> Sunny's Alicorn Research > by dirty little secret > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sunny's Alicorn Research > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny tries to remember the breathing rhythms they taught her as she lies on her side ... such an uncomfortable bed here in Maretime Bay’s hospital. Lying on her side is the only way she can stay somewhat comfortable with her huge belly. She wheezes. Oof! Another contraction. Won’t be much longer now. At least Zipp and Hitch are there with her. Pipp and Izzy are still recovering, but even just having two of her four best friends here is a really big help. They were all skeptical at first, of course. But any moment now, Sunny’s going to prove herself right. Any moment now, she’ll give birth to the first alicorn princess Equestria has seen for ages. At least several hundred years. And that will truly bring the three kinds of ponies together again once more. Just as an alicorn brings all three types together into one body, her presence as the new princess (of course) will bring them together in one kingdom. Just a little longer ... just a few more pushes. And to think ... none of this would be possible if it weren’t for her chance discovery of that ancient book... * * * Sunny rushed into Zipp’s suite as fast as her hooves could carry her. “I found it, guys! I found it!” All four of her friends looked up from what they’d been doing – apparently, something to do with Pipp’s phone. Zipp had invited Sunny to stay here in Zephyr Heights until Sunny’s lighthouse was rebuilt, and it had kind of become their usual place to hang out together ... though they were lucky that the citizens of Zephyr Heights had let Zipp keep it. “You found out what happened to the old Equestrian princesses?” Hitch asked. “Was it the mayonnaise? I bet it was the mayonnaise.” Izzy leaned over and elbowed Zipp. “I told you it was a bad word for a reason!” “What happened to them?” Pipp asked earnestly enough ... though she was already preparing her phone to record. Sunny shook her head. “No, no. Not that. I still can’t find anything about that. But I found something even better – this!” She pulled the ancient book out of her saddlebag and plopped it down on the elegant, gold-trimmed coffee table in front of her friends. A little cloud of dust rose from it. “Look!” Zipp took one look at the title. “Ugh, I can’t read any of this Old Ponish stuff. What is it?” Izzy seemed to be able to read it, though. “The Conception of Princess Twilight Sparkle - A Sordid Tale Of Equestria’s Elite,” she read, tracing her hoof across the cracked cover, “as chronicled by Iron Will. Iron Will Publications, L-T-D. Satisfaction NOT guaranteed. No refunds.” Izzy snorted a little. “Ha! Like we could even get a refund anyway. You got it for free!” She thought for a moment. “You did get it for free, didn’t you, Sunny?” Ignoring her, Hitch looked up at Sunny. “How’s that supposed to help? And where’d you find it, anyway? I thought you said the old library had been destroyed.” Sunny beamed with pride. “It was! And almost all the other books, too. But I’ve been searching through the other abandoned under-levels of Zephyr Heights, and I found this one book hidden way back in a dark corner of an old bedroom, where nopony would ever find it. It must have been really important for some ancient pony to hide it away so carefully!” Izzy carefully peeled back the cover and started working over the first page. “Do you need me to translate it?” “Nope! My dad taught me how to read Old Ponish. And I already know what’s in here – it’s a really detailed account of how Princess Twilight Sparkle was conceived.” Zipp shook her head. “I’m sure that’s interesting and all, but how does that help us? I thought you were supposed to be finding out where the princesses are now, not where they came from.” “Wait...” Pipp’s eyes went wide all the sudden. “No. You can’t be thinking of...” Sunny nodded. “Uh-huh! Finding out what happened to the ancient princesses might not bring them back, but this can!” Pipp just raised her eyebrow. “And who exactly is going to do this? Who’s going to be the mother for the new—?” “But Sunny!” Hitch interrupted. Pretty rudely. “You’re ... you’re already basically an alicorn! Don’t you remember the whole glowing wings and horn thing? Why would you want to do this kind of crazy stuff when you’re already everything Equestria needs?” Sunny shook her head. “I’m not everything Equestria needs! I’m only glowed-up like that sometimes, when all three kinds of ponies are already getting along. That’s when the magic flows through and glows me up like that. And even then I’m not a real alicorn. It’s just ... just, magic, you know? But the important part is that it goes away when the three kinds of ponies aren’t getting along. But when they’re not getting along is when we need an alicorn the most! And, and...” She sighed. “Just look around! Yeah, maybe things aren’t quite as crazy as when we first started working on it, but all three kinds of ponies still distrust each other a lot, and barely anypony is integrating!” “Lots of earth ponies and unicorns have been moving into Zephyr Heights,” Pipp said with pride. But Izzy shook her head. “I still haven’t seen any ponies besides unicorns in Bridlewood, though. We got all excited and made a pegasus and earth pony welcome party with special hats and everything ... but nopony showed up.” Hitch looked over at her. “Wait... When did that happen?” “A couple of weeks ago. How could you miss it? I put up posters all over Bridlewood!” For a moment, everyone was quiet. Then Zipp quietly said, “Uh... Did you put up any posters in Zephyr Heights or Maretime Bay?” “No, why?” Zipp buried her face in her hooves. Things were getting pretty far off track. Sunny needed to bring them back on topic. “Look, the important thing is that we need an alicorn princess who’s always an alicorn princess, especially when the three kinds of ponies aren’t getting along with each other. With this book, we could actually bring a new alicorn princess into the world. A real one. When all three kinds of ponies are unified into one body, then all three groups will be unified into one kingdom, too – it just makes sense!” “If you say so, Sunny...” Hitch shrugged. “How’s this supposed to work, anyway?” Zipp looked over Izzy’s shoulder at the book – Izzy was already several pages in, quickly running her hoof down each page as she read. But of course Zipp couldn’t understand a word of it ... right? “How are baby alicorns made?” Izzy just giggled. “Ooh, there’s some really juicy stuff in here!” Sunny grinned. “I’ve already skimmed through it. And it’s kind of complicated, but the good news is this book is really detailed. First of all, we need an earth pony to carry the foal. That’s me, obviously.” “You’re going to get pregnant?” Hitch looked at her incredulously. “Miss ‘Bachelor life is the way for me!’ is going to have a foal?” She shrugged. “It’s for Equestria. We’ll also need a unicorn mare...” “Ooh! Ooh!” Izzy looked up from the book, grinning wide. “That’s gotta be me!” “... and a pegasus mare.” “Not it!” Zipp held her hoof against her nose. Pipp peered over at her. “Um... Zipp? What are you doing?” She still didn’t move her hoof. “It’s called the nose goes. Last pegasus pony without her hoof on her nose is the one who’s got to do it.” Pipp rolled her eyes. “That’s ridiculous and juvenile.” But Zipp just stayed there with her hoof on her nose, looking smugly superior. Sunny nodded. At least that was decided. Sort of. “And then, all we need is a stallion. In the book, they used a unicorn, but from what they said in there, it seems like any kind of stallion will work.” Hitch shook his head. “And where are you going to find a stallion? You’re all mares!” They all looked at him. He looked back. And then it suddenly dawned on him. “No. Oh no. Nope nope nope.” He shook his head. “I told you girls, I don’t date friends. Learned that a long time ago. It never ends well.” Izzy sniggered. “We’re not asking you to date us, Hitch.” “Is it too late to change my mind about the ‘not it’ part?” Zipp took her hoof away from her nose. “I didn’t know that was on the menu...” Now it was Pipp’s turn to look smugly superior. “I’m afraid you already called it. He’s all mine!” Sunny had a solution, though. “There is one more pony we need. The book calls her a ‘royal vessel’. Think you could do that, Zipp?” “Done!” “Um, girls...” Hitch looked at them all like they were crazy. He backed away a little ... though sitting on the couch really limited how far he could go. “Reality check? You’re ... you’re all into me?” He looked at Sunny in particular. “Even...?” Sunny laughed. “You remember that calendar they made of you, right?” “Yeah... It was weirdly popular. But it raised a lot of money for the Maretime Bay Civic Office...” She grinned at him, already imagining him in some of the positions the book mentioned. “Well, it was popular for a reason.” It took a concentrated effort, but she avoided licking her lips. That might send the wrong message. “I think you’ll make a perfect father for the new alicorn princess!” He looked pretty nervous, though. “You mean like for real ... and you’re going to be the mother, so ... so we’re going to have to, you know...” He shook his head. “Sunny, that’s crazy! We’ve ... we’ve known each other since we were foals. You’re like a sister to me!” Sunny laughed a little. “Funny you should say that. Because in the book, it says the stallion was Princess Twilight’s brother ... somehow.” Zipp darted back to the book. “Really? That’s messed up!” Hitch still looked pretty nervous, though. “I’m really not sure about this, Sunny. Is it even going to work? What if we—?” “It’s for Equestria,” Sunny reminded him. “Come on! We have to try, don’t we? And don’t worry – I’ll be doing the really hard part. All we need you to do is, you know...” “Yeah ... that’s the part I’m...” Hitch shook his head. “It just seems so weird.” Izzy scooted closer to him on the couch. “Mmm, come on Hitchy.” Her face was almost touching his, despite how much he was leaning away. “How could you say no to getting it on with three beautiful mares, all at the same time?” “Three?” Hitch blanched and shook his head. “But I thought Sunny was the only one who was going to...” “Oh, there’s a lot more than that.” Izzy grinned lasciviously. She did not make any attempt to hide the way she licked her lips. “I only read a few pages so far, but I can already tell there’s gonna be lots of fun to go around, not just for Sunny.” Hitch’s lips quivered. “Um ... great...” “It’s settled then!” Zipp proclaimed. “Now when do we get our hooves on that delicious Hitch sandwich?” She’d already taken off, flying over and hovering just above him. “Not yet.” Sunny waved her away. But it was necessary. “I need to go through this book in detail and make notes on everything they did. We only get one shot at this, so we need to make sure we get everything right.” Hitch looked visibly relieved at that ... even though Izzy and Zipp hadn’t really backed off of him much. Even Pipp was eyeing him with an anticipatory little smile. Sunny thought for a moment. “How about in about two weeks? That should be when my cycle is at its strongest, so that’s when we’ll have the best chances for success.” “Hey, mine too!” Izzy laughed, ending in little bit of a giggle-snort. “It’s like we’re cycle-sisters!” Hitch shook his head again. “I can’t believe we’re talking about this...” “Okay,” Sunny said, “it’s settled. We’ll meet here again in two weeks for the—” “Not here!” Zipp yelled. Sunny looked up at her. “Huh?” Zipp shook her head. “They let me keep my suite, but we’re not really royalty anymore, and the staff doesn’t do my laundry or clean or anything. So I do not want a huge mess in here and a bunch of stains all over my bed!” Izzy jumped up and raised her hoof. “Ooh! You can use my bed!” She giggled. “It’s been messed up lots of times before.” Zipp looked sidelong at her. “Gross, Izzy.” “Gross? Yeah. But it was a lot of fun!” “Okay, okay.” Sunny did her best to keep them focused before Izzy could get them all distracted with yet another story about the many alternate uses for unicorn horns. “So Izzy’s house in two weeks. I’ll go through the book and make sure we’ve got everything we need and know exactly what to do. It’s settled!” Hitch still really didn’t look sure about that ... but what could he do? It was settled. Sunny had said so. * * * “Okay,” Sunny said, taking one last look around Izzy’s bedroom. “I think that’s everything. Everything’s ready.” She took a deep breath. Wow. They were really going to do this, huh? Talking about doing it in the future was one thing, but the idea of doing it just a few minutes from now... Izzy, though, plopped a little basket down on the bed in front of Sunny. “Nope! You forgot these!” Sunny stared down at the basket. It was packed to the brim. “Condoms? Really, Izzy? Why do you even have so many?” “Always gotta be safe!” But... Sunny planted her hoof against her face. Again. The kind of thing she tended to do a lot when she spent too much time alone with Izzy. “We can’t use condoms, Izzy! I think you might be missing the whole point of what we’re trying to do here...” “Duh!” Izzy turned her head almost all the way upside down. “We’re using that old book as an excuse for you to finally get a piece of Hitch, since you’ve had a crush on him since you were just a filly!” Sunny’s jaw dropped. “I... I don’t have a crush on Hitch!” Despite her vehemence, she could feel her cheeks heating. For a long moment, Izzy just stared at her. “But then why...?” “This is to save Equestria! We have to create a new alicorn princess to finally bring together all three kinds of ponies and make sure they stay together!” “Wait...” Izzy stared at her as if she’d just insisted that sea ponies were real. “You were serious about that?” Before Sunny could even decide how to answer that, a complicated cacophony of bells and chimes rang out, echoing through Izzy’s whole house. “That’s my doorbell!” Izzy grinned. “Do you like it?” The cacophony went off again, still preventing Sunny from getting a single thought through her head. “Sounds urgent! I’d better go answer it!” Sunny shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. Hopefully the rest of the night wouldn’t be this confusing. It had seemed so straightforward when she was preparing everything. Why was her head getting all muddled now? This wasn’t the time for it! She had to make sure she got things right! And the doorbell meant ... they must be here already! Was it Zipp and Pipp, or would it be ... Hitch? She ran down the stairs in Izzy’s house to find out. All three, actually. As soon as Izzy opened the door – about the same instant that Sunny reached the downstairs main room and could see it – Zipp and Pipp flapped in through the front door, holding Hitch upside down between them as they flew. They deposited him, not very gently, on the rug in the middle of the room. “Found this one sneaking off at the last minute,” Zipp said, looking pretty self-satisfied about bringing him in. Hitch righted himself and shook his head. “I told you, I was just—” “You were getting cold hooves and chickening out. Admit it.” Zipp’s tone admitted no argument ... and Hitch didn’t attempt another one. “Is that true?” Sunny asked, just now taking her last hind hoof off the stairs. “You ... you were just going to leave us here? There’s no way we could find another stallion soon enough. We’d have to call off the whole thing!” Hitch wouldn’t do that to her ... would he? He stared down at the floor. “I just... It didn’t feel right, Sunny.” Slowly, as the others got settled in, Sunny came over to him. She ran a hoof through his mane, which got him to lift his head back up and look at her. “It’s okay,” she told him. “If you really don’t want to be with me, that’s okay. We could try again next cycle, find another stallion...” “No! It’s not—!” Sunny backed away slightly, startled by Hitch’s outburst. He took a deep breath and shook his head. “Sorry. I guess...” He looked up at her, a strange longing in his eyes, then looked away. “I guess I’m just a little nervous is all.” “Ooh! Ooh!” Izzy bounced up and down. “You know what helps me when I feel nervous?” “A song?” Pipp guessed. “Getting rutted silly! Come on!” With a laugh, Izzy darted right past Sunny and zoomed up the stairs, moving so fast that wind chimes jingled in her wake. Sunny offered her hoof to help Hitch up off the floor. “She’s right, you know ... in a way. The sooner we actually get started and get past all this awkwardness, the easier it will be, right?” “Um... Right.” Hitch took her hoof and got up off the floor. “I just ... just never pictured it happening like this?” “Pictured what happening like this?” Hitch suddenly looked stricken. “I, um... NOTHING! Never mind!” A moment later, he also zoomed up the stairs, nearly as fast as Izzy had gone. Well, at least it seemed like he’d gotten over his nervousness ... kind of. Sunny started back up the stairs herself, looking over her shoulder as she went. “Are you two coming?” she said to the pegasus sisters. As it turned out, they were able to get up there faster than she could, even though she had a head start. Apparently, having wings was a pretty big bonus for trying to get up the stairs. It made Sunny wish her own magical glowing wings and horn would have appeared, so she could have kept up with them properly. No such luck, which left her the very last one to get up to Izzy’s bedroom. Hm... Maybe this process of conceiving a new alicorn would be ‘all three kinds working together’ enough to trigger Sunny’s glowing wings and horn. She could only hope... Maybe if it did, then she’d know it was a success. Inside Izzy’s bedroom, she found that things had – predictably – already gone downhill. Zipp was already guzzling down one of the drinks she’d set out in case they got tired. Pipp had her phone out and seemed to be live-streaming a glamour shot of Izzy. Hitch was staring at the bed ... and at the small basket on top of it. “Uh ... what’s with all the condoms?” he asked. “I thought we were trying for, um ... you know, what condoms are supposed to prevent.” Sunny rushed in and tossed the basket aside. Too hastily. She ended up scattering condoms all over the floor. “Don’t worry about that!” she said. “Those are ... um ... Izzy always keeps those on her bed, just in case!” Uh-oh ... didn’t look like Hitch was buying it! “Isn’t that right, Izzy?” Startled out of her stream with Pipp, Izzy nodded automatically. “Uh-huh!” “Uh-huh...” Hitch still looked a little skeptical, but he shrugged. Thank goodness! It would be a complete disaster if Hitch started to think she was doing all of this just to finally get in bed with him. If Izzy had already jumped to that conclusion, it couldn’t be far from him, either. And, of course, she couldn’t let herself think that either. Of course not. She was doing this for Equestria, not for Hitch. He just happened to be the most convenient stallion around ... right? Right. Right! Okay, then ... what next? Pipp. Sunny hurried over to Pipp and yanked her phone away, quickly shutting off the stream. “Hey!” Pipp protested. “No live streaming this!” It felt weird that Sunny needed to say it ... but she definitely did. “It’s supposed to be private.” Pipp was still reaching for her phone. “Oh come on! Do you have any idea how many likes I could get with something like this? I mean, sure, they’ll take it down almost as soon as it’s posted, but until they do, the Pipsqueaks will be going insane over it!” Hitch looked around nervously, but came up alongside Sunny. “I’ve got to side with Sunny on this one,” he said. “I’m ... I’m nervous enough already.” Zipp tossed her now-empty drink bottle in the general vicinity of the wastebasket in the corner of the room. It rolled across the floor and ended up coming to a stop on top of one of the scattered condoms. “Aw, come on. What’s the big deal? It’s not like you have to worry about getting pregnant or anything. You just get to have a fun night with four awesomely beautiful mares—” she preened slightly “—and then you’re done. What’s there for you to worry about? It’s not like it’s your first time or anything, right? I’m sure mister ‘calendar photoshoot’ gets plenty of tail back in Maretime Bay!” “Uh...” Hitch glanced back and forth. Gulped. “Right.... Plenty... Not my first time at all.” His grin looked pretty weak and unconvincing. Wow, he must have really been pretty nervous, huh? Sunny kind of took pity on him. Maybe it was his first time with more than one mare at once? Or it just wasn’t the kind of atmosphere he was used to? Because of course a stallion as popular as him must have been getting quite a bit of action in Maretime Bay. She was actually a little bit jealous. Having spent her teenage years as the social outcast who wouldn’t stop talking about pegusai and unicorns, she sure hadn’t had many opportunities herself. But of course Hitch would have been having a lot more fun. He wouldn’t just be sitting there in the Sheriff’s office saving himself for somepony like her. That would be ridiculous! Yeah. He was probably just nervous because he was so outnumbered. Thankfully, she knew the first thing they needed to do was exactly the kind of thing that could help calm a nervous stallion down. She went over to the all-important book, where it sat on the side table ... and she opened it to her first page of notes, which she’d stuck in as a bookmark at the beginning of the important part. She knew these pages were especially important because they were the stickiest. Some of them had been practically glued together! “Okay...” She skimmed through her notes quickly, then settled on the prepared translation. “It says here, ‘all three mares squeezed down between Shining Armor’s legs. Rarity—’ that’s the unicorn ‘—licked his left nut, Fluttershy—’ that’s the pegasus ‘kissed his right nut, almost taking the whole thing in her mouth, and Pinkie Pie—’ that’s the earth pony ‘—planted her lips right on his sheath so she could suck his girthy stallion meat right down into her tight throat the moment it came out.’” Everypony else just stood there, blinking at Sunny. “Wow,” Pipp said, “that book is really detailed.” “I know, right?” Sunny grinned. “With a description this detailed, we’re going to get it right for sure!” For a long moment, though, nopony did anything. They were all looking at her. Why did everypony always act like she was the leader? It was so strange. Sure, sure, it was her idea and she’d gotten all of this started, but still ... Sunny had never thought of herself as a leader of anypony. It was so weird when her friends looked at her like that. Oh well. If they were going to wait for her to get things going, she’d get things going... “Okay, Hitch,” she said, already taking hold of him and guiding him where she wanted him to go. “You sit here at the edge of the bed and spread your legs open really wide. If all three of us are going to get down there together, we’re going to need all the room we can get.” “Like this?” Hitch sat down on the bed, spreading his legs. Wow... Okay, sure, Sunny had caught glimpses of Hitch’s naughty bits here and there. She’d grown up with him, after all! But she’d never seen him so blatantly on display like this, not even in that calendar. There, well, there he was. His lean belly led down inevitably to his bountiful crotch – nice big and wide sheath promising lots hidden inside, with two very nice, plump and full balls resting on the bed just beneath ... all right there in front of her, ready for her. She was barely able to move, and yet she drifted closer and closer, drawn to the sight of him. Izzy was faster. She didn’t waste time being awed by the sight of him. She went right down there and planted her lips right against one of Hitch’s balls, just like the book had said. The sight of her actually down there, actually doing it made Sunny’s legs go weak for a moment. Wow ... it was really happening... Hitch seemed even more shocked. “Izzy!” he practically screamed. “Wha... What are you doing?” “Mmm-mm-mmm-mmmmm.” Whatever it was she was trying to say, having one of Hitch’s balls in her mouth made it completely unintelligible. Hitch shuddered at the feeling of her voice humming against him. “Wait for me!” Zipp said with a little laugh, zooming in to join Izzy down there. But Sunny stopped her at the last moment, blocking the way with her hoof. “Wait!” “Huh? What gives?” Sunny looked at Zipp sternly. “We have to do it just like it says in the book! Unless you and Pipp are going to switch places, she’s supposed to be doing that, not you.” Zipp looked over at her sister. “So ... switchies?” “Nuh-uh!” Pipp laughed. “I know what I’m getting tonight, isn’t that right, Pippsqueaks?” “Put. The. Phone. AWAY!” Sunny all but growled at her. “Aren’t a lot of your fans foals?” Pipp shrugged. “They’ve seen worse.” Thankfully, though, she did put the phone away, quickly getting into position next to Izzy and starting to take care of Hitch’s other ball. Which left Sunny with... She gulped. Wow. This was really really real now, wasn’t it? Was she actually going to...? Well, she had to, didn’t she? Her other friends had already gotten started! She couldn’t back out now! But all four of her legs trembled as she slowly came closer. This was ... this was Hitch. Sure, she’d secretly liked him a lot, ever since she was a filly. But that was normal. Every mare in Maretime Bay liked Hitch. And most of them had a copy of his calendar, too. Even a surprising number of the stallions, too. But that was just ... natural. Because everypony liked him. He was right when he said they were almost like brother and sister. They were already so close. How could she be thinking of doing this? And yet ... she couldn’t deny the way her tail was rising behind her. Pipp and Izzy’s efforts on his balls were affecting him, too. His cock was already beginning to emerge from his sheath – just a little nub at first, but he’d soon be— Oh no! The book said his cock had grown into Pinkie Pie’s throat! If he got hard before Sunny was in place, they’d be doing it wrong! It might not work! Instantly, without another thought, she rushed in and squeezed herself between Pipp and Izzy. No time for hesitation, no time for second thoughts, no time for wondering whether she was really ready to do this with Hitch. She needed to have her mouth against his sheath, now! And she did. It was surprisingly anticlimactic. Just warm, soft skin against her lips. Almost like a kiss. For all the times she’d snuck glances at Hitch’s sheath, for all the times she’d daydreamed about it when she probably shouldn’t be ... actually touching it was, well ... it was just there. She didn’t forget her reason for being here, though. She was going to do her best to become the proud new mother of the first alicorn Equestria had seen in centuries, and that started with rubbing her tongue across the slightly exposed nub between her lips – the very tip of Hitch’s cock. Was Hitch even enjoying this? His cock was only slightly responding to what she was doing. She wasn’t exactly experienced in all of this, but wasn’t it supposed to do more? And now that her lips were against him, she could feel how he was trembling – he must have been even more nervous about this than her! Feeling a sudden rush of empathy for him, she looked up at his face, her mouth still against his sheath. For a second, there was a lovely shared moment between the two of them as their eyes met, bonding even more over the shared feeling of how awkward this was. But then a strange light came into Hitch’s eyes. Something about looking down at her like that had triggered some kind of response in him. Something primal. She learned almost immediately just what that response meant. No longer hesitant, no longer shy, Hitch’s cock surged outward, instantly filling her mouth, unfolding into her throat. Before she could even react to what was happening, his cock swelled to fill her throat completely – it didn’t slide in, it grew in. It simply expanded into the only available space ... her. Sunny had never done anything like this before, and she was not prepared for how suddenly it had happened. Her brief eye contact with Hitch broke as her eyes squeezed shut, and almost as quickly, she coughed – her whole body heaved in rejection of this thing that had so suddenly invaded her throat. She yanked herself off of him, sputtering and gasping. A thick, slimy tendril of her own spit connected her lips to his tip as it fell free, as his still-limp cock fell down onto Pipp and Izzy’s faces. They were real troopers about it; they stayed right where they were, tending to his balls. Sucking in deep breaths through her abused and already-sore throat, Sunny wondered why she couldn’t be like that? Why hadn’t she stuck with it? Didn’t she want to save the future of Equestria? She did. She absolutely did. So she was not going to give up just because of a little discomfort, no matter how surprising it had been. She was just inexperienced – she’d never done this before. Not really. A little fooling around while she was still in school, sure. But never anything this serious. But she was going to give it her best, no matter what. She always had, and she always would. So as soon as she’d caught her breath and wiped the excess spit away from her lips, she went right back to it, lowering her head all the way until her cheeks pressed against Pipp and Izzy, taking Hitch’s tip back into her mouth. “Oh wow, Sunny...” Hitch trembled again, but in a good way. “You’re so... Mmm!” She let him slide deeper, all the way into her muzzle, but not into her throat. It was easy enough, given how slick her throat had already made him. And it sure seemed to work wonders on Hitch, judging from the little noises he made with every breath. Even though those lovely little sounds gave her a strong urge to plunge all the way down on him again, Sunny held herself back. She knew her limits. Or, at least, she was a lot more aware of her limits than she had been just a few moments ago. Instead, she focused on making him feel as good as she could ... mainly by bobbing her head slowly back and forth, letting his cock slide in and out of her mouth. It felt so thick, so heavy, so warm. It still wasn’t fully hard, though, so she managed to squeeze one hoof up between Izzy and Pipp, to help her hold Hitch’s cock up in the middle ... and also stroke all the parts of it that her mouth couldn’t quite reach. The book had said Pinkie Pie took Shining Armor’s whole cock in her throat. Maybe Shining Armor wasn’t as well-endowed as Hitch? Or maybe Pinkie Pie was just really good at what she was doing? Sunny wished she could do the same, but it was obviously beyond her abilities. As soon as she tried to go even slightly deeper, she started to gag. So she decided she’d just have to do her best with what she could do. Hopefully it would be enough to replicate the magical recipe for Equestria’s next alicorn princess. Maybe if she focused on rubbing her tongue along the underside of his shaft, giving him as much stimulation as she possibly could? Yes! Hitch moaned a little more loudly. Was it really working? She looked back up at him, trying to gauge his reaction. The look in his eyes blew her away. Absolute, unbelieving adoration. His eyes quivered as if he was almost crying; he reached one hoof down and brushed it along the side of her mane. Of course she didn’t need that – her mane was in a practical ponytail like always – but it was such a loving, caring gesture. She melted against it, gazing back up at him with the same kind of longing. Suddenly, that thick cock filling her mouth wasn’t just warm flesh – it was Hitch, a part of him. And the feelings she’d always had for him, the ones she could never ever bring herself to talk about ... now she could finally express those feelings in a new way. In a physical way. Through the intimate language of her tongue against the throbbing surface of his cock. Throbbing? This time, the effects of their eye contact didn’t surprise Sunny as much. This time, it thrilled her to feel him hardening inside her mouth, to feel him stiffening and his cock even lifting her up slightly. Yes! Did that mean ... did it mean he liked her too? Of course everypony liked Hitch ... but up until very recently, pretty much nopony had liked Sunny. Was it really possible that Hitch liked her? That he was attracted to her? That he wanted her? A warm little twitch came from back between her hind legs, her pussy winking as if to confirm that yes he did! Overcome with this intense wave of feelings, Sunny plunged herself down on him again recklessly ... and immediately suffered the consequences of that decision. For one little moment – just an instant in time – the firm, warm feeling of Hitch’s cock sliding into her throat again was pure heaven. The way it opened her up inside, the way it filled her. In that little moment, she felt like she could have swallowed him to the hilt! But, of course, it only lasted for an instant. Then the gagging came, the choking, the pain. All over again, she pulled off of him, coughing and sputtering up her own spit. Her eyes watered to the point where her vision went blurry, and when she tried to blink it away, tears streamed down. Ugh! This ... this uncooperative body of hers! This virgin throat! Why hadn’t she found some way to practice? If she could have just kept it down, maybe he would, maybe Hitch would... No, she couldn’t think about that. That was too crazy. Of course he wouldn’t. Not with her. Not when he had so many options in Maretime Bay and beyond. He was the city’s most eligible bachelor, and she was ... just Sunny. She had to stop being so ridiculous, had to stop herself from falling in love. Silly filly. Silly love-struck filly. “Wow, nice!” Zipp giggled a little as she hovered above all four of them, no doubt getting the best possible view of the action. “He’s even hotter when he’s hard – look at the size of that thing! Let me in there! I want a taste!” “No!” Sunny held her hoof up, blocking Zipp’s path. Zipp barely avoided getting a face-full of hoof instead of a face-full of cock. “Hey! What gives?” If Sunny was honest with herself – something she was studiously avoiding at the moment – she would have admitted that she’d blocked Zipp from him out of jealousy. Because Hitch was her childhood friend, her crush, her most eligible bachelor. But no, of course not. That was crazy talk. There had to be a different way to justify... Aha! “No,” Sunny said again. “You can’t! That’s not what it says in the book.” “Well what does it say in the book?” Zipp swooped down and landed on the bed. Her frustrated sigh mingled with the sound of over-stressed bed springs. “Mm mmm mmm mm mmm mmnm-mmn m m-nm, m mmnmn mn mm-mmn. Mm mmmm mmn-mmn-mmm, mmm m mm mm mmm, mn mmm mm.” Everypony looked down at Izzy, but only Zipp managed to say anything: “Uh, Izzy – nopony’s gonna understand you with Hitch’s hacky-sack in your mouth.” Izzy pulled off of him with a pop. “The book says that once Shining Armor was nice and hard, he couldn’t help himself. He grabbed Fluttershy, threw her on the bed, and did her.” Sunny laughed a little. “I think the actual words were, ‘Impaled her with his massive hot schlong.’ But you got the basics of it right. Did you memorize the whole thing like I did?” “Nah. I’ve just read it like a hundred times.” Izzy blinked at everypony staring at her. “What? It’s really good!” Everypony else was distracted with staring at Izzy, but once again Zipp was thinking ahead. “So ... Fluttershy was the pegasus pony, right?” Sunny nodded. Zipp grinned wide. “Looks like you’re up first, Sis!” Pipp finally pulled her mouth off of Hitch’s balls – was she just really dedicated to Equestria’s future, or was she enjoying being down there more than she was supposed to? “I’m ... up?” Hitch’s cock bobbed wetly in the air right next to her face. It was obviously up. And so was he. Taking inspiration, perhaps, from Iron Will’s lurid words, Hitch sprang into motion, swinging one leg over Izzy’s head just high enough to avoid poking himself on her horn. A real unicorn horn! Sometimes it still amazed Sunny how mundane such a thing had already become to her. But while she was busy with that little revelation, Hitch was even busier – he grabbed Pipp roughly, yanking her upward and then throwing her down on the bed, belly up. Both she and the bed springs squealed in protest. But Pipp’s indignant little shriek suddenly turned into a gasp as Hitch planted his forehooves on either side of her and slid his cock up between her hind legs, rubbing it against her teats. For a moment, Sunny thought he was going to jam his cock into her friend, just like that. Was he really that overwhelmed with lust? But no. He still had his irrepressible decency about him. “Are you ready, Pipp?” he asked, almost painfully earnest. “If you’re not sure about this, we could still—” “It’s been forever since I was with anypony who had the balls to throw a princess around like that!” Pipp’s broad, genuine smile gave away what her answer would be. “Put it in me, stud. You better make me— AAAH! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! HITCH!” Yeah. He was making her scream, alright. From the very moment his tip plunged into her entrance. And wow. Pipp could scream! Her voice really was something else. And while Sunny’s heart twinged in absolute jealousy at the sight of Hitch’s cock sliding so nicely, so easily into another mare ... another part of her tucked away under her tail twinged in absolute lust. She was probably dripping on the carpet already. Oh, the sight of him! He wasn’t holding back with Pipp – he was really giving it to her. The sight of his cock gliding in and out of her, the sight of her pussy lips winking desperately as they rippled over every contour of his shaft... Oh ponyfeathers! How was she going to make it through this without clopping herself? But she had to. The book didn’t say anything about the other mares clopping themselves. That might ruin everything! And yet, how could she watch both Pipp and Izzy go through this without going completely crazy before her own turn came? She tried to distract herself by checking the book, checking her notes. It was not easy to focus on the text when Pipp’s passionate screaming filled her ears. Was ... was that sudden crescendo in screams an orgasm? Doesn’t matter. Focus on the text! Focus on the text! What part comes next? It was no use. She didn’t manage to read a single word. Couldn’t even keep track of what page she was supposed to be on. How could Hitch do this to her? How could he fool around with another mare, one of their best friends? It was, it was— It was exactly what she’d told him to do. She shook her head, trying to clear the sounds of Pipp’s moaning away from her lust-clouded and jealousy-mired brain. Was it really only a few minutes ago that she’d been struggling to convince Hitch to do this? How could she be mad at him for doing it now? That didn’t make any sense! Quit it, she told her rebelliously insecure heart. He wasn’t doing anything wrong. This was her plan. “Do me next! Do me next!” Izzy’s voice barely – just barely – made it past Pipp’s. Sunny looked up from her book just in time to see Izzy with her forelegs flat on the bed, wiggling her hips side to side right next to Pipp, with her tail flagged high over her back. Really putting everything on display. Izzy glittered when her pussy winked. Wait, Izzy had a pierced clit? How had Sunny never known that before? Had she just gotten that recently, or had she always had it? Of course, Sunny hadn’t made a habit of staring under her friends’ tails, but she felt like this was the kind of thing she should have known about such a close friend ... somehow. Sure, she hadn’t really known Izzy that long ... but still. It blew Sunny’s mind that Izzy had been hiding that little bit of jewelry just inside her pussy lips all along. Or had she gotten it recently, maybe even done it just in preparation for tonight? Wouldn’t that hurt? Well, at any rate, it sure seemed to be working. That bright little twinkle under Izzy’s tail quickly drew Hitch’s gaze. And where his gaze went, his cock soon followed. He pulled out of Pipp messily, her juices streaming off of his cock as he nudged himself over to the side and mounted Izzy instead. Okay, okay. Sunny forced herself to keep breathing. This was all according to plan. He was supposed to rut the pegasus, then the unicorn, then the – gulp – earth pony, and then finally finish into the mouth of the ‘royal vessel’ – another pegasus. Fluttershy, then Rarity, then Pinkie Pie, and then Rainbow Dash’s mouth. Then the ‘royal vessel’ would give the sacred seed to the pegasus, unicorn, and finally the earth pony, in the same order. And then the earth pony would get pregnant. Pregnant ... from Hitch. Sunny felt like somepony was choking her heart every time she thought about that. So okay, okay, don’t think about it... Think about... “Oooh! You’re pretty big! Is that— Unh!” Izzy’s voice broke, only for a moment, as Hitch slid his cock fully inside her. “Is that an earth pony thing, or is it just you?” “Just him,” Pipp said between panted breaths. “Believe me. I’ve ... I’ve tried other ... other earth ponies.” She let out a long, satisfied-sounding moan. “And they weren’t anything like that!” Sunny was quite accustomed to wishing that she was a pegasus or a unicorn. She’d spent far too much of her childhood playing around with fantasies like that. But now, as Hitch plowed Izzy with slow, sure strokes ... she felt an entirely new reason to envy unicorns and pegasus ponies: if she had wings or a horn, she could have been one of the first to have Hitch inside of her. If she’d had wings, she could be the one lying on the bed in her own sweat and post-orgasmic juices. If she’d had a horn, she could be the one softly gasping with each long, steady push of Hitch’s cock. Sunny’s tail was as high as it could go. Her pussy was painfully desperate, winking like crazy and dripping a trail down her hind leg. She needed him now. But that wasn’t going to happen. Not yet. She had to be patient. She’d been waiting for this since she was a little filly who didn’t even understand the fluttery feeling in her chest or the winky-wet feeling under her tail when she played with Hitch. She could wait a little longer, couldn’t she? Oh, but the sight of him gripping Izzy’s hips! The wet little sounds of his cock slipping in and out of her! The way Izzy’s body was constantly getting stiffer and tenser with approaching climax! How could Sunny possibly live even one more minute without experiencing that for herself? Be strong, she told herself. After all, she’d be rewarded for all this waiting. In a way, she had the place of honor here, the most enviable position of all. Sunny would be the one his seed finally ended up inside. Sunny would be the one pregnant with the new life of Equestria. Sunny would be the one inevitably growing closer and closer to Hitch as he watched her carry his foal... And maybe, after ... maybe he’d want another, not an alicorn, just an ordinary foal, just between the two of them. Maybe she could belong to him, and he could belong to her... That unlikely fantasy shattered, cut through by a sudden and intense scream from Izzy. Her whole body went entirely stiff. Her eyes glowed. Sparks of magic burst outward from her horn, sizzling against the ceiling. Well, that explained what all those weird scorch marks on Izzy’s bedroom ceiling were. If Sunny wasn’t quite so ... distracted, she might have made a note about that in her notebook. After a long, blindingly intense moment, Izzy collapsed against the bed, totally limp. Utterly relaxed, except for the occasional twitch. And the nervousness that had been ebbing and flowing within Sunny’s body suddenly returned, stronger than ever. Izzy had orgasmed. Hitch was pulling out of her. It was ... it was Sunny’s turn next! This was actually going to happen! Her and Hitch. Hitch’s cock, inside her. For real. Not one of her thousands of hastily dismissed fantasies. For complete and utter realsies. What was she going to do? What was she going to do? Oh gosh! What position would she do it in? Her only – very limited – experiences were of being mounted in the normal way ... but Hitch had just done that with Izzy! Wouldn't he be bored of it? She could lie on her back like Pipp, but that didn’t seem right, either. Hitch needed something special. She needed to really wow him, really impress him. But what could she do? Come on! Why hadn’t she thought about this and researched it ahead of time? Why did she have to be so inexperienced that she couldn't even think of any other positions? She had to make this so memorable that he’d want more later, after the foal was born. And yet ... she couldn’t force herself to move. At all. Not the slightest twitch. Every muscle in her body was so busy trembling in place that she couldn’t make herself do anything else! Hitch sat down again on the corner of the bed. He looked at her. Oh no. Oh no! He knows! He knows I’m worthless! What was he doing, getting ready for another blowjob? Maybe that’s all she was good for. Maybe she should give up on this insane fantasy of ending up getting hitched with Hitch. How could he look at her and not see it? He had to know that a stupid, confused filly like her just wasn’t worthy of being with a stud like him. He raised his hoof, gestured for her to come closer ... and he smiled. That smile. It washed over Sunny like a calm, warm wave in the bay. Suddenly, her body wasn’t trembling anymore. Suddenly, all those terrible thoughts were only dim echoes, merely a slight background like the sea against the beach. Her body knew what to do all on its own. She came to him, moving in some strange sort of trance. She’d never felt so calm, so relaxed in her entire life. Hitch offered that beckoning hoof to her. She took it. He pulled her upward, lifting her up with surprising gentle strength, all the way up until she straddled his lap, his cock a wet pillar of unspoken need between the two of them. She could feel its heat against her yearningly stiff nipples. “Are you okay, Sunny?” The sound of his voice took her breath away. The most she could do was a whisper. “Hitch, I’m... I’m ready.” He kissed her. He kissed her! It was just a slight peck on the lips, but what could it mean? He hadn’t kissed Pipp or Izzy! Did that mean...? No, it couldn’t! It couldn't possibly! Even in this euphoric relaxed state, she couldn’t allow herself to believe anything as insane as that. No, it had to be meaningless. Just a sign of affection, right? Friendly affection. Friends kissed each other sometimes, right? While her mind raced with the implications of that tiny, brief kiss, Hitch lifted her body even higher. And then lowered her slightly. Something stiff, slick, and very warm nudged against her pussy lips. And while her mind might have been preoccupied, her body remembered what she was doing here. Her pussy winked fiercely, kissing her clit and inner walls against the tip of Hitch’s cock, inviting him inside with a language as old as ponykind itself. That shimmering spark of pleasure finally kicked her mind out of the loop she’d gotten herself stuck in. This was it! This was Hitch. This was her. This was them, having sex. It was real. And she still very much needed to impress him. Somehow. There was only one thing she could do. Only one way to impress him that she could come up with out of her limited experience. Steeling herself for the discomfort it might cause, she pushed herself down. Hard. Hitch’s cock, already slick with her friends’ juices, entered her easily, spreading her pussy lips apart and gliding against her inner walls. She kept going no matter what, no matter how overwhelming it felt. She didn’t stop pushing until her rump crashed into his thighs. In one smooth motion, she’d taken his entire length. All of it, inside her. Inside her. She could feel it! She could feel it inside her! Of course she could. Even she was experienced enough to expect that. But still. The feeling of Hitch inside of her, every last inch of his simmering warmth, that firm and undeniable pillar rising what felt like through her entire body... Wow. Was this heaven? She couldn’t breathe! “Woah,” Hitch said. “That was fast. Are you alright, Sunny?” Alright? Alright? She was so much better than just alright. Instinctively, she pulled herself closer to him, pressing her body against his, wrapping her hooves around his back and burying her muzzle into the crook of his neck. She never wanted to be anywhere else. She wanted this moment to last forever. And that tight, desperate squeeze – inside and out – was the only answer Hitch was going to get. She didn’t have the voice for anything else. It seemed to satisfy him, at least. Gripping her rump on both sides – and with an affectionate squeeze of his hooves – he started lifting her up slightly, only to push her back down. Beginning to rut her properly, even though with her clinging as tightly as she was, he could only make slight up-and-down motions. But that wasn’t right. She couldn’t let him do all the work! Even though she’d never dreamed of a sex position like this before, she had to find some way to make it even better. Some way to impress Hitch so much that he’d come back for more... At first, she tried lifting herself up with him, matching his rhythm. That did help. And oh did it make the feelings inside her more intense! But if it was blowing Hitch’s mind, he sure didn’t let it show. He petted her back with one hoof, the other still squeezing her cheek down below as he lifted her and let her come back down. He seemed calm, relaxed ... enjoying it, sure, but not any more than he’d been enjoying it with Izzy or Pipp. Probably less! She had to do better! But how? She had no idea what she was doing, not really. It wasn’t until a silly little random chance that she got her idea. When Hitch felt like he was sliding off the edge of the bed too much, he scooched backward. That meant he had to pause their thrusts for a moment, but in the meantime, Sunny felt a whole new kind of movement as she was rocked back and forth in his lap. And it felt good! Really good! What if she did ... that, but more? It took her a minute to really figure out how to move her legs in order to make it happen, but she did it. Instead of bouncing against him, she started grinding against him. Oh wow, this was really nice! The bulbed tip of her pussy lips rubbed constantly against Hitch’s sheath, planting her needy clit directly against his warm skin with every wink. The motion of his cock inside her actually was still in-and-out a little bit, but also sideways at the same time, adding so much more pleasure to it. And more than ever, she felt every last little detail of his cock inside her – these slower, subtler motions were amazing at giving her inner walls a chance to truly explore and massage the hot shaft inside her. More importantly, it really seemed to be getting through to Hitch! He clutched just as tightly to her as she was squeezing him. Each and every one of his breaths whooshed against her ear. “Sunny,” he whispered, his desperate voice so soft, so unlike him. If he hadn’t been right against her ear, she wouldn’t have heard him. “Oh wow, Sunny.” He moaned slightly. “Where ... where did you learn to move like that? You feel so good!” Well, she was not about to tell him that she’d just figured it out now! So she did what was often the wisest possible thing: she kept her mouth shut. Not literally, of course. Because she very much needed to breathe and let out her own little moans. She felt like she might explode from the pleasure if she didn’t let it out. Or ... maybe ... maybe she was going to explode from the pleasure no matter what. Because that explodey feeling inside her was growing stronger and stronger with every motion she made. She knew what that meant. She’d clopped herself enough times to know it well. She’d always felt ashamed before, ashamed of imagining hitch inside her as she began to feel like this. But imagining it wasn’t necessary anymore. This was the real thing. The real Hitch. His real cock. The heat, the fullness, the motion she felt inside of her were him. This was finally her chance to know what it really felt like. Sunny drove herself toward that oncoming orgasm relentlessly, rocking herself faster and faster in Hitch’s lap, enamored with the sound of his soft moans. “Sunny,” he breathed in her ear. “Sunny, I’m—” Unable to restrain her urges anymore, Sunny arched her back, pulling herself away from Hitch slightly. Her hips moved in a blur, pumping away at him like mad. So close, so close! “Wow! Get it, Sunny!” Zipp’s voice came from somewhere behind her. Izzy giggled a little. “You should see the look on your face! Oh my gosh! I know exactly how that feels! Hitch’s dick is so great, isn’t it?” “They are really cute together,” Pipp said quietly. All of that barely registered to Sunny. Tucked away in the unimportant corner of her mind relegated to insignificant little things such as absolutely everything in the world except for Hitch and his cock inside of her. The bright, tingling heat of an unavoidable orgasm was already growing inside her, radiating out from the stiff fullness in her pussy. She only needed a little more, a few more jerks of her hips and... “HITCH!” she cried out, slamming herself down as hard as she could against him, instinctively hilting his cock as deeply as it could possibly go inside. Her whole body spasmed, inside and out, as if every single muscle in her entire body were working together to milk the precious cum out of that magnificent cock inside her. “I love you, Hitch!” It had just come out. She couldn’t help it! The orgasmic bliss wreaking havoc in her head just made it spill right out of her. And yet, she was instantly self-conscious about it. Before he could answer – surely a much-deserved reproach – she leaned forward and kissed him boldly on the lips. No simple ‘friendly’ kiss this time: she opened her mouth and thrust her tongue inside his. Surely, he would never speak to her again after she’d blurted out something so stupid. She had to enjoy this last moment with him to the fullest. Who cared if her lungs cried out for breath? Who cared if her body was still squeezing down around his flaring cock? All that mattered was finally living out her ultimate fantasy, in this one last moment that she could truly pretend it was possible. Hitch moaned something urgent-sounding into her mouth, but she still didn’t pull away from him. Just a moment longer, just a bit more, just until the last aftershocks of her orgasm were over ... please just give me that much! “Uh, Sunny,” Pipp said, “I think Hitch is...” Finally, Sunny pulled her mouth away from his. “Please! I just need—” “Gonna cum!” The strained urgency in Hitch’s voice snapped Sunny out of it. Part of her, a traitorous part of her, wanted to stay right where she was, to let the stallion of her dreams pump his cum straight into her eager womb. But her orgasm was fading just enough to remember what the book had said: ‘And then, just when Shining Armor’s meat missile couldn’t take any more, he yanked it out of Pinkie Pie’s sloppy wet foal-hole and crammed it straight into Rainbow Dash’s thirsty mouth instead!’ The ritual! If she let Hitch cum directly inside her, that would ruin the most important part! In a desperate act of willpower, Sunny pushed herself upward. Her needy body protested every inch of the way as Hitch’s perfect cock slipped out of her. The betrayal of her deepest need was almost painful as his flared tip slid against her inner walls, finally popping free from her entrance ... but she forced herself to do it. “Zipp!” she cried out desperately. “It’s time!” Thankfully, Zipp was true to her name. She was under Sunny’s tail in an instant. And not a moment too soon. With a sudden, explosive groan, Hitch came. The first little spurt of his cum landed mostly on Zipp’s face, but she planted her lips against his flared tip in time to catch the second fully ... and every fresh gush after that, too. Even as Zipp’s cheeks swelled massively, she kept herself planted firmly in place, taking every drop of cum she could get straight into her mouth. Perfect! Thank goodness for Zipp! Sunny breathed a sigh of relief – and exhaustion – as Hitch’s orgasm waned. They’d done it. The alicorn conception ritual was almost complete. All they needed to do now was... “Okay, almost there,” Sunny said as she carefully worked her way off of Hitch’s lap, making sure not to accidentally kick Zipp in the process – Zipp was still taking the last few drops out of Hitch’s cock, even as it began to soften. Sunny called up the memorized pages in her mind. “The book says, ‘In the jizzapalooza that came next, Rainbow took her balloon-mouthed foal batter surprise straight to Rarity for the biggest cum kiss of all time, but Rarity had other ideas. She turned tail and had Rainbow cum kiss her gaping snatch instead. Once Shining Armor’s hot, creamy jizz had absorbed all the unicorn magic from Rarity’s baby-maker, Rainbow sucked it right back out like a milkshake. Then she did the same thing over again with Fluttershy’s innocent supermodel quim. And once Fluttershy’s flutter-creampie had absorbed all her feathery pegasus magic, she poured it right back into Rainbow’s mouth. And then, finally, Rainbow spewed Shining Armor’s cream-load straight into Pinkie Pie’s rocket pocket, holding it there and making sure it took root to make the ultimate baby – the alicorn Twilight Sparkle!’ Zipp, you know what to do!” “I can’t believe you memorized that whole thing,” Pipp said. Izzy laughed. “Told you it’s good!” Zipp, of course, didn’t say anything. Her mouth was very full, after all. And she went straight to her sister. “No!” Sunny shouted. They couldn’t get the ritual wrong now! Not at the very last moment! “Rarity was the unicorn! You’re supposed to put it in the unicorn first!” Izzy jumped up with a start. “Oh! That’s me!” She hopped down to the floor, standing on all fours for a moment before abruptly dropping her front hooves and letting her chest slam down to the carpet. Her tail rose up high behind her, showing everypony her still-winking pussy underneath. But only for a moment. Quickly, Zipp’s face blocked everypony’s view. And she stayed there, for surprisingly long. Long enough for Sunny to start worrying that something wasn’t going right. Though, Izzy’s slight moaning sure seemed to imply things were going very right for her. “There,” Zipp said, pulling her face out from under Izzy’s tail. Sticky arcs of cum still connected her mouth to Izzy’s winking slit and to a couple places on Izzy’s butt that Zipp’s cum-covered face had pressed up against. “You think that’s enough?” Sunny had no way of knowing for sure ... but she nodded anyway. That had to be plenty of time, right? Zipp flopped herself down on the floor. “Okay, Izzy. Time to give it back!” “You got it!” Izzy said with a little giggle-snort, rushing over to sit on Zipp’s face. This time, with Izzy facing her, Sunny got a bit better view of what was going on. And Zipp was doing far more than simply letting it leak back into her mouth. Her tongue was flicking like crazy against Izzy’s clit as the gooey cum dripped back down to her ... at least until her mouth was too full – then she obviously had to focus more on just holding what she already had. When Izzy got back up, it was obvious Zipp hadn’t gotten quite all of it. Besides the dribbles that had oozed all over her face making it pretty apparent, Sunny could also see that her friend’s cheeks weren’t nearly as full and bulged-out as they’d been when Hitch first came in her mouth. That was okay, though, right? Surely it wasn’t necessary to get every single drop of cum. As long as enough of it made it through the ritual to get her pregnant, right? Though... Her pussy winked against the bed, no doubt leaving a little teardrop-shaped stain on the blanket. She had to admit that she jealously looked at every wasted drop still stuck to Izzy’s backside or dripping off of Zipp’s face. Those were drops that she could have had inside her! If only Zipp was more careful about it... Zipp, meanwhile, was looking at her sister meaningfully. Pipp, still lying on her back next to Hitch, looked back, blushing. “Just like old times... Right, Sis?” Though Zipp had looked supremely confident in what she was about to do just a moment ago, now she blushed fiercely, which was very easy to see on her white cheeks. It actually made the drizzles of white cum on them stand out more. That apparent embarrassment – what ‘old times’ was Pipp talking about? – didn’t stop Zipp from coming right up between her sister’s outspread legs, though. She didn’t hesitate in the slightest to bend down and plant her lips against Pipp’s pussy. This time, Sunny was easily able to see the way Zipp’s tongue worked the cum into Pipp’s pussy. She could even see a little of it flowing in ... and a distressingly large amount of it flowing out, slipping away along the edges to slowly trail down the plush curves of Pipp’s rump. Don’t be jealous, don’t be jealous, she told herself. Surely there would be enough left. Hitch had given them plenty to work with. Almost as soon as Zipp had finished spitting it into her sister’s pussy, she started sucking it right back out again. Had that been enough time? The book was really unclear about how much time it took for it to absorb pegasus essence. Hopefully it would be enough. The thirsty itch deep inside her own body made her impatient anyway. The sooner that wonderful gift was inside her the better! Soon, Zipp was done. Her cheeks barely bulged at all anymore! But she still obviously had quite the mouthful to work with ... and now she was coming for Sunny ... and making a weird rotating gesture with her hoof? What was that supposed to mean? “What do you want me to—?” Sunny stopped herself there. Of course Zipp couldn’t answer. Her mouth was full. Izzy seemed to get it though. With her magic, she lifted Sunny right off the bed. Though Sunny had a moment of panic at first, she quickly relaxed herself and let Izzy move her. She had to trust that her friends knew what they were doing. They were a lot more experienced in this kind of thing, right? Maybe. Surely none of them had done exactly this before... The position Izzy stuck Sunny into was strange, to say the least. And pretty uncomfortable. She was upside down, her back propped against the side of the bed and her legs sticking out in the air. Her head was against the floor, forcing her neck into a weird angle as she looked up at her own body. What a bizarre way to sit! What was Izzy thinking? As Zipp got into position, Sunny quickly figured it out. Zipp got into basically the opposite position, straddling Sunny’s head and hugging against her body. Just as Zipp’s rump filled her entire field of view, Sunny began to realize what a perfect position this was for making sure the cum poured deep inside her. Trusting her friends was always a good idea, wasn’t it? Sunny moaned as she felt Zipp’s mouth against her entrance, as she felt the warm, gooey cream already beginning to flow into her. Her pussy winked hard, helping draw that precious cum in even faster. She wasn’t the only one winking, though. Zipp’s pussy, right in front of her face, winked open as well, dripping a couple clear drops of liquid lust onto Sunny’s nose. Oh no! Zipp was getting all worked up, too, wasn’t she? But her poor, neglected pussy hadn’t gotten any action ... that is, unless Zipp had been clopping herself while Sunny wasn’t paying attention. Trusting her friends was important ... but so was taking care of their needs. Even though the book hadn’t said anything about this, Sunny was pretty sure it wouldn’t hurt anything. The most important part had to be this transferring of cum. Of course, Sunny had never done anything like this with another mare. She’d never even kissed a mare before. But it couldn’t be that difficult, could it? She was a mare, she’d clopped herself plenty of times – she knew what felt good. So ... she went for it. Lifting her head up just slightly, she planted her muzzle against Zipp’s pussy and started licking. Zipp’s body stiffened instantly. She let out a surprised, cum-burbling squeal of a hum against Sunny’s pussy – thankfully without spilling much of that precious cream. And after that initial bit of surprise, the tone of Zipp’s hummed moan changed substantially, to one of sublime satisfaction. Her body relaxed fluidly, lowering down onto Sunny’s face so that she could reach more comfortably. Sunny herself wasn’t attracted to mares, at all. But it still felt good to make her friend feel good, and it was still interesting to tickle her curiosity. Even though she had a pussy of her own, she’d never been this up-close with one before. The way Zipp’s soft, springy pussy lips spread open around Sunny’s tongue was fascinating, and it entertained Sunny to no end when Zipp’s clit would wink outward as if to meet her halfway. She always made sure to reward it with a few nice licks whenever it came out to play. Meanwhile, Zipp had obviously run out of cum to give ... but that hadn’t stopped her from licking Sunny right back. She even gripped Sunny’s rump, squeezing her closer. As strange as it was, having her tongue inside another mare, Sunny didn’t want it to end. She might have called it an eye-opening experience ... if she hadn’t quickly been forced to keep her eyes closed. The juices flowing so copiously from Zipp’s pussy did not agree with Sunny’s eyes! And the feeling of Zipp’s tongue and lips against her own pussy was constantly enhanced by the oh-so-satisfying feeling of Hitch’s cum seeping deeper and deeper down inside her. Yes! She was getting pregnant for sure! She could already feel the magic taking hold inside her. She knew she’d have a new alicorn growing in her womb! What she hadn’t expected is how much closer she felt to all her friends now. This cum had come from Hitch, it had been inside Pipp, been inside Izzy ... and now Zipp was licking it into her pussy. They were connected, all five of them. And all five of them would be this new alicorn’s parents ... in a way. Maybe if Sunny had been more experienced with mares, she would have known what all that copious leaking and winking meant. But she just kept blindly going forward ... until she felt Zipp’s legs tense rock-hard against both sides of her head, until she heard Zipp scream out a deep moan of satisfaction, until Zipp’s marecum sprayed into Sunny’s mouth. She drank it down. What else was she supposed to do? The flavor was tangy and a little bitter, but not really unpleasant. She just kept her face planted against Zipp’s pussy as long as she could, helping her friend ride out a well-deserved orgasm. When Zipp finally lifted herself off of Sunny, Sunny was left a complete mess at both ends – cum dripping all over the place between her hind legs, mare juices and spit coating her muzzle. But she wouldn’t have it any other way. Sunny picked herself up off the floor carefully. The weird position had put a bit of strain in her neck. But it was all worth it. They’d done it. She would have a new alicorn growing inside her now. She could already feel its magic taking root. They’d really done it! Overcome with emotion, she rushed toward them. Thankfully, they seemed to sense what she wanted. They all crashed together into one huge – and quite messy – group hug. Even though they’d never hugged like this before, it felt like the warmest, most natural thing in the world. Sunny hoped they’d have a lot more hugs like this in the future ... though maybe a little less sticky. Maybe. As soon as the hug broke apart, Zipp called out, “I call dibs on the shower!” with a huge grin on her cum-smeared face. Well ... Sunny did have to admit that Zipp probably had more cum on her than anypony else and probably needed the shower the most. She shrugged. Who was she to interrupt legitimate dibs like that? Besides, she’d rather cuddle here with Hitch for a little while... Oh no! Hitch! She suddenly remembered how she blurted out that she loved him. This was going to take some explaining... As Zipp headed toward Izzy’s shower, Pipp came right alongside her. “What? It’s not like we’ve never shared a shower before,” she said with a little wink. Zipp rolled her eyes and huffed ... but Sunny was able to spot her answering wink – a wink from under her tail. Hm... Maybe the orgasm Sunny gave her wouldn’t be the only one Zipp got today. As the two pegasisters walked down the short hallway outside, Sunny turned back to Hitch. She gulped. “So, um, about what I said... I... I was just—” Hitch kissed her, fully on the lips. Then looked at her with the warmest, gentlest gaze she’d ever felt. “I love you too, Sunny.” * * * Sunny sat with all of her friends, all crammed onto one sofa in Pipp’s royal suite in Zephyr Heights. A movie – starring Pipp as the lead actor’s love interest, of course – was just finishing up. Not on a projector, but on a big flat-screen TV. She smiled. Not because the movie was all that good or anything, but just because she could really get used to all this new technology the pegasus ponies had developed. Watching movies at home with your friends instead of in a theater with a bunch of strangers, what a great experience! Another big reason to smile, of course, was that she was sitting right next to Hitch. With five ponies on one sofa, they all had to press close together, but her and Hitch were pressed closer together than they really needed to be. She was almost laying her head on his shoulder. He was softly, inconspicuously petting her belly with his hoof. Sunny knew she was already beginning to show a little. Already a bit bigger than she used to be. Hm ... could it even be twins? She knew the old Equestria was ruled for a long time by a pair of alicorn sisters. Might she have such a pair growing inside her right now? Pipp paused the movie as soon as the credits started rolling. “So, what did you think? Dazzling, wasn’t it?” Sunny hadn’t actually been that impressed. Not really her kind of movie anyway. She liked action movies better than rom-coms. She’d seen the big reveal and reconciliation at the end coming, and the sex scene had been pretty gratuitous. But she nodded anyway. Pipp had played her part well in it. And it had been interesting to see how different Pipp’s on-screen sex was from her real sex. The only pony who actually said something, though, was Izzy. “Um, actually, I have a question.” Pipp grinned. “What is it, Izzy?” “Were we all supposed to get pregnant?” Pipp’s smile faded. “I thought you had a question about the movie.” Sunny looked over at Izzy. “Wait, you’re... You’re pregnant too?” Slowly, inevitably, everyone’s attention turned to Pipp. At first, she looked back at them like they were all crazy. She blushed. Waved them away as if to dismiss their eyes from her. And she eventually touched her own belly thoughtfully. “Um... I don’t suppose any of you has a tester? Just in case?” “I bought spares!” Izzy reached into her mane and pulled out no less than three pregnancy testers. “Here, have one!” Only a few minutes later, it was confirmed. And then double confirmed with a second test. Yes, Pipp was pregnant, too. Hitch looked mortified. Pipp was in a state of carefully concealed panic, with Zipp trying to comfort her. Izzy, though, seemed as happy and bouncy as ever, gleefully asking, “You think we’ll have three alicorns now?” Of course, it shouldn’t have been a surprise, right? Sunny knew how this worked biologically. Pipp and Izzy had gotten Hitch’s sperm inside them, they’d been fertile at the time, so of course they got pregnant. It was just that ... well, the book hadn’t said anything about the other mares getting pregnant in this ritual. Only Pinkie Pie had gotten pregnant, and then magically given birth to an alicorn the same age as her, Twilight Sparkle. Had the book just neglected to mention the other two foals, simply because they hadn’t been alicorns? Or maybe they’d simply been lucky that time and it didn’t take. Maybe the other two mares hadn’t been in their cycles or something. So many variables that hadn’t been accounted for... She devoutly hoped that they’d gotten the ritual right. They had to, hadn’t they? They’d done everything just like it was in the book... Well, maybe Izzy was right. Maybe there would be three new alicorns born soon. Sunny could only hope. * * * As Sunny huffs and puffs and squeezes on her hospital bed, she only has Hitch and Zipp there with her, besides the doctors and nurses, of course. But Izzy and Pipp have a very good reason to miss it. Both of them had gone into labor at almost exactly the same time yesterday, and both of them are still recovering with their new foals: a pegasus colt from Pipp, and an earth pony filly from Izzy. Not alicorns. But that’s okay. The ritual was supposed to make her pregnant with an alicorn foal, right? When she gives birth – which really wouldn’t be long now, from the way the doctors are talking and looking excitedly at the business end of things – when she gives birth, she’ll finally meet Equestria’s new princess. She’s almost certain of it. Was that...? Oh! The Zephyr Heights doctors have given her their very best drugs, and a unicorn had done some kind of pain-blocking magic, but Sunny still feels a sharp stab of pain down there. Could that be the foal’s horn? And if the foal has a horn, that means it has to be an alicorn, right? How else could an earth pony father and an earth pony mother have a foal with a horn? It has to be! “Are you doing okay, Sunny?” Hitch looks so worried. He must have seen the pain on her face. “Just fine,” Sunny lies through her teeth. Zipp is more helpful. “Come on, you’re almost there – the head’s almost out!” Okay, okay, just a few more... Sunny was there with Pipp and Izzy when their half-sibling foals were born, only minutes apart. She knows that once the head shows it should only take a few more pushes. And it does. When it’s finally over, she collapses limp against the bed, suddenly feeling all the sweat soaking her fur. She feels ... strangely empty. Drained. Her legs are trembling. “You did great, Sunny.” Hitch kisses her on the cheek. Zipp’s busy badgering the doctors as they towel off the squealing new baby. “Let me see! Let me see! Is it an alicorn?” Despite Zipp’s impatience, Sunny is the first to see the new baby as the doctor – a lovely and supportive older mare – holds the towel-swaddled foal toward her. “Say hello to your new daughter,” the doctor says. “She’s a beautiful little earth pony filly.” The foal has Hitch’s mane. And Sunny’s eyes. She does not have a horn. Or wings. The sight brings a strange mix of emotions. Confusion, crushing disappointment, almost betrayal, even. And yet, also the warmest, most encompassing love and joy she’s ever felt ... all trying to course through her at once. What ... what’s she supposed to do with this? All at once, the most disappointing and also the most exhilarating moment she’s ever felt! Well, what else? She takes the baby – her baby – from the doctor, gently hugging the little bundle against her chest. Who cares if she’s not an alicorn, Sunny decides. This foal is the most wonderful thing she’s ever seen. The foal whimpers a little, squirms. Her little mouth is moving in a telltale motion. She’s hungry. Sunny lowers the new foal down, close to her legs, where she’ll be able to reach Sunny’s achingly swollen, milk-filled teats. There. She’s suckling greedily. So strong for a pony who’s only just been born! Zipp stares at the foal, then up at Sunny. “She’s, um... She’s not an alicorn?” Deep breath. Sunny doesn’t care anymore. This feeling is too wonderful to interrupt. Had they done something wrong? Could the book be wrong? Maybe they need stallions of all three races... It doesn’t matter. She can worry about more research later. She can worry about trying again later. She can worry about Equestria later. All that matters now is herself, Hitch, this wonderful new foal, and the foal’s two half-siblings just a few rooms away. A perfect little family, even if it has no alicorns in it.