> Strength And Honor > by dudenotactive > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Two Sides Of A Coin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The songs of war could be heard from miles away, the beating of the Noxian war drums shook the earth. Thousands of armor-clad warriors of different origins roared in both excitement and anger as they all set their eyes on a Demacian fort. A line of soldiers stood between these steel menaces and the safest place a defenseless peasant would ever have. The only thing keeping them from being overwhelmed was the narrow bridge that went over the deep moat which surrounded the fort.  Lives were on the line, homes were burned to ash, and the smell of blood and iron was in the air. Hervis Daubeny was in charge of the Demacian troops that were given the responsibility of defending the eastern front while the previous leader was called back to the capital of Demacia. A fatal mistake. Some Noxian decided that it was the moment to strike while their defenses were weakened. And they brought a whole legion with them. With the villagers safe inside the fort, Daubeny was now left with the horde of barbarians just outside his doorstep. He stood in the ramparts overseeing the battlefield. His troops stood ready for the oncoming wave of iron, they raised their spears forward determined to repel the Noxians. But for Daubeny, he felt his will and strength faltering. Never before he had ever witnessed an army such as this. Armed to the teeth, war machines just waiting to be called in, and worst of all, the stench of gunpowder.  His eyes landed upon a group to the left, he quickly called for his archers. "Shoot down those grenadiers! Do not allow them to take another inch of our land!" The archers made no hesitation and unleashed a flurry of arrows towards the enemy. Daubeny wanted it to be over, but the damn Noxians persisted. Every soldier on the ground braced themselves with their shields planted down, ready to take the oncoming threat. Steel, flesh, there is no difference in between when they smashed into a wall of shields. The Demacians shifted a little, but they all stood stoically in the face of danger.  Before Daubeny could give out an order, a series of tiny footsteps ran towards him. The Captain felt a small breeze for a moment, and then the earth shook violently. His eyes then wandered towards the center, and standing right between his shield bearers and the Noxian blight was a small blue yordle wielding a mighty hammer of justice. A large area was cleared out of any soldier, the tiny warrior stared down at the opposing side, her hammer buried deep into the ground.  "P-Poppy!?" Daubeny exclaimed. His eyes wider than ever, his hands gripped the edge of the ramparts and threatened to break it under his fingertips. "The Keeper of the Hammer, here!? Praise the heavens above!" Back on the ground, Poppy twirled her hammer before swinging it at a charging soldier, sending him back into the legion. She dashed towards the enemy just in time as a large grenade landed on where she previously stood and the fuse burned out causing a massive explosion to rock the battlefield. The small yordle slammed her hammer into another, then she tossed her shield at the nearest footman. It bounced off him and Poppy quickly caught it while still in the air giving her enough space to throw down her hammer into the enemy ranks. Just within a single minute, one small yordle had already managed to break through the first wave like it was nothing. She stood defiantly against the Noxian army unscathed.  "This land is now under my protection!" Poppy declared. "So please, just go home!" Daubeny felt his worries melt away, he stared at the whole scene with awe. Then something stirred inside him. It was rare, he was angered by the fact that these Noxians dared to attack his home, to attack Demacia. He pushed the rampart away and took a few steps back. Then he raised his fist in the air and let out a mighty roar. Inspired by Poppy's act of selflessness, he rallied his forces and sent them out to aid Poppy against the Noxian barbarians. Every soldier that was able to lift a weapon went through the gates with no hesitation. Their boots clanked against the stone bridge as they moved forward, following the shield bearers in their steps as they advanced towards the enemy. Their stomping feet were as loud as the Noxian war drums. Poppy did not look back, she merely continued in her battle, the weight of her hammer crushed the opposing side with ease. And for the first time since the attack started, Demacia was fighting back the larger army. Because of Poppy's example, the shield bearers pushed the Noxian away, any legionnaire that even got through them were met with the rearguard who was responsible for anyone that slipped through their defenses.  Daubeny only feared that because of their resistance, the Noxians would in turn answer with their war machines. But he swept that thought aside and ordered his archers to rain down arrows on the enemy. The yordle shattered her opponent's shield and finished him off quicker than he could react. Thousands started to dwindle into smaller numbers. A Noxian spell caster launched a fireball at her, but due to her smaller size, she was harder to hit. Her eyes focused on the mage, her hand tightened around the hammer as she charged towards them. A few more swings and a few more bodies to add to her count.  Meanwhile, Daubeny was instructing his archers back on the ramparts, their aim was true and most of their shots landed. But something in the corner of his eye caught his attention. He looked over the edge and noticed that the Noxians at the back stopped abruptly. Then they started parting away making a narrow path. It was as he feared, they were sending out something that would surely break through their defenses. He called back his troops immediately and ordered them to make a defensive line once again. Poppy chose to stay behind or she simply did not notice that her fellow Demacians were retreating towards the fort.  What she did notice was that her enemy started to slow down with their advance, a few looked back as their attention was caught by something and then they simply grinned back at her. None moved, which made Poppy feel uneasy. She had stopped, unsure why these Noxians hesitated. She readied her hammer for whatever challenge that is to come.  As for Daubeny, he demanded to know when his reinforcements were even coming, he was given terrible news after. They were still a day away. He looked back at the opposing army, his questions of what manner of contraption would soon be answered as something started to rise out of the parting sea of metal. A hat of sorts and two white fluffy ears. It continued to rise and soon enough, Daubeny could describe what this creature was. It was small, its arms were crossed as he glided through, Daubeny was unsure how, he simply guessed that this creature was a mage of sorts. But the intimidating halberd on his back contradicted Daubeny's guess.  His clothes were tattered and stained, his face had a large nasty scar, and his one good eye burned with a raging inferno strong enough to melt stone. The Noxians started chanting this creature's name, they raised and slammed their weapons on anything solid to mimic the beating drums. Daubeny then felt his blood run cold as he recognized the name that started to fill the air.  "Kled! Kled! Kled!" The soldiers went on as he practically flew.  Kled was smiling, his jagged teeth bared for all to see. With a mighty roar of his own, the small white yordle hopped onto the nearest soldier's head and started running towards the fort. Hopping from one head to another.  "Pardon me! 'cuse me! Hey, I'm walkin' 'ere!" Daubeny could hear him shout.  The Captain quickly ordered his archers once more to shoot down the talking rodent. A flurry of arrows was released, but Kled simply swung his halberd and the arrows were gone. A few unlucky Noxians were met with their death as some arrows landed on them instead. When Kled was already on the edge, he hopped over Poppy, landing gracefully on the ground before setting his eye on the row of shields before him.  "Holy shit!" He bellowed. "Where the fuck am I and why are there Demacians!?" "Ha! You're dead now Demacian!" A foot soldier taunted. "With Kled on our side, nothing can-" He was cut short as the army parted away to make room for Kled's mighty steed to pass through, which was a fatal accident that ended his life as Skaarl crushed his skull under her foot.  The drakalops ran to her partner's side. Poppy stared after the yordle known as Kled, curiosity grew inside her as her eyes scanned over him. Kled seemed to be distracted by the fact he had no idea of where he was. Then he glanced over his shoulder and stared at Poppy, his grin started to shift into a full-blown smile. "Aw, ain't you the cutest!" He snickered. "Well howdy, there cousin! Wonderful day ta cut some throats, right!?" Poppy remained silent, she opted to raise her shield defensively. "Get her Kled! Snap her neck!" A Noxian cheered.  The whole skirmish was at a standstill, both armies were too focused on the two yordles to even fight anymore for different reasons. The Noxians simply wanted to see the legendary Kled in action. The Demacians were glad that they were getting some time for their reinforcements to come, but they don't know how long it would last.  "Now, I don't know why I'm here, to be honest, this doesn't look like my property! But I did need some leg room! And I'm willing to let you go. So I'll give you the count of three to leave my property, or else I'll be havin' some stew tonight with you as my prime ingredient." Kled mounted onto Skaarl's sale and raised his halberd towards Poppy. "Three!" He screeched out before he dashed towards Poppy, his halberd bounced off her shield. But Kled didn't stop there, Skaarl would dash around Poppy and Kled would swing his weapon around wildly. Poppy could only block a few with her shield and hammer, some swipes were able to land a few cuts. Poppy hissed, but she wasn't helpless. She swung her hammer across, but Kled hopped over the weapon while Skaarl ducked under it. Luckily she had her shield, and Kled was sent sprawling on the ground with the air kicked out of him.  Daubeny wanted to help Poppy, but if he did so, then the battle would resume. The barbarians seemed to be distracted by the fight, so much that the Demacians were given a moment to rest, but they kept their guard up in case something went wrong. "So this is the ferocious Kled..." Daubeny muttered under his breath. "I thought he was merely a Noxian myth... Such speed, such savage techniques. His rage is unmatched!" "C'mon cousin! Don't ya got anything to say to good ol' Kled!?" The maniac wheezed. He launched himself towards her using the powerful blast from his pistol. His halberd went over his head and towards the blue yordle. Poppy stepped to the left and spun on her heel. The hammer in her hands went full circle before it slammed into Kled, but the older yordle held on and made an attempt of swiping at her with his halberd but she was too far to reach.  "Shut up." That was all she said before swinging down her hammer at the ground with Kled still on it.  But to her shock, the drakalops intervened in time and managed to step between Kled and the ground and acted as a cushion, preventing him from getting smashed into the ground. The Noxian grinned wildly as he raised his gun at her. Poppy retreated, and much to her surprise, the gun only made an audible click.  "It's empty, cousin!" He yelled out before Skaarl pushed him towards Poppy. He bared his jagged teeth at her and bit down into her armored shoulder. His teeth proved as strong as her armor, which was truly shocking. Both yordles went down, Poppy's arm that held her hammer was pinned by Kled's halberd.  Kled started clawing at Poppy's armor, he was too much in a hurry or too blinded by a mist of fury to properly remove it and was too eager to sink his fangs into her face. She tried to push him off her but the older yordle snapped his teeth at her other hand and shook it like a wild dog. The Noxians that spectated the fight started to cheer even louder, they wanted blood, and they might just get it. An archer on the ramparts had enough of it, he pulled back the string of his bow and aimed straight at Kled's head. The arrow flew before Daubeny could even protest, it zoomed across the field and towards its target. Then Kled unexpectedly turned and caught the arrow in his hand.  The army of Noxians saw this, and every single one roared with rage. This in turn caused every soldier to charge towards the fort. The Noxians ignored the two yordles on the ground, they all ran around Kled and Poppy. Angered and offended by the audacity of the Demacian archer, to think someone would just ruin the beauty of one on one combat. Using their newfound hatred towards their enemy, they slammed into the wall of shield for the second time today, but this time they promised that they'll break through it this time.  "Demacian dog, how dare you!" A grenadier yelled as he demolished a few shield bearers with a single explosive. Pieces of metal flew around and some shrapnel even injured a few Demacians. Daubeny scowled underneath his helm, he ordered the troops to fall back. Kled got off of Poppy and pulled his halberd towards him. "Tryin' to be a sneaky-sneak!? No one takes a shot at Kled without getting chopped up like a tuna!" Before Kled could even climb onto Skaarl's saddle, his attention returned to Poppy who recovered. Her shield was back where it belongs, and her eyes were filled with determination. "Your fight is with me, Kled. I won't let you near that fort!" "Well that's gonna be a problem, ya see, this place is my property. And I don't take kindly to trespassers." He said as he hopped onto Skaarl.  "How about I show you the other end of the hammer?" She decided that it would be better if she just finished him now. He was still Noxian anyway, just like the rest of them. "For Demacia!" Poppy roared out as she charged forward.  "GET OFF MY LAWN!!!" He screeched out in return.  Suddenly, a pillar of light slammed into both yordles, anyone who was too close was thrown away from the large blast. Every man or woman that was present that day was too busy in their war to even care. Demacians were battling for the lives of their people, the Noxians only wanted to expand their territory. The only one that would ever care was a single raven perched on a spear buried halfway into the soil, overseeing the whole battle. Then out of curiosity, it flew straight into the light as it faded away, never to be seen again. The skirmish raged on for another day, Daubeny and his troops proved resilient against the tide of Noxus. And he was generously given his reinforcements, and the Demacians were triumphant that day. Of course, there were still questions. Poppy was not found among the victors, nor was Kled. Some just thought that the blue yordle simply returned to her quest, the one that lasted for almost a thousand years. Many Noxians were disappointed with Kled's disappearance, especially after all the trouble they did just to bring him to battle.  But unbeknownst on both sides, there was something far greater in play. Right on the spot where the two yordles fought, was a small crack with a blue light leaking out. If one would stand close to it, you might just hear the manic laughter of a deranged yordle. Somewhere in an unknown location, Skaarl popped her head out of the bushes and looked around curiously. Then her eyes landed on a small cottage just a few feet away. What caught her attention was the oddly colored horse that was seemingly speaking with a rabbit. Out of curiosity, she went over to investigate. > Champions Of Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poppy gasped as she was kicked down. Some of her armor had fallen off, her left shoulder was bared and was bitten so badly that blood soaked her sleeve. Her chest plate was dented and scratched, so much that Poppy felt less room in her armor. Her cheeks had purple splotches everywhere, a color that was made by blood and her blue fur, some of it wasn't even hers. After she recovered, Poppy glared at Kled just in front of her, the hammer just behind and far from her reach.  Kled didn't fare better. Bruises and cuts, his shin guard was damaged so badly that it bent inwards, Poppy was sure that he shouldn't be able to stand. His clothes had holes on them, more than before their fight started. His right ear had bite marks, something Poppy would remember for a long time. Then there was his left arm, after hitting him hard earlier with the hammer, Kled had not used that arm for a while. Poppy simply guessed that she dislocated his shoulder with that hit. The best part, from Poppy's perspective, was that Kled's mount had run off when they fought, giving the younger yordle a better chance to defeat the infamous Kled.  "Well," Kled began. "this is it. This is what it's all about! Demacian Vs Noxian! Red Vs blue! Apples Vs bananas! This is a strange comparison, but I don't know any blue fruits! Destiny is waitin'! And it's time to do some gardening!" "Wait!" She let out before Kled could raise his halberd. "This is pointless! Can't you see we aren't in Demacia anymore!?" Poppy pointed out. She had just recently noticed it herself.  "Yeah, and so what!?" He shot back. "Wherever we are, this place is my property! Look there, that's the tree I pissed on! Or is it the tree that mauled me yesterday?" "Listen! Just look around and tell me that you've been here." Kled did as he was told, he glanced around him and noticed that they were in a small clearing of a very dense forest. He scratched the back of his head with his halberd trying to understand what had happened. He had just noticed the lack of Noxians or Demacians. He wouldn't have cared at all, but it only meant that there was magic in play, and Kled never liked those fancy shmancy people with their sparkly fingers. They tasted weird as well.  "Well, fuck..." He cursed. "How am I gonna get back to my land?" "Now you understand? We should put our differences aside and just go back to our homes. I have better things to do." She claimed.  "Oh, you ain't gettin' away that easy! I'm gonna rip yer face off, wear it, then pretend to be you until someone notices!" He roared out before leaping towards Poppy, but just as he was about to go halfway to her, he was suddenly suspended in the air by two blue rings. One on the ground, and the other just above the tip of his hat. "Huh!?" "You are not who I expected." Poppy turned towards the darkness, a man had just spoken from behind the thicket. Kled tried to follow her gaze, but his body was frozen in the air. Quickly, the blue yordle rolled over to her weapon and took on a defensive stance. Kled was still trapped in some sort of magic, which was good because she would have fought him along with whoever cast the spell on him. A twig snapped, her ear flicked, the man or whatever he is was getting closer.  "Lay down your weapon, Keeper. I mean you no harm." Poppy was reluctant, and she would've kept the hammer up. That is until the man finally came into full view. She gasped, her weapon lowered to the side and her eyes widened.  "You..." She muttered.  "I must first apologize, I didn't mean to bring you here." Now in the light, his most defining feature was his skin color was blue. Tattoos decorated his shirtless body. A large scroll was on his back held by a bandolier. His beard was black, the only hair that was on his head. These were the exact details that were enough to describe a Valoran legend. The one and only... "Mr. Ryze, I'm so sorry!" Poppy said before she collapsed on one knee, the damage that was caused by Kled was finally kicking in. Ryze quickly rushed over to help. Meanwhile, Kled tried to scream out some death threats, but he was unable to speak properly. So he just made these awkward noises instead.  "It's alright, I am the one who is supposed to apologize. And please, refrain from calling me Mr." With a few incantations, his hand started to glow, a simple healing spell, enough to close all her wounds. Anything to help ease the pain. Once he was sure that he was done, he produced a small bottle filled with red liquid. "Ionian health potion, my personal brew, this will help heal any internal damage." Poppy gave her thanks and downed the potion in one go. And just as he promised, she felt much better than before. She regained some energy to stand, but not enough to fight. "Thanks again M- er... Ryze. But wow, never would I have thought that I'd meet you here. Sorry that I look like a mess." "It's alright, though, I had expected someone else to come. Stupid faded texts, why can't they make those things last?" Ryze sighed. "I also had intervened just in time as well. It seems that you and this... yordle, were about to end each other. Honestly, it's like war is the only thing you lot know." Ryze approached Kled and started helping the cantankerous yordle. Kled screamed even louder, Ryze was unfazed.  "Right," She hummed. "I don't think you should do that." "Why not? He is hurt, far worse than you, and he is in need of help. Though I am impressed that he lasted this long. By the looks of it, he should honestly be dead." "They called him Kled, I'm sure you know who this guy is. Also, who is he? I'm asking so that I know that we are on uh... the same page." She shifted awkwardly on the spot.  "Kled?" Ryze looked back at her for a second, then he stared at the imprisoned yordle. "I remember you, you were that Noxian who attacked me when I traveled through the northern side of Noxus. That was the first time I met him. He is a Noxian legend, a story the common soldiers shared with each other. His determination, his brutal skills, and most importantly his drakalops. Those are the reasons why many consider him as the pride of Noxus. Because he represents what Noxus is about, strength." "Oh... That is honestly, surprising." She cleared her throat. "Well, I better be off then, I don't want to bother you as much as we already are. Which way is Demacia?" "You won't find Demacia anywhere, Keeper. "Ryze informed her ominously. "You wouldn't even find Noxus or Shurima. Not even Ionia." "Wait, what do you mean?" "Poppy, let me tell you something, one legend to another." Ryze turned to face her. "You're too far from home." Fluttershy looked around as she zoomed past several ponies present in the streets of Ponyville. Her face wore a worried look, many noticed it but simply ignored her as she went by with an arm full of fruits.  "Skaarl?" She called out. "Here Skaarl, I have some fruits!" "Hey, Flutters!" The caretaker of animals stopped in the air, she looked up to find her best friend Rainbow Dash perched on a cloud. "Why are you in such a hurry?" "Oh Rainbow Dash, I lost Skaarl! She's the cutest lizard I have ever seen and I wanted to introduce her to Angel, but then she disappeared! The ducks told me that they saw her heading to Ponyville. Sadly I have not seen her since!" Dash sighed. "Guess you need my help. So what does she look like?" Fluttershy pressed a hoof against her chin. "She is pretty big, Skaarl has these flaps on the side of her head, she only has one pair of limbs and she wore this strange saddle." "Great, I'll go around town and see if I can find her!" "Oh please do Rainbow Dash, I am absolutely sure that she is scared right now. Especially when she is separated from her owner." "Don't worry Fluttershy! I'll find her before you even know it!" With that, the speedster flew off. With Dash doing her part, Fluttershy continued with her search.  Flying just above the town, Dash kept her eyes peeled for the "large" lizard. She went a few laps around Ponyville within a minute, yet she had not found Skaarl. Dash wondered who this Skaarl is, Fluttershy's description was odd. Never had Dash heard of such a lizard before. Just as she made her fifth pass on the market place, she heard a distressed call for help. She screeched to a halt before turning towards the noise and flew as quick as she could because she recognized who was calling for help. It was her friend Applejack. But as she entered the farmers market, Dash came upon the strangest scene today. Yes, it was true that Applejack was in distress, but the reason was that a giant lizard who is as big as Celestia was sitting on top of the apple farmer. Applejack struggled beneath the creature, and worse of all, it was devouring the apples. The other ponies could only watch in horror as the monster consumed the fruits. Some even started to hide their produce in fear of the beast. Dash landed just next to Applejack, the pegasus tried her best not to laugh, emphasis on "tried". "Hey AJ, got a new hat or something?" "It ain't funny, Dash! Get it off me!" Applejack shouted. "What in Sam hill even is this thing!?" "No clue, but it looks funny!" Dash giggled at how strange this creature looked, its eyes were far apart as it ate the apples like its own stomach was a bottomless pit. Once the beast was done cleaning the stall, it stood up. Applejack pushed herself back onto her hooves, she glared at the lizard with great hatred. "Darn thing, ate all mah apples! Now what am Ah gonna do!?" Before Dash could even make a suggestion, the lizard dipped its head under Applejack and threw her high in the air. The farmer yelped as her hooves left the ground. And just as she got high enough, she fell into the saddle on the lizard's back. That was also the same moment that Dash realized that the monster wore a saddle. Then it struck her like a giant sword from the heavens. She went through her mind and attempted to recall the description Fluttershy had given her.  When she said the lizard was big, Dash never thought that Skaarl was gigantic. "Skaarl?" Dash hesitated for a second before she had called for the beast's attention. And Skaarl turned towards the pegasus with her tongue out.  "You know what this thing is?" Applejack asked as she tried to climb off of the drakalops, but Skaarl would shift in a way just to keep her on the saddle.  "Yeah, Fluttershy was looking for her. When she said it was big, I never thought that she was this big." Dash hovered next to the drakalops and started to motion a hoof at Skaarl. "Come on Skaarl, Fluttershy is worried, so let's go!" Skaarl only made a strange gargled noise before she bolted the other way. "Whoa Nelly!" Applejack exclaimed.  "Hey, get back here!" Dash chased after the drakalops. "Dang it RD, help me!" Applejack yelled out before she was taken into a very bumpy ride.  Skaarl ran as quick as she could, there was no destination in her mind, she only ran. Dash was able to keep up thanks to her natural speed, yet she could not bring the beast to a halt. She tried to push Skaarl to the side, but the drakalops didn't budge an inch. Meanwhile, Applejack held on to Skaarl for her life, the drakalops kept bouncing around and trying her best not to hit or crash into ponies. Skaarl zoomed past numerous creatures and turned on some corners, Dash was still attempting to bring Skaarl to a stop, but that itself proved to be a challenge.  "Hey!" Dash and Applejack looked towards the right just in time to see a bright pink orb shooting towards them.  Dash quickly moved away from the drakalops, but then she had forgotten Applejack who was still on Skaarl. The orb slammed into Skaarl and her whole body along with Applejack was enveloped in bright pink light. But then it shattered like glass. Much to the caster's surprise. Skaarl would then run off, leaving Dash behind and taking Applejack with her.  "Well, I thought that would've worked." Starlight Glimmer, the unicorn who could rival the alicorn princess Twilight Sparkle, who had also attempted and failed to stop Skaarl, was standing next to Dash. "What is that anyway?" "No clue," Dash shrugged her shoulders. "Fluttershy was looking for it, speaking of which, I'm gonna go after AJ. Can you go and find Fluttershy so she can help us?" The wonderbolt didn't wait for an answer, she focuses more on getting Applejack and Skaarl. Left to her own, Starlight decided it was best to go look for Fluttershy. Surely she would be easier to seek out than a large lizard among ponies. Meanwhile, on the sidelines of all the chaos, a tall man in a long white cloak with a large straw hat whose face was covered in a veil of shadows was spectating the whole event. He chuckled deeply as he retreated into the crowd he towered. He had seen enough and had better things to do, and a story to write.  Kled shouted profanities as he struggled in his binds, the whole ruins were filled with his voice and crass words. After restoring both yordles and healing them of their injuries, though their clothes and armor were still damaged, Ryze had brought them to an odd ruin. There was a wall that surrounded them but we're not fit for any siege, the floor was just simply stone, made of the same materials as the walls. On one corner was a large statue depicting an alicorn, there was no distinctive feature on it other than the fact that it was decorated with gold which showed no sign of time. As if it was immortal just like the race of this statue. On the opposite end was one of the entrances to the ruins and what was the remains of a statue that none would be able to recognize. In the middle of the ruins was an empty pit, Poppy thought that the ruins were some sort of shrine.  But it appears that Ryze had been living here for a while now.  There was a campfire near the pit and an alchemy table right under an open tent. There was also a table with hundreds of books on it. The yordle approached them and took one from the pile, she read over the title then the quick summary on the back. The book was about the races on Equestria, which had just been recently updated after the kirins united with the rest of the country. She wanted to read more, but she had better things to do. Such as attending to Kled who was still tied up next to the pit, and the profanities were still present.  "I'm gonna bite those fingers off and use 'em to pick my nose!" Kled threatened after he noticed that Poppy was looking at him.  "Can't we just put a sock in his mouth or something? I can give him mine..." She suggested to Ryze and pointed towards her boot.  The rune mage sighed as he carried some books over to another table. "Even though I would relish the usual silence I am greeted within the ruins, I think it would be better for him to be able to speak, thus allowing us to earn his trust." "I don't trust talkin' blueberries! I'll kick the shit right through your teeth!" Kled once again threatened.  "See?" Poppy said with her hand motioned towards Kled.  "Oh you'd want to shove down your sock in my mouth! I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you!?" "I'm gonna ignore that." Poppy decided what was best for her mental mind. "Listen, Ryze, can't you just send us both back to Runeterra?" "I can't, not because it's impossible, but because I need your help!" Ryze admitted as he and Poppy tuned out Kled and his incessant screaming. "Though you are not Garen, and he isn't Darius. I must accept what I have!" Poppy was honestly surprised, Ryze, a mage of his status, was attempting to call Garen the Demacian hero, and Darius the Hand of Noxus. But brought her and Kled into this world instead. "Why do you need Garen and Darius, is there some kind of danger that only they could help you with?" Her curiosity has overtaken her mind, she wanted to know why Ryze needed the two warriors to begin with.  "Garen is a man that is honorable and caring. Though I am a mage and my status would fill his head with doubts, he is still reasonable. He cares for his soldiers and he believes in Demacia far too much. I do not doubt that he'd be willing to help, but with the fate of our world I am sure he would lend me his sword in my time of need." Ryze paused for a second, he noticed that Kled was suddenly quiet, the scarred yordle was also curious behind the scowl that he wore. "Darius is a powerful beast of a man. He is the Hand of Noxus, a title he earned with the strength he had within him. He would've been harder to convince, but I believe a man such as him would surely allow me to borrow his strength." "But what do you need them for?" She asked warily.  "There is an artifact that needs to be contained." He revealed his reason. "A magical item that could summon a champion to fight for the summoner's battles. And I must find it before catastrophe befalls on Equestria! Not just this planet, ours is in danger as well!" "Wait, if what you say is correct... then it could be the end of Runeterra..." Poppy gasped.  "What's Runeterra?" Much to Ryze's sake, Kled had asked one of the dumbest questions he heard, and he had heard many.  "It's the name of the planet we were born on." Ryze simply explained.  "Runeterra!?" Kled exclaimed. "That's my property!" Poppy facepalmed, her intelligence began to drain itself due to Kled's presence. After recovering from Kled's stupidity, she faced Ryze and placed her hands on her hips. "Alright, if the world is in danger, then who am I to ignore?" Ryze smiled. "Thank you, Poppy, I am glad that you would lend me your hammer in these trying times. But you Kled, will you allow me to use your strength?" Kled paused, he no longer struggled, he simply sat there thinking. But then a grin grew on his face. "Well I don't know about that, but since I rather keep my land in one piece, sure, why not! I'll work with my cousin over there and we can find that doodad in a jiffy! But for a price." Ryze growled, he hesitated for a second, but he proceeded to cut the ropes with a small spell. "Does the world mean nothing to you!?" "Fine!" Kled shot back after nearly being deafened by Ryze's sudden outburst. "I'll do it for free! Don't get your panties in a twist!" Ryze relaxed. "I'm glad you saw it my way. I was about to disintegrate you for wanting a reward." Ryze then motioned for both yordles to follow him.  "After you cuz." Kled grinned viciously.  Poppy only rolled her eyes at him, this was not an outcome she wanted. If anything, she doubted Kled would even help at all. He was just too wild and unhinged. Even without that drakalops, he was a force not to be reckoned with. Speaking of which, Kled was starting to wonder where Skaarl was. She had been gone for far too long. But Kled simply pushed the thoughts aside, she always comes back. Especially when he needed her the most.  As for Ryze, he mentally prepared himself for what is to come. It was true, he did call for champions. But instead of two fearsome humans that fought wars, he got two yordles who were on the verge of killing each other. Though they weren't his first choice, he must go with what he has. Hopefully, his mission in this world will be done and no crisis would fall on his home. Then he would simply return to his quest back on Runeterra. He could only hope that they do not cause too much trouble for the people of this planet. > A Moment Of Peace > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy hovered through the streets, her face still wore a distressed look. She was still searching for Skaarl, and yet found no signs of the adorable lizard. Her search would lead her to the public park where many creatures would gather around just to relax and enjoy their day away from work. Fluttershy would've continued with her quest, but an odd sight caused her to stop on her tracks.  It was a very peculiar sight indeed, standing under the shade of a lonely tree in the middle of the park was a tall creature in a long white cloak.  They were facing away from Fluttershy, so it was impossible to make a description of their face from her angle. Curious, the pegasus had opted to approach the strange mysterious creature.  The stench of paint became apparent as she grew closer. It was then she would notice that in this creature's left hand was a palette with paint on it. Some colors were smeared on one side of the palette. And as expected, on their opposite hand was a brush that was dipped in red. "Art is beautiful, no?" The creature suddenly spoke even though he did not look at her. "We express ourselves in many ways, unique and special, yet the meaning is all the same." His voice was smooth and the way he spoke was just spine-tingling. His stance was also important to note, his feet were firmly planted on the grass and his back was straight. Only his right arm moved like he was some kind of mechanical doll. He was perfect in a way.  "S-sorry, I need to go." Fluttershy attempted to leave, but then he made one simple gesture, he turned to face her. She gasped, a white mask stared down at her cowering form.  "You've just got here, Fluttershy, and I would like it if you were to witness my work." He moved away with a single step to reveal what was on the canvas.  Her eyes widened, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. On the canvas was a painting that depicted a woman in a bed of flowers. Where would Fluttershy even begin to describe this piece? It was just outstanding, the colors were bright but they did not sting the eyes. The flowers were beautifully designed, and the woman looked so real.  Her heart skipped a beat, unconsciously Fluttershy approached the strange creature to admire the canvas even closer. "It's... amazing..." She whispered, deeply enthralled by the piece. She didn't even realize that he knew her name, though she is a hero and people know of her.  "I am glad you thought so. I have more if you like." And as he said, he did have more. They were placed in a row, all leaned towards the tree for support. Fluttershy couldn't help but notice the first one, a man in red was shrouded in shadows. His steel mask was quite intimidating. The most interesting part was that the whole canvas was a dark shade of blue, which made the shadows pop out of the art. Seeing that she was interested, the creature carefully moved his work and separated them so she could see it all.  It was breathtaking. Different kinds of art, portraits, landscapes, a few with strange beasts. All were just amazing, it was as if Fluttershy was falling in love with material objects. But then her eyes landed on a particular piece, she took a closer look and gasped. It was a picture of her, she stood in a grassy field, roots growing out of her chest which crawled down on her hooves and to the ground. And on her head was a crown of flowers with petals flowing with the wind. The face was a look of calm, unbothered, still like a statue.  "Do you like it, dear Fluttershy?" "It's... I don't know how to express myself, it's just so... W-who are you?"  He chuckled. "I am Khada Jhin, a pleasure to meet a hero such as you, Fluttershy." "We go left!" Kled shouted.  "Ryze said we head towards the north! That isn't north Kled!" Poppy argued.  "You go north! I'm gonna go look for Skaarl! She's been gone for too long! And I'm startin' to worry that she deserted me." "But Kled, at times like these we have to stick together. I'm sure Sk-" "Don't you say her name, Demacian!" Kled hissed. "I don't want you to ruin it with your fancy city folk tongue!" "You are just impossible! I wished I was with Darius instead of you."  "Darius!? What does that Ionian lookin' squint-eyed blockhead bastard even got that I don't!? I'm stronger, better, and plus I'm a yordle! Blueberry man actually made the right choice! Now we go left and that's final." "You wanna go left? Fine! We go left." Before Kled could even say another word, Poppy swung her hammer around and slammed it into Kled. The older yordle was launched into the sky and towards a town in the distance. It only took a second for Poppy to understand her mistake.  "Uh oh." As Kled flew, Poppy ran after him. He couldn't do anything other than scream through the air. His arm flayed around in an attempt to grab onto something. After so much air time, the yordle crashed into the ground giving Kled a mouthful of dirt and grass.  "Kled, you alright?" Poppy rushed to his side and knelt by his motionless body. "Kled?" Kled suddenly lunged at Poppy and proceeded to wrap his hands around her neck. "I knew you'd backstab me! I should just kill you now and feed ya to Skaarl!" "Get off!" Poppy was much younger and physically stronger, it was apparent as when she pushed Kled off of her with ease. "It was an accident, okay!?" Kled glared at her and snarled. "Accident!? Your face is an accident!" But just as he was about to pounce on her, he froze on the spot and his nose started twitching. "I know that smell! That's Skaarl!" "You're drakalops?" Poppy said as she rose back to her feet.  "She's here! And..." He paused, something else was in the air, a familiar stench. "Blood, I smell blood..." Poppy looked at him with a bit of guilt. "Well, you did hit the ground very hard. I think we should patch you up if you're bleeding." "It ain't my blood I smell! It's the blood of a killer!" A manic grin curled his lips. He took a long drag of the scent, breathing in the stench of blood, and death made Kled even more excited. It was an addicting feeling, one that would only be found on the battlefield. "Hoo boy, and here I thought I'd have to wait!" Eager for a fight, Kled had forgotten his previous hatred for Poppy and ran straight into town. Poppy tried to stop him, but he was too quick for her to catch. One that would definitely cause a ruckus. If the goal was to not attract any attention if possible, then they have already failed. As Kled ran, he shouted profanities and insults in an attempt to bring out his prey. Applejack felt sick in her stomach, Skaarl did nothing but run around town for a whole hour. Rainbow Dash tried to stop the beast, but Skaarl proved too strong for the pegasus to stop. Now Applejack was but a hostage, forced to ride a gut-churning rollercoaster. There were a few attempts where Applejack simply jumped off the saddle, only for Skaarl to scoop her back to place. Dash even thought she could pick Applejack off the drakalops only to start a tug-of-war with the beast. Applejack thought she was about to be split into two. And now she was alone, Dash had lost sight of her at some point and Applejack was left helpless on the drakalops.  But as if fate had decided, a hero would come to separate Applejack and Skaarl. And that hero was- "Skaarl!" Both the farmer and the drakalops looked towards a short fuzzy creature who was none other than Kled himself. "Who the hell is that!?" Skaarl skidded to a halt, a look of surprise on both Applejack's and Skaarl's faces. Apple jack froze, her eyes now on the odd creature who was as tall as Twilight. His scar-riddled face, his jagged teeth, that one good eye. All of his features were quite intimidating. And that was before she noticed Kled's halberd.  "Wait, is this your lizard?" Applejack asked as she attempted to get off of Skaarl.  "That lizard is indeed mine! She is the pride of Noxus and my first Lieutenant of the Noxian Delta Force that was stationed in the northern borders!" He said proudly.  Applejack wanted to relax, but the fact that Kled stared at her with hungry eyes was enough for the farmer to feel tense in her joints. He had a dangerous aura, one that was cloaked with hatred and blood, it was so powerful that Applejack felt pressure on her back. As if spirits are warning her of the threat in front of her. Though he was slightly shorter than her, and honestly he would've looked cute if he wasn't so ugly.  "What's wrong?" Kled chuckled creepily. "Cat got yer tongue?" Applejack swallowed a lump in her throat, her lips were dry as a dessert, and she was still a bit queasy from the ride. "Listen here, Ah don't want any trouble... Let me just hop off this thing and y'all can be on your way." "Sorry, I just don't like it when someone touches what's mine," Kled smiled viciously, his halberd shined under the sun as he brandished it. The light glared over Applejack's eyes just for a second.  Applejack looked around for a way to defend herself, she could tell that this guy meant business. Skaarl still didn't allow Applejack to leave, she was still at the drakalops' mercy. This time, a white-furred creature was now threatening to take her life.  Dash was nowhere to be seen, Applejack was alone. She was also in a position that wouldn't help her in a fight. And it would seem that diplomacy was out of the window.  "But..." Applejack relaxed just a little bit when Kled lowered his weapon. "I can forgive you if you help me out." "S-sure, what do you need?" This was a better alternative to a fight, Applejack was unarmed so she had the disadvantage. If a fight did happen, then she would've certainly lost, she doesn't know it but Kled is a seasoned soldier. He would've chopped her up into minced meat. "But can you help me off your pet?" "Skaarl! Drop that horse now, you've already betrayed me you stinkin' lizard and I ain't gonna forgive you just yet! You're lucky that you're just a dumb lizard or I would've turned you into stew."  And just like that, Skaarl bounced Applejack off the saddle. As much as AJ was happy to be finally free, she just wished she didn't land on her head. On the bright side, hitting the ground helped her feel just a bit better. As if her head cleared up some of the dizziness she was feeling.  "Right," Applejack stretched her limbs and made a few pops in her joints. "Thanks again stranger, now what do you need help with?" "Well, I wanna know if you've seen anythin' strange. Like I don't know, a killer?" An odd question, Applejack was curious to say. It was odd that someone would ask about killers, but then again, he has the appearance of a battle-hardened soldier.  "Can't say Ah have stranger, nothin' had been going on for a while now. And the only thing strange Ah seen is that pet of yours." Applejack said.  Kled huffed. "I know they're here somewhere. Just need to look for one." Kled climbed up on Skaarl. The two now together once again, ready for battle. United, Kled will finally have the advantage in a fight, if Skaarl doesn't run away again. "Guess I'll have to look for them myself." With that, their interaction ended, and AJ's "hero" rode off deeper into town with a lust for blood in his one good eye. Applejack watched as Skaarl sped through countless ponies, causing a few to tumble away from her path. It was odd AJ thought, it was the first time a scarred warrior like him had rolled into Ponyville.  "Kled!? Kled!?" Applejack turned around to see a blue creature walking about with a name on her tongue. This creature was looking for someone, and Applejack believes that she could help. Though she was also armed with a large warhammer, she looked much friendlier than the previous one.  "Howdy there!" Applejack called out to the creature.  She turned to face Applejack and quickly approached the farmer. "Yes!?" She said eagerly. "Hello, I'm Poppy! Do you know if a... short man had passed through here?" There was some hesitation when Poppy described the person she was looking for. "Is that what he was?" Applejack hummed.   "About your question, is it a white-furred creature with a scar?" "White furred?" Poppy was perplexed. "Wait, he isn't using glamour?" "The what now?" "N-nothing." Poppy cleared her throat. "Anyway, can you tell me where he went?" "He went-"  An explosion in the distance cut Applejack off. Poppy snapped towards the source, her knuckles turned pale as her grip tightened around the handle of her hammer. With haste, Poppy went towards the explosion to investigate. Applejack followed the yordle. Unbeknownst to the two, a raven watched them with a careful eye. It flew high above the town and was nearly knocked out of the air by a flash of rainbow. Curious, the raven flew towards the blast. Fluttershy dared not to move, she was still as a statue. Jhin stood a few feet away from her, a brush in his hand. He glanced over to her before returning to his work. His move along the blank canvas creating a new world.  "Thank you once again Fluttershy for modeling, I had dreamed to create portraits of you and the others." He said as he continued on the canvas.  "It's no problem, I am happy to help you. And I'm sure Rainbow Dash would be eager to do this as well." Fluttershy said.  She had completely forgotten about her previous task. Fluttershy had tried to leave so she could look for Skaarl, but Jhin wanted to make a painting in her honor. He had told her that it was his dream to do so. Now that she thinks of it, she had wondered if Dash had found Skaarl yet, or maybe she would never see her again. The idea was disheartening, she was very ecstatic to meet Skaarl and was ready to shower her with love and affection. Never before had she met a drakalops, a curious species who Fluttershy wanted to learn more about.  Speaking of meeting new creatures, Jhin was very fascinating. He was so nice and cool, something about him was just so calming, so much that Fluttershy felt relaxed around him. But there was something that was bothering her, a feeling that she is unsure of what it is. It was in the back of her head, and it was whispering to her unintelligible words. What Fluttershy doesn't know is that this was her instincts speaking to her. Warning her of a threat that is near her.  Jhin smiled devilishly under his mask, he reached a hand behind and towards the knife he hid on his belt. His eye was focused right on Fluttershy's smiling face, an inspiration for his latest art. Such beauty, so fragile. He thought to himself. All Jhin needed to do was flick his wrist and his project will be complete, there will only be a few witnesses in the park but it will suffice.  Then boom, the tree where all his work was on had just exploded into a million pieces. Shards of wood flew all around, Jhin quickly pulled his canvas towards the blast and had protected both him and Fluttershy from any unwanted splinters. A few shards had given him a few cuts, but he and Fluttershy were alright. Jhin would rather not ruin his next subject of interest, no, she will be beautiful once he is done. But for now, he needed to deal with whoever had disturbed his work. As for Fluttershy, she was completely frozen out of fear, the explosion had come out of nowhere. And the voice in her head was finally screaming at her, telling her to run. Yet she didn't listen.  "Mistah J~!" The voice of a girl sang out. Jhin looked over his shoulder and there stood just a few feet away, was a pale and scrawny girl. A large intimidating rocket launcher on her shoulder and a grenade in her right hand. "I finally found you Mistah J! Fart Man said you shouldn't be this far from the arena, something about how he can't keep an eye on you!" "Jinx," Jhin tossed the damaged canvas aside and pulled out his knife. Glaring at the blue-haired girl, Jhin had decided to get rid of her so he could go back to his work. "I am truly sorry dear Fluttershy, let me just deal with this pest." "Fart Man said I can break your bones if you don't comply because he can just fix them. And trust me buster, I want to break your bones so much!" Fluttershy whined, but she was struck with fear to do anything. She wanted to run to safety, she really did. Sadly she is at the mercy of Jhin and she hoped that he could stop whoever that woman is. "I found you!" Someone else bellowed, both gunners turned to see who it was, and imagine their surprise when a yordle on a drakalops rolled up into the scene. "Ha!" He laughed. "What luck, I found me some Ionian to chop up!" Jinx gasped with her eyes wide. "OMG! Another fluffy buddy! Wait, you can see him right?" "A yordle, here? There is one back in the arena, but you are different." Jhin said.  "Enough with the yammering!" Kled brandished his weapon at them. "I'm 'ere to make some broth out of yer bones!" Jhin grinned, an evil intent flashed in his eye. "I see, a hero has entered the scene, marvelous!" He chuckled deeply. "Once I am done with you both, this world will see the beauty of art." > Skirmish And Friendship > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heavy steps on solid stone echoed through the halls, everyone would stop just to watch a man clad in iron walk imposingly. His armor clicked with every step and the red cape trailed behind him. Noxian soldiers would salute and give their respect, high-ranking officers would stand aside to allow him to pass. None dared to speak with the man without a purpose. Because this was no ordinary man, he was the Hand Of Noxus, Darius. A fearsome warrior that served Noxus, and one who should not be trifled with.  Darius was seeking out Swain, it was obvious that he had something in his mind and could need guidance from the Grand General. A few more soldiers greeted him before he reached his destination. An imposing iron door separated him and Swain. Before he could even grab the handle, Darius could hear voices coming from the inside. Thinking nothing of it, Darius opened the door, he needed to speak with Swain. Inside he found the Grand General where he was mostly at, sitting behind his desk with his pet raven perched on his shoulder. The bird always irked Darius, there was clearly something wrong with it, but he held his tongue.  He then glanced over to the man Swain was speaking with. A General just like Darius, but he was injured, his arm was held by a sling and he had to use a crutch to support himself. Swain looked over the General and noticed Darius standing by the door.  "We will continue our conversation next time General Cain, rest for now and recover from your wounds. It would be a waste to lose a man such as you, do not let your defeat weigh you down. Let it serve as a lesson and may it give wisdom to you in your future battle." Swain said. Cain nodded his head and said his goodbye, the General would then greet Darius on his way out. Once he was gone, Darius approached Swain, the raven eyed the Grand General, he scowled back at the bird before he faced Swain.  "General Cain, so he has returned from eastern Demacia," Darius said.  Swain sighed. "Yes, but it was a defeat. I would have thought nothing much of it, but there was a problem that I could not ignore." "There is a problem here, Swain. My brother is missing." Swain arched his brow.  "Not just him, but most of his gladiators and a few others have disappeared as well. We must find him before he gets himself killed." Darius said, and though his exterior was stoic, Swain could see that he was worried for his brother.  "You know who else is missing?" Swain asked rhetorically. "The yordle known as Kled, also known as the Pride Of Noxus." "The barbaric yordle that lives in the north?" Darius had no respect for the yordle, he sees Kled more as a deranged maniac than a Noxian. Kled's techniques make a peasant fighting for scraps of food look like a warrior. He was just too wild for Darius, and he would rather not have Kled anywhere near his war. "What does he have to do with my brother?" "You see, General Cain believed that Kled would be useful in the front lines and had trapped him in a box using mushroom ale as bait." "And yet he lost somehow?" "Reports have said the Keeper Of Orlon's Hammer had intervened with Cain's army, and thanks to her, the fort was defended long enough for reinforcements to aid them and repel our forces. But something else happened." "And what would that be?" Darius waited for Swain to tell him.  "A bright pillar of light appeared out of nowhere and engulfed the two yordles. Curious, I sent my raven into the light not knowing what could possibly happen." Swain paused for a second to allow Darius to absorb the information. "I expected nothing behind the light, and imagine my surprise to discover a whole new world, one that is beyond my comprehension." Swain pushed back his seat and rose to his feet, he walked over to the window behind him and observed the city of Noxus and all its glory. His eyes traced the paths and alleys that were made with the idea to frustrate invaders in mind. The walls in the distance that surrounded the city stood intimidatingly, no one would ever dare to attack Noxus. The city was like a fortress, impossible to invade. That's why Noxians start wars.  "This world is nothing like ours, it is absurd and unnatural, I had my raven scour the land for information and have concluded that this was indeed not Runeterra." "Another dimension? So this means my brother is there." Darius commented. "Is there a way for us to rescue him?" "Perhaps, the rune mage known as Ryze was the culprit behind the pillar of light. It was a summoning, he intended to bring you and Garen to this world but had instead brought the yordles to him." Darius simply grunted in disgust.  Swain continues. "Back to the matter at hand, your brother is in this world no doubt, and I already have evidence to this. An Ionian and a Zaunite are currently engaged in battle with Kled." "I see, then we must make haste and find a way to this world. Perhaps it could be of use to Noxus, though you have not yet told me what kind of creatures inhabit this realm." Darius said.  "Funnily enough," Swain chuckled softly. "The dominant species of this world are a race of equine with two subspecies. A unicorn and a pegasus, all three are very surprising. The pegasus can shake the clouds and create a storm, the unicorns have magic that I had never seen before. As for the regular ones, it would seem they are skilled in agriculture, I was easily impressed with their techniques and dedication to their work." "And their military power?" An important question a Noxian would ever ask, it was important to understand your enemy's strength so you can strike with greater force.  "Non-existent from what I've seen. But I could be wrong." The raven on Swain's shoulder cawed. "Is that so Beatrice? Well, Darius, I am needed elsewhere and I must prepare, so this will be goodbye for now." "Very well Grand General." With that, Darius made his way out of Swain's office. The idea of another world was honestly interesting to him and he would like to see it for himself.  But his brother was far more important than some magical land of horses, Draven was still useful to Noxus and it would be a waste to lose him. Even if he was an arrogant fool who would blindly jump into battle. Though there was something else in mind that bothered Darius, something that made him think.  "Two yordles?" "Yaha!" Kled howled as his halberd connected with Jhin's knife, the Ionian quickly moved away from the crazed yordle and had also dodged a flurry of bullets courtesy of Jinx.  "Hold still!" Jinx whined as she popped some more shells. Jhin was lucky that Kled had eyes for both him and Jinx, or else he'd be knee-deep in trouble. He dodged and ducked their attacks, both were hard to predict thanks to their chaotic nature, but he was a force not to be underestimated. But having had enough of this whole dance, Jinx brought out her trusty Fishbones and released a whole barrage of rockets with no target in mind. Skaarl, seeing the threat before her partner could even notice, had jumped away from the blast zone. Jhin would've simply run, but he calculated the trajectory of the rockets and saw that Fluttershy was in the way of a few.  Not wanting his little project to be ruined, Jhin jumped into action and sprinted towards the paralyzed pegasus. The Ionian swiped her off the ground and pulled her over his shoulder, she yelped in surprise as the ground started to grow farther. Jhin was quite strong for his stature, but the fact that Fluttershy was smaller than a real pony mostly helped, thus allowing Jhin to carry Fluttershy to safety. He retreated to a nearby cover to escape the explosion which would have been fatal for the both of them. They both found safety behind a large wooden wagon that held numerous crates.  "What's going on! W-why is this happening!?" Fluttershy was in a panic, she tried to comprehend the destruction and chaos that was unraveling behind them.  Kled seeing that Jhin was too far for his halberd to reach had instead gone after Jinx, to which the Zaunite answered with a burst of hot lead.  "Forgive me, dear Fluttershy," He spoke as he placed her right where no one could reach her, whatever was inside the crates absorbed any stray bullets. "I did not mean for this to happen, but it would appear my current colleagues had come after me. Though I know who the girl is, I have not seen that yordle before, and it would seem that he is not part of the group I'm in." He reached under the wagon to retrieve something that would certainly aid him in this battle. After a second, he pulled out a large object decorated with engravings. He sighed deeply, his fingers ran down the edges, a slight feeling of joy filled his dark heart. "Please stay here where it is safe, I would be devastated if you were to be harmed by this foolish conflict." With the hammer cocked and his weapon fully loaded, Jhin vaulted over the wagon and fired a round.  This alerted the other two, it was too late for Kled to react but thanks to his idiotic lizard friend, who had turned to see what made such a noise, had saved Kled from any life-threatening wounds. Jhin scowled, instead of the yordle's heart, the bullet had shot through Kled's left shoulder all because of the drakalops. And seeing that Jhin had returned, Jinx greeted him with a hail of bullets. The Virtuoso unclasped his cape and used it against the oncoming wave of bullets, the cloth was torn to shreds but as the pieces scattered it revealed that Jhin had vanished from sight.  He then reappeared above Jinx with his knife raised above his head, and it would've been the end for the lunatic if it weren't for another yordle intervening, this time it was a blue one that carried a massive warhammer. Jhin managed to cross his arms and absorbed most of Poppy's attack into one place but it didn't stop him from being launched a few feet away from the two. "OMG!" Jinx screeched. "You are just the cutest! Look at you and your chunky armor, oh I wanna pinch those cheeks of yours!" "Not right now ma'am," Poppy fished through her pockets and brought out a round stone with a strange rune written on it. "Ryze, Kled and I have found two humans, your orders?" Jhin and Jinx tensed up, both became extremely nervous upon hearing Ryze's name, and to make matters worse, he answered Poppy's call.  "I need them alive, capture them at all cost!" Jinx immediately shot her with no hesitation, her minigun fired bullet after bullet at Poppy who had put up her shield creating a rhythmic noise.  "Alive!?" Kled snarled. "It would be better if we just string them up right now!" He had no time to complain even further as another round from Whisper slammed into Skaarl and knocked the drakalops off the ground. "So this is who the doctor meant, the famous rune mage is on this planet with a reason alien to ours." He said as he pulled the trigger once more.  "Hey, that's my Skaarl yer shootin' at!" Kled yelled at Jhin as he took cover behind Skaarl. "Shi." Jhin muttered as fire his fourth bullet and a burning purple flare shot out of Whisper. A defeating bang erupted from the handcannon as the bullet zoomed through the air.  Kled was blind to the danger in front of him, he continued to ramble and curse at Jhin as the bullet neared. Instead, his trusty steed was the one who recognized the threat, but she did not try to warn him of the fatal bullet that would surely kill Kled with a single touch. Skaarl has opted to run away and knocked Kled aside, she had unknowingly saved the yordle as the bullet whizzed past between them.  "Darn it Skaarl! Get back here and eat lead!" Kled screeched at the retreating form of Skaarl.  Jhin on the other hand was displeased, he reloaded his weapon while scorning at his opponent. His bullets have barely done any damage, he completely missed all his shots and he felt despair because of it. It was a sad story, of how he was denied his passion for creating art, but he was not hopeless. He still had bullets to spare, and besides, he could alwa- His gun blocked a heavy blow from Kled, the halberd pressed down on Jhin with all Kled's weight. The yordle had managed to sneak up on Jhin as he was reloading Whisper and made a motion to strike the Ionian down.  "I can respect crazy, but what kinda fool reloads in a middle of a fight!?" Kled commented as he pushed himself away from Jhin.  The two stared down at each other, both waited for the other to make the next move. With his gun loaded and ready, Jhin snapped into action. Kled welcomed him with open arms and a smile on his face.  Poppy hopped side to side dodging rockets after rockets. It was impossible to clear the gap between them as bombs and bullets rained down upon this park. The yordle realized that there were still bystanders around, spectating their battle with fear and anxiety. Oftentimes she had to take a hit with her shield just to cover the ponies from the explosions. Jinx was overwhelming her, and at this rate, the whole town would be razed to the ground.  "This little piggy went to the market!" Jinx smiled twistedly as she tossed around her explosives. "And this little piggy went 'wee wee we e'en all the way to the morgue!" "Stop!" Poppy pleaded. "Can't you see that there are people around!? You might hurt one of them if you keep this up!" Jinx groaned loudly, her shoulders slacked as her face shifted to a look of disappointment. "Jeez, you sound like my conscience, he's always telling me not to do this, don't kill that. Now I feel terrible for putting these cute adorable ponies in danger." A moment of peace, just what Poppy was looking for, perhaps she could deal with this problem in a much safer way. "I'm glad you could see reason, now please, lay down your weapons." "Pfft!" Poppy flinched back a little. "Ha! What are you, my mom? No way I'm gonna just go down easy, the Fart Man said that Ryze guy is out to get us, and if you work for him then you and fluffy butt over there are against us! Simple as that." "I didn't want to resort to useless violence, but you've forced my hand!" The yordle hefted the hammer over her shoulder and trained her eyes on the Zaunite. "Welp, don't want to keep the Fart Man waiting, still gotta bring back Mistah J," Jinx chuckled, her Zapper aimed at Poppy's face. But before she could pull the trigger, a rainbow streak tackled Jinx into the ground. Quickly, Jinx kicked her attacker off, but her pistol was thrown aside during the tangle.  Now a pegasus entered the fight with a look of determination. "I don't know what's going on, so I'm hoping that I'm helping the good guys here!" "R-Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy cried out from her hiding place.  "Don't worry Flutters, I'm here to save the day!" A flash of light blinded everyone just for a second, and from it, a group of ponies had arrived. Twilight Sparkle had brought her friends, her eyes scanned that field of ash and dust, she was flabbergasted by the fact that there were humans in her presence. One was fighting a white-furred creature, while the other was lying on the ground who stared back at Twilight with eyes wide open.  "Uh oh," Jinx muttered.  "Could someone explain to me what is going on here!?" Twilight demanded an answer.  Instead of giving Twilight what she wanted, Jinx bolted over towards Jhin, swiping her gun off the ground as she passed by. Immediately, Twilight and Starlight brought up a barrier as Jinx tossed her grenades at them. This partially answered Twilight's question. Applejack jumped into action once the explosions passed. Her lasso caught Jinx by her waist and she had the wind pushed out of her as the farmer pulled her in.  Jhin noticed that Jinx was in a pinch, and what was worse was the arrival of Fluttershy's friends. They were outnumbered, he muttered something under his breath.  "What's that!? Can't hear ya!" Kled sneered.  "Nothing to be concerned about," Jhin answered. He turned on his heel before a crack shattered the air. The lasso snapped in two and Jinx was free.  Before the mares could react, Jinx pointed Pow Pow at them and unleashed a hail of bullets which caused the ponies to scramble. As she did so, Jinx backed away to gain distance. Dash tried to flank the gunner, but she came face to face with Zapper. Before she could feel the thunder, Dash was saved by Poppy, her shield blocked the shot and kept Jinx from injuring Dash.  Jinx cursed as she backed away. Soon enough, she came back to back with Jhin, both surrounded. Pow Pow kept Twilight and the others at bay, but it would seem that Poppy and Dash would soon reach her. Jhin on the other hand was having a hard time fighting Kled, he was so unpredictable that he thought he was fighting a mindless animal. He was at the end of the line, without the rest of his arsenal, Jhin was no match to a beast like Kled.  "I got you now!" Kled laughed.  Before Kled could even land the final blow, a wall of energy rose from nowhere and froze him in the air. Surrounded by pillars, the two humans could only watch dumbfounded as a new fighter joined. A high-pitched laugh pierced their ears as this newcomer goaded them to do something.  "Nyehehe!"  Poppy adopted a look of defeat as she realized who this was, she wanted to just forget about the fight and go home, but sadly that isn't her.  "Cower before me puny mortals! It is I, Veigar!" He made himself known as he hovered above the humans. "Oh no, it's Veigar." Poppy attempted to be surprised but utterly failed. "Another yordle!?" Jhin exclaimed.  "Hold your tongue human, I was sent here by the doctor to help you escape! Be humble that I would even spare my precious time!" His eyes glanced over to the other yordles. "And I see now that the doctor was wise, for we meet again my nemesis!" "Uh, yeah, it is I!" Poppy was making a fool of herself in front of the others.  "Who is this?" Kled asked with a judging glare.  "He's my nemesis, not really though, just play along." She whispered to him before facing the short yordle. "Veigar, are you here to do eeeevil things!?" "No, I am here to bring these foolish humans back to the arena! We will meet again, Poppy, but in our next battle, I shall triumph!" He raised his scepter in the air and powerful energy warped around him. "I call upon the cosmos to bend to my will and open a rift between reality!" The ground beneath the humans opened into a portal, both were engulfed by the rift before they knew it. Veigar glanced at Poppy and Kled one last time, he muttered "Noxian" under his breath just before he went through the portal.  Now that the battle ended, the two yordles were alone with the ponies and an awkward silence grew. Poppy looked at them as they stared back at her. She couldn't form any words, unsure how to approach this situation of hers.  Except for Kled.  "Damn rodent just blue balled me like the rune mage fella! He just ruined my mood!" This was going to be a long day. > What Is At Stake > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The blazing heat of the dessert was barely bearable. Ryze would've died if it weren't for his runes, it was a miracle that there were living creatures around. The real mystery to him was the skull of a cow, he guessed the rest was taken by scavengers but wondered why there's always one in a dessert.  As he glared at the remains, his mind wandered to a certain revenant. The question of death and what lies beyond. Ryze shook the thought away, he had work to do.  He entered a ruin, it looked to be a shrine of sorts, well, whatever was left of it. There were signs of battle, something happened and reduced the shrine into rubble. The stone pedestal was broken beyond repair, the sand beneath his feet was oddly sticky. Strangely, there was an odd smell in the air, it was the stench of Zaun.  This was it, the place where the anomaly started. He looked around at nothing but sand.  That is until he noticed something in the distance, a cloud of dust approached, it cleared the distance faster than a man who's not ready to face the wolf. Ryze scowled. "Rammus, that better be you!" His hand glowed brightly as his fists clenched tightly.  Soon enough, the cloud got close enough before something emerged from the sands. A gigantic beast roared as two more creatures appeared. One was equally large, while the other was just as tall as Ryze.  "Voidlings." He muttered.  Cho'gath laughed as Kha'zix glowered at Ryze. Rek'sai slowly circled him, her deep growls shook the sands.  "Rune mage!" Kha'zix snarled. "You've come for us, but you are a fool! This will be your end!" Ryze sighed. "Yes, yes. I heard it all before." He waved a dismissive hand at them. "Let's just cut to the chase and fight it out. I have an important meeting later and I don't want to be late." The three Void creatures prepared themselves, Ryze groaned loudly as he charged up a spell. This was troubling, and he was honestly tired of it.  Poppy was in a panic, she shuffled on the spot awkwardly as she glanced at every pony before her. It had been a minute or two since the encounter with the humans. She had to make herself look friendly so no unwanted conflict would arise. Sadly, Kled on the other hand was acting childish. He did not see the situation, as if he was blind to the fact that they were surrounded by magical ponies.  They stood with their defenses raised, careful not to be caught off guard by the old yordle. It would seem most of them were eager to fight if it meant to defend their town. None showed cowardice, they were determined to stand their ground against Kled. He showed no fear, especially when he had Skaarl by his side. "I am tellin' y'all nothing until you horses surrender this town to Noxus! Accept my terms or me and Skaarl will-" "It's Skaarl and I." Twilight corrected.  "Don't you sass me!" Kled snapped at her.  The ponies readied themselves, he looked like he was about to explode, though he was shorter than a regular human, his temper was just overwhelming. He was like an angry chihuahua who was armed with a sharp stick.  "I'm telling you for the last time; I want the Noxian banner to be displayed around town to show your alliance to me!" He traced the edge of his halberd with a finger. "Or else Skaarl and I will personally convert your race to our cause, by force!" "Kled, could you please behave!" Poppy pleaded.  "I am not listening to someone who is not a rank higher than me!"  "We just want some answers! Is it that hard?" Twilight said with a hoof on her face. "We don't want a fight, but we will defend ourselves. So please, for the good of all, lay down your weapon and we can settle this like adults." "Sounds like Demacian propaganda to me," Kled whispered to Skaarl, only to find that she was not by his side. "Skaarl? Skaarl!" He gasped.  Skaarl was there next to Fluttershy, it would seem the drakalops was infatuated with the pegasus, she acted as if she was a dog who misses its owner after a whole day alone. The betrayal, the lack of loyalty to her rightful partner! Kled seethed with jealousy as this pegasus hogged all the attention.  "Oh, hello Skaarl... Hmm, are you hungry?" Fluttershy asked. "Hold on, I think I can ask Applejack for an apple, I'm sure she has one on her. Right Applejack?" "Oh, well," The farmer inhaled sharply. She wanted to say no, but Skaarl stared at her expectantly. Now that she saw it, Skaarl was kinda cute, in a weird lizard way, almost like Gummy, Pinkie's pet alligator. "Fine, Ah got an apple here..." She fished under her hat and produced a shiny apple for Skaarl.  "Have you been giving Skaarl garbage food!?" Kled exclaimed. "The only thing in her diet is human flesh and random bugs we find on the ground!" Skaarl made a strange noise.  "I know that you're on a fruit and vegetable diet, but meat is just better!" Before anyone could say another word, a flash of light blinded them for a moment. Once it was clear, the ponies and Poppy gasped in shock. A large bug-like creature was brought into the grassy field from out of nowhere, and next to it was the rune mage himself, Ryze. The giant bug was held down by magical chains which the beast could not break out of. "I will grind your bones to dust, rune mage!" Cho'gath threatened as he attempted but failed to free himself.  "Shut up," Was Ryze's only reply to this void-born. "So, I guess avoiding the locals was harder than you both can manage?" "Another human..." Twilight said, her eyes were wide open. "Are you perhaps these um... cats?" "They are called yordles," Ryze said blankly. "and no, I am not their leader if that is what you were going to say. I am simply employing them just this one time to help me with something important." "And I want to know why you people are destroying our home, and what you all are fighting for!" Twilight took a step forward.  "I assure you, princess, that you need not be concerned about our work. This will all be over before you know it, by my name I promise it." Ryze said. "How are we not sure that you guys aren't trying to take over our home!?" Dash flew up to Ryze's face and pressed an accusing hoof on his chest. "For all we know, this is some secret invasion where you act like the good guys fighting the bad guys!" Ryze glanced over to Twilight. "Is your friend an idiot or do I have to perform surgery and give her a bigger brain?" "Are you calling me dumb!?" "Yes." He said without missing a beat.  "That's it!" Dash reared back a hoof for a quick punch, but she froze when the tip of Kled's halberd was pressed against her throat.  "Go on, give me a reason!" Kled grinned. "I'm hungry for some buffalo wings!" Twilight and her friends didn't like that, not one bit. Spells were ready to be cast on Kled, the others took on a defensive stance and were ready for another fight.  Ryze pushed Kled's weapon away from Dash. "We aren't here to fight, I just want none of you to be part of our problem. So please understand that I am only looking out for your kind." Twilight shook her head. "As noble as your reason is, I will have to step in if something like that skirmish ever happens again. Pony lives are in danger, and it's up to us to take a stand!" "Ugh!" He placed his palm on his face, a tired heavy sigh escaped him. "Do you see yourself as the hero here!? Are you just that righteous!? Honestly! I am sick and tired of you locals always getting in trouble just because of me!" Ryze slammed his fist against Cho'gath's face, and the voidling whined in pain.  "Do you not see this monster I had caught!? There are two more out there, preying on creatures such as you! If I had not found him, he would have grown bigger than a mountain and all will fall into his disgusting maw! This is Cho'gath, the Terror of the Void!" The ponies and Poppy recoiled when Ryze struck the monster a second time. His rage and frustration overwhelmed the whole field, it felt so suffocating just being next to him.  "He represents what that blasted void is, insatiable hunger, this monster devours all life because it is his purpose! If that doesn't scare you, there are psychopaths out there that wouldn't think twice about ripping you apart!" He glared at them all with fury, but his rage shifted into sadness, it was clear in his eyes that he feared for them. He wasn't mad that they were persistent, no, he was just worried for their sake, and now they can see that. "Death is a mercy, knowing someone like him is still out there... Listen! Just think about it, and let us do our job." Ryze placed a hand on the beast, a bright blue ring appeared beneath him and Cho'gath. A teleportation spell from what Twilight and Starlight could tell.  "Poppy, ignore these ponies and head north just as I told you." He ordered.  "What are you gonna do to him?" Poppy asked.  "I will bring him back to our base in the Everfree forest, without the artifact I cannot send him back to our world. So for now I must imprison him and hope that he stays where he is." He glared one last time at the ponies. "Think, for your own safety." With that said, a light flashed, and somehow the giant beast was gone along with Ryze. Twilight was shocked after witnessing such a powerful teleportation spell. Just by the way he talks and his appearance, Twilight knows that Ryze is not a man to be trifled with. His magic alone was stronger than his words, deadlier even. Which gave Twilight more reason not to trust Ryze right off the bat.  "So!" Poppy clapped her hands to steal their attention. "We would love to stay and all, but Kled and I have work to do... So sorry about the mess, I'll make sure that this won't happen ever again." "Wait," Twilight sighed. "we got off the wrong hoof here, and it is very much appreciated that you both risked your lives for the peace of our town. I wanted to learn more about this problem of yours, so I ask that you stay and tell us what exactly it is." Poppy awkwardly coughed into her fist, her eyes focused on the space beside her. "I would be happy to, but Ryze wouldn't like that, sorry." "Please, I beg that you let us help in any way we can!" Poppy gasped as she felt two hooves on her shoulders, Twilight stared deeply into Poppy's eyes with determination written all over her face. "My home is in trouble and I want to defend it! If innocent lives are in danger, then none of us could ever live with ourselves knowing that we did nothing!" "I-I... I'm sorry, but-" Poppy could not finish her sentence as Kled shoved his hand into her mouth. The yordle screamed, but it only came out muffled thanks to Kled.  "Shush!" Kled pulled out his hand and wiped it on Twilight, who recoiled in disgust. Fluttershy and the others couldn't believe how the aura in the air shifted from something serious to something silly. "Don't talk for a second, the damn magpie is listenin'!" He told them as he pointed a finger at a raven nearby.  The ponies and Poppy stared at him weirdly, unsure what he meant.  "I see you!" Kled tossed a pebble at the corvid, which flew away, scared off by the lunatic. "That's right, scram! I don't need you poking around here!" He then turned towards the ponies.  "How about I make a deal! You renounce yer leaders and join Noxus!" He grinned. "I'll tell you everything you need to know!" "Don't listen to him, he's nuttier than a Bandle scout around acorns." Poppy warned.  "Don't you go and run your mouth, Demacian! We know you fancy pants are always goin' around eatin' slugs!"  "Please don't fight!" Fluttershy stepped between them, she risked her life just so conflict could be avoided, a foolish move, Kled could've ripped her apart for that. "T-there are more important things to do than fighting..." "Fluttershy is right!" Twilight stepped forward. "Our home is in danger, and we can only depend on you both. If what that human told us is true, then we can't just go and trust anyone else." Poppy shook her head. "You are worried for your world, I understand, but Ryze knows more than anyone. If he thinks that you shouldn't get involved, then it's best to do what he says..." "Please," Twilight begged... It was true, they knew too much now and just couldn't ignore it, this is their home, they have friends and family everywhere. None of the ponies wanted to just stand around pretending the danger doesn't exist, living a life as if there was no evil lurking in the shadows.  Jhin and Jinx brought with them weapons that could raze and burn fields, leaving nothing but ash. They were armed and dangerous, just like Ryze and his two helpers. If so, then anyone who did not belong to this world was also a threat to them.  Poppy understood her, she knows everything there is to her world, the monsters that breathed the same air as she does. Some who don't even look monstrous, they all come in all shapes and sizes, not to be underestimated. A sigh left her lips, she glanced towards the direction of the forest where Ryze hid, a thought ran through her mind as she stared silently. Finally, she faced Twilight once more, but with a soft smile. "I don't think we've introduced ourselves properly, I'm Poppy, the Keeper of Orlon's Hammer. It will be a pleasure to work with you!" Kled snarled. "Now just hold on a minute! This was goin' to be my conquest! Why in Skaarl's name are you stealing my chance for expansion!?" He grunted in pain after Poppy elbowed his gut.  "Could you shut up for once, Noxian? This alliance of ours is temporary, but I will put you in your place." "I'll rip your cute face off for that!" He tried to pounce at Poppy but found himself frozen... again...  But this time it was thanks to Twilight with a little bit of telekinesis to hold him down. She smiled warmly at Poppy. "My name is Twilight Sparkle, and let me be the first to welcome you to Equestria, Poppy." Poppy was filled with a rush of joy, though it was the wrong choice, she was happy that she decided to allow these ponies to have a part in her quest. The yordle just hoped that Ryze would understand her decision. Maybe it was wise of her to do so, or perhaps she would regret it one day, only time could tell. > Toxic Chemistry > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The muffled cheers could be heard beneath the earth, two souls walked through a tunnel as the arena above roared with life. Draven loved the attention, the cheering crowd, and beautiful women. But as he walked with a well-dressed yordle, he couldn't help but wear a bitter frown on his face.  The Glorious Executioner, brother to the Hand of Noxus, both a lover and a fighter. A deadly warrior with skills that could almost match his brother's, none could outpace his tempo once he entered the arena with his axes. He may be a showman, but Draven earned his place in the spotlight. Best of all, he was Swain's closest friend, perhaps the only one.  The yordle was named Karl, an arena bookie who helped set up matches for the masses to watch. He wore glamour, of course, so no one knew he was a yordle, except for certain psychos. When he woke up in this new world, the first thing he did was build an arena, under Draven's orders, the man boasted that it was his idea, not Karl's. Even then, the yordle didn't care, what mattered most was gold. And oh boy there was so much of it.  Creatures, big and small came from all sorts of places just to watch genuine gladiators beat each other to a pulp, spending bits is worth the trouble just to see these Noxians in action.  You would think Draven would be happy about having undying fans that would cheer for him, but for some reason, he was grumpy all week.  "Hey Draven, what got you feeling down?" Karl asked. "Is it because of that Demacian lady stealing the show?" "Oh please!" Draven scoffed. "It isn't about Miss Pokey! She may be a fancy pants with fancy needs, but we both know the crowd loves me more." "Then why are you so um... Darius?" "It's the doctor, always calling me for some stupid errand instead of leaving me to enjoy my arena." He growled, the yordle decided to follow Draven at a slower pace. "Worst part is, I hate him as much as Swain does." "The uh... Grand General knows this guy?" Karl was curious about it.  "Does he know this guy?" Draven laughed. "Swain tossed assassins at this lunatic! Each one didn't even come back, all found in a ditch somewhere in Zaun. Let me tell ya, Swain wants him gone so bad, that he almost started an invasion on Piltover just to get rid of him!" "Is he that bad?" "I've seen what he can do, and I'm 100% on board with Swain here, the guy should just die." Both Noxians stopped by a large metal door, the cold air sent a shiver down Karl's spine, the aura of the whole place was too heavy for the yordle,  he didn't like to be here as much as Draven.  The door opened, Draven could see something slither in the shadows, the rattle of a poisonous snake kept him on his toes. The room was barely lit, and it was dark enough for a gloomy and creepy aura to form, and a short yordle in the room seemed to like it more than anyone would. Draven glared at the fuzzy rodent who glared back at him along with their shadow.  "I don't like you..." The yordle said blankly.  "Feeling is mutual, rat." Draven sneered as he walked past her.  "Hey, V-Vex!" Karl greeted as he followed Draven. Then Vex glared daggers at him which caused Karl to quicken his pace.  Just at the end of the room came an ominous green glow, Draven flinched once he stepped on the plastic that layered on the floor, there were some more on the walls and ceiling. Tables with surgical tools, some alchemist set on another, and fridge brimming with blood bags. It was like a makeshift hospital, even smelled like one too. In the center was another table, occupied by a corpse, and tended to by a tall and skinny man who wore a lab coat. His hand moved rhythmically with great accuracy as he danced the scalpel on the deceased. He paused and turned around to face Draven, though the light was behind him, the man's lower face was clearly hidden beneath several wraps of bandages.  "You called, Singed?" The Doctor hummed. "Yes, I require that you bring me more of these ponies, as you can see, I am running out of volunteers." He said as he plunged the scalpel into the corpse. "This one barely lasted a minute." "Why do I have to go? Those two lunatics are back, so just send them out!" Draven said, determined to skip out on the task. "I have better things to do, Doc, got to make sure our team is funded." "Jhin and Jinx are currently detained for their recklessness. Because of them, there is a chance that Ryze will find us. If that ever happens, then our efforts will be pointless." "What about the gloomy rat? She's just been sulking in this room ever since she got here!" Draven glared at the yordle in subject. " Always thought your kind was all happy and cheerful, from what Swain told me." "I'm not happy," Vex said. "this room is the only place I can find that feels like death and sorrow... You can't tell, but ghosts are trapped in this room, and they're better company than you or anyone." "Why you gotta be so down?" He sneered.  "If you are done conversing with the yordle, it would be appreciated that you begin my assignment. I need five of each pony race, all female, ages 18 to 24, preferably healthy." Singed listed off his demands.  "You know what Singed? To hell with you!" Draven snapped at him. "I'm done doing your dirty work, and I'm done following your orders!" "Let's not do anything hasty, Draven!" Karl tried his best to calm the Executioner, but his words fell on deaf ears.  Draven only took one step before he felt something sharp on his throat. "Some Noxian you are." He sneered at his assailant. "You're more snake than human, Cassiopeia!" "Silence! No one harms the Doctor, or else they will suffer my wrath." She hissed.  Cassiopeia, a Noxian noble cursed by an ancient force. What was once a beautiful woman, now a snake with uncontrollable power. And this serpent won't think twice about dismembering you.  "Do not spill blood in my lab," Singed glared at both Noxians with his green eye. "It is important to keep everything clean, or else my patients will become sick!" "I'm sorry Doctor, but let me kill this worm once and for all!" Cassiopeia pressed her claws against Draven's neck. "He's but a peasant, nothing worth our time!" "Go ahead!" Draven dared. "I'll make some boots out of you, and trust me, darling, I'll rock the look!" "It's useless killing him," Singed returned to his work, unbothered by what was happening with those two Noxians. "it would be better to simply keep him for some experiments I have in mind..." "W-wait! Please!" Karl begged for Draven but clamped his mouth shut after Singed glanced at him.  Draven stared wide-eyed, in some cases, death is a mercy. But when it comes to Peter Singed, death is the only thing you desire. He knew what Singed is capable of, ever since Draven met him, the Executioner fought Singed's abominations in the arena. These monsters were a crowd favorite. Watching gladiators fight for their lives against the horror of the unknown.  Knowing what is behind these iron doors to this lab of death, Draven caved in and surrendered. Though he may have numbers on his side, the Doctor had two terrifying monsters, maybe more if he was being honest with himself. And there was also the rule of Zaun which Jinx was so determined to tell everyone...  NEVER CHASE SINGED!!!! He may not be known well throughout Zaun and Piltover, but many of the lower class and some elites of Zaun were familiar with Singed. Even a girl who lost all her marbles knew not to mess with the chemist, many who tried would be found in the same manner as those Noxian assassins that went after him.  "Fine Singed, I'll go." Draven was roughly shoved towards the door by the serpent, he tried to make a move but found Vex in his way.  "Get lost, human, you're ruining the mood, in a bad way." "Kuh!" He scoffed. It wasn't worth the trouble.  Draven stormed off, he needed some time in the arena just to relieve his stress. Karl went after him, eager to leave this horrid place.  "Finally, I thought he'd never leave..." Vex sighed in sorrow. "We should've just tossed him in the dungeon, along with the other beasts." Cassiopeia voiced her displeasure.  Singed shook his head. "He is as valuable as the rest of you, no matter how much of an idiot he is. Just like his brother, Draven is a warrior to be feared, especially in the arena. And the only thing that we have against Ryze is numbers, the rune mage is dangerous when facing him alone, his spells are far greater than one could imagine." Singed continued to dissect the corpse with precision.  "Yordles..." Vex's attention focused on Singed as he continued his speech. "Yordles are dangerous, clumps of magic turned sentient, apex predators of our world. Though many are simply mischievous and jolly, they are warriors and killers, just like the rest of Runeterra's inhabitants. If what the two said is true, then we are facing the oldest Noxian warrior on Runeterra, Kled." "I've met him before..." Vex sighed. "thought he'd be cool since he's part of Noxus, but turns out he's crazy..." "You are right to be worried about the Noxian, Doctor!" A new -but screechy- voice spoke. It was Veigar, the Tiny Master of Evil! "Kled is as ferocious as any Noxian that lives, perhaps even more." "Ugh, great, it's Veigar." Vex groaned loudly as the smaller yordle approached.  "Greetings #2! Your master has returned!" Veigar stood proudly by Vex's side. "Also, did you get shorter? Wonderful!" "No Veigar, I'm slouching..." "Back to the subject!" He pretended not to hear her. "Kled is a mindless beast on the battlefield, I've witnessed one of his many battles during the expansions of Noxii. Before my story began! That blasted beast tore through armies with his equally stupid pet! Oh, how I hate him!" "Jeez, Veigar, didn't know you had cool history..." "Enough Vex." Singed silenced the gloomy yordle. "You said you know who this Poppy is? Explain." "Poppy!" Veigar's eyes blazed to life with rage, nearly setting the ceiling on fire. "The Demacian yordle is my nemesis! For years we have fought, good and evil, lives on the line! The hero who foiled my plans countless times, it drives me insane! Always showing up just when I am one step away from victory!" "I've heard enough." Singed pulled off his surgical latex gloves, hands now free of those red stains, he reached into his pocket and brought out his recorder. "Entry #36 of Project Chimera: Patient 12 was a failure, she did not last longer than patient 8. Her body could not survive the operation due to arrhythmia, after a background check I have discovered that it is common in her family. If I wish for any progress, I require a healthy patient. So during her operation, she experienced a heart attack and died. End log."  "You sure are scary, Singed." Vex complimented.  "Yes, yes, Singed is terrifying. But not scarier than me, right #2? " Veigar asked, only to be ignored.  Cassiopeia returned to the shadows, she had nothing else to do, so it was better for her time to be spent on hiding. She could run the risk of hurting the Doctor, her powers were still beyond her control, one wrong move and somebody could get hurt. It wouldn't be a problem back on Runeterra, but she needed to keep herself from killing anyone, not yet.  She still needed Singed alive, only he could help her. If anything happens to him, she doesn't know what she would do.  Meanwhile above ground, hundreds of spectators roared with excitement as a fighter in the arena battle with a manticore. This woman danced across the sands, delivering strike after strike with her sword, the crowd watched with bated breath as she brought this beast down to its knees. This show was nothing but a one-sided beat down, the manticore never stood a chance.  Once defeated, the fighter raised her sword towards the audience, a smirk on her face. "Are you not entertained!? Another victory for House Laurent!" Draven could only watch from the shadows with a deep scowl, though he despised Singed and his inhuman projects, he hated this Demacian second. It was always like that throughout history, their factions fought for their beliefs. He didn't care about it, no, he only thought about how she had it better than him. Always on the ring fighting, not sneaking around the country kidnapping ponies like him. Draven was honestly jealous for once, and he didn't like the feeling.  For now, he needed to bide his time and wait for an opportunity. Singed will pay for everything he did to Draven.  Unbeknownst to Draven, or anyone in the arena, a lone Raven watched with curious eyes, focused mostly on Draven. Somewhere in another world, a man smiled upon seeing the Glorious Executioner. A plan began to build itself, and it would need the help of some locals.