> Jungle Lust > by Steel Quill > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Jungle Lust > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you envision a journey through an uncharted jungle, one that’s been barely touched upon by modern society, you think of a few common ideas if you’re a young enough age. Why isn’t there a road to travel on? Is there any spare extra water to drink? Just how many insects might bite me out here? Perhaps one of the most prevalent of all for those who take part in Equestria’s society: Why am I here and why is it not Daring Do instead, on one of her archaeological adventures? Spike’s answer was rather easy: She was out with the flu, and that was more than enough reason to not go. The young man shook his head at the thought; Daring Do herself would’ve probably gone on ahead even with the flu, so strong was her passion for history. Although in this case, she wasn’t quite the right individual for the job. A little while back, about two days ago, Spike had been approached to help locate a rare flower for its medicinal use. It wasn’t an emergency, as far as he was aware, but it was more of a potential adventure lying in wait. Such a request felt appropriate to come from the likes of Twilight, or maybe Dash for an adventure. The actual inquirer was much more quiet. And also a bit slower on the flying. “Wait up, Spike!” Fluttershy’s voice echoed around him as he stood at the end of a long hallway of aged stone and endless vine growth. Hearing Fluttershy’s slow flapping made his own wings twitch in anticipation, but the dragon-blood youth waited for his friend to catch up. The torch he had lit next to him revealed her once she entered its lit radius, exposing long pink hair that almost concealed her willowy torso as she leaned forward too much, righting herself only once she’d landed. With a long sleeved green shirt on and shorts, Fluttershy almost looked more out of place than he did in this little adventure. Granted, his attire wasn’t much more than a button up shirt and cargo shorts with pockets for storage as well, but still. They almost looked more ready for a trip to the park than a lost temple. “You always get so excited!” she said while adjusting the strap of the travel satchel she’d brought with her. “C’mon, Shy, how often do we get to explore a place like Daring Do?” He replied. “And I didn’t go far. If anything, I was checking for traps. But, turns out this place is pretty wore out. Not a single spike trap or…really anything at all. Lots of plants though.” “Did you see the one we’re looking for?” The pink flier asked, looking ahead past their current spot. “No. Definitely nothing like you described. Which, remind me again why we’re here and not Rainbow, or Twilight?” He questioned. “Because I wanted to ask you, and you told me the library was much more boring than going on an adventure? “Ok, yes to both points,” Spike said as he eyed the walls and path ahead of them. He couldn’t make out any tell-tale signs of waiting dangers or traps, at least none like in the stories he’d read in the library on his off hours. Truth be told, it was cool to be on one of these unique adventures for once and not just be a tagalong with Twilight. Even being at 18 now, he still did feel treated a bit like a kid. So far, their adventure had been little trouble at all! Helps to be able to fly past all the dangers on the ground, mind you. Wandering beasts, bad weather, rough terrain, traveling merchants; all bested by a good pair of wings. Fluttershy was a good companion the whole time though. He looked back at her as she dusted off her legs and straightened her shirt a little. She actually did listen to him, and was respectful of his thinking. Even if they went off track here and there to soak in the scenery or witness something, she didn’t chastise him about it. In fact, she seemed just as happy to enjoy the experience with him, which he was glad for. “Spike?” “Hmm? Yeah?” He snapped out of his thinking and shook his head, making Fluttershy giggle. “I think we’re close to the main chamber. Let’s go in. Twilight’s notes on these ruins makes me think it’s really safe for us.” “Ok…but still. Be careful anyway. The real danger is always being caught off guard.” Spike advised. “Keep your ears and eyes peeled.” “Ok.” Fluttershy agreed, letting him lead the way as she followed behind him. Both of their footfalls on the stone beneath them echoed down the hallway behind them as they made for the chamber ahead. “...Spike?” “Yeah, Shy?” “Why do they call it that? Keeping your ears and eyes peeled?” “Uh…well,” Spike racked his mind for something clever to reply with, “I imagine Twilight would say it’s based off some old saying from before any of us were around. Probably to do with watching out for trouble or something. I just think it’s a longer way of saying "keep your eyes open at all times.” The dragonblood male replied. “Cuz you can’t see anything if you got your eyes closed, like when you sleep, right?” “Right. I think I like your answer more.” Fluttershy replied with a smile on her lips. “But what if you sleepwalk?” “Well, I don’t think you see anything much while sleepwalking.” Spike told her before coming to a stop as his boot-clad foot sank into the ground suddenly. He stopped moving as the stone went down, almost making him kneel before stopping. The green-haired youth didn’t move, and looked back at his partner. Fluttershy looked about the hallway, and neither could hear a sound surrounding them or of anything else. “A fake trap?” She suggested. “Maybe. Or lose tiling. This Moon Honey Flower you’re after; is it dangerous somehow to have?” Fluttershy shook her head and once they were sure no other traps were going to trigger - Spike taking the extra precaution to chuck a few stones ahead of them onto the path to test it - they continued while she spoke. “It’s a flower that’s been very hard to ever find. Twilight had trouble interpreting all of the old text without Starlight’s help, but from what they say, it’s able to be made into one of the strongest medicines in the world. It restores vitality, gives one almost endless energy. But it can’t be plucked by a single person.” Fluttershy’s brow furrowed. “It had some weird wording. But just being able to find it will be important!” “Fair enough.” The chamber ahead came into view, making both pause as the need for a torch suddenly became much less necessary. Holes in the ceiling provided enough light thanks to it being the middle of the day, revealing a wide room circular in design. Several pillars formed a smaller circle towards the middle, some broken while others remained whole. There was vegetation growing between and around the pillars, though most of it kept to the ground instead of growing upon the stones themselves. An elevated set of land sat in the center of it all, surrounded by a minor pool of water that encompassed it as if it were a miniature island. Spike’s eyes took in the sight of a stony face beyond the pillars, watching them from the wall. It bore no features he could make as distinct, but it looked as if its gaze centered on the island. He squinted for a moment before noticing something did indeed sit atop the island, amidst small bushes of green foliage that each bore different colored flowers. It was like an altar made of nature, somehow preserved over time. It was almost astoundingly lucky, which by his terms, meant he needed to be extra careful. “Wait.” He gripped Fluttershy’s sleeve as she moved to approach the island, making her look at him. “This isn’t right.” “What’s not right? Shouldn’t we go and look?” She questioned. “It’s every part meant to be a spectacle, and that can be dangerous. Daring Do 101,” He told her before plucking up a loose stone from a piece of floor that was broken next to them, “The shiny things are the most dangerous because they’re something everyone would want.” He chucked the stone in the island’s direction, leaving both to watch as it sailed in a tall arc before falling into the water with a soft “plop”. Nothing happened once the water settled, making Spike frown. “...really?” “I mean, it never hurts to be cautious?” The room shook beneath their feet, making Spike shuffle while Fluttershy hovered herself off the floor on instinct. The waters surrounding the plant began to churn, their stillness erupting into movement before suddenly bursting upwards as if to engulf the island. A wall of water surrounded the small island, keeping them cut off from the plant awaiting them just past it. Before the barrier, a small portion of water diverted away from it and took shape. From Spike’s view, the being’s form was androgynous, looking akin to a humanoid shape but smoothed out along its limbs and where facial features would be. Two distinct yellow eyes peered back at them, solid and with an unearthly stare. “Who would trespass in this sacred chamber?” Questioned the guardian. “Spike, the water’s talking.” Fluttershy noted. “Yep, sure is,” Spike replied before clearing his throat and speaking up, “We do not mean to trespass. We are unarmed, and we mean no harm.” “Why have you come here? Where are the temple priests?” “They’re...they’re gone, sir. Ma’am. Guardian? Guardian,” Spike answered, “This temple has been empty for generations.” “Is this true?” The Guardian’s question was directed at Fluttershy. “Y-yes. We may be the first living beings here in some time. Sorry.” She whispered the apology. The water guardian lets its eyes survey the room, seeing the many growing vines and cracked and damaged walls around it. “I see…it must have been some time since the last visitors to this chamber. But why have you come?” It directed it’s attention onto Fluttershy again “We were seeking the flower you’re protecting there. There are sick people back home who may be able to use the flower as medicine to heal themselves.” Fluttershy answered. “We didn’t know this flower was still being protected though.” “The purpose of the Moon Honey flower is more than just to heal. It is the encouragement of new life.” The Guardian said. “Why should I allow you to leave with it? You only scratch the surface of its purpose here.” Fluttershy frowned as she tried to think of how best to answer. Spike spoke up for her. “If you want us to learn more about it, could you tell us yourself?” He asked. “It is my purpose only to judge those who would claim the flower, to see they bear a strong enough bond in their hearts to be worthy. To speak of this flower’s history would be beyond even your lifetime, young dragonblood.” “Right.” He scratched the back of his head. “Well. We can’t learn more about it, and understand it, if it stays stuck in a hole in the ground for all our days. We know it can help to heal the sick. We have no intention of using it as a weapon or harming it or stealing it.” “It would be most regrettable to try. To seek healing is one purpose. But its true purpose is to generate new life, new beginnings for those who come to claim it. I can see in your hearts, you bear no ill will. You may approach the flower. But taking it will be a challenge too great to do alone.” The Guardian intoned. Spike listened and watched as Fluttershy started to fly over to it. The words he heard rolled around in his mind, making his brow furrow while the Guardian looked on. Only as Fluttershy got close to the water barrier, and the waters began to move faster as they encircled the island more harshly, did he speak up. “Fluttershy, wait!” The yellow-skinned woman stopped in place, looking back at him. The Guardian, too, turned its unblinking stare to Spike as he approached her spot. “The guardian said it’s too great to do it alone. It’s not a trap, but a warning.” He told her, sparing the aquatic being a glance before turning back to the pinkette. “If you try to get it by yourself, the water might hurt you.” “What do we do?” She asked. Spike thought for a moment, and looked at the waters again. “Give me your hand.” He told her. Fluttershy needed only a moment to think before landing and taking his outstretched hand. The moment their hands were joined, the waters began to ease and parted to let them approach the flower. As they moved - still slow to be mindful of any last minute surprise traps - Spike looked at the aquatic guardian and saw it give a subtle nod of approval. Once their feet were on the island, the waters came to a stop and fell back into place in their pools flowing around them, the room becoming more quiet as a result. “You show wisdom. Some would sacrifice others for greedy ends, as dragon-bloods have done.” “I’m a dragon-blood with a whole rainbow of friends. You would be surprised what I’m like.” Spike taunted back. The pair approached the flower, yet Spike didn’t let go of her hand yet. It felt right to keep ahold of her in that moment, to stay close to Fluttershy. From her grip on him, she was keen on sticking close too. He was grateful for that, even if he didn’t want to admit it outright. The flower itself was actually of average size, but looked plenty healthy given its surroundings. It bore a dark blue coloring on its leaves which shifted to yellow the closer you got to its center stalk. Compared to the rest of the room, it was vibrant and lively with all the greenery surrounding it. They came to a stop before it and stood there, before Fluttershy broke the silence. “You know, it’s a really nice flower. I almost wouldn’t recognize it apart from the ones Roseluck and her sisters grow back home.” She noted. “No kidding. Don’t suppose they have some flowers of legend sitting in the backyard?” Spike joked, making Fluttershy smile. “The Moon Honey flower will not move for one solitary soul, for one soul alone cannot usher in new life,” the Guardian said, making both jump at how close it sounded now, “It takes two souls, bound in purpose, to lift the flower from its resting place and to carry it’s blessing.” “So we both have to lift it.” Spike summarized. “Makes sense, with the defense and all.” “Wait, but if we take the whole flower…” Fluttershy trailed off before looking at the Guardian, who floated nearby. A strand of water connected it to the pools surrounding them. “Is there a way for us to take what we need, but make it so the flower also doesn’t die out? This is yours, after all. I wouldn’t want to hurt you somehow if taking this away would do that.” “Element of Kindness indeed.” There was mirth in the Guardian’s tone, which surprised Spike as it continued, “You must first lift the flower from its resting place. The healing properties you seek are within its roots. Pluck a few of them to take with you; enough to satisfy your purpose. The rest can be regrown under my watch.” Fluttershy nodded and looked down to Spike. “Together?” He nodded back. “Together.” As one, they lifted the plant with their hands and removed it from the mound it rested on. There was a weighted feeling that ran over him, like a subtle pressure before easing off after a few seconds. With the pair of them leaning over the flower, Spike nor Fluttershy had any chance to react when a sudden puff of pollen erupted from the Moon Honey’s center stalk, catching both in the face. Spike closed his eyes and waited for an instinctual cough, but none came. There was only a smell of honeysuckle and rain that came over him, making him shake his head. “What was that?” “It must be a defense response to being plucked.” Fluttershy reasoned, shaking her head as well. “I’m ok though.” “Same here.” Following the instructions they were given, Spike plucked a few of the roots and placed them in the satchel Fluttershy had brought with her. When they were done, the flower was replanted and put back into place, and they exited the island to stand back on the stone floor. “I will ask you to share this place only with those with trustworthy souls. This is a sacred place; you were worthy, but others may not be.” The Guardian said as it watched them. “We promise/we promise.” Fluttershy and Spike both answered. “Very well. May you travel safely, and may your new bond blossom into a beautiful new life.” With those final words, the guardian’s form dissolved into liquid and returned to the pools surrounding the Moon Honey flower, all becoming still once more. No trace of it was left on the stone, even, leaving only Spike and Fluttershy to stand there in observance. “Friendly guy.” Spike said. “What did he mean by new bond? We’re already friends. Great friends!” Fluttershy asked. “Well, let’s be fair; the spirit hasn’t had a visitor in a really long time. Maybe back then that was some kind of formal dismissal after folks got done with the flower ritual?” He suggested. “Didn’t expect the flower to spray us with pollen, but I feel fine. Do you?” “I think I’m fine. Let’s go ahead and start traveling back home. It’ll take a day’s travel to make it there, at least.” “Alright. But make sure we don’t lose those roots. I really don’t think he’ll give us a second chance!” Fluttershy giggled as Spike led the way towards the exit. Both felt pretty good, all things considered. After all, how many times can one say an excursion into a lost temple for a fabled mythical object went off without a hitch? As it turned out, it was not this one. Strange oddities began to occur, Spike noticed, as the pair of them left the temple and began their flying trek back home. Both him and Fluttershy weren’t exactly the strongest of fliers, so they weren’t soaring up in the clouds as most usually would. They kept above the treeline, to not lose their way and to be mindful in case they needed to stop. At one point, Spike tried to fly ahead a little, to make sure they were heading on the right path. But as he got far enough away, he saw Fluttershy suddenly dip down, clutching at her stomach. They had landed straight away, but Fluttershy’s sudden pain was gone only a few moments later. Spike had run through a gamut of possibilities, but Fluttershy shrugged it off as maybe just overexertion. Being out of the deeper parts of the jungle, the two decided to try just walking instead. This seemed to remedy things just fine, until one point when Fluttershy needed to use the little lady’s room. Spike watched her go and stayed put, but found himself struck with a bout of dizziness he couldn’t explain. It only remedied itself once Fluttershy returned, the pink-haired woman attending to him immediately as he had done for her. The agreement to set up camp was quickly established, leaving the pair to try and debunk just what was happening to them. With night soon taking over the sky, it was safer this way to stay to ground until morning. Spike sat beside Fluttershy as she poured over the notes Twilight had given them about the flower. “Ok, ok, wait, back up,” Spike said, waving his hands, “what does this flower have to do with all this weird stuff happening since we picked it up? Are we like, poisoned or something?” Fluttershy shook her head and pointed at the book Twilight had given her. “No. The flower doesn’t have poison in it. As far as I can see. It’s doing something else. It’s like it’s making sure we don’t go away from each other. That’s why my stomach burned when you flew up earlier, and why you suddenly got dizzy when I went to wash up. The pollen we got sprayed with did something to us.” She continued to read through it while Spike scratched the back of his head. “Ok…well, I mean, it’s a little weird. But maybe it’s just some kind of odd side effect or something?” He suggested, only to blink as Fluttershy gave an “eep” and put the book down. “Shy? What’s wrong?” “U-um. Well. I think…I think we’ve misunderstood what this flower is meant for.” She told him, keeping her gaze away at the nearby fire. Confused, Spike picked up the book and passed over a few pages until he found where Fluttershy had earmarked it. He hoped it would fade easy, Twilight hated it when people earmarked her books. He started reading. “The purpose of the Moon Honey flower is multifaceted and complex; it is capable of creating a remedy that revitalizes any who drinks it when prepared properly, see page 23. However, there are confusing depictions involving two individuals at all times involving the flower. Several of them are in odd positions together, and the myths describe how the flower creates an everlasting bond between its holders. The naming of the flower is odd, as modern nomenclature would name it instead the Honeymoon Flower.” Spike stopped and looked at the included image Twilight had copied over. His eyes widened as he realized the book had actually well-detailed depictions of the poses it mentioned. They were definitely not yoga poses or ancient rituals. His cheeks burned and he sat down, closing the book and placing it beside him. “Those are…sex positions. Right?” Spike questioned. “Mmhmm.” Fluttershy replied, tugging on her sleeve. “I’m starting to understand why we can’t move away from each other.” “Why is that?” “The flower’s magic wants us to fulfill what it’s designed for. This isn’t just a flower meant to make remedies. It’s a…it’s a marriage aid.” She described. “The guardian said, ‘may your new bond blossom into new life. New life comes after…after consummation!” “It’s a what?” “I-it’s a marriage aid! A…a hormone booster!” She described, sputtering at Spike’s perplexed look. “Sex drugs!” She finally blurted out, her face red. “Ok, ok, alright! Let’s just…calm down. Ok?” Spike said, motioning his hands down. He tried to push aside his own worries for the sake of keeping his friend calm. The last thing they needed was a random animal to come barreling in, despite Fluttershy’s expertise in handling them. “So we just wait for it to flush out of our system. Any type of medicine has to do that, right?” “Normal medicine does. This is magic medicine!” Fluttershy replied. “It…the flower can only be picked up by two individuals. It’s made that way because then those two would become bonded by it, and consummate their marriage! You know, like, on a Honeymoon!” “Obvious name is obvious, right. Got it.” Spike said. “Is there any other details about the flower that might help us?” He picked up the book again and brought it back over to her, sitting down beside her and opening it again. He moved past the page with the sexual imagery for Fluttershy’s sake and used Twilight’s translation notes to read further. “The flower cannot be collected by a single person. Well, we knew that already,” Spike muttered as he followed the line, “it must be held by two souls who can explore a deeper, lasting bond. If one does not belong, the flower would reject them immediately. It is a test of both commitment and true emotional depth.” Spike let these words hang in the air for a few moments before clearing his throat, mindful of Fluttershy leaning against his side. She’d been prone to do that lately, not that he minded. “It is considered the most honest test of…love.” “Love?” Fluttershy repeated. Spike cleared his throat and closed the book again. “Twilight must’ve fumbled that word. Haha! Classic eager Twilight.” He said quickly. “M-maybe we can just have her like, magic the pollen out of us and just solve things that way. We just stay close together the whole time, and we make it back home no problem!” “Spike?” Fluttershy’s soft voice cut through his loud tone, making him flinch a little before turning back to look at her. There was concern in her eyes, and something searching him. It wasn’t her patented Stare, but it was something that made him stay put as if a literal spotlight was on him. “Yeah?” “You’re hiding something from me.” “Well…I mean, doesn’t everyone these days?” He attempted lamely before sighing as her stare didn’t waver. “Alright, look, lemme just…if I start talking, I can get it all out. If you’ll be patient with me.” “Always for you.” She smiled at him, nodding. He felt his heartbeat pick up a little, and fiddled with his hands as he spoke. “Well, it’s just…it…ugh, this is difficult,” Spike said as he got up. His mind ran in a thousand different directions on just what to say, what he wanted to say, what not to say, and how he could say it to Fluttershy, “...everyone thinks that I’m only into Rarity. I know it’s been obvious since I was younger when me and Twilight first came to Ponyville. And yeah, I did crush on her. I can admit I still do some. But she isn’t the only individual who I found myself liking.” He turned back to face Fluttershy, who folded her hands in her lap and waited. Her eyes stayed focused on him, the blues of her eyes almost aglow as she gazed at him. “I know I’m young. Ok, 18 but younger than most of my friends. But I know that I can tell when someone is really, really special. And Shy, you’re just…you’re too good for us. You have been kind at every turn of my life: at the times when I was down, when I made mistakes, even when I turned into a greed monster, you helped me. You made me believe I could be someone good. That I could be worth something to someone. For a guy who doesn’t have all that much to his name, that means a lot. And your looks?” He gave a scoff. “You’re a model. You can make any clothing look good, no matter what style or what you have to call yourself. You don’t have to worry about your appearance, or at least to me you don’t. You’re…you’re genuinely beautiful.” By the time Spike felt a need to breathe and gather his thoughts, all that remained was the fire crackling between himself and Fluttershy. He tried to search for more to say, but stopped when he saw her wiping at her eyes with her sleeve. “Oh. Um. That was all compliments! I can say more!” Fluttershy laughed, and he relaxed as she shook her head, pink hair swaying. “Spike, you silly. I’m not crying because I’m upset. I’m happy.” She sniffed and smiled up at him when he came back over to rejoin her. “You sure? No need to smack me upside the head or anything?” “No.” She sighed and patted the seat next to her on the log. When he did sit down, she embraced him, and he returned it. He felt a warmth greater than the fire bloom and spread throughout his body, and regretted letting go of Fluttershy as she continued. “Girls like me, it helps us to hear such positivity. Especially from someone we care so much about.” She paused and glanced aside, her cheeks darkening in color. “And I care. A lot.” “You do? Why?” Fluttershy looked up at the night sky, but Spike kept his eyes on her face as her expression changed to a content one. “Everyone has always been good to me, and patient with me over time. I know I’m shy a lot. And quiet. But in you, I always admired your sincerity. You could always tell someone how you felt, or what you thought. I’ve always been too…afraid,” she searched for the word, “because I always fret. But in you, even when you’re being blunt, I found courage. When you speak up, you have confidence I admire. Even when you’ve done wrong, you have the will to try and make things right.” Fluttershy turned to look at him and brought a hand over to rest on his. “Just because you’re younger than some of us, doesn’t mean you’re less mature. I’ve seen full grown men have trouble just being the adults they’re supposed to be, and here you are as a hero in your own right. But you don’t let it go to your head. You stay humble, and you look after others no matter who or what they are. What they do. Or how they look.” “Well, I mean. Heck, Shy, you and the girls are the Elements of Friendship and all. You all taught me that! You could look like the strangest people and you’d still be my closest friends.” Spike insisted. “No matter how we look?” She questioned, which caught Spike’s attention. “Even if I’ve been hiding how I look?” This made the dragon-blood male feel confused, but he nodded. “No matter how you look, you will always be Fluttershy to me. Someone I care about.” Fluttershy nodded but let go of his hand to fiddle with the bottom of her shirt. “It’s better if I just show you.” “Fluttershy, if you have like, a mole or a weird birthmark, I’m hardly gonna-” Spike started to say, but the words fell out of his mouth as his jaw hung agape while Fluttershy pulled up and took off her long sleeved shirt. There was no sparkle of magic or sudden surprise light show, but what was capturing Spike’s attention was the sudden change from willowy thin Fluttershy to voluptuous, big-chested Fluttershy. Gone was the thin girl he’d always seen and in her stead was a woman with a figure to fight wars over. Albeit still clad in a bra at least for decency, the lacy white undergarment only emphasized just how large a treasure Fluttershy had been hiding. A rough guess had Spike estimating she was bigger than any of the other girls, even Pinkie, with enough heft to them to still sit a little low on her chest from their weight despite the support of her bra. “Holy…crap.” Spike finally said, “When did…how did?” “I’ve always been big like this. But I…I hide it in public thanks to special imported clothes. It’s why I’m always wearing long sleeves and the same clothes sometimes.” She told him as she brought a hand to her soft looking bare midriff. Spike had the sense to finally tear his eyes away to look up at her face, an effort worthy of a Labor of Rockhoof. “It draws attention from everyone, and…well, I never do that well with that much focus on me. Rarity says I’m gifted, but I just feel like…like a big cow!” Spike shook his head to clear his senses, and stood up next to the pink-haired woman beside him. This did put himself just above her cleavage at least, which helped him to focus on her and not her awe inspiring cleavage. “Fluttershy, you’re not bad just because you’re…uh…blessed! I don’t think you look bad at all!” “But look at the rest!” Fluttershy insisted, standing up as well in front of him. She reached for her shorts as well and before Spike could protest, those also fell to the ground beneath them. Now the entire illusion of the thin Fluttershy Spike had known was gone, replaced by the buxom beauty before him. Her legs were still long, but now were much thicker than before. He was left there with his mind blank as she turned about, and revealed those long legs led up to a rear that bounced with every little motion Shy made; even just adjusting her stance made both cheeks wobble and emphasize their weight. He doubted both hands could even manage to handle one cheek, let alone two. “You see? I’m horrible!” “No, you’re not!” Spike managed to finally blurt out. “Don’t say that!” “But I’m just so…so big! Everywhere!” Spike approached the flustered woman and held onto both of her hands, getting her attention and making her look down past her now impressive chest to see him. “Are you still Fluttershy, my friend?” “W-well, yes?” “Are you still the same woman who helps look after everyone’s animals, who helps her friends when they call on her?” “...yes?” “Then if you are, there is absolutely no way you can be horrible. Because my friend, my special friend Fluttershy, is the furthest thing away from horrible. She is kind. She is attentive. She is wonderful. She…she’s still the most beautiful person I know!” Spike insisted. “A-and sexy! And cute! And…and uh…” “Spike?” “Hang on, I can think of some other ones. Just uh…I already said beautiful. Where’s the thesaurus when you need it?” Fluttershy let go of his hands, and got his attention away from the ground to look back at her as she cupped his face in her hands gently. With the moonlight shining down on her and her long pink locks framing her face, Spike felt his train of thought derail way off course as she held him there. “Spike?” She repeated. “Yeah?” “I think…I think we can help each other here. With our flower issue.” He swallowed. “You mean like. Like us…having sex?” She nodded slowly, smiling at him. “That’s right. Maybe it’s the flower talking; maybe it’s me realizing some things I needed to hear. From someone I’m close to,” she replied, “but I think that for once, just this once; maybe I can be brave like you, and push for what I want.” “A-and what do you what, Fluttershy?” Spike asked. The taller woman knelt down, bringing herself to be more on level with Spike before embracing him into her. This wound up pushing his torso against her bountiful chest, but it was the heated whisper in his ears that made him flush red. “I want to show you how much I treasure you.” Spike swallowed hard. “I-I um…r-right. I should tell you, b-before you make any rash decisions,” he stammered out, “I’m a…a virgin.” “And?” Fluttershy murmured as she brought a hand up to run her fingers along his cheek. “Do you want me?” “holysunyes-I mean,” Spike mumbled out, “I do. B-but is it the flower? Is it you? I-I mean, I’m hardly Mr. Sexy here, ehehe.” “Why don’t you let me be the judge of that, hmm?” They stayed like that for a moment or two, just staring into each other’s eyes. Spike’s green orbs gazed into Fluttershy’s blues, and as he was held there, Spike felt his resistance wane. There was no denying that he found Fluttershy attractive, even before he discovered her hidden secret, but now it was exponentially harder to ignore. He wanted to touch her, feel her, kiss her, experience her. His mind was bursts of static and too many ideas. “I-I…I don’t know what to do.” Spike admitted quietly. “What should I…?” Fluttershy only smiled at him. “Let me show you.” The woman’s lips were far softer than he could’ve imagined, Spike realized, when he comprehended she was kissing him. He’d seen it enough on the covers of Twilight’s hidden romance books, and on TV, and just about everything else media wise. Experiencing it though was entirely different. The green-haired youth simply did his best to press back against her lips, unsure of what was too much or too little. Fluttershy’s giggle into his lips made his fingers twitch before he placed them on her arms, something to hold onto before she pulled back a little. “Your lips are soft.” She muttered to him, tongue flicking out momentarily to pick up his taste. “Y-yours too,” he mumbled, swallowing his nerves down, “Could we…do that again?” Her reply was to kiss him again, this time with a little more energy that had him glad he was holding onto her arms. She shifted about, and Spike followed her movements to find himself laid down on the ground on his back, the nearly naked woman atop him. Of course, their difference in height made things a little tricky; Spike found that he couldn’t hold onto her arms now and his hands wandered. They sank into her chest, grabbing a handful of each bra covered breast and overwhelming him easily. Fluttershy laughed, breaking their kiss again to peer down at him while he held onto her still, smiling with bright red cheeks. “U-um. This isn’t…your first, is it?” He asked. “Nope. It’s been awhile though. To be honest?” She leaned down and pecked his nose with her lips. “I’m glad it’s with you. I can teach you a lot of things.” “Oh yeah?” “Mmhmm. Your kissing isn’t bad. I know you’re nervous. And I am a little too, still,” Fluttershy said as she regarded him. Her hair had fallen about both of their faces, obscuring them from the world around them. “But I feel safe with you. I can…I can let go and just enjoy this, with you.” “I want to enjoy you too, Shy.” Spike admitted. “I just don’t wanna. Mess up, you know?” “You’re doing great. Here. Let me help you a little.” Spike watched as Fluttershy reached behind her with a hand, fingers working at her back before the bra loosened and slid down off her shoulders, falling to the wayside with a simple shimmy of her shoulders. Spike’s eyes stayed wide open as he beheld the first real pair of tits he’d ever seen up close. Without the bra to support them, they drooped heavily due to their size, and were capped with bright pink nubs that he felt drawn to immediately. “Go ahead. I like feeling your fingers on them. It’s so…you’re warm.” She remarked, the invitation prompting Spike to reach up and take hold of them again. He tried to do them from the sides, but they easily dwarfed his hands. Not that he complained; he was mystified from the feel of them, like a soft plush feeling that was warm and yet intimate against his fingertips. “That’s good. You can squeeze them harder.” He did, pressing them together and making them bulge up before he relaxed and let them flow down, still holding onto them for the moment. “It’s different than you thought, isn’t it?” “Y-yeah.” Spike mumbled. “Does this feel good?” “Keep going.” She insisted, the open invitation allowing Spike to continue toying with her breasts. He resumed toying with them, continuously trying to knead and squeeze them as best he could with his smaller hands. The difference in size between her and him was unmistakable, but Spike heard no mockery or boredom from the pink-haired woman. She would let out little sighs and gasps as he worked with her, cooing and making his whole body tingle just from the ecstatic sounds she’d make. “I always enjoy it when my breasts are played with. Sometimes, the fun’s too quick to really make use of them.” Fluttershy admitted to Spike. She brought her hands up to his, and moved his palms to her stiff nipples. “Try playing with these a little. They’re even more sensitive.” “In a good way?” “Mmhmm.” Spike tested her offer by taking one between his thumb and forefinger, tugging on it gently and evoking a shudder from Fluttershy before repeating the same with its twin. Tugging on both in opposing directions made Fluttershy throw her head back, moaning and pushing her chest out more into his hands. “Y-yes! Just…like that! Not too rough, but enough…oh!” Instinct had Spike tug on them in different timings, trying to bring more sound out of Fluttershy like he was hearing then. He didn’t spare time to think about it as he brought his head down, letting go of one nipple only to engulf it in his mouth and latch onto it. Fluttershy’s hand immediately came to the back of his head, pressing him deeper into her tit and letting it rub against his face as he sucked. “Oh yes, Spike. So good, it’s so good!” She cried out. “I-I need…more. More. Give me your hand.” He felt her fingers fumble to find his and let her move his hand, bringing them closer together before his eyes opened as he came into contact with something heated and wet and smooth. “Please touch me. Touch me, Spike. I want to feel you inside.” Horniness and nervousness clashed for only a moment before his nerves were trampled upon by rampant lust, and he slid a single finger over what he knew to be her wanting pussy. She engulfed him utterly as he pushed it in, all the way to the knuckle, making Fluttershy gasp out. Her cries encouraged him, suckling anew at her sensitive nipple again while working his finger back and forth. Wetness was quick to engulf his palm pressed up against her pussy, kept in place by her panties as much as his yearning for her. He worked in a second finger, wiggling both deep within her and savoring her ecstatic sounds. His own arousal throbbed throughout his body, but he didn’t dare relent. Spike’s lust bloomed and overtook him as his world became Fluttershy. The smell of her skin, the sound of her lustful, wanting voice, the feeling of her moist cavern squeezing around his exploring fingers. A sudden gush of fluids splashed his palm, but he didn’t stop moving or acting. The pinkette expressed her gratitude through the fingers running through his hair, gripping him occasionally and tugging even when he hit somewhere right. He stopped when she put her free hand on his chest, releasing her now slightly reddened nipple and looking up at her flushed face. The smaller male thought he must’ve done something wrong, but watched with wide eyes as Fluttershy only scooted back a little from him before removing her panties and flinging them away to where her bra had been cast aside. She was utterly nude now, and let Spike watch as she toyed with herself using her own fingers. “I want to see it. You…I want to see your cock, Spike.” She moaned as her long fingers rubbed at her swollen lips. He could see her nethers better now, staring at her glistening pink folds with a hunger that was plain on his face. Her request rang in his ears, and he looked up at her face again. “Y-you do?” “I do. Does my body excite you? Do I?” She rubbed faster at the prospect, her breathing heavy. He could feel her desire echo in every pulse in his veins. “...you do. You’re incredible, Fluttershy.” He replied before shrugging off his shirt and tossing it towards his tent, his belt and then his own pants following suit. This was not his natural instinct, he heard reason chime weakly in the back of his mind; this wasn’t how any daydream of a first time was how he envisioned. Naked, stripped of clothing in the middle of the jungle alongside someone he’d admired for a long time. But that worry over their nudity was forgotten quickly as he took in Fluttershy’s buxom and curvaceous form, and he was soon as naked as she was. “Oh Spike,” she breathed out as she beheld his length. Spike’s dragon-blood didn’t manifest too much in the open, beyond his wings, hair color, and skin. The fangs were often the most exotic thing he thought of himself. However, to Fluttershy, it seemed he had one more trait to be proud of. His length twitched in front of her, colored purple with a darkened tip much like the rest of him. But what was most noticeable was that he was a forearm’s length long, a vein noticeable along the underside that throbbed in tune with his heartbeat pounding in his ear. He’d never tried to compare himself to other guys, but Fluttershy seemed very enthused with it as she quickly moved forward to kneel in front of it. “How long have you kept this hidden?” She questioned. “Can’t exactly go sporting random boners in public, you know,” Spike pointed out with a soft laugh, “looks like we shopped from the same catalog.” Fluttershy didn’t answer right away, choosing instead to bring her hands up to gently squeeze his length and stroke it. The touch of her soft hands in comparison with only his own - lotioned or otherwise - was like comparing cardboard to a cloud. He throbbed in her grasp, gasping as she encircled his swollen mushroom-like tip with a still wet finger. “Spike?” She asked finally. “Y-yeah?” He shivered as her hand slowly stroked down to his base, joining the first in keeping him tilted upward towards her. “Did I ever tell you about how long I can hold my breath?” “No but that’s a weird thing tooooooohmmngn,” Spike’s ability to speak failed him as Fluttershy engulfed his member in her mouth, her lips sliding over the swollen tip with ease and immersing his sensitive cock in a wet and tender embrace. Her hands kept a grip on him around the base as she sunk further down, her hair falling about her face as she moved. Spike’s brain shut down save to clench his fists at his side and to lock his legs to keep from falling, while pleasure overran his mind. “Mmmm…” Fluttershy hummed around him, bobbing her head a little at the halfway point before dragging herself back up just as slow as she went down, but with all the affection of someone wholly intent on pleasing their partner. Every inch was licked and sucked upon as she moved, her saliva keeping him slick as she moved back to the tip. She let him pop out of her lips, leaving him to throb before her as she stared up at him. “...I can go deeper.” “Yeah?” “Yeah. Do you wanna see?” The whispered question made Spike’s heartbeat quicken as did the follow up. “You might have to hold me down a little…” Spike’s fingers twitched at his sides as she engulfed him again, closing her eyes for a second as she moved back to halfway, only to open them and gaze up to him as she started to sink down even further. His will cracked apart, and his fingers wove themselves into her pink locks to rest themselves on her head, causing her to hum in delight when he pulled her down even further. Reaching the base with a wet “hrk” sound coming from her occupied mouth, Fluttershy’s eyes rolled back before she moved back, bobbing her head while Spike groaned from above. “Fuck…fuck…fuck…” Spike whispered with each passing second. It was taking all of his will to not just take hold of her and rut his hips up into her face, out of fear of hurting her. Even if it seemed like it’d be something she wanted. But judging from the sounds Fluttershy made as she sucked on his dick, the lewd wet sounds of her lips gliding over his sensitive flesh reaching his ears, it became more and more difficult to not lose control. She was the perfect temptation. The curvaceous Pinkette brought her hands back to action as well, one kneading his heavy balls with her fingers while the other kept her steady on the ground. Her pink hair flowed and fell with her head bobbing, partially held back by Spike’s hands atop her head. He could even see her chest swaying in tandem with her motions, her entire body a display of raw sexual energy that he was in no way able to handle. She continued to kiss his base on each downward drop, letting out another wet “hrk” sound before dragging back up, even turning her head this way and that just to give him more pleasurable wet friction. It was too much. Far too much. The next downward pass found Fluttershy held in place and submitting to Spike’s hold as he trembled, moaning her name while his cock swelled before a splash of his cum shot out and into her throat. He expected her to sputter or push him back, but she did the opposite: she swallowed every drop he had to give her, not once pulling back and eagerly drinking his seed as it continued to pour out. She was even moaning while drinking him, leaving him dumbfounded as she withdrew finally once his hands let go of her. When she let go of his cock, she finally could breathe freely and gave a small gasp while kneeling there, bringing her hands up to fondle her chest while licking her lips clean. Spike watched the entire time, feeling his body shake and his blood to nearly boil in want for the woman before him. It was her who broke the silence, giving a soft giggle at his stare upon her. “Wow. You’re still hard, Spike.” He glanced down at himself. He hadn’t even shrank or even lost a bit of his hardness post orgasm. His tip continued to drip precum onto the jungle floor between them, throbbing in yearning for her. The flower must’ve been to blame, he realized, affecting him as much as her. And speaking of Fluttershy, the woman was looking at his length with a hunger not unlike his own, her fingers rubbing at her nethers anxiously. “W-we should…we can do more. If you want more.” She offered to him before moving to lay back, spreading her legs wide to expose herself fully to him. “...do you want more?” Something snapped in his brain. A feral sense of desire, of pure sexual want that took control and shoved rationality out the window. Fluttershy could only give a playful yelp as Spike surged forward, scrambling over her taller self and catching her lips in a heated kiss. It was almost frantic, calming only a little once he felt her kissing back just as much, her hands coming up to hold onto him as he ground his hips into her, his cock rubbing against her entrance. Words weren’t sought here, the message was clear; Fluttershy brought a hand down and aligned his cock at her entrance, and in one push, he penetrated her and pushed in the first few inches. Her ecstatic cry echoed his deeper own as he panted for air, grasping at her tits for something to hold onto due to his smaller frame while working to push himself further into her. “S-Spike! Yes, Spike!” She gasped out as he speared into her further, his long length doing plenty to stimulate every sensitive nerve and inch of her pussy that awaited him. With his virginity now cast aside, he surrendered to the new ecstasy he was experiencing, nearly hilting himself into her but stopping at a sound from Fluttershy he couldn’t tell between pleasure or pain. He kept still for a moment to throb inside of her, every twitch of his length making Fluttershy’s whole body tremble before he reared his hips back and withdrew, only to shove back in again. “Fuck me, Spike! Fuck me! I want it!” She cried out, nearly wailing in bliss while he hammered away at her. He lacked the experience or thought to try and have a rhythm to his rough thrusts, seeking only to further bury his mind in bliss with her. His grip moved from her breasts to her waist, allowing them to bounce before his eyes while Fluttershy rocked into his motions, squeezing and milking his cock at every chance. “Huh…huff…Ngh!” Spike grunted as he worked himself into a frenzy, hammering away at Fluttershy’s pussy as he made it his own. Sweat poured from his forehead and down his neck over his form, and he could smell Fluttershy’s own sweat and lust mingling with his own. He needed more of her, more and more as if he were to drown in her. He slowed his thrusts for only a moment, pulling back but keeping a couple inches still inside of her before grabbing for her legs. Fluttershy didn’t resist, soon finding herself on her back with her legs pulled back as well, giving Spike the ability to both grab onto her thighs and to drive his cock straight down into her nethers. “OHSPIKE!” Fluttershy yelled, the green-haired male comprehending as much as feeling Fluttershy cum around his cock as he pistoned into her. Her juices kept him slick and let him thrust away even as she squeezed tight around him, her womb welcoming his dick as he hammered at her hot and moist entrance. If either were aware enough to look, they’d witness his cock making a bulge appear briefly above her groin, evidence of his size doing its work. The sound of his balls smacking into her rear on each downswing was a minor addition to their rough sex, overshadowed by Fluttershy’s squeals and Spike’s grunts. “Fuckfuckfuckfuck!” He growled out, thrusting deeply a few more times before feeling his end surge forward. Even with the flower’s aid, he was still an inexperienced male, and could only hold out so long. A final deep thrust buried him balls deep inside of her, and another torrent of seed surged from his balls and out of his cock into her waiting depths. Fluttershy tightened around him from the first hot splash of his cum upon her sensitive walls, her legs flailing helplessly as she trembled underneath him. Every throbbing pulse of his cock seemed to echo throughout her, rocking her form while he continued to flood her full of his spunk. When it began to taper off, Spike withdrew himself out of her, inch by inch, and with it came the excess of his seed as it overflowed within Fluttershy. He came loose with a pop sound and sat back on his haunches, gasping for breath as he surveyed his work upon her. Her stretched entrance now had a small river of white leaking from its inner depths, flowing down her thighs and dripping onto the ground. He breathed in, inhaling the hot jungle air as much as the smog of their sex. “S-Spike…” He throbbed at the whimper, and focused his attention back onto Fluttershy. Impressing him with a surprising tenacity despite how rough he’d been, the buxom woman had turned over onto her front, and found a small log to prop her upper half upon. Her lower half, specifically her impressive rear, gave a slow wave back at him as she swayed before him. Spike’s eyes widened when he watched Fluttershy reach between her legs and work a finger into her depths again. “More. Give me more.” She urged him, giving a small bounce of her rear that made her cheeks clap together. He needed little urging beyond that, his still hard member swinging in front of him as he came over to her. The smaller male rested his length against the valley of her ass, grinding against her and savoring the pleasant friction while their leftover mixed fluids kept him lubricated. Two orgasms out of his system, a semblance of thought came through the fog of lust still burning in his chest, and especially in his groin. “If this keeps up…you’ll…you’ll get pregnant.” He mumbled as a hand came up and squeezed one of her butt cheeks. His fingers sunk into her as if squeezing a marshmallow colored yellow. “Maybe. Maybe not,” she panted out, looking over her shoulder at him, “But I don’t care. I just want…I want more of you. Oh god, your cum is so warm inside me. Please, Spike? Please?” “Please what?” He teased as he reared back, aligning himself with her entrance again. The view of her bountiful butt before him nearly had him lean down to take a bite of her, but his hunger was yearning for something far better. “Please rut mEEEE!” She began to plead before trailing into a squeal of delight as he slid back into her with ease. Her wet and now sloppy insides welcomed him back and took every inch with no trouble, making him groan in bliss at being inside her again. Fluttershy tossed her head back, her wild looking hair cascading over her sweaty, dirty form. Spike clapped a hand onto either side of her rump and started pounding away again, standing up tall enough to be aligned with her rump in just the right fashion. He was fascinated in watching her butt bounce and jiggle in front of him, especially when he’d thrust deep inside of her. Her ass would squish up against his groin in a loving invitation to hold onto it before jiggling as he’d pull back, only to slam into her again and again. Rhythm was sacrificed for carnal delight as they worked each other up into a frenzy once more. Fluttershy, now able to move more, was more than happy to push back and get every inch of him she could into her depths. The wet sounds of their sex filled the air, mixing with the heat rising off of them while Spike claimed her for himself. The claps of her ass cheeks against his groin invigorated Spike, and when he saw her head flail about and tossing her pink locks, he was inspired and grabbed onto a long strand he could reach, jerking her head back. It was like a switch went off in Fluttershy, and he felt her suddenly grow considerably tighter when he gave a small tug while thrusting into her faster. “YES! FUCK ME!” She all but yelled out, her cries echoing out into the trees and nature beyond them. No creature responded, and probably for the better; the aura coming off the two was something to not be disturbed, primal and full of life. Fluttershy continued to rock her body back into Spike’s thrusts as he held onto her hair, the restraint and roughness making her all the more eager. Twice, she nearly knocked him off his feet from how much she pushed, but he held firm in the moment and kept his grip on both ass and hair alike. Each little yank seemed to make her tighten considerably, enough that he almost slowed down but soon forgot the idea for his own lustful want. He savored every second of it: the way her body rocked with his movements, her cries, the sweat running down his body, the wetness of her pussy milking his cock as she took everything he had. “Spike! Spike, give me your cum! I need your cum!” She begged as she clenched around him, moaning deeply before she came again herself. Her juices wet his groin and ran down his thighs, keeping him plenty lubricated as he worked at her well-stretched nethers. The invitation for him to finish made him finally let go of her hair, returning to a grip upon her ass cheek again like its partner. He held on as best he could, and jackhammered at her pussy with all he had left in him. Seconds, minutes passed; Spike didn’t try to count, only to feel Fluttershy as she cried out and came again, gasping for air while he persisted. His end finally came after a few more thrusts, and he groaned in relief as he buried himself deep inside her again to release his seed. Fluttershy welcomed it, groaning in delight as he filled her once again. Spike watched as her body shook from the feeling, but pulled back and off of him to swivel about. His still firing cock splashed a dose of cum across her face, but she didn’t pause for even a moment before engulfing the tip and drinking him down. “Celestia’s sake, Shy…” he groaned as his legs gave out, prompting him to wobble before finally coming to sit down with a thump on the jungle ground. Fluttershy didn’t let him go the whole time, still sucking away before easing only once the flow of his seed had stopped. She swallowed him down slowly, a sight Spike dedicated to memory but couldn’t comment upon. His young body was overtaxed, even with the aid of the flower that had pushed them to the brink. A silent understanding passed between them, as Fluttershy pulled him to her and let his head rest against her sweaty bosom, both breathing deeply of one another. “So you found the flower and brought it home. Fantastic!” Twilight commented as she went over the notebook Spike had given back to her. “Well, at least the roots of it anyway. What a fun adventure! And no danger even!” “I feel like you missed the part I said about the Guardian in the temple room.” Spike said, but rolled his eyes as Twilight kept pouring over the notes. “Anything else you need? Because if not, I’m gonna go visit Fluttershy.” “That’s the fifth time this week. What, are you working on a project with her?” Twilight questioned without looking up from the book. Spike looked out the nearby window of the library, spotting Fluttershy’s waiting form out in the front yard of their home. “Oh…just exploring more Friendship with my friends, Twilight.”