> A Memorable Night > by BronyDerp117 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Memorable Night Written by BronyDerp117 "Twilight Sparkle, I insist we have a night out, just the two of us." Rarity said to Twilight Sparkle, who was reading a book in Rarity's Canterlot castle suite. It was the day after Twilight's 21st birthday, and only Twilight and Rarity were still in Canterlot. The white unicorn stayed an extra day so she could get more fabrics for dresses, and she wanted to enjoy one last day in the bustling capital. Twilight Sparkle groaned loudly and rolled her eyes. Rarity had been trying to convince her to go to a nightclub that night all day to make up for blowing off her birthday party. Twilight Sparkle had already forgiven Rarity, and knew that getting the approval of the posh society of Canterlot would mean a lot of things for her Boutique in Ponyville. "Rarity, for the hundredth time, it's fine! I know that party with Fancy Pants was really important for your business. You don't have anything to make up for! And besides, we're supposed to leave tonight, not go to some nightclub." Twilight testily said. "Oh but I do! What I did was simply unacceptable, no matter what you say! Pleeease Twilight! It will be fun! There's this nightclub near Doughnut Joe's place that has the most exquisite wine!" Rarity pleaded with her lavender unicorn friend, who was at the height of her irritation. "Rarity! Really, you don't have anything to make up for me! And as I said, we're leaving tonight." "Did you buy the train tickets yet?" Rarity asked. "Yes! Well...well no." Twilight replied with a sheepish expression and a slight blush. It was true, she hadn't bought the tickets yet. She was so busy spending time with her parents and Princess Celestia and Luna that she completely forgot to buy the tickets to Ponyville. "Then let us have a night out of fun and drinks! If not to make up for your birthday, then for quality friend time." Rarity begged Twilight. She gave her purple unicorn friend the best puppy dog eyes she could muster, and put her hooves together in a pleading way. Twilight wanted to say no again, but a night out didn't sound that bad now that she remembered she forgot to buy the train tickets. And besides, it was her 21st birthday, everypony should have a great night out on such an important birthday. Twilight stayed silent for a few moments, weighing for options. If she wanted to, she could just go to the train station right now and buy the tickets, help pack Rarity's bags, then leave that night. However, the idea of spending a night out with one of her best friends started increasingly sounding like a great idea. Eventually, Twilight Sparkle opened her mouth to speak and said, "Alright Rarity, we'll go out tonight. But only for fun, not because you owe me anything." Rarity's eyes beamed and a huge grin was plastered onto her face as she sequeled from excitement. "Oh thank you Twilight! I promise you won't regret it! We shall go to the club after dark!" Rarity proclaimed. Twilight snickered at her friend's excitement and replied, "Okay. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to finish this book." Rarity nodded and trotted over to a desk next the the grand red bed, and began to draw out some dress designs. Celestia's soft orange sun was descending below the horizon, and a bright moon was beginning to rise on the other side of the sky, marking the end of another day. In the Canterlot castle suite, Twilight had just finished her book about Equestria's history with the Griffins, and Rarity was still sketching various dresses on several pieces of parchment. Twilight set down her book with her magic and said to Rarity, "It's going to be dark soon, Rarity. Should we head out now?" Rarity looked up from her designs for the first time in hours, and replied to her friend, "Hm? Oh, yes! If you're ready Twilight, let us go." Twilight nodded her head, silently saying she was ready, and the two mares trotted towards the door of the suite. Twilight reached out with her magic, encasing the door in a pulsing purple aurora, and right as she was going to open the door, it became surrounded by a new midnight blue energy and swung open, revealing a dark blue Alicorn mare. Princess Luna's sudden appearance caused Twilight to startlingly yelp and jump back and several feet into the air. She felt as if she just had a heart attack. Rarity was startled too, however she only let out a quiet gasp and a small jump. Luna began to snicker as she saw Twilight's reaction, and once she calmed down she said, "My apologies Twilight Sparkle and Rarity. 'Tia informed us, I mean me, that you were leaving tonight. And since the Night Court is always empty, I though I'd stop by and see if thou, er, you would like any assistance." Luna finished explaining with a slightly awkward grin. Since Twilight was still trying to catch her breath, Rarity said to the Princess, "Actually Princess, Twilight and I are going out to a nightclub. I proposed a night out since I missed most of Twilight's birthday. Princess Luna, would you like accompany us?" Rarity finished with a polite smile. "Pray tell, what is this nightclub you speak of? And please, just call me Luna. I never cared much for the title." Luna had never heard of a nightclub. She had been back a year now, but not even the countless number of books she had read told her about common day to day establishments like nightclubs. Twilight finally calmed down and caught breath, and she explained to the Princess, "Pr- Luna, a nightclub is like..." Twilight paused and put a hoof to her chin. To tell the truth, she had never set hood into a nightclub. She had a vague idea of what they looked like from books, and she knew that they sold alcoholic beverages, but beyond that she was as clueless as Luna. "...Actually, I'm not quite sure. I've never been to a nightclub. All I know is that they sell alcoholic drinks." Rarity let out an over-dramatic gasp and said, "I understand Luna not knowing, but Twilight, you've never even been to one?! Oh this simply cannot be! In a nightclub, they have a bar with many alcoholic drinks. But they're fun because they always have loud music playing and a dance floor that sometimes lights up into all types of colors! It's simply amazing." Luna wore a slightly aggressive and serious face, and she said, "Mmmm, alcohol. Be weary when drinking those beverages girls. Twilight Sparkle, if this is your first time, stay away from drinks such as whiskey and moonshine." Luna finished with a stern tone and expression. The lavender unicorn's face wore a look of slight confusion, and she said, "Luna, moonshine has been illegal in Equestria for years. In fact, I th-" Twilight began, but Luna's outburst of anger interrupted her. "WHAT?! HOW DARE CELESTIA OUTLAW OUR TRADITIONAL BEVERAGE! SHE HATH MUCH TO EXPLAIN TO US!" Luna roared in the Royal Canterlot Voice. The sheer volume of her voice caused Rarity and Twilight's mane to fly back, and even make them take a few steps back. Luna then took to the sky, and began flying towards Celestia's tower while yelling very crude curses in the Royal Canterlot Voice. Twilight and Rarity stared at the door with their jaws on the floor. After a long moment, they faced each other and Twilight said, "I think we should go now." "Agreed." The two mares both shook their heads, and both put on a small bag that held their IDs, and they trotted out of the suite. They descended the stairs of the tower and arrived at the bottom shortly. They continued to silently trot through the various halls and rooms of the castle. When they got to the Main Hall that led to the front gates of the castle, and to Celestia and Luna's throne room and chambers, they could hear Luna angrily yelling at her sister. The two unicorns then decided to break off into a light gallop toward the gates of the castle. They ran through the courtyard that was bathed with the moon's silver light and to the golden gates. They slowed to a trot and continued past the gates, where there were two stallion Royal Guards. One of them nodded at the two mares as they passed by and said, "Evening Miss Sparkle and Rarity." Twilight stopped and looked at the guard. "You know you don't have to be formal with me Thunder." She finished with a friendly smile. The midnight blue-coated stallion chuckled and replied, "It's just protocol Twilight." Rolling Thunder returned the friendly smile. "Have a nice evening Thunder." Twilight said to Rolling Thunder. It was a good thing it was dark about, because Twilight's cheeks was a deep shade of crimson. "You too." Rarity simply observed this small conversation, and made a mental note to ask Twilight about it once they were out of hear shot from the guard. Twilight turned around and began to trot off with Rarity following by her side. After a few moments, Rarity made sure they were out of ear shot of the guard, and turned to Twilight and said, "Well it seems somepony has a crush on somepony." Rarity nudged her friend's shoulder playfully with her elbow as she spoke. Twilight looked away, trying her best to hide her furious blush, and said, "W-what? I do not! Rolling Thunder is just a friend!" Rarity put on a mischievous smile and said, "I never mentioned Rolling Thunder dear." Twilight, accepting defeat, hung her head low and said, "Oh fine. Yes," Twilight began, " I've had a crush on Rolling Thunder since I was filly. He is my brother's best friend's little brother." "Brother? You have a brother? Why did you never tell us?" Rarity asked her friend. "It never really came up." Twilight began bluntly. "Anyway, I've had a crush on Thunder for a long time. When he would come over, we would play for hours with spells and toys." Twilight looked up at the dark night sky as she reminisced the times she spent as a filly with Rolling Thunder. She was brought back to reality when Rarity spoke. "If you like this stallion so much dear, why not ask him out?" Rarity asked the mare to her right with a comforting smile. "Surely he would say yes. I mean come on dear, you're quite the catch! I've actually seen a few stallions eye you when you walk by back in Ponyville." Twilight sighed and answered, "I never really worked up the courage to ask him." Twilight was now looking at the ground as the two mares walked, however she felt a hoof push up on her chin. She was now looking into the eyes of her best friend, who wore a comforting smile. "Well, maybe we could change that. Does Rolling Thunder live here in Canterlot?" "No, he takes the train here from Ponyville every day." Twilight answered. "Well, when we get back home, we have much to do." Rarity began with a hinting grin, then continued, "But come now dear, let's get to the nightclub!" Twilight nodded and followed Rarity through the streets of Canterlot, which were surprisingly still busy, despite the late hour. Twilight didn't remember ponies being out this late in Canterlot. Maybe she was just always too lost in her books to notice. After a few bends and turns, and a brief incident with a grumpy old stallion, the two mares passed Doughnut Joe's shop and found themselves outside the door of PON-3 Club, where they could hear the loud thumping of booming bass of techno music and loud young ponies enjoying themselves. Rarity grinned widely at the sign, and turned to Twilight and said, "Here it is dear! When we go inside, just stay close to me. It can get a little crazy in there sometimes, but it's a wonderfully good time." Twilight nodded and said, "I'm surprised you like a place like this Rarity. I thought you'd prefer a quieter, high class party with nobles." "Just because I am a mare of high standards does not mean I do not like to have a little fun once in a while." Rarity explained. The lavender unicorn nodded again, and followed Rarity as she walked through the door. On the other side of the door, was a small, dark hallway that led to another another doorway, where a muscular stallion stood. As the two mares approached the stallion, he said to them in a raspy deep, intimidating voice, "IDs ladies." Rarity pulled out her card first and showed him her ID card. He nodded and bent his head toward the door, indicating that she could continue. Twilight then stepped up to the stallion and showed him her ID card. When he saw the card, he said to her, "It's your 21st birthday eh? Make sure to tell the bartender, he'll give you the 21 Special. You both can go on in." Twilight thanked the stallion, and Rarity opened the door to the club. When Twilight saw the room, she stopped immediately and gasped at the site before her. In front of her, was an extremely large room filled with dozens of young ponies. Various lasers of all colors shot down from the ceiling in swirling motions. There was a DJ with a white coat and a mix of light and darker blue mane done in a sort of messy style on a stage in the front of the dance floor. The floor itself was made of many tiles that shifted colors every second or two as the ponies danced to the booming techno music coming from many large speakers that were placed at various points throughout the room. To the right of Twilight was a large bar that glowed a faint light water blue, and there were three bartenders talking and getting drinks for the patrons that were at the very large bar. Once Twilight had finally stopped staring at everything in the room, she looked at Rarity with a huge grin and said, "Rarity, this place is amazing!" "What?" Rarity yelled in response. The music was making it hard for the two mares to hear each other. Twilight got closer to Rarity and yelled, "I said this place is amazing!" She repeated. "I told you Twilight! Come now, let's go get a drink!" Rarity hollered back. Twilight nodded her head and followed Rarity as the two made their way to the bar. The bartenders weren't getting drinks for anypony at the moment, but they were talking and laughing with the patrons. When Rarity approached one of the bartenders, he stopped talking to the mare in front of him and said to her, "Rarity! Long time no see! White Zin as usual?" Rarity smiled at her old friend, who had a paper white coat with a royal blue mane with a sky blue streak running through it, and replied, "Wonderful to see you Spark! I was hoping you were on shift tonight. Yes, White Zin please, and the 21 Special for my friend!" Spark chuckled and said, "You're one of the few ponies who orders the fancy stuff. Hey Rares, I didn't hear that second part. What'd you say?" Rarity cringed at the use of that nickname. "Spark, you know I absolutely loathe that nickname!" "That's why I use it!" He replied with while laughing heartily. Twilight simply watched the show in front of her. She didn't know why, but she found it greatly amusing watching these two talk to each other. Rarity rolled her eyes and replied, "Ugh, you were never a gentleman." "Gentleman Shmentleman." "Exactly my point. Anyways, I said my friend here would like the 21 Special!" Spark's ears perked up at the mention of the 21 Special, and looked over at Twilight who was snickering at her friend. He looked her up and down and made a few mental notes. She's a cute one. He thought. Spark put on a smug grin and said, "21 and a friend of Rarity's? We're gonna be good friends Miss..." He trailed off, hinting that he was asking for Twilight's name. "Twilight Sparkle." The lavender unicorn answered. "Ah, the famous Twilight Sparkle. Element of Unicorns or something. We're gonna be good friends Miss Sparkle." Spark said as he put his hoof out for a hoofshake. Twilight Sparkle laughed and shook hooves with Spark Glass, then Spark introduced himself. "By the way, I'm Spark Glass. I've known your friend Rarity for about a year now. We met at the Gala. She came in after you and you girl's other friends went to the train or somethin'. Anyways, any friend of Rarity's is a friend of mine." "And just a friend. She's taken, Spark." Rarity butted in with a stern look. Spark's face fell slightly and he said, "Damn. The cute ones are always taken, aren't they Miss Sparkle?" Spark teased wit ha wink as Twilight started to blush furiously, but Rarity saved her. "Are you saying I'm not cute, Spark?" Rarity over-dramatically said while pretending to be offended. "Maybe." "Spark!" Rarity yelled as she swung a hoof at the bartender. Spark ducked away from the hoof and while laughing, he replied, "I'm just messin' with ya Rares." Twilight laughed along with Spark, but Rarity was actually a little bit offended now. Spark pulled two glasses from under the bar counter; One was a wine glass, and the other was a shot glass. He pulled out a bottle of White Zin wine, pulled the cork, then poured the pink liquid into the wine glass. He hoofed the glass to Rarity, who reluctantly thanked him. He then pulled out a bottle filled with a clear liquid and unscrewed the cap, then poured it about a quarter of the way up the shot glass. Spark then grabbed a small flask from under the counter and poured the mysterious brown liquid into the shot glass, filling it to the top. He then hoofed the glass to Twilight and said, "There ya go! The 21 Special. You get a maximum of three shots. Anymore than that and you'd probably pass out right there on that chair." Rarity picked up her glass of wine and took a very slight sip, while Twilight cautiously picked up the shot glass and observed it. She sloshed the liquid to and fro in the glass, carefully watching it the entire time. "Uh, Twilight, I don't mean to sound rude, but you think you're ever gonna drink the buckin' thing?" Spark said to Twilight as she continued to slosh the liquid around. Rarity gasped and said, "Spark! Language!" Spark looked at Rarity and laughed while he said, "We're all big ponies here, Rarity. Buckedy hay!" "You are so immature!" Rarity growled as she took another drink of wine. "You know you love me." "DON'T YOU EVEN START WITH THAT SONG SPARK!" Rarity yelled at Spark, who was laughing his tail off. During the entire thing, Twilight continued to observe the liquid. After a few more moments, she finally decided to drink it. "Alright, I guess I'll drink it now." Reluctance was clear in the unicorn's voice. She cautiously brought it to her mouth, and drank the thing. It was the most unique tasting liquid she had ever drank. It tasted like a mix of berries and something else she couldn't quite put her hoof on. It went smoothly down her throat, however it left a slight burning sensation afterwards. Though it wasn't a painful burn, but a somehow pleasurable one. Twilight had absolutely no idea what this drink was, but she liked it. No, she loved it. "So how is it Miss Sparkle?" Spark asked as he was cleaning a few shot glasses with a clean white towel. "It's *hic* amazing!" Twilight replied with a grin so large she looked like a filly who had just gotten free candy. "Hmm, if it's so good, I think I'll have one too, Spark." Rarity said as she took the last sip of her wine. "You 21 Rares?" "No, I'm 23..." Rarity said suspiciously with a slight frown. "Then no 21 Special for you. But I can give you the Rocky Thunder, which is pretty much the same drink." Spark said to Rarity. She agreed to the Rocky Thunder and Spark prepared the drink for Rarity. He poured the same clear liquid, but he poured a different liquid afterwords from a different flask. After he hoofed the drink to Rarity, Twilight pushed her shot glass forward and asked for another one. "Another 21 Special coming up!" Spark went through the same routine as before, and hoofed the glass to Twilight. This time, she immediately drank the shot, and the same sensation occurred. But whatever this drink was, it was obviously very alcoholic, as Twilight already looked like she was hammered. Rarity took the shot too, and the taste surprised her as well, though it tasted very similar to Twilight's drink.. It left a similar burn to Twilight's as well. "Onesh more." The lavender unicorn slurred at Spark. He took the glass and prepared one last 21 Special. "Last one Miss Sparkle, especially since you look like you're already wasted." He paused and looked at Rarity, and said, "You want another one too, Marshmallow?" Rarity's face flushed a fiery red with anger, and she said through gritted teeth, "What did you just call me?!" Spark chuckled and said, "Not that drunk yet I see." All that did was earn him a hoof to the back of his head, which only made him laugh harder. He poured Rarity another shot, and gave it to her. He then looked over at Twilight, who had already taken her shot and was wobbling in her seat. "You alright there Twilight?" Spark asked her. "I'ms jusht wonderful!" She slurred in return. She then started looking at all the lights around the room, and ignored everything else. Spark snickered when Twilight didn't answer after he called her name, and turned to Rarity and said, "You drunk enough yet marshmallow?" Rarity, who had now had a glass of wine and two shots of the mysterious liquid, replied, "Possibly!" Spark grinned widely. "Yep." Twilight stopped looking around at all the lights and looked at Rarity, and said, "Hehe, you're blurrrrrrrryyyy!" Twilight said as she reached out with both of her hooves and started swinging them in front of her friend's face. "And you too dear, *hic* hehe." Twilight's expression suddenly changed and she yelled, "RARITY!" "WHAT?!" "LESH DANSH!" Twilight yelled and grabbed her friend's hoof and dragged her off to the dance floor. Spark was laughing the whole time as the two stumbled away. It's gonna be a long night for those two. The two unicorn mares shoved their way through the dancing ponies and to the middle of the dance floor. The song had just ended and the DJ spoke through the microphone. "You ponies ready to get party rockin'?!" The entire dance floor roared with drunk ponies yelling and hollering. Then, DJ PON-3 put on the song that had become legendary throughout all Equestrian clubs. "Yeah I own this beat!" A stallion's voice started rapping as a house techno beat started playing. Rarity and Twilight began dancing, well if it could be considered dancing. They were shaking their hips and hooves in swerving patterns synced with the fast beat of the song. All the ponies around them were doing a slightly similar dance, though most of them weren't nearly as intoxicated as Twilight and Rarity, so it didn't look nearly as bad. When the song was finally over after 5 minutes, Twilight and Rarity began shoving their way through the crowd again. They finally broke out and were near the exit of the nightclub again. They had each other's hooves on each other's shoulders, and they were both leaning forward and laughing hysterically at something completely random. They began to aimlessly walk around as two stallions at the bar noticed the two very cute, very drunk mares. They looked each other with the same grin, and nodded at each other. They set their beers down and trotted over to Twilight and Rarity, who were laughing at something again. "Hello there ladies." One of the stallions, who wore a brown coat and a solid red mane, greeted the two mares. Twilight looked up from the ground and looked at the source of the voice that had just spoke to her. It took a few moments to focus on the stallion since it seemed as if the entire world was spinning, but she eventually focused enough to say, "Hi there! *hic*" "How you two doing?" The other stallion, who had a grey coat and a dark blue slicked back mane, asked. Rarity now looked up and said to the stallion, "Just great my dear!" The stallions continued to talk with with Twilight and Rarity for a very long time. During the entire time they told jokes, talked about various drinks, songs, and many other random things. The stallions, now satisfied and thought they could pull it off, said to Rarity and Twilight, "So girls, you two wanna go back to our place? We got a nice big bed." Twilight looked at the stallion and said, "Sure!" After a moment however, she added, "WAIT! NO! I shee what you're doing! *hic* You shink you can jush buck us then we leave! Nope! Come on Rareshty! Lesh go!" Twilight angrily shouted at the two stallions. The two stallions jaws dropped and their eyes widened as they watched Twilight and Rarity stumble and trip out of the door of the nightclub. "Damn! I thought we had them." Twilight and Rarity fell through the door of the nightclub while laughing their tails off. Once they got back up, Twilight said, "And then I shaid 'Come on, lesh go!'" Twilight said as she was laughing. "Priceless!" Rarity gasped while laughing just as hard as Twilight. The two mares continued to stumble and trip their way down the street as many ponies watched them with horrified faces. What happened in the next eight hours, nopony would ever know. Twilight Sparkle opened her eyes as the bright morning sunshine hit her in the eyes, causing an excruciating pain to shoot through her head and body. Her head felt like somepony had hit her over the head with a sledge hammer, and her throat was incredibly sore. She looked to her right and saw Rarity asleep next to her in this... "EWWW!" Twilight screeched as she jumped straight out of the dumpster her and Rarity were in. Rarity jumped up awake and saw that she was in a dumpster too, and had the same reaction as Twilight, but a little more dramatic than it needed to be. "My mane! Oh, my coat!" Rarity complained as she observed herself. Rarity and Twilight saw that they were in an alley way in Canterlot. They asked a few questions to each other, but then they faced each other after growing silent for a few moments. "Twilight." "Yes Rarity?" "Let us never speak of this again." "Agreed."