> Spices of Love > by twience > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > You Make Me Feel Good > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spices of Love By, Twience She's too good to me. Twilight Sparkle leaned on the white wooden post in the kitchen entryway. She wore a long-sleeve purple pullover and comfortable dark blue jeggings. Her hair was also pulled up in a messy bun. It was late in the afternoon, although, she looked as if she just rolled out of bed. Via, her complexion was a bit pinker than usual. It wasn't from blushing either. Well, she could not blame it a little on her blushing. It wasn't common to find a girlfriend as well as hers. She felt complete euphoria when she was with Sunset Shimmer. Twilight was simply watching her girlfriend cook happily in their kitchen. Sunset was humming to herself as she added seasoning to some vegetable broth she was boiling. Twilight didn't speak, not wanting to interrupt Sunset's train of thought and spook her while she was cooking. However, she had no need to speak. Sunset eventually turned around and noticed her standing there. She had blinked and Twilight gave her a sheepish wave. "Twi, Babe, what are you doing out of bed?" Sunset frowned with a spoon in her hand. Twilight shook her head. "This really isn't necessary," she said with a small smile. Sunset then placed the spoon back into the fizzling pot. She turned the stove down so she could step away for a moment. Once she did, she walked over to Twilight and placed her hands onto her girlfriends' arms and gave her a lingering kiss on the forehead. Twilight quietly chuckled. "You know I'm sick right?" Sunset gave her a look of no doubt. "Which is the exact reason you shouldn't be in here with me. You know I can't resist your beautiful self." Sunset pushed a strand a hair that got loose from Twilight's bun behind her ear. Twilight blushed a little at Sunset's comment. How did she always know how to make her feel good? "How are you feeling?" she asked. "Somewhat better. The nap helped," said Twilight. The day before, Twilight unfortunately came home feeling awfully down. Her throat was a bit sore and she was more tired than usual. Sunset Shimmer immediately realized something was wrong as soon as she got home. Without even stopping for a bathroom break, she quickly set her bag down and searched for the plastic thermometer. Luckily, Twilight's only diagnosis was a small head cold and it would dissipate in a couple of days. "Good." Sunset nodded. "Truly, you still shouldn't be standing up. At least take a seat." "The headache's gone." "It's the magic of Tylenol, Babe." Twilight giggled. She didn't mind standing. Though, she didn't want to cause any problems for Sunset or herself. So, she silently agreed and took a seat at the kitchen island. Sunset smiled and went back to cooking dinner. "What have you been doing all day?" Twilight decided to engage in some conversation. Sunset grabbed a cutting knife from the drawer and brought over one of the onions to the wooden board. "Not much. Did some paperwork, browsed through the movie channels, ran to the corner store. Oh, which reminds me, I picked you up some orange juice." Twilight rested her elbow on the island and rested her head in her hand. "Thank you." "No problem." Sunset started to cut up her onion. The smell engulfed the room and she wiped her eye with her arm. "Why does something so tasty have to be so difficult?" "Hmm." Sunset then faced Twilight and raised her brow. "Wait, you're actually asking me? I thought you were going to say something dirty." Sunset gasped and put a hand on her chest. "You wound me, Twi! We're in the kitchen!" "You're implying that you'll only speak like that in the bedroom?" "Pfft, no." They both laughed a little. "Now, seriously?" "Good things come for those who wait," Twilight told her. Sunset hummed. "How I appreciate you and quotes." Something that had always impressed Sunset was that Twilight had a quote for just about anything. She would often ask her for one after she had done or noticed something. "It's a gift!" Twilight could've flipped her hair with a beauty pageant smile if she wasn't feeling unwell. "Why, of course." Twilight watched as Sunset finished up the onion and placed the bits into the pot. She started on a carrot next before Twilight spoke again. "How is work anyway?" "As great and busy as always. One of the benefits of being a CEO I suppose," said Sunset. "Our yearly memorialize event is coming up. Do I have the honor of escorting you there?" "Always," Twilight answered. Her answer was obvious but it was sweet for Sunset to ask anyway. "But if you're going to keep dragging me to these events, I might need to buy a few more dresses." "There's no need for that. You're beautiful in anything." Sunset placed the carrot chops into the pot and started to stir. "You could honestly show up in sweatpants and a t-shirt and nobody would say a word." Twilight inhaled as she sat up straight again. "That's because I'm your girlfriend. Besides, you're flattering me. You're obligated to say that." "I'd have to disagree. I'm saying it because it's most definitely true," Sunset turned and smirked at her. "I can always call up a designer if you insist. Or, I'm sure Rarity will fix you up a dress in a heartbeat at Carousal." "Oh, you don't have to do that, Sunny. I could always take a trip to Barnyard Bargains or Mare Mart," Twilight mentioned. Sunset pouted and started dicing some red potatoes. "What's the point of having money if I can't use it to spoil you?" Sunset asked as if she really didn't know the answer. Twilight playfully rolled her eyes. "If you wanted to spoil me, there would probably a private chef cooking us dinner right now and not you." Sunset paused when she was about to add the potatoes into the pot. She put a finger to her chin. "Well-" Twilight waved her hands frantically. "I'm just kidding. I adore your cooking." "As do I," Sunset said. She added the potatoes. "Besides, that's a bit too much pride if I do say so myself," Sunset winked. "We live in a condo." Sunset just shrugged and walked over to one of the cabinets and pulled out the red wine to cook with. She poured about three-fourths cups in and stirred. "...Which I wouldn't trade for anything! We have too many great memories here." Sunset added, "Memories like making you moan immensely on our bed numerous times?" Twilight squeaked and fiercely blushed red. "I uh... Y-Yeah..." Sunset raised a hand up to the heavens. "And she admits it!" "S-Sunset!" Sunset laughed at Twilight's embarrassment. Meanwhile, Twilight tried to stay angry at Sunset by giving her a glare. Though she was still so infatuated, the blush continued to override any anger. "I hate you." "I love you." Sunset giggled. "I love you, too." Sunset gave Twilight a smile after her laughing. "Aw, and I thought you hated me." Twilight was about to respond with another comment but her cold seemed to not want her to do so. Instead, Twilight responded in a coughing fit. Sunset's eyes went wide as she dropped her spoon into the large pot making some soup splash out. She didn't pay it no mind however and rushed over to Twilight. Sunset took a seat at the island on a high stool. She placed a hand on her girlfriends back and started to rub it. Once Twilight's coughing fit started to dissipate, Sunset spoke with concern. "You sure you don't want some cough syrup?" Twilight put a hand up as she let out the last remaining hiccups. "I'm sure. Cough medicine doesn't stop the coughing, it only suppresses it for a short while. If anything, it should only be used at night. How else is your immune system going to fight off the cold if you don't cough up the mucus?" Sunset blinked but continued to rub Twilight's back. "Whatever you want, Babe." Twilight made eye contact with Sunset and showed a week smile. "You're the best." Sunset smirked at her. "I didn't want to brag or anything..." Twilight deadpanned and gave Sunset a little push. "Wow. You're so modest." Sunset would've laughed just then if Twilight didn't notice some soup running onto the floor. "Sunny! Your stew!" Sunset jerked her head towards the stove and noticed the air bubbles starting to run over. "Crap!" She quickly stood up and ran over to her pot. She turned off the burner, put on two pot holders, and moved the soup to the other side of the stove. She sighed quietly to herself and slowly took off her potholders. She set them aside and looked at her girlfriend who gave her a weak smile. "Is it safe? 'Cause not gonna lie, it smells delicious," Twilight finally said. Sunset looked into the pot of stew. "It seems okay." She shrugged. "Great!" Twilight exclaimed. "Sorry about that..." Sunset waved her hand. "Don't apologize. You can't help it ya know?" Twilight nodded at Sunset's statement. "No need to worry. When I get better, I'll cook us up a full course meal." "I would love that," said Sunset. She appreciated Twilight and everything she did. No matter how crazy it got. She took two bowls out from the cabinet. "But you really don't have to do that. Remember when you tried to make us pasta?" "Heh..." Twilight scratched her head. Unfortunately, no matter how many things Twilight was good at, cooking wasn't one of them. So Twilight often enjoyed her girlfriend's meals since she was bearly able to make mac and cheese. "Breakfast and a back rub?" "Even better." Sunset smiled. She took a ladle from the drawer and poured both of them a bowl of stew. "Dinner, M'lady?" Twilight clapped her hands together. "So kind! Thanks." Sunset handed Twilight her bowl and offered her hand. Twilight gladly took it, jumped off the seat, and they walked to the dining table. Sunset set her bowl on her side of the table before pulling out Twilight's chair and motioning her to sit down. Twilight's heart fluttered and she gave a nod before sitting down. "You didn't have-" "I know." Sunset wasn't about to let Twilight use any energy while she was still recovering from a cold. Even if it was something as silly as sitting down. She was already letting her be out of bed, anything more would just be a strain. Besides, Twilight deserved every ounce of bliss she received. Sunset gave a wink before walking over to her seat and sitting down. Twilight lifted a spoon of stew into her mouth. "Whoa, this is amazing! You outdid yourself again, Sunset." "Hmm." Sunset tried a spoon of the stew herself. As she got a good taste of it, she nodded her head side to side before saying, "It could've used more spice." Twilight giggled before eating some more. "It's plenty spicy to me." "Are you saying that because you're unwell or...?" Sunset said with a tilt of her head. Twilight shook her head. "It was made with love." Sunset eyes widened a bit and she blushed bright red. She looked down into her bowl and grinned. "You know what?" She ate another spoonful. "What?" Twilight asked. "It is amazing." Sunset looked her in the eyes. "You're amazing, Twilight." Twilight put a hand on her cheek. "Awe... you always know how to make me feel good." "...Right back at you."