> Nice Princess, I'll Take It! > by headless_rainbow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Well if you're just going to leave it lying around... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spying in Canterlot palace was an exhausting job for any changeling, especially during the Grand Galloping Gala. It wasn’t just fear of being caught or not bringing back information that would satisfy the Queen, but also not being able to properly interact with anyone around them. Carapace, or Carrie, spent the Gala watching ponies talk and flirt. A few went to private areas together, but she hadn’t gotten any luck. Being ‘on-duty’ as a guard meant she wasn’t allowed to, and it was mind-wrenching. Celestia was very strict on the behavior of guards, the uptight Princess having some insane vow of purity that had kept her virgin for her entire 1000-year reign.  Once her shift was over, Carrie retreated to a wing of the place where few ponies would be, finding an empty storeroom and locking herself inside. Once there, she returned to her normal changeling form: black chitin, solid blue eyes, and light blue wings, not to mention gaps and holes in everything from limbs to the frill-like hair. Now free of her dickless female guard form, she let her shaft slide out. It was the size of a large stallion’s, though the knot at the base set it apart from simple pony anatomy. She sighed, stroking herself with a large hole in her arm, hoping to let stress out. She’d barely started when she jumped back up at a large thump at the door. It was followed by a sliding sound and a dull thud as if a large person stumbled into it and fell. She waited a moment to see if they’d get up, then went to the door when they didn’t. After checking beneath the door to make sure they weren’t moving, she opened a crack. Her eyes widened with delight and disbelief. It was none other than Celestia herself. She’d been drinking a lot at the Gala, enough that even her massive body staggered when trying to find her room afterward. She was alone and unguarded, but more importantly, her foalish inebriation left her mind defenseless, more so than after her defeat at the royal wedding. What would normally be a steel trap was an open door to changeling psionics. Without hesitation, Carrie shoved the door open, pushing Celestia’s body. Her horn glowed as she wrapped Celestia’s head in her magic, digging into her psionically and dragging her back into the storage room where she’d been hiding.  It wasn’t easy to drag the princess in like that, especially when she was limp, but Carrie’s excitement at her catch had Carrie’s magic at its strongest. She tossed Celestia into the room before shutting and locking the door again. She knew she should take her victim elsewhere, but looking at that legendary large posterior as Celestia lay face down, she couldn’t wait. This was the most sought-after rape-toy among all changelings, and probably most desired pussy among ponies.  Celestia started to wake, feeling the mental sting of changeling magic. She tried to resist, but she was too drunk and Carrie was too deep. Instead, the alicorn thrashed before falling limp and looking back at Carrie. She looked at the changeling standing above her with a fear that Carrie could literally taste. It surged more when Celestia saw Carrie’s erection, pulsing thick in excitement, the first hint of the knot swelling at its base. It wouldn’t fit in Carrie’s leg hole anymore, but it’d stretch the royal snatch well. “What? No, don’t you dare!” Amusingly, Celestia resisted more when she realized what the changeling planned to do. It was typical royal hypocrisy, prizing the fun bits she never even used over her own freedom and possibly her subjects for all she knew. “Guards!” While it wasn’t likely anyone would hear them where she was, casting a bubble of silence over the storeroom was easy enough, and Carrie didn’t want to miss any of the amusing alicorn noises. “Don’t dare?” chuckled Carrie, licking her lips with her wickedly long tongue. “But how can’t I partake? You’re offering yourself to me…” “I would never…” Celestia said, but her body didn’t cooperate. Carrie had full control over her, and Celestia rolled to lay directly on her back, spreading her legs. She raised her grand posterior off the floor, spreading wider. Her arms moved to her sides, then helped to prop up her own behind, raising it high. With the size difference between them, the changeling wouldn’t have to kneel much to get to the prize. The most defiant movement Celestia could make was a desperate head-shaking, but even that was fading. Carrie had often wondered if the princess was a virgin, or if it was an act. Given that Chrysalis spent most of her time making eggs, it was hard to imagine a ruler that never had sex. Curiously, she stepped up to the raised behind, kneeling down to trace her tongue along the precious opening. It was definitely snug, vulva resisting the slightest penetration. She pushed through the defiant slit, feeling Celestia’s body tense in disgust before sliding it over the princess’s intact hymen. “You’re really a virgin?” laughed Carrie. “You’re surrounded by the most fuckable ponies in your royal guard, and not a single one of them? At least that bitch Cadance knows what fun her bits are for.” She was careful not to snap the flesh yet, that was for her aching shaft, so hard that she could feel her excited pulse booming through it. Still, it was hard not to get a taste, tracing her tongue up one lip and down the other, dabbling to taste the hint of moisture within, circling around the royal clit. When she pulled her head back, a string of princes juice hanging from her muzzle, Celestia looked ready to vomit. Nevertheless, the helpless princess raised her rump up a bit higher, moving her hands around to spread her vulva, welcoming the one about to defile her. “Please, just stop,” Celestia panted, slowly giving up on being able to resist, but still trying to talk her way out of it. “We can talk this out… come to an agreement… maybe we can find a new way for your people to feed themselves.” “So you let us stave in the badlands until we threaten your pussy?” scoffed Carrie. “Sorry, Princess. Too late for that.” Carrie finally pulled herself up onto Celestia. She slid her claws over the behind, gliding them up Celestia’s legs as she pushed further. The Princess was quite flexible, such a limber body gone to waste, but no more. For a moment, Carrie simply brought her shaft up to slide it against the other lips, letting it lay there heavily as she moved to support the bottom a bit more with her own body. Celestia was at least twice her size, but that counted for nothing now. She could feel the warmth against her dick now, ripe for the taking. “Ah I shouldn’t be complaining though,” smirked Carrie. “After all, now I get to take it for my own, I get to take you for my own.” She slowly dragged her erection back and forth, getting it moist along the underside with Celestia’s fluids. “Please, anything you want, just not this,” Celestia squeaked even as her hips rotated softly against Carrie’s equipment. The best thing about mind-control was that Carrie got a virgin snatch, but Celestia’s body would still move like the most experienced slut. The expression on Celestia’s face was delightful as Carrie moved into position, her wicked black shaft nudging against the opening. Eyes wider with each second, head shaking slowly from what movement she’d been allowed to retain. It would be easy to crumble her mind completely, but Carrie wanted the full experience. She hadn’t gotten to do an unwilling pony in her true form since the Canterlot invasion. When she thrust forward again, the hole resisted valiantly, but Celestia’s hips didn’t as they pushed back with perfect movement. Carrie shivered and squeaked when she felt the band of flesh pop over her tip, then pushed deeper, taking it just slow enough to feel the hymen stretch tight and then snap against her.  She shivered more as she pushed onward, fluttering her wings in excitement as she leaned forward, feeling the hot meat sliding down her cock, spasming with each new depth as she sped her motion. By the time she stopped, she was fully engorged, nearly tearing up in bliss at having debased the ‘purest’ thing in all of Equestria. Carrie leaned forward, staring into Celestia’s eyes with a derisive grin as she pulled back, the faint pink tint of the shattered virginity smudging the fluid on her shaft. Enjoying the slick clamp of the forced hole, she began thrusting hard, smacking her balls against Celestia’s behind as she worked the pussy from barely damp to moist. She slid her hooves up Celestia’s body, playing with her plump breasts, large delicious orbs that had been denied a fondle for too long. She pulled Celestia’s head closer with her magic, Celestia clamping her legs around Carrie’s posterior to assist. Celestia was sobbing even as she moved her head close to the changeling to allow her to lap at her tears, before grasping her head and pulling Celestia’s muzzle to the changeling’s dark blue nipples. As the room now filled with the sloppy noises of their love-making, Celestia moved her muzzle to slurp at Carrie’s right teat, even reaching her arms further to hold onto her own rump to keep herself in the uncomfortable position. Carrie groaned and pulled the head closer with one hoof as her other pressed and twisted at Celestia’s left breast.  The changeling raped many ponies during the royal wedding invasion, but this was something beyond that. To have a near-goddess pinned down and sobbing, unable to keep herself from rolling her hips back against her own rapist. She could see it in the Princesses eyes: an hour ago she thought her virginity was safe indefinitely, only to make one mistake and lose everything. It was the best kind of despair, and even if it wasn’t as filling as love, it was so much more delicious. As horny as she already had been, it was too much to ask to hold it in. Carrie soon expelled her thick load into the pretty princess, eliciting delightful weeping from Celestia, her emotions surging into the height of panic as her unexplored reaches were bathed in jets of changeling sperm. Carrie pulled Celestia’s head back and faced it down so she could see the cock pulsating within her as the cum invaded her. Carrie’s knot swelled right at the end enough to lock her inside of Celestia’s tightness, and she continued to unload several more surges. She’d intended to do one quickie and then carry her off, but a single orgasm only served to make her want more. Still, she wanted to try other positions, so she slightly shifted her shaft to pull the knot out early. When she pulled herself from Celestia with a long slurp, she took a moment to admire the string of spunk drooling from it before backing up. Despite her unwillingness, Celestia took one more slurp at the breast before pulling her face away. “How to fuck you next,” chuckled Carrie. “Set your rump on a shelf about even with my cock.” “Please you’ve had your fun, just stop,” Celestia begged, but her body acted on its own. She wobbled to her feet, looking around to find an appropriate shelf. Dragging her magic across it to shove off all the tools there, she made a space before turning around and sitting on the shelf. It couldn’t have been comfortable on her back since another shelf was pressing against it, but she spread her legs, raising one to invite her rapist over for another go. “You don’t get it, do you?” Carrie chuckled as she trotted over again, her grease-slickened shaft still dancing in front of her. “This isn’t going to stop, ever. I’m keeping you.” Carrie mounted Celestia against the shelves, pushing her back harder against the edges as a few more things fell off. Celestia wrapped her legs around Carrie’s body as she moved into position, and Carrie used her magic to help hold up the alicorn’s weight. Adjusting her own size would have been easy, but she rather enjoyed dealing with the larger woman. She was quite milfy, even if foolish enough to never become one properly. Even after her initial plowing, Celestia was tight when the changeling shaft pushed against it a second time. It was drenched in comparison to before though, both with Celestia and Carrie’s fluids. She sank in slowly, feeling it glide over her ridges again, then forced her already swollen knot through the lips as well, stretching her as far as she could without getting stuck inside again. “I know you want this,” Carrie purred as she pulled Celestia’s face to her breasts again. “Beg me to take you home with me and keep you forever.” As Celestia resisted the order for an impressive amount of time, she still pushed her muzzle against Carrie’s left breast, slurping up the nipple as much of the breast as she could to work it with her mouth, squeezing out the spicy changeling milk as she did so. She looked like she might hurt her jaw from opening it too wide, and her arms wrapped around Carrie’s neck to hold herself in position. “… keep me…” Celestia started to speak between long loud slurps at the teat. “I’m yours forever, your sex slave, never want to leave you.” Even as she said it, Celestia’s face was in shock, tears pouring down from wide eyes and face twisted in disgust. It was too late to try further resistance; by the time Carrie got home, the control would be permanent. Carrie chuckled, moving her claws to squeeze and twist at both of Celestia’s breasts. Celestia moved from left to right to continue nursing Carrie’s, guzzling each one like a starved calf, all the time head bouncing as Carrie slammed into her. Goo splattered from the penetration, a thick mixture of their juice. On such a busy night, no one would notice the Princess being gone for quite a while, so Carrie took her time with the second go. The shelf began to creak as she continued to pound with jackhammer force, balls bouncing off the spongy fat of Celestia’s ass with each strike. The alicorn’s hips rolled back more steadily with each passing minute, but her face kept the look of abject terror, the last bit of expression she was allowed being so deep within Carrie’s control. Carrie would let her keep that, because she loved the reminder of how much her victim hated it. This made the slave labor of being Chrysalis’ spy worth it, but Carrie had no intention of taking this prize back to Chrysalis. Besides, the Queen would just get mad that Carrie raped her first.  Chrysalis had plenty of opportunity to take Celestia at the royal wedding, but while changelings like Carrie were dutifully raping the populace, Chrysalis was standing at the palace window singing and ignoring her captives. Carrie was clearly the one that deserved Celestia, so it was time to make off with her. As much as the princess hated it, Celestia’s pussy was leaking like a water faucet and splattering goo all over the storeroom around them. Even inside, Celestia’s body was convulsing delightfully, rippling up and down over Carrie’s meat. Celestia’s large breasts were red and bruised from Carrie twisting and squeezing them, and Carrie’s teats had slight teeth marks around them from how unwillingly enthusiastic the princess was. She held it for a good half hour this time, though it must have seemed like an eternity to Celestia, but finally felt herself ready to erupt. She hammered at Celestia with such force that the shelf behind them collapsed completely, Carrie quickly grabbing her with her magic so she didn’t fall backward. Most of the objects on the shelves had fallen off already, though a shelf slammed Celestia’s horn rather hard. She could only flinch from the impact as she wasn’t allowed to stop nursing to clinging to protect herself. Carrie lifted Celestia’s rump up higher, letting her upper body fall to the floor now, piledriving down into her. Though she had already gone off once, this climax filled Celestia enough that even the large gut swelled slightly, and the changeling kept pounding into her for several minutes before it finally subsided. Even if all this was torment for Celestia, her own nethers disagreed. They exploded around Carrie in return, begging for more seed, suckling desperately for every drop. Celestia’s pussy bubbled so much marecum in return that it was hard to tell who made more, but it was pouring down Celestia’s big white rump like a waterfall for the entire climax.  Finally, Carrie started to come down again, her knot having swollen again, almost twice as much as before, and locked her inside. This time she let it stay, just enjoying the continual convulsing within her prize. From now on, Carrie wouldn’t even need the hive. Continually mind-fucking a near-goddess would be all the food she’d ever need, an immortal sex slave. The hive could have the rest of Equestria, because Carrie had all she wanted right here. “Good,” panted Carrie when she could finally speak again, grinning sadistically down at Celestia’s tear-stained face. “Now thank me for raping you, and we can go home.” “Thank you for raping me!” Celestia said enthusiastically even as her face twisted in horror at what she just said. Carrie smirked as her own horn lit up and teleported them away, still connected.