> My Final Pony Fantasy IV > by Vimtrust5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Luna's Dream; A Prince's Uncertainty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equestria, home of intelligent ponies gifted with magic, strength, and flight. There was none that could have threatened this peace. Although Xande and the Cloud of Darkness were no more, Princess Luna herself began to have a vision concerning the fate of Equestria. Let us turn out attention to the royal residence in the city of Canterlot. All was calm and tranquil within the halls of the castle; once the guards' shift was over, it was time for a well-deserved rest. Princess Luna though, shuddered in her sleep, pulling the covers over her. In her dream, she found herself standing before strange creatures she could hardly make out. However, it was clear one of them had a suit of dark armor, crossing his arms as if expecting her. And then, the other strange creatures appeared to be a man with long, white hair and wearing blue and white armor; the other was wearing full, dark purple body armor and helmet shaped like a dragon's head. But this wasn't the only part that caught the princess' attention; in the background of this confrontation, there appeared not one, but two moons shining in the night sky. Just then, two more figures appeared as if aiding the white-haired human... Two ponies that she recognized all too well... Luna opened her eyes and found herself in her private chamber. Letting out a heavy sigh, the princess walked out to the window and lowered the moon, signaling the end of the night. Ponyville It had been sometime since peace and tranquility were restored to Ponyville, with the nightmares sent by the Cloud of Darkness and the invasion of the Storm King somewhat fresh on everypony's mind, but now all was back to normal. Twilight Sparkle and her dragon friend, Spike, came across Applejack and her brother Big Macintosh moving a cart full of apples for the season. "Howdy, y'all!" Applejack greeted. "Good morning, Applejack. Good morning, Big Macintosh." "Back at ya," Big Macintosh answered. "How's everything goin'?" asked Spike. "Eh... You know... Same old, same old. Buckin' few of the trees, gatherin' apples for the harvest." "Eeyup," the red earth pony added. "Hello, everypony." Hearing the gentle voice turned everyone's attention to its owner: Fluttershy, as she and the rest of the Mane Six arrived. "What brings you all here?" asked Twilight. "After helping clear the skies, I was gettin' kinda hungry, so I decided to get everypony together for an apple feast," said Rainbow Dash. "Just in time, too!" Pinkie Pie added. "Kupo!" Just then, a small cat-like creature with bat wings and a pom-pom jumped out of Pinkie's mane. It was a Moogle, a creature that Pinkie somehow managed to smuggle after she and the others had defeated the Cloud of Darkness. Applejack chuckled. "Well, that's mighty kind of y'all. Big Mac even helped loaded all these apples for me when Ah was gettin' tired and all." "Eeyup. That's what big brothers are for," said Big Macintosh, making everyone laugh. "Speakin' of big brothers... Ah wonder how yours is doin'?" Applejack thought, addressing Twilight. "Yeah..." *music fades out* Suddenly, everypony's cutie mark began to glow a bright light. The Mane Six knew exactly what that meant. "Well then, darlings," said Rarity, "shall we pay the Crystal Empire a visit?" "Count me in!" Rainbow replied. "I suppose..." said Fluttershy. "I don't want anything to happen like last time." The Crystal Empire While the Crystal Empire was as peaceful as it had been for some time, Shining Armor felt self-doubt regarding his own efficiency as ruler and guardian. Everyday, Shining would look out the balcony, gazing upon the land and observing the citizens as they carried on with their daily routines. He would then look upon the sky, wondering if his role in life was as important as the sun was to Equestria. "Good morning." Shining smiled and turned around, the voice belonging to his beloved wife, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, better known as Cadence. "Good morning," he said back. The unicorn then sighed. "Is something wrong?" Cadence said, worried for her husband. "No... It's..." Who was he kidding? "Cadence... I'm sorry... I've failed you." "Failed me?" "As a husband, and a father... I couldn't keep Flurry safe when those monsters came here, and I couldn't protect you or anyone else when the Storm King attacked." "Shining, no!" Cadence rebuffed. "Please don't beat yourself over it. None of us could have seen them coming." "Still... I wish... I wish there were some way to make up for everything that's happened. The wedding rehearsal, Chrysalis brainwashing me, Tirek... I feel like such a failure!" "Stop," said a voice. "Aunt/Princess Luna?" the couple said. "Listen to your loved one, Shining Armor. If you continue to berate yourself, you will lose all sense of self, and you will be questioning your own self-worth for the rest of your life." "What brings you here, Your Highness?" "A vision," Luna replied. "A vision of two humans--I presume--fighting each other and the two of you were aiding one of them." The couple stared widely as the Princess of the Night shared her story, and then they glanced at each other, both wondering what this could mean. Luna was hardly one to tell jokes. Cadence began to think this had something to do with Twilight and her friends' recent adventures. Just then, the three ponies' cutie marks began to shine. "Yours too?" said a surprised Cadence. "I... I-I-I think so," Shining replied. "To the Crystal Heart!" Luna proclaimed. The three arrived at the sanctum of the Crystal Heart and found that the artifact displayed several cutie marks, including the Mane Six's. Among them were also Cadence's, a cutie mark resembling the night sky with a crescent moon, and one more resembling a shield decorated with a star on it along with three more just above it. "This means..." said a shocked Luna. "It's... it's summoning me, Cadence and Princess Luna?" Shining said, equally surprised. "Yes," said the voice of Cid the Lufaine. "Could this relate to my dream somehow?" Luna asked. "Cadence! Shining Armor!" The three looked to see Twilight and her friends had arrived. Luna knew that they, too, had been summoned by the Crystal Heart. "Princess Luna?" "Come... There is not a moment to lose..." "Before we do," said Princess Cadence, turned to her aunt. "Aunt Celestia...?" "No need to ask," she responded. "I'll look after Flurry Heart." "Thank you." And with that, Cadence, Shining, Spike and the Mane Six proceeded to enter the Chamber of Crystals. The Chamber of Crystals Within the walls of the Chamber, our heroes appeared and looked around, their eyes on the crystal labeled under the Roman numeral III. Look the others before it, the numeral glowed a bright yellow, signaling the completion of the ponies' quest. Just then Pinkie Pie noticed something. "Hey, guys. Look! The number XVI is all shiny!" "Yes, but that is not the one you should be paying attention to. Look there." All eyes fell to the Crystal under the Roman numeral IV. "Look well, everypony... For is your task to protect the Crystals from the Kingdom of Baron. It was once a noble kingdom, until someone manipulated the authorities from the shadows. They seek to gain the Crystals and use them for ill intent. Shining Armor... Princesses Luna and Cadence..." The aforementioned ponies look to the center of the chamber. "There is someone within Baron who has committed a heinous act, and yet he feels great remorse for his actions. What do you plan to do if you come across this individual?" "A heinous act? What did this... individual do, exactly?" "You'll have to hear the rest yourself." "Alright," Shining Armor sighed. "Let's head in!" said Rainbow Dash. "Then we'll find out what he means." Encouraged by those words, the Equestrians hopped through the portal and into yet another world. Where they would end up and what awaited them, none can truly say. "Good luck, everypony. May the light of the Crystals shine upon you once more..." > Chapter 1: A Sorrowful Dark Knight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- High above the skies, a fleet of airships sailed over the lands. These vessels were under control of the Red Wings, the military force of the most powerful nation in the world: the Kingdom of Baron. Aboard the center ship was the Red Wings' twenty-year old captain Cecil Harvey, dressed in the armor of a dark knight, standing firm. "Captain, we will arrive at Baron shortly," said the helmsman. "Very well," he replied, lowering his head. His crew took notice and faced each other... "The captain seems kinda down," one of them said. "After what we did, who wouldn't be?" asked another. "Orders are orders, but killing innocent people to get our hands on the Crystal isn't right," one more replied. While the crewmen were talking amongst themselves, Cecil thought back to the moment of the deed in question... Cecil and his men had invaded the town of Mysidia and made their way into the altar of the Crystal of Water, intending to steal it. Several mages stood in the way but were overwhelmed by the might of the soldiers: two black mages were quickly killed, followed by a white mage. The village elder attempted to intervene, but he was merely pushed aside, allowing Cecil to lay his hands on the Crystal and take it. Just before he left, however, he stopped and lowered his head to the ground, feeling an immense guilt for what he and his men had done... Back on the ship, his crew had also felt remorse. "We are the Red Wings. Our duty is to protect people, not harm them!" "That's enough!" Cecil yelled. "But, Captain! Surely you don't condone what we've done." "Listen, men. The raid on Mysidia was imperative for Baron's prosperity. His Majesty had declared that the Mysidians knew too much about the Crystal, making them a threat to our national security. Our orders were to obtain their Crystal, and as soldiers of the Royal Air Force, we are sworn to obey." "Captain," one of the crew said, disappointed. Cecil once again lowered his head, for he knew that his explanation was nothing more than an excuse to justify their actions, though he was disgusted with himself. One of the soldiers at the ship's bow turned to his captain. "Sir! Monsters sighted dead ahead!" "Take up your positions!" he commanded. "Prepare for battle!" The first three monsters he took on were three Floating Eyes similar to the Ahriman the ponies faced in the World of Darkness. Cecil drew out a Red Fang, its fiery powers easily incinerating the beasts. One soldier, however, was brought to one knee. "Are you alright?" the captain asked worriedly. "More hostiles incoming!" "Damn!" A large black bird known as a Zu swooped down and attacked the Red Wings leaving a minor scratch on their captain. He answered the attack with a Blue Fang, summoning several lightning bolts and quickly dispatching the giant bird. Inside the cabin of the vessel, a flash of light sent out Shining Armor. After a few minutes of struggling to get back on his hooves, the white stallion took notice of his surroundings. Fearing the worst, Shining called out for his sister and her friends. "Twily? Princess Luna...? Cadence?!" Where are they? he thought. He then felt the ground beginning to rumble. Inadvertently letting out a yell, he covered his muzzle instantly, looking for a place to hide, but it was too late. "What was that noise?" a voice said. The source of the voice came in and found the white pony in the cabin; it was Cecil. How did this... creature get here? the captain asked himself. As he approached Shining Armor, the stallion stood firm. "Don't move!" Shining warned. Cecil was taken aback. "You... You can speak?" "I said, 'Don't move!'" he repeated. The pony tried flaring up his horn, only to look in confusion. Before he could find his answer, Cecil gestured for a couple of his men to enter and tie up the intruder. "I'm sorry about this," he said with great regret. While this was happening, the fleet arrived at their destination and made a landing near the Kingdom of Baron, their home. Baron Castle Once the fleet settled down, Cecil and his men tied a rope around Shining Armor's neck and legs; Cecil himself led dragged the white pony with the rose while awaiting for permission to enter the castle. Just then the castle doors opened, and a blonde man in red armor stepped in front of them. This was Baigan, captain of the guard. "Ah, Captain Cecil. Welcome back! I see you've brought us two prizes: the Crystal of Water and a white horse! Well done." Shining Armor narrowed his eyes; he did not like being mistaken for a horse, when in fact he was a pony. "Yes... We found it onboard the main ship... But as for the Crystal... the Mysidians put up no resistance. In fact, they were completely defenseless," he said with guilt and sadness, which did not go unnoticed by Shining Armor, for his time spent with his beloved Cadence also helped him learn about love and empathy. Baigan noticed this as well, but looked suspicious. "Is this pity I perceive, Cecil?" "I.." "Come. And bring this equine with you; His Majesty might as well show interest." With Shining Armor in tow, Cecil and Baigan made their way through Baron Castle and passed several knights and guards. Upon approaching the door to the throne room, Baigan stopped and asked Cecil to wait. The man entered the throne room and met the King of Baron, a brown haired and bearded man dressed as one would expect from a king, complete with a royal robe and a crown adorning his head. The King was backed by two guardsmen adorned in silver armor and dark blue capes. "Sire, I bring you news!" "What is it, Baigan?" "Cecil has returned with a white horse as well as the Water Crystal." "A horse?" "Yes. One with a strange mark on its flank. I believe it was a shield." "That is most interesting," the King replied. "Though I must ask... Why do you seem so distraught?" "Well, I am afraid the good captain can no longer be trusted. He clearly questions your authority." "Truly?" said the King, shocked. "Your counsel is well heeded, Baigan. But so long as I obtain the Crystals, Cecil's transgressions matter little. Send him in!" "Yes, Your Majesty," Baigan nodded, returning to the door. "Captain! His Majesty summons you!" The dark knight entered along with the tied-up stallion which intrigued the King. *music fades out* "Welcome back, Cecil! You have a such a magnificent looking prize. Now where is the Crystal?" "Right here, my liege." Cecil held out the Crystal of Water, handing it over to Baigan, who then turned it over to the King. Needless to say, the King was delighted. "Ah, this light. It is indeed the real Crystal. Thank you, Cecil. You have my leave to go. But leave the creature with me." Cecil was about to leave as commanded, but as he approached the doors, he stopped and contemplated his next actions. No longer able to remain silent, he turned back to the throne and cried, "Your Majesty!" The King and Baigan did a double take and looked at Cecil with confusion. Shining was also surprised. "Your Majesty, I don't understand. Why did we have to steal the Crystal? What are your intentions with the Crystals? My men are confused and displeased at their orders." The King leered. "And what of you, Cecil? Do you question my command?" The dark knight gasped. "N-No, that wasn't my--" "Enough!" the monarch interrupted. "Do not think your treachery has slipped passed me! I took you in when you were a child, raised you to be a dark knight, and this is how you repay me?! If this is how it is, then so be it. As King of Baron, I hereby relieve you of your duties as Captain of the Red Wings!" The now demoted Cecil was aghast. "Your Majesty!" he cried, trying to approach his liege, but the guards quickly intercepted him, blocking him. "Now, I charge you with another duty. I want you to slay the Phantom Beast that plagues Misty Valley, and deliver this Carnelian Signet to the village of Mist. You will leave tomorrow at first light. And take the horse with you!" Shining Armor looked back and forth between the King and Cecil. He had to go with a recently demoted dark knight? What was this man up to? "Sire, please!" In came another man, one wearing the armor of a dragoon. "Your Majesty, I beg you to reconsider," he said. "Cecil has done no wrong." Unfortunately, the dragoon's pleas fell on deaf ears, for he and Cecil were forcibly pushed further back near the door. "If you're so concerned, then you should accompany him, Kain! Now take the signet and go!" "Your Majesty!" Before any of them could speak further, the two men were forced out of the throne room, leaving the white stallion alone with the King of Baron and his captain of the guard. "Now then..." Despite his bravery, Shining began to feel a cold sweat. He found himself in unfamiliar territory, his captor felt great remorse for his recent actions, and now he is being held prisoner by a ruthless king. "Who might you be, little horse?" "I am not a horse. I'm a pony!" he said, breaking his silence. "My God! It can speak!" Baigan said in surprise. "Interesting... I was right to make the decision about sending you with Cecil and Kain. Do you have a name, little... pony?" "I don't give my names to monsters like you." "Very well," the offended King scoffed. "Baigan! Take this creature to the dungeon." "As you command, my liege," the captain replied. Cecil turned to face his dragoon friend. "Forgive me, Kain." "It's alright, Cecil," the dragoon replied. "Once we've completed the mission, the King is bound to forgive us both. You'll command the Red Wings again in no time." Cecil didn't answer, not sure if he deserved the rank again. Kain placed his hand on the Dark Knight's shoulder for reassurance. "Get some rest. Leave tomorrow's preparations to me." Kain then went to the nearby table with several soldiers, leaving his friend alone. Cecil began to march through the castle halls, when he stopped and then, opening a secret door, acquired three items from the treasure chests inside: 480 gil, an ether, and a tent. Moving on, the dark knight exited the chamber, turned right and went upstairs to the roof of the castle. But he had no time to admire the outside; going down another flight of stairs, he was about to proceed through the door when a voice stopped him. "Cecil!" The dark knight turned and saw a young woman of 19 and hair of gold appear atop the stairs. This young lady was his beloved, Rosa Joanna Farrell, white mage of Baron. "Rosa..." "Thank goodness you're alright. I was so worried. You left on such short notice." "We're fine," he answered. "I wish I could say the same for the Mysidians we slaughtered." Cecil turned away upon uttering those words. Rosa couldn't help but feel worried. "Cecil!" she shouted, causing the Dark Knight to turn around once more. "I'll come see you later, okay?" "Very well," he sighed. "Hey, Cecil!" a voice shouted. Alerted to the voice, Cecil looked up to the roof and found a burly man wearing goggles waving at him. He went down the stairs from the roof and met the dark knight smiling proudly. "How are ya doin'? You know Rosa's been worried about ya! Don't you ever do that to her again, ya hear? So how are my airships? I'll bet you and your goons wrecked them up something awful," he said chuckling. It was then he noticed from Cecil's body language that something else bothered him. Hey... What's the matter, kiddo?" "Well, Cid..." Cecil explained the recent events. "What?! Demoted?! Well, who's gonna lead the Red Wings then?! I'm not even sure what the King's thinking anymore. He wants me to build him another airship, but I don't want it to be used as a tool for war! Hey, is that the horse you were talkin' about over there?" Cecil turned where Cid was pointing and saw Baigan leading Shining Armor to the dungeon. "I found it--er, him--aboard my ship when we got back. Now the King wants me to go with him and Kain to Mist Valley." "Well... You be careful out there! Make short work of that mission and get back safe. Anyway... I gotta get home. My daughter's gonna kill me for bein' late." As soon as the old man left, Cecil walked into the tower, climbed the stairs, spoke with his maid, bid her good night, took off his helmet, and climbed into bed. He bore long white hair and was a truly handsome young man, but he didn't feel handsome; he felt more like a monster. *music fades out* As the sun set, giving way to the night, the only sound keeping Cecil awake was the ticking of the clock hanging on his bedroom wall. "What's happened to the King? He covets the Crystals as though he's possessed. And it seems he'll resort to any means to get them... Nevertheless, I can't defy him. How could I cross the man who raised me and Kain like his very own? The chivalrous knight whom I've adored and admired since childhood? I will not betray him. I can't. And... and this pony... this talking pony... Why did it come here?" Cecil was so busy ranting about recent events, he didn't hear the sound of footsteps climbing up the stairs. "Cecil?" He turned to see Rosa. "What's going on? You just returned from Mysidia, and now you must journey afar to battle some Phantom Beast? It's all too sudden." "Everything's fine." "Cecil, please look at me," she pleaded. Listening to her voice, he let out a sigh and finally spoke up. "In Mysidia, we killed innocent people to steal their Crystal! It was horrible..." he said, speaking from his heart. "But I suppose this is my fate as a Dark Knight. Soon, I won't even feel remorse for my actions." "You and I both know that will never happen," Rosa argued. "Still, I can't defy the King... I'm a hopeless coward." "The Cecil I know would never whimper like this! The Cecil I love..." "You're leaving early tomorrow, right?" "Yes, but don't worry. Kain's coming, too," he said, resting his hand on her shoulder. "I'll be fine. Trust me." "And what about this pony I've heard about?" "Well... I'm not sure how it came here." "I've heard that it can speak like us. Is that true?" "...Yes. It's true. I was surprised, too. And..." "What is it?" "Never mind..." "Well, anyway. Please come back to me in one piece," she said, ready to leave. But not before planting her lips on his cheek. "Thank you, Rosa... Though, as a dark knight, you know we can never truly be together..." That same night... Within a cell of the castle dungeon sat Shining Armor, still tied up in ropes, courtesy of the Red Wings. That guy... Shining thought. Is that the one Cid told us about? The one who feels remorse for his actions? Twily... Where are you? Cadence... Princess Luna... Where is everypony...? These thoughts continued to plague his mind, even as he drifted off into a deep sleep... The next morning With the cell door unlocked, Shining let out a sigh as he accompanied his captor Cecil and upon arriving in the chamber, they were greeted by the dragoon. "So are you ready for real combat?" said Kain. "Always," Cecil answered with confidence. "Then you've nothing to fear." Shining Armor, having no choice but to go along with the humans, sighed and accepted the reality of the situation he was in and went with the two men. And so the dark knight Cecil, stripped of his command of the Red Wings, set out for the distant Valley of Mist. Together with Kain, commander of the dragoons, and Shining Armor, he would pursue a faceless quarry--and a chance for redemption. The advent of the airship had marked the realization of mankind's most ancient dream. But man is a creature seldom sated, and he was quick to dream anew. With the unparalleled might of the Red Wings, Baron's military soon reigned supreme. Why, then, did its king now seek the Crystals? Why had fearsome monsters suddenly begun to overrun the once calm land? And what of Shining Armor's sister and her friends, as well his beloved Princess Cadence and Princess Luna? If the Crystals knew, they shared no answers--only their pure and silent light. > Chapter 2: Misty Valley/Deception > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Town of Baron Upon traversing the town, a disgruntled Shining Armor had to deal with the fact that he was traveling along with his captors to a village he had never heard of to deliver a strange ring. Furthermore, he found himself separated from his wife, his sister, their Ponyville friends and Princess Luna. And yet he had to admit to himself that something wasn't quite right with the king's orders, especially since the man who had brought him into the castle was now demoted to errand boy for questioning the monarch's motives. Cecil could sense an air of negativity coming from the pony but decided to leave the issue alone for the moment. Once he and the two men left town, Shining surveyed his surroundings: the land was a healthy green, and the kingdom of Baron was situated near a beautiful, serene river. The three then marched westward away from Baron to find Misty Valley. At that point, the trio was ambushed by four goblins. They quickly took up defensive positions as two of the creatures immediately lunged toward the two humans while the other goblins attacked the pony. Shining once again attempted to use his magic, but like before, nothing had happened. It was then, upon ribbing his forehead that he finally noticed... "M-My horn! It's gone!" One goblin then swiped its knife across Shining's face. "Are you alright?" Cecil asked. "A little," Shining replied, rubbing his muzzle. "You'd best hurry and make your decision quickly," said Kain. "When in battle, you must strike quickly before the enemy does." I know that, Shining thought to himself. I just didn't see it coming. The white pony then approached the same goblin that attacked him, lifted his rear legs and kicked the creature, knocking it across the field where it hit its head on the rock formation, knocking it out. Cecil and Kain quickly took out two more, leaving only one left for Shining to deal with. Finding itself outnumbered, the creature escaped, leaving the three travelers victorious. With the goblins taken care of, they continued their march and traveled northward and found the entrance to a cave. This was the only way to reach reach the village of Mist. Misty Cave As the name of this area implied, the cave was filled with mist. The mist was so thick, neither of the trio could see clearly without bumping into something. Cautiously, Cecil took one step forward and then another. Kain and Shining Armor soon followed. Suddenly, Shining felt himself bump into a wall. Shaking his head, he could barely make out the two men's figures walking up a few stairs. How and when did I lose my horn? Shining asked himself as he caught up with them. Did it have something to do with stepping into this world? "TURN BACK..." said a mysterious voice. "Who's there?!" Cecil shouted. "What was that?" Shining asked. Looking around them, the trio attempted to locate the source of the voice but as of yet were unable to do so. Venturing further, they discovered some treasure chests which contained a remedy, a tent, and two potions. With the new items in store, the three continued onward, until... "LEAVE AT ONCE." "That voice again," Shining said aloud. "Could that be the phantom beast of Mist Valley?" asked Kain. Before going on, a pair of goblins and two hedgehog-like creatures jumped out in front of them. "Sword Rats," Kain remarked. "Be careful, little pony," said Cecil. "The needles these beasts shoot from off their backs hurt... a lot." The stallion grimaced at the thought. "But not to worry," the dark knight said, unsheathing his dark sword. With one blast from the sword, all the creatures were defeated in an instant, but the force of the attack had causing some pain to Cecil. "Are... are you okay?" "I'm fine. The dark sword draws its energy from me every time I use its power." "The less he uses it, the better for his health," Kain added. It took only a few minutes for Shining Armor to absorb all this information. Before they could reach the exit, they were stopped once again by the same disembodied voice. "WARRIORS OF BARON... LITTLE PONY..." it spoke. "Who goes there?!" Kain shouted. "LEAVE NOW, OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES." "Show yourself!" "YOU DARE IGNORE MY WARNING?" "We must get to Mist. We're not turning back," said Cecil. "It's not like we have a choice," Shining Armor added. "VERY WELL..." Just then... "Wh-What's happening?" the white pony asked. "The mist is gathering!" Kain warned. Sure enough, the surrounding mist swirled around the three warriors and right in front of them, transformed into a white dragon, standing as a guardian of the cave. The men from Baron took their battle stances while Shining stood in disbelief at what he was seeing. "Is that...?" Cecil nodded. "The phantom beast." "Wait!" the stallion pleaded. "We don't want any trouble!" "LIES!" At that point, the phantom beast then transformed into a sheet of mist. The two men held their ground and waited. "What's going on?" "We wait," Cecil replied. "Once it gains shape again, we attack." Just as the dark knight predicted the mist did indeed turn back into a dragon, and that's when Kain jumped from a great height as Cecil attacked once more. Shining could only brace himself for the dragon's next attack as it swiped at him across the area. Sliding across the cave, the white pony slowed down and saw Kain finally descending just as quickly as he appeared, landing a fatal blow with his spear. Letting out one final roar, the dragon collapsed and perished. "Well then," said Kain. "Shall we resume our journey to Mist?" "Yes..." Cecil replied, albeit hesitantly. Shining, feeling just as guilty as Cecil did, exited the cave and found their destination. Village of Mist As soon as they set foot in Mist, the Carnelian Signet in Cecil's hand began to glow, releasing several Bombs unto the village. Now free, the monsters ran amok, setting the village ablaze! Everywhere they looked, Cecil, Kain, and Shining saw several houses engulfed in flames. "Don't tell me..." Shining said with dread. "We've been sent here..." said Cecil. "To burn the village down...?" Kain finished. "Why...? Your Majesty... WHY?!" Two of the Bombs turned their eyes on Shining Armor and charged. Shining quickly dodged the creatures. Still, he couldn't believe what he was seeing: an entire village being burned to the ground by the ring Cecil had been tricked into using. They heard the sniffling of a young child; the three males saw a young girl crying over her mother's body. She wore a yellow skirt and white cloak over a gray bodysuit. "Wh-What happened?" Shining asked. Looking up, the girl saw the three and approached them. "My mommy's dragon died, and then she did as well..." "Your mother's... dragon...?!" Shining reiterated. "So... the dragon we fought in that cave...?" "Was connected to the mother's life force?" Cecil finished. "I've heard of these people; they're called summoners. They have the ability to call forth Eidolons, otherwise known as 'phantom beasts!'" Shining Armor gasped in horror at the implication of what he and the two humans had done. "You did this?! YOU killed my mom's dragon?!" the girl said, backing away from them, her voice seething with anger. "But... But..." Shining stammered, trying to think of something to say to console the girl, but nothing came up. "We didn't know this would happen," Cecil said, once again feeling remorseful. "This is what the King had wanted," said Kain. "He saw the summoners and their Eidolons as a threat, so he sent us all to eliminate them." He then turned towards the girl. "I guess we should do away with her as well." "WHAT?!" Cecil and Shining said in unison. "That's what the king would want. It's us... or her." "Kain! What are you thinking?! She's just a child!" the dark knight said, livid that his friend would even suggest such a thing. "I don't want any part of this!" said Shining. "Likewise," Cecil said firmly. "You would betray our King and side with a creature not of this world?" "I renounce the King of Baron. I will not spill the blood of any more innocents!" "That's just what expected to hear from you. Don't worry, I'm on your side." "What do you mean?" Shining asked, tilting his head. "I owe His Majesty much, but I cannot disgrace the dragoons." "So you'll join us?" "Correct. But if we are to fight against the King of Baron, we need to ally ourselves with the other nations of the world. There's also the matter of Rosa." Rosa? Shining said to himself. "Thank you, Kain," said Cecil. "Save it. This isn't for your sake," Kain retorted, much to Cecil's confusion. The dark knight turned toward Shining. "I'll do it... I'll join the both of you... Also... I have a younger sister. And her friends are somewhere in this world." "The more allies, the better," said Kain. The trio then turned their attention to the girl. "You have to come! It's dangerous!" Shining Armor pleaded. "No! GO AWAY!!" "Please! You must come with us!" "NO! I HATE YOU ALL! YOU KILLED MY MOM!!" "It wasn't--" "I said... GO AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!" Raising her arms, the girl summoned a large, muscular humanoid creature; this being raised its fist and slammed it into the ground, causing a large earthquake that was felt all around the surrounding area. > Chapter 3: True Knights; Shining and Twilight's Reunion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somewhere far away from the Kingdom of Baron... Princess Luna, the younger sister of Princess Celestia struggled to open her eyes. When she finally did so, she discovered herself alone in a realm of nothing but darkness, with not even a speck of light. Raising one leg, Luna slowly rose and stood on all fours, shaking her head. "Where am I...?" she wondered. "And... where has everypony gone?" She then attempted to light the area, only to find that she couldn't flare her horn. Confused, Luna attempted to do so once more. "What's going on? Why can't I--" At that moment, Luna looked closely at her side... She no longer had her wings. Surprised, Luna placed her hoof on her forehead and discovered that her horn was also missing. "Wh-What is the meaning of this?!" "Princess Luna..." an elderly voice spoke, receiving the princess' attention. "REVEAL THYSELF!" Luna replied in her Royal Canterlot voice. "All in due time, Your Highness... One of our own is plotting against the blue planet..." "What do you mean...?" At that moment, a small portal on the ground, or lack thereof. "Go, Princess. There is little time... Shining Armor and Cadence need your aide." "And if I refuse?" Luna inquired, unsure of whether to trust the voice. "Please, Princess. Your friends and your subjects need you." The Princess of the Night shut her eyes and pondered whether or not to trust the voice... However, it became clear that if Luna were to find Twilight and the others, she had no choice but to do as it said. And so, she stepped forward and stood still. She was then carried by an unseen force and began to feel herself dissipate into the unknown. "Everyone is counting on you..." *music fades out* A few hours after the incident at Mist, Cecil and Shining Armor regained consciousness and rubbed their heads. "C-Cecil... You alright...?" "Yeah... You?" "What about that girl?" The dark knight walked over to her and checked her pulse. "She's still alive, but she's out cold." Shining let out a sigh of relief. "That's good news." Cecil then looked around and didn't see his childhood friend anywhere. "Kain? Where are you?! Kain!!" He and Shining Armor looked all over but found no sign of the dragoon. "I don't see him." "Kain... I hope he's okay." "We need to help this girl first and foremost." "You're right." Cecil lifted the unconscious child and placed her on Shining's back. They traversed the desert and discovered an oasis town. Looking at each other, the two nodded and proceeded to enter. Kaipo "She needs rest," said Cecil. Fortunately, the knights found an inn right in front of them and went inside. Cecil approached the front desk and showed the owner the poor child on Shining Armor's back. "This is terrible! Tell you what. You can stay the night for free. And... Well, normally the policy states that only humans can stay... But I'll make an exception for this fine creature." "Thank you," said Cecil. The two quickly turned left and stopped near a set of six beds. Cecil picked up the girl off Shining and lay her on one of the beds. Upon opening her eyes, the girl looked upon the two and looked away swiftly. "Are you alright?" asked Cecil. "How are you feeling right now?" Shining inquired. The girl didn't answer. "My name is Cecil. What's your?" Again, no reply. "My name's Shining Armor," the stallion spoke. Shining... Armor? Cecil thought to himself. The girl didn't answer, still looking away. The two knew exactly why. "I'm really sorry about your mother. I know you must hate me, and I don't blame you." "Well... I didn't really... Y-You know..." Shining stuttered, not knowing what to say. "I didn't even raise a hoof and..." The girl only raised her sheets. "Will you at least let us protect you?" Cecil asked earnestly. The girl said nothing, not even bothering to look at the man in dark armor, nor the white stallion. The two knights looked at each other and nodded, silently agreeing to watch over the child. They climbed on two more of them and covered up, preparing to rest for the night. And as the sky turned dark, giving way to night, Shining Armor began to think of everything that had happened so far and. If Princess Luna were here... he thought. His thoughts were quickly interrupted the loud opening of the inn's door. Awakening, the three were greeted by four soldiers of Baron! "Ah, we've finally found you, Cecil!" said the group's leader. The girl gasped in shock. "What brings you here?!" Cecil commanded. "I am here on the King's orders. He has decreed that all summoners from Mist must be annihilated. Now hand over the girl and the horse!" "Why do you need my equine partner here?" "He was supposed to have been incinerated along with the village!" "What?!" Shining spoke. "So your king sent me to die along with the villagers?!" "Of course! Now come along quietly." "If I refuse...?" "Then you shall die!" "If you want us, come get us!" the stallion said defiantly. Cecil unsheathed his dark blade and unleashed a wave of darkness on the soldiers. Undeterred, the general ordered his men to attack their opponents. One of them attempted a vertical slash against Cecil, but the dark knight dodged quickly and countered with a kick to the mid-section. Another took a swipe at Shining Armor, but the stallion evaded the attack and kicked him with his hind legs, sending him stumbling toward the wall. The last grunt then targeted Shining and struck him on the side of his face with the hilt of his sword. Cecil saw this and punched the soldier in the face. Shining then caught the general about to strike the frightened child with his blade; he rushed over and bit the man in the back of his right leg. Letting out a scream of pain, the general attempted to push the pony away but felt the force of Cecil's dark blade once more. Seeing that his men were unconscious, the general's resolve faltered and so, he retreated, leaving the knights victorious. Both Cecil and Shining's skills increases as a result, but that was not all... *music stops* The stallion's body began to glow a bright light, causing Cecil and the girl to shield their eyes, and when it was all over, they gasped at what they saw next: a horn was now protruding from Shining Armor's forehead! The pony looked up and felt it, a smile forming on his face. He could finally cast magic once more! "Wh-What happened?" "My horn's back!" Shining said in excitement. "Oh!" He then remembered the girl's presence. "Are you alright now?" "Yes. And you two?" the child answered. "Don't worry. We won't let anyone hurt you," said Cecil. "Promise?" "We promise," Shining said with a salute, making the girl giggle. "My name's Rydia," the girl finally answered. "Rydia," Cecil repeated, smiling warmly. He and Shining Armor nodded, gaining a new ally... or rather, a new friend. Rydia then threw her arms around Cecil, who then returned the hug. The white unicorn joined in as well. After the embrace, the three then went back to sleep for the rest of the night. Two hours after the sun rose, Cecil, Shining and Rydia awoke and proceeded to check out of the inn. Although the fight with the Baron soldiers was settled, the two had to pay a good amount of gil for the damages done to the building. Just as they exited the inn and made the decision to explore the town... "Shining Armor!" cried a familiar female voice. "Twily...?" "'Twily'?" Cecil said in confusion. At that point, a small purple equine immediately ran to Shining Armor and embraced him. "Twily! It's you!" Shining cried. "Another pony? How many of you are there?" "Several. At least back in Equestria," the white stallion replied. "Oh, hi there," Twilight replied. "Are you my brother's friend?"' "Oh, so you're Shining Armor's little sister," said Cecil. "...What about this little girl?" "I-I'm Rydia..." "Nice to meet you, Rydia. My name is Twilight Sparkle. And you?" "Anyway, I'm just so glad you're safe." "Thanks, Shining." She then turned to the dark knight. "So, who are you?" "Cecil Harvey, a dark knight and former captain of the Red Wings of Baron." "Baron? Then you must be..." the purple pony pondered. "Twily?" It then hit her. "Come on! Follow me!" Doing what they were told, the three followed Twilight into a house on the northeastern part of town where they found a sickly woman in bed. "Rosa!" Cecil gasped. "I knew it..." Twilight said. "Cecil, is that...?" Shining inquired. "Yes! It is! What's happened to her?" Cecil asked. "She's sick with desert fever," said the elderly man. "The only thing that can cure her is the Sand Pearl, which is said to lie in the Antlion's Den." "The Antlion's Den," "I'm going with you all. There's someone in need of help, and I'll do whatever I can to help!" "But Twily..." Shining said, pointing his hoof at something that should be there... Twilight sighed, knowing what he meant. "Yeah. I noticed. My horn and wings may be gone, AGAIN... But I've got some supplies so that should be enough, right?" "Of course!" Cecil replied. Shining nodded in agreement, as did Rydia. With that, Twilight had joined the group. > Chapter 4: You Spoony Bard! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As they left the oasis town of Kaipo, the group ventured north through the harsh desert to find their way to the Antlion's Den. Shining Armor walked up to Twilight and asked her, "So how did you end up in the village?" "Well..." A few days earlier... Twilight awoke in the middle of Kaipo and looked around town. She then traveled outside the desert in an attempt to find any sign of her friends, her brother, and her fellow princesses. She then decided to wait out, when suddenly the ground shook and she discovered a young woman lying on the ground. Twilight called for help, and out came an elderly man with glasses and wearing a purple robe. "My God. A talking pony?" he inquired. Shaking his head, he realized that the woman's health was far more important and helped carry her to the village. There they placed her in a small house and with the aid of its residents cared for her until Tellah left, stating he had business to take care of and wished Twilight good luck. "And that's how it happened. I wanted to go out and find everypony, but I couldn't leave her alone like that." Every...pony? Cecil thought to himself, overhearing the conversation. Shining rubbed his chin, taking in all his sister's words. Continuing up north, our heroes found an entrance to a cave that would hopefully guide them to their destination. Underground Waterway The group took in their surroundings and awed at the body of water beneath them. Cecil and Shining walked across the bridge and opened two treasure chests sitting on the large rock formation. Inside the chests were a potion and a maiden's kiss. Shining eyed his item curiously. "There are some monsters that turn people into frogs. What you're carrying with your magic is capable of changing you back to your original form." Me? Turned into a frog? No thanks! Shining thought to himself. Rejoining the girls, they continued further until they came across an elderly man in a robe. "It's you!" Twilight gasped. Indeed, it was. Tellah eyed the group curiously and noticed Cecil. "Could it be...?!" he muttered, his eyes gazing on Cecil's blade. "It is! That dark sword! Dark knight, I need your assistance!" "You're the mage known as Tellah, right? I heard you rescued Rosa." "Rosa? Oh, yes! The girl from before. You're her significant other, right?" "Y-Yes..." Twilight and Rydia giggled, while Shining chuckled. "Well, that's enough teasing. I'm looking for my runaway daughter, Anna. She was seduced by a wicked minstrel, and I must get to Damcyan to get her back." "Well, we're on our way to save Rosa, and we may need all the help we can get." "Very well," said Tellah. "We must hurry, for I sense an ill omen!" "I'll come, too!" "And me!" "Another pony...? Could you be from another world like the purple one here?" "Yes. I'm Shining Armor, and you've already met my little sis, Twilight Sparkle." "Brother and sister? You?" The Equestrians nodded. "A-Anyway..." Tellah stated, his eyes on Rydia. "That girl...! She is a summoner! Perfect! She can help, too!" "How can we help, exactly?" asked Twilight. "A giant monster lurks in the lake ahead. That devil even withstands magic." This statement caused the party to worry. Could they possibly overcome this obstacle with Shining, Rydia and the sage's help? "We can defeat it if we work together, and then I can finally be on my way!" said Tellah. "We need to reach Damcyan as well," Cecil agreed. "Then let us make haste!" Now with the sage among their ranks, our heroes resumed their trek through the depths of the dungeon. The pony siblings followed the humans into the water and came across killer fish: piranha like enemies. They were disposed of quickly, thanks to Shining Armor's and Tellah's magic. They walked through the waterfall and discovered a hidden chamber within. There they acquired three treasures: an X-Potion, a Dry Ether and a Phoenix Down. "A feather?" Shining inquired. "This is a Phoenix Down," Twilight informed him. "This thing saved our lives several times when we almost died." "I get it now," the white unicorn realized. "The name of that item makes me think of Philomena, Princess Celestia's phoenix." "Your princess has a pet... phoenix?" Cecil asked. Twilight nodded. No need to tell anyone here Fluttershy kidnapped her, she thought, placing the items in her bag. Returning to where they came, the group strolled up the stairs and saw in the distance a door that could possibly lead to them to Damcyan. WIthout Twilight's wings, however, they were forced to cross the bridge in front of them, walk down a set of stairs taking them into the water once more. Inside the chamber on the far left side of the area, was a small glowing circle surrounded by eight glowing pillars. "We'll rest here," said Tellah. "What is this place?" asked Rydia. "This magic field repels all monsters," the sage explained. "We can use my tent to rest and prepare for the upcoming battle." Everyone agreed with the old man and set up his tent to stay for the night. Later that night, the group set up a campfire to keep themselves warm. Twilight and Shining sat next to each other watching the fire as it crackled. The only other sound was the dripping of the water, presumably from the ceiling outside the chamber. Looking around, Twilight couldn't help but wonder who constructed this particular area. Cecil sat as close as he could to the fire, thinking about all the events he witnessed. Tellah sat near the fire as well. Rydia was the only asleep. The others couldn't help but smile warmly. "The girl is asleep already," Tellah observed. "She must have been exhausted. Who is she?" "She's a summoner, like you said," Shining replied. "A summoner from the village of Mist," Cecil added. "The village of Mist? Where's that?" Twilight asked. Cecil and Shining lowered their heads in guilt. Shining especially. How could he bring himself to tell his sister that he unknowingly took part in a plot to exterminate the summoners and that he himself was one of Baron's targets? "Look at her," Tellah said, looking in Rydia's direction. "So sweet and innocent. She reminds me of Anna at that age..." "Who is Anna?" asked Cecil. "I think that's the name of his daughter," Shining answered. "He's right... She eloped with a bard to Damcyan because..." The others waited patiently for him to finish. "I didn't consent to their union." "I see," said Shining Armor. The stallion then whispered to his sister. "I wonder what Cadence would say if she were here." "Me, too," Twilight whispered back. "Tell me, Cecil. What business do you have in Damcyan?" "As I said before, my friend Rosa has been struck down by desert fever," the dark knight replied. "And we're going to help," said Twilight. "We can't leave her there." "Ah, so you seek the Sand Pearl. It won't be easy to obtain. But first there's the small matter of a vicious monster to take care of." "What sort of monster?" Shining inquired. "A frightful creature it is, with eight enormous tentacles. We must kill it and reach Damcyan before it is too late." "K-Kill it?!" Shining and Twilight almost shouted but were careful not to, so they wouldn't disturb Rydia's slumber. "Yes... This beast is not one to be bargained or reasoned with." Something else was bothering Cecil. "Too late for what?" "I don't know, but I pray that my instincts are wrong..." The others couldn't help but worry about the sage's words. What did he mean about this ill omen he had felt earlier? Shining Armor glanced at Cecil, wondering if the Kingdom of Baron may be involved. Cecil looked back and pondered the same thing. Before she could voice her own thoughts on the matter, Twilight yawned and fell asleep. The rest soon followed. Several hours later The party awoke and resumed their trek through the cave; they were finally able to gain access to the door at the far end of the area. Once they opened the door, the two ponies' smiles faded, realizing there was more to explore before they could leave. More bridges, the ground covered in shallow water, and a waterfall behind them, the group proceeded head south to find monsters guarding the treasure chests: two Killer Fish, two Vile Shells, and two amoebas. With his Thunder spell, Tellah easily dispatched the Killer Fish. Rydia struck at a Vile Shell her rod, causing minimal damage. Before Twilight could make a move, the other Vile Shell bit her front leg. "Twily!" "I-I'm fine. Help them," she said, grabbing a potion from her bag and drinking it. Shining then cast a magic beam against the Vile Shell that attacked his sister and defeated it. Cecil then pulled out his dark blade and cast a wave of darkness on the monsters, defeating them all. Rydia felt a surge of magic flowing within her; looking inside herself, the summoner discovered that she could summon lighting with the Thunder spell! Just then, Twilight's body began to shine as her brother did. When the light faded, the group was shocked to see that Twilight finally regained her horn! With the monsters gone, the group tended to their wounds and opened up the chests, each containing 580 gil and a bomb fragment. Continuing on, they fought against more monsters, and found their way outside the cave. However, the beast Tellah spoke of was nowhere to be found. "Be careful," Tellah said as they approached another cavern. The group found themselves in front of a large waterfall. With no choice but to go forward, the group dived down into the lake... and it was then... they saw large tentacles rising above the water. "There it is!" From the lake emerged more tentacles... Soon, the whole lake shook; our heroes glanced around them and took up battle stances. Suddenly, a giant red octopus appeared before their very eyes, blocking the path to Damcyan! "So this... is the monster?!" "Yes. An octomammoth!" "E-Excuse me..." The group was shocked at what Twilight was doing; she approached the giant sea creature with only the slightest hesitation, but otherwise great courage. "What is she doing?" Be careful, Twily! Shining Armor said in his thoughts. "Mr... Octomammoth, right? My brother, company and I are in a very big hurry, so why don't you just, heh heh, move along and--" "WATCH OUT!!" But it was too late, for the beast brushed the purple pony swiftly with one of its tentacles. Before she could hit the wall, Twilight quickly teleported herself back to the party. "Alright. You leave us no choice!" she declared. Twilight used her magic to carry everyone above the water and set them on a large rock, flat formation. The beast attempted to swipe at Twilight again, but the sage Tellah stopped it by casting Thunder upon it. Rydia followed with a Thunder spell of her own. Soon after, two of the beast's arms began to drop away, leaving six of them. Cecil then sliced a few more tentacles with his dark blade. The creature then roared in great anger. "It's weakening!" Holding his rod and the air, Tellah unleashed another powerful Thunder spell upon the creature. Twilight and Shining then fired magical beams "This is it!" Cecil then jumped towards the octomammoth and with one horizontal slice... the creature let out a final roar and was destroyed. "We... we did it!" Just then, as before Twilight's body began to glow once more... A few minutes passed, Twilight opened her eyes and then... a pair of wings open, surprising the group! "Thanks to you all, the path is clear now! Let us press onward!" said Tellah. The rest of the party nodded in agreement, hopped back down to the lake and proceeded through the exit. Outside Kaipo Within a few seconds, a flash of light appeared and disappeared, bringing forth Princess Luna. Opening her eyes, Luna discovered herself near the oasis town of Kaipo. Before she could take the sights in, she witnessed several shadows covering the desert. Looking up, she saw they belonged to several airships. "Where are those vessels headed?" she asked herself. "I had best follow them." Without her wings and horn, Luna had no choice but to pursue the airships on hoof and made her way into the Underground Waterway. Having overcome the trials of the waterway, Cecil, Shining, Rydia, Twilight and Tellah emerged from the cave and heard the sound of airship engines... followed by the sound of explosions. Alarmed, our heroes ran towards the direction of the tremors and found the castle of Damcyan under siege! "My God!" Tellah cried. "Oh no!" Twilight yelled. "Anna! ANNA!!" The group immediately made a dash for the castle, praying that they would find any survivors. Damcyan A litter of wounded and the dead appeared in front of our heroes as they entered the castle. "Oh..." Twilight gasped. "Was it those... airships?" "Yes," Cecil replied, hanging his head. "I was once in command of that fleet. They're called Red Wings." Going up the next floor, several dying soldiers told the group of the ones heading for the Crystal. On the next level, the group stopped and gasped. "There's a girl on the floor!" Shining pointed out. "Is that...?" Tellah said to himself with dread. "It is! Anna!" Just then, a young blond haired man appeared. Upon seeing the old man's fury, he backed away, fear written on his face. "You... you're that bard!" Tellah shouted. "Anna ran away because of you! And look what's happened! You led her to her death!! YOU KILLED HER!!!" "Please... It wasn't me!" But Tellah didn't listen. "You...! I'll kill you!" "I didn't do this!" the bard cried. "You spoony bard!" "No! Please don't hurt me!" he begged. "Hold on!" Twilight shouted. "At least hear him out!" "NO!" Tellah rebuffed, turning his attention back to the bard. "Take this!" The young man cried in pain once more. "Wait!" Shining cried out, but Tellah was too furious to listen. "Please!" "Idiot! If you hadn't brought her here..." "Father... Father! Stop!" *music fades out* Tellah and the bard turned to the young woman. "Please... this wasn't Edward's doing..." "Oh, Anna! There's life in you yet!" "Father... Edward... He is the prince of Damcyan. He disguised himself as a bard to avoid attention. Forgive me, Father, for running off with him. Edward... I love him, Father. But I could not stay without your blessing. I was about to return, when..." "They arrived," Edward continued. "We were attacked by Baron's Red Wings and their commander, Golbez." "Golbez?" asked Cecil. "Yes. A figure clad in armor of deepest night; his strength beyond that of mortal man." "But why did they attack Damcyan?" "They sought the Crystal, and they spared no one to obtain it," Edward answered, making Cecil feel even more guilty. "My mother, my father... even Anna shielded me from their arrows." "Edward... I love you..." Upon uttering those words, Anna then closed her eyes one last time... never to open them again. "Golbez! I'll kill you!!" Tellah exclaimed. "Tellah, wait!" But it was too late. Consumed with rage, the old sage turned away from the party and left the castle. "He's gone," Shining observed. "Prince Edward," Twilight addressed. "Y-Yes?? My goodness... More talking horses... Have you come to comfort me?" "We're not horses, Your Highness," said Shining. "We just so happen to be ponies," Twilight added. Just then her and Shining's common sense kicked in. "Wait a minute!" said Shining. "Did you say 'more?!'" "That's right. A pink hors--er, pony--about the white one's size came earlier and tried to defend us, but..." "Shining... Twilight...?" The siblings gasped upon hearing that familiar voice. Looking from the stairs, they saw someone... somepony slowly approaching the chamber from the stairs. They gasped once more in horror as the pony in question arrived, limping with several scars across her body, and her left foreleg broken. "Cadence!" "Twilight... Shining... Armor... I'm... I'm so glad... to see you..." The Princess of Love then collapsed. "Cadence! Hold on!!" Twilight sobbed. "Cadence! Don't move." "I knew... we'd meet again," Cadence said, panting. "Shining Armor, is this...?" The white unicorn nodded. "Yes, Cecil. This is my wife, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." "Or Cadence, if you prefer," Twilight added. "What happened?" Cadence moved her head and faced her husband and sister-in-law with a look of sorrow. "When I arrived in this world, I found myself in this castle. I had myself acquainted with the royal family... except for the heir to the throne. The prince... arrived with a young girl and we even spoke of how they could ask for her father's consent, but then..." "The Red Wings stormed the castle," Cecil added. "Edward said... that they didn't show anyone a hint of mercy, but..." "And yet here I am, wounded... Just before I lost consciousness, I heard an ominous voice tell the soldiers to leave me be." "But why?" Shining asked. "I mean, it doesn't make any sense. Especially when Baron sent me out with Cecil and Kain to Mist and--" "'Mist?'" Twilight inquired. Shining Armor and Cecil then faced each other, knowing they couldn't hide the truth anymore. So they told the purple alicorn everything. "You... You were sent there... to be killed along with the SUMMONERS?!" "That's right..." Something's not right, Twilight thought to herself. If this Golbez and Baron see us ponies as threats... then why did he let Cadence live? Just then, Rydia appeared with a potion in her hand. "Here. Drink this," said Rydia. "Thank you." Cadence then consumed the potion and recovered a portion of her strength. "And who might you be?" "I'm Cecil. This is Rydia. We're traveling in search of the Sand Pearl to save my friend's life; she's sick with desert fever." "Is she... important to you?" "Very important. I'd risk my very life for her." The princess chuckled warmly. She then crawled out of the bed and joined the group. "Are you sure about this, Cadence?" asked Twilight. "You've only recovered some." "Yes. And if it means saving a life, I will gladly join. Plus, I have two loved ones with me this time," she said, gesturing to the two pony siblings. "Alright. Let's do it!" Shining said, happy that he and his wife are reunited. > Chapter 5: The Antlion and the Sand Pearl > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the royal chamber, Edward sat on his knees, his head buried in his arms, weeping for the loss of his loved ones, especially Anna. The prince could only sob more and more, which only served to infuriate Rydia who had just come back from healing Princess Cadence. "Stop crying!" Rydia scolded. "You're a grownup, aren't you?! Grownups aren't supposed to cry! I lost my mom, but I'm not gonna cry anymore." "B-B-But..." the prince stammered. "Crying... won't help. It won't bring back Anna or your parents..." "She's right..." The two looked to see Cecil and the Equestrians approach. "Please... leave me alone! I'm staying here with Anna. I will never leave her side." Letting out a sigh of annoyance, Cecil moved closer to the sobbing prince, grabbed him by the face and slapped him, making everyone wince. "You're not the only one who's grieving. Anna would not wish to see you weeping forever." "I believe he's right," said Cadence. "We have desperate need of your help right now, Your Highness." "But... I..." Edward said in disbelief. "Edward... With your parents gone, you are the rightful ruler of this castle, so start acting like it," Shining Armor stated firmly. "But... how could I help you?" "My name is Cecil Harvey. These are my companions, Rydia, Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle, and you are already acquainted with Cadence. A friend of mine has taken ill with desert fever in Kaipo, and needs a Sand Pearl if she is to live." "We need your help." "You all need... my aid?" Everyone nodded. "We do. Rosa's life depends on it. I beg you." "This woman you speak of... she means a great deal to you, doesn't she? As Anna did... as Anna did to me." Cecil nodded. At that point, Shining Armor approached Edward. "We're looking for the Antlion's Den. Do you know where it may be?" "Yes. It lies in the far east. The pearl you seek forms from the fluid the beast secretes as it lays it eggs in the sand. There is no overland route to its den. We must cross the northern shoals to get there. A hovercraft is docked here. With it, we can reach the creature's cave. It can bear us across the surf to Kaipo as well." "That's certainly convenient," said Twilight. "We can save your friend quickly," Cadence added. "Come. We must hurry," Edward finished. As everyone else ran off to the hovercraft, Edward turned his head to take one last look at his lost love, wishing her farewell. Once they set foot aboard the hovercraft, the vehicle emerged from the sand and carried them to the far east. Little did they know, a certain dark blue mare emerged from the cave to the south and witnessed them. Antlion's Den Walking across the dry ground, our heroes carefully trekked through the caverns while trying to protect their eyes from the sand. The party made their way into an area not to dissimilar to that from the Underground Waterway and found respite... After eight hours of sleep, our heroes resumed their march towards the antlion's lair, when suddenly... "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" "Oh my goodness!" Cadence exclaimed. "What was that?!" Shining said. "Is someone there?" asked Edward. Twilight gasped, "That sounds like Rarity! I'd know that scream anywhere!" Our heroes quickly raced to the scream's point of origin and discovered, much to Twilight's surprise... "Rarity!! Applejack!!" Sure enough, two of Twilight's Ponyville friends had somehow made their way into the Antlion's Den. Only... instead of two living ponies stood two stone statues. Twilight flew over to them and inserted golden needles on their necks. The mares restored to their original state, the two ponies shook off the remaining pebbles and saw a familiar alicorn and immediately embraced her. After letting go of Twilight, Applejack and Rarity surveyed their surroundings and saw her companions. "Why, it's Shining Armor and Princess Cadence!" "Who in tarnation are these fellers?" Applejack asked upon seeing the humans. "Fellers?" Cecil thought to himself, confused. "Everyone, these are my friends, Rarity and Applejack. Let me introduce to you, Cecil, Rydia, and Edward." "What is this dreadful place?" "Let me start," said Shining Armor, as he and the others explained everything that happened so far. "A Sand Pearl... I see," said Rarity. "Very well. Let us join you." "'Course we were plannin' on goin' with ya once we got together again, right?" "That's right, Applejack." A few floors below, several shining objects lie within the whirling sand. "This is where the antlion lays its eggs," Edward explained. "And there they are." From the moving sand emerged two giant pincers... pincers that belonged to the dweller of the cave, the antlion itself. "EEK!" Rarity and Rydia screamed. "There's nothing to fear," the prince reassured. "Antlions are quite docile. They won't harm humans." "What about ponies? Like us?" Twilight said, concerned. "Never you mind. Here, let me take one of the pearls." "That doesn't exactly help," Shining whispered to his wife and sister. Just as Edward approached and was about to lay his hands on one of the pearls, the pincers clamped together, and would have caught the prince, had he not jumped back to the group in time. Just then, the antlion emerged, revealing itself to our heroes. "Rydia, with me!" "Cadence, Twilight, Rarity, Applejack! Let's have at it!" The antlion then let out a huge roar. Just as the creature was about to make its move... "BE STILL, BEAST!!" The party turned their heads... "Princess Luna!" Twilight gasped. "Yes, it is I," she replied. "Mayhaps you need my aid?" "With pleasure, Your Highness," said Shining. The antlion roared again. "Watch out!" Our heroes then took up defensive positions. The beast launched fangs towards Luna; the princess quickly evaded by ducking. Applejack charged and delivered a hard buck to the creature's head. The antlion responded by knocking her away and onto Edward. Twilight flared her horn and fired a magic beam. In response, the beast's white eyes turned red and cast a magic attack of its own! Applejack got off of Edward; the prince attempted to play a melody to soothe the antlion, but the creature roared in anger, frightening the youth. Rarity then grabbed a potion out of the group's bag and gave to Applejack. Rydia cast a Thunder spell, causing a moderate amount of damage. Next, Shining Armor fired his own magic beam which dealt almost enough damage to the creature. Cecil then followed slashing the beast with his blade. Afterwards, Luna butted heads with the antlion which then placed its head in the sand... "Look out!" Cadence quickly grabbed her aunt and jumped to the side. "Cadence!" Shining fired one last magical attack at the antlion, but the creature evaded the attack using the sand. Cautiously, the white stallion looked around, hoping to avoid the next strike. The others, too, grew nervous. Confident as she appeared, Applejack steeled herself. Rarity held on to her friends tight; at that moment, the antlion appeared and attempted to snag the white mare but was pushed out of the way by Luna. Cecil saw this and slashed at the antlion's fangs, releasing the princess and causing a great amount of pain to the creature... And with one final cry, the Antlion was subdued. The creature then sat near its nest and lay a special item. At that point, Cadence and Luna's bodies were enveloped in a blinding flash of light. Soon after, the two princesses regained a pair of wings and a horn, respectively. "YEE-HAW!!" Applejack cheered. "Y'all got yer horn and wings back!" Though the two were happy to earn their features again, one such person was still in shock. "What just happened?" Edward asked. "It makes no sense. The antlion is supposed to be tame!" "Ya reckon someone's been controllin' it?" "Allow me to explain as much as I can," said Cecil. "Monster populations are swelling, and beasts once harmless now turn hostile. Something is afoot." "I'm willing to bet this Golbez person is responsible," said Twilight. "Guys! We have to get back to Rosa!" Rydia said. "Right. Let's go!" "Is this Rosa special to any of you?" Luna asked. "Yes," Cecil replied. "We mustn't delay any longer!" With a Sand Pearl finally in their possession, our heroes exited the cave and hopped aboard the hovercraft. Kaipo "This way! Come on!" said Shining. Our heroes raced toward the house in the northeastern corner of the town, entered and gathered around the bedridden woman. Cecil held out the Sand Pearl over his beloved; a small light from the item shone upon the young woman. Several minutes later, the white mage's eyelids began to move; as they opened, her eyes gazed upon her love. "Cecil...?" "Rosa! Thank God you're alright!" The two wrapped their arms around each other in a loving embrace, making everyone around them smile, Shining Armor and Cadence especially. "Oh? And... these equines?" "Please excuse us," Cadence said, causing Rosa to gasp. "My goodness! You can speak!" "We get that a lot," Twilight chuckled. "That voice," Rosa said aloud. "I've heard that voice before. Are... are you the one who brought me here?" "Well, one of them. I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is my brother Shining Armor, my sister-in-law Princess Cadence, Edward, Princess Luna, my friends, Rarity and Applejack." "Pleasure to meet you, Miss Rosa," said Rarity. "Mighty nice to meet ya," Applejack said, tipping her hat. "Sister-in-law?" Rosa questioned. "So... you... you can marry?" The Equestrians nodded. The humans all glanced at each other, wondering how these creatures had much in common, despite the difference in species and abilities. "I'm glad you're alright, Rosa," Cecil said, before his face turned serious. "So, who is Goblez?" The white mage closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Golbez... is the new leader of the Red Wings. He appeared some time after you left for Misty Valley. He wants to obtain the Crystals for some evil purpose." "We know," said Shining Armor. "We saw the Red Wings attack the castle of Damcyan; he has two Crystals in his possession now." "Then surely, he will attack Fabul next. For the Crystal of Wind." "It appears to be late," Luna observed. "Let us turn in for the night and resume the journey tomorrow." "Cecil?" "Yes?" "I'm curious. Do you remember me asking about a talking pony that suddenly appeared on your ship?" The dark knight nodded. "This is him," he said, gesturing to Shining. "Shining Armor at your service," he said. "Rosa?" The white mage looked up and saw Princess Cadence approach. "If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you a question." "What is it?" "Are you and Cecil in love?" Rosa gasped as her cheeks flushed a bright red. "Well... We've known each other ever since we were children. My mother was a white mage, and my father a knight of Baron. But I digress. Growing up, the three of us have always been really close?" "Three?" "Oh, yes. Me, Cecil, and Kain." "Kain?" Cadence inquired. "Yes. Kain Highwind. He is a dragoon warrior following in the footsteps of his father, Ricard." The Princess' eyes widened upon hearing that name. Suddenly, her mind flashed back to the time when her daughter was abducted by the Palamecian Empire, specifically a dragoon of the same name who fought alongside her, Twilight, Spike and Fluttershy to save the foal from the clutches of Emperor Mateus; the same Ricard who then sacrificed himself against the resurrected Emperor to save their lives. "Is... something the matter?" Rosa asked. "Oh, um... It's nothing!" Twilight chuckled. "Right, Cadence?" "Yeah, hee hee hee..." Cecil and Rosa then turned to the dark blue Equestrian. "What of you?" Luna introduced herself and explained as much as she could. Later that night, Edward took out his lyre and played a beautiful song in memory of his lost love. Luna looked outside and closed her eyes as she listened to the melody. Such a soothing song, she thought. It is as if the soul of whoever listens has been cleansed once more, as mine does at this moment. By morning, we leave for this Fabul. I wonder... What awaits us there? And who is our enemy, the one who plots against this planet? Could it be this Golbez the others speak of? Why does he seek the Crystals...? > Chapter 6: Scaling Mt. Hobs; The Warrior from Fabul > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the break of dawn, our heroes awoke and began gathering their supplies into the large bag. Happy as he was to be with his loved ones again, Shining Armor realized something that had been bothering him since his reunion with Twilight. "Twily, there's something I wanna ask you," he asked his sister. "Yes?" "Where's Spike?" Twilight gasped as her eyes widened, as did the other Equestrians'. "OH MY GOSH!! YOU'RE RIGHT!! All this time, I never even thought about him! Oh..." "Now that you mention it, I haven't even seen Spikey-wikey at all!" Rarity added. "Now, now, settle down, everypony," said Applejack. "Ah'm sure we'll find him faster than a hot knife through butter." The humans looked the orange earth pony in confusion. "What Applejack means to say is: we'll find our friend," Twilight translated. This one has such a strange way of speaking, Cecil thought to himself. With everything ready, the party left Kaipo and ventured towards the kingdom of Fabul, hoping to reach the Crystal before the Red Wings. Mt. Hobs Once they reached the foot of the mountain, our heroes saw their path blocked by a sheet of ice. Shining Armor knocked on it with his hoof. "Seems pretty thick," the unicorn stallion said. "Twily, you think we can take care of this?" "Perhaps I may be of assistance," said Luna. The three magic users flared their horns and fired magical beams, but before they could hit the ice, a magical barrier intercepted their magic. Undeterred, the three continued their assault, and after several intense minutes the barrier was broken. However, the amount of energy spent was vast, leaving the three exhausted. Without warning, Twilight, Shining and Luna collapsed. The rest soon rushed over to their side. "Oh my goodness!" Cadence gasped. "Are you three alright?" "Yeah," Shining panted. "We just... need a little rest." "My stars!" said Rarity. "Rydia, can you try chanting the Fire spell?" The young summoner stood silent, reluctant. "What's wrong?" asked Edward. "At least give it a try. I know you can do it," Rosa pleaded. "I... I can't. I'm afraid of fire!" Rydia cried. "Afraid?" Cadence pondered. She then saw her husband and Cecil lowering their heads. "We know why," the former replied. "Her village was destroyed by fire when we..." the dark knight stopped, unable to finish his sentence. "Rydia, you're the only one who can melt this ice. Those three can barely conjure a spell now. If we can't get through to Fabul, more people will be in danger. Please, Rydia." "Rydia... You've healed me, you've helped Cecil, you've helped Rosa... and you have the power to help many more people. Please, we need your strength and courage," said Edward. "All ya gotta do is try, Rydia," Applejack said earnestly. Looking within herself, the young girl found her courage, raised her arms... and summoned a magical flame, melting the ice. "Fire!" the girl gasped, unable to believe what she had seen and done. "Rydia, that was incredible!" Edward said proudly. "YEE-HAW! Ya did it, sugarcube!" "Congratulations, darling!" Rydia could only giggle at the praise she was receiving; now she could cast a Fire spell in battle. And so, our heroes' climb of Mount Hobs began. The wind blowing in their faces brought forth an ill omen, reminding them that time was not on their side. At one point, the party stopped. On the ground were scattered several bones; the bones of those who couldn't overcome the trials of the mountain, they wondered. The Equestrians closed their eyes and prayed their respects for the fallen souls. Just then, the remains shook and gathered together to form skeletons! "Uh-oh!" Twilight said. "We need to get through," said Rosa. "So be it," Luna replied. "Hold on now! Y'all think that's necessary?!" said Applejack, firmly. "Look upon them, Applejack," the dark knight pointed, unsheathing his sword. "These souls were brought back to hinder us. We must do battle with them." "Rydia! Get rid of them!" said Shining. The summoner nodded and began chanting; one skeleton charged at her but was intercepted by an arrow to the eye socket. Said arrow was launched from Rosa's bow. Another one of the skinless beings attempted to swipe its sword towards Applejack, who dodged sideways and kicked it so hard, it flew to the wall, causing the skeleton to fall apart once more. At that point, Rydia finally summoned a great wave of fire burning the remaining skeletons to ash. "Ha HA! We have claimed victory!" Luna cheered. "With all due respect, Your Highness, it was Rydia who got them," said Shining Armor. "And Ah reckon me an' Rosa helped out, too," Applejack added. "I know," Luna giggled. The group continued their march through the airy mountain, acquiring several items along the way. "Do you hear something?" Cadence asked. "What's going on?" Cecil pondered. In a hurry, the group rushed towards the summit of the mountain where they see a man in the clothing of a monk fight off several monsters. "That garb... He must be one of the monks of Fabul!" Edward observed. The monk in question made quick work of his adversaries with flying kicks and a swift uppercut. Just then, a large fiery creature appeared in front of him. "It-It's a Bomb!" Twilight gasped. "That's no ordinary Bomb!" Edward pointed out. "What do you mean?" Before Edward could answer... "Hold it right there!" The Equestrians gasped as they heard a familiar raspy voice and saw a familiar rainbow contrail. "You wanna fight someone on his own? Tough luck, 'cause here's the backup!" "Rainbow Dash!" "What is this?" the monk asked in surprise. "What are you? And why do you speak in the same tongue as us humans?" "Neer mind that. Let us help you!" said Shining Armor. "Let's go!" the cyan pegasus shouted. Luna summoned a magic beam from her horn, followed by Edward attacking with his lyre. Rydia unleashed her Blizzard magic weakening the creature. Just then, the Bomb grew and changed shape! Needless to say, the ponies were taken by surprise, especially Rainbow Dash. "WHAT THE...?!" "You were right, Edward! This ISN'T a normal Bomb!!" said Cadence. "Quick! Take this thing out before it blows!!" Twilight then had an idea; she whispered into Rydia's ear. The child then began chanting while the others were busy with the large Bomb. Suddenly, Rydia's ice magic combined with Twilight's own magic and went straight through the mutant Bomb. The monk focused all of his energy and delivered yet another flying kick. Cecil unleashed a dark wave from his sword. The Bomb then roared and collapsed. The monster was vanquished; suddenly, the bodies of Cadence and Luna began to glow once more. Just then, a bright light emitted from them. The rest shielded their eyes. The light began to dim, and the two princesses looked upon themselves to discover they had regained their horn and wings respectively. "You have saved my life... and for that, I am eternally grateful. I am Yang Fang Leiden, high monk of Fabul," he said, introducing himself. "I came out here to train with my men, but all of them were killed by a swarm of beasts. They were Fabul's finest monks," he spoke somberly. "My name is Cecil, and we bring urgent news to Fabul," the dark knight said. "A villain named Golbez is abusing Baron's authority to seize the world's Crystals," Rosa added. "Then he covets our Wind Crystal as well." "That's right," said Shining Armor. "There can be no doubt," said Edward. "He easily seized the Earth Crystal of Damcyan a few days ago." "Then the odds are against us. The only monks left in the castle are but mere students; they stand little chance against Baron's forces." "So this Golbez guy you're talking about... He's probably the one who sent those monsters after you, including that big Bomb we just took out!" Rainbow concluded; everyone else nodded in agreement. "It would appear an attack is imminent. I must go!" "Wait!" Cadence cried out. "We're not letting you go face him alone. Let us join you," said Shining Armor. "We will lend you our aid," Cecil added. "I am grateful for you saving my life. However, this does not concern you," Yang argued. "But it already does!" Twilight countered. "For I am the Prince of Damcyan," Edward stated. "Rosa and I are citizens of Baron and this girl is one of the many victims of our kingdom's recent attacks... which I have personally led," Cecil stated with guilt, looking away. "And we ponies are targets of Baron," said Shining Armor. "They tried to have me killed in this girl's village, but for some reason when they attacked Damcyan, Golbez spared Princess Cadence's life and yet they killed everyone else." "That... is quite puzzling," Yang remarked. "To be honest, I did not expect such company. Especially these four-legged creatures from another world... However, you did help save me and thus hae proven yourselves helpful and trusting. Very well, I humbly accept your assistance." "Thank you," said Shining. "Let's head on to Fabul then. Quickly." Everyone agreed. Following the monk, the party left Mount Hobs behind and resumed their march through the field until, finally, they approached their destination. "Say, Rainbow Dash," said Twilight. "Yeah?" the blue pegasus replied. "How did you get your wings back?" "Wasn't easy, Twilight. I fought tons and tons of monsters tryin' to get to you guys. So, um... Where's Spike?" Twilight stopped. "That's the thing. I didn't even think about Spike until now," she said with guilt. Spike... Where could he be? Twily must be worried about him, Shining Armor thought to himself. Several days ago... Spike awakened and found himself alone in the halls of a stone castle. He scanned his surroundings and found nopony in sight. "Twilight!!" he cried. "Rarity? Rainbow Dash! Applejack?! Pinkie Pie! Fluttershy? Princess Cadence? Shining Armor! Princess Luna?!" None answered his calls. "This is getting creepy." The dragon wandered the halls, not noticing a mysterious, sinister figure shadowing him... > Chapter 7: Enter Golbez > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Crystal Empire Princess Celestia let out a weary sigh. It had been several days since her sister and niece left for the Chamber of Crystals, and it wasn't easy raising Flurry Heart by herself, especially since she had to raise the sun and the moon in her sister's absence. Then again, she did the same thing for the past thousand years since Luna had become Nightmare Moon. She looked upon her niece once more and smiled warmly, cuddling her. "I wonder how your partents and the others are doing now?" she asked herself. Fabul Upon reaching the kingdom of Fabul, our heroes had witnessed no signs of an attack from Baron; therefore Fabul was safe... for the moment. "Before I introduce you to the king," said Yang, "there is someone I must see." The group, although confused, did as he said. They followed him and came across a woman the same age as him. "Sheila!" "Yang, honey! I'm glad you're safe," the woman said. From the conversation, the rest gathered they were married. "Where have you been, off loafing again?" she said in a teasing manner, causing the girls to giggle. "Ah, yes, this is my wife," said Yang, rubbing the back of his head. "We got that the first time," said Twilight. "My goodness! That little creature just spoke just now!" Sheila gasped. "Yes. It surprised me, too. Anyway, these ponies along with Cecil and his companions came to my aid on Mt. Hobs." Sheila stood still but quickly regained her senses. "Oh. Well, that was mighty kind of you. Hey, hon, don't you have some please you gotta be? I heard the King's waitin' for you." Yang bowed and kissed his wife's hand. As he and the others turned to leave, Applejack stayed behind. "Ah didn't expect one of our new folks to be married," she said. "I didn't expect talking ponies. You're not from around here, are ya?" The orange earth pony chuckled. "Was it that obvious?" Sheila chuckled as well. "Yo, Applejack! Hurry up!" said Rainbow Dash from afar. "Comin', Rainbow!" She turned to Sheila. "Well, I'm off. Take care!" She immediately ran off and found the others as they entered the throne room and knelt before the king. "Ah, Yang! You have returned!" "Yes, my liege. However..." "Would you do me the favor of introducing me to your guests?" "We have come to safeguard the Crystal. This castle's defenses must be tightened, immediately," said Cecil. "Yang, can this dark knight and his companions be trusted?" the king asked, eyeing our heroes, especially on the ponies. "Yes, sire. They risked their lives to help me," the monk replied. "Sire, Baron's fleet decimated Damcyan and claimed our Crystal not long ago. Many died, including my parents and my beloved. Damcyan's tragedy must not be repeated!" The king closed his eyes and nodded. "Forgive my suspicions. Yang, mobilize the men for battle. Prince Edward, dark knight, will you help us defend Fabul?" "They have already offered their help, sire," said Yang. "We will join the forward guards at the main gate." "Very well. Will the ladies assist our medic?" "Yes, sire," Rosa replied. "What about us ponies?" Shining asked. "I can join the front." "Ah reckon me and Rainbow will join up front, too," said Applejack. "I'll stay with Rosa just in case," said Twilight. "As will I," Rarity added. "Maybe I can join you Rosa," said Cadence. "What exactly can you ponies think you can do?" "You really wanna know?" asked Rainbow Dash. "Ah reckon we oughta prove it to ya. Follow me," said Applejack. *music fades out* The whole group did as the orange earth pony said. Applejack and Rainbow Dash walked together and saw three goblin-like creatures approach her alongside what appeared to be sword rats, except these were called Gatlinghogs. Rainbow Dash nodded and flew up to the sky, looked around for a storm cloud and bucked it, triggering a lightning strike. Applejack then delivered a powerful kick to the domovoi in the middle, sending into a distant tree. The others quickly ran away. Needless to say, the humans were astounded by the earth pony's strength and the pegasus' ability to manipulate a storm cloud. "Not bad, huh?" Rainbow said confidently. The king was at a loss for words. "Incredible," said a shocked Yang. "Well..." Everyone held their breath. "You may join us." "ALRIGHT!!" Later... Along the front lines were Cecil, Yang, Edward, Shining Armor, Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Each stood still like a statue, not moving a muscle. A front man from the top of castle approached and proclaimed, "They're here!" As if on cue, soldiers from Baron--accompanied by a swarm of monsters--approached the front gate. "I got this!" she said. Before she could reach her target, she was suddenly pushed back by an unseen force. "Rainbow Dash!" Finding themselves cornered, our heroes retreated further into the castle, just one floor away from the Crystal. "The king has already retreated into a safe place along with the women and children. It is our duty to lure the enemy away... and crush them!" Shining Armor turned around and saw one of the guards fumbling with the lock to the throne room. "Look!" Sure enough, the guard in question was messing with the lock; a click came out, unlocking the throne room! "You fool! What are you doing?!" Yang yelled. "He's one of them!" Edward realized. "A spy?!" Cecil questioned. The guard turned to face our heroes and revealed his true form: a gargoyle! "Why you...!" Rainbow leapt and grabbed the creature, intending to slam it down to the ground. However, the gargoyle grabbed the cyan pegasus and threw her down instead. "Rainbow!" Applejack quickly ran to Rainbow's side and gave her a potion. Seeing this, Rarity glared at the floating creature and fired a crystalized beam toward it. Unfortunately, the gargoyle was blasted right toward the gate, allowing more enemies to pass through. Just then, a light purple aura enveloped them. The three alicorns teleported in between her friends and the invading army. "I've got this! GO!" Twilight commanded. "As have I," said Luna. "Count me in," Cadence added. Doing as they said, the party quickly escaped to the next floor. "Twily, Princess Luna, Cadence..." "We will protect the Crystal." At that point, the three princesses were shoved through the gate. "Princesses!" "Something... or someone... pushed us through with some kind of magic," said Luna. "No way! You think that's what happened to me?" asked Rainbow. Suddenly, the Baron army stormed through with more soldiers and monsters. "We can't keep this up!" Shining pointed out. "This is hopeless!" Rarity cried. "My magic's just about out!" "As is mine," Luna added. "And mine," an exhausted Twilight stated. "We are outnumbered," Yang observed. "Withdraw to the Crystal's altar!" Our heroes quickly retreated to the altar and stood between the Crystal and their enemies. Shining Armor looked upon his allies and saw that they were truly exhausted from the battles so far. Just then their ears picked a new set of footsteps approaching the chamber. When Cecil and Shining saw who it was, they dropped their stances. "Kain! You're alive!" said a relieved Cecil. "Thank Celestia you're here!" said Shining Armor. Twilight and Cadence couldn't believe their eyes. The dragoon they had heard about the previous day appeared before their very eyes. So... this is Kain Highwind, Cadence thought to herself. "You got a dragoon for a friend? AWESOME!!" Rainbow Dash said excitedly. "You must fight with us!" "Gladly, Cecil..." said the dragoon, unsheathing his lance... and pointing it at Cecil's direction. "I'll fight only with you!" Twilight and Shining gasped. "What?!" said Cecil. "No...! It can't be... You must be under Golbez's control!" "Silence!" The dragoon charged at the the dark knight; Cecil blocked the lance with his blade, struggling to gain a foothold. "Kain! Stop this!" The Equestrians stood by themselves in shock seeing their friend refuse to fight his attacker. After all, this man was supposed to have been his childhood friend. By that point, a tired Cecil lowered his sword, allowing Kain to strike with a horizontal swipe of his lance, scarring the dark knight's armor and bringing him down to one knee. Applejack and Rainbow Dash ran over to Cecil's side. "You stay back! This is between me and him," Kain warned. "No way!" said Rainbow as Yang approached his comrade. "Please stop!" Upon uttering those words, Rosa arrived at the chamber pleading for Kain to cease his assault. At that moment, Kain hesitated. His hand shook, as if he realized what he was about to do, especially in front of Rosa. "What is the matter, Kain?" said an unfamiliar deep voice. Everyone turned to the stairs behind Kain, hearing heavy clanking footsteps... and they saw him emerging from the stairs: an imposing eight-foot tall man clad in dark blue and black armor with gold trimmings and a helmet with tall horns, concealing his face. The lining of his cape was colored red and blue. While most of the humans towered over the ponies, this man towered over everyone in the altar, making the Ponyville ponies look like insects. "Golbez!" cried Edward with a mixture of anger and dread. "So... you're Golbez!" said Cecil. "And you are Cecil, I presume?" Golbez mused. "Never hesitate to kill, Kain. Now see how it is done!" "Oh, no ya don't!" Applejack warned; she and Rainbow along with the two men stand in defiance. "You want this crystal? You're gonna have to go through us!" said Rainbow Dash. "I did not come to deal with worms," he said, blasting Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Shining Armor, Edward and Yang away, effortlessly defeating them. "Shining Armor!!" Twilight and Cadence cried. "Kain, grab the Crystal." "Yes, master," said Kain. The dragoon walked up to the Wind Crystal and grabbed it. "Kain, please!" a teary-eyed Rosa said. "You can't do this!" "No, Rosa!" said Cecil. Shining Armor stood firm. As did Luna, Cadence and Twilight. "Be still, sorcerer!" "So you're Princess Luna," Golbez observed, shocking everyone present. "How can this be?" Luna said almost softly. "How have you come to known--" Before the princess could finish, the armored villain pushed her aside and into a nearby wall. "Aunt Luna!" Cadence cried. She tried to run towards her aunt but was caught by Golbez. "All too easy," he said. Golbez then turned to Rosa. "You cherish this woman, do you not?" He then eyed Cadence. "And... this mare. I believe we have met, haven't we... Princess Cadence?" The ponies gasped once more. "Don't you DARE!" Shining Armor said, weakly. "Then I shall take them with me to raise the stakes." As the sorcerer moved toward Rosa, Shining Armor charged toward him only to be knocked aside. "Shining!" Cadence cried. With our heroes incapacitated, Golbez grabbed Rosa by the arm and used his magic to place Cadence in a magical orb. "I have four prisoners now. Until next time." The sorcerer then left the chamber taking the white mage and the Princess of Love with him. "ROSA!!" "CADENCE!!" Before leaving with the Crystal, the mind-controlled dragoon sneered at his old friend. "You were lucky, Cecil... But the next time we meet, your luck will run out." Shining Armor collapsed as did Cecil. Their loved ones were taken away along with the Crystal of Wind, and they were powerless to stop the one responsible. A storm of emotions raged within the two knights: guilt, anger, and sorrow... Cadence... I'm so sorry... Rydia then went over to Twilight and healed her with a hi-potion. "Thank you, Rydia," said Twilight. "But..." "Rosa was taken away," Edward added. "So was Princess Cadence," a guilty Rainbow said. "And the Crystal..." said Yang. "Rosa..." "Cadence... If anything happens to them, I'll... I'll...!" "We have to save them," said Shining Armor. "But... that Golbez..." Twilight said fearfully. "You saw what happened right? He's the most dangerous enemy I think we've ever faced." "That was my fault," said Rainbow Dash. "I shouldn't have challenged him like that." "That was mah fault, too, Rainbow," Applejack added. "Didn't think he'd take us down so quickly. Guess we gotta keep up on our toes from now on." "I agree," Luna answered grimly. Everyone nodded in agreement. "We'll help you, Cecil," said Shining. "We'll save Rosa and Cadence, and then we'll stop Golbez before he does any more harm," said Twilight. "But..." "Four prisoners? Rosa... Cadence... Who could the other two be...?" "I have no idea, but it can't be good," said Luna. Golbez... If or when we meet again, I will uncover your schemes and stop you, Luna thought to herself. No... Not only I, but my fellow Equestrians... and my new human companions... Still... Who are you really...?