> Earth's Nightmare Era > by Nightmare Chaser > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chase's Regrets > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the cries and pleas for mercy from the woman before Nightmare Moon escape from her lips, Chase can't help but wonder if she really deserved any form of punishment his "teacher" would give this poor african woman. Her almost earthly brown eyes turned to Chase in the hopes that the black as night, once human, alicorn stallion would help her. "P-please have mercy on me, i didn't mean to insult your teacher or you it was meant as a joke." She pleaded, tears streaming from her eyes. Chase's emerald eyes stared into hers with cruelity he has practiced and has used many times in the four and a half years he's been the student of the Mare in the Moon. With a sneer he glared at the prisoner, his eyes glowing in the darkened halls of Nightmare Moon's throne room. "You should have thought about that before you made the joke in the first place. Everything, even a simple joke, has it's consiquences." He turned to the dark queen and bowed his head "What is this lowly wretch's punishment my queen" Nightmare Moon glanced at the dark woman, who whimpered at her gaze, at the two dark guards flanking her whose bat wings kept her in place, then to her student before her muzzle twisted into a evil grin. Rising from her dark throne she approached her victim her starry mane and tail flowing behind her as she did. Her dark aura seemed to wash over the woman and almost suffocated her "Well you are lucky today mortal," she gave a dasteredly laugh, "You have caught me in a good mood and instead of a punishment i will give you a choice, either join my army or be locked in the dungeons for the rest of your days." The woman's eyes widened and she looked to be on the verge of tears, her mind processing what she was givin. After what seemed like ten years she looked up at Nightmare Moon with a pained look, "I'll join your army Nightmare Moon." The dark alicorn grinned as her horn glowed and a dark mist enveloped the poor woman and after a few moments dissapated a dark blue unicorn mare in dark armor standing where the woman originally kneeled. The new guard saluted the dark queen and Chase before she and the other guards were dissmissed by the Mare in the Moon leaving her and her student in the throne room, the eternal night clear through the window and the eternal moon shining onto the floor. "You have done well this past week my loyal student, it is most interesting that in the time you became my student you have really warmed up to my teachings." She said with a grin which didn't last long till her trademark scowl reappeared on her face, "that will be all for now you are dismissed." Chase bowed to his teacher then exited the throne room, a pained look crossing his face when he was sure he was out of Nightmare Moon's sight. As he wanders the corridors of the dark castle, situated on the side of the Rocky Mountains, the weeks events play in his mind like a slideshow. The execution of that Ceo on Monday, the visit to a small town in Arizona to adress the citizens on Tuesday, the interagation of those rebels on Wednsday, Thursday , and Friday, and the integration of seven humans on Saturday and today, his mind and body were exhausted from the week he's had. All he wanted to do was rest before Nightmare Moon summoned him for his next lesson or to do her bidding god knows where. As he entered his private chambers, he thought back to the years he has spent with Nightmare Moon here in her castle as her student and shuddered at the pain and suffering he's caused people just to prove his loyalty to his teacher and mistress least he be punished. As he collapsed into his bed, graciously provided by Nightmare Moon, he surveyed his chambers and frowned at many of the items littering it. He kept thinking back to the night she came and offered Chase the chance to be more than he was now or she would end his family. For a while, three years to be exact, he thought he had made the right descision. Nightmare Moon even allowed him a chance to see his family again, even if it was a brief one. The joy that filled his heart upon seeing his family again could not be described and the gratitued towards the queen of the night was unfathomable. But upon first glance, his family was appaled at what Nightmare had done to their son. Tears slide down his cheeks, dampening his fur a little, at the memory of their horrified expressions and the pleas of mercy. He tried to get close to them but they kept backing away from him crying. That was the last memory he had of them. He couldn't believe that his parents and his brother were terrified of him just because he looked like a small Nightmare Moon. As he drifted off to sleep he felt his body relax and he closed his eyes. He slept peacfully for two hours before he was awakened by the sound of knocking on his door. "What is it?" He called in a exhausted daze, "Nightmare Moon requests your prescence in the throne room." Came the reply from Razor, one of Nightmare Moon's Royal guards. Grumbling, Chase gets up and heads for the throne room wondering what she needed. Nightmare Moon stared out of the window, observing her work and smiling, when the large doors of the throne room creaked open her loyal student entering, obviously woken from a nap she noticed. Chase stopped and bowed before the queen of the night keeping his eyes on the floor, "What may i do for you my mistress?" She turned from the window to Chase and stares down at him. "It is that time of the month again Chase." Chase nods knowing full well that it is the time for Nightmare Moon to rest and recharge her magic for a week and five days. "I do not wish to be disturbed in this time and i expect that not one of any of my subjects knows of my sleep." He nods and kisses the hoof that she holds up before she walks off to her royal bed chambers. "You may now return to your nap." Nightmare says before exiting the throne room. He just sighs, half knowing that it was obvious that he was awakened from a nap. He himself exits the throne room using his magic to close the doors and heads back to his own chambers. With a soft thud he closes his doors and trots over to his desk, looking through the procedures for when Nightmare Moon sleeps. He sighs as he levitated some papers around before noticing a picture poking from one of the piles of papers. He levitates it in front of his face and almost breaks down crying as his old self stares back at him. He shakes his head and replaces the photo where he found it starting to arrange the papers into neat piles when a thought popped into his head. Remembering the story she told him two years ago about how she came to this world. "Hmm maybe if i tracked down the origin of her powers, her host as she put it, maybe i can find these Elements of Harmony to help me put an end to her reign in my world forever." He thinks it over , these thoughts not being the first of this since he heard about the elements of harmony and how the destroyed her connection with her host and sent her here. At first he was angry at them for sending this evil to his world. But as he thought about it, he came to relize that they were doing what was best for their world and it wasn't their fault that Nightmare Moon came to his world. Now all he wanted was their help to return light to Earth and even change everyone Nightmare Moon changed into her guards, army and her dark bolts. With his resolve set, he grabbed his cloak and set out to the throne room where her magic was used the most. Silently entering the throne room Chase set about locating the focal point of Nightmare Moon's magic finding it around her throne. Concentrating hard, his horn glowed emerald green as his tracking spell focused on tracking Nightmare Moon's magic back to it's origin. After about ten to fifteen minutes later his spell located the origin of Nightmare Moon. Smiling Chase began casting a teleportation spellthat would bring him to the spot that last housed Nightmare Moon and her host when they were one. A mist of night surrounded Chase as he unleashed his spell propelling him across space into the world that Nightmare Moon called home. In a flash of light, Chase appeared in the ruins of the old castle that served as the battleground that was Nighmare's last stand. Surveying the ruins, Chase could sense a great yet faint energy of both the elements of harmony and his mistress just by looking with his magic. "Now if i follow the trace of the elements i can find the mares who weild them." With a nod he set out of the ruins on the trail of the elements not realizing it was daytime. After an hour of walking the exhaustion of his work and his lack of sleep caught up to him and he sways. Before he passed out he heard rustling and preformed an illusion spell making him look like a pegasus before he passed out. The last thing he saw befor blacking out was a golden bangled, black and white pair of hooves trotting towards him. To Be continued.... > A Harmonious Meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chase walked through an empty corridor, not a sound but his hooves on the stone floor and the faint sound of his breathing, a familiar darkness surrounding him as he wandered the corridor. It was a familiar yet unknown corridor that he felt he should know but didn't, like a word lingering at the tip of your tongue but you are unable to recall what the word is. As he got to what he thought was the halfway point he started to hear hissing emminating from everywhere. He looked around in a panic trying to locate the source of the hissing but was unable to find it, the hissing seeming to increase in tempo. He approached a wooden door and opened it. As the door slowly swung open, with an eerie creaking, Chase walked into a torchlit, stone room with hay on the floor with rats scurrying about. On the walls, metal shackles hung, some skeletal remains shackled to them, and levers protrude from their respective positions on the walls, waiting to be pulled to activate their respected traps or devices. Looks like Nightmare Moon's dungeon, Chase thought looking around before spotting a figure on the shackled to the wall in the usual prison rags, looking starved and broken. Feeling as though the figure was familiar, Chase approached it carefully. Sensing the alicorn student's approach, the figure lifted his head and stared at Chase with green eyes set behind a nest of long, brown hair. Chase stopped five feet from the shackled human, looking at it with a horrified expression. As green stared into emerald, Chase came to a sudden realization at the figures identity. It was Himself, his human self in rags and shackled to the wall. As he stared at who he used to be, his human self just smiled at him. "It's been so long hasn't it Chase," the human said in kindness to his pony self, "It is easy to forget who you are when you're something entirely differentt for four and a half years as Nightmare Moon's student." Chase was on the verge of tears as his horn glowed releasing the human that he was once. He rushed over and hugged him saying i'm sorry over and over tears streaming from his eyes. His human self just smiled and whispered something unintelligable before his vision faded into nothing. He awoke, fully rested, to the aeroma of exotic fragrances and the sound of chanting in a language not known to chase. He tried to get up but was unable to. He decided to look around the room, which was all in a hut he noticed, and was interested in what he saw. Masks lined the walls, ingrediants lined what looked like shelves, and in the middle was a cauldren that was currently being used by a zebra. Three things were currently occupying his mind, one: the dream he just had, which was weird in itself, two: why had blacked out in the first place, maybe exhaustion, and three: why this zebra saved him and carried him to her hut. The zebra was chanting as she tossed in ingrediants into the bubbling green brew. He tried to get up again but yelp as pain surged through his body causing the zebra to jump and look back at him in alarm. A smile crossed her face and Chase just smiled back nevously. "Ah you are fine, that i see, tell me what are you doing in the everfree?" The zebra asked in a rhyme, which seemed strange to chase. "Uh i'm kinda looking for a town called," he searches his memory for the name Nightmare Moon told her many times, "Ponyville." He finally managed to say. "Oh if it is Ponyville you wish to find, i'm afraid younare in quite a bind," she told Chase, rhyming some more, "when you blacked out you hit your head, a ran to see if you were dead. To my suprise you were not, so i brought you to my hut." Chase just sat there staring at the zebra in confusion. She walked over and whacked him over the head with a hoof, causing another jolt of pain to surge through his body. "Ow what did you do that for?" Chase said rubbing the spot she hit. "Do not question what was momentary fear, if it were not for my brew you would not be here." She said pointing to an empty bottle at chase's side and his jaw dropped, immediately regretting snapping at the zebra. "I'm sorry, didn't mean to snap at you can you forgive me?" The zebra nodded. "What's your name by the way?" "I am known as Zecora." She reached a hoof out and shook Chase's hand just as a knock resonated from the wooden door. Both Chase and Zecora turned to the door and Zecora asked who it was. "It's Twilight Sparkle." Came the response, and Zecora smiled. "My dear friend is here, i shall be right there." She said walking to the door and opening it. As the door opened, a purple unicorn with a violet mane streaked with pink trotted in with a smile and thanked Zecora before turning her attention to the dark blue pegasus lying on one of her benches with a concerned look on her face. Chase and Twiliht just stared at each other for awhile before Twilight approached Chase extending a hoof to which he took it hesitantly. "Hello, I am Twiliht Sparkle," she said, shaking Chase's hoof eagerly, "and who may you be?" Chase hesitated for a bit before he answered the eager unicorn mare. "I'm Night Rider and it is a pleasure meeting you miss Sparkle." Chase said, glad at the look on her face from the fact that he lied. That's what being the student to Nightmare Moon for four and a half years will do to you Chase thought before Twilight let go of his hoof. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you as well Night Rider," she said happily, a smile playing across her face, "What are you doing at Zecora's if you don't mind me asking?" Chase looked away and rubbed his head before answering her, "I blacked out in the everfree forest and woke up here." Twilight looked at him with concern in her eyes asking if he was alright. "I am now thanks to Zecora and her remedy she brewed." he said getting up steadily cringing a bit as he did, "Do you know where i can find Ponyville, Miss Sparkle?" Chase asked Twiliight. "Yes i do, i live there as the librarian." She said with pride in her voice and a little bounce. Chase smiled and asked if she could lead him there to which she nodded. Before the two ponies left Zecora's, Twilight got what she came there to grab, a book on natural remedies. She said goodbye to Zecora and lead Chase the entrance of the forest that lead to Ponyville. As they exited the everfree and entered the sun, Chase was nearly blinded by the sun and quickly pulled the hood of his cloak over his eyes to shield them. "Are you ok?" Twilight asked Chase, her eyes showing concern. "Y-Yeah i'm fine, just not used to the daytime is all." He said, which was only half the truth. Satisfied with his answer she continued leading the dark blue pegasus to her home until they could see it over the hill. Chase couldn't believe his eyes as he gazed at Ponyville and it's beauty. He felt Twilight tug at the hem of his cloak smiling. "Come on, come on i want to introduce you to my friends and show you around." she said impatiently, continuing to pull his cloak until he walked foreword. The one thought that was going through his mind as he and Twilight Sparkle approached Ponyville was if he was doing the right thing or writing his death wish? To Be Continued.......... > Harmony, Sun, and Moon Meet Darkness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upon entering Ponyville, Chase and Twilight were greeted by five other mares. They talked with Twilight for a short minute before noticing Chase who just stood there with a confused look on his face, the magic of the Elements of Harmony radiating off the six mares faintly but strong enough to be detected by a trained magic user. One of the mares, an all pink one, dashed over to Chase and shook his hoof with such enthusiasm that it almost dislocated his shoulder. He cringed as she shook his hoof. After what seemed like eternity, the pink pony let go of Chase's hoof and sped of like Starstreak, the leader of the Dark Bolts, in the opposite direction. Chase just stood there with the most confused look on his face. He turned to the other five Elements and asked what that was about and they all laughed. "Oh that was just Pinkie Pie's usual reaction to meeting somepony new." A cyan pegasus with a rainbow colored mane and tail said shaking her head. "And knowing her she's probably getting a party ready for you right now." She started laughing hysterically. Chase just stood there even more confused and decided to just go with it. He looked at each of them before introducing himself. Besides Twilight, the remaining four introduced themselves as Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash. They also told Chase that the pink pony was Pinkie Pie. Chase made a mental note to try to avoid this Pinkie Pie after he ended Nightmare Moon. "So where's this party gonna be held?" Chase asked and Applejack just chuckled, "It'll probably be at Sugarcube Corner where most of Pinkie's parties are. Come on, Night, we'll show you the way." Chase nodded and followed the girls to Sugarcube Corner where, as Applejack said, Pinkie threw his Welcome To Ponyville party. He almost had a heart attack when a lot of ponies jumped out yelling suprise, which almost shattered his illusion spell right then and there to which he was grateful that it held. He looked at all the ponies and smiled, tears starting to form. The girls noticed this and asked if he was ok. "Yeah i'm fine," Chase said, wiping the tears from his eyes still smiling, "Just haven't had a party for me in a long time and i'm just really happy is all." The girls just smiled and enjoyed the party. Chase, for the first time in his life, was truely happy. It almost made up for the four years that he was Nightmare's student, it even almost made up for the dissapointment and horror when meeting his family again after years of being away from them, almost. Shaking the bad memories from his mind, he enjoyed the rest of the party with the residents of Ponyville. About halfway into the party, an unexpected visit from the rulers of the land appeared for the party. All the ponies bowed to the pure white alicorn with a sun on her flank and a almost rainbow like mane and tail that flowed like Nightmare Moon's and the indigo alicorn with the same mark on her flank like Nightmare Moon's only reversed with a mane and tail the same color as the night sky and flowing like her sisters. Upon the first look at the princess of the night, Luna was her name, Chase immediately felt the lingering of his teachers power on her. The princesses told their subjects get up and asked who this party was for to which they all pointed to Chase or Night Rider as he told them. They turned to him and introduced themselves as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. He bowed to them and offered a hoof to which Celestia took, shaking it in hers. He offered his hoof to Luna, but when she got an inch from touching his hoof she flinched staring at Chase with slight malice. With a growl and a huff, she stormed out of Sugarcube Corner which suprised everyone but scared Chase who decided to run after her as did the Element wielders and Celestia. Chase and the others caught up to Luna after a short while. As Chase approached Luna, she turned and blasted him with a bolt of magic sending him sprawling onto the ground hunched over in pain. Celestia and the girls gaped at Luna in horror at what she did. "Luna, what are you doing?" Celestia demanded as the girls approached the hurt pegasus stallion, who groaned in pain. "Why did you just attack Night Rider?" Looking at her sister, Luna glared at Chase who just stared back in pain and terror, "He has been touched by Nightmare Moon and he resonates with her magic!" She screamed as she blasted another bolt at Chase. Deciding that the charade is over even as it started, Chase dissolved into a veil of mist, much like his teacher had taught him, and appeared three feet to the right. He shred the illusion and stood before all eight of them as a miniture Nightmare Moon, they all gasped and backed away from Chase. "Since Luna knows the truth i guess there's no use in hiding it," Chase said looking down and scraping the dirt beneath his left forehoof before looking up at the eight mares, "It's true, I have been touched and taught by the Mare in the Moon. But not by my own descision, i was forced to make a life-or-death situation by that monster when she came to me four and a half years ago, so i chose life and spared my family from death or worse." Chase was on the verge of tears as he explained his situation. Luna continued to glare at him confused at what he was saying, "What do you mean? Explain yourself!" She demanded stomping her hoof. Chase nodded but asked if he could tell his story in private to which they agreed heading to the library. As Twilight closed and locked the front door putting up a closed sign before all of them, The Element wielders, the princess of the sun and moon, turned to Chase waiting to hear what he had to say. He looked at all of them, looked down with a pained look and sighed before looking up at them and began weaving his tale of woe and sadness starting with Nightmare Moon's takeover of his planet. To Be Continued.... > A Nightmareish Beginning (Chase's Flashback) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (I'd like to thank blobbo420 for helping me with the names of the Dark Bolts, if your reading this thnx man.) It all began five years ago, on the week known to all as the Days of Nightmares, when the creature known as Nightmare Moon appeared into the human world after her defeat at the hands of the Elements of Harmony. The first four days, she silently observed the humans from the shadows, studying everything she could about the humans, their culture, behavior, what they feared, their strengths and weeknesses. Then she decided to test something that was on her mind on the second day of observing these creatures. In the dead of night on the same day, she silently entered the home of a married man named Jason McCrellean who was a Senator for the state of Florida and changed him and his wife into the first of the many soldiers for her army. With this discovery she decided to set out and each night transformed a set amount of humans into her soldiers until she was sure there were enough to set her plan into motion. On the night of the fifth day of nightmare, Nightmare Moon sent her soldiers to the more major power plants around the world and told them to wait for her command. She also put her soldiers at key locations around the world, miitary instalations, government buildings, and the U.N. Upon her orders, all the soldiers struck destroying all the locations and setting the world in chaos. It was that moment that Nightmare Moon announced her presence to the world and plunged the earth into eternal darkness. The world had officially been put into the Nightmare Era. The first thing the new earthly Queen of the Night decreed was the building of her dark castle. Under the watch of Nightmare's dark guards armed with spears and whips, the humans built the castle to her specified designs. After about two or so months, and much pain and suffering while building, the castle was complete. Much to everyones relief she was pleased with her castle. The humans who worked on her castle, a good two thousand humans, were transformed into more of her guards and even turned five of them into her Dark Bolts. All of them wore indigo colored jump, or in this case flight suits, that covered all but their wings and top of their heads that had a black lightning bolt streaking across both sides of the suits. Each of them wore dark, malicious looking goggles that almost seemed as if they could see into your very souls. The dark bolts members were two stallions and three mare by the names of StarStreak, ThunderHoof, Solar Eclipse, Acid Rain, and Dusk Glider. They loved to put on a show for Nightmare Moon and anyone who Nightmare Moon thought was worthy to see their shows. It was within ten months that she had a vision of her permanent end at the hands of the Elements of Harmony and a Human by the name of Chase Welcher. "StarStreak!" Nightmare Moon called the leader of the Dark Bolts, who streaked in like the wind and bowed before her queen. "What may the Dark Bolts do for you, my queen?" StarStreak asked her ruler, who glared out the window in worry. "I have just had a most unpleseant vision of my demise," Nightmare Moon said coldly, her eyes glowing with growing anger. "I need you and your Dark Bolts to set out and locate a human by the name of Chase Welcher." "Of course my queen, what does this human look like so our search may bring you better results?" The Dark Bolts leader asked. Reaching into her memory, she searched for the image of the human that would be an accomplice in her demise. Finding the image she was looking for, her starry mane began to stir and began to form the image of a five foot seven caucasion human male of about twelve or so with short brown hair, green eyes, and a noticable scar on his left eyebrow. StarStreak studied the image before bowing again. "It shall be done my queen." She was dismissed by the Mare in the Moon and immediately flew to Dark Bolts quarters. As she entered the bunk area of their quarters, she saw the remaining Dark Bolts doing different off duty activities. Thunderhoof was doing wing-ups, trying to keep his wings in shape for when they are called for duty, Acid Rain was deep in a book she had been reading for the past two weeks, and Solar Eclipse and Dusk Glider were hoof wrestling, Solar obviously winning against Dusk. Upon the sound of her hooves, the Dark Bolts stood at attention for StarStreak, who was glad for her position. "Alright Dark Bolts listen up," she said as she trotted towards them, "Our queen has given us an important task to accomplish, failure is not an option." "What is our task ma'am?" Dusk asked, keeping his attention ahead. "She wants us to locate andreport the location of a human boy by the name of Chase Welcher." She said and the Dark Bolts all said yes ma'am. "Now suit up and report to the roof immediately." On the roof of the Dark Bolts they assembled and after a recap on their assignment they set off in search of Chase. Meanwhile at Chase's home, he and his family were sitting at the dinner table about to partake in some dinner when they heard the sounds of five pair of hooves in the front yard followed by the harsh sound of a hoof on the front door. Chase's father stood to answer the door, looking at his family with fear easily seen in his eyes. He answered the door to find the Dark Bolts staring up at him, their goggles barely glinting in the torch light. "Greetings," StarStreak said, a little annoyed of their search turning up nothing so far, "May we come inside?" Mike nodded and stood aside, allowing the dark pegasi inside and closed the door behind them. He nervously offered them a drink of water which they refused, saying that they were here on official business assigned by Nightmare Moon herself, which made Mike even more nervous. "W-what do we owe the pleasure of the queens Dark Bolts to our home?" Mike asked, rubbing his hands together nervously. Solar Eclipse noticed this and grinned. "Do you have a twelve year old son sir?" StarStreak asked, silently hoping that this house will contain their objective. "Y-yes i do, ma'am." Mike stuttered and tried to keep eye contact with the dark grey mare. "W-why do you ask?" "It is none of your concern, unless your son is the one our queen is searching for." StarStreak said, her wings ruffling in frustration. "Just call him now." At the sound of his name, Chase walked into the living room before freezing before the dark team of pegasi. The dark bolts eyes widened under their goggles and quickly approached Chase who flinched. StarStreak turned to Acid Rain, "Report to Nightmare Moon and tell her we found him." Acid Rain nodded and opened the door before flying off in the direction of the dark castle. Chase tried to walks off but Dusk Glider stopped him and he and Solar Eclipse force him on the couch. He looked absolutely terrified as his mother and older brother enter the room at the sounds of Chase and the Dark bolts. "Stay there maggot," Dusk said in a dark voice, staring down at Chase, causing him to squirm under his stare. "Now now dusk Glider, no need to make him feel uncomfortable," StarStreak said maliciously, looking towards Chase with a grin, "That is our queens job." Chase squirmed in fear for ten minutes before the torches flickered and the door swung open, slamming into the wall. Lightning flashed as Nightmare Moon, the dark queen of the night, stood there with a scowl. Everyone bowed to her in fear as she entered the home, her dark aura washing over the entire home causing the torches to flicker constantly. Her gaze turned to her Dark Bolts who bowed in respect to their queen. "Where is he?" She asked in her usual dark tone, her eyes glowing. The dark pegasi stepped aside and revealed the cowering child. Nightmare Moon grinned and approached the child, who stared at the dark alicorn in complete horror. Chase was wondering what she would do to him and what he did to deserve whatever she had planned for him. Nightmare Moon stopped in front of Chase and stared down at him with malicious, snake-like eyes. She wondered why this chiled was destined to help the Elements of Harmony and the wretched mares who wielded them to end her once and for all. Suddenly a thought popped into her head, a deliciously evil thought. She looked down at the child and her grin widened, scaring Chase more. "You know who i am do you not child?" Nightmare asked the scared child, who nodded. "Then you must know how much of an honor it is to have me make an appearance in your home." Chase nodded and Nightmare Moon looked at his family, who flinched. "I have come to you this evning to give you a chance to be your queens student and learn the ways of magic." She said in a polite yet malicious tone, catching Chase and everyone else off guard. "Y-you want m-me to be your s-student y-your majesty?" He asked, slowly sitting up. "Did i stutter?" Nightmare growled, making Chase flinch. "Now you can either become my student or you and your family will perish here and now." Chase's eyes widened and he looked at his family, each with terror in their eyes. His mother looked at him and mouthed please do it, on the verge of tears. Nodding he turned to the azure armor clad alicorn and said he would become her student. "Wise choice," Nightmare Moon said with a smirk, "Approach your teacher, my student." Chase stood and and approached his new teacher and stood before her. She turned to Thunderhoof and motioned him forward. Thunderhoof strode towards his queen and bowed. "What will you have me do your majesty." Thunderhoof asked his queen. "We are heading back to the castle, i want you to carry my student there." She said , turning to the door. He nodded and turned to Chase , ordering him to get on his back and to hold on tight. Chase nodded nervously before getting on Thunderhoof's back. Nightmare Moon and the Dark Bolts exited the home and launched into the night sky, heading in the direction of Nightmare Moon's castle. Chase clung to Thunderhoof's neck as the wind blew in his face and the adrenaline pumping in his veins. He looked around at the landscape speeding by as conflicting thoughts played through his mind. He was glad that he was given this oppurtunity to do something more than he already was, scared that Nightmare Moon personally came to his home to ask him to be her student, and sad that he may never see his family again. StarStreak flew next to the pair. "Don't worry." She said over the wind, "It's a huge honor to be the student of Nighmare Moon." Chase nodded nervously and looked at the dark alicorn. They arrived at the palace and Chase fell off Thunderhoof's back and landed on the ground hard. He got up, groaning, and followed his teacher into the throne room. Nightmare Moon sat in her throne and commanded Chase forward. Chase did so and stood before the dark alicorn. She looked down at him from her throne. "If you are to be my student," Nightmare Moon said, staring down at her student, "You must pledge your loyalty to me and never falter on my orders." Chase nods and pledges himself to Nightmare Moon, who smiled. Her horn suddenly started glowing and a mist of night surrounded Chase. At first he started to panic as his body started to feel strange. He felt things start to disappear and appear. He felt his bones begin to shift, his hair grow longer and change color, he felt himself grow a little smaller, and he felt himself grow wings, a tail, a coat of dark blue fur, and a horn. The mist disappatedand before Nightmare Moon stood a dark blue alicorn with a white mane, white tail, and emerald green snake-like eyes. "You now look like a proper student for me." Nightmare Moon said, laughing as Chase looked himself over. Chase was very confused and tested his wings, seeing if they actually worke. He saw that they in fact worked, the muscles in his wings moving the wings up and down. He flexed them experimentally and was fascinated that he had actual functioning wings. Nightmare Moon let the curious boy experiment with his new body before snapping him back to her. "Now that you are somewhat acquanted with your new body we shall proceed with your teachings." Nightmare Moon said and stood, approaching her student. Chase nodded and procceeded to learn from the Mare in the Moon. "And for four and a half years, i loyaly followed Nightmare Moon and i have done unspeakable things in her name, things i regret doing." Chase said, finishing his tale on the verge of tears. Celestia, the girls, and Luna sat on their haunches, listening intentively. Chase could see tears welling up in most of their eyes. Celestia looked over to Luna who stared at Chase, her emotions and thoughts conflicting at the alicorns story. "Oh you poor thing, you've had it so hard." Rarity said, tears rolling down her cheeks and she hugged Chase. The other girls hugged him too and Chase once again felt something he hasn't felt in so long, he felt loved. He hugged the girls with a smile as he felt the pain and sorrow melt away in the embrace of these six special mares. Luna stood and approached Chase, the look on her face never changing. The girls saw Luna and backed away, worried looks on their faces. The princess of the night looked at the Mare in the Moon's student, emerald staring at teal, before doing something that suprised Chase, Celestia and the girls. Luna hugged Chase, wrapping her forehooves and wings around the dark blue alicorn. "Well this is a suprise," Celestia said, her usual calm demeanor replaced with a look of suprise. "Luna, I thought you hated Nightmare Moon?" "I do, but i do not however hate somepony who's life was taken from him." She said, not looking at her sister. "From what i've heard today, this alicorn was forced to become her student or he would be dead. He chose his family's life before his own freedom." Celestia nodded. Luna broke the embrace and looked at Chase. "I'm sorry i attacked you chase." Luna apologised. "I was angry about feeling the enrgy that once took over my form and almost plunged the world into eternal night." "It's fine." Chase said, smiling at the princess of the night, "Things like that happen without warning whether we want them to happen or not." "I can't help but think it's our fault that your world was plunged into eternal night and you becoming the student to the Mare in the Moon." Twilight said, obviously looking guilty. The other five Elements nodded their heads in agreement, feeling the same. "It's not your fault girls," Chase said, trying to make the girls less guilty. "You didn't know that she did that, sure at first i blamed you for what happened." They looked down in shame. "But after awhile i figured you were just doing what was right for your world, so i got over it." They looked up at him, obviously cheered up, and smiled at him. "Well now that i'm on the current situation, the reason i came here was to ask you for your help." Chase said, scratching the back of his head. All of the girls and both princesses looked at him confused. He hesitated a bit before continuing. "I need the help of the very thing that destroyed her the first time," Chase said, looking them in the eye. "I need your help girls, i need your help destroying Nightmare Moon once and for all, returning my world back to the way it was before the days of nightmares." The girls were taken aback by this and looked at each other nervously. If they said yes, they would face Nightmare Moon again, who may be a little more powerful than she was last time. If they said no, Chase's world would be in darkness forever. After much debating, fifteen minutes to be exact, the turned to Chase with their descision. "We'll help." They said in perfect unison. For the third time that day, Chase was happy and he thanked the girls. Celestia asked if she could do anything to help them out and all Chase said was that he only needed to have somewhere to stay until it was time for Nightmare Moon woke up. After talking to the mayor, Chase found a temporary house in Ponyville where he mentally and physically prepared for the upcoming battle between his teacher, Nightmare Moon, and the Elements and Harmony and himself. Whatever happened in this battle, one side would suffer a heavy loss. "I hope i'm doing the right thing?" Chase asked himself as he steeled his mind but couldn't help but wonder if he could succeed with this plan. He decided to see the outcome for himself instead of guessing. To Be Continued... > Strategy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the first rays of Celestia's sun shone through the windows of Chase's temporary home while in Ponyville, Chase sat up and yawned, stretching his forelegs up and was thankful for the momentary feeling of waking to the morning sun for the first time in years. He got out of his bed and headed for the bathroom to shower before heading to Twilights home to strategize. He looked himself in the bathroom mirror and, much like the other times he's done so, he saw Nightmare moon staring back at him. He knew she wasn't really there but he couldn't help but shift nervously at her gaze. "Your idea will never succeed, my little traitor," The illusion sneered at Chase and cackled, "You and the Elements will fail and i will continue to rule your world forever." Chase shook his head and turned away from the reflection, doubt starting to fill him. He shook his head again before turning back to the mirror and seeing his reflection staring back at him instead of that horrible monster. "We won't fail," he said to himself, still hearing the cackling of the imaginary Nightmare, "We will end you , my 'teacher', and when we do everything you've done will unravel and the sun will rise once again." With that done with Chase strode out of the home and headed for the librarian's home, his mind focused on ending Nightmare Moon. As he walked to the tree home, Chase could feel many eyes on him as he passed the ponies they belonged to and he could feel a slight malice in them. But he didn't let that get to him, he always got glares from rebels whenever he was allowed a chance to walk freely. "Look out!" Came a voice from Chase's left followed by something crashing into him suddenly. With a groan, Chase started to get up and looked at whoever crashed into him. He was suprised to see three young fillies sprawled on the ground. Each of the fillies were a different race, an orange pegasus, whose wings were a little smaller than usual , witha a purple mane and matching tail, a yellow earth pony with a bow in her red mane, and a white unicorn with a curled pink and light purple mane and tail. As they started to get up, groaning, he noticed they had no 'cutie marks' as he was told they were called. "Are you ok, mister?" The little unicorn asked "Yeah i'm fine," Chase brushed his forelegs of dust, "Are you three ok?" "Yeah, we've taken worse falls before." The pegasus said before they turned to Chase. Their eyes widened when they saw Chase. He sighed and expected them to run away screaming, but was suprised when they smiled and tackled him to the ground. He felt little hooves grab and touch his wings, horn, mane, and tail. "Another alicorn," the earth pony said, starry eyed, "An' he looks a bit like Luna only darker and not all depressed." "Maybe he's related to the princesses?" "Uh..." Chase started but was interuppted by the pegasus. "He can't be." "He could be Scootaloo you never know." Chase was about to snap when Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy walked over to where we were and saw the three fillies arguing. They came over quickly and broke the girls argument. "AppleBloom, what the hay are ya three arguing about now?" Applejack asked, pulling the yellow earth pony to her. "They were arguing about whether or not i was related to Celestia and Luna." Chase said, his frustration fading. Rainbow Dash laughed like she heard the best joke ever, which in a sense it was. "Oh that's hilarious squirts." "Now Sweetie belle," Rarity turned to the little white unicorn, "Chase is not related to the princesses." "Why would he be related to some pony who tried to kill him yesterday." Rainbow Dash said, still laughing. The fillies looked confused and Chase sighed. "Ok before this goes any further, who are these three?" They introduced themselves as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the pegasus being Scootaloo, the unicorn being Rarity's sister Sweetie Belle, and the yellow earth pony was Applejacks sister Applebloom. Chase introduced himself before remembering that he and the girls needed to be at Twilights house. They said good-bye to the CmC and went in the direction of the library, which said they were closed. Chase was glad, he didn't want any interruptions for this meeting. They entered the library and saw Pinkie and Twilight already talking amongst themselves. They turned to Chase who immediately pulled a piece of paper and a pencil from a saddle bag so graciously provided by Celestia and set them on the floor. "I will be honest with you girls, i'm starting to doubt doing this in the first place." He looked at them with a sorrowful look. "Why is that?" Twilight asked. "Because there is a great risk of failure and even death," Chase said, "And now that i've seen the mares who wield the Elements of Harmony, I don't want to lead you to your death just to save my own world." They all looked at him confused. Chase looked away, the image of Nightmare Moon in the mirror as well as what she said still in his mind. "Look man," Rainbow Dash said impatiently, trotting up to Chase and getting in his face, "you came and asked us to help you and now your saying that your not going to let us help, what's up with that?" Chase was taken aback by this and was met with all eyes on him. "Nightmare Moon..." Chase began. "So what if she's more powerful now," Applejack said, "We can't just let her continue ruling your world, whether you want us to or not." "That's right silly." Pinkie said, as cheery as ever, "We're always there for a friend in need." His eyes widened when he heard the word friend come from the pink pony's mouth. "You consider me a friend, even though i just met you?" They all nodded their heads and Chase grinned like an idiot causing the girls to laugh. With his mind at ease and his resolve to destroy Nightmare Moon strengthened, they planned their attack. The words Pinkie said rang in his head as he wrote down and sketched out the strategies. Suddenly, the voice of his human side in rags popped into his head and rang clear. "Never forget who you are." To Be Continued.... > Homeward Bound > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The plan, in Chase's mind, was somewhat simple. Appear in the throne room three days before she wakes, knock out any guards on the way to her private chambers, and destroy Nightmare Moon with the Elements of Harmony. He and the girls, even Celestia and Luna on Thursday, went over this plan three times and Chase was certain that this plan was going to work or at least he hoped. It was Monday and Chase decided to take today and tomorrow off from planning and tried to find out a little bit about the mares he called his friends. Just to get it out of the way, he decided to first hang out with Pinkie Pie. With a smile on his face and a new spring in his step he headed to SugarCube Corner. He noticed more glares at him but once again ignored them. He entered the sweets building and smiled at the blue pony behind the counter who kindly greeted him. "Hi Mrs. Cake," Chase said, having learned her name at the party, "Is Pinkie here?" Upon hearing her name, the hyperactive pink pony appeared from the kitchen and smiled at her otherworldly friend. "Hey there Chase what can i do for you?" The pink pony said, her smile widening. "Oh i just wanted to hang out with all my new friends before we headed to my world." Chase said, smiling almost as wide as Pinkie. She gasped with excitement and turned to Mrs. Cake, who said she can go. With a squee, Pinkie hopped over the counter, grabbed Chase's hoof, and sped out of SugarCube Corner. Chase couldn't help but chuckle at Pinkie's enthusiasm as she dragged him god knows where. After awhile she let go of Chase's hoof and he falls face first in the dirt. "Ow, Pinkie where are we?" Chase said picking himself up from the ground. He looks around and notices that he's in a park with other ponies hanging out here. Pinkie Pie seemed to pull a picnic basket out of her poofy mane and sets it on the ground before pulling out a picnic blanket and setting it up on the ground. Chase helped her set up the picnic just as the others came trotting up to them, smiling as they spotted Chase and Pinkie. Chase was baffled at the coincidence of them showing up just as he and Pinkie finished setting up. Chase turned to pinkie who just grinned. "Did you already plan a picnic today, Pinkie?" Chase asked the pink, party pony. "Maybe," Pinkie said, "You looked so stressed and we've been doing boring planning so i figured we could have a relaxing picnic today." "You have been working hard sugarcube," Applejack said as she sat on the blanket. "Yeah man," Rainbow Dash said with pride, "You can't be all work and no play, it's just no fun." Chase looked at his friends, who all nodded their heads in agreement. He thought it over for a moment. That was his whole reason, or at least part of it anyways, for taking today and tomorow off wanting to get to know these mares in the first place. He started to laugh at the major coincidence which earned him confused looks from the girls. "What is so amusing, Chase?" Rarity asked, a sandwhich already on a plate in front of her. "Oh just the fact that we had the same idea about today." They all started to laugh with him as he was holding his sides. They laughed for about ten minutes before they composed themselves and began chatting as they enjoyed the nice sunny day graciously provided by Celestia. As they enjoyed the picnic, Chase found out alot about the six mares that he never knew, mostly because Nightmare Moon had nothing nice to say about them. "So Chase," Twilight said after finishing another sandwhich, "Why not tell us a bit about yourself." "That is if you don't mind." Fluttershy said quietly. He looked at them nervously. He was comfortable around them but he still was unsure about truely opening up to anyone, he's even kept secrets from his teacher. With a sigh and a smile he looked up at them. "Well before the hostile takeover i was really fascinated by the study of marine life." He started, trying so hard to remember before Nightmare Moon. "I was also interested in the art of drawing and storytelling. But I guess that'll never happen though unless this works." He looked down at the little cake on his plate as he said that, doubt yet again creeping up on him and taking his mind. He felt a hoof pat him on the back and saw Fluttershy next to him, who smiled at him. "It'll work Chase, don't doubt yourself." Twilight said in a reassuring voice. "Twilight's right," Rarity said, "We'll put a stop to Nightmare Moon and return light to your world darling." "That's right!" Rainbow Dash said, sticking her chest out, "We'll show that evil old mare what happens when you mess around with other worlds, especially a friend's world." "If there's one thing i can't stand, it's a meanie who doesn't care for others and makes everypony frown." Pinkie said, a serious look on her face. "Don' worry partner your world is as good as saved once we get there." Applejack chimed in, tipping her hat. "You girls are the best friends i have." Chase said before getting group hugged by them. The rest of the days passed without fail until the day to put Chase's plan into action arrived. He met all his friends outside the Everfree Forest at dawn. He made sure everypony knew what they had to do and made sure they had the Elements of Harmony with them, which they had around their necks, before heading into the forest and towards the ruins he first appeared in last week and two days ago. "It's now or never." Chase said, charging his teleportation spell. He looked back at the girls as he locked onto his last position in his world. "You six ready to do this?" They all nodded. With a smile and a flash of emerald light, they were whisked off to his world unaware of what was waiting for them on the other side. To Be Continued........ > Nightmare Moon vs the Elements of Harmony Round 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Within a couple of seconds of leaving the ruins in Equestria, Chase and the girls appeared in the dark throne room in his dark world. The girls looked around and shook a bit at the cold wind of the forboding room. "You sure we're in your world?" Pinkie asked, looking around the dark room, "It looks like the castle at Canterlot, only darker." "I'm sure." Chase said, his eyes seeming to glow in the room, "Nightmare Moon told me many times that she modeled this castle after the one in Canterlot, and from what i saw from Ponyville she was right." Chase looked around and looked out the window at the night sky. Upon returning to his world, the familiar feeling of sorrow and pain flooded his form and he really tried hard to resist running back to Equestria, to the warmth of Celestia's sun and the feeling of happiness. Chase's eyes started to water at the eternal night before him and he wiped his eyes before turning to the girls. "Alright girls," Chase started, "Now all we need to do is....." "Do what exactly, Chase." came the evil, familiar voice from the darkness, causing the seven of them to freeze on the spot. They all turned in the direction of the of the voice and saw Nightmare Moon sitting on her throne, glaring down at the seven ponies with hatred. She scanned over all seven of the ponies, first her student and then the girls. With a click of her hoof guards sprang from the shadows and surrounded the group, pointing their spears at them. Rainbow Dash tried to break through them but was intercepted by Thunderhoof and knocked to the ground. Chase snarled at him just as the other Dark Bolts seemed to appear out of nowhere grinning at them. "W-what," Chase stuttered, staring up at Nightmare Moon in disbelief who just stared back at him smiling, "H-how did you know?" She stared down at him in silence for ten minutes before she started to laugh maniacally which turned Chase blood to ice. The dark counterpart of Luna stood from her throne and strode to the helpless group. "Did you think I have not been aware of your plan from the start." She said with an obvious malice, "I've had Nightshade spy on you since you transported to that pitiful world watching your every movement and had him wake me before you came back." Upon hearing his name, a blue unicorn appeared next to NIghtmare Moon with a sinister sneer. Chase stared at Nightshade in horror and his body started to shake. Nightmare Moon laughed, which shook the windows, before looking at the guards. "Take the Elements of Harmony from the mares and lock them up, then lock their bearers in the dungeon." Nightmare Moon said with a sneer. "What about him your majesty?" StarStreak pointed to Chase. Nightmare Moon looked at her 'student', who glared back at her with a mixture of anger and fear. "Leave him here," She said narrowing her eyes, "I'll deal with him myself." With a bow the guards forced the Elements of Harmony from Twilight and the others and locked them in a box before forcing them out of the room. With a thud from the doors as they shut, Nightmare Moon and Chase were left alone in the dark throne room glaring at each other. Chase didn't dare to move for fear of being killed on the spot, not that it mattered now. For twenty or so minutes they stood staring at each other before Nightmare Moon spoke to her former student in a tone of anger. "I am dissapointed in you Chase," She approached him slowly, causing him to back up, "You were doing so well as my student, so well, but I guess I have myself to blame for telling you that story of my defeat." She kept walking towards Chase and he kept backing up until he was backed into the wall. Nightmare Moon's face came within five inches of Chase's and he once again felt her dark aura swarm him as she stared into his eyes. He was unsure of what she was going to do to him until he felt the familiar sensation of Nightmare Moon's magic surrounding him. Nightmare Moon flung him across the room and he crashed into a pillar at the back of the room, on the far left of the throne. Pain shot through his spine as he collapsed to the floor. He tried to stand but was once again shot against the wall and his vison momentarily turned black. His vision returned just as he was dragged towards the dark queen and he found himself levitating before her, her eyes staring into his soul. His eyes widened as he felt her magic start to strangle him, causing him to struggle in veign as the breath was prevented from entering or leaving his lungs. As he was on the verge of blacking out, he felt his throat released and a flood of fresh air filled his burning lungs with a cough. Nightmare Moon kept her magical grip on him as she strode to her dark throne. She asceanded the steps leading to the black seat and upon asceanding the final step sat on the throne, levitating Chase in front of her. "S-So what are you going to do to me, Nightmare Moon?" Chase said, dropping all formalities with the evil mare. "Killing you would be too much of a luxury for your crime," the Mare in the Moon said, giving it some thought, "Instead I am going to lock you in the dungeons with the element beares and let all seven of you rot for the rest of eternity." She stomped her hoof again and two guards Chase was very familiar with, Razor and Shadow, entered levitating shackles for his rear legs, his forelegs, and his wings and a ring for his horn. Chase was suddenly dropped and crashed to the floor in a dark blue heap. He stood up only to have his legs shackled and Shadow pushed him towards the doors. Chase glared back at the Dark queen. "This Isn't Over, Nightmare!" Chased yelled back at her before the doors closed. Chase looked down and tears started to sting his eyes as he was 'escorted' to the dungeons by Razor and Shadow. He tried to spread his wings but they had shackled those to his body and they had put a special metal ring on his horn, that he had magically charged himself, that nullified his magic and prevented him from using any of it. They came to a familiar corridor and walked down the steps that led to the oh so familiar dungeons he had hoped to avoid.They walked down the cobblestone corridor until they stopped in front of a large, barred cell. Chase looked inside and saw the girls beaten and bruised, a heartbreaking sight for him. Twilight and Rarity had the same nullification ring around their horns. Both Rainbow Dash and poor Fluttershy had their wings shackled to their bodies which looked uncomfortable for them. Chase couldn't believe what had happend to these six sweet mares and was furious at Nightmare Moon. Razor removed the shackles from his legs. "Get in there traitor!" Shadow grunted, shoving him into the cell with his left forehoof. Chase stumbled in and fell onto the floor making the binds on his wings dig into his sides. He shakily stood up as the cell door slammed shut and the laughing of the two guards could be heard as they walked away. He stood there staring out the bars for several minutes before turning to the girls, tears in their eyes from the bruises. He walked to them and they all looked up at him as he sat two feet from them. He looked over each of his friends and resisted the urge to hurl. "I am so sorry girls," Chase said, tears staring to pool in his eyes, "I didn't know that she had a spy on my tail." He started to sob and he collapsed on the floor. The girls looked towards the crying form that was Chase and couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Chase didn't notice anything as he sobbed until he felt a hoof gently touch his shoulder. He looked up and saw Rarity looking at him with a smile. "We don't blame you darling," She said, patting his shoulder. "Rarity's right sugarcube," Applejack said, "None of us could've known that she was waitin' for us." Chase looked at the others, who nodded their heads in agreement with what Applejack said. He couldn't help but smile softly at them before getting up. The girls all approached and hugged him. The feeling of despair and terror faded into non-existence and was replaced by the feeling of warmth and joy that intensified his resolve to destroy Nightmare Moon. "Thanks girls," He said, smiling at them all before becoming serious, "Now we need to get out of here." "How? If you didn't notice Chase, Fluttershy and I can't use our wings, Rarity and Twilight can't use their magic, and you can't use either." Rainbow Dash said looking around the cell. "All because of these shackles." Chase grinned and started to laugh. "I'm well aware of that," Chase said, still laughing, "But what you don't know is that the special bounds that are used to nullify the magic of the unicorn it's put on are magically charged by My magic." "So what does that mean exactly?" Pinkie asked. "It means he can turn the bands off even if he's wearing one." Twilight said, her eyes lighting with hope. Chase nodded his head and his horn produced it's usual emerald glow. With a snap the metal rings on his, Twilight's, and Rarity's horns snapped and fell to the floor. He received smiles from the unicorns before helping Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash out of their bounds and taking his off. He and the pegasi spread their wings and reveled in their freedom. "Now we need to do something about Razor and Shadow cause i know for a fact that they're going to be guarding the door out of the dungeons." "But how?" Fluttershy asked. "Allow me." Rarity said, flicking her mane. With a confused look on the other six ponies faces, Rarity started to whine like she was in pain. Chase thought that this was never gonna work and he believed it wouldn't until he heard the faint sound of the dungeon entrance door opening and the sounds of hooves approaching their cell. Rainbow Dash and Chase looked at each other and positioned themselves on either side of the cell door. The door opened and both guards entered with irritated looks. "Why are you...." Razor started before he and Shadow felt two hooves slam into the back of their heads knocking them unconscious. Chase walked over the unconscious guards, kicking Razor on the way, and walked over to Rarity, who was bowing at her own performance. All the girls, and Chase, clapped their hooves. "Thank you thank you." Rarity said. "I can't believe it worked." Chase said, rubbing the back of his head, "I didn't think it would, but you pulled it off Rarity thank you." She blushed and said your welcome. Chase levitated the keys from the Shadow and motioned for the girls to follow him. They exited the cell, closed and locked Razor and Shadow in it, a grin on Chase's face. They ran down the corridor to the door and exited it, closing it behind them as to not arouse suspicion. They climbed up the steps and approached the door. Chase stopped in front of the door and turned to his friends. "Before we go any further, I need to do something first." Chase said to the six mares. "And what do you need to do Chase." Twilight asked. "There are many guards, and when i mean many i mean Many," Chase said, a stern and serious tone in his voice, "So in order to get by them I'm going to have to cast a spell that'll make us invisble to their eyes. Now i know what your going to say, 'what about the guards who are unicorns' well in my time studying with Nightmare Moon she has taught me alot and all my illusion spells she let me cast on or against her guards. So i know that even her unicorn guards will not be able to see or detect us." His horn once again cast it's glow and the glow enveloped them. It faded and each of them were covered in an emerald aura. With a check behind the door, they exited the dungeon and walked down the hallway. They came to a corner and heard voices around it. Chase peeked and saw Dusk Glider and Acid Rain chatting amongst themselves. Taking this as an opportunity to see if the spell works, he carelessly strode around the corner and into the sight of both Dark Bolts. The girls observed Chase and were nervous that he would be spotted, but to their suprise they just continued with their conversation. They rushed past Dusk and Acid and stopped around the next corridor. "It actually works!" Twilight exclaimed, bouncing up and down happy with the results of the spell. "Told you Twilight." Chase said with pride in his voice. "But where are we gonna find the Elements of Harmony?" Applejack asked, looking around in a panic. Chase thought for a bit. His eyes widened as he thought of where Nightmare Moon may have hidden them. "I think I may know but i hope to god i'm wrong." Chase said before running off. The girls followed him as he headed for the one room that he had been to many times but has never entered, Nightmare Moon's private Chambers. He stopped in front of two large doors, both decorated with the symbol of Nightmare Moon, a full moon with a indigo sky and two black wings protruding from the moon, and he stared up at t "Is this...?" Fluttershy asked and Chase nodded. "This is the private chambers of Nightmare Moon," Chase said, a dark shadow crossing his face. "How do you know that the elements are in there?" Twilight asked shivering. "I've been tracking the magic signature of the elements since they took them," Chase said as he approached the doors, "And their signature radiates strongly from in here." With their combined effort the doors to the dark chambers opened slowly, creaking with every inch, until the doors stopped and the private realm of the mare in the moon stood before them. Chase once again resisted the urge to run and strode into Nightmare's room.The girls entered the large, night-like room and were shivering from the dark aura that infested it. "Alright the Elements are here somewhere," Chase said "Look for a locked box with her symbol on it and holler if you find it." With a nod the girls searched around the room for the Elements of Harmony. They searched every where for them, in closets, under stuff, and even trying hard to reach places. Each of them searched high and low but couldn't find them. Chase was starting to get frustrated until he heard Rainbow Dash shout out. "Found 'em!" She floated down with the box and a big grin of victory decorating her face. The others ran to her with excitement as Rainbow Dash touched down. "It was in a secret panel in the ceiling how clever." She said laughing. Using his magic, Chase unlocked the box and opened it. The Elements glowed brightly and resonated with the girls. They each put on their respective elements. Chase smiled and turned to the opening, preparing his own magic for the fight that will soon commence. Nightmare Moon sat in her throne room reveling in the fact that she has locked away the Elements, imprisioned their bearers, and imprisioned her treacherous student in the dungeons. She silently congratulated herself for her win today just as the doors slammed open. She stared in pure shock as Chase and the wretched Elements strode into the throne room with the Elements of Harmony around the six mares necks. "HOW DID YOU ESCAPE?!" Nightmare Moon screamed in anger. "Did you forget that I charged the rings that you put on Twilight, rarity and I?" Chase said in a cocky manner. Nightmare Moon growled in anger at him and fired a bolt of dark energy at Chase, which reflected off a barrier he created. The bolt caused Chase to step back a bit and he cringed when it connected. "I Will NOT Let My End Happen!" The Mare in the Moon screeched as a wave of her dark magic flew towards the seven ponies. They didn't have enough time to react and were hit by the wave, flinging all seven of them into the wall with a sickening crack. Each of them got up shakily and were all dizzy. Chase almost collapsed onto the floor but managed to stay standing as Nightmare Moon stode from her throne. With anger Chase fired his own magical bolt that was easily deflected by the dark mare. "Your nothing compared to me," She growled as she fired another bolt at Chase, who dodged it, "I Gave you the ability to use magic, I gave you the means to go anywhere you wished to go, I Taught You The Ways of Magic." Chase kept dodging the bolts she fired at him but one managed to strike him square in the chest and sent him crashing into the wall with a bone chilling crunch. Chase screamed in pure agony as he collapsed to the floor, his left wing broken and bending in ways it shouldn't. The girls looked at his form and saw that he wasn't moving. Fluttershy rushed to his side and checked to see if he was ok. Putting a hoof to his neck, she felt a faint heartbeat and she notified the others that he was just unconscious. They all turned to Nightmare moon and glared at her, starting to move towards each other. "Not this time." She sneered and sent a blast at them. They jumped out of the way and the floor beneath them rose into walls, seperating them from each other and leaving Fluttershy alone with the unconscious dark blue alicorn. Twilight called out to them but didn't get a response from any of them, which worried her. "Twilight." Came a haunting and familiar voice from behind Twilight. She turned around and turned pale at the sight of her brother, Shining Armour. She smiled and started to walk towards him but stopped when she remembered that she wasn't in Equestria anymore. The fake Shining Armour smiled at Twilight and slowly started to walk to her. She attempted to fire a bolt of magic at him but was suddenly forced against the wall by his 'magic', causing her to scream out in pain. She tried her best to dispell his magic but she found that she couldn't and she couldn't find out why. The fake Shining Armour laughed at the helpless purple unicorn. "You may be the Element of Magic, Twilight Sparkle, but here i am the very essence of magic," Nightmare Moon said through the fake, "I am much stronger than the last you and your friends faced me all those years ago." Twilight couldn't speak due to fear that had found it's way into her heart amd kept her from thinking logically. She screamed in terror as the fake continued to advance towards her his eyes glowing and his voice saying the same thing, you are nothing. Applejack could hear Twilights scream as clear as day and she shuddered at the sound. She continued to look for a weakness in the wall when something bumped against her left rear hoof. She looked down and saw an apple on the floor. Curiousity taking over, she picks up the apple and takes a bite from it. She spit the bite out of her mouth. "A rotten apple, a shame." she said just as another apple bumped her leg followed by another. Applejack was extremely confused as more and more rotten apples rolled from the darkness and seemed to start to pile up in the walled in area she was in. With a sudden realization, Applejack started panicing and started to slam her hooves into the wall in the hopes of escaping. She kept kicking the wall until the pile of rotten apples were up to her stomach. She kicked at the apples trying to scatter them but she was failing. Soon they were up to her cutie mark and that was when she herself screamed. Rainbow Dash didn't like it when she heard Twilight and Applejack scream. She was flying around the area she was in, trying to find a way out to no avail. She covered her ears to block out the screams until she heard something else, the flapping of multiple wings and laughing. She turned and almost freaked out when she saw the wonderbolts hovering next to her. "Omygosh omygosh omygosh, the wonderbolts." She said with a big grin, "I can't believe your here, did Celestia send you as backup." They said nothing and shook their heads. They descended to the floor and Rainbow Dash followed them confused on why they weren't saying anything. Once she landed on the floor, the wonderbolts surrounded her with evil grins. "Hey uh why aren't you guys saying anything?" She asked, chuckling nervously. They continued grinning and advanced towards her with malicious intent. In a flash that she didn't see coming, Rainbow dash found herself pinned to the wall, her ears ringing upon impact. She looked down at them and froze when she saw Applejack pinning her to the wall with the same evil grin. But this didn't look like applejack, for one she was darker than her in color and her eyes seemed to glow when she looked up at Rainbow. "Let go of me you sad excuse for an Applejack," Rainbow Dash growled, which made the dark Applejack laugh. "Your loyalty towards your friends, race, and land may be strong," came Nightmare Moon's voice, "But let me ask you this, Element of Loyalty, what if your loyalty is in the wrong place?" This made Rainbow Dash freeze in place and look down at the dark copy, doubt filling her eyes. "What if your precious Princess Celestia is the evil one and the kindness she shows is just a mask she wears to hide her true intentions." "Your lying," Rainbow Dash said and struggled in the grasp of the dark Applejack, "Princess Celestia is a kind pony and would never harm anypony, not even you." "Am I, Rainbow Dash?" the dark mare said and Rainbow Dash looked doubtful. "But the Princess.... she......" Rainbow Dash shuddered as the copy let her go and left her slumped on the floor in a veil of mist. One by one Nightmare Moon terrified the element bearers until only Fluttershy and Chase were left. Fluttershy was standing over Chase, constantly trying to wake him up. She was shaking the unconscious male frantically, whimpering at the sounds of her friends screams. "Please, please, please wake up Chase," She said, continuing to shake him. Laughter sounded behind her and she turned her head towards the source. Standing at the edge of the separate area stood Nightmare Moon, grinning maliciously at the yellow pegasus. Fluttershy resisted the urge to run and she stood in front of Chase, protecting him from the dark alicorn queen. "Oh so the Element of Kindness is protecting a traitor from his punishment," Nightmare Moon laughed at Fluttershy's display of courage, "And here i thought you were a fool." "I won't let you hurt my friend." Fluttershy said. "And what are you going to do about it you foolish pegasus," Nightmare Moon sneered, striding towards the two, "I have already taken care of your friends and they are much braver that you are." Fluttershy stood her ground as Nightmare Moon approached, making sure that she didn't leave Chase's side. Nightmare Moon stopped before the timid pegasus and looked down at her. Her gaze went from Fluttershy to the unconscious form of Chase. "So you wish to die to protect him?" Nightmare Moon asked and Fluttershy nodded, "So be it." Her horn glowed and she unleashed the energy, making Fluttershy flinch and prepare for her demise. She waited for the blast but it never came. "Impossible!" Came Nightmare Moon's shocked voice. Fluttershy opened her eyes and saw a magical barrier shimmering in front of her, an emerald barrier. She looked back and saw Chase shakily getting up, his horn glowing brighter than she, Nightmare Moon, or even himself has seen it glow. He limped forward and stood by Fluttershy with anger filling his eyes. He turned to the yellow pegasus and smiled. "Thanks for protecting me Fluttershy," Chase said, his eyes glowing like his horn, "Now let me repay you and the others." Concentrating and focusing his magic, the walls around them collapsed and the others could be seen cowering in fear. He saw the wraiths that haunted them and with a single word, begone, they dissapated. The mares looked up and saw that they were gone before turning their heads to Chase. "Nightmare Moon," Chase said, his voice somehow rising in tone, "You have terrorized my world for five years, changed a large number of it's inhabitants into your personal army, and you have kept this world in the dark of the night for far to long. Today your reign of darkness ends here." "NO!!" Nightmare Moon screeched, "I WILL NOT LET THAT VISION COME TO BE!!" She unleashed all she had at Chase but he deflected it like a pebble off a window. Nightmare moon and the element bearers all looked in awe. "H-How," Nightmare Moon asked, her voice quivering in fear, "W-Where did this new found magic come from?" "I don't know myself." Chase said, looking back at Fluttershy, "But I'm glad it came just in time otherwise I would've lost a friend." Fluttershy smiled as Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack moved closer to each other, the Elements of Harmony starting to glow. They stood by Chase and his horn glowed like the Elements. All seven of them faced Nightmare Moon, who stepped back in fear at their gaze. "Goodbye Nightmare Moon," Chase said, sympathy in his eyes, "It's a pleasure knowing you." With his final words, a ball of light surrounded the seven ponies and a rainbow beam erupted from the ball right at the dark Alicorn. She screamed as the beam hit her. "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" The wraith screamed as she faded into non-existence. A shock wave of light was sent throughout the entire globe upon the wraiths defeat that undid her magic all around the globe. Every guard, soldier, and Dark Bolt changed back into the humans they once were. The light around Chase and the girls disappeared and Chase stared at the spot the wraith known as Nightmare Moon once stood. "Chase," He heard Twilight say and he turned to her, "Your..." Chase looked down and smiled as he saw his hands for the first time in four and a half years. "Human." Chase finished Twilight's sentence, tears welling up in his eyes as he flexed his fingers and open and closed his hands. "I'm me again." He looked over his six pony friends just as light shined through the window into the dark throne room. All seven of them turned to the windows and saw the dawn of the first day that his world has seen for the first time in five years and Chase felt happiness at the sight. He stared at the rising sun, tears rolling down his cheek before he heard the girls gasp. "Chase, your glowing." Pinkie said, shock on her face. Chase looked at the pink pony before looking at himself and realized that she was right. He noticed a faint but still definable aura around his body. It glowed with the color as the magical aura he once had and used. "Why are you glowing, dude?" Rainbow dash asked and Chase just shrugged, just as clueless as them. "I think I may have an idea." Twilight said, causing everyone to turn to her, "I think that Chase somehow managed to gain some unknown and very deep magic from inside his own being during the battle and it's still lingering because it's his own magic, not the magic for when he was an alicorn, but his own hidden magic." "How?" Applejack asked. "I think it's when I first felt the Strong presence of the Elements of Harmony and actually came in magical contact with them that I unlocked my own magic." Chase said, still looking at his hands. Chase looked out the window at the rays of the sun break over the horizon, filling the world with warmth that was long needed. He wondered if his family were asleep or not, if they could see the rising sun from where they were. "Girls," Chase said, turning to the girls. Twilight and the girls turned to chase and he gave all six of them a big hug. "Thank you," He said, tears of joy rolling down his cheek, "For helping me bring back the light." He felt six hove pat his back and six hugs returned. Chase released the six ponies and looked around the room. "What should we do about this castle Chase." Twilight asked. "For now let's just leave it be," Chase said, "It'll be a reminder to the people of what happened to them." Chase and the six ponies exited the castle into the warm sun and Chase basked in it's rays. His smile grew and he turned to the castle. He thought that even though she was a cruel and harsh being, Nightmare Moon did teach him something important to which he used against her. She may have not been the best teacher but he still was grateful for her teachings. "I think it's time i went home." Chase said "Oh is there anyway we can help?" Fluttershy asked and Chase nodded. "i need a ride there." "No problem," Rainbow Dash said, "Hop on." "What about the rest of you?" Chase asked. "We'll meet you there, don't worry about us silly." Pinkie Pie said cheerfully. Chase nodded and got onto Rainbow Dash, who immediately launched off the ground so fast that it created a sonic boom but when Chase looked back he saw a rainbow ring spreading out. Chase looked in awe at the sonic rainboom. Rainbow Dash asked where he lived and he gave her directions until his hometown was in view. After three minutes he found his home and was surprised to find the other five there. "W-Wha," Chase said, as they landed and he got off Rainbow Dash, "How did you get here so fast without me even saying anything?" "Just call it Mare's Intuition." Rarity said and winked at him. He shook his head, chuckling before turning to the front door of his home. He felt completely nervous not knowing if his parents were still here but one last time he steeled himself and approached the front door. With a loud knock he waited patiently. He heard something stirring behind the door and after a minute it opened, Mike peeking from behind it. "C-Chase," he said, his eyes widened in surprise, "I-Is that you?" Chase nodded and Mike threw the door open before embracing his son in a warm hug. To be Concluded........... > A Brand New Day (epilouge) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note: Although I did not explain this, Chase can now wield his own magic because of the battle with Nightmare Moon and coming in contact with the pure power of the Elements of Harmony. Confusing I know, but then again does anything on MLP FiM make sense ^.^'. All was quiet within Chase's home, the sun shining in from the patio doors and the sound of birds chirping rang out through the world. Chase's mother, brother, Mike, Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Chase sat in the living room silently, the smell of coffee and tea floating through the air. Chase's family stared at Chase as he finished the tale of Nightmare Moon's defeat at the hands of him and the Elements of Harmony. "So you and these colorful ponies," his brother gestured to the girls, "defeated Nightmare Moon?" Chase stretched and smiled, "Eeyup we did, I honestly thought we were walking into our deaths at first but when I woke to see Fluttershy standing between me and Nightmare Moon I knew that what i had planned would work." Chase's brother sat back in disbelief as Chase took a sip of his coffee, which was floating before him. He smiled at the reaction he got from his family when he did that. He looked outside and sighed before turning back to his family. "I'll be truthful about something," Chase said, spinning the cup around in it's emerald aura, "Although she was a cold, tyrannical queen, Nightmare Moon did teach me the ways of magic that allowed me to not only locate the Elements of Harmony to help me bring her down, but it also gave me my first glimpse of the sun in years. It also gave me something I thought i would never have again," Chase looked at the six colorful pony mares with a smile and a single tear, "I made six, no eight wonderful friends." They all smiled and Chase was group hugged by six ponies. He grinned like an idiot and hugged them back. "I couldn't have done it without the Elements of Magic, Loyalty, Kindness, Honesty, Laughter, and Generosity, and the very embodiments of each of them." Chase said with pride, looking at each of his friends, "Thank you so much girls." A chorus of your welcome came from the ponies and they all laughed, even his family joined in the laughter and hugged Chase. "You know what this calls for?" Pinkie Pie asked, her eyes sparkling. "What does this call for Pinkie?" Chase asked, grinning at the pink party pony. "A PARTY!!" She said, confettii coming out of nowhere. They all agreed and smiled but Twilight looked confused. "Where are we going to have it Pinkie," She asked, "And how are we going to spread the word?" "I know a place Twilight." Chase said confidently, earning a questioning look from all of them. Chase stood and went to the front door, beckoning the girls over with a hand to which they followed him. He opened the front door and pointed to the dark castle in the distance. "We'll have it in the very castle we destroyed Nightmare Moon in, call it an insult to injury." The girls smiled and agreed. Chase looked to the castle and teleported himself and the six ponies to the castle. Once in the largest room of the castle, the grand ballroom, Chase looked to the girls and they all went over what to do. Chase would attempt to open a portal to Equestria that would allow anypony to come through here for the party as well as try to spread the word throughout the human world while the girls spread the word through Equestria. It took all seven of them about two and a half hours before thousands of beings, both human and pony, filled the grand ballroom almost to the brim. Chase stood on the stage next to the girls and the princesses. He grabbed a microphone and tapped on it a couple of times to get everyone's attention which he did. "Hello everyone and everypony, welcome to this celebration of the defeat of nightmare moon," a cheer erupted fro the crowd on those words, "so before we get started both Princesses have something they'd like to share and then this party will erupt." He tossed the microphone Celestias way, who caught it mid air in a golden aura and levitated it before her. "Thank you Chase," Celestia said, looking his way, "I would like to thank this human and the elements for their bravery against the wraith. No world deserves to be ruled over in total darkness and I am truely sorry for bringing this to your world." "Don't worry about it Celestia," Chase said, standing next to her. "It's none of your fault it just happened." Celestia smiled. "Whether it was my fault or not i am grateful for what you have done for your world and mine." She said, giving Chase a hug which he returned to the princess of the sun. Luna was handed the mic and she herself turned to Chase. "I agree with my sister's statement," She said with a smile, "I am the one who wishes to truely thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you young Chase for helping the Elements destroy the wretched Nightmare Moon forever." Luna walked up to Chase and hugged him. Chase grinned and gave the princess of the night one of his own hugs. Everyone in the room d'awwed before Luna gave Chase the mic and turning to the audience. "Now that we've gotten that out of the way," Chase said, levitating himself into the air, "Let's Get This Party Started! Vinyl," he pointed to DJ Pon3, "Pump up the jams and make these partiers move their feet and hooves!" With a nod, Vinyl levitated a record and set it on the turntable, music immediately blasting from the speakers and it sent a wave of techno over the crowd causing them to start dancing. Chase looked over them and jumped right into the middle of the dance floor, showing everyone his own dance moves. All day, from dusk to dawn, they partied until noone could party anymore, even Pinkie Pie was exhausted the next day. "That was the greastest party ever," Pinkie said, bouncing despite the all night partying, "Thanks Chase." "No problem couldn't have done it without you girls though." Chase said before turning to the Princesses. He knew that they would bring the girls back to Equestria but he smiled because he talked to the princesses last night and they agreed that anytime he wanted to visit them all he had to do was open a portal and walk through. "See you all later," He said to his friends as the portal opened and the ponies went through saying their goodbyes, "Until next time we meet." The portal closed and Chase looked up at the castle. He heard the echo of Nightmare Moon in his mind but shook his head and turned. "Never again." He said before teleporting home. ~The End of The Nightmare~