> Twiluna: Aladdin > by Big Imagination E > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Another Story > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One sunny day in Ponyville we see Spike looking out the window seeing his friend Twilight Sparkle enjoying a lovely date with her lovely wife Princess Luna. Yes they had been together for almost 5 years now. And Spike couldn't be more happy for them. Then he got an idea to read another story. "I think I like to read another story. Wonder what it will be this time?" Spike said. He looked on the bookshelf and found a book with a magic lamp on it. "Aladdin huh? I don't much about him but this should be good." Spike said as he opened the book and began to read. "One night in the city of Abraia there was a street rat named Twilight who ran around the streets trying to get food. But soon she meets a princess named Luna but have to battle the wicked Sombra to earn her love as a sorceress." Spike said as the scenery changed. > Street Rat and Sorcerer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our story begins one dark and fateful night just on the outskirts of Saddle Arabia, where a mysterious and magical cave in the shape of a giant pony head, arose from a great sand dune to greet the pony who desired access to its treasure troves. “Who in their right mind would wake me at THIS hour of the night?” The giant head said, blinking a few times before focusing his sights on the pony standing in front of him. He was a large-muscled pegasus with abnormally small wings and a vacant look in his eyes. “Oh THIS is promising. What is it you want, hmm?” The pegasus’ hooves shook in fright as he glanced over his shoulder to the mysterious stallion waiting behind him. The stallion narrowed his eyes and pointed his hoof expectantly in the direction of the giant pony head. "So you wish for treasure huh?" The head said. "Yes." The pegasus said. "Then step foward and see if you're worthy." The head said. The pegasus did as told. But it turns out he was not worthy of going in the cave. Then after a few hours the pegasus ran out all panicky and ran into a black uniform wearing a sorcerer outfit. He was Sombra. And was not happy. "You are late. Now where's my treasure?!" Sombra said. "I--I I don't have any!" The pegasus said. "Grr..you're useless!!" Sombra yelled banishing him. "Without the treasure I can't rule Arabia! Well time to move to plan B." Sombra said. Meanwhile in the streets of Arabia we see a purple unicorn and her dragon trying to get some food to survive but the guards won't give up. This was Twilight. She began singing about always staying one step ahead. She got finished singing and landed with the bread in hand but then saw two kids looking for food. She couldn't let them starve so making a sacrifice and handed them the bread. They were happy but Twilight and Spike still were hungry. And things were not getting better when a rude prince shoved them around and called Twilight a street rat and everyone laughed at her. She hoped one day all that will change. > Sombra's Plan. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile in a palace of Arabia we see a lovely princess in there wishing that she had someone to share her life with. This was Luna. Her sister the Sultan saw the prince angrily leave the palace and she wasn't happy. This was Celestia. "Sister. You really need to stop rejecting every single prince that comes here. Law says you have to be married by your next birthday." Celestia said. "I know sister. But I don't like being forced into it. If I marry I want it for love." Luna said. "Look sis. I won't be around forever. I just want to make sure your taken care of okay?" Celestia said. "If it means locking me in the palace walls then I don't want to be a princess anymore!" Luna said as she walked away. Celestia walked into the throne room and was frustrated. Then she saw Sombra in here smiling. "Sombra. My faithful advisor. Im in desperate need of your help." Celestia said. "Of course. I live to serve you my queen." Sombra said. "Yes. But Luna keeps refusing to get a husband. I just wish there's a way to help her realize that." Celestia said. "Sure. I can help you with that. But it will require the use of A mystic red ruby." Sombra said. "My ring? But it's been in my family for years." Celestia said. "It's only necessary to find her suitor. Don't worry. Everything will be alright." Sombra said as he hypnotized Celestia and gave him the ring. "Now run along and play with your toys. I will take care of everything." Sombra said. After the hypnotized Celestia left he frowned. "The only ruler around here will be me. And now that I have the ruby I will put it to good use. Find the cave and the treasure. And find anything like a magic lamp that will be useful. Then use the wishes to make me the most powerful sorcerer in all of Arabia! And I think I will marry Luna as well." Sombra said wickedly. He then walked in the room and began plotting his evil scheme. > Rat and The Princess and the Genie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna was still upset that she was being forced into this. But all that changed when Twilight saw her in a bad state. But then they started to get to know each other very well. They spent a few months getting to know each other and what they were going through. But somehow word got out and Sombra told the guards to arrest Twilight and sentence her to death. Luna was upset that she was gonna die. But she didn't know that Sombra was planning this. So anyway Twilight was thrown in jail with Spike and was worried that Luna be forced in marriage now. What seem like all hope is lost it turns out that there was a secret path way to the Cave of Wonders. In there they see all kinds of treasures in here. Gold coins, gold bars, even a magic carpet. It led them to a special place where a lamp is contained and when Twilight grabbed it the place started collapsing. They managed to get out before the place was gone. Then Twilight wondered if the lamp was magical as it says it is. She rubbed the lamp and out came a genie. His name is Starswirl. “Whoo man!! Being locked in that lamp can really take a lot out of you.” Starswirl said. “Um excuse me sir? Who are you?” Twilight said. “I’m Starswirl the genie. And I will grant you three wishes since you rubbed my lamp.” Starswirl said. "Actually. I need your help. An evil sorcerer named Sombra is planning to rule all of Arabia. He ordered his guards to lock me and Spike in the cell. Now he's gonna force Luna in a marriage." Twilight said. "Oh goodness. Well we can't let that happen. I will help you." Starswirl said as he used his magic to get him and the gang out of the cave. "Thanks Starswirl. Now let's stop Sombra!" Twilight said as she headed to the palace to stop Sombra. > Final Fight and Ending > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the palace we see Sombra enjoying his place as ruler. But then the doors flew open and was shocked seeing Twilight staring angry. "Im here for Luna you monster!" Twilight said. "Grr. Couldn't just stayed in prison could you? Well no matter. Cause im only getting warmed up!!" Sombra said. He blew a ring of purple fire and surrounded Twilight as she grabbed a sword before he breathed the fire. "Are you afraid to fight me yourself you cowardly snake!!" Twilight said. "A snake am i? Perhaps you like to see how snake like I can be!!" Sombra said as he turned into a giant purple and black king cobra snake. Then began the real fight. Twilight tried avoiding Sombra's vicious snake bites and slashed her sword injuring him. Then she managed to stab him seriously injuring him. This lasted for an hour til he commanded Starswirl to grant him the final wish of being a powerful genie. In which he forcefully did and Sombra became an evil purple genie controlling the universe. However Twilight knew there was something he forgot. Since he was a genie now he's gonna be locked as a genie as he was sucked in the lamp and Twilight kicked it far away ending the battle. She went to Luna and hugged her for stopping Sombra and Celestia smiled seeing that Luna was happy. She also wished for Starswirl to be freed from the lamp and he was uncuffed. He then cried tears of joy and hugged Twilight. Then Luna married Twilight and together they would be the great couple of Arabia. We cut back to the real world where Spike said the final words. "And like that Arabia was saved thanks to Twilight and lived happily ever after. The End." Spike said as he put the book away. "Whoo! Now that was something. Well bed time for me." Spike said as he went to bed and fell asleep. Thus we end another Disney crossover.