout took a look inside his bit bag. He had hoped on getting a new pizza maker for himself. However, after hearing Peach Fizz’s heartbreaking story about her Mommy, he realized he just HAD to do it. He knew he would be out of the new Pizza turntable maker, but he knew he wouldn’t sleep at night if he didn’t do something. So, he did. “Wait.” He called out, making Peach Fizz turned her tear stained face toward him. The register lady looked surprised to hear this coming from the former Emporer. He came up to the counter and put his bag down. “Here. Take my bits. Gift wrap it even.” He told her. Peach Fizz looked on in shock. “Are you sure, sir?” The register guy asked him. He nodded. “Yeah.” He smiled in appreciation. “Okay. Looks like you’re getting the dress after all, little filly.” He said, taking the dress and starting to put it in a gift box. Sprout looked over at the filly, who was still shocked to see what had just happened. Emporer Sprout, who used to be afraid of Unicorns(which she was), helped her pay for a dress she wanted to buy for her dying Mother. The register guy put the gift box on the counter and gave it to Sprout. “Here ya go.” The register guy said. Sprout took it and then gave it to Peach Fizz. “Go get this dress to your Mommy, kiddo. She needs it more than I’ll need anything.” He said. Peach Fizz slowly beamed in happiness. Tears fell down again, only now they were tears of happiness. She embraced him in a hug. He even felt her wet tears on his chest. She looked back up at him and said something he never thought he’d ever hear in his life. Something he always wanted to hear. “Thank you, Sprout. Thank you. Thank you so much.” She said, sounding very emotional. She dried her tears with her hoof. With the gift box in her hooves, she happily replied, “Mommy’s gonna look so pretty.” She then ran out of the store with happiness in her heart. “You did good, Sprout.” The register guy said to him. He turned away to hide the fact that he was fanning his eyes with his hoof to calm himself down and not bawl his eyes out at the incredibly selfless gesture. All Sprout did was just stare at the entrance. “Yeah. I guess I did.” He said, as he couldn’t stop thinking about what that poor filly must be going through. It made him think about his mother too. Sprout instantly smelled the cookies his Mother was making. Peanut Butter Truffles. One of his absolute favorites. Seemed they just came out of the oven. When the front door of their home shut, Phyllis Cloverleaf, wearing her apron, walked into the living room. “Hello Sprout. How’d your shopping go?” She asked, before looking confused at his empty hooves. “I thought you were going to get that pizza maker you wanted, Sugercube.” Sprout only stared at his mother. The more he thought about Peach Fizz’s Mom, the more he felt how lucky he was. After his rampage, he was lucky his Mother still allowed him to stay with her. She could’ve kicked him to the curb in order to save her business. But she didn’t. Because she loved her son with all her heart. He was so lucky to have a Mom like her. Sprout started to feel himself get choked up. Phyllis noticed this and started to feel concerned. “Sugercube, what’s wrong?” She asked him. Then, Sprout wrapped his hooves around her and just hugged her. And let a few small tears roll down his face. Phyllis looked confused. “I’m just…so lucky I have you, Mom. I’m sorry I’m not the best son. I love you.” He said softly with a barely audible sob mixed in. Phyllis get herself getting choked up too. She wrapped her own hooves around him. “Oh, you silly little colt. You’ll always be my son. I love you too, sweetheart.” She said, as the two just stayed in the warm embrace for a minute or two more. -/- “So you gave your last few bits to that unicorn filly just so she could buy that dress for her Momma?” Phyllis asked her son, who was sitting at the dining table with her, eating a few Peanut Butter Cookies with some milk. Sprout nodded. “Yeah. She said she’s been sick for a while and hasn’t gotten better. I just knew I couldn’t sleep at night if I didn’t do anything.” He said, finishing his cookie. Phyllis gave her son a warm smile. “Oh, honey. I think that is one of the kindest things you’ve ever done. I’m so proud, Sugercube.” She said, hugging her son again, who happily hugged back. After they let go, Sprout spoke again. “I just hope I can get into the Hearth’s Warming mood. Honestly, Mom, I just haven’t been feeling it this year.” Phyllis looked shocked. “Why ever not? You love Hearth’s Warming.” He shrugged. “I guess it’s just me getting older. And I haven’t watched a lot of Hearth’s Warming specials either. Maybe that’s it.” He said, sort of looking gloomy. Phyllis then got an idea. “Well, sweetheart, why don’t we sit down and watch It’s A Wonderful Life together. Maybe that’ll brighten up your Spirits.” She said. Sprout was silent for a bit, before giving his answer to his Mom. “Can we make some popcorn?” He asked. “Of course.” She said. Sprout smiled. “Okay then. I’ll look through the steaming channels.” He said, getting out of his chair and going into the living room. Phyllis smiled. As she got two popcorn bags out of one of her cupboards, she couldn’t help but think how lucky SHE was to have her son. He may not be the most intelligent or the bravest, but he was her son. And that’s all that mattered to her. Especially at a time like this. “Found it, Mom.” Sprout called out, as she put one of the bags into the microwave. As the popcorn bag popped, she walked into the living room and Sprout hit play, turning on the Hearth’s Warming classic film. When he hit play, Sprout couldn’t help but feel excited. This was EASILY his favorite Hearth’s Warming film. Even more so than A Hearth’s Warming Story. This excitement made him feel good. Because now he knew he was in the Hearth’s Warming spirit. After doing a selfless act, and now turning on a classic Hearth’s Warming film, he started to feel in the holiday spirit. It was a few days later. The day after Hearth’s Warming to be exact. Sprout had Hearth’s Warming with his mother, Phyllis and her extended family. Sunny spent Hearth’s Warming with Hitch’s grandmother, Pipp and Zipp spent it with their mother, Queen Haven in Zephyr Heights and Misty and Izzy spent it with Alphabittle in Bridlewood. Now, today was Sunny’s Hearth’s Warming party. Sprout was walking through the town with Phyllis, who was carrying her casserole on her back. “Did you have fun yesterday with the family, Sugercube?” She asked. Sprout smiled just a little bit. “Yeah, kinda. I mean, I’m not gonna lie, it was funny seeing Uncle Shamrock get drunk and sing.” He said, chuckling a little bit. Phyllis rolled her eyes. “That pony.” She scoffed. “My brother can be so dumb sometimes.” “I know for a fact that Cousin Lucky isn’t gonna let him live that down.” “And nor should he.” Phyllis said, as they were nearing the Crystal Brighthouse. After Phyllis knocked on the door, she turned towards Sprout. “Try to have some fun, Sugercube. For me, please?” She asked of him. Sprout sighed. “I’ll try, Mom.” The door opened and Sunny was there to greet them. She beamed at them. “Sprout! Phyllis!” She exclaimed while giving each of them a hug. “Come in, come in.” She said, leading them both inside. Sprout looked confused at Sunny’s behavior. He had never seen her this excited to see him. Even with it being a Hearth’s Warming party. When he came inside though, and while Phyllis put her casserole on a counter nearby, he was greeted by his foalhood friend, Hitch Trailblazer. “Hey, Sprout! Good to see you.” He said, putting a hoof out. Sprout hesitated for a moment before giving it a hoof bump. “Hi, Sprout.” He turned toward a blue unicorn mare he hadn’t seen before. “Uh, Hi.” He said. For some reason, he couldn’t think of any other words to say to her. Or stop staring at her. “Hey Captain Grumpy.” He heard a familiar voice say to him from behind. He turned and saw Izzy Moonbow with a Santa Hooves hat on her head. “Here. Have some eggnog.” She said, giving him a cup of the Hearth’s Warming beverage. After she walked away to talk with Misty, Sprout started to feel confused. Why was everypony being so nice to him. Sure, it was a Hearth’s Warming party, but it technically was the day after. They didn’t HAVE to be nice, so why were they doing it? “Hey.” He heard another familiar’s voice call him. He turned around and saw it was one of the two Pegasus sister. The white one, Zipp. Standing next to her, with a thankful looking smile on her face was Pipp. “Um, hi.” He said. Zipp groaned in annoyance. “Did you…have a nice Hearth’s Warming with your family?” She asked him, sounding very reluctant. Giving a confused look, he replied, “Uh, yeah. I did. Thank you. Did you two as well?” “Yeah.” Zipp said, looking away embarrassed. Pipp walked up to him and randomly gave Sprout a hug, surprising him even more. “Thank you, Sprout.” She said with appreciation in her tone. As she let him go, he realized now he needed to ask them what was up. “What’s going on here? Why are you guys being so nice to me?” He asked Pipp. She giggled. “Probably because you helped a little filly give her Mom a gift before she passed away. That’s why.” Sprout’s eyes widened. “You know about that? How?” He asked. “Peach Fizz is one of my little Pippsqueaks. Her, Glory and Seashell.” She then gave a sad sigh. “I was supporting her all throughout when her Mom was hospitalized. It was so hard on her. She’s at home right now taking it really hard after last night.” She said, looking depressed for her little fan. Sprout groaned in sympathy. “So…so her Mom…?” Pipp nodded. “Yeah. She passed away at around 7 PM last night. She fought cancer for about 8 years, but ultimately lost.” “Oh.” Sprout muttered sadly. “That poor kid.” “I know.” Pipp said, before showing a small smile. “Do you wanna know what Peach Fizz told me to tell you?” Sprout looked interested to hear this. “What?” Pipp sniffled a little bit, fanning her eyes with her hoof. “She said… that her Mom thought it was the most beautiful dress she’d ever seen. She loved it, Sprout.” Sprout felt himself getting choked up. He never knew how happy he made that filly. And her mother as well. “You did a good deed, Sprout. And, well, me and Zipp decided to get you something.” She said. “It was more Pipp’s idea.” Zipp chimed in, not trying to look like she was getting choked up at Peach Fizz’s Mom. “You got me something?” Sprout asked. “I didn’t get you anything though.” “That’s okay. You deserve this more than anything I could ever have. Besides, helping my Pippsqueaks is enough of a gift for me.” She said, pulling out a gift wrapped present for him. Sprout took it. He looked at the paper for a quick second before opening it. When he saw what it was, he gasped in surprise. “The pizza turn table?” He asked, looking at it in amazement. “I was gonna buy this myself.” Pipp giggled. “Guess this was a surprise, huh?” She said. Sprout beamed. “Thank you, Pipp. Thank you, Zipp.” He happily told them. He saw Zipp give a smile that she was trying to hide. He remembered she wasn’t supposed to like him. However, after what he did for Peach Fizz, maybe she was starting to realize that he wasn’t too bad after all. “So, you wanna get back to the party?” Pipp asks him. Sprout smiled and nodded. “Heck yeah! It’s Hearth’s Warming. I LOVE Hearth’s Warming.” He said, as the three of them went to mingle with other party guests. It felt so funny to Sprout. Days earlier, he was not in the Hearth’s Warming spirit. He felt miserable and bummed. Now, it was like he couldn’t wait until next year. Hopefully, next year he’ll be excited for the holidays the whole season. He hoped as he looked on at the beautiful Hearth’s Warming tree. > Coming Soon: When Ponies Grieve > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Everyone. I want to thank all of you for checking out my Hearth’s Warming Dress story that I did around Christmas time. I’m glad that I was able to write something Christmas related during the most wonderful time of the year. I’m also glad that a lot of you loved my story. Thank you for all the comments and views. It means a lot to me. Now, if you read my recent chapter of my magnum opus, Redemption for a Cloverleaf, you would’ve seen in the Author’s Note that I have been in the process of writing a sequel to Hearth’s Warming Dress. The reason being is that I watched a highly praised episode of Sesame Street. Yes, I got this idea from an episode of Sesame Street. It was called When Families Grieve. It was a very powerful and heartwarming episode that taught kids on how to deal with grief and loss of a loved one. When I saw that episode, which I absolutely loved, it got me thinking “What would Peach Fizz be doing or thinking now that her Mom has passed away?” “How would she handle it?” “Would she bottle it up?” “Would she even want to talk about her Mom?” These are important questions to think about when children are handed a loss that is difficult to cope with. So, the more I thought about it, I decided I’m gonna write that. I’m gonna write an aftermath on Peach Fizz’s Mom’s passing. Now, I don’t have an exact date as to when I’ll release it, but it should come out soon. I’ve even written a few paragraphs for the story now. I just hope that, when I do release it, that all of you enjoy it as much you did Hearth’s Warming Dress. So, in the future, be on the lookout for my newest story: When Ponies Grieve. A tale about loss, grief, sadness, and acceptance. It’ll be an emotional read, that’s for sure. Thank you all and goodnight everybody.