Grand Pear goes to the Dentist

by Yoshifan30

First published

All he has to do is to go to the dentist and fix a toothache how bad can it be? Right?

The busiest day for the Apple family selling their products out there and it's the busiest day ever but unfortunately Grand Pear is not feeling too well due to his toothache and Applejack cannot do it and so is the family so she asked Sandbar and Gallus take him there and it's a simple routine but things will be much difficult that they expected.

Credit a good friend of mine from Tumblr frithislord aka frithnotdead aka frithlives for helping me with ideas. thanks buddy

Chapter 1

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Today in Ponyville would be the busiest day for any ponies and creatures coming from different cities and Kingdom to sell there products and merchandise to all ponies and creatures in a small town either selling or Trading.

In the outskirt of Ponyville there was a Farm called Sweet Apple Acres is no stranger to selling products to everyone when it comes to they're famous apples especially apple fritters, caramel apple, Sweet Apple treats, hot apple pie and apple cider you name it.

And Applejack is packing up all the items and Applebloom is with Big Macintosh and Sugar Belle heading for the town got a head start but Applejack stay back to make sure everything is okay ready to go until she heard a moaning coming behind her she turned around and saw a yellow Elder Pony and to her she recognize. "Grand Pear what's wrong are y'all okay?" Said Applejack concerning.

Yes it is Grand Pear and it looks like he was in town and he's been living with the Apple family for a while. He walked over to his granddaughter and clutching his mouth and saying. "Uhh it's my darn tooth it's been aching for a while I thought it might go away but it gotten worse ow." He cried.

"Oh shoot!" Said Applejack. If it's that bad you really need to see a dentist but right now I can't I need to deliver all this and the rest of the family are ahead of us and they're going to be very busy and won't have time to take you there. what am I going to do?" Said Applejack has she worried about Grand Pears situation.

But then she heard a voice coming from outside "Come on Gallus we got to hurry." Exactly Said the young light green pony who name Sandbar. Who is walking with a blue Griffon.

"Okay okay can you slow down it's just a bunch of ponies and creatures just selling stuff nothing really big deal." Said the griffon who name is Gallus who was walking really slowly.

And Grand Pear just noticing those two kids. "Say Applejack isn't that one of your students from that school of yours?" Said Grand Pear.

"They sure are the Earth Pony his name sandbar and our first Griffon students name Gallus." Applejack answered.

Then suddenly Applejack had an idea, so with that she ran up to those two kids. "Hey you two I need to talk to you for a second here!" Shouted Applejack.

It got the attention of the young ones as they saw her running towards them. "huh oh hey professor Applejack what's going on?" Said Sandbar.

Applejack soon stop right in front of them. "listen I'm sorry to ask for this but are you too busy at the moment?" Said Applejack.

And both of them look at each other very concerning and then turn to their professor. "uh that depends what's going on teach?" Said Gallas.

Applejack took off her hat and sigh" I hate to bother y'all here but right now I need your help on this." Said Applejack.

"Oh um Ok sure what do you need help with?" Said Sandbar.

"I need y'all to take my Grand Pear he's been having a really toothache lately and this is the most busiest time right now and I can't do it on account of I need to set up and sell the apples." Said Applejack.

Once again Gallus and Sandbar looking at each other thinking about this whole situation and Gallus said. "So you're saying that you want us to take your grandpa to the dentist huh?"

"Yes that's what I just said but I'll make it out to y'all if you can just do this one little favor I'll see if I can like lesson the homework assignments and even giving you a free Apple items with no charge. So what are y'all say?" Said Applejack.

"Hmmm you got me in free things and get out of homework assignment-"

And Sandbar interrupt. "What Gallus is trying to say is yeah sure will be happy to help you Professor Applejack." Said Sandbar.

Applejack sigh in relief. "Thanks you two I really appreciate it I'm going to tell Grand Pear the good news and hopefully he'll make it before the opening will start." Said Applejack as she ran to Grand Pear and telling him what's going on leaving the two kids alone.

"Uh Sandbar are you sure this is a good idea to take an old Pony to the dentist? I mean don't get me wrong I'm all for going for free stuff and getting out of this homework assignment." Said Gallus.

Sandbar looking at Gallus and a questioning look. "What do you mean Gallus we're just taking Grand Pear to the dentist and basically just checking on him and fixing the problem just a regular one. what's the worst could happen?" Said Sandbar.

And Gallus look at him with a deadpan. "Do you seriously have to say it that way?" Said Gallus.

So after agreeing to help out Applejack they first introduce themselves to Grand Pear helping him to get to the dentist after a couple of hours walking through the town.

While they were walking Sandbar saw a poster has like a spaceship and a couple of ponies and creatures wearing different color uniforms and it looks like Sandbar recognize it right away. "Hey I know this show my dad talk about it its called Star Trakk it's an old show but I've always watched that one when I was a kid I even have a couple of comics of it." Said Sandbar excitingly.

But Gallus just rolled his eyes and laugh said. "Nerd." And Sandbar looked at him mad.

Then Grand Pear just chuckled and said. "You know when I was younger I did remember working there in the studio when the show was around."

Then Sandbar looked at him pretty excitedly. "Really I didn't know you're an actor." Said Sandbar.

But he wave his Hooves and said. "oh no I'm not an actor but I do gave them coffee and even my Famous pear flavored donuts. When they feel hungry, but when they are acting I kind of memorize some of their lines just for fun especially the captain and plus I know some of the characters in the show."

"But still it's pretty cool that you work at one of the most famous sci-fi shows ever." Said Sandbar in awe.

Both of the ponies say the lines from the show for while but Then Gallus just facepalm and groan. "All For the Love of Celestia this is way too nerdy for me."

"Now come now young griffon everybody has their different likes and dislikes." Then he had that sad look. "It took me a very long time to realize that how foolish we can be."

Then Gallus and Sandbar looked at him with sympathy that they knew about the story from Applejack family past.

But after a couple of walk they finally made it to the dentist and once they walk inside there was a couple of patients waiting for their turns and they went to the front desk to put his name there and basically waiting for his turn.

Grand Pear said to the boys "it was very kindly of you youngsters to help an old Pony like me here."

"No problem that's one of the lessons of helping others in need." Said Gallus as Sandbar nodded his head.

"I must say it is really nice to see other creatures from around the world to come together especially to in a small town of Ponyville." Said Grand Pear.

"Oh yeah definitely we're also friends with other creatures as well although we're going to be a little late meeting up with them." Said Sandbar rubbing his hoove behind his head.

"Oh dear me I hope that doesn't really get you in trouble." Said Grand Pear worriedly.

Gallus wave his claw and said. "nah I'm sure the girls will understand once we explain to them."

"Oh well that's good. so before you got yourself helping me what were you two up to?" Said Grand Pear.

Sandbar answer his question. "Oh well we were going to store and I wanted to pick out something special for Yona." Said Sandbar while blushing.

Gallus was Giggling of Sandbars reasoning "Yeah something special for your girlfriend." Said Gallus looking at Sandbar with a sly eye.

Then Sandbar was looking at him not to happy at Gallus and said. "Hey I'm trying to do something nice for her especially we've been going out for a while." Said Sandbar then he continue on. "And besides didn't you said something you were going to try to get something very special for Silverstream hmm." Sandbar look at Gallus with a sly.

Then Gallus eyes went wide then his cheeks was burning red and said. "I thought we're talked about you won't say anything about it." As he turn his head away while Sandbar laughing.

Grand Pear chuckled "hehe young love." And both Sandbar and Gallus are blushing again.

But before they were about to continue their conversation one of the nurse called out for his name. "Mr. Grand Pear will see you now." And he walked towards the door and disappeared while the boys are waiting for him to get finished.

Inside the room there was a female dentist with light blue for and her hair and tail gray and blue and has a cutie mark of an hourglass greeted Grand Pear." Well hello there my name is Minuette I'll be your dentist. what seem to be the problem here?" Said Minuette leading him to the seat.

"Well you see doctor I really have this really bad toothache like right here and it's really bothersome here." Said Grand Pear.

"Oh dear let's see what do we have here shall we." Said Minuette while she was examining his tooth to see the source of the problem after a couple of seconds she found it. "holy mackerel! now that is a very bad tooth decay don't worry you'll be fix in the jiffy first let me grab the machine." Said Minuette while using her magic to roll the gray metal box towards them.

"Uh Excuse Me Miss what is that?" Grand Pear ask nervously.

"Not to worry it's just a laughing gas it will help you calm the nerve while I work on your tooth." Said Minuette. "Just sit back and relax and let the gas do its work."

She put the mask on Grand Pear muzzle and starting to breathe in it and few seconds he started to calm down.

"Now I will prepare for to work on your tooth and will be on your way." Said Minuette as she started to begin working on his tooth trying to clean out his teeth for a while so she can prepare to take out the tooth out and there was a knock on the door and it's one of the nurse.

"Excuse me Minuette there's somebody who needs to talk with you I think it's your friend the purple pony with berries as a cutie mark." Said the nurse.

"Oh no right now I'm a little busy with a patient here can Berry Punch just wait for a little bit?" Said Minuette.

"Well I told her but she said it's an emergency and she needs to talk with you right now." Said the nurse.

She let out a groan. "Okay fine I'll be there. Mr. Grand Pear I'll be back in a few minutes." Said Minuette and the respond from him was a little gibberish and giggling that the gas is doing its job as she walked out to deal with her friend.

Back at the waiting room Gallus and Sandbar waiting for him to get finish but as a few minutes past Gallus getting a little impatient as he grown "uhh what's taking them so long Professor Applejack said he needs him right away and not only that all the good stuff from the market is going to be gone." Said Gallus.

"Oh come on relax Gallus you know it takes time to fix a toothache." Said Sandbar while looking at a comic.

"Well I'm not waiting I'm going to see what has he been doing." Said Gallus standing up and walking to the hall.

"What the Hay Gallus you know we're not supposed to be there." Said Sandbar as he also got up putting down the comic on the table and tried to get Gallus.

"Don't worry Sandbar which is going to see if he's doing okay and if he's done we can get him back to Professor Applejack and meet up it with our friends and boom easy." Said Gallus. As sandbar groaning and following him to the room where they took Grand Pear.

Sandbar sigh and said "oh man we're sooo going to be in so much in trouble." Which Gallus didn't respond as they continuing walking.

And once they reach to the room where Grand Pear is and they saw him laying on the chair with the mask on him. And they walk towards him and Gallus said. "Look I don't want to be a rude or anything but we really need to get going soon as possible because they're expecting you to be there helping out." Said Gallus and the respond he gotten from him was gibberish and both Gallus and Sandbar look at each other very confused what he was saying "I said we really need to get you back before-" and once again he got interrupted by his jabbering about something. "okay this is ridiculous, I'm going to take that thing off." Said Gallus as he took the mask off has muzzle.

Sandbar was in shock. "what are you doing you're not supposed to take that off." As he grabbed the mask from him but Gallus pulled back.

"I just need him to understand what's going on and plus that thing is getting annoying."

"You're going to get us in trouble now give that back right now."

"No way."

"Yes way."

"Knock it off!

"No you knock it off!"

As those two were in the midst of Tug War they accidentally pulled the end of the tube and letting all the gas out while Grand Pear was laughing all the way.

"Oh man now it's broken I got to shut that off before we get in more trouble." Said Sandbar while trying to shut off the machine with no Veil.

"Well you're the one who broke it." Said Gallus.

Sandbar gave him a glare as he tried to shut off the machine. "Great no good. What are we going to do now?" As he groan.

"Don't look at me I'm not a dentist." Said Gallus. Then Grand Pear was laughing pretty wild there and Gallus facepalm "oh great he is so high up on that whatever that is."

Then Grand Pear pause his laughing and looking at his hoove and looking forward and said. "why is everything so green?" Said Grand Pear as he still continuing looking and then laughing.

Suddenly a male pony just showed up and said "I thought this room was empty."

"Well you thought wrong buddy now get out of here!" As he run and push the pony out and closing the door. "Look we really need to get going we're just going to have to pick him up get him to the Market as quickly and we'll just tell Professor that he'll just have to-

He was trying to explain before he got interrupted by Sandbar laughing for no reason and he's looking at him all Goofy and giggling and Gallus was confused what is happening. "sand-Sandbar knock it off, what's the matter with you man? This isn't funny this is serious dude." Said Gallus well try to snap Sandbar out of it before he got affected by the gas and then within few seconds Gallus too was also giggling and laughing hysterically and both Sandbar and Gallus screaming and pointing at each other and Grand Pear joining in all the fun. And both of the boys were just dancing still screaming and laughing while this is happening.

While they're still laughing Gallus found a giant tooth. "Hey guys check it out." As he pick up the giant tooth and then he sees blue paint and star and moon stickers in the kids room and He put the blue paint on it. Then says "Hey, this place has got Bluetooth!" He then puts the moon and star stickers on it and puts it on his head and says "Look at me. I'm the grrrreat and powerful Trrrrrixie!!!" Shouted Gallus dramatically and the other two ponies were laughing hysterical.

"Hi Trixie! Wait Uh uh Trix uh... Trix are for kids! HAHAHAHA!!!" Said Grand Pear waving his hoove at him and laughing.

"That's the great and powerful Trixie to you." Said Gallus pointing at Grand Pear trying to be intimidating then immediately laughing.

"Wait a minute wait a minute I want to be Trixie let me be Trixie." Gallus took off the giant tooth hat and give it to Sandbar and then he put it on his head "Whoaaaa!!!" Sandbar screaming and dancing and laughing. "Wait wait I got another one." Then Sandbar grabs a bunch of cotton balls, glues them together and puts it close to he's face saying "Look! I'm Star Swirl the Bearded! HAHAHAHA!!!"

"Hey if you're Star Swirl I'm Spyro." Said Gallus using the tooth display as his own moving along while using his claw as fang, but then he walked over to get something. "Hey fellas look, Big Macintosh toothbrush!" As he proceed showing them a giant toothbrush and still continuing laughing then he walked over back to Sandbar with the toothbrush. "Come on let's brush let's brush." As he used the toothbrush to brush the Giant tooth that Sandbar is wearing. After that he gave the toothbrush to Sandbar and walked towards the dentist tool and use one of the water hose that the dentist use. "Now we got rinse dude let's rinse all of it." Then Gallus activated the tiny hoes it sprays on Sandbar and the giant tooth while he was shaking getting all the water off his head and the tooth and once again just laughing their heads off.

But then Sandbar walked over towards Grand Pear. "Wait a minute wait a minute I got an idea watch out." Then he pressed one of the buttons to let the chair lay flat while Grand Pear fall over flat as well. "Let's brush his teeth. Said Sandbar.

"Oh no no no I got a better idea." Taking the giant toothbrush from Sandbar and flipped it over in the end of the brush and it was a big huge rubber point. "let's pick them clean." Said Gallus laughing.

And Grand Pear saw the Giant point and his eyes widen and said. "Oh My Celestia!" He said in terror. Then Gallus put his Claw on his head trying to clear his mind but then suddenly Sandbar pressed the button and again making the chair flipped up and launching Grand Pear onto Gallus. "Whoa Spark is that you?" As he used his hoove to feel Gallus for ears. "What happened to your ears? The last time I saw them they were pointy." And then he looked up to Sandbar and notice the cotton that he made as a beard fell off and the giant tooth is not there anymore even though it mattered and said. "Auroralight, Open up the hailing frequency." As they continue laughing.

Then Sandbar use a thick accent and said. "Captain, the dilithium crystals are almost gone. The matter-antimatter reactors are failing." Said Sandbar laughing.

Then suddenly Grand Pear stood up and put both hooves on Sandbar shoulders. "Spotty your... your... Green." As Sandbar laughed of that reaction. And he walk over towards the table. "The bridge, it's changed." Then he grabbed a plunger from the desk. "Spasers on spun." Once again he laughed then suddenly he felt the pain of his toothache. "Ow, my tooth. Bones, fix it." Said Grand Pear Looking at Gallus.

Then Gallus squinted his eyes with a serious look towards Grand Pear. "Dang it Cap, I'm a Griffon from Griffonstone not a doctor." Said Gallus with a deep Gruff voice. And again everybody was laughing hysterically but then Grand Pear put the plunger onto Gallus face then try to pull it out in a few seconds made a loud popping sound that it was out of his face

and once again all three creatures were laughing all the way.

Back at the plaza of the market Applejack is walking frantically around. "Ahh what's taking them so gosh long." Said Applejack for the frustrated voice while looking for Gallus, Sandbar, and Grand Pear.

"I'm sure they'll make it Applejack." Said Big Mac while helping Sugar Belle preparing the Sweet Goods.

"I know I know Big Mac but right now I'm getting a little worried now it was just supposed to be a easy visit to the dentist and that's it" Said Applejack.

"Maybe there's just a hold up and they're just making sure that Grand Pear is okay." Sugar Belle.

Then Applejack stopped and sigh. "Yeah maybe your right." Looking at Sugar Belle with a small smile "I'm sure they'll make it I trust those two kids."

She was about to help them set up then suddenly she saw the three creatures that she was waiting for and she was about to say something until saw the unusual sight two ponies and a griffon walking towards them while laughing very loudly. Applejack was stunned of what she's seeing. "What in tarnation just happened to y'all?" Ask Applejack.

But once they got closer she saw Gallus was wearing the mask with a tube and Sandbar wearing a napkin necklace on his neck then Grand Pear was holding a giant toothbrush then proceeding tossing it to another Pony walking by and catching it while laughing.

And Gallus was muffling in The Mask but Applejack took it off his face and said. "Well you see Professor the funny thing just happened... wait did I just said funny?" Said Gallus laughing while the other two Ponies were laughing as well and Applejack doesn't think it's that funny. But then he cleared his throat. "Sorry I got a little tickle in my throat down to My Funny Bone." and once again he laughs and the other two ponies laugh along with him.

And Applejack was starting to get frustrated and annoyed by their random laughing "That's not what I meant what exactly-

"Wait a minute, wait a minute" Sandbar interrupt and ask to Gallus. "I was just wondering, why does Griffons name all start with g?" Ask Sandbar tiltinghis head.

Then Gallus was thinking for a second and said I'm not really sure Sandbar Maybe our name sounds... Great!" Shouted Gallus and laughing.

Than Applejack facehoof and groan but then Applebloom showed up beside her older sister and watching in confused. "Umm Applejack what in the world are they acting like that?"

And Applejack look at her younger sister with a unsure look and frustrated and said. "Don't ask sugar cube."

But then Gallus said "Hey Sandbar."

Sandbar look at Gallus and said "what's up?"

"Why are you name Sandbar if you not made of sand or run a bar?" Gallus laugh and the other two laughing.

"Please I'm begging you can y'all Stop." Applejack pleated to them.

Grand Pear clear his throat and spoke with Applejack. "Now now Applejack there's no need to be upset my dear granddaughter." As he had his granddaughter. "actually everything is fine even though the doctor did told us we were acting a little funny." He chuckled while the other two were also chuckling too as well. "But there is one thing that kind of got my attention." He turned around to a certain blue Griffon. "I've noticed something about the way you said it to me." Then Gallus eyes went wide. "Remember I told you that I memorized?" And Gallus look away. "Because I recognize that line Star Trakk." Grand Pear grin at him.


Sandbar look at him with surprise face. "So that means you did watch the show!"

Then Gallus starting to sweat nervously. "Uhhhh....maybe." feeling that he had no way out of this situation.

Sandbar was screaming. "Ha! I know it!!"

"Hehe again Young ones." Said Grand Pear while he's watching those two arguing with each other.

Applejack groan and look at him "Grand Pear next time I'll just take you there myself."

Then he look at her and smile and said. "Deal."

Then Applebloom said. "Boys are weird." While she still looking at Gallus and Sandbar still arguing.