> The Reign of Survival > by Little_Draco > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > When one falls, another shall rise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Reign of Survival Silence surrounded him and, for once, it was comforting. The hot air in the lands blew lightly, creating almost no sound except with the soft flapping of his long purple loin cloth. The sun was low into the evening and creating a wonderful set of rainbow colors in the sky, and the gentle crackling of fire only burned with a gentle hiss around its host. Turning away from the sun, Spike Erk’dra, faced back behind him, where hundreds of dragons looked towards him. Dragons as small as hatchlings to some as big as hills, ranging from many colors, drakes and drakas alike. To winged and wingless, all of whom have come to pay respect and bid their finals saying to their former dragon lord. The large body of the former dragon lord was being buried with boulders. That dragon lord, was Emmarr’ance the Great, one of the wisest and kindest dragon in the lands. Emmerr’ance Erk’dra, also known as Emm to his family and friends, Erk to those whom found him annoying or witty, and Great, to those whom have amazing respect for him. A plague had brought down the dragon population to the low thousands, nearly causing mass extinction. But it was Emmarr’ance who rose from the depths and pushed towards the light to ensure that dragon kind would live on. When the search for new food and lands was scarce in a growing world by ponies, gryphons and other creatures, it was he who ventured forth and sought to bring dragons to a better place. When families of new dragons came to live peacefully or seek sanctuary in his domain and rule, he welcomed them with open arms and with a warmth that the sun could match. When a terrible winter nearly took the lives of hatchlings and families who had little to eat, he shared his mountainous hoard and food to keep them fed. When the chaos chimera, rouge centaur, and giant bugs came to challenge or take from the dragons by force, he stood in the front lines and protected his dragons from any harm. He pushed forward, when many wanted to fall back. And that was just within recent history. Great, powerful, mighty and wise, were the many titles that went with him, but there was also kind, caring, thoughtful, life mate, loved one and lastly… father. A father, who has been tragically been taken away from them. He was not just a father to his own blood, but to those whom served him. To those who looked up to him, to those that have dedicated their lives to being just like him or near him. He made time for anyone and his heart carried within all those that loved him for it. Sadly, his time had come and, with it, the title. Despite all his care and love for others, he didn’t take care of himself enough. All the battles he fought, all the food he has shared, and all the struggles he endured for the betterment of his kind, put his body through stress and exhaustion. His last battle had him defending his dragons from rogue wyverns, the chimeras, and magical forces that wanted the dragons gone or dead. Truely, he fought and pushed on towards victory. Despite all the pain, despite the blood loss and despite the near death experiences, he pushed on for his kin. He was the first one to enter the fight and was the last one to leave the battle. And that in itself still didn’t stop him until now. With his dying breath, he had whispered that the role of High Dragon Lord, King of Dragons and next ruler, was to be to his son. Spike Erk’dra watched as the final stone was placed over his father’s head, encasing his tomb forever. Then, four dragons, as large as hills, took to each four corners of the tome and faced it. With mighty inhales of breath, the in turn ignited the air and powerful flames jet forth upon the tome. Spike watched in epic fascination as the flames instantly began to melt and boil the rocks. They in turn glowed bright hot, so hot in fact that in matter of moments, they went from grey rocks, to clear to petrification in a matter of moments. He knew those were no ordinary rocks. These were specifically used only for these kind of purposes. As the fires continued, the rocks began to take a glossy look. He could see a disfigure in color and all as the rocks became glass and finally, the flames stopped. The rocks instantly cooled and he still saw the very blurry body of his father. It was hard to get good details of him, but anydrake who was there before his death would always remembered his face forever. Anydrake after, would have a decent but valid look at the dragon encased in a glass tome forever. He would too. He continued to look at the face of his dead father, wondering if it felt right knowing that his body would never decompose, but also would not just be a memory. Eons would pass and dragons of many would be able to look at his father, partially see the dragon he was, and how he changed the dragon race forever. Stories would be told, stars would be forged in his image, and legends would arise from everydrake here and now. But it was up to him to spread those stories. It was up to him to hold up that image and it was up to him on how the legends would proceed. It was also up to him to lead the dragons though. Something he didn’t have any inkling on how to do it. “It is time now… for the closing ceremony.” Spoke a large intimidating voice. Spike faced away from the grave and looked up to see the giant form of Torch. On his right shoulder was his daughter, Ember. Even from down below, she looked just as beautiful, the sun over her head and making her sapphire scales sparkle. The giant of a dragon leaned his head down to Spike, meeting his large eyes to his. With a voice as gentle as possible, but still loud enough to cause some gusts of wind, he spoke to him. “You are to speak of your father’s honor Make sure that nothing ill is spoken.” Spike slowly nodded. “Of course.” His voice was devoid of emotion, almost hollow and unaffected by all around him. His face was as stoic as it came and outside of a few, no drake actually saw that Spike was grieving for his father. He had not cried when his father passed. He did not beg or scream at his father’s passing. Nor did he release any emotional discharge the last few days since he died. Instead, he stayed stoic, emotionless and surrounded himself with quietness. The only one he spoke to was Ember. She was the only one who could truly read him. His emerald eyes met her blazing orange ones, locking onto one another. He saw pity, sadness, pain and even loss… but just for him. She cared for him way too much for him and hoped that he would at least open up to her. Breaking his gaze from her, he made his way towards the center area, where the Bloodstone Scepter, a magical staff carved out of crystal forged in the heart of a volcano and a ruby filled with magic and blood from the creator, laid upon a stone slate. He eyed the scepter, from the ruby centered tip that was surrounded and held by crystal, down to the pointed end where it is said it could pierce through dragon scales. When he was younger, he dreamt of one day holding it, like his father did. He would carry it with pride and get the respect that his father did when he wielded it. But his father said you don't simply wield the Bloodstone Scepter and demand respect. You hold it with purpose, with the weight of not just the ruling of a nation but its inhabitants. You held the sway and care of every living dragon. From the oldest elder to the young that have yet to hatch from their eggs. The Scepter was more than just a tool or a weapon. It was the heart, the heart of every dragon and should never be used for evil or greed. That is what his father did. Now… it was Spike’s turn. It was his turn to be a leader, to be a ruler that he… honestly didn’t think he could become. Still, his father raised him to be like him. Almost exactly like him. He didn’t know how much stuck but he hoped that it was enough. Grabbing the scepter, the glowing center glowed brightly. A wonderful and amazing feeling coursed through his body as he took the Scepter in claw. The staff glowed, humming with energy, sentient it was and it was trying to find if he was worthy. He may have his father’s blood, but that would not mean he deserved it. A moment passed, the energy still coursing in and out of his body. He wondered if it would outright reject him. The Scepter continued to glow and then it ceased with a warm, soft glow near the center, a low of hum of acceptance radiating from the Scepter. He… had just been approved by the scepter. Now came the approval of the dragons themselves. He gently squeezed the scepter, allowing him to gain some energy. Using the Scepter, he spoke to all the dragons. Even if he was small, even if he was far away, they would hear him, like if he was standing next to their ear. They would see and hear their new Dragon Lord. “...Today, we honor a dragon whom has taken dragon kind, that was near oblivion, and brought us to an age of peace and tranquility.” He swallowed and continued. “He searched and sought for lands that would be home to dragons where they could live their lives, without the interference of the world. No gryphons to steal our eggs, no ponies to kill us with sorcery or magic, no changelings to corrupt, or no evil to hurt us.” He held the Scepter and rested it with the staff pointing up and the bottom onto the floor. “When we began to die out, he gave his shares to families to live on. When new dragons sought refuge in our lands, he took them in with open wings and arms, to live like us. When others tried and take our homes and our lives, he fought for us. He made sure that he took more of the punishment, fought most of the battle and made sure that less blood was shed from others.” “I was born at a time when all this was said and done with. My father… your Dragon Lord, had set for a quest to find a home and he did. He protected us with his dying breath and held onto it for as long as he could, hoping that he could see the day when Dragons could live happily. That day… came.” He then pointed the staff at the crowd of dragons that surrounded him. “When we were dying out, we were in the low hundreds of dragons. Finding his land, that number increased with the safety and provision provided to us. Now… now we stand here, in the with families and mates, growing and changing because of him.” Spike swallowed a lump that had formed in his throat. “I would not be here without him. None of us would be here without him.” He noticed that a few dragons had nodded and silently wheeped at that notion. “He maybe my blood father, but he was… no, he is just as much as my father as he is yours!” The last piece amplified his voice, causing many dragons to jump, yet this was something warm and uplifting that filled their hearts. “He gave more than just his hoard or his heart to give us a home! He gave us a future! He gave us change! He gave us hope!” A tear ran down his face, hearing the sound of dragons agreeing with his words, feeling confidence and encouragement. “He may be gone, but he is still within us all. All of us! Every last one of us! He lives in us! As long as we continue to live and care for one another, his memory and his dreams will live on!” He spread his wings, his voice grew strong and his heart beat with the intensity of a erupting volcano. “He would want us to live on! Not wallow in pity, sadness or fear! Emmerr’ance the Great would want dragons to grow and expand! We came here to find a home and now that we have, it's time that we spread our home! We grow stronger everyday, everytime a dragon gains their wings, we become bigger and better!” Sharp and loud shouts of joy, excitement, or even happiness coursed through the crowd. Tears still shed, but hope was slowly reawakening in a lot of dragons. He then flapped his wings, taking a hovering position. “My father wants dragons to live and we shall! He wanted us to love and care, and we have. The safety that he gave us will remain strong!” He paused, hearing roars and cries from the dragons, their emotions being hyped. Then he spoke a bit softer, still reaching out to the ears of many. “I...I won’t lie. I don’t know if I can live to my father’s expectations!” A small wave of sympathy flew at him, knowing that many saw him as just a young dragon. “I am not sure that I would be any better. I mean, how can I live up to someone as great as him!” He sniffed, struggling to find his next words. “I don’t think I can be him, but… I will try to be somedrake that you can all look up to and seek for help.” He began to ascend his flight, trying to catch as many dragons as he could within his field of view. “I want to keep us safe. I want us to go on. And I will not give up!” Tears began to fall from his eyes but his confidence and strength grew. “I will not stop, I won’t give up on us! My father never gave up on dragon kin and neither will I!” At this point, roars and cheers of support for Spike amplified, with many screaming and feeding into Spike’s speech. He was high enough to look at every dragon down below him with the sun right over his head, presenting him its light. From below, he saw that Torch and Ember were also cheering him. Ember herself was crying tears of joy. He lifted the scepter high, letting the sunlight hit the ruby center. “I, Spike Erk’dra, will take this role, not as your Dragon Lord, but as your friend. As your neighbor. As your ally. And maybe one day… as a father!” He then pointed the Scepter at the tome of his father. “In the honor of Emmerr’ance Erk’dra, Father to many, Beloved by all, and Leader to Dragons!” The staff glowed brightly, glowing brighter than perhaps the sun itself, with the increasing volume and courage of Spike’s words. “We say… May the stars carry your soul!” “May the stars carry your soul!” Every dragon in view cheered. “Let Draco hear your roar!” “Hear his roar!” “Let his name be sung!” “Sing his name!” “Eternal and powerful!” “Until the last light!” “With out fires…!” “We burn on and on!” His head, as well as every dragon head in the area, immediately shot up and released a powerful stream of fire! The roars that followed echoed with the boom of a hurricane. The intensity of the combined the fires ignited the air in a powerful and glorious blaze that outshined and overcasted the sun. Spike was high above firing deep and strong, giving everything he had. Once he stopped, so did every dragon. Spike then took a steep dive, speeding to the ground. Just as he nearly hit, his wings opened and he landed with a powerful thud, cracking the ground around him. He stood and faced towards his father’s tome. “To Emmerr’ance Erk’dra the Great!” Each and every dragon looked towards the rock tome holding the dragon. “We, your children, your kin and your loved ones!” He paused and his voice lowered. “We say… Goodbye.” With that, he lowered his head and bowed. Every dragon, from small to large, did the same, closing their eyes and lowering their heads. Nothing but quietness echoed the valley. Dragons did not make a sound or a noise. Dragons lined up to pay their respects to Emmerr’ance, giving appreciation, love, or other forms of gratitude to his grave. Spike did not stand near nor watched. It was enough for him to feel their sympathy, but just like he stated to them, Emm was just as much of a father to him as to his own kin. Though that did in part play true, Spike didn’t really feel much of his father, for he was busy trying to keep dragons alive. He didn’t hate his father, nor did he blame him for spending more time trying to save his kin. His father also knew that with their population hanging in the five hundreds, that there was no room to hold back on making more dragons. But, he didn’t bound love to just males to females. He allowed all kinds of love, but dragons could be found with multiple mates or families. All to help rebuild the population, in any way possible. “Spike?” He looked up to hear the wonderful and beautiful voice of Ember. The sapphire scales radiated and reflected the sunlight off of them, causing a warm aura to pass over her features. Her own loincloth, a sky blue with white highlights on the sides, only enhanced her physique. Despite the pain of losing his father, he was still filled with warmth knowing he had her. He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t have to. Ember immediately brought him into a hug. He hugged her right back and didn’t say anything. But then… feeling her heartbeat through her chest and up against his own. Hearing her soft coos of care and love tickled his ear holes and finally, realizing that she was his only loving family member, he finally broke. He beat her in height and age, but right now, he felt like a hatchling. Tears began to fall from his eyes and a whimper left his mouth. Years since his father has been sick, he hadn’t cried, he hadn’t shed a tear, and he did not show his emotions. Yet… it was all undone thanks to the one he loved. He didn’t cry loudly, but he did openly sob to her. She held him tightly, letting her own tears fall. For that moment though, he allowed all of the days to come crashing down. An hour had passed and he had finished crying. After that, he and Ember flew towards his cave entrance that lied near the top of a large, volcanic peak. The volcano was not dormant but neither was it fully active, leaving it a safe but warm home. The top of the peak had a cave, made specifically for Spike and dragons roughly his or around his size. It was carved in the top, so he had the chance to watch the sunrise and the sunset with the entrances facing east and the other facing west. They landed on the edge, not entering his cave. Instead, he and Ember both made their way towards the west cave view and sat at the edge of the entrance. Spike laid the Bloodstone Scepter off to the side. Ember laid her head against his shoulder, brushing it against his head. He brushed his snout over her, wrapping his arm around her waist and using his large wings to bring her close. They continued their silence, only enjoying each other’s company. From this height, they could still see the dragons that lingered around his father’s tome. The glass reflected off the sun, giving a bright but warm shine. He didn’t want to stay down there and receive more sympathy than he needed. He had Ember and that was all that mattered. After their silenced reigned for a bit longer, Ember finally broke the silence. “How are you holding up?” He sighed loudly, shaking his head. “Not too good. I thought that… I wouldn’t have to worry about my father dying until I was a hundred years old. I knew he was sick and dying, but I thought it would take hundreds of years.” He looked towards the tome below. “It still… doesn't feel real though.” “I can’t imagine what your going through.” She brought his claw over his snout, rubbing it with care. “I guess the closest I can think of is when mother fell ill and she went into deep sleep years ago.” Spike nodded. He grabbed her claws and held them with her own. Looking directly into her eyes, he asked. “Does it bother you that it’s just you and me now?” He paused, waiting for that to sink in. “That we only have each other now… as mates?” She shook her head. She breathe a soft flame across his snout, filling his face with warmth. “Does it bother you that we are brother and sister?” He shook his own head without any hesitation. “No, never.” He then leaned in, giving her a lick across her snout. “It just makes it easier to know that I will always have somedrake by my side.” She smiled. “You also have to remember that Torch may be my father, but he also helped raise you too! Your father wasn’t always there but my father was trusted to help raise us both. I don’t think there was any drake else that your father trusted with our mother more than Torch.” He knew this, he knew it before he understood his role as Dragon Lord was set upon his father’s passing. Torch was like a second father to him, though he partly treated him like an uncle. Ember and Spike shared a mother, Mes’meara. Due to the low population of dragons, incesteous inbreeding had been allowed and even incouraged. Siblings and cousins could mate with one another, but so could the creation of packs or ‘hoards’, as they are called, could be formed. Males sharing females and having spawns of different hatchlings from different sires and dams. Dragon inbreeding was done way before the fall of dragons, but was less common back then than it was now. Dragons could also breed without too many complications at birth. Thanks to the power of the Bloodstone Scepter though, it was more contained and less fatal. The only backdraw was that because the majority of defects were contained, so were the birth rates. Every female that laid with a male only had one egg per mating. The population was slow but growing with multiple partners and bigger hoards. Mes’meara understood that, as did Emmarr’ance, which is why he trusted his loyal friend and brother in arms, Torch, to have an offspring with her. Torch was loyal, fierce and loved Mes’meara as much as Emm did, but Torch had treated her better than Spike’s father. While he never hurt nor cause ill towards his mate, he also focused more on saving dragon kind and fighting then being by her side. It was one of the reasons why he actually approved of Torch being her second mate, along with potential chance of having an offspring worthy of the Bloodstone Scepter. Next to himself, Emm believed that he should be Dragon Lord. When Emm believed that his end was coming, he wanted Torch to lead for him. However, Torch openly admitted that he greedily wanted to be Dragon Lord and Mes’meara all to himself. But with the first egg that he and Mes’meara had, that would eventually lead to Ember, he felt anger and hate towards himself at the thought of overthrowing his brother. Emm understood, which is why he spent his remaining two decades to spend what little time he had to teaching Spike the ways of being a good leader. All of that before he passed. Torch however raised him in the way of how to be a dragon. From biology to psychology, how a dragon should act, how he should treat his mate and how to live long. “I know that,” began Spike holding his sister and mate close. “That without them both, I would not be who I am today. I would not be the dragon I am now without them both.” He waved his other hand over the valley and canyons that held caves or homes of the many residential dragons that lived here. “We would not be here without them both. My father fought for us and Torch followed.” She nodded at that. A moment passed. “Do you believe my father deserves to be Dragon Lord?” she suddenly asked. “Without a doubt,” was his immediate response. No hesitation, no lies. “Why? He practically admitted to your father that he wasn’t fit to rule.” “Because now he has a chance to do so without regret.” Spike answered calmly. His eyes were towards the dragons down below, thousands of feet towards the tome of his father. “Because my father trusted yours. He trusted him with his life, he trusted him by being by his side.” Spike looked towards Ember. “My father trusted Torch to mate with mother and have you.” He smiled and once more held her claws with his own. “And it’s because of that trust, I now have a beautiful sister and a mate.” He and Ember didn’t start out as such, being raised as two siblings, but slowly and surely, when the implications and fates of dragons in the air, the two eventually would try to love one another. First as siblings, then as lovers. They did try to seek out others at first to become mates with, but do to their statuses of being children and blood of the Dragon Lord and the Dragon Lord’s second in command, many felt intimidated by them, or felt unworthy of being their mates. So, that just left the two to find solace and love with each other. “So, now that you are Dragon Lord, what do you wanna do?” Ember asked. Spike had almost planned down to the moment one what he would have done once he became Dragon Lord. He would roar to the heavens in joy and pride. He would strut and flash around in front of other dragons to show off his status. The biggest cave would hold the biggest jewels and gems for himself and Ember. Lastly, he would have a mountain carved out in his image. Yet… he wanted none of that now. He wanted no fame, no glory and no love from his dragons… especially since he hasn’t proved he was worthy. His father raised him on a set of values, yet those were not fully implemented. The few lessons that he learned from his father when he was on his dying years, were still focused on trying to be a good dragon. Most stuck, but the sheer fact that all Spike wanted to be or do in life was a dragon lord for the fame and fortune… he missed on a lot of it. And now that his father had passed, he regretted every moment of not listening to his father. He was not ready to be Dragon Lord. He was not ready to lead his remaining kin to an era of peace and prosperity. And he was not ready to take into account that he would end up like his father, forgetting about family for the sake of duty. He loved Ember, his mate, his sister, but he would not forget her. He never answered her that day, but that was fine. The two siblings made their way to their bed, calling it early in that evening. In the past, they would usually spend their time mating or playing around with one another, just enjoying the simple pleasure of their bodies and emotions, but the day’s toll had worn them out quickly. Soon, sleep took them and despite knowing tomorrow he would wake up without a father to say ‘Good morning’, a small relief was that he had a beautiful dragoness next to him to say it. Spike woke before Ember did. He was aware of his surroundings before the sun was up. He looked towards his side to see that Ember had draped her arm and wing over his body. She looked so beautiful, so wonderful and he couldn’t imagine a better soul to wake up to then her. However, the events of yesterday quickly filled his mind. Today… his father would not be here to greet him. Sadness filled his heart but… unlike yesterday when it came all spilling out, he had no more tears to shed and was now left empty and hollow. He still wanted it to be a terrible dream. He would wake up and know that in a couple of minutes, his father would call for him or pop his head to his cave. But the terrible dream was a reality and now, he must live with it. He saw that Ember was still sleeping . Carefully, he eased away from her embrace, gently pushing her to the side. He gave a quick lick across her snout before leaving her be and making his way out of his cave. He saw that from the entrance, the crack of dawn had yet to begin, with the low light from the west barely filling the sky with a bluish grey of the morning. He grabbed the Bloodstone Scepter from its holding, bringing it close to him. Standing from the edge of his cave, he took a deep inhale, bringing in the smell of the morning. Of crisp air, desert dry sand, and sulfur from streaming lava rivers. He then gave a quick glance back towards Ember, making sure she still slept before he threw himself off the edge of the mountain. He felt the rush air blowing past him, just having his wings open enough to allow himself to guide him away from the side of the mountain. The free fall was fast and quick as he neared the based of the mountain in seconds. He threw open his wings and flew away from the approaching ground where he guided himself towards his father’s tomb. All the dragons were probably still asleep now. The few that were awake were either earlier wakers that did their needs before others or those that patrolled the lands. The guards that remained near the borders but close enough to signal or alert of incoming. He expected his father’s resting area vacant but instead, he found the largest individual of the lands, seated right in front of his father’s tomb, Torch. How long had he been there? Earlier than Spike? Or had he never left the tome all night? He flew towards the large dragon, seeing that he had his head bowed, eyes closed as if in deep thought… or sleeping standing up… again. The shift in air and soft gentle flapping had Torch open his eyes. From the corner, he saw the purple and green form of Spike. The young drake, the spitting image of his father in small form, landed next to him. “Have you been here all night, Torch?” Was his first question. Torch nodded his giant head. “Aye Spike. I have been here when the last dragon left to bed and remained until you came just now.” He motioned his head to his father. “I… am just reminiscing the times your father and I shared. The good, the bad, the ugly… the pleasure.” He growled the last word and Spike knew what he meant. He knew way more and it did not disturb him one bit. His father and Torch were like brothers. Just like they shared his mother, they shared the few pleasures they could bring each other. There was no greater bond between brothers than having to share experiences and joy. Just as he would if had a brother in arms. “Does… Does it get easier?” Was his next question. Torch didn’t answer right away. He figured that Spike would not be dealing with this right away. In fact, he figured the teen would wait days until he would come out to show his face. His daughter might have speed it up but he also knew that Spike and his father’s relationship was moderate at best, only being taught lessons and such. “I… haven’t experienced lost like this since the plague took my sire and dam a thousand years ago. I barely remember them. But him… he was a brother… a friend… and a soul that I cared for just as much as your mother.” He looked down at the drake. Spike was fragile, looking so sad and like a hatching facing down an unknown enemy. He brought his claw down and opened it. Spike immediately jumped on. Torch lifted him up to his height where he allowed his shoulder a space. Spike jumped to his shoulder and looked at him from the corners of his eyes. “I won’t lie and say it will be easy, nor will it get better. A loss that is not just a father, but also a mentor, will not be easily forgotten or mended.” He paused and sighed, letting his shoulders slump along with Spike. “I never wanted to be like him. I wanted to be my own, wanted the throne, the Scepter, the respect… all of it. I wanted it all to myself.” He shook his head, avoiding hitting Spike off. “Now that he is, I feel angry at myself for thinking I have a chance.” Spike saw Torch in a light where he always was just briefly seen outside of his father’s shadow. Now that his father’s shadow is gone, he was seeing him greatly, but there was still weight in his heart. “But… the fact that you acknowledge it… the fact that my father understood that, you are still a good dragon for admitting your greed.” “Greed is a terrible thing, son. It is something we were supposed to forget when out numbers dwindled to near extinction.” Whether he knew he called Spike son or not, he didn’t show it. “We were to share our love with our fellow dragons. To open our wings and our hearts to any willing dragon seeking aid. Forsake our dark heritage and cleanse our sins in this new age.” “But… we are only dragons.” Spike lightly commented. He took flight, hovering in front of Torch’s face. “We… can’t fight our greed, no matter how much we try. It’s in us, from egg till death. The fact that you ignored yours and did what was best for us all… proves you are better and would be a good leader.” Spike then looked down at the grave of his father. “He knew that, but he respected your choice.” He then looked back at Torch. “I believe that you do deserve to rule.” He looked at the Bloodstone Scepter in his claw. “My father’s death may not be the way you wanted to get it, but I think that it is a way for you to get what you want, without fear of jealousy or greed.” Spike then flipped it so the back end pointed towards Torch. “I think that you deserve to be Dragon Lord.” Torch’s face remained stoic, which was nothing new to his nature, as most of the time had his face like this. It made it difficult to read his facial expressions at times, even to those that loved him. This was no different. Spike remained hovering right in front of him, the Scepter still held out for him. Torch wanted to immediately reject it, to warn Spike of his inner greed. But then, the dawn of light cracked over the horizon, the first rays of the sun casting a powerful glow over Spike, with his back towards the sun. The sun became to bright and a large flashing glow proceeded to nearly blind him. Squinting his eyes, a figure emerged from the sun and Torch’s blindness ceased. Suddenly, Torch didn’t see Spike flying in front of him, he saw Emmerr’ance, not in Spike’s size but in his matching size. The giant dragon he called brother, friend, leader and more, stood right in front of him, his head blocking the rays and glare of the sun on him. Torch was in awe, too stunned to say anything. Emmerr’ance, the green and purple scales that carried onto his son. The snout was close to his head, the feeling of his breath. “It is your time to shine,” he spoke, in his great magnificent voice. It echoed with clear clarity but seemed more spiritual and almost heavenly to his ears. “I know you can take on the mantle of Dragon Lord. Despite your greed, you fought it off and continued to remain loyal by my side. Never asking more than you wanted, never taking more than you needed. You helped raised my son when I wasn’t able to. He is as much as your son as is mine. You will be there for him in thousands of years. He will become a great Dragon Lord… eventually but for now, he is not ready. He needs time and patience, which is why I trust no other dragon than you to take the mantle.” Torch tried to speak, tried to say anything but his heart was weak and he felt like a whelping learning of the world. A tear ran down his face as he felt warmth and praise like no other. “Why?” he asked. “Why me?” Emmerr’ance smiled at him, a glow like no other radiated from him. “You are my brother. You fought alongside me. Protected me. You loved my mate like I did and we shared her equally. Our bond is a lot stronger than you know, possibly more than I ever did. I… regret focusing on saving our kind more than spending time with you or her.” There was a twinkle in his eyes now, tears of his own streaming down his face. “I trusted you with her and now, you have created a wonderful daughter and mate for Spike. They will rule together in beautiful harmony when their time comes but until then, you will rule our kin. You will continue to lead us to safety and harmony. But… you will do so without forgetting your family.” The spirit of his brother than leaned in, licking his snout with loving affection. Torch felt the warmth and tongue running down his face, almost so warm and so wonderful. Emmerr’ance then pulled back and continued his warm Smile to Torch. “I have to go now. Please… take care of Mes’meara for me. When she awakens, she will need someone big and strong to be with her side when Spike and Ember grow. And tell them… that I loved you all, with my heart and I will be watching you all… from the stars!” His form began to rise and the glow returned. “Look to the stars when you need me!” The blinding light grew until it ceased. Torch blinked his eyes to clear the light. The figure floating in front of him returned, albeit smaller. It was Spike, still holding out the Bloodstone Scepter to him. “Torch?” He spoke, his voice filled with concern. “Are you alright? You’ve been staring off for a bit.” Torch looked at Spike, seeing the spitting image of his father in eyes. He closed his eyes. “I will take care of us all.” He softly muttered to himself. “What?” Spike asked. Torch reopened his eyes and looked at Spike, seeing the sun right over his head. “I will take the Scepter, Spike. But… we must summon all the dragons here to witness you passing the mantle to me. They need to be aware of the transfer of power.” Spike nodded. He tilted his head, seeing tears running down his face. “Are you… crying?” The giant of a dragon tried to deny it, yet in front of his brother’s son, he did not. “I… am remembering something from your father.” He then cleared his face from tears. His eyes focused on the dragon before him. “The dragons must be summoned so they can know of the transfer of power.” Spike nodded and was about to raise the staff to do so. “Not yet,” Torch said quickly. “Let them… rest. For now, let you and I accompany your father.” Spike saw change in Torch’s attitude, as well his lower tone. The dragon he regarded as tough, as imposing as he was brutal in many ways, seemed more dragon and kind. Something he only saw when he was being taught by him outside of his father’s care or his mother. The last time he saw Torch even shed a single tear was when mother fell ill and forced her body to a deep sleep to recover. She was aware that she was really ill, as well as Spike’s father. She even somehow knew that he would pass on. ‘A mother’s intuition, a mate’s foresight.’ She would say, just before she went to sleep. Since then, she was sleeping in a different cave away from other dragons, surrounded by active lava to prevent any diseases from finishing her off. No one knew how long it would take for her to sleep off her illness. Either ten years or a thousand. Spike was only fifteen summers at the time with Ember being only twelve. Its been ten years since she went to sleep. Spike and Torch waited by Emmerr’ance’s grave. They brought up warm and happy memories with each other. Torch about the centuries he and Emmerr’ance had, both before and after the plague. The fights they fought, the games they played, the power they displayed and more. Spike only talked about the few times his father taught him valuable lessons on what it meant to be a great leader. But he also talked about his father in light manner. Sometimes… he would confuse what his father taught him, when it was actually Torch that had taught him the most. Digging for gems, learning to fly, breathing fire, how dragon biology worked and what mating meant for dragons. Twenty plus years, Torch had taught more to Spike about being a dragon than his father taught him being a leader. His mother would tell him that he should listen to his father, Emmerr’ance, more than Torch. Yet, it didn’t stop the fact that his father was trying to keep dragons alive and well, than be a father. “Is it wrong… that I am not as sad as I should be for him?” Spike asked Torch. Torch stayed silent, his throat humming in thought. Spike was back on his shoulder again, so from the corner of his eyes, he responded. “No.” It was a simple, blunt answer. “I don’t believe so Spike. Your feelings are your own. We all take lose in different ways. Some maybe not as be as expressive as others but we all mourn in differences.” Torch shifted his form, adjusting so he was more comfortable. “I assume that… because your father was not always there, you believe your emotions are in turmoil?” Spike didn’t respond, only nodded timidly. Torch sighed. “Well… I know I can’t replace your father, nor will I try too. But just know that… I won’t stop trying to be your second mentor. You still have a lot to know.” He motioned his head to the grave. “It seems bleak and dark, but this lesson before you… is that life goes on without us all. You should not let this hold you down. Mourn, cry, rage… whatever your heart desires but don’t stop learning. Learn what you father taught you, remember the lessons I shared with you and gain experiences from others. You will never stop learning from us. Your father, I, your mother… You will continue to learn lessons long after you have ascended as Dragon Lord and I or your mother join your father. Either today or tomorrow, as long you remember the lessons and what we have taught you, we shall never ever truly die.” “And you will have other’s to be by your side.” Came a sharp voice. Both males lifted their heads to see Ember hovering above them, with a warm smile on her snout. She landed on her father’s shoulder next to Spike. “I will be with you, as long as I can.” She reached out for his claw, holding it in her own. With her other claw, she laid it upon her father’s head. “We will be here, together for you. As family and more.” Warmth welled inside of Spike’s chest, as Ember and Torch gave him the love and care he needed. His father’s passing didn’t mean the end, rather a new beginning, a different life that could continue on without him. Ember, Torch, and maybe in the future, his mother, would all be there for him. Lifting up the scepter, he called the dragons. Every dragon assembled no less than half an hour later, some looking like they were still trying to wake up with others caring faces of worry or confusion. Spike and Ember were ground level with Torch standing right behind them. Allowing them to settle, he once more used the Scepter to amplify his voice to be heard through everydragon around. “I’ve summoned you all to today for an important announcement.” Every dragon quieted to allow their Lord to speak clearly. Spike swallowed, his claw holding the Scepter tightly in one claw, while squeezing his other claw, with Ember’s own in his embrace. “Today we experience the first day without the great and wonder leadership that is Emmerr’ance the Great.” He pointed with the Scepter towards the grave behind him. “It is something many of us never saw coming nor did we actually presume he would pass on at all. I know I didn’t.” “But he has and I know that if he were here now, he would tell us to finish our mourning, let it be known and remembered for his service to his kin, so that we may move on. He was a great leader, even now he still leads us. Through spirit and through the lives we live, we carry on his teachings and lessons from him in our hearts.” Sharp cries of cheer or hail came from many individual dragons at Spike’s words. He smiled briefly at that but turned serious. “I know that he was my father and I am supposed to carry on what he taught me so that I may be like him.” He shook his head. “That is something that will not be happening.” Many dragons looked at him confused or in states of shock at his words, with mutterings reaching from the crowds. “I can’t be what he was. I can’t hope to match my father in every way.” He paused, hearing the mutterings of dragons grow louder. “I don’t have his experience, his leadership, none of his virtues which made him great. I may be his direct bloodline but none of that his hediterdary. That is why I will be giving my title and the Bloodstone Scepter to somedrake who is worthy being his successor.” This caused all the dragons in the area to come to a complete silence. Pointing the scepter to the large dragon behind him, he looked towards Torch and shinned it upon him. “Torch has been at my father’s side since the beginning. He has grown, fought and learned alongside my father for a thousand years. He has earned my father’s trust, enough so that he became a second mate to my mother and gave me a wonderful sister and mate.” Ember smiled at the words while Torch held pride. Spike continued on with the stunned silence from the dragons. “I know it may seem… unorthodox, but if my father trusted Torch to be with my mother, than why shouldn’t you?” He flapped his wings to take on a hovering mood, slowly rising up. “He has the experience, the leadership and the virtue I could not have at this time.” He slightly moved his head left and right. “Though his humor and voice control could use some work.” A few chuckles lightened up the crowd, even more so when they saw Torch grumble. Ember giggled at Spike’s light jab. “I know he may not seem like a fit, but I know that he will be a great leader to us all. I am not ready to lead you… at least not yet. My father said that I had to learn lessons about what it meant to be a leader. What it meant to not just hold a Scepter and tell dragons what to do. I have to earn your respect as a leader. Learn what it means to be loyal to you all. Face danger through courage. Give more to those in need than take what you don’t. Be mindful of others and their problems. Protect and guard those whom do not have the power to do so. And lastly, how we should all share love, for one another.” “Until I fully learn and understand what it means to be a great leader like Emmerr’ance, I leave the Dragon Lord title to Torch.” He then made his way to Torch, whom looked proud and even a bit timid at Spike. “I present to you, the Bloodstone Scepter!” Torch slowly raised his paw in front of him to accept the Scepter. “Until my time has come to retake and become the Dragon Lord, do you take this Scepter, to become it’s new bearer and become the protector and ruler of us dragons?” “I do.” Torch said loudly. “Then take it. Lead us until my time comes. Protect us with your might. Guide us the way Emmerr’ance the Great did, and honor him in memory by being a leader that he would approve of!” The Scepter glowed as Torch held in palm, waiting for its approval. The glowing grew as Torch held it, feeling the power and heat radiating from the Scepter. After a moment, the Scepter accepted its new host. Spike let it go and Torch gave a nod before smiling. “I thank you, Spike.” Spike smiled in return before turning to the crowd. “All Hail, Lord Torch!” In a giant unison roar, every dragon in the area cried out at one. “All Hail, Lord Torch!” Spike and Ember watched as the new Dragon Lord was congratulated and applauded by his dragons. Some wanted to be part of his hoard to expand his reign. “You did good, giving my father a chance.” commented Ember, laying her head on his shoulder. Spike sighed, his own head on hers. “He deserved to be Dragon Lord before I do. He earned it, having been by my father’s side since the beginning. I can’t think of anydragon else I would wish to be a leader than him.” Ember brushed her claws across his chest. “You said that you want to wait until your ready to be Dragon Lord. Do you know how long that will take?” Spike shrugged. “It could ten years, it could take a thousand. I want to make sure that I can live up to my father’s name.” “But you don’t have to.” stated Ember. She pulled away and her amber eyes matched his emerald ones. “You don’t have to be exactly like your father. You just have to be a good leader. Not down to the tooth and claw like him, but you still can be your own leader different from him. Don’t follow his guide word for words. Perhaps… Spike the Great or Spike the Wise, could be woven differently than his father. It’s up to you on how different you can be, without trying to be exactly like your father.” She licked his snout. “What happens next is up to you.” He liked that. ‘What happens next, was up to him.’ Wrapping his wings and tail around her, he pulled her close. “Yeah, that sounds good.’ The sun rose high in the afternoon, leading to a glorious day in the Dragon Lands. Feeling the warmth of the sun and a gentle kiss of wind upon his face, he smiled. “Good Bye, Father. I hope to do you proud.”