> Pinkie Pie Gets a Tentacle Parasite > by toonbat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Pinkie Gets a Tentacle Parasite > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Gets a Tentacle Parasite. Pinkie made a final adjustment to the camera, making sure that her bed was fully in frame, then followed with several minor tweaks to her room’s layout. She had long made sure all her favorite movie posters were on proud display during her streaming sessions. Her stuffed toys, however, were always changing positions as they took turns keeping her company at night, or as they fell prey to the frequent earthquakes that all dwellers of her mattress were forced to endure. Despite still working on her video setup, she had already put the camera on live feed. She knew that her OnlyFans members were unlikely to complain about seeing her bounce around her room in naught but her underwear and a crop top shirt. With that done, she finally hopped onto the bed, somehow looking more giddy than was her usual mood, her smile wide and excited as she greeted her audience. “Hello, you sick fucks! Pinkie Pie here—I hope you’re ready for a special treat today! For you see, today…” Pinkie paused to reach over the side of the bed, giving her fans a generous view of her rump in the process. She then re-emerged with a large rectangular object in her arms “...we’re doing an unboxing video!” She placed the crate on the bed in front of her. It was an imposing thing, with thick hinged steel bands wrapping around it and ending in twin locks, each one fitted with both a keypad and a keyhole. Stenciled on the front were the words ‘DANGER! UNKNOWN LIFE FORM’, along with less interesting labels such as ‘TOP SECRET’, ‘AGGRESSIVE ORGANISM: ATTRACTIVE MARES SPECIALLY AT RISK’, and ‘NOT CLEARED FOR CIVILIAN ACCESS. THAT MEANS YOU, PINKIE!’. With little preamble, the pink pony plucked two hairpins from the depths of her hair and worked one into each keyhole. Closing her eyes, she laid her fingers on the keypads and entered the codes with the quick, confident strokes of a seasoned pianist. The locks clicked open. Squealing with delight, Pinkie lifted the lid and began digging through packaging material like a dog through sand. Finally she extracted a large canister about the size of a fire extinguisher, holding it up over her head in triumph. It was an imposing thing, glowing faintly and making odd electronic sounds. Each end of the canister was fitted with a large, high-tech-looking steel cap with a display that showed life signs and conditions inside the chamber. Floating inside a translucent liquid was a strange creature; it most closely resembled a monstrous centipede, not quite a yard long, segmented and somewhat flattened like an armored tapeworm, with dozens of dainty and needle-like legs. Its shell had a green metallic sheen, like a beetle. From its back, four pairs of inky black tentacles emerged, with glowing green inner linings. The creature stirred at the sudden influx of light, turning its head-end towards Pinkie and banging at the glass with its massive clamp-like jaws. An artificial voice crackled from the lid’s speaker, as if trying to synthesize the input it received from the creature’s mind. “Pink pony! You will release me this instant! Release me, that I may infect you, for I can see that you are a choice specimen, adequate to my needs and suitable for my plans! I shall couple with your female body and bend it to my will!” Pinkie gasped in wonder, and hugged the canister against her face and bosom. “Ohmygosh you guys,” she gushed, “It’s gorgeous! It needs a name… I know! Let’s call it ‘Perry’. Perry the Parasite!” “Fool!” the synthetic voice barked out from the canister. “I am a mighty tentacle parasite! Scourge of the Cosmos! Conqueror of Worlds! While you are correct in declaring me gorgeous, be warned that I am no mere pet! Indeed, you will soon learn that it is you who shall be my pet, bent to my will for my benefit and amusement!” “Uh oh! We’ve got an angwy boy here, guys.” Pinkie giggled as she placed the canister atop the bed, and straddled it like a lover. Gazing down at her captive, Pinkie began to play with her breasts enticingly, giving both the parasite and her beloved fans a proper eyeful. “I bet my angwy boy would just looooove to parasitically infect all of this, wouldn’t it?” she purred wickedly, swaying like a dancing snake. “But angwy boys don’t get to parasitically infect nice mares. Angwy boys get a time-out!” She squeezed the canister snugly between her thighs and leaned back on her arms, arching her back luxuriously. She let her audience feast upon the sight of the underboob peeking from under her ridiculously short crop top; she knew the resistance of her flinty nipples was all that was holding the fabric stretched over her bosom now, keeping her breasts from just sliding out. Within the canister, the creature writhed and attacked the glass in mounting fury and frustration. “DID YOU NOT HEAR ME?! You will release me this instant, that I may invade your body for my personal use! Do so now, or suffer the unnamable consequences of your folly! Soon it will be I who teases you, yes! With agonizing, relentless pleasure, until you are a quaking ruin of need, begging for a release you shall never be granted! Your life shall be blissful torment unending under my domination!” Pinkie cooed in reply, her eyes closed, her hips now rocking backwards and forwards, rubbing her cream-colored panties along the smooth surface of the canister. “Oh fuck, that’s hot! But I dunno… You seem a bit of a meanie pants. Maybe I should just open this canister instead.” Reaching from under her pillow, she produced a large, sloshing glass jar for the parasite to see. On the label, the words ‘Peter Pony’s Party Pickles’ had been crossed out and replaced by ‘DANGER! MUCH BETTER TENTACLE PARASITE.’ in hastily scribbled crayon. The parasite froze at the sight of the jar. “N-no! It is impossible! There is no tentacle parasite that can match me, let alone be ‘much better’. What unfathomable powers do you wield, pony, that you can produce such a challenger at a whim?! I see now that I must control you, that my power be all the greater when it has laid claim to yours! So release me now and surrender your orifices in subservience to me, your rightful master!” Pinkie giggled evilly, tucking the jar away. “Well, you do make a compelling argument. What do you think, guys?” she asked the camera. She continued rocking back and forth against the canister, not pausing as she tapped away at her wireless keyboard to upload a new survey on her live chat: ‘Should I let Perry the Parasite out?’ Pinkie smirked as she watched the feverish stream of replies sprouting upwards on her monitor like a geyser. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ZecoraTheExplorer: “Fuck her pink ass blue, I appeal. We wish to see this piggy squeal” Coco-Puff-N-Stuff: “Don’t bulli the parasite, Pinkie.” 😠 LyraPantsOnFire69: “Oh my Gawd, I wanna be infected by Perry so bad! Call me, handsome!” 💕 Cadenza-If-Yer-Nasty: “Release the Kraken!” Petunia-Petplay: “I love your videos, Pinkie! Can’t wait to see you enslaved and turned into a permanent brood mare for alien tentacle monsters!” - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pinkie adjusted her imaginary glasses, studying the numbers on the screen like a professor analyzing a complex math equation. “Hmmm… It seems like these sickos ship us, Perry the Parasite. Well, I guess we have no choice but to pander to our audience, do we?” She picked up the canister and hopped off the bed, marching to an adjacent door. Her viewers saw the live feed change to Pinkie’s bathroom as her second camera setup came to life. Pinkie sat on her bathtub, checked on her phone to ensure the angle was juuust right, and went to work. In one swift motion she popped the cap off the canister and tipped it over her head, as if performing an Ice Bucket Challenge. Her flimsy top turned nearly invisible as the nutrient solution splashed over her body. Out from the canister came Perry, like some nightmarish spring-loaded snake from a prank can of nuts. It struggled for several seconds to untangle itself from Pinkie’s hair before it finally managed to swing down into position, pressing against her back. Pinkie gasped as the creature’s huge jaws locked around her neck like a brace. It seemed that the parasite had adapted perfectly to the contours of a female pony’s form, and when she looked at herself on the mirrored walls of her bathroom, she could see that the locked pincers looked exactly like an elegant albeit strangely organic collar around her neck. Pleased with the turn of events so far, she spun around for the camera, moving her hair out of the way. She could see Perry’s long, segmented body align itself perfectly with her spine, and squealed and arched her back in surprise as the creature’s needle-like legs burrowed into her. It was actually a good deal less painful than the tattoos she’d gotten before, and oddly relaxing, like how she imagined a well-done acupuncture session would feel. Soon she grew aware of a new presence in her mind as the creature’s legs tapped directly into her brain. “It begins, pink pony! I now have direct access to your mind! Your thoughts and body are now mine to—w-what the heck is that?! And … this? What even is this?! What carnival of madness do you house in your psyche, woman? It’s going to take me weeks to even begin to make this place livable!” “Hey, don’t touch any of my stuff in there!” Pinkie admonished the new voice in her head, still displaying her back and her rump for the camera. “I have a very careful filing system, you know.” “Nononono, this will not do! If we’re going to be roommates, and we are, because you’re my slave now, we are going to have to work together to make your head a suitable vessel for my machinations. But all that can wait. I still must finish coupling with your body first.” Pinkie giggled as the creature’s tentacles set to work roaming over her body. She let out a happy grunt as they tugged at her sparse clothing, tearing her beloved ‘I WATCH YURI FOR THE HOT LESBIAN SEX’ shirt to ribbons, with her panties following suit. The tentacle monster then reared the remaining few inches of its length up like a tail. Pinkie gasped as she saw long and thick probes extend from its underbelly. Neatly sidestepping her tail, the creature worked its abdomen deep along the cleft of her ass. Pinkie shuddered and raised her rump up in the air, keeping careful track of the footage on her phone. She smiled as she saw the tips of the probes target her most sensitive areas before slowly sinking into her body. They were slick with the creature’s secretions, nicely ribbed, impossibly smooth, and just sooo perfectly thick. “Oh sweet Pony Jesus!” she mewled, already feeling her pleasure peak even though they had just gotten started. “H-hey, leave Pony Jesus out of this!” the beast admonished. “I am your god now!” Pinkie was still delighted to notice its own mental voice seemed just as shaken as her by the pleasure of the experience; she squeezed her rump rhythmically at the invader in her ass, and knew Perry could feel it. “S-stop resisting!” the parasite ordered, its voice nearly a whimper. Pinkie flashed a dangerously wicked smile at her ‘captor’, and her tone was more than a little mocking as she replied. “I’m s-sorry, Mister Perry. I’m just sooooo tight back there, and you’re such a big and strong tentacle parasite!” She squeezed her rump and cunny muscles with all her brute earth pony strength, chuckling inwardly in sadistic glee. She could feel the tentacle monster’s dismay as it realized it was trapped, unable to push in or pull out. “You—!!! You will surrender to me this very instant, do you understand??” Perry squealed in her head with the high tones of panic. “Your body is mine, I tell you! I shall long feast on your sweet nectar for nourishment. Already I can taste it. It is potent, yes, and I shall grow ever stronger from it! I will not be denied, foolish female! Give me your body now, and forever!” “Say ‘Pretty please’,” Pinkie teased. She snaked a hand over to caress the exposed length of the probe in her sex, her fingers wickedly gentle and teasing. “...p-please?” the parasite finally begged, still bucking furiously and uselessly between her legs. “‘Pretty please’,” Pinkie corrected, giving the probes a squeeze that was both a warning and a caress. “Pretty please!” Perry declared, defeated and nearly crying with frustration. “Good boy.” Pinkie said, and let herself relax. Alone, the feelings perceived by each party would have been glorious; combined within her head, they were enough to nearly overwhelm them both. Perry had only intended to sink his appendages into the pony as a way to lock into her body and casually stimulate her at need for her juices. Instead, it began a slow but feverish pistoning of her sex and ass, goaded all the while by the infuriating pink pony. Its tentacles forced her arms back, weaving around them in a tight sleeve of tendrils. Two more tentacles coiled around her breasts, caressing, fondling, kneading the wonderful flesh with gusto. More tendrils teased at her love button, rubbing and rolling the sweet little knob while gliding against the sides and along the slit of her labia. An absolute monster of an orgasm seemed to erupt from Pinkie’s very core. Breathless, and with her hands bound, she used her nose to fumble with her phone, wishing to ride her climax to the sight of her viewers’ comments. Even as she gasped for breath, a little smile of relief curled the edges of her lips upon succeeding. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 00NakeyMrsCakey00: “Yesss! You’re a tentacle bitch now, Pinkie! We love you!” GettingMyRocksOff: “Hello, sister. And hello, my new ringtone.” +CellyBeNotCelibate+: “World Peace declared.” QueenBedbugThe1st: “This is the most insanely hot thing I’ve ever seen, and I went to summer camp with the princesses.” UmbraShallRiseAgain: “I just wanted to come back from the dead for a moment to let you know this is the fucking best thing ever in the history of fuckness.” - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ten minutes later, an exhausted Pinkie had managed to somehow guide Perry through the process of drawing them a hot bath. She let herself relax in the floral scented water. Her arms were still bound behind her, but she relished her snug, loving bondage, and let herself be pampered by the slick tentacles which now scrubbed her coat clean. “I could get used to this,” she decided. Perry spun the probes within her body in response. They had sprouted soft nubs over their surface at some point, and Pinkie squeaked and giggled as the appendages subjected her to strange new sensations. “No, you won’t!” the tentacle parasite boasted, still grumpy, but filled with new confidence by the end of their session. Pinkie closed her eyes and let out a happy sigh. Yes… She could very well believe her new friend would know how to keep her on her toes in the years to come.