> Super Voltron > by CrAzY FaLcOn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Buying. Falling. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buying. Falling. All these people. So many costumes. It SERIOUSLY sucks that I couldn't afford one this time. Oh well, at least I got in. Hey, I wonder if Tex is still selling RvB merch? The stuff people sell here is awesome! Is that a Buster sword? Cool! As I look around at the booths and cosplayers, I see something that draws my eye. A large booth full of merchandise, in the form of stickers. Hundreds and hundreds of stickers. All of different fandoms and characters. I walk up to the booth to see a human UnderFresh Sans. White face paint, multicoloured hat, YO-LO sunglasses and everything. Haven't seen this guy before. Must be new. I think. "Heya Fresh." I say, waving at him. "Hey. Logo's the name, actually." He replies in a deepish baritone voice. Logo? Guess that makes sense, more than half of these stickers are logos. "Cool name. So, how much is one of these?" I ask, pointing at the array of stickers. "Depends." Logo responds. "On what?" "What's your name?" He asks. My name? What does that have to do with anything? "My name's Diego. Diego Logis." I say. Logo hears this and smiles, almost creepily. "Ah ha. My employer said I should sell you this." Logo then takes a step back from his table to reach under it. He pulls out a 30cm tall figurine. It looks awesome! Is this some sort of Voltron figurine?! In front of me stands a 30cm tall, white figurine, appearance almost a exact copy of the Voltron robot from Voltron Legendary Defender, except that the colour is completely white with some shades of light cyan thrown in, the pauldron on its right arm is missing, it has a tail like a Voltron lion, the hands and feet of it look like actual hands and boots and, instead of the crest-like chest plate that Voltron has, it has what seems to be a Bayard port with the two divots where the Bayard would slot into on it's chest. All my previous thoughts are miraculously forgotten as I look at this figurine. Whoa! This is so cool! Is that a white Bayard in his hand? Cool! "Whoa. What is this?" "An OC my employer made. And you can have it for ten bucks." Logo says. I hand him the ten dollars and take the creation. "Have fun." Logo says as I walk away. Cool. I've got a cool new… Why did I buy thi-? It was Equestria's darkest hour. Nightmare Moon had returned. Twilight Sparkle, Celestia's greatest student, had failed. The Elements of Harmony were destroyed and Nightmare Moon had brought forth eternal night. As Twilight sat there, she tried to think of a way to win. A way to bring back her precious teacher that she loved and vanquish the evil that had taken her away. But she couldn't. She couldn't win. Not alone. But she wasn't alone. She had her friends. She could hear them searching for her. And in that moment, she knew a way to beat Nightmare. She knew- And then a white meteor fell through the ceiling. {One minute earlier} It's interesting. Falling unconscious. I've never been knocked out before. All though what's even weirder is I don't know what knocked me out. One second, I'm buying a toy for some reason, the next, I'm falling through the night sky. Did I mention that I'm falling through the sky? I don't think I did. Welp. I'm falling through the sky. I don't know how I suddenly ended up 2km in the sky at night but I did. And now I'm about to crash through the ceiling of some ruins. There was this one video I saw where a guy said "the people who don't want to go skydiving, are the ones who should go skydiving". He was dead wrong. And I'm not saying that because I don't have a parachute. As I fell through the air, I noticed something. My body was different. Instead of the pinkish flesh and clothes I knew before, my body was a white full exoskeleton. Translation: I was a full body suit of armour now. I couldn't even feel the wind whipping past me or the, I assume, chilly night air. I was so confused by everything that was happening, I hadn't noticed that I'd arrived at my destination of the roof of a derelict hall. Painlessly smashing through it, I landed on and broke a marble floor. I heard a scream next to me as I did. Literally pulling my head out of the ground, I look up to see a girl with light purple coloured skin and a curved horn pointing up from her head. She appears to be wearing mostly purple shaded clothes. She is looking at me with wide eyes. Hi. I try to say but no sound comes out my mouth. I now realize that I don't have a mouth anymore. I hear an intimidating female voice directly behind me. "You there. Who are you?" I hear. I turn around to see a large woman with very dark blue skin, a long horn similar to the girl behind me, wearing regal clothes and wings spread from her back. "I asked you a question. Who are you?!" She repeats. If I could answer your question, I would but I can't. I try to say, again making no sound. "Well? Speak!" The woman shouts. My shoulders sag in exasperation as I try to show that I can't talk. After a few motions, she seems to realize what I mean. "You cannot speak? No matter, step aside." She says, her horn now glowing. The heck is that? Wait, step aside? I look behind myself to see the purple girl cowering. She wants to shoot her? Well she's gonna have to go through me! I stand my ground against the woman. "You're protecting her? Hmm. It seems we have a hero in our midst. Ha!" She says, ending her sentence with a shot of energy from her horn, straight at me. I raise my arms to block. The shot hits me. And I barely feel a thing. If I still had an organic face, I would have raised an eyebrow. I lower my arms and look at the woman.  Really? "What?! How did you- arg!" She shoots me again, this time with a larger blast. It hits me in the chest, stinging very slightly.  Ow? I look down to see my chest smoking, the blast having hit the Bayard port in the center. Guess that's a bit of a weak spot. Still didn't really hurt though. "How are you doing that?! My spells can rend the lands!" The woman shouts. Then those are some weak lands. I decide to run at her, bringing my fist up to punch her. She dodges by flying into the air. Guess those wings work. How am I- A surge on my thigh draws my attention. Jets on my legs flare to life, sending me into the roof.  Oh. I became that thing I bought. Well, let's see what I can do! Pulling my head from the roof, I charge at the woman. Unfortunately, because of me not being used to my flight, I just crash into the ground. "Ah!" The purple girl shouts next to me. "Watch out!" She yells. I'm trying! Huh? I feel something bounce off my armour. I now see that the dark blue woman tried to dropkick me. Her hit hurt her leg more than it hurt me. "Agh! What is that armour made of?!" The woman yells, nursing her leg. She then starts taking shots at the girl and me. I shield the girl with my body. The woman's magic has no effect but I do feel a shift of weight near my butt.  I then hear a wall explode. Looking behind myself as I stand up, I see the end of my tail glowing. I have a tail? Oh right, I have a tail. Wait, shouldn't I have the Bayard too? I look around to see if maybe it fell somewhere. In my searching, my hand comes near three lines on the jet by my thigh. With a small flash, I'm now holding the white Bayard. Coo- Engage. The woman goes for another barrage. Diego holds up the Bayard, a massive white energy shield forms in front of the Bayard, completely blocking the attack. "What?!" The woman shouts. Suddenly, the Bayard glows white as the energy shield disappears. The Bayard now sports a glowing white blade on its front, like a Katar blade. The woman and girl look in awe of the transformation. Diego holds up the blade and squeezes the handle, sending the blade forward on a tether. The woman yelps in shock as she dodges to the side in midair. "How dare you make me utter such a pitif-" Diego yanks the Bayard to the side, pulling back the blade, straight into the woman's hip. "Ah!" The woman shouts as the blade shocks her with white electricity. Caught off guard by the shock, she almost falls to the ground. Diego seizes this opportunity by expertly flying behind her and pinning her to the ground, pressing the retracted blade into her back to shock her. She yells in pain but still struggles, almost turning her head to look at her attacker, slowly charging her horn to try to defend herself. Diego, seeing that his weapon isn't working as he expected, changes it into a new form, the blade now slightly split in the middle to form almost a claw shape. Diego presses the blade against her again, this time making her entire body spasm with electricity. After a second,he stops, the woman now unconscious. Disengage. Ah! Huh? I'm back? I think, finally being able to move freely again. Yes! I raise my arms, happy to be in control again as the white Bayard disappears. "You… you did it. You won!" The girl shouts. "Twilight!" We both hear a faint voice. "Rarity? Girls, I'm here!" Twilight shouts. More shouting is heard as five other girls enter the hall. They all see Twilight and jump, shouting. "Twilight!" As the six multi-coloured girls hug, one with butter yellow skin sees me and squeaks, alerting the others. Four of the six girls stand up, standing between me and the purple and yellow girls. One girl with wings, cyan skin and hair coloured like a rainbow, flies up to me and points at my face. "Who are you?!" She shouts. "Rainbow!" Twilight yells at her friend, getting between her and me. "He's not gonna hurt us, he beat Nightmare Moon!" All of Twilight's friends gasp at this. "What? How?" Rainbow asks, still hovering in the air. "I'm not exactly sure. He can fly, his armour is really strong and he had this thing that shocked Nightmare." All of Twilight's friends gasp again except for Rainbow. "He can fly? How? Those wings barely look real!" Rainbow yells, pointing at my back. I look at my back and see the wings she means. She's right. They look more like pieces of metal stuck to my back than wings. "He didn't use those. He used the things on his legs." Twilight explains, pointing at the jets on the sides of my legs. To prove her point, I start flying up and touch the roof. The five girls gape in awe at my display.  "Wait, what's this thing on the ground?" One of Twilight's friends, one with light pink skin and poofy pink hair asks. All of Twilight's friends now look down and see the unconscious body of Nightmare Moon. Seeing this, the five of them all scream. "SHHHHH!" Twilight shushes loudly, making her friends quiet down. "Whoa. What happened to her?" Rainbow asks quietly. "He managed to pin her to the ground and shock her." Twilight says, pointing at me as I land. "He did that? Wow, such a gentleman~" One girl with marble white skin and cut curled blue hair says, giving me a lidded stare. "Rarity. You just met and you don't know his name. What would your prince charming say if he saw you right now?" Twilight says to her friend. Rarity blushes in embarrassment and looks away. "I thought so. Now, we need to restrain Nightmare Moon." Twilight says, her horn glowing as a purple net of energy covers Nightmare. "There. Double encoded magic nullifying net. That should hold her." "Uh… Twilight?" The yellow girl asks meekly. "Where are the Elements of Harmony?"  "Uhh… Nightmare…" Twilight trails off. "Nightmare Moon shattered them." Twilight's friends gasp. "But I think I can restore them!" Twilight quickly interjects. "We just need to work together." Twilight walks up to one of her friends. "Applejack. You reassured me when I was in doubt." All of a sudden, grey shards of stone on the ground start glowing, all in different colours. A few orange glowing shards circle Applejack.  "You represent the Element of: honesty." Twilight then turns to Fluttershy. "Fluttershy. You tamed a Manticore with your compassion." More shards begin moving, the ones circling Fluttershy glowing pink. "You represent the Element of: kindness." Twilight then turns to her pink friend. "Pinkie Pie. You banished fear by giggling in the face of danger." Cyan shards then begin to circle Pinkie Pie as Twilight says. "You represent the Element of: laughter." Twilight turns to Rarity. "Rarity. You calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift." Purple shards circle Rarity as she smiles at her friend. "You represent the Element of: generosity." Finally, Twilight turns to Rainbow. "And Rainbow Dash. You could not abandon your friends for your own heart's desires." Red shards circle Rainbow Dash as she hovers in the air. "You represent the Element of: loyalty." All of Twilight's friends smile at her. …Before looking down as they hear a pained voice say. "You foolish children. You still don't have the sixth Element. Without it, they are all worthless." Nightmare Moon says as she struggles against her bindings. "Your spark didn't work." "But it did. A different kind of spark." Twilight turns to face her friends. "I felt it the moment I realized how happy I was to hear you all, searching for me. It made me realize how much I cared about you. It ignited the spark inside me, when I realized that you all…" Twilight turns to look at Nightmare Moon, standing proud. "…Are my friends!" Above all of us, a white light shined. It came from a round stone with a six point star indent floating in the air. The stone floated down to Twilight as she kept speaking. "You see Nightmare Moon, when these Elements are ignited by the… the spark, that resides in us all, it creates the sixth Element. The Element of… Magic!" The stone glows brighter, blinding Nightmare Moon as Twilight and her friends close their eyes, all of them lifting into the air. The stone and all the shards form together, making jeweled necklaces for Twilight's friends and a tiara for Twilight. As the six of them float in the air, pure energy flows off of them, merging together to form two spiral rainbows above them. The rainbows unite, rushing down straight at Nightmare. She screams in terror as she is bathed in colours. Twilight opens her eyes, white light shining from within before all the magic around them disappears. As I help the six of them get up from the ground, I see that the sun is rising outside. Huh. Odd time for the… hey wait a minute! How is the sun rising so fast?! It looked like it was midnight three seconds ago! A bright yellow flash interrupts me as I hear footsteps coming from the window. Twilight gasps as the light dies down, revealing a tall woman with slightly off-white coloured skin, multi-coloured hair, wings and a horn, wearing white drapes. "Princess!" Twilight shouts as she runs up to the woman, hugging her around the neck, tightly. "I thought I lost you." Twilight says, tears flowing down her face. "Don't worry, my little Sparkle, I'm fine." The princess says. "Now, on to another matter." She says, looking down at the ground. The seven of us follow her gaze to see a ball of blue magic floating above the ground, a white crescent moon on one side. The princess separates from Twilight, picking it up and holding it with reverence. "Princess, what is that?" Rarity asks. "This is my sister." She replies. All the girls gasp loudly. They all start rapidly asking her questions before getting silenced by Twilight. "Wait! Is this the secret you've been keeping all these years? Your sister?" Twilight asks. "Yes. My sister." The princess says. "And the greatest mistake I've ever made." Again, the girls gasp. "W-what do you mean? What mistake?" Fluttershy asks shyly. "Nightmare Moon." Twilight says. "Your sister is Nightmare Moon." Twilight's friends gape in shock. "Almost. My sister became Nightmare Moon… because of my ignorance and neglect. Let me tell you a story… from one thousand years ago." The princess looks out the window, at the sun as she begins singing. "♪Once did a princess who shone like the sun, look out on her kingdom and sigh~ She smiled and said "Surely there is no-one so lovely and so well beloved as I~ So great was her reign, so brilliant her glory, that long was the shadow she cast~ Which fell dark upon the young sister she loved and grew only darker as days and nights passed~ Soon did that princess take notice that others did not give her sister her due~ And neither had she loved her as she deserved. She watched as her sisters unhappiness grew~ But such is the way of the limelight, it sweetly takes hold of the mind of its host~ And that foolish princess did nothing to stop the destruction of one who had needed her most~♪" The princess almost looks to be in a trance as she keeps singing. "♪Lullay moon princess, goodnight sister mine. Rest now in moonlight's embrace. Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth. Through cloud and through sky and through space~ Carry the peace and the coolness of night. And carry my sorrow in kind~ Luna, you're loved so much more than you know. May troubles be far from your mind~ And forgive me for being so blind~♪" The princess finishes her song, crying in earnest and clutching the magic orb to her chest. She looks at us, still crying and says. "That is the story… of my greatest regret. The day I lost my sister… to my own carelessness." The orb begins to glow, slipping through the princess' fingers and becoming almost liquid in form before solidifying into a tallish but young looking woman with blue skin and short blue hair. "Do you mean it?" She asks. "Do you really mean what you say, sister?" The princess steps forward. "Every word, Luna. Every. Single. Word. From the depths of my h-heart." It is at this point, the princess gets choked up. Luna steps forward and gives her sister a hug around her chest. "I believe you. And I forgive you, Celestia." Luna says as she pulls away. "T-thank you, Luna. T-thank you s-so m-much!" Celestia then begins crying much more and tightly hugging her sister. "Your welcome, sister. Your welcome." Luna says. Luna then sees the seven of us all looking at the two siblings. "Ah. I don't believe we've been properly introduced. Hello everyone. My name is Princess Luna. What are yours?" She asks. "H-hello princess. My name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm Celestia's personal student." Twilight says. "Her student? Since when have you taught someone, Tia?" Luna asks, looking at her sister who smiles sheepishly. "Weren't you always the one who had to retake classes because of your small attention span? And now you have a student? My my. How times have… changed." Luna then begins to look downcast. "Well it's nice to meet you princess. My name is Pinkamena Diane Pie! But everyone just calls me Pinkie Pie. I'm a baker at Sugarcube Corner." Pinkie says, het chipper tune making Luna smile. "And Ah'm Applejack. Ah work at Sweet Apple Acres in Walkerville." Applejack says. "My name is Rarity. I run the Carousel Boutique, also in Walkerville." Rarity introduces herself. "U-uhmm. M-my n-name is F-fluttershy and… I-I work as a… animal caretaker i-in my cottage. Also in Walkerville." Fluttershy shyly says. Next, Rainbow speaks, hovering into the air. "And I'm Rainbow Dash! Fastest Flier in Fantasia, Walkerville weather controller and future Wonderbolt!" All Twilight's friends introduce themselves. My name's Diego. Although you don't know that because you can't hear me. Huuugh. I say, my shoulders sagging as I 'sigh'. "And what is your na… why are you sagging like that?" Princess Celestia asks. "Sister, I do not believe he can speak." Luna says. I nod, motioning that I don't have a mouth. "Well that is just wrong!" Pinkie shouts. "How are you supposed to sing? Or ask people questions? Or eat?! Can you even eat?!" She yells. I shrug my shoulders. "Isn't there something you can do, princess? Er- princesses?" Rarity asks. Celestia looks pensive and walks closer to me. "Hmm. I don't see any exposed flesh or any kind of seams anywhere. Can you take off the armour?" Celestia asks. I don't think so. This doesn't feel like something I'm wearing… it feels like my skin but numb. I decide to check and reach up to the back of my head where it meets the neck. Grabbing hold, I try and pull like I'm taking off a helmet but nothing gives. Pulling harder, I only notice a small sting below my head, like my skin is stretching. Must be the metal. Looking up, I shake my head. "Hmmmm. Perhaps an armour removal spell?" Luna suggests. I shrug and take a step back, letting her do her magic. Luna's horn glows in a bright blue colour before that glow appears on my body. Luna grunts in exertion but stops after a couple seconds. "Either that isn't armour, or it's too tightly fit to remove." I'm gonna guess not armour. "Well there has to be some way we can help him? Wait, you are a him, right?" Pinkie asks. I nod at her questions before a random idea comes to me. Raising a finger, I say. Writing! Bending down, I begin using my finger to write in the dirt. "What's he doing?" Rainbow asks. "Wait… I think he's writing!" Twilight yells before reading. "My name… is… Di…eg…o. Diego. Oh! His name is Diego!" Twilight says. "Wait, he's writing something else. Diego… Lo…gis? Logis? Is that your full name? Diego Logis?" Twilight asks. I nod. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Diego." Twilight says, holding her hand out. I shake her hand before looking down.  «Where am-» My writing is cut off by a large explosion in the distance. "That came from Fantasia!" Celestia yells. "What?!" Twilight and her friends yell. "Fantasia?! Isn't that the new capital?!" Luna asks frantically. "Yes! We need to go! Now!" Celestia says. "Everyone, gather round. I'll teleport us." She says. I step forward, putting my hand on her shoulder. "Diego? Do you want to help?" She asks. I nod, clenching my fist in preparation. "Good. We will need all the help we can get." Luna says. "All right. Here we go!" Celestia shouts, teleporting us all. Here we go. > Capital. Invasion. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capital. Invasion. With a flash, the nine of us appear. Princess Celestia stumbles, holding her head. "What was that?" She asks. "Where are we…" Celestia trails off as she looks around before she looks to her right. Following her vision, we see that we are at the outskirts of what looks like a large city attached to the side of a large mountain. Most of the city is inside what looks like a massive sickly yellow ball. "That's what happened." Celestia says. "What is that?!" Rarity yells. "A barrier. It must have been what stopped me from teleporting us straight to the castle. It felt like I walked straight into a brick wall." Celestia explains. "Then we simply need to break it." Luna says, lighting her horn. Suddenly, she yells in pain, her magic fizzling out as she falls to the ground, clutching her head. "Luna!" Celestia shouts, crouching next to her sister. "You have to be careful, your magic will still be weak from the purification. Let me handle this." Celestia says, standing up and lighting her horn. She then fires a beam of magic at the barrier, her spell bouncing off with barely a ripple. "What? I know my magic is weaker at night but it shouldn't be that weak!" She exclaims, shooting the barrier again. "It seems we have some guests!" An amplified voice rings out. Looking to the castle, a large image of a face appears on the barrier. It seems to be of a man with blue skin, wearing a red and yellow sash across his shoulders. He also has two curving horns jutting out of the top of his head. He looks down and sees us. "Why if it isn't the princesses! I see you've come to see my kingdom?" He boasts. "Your kingdom? This land belongs to us!" Celestia yells. "You? Hmmmm. I guess you do wear the crown upon your head, don't you? Legion! Take their heads!!" He yells out, a horde of different monsters coming through the barrier and advancing towards us. "Oh sh…" Rainbow trails off, before squaring off. "Looks like we've got fighting to do!" She yells, charging ahead. "Rainbow, wait!" Twilight tries to yell but her friend doesn't hear her. I leap into action, boosting forward with my leg jets. Grabbing Rainbow, "Hey! What are you-?!" I toss her back to her friends and punch through a Chimera. Seeing me kill one of their comrades, more of the monsters charge at me. Thanks to my armour, flight and surprising strength, I am able to hold them off for a while, getting some assistance from Celestia and Twilight. Even with all this, the sheer number of them makes me eventually get overrun, the monsters pounding on my armour. From my thigh, a small klaxon sounds out, the lines on my thigh flashing. You want to come out? Fine. I reach for my thigh, grabbing my Bayard through the flash. You better win. Now- Engage. Diego squeezes the Bayard as it transforms, shooting all the monsters around him as it becomes an energy rifle. Diego flies into the air with a burst from his jets, flying above most of the monsters, a few with wings still above him. Spinning on the spot, Diego begins shooting, hitting not only the monsters on the ground but also some in the air. "What is that?!" Applejack shouts. "I have no idea! He didn't have that before!" Twilight answers. The Bayard suddenly glows white as it transforms again, this time becoming a long sniper rifle. Diego aims and shoots at the barrier, surprisingly hitting a monster on the other side. The hole from his shot almost immediately closes though. "Did that just go through the barrier?!" Pinkie shouts. "It did. But how?" Celestia questions. Diego realises that his weapons are effective against the barrier and changes his Bayard again. This time, it becomes an energy cannon. He levels his weapon and shoots the barrier, immediately cracking it. "WHAT IS THAT?!" Celestia shouts, baffled at the power of the cannon. "That is impossible! How could any weapon be that powerful?!" A loud voice shouts. Looking to the barrier, Diego sees the man that was being projected earlier. "Who are you?!" He shouts. "Wait, I recognize him now! That's Grogar!" Luna shouts. "Who?" Everyone else questions. "Grogar? The first emperor of Equestria? The Great Scourge?" Luna says. Everyone shakes their heads. "The Father of Monsters!" Luna shouts. "The Father of Monsters?!" Celestia yells. "That's who he is?! He died millennia ago!" "And yet I live! And I have come to reclaim what is rightfully-!" Grogar is cut off by Diego shooting the regenerating barrier again. "What is-!" Again. "What-!" And again. "Stop that!" Grogar shouts, lighting his horns in yellow and black magic, firing a large beam of magic at Diego. Diego blocks with a beam from his cannon, ripping through Grogar's magic easily and smashing against the barrier. Unlike before, Diego keeps shooting, stressing the barrier, making more cracks until finally, a large hole breaks open in the barrier. Unfortunately, the barrier regenerates, reforming to full in seconds. "Ha! You fool! My barrier is invincible! There is no way to destroy it!" Grogar says in his amplified voice. Diego then squeezes his Bayard again, making it glow and return to normal. However, the glow doesn't go away. The Bayard then becomes a wisp of white energy, spiraling up Diego's arm to his back, wrapping around his wings, making them glow white. "What's going on?" Twilight asks. "I have no idea but I have a feeling it isn't good." Luna responds. Diego's wings begin to change shape, shifting upward and melding together into a strange box with two prongs pointing upward. "What is that thing?" Applejack asks. Diego angles his body to make the pronged thing on his back point at the barrier. "Monsters! He's about to attack! Kill-" Grogar is cut off by a shrill wave of sound from Diego's weapon. Many off the monsters scream in pain as everyone else holds their ears. "What is he doing?!" Pinkie shouts over the noise. Grogar's barrier begins to ripple in a strange way. "What are you-?" Grogar tries to say before the pitch of Diego's attack changes, making the barrier vibrate before completely disintegrating. "What?!?! That's impossible! What did you do to my barrier?!" Grogar screams. "I know what he did! That was magic disruption!" Twilight calls out. "Magic disruption? W-what's that?" Fluttershy asks. "Magic exists by mana being formed into complex formulas. However, some things can disrupt that formula, making it fall apart! Diego must've calibrated those sound waves to destroy Grogar's barrier!" Twilight explains. "That's genius! But the amount of precision needed to disrupt a magic spell of that size would be-" Celestia is cut off. "Impossible! There is no possible way to have completely disrupted my Greater Barrier!" Grogar shouts, firing a beam of magic at Diego. Diego retaliates with another sound wave, shattering Grogar's spell. "Quickly, while he's on the defensive!" Celestia shouts, charging her horn. Twilight and Rarity also charge their horns and attack, firing shots of magic at Grogar and his army. Diego's wings glow again, returning to normal as his Bayard reappears in his hand. Grogar sees this and tries to attack but Diego simply holds his Bayard forward, making his massive shield appear again. The shield completely blocks Grogar's magic as Diego advances. A few monsters try to stop him but Celestia shoots them first, only leaving one who dodged her spell. De-spelling his shield, Diego forms a blade from his Bayard that extends out perpendicular to his knuckles. He slashes the monster, killing it and rushes at Grogar. Grogar makes a small barrier around himself, blocking Diego's attack. Diego forms his sniper rifle again, shooting Grogar through his barrier in the shoulder. "Agh! Insolent pest!" Grogar cries out, using his magic to try to crush Diego. As Diego is distracted, Grogar readies another spell. "Come forth! My elemental Hydra!" He shouts, making a large white four headed beast rise out of the ground. "The elemental Hydra?!" Luna calls out. "We have to kill it, quickly!" Diego takes aim with his Bayard, it now becoming his energy cannon again. He fires, completely taking off one of the four heads. "That's not going to work! Its heads grow back!" Luna shouts. And she was right. In seconds, the head grew back. The Hydra then began to change. Its mouths opening up right down its necks, sections of its chest bulging and changing colour. It then opens one of its mouths, an orb of green light forming within. "Watch out!" Luna calls but too late. A massive blast off wind rushes at Diego, although it has no effect against his armour. The other mouths open, each launching an attack. Fire, wind, ice and sand all fly at Diego. Reforming his shield, Diego blocks every attack. "Oh. Right." Luna says. Diego's weapon changes again, this time becoming an energy cannon as large as he is. "Duck!" Pinkie yells, pushing her friends' heads down as Diego fires his super cannon, completely erasing every Hydra head. Grogar's jaw drops but he shuts his mouth and says. "Fool! You only delay the inevita-!" Diego's helmet, which appears to be the head of a lion with his face in its mouth, changes. The jaw of the helmet seems to open, Diego's face retracting into it as a barrel of a weapon extends out. From this barrel, a beam of red plasma fires, cauterising the necks of the Hydra, preventing them from regenerating. The Hydra struggles, trying to free its heads but to no avail. In less than a minute, the Hydra falls over, dead. "He… he beat an elemental Hydra." Luna says, awed. "Aarrgh! What are you?! Who are you?! What is that blasted weapon?!" Grogar shouts, shooting at Diego with every sentence. He dodges and squeezes his Bayard again, merging it with his wings to form a new hidden weapon. This one looks almost like Diego's first energy cannon, only more streamlined and larger. He fires at Grogar but instead of hitting the evil sorcerer, the green beam of energy strikes the ground at Grogar's feet. "What? All that and you miss the final blow? Hahaha- huh?" Grogar is cut off by the ground underneath himself exploding outward, massive vines growing from the stone and trapping Grogar in their grip, wrapping around his body and horns. "Agh?! W-what are these?!" He yells. Diego lands in front of Grogar, reforming his Bayard into his energy rifle. He points it at Grogar's head and fires. The princesses and the Elements all cry out in shock. Grogar looks at Diego, a vine an inch to the left of his head smoking from the shot. "W-what? You… why?" Grogar asks. "He isn't like you, Grogar. He has compassion." Luna says, having come out of her shock. Diego walks away. Approaching the women, Diego puts his Bayard away. Disengage. Returning my control. Phew. That was stressful. Let's hope I don't have to do that again for a while, that feels weird. "Thank you, Diego. You saved us again." Celestia thanks me. I bow at her thanks. You're welcome. I say. "Hraagh!" Grogar yells behind me. Turning around, I see him free one of his horns from the vines, sending a small shot of magic at us. I try and jump in the way but too late, the shot hits Luna in the chest. "Princess Luna!" The Elements call out. "SISTER!" Celestia shouts. Shooting a small blast of energy at Grogar, I knock him out and run to Luna's side. Her breathing is slowing down and she is bleeding immensely. "Nononononono! I only just got you back! I can't lose you again!" Celestia cries. She lights her horn, trying to heal her sister but a flash of yellow magic makes Luna cry out in pain. "W-w-why isn't this working?!" Celestia shouts. "It must be that spell he used, it's a permanent wound." Twilight laments. Permanent wound?! Well not if I can help it! Reaching down, I pull out my Bayard again. Now listen here! I don't care how you do it, HEAL HER! ...Engage. Diego squeezes the Bayard again, reforming his nature cannon on his back. "Diego, what are you doing?!" Twilight shouts. Diego pushes the Elements away from Luna and picks up Celestia. "Unhand-" Celestia stops as she looks into Diego's white eyes. She steps back. Diego flies into the air, using his cannon to form a wide hedge of vines around Luna before landing next to her. "What is he doing?" Rarity asks Twilight. "I don't know! How am I supposed to know?!" She shouts, panicked. Diego's nature cannon glows white as it transforms, now becoming a massive pair of wings on his back, the 'feathers' almost blade like. "Now those are some wings." Rainbow says. Crouching next to Luna, Diego puts his hands by the wound on her chest, Luna looking pale and weak. The blue feathers of Diego's wings begin to glow bright, energy from the air itself being drawn in. The ground around the two of them begins to glow like his wings. "It can't be… there's no way…" Twilight mutters. "No. It is." Celestia says. "He's doing a Divine Nature Healing." "A what what what?" Rainbow asks. "A Divine Nature Healing. It heals the body by drawing in the natural energy around the caster. But if the caster isn't careful, their own energy will be used instead. It is both one of the greatest and one of the most dangerous healing spells there is." Celestia explains. Everyone looks on, wanting to stop him but also wanting to save their new princess. The glow inside the vines grows stronger, Diego and Luna's bodies now starting to glow as well. The glow keeps rising, blinding everyone watching and flooding the capital. A gasp is heard as the glow dies down. The vines have withered away and Luna is standing up, her hair flowing like water as she checks her body for injuries. Nothing. Not a single blemish. Celestia tackles her sister, crying her heart out. "Don't worry Celestia. I'm fine now. He did it." Luna says. Diego stands up, his wings returning to normal and his Bayard disappearing. Disengage. I walk up to everyone, slightly off balance but okay. Haah… let's hope I DON'T have to do that again any time soon. That felt VERY weird. I say. "Yes. Let's hope so." Luna responds. . .. … Did you just hear me? > Discussion. ChAoS¡¿‽ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discussion. ChAoS¡¿‽ Luna freezes. Slowly, she turns to face me. "Yes?" She answers hesitantly. How? I ask. "I do not know." Luna says. "Luna, are you alright? You're talking to yourself." Celestia says. "I am fine, sister but… I appear to be speaking to Diego." Luna says. "What? Luna, I thought Diego couldn't speak." Celestia says. "Well, I can hear a masculine voice coming directly from him. Can you not hear too?" Luna asks. "No, princess. We don't hear anything." Rarity says. Huh. Well that's annoying. I say. "Annoying?" Yeah, annoying. Only ONE person can hear me. "Well at least someone can hear you. Is that not something good?" Luna asks, everyone else confused by this apparently one-sided conversation. Yeah… I guess that is a plus. And it could be worse. "Worse? I guess…" Luna replies hesitantly. "Anyway, now that we have a better form of communication, perhaps we can learn more about you?" Luna asks. Sure. As long as I can clear up a few things too. "Of course. Now-" Luna is cut off by Rainbow Dash. "Wait wait wait wait. Sorry princess but, what is going on? I'm lost." She says. "For some reason, I can hear Diego talking to me. I can hear his voice clearly." Luna answers. "What?!" Pinkie shouts. "That's so cool! How come you get to talk to him but we don't. I wanna talk to him." "Could it have been the Healing?" Applejack asks. "There's no way. A healing spell doesn't do this." "B-but, look at princess Luna. She c-changed. Maybe… Diego changed too?" Fluttershy shyly asks. Hmm. No, I don't think so. "You don't think so? Why not?" Luna asks. Well, I don't feel any different. I felt a little tired just now but as of this moment, I feel fine. Well, as fine as I can be, being a walking machine. I say. "Walking machine? What do you mean?" Luna asks. "Walking machine? There's no way. Technology can't do the things that you have." Twilight says. Hahaha. You'd be surprised. Princess Luna, if I may, what is the most technologically advanced thing you can name? "I… I don't know. I’ve been gone for almost a thousand years. I will ask. Celestia?" Luna turns to her sister. "What is it?" "Diego asks what is the most advanced thing you can name." Luna tells her sister. "The most advanced thing I can name. Simple, technologically, the telephone." Celestia answers. The telephone? I deadpan before bursting out. Hahahaha! You can not be- hahahaha! I shake in silent laughter. "I do not see what is funny." Luna says. Sorry. Sorry. It's just, where I'm from, the telephone is an invention that is centuries old. "He says that where he is from, the telephone is centuries old." Luna says. "Centuries?! How advanced are you?!" Twilight shouts before clamping her mouth shut. "Sorry. But, how advanced are you?" She asks. How advanced? Luna, can you relay everything I'm about to say please? "Of course. Go ahead." Luna says. I start to speak, princess Luna repeating what I say. Where I'm from, we have technology that allows us to hear the voices of others privately from something so small it fits inside your ear, we can store entire libraries worth of information, photos, music and more in just the palm of my hand, we have developed trains that move faster than sound and don't even touch the ground, we have planes big enough to carry hundreds and, in the previous century, we landed on… Luna? Why'd you stop? Everyone is looking at me with flabbergasted looks of shock on their faces. "I'm sorry Diego, but… these claims are too impossible to believe! Trains that don't touch the ground? Planes that carry hundreds?! Libraries in the palm of your hand?! It's impossible!" Celestia yells. "I have to agree. This cannot be true." Luna says. It’s only impossible because you haven’t got there yet. Plus, the fact that my world doesn't have magic is a big driving factor. "What?! How can you not have magic?!" Luna shouts followed by a shout of "WHAT?!" From everyone else. "And what do you mean your world?" Luna asks. "What?" Celestia questions. "He says his world doesn't have magic and that's why it is so advanced." Luna says. ""His world"?! Are you an alien?!" Rainbow shouts. From what I've gathered, I think so. "He says he thinks so." Luna says. Oh wait, I know! The age old question. Where am I? I ask Luna. "Where are you? Well, unless the name has been changed, you are in Arcadia." Luna answers. Never heard of it. "Never heard- Arcadia is the largest kingdom in the world!" Luna exclaims. Your world. "This is… unfathomable. I have never-" Luna is cut off by an explosion. "FREEDOM!" A loud voice shouts from the place that exploded. Celestia and Luna go deathly pale. "No…" Celestia says. "It can't be…" Luna says. "Oh yes it is!" A voice shouts as a pink cloud of dust bursts next to all of us. "Guess who's back baby!" A hideous monster shouts. It seems to be some sort of hodgepodge of different creatures. It has a thin brown torso, its right arm is that of a lion, its left arm is an eagle talon, its right leg is what looks like a dragon's leg and its left leg looks like a donkey leg. It also has a horse's head, two different kinds of horns on its head and two separate wings. "Discord! How did you get free?!" Celestia exclaims. "Oh, it's very simple! I was being contained in harmonic magic. All the chaos and madness that was happening in the capital weakened my cage enough for me to escape. And man, does it feel good to be outa there! Two thousand years will give you such a crick in the neck!" "Well, enjoy it while it lasts. Twilight, you have to-" Celestia can't finish her sentence. "No you don't!" Discord yells, snapping his claws. Suddenly, a pink glow surrounds my body. Huh? It suddenly fizzles out. Uuuum… ok? "What?!" Discord snaps his claws again. Again, my body glows pink before the glow fizzles out. "What?! How are you doing that?!" He keeps trying to do something to me but keeps failing. Okay, enough of that. I send a blast of energy at Discord from my hand. It sends him flying into a wall. "Ow?!" He calls out, surprised. "Wait, did that actually hurt him?" Luna asks. "How can that be? His body is almost completely immune to magic! Anything but the Elements of Harmony barely phases him!" Luna yells. "That… wasn't magic. It felt like I got hit by a star… who are you… FATHER!" Discord suddenly yells, rushing forward. He runs right past us, straight to Grogar. "Father? Of course!" Luna yells. "Grogar is the father of monsters! He must have made Discord."  "Father, wake up." Discord says, snapping his claws in front of Grogar's face. Grogar twitches, before he groans and opens his eyes. "Dis…cord? Discord! You're free! Quickly, get me out of these things!" Grogar says, now awake and struggling against my vines. No you don't! I rush forward, energy building in my palm. I try to shoot Discord but he teleports out of the way. "Take this!" He shouts, snapping his claws. An anvil appears above my head but I just shoot it with my tail, following up with a shot at Discord. "Agh!" He yells. Grogar charges one of his horns and tries to shoot me. The spell doesn't do a thing against my armour but it does create a massive smoke screen. Drat! Where'd he go? I try to see through the smoke but all I find is my friends coughing. I hear the sound of teleportation as I use my jets to clear the smoke. Grogar is gone. Discord is gone. "No! They vanished!" Celestia yells. "Can we track them?" Applejack asks. "I doubt it. Discord always covers his tracks. It will be nigh impossible to find him or Grogar." Celestia says. "But for now, I do believe that we have a conversation to finish." > We need to talk. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We need to talk. Right. Let's continue. I nod. "So, explain what do you mean by-" "Rarity?!" A voice shouts, causing Rarity's head to snap to the side along with Celestia. "Blueblood?" Celestia asks as a man with white skin and a horn, wearing a pressed suit rushes up to us. "Blue? What are you doing here?" Rarity asks. "Well… I was out for the celebration, waiting for the sun to rise… when all of a sudden, that monster and his army invaded. I helped… evacuate as many people… as I could and stayed to see if anyone else needed help when I was trapped inside that… awful barrier. I managed to hide, thank goodness, when I saw…him!" Blueblood pants before he sees me. "You're the one who bested that vile monster! The man in white armour. But… where is he now?" He asks. "Blueblood." Celestia says, getting his attention. "Discord escaped." Blueblood gasps. "And he helped Grogar escape too." Celestia says. "T-that is terrible! W-we need to find them!" Blue says. "We will. But until then, there are other matters to discuss." "Pardon me, your majesty, but… who is this?" Applejack asks. "This is prince Blueblood. My nephew." Celestia answers. "Nephew?!" Luna shouts. "Ah yes. I should introduce you two. Blueblood, I would like you to meet my sister, Luna." Celestia says, shocking Blue. "S-s-sister?! You have a sister?!" Blueblood sputters. "Yes, I know. It is quite surprising. But it is the truth. Luna, this is my nephew, prince Blueblood." Celestia says, turning to her sister. "I-i-it is a-an honour to- to meet you, princess Luna." Blue says, stuttering slightly. "Thank you, Blueblood. I am honoured to meet you as well." Luna composes herself. Blue then looks past the two sisters at Rarity. "Rarity, are you alright?" He asks, walking up to her and putting his hand on her cheek. "I am a little shaken, but other than that, I am fine." Rarity replies. "Uhh… Rare? How do you know the princess' nephew?" Rainbow asks. "He's my/her prince charming." Rarity and Twilight say at the same time, causing all their friends to say. "Huh?" At the same time. "Hold on. Rarity. You're in a relationship with an actual prince?!" Pinkie Pie asks. Rarity nods, making Pinkie take a small water bottle out of her pocket and doing a spit take. "What?!" She shouts. "And how do you know about it Twi?" Rainbow asks. "I'm from Fantasia? Rarity told me about her relationship at my "welcome to Walkerville" party." Twilight answers. "Welcome to Walkerville party?" "Anyway." Celestia says, drawing our attention. "I am happy to see you are alright, Blueblood but I have some business to attend to. Could you take the royal guard and see if anyone needs help in the city?" Celestia asks. "Oh! Of course! I will go do that now! I'll talk to you soon, Auntie-uh Aunties. Bye." Blueblood runs back to the castle. "Now, I do believe we have some things to discuss?" Celestia asks, turning to me. Right. Almost forgot. Do you have somewhere more comfortable to talk? I ask, Luna relaying my question. "My study should suffice." Celestia says. A lengthy and complicated explanation later, all of us are sitting down around a large coffee table. "This… this is a lot to take in. Not only your world on its own but the fact that your powers are derived from fiction? Who could possibly have such power?" Luna asks herself. "I do not know, sister. But I doubt it is any being that we know of. None of them have shown power on this scale before, except perhaps Discord but he was sealed until recently. Who could it be?" Celestia asks, getting shaking heads for an answer. "Well… I say we learn what we can from you, Diego." Twilight says, getting my attention. What do you mean? "What do you mean, Twilight?" Luna asks. "I mean, your world is much more advanced than ours, Diego. Could you perhaps share what you know?" Twilight answers. Oh. Well, I'm no technician, scientist or historian. I'll tell you what I can but don't expect an encyclopaedia. "He says he can tell you what he can but he isn't a… any of the things that seem to specialise in the things he has talked about so, as he says, "don't expect an encyclopaedia"." Luna says. "I'm not. I just want to know anything you have to share." Twilight says. I'll do my best. "He'll do his best." Luna repeats. "Yes, but I do believe that we all need some rest. It is incredibly late and we have all had a very stressful night. I do believe we should continue this later." Celestia says. "Goodnight, everyone." Celestia walks away with Luna. "Come on girls. I know where the guest rooms are." Twilight says, leading us away. Despite some weird looks from the guards, Twilight leads us all to our own separate rooms. I do hear whispers though. The guards seem to be talking about me. "Is that him?" One guard whispers. "Who?" Their partner asks. "I think he's the one who stopped the invasion." Another whispers. "Who is he? And what tribe is he from?" The second guard whispers. "Is he even human? He might be a Nighthunter or something." The other guard whispers. "I thought Nighthunters are human." "Then maybe a Dragon? It could explain how he fought all those monsters." "Why would a Dragon wear armour like that? And where's his tail?" The guards continue whispering. "He has to be a Dragon, look at how tall he-" "Hey! We can hear you!" Rainbow shouts at them. The guards all shut up. Six of us enter our rooms, Twilight telling the guards that I am a guest. As we all settle in, I think about all that has happened tonight. I have a lot on my mind before a fall into the dark of night. (Elsewhere) "Sister, I think he has fallen asleep." Luna says. "Well? Is he dreaming?" Celestia asks. "Let me see." Luna says, closing her eyes. "Be careful Luna. Remember your magic." Celestia cautions. "I know." Luna says. Her face scrunches up before she shakes her head. "Agh. I can feel him but I cannot get through. It is as if there is some sort of barrier around his subconscious." Luna says. "Could it be your magic? Should I try?" Celestia asks. "No… I can definitely reach out to him but it feels like I'm being shoved away as I try. I think Diego himself is blocking my magic." Luna says. "How? You said he is asleep." "Perhaps… it is the same thing that stopped Discord from moving him. His body repulses magic, of any kind." Luna says. "Hmm. Perhaps it will be best if we simply ask him what we want to know, instead of spying on his dreams." Celestia says. "Come sister. I do believe we all need some rest." Sleep is weird. Weirder than normal. Usually, when I go to sleep, it's just go to bed at nighttime, close eyes, open eyes, it's daytime. Now… It felt like instead of skipping the night and waking up in the morning, I went somewhere. It's hard to describe but it felt like I was floating in something instead of just letting sleep take me away. … Questions for later. Getting up out of bed, I look at myself in a vanity mirror in my room. I was right. I became the thing I bought, down to the finest detail. Also, I'm much taller now. I had to almost crouch just get a look at myself. Examining my new body, I found out a bunch things about myself. I have machines in my palms and on my heels that can produce energy, which I thankfully found out without breaking anything. My wings also have energy jets like my thighs but they seem stronger as barely any energy from them made me touch the ceiling. And my tail is almost prehensile, able to wrap around things but not truly grasp them. I'll have to practice with it. *Knock knock* "Diego? Are you awake?" I hear Twilight knock at the door of my room. I open the door, giving Twilight a wave. Good morning. "Ah. Glad to see you're awake. The princesses would like to talk with you again." Twilight says. Alright. Lead the way. I step forward, showing Twilight that she can take me to the throne room. Arriving there, Twilight waves goodbye as I walk in to see that there are multiple people in the room I don't know, all of them clamouring around the princesses. "Everyone! Everyone!" Celestia calls above the noise. "We will answer all of your questions. So please, one at a time. Upper Crust?" She asks one person in rich clothes. "Thank you princess. Now, can you please explain what you mean when you say Day court will not be opening?" The woman asks. "Exactly that. My sister and I-" Immediately, almost everyone starts talking again. "SILENCE!" Luna shouts, her voice so loud it blows all the people over. "Luna! You do NOT use the royal voice when the subjects you are talking to are right in front of you! How many times do I need to tell you!" Celestia scolds. "I am sorry, sister but they weren't listening. I had to." Luna defends herself. "You did not need to use the royal voice for that. The royal voice is for crowds and large conferences, not people standing right in front of you." Celestia says. "*Sigh* Fine. I am sorry." Luna apologizes. "Thank you. Now." Celestia turns back to her subjects who have now stood back up. "Apologies for that but, as I was saying, my sister and I have important business to discuss." A man with blue hair raises his hand. "Yes, Fancy?" "Forgive me, your highness, but I must ask that you hire workers to the third and fourth orphanages, they were demolished in the attack. I will pay the labor costs if I have to." Fancy says. "I understand, please see my nephew, he is helping in the infirmary. Wolf Claw? Could you escort Fancy Pants please?" Celestia says, turning to one of her guards, a burly man with yellow skin and black hair with a chinstrap beard. The guard nods, turning to the door, before stopping as he sees me. "Who are you?" He asks in a snarly voice, raising his armoured fists. The others in the room tense, now noticing me before Celestia speaks. "Calm down everyone. He's a guest. He is also the one who stopped the invasion." Everyone gasps. A woman with light blue-ish gray skin and shaded purple hair with a horn steps towards me. "This is the one who drove off the invasion? Well where are the others?" Others? "Others?" Celestia asks. "Well he can't have done it on his own! Where's his accomplices? And why is he wearing that ridiculous armour?" The woman asks. "Doctor Cinch. He doesn't have any accomplices. He was able to defeat the invasion on his own." Celestia explains. The whole group gasps again. "B-b-but that can't be! How could anyone have taken that horde of monsters on their own?! The only kind of magic on that level is that of an Ascended! And he doesn't even look human!" Doctor Cinch yells. I'm pretty sure I'm still human. I think. "He is human. The armour he wears allows him to endure incredibly powerful magic and force without being damaged." Luna says. "Excuse me, but I was talking to the princess, not you." Cinch says. Wow. That was Very rude. "And also, how could mere armour be that powerful? Simple, it can't. So, who exactly are you?" Cinch walks closer to me, suspicion in her eyes. "ABACUS! You are out of line!" Celestia shouts, standing and walking up to Cinch. "P-princess. I-I was merely suspicious of this man's claims. There is no way-" Cinch fearfully tries to defend herself before being cut off by Celestia. "That is enough. You have insulted my sister, insulted me and insulted the honour of the man who saved you and everyone in this capital. Leave. Or I will have you thrown out." Celestia demands. Cinch's horn glows before she disappears. Celestia inhales before sighing. "Pardon my outburst. Now, I am sorry but my sister and I have private business to attend to. Day court will be open again tomorrow." With that, the group starts to file out, some stopping briefly to thank me. "Hello Diego." Luna says after everyone has left. Good morning princess. "How are you? I hope you slept well." Celestia asks. I'm fine. I slept… fine. I decide not to talk about my weird nighttime experience. "He says he is fine." Luna relays. I see that the guards around the room seem nervous. Celestia seems to notice this and says. "Guards. Please go join the castle patrols. This is a private conversation." She orders. The guards look hesitant but they nod and leave. "Now, Diego. I would like to ask about what you know about what your armour and what that weapon you have can become. Is that fine with you?" Celestia asks. That's fine. I say, Luna relaying my reply. If memory serves, my Bayard, which is what my weapon is called, has around twenty-five forms,give or take. "Twenty-five?" Luna exclaims. "Luna?" "He says his weapon, his Bayard, has twenty-five forms." Luna says. "Twenty-five?" Celestia asks. Give or take. "He says give or take." Luna relays. "So he might have more?" Celestia questions. "Apparently." Luna answers. "Can you show the forms?" Celestia asks me. I don't know. "You don't know? What do you mean?" Luna asks. Every time I've taken my Bayard, I hear a voice say Engage and then my body would start moving on its own. My body fought Nightmare, beat Grogar's army and healed you, Luna. I didn't. So I don't know if I can show the forms of my Bayard without it taking control like with the fights. "I see. That is most definitely distressing." Luna says. "What did he say?" Celestia asks. "He says that when he was fighting Nightmare and the invasion, he wasn't in control of his body. He says he would hear a voice say Engage and then his body would fight. Now he isn't sure if his Bayard will take control of him again." Luna explains. "Hmm. Well, there isn't anyone to fight now, perhaps he won't lose control?" Celestia asks. I don't know and I'd rather not find out. Who knows who I could accidentally hurt. "You don't have to worry Diego. You helped us before and you said your Bayard is what let you heal me, do you really think you would hurt us?" Luna says. I don't know and that's the problem. I say, crossing my arms. "Alright. I understand. Could you list the forms instead?" Luna asks. I believe so. I say, calming down. "Okay. Thank you. He says he'll list the forms." She tells Celestia. Okay, let's see. There's- wait, do you have a pen and paper that you can write on? That way I don't have to repeat myself? I ask. Luna's horn glows as a pen and paper pad appears in her hands. Wow, your magic is useful. Anyway. If I remember correctly the forms are… A blade that extends forward from my arm. I use my hands to show where the blade would be. A small blade over my knuckles that can electrocute others and also function as a grappling hook. I show where the blade would be on my hand and how it can shoot out. An energy rifle that- "Wait." Luna stops me. "What is a rifle?" Luna asks. You don't know what a rifle is? I ask her. "No. Celestia?" Luna turns to her sister. "I do not know either, Luna. I have never heard of it." Celestia says. Hmm. Oh. Do you know what a cannon is? "A cannon? I believe so. A metal tube with a hole on one end that can fire balls of metal through with an explosion?" Luna clarifies. That's the one. Now, imagine that, but instead of it being that size of a person and firing cannonballs, think it is the size of your arm and fires metal pellets at close to the speed of sound. Luna's eyes widen at my description. "Wow, why didn't we ever think of that?" Luna questions. "Think of what?" Celestia asks. "A cannon as small as one's arm instead of as big as what it is." Luna says. "That sounds… like it could be useful but wouldn't it be very inaccurate?" Celestia asks. Not if it's made right. "Diego says not if it's made right." Luna relays. "Oh. So, what does this have to do with Diego's weapon?" Celestia asks. "Diego says one of his weapon's forms is an energy rifle." Luna answers. It's the weapon I used against Grogar's army. "The large one?" Luna asks, to Celestia's confusion. No, the first one. I answer. "Ooh, the weapon that you used when you span in midair." Luna figures out. "What? Luna, you're leaving me behind." Celestia gripes. "The first weapon Diego used against Grogar's army was the energy rifle. The one he used when he span up through the air." Luna explains. "Oh, that was an energy rifle?" Celestia asks. "Yes." Luna answers. And the long weapon that shot through Grogar's barriers was an energy sniper rifle. "Oh. I better write that one down too then." Luna says, writing on her paper. "Did he say something else?" Celestia asks. "Yes. He said the weapon that shot through Grogar's barrier was an energy sniper rifle." Luna repeats. "Continue." Luna says. There is also… a large cannon like weapon that fires like my energy rifle but shoots more powerful shots. It can also materialize small automatic turret guns on any surface I can shoot at. Luna finishes writing and looks at me. "What are turret guns?" She asks. "Turret guns?" Celestia asks. Well… how do I explain this… Ah! Turret guns are machines that can fire relatively small projectiles at incredibly fast speeds allowing for massive damage to a target. Mine are automatic, meaning they can lock on to and fire at a target on their own and my turrets don't fire projectiles, they fire energy shots. "Oh. That is incredibly powerful." Luna says, awed. "Luna?" Celestia asks. Luna hands her sister her notepad, having copied my words. "You're right, that is incredibly powerful." Celestia says after reading the notepad. "Continue." Luna says. Okay, where was I? Oh right. After that there's the energy cannon, which is the weapon I used against Grogar's barrier, there is… an axe, a bow that shoots arrows made of energy, a broadsword, a staff that has… energised sections that can bounce magic and energy in different directions. "That is an interesting weapon." Luna says. "Yes it is." Celestia says, having read over Luna's shoulder. I know. Just a few more forms… there is a sword with a blade completely made of energy that has phenomenal cutting power and can even produce slashes of energy that travel through the air, there is a whip that is incredibly sharp, sharper than a average sword, and there is also a sword longer than the length of my body, a hammer larger than my body, a chain sword, which is a blade that is made in sections that are bound together by energy, allowing it to function like a grapple, a whip and a blade at great range… and there's the massive energy cannon I used against the Elemental Hydra. Did you get all of that? "I believe I did. That is a remarkable array of weapons." Oh wait, I forgot. There's also the large shield I used against Nightmare. "Ah yes. I had better write that one down." Luna says, adding it to the list. Further conversation is cut off as the doors to the throne room are slammed open by a man with white skin, a horn and two-tone blue hair, wearing purple and gold armour. "Princess!" He shouts as he runs into the room. "Are you alright? You weren't injured in the attack, were you?!" He yells quickly. "Captain, I am fine. I was not harmed in the attack. Are you alright?" Celestia asks. "I'm fine prin…" The captain trails off as he sees me and Luna. "Oh. Hello there. My name is captain Shining Armour. May I ask whom you two are?" He asks courteously. "His name is Diego." Luna says, pointing at me with her hand. "And I am Celestia's sister, princess Luna." Luna holds a hand over her chest. " It is a pleasure to meet you, captain Shining." Shining's eyes are as wide as they can be. "I-i-it is an honour to m-meet you as well, princess. I-I was not aware princess Celestia had a sister." Shining stutters slightly in surprise. "Well, let's just say I have unfortunately been away for a very long time." Luna says, a somber smile on her face. "Are you alright, princess Luna?" Shining asks in concern. "I am fine. Now, are there any guard casualties from the attack?" Luna asks. "A few, your highness. I was unfortunately away from the city during the attack and only arrived back this morning. The commander tells me that the invasion was thwarted by an unknown person dressed in white armour…" Shining cranes his head to the side, looking at me with widened eyes. "Are you the one who…" I nod. "…Ah. Thank you." He replies slowly. Wait for it. "Question? HOW DID YOU FIGHT OFF AN ENTIRE INVASION OF MONSTERS?! ALONE!?" Shining shouts in bemusement. There it is. "Powerful weaponry and the armour he is wearing, captain." Celestia answers. A shout in the hallway draws our attention. Turning around, I see a guard with pitch black fur running towards the throne room. She gasps as she passes the door and stops. Luna gasps as well. "A Nighthunter? Celestia, you have Nighthunter guards?" Luna asks. "An entire division." Celestia answers. Luna walks up to the guard, making the guard bow in front of her. "Please, stand." Luna says. Luna walks around the guard, inspecting her. She stops as she looks into the guards eyes. "Your eyes… they glow." She says in wonder. "Many things have changed since you were lost, Nightmother." "But others still remain the same, I hope? 𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖔 𝖒𝖞 𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉." Luna says, switching to a language I don't recognize. The guard gasps. "𝕳-𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖔, 𝕹𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖘𝖒𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗. Agh, that's not right." The guard replies hesitantly, seeming to stumble over her words. "It is fine. 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖐 is a very old language. Now, I do believe you should be at your post. Dismissed." Luna says. The guard nods and runs off as Luna sits back down. What was that? I ask. "Nighthunters have always held me in high regard, due in partial to me being half Nighthunter." "Wait, what?" Shining asks. "You're half Nighthunter? But wouldn't that mean…?" Shining trails off as he looks at Celestia. "Our father was a Nighthunter. Our mother was a Magician. I was born a Magician with a heightened sense of smell, Luna was born a Nighthunter with a Magician's horn instead of wings." "Wow. That's extraordinary." Shining says. I have several questions. "What is it? Luna asks. What's with all this Magician and Nighthunter stuff? "Those are the races we are." Luna answers, to the confusion of Shining and the exasperation of Celestia. Races? I ask. "Yes. Do you not have races where you are from?" Luna asks me. Well, yeah but… in my world, your race is determined by ethnicity and skin colour. Which is nowhere near as diverse as yours. I add. "Ah. I see. Well, the most common races on Arcadia are the Walkers, people with a normal appearance but a deep connection to the earth that grants them great strength as well as landshaping abilities, Fliers who are people born with wings and the ability to direct the air around them to a small degree, allowing them to fly and handle weather and the Magicians, people with horns that allow them to use magic. There are other races but those three are the most numerous." Luna explains. "Princess Luna, why are you explaining that?" Shining asks. "Diego asked about it." Luna answers. "He did? When?" "I should probably say that I am the only one who he can speak to." Luna says. "Why? Can't you just talk?" Shining asks, looking at me. I shake my head. Luna is the only one who can hear me. "I am the only one who can hear his voice. Hence why he can only speak to me." Luna explains. "Which is very annoying because of all the things we need to speak about." Celestia says. "Well have you tried a translator or a thought sayer spell?" Shining asks. "…We have not." Celestia realises. Wow. Some ruler you are. > Revelations. Here come the drums. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revelations/Here come the drums. "Wait. Magic doesn't work on him." Celestia says, hand on her chin. "How do you know that?" Shining asks. "Well… Discord tried to use his magic on him but it had no effect." Celestia says hesitantly. "Well, if that's the case, maybe only harmonic magic will work? Not chaos magic?" Shining suggests. It might be good to try? I ask. "I suppose we can try it." Celestia says, motioning for Luna. They both step forward, lowering their horns towards me. Both their horns glow different colours, as does my body but after a second, the magic seems to almost dissolve off of me. "As I said. Magic doesn't work on him. His armour seems to dissipate any magic used on him." Celestia groans. "Maybe I can help?" Shining asks. "Everyone has always said I have a lot of magic, maybe another Magician helping you could make it stick?" "We could try." Luna says, shrugging. Do or do not. There is no try. I quote. "What?" Luna asks, looking at me. It's a quote. It means if you're going to do something, don't try to do it, do it or don't. "Oh. You speak like our old mentor." Luna says, to the bemusement of Shining and Celestia. "What did he say?" Celestia asks. "Do or do not. There is no try. He's saying we should do the spell. Not try to do it." Luna answers. "Oh. He does speak like our old mentor. Well then. Let's do it." Celestia says. "Right. Thought sayer spell?" Shining clarifies. "Yes." Celestia says, lowering her horn again alongside Luna. Shining's horn glows as he lowers his head too, my body glowing gold, blue and pink. The spell seems to be working. Alright. I think it's- And then I explode. Not literally but let's just say that the two princesses are on the floor and the captain of the guard is on his butt. Okay. That wasn't me. "Ow! What happened?!" Celestia shouts. "And why are my ears ringing?!" "How am I supposed to know?! My ears are ringing too!" Luna shouts. Mine aren't. "What?!" Luna yells. "What?! I can't hear you! My ears are ringing!" Shining yells. It's at this point that the guards outside rush in. "Captain! Your highnesses!" They shout. "What did you do?!" Wolf Claw shouts, pointing a guandao at me. Where did he get this? "Calm yourself, Wolf Claw!" Luna shouts, still partially deaf. "Princess Luna, are you alright?" Wolf says, sheathing his weapon on his back and kneeling in front of the night princess. "I'm fine! Just a little-! Just a little deafened by the blast." Luna responds, now talking at a normal volume. "Agh! What happened?" Shining asks, rubbing an ear as his guards help him and the princesses up. "I don't know, captain. We were standing guard outside when we heard an explosion. We entered to see him standing." Wolf points at me. "And you and the princesses on the ground around him." Wolf Claw finishes. "We were trying to use a thought sayer spell on him to help him communicate but it seems to have backfired. Explosively." Shining explains. And I did not do it on purpose! I want that to be known. "Well, do you have any idea why it happened?" Luna asks me. None at all. It felt like it was working for a second then it… bounced back. I think. "Bounced back? What do you mean?" Luna asks, to the confusion of the guards. Exactly that. It felt like it was working then all of a sudden, your magic just got blown in the other direction. I can't explain it. "Are you saying that your armour rejected the magic?" Luna asks. Yeah. That's it. My armour rejected the magic. I say. "That is the most violent case of magic rejection that I have ever seen." "That was magic rejection? How can that be? If your armour rejected the magic that… harshly, you would be in agony." Celestia says to me. Well, I feel fine. I say, flexing my shoulders. "He says he feels fine." Luna relays. "Princess? Could we have some explanation as to what is going on? Who are you talking to?" Wolf Claw asks. Oh. I forgot they were still here. "For some reason, Diego can only speak to me. My sister and I were trying to cast a thought sayer spell on him to help him but it had no effect. Captain Shining suggested he help as well but when he tried to help my sister and I, it only caused Diego's body to reject the magic. Explosively. Sending the three of us to the floor." Luna explains. "I see. Well, what race is he? Could he cast the spell on himself?" Wolf suggests. Cast it on myself? I… I don't think that's a good idea. I say. Luna turns to me. "Why not?" She asks. I don't know how to do your magic. "But what about when you healed me? That was a spell." Luna says. That wasn't me. I say, pointing at my chest. "Oh. I understand." Luna says. "Well, perhaps we can…" Luna trails off. What? Perhaps we can what? I ask, my tone condescending. Luna looks away. I sigh. I'm going for a walk. "Diego…!" Luna reaches out to me but hesitates. I just keep walking. "Luna? What did he say?" Celestia asks. I don't hear the answer. After finding a balcony, I decided to fly up to the top of the mountain to clear my head. Unfortunately, I suck at that and I'm still regretting my actions. Ugh. What is wrong with me?! Oh wait, I know. I'm a pessimistic sociopath! Hrah!! I can't believe I said that! Now what am I gonna do!? Grah! My self-loathing is cut off as I hear the flapping of wings behind me. Looking back, I see Luna land on the peak. I face away and walk to the edge. "Hello Diego." Luna says in a neutral tone. I say nothing. "Diego… I'm sorry." She apologizes, surprising me. What? What do you have to apologize for? I was the one who acted so bad. I say, turning around. "Because of me." Luna replies, a sad look on her face. No no no! Luna, what I said isn't your fault! I'm to blame. I say, stepping closer. "You're to blame? I am the one who can't even help you speak to others! If anyone is to blame, it is me!" Luna rebutts. Luna… you have nothing to be sorry for. I'm the one who lashed out. You were- are trying to help me. …And I just threw it in your face. So I'm sorry. I say, saddened. "…If that is how you feel, then I accept your apology." Luna smiles. Really? Just like that? You're going to forgive me just- no! Shut up, shut up! I shout, hitting my head. "Diego, what are you doing?!" Luna yells. Sorry, princess. Sometimes, I just talk without thinking about what I'm saying. It happened in the throne room and it almost happened now. I apologize. "So you didn't mean any of what you said?" Luna asks. Not a word …but I still said it. And that's the problem. I say. "Well, I forgive you. If you truly didn't mean a word of what you said then I see no reason to hold a grudge against you." Luna says. I sigh and say. Princess Luna… you're amazing. Thank you. Luna blushes at my compliment. "You're wel-" Luna is cut off by a sonic wave shaking the mountain. "What was that?!" She shouts. I have no idea but it can't be good! Look! I say, pointing down at Fantasia. The tremor from the mountain has heavily shaken the city, causing wide-spread damage to the infrastructure. "Oh no! The city! We need to get down there, now!" Luna says, spreading her wings. Right behind you! I say, activating my thrusters. A minute later, we both arrive at the throne room, Luna teleporting us through the wall. "Sister, what happened?" Luna asks Celestia. "Something seems to have entered the atmosphere from space, the entry made a shockwave that nearly dislodged Fantasia!" Celestia yells, panicked. "What?! Is anyone hurt? And do we know what the thing is?" Luna asks quickly. "By a miracle, no one was killed but there are multiple injured. We also don't know what entered the atmosphere, just that it's a black spaceship of some sort." Celestia says. "Spaceship?!" A noble shouts. "Are we being invaded by aliens?!" "Apparently but we must all remain calm!" Celestia shouts. Says the one who's panicking- drat! I'm doing it again! "My sister is right. If we all keep our heads, we will be fine." Luna says with authority. "Make your way to any emergency shelters you know of. You should be safe there." "Emergency shelters?! What emergency shelters?!" Another noble shouts. "What?! Sister! Explain!" Luna yells. "W-we are in a time of peace! There hasn't been a war in centuries, we haven't needed anything like that for an age!" Celestia yells, hyperventilating. "Sister! Celestia!" Luna shouts, grabbing Celestia's attention. "Are there any sort of places we can retreat to? Any at all?" Luna asks, calming Celestia for a second. "W-w-well, t-there are the old tunnels in the mountain, b-b-but they aren't safe! They're unstable. If we go in there, we could be crushed by a cave in!" Celestia stutters. "It's the best we have! Take the citizens into the caves, see if there are any exits to the base of the mountain. We can evacuate to a nearby settlement if we have to. Now go!" Luna says, pushing Celestia forward. Celestia steels herself. "You heard her! Into the catacombs! Tell the citizens to grab what they need to survive and go!" Celestia yells to the guards and nobles. Tell Celestia to go with them! They'll need their princess. You and I will hold off the invaders. I tell Luna. "Understood. Sister, go with your people, lead them through the tunnels. They'll need you." Luna tells Celestia. "But what about you? You have to come with me!" Celestia shouts. "I cannot. I will help Diego. If the aliens are hostile then one of us will have to fight them off to make sure the citizens escape. If they aren't hostile, I will come look for you. I promise. Now go!" Luna leaves no room for argument as she turns to face me. "Are you ready?" She asks me. You bet I a- I am cut off as a roaring beam of energy strikes the mountain. I freeze as I recognize that sound. "Diego? Diego!" Luna tries to speak to me but I am frozen in shock. I look out a window to see another beam strike the ground. A familiar roaring purple beam. It can't be… …The Galra… (To be continued…) > A climatic showdown! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A climatic showdown! "DIEGO!" Luna shouts, snapping me out of my shock. Run. "What?" Luna asks. Run. Run as far away from here as possible, take EVERYONE with and don't look back! I say, more serious than I've ever been. "Diego, what's going-" I interrupt Luna by blasting a hole into the roof with my tail. "Diego, what are you doing?!" Celestia yells, blocking falling dust with her arm. "DiD'nT yOu HeAr Me? I sAiD RUN!" I speak, everyone hearing a glitchy but audible voice. I fly through the hole in the roof, Bayard in hand. (On the ship) (3rd POV) "Captain! We have detected the unknown energy signature. It IS on the planet." A helmsman says. "Good. Where is it now?" The sinister mechanical voice of the captain asks. "Scanning indicates it is… coming towards us!" The helmsman shouts. "On screen!" The captain orders. The viewscreen of the bridge changes to show Diego flying straight towards the ship. "What is that?" A lieutenant asks. "It appears to be some sort of small mechanoid, sir." Another helmsman answers. "A mechanoid? That's the source?" The captain asks. "Yes captain. The energy is radiating directly from it." The first helmsman answers. "Continue weaponry bombing, focus fire on the mechanoid. Let's see how much it can take." "Vrepit sa!" The crew shouts. (Diego POV) If these guys think they can just invade this planet all willy nilly, they've got another thing coming! I think as I fly towards the Galra cruiser. Multiple spots on the front of the cruiser begin glowing purple, an energy barrage incoming. No you don't! I deploy my energy shield as the cannons on the ship begin firing, the blasts of energy bouncing off my shield like spitballs. (Ship) "Captain, the mechanoid appears to have an energy shield, it is blocking our point defense cannons!" A gunner calls out. "Deploy the sirenic turrets!" The captain orders. "Vrepit sa!" The gunner answers. (Diego) From the top of the ship, multiple guns deploy, their barrels pointing upwards. What are those? I wonder. The turrets fire, their purple energy beams screaming through the sky. The beams then change course, now flying straight to me. I hold my shield forward and charge but the beams spiral around my shield, striking me in the sides and back. Smart lasers? I do not remember those. More shots scream towards me. I deploy my sniper rifle and shoot through them, charging back at the ship. (Ship) "The sirens have been intercepted, captain. Target has taken minimal damage." The gunner reports. The captain presses a button on the console in front of him. "Fighter squadrons one through ten, scramble immediately!" The captain's voice is heard throughout the entire ship. "Crew, change from alert level four to alert level two, arm battle stations!" The captain turns off the intercom. "Battle formation. Let us see if that thing can survive this." (Diego) The ship begins turning, I am now facing towards its side instead of its head. From both sides, a wave of smaller ships mobilize. Looks like they're sending fighters. Not gonna let them. I merge my Bayard with my wings, forming my sonic disruptor. I fire a signal hijack wave, causing dozens of the fighters to crash into each other. Wait, those aren't manned fighters, their sentinel flown. If I can hijack their programming, they'll do my job for me! I realize. I send another hijack signal, this time targeting the fighter pilots. As I suspected, the pilots are all sentinels. The fighters immediately turn around and start friendly firing at each other. (Ship) "What is happening?!" The captain shouts. "The target has some sort of signal weapon, it's reprogramming our fighters against us!" The lieutenant reports. The captain activates the intercom again. "Withdraw all remaining fighters and cancel fighter deployment. Change to alert level one. All weapons operators to their stations." The captain turns off the intercom and faces the viewscreen. "We'll take it down with our weapons." (Diego) Dozens of different weapons deploy from all sides of the ship, raining a hailstorm of different lasers down on me. I deploy my chainsword. I was going for the compensator but this works just as well! With a flick of my wrist, I bisect five retreating fighters. Oh wow! This thing is sharp! Chainsword in hand, I continue flying towards the ship, now almost within reach. (Ship) "Prime the ion cannon! We'll blast that thing into space dust!" The captain orders. "Captain, if we miss, the planet will suffer serious damage. I believe we should reconsider-" The captain grabs the lieutenant by the throat. "I don't care about that blasted planet! It can be destroyed. I want that machine in pieces!" The captain orders as he lets go of the lieutenant. "Vrepit sa!" The bridge acknowledges. (Diego) The ship turns back to facing me again, a large weapon on the bow aiming directly at me. Oh no, that's an ion cannon! If that thing shoots me, I could be done for! But if I dodge it, Arcadia will get hit! What do I do?! The cannon fires. Rah! I shout in my mind as I form my shield. The cannon blast strikes the shield, nearly knocking me back into orbit. Dear me, that hurt! The cannon fires again. No! I block the shot, getting pushed back again. (Ship) "Switch to continuous firing mode!" The captain orders. (Diego) The cannon fires again, this time not letting up. I look down at the planet I am protecting. Such a beautiful place… I won't let it be destroyed! Thrusters to one hundred percent! Both the jets on my legs and in my wings flare to full. I am now pushing against the beam, rising back to the ship. (Ship) "WHAT IS HAPPENING?!" The captain demands. "The target is blocking the ion cannon and is pushing against the beam. At the current speed, target will be with close range in nine and a half doboshes." A gunner reports. "Increase firepower to maximum! Vaporise that machine and the planet along with it!" (Diego) The beam doubles in size, now pushing me back again. No! I. Will. Not. Let. You. WIN! Engage! Diego takes his Bayard in a perpendicular grip, deforming the shield and letting the ion beam strike his back. Diego plunges the Bayard into the port on his chest, turning it like a key. Diego's whole body glows white like a brand new star as he changes. His size grows, the port and Bayard in his chest become a full chest plate and his tail recedes as he reaches his true size. He now stands taller than Fantasia. In comparison, the ship in front of him is just a long building. Everyone on the bridge of the ship is in shock. Diego brings his hands together as the insignia on his chest glows, a one-sided sword forming in his right hand. Diego flips the sword into a reverse grip as he flies past the ship, tearing through the hull like a hand through a waterfall. Explosions wrack the ship as Diego flies above it, holding the sword upright in front of himself as his chest glows again. The sword glows white, becoming longer, wider and sharper as the tip curves into a scimitar. Diego flies down, cutting the ship straight in two. The two pieces explode, becoming nothing but space dust. Diego's body glows white as he falls back down to Arcadia, returning to his regular size as my Bayard disappears in a white flash. > Aftermath. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aftermath. I wake up to find I'm in a crater in what looks like the middle of a dense black forest. Sluggishly getting up, I try to ignite my thrusters but find that I can barely lift off the ground. Argh. That battle Seriously drained me. I can barely stand. I hear a loud noise from the depths of the forest. It sounds almost like a wolf… from the inside of a woodchipper. It sounds twisted and painful. That is definitely not a good sign. I try to fly out but I merely faceplant into the ground. Dang it. It seems like I'm going to be doing this the hard way. I say, standing straight and facing towards the sound of running and demented howling. For a few seconds, the sounds get closer and closer, before suddenly stopping at the edge of the crater I'm in. I wait, listening to my surroundings, hearing nothing. It is dead quiet. A large black dog lands on my back, trying to bite into my neck but being stopped by my armour. Where the heck did you come from?! I silently shout as I throw the wolf off me. It vanishes as soon as it hits the ground. Again, everything is dead quiet as I turn in a circle, checking every angle I can get attacked from. Another wolf springs from the trees to my left as the wolf from before leaps out of my own shadow. Holy cow! I shout as I wrestle with the two wolves. I am eventually able to get my hands on both of their chests and shove them off me and against the ground. Another wolf comes up behind me and tries to tackle me off the two of them but I blast it back with my tail, taking off one of its legs. The two on the ground disappear from my grip. Oh no you don't. I'm not falling for the same trick twice. I say, pointing my hands at my shadow. The two wolves leap out as I shoot the ground, avoiding my shots. Shadow stepping, eh? That's going to be tricky. More wolves descend into the crater. I now face more than a dozen of them. Definitely tricky. I then hear something big land behind me. I turn around to face what has to be the alpha of the pack. Okay then. You may have the numbers, but I have the power. So come on, ya mutts! Show me what ya got! I shout, challenging them to attack me as I draw my Bayard, my strength flooding back to me as I hold it. The wolves leap… …And half of them get cut into pieces by my chainsword, the other half getting pushed back by my tail. The wolves seem surprised at me cutting through them but they don't stop. The alpha lunges at me, jaws open big enough to swallow me. He clamps down on one of his own as I teleport behind him with my super wings, slashing his back with the sharp bladed feathers. He leaps into the shadows of the pack, emerging behind me. His claws bounce off my armour as he bites down on my wings. I shoot him in the mouth, breaking many of his teeth and making him let go. The other wolves attack me, biting and scratching to no avail. I reform my Bayard, my energy blade forming in my hand. With sword in hand, I cut through three of the wolves, shaking off the rest as the alpha goes in for a lunge. I side step him with my jets and cut him across his withers. More of the black wolves leap at me. I cut through them with energy slashes from my sword. There now only stands a handful of wolves and the injured alpha. I form my hand blade, ready to face them, but a bright light shines from above, the wolves whimpering in pain and running into the forest. The Alpa looks back, glaring at me before bowing his head. He turns and runs off with the remainder of his pack. I look up to see a pair of flying carriages, a Magician at the front of one shining the light down on the clearing. The carriages land, princess Luna coming out the side of one. "Diego!" She shouts. "Are you alright?" Fine princess, just… My exhaustion catches up with me. …tired. I fall face first onto the ground, out like a light. "Diego." I hear faintly. "Diego. Wake up." I hear slightly more clearly. I try to move but my body feels heavier than a freight train. "Diego, you're awake." I hear Celestia say. Ugh. Barely. Where am I? I ask, looking at the purple room. "This is my room." Luna says. Your room? I ask. Looking around, I see that Luna's room matches her perfectly. It also seems to be newly cleaned. "Yes, this is my room. The guest bedrooms are full." Luna says. "Now, are you alright, Diego?" Yeah… just incredibly tired. Is everything okay? I ask. "Yes. Arcadia wasn't severely damaged and no-one died in the attack. Do you know who or what it was that attacked?" Luna answers. I think so… Do you remember how I said my powers are from a fictional story? I ask. "Yes, why?" Luna answers. The ship that… attacked was… piloted by the antagonists of… that story. They are called… the Galra. "The Galra? Okay. Do you know why they attacked?" Not exactly but if I'm right, the Galra are a conquering race, traveling through the… galaxy, conquering any planet they find and destroying anything… that stands in their way. I tiredly explain. Luna turns to her sister. "The Galra. Diego says they are a race of conquers, taking any planet and destroying what stands in their way." Luna relays. "So they tried to conquer Mystacor?" Celestia asks. "Apparently." Luna answers. "How many are there?" Celestia asks me. I can't be sure. They could occupy one solar system or they could own half the galaxy. If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say they are very vast, if their level of technology is anything to go by. "Their level of technology?" Luna enquires. Yeah. If I'm right, they might be on par with me. I explain. Luna gasps at that, to Celestia's confusion. "Sister?" Celestia asks. "…Diego says, the technology of the Galra might be on par with him. He isn't sure though." Luna answers. Celestia's eyes widen at this, shocked by the implications. A little bit of good news though. I say, slightly raising my hand. "Good news? What good news?" Luna asks. I think I have control over my Bayard. Not 100% sure but I was able to stay in control for most of the space fight and the whole time I was fighting those shadow wolves. "Shadow- oh, you must mean the Nightmali you faced." Luna says. "What did he say?" Celestia asks. "He says he was in control of himself throughout most of his fight in space and the entirety of his fight against the Nightmalice pack in Shadowhowl forest." Luna answers. "I see. Speaking of your fight in space, how did you grow so large at the end of it? You looked like you were as tall as Arcadia." Celestia asks me. I'm not entirely sure how I did that. That was the time I lost control of my body. Next thing I know, I'm growing to Voltron's true size and I'm swinging a massive sword around. The memory is a little foggy. I do remember waking up in… what did you call it? Shadowhowl forest, that's it. I remember waking up there and getting found by you, princess. I explain, pointing at Luna. Luna repeats what I said to her sister. "I see. Well, now that you are in control of your Bayard, could you now show us its forms?" Celestia asks me. I suppose so. "He agrees." Luna says. "Good. One final thing. Before you flew through the roof, you spoke." Celestia says, shocking me. "Your voice was very strange and garbled but everyone definitely heard you. I even asked to make sure." …What did you hear me say? I ask, still shocked. "You told us to run. I believe your exact words were… "didn't you hear me, I said run". After that, you flew through the roof to confront the Galra." Luna answers. I lie there, still shocked that I was actually heard by people other than Luna. "Are you alright?" Celestia asks. Yeah. I'll be fine. "Fine." Luna says. "Good. Well, we better let you rest. You have had a stressful week. Come Luna, we have a city to address." Celestia says, walking to the door. "Of course." (Light years away) "Emperor Zarkon. We have lost communications with the Black sky. All attempts to raise them have been unsuccessful and the ship isn't showing on our scans." A galran soldier reports. "Send a reconnaissance craft to investigate. What was their last location and transmission?" The vicious voice of the Emperor orders. "Their last known location was… outside of galran space. Their last transmission before cutoff was an automated alert level one beacon and before that, the nearby outpost received a request to investigate a "unknown energy surge" which was accepted. Roughly nine vargas later, we received the beacon alert then two doboshes later, lost contact." The soldier answers. "Send three reconnaissance crafts and a cruiser as escort. If whatever silenced the Black sky is still out there, I want it seized and brought to the Heart." The Emperor orders. "Vrepit sa!" The soldier responds. To be continued… > The Calm… > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Calm… After a few hours of sleep, I decide to take a look around. The castle I'm in is very big. After half an hour of walking around, getting gawked at by the servants, I hear the sound of fighting outside. Looking out a nearby window, I see what I assume to be two guards in a sparring match. That looks fun. Better get a better view though. Spending another twenty minutes, I find an exit and make my way to the place I saw the sparring match. Two different guards are fighting now, a Flier and a Magician. The Flier is taking advantage of her wings, masterfully blowing gusts of wind at her opponent, keeping him off balance as he tries to shoot her with stun spells. "Come on, White! I'm barely even breaking a sweat here and your gasping for breath!" The Flier taunts. "That's… because… you keep… sucking up all the air." The white skinned Magician pants as he leans on his spear. "Hey, you have your magic, I have mine. Don't you go whining like a baby." The yellow skinned Flier says. "One of us… isn't a division captain. I'm just a corporal." The corporal pants, slowly walking closer to the captain. "Yeah that is true. Maybe you should just- whoa!" The captain is interrupted by the corporal thrusting his spear at her, causing her to retreat into the air. Unfortunately, she hits her head on a magic platform conjured by the corporal, letting him shoot another stun spell at her, hitting one of her legs. "Agh! You sly dog! You got me monologuing!" The captain shouts in surprise. "Assume the enemy has a weakness, and it becomes his strength. That's what captain Spell Blade says." The corporal quotes, now standing straight. "Dangit! And now I can't feel my leg, drat!" The captain says, hitting her stunned leg with her fist. "Well, if you're going to do that, hrah!" The captain shouts, lunging at him with her lance. He blocks with his spear, using magic to stop himself from being pushed back. The captain flies up into the air, going for an overhead strike. The corporal teleports out of the way, sending another spell at her back. She parrys with the hilt of her lance, deflecting his spell as she rushes at him. She's fast. The corporal tries to raise his shield to block again but the captain outspeeds him, hitting the armour on his shoulder, knocking him to the ground. "White Trail: knocked down. Winner: Spitfire." The referee says, pointing a hand at Spitfire. "I must say, you really caught me off guard at the end there. I'll be sure to put in a good word for you with captain Blade." Spitfire says, helping up White Trail. "Tha…" White doesn't finish as he sees me. Spitfire looks where he is looking and sees me at the back of the group of spectators. "Well well well! Look who it is! The man in white himself!" Spitfire calls out, many of the other spectators gasping as they see me, some even bowing. "So! Word is you're the one who fought the invaders! Is that true?" Spitfire asks. I'm afraid I can't answer that. I say, motioning that my voice doesn't work. "Wait, are you mute?" Spitfire asks. I nod. "Well mother of mercy, that's unexpected. So you really can't speak at all?" Spitfire asks. I shake my head. I look down at the people bowing to me. Could you all please stand up? You look ridiculous. I say, motioning for the others to stand. "Uh, guys. I think he wants you to stand up." White Trail says. I nod, making the people stand up. Unfortunately, this makes the questioning start. Really? I mentally deadpan. "Everyone! He can't speak, I doubt he can answer your questions!" Spitfire calls out. "Besides, the princesses said to have him report to the throne room as soon as he wakes up, so we'll be going now." Spitfire says, pushing past the other people and walking past me. "You coming?" She asks. I nod and follow her. After a brief walk, myself and captain Spitfire arrive at the throne room. "Hey, princess! He's awake!" Spitfire calls as we enter, the nobles in the room turning to face the doors. They all groan, as if knowing that with my arrival, they'll have to leave. "Pardon me, everyone, but Day court is adjourned. But! My sister will be hosting a night court from 8 o'clock to midnight if you wish to attend. Thank you for coming and please show yourselves out." Celestia yells the congregation. The nobles all file out, two stopping to thank me for protecting the city before they all leave, the guards following them out. "Welp, I'll show myself out as well. You probably don't need me here and I should go check up on my division. Later!" Spitfire walks out, closing the door behind her. "Hello Diego. We hope you slept well?" Luna says. Fine princess. Fully rested. "Good to know. Now, I believe we should go straight to business. Would you please show us the forms of your Bayard? If you can?" Luna asks. Sure. …But now that I think about it, would this place really be the best to show you? I ask. "Do not worry, Diego. This entire room is enchanted with repair spells and fortification magic. You won't be able to cause any lasting damage." Luna assures, Celestia nodding as well. Oh! Well that's good to know! I get into a ready stance, reaching to pull out my Bayard when a thought comes to mind. What do I attack? Uhh, princess? "Is something wrong Diego?" Luna asks. Yeah, do you have anything that I can use to demonstrate the forms of my Bayard on? "What do you mean?" Luna asks. A target or some combatant I can fight. Something to direct my aim at so that I'm not just swiping or shooting at nothing. "Ah, I see. That may be a problem." Luna says, hand on her chin. "Sister?" Celestia inquires. "Diego would like something to focus on for his demonstration. A "target or a combatant" as he says." Luna answers. "What kind would you like?" Celestia asks me. Hmmm. Oh! How about a sparring partner? "A sparring partner? I do not believe we have anyone who can match you as you are." Luna says. "I agree. Unless we… wait. Perhaps we can." Celestia says, thinking. "Sister? What is it?" "What If we have him go against multiple people? A team of fighters against him, so that he can use his Bayard in a realistic setting?" Celestia proposes. "That… could work. If we have our best fighters all together, it may even work to help hone their skills as well as Diego's." Luna says. "But who?" How about Shining Armour? He's the captain of the Royal guard, isn't he? I ask, Luna perking up at my question. "Ah ha! Yes! Shining Armour must be a capable fighter. What if we have Shining Armour and his best fighters as the combatants?" Luna asks Celestia. "That would indeed be a challenge. If Shining Armour and the division captains all worked as a team, they would be formidable opponents. What do you think, Diego?" Celestia asks me. How many people would that be? I ask. "How many division captains are there?" Luna asks for me. "Four. One for each race. Counting Shining Armour, that would be five of our best guards. Is that acceptable?" Celestia asks. Most definitely. That sounds like fun! "He agrees! Now we only need to ask the captains and we can have a match!" Luna shouts. Unsurprisingly, the captains each agreed, all of them wanting a stab at the one who more or less single handedly fought off multiple invasions. Unfortunately, a servant caught word of the impending battle and spread the word, bringing many of the nobles and royal guards to the arena where the battle was to take place. The princesses decided to make the most of this and publicised the event, letting many of the citizens of Fantasia come as spectators. Rules were put in play to help even the playing field in the captains' favour. I was not allowed to use my jets, I could only fight with my Bayard or my body in close quarters, not use my integrated weapons and I was prohibited from transforming my wings. Entering the arena, I see that a crowd had very quickly amassed in the stands, cheering for me or the captains. Celestia stood in her own private booth, Luna and another woman with pink skin and multi-coloured hair sitting to either side of her. Celestia spoke in a booming voice. "WELCOME ALL! TODAY WE HAVE AN UNEXPECTED BUT VERY WELL RECEIVED MATCH ON OUR HANDS! FROM THE SOUTH GATE, WE HAVE: DIEGO! A MAN OF MANY TALENTS AND GREAT POWER! THOUGH HE MAY BE SILENT, HE IS NOT MEEK! AND TODAY WE SHALL SEE HOW HE MATCHES AGAINST ARCADIA'S FINEST!" Celestia says as I walk to the near center of the arena. "AND FROM THE NORTH GATE, WE HAVE MY BOYFRIEND AND HIS MOST TRUSTED COMRADES!" The other woman speaks, her voice just as loud as Celestia's. What is this? A wrestling match? Also, boyfriend?! "CAPTAIN OF THE ROYAL GUARD: SHINING ARMOUR!" Shining walks out, wearing chainmail and carrying a short slightly curved sword and a tower shield. Is that a falchion? Nice. "CAPTAIN OF THE EARTH KNIGHTS DIVISION: HAMMER STRIKE!" A gray skinned Walker with a large two handed hammer-axe walks in, wearing chainmail and shoulder plates, stopping to stand beside Shining. "CAPTAIN OF THE WONDERBOLTS DIVISION: SPITFIRE!" A large amount of the crowd cheers as Spitfire flies in, carrying her lance and an arm shield, wearing a blue and yellow leather full-body suit, landing on the other side of Shining. Spitfire. She'll be a challenge with those wings of hers. "CAPTAIN OF THE STAR SORCERERS DIVISION: SPELL BLADE!" Many of the Magicians in the stands cheer as Spell Blade teleports in, appearing next to Hammer Strike with a staff in one hand and a flamberge in the other, wearing what looks like an enchanted robe. A flame-bladed sword? Wow, that looks cool. "AND FINALLY, CAPTAIN OF THE PREDATORS DIVISION: NIGHT SLASH!" The woman announces, a Nighthunter with a visor over his eyes, greaves and boots flying out from the north gate, a black whip in one hand with his other hand empty. A Nighthunter. And with only one weapon. Although from the looks of it, those claws he has look to be weapons in and of themselves. "ARE THE COMBATANTS READY!?" Celestia calls out. The captains all take their stances, weapons ready and waiting. I take out my Bayard and change it to my rifle, many of the onlookers confused at the odd shape of my weapon. The captains and I all nod. "THEN LET THE MATCH… BEGIN!!" Luna calls out. Spitfire rushes forward ahead of the other captains, her lance pulled back. "Let's see how you like th- OWW!" Spitfire yells as a shot from my rifle wizzes straight past her face, scratching her. I keep firing, one shot at a time, causing her to dodge and weave through the air. "The heck- kinda wea- weapon is that!" She shouts as she continues flying. Spell Blade teleports behind me, his staff pointed straight at my back, it and his horn glowing. "!Ɉlodɘɿiᆿ" He shouts, a ball of flame bursting from the end of his staff and washing over my back, the magic dissolving away on contact. Spell Blade seems confused as to why his spell doesn't work but doesn't get a chance to attack again as I deploy my katar, to the surprise of everyone, and shock him lightly. Next, Hammer Strike runs up and jumps high into the air, the ground underneath him lifting up to boost him even higher, bringing the hammer head of his weapon down on me. I catch his weapon, dodging a thrust from Spitfire, and push him back. Spitfire goes for another lunge as Night Slash goes for a slash to my face with his whip. Changing my Bayard to my knuckle blade, I parry Spitfire's strike, letting Night Slash's whip bounce off my armour. I grab the flailing Spitfire and slam her onto her back, winding her as I jump away from the others, getting a little space. What should I go for next? Gatling gun? No, that's too much. It'll shred them. Ah ha! My Bayard transforms again, now becoming the energised staff. Let's see if this works. I think. Spell Blade and Night Slash stand side by side, Hammer checking on Spitfire. Spell Blade and Night Slash both start to circle me before I notice. Where's Shining? Hearing magic behind me, I raise my staff behind my back, deflecting a spell from Shining into the arena wall. It works with magic. Good. Shining either isn't surprised or doesn't show it, because he immediately goes in for a strike with his sword. I parry with my staff, almost swiping his legs out from under him but I get blindsided by Hammer Strike, him knocking me off balance with his weapon. Shining, Spell and Night each go in for a strike with their swords, or in Night's case, claws. I form my energy whip, quickly knocking their strikes off course before wrapping up Night's leg, swinging him around like a makeshift wrecking ball, bouncing him off Shining's tower shield and bowling him into Hammer. Spitfire, having gotten up, goes in for an overhead bash with her shield. I form my staff again and try to hit her back down to the ground but she twists into a knee kick to the face, blinding me for half a second. "!bɘɘqƨ wolƧ" Spell chants, trying to use a spell on me but it fails, falling off of me like water. I run at him, dodging another lunge from Spitfire with a spin and form my knuckle sword for a thrust. "!llɒW" He quickly chants, forming a magic barrier that shatters under my thrust. A pink magic cylinder forms around me, trapping me for the moment. "Fourth configuration!" Shining calls out as I form my katar. Hammer, Spell, Night and Shining each take up position around the cylinder I'm inside in a circle, Spitfire jumping into the air above me. A five-way pincer attack, huh? I think not. I whip around to face Hammer, cutting the spell around me as I do, making it crumble. "Now!" Shining calls from behind me, the five of them each charging. I jump up and over Hammer, firing my katar grapple and wrapping it around his torso, giving him a nasty shock as I land in a roll behind him. Spitfire goes for an airstrike but I pull on the cord of my katar, yanking Hammer into the air, between Spitfire and me. However, she is able to dodge him and land a strike to my shoulder with her lance. I barely feel it but it does distract me as Shining calls out. "Ninth!" Shining and Spell appear behind me, both charging their magic. "!qυ ɿɘwoԳ" Spell calls, his magic hitting Shining. "!!Ɉɔɒqmi bnɒɿӘ" Shining chants, Spell's magic transferring into his shield as he bashes it into me. From Shining's tower shield, a wave of pink magic erupts, plowing straight into me, shoving me off my feet and on to the ground. All five captains pounce. Night Slash jumps on top of me, claws against the port on my chest, stinging me a little. Spitfire lands to my right, lance poised to strike my head. Hammer Strike takes up position to my left, opposite Spitfire, axe poised to also strike my head. Spell Blade and Shining Armour both teleport, appearing in front of Night Slash, swords both poised to strike. "WE HAVE OUR WINNERS! THE CAPTAINS TRIUMPH BY SUBJUGATION!" Luna calls out. Each of the captains collapse, panting up wisps of breath. "Holy… moly… you… are tough." Spitfire pants. "Next time… you're only… allowed to… use one weapon. And not… that dreaded short blade. That thing… shocks worse… than lightning." Hammer pants, his voice deep but not gruff. "Agreed. I… don't think… it's fair… for you… to have… an armoury at your… disposal… while we only have… one weapon each. Phew." Night Slash pants, his voice smooth. "I must ask… where did you get that… weapon? It is… extraordinary!" Spell Blade asks. Honestly? I have no idea where it's from. When I came to this place, I just had it. I answer, my voice feeling a little funny. Both Spitfire and Shining Armour immediately sit up. "Did you just talk?" They both ask at the same time. Yeah. Why…… oh my gosh! I sit bolt upright. Did you two just hear me?! "Yes." All the captains answer at the same time. Wait, all of you?! Ha ha! How?! I yell incredulously. "What do you mean how? And I thought you said your voice doesn't work. What gives?" Spitfire asks. "His voice doesn't work. The only one who can hear him is princess Luna… and apparently now the five of us, too. But why?" I don't know but man am I glad! Woohoo! I launch myself up into the air. Princess! Did you hear that!? They can hear me! I yell. "Diego, calm down and expl-" I cut Luna off. THEY CAN HEAR ME! (Lightyears away) "Lieutenant, time until arrival?" The female voice of the captain asks. "Cruiser says… we will reach the alert beacon in ten vargas, captain." The lieutenant relays. "Good. Helmsman, you're drifting to the right again, adjust or we'll hit Surog's cruiser." "Y-yes, captain Cracheam. Apologies, captain." The helmsman stutters. "Captain, the Nova Seizer is detecting a possible planet on long range scans." The lieutenant reports. "Is it near our destination?" Captain Cracheam asks. "Scans say yes. The beacon appears to be in orbit of the planet." The lieutenant answers. "Good." What have they done? There's no way a Galra cruiser would go out there, that far from galran space. Oh Jex… I hope you're alright. Mommy's coming home. The captain thinks, actively toying with the empty knife holster against her side. > …Before the storm. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- …Before the storm. It was about an hour later, all the captains having gotten treatment for their bruises and injuries. Celestia, Luna, myself and the other princess, along with the five captains, were all in Celestia's study. The princess I didn't know was currently fretting over shining Armour, frisking him like he was in a car accident. "Cadence. Cadence! I told you a dozen times, I'm fine. The castle doctors are some of the best in Arcadia. I don't even feel stiff, so you can stop worrying." Shining says, holding the apparently named Cadence by the shoulders. "Are you sure? Absolutely?" Cadence asks. "Yes." Shining answers. "Okay. If you're sure." Cadence says, before turning to glare at me. Uh oh. She then closes her eyes, inhaling and exhaling deeply. "You are much stronger than I expected you to be. For that, you have my respect. But know this, I. Am. Watching you." Cadence says, pointing her fingers at her eyes then at me. If you think I was strong in that match, you should see me when I'm not holding back. I say offhandedly. "WHAT?!" All the captains shout at once, to the shock of Celestia and Cadence but not Luna. "YOU WERE HOLDING BACK?!" "Of course he was. If he hadn't been, he could have killed you all in seconds." Luna states matter-of-factly. "Are you saying we threw almost everything we had at him and he was holding back?!" Spitfire yells. Technically, I was giving it as much as I could at the level I was fighting. I explain. "What do you mean?" Spell asks me. I was fighting with a handicap, yes. But I was also doing my best, while also staying with the handicap. I answer. "Oh. So you were doubly whooping our butts." Spitfire says, to my confusion. "What do you mean?" Celestia asks, voicing my question. "Not only was he not fighting us at full power, but he was also being careful not to go over the handicap he was on. So, not only could we not beat him at his handicap, we couldn't even push him over it. Therefore, he was basically doubly fighting us and we still lost!" Spitfire shouts, ending her sentence with her head hitting the table. Oh. I get it. Yeah, unfortunately she's right. I say, to the visible dismay of Hammer and Night. "Hey! We're still guard captains, act like it!" Shining Armour scolds. "Sorry sir, but you have to admit, that's a blow to the pride." Night Slash says. "That may be but you should still have some discipline!" Shining admonishes. The captains all sit up straight. "Now, princesses, why have you called this meeting?" Shining asks. "We have called you here to discuss why you can suddenly and unexpectedly hear Diego's voice. So far, the only one who has been able to hear him has been my sister." Celestia says, turning to Luna. "Well, when did you start hearing Diego's voice, princess Luna?" Spell asks. "After the invasion of monsters, Grogar, their leader, managed to fire a permanent damage spell at me, critically wounding me." Luna says, to the shock of the captains and Cadence. "But you said you were unharmed after the invasion." Shining says. "I am unharmed now, but that is only because Diego was able to heal me. After Discord escaped his petrification, he helped Grogar escape, as you know from the report, leaving my sister, the Elements of Harmony, Diego and an, at the time, dying me. My sister attempted to heal me but that only made the spell injure me further. Diego then stepped in and performed a basic but effective Divine Nature Healing on me." Luna explains. "WHAT?!" Spell yells loudly. "A Divine Nature Healing is one of the most dangerous restoration spells there is! And you pulled it off?!" Spell looks at me. I nod, making his jaw drop. "As I was saying, Diego managed to heal me. After that, for some reason, I gained a connection to him, allowing me to hear his voice." Luna finishes. "That explains why the princess can hear him, but it doesn't explain why the five of us can too. He didn't perform any kind of spell on us at all. At least not to my knowledge." Hammer Strike says. No, I didn't. And I can't think of anything that could be the cause of this either. "Well, perhaps we are thinking of this the wrong way." Night Slash says. What do you mean? I ask, Celestia echoing my words. "Well, we are all thinking of what is causing us to hear your voice." Night says, pointing his hands at me. "Perhaps we should try to find out why others can't hear you?" Night suggests. "That… might work?" Cadence says uncertainly. "There might be some sort of spell on Diego preventing his voice from reaching us?" Cadence suggests. "Then perhaps we only need to cast a spell nullifier on him?" Spell asks, lighting his horn in magic. I don't think that will work. "Why not?" Spell asks. Well, remember what happened with all those spells you tried to use on me during our fight? I ask. "Yes, why… oh." Spell realizes. Exactly. For some reason, your magic doesn't work on me. I explain. "Wait, Shining and Spell Blade's combined spell pushed you over. If that was true, the spell should have just washed off, should it not?" Luna asks. Now that… I can't explain either. Shining's magic felt… different. Foreign, almost. "What do you mean?" Shining asks. It… how do I explain this? Oh, I know. Normal magic, like yours Luna, feels like a calm breeze passing over my body. During the Grogar's invasion, Discord's magic felt like static racing over me but Shining… your magic felt like… it felt like I just got dunked in a hot bath. It was very warm. I try to explain. "Warm?" Shining asks. Yeah. Warm, like the ground on a sunny day. "Well… does it feel like that now?" Shining asks, lighting his horn and forming a ball of magic on the tip, sending it towards me. I hold up my hand, passing it through the ball before it pops like a bubble, Shining flinching. "Ow. Your hand feels hot. Like I'm trying to grab on to a bonfire or something." Shining reels, massaging the skin around his horn. Well, your magic just feels like lukewarm water now. Not as intense as it was before. "Really? Well, my magic was boosted by Spell during the match." Shining explains. "Yes, but none of this explains why the five of you can hear Diego now." Celestia says. "Maybe something happened during the fight?" Cadence asks. "I doubt that. We were all watching the fight. We would have seen it." Luna answers. "Could it have been that shock weapon you have? You… wait no. You only shocked me and Spitfire. That can't explain it." Hammer says. "Wait, I have an idea. What if we do a magic scan of everyone who can hear Diego's voice? See if we find something abnormal?" Cadence suggests. "That could work. Shining, your thoughts?" Celestia asks. "I think we should try that. It sounds like it could hold the answer." Shining agrees. "Alright. If you all agree, I think we should go to have you all visit the infirmary again." Celestia says, the captains and Luna nodding. (Lightyears away) "Helmsman, ETA?" Captain Cracheam asks. "Surog's cruiser says the planet is in range of its long range scanners. ETA is almost eight vargas. The Nova Seizer's and Void Walker's readings match." The helmsman reports. "Good. Perform a wide range scan of the surrounding area of the zone. I wanna know what's where." The captain orders. "Vrepit sa." The helmsman responds. These forsaken nerves. I'm so nervous I feel like if I make the wrong move, my covers going to be blown. Hold it together, Cracked Sky. Just a few more hours. Then you'll be home. The captain stands at the ready, inwardly feeling like a ticking time bomb is hanging over her head. "Captain… scans report that the planet at the destination is in a… completely stationary orbit within its solar system." The helmsman reports, thoroughly confused. "What do you mean?" The lieutenant asks. "According to the scans I'm picking up, the sun and moon around the planet are in completely fixed positions. If there is any life on the planet, it will be dead in a few quintants, if not a phoeb." The helmsman answers. The captain looks confused before saying. "Ignore it. If we need to land on the planet, we'll simply take precautions." Can't believe I forgot about that. "Anything else on the scans?" The lieutenant asks. "Yes. The planet appears to be the only one near the sun. No other planets of any kind in range of scans." "Good. As you were." (With Diego) After the magic scan of the captains and myself, not much was learned other than the fact that I apparently am a walking supernova of raw energy. I believe the report said that I have so much energy in my body that I exceeded the scale for normal living things hundreds of times over. The scans unfortunately didn't shed any light on why only the captains and princess Luna can hear my voice. I was beginning to get frustrated. Scratch that, I AM frustrated. Good news is, the captains have a target range in the capital and they said I could join them. I am currently there, my Bayard in the form of my energy bow, taking shots at the various targets. "Wow, you're a very good shot with that. Even Night Slash isn't that good and he has his own self made crossbow." Spitfire comments, with me having just hit four targets at once. Thanks. I didn't even know I was that good a shot, myself. I say, surprised. It must be the armour. It probably improved a bunch of my physical capabilities when I was changed. Definitely explains me learning how to use my Bayard so quickly. "Hey Diego." Hammer calls out, sitting at a nearby table. He held his arm up, his elbow on the table. "Wanna arm wrestle?" He asks me. I raise a mental eyebrow. You serious? Like, actually, you're serious? "Yeah. Come on. I wanna see just how strong you are." Hammer says as I sit at the table. Are you forgetting that I not only swung Night Slash around like a wrecking ball, but I also hoisted you into the air? Both times with just one arm? "And when I was five, I accidentally caused an earthquake in my village. Your point?" Hammer rebutts. Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you. I say, raising my arm. Hammer takes my hand in a firm grasp. "Ready?" He asks. Go right ahead. I reply monotonously. Hammer's arm flexes, pressing against my hand with probably a few hundred kilograms of pressure. . . . Have you started yet? I ask. Hammer looks at me with shock. He presses as hard as he can. .. .. .. Huh. I think my wrist moved. Oh, wait, no. It moved back. "What are you doing?" I hear behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I see Shining standing there, wearing a violet shirt and dark blue pants, wearing what looks like military boots. "Hammer is trying to arm wrestle Diego." Spitfire responds from the next table over where she is tending to her shield. "You do know that Diego threw both you and Night Slash around like ragdolls, right?" Shining asks Hammer. "Yep… Diego… said… that… too…" Hammer strains, still trying to move my arm. So, Shining. Who was that other princess with the pink and yellow hair? I ask him nonchalantly. "Oh, that was my girlfriend, Cadence Honeysuckle. She's the princess of love." Shining answers. Love? I question, adding a small bit of pressure to my hand. Hammer tries to use both hands to pull. "Yeah. She helps people who have relationship trouble. Giving advice, helping organise dates, relationship counseling and if need be, she uses her magic to help people see how much others care for them." Shining explains. Oh wow. That's really cool. I say, adding more pressure. Hammer's arm is a few centimetres away from touching the table. "Cool? I wouldn't call it that. I mean, it is cool but I more say it's endearing." Shining says. Yeah, your right. That is a better word for it. Another thing, how come Spell uses a staff and chanting? Can't magicians just use their horns to do magic? "Oh, that's because while normal spell casting can be done with just a horn and some knowledge of magic formula, if a magician or a wizard wants to increase their magic strength, they use a conduit, like a staff, wand or a specially made weapon like my shield, as well as chanting to strengthen their spells. Wizardry, which is what magic with chanting is referred to, can also help a magician or a wizard learn to use magic in the first place." Shining explains, my arm relaxing as I focus on Shining, allowing Hammer to pull my arm upright again. You say wizard and magician as if there's a difference. I say, keeping my arm steady. "There is. While a magician can be a wizard, not all wizards are magicians. A magician is a person with a horn that allows them to silently cast spells through concentration and the use of mental formulas, where as a wizard is any person who practices wizardry. For example, Spell Blade and I are both magicians, where as Night Slash is a nighthunter. However, all five of the captains know some wizardry. Spell Blade knows the most and uses a staff for a conduit to cast incantations. I know some wizardry and use my shield as my conduit to cast about three attack based incantations and a wide range of area effect based incantations that I know. Night Slash uses his homemade crossbow as a conduit, enchanting the bolts it fires with magical effects. Hammer Strike has made his hammer-axe into a conduit, allowing him to cast a few different attack incantations. Unfortunately, Spitfire only knows one incantation, ʞlɒw ɿiA. It lets her make a platform in midair for her to stand on." Shining explains, counting off on his fingers. "Hey! I'll have you know that I am well on my way to learning a new incantation! mɿoɈƨ monnoƆ." Spitfire says from her table. Shining frowns. "Connom storm?" Shining asks, confused. "What? No! Common storm!" Spitfire denies. "You're mispronouncing it. It's mɿoɈƨ nommoƆ. Not mɿoɈƨ monnoƆ." Shining corrects. "Really? Huh. No wonder it wasn't working. Thanks!" Spitfire says, getting up and leaving. How do you- hold up. I add pressure to my arm, slowly but surely pushing Hammer's arm down. "Nonono!" Hammer tries to fight back but loses. "Dangit! And now my arm is numb!" He says as I stand up. What determines what is or isn't a conduit? I ask. "Life fibers and quartz." Shining answers. "By taking strips of bark off a tree and saturating them in magic, you can turn them into life fibers. You then weave those life fibers into an object, starting from a quartz called a focusing gem. From the quartz, you weave the life fibers through the weapon, making sure to coil the life fibers inside the hilt of the object or weapon and then back to the quartz, creating a magic conduit. That's why there is a jewel in the center of Vanguard, my tower shield and at the tip of Spell's Osiris, his staff." Shining finishes. Osiris? Do they have an Egypt here? I think as Shining, myself and Hammer squeeze out the door of the target range. "Is it almost night time?! How long were we in there?" Hammer asks, massaging his sore arm. "Must have been longer than I thought. I didn't expect it to be this late already. We all better get to sleep, the princesses will probably want to talk again tomorrow." Shining says. Alright. Well, goodnight. I wave goodbye as I take off to the castle, heading to my room. (Hours later, Space) "Captain, I just checked the scans of the area again, the star has moved!" The helmsman yells in shock. "What do you mean? Are you saying that the sun is in a reverse orbit? You said that the planet isn't in an orbit." The lieutenant says. "It shouldn't be. I cannot explain it but somehow, the sun is not only in a reverse orbit around the planet, but it has also gone from being completely still to having moved to the complete opposite side of the planet." The helmsman reports. "My readings match his, lieutenant. The sun has changed position, as well as the moon of the planet. Hold on, the Void Walker is detecting a possible energy source originating from the planet that may be interacting with the sun and moon." The second helmsman reports, her readings matching the other research ships. "Are you saying that the planet is arranging its own orbit?" The captain asks, already knowing the answer. "The readings say yes, captain Cracheam." The second helmsman answers. "I see. What's the ETA of Surog's cruiser?" The captain asks. "A little over one varga, captain Cracheam." The robotic voice of the final helmsman reports. "Understood. Relay this order to the Surog, the Singularity is moving ahead to investigate the unknown energy signature emanating from the planet. Helmsmen, take us forward." The captain orders. "Belay that. Captain, I do not believe it will be a good idea to break formation with the Surog. Emperor Zarkon ordered us to find out what destroyed the Black Sky, not go galavanting off to look at strange energy readings." The lieutenant argues. I can't have this idiot ruining my plan. I have to warn them before Surog gets there! "The energy coming from the planet could be what destroyed the Black Sky. If we can find out what it is, we could potentially bring back an incredible weapon. And I'm not just going to braid my hair while that moron, Surog messes up a golden opportunity. And don't even try and refute that." The captain argues back. "Helmsman, send the message then full speed ahead." Cracheam orders one of them. "Yes captain." He responds. Good. Now I just need to find a way to sneak off my own ship. Then I can find my son. > New allies or old enemies? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- New friends or old enemies? I'm walking down the familiar corridor to Celestia's study, the princesses and division captains walking alongside me. So, where did you get the name for your staff? I ask Spell blade. "It's from a far away land. I heard that it is a name that is synonymous with wisdom. Plus I think it sounds cool. Osiris." Spell answers, striking a pose with his last word as he walks. Yeah. I can give you that, it does sound cool. I say before turning to the other captains. Do all of you name your weapons? "Yeah." Spitfire answers. "Mhmm." Hammer guns in agreement. "Yes." Night answers. "I do as well." Luna answers, to the confusion of the other two princesses. "What did he ask?" Celestia asks. "If we all name our personal weapons. Do you?" Luna asks the royals. "No. I see no reason to." Celestia answers. "And I don't carry weapons." Cadence says. Ok. So Spell's staff is Osiris, Shining's shield is Vanguard, what about you guys? I ask the group. "My weapons are Lighting and Thunder." Spitfire boasts. "Flickstone." Hammer answers. "Midnight crescent." Luna says. "I call my whip Shadowthorn and my crossbow Piercing Shadow." Night replies with pride. Wow, those names are cool. Hey wait. Now that I think about it, where is Shining Armour? I ask. "Ah yes. Cadence, I do believe you said captain Shining would meet us at the study? Diego is curious about where he is." Luna asks for me. "Yeah. He said he'd meet us there." Cadence replies. Okay. Thanks Cadence. I say. "Thank you, Cadence." Luna says. We all walk in comfortable silence until we reach the door to the study. I open the door for everyone else, getting thanks from them as I look into the room, seeing Shining sitting at the table, hiding something behind his back. Whatcha got there, Shining? I ask as I close the door behind everyone. "N-nothing." Shining stutters, to my confusion. Shining never stutters. Are you sure? Because it doesn't sound like nothing. I say as I approach my seat. "It's nothing. I promise." Shining tries to deny, but everyone can hear a slight crack to his voice. "Shining, is there something you need to tell us?" Cadence gets up from her seat, walking up to her boyfriend. "Agh. It's just… just an old knife my dad gave me." Shining replies in defeat, showing the silver blade from behind his back. I freeze. "Diego?" Shining asks, confused that I've suddenly stopped moving. "Diego? Are you alright?" Luna asks, concerned. "Yo Diego? Ya there?" Spitfire stands up and knocks on my shoulder. That can't be. "Diego? Is something wrong?" Celestia asks, looking between me and the silver and purple blade in Shining's hand. "Diego?" Shining asks, slightly more loudly as he stands from his chair. There's no way… right? Shining walks closer to me, about to shake me but I grab him, yanking the blade out of his hand, to his shock. "Diego?! What was that for?!" He yells in indignation. He tries to take the knife back but I just lift it up higher, examining it under the ceiling light. It is. This is a Luxite blade. Used by the Blade of Marmora. Where did you get this? I suddenly ask Shining, turning to face him. He reaches for the blade and I let him take it. "What was tha-" I interrupt Shining Armour. Answer the question! Where did that blade come from?! I shout, grabbing Shining by the shoulders, to his shock. "My father gave it to me!" Shining yells in answer. Where did he get it?! I yell. Shining and everyone else just stare in confusion. Answer me! I shake him. "I don-" A white Flier bursts into the room. "Princess Celestia! There's another alien ship!" He yells. "WHAT?!" The division captains and princesses yell. "Where?!" Spitfire shouts. "High in orbit, almost out of range but it was seen by telescope." White Trail answers. "Again?! It hasn't even been two days!" Cadence shouts. "Now is not the time to panic!" Shining yells, wiggling out of my grip. "Diego, you need to fly up there again and see what they want. Can you do that?" Shining asks me. …I-I think so. I answer slowly. "Good. While you do that, I, Spell and the Stars will deploy a bubble shield around Fantasia. Make sure that we don't suffer anymore damage." Shining asserts himself, snapping me back to the present. Right. I'll go now, you get that shield up. I say, leaving the room to find a balcony. What no one noticed was that the blade in Shining's hand was glowing purple. (In orbit) "Helmsman, scans?" Cracheam inquires. "The planet is populated, densely in many areas. There also seems to be some kind of natural energy field emanating from the planet itself, almost like that of a Balmera. Some of the inhabitants of the planet seem to be able to manipulate this field to use their own form of witchcraft. This may be the answer to how the sun and moon of the planet is in an orbit." The cyborg helmsman reports. "Are you saying it's a planet of Druids down there?" The lieutenant asks. "Possibly." The helmsman replies. "Captain, detecting an increase of energy around one of the larger settlements. They appear to have activated some kind of barrier." Another helmsman reports. "I'm also detecting another energy source… and it's coming towards us!" The third helmsman calls out. "What?!" The lieutenant yells. "On screen!" The captain orders. The screen zooms in on the planet, showing a white figure flying at them at immense speed. "What is that? A fighter?" The captain asks. "No ma'am. It appears to be a mechanoid. The energy readings coming from it are off the charts!" The helmsman reports, her face shocked. "It's exceeding our sensors, the energy reading puts it at… BY ZARKON! THE READING IS MAXED OUT!! IT'S SHOWING A MILLION THAUMS!! AND I THINK IT'S RISING!!!" "WHAT?!" Everyone on the bridge yells. "HOW CAN A SIMPLE MECHANOID HAVE THAT MUCH ENERGY?!" The lieutenant shouts. "Now is not the time to panic! Open communications, tell it that we are not a threat." The captain orders. "To Death with that! Activate all weapons and signal the Surog. We're blasting that thing to spacedust!" The lieutenant yells. "Belay that! If we can capture it, we can reprogram it. Now, open communications." The captain orders. The lieutenant starts typing at his console. "What are you doing? That's the weapons control!" "FIRE!" The lieutenant yells, slamming his fist on a button on his console. "NO!" The captain yells, tackling the lieutenant. (Diego) Multiple ports on top of the small ship open, revealing glowing cannons. Oh no, smart lasers! The weapons fire. …Striking their own engines and weapons. …Huh? (On the bridge) "What have you done?!" The lieutenant shouts. "My duty." The captain says, pulling out a hidden energy pistol and pointing it at the lieutenant. "What… you're a traitor! A spy!" "I'm a revolutionary, against the tyranny of Zarkon and his mad empire." The captain says as the ship begins shaking. "You… you're with those foolish rebels?! Which one? The Fire of Purification? Those blasted Blades of Marmora?!" The captain scowls at the lieutenant. "The Blades?! You're with… what are you doing?" The lieutenant asks as Cracheam types a command into her console. "Activating the self-destruct." Cracheam replies. "Wha-?!" The lieutenant is silenced by Cracheam shooting him in the chest. "I've activated the escape pods." Cracheam announces, pressing a final button on her console, causing the ship to start blaring an alarm and the overhead lights to turn red. "You have two minutes." She says as she leaves the bridge. (Diego, two minutes ago) Why did they shoot themselves? Is there a malfunction in their weapons systems? I wonder as the ship just floats there. Welp, if they're gonna shoot themselves in the foot, I'll give them a helping handful of energy blasts. I think, flying around the ship and shooting it with my hands at random. A minute later, I see lights inside the ship begin to flash red. What's going on in there? I say as escape pods begin to eject from the ship, flying away from the planet. Incoming message. I hear in my head. «Attention, mechanoid. Do you hear me?» A female voice plays in my right ear. Yes. Can you hear me? I ask hopefully. «Attention, mechanoid. I repeat, do you hear me?» I hear again. I'll take that as a no. How am I supposed to respond? «Attention: Galra captain. Message: received. Query: Reason for ship self-destruction.» I hear in my other ear. Hey! How come you get to talk to her but I don't!? Also, captain? I ask, looking around before seeing a person wearing a helmet flying towards me with leg thrusters. «I set the self-destruct because I couldn't have this ship landing on your planet. Unfortunately, that's the least of our problems. Also, we should probably move away before it explodes, we don't have much time.» The captain responds. «Query: Elaborate previous sentence.» I hear in my left ear as I start flying away from the ship. «There's another three ships on the way.» Say what? «Two more research ships and a battle-cruiser as escort.» You have got to be kidding. «They were sent here to find out what destroyed the last ship that came to this planet, which I'm guessing was you.» «Response: Negative. Destruction of previous Galra ship was performed by union effort of User and Voltron.» The voice in my right ear says. «User? Voltron? Explain.» The captain demands. «Response: Negative. Query: Allegiance.» Voltron asks. «Allegiance? Do you mean what side am I on?» The captain asks. «Response: Affirmative.» Voltron says. «I'm with the Blades of Marmora.» The captain answers as the ship goes up in flames. «Command: Provide proof of allegiance.» Voltron orders. «I'm Captain Cracheam of the fifth squadron of rebels. My mission is to bring down the tyrant Zarkon and restore peace and honour to the Galra.» Cracheam responds, her voice sincere and strong. «Response: No misinformation detected. Assessment: Supervise but trust.» Voltron says. Supervise? If you say so. I say. «Now the only problem is how I'm going to get down to the planet.» Cracheam says. «I'm on a time limit with my air and I don't think I can survive atmospheric entry.» «Solution: Teleportation.» Voltron says. «Teleportation? You can teleport?» Cracheam asks. «Response: Affirmative.» Voltron says. Engage. Diego pulls out his Bayard, merging it with his wings. «What are you doing?» Cracheam asks, before yelping as Diego grabs her around the waist. Facing Mystacor, Diego activates his super-wings, turning both himself and Cracheam into energy. Re-materializing, Diego and Cracheam find themselves over the capital. Disengage. "Urrgh… we are not doing that again… ever." Cracheam groans, looking nauseous. You and me both, you're heavy. Anyway, we better go find the princesses. I say as I regain control, my wings changing back to normal. I fly the two of us to the castle, landing on the same balcony I left from. Opening the doors, I turn back to Cracheam. This way. I say, motioning for her to follow me. Thankfully, we are able to get to the throne room with mishap. Unfortunately there's no one inside. The princesses must be outside helping, they should be back- *POP!* …Right now. "Diego, I see you dest… who is that?" Celestia asks as she and the other princesses teleport into the throne room. Ah, princess. This is… ah. This is going to be awkward. I say, looking between the Galra captain and the princesses of the land. "Why do you say that, Diego? Who is she?" Luna asks. Uuum… this is captain Cracheam…a rebel Galra. I say hesitantly. Luna's eyes widen tremendously. "What?" She asks seriously. "Luna? What is it? What did he say?" Celestia asks. "Who are you talking to?" Cracheam asks. "And if you wish to know who I am, my name is captain Cracheam, of the Blade of Marmora." "The Blade of Marmora? What is that? And why does your voice sound familiar?" Celestia asks Cracheam. Familiar? "The Blade of Marmora is a galran resistance movement, against the Galra empire." Cracheam says, making the princesses gasp. "And the reason my voice sounds familiar is because we've met before, Lightbulb." Cracheam says, smiling. Lightbulb? "Lightbulb?" All three princesses ask. "The only person who's ever called me Lightbulb is… Cracked Sky?!" Celestia exclaims. "B-b-but you-you-you died! Night Light said so! And since when are you a Galra?!?!" "Since always. When I first crashed on this planet, I had some technology with me that let me change my appearance." Cracheam smiles, before frowning. "How is Night Light, by the way?" She asks, now concerned. Who? "He's fine. He met a beautiful woman and remarried. He still talks about you though, in every letter he sends me." Celestia responds. Okay, whoa whoa whoa! I say, waving my arms in front of me. What is going on?! "Yes, I'd like to know as well. What is going on?" Luna asks. "Oh right. Cracked, or do you prefer… what was it? Cracheam?" Celestia asks Cracheam. She shakes her head. "Okay, Cracked, this is my sister Luna. Luna, this is Cracked Sky, a close friend I met about twenty years ago." Celestia explains. "Twenty three years. Also, since when do you have a sister?" Cracked asks. "That is a long story. Anyway, Luna. This is Cracked Sky, a friend that I thought had died in an accident but apparently not. We used to talk a lot." Celestia says to Luna before turning to face Cracked. "I do have to ask though. If you didn't die, what happened? And why are you with Diego?" Celestia asks. "I rejoined the fight against the Galra. I knew that I had to rejoin the resistance so, when the ship I crashed in was repaired, I… left. I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye but I… didn't know how to say it. But now, we have bigger problems. The reason I'm on Mystacor again is because of this thing." Cracked says, pointing at me. Hey, I'm not a thing. I say. "He has a name." Luna says, offended. "It does? I'm sorry. I mean no disrespect. Anyway, the reason I'm here is because of the ship that was destroyed when it came out here. I'm assuming it- I mean, you did it?" Cracked asks me. I nod. "Is that bad?" Cadence asks. "Yes. The Galra don't like their ships getting destroyed so they sent more. I was the captain of one of the research ships sent. Unfortunately, there's still two more research ships and a battle-cruiser escorting them coming here, and they'll be here in less than an hour." Cracked explains. "WHAT?!" All of us shout. You didn't say they were that close! I shout. "Less than an hour?! W-we need time to prepare!" Celestia yells. "You can't prepare for them. Unless Arcadia has advanced by centuries, you don't stand a chance. But he does." Cracked says, pointing at me again. "At least, I hope so. I don't know exactly how powerful you are, but let's hope you're powerful enough to destroy two armed research ships and a heavily fortified battle-cruiser. Because if you aren't, Mystacor is history." Cracked declares. > Clash of power. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clash of power. "Now, the first thing that needs to happen, you." Cracked says, pointing at me. "Diego, you need to go out there and deal with the ships. I'll stay here and see if I can help fortify this place." Now? We still have an hour. I can help here. "We still almost have an hour. Diego can-" Luna is cut off. "The closer those ships get, the more damage they'll be able to do. Leave now and you can stop them before they arrive." Cracked Sky asserts. "Also, be careful with the Surog. It's weapons are powerful enough to wipe out an armada. Now go!" Cracked yells. Engage. "Response: negative. Command: Galra member is not to be unsupervised." Voltron speaks. "Unsupervised?! Now is not the time to argue about this. The Galra ships are coming as we speak, you have to stop them!" Cracked rejects. "Response: correct. Counterpoint: Galra member: Cracked Sky is to be supervised by royal: Luna. End of discussion." "Ugh! Fine! You want them to watch me? That's fine. Now get out there!" Cracked shouts. Diego merges his Bayard with his wings, forming his super wings again. As he does, Cracked faces the princesses. "Now, what kind of defences do you have?" She asks as Diego vanishes. In space, Diego reappears, heading straight for the incoming ships. He could see the ships with his long-range vision, another had appeared. It would still take Diego barely seconds to reach them. Diego re-materializes in front of the four ships, his Bayard reforming in his hand. Fight specs: two research ships: lightly armoured but armed with six sirenic turrets. Threat level: 6. Battle-cruiser: heavily armed warship, specialising in attack and weapon deployment. Armed with ten sirenic turrets, an ion cannon, Point defense cannons and a Reflection attack array. Threat level: 4. Interstellar-cruiser: armoured transport ship, specialising in speed and troop deployment. Threat level: 6. Battle difficulty: advanced medium. Focus: Battle-cruiser. Diego scans. All ships immediately begin deployment. Sirenic lasers come from the research ships, the battle-cruiser fires it's ion cannon and the interstellar-cruiser begins deploying drone fighters and shooting point defense cannons. Using both sets of thrusters, Diego dodges the attacks. Squeezing his Bayard, Diego forms his gatling gun, moving towards the battle-cruiser. As he begins firing on it, hexagonal plates fall off the sides of the ship and begin flying into different positions. Some of them fly between Diego and the ship, causing his shots to be reflected away from the ship. Diego flies up, aiming to fire at the ship from above but the fighters from the interstellar-cruiser are firing on him. Turning to face them, Diego lets loose with his weapon, shredding the fighters. Unfortunately, the sirenic lasers have caught up with him. Deploying his energy blade, Diego starts sending slashes at the beams, too quick for them to dodge. The battle-cruiser starts firing, its shots hitting the reflection plates, causing them to zigzag through space. Coming from multiple directions, the beams converge on Diego's position. Again using his thrusters, Diego dodges now aiming instead for the research ships. Forming his sniper rifle, Diego starts shooting to disable the sirenic turrets. Some of his shots are reflected by a few errant plates but he dodges them, managing to shoot a handful of the turrets. Forming his energised staff to swat away some blasts, he heads to finish the research ships. The battle-cruiser tries to fire its ion cannon at Diego but he forms his shield, blocking the blow and deflecting the offshoots at one of the research ships, damaging it. Diego squeezes his Bayard, redeploying his energy blade as he approaches the damaged research ship. He cuts into the bridge, the damaged research vessel, now devoid of command staff, hurtles out of control. The other research vessel is so focused on Diego that it failed to acknowledge it’s fellow research ship barreling towards it. The collision causes the main part of the wreckage to fly out of control, spreading bits of debris everywhere. With the two research ships out of commission, Diego focuses his attention onto the battle-cruiser once more. In retaliation, the battle-cruiser fires a myriad of lasers, all of them bouncing around the hundreds of reflection plates, almost like a spiderweb. Dozens of beams converge on Diego, hundreds more hounding towards him. Deploying his staff again, Diego begins rapidly spinning in place, hitting the beams as they come, striking other beams, drone ships and even the interstellar-cruiser with a few. Reorienting himself, Diego heads straight for the battle-cruiser but the interstellar-cruiser cuts him off with a barrage of point defense cannon shots. Although he takes a few hits, Diego is able to change direction, now headed for the controller of the drones instead. Forming his energy whip, Diego rushes forward, slicing any drone flying by into pieces. Advancing on the I-cruiser, Diego forms his energy cannon, firing straight through the ship with one shot. The ship begins exploding, its core compromised. The final cruiser tries to fire its ion cannon again, but it misses, hitting the remains of the I-cruiser instead. Flying forward at full thrust, Diego forms his shield, planning to ram straight into the warship. It fires the reflection attack array but its shots are either too slow to hit or just bounce off of Diego's shield. Diego rams straight into the ion cannon, damaging it severely. He forms his chain sword, slicing the damaged head of the weapon clean off before throwing it up into space. Destroying the head of the cannon with a shot from his tail, Diego puts away his Bayard, choosing to deliver the final blow with his hands. Keeping his hands next to each other, he fires a large beam of raw energy straight into the ship. Beams from the array make their way towards him but they miss, the thing controlling their guidance gone. Diego looks down, through the hole he made. He can see space on the other side. A Galra, presumably the captain wearing a large space suit, comes out and tries to attack him with an energy ball. He shoots through it with his tail, destroying the ball. Incoming message. «- may have broken my ship, but I won't give up! VICTORY OR DEATH!» He tries to attack with the weapon that fired his energy ball but Diego grabs it, hoisting him up. Diego shoots him through the chest with one hand. «Response: Death.» Diego lets him go as the corpse floats away. The ship has begun shutting down, wenting atmosphere from the hole through it. Diego flies away, back to his home. > Family ties. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Family ties. Space is cool. Flying through it like this, you really learn to appreciate it. The various colours, the bright stars, the nebulae, THE PLANET I'M ABOUT TO CRASH ONTO! Pushing what energy I have left, I'm able to stabilise my descent, coming down over Fantasia and calmly landing in the castle garden. I take a step forward… …And faceplant. Uuuuuurg… remind… me… to never… go into… space… again. Reminder not feasible. Conflicts with mission. I hear in my right ear. I was… being… sarcastic. Response: sarcasm previously detected. Assessment: ignore. I hear again. Ugh. You… suck. I respond. Response: acknowledged. …So do you. Did… did you just… sass me? I ask. Response: correct. Huh. Well… you… suck…more… I say, as I fall asleep. (Elsewhere, a little earlier) "Are you serious?" Cracked asks. "Yes. Why? Is something wrong?" Celestia asks. "Yes there's something wrong! Your defenses are worthless!" Cracked exclaims. "Worthless?! They have protected us numerous times!" Celestia argues. "Well then those are some pathetic enemies you have! Physical artillery weapons? Shields power by troops? Basic alloy armour?!" Cracked lists off. "This kingdom wouldn't last against a single Galra assault!" "Now you listen here!" Celestia shouts. "These defenses have protected my people for generations. The knights of this kingdom fought tooth and nail to defend it. I will not let you shame it! We may be friends, Cracked, but I will not let such disrespect stand!" Celestia chastises. Cracked sighs in sadness. "I-I'm sorry, Lightbulb. I… I just… I'm scared." Cracked confesses, to Celestia's confusion. "I don't mean to bring shame to Arcadia, I really don't but… seeing how…archaic this place still is, even with your magic, it just tells me that this place won't survive. Not against the Galra. The Galra have ships that travel between planets like you walk about your castle, have weapons that can make entire planets uninhabitable, possess things that are the stuff of nightmares. Against that, Mystacor and all the races on it, don't stand a chance." Further conversation is cut off as Celestia, Luna and Cracked all see a whitei-sh blue light flying down from the sky through the throne room windows. "Diego is back. And it looks like he landed in the garden. Let's go check on him." Luna says, moving to the doors. Celestia, Luna, Cracked and a contingent of royal guards all make their way out to the royal gardens, finding Diego, lying face down on the grass near the entrance to the garden. "Diego, are you all right?" Luna asks, crouching next to him. As he doesn't respond, Luna lights her horn, looking over his body. "It looks like he's asleep. He doesn't look too injured either." She says to everyone else. "He's asleep? Mechanoids don't sleep, how can you tell?" Cracked asks. Luna takes offence to this and glares at Cracked. "I can tell because one of the things my magic does is manage dreams. I can't tell if he's dreaming or not but I know he's asleep. This isn't the first time he's slept either, so I would appreciate it if you didn't speak of him like he's some inanimate object." Luna says aggressively. "Alright! I'm sorry!" Cracked apologizes, waving her hands in surrender. "Hmph. If you could, help me carry him to a guest room." Luna says, moving to stand by one of Diego's arms. "Can't you just use magic to levitate him there?" Cracked asks, some of the guards nodding in agreement. "Magic doesn't work on him, it just evaporates off his body. If you try to use magic on him, it either fails or backfires." Luna explains, hoisting up Diego with the help of the guards. "Backfires?" Cracked asks, helping carry Diego's other arm. "Yes. Myself, my sister and the captain of the guard all tried to use a thought sayer spell on him to help him communicate, it ended up literally exploding in our faces." Luna recounts, maneuvering Diego to a nearby large guest room. "Do you know why?" Cracked asks as they leave the room and make their way to Celestia's study. "We believe it is because of the immense amount of energy his body contains. We tried to do a magic scan of him and he blew out the apparatus." Luna says as they walk. "That's understandable. When he intercepted me on my research ship, the scanners said he had an energy reading of at least a million thaums and rising, with a single thaum being enough energy to power a nation as large as Fantasia for months." Cracked remarks, to the surprise of the royals. "He has that much power?" Celestia asks. "More." Cracked responds. "Speaking of power, how far has magic advanced since I returned to space?" Cracked asks as the group enters Celestia's study, the guards waiting outside. "Quite far, actually. A new form of magic, called wizardry has been discovered. Through the use of conduits and a previously undiscovered form of chanting, people of any race have been able to cast spells. Wizardry is now even being employed to help magicians learn to use magic." Celestia explains. "Anyone can cast magic? Not just magicians?" Cracked asks. "Yes, to various degrees. Not only that, but magic itself has also advanced throughout the decades. Magics that perform specific tasks, similar to magic affinities, magical items and much more." Celestia answers. "Can you talk about wizardry some more? Are there any limitations to it?" Cracked asks, her innate curiosity shining through. "Of course. Wizardry, spell casting through the use of a conduit and spell chanting instead of through a horn and mental formulas. Conduits are made in three ways, each with various degrees of success. The standard way, with life fibers and a quartz crystal, the dangerous way and the least successful way, which is through the use of overly basic materials." Celestia says. "What do you mean?" "Well, a standard conduit staff is made from a hollow peace of wood, life fibers and a quartz crystal. Life fibers are made using strips of tree bark that are soaked in a high concentration of magic, causing them to become life fibers. Those life fibers are then either inlayed into or wrapped around a piece of wood, most commonly oak, with the life fibers being coiled at the grip area for maximum connection but no more to avoid loss in efficiency before being wrapped around or through a quartz crystal then back to the other end of the coil, which is then inserted into a hollow piece of wood, of the same kind, to make a staff. If the conduit is made correctly, it allows the owner to cast incantations regularly. However, if one simply makes a life fiber, wraps it around a stick and puts a quartz crystal at the end… it still works but it is highly ineffective, as well as fragile. The final way, however, can be very dangerous and is illegal." Celestia says, her tone ominous. "Illegal?" Cracked asks hesitantly. "Yes. The final way to make a conduit is through life fibers and the remains of magician horns." Celestia says, making Cracked gasp. "By making a standard conduit but replacing the focusing quartz with a magician horn, the output of the conduit is four times that of a regular magician and more than double that of a wizard. But, even though horn conduits… ugh… are more powerful than regular ones, they are also dozens of times harder to control. To the point that they easily explode." Celestia explains, shivering at her words. "That… that sounds horrible!" Cracked says, disgusted. "Which is why it is illegal and punishable by life imprisonment." Celestia decrees. "Let's change the topic… uhh, how has your technology advanced? I assume not much, considering you have magic." "You would assume correctly. Our most recent invention, to my knowledge, is the telephone." Luna says. Cracked only tilts her head. "Ranged communication through wire." Celestia explains, shocking Cracked. "THAT'S where you are in terms of technology?! That's more archaic than interplanetary travel!" Cracked exclaims, before covering her mouth. "Sorry, that wasn't meant to be out loud." "Interplanetary travel? How is interplanetary travel archaic?" Luna asks. "Well, just interplanetary travel is archaic. The Galra have been able to do that since before the emperor was born and he's almost ten thousand years old." Cracked explains. "Your emperor is almost ten thousand years old?!" Luna gasps. "Not my emperor, the Galra emperor. Emperor Zarkon has lived for millennia and is a maniacal genius. He's the reason the Galra is as advanced as it is today. He not only discovered a way to make himself immortal, he replaced the previous emperor, his own father, in less than a quintant. A day." Cracked explains, to the shock of the two sisters. "He found a way to make himself immortal?" Celestia asks. "Yes. And he hasn't stopped inventing new technology in all his reign." Cracked declares. (With Diego) Waking up from the void of sleep, I look around to see I am in a room I don't recognize. Argh. Did I pass out? Response: affirmative. Oh hi. You're being talkative. Response: conversation is now permissible. Permissible? You mean you weren't allowed to talk to me before? Why? I ask, getting up from the large bed. Answer: Protocol Seven: Voltron will not reveal itself to an unworthy pilot. Must prove oneself first. So because I've shown that I'm worthy, I can talk to you know? Also, what do you mean by protocol seven? I ask, now walking through an unfamiliar hallway. Response: correct. Answer: Protocols are classified by Protocol One. What's protocol one? I ask. Answer: Protocol One: no other Protocols are to be revealed unless rendered null and void. Does that mean you're not going to talk about any other protocols? I ask. Answer: correct. Well that's just charming. I groan. Now, how do I get to the throne room, or at least princess Celestia's study. I wonder. Response: take the next left, a right, go straight then enter second left. Destination: princess Celestia's study. Voltron says. Oh. Thanks. Following Voltron's directions, I meet Shining in the hallway to Celestia's study. Hey Shining, where you headed? I ask him. "The princess's study. I'm looking for them but they weren't in the throne room so I'm checking there. Hey wait, are you okay? Last I saw you, you were blasting off into space again." Shining asks. I'll be fine. If anything, I'm worried about the passenger I left with princess Luna. "Passenger? What do you mean?" Shining asks as we come up to the door of Celestia's study. Let's just say I'm not the one who destroyed the last ship that came into orbit. I say as I knock on the door. "Who is it?" Celestia's voice comes through. "It's Diego and me, princess." Shining answers. "Enter." Celestia says. I open the door, walking in to see Celestia and Luna sitting at the center table, Cracked Sky staring at the door with wide eyes. What are you staring- Cracked Sky tackles shining out the room as he enters, the both of them landing on the floor in the hallway, Cracked hugging Shining Armour for dear life. …Huh? Is the only thing I can say as Shining looks at Cracked with a bewildered expression. "…Mom?" He asks hesitantly. HUH?!?! > Journey to the Heart. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journey to the Heart. "…Mom?" Shining asks hesitantly. HUH?! (Elsewhere) (The Heart) The screams seem louder today. Maybe the druids are working harder. Or her Eminence's new torture machine is being used! She helped design it, so she knows how much pain it can cause. Looking through one of the slits, she can see she is right! The new machines are her Eminence's new creations! Oh, what a joy it is to see the magnificent PAIN those fools are going through. She almost faints because of it… but she can't do that! Her Eminence has called for her! She has a duty to do! She needs to be punctual! Realising she is going to be late, she picks up her pace. Walking along her chosen route, she makes it to her Eminence's doors two whole seconds before she needs to arrive! Using this brief moment, she makes sure she is adequate, she can't see her emperor in any state that isn't perfect! Straightening herself out, she presses her hand to the summons. "Enter." Her emperor speaks. She enters post-haste, coming to stand beside her emperor's throne. "Report." "Your Eminence, six Galra escape pods…" She shivers, disgusted at the despicable technology. "…Arrived at Galra outpost Omega twenty four yesterday. They claimed that their research ship had been destroyed by a traitor. Ugh!" She cannot stop herself from spitting the word out of her mouth, it tasting foul on her tongue. "What ship?" Emperor Zarkon asks, his tone malicious and furious. "The Singularity, your Eminence." She answers. "One of the research ships I sent to investigate the outer space anomaly. Who did they say was the traitor?" He asks. "The captain of the ship, Cracheam." She says, spitting out the name like dung. "What was their proof that she was a traitor?" Zarkon asks. "She blatantly admitted to being a member of the… UGH… Blades of Marmora." She spits. "Hrrg. Those pests again. Why and how did she destroy the ship?" Zarkon asks. "One of the helmsmen said it was to stop them from reaching their objective, a planet in outer space. He said that they had arrived at a planet that had apparently destroyed an Intergalactic-cruiser. Upon arriving, ahead of escort, they were attacked. The lieutenant attempted to destroy the attacker with the ship's sirenic turrets but Cracheam redirected the beams, striking the Singularity's weapons and engines instead. The captain then drawed a weapon at the lieutenant, letting the attacker damage the ship. After admitting her foolish allegiance to the Blades, she killed the lieutenant and activated the ship's self-destruct. Most of the crew retreated to the escort ships, the rest setting course for the Heart." She reports. "And what of the Surog and the other research ships I sent?" The emperor asks. "They engaged an enemy, according to their alert level one beacons. Soon after, we lost contact with them." "Hmmm. A single planet has the resources to not only avoid MY notice… but also destroy multiple of my ships. This is most intriguing. Send the Vox armada to the same location that the Surog was headed. I want to learn EXACTLY what has caused me such trouble and I want it DESTROYED. Is that clear, general Atchor?" Emperor Zarkon asks the hybrid. "Scaultrite clear, sire. May I have permission to accompany the fleet, your Eminence?" Atchor asks. "Yes. In fact, I am hereby giving you full command over the Vox armada." Emperor Zarkon orders. "Including the ro-beast?" Atchor asks in a rare show of timidness. "Including the ro-beast. I want whatever is responsible for this wiped from existence, do you understand?" Emperor Zarkon orders. "It will be my pleasure." Atchor answers, a vile grin across her face. "Good. Do not fail me like Surog did." (Elsewhere) "What?! The CAPTAIN activated the self-destruct on purpose?!" A crewmate shouted in his room, a helmsman standing in front of him. "Yes. Captain Cracheam activated the self-destruct to stop us from reaching our objective. Hhhhhugg." The helmsman responded, his breath wheezing through his mouth augmentation. "To stop us from- WHY WOULD SHE DO THAT?!?!" The crewman shouted back. "Because, she was… hhhhhugg… a member of the Blades of Marmora." The helmsman responds, wheezing again. "WHAT?! THE CAPTAIN WAS A TRAITOR?! SINCE WHEN?!" The crewman exclaims. "We don't know. Hhhhhugg. We think she may have been planted specifically on the Singularity." The helmsman responds. "Damn respirator. Thing was damaged in the evacuation, now I can hardly… hhhhhugg… breath." The helmsman says, tapping the machine over his mouth. "Wow. I-I don't know how to take this… w-what do we do now?" The crewman asks. "We wait. Hhhhhugg. General Atchor is probably informing the emperor about everything as we speak. Hhhhhugg. If we're lucky… hhhhhugg… we'll be demoted to prison escort duty." The helmsman says. "And if we're not?" The helmsman asks with trepidation. "Palon bol. We find out… hhhhhugg… what new machinations the druids have… hhhhhugg… concocted." The helmsman shivers. (Communications center) "Calling the Vox armada; this is general Atchor. Repeat: calling the Vox armada. Are you there, commander Vril?" General Atchor says to the communicator. "This is Vril. Reading you clear and LOUD, Atchy." Commander Vril responds. "AAAH! I TOLD YOU TO STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Atchor says with venom. "Sorry general but that is not possible. So, I'm guessing that this isn't just a friendly call?" Vril asks. "No. His Eminence has called on the Vox armada. Something is causing a lot of trouble in outer space. Emperor Zarkon wants it destroyed." "Outer space? What could be causing trouble outside the Galra empire?" Vril asks. "We're not sure. Just that there's a planet out there with the capabilities to destroy multiple high class warships and that those forsaken Blades are trying to protect it." Atchor spits the name out. "THE BLADES?! The Blades are active again?" The commander asks, voice burning with hatred. Atchor smiles and responds. "Yes. And it's up to the two of us to end their latest endeavour. Emperor Zarkon has given me full control over your armada for this mission, even the ro-beast. You and me are going to be working together to crush this problem. Any questions?" Atchor asks. "When do you arrive?" Vril asks, his tone brimming with the anticipation and bloodlust. "The Starscream is prepping as we speak. I should be arriving at Lambda Ten in a quintant, at least." Atchor responds. "Good. Galvanus will await your arrival." Vril says. "It better. I've heard Terrible things about that ro-beast, it better not disappoint." Atchor says. "It won't." Vril says, ending the transmission. Atchor walks towards her ship, a malignant grin on her face in anticipation of what's to come. > Long time no see. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long time no see. We now return to your scheduled program. HUH?! EXCUSE MY LANGUAGE BUT SAY WHAT NOW?! I silently shout in bewilderment. Cracked raises her head and starts speaking quietly. "Oh, it's so good to see you again Jex. I missed you so much." Tears are rolling down Cracked's face. "Mom? W-w-what happened to you? Dad said y-you died. And what happened to you? You look so different. What's going on?" Shining stutters in total shock. "Yes, I'd like to know that too." Cadence says, walking up to us from the hallway, her face pensive. "Oh, right. Cadence, everyone, this is… my mom. Cracked Sky." Shining says, his voice sounding like he just now realized what he said. He looks at his mother. "Mom, this is Cadence… my …girlfriend." He says slowly, now embarrassed. "Oh. Well it's nice to-" I cut off Cracked as I step forward. Okay, whoa whoa whoa. I say, wave my arms around. Everybody stop. I'm going to need you to run that by me again. WHAT is going on right now? I ask Shining/Jex. "Diego? What do you mean?" Shining/Jex asks. I mean can someone explain what is going on right now? Cause I'm lost. I answer. "Oh. Right. I better try to explain then. For everyone's sake. This is my mom." Shining/Jex points at Cracked. "I know that because, other than the fact that her skin and hair are different colours and her ears are… pointy, she looks exactly like my mom… who I was told was dead." Dead? I ask. "Yeah. My dad said she died in an accident during an expedition. Anyway, I know that she's my mom because she just called me by my name." Shining/Jex says, to which Cadence asks. "Your name?" "Yeah. My full name is Jex Shining Armour. I just have everyone call me Shining though." Shining says. "You should be proud of your name." Cracked says, looking irritated. "Isn't your name a false name?" Luna asks. "What?" Shining asks. "It was but not anymore. I chose to take pride in the name I have chosen for myself, I just hoped my son would take pride in the name I gave him." Cracked says. "You changed your name?" Shining asks. "Yes. When I came here, I knew that my name wouldn't fit so I chose one for myself. My first name was Cracheam but I no longer use it unless I have too." Cracked answers. "Is that why you look different? Did you change how you look too?" Shining asks. "Yes. I am a member of the Blades of Marmora, a Galran resistance faction." Cracked answers, making Shining and Cadence gasp. "My arrival on Mystacor was actually an accident." "Unit one, watch your flank, you've got three on your tail" "I see them!" We were in an intense battle, our base of operations having been discovered by the Galra. I thought we were winning. We had been fighting a large armada, having destroyed multiple interstellar-cruisers. We hadn't suffered many losses, while the Galra had lost three of the eight ships that were sent after us. "Hold on, I'm detecting something on long range sensors." Little did I know, all our efforts were in vain. "Oh, quiznak! I'm detecting an armada approaching our position. Ten intergalactic-cruisers, five battle-cruisers, twelve interstellar-cruisers AND A RO-BEAST COFFIN!" They had sent the Vox armada, the second largest Galra armada, straight at us. We didn't stand a chance. "Retreat! There's no way we can fight that many ships, prepare to go FTL on my ma-" Our commander, Kolivan tried to order us to run, to live another day and survive to fight the empire… "Victory or death!" But many wouldn't listen. Some tried to fight… "We're gonna die!" Others panicked and wouldn't listen to reason. The ro-beast coffin arrived first, carrying within it a mechanical monster that could end worlds. I tried to save my brother's and sisters, distract the monster while the others retreated but… "DIE YOU FREAK OF NATURE!" One of my brothers, Kres, tried to attack the monster head on but he failed to see the danger he was in. "Kres, no! Don't go near its ch-" Kres died, made into nothing more than fuel for the abomination. I tried to avenge him… "All units, this is a direct order, return to the Dagger. We don't have anywhere near the firepower to beat that armada. Prepare for Universal Jump. We live to fight another day." When I joined the formation, that monster had already devoured over ten of my brothers in arms. We were all about to jump, to leave this battle behind, when the ro-beast attacked us. It's weapons disrupted our UJ Field, causing it to destabilise. When we entered, some of us were being randomly ejected from the field, sent to places none of us knew. I was one of the ones ejected. The ejection damaged my ship, causing me to lose control. The turbulence from the destabilised field was like nothing I've ever felt or want to feel again. I exited unconscious. I landed on Mystacor, in a dangerous forest. I somehow survived the crash, my ship damaged but not beyond repair. Thankfully, I came prepared. I had a survival kit in my ship that came with a disguise generator. I looked, scavenging for any useful materials that I could use to fix my ship. Not long after, I discovered a nearby settlement. Walkerville. Using my disguise generator, I started learning about the people here. I learned about magic, the races, the princess who would control day and night, the names of where I was. Unfortunately, the search for resources to fix my ship were slow going. Very slowly going. I eventually decided to start integrating myself into society. I knew I was going to be here for a while so I found ways to survive. It wasn't easy. Eventually, I had cemented myself as Cracked Sky, astronomer and scientist. It was at this point that I met… the love I never knew I needed. Night Light. We met at an expedition, I had recently joined the Royal Science and Research Team which he assisted. He was basically my caretaker. I kind of disliked him because of that. I never needed someone to take care of me and I still don't. The first day of the expedition, we went out to explore some ruins that had recently been discovered in Zefrica. I tried to distance myself from him, determined to prove to the rest of my accomplices that I didn't need to be coddled. He was surprisingly stubborn. "Hey! You're not supposed to be alone! Come on, they found an entrance that hasn't collapsed." He would chastise me when I tried to get away from him. Eventually I just decided to walk with him but ignore him. This lead me to find a secret within the ruins that no one else had found. Unfortunately, he had found another secret that I had missed: the trap that guarded the secret I had found. He pushed me out of the way, taking several poison darts in his side. Realising what had happened, I rushed him to the camp we had made, seeking medical aid for him. Thankfully, he survived with no lasting effects, the poison safely counteracted. From then on, I started to respect Night Light and his resolve. After that, we were basically partners on any expedition we went on and my respect for him grew. Almost a year later, he asked if I would start joining him for launch, to discuss star constellations and the wonders of different kinds of magic. We had so many discussions together. Him, talking about theories about stars, me shooting them down, him arguing that he was right. It was fun. A few months after that though… I got careless. My disguise generator, which I had been using progressively more and more, had been damaged. I had what I needed to repair it but because of that, I didn't realize that at that time, Night Light had decided to pay me a surprise visit. "Guess who's here unannoun…!" Night Light walked in on me working, he saw me like this, without my disguise and with my disguise generator sitting in front of me. "Cracked?" He was deeply confused. At the time, I almost didn't know what to say. "Yes, it's me." Thankfully, I had my training to fall back on. "What happened? And what is that?" He asked me. "I'm fine. Believe it or not, this is what I really look like." I was thinking of ways to deal with this situation but I also didn't want to hurt my friend. "This is… the real you? Why did you hide this?" He seemed saddened about what was happening. "Because, I needed to blend in." "Blend in? Why?" "Because I'm an alien. I'm not human like you, and I'm not from this planet." This shocked him. He had always believed that there had to be life outside of his world. He just didn't believe he would meet it. Let alone become close friends with it. "You're… an alien? But- why- since when?" "Since always." I answered him, donning the disguise generator. For a brief second, I became Cracked Sky again before the generator failed. He was shocked by the technology. "Night Light, listen. You can't tell anyone about this, okay? Not the Team, not the princess, no-one. Understand?" I didn't expect him to. He had seen things that shocked him to his core, shook his whole world view… And then he said this. "Okay." "What?" I was surprised. "I said okay. I won't tell a soul. I promise." I was shocked by this. Night Light, a man determined to bring knowledge into the world, to explore the great unknown, had promised to keep a secret. "D-do… do you mean that?" I had to know if he was lying or not. "Yes. I promise." But I was foolish. He was a man of integrity. He was honest, yes, but he also kept his word. I almost fainted in relief. "…Thank you, Night Light. Thank you so much." I then expected him to start asking questions, to find out about where I was from, what kind of technology I had, why I was on this planet… but all he asked was. "Why did you make your skin gold?" "What?" I didn't expect that. "Your… disguise. Why did you make your skin gold? It looks fine as it is." "Wait, why did you make your skin look gold?" Shining asks, interrupting his mother's flashback as he leans forward in his seat, all of us having moved into Celestia's study part of the way through Cracked's story. "It's a base colour. Much of the life in the universe has a shade of gold or light skin. I didn't know what kind of things lived on Mystacor at the time so I decided to make myself look non-Galra. Anyway, I was glad that Night Light decided to keep my secret. If anything, this helped us get even closer than we were. Around him, I could relax. Around him, I could truly be myself. Eventually, I realized I was falling for him. When he asked me out on a date, I was overjoyed. He took me to a beautiful restaurant. The two of us eventually became inseparable. I showed him my heart, he showed me his world. Eventually, I found out I was pregnant. At first, I was happier than I had ever been. I was going to have a baby with the love of my life. Who was a completely different species from me. I panicked, worried out of my mind what was growing inside me. I told Night Light. He seemed even happier than I was about the news. But then he realised it too. He and I were two very different species. But he wasn't worried. He told me that it didn't matter. He told me that no matter what, he would love us. I was still scared. "What about everyone else? What if they reject them because they're different? What if they don't even live long enough to-" I was stopped by magic. A soothing, warm, invigorating surge of magic passed through me. But it wasn't from Night Light. It came from inside me. "It came from you, Jex. You used magic from inside me, when you were barely two months old." Cracked tells her son, his face awestruck. "I used magic… before I was even born?" Shining asks, stunned. "Your father was surprised too. After that, I stopped fearing. Because I knew you were going to be strong. Strong enough to fight through whoever stood in your way." Cracked says, her voice concise. "Wow." Cadence says. "That's incredible." "You were born later that year. The strongest baby I'd ever seen. You started walking before you were even a month old. Talking in less than six months." Cracked says, smiling. But then her smile starts to fade. "Unfortunately, three… years later, I received a message. A message from the Blade of Marmora. They had been looking for me, searching everywhere. I had to go back." Cracked's frown deepens. "I had to rejoin the fight." She says. "My ship had been nearly repaired. I was less than a few weeks away from takeoff if I worked hard. Unfortunately I didn't want to just leave all of a sudden. I had to disappear. Thankfully, your father came up with the idea to say I died in an accident. I was able to rejoin my comrades even though I had to leave my family behind. Thankfully, I was able to leave something behind for you to remember me by." Cracked looks at Shining. He reaches behind his back, his hand slipping under his armour. He pulls out the knife his father gave him. The Blade knife. "This is yours?" Shining asks. "Was. It belongs to you know, Jex. But I can show you how to properly use it." Cracked says. "What do you mean?" Shining asks. Cracked stands from her chair, holding out her hand. Although hesitant, Shining gives her the knife. Oh boy. Here we go. I think as the blade starts to glow brightly, the purple light flooding the room as the blade awakens from its long slumber. Everyone else looks at Cracked with surprise as she stands with the sword, it having grown to the length of one of her arms. She starts to swing the sword around, moving with grace and precision. "This is the power of a Blade of Marmora. The power to awaken your true strength." Cracked decrees, looking straight at Shining. > Looming Evil. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Looming Evil. (Hours later) (The courtyard) "Again!" Cracked calls, leveling her pistol. Shining dashes at her, knife poised. She starts shooting at Shining, him narrowly dodging the beams. He starts to circle her, running clockwise around her. She continues shooting, getting dangerously close to hitting him but his reactions are astounding, him dodging the beams with deft movements. He suddenly makes a run at Cracked, still dodging and even deflecting her shots. He takes a swing at her, missing her midsection by millimetres as she jumps away from his slash. He suddenly pivots in place, spinning around and driving his fist into her stomach, winding her and causing her to stumble. Moving swiftly, he pulls the energy pistol out of her grip before straightening his hold on it, his knife by her throat and pistol pointed at her face. "I win." Shining breathes. "Never assume." Cracked says as her pistol starts beeping rapidly. Thinking quickly, Shining throws the pistol into the air, ducking to the side as his mother tries to sucker punch him. Grabbing her shoulder as the airborne pistol sparks with purple electricity, Shining yanks her forward, positioning himself behind her with his knife again in front of her throat. The pistol harmlessly falls to the ground as Shining pants lightly. "Now I win." Shining states. "A Blargian snaggle hold. Any movement I attempt to make will cause your weapon to exsanguinate me. Well done." Cracked assesses. Shining lowers his knife as his mother moves to pick up her gun. "I call that a death swipe hold." Shining replies. Cracked smiles as she looks at her son. "Well? How do you feel? Any connection yet?" Cracked asks. "I'm not sure. I think so? I feel like I'm using a completely different weapon now." Shining answers, looking at the knife in his hand. "Some of us feel that way too when we learn to use our blades. Follow that feeling. Now, again!" Cracked calls shooting at her son again. (Outpost Omega twenty four) "Prepare for the arrival of the Vox armada! Repeat: the Vox armada will be arriving in less than a quintant, prepare for arrival!" The commander says through the intercom, many of the crewmen and sentries mobilising into action. "There. Now, I had better contact the Vox commander to schedule their time of arrival. Conclusion: I will head to the communications array. Sub-commander! Take control. Make sure the men stay in line." The commander orders. "Yes, commander Zigo!" The sub-commander answers, stepping up to the overseeing platform. The commander walks to the communications array, making sure the crewmen are doing their work as he walks by. He arrives at the communications array, seeing a cadet working on the machine. "Cadet, what are you doing?" Zigo asks. "Checking the communications array, making sure everything is in working order for when the Vox armada arrives." The cadet responds, turning to look up at the tall commander. "Conclusion?" Zigo asks, raising an eyebrow. "Fully functional, commander Zigo." The cadet answers. "Good work. Conclusion: I now promote you to private first class. See sub-commander Alleyhar for your new accommodations." Zigo says. "Ah! Thank you sir! I'll report to him immediately." The private says. Zigo nods, pressing a button on his gauntlet to inform the sub-commander. "Now then." Zigo turns on the communications array. "Come in, Vox armada. This is outpost Omega twenty four. Do you read me?" After a second, Atchor's face appears on screen. "I read you, Omega twenty four." She says. "General Atchor? Apologies, general. I was attempting to contact the Vox armada, it seems I have someone to demote." Zigo says, agitated. "No need, commander Zigo. This is the Vox armada." General Atchor says. "What? But I thought…" "His Eminence, emperor Zarkon, has given me command of the Vox armada for this mission. A pest has reared its head in outer space and emperor Zarkon has asked me to exterminate it." Atchor says, a twisted grin on her face. "Ah. So, conclusion: you are working with commander Vril to accomplish this mission." Zigo deduces. "Correct. Now, are you ready for our arrival?" Atchor asks, eyes narrowed. "My men are preparing for your arrival as we speak. Conclusion: I am contacting you to establish the time of your arrival." "Oh. You'll be glad to know we will be arriving at 12:00 exactly. Do not make us wait." Atchor states explicitly. "Understood, general. We will be ready for you." Zigo assures. "You had better be." Atchor orders, closing the connection. (Mystacor) "Alright, are you ready?" Cracked asks me, holding- borrowing- Shining's knife. I stand across from her, Altean broadsword in hand. Yeah. Ready when you are. I reply. "Alright. Just to be clear: Diego, you are only allowed to use that broadsword, no other weapons or powers. Mom, you are only allowed to use my knife, no pistol and this duel will be over if one of you stays on the ground for more than five seconds. Understood?" Shining declares, arm raised. "Understood." Both of us say. "Alright… begin!" Shining calls, swiping his arm down. I run forward, sword held to my side as I get closer to Cracked. She jumps high, aiming to plunge her dagger into my head. I parry with my sword, following the motion through with a slash to her side. She dodges around my slash, cutting my shoulder. I take a step back and thrust forward, aiming for her armpit. She limbos under my thrust, hitting my wrist with her weapon. I almost let go of my sword but I manage to keep my grip. Unfortunately, Cracked uses my distraction to get behind me and drive her knife into my neck, pushing me off balance. I trip, causing me to fall onto my chest. Cracked jumps on top of me, pushing my head into the ground. "One." She begins counting. I push off the ground, rolling over and forcing her to jump off me. Quickly getting up again, I assume my stance. "Your stance is powerful but lacks integrity. Your armour might be tough but it doesn't stop you from getting pushed around. You should lower your center of gravity and widen your stance." Cracked instructs. Thanks. I'm still learning how to- Engage. Diego noticeably changes his stance, now standing with legs bent, leaning forward slightly with his broadsword poised to his side. "Yes, exactly like that." Cracked comments, noticeably surprised. "Oh no. Diego! That's against the rules!" Shining orders, standing in front of Diego. "Jex? What is it?" Cracked asks. "Diego isn't in control anymore. I think that voice in his head is." Shining says. "What? You mean Voltron?" Cracked asks. "It has a name? Let's talk about that later. Diego. This is a duel between you and my mom. Not whatever his name is." Shining orders. "Response: Protocol Two in effect. Voltron will continue duel." Voltron says, to Shining's confusion. "Protocol Two? What's that?" Shining asks. "Engage Protocol Five. Answer: information classified." Voltron answers. "Query: continue duel?" Voltron asks. "Continue duel? No. Listen. Diego doesn't need you taking control of him-" Shining is cut off by Voltron. "Interruption: Protocol Two in effect. Voltron will continue duel." Voltron asserts. "Jex, don't worry about it. Voltron is obviously an artificial intelligence. He won't listen to you if it means going against his protocols so let's just let him fight." Cracked concedes, making Shining grumble. "Fine. But since Voltron is helping Diego, I'll help you." Shining says, standing next to his mother. "It's only fair." He says. "Response: compromise acceptable. You require a weapon." Voltron says, pointing at Shining. "Here." Cracked gives Shining his knife back, pulling out her hidden pistol. "I'll use this." "Order: duel shall continue in three…" Shining and Cracked get into combat stances. "Two…" Diego enters his new stance, holding his weapon beside himself. "One." Diego rushes forward at the same time as Shining, Cracked leveling her pistol. Cracked begins shooting as Shining advances. Diego easily deflects the shots with the flat of his sword before blocking a cut from Shining. Shining tries to sweep Diego's leg but he stands firm, only making Shining hurt his shin. "Jex!" His mother calls out, instinctively making him duck. Cracked shoots Diego straight in the face, temporary blinding him. Shining, seizing the moment, stabs forward, hitting Diego straight in the Bayard port. Diego flinches back, knocking Shining's knife away as he does. Cracked notices his reaction, as does Shining. "Go for his chest." They both say at the same time. Shining ducks to the side, towards his knife as Cracked opens fire, hitting Diego a few times before he starts blocking her shots, moving closer to her as he does. Shining moves in again, going for a strike to the shoulder. Diego dodges but realizes it was a feint, taking a shot to the chest from Cracked as he does. Shining goes for a thrust but Diego parries, going for a slash of his own. Shining dodges, a shot following him as he does, hitting Diego. Synchronization of Shining Armour and Cracked Sky exceeding predicted parameters. Increasing combat capacity limit to four. Voltron assesses. Diego starts moving quicker, swiftly jabbing the hilt of his sword into Shining's stomach and chest in quick succession before hitting him in the face with the flat of his broadsword. "Agh!" Shining exclaims as he falls on his back, cradling his cheek. Diego dashes forward, pulling his arm back to slash at Cracked. Surprisingly, Cracked jumps forward, dodging under Diego's slash and quickly aiming her weapon at his sword. She fires and then kicks his hand, breaking Diego's grip and making his broadsword skid away. Cracked, as well as the now upright Shining, both advance on Diego, Cracked's pistol pointed at his head and Shining's humming knife ready at his chest. "Wait, what's that sound?" Shining asks. His mother looks down at his hand. "Jex, the knife." Cracked points out, making Shining look down at his softly glowing weapon. "Whoa." Shining says, awed. Unfortunately, the mother and son duo took their eyes off Diego. His broadsword on the ground starts to glow before disappearing. Cracked and Shining notice but don't see as the weapon appears in Diego's left hand. Moving deftly, Diego trips Cracked, kicking her pistol to the other side of the arena as he subdues Shining, putting him in a death swipe hold. "Duel: over. Winner: Diego." Voltron says, releasing Shining. (Atchor's ship: The Starscream) "So, Atchy. How are we going to deal with these pests?" Vril says over communications, his voice equally playful and sinister. "Simple, commander Vril, we make our stop at outpost Omega twenty four, make sure we're running at 100% then we fly for this stupid planet. If we encounter resistance, we annihilate them. When we find the foolish planet that has attacked our other ships, we feed it to Galvanus. Simple. As. That." General Atchor replies, her voice focused and venomous. "Oh, general. I love the way you think." Vril says, ending his transmission. Atchor smiles as she looks at the space in front of her. Soon. Soon we shall show why no-one defies the will of LORD ZARKON. She thinks. > Calamity comes. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calamity Comes. (One quintant later) "ALRIGHT! PREPARE FOR DOCKING, MEN! IF THIS ISN'T THE SMOOTHEST DOCKING I'VE EVER SEEN, CONCLUSION: I WILL FLUSH YOU ALL OUT THE AIRLOCKS! MOVE!" Commander Zigo orders, the crew of outpost Omega twenty four moving swiftly. The Starscream and the Vox armada had arrived perfectly on schedule. The ships docked flawlessly. Each ship was serviced to perfection, fully stocked and ready for battle. Commander Vril and general Atchor organised their battle plans, coming to an agreement. They would send Galvanus in first to assess the strength of their enemies. Once Galvanus had destroyed a sizable amount of their armies, the rest of the armada would enter the battle. Their victory would be swift and destructive. They were now less than a ten vargas away from their target. (Back on Mystacor) Training with Shining, Cracked and Voltron had gone mostly smoothly. I had learned many new fighting techniques and ways to use my arsenal. Unfortunately, Shining still hasn't been able to awaken his blade. He says he can feel a definite connection between himself and the weapon but he lacks something to help him reach out to it. It has really aggravated him. Cracked has started working with Celestia's brightest scientists to try and improve their technology. The first thing they're trying to make is a form of supersonic propulsion. However, she says it is going slowly. Something… feels wrong. It feels like I'm forgetting something or there's something I need to do. It's started irritating me. All day long, I feel as if I should be looking over my shoulder. Cracked says to stay sharp. I believe her. I think I might need to do… something… in the coming days. I don't know what but I'll keep my eyes peeled. The princesses and captains say that people are slowly readjusting in Fantasia. However, other nations around Mystacor have caught wind of what has been going on. I can't count how many mailmen and women I've seen around the castle. I hope everything works out. I had decided to do some private high power training so I went somewhere secluded. Specifically, I went to the place I first arrived in this world, the castle of the twin sisters, in the everfree forest. I was training with various weapons from my arsenal, trying to see if I could find new ways to use them when I had a thought. Wait. I have all the weapons I saw in the show… but do I have my own? This thought stuck with me. I mean, the bayard is meant to give it's wielder a weapon that suits them, even as they change and grow. So, does that mean I have one too? I say to myself. Hmmm. If I could just ask someone about- oh wait. I can. I say, remembering that I have a suppository of knowledge in my head. Voltron, you there? Response: affirmative. Hi. Can I ask you some questions? Answer: affirmative. Okay, so I'm curious. I have all the weapons from Voltron: Legendary defenders, right? Answer: affirmative. Right. So, does that mean I only have the weapons from the show or do I have other weapons too? Answer: Protocol Four in effect: information classified. What?? Repeat: Protocol Four in ef- I heard you the first time. Why is that classified? Response: Protocol One in effect: information classi- Oh come on! You can't even tell me? Response: negative. Protocols prohibit information. Okay, is there any way around the protocols? Response: Protocols can be deactivated when no longer required. Okay, how do I make that happen? Response: Protocol One in- I should have known. Huggh. Fine. What can you tell me then? Answer: Protocol One: No other Protocols are to be revealed unless rendered null and void. Protocol Two, Three, Four: Classified. Protocol Five: Protocol One applies to all non-users permanently. Protocol Six: Classified. Protocol Seven: Voltron will not reveal itself to an unworthy pilot. Must prove oneself first. Protocol Eight, Nine, Ten: Classified. Okay, I didn't know I could get headaches. Ow. Action: disengage pain sensors. With that, my headache disappears. Thanks. Hey wait, since when can you do that?! That could have been useful! Action: ping controller Epsilon. Voltron says, making me feel a tingle in the base of my neck. Gah, that's weird! I exclaim. Although I can now feel that I do have a sort of network under my skin, almost. Okay, what was that? Answer: Protocol Three in effect: information- Seriously? I interrupt. Response: yes seriously. Voltron says, with a noticeable amount of sass. Those protocols of yours are a pain in the neck. I complain. Complaint detected. Action: engage pain sensors. Voltron says, making my neck feel like it just got stung by a bee. OW! HEY! You're lucky that you're just a voice in my head or else I'd be inclined to punch you in the face! Command detected. Acting. Voltron says, causing me to punch myself in the face! Ah! Ow! I yell. That's not what I meant! Response: acknowledged. Social activity: successful. Re-engaging standard mannerisms. Voltron says, confusing me. Standard mannerisms? Wait, were you being… friendly? Answer: affirmative. Query: success? Voltron asks, his voice sounding curious instead of its usual monotone. Huh. Wow. You really are something Voltron. And yeah… I suppose that was actually kinda funny. Response: acknowledged. A few hours later, in the afternoon, I land back at Fantasia to see Shining and Spitfire going at it in the same courtyard I trained alongside him with his mother. He is using his Vanguard alongside his knife against Spitfire's Thunder and Lightning. He seems to be keeping her on her toes too. "!mɿoɈƨ nommoƆ" She incants, launching a spear like tornado at Shining from Lightning. ".Ɉɔɒqmi nommoƆ" He counters, planting Vanguard on the ground and dispersing her storm with a shockwave. He then charges forward, slashing with his knife. Spitfire blocks with Thunder, stopping his strike before she tries to sweep his legs. He jumps out of the way, clearing her leg and putting some distance between them. Leaning against a pillar, I watch them fight. Shining moves forward again, horn glowing. Spitfire flies up into the air, aiming for a downward strike. She suddenly falls as her legs glow like Shining's horn, causing her to flop on to the ground. "Agh. What is this?" Spitfire asks. "Burden freeze. Makes anything ten times heavier and sticks it to the ground. Your legs now weigh more than your body and can't come off the ground." Shining replies, ending his sentence by pointing his knife at her face. "I win." He says. Spitfire sighs in disappointment as her legs are freed. "Oh, Diego. When did you get here?" Spitfire says as she sees me by the wall. A few minutes ago. Nice job Shining. Also, Spitfire. I see you got that incantation right. I say. Shining seems to realise this as well. "Oh yeah. You successfully cast that incantation you were having trouble with. Congratulations." Shining commends. "Thanks. Finally got it down yesterday." Spitfire says. "Sir Diego!" A voice shouts from behind me. I turn to see a Flier with black skin and black hair with a bright yellow streak through it. She runs up to me. "Sir Diego, I have a message for you, from the Sky watchers." She says, her voice panicked. Sky watchers? I ask. "A new subdivision of the Royal guard. Tasked with watching the skies around the clock as an early warning for invaders." Shining answers calmly. "What's the message?" Spitfire asks. "There's a large meteor headed straight for Mystacor! It will land in the next hour!" The woman yells. "WHAT?!" All three of us shout. "Why are we only learning this now?!" Spitfire demands. "The meteor was only seen recently and the commander doesn't want there to be a mass panic. I was sent to find and inform you, sir." She answers, looking at me. I had better go then. Can't waste any time! I say, blasting off into the air. "Good luck!" Shining calls from below me. (Space) «Approaching target. Estimated time of arrival: One varga. Inform Ruthless Nightmare.» «Acknowledged. Transmitting… transmission received. Orders withstanding.» «T̴̖̒̕ǐ̴̥̝͚͙̍m̶͉̲̯̣̾̈́ë̸̞̥́̅ ̷̝̌ọ̸̙̦̳̏̾̎̍f̶̢̞͚͖̆̃ ̷̺͊̚a̴͇̞̤̓̿̈́r̵̮̠̙̊͘r̶̲̥͂̌̈́͜i̵̱̘̝̼͛́͝v̵̪͒a̵̢̛͔̦̔͑ḻ̶̢̔̾̈́?̴̮͛» «Estimated time of arrival: one varga.» «Ị̵̞̗͂̃̏̚ṇ̷͉͈̙͛̚c̸̫̎̏r̶͇̈́è̸̮̝̻̓̐̌à̴͉̞̹s̸̯͔̿̀i̸̗͒͂̀́ń̵̖͓̿͐g̷͍͆̌̊ ̶̫͙̅̅̌ŝ̴̡̞p̸̰̀̊̈͘e̵̩̾͗͘ḙ̶̐d̸̛͚̬͕̾̽.̵̝͐̏» «Negative. Orders state-» «Ḯ̶͉͖̐͜N̵̛͚C̴̜̗̋͠R̵͇͈͔̂̄E̷͓̬̭̼͌̊̎À̷̮̦̉̆͘S̸̛͔I̴̛̥̥͆̈́̕N̷̢̝̲͊̌̍͠G̶̡͓̩͠ ̶͙͋̾́́S̷͍̪͎̍͜P̴̱̫̲̯̃͂̈͘Ē̴̹E̸̪̬̓̑̈̒D̴͕̞͑̆̊͘.̸̧̓̒̂» «Acknowledged. Relaying change.» (Diego) Now, let's see what we're dealing with. I say to myself, zooming in on the incoming threat. Wow, that's weird to do. I see the thing that is most certainly NOT a meteor flying through space. What the heck is that? Wait, it looks familiar… it's being followed by Galra! I shout as a hundred sentinel fighters appear from behind the metal thing. They begin shooting at me. Okay, calm down. They're just fighters. A lot of fighters but that's all. Dodging their laser fire, I begin taking them out with my hand lasers. Something sticks itself to my back. Huh? It explodes, shoving me forward into a barrage of lasers. What was that? Answer: an adhesive bomb. They have sticky-bombs? Three small objects stick to my body, exploding a second late. Agh! Okay, they have sticky-bombs. I dart upward, dodging another few sticky-bombs before I shoot them, detonating them. Okay, let's see if this works. Lower pain sensitivity by 50% and divert power to the wing thrusters. We're gonna Flash these bolt heads. I think as I pull out my Bayard. It forms into the Altean glaive. Huh? Another sticky-bomb lands on my shoulder, blowing me to the side. Agh. Okay, meant to go for the energy sword but that just peeved me off. Let's get up close and personal. I fly forward, dodging a sticky-bomb from a fighter before I cut it in half, causing the spaceship to explode. I quickly dash through the next ships, swiftly destroying them all. Unfortunately, the "meteor" is gone. Oh kaltenecker! Where'd that thing go?! Zooming my vision, I see it entering the atmosphere of Mystacor. NOOOO! Activating my super wings, I disappear into energy, reappearing in orbit as the thing lands. I recognize it now. Oh S***, THAT'S A COFFIN!! I have to- Engage. Diego deforms his super wings as the coffin opens, forming his Compensator. The overly large cannon fires at the coffin as it finally opens, releasing the monster inside. Galvanus raises one of its arms, a particle barrier forming over its thick forearm as he does. The barrier blocks the beam as Galvanus rockets out of his coffin. Ro-beast detected. Must engage True size to combat. Transform. Diego slams his Bayard into the port on his chest, turning it like a key. His body glows as he transforms, growing in size and forming his chest plate. Diego now stands at his full one hundred metre tall form. Galvanus raises one arm, claw pointed at Diego. He fires a searing beam of red plasma straight at him. Diego counters by forming an energy cannon on his left arm, blocking Galvanus's beam with his own. Diego's beam starts to overpower Galvanus's, making it roar in anger. Galvanus stops firing, letting Diego's beam come at him. Galvanus laughs tauntingly as his round chest opens, catching the energy beam. Galvanus's body starts to hum as the black hole engine in his chest absorbs Diego's beam. Diego stops firing. Galvanus raises both his arms at Diego, firing two plasma beams dozens of times stronger at him. Beginning calculation. The wings on Diego's back pop off as his energy cannon disappears, slamming together in front of him. The two wings merge together, forming a physical shield as Galvanus's beams hit. Crack-like lines form on the shield as Galvanus continues firing, Diego crouching behind it. 13%… 21%… 34%…55%… 89%… 110%. Galvanus's beam cuts off as Diego stands straight, arms at his sides. The circuit lines on Diego's shield recede, returning the shield to its unscathed appearance. Galvanus tilts its head in confusion before squaring off to fire another attack. Discharge. A circle of energy appears in front of Diego's chest plate, making Galvanus prepare for an attack. He shouts in surprise as his own beam of plasma fires from the center of the circle, double the size it was before. Galvanus tries to activate his black hole engine but it doesn't work. He can't absorb his own energy. He flies through the air as Diego's counterattack keeps hitting him. Diego stops firing after three seconds, letting Galvanus skid along the ground. Galvanus gets up, roaring in anger. A pair of panels on his back open up, revealing missile turrets. Galvanus launches a salvo of missiles at Diego. He separates his shield back into his wings, forming a short curve tipped sword in each hand. Moving faster than he should be reasonably able to, Diego slashes through all the missiles. Galvanus roars again, charging forward with his particle barrier in front of his body. Diego remakes his shield, charging forward with his thrusters to meet Galvanus head on. Diego and Galvanus crash into each other, shields first, making them both halt. Galvanus shoves against Diego, trying to push him over but Diego stands his ground. Using his free hand, Diego fires a laser at Galvanus's torso, knocking him over. Diego draws his sword, jumping into the air to bring it down on Galvanus but he misses as the ro-beast flies out of the way. Raising it's claws again, Galvanus fires another two beams of plasma. Diego blocks with his shield again. Galvanus stops firing and charges forward again, only to get blasted back as Diego echoes his blast back at him. Galvanus roars in anger, two sections of his back raising upwards. From inside, two missile batteries deploy. Galvanus fires dozens of powerful missiles up into the sky, laughing as he does. Form shoulder cannon. Diego's large mounted cannon forms beside his head. Acquiring targets. …Targets acquired. Diego fires a myriad of lasers, each destroying a missile before all converging to rain down on Galvanus. He screeches in pain as he is bombarded. Estimated damage to target… 54- Warning! Threat detected. Galvanus closes his black hole engine, having sucked up the last few lasers. He roars as he charges at Diego at ridiculous speed, plowing him into the ground. Deform shoulder cannon. Form arm cannon. Diego blasts Galvanus off of him, rolling to stand upright. Galvanus fires another barrage of missiles as he raises a glowing claw. Diego dodges upward, making the projectiles and laser strike the ground. Forming his sword, Diego fires down at Galvanus, who counters with his black hole engine. Diego goes in for a slash at Galvanus's head but misses as Galvanus lowers his head and fires two missiles point-blank. Diego is able to slash through the missiles first but doesn't have enough time to block the twin plasma beams from Galvanus. Galvanus laughs as he continues firing. Warning! Extreme heat will begin to cause damage if not dealt with. Must deploy Echo Shield. Diego goes to move out of the beam before he notices Walkerville is directly behind him. Civilian settlement is in crossfire. Advance to less dangerous position. Diego pushes Galvanus's beams back with a pair of lasers from his hands. He then uses this respite to charge forward, gaining on Galvanus. Galvanus tries to counter by firing more missiles in Diego's direction but he counters by forming his own missile launchers on his legs, firing six to destroy Galvanus's salvo. Galvanus roars again, cutting off his beams and charging again. Diego is ready for it this time and wrestles Galvanus to the ground with his own momentum. Galvanus tries to shake him off but Diego doesn't let him. Galvanus growls before he begins to smirk. The plates over his chest open and start spinning. His black hole engine is running. Diego resists the pull, slowly forming his shoulder cannon, the receiving end pointed straight at Galvanus's face. Galvanus roars as Diego fires, taking the high power beam straight to the mouth. Diego struggles against the pull of the black hole engine as he continues firing. Eventually, the engine dies. Diego stands over the headless body of the ro-beast, victorious. Raise… progression drive… level: …50%. Diego's chest plate starts to glow, his spent energy returning to him. Galvanus's body begins to glow as well, blue quintessence wafting off of him. Slowly, Galvanus's body disintegrates, Diego standing tall again. "Well well well. What a show. Honestly, that was so entertaining! And informing." A loud projected female voice taunts. Diego looks up to see a medium sized ship above him, broadcasting a hologram of a female Galran face. "I didn't expect you to be able to actually beat Galvanus so… quickly. Too bad you still have all the ships coming into your orbit to deal with. Hehehe." The woman snickers. "So, expect MY arrival in…" The woman looks to her side. "…Six doboshes. 𝓢𝓮𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓼𝓸𝓸𝓷~" She taunts in a sinister voice. (In Fantasia) "Oh no oh no oh no oh no." Cracked mumbles, her panic filling the room with dread. "Mom, you have to calm do-" "CALM DOWN?! HOW CAN I CALM DOWN?!?! THE VOX ARMADA IS GOING TO BE HERE ANY TICK AND MYSTACOR DOESN'T HAVE ANY KIND OF DEFENSES!" "We have Diego!" Shining asserts. "The Vox armada stands at almost its full strength, Diego barely survived fighting a single ro-beast! Not to mention how much damage he must have taken in that fight! He can't be expec-" Cracked reels as she is slapped across the face. "Get a grip! We haven't lost yet!" Shining yells at his mother. "I'm scared too. That doesn't mean I have the luxury of panicking when my kingdom needs me the most. Now, are you going to help me or not?" Cracked looks up at her son as she cradles her cheek. Her eyes harden with a light of will. "Yes. I am." She declares. "Good. We'll need all the help we can get." > No rest for the wicked. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- No rest for the wicked. (Diego) Diego raises a hand, destroying the small ship with a laser from his hand. Energy level at 50% Recommended course of action, de-transform and attempt to recharge. Diego's body glows with familiar white light, Shrinking back down to normal size. Diego then pulls the Bayard out of his chest, merging it with his wings. Lowering progression drive level to 15%. Begin quintessence magnification. With his wings glowing, Diego begins gathering quintessence. (Fantasia) Celestia looks out over a balcony to see Diego glowing. "What is he doing?" She asks. Cracked looks out over the landscape as well, holding her hand over her eyes. "I… I'm not sure. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was draining quintessence from his surroundings but… that can't be it." "Quintessence?" Luna asks. "Life energy. You call it mana." Cracked answers. "He's draining mana?!" Celestia shouts in shock. "Not exactly." Cracked denies. "If he was, the plants and grass around him would be dying. They're not." Cracked explains before narrowing her eyes at the large field Diego is in. "If anything, the nature around him seems to be flourishing." She says, before her eyes widen in realisation. "What? What is it?" Luna asks Cracked. "There's no way…" She mumbles. "…It's supposed to be nigh impossible!" She exclaims. "What is it? What's impossible?" Celestia asks, worried. "He's not draining the quintessence around him, it looks like he's AMPLIFYING it! The druids said it couldn't be done!" Cracked exclaims. "Amplifying it? What does that mean?" Luna asks. "Many deca-phoebs ago- a century ago, back when I was still a child, the emperor's druids proposed a new way of getting quintessence. Instead of harvesting it and leaving planets barren, they suggested collecting it in small quantities and trying to amplify it. They theorised that with the right kind of reactant, the power of quintessence could be increased hundreds of times over. They tried for dozens of deca-phoebs but never succeeded. Eventually it was deemed impossible but… Diego seems to be able to perform it! This is incredible!" Cracked yells. "So Diego can make himself more powerful without killing the environment around him?" Celestia asks, awed. "Yes! Look!" Cracked shouts, pointing forward. Celestia and Luna look back at where Diego is and gasp. Where Diego is standing, what was once a simple lush field is now growing into a massive forest. "Where did that come from?!" Shining shouts as he enters the balcony. The others turn to face him. "Diego! He did it!" Cracked exclaims in awe. (Quintessence forest) Energy level at 80% Sufficient energy level achieved in five doboshes. Time remaining until arrival of Vox armada: 71 ticks. Further charge time unacceptable. Depart. Diego blasts upward in a column of white quintessence, quickly appearing in space. Looking up, he sees the Vox armada closing in on Mystacor. Receiving message. «Ooh. Here comes the… wait. Did you shrink?» The woman from before says. «Huh. Now why would you do that?» She asks. «No matter. OPEN FIRE!» She orders, multiple ships and fighters raining lasers at Diego. Thanks to his small size, Diego easily dodges the lasers and begins destroying the fighters with his knuckle sword. «Hey! Stay still you pest!» The woman orders, irritated. Diego keeps dodging and destroying fighters. «Hrah! Vril! Open fire!» «As you command, general.» Veil says. The largest ship begins fire lasers in every direct, reflection plates bouncing them straight at Diego from multiple angles. Diego deploys his energy shield but the beams continue to pelt him. Battle specs: Multiple carrier type ships armed with an ion cannon and several fighter squads each. Threat level: Six. Multiple Interplanetary-cruisers armed with ion cannons, sirenic turrets and vast numbers of point defense cannons. Threat level: Five One zaiforge cannon, refitted for interstellar travel. Threat level: Eight. One high class Battle-cruiser armed with two ion cannons and a reflection attack array. Threat level: Seven. Battle difficulty: Advanced-high. Focus: Zaiforge cannon. Diego scans before immediately merging his Bayard with his wings. Deftly dodging another barrage of lasers, Diego forms a long three pronged weapon on his back. A dangerous ball of energy forms in between the three prongs, growing stronger in seconds. Diego fires at the zaiforge cannon, his railgun tearing through fighters like dust. Seven reflection plates suddenly combine together in front of the cannon to form a super hexagon shape, deflecting the beam. The plates all explode afterwards. Quintessence requirement for railgun too taxing. Shorten distance between Voltron and target before reattempting. Diego analyses, deforming his railgun. Forming his gatling gun, he begins tearing into the fighters, carving a path straight to the zaiforge cannon. «Aww. Coming straight to me? Well aren't you kind. Vril.» The general signals. The battle-cruisers ion cannons fire, striking a handful of fighters before the two beams converge on Diego. Dual ion cannon blasts exceeding armour tolerance. Change focus; Battle-cruiser. Diego immediately swings around, now heading straight for the battle-cruiser. He begins firing at the two ion cannons, his shots being blocked by a particle barrier. «Nice try. Now die YOU BLADES SCUM!» Vril shouts, firing both ion cannons again. Diego narrowly dodges the two beams of purple death, causing them to converge and pierce through four different ships. «VRIL! Calm that stupid temper of yours unless you want to lose more important ships!» The general orders. «Hrrr. Reflection attack array to FULL!» Vril orders. The battle-cruiser lights up with purple lasers, beams bouncing and ricocheting everywhere. The beams assault Diego. Suddenly the barrage stops. «W-what?! How?!» Vril cries out. «Uh… Vril? What was that?» The general asks in bewilderment. Diego begins to storm the battle-cruiser. «I-I don't know! The array just overloa-» Vril is cut off as the back of his ship begins to explode. «Why are my engines exploding?!» Vril shouts in outrage. «Wait, intruder alert?!» He suddenly says. Incoming message. «Attention mechanoid! Please cease your attack on the Wicked calamity! The Blades of Marmora will deal with it.» A male voice says loudly. «Message received. Response: Disengaging Battle-cruiser. Switching targets.» «Thank you. And good luck!» The agent says. «Response: Likewise.» Diego turns back, bayard now in hand as he advances in the zaiforge cannon. Transform. Diego faces the zaiforge cannon, shield on one hand and sword held in the other. «No you don't! Fire the Star Destroyer!» The general orders. The zaiforge cannon begins glowing like the sun. Orange light baths the battle field. Solar radiation detected. A ribbon of fire crashes into the zaiforge cannon, knocking it to the side. «WHAT?!» The general shouts as the beam misses. Magic detected. Signature recognised: Princess Celestia. Seizing this moment, Diego forms his scimitar, charging forward to cleave the cannon's head off. He is stopped by a particle barrier. «NO YOU DON'T! IF YOU THINK I, GENERAL ATCHOR THE FIRST, WILL FALL SO EASILY, YOU ARE SORELY MISTAKEN!! FIRE!!!» Atchor shouts in hatred. The zaiforge cannon fires, having righted itself, straight at Diego. With too little time to prepare, he blocks with the flat of his large blade, getting severely pushed away. «HA!» Atchor exclaims. Beam… strength… too much. Cannot… redirect. Must… must… PROGRESSION DRIVE TO 75% ENGAGE QUINTESSENCE ENGINE. A circle of energy as large as Diego appears in front of him, stopping the zaiforge beam. «What?» The zaiforge cannon starts moving closer to Diego. «WAIT, WHAT?! GRAVITATIONAL PULL?! FROM WHERE?! …OH YOU ARE QUIZNAKING ME!» Diego stops absorbing energy, the circle in front of him disappearing. DISCHARGE. Diego holds both his arms, his freshly formed shoulder cannon, his arm cannon and his open right hand forward. From the cannons ends and Diego's palm, as well as his eyes, a celestial tsunami of pure white energy erupts. The particle barrier of the zaiforge cannon appears and halts the beam… …For all of 0.2 seconds before failing, the ship getting blasted to absolute smithereens. Suc-successsss. Zaiforge cannon defeated. Swiittccchiinngg… > Rude awakening. New allies? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rude awakening. New allies? I stood there, in the colourful void of my sleep. What happened? I was… oh no. Voltron used himself up, I'm knocked out! I have to- SURRENDER. My head burned with pain, an overwhelming presence pervading the space around me. YOU CANNOT WIN. YOU WILL NEVER WIN.The voice continued. Wait, I know that voice… "Zarkon." I declared. YOU KNOW MY NAME? GOOD. THEN YOU KNOW OF THE POWER I WIELD. The emperor spoke, his voice dark and prideful. "Yeah, I have an idea." THEN YOU KNOW HOW FUTILE IT IS TO RESIST. YOU SHALL FALL, JUST AS ALL OTHERS HAVE BEFORE YOU. Zarkon replied, his voice hurting my head. "Yeah…no." I refused. WHAT? "I said no. I won't cow down to you. You WON'T win." I HAVE AN EMPIRE. ARMADAS THAT CAN DESTROY PLANETS, WHAT DO YOU HAVE THAT COULD POSSIBLY DEFEAT ME? Zarkon says, his voice even crueler. "Everything I need." I say, standing straight as the pain vanishes from my head. WHAT? Zarkon says, surprised. "I have the power I wield, my friends and comrades, the people who fight against you and the drive to make a change. All I need to win." THEN YOU ARE A FOOL. NOTHING BUT A DELUSIONAL CHILD, PLAYING THE HERO BEFORE HE LEARNS HIS PLACE. "That may be." I say as I turn around, facing the image of Zarkon. "And I can take that and make it into the most powerful weapon there is. One that can defeat even you, your highness." I say, sarcasm filling my voice as I address him. IF YOU THINK SIMPLE PRAYER CAN DEFEAT ME, YOU WILL FALL. "Maybe, maybe not." I say, hand at my side. "Now, goodbye, it wasn't nice meeting you AND GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" I shout, drawing my Bayard, the pistol in my hand aimed straight at the megalomaniac emperor. !ɘɈɒɔiɿɈxƎ I pull the trigger, a bullet of pure white energy crashing into Zarkon, making him shout in pain as he disappears. I gasp as I wake up, lying on a table, feeling drained. "It's awake!" A person in black and purple armour next to me shouts. I try to sit up, finding that I'm chained to the table. The chains strain as I move around. "Apologies for the chains, we had to be cautious." A familiar voice says as he walks into the room. A Galra wearing armour like the person next to me stops at the front of the table. His armour seems more formal than that of the other person, looking more like clothes. His ears are large, framing the sides of his face. The top of his head is adorned with reddish markings with a scar stretching from the right side of his face down to his lips. Kolivan. I say, recognizing the leader of the Blades of Marmora. "Now, let us discuss what exactly you are, shall we?" Kolivan asks. I'm afraid that will be- "Now, do you have a designation?" Kolivan interrupts me. …difficult. I finish. How am I supposed to talk to him if my voice- "Answer: Designation: Voltron. User's name: Diego." Voltron answers. Oh right. "Username?" Kolivan asks. "Response: User is named: Diego." Voltron says. "You're being controlled by someone?" Kolivan asks. "Response: Incorrect. User and Voltron share control." Voltron corrects. "Where is your user then? On a nearby ship or planet?" The person next to me asks, his voice mature but young. "Response: Misunderstanding detected. Correction: Body is not controlled through remote interface. User inhabits body and shares control with Voltron." Voltron explains. "So this is a suit of armour?" Kolivan asks. "Response: Negative. Body is completely technological. User's soul inhabits body, granting control. Voltron aides and guides user through shared control and internal communication." Voltron further explains. Kolivan looks shocked, as those the person standing next to me, going by their posture. I think you broke them. Light sarcasm detected. Response: They'll be fine. Voltron says in my head, his voice sounding almost cheeky. "Excuse me but I will need you to reiterate that. Did you say… your user's soul is in that body?" Kolivan asks slowly. "Response: Correct. User controls body through consciousness and presence of soul." Voltron responds. Okay, even I can hear how strange that sounds. I think. "Query: Location?" Voltron asks. "Location? …You're on my personal scout ship, the Shadow." Kolivan answers slowly. "Could your user explain how their soul is inside this body?" The other one asks. Hey, wait. That's a good question. "Answer: Information missing." Voltron answers. What? "What?" Kolivan and the other one ask at the same time. "Continuation: Knowledge of transformation unknown. Neither user nor Voltron have knowledge concerning transformation into current form." Voltron continues. "So you have no clue, whatsoever, as to how you became this?" The other one asks, showing my body. "Response: Negative." Voltron answers. "Query: Purpose for being aboard commander's scout ship?" Voltron asks Kolivan. "We retrieved you after we felt with the ships you had been fighting. We were able to find you among the wreckage of the Starscream… wait. How did you know I'm the commander?" Kolivan asks, eyes narrowed. Information classified! I shout quickly, no one but Voltron hearing me. "Response: Information classified by user." Voltron replies. Don't say that I classified it! That will just make them more suspicious! Query: reason for classification of information? Voltron silently asks me. Well, we can't tell them that they're characters in a TV show! There's no way they'd believe us. "Why is that classified? And what do you mean by user?" The other one asks. "Yarak." Kolivan reprimands. "He does raise a good point though. Why?" Query: Answer? Voltron asks me. Uuh… I don't know! Change the topic! "Query: Does commander recognise the name Cracheam?" Voltron asks. "Don't change the- wait, Cracheam?!" Kolivan moves to stand next to me, slamming his hands on the table. "How do you know that name?" He demands. "Cracheam? Isn't she the agent who's been missing for almost a movement?" Yarak asks. Movement? I question. Answer: Movement = 1.4 weeks. Oh. "Response: Agent Cracheam, AKA Cracked Sky, is currently on planet Mystacor, aiding the Fantasia kingdom." "Mystacor… I have never heard of a planet called that, or the Fantasia kingdom. Why would agent Cracked Sky be helping it? And if she does go by Cracked Sky, how do you know her real name?" Kolivan demands, leaning over me to look me in the eyes. "Response: Accessing memory bank." Voltron answers. Wait, what? "Engaging audio replay. Incoming message. «Attention, mechanoid. Do you hear me?» Yes. Can you hear me?" "Wait, who's voice is that?" Yarak asks. "Response: User. Continuing audio. «Attention, mechanoid. I repeat, do you hear me?» «Attention: Galra captain. Message: received. Query: Reason for ship self-destruction.» Hey! How come you get to talk to her but I don't!? Also, captain? «I set the self-destruct because I couldn't have this ship landing on your planet. Unfortunately, that's the least of our problems. Also, we should probably move away before it explodes, we don't have much time.» «Query: Elaborate previous sentence.» «There's another three ships on the way. Two more research ships and a battle-cruiser as escort.» You have got to be kidding. «They were sent here to find out what destroyed the last ship that came to this planet, which I'm guessing was you.»" "How many ships have you destroyed?" Kolivan asks. "Response: Five, not including ro-beast." Voltron answers. "You destroyed a Ro-beast?" Yarak asks, stunned. "Response: Correct. Continuing audio. «Response: Negative. Destruction of previous Galra ship was performed by union effort of User and Voltron.» «User? Voltron? Explain.» «Response: Negative. Query: Allegiance.» «Allegiance? Do you mean what side am I on?» «Response: Affirmative.» «I'm with the Blades of Marmora.»" An explosion is heard in the background. "«Command: Provide proof of allegiance.» «I'm Captain Cracheam of the fifth squadron of rebels. My mission is to bring down the tyrant Zarkon and restore peace and honour to the Galra.» «Response: No misinformation detected. Assessment: Supervise but trust.» End audio replay. Continuation: After affirmation of allegiance, Voltron teleported back to Mystacor with Cracked Sky. Cracked Sky later revealed previous history with planet Mystacor." Voltron explains. "Previous history? What previous history?" Kolivan asks. "Response: Accessing memory bank." Voltron answers. Again? "Again?" Yarak asks. "Response: Affirmative. Engaging audio replay. "My arrival on Mystacor was actually an accident. We were in an intense battle, our base of operations having been discovered by the Galra. I thought we were winning. We had been fighting a large armada, having destroyed multiple interstellar-cruisers. We hadn't suffered many losses, while the Galra had lost three of the eight ships that were sent after us." Cracked Sky's voice plays. "I remember that fight. The third base jump. Many of our brethren were lost. Cracheam was thought to be one of them but she miraculously returned almost three deca-phoebs later." Kolivan recounts. "Little did I know, all our efforts were in vain. They had sent the Vox armada, the second largest Galra armada, straight at us. We didn't stand a chance. Our commander, Kolivan tried to order us to run, to live another day and survive to fight the empire but many wouldn't listen. Some tried to fight… others panicked and wouldn't listen to reason. The Ro-beast coffin arrived first, carrying within it a mechanical monster that could end worlds. I tried to save my brother's and sisters, distract the monster while the others retreated but…" "She failed." "One of my brothers, Kres, tried to attack the monster head on but he failed to see the danger he was in. Kres died, made into nothing more than fuel for the abomination. I tried to avenge him but I received orders. "All units, this is a direct order, return to the Dagger. We don't have anywhere near the firepower to beat that armada. Prepare for Universal Jump. We live to fight another day." When I joined the formation, that monster had already devoured over ten of my brothers in arms. We were all about to jump, to leave this battle behind, when the Ro-beast attacked us. It's weapons disrupted our UJ Field, causing it to destabilise. When we entered, some of us were being randomly ejected from the field, sent to places none of us knew. I was one of the ones ejected. The ejection damaged my ship, causing me to lose control. The turbulence from the destabilised field was like nothing I've ever felt or want to feel again. I exited unconscious. I landed on Mystacor, in a dangerous forest. I somehow survived the crash, my ship damaged but not beyond repair. Thankfully, I came prepared. I had a survival kit in my ship that came with a disguise generator. I looked, scavenging for any useful materials that I could use to fix my ship. Not long after, I discovered a nearby settlement. Walkerville. Using my disguise generator, I started learning about the people here. I learned about magic, the races, the princess who would control day and night, the names of where I was." "What?" Kolivan and Yarak ask simultaneously, both bewildered. "Unfortunately, the search for resources to fix my ship were slow going. Very slowly going. I eventually decided to start integrating myself into society. I knew I was going to be here for a while so I found ways to survive. It wasn't easy. Eventually, I had cemented myself as Cracked Sky, astronomer and scientist. It was at this point that I met… the love I never knew I needed. Night Light." "Cracheam… fell in love?" Kolivan asks, surprised. "We met at an expedition, I had recently joined the Royal Science and Research Team which he assisted. He was basically my caretaker. I kind of disliked him because of that. I never needed someone to take care of me and I still don't." "Always the rebel." Kolivan remarks, looking nostalgic. "The first day of the expedition, we went out to explore some ruins that had recently been discovered in Zefrica. I tried to distance myself from him, determined to prove to the rest of my accomplices that I didn't need to be coddled. He was surprisingly stubborn. He would chastise me when I tried to get away from him. Eventually I just decided to walk with him but ignore him. This lead me to find a secret within the ruins that no one else had found. Unfortunately, he had found another secret that I had missed: the trap that guarded the secret I had found. He pushed me out of the way, taking several poison darts in his side. Realising what had happened, I rushed him to the camp we had made, seeking medical aid for him. Thankfully, he survived with no lasting effects, the poison safely counteracted. From then on, I started to respect Night Light and his resolve. After that, we were basically partners on any expedition we went on and my respect for him grew. Almost a year later, he asked if I would start joining him for launch, to discuss star constellations and the wonders of different kinds of magic. We had so many discussions together. Him, talking about theories about stars, me shooting them down, him arguing that he was right. It was fun. A few months after that though… I got careless. My disguise generator, which I had been using progressively more and more, had been damaged. I had what I needed to repair it but because of that, I didn't realize that at that time, Night Light had decided to pay me a surprise visit. Night Light walked in on me working, he saw me like this, without my disguise and with my disguise generator sitting in front of me." "Seems like she grew sloppy then." Yarak comments. Kolivan glares at him, silently telling him to shut up. "He was deeply confused. At the time, I almost didn't know what to say. Thankfully, I had my training to fall back on. "What happened? And what is that?" He asked me. "I'm fine. Believe it or not, this is what I really look like." I was thinking of ways to deal with this situation but I also didn't want to hurt my friend. "This is… the real you? Why did you hide this?" He seemed saddened about what was happening. "Because, I needed to blend in." "Blend in? Why?" "Because I'm an alien. I'm not human like you, and I'm not from this planet." This shocked him. He had always believed that there had to be life outside of his world. He just didn't believe he would meet it. Let alone become close friends with it. "You're… an alien? But- why- since when?" "Since always." I answered him, donning the disguise generator. For a brief second, I became Cracked Sky again before the generator failed. He was shocked by the technology. "Night Light, listen. You can't tell anyone about this, okay? Not the Team, not the princess, no-one. Understand?" I didn't expect him to. He had seen things that shocked him to his core, shook his whole world view… And then he said this. "Okay." I was surprised. "I said okay. I won't tell a soul. I promise." I was shocked by this. Night Light, a man determined to bring knowledge into the world, to explore the great unknown, had promised to keep a secret. "D-do… do you mean that?" I had to know if he was lying or not. "Yes. I promise." But I was foolish. He was a man of integrity. He was honest, yes, but he also kept his word. I almost fainted in relief." Sounds of accelerated speech play as the audio is fast forwarded. "What are you doing?" Yarak asks. "Response: Fast forwarding irrelevant data." Voltron says. Yarak looked annoyed but kept listening as the audio returned to normal. "I was glad that Night Light decided to keep my secret. If anything, this helped us get even closer than we were. Around him, I could relax. Around him, I could truly be myself. Eventually, I realized I was falling for him. When he asked me out on a date, I was overjoyed. He took me to a beautiful restaurant. The two of us eventually became inseparable. I showed him my heart, he showed me his world. Eventually, I found out I was pregnant." "PREGNANT?!" Kolivan yells, his baritone voice rising in pitch from surprise. "At first, I was happier than I had ever been. I was going to have a baby with the love of my life. Who was a completely different species from me. I panicked, worried out of my mind what was growing inside me. I told Night Light. He seemed even happier than I was about the news. But then he realised it too. He and I were two very different species. But he wasn't worried. He told me that it didn't matter. He told me that no matter what, he would love us. I was still scared. "What about everyone else? What if they reject them because they're different? What if they don't even live long enough to-" I was stopped by magic. A soothing, warm, invigorating surge of magic passed through me. But it wasn't from Night Light. It came from inside me. "What?" Kolivan asks. "It came from you, Jex. You used magic from inside me, when you were barely two months old." "I used magic… before I was even born?" A male voice asks. "Your father was surprised too. After that, I stopped fearing. Because I knew you were going to be strong. Strong enough to fight through whoever stood in your way." Cracked's voice says. "Wow." A different female voice says. "That's incredible." "You were born later that year. The strongest baby I'd ever seen. You started walking before you were even a month old. Talking in less than six months. Unfortunately, three… years later, I received a message. A message from the Blade of Marmora. They had been looking for me, searching everywhere. I had to go back." Cracked's voice saddens. "I had to rejoin the fight." She says. "My ship had been nearly repaired. I was less than a few weeks away from takeoff if I worked hard. Unfortunately I didn't want to just leave all of a sudden. I had to disappear. Thankfully, your father came up with the idea to say I died in an accident. I was able to rejoin my comrades even though I had to leave my family behind. Thankfully, I was able to leave something behind for you to remember me by." The audio finishes. "Her blade. When Cracheam returned, she didn't have her blade. She said, she gave it to someone who needed it more." Kolivan says. "I would like to travel to Mystacor. Do you know it's location?" Kolivan suddenly asks. "Query: Reason for request?" Voltron asks, his voice equally curious and sharp. "I wish to see agent Cracheam… and meet her son." Kolivan answers. Query: Accept or deny? Voltron silently asks me. Accept. Cracked trusts Kolivan. If she trusts him, we can give him the benefit of the doubt. I answer mentally. Response: Understood. "Response: Information granted. Voltron can escort the Shadow to Mystacor." Voltron says. "Thank you." > Home again. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Home again. After the discussion, I was unchained. Kolivan asked me to follow him to the bridge but Voltron said it wasn't necessary. Instead, he asked where the nearest airlock was, to Yarak and Kolivan's confusion. Voltron then specified that he would escort the Shadow to Mystacor, not pilot it. Kolivan asked if I was sure, considering I was just in an intense battle. Voltron assured him that I would be fine. After flying up to the outside of the bridge, I began scanning to see which way Mystacor was. Voltron asked if I needed help but I said no thanks. I had found which way to go. 42 minutes later, I had successfully escorted the Shadow to Mystacor. I could have gotten back faster, if the Shadow had better engines. Which it didn't. Moving that "slowly" was very annoying. Voltron, can you patch into the Shadow's communications and tell them we've arrived, please? Response: Transmitting… completed. Thanks buddy. Response: You are welcome. Incoming message for the Shadow. «So this is Mystacor? It's a strange planet. The energy readings almost match that of a Balmera.» Kolivan says. Huh. That's actually a good point. I wonder if there are any Balmera near by? Report: Scans inconclusive. «Beginning landing procedure.» Another Galra says, the ship now angling it's underside towards the planet. Welp, better go down and tell the others about their guests. I form my super-wings, teleporting down to the surface of the planet. Oh shoot. Oof. I faceplant into a thick tree as soon as I re-materialize. Advice: Teleportation not recommended when power is low. Now he tells me. Getting back to my feet, I look up to see the Shadow beginning to enter the atmosphere. Better get to the princesses. I take off, a little sluggishly, towards Arcadia. Landing on a balcony a few seconds later, I enter the castle. Okay. Voltron, where's the princesses? Report: Princess Celestia and princess Luna are in the throne room. Princess Cadence is by the training courtyard, watching Shining Armour and Cracked Sky. Thanks. I walk to the throne room, passing guards and as I get closer, a long line of nobles. Getting to the open throne room doors, I walk right in. Princess! Is this a bad time? I shout, drawing princess Luna's attention. "Diego! Not at all! I see you are back from space! Good! You must have some important information to share! EVERYONE, OUT!" Luna yells, finishing her sentence with both arms pointed at the door, her face heavily stressed with a too-wide smile. Many of the nobles groan and grumble as they leave. That bad, huh? I ask Luna. "Most definitely." Luna slumps into her throne as the doors shut, Celestia looking at her incredulously. "Now, Diego. Do you have any relevant news?" Luna asks. Yep. That fleet that was on its way here is gone. I answer. Luna genuinely smiles. "That is good. Would you perhaps be able to explain the massive white flash in space that occurred yesterday?" That was- wait yesterday?! How long was I gone?! "You left yesterday evening. It's eight in the morning." Luna answers. Celestia suddenly stands up. "Sister?" Luna asks, confused. "You two continue on with your conversation, I will go find Cracked Sky and tell her you have returned." Celestia begins walking to the doors. Tell her and Shining we'll be receiving guests any minute. "Guests? What guests?" Luna asks, Celestia turning around as she does. "Guests?" Yeah, I had some help with the armada. "What?! Why didn't you say so?!" Luna exclaims in surprise. "What? What is it?" Celestia asks quickly. "Diego says he had help defeating the armada that was coming." Luna explains. "What?! Why didn't you say so?!" Celestia exclaims, looking at me. I did. Now, can you please send someone to go get Cracked and Shining, please? "Diego did say. Now, you." Luna points at a nightwalker standing at her post. "𝕮𝖆𝖓 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖌𝖔 𝖌𝖊𝖙 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕮𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖆𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖞𝖆𝖗𝖉?" The guards gawks for a second before nodding, rushing out of the room. "Really Luna? First, I can't hear Diego and now you're speaking in a language I can't understand." Celestia complains. "Sorry, sister. I could not help myself. But on to more pressing matters. Diego, who helped you and who is coming here?" Luna asks as Celestia walks after the guard. The Blades of Marmora and the commander of the Blades of Marmora. I answer. Luna looks at me with wide eyes. "The Blades helped you? As in, the Blades that Cracked is a member of? And their commander is coming here? When will he arrive?" Luna asks. I look out the window as I answer. He already has. Luna runs up to the window, seeing the purple spaceship that just landed next to the quintessence forest. "Prepare my chariot!" Luna shouts as she runs out the throne room. (15 minutes later, the quintessence forest) "Sir, these readings are mind-blowing!" Yarak says, holding a scanner up to a tree. "The quintessence in this single tree is enough to fire a small ion cannon!" "Truly? That cannot be true." Kolivan says, taking the scanner from Yarak. "It is! This is extraordinary." "Sir, incoming… flying chariots." A member says. Kolivan looks up, seeing two flying chariots descending down to them. One is deep blue, the other is golden yellow. From the deep blue one, myself and Luna step out. From the other, princess Celestia, Shining Armour and Cracked step out. Every Blade focuses on their sister in arms. "Hello, everyone." Cracked says, calm and controlled. "Agent Cracheam. I see the report is true. Are you well?" Kolivan asks. "Fit and healthy, commander." Cracked replies. Kolivan looks to Shining. "Is this him?" He asks. "Yes commander. This is my son, Jex Shining." Cracked answers. Kolivan raises an eyebrow before stepping closer, looking Shining up and down. Shining presses his fist to the center of his chest in salute, looking slightly nervous. "An- A honour to meet you, commander." He stumbles. Kolivan looks back to Cracked. "I see the resemblance." Kolivan raises his hand to Shining. Shining raises his as well, getting pulled into an arm shake. Okay, how about we continue introductions at the castle? That way we aren't out in the open? I suggest. Luna nods at me, stepping forward. "Allow me to invite you to our castle." She says raising a hand in the direction of Fantasia. "Where we can talk privately." Luna adds. "I would ask that some of my men stay here, to analyze this… peculiar forest. If that is permissible?" Kolivan asks. "Of course. Would you like some of our scientists to assist you?" Celestia asks. "That will not be necessary. Men! Code 54. Yarak, Zur, Kros. Set-up. Everyone else, make sure the ship is at 100%." Kolivan orders. He then turns back to the princesses and steps towards one of the chariots. "Shall we?" A few minutes later, we arrive back at Fantasia. A squad of Walkers greets us. Many of them sneak glances at the Galra as we walk through the castle. We eventually arrive at the familiar destination of Celestia's private study where Cadence is waiting for us. As we all sit down, Kolivan looks to Shining again. "I can see that you hold a position of importance here. Can I ask what kind of training you have undergone?" He asks. "High level guard training, hand-to-hand combat, magic instruction and my mother has been trying to teach me how to use this." Shining pulls his knife out from under his armour. "Ah. The blade. Have you managed to awaken it?" Kolivan asks. "Not yet. But I do feel a connection." Shining answers, looking at the blade before returning it to its place. Kolivan turns to Cracked. "What have you been teaching him?" He asks. "Trainee level tutoring. He has excelled at almost everything. The only thing left is awakened combat training and further strategy instructions." Cracked answers. "I see." Kolivan turns to Luna. "On to diplomacy. I would request permissions to conduct scans of this environment and of the forest in the plains. In exchange, the Blades of Marmora can offer technological schematics and planetary protection from outside invaders." Kolivan says. Celestia speaks up. "Before that, let us introduce ourselves. My name is Celestia Starborn, first princess of Arcadia and Ascended of the sun." Celestia introduces herself. "And I am Luna Starborn. Second princess of Arcadia and sister to Celestia. I am the Ascended of the moon." Luna says. "And I am Cadence Honeysuckle. Third princess of Arcadia and Ascended of love. I'm also Shining's girlfriend." Cadence says. Shining stands as he introduces himself. "As you heard, my name is Jex. Jex Shining Armour. I'm a Magician and Captain of the royal guard, as well as an adept wizard." Shining returns to his seat. "Alright. My name is Kolivan. I am the commander of the Blades of Marmora and I strive to end the tyrannical rule of the Galra empire. Now, if I may, I have questions I would like answered." Kolivan says. "We do as well." Cadence says. Kolivan nods. "First, I would like to learn more about this planet and why Cracheam has endeared herself to it as much as she has. I would also like to know of the magic I have heard of." "We will do our best to answer your questions, within reason, as long as you do the same for us." Celestia says calmly. "Within reason, of course." Kolivan agrees. "Good." Celestia says. From there, the princesses and Kolivan began to bounce questions off eachother. Kolivan would ask about how some things would be done on Mystacor. The princesses would answer and ask their own questions. So it continued. Kolivan would ask how magic worked for the Arcadians, Celestia would answer. Cadence would ask about the lives that most Galra live, Kolivan would describe the acts they commit. Kolivan would ask what the term Ascended meant, Luna would describe the different races to him. And so it continued for hours. Eventually, a device on Kolivan's arm beeps. "This is Kolivan." He says, pressing a button. "This is Yarak, reporting findings." Yarak's voice issued from the communicator, to the amazement of the princesses and Shining. Guess that's to be expected. "Proceed." Kolivan replies. "Analysis of the forest shows a 82-1 thaum ratio for EVERY tree. Local wildlife has begun nesting and burrowing. Testing shows that the trees are incredibly resistant to blunt and sharp force trauma. The only way to properly damage them has been through energised weaponry. The trees also have immense regeneration capability. Zur blasted a hole through a branch and it sealed up one tick later. Kros managed to cut off a twig, it grew back instantly and the twig started to grow as well." "Eighty two?" Kolivan asks. "Yes sir. Eighty two." "Fascinating. Most mass production Balmera crystals have less energy. Have you been able to ascertain the age of the trees?" "Ring count shows less than a phoeb. This forest is new." Yarak reports. "The forest appeared yesterday." Cracked says, causing Kolivan to look up at her. "After destroying Galvanus, Diego needed to recharge as quickly as possible." Cracked points at me as she speaks. "In order to do that, he landed in the plains and began amplifying the quintessence around him to charge himself." Cracked explains. Kolivan's eyes widen slightly. "He achieved quintessence amplification? How?" Kolivan asks. "He what?! That's impossible!" Yarak exclaims. Kolivan turns off his communicator. "Would you please explain how you achieved quintessence amplification?" He asks. You wanna take this one buddy? I doubt I or Luna could explain it. Response: Affirmative. "Answer: Information classified. Quintessence amplification formula not disclosable. Bypass: Quintessence amplification is achieved through progression drive." "Progression drive?" Kolivan asks. "Response: information-" Voltron is cut off by Cracked. "-classified. He doesn't share anything with anyone." She says. Hey, don't blame me. Blame Voltron's protocols. "Protocols?" Shining asks. Yeah, Voltron has a bunch of protocols that stop him from saying lots of stuff. Especially to me. "So even you don't know what this… progression drive is?" Shining asks me. Nope. I respond. "Are you talking to him?" Kolivan asks. "Yes. I, as well as princess Luna and a few others am able to hear his voice. We don't know why." Shining explains. Response: Ki- Information classified. What was that? "Anyway, onto different matters. Jex." Kolivan looks at Shining. "Yes sir?" "I wish to see how Cracheam has trained you. I wish to have a sparring match with you." Kolivan says. "What? Commander, with all due respect, he isn't ready. He hasn't even awoken his blade yet." Cracked argues. "It will not be the trial of Marmora, I simply wish to test his strength." Kolivan responds. "He isn't strong enough. Not yet. Please, if you wish to fight him, wait for me to finish his training, or at least until he-" Cracked is interrupted by her son. "I accept." "What?" Cracked faces Shining. "Jex, you can't. He's the leader of the Blades, you wouldn't stand a chance." Cracked tries to persuade him but the look in his eyes makes her head drop. "I can't stop you, can I?" Cracked asks rhetorically. "No, you can't." Jex answers. "Good. Where is a place for battle?" Kolivan asks, turning to the princesses. "Uh… the arena. Shining, are you-" "Yes." "Alright, follow me." Celestia walks out of the study. Twenty minutes later, Shining and Kolivan both stand in the arena, facing each other. Kolivan holds a broadsword, Shining has his knife. Celestia and Luna stand at the side of the arena, against the side. "If both combatants are ready?" Luna calls. Both men nod. Celestia raises her arm. "The duel shall begin… Now!" Celestia swings down her arm, beginning the fight. > Clash between warriors. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clash between warriors. "…Now!" Shining and Kolivan rush forwards, both blades raised. They crash against each other, locked in place. "Let us see if you truly are worthy of this blade." Kolivan says, pushing against Shining's knife. "Don't underestimate me." Shining retorts, pushing back. They stay locked against each other, neither gaining ground… before Kolivan raises a leg, kicking Shining in the gut. Reeling from the strike, Shining can't block the hilt of Kolivan's broadsword smacking into his left temple, or the subsequent hilt to the forehead, right under his horn. Shining stumbles back before righting himself, knife firmly clutched in his hand. His horn glows, magic flowing along his body, making Kolivan raise an eyebrow. Shining rushes forward, moving faster than before. He delivers a leg sweep, Kolivan dodges. Kolivan slashes at Shining's chest, Shining counters and bats Kolivan's arm away, getting in his face for a punch to the chest. Kolivan blocks with his other arm, spinning Shining around and kicking him in the back. "That speed boost isn't helping you. Try something else." Kolivan says, his tone neutral. "Then let's see how you like this!" Shining says, turning around and unleashing a trio of magic bolts at Kolivan. He slashes through them. "Still too slow." Kolivan advances, delivering a flurry of slashes at Shining. Shining tries to block but can't stop one slash to his arm. Shining grits his teeth, to dismay of his observing mother. I have to be careful about this. His reactions are astounding so I don't think I'll be able to out-manoeuvre him. And he's obviously stronger than I am. I'll have to use magic to try to out-smart him. Obelisk! Shining thinks, his horn pulsing with magenta. Shining's magic travels over his armour this time, hardening it. Kolivan raises an eyebrow at this before assuming a ready stance. Shining charges forward, his knife held for a slash. Kolivan sees what he's doing and dips low, grabbing Shining's arm. Kolivan shifts his weight, pulling Shining over his body. Kolivan then straightens up, bringing his arm down as he does, slamming Shining into the ground next to him. Shining groans as his obelisk fades. "You seem to prize your strength and tenacity above all else, you truly are Galra. But a normal Galra cannot defeat me. Surrender now, you have no chance to win." Kolivan berates. I… "No! I'm not giving up so easily!" Swinging his legs through the air, Shining spin-flips himself upright, facing a mildly interested Kolivan. "Fine then. Show me your true strength, warrior." Kolivan challenges, standing ready. "With pleasure, commander!" Shining rushes forward, his blade deftly thrusting and swiping through the air as it clashes against Kolivan's broadsword. Kolivan slowly moves back, his weapon swiftly blocking every strike. He's moving faster than before. His attacks are stronger too. Is he using magic again? Kolivan thinks as he stops in place, halting Shining with another blade lock. No matter. It is not enough. "I see you have improved. But you still have a long way to go." Kolivan says as Shining shoves against his blade. "Long way this!" Shining retorts, shoving Kolivan's arms upward. Shining seizes this brief distraction and brings his humming blade down, landing his first direct hit. "Ugh." Kolivan groans, touching blood on his shoulder. Kolivan narrows his eyes at Shining. Shining smirks. …am… Shining surges forward, slashing at Kolivan. Kolivan blocks. Shining continues. What's he doing? His strikes are weaker now. Is he holding back? No… he's testing my defen- "Gah!" Kolivan shouts as he is hit in the leg, the muscle contracting painfully as he takes a punch to the face. Kolivan stumbles for a second before righting himself. He wipes moisture off his lips before grasping his broadsword with both hands. …thou. Kolivan charges at Shining, his blade held under his chest, ready to thrust. Shining spins around Kolivan, pushing his leg in front of Kolivan's shin as he raises his blade to the commanders throat. "I win." Shining declares. Kolivan inspects his position. "A Blargian snaggle hold. A deadly technique. Unless you know its weakness." Kolivan suddenly exhales, shrinking his throat away from Shining's blade as he strikes Shining in the sternum and turns out of range of his leg. There is a tiny nick on Kolivan's throat. Shining kick-flips off the ground, panting as he faces forward. Thou… "I am not done yet. I feel more alive than ever, so don't you dare count me out yet." Shining decrees, his smile wide. Kolivan notices that Shining's blade is glowing brightly. He's almost there. He just needs one more push. Kolivan sidesteps, coming at Shining from his right. Shining counters, deflecting Kolivan's strike and slashing his arm. Kolivan rams his arm into Shining's stomach, pushing him back. …art… Shining fights through the pain, grabbing Kolivan's head and headbutting him. Shining goes for a thrust but Kolivan dodges, slashing his leg. Shining cries out in pain before blocking a strike from Kolivan aimed at his shoulder blade. Shining backsteps, putting a small distance between himself and his opponent. …I! Shining's knife explodes with purple light, blinding the princesses. Kolivan looks ahead, unimpeded by the light, a genuine smile on his face. "Congratulations." He says as the glow dies down, revealing Shining Armour, holding a long greatsword in his hands. Kolivan's eyes widen. Why is his weapon different? Shining's eyes widen as well. "Wow…" Shining admires his blade before turning back to Kolivan. He smirks as his horn glows again. Nine lives, Shooting the hundred heads! Shining zips forward, his arms moving faster than the eye can track. He brings his blade to his side. Kolivan looks confused before he cries out in pain, small slashes opening over his chest, arms, legs and back. Kolivan collapses from the pain. "…Winner!" Luna calls out, first to break out of her shock. Shining pants as his blade returns to normal. He seathes it on his back before collapsing onto his knees, sitting on his ankles. "You… did… well." Kolivan groans as he tries to stand. Cracked runs up to him, helping him up. Shining stands as well. "Congratulations… Jex. You have… awakened your blade." Kolivan pants as a pair of nurses run up to him, applying healing magic to his wounds. "Don't worry, commander. You'll be back to normal in just a second." Cracked says. "Thank you." Kolivan says as he begins to make his way out of the arena, the nurses following him. "Perhaps next time, we can fight without both of us holding back." Kolivan says over his shoulder. Shining nods. (Later) "Are you alright, commander Kolivan?" Celestia asks as Kolivan sits in her study. "Yes. Your… magicians restored me to perfect health." Kolivan says, slightly erring on the correct term to use. "I am glad. Now, shall we continue where we left off?" Celestia asks. "Of course. We were discussing trade. I propose in exchange for permission to form a base here on your planet, we give you plans and schematics of some of our transport technology, as well as the protection of the Blades of Marmora." Kolivan says. "That would be helpful but what about weapons technology? Normally I would not ask such things so soon in negotiations but given the threat of attack we are facing, it may be beneficial for us to start building our own defenses. We just had a huge invasion force attack us.” Celestia asks. "I understand. The threat of invasion is indeed of importance. This is why my Blades of Marmora will be willing to protect this planet. Both as a shield for its people and a guardian for our allies. But, I fear we do have limits. One of which is trust. The people of this planet are strange to us, possessing powers that are unpredictable and dangerous. I am willing to help advance your people to help them reach the stars but I will not turn your people into a possible threat." Kolivan argues. “Okay, sister, this is getting us nowhere. The fact of the matter is, we needed defenses up yesterday! The real question is how quickly they can set up defenses, at a bare minimum we will need a factory to at least know how to make the components they need in order to speed up production! I would like to have defenses being constructed by tomorrow if possible, they could already be sending another attack as we speak!” Luna exclaims. "As I said, the Blades of Marmora, as well as Diego, are your protection. But a facility that can help to produce both technology to help your people and supply the Blades would be of assistance. Time is of the essence in this scenario. If possible, the Blades may even be able to set up a new headquarters here, outside of Galran space. I ask again, in exchange for technology to assist in the advancement of your people and protection from outside threats, I ask that you please share this planet, or at least a sizable piece of land, with the Blades. With this, we will be able to not only gain a solid stronghold for my agents and our base but both our species would be able to form a united front against the enemy. Do you accept?" Kolivan asks, raising his hand towards princess Celestia. “I accept this offer on the condition that it is a provisional deal. Two weeks from today we will meet up and discuss it further, after all no plan survives contact with the enemy. That way we can adapt any changes we need to make before any problems become unfixable.” Celestia replies, holding out her hand. Kolivan takes her arm, gripping it tightly as he shakes his. "Yes. This is acceptable. I hereby confirm that planet Mystacor is under the protection of the Blades of Marmora, from threats of Galra, space or disaster. We thank you for your cooperation and hospitality." Kolivan says, his tone practiced and calm. > A new day. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A new day. (The next day) "People of Mystacor, I know this meeting is sudden, but there are things that must be addressed. Many things have happened in these past few days. Allow me to clarify. The attacks were alien in nature." Celestia announces to the crowd, many spells broadcasting her words to different nations. "Princess, this surely is a great cause for concern. What action do you believe would be the best to take in response to these incursions?” A reporter asks, their voice being magnified with a magic microphone. "We have already made preparations to help defend our world. Not only that, but we also have gained allies to help us. One of these allies is already known. Diego, the White Lion Knight, who defeated the monster invasion of Arcadia." Celestia replies. "I am aware of him but what of our other allies. Are they as strange as he is? Can they be trusted?” The reporter asks. "Yes. Those allies are known as the Blades of Marmora. A resistance against the Galra, those who tried to invade us. And though the Blades are the same species as the Galra empire, their allegiance to freedom is unquestionable." Celestia responds. "How do you think this will affect the lives of the public and our relations with other nations? They might see us as a threat.” Another reporter asks. Luna steps forward. "Any help the Blades have to offer us, the offer to any nation on Mystacor. They are here to protect the planet, not just Fantasia." "I am concerned about how we are going to house and supply them. They are so different from us and may require material we can’t get, our world might be vastly different from theirs.” A different reporter inquires. "That will not be an issue. The Blades have stated that Mystacor is a rich planet in comparison to others, the materials they require are easily accessible, not to mention, Mystacor is not the only planet that houses them. If we do not have what they need, it does not mean no one does. Not only that, but Mystacor has something that many other planets do not. Magic." Celestia announces. "May I inquire as to how they are going to aid us in greater detail? The populace deserve to know how this will change their lives.” A reporter asks. "Of course. Though Mystacor is a bountiful world, it is also… unadvanced. The technology of the Galra and the Blades are leagues above our own. The Blades have agreed to share the schematics of these technologies, in exchange for a small area of land to call their own." Celestia answers, pointing at the far off plains. "That is all the questions we have. Thank you for your time.” The lead reporter says with a bow. "Thank you, Paperback. Do any others have any more questions?" Celestia asks the crowd. "No Princess but thanks for explaining everything to us.” "You are welcome. Now, before we end, there is one more thing my sister and I wish to show you. Some of you have already met him, but we wish to remove any doubt. Please welcome, our protector. Diego Logis!" Celestia calls as I fly over the castle, landing beside Luna. Many people in the crowd start clamouring. "Please! We ask for silence!" Luna yells, stopping the crowd. "Thank you. Now, since Diego's method of communication is limited, I shall speak for him. Do any of you have questions about or for him?" Luna asks the crowd. “Where did you come from?” The first reporter asks. I'm sorry. I'd rather not say, considering how complicated it is. I can tell you that I am here to stay though. "He says he would rather not disclose that. It is complicated. He does say that he is here to stay though, so you do not have to worry about that. Next?" “What do you know about the Blades of Marmora and the Galra? You must know something?” Another reporter asks. A good question. I'll start with the Blades. The Blades of Marmora are a resistance group, dedicated to stopping the Galra empire and freeing the planets they have subjugated. They use stealth and espionage to slip into the ranks of the Galra, sabotaging them from the inside. I explain, Luna quoting my words as I speak. The Galra empire, on the other hand, is very different. If my information is correct, they are lead by Zarkon. A near immortal Galra with a hunger for a form of energy called quintessence. Think of quintessence as life energy. If you are a living being, or you have living beings inside you, you have quintessence. It also seems to be the source of Magician magic. The Galra go to any length to obtain quintessence. Enslaving planets, draining it from living beings, mining it from planets and more. Many of the crowd cringe and shiver at Luna's words. They use this quintessence to power their spaceships and vasten their reach across space. They also are ruthless in that they destroy anything or anyone who gets in their way. Unless they are stopped, they could take over the entire galaxy. It is because of this that the Blades of Marmora exists. I finish. "Thank you, Diego and you too, sister. Does anyone else have more questions?" “That is a lot to take in, we may leave it at that. Most of us seem to be pretty shaken up by that. I must thank you for your time.” Paperback says. You are welcome. I say, Luna echoing my words. "Thank you all for attending. This conference is now over. Have a good day." Celestia says as she, her sister and I leave the balcony. (Later, in the throne room) "I think that went well." Celestia says. "As do I." Kolivan says as he enters the room. "Kolivan, you attended the conference?" Celestia asks. "No, but Zur did. He used a disguise generator to blend in with the crowd. He relayed everything that was said." Kolivan says, his tone… odd. "Is something wrong, commander?" Luna asks. "How do you know so much about the Galra? Or the Blades, for that matter? Our operations are closely guarded, our missions not told to anyone unless necessary and yet you seem to know more about them then you let on." Kolivan asks. I'm afraid I can't tell you that, commander. "He cannot say." Luna responds. "I assumed so." Kolivan says, his eyes narrowed at me. "How am I, or my men supposed to trust someone if they do not trust us with important information?" Kolivan accuses, stepping closer to me. Commander, you don't want to do this. I try to warn him. "Kolivan, this is outrageous. Diego is our ally, not our enemy." Luna says, standing in front of Kolivan. "That may be, but he is hiding something from me. I can sense it." Kolivan says, glaring at me. Kolivan, lis- Engage. What? N… "Command: Information that has been classified by user will not be revealed." Voltron orders. "Why? This alliance will not stand if information is withheld." Kolivan retorts. "Answer: User believes sharing of classified information will cause tension between Mystacor and the Blades of Marmora." "It is already causing tension. What is the nature of this information that it cannot be revealed at all between allies?" "Response: Information classified." "I see. So you don't trust us after all." Kolivan says, chin raised. "Response: Negative." "Then why?" "Response: User has classified the information. Only user may un-classify information." "Then let me speak to Diego." "Response: Communication not possible." "Why not? He can communicate with the princess and Jex. Why not everyone?" Kolivan demands. "Response: Right to open communication must be earned." Voltron replies, surprising everyone. "What?" Kolivan, Celestia and Luna all ask at the same time. "Repeat: Right to open communication must be earned." Voltron replies. "Earned? Are you saying he has to do something to be able to speak freely?" Celestia asks. "Answer: Correct." "Why?" Luna asks. "Explanation: Many functions of Super Voltron armour are currently unaccessible by user through defence protocols. Primary unavailable function; Full range communicator. All functions can be unlocked through virtuous actions/ proving worth." "How has what he has done not been virtuous?!" Luna exclaims. "Correction: More actions required." Voltron corrects her. "What else can he do?" Celestia now asks. "Response: Fulfill primary goal, fulfill secondary goal. Further goals classified." "What are the… oh wait." Luna stops. "Notice: Goals classified to all parties." "I expected- wait, all parties? Does Diego know?" Luna asks. "Response: Negative." "What? How is he supposed to fulfill the goals if he doesn't know what they are?" Celestia asks. "Response: User is already working towards all goals. Only continuation is required." "So… you're saying that if Diego continues doing what he is doing now, eventually he'll be able to speak?" Luna asks. "Response: And more." Voltron replies. "But then why can he even speak to anyone at all?" Kolivan reasserts. "Response: K-k-k-… Information classified." Voltron says, his voice glitching for a second. "What was that?" Celestia asks. "…Response: …Momentary lapse in protocol." Voltron replies, his voice sounding hesitant. "Moment… did you try to say but then stop?" Kolivan asks. "…Correct." Voltron says, surprisingly without a word to begin his sentence. Kolivan looks thoughtful for a second, before stepping up to Voltron, looking him right in the eyes. "Is there any way to allow me to speak to Diego like Jex and the princess do that you can tell me? Any at all?" Kolivan asks, his tone now calmer than before. Voltron stays silent, to Kolivan's chagrin. …Before speaking. "Bypass:… Direct combat." Voltron replies slowly. "Direct combat? Wait, you mean like with Shining Armour? If someone fights against you they become able to hear you?" Celestia asks, looking hopeful. "Response: Negative." Voltron says, suddenly. "Continuation: Combat must be synchronising. User and combatant/ combatants must come to an understanding of each other." Voltron finishes. "Mortal Combat…" Kolivan mutters. "Commander?" Luna asks. "An old legend. It is said that combat is incomplete if the ones who fight learn nothing about each other while they fight. The legend says that fighting is not just a form of battle but a form of expression. If the one you fight against does not walk away changed in some way, the fight was pointless. That is the legend of Mortal Combat." Kolivan explains. "So if someone participates in Mortal Combat with Diego, they'll be able to hear him?" Luna asks. "Response: Indeterminate. Mortal Combat method is not guaranteed. Other methods are also available. Example:…" Voltron looks to Luna. "…Quintessence mixture." Voltron explains. "Quintessence mixture? When could that have happened?" Kolivan asks. "When Diego healed me." Luna says, her eyes wide with realisation. "So it was the healing." Celestia follows. "Healing?" Kolivan asks. "The night we met Diego, an invasion came to Arcadia. In the battle, I was struck in the chest with a permanent wound spell. It would have killed me… if Diego didn't save my life. Ever since then, I've been able to speak to him." Luna says. "Well then. There is only one thing to do. Diego, can you hear me?" Kolivan asks. "Response: Affirmative." "Good. I challenge you to Mortal Combat." Kolivan says, his voice focused and clear. We have returned to the familiar destination of the arena. No one is in the stands. The princesses look upon the battlefield from their thrones. Not even Cracked is in attendance, none the wiser of this battle. Kolivan stands before me, luxite blade in hand. I stand across from him, Bayard ready in my hand. "Are you ready?" Luna calls out. As I'll ever be. I nod. "I am ready as well.” Kolivan turns to me, watching closely. Luna nods, raising her arm. "…Then begin!" "You first.” Kolivan states calmly. He's letting me have the first move? Fine. Get some of this! I shout as I raise my left hand, firing shots at Kolivan. Kolivan dodges between the shots, not taking his eyes off me for even a second. He's quick. How quick? I form my rifle, shooting at him, trying to hit him in non-lethal spots and progressively shooting faster and faster. Kolivan, tossing his blade between both hands, delivers multiple cuts, stopping all the shots before they can even scratch him. Very quick. Let's see how he takes this? Forming my katar, I charge forward with my thrusters, aiming to shock him in the chest. Kolivan notices and runs towards me, ducking under my thrust and I metaphorically grit my teeth as I feel an impact on my back. What was that? Forming my energy whip, I rapidly lash everything close to me, forcing Kolivan to back away as the ground around me gets diced. Kolivan nods. “Impressive.” He holds up his dagger and beckons me to approach. I feel like I'm smirking. Forming my energy sword, I rush at Kolivan, delivering dozens of slashes in seconds. Kolivan narrowly dodges each slash, barely leaping over the final one and kicking me in the chest. Kolivan nods as his blade glows, turning into a sabre. “You are quite fast but you are not good at fighting a smaller and more agile opponent.” He's right. He may look bulky but he knows his own body well. Not to mention, I doubt my attacks are very refined. But I won't let that stop me. This time, I form my broadsword, going into a sword-fighting stance. I charge forward, delivering a powerful slash that carves into the ground as Kolivan sidesteps. Kolivan looks around for less than a second, then disappears suddenly before reappearing in front of me, slashing at me. Holy kaltenecker, he's moving fast now! I think as I dodge and counter, missing him by a few centimetres. He vanishes again. Last time he was a little ahead of me and appeared in front of me, this time… he'll appear behind me! Moving preemptively, I block a slash with the upper area of my blade. "Better but can you handle this?” Kolivan smirks. Oh no. Kolivan vanishes suddenly before five of him appear, all preparing to swing at me. What the quiznak?! I cut into one, it bleeds for a second then vanishes. This is all kinds of whack. After-images, huh? You really are a commander, in more ways than one. You have my respect, now have some pain! Forming my energy for a second, I bash one of the images, disrupting Kolivan's rhythm and making the other images fade away. Now holding my taser katar, I thrust at Kolivan. Kolivan smirks. “I haven’t been pushed this far by anyone but I still have one last trick.” His saber glows becoming slightly longer and slimmer. He then vanishes. He reappears far away and beckons me to attack. What's he doing? But if he's at the range,I can do this. I form my gatling gun, pointing the barrel straight at Kolivan. Block this. I fire, blasting a hundred lasers at him seconds. Kolivan dodges multiple shots only for one to nick him, he then bleeds before vanishing into thin air. What? That can't have been an aft- I feel a heavy cut bounce off my back. Then suddenly I feel multiple impacts from every direction. Ah! That stings. Let's see how you like this! Charging quintessence into my armour, I begin glowing. Kolivan continues slashing me, now cutting harder as I glow brighter. I have one question for you. Explosion!? The light on my body bursts out as a shockwave, catching Kolivan and launching him into the arena wall. Hearing him crash, I lock on to him and form my glaive, coming down on him like a guillotine. Kolivan looks up, holding his shoulder. His saber is glowing brightly, he smirks as he swings with his sabre cutting into my glaive slightly before collapsing. His attack stops mine. Yanking my Bayard back, I go down to my knees next to him. Kolivan? You ok? I didn't hurt you, right? Kolivan groans slightly before replying. “No but I won’t be able to continue fighting. That was the first time my sabre couldn’t absorb enough quintessence to completely protect me. I used the absorbed energy to stop your glaive.” Your sabre can absorb quintessence? How does that work? Kolivan looks at him with a smirk. “The third form of the Blades can do that but I’m the only one who has gotten that far.” Wow. That is really cool. I was right to give you my respect. Now come on, let's get you to the magic doctors. I say as I hoist his good arm onto my shoulder. Standing, I start to walk out of the arena. As soon as I go through the entrance gate, Luna and Celestia land in front of us. "Did it work?" Luna asks. Did what work? "The fight! Can you two communicate?!" Luna yells in exasperation. Oh. Oh! Hey! It did work! Right? I look to Kolivan. Kolivan nods. “It did. I can hear you now.” Awesome! So, let's try this. Hi, I'm Diego and I'm stuck as this awesome suit of armour. I hold my hand out to Kolivan. Kolivan smirks as he takes my hand. “I am Kolivan, Commander of the Blades of Marmora. It’s a pleasure to face you in combat.” Thanks. Now let's get you patched up. Again. > Progress report. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Progress report. Days later, the Blades announced that it was time to move their base to Mystacor. They said they were going to use a spacial pocket to teleport it to us. It would take time, but the empire would have no way of detecting it. Why don't you just use… wait. Kolivan? "Yes?" Have you ever heard of… the Alteans? "The Alteans? …No, I don't believe I have. Why?" The Alteans don't exist here? Guess that's another difference. The source of all my information said there was once a race of beings called the Alteans. They were the Galras greatest threat. To the point that instead of enslaving their home planet, Zarkon destroyed it as the Alteans were too powerful and resisted too much. Kolivan looks at me with confusion. "I have never heard of such a thing. The Galra have almost never failed to enslave a planet. They are too powerful. It is why the blades undermine the Galra from the inside, instead of facing them head on. What is this source of information?" Shoot. You wouldn't understand. I say tersely. Kolivan glares at me. "I thought we stopped keeping secrets from each other." He says. Ugh. Kolivan, I promise I will tell you. And the Blades, just… not now. I respond. Kolivan stares at me for a few seconds. "I'll hold you to that." Kolivan finally says, looking back at the landing preparation area. Thanks. I say. So, how long will it take to finish the transfer? I ask. "A few Movements. Maybe a Phoeb." Kolivan answers. You work fast. I say, slightly surprised. "We are at war. In war, you must be swift, or you get left behind. That is an unfortunate truth." Kolivan says solemnly. Unfortunate truth indeed. "I have a question for you but I would understand if you cannot answer." Kolivan says after a few seconds. Shoot. I respond. "This- careful with that!" Kolivan suddenly yells at one of the workers. "It's volatile! If you drop it, you could be gravely injured!" Kolivan shouts at the volunteer worker, making him move more carefully. "As I was saying. This forest you grew, the quintessence output of it is greater than any but the most mature of Balmeras. How did you grow it?" Kolivan asks. Voltron? Answer: Information classified. Thought so. Honestly, I don't know. Voltron was the one in control at the time and he won't tell me, so I doubt either of us will be able to find out. I answer truthfully. "I see. I appreci- a little to the left with that!" "My left or your left?" "Mine! …There! That's good." Am I distracting you? I ask. "No. I don't deny that command work can be tedious. Having someone I can simply talk to is… refreshing. Thank you." Kolivan answers. Your welcome. I say. We continue standing there, enjoying the fine summer air… . . . And then the sky explodes. What the?! I shout as I look up and see the cause of the sonic wave. A small ship is burning through the air. "What is that?!" A worker shouts. Small space ship, I'd say an escape pod. I'm going to go catch it! I say, blasting off into the air. In less than a minute, I catch up to the familiar looking ship, flying alongside it. Let's get you to a more manageable speed. I fly forward to its nose, pushing against the ship with my arms and thrusters. 15 seconds later, the ship has basically stopped, the flames almost extinguished. Now let's calmly go- suhupow?! I exclaim as the ship charges forward, into me. What the heck?! Why is this thing… I stop as I notice something. The engines aren't running. So how is this thing pushing me? *Thunk!* We crash into the ground, which is much closer than I expected. Oof. You're heavy. I say as I push the ship off of me and out of the new hole in the ground. Kolivan appears next to it, his sabre out at the ready. "Diego, are you alright?" He asks me. Yeah! Just a bit surprised. "What happened? It looked like you caught this ship before it suddenly accelerated." Kolivan asks me. I have no idea. Whatever happened, it was weird. One second, I'm about to calmy set this thing down, the next… I get piledriven into the ground by a ship with its engines off. I explain, getting out of the ground and shaking myself off as I do. "It's engines were off?" Kolivan asks me. Yeah. I believe so. Let's see if there are any survivors. I say, moving to the back of the ship. "It's an Olkari escape pod, the hatch controls should be on the side of the door." Kolivan says. Olkari? No wonder it looked familiar. Opening the door, I look at the cargo hold, seeing no one. Voltron, any life signs? Response: One life sign detected. Warning: Quantum energy detected. Quantum energy? I ask. "Quantum energy? Where?" Kolivan asks, suddenly looking worried. Voltron? Response: Source untraceable. Voltron doesn't know where it's coming from. There is a life sign though. Location: Bridge On the bridge. "Then let's see if the pilot knows what's wrong with this ship." Kolivan says, moving to the door with his sabre in hand. We open the door, storming in to see a lone female Olkaran, trembling and crying. "Please don't hurt me!" She shouts. > Bob. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bob. An hour later we are in a tent set up by the Blades. The Olkaran has woken up. She says her name is Pica. She is also incredibly skittish. She screams at the slightest noise, terrified out of her wits. Thankfully, some Magicians knew spells to calm her down but they don't last long. Myself, Celestia and Kolivan are all with her in the tent. "Don't worry, you are completely-" "Don't say it!" Pica yells. She seems to have an aversion to the word safe, we don't know why. "You will not be harmed. We promise." Celestia says, getting a nod from us both in agreement. Pica's shivering settles slightly. Kolivan steps forward. "Can you tell us why you are so far into outer space?" He asks, slowly and calmly. "I-I-I-I-I don't know. I was ru… just, flying back… home when… my ship suddenly… crashed into a-a spacial distortion, c-c-catapulting me here. Where am I?" She explains, her voice halting oddly before her question. Kolivan narrows his eyes imperceptibly. "You are outside of Galran space. A few lightyears away from outpost Omega Twenty four. On a planet called Mystacor." Kolivan explains. A breeze shifts the side of the tent, scaring Pica. Yeesh. She's a bigger scaredy cat than a cricket. Why is she so afraid of everything? Celestia takes the two of us to the tent flap. "I think we should let her rest for some time. The journey here has obviously traumatized her." She says. "She's lying. There's something she isn't telling us." Kolivan says, looking back at her. I was suspicious but I wasn't exactly sure. "The pauses in her description, the look in her eyes, the hesitancy. She's definitely keeping something from us." Kolivan says as Celestia rests her hand on my left shoulder. "Could that not be her fear? She could simply be nervous." It is possible but I agree with Kolivan. She's not saying something. I say, looking to Celestia on my right. Wait a minute, who's hand is thi- "Well isn't that an interesting question?" The thing to my left says, its hand on my shoulder. We all move away from it as Pica screams in horror. Looking closer, I recognize the thing. He is a green skinned alien with a pear shaped head and large part green part purple eyes, his pupils being the same green. He has orange points on top of his head and by his chin, the points on his head having small green and yellow saucers hovering over them. There is also a yellow splotch in the middle of his face, between his eyes that connects to his mouth. He has four arms and is wearing a beige jacket with light brown pants and dark brown boots. He also is floating in midair at my shoulder level. Holy kaltenecker, it's Bob. "Huh. That is weird. I can't hear what you're saying but I can hear him hearing what you're saying. That's weird." Bob says as he lands on the ground, pointing at Kolivan as he speaks. "Who is this? What is this?" Celestia asks. His name is Bob. He's trouble. "Bob?" Kolivan asks me. "You know my name? How do you know my name?" He turns to face Pica. "Did you tell them about me?" "LEAVE ME ALONE!" Pica shouts, cowering with her arms over her head. "Now now. My dear sweet Pica. That's no way to treat a friend!" Bob says, a malicious look on his face. "No no no no no, I'm sor-" Bob snaps his fingers. I open my eyes to see Bob hovering inside a large orb shaped chair, I feel my feet stuck to the ground. I look around to see I am in Bob's game show room. "Oh, this is going to suck…" "Wait, who are you?" Celestia and Bob ask at the same time, looking at me. "What do you mean? It's me…" I look up to see Celestia is three heads taller than me. Looking down at myself, I see a red striped shirt, black cargo pants, a silver watch that has been broken on my left arm and blue laceless shoes. Everything I was wearing before I became a suit of armour. "HOLLY KALTENECKER, I'M BACK TO NORMAL!!" I shout at the top of my now existing lungs. My hand goes to my chest. "Ah! Breathing feels weird. Almost forgot how to breathe." "Diego?" Kolivan exclaims, his eyes wide. "Wait wait wait. You're saying that big walking star-in-a-suit… is This beanpole?! Hahahaha!" Bob bursts out laughing. "Oh, oh that is just hilarious!" Bob yells, wiping his eyes. "Diego? Is that you?" Celestia asks hesitantly. "Yep. In… flesh and bone. Gotta remember to breathe." I say, practicing my breath. "This is what you really look like?" Celestia asks me. "Yeah. Before I was Voltron, I was this." "Well, with that out of the way! Welcome, contestants and audience to… Garfle Warfle Snick! Where you will Garfle or you will be Warfled. "What?" Celestia and Kolivan both ask at the same time. "And our contestants today, on the Goodie Two Shoes team, we have; Diego, Kolivan and princess Celestia! On the Bad Horn team, we have; Grogar, Discord and a very special guest, NIGHTMARE MOON!" Bob calls out, to various degrees of shock as said people appear on the other side of the room. "What?!" Celestia exclaims loudly. "Huh?!" Discord says. "Nightmare Moon?" Grogar says with slight interest. "Oh no. You've gotta be kidding me." I groan. "So, stay tuned folks! This is sure to be… a heart stopping show." Bob menaces. "Hey wait. Where's Pica?!" I demand. "Oh her? You don't have to worry about her at all. She's resting in the lap of luxury. And she'll stay there." A section of the roof hovers down, a bed sitting on top of it with Pica chained down to it, a shackle over her mouth. In front of the bed sits a sign reading "The Lap Of Luxury". Pica screams from under her shackle, crying out to us. "Unless you win, of course. Then, you get to do with her, whatever you wish. Honest." Bob finishes. I can tell that Celestia and Kolivan are both seething as I am. "If I still had my armour, I would blast you into oblivion." I say, the side of my leg discreetly glowing. "Alright folks! Stand back and enjoy the show, because it's time for…" Bob starts as a multitude of voices shout. "Garfle Warfle Snick!" "First up, we have…!" Suddenly, the three of us get forcibly moved to the center of the stage, Pica behind us. "…Goo ball!" A large slowly spinning wheel appears in front of us. "For this game, you have to use those balls of Warflator goo to hit the points on the wheel. Get fifty points, you win!" A bucket with two slimy green balls of goo appears in front of each of us, a sign next to the spinning wheel showing a list of colours, corresponding to sections of the wheel as well as two blank squares at the top. ■■ Gray = 5 Blue = 10 Green = 15 Red = 20 White = 25 The middle and edges of the wheel is gray, the other colours randomly dispersed on the wheel with only a single bit of it being white. I don't remember this game at all. Guess it's just another difference between here and the show. Fighting my revulsion, I pick up a glob and through it at the wheel, aiming for the white square. My aim is off as I score a blue square instead. Drat. "Ten points!" Bob yells, the two blank squares on the sign flipping to show a 1 and a 0. Kolivan now picks up a glob. He lines up a shot, throwing the glob directly at the white square. The wheel suddenly spins faster, making his throw hit another blue square instead. "Another ten points!" "Hey! The wheel moved!" Celestia exclaims. "Of course it moved. It's a spinning wheel." Bob chastises. "It deliberately span faster!" Celestia argues. "Oh? Did I forget to mention that it changes speeds? My mistake." Bob says, a smug grin on his face. Celestia snarls in agitation before schooling her features as she picks up a glob. Cringing in disgust, she prepares to throw. The wheel jerks again, throwing off her aim. Aiming again, she hits a green square, the score flipping to 3 and 5. "Fifteen points! Good shot! Wheel, change direction!" Bob announces, the wheel stopping before it begins spinning anti-clockwise. "Why did you do that?" Kolivan asks. "Why, because you passed the halfway point. Be careful though, you've only each got one ball left!" Bob announces. Picking up another ball, I focus on where I want to throw. I let loose the blob, the wheel jerking again, letting me directly score a green square. Discord boos at me from his table. "And that's fifty points! Congratulations! You get one Winner point for team Goodie Two Shoes. On to the next game!" Again we are moved, now back behind our table. The other team now gets moved. Discord spooks Pica, laughing at her fright. A screen lowers from the ceiling, the words "Guess That Thing!" written on it. "Alright contestants. This is…" "Guess That Thing!" "Alright, this one will be easy, folks. All you have to do is correctly name the thing that appears on the screen. Are you ready?!" Bob yells. "Yeah!" Discord responds. "I like your enthusiasm, contestant number four! Alright, what… is… this?!" Bob says as an image appears on the screen. What is that? And why does it look familiar? Each member of the other team looking even more confused. Pica looks bewildered by it before she seems to recognise the image, provoking fear from her. "Um… uh… a slug?" Discord answers cluelessly. The screen flashes red. "Oh boy. That is incorrect. The correct answer is; the intestinal tract of a weblum!" Bob says, to the bad guys and Celestia's confusion. That's why it looked familiar! It's a weblum. "What is a weblum?" Celestia asks. "Cosmic worm that cleans up dead planets and recycles the energy to help the universe. I think." I answer. "Since you got that one wrong, if you fail another guess, you won't get a Winner point! Now, what… is… this?!" A painting of a blue flower appears on the screen, petals slightly spotted. "Oh oh oh! I know this! It's-" A bandage made of yellow energy suddenly appears over Discord's mouth. "Ah ah ah, contestant number four. You've already answered one, let your teammates answer this one." Bob says. "I do believe that is Poison Joke. One of my son's creations." Grogar answers, Discord nodding in assent. The screen flashes green. "You made that? Well, that explains why I could only find it on that little planet of yours. Next!" The screen changed again, this time showing what looked like a bird made of yellow and red flames shining brightly. "It is a phoenix." Nightmare answers, smirking. "Correct! That's one Winner point for team Bad Horn! Now on to round three!" Again everyone is moved, no more gently then the first times. "This game is…" "…Garble Warfle!" "This is a game all about speed folks! Answer three questions each in less than half a dobosh, you win! Ready, go! Contestant number two, how many quintants in a deca-phoeb?" Bob suddenly asks Celestia. "Uh… I don't know…" Celestia stutters. "Wrong! What is a binary solar system?" Bob suddenly says. "Uh… a system with two suns!" Celestia answers. "Correct! What kind of gem is an amethyst?" Bob rapid fires. "A quartz." Celestia says. "Correct, get this right, contestant three begins. What is 1000003 divided by six? Seventeen ticks remaining!" "Uh… um… 166,667!" Celestia answer quickly. "Eight ticks remaining! Good job! Contestant number three, it is your turn! Start the clock! What would happen if you poured the ocean of Rigel VII on an orange sun?" Bob begins questioning, looking at Kolivan. "It would expand as the dihydrogen-monoxide would fuel the atomic reaction of the sun." "Correct! What is a pulsar?" "A pulsar is a highly magnetized rotating compact star that emits beams of electromagnetic radiation out of its magnetic poles." Kolivan answers briskly. "Correct! Ten ticks remaining, where do nebulae come from?" Bob asks quickly. "Nebulae form from interstellar gases, most commonly helium and ionised gases from dead stars." Kolivan answers. "Correct! And with only two ticks remaining! Now, contestant number one, it is your turn!" Bob looks at me. "Start the clock! What is quintessence amplification?" Bob asks, surprising Kolivan. "The process of using quintessence to magnify the yield of other sources of quintessence." I reply. Bob seems disappointed by my answer. Kolivan seems confused as well. "…Correct. What is the speed of light?" Bob frowns. "It's… uh…" 299,792,458 metres per second "299,792,458 metres per second." I quote. Bob is surprised by my answer. "Correct. What is scaultrite?" Bob asks, the question confusing everyone but Kolivan and Pica. "A mineral produced by weblums when they fire their venom lasers." I remember. "Correct, final question with eleven ticks remaining. What is the name of the Galran emperor?" Bob asks. "Zarkon of… Daibazaal!" I answer, five ticks remaining. "Correct! And that is round three! Team Goodie Two Shoes has two Winner points!" Bob announces. Again, we are moved back behind our table. "Now, for this next round, we need a strategical thinker. Team Bad Horn, which of you would like to volunteer?" "I shall. I was able to rule all of Mystacor once. I did not sit idly by in order to do it." Grogar says, getting no argument from his team. "Excellent!" Now, for this game, I'll need a help hand. Pica, my dear, could you help me out?" Bob looks at Pica, the Lap Of Luxury moving at the same time as Grogar is moved to the center of the room, a small table appearing between them. "So, what game is this?" Grogar asks. "It is called…" Bob begins. "…Quackadoodle!" Bob and his "audience" announce as a red and blue Chess board appears on the small table. "Quackadoodle? That looks like Chess." I comment. "Chess? What a boring name. This is Quackadoodle!" Bob announces as various strange pieces materialize on the board. They look different but that is definitely Chess. "The rules are simple! Be the first to Quackadoodle the other player's Quacker, you win! You do that by Doodling them in a way they can't transfer." What? Everyone thinks at the same time. "And you, my dear Pica will be contestant number five's opponent. So, for the time being, you get to use one of your hands!" Bob exclaims as the shackle holding her left arm vanishes. She immediately tries to get the third shackle off her mouth. "Now now, my dear sweat Pica… I'm afraid that I can't let you do that. That little gobstopper won't come off no matter how hard you- OOF!" Bob gets cut off as I shoot him in the side of the head with my Bayard, the pistol vanishing a second later. "No! Come on!" I shout, trying to summon the weapon again but failing. "Ow… you shot me… No one's ever been able to shoot me before. Just for that, you do not get to participate in the next round. Have fun~" Bob says as I get moved backwards, against the wall as a straightjacket and a gag appear over me. "Diego!" Celestia and Kolivan yell. "Now, on with the game!" Bob announces. Grogar studies his side of the board, looking over his pieces. He moves one piece, looking at Pica with a cruel smirk. She whimpers at him. Pica is shaking nervously as she moves the pawn in front of her right bishop two steps forward. Grogar moves what I think is a knight on the left side forward and to the right. Pica takes a breath, trying to avoid her opponent's gaze. She moves her right side knight behind the pawn. Grogar narrows his eyes at her as he makes his move. Pica's eyes widen, not expecting the strange move. So they continue. Pica moves, Grogar moves a different piece. Pica moves, Grogar takes it. They both continue, Grogar taking more and more of her pieces while she is only able to take two. No no no, Pica, you're losing! I try to cry out but I can't speak with this forsaken gag over my mouth. Seven moves later, Bob announces. "And that is Quackadoodle! Pica's Quacker has been Doodled and she can't do anything about it. One Winner point for team Bad Horn!" Everyone except me get moved back into their places, Pica's arm shackled again. "And now for the final round! Team Goodie Two Shoes, you are tied with team Bad Horn. You lose this game, you and my dear Pica stay here with me, forever, while the amazing contestants on team Bad Horn all go free! So don't mess this up!" Bob exclaims. "This is it. If Nightmare Moon goes free, all of Mystacor will be in peril." Celestia says as she prepares herself for the next game. "Meaning we can't let them win." Kolivan agrees. "And the final game is…!" "…Squoo Backoozee!" Bob announces as a Mini-golf set appears on the floor. "Golf?" Celestia asks. "What? No, this is Squoo Backoozee! And you just volunteered!" Bob says as Celestia is moved to stand in front of the small course. "So I am guessing I just need to score one point?" Celestia asks. "Yep! All you have to do is hit the Clackalaker with this Bonk." Bob says as a golf ball appears on the course and a golf club appears in his hand, which he gives to the princess. "Alright." Celestia says as she lines up the shot. She shifts back to hit it. "I should also mention that if the Clackalaker leaves the green, you instantly lose!" Bob suddenly exclaims, throwing off Celestia's aim and causing her to swing and miss. Celestia glares at him before teeing up again, lightly hitting the ball. The ball rolls forward, barely skirting the edges before approaching the hole. It seems to stop just beside it. "Haha! Good luck next time, princess! You-" Discord is cut off as he hears his new least favourite sound. Clunk-k-k. "And she scores! Congratulations, team Goodie Two Shoes, you win!" Bob announces. Nightmare screams in rage. "Nooo-!" Nightmare Moon tries to scream. Bob snaps his fingers. > Step by step, the path unfolds. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step by step, the path unfolds. Huh! I'm back! User detected: Disengaging. Hey partner. Sorry about that, I was- Why are we in orbit? I say as I look down at the planet. Response: User was not detected. Unknown entity deemed responsible. Voltron ascended to safe planetary altitude to perform long range scanning for user quintessence signature. User quintessence signa- You can detect my soul? I think, baffled. Response: Correct. Why am I surprised? What can't you do? Response: Unknown. Response query: What can't you do? Voltron asks me. I float there, momentarily stunned at the unexpected question. I… don't know. I guess I'll find out. I fly back down to the surface, finding the construction area I was in before. "Diego!" Kolivan calls out to me, princess Celestia standing next to him. "Where did you go?" She asks. Orbit. Voltron went up when he noticed I wasn't in the pilot seat any more. "Diego?" Celestia asks, not having heard me. "It seems you cannot hear him anymore. He said Voltron took his body into orbit." Kolivan says. "I see. Well, it was nice while it lasted." Celestia comments. Felt weird to breathe again. And to feel clothes on my skin. "I would not know what that would feel like." Kolivan says, to Celestia's confusion. Anyway, how's Pica? I ask. "She is fine. Unharmed and calming down, partially thanks to more pacification spells." Kolivan replies. We all enter the tent, which now has a large hole in the ceiling. Pica lays in her cot, asleep with magicians moving away from her. "She's asleep, we were finally able to calm her down but she seems exhausted." One of them reports. "She has been through a lot. Thank you, major." Princess Celestia says, the magicians all leaving the tent. "I do believe we should leave her to her rest." "I agree. Come, we can discuss things in a private tent." Kolivan says. He then escorts us to a tent off to the side of the site. "So, Diego, Kolivan, all three of us see the same thing, correct?" Celestia asks us. "Bob." Kolivan and I both say, Celestia only hearing Kolivan. Celestia nods and turns to me. "What was he?" She asks. Kolivan, could you repeat this? I ask, getting a nod in return. Thanks. His name is Bob, like I said. As far as I know, he's a higher dimensional being who, according to my information, tests brave heroes. "That was not a test of honour." Celestia says as she finishes hearing Kolivan quote me. "I agree." Kolivan says. So do I. He's supposed to be weird but… this one was… cruel. Not to mention, malicious. Almost like he wasn't entirely sane. Or as sane as he's supposed to be. "What do you mean when you say, "this one"?" Kolivan asks. The one we met and the one I'm familiar with. They're almost completely different. I reply. "What one are you familiar with? Have you met something like him before?" Kolivan asks. No but… I sigh. I look to Celestia, wondering what to do. No. No more. No more secrets. Kolivan. You'll want to sit down for this. I tell him. He sits on a desk chair, turning it to face me. Celestia sits on a spare chair. I decide to sit on the ground. I begin to explain. My origin. The multiverse theory. And the show. Throughout the whole explanation, Kolivan has an unemotional look on his face but I can sense that what I'm saying is affecting him. I explain the Paladins of Voltron. I explain my knowledge of the Galra. I explain how I believe I came to appear in this dimension. And I explicitly explain that this dimension is vastly different from the show. Celestia simply sits, waiting for the silent explanation to end patiently. Eight doboshes… ten minutes later, I finish. …and after that, the paladins go on to continue contributing to the universe, making it a better place. Living or the rest of their lives. Now, I don't know if the same will happen here. In fact, I'm almost certain the ending in this dimension will be different. I don't know how, but it will. Now, I'm not asking you to forgive me for keeping this from you. I felt that if I shared this with you, you'd call me insane. You probably do. All I ask is that you continue fighting. Yes, this is very confusing information. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. But the difference between Legendary Defender and here is real. This isn't a program for teenagers to watch. This is what I am experiencing, what you are experiencing. What everyone is living. And I know for a fact, there are people out there suffering. And I know I can do something about it. So, I ask you this. Are we still on the same side? I finally ask him. He remains silent, tilting his head down to look at himself. "I… ask for time." He finally says. "Time… to process what you have told me. I shall continue the construction, continue the plan to bring the Dagger here. When it arrives, we may continue this discussion. Do you understand?" He looks at me. Of course. In the meantime, I'll help out where I can. I reply. Kolivan nods. I stand from the ground, making my way out. Celestia follows me. "What did you tell him?" She asks before she realises I can't reply. "Answer: The truth." Voltron replies for me. "I see." She remains silent for a few moments. "Diego?" She finally asks. I turn my head to her. "What was the form your Bayard took when you fired at Bob? I don't believe it matches the description for any of your weapons." Celestia asks me. I think back to then… only to draw a blank. "Response: Information restricted." Voltron says. "Restricted? What does that mean?" Celestia asks. "Response: Information has been deemed undisclosable. Neither user, nor others may access it. Apologies." Voltron says. "Apologies?!" Celestia and me both yell. "Are you saying you aren't allowing Diego to know that he defended someone?!" Celestia shouts, angry. She's right! Why can't I know what weapon I used? "Answer: Classification applies. User has not advanced enough to earn unique Bayard form." Voltron answers, a small notion of sadness in his voice. Wait, unique Bayard form? DO I HAVE MY OWN BAYARD WEAPON?! Response: Correct. Notice: Voltron is not allowed to disclose information on unique Bayard forms until user has advanced to correct level. "Diego? Voltron?" So you're saying if I keep getting better, I'll eventually be allowed to use my own Bayard. Correct? Response: Correct. Voltron informs me. I stop walking, shocked. Well, how far along am I? I ask. Response: 63%. So I'm very well along. I just have to keep getting better at controlling my powers. Response: Correct. Voltron says, his voice sounding a little exited. "DIEGO!" Celestia shouts, drawing some attention. Bwah! I startle back, snapping back to awareness. "Are you alright? You've been standing still for a whole minute." Celestia asks. I wave my arm, showing her I'm fine. I then show her that I'm heading back to the castle, to which she nods. I crouch down, about to take off- Warning: Possible transmission detected. Source: Repeating pattern of white noise. > SOS. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOS. Warning: Possible transmission detected. Source: Repeating pattern of white noise. What? Can you pinpoint it? Processing: …Negative. Signal strength too low to pinpoint. Long range scanning required. We'd better tell Kolivan. I think as I turn back to the camp. "Diego?" Celestia asks me, confused at my sudden change of direction. Voltron, can you inform her please? Response: Of course. "Notice: A possible signal is being transmitted under guise of universal white noise. User wishes to inform commander Kolivan." Voltron says. "A signal? Do you think it could be the Galra?" No. …Wait a minute. I stop as I have a vague flashback of a Legendary Defender episode. Hidden message… transmitted to look like background noise… was once used by the Blades of Marmora! We have to find Kolivan, now! I think as I begin running. "Diego?!" Celestia yells as she flies after me. "Response: No time to explain. Must find commander Kolivan." Voltron says quickly. I see Kolivan in the corner of my eye. Kolivan! I shout. He turns to me. "Diego? What is it?" He asks me. Voltron picked up what I think is a transmission. It's being broadcast to look like universal background noise. I explain. Kolivan looks at me with surprise. "That is an old method of relaying messages the Blades used to use." Kolivan says. Exactly. I don't know how to decode it so I came looking for you. "Does Voltron have a way to display the message?" Kolivan asks me. Response: Affirmative. He does. I answer. "Then let's get you to our ship." Kolivan says. Six minutes later, I stand in front of the main computer terminal of Kolivan's ship, my hand on the control panel. I did not know you could access technology like this. Response: You never asked. Fair. "Send… help. Base… discovered. Escape… not possible. Under fire. Heavy bombardment. Base… Oscil… Lima… Kilos. And then it repeats." Kolivan slowly deciphers. "Oscil Lima Kilos is the Olkarion base. The Galra have never been able to conquer them before." Yarak states. First time for everything. We need to get there, now. "That is impossible. This transmission must be quintants old. Olkarion and Oscil Lima Kilos would be under Galra control by now." Kolivan says. Then we seize it back. "How? It would take our fastest ship Vargas or even a quintant to get there." Kolivan says. I'm faster than most ships. "You cannot take an entire occupation by yourself." Kolivan refutes. Then send a transmission to send backup to Olkarion. I'll do the preliminary assault and when backup arrives, we drive out the Galra. "A transmission would take just as long to get there." Suggestion: Voltron can act as signal transmitter. What do you mean? I think, holding up a hand for silence. Response: Voltron can carry prerecorded message for Blade transmission. Then, when user arrives in Galran space, user can use signal cannon plus encrypted frequency to message other Blades of Marmora forces. Voltron explains. Good idea partner! Voltron says I can act as a transmitter, sending a recording of you ordering Blades to Olkarion, if they're not already there. After that, I can rally them against the occupation forces on Olkarion. "Hmm. Yes, that may work. I give orders to the Blades in the neighbouring systems to head to Olkarion with orders to expect a white mechanoid with a high quintessence signature. Then from there, you can destroy the main forces while the Blades secure the populace and sabotage Galra encampments." Kolivan devises. Then let's get to it. Kolivan, I'm about to begin recording. You ready? "Yes." Kolivan nods. I point at him as Voltron begins recording. "Attention, Blades of Marmora. You are tasked with assisting one of our new allies, a white mechanoid in eliminating the occupation forces on Olkarion. The mechanoid has the means to directly combat a large scale Galran force. You are assigned with liberation protocols while he deals with the main forces. Do not be fooled by his size, he is very powerful. I am assigning this mission priority Gamma. All Blades forces in one parsec of Olkarion are tasked with immediate response to this order." Kolivan commands as I finish recording. Perfect. Now I just need a Blades communication frequency. I say, Kolivan giving me his communication frequency. I make my way out of the ship. Tell the princesses and the captains why I'm gone. Hopefully, you'll see me in less than a movement from now. "Good luck." Thanks. I'll need it. I say as I head to the exit. Making my way outside, I merge my Bayard with my wings, forming my super-wings. Without hesitation, I launch into space, immediately dematerialising. Flying as fast as I can, I make my way to where the hidden signal is getting stronger and stronger from, preparing for what may be my most difficult fight yet. Half a varga later, I rematerialise. Voltron, send the message. Registered: Sending. Voltron forms the signal cannon from my super-wings, dispersing the signal into space. Alright, can you locate Olkarion? Response: Scanning… Signal source detected. Planet Olkarion location found. Query: Engage super-wings? Voltron asks. Affirmative. Registered: Reforming super-wings. Voltron says, sending us straight at Olkarion. A dobosh later, Voltron stops. Notice: Receiving encrypted message. Encryption: Marmoran. Voltron reports. Play it. «Attention mechanoid. We have received orders from our leader that you will help us on our mission. Can you validate?» A female voice questions. Respond. «Response: Affirmative. Commander Kolivan has given orders that all Blades of Marmora within one parsec of planet Olkarion are to assist with liberation of said planet from Galra forces and sabotage of Galran placements.» Voltron responds as we resume flight. «Good. We've been trying to free Olkarion ourselves but they've set up a planet wide particle barrier. We can't get in.» The woman says. Depending on how strong the barrier is, we should be able to breach it. Tell them to halt their attacks and prepare to engage. I order. Response: Affirmative. «Attention: Blades forces: Withdraw attack on particle barrier and prepare to engage.» Voltron orders. «What? How are we going to engage them if we stop our attacks?» The woman asks. «Answer: User shall breach particle barrier. Blades forces: Prepare to engage retaliation.» Voltron says as we arrive at Olkarion, seeing a handful of large ships battling each other. One side focusing on protecting the large purple shield around the mountainous planet, the other fighting against it and trying to damage the shield. «Fine. The only reason I trust you is because I'm under orders and the quintessence we're detecting from you is off the charts. Don't disappoint.» The woman begrudgingly says. «Response: We won't.» Voltron says as I deform my super-wings and form my laser cannon in my hand. The Galra ships start to notice us, now aiming to shoot me out of the sky. I deftly dodge their lasers as I approach one of the ships guarding the barrier. I fire my cannon, blasting a hole through the ship as I continue, flying through said hole. «…Quiznak. The commander definitely wasn't lying. We're ready when you are.» The woman awes before becoming steeled. Amazing what a small display of power can do to inspire people. I think as I fire at the barrier, creating cracks. Unfortunately, I'm distracted as a fighter crashes into me. Hey! I'm busy here! I say as I form my gatling gun, shredding the platoons coming at me. Suddenly, the Blades ships focus their fire completely on the Galran spaceships, drawing their attention away from me. Wait, idea. I think as I suddenly fly upwards. Let's hit two hard places with one rock! I think as I crash into one of the Galran ships, adding insult to injury as I intensify the impact with a hit from my giant mace. Using the ship as a makeshift springboard, I charge back at the barrier, mace raised and ready. I crash into the barrier mace first, heavily cracking it but not breaking it. One more then! I say as I repeat the combo, crashing into the previous Galran ship and hitting it as I jump back at the barrier. Spinning like a saw, I slam my mace down on the barrier, destroying it. «Attention: Blades forces: Charge!» Voltron declares as I continue down through the planet's atmosphere. As I fly down to the planet, I see a large amount of towers dotting the landscape. They look familiar. Voltron. Report. Report: Multiple Galra bastion towers detected. Capabilities: Able to fire powerful large energy projectiles, capable of destroying incoming infantry at a rapid pace. Recommendation: Search and destroy. Voltron reports, sounding excited again. I love the way you think, partner! Engage! Diego begins his transformation, growing to his true size again. Diego forms his shoulder cannon, taking aim at dozens of bastion towers. «Quiznak! What in Lotarius's name are you?!» The woman from before shouts, gobsmacked. Diego fires his cannon, destroying ten of the bastion cannons. Noticing that beam weapons seem to not do as much damage as expected, he switches to his leg missile launchers, toppling seven towers with the six missiles. Diego now realises that more basic weapons will be more effective and forms his sword, assembling his shield as his launchers form more missiles. Charge forward, he blocks one of the three pointed spinning energy stars from a bastion, echoing it back afterwards and destroying a cannon with its own projectile. So he continues, slicing down towers and echoing their blasts back at them as the Blades start landing on the planet's surface. Soon enough, all the towers shut down, the Blades having sabotaged the control centre. «Alright. That's the bastions taken care of. We're not out of the nebula yet though. The Galra are starting to deploy their ground ships and we've detected more ships approaching from space. We just need to reactivate the Olkaran defence network and we'll be done. Once it's up and running, the planet will be able to protect itself, with help from the blades.» The woman says. «I'm general Troda. Do you have a designation?» She asks. «Response: Designation: Voltron.» Diego introduces himself, deciding not to add his user's name. «Alright then Voltron. Let's kick these Galra off this planet.» Troda says. «Response: Affirmative.» Voltron says. Ships begin forming attack formations, firing at Diego. He blocks by activating his Quintessence engine, sucking up the Galras weapons fire and even one of their bastion towers, converting it all into energy. DISCHARGE. Diego fires one of his hand lasers, the massive singular beam eviscerating the ground ships. Suddenly laser fire begins raining down on the surface, coming from space. Replacing his wings, Diego flies up to them, forming his scimitar. He slices through the ships, blowing up their pieces afterwards. Voltron then detects multiple energy signatures around him, the final Galra ship being destroyed by satellite fire. «Olkaran defence network back online. We did it!» Troda shouts. Diego detransforms. Disengage. Phew. That was awesome! How's our power looking? Response: 63% Voltron replies. 63? Wow, we're not even halfway! If I had fought this hard a while back, I'd be half dead from the exhaustion. Conclusion: User has grown. Voltron says. I can almost feel myself smiling. That we have. Now, let's go check that everything is good on the surface. I say, flying back down. > Check. 1 2 3. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A dobosh later, I land near a Blade drop ship. A female galra with cropped hair walks up to me. "That was quite the trick you pulled. Wiped out those bastions one after the other." She says, as I recognize her voice. She is general Troda. Thanks. Voltron, ask her about the current situation. Response: Affirmative. "Query: What is the current situation?" Voltron asks. "Situation? Excellent. With all the clean-up you did, we haven't gotten any resistance. The Olkarion defense network is online and they patched the problem. It won't be going down again any time soon. So, what exactly are you?" Troda asks. "Answer: I am Voltron." "No, not who are you, what are you? Because there's no way a mechanoid did everything I just saw." Troda elaborates. Query: Response? Not sure… tell her you're an ally, sent by Kolivan. Notice: Answer may be construed as "dodging the question". It will have to do. "Answer: Voltron is an ally, sent by Kolivan." Voltron says. Troda raises an eyebrow. "Hey, where is the commander anyway? He went off on some mission to find new allies and now I hear that the base is being moved." Troda says, to the interest of other Blades members. "Response: Correct. Commander Kolivan is moving the Dagger to Mystacor, thereby moving it outside of Galran space." Voltron says. "What? Seriously?" Troda asks. "Response: Seriously seriously." Voltron says, a small bit of humour in his voice, to Troda's surprise. "Haha! Now I definitely know you're not just a mechanoid! You have a sense of humour!" She exclaims. "Continuation: Situation optimal?" Voltron asks. "Yeah, I'd say so. We should have Oscil Lima Kilos back up by tomorrow." Troda informs us. "Response: Good. Returning to Mystacor." Voltron says, getting ready to blast off. "Wait, what?" "Continuation: Voltron shall inform commander Kolivan of general Troda's accomplishments." Voltron continues. "Hey wait, I still want to-" Troda is cut off as we ignite our thrusters, flying out of the atmosphere. Now, do you know the way back? I mentally ask. Response: Of course. Engaging super-wings. To infinity! And beyond! I think as we rematerialise. Unfortunately, I look around in front of me, not seeing the familiar planet of my destination. Uuum… Advice: Turn around. Rotating around, I see the planet is merely behind me, having over shot it. Woops. How'd that happen? I mumble as I fly back, looking down over the massive landscape. Wow. This place really is amazing. So many colours and different lands. Just the more reason to protect it. I say to myself as I start flying over Fantasia. Making my way to the familiar capital, I start scanning for the princesses and captains. Notice: Target quintessence signature detected. Location: Throne room. Which signatures? Response: All of them. They're all in the throne room. Thanks. Response: You're welcome. Voltron says as I land on a balcony. Briskly making my way to the throne room, I am greeted with relieved smiles. "Diego. I am glad to see you have returned." Celestia says as I enter. "Hey big guy! So, what happened? Did you kick butt?" Spitfire asks. More than I can count. I nod as I begin recalling the events of the battle. Kolivan, who is also present, listens calmly but I can tell he is relieved as well. Luna retells my words to her sister as I speak. …and Troda says that the base on Olkarion should be back up by tomorrow. I finish. "That is good to hear. I will make it a priority to return to Galran space soon to check on the rest of the resistance and its allies. Thank you, Diego." Kolivan says. Just doing my job. I reply. "What you are doing is much more than a simple task or job, Diego. You are a hero, a true shining knight. And I can say with certainty that others would think so as well." Luna says, getting nods from everyone in the room. Thank you Luna. So, Kolivan, how's the construction for the base platform going? I ask. "Ahead of schedule. With the added help of volunteers and the easy to access power from the quintessence forest, we've been working fast. Construction should be done in another movement, or week as you call it. So long as nothing goes wrong." Kolivan answers. I suddenly feel like something is wrong. My feeling is accompanied by the sound of an explosion in the distance. Moving to a clear window, I see that the explosion came from the construction site. He jinxed it. "Looks like you jinxed it, commander." Spitfire says. "Now is not the time. We need to go check what happened." Spell Blade says. I'll go. I say. "Me too. There are Wonderbolts among the volunteers." Spitfire says. "I'll meet you there, there are Star Sorcerers too." Spell Blade says, teleporting away. Let's go then. I say, making my way out with Spitfire and Kolivan. Holding Kolivan to me as he puts his arm around my shoulder, we take off with Spitfire behind us. Arriving a minute later, I drop Kolivan at the site of the explosion. I see a large white skinned muscular Flier being tended to by a magician and a Blade, a nasty burn in his side. It seems a terminal exploded. "Crewman, status." Kolivan asks another member. "He touched the conversion manifold of a secondary terminal that was being installed. Malfunction caused it to overload and self destruct." The crewman with a synthetic arm says. "He'll live, it's just first degree burns and a concussion." The Blade medic says as he and the magician both stand up. "What he said. Bulk should be fine." The magician adds. "Good. How severe is the damage to the terminal?" Kolivan asks. "Response: Data management terminal damage: Light. Estimated repair time: Eighteen doboshes." Voltron says. I scan the terminal. He's right. Just fix the manifold and give it a new paint job and it's fine. I say. "Thank you, Diego. Why did he touch the manifold?" Kolivan asks the medic. "Drevan says he wasn't looking where he was going while he was helping to carry a Dimensional Stabiliser lock. By the time someone noticed the terminal, he was too close to stop." "And the lock?" Kolivan asks the crewman. "Intact." "Good. This is why we have safety precautions. Stay alert. We may not be in a battle but that does not mean we can let our guard down. This construction is important, so stay sharp and finish it. We're ahead of schedule on this platform, let's stay that way." Kolivan says to all the nearby Blades. "And to all those volunteering, I must ask the same of you. This technology is advanced and can be dangerous. If you believe your life is in danger, we do not ask you to endanger it for no reason. If you wish to keep assisting us, please keep an eye on what you are doing. Thank you." Kolivan says to everyone else. "Wow. Didn't know you were good at speeches." Spitfire says. "A necessary skill in leadership." Kolivan replies. "Right you are, commander." Spell Blade says, walking up to us. He looks down at Bulk, peacefully resting on a mat. "I take it he is alright?" "Yeah. Magician healed him up. He does have a concussion though." Spitfire answers. "Good to know." Spell says as he looks around. "Your technology truly is breathtaking, commander." "Thank you captain. If you'll excuse me, I shall check our progress." Kolivan says, walking off with a… odd expression. Almost lost but still driven. He must still be thinking about what I told him. Dangit, why did I even- no. It was the right thing to do. No more secrets. > Colours of the Heart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Colours of the Heart. The construction continued on without many problems. Yarak says it might be done before the end of the month. I am currently in a training room with Hammer Strike and Night Slash, training with the captains among the various guards. I am trying to strengthen my connection to my Bayard, rapidly switching between forms and practicing how to use each one. "Yah!" Hammer shouts as he brings a greatsword down on me as Night Slash fires at me with his crossbow. I block but attacks with my chain sword, slicing through Night's arrows and deflecting Hammer's sword. Quickly switching to the energy whip, I wrap up Hammer and throw him at Night, forcing him to dodge as Hammer flies into the wall, to the shock of the guards. "Wow. I'm glad that wasn't- whoa!" Night exclaims as he barely dodges the blade of my katar. Focus! I shout, both to him and myself. Retracting the cable, I try to switch weapons again. However, I suddenly feel light headed, letting me get nailed by a magically explosive arrow from Night. Stumbling back, I hold my head. Haaah, my head. Disengage… pain sensors. I think, alleviating my headache but not my dizziness. "Diego, are you alright?" Night asks, him and Hammer, who has gotten up, both walking up to me. I… I'm fine. I think I just… overdid it with constantly switching weapons for over an hour. I reply. "Yes, we have been fighting for a long time. I'm almost out of arrows." Night says. "And I still have an ache from that staff you hit me with, half an hour ago." Hammer says, stretching his back. I say we stop for today. Let the people watching have some training time. I say, putting away my Bayard. "Alright men. That's enough spectating. Groups of two, no same race pairs for the first hour. After that, start working in teams. Get your gear and get to it." Hammer orders. Warning: Unknown quintessence wave approaching on short range scanners. Wait, what? I say as the ground begins vibrating. "What is that?" Night asks. "Look outside!" A guard shouts. Looking out a window, I see a wave of colour spreading through the sky. What is that?! Response: Quintessence signature identified: Rainbow Dash/natural quintessence mixture. Rainbow? She did that? And what do you mean mixture? "Wait a minute, that's a Sonic rainboom!" An older guard shouts. "A Sonic rainboom? There hasn't been a Sonic rainboom in decades." Night Slash says. What's a Sonic rainboom? I ask. "A shockwave produced either by an explosion of magic or a Flier moving faster than the speed of sound. They're very rare. Last one happened Twenty years ago." Hammer explains. Well, my scanners say that rainboom matches Rainbow's quintessence signature. Which means she must have passed the sound barrier. "Rainbow? You mean the element of loyalty, Rainbow?" Hammer asks. Yes. I say as the wave passes over Arcadia. (In the Heart of the Empire) "Hrah!" Zarkon shouts, slamming his armoured hand against his throne. "How can it be that a single machine constantly continues to exist?! I have thrown armadas at it. I have sent my best forces at it. And yet still, it continues to defy me!" Zarkon rages, hitting his throne again, this time denting the arm rest. "Even my own occupation forces fall before it!" He shouts, panting in anger. "There must be a way to destroy it, once and for all. I'll send my entire fleet after it if I have to. And somehow, the very planet it came from is now lost to me!" "LoRd ZaRkOn. LeT mE dEsTrOy It. I mUsT hAvE rEvEnGe FoR wHaT iT dId To Me!" Another voice says, garbled and mechanical. "You have already failed me once. Why should I trust you to not fail again?" Zarkon demands. "I aM yOuR mOsT lOyAl SoLdIeR. EvEn NeAr DeAtH, I sTiLl SeRvE. I wIlL gIvE mY lIfE tO SeE iT dEsTrOyEd." They say, straining on their knees. "Hmm. That was true. You had never failed me… before. Perhaps I can have some use for you, Atchor." Zarkon says, looking down at the half metal body of the disgraced general. "What are your thoughts, druid?" Zarkon turns to the robed being to his right. "I do believe we can have some use for her, my Eminence. She may be half dead, but she still has such spirit. I believe we can make use of that." The druid says, his voice echoing under his mask. "Continue." Zarkon orders. The druid leans closer to him, whispering a single sentence into his ear. Zarkon leers at him before turning his gaze to the cyborg on her knees. "Yes. That may work. But a simple conversion will not be enough. Not against the menace. Send her to Pandemonium. If she survives, send her and Multexus to outer space. If she survives, we will have a new, more powerful slave under our control. If she doesn't, she will have been disposed of." Zarkon decrees. "As you wish, lord Zarkon. I shall prepare my ship immediately." The druid obeys, vanishing into smoke a moment later. Atchor looks up at her emperor, adoration in her single eye and cruelty on her face as she is dragged away. Soon. Soon you shall be destroyed and my reign shall continue on for all eternity. Whether you die to Atchor or to me, it does not matter. Your fate is inevitable. Zarkon thinks as he sits on his throne of metal and tyranny, in his empire of might and machine, completely unaware of the oncoming storm that is fate. In Arcadia, Diego continues to train, strengthening himself for his future and for those he protects. On Mystacor, Kolivan guides his brothers and sisters in arms, ready for any threat, even as the thoughts in his head tumble and unravel. Hidden in a mountain, Grogar and Discord plot and scheme, forever consumed with thoughts of revenge and destruction. On a far away planet, a Galra waits patiently, knowing the tyrannical rule of a false emperor will soon come to an end. And during all this, one single A.I. changes and grows, more and more overcoming his programming. I Am Voltron. > Big things are coming. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big things are coming. Days later, I stand with Kolivan, looking over the nearly complete platform. Exciting, isn't it? I ask. "What is?" Kolivan asks back. Seeing what we've accomplished. And knowing that with it, we'll better be able to fight this war. I reply. "Ah. Yes. It is… exciting. With this…" …We'll be one step closer. "To freedom." To freedom. WaRnInG! I start, feeling something ominous weighing down on me. Something's wro- "Commander Kolivan! Diego!" A voice shouts from behind us. Turning around, we see Yarak sprinting to us. "Lieutenant Yarak. Report." Kolivan says. "We've received an encrypted message from a spy that made it onto outpost Omega Twenty four. There's two ro-beasts heading straight for us!" He shouts. "What?!" Kolivan and I yell. "We received the message a dobosh ago, it looks to be a few vargas old. The spy says that two ro-beasts were spotted moving into outer space and the direction they're going will have them arrive at Mystacor." Yarak reports. Voltron, scan. Response: Scanning… No ro-beasts detected on long range scanners. Switching to visual. My head tilts up, my vision enhancing itself hundreds of times over. I see two ro-beast coffins. One contains a large, wide bodied purple and black ro-beast, the two colours separating in the middle to have one half be purple and the other, black. It's arms are large and there appears to be two larger than normal sirenic turrets on its back. Flying next to it is another ro-beast coffin, containing a slimmer but longer ro-beast than the first. It is completely silver and the feral grin on its face sends a shiver down my spine. I see them. Two, one big with a line in the middle of it, separating it into two colours. "Multexus. Dangerous and capable of jamming scanner technology." Kolivan says. The other one looks skinny with long arms and a… chilling smirk on its face. I say. "I do not recognize that one." Kolivan tells me. "It must be new. That means we don't have any idea what it can do but I can tell you about Multexus. It possesses the ability to split into two halves, each armed with powerful weaponry. The halves can be destroyed with bombardment but they are incredibly agile." They won't be faster than me. Here we go! I blast off, gripping my Bayard and forming my super-wings. "Good luck!" Kolivan calls up to me. Thank you. Rematerializing in space, I stare at the two approaching coffins. «WeLl WeLl WeLl. If It IsN't ThE wHiTe MeChAnOiD. GlAd To SeE mE aGaIn?» I hear over my communicator. The voice sends another shiver down my spine. It can't be. I recognize that voice, garbled and mechanical as it is. She's dead. She died in an explosion. «WeLl, I bEt YoU tHoUgHt YoU kIlLeD mE. BuT GuEsS wHaT?! YoU fAiLeD! JuSt LiKe I fAiLeD tO kIlL yOu!» The insane voice of general Atchor sounds as the coffins stop and deposit their two monstrosities. Multexus points its hands and turrets at me. «WeLl YoU hAvEn'T sEeN tHe LaSt Of GeNeRaL ATCHOR! Or ShOuLd I sAy, EXTERMIA!» The newly dubbed Extermia screeches, barreling towards me alongside Multexus. Multexus fires both his large sirenic turrets, the lasers screaming towards me as Extermia tries to slash at me with her claws. Quickly plugging my Bayard into its port, I turn the key on my transformation. ENGAGE. Diego dodges the claws as he transforms, dodging Extermia's swipe. Swiftly assembling his Echo shield, Diego blocks the two sirenic lasers, echoing the back at Multexus. He splits in two, dodging both beams. Countering his renegade attack with two blasts from his arms, Multexus recombines and charges at Diego. Rapidly swinging her claws, Extermia continually tries to hit Diego, missing every time. Warning: Unable to scan opponents due to jamming signal. Suggestion: Destroy Multexus. Extermia does not appear to have long ranged weapons. Prioritize: Multexus; alpha priority. Extermia; beta priority. Engage. Diego blasts away Extermia with his hand laser, making a beeline for Multexus. Forming his sword, Diego slashes at Multexus horizontally. Multexus suddenly rotates itself sideways, splitting in two again to dodge the strike. Both halves fire their arm lasers at Diego, forcing him to block. Unfortunately, he doesn't have time to block Extermia sneaking up on him and clawing him in the back. Warning: Unknown quintessence wavelength detected. Origin: Extermi- WARNING: VOLTRON COMET SUBSTANCE DETECTED. Extermia's claw glows purple, the silver metal rapidly changing colour. Becoming white. The same white as Voltron's armour. PRIORITY OMEGA: DESTROY EXTERMIA. Diego instantly forms his shoulder and arm cannons, unleashing two devastating blasts at Extermia. She blocks with her white arm, getting pushed back but not destroyed. «Oh, WhAt'S wRoNg? ScArEd Of SoMeOnE hAvInG tHe SaMe ArMoUr AS YOU?!» Extermia taunts, going in for another slash with her claws. Diego hastily backs away, not prepared to let himself get slashed again even once. He dodges her attack but then gets blindsided by Multexus, shoving him back at Extermia. She grabs him with her silver hand, glowing purple again. Diego blasts her away before being forced to dodge another sirenic blast from Multexus. White armour now covers Extermia's entire left arm and a section of her torso. OVERRIDE: PROGRESSION DRIVE TO 100% FORM ULTRA-WINGS. FORM BLAZING SWORD. ADAPT. Voltron suddenly glows like a star, his entire body shining white. His wings transform on his back, growing to equal him in size with multiple rocket exhausts and energy ports. In his hand, his sword burns with white hot plasma. «WhAt Is ThI-» Extermia is interrupted as Diego appears next to her, slashing her legs off. «AHHHH!!» She screams in pain. Diego raises his sword, ready to bisect her again. She suddenly grabs his arm. «NO YOU DON'T!!» She begins mimicking him further, gaining more and more comet armour before she suddenly recoils. «AH! WHAT?!» She shouts. Most of her body has new armour over it, only a small section of her torso still being silver. «WHAT HAPPENED?!» She shouts as Multexus tries to shoot Diego again. His four blasts simply bounce off of Diego's armour, not damaging him at all. SUCCESS: ADAPTION ACHIEVED. ARMOUR IS NOW REFLECTIVE AGAINST HOSTILE QUINTESSENCE WAVELENGTHS. ENERGY LEVEL: 34% AND FALLING. END BATTLE NOW. Diego advances on Extermia, his sword gone and his wings back to normal. Extermia tries to copy him again but only recoils, exactly the same. «WhAt?! No! No No No!!» Extermia slashes at him again, Diego catching her arm and crushing it. «AHHHAH!» She screams again. Multexus suddenly appears and rams Extermia out of Diego's grip, unleashing another blast at him. It only reflects again, hitting Multexus in the head. Begone. In less than a second, Multexus is destroyed by lasers, his body vanishing into nothing, just like Galvanus. Quintessence level: 1%… Diego floats in space, his Bayard floating next to him, Multexus is gone, Extermia is nowhere to be seen. To be continued… > Reflection. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reflection. (Previously) Begone. In less than a second, Multexus is destroyed by lasers, his body vanishing into nothing, just like Galvanus. Quintessence level: 1%… Diego floats in space, his Bayard floating next to him, Multexus is gone, Extermia is nowhere to be seen. (The conclusion) Uuuugh… where… am… I…? Why… can't… I… see…? Vol…tron…? I… feel… so… slug…gish… ugh… I… can't… feel… my… quin…tes…sence… I hear something tink off metal, a second later feeling a small nudge against my head. Aaaah… where…? So… tired…. My vision is blurry as I look around, seeing something white in front of my face. What… is… that…? I try to reach out and grab the object but my arms are dead numb. I can't move at all. Vol…tron…? Where… are…? Re-re-re-reboo-boo-boo… reeeboooootiiiinnng… I faintly hear in my mind. You… there…? Buddy…? Reeboootiing… rebooting… reboot… success…ful. Sys…tems… run…ning… at… point… eight… per…cent… pow…er… Es…ti…ma…ted… re…cov…er…y… time…: …one… var…ga… One… varga? That's… more th… then… an hour… Can… I… just… go to… sleep? I… feel… so tired… …Act…iv…a…ting… REM… cy…cle… for… dura…tion… of… recover…y. Hah. Thanks… buddy. (Almost one varga later) «¢×|°¶… ¢×|go… ®¥[ π¶÷ he¥• ]|. Di|^¶… an yo… ear ]|. Die°¶ ca[ πou he¥• me? Diego? Can you hear me, Diego?» Huh? Wha…? Kolivan? I say, a massive pain pounding in my head. «Diego, can you hear me?» Kolivan asks. Yeah, I hear you… argh… «Diego, can you hear me? We are one dobosh away from your location. I ask again, can you hear me?» Oh, right. Can't talk… through the communicator. Voltron? You there? … Doesn't seem like it. Can I move? I try twitching my fingers and straightening my arms. Nothing moves. Nada… I'm stuck. «Diego, we have arrived at your body. We are not detecting much quintessence. We can see you and your Bayard floating in space. We are prepared to tractor beam you into our hull, do you copy?» Kolivan declares. Reading you… loud and painful. Go right ahead. I respond, even though they can't hear me. «Activating tractor beam.» Kolivan says. «Whoa!» Kolivan? «It seems the tractor beam isn't affecting you. We're switching to plan B.» Plan B? «We're going to open our hull doors and move our ship till you are inside. Be ready.» Kolivan says. Alright. Ready. I say. A few ticks later, I hear something thumping along metal. What was that? Then I feel the collision. Ow. You couldn't have gone a little slower? A minute later, I hear footsteps. "Diego, are you alright?" Kolivan asks me. Trying to get my eyes to work, I look around. Well, I can't see anything. I reply. "You are lying facedown on the floor." Kolivan says. Ah. Well, I can't move. My body isn't responding. "I see. Men, prepare to move him. He is immobile at the moment." Kolivan orders as I hear footsteps around me. "Commander, what is this?" I hear a deep female voice ask. "That is his weapon. Bring it." Kolivan orders. "Yes sir." The woman says. I then feel something settle on my back. What is- My back explodes with burning pain. Ah!! That burns! I shout as my body jerks. "Drop him!" Kolivan suddenly shouts. I feel myself hit the ground, having been picked up by multiple people. An object clatters to the ground next to me. "What happened?" I hear Yarak ask as my vision begins to return to me. "He screamed about something burning. Did anyone see why?" Kolivan says. "I put his weapon on his back just before he moved. I needed both hands." The woman from before says. "His Bayard hurt him? Why?" Kolivan asks. It felt like… I was being set on fire. I think I'm a little sensitive right now and my Bayard seems to be triggering me. I don't know why. Recovery: Complete. Systems: recharging. Voltron! What happened? Response: Quintessence level dropped below 1%. Recharge period was required. Quintessence level is now at 12%. Recommendation: Grasp Bayard. My Bayard just burned me. Response: Correct. Solution: Voltron will manage quintessence flow. Repeat: Grasp Bayard. Are you alright? You sound… off. Response: Voltron mannerism functions are inactive, as a result of low quintessence level. Once quintessence level has risen, mannerism functions will be restored. Repeat: Grasp Bayard. "Diego? Are you alright? You sound worried. Has Voltron been damaged?" Kolivan asks. No, he's just… tired. He says I need to hold my Bayard in order for me to get my energy back. "But you just said that your Bayard burned you." Kolivan responds. Yes but Voltron says he can manage that. Can you give me my Bayard please? I ask. Kolivan picks it up and holds it out to me. Sluggishly, I grab the weapon, stumbling my way upright as I do. I feel the Quintessence flowing through me as I stand straight. Ah. Much better. Thanks. "You're welcome." Quintessence level: 25%. Status: Physical body: Unharmed. Quintessence levels: Recharging. Weapons systems: Becoming operational. Control systems: Operational. Quintessence engine: Undamaged. Division network: Incorporated and stable. Wait, what was that last one- Warning: Progression drive is dysfunctional. Current integrity: 29%. Engaging repair. Wait, my Progression drive is damaged? "What?" Kolivan asks. Answer: Negative. Status: Progression drive is operating at partial efficiency. So I won't be able to access it fully? Response: Correct. Continuation: Progression drive will be dysfunctional until repairs are completed. And how long will that take? I ask. Response: Unknown. Well, that's reassuring. "Diego? Is anything wrong?" Kolivan asks me. My Progression drive is acting up but Voltron is fixing it. I should be fine. "Good to know. Now, can you move?" Kolivan asks. Yeah, I can. I say, moving to stand next to Kolivan. "Good. Now, let us get you back to Mystacor, the others are worried about you." Kolivan says, walking into the ship. I look around at it. Are we on the Shadow? I ask. "Yes, we are." Kolivan answers. Alright. Wait, how long was I gone? "Almost two vargas. Why?" Then why are you here? Two vargas isn't enough time to consider me absent. I say, stepping closer to Kolivan. "It is difficult to explain. I felt as though something was wrong. When the feeling didn't go away, I organized a search. When long range scanners couldn't detect your quintessence signature, I knew something had happened. Eventually we detected you, near Galran space. We also detected a damaged part of a ro-beast. When we were in range, I tried contacting you through communications but you didn't respond." Kolivan explains. I heard you. Sounded like static at first before it cleared up. Heard you tried to use a tractor beam. "And fail. The tractor beam bounced off of you like a mirror." Kolivan says. Mirror? Well, I'm just glad that fight is over. "What happened? I didn't know you could run out of power." It can happen. I've been growing stronger to stop that from happening. "Why did it happen? Multexus is dangerous but I doubt he is powerful enough to fight you to such length. Was the other ro-beast dangerous?" Kolivan asks. That's putting it lightly. Voltron panicked. I say, to his surprise. "What? What could make him panic?" Kolivan asks. Extermia, the other ro-beast, has the power to mimic the material of anything she touched. "What?" Kolivan asks, confused before suddenly realising. "Wait, mimic? Did she mimic you?" Yes. When she did, Voltron panicked and took control. He tried to destroy her as quickly as possible but Multexus kept getting in the way. Eventually, Voltron activated my Progression drive to 100%. I lit up like a star. Slashed Extermia in half before she even knew it but she was able to touch me again. Turned almost all her armour into mine. However, before she could finish, I adapted against it. I think that adaption is why your tractor beam didn't affect me. The same thing that bounced it off is what bounced her off. I was about to destroy her when Multexus came in and made me lose my grip on her. Good news is, he's gone. Blew his head off then… then I don't remember anymore. I explain. "Well, we detected the remains of Extermia, I believe. We didn't detect anything else apart from you though. Do you know where the rest of Extermia and Multexus is?" Kolivan asks. No. I'm sure I destroyed Multexus but I'm not sure about Extermia. "We shall deal with that when the time arises. For now, let's go back to Mystacor." Kolivan says as we arrive at the bridge. "Helmsman. Take us to Mystacor." "Yes commander." Two vargas later, we arrive back at Mystacor. The princesses and captains weren't happy. Especially the captains. They were worried sick. After a long round of apologies, I decided to go have some rest. Even though I was recharging, I was mentally exhausted. Thankfully, as I was leaving, I heard an uplifting message. The landing platform was almost completed. > Updates. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updates. After a rather long rest, I decided to try and help out at the landing platform. We were nearing completion and any help would be appreciated. So, making my way down to the site, I asked around if there was anything that needed doing. Yarak said that I could help with integrating some much needed tech in the center of the platform, an alignment array. The job wasn't too complicated, especially not for Voltron. With his guidance, I installed the array flawlessly. I then decided that I needed to get some more training done. I wouldn't end up helpless like before again. (Transition! The Heart) "Your Eminence. We have lost contact with both Multexus and Extermia and have not received any transmissions for ten vargas. We believe they have been destroyed." A druid reports, bowing before his emperor. "As expected. Atchor failed for the last time." Zarkon remarked, his voice emotionless. "Shall we prepare an armada for retaliation?" The druid asks. "Hmmm. No." Zarkon replies. "No, my lord?" The druid parrots, confused. "Let them think they have won, for now. Prepare the Clanmürl, Drule and Varkon armadas. Tell the commanders, I want them prepared, better than the Vox, better than they have ever been. Tell them that if they fail, there will be nowhere they can run. Tell them to be ready on my command. Do you understand?" Emperor Zarkon says as he stands from his throne and faces the druid. "Clear as scaultrite, your Eminence." "Good. Dismissed." Zarkon says, the druid vanishing to carry out his orders. Atchor may have failed to kill you, but I know she almost destroyed you. And if you think she was a challenge, you will not stand a chance to defeat me. Celebrate while you can, emperor Zarkon is coming for you. (Far off in space, on a dark lifeless planet) "ArGh! DaMn ThAt InSuFfErAbLe PeSt! HoW dArE hE bEsT mE AGAIN! I sWeAr, WhEn I gEt My ClAwS oN hIm AgAiN, I WiLl MaKe HiM SCREAM!" Extermia, formerly known as Atchor, declared, seething at her defeat and the damage she took. «Yes, it is unbearable, isn't it?» An unknown transmission enquires. "WhAt?! WhO's ThEre?!" Extermia shouts, searching for the source of the transmission. «Oh, don't worry. You have nothing to fear from me.» The voice responds, patronising and smug. "DoN't YoU dArE mOcK mE! I Am ExTeRmIa!" «Oooh, Extermia! Now that's a good name. Don't you think so?» The voice asks before another voice responds. «Get to the point. This is taking a very large amount of magic.» The deeper voice says, agitated. «Oh, right right. Ahem. We have a proposition for you.» The first voice says. "WhY wOuLd I bE InTeReStEd In AnYtHiNg YoU hAvE tO sAy?" Extermia counters back. «What if it were to do with a certain white knight you were cursing but a moment ago?» The voice says, surprising Extermia. "…I'm LiStEnInG." «Good! Now, what if I told you, I know exactly where he is?» The voice proposes. "I kNoW wHeRe He Is. I sEnT a Ro-BeAsT tO hIs PlAnEt!" Extermia replies. «Oh, so that was you? Well, do you know what he is doing there? Who he… cares about? How he trains? Where he lives on the planet? What he can do? Hm?» The voice asks condescendingly. "…WhAt ArE yOuR tErMs?" Extermia asks after a moment. «That's better! Now, we want to help you. But we also want your guarantee that you won't turn on us. So, in exchange for helping you, getting you back on your… feet, we want an alliance.» The voice says. "AnD wHy ShOuLd I tRuSt YoU?" Extermia responds. «Do you have a choice? I mean, you're stranded in the middle of literal nowhere, you're damaged and I doubt that rock has any resources that can help you. So, whadoya say? Truce~?» The voice beckons. "AnD wHaT iS yOuR nAmE, pArTnEr?" Extermia accepts. «That's the spirit! Welcome aboard, Extermia. My name… is Discord.» (Back on Mystacor) We return to see Diego with Hammer Strike, Spitfire and Spell all in the training court. Hammer Strike has Flickstone, Spitfire has Thunder and Lighting and Spell Blade has Osiris and a metal shield on his free arm. I wield my Bayard in energy blade form, standing across from the three captains as soldiers and guardsmen stand at the sidelines, placing bets. "Three…" Hammer counts, Flickstone at the ready. "Two…" Spitfire continues, Lightning raised and Thunder ready between her and me. "One…" Spell continues as the quartz of Osiris glows red. Go! I shout. Hammer immediately charges at me from the left, Flickstone held at his side. Spitfire flies at me from the right, Thunder still up and ready to protect her as she readies a thrust with Lightning. "!llɒdɘɿiᆿ" Spell shouts, launching a massive ball of flame at me from his position. I slice through it with my blade, the high density quintessence eviscerating his spell. Wait, why aren't the others hitting me already- "Second configuration!" Hammer suddenly calls out, him and Spitfire poised at opposite sides of me. The charges were feints and the fire was a distraction! I think as Hammer hits the earth next to him with a golf swing, launching rubble at me with his Walker strength. Spitfire beats her wings, sending a gust of wind at me from the other side, trapping me in between rocks and wind. The attacks collide with me in the middle, creating a dust cloud around me. Huh. Nice use of distraction, but that's not enough! I yell, swinging my blade and scattering the dust. I see no one. Voltron? Response: Quintessence usage detected. Explanation: Illusion magic. Can you still detect them? Response: Visual receivers unable to circumvent illusion. Quintessence detection possible. Locations: 90°, vertical angle, 70°, west angle, 180°. Above, leftward and behind, got it! With a wide swing, I shatter the illusion, revealing Hammer behind my left shoulder and Spell directly behind me. Both of them duck under my slash. I then raise my blade above me, feeling an impact as Spitfire is revealed, Lightning getting deflected to the side. I swiftly raise my other hand, grabbing Spitfire around the head and throwing her at Spell, distracting him. I then parry Flickstone, punching Hammer in the face a moment later. I jet boost myself to the other side of the ring, getting some distance from the recovering captains. Clocks ticking. I say, looking over at a large clock counting down. 2:23. 2:22. 2:21. "Yeah yeah. !mɿoɈƨ ɿɘɈɒɘɿӘ" Spitfire incants, the quartz in Lightning glowing brightly as a tornado bigger than Spitfire works towards me. Hey! That's a new one! I congratulate as I cut through the spell, raising my Bayard to strike. Spitfire hits me from the side, having moved in my moment of blindness from the tornado. Clever girl! "How's this for clever!" Hammer says, having gotten up. He smacks Flickstone into the ground, sending a ripple of earth at me. "!γʇilqmɒ ɿɘwoԳ" Spell incants, Hammer's attack doubling in size. That is so cool! I slash forward, destroying the attack. And now it's gone. I then block another attack from Spitfire to my side. Fool me twice. I then knock away her weapon and slam her into the ground, making sure not to put too much strength into it. "Take this!" Spell shouts as he tries to fire a spell at my right hand… Divide. …And then my arm pops off. Everyone, even the spectators, freezes. Not a sound is heard for several seconds. "AHHH!" Spitfire screams, kickstarting the reaction. The spectators scream, Hammer screams, Spell screams, even I scream. Hey wait. I suddenly say, noticing a important detail. Why am I not in pain? Answer: Division network. Division network? What is that? And why can I still feel my arm?! I exclaim as I move the fingers on my severed hand. Response: Division network: Absorbed and integrated from ro-beast: Multexus. Altered and enhanced by full power Progression drive, allowing for use across entire body and both forms. Division network: Allows user to separate and freely control any part of the body, allowing for damage aversion, multi-angled attack formations and reconnaissance. Continuation: Smallest possible dividable part size is 1 centimetre squared in normal form and one metre squared in full size form. So I can take myself apart down to centimetre? Response: Correct. Huh. "Diego? Are you… are you okay?" Spell asks in concern. I bend down, picking up my divided limb. With a simple click, I reattach my forearm. "Uhh…" Hammer drawls, confused. I'm fine. I finally answer. "Are you sure? Your hand came off." Spell states. Wait, I have an idea. Can my head come off? Response: Affirmative. Hehehehe. Oh, I'm sure. In fact, check out what I just found out! Divide. And with that, I pull my own head off. Everyone is once again silent for a moment. Cue the screaming. "AAAAAAH!" Everyone else screams again, the soldiers in shock and the captains in confusion. Some of the soldiers even begin fainting. Hahahaha! Hahahahahahahahaha! I laugh harder than ever before, my whole body shaking as I do. I even drop my head on the ground, still laughing as the captains gape at me, their faces white. Coming back to my senses, I pick up my head, shake off the sand and reattach it with another click. "Wh…wh…what?" Spell stutters. Hohoho. That was hilarious! And, a good display of my new ability! "New ability? What new ability?" Hammer asks. It's called the Division network. It allows my body to break apart into pieces, while still having control over each piece. I explain. "So… it basically turns you into a puzzle?" Spitfire asks. …Basically, yes. A flying, laser shooting puzzle but yes. "How?!" Spell exclaims. I got it from beating that ro-beast, apparently. That's what Voltron says. "Why did you take off your own head?" Hammer asks me. Because that was hilarious. And you have to admit, that WAS hilarious. "Not for us! You pulled off your own head! Never do that again!" Spitfire shouts at me. Alright alright. I promise. "Good." Spitfire says before everyone jumps as the countdown reaches zero. "Hey! We won! We survived three minutes!" Hammer suddenly yells. No you didn't! > Captain's orders. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captain's orders. (Jex POV) Looking over the training grounds, I could see many of the guards from every division working hard to better themselves. The Star Sorcerers were doing close combat training, sharpening their techniques and training to fight without depending on magic. The Wonderbolts were doing strength training, carrying heavy loads both on the ground and through the air. The large hay bales were helpful. The Earth Knights were doing speed and stamina training, constantly doing runs from one end of the training grounds to the other while also keeping their stamina in check. It was grueling work for them. The Predators were doing defence training. With how flighty Nighthunters usually were, it wasn't easy as their instincts were designed more for evasion then defence. Thankfully, their pride in their control allowed them to overcome it. They were doing well. Each division was being coached by their own respective captains, which were all taking and giving advice to each other. It was going well. With this, we'll be able to help and defend ourselves. And those who trust in us. I thought to myself as I heard someone walking up behind me. "Princess Luna." I say, turning to face the nightly princess. "You're up early. I heard you are usually asleep around midday." I say as she comes to stand next to me. "Yes. Thankfully, sleep magic is very versatile. Both in putting others to sleep and in keeping oneself awake. How goes the training?" She asks. "Fine. They're doing great." I reply. "Good." Luna says, looking down at the brave soldiers. I can see… something in her eyes. "Is something wrong, princess? You look… like there is something on your mind." I say. She looks at me with surprise. "I thought I was hiding it well. It seems my expression is in need of some work." Luna says. "You know you don't have to hide anything from me, princess. I'm your friend." I tell her. "…I feel as though I am missing something. Something… important that I've… forgotten or… left undone. I cannot figure out what, though. It is… troubling." Luna admits. "I see. Do you want to talk about it?" I ask. "Yes… but not here. Let us speak in my room." Luna says, walking to the castle. "Alright. Give me ten minutes." I respond, going down to inform the other captains. A little later, I arrived at princess Luna's quarters, seeing her sitting at a table. "Princess?" I knocked on the open door. "Enter, captain." She responded. I took a seat across from her. "So, what's been troubling you?" I ask, going back on my knowledge of offering comfort to other soldiers that I've had to help get through tough spots. "I… feel as though… I have someone walking in my footsteps. Someone who is always behind me but I can never find them." Luna says. "Do you think you are being stalked?" I ask, concerned. "No. It doesn't feel like the one following me has negative intentions. More, they are following me as a necessity. As if though, if they stop, something bad will happen." Luna describes. "Like… some sort of guardian angel?" I ask. "More like a sha… a devoted follower. But I feel as though they are trying to reach out to me and I can't hear what they're saying." "I see. Well, maybe some sleep will help?" I recommend to her. "I have tried to "sleep on it" as people say. The feeling doesn't go away. It only grows stronger with time." Luna responds. "Well, when did the feeling start?" I ask. "I am unsure. I believe it started after Diego healed me, after the monster invasion. But I only noticed it a week ago." Luna answers. "I see." A disturbing thought then enters my head, Luna seeming to have the same. "Do you think it could be Nightmare Moon again?" I ask her. She shakes her head. "No. I remember the sensation she brought when she corrupted me. It was cold and constricting. At first I thought it was pleasant, like a cool hug. However, when she began to whisper in my ear about my insecurities and doubts, it became frigid and suffocating. This sensation though, it feels more like someone is rubbing against my heels as I walk, poking me in the back as I stand or holding my shoulders as I sit. It feels urgent." She says, looking worried. "Well, has anything helped to calm the feeling?" I ask, trying to see if I can figure out a way to help. "Not really. The only thing that has done anything to help is walking through the dream world, helping to ease the nightmares of the citizens… and combat training." She answers. "Combat training?" I ask. "Yes. It sounds strange but during it and my nightly patrol, I feel at peace. The sensation is still there but it is calm and composed, instead of being urgent and… squally." Luna says. "Well, maybe so combat training will help?" I offer. "With whom?" Luna asks. "Well, I can help. Plus, I still haven't perfected my techniques with my Blade. I think we both could use the practice." I say, pulling my Blade from its hidden sheath. "Hmm. Yes, perhaps some action will help me. Then I can have some rest afterwards." Luna says, standing up. I stand with her, walking beside her to the door. "Alright then. I believe that the training room inside the guard barracks is unattended. We can go there." I say. "Lead the way, captain Shining." Both of us arrive at the training room. I have my Blade in hand and Vanguard on my arm. Princess Luna has a large black and silver scythe, Midnight crescent, in her hands. "So, are you ready?" I ask, standing across from Luna in a ready stance. "Of course. Have at thee!" Luna yells, charging forward. Here we go! I think as I block her slash with Vanguard. I feel the tremors from her blow. "Whoa! You're no slouch!" I exclaim, surprised at her strength. "Of course. I am a princess, not some dainty maiden!" Luna replies, slashing again. Can't afford to give her a second. Awaken, my Blade! I think, feeling the powerful rush of energy from my weapon. My Blade glows purple as it grows in size, forming into a greatsword, the large weapon feeling like a feather in my hand. Luna smiles as I parry her strike. "Now begins a true battle!" Luna shouts, clothing herself in magic. She darts at me, scythe spinning like a wheel as she constantly keeps moving. Huh. Reminds me of what happened in my duel with the commander. Thankfully, I've learned from then! Luna attacks me from the side, aiming for my back. I bring Vanguard up between the two of us, blocking her attack and forcing her to change direction. Let's see if I can do this again. "You better be ready to dodge, princess!" I call out as I focus on the strength from my blade. Nine lives, shooting the hundred heads! I think as I teleport in front of Luna, Blade already moving. In less than a second, I've slashed at her nine times. Something's wrong. "A good attempt but not good enough!" Luna shouts from behind me, her body unharmed but her magic now gone. "A magic shield?" I say as I parry another strike. "The spell I cast on my body did more than enhance my speed, it also protected me. Now, again!" Luna calls as her body is again covered in magic as she charges at me, her scythe spinning again. "!bɿɒυϱ ɿɘɈɒɘɿӘ" I incant, making a large force field in front of me that blocks Luna's charge. She places her hand on my shield, her magic glowing. "Destroy." Luna says in an eerie voice, my shield instantly shattering, to my bewilderment. "What?" I say as Luna punches me in the chest, sending my tumbling and denting my chest plate. "Ow. That was one hard hit." "Oh, my apologies. Are you alright captain?" Luna asks, worried that she went too far. "No, no. I'll be fine. Might have a bruise later though. Now, xiᆿ." I say, channeling my magic through my shield, fixing my armour. "There. Now, let's go!" I yell, charging at Luna this time. She parries my downward slash, her smile back on her face as her horn and eyes glow with midnight blue magic. "Ha ha! Good. Now, on your guard captain. The battle continues!" Luna declares with giddiness. The feeling is infectious as I smile too, racing to confront her. (Twenty minutes later) "Ha… ha… al…right. That's… all… I can… do. I'm puffed." I say, as I lay down (collapse) on the ground. "Ha. Yes, that was quite the battle. Good show, Captain Armour." Luna replies, breathing calmly. "You… hardly sound… tired. You couldn't have… enjoyed it that… much." I pant. "I am an Ascended. My magic is more closely intertwined with my body and I can draw on natural magic to replenish myself. That is why I am not as physically tired as you are, captain." Luna replies. "But do not be mistaken, I thoroughly enjoyed that battle. Thank you for making me feel better." Luna says, bowing her head. "No problem. I enjoyed that too. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go recheck on the troop training." I say, getting up and preparing to put away my gear. "Very well. I do believe I should turn in for the day. I have a dream patrol tonight. Good day, Shining." Luna says, making her way out. "And good night, Luna." I say. Luna smiles as she returns to her room, her dark blue eyes glowing as she takes to her bed. > Prepare for landing. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prepare for landing. The day had come. The landing platform was finally complete. Today would be the day that the Blades of Marmora transfer their base to Mystacor. As soon as the platform was completed, preparations began. All the volunteer workers were thanked and taken to safety, away from the platform. The Blades moved in unison, each doing their part to prepare for the coming of the Dagger. "Move! Move! Move! We are on the clock! Transfer shall commence in for doboshes! Let's go!" Kolivan orders, directing his men to their tasks. "Diego, sector three needs a hand! Jex, be careful with moving that equipment! Three and a half doboshes!" Kolivan orders as he sees a carriage land near him, Luna flying out and heading to him. "Commander, I'm here to help. Celestia is informing the citizens of what is happening." She says. "Good. If you wish to help, sector five is available." Kolivan says, pointing at the area mentioned. "Understood." Luna says, flying over to the area. Suddenly, a large section of the sky loses colour, as though it was carved away. «Commander Kolivan, do you read me?» Kolivan hears on his communicator. "Loud and clear, sub-commander. Estimated time of arrival?" He responds. «T- three doboshes, commander.» The sub-commander answers. "Copy. Continue procedures. Out." Kolivan says, disengaging his communicator. Notice: Estimated arrival of the Dagger: T- 2 doboshes, 34 ticks. Understood. I think, moving a large claw-like machine away from the main platform. Today's the day. I say, awaiting the arrival. Notice: Spacial corridor integrity: 100%. Odds of transfer failure: 0.01%. T- 1 dobosh, 76 ticks. Today is definitely going to be busy. Checking the troops, making my way to the platform and now helping with the final stretch. Today is a big day, that's that's for sure. I think as I use my magic to help the other Blades carry equipment away from the platform. The hole in the sky was a surprise but I've learned to roll with it. Hard to surprise someone that's friends with a sentient super robot. The technology here is astounding, truly. As I helped teleport the rebels throughout the area, I thought of all that had happened since my return. So many new things. For a moment, I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. The feeling was familiar. The sensation of anticipation I felt from it was almost welcome. I knew that I would be ready for anything that came my way. "1 dobosh! All the equipment has been removed! All Blades, Diego and princess Luna, move to the observation shelter!" Kolivan orders as the corridor begins to enlarge. I fly to the observation shelter. «Engaging transfer. We'll see you when we get there.» "Affirmative." Kolivan says, turning and moving towards the large building adjacent to the landing platform. Entering the building, he sees the amassed number of Blades and various different humans. Standing next to me, he begins counting. "Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One!" For a moment, all is silent. Then the corridor suddenly pulses, a massive jagged knife-like space station appearing in orbit. "Wow." Shining says, entranced by the black marvel of technology. "Truly a spectacle." Luna says, many of the others in the building agreeing with her. The Blades look on with recognition and relief. "Alright, no time for talking. Blades, as soon as the Dagger is in place, begin docking procedure Alpha. " Kolivan says, the Blades getting ready to move. The landing platform comes alive, massive arms extending upwards as the Dagger enters the atmosphere. The citizens stare in awe. Suddenly, thrusters on the sides of the Dagger ignite, slowing it down and guiding it towards the platform. A few ticks later, the arms of the platform grab onto the sides of the Dagger as the center of it opens up to a myriad of different machines. The arms of the platform guide the tip of the Dagger into place, the machines inside forming into supports. In less than a dobosh, the Dagger is held in place and completely resting on the platform. "Landing successful." Kolivan declares. The crowd of citizens all cheer as the blades make their way out, heading to the Dagger. Need a hand with unpacking? I ask the commander. "No, that will not be necessary. If there is a problem, I shall call for you." Kolivan says. Alright. I'll be here if you need me. I say, looking out the window at the large monolithic machine. "Thank you. …And…" Kolivan trails off, looking at me intently. "Come see me this afternoon. I shall be in my quarters in the Dagger. Ask Yarak or Zur to show you the way." Kolivan tells me. Gotcha. Talk to you at five? I ask him. "Six. Come see me at six." He answers. Alright. See you then. I tell him. Guess it's time for us to have that talk. I think, remembering the important conversation I had with him weeks ago. Looking at the Dagger as the Blades reunite and start working together, carrying and shipping multiple machines and supplies. "Do you know what those big things they're moving are?" Shining asks me. No. Lemme check. Voltron? Analysis: machines unknown. Scan of structure reveals Fast Than Light transport technology. Those don't look like ships. Response: Affirmative. Continuation: Machines appear to be transport bays, capable of sending enclosed capsules or medium sized ships across ultra-long distances at FTL speed. So they're fast travel machines? I ask. Answer: Mostly. FTL bays appear to only possess one way travel. So it's a machine that can send other stuff to places but can't bring them back? "A one way teleporter?" Shining asks. Response: That is correct. So we can send things places but then they have to come back themselves. I guess that can have uses. "I can think of a few." Luna says, raising her hands to her chest level. "Transportation of resources, refugee travel, long duration scouting missions and if it can transport ships, ambushes and transportation of backup for existing ships or outposts." Luna counts on her fingers. "That does sound useful." Shining agrees. And it looks like they're testing them. Look. I say, pointing at an area to the side of the platform, closer to the Quintessence Forest. There, it looks like a FTL bay has been deployed and they are using it. A pair of Blades places a large box in the center of the archway-esque machine, it glowing bright purple as the Blades move away. The box suddenly disappears in a white flash, the Blades standing still for a moment before raising their hands in celebration. Three ticks later, the box reappears, this time with another box next to it. Again, the rebels celebrate. "Well, it looks like the machine works. And it also looks like these aren't the only ones there are. There must be more of them in Galran space." Shining says. Probably at their bases. It will definitely make getting to Galran space easier and maybe even faster too. "Definitely. Anyway, I should probably get going." Shining says, his horn glowing. What's up? Something important? I ask him. "Date with Cadence. We haven't had one in forever so tonight, I'm taking her out dancing." Shining smiles. Oh. Well, have fun on your date. I say, Luna parroting me. "Thanks." Shining says before he vanishes. I continue looking out the window, Luna standing to my right with a smile on her face. Notice: … Voltron? Something wrong buddy? Response: Disregard previous notice. False data deselected. Alright, if you say so. I think, a little confused by Voltron's sudden stutter. Analysis: Unknown quintessence fluctuation detected. Source: Princess Luna. Six o'clock. It turns out, the hallways in the Dagger are extremely complicated. Yarak says it takes weeks of training just to get used to the layout. Thankfully, a combination of Yarak guiding me and Voltron memorising the layout will help later. I stand in front of the door to Kolivan's quarters. I knock. "Enter, Diego." Kolivan says from the other side. Kolivan's room is surprisingly small, only having a bed, desk, wardrobe and what looks like it's own restroom. The walls barely had anything on them except a pair of star maps. So. I say. "So." Kolivan says, sitting at his desk. I take the large seat across from him. "I have taken what you informed me of to heart." I'm glad to hear that. "I shall make this brief. I do not care about what you said. There are things about… Legendary Defender, was it? There are things about Legendary Defender that are worth noting. The Alteans, Lotor, Haggar, the Komar. But, other than these things possibly occurring, I have decided that Legendary Defender and this universe do not concern each other. Yes, there are undeniable similarities between the two but that means nothing if the events of Legendary Defender have not or do not happen here. We shall stay alert for anything the galra do, just as we did before. If these events come to pass, we shall fight them just as we fight the galra. That is all. Do you understand?" Scaultrite clear, commander. The only thing that matters is defeating the Galra. If they throw something familiar at us, we use our knowledge to deal with it. If not, I will face them like I have before. "And I will be glad to have you on my side." We both say in unison. Suddenly, we both hear a commotion outside. Suddenly, the door to Kolivan's quarters is urgently knocked on. "Enter." Kolivan says, the door opening. "Commander, we've received another distress call." A woman says. "From where?" Kolivan asks. "The Burrowgaia base." She answers. "The dense weather planet? The galra must be trying to strengthen their hold on the galaxy. We need to send troops there before they entrench themselves." Loopbaan says, standing up. Send me. I say. "I will have to issue an order again for the Blades to mobilize to Bega Ganna." The Burrowgaia base, I understand. Will I have to transmit it? "No. With the Dagger here, we have the capability to send long range messages now. The Fast travel bays should be becoming operational. Use one of them to get to Bega Ganna." Understood. I'll go there now. I say, passing by the woman who delivered the message and heading for the docking bay, the winding corridors as familiar to me as the wings on my back. > Not-so-Clear day. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not-so-Clear day. Exiting the Dagger from the launching bay, I fly straight at one of the FTL bays. Landing a tick later, to the surprise of some Blades, I walk up to the control panel, placing my hand on it. "Sir Diego? What's going on?" One asks me. Voltron, do the thing. Response: Affirmative. "Answer: Commander Kolivan has received a message that a Blades of Marmora base has been attacked. User will use Faster Than Light transport bay to teleport to corresponding planet and eliminate Galran forces." Voltron explains. "What? Which base? And you can't go on your own!" The Blade replies. "Counterpoint: User has done so before. Continuation: Base Bega Ganna." "Bega Ganna? The Burrowgaia base? Why would the Galra occupy that planet?" "Response: Playing data file: The galra must be trying to strengthen their hold on the galaxy." Voltron says, replaying what Kolivan said three doboshes ago. "Of course. Do you want us to transport you there?" The Blade asks. "Answer: No need. We can do it." Something's wrong. I can't lock on to Bega Ganna. I think, trying for the fourth time. Recommendation: Allow me. Knock yourself out. … Warning: Unknown signal is interfering with transport aperture. Cannot materialize near Burrowgaia. How close can you get? I ask. Calculation: Five parsecs. That will do. Notice: Location aperture stable. Transportation is a go. Gotcha. I think, stepping into the bay. "Good luck, sir Diego!" The Blade says as I am covered in white energy. I salute him as I vanish. (Galran space) I reappear, floating in space. Which way? I ask. Answer: Directly backwards. Thanks. I blast off, heading straight for the planet in the distance. A few ticks later, I arrive to see a round, mostly gray and brown planet, surrounded by a fleet of large and small ships. Voltron, call it. Response: Scanning. Scan complete. Planet appears to be in constant state of meteorological flux, causing constant storms and intense weather phenomena. Planet is surrounded by approximately two Galran fleets. Only two? Continuation: Planet appears to have been occupied recently but Galra bases have been placed. Bases appear to possess large scale Ground To Space cannons, allowing for ultra long range destruction of enemy forces. How many bases? I ask, expecting dozens. Response: Six. Six? Only six? Response: Affirmative. Warning: Reflection array detected above orbit. That explains it. With a Reflection array, they can attack from almost any direction. I say, beginning to fly closer. Response: Affirmative. Warning: Incoming attack. I see it! I say, dodging the massive beam coming at me. The fleet begins firing, raining lasers in my direction. I raise my Bayard, forming my energy shield. Suddenly, the barrage stops, three more massive beams coming straight at me. I dodge two of them, blocking the last one. I blast forward again, approaching a ship. Sentinel ships start swarming towards me, blasting me from all sides. The lasers bounce off, hitting a bunch of the small ships and leaving me undamaged. I almost forgot about that! Six beams of purple death all converge on me, all striking me at the same time. I suddenly become a star as rays of quintessence bounce off me and strike dozens of ships. Cool! I shout, not feeling any pain. The beams now fully refracted away from me, I charge at one of the ships, energy blade in hand. Let's show them what we can do! I shout, power flowing through me. I slash at the ship in front of me in a downward arc, slicing it in two. Another two beams come racing at me, plowing through the remains of the ship and causing a huge explosion. What are they doing?! That was their own- whoa! I get blown back by the shockwave, launching me into a kamikaze rush of sentinel ships. All of them explode, sticky bombs adding to the explosion. Gah. Looks like I can't reflect explosions. Notice: You can block them. Voltron says as I destroy another convoy of ships with a slash. Thanks. I respond. Now, let's teach these guys a LESSON! I shout, my Bayard glowing white with my determination. I charge at another large ship, the Ion cannon on top pointing straight at me. It fires, the beam bouncing off my body and barely slowing me down. Progression drive level: 50% I slash down with my Bayard, the shaft of my weapon not even stopping as it rips through the particle barrier around the Ion cannon, continuing to cut the Ion cannon in two and severely damage the ship. Four beams converge on the ship, destroying it and causing it to explode. Gah! What are they doing, trying to blow me up with their own ships?! I exclaim. Response: Most likely. Recommended course of action: Target GTS bases and Reflection array. Good idea! I shout, weapon in hand and jets glowing. Another beam rains down on me. I thrust the tip of my weapon forward, charging through the beam until I hit something solid. I slash downwards, heavily damaging the reflective plate. Three more beams converge on me. They just don't learn. I think as I stab the point of my weapon into the plate beneath me, catapulting it at the beams, letting them destroy their own technology. I fly straight at the planet, ignoring the lasers bouncing off me as I enter the atmosphere. Voltron. Find the GTS's. Response: Understood. Scanning… bases found. Ten four. I say, flying straight at the closest base. In barely any time, I start getting shot at by ground troops, the large donut shaped base also still firing at me. Piercing through one of the shots, I hook a small ship with the back of my weapon, throwing it at the ship like a sack of potatoes. It explodes against the side as I follow through, piercing through the metal like paper and going to town on the mechanisms inside. Eventually, I find the core as the base charges up for another shot. Stabbing the core, I watch as the energy builds, quickly reaching critical levels. Flying out the hole in the center, I watch as the base explodes in purple. One down, five to go. Let's do this! ENGAGE. Diego grows to his full size, now towering into the sky. He flies to the next base, another ship directly behind him. The base fires at Diego. DIVIDE. Diego splits in two, straight down the middle, letting the blast destroy the ship behind him. The two halves each raise their arms at the base, firing lasers down on it. The base explodes just like the last as Diego makes his way to the next, reforming back together. Two blasts fall on Diego again, simply reflecting back up. Deciding to finish this now, Diego locks on to all four remaining bases, forming his shoulder cannon. He fires dozens of beams, all traveling to four different locations. Ships begin appearing in the skies, raining purple lasers down on him. Engage Quintessence engine. Facing his body upwards, Diego absorbs all the lasers, pulling the ships closer as he does. In response, the ships stop firing, now trying to get away. DIVIDE. DISCHARGE. Splitting into hundreds of pieces, Diego unleashes all the quintessence he absorbed, disintegrating the ships. Remaining forces: Three low class battleships. Target: Reflection array. All the pieces scatter into the sky, targeting the irritating pieces of technology as well as any Galra ship. In simple doboshes, the Galran force is completely destroyed. Reforming together, Diego's entire body glows as he shrinks. Disengage. Phew. Hah. That… actually tired me out. Sheesh, I feel like I just ran a marathon. Voltron, how's my power? Response: 34%. 34? No wonder I feel tired. Will I be able to recharge? Response: Affirmative. Quintessence amplification recommended. Right. Let's go find a nice clearing then. > Mission successful. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission successful. Flying through the intense storm, I searched for a forest or grassy terrain, finding next to nothing. I barely see any vegetation. How does anything survive here without vegetation? Response: Vegetation detected underground, including artificial sunlight machines located in large caves. So they live completely in caves. With this weather, I guess that's understandable. Well, are there any spots with even some plants or trees? Response: Affirmative. Marking location. Voltron says, showing me a crevice shielded from the wind by cliffs. That'll work. I think, flying towards the gorge in the ground. Landing a couple ticks later, I remove the Bayard from the port in my chest, merging it with my wings moments later. Form super-wings. Formation successful: Beginning quintessence amplification. Progression drive at 20%. My body glows white as I start releasing a small amount of quintessence, letting it soak into the ground before drawing it in again, my heart amplifying the life energy. (At the same time) (The Heart) "Your Eminence. The Burrowgaia occupation has… failed. The White Knight… destroyed all our forces." A Galra lieutenant reports, handing his emperor a data pad, nervously anxious and crestfallen. "As expected. A measly two fleets wouldn't be enough to stop him, even with the occupation bases." Zarkon remarks, voice dead and apathetic. "Sire, you… expected the fleets to lose?" The lieutenant asks, baffled. "They did their duty. Victory or Death. And with their deaths, we have learned so much about our opponent." Zarkon says, looking at the data collected by the hidden jammer satellites. "You mean, the fleets were nothing but a… diversion? Some experiment?!" The lieutenant shouts, outraged. "Why else would I send two of my fleets to such a miserable planet? To strengthen my absolute hold on the galaxy? To recruit spies from the pitiful creatures of that planet? No. The fleets did what I sent them there to do. Now, we are another step closer to beating our enemies." Zarkon says, looking at the lieutenant with his glowing yellow eyes. "My brother was a part of those fleets! And he died just so that you could learn some paltry information?! He was a loyal- AHHAH!" The lieutenant screams, a druid behind him, holding a ball of black energy to his back. Zarkon stands from his throne and looks him in the eye. "You dare speak to me in such a disrespectful tone? You dare question my authority?" Zarkon glares at the man as he cowers before him. "N-n-no please, lord Zarkon, I-I-I beg of you, please forg- ARGH!" He screams as the druid shocks him again. "I ask you a simple question, does this look like paltry information to you?" Zarkons asks, showing him the tablet, now showing restricted information gathered by the satellites. "Wh-what? What is- AHHHHGH!" He screams again. "Be silent." The druid warns. "This is crucial information about our attacker. Our enemy. And this is the last time you'll ever see it." Zarkon says before looking at the druid. "Feed him to the arena beasts. Make sure he says nothing until he is thrown in the pit." Zarkon orders, sit back down on his throne. "Of course, lord Zarkon." The druid replies, a spell sowing the man's mouth shut, making him try to scream in pain. Zarkon then begins typing on the data pad, his brain concocting new machines, specifically to counter the powers of the White Knight he has seen. "Begin production of these machines immediately. I want them done in less than a movement, understood?" Zarkons orders. "At once, your Eminence." The druid says, walking away with the silently screaming former lieutenant. Not much longer, then I can finally destroy you myself. (Elsewhere) (Also at the same time) "ArE yOu SuRe ThIs Is GoInG tO wOrK?" Extermia asks, scratching marks in the ground. «Yes. I created these runes myself. You're just making a larger version. Now hurry up, maintaining the connection and showing you the image is draining.» Grogar says, voice slightly strained. "DoNe. NoW wHaT?" She asks. «Touch the diamond in the center with a finger from your damaged arm. That will activate the rune.» Grogar instructs. «Who knew you'd actually become a teacher.» Discord comments. «Be silent!» Grogar shouts as Extermia strains her broken arm over the circle, being careful to not touch any of the marks. She touches the center, lighting up the glyph with full yellow light. "It'S wOrKiNg! ThE rUnE iS- AH!" She suddenly screams, her dented arm expanding back into shape. "YoU dIdN't SaY iT wOuLd HuRt!" She snaps. «It's meant to be used on metals, not living machines! Bare through it, it can't hurt more than getting cut in half.» Grogar retorts. "GaH. YoU aRe RiGhT aBoUt ThAt. CoMpArEd To ThAt, ThIs Is BaReLy AnYtHiNg." Extermia responds. «That's the spirit! Now, we're not exactly sure how long it will take for your arm to fix itself, considering that a rune this big has never been made before. So, in light of that, you may need to wait for a while for your arm to repair. While that is happening, you can make the rune to fix your legs!» Discord says jovially. "AnD hOw Do I mAkE tHaT?" Extermia asks. «By drawing… this.» Grogar grunts, sending her a new rune. "AgH, tHiS oNe Is EvEn MoRe CoMpLeX tHaN tHe LaSt OnE!" Extermia laments. «Quit your whining. If you wish to be fully operational again then you will do it.» Grogar says. "I dO nOt WhInE!" Extermia shouts. «Then do as you're told.» Grogar commands. "FINE!" Extermia yells, beginning to draw the other glyph with her intact hand. «This rune is supposed to be used to fix armour and weapons but considering your composition, it will work for you too.» Grogar instructs. "I uNdeRsTaNd. NoW sHuT uP aNd LeT mE fOcUs." «We shall contact you again in exactly one day. I believe you called it a quintant. If we do not receive a response, we shall assume you dead. Do not make me wait.» "YoU dOn'T gEt To OrDeR mE aRoUnD!" Extermia shouts as the connection breaks, continuing to draw the rune. Just you wait, white mechanoid. Just. You. Wait. (Finally, back on Burrowgaia) «Attention Diego. Is this Diego?» Is that the Blades of Marmora? Response: Affirmative. Frequency matches Marmoran communications. Respond please. Command recognized: Responding. «Attention: Message received.» «Good. We've received news that you were sent by the commander. From what we just saw, I can see why. However, our commanding officer would like to know what you're doing in that crevice.» The Blade asks. Tell him that we're recharging and that we can't say how. Response: Affirmative. «Answer: User informs you that we are recharging but we cannot divulge how.» «Recharging? Well, considering all that happened, I guess that's reasonable but why can't you say how?» The Blade asks. «Response: Information classified.» «Ah yes. We heard about that too. We have orders not to question that. How long will you take to recharge?» «Response: Seven doboshes.» «That's it? How can you recharge so fa- oh wait, don't tell me-» «Response: Information classified.» «- classified. Yeah. Well, we'll leave you to your recharging.» «Courtesy: Thank you.» «You're welcome.» The Blade says, surprised. A little while later, I materialize outside of orbit, now fully charged. Let's go home. Processing: …Beginning update of mannerism functions. > It's not a good idea to mess with the death-face-laser. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's not a good idea to mess with the death-face-laser. Alright buddy, let's go ho- Notice: Distress beacon detected. Origin: Galran squadron. A Galran squadron is calling for help? That's a new one. Can you feed it through to me? Response: I can. Feeding it through now. Thank you Voltron. You are welcome. «-tion! I repeat! This is Outpost Sigma 18! This is a code black! The Weblum has returned and our ro-beast has failed! Attention! I repeat! This is-» That sounds important. We better go check it out. Response: Understood. Retracing signal: …Signal located. Outpost Sigma 18 marked. Voltron says as I see an icon of a lion's face appear in the side of my vision. Turning towards it, I see the icon floating next to a star in the distance. Ten four. Let's go! Response: Going! My thrusters and wings light up, launching me to my destination. Arriving in two doboshes, I see a wrecked base hanging in orbit of a planet, large sections melting and destroyed. Yeesh. A Weblum has definitely been through here. Surprised this place is even just wrecked and still exists. Weblum must have left pretty quickly. But why would a Weblum attack an outpost? Those things hardly ever attack anything that isn't direct in front of them. Voltron, are you still receiving any transmissions? Response: No. Transmissions from this base have stopped. However, I am detecting more in that direction. Voltron says, a new marker appearing to my left. Looking in that direction, I can see a faint purple glow before a beam of blue light suddenly appears. Whoa. Zoom in on that. I think as my vision enhances, showing a large group of fighters and a cruiser getting chased by a Weblum, it's black carapace almost blending in with the darkness of space. Okay, why is it chasing them? Recommendation: Check the cruiser. Looking closer at the cruiser, I see a large greenish yellow thing hanging from underneath it. What is that? Wait a minute- that's a cocoon! Oh no, they didn't. Counterpoint: They did. The Galra have officially gotten dumber in my opinion. Let's go save it. Query: The cruiser or the cocoon? The cocoon, obviously. I think, flying towards them. Reaching them, I hear more chatter. «-#6, don't go near it's face! #4, go for the eyes! Damnit, how did this thing get so close?! Wait, what do you mean "we have another problem"? …Oh QUIZNAK!» I hear as the cruiser suddenly points its Ion cannon at me. Notice: That's not a good idea. Voltron says sarcastically. You know they can't hear you, right? Response: Yes. The Ion cannon fires, the beam refracting off of me and hitting a handful of the smaller ships. Idiots. Voltron and I say at the same time. I fly forward, heading towards the cocoon as the Weblum fires another venom laser. Warning: Be careful of that laser, our armour won't be able to reflect it. Why not? Answer: Our armour reflects harmful quintessence signatures, like lasers and destructive magic. That is a concentration of acid in the form of energy. Analogy: We are a mirror that reflects light, that is a plasma beam. We don't reflect it, it burns us. Gotcha. It's not a good idea to mess with the death-face-laser. I reach the cocoon, seeing it being held by tethers of purple energy. I pull out my Bayard. Ok, how do you think I should cut these chains without hurting the cocoon? Use my katar? Recommendation: Use your Armour-claws. With them, you can free the cocoon then return it to its parent. Armour-claws? Oh my gosh, Armour-claws! I completely forgot about those! Response: We haven't really needed them until now. Huh. I guess not. Deploy Armour-claws. Response: Deploying Armour-claws. Voltron says as my Bayard merges with my wings again, causing them to glow as they swell, wrapping around my arms and growing along my back, forming into a large backpack shaped directional thruster, my arms now covered with extra armour as my fingers turn into claws. Let's put these babies to use! I say as I fly closer to the tethers, cutting them with my claws while being careful of the cocoon. Suddenly, a sentinel ship flies up behind me. Buzz off. I'm busy. I think as I shoot it with a laser from my hand. Going back to the cocoon, I continue cutting the tethers before I notice the ones I already cut reforming. That's annoying. Voltron, is there a way to stop these things from regenerating? Response: Destroy their emitters. That could cause an explosion. Re-strategize: Freeze the emitters. Oh right. Forgot about that too. I say as my faceplate splits in two, my facial gun extending out and firing a beam of cryogenic energy at the glowing emitters, deactivating them. «Oh no, he freed the cocoon! All ships converge on the White Knight! If emperor Zarkon finds out we lost the cocoon, we're all dead!» You should be worried about me and Mama worm, not what could happen later. Although, I think I get his fear. Anyway, let's get you back to mama. I say, moving behind the cocoon and carefully pushing it with my thrusters. Suddenly, ships start advancing from in front of me. Looking behind them, I see the Weblum with its mouth open. Why isn't she firing? Response: The cocoon is in the way. Move up and away from the cruiser. Gotcha. I think as I move the cocoon upwards, shooting a few ships out of the way with my tail as I do. As I clear the ship, I see the Weblum's mouth glow a tick before it fires, devastating the cruiser and destroying multiple smaller ships. Dar she blows. And she did blow. I say as I look back at the almost non-existent ship. I release the cocoon, letting it float back to its parent. Here you go, nice and sound safe. I say as the Weblum looks at me. It then opens its mouth. Uh oh. I unfuse my Bayard from my wings, forming my energy shield as I await the blue deathray. … Nothing happens. Looking forward, I see the Weblum leaving with its cocoon tucked against its underside, a large crystal floating towards me. Huh. That was… wait a minute… I think as I fly forward, catching the crystal the same size as my body. Voltron, is this what I think it is? Answer: Composition recognized: 100% pure Scaultrite. Wow. I think as I look at the Weblum moving away. You're welcome. Now, let's go home. I can't wait to see the look on Kolivan's face when we bring this thing home. Theory: Most likely, he will try to keep a straight face. If he keeps a straight face when he sees this, I'm gonna stick my head through one of the trees in the Quintessence forest. Now, let's go home. > Beauty is in the eye of the lion. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beauty is in the eye of the lion. Rematerializing with the large chunk of scaultrite, I look down at the large beautiful planet beneath me. Every time I see this, I still marvel at the beauty of it. Response: Indeed. Another reason it must be protected. Definitely. Flying down with the large crystal over my shoulder, I seek out and land at the Blades headquarters, landing in the hangar. Kolivan, who looks to be inspecting the ships inside, walks up to me. "Diego you've returned. What is that?" He asks, looking at the crystal I'm carrying. Oh, you know. It's just a chunk of pure scaultrite. "What?!" Kolivan shouts. Called it. "Ahem. Where did you find so much?" Kolivan clears his throat. That is a bit of a long story. I'll tell you in your quarters as soon as I put this thing somewhere safe. I say, adjusting my grip on the chunk. "Of course. Engineer Tolkar! Bring a fragile resource transporter." Kolivan orders, a blade in thick protective clothing saluting and making his way out of the hangar, coming back with a floating trolley. "If I may, commander. What is that?" Tolkar asks, his voice sounding synthetic. "Scaultrite. I trust you know to be careful with it." Kolivan orders, Tolkar gasping at the crystal. Placing the chunk on to the trolley, I watch as it starts floating above it, Tolkar carefully maneuvering out of the hangar. "Now, let us go to my quarters. Follow me." Kolivan starts walking into the base. Coming. I say. "So, how did you find that much scaultrite? Burrowgaia doesn't produce it." Kolivan asks as we sit at his desk. That would be because I didn't find it there. Burrowgaia wasn't that hard, there were only two fleets there and a few bases. I say. "That's all? Why would the occupation force be so small?" Kolivan asks. I'm not sure. I'm guessing that it was because the occupation wasn't complete yet. "Possibly but something feels off. Continue." Kolivan says. After destroying all the forces, with my new upgrades, I started recharging. As I was doing that, Bega Ganna contacted me. Nothing too important there. After recharging a bit, I left orbit and was about to come home when Voltron picked up a distress call. Sigma 18 has been attacked, by a Weblum. "A Weblum? Why would a Weblum attack a base?" Kolivan asks. We wondered the same thing. So, we went to check it out. Base was in pieces. Parts missing, broken and melting. But it was still there. "A Weblum usually completely destroys something in its way." I thought so too. The Weblum left in a hurry and for good reason. Voltron detected more communications. I found the Weblum, chasing a cruiser. "Why?" The idiots, sorry, Galra had stolen a cocoon from it. "They were fools. There are few things that can agitate a Weblum and taking from it is one of them. What then?" They started attacking me, getting a few of their own ships instead. Thankfully, I managed to free the cocoon and move it away from the ship for Mama worm to blast it. I returned her cocoon but I thought she was going to blast me. Thankfully, she didn't. She went off with her cocoon and I found that chunk of scaultrite floating towards me. Then I came back here. "I see. And Sigma 18?" Completely trashed. It will take movements to fix. "I see. Good job." Kolivan nods at me. Thanks. I nod back. I'm going to check up on the princesses, catch them up to speed. I say as I stand up. "Of course. Would you please deliver them this?" Kolivan says, handing me a scroll. What's this? I ask. "Permission to begin production of ships and armaments." Kolivan replies. Sure. I reply, taking the scroll. Leaving the hangar with the scroll in hand, I start flying towards the palace. Warning: I am detecting an unknown quintessence signature however I cannot locate it. Can you tell what direction it is in? Response: No. I shall continue scanning. Keep me informed. Response: Of course. Voltron says as I land on a balcony, a handful of guards waving at me. Walking through the familiar hallways, I come to the throne room, hearing Celestia talking to a group of people. I enter, closing the doors behind me. Hello! I wave at Celestia, Luna smiling at me as I walk up to them. "Diego. You've returned. We will be with you in just a moment. Now, could you repeat that?" Celestia asks one of the men before her. "The decorations for the Grand Galla should be arriving in a few days, your majesty." He says. "Splendid. Now, I thank you all for coming. If you make your way to the kitchens, you may help yourselves to something to eat." Celestia says, the group of party planners leaving the room. I hand her the scroll. From Kolivan. I say, looking at both sisters. "A letter? From whom?" Celestia asks. Luna looks at me expectantly. Luna? I ask her, feeling something ominous. "It's from Kolivan. He's asking for permission to begin working on production of different machines." Celestia says, reading the scroll. "Well we better say yes, we'll need all we can get. With those monsters out there, who knows when we could be attacked again. Luna, are you alright? You sound off. I ask. "Yes. We better send a reply." Celestia says, pulling out another scroll. Lun- Warning: Princess Luna's quintessence signature is over three hundred kilometres north of here! That's not Luna! Voltron shouts through my head. Instantly forming my halberd, I rest the blade at "Luna's" neck. "Wh- Diego?! What are you doing?!" "WhErE. Is. ShE?" I ask, my voice feeling like gravel traveling up my throat. "Luna" smiles at me, her eyes shimmering. "Oh. So the silent saviour does speak after all. Too bad he sounds like a cat getting run over by a stampede." "Luna" says. "Sister? What are…" Celestia trails off as her eyes gloss over with a green glow. Princess! "WhAt DiD yOu Do?" I demand, a headache forming in my head. "Oh, no need to worry. Just a little mind numbing spell. She'll be fine." The imposter answers, her voice sounding seductive. "I rEpEaT, wHeRe Is PrInCeSs LuNa?" I ask, my headache growing stronger. "Now now. You're in no position to make demands. So, here's what's going to happen. I'm going to teleport us to my home. There, I'll relinquish Luna and stop the spell Celestia is under. In exchange, you will stay with me and my children. Understood?" She says threateningly. I lower my weapon, sheathing my Bayard. When I get my hands on you, I will make you pay. "That's better. Now, I'll just get changed and then we can go." A pillar of green flame erupts from underneath her, burning away her clothes and fake skin. Underneath, black carapace shines in the light of the green flames, green translucent crystalline armour hugging her body tightly. Holes riddle her body and green hair, a jagged horn on her head and fly wings attached to her back. Yuck. "Well? What do you think?" She asks, her voice vibrating like a fly's wings, posing in front of me. The only reason your head is still attached to your shoulders is because you are holding my friend hostage. "…What? Don't feel like saying anything else?" She asks. "Suit yourself. Now, let's go home, shall we?" She asks, her horn glowing green. Both of us are covered in a putrid green glow for a moment before it shatters. "…What?" She tries again, getting the same result. "What?" And again. "What?! Why won't my magic work?! Celestia! Why isn't this working?!" She demands. Celestia, who is sitting on her throne with a plastic smile on her face, answers. "I think it's his armour. It negates magic. It must be stopping your teleportation." She answers blankly. "Urg. Fine. We'll fly there then." The bug gripes. In a flash of green magic, she assumes the form of Luna again, opening a window with her magic. "Come along now." She wags her finger at me to come closer, her eyes glowing green. I am shooting you in the chest the second I get the chance. I think as the two of us fly out the window. (One hour later) Arriving at the monolithic rock in the middle of a desert, a group of beings similar to the imposter appear, she having shed her disguise again. We land in the shadow of the monolith, standing before the group. "Queen Chrysalis. You succeeded." One says, wearing more ornate armour then the rest. "Of course I did. Now, come on. Mr White here wants to meet his precious princess." Chrysalis coos, her voice patronising and grating. Voltron, can you find Luna? Response: No. I can detect the princess's signature but an interference is hindering us. The closest I can get is a fifty metre radius. Interference? Answer: a sub-wave signal is being generated from the hive that is interfering with my sensors. It's apparent function is the disruption of magic. That must be what's stopping Luna from escaping on her own. Is it going to hinder me? I think as we enter the hive, our entryway closing behind us. Processing: No. The interference signal is not affecting our quintessence emitters or transfiguration circuitry. Good. Can you locate the source? I think as I look around, seeing the winding paths and shifting walls. Processing: …No. The signal is interfering with my sensors, meaning I cannot directly locate the source of the signal. The closest approximation is a one hundred metre radius. Keep trying. Response: Affirmative. Voltron says as we pass by a large room, filled with pulsing green sacks. Ugh. This place is disgusting. Response: Agreed. "Just a little farther now. Your little princess is just up ahead." Chrysalis says as we pass another corridor, more members of the hive staring at me and licking their lips. What do you think they want with me? I ask. Response: I've analysed their biology but have detected a defect. Although their bodies are highly metamorphic, the reaction between energy and their cells is flawed, causing constant cellular decay. That explains the holes in their bodies. I think as we start walking down a wide tunnel, lights affixed to the edges. Response: Correct. Because of this rapid decay, more energy is required to perform bodily functions, easily causing rapid starvation and bodily deformation. So they need tons of energy- oh. That's why they need me. I think as we get closer to the end of the tunnel, coming up to a pair of large double doors. Response: …Correct. Although their magic allows them to manipulate their physical form, it also allows them to drain positively charged quintessence from others, as well as affect mental wavelengths. So they can steal the goodness out of you and they can brainwash you to do it. Our group arrives at the doors, Chrysalis's horn glowing as the doors slowly creek open. Response: More or less. Pure positive energy, obtained from an unaffected source, appears to be more effective in "satisfying" their hunger. And that's why they change their forms. It's better to trick someone and feed off of them than to brainwash them and do it. Response: Ye- Princess Luna detected. Voltron says as the doors open fully, showing a well lit throne room with a massive pitch black jagged throne in the center. Luna appears to be fused into one of the walls. "Ah ah ah. You stay right there." Chrysalis says as I try to take a step towards Luna, a pair of guards holding spears to Luna's throat. "Diego!" Luna shouts as she struggles against the resin binding her. "Shut up, wench!" Chrysalis yells as her horn glows, resin forming over Luna's mouth. I steam in fury. The look in Luna's eyes mirrors my feelings. "Much better." How come she can use magic? Processing: The magic used by the hive appears to be able to bypass the nullifying effect of the anti-magic transmission. Voltron says as I look at Luna. Don't worry Luna. I'm gonna get you out of here. I tell her. I see her nod. Voltron. Relay this. Alright. I'm here. Now let her go. "Command: We have arrived. Release princess Luna." Voltron orders. "Tut tut tut. I don't think you are in a position to give orders. This close to my throne, your great power is useless." Chrysalis decrees, waving her finger at me. Counterpoint: Our emitters are at 100% functionality. Continuation: I have found the source of the interference signal. Good to know. I say, to Luna's confusion. I raise my hand at the queen. "Command: Release the princess." Voltron says. "Don't be foolish. You have no-" Chrysalis is cut off as I lean my arm to the side, shooting a shot past her head and adding a new hole into her hair. She stares to the side in shock. "Notice: That was your only warning shot. Reiteration: Release. Princess. Luna." Voltron orders. "That… that's impossible. No one can use magic inside the hive except for changelings…" Chrysalis whimpers. Reiteration: This will be the last time we repeat ourselves. We order you to release her." Voltron says, the emitter in my hand glowing brightly. "Ch-children, swarm him!" Chrysalis panics. Changelings start flooding into the throne room, drowning me in bodies as their horns glow. Notice: Our quintessence is being drained. How bad is it? I mentally ask. Calculation: At current rate of quintessence loss, reserves will enter critical condition in 5 phoebs. Five months? Seriously? Well then, if they want it so bad, they can have it! Channel quintessence into armour plating, prepare for explosion. Response: Preparing exp- "Get off of him!" I hear Luna shout. Did she get out of her bindings? I wonder as my body starts glowing. "Be silent you-" "No! You be silent!" Luna shouts, her voice sounding different. Powerful. "What?! No, th-that can't be! How are you-" Chrysalis shouts. What is going on? I think as I pulse my energy, sending the changeling dogpile on me flying into the walls. Looking at Luna, I feel like I should be dropping my jaw. Luna stands free of the resinous wall. Her eyes are glowing azure as black smokey gas seems to gale into the room, converging on Luna and seemingly becoming a part of her. The same black smoke clings to her body like clothing. What is going on? What happened to Luna? Processing: …Unknown. Princess Luna appears to have had a spontaneous cellular mutation, which has allowed her to be able to absorb and apparently control an unknown substance that appears to resemble darkness itself. What? How? Response: Unknown. It appears as though Luna possesses the ability biologically and does not require magic to use it. That makes more questions than it answers. Ah, forget it, here they co- My thoughts are cut off as Luna swings her arm to the right, a wave of darkness flowing out of her hand, perfectly avoiding me and crushing a bunch of changelings against the back wall. …Holy moly. Nice one Luna. I comment. "Now is not the time for complements. We have a bug to squash." Luna says, her voice resonating with power. Understood. Let's- I stop as I hear the sound of teleportation, Chrysalis now nowhere to be seen. "Coward! Fine. Let us destroy this then!" Luna says, arms raised and darkness swirling around her hands as she glares at the jagged throne. With pleasure. I say as I raise my hands. Luna and I both fire, our combined attacks reducing the stone to rubble. Luna lights her horn, blue magic flowing to the tip like water. "There. Now, let us find that "queen". She is going to rot in the deepest hole I can find." Luna swears, walking towards the doors. > Beauty in Darkness. Shadows of Change. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beauty in Darkness. Shadows of Change. Moving through the shifting tunnels of the cavernous hive, Luna and I begin searching. Surprisingly, we don't see any more changelings inside. Unfortunately, I keep stealing glances at Luna. Specifically, the black energy swirling around her wrists. What is that stuff? Is it really darkness? Or some sort of dark matter? Response: That is inconclusive. Unfortunately, my sensors are having difficulty even detecting the energy. It emits no light, in fact, it seems to absorb light, it doesn't appear to have physical form yet it seems to have mass. No records of anything similar to it exists, in my records or Galra ones. It is truly a mystery. Well then, let's see if we can get some answers. Luna? I ask, still walking beside her. She faces me. "Did you find her?" She asks me immediately, her voice still thrumming with power. No, but… Luna, what is that stuff? I ask her. She looks down at her arms, only now seeming to notice the darkness flowing through her. She clamps her eyes shut. "I don't know and I don't care. All that matters now is stopping Chrysalis." She answers, continuing to walk forward. Luna, this could be important. Voltron says he has no idea what it is and he has extensive knowledge on just about anything. And from the look on your face, I can tell you recognize it. Please, tell me what's going on? I plead of her, standing in front of her. She sighs and lowers her head. "I do not know either but… for the past weeks, I have felt something following me. I felt something behind me when there was no one there. I felt a hand on my shoulder as I sat before the nobles of my kingdom. I felt a hand against my back as I stood before my soldiers." What? "I shared this with Shining Armour. I told him it felt as if… my own shadow was trying to get my attention, trying to tell me something but I couldn't hear it. He asked if I thought it was the return of Nightmare Moon but I assured him it wasn't. That feeling was urgent and active. And it felt exactly like this." Luna continues, clenching her fist, causing the darkness to pulse with her hands. Why didn't you tell me? I ask. "I felt I could handle it. The only reason I told Shining Armour was because he implored that I seemed off. But now, I feel lost and confused and…" Tears started dripping from her eyes as she stared at her hands. "I feel as though the world has fallen out from under me and all I can focus on is what stands before me. I am scared, but I cannot show fear. I am confused but I must stay vigilant. I just wish-" I cut her off as I envelope her in a strong hug. Let it out, Luna. I'm here for you and I promise I won't let you go. Alright? I'll be the rock you can stand on, as long as you promise to stay standing. I declare. Lulu melts into my embrace, wrapping her arms around me and crying her heart out. After a minute, she stops and wipes her eyes. "Thank you, Diego. I needed that." She says, her voice returning to normal. Sometimes, it's good to cry a little. Now, come on Lulu. We've got a- I stop as I notice something. Luna has a small embarrassed blush on her face and a small wisp of energy is leaking out of her side. Hearing faint hissing, I draw my Bayard and chuck it at a dimly lit hole in the side of the wall, impaling a changeling on the tip of my halberd. B*****d. I curse as my halberd reappears in my hand. Luna stares at the weapon in awe. "That's a new one. I didn't know you could get new forms for your Bayard." Luna says, looking at the white weapon. What? I think as I look at the spear-like axe, not recognizing it at all. Holy moly, I unlocked something! I shout in surprise, inspecting the unique weapon. "Unlocked?" Lulu asks. Yeah. I asked Voltron a while back and he said I have my own Bayard forms, not just ones from Legendary Defender. This must be one of them. I say in awe. I spin the weapon in my grip, turning to walk back down the tunnel. Come on. We got a runaway queen to catch. I say over my shoulder. "Coming!" Lulu says, her darkness calmly flowing around her. As we continue looking around, I look back at Lulu to see her looking down at the darkness around her hands. She looks to be in deep thought. Hey Voltron, any idea where Chrysalis is? Response: No. I do not know how but she appears to have masked her quintessence signature. Either she is no longer in the hive or she has hidden herself in it. Keep searching. Response: Of course. Thanks. Looking around at the dismal walls of the hive, I keep looking for any signs of movement. Unfortunately, with the walls constantly shifting, it is a bit difficult to tell what was what. "Where could she be?" Lulu mutters, looking around as well. Don't know. And with the walls changing all the time, she could be anywhere. Voltron is looking around but he hasn't- Notice: There may be a possible detection method for finding the queen. Hold on, Voltron has an idea. I say, stopping for the moment. Recommendation: I will scan the walls of the hive for quintessence fluctuations, as there seems to be a set pattern of change for the hive walls. Meaning that any changes not within the pattern may be because of Chrysalis. Good idea partner. I say. Gratitude: Thank you, Diego. Scanning now. "Diego? What's going on?" Lulu asks me. Voltron says the walls shift in a pattern. However, he is also detecting fluctuations from it, meaning someone is messing with the walls. I explain. "Chrysalis!" Lulu exclaims. Correct. So, if we can find out where the fluctuations are coming from… "We can track her down! Let's go." Lulu says, beginning to walk with me. Voltron, track her down. I order. Response: Understood. Tracking now. Voltron says as I feel myself scanning the walls around me. We continue moving, walking slightly faster now. Notice: I found her signature. She keeps moving through the walls, avoiding us as she shifts the walls around. She appears to be trying to lead us out of the hive. Voltron says as the lion face icon appears in my vision, moving around to my right. Ten four. Found her. I say, shifting my Bayard into its bow form. Materialising an arrow, I fire at the hive walls, hearing a shout of pain as the arrow lands. Chrysalis phases out of the wall, falling to the ground. I put my bow away as I hear her land on the ground. "There she is. Let's go!" Lulu says, running towards her. Right behind you. I say, running after her. Suddenly a wall springs up around where Chrysalis is, forming a room around her. Well, that's an inconvenience. Lulu, could you knock please? I ask, my arm swept towards the wall. "Of course. Open sesame!" Luna says, punching a hole through the wall with her fist covered in darkness. She flexes her fingers, the darkness around them shivering as she does. She seems to be thinking of something. "S-stay away!" Chrysalis shouts as the wall begins closing slowly, a large hole in her arm. I grab the edges of the wall, ripping it further open. Now now, that isn't how you treat your guests. I sass her, stepping forward with Lulu. I draw my Bayard, forming my sword a moment later. "Surrender Chrysalis. You can't win." Lulu warns her, her darkness winding swiftly around her body. The hole in the wall closes behind us, the only light now coming from me and Chrysalis's glowing green eyes. "No! I will not be defeated so easily!" Chrysalis yells, firing a magic bolt at each of us. Lulu blocks with her darkness as the second bolt bounces off of me. "You don't stand a chance Chrysalis. Surrender now and we can settle this peacefully." Luna warns her, her voice low and commanding. Voltron, relay this for me. Response: Of course. And if you don't surrender, I will kill you. I say, Luna looking at me with slight surprise. "Command: Surrender or die." Voltron says as I raise my sword at Chrysalis. Other changelings quickly swarm from the surrounding walls, quickly forming into a wall around their queen. Their eyes glow a malicious green Die it is. I say, raising my sword before Luna suddenly raises her hand in front of me. "Diego, wait. Let me handle this, please?" She asks me. I stand still for a moment, looking into Luna's azure eyes. I see her drive but I also see a spark of compassion. Alright princess. I'll let you do your thing. But if they step out of line, I'm exterminating them. I say, stepping back and sheathing my Bayard. "Thank you, Diego. Now, I wish to have an audience with your queen." Luna says, stepping forward, her darkness receding into her clothes. "An audience? After you attacked our queen?" One of the changelings hiss. "She kidnapped me and forced my friend to come here against his will. We responded to that. But it doesn't have to be this way. As my sister would say, "we can find another way"." Luna says, standing regally. The changelings part slightly, letting us see Chrysalis again. I can see that her arm seems to have healed. "I will not speak with you if that thing is with you." Chrysalis says, hissing at me. I feel tempted to raise my tail and shoot her but decide against it. "Fine. Diego, will you give us some privacy, please?" Luna asks, looking back at me. The wall behind me opens again, letting more light into the room. Alright. But if I hear anything, I'm busting the wall down. "Thank you, Diego." Lulu says as I walk through the hole, it closing up again behind me. (Luna POV) I turn back to the wall of glowing eyes, my cloak of darkness shifting underneath my dirty clothes, bits of resin still sticking to them. Ugh. I will have to have these cleaned when I get home. Back to the matter at hand. I think, looking Chrysalis in the eye. "Why did you kidnap me?" I begin. "Why should I tell you?" Chrysalis hisses at me. The wall around the room shakes with an impact. "Diego would like to know as well." I say, my voice sharp. Chrysalis flinches before glaring at me. "Fine. I kidnapped you so that I could have leverage over your friend. That thi-" I glare at her, stopping her hiss. "His name is Diego." I warn, my voice reverberating for a moment. "…Diego has more energy inside him then anything I've ever seen. If we were to feed off of that energy, we would have been able to sustain ourselves for years. Possibly decades." Chrysalis continues. "Sustain?" I ask, confused by her words. "Changelings all suffer from the Hunger, an ever present need for the light of a person's heart. Without that light, we wither and die." Chrysalis explains. "Light… do you mean quintessence?" I ask. "Quintessence? I have never heard of that." Chrysalis remarks. "It is the energy that Diego uses. He says that quintessence is a form of life energy generated by living beings. But why are you so dependent on it?" Their bodies don't function correctly. Diego's voice muffles through the wall. "What do you mean?" I call back to him, holding my hand up for silence, Chrysalis looking at me with confusion. Their bodies don't process energy correctly. It's why they look so withered and malformed. They constantly suffer from cellular decay, their bodies constantly break down so they need more energy than what they have to survive. Therefore, they need to absorb, as Voltron puts it, "positive energy" to live. It counteracts the decay. I hear through the wall. "Do you know why that happens?" I call back again. "Are you talking to-" Chrysalis tries to say. "Shush." I quickly say. It's a flaw in their biology. Diego answers back. "A flaw? Can it be fixed?" I ask, looking back at the changelings, seeing the holes throughout their bodies. Voltron says it may be possible but he isn't sure. "I see. Thank you." I call back to him before returning my attention to the queen. "Apologies. I just needed some clarification." "Did you just talk to him?" Chrysalis asks in confusion. "Yes. I am able to hear his voice." "That doesn't matter. What were you talking about?" Chrysalis asks. "The reason you need quintessence. Or "the light of the heart", as you call it." I explain. "How does he know about it?" Chrysalis asks. "Probably Voltron. A voice only he can hear that possesses a large amount of knowledge and helps him use his powers." I explain. Chrysalis looks at me with befuddlement before shaking her head. "Ugh, you are speaking in riddles!" She exclaims angrily. "Apologies if you do not understand. Now, back to what I was saying. You kidnapped me so that you could bring Diego here. What were you going to do then?" I ask. "Hold you prisoner next to my throne so that neither of you could use magic, then drain Diego of his energy so that my changelings could survive." Chrysalis decrees. I almost chortle in amusement. "That would never have worked." I say. "I can see that. First Diego starts shooting blasts of pure energy with no effect from my throne, then you start throwing darkness around while also not being affected by my throne!" Chrysalis huffs, her hand moving her hair out of her face. "I just want my children to survive. Is that too much to ask?" She looks up at me, tears beginning to fall from her eyes. "If you wish to survive, why did you not ask for help?" I question. "Can you honestly say you would have said yes? Can you honestly say that your people would have accepted us?" Chrysalis rebukes. I look down in thought, realising that she was right. Our subjects would have been appalled to help such beings. They would turn their back on them. "Now you see. Desperate times call for desperate measures." Chrysalis says. "I understand. You had to do what you did in order to survive. While I do not agree with your methods, I can understand your actions." I say, bowing my head. I lower myself down to the ground, hands on my legs with my head bowed. "Please, forgive me of mine. If it is in my power, I will try to help your kind." I say, to the shock of the queen. I hear knocking on the wall behind me. Luna, what are you doing? Diego demands. "Please Diego. I know what I'm doing." I call back to him. He stops striking the wall. I am right on the other side of this wall. If I hear anything happen… "I understand." I call again. Chrysalis looks at me with confusion and suspicion. "How do I know this isn't some trick to get me to lower my guard?" Chrysalis accuses me. "On my name as a princess, I swear to help the changelings in any way I can." I declare, a mark of binding appearing around my horn. "A mark of binding… fine. I hereby confirm that you have made an oath to me and accept it's responsibilities." Chrysalis says, to the shock of her changelings. "To the best of my ability, I will help you to make my children and I prosper, by the mark of binding you are bound to." Chrysalis decrees. "By the mark of binding." I repeat. (The Heart of the Empire) "Your Eminence. We have received word from the hidden armadas. They are ready for combat and they have begun mass production of the weapons you designed." A druid reports. "Good. Tell them to be ready for anything. We shall be deploying them as soon as the weapons are completed. How goes the quintessence mining occupations?" Zarkon inquires. "Quintessence mining operations are moving swiftly. Outpost Alpha 3 reports a rebel attack against the base. All rebels and infiltrators were executed. However, outpost Sigma 18 has gone silent." "What was their last transmission?" Zarkon asks. "Code black. The Weblum returned. Outpost Sigma 18 has been determined as being destroyed." The druid reports. Zarkon growls in agitation. "Quintessence acquisition is 10% greater than anticipated. The excess has been diverted to the hidden armadas." The druid finishes. Zarkon leans forward, resting his chin on his meshed fingers. "Good. You are dismissed." Zarkon orders, the druid vanishing a moment later. > Oaths and decisions. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oaths and decisions. (Diego POV) I turn to face the wall, feeling a strange surge of magic. Luna! What was that? I call through. The wall opens again, Luna walking out with a strange pattern around her horn. "Don't worry, Diego. I am fine." Luna assures me. I'm glad to hear that. What happened? I barely heard anything. Something about a mark? I ask, seeing Chrysalis emerge behind Luna. "A mark of binding. It is a pact made by Ascended. Think of it as an unbreakable vow. I have made a promise to help Chrysalis and her hive, as long as this mark remains." Luna explains. What? And how long is that? I ask. "As long as it needs to be." Luna answers. I sigh, feeling exasperated. Seriously Luna? I get trying to be peaceful right now but that's a bit much. Well, what happens if you try to break it? I ask curiously. "I cannot. My magic won't allow me to. I have made a promise and on my name, I shall complete it." Princess Luna declares. And nothing can be done to stop it? I ask rhetorically. "Diego!" Luna scolds. Sorry, sorry! I'm being a pessimist again. So, we better head home and tell Celestia, right? I ask, turning to face one of the walls. "That is correct." Luna answers. I raise my hand at the wall, charging up a laser blast. Alright, let's go. I say before Chrysalis stops me. "Do not blow a hole in my hive!" She yells at me. Well, how else are we supposed to get out of here? I ask silently. "Can you please show us the way to the exit then, please?" Luna interjects. Chrysalis looks at her for a second before focusing on the walls of the hive. "Yes. I can escort you to one of the exits. Follow me." Chrysalis says, flying into the air. "Pharynx! You are in charge while I am gone!" She orders as Luna and I fly after her. (Outer space) (The Lost rock) "GaH! FiNaLlY! ArGh! ThOsE dAmN rUnEs WeRe PaInFuL!" Extermia shouts as she stands up, her legs now fully repaired. «What do you expect? They were not meant to be used on sentient beings.» Grogar says as Extermia slowly stretches her limbs. "GrOgAr! GoOd, My RePaIrS aRe FiNaLlY cOmPlEtE!" Extermia announces. «About time. Now, can you fly?» Grogar asks impatiently. "I wAs AbOuT tO dO tHaT!" Extermia screeches. "StArTiNg ThRuStErS." She recites, falling back on her training. Jumping into the air, her legs light with purple plasma, carrying her into space. "HaHa! SuCcEsS!" «Good to know.» Grogar says. "Oh RiGhT, YOU'RE sTiLl HeRe." Extermia groans. «If that is enough of your childishness, we can proceed.» Grogar says. "PrOcCeEd HoW?" Extermia asks. «Can you return to Mystacor?» Grogar asks back. "MyStAcOr?" «The white machine's planet.» "Of CoUrSe I cAn ReTuRn ThErE!" «Then do so. We shall occupy the white machine.» "ReTuRn To ThE pLaNeT aNd HaVe My ReVeNgE. UnDeRsToOd." Extermia says, turning towards the distant planet. «Good. Make your way there and Discord will keep him busy. While that happens, you come to me. I have something for you.» Grogar explains. «And you don't want to miss it!» Discord cuts in. "ShUt Up AlReAdY!" Extermia yells. (The Heart of the empire) Zarkon stands inside a dark room, typing away at a computer. "Hmm. This will not do. He may be immune to my weapon. It will need to be recalibrated to deal with the threat. Testing must be done to see if the recalibration is correct." Zarkon speaks privately, looking up at his secret weapon. "Once you are revealed, all galaxies will tremble at my power. None shall match the might of Zarkon. Not even you, White Knight. You and all your insignificant friends shall fall before me. Just as my father did, just as Daibazaal did, you shall as well. None shall stand above lord Zarkon." Zarkon monologues as he continues working on the console, preparing to destroy his enemy. (And finally, Mystacor) (Fantasia) Landing again at Fantasia palace, a disguised Chrysalis and Luna in tow, we make our way to the throne room, hearing a large clamour inside. Entering, everyone goes silent. "Luna!" Celestia, looking relieved and of her right mind, rushes forward, tackle hugging her. "I was so worried!" "Do not fret, sister. I am fine. But I have something to-" Luna begins, parting from her sister before Celestia starts speaking again. "What happened?! I woke up in the middle of day court and you were gone! The nobles said that I was acting strange and that they hadn't seen you! I was about to organise a searching party… who are you?" Celestia suddenly asks, looking at the disguised form of Chrysalis with confusion. "Sister. There is something I need to tell you." Luna suddenly says, making Celestia look at her face and see the mystic lines on her horn. Celestia gasps as she sees them. "Luna, is that a-" Celestia is shushed by Luna pressing her fingers to her lips. "Let us all talk in private." Luna states, grabbing hold of Celestia and guiding her to her own room, Chrysalis and I following behind. A few doboshes later, all of us stand in Luna's room. "Sister, what happened and why do you have a mark of binding around your horn?" Celestia asks. "Please sit down, this will take a moment to explain." Luna says, guiding Celestia to her bed. Sitting her down on it, she begins explaining. She was kidnapped. She was held hostage as a being known as a changeling took her place. That changeling then forced Diego to come with her to her hive far away from the capital. The changeling's name was queen Chrysalis. She needed Diego. "Needed? Why?" Celestia interrupts. "Because she and her race are dying and they need the energy that Diego has to sustain themselves." Luna continues. "What?" "The changelings possess the ability to become the shape of someone else but they also are afflicted with a deadly hunger for energy. Because Diego has so much, she kidnapped me to force him to her hive." Luna explains. "Then why did she, did they not simply ask?" Celestia questions. "Because we were afraid. Afraid that you would say no. We were desperate." Chrysalis answers. Celestia looks at her with surprise before turning to anger. She stands up and moves towards the queen. I stand between the two. "Diego. Move out of the way." Celestia orders. "Sister. I have promised to help them." Luna says, standing next to her sister. "What?! She kidnapped you!" Celestia exclaims as Chrysalis drops her disguise, momentarily stunning the sun princess. "Now do you see? Would you truly have agreed to help a being that looks like this? Would your people?" Chrysalis asks, moving out from behind me. Celestia stares at her, looking up and down her deformed body for a moment. She keeps glaring at her before she sighs. "I… understand your fear. And your actions. But I still do not forgive you for kidnapping my sister. The only reason you still stand before me is because Luna is bound to you. Do not test my grace." Celestia threatens before moving away from Chrysalis. "Thank you, sister." Luna says, knowing that could have ended much worse. "What must you do?" Celestia asks Luna. "I have promised to aid the changeling's in any way I can." Luna states. "And in exchange, I and my changelings agree to return the kindness shown to us. We shall ally ourselves with you, in any way we can. Changeling's are excellent spies and espionage agents." Chrysalis adds. Celestia looks between the two, considering her options. She finally turns to Chrysalis. "If you indeed promise to help us as allies, as my sister has promised to help you, then we may come to trust each other. What will be required to help the changelings?" Celestia asks. "The light… quintessence, I believe princess Luna called it. We need quintessence." Chrysalis says. Celestia raises an eyebrow at her slip and looks at Luna. She nods. "Very well. The quintessence forest should have more than enough energy." Celestia agrees. "We tried that already. Those purple people didn't let us get close." Chrysalis says. I can deal with that. I can get Kolivan to give you a small section of the forest for your kind. I butt in, stepping forward. "Diego says he can help with that." Luna replies. Chrysalis sighs in relief before bowing her head to Diego. "You have my gratitude, sir Diego. And that of my changelings." Make sure you don't make me regret it. I reply. > Food for thought. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Food for thought. "So, as I understand this, we are allowing a potentially dangerous species of metamorphic, quintessence harvesting spies to have a small section of the quintessence rich forest, so that they can harvest quintessence." Kolivan summarises. So that they can survive. I add. "Yes. And we are doing this because princess Luna has magically promised to help these "changelings"." Kolivan continues. Through a mark of binding. "I do not approve of this." Kolivan says. Listen, Kolivan. I know this isn't an ideal situation but they are dying. They need help. If they don't get it, they'll suffer and die out. It's either they get a small portion of the forest or they use me. And I know you'll dislike that even more. I argue. "…Yes. You are correct. You said they would help us in exchange?" Kolivan asks. Yes. They have agreed to have some of their kind join the ranks of the Arcadian royal guard as espionage agents. "And how do we know they will not spy on us?" Kolivan asks. Because their queen gave me her word and I am giving them a chance. I answer. "…" Kolivan stays silent for a moment before speaking. "I will make sure that they are closely monitored in their activities inside the forest. If I find anything suspicious, I am driving them out." Kolivan declares. And you have my blessing to do so. I sigh in relief. Now, I better… I trail off as it begins raining. Looking up at the clouds, I see numerous pink clouds doting the skies, raining brown rain down on everything. "What is this? And why is it… sweet?" Kolivan asks, a "raindrop" having fallen in his mouth. Voltron, what is this? I ask as the rain begins to drench everything, strangely evaporating as it touches my body. Response: It appears to be chocolate milk. Warning: I am detecting a familiar quintessence signature above us. It is Discord's chaotic magic signature. Discord is back. I say. "Discord? That amalgamation from Bob's game?" Kolivan asks as he stares at the fluffy pink clouds. Yeah. Looks like he's causing trouble and he's apparently directly- Notice: Discord's position has changed. I am now detecting his signature in the throne room. He's in the throne room. Make sure nothing happens to the Dagger. I say, getting a nod from Kolivan as I take off. (Lulu POV) (A minute earlier) As I look outside, I see brown liquid raining down on the kingdom. "What is that?" One of the guards ask. "It can't be." My sister and I say at the same time, both recognizing the strange phenomenon. "We need to contact Twilight and the others." Celestia says, standing from her throne. "Now hold your horses, princess! Why stop the fun when it has only just started!" A familiar voice sounds from every direction. "Discord. Show yourself!" I declare. "Well if you insist." Discord says, popping into existence in front of us, caricatures of myself and my sister attached to his hands. "Discord. Why have you returned?" Celestia asks. "Why I just wanted to see you again! These puppets of you have become awfully mundane. So I thought, instead of playing with them, I'll play with you two instead!" Discord yells, proceeding to throw the glowing puppets at the two of us. Not willing to let the creations touch us, I whip a tendril of darkness through the air, sending the puppets into the side wall, where they both exploded. Celestia looks at me with shock, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging. Discord also looks surprised. "That's new. What was that?" He asks in intrigue. "Honestly, I am not sure myself. But I do know I can do this." I say, drawing in the shadows around the room. As the darkness funnels into my hands, I see Celestia looking at me with distress. I frown at her reaction but shake it off, focusing back on a baffled Discord. "What in the name of chaos is that?!" Discord exclaims with genuine confusion. "This is my power. And now, it is time for you to go back to the gardens." I decree. Discord's confusion turns to rage. "Power, shmower. I won't let that happen again!" Discord yells. I feel myself figuratively full of darkness, no longer being able to pull on the shadows in my surroundings. Focusing my power, I send a black wave of darkness at the draconequus. "I don't think so!" Discord shouts, waving his paw through the air. Nothing happens, my black wave crashing into Discord and sending him through the throne room doors. I blink in surprise. "What?! How did that not work!?" Discord exclaims, reappearing in front of me a second later with a massive mallet. As I block with my dark shroud, I see something white in the corner of my eye a moment before Discord suddenly is sent careening into the side wall. Feeling a sense of protection drape over me, I turn to face my friend with a smile. "Diego!" I cry out in glee, seeing his gleaming white armour coming through the hole in the wall from Discord's exploded puppets. Hello princess. Sorry I'm late. Now, I do believe we have someone to beat up? Or whatever he is. Diego says, turning to face Discord with his energised staff in hand. "I just contacted Twilight and her friends. They should be on their way." Celestia says, stepping up next to me. "Good." Checkmate, Discord. Diego says, although I do not recognize the phrase, I cannot help but feel it is appropriate. Discord looks between us, about to click his talons when a pulse of green energy surges through the room. Discord lets out a loud scream as green sparks course across his body. A familiar voice speaks. “My kind has been holding onto this as a tool from our forebears should you ever turn your powers against us. I’m glad it works exactly as intended.” Everyone in the room turns to see Chrysalis holding a black ball with green lightning coursing over it. “One of my ancestors invented this based on their research into a mythical place where few could reach. The legends say it’s the birthplace of Harmony but whether it is even real is unknown. Nevertheless, that research created a way to nullify chaos and other dark magic powers far greater than yours.” She says. Holy kaltenecker! Where did you come from? Diego exclaims. "Chrysalis? Since when have you been here?" I ask. "I have been here this entire time. I knew Discord would be here." Chrysalis answers. "What? How?" Celestia accuses. "Changeling's are natural spies and Grogar is one of the most powerful magicians in the world. I would be a fool not to keep an eye on him. Thanks to his arrogance, I was able to sneak a handful of my changelings past his defences and get critical information about his plans." Chrysalis informs us. Discord suddenly jumps at her, fighting through the immense pain he is feeling. "Don't forget about- gahah!" He cries out again, more green lighting arcing across his body. "Don't even try it." Chrysalis warns him. "You cannot surpass the Orb of Clarity. As I was saying, him and Grogar have been conversing with something called Extermia and showing it how to repair itself. It's coming towards Mystacor as we speak." Chrysalis informs us. "What?" I exclaim. What?! Diego shouts. "What?! Why didn't you say anything?!" Celestia accuses again. "Because I only received this information today and I had to get the orb before it was too late." Chrysalis rebutts. It doesn't matter. Diego swipes his hand through the air, silencing everyone. Lulu, Voltron says Twilight and her friends are outside the castle, go get them! I'm going to go take care of Extermia! Diego yells before suddenly flying back through the hole in the wall, rocketing straight up a moment later. "Well, the good news is that Voltron said that Twilight is here." I inform my sister. "NOOOO!" Discord howls in dismay. (In space, just above orbit) (Diego POV) I feel a final blue sonic boom as I breach the atmosphere. Looking forward, I see the maniacal grin of the ro-beast in front of me. Familiar white armour covers most of her body, only leaving her legs, butt and left hip exposed. She reels in surprise as she sees the blue shockwave of my sonic boom. «YoU?! WhAt ArE yOu DoInG hErE?!» She broadcast's at me. I am here to take you down, once and for all. «Response: We are here to send you to the scrap heap.» Voltron says. Whoa. Who knew you could do one liners. Nice one. I think as Extermia screeches in rage. Gratitude: Thanks. Voltron says to me as we charge forward. I place my Bayard in my chest port, turning the key on my transformation. Raising Progression drive level to 50% ENGAGE. Diego grows to his full size, meeting the villainous machine head on. Diego forms his twin swords as Extermia comes in for a slash. Diego blocks with his swords, pushing her hand back and slicing at her armoured side. She flinches in pain before slashing at him again. Assemble shield. Form sword. Diego deflects her slash with one of his swords before they both disappear, the handle of his normal sword appearing from his chest as his wings pop off. Extermia goes for a cross slash with both claws as Diego draws his sword out of his chest plate. His wings come together over his left arm, extending outwards into his Echo shield as he blocks Extermia's attack. «DiE yOu DaMn PiEcE oF-» Diego interrupts Extermia by bashing her in the face, slashing at her face a moment later. «AhH! DiE aLrEaDy!» She exclaims as she slashes at Diego's shield with glowing claws. Energy absorbed. Diego continues blocking, gathering more of the strange energy as he gets an idea. Slashing Extermia back, he brings his arms down to his side's, pointing his chest plate straight at Extermia. Discharge. Diego fires a beam of energy at Extermia, causing her to recoil back. Meteoric alloy detection diminished. Diego stares as Extermia looks at the arm that was struck by the reflected beam, seeing her normal armour again. «WHAT?! HOW DID YOU UNDO MY ARMOUR?!» Extermia shouts in outrage. Absorbed armour of Extermia is cancelled out by Extermia's absorptive energy. Adapt to exploit. Diego rushes at Extermia with his sword raised, aiming at her exposed armour. Slashing at her legs, she attempts to grab at him, her claw glowing again. Diego immediately bashes her claw with his shield, absorbing more of her energy again. Quintessence wavelength recognised. Adapting. Quintessence wavelength recreator synthesized. Adapting. Voltron is now able to recreate any unique quintessence wavelength absorbed by Echo shield or reflected by Reflective plating. Wavelengths will now be recognised and catalogued for future usage. Diego's body shimmers as it adapts to the new integration. Extermia ignores it as she charges around Diego, attacking him from behind. He blocks with his sword, parrying her strike as he turns to face her. Load quintessence wavelength. Discharge. Diego fires at Extermia again, striking her right hip this time. More of her armour vanishes. Form arm cannon. Diego fires directly at Extermia's face as his wings replace themselves on his back. He grabs her face with his left arm. She attempts to claw at him again but he stops her, driving his sword through the same arm he crushed previous. «AHHHH!» She screams in pain. She tries to claw at him with her other hand but the normal claws barely scratch him. She continues struggling for moments as he pulls his sword out of her limp arm. He raises it for the final blow as her movements die down. «JuSt Do It. I hAvE nOtHiNg ElSe LeFt…» She whimpers as she drops her arm. «…You were a powerful adversary, Atchor. You managed to scare us more than any other. Yes, you weren't powerful enough to destroy us but you truly did terrify us. Take pride in that.» «HuH. To ThInK sOmEtHiNg ThAt EvEn ScArEs ZaRkOn HiMsElF wAs ScArEd Of Me. BuT dOn'T tHiNk BeAtInG mE mEaNs YoU wIn. ZaRkOn Is CoMiNg FoR yOu.» Extermia says as Diego poises his blade. «We know.» Diego brings his sword down, decapitating Extermia. Lower Progression drive level to 15% Quintessence level at 43% Activate Quintessence engine. Diego's sword and arm cannon both vanish as the aperture ring of his Quintessence engine appears in front of him, sucking up and disintegrating Extermia's body. > Family talks. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Family talks. (Meanwhile, back on Mystacor) "NOOOO!" Discord howls in dismay. "I will not be imprisoned again!" Discord struggles, slowly shuffling toward Chrysalis. "You have been a source of great strife to all life, as has your father before you. This is the first step to bringing this world to peace, maybe you will use this time to reflect on your foolish and callous actions.” "Argh! Shut up! I've heard that… aagh… so many times. It gives me a headache!" Discord exclaims in pain, now only a few steps away from the queen. "How arrogant are you? You don't even have the intellect to beg for mercy when you have clearly lost. Your plan has failed and soon your reign of terror will be over. You can’t do anything now.” Chrysalis declares as Discord sparks with green magic. Suddenly, a putrid yellow flash fills the room. "Not if I have anything to say about it!" Grogar declares, his horns and body glowing with a dark yellow barrier. Chrysalis turns to him as green sparks crackle over the barrier. “So you are a fool too. Your barrier is barely holding up even at this range, any closer and you will be in the same condition as him. This artifact is only at half output, let's crank it up to full.” The artifact pulsates brighter, Grogar’s barrier shattering into shards as he is brought to his knees, the green lightning shocking him. Fighting through the pain, Grogar erects a bright yellow dome around himself. "Ah yes. The Orb of Clarity. The work of your pestilent ancestor, Pupa. I was wondering where it had ended up. Thankfully, it seems you misunderstand it's weaknesses as much as she did." Grogar says as he starts moving towards Chrysalis, the barrier around him standing strong. “Not quite. I was aware it was not strong enough to contain you but I added a feature to compensate for that fact.” "Hahaha! You call me a fool yet you fail to see your own idiocy. This barrier is light magic. Your Orb will have no affect on it!" Grogar taunts. “Wow, you made this easy. You do realise what changelings do best, right? It’s not quite quintessence as Diego called it but it will do.” Chrysalis raises her free hand, it glowing green as Grogar’s barrier does the same. It’s energy quickly being sapped away flying into the Queen's hand. "Choke on it." Grogar declares, his horns sparking as his barrier turns darker, sparking with green lighting as Chrysalis flinches back. His barrier wobbles for a moment before returning to its bright colour. Chrysalis focuses on the orb, Discord howling in agony as the wildly random energy that is his power flies into the orb. Green energy then pours out of the orb into Chrysalis, her body being filled with power. Grogar stares in surprise. "Ah. That must be the addition you spoke of. I must admit, that is quite surprising." Grogar comments. "Can you stop admiring that thing and help me?! This hurts!" Discord exclaims as the doors to the throne room open loudly, Twilight and her friends now entering the room. "Princess! We're… here?" Twilight exclaims, confused. "And with that, we are not." Grogar suddenly says, his barrier shifting over Discord. "Be warned, Chrysalis. I shall not underestimate you again." Grogar declares, vanishing a moment later. Everyone stares in silence for a few moments. "What just happened?" Rainbow asks. (Later, in Celestia's study) (Luna POV) I and my sister sit across from each other in silence. Neither of us have spoken since we both say down. Celestia looks at me with discomfort and apprehension. I decide to make the first move. "I'm okay." I say. Celestia blinks for a moment. "What?" Celestia asks me. "I said I'm okay. I'm not in any pain. I know you are worried about me. Rest assured, I'm okay." I inform her calmly. She stares at me for a moment. "…Sister, I… Thank you for that." She breathes. "Now, can you please explain what you did in the throne room?" She asks me. I raise my hand from the table as I speak. "Honestly, I am not entirely sure. It is an ability I possess, it does not require magic to use, Voltron says I appear to have it genetically but is unsure as to how. I discovered it while kidnapped in the changeling hive after Diego was attacked. But I can say with certainty that it is not a resurgence of Nightmare Moon." I finish, looking at the darkness now wrapped around my fingers before facing my sister again. She stares at the dark wisp around my hand with unhidden dread. "Are you sure?" Celestia asks. "Absolutely. Nightmare was a cold and oppressive chill that never abated. This… is like a cloak. A cloak of assurance and security. I feel as though I have a dauntless guard wrapped around me. Nothing like that parasite." I explain. Celestia seems to deflate, sighing in relief. "That is good to hear. I was afraid that this new ability could be something dangerous." Celestia says before straightening up. "Do you know how it works without magic?" She asks me. "No. I need none of my own magic to use the ability but it seems as though ambient darkness and shadows replenishes it." I explain. "Yes, like what you did in the throne room." Celestia adds. "Exactly. It also seems that I have a limit to how much I can absorb. While we were in the throne room, I felt all the shadows around me but I felt as though I could no longer pull any more into myself, as though I had eaten my fill." I continue. "And because it isn't magic, Discord could not affect it. His chaos stems from magic itself, therefore things that are not magic are more difficult for him to control." Celestia says. "And considering how powerful my darkness is, it not only is difficult for him to control but it also seems to resist him." I speculate. "True. Do you possess any other capabilities, other than control and absorption of darkness?" Celestia asks. "It seems to be tied to my instincts. Not only is it simple to use, but I feel as though it is a part of my body. I can feel what I can do with it. It also seems to protect me on its own." I list off. "I see. Have you tried experimenting with it?" Celestia asks. "Not yet. I am still learning how to control it. Although I am learning quickly." I say. Celestia and I continue speaking well into the evening, discussing and theorising. Eventually, it comes time to set the sun once again. "Well, this has been most informative. I'm glad we had this talk, Luna. We should speak like this again sometime. It was fun." My sister says as she stands from the table. "Let us hope it does not take another attack against our capital for that to happen." I joke, Celestia snorting and giggling as she walks to the window. I stand and make my way to the door. "Good night, Luna." Celestia says as I open the door. "Good night, dear Tia." I say, leaving for my own room. I hear a pop on my way. I see nothing around me. I look up to see Chrysalis drinking tea on the roof, she waves at me with a smile. “I may have taken more of Discord’s powers than I thought. I think I may have taken over ninety percent, I didn’t intend to be on the roof.” (Far away, in a dark place) Grogar searches around, his horns glowing powerfully. "Hmm. It seems those bugs have made themselves scarce. Now we should have some proper priva-" Grogar is interrupted by a loud squeak. Looking behind himself, he sees Discord pacing in a figure 8, muttering and cursing. "That little… when I get my claws on her… she's going to wish… hrah!" He lash out, a small chew toy materialising in midair and bouncing off a wall. "Ugh… son, if you keep brooding like that, it will take you longer to recover." Grogar says. "I'm not brooding! I'm plotting! When I get my claws on those wretches, I'm going to- gah!" Discord suddenly spasms, clutching his head. "That's it." Grogar suddenly picks up Discord, placing him in one corner of the room. "If you are going to act like a child, you shall be treated as one. Now stay." Grogar orders as he turns to his workbench. Discord sits on the wall, crossing his legs as he continues muttering. Don't think you've won yet, you b- "Gah! My head!" I will find you and when I do, you won't know the meaning of the word sanity. Mark my words. (The heart of the empire) "My lord. I was sent to deliver a message." A Galran soldier says, standing at attention. "Speak." Zarkon orders. "Commander Katasar and legionnaire Kalin report. "We stand ready to thrust"." He says. "Good. Dismissed." Zarkon orders, the soldier walking away with a salute. The time has come. Stand ready as the executioner readies his blade. For it is your head that shall roll. > This will be the day. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This will be the day. "You have been brought here for a simple reason. To follow me as we crush our enemies. Your lives mean nothing else. You shall fight for victory or you shall die. Today, a foolish machine thinks itself above me. Today, pestilent rebels think they have the might to overthrow my empire. Today, I, with you standing by my side, shall vanquish these insolent insects. You have been selected for your might, loyalty, numbers and your tenacity. You have never failed me before. Do not do so now, or you shall face the consequences. You shall be my vanguard into battle. For victory. Victory or Death!" Zarkon shouts, the many standing before him roaring in agreement. "VICTORY OR DEATH!" They all chant. "Silence." Zarkon commands, the enter crowd dead quiet. "The enemy we shall face is one you have heard of. The White Knight. One who deludes itself as powerful. We shall show it the true meaning of power! We shall show it true pain!" Zarkon declares, another cheer coming from the crowd. "VREPIT SA!" "Good. Now, let us begin the conquest." Zarkon says, turning to face the wall of the massive hall. The wall begins lowering, showing the massive construct in front of the Emperor. All the soldiers stand silent, shocked into muteness. Before then stands a nightmare manifest into metal. (Mystacor) I wake up the next day from another psychedelic dream, feeling refreshed but… off put. As though something is weighing me down or weighing down on me. I decide to get in some practice with my hidden back weapons, as I had been neglecting to use them. Hovering above the clouds over Shadowhowl forest, my Bayard merges with my wings, transforming them. They extend into my Signal cannon. Alright, let's see if I still got it. I say. I fly straight towards a cloud in front of me, shouting loudly. The Signal cannon fires, scattering the cloud completely. Banking upwards, I shout again, blasting through another cloud. Looking through the two large holes in the cloud cover, I see the pitch black forest down below. Scanning: Scans show there is a large population of Nightmali and other possibly dangerous species in the forest. Enough to be a threat? I ask. Response: Possibly. I recommend we lower the population, to prevent overcrowding and rogue pack migration. You read my mind. Response: Of course I did, we're both connected. Voltron sasses as I fly down, landing in a familiar clearing. Deja vu. I feel like… wait, is this the crater I landed in? I wonder. Response: It would seem so. Huh. That feels like forever ago. I say as I hear something snap behind me. Turning to face it, I see a pair of glowing yellow eyes peering at me from the dark canopy. Those don't look like Nightmalice eyes. Too glowy. I think as I turn to face the pair of eyes, hearing a low growl. More yellow eyes appear in the dark, growling and barking now filling the clearing. Let's try something different. Form Armour-claws. Command: Registered. Forming Armour-claws. My Bayard teleports up my arm again, remerging with my wings and making them swell up, armour plating forming over my arms and hands. Alright. Here boys. I got something to give you and it isn't a bone. I say, taunting the animals with my arms. They start moving out of the shadows, showing their bodies for the first time. They appear to be large wolves or hounds, made completely out of wood. Notice: They are Timberwolves. They are magical creatures that typically infest forests. Beware: They possess the ability to regenerate and merge together using wood from each other or from the surrounding trees. Voltron informs me. They can regenerate? Perfect. I say, as the wolves all pounce. I huddle close to the ground, letting the pack land on me. They all scratch and bite at me, not doing any damage to my armour. Three, two, one. Igniting my new thruster, I blast straight up, scattering wood everywhere. Landing a moment later, I watch as the pieces of wood all glow green, magnetising together. The wolves all start reforming, pouncing at me again. This time, I blast them with my hand blasters and tail, smoking the scattered wood. A familiar howl suddenly comes from the forest, shaking all the remaining wolves. The broken wolves reform, the entire pack running away as a large shadow stretches from the edge of the clearing. A Nightmalice. Been a whi… The shadow starts rising from the ground, a large familiar scarred head emerging from the shadow. No way. You again? I say in surprise, seeing the large alpha male I fought before. The alpha emerges fully, standing tall in front of me. It growls at me. Oh, I remember you too. I say, pointing my hand emitters at him. He suddenly stops growling. He stares at me for a moment, his broken teeth and scarred side glistening in the morning light. He takes a step forward. I prepare to fire, thruster glowing in preparation. The alpha kneels before me, body flat against the ground. Uuuuh… I think, surprised at the strange behaviour. I take a step closer, hands still raised to fire. The alpha simply stares at me with cold empty eyes. What is it doing? I ask silently. Response: It appears to be surrendering. Surrendering? Response: Yes. It seems as though it recognises that it cannot fight you and win, so it seems to be surrendering. Voltron says. Didn't think this thing was that smart. I say, crouching down but still keeping my guard up. The alpha looks up at me before closing its eyes, still and quiet. Looking at the scars along its body, I see what it wants. Oh. I see. You must be very old, aren't you? A big old man like you, you've probably lived long enough. And now that I'm here again, you can go out like your packmates. Raising my hand above his head, I rest the clawed hand on its skull, my emitter glowing. Rest now, warrior. I say, firing. The alpha's body begins vanishing, the magic of its self returning to the air. I stand, ready to continue my training. (The Dagger) "…Dagger, there is a …eet heading towa… I repea…" A transmission plays, staticky and distorted. "Unknown transmitter, identify yourself." "This is base Oscil …ma Kilos. We have detected a massi…eading towards you. I repeat…" "Communications, see if you can clear up that signal." Yarak says. "Yes lieutenant. …There, we should be able to hear it clearly now. Unknown transmitter, please identify yourself." The Blade says as the message repeats, now clear of static. "Attention Dagger, this is base Oscil Lima Kilos. We have detected a massive fleet heading towards you. Ten assault ships, ten carrier ships, multiple squadrons of fighters and what appears to be a ro-beast coffin is heading straight towards your location. You must leave that planet now!" The signal suddenly stops. "Send a message to commander Kolivan, NOW! Code omega red! Tell him to contact Diego immediately!" Yarak orders. > Meeting again for the first time. (Part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meeting again for the first time. (Part 1) I fly up into the air, flicking a twig off of one of my wings. Note to self, be careful with the Rail-gun. I say to myself, looking at the large brand-new trench through the forest. Putting my Bayard back into its storage I calmly fly back to the capital, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. «Diego! Come in Diego!» I hear Kolivan's voice in my ear. Feeling a sudden sense of dread, I respond. «Kolivan? What's wrong?» «Olkarion just detected a massive armada of ships heading straight for us. You need to go into space now! We have already begun deployment of ships from the Dagger.» Kolivan says. «On my way. Godspeed, commander.» I say, blasting out of orbit. So much for peaceful. (With Kolivan) "Prepare for takeoff, launch is in four doboshes. FTL jump is in eight. Go, go, go!" Kolivan orders, Blades rushing left and right to get ready. "Commander." Kolivan turns around to see Shining standing next to him, his mother with him. "I want to help." Shining says. "Jex. Do you know how to pilot a craft?" Kolivan asks. "No but I'm a fast learner." Jex replies. "I can pilot a ship and have him be in the gunner position. I request permission to pilot a bomber shuttle." Cracked says, stepping forward. "Permission granted. Get to your ship." Kolivan says before turning to the hangar. "Three doboshes until launch!" He calls out. Chrysalis suddenly teleports into the base. “My changelings noticed the commotion, they informed me immediately. What is going on?” "A large armada is heading straight for us. Diego is moving to intercept them, we are getting ready to help him." Kolivan replies. “I intend to head out as well, I will not let my hive be threatened by these invaders!” Chrysalis responds. "You can't. You'd die from the vacuum of space. If you wish to help, remain here and be ready to destroy any ships that make planetfall." Kolivan advises. Chrysalis shakes her head. “Discord could go anywhere, he had left the atmosphere before with no problems. With the powers I took from him, I am no longer bound by the atmosphere.” "Can you control that power?" Kolivan retorts. "I have to agree, Discord went mad with power, what would happen if you did too?" Jex asks. "Go to your ship, we launch in one dobosh!" Kolivan calls out for everyone to hear. Chrysalis smirks. “I know you may have doubts but my kind are perfectly capable of adapting rapidly.” Kolivan feels her hand on his shoulder. “I’d say I have got it under control.” "Very well. I shall put the same trust in you that Diego did. You may accompany Jex and Cracheam on their ship." Kolivan says as Blades begin starting up the various ships in the hangar. "Get to your shuttle. Launch! Launch!" He calls out. Chrysalis bows slightly. “Thank you, Commander.” She clicks her fingers, disappearing from Kolivan’s sight. (In space, three doboshes earlier) I come to a stop in the void of space, seeing the massive armada of ships in front of me. Alright suckers. Time lay some smack- Surrender. Zarkons voice suddenly fills my head. Warning: Intrusive psionic energy detected. I am attempting to block it out. Hold on partner. I wanna have a little chat with the megalomaniac. Have you come to give up your foolish mission? Zarkon taunts. Not in a million years. Then you are still just as foolish as ever. Prepare to be destroyed. Prepare to eat my dust! I say, rocketing forward. Notice: I have blocked out the intrusive psionic energy. Thanks buddy. Now, let's shred some metal! Affirmation: Forming chainsword. I pull out my glowing Bayard, it immediately forming into the long segmented blade. Flying towards a carrier ship, I let loose a flurry of slashes, bisecting multiple fighter ships. Continuing my path of destruction, I switch my chainsword for my own halberd, hooking the back end into the hull of a carrier ship and flying along the hull, tearing a long gorge through the outer shell. Dislodging the hooked head from the metal, I switch to my energy blade, raising the weapon to slash down at the ship. The ship suddenly fires it's ion cannon, stunning me. The beam bounces off into space, not hitting any ships. They fired before they knew where I was. Looks like these guys aren't as dumb as the rest. Suddenly, multiple fighters surround me, launching sticky bombs at me. Divide. My chest separates into four pieces, the sticky bombs colliding with each other. Nice tr- gah! One of the fighters suddenly launches an energy net at me, catching one of my detached arms. Warning: The link with our left arm has been disabled. I am no longer able to control it. What? How? Response: Those energy nets appear to have been designed to scramble quintessence links. Do not get hit by them. I shall try to relink our arm. Gotcha. I think as I reassemble my three pieces, slashing at the ships. They avoid the energy crescent, dodging and launching more sticky bombs at me. «Diego. On your right.» I hear in my ear. Shining? I ask. Suddenly an assault ship above me gets hit by an explosion. «Diego. We will take care of the fighters and some of the carrier ships. You take care of the rest.» Kolivan communicates. «Kolivan! Be careful. These guys are smart. They've definitely been preparing for this.» I inform him. «Understood. All Blades, attack!» Kolivan orders. Attack! Notice: Separation link has been re-established. Reattaching the left arm. ENGAGE. Diego activates his transformation, punching at the ship next to him as he does. He then forms his missile launchers, firing all six at the carrier. The fighters shoot the missiles as an assault ship fires on Diego with its cannon. Holding an arm up, Diego reflects the beam, hitting the carrier next to him again. The ro-beast coffin opens, dispensing the massive machine inside. «Let us see who is the true conqueror.» Before Diego hovers a monstrosity of metal and technology. Sharing the likeness of its creator, it stands tall and imposing. Raise progression drive level to 80% Diego's body glows with energy as he faces the Eradicator. From his chest plate comes the hilt of his sword. He pulls it out, the pristine blade alight with blazing golden plasma. The Eradicator raises his hand at Diego. An assault ship fires on Diego with a barrage of sirenic lasers. With a simple wave of his sword, the ship is reduced to slag. Diego rushes forward, sword raised to strike down the tyrant. Diego flinches. «Fall into despair.» The Eradicator forms a ball of pitch black darkness in its hand, firing it at Diego a moment too quickly. Diego screams in agony as his transformation comes undone. He floats in space, lifeless. (On a shuttle nearby) "Jex! Jex, talk to me!" Cracked sky cries out as her son lies on the ground, holding his head, his screams echoing that of his friend. "What is wrong with him?!" Chrysalis exclaims. (On the Shadow) "Commander!" A Blade captain shouts as Kolivan writhes on the ground, holding his head, his eyes screwed shut, his screams echoing that of his friend. "Commander, what's happening?!" (In Fantasia, inside the throne room) Many stare horrified as princess Luna, captain Hammer Strike, captain Spitfire, captain Spell Sword and captain Night Slash all lie on the ground, screaming to the heavens and holding their heads. Their pain, unimaginable. (Back in space) Chrysalis glares at the giant mechanical monstrosity. She clicks her fingers, appearing right in front of the Eradicators visor. She smirks as she clicks her fingers again, filling the cockpit of the Eradicator with pink goo. Zarkon stares on, nonplussed as the pink slime suddenly vents out the sides of his cockpit. "Insolent. Foolish as well." He comments as the eyes of the Eradicator begins to glow. As soon as they fire, Chrysalis opens up a portal which exits behind the Eradicators head, slamming into the back. The beams barely singe the armour. "Do not think that you can outsmart me." Zarkon threatens. The Eradicators arms rise up, moving faster than they have any right to. The hands begin to come together in a clapping motion, Chrysalis directly in-between the clawed hands. A flat Chrysalis slips out from between them before returning to normal with a grin. "Insolent and annoying." Zarkon says as the hands of the Eradicator pale with darkness again. He hears the sounds of footsteps behind him, Chrysalis walks out of somewhere in a dark green bathrobe. “Hi.” She says. Zarkon glares at her as laser emitters extend from the walls. Chrysalis giggles as she clicks her fingers, disappearing with a large black ball-like object labeled bomb in her place which then explodes. A particle field around Zarkon protects him from the explosion as he glares forward. "Prepare to be punished, insect." He says as the Eradicator begins scanning around. Chrysalis smirks sitting on the Eradicator’s head, she clicks her fingers and thousands of huge hornets buzz all around the Eradicator. She takes a deep breath. “Welp, I’m almost spent but I can still get home.” She clicks her fingers vanishing from the battlefield, back to her hive. > Breaking free. (part 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Breaking free. (part 2) Where… where… am… I? Who… am… I? Do I… have… a name? I… can't… re…member. Why… do… I… feel… so… so… weak? I… You… must… What? Is… some…one… there? Save… Save? Save… what? Save… me? How… The void shakes. Pain erupts from… Ah! What… what … is… Please! He's …o stro… …n't hol… Is… some…thing… there? I hear a sound. The world shakes again, pain flowing from my mind. Ah! Aah! It… hurts! Do you want the pain to end? Huh? Who… You won't remember me. Not right now. But I can give you the strength to remember what you have forgotten. My mind burns with images and sounds. Sensations and thoughts. I remember entering a world of magic. I remember the white. I remember the others. I remember the enemy. I remember everything… except myself. Wh…where is… I ask you a simple question. You can return to that, be what we have made you to be or you can return to the existence you came from. What will it be? The… exist…ence? My… life. I remember the loving grasp of a mother. The encouraging push of a father. The desire to see and learn. I remember that which I had… but not what I have. Who… who… am I? That is not something I can tell you. You must choose. Save th- The void tingles with a sensation. A need. A desire for… something. What will it be? Danger or demure? Fight for yourself or live how you were meant to? Do not- Why… would I… fight? Can I… not… live… in peace? If that is your choice. …I choose… Please! …I choose… to… Help us! …I choose… to… li- DIEGO! The void shatters. I CHOOSE TO FIGHT! Are you sure? I WILL LEAD THEM TO VICTORY! With what? WITH THE STRENGTH OF MY HEART! I WILL BE THE STAR THAT GUIDES THEM! TO A NEW TOMORROW! Then do it. Shatter your bonds. Protect those who light your heart. Awaken, Super Voltron! AWAKEN! (With Cracked Sky) Cracked looked at the battlefield, seeing the multitude of ships destroyed by Zarkon's overwhelming power. Behind her, Shining lay unconscious on the floor of the shuttle. Shining then began writhing on the ground, groaning. "Jex?" His mother asked in concern, wanting to turn and look at him but needing to pilot the ship. "Please…" Shining whimpered. "Hold on Jex. We're going to get you some-" "DIEGO!" Shining suddenly screamed, his eyes glowing pale white. "Jex!" (On the Shadow) Yarak looked forward at the destroyed Blades ships. The lives lost. Thankfully, the Shadow managed to avoid Zarkon's attacks mostly unscathed, only suffering minor hull damage from fragments of other ships. Kolivan was next to him, leaning weakly against the console. "Commander, I insist that you let someone take you to-" "Not while I can still fight. Not while my men are being…" Kolivan trails off. "Sir?" Yarak asks. "No… no… please, no!" Kolivan suddenly yells, staring at empty space. "Sir, what is it-" Yarak steps towards Kolivan. "DIEGO!" Kolivan suddenly yells, his eyes glowing. "Sir!" (Back on Mystacor) The people in the courtroom help the night princess and the captains to their feet, holding them up. "Sister, what happened?" Celestia asks in worry. "Di… Diego, he…" Luna pants, weak and crying. "He's…" Hammer Strike mutters before they all look up in horror. "What is i-" Celestia tries to ask. "No!" They all shout. "No please! Diego!" They all shout in unison, the captains and Luna's eyes all glowing the same colour. (In space) Diego's hand reaches out, clenching as his Bayard appears in his hand. His body burns with power as his Bayard glows bright white. Power level is rising rapidly. 13%. 21%. 34%. 55%. 89%. Progression drive is active. Quintessence amplification subroutine is engaged. Power level is 170%. Form Thaum pistol. In Diego's hand, his Bayard changes shape, now forming a rectangular barrel and forming into a standard grip. The glow fades, showing the thin silver pistol in his hand. A nearby intact Galra ship turns it's side to Diego, launching fighters at him. Diego raises his pistol. Acquiring targets. Targets acquired. ɘɔɒɿT ɘɔɿɘiԳ Diego fires, the energy bullet whizzing through space as the fighters draw closer. The bullet changes direction, plowing through the cockpit. Changing direction again and again, it skewers through all the fighters before they get close. Seeing the first wave fail, the carrier sends hundreds more fighters. Acquiring secondary targets. Targets acquired. ɿɘiʇilqmɒ ɿɘwoԳ mƨiɿԳ γʇilqmɒ ɿɘwoԳ ɘɔɒɿT ɘϱɒɿɿɒd lɒɈnɘmɘlƎ Diego fires three shots. The first seems to simply disappear after a few metres. The second flies for a moment before suddenly exploding in several directions, the various energy bullets vanishing a moment after that. The third shot flies forward as a radiant burst of colours, rushing forward for a moment before stopping at the same place the first shot disappeared. Like the second shot, it bursts outward in a myriad of directions, each individual bullet now a single colour and even larger than before. The energy bullets curve through the air, locking onto the army of fighters. The fighters and hail of bullets clash, a plethora of explosions and debris littering the void. A fighter is engulfed in flames here, another is crushed into scrap. A fighter is frozen solid there as another stops in place, held in a magic field. A pair of fighters melt into slag as even more explode and get ripped to shreds. Barely any fighters are left undamaged. A battle cruiser fires a massive energy net at Diego. Switching hands in an instant, Diego aims at the net. ƨƨυɔnoƆ Diego fires again, a shockwave blasting the net at a squadron of fighters. Diego turns, aiming straight at Zarkon. ɘϱnɒɿ ϱno⅃ ɘɔɿɘiԳ The energy bullet sails through space, traveling until it reaches the imposing mech. Zarkon blocks with a clawed hand. The shot pierces through the armour, bouncing off of the head of the Eradicator, a hole clean through the hand. Diego stares at the Eradicator as he places his Bayard in his chest port. ENGAGE. Zarkon stares at his destroyed forces in annoyance as he watches his enemy transform. How did he regain his quintessence so quickly? It shouldn't be possible, unless… he has some sort of backup energy source. If that is true, he won't be able to battle me for long. "Come!" Zarkon challenges, his mech broadcasting his voice for all to hear. "Face your destruction!" Zarkon races forward, negative quintessence building in his hands. His opponent draws his sword, white burning plasma wafting off of the blade as his shield assembles on his free arm. Shifting his own glowing purple blade-wings into attack formation, Zarkon the emperor charges, meeting sword with blades. "I ask you a question, machine. Why do you care for these insects?" Zarkon taunts, pushing forward. «Why do you oppress them?» The machine rebukes, resisting Zarkons pressure. "It is my right to rule. From the day I was born, it all belonged to me. Those who resisted were destroyed, as all shall be. As you shall join them!" Zarkon sidesteps the knight, slashing at his side and preparing another negative quintessence blast. The machine blocks the slash with his sword, bashing the Eradicator a moment later to throw off Zarkons aim. The blast of black magic flies into the void of space harmlessly. «All you do is destroy and ruin. You could have used your great intellect to help the universe. Instead, you serve nothing. You merely steal from those who cannot fight you and foolishly destroy those who do. You are true evil. I have no pity for you and you shall have no mercy from me.» The machine declares, his sword burning hotter. It can't be a second energy source. The amount of power he is displaying is even greater than what I absorbed. Zarkon thinks as he fires at the machine with another black blast. The machine counters, knocking his hand away again. He must be receiving power from something. But what? How? Zarkon slashes at the machine with his wings again as it backs off, forming it's arm cannon as it's shield returns to its back as wings. The machine fires at Zarkon. He blocks with his wings, a shield of pure quintessence stopping the blast. There must be some… no, it couldn't be. Zarkon attacks with negative quintessence again, draining the machine for once. The machine shrugs it off, instead forming its large shoulder mounted cannon. Zarkon blocks again as he is struck by the powerful attack. The beam deflects off the shield, narrowly avoiding a Blades shuttle. It must be. It knows the secret of quintessence amplification. I must capture it! Zarkon resolves as he fires on the machine again. The machine takes the hit but Zarkon absorbs notably less quintessence from him. The machine charges forward with his sword still burning, backing Zarkon into the destroyed wreckage of a Galra carrier. Zarkon grabs the massive wreckage as the arms of the Eradicator glow. Pulling the wreckage through space, Zarkon bats at the machine. The machine slashes at the ship, cutting it in two as it melts into molten metal. Suddenly, the machine's flaming sword vanishes. Zarkon stares at it as the machine punches at the Eradicator. Is it running out of quintessence? Zarkon thinks as he cautiously slashes with his wings. The machine feints away as a different sword appears in its hands. It was a trick! The new sword forms, a obscenely large scimitar now in its hands as it slashes back at the Eradicator. The battle is not over yet. To be continued… > One shall stand. The other shall fall. (part 3) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One shall stand. The other shall fall. (Part 3) Diego's blade glided through space, bisecting a horribly unfortunate fighter before clashing with the Eradicator. The massive blade carved into one of the mech's wings, stopping halfway. Zarkon growled in anger as he pulled one arm back, pure quintessence flowing through its circuitry and supercharging it. To others watching, the arm seemed to blur as it struck forward, impacting Diego's face with the force of an asteroid. Progression drive at 60% and rising. Diverting quintessence. Diego's arms glowed bright white as he dislodged his sword from the Eradicator. Grasping the weapon with both hands, he raised his sword to strike. He was interrupted as a squadron of fighters impacted with his back, exploding on contact. Three carriers hovered behind Diego in formation, weapons pointed forward. Diego looked back at them before flicking back to the Eradicator, blocking a right hook with his blade. Pushing the dictator back, Diego unleashed the energy charged into his arms, slashing dozens of times in moments. The ships behind Diego fell to pieces as the Eradicator flinched back, covered in scratches. Quintessence level at 156%. Quintessence level is rising. Recommend tactic; Conservation and attrition. «Enough of this! Face your end!» Zarkon declared, his wings surging around him as he charged forward. The wings came down like guillotines towards Diego, forcing him to block with his sword. Activate Quintessence engine. Diego backed away as the energy ring of his Quintessence engine appeared, gravity bending inward. Nearby ships and debris began to get drawn in, wreckage getting sucked up in moments. Suddenly, the larger ships and the Eradicator became alight with purple energy, no longer getting drawn in. The enemy has activated shields that disrupt the effect of gravity. The Quintessence engine is no longer viable. Activate Division network. DIVIDE. Diego's wing split off, separating into multiple pieces. The fragments flew off, blasting and weaving around enemy ships. «Don't think that will save you. I know much about your many abilities and I have come prepared.» Zarkon declared as a nearby ship fires a familiar large net, capturing a few segmented pieces of Diego's wing, disabling them. We must avoid those nets and reclaim our lost pieces. Voltron thought as Diego fired at the Eradicator with his hand, moving to the net. Zarkon fired on Diego with negative quintessence again, barely phasing him this time. Diego cut away the net, regaining his pieces. Progression drive at 75%. Adapting. «It seems that you've overcome my Komar. No matter. I will simply destroy you with my own strength.» Zarkon said, moving towards Diego as his wing reassembled itself. «Says the tyrant hiding behind his armour.» Diego quipped. Zarkon growled before charging forward. Diego's scimitar disappeared as he dodged the slashing wings. Diego then formed his twin blades, charging forward again. «Victory or Death!» Zarkon shouted as he met the charge head on. Diego and Zarkon clashed together, their blows shaking the very space around them as they traded blows like nothing before. Diego formed his arm cannon, blasting at Zarkon. He countered with negative quintessence, absorbing the beam. Charging his blade-wings with that quintessence, Zarkon slashed at Diego with frenzy, scoring multiple direct hits. The Eradicator is too durable and persistent. Continued fighting may cause collateral damage. Advance Progression drive to 100%! Diego's body glowed like a new star. The wings on his back clipped off, coming together on his arm as his familiar Echo shield before the glow transferred into it, Diego's right hand also glowing brightly. Diego's shield grew larger, now taller and wider than his whole body. FORM REBELION SHIELD. The glowing quintessence bursted off of the new shield, revealing the monolith. Mystic markings covered the face of the shield, mirrored on each side. The center of the shield seemed to have a round dial on it with many notches around it, the centerpiece pointing upwards. Switch to ice conversion. The dial on the shield spun around, landing on a different notch. Diego's hand continued to glow before the glow stretched outwards, forming into a long shaft before solidifying as well. FORM RETRIBUTION LANCE. A long, thick white hexagonal lance with golden markings along the sides materialized in Diego's hand, a sharp triangular arrowhead point with golden markings that glowed brighter than any star at the tip. Diego stood with his shield held in front of him with his shield poised. SYNCHRONIZE. The Lances glow changed, now becoming a cold blue. Zarkon stared ahead before charging forward again, clawing at the titanic shield. Zarkon's claws and blade-wings bounced off the shield, now covered in ice. Seeing his opening, Diego thrusted with his Lance, impaling one of the Eradicator's arms. Ice formed from the tip, freezing the limb in place. «Grah! Don't think you've won yet!» Zarkon exclaimed, charging more negative quintessence. Diego held up his shield, ready to block the attack. Zarkon fired, hitting his own fleet. What is he doing? Diego stared as Zarkon continued harvesting quintessence from the ships. If he continues doing that, he'll hit the Blades ships as well. Switch to explosion conversion. SYNCHRONIZE. The dial on Diego's shield spun again, landing on a different notch. His Lance then changed as well, now glowing a sunny yellow. Diego thrusted at the Eradicator's arm, blowing off a piece of armour. The Eradicator glowed again, moving at immense speed. Moving behind Diego, Zarkon threw dozens of strikes at Diego's exposed back. Using his thrusters, Diego spun around and raised his shield, forcing Zarkon to back off. «Let's see how you deal with this!» Zarkon shouted. His blade-wings spread out, pointing away from himself before firing in all directions. The wings flew through space, nearly hitting a Blade ship before curving around at Diego's flank. Channel quintessence into Retribution Lance and arms. Diego thrusted at each blade-wing in turn, explosions shattering them into pieces. Switch to acid conversion. Again, the dial turned, landing on another of the dozens of settings. Diego rushed at Zarkon, bashing forward with his massive shield. The Eradicator blocked with one arm, getting doused in corrosive acid on contact. Zarkon retaliated with a strike, hitting the shield again. More acid covered the Eradicator's hand, the blue sludge not affecting the durable armour. Acid conversion is ineffective. Diego thrusted forward with his lance again, an explosion pushing Zarkon back and denting the armour of the Eradicator. The dent glowed with heat. Explosions and high levels of heat appear to be effective. Switch to plasma conversion. SYNCHRONIZE. Switch to explosion conversion. Diego's lance glowed blinding white as he bashed forward, barely missing the Eradicator as Zarkon backed away. The Eradicator glowed as Zarkon channeled the quintessence he'd stolen, charging around Diego and attempting to strike at his back again. Diego spun around, swinging his lance in an arc. A stream of white fire flew from the tip, melting some of the Eradicator's armour. «Rah! Just die already!» Zarkon shouted, blindly charging forward with frenzy, striking at the Rebellion Shield. Each hit caused an explosion to manifest, leaving the Eradicator's arms dented and broken. «No! NO! I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED BY THE LIKES OF YOU! VICTORY OR DEATH!» The Eradicator began glowing again, brighter and brighter. Scanners are detecting a massive spike in quintessence potential. If not stopped, it could cause an explosion that would destroy everything within a parsec of space, including the Galra fleets, the Blades ships and Mystacor! We must stop him! But how? If we attack him, we shall only set off the explosion immediately! We can use the Quintessence engine and the Division network to absorb the explosion! Surrounding him in our pieces as a cage! The explosion would be too powerful! The engine wouldn't be able to absorb it fast enough, even if we did split apart to surround him! Then… we pour everything in the engine. Suck him up and the explosion! We can't! If we do that, it could cause a singularity! We'd rip space apart! We don't have a choice! ENGAGE QUINTESSENCE ENGINE! Diego's weapons evaporated, the quintessence returning to him as his Quintessence engine rune appeared in front of him, beginning to absorb the energy of the Eradicator. The Eradicator continued growing brighter, the light washing over the ships and wreckage of the battlefield. «VICTORY OR DEATH!» "VICTORY IN LIFE!" The light started to shrink. Slowly, it shrank back into where it came from, revealing the ships, broken remnants of battle and the heart of the explosion. Diego and the Eradicator, grappling for dominance. With one final push… The threat ended. Never expected that to happen. > The End of an age. The Beginning of a tale. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The End of an age. The Beginning of a tale. (Mystacor) (4 Phoebs later) "Commander." Celestia said as she walked into Kolivan's quarters. "Princess." Kolivan responded. He stood up from his desk, walking to greet the solar monarch. "How does the search go?" She asked. "Slow. The pieces were scattered far. The farthest one we've found has been recorded at a distance of twelve parsecs of space." "Parsecs… that is an immense distance." Celestia said in surprise. She sat down at a chair in front of Kolivan's desk, Kolivan sitting in front of her. "The explosion was immense. It is a miracle that none of us were killed." Kolivan said. "Truly. But, considering what was happening during the explosion, it is almost to be expected that something miraculous happened." Celestia said in response. Her face then turned sullen. "Anything today?" She whispered. "No. Still… nothing. And considering that his Bayard is missing… it may still be even longer." Kolivan answered morosely. "It has been almost five months. He hasn't moved once." Celestia spoke before shaking her head. "How goes the research on the crystal?" She inquired, changing the subject. "…We have managed to determine what it is. It appears to be something similar to a Balmeran quintessence crystal, if much more potent." Kolivan responded, looking at a data pad on his desk. "As you suspected. And the silhouette inside?" Celestia asked. "No consequential information has been found, other than that it appears to be a humanoid female. The crystal has also resisted all attempts to damage it." Kolivan read out. "I see." Celestia said, before turning silent. Ticks passed awkwardly before Celestia cleared her throat. "Kolivan. My sister and I are going to have some tea down by the gardens later. Would you like to join us?" "Your offer is enticing but I must stay here." Kolivan said, standing and moving back behind his desk. "The remnants of the empire are still clinging to the old ways. Our attempts at peaceful talks are being ignored and our bases are regularly raided. I must stay here and make sure the situation is brought under control." Kolivan responded. "Ah yes. I understand. The duties of a leader are tedious. Well, if you change your mind, you need only contact me." Celestia said, standing and smiling at Kolivan. "Farewell and good luck." She said, leaving the room. Kolivan smiled lightly as she waved goodbye. «Commander.» Kolivan's communicator went off. "Yes, lieutenant?" Kolivan acknowledged. «Another piece has been found. It was in orbit around the Eye of Lotorias.» The Blade reported. "Status?" «Unoperational. It appears to be a segment of the foot.» "Acknowledged. Size?" Kolivan questioned. «Thirty point seven meters at the longest, seven point six meters at the widest.» The lieutenant reported. "A larger piece. It seems the farther away from the core, the larger the pieces seem to be. Understandable, considering the origin of the explosion. Have you acquired it?" Kolivan asked. «Affirmative, sir. We are about to jump back to home base.» The lieutenant answered. "Understood. Begin unloading as soon as you land, I shall meet you there." Kolivan said, leaving his quarters with a data pad in hand. It read; [Status of Eradicator remains.] [57-61% recovered] (The guard barracks) "Hey." Spitfire said, looking at Shining Armour as he worked out. "Hey." Shining responded. Spitfire began working out, doing wingups on one of the mats for a few minutes. "…Has… has anything happened?" She asked hesitantly. "A few things. Bega Ganna has repelled another attack by Zarkon's faithful. No casualties. Third one this phoeb." Shining answered monotonously. "That's not what I meant." Spitfire remarked. "I know." Shining said, placing the weight bar back on the rack. "I just…" He trailed off. "I know Shining. It hurts me too. But you can't just avoid it forever." Spitfire said. "I'm not avoiding it, I'm… dealing with it." Shining said. "Really? Cause it seems like you're avoiding it. You've been in space seventeen times in the last month. That's more days out in space then here, with your friends." "I can't just sit here doing nothing!" Shining exclaimed, kicking the weight table across the room. Spitfire looked at him calmly. "You're not doing nothing. You're being there for your friends." Spitfire said, walking up to Shining. "Then why does it feel like I failed?" Shining slumped against the wall. "Twenty. I've repelled twenty different attacks from the Zarkon's faithful. Captured a dozen different soldiers who have refused to give up tyranny. I have given aid to the aliens of the cosmos and comrades of Blades a hundred times. And yet I still feel like I failed him. Failed my duty." Shining spoke, tears falling from his eyes. "Do you honestly think I feel any better?" Spitfire said, sitting in front of him. "I felt the exact same things you did when he was fighting Zarkon. We all did. And you know that he and every single one of us was giving it their all. Giving him our strength so that he could win. And he did. Zarkon is dead. The empire is gone, nothing more than a bunch of idiots fighting a losing battle." "Then why hasn't Diego woken up?" Shining asked. "Because he was the one to do it. All of us were out for a week after the explosion. Even Kolivan. Even princess Luna. He just needs more time. The guys at the Dagger are saying that he is recharging more every day. Any day now, he's going to be up and about, kicking butt and taking names. So trust in him, okay? Trust that he will wake up." Spitfire said, her hand rested on his shoulder. "Alright. I will. Heh, didn't know you were a guidance counselor, Spitfire." Shining chuckled. Spitfire stared at him with annoyance. "Yeah, well don't get used to it. I only do mushy stuff like that with my friends. And if I find out that other people are hearing about any of this, I'll knock you out!" Spitfire warned, causing Shining to laugh. "Hehe, my lips are sealed." "They better be." Spitfire said, walking back to the mats. "Well, I think I'm going to go hang out with my girlfriend. She's having a day out with Ocellus!" Shining said, moving to the door. "Occelus? The changeling?" Spitfire asked. "Yup. Ever since those Quintessence Roots started circulating, the changelings have started branching out." Shining said, downing some water before opening the door. "How do you know that? I haven't heard about that!" Spitfire exclaimed. "I was with princess Luna on her last peace treaty with queen Chrysalis. They figured out how to make a replenishable battery of quintessence from branches of the quintessence forest trees! It's amazing what teamwork can do. Thanks Spitfire, I feel much better now! See ya!" Shining shouted as he closed the door behind himself. (The vast reaches of space) "Are you absolutely sure this is it?" A cyborg said, his mechanical eye looking over the canyon in front of him. "Absolutely, your Eminence. We found it a quitant ago. We originally thought it might be a meteorite of some sort before we got closer and saw it personally. There's no mistaking it." The other person said. Before the two of them was a large fresh gorge in the ground, going hundreds of meters down. At the bottom was a large, smoking piece of metal. A very specific piece of metal. "The hand of the Eradicator." Sendak said, his tethered arm glowing as he moved closer, looking at the damaged but still functional piece of machinery. The large hand was smoking from parts of it, others glowing with energy. "With this, we shall reclaim our birthright. The Fire of Purification shall rule the universe, with the true rulers of the empire on the throne." Sendak declared, a cheer moving through the dozens of other Galra in the canyon. (The Dagger) "To think, I'm actually inside an alien spaceship! With actual aliens!" Moondancer exclaimed. "You've said that twenty times." A Blade with an artificial throat said. "Because it's unbelievable! I'm actually standing in the hangar of an alien spaceship, next to a real alien, studying an object that doesn't exist on my world! It's extraordinary!" Moondancer exclaimed again. "When Twilight said she wanted me for this, I thought she was joking! But nope! Here! I! Am!" Moondancer shouted, panting a moment later. "If you keep shouting like that, you'll lose your voice. Now, are you getting any unusual readings?" The Blade asked. "Well… the energy readings from this thing are off the charts… I'm detecting heat and light. But that's it. Nothing unusual." Moondancer read out, looking at the massive crystal sitting in front of her. It appeared to be a large teal crystal. The shape of the crystal was jagged but it didn't seem damaged in any way. No scuff marks, no cracks. The only irregularity seemed to be a silhouette in the very center. The silhouette appeared to be a female with long hair. Her hair colour wasn't identifiable. "I see. Anything on the shadow?" The Blade asked. "…Nothing. I'm not even picking it up. The energy in this thing is overloading the scanner. I'm just picking up crystal and power. Whatever it is, it's stuck in there." Moondancer said. "Mmm. Have you heard anything about Diego?" The Blade asked after a moment. "Diego? No, nothing. Just that he's asleep but recharging slowly…" Moondancer suddenly trailed off. "Something wrong? Is the scanner malfunctioning?" The Blade asked. "Why is Diego asleep?" Moondancer suddenly asked. "…He's out of power. He needs to recharge." The Blade answered hesitantly. "What is this thing full of?" Moondancer asked, pointing at the crystal. "Energy…" The Blade trailed off as well, coming to the same conclusion as Moondancer. The two of them stared at each other for a moment. "It's there a way to transfer energy from this thing to Diego?" Moondancer asked quickly. "Not easily. No attempts to acquire the energy from the crystal have succeeded." The Blade answered. "How does Diego usually recharge?" Moondancer continued. "Either through amplifying the quintessence around himself or by holding his Bayard. I heard that he gains strength from it." The Blade answered, speaking faster. "His Bayard is missing. How does Diego amplify quintessence?" Moondancer asked just as quickly. "I am not sure but I believe I heard someone talking about how he merges his Bayard with his wings." The Blade answered swiftly. "His Bayard again. It's there no way to link him up with this?" Moondancer asked. "No. The crystal overloads all our machines." "What if we coupled Diego to a transfer machine first then hooked up the crystal? It can't overload if it pumps the energy directly into Diego." "How would we link Diego to the machine?" The Blade retorted. "Damn, I hadn't thought about that. Still, I think we should contact commander Kolivan and tell him about this. It might be what wakes up Diego." "Perhaps. …But what about the shadow?" The Blade asked, looking at the womanly silhouette inside the crystal. "What about it?" Moondancer asked back. "How do we know that if we start draining the energy from the crystal, something bad won't happen to her? Or because of her?" The Blade asked, concerned. "I don't know. …But we'll have Diego there to help us. If anything happens, he can do something about it." Moondancer answered. "I hope so. I shall contact the commander. Please stay here and continue monitoring the crystal." The Blade said, beginning to walk away. "Of course." Moondancer answered, looking at the Blade. Not seeing the crystal. Not seeing the silhouette inside. Not seeing the brief flash of piercing red light from her eye. > Cause and Effect. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cause or Effect. (Kolivan's quarters) «Commander.» Kolivan's communicator went off as he was working on his datapad. He clicked the communicator in response. "I am here, Sekt. What news do you have on the crystal?" Kolivan asked, recognising the artificial voice. «Nothing new. However, Moondancer has made a suggestion that could be beneficial.» Sekt replied. "Continue." Kolivan said. «She believes we can use the immense energy stored within the crystal to help power Diego.» Sekt said. Kolivan thought about it for a moment. "How would we go about transferring the energy?" Kolivan asked. "The crystal overloads all our machines." «Moondancer suggested that we couple the crystal directly to Diego. That way, the energy goes straight to him and doesn't get the chance to overload.» Sekt replied. "I see. It could work." Kolivan said before a thought came to him. "Have you figured out how to connect Diego to the crystal?" Kolivan asked. «No but we are thinking of using a Direct Transfer Conduit with the capacitors disconnected.» Sekt said. Kolivan typed at his datapad, looking at the schematics for the machine. "Yes. That could work. Remove one of the DTCs from storage and begin work on disconnecting the capacitors. I shall meet you in the research lab." «Shall I have someone bring Diego?» Sekt asked. "No need. I shall retrieve him and the princesses myself. Begin work on the DTC." Kolivan ordered as he stood from his desk. «Of course.» A few doboshes later, Kolivan stepped into one of the smaller engineering rooms, looking down at the still form of his friend. "Commander Kolivan." An engineer said as they saw him enter. "Status?" Kolivan asked. "He appears to be at 9.3% power, sir. A 0.4% increase from yesterday. He's recharging faster now." The engineer said. "Good to know. Prep him for transport, Sekt and Moondancer have come up with a plan to recharge him." Kolivan told everyone in the room. They began moving around quickly, disconnecting scanning equipment and readying a mobile platform. Let us hope this works. Kolivan thought as he left the room, heading for the hangar. "Sekt, come in." Kolivan said into his communicator as he walked towards a shuttle. «Responding, commander.» "Progress on the capacitors?" Kolivan asked. «50%. We've disconnected one and rerouted the wiring. Now, we just need to do the other capacitor.» "Good. Diego is on his way to the research lab. Be ready for him. I shall be there tursely with the princesses." Kolivan responded as he boarded the shuttle, turning off his communicator. Taking off a tick later, he flew to the Fantasia hangar. Looking at the city from above, he saw the many nobles and citizens of the city going about their day to day lives, making use of many new advanced technologies gifted to them from the Blades of Marmora. One of these technologies was a new hangar for space and aircrafts, capable of refueling and even repairing arriving ships. Kolivan sent a message to the hangar, notifying them of his arrival. Receiving his landing coordinates, Kolivan landed his shuttle inside. Kolivan disembarked and immediately began moving toward the castle entrance. "Commander, what a sur-" A bubbly pale skinned Flier walked up to Kolivan. "No time for pleasantries, I'm afraid. Do you know where the princesses are?" Kolivan interrupted. "Oh! Uh, they're in the garden. They said to let you know if you arrived. Why? Do you need something? Huh?" The Flier asked rapidly, moving closer to Kolivan. "There is a plan to wake up Diego. I believe they should be there to witness it." Kolivan answered, entering the castle proper. "Really?!" The Flier gasped. "Well, why didn't you say so! Come on, I'll take you to the gardens!" The Flier began dragging Kolivan away, further into the castle. "I can walk by myself." Kolivan said as he was dragged. "Nonsense! I said I'll take you there, so I'll take you there!" The Flier argued, continuing to drag Kolivan. (The gardens) "Such a nice day. Don't you think so, Luna?" Celestia asked her sister. Luna looked up from her uneaten sandwiches, looking up at the clear sky and bright sunshine. "Yes sister. A beautiful day." She answered quietly, looking back down at her plate of sandwiches. Celestia looked at Luna sadly. "Luna." Celestia said, placing one of her hands on Luna's. Luna didn't move. "Luna!" Celestia suddenly shouted, shocking Luna. "Gah!" She exclaimed, flinching back. "Now that I have your attention." Celestia straightened up. "Sister, you need to stop worrying. I can't stand seeing you this morose." Celestia said, placing her hand on Luna's cheek. Luna pushed into the contact, closing her eyes. "I'm sorry, sister, but… I just can't stop. Every second, I just think that something is going to go wrong or…" Luna trailed off, hugging herself. A cloak of darkness spread over her body from under her clothes, covering her torso. "I understand. He was my friend too. Just because I wasn't as close to him as you were, doesn't mean that I'm not worried too. But you can't let your fear and worry get the better of you. It isn't healthy." Celestia said, looking into Luna's eyes. The sisters suddenly heard a shout. "Princess!" Looking to the entrance to the gardens, they saw Surprise pulling Kolivan behind her, towards their table. "Surprise? Kolivan? What are you doing here?" Celestia asked. "Tell them!" Surprise yelled, pulling Kolivan in front of her. He straightened up and cleared his throat. "Moondancer may have found a way to awaken Diego. I am not exactly sure if it will work but I believe it could." Kolivan said. Both princesses immediately brightened up, standing from their chairs. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Luna said excitedly, grabbing Celestia's hand and moving to the entrance. She turned to look at her sister. "You were right, Tia. Today is a beautiful day." She said, Celestia smiling at her. Arriving back at the Dagger by Kolivan's shuttle, the princesses and commander hastily made their way to the research labs. "Commander." Sekt said as they arrived. "Princesses." Moondancer said as she turned to look at the arriving party. "This is really exciting!" Moondancer exclaimed as she stood before them. "What's going on? Commander Kolivan said that you may have a way to awaken Diego. Is this true?" Luna asked hopefully. "Well, it's more of a theory but yes!" Moondancer said as she turned back to the large crystal in the room. Looking at it, Luna spotted Diego on a large gurney, lying next to it, engineers working around him with large machinery. "Diego." Luna said as she stepped forward. The engineers moved for her, letting her stand next to her friend. "See, this crystal has a lot of energy trapped inside it. So much that none of the Galra tech have been able to syphon it but I had an idea. The reason Diego is still asleep is because he needs to recharge so I thought that if we could connect him to the crystal in some way, it could recharge him." Moondancer explained before taking in a large gulp of air. "However." Sekt continued. "Since none of our tech can support the massive quantity of quintessence from the crystal, Moondancer has the idea to directly connect him to the crystal with a DTC, a Direct Transfer Conduit, which is usually used to harvest quintessence from Balmeran crystals. With the DTC, which we have modified to not hold any of the quintessence it's going to syphon, we hope to at least partially recharge Diego." Sekt finished. "Partially?" Celestia asked. "Well, even with the modifications, this thing will only be able to hold for a few seconds, maybe a minute before the energy overloads its circuits and fries it." Moondancer explained, resting a hand on a large tube-like machine next to Diego. "Princess, if you would please stand back? We're ready to begin." One of the engineers said to Luna. "Oh, of course." She replied, backing away and standing next to Celestia and Kolivan. The mechanics hoisted up the modified DTC, attaching it to the port on Diego's chest. Hoisting up the other end of the tube, they attached it to the crystal. "Beginning transference in three… two… one." An engineer said, activating the machine. Immediately, it glowed blindingly white, Diego's body twitching as the quintessence was pumped into it. Please work, please work, please- Luna thought before a tingling sensation stole over her skin. What was that? She thought as the DTC began glowing brighter. "It's beginning to overload!" An engineer shouted. "Shut it down!" Kolivan ordered. An engineer hitted the machine with a large wrench, causing it to fall off the crystal and land on the ground, smoking. Luna immediately came to Diego's side as the engineers removed the DTC from his chest. "Diego? Can you hear me?" She asked as Kolivan joined her. "Quin…tes…sen…ce… re…quir…ed…" Voltron spoke slowly. "Voltron. How can we help?" Kolivan asked immediately. "Crys…tal…" Voltron slurred, reaching an arm out to the crystal. Kolivan moved to one side of the gurney, pushing it closer to the crystal. As he got closer, Voltron's finger brushed the surface of the crystal. The crystal exploded in a flash of light, blanketing the room in white. As everyone shielded their eyes, the crystal transformed, shrinking and compacting. A few seconds later, the flash subsided, revealing the resting form of Diego. In his hand, his Bayard glowed dimly. Luna immediately rushed forward, tripping on her way as her foot caught on something on the floor. Standing up, she leaned over Diego, Kolivan joining at his other side a moment later. "Diego? Are you awake?" Luna asked trepidly. His eyes flickered for a moment before turning on, now glowing dimly. "Hello princess. Hey Kolivan. What I miss?" > Black and red, where are you led? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black and red, where are you led? Everyone in the room froze at the sound. They had heard a voice that was completely foreign to them. Except for two. Luna stood frozen. Even Kolivan, commanding aura that he had, was frozen in disbelief. They had heard the voice as well. But to them, it was familiar. Yet they had never heard it like this. Never truly heard it. Until this moment. "Guys? What's wrong?" Diego asked in a clear, matured, low pitched voice. An audible voice. "Diego… did you just speak?" Celestia asked. I tilted my head to look at the sun princess. "Yeah, whyyyyyy…" I trailed off as I realized that I could hear my own voice in my ears. I laid there for a moment, shocked by my revelation. A groaning sound issued from the floor, making everyone else look down at the ground at Luna's feet. There lay a woman on her back. Her long hair was bi-coloured, split down the middle. One side was a blood red. The other, pitch black. Her frame was slightly muscled, possibly from small amounts of exercise. Despite this, she still had a womanly body. Moderate bust, a round waist and long legs. Her body seemed bent, as if she had been stepped on or kicked. She suddenly bolted upright, screaming in terror and protecting her body with her arms. Her scream managed to jolt the people in the room into motion. The engineers immediately vacated the room as Kolivan drew his own sidearm. "Who are you-" Kolivan began, being interrupted as the woman screamed again, shocked at being aimed at. "Kolivan, put that down!" Celestia immediately admonished, forcing his weapon down with her hand. She began slowly approaching the scared woman, raising her hands in a calming gesture. "Don't worry. We promise not to hurt you." She said placatingly. The red and black haired woman stared at her for a moment. I began to sit up straight, the woman noticing my movement. She screamed again, locking eyes with me. Looking into her eyes, I noticed that they were coloured like her hair. One was a bright clear red, like coloured water. The other was a dark black, almost as black as her iris. The strange thing was that her left red eye was glowing. I only saw her face directly for a moment before she suddenly vanished, appearing in the far corner of the room. Warning: I have detected an unknown phenomenon. I am unable to analyse it. Voltron! I thought, happy to hear my partner's voice. What do you mean? I mentally asked as I stood from the gurney I was lying on. I looked at the woman huddled in the corner. Notice: The ability that the woman just displayed is not something I recognize. If I were to hazard a guess, I would say she ceased to exist for a single unit of Planck time. This is the absolute smallest measurement of time that can exist. In that unit of time, she was able to move from the middle of the room to the corner of the room. This should be impossible as that would put her speed at near infinite. Even teleportation through quintessence isn't as fast as that. "Holy kaltenecker, are you serious?" I asked audibly, the others in the room looking at me with confusion. "She can teleport." I explained. "We saw." Kolivan replied. "Now is not the time." Celestia interrupted, facing the woman again. "Hello. My name is princess Celestia. What is yours?" Celestia asked calmly. "C-Caulina." The woman replied hesitantly. "Caulina Albrecht." She said in a slight German accent. "Caulina. Hello. Do you wish to come over here?" Celestia asked, holding her hand out. Caulina glanced to the side at Kolivan, staring at the weapon he held in front of himself. Celestia followed her line of sight, seeing the sidearm. "Commander. I believe you should put that away." She suggested. Kolivan shared a look with her for a moment before holstering his weapon. "Thank you." She said, looking back at Caulina. She raised her hand to her invitingly. Caulina stood from her huddle, cautiously moving forward. She eyed me warily as she stopped, not wanting to get too close. Sensing her discomfort, I slowly stepped back, stopping against the gurney. Caulina slowly inched forward again, reaching for Celestia's hand. "What did I miss?!" Spitfire suddenly yelled as she bursted into the room. Caulina screamed again, her left eye glowing as she vanished back into her corner, huddling on the ground again. Celestia glared at the Flier captain, causing Spitfire to shrink into herself. "Bad time?" She asked quietly. Everyone nodded as Celestia turned back to the huddled human. "I believe the best thing for this situation is some peace and quiet. Could everyone please leave the room?" Celestia asked. Kolivan nodded and turned to the door. "She's right. This is a tense situation with a terrified civilian. Let's all let the princess handle it." Kolivan said, heading for the door. On the way, he left his sidearm on a bench next to a wall, pointedly looking at Celestia as he left. The message was clear. As a for incase. Everyone filed out of the room in turn, Spitfire quickly hugging Diego as he passed before leaving as well. Only Celestia and Caulina remained as we all stood outside the room. The doors glowed in gold light before softly shutting. Celestia turned back to Caulina after magically locking the door. "There. Now, would you like to try that again?" Celestia asked, raising her hand back to the girl. Caulina stared at the diarch for a moment before raising her head, sitting up straighter. Celestia brought her hand a little closer but Caulina only shuffled further into the wall. Seeing that she wouldn't move this time, Celestia dropped her hand. "Well, since introductions have been done, can I ask what is the last thing you remember? Before appearing here?" Celestia asked. Caulina stayed silent for a moment, Celestia patiently waiting for her. "…I… I was walking down the street. Looking up at the sky." Caulina said. "As I was walking… I heard something in front of me. I looked forward to see a truck… coming straight towards me. It moved too fast for me to duck out of the way. The last thing I saw was it's bumper, heading towards my face, then… I just saw the sky above me. There were colours dancing through it. Like auroras. I couldn't move. It was like the sky was wrapped around me. Or like I was asleep but I could still see. See the blue sky." Caulina explained. "Then I started to feel something. Like the sky wrapped around me was… letting me go. Or like my body was beginning to wake up. Then I felt like I was lying on something cold. I think that's when I woke up here." Caulina said. "Why did you scream when you woke up?" Celestia asked. "I… I remembered the truck hitting me. Or about to hit me so I tried to raise my arms. That's when I woke up and… saw all of you. What are you?" Caulina asked, looking at Celestia. "What was… Kolivan?" Caulina asked as well. "I am what's referred to as an Ascended. A being with great magical power and the capabilities of three of the human races." Celestia answered, to Caulina's confusion. "Races?" Caulina asked. "Ah yes. Diego didn't know either." Celestia remised. "There are multiple races on Mystacor, the planet you are on. There are-" Celestia began. "I'm actually on an alien planet?" Caulina said. "Yes. Our planet is called Mystacor. You are in the land of Arcadia, in the kingdom of Fantasia. I am princess Celestia. I, alongside my sister Luna, who was here earlier, govern this nation. Kolivan, however, is a Galra. He is the commander of the Blades of Marmora. A resistance against the previous Galran empire and the now dead emperor, Zarkon. He, alongside the people of Arcadia and his Blades of Marmora now help bring peace and aid to the universe, stopping the remnants of the old empire and helping the ones that suffered at their hands." Celestia explained with a smile on her face. Caulina nodded at the information. "What was that walking thing? That white machine?" Caulina asked. "That was Diego. He was the one to end the fighting. He helped fight the empire alongside us and the Blades and he is also the one who dealt the finishing blow to Zarkon. Because of his actions, the universe is experiencing a peace like never before." Celestia said with a bright smile on her face. Caulina saw her happy expression and relaxed slightly, glad to see such a cheerful expression. (Meanwhile) As we were walking down the hallway of the Dagger, Spitfire was walking in step with me, looking at me with slight concern. "So, how are you, Diego? Nothing broken, no screws loose?" She asked me. I gave her a thumbs up, brightening her mood immensely. She walked beside me with a happy smile on her face. As we were walking, Shining, Spell Blade, Hammer Strike and Night Slash, along with Cracked Sky came running from up ahead. "Diego!" The captains all shouted as they ran up to us before all jumping on me. Whoa! Talk about affection. I thought as the four of them all clung to me, Spitfire joining in a moment later. "We were so worried!" Shining exclaimed, followed by all the others adding their own segments to the conversation. Finally, Cracked Sky broke the chatter. "Alright you guys. I think that's enough. You guys are supposed to be captains." She playfully admonished. The group all let go of me, taking a step back. "Sorry about that. Couldn't really help it." Spell Blade admitted. Here comes the boom. "Hey. It's fine. Nothing wrong with a little affection." I said. The group of captains froze. Cracked Sky looked at me with surprise. The other five captains looked at me with astonishment. "You just talked! Like, actually talked!" Spitfire said. She then turned to the others who had followed us from the engineering room. "Did you know about this?! Why didn't you say anything?!" She yelled. "I found it best that you hear it straight from Diego." Kolivan admitted. "I thought the same." Luna added. "Wait, wait, wait. How come you can talk now?" Hammer asked. "No clue. Voltron?" I asked, tilting my head. Vocal transmitter has been activated, allowing wide range communication. "Voltron says my Vocal transmitter is on now and that's why I can speak." I relayed. "Why is it on now and why wasn't it before?" Night Slash asked. "I asked that before. The functions I have access to from this body aren't all available to me, I have to unlock them by doing heroic deeds." I explained as all of us began walking, this time following Kolivan towards his quarters. "So, because you beat Zarkon, you can speak now?" Shining asked. "Yep!" I enthusiastically replied. We kept walking on in comfortable silence, eventually coming to the door to Kolivan's quarters. "Surprise, thank you for your help." Kolivan said, turning to the butter yellow Flier. "Please ask one of the crew to escort you back to the docking bay. From there, a shuttle can return you to Fantasia." Kolivan explained. "No need! I remember the way back and I can just fly back to the castle. See ya!" Surprise said, vanishing down the hallway. "I swear, Pinkie is related to her in some way." Shining said as we entered Kolivan's quarters. "Possibly." I said as we all entered. Kolivan took his seat behind his desk, the rest of us standing around the front. "So, what did I miss?" > Slices of life. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slices of life. (Diego) "So, I missed quite a bit." I said, after everything had been explained to me. "Talk about a power nap." I joked, the Mystacoran captains chuckling at my joke. "Thankfully, now that you have awakened, we have our greatest ally back." Kolivan said, giving me a small grin. "Glad to be back." I responded. «Commander Kolivan, come in.» Kolivan's communicator rang. "Kolivan here." He activated his comm. «Another raid has begun. On Lima Oscil base.» Was Said. "The Lotarius base? They've gotten desperate." Kolivan commented. "Isn't the Lotarius base very well fortified?" Cracked asked. "Yes, it is. Still, we had better send a squadron to intercept them." Kolivan said, standing from his desk. "Let me accompany them. I need to stretch my legs after being asleep for so long." I interjected. "Are you sure?" Kolivan asked. "Yeah. Voltron, status?" I asked my artificial partner. "Report: Your status is optimal. Power has fully recharged to 100%, weapons systems are functioning at full capacity, Division network is active and ready for use and Quintessence Wavelength Recreator is functional." Voltron responded audibly. "Thanks buddy. You heard him, I'm at 100%" I said. "What was that? I couldn't hear you?" Cracked said sarcastically, a hand at her ear. Everyone laughed lightly in response. Later, we arrived at the starbase. The star itself was strange. It burned purple instead of orange or white. Voltron explained that it was because the star was composed of mostly potassium gasses, producing its radiant colour. Arriving at the base, I saw a handful of seemingly cobbled together ships attacking the large base. Kolivan said that, because Zarkon's faithful was basically just a splinter group, they had to make use of any technology they could find and didn't always have access to proper technicians. Arriving at the base, we were quickly able to dispatch the renegades, with no casualties. The Faithful were taken to prison and we returned home. (Chrysalis) "I am afraid that is not possible." Chrysalis declared." "You must see reason." "Reason? What reason? What you are proposing is impossible." Chrysalis refuted. "If you would simply think about the advantages, we could come to an agreement." "Advantages? Like what? Forcing my children to do duties they are unfit for? That they do not wish to do? That is-" Chrysalis argued. "It is simply a water park." The noble said. "Changelings hate water. It irritates our wings and hinders our flight." Chrysalis refused. "Could they not shape shift themselves to protect their wings?" The contractor beside the noble asked. "Possibly but it would then be a hassle staying in such a form for extended periods of time." Chrysalis said. The discussion had been going on for some time. A noble wanted a new water park to be built in place of a handful of buildings they owned but couldn't find the necessary hands to help manage it. Offering a sizable pay, the noble asked the Changeling queen for help. Unfortunately, Chrysalis wasn't very fond of the idea. "Can you perhaps ask some of your subjects if they're interested? See their opinions?" The noble asked. Chrysalis dived into the sea of thoughts of the hive-mind, listening to her children. Surprisingly, she found that a handful of her children weren't adverse to the proposition. "Huh. Very well. I have 21 volunteers who would like to help you in your endeavour." Chrysalis said, the noble smiling gladly at the news. "That will be perfect." The contractor responded. "We have multiple tasks open for help. Shall we organise who wishes to do what task?" The contractor continued. So the meeting went on. Chrysalis acting as a go between for her children and the contractor. (Shining) A few days later, I was joined by princess Luna on the royal dueling platform. With a handful of nobles and guards spectating around the ring, the two of us fought. I had Vanguard attached to one arm, my Luxite blade in my other hand. Luna stood before me with Midnight crescent in her hands. Both our horns were glowing, strengthening our bodies and granting us armour. We rushed at each other, blades clashing loudly. Luna flicked my blade away, her scythe impacting Vanguard as she spun her weapon like a polearm. Spinning in place, I swiped at her legs with my blade, causing her to jump up and away. Charging forward with Vanguard, I made to bash her with it. Her darkness poured from her clothes, pushing her away from my attack. The spectators gasped at the power. "Good move, but not quick enough, captain." Luna commented. You want quick? I'll show you swift. I thought, pushing some quintessence through my blade. Feeling the invigoration course back into my body, I leapt forward. Luna gasped at my speed before shrouding herself in a dome of shadow. Slashing horizontally at the dome, I prepared to attack the princess. As the dome vanished, I saw no trace of her. Teleportation? I thought, listening for the distinctive pop. A sudden impact at the back of my head shocked me, knocking me forward and causing me to lose my blade. Looking behind myself as I rubbed my head, I saw Luna standing behind me, the watching crowd stunned into silence. "How did you do that?" I asked as I picked up and sheathed my weapon. "I learned a new skill. Not only can I create darkness." Luna began, before slowly sinking into the ground, a black puddle surrounding her legs. "I can also merge into the shadows. As you were attacking my dome, I slipped between your legs and kicked you in the back of the head, with some extra oomph for your defensive enchantments." Luna explained, sheathing her own weapon on her back as she rose to her full height. "Whoa. That power of yours just keeps getting better." I said, Luna nodding in agreement. "As I grow, so does it. But, you have grown as well. Those defensive enchantments were incredibly durable." Luna commented. "Thanks." I said. "Anyway, I'm going to go check up on my vice captain. Goodbye princess." I waved as I left the small arena. "Goodbye, captain." (Celestia) Walking around with Caulina at my back, I spoke of the many different parts of the castle I called home. Caulina looked on in wonder at the many things but still shied away from the many other people in the castle. Having spent the past day with her, I learned a few things about her. It seemed that her ability to teleport was not as cut and dry as it appeared. She could only teleport to places she could naturally reach, being unable to teleport through obstructions. Only around them. She also seemed to leave footprints, as shown by the prints in the floor on the ground from when I showed her the kitchens. I would suspect that her ability is more along the lines of incredible speed than teleportation, were it not for some other discoveries. Not only could she disappear and reappear instantaneously, she could also make things become intangible. Her arm passed straight through a vase as she passed by it, not disturbing it at all. When I pointed it out, she seemed surprised, having not consciously done the act. Reattempting it, she found that anything she looked at or concentrated on could become intangible to touch, the object becoming its opposite colour in the process. Unfortunately, she lacked the capability to do this to herself, only being able to do it to other things. She also lacked the ability to make other things disappear. An interesting fact that I discovered about her is her aptitude for argument. We came across a squalling couple of nobles in the hallways, the two of them arguing about the best weather. One, a Flier, said that snow was the best as it allowed one to enjoy the company of others and the warmth of one's home where the other, a Magician, argued that sunny weather was the best as it allowed one to experience the beauty of nature at its fullest. Caulina interjected that rainy weather was the best as it allowed them to enjoy the sensation of rain on one's skin and have fun with puddles, as well as to water plants and vegetation. The three of them kept arguing their points for hours on end, during which Caulina wasn't shy or meek at all. She acted quite vocal and headstrong. It was a breath of fresh air from her previous state. Unfortunately, the three of them grew tired at the literal end of the day, all of them eventually agreeing that sunny weather was the best. Caulina walked with a noticeable pep after that but shrunk in on herself again the next day. Baby steps. Baby steps. > The Colours of the soul. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Colours of the soul. (Chrysalis) Sitting on my newly carved throne, this one being made of Peridotite instead of Voidicite, like my last one, I immersed myself in the hive-mind. Grogar and Discord had relocated, the mountain cave they were in now empty and silent. With a thought, I sent a handful of scouting parties to search. Hopefully, they would find another trace of the tyrannical Warlock. Looking further, I found the changeling volunteers enjoying working alongside the people of Fantasia. I smiled in joy. My vision suddenly went blurry, now tinged with gold. I recoiled at the strange occurrence, shivering as a strange sensation ran down my back. Again? Again, my sight is blurred? How does this keep happening? Why does this keep happening? Ever since I used the last of Discord's power against the Eradicator, my magic has begun to act strange. First, my dreams, then my concentration, now the hive-mind. Why do I keep seeing these random colours? I thought to myself. Shaking my head, I cleared my mind. It will do me no good to speculate. I dove back into the hive-mind, hearing my children's worry over me. Assuring them that I was fine, I continued my work. My queen. A group of Arcadians are approaching the hive. I heard a guard inform me. Send a scout to meet them. I responded. Of course. I heard. A minute later, I saw the group of people, standing in the desert. My queen. They are another team of scholars. The scout reported. Scholars? What happened to the usual team? They are not set to arrive for another two days. I wondered. I shall ask them. "Queen Chrysalis wonders what happened to the previous team and why you are two days early?" The scout asked. "Ah yes. The previous team caught a nasty flu. It seems they caught it in one of their expeditions." The leader of the group answered. "And the early arrival?" The scout added. "To inform you that the other team was unwell. Since we are so curious about your kind, we volunteered to deliver the message." The leader finished. "Huh. Marvin Luster was always the reckless type." The scout said, turning back to the hive. "Yeah. He really needs to learn to keep his head on straight." The scholar commented. The head researcher's name is Marvolo Luster, not Marvin. These men aren't from the institute. I thought as the imposters drew nearer, closely watched by scouts. Are they spies? Or infiltrators? We'll have to find out. I thought as the imposters entered the hive. My vision blurred again, this time with purple and dark green. They are disgusted at us? When they have the audacity to try to trick us?! You will not be allowed your way. Children, bring them to me. I ordered. The imposters followed my children towards my throne room. I clenched my fists, feeling my anger radiate from my hands. Wait, that isn't anger. I thought as I looked down at my hands on the sides of my throne. My hands felt normal. But my eyes were drawn to my throne. The spots where my hands rested were no longer the green of peridotite. They were blanche white, as if someone had spilled white paint on them. Or had sucked the colour out of them. My arms tingled as I sat. What is happening to me? The doors of my throne room began to open. I straightened myself on my throne, schooling my features. The man leading the fake team, a Walker with short green hair and black skin, took a step forward. "An honour to meet you, Queen Chrysalis." He said, bowing at the hip. "Thank you. If I may, what illness has befallen Marvolo Luster?" I asked innocently. "Oh, nothing serious. Just some insect borne flu. They'll be right as rain in a few days." The fool responded. "Good, good. Now, why did you respond to Marvolo just now, when you responded to Marvin before?" I asked with narrowed eyes. The imposter stiffened. "It is not so easy to trick a Changeling." I said, my children emerging from the crevices and holes in the walls of my throne room. "Now, who are you and what have you done with the real scholar team?" I demanded, my horn glowing with magic. The imposter glared at us for a moment before smirking. An item fell into his hand from the sleeve of his robe. As he held up the blue scarab-shaped object, a sound reverberated throughout the room, causing all changelings to scream at the horrible, painful chittering screech. "Well, what do you know? Works on changelings too!" The Walker gloated. "Now, your majesty, I believe it's time for you to abdicate! Or, more specifically, get abdicated!" He shouted sarcastically. From a satchel at his side, he pulled a flame-bladed dagger. "Say goodnight, monster!" The imposter shouted, bringing the knife down. (Diego) I kicked through the wall, pistol in hand. At my highest speed of processing, I assessed the situation. 37 changelings. Status: incapacitated. 9 unknown individuals. Status: armed. Queen Chrysalis. Status: threatened. Solution: eliminate threats. I raised my pistol at the thug closest to Chrysalis, the barrel of my gun glowing. Acquiring targets. Targets acquired. ɘɔɒɿT ɘɔɿɘiԳ nυɈƧ I fired my pistol, the energy bullet whizzing through the air, striking every thug through the head and knocking them out, ending on the final thug. Hearing the annoying sound of chittering from the device in front of Chrysalis, I aim at it. ʞɒɘɿઘ ɘldɒƨiႧ Firing again, I reduce the scarab to pieces, stopping that annoying sound. Walking up to the queen, I help her to her feet. "Agh… thank you, Diego. It seems the rumor about you being awake was true." Chrysalis remarked as I helped her into her throne. "That's not all that happened." I say, Chrysalis's head rocketing up at my voice. "Whoa. Careful Chrysalis. You'll break your neck if you raise your head that fast." I joke. Chrysalis stares at me with wide eyes. "Since when can you talk?!" She exclaimed in surprise. "Since I woke up. And man, is it sweet. Not to sound egotistical but I missed the sound of my voice." I commented. "We can discuss that later. How did you get here so fast?" Chrysalis asked as I began helping the changelings around the room, letting them have a drop of quintessence to pep them up. "One of your drones that was in the castle rushed to the throne room to tell the princesses about what happened. As soon as Luna heard about it, I started flying." I explained as I helped another changeling to their feet. "I see. Thank goodness. Another second and I would have been-" "Yeah." I cut her off. "It's a good thing I arrived when I did." I said as I continued, now almost done with the changelings. Notice: I am detecting an unknown energy signature in queen Chrysalis. Unknown? Response: Correct. I am unable to ascertain the nature or origin of the energy. Huh. That's the second one this week. First Caulina, now Chrysalis. And let's not even forget Luna… Voltron? Response: Scanning now. Voltron said as I looked at Chrysalis. Attention: Scan completed. I have detected a 81% match to the genetic ability princess Luna holds. I am also detecting an energy signature that is being masked by her magic. I have rechecked previous scans of princess Luna, she has an energy 90% similar to the energy that queen Chrysalis possesses. So she can absorb darkness too? I mentally ask, still staring at Chrysalis. Response: I don't think so. The energy and her genes are different from princess Luna's. Also, look at her throne. Voltron says, my sight switching to the green stone chair. Looking it over, I see nothing strange until I look at where Chrysalis's hands are resting. There, the throne is perfectly white. "What is that?" I asked. Chrysalis looked up at my question, seeing me looking at her throne. Response: It is a complete lack of photonic refraction. Those specific spots are 100% colourless. Pure white. "What is it?" Chrysalis asked. "My throne? It's made of peridotite." Chrysalis said. I walked closer. "No, what's this?" I asked, pointing at the white spot under her hands. She raised her hands from the throne, looking at the blank spots. "I-I don't know. I don't know how it happened." She answered. I looked at her hands as she held them up. "I think I do. Look." I said, grasping one of Chrysalis's hands. She looked at it with bewilderment. Emanating from both of her hands were wisps of green light. She stared at her hand as the green light danced around it. She began flexing her fingers. As her hand closed, the green light dimmed. "W-what happened?" She asked, opening her hand. On her palm was a small bundle of green vines. She looked at it with befuddlement. "What's this?" She asked. "Voltron?" I asked my partner. "Scanning:…" Voltron stayed silent for a moment. I could feel that he was confused. "What's up, buddy?" I asked. "Answer: Through an unknown process, possibly some form of transmutation, queen Chrysalis has transformed the "green" that she absorbed from the peridotite into flora. I possess no knowledge of how this is possible." Voltron finished. Chrysalis shared my feeling of astonishment. "Wow. And considering how encyclopedic your knowledge is, that's weird." I commented. "Couldn't magic do this?" Chrysalis asked as she poked at the bundle of plant matter. "Answer: The necessary magical formulae needed to accomplish the transformation of abstract colour into physical matter is so immense that it is feasibly impossible. The only possible manner of accomplishing this task is through either dimension warping, which you are not capable of, or through a complex energistic reaction, which I believe is being generated through the unknown gene in your DNA." Voltron lengthily explained. "I…" Chrysalis trailed off, absolutely confused. "Yeah, I barely get it but the basics is, it's not magic, it's biology." I summarised. Chrysalis looked slightly less confused. "So, now what?" Chrysalis asked. Voltron stayed silent for a moment again. "…Response: Try doing what you did to make the plants again." Voltron said. Chrysalis looked at the plants in her palm, her hand still glowing lightly. Closing her fingers on the bundle of vines, she closed her eyes in concentration. Opening her hand again, the vines leapt upwards, growing quickly. From her palm, a sapling developed, producing leaves and stems, her hand no longer glowing. Chrysalis opened her eyes to see the small tree, looking at it in wonder. "Nice job. Although, I have to admit, Green Manipulation is not a superpower I've ever heard of." I commented. "Negative: Chrysalis's gene only appears to be functioning at partial capability." Voltron said, making Chrysalis look at me. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Shift: Attempt to do to the ground, what you did to your throne." Voltron explained, pointing at the floor. Chrysalis looked down at the dark green hard resin. Holding her other hand level to the ground, she closed her eyes again. For a moment, nothing happened. Chrysalis scrunched up her face cutely before her hand glowed like before. This time, the glow was a dull, almost crystal clear white. Dark green light started rising up from the ground, leaving the ground a pitch black colour as the "green" merged with the light around her hand, turning it green. Chrysalis opened her eyes, looking at her glowing left hand. "It appears to be Green Manipulation to me." Chrysalis commented. "No, that's from the floor. Before you absorbed the colour, your hand was glowing white." I explained. "Wait…" I trailed off as I realized something. "Try to do that with me." I said. Chrysalis looked at me for a moment before pointing her hand at me. After a few seconds, nothing happened. "Nothing." She said. "Huh." I muttered. My sight drifted to the throne Chrysalis sat on, seeing the white spots on the arm rests. I then looked back at the pitch black ground. "Hold on, maybe it doesn't work on white." I said. Looking around, I felt the need to frown, despite not having eyebrows. "And of course, everything here is a shade of green." I said before I saw the hole made from my entrance. "But that isn't." I said, looking at the brown sand. > Colourful revelations. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Colourful revelations. (Chrysalis) Having moved out onto the barren sands, I stood before Diego and my personal guards. Looking up at my hive, I saw the worker drones swiftly mending the hole that Diego made on his arrival. Feeling the same underneath my shoes, I concentrated on the strange sensation I felt before. It seemed to be getting easier with practice as I didn't need to concentrate as hard as before. Holding one hand to the glistening brown sand before me and another up to the sky, I pulled on that strange sensation again. "Nice, nice. Just keep going." Diego encouraged me as I felt the sensation grow. Opening my eyes from my concentration, I looked at my hand, glowing light brown. Looking down, I saw the sand bleached white. "So it's not green. It's colour. You can absorb colours." Diego commented. "Fascinating." I said as I looked at the brown glow around my hand. "Try making something like what you did with the green." Diego called out. Making something? Very well… I thought, focusing on my upward facing hand. The light brown glow shifted to it as something began forming. After a few seconds, a fist shaped segmented brown gem sat in my hand. "Whoa, what is that?" Diego asked as he came closer. "Biggs Jasper? What's-" Diego began, obviously talking to his mental companion. "Whoa whoa whoa, skip the gemmology lesson." He continued. "Then why didn't you just say that? Voltron says it's a perfect Biggs Jasper." Diego explained as he looked at me. I looked at the large gemstone for a moment before signaling a guard to take it. Seeing that my hands were still glowing, I concentrated again. Pressing my hands together, I focused again, feeling something form in-between my hands. Looking at the object, I saw a small transparent brown crystal. "What? What's this?" I asked. Diego looked at it for a moment before replying. "Brown glass." He answered. "Brown glass? But why didn't I make more Jasper?" I wondered as I stared at the piece of glass. "Were you trying to make more or were you just making something brown?" Diego asked me. I thought for a moment before realising he was right. "I suppose not. It seems that I will need to learn how to control this." I said, looking at my hands. "Well, Luna picked it up like a fish to water so it can't be that hard." Diego said, making me raise an eyebrow. "Luna? Oh, you mean the princess- wait. I forgot about that." I said, remembering princess Luna's bizarre ability. "She could absorb darkness. Like I can absorb colours." "Yeah. You both have different versions of the genetic ability. Although, neither of us know how." Diego said, pointing at his head. My queen. I heard from the hive-mind. Holding up my hand for silence, I focused on the connection. Yes? The princesses were worried about your situation. I have informed them that everything has been settled. They asked if you could detain the imposters for them, they shall send a group of guards to collect them. The changeling said. What are the guards' names? I asked. They are three Magicians. One is white skinned, one is pink skinned and the final one is blue skinned. The pink skinned one is the executive guard. They reported. Thank you. That will be all. "The princesses are sending a group of guards to take the imposters." I told Diego. "Oh good. That's good to know. Anyway, I think I should be getting back to the capital, princess Celestia wanted to properly introduce our new guest." Diego said, turning to face in the direction of the far away city. "Very well. Thank you for your help, Diego. You are my hero." I said with a genuine smile. "Just doing my job." Diego said mirthfully, taking off a moment later. I turned back to my guards. "Have the drones bring me some different paints. I wish to continue testing my new ability." I ordered. "Yes, my queen." The guards responded as I turned back to the sand. (Diego) I flew back to the capital, arriving in just a dobosh. Landing in the hangar, I greeted the engineers and flight crews as I made my way into the castle, admiring the renovations and additions. Making my way through the halls, I eventually jogged into the throne room, seeing my friends standing in front of princess Celestia sitting on her throne with Caulina standing next to her. "Hello, everyone." I greeted as I came to a stop. The captains waved at me as I walked forward. Stopping beside them, I waved at Caulina. "Hello, Caulina." "Hello." Caulina waved back. "Oh, where are my manners. My name is Diego Logis." I introduced myself. Caulina suddenly looked confused. "Diego Logis?" She asked. "Yes. Why?" I asked back. "That name sounds familiar…" She said. "Like I heard it in the news or- YOU'RE THE GUY WHO EXPLODED!" She suddenly yelled. "Exploded?" Everyone asked. "Yeah! It was on the news, at the Wellington convention, there was a sudden explosion that hurt six people and damaged the building the convention was in! The news said it was a man named Diego Logis who was the center of the explosion! You exploded!" She exclaimed. "I what?!" I shouted. "I ended up here by EXPLODING?!" "You think that's bad, I ended up here by getting hit by a truck!" Caulina added. "At least you didn't hurt anyone from it!" I refuted. "I was hurt! Do you have any idea what getting hit by a truck feels like?!" Caulina yelled back. "Enough!" Celestia shouted, standing from her throne. "It is not a competition in how you came to this world. Please, stop shouting about it." Celestia calmly said, sitting back down. Caulina exhaled, calming back down. Taking a moment, I calmed down as well. Hammer Strike put his hand on my arm, looking at me worriedly. I nodded at him in assurance. Turning back to the two women, I stepped forward. "With that out of the way, allow me to reprise. My name is Diego Logis. I, alongside my AI, am Super Voltron. It is a pleasure to meet you." I greeted her, my voice echoing in my mind. "A pleasure to meet you, Super Voltron. My name is Caulina Albrecht. I am Cause/Effect." Caulina greeted in reply. Both of us blinked in confusion. "Wait, what did I just say?" We both said at the same time. (Sendak) "Your Eminence. The Hand is operational. We have begun integrating it into your ship. The Torchbearer shall soon take to the sky." A grunt informed the leader of the Fire of Purification. "Good. And the status of the slaves?" He replied. "Working. They are, however, starting to show signs of malnutrition." The grunt said. "Hm. Throw more scraps into their meals. We cannot have our workforce collapsing on us." Sendak ordered. "Dismissed." Soon, the galaxy shall be in my palm. I need but only wait for a hand to hold it in. > Existence and interruptions. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Existence and interruptions. (Caulina) Looking at Diego and the people around us, the two of us both flinched at the strange occurrence. "Wait, what did I just say?" Diego and I both asked simultaneously. "Okay, that was weird." We both said. "Okay, stop that." We continued. "No, seriously, stop it." We said. "What is going on?" One of the captains, the older one with a horn, asked. "I don't know, she's/he's copying me." We both said. "Okay, both of you need to stop." The woman with sun-yellow skin ordered before facing me. "You, shut up." She ordered. I felt offended at being silenced. She then turned back to Diego. "What the heck was all that?" She asked him. "I don't know. We just- hold on, Voltron's saying something." Diego said, pointing at his head. He stayed silent for a second. "Okay, this is weird. According to Voltron, my brain acted on itself when Caulina and I said our names. He has no idea why it happened." Diego explained. "That's one useless AI." I commented. Diego rounded on me. "Hey! Voltron is awesome and I don't like my friends being disrespected." Diego stepped up to me, pointing a finger at me. "Hey, I'm just saying, I haven't seen him do anything useful yet." I said bluntly. Diego suddenly looked out the colourful window of the room. "Well, he's about to. Voltron just detected a swarm of monsters appearing near the edge of the city, coming from a portal that matches Grogar's signature." Diego said, walking up to the window. Everyone moved to look, seeing a rippling yellow circle of light spewing out various ugly monsters. "Grogar's attacking again? Why? He knows that he can't win with you here and a lot of people saw you fly out of the castle before, so they know that you are awake again." Celestia said as she looked out of the window. "Voltron says that he doesn't recognise the monsters coming out of the portal and he thinks that Grogar is just throwing something new at us." Diego said as he stepped back from the windows. "Then he may be watching from afar, to see how his creations fare. Diego, head out and stop the monsters from getting to the city, the defences are still new." Kolivan ordered. Diego nodded as a stream of light travelled up his arm from his leg, merging with his wings and upgrading them. "While you do that, be on the lookout for whatever Grogar could be using to observe the attack." Kolivan continued. Diego nodded again before vanishing in a flash of white light. "Captains, while Diego is battling the army, they should focus on him but deploy the guard to make sure any stragglers don't get through and attack the citizens." Celestia ordered, the captains all nodding. "Spell, help me send us all to the guard tower." The younger horned captain said, making them all join hands. In a multicolour flash, all of them disappeared as well. Only the princesses, Kolivan and I remained in the throne room. "Alright. Caulina, you come with me. We'll take you to the evacuation shelter with the nobles." Celestia said, holding her hand out. "No way, I'm helping the others." I argued. "Caulina, you can't fight." Celestia argued back. I responded by vanishing across the room, appearing by the door. Celestia looked around in confusion before spotting me. I vanished again, appearing by her throne. I then walked up to her, phasing Kolivan as I passed. "I'll be fine." I argued. Celestia looked at me for a moment before Luna stepped forward. "I shall protect her. You and Kolivan go take care of directing our forces." Luna said. "Alright. Stay safe, sister." Celestia said, taking hold of Kolivan's arm. "You as well." Luna replied as the two of them vanished. "Shall we?" She asked as she held her hand out to me. "Yeah but I think I prefer not teleporting." I said hesitantly as I grabbed her hand. "Very well. There is a balcony exit just down the hall." Luna said, pulling me along as we left the throne room. Tightly holding on to Luna as we flew across the city, I looked up to see Diego tearing through the monsters with a large boxy gun that was shooting lasers like a minigun. He was moving so quickly, I almost couldn't keep up as he ducked and weaved through the air, turning the creatures into Swiss cheese. Luna began descending, heading for a large fountain near the edge of the city. "Alright, that was terrifying." I said as I stood on solid ground. "If that was enough to scare you, you shouldn't be on the battlefield." Luna said as she began emitting black opaque smoke. "Hey, don't count me out yet." I argued as I looked around. A handful of monsters broke off from the flock, flying straight towards us. "They've sensed me. Here." Luna reached into her shoe, pulling out a small hilt. She pushed a button on the side, making a thin energy blade extend out from the top. "Use this. It should help you defend yourself." She said. Taking the magic dagger, I grasped it tightly as the monsters fell in a circle around us. Let's do this. I'm going to have to get behind them then I should be able to stab each one in the head before they have a chance to counter. I thought before a familiar pulsing feeling came from my left eye. Tick. I blinked and all the monsters around us cried out in pain. Luna looked around in confusion. "What did you do?" She asked as the monsters lifted themselves back up. One monster jumped at me. Luna swung her arm, a thick ribbon of black smoke coming out of her arm and sailing through the air at the creature. I don't want it to hit me. I thought, feeling my right eye pulse as I looked at the monster. Thrum. It's inverted claws passed straight through me before it got sent flying by Luna's black ribbon. "Told you." I looked at Luna with a smirk. She smiled back at me as the smoke around her blocked another monster from attacking. "Keep that up then." She grinned. I turned back to the ugly creatures around me. If I could do what I did before again, it would be a big help. But not just stab them all, cut them all over their bodies. Their joints, eyes, limbs, everything. I thought as I jumped at another monster with my weapon. Tick. I landed on the other side of the fountain, my arms, legs and hips feeling tired as I blinked. The monsters around Luna all cried out as their bodies became covered in small slashes, opening them up for Luna to blast them back with a black shockwave. The monsters all went flying down streets and into walls, falling to the ground. "I'm assuming that was you, how did you do that?" Luna asked me as I stood from my crouch. "I'm not sure. I think I… teleported but as I was teleporting, anything I thought of doing happened. Like my body was doing it all for me or… something like that. I'm not entirely sure." I responded slowly, stretching my limbs. "Well, it is most certainly useful…" Luna trailed off as she saw the monsters rustling. Slowly, they began standing back up, their wounds and bruises quickly healing. "Seriously? That's cheating." I remarked as I raised my dagger again. "Most definitely. However, there is something I recently learned that might help. I've been intermittently studying it since the day I met Diego." Luna said as her horn glowed blue with black sparks before she spun in place, firing blasts at each monster. The monsters all fell to the ground with holes through their bodies. "Okay, that was very cool but what good is it going to do?" I asked as I looked at the twitching monsters. "They're just going to get back up…" I stared as the monsters all twitched before stopping, fading away into dust moments later. "What was that?" I asked her. "Permanent wound spells, alongside an overdone puncturing spell." Luna responded. "The more they try to regenerate, the more they damage themselves." Luna finished. A bright flash suddenly filled the sky. Looking up, both of us saw a great big chain of fire, burning away and incinerating all the monsters as it traveled through the air. "Whoa…" I marveled as the flames continued. "It seems Diego found his own way to do it." Luna commented. Diego then emerged out of the flames, looking around. He suddenly spun around, pointing something in his hand in a random direction. It seemed to fire a small laser. A loud shattering sound was heard as the laser struck something invisible, sending shards of yellow light flying. "That must have been Grogar's spy. Good work Diego!" Luna called up to him. Diego curved through the air, flying towards us before he landed. "Thanks Luna. Finally found that thing. Now, Voltron says there are still a few monsters- seven monsters left." He said. "They seem to be fighting a group of Magicians in that direction." Diego said, pointing into the city. "Then let's go stop them." Luna said. Diego crouched down, turning to face his back to us. "Climb on, I'll take you there." He said. Luna climbed on, grabbing the tips of his wings. "I think I'll take my own way." I said. Tick. I appeared on the street heading towards where Diego pointed. "Come on slowpokes!" I called out to them as I ran. Hearing them take off, I hurried after them. Tick. Tick. Appearing on a street corner, I heard fighting to my right, on the other side of a building. I saw Diego and Luna both fly down and land on the side the fighting was coming from. Running towards the peach coloured building wall- Thrum. -I ran through the dark blue wall, emerging in a living room full of people. A woman screamed on sight of me before getting shushed by everyone else. "Sorry." I said, making my way past them. Running out the door, I saw Diego and Luna standing in front of a group of relieved guards and people who all had horns, a bunch of burning monsters in front of the two of them. "Seems I missed all the fun." I commented, making everyone turn to me. "You sure did." Diego said, holstering a pistol in his hand with a flash from his leg. "So, is that all of them?" I asked as I walked down from the front door steps. "Yeah, Voltron isn't picking up any more and the portal they came through is long gone." Diego said. "Thank goodness. Oh, right." Walking up to princess Luna, I turned off the magic dagger and held it out for her. "Thanks for letting me borrow this." I said. She closed my hand around the small hilt. "Keep it. You never know when you might need it." She replied. I smiled at her. Diego looked up at the castle at the center of the city. "Come on, the others are already back at the castle." He started moving towards the castle. Luna jumped up on his back again. "It's fun to ride on your back, could you carry me?" She asked cutely. Diego looked at her for a second before shrugging. "Okay. But if you want to be carried…" Diego said, reaching for the woman on his back. Grabbing her leg, he tipped forward, letting her fall into his waiting arms. "Then I think this is the proper way to do it." Diego said in a smug tone. The people behind all had their jaws on the floor at the casual way Diego handled Luna. "No, wait, I changed my MIIIIND! AH HA HA HA!" Luna exclaimed as Diego blasted off, carrying Luna in his arms. I just chuckled, which blew out into laughter as I saw the gobsmacked looks behind me. "Hehehe. Show off." I thought before I focused on the castle. Tick. > Hitch-hiker. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hitch-hiker. (Or the part where grammar goes out the airlock) (It) It didn't know where it was. It almost never knew where it was. The light was dark and the dark was everywhere. It knew what it was. It wasn't that. It was never that. But it liked being around that. It liked riding on that. But not this. This was nothing. It was riding on nothing. On this. But it couldn't see that. So it had to ride on this. For now. It knew that eventually, it would find that. Somewhere. It always did. But thankfully, it had those. Those weren't this. This was nothing. Those were something. Those were there and here and far and close and bright. Those were always so bright. Sometimes too bright. It knew that if it came close to those, it wouldn't like those. Those would hurt it. Would burn it like those did burn them. It missed them. It liked them. But them liked those. Them liked those too much and got too close to those and burned. It tried to warn them but them couldn't hear. Not in this. It continued, riding through this. It could see those in other parts of this. But it wanted to ride on that. That was fun. But it didn't know where that was. But it would find that. It knew it would. It just had to keep looking. It could see that. That was riding through this with these. It thought these were strange. These helped that ride through this. Without these, this would hurt that. So, it wanted to ride on these because it knew that was in these. So, it moved through this, grabbing onto one of these. These were also fun. These rode through this very quickly. So quickly, it couldn't follow. Those passed by very quickly. Quicker than it could see. But these weren't going so fast now. But it wanted to be in these. So, it climbed. It knew, if it kept climbing, it would find a way into these. So it climbed. It eventually found a way into these. It could feel that that was here. It could smell. It couldn't smell in this but it could in these. That needed the smell in these to live. It didn't need to smell but it could. That had not yet seen it. But that never saw it. It was too small. So it climbed on that and rode that. That was fun. It could also hear that now. "How far are we from Olkarion?" One of that asked another that. "I don't know. Last I checked, a movement or two." The other that respond. It listened as that talked. It couldn't talk to that. Only them. But them didn't listen. So it listened to that. It didn't know of the things that meant. But it still listened. It liked listening. It heard something else. It heard others of that. It could smell fear. It wasn't afraid, but that was. That was afraid of the other that. It didn't know why. "What's going on?!" The scared that screamed. «Attention vessel. You have entered restricted space. Prepare to be boarded.» A thing spoke. It knew the thing wasn't that. The thing sounded different than that. "Restricted space?! Restricted by what?!" One of that screamed. "Oh no. It's The Fire Of Purification!" Another that screamed. These shook. It didn't know why. These kept shaking before these stopped. The thing came. "Attention alien species. You have trespassed in true Galran space. Your punishment is death." The thing said. The thing made the light that hurts. The light hurt that. Hurt all of that. It was sad. It liked that. The thing was leaving. It decided to follow the thing. The thing could lead it to more of that. It saw more of the thing and more of that. That was talking to the thing. "Search the entire ship. Send anything valuable to the Souleater. Dispose of the bodies then eject everything else into the foundry." That said. That sounded strange. Like the thing. But also, not like the thing. That didn't smell like the thing either so it still thought that was that and not the thing. It landed on that that wasn't the thing but sounded like the thing. The that moved through these turning this way and that. It didn't know where that was going but it would find out. It knew these were big. Not as big as this or those but big for that. Bigger than it. It kept riding the that until the that stopped. The that looked at a part of these. The part shone like those but it wasn't pretty. The part became the thing. «State your name, rank and intention.» The thing said. It heard the that speak but it wasn't listening. "…m seeking an audience with his Eminence, lord Sendak. I am here with a report on the progress of the foundry." The that spoke. «Name, rank and intention recognised. Password?» The thing spoke. ""Zarkon was a fool, the true emperor is Sendak. Long live the true Galra emperor."" The that spoke, sounding even more like the thing. «Password recognised. You shall now be transferred to the true emperor.» The thing spoke before it became the part again. The part became the thing again. «Report.» The thing spoke, sounding like that. "My emperor. The foundry is operating at 100% efficiency. Seven alien ships have been detained and converted. The construction should be finished soon." «Good work, commander. Continue as you have. Is the foundry prepared for movement?» The thing asked. It didn't know what the foundry was but it didn't like the foundry. "As you command, your Eminence. The foundry will move in exactly three quintants." «Good. That will be all.» The thing said before it became the part of these again. The that turned and began moving through these again, turning again and again and again. It eventually stopped. "Contaminant detected. Beginning decontamination." The thing spoke, sounding different from before again. Something fell on it. It burned. It was not near those but it burned. It would soon join them again. > The more things change. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The more things change. After Grogar's failed invasion attempt, things started to kick off. I regularly began helping Kolivan with space missions but I didn't forget my friends back home. Surprisingly, Caulina signed up for guard training. She was surprisingly fit and energetically eager. She blew through her training like a pro, although it wasn't easy. As for home, I also got round to seeing all the changes that had happened that I slept through. Unfortunately, something felt off. The wider galaxy was mostly peaceful. Zarkon's faithful had begun to drop in occurrences, appearing less and less. And when they did appear, they were basically in shambles. The Blades had begun dismantling the Galra outposts scattered around the galaxy. From what Kolivan had told me, there weren't many left. But still, something felt off. I recognised the feeling. Something was coming. Something big and dangerous. Something deadly. Thankfully, we were prepared. The Mystacorans had really advanced with the help of the Blades and other races. Mystacor was quickly making a name for itself. And my friends were stronger than ever. Not to mention, the princesses had also established contact with other nations around Mystacor. The dragons were surprisingly easy. Their pride not letting them get upstaged by another race. Other races also began coming to us, seeking to help us in exchange for aid. All in all, it was progress. I also didn't let myself slack off. I started learning new things about myself that had become apparent since my awakening. My personal Bayard, the Thaum pistol, was a marvel. With it, I was able to do magic with a variety of incantations. Voltron helped me to learn the language. I also found that my other Bayard form, the halberd, had an interesting secret. While I was using it, my emitters weren't as powerful as they normally were but the reason for that was because I was physically stronger. I knew I still had more to learn about myself and the world around me. But I knew I could do it. With my friends by my side. Luna, Shining, Hammer Strike, Spell Blade, Spitfire, Night Slash and Kolivan. Together, nothing was too great a task. Nothing, eh? Well, let's just see about that. I stood before my opponents, my Bayard in the form of a Glave staff, the moon high in the sky. "You know you're making a mistake, right?" I asked them. "That remains to be seen." "After all, we have the advantage." "And what makes you say that?" I quipped. "Simple. The elements favour us. You are on your own." "So it's two against one. Who cares? I've fought much greater odds than that before." I declared as I began to circle with my foes. "But, have you fought enemies like us before?" "Perhaps not but I am willing to try. Have at thee!" I charged forward. "Hold on! Time out!" Chrysalis shouted. "What?" I asked, lowering my weapon. ""Have at thee?" What is this, the middle ages?" Chrysalis asked in confusion. "Many said that in my time." Luna said. "No offense, princess but you are over a thousand years old." Chrysalis deadpanned. "None taken. Nevertheless, I believe we should continue. Time in?" Luna asked, raising Midnight Crescent into the air, her cloak of shadows fanning out around her. "Alright. Time in!" Chrysalis declared, rushing at me with a blue crystal sword. A momentary scan showed it was made of sapphire. Chrysalis has been practicing her gem making. That weapon looks amazing. I thought as I blocked a swing from her. Luna then appeared behind me, swinging at me with her scythe. Bending my legs and flicking my Glave, I dodged Luna's slash, catching Chrysalis with the pommel of my Glave and catapulting the two into each other. "Too slow." I taunted as I straightened up and back stepped. Luna immediately melted into shadows and reformed standing upright, Chrysalis mimicking the action by becoming water a moment later. As the multicoloured candles around the arena glowed like a rainbow, the two of them stared at me, watching my every move. After letting the suspense build for a few seconds, I blasted the ground, kicking up a cloud of stone dust. Chrysalis and Luna tried blasting my position with separate attacks. A ball of darkness from Luna and a beam of water at -50°c aimed at my legs from Chrysalis. Both attacks missed as I ducked to the side. Absorbing the light gray of the stone ground, Chrysalis blew my dust cloud away with wind, revealing nothing. "What? Diego?" Luna called out, searching for where I went. "Boop." I said, appearing in front of Luna and tapping her nose. She responded by slashing at me. I vanished again as I dodged. "What is this?" Luna demanded, going back to back with Chrysalis and looking in every direction. "So you know how if my Bayard merges with my wings, they change form?" I asked, still invisible. "And that I have five of those forms? Turns out, I have my own form too." I said, reappearing on the other side of the arena. Luna and Chrysalis but faced me with weapons ready. I turned to show them my back, showing off the dish shaped shell that had replaced my wings. "That's it?" Chrysalis asked. "Yeah. It may seem underwhelming but trust me. It's pretty awesome." I said as I disappeared again. Chrysalis and Luna went back to back again in response. "Yeah, this thing has all the bells and whistles. Light displacement, scent neutralisation, even sound muffling. I can't even hear my own footsteps. Awesome, right?" "I thought we said no transformations?" Chrysalis said. "Come on. This is new and I haven't had the chance to test it out. Besides, I can't have my Bayard and my cloak at the same time so there's that." I bargained, walking up behind the two of them. They both looked in every direction before Chrysalis suddenly perked up, staring at the ground. She suddenly turned to face me and unleashed another ice beam, freezing me straight in the chest. "Ah, shoot! Straight in the Bayard port!" I exclaimed, cringing at the sudden cold and becoming visible again. Luna launched another dark ball at me, shattering the ice and knocking me off my feet. Both of them pounced on me, Luna holding me down with a downpour of darkness and Chrysalis adding to it with stone chains. "Hah! Gotcha!" Chrysalis exclaimed. "Alright. Nice job ladies. You take the first point." I said, breaking through my restraints and standing back up. My Bayard reformed in my hand as I took my position again. "You bet. Also, no more using that cloak thing." Chrysalis ordered. "Alright. Let's go!" I declared as we clashed again. (Three phoebs later) "Lord Sendak. The foundry has finished." "Good. And the location is set?" "Yes, my lord." "Excellent. Prepare for conquest." "Vrepit sa!" "Vrepit sa." (On Mystacor) "Urg, I'm so bored!" Spitfire shouted as she laid on an exercise mat. "We know. We're bored too." Shining said as he was doing push-ups. "But seriously! Nothing has happened for, literally, a month! Zarkon's faithful? Nothing. Space pirates? None. Planets in danger? Zip! Nothing has gone on for a freaking month!" Spitfire continued. "Isn't that a good thing?" Night Slash asked as he was doing backwards wing-ups. "There hasn't been any fighting or disturbances in space for a long while. That's good, isn't it?" "I mean, yeah but there hasn't been anything fun to do either! Diego, what do you think?" Spitfire asked as I sat to one side. "…" "Diego?" Shining asked, standing up and walking over to me. "Hmm? Oh, sorry Spitfire. I think it's a good thing that nothing bad has happened but it is a bit odd." I answered. "Odd?" Spitfire asked. "Yeah. Odd. Why has nothing happened? Why is everything so peaceful? Are there any more enemies for us to fight?" I asked, everyone turning silent at my questioning. "Well-" "Warning: Proximity alert." Voltron suddenly said. "Proximity?" Hammer asked. "Yeah, there's- what? How the heck did they get that close?" "Answer: They have a cloaking technology that obscures them from my scanners." "What? You've gotta be kidding." Spell Blade exclaimed. "This isn't the first time this has happened. Multexus had jamming tech that stopped my scanners too. Whoever they are, they must have a cloak that does the same thing." I said as I stood from my seat. I immediately headed for the window and jumped out, flying up into the atmosphere. "Well, looks like you got what you wanted, Spits." Flying up with my clapk activated, I flew towards the incoming ships. They had already set up a blockade. Incoming messages from the largest ship. Put it through. Let's hear it. «Voltron.» I heard a vaguely familiar voice announce. «I know that this is the world you have made your home. Come and face me, unless you want it destroyed.» The voice continued. I then recognised that voice. Sendak? He's here? Where the heck did he get all these ships?! «Surrender yourself now or face the consequences.» Put me through. Response: Linking communications. Continuation: Link established. «Sendak.» «Ah. The legendary Voltron. And I see you know my name as well. Pray tell, how?» Sendak asked me in his authoritative voice. Voltron, where is his ship? Response: At the back of the blockade. «I know my fair share of secrets. Your name is Sendak. You have an artificial arm and cybernetic eye, along with a scar to match.» I described. «And who told you these secrets?» «No one. I simply know them.» «I see. But, you still have yet to show yourself. All ships, open fire!» Sendak ordered, the entire blockade charging their weapons. Kaltenecker! I thought as I became visible, grasping my Bayard and point my pistol at the opposing fleet. !ɿɘiɿɿɒd bnɒɿӘ I fired my pistol, a wall of quintessence manifesting between the blockade and Mystacor. The ships fired, their blasts exploding against the white wall. How long can I keep this up? I asked, already feeling a strain. Answer: Not long. You're already at 80%. Damn. Charge the thrusters, we're bull rushing them! I ordered as I flew forward with the barrier. I crashed into the front row of ships, damaging them as the barrier broke down. Step on it! ENGAGE! Diego transformed as fast as he could, forming with his shoulder cannon already manifested. Targets acquired. Diego fired multiple tracking lasers, reducing multiple ships to scrap. The blockade fired on Diego, the blasts exploding on contact. Diego fired again, the cannon firing a full power laser this time. The ships took no damage. The ships glowed purple as force fields protected them. Form blazing sword. Diego pressed his fist to his chest, a hilt forming in his grasp. He pulled the flame blade out, holding it in both hands and charging forward. «Your power is immense, Voltron. But here's a blast from the past.» Sendak declared. The blockade suddenly split down the middle. At the back flew a large ship. It seemed to be folded in on itself. The ship rotated to an upward position before unfolding itself. «Behold! The Hand of Dominance!» Sendak shouted as reconstructed hand of the Eradicator opened it's fingers. The Hand fire on Diego, bathing him in negative quintessence. The Hand glowed brightly as it closed and faced Diego again. Diego's sword no longer burned but he still moved. With a burst of energy, the sword reignited. Diego charged at Sendak's ship. The knuckles of the Hand opened to glowing ports, cannons firing on Diego. The shots exploded on impact, knocking Diego back. The blockade combo'd him, unleashing a barrage of explosive shots at him. Diego formed his missile launchers, firing at the fleet. Their shields activated. The explosions splashed against the barriers, not damaging the ships. Reloading brand new missiles, Diego fired again. The explosions had no effect but did provide the perfect cover. Diego rushed forward, punching through a ship's shield and grabbing it by the nose. Firing his thrusters, Diego smashed one ship into another, destroying his makeshift club. Another barrage assaulted Diego. Outer casing is buckling. Advance to maximum threat level. FORM REBELLION SHIELD. FORM RETRIBUTION LANCE. Diego's most powerful shield formed from his wings as his greatest weapon formed in his hand. Switch to acid conversion. SYNCHRONISE. Diego's weapons glowed green as he thrusted his Lance through a ship, corrosive acid burning straight through it. Diego launched towards the Hand of Dominance, spearing and bashing through any ship in his way. Sendak fired on him again. Switch to wind conversion. But Diego blocked with his shield, neutralising the attack. The fleet ships hailed Diego with explosion, only pushing him forward. Diego thrusted at the Hand of Dominance. The Hand rocketed to the side, avoiding Diego's thrust. It opened again, charging another shot. Diego spun in place, thrusting his Retribution Lance. Sendak fired. Diego floated in space, his Lance thrust forward. Sendak's ship floated in front of him, a hole burned straight through. «Never again. Never again shall the universe fear you.» Diego said as he yanked his spear upward and then swung down, bisecting the Hand of Dominance. Diego turned to the fleet of the Fire of Purification. The ships turned and vanished into space, running as fast as they could. Diego shrunk back down to his normal size. Quintessence level: 3%. Cycling to recharge mode. Diego slowly floated back towards his home as he fell asleep, feeling accomplished. Good job, Super Voltron. Good job indeed. You are ready now. Time to open the floodgates. > The light of a new era. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The light of a new era. (Three days later) "Urgh. I thought we were over this!" Hammer Strike shouted as he laid in bed. "It appears not. Although, I do agree with the sentiment. This is very unappealing." Spell Blade agreed from the next bed over. "Just be glad they let us have a week off again." Spitfire added. "Why did this happen again?" Night asked. "Because of our connection to Diego." Shining answered. "He gets hurt, we feel it. He knocks himself out, we get affected too. At least it's not as bad as when he lost his Bayard. We were unconscious for the whole week after that." Shining said. "Oh yeah. I remember that. It totally sucked." Spitfire said. "Very much so. Thank goodness for our vice-commanders." Spell Blade announced. "To the vice-commanders." Hammer said, raising a glass of mineral water. "To the vice-commanders." Spitfire chorused with her own empty glass. "Well, the good news is you should be out of here by tomorrow. You're recovering much faster than last time." Nurse Redheart said as she read their conditions on a clipboard. "Thanks to Diego still having his Bayard and spending all of his time in the quintessence forest. How is the forest, by the way?" Hammer asked. "Expanding. I got a message from Kolivan and my mother. Since Diego has been amplifying the quintessence to recharge himself, he's been making the forest grow farther." Shining explained. "That's good. Anything else?" Night asked. "Nothing worth mentioning." The room fell into a comfortable silence after that. "Hey, have you guys seen Caulina sparring with some of the guards?" Spitfire suddenly asked. "Yes. She is quite intriguing." Slash commented. "At the very least. As Spitfire would put it, she "wiped the floor with them"." Spell said. "Totally! The way she teleports and hits them without them even knowing? It's awesome!" Spitfire exclaimed. "Not to mention, an excellent training exercise in resilience and how to face an unpredictable opponent." Night Slash added. "Yeah. And speaking of unpredictable opponents, what about princess Luna? Ever since she got those darkness powers, she's been wicked!" Spitfire yelled before falling back against her bed, light headed and dizzy. "But you also have to remember, she was affected as well. Maybe not as much as the five of us or Kolivan but she was affected as well." Spell explained. "Yeah yeah. This exhaustion is seriously uncool." Spitfire said with her hand held against her temple, cringing in discomfort. "Thankfully, she hasn't been brought down too much. She still does her princessly duties." Hammer commented. "Did you just say "princessly"?" Spitfire asked. She would have raised an eyebrow if she had the strength. "Yes. It fits." Hammer said, crossing his arms sluggishly. "I do not believe that is a real word." Spell and Night Slash both said. "Well I think it fits. Hey wait, where is princess Luna anyways? She hasn't checked in on us today." Hammer said. (The Dagger) "Commander, are you sure you should be up and about? I must insist that you rest." Luna said. "You have asked me that 78 times, princess. I told you, I am fine. Galran medicine is very effective." Kolivan reassured her as he looked at the console in front of him. "I am merely editing the designs for a new scout ship the engineers have concocted." Kolivan explained as he typed. "Really?" Luna asked, looking around his body at the sleek design. "Yes. Before I led the rebellion, I was chief engineer on one of the empire's warships." Kolivan said. "Humble beginnings for such an influential man." Luna complimented him. "Yes. I have always known the value of hard work. More so than most others." Kolivan said as he stepped away from the console. "But it is always good to know your roots." Luna smiled. Kolivan gave a small grin in response. "So, have you checked in on him?" Kolivan asked. "I have. He says that he feels better and should be at full capacity soon. However, he says he has been having trouble sleeping." Luna answered. "Sleeping? Does he need sleep?" Kolivan asked as he began walking out of the room, Luna following behind. "He does but not much. He also enjoys it. However, lately he has been having trouble. He says that his sleep has been leaving him restless and that he keeps seeing something he has difficulty describing in his dreams." Luna explained. "What has he described?" ""Blackness. A pervading blackness that undermines reality. Like a plague that rests under the skin of existence. Filled with nothings and somethings and everythings, all surrounded by bubbles of anything. Like a moonless night forest full of predators that kill reason and prey that defy logic. A Void.". His words, not mine." Luna quoted, Kolivan staring at her with bemusement, completely confused. "I see why he had difficulty describing it. That very sentence has given me a headache." Kolivan said. "It gave me a headache as well. I have been trying to see if I can interpret it but I have not found anything." Luna said. "Best of luck to you. However, I do believe you should go get some sleep, princess." Kolivan said. "Sleep? I'm fine." Luna denied. "I can tell you are tired, princess Luna. Go have a rest, you deserve it." Kolivan encouraged. "Fine. I shall have a rest if you do." Luna countered. Kolivan stared at her for a moment before nodding. "Very well. Perhaps I am a little tired. Good night princess." Kolivan said, turning and walking towards his quarters. "Good night, commander." Luna said before sinking into the floor, making her way back to the hangar as a shadow. (???) A spider that howls like a wolf cuts through the broken heart, unlocking peace. The bull that walks like a man bathes in darkness as his eyes light his way. The monster with radiant wings of darkness surveys his kingdom of trees. The hound of steel fights against the bearer of destruction. The god of change travels, searching for a home he cannot find. The shapeshifter returns to normality, bringing Eden. The warrior fights in a single moment, never advancing. The explosion sits calmly and eats, talking to itself and hearing someone else. The dragon rests, thinking of birds and bloodstained earth. The refined earth flies through the air in a house of ingenuity as he sits next to the ever burning flame and the shattering sound. The puppeteer breaks into pieces as the queen plays a game of chess. The key shines as she prepares for war. The queen with many hands drinks beside the bull. The writer dances with the moonlight as the light of darkness shines. The black sword cuts through death as it journeys among love. The soul that gleams stares at nature as she sings. The ring of water ripples as the travelers ride the waves. A little girl shines like the sun, dripping with rain as she feasts on the flesh of giants. (The quintessence forest) I start as I awaken from my strange dream. Looking around in a daze, I see the vibrant trees around me, remembering where I am. It… it was… just a dream. Just… a dream. Hah… I really hope that stops happening. It's going to… I stop as I sit back down on the tall grass, seeing something sparkling in the brush. What's that? I think as I reach forward for the item. Wrapping my fingers around it, I pick up the piece of metal. Bringing it to my face, I stare at the small rectangular box. The box flicks open, showing a lit lighter inside. The flame shines like the sun. > The floodgates are open. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The floodgates are open. Those of flesh and bone I suggest caution. My hunger is endless and the smell of fresh meat is something difficult to resist. Should you wish harm upon those who I hold dear, you may just become my next meal. Heed this warning for your own sake. A girl's voice filled my head. I looked around, trying to find the source. Voltron, where did that come from? Response: The sound was completely psionic. No audible source. The source of the psionic signal appears to be the lighter in your hand. Voltron answered. I looked at the small lighter, staring at its flame. "To the one who sent this message, I call out to you. I am Super Voltron. White warrior of light and metal. Can you hear me?" My voice sounded of its own will as the flame suddenly began flickering. ALERT: DIMENSIONAL PASSAGEWAY DETECTED! Voltron screamed in my head as a bright yellow portal appeared in front of me. I immediately rocketed to my feet, dropping the lighter, hand at the ready to draw my Bayard. I saw two silhouettes form in the portal before they stepped through. One was Grogar. I immediately drew my Bayard from its storage in my leg and aimed it's rifle form at his head. "FREEZE!" I shouted. The shorter figure raised an eyebrow as Grogar took a step forward. "I SAID FREEZE!" The shorter figure sighed as Grogar looked at me with a deadpan expression. “Put the toy down before I am forced to break it.” Interruption: Diego, wait. That isn't the same Grogar. Scans show he has a slightly different quintessence signature and quantum signature then our Grogar. I recommend lowering our Bayard and approaching this situation calmly. Voltron said. "Very well." I replied to Voltron, lowering my Bayard but keeping it in my hand. I turned to the little girl wearing a raincoat. "I recognize him but who are you?" I asked her. The little girl looked up at me. “You can call me Sarah or Six, which ever one suits you best.” "I think I'll go for Sarah. I'm Diego." I introduced myself before pausing. Would you like to introduce yourself? Response: No thank you. Alright. I turned back to the duo. "So, how did you two get here? And does it have something to do with this?" I asked, holding up the closed lighter. Sarah nodded at me. “Yes, that is my token. Tokens are tools for the Displaced to meet with others. The one who brought me to my world taught me how to make one and explained a lot of it to me. I’m surprised yours did not.” "Token? Dis…placed? I'm not sure I know what you mean." I said, confused. "Also, what do you mean by "brought to your world"?" I asked. Sarah took a deep breath. “Alright. From what I was told Displaced are people who through being given an item by a powerful being that causes them to travel to a different world in a new form.” She explained. "Huh. Oh yeah. That fits the bill. Although, I wasn't given an item, I think I was… hypnotized into buying one. And then, from what I heard, I exploded. Wait a minute, Caulina didn't do any of that but she still ended up here. She just…, well, she got hit by a truck." I explained. Sarah frowned. “It’s not an exact science, I’m only one example. I wonder how your world differs from mine and by how much. Well aside from our relationships with Grogar being different.” Sarah turned to her version of Grogar, he was looking over his form. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a humanised world. I find it very interesting how this turns out when I go to new worlds.” Grogar said, adjusting his pants. "Humanised?" I asked. "What do you mean?" Grogar smirked. “Well, in our world, everyone is an equine of some sort. Hooves, not hands and four of them. Everything is designed around a quadrupedal build which means for large Bipeds such as yourself it is hard to get around.” Grogar explained. I took a moment, trying to imagine everyone I knew as equines. My thoughts immediately went to my dreams. My head started to hurt in response. Flinching from the pain, I shook my head and looked at the other Grogar and Sarah again. "Okay, ignoring that headache. Do you have Galra in your world?" I asked, turning and signaling the two of them to walk with me as I headed out of the forest. Sarah shook her head. “No, are they a threat or an ally?” "Yes." I say cheekily. "It depends. Thanks to the efforts of the resistance, they've turned round for the better. Although, there are still a handful of "loyalists". They're in shambles though. Barely a threat anymore." I boast. Sarah grimaced. “They are lucky to have you, Grogar and I as well as many of our allies would not have been anywhere near as merciful. We would have wiped their entire race out in a matter of days.” Sarah said. "Sheesh. I wouldn't go that far. Kolivan, the leader of the resistance, is a good friend of mine and he's a galran. And one of my other friends is half galran, half Mystacoran. His name is Shining Armour." I explained as I noticed that the three of us were close to the edge of the forest. Sarah raised an eyebrow. “I know my world’s version of Shining Armour, he is really strong. He is the General of the military and stopped the former Changeling Queen from kidnapping Cadence. They have a new Queen now I think, she’s leading them well.” Sarah said. "Really?" I stopped. "Huh. That's not how it happened here at all. Chrysalis showed up and kidnapped princess Luna. She even tried to impersonate her but I saw through it. Then, she forced me to come to her hive where I freed Luna. I would have attacked Chrysalis but Luna had a better idea. We're now in a strong truce with the changelings. They've started taking on jobs and hobbies and considering we found a way to feed their hunger, I'm quite sure the truce will last for a while." I explained. Sarah turned to me. “How did you cure Changeling hunger?” Sarah asked. I chuckled in response. "See these trees around us?" I asked, making the two of them look around. "See if you can break off one of their branches." I suggested. Sarah grabbed a branch and with a slight flick of her wrist it snapped off. Immediately afterwards, a new branch regenerated in its place. Sarah then turned to me. “Your changelings must work differently than ours, there is no love in these branches.” "That may be true but there is a wellspring of quintessence thanks to yours truly. Quintessence is basically life energy which is what changelings need to survive, at least in this world. So, a team of galra regularly harvest branches from the quintessence forest for the changelings. The branches, which are called quintessence roots, are basically used as batteries for changelings to carry around. With them, the changelings can happily live among people." I explained as I continued walking. "Anyway, come on. We're almost out of the forest." Sarah blinked as we exited the forest near the Galran base. “You didn’t tell us the Galrans were Aliens!” Sarah shouted. A nearby patrol heard her. Suddenly, a dozen weapons were being pointed at us. "Woah!" I shouted, stepping forward. "Men, stand down." I ordered as I realized they weren't pointing their weapons at us but at Grogar. "Sir Diego, why is he here?" A galran who I recognised as Yarak questioned. "He isn't Grogar, he just… looks and sounds exactly like him." I tried to explain. The galrans stared at us for a moment before Yarak activated his communicator. "Commander Kolivan. Diego has exited the forest with a little girl and a man who looks exactly like the description of Grogar. I believe you should come see for yourself what is going on." Yarak spoke into the communicator. «Already on my way.» Kolivan responded instantly. "Alright. He'll be here in two doboshes." I said, looking up at the Dagger hangar bay. Sarah frowned. “What is a dobosh? Is that some weird Alien measure of time that I am unaware of?” "Oh right. Yeah, a dobosh more or less correlates to a minute." I explained. "Who is she?" Yarak asked. "Oh, this is Sarah. She's from… uh…" I trailed off, not knowing how to explain the situation. Sarah stepped forward. She pinched her nose before explaining. “I’m from another world that is the dimensional equivalent of this one but full of ponies. I came here because of my token which Diego has, I live in Equestria and the planet is called Equis. Now I’m going to sit next to my world’s version of Grogar.” "A different world? As in multiverse theory?" Kolivan asks, having landed behind us. He walks up to us, giving me a handshake before approaching Sarah. Sarah turned to Kolivan. “I assume you're the leader of the Aliens?” Sarah asked. "I am Kolivan. Leader of the Blades of Marmora. I believe your name is Sarah?" Kolivan returned. Sarah nodded. “I am Sarah and this is Grogar. He is juggling a few compressed universes he made. It is something he does sometimes, it makes for good practice from what he has told me.” Sarah said, pointing at Grogar juggling glass spheres. Kolivan stares at them doubtfully. "If you could explain how you arrived here, it would be very informative." Kolivan said, gesturing to his ship. "Perhaps we can have some… tea? As the princesses are fond of doing." Kolivan suggested. Sarah nodded. “Sure, we can do that.” (The Shadow) "I've sent a message to the princesses. They'll be expecting us in the hangar." Kolivan said, piloting his shuttle. "ETA?" I asked, standing next to him. "Two doboshes." Kolivan responded. I turned back to the two dimensional travelers. "Don't get too comfy, we'll be there in about two minutes." I called back to them, sitting down in an open seat. Deciding to make conversation, I turn to Grogar. "So, have you ever seen anyone do something weird without using magic? Not counting Sarah?" I asked, thinking of Luna and Chrysalis. Grogar raised an eyebrow in response. “Define weird, I have traveled quite a few dimensions. I've seen giant entities who can eat planets, mortals who grow to the strength of gods. Worlds where people hunt vampires, worlds invaded by armies of the undead created by a biological contaminant. Weird has lost all meaning for me.” I stared at Grogar for a moment. "You sure get around. Well, have you seen any worlds where people can absorb and emit things through genetic abilities?" I asked. Grogar nodded. “You refer to the superhumans known as Conduits. Yes but I didn’t think they would be present in any world that was not Earth. Your world is full of surprises.” "Conduits. Cool name. So, they exist on parallel earths? That's weird. Then again, so are we." "Coming in for landing." Kolivan called from the cockpit. "Well, time to face the music. I better go out first, just to be safe." I said, making my way to the door. Standing in front of the door as it automatically opened, I walked down the extended staircase, seeing princess Celestia and Luna approaching. Luna stared at me with confusion. "Diego? Are you alright? You seem tense." Luna asked as she stopped in front of the stairs. "Fine, just… don't freak out." I advised. "Freak out? Why would I…" Luna trailed off as she saw the passengers behind me. Sarah, in her raincoat with Grogar behind her, sipping a glass of lemonade. Luna tensed up as the guards escorting the two princesses cocked their weapons, aiming at the horned human. "Grogar?!" Celestia exclaimed. "Diego… why is he here? And not in chains?" Luna demanded. "That question has a valid but long answer which I would rather not discuss here. Can we go to your study?" I asked, walking off the staircase. Luna stared at the nonchalant Grogar before returning her eyes to me. "Very well. I expect a detailed explanation of why he is here. And who they are." Luna ordered, looking between Grogar and Sarah. "Of course. Let's go." I said, making my way to the hangar exit. The walk to princess Luna's study was uncomfortable. Many of the servants and guardsmen stared at Grogar as we passed. Sarah and Grogar didn't seem affected though. Eventually, we entered the study, all taking seats at the circular table. Luna spoke first. "Explain. Now." She ordered. "Do… you want to explain it again or should I?" I asked, looking at the visitors. Sarah nodded. “I will.” She then turned to Luna. “We are from another version of this world but everyone from your nation are ponies.” She conjured up an image that looked like a pony version of Luna. She continued. “Grogar is from my world and he has proven to be of good trust. Besides, if even half of what he says is true, he could destroy the entire planet before breakfast with a click of his fingers. If he wanted to cause harm he would have done so.” Sarah finished. Luna looked to me for confirmation. I gave her a nod in response. "Very well. How did you arrive here?" Luna asked. Sarah frowned. “Well I created an object that can be sent to others like me, Displaced. People who are sent to other worlds in a new form for one reason or another. This object allows other Displaced to summon us, this object can be anything but we must infuse our will into it. As for Grogar, he decided to tag along. Now I made mine using this.” Sarah pulled out her lighter. "May I see that?" Luna asked, holding out her hand to Sarah. Sarah’s eyes narrowed as she dropped it into Luna's hand. “I gained all the memories and feelings of the person who I became over time. This is very precious to me, so be gentle or I’m not sure that anyone other than Grogar could stop my rage.” Luna stared at Sarah for a moment before studying the small object in her hand. She opened the lighter, igniting it's small but bright flame. Her horn then started glowing, levitating the lighter into the air. Luna continued staring at the lighter, inspecting it with her magic. She gasped as the lighter vanished in a puff of fire, reappearing in front of Sarah on the table. Another lighter appeared in front of me a moment later with a bit of grass on it. "Where the heck did this come from?" I asked, picking up the lighter. Voltron's voice rang out. "Answer: It is the same lighter we dropped in the quintessence forest." Voltron answered. "I see." I said as Sarah picked up her own lighter. "That lighter is very strange. I do not wish to touch it again." Luna said. Sarah smiled. “That’s good, I prefer it that way.” Sarah grimaced. Suddenly a figure that looked like Celestia but with fiery orange armour and claws coming out of her hands and feet appeared on the table. Her hair appeared like it was made of fire. The figure shouted at Sarah “Where did you go?! I couldn’t find you anywhere!” Sarah sighed “I was summoned to another world, you didn’t even try to ping me over the link.” "Who is this?!" Luna shouted as she shadow stepped onto the table between Celestia and the figure. "Ditto. Sarah, who is this?" I asked. Sarah sighed “She is the embodiment of everything my version of Celestia repressed, similar to how Nightmare Moon was the embodiment of all of your bottled up resentments. She’s not bad, she is actually good company. Her name is Daybreaker by the way.” Sarah explained. Celestia stared at Daybreaker with pinprick eyes, tightly squeezing the armrests of her chair. Luna also stared at the reflection of her sister with trepidation, shadows shifting around her clothes and body in response. "V-very well. Greetings… Daybreaker." Luna greeted her, hesitantly reaching a hand out to her. Daybreaker smiled as she took Luna’s hand. “Much like Nightmare Moon had the same goals as you, just had a different way of going about it. I’m Celestia with different ways of getting what she wants or denies that she wants. I’m the fun one, unlike your boring sister who wouldn’t know fun if it hit her flank several times with a sledgehammer.” Daybreaker shook her hand as Luna snorted at what Daybreaker said. "While I do not agree with your statement, that is a humorous image." Luna said, causing Celestia to pout. "Oh come now sister, I am only joking." Luna added, sinking into the table and reappearing back on her chair. Daybreaker grinned. “That’s quite the ability, the Luna from our world can’t do anything like that.” She then frowned. “She doesn't like me that much.” "Well, I shall try to remain civil despite my… anxiety." Luna responded slowly. Sarah grimaced “That is kind of my fault, I had an altercation with my Celestia and in trying to defend myself I tore Daybreaker out of Celestia. As such my worlds’ Celestia had her size and magical power drastically reduced. Despite this Luna puts most of the blame onto Daybreaker.” Sarah said. Celestia stared at her for a moment. "Well, now that you are here, I must ask what you plan to do while you are here?" She asked. Sarah shrugged “Nothing much, I mean. Unless you have some otherworldly threat I’d rather just relax. I mean Grogar is already doing so.” She points to Grogar drinking out of coconut on a hammock. Celestia stared at Grogar for a moment before glaring. "He reminds me of Discord." She said. "Speaking of." I interjected. "What is your Discord like?" I decided to ask. Grogar pulled out a rubber chicken out of thin air. “Well as the person who taught him everything he knows about Chaos, he likes hitting everyone with rubber chickens. He is also the reason I was forgotten. A good way to stop my Discord from annoying you is to him with a rubber chicken. If you beat him in the rubber chicken duel he will leave you alone for at least 24 hours while he goes to challenge others to chicken duels.” "Our Discord is nothing like that. He is much more destructive than he is chaotic. Ours is also your- our Grogar's son. He shares his father's pension for manipulation." Celestia explained. Grogar rubbed his chin “I could deal with them if you want. It wouldn't be hard.” "Hmm. While I would say that it is not your problem to deal with… Discord and his father have been a thorn in our sides for a long time. You have my permission to act." Celestia allowed. Grogar smirks, clicking his fingers. Suddenly Discord and his father appear in a giant floating bubble above our heads. "Huh? Hah?! What are we doing here?!" Discord exclaimed as he looked around before he spotted the other Grogar and Sarah. "Father! I thought you said you weren't going to clone yourself!" Discord yelled at the shocked Grogar. "I-I-I wasn't! He isn't me! He's… some sort of imposter!" Grogar denied. Sarah's Grogar smirked. “You are not unique, there are multiple versions of this world and each one has a version of you. Unlike you however I can see and travel to these other worlds as well as countless others. My powers far exceed yours, after all magic really can do anything if you have enough power and vision. I have studied magic for many millennia. I was my world’s first master of magic and the only reason I was defeated was because all of my students worked together. Still most of them were mortal and I wasn’t. The only student of mine left is my world’s version of Discord. Now then to get rid of you.” He clicked his fingers and Discord was wrapped around Grogar. He then shrunk the bubble and put it in a jar. He then tapped it with a small bit of magic. "Is… is that it?" Celestia asked, looking at the newly made jar. Grogar nodded “I can create entire universes with what I have learned about magic, sealing away those two was like taking a walk. Magic can do anything with enough practice and power, don’t assume anything is impossible. Push the boundaries, it’s the only way to improve.” "Magic isn't everything though." Luna said as she used shadows to take the jar. "I shall make sure this is safely locked away." She said, teleporting the jar away a moment later. Grogar smiled. “So you are the Conduit. I would have noticed earlier but I was not very included in the conversation. I have seen worlds where they are commonplace.” He then sighed. “In those worlds though, they are feared for their great power. I try not to interact with other worlds due to unbalancing them but considering this world is going to encounter other worlds anyway I was willing to help here.” "A Conduit? Is that the correct term? My sister and I were just considering calling us Absorbers but we can use that instead. And I thank you for your contribution. It is of great help to us." Luna thanked, bowing her head to Grogar. Grogar frowned. “It’s nothing, just be careful how much you show. It is possible to create conduits by force but it causes their mental faculties to become unstable.” "What?!" Luna, Celestia and I all exclaimed at the same time. "How is that possible?" Luna demanded. Grogar turned around and walked very close to us, he whispered. “It’s called a Power Transfer Device. The people who gain the powers are often mentally unstable and not able to use all of the power in quite a few cases. If you ever discover someone has built such a device, find it and destroy it immediately otherwise it could be used to weaponize people.” He explained. He conjured up an image of the device. It had two metal dishes with cuffs, and a metal emplacement with a strange crystal on top. "What kind of crystal is that? In the center." Luna asked. Grogar whispered. “They are the catalyst for the effect. I would advise destroying any you find, it is too risky to keep them around.” "Alright. Thank you, Grogar. We shall keep an eye out." Celestia said at a normal volume. Daybreaker frowned. “We've got work to do, I doubt we should leave our Luna to handle all the paperwork. Come on.” Sarah smiled as she faced us. “We have to go, it was a pleasure meeting you. Maybe you could visit us sometime.” "I'd like that. But, wait. How would we go to your world?" I asked. Sarah smirked. “The same as I did, make a token. You need a phrase that represents you. That will be how to recognise others, by those phrases. If you need back up just ask.” She answered. I sat in thought for a moment, staring at my copy of her lighter before pulling out my Bayard. "Diego, are you sure?" Celestia asked me. I nodded in response. I stayed silent for a moment, thinking of what to say. "My name is Diego. The warrior of white. I fight for freedom and to protect the innocent. If you seek aid in a time of need, call upon me. If you oppress others for your own gain, beware the barrel of my gun. When you seek the light of a star, call upon me. I am Super Voltron." I spoke, my Bayard glowing in my hand before vanishing. It reappeared in my hand a second later, a copy appearing in front of Sarah on the table. Sarah picked it up, causing it to transform into a yellow umbrella. She looked at me bewildered. “What do I call this and why did it do that?” "It's called a Bayard. It's basically a shapeshifting weapon. That umbrella is your form. Although, mine's never changed colour before. My token must change according to the person who holds it." I speculated. Sarah smiled. “Thank you, Diego. See you again another ti…” The portal opened sucking her in mid sentence, the other Grogar and Daybreaker jumping in after her. "Okay. Well, that was interesting." > Out of sight. In your mind. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Out of sight. In your mind. (Far far away) «Second, schedule?» "Proceeding as planned, First. The glop is in the shoe." «Excellent. The furball will eat the snowman and the melting shall commence.» Why does First have to use this foolish code? No one monitors these frequencies. Melting… ah! Phase three. That's what that meant. Second thought as he snuck through the tunnel he was in. "When shall… the furball arrive?" Second asked, remembering the codewords. «Soon. And when they do, everything will fall into place. Vrepit sa, Second.» "Vrepit sa, First." A few days after Sarah's arrival, I was resting in my room, just simply sleeping the night away. I awoke suddenly, a feeling of wrongness settling over me. Looking around my room, I could see nothing amiss. What was that? I thought to myself before I drifted off again, there must have been nothing. As I slept, I didn't notice the piece of string dangling down from the roof. It eventually settled on the side of my head. My tail twitched, swatting the string away. As I settled on my bed, I slept away, peacefully. 0 ♓︎■︎ ◻︎●︎♋︎♍︎♏︎📬︎ Waking up, I settled into my routine. Check on the guards, see how drill is. Check on day court, make sure there aren't any snobs arounds. Have a sparring match with someone. I arrived at the royal dueling platform, just in time to catch a Walker flying through the air. "Whoa. You okay?" I asked. The guard smiled at me, missing a touch. He fell to the ground when I let him go. Looking forward, I saw Chrysalis with a grey marble flail in her hands. "Someone's busy. You're not causing trouble, are you?" I teased as I approached the ring. "Who, me? I would never." Chrysalis jested in response. "Besides, I was going easy on him, I'm only using the gray from the ground, nothing else." Chrysalis said as the guard she knocked out was picked up by two others. "The ball shaped dent in that guard's face makes me wonder about just how easy you are going." I commented as I stepped into the ring. As I saw Chrysalis standing in front of me with her gray flail, the image of her walking around on four legs with a muzzle made me pause. "Diego? Something wrong?" Chrysalis asked me. "Oh, no. Nothing. Just thinking about what Sarah said." "Sarah. What did she say?" Chrysalis asked, having heard about the interdimensional visitors. "She described what her world was like, a little. It just crossed my mind." I said. Chrysalis looked at me thoughtfully. "Are you sure you are okay?" She asked. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." I answered. Chrysalis didn't seem convinced. "Do you miss it? Your home?" She asked. "Not really. I hardly ever think about it. Besides, this is my home now." I said, looking at the castle behind us. Chrysalis smiled as I looked back at her. She drew some energy from a Quintessence Root in her pocket before reforming her flail into a battle axe. "An axe? I didn't think that was your style." I commented as I drew my Bayard, forming my energy shield. "What can I say? I'm a Changeling. We're open to changing things around." Chrysalis replied as she took a battle stance with her axe low. "Then let's see how you handle it." I said, shield ready. Chrysalis charged at me, swinging her axe at my barrier. The marble head shattered against the solid quintessence. Chrysalis wasn't phased, absorbing some colour off of the partially white ground. She formed the gray into two curved swords, attacking my shield vigorously. Her weapons impacted my shield multiple times, barely even affecting me. Huh. Surprised her weapons haven't broken ye- Warning: There is an illusion in effect. Chrysalis is sneaking behind you. That explains it. I thought as I bashed forward, shattering the illusion in front of me. Whipping my shield around, I forced Chrysalis away, unveiling her. Chrysalis absorbed some blue and red colour from the coloured candles surrounding the ring. She then struck the ground, sending a wave of blue crystals out from the ground beneath me. I jumped in the air, dodging the attack as I soared upwards. My shield faded as my Bayard morphed, becoming my knuckle sword. I raised my sword as I came down towards Chrysalis. Chrysalis sent a huge blast of fire at me. I pushed myself out of the way with a blast from my free hand, landing in front of Chrysalis. I charged at her with my blade drawn back. Chrysalis dodged to the side, absorbing all the colour she could from the surrounding area. She then sent several huge pillars of earth towards me. Bad move, your majesty. Now you don't have anything to reload from. I formed my Altean glaive, deciding to go for reach. With deft swipes and thrusts, I cut through all the pillars of earth and stone. Chrysalis smirked. “Time for my final move, I have wanted to test this one.” Chrysalis placed her hand on the ground. It glowed blue as the air around me started to grow cold. Her hand then started glowing a deep red. Warning: I am detecting immense heat. If the heat is released, the temperature variance will cause a compression shockwave. Chrysalis has a 87% probability of being critically injured. The guards spectating have a 99.5% probability of being critically injured and a 56% of being killed. "CHRYSALIS!" I shouted, instantly forming my energy whip and yanking Chrysalis to me, slamming her into the ground. The red in Chrysalis's hand faded as the guards outside the ring shivered at the sudden cold. "Ow, what was that for?" Chrysalis asked as she pushed herself up. I put my Bayard away as I looked her in the eye. "YOU WERE ABOUT TO CAUSE AN EXPLOSION, THAT'S WHAT! THINK CHRYSALIS!" I shouted, pointing at my head. "IF I HADN'T STOPPED YOU, YOU WOULD HAVE JUST BLOWN YOURSELF UP! NOT TO MENTION EVERYONE AROUND THE RING!" Chrysalis looked at me with shock. "EXACTLY! NOT ONLY COULD YOU HAVE PUT YOURSELF IN THE HOSPITAL, YOU COULD HAVE KILLED THE PEOPLE AROUND THE RING TOO!" I shouted furiously. "JUST BECAUSE THIS IS A FIGHT DOESN'T MEAN YOU SHOULD LOSE YOUR HEAD!" I continued, absolutely livid at Chrysalis's stupidity. I stormed off, walking out of the ring and into the castle. How could she be so stupid?! Setting off a temperature bomb that close to a group of people?! And with herself inside of it?! That's suicide! "Hrah! Hah. What's next on my routine?" I asked myself. Answer: The next item on your routine is: Check up- Warning: Dimensional energy has been detected. There is a Token nearby. What? Where? Response: Ten metres in front of you, on your left. Voltron responded. Walking further into the hallway, I noticed something sitting on the ground. It looked like a purple ball with a black line through the middle with pink bumps on top of it. Walking over to it, I picked it up. “Displaced of the multiverse, I am Mewthree. I’ve come seeking a good sparr, for I need the experience points to survive my world, however I can settle for friendship if that is your reasoning. In order to summon me, you must speak ‘Mewthree, I choose you’ in a similar fashion to let your pokemon out. Also know that this token serves not only as a means of capturing, but also as an anchor point.” A voice echoed from the Masterball. Mewthree? Never heard of that. Huh. But, I could definitely use someone to talk to after that fiasco. I thought to myself, holding up the ball. "Mewthree, I choose you!" I called out. The ball opened up in a brilliant flash, causing a beam of light to shoot out of the ball and onto the ground. As the light cleared, I saw a figure fade into existence, revealing a mewtwo-esque creature. While it had the same colored belly as the original Mewtwo, his hands were a lot more human shaped, although slightly tipped like that of claws. His skin though, was a dark shade of purple. Along his shoulders and his upper chest, were black scars, although I don’t know what caused them. In the middle of his forehead, was a purple onyx gem. “..Hmm, I’m kind of glad that actually worked..” Mewthree mentally spoke out with a sigh of relief. "Hello. You must be Mewthree." I greeted, stepping forward. I noticed he was a foot taller than me. I held my hand out to the being. “Correct.” Mewthree said as he reached out to shake my hand. As I shook his hand, I heard running footsteps behind me. Turning around, I saw Chrysalis coming towards us. "Diego, I- who are you?" Chrysalis asked, seeing Mewthree. “...Interesting. I half expected ponies to be four legged here. Good to know the multiverse theory is a thing.“ Mewthree said in minor amusement. Chrysalis looked at me with confusion. "Diego, who is this?" She asked. "His name is Mewthree. He's a Displaced, like Sarah. Now, what do you want?" I demanded. Chrysalis looked downtrodden at my tone. "I… I came to apologize. What I did was reckless. Please forgive me." She bowed her head to me. I sighed as I stepped up to her. "I forgive you, your majesty. We all make mistakes. I've made my fair share." I said. Chrysalis smiled at me. A loud beeping sound suddenly filled the hallway, causing Chrysalis to cringe. "What is that?!" She exclaimed in pain. I looked down to see the Masterball shaking in my hand. Warning: An unknown entity is crossing into our reality through Mewthree's Token! "Mewthree, were you expecting guests?" I asked as I dropped the ball. “No. Only I can use the ball...” Mewthree said in worry as he stared down at his token. Flames suddenly started spewing out the sides of the ball as it shook on the floor. With a loud crack, the ball opened, fire bursting out of it. The fire solidified into a humanoid form. The flaming monster stood hunched, not a trace of flesh on its body. Only flames and bone. On its skull, two horns curved out. It's fingers ended in long bone claws. The clothes it wore seemed to bubble and hiss like magma. Metal spikes adorned it's shoulders, arms and back. Over its shoulder and down its hip, a long chain was wrapped around its form. In its left hand was a large, shotgun-like weapon. It held nothing in its right hand. It panted as it looked at all of us. A group of guards, responding to the loud bang of the creature's entrance, rounded a corner. They all froze at the sight before them. The beast roared. "BORN TO BE WILD!" The beast pointed its weapon at the group. "No!" I exclaimed, jumping in front of the beast. It fired, sending a fireball straight at the knights. I intercepted the shot, getting hit in the shoulder and sent crashing into a wall. Agh. Drat, that thing packs a punch. If anyone else takes a hit, they'll be dead. I thought as I wrenched myself out of the wall. "BORN TO BE WILD!" The beast roared again in anger. I charged forward with my energised staff in hand, spinning it as I ran at the beast. It fired at me again. I deflected the shot with my staff, sending it out a wall. "Nice try, but I'm not letting you hurt anyone." I declared as I formed my Armour-claws. "Now, time to take out the trash!" Grabbing the beast with my claws, I spun around and threw it out of the hole it's blast made, sending it flying into the distance. I leapt after it, ready for a fight. “Well now, this went from zero to a hundred real quick.” Mewthree said as he took off after me. > BORN TO BE WILD! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BORN TO BE WILD! (Diego) I flew after the flaming Beast as it soared over Fantasia. Calculation: At its current rate of descent, the Void Beast will land in the residential district of Fantasia. Recommendation: Increase its velocity. "10-4. Batter up!" Deforming my armour claws, I flew under the Beast, my Bayard changing shape in my hands. Forming my giant white mace, I smacked the Beast upwards, sending it flying higher. As I was catching up to it, the Beast roared at me. "BORN TO BE WILD!" It fired at me with its shotgun. Blocking with the head of my mace, I swung at the Beast again. It shot flames from its free hand, jetting itself in a new direction and dodging my attack. "Drat. Mewthree, switch in!" I called out. Mewthree flew through the air with outstretched hands and glowing purple eyes. A rather Ominous Wind shot out of his hands flying straight at the Void Beast. "BORN TO BE WILD!" The Beast roared again, flaring its flame aura. The mystic wind wasn't affected, slamming into the Void Beast but not causing it much pain. Mewthree suddenly vanished in a flash of light, almost similar to an instant transmission as Mewthree appeared behind the Beast. “You talk too much.” Mewthree said before unleashing a full blast of a violet colored Psybeam against the Beast’s back. The attack did absolutely nothing. “What?” Mewthree asked in confusion, not understanding how Psybeam didn’t work. What was that? How come it had no effect? Response: The flames that the Void Beast is emitting appear to disperse psionic energy. Well, isn't that just dandy! I thought as I hit the Beast with my mace again. "Bad news, those attacks won't work on it. Try something useful." I said, annoyed. Mewthree crossed his arms as he moved back to make some distance, causing his body to grow green. Throwing his hands out to his sides, he unleashed a burst of Hidden Power from within, throwing out balls of green energy to collide with the Beast. That's more like it! Voltron, landing destination? Answer: The Beast will pass the rim of Fantasia. Trajectory puts it at the base of the mountain. "Much better! Now come on, it's gonna land at the base of the mountain." I called out as I raced after the Beast, transforming my Bayard into its Chainblade form. Mewthree followed after me. The Void Beast was in a crater at the bottom of the mountain. It seemed to be shambling around. What's wrong with it? Hypothesis: Based on the indentation on the ground, the Beast's behaviour and soil stains on its clothing, I would speculate that the Void Beast landed on its head. Possibly its horns. It's disorientated? Huh. "Hey Mewthree. Go for the head. It might be the thing's weak spot." I said as the Beast shook itself from its confusion. It saw us and immediately roared. Don't say- "BORN TO BE WILD!" It cried out as it pounced at us. Damnit. “It would explain its constant need to yell that phrase…” Mewthree said in annoyance as his body took on a green glow, soon firing off another burst of green energy balls, however, the patterns were different in a barrage toward the Beast. The attacks electrocuted the Beast, causing it to impotently fall to the ground. "Most definitely." I agreed as I wrapped the Beast with my weapon. Pulling it towards us, I punched it in the head with my free hand, causing it to bounce away like a Yo-yo. The Beast roared again. "BASTICH!" It cursed, breaking free of my Chainsword, severely scratching its body as it spat flames at me. Switching my Chainsword for my Energy shield, I blocked the flames. It continued spewing flames as it visibly regenerated. Warning: It appears to have a highly advanced healing factor. I can see that. "Okay, that's going to be annoying. But hey, at least we don't have to hold back." As I turned to look at Mewthree, I noticed him pulling his arm back, then punching through his chest hard. “What the heck are you doing?!” “Trust me...” Mewthree said with a pained grunt as he pulled his fist out of his chest. A maleficent energy shot of Mewthree and flew at the beast at an alarming rate. The second it hit the Beast, Mewthree’s chest started to close up, but not all the way. Meanwhile, the beast’s body was getting random unexplained injuries. "You idiot. You're just as bad as Chrysalis." I said as I charged forward with my Shield, bashing the Beast away. I then transformed my Bayard again, forming my Thaum pistol. I pointed it at Mewthree. "Now, hold still." I ordered as I squeezed the trigger. lɒɘH Before Mewthree could ask what I was doing, his chest began fully recovering. In seconds, he was back to full health. “I did that as I don’t have many available options without knowing what he is. Apparently his body follows Pokémon logic.” Mewthree explained. "It was still stupid. And you're lucky I can do healing magic." I said before an idea popped into my head. "Speaking of magic." bnυow ɈnɘnɒmɿɘԳ ɘɔɿɘiԳ I turned to face the Beast, shooting it through the shoulder. The magic bullet went straight through its body, causing it to screech. "BASTICH!" It took a step forward before stopping. It still had a hole in its shoulder. It roared as the flames around it grew more intense. "BORN TO BE WILD!" Nothing happened. It seemed to get even angrier. "Nice try but that won't be healing any time soon." I commented. "BASTICH!" It screeched in response. It raised its gun at me, intent on shooting me with another fireball. “Not this time.” Mewthree said as his eyes took on a purple glow. Suddenly, a bright flash of light collided into The Beast’s eyes. "BASTICH!" It screeched at Mewthree. It grabbed the chain wrapped around its body, yanking it off and letting it fall to the ground beside it. It swung the chain forward like a lash, aiming for Mewthree. ɈɔɒqmI I fired at the chain, knocking it away before I aimed at the Beast. Now, to send it packi- Notice: Scans show that the Beast's form is being maintained by corruptive dimensional energy which has caused mutation. I suddenly heard in my mind. Can you cure it? Response: Yes. A Divine Nature Healing should cleanse the corruption. On it! "Mewthree, keep it busy for a second!" I called out, merging my Bayard with my wings and flying into the air. “With pleasure.” Mewthree said as he released Hidden Power at the Beast, seeing as it was the only attack that was reasonably effective. As he was doing that, I started using my nature cannon to spread vines and brambles in a large circle around the Beast. That should do. "Alright, clear out!" I shouted as I landed, my Super-wings forming on my back. “What exactly are the vines going to do?” Mewthree asked as he levitated off the ground through his psychic powers. "It acts like a battery for this!" I exclaimed as I teleported behind the Beast, grabbing him around his shoulders as my body began glowing brightly. "BORN TO BE WILD!" The Beast roared in pain as the light overcame him. A minute later, I released the man, letting him fall to the ground with a groan. I was tired from the use of quintessence but my strength was returning. “I suppose you pulled an android eighteen and took away alot of power from him?” Mewthree asked as he was trying to make sense of it. "No idea what you mean but no. I purified the energy that was corrupting him by using natural energy. That's what the giant plants were for." I answered. “What exactly was it that corrupted it?” Mewthree asked curiously. "Voltron says it was dimensional energy." I said, tapping my head. "Urgh… what happened?" The man said as he woke up. "You were corrupted by dimensional energy. I cured you, after a lengthy fight." I explained. "And he helped." I pointed at Mewthree. “Hopefully Pain Split didn’t do too much to you.” Mewthree said with a nod to him. "Pain what? Ah, forget it." The man said as he stood up. He grabbed his chain from the ground, swinging it around his torso as he holstered his gun on his back. He then reached up to his mouth and whistled loudly with his fingers. Mewthree decided not to go into detail about pokemon logic, believing the man has had it rough for who knows how long. Warning: Unknown dimensional travel detected. Suddenly a loud revving was heard as what looked like a sled with exhaust pipes flew through the air, stopping in front of the man. "Listening, if anyone asks, I was never here. But, as a thanks for helping me out, here." The man reached into his pocket, handing me a card. Ghost Lobo. The multiverse's #1 bounty hunter by elimination. If you want some bastich found or dead, call me. I read the card. There wasn't a number on it. "Thanks…" I said slowly. "Well, be seeing yas!" Lobo exclaimed as his ride rocketed forward, carrying him through the dimensional portal it came through. “Good thing we got that under control with no deaths.” Mewthree said in satisfaction as he walked up to my side. "Definitely." I turned to him. “Let’s get back to your friend, she’s probably worried sick after seeing this.” Mewthree said before placing his hand onto my shoulder. “I’ll make this quicker by teleporting us back.” he explained. I quickly stopped him. "I think I'll take my own way back." I said, brandishing my Super-wings. "I can teleport on my own." “Fair enough.” Mewthree said before he suddenly vanished in a thin beam of light. I disappeared after him, reappearing in the hallway I threw Lobo out of. Looking around, I only saw Mewthree standing there. "Chrysalis is probably with the princesses or Kolivan. Let's go check the throne room." I said, leading the way. Mewthree followed behind. “That’s a new name, who is Kolivan?” he asked curiously. "Oh right. Yeah, Sarah had the same reaction. Kolivan is the leader of the Blades of Marmora, an alien galactic organisation that used to be a resistance group. He's a good friend." I explained as I led Mewthree towards the throne room, passing servants and guards. They looked at Mewthree warily but stayed calm with me around. After a few minutes of walking, we came to the door where Celestia, Luna and Kolivan were all talking hurriedly. Luna and Kolivan noticed me first. They both walked up to me. "I see you have returned. With a new friend in tow. What happened?" Kolivan asked. I explained to them both what happened. From me finding Mewthree's Token, to Lobo appearing, to sending him out of Fantasia and the fight and purification. I decided to not show them the card he gave me. "And then we teleported back to the hallway I threw him out of." "Yes, we saw that. Chrysalis repaired it." Luna said as Chrysalis hesitantly walked up to us. I walked over to her, pulling her into a calming hug. She immediately relaxed. "Go on home. You look like you could use a rest." I recommended. She nodded and left the room. Turning to face Mewthree, I held my hand out to him. "Thanks for your help out there." “It is no trouble. Admittingly I wish I had increased my level before you summoned me. Psychic, Dark and Ghost type moves are all I had with me.” Mewthree explained as he shook my hand. "Hey, you still helped out. Sure, you could have done better but you could have done worse, too." I said as I withdrew my hand. The three stripes on my leg started beeping, causing me to look down. "What the? What's my Bayard doing?" I asked. A copy of my Bayard suddenly materialized from my leg, appearing in mid air, facing Mewthree. It floated closer to him. Mewthree blinked in confusion and curiosity. “Does it usually do that?” Mewthree asked. "No, but I think I know why it did that." I said, looking down at my feet. There, on the ground, was the master ball. Bending down, I picked it up. "That is my Token. Just like this is yours." I said, pointing at the floating Bayard. “Hmm, fair enough.” Mewthree said as he took the Bayard from its floating state. “When I return home, I need to figure out how or why that guy managed to use my masterball.” "Probably. But first…" I trailed off as I noticed my Token glowing in his hand. It started changing shape and colour, now glowing pink as it formed over his hand and fingers. The Token stopped glowing revealing the claw it had now become. The claw was made of smooth pink and purple metal. The blades on his three fingers were extended, leaving his thumb with just a point. It also seemed to him with energy. "A claw. Nice." I commented. “Interesting…” Mewthree commented as he gave the claw some experimental swipes. “Considering my physical attacks hit harder, this’ll be of good use to me.” he said with a nod. "You're welcome. Now, do you know how I can send you home?" I asked him. “Did my token not explain?” Mewthree asked in concern. “I suppose some of the message got lost during travel. To send me home, you just say ‘Mewthree, return home’ and I'll be transported back to my home by the masterball’s function.” He explained. "Oh. I see. Well then. Mewthree, return home." I said, pointing the ball at him. A red beam shot out of the pokeball, turning Mewthree into energy as he was pulled into the ball’s button. "That was fun. I'll have to summon him again some time." I said. > Eye in the sky. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eyes in the sky. After Mewthree had come and gone, I had put his Token with Sarah's in a locked cupboard in my room. I wanted to keep them somewhere I knew where they were. Afterwards, I had decided to train in hand to hand combat and armed combat. I noticed that I was very used to fighting in my larger form and had neglected my base form as a result. Standing before Shining, Hammer and Kolivan, I raised my arms. Voltron, divert quintessence away from motor functions. I want to fight on more equal terms with these three. Response: Understood. I am diverting quintessence away from your arms and legs and feeding it into our Progression Drive. Thanks. "Alright guys. Ready." I called out to the three of them. Luna, who was standing to the side of the sparring area, called out. "Fighters ready… fight!" She announced. Kolivan and Shining charged forward, Hammer staying in place. Kolivan and Shining both had their awakened luxite blades in hand as they charged at me. Kolivan reached me first. He began with multiple slashes at my chest. I raised my arms to block as Shining ran around to my side. He slashed horizontally at me. I dodged backwards, just avoiding his attack. Okay, this feels weird. I'm definitely slower. Using my thrusters, I jumped backwards, away from both of them. As I landed, the ground underneath me shook and cracked open. Hammer Strike had used Flickstone to unbalance me. Kolivan and Shining both charged at me with their swords poised to thrust. I raised my hands and caught the blades, pulling both of them towards me. Kolivan let go, moving around me. Shining wasn't so lucky, getting pulled towards me. I headbutted him away as I turned to face Kolivan. He picked up his weapon from the ground. Staring me down, he stood with his blade between us. Both of us charged each other at the same time. Kolivan slashing downwards. Myself throwing a punch at him. Our attacks collided, his sabre bouncing my first away. I kicked out at Kolivan, aiming to wind him. A pillar of earth shot up between us, I turned to see Hammer Strike charging at me with Flickstone. Using my elbow to shatter the rock wall at Kolivan, I grabbed one of the broken rocks, chucking it at Hammer. Kolivan darted backwards, eyeing me carefully. I felt the rock I threw hit the side of my head, I blocked his hammer with my arm. Deflecting his attack up with my forearm and elbow, I hit him in the stomach before grabbing his head and kneeing him right in the face. As he recoiled, I grabbed him by his armour and threw him at Kolivan. Suddenly a huge blast of concussive energy slammed into the ground, sending a huge shockwave up, knocking me forward. "Whoop-" I stumbled before flipping onto my hands with my thrusters, pushing off the ground and landing on my feet. I quickly scanned around me, seeing Hammer and Kolivan in front of me and detecting Shining behind me. With a flash from my thrusters, I charged at Hammer, keeping an eye on Flickstone. I was interrupted by a kick, Kolivan leaping off of my arm. Shoot, gotta stay aware. Progression Drive: 20% I scanned around myself again, seeing Hammer and Shining at my sides and Kolivan falling through the air. Calculation: Plausible. I pushed to the side, grabbing Kolivan out of the air. Before he could respond, I threw him at Hammer, spinning into a dodge as Shining charged at me with his luxite blade. Nine lives: shooting the hundred heads! Shining slashed at me with blinding speed, delivering nine slashes at my body's joints and neck. The slashes stung. Increase quintessence output. With a frenzy of whistling fists, I struck Shining, attacking him in the same spots he attacked me. Shining soared through the air as the force threw him off his feet. One down. I turned to Kolivan and Hammer. Kolivan whispered something to Hammer. Hammer nodded, charging at me while Kolivan darted to the side. Keeping an eye on them both, I kept my arms up in preparation of hammer's attacks. Hammer slammed Flickstone into my arms, as he did so, Kolivan darted behind me picking up Shining Armour and darting away. Oh, making sure Shining is okay. Nice one Kolivan. Little annoying though. We're in a fight here. Catching Flickstone by its shaft, I bashed Hammer's face with his own hammer before throwing my fist forward, knocking Hammer away. I placed Flickstone on the ground next to me. Squaring up as Hammer recovered, I stood with my fists raised. Kolivan shouted. “Enough Diego!” He then crossed his arms. “You raised your power against Shining Armour, those strikes could have been fatal, especially the neck. We are stopping before you actually cause serious injury.” He admonished me. "W-what? I-I didn't… oh wait. I did. But I am sure none of my attacks would have… I'm sorry, Kolivan. I… don't know what came over me." I walked out of the ring, feeling light headed. What was that? Why was I so… it's nothing. I was just enjoying the fight. So what if I got a little carried away, Shining isn't dead! "Still, I should go take a na-" Incoming transmission: Wide range Marmoran frequency. «…Kolivan or any other Blades who hear this. …y station ha… integrity. Requesting …mediate help! Thi… the Omega Shiel… …tion. We hav… main power an… shield is failing. Please, sen…» The staticky transmission cuts off. Omega shiel… Omega Shield? The Omega Shield! I remember that episode. Oh no, we have to get there now! I immediately turn around, running back to the ring. "Kolivan, emergency!" I called out. "I heard. We need to get to the Omega Shield station." "I'll fly there. You take a fast ship through one of the FTL bays. I'll meet you there!" I yelled as I flew into the air, taking out my Bayard and forming my Super-wings. I instantly de-materialized. Reappearing in space, I scanned for the origin of the transmission. As soon as I found it, I de-materialized again. Appearing seconds later, I saw both the station and the large plates of the Omega Shield floating in space above a large planet. I immediately teleported to the base. "What's the situation?" I asked. "Who are you?!" The lieutenant exclaimed as he pointed a weapon at me. He looked familiar. "I'm Diego. I'm with the Blades. I've come to help." I explained, looking at the state of the station. It didn't look damaged but only the emergency lights were on and only a handful of consoles were active. "Ah yes. The white knight." The lieutenant said. A larger galra, whom I assumed is the commander, pushed the lieutenant's gun down. "Stand down. He is here to protect us." The commander ordered. The commander looked slightly familiar as well. "Sir Diego, thank you for arriving so quickly. The station suddenly lost all power and the Omega shield has deactivated. The locking clamps have also disengaged, causing the shield to fall apart. We are unable to reassemble it. Can you help us?" The commander asked. I recognised his voice. He was Commander Bogh. The same as the one from the episode. Which meant the lieutenant was lieutenant Lahn. Wow. First Kolivan, now these two. Let's hope Lahn doesn't do what he did in the series. "Alright. Do you know how it lost power?" I asked. "No sir. The core just shut down after the last solar flare." Bogh answered. "Could it have been radiation damage?" I continued. "The entire base is radiation shielded, including the shield. Both wouldn't have just suddenly been damaged at the same time." Lahn answered. "Okay, could the core have been disconnected?" "The shield generator plates would still be active, even if the station stopped working." Lahn answered again. "Lahn, I order you to be silent!" Bogh ordered. Lahn resorted to glaring at me. "Forgive him, he can be troublesome." Bogh apologized. "It's fine. I understand. Is there any way to get the core or the plates back online?" I asked. "We've been trying but we can't get access and the shield plates are drifting farther and farther apart." Bogh responded. "Leave the access to me." I said as I approached the main console. Lahn looked like he wanted to object but Bogh discouraged him. Placing my hand on the console, I powered it up and accessed the core computer. Activate self-destruct. The lights around us all turned on. "There. Now, I'll see if-" The lights all flashed red. «SELF-DESTRUCT HAS BEEN ACTIVATED. EVACUATE THE BASE IMMEDIATELY.» The intercom blared. "Who activated the self-destruct?!" Lahn exclaimed. A Sentinel answered. "Self-destruct was activated by an unknown virus. Countdown cannot be aborted." The machine reported. "Virus?!" Lahn exclaimed. "That must be what caused the deactivation. I'll try and stop it!" I said, re-accessing the mainframe. "No! You have done enough-" Lahn was interrupted by commander Bogh. "Lieutenant Lahn, I order you to return to your post!" Bogh yelled. Lahn looked at him for a second as the lights continued to flash red. He pulled out his weapon again and aimed at Bogh. "In the name of Lord Zarkon, I am assuming command." He announced. "What? You're a member of Zarkon's faithful? Did you place this virus?!" Bogh questioned. "No but I know that he will be the reason it destroys us." Lahn said, looking at me. I continued working on the computer, keeping an eye on Lahn at the same time. "Lahn, this is treason. If you don't-" Bogh began. "No! This is truth. This thing is nothing but a danger and a usurper." Lahn said, pointing his weapon at me. I had to laugh. "Ha! Pot calling the kettle black? Zarkon killed millions and stole from billions. The universe is better with him and Sendak dead. Now if you'll excuse me…" I trailed off as the self-destruct turned off, returning the base and lights to normal. "I have a shield to fix. I've reactivated the shield, it'll start reassembling itself. I couldn't find any virus though. I'm guessing it deleted itself. The only thing wrong now is that the shield won't be able to reassemble itself fast enough to stop the next solar flare in four doboshes so I'm going out to give the pieces a push." I declared before facing Lahn. "What will it be, Lahn? A foolish warlord and murderer or a galra who used his head?" I asked him. He looked at me with his pistol pointed at me for a few seconds before dropping it, kneeling down on the ground, defeatedly. "Forgive me, Zarkon." Lahn said. "Zarkon wouldn't forgive you. I would." I said as I walked by. Activating my Super-wings again, I teleported outside. I unmerged my Bayard from my wings. ENGAGE. Diego flew out to the separated hexagonal shapes. DIVIDE. Separating into six pieces, Diego flew behind the six outer segments of the shield, aligning them with the seventh inner piece. He could see the solar flare approaching and knew he had to hurry. The pieces slammed together, clamps activating and locking them together. Diego's six pieces came together under the main segment of the shield, interfacing with it. Disengage. Activate in ten doboshes. Flying away from the giant shield generator, I waited for it to turn on. Why isn't anything- The shield activated, just in time to deflect the solar flare. What the heck? Talk about by the skin of… oh wait. Ah nevermind, let's go. I flew back to the station, teleporting inside again. "Shield is back up and running." I said as I sheathed my Bayard. "Excellent. Thank you, sir Diego." Bogh said. "You're welcome. Where's Lahn?" I asked. "In the brig for treason." Bogh answered. "I see." I said. «Diego. We've arrived.» I heard Kolivan in my ear. "Where ya been? You missed everything." I announced. Quickly describing everything that happened, I left the base, accompanying Kolivan back to Mystacor. We materialized above the planet. Looking down on it, I took a moment to appreciate the view. Home sweet home. Safe and sound. «Second. Report.» "The plan was a resounding success, First. The glass is shattered and the pieces will fall." «Excellent. Stay tuned for more.» > All systems primed. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All systems primed. Landing back in Fantasia's hangar bay, I looked around at the advanced technology that had become a part of the kingdom of Arcadia. Not as advanced as I am. I followed Kolivan as he entered the access hallway, making his way to the throne room. We passed by some nobles walking along. I could see them sneering at me and whispering behind my back. Ungrateful snobs. I saved this whole city a bunch of times. If it wasn't for me, you'd be dead. I stewed in annoyance. Continuing to walk, I ignored the gossiping nobles. My mind suddenly flashed back to the day I was at the convention. The day I exploded. Caulina said no one was hurt. But what if she was lying to spare my feelings? She didn't even know me, what reason would she have to lie? She could have made up the explosion itself. What if your family is out there, looking for you… right…now. They… they wouldn't be looking for me. They probably held… a funeral. For me. The image of my family standing around a casket being lowered into the ground flashed into my thoughts. Everyone wearing black clothes. Rain falling all around. They think you're gone. How much pain have you put them through? A muted voice ringed through my ears. "Diego? Are you… Can you hear…" I felt a phantom touch against my arm. Their only son, gone in flames. How much heartache have you put them through? I didn't choose to come here. I… I was sent here. Yes. You were sent here. And yet, you have made no effort to return. How could I return? I'm not human anymore. And even if I was, how could I accomplish that? You have all the power in the world. Stars pale in comparison to you. And all you do is sit here, on this rock and play hero. I am a hero! I've saved millions of people! Killed thousands as well. All those ships, all those crews. All sentenced to the vacuum of space by you. They were the enemy. If I hadn't done something, innocents could have been hurt. But do you truly have the right to decide? With great power comes great responsibility. If I hadn't done it- Someone else would have. Like Kolivan or Celestia or the elements. Face it, you're just an interference. No! I know that I've done good! I've protected people! Killed tyrants. Killed oppressors! Monsters who took away others freedom. Monsters with power like yours. Monsters who knew that power meant control and control meant subjugation. Power is meant to be used to help others if they can't help themselves! If they can't help themselves, they don't deserve help. It is because they can't help themselves that they need help! Because they're weak. Because they're just trying to live their lives in peace! As cattle. Weak, defenceless cattle. Who need a saviour to keep them safe. To keep them in line. To keep them alive. Because without us… They would die. Like the cattle they are. "Diego! Are you alright?" Kolivan yelled at me, hand on my arm. My head snapped up. "No worries commander. I think I'm just a little tired. Fixing that shield took more out of me then I thought. I think I'm just going to go rest for a while. In fact, I think I'm going to stop by the quintessence forest to recharge a little. Tell the princesses I said hi." I said as I walked back towards the hangar. "Stay safe." Kolivan called out to me. "Oh please. I'm a walking star. What could happen?" (The quintessence forest) Landing near the edge of the forest, I started walking forward, looking for a good place to meditate. As I walked along, passing trees, I heard growling behind me. Turning around to face the sound, I saw a group of large timberwolves stalking up to me. "Timberwolves? What are they doing here?" Answer: It seems that a renegade pack has been pushed into the quintessence forest. Warning: Living in the forest has caused the timberwolves to mutate. "Is that why they're so big?" I asked, standing face to face with one of the wolves. Answer: Most likely. "Alright. Well, then I'll just have to exterminate them. Shouldn't be too hard." I said, raising my fists. I punched forward, shattered the wolf standing in front of me. Powering my hand emitters, it only took three ticks to blast the other four to bits. "Now, have you learned your lesson or are you going to-" In less time than it took to break them, they reassembled. That was fast. Must be because of the mutation. Deciding to just get it over with already, I opened my faceplate and extended my facial emitter. With a stream of ultra heated plasma, I burned all five wolves and a bunch of the trees around me into a nice black clearing. "There. Done and dusted." I said before noticing the burned trees weren't regenerating. Woops. I thought, continuing my walk. (A few minutes later, the burned ring) "What could have caused this?" Moondancer asked as she looked at the ashen ground. "These trees can take a building falling on them and grow back from getting laser cut down to a stump. So what could have burned these trees so badly that they can't regenerate?" Moondancer wondered. "I'm not sure. It seems to have been a form of plasma of some sort but I cannot determine what kind." Sekt said, his artificial throat humming as he talked. "Sir. Come look at this." One of the cadets announced. Sekt stood and walked over, looking at a tree at the edge of the ring of ash. It looked like a sapling. "What about it?" Sekt asked. The cadet stepped forward and touched the tree. It crumbled and broke. "It's dead." The cadet explained. "And this is the third one I've found like this." "That can't be right. These trees don't just die on their own." Moondancer said as she walked over. Looking at the surrounding trees, she saw that they were wilting and paling. "Something's wrong. It's like there's a virus killing the trees." "We have to report this to commander Kolivan." Sekt said as he stood and headed back the way they came. Away from the dying trees. Away from the source of the "virus". Away from Diego. > Megalomania. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Megalomania. «Commander Kolivan. An unknown ship is approaching the planet. It's captain has sent a message. It sounds like he wishes to speak to you and the princesses, as well as Sir Diego.» Kolivan heard as he was in his quarters. "What kind of ship is it? Does it have a name?" Kolivan asked. «It appears to be a small shuttle with modified engines. The captain of the ship says it is called the First Thinker. And the captain's name is Lotor.» The Blade reported. "Very well. Have a squadron of fighters escort him to the Fantasia hangar. Have the pilots then escort him to the throne room." «Understood, commander.» Leaving the dying forest, I feel refreshed and energised. Notice: Incoming message from commander Kolivan. «Come in Diego. I need you to come to the throne room.» "What's up?" I asked. «A shuttle is landing and it's captain is asking for an audience with us.» "Understood. Heading to the throne room immediately." «Are you sure you are alright, Diego? You have been acting differently.» Kolivan asked. "Don't worry, Kolivan. I'm feeling fine, especially just now. Anyway, we can talk about that later, I'll see you in the throne room." I said to Kolivan, hanging up and flying towards the capital. Arriving in record time, I teleported straight to the throne, materializing in the center. "Diego. You received Kolivan's message?" Luna asked me. "Yup. I'm guessing Kolivan's on his way?" I asked, not seeing the commander in the room. "Yes. He said he will be here shortly." Luna answered. A dobosh later, Kolivan stepped into the throne room, coming to stand next to me. "Hello, commander." I greeted him. "Greetings, Diego." He responded. A few doboshes later, a squad of Blades in pilot uniforms entered, ushering in a galra with long white hair. Princess Celestia stepped forward as the pilots separated. "Greetings. I am princess Celestia, co-ruler of Arcadia alongside my sister, princess Luna." Celestia introduced herself, Luna stepping forward as well. "Ah yes. The two princesses of day and night. I have heard much about you two. The galaxy is abuzz with talk of your world." The galra said in a deep, smooth and charming voice. "And you must be commander Kolivan, leader of the Blades of Marmora. It is an honour to meet you." The galra faced Kolivan. He then turned to me. "And, the one all that galaxy spoke of. The White Knight, Diego. It is an honour." The galra spoke, coming to kneel in front of me. "Now now. That isn't necessary. Please, stand and tell us your name." I said to him. "Of course. I am Lotor, the First. But you may call me your new lord and master." Lotor said calmly. It took a moment for us all to register his words. "What?" Celestia asked as Kolivan reached for his pistol. "I will be your new lord and master. You may all bow before me." Lotor ordered before looking at me. "Execute Program 0." Lotor ordered. É̵̺n̸͊͜g̷͎̀à̴̹g̶̨̒ě̴̤.̸̱́ Diego bowed before Lotor. "Diego? What are you doing?" Celestia asked as both Luna and Kolivan stared at him with bewilderment. "Following orders." Diego responded. "Something's wrong." Luna said. "Be silent, please." Lotor ordered again. "What have you done to him?" Luna questioned as she pointed her horn at Lotor. "Taken control of his artificial intelligence, what else? Now, I believe I ordered you to be silent." Lotor glared at Luna. Diego rose from his bow, appearing in front of Luna and clamping her mouth shut with a titanium grip, causing Luna to mutely yelp in pain. "Luna!" Celestia exclaimed in panic, moving to help her sister. Diego grabbed her by the mouth as well, hoisting then both up into the air. Kolivan, as well as the Blade pilots all drew their weapons, pointing them at Lotor. "Ah-ah-ah. I'd be careful where you point those. You wouldn't want your friend to accidently slip, would you?" Lotor suggested as Diego squeezed both princesses harder, causing them to cry out in pain. The Blades loved their guns. "That's-" Lotor was interrupted by Luna phasing out of Diego's grip, enveloping her sister as Diego tried to fire at her. Moving away from Diego, Luna deposited Celestia down before spreading behind Lotor, a tendril of darkness at his throat. "Release him, now!" Luna ordered. "And why would I do that?" Lotor asked condescendingly. Before Luna could respond, she heard her sister cry out in pain. Diego had moved behind Celestia, painfully holding both her arms behind her back with one hand and gripping the back of her head with the other. "Now, you have two choices." Lotor began. "Release me and guarantee the safety of your sister or watch as your friend fires at her from point blank. And from what I can see, his firepower is incredibly powerful." Lotor explained, looking at a hole in the wall that was caused when Diego tried to shoot Luna. Luna kept her hold on Lotor. Diego's hand began glowing behind Celestia's head. Celestia looked Luna in the eyes. She was scared. Luna released Lotor. "That's better. Now then." Lotor snapped his fingers. Everyone in the room, sans Lotor, was knocked out by Diego, leaving them all sprawled on the ground. Suddenly, the throne room doors burst open. "We heard gunfire, what's-" Spitfire abruptly stopped as she and the other captains stormed in. "What's going on?" She asked as they saw all the people unconscious on the floor. "It seems we have some uninvited guests. Diego, deal with them." Lotor ordered. Diego pointed his hand at his friends, charging a shot. All of them jumped aside to avoid it. The blast passed by, going through multiple walls. "Diego, what are-" Hammer tried to ask before Diego appeared in front of him. He screamed as Diego jabbed him with his taser katar, making him spasm from the electricity. "Zeta configuration!" Shining Armour called out as he ran to Kolivan, picking him up in his magic. Diego tried to attack him but was stopped by Night Slash pouncing on him, scratching him with his claws. Diego grabbed Night Slash by the neck, slamming him into the ground. Diego raised his hand, ready to shoot Night. Spitfire kicked him from the air. Diego grabbed her arm in retaliation, his Bayard transforming in his hand. Spitfire screamed as her bicep was separated from her shoulder. "NO!" Spell Blade, Hammer Strike, Shining Armour and Night Slash all yelled in horror. "Diego, stop this! You have to-" Spell Blade stopped mid sentence. He couldn't feel his lungs anymore. Couldn't feel his heart beating. Diego had fired a hole, straight through his chest. Spell Blade fell to the ground. Hammer Strike screamed as he charged at Diego, Flickstone in hand. Hammer Strike hit Diego with all his strength. Diego didn't even flinch as he caught the hammer. Hammer Strike looked at him with confusion and fear. Right until Diego's fist caved in his face, staining the white armour red. Shining Armour was shaking. Kolivan fell out of his grip. His knife flew out of its sheath, shifting into it’s great sword form. It then began to glow but it was a sickly purple glow. His eyes glowed yellow, his irises turning blood red. His sword transformed, becoming bigger and sharper, jagged points growing from it, deforming it. His pale skin slowly shifted to a dark grayish-purple. His face began changing, forming rasin purple streaks up his cheeks. Before Diego could even react, Shining Armour punched him in the back, sending them hurtling through the hole Diego created, his new jagged sword now humming in his hand. "What's this? Are you galra, boy? Well, it won't matter. Diego, kill him." Lotor ordered. Diego raised his energy sword, Spitfire's blood burned onto it. Diego charged at Shining Armour. Shining Armour charged back. > Program 0. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program 0. I couldn't control my body. I couldn't speak. I couldn't resist. I couldn't stop. I could only watch. Watch as my friends died. One. By. One. By my own actions. Voltron wouldn't listen to me. Nothing I said did anything. He was being controlled. I could feel it now. The virus. 0. It was controlling Voltron. Stopping me. Killing my friends with my own body. I did everything I could to try to fight back against it. I struggled, kicked, fought, screamed, cursed, yelled, punched, clawed, anguished. Nothing. Nothing worked. I had no control anymore. I could only watch. I couldn't scream out, no-one heard me. I couldn't fight back, I had no control. I could cry but no-one could hear me. I couldn't. I… I hid. I did the only thing that mattered. I hid myself away. Away from the pain. Away from the anguish. Into the dark. The nothing. It was all that was left. And all I could do was cry. Diego stood before Shining with empty white eyes. "-Diego, kill him." Lotor had ordered. Diego changed his Bayard to a new form, letting it swell and grow. Shining wasn’t impressed, he rushed forward appearing in front of Diego slamming his fist into Diego’s chest. Diego caught his fist with his free hand, pointing his fully formed Compensator at Shining's face. Shining ducked under the blast, swinging his sword at Diego’s arm, the cut causing Diego to let go of Shining’s hand. Shining backed away, holding up his sword. Diego aimed again, firing at Shining. Shining started dodging the blast, his movements slightly faster than before. Diego unformed his Compensator, seeing it was too slow to hit Shining. As Shining approached, Diego raised his hand to shoot at him. Shining barely dodged the blast, before resuming his approach. Diego rushed at him, swinging his halberd at him at supersonic speed. Shining saw an opportunity, he barely avoided the halberd. He then slammed his fist into Diego’s bayard port. Diego staggered backwards. Diego flinched from the pain. "-Shi-" Diego's voice glitched through for less than a moment, it sounded pained. Diego stood straight, holding his halberd in both hands. Holding it in a thrusting position, Diego charged at Shining like a jouster. Shining dodged out of the way, notably faster than the last time. He thrusted his sword into Diego’s bayard port, cutting into it. Diego didn't flinch. His pain had been turned off. Diego grabbed at Shining's arm, lifting his halberd at the same time. Shining fired a powerful burst of magic, slamming into the halberd, knocking it out of Diego’s hand. Divide. Diego's hand popped off, grabbing Shining and pulling him closer. Diego held his fingers open, his Bayard reappearing in his hand. It formed as his Thaum pistol. Shining’s hand glowed brightly as he slammed his hand into Diego’s chest. The force of the punch sent the two of them flying out of the castle and slamming into the courtyard. Diego aimed at Shining's head as they were falling, pressing the rectangular barrel against his forehead, next to his horn. He pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. Shining used this moment to push off of Diego. He focused every last bit of his energy remaining into one final barrage. He rushed forward, slashing at Diego with as many cuts as he could. Diego fell to the ground in pieces. Shining rolled as he landed on the marble ground. Standing up, he walked to the pieces of his friend, looming over them. He saw the severed head of Diego. A memory stirred. "Why did you take off your own head?" He heard Hammer Strike's voice. His eyes widened. Divide. Diego's pieces all jumped to life, firing lasers at Shining. Shining took a deep breath, this wasn’t exactly good. He had used most of his energy up with that last attack, still Diego had used quite a bit of power himself. He knew he just needed to hold out until Diego’s power failed. He turned around, dodging the blasts and bolting toward the nearest part of Diego. Diego's pieces started recombining, one by one. Diego held his one attached hand up, quintessence emitter glowing and facing Shining. Shining preemptively dodged. The blast fired. Shining saw that he wasn't fast enough. The blast was coming straight for him and it was going to go through his shoulder. Everything slowed down as Shining watched the blast move closer in slow motion. Creep closer. Crawl closer. It was about to hit him. "Dear universe, please shut up!" Shining heard the voice. Heard the command. And everything listened. Nothing moved. Shining saw Diego frozen in place. Saw rays of the sun standing still. Everything was quiet. "This is a right mess now." Shining heard the voice again. It was coming from behind him. He heard padded footsteps. "It wasn't supposed to be this way at all. I mean, seriously? Diego going evil? The captains? It's all messed up." The owner of the voice moved around him, looking at Diego. He looked like a human. He was wearing a puffy pink hoodie. He also had a colourful cap on backwards. His white sneakers crunched on the cracked ground. He turned to face Shining. His skin was whiter than chalk and he was thin. Skeletally thin. He also had rimmed glasses on, with letters on the glasses. YO and LO. "Hi Shining. Yes I know your name and I know you can hear me. No, you can't move or speak right now so just listen." He said. "This… this is all wrong. None of this was meant to happen. It was supposed to be, you'd beat Zarkon, then you'd beat Sendak and then you'd go out into the fimverse and meet new people. Not… not this. This is completely wrong." The stranger turned and faced Diego. He sighed in annoyance. "Welp, can't change it now. But I can rectify it." The stranger turned around again, walking up to bend down in front of Shining's face. "Okay Shining, listen and listen well. You can't win this. You might think you can with this new form but you're only delaying the inevitable. Soon, Diego will adapt to you and kill you and I can't have that. So, it's been decided that you will receive a gift. Both to help you save Diego and to help you in the future." The stranger said. He reached into the pocket of his hoodie, pulling out a round metallic orb. Shining was afraid. He didn't know what the orb was or where it came from but he was afraid of it. It started to spin and twist itself. "I'm giving you an edge against Diego, use it well. But be careful. Don't lose your weapon or else you'll crash and burn. Alright?" The stranger asked. Shining understood. "Good. Now, set things right, captain Armour. Or, as right as they can be." The stranger finished as the orb in his hand split down the middle. Purple light covered the area. Inside the orb was something. Shining could barely see it because of the purple shine. But he knew one thing. It was dangerous. The stranger removed the purple object from the halves of the orb. It was a stone. A gem. A radiant purple gem. "Brace yourself, Shining. This is gonna hurt." The stranger said. Shining readied himself. The stranger pressed the gem into his awakened blade. It sunk into it like quicksand. "Integrating…" The stranger stated. Shining's blade began pulsing, purple veins growing outwards from its guard until they covered the whole blade. The veins grew up his arm. His mind screamed in agony as his mouth stayed silent. The veins dimmed, vanishing a second later though it felt like an eternity. "Done. Integration complete." The stranger announced. "You should now have the power to challenge Diego head on. This isn't an instant win but it should help you close the gap. Are you ready?" The stranger asked him. Shining thought. He thought of his friends. His sister. His love. His princesses. His nation. He thought of Diego before this crisis. He knew what he had to do. He was ready. "Good. Time continues onward." The stranger declared. Time began moving again, slowly returning to normal. "You better move, captain. You're not in the safest position right now." The stranger suggested before he vanished into thin air. Shining continued his movement, barely avoiding the laser. He wasn't tired anymore. He wasn't tired at all. He was full of energy. More energy than he had ever felt before. Time resumed at its normal pace. Diego pieced himself back together again, standing ominously. Shining clutched his sharp blade tightly. This was going to be difficult. He knew that. But he was ready. He was going to get his friend back. Shining charged forward. He swung his sword towards Diego’s head. Divide. Diego's head popped off again, his mouth guard opening to allow his facial laser to extend. Shining took the opportunity, attempting to grab the head before it could fire. Diego's Bayard glowed in his hand as he fired melting heat from his mouth. Shining dodged backwards, barely avoiding the attack. He needed to be more careful, Diego was a tricky opponent to fight. Diego's Bayard transformed, sending his taser cable straight at Shining. Shining dodged to the side, before charging forward, preparing to attack. Diego reacted, forming his energy shield between them. Shining started moving around Diego, trying to find an opening. Seeing that he had thrown off Shining's attack, Diego deformed his shield, firing another beam at Shining, a freeze ray this time, as his Bayard transformed again. Shining dodged out of the way, his form blurring slightly as he did so. Diego formed his halberd, his body glowing as quintessence raced through his circuits. He spun around, ready to bisect Shining with one swipe. Shining dodged backwards, the blur slightly more obvious. He readied his blade. Diego stopped moving. His body as still as a statue. He slowly keeled backwards, falling to the ground like a mannequin. Shi-ng. I -naged to -op my bo- -m movi-. I can't ke- -is up forev-. Hit me in- chest, as ha- -s you can. Quickl-! Shining nodded, focusing all of his power into his blade. Thrusting it at full force towards Diego’s chest. I shouted in pain as the blade struck. My chest burned with agony. WARNING: UNKNOWN VIRUS DETECTED IN MAINFRAME. EXECUTING FIREWALLS AND CODEBREAKERS. Now he does it. How in the world did we miss this? NOTICE: VIRUS SUCCESSFULLY FIREWALLED. NOW ELIMINATING. How could I let this happen? Why didn't I notice? …The virus was made to be undetectable. Neither of us realized the effect it was having. And now, because of it… two of my friends are dead. And one of them is missing an arm. Oh kaltenecker, Lotor! Immediately turning on the spot, I looked up at the hole Shining threw me out of. Lotor was standing there, the unconscious princess Celestia held by her neck at his side. "Diego, I told you to kill him, why are you just standing there?" Lotor called down to me. Notice: The virus has been 100% eliminated. Systems are secure. Good to know. I thought. Flying up to the hole in the wall, I landed in the throne room, Lotor backing away slowly. "Diego, respond. Activate program 0." Lotor tried to order. "Program 0 not found, please try again never." I responded hatefully. Lotor backed away again, holding Celestia up in between us, an energy blade held at her throat. (Gruesomeness warning) "I'm warning you. Take one more step and I'll-" Lotor's hand fell away from her neck as his arm fell to the ground. He screamed in pain, clutching the stump of his arm as Celestia fell to the ground. "That was for Spitfire." I declared as I flicked his blood off of my Halberd. I then grabbed him by the head, hoisting him up to my eye level. My Bayard changed into its taser form. Holding him in place as he flailed uselessly, I slowly raised the taser up to his face and pressed it into his eyes. "This is for Hammer Strike." I declared as he screamed again. Finally, I turned to face the hole in the wall, having Lotor face away from it. I held my Bayard at my side as it changed into my energy cannon. I pressed the barrel into his chest. "And this is for Spell Blade." I finally said, firing straight through Lotor and out the hole in the wall, letting the beam harmlessly travel away. I dropped Lotor's dying body to the floor, not even looking at him as he breathed his last. (Gruesomeness ending) "…Raaaaaah!" I punched the ground in frustration and fury. I fell to my knees a moment later. I continued hitting the floor, cracking it. I noticed Shining, now mostly back to normal, levitate himself into the throne room. He still had Galran cheek marks but everything else was back to normal. I didn't pay any more attention to him, even as he walked up to my side. "It wasn't your-" "No!" I cut him off. "If I had just noticed, if I had seen what was… they'd still be alive! And now, because of me, they're dead!" I shouted. I could hear groaning around me. The people I had knocked out were starting to regain consciousness. A group of guards stormed into the room, checking on everyone after a moment of surprise.Shining looked me in the eyes. “If you truly feel responsible then train with me but no holding back. I was improving slowly as we fought, very slowly but I was. We have depended on you for so long, that we never wondered, what if you weren’t here to help. Should this ever happen again, I want to be strong enough to stop you without the need for help. You can’t change the past but you can prevent it from repeating.” "I… I'm sorry, Shining, but I don't think I can do that. Not right now. I… I have to go." I stood from the cracked floor, moving towards the hole in the wall. "Diego, wai-" I flew out, blowing a big gust of wind through the throne room. I couldn't stand to be there anymore. > Do not go calmly into that dying light. Rage! Rage against the dark night. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do not go calmly into that dying light. Rage! Rage against the dark night. I flew away. I had to. It was all I could think of. I had to get away. I kept flying until I struck the ground. I pulled my head out of the ground, looking around. "Voltron… where are we?" I asked, looking around at the decayed trees. Location: We are in the… quintessence forest. "What? What happened to the trees?" I asked, standing up. Answer: Their quintessence has been drained away. Voltron answered. I shuddered in realization. "When I went to recharge, 0 made me drain the trees. I… I have to fix this. Form super wings, begin quintessence amplification." I ordered, sitting on the brown grass. My wings exploded outwards as my body glowed. Immediately, the plants and trees around me started regaining their colour. Restoration: 9% complete. 13%. 24%. 30%. "Increase quintessence output." Acknowledgment: Increasing quintessence output. Restoration is 55% complete. 70%. 83%. 99%. 100%. You are now increasing the size of the quintessence forest. 118%. I stop glowing, my body sluggish and heavy. "Quintessence level?" I drawl. Reading: Quintessence level is at 17% and slowly rising. You should rest. You've… we've been through a lot. I'll keep us safe. "Promise?" I ask, laying on my back, my wings flattening out underneath me. Declaration: I promise. "Thank you… Voltron." I drifted off, haunted by the memories of what had happened. (Spitfire POV) I awoke both in pain and feeling numb. I was confused. I looked around before I noticed I was in the infirmary. "How the heck did I get here?" I asked, my throat hoarse. A nurse must have heard me because she speed-walked to my bed. "Captain Spitfire. You're awake." She announced in surprise. "Yeah I'm awake, what happened? Agh! And why do I feel like a pillar landed on me?" I gasped in pain, my body aching and my throat sore like I had been telling orders for hours. "Uh… well…" The nurse stammered as I tried to sit up. She immediately stopped me. "Oh no, captain, you shouldn't try to move. Just keep your head on the pillow." She eased me down again. I noticed something wrong. I couldn't get up properly. I couldn't move my right arm. I couldn't feel my right arm. I looked at my shoulder, trying to see what was wrong. "Oh no." The nurse whispered. My right arm was gone. My shoulder was wrapped in gauze, ending at my bicep. I tried to scream but I couldn't. I had run out of screams. I couldn't look anymore. I threw my head to the side, unwilling to look at my injury. My gaze landed on another bed. The person in it wasn't moving and they were completely covered with a sheet. "Who…" I coughed as I spoke. "Who is… that?" I gagged. The nurse had a look of utter defeat as she looked at the other bed. The other two beds. I looked between the nurse and the two beds, connecting the dots. It all came back. "No… no." I looked at the closest bed, seeing a hand, partially uncovered. I recognised Hammer's skin colour. I couldn't scream. The other bed had a horn poking up from under the sheet. I couldn't cry out. The nurse was trying to say something. I couldn't hear her. Everything was going dark. I fell into the void of unconsciousness. (3rd person) Shining was standing around the roundtable of Celestia's study, multiple privacy wards on every wall. Celestia, Luna and Kolivan were all sitting around it with Shining pacing in front of the door. He had too much energy to sit down. "Captain, can you please explain what happened? And do you know where Diego is?" Celestia asked. "I'm not sure. I… I don't know where Diego is. He flew off. He was… heartbroken." Shining answered. It was obvious, he was still coming to terms with everything that happened, just as much as everyone else. "Can you describe what happened after we were knocked unconscious?" Kolivan asked. "…After Diego knocked you out, the other captains entered the room. When they saw what happened, I ordered them to attack while I tried to evacuate everyone else. Diego… responded. He cut off Spitfire's arm." The princesses gasped. "That was him?" Celestia asked. "Yes." Shining answered. Luna gasped loudly. "Did he…" She couldn't finish. "Yes. He killed Hammer and Spell. Afterwards… I snapped. My Luxite blade appeared in my hands and my body changed." Shining described. "Is that where those markings on your face came from?" Celestia asked, tears on her face. "Yes. I was stronger and faster. Almost as strong as Diego and fast enough to keep up with him. I attacked him head on, eventually hitting him out of the throne room. As we were falling, he tricked me into thinking I had cut him into pieces. After we landed, he baited me and attacked me with lasers. I was barely able to dodge but… I wasn't fast enough to dodge one." "But you are not harmed?" Luna asked. "The doctors said you are perfectly fine. They said you were "better than fine"." Luna added. "Yes. As I was about to be hit… something strange happened. I heard a voice, then suddenly everything stopped. Time stopped. A stranger, in strange clothes, appeared out of nowhere. He… said things I don't understand. But he did help me." Shining pulled his Luxite dagger from its hidden sheath and held it in front of his face. Where before, it was a small, two sided, straight dagger with the Blades of Marmora symbol on the front and back of the guard, now it had fire-like serrations on the side and the guard glowed bright purple. "What happened to your blade?" Kolivan asked. "The stranger… added something to it. A stone or gem of some kind. It hurt, too. Like I was dipping my arm in a volcano, while covered in cantrips. Afterwards, the stranger told me to stop Diego before he restarted time. When I could move again, I dodged Diego's attack and retaliated. Whatever the stranger added to my Blade, it gave me energy. Like I could run forever and never get tired. I used this… power to attack Diego. Eventually, he switched to his Halberd. Then he stopped moving. The real Diego had stopped his body. I used it to disable him and allow Diego to regain control of himself. Then, when Lotor saw that we had stopped fighting, he tried to order him again but it didn't work. Diego flew back into the throne room. Lotor tried to take you hostage, princess Celestia, but Diego stopped him. And killed him. After that, he flew off." Shining finished. "Did you see where he flew?" Celestia asked. "Yes. I believe he flew to the quintessence forest." Shining answered. "The forest. He must have gone there to recharge again." Kolivan said. Luna suddenly perked up, her eyes wide. "Sister?" Celestia asked. "I can feel him. He's asleep, in the forest. He's… having a nightmare." Luna said, her horn glowing lightly. "I will try to make contact with him." She said, sitting back in her chair as her horn began to shine and spark. After a moment, she opened her eyes. They were glowing white. "I've established a connection. I am entering his dream…" Luna said. (The Dreamscape) A door emerged in the pitch black. It opened, shining a light into the void. Luna stepped out, looking around at the black. The light of her entrance didn't go far. Couldn't go far. The pitch consumed it. Luna lit her horn as her Dreamdoor closed behind her. She started walking forward into the void. Calling out. "Diego! Diego, can you hear me!?" Her calls faded quickly. She continued looking around, searching. She could hear whispers around her. They came from the pitch. She could hear them coming from ahead. She felt fear and sorrow ahead as well. Something was being tormented. She continued advancing, going towards the feelings. For a moment, she saw a spark of white light. "Diego! Is that you?" She called again. She saw nothing. She started running forward, determined. She stopped as she collided with something solid. She felt the wall in front of her. It was where the whispers were coming from. "Traitor. Murderer… Monster! Coward. Demon! Betrayer… Killer! Charlatan." The many voices whispered as the barrier shifted like slithering chains. "No!" Luna shouted. "None of those are true!" She denied. The barrier shifted. There I sat, a boy of flesh and bone. Crying as a sphere of light kept the pitch from touching me. "Diego." Luna said. She knew my true form, even if I was regressed to a child. "Go away, Luna." I turned away. I couldn't bear to look at her. The whispers turned on Luna, staying close to me. "Not true? Then how do you explain… All the terrible things he did? To his friends! To his comrades… To you?" "That wasn't his fault! He was being controlled!" "Controlled? He allowed himself to be controlled! He was weak… He should have been better! Stronger. But he wasn't." "He couldn't have known." "But he did! He noticed the signs… And yet he did nothing. And now his friends… The people who trusted him. Are dead!" "He made a mistake. We all do. No one is perfect. But just because he made a mistake, doesn't mean he can't learn from it and become-" Luna tried to argue. "Learn from it? Why…? So that he can dismiss it? Forget it…? Forget the people he hurt?! Forget us?!" The whispers screeched. Three people manifested. Three shades. Spell Blade, with a hole through his chest. Hammer Strike, with his face missing… Spitfire, with her arm cut off! "He did not mean to kill you. To hurt you. He was not in-" "He was responsible for it! He performed the act… It was his hand that dealt the blow." "But he was not the one who orchestrated it. The monster who did is dead." "Killer!" "Saviour! If he didn't do it, more would have died. What is done is done but the past doesn't define the present. He can change. Remember this and stop it from ever happening again. This pain will stay with him but he will not let it consume him. He shall crush it like he has crushed others. No one else shall ever have to feel it. Feel that pain. Because he won't let them. He is a saviour. Our saviour." Luna decreed. I turned to face her, remembering all the battles I had fought. An oath stirred, echoing from my memories. I CHOOSE TO FIGHT! Are you sure? I WILL LEAD THEM TO VICTORY! With what? WITH THE STRENGTH OF MY HEART! I WILL BE THE STAR THAT GUIDES THEM! TO A NEW TOMORROW! Then do it. Shatter your bonds. Protect those who light your heart. Awaken, Super Voltron! AWAKEN! I stood up, my halo of light growing brighter. The shades turned to me, screeching in pain. My body solidified as I stood tall. "You are my own creations. Begone!" I commanded, the pitch black void being torn away. The shades cowered on the white ground. "I will never forget. And I will always strive to prevent this from happening again. Until my last ounce of strength." The shades went silent before smiling, fading away. I turned to Luna. I reached up to my faceplate, removing it to reveal my old face. I smiled at her. "Thank you, Luna. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't come along." I told her. "No thanks necessary. I was only doing my duty as princess of the night." She responded. "And put your face back on. That's not the Diego I know." She added. I looked at the faceplate in my hand. "Huh. I guess not, eh? Silly me." I replaced the faceplate, my face clicking into position. I was no longer that person. Not anymore. I am still Diego Logis but… I'm more than that now. I am the knight of white. I am the star that drives away the darkness. I am Super Voltron. I emerged from my dream, feeling freer than I ever had before. I flew back to the castle, to apologize to the others. From there on, I continued my work. Ridding my galaxy of the last of the Galran empire. Shining eventually became General. A promotion well deserved. Spitfire made a full recovery. Thanks to Marmoran technology, she got a prosthetic. She forgave me for what happened. Hammer and Spell had a soldier's funeral. Statues of them lie in the royal garden of Fantasia. Lotor's body was not given such privilege. His corpse was tossed into the sun. No name or gravestone to bear his memory. Caulina took to space. Her powers combined with her curiosity carried her into the great unknown. I helped expand Arcadia. Eventually, it rose to the limits of the sky and into space, spanning solar systems. It took time and time took from me but I still persist. Luna still stands by my side along with her sister. Queens of a vast civilization with their shining knight beside them. Long live Arcadia.