Spike Fights The Angle Bunny

by apple short

First published

Spike defeats fluttershys pet.

Spike is touched to shame at the horror of angel bunny trying to steal his girlfriend rarity at their fashion house. he achieves the power of dragons to ultimate kill with deep quennching flame that exides in him. so it begins. My first action story and i created it last night after reading some of the comments on my story changing the color of apples. I did it because some of you all said angel is not the pet of rarity despite the fact that he can still be at rarity even if he isnt the pet of her to be totally.

Chapter 1

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“Rarity i will give you my sexy diamond that i have saved through my intricate skill at finding stuff.” he possessed the shard with much love and handed it to her with pride that screamed viability.
“Spikey wikey you are so fing hot and i will bang you for this. Only you will wait. I must be complete for this pony order for the pony out there who requires it.” she flanked him and gave him un calculated plot explosion at which point he allowed her to remove it from him and keep it inside her.
He gave himself a thumbs of of prepared pleasure excitability. “F yeah .” he eyed the boobs of her gallantly and his tongue lolled reflexively and imperitavly with unimaginable respect for plot. “this is awesome.”
Suddenly it was the angel bunny and he was turned on. He used bunny sign language to grab the attention of spike. It failed worse than discords uncrossing of his eyes after Prince Martin Willisis triumphaint victory of complete stupendousness. So he texted him a pic of rarity naked saying he would screw her better than spike could because spikes dragon weenie was tiny compared to the massive ego driving weenie of a white rabbit.
“You are going to die!” spike arose with smoke that circled through his feet and across his eyes. In sexy but still majestic dragon seductive ability that transpired.
Angle bunny applied a laugh that would echo through the skies and swept the coloring off of the walls of the fashion house that they resided upon in await.
“Then believe me!” spike said raising. His fist was imbued with the power of opals stare and he collided lightss lime super unnatural energy. To his impressive figure with full blasted fire balls of magnitude sized fury. “You are going to get fed up motherfer!” He roared like the moon imprisoned beneath the walls of shame that Celest dislikez it. And sought to justify the miscalculashun of his professed belief through attack. He threw out his arm and the claws gleamed mightily reluctant withblack.
Angel bunny used bunny sign language and flipped into a semi circle spouting the words. “You are going to get your ass kicked because I am a bunny ninja. And I have already dominated and controlled to the fifty first stare the desititue and weakminded pony will of fluttershy. She can only resist me like twice out of the pony year. You are doomed beyond doom to the black depths of defeat beneath the discords sack.” She said it all with prescion in the minute ability of a single backflip that expressed her desire for confronting the purple spike with morality...
He backflipped again. “and you are more weakminded than the fluttershy because she has ragability that makes her the mighty powerful with exemplary staring that even I find wilting.”
Spike breathed smoke at him in curly whisps of greyish brown and lit tiny red flames inside it. Like fireworks to explode when it reached the white fur. “believe in your death vreature that cannot speak proper!” he smugged and gave the bunny a haha because. Only spike was another creature that could speak pony and get pony love.
The bunny backflipped again. “Then in the words of your favorite pony that you polst with love it is on!” he gasped in air with a swooping gesture and sky highed his bounce that made spike awe inspiring. “and I will ban you to the vilige of the everfree to eat zap apples by scary jawed timber wolves that actually eat purely purple dragons. Our friendship is over we are now moratl conquests.”
So they fought with the wildness of a ferocious lion mixed with the violence of a tigershark in a feeding frenzy. Spike kicked the ears of angel bunny. and angel pulled the tail of spike. spike poked the eye of angel and angel slapped the hands of spike away quite steadily.
Just before they were both about to pass out from the big fight they achieved spike gobbled his air to combust it to black rolls of seductive kaboom.
Angel bunny saw this and signaled the bunny sign language thumped kick to activate. With a kerplop that would kill half of anyone weaker than spike.
Then Spike punched the arm off of angel to where it broke in half and hung limply and rage filled and wonderfully sad against his chest. angel screamed with both pointed teeth vibrating against his voice and resounding into the air with lush violent capability and rival madness that etched his pain into his soul so he could harness the violence of his true being. He karate chopped the spikes of Spike into two with a mighty swoosh swoop.
“What the fashion shit!” it was rarity and she was not pleased to be witnessing such ungenerous behavior in her place.
(Also angel arrived at raritys to pick up a dress for fluttershy so that is why he was there. so all you people saying he is not the pet of rarity I know he was there on strict business of that kind and he persevered to fight spike for the love of the white mare that owns it.)
Suddenly rarity appeared and she was shocked to the point that her disbelief could go no further if her whole house became turned to mud and her diamonds to hay. Also if applejack was more popular than her at being a fashion thing to Icon. “That is it spike you are kicked out for awhile and cut off of my love because i dislike violence. So go help applejack at the farm till you learn peace.” So it became completed in this idea.
“Fine but mark my words with regret you will forever be displeased with the banning of my love because martin and I will rampage all over to achieve the lust of need that we desire to magnificy to completion.” He gave her the thumbs up to let her know that he would be over it in a few days so not to stay mad at him forever just because he raged once. and she agreed with some reluctance because she deep down loved him.
He zoomed away to the apple farm to discuss with applejack how to be honest with himself more and how to deal with annoying creatures getting in the way. but discovered that applejack was still upset. Because she liked blue alot but apples don’t become that color often.