> Tongues Like Tasers > by Lighthawk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Electro-tongue therapy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hitch Trailblazer gave an annoyed sigh as he turned over again for the thousandth time that night, and found himself staring at the dying embers of the campfire. He reached a hoof out absently towards the faint remains of warm radiating from it, but it wasn't cold keeping him up. It wasn't even the hard ground, though he suspected his back was going to be giving him issues tomorrow when the group resumed its trek to Bridlewood. He couldn't sleep because he couldn't make up his mind about just what he ought to be doing about Sunny. Sure, he had agreed to help her see her crazy mission on through to the end, but after that? He knew his duty as sheriff and his friendship with her were about to come into serious conflict, perhaps more so than it ever had before. Once they got back to Maretime Bay, he was going to have to make some serious choices in regards to her actions. That was ideally a problem for another day, specifically tomorrow most likely. And yet his brain just wouldn't switch off. It refused to let the issue go and just let him get some sleep, which he felt he would probably really need come morning. Both for helping Sunny out, and then figuring out how best to deal with her various affronts to law and order, as well as her disregard for his authority. That one really left him feeling conflicted. She was his friend after all, and he really felt like she could show a little respect for him in his official role as the Law Stallion of Maretime Bay. He rolled over again, trying to find some way to lay that would be comfortable. He found himself staring at the back of Sunny's head as the mare almost but not quite snored in her sleep. Her breathing was a little raspy, but fell just shy of the coarseness of true snoring. Of course she had no trouble sleeping, it's not like anything ever worried her it seemed. She just did whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted, and didn't let herself fret about the details. Details like the Law. Or not causing chaos whenever she got up on her soapbox. Or caring about what other ponies thought of her crazy ideas. Hitch sighed, and sat up. That wasn't fair to think that of her, even if it did seem kind of true at times. And regardless, it was just one more issue for his already overworking brain to squeeze into the worry rotation. Since laying there and doing nothing wasn't helping, he carefully stood up, and did his best to sneakily slip away from the ring of sleep mares around the fire. Once he had a little distance and soft grass under hoof he allowed himself to relax and walk more naturally as he let himself just wander. He made sure not to go too far though, not wanting to risk getting lost in the dark, and so his semi-aimless wandering developed a slight turn to the right to it as he trotted in a series of wide circles around the campsite. It was easy enough to let his mind wander as well, dwelling on the issues keeping him up. He didn't really come up with any good ideas or useful solutions, but it was at least less annoying this way than it was having his brain nattering at him while trying to fall asleep. Granted, it wasn't likely to do him much good come morning, but it wasn't like he had any better options. Honestly, the whole thing was crazy. Bringing back magic with some ancient crystals, everypony becoming friends, peace and goodwill between all ponies in Equestria. It was a lovely little dream, but that's all it was, and he was starting to regret going along with Sunny on the whole thing. It was just going to make things harder on her, and between them, when it didn't work. "Ah Hitch, what are you doing?" he asked himself. "Talking to yourself?" a cheerful voice answered. "AHHH!" Hitch yelped. "AHHH!" Izzy screamed in response. "AHHH!" Hitch repeated. "AHHH!" Izzy replied, now with cheerful enthusiasm, right before Hitch jammed a hoof to her mouth to shut her up. He cast a nervous look over towards the camp, but the distant, little shadowy forms of the other mares didn't stir. "What are you doing?" Hitch hissed, before yanking his hoof back in mild alarm. Sure, Izzy seemed harmless enough now that he had spent some time with her, but still, there was no point taking chances. And after the horn, the mouth was said to be the most dangerous part of a unicorn. "Screaming with you?" Izzy suggested after a brief moment's thought, giving him an encouraging smile. "...why?" Hitch asked, baffled. Izzy shrugged without any apparent concern. "I dunno, you started it." "Well you frigh-er-startled me," Hitch replied, switching gears mid-word. Being startled was perfectly masculine after all. "I'm sorry, I'll be sure to not frigh-er-startle you in the future," Izzy assured him brightly. "...right. Thanks," Hitch said flatly, before taking a bracing breath. "What are you doing up, Izzy?" "I heard you get up," the mare answered easily. "I'm a light sleeper. And then I watched you walking around in circles for a while and then decided you seemed troubled and thought maybe I could help out." She paused thoughtfully. "That or you're lost. Do you need help back to the campsite? How well can Earth Ponies see in the dark?" "Well enough to know where the camp is, thank you," Hitch said with a sigh. "So, what has you so stressed out?" Izzy asked casually. "What makes you think I'm stressed out?" Hitch asked defensively. "Your tone of voice," Izzy replied readily. "The set of your eyes. The hunch of your shoulders. Not being able to sleep. The way your sparkle looks. The way you're getting increasingly annoyed the more I point out the obvious signs of you being..." "Okay! Okay, point taken!" Hitch interrupted. He huffed out a breath. "Fine, I'm a little stressed." "Mmm, I'd say more like medium to heavy stressed," Izzy offered clinically. "Whatever, look, I appreciate the offer, but I'm fine," Hitch said reassuringly. "So you're ready to head back and get some sleep?" Izzy asked. "We have a full day ahead of us tomorrow." "...maybe in a little bit," Hitch answered evasively. "Uh huh," Izzy said knowingly. "Totally not fine. You need help. And lucky for you, I have lots of practice in helping the ponies around me deal with stress." "Gee, wonder why that would be?" Hitch asked himself softly. "So, what do you say about laying on down for a nice, relaxing massage?" Izzy offered, holding up her hooves and giving them a waggle. "I've got magic hooves. I mean, not literally, obviously, but figuratively, you betcha!" Hitch hesitated a moment. That was a surprisingly tempting offer, even if part of him still balked at the idea of letting his guard down that much around a unicorn. As if he'd let her get behind him, where he would never see the horn coming...he shook off that line of thought quickly enough. All those old stories and cautionary tales were really looking like nothing more than baseless propaganda the more time he spent around Sunny's new friends. They really did seem like they were just...ponies. With horns and wings, sure, but still. Ponies. And it was his ability to start seeing Izzy as just another pony that was making the idea of the massage really tempting. Because truth be told, once he looked past the horn, Hitch couldn't help but notice that the mare was really quite pretty. And attractive. And some other things that he was still trying hard not to dwell too firmly on, less firmness threaten to become an issue, especially with the offer to have her rubbing her hooves all over him hung in the air. "Uh, thank you, but pass," Hitch eventually replied. Reluctantly. "Aww, you sure?" Izzy asked, sounding genuinely disappointed. "Yeah, I mean, it's a nice offer, but I just feel..." "Well what else can I do then?" the mare cut in hopefully. "Oh oh! I could read you a bedtime story!" "...with what book?" Hitch asked despite himself. "Good point!" Izzy enthused. "Well, I could make you up a bedtime story!" "Izzy..." Hitch sighed. "Or I could tell you some unicorn jokes," she went on relentlessly. "Don't worry, I won't tell the ones about earth ponies." "That really isn't..." the stallion kept trying to get a word in. "Or! Ooooor! We could play a game. Or go for a walk, although you were already doing that, but still, company makes everything better!" "Izzy, could you please just..." "I could sing a song? Do a dance? Teach you about unicorn superstitions. Give you a blowjob. Take you on a long, mind opening journey through the ancient philosophies of..." "Wait, hold on, what was that last one?" Hitch demanded, making the mare pause in the grand, sweep gesture towards the sky she had been in the middle of. "The mind opening philosophies of...?" Izzy started, beginning to repeat the grand, sweeping gesture. "No no, before that," Hitch clarified. "Oh! Give you a blowjob?" Izzy asked shamelessly. "...uh...I...um...okay. That actually was what you said after all," Hitch noted awkwardly. "Is that something I can interest you in?" Izzy asked hopefully, and Hitch found himself having to fight down a blush...and other things. "I...wow, I don't even know how to...just...just to be clear here," he said, floundering for his words. "When you say...when you use that word..." "Blowjob?" Izzy supplied casually. "...yes, that one," Hitch said with an awkward little cough. "I just want to make sure we're on the same page here, and that when you say that word..." "Blowjob!" she enthused as he paused bashfully. "...that what you mean by it is the same thing I think it means and that it isn't some weird unicorn slang for something totally different," Hitch managed to power on through. "Oooo, good thinking," Izzy said, giving the stallion a sly look. "It would be super embarrassing if I went in to suck your dick and you thought I was, I dunno, going to give you tummy raspberries or something." Hitch blinked at Izzy. He looked down at the ground thoughtfully for a moment. Then back up at the mare. "Right, well then, not weird unicorn slang then." "Oh good, crisis averted!" Izzy enthused, ducking her head down to peer under Hitch. "So, does that mean you're interested?" "Hey!" Hitch protested, shifting his stance to block her view. "Hold up now, isn't that kind of a...I don't know...is that really the kind of thing you should be offering to do? I mean, we don't really know each other that well." "Yeah, and?" Izzy asked, blinking curiously at him. "What does that have to do with blowjobs?" "Well, um, huh," Hitch replied uncertainly. "I'm not sure how to answer that exactly, because I'm feeling like I must be missing out on some context or something. How is it that you think...that thing...is something to be given so casually?" Izzy stared at Hitch for a long moment, and then her eyes got really wide. "Wait, are you...are you saying that...casual blowjobs aren't something earth ponies do for each other?" she asked in a tone of near horror. "...no. No, not typically," Hitch replied as he tried to wrap his mind around the concept being presented to him. "Are you saying that casual...those things...are something unicorns do?" "Uh, yeah!" Izzy said seriously. "Casual blowjobs are totally part of unicorn social bonding. Keeps everyone nice and relaxed. You'll see, when we get to Bridlewood tomorrow, you are going to see some of the most chill, laid back ponies ever!" "Wow, okay, that is..." Hitch paused as he considered his words. "I'm going to go with 'really interesting', for the sake of earth pony/unicorn diplomacy here." "So, now that we got all that out of the way," Izzy said, stepping in close to Hitch, right inside the space of his personal bubble. "Can I interest you in a blowjob? I'm good. I've had lots of ponies tell me it's the best thing I can do with my mouth." "I uh...okay, I'll admit, you have me really tempted," Hitch confessed. "But this is moving kinda fast for me. I'm still sort of getting over the fact that unicorns aren't all monstrous, mind melting, laser zapping killers. I mean granted, you are, you're rather, that is to say I think you're pretty attractive, for a unicorn..." he hemmed and hawed. "Hitch...have you ever had a blowjob?" Izzy suddenly asked knowingly. "...there is no answer I can give that is going to make you believe I have, is there?" he replied with resignation. Izzy giggled. "Thought so. Well, I'd be happy to be your first! And hey, the first blowjob given between unicorns and earth ponies in like, so many many many many moons! This is like, history making stuff, right?" "Okay, let's please keep the history books far away from this little moment," Hitch said seriously, and stiffened as Izzy slipped in even closer to him, her nose lightly bumping his from the new proximity. He went a little cross eyed looking at her. "...hey..." "Hi there," she said brightly. "So, just relax, and let me just ease you into things here," she offered. "We'll just start with finding out if you really do find unicorns attractive." "Oh? And how are you going to...?" Hitch started to ask, but was cut off as Izzy kissed him. It was a soft, casual embrace of lips, not demanding or pushy. Just a simple offer of comfortable pleasure, the soft warmth of her mouth against his inviting Hitch in, but in his own time, at his own pace. Which was good, because while his body was stunned into inaction, his mind was racing furiously. She was kissing him! And he was kissing her back! He was kissing a unicorn! And stars above, he was enjoying it! The feel of her lips was delightful and was sending little sparks of pleasure racing through him. And it was just a kiss. Guilty though part of him was feeling at this betrayal of everything he was brought up believing about the other pony races, a bigger part of him was now really curious just how nice it might feel to have those wonderful lips embracing him...elsewhere. The thought brought a ready stirring of excitement down between his legs, and his mind went into overdrive as he tried to rationalize things around to a point of view that made it okay for him to go through with this. Because no matter how he might have felt about unicorns in the past, right here and right now, he couldn't deny that this particular unicorn had him feeling plenty horny. He went to press in deeper to the kiss, his tongue hesitantly sliding forward to brush against Izzy's lips, seeking entrance. The mare responded eagerly, giving a little giggle of enthusiasm as her mouth opened, allowing him inside to... "AHHH!" Hitch exclaimed jerking back suddenly. "AHHH!" Izzy yelped. "AHHH!" Hitch repeated, and then quickly jammed a hoof over Izzy's mouth. "Okay, we're not doing that again," he added quickly. "Also, what was that!" "Mmmph?" Izzy asked, and Hitch pulled his hoof away quickly. "What was what?" "Why did kissing you suddenly feel like putting my tongue to a battery?" Hitch demanded. "...should it not?" Izzy asked slowly. "What? No! That is not normal!" Hitch insisted, and then paused. "...well...not among earth ponies it isn't..." he added slowly, eyeing her, and her horn, cautiously. "Really? Huh..." Izzy said curiously. "Hold up, hold! Up!" Hitch said seriously. "Are you telling me, that of all the stories earth ponies tell about unicorns, all that stuff which you have been steadily making me question the truth of, the bit about unicorns having tongues like tasers is actually true?" Izzy blinked, and then laughed lightly. "Well, I mean, I would hardly call it a taser, cool as that would be, but yeah! That's part of our sparkle! It's weird that it doesn't do that with earth ponies." She gave him a sheepish smile. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" "No, no I guess it didn't actually hurt," Hitch allowed after a moment. "Just really surprised me is all." "Good! In that case...did you like it?" Izzy asked. "I...I'm not sure," Hitch admitted. "I think I was too busy freaking out, wondering what it was." Izzy giggled, shook her head, and then yanked Hitch back in for another kiss. This time she got pushy about it, and the next thing the stallion knew he had two tongue competing for space in his mouth. The tingling buzz of current danced through his mouth, making his nerves stand up at attention. It was weird at first, but as the kiss progressed into a rather heated make out, he came to realize it was making his whole mouth more sensitive, and far more aware of every little move her tongue and lips made. It definitely turned up the intensity of the moment, and when the mare finally pulled back an endless few minutes later, she left him a little breathless, a fair bit red in the face, and extremely rock solid down below. "So, is that a yes on finding a unicorn attractive enough to want a blowjob from one?" Izzy asked playfully. Hitch tried to speak, but his mouth was feeling a little numb at the moment, so he just settled on a nod. "Good! Well then, how about you lay on your back? And then I'll show you just how great a unicorn tongue really feels." Hitch's eyes widened as his lust cudgeled brain finally managed to put two and two together to make four. He had been so busy getting used to, and then enjoying, the unique experience of kissing with a current that he had failed to consider what it might feel like to have that same buzzing tingle running through a much more sensitive part of his anatomy. He had a surge of sudden, additional excitement, follow immediately by an anxious worry. "Uh, ahem, Izzy?" he managed to get out with only a little lisping as the feeling started to come back to his mouth. "Just, please go slowly? Just in case, you know, maybe earth ponies don't react well to having their junk electrified?" "Oh, that would be really, really sad," Izzy said thoughtfully. "No worries! I'll be sure to take a tiny little taste first, just to be on the safe side!" Hitch nodded, blowing out a slightly nervous breath as he sat down, a move that went and put his stiffness on full display. Izzy's eyes glanced down with eager curiosity, and then went rather wide. "Oh...oh wow, okay," she noted, sounding rather impressed. "...wow?" Hitch asked, pausing a moment. "Yeah. Wow," Izzy repeated. "Uh...hey Hitch?" "Yes?" "How would you rate yourself compared to other earth ponies?" Izzy asked curiously. "Size wise?" Hitch blushed a little at that. "I guess I'm mostly average?" "Oh wow," Izzy repeated again. "Okay, good to know, earth ponies are seriously packing." Hitch felt a little surge of pride go through him, for himself and for his fellow earth ponies, at those words. It was probably a silly thing, but finding out that unicorn stallions were apparently less well equipped gave him a smug sense of superior satisfaction that he probably ought to have felt guilty about. He found himself idly wondering what pegasi had to work with... "I wonder what pegasi have to work with," Izzy mused, her own thoughts traveling down similar lanes. She then shrugged, and gave Hitch an eager smile. "Well, this is going to be a challenge, but I think it'll be a fun one." Hitch nodded, and then carefully laid back in the grass, shifting a little to get comfortable as Izzy stepped in closer. The mare knelt down between his rear legs, bringing her face down close to his now eagerly straining erection. He had a brief flash of irrational worry. Despite all the proof of his recent first-hoof experience, some stubborn part of him was trying to shout out a warning about letting a unicorn so close to so delicate and important a piece of himself. Horns like razors, tongues like tasers, teeth like tacks, everything about a unicorn was supposed to be some deadly weapon, and an alarming number of them seemed clustered in the head according to the old stories. And then Izzy leaned in and ran her tongue softly across the underside of his stiff length, and all the fears and warnings were promptly and unceremoniously punted right out of his brain. Her tongue was so soft, and so warm as it brushed along the exposed skin of his shaft. And the buzzing tingle that accompanied the touch made his cock twitch and try to stand up even stiffer and harder, a sharp shudder running through him from the surprising strong burst of pleasure it brought. "Well, that seemed to go over pretty good," Izzy noted happily. "Nothing bad happened at all! So, ready for the full thing?" Hitch nodded weakly. "Yes please," he breathed, and Izzy giggled as she used a hoof to pull his shaft upright. "Alright, here we go," she purred as she leaned back in, only to pause with her mouth right by the tip of his cock. "Actually, one final thing...say blowjob for me." "...what?" Hitch asked, thrown for a little loop. "You kept dodging the word earlier," Izzy said with a mirthful, teasing smile around his erection, her face so close he could feel her breath against his shaft. "Come on, if you're going to get one, you could at least say it. Say 'Izzy, please give me a blowjob'," she requested. "I..I was not...that isn't..." Hitch floundered, blushing. "Come on, it's just a word. Blowjob," Izzy stage whispered. "It's a fun word too. Blowjob! Come on, you can do it..." Hitch sighed, and swallowed. "Okay, okay...Izzy...would you please...I would like you to...would you mind giving me..." "Wow, this is really a hang up, huh?" Izzy asked in mirthful curiosity. She leaned in again, her tongue contacting his cock and sending a jolt through him, literally. He gasped sharply as she dragged her tongue down the length of his shaft, his hips writhing slowly as that hot, wet, tingling touch soon washed itself along his base, and then further down across his balls. The sensation pulled a strangled groan out of him, one that only built more and more as Izzy played her tongue and lips over and around his balls for the space of several long, mind blanking seconds. Then she was traveling back up his length, leaving a trail of wet slickness and buzzing enjoyment. She reached his tip, her tongue pausing as it pressed up against his flare. Her mouth opened, ready to take him inside, but she just held herself there, her eyes sparkling as they met his. He could see her waiting, wanting to hear it from him. "Oh fuck it," Hitch growled to himself. "Izzy, please give me a blowjob. I want you to suck my cock, please." The mare made a delighted little noise, and then her head tipped forward as her lips sealed around his tip. The warmth and the current of her mouth engulfed him, and it was all Hitch could do not to reach down and jam her head down. It felt so good, good enough to give him a brief pang of worry about how long he was going to be able to last. It was a worry that grew all the more as she really got started, lowering her head to take more and more of his length into her mouth. He stared in amazement as the unicorn rather effortlessly took the first couple inches, before slowly pulling back. Her lips remained sealed tight against the flesh of his erection, a gentle suction joining the other sensations already running through him. From there Izzy got into a simple and yet deliciously delightful rhythm, her head bobbing up and down at a steady pace. Hitch groaned in unabashed enjoyment as he watched, the visual just one more element to the experience, even if it was a fairly minor one compared to the actual sensations her mouth was providing. The feeling of her mouth was beyond wonderful, her lips gliding up and down his length, the way her tongue was pressed firmly up against the underside of his shaft, the way the feeling of pressure flowed up and down his length with each bob of her head. And of course there was the sensation of that mild current running through him from her tongue. It was like nothing else he had ever experienced, and he had just enough presence of mind to consider that the uniqueness of the feeling might be helping the pleasure from building too quickly, even if it did feel truly amazing. Izzy pulled back after a bit, holding Hitch’s flare securely between her lips, and ran her tongue firmly across his tip. Her eyes sparkled brightly as the silky caress and buzzing tingle of her tongue directly across that sensitive tip made the stallion groan and squirm, his head falling back. He stared up at the stars for a bit as she continued to focus on his flare, his breathing speeding up despite the fact that he was doing nothing but laying on his back. His ears perked up as soft slurping noises reached them, Izzy’s head starting to bounce on the end of his cock once more. “Izzy, that feels so good,” Hitch gasped, a wave of pleasure rolling up through him as he felt a trickle of her saliva run down his length, conducting a weak current from her tongue across its line if travel. It took him a bit to really appreciate how far down she was starting to get at the bottom of each bob, a shudder hitting him as he felt her lips brush up against his medial ring. She paused, and Hitch raised his head to glance at her. He found Izzy staring up his body at him, and the mare gave him a wink, before pushing herself further, taking his ring into her mouth, and then continuing down the length of his cock, until he felt himself bump into the back of her mouth. She didn't pause there, but kept going, a slick tightness hugging his flare as he slipped into her throat. Apparently gag reflexes were something unicorns lacked, as she effortlessly took several inches worth of his cock down her throat, and was only finally brought up short by her muzzle reaching the very base of his shaft. Even having the entirety of his dick in her mouth and down her throat didn't slow Izzy down. The mare slipped her tongue out past the obstruction of his shaft in order to play the tip across his balls, giving them a slow, tingling series of licks and caresses. The pleasure started to really build as she did so, going from a gentle, if intense, enjoyment to something more demanding. There was a pressure building up behind the pleasure now, preparing to burst free. "Izzy, getting close," Hitch groaned in a strangled voice, his words turning into a sharp gasp as the mare started to rock her entire body. It was only an inch or two, but he could feel the motion along his entire length, from the buzzing contact of her tongue along his base and balls, to the constricting tightness of her throat around his upper shaft and flare. And as she kept jerking him off with her throat, he felt the current in her tongue surge slowly, growing stronger. His hips jerked, and he felt the buzzing pleasure recede as she backed off cautiously. "More, please don't stop!" Hitch begged, and watched Izzy's eyes light up with delight. The buzzing tingle of her tongue surged up again, getting an encouraging gasp in return. The current died down, and then grew again, more intense than ever. The rocking motion of her body sped up, her throat squeezing around him as she swallowed. Another ebb and flow in the current of her tongue jolted up through his length, and the pressure behind his pleasure exploded with a need for release that would not, could not be held in check. "Oh fuck!" Hitch exclaimed, every muscle in his body straining as his vision blurred white. He could only just consciously follow the feeling of the unicorn's mouth pulling back, drawing him out of her throat and pressing her tongue up hard under his flare, the current flowing through it focusing intensely on his tip. It flickered between intense and gentle, blasting him with rapid-fire bursts of almost painful pleasure and relief as his orgasm came down on him like an avalanche. His balls tensed, and his shaft pumped furiously as the mind-blowing bliss of it all came erupting out of his tip into Izzy's waiting mouth. It felt like it took an abnormally long time for the orgasm to even begin to wind down, his time spent utterly blissed out on pleasure passing in a subjective eternity. And even as the explosive burst of enjoyment faded, the lingering good feelings continued at a level far greater than he was used to. It might have had something to do with the fact that his cock was still in Izzy's mouth, the mare gently sucking on him as her head moved slowly back and forth. As he watched, he saw her throat contract as she swallowed down the load he had given her. She swallowed again a few more times as she continued to softly milk his shaft for every last drop he had to offer, the current of her tongue having dropped to a gentle, barely there sort of prickle. But it was enough to really help draw out the afterglow pleasure as Izzy kept up the blowjob, and Hitch felt all the tension that had gathered in his body just before his orgasm suddenly turn to liquid and just start flowing out of him. The soft, steady followup pleasure melted away his concerned and worries, and set his brain into a comfortable idle into which thoughts couldn't intrude without his permission. He could only just lay there, his eyes blinking lazily as he watched Izzy, the mare blurring in and out of focus as the weight of his forced relaxation really settled over him. There was a soft pop as Izzy finally released him, and she gave him a smirk and a giggle. "So, feeling better?" she asked hopefully. "...uh huh..." Hitch eventually managed to reply. "That was really, truly, incredibly amazing." "Aw, thanks!" Izzy said, beaming. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. And you definitely look much more relaxed." "I am a jello mold in the shape of a pony right now," Hitch said seriously. "I'm actually not sure how I'm going to get up to head back to camp." He paused a moment, and then with some effort, managed to half roll onto one side. "So...can I be a gentlestallion and offer to return the favor in kind? You know, once I figure out how to make my legs work again?" "Nah, don't worry about it," Izz assured him brightly. "I'm not feeling stressed or worked up or anything." "Oh, not even a little after...?" Hitch asked, his tone curious, and perhaps a little disappointed, and a little self-conscious. "That didn't do anything to get you going?" "Nope!" Izzy said cheerfully. "...so. I guess we're done then?" Hitch asked slowly, uncertainly. "I don't think there's much left to do at this point, do you?" Izzy asked thoughtfully. "Oh...no, I guess not," Hitch sighed. He shrugged, as much as his wobbly shoulders could, at the slight frown she gave him. "Sorry, please, don't think I'm complaining or anything, that was incredible and you were awesome and great. I guess...I think you were just so great, it kind of got me hoping we might try, you know, maybe some other stuff or something?" Izzy blinked at that, and then gasped gently, and to Hitch's utter amazement, blushed. "Oh! Wait, you mean...you want to...uh...have sex?" she asked, her voice dropping to a hushed, bashful tone. "Well...the thought had crossed my mind," Hitch admitted slowly, feeling somewhat off balance by her reaction. Emotionally off balance anyway, he was too much of a puddle on the ground for physical balance to have any meaning. "Oh wow, aren't you forward," Izzy said, blushing all the harder. She was smiling at least, though it was a bashful, embarrassed smile. "I mean, Hitch...sure, you're attractive enough, but we really don't know each other all that well. Maybe take a girl out for dinner a few times first..." Hitch could only stare at Izzy for the longest time, before slowly, eventually, finding a few words. "...wow, when you say casual blowjob, you really need to put more emphasis on the casual part there." "Yeah, sorry, but blowjobs have nothing to do with sex among unicorns," Izzy stated as she got to her hooves, stretching out. "You need some help getting up?" "Nah, I'm good," Hitch replied, flopping onto his back again. "I just need a moment. You go ahead if you want." "Okay. Well, hope you sleep better now!" Izzy declared, turning to head back for camp. She paused a moment, and then glanced back at him. "...just so you know, I meant it. About asking a girl out for dinner," she told him, a little bashful, but also somewhat eager. Then she took off, leaving him laying there and staring after her. "...I am never going to understand unicorns," he told himself, laying his head back to look at the stars. "Or mares in general, really," he admitted out loud. Still...a dinner date with Izzy. There was a definite temptation there. It was hardly the only one bumping around his mind at the moment as he allowed some stray thoughts in. But it was probably a much safer idea than finding out Sunny's opinion on the notion of casual blowjobs...