> Blue's Clues: Summer Fun in the Sun! > by Big Imagination E > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Spike's Problem > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a beautiful summer day in Canterlot City and everyone was enjoying the weather. Sunny and clear skies, the clouds were cleared up, the birds were chirping, and everyone was loving their day. They were getting some summer sweets, hearing some jams, buying some toys, and seeing the summer events you can attend. It's like everyone had big smiles on their faces. Well almost everyone. One boy was upset, he was 16, had green eyes, purple skin, green hair, wearing a light green shirt, a purple hoodie, blue shorts and purple shoes. His name was Spike and he wasn't in the best mood right now. Reason why is because he had a lifelong crush on this girl Rarity for a while but doesn't know how to return his feelings for her. He didn't want to end up being heartbroken again but he needed to do something. He looked around the city hoping there was something that he can do. But so far there was nothing. [Image] https://www.deviantart.com/thecheeseburger/art/Human-Spike-Equestria-Girls-515911925 [image] "Man what am I going to do? How can I ever show Rarity my affections for her? She's so beautiful." Spike said. He kept looking for something that he can do for Rarity. But still nothing. Then he saw the beauty herself Rarity. She was the same age Spike was, blue eyes, white skin, luxurious purple hair, wearing a light blue blouse, purple skirt, matching boots and has diamond patterns. The minute he laid eyes on her he fell in love. But his thoughts told him that he needed something for Rarity before he can make his move. So he kept on walking. [image] http://nero-narmeril.deviantart.com/art/Equestria-Girls-Rarity-387139003 [image] "Man that was close. Almost embarrassed myself again. Now think Spike! What can you do for Rarity?" Spike said. Suddenly he saw a couple coming out of a jewelry store carrying a bag. He thought that they got a gift for someone and then it hit him. He could get a gift for Rarity!! "That's it! I'll find a gift for Rarity! But it has to be something simple to get. Now what should it be?" Spike wondered. He thought about it for a moment or two. He stood there puzzling on a gift. First he thought that maybe he could get her a lovely ring but she already has some. Then he thought that she like a cool pair of sunglasses but she already got sunglasses. Next one he thought was tickets to a show she liked but that costed money and he didn't have any cash on him. 5 minutes later he kept on thinking. But he couldn't think of a simple gift to get her. At that point he gave up and walked back home. In his room he laid on his bed upset thinking he may never find a gift for Rarity. "Oh man. It's hopeless. I'll never find a gift for Rarity. She's long gone from me." Spike said. He laid on the bed for a good 10 minutes til his phone went off. He looked and saw that Rarity was calling. Not wanting to turn her down he answered the phone. "Hey Rarity." Spike said sad. "Hey Spikey. Oh darling are you not well? You don't sound happy today." Rarity said. "Well Im not sick. Im just sad today." Spike said. "You are? Well what's wrong Spike?" Rarity said. Spike didn't have the guts to tell her how he felt about her. But his heart said that sooner or later he has to confess at some point. Not wanting to stay in the dark he had to tell her right now. He sighed and told her about his feelings. "Well Rarity for the longest time I've known you I had developed feelings for you. But I was scared that you would reject me because I wasn't like the rich guys. I wanted to get you a gift but I didn't have the money for it. I really like spending time with you and as time went by I felt something stronger. What Im trying to say is that I love you Rarity. But if you don't share the same feelings then I respect your decision. Just know I will always care about you." Spike said shedding some tears. "Oh Spike. Darling. Take a deep breath and calm down. Now im glad you told me. Because I developed feelings for you too. I wanted to tell you but I didn't want to break your heart. Plus you don't have to get me any expensive gifts. Your friendship is all I need. In fact to show you that I care for you I heard that an old friend of mine is planning a party at his house. Would you like to join me at 3pm and maybe after we grab dinner?" Rarity said. Spike felt his heart beat at high speeds as he brought a smile to his face. "Rarity. Yes I would love to join you for all that!" Spike said happily. "Wonderful darling! Oh and if you do want to get me a gift just stick with some flowers. I won't mind." Rarity said. "Sure Rarity. I look forward to this occasion." Spike said. "Me too darling. Well I gotta get back to work. But I will see you at the party. Goodbye." Rarity said. "Bye Rarity." Spike said as he hung up the phone. Spike cheered as he got himself a date with Rarity! He never felt so happy in his life. But then he remembered that he needed to get some flowers but he doesn't know what kind he should get. "Man I need to get flowers. But what kind should I get?" Spike said. He thought about it til he saw something odd on the streets. He saw a blue puppy with dark blue spots on walking in the street. Spike went out and saw the puppy as it made eye contact with him. [Image] https://www.pinterest.com/pin/blues-clues-clip-art--773282198519631000/ [image] "Hey little puppy. Are you lost?" Spike said as the puppy shook no. "Oh well I need to get you home and then I need to find out what kind of flowers to get Rarity." Spike said as the puppy barked saying that she can help him. "You can help me? Well then tell me. What kind of flowers should I get Rarity?" Spike said. The puppy led the way and Spike followed along. The path continued along til they reached a house that's yellow and has a red roof. [Image] https://www.pinterest.com/pin/blues-clues-house-season-14-mashup-background-by-princesscreation345-on-deviantart-in-2022--608619337157637572/ [image] "This is where I can get my flowers?" Spike said. The puppy shook her head yes and barked explaining that her owner can help him. "Oh I see. Well let's head inside then." Spike said. The two started making their way to the door and Spike knew in his head he will play a game to figure out his answer. > Meeting Steve and Playing Blue's Clues > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike made his way up to the door as the puppy went in the doggy door. He breathed in and out calming himself and knocked on the door. And the door opened relieving to be a man in a green striped shirt, wearing brown pants and shoes, and has dark brown hair. This man is Steve. He saw Spike and greeted him. "Oh hi there. It's so nice to meet you. What's your name?" Steve asked. "Hi. Im Spike. Spike Drake." He said. "Well nice to meet you Spike. My name's Steve. Come on in." Steve said letting him in. "Thank you." Spike said. He looked all around the house and saw that everything was decorated summer style. Spike was liking the way it all turned out. "So you like decorated the place for a party?" Spike said. "Yes Spike. You see me and Blue are getting ready for a summer party. And since your here you are definitely invited." Steve said. "Blue? You know I saw a puppy the exact same color." Spike said. "Ah I see you already met her then." Steve said. "Yes Steve. And im glad you invited me for the party but there's something I need help with." Spike said as Blue came back to Steve. "Oh? Well what's the problem?" Steve said. "Well I been quite upset lately about this girl Rarity. We've known each other for a while but I was scared to tell her how I feel. Then a miracle happened. She and I called and we got a date tonight after the party. I've never been so happy in my life. But my problem is that I want to get Rarity some flowers but I don't know what kind to get." Spike explained. "I see. Well Spike I can help you with this issue." Steve said. "Thanks Steve. But im not sure what flowers would be nice for her." Spike said. "Im sure we can think of something." Steve said. Then Blue barked to Steve saying that she knows the answer. "Blue? You know what kind of flowers Spike can give Rarity?" Steve asked. Blue barked saying yes. "Alright well, what kind of flowers should I get Rarity?" Spike said. Then Blue came to the screen and put her paw print on it. When Steve saw this he knew excatly what Blue was thinking. "A paw print? How's that going to help me?" Spike said. "Wait Spike. I should have seen that coming. We'll play Blue's Clues to figure out what kind of flowers Spike can give Rarity. Hey Spike. You wanna play Blue's Clues too?" Steve said. "If this will help me then I'll try it." Spike said. "Alright then." Steve said and began to sing and Spike sang along. (Play 0:00 to 0:05) "So remember Spike. Blue's paw print will be on the clues." Steve said. "Blue's Clues?" Spike said. "That's right. Okay now we need to clean up the paw print. But how?" Steve said. "I know. Maybe I can play some music to make the paw print go away." Spike said pulling out a guitar. "Go right ahead." Steve said as Spike played on the guitar. (Play 0:00 to 1:18) Spike played a gentle song on his guitar and the paw print turned into music notes disappearing into the air. Spike finished and put the guitar away. Steve clapped for the performance he did. "Nice music Spike. Well done." Steve said. "Thanks." Spike said. Then Steve turned to the readers. "You know what we need for Blue's Clues. We need our handy dandy..." Steve said. "Notebook!" The readers said. "Notebook right!! Let's go get it." Steve said. Spike and Steve went to a drawer that was red and orange with a telephone on it. Spike saw it had a face meaning it might talk. This was Cy-Table Drawer. She saw the two the minute they squat down. "Hi Cy-Table." Steve said. "Hello. And I see you have a friend here." Cy-Table said. "Im Spike. Nice to meet you." He said. "Well nice to meet you. Anyways I heard you need to get flowers for this girl. Well here's your notebook." Cy-Table said. She opened her drawer and Steve got his notebook. It was square and has a picture of the Thinking Chair with a crayon. "Here it is. You know I can tell im really gonna need your help trying to figure out what kind of flowers Spike can give Rarity. Will you help?" Steve asked. "You will? Terrific." Steve said. "So how do we play Blue's Clues?" Spike said. "Easy Spike. I'll show you." Steve said as he began to sing. Spike enjoyed the song along he decided to join in the dance. Then when the two squat down Blue jumped in front of the screen and went down. Spike and Steve went back up and said together "That we wanna do." Thus they ended the song. "Are you ready to play Blue's Clues so we can find out what kind of flowers Spike can give Rarity?" Steve said. "You are? Great!" Steve said. "So now what do we do now?" Spike said. "Now we look for clues. If you see something with a blue paw print on it then that means you found a clue." Steve said. "Ok let's go look." Spike said as the two began looking for clues. Thus we begin a game of Blue's Clues! > The 1st Clue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve and Spike were looking for clues when they went to the right. They kept on walking around the house but they couldn't find anything. They looked and looked til suddenly they passed a perfume bottle with a paw print on it. And when we see that we know that it's a clue!! "A clue!! A clue!!" The readers said as the two stopped in their tracks. "Something's loose on Spike's shoe?" Steve said. Spike looked on his shoe but it wasn't loose. "No my shoe's not loose. Now we need to continue looking for clues." Spike said. "No a clue." The reader said. "Oh! Oh Spike they see a clue!" Steve said. "Really?! Well where is it?" Spike asked. "Over there!" The reader said as they turned to see the perfume bottle with the paw print on it. "Look at that! There's a clue! And it's on this...perfume bottle." Steve said. "Then the perfume bottle must be our first clue." Spike said. "That's right Spike. And after we find a clue we need to write it down in our handy dandy...." Steve said. "Notebook!!" The readers said. "Notebook! Right!" Steve said as he took it out ready to draw. "Ok let's draw a perfume bottle." He said. We see Steve draw out the clue on his notebook. "I'll start off by drawing a rectangle for the body, another one for the cover, some squiggles for the words, two lines for the neck, and a square for the lid. And there a perfume bottle." He said. "Nice drawing Steve." Spike said. "Thanks. So were trying to figure out what kind of flowers Spike can give Rarity. And our first clue is a perfume bottle." Steve said as the image flew above their heads. "So what kind of flowers could Spike give Rarity with a perfume bottle?" Steve said. "Maybe it's a kind of flower that would be made into a perfume?" Spike said. "That could well be." Steve said closing his notebook and the image flew back in. "But let's look for 2 more clues just to be sure." "Ok cause we need all 3 clues." Spike said. "Hey Steve!! Can you help us real quick?" A voice said catching the duo's attention. "Sounds like we better help out. Come on Spike." Steve said. "Alright. Then we look for more Blue's Clues." Spike said. The two made their way into the kitchen and they encountered three talking shakers. One is full of salt, the other is full of pepper, and the last one was full of paprika. They were Steve's friends Mr.Salt, Mrs.Pepper, and little Paprika. "Hi Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper." Steve said. "Hello, hello!" They said and saw Spike. "Oh and who's your friend right there?" Mrs. Pepper said. "This is Spike. He's playing Blue's Clues with me." Steve said. "Hi there." Spike greeted. "Nice to meet you Spike. Anyways we need your help. Were trying to make cookie sandwiches for the party but we can't remember what cookies and ice cream to use. We got the flavors mixed up by mistake and we now can't remember. Think you can help?" Mr. Salt said. "Spike. You wanna help me sort out these cookies and ice cream?" Steve said. "Sure Steve I'll help. Ok guys. What do we need to do?" Spike said. "We gotta make the sandwiches exactly the way we describe it. We know what kind to make so all you need to do is match the flavors of the cookies and ice cream." Mrs. Pepper said. "I think we can handle that." Spike said as Steve was handed the first cookie sandwich recipe. "Ok so the first one is called the Vanilla Vibe Sandwich. So Spike which set of cookies and ice cream do you think best fits this sandwich?" Steve said. "Hmm i would say it has to be the vanilla cookies and ice cream." Spike said. "Yeah cause those smell like vanilla and fits the recipe perfectly. Good job." Steve said. "Thanks." Spike said as Steve got another recipe. "Ok Spike try this one. The second one is called the Choco Crazy Sandwich. So do you know what kind of cookies and ice cream go well for this?" Steve said. "Hmm if that's what I think your saying I say it's the chocolate cookies and ice cream." Spike said. "Wow your good. Cause those smell just like chocolate and tastes like it too. Nice work Spike." Steve said. "Thank you. Now is there one more?" Spike said as Steve was handed the last recipe. "Yes there is. Ok Spike get ready. The last sandwich is called the Sweet Strawberry Sandwich. Now Spike do you know what kind of cookies and ice cream can be used for this?" Steve said. "Yes I do. The last set of strawberry cookies and ice cream." Spike said. "You are so right. Cause those cookies and ice cream no doubt smell like strawberries. Therefore they work for the last recipe." Steve said. After Steve said all that they see all the cookie sandwiches made. Each plate was labeled so they know what kind it is. Spike was real impressed that all was done so fast. "Wow that sure was quick. But those sandwiches look so good." Spike said. "Yes they do Spike. Thanks for sorting out the cookies and ice cream." Mr. Salt said. "Your welcome. Bye." Steve said as he and Spike went outside in the backyard. In the backyard everything was decorated as well. There was even a pool to go swimming in. "Wow. So we can go swimming when everything's ready?" Spike said. "Yes we can Spike. But wait til later. And we still need to find 2 more clues so you can find out what flowers to give Rarity." Steve said. "Oh yeah that too. Well let's go." Spike said. The two made their way to the garden. Spike still needed the other 2 clues but what could they be? Guess we'll find out soon enough. > The 2nd Clue and Mailtime > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve and Spike were in the backyard still looking for clues. They continue walking through the garden seeing all the flowers blooming everywhere. "Look at all these flowers!! You grew those yourself?" Spike said. "I sure did Spike. With a little help from Blue." Steve said. They continue walking and passed a couple of bushes. Til they passed one of them with a paw print meaning it's another clue!! "A clue!! A clue!!" The readers said as the two walked back. "Yeah. Growing flowers is something I like to do." Steve said. "Sure is. It's A talent he has." Spike said. "Guys there's a clue!" The reader said. "Oh you see a clue!! Where?" Steve said. "Behind you!" The reader said as the two turned around and saw the bush. "Oh!! It's right there!" Spike said. "Our second clue! And it's on that bush." Steve said. "Then the bush must be our second clue." Spike said. "Yep. Now your getting it. You know what we need. Our handy dandy..." Steve said. "Notebook!!" The reader said. "Notebook! Right!" Steve said as he got his notebook out and flipped to a clean page. "So...A bush." Then he began to draw. "We'll draw a big puffy shape for the leaves of the bush and there. A bush." Steve said. "So our first clue was a perfume bottle. Now our second clue is a bush. What kind of flowers could Spike give Rarity with a perfume bottle and a bush?" Steve said as the images were above them. "Maybe those flowers grew on a bush and can be used in perfume." Spike said. "Good thinking Spike." Steve said as he closed his notebook and the images went back in. "But there's one last clue to find. And then we'll know for sure." "Ok. Were so close!" Spike said. "Hey Steve!! Come play with us!" A voice said. "Sounds like Shovel! Let's see what he's got!" Steve said as he and Spike went in the direction of the voice. Once arrived they saw a yellow shovel and a red pail. "Hey Shovel and Pail." Steve said. "Hi Steve! Who's your friend right here?" They said. "Im Spike. Nice to meet you. What did you 2 want?" He said. "We wanted to see if you like to play a game with us. Guess the color on the flower. Wanna play?" Pail said. "Spike you wanna play this game with us?" Steve said. Spike thought about it for a moment and delivered an answer. "Alright I'll play. What's your first one?" Spike said. "A sunflower that glows bright as the sun, for you see is really fun. What color is it?" Shovel said. "So Spike what color are you guessing?" Steve said. "Hmm. Im guessing the flower is yellow." Spike said. "That's right!! Good job. Okay here's another one. A rose that's beautiful for a date, and on that night is really no fate. What color is it?" Pail said. "Can you guess what color it is Spike?" Steve said. "Hmm. I say that most roses are red." Spike said. "Great job! That was right! Ok let's try one more. A bonnet is lovely as it can be, lots of them grow and are easy to see. What color is it?" Shovel said. "Do you know what color it is Spike?" Steve said. "Easy. I say that the bonnet is blue." Spike said. "Correct again!! Man Spike you really know your flower colors." Pail said. "Thanks. I try hard to guess correctly." Spike said. "Well you did an awesome job at that game Spike." Steve said. Then suddenly they heard someone saying "Mailtime." in song. When Steve heard that he knew what time it is. "The mail's here!! Come on Spike! Bye guys." Steve said as he and Spike went in the house. Once in they started dancing and singing along. Once the song ended a purple mailbox came in through the window. Steve and Spike went to the chair to get the mail. "Hey Mailbox. This is Spike my friend." Steve said. "Hey Spike. Glad to meet you. And I have something for you two. Your letter." Mailbox said as he opened his lid and Steve took out a orange letter. "Thanks Mailbox." Steve said as Mailbox left. "We just got a letter." And like that began a song. When the song ended he opened the letter and to Spike's surprise it was from Rarity! "Look it's a letter from Rarity!" Spike said. (In the letter) "Hi darling! I just wanted to check on you and see how your doing. Me I've been busy making these summer dresses for a client. And don't worry I have never forgot our date tonight. If you still wanted to get me flowers you are more than welcome to. Just know that you be proud of who you are. I know I am Spikey. Anyway I gotta go but I will see you in a few hours. Bye darling!" Rarity said. (Out of the letter) "Bye Rarity see ya!" Spike said as Steve closed the letter and put it down. "Wow. That was a nice display of dresses she had. And she's right about you being proud for who you are. She must really care about you." Steve said. "She does Steve. But I still need the last clue." Spike said. "Oh yeah we do. Well let's find Blue. Maybe she knows where to look." Steve said. Then Blue came to them and barked pointing to the left and making her way there. "Well let's follow that puppy!" Spike said. The two got up and headed in her direction. Spike found 2 clues. But what is the last one? Only time can answer that. > Skidoo and the 3rd Clue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The two continued down the path and saw Blue. Once there she twirled down singing something and jumped right into the book. Spike was surprised when he saw that. "Woah!! How did Blue do that?" Spike said. "Well Spike. She skidooed. Right into that book of summer." Steve said. "She skidooed?" Spike said. "Yes. And you know what? There's a good chance that our last clue will be there." Steve said. "Really? Well let's go." Spike said. "Okay." Steve said as he and Spike did the song and Spike said "We can too." After that they both jumped in the book. (Play 0:00 to 0:06) The two came in the book and stood up. They looked around seeing that everything was summery related. Spike was surprised at all of this. "Wow. Were in an actual book of summer! Twilight would be tickled pink if she heard about that." Spike said. "Welcome Spike. Now let's go find Blue." Steve said. The two began looking for Blue. A minute or two passed and they found her. She was next to a guy painting a summer picture but he wasn't finished. He caught his attention of the two and greeted them. "Oh hi there. I've been waiting for you." The guy said. "Really? Well im Steve and this is my friend Spike." Steve said. "Hi mister.." Spike said. "The name's Color Spot. It's nice to meet you. I was wondering if you can help me. You see im trying to finish a picture for a party. But I don't have the final colors to complete it. Think you can help?" Color Spot said. "What do you say Spike? Wanna do some color matching?" Steve said. "Sure Steve. Let's make and match some colors." Spike said. "Wonderful! Now listen closely so you can get the right colors. Here's the first one. I want to paint the trees chartreuse. Can you find the colors to make it?" Color Spot said. "Do you know what colors to get to make chartreuse?" Steve said. "Yes I do. Yellow and green." Spike said as he mixed yellow and green together and gave it to Color Spot. "Nice work! That was awesome!" Color Spot said as he painted the trees. "Alright here's another one. I want to give the volleyball a nice magenta color. Any chance you can seek the colors?" "Can you find the colors for magenta Spike?" Steve said. "Sure i'll take a look. Im guessing the colors are red and purple." Spike as mixing the two together and gave it to Color Spot. "Good eyesight!" Color Spot said as he painted the volleyball. "The painting is almost finished! There's just one more color. Ready? Ok so I want to paint the sky a violet color to give a night vibe. You know what colors to find?" "Can you find the colors to make violet Spike?" Steve said. "I think I can. The colors are blue and purple." Spike said as he mixed them and gave it to Color Spot. "You are so good at this!" Color Spot said as he painted the sky completing the picture. "Wow!! That painting looks great! Good work Spike!!" Steve said. "Thanks Steve." Spike said. "I thank you guys for helping me. Well im off for the party. Gotta slide!! Catch you on the flip side!!" Color Spot said as he took his leave. "Bye Color Spot!" Steve and Spike said. "He was such a nice guy." Spike said. "Yes he is. Anyways we gotta head back and find our last clue." Steve said. "Ok since we didn't find it here." Spike said. "Come on Blue." He said and they headed back. The three headed for the book back home and did the dance and skidooed out of the book. (Play 0:10 to 0:16) The three came back in the living room and Spike stood up. But Steve rolled on the floor but picked himself up. Then a piece of paper with the color purple floated down with a paw print on it. Meaning that it is the last clue!! "A clue! A clue!" The reader said. "Yeah. All those colors and everything the book was so cool!" Spike said. "No it's A clue!" The reader said. "Oh. Oh you see the last clue? Where is it?" Spike said. "Right there!" The readers said. Spike looked and saw the purple clue next to him. "Oh I see! Hey Steve I found the last clue!!" Spike said. "You did? Where's the clue?" Steve said "Look right here." Spike said as Steve looked and saw the final clue. "Spike you did it! You found the clue! And it's on the color purple." Steve said. "Ok so our last Blue's Clue to know what flowers to give Rarity is the color purple." Spike said. "Yep. And you know what we need. Our handy dandy...." Steve said. "Notebook!!" The readers said. "Notebook! Right!" Steve said as he flipped two pages to a clean one. "You know what Spike? Since you found the last clue why don't you draw it?" He said handing Spike the notebook. "Really? Thanks Steve. But I think I better use this purple crayon for this purple clue." Spike said getting a purple crayon and ready to draw the clue. "I'll draw a splotchy shape like this. Then I will color it all in. There the color purple." Spike said. "Nice drawing Spike." Steve said as Spike handed back the notebook. "Thanks. Ok so purple is our third clue." Spike said. "Wait a minute Spike. We have all three clues!!" Steve said. "All three clues?! Well what does that mean?" Spike said. "Well once we have all three clues it's time to sit in the...." Steve said. "Thinking Chair!!" The readers said. "Thinking Chair yeah!! Come on Spike!" Steve said as they raced to the Thinking Chair. What will the answer be? We'll find out soon enough. > Thinking Time, The Party and Goodbyes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The two raced as fast they can to the Thinking Chair. Once there Steve sat down and Spike went on the side of the chair. "Ok now that were in our Thinking Chair. Let's think." Steve said as he got his notebook ready and opened it. "So were trying to figure out what kind of flowers Spike can give Rarity. And our clues are a perfume bottle.." Steve said as the image flew above. "A bush..." Spike said. "And the color purple." Steve said. "So what kind of flowers could Spike give Rarity with a perfume bottle, A bush and the color purple?" The two thinked about it til Spike had a theory. "Well lots of flowers grow on bushes. So maybe there's A flower that's purple and grew on a bush. And maybe that flower is used to make perfume. But what kind of flower is that?" Spike said as the images connected like a puzzle. Suddenly the clues formed the answer he needed. "Lilacs!!!" The reader said. "Lilacs? Yes that's it!! Because lilacs are purple and grow on bushes and they can be used in perfume!! Blue!!" Steve said as Blue came to him. "Should Spike give Rarity lilacs?" Blue nodded her head yes and when that happens the two knew what it means. "We just figured out Blue's Clues!!" Spike and Steve said as they began to dance. The two danced and sang and when they finished Blue offered to help Spike. "Ok Spike. You and Blue go in the garden and get Rarity some nice lilacs and i'll finish up for the party." Steve said. "Ok Steve. Come on Blue." He said and they went to the garden. The party was all ready and Spike came back with a bouquet of nice lilacs. Then right on cue the doorbell rang. Spike opened it and saw Rarity at the entrance. "Rarity!! Im glad you are here!" Spike said. "Me too darling. Oh I see you did got me flowers! And lilacs my favorite! Oh your so sweet!!" Rarity said taking the flowers and kissed Spike on the cheek. "Well im glad you like them." Spike said. "I do darling. Now don't we have a party to enjoy?" Rarity said. "Yes we do. Steve wanna show us the party?" Spike said. "You got it Spike. Cause it's time for the summer party!!" Steve said and led them to the party. In the backyard the party was all ready. We see decorations all over the place, everyone is enjoying themselves and it is booming. Steve sees Spike and Rarity in a pool relaxing and loving the sun. Rarity loved the flowers Spike gave her and she snuggled up to Spike and he blushed. He was surprised but he returned the hug. Seeing this brought a smile to Steve's face. "Im proud of you Spike. Im really proud of you." Steve said. After the party was over and night came in Steve had one last thing for Spike. "Hey Spike. Before you and Rarity go on your date I have something for you. I present you with your own handy dandy notebook." Steve said handing Spike a notebook. It was green with a purple dragon head and has a purple and green striped crayon. "Thank you Steve. And thanks for teaching me Blues Clues." Spike said. "Your welcome Spike. I hope to see you around." Steve said. "You too. Come Rarity. I believe we have a date to intend." Spike said. "Yes we do darling. Thanks for the party Steve. I hope we can visit again." Rarity said. The two gave Steve a final goodbye and went off for their date. Steve closed the door seeing the two head in the car and drive off. Steve smiled and made his way to the readers. "Thank you so much for all your help today." Steve said. He sang his goodbye song to everyone and Blue joined in along with everyone else. When he finished his song Steve had this to say. "Bye. Thanks for helping Spike. I'll see you later!! Bye." Steve said. And like that the door closed and before we end our story ends Blue came out and waved goodbye. And like that ends our story on Blues Clues.