> Cinematic Adventures: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets > by extremeenigma02 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A New Year Begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The lovely, cheerful twittering of birds echoed across the clear blue skies. Celestia’s sun was at its brightest as it shined upon the town of Ponyville. Joy was plastered upon the face of Princess Twilight Sparkle herself, as she strolled down the street with her loyal assistant always at her side, Spike. The two were hard at work planning for one of the biggest events Ponyville would ever see: Spike and Gabby’s wedding. To think only one month prior when they had returned from their adventure into the Ice Age. That was the day Spike proposed to his girlfriend right in front of every pony and everyone. Much work still had to be done in preparation for the biggest day still to come. It was for those reasons why the pair were walking through town, trying earnestly to decide how everything should be set. “I’m thinking we set rows of chairs over there,” Twilight pointed toward town square. “We’ll have Big Mac construct a magnificent arbor for the two of you to stand under. I’m also thinking of hanging some flowers around town. Speaking of which, what kind of flowers does Gabby like?” “She really likes daffodils,” Spike replied, mid-walk. “Then we’ll be sure to get dozens for the big day,” Twilight smiled. Spike looked toward his older sister figure, noting the tears in her eyes that she was proceeding to wipe away. “Twi, are you crying?” Spike asked. “Sorry,” Twilight apologized, drying her eyes. “I just can’t believe you’re getting married. It seems only yesterday when you hatched from that egg for my entrance exam, just to apply for Princess Celestia’s school.” Hearing the mention, Spike smiled as he knelt down and embraced her in a warm hug. “Thanks Twilight,” Spike spoke sincerely. Soon as the pair pulled away, a sudden thought crossed Spike’s mind. The like of which that sent his smile into a frown. “Spike, what’s wrong?” Twilight asked curiously. “Nothing really,” Spike sighed. “It’s just… there’s a part of me that wishes to know who my real parents were. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for your love and how your family took me in and loving me like your own. It’s just I wish I could at least know them, maybe ask them to come to my wedding.” Twilight’s face saddened greatly for her faithful assistant. The princess always knew he’d been wondering about his past for his whole life. In the days since Spike’s hatching, all the professors informed Twilight and her parents that they had no clear idea where the egg came from. They could only assume the egg itself was abandoned. There was that one time they met a dragon, Sludge by name, claiming to be Spike’s father. Only it was an excuse for free labor out of him, and to this day Twilight hated that dragon for hurting her dearest friend and brother. As Spike looked out toward the horizon, he felt a comforting hoof upon his shoulder. He turned over and found himself gazing into the eyes of his princess companion. “I know you do, Spike,” Twilight spoke sweetly. “I wish I could give you more. There is still one thing I do know. If your parents were here right now, they’d be very proud of the dragon you’ve become.” Another smile coursed its way across Spike’s face, as he wrapped his arms around Twilight Sparkle for another hug. They hugged for what felt like several moments when Spike felt a sudden tapping on his shoulder. The dragon turned around to come face-to-beak with his fiancée. “Sorry, hope I’m not interrupting the tender moment,” Gabby apologized sheepishly. “Not at all, Gabby,” Twilight assured her. “How’s it going with the wedding dress?” Spike asked Gabby. “Rarity and I have been working all morning, going from one design to the next,” Gabby responded. “We’ve been sorting through fabrics, taking measurements, and so much more. But now I think we’ve finally got a good idea of what I’ll be wearing.” “That’s fantastic,” Spike smiled. “I only wish we didn’t have to wait so long just to get married.” “I know honey,” Gabby giggled, hovering to kiss his cheek. “Is there any way I can get a ‘little’ hint as to what you’re wearing?” Spike smirked. “Afraid not, darling.” Spike and Twilight looked behind Gabby, catching Rarity approaching behind the young griffin. She wore her little orange glasses and used her magic to hold a pair of scissors, fabric sheets, pin cushions, and other assortments of designing tools. “Mustn’t spoil anything before the big day,” Rarity told Spike. “It’s best to be surprised.” It wasn’t long until the remainder of the Mane Six approached the rest of the group. For as it turned out, they too had been at Rarity’s shop alongside Gabby, trying dresses of their own. After all, what are bridesmares without dresses? “You know what I’m not surprised about?” Rainbow asked. “The fact I still don’t like wearing dresses. Now I’m cool with being a bridesmare, but dresses make me feel like I’m wrapped in shrink wrap.” “Well ah fer one love when ya wear a dress sugarcube,” Applejack smiled at her marefriend. “It hugs ya in all the right places.” “Back at ya, farm girl,” Rainbow smirked. The remaining girls merely rolled their eyes listening to their friends’ talk. “Oh, I’m ever so happy for the two of you,” Fluttershy said happily toward Gabby and Spike. “I knew since the day you two met you’d be perfect for each other.” “Abso-positively!” Pinkie exclaimed gleefully. “This is going to be the bestest, most spectacular wedding ever! There’ll be cake, and streamers, and cake, and flowers, and balloons, and cake! Did I already say cake? Well, the more cake the merrier!” Seeing the energetic pink party pony going loco over the wedding, every pony else couldn’t help but laugh. After all, Pinkie Pie was absolutely right this time. True, the wedding was still in the planning stage as of now. Yet they couldn’t help but agree that this would be the most amazing wedding to date. “Well, I for one—” Twilight Sparkle began. Suddenly, Twilight’s sentence was abruptly cut off by a swirling orange portal unveiled alongside the group. The winds picked up all around them as the group shielded their eyes from the strong current. The moment it finally passed was when they were finally able to uncover their eyes. When they did, their eyes widened with surprise and huge smiles spread across their faces. For standing before them, dressed in her Master Jedi robes, was their oldest friend… Sunset Shimmer. “Guess who’s back!” Sunset spoke casually. “SUNSET!!!” They all raced toward Sunset Shimmer, engulfing her in the biggest group hug they’ve ever had. “It’s good to see you again, Sunset!” Twilight said happily. “It’s been forever since we’ve seen you.” “Good to see you guys too,” Sunset replied, gasping for breath. “Now if I could only breathe, that would be perfect.” Everyone quickly pulled back, allowing Sunset to take a few deep breaths to get some air back in her system. “How have you been, darling?” Rarity asked. “Not bad, I suppose,” Sunset replied, getting her breath back. “So much has changed since you guys left. I’m a Master Jedi now and I’ve been training a whole bunch of younglings to become the next generation of Jedi. Including Leia and Hans’ kid, Ben.” “They’re married?” Rainbow asked in surprise. “They sure are,” Sunset nodded. “And… you’re training their son?” Pinkie Pie added. “That’ll affect the timeline of events for future movie installments… not that it wouldn’t be a bad thing or nothing.” “What?” Sunset asked confused. “Never mind!” Pinkie responded quickly. Before another word can be said, Twilight Sparkle quickly came forward and again enveloped Sunset with a massive hug, which the Jedi happily returned. “It’s so good to see you again, Sunset Shimmer,” Twilight spoke happily. “Couldn’t agree more, Twi,” Sunset chuckled. When the two pulled away, Sunset walked over toward Spike and Gabby. “And congratulations to you two on your engagement,” Sunset smiled. “When I got the letter Spike sent me, I nearly leapt from my chair with joy. After everything that’s happened thus far, you guys deserve some happiness.” “We’re really glad to have you join us, Sunset,” Spike replied gratefully. “Applejack!” “Rarity!” “Rainbow Dash!” Their attention was soon drawn to three new voices yelling toward them. The entire group turned just as Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo galloped their way toward them. From what they could tell, the three fillies were clutching three letters in their teeth. When they got close enough, the CMC skid to a stop and looked toward the group happily. “Whoa now, what’s got y’all three so excited?” Applejack asked curiously. “We were just playin’ in our treehouse when three owls flew through the window and dropped these,” Apple Bloom explained through her teeth. “We thought the owls were confused and dropped them there by mistake,” Sweetie Belle added. “That is until we noticed our names on them.” “Acceptance letters to Hogwarts!” Scootaloo squealed. “WHAT?!” Everyone exclaimed in shock. “Lemme see those,” Twilight gestured. The princess used her magic to grab the three letters, levitating them before her eyes which quickly scanned over them. Sure enough, they were three identical acceptance letters to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry signed by Minerva McGonagall herself. “Wow, they really are!” Twilight gasped with shock. “Seems the new school year is beginning at Hogwarts soon and apparently the Ministry of Magic wants to bring in a few new students from Equestria!” “This is amazing!” Sweetie Belle cheered excitedly. “I’ve been wanting to go to Hogwarts since your guys’ last adventure there. And now we finally get the chance!” “No kidding!” Scootaloo said. “Spell casting, potion brewing, maybe I can finally learn to fly!” To which Rainbow Dash chuckled as she used her wing to draw Scootaloo closer to her. “Good for you, squirt,” Rainbow Dash complimented. “Just think, soon enough you’ll be flying side by side with me.” “It’s all I’ve ever wanted,” Scootaloo smiled widely. *BELCH!!!* A large belch suddenly erupted out of Spike, as he released a green flame and a rolled-up piece of parchment fell out. All eyes turned toward the dragon as he unfurled the paper. “What is it, Spike?” Twilight asked. “Princess Celestia wants us at Canterlot right away,” Spike replied. “She’s apparently called the Student Six there already and—” Before Spike could proceed, a sudden blinding flash of light engulfed the Mane Six, along with Spike, the CMC, and Sunset Shimmer. When it faded, they all vanished from sight. This left Gabby standing in the heart of Ponyville, all by herself. “Ooooh… kay…” Gabby spoke awkwardly. “Guess I’ll gather everyone to Discord’s theatre.” <> In the blink of an eye, the group were transported right into Canterlot Castle, specifically the throne room. The moment the blinding flash cleared was when every pony shook their heads to rid themselves of the dizziness before looking around. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna both sat on their thrones and the Student Six were all assembled as well. “… And getting here was easy,” Spike concluded, with a shrug. “Headmare Twilight!” The Student Six yelled simultaneously. The students raced toward their professors and Spike, drawing everyone in a group hug. “It’s good to see you all again,” Twilight said. “I trust you’ve been working hard since we’ve last seen you?” “Of course!” Ocellus nodded smiling. “I can’t believe we’re going back to Hogwarts again!” Silverstream screeched excitedly. “I’ve been waiting so long and now the time’s finally here! I can’t wait to see Harry, Ron, and Hermoine again!” “Whoa, whoa, easy there Sil,” Gallus said to his girlfriend. “Last thing we need is you passing out from over-exertion before we even make it there.” “I know, you’re right,” Silverstream nodded, taking deep breaths. “I just can’t help it. It feels like forever since we’ve been there.” “Yona looking forward to new school year,” Yona nodded. “Yona been practicing magic thanks to wand holder Hagrid gave me and Sandbar end of last year.” “It’s much more effective than trying to hold our wands with our teeth,” Sandbar agreed. “I’m really looking forward to Quiddith again,” Smolder cracked her knuckles. “This year, the Gryffindor team will crush any competition stacked against us!” Hearing all the talk of another year at Hogwarts made Celestia and Luna chuckle as they extended their wings and flew down beside the group. “We’re both glad to see you’re all excited for the new school year,” Celestia smiled sweetly. “Indeed!” Luna nodded. “I remember back when I was a young filly and every time the new year came about, I’d bounce off the wall with excitement.” Celestia turned toward the Cutie Mark Crusaders with a smile. “I hear you three will be starting Hogwarts this year.” “Sure are,” Apple Bloom nodded excitedly. “Been lookin’ forward to it fer quite some time now.” “We hope the three of you will enjoy it,” Luna added. “You only have ‘one’ first year at Hogwarts so tis best to enjoy it for all its worth.” Celestia soon turned her attention toward her former apprentice Sunset Shimmer. The biggest smile could be seen upon the princess’s face. “Sunset, it’s good to see you again my student,” Celestia declared, pulling her student into a hug. “’Former’ student, you mean,” Sunset chuckled, hugging Celestia back. “After all, I am a Jedi master now.” “Indeed, you are,” Celestia nodded, pulling back. “And you’ve done such wonderful things in that time. I couldn’t be prouder of you.” “I did have a pretty amazing teacher after all,” Sunset smiled, till she frowned. “I still feel pretty crumby for throwing your teachings away for so long.” “Sunset, you must stop being so hard on yourself,” Celestia responded, with a comforting hoof along Sunset’s shoulder. “All of that happened so long ago and you’ve done far more than enough to redeem yourself.” Hearing her mentor’s comforting words brought a small smile to Sunset’s face. “Thank you,” Sunset said. Celestia gave another warm smile before rejoining her sister once more and addressed her attention toward the group. “I’ve spoken with Professor Dumbledore about the new school term set to begin within a week,” Celestia told them. “We’ve arranged for everyone’s luggage to be transported to Hogwarts to avoid any unnecessary hassle. We’ll send you all to Surry, England so you may join young Harry Potter once more.” Together, Celestia and Luna lit their horns with their magic and sent a few magical blasts toward a nearby wall. Within seconds, the crystal portal opened before them. The princesses soon turned back toward the group with smiles upon their faces. “We hope you all have another wonderful year,” Luna declared. The group turned amongst each other and were just about to make their way through the portal. Before they could take a step, Sunset Shimmer placed a hand upon Twilight’s shoulder. “Hold up!” Sunset said urgently. “If you’re going through, I’m coming with you.” “Are you sure, Sunset?” Twilight asked. “Yeah! I’ve been wanting to come back to share another adventure with my friends for the longest time,” Sunset replied, smiling. “You’re not going anywhere without me.” To which Twilight smiled in return as she placed her hoof along her friend’s hand. Once again, the two girls turned towards the portal and walked straight ahead along with the rest of the group through the portal. Soon as they stepped through, the portal closed behind them as they headed off for another year at Hogwarts. The moment the portal closed, Celestia and Luna looked around the throne room to ensure they were entirely alone. Seeing no pony or creature in sight, they released a sigh of relief. “Okay, you can come out now!” Celestia called out. From behind the sun and moon thrones, Quill Cast and Curtain Call emerged from hiding. The two stallions proceeded down the steps to approach the two monarchs. “You don’t suppose they knew we were here?” Quill asked anxiously. “I assure you they didn’t,” Celestia responded. “Though I do hate keeping this a secret from all of them. If we were able to tell them the truth, we’d accomplish far much more together.” “Sorry princess, but you know we can’t tell them,” Curtain responded, adjusting his specs. “They have their roles to play; we have ours.” “All this secrecy is quite overwhelming,” Luna said nervously. “Not as overwhelming as what’s to come,” Quill retorted. “I trust Doctor Strange has kept in touch with you both?” “Indeed,” Celestia nodded. “We’ve spoken with Albus recently. He’s informed me that he had two of your allies working along with him for months trying to find what you’re looking for.” “I certainly hope so,” Curtain said hopefully. “Sooner we find it, the better.” “And what of… her?” Luna asked quizzically. “No leads on her yet,” Quill responded disappointedly. “There’s been no sign of her since she gave us Spike’s egg, insisting we bring him here to ensure his safety. I hated that she had to give him up in order to protect him, but I suppose it’s what any mother would do. No worries though, we’ll find her… we have to.” That being said, Quill reached into his saddlebags and pulled out a strange looking device, a gift of sorts from Doctor Strange himself. The device resembled a glowing baton with two demon heads at either end. A device simply known as… the Wand of Watoomb. Holding the wand in his hoof, Quill closed his eyes and concentrated with a circular wave. Soon the wand opened a swirling orange portal and the two stallions proceeded to walk toward it. Just before they entered, they took one last look toward the princesses. “Don’t worry you two,” Quill assured them. “All shall soon be revealed in due course.” Soon the two emerged through the portal and as it sealed behind them, their adventure toward the unknown was just beginning… > Dobby the House Elf > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cold was the air as it billowed through the dark, damp cave system deep underground. The only sounds were the occasional dripping of water from the stalagmites hung around the cave. Suddenly, the wind picked up as a portal from Equestria opened. Stepping through the portal and into the cave were the Dark Order. led by the Dark One and the Mysterious Benefactor, the group consisted of the Legion of Doom, the Dazzlings, King Sombra, Darth Andromedis, and Demittria. The evil syndicate stepped into the dark cave passages as the Equestrian portal closed behind them. Looking about through the caves, a majority of the Order merely grimaced over their new surroundings. “Isn’t this just grand?” Chrysalis voiced disgust. “We go from a cave to a village, then a castle, and now… back in a cave.” “You’re a Changeling!” Cozy Glow pointed out. “You literally spent your entire life in a huge beehive and you’re complaining about caves?” “Watch yourself you little cretin!” Chrysalis hissed back. “At least my hive provided comfort for myself and my changelings. What’s your excuse?!” “For the love of me, will you two shut up?!” Tirek said agitated. “Hearing you screech is worse than listening to those ponies!” “I agree with the centaur,” Sombra spoke up. “If I knew I must listen to you talk, I’d rather be stuck in my corporeal state where it’s quiet.” “Stick it up your chitin, lobster boy!” Adagio snipped at Sombra. “Consider yourself lucky you’re even here in the first place. After all the trouble to get you a body, you basically disappeared on all of us. I forgot you were even part of this whole thing.” “How dare you speak to me that way you tone deaf fish?!” Sombra growled. “I’ve been scouring Equestria for magical artifacts the Dark One personally requested. It’s obvious I’m a more valuable asset than you are.” “More like making excuses for no one including you in anything!” Aria retorted. “You’ve been around longer than I have, and they had me doing far more than you’ve ever done in a thousand years!” Zoe chuckled. “Why you insolent little—” CLANG!!! The sudden banging from something loud and metallic against the hard stone floor ceased the inevitable scuffle between the Dazzlings and Sombra. They turned collectively toward the Dark One, who slammed the bottom of the Staff of Hermes upon the cavern ground. The staff itself glowed with the mystical golden light of ‘Those Who Came Before’ and the entire Order felt its power resonating from the mysterious device. They found themselves wondering just how the Dark One managed to get their hands on such a powerful artifact… a story for another time. But for now, the Dark Oen merely stood with their usual frozen demeanor behind that dark mask while the Benefactor stepped forth to serve as their mouthpiece. “ENOUGH!” The Benefactor yelled loudly. “Your petty squabbling is going nowhere. If we are to stand with even a slim chance at achieving our end goal, this disdain for one another must cease. Once we’ve achieved what is needed, we could care less if you killed one another. For now, never forget that the Dark One and I keep you alive when ‘we’ decide.” The Benefactor slowly turned their heard toward Sombra. “Were you able to secure what we sent you to find?” They asked. To which Sombra merely waved his giant claw and a small ball of red light appeared, which floated toward the Benefactor. When the ball dissipated, the only thing remained in mid-air was… a small black book? “This wasn’t easy to procure,” Sombra informed them. “Celestia and Luna kept this hidden under lock and key buried within the vaults below Equestria, under constant supervision by a garrison of guards. Destroying them was easy; getting into the vault required time.” The Benefactor grasped the book with their magic. Seeing this within their hold formed a wicked smile upon their face, showcasing fangs. “Excellent,” They spoke venomously. “Hold up!” Cozy Glow piped in. “You’re saying Sombra’s spent months breaking into some secret vault and that’s all there is to show for it? A stupid book?” Rather than taking offense over the filly’s choice of words, the Benefactor merely turned to her with that same wicked grin. “Trust me child, this is no ordinary book,” The Benefactor replied. “It’s a weapon. Powerful enough to resurrect the most powerful dark wizard this world has ever known. When he rises again, so too will our days of glorious victory.” “One book can do all of that?” Adagio asked skeptically. “Not just the book.” The Benefactor turned heel as they, along with the Dark One, strolled through the caves with the remainder of the Order following behind. After a period of walking, they stumbled upon the most peculiar sight: A large circular iron vault door adorned with snakes. Everyone gazed upon the giant door with fascination, especially the Benefactor. It had been a thousand years since anyone laid eyes upon this ancient place, and what lies within. The Dark One took a few steps forward, standing right in front of the door before bringing a gloved hand up to touch the cold iron. The figure began to whisper a strange language of sort. “Hesssssh ha sssssssaaaah” All of a sudden, another iron snake slithered out of nowhere and circled the door. In doing so, all the other snakes receded into the door as the iron vault unlocked. Stepping back in front of the group, the Dark One watched as the giant door slowly swung open. Once fully opened, all eyes looked inside, and they noticed a giant long chamber with large stone snakeheads lining the sides. At the end was a giant stone statue of the head of Salazar Slytherin. The Dark One stared through the eyes of their mask at the sight of the chamber within. A sickening smirk spread from their face beneath the mask. “Soon… you will be unleashed.” <> A beautiful orange red glow blanketed the suburban domain of Surry, England as the sun began to set over the horizon. A sudden gentle wind picked up in the front yard of Number 4 Privet Drive as the portal from Equestria opened up, allowing the Mane and Student Six, including the CMC and Sunset Shimmer, to step through. As the portal sealed behind them, the group’s eyes explored the very familiar row house most of them had been to on their last journey. Quite frankly, they weren’t happy to see this part of the world… again. “I can’t stand this place,” Rainbow Dash sneered. “Don’t get me wrong, I love Harry, but his relatives are stuck-up jerks.” “No need to tell us twice, darling,” Rarity agreed. “I for one don’t even know how such a sweet boy like Harry still remains with such horrid people.” “Horrible as they may be, they’re the only family he has,” Twilight replied sorrowfully. Of course, a majority of the group merely scoffed at the statement. “Some family,” Smolder rolled her eyes. “After what we done saw from the theatre, we know these varmints ain’t no true family tah Harry,” Apple Bloom objected. “I live with my two aunts while mom and dad are away and they’re way better than these people,” Scootaloo nodded. “Was adoption out of the question?” Sweetie Belle asked. Rather than answering Sweetie Belle’s question, Twilight Sparkle’s eyes turned toward the second floor window. The alicorn princess could see young Harry Potter himself, sitting at a desk in his room. It appeared that he was flipping through the very photo album Hagrid gave to him at the end of the previous school year. “I suppose we should go up and say hi,” Twilight suggested with a smile. Nodding in agreement, the Equestrians gathered around Twilight Sparkle. Making sure not a moving car was in sight nor any wandering eyes from the neighbors, Twilight Sparkle took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Channeling her magic all around the group, concentrating on the location where Harry Potter was, the group could feel her magic aura wrap around them. This went on for a few seconds until… POOF! They vanished. <> In the meantime, Mr. Harry Potter sat quietly by the second floor window of his aunt and uncle’s house looking through the album. It was a change of pace from having spent his childhood in the downstairs closet, cramped, confined, and covered in dust whenever his cousin or someone else climbed up or down. At that moment the boy was lost in his thoughts reminiscing about his time at Hogwarts and other heartfelt memories of his youth. All of a sudden, his train of thought was interrupted by a bright purple flash and the thumping of several feet. He quickly turned his gaze from the window and what he saw made his eyes brighten. There in the center of his new bedroom were none other than some familiar faces: The Equestrian Heroes themselves, among them his young friends that made up the Student Six. “Hiya Harry!!!” Silverstream waved excitedly. “Hello Harry!” Twilight Sparkle greeted gently. “Guys!” Harry gasped with a smile. The collective group of friends gathered together for a warm embrace, for a moment not even minding if they were drawing any attention from downstairs. Even the CMC and Sunset Shimmer, not as familiar with Harry, joined in the hug as they basked in this tender reunion. After a few seconds, they finally separated so Harry can have a moment to see his friends as though they were truly real, and this was no mere dream. “I can’t believe you’re all here after all this time,” Harry Potter spoke. “What’re you all doing here?” “Pardon us for the sudden arrival,” Applejack apologized. “We reckoned we’d come and visit ya before the school year starts.” “And some of our friends were utterly delighted to meet you,” Rarity added. “That’s correct,” Twilight Sparkle nodded, approaching Harry. “Those three girls over there are Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. Together they are known as the ‘Cutie Mark Crusaders’, but that’s a long story.” “Mighty fine tah meet ya, Harry!” Apple Bloom shook Harry’s hand excitedly. “Ah saw yer adventures at the theater back home and Ah’ve been beggin’ mah sister tah introduce me to ya.” “It’s true!” Applejack nodded. “I’m pleased to meet you too!” Harry nodded politely, facing Sweetie Belle. “And you must be…” “Sweetie Belle, Rarity’s sister,” Sweetie Belle confirmed. “Oh yes. I can see the resemblance. And… Scootaloo… you are…?” “Oh, I don’t have a sister,” Scootaloo shook her head. “But I look up to Rainbow Dash and we hang out often.” “And she’s an awesome little buddy,” Rainbow Dash complimented. “I just know you guys are going to get along.” “And before I forget, Harry this is Sunset Shimmer,” Twilight introduced Harry. “She’s one of my former students from out of Equestria, even though she ‘lived’ in Equestria previously. She’ll be joining us to attend Hogwarts this year.” “It’s good to meet you Harry,” Sunset shook Harry’s hands. “Me too… although…” Harry paused, peering closer. “Do I know you from somewhere? I feel like I’ve seen you before.” “Uh… you must be mistaking me for some pony else.” “Nice pad you got here,” Spike remarked, looking around. “Seems your aunt and uncle finally decided to give you a real bedroom for once. That’s a nice change.” “Not the only thing that’s changed,” Harry Potter spoke up, measuring Spike. “You’ve grown much taller since I last saw you.” “I’ve had a bit of a growth spurt these past few months.” “We did try to keep you informed with all the letters we’ve written, with Professor Twilight’s permission of course,” Ocellus acknowledged. “Did you ever receive them?” “Now that you mentioned it… no, I never got any letters,” Harry shook his head. “Huh… weird,” Smolder scratched her head. “Guess the Hogwarts delivery service must be really slow.” “No… that doesn’t sound right,” Spike spoke confused. “I’ve puffed every letter we’ve made for Harry, and he should’ve gotten them. Though I was wondering why we never got any responses all that time.” “Well… I’m sure you’ve kept in touch with the rest of your friends,” Sandbar implied. “Actually… no, I haven’t heard from Ron or Hermoine either.” “Seriously?” Gallus raised his brow. “A whole year apart from your friends, and they haven’t tried to write a letter to you? Not even a phone call?” “Yona don’t think Harry has phone,” Yona spoke up. “I’m sure they must have had their reasons,” Sunset Shimmer assured. “Ponies or in this case people tend to get busy on other things during a whole year.” “Or forgetful… I have been away for so long,” Harry sighed, eyeing the book. “I’ve been away for so long. I’m worried they’ve forgotten all about me.” The group turned toward Harry as his focus returned to the book. Aside from the photo of Harry with his parents, back when he was a baby, the boy turned the page toward another picture. Like the last one, the moving photo displayed an image of himself, along with Ron and Hermione, back when they were first starting school together. But they weren’t the only ones, as the Student Six was gathered amongst the trio in their Gryffindor outfits. Seeing this image made the group’s faces smile with warmth. “That was quite a school year Harry,” Sandbar sighed. “One minute we’re all learning how to use magic, next thing we know we foiled a whole conspiracy involving a magic stone.” “I don’t really think your friends mean to forget about you, just as we wouldn’t,” Silverstream added. “Maybe they just ‘forgot’ to remember you. But true friends are those who always keep you in their hearts.” “Maybe you’re right…” Harry nodded. “I guess I just thought…” Just then, their attention on the photo album was interrupted suddenly by loud screeching. They turned their heads toward the white owl, Hedwig, pecking against the lock in her cage. It was only then they finally acknowledged the poor owl and were shocked to see her trapped in a cage. “Oh Hedwig!” Pinkie Pie smiled, gazing toward the cage. “I’m so sorry, we didn’t mean to ignore you. You must be anxious to see us.” “I can’t let you out Hedwig,” Harry told Hedwig. “I’m not allowed to use magic outside of school.” “Not allowed to let Hedwig out!” Fluttershy gasped, sighing sympathetically. “Aw, poor dear. No owl should spend an entire life in a cage.” “Yeah, she should be stretching her wings and flying,” Rainbow Dash agreed. “Whose idea is this?” “Uncle Vernon locked her in that cage at the beginning of summer vacation,” Harry informed Rainbow Dash. “He never lets her out.” “That’s horrible!” Silverstream added. “I couldn’t imagine being locked up for that long.” “How does letting out an owl even count as using magic?” Pinkie Pie wondered. “I mean I do remember they are in charge of handling the mail within Hogwarts. But would it really spoil some pony’s party if she got some fresh air?” “I wish I could use magic to let her out,” Harry replied. “Unfortunately, you all know students under the age of seventeen aren’t allowed to use magic outside of Hogwarts.” “No need to remind me, I’ve read the entire Hogwarts handbook,” Twilight Sparkle replied. “Twice… but thrice for good measure,” Spike corrected. “And besides, if Uncle Vernon—” Harry began. “HAR-RY POT-TER!!!” At the sound of the name, along with the terrible uncle’s yelling toward the stairs, every pony cringed in disgust while Hedwig squawked again… louder. “Now you’ve done it,” Harry sighed, looking at Hedwig. Harry quickly shut the album and proceeded to make his way out the door of his room. This left the rest of the group in the room with the caged owl. “Sure… great idea,” Rainbow Dash spoke. “We’ll hide up here, while you go downstairs!” “He’s already left hon,” Applejack stated the obvious. “Well, ‘students’ may not be allowed to use magic outside of Hogwarts,” Rarity smirked. “But nothing was ever said about ‘us’.” “Rarity, I really don’t think we should…” Twilight began to object. “Ah, let’s give the owl some air, Twi,” Sunset interrupted. “A few minutes out of solitary confinement won’t hurt.” “I like her style,” Gallus smirked. Satisfied, the marshmallow colored unicorn lit her horn with her light blue magical aura and encased the lock of the cage with the very same magic. With one quick ‘click’, the lock fell from the cage and the little door swung open. This permitted the little owl to leave her cage and stretch her wings. She flapped her wings and flew over to land upon Fluttershy’s back. “Now isn’t that better, Hedwig?” Fluttershy smiled, stroking the little owl’s feathers. “That was a really nice thing to do, Professor Rarity,” Sandbar smiled at the unicorn. “I couldn’t very well let the poor dear suffer in that cage any longer,” Rarity replied. “Speaking of poor dears, what’ll we do about Harry?” Ocellus asked nervously. “I suppose we should check on Harry before he really ends up suffering,” Gallus suggested, heading toward the door. “Now hold up a moment,” Rainbow Dash flew in front of Gallus. “I can’t believe you kids would actually sneak out of hiding to spy on our friends…” Gallus and the remainder of the kids slumped as though they were about to be lectured, until… “… Without us!” Rainbow smirked. To which every pony else nodded in agreement, even a rather reluctant Twilight Sparkle. They soon proceeded to leave Harry’s room and sneak as quietly as they could downstairs so as not to alert anyone of their presence. <> Soon, all eyes peeked toward the living space and the nearby kitchen. Harry had just entered as he saw his Aunt Petunia busily making dessert. From what they could tell, she was putting the finishing touches to a pudding of whipped cream and sugared violets. By the way she was preparing the dish, it was though she were preparing for a dinner for some special guests. Petunia, in her Salmon Colored Cocktail, saw the boy and decided to call out to her husband at once. “He’s in there, Vernon!” Petunia called out. Harry made his way into the living room where Uncle Vernon was wearing a dinner suit with a bowtie. He was struggling with putting on a similar bow tie upon his son, Dudley, who wore a dinner suit as well. All the while, the pair glowered towards Harry the moment he entered. “I’m warning you,” Uncle Vernon threatened. “If you can’t control that bloody bird, it’ll have to go!” “She’s bored,” Harry argued. “If I could just let her out for an hour or two—” “And have you sending secret messages to your freaky little friends?” Vernon scoffed. “No, sir.” “But I haven’t gotten any messages. From any of my friends. Not one… all summer.” Hearing the tone of Potter’s voice, the hidden group of friends couldn’t help but sympathize for the boy. It seemed as though this mystery was more serious than they imagined. Vernon, however, paid little attention. He had finally pieced the bowtie on Dudley’s suit, patting his son’s shoulders with approval. “Who’d want to be friends with you?” Dudley mocked, rudely bumping Harry’s shoulder. “Who’d want to be friends with you, fatty?!” Scootaloo whispered, hiding. “Wait, I remember now… no one wants to be your friend!” “You said it squirt,” Rainbow whispered, as the pair hoof bumped. “I should think you’d be more grateful,” Vernon told Harry. “We raise you since you were a baby, give you good off our table, even let you have Dudley’s second bedroom… purely out of the goodness of our hearts.” To which Sunset gagged at Vernon’s words. “Kindness of your hearts my foot,” She scoffed. “I thought he got the second bedroom because mum was afraid he’d turn us into dung beetles if you put him back in the cupboard under the stairs,” Dudley spoke up. “Well ain’t that one no good blatant lie ya’ll just made up,” Applejack glared. “Not buying it, buddy,” Silverstream nodded. “Pathetic!” Sweetie Belle commented. “What she said!” Apple Bloom concurred. Aunt Petunia merely stopped cold, exchanging a dark look toward Uncle Vernon. But then she saw Dudley extending a finger for the cherry on the pudding which she stopped with a slap on the wrist. “Not yet, popkin,” Aunt Petunia spoke gently. “That’s for when the Masons arrive.” “Which should be any moment,” Uncle Vernon remembered. It was then Vernon beckoned his wife and son to come forward to rehearse the plan on how they would act during this dinner meeting with the Masons. “Now, let’s run through our schedule one more time,” Vernon offered. “Petunia, when the Masons get here, you will be—” “In the lounge, waiting to welcome them graciously to our home,” Petunia smiled. “Oh please…” Spike rolled his eyes, annoyed. “Good,” Vernon nodded. “And Dudley?” “I’ll be waiting to open the door,” Dudley answered. “Excellent.” Then all three Dursleys scornfully eyed Harry Potter, who stood silently during that time. “And you?” Vernon asked, suspicious. “I’ll be in my bedroom,” Harry answered casually. “Making no noise and pretending I don’t exist.” “That hit way too close to home,” Gallus sighed. “Too right you will,” Vernon replied to Harry. “With any luck, this could well be the day I make the biggest deal of my career… and you will not mess it up!” Suddenly, the doorbell rang signaling the Masons’ arrival. Instantly, Uncle Vernon shoved Harry out of the kitchen and into the hallway. “Upstairs! Hurry!” Vernon ordered. Harry proceeded to make his way up the stairs as the Equestrians quickly ducked back before the Dursleys saw them. From below, they could hear Vernon greeting who they assumed to be the Masons. “Mr. and Mrs. Mason!” Vernon called out. “Do come in!” It was then Harry ran into the group waiting for him at the top of the stairs. “Well, your family is certainly charming as always,” Rarity replied, sarcastically. “Who’re the Masons?” Fluttershy asked curiously. “Mr. Mason is my uncle’s boss, Fluttershy,” Harry explained. “He’s come to visit the house with his wife.” “And they done force you to hide in bed upstairs because…?” Apple Bloom wondered. “Apparently, my uncle’s never told them I’ve been living with them for years and wish to keep it that way.” “Of all the darn cheap ways to save a bit…” Applejack shook her head. “Let’s not let them sour our visit now,” Twilight advised. “We’ll just hang out upstairs, while they entertain these Mason folk.” “But Twilight… they got pudding!” Pinkie Pie pouted. “Maybe some other time Pinkie,” Sunset patted her back. “Besides, we got more important matters to figure out before we get to Hogwarts.” “… Cake?” To which Sunset didn’t bother to answer, but merely looked toward Pinkie Pie with a patient shake of the head. Soon the Equestrian Heroes, along with Harry, climbed the rest of the way upstairs toward the small bedroom. Nearing the door, the group heard Vernon chatting away with his clients with such a phony joyful voice to which Rainbow mocked his jabber. Her friends chuckled silently over it as Harry opened the door. Just as they made their way inside, however, he and his friends were shocked to see someone already inside. This creature was by no means a human, but rather a small, male impish creature with bat-like ears and bulging green eyes standing at a height of only three feet and six inches. Or at least, he would be standing if not for the manner of jumping on Harry’s bed like a trampoline. The minute he saw Harry and the Equestrians, he stopped and decided to politely greet his guests staring at him in shock. “Harry Potter! Such an honor it is,” Dobby bowed respectively. “And Princess Twilight Sparkle! An honor to meet you and your friends.” “… Hi…” Princess Twilight Sparkle spoke awkwardly. While the rest of the group stared in shock, Harry closed the door to prevent someone looking in. So many questions entered the boy’s head, but for now he only needed the answer for one. “Who are you?” Harry asked. “What the heck are you?” Rainbow added. “Dobby, everyone,” The creature introduced himself. “Dobby the House Elf.” “You’re an elf? Wow, this wasn’t what I was expecting…” Pinkie studied the creature. “I thought you’d be the kind who either bake cookies or make toys for children. Or maybe you cobble shoes—” Pinkie Pie never got to finish as Twilight Sparkle summoned a speech bubble to cover Pinkie’s head, the Earth pony obliviously chatting away while no sound emerged. “Not to be rude or anything, but this isn’t a great time for me to have a house-elf in my bedroom,” Harry explained. “Oh, yes, sir, Dobby understands,” Dobby nodded. “It’s just that, Dobby has come to tell you… it is difficult, everyone… Dobby wonders where to begin.” “Why don’t you sit down and tell us?” Spike suggested. “S-s-sit down?” Dobby stammered. All of a sudden, Dobby burst into tears… very loudtears. Harry and the others panicked as they attempted to calm the little stranger down. “Shhh! I’m sorry, he didn’t mean to offend you or anything—” Harry assured. “What did I even say that was offensive?” Spike raised his arms. “Offend Dobby!” Dobby gasped, lowering his voice. “Dobby has heard of your greatness, sir, as well as you Equestrians. But never has he been asked to sit down by a wizard, nor an Equestrian, like an equal…” “You can’t have met many decent wizards then,” Harry assumed. “Nor any Equestrians too?” Apple Bloom inquired. “Like us, Mr. Dobby?” Ocellus asked curiously. “No… I haven’t…” Dobby answered, his voice lowering. “That was an awful thing to say.” Dobby shook his head, then without warning, he leapt off the bed and started to bang his head furiously upon the dresser. “Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby! Bad!” “Stop! Dobby! Dobby, please!” Harry begged silently. “Dobs! Stop! His uncle will kill him!” Smolder hissed. <> Back downstairs, Vernon poured some champagne into the glasses of his guests, Mr., and Mrs. Mason. As Dobby’s head was banging from above, Vernon, along with Petunia and Dudley, looked toward all the sounds against the ceiling. Seeing the Masons were confused over all the noise, Vernon knew he needed to say something convincing to address the noise happening upstairs. “Oh, don’t mind that,” Vernon chuckled nervously. “It’s just the… cat.” “Cat? What cat?” Dudley asked, confused. “Our cat, tiger.” The Masons eyed Vernon with raised eyebrows, but decided to shrug it off as their client breathed a sigh of relief. <> Back upstairs, Dobby continued to self-punish himself via banging his head against the dresser. Harry and the Equestrians tried desperately to get him to stop, all while eyeing the door in case Vernon tries to come upstairs to lash out at them for all the noise. “Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!” Dobby bereted himself. “Stop! Stop, Dobby! Please be quiet!” Harry begged silently. “Bad Dobby! Finally, Dobby stopped banging himself against the drawer. He stood wobbly on his thinly legs, his eyes spinning dizzily. The group proceeded to regard him with a mixture of concern… and wariness. “Are you… all right?” Harry asked concerned. “What did you do all that for, darling?” Rarity questioned. “Come on, Dobby,” Scootaloo insisted. “Tell us why you did that.” “Dobby had to punish himself, ma’ams,” Dobby explained. “Dobby almost spoke ill of his family, everyone.” “Yer… family?” Applejack asked, suspicious. “What in Celestia’s name are ya talkin’ about, Dobby?” “The wizard family Dobby serves, ma’am. Dobby is bound to serve one family forever. If they ever knew Dobby was here… Ooh!” Dobby shuddered in fear, then looked up while whispering urgently. “But Dobby had to come. Dobby has to protect Harry Potter. Dobby must tell Harry Potter, along with Twilight Sparkle and company. To warn them.” The house-elf beckoned them to come closer, and all heads leaned forward so he could whisper to them. “Harry Potter must not go back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year!” “WHAT?!” The Equestrians quietly gasped, with shock. “But why isn’t Harry allowed to go back this year?!” Silverstream asked. “What did he even do?” “It’s not what Mr. Potter has done,” Dobby explained. “There is a plot.” “A plot? But to what, Dobby?” Gallus asked. “Who is this plot even for?” “A plot to make most ‘terrible’ things happen!” Dobby looked around nervously. “If Harry Potter goes back to school he will be in great danger.” “What terrible things?” Harry asked. “Who’s plotting them?” “He… can’t… say!” Dobby gasped, talking through his teeth. Dobby started making a funny choking-and-gagging noise, with an expression so painful to watch the Equestrians cringed. It was though the house-elf was arguing with himself while trying to remain calm at the same time. “Okay! I understand,” Harry assured. “You can’t say—” But it was too late. Dobby leapt onto the desk and grabbed Harry’s bedside lamp. He proceeded to beat himself about the head and yelped loudly. “Dobby? Dobby, put the lamp down!” Harry demanded quietly. <> Back downstairs, Uncle Vernon was in the midst of telling a joke regarding some golfers. “So, when they arrived at the ninth hole…” Vernon began. But Vernon didn’t get a chance to finish, as Dobby’s yelping interrupted him, and he looked upstairs again. His face turned into a seething yet quiet rage of fury knowing his ‘nephew’ was causing noise. “Sounds as if that ‘cat’ of yours has dragged something in with it, Dursley,” Mr. Mason replied dryly. “Not to worry,” Uncle Vernon assured nervously. “Dudley must’ve left the telly running again. I’ll sort it out.” “… Did I?” Dudley wondered, cluelessly. <> Back again in Harry’s bedroom, a struggle took place as Harry tried to wrestle the lamp away from Dobby. The Equestrians were eyeing the scene nervously when they heard footsteps coming towards the door. “Stop! Stop!” Harry demanded silently. “Give me the lamp!” “Yona can hear Harry’s uncle coming!” Yona gasped. “Great… we’re so busted,” Sandbar sighed. “Dobby, stop!” Harry demanded. Vernon’s footsteps thundered on the landing. Quickly, Harry grabbed Dobby by the pillowcase and carried him toward the wardrobe. “Let me go!” Dobby hissed. “Get in there and keep quiet!” Harry instructed, pitching him into the wardrobe. Harry quickly threw Dobby into his closet and shut the door. Quick as a whip, Twilight used her magic to turn her and the other Equestrians invisible… just as the door flung open and Vernon burst into the room. “What the devil are you doing up here?!” Vernon demanded. “I was just—” Harry began nervously. “You’ve just ruined the punchline of my Japanese golfer joke!” “Sorry…” All the while, the wardrobe door kept threatening to open as Harry struggled to keep it closed. All the while Vernon kept scolding his nephew with great fury, lifting a finger at the boy. “One more sound and you’ll wish you’d never been born, boy! And fix that door!” “Yes sir,” Harry nodded, closing the door. Vernon grumbled as he stomped flat-footed from the room and slammed the door. Once they could determine that Vernon was returning to his guests, Harry opened the closet door to release Dobby. Twilight and her friends also quickly reappeared after hearing everything. “Some pony should really teach that old fat man some manners,” Rainbow spoke through gritted teeth. “If it were up to me, I’d hit him so hard his fat will be rolling for years.” “Thank you so much for putting that image in my head,” Rarity voiced disgust. “See why I’ve got to go back?” Harry told Dobby. “I don’t belong here; I belong in your world—at Hogwarts. It’s the only place I’ve got… friends.” “Friends who don’t even write to Harry Potter?” Dobby inquired. “Well, I expect they’ve been—” “Wait a minute!” Sweetie Belle interrupted. “I smell something fishy here, Dobby.” “How do you know my friends haven’t been writing me?” Harry asked, curious. “Tell the truth, Dobby,” Applejack warned. “I know yer hidin’ somethin’.” Dobby, eyes widened with guilt, proceeded to reach through his pillowcase to reveal… a stack of letters. “Harry Potter mustn’t be angry at Dobby—” Dobby spoke feebly. “Dobby hoped if Harry Potter thought his friends had forgotten him… Harry Potter might not want to go back to school, sir…” “Wait… those are OUR letters, guys!” Silverstream pointed out. “LOOK! I even put the stickers on my envelop so Harry would know it was from me!” “Gee… we’d never would’ve figured that out,” Smolder replied sarcastically. “It was YOU… you were tampering with our mail!” Spike pointed accusingly. “That’s a violation of our friends’ privacy!” “A federal offense we might add!” Twilight added. “Lemme guess… you read all the letters too?” “Oh no, Princess Twilight, Dobby would never,” Dobby shook his head. “Please understand. Dobby was desperate; Dobby did it for Harry!” “Give me those… NOW!” Harry spoke impatiently. Dobby frowned sadly, then… “NO!” Dobby dashed for the door in a panic. “GET ‘IM!” Apple Bloom called out. With the letters back in his clothes, Dobby opened the door of Harry’s bedroom and raced downstairs. Harry and the Equestrians flew desperately after the house-elf, who bounced like a ping-pong ball down the stairs and into the kitchen. As the group raced in, trying not to make much noise, they stopped at the stairs and found Dobby on the counter. The house-elf soon spotted Petunia’s pudding, which she made for the Masons. The Dursleys, on the other hand, were too distracted with entertaining the guests. All at once, Dobby thought of an awful idea which caused Harry and his friends to widen with shock and realized they needed to coax him back straight away. “Dobby, get back here!” Harry demanded quietly. With a shake of his head and a snap of his finger, somehow Dobby was able to lift Petunia’s pudding magically into the air. Harry’s eyes widened with horror, but not as gravely as Pinkie’s. “No… no… not the pudding!” Pinkie cringed, clutching her heart. “Dobby… please… no…” Harry begged desperately. “Don’t do this, Dobby!” Spike waved his arms. “Don’t do this him, Dobby!” Ocellus pleaded. “We beg of you; there must be another way!” “Harry Potter must say he’s not going back to school,” Dobby silently demanded. “I can’t,” Harry shook his head. “Hogwarts is my home.” “You do this, I’ll make you regret it!” Rainbow threatened, waving her hoof. “Dobby must do it, ma’am,” Dobby spoke tragically. “For Harry Potter’s own good.” Dobby snapped his fingers again, only this time Petunia’s pudding started to float across the living room. The group gasped silently, realizing disaster will soon spill… literally. Harry pushed Dobby aside and made his way toward his aunt’s pudding with slim hope of saving it before the inevitable disaster. Rainbow and Spike silently raced forward to help their friend. Fortunately, the magic bubble surrounding the Equestrians prevented the Dursleys, specifically the Masons, from seeing them. The two magical beings, and their human companion, slowly made their way toward the living room while Vernon was chatting up a storm with his guests. “… It was this deep and one plumber said, ‘Look at all that water’,” Vernon told his story. “And the second plumber said, ‘Yes, and that’s just the top of it’…” Petunia released a false laugh and was about to ask the Masons a question. Suddenly, she noticed her pudding floating toward them, and hastily she tried to keep her guests distracted. “Mr. Mason… Vernon tells me that you’re a wonderful golfer!” Petunia smiled anxiously. “I play… occasionally,” Mr. Mason answered bluntly. Petunia’s eyes remained locked upon the pudding floating in the air. But worse still, her nephew was trying to catch it. She knew she had to keep her guests distracted. “Mrs. Mason… where did you get your beautiful suits?” Petunia asked. “Oh! All of my suits are tailor made,” Mrs. Mason replied. It was then Vernon noticed the pudding floating, and especially Harry trying to catch it. “U-Um… Dudley?” Vernon fumbled his words. “Is there… um… something you want to say?” Dudley looked around and noticed the flying pudding. But that wasn’t all he saw. Seeing as these Equestrians were about to meddle, Dobby made another snap at his fingers and the bubble vanished making Rainbow Dash and Spike appear alongside Harry. All of the other Equestrians, especially those aiding Harry, were unaware that their cover was blown. “Flying pony?” Dudley spoke. “Pony? What pony?” Vernon turned, his eyes widening. By the time Twilight Sparkle had realized what had happened, that their cover was exposed again… “Oh no…” Twilight gasped. SNAP! Another snap of Dobby’s hands and the pudding plummeted… straight onto the Masons messily. They stood blinking, both covered head to foot with whipped cream and sugared violets. This left Vernon profusely apologizing by concocting a lie surrounding Harry’s ‘condition’. “I’m so sorry!” Vernon apologized. “It’s our nephew. Very disturbed. Meeting strangers upsets him, so we keep him upstairs…” Harry, Rainbow Dash, & Spike turned toward Dobby with anger shaking their heads at him. “You’re toast…” Rainbow mouthed a warning. Dobby snapped his fingers and vanished without a trace. Meanwhile, unaware of the Equestrians, the Masons stormed out of the house with Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia racing after them. “We have ice cream…!” Petunia insisted. But it was too late. As soon as the Masons got into their car, they drove off hastily off the driveway and down the street. It was then a shrieking sound split the sky. An owl swooped down, dropping a letter at Uncle Vernon’s feet. He picked up the letter and opened it. As he read the contents, a mad gleam danced in Uncle Vernon’s eye. He turned and raced back inside the house, with Aunt Petunia following closely. Inside the house, while Dudley was staring agape toward the Equestrians, Uncle Vernon raced back into the living room. For a moment he stared daggers toward the Equestrians, who stood awkwardly inside the man’s house. Not another peep was heard for what felt like an eternity. “Mr. Vernon sir…” Twilight Sparkle spoke, breaking the silence. “We can explain—” “Read it!” Uncle Vernon extended the letter. “Go on… read it!” Nervously, Harry Potter cautiously took the letter from Vernon’s hand and proceeded to read the letter as the Equestrians looked on. “’Dear Mr. Potter,’” Harry read. “’We have received intelligence that a Hover Charm was used at your place of residence at twelve minutes past seven this evening. As you know, underage wizards…’” “’… are not permitted to perform spells outside school’!” Vernon finished, snatching the letter. “You didn’t tell us you weren’t allowed to use magic at home. Slipped your mind, didn’t it?” Vernon quickly turned his gaze toward the Equestrians. “And you… you knew about this all along, did you?” Vernon chuckled. “You come into my home uninvited, no doubt with some magic someone failed to look into. Next thing I know, you concoct one of your cheap parlor tricks to make a fool out of me in front of my clients… to embarrass me?!” “Funny story about that,” Pinkie Pie spoke up. “Well, maybe not ‘ha-ha’ funny, but you see what actually happened was…” “I’VE got news for you!” Vernon interrupted. “I’m locking you up! ALL of you! And if you try to magic yourself out, oh believe me I know you will, they’ll expel you! And the rest of you! YOU’LL BE FIRED! Now get upstairs!” Vernon proceeded to drag Harry forcibly up the stairs, while the remainder of the Equestrians were forced to follow. Soon they were all thrust together into the small bedroom, to be locked away in retaliation for the failed dinner deal. He may have lost some clients tonight, but for right now he had the upper hand. And the worst part for the Equestrians, as they huddled together with Harry Potter, while they watched as the door was slammed against them, they were all comprehending what had occurred… “How could we let this happen?!” Smolder grumbled. “We had the numbers; we don’t have to take the word of that bully! Why if I had my way—” “No girls… I’m afraid this Mr. Vernon is right,” Sunset sighed. “We perform magic in any way… this will surely get to Hogwarts and we’re all in trouble, not just Harry.” “Suddenly I’m worried if they send that letter about me letting Hedwig out for a second…” Rarity spoke worriedly. “And all because that jerk of a house-elf got us all in trouble!” Rainbow clapped her hooves together. “What’s his beef with us anyway?” “I have a bigger question,” Sandbar spoke up. “What did he mean about Harry being in danger if he went back to school, Headmare Twilight?” “Who knows, Sandbar?” Twilight sighed, looking out the window. “Who knows?” > Old Friends & Escape Plans > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The swirling orange portal opened from deep within the Scottish countryside. Emerging from the other side were two figures: Quill Cast and Curtain Call. As the portal slowly sealed behind them, both pairs of eyes looked out toward the landscape before them. The two stood upon a cliff at the edge of a row of trees which overlooked the beauty of the Scottish Highlands. However, their eyes were not upon the gorgeous landscape around them but rather toward the giant Hogwarts castle itself. An impressive display of architecture laying across the Black Lake, which sat just below the cliffside they currently stood upon. It had been years since the two companions gazed upon the ancient castle, yet that magical feeling of simply staring at it still lingered. “Would you look at that?!” Quill spoke in amazement. “Still as amazing as the first time walking through those doors,” Curtain nodded. “If this visit wasn’t of dire importance, we’d actually enjoy a nice walk down memory lane,” Quill voiced disappointment. “Sadly, we have no such luxury,” Curtain nodded, equally disappointed. “The fate of the Multiverse lies in our hooves as it does for the Mane Six and Spike.” Quill gazed toward the ground, and his eyes turned wide. It was then he noticed something he hadn’t realized the moment they walked through the portal. “Curtain… you may want to have a look.” Raising a curious eyebrow towards his friend’s statement, Curtain Call gazed toward his feet. The moment he did, his eyes grew to the size of saucers. The two friends soon realized they no longer had the minuscule four-legged bodies of their equine counterparts. Quill now resembled a tall, good-looking Caucasian man with blonde hair that had been swept to the side. A man sporting dark grey jeans and a dark-green buttoned-up shirt. Meanwhile, Curtain Call took on the appearance of a rather handsome Korean man with slicked-back, black hair. He wore a simple white T-shirt with a checkered flannel vest over it along with blue jeans. To say both men were surprised by their new appearances was certainly an understatement. Reaching into a pocket within his flannel vest, Curtain Call found a pair of glasses which he placed over his face to see he wasn’t hallucinating. “Sweet Celestia!” Quill exclaimed in shock. “What happened to us?!” “I don’t know!” Curtain replied, studying himself. “Seems when we went through the portal, somehow it altered our appearance. Didn’t the Doctor tell you how to work the wand?” “Of course!” “And you made sure to pay attention to every detail?” To which Quill’s eyes shifted back-and-forth, a million miles an hour. “… Mostly?” Curtain Call rolled his eyes, pinching the bridge of his new nose with his fingers over his friend’s incompetence. “Mostly… ‘mostly’ he says…” Curtain muttered in frustration. “That’s just great… really great…” “C’mon man, let’s consider this a happy accident!” Quill voiced optimism. “I mean look at us! We’re… hot!” To which Curtain merely shook his head, while gazing at his new appearance. “At least we have our hands and fingers again,” Curtain sighed. “It’s been a pain trying to pick things up with hooves.” “No kidding,” Quill nodded. “How do those ponies even do it? At least the Pegasi have their wings, which I guess sort of act like hands sometimes. The Unicorns have it easier using their magic to lift stuff. But Earth ponies… I don’t think even Hasbro knows, they just worked with it.” Before the conversation could dive deeper, rustling from the trees behind them stirred both men to quickly turn and assume a defensive position. Though they had no weapons, they were both versatile in martial arts so at least they could defend themselves should the need arise. Suddenly, from within the trees, two other figures slowly emerged. One was a tall, muscular man with tribal tattoos running down his entire right arm. His long dark hair was tied in a manbun, and he wore dark cargo pants, complete with a dark hooded vest. The other was a young girl who appeared to be eighteen years old. Her long blonde hair went down past her shoulders, adorned with pretty flowers. She wore a simple light-blue dress covered with leather armor and wore a leather belt around her waist which carried a dagger and an assortment of potions. Around her neck was a silver necklace with one gleaming emerald right in the center. Upon seeing the two new figures, Quill Cast and Curtain Call immediately calmed themselves as smiles replaced the determined expressions upon their faces. “Mirai! Draxus!” They both called simultaneously. The two men started toward the two individuals, when suddenly, as quick as a flash, the big, tattooed warrior quickly drew forth two large, curved knives and held them toward Quill and Curtain’s throats. Both men froze in place, their hands up defensively and their eyes widened. “Whoa! Whoa!” Curtain Call gasped. “Calm down, man! We’re not your enemy!” The young girl, Mirai, stepped alongside the large warrior with a calm, yet determined face. “Who are you?!” Mirai demanded, slowly. “Come on, Mirai!” Quill reasoned. “You know us!” “I would recall seeing your faces,” Miria replied skeptically. “Now… unless you wish for my friend to cut both of you down like parchment paper, answer… my question.” “You’ve got to be kidding me…” Curtain muttered. “Okay! Okay! Lower the weapons… and we’ll remind you who we are. I don’t get how you don’t recognize our voices, but…” One of the man’s knives pushed slightly deeper along Curtain’s neck, and the latter instantly clasped shut. The young girl’s eyes narrowed toward the pair, trying to sense any deceit. One turn toward Draxus, and a single nod was all it took for the large warrior to lower his knives. As the big man placed the knives back in his belt, Quill and Curtain released huge sighs of relief before regaining their composure. “I know you don’t recognize us right now, but we’re part of the same Legion,” Quill explained. “You may recall a while back when us two, along with our trainer Doctor Strange, crossed the multiple worlds within the multiverse. We were tasked to bring together a team of great warriors, kings and queens, and other important figures to fulfill one purpose. To maintain the balance of the multiverse and prevent it from falling into unending darkness.” “We called ourselves the ‘Legion of Light’,” Curtain added. “Inspired by Michael the Archangel, who cast the Devil from Heaven. As a sign of our allegiance, we each wear the same pendants.” Simultaneously, Quill Cast and Curtain Call reached into their shirts and pulled out the very pendants they wore. Mirai and Draxus glanced toward the medallions before reaching in and brought out their very own. They too were solid gold medallions with Michael’s sigil engraved upon them. Both sets of individuals studied the matching medallions they wore before facing each other’s eyes. For Mirai and Draxus, there seemed to be a moment of realization hinted within their eyes. “It is you guys!” Mirai confirmed, amazed. Not even giving Quill or Curtain a chance to respond, the teenager quickly ran forth and threw her arms around the gentlemen. In turn, the pair wrapped their arms around her, embracing their old ally. “It’s good to see you both again,” Mirai spoke happily. “I haven’t seen you two since Tamriel.” “Definitely quite the time,” Curtain nodded. “Dodging soldiers, spiders, dragons… good times.” The two men turned their attention toward the large warrior, who merely gave a nod of his head in acknowledgement. “Drax still isn’t talking, huh?” Quill asked. “Not since his queen was captured and hidden away,” Mirai shook her head. “He blames himself for what happened. He’s sworn to remain silent till he finds her and destroys those responsible for her imprisonment.” Just as quickly, Mirai changed the topic to a matter that’s been on her mind for the longest time. “Speaking of dragons, what of the dragon egg you were given to protect?” Mirai asked curiously. “We’ve went to great lengths to ensure ‘her’ child would be protected. Were you able to get it somewhere safe?” “Sure did,” Quill nodded. “Matter of fact, he’s grown into quite the young dragon. He’s getting married sometime soon.” Mirai raised a curious eyebrow, cocking her head to the side in confusion. “Yes, it’s a lot to take in,” Curtain added. “We promise we’ll explain everything once we get acquainted.” “You’re in luck,” Mirai smiled. “Dumbledore sent us to meet with you upon your arrival. We didn’t expect to find you in your current forms, but nonetheless, we must be on our way to Hogwarts immediately.” “Lead the way, dragon heart,” Quill replied. The young teenager and her warrior bodyguard took the lead, as the two men followed them away from the cliff. Though they still had ways to go, this marked the beginning of their trek toward the very place they needed to go: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. <> Meanwhile, back in Surry, things weren’t going well for Harry Potter and his Equestrian companions. Following the events from the night before, with Dobby ruining the dinner between the Dursleys and the Masons, a letter was delivered to the Dursleys informing them Harry was not permitted to use magic outside of Hogwarts. Such newfound information was enough to assure the Dursleys they could now do whatever form of punishment they wished and young Harry could do nothing about it. All of which brings them to the following day… Petunia and Dudley stood outside their home, watching Vernon standing upon a ladder. He proceeded to fit the iron bars to the outside of Harry’s window. To ensure some extra measures, he drilled a metal flap to the base of the bedroom door then fit a fat, grey lock upon the door itself. Though he was soaking up sweat by the time the bars were in place, he cast a nasty grin toward Harry and the Equestrians, who stood in that small room watching him tighten the bars. “You’re never going back to that school,” He snarled. “You’re never going to see those freaky friends of yours again. NEVER!” Unable to take anymore guff off of Vernon, Rainbow quickly flew forward and slammed her hooves against the window. The startled Vernon nearly fell from the ladder, but soon managed to climb his way back down grumbling to himself. “Keep talking, fatso!” Rainbow growled. “Mark my words we’re getting out of this and when I do…” A sudden tug upon her tail stopped the tomboyish Pegasus, who turned toward her marefriend, who pulled her back with Rainbow’s tail between her teeth. “Calm down huh,” Applejack told her. “Ah know yer riled up, but this ain’t the way tah handle our problem.” “What are ya talkin’ bout, sis?” Apple Bloom spoke up. “Look at us! We’re locked up like… animals!” “I say we let Rainbow Dash kick that guy till all his fat has permanent indents!” Scootaloo glared. “Yeah, what she said!” Sweetie Belle nodded in agreement. “I agree with the small fries,” Smolder spoke up. “Yona Too!” Yona added. Suddenly, Spike released a large belch and a large green flame exploded from his mouth. Everyone in the small room, including Harry, ducked for cover so as not to get burned by the green flame. The moment it dissipated, a small, rolled-up scroll emerged and landed before Twilight Sparkle herself. Everyone slowly stood up, gazing toward the scroll in confusion as Twilight grabbed it with her magic. “Who could that possibly be from?” Rarity asked curiously. “Maybe Princess Celestia has news for us,” Fluttershy voiced her opinion. “Or maybe… it’s an invite to a huge party!” Pinkie guessed excitedly. All eyes turned toward the pinky party pony, everyone looking at her with huge ‘seriously?’ expressions. “What?” Pinkie asked. “Can’t a girl be optimistic in these difficult times?” Rolling their eyes, the group turned back toward Twilight as she unfolded the scroll and read the contents aloud. “Dear Twilight,” Twilight began. “I know that your current predicament with the Dursleys is complicated, but rest assured that things are under control. Just play along for now and have them believe you’re helplessly trapped. Help is currently on the way for you all; they should arrive later this evening. Keep your chin up, Sparky. Yours truly, Storm Shield.” The moment she finished reading, Twilight’s face had turned bright red over the nickname Storm Shield addressed her by. It didn’t exactly help that she read it out loud for everyone else in the room. Speaking of which, all of her friends looked at her with mischievous smirks. “The prince calls you ‘Sparky’ now, does he?” Rainbow Dash chuckled. “If only they knew…” Sunset murmured under her breath. <> Later that evening, while Harry was sound asleep in bed, the remainder of the Equestrians stared gloomily out the window. According to Storm Shield, help was supposed to be arriving soon but thus far they could see not a sign or hint of salvation. They were starting to believe that maybe it was a cruel trick to get their hopes up. The metal flap rattles stirred them back to reality, all eyes turned as Dudley’s pudgy hand slid some bowls of tinned soup onto the floor. He grinned cruelly through the opening. “I know what day it is,” Dudley teased. “Well done, Dudley,” Smolder congratulated, sarcastically. “Finally learned the days of the week.” “Ooh! Ooh! I know what day it is!” Pinkie Pie chirped up. “It’s your tail-a-versary right?” “… Cute… really cute,” Dudley frowned, before straightening his face. “Today’s Harry’s birthday… and nobody cares!” Ocellus slowly approached the door, looked up toward the opening, and then in a flash she transformed herself into a bear and roared straight into Dudley’s face. The boy screamed and snapped the flap shut, as the group could hear the sound of pounding feet running away. A sigh caused the group to turn, half expecting Harry to wake up. But somehow, the boy was still asleep as he readjusted himself in his bed. Ocellus quickly reverted back to her Changeling form acknowledging the shock of her friends. “Wow Ocellus… never knew you had it in you,” Sandbar replied sheepishly. “A girl can only take so much in these dire conditions,” Ocellus sighed. “Remind me never to make her mad,” Gallus whispered to Silverstream. The group proceeded to take the soup, along with some bits of stale bread, as Fluttershy proceeded to pass the measly servings to her friends. Taking what little bread was left, Fluttershy crossed toward Hedwig. “No good turning your beak up,” Fluttershy spoke regretfully. “It’s all we’ve got.” Fluttershy proceeded to feed a piece of bread to Hedwig, while everyone else were merely picking their food and playing around with it like cafeteria servings. It was especially difficult for Rarity, who took one scoop and stared as the soup plopped back into the bowl. “It’s cold! And it’s not even Vichyssoise!” Rarity grumbled. “Let’s just be glad there’re no bones in it,” Twilight Sparkle sighed, stirring the soup. All of a sudden, their ears perked up over what sounded like a car engine outside. This stirred Harry awake as the boy put on his glasses, emerged from bed, and approached the window while the others followed. All eyes gazed out the window and they spotted a strange object moving across the sky. At a glance, the objected appeared to be a shooting star, before turning into two beams of light. Before their very eyes, an old, turquoise-colored Ford Anglia was flying in the air toward Harry’s bedroom window. Floating in mid-air, the car turned right as Harry, Hedwig, and the group silently watched. In the Ford Anglia, Ron leaned out the back window. His brother Fred sat in the driver’s seat, while Fred’s twin George sat in the passenger side. “Hiya, Harry!” Ron greeted. “Hiya, guys!” “Ron?” Harry spoke in surprise. “Fred? George? What’re you doing here?” “Rescuing you, of course,” Ron replied, matter-of-factly. “Now, come on. Get your trunk!” “So, you guys are the help sent for us?” Gallus asked. “How exactly are we supposed to fit in that tiny car?” “Don’t worry Gallus,” Fred smirked. “We didn’t come alone.” Suddenly, a loud horn honking drew everyone’s attention toward the sky. All eyes observed a large, flying stretch-limo hovering alongside the house. “What the hay?” Sandbar said in shock. The tinted front window rolled down revealing nothing other than Discord sitting behind the wheel wearing a limo driver’s uniform. “Someone call for Discord’s limo service?” Discord grinned toothily. “Discord!” Fluttershy exclaimed excitedly. “Discord?!” The Mane Six spoke in unison. “Discord…” Sunset Shimmer sighed. “Whoa, hold up!” Rainbow spoke up. “Why would Storm Shield send you of all creatures?” “Obviously, ol’ Stormy values my services above all creature else,” Discord replied. “Only appropriate seeing as I’ve been sitting on the sidelines of these adventures for way too long. Finally, it’s high time I get my moment!” “This will have to do!” Twilight Sparkle declared. “Let’s get out of here!” Eventually, having gotten dressed, Harry proceeded to stuff the rest of his clothes and spellbooks into his trunk. The trunk closed and snapped shut all by itself. Harry and Spike proceeded to drag the trunk to the windowsill, while the rest watched Ron tie a fierce knot along the bars of Harry’s window. “You’d better stand back,” Ron advised. Harry and the others proceeded to step back as Ron turned toward the twin in the driver’s seat. “Let’s go!” Fred stepped one foot on the accelerator, sending the Ford Anglia higher into the air. The rope snapped tight, and *CRUNCH* the bars were torn from the window. Bricks and bars rained down onto the lawn below, leaving a mangled mess in the yard. “I sure hope the Dursleys are heavy sleepers,” Silverstream spoke hopefully. <> Unfortunately, the loud *SMASH* was more than enough to wake Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia, the latter stirring with a gasp. “Now, what the hell’s he doing?” Vernon grumbled. <> The trunk of the car opened as Harry and Spike pushed his trunk, along with any other suitcases, inside. It was then they heard an unmistakable shout. “POTTER!!!” Vernon shouted. “Time to go!” Spike declared. “Dad, what’s going on?” Dudley called out. But while everyone in Harry’s room was trying to escape, Petunia hugged her son closely while Vernon proceeded to unlock all the locks upon the door to the bedroom. “Move every pony!” Applejack called out. “GO! GO! GO!” The Mane Six, along with Spike, the Young Six, and the CMC entered Discord’s limo with ease, which helped given the interior proved much larger than the exterior. But as the group got inside one-by-one, they could sense that Vernon was close to unlocking all the locks on the door. Harry had just pushed the trunk over the sill into the Anglia’s book, then scrambled through the window himself, when… SQUAWK! “Hedwig!” Harry called out. Harry clambered back, grabbing Hedwig’s cage, and swung it onto the ledge. “Come on! Come on, Harry!” The Weasleys called out. “Hurry up!” “Quickly Harry!” Sunset ushered. “I can hear your uncle unlocking the final lock now!” Sure enough, the final lock clicked and Harry turned around as the bedroom door crashed open with his uncle, aunt, and cousin staring in horror as the boy made to escape. “PETUNIA! HE’S GETTING AWAY!” Uncle Vernon shouted. “JUMP HARRY!!!” Silverstream shouted. “Get him, Dad!!!” Dudley cried out. As Harry leapt for the windowsill, Uncle Vernon charged forward and snatched his ankle. Harry tumbled into the darkness, one hand gripping Hedwig’s cage, the other reaching out and… catching Ron’s at the last possible second. “I’ve got you, Harry!!!” Ron shouted. “Hold on, sugarcube!” Applejack called out. Uncle Vernon clutched both hands along Harry’s ankle, pulling harder. Ron braced himself, pulling back. All the while, Harry hung stretched out high over the lawn, directly above the mangled steel bars. “Don’t let go Potter!” Gallus shouted. “COME HERE!!!” Vernon snarled. “Let him go!” Smolder called out. “HE’S NOT YOUR PRISONER YOU BIG, FAT JERK!!!” Rainbow growled. “We haven’t even been to Azkaban yet!” Pinkie Pie pointed out. “NOT NOW PINKIE!!!” Everyone cried out, exasperated. Pinkie sheepishly grinned, as she slowly slunk back to her seat. Meanwhile, the tug-of-war between the Weasleys and the Dursleys for Harry continued. “Just let Harry go, Vernon!” Twilight Sparkle cried out. “You don’t even want him!” “Oh no, pony!” Vernon snarled. “That boy and that bloody pigeon aren’t going anywhere! Not even with your freaky abnormal friends!!!” Rainbow’s ears twitched hearing the word ‘freak’, remembering how Vernon and Petunia treated the pony and her friends when they revealed themselves at the Hut-on-the-Rock. This was ultimately the last straw for Rainbow Dash, who by now grew extremely infuriated and agitated over that choice of word. “THAT’S IT!!!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “I SWORE I’D DECK THAT STUPID UGLY FACE FOR CALLING US FREAKS, NOW YOU’RE GETTING IT!” Rainbow Dash angrily wrapped Vernon’s neck in a chokehold, as she proceeded to punch him in the face. When that wasn’t enough, she quickly bit Vernon’s arm. The British muggle screamed in pain as he shoved the Tomboyish Pegasus off while keeping his other hand grasped upon his nephew’s ankle. It was clear that there was no way he’d let his nephew go no matter what. Soon enough, Harry’s hands were beginning to slip from Ron’s fingers. Seeing her master slipping away, Hedwig pecked feverishly at the lock leaving Ron in a state of panic. Suddenly, Hedwig started to peck harder and… the cage opened. The owl swooped into the sky, wheeled back, and hammered her beak into Uncle Vernon’s hand. He roared, stumbling back… as Ron and George pulled Harry into the air. “DRIVE!” The brothers shouted. “FRED, DRIVE!” “RIGHT!” Fred called out. One last gigantic tug from the Weasleys, and Harry was free from his cruel uncle’s grasp. As he fell from the window, with Petunia and Dudley screaming in horror, Harry closed the door of the car as the Anglia sailed into the stars like a rocket as Discord followed behind in his flying limo. Now free from the Dursleys, some of the students looked back as Aunt Petunia and Dudley looked down toward Vernon stuck in the bush, as Smolder blew a raspberry toward them. “DAD!!!” Dudley cried out. “Vernon, are you alright?!” Petunia shouted. Finally, Vernon managed to get out of the bush and looked toward the night sky with a defeated look. The Flying Ford Anglia and Discord’s limo proceeded to disappear into the horizon, leaving nothing but a speck of light behind Surry. Fluttershy looked out as Hedwig raced up, soaring just beyond the car window, chirping victoriously. “Good girl, Hedwig!” Fluttershy smiled with gratitude. “Good girl!” "Eh, I was just making it easy for her," Rainbow shrugged, leaning beside Applejack. “By the way, Harry…” Ron turned to Harry. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” Everyone declared. “Next stop! Ottery St. Catchpole!” Discord announced through a transmitter. Harry smiled over the birthday greeting, as the friends laughed their cares away with the cars flying toward their destination. It would be there, at this Ottery St. Catchpole, where they would run into the next stop on their journey towards Hogwarts… The Burrow… > Knockturn & Diagon Alley > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A golden hue blanketed the green pastures of the English countryside. As the sun rose high over the air of a bright sun-filled morning, the only sounds were the rumbling two vehicles, the flying Ford Anglia and Discord’s magic flying limo. Together they soared high above the air over Devon, London, too far for mortal eyes to see. The two vehicles, along with the occupants within, soared all through the night after having broken Harry and the Equestrians away from the clutches of the Dursleys hours prior. The Equestrian group sat in Discord’s limo, peeking out the windows to catch a glimpse of the lovely English landscape they flew over. “Yee doggies, this here landscape’s mighty pretty,” Apple Bloom commented, smiling. “Reminds me of Sweet Apple Acres.” “Without the endless rows of apple trees as far as the eye can see,” Scootaloo added. “I agree with the squirts over there,” Gallus nodded. “This beats Griffonstone by a landslide.” “It’s the kind of place I’d love to live in one day,” Silverstream spoke dreamily. Silverstream leaned closely toward her boyfriend, resting her head upon the crook of his neck. Gallus smiled as he placed a talon around his girlfriend, as they continued looking out the window. “Maybe one day, Sil,” Gallus chuckled. Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie sat near the front of the limo playing with the window controls connected to Discord’s driver’s seat. She continuously pushed the button, making the window go up and down much to her amusement. “He-he-heh! Up and down!” Pinkie giggled. “Up and down, up… and down.” In the driver’s seat, an annoyed expression hung upon Discord’s face as he piloted the car. He had to listen to Pinkie toying with the window for over an hour and it really started to get on his nerves. Finally having enough, Discord turned his head around like an owl and sent a heated glare toward the pink party pony. “What?” Pinkie Pie shrugged. “Pinkie, how many times have I asked you to stop playing with the window?!” Discord asked, annoyed. “Hmm… let me think…” Pinkie replied. The party pony reached into her mane and pulled out a calculator, pen, and a pad as she began punching numbers and writing equations. “Let’s see… eighteen multiplied by four, carry the nine, divided by three to the square root of…” “Ugh! Why do I bother asking?” Discord facepalmed. His annoyance, however, was quickly diminished when a certain yellow Pegasus with the brightest pink mane scooted across the seat toward him. His expression shifted to joy as the pony positioned herself near the window and faced him with the most soothing smile. “It was really sweet of you to help us out of that situation, Discord,” Fluttershy spoke sweetly. A blush formed along the Lord of Chaos’ face, which was so red that it proved difficult to hide. “Uh, well… I… just did what any good friend would do,” He stuttered nervously. To which Fluttershy giggled cutely. “Whatever the case, thank you Discord.” She soon leaned in and planted a sweet kiss on his cheek. The draconequus froze in place as his eyes bugged out. After a moment, the eyes quickly shattered like glass and hearts flew from the empty sockets, as a huge dopey smile appeared along his face. “You’re welcome, Fluttershy!” Discord sighed happily. “Yo Discord!” A loud voice snapped Discord from his goofy state, as he turned toward the rainbow-maned Pegasus addressing him. “Where exactly are we heading anyway?” She asked. “We’ve been flying all night and I’m tired of sitting in this limo for so long.” “Don’t get that pastel tail in a twist, Dashie,” Discord retorted. “As a matter of fact, we’re just arriving at our location.” The moment Discord spoke, the remainder of the group quickly made their way toward the windows to peek out toward the landscape. Sure enough, as both the limo and the Ford Anglia began its descent through a pink sky, a haphazard mess of a house, built around a towering central chimney, appeared below. This large bungalow looked as thought it had once been a large stone pigpen, with extra rooms added here and there until it was several stories high and so crooked it looked as though it were held together by magic (Which, Harry reminded himself, it probably was). Four or five chimneys were perched on top of the red roof. By the road, a lopsided sign stuck in the ground near the entrance read: ‘The Burrow’. Around the front door lay a jumble of rubber boots and a very rusty cauldron. *FLUMPH* The Ford Anglia touched down in a whirling cone of dust, scattering a group of fat brown chickens around the yard, and fishtailed to a halt. As the limo came close to the ground, with a quick snap of his fingers, Discord’s appearance shifted into a flight attendant’s uniform as he held a microphone with one claw. “Thank you for choosing Discord’s flying limo service for all your travel needs,” He announced femininely. “Don’t stand until the car has come to a complete stop.” Eventually, both vehicles touched down as the limo stopped alongside the burrow. Discord quickly transported himself outside the vehicle and opened the back door beckoning everyone to emerge in single file. “Thank you, goodbye now,” He waved. “Goodbye, goodbye, thank you, goodbye!” Once everyone, including the Weasleys and Harry, spilled quickly from the cars, they all stared in amazement upon the large house as Ron smiled proudly. “Welcome to the Burrow, everyone!” Ron announced. “This is your house?” Spike asked, in awe. “Yep! Been in our family since the 70s or something,” George replied. “We come and go as we please… or at least till we grow old and move out. Helps we’re near off the grid, far from any muggles for miles.” “Now hurry! Let’s nip inside before Mum wakes up!” Fred whispered urgently. “Well, I suppose we mustn’t… wait…” Rarity realized. “What did he say?” But the Weasley boys already took the lead, sneaking everyone inside, while gently closing the door. “Do you think it’d be all right if we had some of this?” Ron asked, sneaking a roll. “Yeah, Mum would never know,” George half-smiled. Harry and the Equestrians’ eyes gazed over all the magical objects surrounding them, breathing in the atmosphere. A clock displayed various chores for each family member present. A pair of needles were knitting a sweater by themselves. A stack of playing cards shuffled themselves, proving a cooling breeze for Ron’s aging rat, Scabbers. “Now why didn’t Harry just get sent here?” Smolder asked. “It’s not much,” Ron shrugged, averting his eyes self-consciously. “But it’s home.” “I think it’s… brilliant!” Harry marveled. “It’s more than ‘brilliant’,” Rainbow smirked. “It’s…” “Awesome?” Sunset Shimmer finished slyly. “Hey, that’s my line!” Ron looked up, seeing the mesmerized expression on everyone’s face, and slowly… he grinned. “WHERE… HAVE… YOU… BEEN?!” The group nearly jumped out of their skin and the Equestrians turned toward the source of the shout. Mrs. Weasley stood in the doorway, furious beyond words. While the boys hid the breakfast rolls behind their backs, Mrs. Weasley smiled sweetly toward Harry and the Equestrians. “Harry! Twilight! How wonderful to see you, dears,” Mrs. Weasley greeted, before facing her sons. “Beds empty! No note! Car gone! You could’ve died! You could’ve been seen! “Of course, I don’t blame you, dears,” Mrs. Weasley assured the guests. “No need to blame the boys, Mrs. Weasley.” All eyes turned toward a new voice as none other than Storm Shield himself strolled casually from the kitchen. The Prince of Peace, with an apron around the middle and covered in flour, still held a sense of benevolence as Twilight’s face flushed. “S-S-S-Storm?!” Twilight babbled in confusion. “How long have you been here?” “Two days,” Storm shrugged casually. “Been helping the missus preparing a nice big breakfast.” Speaking of whom, Storm Shield turned his attention to the woman in question. “In truth Mrs. Weasley, there’s no need to blame the boys or even Discord,” Storm continued. “I can do without the audio commentary your highness!” Discord called out. Storm acknowledged the face of the draconequus leaning his face upon the window, before turning back toward Mrs. Weasley. “Anyways… I personally asked them to travel to Surry to spring Harry and the others out of trouble,” Storm insisted. “Good thing I did too.” “It’s true,” Ron nodded in agreement. “They were starving him, Mum! There were bars on his window!” “You best hope I don’t put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley!” Mrs. Weasley warned, before softening instantly. “Care for a spot of tea, dears?” “Why tea sounds absolutely smashing!” Rarity smiled. “I admire that generosity.” “Well, come along then. Let’s get you lot tucked in.” “Mummy! Have you seen my jumper—” All of a sudden, a small, red-headed girl raced down the stairs. The moment she saw the guests, specifically Harry, she froze and stared wide-eyed. “Yes dear,” Mrs. Weasley answered. “It was on the cat.” “Hello!” Harry greeted. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Twilight nodded. “I’m Twilight Sparkle; what’s your name?” The girl squealed and dashed up the stairs, to which Ron frowned with annoyance. “W-What did I do?” Harry asked concerned. “Ginny,” Ron shook his head. “Been talking about you all summer. Dead annoying, really.” “Aw, looks like someone’s got a crush on you Harry,” Sweetie Belle smiled. “The poor girl’s shy,” Fluttershy observed. “Reminds you of something, Twilight?” Sunset teased her friend. “I reckon if she had a bit for every time that she greeted a shy friend who barely answers a greetin, she’d be gettin’ three bits,” Applejack replied. “Which ain’t a lot, but you’d be surprised…” “Hardy-har…” Twilight chuckled sarcastically. “Morning, Weasleys!” A new voice called. “Dad’s home!” George announced. The front door opened, and Arthur Weasley entered. He was a tall man with red hair, his robes appearing dusty, and travel worn. “Morning, Dad!” The Weasley boys greeted. “Morning, Arthur!” Mrs. Weasley greeted sweetly. “What a night!” Mr. Weasley groaned. “Nine raids! Nine!” “Raids?” Harry asked Ron. “Dad works at the Ministry of Magic,” Ron explained. “In the Misue of Muggle Artifacts Office.” “The Misuse of Muggle Artifacts…?” Ocellus questioned. “That’s when wizards bewitch something to drive muggles mad,” Storm Shield explained. “Like this one time, one of my old mates shrunk his muggle dad’s door key because he wouldn’t let him attend a party with friends… that kind of thing.” “Dad loves Muggles,” Ron emphasized. “Thinks they’re fascinating.” “Sort of like Sunburst’s fascination with Equestrian antiquities,” Pinkie Pie piped in. “Wasn’t a fun trip for our old buddy, Starlight.” Mr. Weasley proceeded to hang up his cloak and turned. “Well now, ah…” Mr. Weasley glanced at their guests. “And who are you?” “Oh, sorry sir,” Harry apologized. “I’m Harry, sir, Harry Potter.” “Good Lord, are you really?” Mr. Weasley spoke surprised. “Wait now, don’t tell me. That means you lot must be…” “Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship,” Twilight greeted Mr. Weasley. “And these are all of my friends.” “We’re pleased to meet you officially Mr. Weasley sir,” Sandbar spoke up. “The Twilight Sparkle? Leader of the Equestrian Heroes?” Mr. Weasley gasped. “Mr. Shield and Ron’s told us all about you, and Mr. Potter of course. When did they get here?” “Only this morning, Mr. Weasley,” Storm shrugged. “Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night,” Mrs. Weasley added darkly. “Yona no think it fair to blame it all on boys,” Yona spoke up. “Oh no, please,” Discord entered casually. “Blame it on the boys; no need to take all the credit. Ooh! Rolls!” Discord was about to reach in and grab a roll, until Mrs. Weasley slapped his paw. The draconequus frowned as he massaged his paw, while Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo giggled at his expense. “Did you really?!” Mr. Weasley gasped, fascinated. “How’d it go?!” “Arthur!” Mrs. Weasley groaned. Mr. Weasley caught Mrs. Weasley’s eye, and the Hippogriff paused instantly. The Weasley boys, along with Harry, tried and failed to hide their laughter. The only one who wasn’t even laughing was Molly, who was quiet the whole time. “I… I mean… that was very wrong, boys,” Mr. Weasley spoke. “Very wrong of you.” “Ooh… that’s a bummer for you!” Smolder teased Gallus. “Why are you pointing at me?” Gallus frowned, annoyed. “So, Harry,” Mr. Weasley continued. “You must know all about Muggles. Tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?” “Oh, umm…” Harry pondered. “They do make bath time lots of fun,” Pinkie interrupted. “There’s a whole song dedicated to it.” “Now ‘parking meters’ on the other hoof…” Sunset Shimmer began. But just as Sunset was about to share her piece, a screeching in the distance drew their attention to the window. “Well, that’ll be Errol with the post,” Mrs. Weasley confirmed. It was then they noticed an owl, Errol by name, soaring right toward the kitchen window. But to Harry and Fluttershy’s horror, the owl doesn’t pull up. It just flies… SMACK!... into the glass. “Oh my!” Fluttershy gasped. “Is he okay?!” “Never mind Errol dear, happens all the time,” Mrs. Weasley confirmed. “Oh, fetch it will you Percy, please?” “Ooh! Didn’t see him there,” Spike replied. Percy got up and approached the window muttering ‘Errol’ as he rose up. “But seriously… is Errol okay?” Spike asked. “He’s always doing that,” Ron assured. Percy took the unconscious Errol and absently laid him on a draining board. He took the letters clutched in the owl’s claws and examined them. “Oh look, it’s our Hogwarts letters!” Percy confirmed. “And they’ve sent us Harry’s, as well as to a group called… the Student Six.” “That’ll be us,” Silverstream replied, taking the letters. “Wait… how did they know to come here?” “Dumbledore must know you’re here,” Mr. Weasley confirmed. “Doesn’t miss a trick, that man.” “Oh, hey girls, these must be for you,” Ocellus passed the CMC their letters. “Let’s see what we got,” Scootaloo examined the letter, her eyes widening. “Ooh… boy!” “This lot won’t come cheap, mum,” Fred confirmed to Mrs. Weasley. “The spell books alone are very expensive.” “I’d blame inflation,” Gallus remarked. “We’ll manage,” Mrs. Weasley assured. “Right then. There’s only one place to get all of this…” “Diagon Alley!” The Mane Six declared. “You girls are definitely in for a treat,” Rarity assured the CMC. <> Later, everyone and every pony gathered before a large fireplace in the house. From there, Mrs. Weasley proceeded to pick up a pot off the mantel. “You first, Harry dear,” Mrs. Weasley gestured. Mrs. Weasley offered Harry the flowerpot. At the bottom is a layer of very soft dust, much to Harry’s confusion. “But Harry’s never traveled by Floo powder before, Mum,” Ron pointed out. “Floo Powder?” Harry questioned. “We ain’t gettin’ sick from this, right?” Applejack asked, concerned. “Not to worry,” Percy assured. “It’s the fastest means of getting to Diagon Alley.” “Compared to… a simple teleportation spell Headmare Twilight can do?” Smolder remarked. “It’s not really as simple as it sounds,” Twilight warned. “Percy. Would you mind going first?” Mrs. Weasley asked. “Just so Harry and the others see how it’s done?” “Certainly mother,” Percy nodded. “Don’t worry, it’s simple enough.” Percy takes a pinch from the pot, and calmly walks straight into the fireplace, assuming the position. “Diagon Alley!” Percy announced. Within seconds, Percy pitched it into the fireplace and bright green flames roared high over him. Just like that, Percy vanished before their very eyes. “Oh… my…” Fluttershy gasped nervously. “You see? It’s quite easy, dears,” Mrs. Weasley assured. “Great…” Gallus nodded slowly. “So… who’s going next?” “Ah, what the heck?” Smolder stepped forward. “One of us has got to have some guts.” “You better go along with her, Ron,” Mrs. Weasley advised Ron. “Right mum. “Yes. In you go. That’s it.” Smolder and Ron assumed the position in the fireplace, as Ron proceeded to take a pinch of Floo Powder. “Catch you on the flip side,” Smolder pointed to the group. “Diagon Alley!” Ron announced. Much like his brother, Ron threw down the Floo Powder and both he, along with the orange dragon, disappeared in a burst of green flames. “Don’t be afraid, Harry,” Mrs. Weasley gestured into the fireplace. “Come on. Come on. In you go.” “We’ll go with Harry if it’ll make him feel better,” Apple Bloom volunteered. “We?” Sweetie Belle raised a brow. “Now hold on there,” Applejack objected. “I don’t think you oughtta…” “Ah, give your sister some space,” Rainbow Dash nudged Applejack. “They’ll never learn if they don’t give it a try.” “But hun…” “No… your friend has a point,” Storm Shield agreed. “There might come a time when something prevents unicorn and alicorn magic from being in use. If we must consider floo powder as an alternative, the girls can learn something. I promise they’ll be okay.” “… Well, all right,” Applejack shrugged. “But I don’t have tah like it.” The Cutie Mark Crusaders, albeit reluctantly on Sweetie Belle’s part, followed Harry Potter as Mrs. Weasley led them into the fireplace. “That’s it… mind your head… that’s right…” Mrs. Weasley muttered. “Now, take your Floo powder.” Tentatively, Harry reached into the pot and grabbed a handful. “That’s it, very good,” Mrs. Weasley nodded. “Now, remember to speak very, very clearly, dear!” “And mind you get out at the right grate!” Discord suggested. “Why? What happens if they—” Twilight Sparkle asked. “Diagonally…” Harry and Sweetie Belle spoke. “WAIT!!!” Apple Bloom and Scootaloo shouted. But it was too late! The moment Harry dropped the powder into the fireplace and the green flames erupted, they disappeared before they could move. “SWEETIE BELLE!!!” Rarity shouted. “LITTLE BUDDY!!!” Rainbow Dash reached out. “What did he say, dear?” Mrs. Weasley asked her husband. “Diagonally…” Mr. Weasley spoke. “I thought he did.” Fuming, Applejack slowly turned toward Storm Shield. The prince sheepishly chuckled and slowly turned toward the kitchen. “Don’t…” Twilight Sparkle spoke. “I jus’ wanna talk to him…” Applejack muttered, approaching Storm. “Applejack, wait!” Fluttershy followed. “I jus’ wana talk to him! I JUS’ WANNA TALK TO HIM!” “Now come on, let’s not be so hasty!” Pinkie Pie called out. “So, they said the wrong word! Maybe they’ll just get transported back!” <> Unfortunately, Pinkie Pie couldn’t be all the more wrong. The sound was deafening as Harry and the Cutie Mark Crusaders hurtled forward through a burst of smoke and dust. They all spilled out of the fireplace, squinting against the sting of whirling soot and the mad, flicking lights of passing fireplaces. Harry Potter fell face forward onto a stone heart, as the CMC picked themselves up and discovered they were in a shop of sorts. “A-A-ACHOO!” Scootaloo sneezed, facing Harry. “Are you okay, Harry?” “Yeah, I’m fine,” Harry replied. The girls proceeded to help their friend, the boy covered in dirt and very dizzy. Looking around, Sweetie Belle found his glasses and lifted them with her magic. “Oh no! Your glasses…” Sweetie Belle winced, spotting a crack in the lens. “I think they’ve been scratched a bit.” “I’m afraid they’re the least of our problems now,” Harry replied, looking around. “Ron? Smolder? Anyone here?” “Hello?” Apple Bloom asked. As the Earth mare looked around, she yelped with fright when she walked toward a row of skulls on display. “EW! What is this place?” “I don’t know,” Harry replied. “I don’t think we’re in Diagon Alley. I’m afraid I’ve… botched the Floo Powder…” “No, it’s my fault,” Sweetie Belle shook her head. “I may have stuttered the word and… HEY! Maybe there’s Floo Powder around here; we can use it to really get to Diagon Alley.” “That’s a good idea, Sweetie Belle,” Harry replied, facing the fireplace. “Except… there is no Floo Powder here…” Disheartened, but undeterred, the Crusaders looked up with determination. “Well, until our friends find us, we should take a look around,” Scootaloo suggested. “If we can find out where we are, maybe we’re not too far from Diagon Alley.” “Maybe we can find our school supplies here,” Apple Bloom said hopefully. Harry nodded as he and the Crusaders proceeded to take a look around what appeared to be a wizard’s shop, but decidedly creepy. Unfortunately, nothing they found seemed likely to be on any Hogwart’s school list. There were glass cases containing shriveled heads, and skulls with rotting skin. Evil-looking masks seemed to stare down from the walls, along with an assortment of human bones upon the counter, and rusty, spiked instruments hanging from the ceiling. Worse still, the dark, narrow street Harry and the girls could see through the dusty window was definitely not Diagon Alley. Harry proceeded to walk toward a glass case, containing what appeared to be pygmy skulls, all piled together. He gave a few taps, but the skulls didn’t so much as react. Meanwhile, Apple Bloom backed away from what assumedly was the exit when a withered hand resting on a cushion caught her eye. “EW!” Apple Bloom stuck out her tongue, before reading the tag. “The Hand of Glory. Interesting… ah wonder what it does…” Nearby, Sweetie Belle studied an opal necklace gleaming from inside a glass case. Transfixed by it, Sweetie Belle studied the inscription below the case. “’Caution: Do not touch’,” Sweetie Belle read. “’Cursed—Has Claimed the Lives of Nineteen Muggle Owners to Date’… yeah, girls I don’t think we should—” But Apple Bloom, driven by curiosity, placed her hoof along the hand, gently stroking its rotten fingers upon inspection. Without warning, the hand suddenly came to life, grabbing Apple Bloom’s hoof tightly, holding her in place. The filly pulled with all her might, but it felt as though her hoof was caught in a bear trap. “AAAAH!!!” Apple Bloom screamed, trying to pry the hand off. “GUYS!!! HELP!!!” “Apple Bloom!!!” Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo yelled. “Hang on!” Harry called out. The two girls and Harry quickly ran over, struggling to pry the hand off their friend. At that exact moment, Harry turned his head toward the window to see the last person he’d ever wanted to meet when lost: Draco Malfoy. With an increasing reason to pry the hand off, Harry mustered all his strength until he finally loosened the hand’s grip along Apple Bloom’s hoof. “Wut in tarnation!” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “No time!” Harry said urgently. “We have to hide now!” Turning toward what appeared to be a large black cabinet, which resembled more like a coffin, Harry quickly ducked into it while the Crusaders quickly dove under a nearby shrouded table just as the door opened with the sound of a ringing bell. From their hiding places, Harry and the Cutie Mark Crusaders witnessed the figure coming through the front doors and looking around. Dread filled the eyes of the girls once they saw the figure in full. Draco Malfoy, the blonde-haired pest who gave Harry, Ron, Hermoine, and even the Young Six trouble last year. The very sight filled the three girls with dread. Draco reached forward to touch a weird statue, when an older blonde-haired man stepped inside with Draco and swatted his hand away with a snake-headed walking stick. The Cutie Mark Crusaders shuddered over the way man gave a look toward the boy. “Don’t touch anything, Draco,” The man warned. “… Yes, Father,” Draco answered, slightly ashamed. The Crusaders and Harry’s eyes grew wide… this man was Draco’s father?! Speaking from Harry’s experience, Draco’s dad seemed worse than Draco… by a LONG shot. The man, known far and wide as Lucious Malfoy, looked around the shop when he realized someone else was missing. “WHISPER DREAM!!!” He yelled. The mere volume of the shout was enough to make the entire shop rumble. As Harry and the crusaders braced themselves amidst the shaking, someone else entered the shop… and that someone was… “Is that… a pony?” Apple Bloom whispered. Indeed, it was a pony, but a few years younger than the Crusaders themselves. She had a pastel pink body with grayish pink hooves with a bat wing styled membrane. She also had the sweetest cobalt blue eyes with slits, along her flank was a cutie mark resembling a shooting star. Around her neck, she wore a blue-and-white collar with a gold tassel… something similar to something Sweetie Belle saw Coco Pommel wear. However, a pony being there wasn’t what threw Harry and the Crusaders off. It was a matter of how ‘scared’ this pony looked. Silently, they watched as Whisper Dream stood beside Lucious, her ears pinned before speaking in a quiet, yet barely audible voice. “Y-Yes, Master Lucius?” “I’ve told you to stay where I can see you, you ungrateful brat!” Lucius snapped. “I’m sorry master,” The pony whimpered. “I-I-I was only just—” “And another thing…” Lucius interrupted, regaining his composure. “You are to stay quiet while I conduct my business here.” “O-O-Of course, sir,” Whisper nodded obediently. Lucius glared at the pony before moving away, taking the lead as Whisper quietly trudged behind. From the smallest corner of Harry’s hiding place, the boy couldn’t help but sympathize with the poor filly. He too knew how it felt to be horribly mistreated by one’s own family. However, given his circumstance, he couldn’t comfort her… at least not yet. “I don’t know who that pony is, but we should definitely tell Twilight about this,” Scootaloo whispered. “Especially about… him.” “So… that’s Malfoy’s father,” Sweetie Belle whispered back. “But what are they doing here?” “And why would they come here?” Apple Bloom wondered. “This don’t look like a place to buy school supplies…” Just then, a stooped man emerged from the back room. The man, most likely the shopkeeper, made his presence known at the cashier desk. In the cabinet, Harry watched silently, unaware that the walls around him were… slowly closing in. “Mr. Malfoy! What a pleasure to see you again,” The man greeted. “And young Master Malfoy, too. Delighted. I must show you, if I may, just in today and very reasonably priced—” “I’m not buying today, Mr. Borgin,” Lucius Malfoy interrupted. “But selling.” “Selling?” “Draco.” In response to his father’s command, Draco put the box on the desk. “You have heard, of course, that the Ministry of Magic is conducting more raids on private houses,” Mr. Malfoy confirmed. “There are even rumors of a new Muggle Protection Act…” “Pure wizard blood is counting for less everywhere, I’m afraid,” Borgin replied. “Not with me,” Draco’s father spoke venomously. Opening the box, Lucius revealed its contents to Borgin. “Anyway, I have a few… ah… items from home that might prove, uh… embarrassing if the Ministry were to call. Certain poisons and the like…” “Hmm… yes,” Mr. Borgin observed. “I see…” From under the silhouetted table, the Cutie Mark Crusaders tried to have a good look at all the items in the box that the Malfoys wished to sell to the shopkeeper. “See anything?” Scootaloo asked. “Nothing,” Sweetie Belle replied. “It’s too hard to see from down here…” In the meantime, Borgin sorted through all the items the Malfoys had brought to sell him, when he happened upon one such item of interest. Harry couldn’t tell what it was from the coffin, but judging by the look on Borgin’s face, he seemed keen on buying it. “Look at that!” Borgin gasped breathlessly, wide-eyed. “That… particular item is not for sale,” Malfoy spoke, stopping Borgin. “… I understand,” Borgin replied. “It has unique qualities. One wouldn’t want to see it fall into the wrong hands.” Once he determined the items, of which he was willing to buy, Borgin reached to the side to take out a box of money to pay what he perceived to be a reasonable price to the Malfoys. However, Lucius decided otherwise as he reached into the box and took a large amount of gold Galleons. “You can keep the box,” Draco’s father said. Borgin simply sneered in response but was not one to argue. Inside the cabinet, Harry realized the walls were closing in. His eyes shifted upward, as he saw that the ceiling was dropping. Outside, Draco happened to face the coffin where Harry was hiding. Just as he leaned close to investigate, Whisper Dream drifted toward the Hand of Glory. Curious, she reached out… and the hand grabbed her. Whisper Dream shrieked, but managed to slip free, taking deep breaths. Draco turned toward Whisper Dream, but rather than approaching her instead he eyed the hand with malicious glee. “Father, can I have this?” Draco asked. “Ah, the Hand of Glory,” Borgin smirked. “Insert a candle and it gives light only to the holder. Best friend of thieves and plunderers. Your son has fine taste, sir.” “Hopefully my son will amount to more than a thief, Mr. Borgin,” Lucius replied. “Though if his marks don’t pick up—” “It’s not my fault the teachers have favorites!” Draco argued. “That Hermione Granger—” “I would have thought you’d be ashamed that a girl of no wizarding family beat you in every exam—” “What if he asked her… to be his tutor?” Whisper Dream spoke. The Malfoys’s eyes turned toward the timid pony. To suggest that Malfoy senior was displeased to hear her speak up was an understatement. “WHAT did I say?” Draco’s father asked. The man slammed his walking stick on the coffin’s door. Inside, Harry’s knees are practically up under his chin. When the Malfoy’s back was turned, Borgin sneakily swiped one gold Galleon away from Draco’s father and pocketed for himself. “Stay quiet while you conduct your business,” Whisper Dream muttered. “Exactly.” “Sorry master.” Pulling his cane away from the coffin, a stern expression still written on his face, Draco’s father beckoned for his son and the pony to follow. Borgin checked off one last time, then returned the parchment to Lucius. Satisfied, Malfoy nodded. “Very good,” Lucius nodded. “I’ll expect you at the manor tomorrow. Come, you two. We’re going.” Together, taking the money, the two Malfoys and the pony took their leave as Borgin looked on. “It’s a pleasure to do business with you, Mr. Malfoy,” Borgin bowed his head repeatedly. “Always a pleasure.” Taking the box, Borgin slunk into the back part of the shop, disappearing into the shadows while the Malfoys left the shop. Once certain that the coast was clear, the Crushing Cabinet’s doors flew open, and Harry leapt free. Inside, the walls, floor, and ceiling snapped shut. The Crusaders crawled from under their hiding place. “Thank Celestia, it was getting cramped down there,” Scootaloo groaned. “C’mon, let’s follow them,” Harry told the girls. “Maybe they’ll lead us to Diagon Alley.” Both Harry and the Crusaders were just about to leave the shop, when they were suddenly ambushed by Borgin, who unexpectedly appeared from their right. “Looking for something?” He asked suspiciously. “N-N-No we…!” Harry stammered frightfully. “We were just in the wrong place.” “Sorry for causing any trouble,” Sweetie Belle panicked. “We’re just leaving.” Though suspicious, blinking curiously at the kids, he released them. “Thank you!” The frightened friends said. The man watched as they raced out of the door and resumed his business in the shop. <> Once outside, Harry fit his broken glasses to his face, while the Cutie Mark Crusaders followed behind. Apple Bloom eyed a street sign which read “KNOCKTURN ALLEY”. “We’re definitely not in Diagon Alley,” Apple Bloom confirmed. “Gee… what gave it away?” Scootaloo replied sarcastically. As they strolled down the alley, they noticed that all the vendors clearly catered to the Dark Arts. There were shrunken heads in one row, with poisonous candles along the other. One window was even teeming with spiders. They looked around nervously at this dark, dreary place. All of a sudden, a creepy witch leapt upon them. “Not lost are you, my dears?” The Aged Witch asked. The kids wheeled, looking into the mossy teeth of a decrepit witch. She held a tray of human fingernails, much to the horror of the ponies. “I’m fine, thank you,” Harry said, backing away. “We’re just—” Several equally creepy people proceeded to surround the kids. “Come with us,” The witch beckoned. “We’ll help you find your way back.” “No, please!” Sweetie Belle begged. “WE NEED AN ADULT!!!” Scootaloo called out. “I am one!” The witch sneered. “Harry?” The crowd parted, revealing the hulking figure of a familiar friend of Harry’s… Hagrid. “Hagrid!” Harry sighed with relief. “Boy, are we glad you showed up mister!” Apple Bloom sighed. “What d’yer think yer doin’ down ‘ere?” Hagrid questioned. Hagrid knocked the tray from the cursing Witch’s hands, then seized Harry by the scruff of the neck and steered him away as the girls followed behind him. “Yeah, you’re lucky he showed up!” Scootaloo spoke cockily. “Or else I’d have given the ole Rainbow Special! HA!” Scootaloo proceeded to wave her hooves before the creepy group with a snort and nod of her head before quickly following the others. As Scootaloo caught up, Hagrid swatted Harry’s sooty clothes. “Yer a mess!” Hagrid observed. “Skulkin’ ‘round Knockturn Alley? Dodgy place, kids. Don’t want no one ter see yeh down there. People’ll be thinkin’ yer up ter no good.” “I was lost, I—” Harry explained, then realized. “Hang on, what were you doing down there?” “Me? Oh, I was, um, I was looking for a Flesh-Eating Slug Repellent,” Hagrid answered. “They’re ruining all the school cabbages.” “Well, whatever the case, we’re just glad to see a familiar face,” Sweetie Belle sighed. “Harry!” Harry and the Cutie Mark Crusaders looked up, spotting Hermione Grander standing at the top of Gringotts’ white steps. She raced down to meet them. “Hello, Hagrid,” Hermione greeted. “Oh, it’s wonderful to see you again.” “Well, it’s great to see you too,” Harry smiled. Hermione stopped then, cocked her head curiously at Harry. “What did you do to your glasses?” Hermione smirked, raising her wand. “Oculus Reparo.” Instantly, Harry’s glasses are mended. “I definitely need to remember that one,” Harry chuckled. “Say, I remember the three of you,” Hermione acknowledged the CMC. “You came to visit during Christmas last year.” “It’s good to see you again too, Hermione,” Apple Bloom shook Hermione’s hand. “Actually, we’re starting our first year at Hogwarts this year.” “We kind of got mixed up in the wrong place,” Sweetie Belle chuckled nervously. “You’ll be all right now then, kids?” Hagrid asked. “No problem, Hagrid,” Scootaloo nodded. “And thanks again for the aid big guy.” “Right, I’ll leave you to it,” Hagrid departed. “Okay, bye!” Hermione waved. “Bye Hagrid!” The CMC called out. “Come on, everyone’s been so worried!” Hermoine said, leading the group away. <> Hermione proceeded to lead them to Gringotts, where Hermione’s rather nervous-looking Muggle parents stood with the Weasleys and the Equestrians. “So, you’re dentists!” Mr. Weasley asked. “Fascinating! I understand other Muggles quite fear you. Why is that?” “There they are!” Twilight Sparkle pointed. Soon as the CMC saw their sisters, for Scootaloo being sisterly-like for Dash, the trio raced toward them, and the older ponies hugged them with great relief. “You ain’t wanderin’ off like that again, ya hear me?” Applejack spoke rapidly. “I’m sorry A.J.,” Apple Bloom drooped her head. “Ah, c’mere…” Applejack hugged tightly. “Jus’ glad yer safe.” “It’s going to be all right, Sweetie…” Rarity hugged her sister. “I’m fine, Rarity! Really!” Sweetie insisted. “Just misquoted that’s all.” “An understatement of the century… but we’re all together now!” “So, how’d it go down there?” Rainbow Dash asked Scootaloo. “Any broken bones? Anyone lose a tooth?” “Nah, it was nothing!” Scootaloo replied. “Those bums wouldn’t dare get close to me!” “Hmm… reckless yet brave… now that’s cool!” “Oh, kids. Thank goodness,” Mrs. Weasley sighed, dusting Harry off. “We’d hoped you only gone one grate too far!” “You’re lucky Storm Shield and I were able to track you girls down,” Twilight Sparkle confirmed. “From now on, I hope you girls truly understand the emphasis on following directions.” “Sorry Twilight,” Sweetie Belle apologized. “It won’t happen again.” “Come on then, no harm no foul,” Storm replied calmly. “We must be off to Flourish and Blotts. Lots to buy…” “Isn’t it thrilling girls?” Hermione asked the CMC. “Gilderoy Lockhart’s going to be there! We can actually meet him! I mean, he’s written almost the whole booklist!” As Mrs. Weasley and Hermoine dashed off, Harry and the CMC frowned. “Uh Applejack… who’s Lockhart?” Apple Bloom asked Applejack. “Beats me, sugar cube,” Applejack answered honestly. “But I reckon we’re about to find out.” “So… we’re just going to ignore the part about Hermione’s parents… being here…” Spike pointed out, giving up. “Okay then…” <> “Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart!” A man announced. Gilderoy Lockhart… a handsome, golden-haired wizard with stunning pearl-white teeth. He smiles toward his public, winking at the flash of cameras. But of course, this was just the image of Lockhart in a moving photograph propped along the window. A placard declares: ‘HERE TODAY! SIGNING COPIES OF HIS AUTOBIOGRAPHY, MAGICAL ME… GILDEROY LOCKHART!’ Harry and the Equestrians thread their way through a chattering throng of middle-aged ladies, all craning their necks for a view of the real Lockhart. Stepping into view was the flamboyantly dressed Gilderoy Lockhart himself, taking a seat to sign books at the rear of the shop. At the sight of him, Mrs. Weasley pats her hair. “Oh, there he is!” Mrs. Weasley sighed. “That… is Gilderoy Lockhart?” Rainbow Dash chuckled. “What’s so great about him?” “Mum fancies him,” Ron answered. For this, Mrs. Weasley gave Ron a playful jab in the shoulder. A short man with a camera bumped past. “Out of the way! Make way there, please!” The short man called out. “Let me be, madam, thank you. Excuse me, little girl, this is for The Daily Prophet!” Instantly, Lockhart looked up and flashed a smile, when… “It can’t be… Harry Potter?” Lockhart gasped. “And thePrincess Twilight Sparkle!” “What does that make us? Chopped liver?” Gallus questioned. The crowd whispered excitedly as the photographer dove forward, seizing Harry and Twilight Sparkle, pushing them up the front. “Nice big smile, you two,” Lockhart spoke under his breath. “Together, you and I rate the front page.” Twilight Sparkle gave a nervous smile, but Harry didn’t at all. Still, the photograph snapped the picture anyway. “Ladies and gentlemen!” Lockhart announced loudly. “What an extraordinary moment this is! When young Harry and the Princess of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle, stepped into Flourish and Blotts this morning to purchase my autobiography, ‘Magical Me’…” Hermoine and the majority of the crowd excitedly applauded, yet Ron just looked bewildered. Unbeknownst to everyone, Draco watched from above sneering at the display before him while Whisper Dawn stood close behind. “Well, I do love a good book as much as any pony,” Twilight chuckled anxiously. “But actually, we were just—” “Which, incidentally…” Lockhart continued, ignoring the princess. “… is currently celebrating its twenty-seventh week atop The Daily Prophet’s Bestseller List – they had no idea that they would, in fact, be leaving with my entire collected works! Free of charge!” “I insist we… did you say… free collection of works?” Twilight’s eyes widened. As the crowd clapped, Lockhart caught the eye of a flunky and, before they knew it, a towering stack of books were shoved into Harry’s arms. Luckily Twilight used her magic to catch her own stack, hovering them in mid-air. “Thank you,” Harry mumbled quietly, mortified. “Heh-heh… can’t say no to free books, right?” Twilight chuckled nervously. Slipping free, Harry and Twilight Sparkle drifted back into the crowd, red with embarrassment. “Harry, now you give me those, and I’ll get them signed,” Mrs. Weasley took the books. “All of you wait outside. That’s it, Ron.” “Just can’t say no when it comes to books, right headmare Twilight?” Smolder smirked; arms folded. “You’d accept them from strangers now?” “Now Smolder, I perfectly intend on buying my own books,” Twilight replied, placing the books down. “But… doesn’t mean a little extra research wouldn’t hurt.” “And I was given a hard time during Christmas shopping at Whoville?” Rarity pouted. As Harry Potter and friends made their way out of the bookstore, a certain unfriendly blast from the past made his presence felt before the heroes. “Bet you loved that, didn’t you, Potter?” Draco scowled from the stairs. “Famous Harry Potter. Can’t even go into a bookshop without making the front page.” “Well, if it isn’t ‘Dragon Mouthful’,” Gallus squawked. “You haven’t changed a bit.” “I see Potter is still friends with a bloody chicken,” Draco shot back. “No… make that two of them.” “Call my friends chicken again, and I’ll roast you as far back as the Ming Dynasty!” Smolder threatened. “Yeah… what she said!” Sandbar nodded in agreement. “Just ‘try’… maybe you’ll fetch a hefty price,” Draco threatened. “I hear dragon scales are on the market these days.” “Leave them alone!” Ginny Weasley bravely confronted Malfoy. “Oh look, Potter!” Draco snarked. “You’ve got yourself a girlfriend!” At that moment, a large silver ornament, shaped like a snake’s head, came down upon Draco’s shoulder. The ornament belonged to the walking stick of an elder man, the very same man Harry and the Cutie Mark Crusaders had seen at Borgin and Burke’s—Draco’s father. “Now, now, Draco, play nicely.” The man urged his son away, before turning to Harry and friends. The man extended his hand out for Harry, who shook cautiously as the man introduced himself. “Mr. Potter… Lucius Malfoy, we meet at last. Forgive me…” Lucius Malfoy leaned forward to gently play his fingers over the fringe of Harry’s scallop, revealing Harry’s lightning bolt scar. At his touch, Harry withdrew, ever so slightly. “… your scar is legend. As, of course, is the wizard who gave it to you.” “That wizard was a murderer!” Ocellus spoke up. “He killed Harry’s parents.” “Yes, a pity about your parents,” Lucius addressed Potter. “Curious that you yourself should escape with a mere flesh wound. Curious, too, that your friends spoke of him in the past. Surely, you don’t think He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is gone forever.” “His name is Voldemort,” Harry said poisonously. Those within earshot gasped as Harry uttered the word, even Lucius himself was taken aback. “You must be very brave, Mr. Potter, to dare speak his name,” Lucius presumed. “Or very foolish.” “Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself,” Hermoine stated matter-of-factly. Lucius Malfoy’s eyes slid, finding Hermoine staring defiantly. “You must be… Miss Granger,” Lucius analyzed. “Yes, Draco’s told me all about you… and your parents. Muggles, aren’t you?” Mr. and Mrs. Granger nodded nervously. Lucius Malfoy could barely disguise his distaste for them. Sensing trouble, Sunset Shimmer hurried over. “Is there a problem with that, Mr. Malfoy?” Sunset Shimmer asked defensively. Lucius turned to look at Sunset, squinting his eyes for a closer look. The expression on his face indicated as though he had seen a familiar face. “Problem?” Lucius asked rhetorically. “Not at all. You’ve seen one muggle; you’ve seen them all. But you… you look very familiar.” Sunset herself felt tense as Lucius eyed her up and down, as though he could see through her clothes… or trying to look inside her mind or soul. He was definitely doing the X-Ray thing… DUDE! There are ‘children’ reading this! “Lightsaber? Tattered clothes… the garbs of a Jedi…” Lucius analyzed. “And yet… you have a rather… magical air of your presence. Equestrian… yet… you are human. Red-yellow hair like fire… moderate cyan eyes… there is no mistake. You are Sunset Shimmer, Equestria and the Wizarding World’s most wanted criminal.” “Pardoned criminal, Mr. Lucius Malfoy!” Twilight Sparkle spoke in Sunset’s defense. “Whatever crime she’s done in the past is over now! Sunset Shimmer is my friend; as Princess of Friendship, I’m willing to give her another chance.” “Is that so?” Lucius raised a brow. “We’ll see about that, princess…” Lucius turned toward the remainder of the heroes present. “Let’s see. Pastel colored ponies – unicorns, Pegasi, Earth ponies – and with Princess Twilight… you’re the Equestrian Heroes, the Elements of Harmony… “And you… must be Twilight’s stooges,” He eyed the dragon. “Spike the Dragon… my how you’ve grown.” As if it wasn’t uncomfortable enough, Lucius eyed students standing behind Harry. “A griffon, a hippogriff, a yak, a changeling, a dragon, and a pony… you must be Mr. Potter’s Equestrian friends.” “I don’t like this guy,” Sandbar whispered to Gallus. “He reads minds!” Finally, he turned toward Ron, along with his brothers and sister. “Let me see, red hair, vacant expressions…” Lucius reached in, taking a book from Ginny’s cauldron. “… tatty, secondhand book, you must be the Weasleys.” At that very moment, Arthur Weasley walked over toward the front of the store. “Children! It’s mad in here,” Arthur Weasley exclaimed. “Let’s go outside.” “Well, well, well – Arthur Weasley,” Lucius greeted. “Lucius,” Arthur returned the greeting, stiffly. “Busy time at the Ministry, Arthur, all those extra raids,” Lucius taunted. “I do hope they’re paying you overtime, but judging by the state of this…” Malfoy held Ginny’s book for emphasis: A very old, battered copy of ‘A Beginner’s Guide to Transfiguration’. “… Obviously not. Dear me. What’s the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don’t even pay you well for it.” “Disgrace?!” Applejack barked, with Rarity and Rainbow holding her back. “We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizard, Lucius,” Arthur replied. “Clearly,” Lucius glanced at the Grangers. “The company you keep, Weasley. And I thought your family could sink no lower. I’ll see you at work.” Lucius Malfoy tossed Ginny’s battered textbook back into her cauldron. “Here, girl. Take your book. It’s the best your father can give you.” Lucius then turned toward Princess Twilight and curtly bowed his head to her and her friends. “Good day to you, Princess of Friendship. And to you… Seraphina.” Sunset Shimmer gasped in shock at Lucius mentioning her Sith name. It was one thing for him to identify her as a past criminal. But to be mentioned by her ‘Sith’ name… how could he possibly have known about that? “I’ll see you at school,” Draco spoke to Harry’s group. “WHISPER BREEZE!!” Lucius then yelled loudly. The small pony from earlier before slowly came up beside Mr. Malloy with the same frightened demeanor she’d had at Borgin and Burkes “H-Here, M-Master Lu-Lucius.” She stuttered. Lucius then proceeded to give her a rather hard swat on the flank with the blunt end of his walking stick. “Ow!!” Whisper Dream cried out in pain. “We're leaving!” Lucius snarled at her. “And make sure you carry my son’s supplies with care or you will be whipped severely! Understood?” “Y-Yes, Master” Whisper croaked in fear. “Good.” Lucius growled. He kicks her flank in which she whimpers and proceeds to carry the school supplies they bought and walk out of the store. Harry, the Equestrians, the Weasleys,& Hermione all watched them leave the store and they all glared at both father and son on their mistreatment on the poor pony. “Why that no good, long-haired jerk!” Rainbow snarled angrily. “I oughta deck him in the face just like I did to that pathetic Muggle excuse of an uncle to Harry! “I just can't withstand the abuse of that poor filly by those ruffians.” Rarity said appalled. “Why do they treat her so anyway?” “We were actually wanting to talk to you all about that.” Sweetie Belle informed them. “When we landed in Knockturn Alley, we saw Malloy and his dad come into the store we hid in. She was there too and the way Mr. Malfoy treated her was just awful.” “And I thought the Dursleys' treatment on Harry was worse” Gallus commented. “I'm not gonna argue on that, Gally” Silverstream agreed. As they continued to watch Draco and Whisper Dream follow his father out of the shop, Twilight Sparkle approached Sunset Shimmer and put a soothing hand upon her shoulder. “Just ignore him, Sunset,” Twilight advised. “No Malfoy’s worth listening to.” “Yeah, those girls are rotten to the core!” Pinkie Pie nodded. “… Not the song, just the whole family… being bad… really bad… they don’t know nothing about our bestest buddy!” As much as Sunset Shimmer wanted to feel pleased for her friends standing up for her, a troublesome thought refused to leave her mind. All she could think about was how Lucius, a man she didn’t even know had known so much about her history. Had her actions really been known that far and wide? How much did her story actually reach up to? The uncertainty of the matter made her feel more uncomfortable. “Don’t they…?” Sunset asked herself. > Back to Hogwarts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- September 1st of 1992, this date meant only one thing… A brand new school year for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has officially begun. At King’s Cross Station, the flying Ford Anglia invisibly made to land. Amid a neat line of cars, the Anglia sat at a decidedly odd angle, as if its driver were not the most skilled motorist. But soon the Weasleys, along with Harry Potter and the Equestrians, quickly pushed large trolleys to have their bags placed. They made a mad dash for the barrier, and by the time they reached Platforms 9 & 10, they knew they were entering rush hour to board the train before its departure for Hogwarts. They were just passing the large clock when Mr. Weasley noticed the time. “10:58!” Arthur called out. “Come on!” “Oh dear!” Mrs. Weasley gasped worriedly. “The train’ll be leaving any moment! All together now!” Hurryingly, they race for Platforms Nine and Ten. “Fred, George, Percy, you first!” Arthur instructed. Quicky, the three brothers stride briskly toward the stone barrier of which divided the platforms – and simply disappeared. “Go on, Ginny,” Mrs. Weasley beckoned. “You know what to do.” Ginny, looking a bit nervous, rushed toward the barrier, closed her eyes, and sled her way into the other side. “After you, Dear,” Arthur gestured to his wife. Together, the two Weasleys materialized by Ginny’s side, the little girl gazing toward the Hogwarts Express. “Come, Ginny,” Mrs. Weasley led her daughter. “We’ll get you a seat. Hurry!” Meanwhile, back at King’s Cross, the other Equestrians were preparing to venture into the barrier for another school year. “I call dibs on the window seat!” Smolder called out. “Not before I get there first!” Sandbar smirked. “Yona says, ‘Bring it on’!” Yona hopped excitedly. “Come on, partners,” Applejack beckoned calmly. “No time for dillydallying.” “Mustn’t be late for school,” Rarity added. “Especially your first day, Crusaders,” Rainbow Dash smirked. “We’re going to Hogwarts!” The Crusaders cheered in unison. “We’re going to Hogwarts!” Within a matter of seconds, the Mane Six, including Spike and the Student Six raced through the platform and vanished completely through the wall. Only Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Sunset Shimmer, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were left behind. Ron glanced anxiously at the clock. “We better hurry,” Ron suggested. “Let’s go!” Harry declared. “Right behind ya partner,” Apple Bloom spoke determinedly. With a nod, Harry Potter took the lead running full speed to the wall with Ron, Sunset, and the Crusaders in tow, practically leaning onto his trolley. But then… something weird happened. The minute they raced towards the wall, all of a sudden – CRASH! – they hit the barrier and bounced back into each other. As if for some strange reason, the gateway to Platform 9 ¾ was sealed by some magical force. Soon bodies were flying over trolleys, crashing hard upon the ground along with a mix of Hedwig’s hooting alerting the surrounding passengers, including the station guard. Fortunately, whilst the guard eyed the boys suspiciously, the magic spell concealing the Jedi and three fillies kept them out of sight from the surrounding muggles. The guard, meanwhile, confronted the two boys for all the ruckus they caused. “Oh! What in blazes d’you two think you’re doing?” The guard questioned. “Sorry, um… lost control of the trolley,” Harry answered. “And what about those two other trolleys?” The guard pointed out. “Um… they’re extra stuff we need for…” Ron stammered nervously. “Uh… a trip to… SCOTLAND!” The guard merely shook his head before he turned and walked away with a huff. Standing beside the boys, out of sight from the busy muggles, Sunset Shimmer and the Crusaders sighed with great relief. “Nice save, Ron,” Sunset complimented. “No kidding,” Scootaloo agreed. “Our goose was almost cooked!” “You’re welcome,” Ron sighed. “Guys, why can’t we get through?” Harry questioned. “I dunno,” Ron answered, feeling the barrier. “The gateway’s sealed itself for some reason.” As Ron pressed his ear to the barrier, while the Crusaders and Sunset tapped a few times with their hooves and hand – DING! – chimed the clock to which caught their attention. All eyes turned toward the station clock, which now read 11 o’clock. “The train leaves at exactly eleven o’clock,” Harry informed panickily. “We’ve missed it!” “Well that’s just great!” Sweetie Belle complained. “First time going to Hogwarts and already things are going wrong. If we’re late, no doubt the Professors will scold us!” “Worse yet… our sisters,” Apple Bloom replied. “That’s the last thing I want to hear right now,” Scootaloo cringed. “Guys,” Ron thought suddenly. “If we can’t get through, maybe Mum and Dad and the others can’t get back.” “What are we supposed to do now?” Sunset asked. Harry puzzled and puzzled, trying to formulate some formulate a plan of sorts. “Maybe we should go wait by the car,” Harry suggested. To which Ron addressed his friend with a quizzical glance. “The car!?” Ron questioned. “Harry, you’re a genius!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed excitedly. “We can use the car to fly to Hogwarts!” “Well then, let’s go!” Scootaloo cheered. “We’ve got a train to catch and fast!” “Whoa, hold on now guys!” Sunset spoke uncertainly. “That might not be the best—” But Sunset Shimmer didn’t have time to finish. The Crusaders and the two boys were pushing their trolleys madly before them. By the time Sunset Shimmer caught up, pushing her own supplies along the way, she found the group had made a dash for the car, loading all of their belongings into the Ford Anglia’s boot. “This is mad!” Harry argued. “We can’t drive to Hogwarts!” “Who says we’re driving?” Ron replied. “You don’t mean—” Apple Bloom guessed. “Ron, no!” Sunset Shimmer objected. “Twilight Sparkle and the others will be furious if they catch you doing this!” “Look, who knows when the others will get back?” Ron explained. “And we’ve got to get to school, haven’t we? And even underage wizards are allowed to use magic if it’s an absolute emergency. Least that’s what Fred and George always say…” “Coming from those two… I don’t know,” Sweetie Belle second-guessed. “We can’t be late on our first day of school, Sunset!” Scootaloo whined. “Come on, I really want to make a great impression on Rainbow Dash. Please…” Soon the three Crusaders were giving Sunset Shimmer the puppy-dog stare, while the boys looked on with concern. A heavy sigh escaped Sunset Shimmer’s lips, but she knew when she’d been beaten. “Something tells me we’re going to regret this,” Sunset Shimmer shook her head. “Then again, beats any trouble I’ve had in Canterlot High… Fire away!” With that settled, with all of their stuff jammed in the car and the trolleys returned to the rack, the four Hogwart students and Jedi were all gathered in the car. With no Muggle in the vicinity, Ron tapped his wand along the dash of the car and the Anglia burbled to life. “Ron, are you sure you know how to fly this?” Scootaloo asked. “Yeah, Ron,” Sunset agreed. “You’re twelve years old and you’re flying your Dad’s car. Are you qualified for this? “No problem,” Ron replied. Ron shifted the gear and with a great jolt, the car lifted off the ground. Indeed, the car proceeded to take flight toward the location of the Hogwarts Express. But little did our intrepid adventurers realize that there was still someone determined to stop them. And that someone was willing to do whatever it took to prevent Harry and his friends from returning to Hogwarts. Even if it mean putting some innocent students in jeopardy just to bail them out. “There we go!” Ron sighed. “See. Now, I reckon all we have to do is find the Hogwarts Express and follow it. Simple.” Harry nodded, although he wasn’t entirely convinced. “Ron, if we survive this and somehow you get a driver’s license…” Apple Bloom began. “I’m taking a Taxi or the Bus.” As Harry peered out the window, down below he spotted two pedestrians staring in disbelief. “Ron, look out!” Sweetie Belle squealed. “We’re gonna crash!” Scootaloo screamed. Luckily, Ron managed to swerve just before the car headed for the large clock tower. But it wasn’t the obstacles in the car’s path that Harry was concerned with. Here they were, a group of students and the closest to a chaperone in Sunset Shimmer, exposed to the Muggle World with a Magical Flying Car in full view. No doubt this will greatly stir a commotion amongst the Muggles in an instant, if not already. “Ron, I should tell you,” Harry spoke up. “Most Muggles aren’t accustomed to seeing a Flying Car.” “Harry’s Right, Ron,” Apple Bloom agreed. “We’re exposed here.” “Uh, right!” Ron nodded. Ron proceeded to press a tiny silver button along the dashboard and in a matter of seconds… they disappeared. Down below, the baffled pedestrians blinked wondering precisely just what they saw. But at the very least the Ford Anglia could safely vanish through the sky, out of view from wandering Muggle Eyes. Speaking of views, the invisible car sailed through the closes, passing through the stunning green landscape of Scotland’s fields. But after flying for such a lengthy period, the Ford Anglia’s engine puttered softly and – POP! – the car suddenly reappeared. Harry, Sunset, and the Crusaders gazed down towards the hills in view while Ron jabbed the silver button… but to no avail. “What happened?” Sunset questioned. “Oh no!” Ron gasped. “The Invisibility Booster must be faulty!” “This is bad!” Sweetie Belle grimaced. “What do we do now?!” “Well, come on then, let’s go lower,” Harry advised. “We need to find the train.” “Okay!” Ron concurred. Ron shifted the car to fourth gear lowering the car along the ridge of a cliff. “Any sign of the train?” Apple Bloom called out. “There! Up ahead!” Harry pointed. “Look…” Along a steep bridge, a single line of train tracks came into view. “Brilliant, Harry!” Sunset congratulated. “Ron, take her down!” Ron shifted, gliding the car down, until the Ford Anglia was only a few feet above the tracks. The boys and girls peered ahead, looking for the train. But the tracks seemed empty and not an inch of the train was in sight… or so they thought. “Now all we need to do is catch up with the train,” Harry declared. “It must be around here someplace,” Sweetie Belle looked around. “It can’t be far behind,” Ron assured. Just then, the group heard the unmistakable whistle of the Hogwarts Express through the Ford Anglia’s rear window. The group perked up, beaming at the thought of finally catching up with the train, which they intend to follow to Hogwarts to the castle grounds and be just in time for the sorting ceremony… and an incredible feast. “Do you hear that?” Harry asked. “We must be getting close,” Ron said hopefully. “That doesn’t make any sense,” Sunset pondered quizzically. “What do ya mean Sunset?” Apple Bloom asked. “If we were getting closer to the train, shouldn’t we have seen it by now?” Sunset replied. “Or at least spot the smoke coming from the spout?” “You know, she makes a good point,” Sweetie Belle agreed. “You’d think we’d see some sign of the train by now.” “Agreed!” Scootaloo nodded. “It doesn’t even sound like it’s coming from in front of us. It sounds more… like…” Everyone and every pony froze, their eyes widened with horror upon realizing what Scootaloo nearly said. “Hold on!” Harry realized. Then, at precisely the same moment, Ron looked at Harry, the Crusaders looked at each other in horror as they registered the direction of the sound. They glance at each other, turn as one, and their eyes widened at the horrifying sight: The Hogwarts Express was growing huge in the rear window, coming at them fast. The group wasn’t following the train; the train was following them. “AAAAHHHHH!!!” The group screamed. As the train speeded towards them, Ron spun the wheel, put his foot to the gas and – at the last possible second – whipped the Ford Anglia out of the train’s path uncontrollably to the left. The car waffled, toppled upside down briefly, before tilting onto its side. Ron tried to regain control, as the car was jetting under the bridge and the girls were screaming with fright before appearing along the train’s right side. Harry slid down across his seat, into the door, and… out. “HARRY!!!” Everyone screamed. Harry Potter had accidentally opened the left door of the car and now found himself dangling upside-down dangerously from the open door, watching the Hogwarts Express zip past and, in one window, glimpsed Smolder and Ocellus, the latter’s mouth opened in astonishment. Harry tried to hold onto the car door, but his grip was nearly slipping as Ron flew the car away from the train. The three Hogwart students knew they had to act now or risk their friend falling to his death. “Hold on!” Ron called out. Not that Harry had any other plans in mind. The boy could only look on in horror at the ground below him, all while the train continued toward its destination. Ron eventually stretched his hand out. “Take my hand!” Harry gripped Ron’s hand, eyeing the train steaming far below. He knew that if he let go now, it would be quite a drop to the surface below. Unfortunately, Harry’s fingers began to lose their grip. “Hold on!” Ron called out. “I’m trying!” Harry answered back. “Your hand’s all sweaty!” “Keep the car flying, Ron!” Sunset instructed. “The girls and I got this!” “Hold tight, Harry!” Sweetie Belle called out. “We’ll save you!” Sunset Shimmer reached out her hand and quickly grabbed hold of Harry, just as Apple Bloom bit her teeth along the back of Sunset’s robes, with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo pulling her tail. Straining with all their might, they yanked Harry back inside, leveling off the car. Harry quickly shut the door and buckled his safety belt as the girls fell heavily back in their seats. When all was said and done, at least they could catch their breath after such a harrowing experience. “I think we found the train,” Harry sighed. “Yeah!” Ron nodded. “No offense Ron, but a little advice if you will,” Sunset Shimmer spoke sternly. “Lock the doors before you drive!” “Sorry Sunset,” Ron apologized. “Forgot to do that.” Ron proceeded to lock the car doors, as the Ford Anglia flew past the train… <> … And Hogwarts Castle came into view. Inside the Ford Anglia, the group was in great relief to see a familiar sight. “Welcome home, Harry!” Ron declared. “Now this is how you make an entrance at school!” Scootaloo smirked. “You know… I actually won’t argue with that one,” Sunset replied. Harry and the girls were all smiles at the very sight of the school. Just then… the Ford Anglia groaned. “Uh… Ron, just outta interest,” Apple Bloom spoke nervously. “Have you ever landed a car before?” “Well… no,” Ron admitted. “But, until a few hours ago, I’d never taken off in one either.” “… Oh no,” Sweetie Belle cringed. With that, the car lurched, the nose dropped, and soon the car was pitching through the night. As Ron raked the gears, they hurtled madly toward the castle wall. But it seemed as though the car had a mind of its own, flying uncontrollably even at the risk of getting its passengers killed. “Up! UP!” Harry shouted. “Ron, pull up!” Sunset insisted. “IT’S NOT WORKING!” Ron stepped on the pedals, to no avail. “WHAT?!” The Crusaders shouted, shocked. Harry grabbed hold of Ron’s hand along the stick, shifting desperately as the girls screamed in terror. The Ford Anglia lurched up, barely clearing the castle wall. The boys exchanged a look of relief, when… the car groaned again, lurching… downward. Soon the four students were closing in toward a tree unlike anything they’d seen before. Down below, the giant Whomping Willow tree loomed, and they were about to crash into it! “Up, Ron! Mind the tree!” Harry shouted. Ron shifted the gear, but nothing happened. Harry reached over and, together, the boys spun the wheel. But it was useless. The car was heading straight for the tree. “WE’RE GONNA CRASH!!!” Sweetie Belle screamed. Desperately, Ron whipped out his wand and whacked the dashboard. “STOP! STOP! STOP!” Ron shouted. But after whacking the wheel three times, the wand snapped in two as the broken end dangled before his eyes. The group screamed in horror and – CRUNCH! – car meets tree. It crashed through its branches, falling until the car came to a stop before several branches. Harry blinked, while the girls hung dreamily, the car itself balanced along the highest limb. Ron broke the silence as he gazed at his now broken wand. “My wand! Look at my wand!” Ron whined. “Be thankful it’s not your neck,” Harry replied. THWUNMP! Something heavy struck along the door, sending a shudder through the car. “Guys, what’s happening?!” Scootaloo looked around. “I don’t know,” Harry shook his head. “THE TREE!!!” Apple Bloom screamed. A growl emerged from nowhere and then, as they slowly looked up in disbelief, one of the tree’s largest branches pulled back, curled into itself, and lashed forward like a massive fist. THWUMP! “AAAAAAHHHH!!!” The group screamed. The Ford Anglia tilted crazily, sliding backwards and free-falling through the air and… landed on a lower grid of branches. “What kind of tree is this?!” Sweetie Belle shrieked. Before anyone could respond, the tree began to pummel the car from all sides, tossing its passengers about like popcorn. Windows shattered; heavy dents appeared along the roof above their heads. Then the car fell again, slamming heavily to the ground. Instantly, the tree’s lower branches shot through the front and rear windscreens and, gaining purchase, began to shake the car back and forth. “LOOK OUT!” Sunset Shimmer screamed. The tree pitched the car into the air. And as the Ford Anglia slammed down again, bobbing on its squealing shocks, the engine burbled back to life. Harry looked up, peering through the shattered windscreen. The willow’s branches, as one, reared back, ready for one last punishing blow. “Come on! Go fast!” Harry cried out. “Punch it, Ron!” Scootaloo screamed. “Hurry! Reverse! Reverse!” Sweetie Belle urged. Ron shifted the car into first gear, and it shot backward. The willow pummeled the tread-marked ground the group just vacated. Safely clear, the doors fly open, the seats tip sideways, and the group are ejected. As they hit the ground, their trunks fly from the boot, Hedwig’s and Scabbers’ cages rockets out the back window, and the boys manage to catch them in mid-air. Sunset Shimmer spotted Ray’s tank flying in mid-air and managed to catch it before it hit the ground. “Scabbers, you’re okay,” Ron sighed with relief. All of a sudden, its taillights blazing angrily, the battered car seals the doors and speeds off. “The car!” Sunset Shimmer shouted. “Catch it!” Sweetie Belle pointed. Driving all by itself, the car sailed forth as the group tried to catch it but to no avail. Driving far from the castle, it fishtailed into the Dark Forest… and beyond that, who knows? “Dad’s going to kill me,” Ron groaned. “Ya think?” Apple Bloom replied. Suddenly, they hear a tremendous groan and turn back. The Whomping Willow assumed its natural form, waiting for its next victim. But there was no time for pondering the tree. They needed to get inside the castle in hopes of attending the sorting ceremony in time. But compared to the events occurring today, our heroes were in for some further trouble just ahead. Unbeknownst to the group, their little episode made today’s headlines in the local newspaper, the Evening Prophet, and one particular professor, who hated the group, watched from the shadows waiting for their arrival. At some point, the group had split up with the boys going one way to drop their luggage and the girls heading in another direction. The CMC hadn’t gotten very far when a groan caught the girls’ attention. The crusaders gathered around Sunset, concerned upon noticing her rubbing her head. “Are you okay, Sunset?” Apple Bloom asked. “Your head looks swollen!” “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine,” Sunset reassured. “I’ve had worst… can’t say crashing into a Whomping Willow has been a pleasant experience.” “I doubt any of us want a ride like that again…” Scootaloo frowned. “All I wanted was one ride on the Hogwarts Express!” Sweetie Belle pouted. “But then that stupid wall locked us out! How’d that happen?” “We’ll figure that out later,” Sunset replied, clutching Ray’s tank. “Let’s just find Twilight and your sisters. No doubt they’re in the Great Hall by now.” “What about Harry and Ron?” Apple Bloom asked. “We’ll meet up with them later. We have to get you girls sorted while there’s still time. Come on, the Great Hall should be this way.” Sunset Shimmer and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were soon exploring the castle halls. Until at last, they came upon some stained glass and peeked inside. “Check it out girls!” Apple Bloom pointed out. “That must be the Sorting Ceremony. That’s when the Sorting Hat decides which houses to send the new students, right?” “You’re a very smart filly, Apple Bloom,” Sunset Shimmer complimented. “Every new student goes through that… well except me, Wallflower, and Juniper. We were handpicked by Discord…” “Look! Ginny’s next!” Apple Bloom spotted. “I wonder what house she’s in?” Sweetie Belle wondered. “I hope we get sorted in the same house as hers,” Scootaloo added. “Hey! We should be there right now! C’mon! Let’s get sorted!” The girls were just about to turn and leave with Sunset Shimmer to the Great Hall, just then Sweetie Belle stopped. “Hold on!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed. “There’s an empty seat at the staff table… where’s Professor Snape?” “Judge Turpin’s grumpy wizard cousin or whatever?” Scootaloo asked. “What about him?” “He’s gone!” Sweetie Belle answered. “I don’t see him anywhere.” “Maybe he’s sick?” Apple Bloom guessed. “Or maybe… he got fired!” Scootaloo smiled. “Y’know, I never liked that guy. Never very nice, good riddance for that Potion Master.” “Now Scootaloo, I’m not a fan of him either,” Sunset shook her head. “But I happen to know Potions wasn’t the class he ever wanted to teach. He’s always been more interested in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Maybe he quit after failing to get the position.” “Or perhaps he’s been waiting to hear how you four are late…” Startled, Sunset Shimmer and the Crusaders turned to the source of a familiar voice. Standing before them, like a bat out of hell, was the Potions Master and Head of Slytherin himself, Professor Snape. “P-P-Professor Snape!” Scootaloo stammered. “We were just talking about you! All good things, all good things…” Slytherin’s professor turned his head toward Sunset, who shivered at the piercing gaze of his cold eyes. “Sunset Shimmer,” Snape said slowly. “Not exactly how Princess Twilight Sparkle described you. If this is your attempt at a first impression, I’m very disappointed. “Sir, if you let me explain—” Sunset began. “Save it,” Professor Snape scowled. “First, we need to find Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley.” <> Speaking of whom, Harry and Ron, filthy and bruised, just arrived at the main entrance to set their luggage down amongst a mountain of student trunks and caged pets already brought up from the train. “See you, Hedwig!” Harry told his owl. The boys literally had to drag themselves up the steps after tonight’s activities. To say they were confused by the day’s turn of events was a gross understatement. “So, a house elf shows up in my bedroom, we can’t get through the barrier to Platform Nine and Three Quarters, we almost get killed by a tree…” Harry listed. “Clearly someone doesn’t want me here this year.” “Well, take a good look, lads…” The boys stopped and stood face-to-face with the grim caretaker, Argus Filch, standing atop the landing and his cat, Mrs. Norris, twitching her tail at his feet. The man glared at them with a malicious smile. “This night well be the last you spend in this castle,” Filch gloated wickedly. “Oh dear, we are in trouble.” Harry and Ron both glanced nervously at each other, knowing what this meant. <> The Evening Prophet and with it its headline: FLYING FORD ANGLIA MYSTIFIES MUGGLES. Below the fold was a photo showing Harry, Twilight, and Lockhart at Flourish and Blotts. Professor Snape stood at his desk, newspaper in hand, as Harry and Ron stared with dread. But the boys were not alone in that office. Sunset Shimmer and the Cutie Mark Crusaders also stood in wait, while Filch lurked in the doorway, eying them with pleasure. “You were seen! By no less than seven muggles!” Snape furiously hurled the paper, glaring. “Do you have any idea how serious this is? You have risked the exposure of our world. Not to mention the damage you inflicted on a Whomping Willow that has been on these grounds for hundreds of years.” “Honestly, Professor Snape, I think it did more damage to us,” Ron spoke in their defense. “Silence!” Professor Snape barked angrily. “I assure you, were you in Slytherin and your fated rested with me, all of you would be on the train home tonight! As it is—” “They are not!” Harry and friends, including Filsh and Snape, turned. Albus Dumbledore himself stood in the doorway. Alongside him is a distinctly annoyed Professor McGonagall, along with Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and even the Mane Six. “Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall…” Harry greeted. “Twilight!” Sunset and the Crusaders called. “Girls! What happened?” Twilight asked. “Our students told us you were seen flying the Weasley’s car outside the train.” “Headmaster, Princess Twilight,” Professor Snape pointed. “These five have flouted the Decree for the Restriction of Underage Wizardry. All of which have been observed by this delinquent of a Jedi! As such…” “I’m well aware of our bylaws, Severus, having written more than a few myself,” Professor Dumbledore replied. “However, as Head of Gryffindor House, it is for Professor McGonagall to determine the appropriate action. As it is for Princess Twilight to decide the fate of Sunset Shimmer, our representative of the Jedi Order I’ve been told about.” “We’ll go and get our stuff,” Ron rose gloomily. “What are you talking about, Mr. Weasley?” Professor McGonagall asked. “Well, you’re going to expel us, aren’t you?” Ron asked. “Please don’t expel us!” Apple Bloom pleaded. “We only just started our First Year! We haven’t even been sorted yet!” “You’re not really going to expel us, are you Professor?” Sweetie Belle asked timidly. Gryffindor’s Head Professor eyed the boys and their new filly friends before she determined the most appropriate response. “Not today, Miss Sweetie Belle,” Professor McGonagall replied. The answer brought much relief not just for Harry and Ron, but the Crusaders as well. “Oh! Thanks Faust!” Apple Bloom sighed. “For a second there, I thought you were gonna—” Scootaloo added. “But… I must impress upon all of you the seriousness of what you have done,” Professor McGonagall spoke sternly. “I will be sending owls to your families tonight. And you will each get a detention.” All smiles dropped as the Crusaders whimpered, casting their eyes down in shame. “And we’re still in trouble,” Scootaloo sighed. “Ain’t like the first time it’s happened to us,” Sweetie Belle shook her head. “Least we ain’t gettin’ kicked out of another school… again,” Apple Bloom pouted. “As for you Miss Shimmer,” McGonagall addressed Sunset sternly. “I would expect you to set a better example for my students from now on.” Sunset Shimmer cringed with embarrassment for having made such a bad first impression toward the Head of Gryffindor. She turned toward Twilight, hoping for her to speak in her defense. But the alicorn princess turned away, also rather embarrassed. As for Harry and Ron, one gaze toward the pure venomous stare from Professor Snape… and that’s all they needed. “Splendid,” Dumbledore spoke up. “And now, I suggest we return to the fest. There’s a delicious-looking custard tart I want to sample. And we must hurry if we’re to have our three newest students sorted before the night is up.” Dumbledore and McGonagall departed from the office, along with the majority of the Mane Six and Snape following behind. The disapproving facial expression was plainly obvious to spot on the Head of Slytherin. Rising, Harry Potter, along with Ron and the Crusaders were passing Filch. Just then, Scootaloo noticed an envelope on the floor. Picking it up, she read the back: “KWIKSPELL. A CORRESPONDENCE COURSE IN BEGINNER’S MAGIC.” And it happened to be addressed to “MR. ARGUS FILCH”. “Uh, Mr. Filch, you dropped this,” Scootaloo informed the man. Filch turned, eyed the envelope with embarrassment, then snatched it from Scootlaoo’s hoof and stuffed it into his pocket. While Harry and friends passed on, Sunset and Twilight were the last to follow. “Tell me what happened, Sunset,” Twilight asked her friend, concerned. “Where do I start?” Sunset replied. <> Eventually, the group followed Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall all the way to the Grand Staircase. They made their way up the ever-changing stairs, eventually arriving at the two large doors which led to the Great Hall. Professor Dumbledore then turned back towards McGonagall. “Professor McGonagall if you wouldn’t mind waiting a mere moment while the Equestrian Professors and I take our places at the teacher’s table,” He informed the elder witch. “Also Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, and Ms. Shimmer need take their places at Gryffindor table.” “Of course, Professor Dumbledore,” She nodded, before addressing the group. “Ladies, Spike, please follow Professor Dumbledore.” “Sure thing, professor,” Spike nodded. “What about us?” Apple Bloom spoke up. “Why can’t we go in?” Scootaloo pointed out. “Worry not, young ones,” Dumbledore assured. “Once we’re all in place, Professor McGonagall shall escort you three inside and we’ll have you sorted shortly. Speaking of which, I believe it is time we begin.” Soon, Professor Dumbledoor opened one of the doors every so slightly so he could make his way into the hall. The CMC could hear the sounds of other students conversing within and just the very idea they would soon be walking in there before them all to be sorted honestly made them nervous. “Oh boy, this is actually happening,” Sweetie Belle said nervously. “To tell you the truth, I’m scared.” “There’s no need to be nervous, Sweetie Belle,” Rarity assured her sister. “We will be right in there waiting for you. Just be calm and be yourself.” “Same goes for you, squirt,” Rainbow wrapped a wing around Scootaloo. “Just remember, no matter what house you’re sorted into, you’re Scootaloo. That’s never gonna change.” “Thanks Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo smiled, nuzzling her idol’s side. “Ah just hope we don’t get sorted into Slytherin,” Apple Bloom spoke up. “Ah fer one ain’t wantin’ tah spend a year with Malfoy.” “Don’t you worry none, sugarcube,” Applejack assured her. “Knowin’ you and yer friends, ya won’t be sorted anywhere near Slytherin. Even if there’s a small chance ya are, ah know y’all are tough enough to make it through anything.” Apple Bloom smiled and gave her sister a nod of affirmation. “Well girls, we should probably get in there so this can start,” Fluttershy informed the Crusaders. “Good luck girls.” “Thanks Fluttershy,” All three said in unison. “I know you’ll do great things this year,” Twilight encouraged. “Who knows how much fun is in store for us this year?!” Pinkie said excitedly. The Mane Six and Spike gave the girls one last wave before following Professor Dumbledore into the Great Hall. This left Harry, Ron, and Sunset standing with the girls. “I suppose we best get in there as well before all the food is gone,” Ron spoke up. “Great pep talk Ron,” Sunset said sarcastically, eyes rolling. “I was getting to it,” Ron replied, facing the girls. “Here’s hoping you get into Gryffindor.” “Here’s hoping,” Apple Bloom nodded. “Though ah wouldn’t mind if we were sorted into Hufflepuff.” “Or Ravenclaw,” Sweetie Belle added. “I mean we’re all pretty smart.” “As long as it’s not Slytherin, I’m good with whatever,” Scootaloo said. “No matter what happens, we’re still your friends,” Harry smiled. “Good luck.” “Best of luck to you girls,” Sunset nodded. The three eventually entered the Great Hall and made their way toward the Gryffindor Table taking their seats beside the Student Six and Hermoine. “Where in Merlin’s name have you been?” Hermoine asked, as they sat down. “When you guys didn’t board the train, we got worried,” Silverstream added. “It’s kind of a long story,” Ron chuckled. Before they could proceed, the Great Hall’s doors opened, and all eyes turned as Professor McGonagall led the Cutie Mark Crusaders through the hall. The Student Six gave them assuring smiles as they passed by, which the young fillies happily returned. As they followed McGonagall down the end of the hall, Sweetie Belle looked over toward the Slytherin table noticing Malfoy and his goons staring daggers at them. However, that wasn’t what upset her most. It was that small glimpse of the Whisper Dream bat pony from before. She sat on the floor behind Malfoy, all scared and sad, feeling as though she didn’t belong… even amongst the other students. “Poor girl,” Sweetie Belle frowned. Eventually, McGonagall and the three filles made their way to the very front of the Great Hall where the Sorting Hat sat upon its stool. Standing before the remainder of Hogwarts’ student body, McGonagall gave her class a few taps to get their attention. “Your attention please!” She announced. “Before we continue with the feast, we have three students yet to be sorted this evening. But before we commence, Professor Dumbledore and the princesses of Equestria have a quick announcement to make.” The elder witch stood to the side as Dumbledore stood from his chair. As he began his speech, Princess Celestia and Luna made their way to his side. “As Hogwarts and Equestria come together through this shared bond, we have experienced a great many changes since the past year,” Dumbledore began. “The arrival of our newest students and ambassadors from Equestria have made quite an impression upon what Hogwarts stood for and by being here proved to be a great help in our need. Now I wish to continue this newfound tradition with a few new changes. “Firstly, I understand there are those among you who haven’t known of Equestria and the livelihood of its inhabitants, both ponies and creatures alike. In a sense, they shared similar magic to our own yet live their lives differently. It is a land of great heroes and villains, stories that have stood the test of time through generation upon generation and thousands of years since. In speaking of a thousand years, since Professor Binns will not be joining us this year, I can think of no experienced pony to service as History of Magic Professor… than Celestia’s own son, Prince Storm Shield.” Applause erupts in the halls along with murmurs of awe and surprise as Storm Shield himself climbs the stand. He gives a hug toward his mother Celestia and his aunt Luna before he makes his way toward Dumbledore, shaking his hand as they share a silent thanks. The applause continues as Storm Shield makes for the head of the stand, holding his hoof up in the air with a smile on his face. “Thank you… thank you…” Storm thanked, as the crowd died down. “Thank you to all of Hogwarts for this tremendous opportunity. As some of you may or may not have known, I had spent a thousand years trapped within the mystical Philosopher’s Stone… or the Sorcerer’s Stone, whichever you prefer. Since my reawakening, I’ve seen so much change both in Equestria and Hogwarts alike. The biggest I’ve seen to date is herds of all shapes and sizes joining together just as Celestia dreamed of and seeing how strong our magic has grown. “As your newly assigned professor, I carry with me a great deal of stories surrounding this magic which to this day still remains a mystery as it continues to evolve over the years. But I recognize that it is such a huge topic that even a Prince such as myself can’t teach it alone. Which is why, after much deliberation, I’ve recommended a pony who harbors a great love for learning with a lifetime of knowledge she’s studied. A pony who some say would make a great professor; a pony who I think will benefit for this year’s assembly of promising wizards and witches…” All heads leaned with anticipation, eyes widening as they anxiously waited for the news. Amongst the Mane Six, the girls and Spike started getting some ideas and turned towards Twilight Sparkle. The alicorn’s cheeks began to blush slightly, and her wings briefly fluttered. And the prince himself was just about to declare the name before the entire school… “Moon Dancer…” Storm Shield announced. “Would you please join us?” Just then, a female unicorn pony appeared before the group and in a way almost resembled Twilight Sparkle. Only she had a light yellowing gray coat, a majority of it covered by a neatly ironed Hogwarts uniform, a red mane and tail with purple highlights, purple eyes covered by a pair of glasses with its center heavily bandaged, and a cutie mark with a crescent moon and three stars. The audience was stunned at first… but then erupted in applause to welcome the second professor, as she shyly stood up front as she shook hands with the Prince of Peace himself. Twilight Sparkle, though slightly disappointed, still clapped knowing that the Prince would be working with a very good friend of hers. Once the announcements were made, Dumbledore took his place while Storm Shield and Moon Dancer joined the Mane Six and Spike. “Thank you, Storm Shield, you and Moon Dancer will be right at home in our school,” Dumbledore replied, clearing his throat. “Now then, after the events of the sorting ceremony last year, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and I have reached a decision which henceforth will move forward. Starting this year, any group of students who share a bond as close as blood may select one student to sort them all to the same house.” This additional announcement caused murmur amongst the students over this new revelation. New teachers, ponies nonetheless, and now suddenly a group’s housing can be determined by one student. There was just so much to take in. “After seeing the bond six of our students last year shared between one another, it only seemed fitting the same applies for any students from here on out,” Celestia added. “This new rule not only applies to Equestria students alone,” Luna continued. “Any students, Equestrian or human, have full rights to this new ruling as all the others.” “Thank you,” Professor Dumbledore concluded. The rest of the Great Hall gave a small round of applause as their headmaster and the princesses once more took their seats. McGonagall then grabbed the sorting hat, turning her attention to the three fillies. “Now I must ask you three which of you will be the one to be sorted?” The girls looked amongst each other, silently discussing who would be best suited for such a high honor. Both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked toward Apple Bloom, their smiles saying enough. To which Apple Bloom nodded in understanding. “Ah suppose that’ll be me, Professor,” Apple Bloom spoke up. “Then please step forth, Ms. Bloom,” McGonagall gestured. The rest in attendance in the Great Hall, especially the Mane and the Student Six, watched with anticipation. Apple Bloom slowly made her way up and hopped onto the stool. McGonagall lowered the Sorting Hat onto the little filly’s head, and it sprang to life. “Ah, another Equestrian student I see,” The hat spoke. “More seem to come by the year. You come here with preferences and preconceptions—certain expectations.” Apple Bloom looked out amongst her fellow crusaders; all the other students looked toward her as she considered the hat’s words. Indeed, she and her friends did come with such expectations for their first year at Hogwarts. “Ah’m really lookin’ forward to mah first year here at Hogwarts,” Apple Bloom spoke happily. “Ah can’t wait tah explore the castle grounds and meet all mah professors.” “Indeed…” The hat nodded. “Much can be gleamed from having an adventurous spirit. Just remember, you have much to learn along the way. But first, we must decide where to put you.” “Wherever ah end up Mr. Sorting Hat, ah’m just glad ah’ll be with mah friends,” Apple Bloom responded. “I see,” The hat contemplated. “Your dedication to your friends seems to be your most outstanding quality. In fact, I believe it is what delayed your arrival this evening. You share a bond with them as though bound by blood. Not to mention you do not give up easily. You are undaunted by challenges that lie ahead. These traits show you are best suited in… HUFFLEPUFF!” The entire room erupted into cheers and applause, especially from the Mane Six, Spike, Sunset Shimmer, Storm Shield, Moon Dancer, and the Student Six. After McGonagall took the hat off her head, Apple Bloom excitedly jumped off the stool and raced to embrace her two best friends in a massive group hug. They made their way over to a section of the Hufflepuff table where they could sit close to their friends in Gryffindor house. “Now then, let the feast proceed,” McGonagall announced. Everyone returned to their meals as the Crusaders looked toward the teachers’ table. They saw Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash looking toward them with pride as the same as their friends. They turned toward Student Six, all smiling and waving, and Smolder even gave a claw up. While this year had started off with a rocky start, perhaps there was still a chance this year would turn out alright. <> Following the conclusion of the feast, all the students piled out of the Great Hall as they followed their prefects toward their common rooms. The Cutie Mark Crusaders walked alongside the Student Six who gave them so many congratulations on being sorted into Hufflepuff. “That was awesome guys!” Sandbar said excitedly. “Though I must ask, why were you guys not on the train?” Silverstream asked curiously. “When you guys didn’t come through the platform, we were worried. Headmare Twilight and the professors almost didn’t board the train because they were determined to wait for you. And how do you explain why Smolder and Ocellus saw you guys in the Weasley’s flying car?” “Yeah… sorry about that,” Sweetie Belle apologized. “We ran into some trouble with the wall.” “More like running smack dab into the wall!” Scootaloo shook her head. “How’d that happen?” Yona asked. “We run through wall no problem. How ponies have trouble?” “Can’t really explain it, Yona,” Apple Bloom shrugged. “When we couldn’t get through, we flew in the car and crashed into some weird angry tree that tried tah flatten us. I dunno if I’ll ever be buckin’ trees the same after today.” “Sounds like you squirts had quite the journey,” Smolder smirked. “I’m just thankful you’re alright,” Ocellus voiced relief. In that moment, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack approached the Crusaders and enveloped each of them with huge hugs. “I’m so proud of all three of you,” Rarity spoke teary-eyed. “Seeing you sorted in your house; it made me so emotional. You’re all growing up so fast.” “No kidding!” Rainbow chuckled. “Never been prouder of you.” “Ah second that!” Applejack agreed. “Ah’m just thankful y’all got here in one piece. When ya didn’t come through, we tried tah get back but for some reason we couldn’t.” “It was quite perplexing,” Rarity nodded in agreement. “Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall are trying to figure out exactly what happened to the barrier as we speak. But the important matter is that you’re all here, safe, sound, and official students.” “As am I.” Hearing the new voice caused the ponies to turn to their side as a short, plump witch approached. She wore gardener style robes and a hat, which they noticed as she walked by. This was Professor Sprout, the Herbology Professor, and head of Hufflepuff House.” “Pleased to meet the three of you,” She greeted warmly. “I am Professor Sprout, head of your house. Professor Dumbledore asked if I might personally escort you to the common room.” “That’s very kind of your Professor Sprout,” Rarity thanked her. “Mind if myself, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash accompany you?” “We’d sure love tah show our sisters where they’ll be stayin’,” Applejack added. “Of course not, dears,” Professor Sprout smiled. “Sweet!” Rainbow smirked, facing the Student Six. “You dudes follow Percy back to the common room and get a good sleep tonight. You start the day with Herbology tomorrow.” “No problem, Professor Dash,” Gallus nodded. “Goodnight girls,” Silverstream waved. “Hope you enjoy your first night at Hogwarts.” The Student Six followed the rest of Gryffindor house through the Grand Staircase while Professor Sprout led the Crusaders and their sisters down a big winding staircase to the lower corridors. After taking a few twists and turns, they eventually arrived at the end of the passage with a few casks stacked upon one another with three larger wine casks to the left. “Ah here we are, the entrance to Hufflepuff common room,” Professor Sprout announced. “This is the entrance?” Sweetie Belle asked quizzically. “Indeed!” Professor Sprout nodded. “I shall explain what to do but you must remember this combination exactly. One small mistake could result in you being doused with vinegar.” “Ew!” Scootaloo cringed. “Yes, most unpleasant,” Sprout nodded. “Now then, you must tap the barrel. Two from the bottom, middle of the second row, in the rhythm of Hel-ga Huff-le-puff.” “Some passcode,” Rainbow said impressed. The three Crusaders looked amongst each other. “Who’s gonna give it a shot?” Apple Bloom asked. “I’ll give it a go,” Scootaloo replied. Scootaloo stepped forward and looked at the barrel that would gain them entry to their common room. She tapped the panel in the order as instructed, causing the last giant cask to fold open and reveal the entrance to the common room itself. “Excellent work, dears!” Sprout congratulated them. “Now, I think you should all head inside and get some sleep. You have a big first day ahead of you tomorrow.” “Thank you, Professor Sprout,” All three spoke simultaneously. The head of Hufflepuff nodded before walking off down the corridor. Soon the Crusaders and their sisters were left standing at the entrance. “Well, guess this is it,” Applejack said teary-eyed. “Yer all grown up now and startin’ yer learnin’ at Hogwarts.” Apple Bloom smiled and hugged her sister tightly which Applejack reciprocated. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo did the same with Rarity and Rainbow Dash. “We’ll be right back here bright and early to lead you to your first lessons,” Rarity told them. “Don’t want you getting lost on your first day.” “And make sure you all get some sleep,” Rainbow advised, then face Scootaloo. “That means you too, squirt.” For the last time that night, the three older mares gave their sisters a warm hug. “Good night you three,” Rarity told them. “Good night,” The crusaders said together. Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash soon walked off down the hall and eventually out of sight. The Crusaders faced the entrance to the common room and slowly made their way inside. When they got in, they all gasped with wide eyes at the sight before them. The Hufflepuff common room resembled a very cozy burrow with an assortment of plants everywhere. It looked so warm and inviting for the three fillies. “Wow, this place looks amazin’!” Apple Bloom smiled. “Reminds me of our tree house.” “You can say that again,” Sweetie Belle nodded. “Reminds me of our tree house.” “Girls, I think we’re going to fit in just fine,” Scootaloo spoke up. <> Elsewhere in the castle, Twilight Sparkle and Storm Shield found themselves walking through the corridors of the fourth floor for the History of Magic classroom. The earlier announcement of Storm Shield taking Professor Binns’ spot from here on out was definitely a surprise for everyone and every pony, especially Twilight Sparkle. Ultimately, she was happy Storm had been granted the position. Yet she still wasn’t certain of Moon Dancer being assigned as his assistant professor. True, Twilight and Moon Dancer rekindled their friendship long ago and have since been on good terms, but Twilight would be lying if she wasn’t the least bit jealous. She’d talk with Moon Dancer, but she left for her own room and wouldn’t be available till the start of classes tomorrow, so Storm decided to make his way to his room near the classroom. “Pretty exciting that you’ll be teaching at Hogwarts now,” Twilight spoke up. “How’d that come about anyway?” “Mom and Auntie Luna thought it be a good idea since I’ve lived through a good deal of history in both Equestria and other worlds,” Storm responded. “They talked to Albus about me taking over the position since Binns is retiring, and he thought it was a great idea.” “I still find it odd Professor Binns is retiring,” Twilight said curiously. “How exactly is a ghost supposed to enjoy retirement?” “He’ll probably visit his old haunts,” Storm replied. Hearing the joke made Twilight giggle a bit, but she quickly turned away to hide the blush on her face. It was then Storm turned toward her. “Gotta say Sparky, when I saw your reaction to my announcement earlier, you weren’t thrilled with Moon Dancer being the assistant professor,” Storm observed. “What?! NOOO… it’s cool,” Twilight smiled nervously. “It’s great she’s getting the chance to teach. I actually wish she’d been given an opportunity to teach a class of her own considering how she spends her days studying. I always thought maybe Astronomy, all the way up on the tippy top tower of the school… far away from this floor.” This caused Storm Shield to grin mischievously at her. “Why Twilight Sparkle, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were jealous.” “What?! No—totally not jealous!” She chuckled nervously. “Definitely no jealousy here. Oh hey, I see your room down there. Here we are!” Twilight quickly increased her trotting speed to get ahead of Storm so he wouldn’t see her blush intensify to the point her face now resembled a tomato. Storm merely chuckled as he trotted forward to catch up with her. There was no fooling this prince, he knows a jealous pony when he spots one… especially the super-jealous type. But eventually, the two stopped outside Storm’s room and they both looked at each other with a smile. “Thanks for accompanying me to my room, Ms. Sparkle,” Storm thanked her. “No problem,” Twilight responded. “I should probably head back to the Gryffindor common room. Pretty big day ahead of us tomorrow.” “That we do,” Storm nodded. “Hope you have a great night’s sleep, Sparky. And… you may want to work a little harder on controlling that blush of yours.” Twilight’s eyes widened to the size of saucers, and she quickly turned away again. “Oh um—yeah that—I wasn’t—I’ll see you tomorrow.” She quickly lit her horn with her magic and zapped herself to the Gryffindor common room before she embarrassed herself further tonight. Storm chuckled at her cute quirkiness before turning the door handle to his room and stepped inside. Once inside his room, he looked around to make sure not a soul was in sight before shutting the door and eyeing the empty room. “Alright, coast is clear!” Storm announced. “You can come out now.” Upon making things official, Quill Cast, along with Curtain Call, Mirai, and Draxus emerged from hiding. “You’re sure no one else knows we’re here?” Quill asked Storm. “No one besides me, my mom, my aunt, and Dumbledore,” Storm assured. “But who’s counting?” “Good, because we have our roles to play and they have theirs,” Curtain informed. “Long as we keep them on the path they’re meant to head down and we manage our business, the Multiverse stays in balance.” “We still have members of the Legion out there we need to find,” Mirai reminded them. “Didn’t you say a few more will be arriving before too long?” “Hopefully they’ll be here soon,” Quill nodded. “No idea when exactly, but we can always count on them.” “In the meantime, we should get some sleep,” Storm suggested. “Won’t do us good to save the universe if we’re tired.” “Good point,” Curtain nodded. “Besides, if I don’t get my eight hours, I’ll be cranky all day.” “… He’s not exaggerating.” Storm made his way toward his bed, getting himself situated for a good night’s rest. The other individuals made themselves as comfortable as possible on the floor. “Thanks again for letting us room with you Storm,” Quill expressed his thanks. “At least only temporarily.” “Well, there was no way I’m letting my friends sleep out in the cold,” Storm replied. “Mi casa su casa as the old saying goes.” “Hey Mirai, remember that jam you wrote back in Skyrim?” Curtain asked the young girl. “How can I not?” Mirai nodded. “How’s about setting the atmosphere for old time’s sake?” Mirai released a giggle before sitting up and reaching into her things. Soon, she pulled out a lute and began to strum a pleasant little tune that she eventually began to sing: > First Day and the Howler > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, following last night’s incident with the Whomping Willow, all the students and staff awoke for the start of the new school year. By the time Harry Potter and friends parted ways with their fellow Gryffindors, the CMC made way to attend their first lesson of their first year while the Assistant Professors departed for their own lessons. As dawn shined upon Hogwarts Castle, the Whomping Willow sulked in the courtyard, with slings strung about its injured branches. Over the castle walls lay the exterior of Greenhouse Three, where the students hurried inside for the beginning of class. This was the class where the CMC would tackle their first Herbology assignment, a class taught by Professor Pomona Sprout. All the second year students consisted of a mix of Gryffindors and Slytherins also in attendance. The Gold Trio, including the Young Six, made their way inside waiting for both their Professor and assistant professor to arrive. Along the way, they decided to chat about their friends to pass the time. But of course, the biggest subject was recent events that had apparently spread across the school. “Detention. On the first day?” Neville began. “That must be some kind of record,” Seamus joked. “We’re just lucky that’s all we got,” Sweetie Belle sighed. “You’d think these guys would mind their own business,” Scootaloo pouted. “Settle down, girls,” Apple Bloom advised. “Let’s just try to get through today.” Suddenly, in the nick of time, Professor Sprout, a squat little witch, arrived to set the new school year off at a bright, fresh start. But she was not alone, as the assistant professor this class revealed herself… Apple Bloom’s own sister herself, Applejack. “Morning everyone!” Sprout called out, tapping the pots with her wand. “Good morning, everyone!” “Good morning, Professor Sprout!” The students greeted in unison. “Morning’, y’all!” Applejack greeted. “Morning, Professor Applejack!” “Welcome to Greenhouse Three, Second Years,” Professor Sprout began. “Now gather round, everyone.” The witch proceeded to beckon the students around a gathering of pots. “Today, we’re going to re-pot Mandrakes. Now, who here can tell us the properties of the Mandrake root?” “Yes, Hermoine Granger?” Applejack acknowledged. “Mandrake, or Mandragora, is used to return those who have been transfigured or petrified to their original state,” Hermoine explained. “It’s also quite dangerous. The Mandrake’s cry is fatal to anyone who hears it.” “Excellent!” Sprout nodded. “Ten points to Gryffindor.” All the Gryffindors smiled for Hermoine, the girl giving them a stellar start. Meanwhile, all the Slytherins eyed them with envy. “Now, as our Mandrakes are only seedlings, their cries won’t kill you yet,” Sprout explained. “However, they will knock you out for several hours—” “Hold on, Professor Sprout,” Applejack interrupted, catching Ocellus. “Yes, Ocellus. Do you have a question?” “How dangerous is a young Mandrake’s cry?” Ocellus asked nervously. “Excellent question!” Applejack smiled with approval. “Like what Hermoine said, their cries won’t kill you… yet. Which is why we’ve given each of you a pair of earmuffs for auditory protection. And now, we’re about to find out just how loud is a young Mandrake’s cry. I think it’s time, Partner. “I agree, Applejack,” Sprout nodded. “Students, could you all please put them on right away? Quickly. Flaps tight and watch us closely.” While everyone gets their earmuffs on, Scootaloo turns to the side and her snickering causes her friends to look where she’s pointing. Frowning, Ron had gotten a bright pink fluffy pair. The girls couldn’t help but deem it funny, if only to take their minds off their upcoming detention. Seeing the class ready, Professor Sprout and Applejack led the class further down the garden area. “All eyes and ears here, every pony and everyone,” Applejack beckoned. “No talking. Professor Sprout?” Nodding in confirmation, the two processors proceed to grab two Mandrakes while the stout witch continues the lecture. “You grasp your Mandrake firmly,” Sprout instructed. “You pull it sharply out of the pot—” The professors proceed to grasp one of the tufty plants before them… and pull. Gasps erupt as eyes get a glimpse of the mandrakes. Instead of roots, they were small, muddy, and extremely ugly babies popping out of the Earth, leaves growing right out of their heads and their cries giving off an ear piercing pitch. Some of the students tried to cover their ears, while most were cringing over the noise but thankfully their professors knew what they were doing. Eventually, Sprout and Applejack proceed to place both Mandrakes into their own separate pots. “And now you dunk it down in the other pot and pour a little sprinkling of soil to keep them warm!” Sprout practically shouted. The professors plunge the bawling creatures deep into the pots and proceed to sprinkle some soil along the little beasts. All of a sudden, Nevill and Sandbar’s eyes roll back, and they instantly faint in shock. As the professors remove their earmuffs, everyone, save Neville and Sandbar, follow suit. The professors sigh unamused seeing the boys stretched along the ground. “Hm… looks as though Mr. Longbottom and Sandbar’s been neglecting their earmuffs,” Sprout observed. While the Slytherins smirked, shaking their heads in amusement, Seamus leaned over to study the unconscious fellows. “No, ma’ams,” Seamus corrected. “They just fainted.” “Very well,” Sprout nodded understandingly. “We’ll just leave them there then.” Seamus looks toward the professors then back toward the boys with disbelief as their mentors proceeded to continue their lecture on the proper method of Mandrake planting. “Right, on we go,” Applejack continued. “Four to a tray, plenty of pots to go round. Remember: Grasp your Mandrake and pull it up.” One by one, every student (Minus Neville and Sandbar) pulled their Mandrakes out of the pot. The entire student body cringed in disgust or in pain over the noise these young Mandrakes were making. Draco decided to play with one of the Mandrakes by tickling the creature, even attempting to put his finger into its mouth. The action caused the Mandrake to bite his finger while Draco pulled it out and immediately placed the plant back in the pot. Gallus laughed at Draco’s misfortune, as the boy quickly removed Gallus’ earmuff with one hand and grabbed the Mandrake with another, holding it so close to the griffin’s ear making the young one cringe in pain over the screeching ringing through his eardrum. “Ooh… a funny man, huh?” Gallus nodded. Gallus proceeded to grab his own Mandrake and leaned him toward Draco’s nose, and the creature clenched his teeth along the bridge. Draco screamed in agony as his goons, Crabbe and Goyle, tried to pry the beast off of their leader. These shenanigans caused a few of Gallus’s friends to laugh in amusement, even a particular pony in the corner couldn’t help but giggle slightly at the scene. Eventually, the bell rang loudly, signally the end of the lesson. Soon everyone scurried out of the room, as quickly as possible, all heading towards the Great Hall. Of course, just when they think the day has reached its end, what they didn’t know is that this day has only just begun. <> Deep within the lower dungeon of Hogwarts, barely illuminated by the fire in the fireplace, the Potion Master Severus Snape was sitting in his office reading the Daily Prophet. Just then, a knocking upon his door interrupted his reading and yet he didn’t even bother to look up. “Show yourself, Discord,” The head of Slytherin ordered. In a flash of light, the master of chaos, found of his theater in Equestria, and self-proclaimed Hufflepuff professor appeared before the unamused potions master. “Is that anyway to welcome a guest?” Discord huffed. “I should be docking points from you, Mr. Snake-in-the-grass. No, no… that’s too polite… Mr. Stick in the mud! Oh yeah, that’s a good one!” “What do you want, Discord?” Snape grumbled. “Well, for starters, you might want to hire someone to clean this place up,” Discord observed. “Honestly, the vibes here are… depressing. I’m put-off by this gloomy goth phase you’ve got going on.” Snape, on the other hand, remained stone-faced despite the kooky draconequss’s antics. “Fine. Have it your way, stone-face,” Discord mocked. “Luckily for you, being the suave, talented, and marvelous Hufflepuff Professor I am, I’m offering to do you a favor. Free of charge.” “A favor?” Snape raised an eyebrow. “Of course!” In a flash, Discord snapped his fingers and a table with a pot and teacups appeared between the Snape and Discord. “I suppose you know by now, the alliance of Equestria and the Wizarding World has just been renewed,” Discord explained. “There’s even this new alliance forged between the Jedi from some galaxy far, far away via Grand Master Storm Shield. In other words, we’ll be expecting a growing number of new students visiting our school… which you’re fully aware of, no doubt?” “And your point is?” Snape asked. “More students mean a demand for more teachers. You need an assistant, Mr. Snape.” “… Out of the question,” Snape waved his wand making the tea set vanish. “I’m perfectly capable of performing my job as professor; I require no assistance from you.” “Uh… perhaps you misunderstood,” Discord dusted himself. “I’m not asking to be your assistant nor am I asking you to get one. You are getting an assistant, whether you want one or not.” Professor Snape glared at Discord, but somehow there was no room for argument with this mischievous creature. “Seeing as how you refuse to take no for an answer, I’ll consider it to amuse you,” Snape spoke. “But you should know I have standards to meet. If this… assistant you recommend does not meet them, I will have them let go without hesitation.” “Excellent!” Discord smiled. “You won’t be disappointed!” With a snap of his finger, the fireplace suddenly lit up in a blazing green inferno. Instantaneously, a pony appeared covered in soot. Discord walked over to pick up said pony and dusted off all the soot until the pony itself was fully revealed. A unicorn, white with a pastel mane color of purple, pink, and blue. Her mane and tail were curly, her eyes a lovely shade of blue. Her cutie mark was that of a pink bubbling potion in a beaker. “This little darling is Potion Nova!” Discord introduced the unicorn. “A graduate of Princess Celestia’s School of Gifted Unicorns, long before Twilight even lost her first tooth. A potion master since the age of five with a bonafide degree to show for it!” “Hi! I’m Potion Nova!” The unicorn smiled, shaking Snape’s hand. “Sweet Celestia, it’s nice to meet a new face!” Professor Snape remained stone-faced, turning his eyes toward Discord, who merely beckoned him to interview the unicorn. “Miss Potion Nova?” Snape began. “What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?” “That’s an easy one!” Potion Nova smiled. “You get the Draught of Living Death! Which is a powerful…” “Where would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?” Snape continued. “From the stomach of a goat!” Potion Nova answered. “And if I’m not mistaken, the stone itself is an antidote for most poisons?” “Yes…” Snape raised an eyebrow, then continued. “What are the ingredients of a Polyjuice potion?” “Let’s see…” Potion Nova began. “Lacewing flies, stewed for exactly 21 days, powdered bicorn horns, shredded boomslang skins, knotgrass, fluxweek picked at a full moon, and leeches… Oh! You need a hair from someone you want to impersonate.” “Impressive…” Snape admitted slightly. “You know your potions, Mrs. Nova. But do you know how to use them? How many drops of Veritaserum is required for the drinker to spill out their darkest secrets?” “Three!” Potion Nova answered proudly. “Well, I see you two have formed a bond,” Discord chortled, preparing to leave. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’d best be off to prepare for my class. Discord out!” With a snap of his fingers, Discord vanished in a flash of light leaving Snape to further test Potion Nova’s extensive knowledge… mostly to see if he could get the pony to make ‘one’ mistake. <> Meanwhile, the Great Hall is alive with activity as lunch hour has commenced. Percy entered in the company of a Miss Penelope Clearwater, just as Nearly Headless Nick glided by. “There’s Nearly Headless Nick!” Penelope pointed. “Hello, Sir Nicholas,” Percy greeted. “Hello, Percy,” Nick tipped his ‘head’. “Miss Clearwater.” At the Gryffindor table, Hermoine has her nose buried in Gilderoy Lockhart’s Travels with Trolls. Ron tried running gobs of Spellotape over his broken wand to stick the pieces back together. The poor boy shook his head grimly, seeing the wand looked as though it had seen better days. “Say it, I’m doomed,” Ron frowned. “You’re doomed,” Harry told Ron sympathetically. Sitting across the boys, one individual was having it worse with her head lying in a bowl of salad. Poor Sunset Shimmer had been wallowing in her sorrow for what felt like hours. Her pet gecko, Ray, nuzzles his head against her cheek trying to cheer his owner up. Harry, Ron, the Student Six, and especially the Cutie Mark Crusaders looked at the Jedi Sorceress with worry. “How long has she been like that?” Gallus asked the crusaders. “All morning,” Apple Bloom answered. Sandbar blew a whistle, surprised over the revelation. Nevertheless, the Earth pony approached the solemn Jedi master. “Hey… Sunset?” Sandbar reached out. “How are you feeling?” “Uhhhhhh…” Sunset groaned in response. “… Good talk,” Sandbar concluded. “What’s going on here?” Just then, Twilight Sparkle, along with the Mane Six and Spike, came over to check up on Sunset Shimmer. “Poor Sunset’s still a little bummed…” Apple Bloom explained. “About you know what.” Twilight and her friends exchanged looks, realizing the severity of the situation. Together, they approach Sunset Shimmer, with Twilight sitting by Sunset’s side. “Sunset, are you okay?” Twilight asked. Finally, Sunset Shimmer picked her head out of the salad as bits of lettuce still hung in her hair. “Yes… I’m fine,” Sunset answered glumly. “Just… meditating.” “You were?” Twilight nodded. “In a bowl of salad?” Fluttershy pointed out innocently. “It’s my stress salad, Fluttershy,” Sunset answered. “Is this about what happened with the car and the whomping willow?” Rainbow Dash asked. “No… I’ve ascended beyond nerves,” Sunset replied. “I’m just contemplating my untimely doom, all because I embarrassed Grandmaster Storm Shield, and Ben, even Sabine in front of the entire wizarding world! Back in Canterlot High, I was the top of my art class and a pretty good gamer. In those days, I almost thought I could be a game designer, creating artwork for games. Now I sit here knowing no one will ever let me live down the biggest mistakes of my life. “Trying to murder Twilight Sparkle… TWICE, my past crimes as a Sith Lord, and on TOP OF ALL THAT… in cahoots with stealing a car, exposing the wizarding world to muggles, crashing into a Whomping Willow, and endangering five kids under my watch! HAVE I LEFT ANYTHING OUT?!” “Uh…” Spike raised a claw. “Please, don’t answer that Spike…” “Okay.” With a heavy sigh, Sunset Shimmer slammed her head back into her bowl of salad to wallow in her sorrows. “Wow… that’s a lot when you say it all at once,” Pinkie Pie commented. “She’s definitely got issues,” Rainbow Dash added. “Girls, please!” Twilight begged, placing a hand on Sunset’s shoulder. “Look Sunset, if you’re really having a problem, I think we can…” “Hiya Harry!” Without warning, a flash of light nearly blinded Harry Potter and caught everyone’s attention. As Harry blinked his eyes, he found that the light and the excited voice came from a camera belonging to the hands of a rather small boy, a first year Gryffindor student excited to meet Harry Potter. This was… “I’m Colin Creevey!” The boy introduced himself. “I’m in Gryffindor too!” “Hello, Colin,” Harry greeted. “Nice to meet—” “Say, do you think your friends here could take a photo of me and you, standing together?” Colin asked. “Y’know? To prove I met you? It’s for my dad. He’s a milkman, y’know, a Muggle, like all of our family’s been until me. No one knew all the odd stuff I could do was magic till we got my letter from Hogwarts. Everyone just thought I was mental.” Harry merely glanced at Ron and Gallus; the former looked positively homicidal. “Imagine that…” Ron commented. “You’re not alone, kid,” Gallus commented. “It’s been a lot for us to take in as well—” “Post is here!” Dean Thomas announced. Mercifully, owls proceeded to stream into the Hall. One after another, the birds swoop gracefully down, clutching letters from home. Just then, an owl screech drew their attention. “Ron, isn’t that your owl?” Smolder pointed out. Everyone looked up to see Errol flying into the Great Hall… and plopped beak-first into a bowl of chips, right in front of Ron. The crash was so tremendous Sunset Shimmer bolted from her stupor, with Ray clinging onto her cheek. All the way from their tables, all the Slytherins, minus one Wallflower, laughed. “Bloody bird’s a menace,” Ron groaned. Ron reached over and took a damp red envelope from Errol, who immediately took off and flew away. The moment Ron eyed the envelope, he knew exactly what it was. “Oh, no!” Ron moaned. “What is it, Ron?” Sweetie Belle asked curiously. “Heads up, everyone!” Seamus exclaimed. “Weasley’s got himself a Howler.” Once more, the Slytherins burst out laughing over Ron’s misfortune. “I don’t get it,” Apple Bloom scratched her head. “What’s a Howler?” “Go on, Ron,” Neville beckoned. “I ignored one from my Gran once… and it was horrible.” The Student Six gently patted Ron on the back, showing their support. The boy’s face was pale, and his hands were shaking. With the envelope in hand, he slowly opened it, and… “RONALD WEASLEY!!!” Mrs. Weasley’s voice thundered and shrieked, sending plates and spoons rattling. Everyone and every pony eyed the Howler widely, as Sunset Shimmer held onto Ray protectively between the cusp of her hands. Like a mother protecting her child from images not meant for innocent eyes, Sunset took the full blunt and watched as the envelope rearranged itself into a floating mouth. “HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CARE!” It howled on Weasley’s behalf. “I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSETED! YOUR FATHER’S NOW FACING AN INQUIRY AT WORK AND IT’S ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT! IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE, WE’LL BRING YOU STRAIGHT HOME!” Scared out of his wits, all Ron could do was nod his head gingerly, while the Howler turned toward Ginny… but with a smile. “Oh, and Ginny dear,” The howler spoke softly. “Congratulations on making Gryffindor. Your father and I are so proud!” Ginny, sitting a bit apart from the others, looked up shyly, then returned to the small black book she was scribbling in. The CMC couldn’t help but notice that the girl appeared as though she’d rather crawl in someplace and die from the embarrassment of being praised. Meanwhile, Ron watched as the Howler turned its attention to him, stuck its tongue at him, and ripped itself to pieces before enduring the howls of laughter from the other house tables. Colin Creevy snapped a few photos, while the CMC remained wide-eyed. “That’s ‘kind of’ a letter I would expect to get from Rarity for causing mischief,” Sweetie Belle spoke meekly. “Least they didn’t mention our involvement with the car,” Apple Bloom told Sunset meekly. “Great… I feel so much better…” Sunset spoke sarcastically. “Look at it this way guys,” Scootaloo replied optimistically. “How much worse can things get?” “I wouldn’t have said that…” Pinkie answered, singsong. > Pesky Pixies & Vomit Slugs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later, following the embarrassing debacle with the Howler, the students roamed the corridors of Hogwarts. Either they were on their way to their classes or simply making their way from a class. While the Student Six made their way towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the Cutie Mark Crusaders currently found themselves sitting in History of Magic class. However, with Storm Shield and Moondancer as professors for this class, it has since been renamed ‘History of Magic: Wizarding and Equestrian’. The three little fillies all sat alongside one another at a long table as they listened to Storm and Moondancer’s lecture yet could hardly contain their excitement. “This is so exciting!” Sweetie Belle squealed quietly. “Our first actual class at Hogwarts!” “Ah know right?” Apple Bloom nodded. “Ah’ve been waitin’ fer this since getting our letters.” “I just wish we had a chance to actually use these.” Sweetie Belle replied as she held up her wand. Back after the girls had that tough landing in Knockturn Alley and eventually met up with others in Diagon Alley, the three fillies had finally gotten their wands. Apple Bloom’s wand was of course made of apple wood, was nine and a half inches long, and had a phoenix feather core. Sweetie Belle’s wand was an English oak wand, ten and three quarter inches with a unicorn hair core. Scootaloo’s wand is a holly wood wand, ten inches with a dragon heartstring wand. “Don’t worry, Sweetie Belle.” Apple Bloom assured her friend. “Ah know we’ll get our chance tah use ‘em soon enough. Fer now, ah’m just so excited tah be here.” “And what luck! Our first class is Storm Shield’s!” Scootaloo added. “No offense, but I’m glad they replaced Binns. From what Rainbow Dash told me, that old ghost could put coffee to sleep from boredom—” “Excuse me!” The sudden interruption caused the three ponies to immediately snap their heads forward. Standing in front of them was the assistant professor, Moondancer. Her glasses lowered down as she gave them a disapproving look. “Can you girls please be more attentive in our class?” She scolded. “Sorry, Professor Moondancer,” The crusaders spoke in unison. “Let’s keep our eyes up front if you please,” Moondancer replied calmly. The three fillies nodded their heads in understanding as Moondancer made her way back to the front. Amidst all of that, Storm continued the lesson. “Now then, who can tell me the year that former Minister of Magic, Eldritch Diggory, and Starswirl the Bearded first established the Auror Recruitment Program?” Storm asked the class. A few students in the class raised their hands; two of whom are Sweetie Belle and Ginny Weasley, the latter sitting next to the Crusaders. “Yes, Ms. Weasley?” Storm acknowledged her. “Minister Diggory and Starswirl the Bearded founded the program in the year 1773,” Ginny answered. “They’d continue to do so for the next fourteen years.” “Correct, Ms. Weasley!” Storm nodded with a smile. “I must say, for a first year, you seem to have fairly decent knowledge of the Equestrian and Wizarding Alliance.” “Agreed!” Moondancer spoke up. “It seems Ms. Weasley has been studying quite well. I believe that’s worthy of ten points to Gryffindor.” Ginny merely lowered her head toward the table, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone staring at her. From her side, the CMC smiled with congratulatory glances. “Nice work, Ginny!” Apple Bloom congratulated. “Yeah, no way I would have known that!” Scootaloo added. Ginny merely gave a quick nod of acknowledgment before bringing her gaze back to the table. Out of the corner of her eye, Sweetie Belle could almost see what appeared to be a black book Ginny was writing in. “What you got there, Ginny?” She asked curiously. Hearing the young filly, Ginny quickly snatched the book and placed it in her robes. “Nothing,” Ginny replied quickly. “It’s nothing.” The three fillies eyed one another, all thinking the young Wesley’s sudden reply felt… odd. “No worries, Gin,” Scootaloo piped in. “If it’s your business, we won’t ask again.” “Thank you,” Ginny replied softly. The group turned their attention back to Storm, who used his magic to write on the blackboard. “Back in 1707, the Ministry of Magic was formed to succeed the Wizards Council after Ulick Gamp and Gutsy the Great came together and decided…” All of a sudden, an assortment of books and other supplies flew off the shelves and began pelting Storm Shield and Moondancer. A majority of the first year students, minus both Ginny and the CMC, started laughing as they watched their teachers get pelted by school property. Curious, the Cutie Mark Crusaders turned around and to their shock, and dismay, they found the culprits: Discord and Peeves hurling books toward the professors, while chuckling maniacally. “KEEP PRESSING THE ATTACK, PEEVES!” Discord roared, waving a quill like riding crop. “We’ll have him this time!” “PEEVES!!!” Moondancer screeched, clutching a book with a bent spine. “These books are extremely valuable!” “DISCORD!” Scootaloo shouted. “What are you doing now?!” “Oh, nothing out of the ordinary,” Discord replied casually. “I merely persuaded Peeves to crash this ‘charming’ seminar; thought you kids could use a distraction—WHOA!!!” Discord practically stretched his limbs from the waist to avoid a beam from Storm Shield’s horn, the Prince was justifiably cross. “We’ll have you this time, you troublemakers!” Storm Shield warned. “We’ll have you!” As Moondancer tried to pick up all the books, stressfully muttering to herself, Peeves suddenly popped up in front of the pony with a bowl of peanuts. “Nibbles?” Peeves asked sweetly. Moondancer looked down and took a brief sniff, only to cringe back with disgust. “There’s mold all over them!” Moondancer cringed. “Why are you disrupting our class?” “Heard you talking about poor Myrtle,” Peeves replied, his eyes dancing. “Rude you was about poor Myrtle.” “Myrtle?” Sweetie Belle’s brows rose. “I said nothing of the sort!” Moondancer argued. “I don’t even know any—” “OY! MYRTLE!” Peeves bellowed deeply. “Mooney pony’s just talking about you!” Crying out in anguish and frustration, Moondancer pursued Peeves and followed the ghost directly out of the classroom. The kids watched when Moondancer suddenly ran by, now Peeves floating after her, pelting her with the moldy peanuts. “SPOTTY! SPOTTY!” Peeves yelled. Meanwhile, Storm Shield had to flip the desk over to act as a shield of sorts while dodging the wave of books from Discord’s path. Storm leaned down to eye the students who were erupting in chaos and, in the midst of it all, three ponies and one Weasley sitting there staring awkwardly. “Sorry class, looks like we’re booked for today—OW!” A hard cover book hit Storm Shield square in the face, as Discord hovered over him and shook his head. “I make the bad puns in this story, princey!” Discord scolded. “No points for you!” <> In the meantime, the Student Six were all seated close by one another in Defense Against the Dark Arts Class. Harry, Ron, and Hermione weren’t that far from them either as they waited for their Professor to arrive. All the students were in their seats, eyeing all the decorations with portraits of its owner. Hermoine and the girls hung on his every word, while Harry, Ron, and a few of the male Student Six eyed the large covered cage rattling mysteriously on his desk. So you can imagine their surprise when they saw Sunset Shimmer making her way into the classroom to stand before them all. “Good afternoon class, I am Professor Sunset Shimmer.” She announced to the class. “Sunset?” Gallus said quizzically. “You’re the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?” “Not exactly.” Sunset shook her head. “However, much like my friends, I’ve been given the opportunity to be an assistant professor.” “So then who is the new professor?” Smolder asked. This caused Sunset to roll her eyes in annoyance, as if she dreaded the answer to that question. “Oh you’ll see.” She replied non-chalantly. No sooner did she say that did the door to DADA office open and none other than Gilderoy Lockhart stepped out. He paced before his class attending the Defense Against the Dark Arts period. “Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher,” Lockhart began, with a smile. “Me. Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League and five-time winner… of Witch Weekly’s Most Charming Smile Award.” One smile toward the class, and the females of the Student Six sighed heavenly while the guys just rolled their eyes. “But I don’t talk about that,” Lockhart continued. “I didn’t get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at her!” Lockhart laughed at his own joke, waiting for additional laughter. But no one else laughed. The girls in the class seemed starstruck, while the boys seemed confused. Though a few students smiled weakly, it was plain to see they hadn’t the faintest notion to what he was talking about. “I see you’ve all bought a complete set of my books,” Gilderoy smiled. “Well done. Now, I thought we’d start today with… a little quiz. Sunset my dear, if you would please pass them out.” “WHAT?! A QUIZ?!” Silverstream burst into panic. “NOOO!!! I didn’t know we had a quiz today; I didn’t even study for it!” “It’s nothing to worry about, Silver…” Sunset sighed despondently. “It’s just Gilderoy’s way of checking whether you’ve read his books or not.” “… And that makes us feel better, how?” Gallus asked. “Honestly, the books are more about him than anything you’d want to learn,” Sunset frowned, passing the quiz to the students. “Tell that to Hermoine,” Smolder remarked. She pointed toward their fellow Gryffindor, who smiled excitedly as she took a sheet from Gilderoy. “Thank you!” Hermoine smiled. As Lockhart and Sunset circulated the papers, Harry and Ron examined all the questions on the sheet. The boys were completely baffled about all the questions being asked. “Look at all these questions,” Ron whispered harshly. “They’re all about him!” “’What is Gildeory Lockhart’s favorite color?’” Harry read. “’What is Gilderoy Lockhart’s greatest achievement to date?’” Ron followed. “’When is Gilderoy Lockhart’s birthday and what would be his ideal gift be?’” Gallus read. “Who writes this stuff?” “’Who is the most beloved reformed villain of all?’” A random student read. “’Discord or Sunset Shimmer?’” “What?” Sunset looked up. “IT’S ME!!!” Discord cheered, appearing in a flash of light. “100 points to me!” “Discord?! GET-AH!!” A hand clinching her nose stopped Sunset mid-sentence. All at once, Peeves was before her, stretching Sunset’s nose across the classroom. “Got your conk~!” Peeves sang. Eventually, the ghost let go, snapping Sunset’s nose back to her face. “OW!” Sunset winced. “Discord! PEEVES!!!” But before Sunset could ignite her lightsaber, Discord and Peeves had already vanished. With a huff, straightening herself out with a deep breath, Sunset Shimmer returned to the front of the room right beside a bewildered Gilderoy. “Proceed…” Sunset sighed. “Right… you have thirty minutes,” Gilderoy announced. “Start… now!” All quills began to dart across the pages, until… <> Lockhart started rifling through all the completed exams. By the time he was finished, the man was less than impressed. “Tut, tut,” Gilderoy shook his head. “Hardly any of you remembered my favorite color is lilac.” “Gee, I wonder why,” Sunset rolled her eyes, sharing her displeasure with her ‘fellow’ Gryffindors. “BUT… Miss Hermoine Granger knew that my secret ambition was to rid the world of evil,” Gilderoy smiled proudly to the young lady. “And market my own range of hair care potions. Good girl.” Gilderoy winked toward the girl, who beamed with delight. But then, Lockhart’s expression suddenly darkened. “Now… be warned!” Gilderoy began. “It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizardkind! You may find yourself facing your own worst fears in this room. Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here…” “Famous last words…” Sandbar whispered to Gallus. With a showman’s flair, Lockhart turned slowly to the cage. “I must ask you not to scream. It might provoke them.” While a pale Neville drew back, Harry, Ron, and the Student Six chaps leaned forward. Lockhart permitted the tension to build, then he whipped off the cover. Inside the cage are several electric blue creatures. Eight inches tall, with pointed faces and wings, rattling the bars and pulling bizarre faces at the students. “Cornish pixies?” Seamus remarked. “Freshly caught Cornish pixies,” Lockhart corrected. Unable to contain herself, Smolder snorted with laughter. “You expect us to be scared by little pixies?” Smolder laughed uncontrollably. “I mean come on! Were the breezies unavailable? Ha-ha-ha!” “Laugh if you will, Miss Smolder,” Lockhart replied. “But pixies can be devilishly tricky little blighters. Let’s see what you make of them now!” Lockhart flung open the cage and instantly, the pixies rocketed about, spraying the students with ink bottles, breaking beakers, and shredding books. Two of them seized Neville by the ears, lifting him into the air, and began to circle the ceiling. Disaster ran wild like fire with a majority of the students leaving the classrooms. The pixies zipped all over the place, spreading mischief and mayhem in every direction. While the Student Six struggled against the little monsters, Sunset Shimmer was having the most difficult time pacifying them. “Shoo! Shoo!” Sunset exclaimed. “Go on! Shoo! Get outta here!” “Come on now, round them up, round them up,” Lockhart called out. “They’re only pixies.” “Professor Lockhart!” Sunset called out. “How did you get these pixies to begin with?” “Read my books,” Lockhart replied in panic. “There’s no time for that! Just show us how you did it!” “Uh… of course! A live demonstration,” Lockhart declared, drawing his wand. “Peskipiski Pesternomi!” However, nothing happened. The spell had absolutely no effect. A particularly obnoxious pixie made a face, seized Lockhart’s wand, and tossed it out the window. Soon it flew up and destroyed the chains holding the model of a dragon’s skeleton in place. The model fell from the ceiling and smashed upon the floor. Sunset Shimmer turned toward the professor in disbelief. “What was that spell again?” Sunset asked. “Because I don’t think it works…” “Of course it works!” Gilderoy exclaimed. “I’m just… out of practice.” “What do you mean you’re out of practice?! You said these pixies were freshly caught!” “They were! They are! What I mean is…” But rather than sticking around to help, Lockhart frantically bolted toward his office. “Where are you going?” Sunset asked. “I just… need time to… find some equipment,” Lockhart said. “I’ll ask you to nip the rest of them back in their cage…” “The rest of them!” Sunset frowned. “I have to do everything myself, don’t I?” Sunset reached toward her lightsaber, intending to use the wand she concealed inside. It was then a certain Slytherin decided to stir some trouble. “She’s got a lightsaber!” Malfoy pointed accusingly. “She’s going to kill us!” “What? No! No!” Sunset shook, reassuring the frightened students. “I’m just getting my wand. See? To prove it, Sunset summoned her wand and held it out hoping to perform a snippet of good. “STUPEFY!” Sunset fired her wand to stun a Cornish Pixie, but the little blight dodged, and the bolt accidentally shot Goyle knocking him flat on his bum. “She’s trying to kill us!” Crabbe screamed. “Run for your lives!” “My father will hear about this!” Malfoy threatened the Jedi. “Sorry…” Sunset winced. All around her, the students were in such distress, and it was plain to see that she had made another bad impression. Not to mention, Lucius Malfoy’s boy had just gained another reason to have her fired. Nevertheless, Sunset and the Student Six fired their stun spells toward the pixies. Unfortunately, they were moving too far. “There’s too many of them!” Ocellus grunted. “What do we do now?” Ron asked, as a pixie gnawed his ear. Finally having enough, Hermoine whipped out her wand and raised it to the ceiling. “IMMOBULUS!” Within seconds, all the pixies were frozen in midair. Suddenly, Neville screamed as he fell with a *PLOP* onto Lockhart’s desk, shaken but unhurt. The Student Six raced toward Neville to check on him. “You okay, buddy?” Sandbar asked. “Why is it always me?” Neville groaned. “Neville seem fine to me,” Yona confirmed, noticing everyone’s stare. “What?” <> Crossing a corridor along the seventh floor, fresh from their encounter with the pixies, Hermoine, Ron, Harry, and the Student Six marched about. To say they were in bad shape was speaking politely. Their hair was askew, and their robes were shredded. “Can you believe that guy?” Sandbar groaned. “I’m sure Professor Lockhart just wanted to give us some hands-on experience,” Silverstream spoke optimistically. “Silver, I love you, but it’s clear he didn’t have a clue what he was doing,” Gallus argued. “Rubbish,” Hermoine argued. “Read his books. You’ll see all the amazing things he’s done.” “He says he’s done,” Ocellus reminded. “I’m not suggesting maybe he’s not a good guy, but then why didn’t he take control of the pixies he claimed to have caught himself? Something is off about this man.” But before anyone else could utter another word, the group looked up as the Cutie Mark Crusaders marched ahead. Judging by the disheveled nature of their appearance, they were no better off than their friends. “Rough day?” Smolder asked. “Don’t ask,” Apple Bloom muttered, as they walked past. <> The following period, the Gryffindor Quidditch team – Harry, Smolder, Fred, George, Alicia Spinnet, Katie Bell, and Angelina Johnson – trailed Oliver Wood through the courtyard, toward the distant Quidditch pitch. Sunset Shimmer accompanied the team, catching the eyes of the students before they knelt down to resume their studies. Word was definitely traveling fast about Sunset, but not under the best of circumstances. “I spent the summer devising a whole new Quidditch program,” Oliver Wood explained. “We’re going to train earlier, harder, and longer!” “And as Assistant Professor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts, it’s my job to assure nobody’s brooms get jinxed…” Sunset Shimmer stated. “We don’t want a repeat of last year, right Harry?” “I appreciate it, Professor,” Harry expressed his gratitude. Smolder squinted ahead, and her expression immediately became a scowl. “Uh oh… trouble,” Smolder frowned. “What the…?” Oliver scowled, outraged. “I don’t believe it!” Crossing the courtyard from the other side are seven boys in green robes, also carrying broomsticks. At the lead is Marcus Flint, the trollish Slytherin Captain. Ron, sitting at a table with Hermoine, looked up as Gryffindor stood face-to-face with their most hated opponents. “Where do you think you’re going, Flint?” Oliver asked. “Quidditch practice,” Marcus answered bluntly. “Clear out, Flint!” Smolder demanded. “Wood booked the pitch for Gryffindor today.” “Easy, Scales,” Flint smirked. “I’ve got a note.” Marcus held out a rolled up scroll, which Wood took and opened it to read. The student six were also in the courtyard at the same time when they noticed Ron and Hermoine getting up. They could already tell something bad was going down. “What’s going on, Ron?” Ocellus asked the Weasley boy. “Trouble,” Ron confirmed. As the kids approached the teams, Oliver had just read the full contents of the scroll. It read: “’I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new Seeker.’” “You’ve got a new Seeker?” Sunset asked. “Who?” Answering the question, Marcus stepped aside, to reveal none other than the pasty-faced boy himself… Draco Malfoy. He stepped forward to the front of the Slytherins, staring toward Gryffindor’s with a smug grin. Following closely behind, like a dog on a leash, was Whisper Dawn. The pony looked embarrassed over the situation she was in. “Draco…” Smolder snarled. “Malfoy…?” Harry muttered. “That’s right,” Malfoy answered. “And that’s not all that’s new this year…” Harry, Sunset Shimmer, their friends, and the remaining Gryffindor Quiddith Team examined the broomsticks Draco and the remaining Slytherins held out as one. All eyes stared with shock. “Those are Nimbus 2001s!” Ron exclaimed. “How did you get those?” “T-They’re a generous gift from Draco’s father, Master Lucius…” Whisper admitted softly. “Did I tell you to speak?!” Draco asked venomously. “… No…” “Then don’t!” The way Malfoy snapped at her, as if about to strike the mare, made her flinch as she edged backward. While the other Slytherins snickered, Draco turned smugly towards Ron. “You see Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford to buy the best.” “That’s pretty big talk… mouthful,” Gallus remarked. It was then Marcus Flint finally acknowledged the remaining Student Six. “Come to admire our new gifts, freaks?” “This coming from Captain Buckteeth and his traveling circus?” Gallus scoffed, making Flint scowl. “How’s about putting your daddy’s money where your mouth is?” Silverstream challenged. “You want to say that again?” Malfoy threatened. “I’m sure my father would love to hear it.” “Hey, hey! Easy!” Sunset cut in between. “Save the trash talking for Quidditch! We’re all here to practice; we can share the field and be civilized.” “Big talk for a washed-up Sith,” Draco sneered. “Mind your manners, kid!” Sunset warned. “I’m still an adult here!” “Whatever, Seraphina. Least I’ll be the one beating Potter when I catch the Snitch.” Sunset Shimmer grit her teeth, her fists clenched while trying to resist the urge to pummel the little brat in front of everyone. But she knew the boy was testing her patience. No doubt some ploy to grant his father the right to have her fired from Hogwarts… if not arrested, whichever came first. “At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buytheir way in,” Hermione spoke up. “They got in on pure talent.” “Yeah!” The Student Six agreed. “Exactly!” Sunset smiled proudly. “10 points for standing up for your friends.” Draco glared at Hermione in annoyance, as he took several steps but stopped just at an arm’s length before her. “No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood!” Draco spat. Whisper was first to release a startled gasp, her eyes growing wide, and everyone else reacted as though Malfoy uttered something horrific – everyone save Harry, who looked puzzled. Instantly, Fred and George flew for the throat, but Oliver Wood held them back. As for Whisper, she’d heard the word before and couldn’t believe even Draco would say such a thing. Of course, she always knew he was cold-hearted, but never imagined it be that bad. “Oh no, you didn’t!” Silverstream squawked in outrage. “That was uncalled for, Malfoy!” Sunset exclaimed. “Apologize to Hermoine now!” “Why should I?” Draco stubbornly asked. “What you said to Hermoine was uncivilized! Apologize to her now!” “Never!” Draco huffed. “What would a Sith like you know about being civil? Father told me better than to listen to a barbarian like you.” “Blonde boy not man enough without papa!” Yona spat. “You’ll pay for that one, Malfoy!” Ron warned, whipping out his wand. “Eat slugs!” Ron pointed his cracked wand at Malfoy, attempting to fire a spell. *PFFT* A bolt of green light scissored out the wrong end, hitting Ron himself in the stomach. As he dropped onto the grass, Harry and friends immediately rushed to his side. Meanwhile, the Slytherins laughed at Ron’s expense. “You okay, Ron?” Hermione asked. “Say something!” Ron opened his mouth… and belched. Hermione drew back, and watched a trio of slugs dribble out of his mouth. The Slytherins crow with laughter at this revolting display. Angrily, Ron rose, only to belch again. “Ugh!” Smolder cringed, disgusted. “YUCK!” The Gryffindors groaned. “Nasty!” Sandbar stuck out his tongue. At that moment, Gryffindor first-year, Colin Creevey, raced up with his camera. “Wow! Can you hold him still, Harry?!” Colin asked excitedly. “Get out of the way, Colin!” Harry replied, helping Ron up. “Professor, can you make it stop?” “Let’s see,” Sunset examined, dodging a slug. “Okay, this is really gross. I’ve studied counters for jinxes, hexes, and curses but nothing on slugs…” “Let’s take him to Hagrid,” Ocellus suggested. “He’ll know what to do.” “Right!” Sunset nodded, facing the teams. “Proceed with what you’ve planned for today! I’m taking Ron and friends to see Hagrid. But no foul play… I mean it, Slytherin!” As Sunset took her leave with Harry and friends, Smolder stood her ground as she addressed the chuckling Flint and Malfoy. “What do you want now, freak?” Flint asked mockingly. Smolder, however, simply blew a whistle with her two fingers. Answering the call, an even bigger dragon swopped from the sky and landed in the courtyard. The beast released a bloodcurdling roar that scared the Slytherins out of their uniforms and sent them running. “Good girl, Norberta,” Smolder scratched her adopted daughter. As they turned to leave, a set of eyes stared at the display from the safety of the courtyard corner. Whisper Dawn, having seen the Slytherins get their comeuppance, giggled to herself quietly before she slipped away unnoticed. <> Later, at Hagrid’s hut, Hagrid rummaged about, looking for something to aid Ron, as his friends looked on beside him. “Got jus’ the thing,” Hagrid muttered. “Set ‘im down on that chair o’er there. This calls for a specialist’s equipment.” As Ron sat down, Hagrid pitched a bucket between his knees. Harry, Hermoine, and the Equestrians glanced up questioningly. “Nothing to do but wait till it stops, I’m afraid,” Hagrid shrugged. “Better out than in.” “That’s what Shrek always says!” Silverstream chirped. “Who?” “He’s an ogre!” Silverstream explained. “A bit grumpy, but a friendly ogre.” “I see,” Hagrid nodded in acknowledgment. “Who was Ron tryin’ ter curse, anyway?” “Malfoy,” Harry answered. “He called Professor Sunset and Hermione, well, I don’t know exactly what it means…” Harry’s words faltered seeing the state of the two hurt girls. It’s not as though he couldn’t say the words, he was just unsure if saying it aloud would only add to the pain. Hermione looked down at the floor before Sunset beckoned her to look up. “Go ahead, Hermione,” Sunset encouraged. Clearly seeing that Sunset prioritized her conflict before her own, Hermione got up with her arms folded as she walked away from her friends. “He called me a Mudblood,” Hermione answered quietly. “He didn’!” Hagrid exclaimed, shocked. “It’s true,” Sunset nodded. “He said it loud and clear,” Gallus spoke, offended. “Yona want to smash Mouthful for such talk!” Yona added. “Teacher Sunset tried to get boy to apologize, but he didn’t! He call Sunset a Sith!” “What’s a Sith?” Harry asked. “And what’s a Mudblood?” Hermione spun around and glanced at him, seeing the boy so confused. Then she turned away, obviously pained by this. “It means ‘dirty blood’,” Hermione explained. “Mudblood’s a really foul name for someone who was Muggle-born. Someone with non-magic parents. Someone… like me. It’s not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation.” “Yeh see, the thing is, Harry,” Hagrid lectured. “There are some wizards – like Malfoy’s family – who think they’re better than everyone else ‘cause they’re what people call ‘pureblood’.” “That’s horrible!” Harry gasped. “It’s disgusting!” Ron belched forth a slug. “And… what about you professor?” Harry asked Sunset. “Why does Malfoy call you a Sith?” “Because… I was one…” Sunset Shimmer frowned sadly. “Long-story short, a Sith is the exact opposite of a Jedi… like Storm Shield. A Sith is… in a way… like Voldemort.” “What?” Harry gasped. “But… how? Why?” Sunset Shimmer fell silent and turned to the side. It was plain to see she’s clearly uncomfortable discussing her past… especially this one. “We shouldn’t pry too much from her, Harry,” Sandbar advised. “Least not right now.” “I’m just glad dad wasn’t there to see me… like that…” Sunset sighed. “Be that as it may,” Hagrid began. “It’s codswallop ter boot. Dirty blood… Sith… there’s ‘ardly a wizard today that’s not half-blood or less. If we ‘and’t married Muggles we’d hav’ died out long ago. Besides, they haven’t invented a spell our Hermione can’t do…” Hagrid took Hermione’s shoulder, his comforting words worked its magic as a small smile spread across her face. “Come here…” Hagrid held a gentle hand out, beckoning for her to talk to him, gently stroking her hand in comfort. “Don’ you think on it, Hermione,” Hagrid encouraged Hermione and Sunset. “Don’ you think on it fer a minute.” Despite the tears in her eyes, Hermione smiled as she and Sunset nodded over the gentle giant’s words. “Hey Hagrid!” The doors suddenly swung open as a family siren stepped inside, carrying a basket in her hand. “I brought you lunch!” She chirped. “Thank ya, Sonata!” Hagrid smiled. “Sonata?!” Sunset and the Student Six exclaimed, surprised. “Hiya guys!” Sonata waved. “Didn’t expect to see you here. Mr. Hagrid, warn me next time! I would’ve made more tacos if I knew we’d be having guests over!” “They’re just ‘ere because of an emergency,” Hagrid replied gently. “One of their friend’s are a bit under the weather, see.” Ron puked up another slug, which made Sonata cringe in disgust. “I see what you mean,” Sonata gulped. “Hold on!” Harry spoke up. “Guys, do you know this girl?” “You can say that…” Gallus replied. “Hi, Sonata!” Silverstream happily greeted. “What are ya doing here? I thought you were working at Twilight’s castle as head chef!” “I am… I mean, I was,” Sonata replied. “But when the new year at Hogwarts started, I thought I could help out at the school. Soon as Twilight put in a good word for me with Professor Dumbledore, he put me straight to work with Hagrid!” “Sonata’s been a big help tendin’ the grounds,” Hagrid smiled. “Talented wee lass, she is. A seriously misunderstood creature, for a young siren her age. Truth is: She’s got the optimism and a beauty to match.” “Aw, shucks!” Sonata blushed. “A siren?” Harry asked. “Yeah, seriously misunderstood creatures,” Gallus began in sarcasm. “Until you meet her sisters.” “More like disowned sisters,” Sandbar reminded. “What happened?” Harry asked. “We’ll tell you later,” Silverstream assured. It was then that Sunset Shimmer herself made herself known to the siren, and former Inquisitor – the Fifth Sister. “I’ll be darn,” Sunset spoke up. “Sonata Dusk.” “Oh! Hi Sunset!” Sonata greeted awkwardly. “F-F-Fancy seeing you here.” “Yeah… long time no see, ahem…” “U-U-Uh… listen. I’ve been wanting to say how sorry I was for the way my sis… my disowned sisters and I treated you when we worked f-for the Empire. Truth is… I didn’t really like it. I didn’t want to do… those horrible things we did to you. But I… couldn’t say anything or else they’d get upset. But I was… wrong… and a fool. You have every right to… have your revenge on me.” Sans the Student Six and Hagrid, Harry, Ron, and Hermione faced Sonata with piqued interest. What could someone like Sonata have done to someone like Sunset Shimmer? All eyes turned to the girl in question, waiting to hear her response. Sunset Shimmer merely looked at the reformed siren silently for a moment. She took her apology with deep consideration, and yet the Jedi Sorceress found it hard to believe that one of her former enemies would stand before her. An enemy who played a part in both her kidnap and torture for years. But nevertheless, she witnessed her sisters abandoning Sonata, in Arkham Asylum, through Discord’s Theater in the Galaxy. “I’m done with revenge, Sonata,” Sunset shook her head, smiling. “I forgive you. And… to be fair, I know what it’s like to be a fool from… personal experience.” Sonata smiled with relief, having finally gotten the guilt off her conscience. “Well then… who else is hungry?” Sonata smiled, presenting the food. “I’ve brought tacos and bread and apples and some treats straight from Hogsmeade! Even Fang’s favorite doggy treats!” “Ah, thank ya, Sonata!” Hagrid smiled, offering a jelly slug. “Jelly slug anyone? To which Ron immediately puked another slug and shook his head. “Pass…” Ron groaned. > The Writing on the Wall > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A warm, yellowish-orange glow blanketed the plains of the Scottish Highlands as the sun began to set over the horizon. As the sun descended behind the hills alongside Hogwarts, the gigantic castle cast an enormous shadow upon the mountains. This would mark the end of the first day of the new terms for Hogwarts in general. The entire student body, along with their professors, filed into the Great Hall for another magnificent feast. Unbeknownst to them, however, a sinister plot was being formed beneath their feet. Deep below the school, in a giant chamber within the tunnels, the Dark Order gathered at the base of a large stone statue depicting Salazar Slytherin. The Dark One and the Mysterious Benefactor gazed upon the giant stone head, evil intent stirring upon their minds. “At last…” The Dark One declared eerily. “After so many years of waiting, the time has finally come!” “I’ve waited for this day for nearly a thousand years,” The Benefactor replied. “Too long the Wizarding World and Equestria have been a festering pool of decadence. Soon, we’ll finally rid not only this world, but all worlds of the filth and scum of existence.” Behind the two evil figures, the remainder of the Order shared skeptical gazes staring at one another in the eye. “Then why have you two waited this long for it to happen?” Adagio questioned. “No offense, but we’ve spent the entire time getting our butts kicked by those miserable ponies. If this secret weapon of yours is so great, why not release it ages ago?” “The time wasn’t right to set it loose upon the worlds,” The Benefactor replied simply. “Then you certainly took your sweet time,” Aria snarked. “Your delays have allowed those so-called ‘heroes’ to grow stronger, haltering our plans at every turn,” Zoe added. “SILENCE!!!” The Benefactor replied. The three sirens merely scoffed, rolling their eyes over the sharp reply. Beside them, Darth Andromedis and Demetria hovered their lightsabers in their force grips never turning their gaze away from the two dark figures. “Need I remind you I now control the Eternal Throne and the thousands of ancient alien war ships at my command?” Andromedis reminded them. “You need simply give the order and I can arrange for the Eternal Fleet to crush this Equestria along with any worlds you wish into a pile of slag.” “I don’t think that’s the best course of action, Master,” Demetria responded. “As easy as it be to wipe these cretins off the face of the galaxy, I prefer they suffer first. Especially that traitorous wretch, Sunset Shimmer…” A hand upon her shoulder and Demetrias’ connection with the force ceased, and her lightsaber dropped from her hand. She turned with a heated glare towards Joseph Seed, who’s merely been smiling at her. “Worry not, child,” He spoke calmly. “I’ve heard the word of God, and I assure you he has blessed us on our holy mission to purge those sinners from all worlds. However, as Rome was not built within a day, this mission could take years to achieve. Patience is key.” “I do not WISH to be patient!” Demetria snapped. “I want to watch the light leave Sunset Shimmer’s eyes when I drive my lightsaber through her chest!” It was then Cozy Glimmer and Tirek walked alongside them. “You and me both sister!” Cozy Glow chuckled. The sound of scrapping metal drew all eyes toward the side, spotting Sweeney Todd sharpening his razors with Chrysalis by his side. “Soon they will all die,” Sweeney said grimly. “Their blood will flow like a raging river.” “Indeed, my sweet,” Chrysalis smirked wickedly. “Regardless of what we think of these plans, you’ve forgotten one thing,” Regina spoke up. “This game has been rigged since the beginning. The story always pans out the same; the heroes win, the villains always lose.” “Don’t be cynical, Regina,” Cora told her daughter. “For once, we finally have the power within our reach. So long as things continue to go the way they are, the story will be rewritten.” “I for one am prepared to start playing a completely different game,” Cersei smirked. “One where you either win… or die.” A sudden loud metallic ‘CLANG’ upon the chamber’s stone floor made everyone silent. All eyes turned toward the Dark One, the Staff of Hermes in their grip. It emitted a powerful glow upon its hilt banging the ground, gaining the full attention of their Order. “Enough of this foolish rabble,” They spoke. “The time has finally come.” The figure cloaked in black slowly approached the large statue, slowly reaching out to place a gloved hand upon the cold stone. Suddenly, the eyes of their mask glowed a bright green and the status shook. The mouth of the statue slowly began to lower, opening before them. From deep within, a very low hiss could be heard as two giant glowing yellow eyes appeared from within the darkness. <> Hours later… It was late evening in Lockhart’s office, its walls lined with framed photographs of… Gilderoy Lockhart. Harry Potter, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and Lockhart himself were working by candlelight at an ornate desk. Bleary-eyed, Harry and the ponies were addressing envelopes, while a cheery Lockhart placed his signature on the stack of glossy photos bearing his image. “Harry, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie,” Lockhart chuckled. “Can you possibly imagine a better way to serve detention than by helping me answer my fan mail?” “Honestly…?” Apple Bloom forced a smile. “Not really,” Harry answered. “No,” Sweetie Belle shook her head. “I can name two or three things I’d rather do in detention,” Scootaloo replied, reading a letter. “’Send me pictures of your…’” “FEET!” Lockhart finished, grabbing the letter. “It’s another one of those requests, heh-heh… I’ll go over this one later… much later.” Scootaloo looked on incredulously as Lockhart quickly opened a drawer and violently shoved the letter inside before slamming the door shut. “The things you do for your fans, right professor?” Sweetie Belle implied. “Fame is a fickle friend, little pony,” Lockhart replied. “Celebrity is as celebrity does. Remember that.” Harry and the girls nodded, glancing gloomily at the towering stack of envelopes that remained. Dipping his quill, he began to write, when suddenly… a chilly voice villed the room. “Come… come to me…” “What?” Harry asked aloud. “Sorry?” Sweetie Belle glanced up. “I was saying, six solid months at the top of the bestseller list!” Lockhart replied. “Broke all records!” “No… not you,” Harry corrected. “That… voice.” “Voice?” “That… voice. Didn’t you hear it?” “What are you talking about, Harry?” Lockhart asked. “I think we’re getting a bit… uh, drowsy. And great Scott – and no wonder – look at the time! We’ve been here nearly four hours!” “FOUR HOURS!!!” The girls screamed. “Dinner will nearly be done!” Scootaloo realized. “If we don’t hurry, they’ll eat all the pudding!” Apple Bloom added. “Well, can’t let that happen, can we?” Lockhart chuckled. “You kids run along and have your fun. Spooky how the time flies when one’s having fun!” “Spooky…” Harry glanced up. It was clear the boy was still thinking about the creepy voice that supposedly only he can hear. The girls eyed their friend worriedly but followed him just the same. <> Moments later… Soon as they concluded answering Lockhart’s fan mail, Harry and the Cutie Mark Crusaders left the room. By luck they happened to find Sunset Shimmer waiting for them outside. The Jedi Sorceress was playing with her gecko friend, Ray, when she saw the four students. She picked herself up as Ray perched himself upon her shoulder. “Ready to go back to Gryffindor Tower?” Sunset asked. “I’m just glad to be out of there,” Scootaloo sighed. “That guy’s mountain of fan mail is the size of his ego!” “It could’ve been worse, Scootaloo,” Apple Bloom replied. “We could’ve been sent to the Dark Forest for detention…” “Don’t jinx it,” Sweetie Belle cautioned. “What’s done is done,” Harry sighed. “Anyway, I’m hungry. We were just going to head for the Great Hall to get a snack.” “Then I better go with you,” Sunset replied. “I can use some eats myself. What do you say girls?” The CMC nodded in agreement, as they all turned to head for the Great Hall. On the way, Sunset Shimmer turned back toward the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. A few brooding thoughts were clearly in her mind. “Who died and made that guy Professor?” Sunset asked herself. “I should be teaching that class, I mean… I’ve dealt with the Dark Side before. I know how to fight against it… a little.” The group passed quickly through the lengthening shadows of the empty corridor, when the ponies suddenly bumped into Harry, who stood entirely still. “Hey Harry, what’s the hold up?” Apple Bloom asked. “Shh!” Harry shushed. “There it is again!” “… There is what again?” Sunset asked. “Blood… I smell blood…” Sunset Shimmer stopped cold with a gasp, looking around the hall for the source of the voice. “Who said that?” Sunset asked. “You heard it too?” Harry asked the Jedi Sorceress. “Uh huh…” Sunset nodded. “What is it?” Apple Bloom asked. “Let me rip you… let me kill you…” Both Harry and Sunset stepped toward the wall, playing their fingers along the stone wall. Then they began walking, slowly at first, then more quickly, as if following something and determined to keep track of it. They moved faster and faster, rounding the corner with the Cutie Mark Crusaders following behind. The more they followed, the louder it sounded, meaning they were getting closer. “Kill… kill… KILL!” “Harry!” Sunset!” Both Sunset Shimmer and Harry Potter stopped in their tracks, when they looked up, seeing Hermoine and Ron standing before them, accompanied by the Student Six, Spike, and the Mane Six. “Whoa there, Sugar cubes!” Applejack exclaimed. “Y’all looked like ya’ve seen a ghost!” “Technically, ghosts are normal here at Hogwarts,” Gallus commented. “Did you hear it?” Harry asked. “Hear what?” Ron asked, confused yet concerned. There was… a voice,” Sunset Shimmer answered. “Voice? What voice?” Twilight asked. “I heard it first in Lockhart’s office,” Harry explained, eyes darting around. “But then we heard it in the hall, just—” Sunset Shimmer stopped mid-sentence, when she and Harry heard the voice talking again. But this time, it was farther away than before. “Kill… Time to kill…” As they stiffened, the group studied their friends curiously. “It’s moving!” Harry exclaimed. “I think it’s going to… kill.” Harry ran through his friends and the Assistant professors, the majority exchanging a glance. “Kill?” Ron asked. “Harry, wait!” Hermoine called out. “Not so fast!” As the Equestrians and the others gave chase, Harry and Sunset dashed madly, taking the steps three at a time along the marble staircase. They made the landing, rushing through the archway, and sled to a stop, listening: Nothing. Slowly, they peered down. Water oozed over the stone floor of the second floor corridor, surrounding their shoes. Their own reflection appeared and, behind it, undulating like a dream… words. Their friends soon arrived, huffing up a storm just to breathe. “Where’d all this water come from?” Spike asked. “Wouldn’t surprise me if it’s one of Discord and Peeves’ pranks,” Gallus commented. “Knowing those jokers, I bet they’re in cahoots with Fred and George for something big and funny.” “Guys… how do you explain… that?” Ocellus pointed. Everyone’s attention shifted toward the window: Near the topmost pane, spiders scuttled up a silvery thread, fighting to get through a crack in the glass. “Dude, that’s creepy!” Sandbar cringed. “Strange…” Harry spoke up. “I’ve never seen spiders act like that.” “Neither have we,” Twilight added. “They look scared,” Fluttershy frowned, concerned. “Yeah, look at that…” Smolder examined, facing Ron. “Ron…? What’s up?” “I… don’t… like… spiders,” Ron grimaced, backing away. “Yona not like spiders either,” Yona agreed. Everyone turned towards the floor and were startled by what they saw. “What’s that?” Ron asked. All eyes gazed toward the puddle of water, where they could see what appeared to be bloody writing. Shimmering on the wall were foreboding words written in blood which hermoine read: “The Chamber of Secrets has been opened,” Hermoine began. “Enemies of the Heir… beware.” “It’s written in blood!” Rarity said squeamishly. “Ew…” Ocellus and Apple Boom remarked. “What’s that?” Rainbow Dash pointed to her left. “Hanging underneath?” “Oh no…” Harry muttered in horror. “That’s Filch’s cat. Mrs. Norris…” The cat hung stiffly by her tail from a torch bracket, eyes open and blank. But that wasn’t the only thing they saw. Twilight Sparkle gasped violently, clasping her hooves upon her mouth at the additional sight. Beneath the cat was Storm Shield lying on his side, his head appeared to have been looking down and his mouth hung open. “STORM!” Twilight Sparkle cried out, racing toward his side. “Storm… what happened? Storm, talk to me!” “What in tarnation’s goin’ on here?” Applejack asked. All of a sudden, the stairwell was alive with voices and, seconds later, dozens of students stream forth, chattering… when they stopped, seeing the wall and the group standing before it. A thudding silence fell upon all the students from different houses, Percy Weasley keeping a group of Gryffindors back. All eyes gazed at the bloody writing, Mrs. Norris, and Storm Shield. Amidst the horrified group, Madame Pomfrey expressed horror and shock. Colin got his camera ready, but Percy stopped him. Amidst the Slytherins, Draco Malfoy pushed forward, eyed the wall, and grinned nastily. Whisper too wiggled through the crowd of students, joining Draco at the front. She gasped at the sight of Mrs. Norris just hanging there. “Enemies of the heir, beware!” Draco read. “Is… is she…?” Whisper asked timidly. “We’re not exactly sure,” Ocellus shook her head. “We just… found her like that.” “And whatever happened to Mrs. Norris got to Storm Shield too!” Smolder pointed out. “But… that message on the wall,” Whisper pointed with one hoof. “Enemies of the Heir, beware? What does that mean?” “It means the Mudbloods are next,” Draco interrupted, glaring at Hermoine then Whisper. “And unless you want the same, you stay quiet!” “What’s going on here?” Filch called out, pushing through. “Go on now! Make way…” The supposed Caretaker stopped dead in his track, glaring towards Harry and Sunset Shimmer. “Potter… Shimmer… what are you…?” Filch looked up and was horrified upon seeing what had become of his previous cat. “Mrs. Norris?” The squib spoke heartbroken. And then, his expression turned to anger as he shifted his gaze towards Harry and Sunset. “You! You murdered my cat!” “No… no!” Harry shook his head, in denial. “We didn’t do any of this!” Sunset added. “We were just—” But Filch was having none of it, as Twilight ceased her sobbing to look toward her friends while Draco and his cronies grinned with amusement. The caretaker cracked a sinister smile, trembling with murderous intent as he reached for Sunset and Harry. “I’ll kill you!” Filch screamed. “I’LL KILL YOU!” NO!” The Equestrians shouted, taking the defensive stance. “Argus!” Filch immediately released Harry and Sunset as the students stepped aside. Professor Dumbledore marched forward, along with Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, McGonagall, Snape, and Potion Nova amongst a phalanx of teachers, Lockhart included. A few teachers saw the wall, their faces darkened. “What is going on here?” Celestia demanded. “Argus, I…” Dumbledore’s words faltered when he too saw the writings on the wall. The expression on his face gave away the fact that something horrid had just occurred. “Everyone will proceed to their dormitories immediately!” Princess Luna announced. Everyone and every pony made to leave, when Professor Dumbledore stopped the heroes. “Everyone except… you three… and Princess Twilight’s companions.” As the corridor emptied, the heroes complied and stayed in place. Dumbledore stepped to the wall and, with extreme gentleness, removed Mrs. Norris. In the meantime, Princess Luna ordered her Nightmare Knights to assemble the other students to their respective houses. “Stygian, you go with the Ravenclaws,” Princess Luna instructed. “Tempest, the Slytherin. Capper, the Hufflepuffs. Trixie, the Gryffindors.” “Ravenclaws, follow me!” Stygian instructed. As the students were escorted to their houses, Lockhart walked over to inspect Mrs. Norris and Storm Shield. The latter was held gently under the wings of his mother, Princess Celestia, who stared tearfully as her sister stroked one wing across her back for comfort. “Storm… my poor darling!” Celestia whimpered. “What did this to you?” “It was definitely a curse that killed them,” Lockhart confirmed. “Probably the Transmogrifian Torture. Encountered it myself once, in Ouagadougou. The full story’s in my autobiography…” “They’re not dead, Argus,” Dumbledore explained to Filch. “They’ve been Petrified.” “Ah! Thought so,” Lockhart recovered, boasting. “So unlucky I wasn’t there. I know the very counter-curse that could’ve spared them…” “Yeah… sure you would…” Sunset expressed skepticism. “But how they’ve been petrified… I cannot say,” Dumbledore continued. “Ask them!” Filch accused Sunset and Harry. “It’s them that’s done it. You saw what they wrote on the wall! Besides, they knows I’m – I’m a Squib.” “It’s not true, sir!” Harry argued. “I swear!” “You can’t just accuse us randomly!” Sunset explained defensively. “Besides, none of us ever touched Mrs. Norris! Or Storm Shield!” “We don’t even know what a Squib is!” “Rubbish!” Filch scoffed. “He saw my Kwikspell letter!” “Princess Celestia, I swear!” Sunset faced Celestia. “I wouldn’t… at least… not anymore. You believe me, right?” “Of course I believe you,” Celestia nodded solemnly. “If I might, Headmaster…” Everyone turned as Professor Snape and Potion Nova separated from the shadows. “Perhaps Potter, Miss ‘Sparky’ Shimmer, and their friends were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time…” Snape spoke up. “Professor Snape vouching for us?” Gallus blinked. “How often has that ever happened?” “However…” Snape began. “Ah… there it is,” Smolder rolled her eyes. “The circumstances are suspicious,” Professor Snape continued. “I, for one, don’t recall seeing Potter, or his new first year friends, at dinner.” “And isn’t it a coincidence Sunset Shimmer was absent when Storm Shield got petrified?” Potion Nova added. “I’m afraid that’s my doing, Severus and Potion Nova,” Lockhart spoke up. “You see, Harry and the… Crusaders were helping me answer my fan mail…” As Snape’s lip curled in disgust, Hermoine leapt in. “That’s why we went looking for him, Professor,” Hermoine spoke up, on her friends’ behalf. “Uh, yeah! Right!” Applejack played along. “I was just on my way to pick up Apple Bloom.” “As I with Sweetie Belle,” Rarity added. “Me and Scoots,” Rainbow Dash joined in. “Yeah, yeah! We found them with Sunset Shimmer!” Pinkie Pie jumped in. “That was when they said… when they said…” In a rare instance, Pinkie’s words faltered, to which she turned to the remainder of the group for answers. “Yes, Ms. Pie?” Snape pressed on. “When they said… what?” Potion Nova raised her eyebrow. “When I said I wasn’t hungry,” Harry answered. “We were heading back to the Common Room and… found Mrs. Norris and Professor Storm Shield.” Everyone and every pony nodded in agreement. Professor Snape, however, remained suspicious. He eyed Harry coldly, knowing he was lying. Harry turned away… and found Dumbledore studying him as well. “Innocent until proven guilty, Severus,” Dumbledore added. “He’s got you there, boss,” Potion Nova told Snape. “My cat has been Petrified!” Argus Filch trembled. “I want to see some punishment!” “With all due consideration, Mr. Filch,” Princess Celestia spoke up. “I’m just as upset as you are. My son has been petrified, along with your cat. But there’s no reason to accuse anyone without evidence. Especially concerning a group clearly at the wrong place at the wrong time. I would appreciate if you refrained from accusing Sunset Shimmer who has my full confidence.” “Princess Celestia…” Sunset whispered, in silent admiration. “We will be able to cure them, Argus,” Dumbledore added. “As I understand it, Madam Sprout has a very healthy growth of Mandrakes. When they have matured, a potion will be made which will revive Mrs. Norris and Professor Storm Shield.” “Yeah, for sure!” Potion Nova smiled. “We’ll have a Mandrake potion ready to revive these two before you can say Friendship is Magic! Right boss?” Professor Snape faced his assistant with the same stoic expression, the same he gave to just about everyone. “Your optimism is commendable,” Snape told his assistant. “But you lack the realism of the situation. Mandrakes require several months to reach full maturity. They are currently seedlings meaning their potency for such an antidote would be… inefficient.” “And in the meantime,” Dumbledore began. “I strongly recommend caution… to all.” <> A bit later, the Cutie Mark Crusaders along with Harry, Ron, and Hermoine walked down the corridor toward the Grand Staircase, conversing as the numerous staircases changed positions. “So… wut was all that talk about Filch being a Squib?” Apple Bloom asked curiously. “A Squib’s someone who’s born into a wizarding family but hasn’t got any powers of their own,” Ron explained. “It’s why Filch is trying to learn magic from a Kwikspell course.” “No wonder why he hates us so much,” Scootaloo realized. “The years of seeing us performing magic yet having none of his own would make any pony bitter.” “I’d hate to imagine any pony who’d share a hatred for magic,” Sweetie Belle whimpered. “Least, none we already know.” Hermoine, who’s only been half-listening – as if trying to unravel something in her mind – finally spoke up. “Harry…” Hermoine began. “This voice. You said you heard it first in Lockhart’s office?” “Yes,” Harry nodded. “And did he hear it?” “He said he didn’t.” “Maybe he was lying,” Scootaloo replied. “Did you or your friends hear the voice?” Hermoine questioned. “Well… uh, no… but this Lockhart guy…” “I hardly think someone with Gilderoy Lockhart’s credentials would lie to one of his students, Scootaloo,” Hermoine assured. “Besides, if you recall, we didn’t hear anything either.” “But Professor Shimmer heard it too!” Harry argued. “Not in Lockhart’s office, but on our way out. You do believe me, don’t you?” “’Course we do,” Hermoine assured. “It’s just… it’s a bit strange, isn’t it?” “Strange?” “You hear this voice, a voice only you can hear, and then… Mrs. Norris and Professor Shield turn up Petrified. It’s just… strange.” “I can’t explain it – it was… scary,” Harry frowned. “D’you think I should’ve told them, Dumbledore and the others, I mean?” “Are you mad?!” Ron exclaimed. “No, Harry,” Hermoine disagreed. “Even in the wizarding world, hearing voices isn’t a good sign.” As Hermoine turned and walked away, a man’s face in a portrait turned to them. “She’s right, you know,” The painting replied. The other kids glanced at each other, then eventually walked along determined to get back to their dorms before they ran into any further trouble. <> The following morning, Professor McGonagall stood before her class. Resting on the desk in front of each student was a different animal. “Could I have your attention, please?” McGonagall called out. “Right. Now, today, we will be transforming animals into water goblets. Like so.” She tapped the bird in front of her, three times, with the tip of her wand and said ‘Vera Verto’. A stream of magic emitted from her wand, transfiguring the bird into a beautiful crystal water goblet. All the other students expressed amazement, while Draco shrugged. “Now it’s your turn,” McGonagall declared. “Who would like to go first… Mr. Weasley?” Ron nodded and cleared his throat. Silently, he tapped his wand towards Scabbers three times. “Vera Verto!” Ron spoke. His wand caused Scabbers to transform into a furry goblet with his tail moving around while squeaking. Harry and the other students grinned, barely containing themselves from laughing. “You must replace that wand, Mr. Weasley,” McGongall picked up the Scabbers-goblet. Ron nodded sheepishly, eying his broken wand he tried so hard to mend. McGonagall saw Hermoine’s raised hand, yet her animal remained untouched. “Yes, Miss Granger?” McGonagall acknowledged. “Professor, I was wondering if you could tell us about the Chamber of Secrets?” Hermoine requested. Draco gave Hermoine a surprised look and, after a second or two, Whisper found the courage to voice her peace. “Actually… I’ve only heard the name of this chamber,” Whisper spoke up. “But… I never knew exactly what it was. Maybe… it might be better to know about it in case something were to… you know?” Whisper felt Draco’s eyes on her, but the little pony didn’t care. A hush fell over the entirety of the class. “My subject is Transfiguration, Miss Granger and Miss Dream,” McGonagall reminded. “Yes, Professor,” Hermoine complied. “But Miss Whisper is right. There seems to be very little written about the Chamber of Secrets. For those of us with a personal interest in the subject, that is… disturbing.” Malfoy regarded Hermoine with chilly amusement. McGonagall considered the girls’ question for a long moment, eyeing the rest of the kids who began sharing interest as well. Finally, she nodded with relent. “Very well,” McGonagall sighed. “Well, you all know, of course, that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by the combined unison of the three tribes of Equestria and the four greatest witches and wizards of the age: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. Now three of the founders co-existed quite harmoniously with our Equestrian allies. One did not.” “Three guesses who?” Ron glanced at his friends. “I could tell you in one,” Gallus whispered back. “Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts,” Professor McGonagall continued. “He believed that magical learning should be kept within all-magic families. In other words, purebloods. He also believed that rather than align with the Equestrians, they should instead be enslaved to serve wizard-kind.” Hermoine and Draco spared each other a cold glance before Professor McGonagall proceeded. “Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave the school. Now, according to legend, Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in this castle, known as the Chamber of Secrets. Well, shortly before departing, he sealed it until that time when his own true heir returned to the school. The heir alone would be able to open the Chamber of Secrets and unleash the horror within, and by doing so, purge the school of all those who, in Slytherin’s view, were unworthy to study magic.” “So… basically all Muggle-borns,” Ocellus implied. “Yes,” The professor addressed the changeling. “Well, naturally the school has been searched many times for such a chamber. It has never been found.” “Professor McGonagall?” Whisper slowly raised her hoof. “… one word more, you brat, and Father will have your hide!” Draco tugged her leash fiercely. Whisper gulped nervously, but saw the Professor turn around to face her. There was no going back now regardless of what consequences lay in store for her. “Um… I merely meant to ask… what exactly does the legend tell us about what lies within the Chamber?” “Well, the Chamber is said to be home to something which the heir of Slytherin alone can control,” McGonagall explained. “It is said to be home… to a monster.” “What kind of monster?” Sandbar asked. “Alas… no one knows,” McGonagall shook her head. “… now, back to our lesson.” Hermoine could feel a sense of dread at those words; a horrified Ron shifted around to face Draco, who sat calmly with a smug grin to himself. The Student Six eyed the boy suspiciously, perhaps suspecting he knew something he wasn’t letting on. <> Later that day, Harry, Hermoine, Ron, and the Student Six thread their way through the teeming corridor. Up ahead, Malfoy walked along with his two friends, Crabbe and Goyle. “D’you think it’s true?” Ron asked. “D’you think there really is a Chamber of Secrets?” “Yes. Couldn’t you tell?” Hermoine questioned. “McGonagall’s worried. All the teachers are.” “Tell me about it,” Smolder replied. “Princess Celestia and Head Mare Twilight hasn’t left Storm’s side after that incident the other night. They look as though they haven’t slept in weeks.” “But if there really is a Chamber of Secrets, and it’s really been opened, that means…” Harry implied. “The Heir of Slytherin has returned to Hogwarts,” Hermoine confirmed. “The question is, who is it?” “Let’s think…” Ron mocked puzzlement. “Who do we know thinks Muggle-borns are scum?” “If you’re talking about Malfoy –” Hermoine eyed the Slytherin. “You heard what he said,” Sandbar reminded. “’You’ll be next, Mudbloods’!” “Plus, that boy literally screams ‘bad guy’!” Silverstream emphasized. “I heard him,” Hermoine responded. “But Malfoy? The Heir of Slytherin?” “Well, maybe Ron’s right, Hermoine,” Harry spoke up. “I mean, look at his family. The whole lot of them have been in Slytherin for centuries.” “That little filly Whisper Dream would know if he’s the Heir,” Gallus theorized. “But so long as he’s got that pony on a leash, as messed up as that sounds, she won’t be able to tell us anything. Who’d be willing to talk to us?” “Crabbe and Goyle?” Yona guessed. “Yeah… Crabbe and Goyle must know,” Ron agreed. “Maybe we could trick them into telling…” “No. Even they aren’t that thick,” Hermoine disagreed. “But there might be another way. Mind you, it would be difficult. Not to mention we’d be breaking about fifty school rules. And it would be dangerous, verydangerous.” <> Late at night, the students gathered in a dark nook within the library. They huddled round a book entitled “Moste Potente Potions’. The spotted pages are littered with disturbing illustrations. “Here it is,” Hermoine presented, reading the passage. “’The Polyjuice Potion. Properly brewed, the Polyjuice Potion allows the drinker to transformer himself temporarily into the physical form of another…’” “You mean, if Harry and I drink some of this stuff and we turn into Crabbe and Goyle?” Ron emphasized. “Yes,” Hermoine nodded. “And since he trusts those two, Malfoy will have to tell the guys anything!” Silverstream grinned. “Exactly,” Hermoine smiled slightly. “But it’s tricky. I’ve never seen a more complicated potion. Lacewing flies, leeches, fluxweed. And, of course, we’ll need a bit of whoever we want to change into too.” “Hang on now,” Ron realized. “I’m drinking nothing with Crabbe’s toenails in it.” “Ooh… that’s a bummer for you buddy!” Gallus grinned mischievously. “How long will it take to make?” Harry asked. “A month,” Hermoine answered reluctantly. “A month?! But if Malfoy is the heir of Slytherin… he could attack half the Muggle-borns in the school by then. Maybe even any of the Equestrians.” “You didn’t have to tell me that,” Ocellus shuddered. “I know, but it’s the only plan we’ve got,” Hermoine replied. “In the meantime, we need to keep our eyes peeled and it would be best to stay in groups,” Smolder replied. “As long as that monster is on the loose, none of us will be safe. It could go after any of us.” “… Why can’t we ever just have a normal adventure?” Silverstream pouted.