Logic Falls

by Arial_Dreemmurr

First published

A pair of twins arrive at their new school and quickly catch the attention of the main 7. They grow a friendship but also soon discover they are no normal kids. Now they just need to find out why while things around them get weirder and weirder.

It's been several years since the events of Weirdmageddon and everything seemed to have been defeated and back to normal.

That was until recently when Stanford found a strong aura of weirdness coming from a small place somewhere on the other side of the earth, which he soon found the reason for.

Now, the pine twins are out on a mission to find out what's going on there, while living the normal life of an average teenager in the process.

And while they are living the normal life at their new school, they find a group of girls that soon grab their attention as they find out more about each other's lives.

The main 7 also soon find the weird side of them and are more than interested to find out more about their new friends, finding a whole new world in the process.

Dipper and Mabel are aged up to High School age. (about 15/16 years of age) They're of similar age as the main 7 during the events of the story.

They still have the same personality and interests as the ones from the show.

Their older design can be seen in the cover art I made.

This is a cross-over between Gravity Falls and Equestria Girls. This is what happens when you get very deep into two fandoms. You fuse them together!

So yea, hope you enjoy the story!

More is on the way! ;b

Chapter 1: A pair of new people.

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It was a morning like any other. Many busses from all corners showed up and brought the students of Canterlot High to their classes. That was, except for one pair who came in a slightly beat-up car.

"And remember kids, answer sheets are in the teacher's desks. Trust me, you're gonna need them." An older-looking man said to them from inside his car before speeding off.

Now, the pair stood at the sidewalk, looking up at their new school. "Woah! It's so big! Do you see that statue, Dipper! It's a unicorn!" The girl said before pointing at it and running towards it.

"Mabel, wait up!" The boy, Dipper, caught up with his sister. "I know it's exciting but we have to keep the focus on our mission." He looked back at her. "You still remember that, right?"

"Of course I do! But that doesn't stop me from having some fun! Now, I want to see the inside!" The girl ran off again. The boy followed as they made their way inside.

Mabel gasped loudly as they entered. "It's even better than the outside!" She noted as her eyes quickly scanned the area. "It looks almost magical!" The girl said as her eyes lit up.

Dipper nodded. "It does look really nice." He said before looking back at his sister. "But we should get going. The sooner we get through that tour, the sooner we can start what we came here to do."

"I can't wait to see more of this place! Let's go!" Mabel ran in one of the paths before her head peeked back out. "Uhm, do you know where we're supposed to go, Dipper?"

"Uhm.." Dipper thought for a few seconds. "My best guess is the principal's office. Maybe we can ask some of the others around here?"

Mabel nodded before running up to the nearest people she saw. "Hey there, I'm Mabel! And this is my brother, Dipper! We're looking for a way to get to the principal's office."

Dipper came to stand next to her. "Yea, all of that. We're new around here."

They just smiled and pointed to their right. "Follow that hall over there and you should see a door with that label."

"Thanks so much, kind strangers! Off to the principal!" Mabel smiled before getting Dipper's hand and walking off.

As they walked through the halls, they saw lots of students look their way as they come past them. Mabel happily waved at most of them as Dipper just kept a small smile up.

They eventually got to a door with the label they were looking for. "Great, we're here." Dipper smiled before quietly knocking on the door. It took a few seconds for the door to open revealing a tall woman with wavy hair. Dipper's smile soon turned shyer. "Uhm... H-Hey principal, miss. I-I'm Dipper and this is-"

"I'm Mabel!" Mabel soon cut in. "My brother's not good at introductions, but I am! We're new here."

Principal Celestia soon showed a smile. "Now that you say it, I was expecting some new students today. Welcome to Canterlot High Dipper and Mabel. I presume you two are here for the school tour?" Both soon nodded. "Then, I'll have principal Luna here with you both soon. In the meantime, you two can come in to pick up your school schedules and learn some of the school rules."

They entered the principal's office and after getting everything they needed, they soon started their tour around the school.

Having been through the first few classes, students finally had their lunch breaks at the cafeteria. So did a group of seven friends that were already together at a table. They were chatting and eating their lunch like usual when one of them noticed something. Or rather someones.

"Hey, who are those two over there with principal Luna? I've never seen them here before." Sunset spoke up before pointing at the pair at the other side of the cafeteria.

Pinkie's head looked up, clearly excited. "They must be new! We have to go greet them! I can't wait to-"

"Now, hol' up, Pinkie." Apple Jack stopped her before she could leave the table. "Looks like they're in the middle of somethin'. Maybe later."

Rarity nodded. "Yea, dear. It would be rude to interrupt them like that."

"Especially in front of principal luna." Twilight continued.

Pinkie sat down again but still looked excited. "You're right, but when they're done I'll be ready!"

They continued their lunch as Pinkie kept a close eye on the new students.

"And lastly, the cafeteria. It is currently lunch break so you two should get something to eat." Luna said before handing them both a tray and showing them the large desks with all kinds of food on them. "So, this should be it. If you have any more questions, you can ask any time. Now, enjoy the rest of your day." Luna smiled before leaving.

The pair looked down at the food in confusion and slight disgust.

"This is the food!? Wendy warned me about this but I didn't think It would be THIS bad..." Dipper said with his face matching the feelings he felt.

Mabel nodded. "Yea... But don't worry, bro-bro, I got you!" She got her bag and pulled out two lunch boxes.

Dipper quickly got his. "Oh, thank goodness you brought actual food with you! Mabel, you're amazing!"

"I know, I know. I do my research too, Dips!" Both laughed as they put the trays aside.

"Now we just need to find a place to sit," Dipper said as he looked across the many tables. "What do you think, sis?"

Mabel took a look at every table and saw one that she liked. "That one!" As she pointed at the table, she quickly saw one of the heads look up in excitement. "Look, they're already greeting us!"

Dipper got doubt on his face. "I don't know, Mabel... That's a full girls group. Maybe I should go sit somewhere else.." He tried to walk away to another table when Mable stopped him.

"No!" Mabel got his arm. "Who cares if you're the only guy there? I want to have my lunch with you! Now let's go sit with them!" Dipper didn't really have a choice in the matter as he was soon dragged along by his sister towards the table.

Once they got there, Mabel quickly showed a smile and introduced herself. "Hey there! I'm Mabel and this is my Brother, Dipper! Can we sit here?"

"Absolutely! Quick, take a seat!" One of the girls, Pinkie Pie, quickly smiled.

Both sat down, with Dipper a little more slowly than Mabel showing a more shy smile.

"You guys are new here, right?" Rainbow Dash said before receiving a nod from both of them. "Well, nice to meet ya. The name's Dash."

Pinkie Pie soon spoke up too. "And I'm Pinkie Pie! It's so super duper exciting to see new people here! I can't wait to befriend the two of you!" She said showing a big smile.

"B-Befriend?" Dipper quietly blushed.

Mabel's eyes soon lit up. "Yes! I'd love to be friends! All of you!" She said as a big smile

"Same for me! This is perfect!" Both girls now smiled excitedly with Dipper quietly sinking into his seat.

Sunset later silenced the two. "Yea, but let's tone it down a little.." She did a gesture towards to other students in the cafeteria only for the others to see they had all eyes on them.

"Aw, man..." Dipper muttered as he tried to avoid eye contact with the big crowd. But luckily for him, most people lost interest quickly and once they looked away, he sat up again.

Sunset smiled now, looking over at the two. "So, anyway... I'm Sunset Shimmer." She introduced herself. "Did you two move or?"

"Yep, We did." Dipper quickly responded, showing a smile. "We're from a small place called gravity falls. Not a lot of people know about it."

"Yea, there's like a whole enchanted forest with monsters and other magical beings! Oh, and a demonic triangle trying to destroy the world! But we stopped him!" Mabel added before she got a certain look from Dipper. "B-But I made that all up just now. None of that is real at all, right Dipper?" She looked over to see Dipper simply facepalm.

"Right.." Apple Jack broke the silence. "Well, welcome at Canterlot High. You're sure to like it here."

Dipper showed a smile as he responded. "Heh, nice to know. But we probably won't be here for long. Just for a little while."

Rarity looked over at him with a confused face, and maybe some blushing. "How so? How long are you staying here?"

"We just got in... Certain situations.." Dipper replied, looking to the side. "And we had to go here. This was the best school nearby so, yea." He finished before letting out a small nervous chuckle.

"You know, my brother's really smart!" Mabel looked over at Dipper with a smile. "At our last school, he was the top of the class! He still is!"

Dipper just got a small smile. "C-Come on Mabel. I'm not THAT smart.."

"Yes, you Are! You got that apprenticeship with Stanford and everything!" Mabel gave him a wink. "Just saying~"

"Well, I guess I am pretty smart. But I don't like to brag about it, you know that." Dipper said before receiving a quick nod from Mabel.

Twilight showed interest now too. "You mean that famous Stanford guy on the news who made a portal to all possible dimensions in the universe!? You know him!?"

Dipper returned a nod. "Yep, he's our Grunkle. But we've only known him for the past few years. It's pretty complicated..." Rarity quickly blushed before he continued. "But that's not important.. We'll only be here for a few weeks, anyway."

"Yea, that's really sad. Especially with so many new people, I'd have to say goodbye to..." Mabel said looking down at her feet.

Pinkie quickly cut in. "Don't be upset! You may not be here for long but that doesn't mean we don't get to have fun! We can have lunch and classes together every day!"

Mabel's smile soon returned too. "Sounds fantastic! I can't wait! It will be so much fun!"

They sat together at the table for the rest of the lunch break and ate their lunches before the bell rang.

"Oh, time for class! Dipper, do you have the schedules?" Mabel said as she and Dipper got off their seat.

"Yea, I got it all in my bag, don't worry." He pulled Mabel's schedule out handed it over.

Her smile changed into disappointment. "Aww, we don't have the same classes.."

"Yea.." Dipper looked down at his before showing her a smile. "But we can meet up at breaks. It's only a few small hours."

"I guess you're right.." Mabel put her schedule in her bag and turned to her new friends. "It was really fun with all of you! I'll be back next time for sure!" She then turned to her brother. "Now, I don't want to be late! Let's go Dip!"

Dipper followed her as they left the cafeteria. "Right behind you!"

As they left, Pinkie yelled towards them. "SEE YOU LATER MABEL!!!" She received a big wave from Mabel before the pair left. When they did, Pinkie showed a smile as she got her bag. "I like them! They're super nice!"

"Yea, I like them too. They're very interesting." Sunset smiled.

"Interesting indeed." Rarity sighed as she put a hand on her cheek, as a dreamy smile got on her face.

Apple Jack was the first to notice. "Ah know that look. You got a new crush don't ya?"

Rarity looked the other way, still smiling. "Maybe, but how can I not? He's like a perfect guy from my romance novels! Smart with a successful career, has a mysterious backstory and he's fairly good looking too~!"

"I can't take this seriously.." Dash said as she rolled her eyes at her.

"Can't either." Sunset agreed before getting her bag. "But if you like him, you do you. We should really get going." They all nodded as they packed up their bags and left for their next classes.

Chapter 2: Getting familiar.

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Dipper had his schedule out as he walked around the school, trying to remember the tour, as he looked for the right classroom. After a few minutes of searching, he finally found the room he was looking for.

"305... Found it!" He said before quietly knocking on the door. The door soon opened as he saw the teacher look down on him. "H-Hey Miss... Is this the biology class?" He said as he showed his schedule.

She showed him a nice smile. "It is. You must be Dipper Pines. Welcome to your first class here." She said as she let him in.

As he entered, he saw a familiar face from earlier. It was Fluttershy. She noticed him too and showed him a smile as she gave him a small wave.

The teacher spoke up again. "Everyone, attention!" Each student's head looked up as the teacher signed for Dipper to come in front of the class. He did and the teacher continued. "We have a new student today. Dipper, would you like to introduce yourself to the class."

He felt some anxiety as he looked into the full class of students. "S-Sure... So, uh... My name is Dipper Pines and I uh.." He felt his voice cut off as more student's eyes locked on him.

The teacher noticed and stepped in again. "Very well, Dipper. Now, why don't you go find a seat?"

Dipper nodded and walked over to the closest clear table he could find while keeping from making eye contact with as many people as possible as he felt the embarrassment from before catching up to him.

He got the seat next to Fluttershy, somewhere near the back of the class, and let out a sigh as he sat down.

As the teacher started their lecture, Fluttershy quietly whispered to him. "H-Hey, uhm.. Are you okay..?" Fluttershy quietly asked before she saw his head turn her way.

"Oh, yeah, totally. I didn't just completely embarrass myself in front of a whole class or anything..." He said looking back down. "I'm just not good at introductions like this. With everyone's eyes on me. But, it's okay if you don't get it. It's pretty dumb.."

Fluttershy looked slightly surprised before responding. "Oh, no it's fine. I completely understand. I have the same problems myself whenever I have eyes on me. My ability to act normal just falls apart seemingly out of nowhere."

Dipper looked back at her with surprise, yet also of relief. "Wait, really?"

"Yea." Fluttershy nodded as she showed him a smile. "But yours wasn't that bad. I've had way worse.." She let out a small nervous laugh as her face turned into a slight embarrassment.

"Oh, wow." Dipper chuckled. "I guess if you say so.. But I still embarrassed myself.. I know shouldn't care so much, but I can't help it."

Fluttershy gave him a nod as she understood his worries. "I know that feeling. But they probably won't even remember it the next day. That's how I like to think about it, at least..."

"Yea, you're probably right.." Dipper smiled before their attention was brought back to the teacher. When they turned away again and weren't paying attention, Dipper turned back to Fluttershy. "Hey, thanks for just now. It was nice telling someone who actually knows how I feel."

Fluttershy heard and turned to him now too. "Oh, it's no problem at all." She continued. "But did you really have no one that feels the same as you before?"

He simply shook his head. "Nope. Mabel doesn't ever care what people think of her and there isn't much for anyone else either. The closest is my Grunkle Stan maybe but he doesn't like to share his feelings with people."

He explained before Fluttershy responded. "I see... Well, just know I'm always here. And my friends too. They've helped me through my anxiety for a very long time." She smiled.

"I guess. But it's only with introductions, really, so I don't see it as something to need that much help for. I'll be fine." He gave her a smile as he finished. "But thanks anyway. I appreciate it."

"Again, it's no problem. I'm always happy to help." She finished as she saw him look back in front of him at the teacher who was almost done with the lesson. She paid attention for the last few minutes too until they were told to pack up.

Fluttershy turned to Dipper to see him looking across his schedule. "Do you need help with that?"

He looked at her before responding. "Do you know where classroom 10 is?"

"Oh, sure." She smiled as she continued. "It's all the way down in the basement. Oh, and in case you have any trouble with the others, every floor is a hundred numbers higher. Like, for example, room 305 is on the third floor and so on."

"Oh wow, thanks." He put his schedule away and got his bag. "Well, I better get going. I'll see you another time, probably."

Fluttershy chucked before waving as he left. She smiled as she got her bag and also left for her next class.

Meanwhile, Mabel had a better time finding her first class as she took her time to ask others that were around. She soon understood the system and knew where to go.

"Classroom 12, here I come!" She said as she slid down the railing of the stairs. When she came down she looked around the area for the class she was searching for. After a small minute, she found where she was supposed to be. "Yes, found it!"

She then excitedly knocked on the door before seeing a man open the door. Once he saw her, he gave her a smile. "You must be Mabel Pines. Am I correct?" Mabel quickly nodded as he continued. "Amazing to see you. Seeing as this is your first art class here, I might as well take you through the rules and what we do here." He said as he let her in.

Once she stepped into the classroom, she immediately recognized a face there.

She let out a gasp as a smile appeared on her face. "Hey there, Pinkie Pie!" She also started waving, trying to grab the girl's attention.

She did and received the same smile. "Mabel! You're here too! This is amazing!"

Both smiled until Mabel's attention was brought back to the teacher. "Seems like you are already familiar with someone here." The teacher walked over to Pinkie's table where Mabel soonly followed. "Why don't you help her during today's class. You two seem to like each other."

Pinkie Pie quickly nodded. "Sure thing! I'll show you all the fun we can do, just you wait!" Pinkie cleared the table next to her and Mabel quickly sat down.

The teacher left and went to stand at the board to start the lecture. Once he finished, he looked over at Mabel. "And lastly, we have a new student. Mabel, would you like to introduce yourself to the class?"

"Of course!" Mable got up from her seat with a smile. "Hey everyone, I'm Mabel! I'm from a small place called Gravity Falls! My brother is also at this school but he has different classes right now." Once she was finished, Mabel sat back down.

"Very well Mabel." The teacher finished. "Now, you all can work on the new assignment. I want something back from everyone at the end of the class. And remember to be creative with your works!"

Pinkie soon turned to Mabel. "So, what are you going to make? I'm going to make a fun mask! It sounds really fun!"

"It does!" Mabel laughed before replying. "I'm not sure yet. But I am sure that it's going to be something amazing!"

Both laughed as they started crafting their craft. Mabel soon got the idea of making clips to add to her sweater. She had all the material for it and she loved adding something to her sweaters to make them stand out.

"Okay, listen, I got something!" Mabel said as she turned to Pinkie. "So, I just got a great idea!"

Pinkie looked excited to hear it. "Ooh! Tell me!"

"My idea is to use these clips from the material box and decorate them! Then, I add them to my sweater!" She got one of the clips and put it against a part of her sweater. "You see, like this!"

"That sounds amazing! It will look so colorful! I love it!" Pinkie smiled before turning away. "Hold on!" She got the mask she was working on from her table and showed it to Mabel. "This is what I got so far! What do you think? Great isn't it?"

She then put it in front of her face. It was clearly not done but it already had a lot of colors and most importantly, lots of glitters everywhere. It was almost enough to blind someone, even though it wasn't even done yet.

But Mabel didn't seem to mind or even notice. "Most definitely! So much glitter!"

"What can I say? You can never have enough glitter!" Pinkie smiled followed by a laugh from both of them.

"Oh so true! You bet these things will have all the glitter too!" She got her clips again. "These will be amazing, I know it!" She smiled before they both turned to work on their projects again.

She made sure to not miss any colors while she decorated the clips and even used some stickers she had in her backpack. She also used lots of glitters that went everywhere but it was all worth it, seeing the shiny, colorful result in front of her at the end.

"Okay, everyone. The hour is almost over. I'd love to see everything everyone has made today!" The teacher announced to the class as he began walking across everyone's table.

"I can't wait 'till he sees mine! I bet he won't even recognize me!" Pinkie smiled before putting the mask in front of her face.

Mabel laughed as she turned to her friend, revealing a bunch of small and large clips with all kinds of designs pinned to her sweater. "Wait 'till he sees this!"

As they shared their creations together, they were caught off guard by the teacher who stood at their table. "I see you two have been really creative this hour. I love the designs, girls." He smiled, seeing what they've made.

Mabel's smile grew as she heard what he said to them. "Thanks, here!" She got one of her pins and gave it to him. "Since you like them so much." She said with a smile.

"Heh, thank you, Mabel. I'll make sure to keep it somewhere safe." He said before putting it in his pocket. He soon finished the tour around everyone's table and ended the class.

Mabel was getting off her seat and was about to head out when Pinkie Pie stopped her. "Wait, I got something for you!

She turned to see Pinkie getting something from her pocket. "What is it, Pinkie?"

Pinkie soon pulled out two small bracelets with beads in all colors of the rainbow. "Here, I made you a friendship bracelet! I also got one myself! Now we'll be great friends forever!" She smiled as she handed it to Mabel.

Mabel soon got it and wore it with a huge smile. "Wow, it's amazing! Thanks, Pinkie! I love it!" She soon gave her new friend a warm hug. They shared the embrace before Mabel said goodbye and left the classroom to go to her new class.

Dipper entered his next class with a good motivation to make his next introduction worth remembering. With the chat he had with Fluttershy earlier, he felt more confident this time around.

Knowing how the school's classroom system worked, he found his next class way quicker than before. Once he got to where he was supposed to be, he quickly double-checked, getting his schedule out.

"Classroom 10, mechanics." He checked the door label and confirmed it. "Yep, this is it!" He put his schedule back in his bag and, seeing how the door was open, walked into the classroom.

He first noticed all the workbenches and work tools inside. Along with all kinds of materials like wood, metal and even wire to an extend.

He was soon noticed by the teacher who quickly came to welcome his new student. "Hello there, I'm guessing you're Dipper Pines." He quickly confirmed and he continued. "Great! How about you get to a clear workbench and I'll have you introduced to the class soon."

"Will do, sir." Dipper smiled as he went back to the teacher's desk. He then looked out at his options where he noticed a familiar face.

It was Apple Jack who was putting on all kinds of equipment at her workbench. After seeing the clear desk next to her, he made his move and took the space there before anyone else could.

He then turned to Apple Jack and saw she also already saw him. He gave her a smile. "Hey, AppleJack, right?"

"Yup." She soon nodded. "Nice to see ya again."

"Yeah, same here." He noticed all the equipment. "So, what's all of that for?"

At that moment, she had worker gloves and a helmet that went around most of her face. She also had a long coat on that covered most of her body and clothes.

She just finished adding goggles before she responded. "We'll be workin' with wood today. Ya wouldn't want any splinters in your eyes now would ya?"

"Oh, yeah, no thanks!" He soon said before continuing. "Where did you get that from, anyway?"

She pointed over at the other side of the classroom where a long set of clothing recks was with all the tools and equipment you could imagine. "It's over there. If ya have any trouble with them, just call."

He quickly showed a smile before making his way there. He got a coat from the rack and after closing all the buttons, found the rest. He added gloves, a helmet, and lastly, put on the goggles.

The coat was a little big for him but seeing no better size, he went with it and got back to the shared workbench.

When he got back, he looked back at Apple Jack. "How's this? Pretty sure I got everything now."

"Ya did, just one thing," She walked over to him and cuffed the part of his sleeves that was too long. "It's better to have your hands free. Ya wouldn't want your sleeve gettin' stuck between somethin' while workin'."

"Yeah, thanks." He said before they both shared a smile.

Soon after, Apple Jack went back to her workbench and the teacher started the class. "Good day, everyone. As you might already know, we're going to be doing something simple today." He looked over at Dipper. "We have a new student here today, so this lesson is to get used to things that you're not that good at. But first, you can introduce yourself."

Dipper had prepared this time so found it easier to do so. "Okay, so, I'm Dipper Pines. I moved here with my twin sister Mabel. So, yea, a new school." He still let out a small nervous laugh. It wasn't perfect, but it was better than before.

"Excellent! Now, you all can start. I've left everything you need here. Good luck, everyone." The teacher said before sitting back in his chair.

Dipper saw Apple Jack and the others go to the teacher's desk and followed to find copies of blueprints. "Oh, blueprints, of course." He soon got past the wall of other students around it and got one.

He then went back to his workbench to see Apple Jack showing him a smile. "Ya know how that works, or?"

"I think so.." He looked down at it and saw the instructions were simple enough. "Yeah, I can understand it."

"Well, good luck then." She showed him a smile before they both started.

Seeing the instructions on the blueprint, He soon got everything he needed for the project. It was a bird's house. Fairly simple, and with an option to decorate it also included.

"I'll leave that up for Mabel." He smiled seeing the result that was supposed to come out of it. "She would love something like this." He then started by getting to the first step.

He got everything for the step and started working on the piece. He'd learned enough workmanship from Wendy to know how things worked. So he had a simple enough time sawing things into pieces that fit and putting them together.

He just finished sawing the last piece he needed when he heard someone behind him. "You're pretty good at this. Ah didn't expect that." Apple Jack said.

He put the piece of wood with the many others he did and turned to respond. "Oh, yeah I learned it from a friend back at Gravity Falls. She's a lumberjack. She knows her stuff." He said before both let out a chuckle.

"What is it like?" He showed her a slightly confused face before she specified. "In Gravity Falls ah mean."

"Oh, yeah, it's a pretty cool place. It's small, but it has a lot of interesting things." He continued. "I and Mabel only used to come there once during summer to visit our Grunkle Stan but our parents soon moved near too after Mabel convinced them to."

She showed a quick smile. "Sounds like ya liked it there then. What happened to make it so that you two had to move." She asked, clearly curious.

He'd be kind of scared of this question. He didn't think of a good answer for that yet and hasn't really expected to have to answer it. But he had to say something. "W-We just had a small issue... We had to stay somewhere else before we could return. And this looked like a good place."

"Alright then..." She didn't look convinced but continued. "Well, for whatever time you'll be here, Ah'm sure that you'll have a good time." She showed him a smile that he soon returned.

They then kept working on the project. Since it was simple, most of the students finished it pretty quickly, with Dipper being one of them. He'd also spend some nice time with Apple Jack in the process.

"Looks like we're ahead of time." Apple Jack looked over at him, seeing that they both finished. "Are ya gonna decorate it?"

He shook his head. "No, I think I'll take it with me for Mabel to craft with it. She always enjoys those things and it would look better with her decorating anyway."

"Ah get that. Ah have a little sister too. Ah think I'll do the same." She then put the new build in her bag where it would be safe from damage.

Dipper did the same. "Yea, but we're twins so age is only different by a few minutes. She's just more on the creative, chaotic side of things, you know."

She nodded. "Yea, ah'm sure she'll like it."

They soon but the equipment back, and after one last speech from the teacher, Dipper said goodbye to her and left for his next and final class.

Mabel got her schedule out and saw that her next class was only a few rooms away. So, it didn't take too long for her to find where she was supposed to be. "Classroom 11, found it!"

It was the Drama classroom. And that was clear once she stepped in.

It was a pretty big area with one big podium and a lot of chairs in rows around it. There were also open curtains that contained a pathway to many different costumes and decore for on the stage.

Interested, she got closer to the curtains and recognized someone. It was Rarity, who was currently busy looking through the many rows of cloths on the reck.

Mabel quietly made her way there and when she was close, jumped in to surprise her. "Gotcha!"

Rarity soon turned around to see Mabel with a smile. "Oh, it's you. Mabel, right?"

"Yeah!" She smiled before continuing. "I didn't scare you too much, did I? I was too good to not do it!"

She showed a smile. "No, it's fine, darling. I've had worse."

Mabel soon got curious as her attention went to the clothing rack. "So, are we going to make a play or something? These look really cool!" She said as she started looking through them.

"We are. I don't know how your role will work, since you're new, but I'm sure we can find something for you." Rarity smiled. "Have you been in any plays before this one?"

She quickly received a nod. "Oh, definitely! I mean, it was more like a puppet play, but it still counts!"

"A puppet play?" Rarity's interest grew. "How did it go?"

"It was pretty alright, I guess. But we had some..." She paused for a second. "Interruptions.. So, we had to cut it short."

Mabel had looked through most of the reck now and joined Rarity as she took a seat. As she finished, Rarity showed a great amount of interest in the story. "Oh my, what happened?"

"I, uhm..." She had made a promise to Dipper and the others to not let anyone know about the weirdness of Gravity Falls, so her telling what went down with a certain triangle that day was not an option. "T-The puppets broke..?" She wasn't the best at lying but at least tried.

Rarity just looked at her for a few seconds. "All of them?"

"Y-Yep!" She quickly continued her story. "I-I had fireworks for the finale but they went off a bit too early..." It was part of the truth if that counts for anything.

"Well that's..." She paused before finding her words. "unfortunate... But this play is different. As long as the people that we need show up on time, we should be good." She showed a smile and soon received one back.

Shortly after that, they heard the teacher come into the room. "I'm here everyone! Is everyone ready?" The students around her cheered before she continued. "You all know your roles, practice your lines and if you need any assistance, I'll be backstage." She finished before walking past the curtains where Rarity and Mabel were.

She soon spotted Rarity and went over to her. "Rarity, dear, how are the costumes coming up?"

"Perfectly fine, miss! They should be ready before the big night." Rarity responded before the teacher noticed Mabel.

"Oh my, I didn't even introduce myself to the new student!" She then showed her a smile. "I'm Miss Blossom. And your name must be Mabel then. It's great to have you here with us today."

The teacher held out a hand that Mabel soon shook with a smile of her own. "It's great to be here too!" She looked over at Rarity for a second before looking back at the teacher. "I heard from Rarity we're making a play! Do I get a role?"

The teacher thought for a second before giving her an answer. "I'm not sure... We already have a story in which everyone has their role. It would be difficult to put you in without it affecting the pacing..." She then showed her a smile. "But, you can do something backstage if you want?"

"Like what?" Mabel asked, looking at both the teacher and Rarity.

Rarity's eyes lit up and showed a smile. "Mabel, you do know how to sew?"

"I don't but I do know how to knit sweaters!" She smiled pointing at her button-covered sweater.

Rarity let out a quick chuckle. "That's good too! You can help me with the clothes making!"

"That's a wonderful idea Rarity! So, I presume you two should be fine now?" They both nodded in response. "Perfect, good luck, girls~!" The teacher smiled before leaving to join the people practicing on stage.

Rarity got up and after looking through the clothes on the rack, she got a piece and handed it over to Mabel. "This is part of the costume for one of the heroes. It's a knitted cape so you should be able to work with it." Once she got it, she also gave her the fabric that belonged to it.

"Oh, sure thing! How long does it go on for?" She asked looking down at the bit that was already made.

"Here," Rarity said showing her the design drawn on paper. "This has the design and everything you need to know about its length and width."

Mabel got it and placed it next to her before showing her friend a smile. "Yea, I got this!" Rarity got her own piece too and they both started working, chatting as they did so.

"So, how are you liking this school?" Rarity asked first.

"It's really fun so far. And I'm sure my brother is having a good time as well!" She smiled.

Rarity quietly blushed, being reminded of a certain boy. "T-That's great to hear."

Mabel heard her voice and soon also noticed the blush on her face, no matter how hard she tried hiding it. "Wait a second, are you blushing~?"

"N-No!" She quickly denied. "W-Why would I be blushing!? I'm not blushing..."

Mabel just smiled, seeing it still on her face. "It's my brother isn't it?" Seeing as her face got redder, she considered her theory confirmed. "Yep, but it's okay. I'm not mad or anything. I think it's cute that you like him!"

Rarity looked over at her, the red fading off her face, little by little. "I'm glad, but you can't tell him! I-I mean, we just met an hour or two ago, he'll think I'm some crazy romantic."

"Don't worry, you got my word! I would love to see it play out by itself, anyway. That's way more fun~!" Mabel quickly joked.

Rarity showed her a smile. "Pinkie promise?"

"A what?" Mabel asked before getting her pinky finger out. "Like this?"

"No, darling. Watch," She then showed her how the Pinkie Promise worked. "Our friend Pinkie Pie made it up one day. If you make one, you can't ever break it."

Mabel nodded before doing the same thing. "Pinkie Promised!" Both shared a smile before continuing their work.

Seeing as they were both very skilled at what they did, they got through a lot of pieces, in good time. But, it couldn't go on forever as the bell to start the next class soon rang.

"Man, this was so much fun! I can't wait to do it again!" Mabel smiled, putting her last finished work back into the clothing rack.

Rarity soon nodded in agreement. "Same here. It's nice to get to know you better."

Once both of them got their bags, they said goodbye and left the classroom.

Dipper looked down at his schedule only to see the room he had to go to. "All the way at 301!? That's all the way up!" Seeing as he was in the basement right now, it would be a long and tiring way to go.

But he had to, so he turned to the closest stairs and started making his way up. He had three stairways to go to get to the top of the school building and already felt his legs get tired once he got off the first one.

"Come on, Dipper, only two more to go." He said to himself before going up to the next one.

Eventually, after a while of going upstairs, he got to the highest floor. "Okay, I'm up... That was harder than it had to be..." He then went looking for the classroom so he could hopefully sit down somewhere.

"301..." He skimmed through the halls before getting to a door with that label. "Finally, found it!"

She soon knocked and saw the teacher open and look down at him with a smile. "And who are you?"

"D-Dipper. Dipper Pines." he soon answered. "This is chemistry, right?"

"It is, and I know who you are Dipper. I was just joking. Now, come in so we can start." She let him in and saw him look over at the tables there. "You can take a seat wherever you like."

Dipper nodded before looking over his options. Instead of the set of tables in rows that he was used to, there were five large ones where students could put their chairs next to. Counting all sides, one table could fit four people.

Some of them were already full so he looked over at the others. That's when he noticed two familiar faces. It was Sunset and Twilight, who were chatting at their table together. He saw the two clear seats and took his chance.

Once he sat down, he saw Sunset already noticed him. "Oh, Dipper, you're here too?"

"Yeah, I'm surprised to see familiar faces here too." He smiled. "What do we do here?"

"That depends," Twilight started. "What class are you in. K or GL?"

He'd heard of that before and then remembered from where. "Wait, let me see." He got his schedule and saw "GL" written next to his name. "It says GL."

Both girls shared looks with each other for a few seconds before turning back to him. "T-That's our class too. I can't believe you got the same as us!" Sunset said before receiving a confused face from Dipper.

Twilight decided to explain. "This class is split into two paths. The K's and the GL's. And the GL side is generally harder than the K's. A place in the GL class is very rare the clear spots are saved for only the smartest students here!" She quickly blurted out in sheer excitement.

"I mean, Mabel did say you were smart, but I honestly thought she was exaggerating." Sunset shrugged. "It's just a surprise that's all." She smiled.

"Oh, alright then." He said as a smile returned on his face. "It's not too much harder, is it? Considering I barely even know what we do here."

Sunset shook her head. "We just have a few more assignments and things to learn for tests. So, you should be good." Sunset assured him before they heard the teacher start the lesson.

"Hello, boys and girls! We'll be doing a group project today about the effect of certain chemicals from this chapter when put together. But before that, we've got a new student to introduce themselves!" She then looked over at Dipper with the others around him following.

"So, I'm Dipper Pines. I moved here from Gravity falls with my twin sister Mabel." He finished feeling satisfied with what he said.

The teacher soon returned to the project topic. "Now, I want everyone to get into groups of at least three but no more than four. Can everyone do that?" She asked before receiving nods from pretty much everyone. "Excellent, then you may start by getting two chemicals from the closet and keeping track of the changes every half a minute. Good luck!"

Once the teacher finished explaining the assignment, Dipper turned to the two girls at his table. "Can I join you two?"

Sunset soon nodded. "Sure, you should come to sit closer to see it from close. Twilight's already out getting what we need."

"Great, do I need my book for this? Or any of the other papers it came with?" He asked, pulling his bag closer.

"Not really," Sunset then pointed at one of the smaller ones. "Only the Binas. There are names and information in there that could be useful. Oh, and a notebook to write things down!" She then turned to her own bag, getting out a small notebook.

Dipper did the same along with the Binas that Sunset suggested he would need. Twilight also soon returned with the necessary materials. She put them down on the table and sat back down.

"What did you get?" Sunset asked, before looking at the labels. "Oh! Water and sugar! That should make for a good combination for sure!"

"Not just that," Twilight pointed at the fire stand. "I figured seeing how heat affects the combination could be a good experiment too."

Sunset showed a smile. "Sounds great! But let's get some of the safety equipment first!"

"Safety equipment? What kind?" Dipper asked before Sunset pointed at a clothing reck.

"Over there, follow us." He did and they soon got to the clothing reck where lab coats and protective glasses were. Along with gloves and more. "You should see what fits first. It's important your sleeves aren't too long or the gloves don't fit."

He took the advice and soon picked one out that fit. He did have to cuff his sleeves but the rest fit perfectly. He then got the right glasses and tried on some of the gloves, eventually settling on a pair.

He noticed Sunset and Twilight were already done sometime before him and were waiting at the table.

Not wanting to keep them waiting for any longer, he quickly caught up. "Okay, I'm here. So, what's the plan?"

"Firstly, we will add the sugar to the water and let it sit for a minute, making note of what happened. Then, we put it above the fire for a few minutes and see what happens." Twilight explained.

Sunset slid the notebook to Dipper's side at the table. "If you want to, you can write down the changes. Since you're new to all of this." Dipper got it and Sunset showed him the page. "Just write the name of the project and all the preparations we need. Then the timestamps where we can write the effects down later."

"Got it." Dipper got a pen out of his bag and started writing down what was requested. It didn't take too long and they soon started the experiment.

Firstly, Sunset took the bottle of water and held it in place while Twilight slowly poured the sugar into it. Meanwhile, Dipper was watching what was happening and wrote it down in as much detail as he could.

Once it was in, they let it sit for a minute. Dipper took notes every few timestamps and noticed it slowly becoming a big lump at the bottom.

Seeing nothing change for a while, they decided it was time to add fire. Sunset took a spoon and got the sugar spread inside the bottle again while Twilight put on the fire. Soon after, they put it together.

Dipper did the same as last time, with much more results. Boiling, color variations, and even more started to happen as he was racing to keep up with his writing. Sunset and Twilight also helped out with some notes of their own.

Eventually, the changes stopped and they ended the experiment. They added all the collective notes together and after cleaning up their materials, they got it approved by the teacher, of which they accepted it.

"That was fun. Here, your notebook back." Dipper smiled, handing it back to Sunset.

She got it and put it back in her bag. "Yea, it was for sure interesting. It was nice doing it with you too. You're pretty cool."

Dipper showed a smile, blushing slightly. "Y-Yea, same here."

"There's just a few minutes left. We should put these back." Twilight reminded them as she pointed at the equipment.

They put it back and spend some time chatting with each other until the teacher spoke up to end the class.

"I've received many things from all of you and it looks like all of you did something productive today! This was all for today, so you may now leave. Have a nice rest of your day everyone." The teacher then opened the door to let the students leave the classroom.

Once he left his last class, he went to the school entrance to wait for his sister to finish hers.

Mabel's next class wasn't in the school. She had PE and the school had a separate area outside for gym classes. It was a big field of grass with a garage-like area where all the sports materials were for activities.

It didn't take too long to get there, but she still had a small problem. Gym clothes. She'd only gotten her schedule at the start of the day, so she'd have to her gym clothes somewhere or go in what she had on now.

She walked into the field and quickly spotted the gym teacher.

She walked up to him, ready to introduce herself and get what she needed. "Hey, mister PE teacher guy, I'm Mabel."

He noticed her and soon showed her a smile. "Oh, you must be the new student."

Mabel nodded and continued. "Yea, I didn't know my schedule until I got here so, do you have any spare gym clothes I can borrow? Maybe?"

"Sure thing, you know where the lockers are, right?" She shook her head, not being very familiar with the PE field. "Okay so, it's over there. There's a locker with "SPARE" written on it. What you need should be in there. Just look out for sizes."

"Okay, thanks!" She smiled before making her way there.

Once she entered, she looked across all the locker labels to find what she was looking for. While she was searching, she noticed the names of other students on some of them. Spitfire, Soarin, Fleetfoot, and one that was somewhat familiar to her.

"Rainbow Dash? I feel like I've heard that before..." Her thoughts were soon interrupted by the sight of the label she was looking for. "Oh, spare, found it!" She quickly opened it up and saw the spare clothes of many sizes in there.

The designs were pretty simple. Just a white t-shirt with different colored collars along with some simple black and white shorts. The ones that fit her ended up having a red collar but she didn't care much about it. She kept her own clothes in her bag went back to the field.

When she got back outside, she saw the other students sitting in rows in front of the teacher who looked like he was explaining something. Not wanting to miss anything, she soon got there and sat down.

"And then, oh looks like she's here." The teacher stopped explaining to look at her. "Welcome to the class, Mabel Pines. I was just explaining today's exercise. But, I wouldn't want to waste time explaining a second time so once we start, can someone volunteer to show her?"

One hand soon shot up from the crowd. "I'd be up for it!"

"Ah, Rainbow Dash, of course, you'd want to do that." The teacher then turned away and signed for everyone to get up. He then started walking towards a running field. "Now, let's go to the running tracks so we can start!"

Mabel followed and soon saw someone catch up to her. "Hey, Mabel! You remember me from lunch before, right?"

She turned to see Rainbow Dash show her a smile. "Oh, yea now I do! Great to see you! So, what are we going to do?"

"Simple!" The group stopped at their destination. "Today is all about running, going fast, and all of that! Trust me, I'm the perfect person to tell you all about it! I'm all speed!" She then ran from the end of the lap and back in less than a second, a rainbow following close after her.

Her eyes lit up as her face turned into excitement, seeing the rainbow. "Wow! That looks so cool! Can I do that??"

She just shook her head in response. "Eh, not really. It's a me thing. I'm not allowed to use it during a real race anyway."

"Aww, bummer. " She said disappointed before Dash cut in.

"Nah, it's fine. I can still show you how it's done in the normal way." She got down to the ground and got into a certain pose, clearly meant for the start of racing. "To start, you need a good starter pose first, like this!" She then straightened her arms letting her back arch backward. "Then, you get ready and..." She jumped out of her pose and quickly got up her feet to start running.

She was very fast, faster than anyone else who tried to catch up to her. Not to mention the thing she did at the beginning to already give her a quick start to it all. That's probably what it was meant to do too.

She soon got back to Mabel. "You see, like that!"

"That was super fast! I don't know if I can top that." She then got a grin. "But I'm more than willing to try!"

A grin quickly got on her face too. "Oh, challenging me? I like this! You're on!"

And with that, they started, both very determined for victory. Mabel quickly understood the techniques and kept going faster and faster. But, no matter how hard she ran, she was never able to fully catch up to Rainbow Dash.

They'd ran for almost half an hour when both of them decided to take a break. They sat down and both got their bags to pull out a drink, before taking a nice sip.

"You know, you didn't do too bad out there. Something tells me you've done these things before." Rainbow Dash said, giving her a smile.

Mabel just let out a chuckle. "Well, I guess you do have to run fast when you're running for your life from a demon-" She quickly corrected herself. "I-I mean running like during tag! You gotta go fast there, right..?" She quickly covered up what she said with a smile.

"I see..." Her face had a hint of confusion but it didn't last long. "Well, my point is, you did well for your first time."

"Yeah. Too bad I couldn't beat you tho.. That would've been awesome!" Mabel said as her eyes lit up.

Dash just laughed in response. "Come on now, I basically invented running! No way you're ever beating me."

They laughed it off before chatting some more.

The day also ended soon after, with everyone soon going back to their lockers. Mabel did the same, hoping to do it fast enough to get back to the entrance in time to not leave her brother waiting.

She quickly changed clothes, put the spare ones back where they were, and then went out to meet up with her brother.

Chapter 3: Returned pressure.

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Dipper stood at the entrance of the school for a few minutes before he saw his sister run towards him.

"I'm here! Sorry, I'm late bro-bro!" Mabel said as she tackled him into a hug.

Dipper just laughed as he embraced her. "It's fine Mabel, I didn't even notice." He soon also noticed the button-filled sweater. "What did you do today??"

"Oh, I had art class with Pinkie Pie! You know, from lunch!" She quickly explained. "Look, she also gave me this!" She pulled up her sleeve to reveal the colorful friendship bracelet. "It's a friendship bracelet!"

She looked at her brother only to see his smile turn into something more on the lines of disappointment. "Mabel, I thought you said you wouldn't form relations with anyone here! You're going to end up too attached and won't want to leave when we eventually have to."

Mabel's smile left her face too but more upset at her brother. "I know, but I just can't help it! They're all so nice and I can't possibly spend this time all alone..."

Her brother just facepalmed. "You're not alone, Mabel. You're with me. I'm only telling you what's best." Seeing as her sister was still clearly upset, he decided to try to cheer her up. "But I guess one friendship won't hurt..."

She quickly showed a smile again. "Thanks, Dip! I won't get too attached I promise!"

His smile also returned to his face soon after. Their faces then turned surprised as they were caught off guard by a loud honk outside.

They looked to see their Grunkle Stan honking the wheel inside of the car. "Are you kids coming or what!?" They didn't waste much time and quickly ran to him, before jumping into the car. They each got into the backseat and soon drove off.

Mabel put her bag next to her before looking up at her Grunkle. "Grunkle Stan, have you found a place to stay at yet?"

"Sure did. It's not the biggest, but it will have to do." He soon answered. "It's only a few days or so, I got better things to waste these dollars on."

"As long as we're not on the streets, anything is fine." Dipper shrugged before he continued. "Is it near here?"

Mabel also showed an excited look. "Yeah, I can't wait to see it!"

"Don't get your hopes up, kids." He let out a chuckle. "And yeah, we're almost there. The closer, the less gas I'd have to pay for."

They spend a few more minutes on the road until they eventually stopped at a small stand-alone house. As he said, it wasn't very big, and clearly for no more than three people. It also didn't look the newest. It looked like it had been empty for a while, with parts slightly broken or dirty.

As they stepped into the porch, they looked around at the old building. "Here is it kids. Told you not to get your hopes up."

Mabel just looked at it, her excitement fading a little. "It's... Kind of gloomy..." She muttered, just loud enough for Dipper to hear.

"I mean, right now it is, but I'm sure we'll be able to make it like home." He tried to cheer his sister back up. They both got a smile back on their faces as they entered the house.

It was similar to the outside, definitely not new. Some of the wallpaper was falling off the walls and the floor creaked under them as they took their steps. Now both Dipper and Mabel's smiles faded a little.

Grunkle Stan noticed and spoke up. "Why don't you two find a room. I'm sure there's a room here that you two can sleep in peacefully. I'll get everything ready over here."

The twins nodded before looking across the few rooms the house had. Mabel made sure to immediately deny any rooms that felt too gloomy for her, while Dipper tried to keep it as upbeat as he could for the both of them.

They eventually got to a room that had plenty of space and looked good. "This one looks alright. What do you think Bro-Bro?"

"I think so too. Now, let's get our stuff in." He replied before they entered and placed their bags into the room.

There was already a bed in there that Mabel soon claimed as her own. Dipper decided to go to another room with a bed and try to get it in.

It was a simple bed you could fold and easily get from place to place, clearly meant for traveling of some kind. Mabel's was obviously fancier but he was glad we would be able to get it into the same room without much trouble.

Seeing as his sister's bed was on one side of the room, he decided to put his bed on the other side. It would also help with the feeling of home they were trying to create.

He placed the bed down and made some space around it. Grunkle Stan would handle the other stuff they brought with them so they only had to do their own room.

He looked over at his sister's side to already see her decorating her side. That's when he remembered something.

Opening his bag, he soon pulled out the birdhouse he made that day. "Hey, Mabel. I made something today, I thought you'd maybe like to decorate it?"

She turned around and saw the birdhouse. "That's so cool! I'd love to decorate it! Just imagine little birds living in there!" He handed it over to her and she sat it down at her side of the room.

Dipper smiled seeing his sister happy. Even though she was the most optimistic about their trip, he knew she wouldn't want to stay for long in a place like this. That's why he got his bag, ready to get back to work to make their time spend here as short as possible.

He had two bags. One from school and one he got from Stanford to bring with them. It was of a big size and had as much of what they needed in it as possible.

They had looked into the situation a lot while they were still in Gravity Falls and decided they were close enough to the answer to go out a search it out. Together with his sister, he was trusted in the responsibility to find it and destroy it forever.

He opened the bag and laid everything out in order on his bed and some on the ground since it didn't all fit. He also put up a pinboard on his wall and attached many pictures and clues to it to keep track of their mission.

He was pinning all the evidence to the board when he heard his sister's voice behind him. "You're already busy with solving the big mystery? I thought you'd want to get to know the area first."

He turned before responding. "Yeah, but who knows how much time we have. Someone could get there before us and cause the end of the world without even knowing it."

"I know, but you're acting kind of paranoid. I doubt anyone even knows about Bill here. Let alone know about the statue." She shrugged before showing her brother a smile.

She saw him look away, determination still on his face. "I can't risk the possibility. Stanford trusts us with the responsibility. If we're too late or fail to stop him, what would he think of me then?" She watched as his face turned into a mix of fear and anxiety.

"You're still worried about that?" He gave a quiet nod before she continued. "Dipper, he might have seen you as just a kid before, but you've already proven yourself to him more times than I can remember. Why else would he trust you with something as big as this?"

"I know, but the pressure to succeed hasn't been this big since weirdmageddon happened. Our whole existence is on the line, Mabel! Those are some BIG stakes!"

Mabel walked over to her brother and put a hand on his shoulder. "We won't fail Dip. We'll find a way to defeat that demon once and for all! But we'll take our time with it. I don't want any more sleep deprivation from you!" He looked back at her, a smile appearing on his face.

"Thanks, Mabel." The twins shared an embrace before Dipper turned back to his bed. "I'll just put it all up and then I'll connect the dots later."

Mabel soon showed a smile. "And?"

He just rolled his eyes as he gave his answer. "No late nights." Both twins showed a smile before Mabel went back to her own side of the room.

After some time, they had all their stuff how they liked it and soon found their Grunkle fixed up other areas of the house too. At least as much as he felt was necessary.

As dinner, Stan ordered a simple pizza that would be enough for the three of them. The cheapest one, of course. Soon after that, the twins returned back to their room.

While Mabel was busy decorating the birdhouse, Dipper put his attention to the mission. He already had everything where they left it, he just had to connect the dots and unravel the secrets and mysteries until they could get an exact location.

As he got more and more answers and new questions to answer, he started clicking the back of his pen. "Hmm... But if that was the case why would it-" He thought before something else unexpected filled his vision.

"Look!" It was Mabel who proudly showed her brother the decorated bird's house. "All done! I'm going to put it up somewhere outside!" Mabel yelled excited before running out of the room, her excitement making him smile.

Once she left, Dipper turned back to what he was doing. But it wasn't long before he got interrupted again by the sound of his phone. He looked and saw the call was from Stanford. He made sure to quickly answer, not to keep him waiting.

He soon heard his voice on the other end. "Good evening, Dipper. How's the trip so far? Are you getting any closer to finding his location?"

"The trip is fine." He continued, growing a smile. "And I just connected another dot. From here, it seems to be coming from the west. I think I'm getting close!"

"That's good to hear." Dipper felt his smile getting bigger, hearing his words. "Have you found any specific locations? Anything to put on a GPS or map?" He questioned again,

He quickly looked through some of his previous notes, looking but failing to find anything specific. "Not yet... I only just found that last thing. But I'll find him, don't worry."

He heard a chuckle on the other side. "I'm not. I know you and your sister were the right two for the job. I know you won't disappoint." He felt some of his previous anxiety come back up before he heard him continue. "I'll call again tomorrow around the same time to hear your progress. I'll talk to you again then."

He quickly pushed it back, before giving a response. "Sure! You can count on us, Grunkle Ford." Was the last thing he said before the call ended.

He looked back at his notes. "I've... I've got to up my game. I need to have more information to give when he calls again." He felt more of the previous responsibility weigh on him, before going back to what he was doing.

It was sometime after that, that Mabel returned. "I'm back Dippin' sauce! Now we just wait for the birdies to come!" She walked into the room to see his brother busy, more serious than before. "Uhm, Dip...?"

"Oh, hey Mabel." He simply said, too concentrated on what he was doing to look away.

Mabel decided to walk over to her brother to get his attention. "That's all?" She only received a small hum from him so she decided to take the papers from under him.

"Hey, what was that for? I was in the middle of something!" He yelled before attempting to get it back from her.

She got it out of his reach before giving an answer. "I was gone for just a few minutes. What happened, Bro-Bro?"

She saw him let out a small sigh before he started explaining. "Stanford called for progress. He's calling again tomorrow so I wanted to have more to tell him when he does." He got a smile. "You know, to maybe impress him a little."

Mabel showed a small smile, before giving him his papers back. "Alright then. But I don't want you going on for too long. It's getting pretty late." She pointed over at a nearby clock before she continued. "And I'm sure he wouldn't mind you taking a break."

Dipper showed her a smile. "I guess you're right. I'll just tie up a few loose ends I have left. I promise I won't make it too late."

"I'll keep you on that! I'm keeping my eye on you Dip!" Both laughed before she returned to her side to partake in one of her own activities.

Slowly but surely, Mabel reached out to the night lamp she had. "How about we call it a day. I'm tired." She finished, letting out a yawn.

After closing his books and putting his papers back in their maps, Dipper nodded. "Yea, let's do that. I'll continue the rest tomorrow." He put all of his stuff aside and soon Mabel put out the light, letting the room get dark.