> My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic - The Friendship Chronicles > by Hotspot the 626th > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > First Series, Part 1 - Opening Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somewhere, out in the ocean that stretches from here to there, there was a unique ship sailing across the calm water. Its name; the Thousand Sunny. The big boat traveled smoothly across the small waves. The sky was the bluest blue it could be with nary a cloud in the sky. The weather was beautiful and warm with a brisk wind filling the sails. It pushed the ship forward gently towards the ship’s next destination. Overall, it was a perfect day to sail. Of course, with not much to do, it was a rather do-nothing day for the crew of the Thousand Sunny. After what this crew had been through in the last few days they deserved a bit of a break. From the magical land of Equestria, the Straw Hat crew had traveled with their new friends from there to Long Ring Long Land to Water 7 to Enies Lobby and back to Water 7. All the while meeting challenge after challenge and overcome them together. They had grown together and eventually came together as one crew. Now, the Straw Hats had many new members to sail with to adventure and danger. Firstly, “Beast Whisperer” Fluttershy… “Here you go, Funkfreed,” the yellow pegasus mare said happily before laying down some hay. ...and her new animal friend, Funkfreed… In response, the elephant Funkfreed trumpeted out happily. It then began to munch down on the hay by collecting it up in its trunk and shoveling it into his mouth. …Rarity “the Enchantress”... “Oh, Sanji-kun~,” the white unicorn mare called out melodically. Instantly, the royal blue stallion Sanji rushed over to the mare. Already lovestruck. “Yes~, Rarity-swan~!” he replied energetically. “Could I get another one of your drinks, please?” asked Rarity sweetly. “Of course!” “Thank you,” replied Rarity happily. “Buckin’ Cowgirl” Applejack As Sanji attempted to walk over to the stairs, Applejack suddenly launched out at him. She sent out a kick which the stallion easily blocked. The mare didn’t stop there as she swung around to attempt another kick. Again, Sanji was able to block it easily. This exchange picked up in speed and power as Applejack kept attacking the chef. Every time, the curly-brow stallion countered them. Never once striking back himself; something he would never do to a mare. Eventually, Applejack tired herself out. She never once was able to land a hit on the stallion. While a little disappointed, she was smirking confidently. “Whatcha think?” the light-orange Earth pony mare asked out. “Am I improvin’?” Smiling proudly, Sanji nodded. “Your kicks are a lot smoother than before,” he commented expertly. He then added observationally, “But don’t forget to keep your guard up. I know I’m not exactly the best for training mares but never let your guard down.” Applejack nodded acceptingly. “You got it, Coach,” she said determinedly. Seeing her expression, Sanji was immediately lovestruck again. “I must be the luckiest coach in the world to have such a cute student like you, Apple-chwan~!” he proclaimed shamelessly. Immediately, Applejack smiled and blushed at the compliment. She even lowered her hat a bit to hide the apparent blush. “Sanji~” whined out Rarity, apparently jealous of the interaction. Sanji quickly responded, “Coming right up, Rarity-chwan~!” He then sped off up the stairs and into the cabin. “Cannoneer” Pinkie Pie… “Alright!” shouted a determined Franky, standing next to a cannon. By him was also Usopp, steading and configuring the cannon for firing. Even with them was the pink Earth pony mare herself with her own much smaller cannon, the party cannon. Like the sniper, she too had her cannon aimed out to sea. The minotaur then announced, “This time, I’m sure I’ve cracked the secret to your ‘fire everything cannon,’ Party Sis.” “Ha!” laughed Pinkie Pie. “Prepared to be greatly disappointed and then pleased after I fire my trademarked party cannon.” “We’ll see,” Franky said confidently. He then pointed to the yellow unicorn. He said, “Fire away, Long Face Bro.” Usopp pouted firstly. “Stop calling me that,” he said. Then, he pulled the string. Instantly, the cannon exploded. The crew on deck stop their activities and look at the smoke where Usopp and Franky had stood. Thankfully, both males were still standing, but the cannon was beyond repair. As Pinkie Pie predicted, they both were disappointed by the outcome. “Aww,” Usopp and Franky both moaned out. In response, Pinkie Pie then turned her cannon towards the male. She then pulled the string on her cannon. Immediately, the cannon shot forth cupcakes. Many of them hit the two males - also missed and one caught by Luffy - but the two of them were not sore about it. They were happy to have some comfort food, and they all had a good laugh over the failure. Rainbow “Crash” Dash… Even up in the Crow’s Hanger, the cyan Pegasus mare with the rainbow mane and Zoro did not flinch when there came an explosion. Surprisingly, Rainbow Dash was sitting still quietly with the black stallion mediating together. Neither one was concerned about the incident, knowing full well their crewmates were handling it well enough. However, after some time of silence, the young Pegasus was starting to get antsy. “So,” Rainbow Dash spoke sounding a little impatient. “Does this meditation thing really help you fight better?” “It can,” Zoro answered calmly. “It all really depends.” “Do you really think I’ll figure something out like what you did during your fight in the tower?” “We won’t know until you try…” Rainbow Dash stayed silent for a moment longer. She then began to smile, appearing a peace. "You know, I have to admit, this is pretty nice…” “...” “Zoro?” When Rainbow Dash went to look at her partner, she found that he had fallen asleep. The Pegasus was utterly dumbstruck. "Zoro!" Moving on, “Green Fire” Spike… “Wah!” From the cabin, the little, purple dragon let out a frightened scream as he ran out. In his arms, there were a few gems he had collected. “Spike!” From the same place came an angry shout from Nami. The orange mane Pegasus floated out of the room looking furious. “Don’t eat my riches, you greedy little dragon!” Sitting nearby, Luffy perked up overhearing his navigator shout. “Gems are edible?” he asked out curiously. Being near him, Robin chuckled first before answering. “Not really, Captain,” she stated knowledgeably. She also added, “Just to dragons.” “Aw, lame,” whined Luffy disappointingly. And finally, “Sorceress Supreme” Twilight Sparkle. Inside one of the cabins, one next to the room Sanji had entered, there was the medical room. Within it was Chopper and the purple unicorn mare Twilight Sparkle. At the moment, the young doctor was giving an exam on Twilight’s broken horn. Since the incident many days ago, she was starting to look a little more fuller. Regardless, the transforming reindeer wanted to examine it to be sure. “It appears to be growing back correctly,” Chopper stated orderly. The doctor then advised, “Make sure you keep filing it little by little each day until it’s back to its normal length.” Twilight respectfully nodded. The patient then asked cautiously, “Will I be able to perform magic at this point?” “Not without it still being a danger to yours and everyone else’s safety,” Chopper stated grimly. “If you perform magic now, you could damage your horn to the point that it’ll cease to grow.” Twilight frowned. “Oh, I see,” the unicorn said glumly yet fully understanding. Seven original Straw Hat pirate members more than doubled to now fifteen. Every member (except for Funkfreed) wanted by the evil and sinister Black Empire. Six wanted for a power that could unite the world, eight with the strength to fight the world, and together they may also have the ability to change this world. Making friends wherever they go. Stopping the bad guys because they can. And having fun along the way. These are the tales of Twilight Sparkle, Monkey D. Luffy, Spike, and all their shipmates as they make new friends between the calm and the storm of their adventures. “Let’s go!” shout Twilight and Luffy together excitedly. As we all travel across the sea, raising our voices We take in the beautiful blue world Luffy and Twilight take off galloping forward cheerfully towards a cliff. Ahead of them on the Thousand Sunny, their crewmates and friends turn towards them, grinning or smiling also. First group; Franky with Spike on his shoulder, Nami, Rarity, Sanji, and Applejack. The second group; Zoro, Rainbow Dash (in the air), Chopper and Fluttershy sitting on top of Funkfreed, Pinkie Pie, Robin, and Usopp. Our spirits ready to go everybody rejoices Now let's go, get the sails all unfurled Luffy enwraps Twilight with one leg before launching his free leg forward. It stretches all the way to the Sunny. He grabs hold of the railing. Hopping up, he and Twilight shot forth to the ship. As they soar to the boat, Luffy’s hat flies off. La la la la la la-la My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic The Friendship Chronicles La la la la la, yeah~ Then, Luffy’s leg stretches up and grabs his hat floating among the title. Here we are in between the sea and the sky Ready now for adventure, we're itchin to try The Thousand Sunny is sailing peacefully on the sea. Get ready to row, so all aboard now, we're set to go At the bow of the Sunny, the crew stands together awaiting their next adventure. In order; Luffy, Twilight, Zoro, Spike, Nami, Applejack, Usopp, Rainbow Dash, Sanji, Rarity, Chopper (on the stationary Log Pose), Fluttershy, Robin, Pinkie Pie, and Franky at the helm. Set sail, to the ocean so deep Ready for a truly Grand Adventure Despite the day being bright and calm, the sea was acting rough and hazardous. Then, as if from beneath the water, a glowing orb containing a massive object within; it held a whole island. It gets swayed by the torrents before finally settling in the middle. Well don't ya think that sounds really fun? All this excitement's second to none Suddenly, a winged, blue, anthropomorphic cat wearing a green knapsack appears looking cheerful. The cat flies around in a circle before stopping in the center. The feline is then joined by two more flying cats; one white furred and female and the other a male that looked like a panther. New characters are revealed: In the right corner, a Pegasus pony with a dark blue mane in twintails and an Earth pony with a long spiky mane with metal piercings on his face. In the left corner, a unicorn with a scarlet red mane wearing armor and a black mane unicorn wearing a small, jeweled sword pendant. Then, appearing down the center, there came another two ponies — one a yellow female Earth pony with a ponytail in her mane, and the other a salmon-pink mane male Earth pony with a scarlet red coat. The male pony then breathes out flames. As we all travel across the sea, raising our voices We take in the beautiful blue world Our spirits ready to go everybody rejoices Now let's go, get the sails all unfurled One by one, the Straw Hat Pirates (besides Luffy and Twilight) show off their fighting styles. Franky fires his Beans Left technique. Pinkie Pie fires her Party Cannon. Robin crosses her forelegs causing pink petals to spin around. Fluttershy holds a sword which then transforms into Funkfreed whom she immediately sits upon. Chopper goes Arm Point and strikes. Rarity winks before summoning gemstones and firing them. Sanji launches out a few kick attacks. Rainbow Dash flies around, leaving a rainbow trail behind, before punching into the ground. Usopp shoots his slingshot but then quickly runs away in fear. Applejack jumps in and performs a few kicks as well ending with a bucking kick. Nami steps in swinging her Clima-Tact before attacking with electricity. Spike hops up and spews out green fire. And finally, Zoro charges in with all three swords in a slash. La la la la la la-la La la la la la, yeah~ If there's something that I just won't ever forget It's the way that I felt when our journey was set Scene 1: The crew is traveling through a jungle led by Twilight and Nami. Behind them, Sanji and Applejack are carrying the gear, with Rarity swiping away the stallion’s attention. As this group moves, it reveals Franky and Robin with Fluttershy sitting on top of Funkfreed behind them. Zoro is somehow on top a cliff behind them with Rainbow Dash pointing out the direction, shocking the stallion. Luffy, Spike, Usopp, Pinkie Pie, and Chopper are running off wildly. Scene 2: The crew is now in a town: most of the Straw Hat mares were window shopping except for Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy has Funkfreed in his sword form on her hip. As Luffy, Spike, Usopp, and Chopper run by the group, Pinkie Pie notices them and quickly joins them. Meanwhile, Zoro and Sanji are arguing, two of Zoro’s sword drawn and Sanji blocking it. The stalemate breaks as the swordspony attempts to hit the chef with his second sword only to jump-flip out of the way. In Sanji moving, Franky, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash are shown to be watching the two and looking very baffled by their argument. Now I won't be scared, as long as I keep that feeling there All the Straw Hats are walking down a street and having conversations. Luffy leads while conversing with Twilight, Applejack, and Nami. Chopper, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash are next with the reindeer excitedly explaining something. Zoro, Usopp, Rarity, and Robin are in a conversation as well. Finally, Sanji is talking to Franky, Spike, and Pinkie Pie at the back of this group. With that, let us keep up the pace While enjoying every Trip from place to place Scrolling-up showcase of enemies to the Straw Hats; Alvida ((sexy) Minotaur), Buggy the Clown with his two cohorts Cabaji and Moji (Earth ponies), Smoker (Pegasus), Tashigi (unicorn), Discord, Aokiji (Earth pony), and finally Blackbeard and all his group. Our timid hearts get the rhythm engraved So let's keep going, adventure awaits Scene: A dark image of a group of monsters in front of a huge gate and building. They are twelve similar and large creatures looking like pigs. Each one was dressed in a unique way looking like a classification. Then, panning up, the building is revealed to be a tower with a sizeable fiery eye at the top. As the eye stares directly forward, an image of its master is seen. It is a gaseous being with a horrifying appearance like a ghost. Images of allies appear: Celestia with Roger, Garp, and Whitebeard, Jack Silver and his crew, Ace, and finally Shanks and his crew. So many treasures await, so now let's raise our voices in pride, laughing out when they are found In the air, Luffy smashes his stretching out hind leg down upon a Black Navy Battleship, destroying completely. Directly across from it, another ship explodes in rainbow smoke as Rainbow Dash flies through With all the riches in hand everybody rejoices Party on, 'cause we stand tall and proud On another ship, Twilight teleports onboard, smirking confidently while her horn continues to glow with magic. In seeing her, the Black Navy soldiers’ courage falters. The purple unicorn then uses her magic to rain down lightning upon all the soldiers. Life is “Adventurous” [On the helm, the dial is turned from “0” to “1”] Be aware it's “Dangerous” [At the helm, Sanji pulls on the lever. Then, on the side of the Sunny, the doors change correspondingly] Who's gonna be “One of us” [The door opens] And a trip goes on because [Inside, it is revealed to be Nami’s Skypeia waver, now designed with a horse motif] We're the pirates of the “Mass” [Now, Sunny’s figurehead opens its mouth to reveal a cannon] To the West, To the East [Underwater, there is a small submersible that looks like a shark] Gotta find my way, Sail away [The Coup de Burst engine charges up] All the way to “One Piece”! [Once it finally finishes, the Thousand Sunny Coup de Bursts into the sky] Bring all your dreams with you now, fill the void in your heart Spread your wings, and believe that you can soar Just let the breeze guide the way till your ready to start Up once again, now your ready for more At night, the Thousand Sunny soars through the sky. The crew is on the upper deck looking out forward towards the unknown. All of them looked excited and ready for whatever comes next. So many treasures await, so now let's raise our voices in pride, laughing out when they are found With all the riches in hand everybody rejoices Party on, 'cause we stand tall and proud Now on a cliff facing the ocean, the whole crew stands together to watch the sunset over the gold-colored ocean. Together as friends and crewmates, the smile knowing well that while the sun sets today, it’ll always rise again for another adventure! > Episode 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAOOOOOOWR The most blood-curdling, terrifying, and horrific roar permeated through to the very upper of the sky that it seems to scare even the clouds away. The mighty ocean became silent and calm like bending to the will of malice from a force thrice its power. Even nature itself seems to disappear as if hiding immediately. The world itself stood still by the sheer evil behind this unearthly sound. It shook the very earth itself with its enormous strength of sound. There aren’t many beings in this world capable of producing all of these fantastic and yet utterly horrifying sentiments. That is, except, for one sort of creature. A dragon. It was not just any dragon. The dragon race is a species fraught with a variable of personalities much like any other race if only a bit more aggressive and way more prideful. Not many were genuinely evil. No; the dragon that produced this petrifying and savage roar was something entirely different from your average dragon. Scales black as the darkest, deepest cavern darkness and decorated with spiraling, sapphire blue markings. Claws like spears, tail like a gale, feathery wings that could produce a tornado, and a maw full of razor-sharp teeth that could rip the flesh off any being too brave or too foolish to run. It was a creature of pure cruelty. A mindset only to do harm and destruction wherever it goes. A beast of blackest magic and darkest heart. The most savage being… Acnologia, the Evil Black Dragon of Demise; the self-proclaimed “Dragon King.” This dragon - this beast - was now on an island. It was a tiny piece of land off the coast of a neutral but prominent country. In the shadow of this island’s impressive tree which grew tall and high, the dragon thrashed about in the island’s small forest. Not just merely wanton destruction; in the woods, ponies were attacking him. Mere insects that could not even scratch his scales; yet, even with just a swing of his mighty arm these little ponies wouldn’t die. He would need to use more potent means. Thus, he took to the skies. Higher and higher he rose until he could see the whole island in his beady-eyed sight. Once high enough, he opened his maw and began inhaling. Both wind and magic flowed into the massive body of the beast. More and more he took in until his lungs had there fill. Bursting with so much magical energy, Acnologia would need to release it. He did so straight down below him, releasing a large beam of blinding magical power. He hit the island dead on and the whole island was engulfed in the powerfully destructive blast. For a moment, he could not see a thing, but the bright light from his catastrophic explosion soon died down. When he peered down, a sense of satisfaction swelled within him. The ponies and the entire island were gone. Completely wiped off the face of the Earth. This is an event known as the Tenrou Island Incident, as recorded by the members of the Magic Council of the Earth Land Archipelago’s Rune Knights. After the island’s destruction, the black dragon Acnologia disappeared without a trace. There were no survivors from the island. That was seven years ago… Part 1 "A Fairy Tail Misadventure" Appear! A New Adventure Arises Out somewhere on the ocean, the Thousand Sunny sailed towards its next destination. Nearly everyone was out on the deck, taking in the calm sailing weather. Some were even having an important discussion. “So,” Pinkie Pie spoke curiously, “you think I could be the crew’s party planner?” “Yeah!” Luffy said immediately thrilled by the idea. “That would be awesome!” “And your setup time is scary fast,” Usopp commented astoundedly. Nami soon interjected. “Come on, guys, a ‘pirate party planner’ is a ridiculous position to make up,” she told them sternly. All four ponies looked at the Pegasus dejected. “Aw,” they all said disappointedly. They then turned to the mare mad and uttered out in displeasure, “Boo! Boo!” Soundly, Nami ignored this displeasure. Robin then spoke up with a suggestion. “Why not be the cannoneer, Pinkie?” she asked amusedly. She then added, “The Navy certainly thinks you have a skill for it.” “Ooh!” Pinkie Pie said interestedly. She then asked, “Do you think so?” Luffy quickly joined in on the excitement. “Yeah! That actually sounds pretty cool too,” he stated approvingly. “Awesome!” Pinkie Pie shouted happily. The newly-dubbed cannoneer then pulled over her party cannon, pointed it up, and fired away freely. Out came streamers, confetti, and balloons along with several cupcakes. Many of the crew cheered out and also caught a few pastries. Seeing this again, Franky couldn’t help but ask, “How does she fit it all in such a small cannon?” As things began to calm down, the topic of crew positions came up for all their new members; at least, for the ones currently on deck. It was indeed a curious topic for the other members of the crew who had designated positions. Robin had found it intriguing especially since she too had a unique crew position herself. Everyone began suggesting placements within the crew, but only a few started to stick with some of the group. “Oh, a seamstress,” Rarity said intrigued. She thought it over for a moment before she began smiling and nodding. “Yes,” she stated affirmingly, “I think that is a fine position for someone who is a fashion designer.” “Great!” Nami said happily. “Finally, I can have my clothes fixed up properly.” Spike then approached Luffy. “Hey, Bro,” he spoke curiously. Once he had the stallion’s attention, he asked, “Do I still get that position we talked about before?” Luffy immediately grinned. “Yeah!” he stated cheerfully. “Awesome!” Spike cheered out. Curious, Rarity asked, “What position is that Spike?” Grinning, Spike struck a pose holding his thumb up. “Treasure hunter,” he stated proudly. “Cool!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed happily. To this, Nami became interested. “Treasure hunter, huh,” she said intrigued. She then began to smile as then stated to the baby dragon, “I guess we’ll be working together in the future.” “Oh yeah,” Spike said in recollection. “You like treasure too.” “Like a dragon,” commented Usopp flatly. Nami immediately growled venomously at the sniper, making the poor unicorn nearly have a (fake) heart attack. Soon after, she moved to address Spike again. It began by pulling on the dragon’s cheek. “Ow! Ow-ow-owowowow!” “But remember,” Nami told the baby dragon sternly, “you don’t eat any more gems without my say so, got it? “Ow-Yes!” cried out Spike desperately. Next came Applejack and Fluttershy. They both seem to have some trouble figuring on a good position for themselves. At first, Fluttershy had suggested veterinarian but soon realized when there was only Funkfreed aboard the ship it was not much a position but a personal choice to have onboard until they eventually returned to Equestria. That and her medical skills were not on par with that of a practiced expert. “Well,” Rarity began to suggest coyly. “You could be our young doctor’s nurse.” Fluttershy looked surprised at her friend. “Do you think so?” she questioned optimistically. “Yes, definitely,” Rarity stated assuredly. “Not only could you help Chopper but you can learn much to help all your animal friends.” “Oh, that does sound like a wonderful idea,” Fluttershy said happily. Then, Rarity made a wink to the others. Many of them caught on and began immediately encouraging the idea. Mostly to those who could deduce the budding romance planted between their two friends. They knew that the position idea was rather shallow, but it would work for young love. Only Luffy did not get the underlying idea but liked the general idea nonetheless. It was Applejack’s turn next. Her skill set was pretty ranged thanks to her living on a farm. Some had suggested something along the lines of a botanist, but the mare shot the idea down since she only really knew how to take care of apples. Plus, she was not sure about mikan trees, which Nami strictly added that she would take care of those. Applejack contently obliged her friend her request. Some started suggesting ridiculous positions like “cowboy” and “rodeo clown” which were all shot down immediately. “Look, fellas,” Applejack began saying firmly. “I get that having a spot in the crew is like a big deal, but as long as I can help out, I’m good.” Not surprisingly, most of them did not listen. Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, Spike, and Pinkie Pie just went right back to suggesting whatever came to mind. This time no longer constrained to just what Applejack could do. It was almost like a competition, one that Applejack had no real stake in competing. As they did this, the door opened from the main cabin. Out came Twilight and Chopper having finished the unicorn’s horn checkup. A moment after, Sanji came out with some drinks; several more than previously requested. Of course, when he saw Twilight, he greeted her. “Ah Twilight,” Sanji said politely. He then held the plate of drinks out to the unicorn and asked, “Would you like a drink?” Twilight smiled. “Oh yes,” she said before unconscious activating her magic. “What’s- Ow!” Twilight’s magic suddenly sparked once it had reached the end of her horn. It immediately caused pain and swiftly reminded the mare of her impairment. “Twilight!” Chopper shouted worriedly. Sanji also became immediately worried about the mare. “Are you alright?” asked the stallion quickly. “Yeah,” Twilight breathed out calmly. As she recomposed herself, she smiled and told the two males jokingly, “I just forgot about the whole 'not using magic' thing. It's always been just second-nature to me.” Then, to show that she is alright, Twilight took one of Sanji’s drinks with her hoof. She also added for their benefit, “See? I’m fine.” “If you’re sure,” Sanji said contently. Chopper immediately sighed relief. Then, Luffy shouted, “Hey, Twilight!” He called out from across the ship cheerfully. Once he saw he had her attention, he again began shouting. “We’re figuring out all your positions in the crew!” “I’m the cannoneer!” Pinkie shouted out cheerfully as an example. Fluttershy also spoke out but softly, “Everyone had suggested that I could be a nurse to help you out, Chopper.” Instantly, Chopper blushed. “R-R-Really?!” he stuttered shockingly. Both Twilight and Sanji smiled and laughed a little seeing how the reindeer was acting. Despite not having known of Rarity’s sly plan, they both thought it was a good idea. Again, if only for young love. “Hey!” Pinkie Pie shouted out suddenly. She then pointed to Twilight and stated, “We haven’t picked a position for Twilight yet!” “Or Rainbow Dash,” Applejack added smartly. Luffy immediately stated, “Oh that’s easy.” “It is?” asked Applejack curiously. “Yeah!” Luffy then stood up and punched the air confidently. “She’s our weather puncher!” “Cool!” shouted the easily excitable members; Usopp, Chopper, Pinkie Pie, and Spike. Applejack though just felt dumb. “Should’ve known,” she said before hoof-palming. “To her credit, I do think Rainbow Dash would enjoy that position,” Rarity commented dryly. After walking down the stairs, Twilight began to walk over to the group. As she did, she spoke lightheartedly, “Well, I’m not too particular about a position in the crew. I could settle for the librarian.” “Aw come on,” Usopp commented out annoyedly. “That’s a pretty boring position.” Franky chimed in next. “Yeah, Magic Sis, you can be so much more,” he stated intrigued. He then suggested, “You should be the ship’s wizard! I’ve got tons of ideas for Sunny’s magical applications that I could use your expertise in.” Twilight instantly perked up. “Oh! That sounds…” Interrupting Twilight, Luffy made a very audible chuckle. “Nah, Twi's already got a crew spot,” he stated knowingly with a grin. Everyone looked at Luffy surprised. “Really,” voiced Twilight curiously. “Yeah!” Luffy stated gladly. “You're my-” Suddenly, a large wave swayed the Thousand Sunny hard. It threw everyone off their hooves, chairs, and butts including those in the crow’s hangar. Thankfully, no one had been thrown off nor hurt just toppled over. Even Funkfreed had been taken by surprise, now on his side on the deck. Everyone soon began to recover, but another wave coming in the opposite direction toppled the group the other way. Up top, Rainbow Dash began to move to act. She flew out of the hangar and floated down above the group. She asked, “What the heck is going on?!” “What the hell is going on!” shouted Nami frustratedly. Scared, Usopp shouted, “Wh-Wh-What’s with the sea?!” “Make it stop!” cried out Chopper frighteningly. Rarity also cried out but overdramatically, “I just did my makeup!” Despite the rough waves rocking the boat, some of the crew made efforts to see what was going on. Robin was the first to reach the side of the deck and look out at the ocean. Joining her came Rainbow Dash, hoping to get a clue in on what was going on. Together, they caught sight of something horrible. “A maelstrom has formed!” Robin called out. “What?!” shouted everyone. All the crew eventually made it to some spot on the side of the ship to see for themselves. The size of the whirlpool made everyone’s jaw drop in shock. It was at least three times as big as the Thousand Sunny itself. Not many of them had seen something of this caliber; that is, except for the original seven Straw Hats who had traveled to Skypeia via Knock-Up Stream. Even they had to admit that the size and force of this sudden whirlpool was just as remarkable as the one before. They needed to act fast. “Hurry!” shouted Nami quickly. “Someone turn the Sunny to follow the current.” Without thinking again, Twilight attempted to activate her magic. She tried to speak, “I got-Ow!” Like before, her magic sparked and exploded lightly at the tip of her horn, sending a fresh wave of pain through her body. Luckily, someone else had the same thought. “I’ve got it, Girly!” shouted Franky immediately. He then took off to take the helm. As the crew began to move around and prepare for rough waters, Rainbow Dash had garnered a sudden curiosity for the whirlpool that suddenly appeared. She thus flew out towards the center the swirling vortex to see if there was anything to see. For the most part, she only saw darkness in the center, but she did notice something in the middle. She couldn’t get a clear view of it from her height; and yet, it seems to be moving closer towards the surface. Soon, the cyan pegasus could make out exactly what it was, and she was shocked. “Rainbow!” shouted Applejack from the Sunny. “Get your flank back here and help out!” “Uh, guys,” Rainbow asked out loudly with confusion. “Do whirlpools out here usually have a giant tree growing out of them?” As everyone paused, Nami was the first to speak what was on everyone’s mind. “Tree?” she repeated confoundedly. As the Thousand Sunny began to turn with the current, everyone moved to one side to see the center. All of them attempted to look through the darkness to see what Rainbow Dash had seen. Then, without warning, the tree in question shot forth. And with it, an entire island. Protected entirely by a golden magic forcefield, a whole island popped up out of the vortex. It created huge waves that nearly capsized the Thousand Sunny. All the Straw Hats hanged on for dear life until finally, the waves died down. The deck was soaking wet thanks to some of the waves splashing onto the deck. And with it, many of the Straw Hats too had become wet from the waves. They soon recovered and quickly looked back to where the whirlpool once formed. They all gasped as they now saw a small but real island. It seemed a little rough like it was only a piece of a bigger puzzle. Nevertheless, its main feature - the huge tree - remained completely intact. The whole crew looks on completely speechless. Sanji commented astonishedly, “Not just a tree…” “A whole island!” Luffy and Pinkie Pie shouted excitedly at the same time. Then, Pinkie Pie turned to Luffy. “Jinx!” she shouted at the stallion giddily. Luffy gasped. “What?!” he shouted childishly. Nami could barely speak looking at the island confounded. “How in the world…” “Hey,” spoke Applejack concerned. “Where’d Rainbow Dash go?” TO BE CONTINUED... > Episode 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hey, where’d Rainbow Dash go?” asked Applejack to her crew. Where is Rainbow Dash indeed? When Rainbow Dash had shouted out to her crew, she had failed to notice when the tree she had just seen had shot forth from the whirlpool. She was smacked by the gold-glowing shield immediately as it came up. Then, as the barrier disappeared, the now dazed Pegasus fell. For a moment, the Pegasus lost consciousness but quickly regained it. She had then found herself in the middle of a fall. When she noticed her descent, she turned her body around and opened her wings. A basic of all fliers, she began to glide as well as guide her fall. She hurriedly looked for a spot to land, which happened to be only a short distance away. While unable to move her legs properly, she instead landed using her whole body until skidding to a stop. “Ow…” The cyan Pegasus was in pain, but she had at least prevented from suffering anything more serious. Her robust physique and training had allowed her only to receive nothing more than a few scraps. She was soon back on her hooves in less than a minute. “So,” Rainbow Dash said as she began to look around confused. “Where am I?” The Pegasus pony could only see the forest around her. Trees, bushes, and piles of dirt mounds were all that she can identify. She then also looked behind her to see the giant tree standing as tall as a skyscraper in Manehatten. In deducing where she landed, Rainbow Dash believed she was at least where the tree she saw was growing. It only confused her that there was no wall of water surrounding it. “Better go find the others,” she decided aloud. First checking to make sure her wings were functioning correctly, Rainbow Dash took off for the sky. She made it to the top of the trees when she suddenly heard a groan. Stopping immediately, the Pegasus looked back. While scanning the area, she noticed one of the mounds begin to move slightly, which got her curious. She quickly flew over and circled the pile in question. The rainbow mane pony soon gasped as she found a scarlet red hoof among the dirt. “Whoa! Hang in there!” Rainbow Dash shouted before starting to dig. Unbeknownst to Rainbow Dash, off to the side, she was being watched. On a tree branch nearby, there perched was a small, soft pink coat Pegasus with a long, soft yellow mane with a tuft of hair sticking out on the top of her head. Her emerald green eyes were fixed on the cyan Pegasus as she eventually dug up an Earth pony. She immediately smiled at the sight. “This should be interesting,” she commented aloud. With the wind blowing, her long mane flowed off her body slightly to reveal her cutie mark. It looked like a fairy in flight and leaping with the colors of a sunset. More than just Tales! The Return of Fairy Tail “Alright! Time to reveal Sunny’s super special ability!” shouted Franky eagerly. “Let’s go! Soldier Dock System, Number 2!” After the turn of the dial on the helm, now matching two, and the pull of the lever nearby, the mechanisms within the Thousand Sunny began to move. On the side of the side, the red numbers that showed “1” and “3” began to turn within the hull of the ship. In place of the previous numbers came the new red numbers “2” and “4”. Once in place, the number two began to lift like a garage door. Inside, it revealed that there was something within. By the sound of a whistle, that something started moving out. It was a small (but now larger for fit more of the group) boat that looked similar to their previous ship, the Going Merry. It had a working steam engine that helped power the paddles that propelled it. The whole boat had six seats which were filled by Straw Hat crew members. “The Merry’s reborn!” cheered Usopp happily. “Merry!” cried Chopper with tears of joy. Marveling at the ship as well, Twilight Sparkle, Luffy, Spike, and Pinkie Pie had joined them as well. Nami and Fluttershy flew alongside the group equally as amazed at the sight of the boat. Franky then shouted out, “That’s the Mini Merry 3, and she’ll carry on the image of that old and super ship of ours!” Of course, all the crew, the Mane Six and Spike crew, were thrilled to hear. After the first group had reached ashore, Usopp went back to get the others. Only Zoro, Spike, and Funkfreed remained behind; Zoro’s punishment for the lack of activity during their crisis earlier. Having found a cove to leave the Sunny, the rest of the crew took the chance to explore the, as dubbed by Luffy, “Mystery Island” and search for Rainbow Dash. Together, the group traveled into the island. For the original Straw Hat pirates, the forest they walked in was like that of Skypeia’s jungle if only smaller and more rocky. Further in, they began to see a few animals. One was a squirrel with sharp ears and markings on its lower body, and the other was a rodent with a long tail. Immediately upon seeing them, Fluttershy became acquainted with the small animals and also gathered information. “They say this is their home, Tenrou Island,” Fluttershy explained to the group. Robin immediately recognized the name, and with great shock. “You don’t mean the Tenrou Island that was destroyed by the Evil Black Dragon seven years ago?” she asked. Most of the group gasped with shock. Nearly all of them had heard of the legend of the Evil Black Dragon that even someone as young as Chopper was scared. Only Pinkie Pie and Luffy were unaffected by the information; the latter because of her isolated childhood and Luffy merely unafraid. Both everyone explained the story of Acnologia, the evil black dragon. Tales of how it could change nature itself, of its cruelty unbound, how even other dragons fear it, and that also speaking his name aloud is like a curse. While Pinkie Pie became spooked by all this, Luffy only laughed it all off. “Well, we’ll just have to be careful,” he said with a carefree grin. Most of the group responded with “You’re one to talk!” To ease everyone’s fears - or lack of – Robin explained that the dragon in question had not been seen since the “Tenrou Island incident” seven years ago. It was an overwhelming relief for most of the group, and a slight disappoint to Luffy. It had then brought up an interesting question. “So, if Ac-” “Don’t say its name!” shouted Twilight frightenedly. “Whoops, sorry,” apologized Pinkie Pie followed with a nervous giggle. She then continued with her question, “So, if He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named destroyed this island, why is it still here?” Robin did not have the answer; instead, she looked to her student with a confident smile, having already some idea. Not wanting to disappoint, Twilight quickly formed her hypothesis. “When we saw the island, there was clearly a magical barrier in place. I suspect that somepony or group of ponies were able to place one up before the, um, the dragon could destroy the island. The barrier most likely encapsulated the whole island.” Robin nodded. “Sounds accurate,” she says. Nami then had a thought. “Wait, but wasn’t that 7 years ago? How could it still be here?” she asked. Twilight had not thought of that and immediately began to ponder aloud. “Perhaps its works on Starswirl’s theory of magical stasis…” “Hey! Guys!” A shout from Rainbow Dash drew everyone’s attention away from the island’s mystery to the sky. There, they could see their cyan Pegasus friend flying around, looking for them, and shouting. Quickly, most of the group began yelling back and making a ruckus to gain her attention. It worked, and Rainbow Dash sped over to the group. Everyone happily greeted the pony as well as showed their relief and concern over her. On the other hand, Rainbow Dash appeared to be in a hurry. “I’m glad I found you guys,” she said, “I found some ponies close by, and they look like they need some serious help.” Instantly, the crew got serious. First, at Twilight’s call, she asked Chopper if he had brought any medical supplies, which he had fortunately done. Rainbow Dash quickly added that there had been several ponies she found. Understanding, Chopper asked if someone could return to the Thousand Sunny to gather more medical gear. At Rarity’s urging, Fluttershy agreed to do so; as a flyer, she could get to the ship faster. Nami decided to go with her as she had some knowledge of what to bring for First Aid. The group and two Pegasi then separated to do their tasks; the group following Rainbow Dash to where she had located the ponies. As the Pegasus flies, everyone reached the spot quickly. They immediately saw Rainbow Dash’s handiwork; totaling in twenty-one ponies and three cats lying on the ground. All unconscious, the ponies were from different races and their ages varied, but each and all of them had the same symbol of a fairy somewhere on their body. Swiftly, Chopper got to work. The reindeer could see, even at a glance, that most of the ponies appeared to be all right. Despite this, he still took the time to look over every one of them to be sure. The others did as instructed when so asked while maintaining a lookout for anything dangerous. In time, Fluttershy and Nami arrived with the pink mane Pegasus bringing along Funkfreed, as a sword, in case they had to carry them back to the ship. Fortunately, as Chopper finished with the last of them, it appeared that most of them were merely exhausted with many minor injuries. And soon, this group of ponies – and three cats – began to awake. The first to awake was the crimson Earth pony whose cutie mark was a dragon skull on fire that Rainbow Dash first found. While initially surprised at seeing the Straw Hats group, he soon became appreciative as he noticed the care they – Chopper specifically – had been giving to his group. “Hey, name’s Natsu Dragneel,” he greeted in a friendly tone. Luffy easily reciprocated the feeling. “I’m Monkey D. Luffy,” he and Natsu then shook hooves in cementing a new friendship. One by one, all the ponies (and cats) awoke to be greeted by the Straw Hat Pirates. Each one was introducing themselves as they did. There was Lucy Heartifila, an Earth pony with a blonde mane with a side ponytail and white coat, and her cutie mark is a key with a star on it. Next came the young sky blue Pegasus Wendy Marvell, whose mane was dark blue and cutie mark a feathery dragon encircled. Next to awaken was the blue coat and scarlet red mane unicorn mare wearing armor, Erza Scarlet. Her cutie mark was a sword crossed over a round shield. Then came cats eventually identified by Twilight as Exceed, a race of flying cats recently discovered seven years ago. Together, there was the blue male cat Happy, the white female cat Carle, and a black panther-looking cat Panther Lily. Soon followed were the ponies Gray Fullbuster and Juvia Lockser, an icy blue coat and spiky black mane unicorn and a snow white coat and azure blue mane Earth pony respectively. Their respective cutie marks were an icicle and a cloud raining. After them, there came the siblings Strauss, whom all shared a white mane color. There was the youngest sister with a yellow coat Lisanna and the only and older brother Elfman, who had a mint green coat. Both of them were Earth ponies making their eldest sibling and sister Mirajane the odd one as a maroon coat Pegasus. Their cutie marks, in the order listed, were a lioness head, a horned and grouchy-looking monster head, and a devillike creature head. Two more families awoke next. First to do so was grandfather and grandson; Makarov and Laxus Dreyer. While the aging guild master – they had explained that they were a part of a magic guild called “Fairy Tail” – was a short greying orange Earth pony whose was head bald yet greying yellow hair still grew from the sides, and he also had a mustache. A contrast to his tall and robust appearing unicorn grandson Laxus. His coat was a dark purple but shared his grandfather’s striking yellow color in his mane. Their cutie marks were of a deer head with large horns and a big lightning bolt respectively. The next family was the two Earth ponies Gildarts Clive and Cana Alberona. It was pretty awkward at first since the information for them was a recent discovery — the orange mane and brown coat male dotted on his dark brown hair and light orange coat daughter excessively, much to her annoyance and embarrassment. Their cutie marks were a broken wine bottle for the stallion, and three tarot cards fanned out and back facing forward for the mare. Another pair awoke next, Panther Lily’s unicorn partner Gajeel Redfox and Levy McGarden. Both unicorns, the stallion looked like a punk with a dark grey coat, long spiky black mane, and metal piercings across his face. The mare was far more pleasant with a blue hair and light orange coat. These two’s cutie marks were a dragon skull made of metal and a book and writing quill. Finally, the last to wake was a group under Laxus, the Thunder God Tribe. Each representing one of the three common pony races, there was the black and white striped Earth pony stallion Bickslow, the green coat and brown mane Pegasus mare Evergreen, and finally Freed Justine, a green mane unicorn with a red coat. Interestingly, each of them wore something over one or both their eyes; Bickslow a metal visor, Evergreen some glasses, and a part of Freed’s hair covered his left eye. Their cutie marks were, in order, a totem pole, three sparkles, and gold scale. Once every pony and cat was awake, they formally introduced themselves as a group. They were all a part of a single guild called “Fairy Tail” and were gratefully appreciative for the Straw Hats’ aide. Likewise, the pirates introduced themselves individually as well before stating that they were pirates. Or privateers, as corrected by Twilight swiftly. While at first concerned, the Fairy Tail group quickly understood that these ponies (and Minotaur) were not evil beings. It would be foolish on their part to scorn others for their life choices. And in that, the two groups bonded reasonably quick. And thanks to their bonding, this allowed Twilight to ask a crucial question. “Forgive me for asking this now after helping all of you,” Twilight began a bit hesitantly, “but what happened here? There had been a report that said that…that…” Twilight was afraid to speak the name, “the Evil Dragon destroyed this place years ago.” The whole Fairy Tail group went silent, many of them looking unsure what to say and even more confused. The group did recall facing Acnologia – they were not afraid to speak the name – and fighting fiercely, but they could do nothing and had accepted their fate together. The fact that they were alive now was shocking. Even after the Straw Hat Pirates gave their account on when they found the island encased in a gold barrier at first, it still baffled the mage guild. Most of them did not even have a spell that powerful. Seeing how none of these questions were about to be answered anytime soon, Twilight decided it was time to drop any further inquiries. She instead focused on the positive. “At least you’re all alive and well,” she told them contently. “I bet the rest of your guildmates will be happy to see you again.” The group was appreciative of the sentiment, but it also made them recall a new startling fact: they disappeared for seven years. By their word, none of them looked a day older than when they battled all those years ago. More worrying, they wondered what had happened to their guild in all that time. They needed to head back. “I thank you all for your help and kindness, and I fell a little ashamed to ask more of you but since you do have a vessel I would gratefully honored if your crew, Captain Luffy, could sail back to our home island Fiore,” asked Makarov respectfully while also giving a slight bow as well. Of course, the Straw Hat crew would be pleased to deliver their new friends home. Already, Luffy was looking excited to visit a new island. All of the group did; however, before any of them could agree Makarov had decided to entice the group of sailor ponies further. “Of course, we will pay for-” Before he could finish, Nami had swiftly taken his hoof and shook it firmly. “You got a deal, Master Makarov!” the Pegasus said excitedly, her eyes gleaming with greed. None of Nami’s crew was shocked by this, but many of them expressed disbelief towards the mare. As for the Fairy Tail group, most of them were happy to be getting a ride back home. It was as if most of them had little care in money-related problems. Only Makarov, of course, looked horrified as he quickly realized his error and his fate to be a “penniless guild.”. To his gratitude, at least Mirajane provided comfort and optimism for the aging pony. The Straw Hats then lead the group to where they docked off the coast. Once through the forests and over the rocks, the new group of ponies could see the Straw Hat group’s ship. “There she is,” Franky proudly said as he pointed to the cover. “Our ship, the Thousand Sunny.” “Whoa-ho-ho!” shouted Natsu in amazement. Every one of Natsu’s guildmates was as equally amazed and impressed. Never had they seen such a marvelous and unique ship. They were even surprised to hear that it also had a dingy steamboat to help transport them over to the Thousand Sunny. But with there being so many of them, it would take a while to get them all over. Luckily, one of the Fairy Tail guild’s members had a method to help with that. “Ice-Make,” said Gray as he brought his hooves together. While the pirates watched, Twilight could sense magic activating; yet, she noticed that his horn was not glowing. Suddenly, an ice blue magic circle with a snowflake design within appeared in front of the stallion that surprised the unicorn mare. She then watched as the pony extended his hooves out at the circle. “Bridge!” From the casting unicorn, ice began to form and stretch out towards the Thousand Sunny. It did not freeze the ocean yet ice still formed and also started changing into shape. It a matter of moments, before the group was now a bridge made of ice connecting from the coast to the ship. It was now the rescuers’ turn to be impressed. “So cool!” shouted Luffy amazed as he, Usopp, Spike, Chopper, and Pinkie Pie marveled at the sight. Franky marveled at the sight, flipping his sunglasses up to inspect the quality. “Not bad,” he admitted. Once done admiring, most of the ponies began to walk across the bridge. The Pegasi of the group directly flew over. A few of the Straw Hats went to ride on the Mini Merry Three to bring her back to the Sunny. There, the Fairy Tail group met the crew’s last member Zoro, who became interested when he had seen Fluttershy earlier and now of the group. He even took a particular interest in one individual. When they locked eyes, both Zoro and Erza locked eyes the moment the mare walked onto the ship. Instantly, the two unicorns could sense a strong warrior spirit in the other. They could easily size each other up without even exchanging a single blow or word, years of fighting and training had given them that sixth sense. Despite carrying no weapon, Zoro could tell that this mare was armed which made him wonder how. As for Erza, the stallion carried only three swords which she found curious. So, after a moment that lasted mere seconds, both acknowledged the other as strong. “Roronoa Zoro,” the stallion stated. The mare smiled. “Erza Scarlet.” Once everyone was aboard, and the Mini Merry docked, the ship began to sail. Between Nami’s and Robin’s unique pieces of knowledge, they directed the ship to head for the Earthland Archipelago to where the country of Fiore resided. In a mighty cheer from everyone aboard, they took for open ocean and sailed away from the island. It looked to be calm seas and following winds ahead for our now-expanded group. Little did they know that a storm of chaos was already brewing at their destination. TO BE CONTINUED… > Episode 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beyond Expectation! The Journey Through the Land Full of Magic, Fiore Once again, we find the Thousand Sunny sailing out in the open ocean; however, this time she was going to a destination. Requested by the master of a guild called Fairy Tail, the Straw Hat Pirates were navigating towards the Earthland Archipelago to the peninsula where the kingdom of Fiore resided. They had picked up a large number of ponies (and three cats) belonging to this guild, and all of them were anxious to return home. They had been gone seven years in magical stasis, not knowing how but the act protected them from utter destruction at the claws of an evil dragon. And with the added promise of payment, regrettably, the group of pirates agreed to give them passage. This is what the Straw Hats were doing currently. But since it would be some time before they would reach land, they would need to pass the time. While most of the Fairy Tail group relaxed, some had taken an interest in their new friends; in fact, three held a particular interest in one of the crew. “Dra-bleh!” The three in question were Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy. Right now, the three of them were lying on the grass deck looking sick. Then, when they caught sight of Spike the baby dragon, they became surprisingly active. While those three struggled to reach the dragon, the few Straw Hats around asked a few of Fairy Tail’s members questions regarding them. Like the obvious one; “What’s up with them?” asked by Luffy looking very confused. Lucy answered, “They get motion sick. I think because they all share the same kind of magic, Dragon Slayer magic.” Spike squeaked out in horror, “D-D-Dragon slayer?!” He then ran behind Luffy, who was instantly frowning strongly. Quickly, Lucy attempted to correct the misunderstanding. “Oh, no-no-no-no! It’s just the type of magic they have! They don’t go around actually slaying dragons!” Both pony and dragon blinked with surprise. “Oh,” they both said casually. Now, Twilight was curious. “Hold on,” she spoke, “are you saying they all have similar magic?” After Lucy’s nod, Twilight further questioned, “But two of them are an Earth pony and Pegasus, they usually only have the kind of magic for growing plants and weather manipulation respectively.” Lucy looked at the purple unicorn confused. “I mean, I can use magic too,” she stated demurely. Twilight blinked. “What?” Then, there came a shout from Wendy. “Troia!” There was a blue glow for a moment that nearly blinded everyone. The light died down as fast as it came, but immediately after, the three Dragon Slayers were up and rushing to the dragon. Natsu was the first and dive caught the little dragon, much to his surprise. The crimson pony then began asking with great hope, “Have you seen a big red dragon named Igneel?!” Wendy too asked, “Did you happen to see a white, feathery dragon by the name of Grandeeney?” And Gajeel… “Oi! Where’s that bastard Metalicana?!” Unfortunately, Spike could not answer their questions. He had only ever seen three dragons, met two of them, and just knew one of those two. Beforehand, he had only one other dragon. This fact surprised the Dragon Slayers, who had believed that dragons had gone extinct. Twilight quickly explained that they were not; and, that many dragons lived in Equestria though living a solitary lifestyle. All three Dragon Slayers were disappointed at first, but they soon realized that if there was a country that still had dragons, then there was a chance for their foster parents to be there. That fact had surprised the pirates standing around; that a dragon was capable of taking care of a pony was unheard of. But the thought was pretty cool for Luffy and a few of the other stallions, something that most of their group shot down due to them – the strongest of the crew – were almost monsters themselves. Once the talk of dragons was finished, Twilight brought up a point she was about to ask. “Can everyone in your group use magic?” “Yeah,” Natsu said annoyed, “we are a mage guild.” Erza Scarlet began to explain; the Earthland Archipelago is a land rich with magic. Nobody knew entirely for sure why or how but every kind of pony could use magic. To the point that even unicorns did not have to rely solely on their horns as conduits to use it. It varies from pony to pony, but many could share a type of magic. Each of the group quickly showed off their own as an example; Gray’s Ice-Make magic, Lucy’s Celestial Key magic by summoning Virgo (unicorn), Ezra’s Requip magic materializing a new set of armor and also a sword, and the three dragon slayers’ own: fire, iron, and sky. The crew was in awe at each one, and Twilight was wholly gushing with each new magic. “This is amazing!” Twilight exclaimed in complete fascination. “To think magic could become so diverse in a single area is completely unheard of in Equestria.” Curious, Wendy asked, “Can you use magic, Ms. Twilight.” “Well,” Twilight said a little bashful. That is when Spike interjected, loudly and proudly. “You kidding me? Twilight isn’t just your run-of-the-mill unicorn. She’s the chosen student to the one and only Princess Celestia of Equestria, the bearer of the element of magic in the elements of Harmony, and noted ‘Sorceress Supreme’ by the Empire as well.” “Spike,” Twilight said with strain, not wanting to seem like a show-off. “Wow,” said many in the Fairy Tail group. Gray also added, “That sounds pretty impressive.” “Hey!” Luffy shouted with some annoyance. “You forgot to add her most important title.” Everyone, the Straw Hat crew too, looked at Luffy confused. Twilight then vocalized the question on everyone’s mind, “And what’s that, Luffy?” Immediately, Luffy began to grin with pride. “You’re my First-Mate!” The Straw Hat crew looked at Luffy with surprise, and Twilight with shock. None of them had expected it from their captain. But before anyone could further question, the intercom Transponder Snail awoke from above. “Hey guys,” the snail spoke speaking with Zoro’s voice, “I see land up ahead.” Instantly, the questions on the crew’s minds would have to wait. Everyone, the Fairy Tail group as well, hurried over to the stern of the Sunny. Just as Zoro had said, they all could see land slowly growing in size with their approach. Fairy Tail began to cheer out, seeing that they were almost home had made many of them excited. The Straw Hats too were looking eager as well to see this new land full of magic. At least, most of them were: Twilight Sparkle continued to stand where the group had been previously, still in disbelief over what her brother had said. Her feelings for the position were mixed. She felt honored to be trusted so much by her brother, but at the same time, she did not feel like she was neither up for the task nor capable of it. Her missing horn felt like a proof of that as she rubbed the area near it. Unfortunately, she did not know how to tell her brother that she felt unable to do the part. And with how he stated the claim, she also believed that he would not budge on the idea anytime soon. For now, she decided, she would wait until they got the new friends ashore, and then firmly decline Luffy’s position. And while Twilight came to this decision, the unicorn did not notice Robin looking at her with some concern. The older mare had an idea what Twilight was thinking, and she had other thoughts about that. After an hour or so, the Thousand Sunny and her crew and passengers finally reached the shoreline. Lucky for them, they had sailed close to a port town which the Fairy Tail group recognized as Hargeon Town. The Thousand Sunny was smoothly docked into port, but everyone soon began to notice something was off. Not only at the docks but with the town as well. It was all deathly silent. The first thought was that everyone was hiding or ran away having seen pirates (the Straw Hats). “Perhaps it would be better if we get moving quickly,” suggested Makarov to his group. Before the old guild master could move forward, he suddenly found his path blocked by none other than Nami. With a greedy smirk, she asked him, “You wouldn’t be trying to skip out on our payment now, are ya?” Makarov began to sweat profusely and shook his head. “O-Of course not, I’ll send it all to you once we reach the guild,” he stated. “Hey, Gramps!” Natsu shouted energetically. “Why not let them come along then? It’ll probably be faster, and they could do some exploring. It’ll make things fun.” “Natsu!” Makarov hissed venomously. Luffy immediately interjected. “Yeah! That works for me,” he proclaimed happily. Nami nodded with agreement. “And I can make sure you pay us the right amount,” she said smugly with a twisted smile. Unable to handle the abuse, Makarov was nearly in tears at all this unfair treatment. Those of the guild around pitied their master but felt no real worry otherwise. Then, the old pony had a wicked idea. "Fine then!" Makarov shouted suddenly and also righteously before pointing to Natsu. "Natsu! You stay here to make sure we honor our agreement! You can head back to the guild afterward." Natsu was shocked by the sudden demand. A few in the guild, Gray and Gajeel, snickered to their guildmate's dismay much to his chagrin. Fortunately, Happy and Lucy volunteered to tag along with the fiery Earth pony; mostly to keep him out of trouble. This immediately made Natsu's mood change to cheerful. Now, it was time for the Straw Hats to divide up. “So, the way I see,” Robin explained, “one large group should stay here while the other goes with our new friends to collect our reward.” The group agreed; thus, Robin continued with her idea. “I think Twilight should lead the group in exploring.” Both Luffy and Twilight hollered, “What?!” The former in disappointment and the latter with shock. “I think this would be an excellent learning experience for our new First-Mate.” “We have a First-Mate now, huh,” Zoro said with intrigue. “Wait, wait!” Twilight said quickly. As she began scratching her head, near her broken horn, she explained nervously, “I don’t know if I’m qualified for the position, I’ve only recently joined.” Robin noticed her friend’s new habit. It worried her, but recent developments had given her an idea. “Our captain thinks your qualified, that’s good enough for any of us,” she stated optimistically. While none of the Straw Hats had picked on these small quirks, they still showed their support. For the original Straw Hats and even Franky, they wholeheartedly agreed. In their experience, when Luffy wanted you for a position, he would not quit until you agreed. Never honestly forcing himself on them but having a charisma that eventually broke down their walls. They trusted his judgment, and they also believed in Twilight Sparkle as well. And so did Twilight’s friends. “Hey! We’re with you, Twi,” Applejack stated proudly, giving the unicorn supportive nudge. “You have led us before, Darling, and I’m sure you can now as well,” Rarity said giving her support. “We trust you, 100 percent!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed confidently. “One-hundred and 10 percent!” Pinkie Pie added vigorously. “You can do it, Twilight,” Fluttershy said softly but firmly as well. Spike too gave his support. “You got this,” he stated assuredly. Finally, Luffy placed a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder and grinned confidently. He stated without falter, “I trust you.” Twilight stopped scratching her head. Despite her own misgivings, Twilight could not deny the overwhelming support her friends were giving her. She quickly relented, “Okay. I’ll give it a shot, at least.” “Yahoo!” Luffy exclaimed out, a feeling shared for everyone. Now, it was time to divide the groups. Volunteering immediately was Spike – ever the faithful assistant – and Nami, for the money. Zoro decided to come along next with Rainbow Dash joining to make sure that he did not wander off much to the stallion’s chagrin. Finally, to oversee his patients, Chopper also decided to join the group. Quickly, many of the group offered that Fluttershy and Funkfreed should also join Twilight’s group. The latter so he could carry the group home. The reason given for the former to participate was to help Chopper, but the secret motive of many – with Rarity at the head – was to get their two friends to become closer. Of course, Fluttershy willingly agreed, and Funkfreed was happy enough to come along. With the groups now settled, it was time for everyone to depart. In the time for everyone to gather their stuff and make decisions, Franky had already procured some scrap wood and constructed a covered wagon with it. He even had time to give it a cool elephant theme and name it the “Pachyderm Carriage Prototype Number 1.” It was large enough to fit the whole Fairy Tail group and then some, and included a minifridge with cola. While most of the group was appreciative, the two remaining Dragon Slayers were already beginning to feel sick. At the suggestion of Fluttershy, Gajeel rode on Funkfreed in the hopes that riding something alive would help. Wendy decided she would fly alongside to avoid her motion sickness. Once everything was settled, and Funkfreed harnessed up, the group began their trip inland. The rest if the Straw Hats saw the group off with encouragements of returning soon. After a little while, the group was gone from their sights. “So,” spoke Sanji to the others suddenly. “Does anyone here wonder why we haven’t been met with by any police or even people yet?” Now that it had been brought up, all of the crew and their friends had found this odd. The original Team Natsu had been here before and found the lack of activity unnerving. While it was not strange for a town to let pirates dock as long as they conformed to specific rules but rarely did an entire port town go silent at their presence. They all were starting to think that something was happening. “Well, we promised not to leave port, so why not go explore the town,” Pinkie Pie suggested eagerly. Everyone agreed. A new group then formed with only Franky and Applejack remaining behind to keep an eye on the Thousand Sunny. Everyone else trotted into town and stayed close together. Luffy, Pinkie Pie, Natsu, and Happy zoomed around the street as they peered into dark windows quickly before moving off again. The others trailed behind them and scanned everything as they walked. “There are definitely ponies around,” Rarity commented observantly. “Yeah,” said Usopp. “But they all seem scared.” The sharp eyes of a fashionista and a sniper could easily notice the small and subtle details throughout their walk. They could see the town-ponies peeping from windows and from behind objects. None dared move more than an inch to see what was going on. Not even with Luffy and Pinkie Pie’s friendly and curious appearance did one dare to move forward, only retreat back. “Are we that intimidating?” asked Rarity worriedly. Robin had her own thoughts. “Perhaps it's not of us they are afraid of.” This made Lucy worry. "Then, what are they hiding from?" This brought a considerable amount of concern to the group, and fear for Usopp. Pirates were considered threatening around the world, but what is something that could be more so than an unknown band of cutthroats. Speaking of, not far from where our group walked, that something had noticed the group’s presence. From on the upper levels of the city, a large group was stepping forward. The air around them grew repulsive and filthy which brought with it a grim that thickened it like a miasma. Moving forward, metal scrapped across the cobblestone path followed by a weighty step. Each one was breathing heavily through their snouts like boars as they walked. They all carried large weapons either a sword, a club, or even a mace in their grubby hands. Their armor, simple and plain, covered nearly all their brown fur on their bodies except for a few individuals leading them. One was a massive beast that towered over them all following from the rear. The one leading the group adorn armor like royalty with a sword at its side. The companion next to it on its right had a thinner build compared to his kin and wore clothing only. On the left, another one walked in orange robes with a completely shaven head. Following behind the trio was a pair both cloaked and hooded though one carried a bow and quiver on its back. Finally, between the five, there walked one last prominent member wearing the skull of a deer buck and holding a staff with a glowing stone. Altogether, they formed a dangerous horde; a horde of orcs. The lead began to sniff the air, and he then began to grin. “Ah, fresh meat has arrived, boys” he spoke eagerly. Meanwhile, far from the immediate danger, the Fairy Tail group had already left the city. By Makarov’s account, it was only a half a days travel from Hargeon to Magnolia, the town their guild resided in. By elephant carriage, they could make it in just a few hours. A good thing as the mage group felt they needed to return home as soon as possible. It concerned them little though to force their carriers to rush. They just relaxed and enjoy their ride back home. The Straw Hats certainly did. Outside, Rainbow Dash and Spike were hanging with the Dragon Slayers. While Spike and Gajeel rode atop Funkfreed, Rainbow Dash fluttered around with Wendy. The discussion of dragons had returned for the three ponies raised by them, and Spike was willing to share his own unique upbringing as well. “So basically, Twi and Luffy have been like family to me,” said Spike as he finished his explanation. Gajeel looked less impressed. “Tch. Pretty sappy for a dragon,” he commented gruffly. Being curious, Wendy flew over to Spike to ask him a question. “Did you ever learn any kind of pony or Equestrian magic?” “Kinda,” replied Spike unsurely. Rainbow Dash then let out a chuckle. “The little firebreather can send and receive letters from the Princess herself. It once saved me and my friends from being total lame-os.” Wendy smiled with joy. "That's wonderful," she stated. "Whatever," Gajeel said unimpressed. Meanwhile, behind the carriage, Zoro had taken up the rear for some exercise. While an initial concern over him getting lost had crossed his crewmates’ minds, they were fortunate in that he was going to be accompanied by Erza Scarlet. The Straw Hats rested easy knowing that someone as dependable as Erza. At the moment, both she and Zoro were walking together and sharing a discussion about their weapons. “Wait? You carry around an actual cursed sword?” Zoro shrugged. “I don’t really believe in all that nonsense, but its been a good sword through and through if not a little wild.” Erza looked impressed. “Fascinating,” she commented. The mare then asked, “Do you always carry three swords around?” “That’s my style, Santoryu.” “Fascinating,” Erza repeated with intrigue. “Once we get to the guild, you’ll have to give me a proper introduction.” “A spar?” “Is there any other way?” While the two unicorns discussed further, the rest of the group remained within the carriage. Fluttershy was especially enjoying the trip. She was surrounded by the remaining Exceeds and giving them rubs and scratches, essentially treating them like actual cats. And yet, none of the three seem to mind this fact. They looked to be utterly enjoying it. “So niiiiiice,” Carla said contently. “You said it,” Panther Lily said complacently. Around the carriage, Chopper was making one last round of inspections for the group. He had little to worry about, but his duty as a doctor compelled him to at least give one final check. And of course, not a single pony had anything worrying. “Thank you for all you’ve done, Doctor Chopper,” said Mirajane cheerfully. Instantly, the reindeer became embarrassed. “Don’t compliment me, you jerk, it’s just my duty as a doctor~,” said Chopper joyfully as he wiggled and moved bashfully. “Weirdo,” comment Gray. While Chopper finished his check-up, Twilight was conversing with the others. She wanted to learn more about how they were able to use magic the way they did. Makarov was more than happy to explain, feeling especially nostalgic over the idea of teaching magic. “For us who live on Earthland Archipelago, magic is life. We believe magic is very much the spirit of an individual made physical through our connection to the spiritual flow of nature. And it strengthens depending on our emotions and feelings.” Twilight nodded. “Yes, Starswirl the Bearded had a very similar idea that later was proven to show that magic is not the soul or spirit of the pony simply, but the energy it produces in an environment rich in similar energies created by all living things on the planet. Thus, magic can work independently of the user based on how several factors including the emotions of the user work simultaneously or circumstantially. For instance, a spell like the…” Immediately, Makarov interrupted, having been overwhelmed by the unicorn’s own knowledge. “You seem pretty learned in magic already, Ms. Sparkle,” he stated. “Oh, I am,” Twilight said cheerily, stopping her lecture short. “So why ask me to teach you something you already know?” asked Makarov. Twilight began feeling awkward as she mustered up the words. “It sort of complicated,” she said, subconsciously scratching her head near her broken horn. Makarov quickly picked up on the gesture. “I see,” the old unicorn said in understanding. Then, the carriage suddenly stopped. Everyone inside was jerked abruptly, even waking up the Exceed around Fluttershy. They all began to look around confused. “Why did we stop?” asked Lisanna. Concerned, Nami fluttered over to the front of the carriage. She poked her through the covers to speak to the others outside, but she was immediately blinded when she did. “What the hell?!” she shouted as she covered her eyes. Likewise, the Dragon Slayers, Rainbow Dash, Spike, and Funkfreed too were blinded by a piercing orange light. The light itself was directed at them from an angle. It stretched from far ahead from a town the group was approaching. The source came from a black tower that stood high above all other buildings in the city. Its appearance was also a stark contrast to the peaceful look of the village, appearing sharp and jagged and evil. And at the very top of it, a giant snake-eye made of fire was staring directly at the group. TO BE CONTINUED… > Episode 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Dispelled?! The Ruthless Guild, Twilight Orc A pig-like roar echoed through Hargeon before being followed immediately by the sound of metal clashing. No sooner after came more noise, several booms and an explosion or two. A battle had broken out in this eerily silent port city. It drew the attention of all the ponies and creatures living here, giving them both hope and fear for what was to come next. Many of them even leaving the safety of their houses to hear more clearly the tussle. For those closest to the action, however, they remained either in hiding or watched on carefully. But for this witnessing the event, they were utterly amazed by the combatants. “Gum-Gum…” Monkey D. Luffy stretches his hoof backward for many feet. He then reeled it forward shouting, “Pistol!” Swiftly, the red Earth pony’s hoof shot forward. It struck its first victim, an armored orc, but it kept the momentum going catching two more behind the first. All of the orcs let out a loud “Oinch!” in pain before crashing into a building. The three pig monsters then fell to the ground, defeated. These were not the only orcs; on the contrary, there were many more to fight. The street was bustling with the fiendish creatures, pouring in from every opening. Compared to our small group of pirates, the numbers were on the orcs’ side; however, in strength the difference was clear. Having faced worst in tougher situations, the Straw Hat Pirates were easily defeating the brutish beasts. Team Natsu too was handling themselves well. Even those whose battle experience paled compared to their pirate friends were capable of beating a foe or two. “Whoa!” shouted Happy flying next to Luffy. “What kind of magic is that?” Luffy looked at the crimson pony confused. “It’s not magic. I ate a Devil Fruit.” “Devil Fruit?” questioned Happy curiously. "Does it taste like fish?" Immediately, the red Earth pony made a disgusted expression. "It tastes like shit," he stated distastefully. Even while the two males were conversing, the orcs attempted to attack them. While they believed to have the upper hand, they did not expect to see the other red pony jump in their path. A fire red magic circle appeared below Natsu suddenly before phasing up through him as he spoke his incantation. “Fire Dragon’s Roar!” He then spewed out fire from his mouth, like a dragon, that blazed over the orcs and defeated. Now it was Luffy’s turn to be amazed. “Whoa! That’s so cool!” he shouted. Natsu looked back to Luffy and grinned. "Your stretchy power is cool too!" he stated cheerfully. Around these two fighters and cat, their group was doing well to repel the attackers. Rarity’s quick thinking and use of her environment allowed her to easily trip up her opponents and knock them out with some self-defense moves. Even with these massive creatures in their bulky armor, Robin’s Flower-Flower powers were still capable of incapacitating many at a time. “Open the Gate of the Golden Bull,” Lucy began to chant as she held up a golden key. “Taurus!” The Earth pony then turned the key like unlocking a door. A golden magic circle appeared from it along with a doorbell sound. From a puff of smoke produced, a sizeable being appeared before Lucy. It was a large Minotaur only with a cow-like appearance holding an ax. As it stood taller than the orcs, they became a little fearful. “Moooo!” roared the creature. But then, he began to appear enamored with all the mares around him. “So many babes here! Thank you for summoning me, Ms. Lucy!” “Just take care of them already!” shouted Lucy annoyedly. “Hey!” shouted Sanji from nearby, after disposing of one orc. He then further shouted in overprotective rage, “Don’t you dare lay a single filthy hand on those beautiful mares, you cow!” Lucy quickly explained, “No, no! Don’t worry! He’s on our side. He’s one of my Celestial Spirit friends I can summon to help in battle.” Taurus nodded proudly. “Yes! Let me show you-ooo!” he shouted in a cow-like manner. Then, with his mighty ax, the Minotaur slashed at the orcs. The attack was both powerful and broad as it took out five orcs together. Sanji and Luffy who had just caught saw the attack, were both impressed and amazed respectively by their new ally. They then continued to attack their opponents. “Hey, Usopp,” spoke Pinkie Pie, after firing her Party Cannon and knocking an orc out. She then asked the long-muzzled unicorn, “Why do you have Sogeking’s weapon?” After firing a shot, Usopp cringed with ineptness. He had wholly forgotten that his new weapon, the Kabuto, was used for his “secret” alter-ego, Sogeking. He would need to think up a lie quickly to save his and Sogeking’s reputation. “Oh, uh, this?” Usopp said holding out the Kabuto. “Sogeking let me borrow it.” “Oh!” Pinkie Pie said enthusiastically. “What a cool guy, that Sogeking.” Meanwhile, a few onlookers were noticing how one-sided this fight was becoming. They were orcs, of course, but their appearance was a stark contrast to the rest. Down two from their posse, a discerning group of orcs stood separate from the regulars attacking the group. Remaining was the fancifully armored orc, the two hooded orcs, the orc with the staff, and the most massive orc of any in their group. While most in their group was analyzing the battle carefully, the massive orc appeared to be more impatient and becoming restless quickly. “Fight…” muttered the giant pig. “I wanna fight.” The armored orc addressed his comrade. “Very well, Barbar,” he spoke in a gentlemanly manner, “have your fun, but this time, please-” The massive orc Barbar immediately let out a vicious and monstrous roar. He then began to charge towards the battle, two massive clubs in each hand carried like they were pillows to him. Like an unstoppable juggernaut, he plowed through his unsuspecting comrades to reach his targets. The knightly orc let out a sigh. “At least he’s like a whole army,” he commented with assurance. Then, there came an explosion in the distance towards the harbor. The prominent orcs turned in that direction upon noticing. “Looks like Kai and Fryar are engaging more of them,” commented the skull-wearing orc. The lead orc nodded. “Yes, and we will soon have more riches and subjects for the Master to use for his experiments-” “OINCH!” A loud squeal interrupted the leader orc, who immediately looked back in the direction of the brawl. To his and his group’s shock, they saw their enormous companion hurdling back at them. They all swiftly moved out of the way, and the considerable body flew past them for several more feet before finally falling onto the cobblestone ground. Utterly flabbergasted, the group looked back down the street to see who had thoroughly defeated their companion. They and every orc looked directly at the culprit; actually, culprits. It was the two red Earth ponies, one wearing a straw hat and the other wearing a white scarf. Together, they wore grins showing their confidence. Luffy and Natsu immediately asked out loudly, “Who’s next?” Meanwhile, our other group was having a more difficult time. The fiery light that had shined upon them was gone; but now, there was an army of armored orcs surrounding the wagon. Everyone in the cart was now standing outside of it looking ready to fight; at least, those who could. Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy kept close to the carriage and Funkfreed as neither expected this kind of encounter. “Who are these bozos?” asked Gray annoyedly. Twilight proceeded with a follow-up question. “So this isn’t a normal occurrence in Fiore?” Gildarts answered, “Never seen this many orcs even out in the outskirts of the kingdom.” “And they are armed,” Makarov added observantly. “Orcs aren’t usually this well-prepared.” Suddenly, the orcs ahead of the group began to step aside. Walking down the parted way came three prominent orcs unlike the others around them. The lead orc appeared very scholarly with a pair of small glasses on his snout. To his left, an orc with tribal markings all over his body. Finally, on his right, an orc wearing flame-red sunglasses. All three walked through the crowd and into the space between the two groups but stopped halfway. The lead orc then took a step forward and began to address the group. “Greetings ponies,” the orc spoke in a theatrical tone. “I am Zard, guild master of Twilight Orc, and we would like to welcome you all to Magnolia.” A little confused, Makarov spoke up, “What is the meaning of this?” Zard let out a chuckle which seems to echo through his subordinates around them. He then spoke condescendingly, “Well, looks like we found some rock ponies, Boars. Because it seems like they don’t understand who is boss around here?” “Where the hell is Erza?” asked Gray. “She wouldn’t have let these guys surround us.” “Neither would Zoro,” Rainbow Dash added. Nami though quickly realized what had happened. “That idiot…” she said while placing her hoof to her face in irritation. “Uh, where are we?” Meanwhile, said ponies had found themselves in a situation of there own. They were currently in the middle of a forest, and entirely out of sight from the group. Erza was utterly baffled by their predicament. She knew how to navigate the land, and she understood that the area should not have changed much in seven years. How did she get lost in the first place? They had only been talking about their equipment, battles, and training. “Typical,” Zoro spoke annoyedly. “Hmm?” “Looks like the others are lost,” the stallion uttered assuredly. Erza nearly fell over with disbelief. “So then,” continued Zard now becoming suspicious. “Who are you ponies? I’ve never smelled the likes of any of you.” Makarov immediately stepped forward. “We are the guild Fairy Tail, and we-” Suddenly, a roar of laughter among the armored orcs. All the group looked around confused by the sudden eruption. Even from Zard and his two companions, they too seem to find some amusement in what the elderly pony had said. As the laughter began to die down, Zard then began to speak. “I apologize for that, but we all thought you were serious about being part of that runt of a mage guild,” Zard stated ignorantly. Enraged, Makarov stated as he proudly revealed his Fairy Tail symbol on the center of his chest, “We are.” Not only him but every member of Fairy Tail revealed their guild symbol. Each symbol was on a unique spot on their body and a different color. And like their guild master, all showed anger in the words the orc had uttered. Zard became immediately curious. “Is that so?” he questioned, “I’ve never seen any of you hanging around those losers.” “We just got back from a trip,” Gray said evenly. He then placed his hooves together, ready to attack. “And if you say one more bad thing about our guild or our friends, I’m gonna kick your ass.” While both orcs at his side readied to strike, Zard remained unflinching. “If your guild is any indicator of your strength, then you’re all talk, Runt,” he stated unnerved. “Ice-Make, Lance!” Gray shouted. An ice blue magic circle appeared, and from it, a lance made of ice shot forward. Quickly, Zard’s two aides moved into action. Both held out two red crystals that immediately shot fire forth. The two streams hit the ice lance, and the whole thing exploded. Now peeved, Zard gave out a command to the rest of his subordinates. “Attack, Boars!” One of the orcs let out a vicious roar. Together, the entire force of armored orcs began to charge on the group. Gray along with all his guildmates immediately charged against the orcs in retaliation. Their magic was firing into the army or transforming them to smash through them. Only Makarov remained in place near the wagon before turning to it. “Sorry about this,” the old pony apologized to their pirate friends. “Looks like you all got caught up in our trouble.” “We’ll everyone be okay?” asked Chopper worriedly. “Yes, we can handle these ruffians,” Makarov stated assuredly. “You all just stand back and let those youngins let loose.” Nami let out a breath in relief. “Fine with me,” she stated in agreement before sitting back in the wagon. “Aw,” Rainbow Dash whined aloud. “I wanted to tussle too.” Makarov then turned to Twilight Sparkle. “You should watch, Ms. Sparkle,” he suggested. “Hmm?” Twilight said surprised. “You may just figure out what you seek for your problem,” the old pony stated cryptically. Twilight did not respond, but she heeded the unicorn’s advice. She began to observe the battle taking special care to watch her friends in Fairy Tail. Their magic was utterly astounding to her; it took on so many forms that she either read of or never heard of before. The Strauss siblings’ unique Take-Over magic that gave them the attributes of animals, monsters, and even demons (something she would need to research into later). She watched as the pony Levy write out certain words like “wood” or “iron” and cast them like spells that became the thing they were. And finally, the Dragon Slayers who used their magic for both physical and special attacks. Through all of them, Twilight had noticed what they all shared something in common; none of them were unicorns. But through their hooves, their words, and their objects their magic flowed through each method freely. Could she do the same? “Iron Dragon’s-” “Dispel Magic!” Twilight and everyone looked overhearing the joint shout. They saw the three prominent orcs standing together and holding out glowing crystals. The light then grew brighter and began to shine onto the battlefield. At first, Twilight moved to cover her eyes, as everyone else did. But not long after did she start to notice something happening to their friends. The magic that they displayed suddenly began to disappear. Levy’s words vanished, the Strauss siblings transformed back to their pony appearances, and even the Exceed lost their ability to fly (and Panther Lily to change as well). Twilight looked at the orcs with shock. “How?” “Hey!” shouted Gajeel confused. “What happened to my-” Before Gajeel could finish, the orcs took this moment to overwhelm the confused ponies. The tackled on the crimson Earth pony without fear. Many more did so for all the other stallions on the battlegrounds, and the mares were quickly apprehended and detained. All of them were swiftly given cuffs connected by approximately lengthen chains. In less than a minute, most of Fairy Tail had been arrested. “Oh no!” shouted Chopper and Spike in horror. Zard soon stepped forward, his crystal now ceasing its glowing. “Well, I have to say, you lot are definitely not like those weaklings at Fairy Tail, but despite that, the results are still the same,” he stated proudly. Enraged, Gray and many of his male comrades attempted to use their magic. Nothing happened, much to their great confusion. In noticing this, Twilight quickly glanced at the shackles; and instantly, she recognized the metal. “Seastone…” Twilight muttered softly. “You’re wasting your time, those cuffs cancel out magic too,” Zard stated gleefully. Then, the villainous pig turned to Makarov, the remaining free member of Fairy Tail here. The old pony looked angry but calm. Zard walked over to pony, unafraid and cocky. “Now then, old pony, it's yours and rest of your group’s turn.” From the wagon, came a shout. “Hold it!” Nami suddenly flew out and floated just outside the carriage. She had a business expression on like she was about to do business. “We have nothing to do with these guys or their guild,” Nami clarified. “We were just hired to bring them home, which, seeing how close we are, we have.” “Really?” Zard questioned suspiciously. Gracefully, Nami gave a twirl. “See,” she said calmly, “no Fairy Tail guild mark.” Zard looked generally surprised. He then began to look at each of the ponies. After a brief moment, the orc conceded. “Very well,” he admitted, “but you still were associating with-” “We are only doing a job,” Nami stated firmly. “One that we have been paid for, so you can do whatever you want.” All the ponies looked to the orange-mane Pegasus curiously. The whole reason she and her crewmates were out here was to be paid; they had not offered a single coin to them yet. The group started to believe that the Pegasus had something in mind with all this. “V-Very well,” Zard said relenting his earlier notion. Then, Zard’s tribal-looking orc subordinate stepped forward. “Zard, the Master still needs as many mage ponies as we can find for his experiments,” he stated informatively. “None of us are mages,” Nami quickly added to their account. “We are ponies from outside the Earthland Archipelago, merchants from Water 7.” “Even the unicorn?” questioned the same orc, pointing to Twilight. Nami quickly deterred, “She can only use telekinesis, like any unicorn.” “That’s not worth much,” admitted the sunglasses-wearing orc. Zard nodded in agreement. “That," he said, "and her horn is broken, now that I see her. Practically worthless." While relief was what many in the Straw Hat crew felt in seeing that Nami's trickery worked, Twilight Sparkle appeared visibly hurt by the comment. She began to once again scratch her head near her horn as feelings of frustration and disappoint filled her mind. The unicorn could only take comfort in that her current state had sparred her from the same fate as their friends; a fact that was not very comforting. And unfortunately, they still had to bear the sight of their new friends being dragged away degradingly. None of them moved to do anything, the vigilant eyes of Zard and his sidekicks on them with suspicion and caution. The orcs soon left along with their captives heading towards the tower. And now, our group of pirates stood alone. “Geez, that was scary,” Fluttershy said shakily. Flying over to Nami, Rainbow Dash asked rudely, “So, why the hay did we not join that fight?! We could have totally helped them out.” And Nami answered, “Well, for one thing, they clearly had it handled until that Zard pig and his friends did their spell.” “That was fascinating,” Twilight admitted with intrigue, ceasing her scratching at the same time. “Orcs are incapable of creating magic, so I wonder how they were able to do those fire spells and ‘dispel magic’ spell.” “And second,” Nami continued, “we’d be of no help to them if we were taken with them.” Chopper gasped in realization. “Oh, I see! So that’s why you said all that earlier. I thought for a second you had been affected by magic.” “So, what do we do next?” Spike asked curiously. “I don’t know,” Nami stated to everyone’s surprise. She then turned to Twilight, smiling. “That’s up to our First-Mate to decide.” Twilight’s eyes widen with surprise. “Me?” “Luffy named you as First-Mate,” Nami stated, “which means in his absence you’re the next pony to go to for decisions.” “But wouldn’t you-” Nami interrupted, “I know what Luffy and what most of us would do, but you’re in charge here. Luffy trusted you to make decisions in his place because he trusts you. I know we haven’t sailed long together, but I trust you as well. And so does everyone else in the crew. So whatever choice you make, we’ll stand by you.” Once again today, Twilight was at a loss of words. She did not feel prepared for this, but she had accepted the position regardless. What they did next depended on her; do they cut their losses and return to the Sunny, or do they help their new friends and get caught up in some big fight again. And fortunately, she knew the answer to that in a heartbeat. And thus, Twilight Sparkle began to form a plan. “Okay, firstly, we need to find Zoro and Erza,” Twilight stated calmly. “No problem!” Rainbow Dash declared confidently. “I’ll just fly around and-” “No, Rainbow,” Twilight said quickly. “I need you to tell Luffy and the others what’s happened here, and then request their aide as soon as possible.” Twilight then turned to the others. “We’ll search for those two.” “Right,” said the others in ready agreement. Rainbow Dash smiled in understanding. “Gotcha!” she said, “Then I’ll be back before you can say ‘Rainbow Dash is the best flyer in all the world’!” Immediately, Rainbow Dash flew forth like a bullet. Her rainbow trail was all that was left of her presence as she flew far and fast towards the port. “Alright everyone,” Twilight said to the group confidently. “Let’s go find our friends, and then, save our new ones.” “Aye-aye!” responded the group with Funkfreed trumpeting eagerly. TO BE CONTINUED > Episode 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Terror of the Tower Who is the Master over Twilight Orc? In the forests near Magnolia, two ponies were trying to figure their way out. Erza Scarlet and Roronoa Zoro had been wondering for a short time with no hint of where they were heading. Erza had thought that she knew the way, but somehow, they never seem to get where they needed. She had then let Zoro lead, believing – foolishly – that he would be able to find their friends or the town itself. They had not seen either, and Erza was now becoming wholly unfamiliar with the forest now. Becoming frustrated with their predicament, Erza began nearly to pull her hair. “What is the matter with us today?!” she proclaimed annoyedly. Zoro only shrugged. “The forest keeps changing on us,” he stated assuredly. Erza nearly fell again with disbelief over what the pony had said. She was beginning to think that the “cursed sword” did not refer to the sword but its master instead. Meanwhile, in another part of the same forest, a group of ponies was looking for the two previous ponies. Unfortunately, for obvious reasons, they were not having much luck in finding them. Nearly all the group was searching. “Zoro!” “Erza!” “Mr. Roronoa.” Spike looked up. “You gotta yell louder than that, Fluttershy,” he stated. “Oh, um,” Fluttershy said nervously, having a sword (Funkfreed) hanging off her hip. She then tried once again to shout. “Ms. Scarlet,” she spoke out softly. Groaning, Spike continued with the search with everyone. “Erza Scarlet!” Nami soon fluttered down from above the trees. “I can’t see much from in the sky. This forest is too dense,” said the Pegasus. She then let out a groan in annoyance. “Why is it that whenever he’s needed, that directionally challenged idiot isn’t around.” “Zoro!” hollered Chopper again. Like everyone else, Spike was about to shout as well; except, he stopped before doing so. He had noticed some pony among their group not calling out for their friends. “Twilight?” Spike took a temporary stop from searching for their friends to look for his big sister figure. He veered off from the group as he attempted to recall when and where he had last seen the purple unicorn. First, the little dragon began to look around, not wanting to draw the attention of the others from their search. But as his friends began to drift further away, he began to worry if Twilight had gotten lost as well. Then, he saw a flash of purple over by a tree, which got his hopes up immensely. He quickly rushed over to where he saw the light and looked behind the tree. Twilight Sparkle was here sitting behind the tree, but she seemed utterly focused on a task, her mumblings being any indicator. “Alright, almost…” “Twi?” spoke Spike curiously. Twilight Sparkle let out a squeak and jumped up with shock. When she turned around to see the baby dragon, she began to calm down but was a little hysterical. “Spike?! Don’t do that! I could’ve lost my focus and hurt myself.” Not appearing worried, Spike instead asked a question. “What were you doing over here?” Now completely calm, Twilight answered. “I was trying to attempt magic…” “But your horn!” Spike shouted out instantly with worry. However, Twilight continued. “…Fiore style.” Spike calmed down immediately upon hearing the unicorn. “Oh,” he said embarrassed. “Hey!” Having been drawn by the shout, Nami and the others joined the two, all appearing confused. Once they all reached their friends, Nami then spoke again, “What are you guys doing? Zoro’s not gonna find himself, in any way that’ll help us find him!” “Sorry, it was my fault,” Twilight confessed. “I wanted to attempt magic the same way Fairy Tail and everyone on this island does.” Fluttershy gasped with surprise. “You mean, without using your horn?” “Yeah,” Twilight said bashfully. “I know it’s important to find our friends, but not being able to use magic…” “Yeah?” said Nami confused. “…it’s been frustrating,” Twilight finally admitted ashamedly, beginning to scratch her head near her broken horn before sitting. She then continued speaking with a sad tone, “I haven’t felt like much like myself because of my broken horn, and I just feel like I’m holding everyone back because of it.” “Oh, Twilight,” “Twilight,” Fluttershy and Chopper said sympathetically. Spike was also feeling sensitive to his big sister figure’s pain. For whatever reason, he then looked over to Nami; perhaps curious as to what the mare was feeling. To his great surprise, the baby dragon saw the Pegasus smiling, but kindly almost familiarly. He then watched as she trotted up to Twilight, to her surprise, and sat next to her. “I understand,” Nami said contently. “I used to feel like that before when I couldn’t fly.” Everyone gasped with surprise, even Chopper. Nami explained, “My sister and I were adopted and raised by an Earth pony. Not exactly the most adapt race to teach flying, but she always tried. But then…” she then began to drift off into silence. Her smile replaced with a frown as bad memories of her past began to stir. “I guess I just never tried after she was killed and I joined up with Arlong.” “But,” Twilight spoke confused, “you fly now?” Instantly, Nami began to smile as happier memories surfaced over the bad ones. “But not when I first met Luffy, and he didn’t care, He still wanted me to be his navigator even after knowing that.” The orange-mane Pegasus then stood up. “What I’m trying to say is, Twilight, your brother doesn’t care if you can or can’t use magic. He has complete faith in you, and so do I. All of us do.” “Yeah!” piped up the others supportively cheerful. Twilight Sparkle looked surprised at her fellow mare friend. The confidence and hope she was giving – both hers, their friends, and even from Luffy via Nami’s speech – was inspiring. And here she was feeling sorry for herself; she knew this had to change. Thus, Twilight Sparkle stood back up. She then ceased her habitual scratching as newfound determination grew within her. From her head, she now placed her hoof forward and closed her eyes as she began to focus. No longer feeling held back by doubt and old beliefs, she started to will her magical power to her hoof to cast a spell. She then opened her eyes, revealing no hint of hesitation. And her magic reacted accordingly; the magic began to form into a ball from her hoof. Twilight instantly smiled with joy. “You did!” cheered Spike. Smiling proudly, Nami then asked, “So, what spell is that?” Twilight replied confidently, “One that’ll find our friends.” Returning to Hargeon, a commotion was still going on within the city, but not the same one from earlier. The sounds of clanking steel, fiery explosions, and roaring battle cries no longer echoed through the streets. The primary source, the orcs, now lied defeated, beaten, and tied up in chains. Even their leader and his group of prominent-looking orcs were among them and unconscious. Replacing all of this were cheers and celebration now being held by the once scared towns-ponies. And at the center of it all was Luffy, his crew, and Team Natsu. “Thank you! Thank you for defeating those goons from Twilight Orc!” Among the towns-ponies was the mayor, who immediately offered any reward for their heroes. Without any forethought, Luffy asked for food which then became a feast to be held in their honor. While the group was cool with this notion, they had decided to excuse themselves from the celebration for a moment. All of the pirates and Team Natsu rushed down to the docks to aide if possible the fight the believed was occurring there. Once they reached there, however, they found any notion of fear or worry disappearing instantly upon arrival. Orcs had come down to the docks to attack their ship as well as their two crewmates left there to watch over it, but they were quickly defeated. Applejack and Franky stood unharmed among the bodies of unconscious monsters, grinning proudly at their achievement. They had even beaten the two slightly noteworthy orcs, one being a kung-fu fighter (Kai) and the other using crystal rocks to produce glowing fists that could shatter steal (Fryar). In seeing the group, Applejack waved to them. “Hiya everyone, what brings y’all back here?” The group explained what had gone on in town. Neither Franky nor Applejack were too surprised to hear that these orcs were part of a bigger horde terrorizing the city. Both were thrilled to hear that they were being invited to a banquet in their honor for defeating these monsters. Once they had “hog”-tied the troop, they joined the group to head into town to celebrate. But before they could travel far from the Thousand Sunny, the group began to hear something. It was faint, at first, but steadily growing louder by the second. “GUYS!” Everyone looked up as soon as they recognized the voice. “Rainbow Dash?” spoke Rarity confused. The rainbow Pegasus hurriedly flew down to the group and immediately began explaining why she was here. She told them about how a horde of orcs practically ambushed their group, how they seem to be able to use magic, and that they captured their Fairy Tail friends and were taking them for experiments. Natsu instantly became angry at this news but was stopped from going off on his own by Lucy and then Rainbow Dash herself as she had more to tell. She then added that her group had been able to trick the orcs from capturing them and that they were currently making plans to rescue the guild. No one from the Straw Hat crew was surprised to hear that fact; in fact, Luffy was grinning proudly. Now, they had to figure out what they were going to do next. “You’re really going to help us?” asked Lucy expectantly. “Sure,” Luffy chirped. “What kind of friends would we be if we left our new friends in trouble.” “Awesome,” said Natsu eagerly. “Aye, sir!” cheered out Happy overjoyed. Sanji the spoke up with a concern. “Since we’re doing this, we should gather some info about what exactly is going on at this tower.” “I agree,” Robin said nodding. She then turned her head to eye the captured orcs nearby. “Fortunately, we have ‘new friends’ to help us.” Seeing where the pony was going with her suggestion, Franky began to grin. “So,” he said before cracking his knuckles intimidatingly, “what should we do to get them to talk?” “Interrogation,” suggested Robin coolly. “A beating,” suggested Natsu enthusiastically, his hooves on fire. “Torture!” suggested Pinkie Pie energetically, holding up two large feathers. Lucy and Usopp were flabbergasted. “You guys are way too vicious!” they shouted in unison. “Quite right,” Rarity said calmly in agreement. The unicorn then began to touch up her make-up, much to everyone’s confusion. When she finished, she told the group proudly, “Why not simply ask them.” Everyone then watched as the white unicorn approached the orcs. Rarity immediately went towards the two prominent orcs of the group and moved towards the bald orc as he began to awaken. “Wha… What happened…” The orc, Fryar, interrupted himself as he noticed his constraints. He then immediately roared out in anger, “What is the meaning of this?! Who dares-” “Well, good morning, Handsome.” Fryar stopped his struggle when he heard Rarity speak to him in an intrigued manner. The orc immediately looked at the pony and became instantly smitten by her. As he now lay drooling dumbly at her sight, the white unicorn proceeded as expected. “Tell me, you rugged boar you, could tell me about your base of operations? I believe it lies somewhere near Magnolia, am I correct?” “Yes! It’s…” As Fryar began to speak, almost vigorously, he soon realized what was occurring over him. He immediately began to resist. “No!” he shouted desperately. “I will not be swayed by you! I have sworn to abstinence by the Brotherhood of the Holy Swine, and I shall resist you!” Rarity began to appear downtrodden. “I am only trying to have a conversation with you. I mean you no disrespect.” At the sight of the sad but beautiful pony, Fryar immediately relented. “O-Oh! If that is all you wanted,” he said kindly. Acting as if she had been cheered up, Rarity continued her ploy. “So, about your base…” Fryar blissfully began to explain, “Oh, yes. Well, it is a very tall tower we built a few years ago to house our Master as he performed experiments on the inhabitants of this country for the Black Empire.” The Straw Hat crew inhaled deeply at the name “Black Empire.” They had not thought that all this trouble would connect back to that malicious empire, but honestly, that was wishful thinking on their part. “Experiments?” questioned Rarity faux innocently. “That sounds very important.” “Yes, it is, my dear. My master is attempting to harness these ponies’ unique magic to become a weapon for us non-magical beings to use. Sucking them dry of every ounce. Then, by using some naturally occurring rock called ‘lacrima,’ we can take that pony’s magic and make it ours to command.” “What?!” yelped Lucy with shock. Curious, Franky pulled out the two crystals he had confiscated from the said orc. “So that’s what these are,” he commented aloud. “Astonishing,” Robin commented as she looked at the same crystals. Fryar continued to talk. “You see, me and my horde, we-” Rarity quickly interrupted. “Oh, that will be all, darling,” she stated pleasantly. “Wh-What?” asked the orc confused. Turning away, Rarity began to walk back to her crew. “We are done here,” she stated assuredly. Still baffled, Fryar called out. “H-Hold on a minute!” He had failed to see the other pony walking up next to him, the navy blue Earth pony smoking. Sanji stated firmly, “She said she’s done.” He then gave a swift and powerful kick into the orc’s face, knocking him out instantly. Back with the group, Lucy was beginning to worry. “So, in that tower, our friends are about to be robbed of their magic! This is like the whole Edolas trip! Only this time, they might actually suffer!” Natsu immediately stepped forward. “Not if we can help it,” he stated determinedly. “Aye, sir!” cheered out Happy. Rainbow Dash spoke up, “So, I’m heading back to tell the others your coming. That cool?” “Sounds good to me!” Luffy said confidently. Swiftly, Rainbow Dash took off to find the others to give the others the news. As her rainbow trail began to fade, Luffy’s group began deciding on what action to take next. To rush to Magnolia on hoof would take too long and exhaust them at the same time. While Franky could build another carriage with an engine, it would take too long to find the right parts to make the engine. Lucy suggested taking the train, but with so many of them traveling, lack of funds, and not knowing when the train would arrive hindered any hope. Then, Happy had a suggestion. “Why not travel up the river?” For a moment, everyone was surprised by the suggestion. “Hey! Not a bad idea, Furball,” complimented Franky approvingly. Happy suddenly began glaring at the cyborg with an uncannily cheerful expression. “My name is Happy,” he stated evenly. “The Sunny’s got just the thing to help her travel up river,” Franky said, both waving the group to the ship and ignoring the cat’s comment. Which, surprisingly, Happy quickly forgot as well. “Aye, sir!” he cheered as he followed after the Minotaur. Luffy, Usopp, and Pinkie Pie were the first to follow being excited to see what Franky had in store. The others soon followed after and were also curious about what their newest crewmate had planned for their travel. Regardless, if it was one of Franky’s inventions, they knew it would get the job done. Now, we return to Magnolia. In its heyday, it was a thriving city full of life and laughter with friendly town ponies. Nowadays, unfortunately, it looked like a ghost town. That is what the members of Fairy Tail saw as they were lead through the dark streets. None of them could believe that this was once their home; how seven years could change a place. Though, they all had a strong feeling that their captors had something to do with the state of the city. The orcs kept herding them through the town until they eventually left it. They were now heading for the tower, where the giant glowing eye was once again activated and searching around. Oddly, it appeared to be looking out at a much farther distance away than from where they had been earlier. It was, however, the least of their concerns. As they approached, the tall building, they could see large gates begin to open for them. All of them but on a brave face, but none of them knew what to expect once they went inside. Meanwhile, Zard and his posse had already gone ahead of their group. They were inside now and climbing a spiraling staircase of stone. Having gotten a head start, it was only moments before they reached a door. Zard opened it, and the three orcs walked into the chamber. All three then got into formation – Zard as lead with both cronies on either side – and kneeled and bowed. “Master,” Zard spoke respectfully, “we the ponies.” First, a laugh echoed through the chamber, “Shulolololo!” The room then began to become haze and dark. Lights from various machines continued to blink and flash within the room. On tables nearby, chemicals within glass tubes, flasks, or bottles glowed dimly in the darkened room. Crystals too were dully shining on the same tables. Then, through the haze, a thick stream of gas began swirling and moving around in a snakelike manner. It floated through the room until it stopped in front of the orcs. With the light from the staircase dimly shining into the room, it revealed a gas creature with a sinister ghostly face. “Shulololo,” chuckled the gaseous specter intrigued again. “Tell me, Zard, who are these ponies whom my All-Seeing Eye spell spied upon.” “They all carry the mark of that rebellious guild, Fairy Tail.” Now, the specter appeared even more intrigued. “That guild, huh? They shall be my newest subjects for the extraction process.” “Yes, Master.” “Shulolololo!” laughed out the ghostly Master excitedly. “To think a treasure trove of magic would just walk up to my doorstep like this! Their magic within my crystals will be the talk of the Emperor and the whole Black Empire!” “Of course, Master.” “Hurry, you swine!” commanded the specter suddenly and urgently. “Warm up the extractor! Gather the lacrima! And ready those ponies!” “At once, Master Caesar Clown,” Zard stated readily. Quickly, Zard and his companions took off down the stairs. Once gone, the ghastly ghost creature began to laugh with joy. “Yes! Soon, I will be hailed as the greatest wizard of all time! Shulolololo!” TO BE CONTINUED… > Episode 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strike Back! Go and Rescue Fairy Tail, Everyone! In the tower, the orcs were dragging the Fairy Tail group into a large room. This chamber was exceptionally spacious but had half of the room blocked off by a large red curtain. The ponies and Exceed had not much to look around as the orcs hurried them forward. Once at the wall, the pig monsters took their chains and connected them to the wall. They also added another cuff, this one placed around their necks. Some tried to fight at this point, but with their magic sealed the orcs had the numbers to restrain them. The rebelling ponies were locked up, and finally, the Exceed placed in a cage. The Earth pony Elfman began to shout, “This ain’t Man!” Charles glanced at the pony deadpan. “What does that even mean?” Makarov let out a shout, “What is the meaning of this?! What are we doing here?!” No orc answered, and it greatly frustrated Fairy Tail. While they all glared at their captors, the sound of the doors opening drew their attention. They immediately saw Zard enter with his two companions behind him. A few of the orcs swiftly went over to the scholar-like orc, and they spoke quietly in a group. All of Fairy Tail quickly grew suspicious of what their orcish caretakers were conversing over. Moments later, the orcs finished, and Zard approached the group. “Welcome, gentle stallions and mares,” Zard greeted gentlemanly. “Our master is quite impressed by the magic you possess, so he has requested that we immediately begin with the extraction.” “E-Extraction?!” shouted Levy in horror. “Yes.” Zard then added, “And its as painful as it sounds too.” All of Fairy Tail frowned with many of them putting on a brave face. They would not cower before pain; many of them knew of such already. The orc was impressed with the group, but it did little to deter him from his objective. He walked away from the group to a table and picked up a crystal orb. Zard then asked the ponies, “Do you think any of you would be kind enough to tell us what your magic is so we can get straight to the extracting?” No pony or Exceed spoke. The orc leader sighed. “Worth a shot,” he said. He then walked back to the group carrying the orb he picked up off the table. As the pig monster walked, he crushed a crystal in one hand over the orb in his other. The resulting powder fell upon the sphere. It then instantly activated first glowing with magic before erupting into a flamelike eye; very similar to one that stood atop the tower. “I guess we’ll just have to identify them the intrusive way.” Meanwhile, outside, a group of ponies was rushing through Magnolia City. The ball of magenta light, which Twilight Sparkle had created, was flying fast in front of them; leading their way. Somehow conscious of its environment, the orb made turns along the roads laid throughout the town. It made it easy for the group ponies, baby dragon, and reindeer to follow. None paid any mind to their surroundings as they already knew how dreadful the town appeared. They would deal with the cause for this dilapidation once they found their friends. “How much closer, Twi?” asked Nami, galloping behind said unicorn. Twilight Sparkle did not answer immediately. She stared at the flying magic ball she created as if waiting for something to happen. Then, the sphere of magic glowed brighter than before making Twilight smile. “We’re getting close,” she finally said. “Yay,” cheered Fluttershy softly, also galloping behind Twilight. Riding on Chopper’s back, as he was in Walk point, Spike too cheered, “Let’s go!” “Yeah!” cheered Chopper. The group picked up their speed and chased after the orb. They would travel through the city quickly before finally realizing where the magic ball was taking them. For after a few minutes of galloping, the group was surprised to find themselves at the city limits; on the other side of the area. Now, everyone was looking at another forest and looking baffled. “Are you telling me that idiot somehow wound up on the other side of the city?!” Nami nearly shouted irritably. As the purple sphere was still moving, and now also glowing brighter, Twilight urged her friends to continue. “Come on, they’re this way,” she then went after the orb. No one hesitated to follow. The forest was dark, but the glowing of purple magic from the floating orb shined through like a beacon. The group traveled fast between trees, around the brush, and through the grass with urgency. Each step taken the ball of purple magic seem to glow brighter. It was becoming clear they were nearing their friends. Then, just as the magic looked to be at its most brilliant, it went out. Everyone gasped with shock and despair; yet, when they entered the clearing in which the magic had vanished in, they immediately found themselves even more shocked. Standing before the group was the ones they had been searching for; Erza Scarlet and Roronoa Zoro. While the scarlet mare stood in the middle of the small field looking a the black stallion at the edge of the area, looking around confused. But, when they heard the noise, they both looked over to the group. “Oh! First-Mate Twilight and crew,” Erza said surprised. “We finally found you!” cried out Chopper with joy. Twilight breathed out in relief. “That’s good,” she said, “I didn’t think I used enough magic to make the Find-Me spell work.” “Way to go, Twi!” Spike congratulated including a thumb up. Nami commented towards the mare, “Anything is possible with this crew.” Zoro soon joined with Erza, looking annoyed. “About time you guys showed yourself. Been looking for you for most of the day now.” Immediately, Nami and Chopper – switching into Heavy Point – bashed the top of stallion’s head with their hoof-fist combo. They both then yelled together, “You’re The Ones Lost, Idiot!” “You were lost!” shouted Erza madly. Stubbornly, Zoro refused to admit he was or had gotten them lost. Once Zoro had been appropriately punished, the group began to explain what had happened in their absence. About how a horde of orcs ambushed them, took the Fairy Tail mages, and the state of the city of Magnolia. Twilight also added that the orcs seemed particularly interested in the mages for something; unfortunately, she did not know. Erza was shocked to hear it all at first. Twilight then immediately told her that they were going to help rescue her guild and that they had already sent Rainbow Dash to inform her other guild members and their crew of the situation. Erza smiled after hearing everything. “Thank you, friends,” she told the group. “It’s no problem,” Twilight said confidently. “We never leave our friends behind.” “Well said,” Erza said, nodding with approval. “Our guild would never as well, which should mean that we can call upon their aid as well to rescue everyone.” “Um, no offense,” spoke Spike concernedly. “Those guys from Twilight Orc made it sound like that the Fairy Tail here isn’t…well…any good.” Glaring viciously, Erza asked, “What are you insinuating?” Instantly, Spike ran behind Twilight to hide. The others except Zoro were also taken by shocked by the malicious intent the unicorn was giving off. They all followed Spike’s lead and began to hide behind Twilight, who was only barely keeping calm. “I don’t know what has happened in the last 7 years,” Erza told everyone even but anger, “but Fairy Tail isn’t a guild to trifle with.” Zoro calmly spoke, “Let’s just go find them then.” His words quickly defused the tension in the area, even calming Erza down. Now, with everyone’s direct attention, the stallion continued with his suggestion. “Until our crew and your friends arrive, we should gather our strength and numbers, and plan our attack. If we wait, it may be too late.” “I agree,” said Twilight. Before anyone else could make a statement, they all soon heard a call. “Hey! Guys!” Everyone looked up, and swiftly flying into view was none other than Rainbow Dash. The pirates hollered and waved to the Pegasus as she spotted and then joined the group on the ground. She then told them the good news. “Looks like back at the port they had a run-in with some more of those guys from Twilight Orc, but they easily thrashed them. They’re coming up as we speak to help!” Everyone let out a cheer; everything was starting to come together. Now, the group only had to find Fairy Tail to begin the rescue. With Rainbow Dash joining them, they set out to head back into town. As they did, Erza quickly apologized to the group, Spike in particular, for her earlier behavior. She understood it was not them speaking ill of her guild, but no pony from her guild would let an insult to their guild slide so lightly. The group followed, more or less. They all then traveled from the clearing, following Nami’s direction, to head back to town. Erza mentioned that their guild hall was located just west of their location, once she was adequately informed. Quickly, the group rushed through the forest so that they may gather their forces and strike back at Twilight Orc. But then, only a moment later, the group found themselves in another clearing. They were all confused as they had not noticed this area before. It was a stark difference as it also had within the open space was a small building. Erza was shocked that neither she nor Zoro had come across it during their wandering. And lucky for them, there was a path in front of the building to lead them to the city. As they were about to take it, one of their group noticed something on the building. “Um, isn’t that the Fairy Tail symbol?” questioned Fluttershy curiously. The ponies and reindeer stopped. Everyone looked up, and Erza let out a gasp in surprise. The pink mane Pegasus had been correct in her assumption. The building was indeed waving a flag with the same symbol as on Erza’s left foreleg. “What?” Erza said confused. “Hey,” Nami said optimistically. “We found your guild.” “But this isn’t our building.” Curious now, Erza turned entirely around and approached the swing doors. She carefully and slowly pushed forward through. The inside of the building appeared spacious though small, and it looked a mess. There did not seem to be any pony around, but the battle mage’s sixth sense told her otherwise. Before she could call out, she instantly spotted some Earth pony peeking out from behind the backdoor. The pony looked fairly middle-aged with a slicked back dark blue mane, a white coat, and a blue mustache. But despite all these discerning features, Erza could still recognize the stallion. “Macao…” The stallion also recognized the mare. “Erza?” he questioned at first. As he stepped out from behind the wall, he could see the unicorn in full, and his jaw near physically hit the ground at her sight. He then cried out in sheer joy, “Erza Scarlet!” As the others of Erza’s group entered, with Chopper changing to Brain Point, they were surprised when they saw a crowd of ponies rush out of the backroom of the building. They watched as they all gathered around Erza expressing a wide range of happy emotions mixed with tears. Unfortunately, there were not as many as they had initially expected. They also noticed that many of the ponies looked slightly undernourished and pale. It was concerning. “Everyone, it’s wonderful to see you all again,” Erza said to her guild happily. She then became concerned as she asked them, “But where is everyone else?” The Fairy Tail guildmates fell silent. Their happiness changed into sadness and depression. Macao began to explain to Erza what had happened to Fairy Tail during their absence. While some good had happened – the marriage of two of their own as well as the subsequent birth of their child – a lot of bad had also befallen their guild. Money had gotten tough, many of their members left, and worst of all, Twilight Orc had taken over the area a short time ago. “…and we tried to repeal them, but they were just too strong for us,” Macao stated ashamedly, a feeling shared among the others of the guild. Erza frowned pityingly. “Macao…” “And worst, they started rounding everypony up for experiments,” Macao added scornfully. Now, Erza and her search group were surprised. They all, after Erza quickly introduced them, asked the pony what he had meant by “experiment.” The answer Macao gave them was not a pleasant one, for him or the group. “The master of that evil tower has been using a machine to take the magic from a pony and make lacrima out of it.” “Lacrima?” asked Twilight. Erza quickly explained, “Lacrima are magic crystals found here that can be imbued with magic.” “Oh, fascinating,” Twilight stated with delight. “Not if it means all our friends lose their magic,” Fluttershy stated worriedly. Macao explained, “You’ll recover your magic, but the process is excoriatingly painful. We should know…” “That explains your appearance,” Chopper commented aloud. “Having magic forcefully taken like that damages the body.” Chopper immediately began to check over the group, much to their surprise. As they did, Erza and Twilight started to explain to the group the situation. One part to inform them and to lift their spirits to help rescue their friends. Firstly, they told the others that the rest of their guild was alive as well, but Twilight Orc had captured most of them. The other three – Natsu, Lucy, and Happy – had been left behind but were probably on their way with the rest of their crew. The news that the others were still alive had brought joy to these Fairy Tail guildmates, but none seemed invigorated to take action. Seeing the group's lack of enthusiasm worriedTwilight's group greatly. Erza was especially concerned. “I’m sorry, Erza,” Macao stated ashamedly. “Fairy Tail hasn’t been the same since all of you disappeared.” Another pony, another Earth pony named Wakaba, also spoke, “Sure, back during that whole Phantom Lord fight, we had the power and the gumption, but nowadays we barely even count as a guild anymore.” Erza was appalled. “And you’re going to just leave your friends to the wolves! Is that what Fairy Tail stands for now!” All of Fairy Tail went silent. Every pony had their head down, ashamed, as they let their guildmate’s words sink. They could never reply to such a statement. Seven years ago, not one of them would hesitate, but things were different now. There was not a thing they could do. They were hopeless. “You know,” Twilight said calmly, “it wasn’t long ago that my friends and I were in a situation like yours.” Seeing that she had every pony’s attention, Twilight continued speaking. “We are from Equestria, so we weren’t used to fighting, especially not against such mighty foes. It nearly scared me so much that I nearly abandoned my brother and his crew, our friends.” “What did you do?” asked the young colt, Romeo. Twilight began to smile. “We returned to their side. To fight against a cruel authority that was hurting our friend.” “We whopped their flanks,” Rainbow Dash stated victoriously. “And we won,” Spike added smugly. After touching her sword’s hilt, Fluttershy too smiled. “And made some new friends too,” she added delightfully. “We are going to help Erza rescue the rest of your friends,” Twilight stated confidently before the group. “Because, as Straw Hat pirates, nothing is more valuable to us than our friends.” Zoro, Nami, and Chopper smiled hearing this. While Chopper was just happy for his fellow crewmate, both Zoro and Nami knew a little more. And both were proud by how their first-mate was coming along. Looking out at the group, they could see too that they as well were feeling far more invigorated than before. Even Erza was looking proud of Twilight’s speech. “So, come on, everypony!” Twilight said upliftingly. “You’re friends are waiting to be reunited with you all!” “Yeah!” shouted Romeo confidently. “Natsu and everyone are finally back! We can’t just abandon them now after waiting so long.” Macao then stamped his hoof as he grinned with nervous determination. “They’re right, everypony,” he said, “Let’s go get our friends back!” A roar of cheers filled the building. All member of this current-Fairy Tail guild had found their will and spirit to fight again, thanks to Twilight Sparkle. Forgetting Chopper’s examination, the group began to march out of the building in arms; armed with magic. Erza, Twilight, and everyone took up the lead heading straight for town. Meanwhile, inside the tower, Zard was finishing with the examination. He was currently at Wendy, who had the orb’s light shining upon her. While not affecting physically, the young mare looked extremely uncomfortable with the rays upon her. It was over soon enough, and the young Pegasus was relieved. Zard then took a moment to look at the crystal. The inside of it began to swirl like a whirlpool and then shape formed a shape. It was a dragon along with a symbol of the sky. “Oh, another one,” Zard said with intrigue. “This time being of the sky! What a collection of dragons we have here.” Immediately, the remaining Dragon Slayers – Gajeel, Laxus, and Wendy – began glaring the orc. Zard paid no mind to their stares. He began to walk over to the large curtain on the other side of the room. As he grabbed the curtain, the orc then began to smirk. “Now, we can start the real fun!” he said enthusiastically before pulling the curtain dramatically. Everyone watched with confusion and then in horror. Behind the curtain was a big machine with a large glass chamber sphere to its side. To its other side, close to the ponies, there was another one that was smaller but big enough to fit even an orc. Both glass cases had tubes attached to them which connected them to the machine. On the front of the device, there was a panel with many buttons and a few levers. And all of it looked sinister. “Let’s start with the little one, with the sky dragon magic,” Zard stated eagerly. The orcs began to move on Wendy, and all the Fairy Tail ponies attempted to stop them to no avail. BOOM! The whole room shook as an explosion occurred. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked towards the open door and the front gate on the other side. BOOM! Another explosion occurred, and the door shook. Immediately, Zard and many of the orcs moved to see what was going on outside. From atop of scaffold above the gate, Zard and his orcs peered down. “What?!” shouted Zard. Just outside the gates, the whole of the remaining of Fairy Tail was standing before them. Each of its members was showering the door with spells of their specialty. Sand, fire, smoke, wood, cannonballs, and even swords were crashing into the metal gate. And leading the group was, of course, Erza Scarlet, who was currently dressed in her Heaven’s Wheel Armor, floating a foot off the ground, and had swords circling behind her. Looking like a general, she threw her arm out toward the gate and gave out her command. “Fire!” Immediately, all of the mages in Fairy Tail launched their magic attacks. BOOM! Again, all of them hit the gates, damaging them further to the point that the doors were beginning to bend. Zard began to grind his teeth in aggravation. He quickly turned to his kindred, “Hurry! Activate the Anti-Magic crystals!” The orcs quickly got moving. Two orcs pulled two separate levers on both sides of the scaffold. Around the door and under the outcrop of the building, two large crystals began to glow and emit energy out towards the mages. Just as Fairy Tail sent out another wave of attacks, the waves of power hit them, and they disappeared or vanished instantly. Zard smirked as he watched this, feeling as though he and his horde were invincible to these magic-using ponies. “Horn Point!” “Let’s go, Funkfreed.” Zard witnessed as two creatures, one potentially a reindeer with big antlers and the other an elephant, charge towards the gate. Seeing how they were not with the group earlier, he assumed they were magic related transformations and could not wait to see them fail. But it never came; Horn Point Chopper and Funkfreed rushed through the emitting waves of anti-magic like it was nothing. They continued effortlessly forward until both rammed right into the doors, further damaging and bending them. “Wha!?!” screamed Zard and all the orcs in shock. While the orcs were in shock, none of them noticed a storm brewing above them. Thanks to Rainbow Dash’s cloud-gathering and Nami’s weather control via Perfect Clima-Tact, a massive storm cloud formed in mere seconds. Then, just as the pig monsters noticed the dark rain cloud and their crewmates retreating, both Pegasi attacked them. “Thunderbolt Tempo!” Massive amounts of lightning bolts struck down below. The two mares intended targets, the orcs, were instantly caught in the attack, squealing like the pigs there are. Along with them, much of the ground below them received the same electrical shock. It also happened to strike the two crystals emitting the magic-nullifying energy and utterly shattered them. With the magic-nullifying power dissipating, the mages of Fairy Tail cheered out and ready for another attack. However, Zoro stopped them. “We got this,” he stated, all three of his swords drawn. Erza too was joining the stallion. Using her magic, she changed out armors from the steely Heaven’s Wheel armor to the pink and fairylike Armadura Fairy armor. Along with two fairy themed sword, she prepared to attack along with Zoro, who was finishing his own personal shift in clothing by affixing his bandana over his head. As they approached the doors, the lightning strike now over, both swordsponies prepared for their attacks. “One Sword Style Sword Draw,” Zoro's magic aura holds onto the Wado Ichimonji's hilt. As she aimed her sword, her magic began to swell around the blade. “Fairy…” Erza announced determinedly. Zard amazingly recovered fast. As he propped himself along the edge of the scaffold, he looked down to see the two sword-wielding ponies preparing to strike. He immediately gulped nervously before saying, “Uh oh.” “Lion's Song!” “Burst!” Both sword wielders instantly attacked. Both their attacks hit the doors and instantly demolish it. The two doors – one in tack with a sizeable dent and the other in half – hurdle through the room inside the tower and crash into the walls. These attacks had hurt none of the orcs in the room, but all of them were frightened by the strength it took to tear down those doors. Zoro and Erza were now in the doorway, blocking the exit. Both looking as if they had not even gotten warmed up next, and that all of these orcs would be perfect for such a thing. Meanwhile, above them, Zard was beyond shocked. “Ehhhhhhhh!” TO BE CONTINUED… > Episode 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Success! The Fall of Twilight Orc Throughout Magnolia, houses and buildings were coming alive with light. Shadows passed by windows as many began to move within these domiciles. Doors began to open, and cautiously, ponies began to venture outside. What brought them out, after so long, was the sound of explosions and the low roar of many battle-cries echoing through the city landscape. Many were concerned and confused over the commotion, but this soon changed. By word of mouth, news spread like wildfire on the dry grassland through the town of the attack on Twilight Orc’s guild headquarters by none other than Fairy Tail. Most of the town ponies were baffled by this sudden turn of events, but when they also heard that Fairy Tail had the upper hoof against the orcs, they began to feel hope. “Fairy Tail is finally back!” cheered the ponies in the city rapturously. Meanwhile, at Twilight Orc tower, the battle had shifted. The once defensive orcs were now on the attack attempting to repel their invaders. The orcs stood little chance, however, as they battled the combined sword skills of the Straw Hat Pirates’ “Pirate Hunter” Roronoa Zoro and Fairy Tail’s “Titania” Erza Scarlet. Their numbers were nothing more than cannon fodder for these two as they blew them away with their attacks. The rest of Fairy Tail along with the Straw Hat Pirates here backed them up. As the orcs no longer seem to have the means to disable their magic, Fairy Tail was charging in magic blazing. Heavy hitters like Chopper, now in Heavy Point, and Funkfreed smashed and plowed through the armored orcs with ease. Fluttershy remained on top of her elephant friend, giving him direction. Rainbow Dash too was fighting off orcs with speedy attacks. All of that was what Zard saw through his crystal ball. The orc leader was utterly astounded by the scene. His perceptions of his and his guild’s superiority shattered by a small group of ponies. He could barely comprehend it. “What is going on?!” he shouted enraged. “How can this be happening?!” The sunglasses-wearing orc spoke with alarm, “What shall we do, Zard?” Before he could speak, Zard and the orcs began hearing a sound like ‘puru.’ It was coming from Zard, who immediately moved to grab it. From his cloak, he pulled out a small (Baby) Transponder Snail, and he answered it. “What is going on down there, you fools!” Imitating both voice and mannerisms of the creature on the other side of the line, it began shouting at the orcs — the voice belonging to none other than Caesar Clown. Zard replied nervously, “M-Master! We are being attacked by the local guild.” “So?!” said Caesar angrily. “Destroy them already!” “That’s proving difficult, Master,” Zard stated. “They appear to have help from some ponies from outside of the country.” “…” “Master?” “Quickly!” spoke Caesar suddenly, frightening the orc. “Gather all the lacrima crystals! Bring them up to my room, now!” “Um, what about the intruders?” asked Zard. “Stall them!” Then, the snail fell asleep. Zard put the snail away. “You heard him, Boars. All of you go deal with the intruders, and I shall go and get the crystals.” The orcs obeyed, and they all ran back into the tower. Zard did the same but went the opposite way, heading up the tower. As he traversed the stairs, he took a moment to look into his crystal ball again. The battle was still going on, but he now could see more of their guild joining in, contributing little in repelling their forceful intruders. He soon looked at their invaders, specifically the ones he did not and did recognize. After looking at all of them, he soon noticed something odd. “Weren’t there three others in their group?” Inside the extraction room, Fairy Tail and the remaining orcs could hear the sounds of battle. For the mage guild, it roused their spirits, and they began to attempt to free themselves to help. Unfortunately, the magic-nulling cuffs stopped them from being able to do more than struggle in their chains. It did help to make the few orcs in the room with them very nervous. None of them knew what was going on outside, but they knew they needed to defend the place and keep their prisoners under control. Nothing else would distract them. Except, they looked away once when the only door out suddenly slammed as if it had just closed. All the orcs and ponies looked at the door, utterly baffled by what had happened. It was Gray who then noticed something happening with one of the orcs. The keys that kept them locked began to float up; without the orc noticing at all. The keys then began to float over to him and his guild. Then, if that was not surprising enough, green fire suddenly erupted from the stone floor. It completely cut the orcs off from the ponies and amazed the group. Then, a familiar voice spoke from seemingly nowhere. “Sorry to keep you waiting. It took a while to plan everything and get used to casting like this...” Suddenly, before the guild, purple magic erupted between them and the fire in the same spot that the keys were floating at in standstill. Through the magic aura, outlines of translucent ponies and a dragon began to appear. Color soon began to fill their forms with two of them being purple – one pony and the dragon - and the other being yellow. Now standing before the mages were none other than Twilight Sparkle, Spike, and Nami, who was holding the keys. Twilight then continued with a smile, “But we’re here to rescue you!” Smiling with the rest of his group, Gray replied enthusiastically, “’Bout time.” Gray was the first to be released; in turn, he could create a copy of the key with his Ice-Make magic. Now, with more keys, the group could release everyone much faster. While the ponies released their friends, Spike kept the orcs at bay by providing more dragon fire to their barrier. After a moment, everyone captured was now free, and they were ready to fight. “The rest of your guild is outside this room, including Erza,” Nami told the group. She then smiled and winked towards them. “You better help them out!” “She’s right,” Makarov said readily. The old pony then shouted, “Everyone! To our friends!” In a mighty roar, all of the mage group charged forward. Spike instantly stopped his fire spraying and joined with Twilight and Nami to allow the ponies fight. They watched as the ponies leaped over the dying fire and attacked. The few orcs within the room quickly fell to their might which made the mages now turn to the door. Several of their members began charging their magical attacks and fired out without hesitation. The group’s combined attacks easily destroyed the door and the wall it was hinged to, leaving a large opening for them to exit through. They gave out another battle cry, and they once again charged forward. Cheers began to erupt in the next room only to be muffled by the sounds of the battle. Now, Twilight Sparkle, Nami, and Spike were left alone in the extraction room. None of them felt as if they needed to join the fight which gave Twilight the chance to look at the extractor machine. She became instantly fascinated by the device, but her intrigue quickly turned into concern and worry. “Whoever made this machine, clearly had no intention of making this process painless,” Twilight diagnosed concernedly. “That’s horrible,” Spike said appalled. “Good thing we got here before they could use it on any of our friends,” Nami stated optimistically. “Still,” Twilight said now becoming distressed, “the pony or creature that created this must be a genius because this machine is actually brilliant albeit evil.” “Well, regardless,” Nami stated, “we should probably destroy it.” “I mean, yeah,” Twilight said obviously. But she also began feeling conflicted. “But if we do that, we might lose out on a wealth of knowledge that could be used for the betterment of pony- and creature-kind!” “Um, Twi,” Spike said worriedly. Nami too was about to speak up, but she stopped when she heard a soft noise. Twilight and Spike stopped talking as well as they picked up on the sound. It was like whistling, and it was growing louder with each passing second. Then, BOOM! BOOM-BOOM! A part of the ceiling collapsed, making the group duck down. The large object then crashed into the machine. The group looked over at the device, shocked, as they peered through the smoke and dust to see what had destroyed it. It was three orcs, tied together and unconscious. And they had something painted on them, which they all recognized. It was their jolly roger; the symbol of the Straw Hat Pirates. “They’re here?!” shouted the group, utterly baffled. On the other side of Magnolia, the Thousand Sunny had arrived. It had two paddle wheels sticking out where the Soldier Dock System operated; another function revealed by Franky. Neither one was currently moving as the Sunny also had her two, lion paw shaped anchors drawn down to keep the ship from being sent back down the river. On deck, all the remaining Straw Hat Pirates and Team Natsu were operating three cannons Nearby, Robin had her hooves crossed and her eyes closed, and she was smiling. “Direct hit,” she told everyone with a smile. Next to her, Lucy and Happy cheered out, “Alright!” “Load more orcs!” Luffy shouted out demandingly. “Aye, sir!” replied other Straw Hats and Natsu readily. Also on deck, there was a pile of orcs; the same ones they had defeated back in Hargeon. All of them were tied together in groups of three, some awake but most unconscious. Sanji, Franky, and Natsu each grabbed one group and carried them over to the cannons. But before placing them inside the barrel, Usopp and Pinkie Pie swiftly painted up the orcs with their jolly roger and, at Natsu’s request, the Fairy Tail guild symbol. Once they finished, they were stuffed into the guns and aimed towards the tire. “Fire!” shouted Luffy excitedly. Applejack, Rarity, and Luffy lit the short fuse, and a second later, the cannons fired. The orcs sailed through the air in an arc; some even squealing with fright as they soared. The trip was not too long as the bundle of boars soon met their destination head on. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! All three “pork balls” struck the tower and further damaged its structure. The squealing of any pig ceased upon impact. At the same time, the ponies of Fairy Tail and the remaining crew members of the Straw Hat Pirates were hurriedly rushing out of the tower. Any orc attempting to join or stop them was swiftly dealt with and left inside the tower. As she galloped, a shout from Twilight quickly summarized the current situation. “The tower is collapsing!” Meanwhile, near the top of the crumbling tower, there remained but two beings left anywhere in the upper levels. It was Zard, who was hurriedly carrying a large sack up the spiraling stairs. He soon reached the top with more “pork balls” hitting the tower. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The orc stopped momentarily as the tower shook from the three strikes. Quickly realizing that time was running out, he rushes up the last few steps and bursts through the door in urgency. “Master!” he shouted immediately. “I have all the crystals!” “Good!” From the table, the creature known as Caesar Clown stepped forward. His gaseous form began to shift and change and give definition to something far more stable, the shape of a pony. As a pony, he stood nearly as tall as Zard with only some height given by his two extra curly horns sticking out from both sides of his head. His third horn, identifying him as a unicorn, was standard if only thinner than usual and curved up. All three sticking out of his black mane. Despite now fully formed, the stallion's body still appeared gaseous as his body looked partially like a cloud. As Caesar approached Zard, his piercing yellow eye gleamed with excitement as he saw the large bag. “Good work, Zard,” he said contently. Zard immediately put the bag down in front of his master and bent down to bow to the pony. “Master, we must leave. The tower will not stand for much longer,” he advised urgently. “Hmm, yes, it is time to leave,” Caesar said with a cruel smile. The unicorn’s horn then began to glow with magic; a dark and evil looking purple color aura. He then used his magic telekinesis to lift the bag and bring it over near to him. “Now that I have my samples,” he spoke before glancing over. His mage then brought over several scrolls and books that he then placed the bag. “And now my research, I have everything to bring back to the Emperor.” The orc stood back up and gestured to the door. “I’ll take the lead, Master Caesar. I’m sure there will be a few of my comrades around to-” “Oh, your services are no longer required, Zard,” Caesar bluntly said as he interrupted the orc. The leader of the orcs looked at the pony confused. “What?” “But, since you’ve been helping me for these past few months, I’ll give you a reward.” Caesar then raised his head with his unicorn horn pointing up. The whole ceiling began to creak and crack until it suddenly bursts. The entire roof had been obliterated by some unknown and unseen way, undoubtedly caused Caesar himself. Zard both marveled and feared the power shown. He then awed as he saw his former master ascend into the sky - without wings or propulsion - with the bag in tow. The orc leader was now in shock as he saw the unicorn sadistically smile and wave at him. “You can take the fall, leader of Twilight Orc! Shulololo!” BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Zard heard another set of strikes hit the tower, shaking it more violently than before. Immediately after, he could hear the whole tower begin to moan and creak as the structure no longer could support itself. CRACK! Zard gulped; the final support broke. He then suddenly felt weightless, but upon looking down, he saw that he had lost his ground. There was an immediate realization for the orc. The tower was collapsing. “Master!” Zard roared out helplessly, outstretching his arm in the hope of being saved. Caesar Clown, no longer interested, took off flying off towards the ocean. The top of the tower fell straight down as each floor crumbled away instantly after the other. The orcs inside at the bottom were entirely unconscious and unaware of their master’s betrayal and the building falling on them. Soon, the once towering and threatening structure disappeared into a dust cloud of its own making. Finally, there was nothing but silence in the area. All of Fairy Tail and the Straw Hat Pirates’ Away-Team had made it out safely before the collapse. They were protected by a large ice wall made by Gray to keep any dust or debris from inflicting damage upon them. As the dust settled, the group began to venture forth to check the area. They were unable to see much for a while, but Wendy’s Sky Dragon’s Roar spell swiftly blew the dust away. Before the group, now clear as day, they saw what remained of Twilight Orc’s tower; scraps of metal and broken wood. And among it all, the defeated members of Twilight Orc miraculously unharmed by it all but trapped. Zard himself was now hanging off a beam sticking out of the pile, utterly unconscious from the shock. Fairy Tail, and the Straw Hat Pirates, had won. “Wa-hoo!” TO BE CONTINUED... > Part 1 Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sailing off Again! The Next Adventure Awaits You, Straw Hat Pirates News spread fast through Magnolia; Fairy Tail had defeated Twilight Orc. The whole city rejoiced. The return of Fairy Tail’s missing members had sent the town in further joy. Without hesitation and as an appreciation for their job well done, Magnolia hosted a festival for the return and rise of Fairy Tail. Not only them but also for the brave sailors that returned their missing members and fought against Twilight Orc as well. The Straw Hat Pirates welcomed the celebration. The festival, officially dubbed the “Festival of Fairy Tail,” went into the night. During which, the returning Fairy Tail group made up for the lost time and reacquainted with their remaining members of Fairy Tail. Tears shed freely, laughter shared via jokes made at each other’s expense, and fights breaking out at every turn; it was as if the missing Fairy Tail members had never left. The leadership of the guild was soon returned to Makarov – very willingly by Macao – who was grateful to their members that remained true to their guild for so long. And so, another celebration was had for returning leadership; as if they needed any more of an excuse. Of course, it's not like the Straw Hat Pirates were missing any of the fun. They joined in any moment that allowed them; especially in fights. The duel argument with group Natsu and Sanji versus Gray and Zoro would go down in Fairy Tail history as one of the most pointless but also violent one to date. Despite such, these two groups – the Pirates and the Mages – bonded and formed a deep friendship. Stories, real and fiction, were shared between the two — tricks and stunts displayed to wow each other. And definitely, competitions were had left and right to see who was better. Only those with any sense chose to observe and enjoy. Some had their fun, however. "Would you care to dance, mademoiselle?" Sanji went about nearly asking every mare between the two groups. Most turned him down, and now he was on his last few remaining. He tried with the Fairy Tail member Juvia, who appeared flustered by the notion. "J-Juvia is..." said the mare befuddled. In her mind, Juvia had a scenario going on with the pony she loved, Gray, and now the newcomer Sanji. Her mind raced as scenes played out of the two stallions fighting for her affection. The young mare was nearly overtaken by how much she thought over it. Fortunately, a saving grace appeared. "Come on, ya fancy-speaking varmint," said Applejack cheerfully as she took hold of the stallion. "Don't just stand there like a statue. Let's dance!" While taken by surprise, Sanji graciously joined along with his crewmate. They two had much fun dancing, not realizing that a discerning eye was upon them. Mirajane, ever the romantic, saw the two ponies together and became inspired to continue pairing ponies up. She began with some of her guild picking out Gajeel and Levy, her brother and Evergreen, and even tried to get Natsu to dance with her little sister. The last of the pairs failed to work out as expected, but both had a fun time. She then moved on to their pirate friends, whom she could see some romance blossoming. She was quick to get both Chopper and Fluttershy together, both becoming embarrassed before losing themselves in the music and dance. The mage pony even tried to get Zoro to dance with Rainbow Dash, but the swordspony was too busy outdrinking everyone. She eventually felt her task done and soon joined the fun without concern for other relationships. "Come on, you idiot," Nami said as she pulled Luffy to an open spot. "I can't believe Twilight Sparkle is such a horrible dancer. I'm at least gonna show you how to dance properly." Despite the insult, Luffy only grinned and chuckle. "Sure!" he chirped. The “Festival of Fairy Tail” would last for three days, and would be joined by several more villages, towns, and cities around the area; Hargeon included. The other mage guilds, especially those with close ties to Fairy Tail, celebrated as well. Then, when the festival was over, everyone rested for an entire day. Fairy Tail was even given their building back as a gift from the city. But finally, it was time for the Straw Hat Pirates to part from Fairy Tail. The Thousand Sunny had remained docked in Magnolia’s river the whole time, but as normalcy returned to the city, it was proving to be problematic. Regardless, Luffy felt it was time to return to their adventure, but not before receiving a few things before leaving. Staring at a large pile of glowing white crystals, the excitable crew members Luffy, Spike, Usopp, Chopper, and Pinkie marveled the large collection as tall as Franky on deck. “Wow!” “I’m sure you would be quite interested in the lacrima, my dear,” spoke Makarov to Twilight charitably. “They have many uses which I’m sure you’ll be able to figure out.” Twilight smiled. “Thank you, Master Makarov,” she said happily. Suddenly becoming curious, Makarov followed with a question. “By the way, how is handling your magic now? Keeping her smile, Twilight began a demonstration by sticking out her hoof. It was pointed to a crate of supplies, another gift, and she started to use her magic. Unlike it had been just days ago, she showed little group focusing her magic through her hoof. Her purple magic aura soon engulfed the crate, and she levitated the box on to the Sunny. Once done, cheers were given out from her brother, Spike, and friends. Their calls made Twilight blush slightly but also made her happy, and her concentration never faltered. She then replied to the guild master confidently. “Well enough, sir!” Makarov instantly grinned. “Good for you!” The guild master of Fairy Tail was not the only member here; nearly all of Fairy Tail was present to bid their friends farewell. Some more personally than others. “Next time,” Erza spoke to Zoro confidently with a smile. “We’ll have to cross blades .” Zoro smiled at the prospect. Then, as a show of respect, he held up his hoof slight as a gesture. The sword-wielding mare understood and lightly tapped her hoof with his. The black unicorn then took his leave and walked back on deck. Nearby, Natsu was speaking with Luffy. Both had many of their friends around them. The Dragon Slayer pony asked insistently, “You sure you guys wouldn’t want to join Fairy Tail? It would be awesome having all of you around.” Luffy chuckled. “Nah, we’re good. But you guys could always join my crew? Sailing the seas with us.” Immediately, all three Dragon Slayers began feeling nauseous. Natsu replied, “No, I think we’ll stick to solid land for now.” “Speak for yourself,” Lucy said deadpanned. Everyone then shared a laugh, even the sickly Dragon Slayers though weakly. Then, once feeling better, Natsu pulled something out. It looked like a neckerchief, and it had Fairy Tail’s symbol on it. “Gramps wanted us to give you this,” the Fire Dragon Slayer said happily. “To show our appreciation and friendship with you all.” “Thanks!” Luffy cheerfully said, accepting the cloth. He then pulled out something himself; it was a long, rolled-up black fabric. He quickly stated, “Here’s ours!” “Awesome!” Natsu shouted eagerly. Once taking the cloth, Natsu unrolled it for him and all his guildmates to see. Upon completely unfurling it, the group looked unsatisfied. Given to them was a flag of the Straw Hat Pirates’ jolly roger; at least, they assumed it to be that. It looked somewhat like the crew’s flag except drawn by a child: a very untalented child. “T-Thanks,” said Gray politely though underwhelmed. “No Problem! I made it myself!" said Luffy optimistically. Usopp immediately apologized, “Sorry.” After the exchange, the Straw Hat Pirates took their leave. Everyone was on board, and everything accounted for, it was time to head out to sea. The lion paw anchors began to rise, and the paddles made to retract back inside the Thousand Sunny, replaced with two doors marked with a red “0.” Using the river’s natural current, the ship began sailing back down the river backward. And while they had said their goodbyes, many of the crew were now again telling them. Most of the Fairy Tail group, in turn, was doing the same as galloped alongside the big ship. Natsu and Wendy even had their Exceed carry them for a little bit to keep up. Eventually, the group reached as far as the town limits but continued still to wave to their pirate friends and vice versa. Moments later, neither one could see the other, and they returned to their lives as pirates of the sea and mages of the kingdom of Fiore. It would be an hour or so before the Straw Hat Pirates would see the open the ocean. Their traveling had been smooth and their exit unhindered. After exiting through the mouth of the river, the Thousand Sunny was positioned around to have its bow facing out towards the horizon. The sails immediately became unfurled, and the vessel began heading out to sea in earnest. There were no storms and no adversaries in view; the crew could relax a little for the moment. “I’m gonna miss those guys,” Rainbow Dash commented aloud. “Seeing all those ponies doing magic was the coolest.” “To think, if any of us were born here, we could be doing magic like Twily here,” Applejack said playfully with an added nudge to the mare. Twilight smiled with amusement for a moment, but her mind soon wondered from it over some concerns. “I wondered though what happened to all that lacrima that was supposed to be in the tower? And who Twilight Orc’s ‘Master’ was?” “Don’t sweat the small stuff, Magi-mare,” Franky said laidback. “Whoever it was, clearly didn’t want to mess with us.” “But those crystals.” Twilight stated worriedly. “They collected a lot from the ponies in the area, and we never found the blueprints to that machine. This could happen all over again!” “Easy, Twilight,” Robin said calmingly. “We can’t solve every problem altogether, only the ones we’re facing at this moment.” The younger purple unicorn calmed down immediately. Taking in one deep breath and exhaling it, Twilight looked at her teacher and smiled. “You’re right. Thank you.” Then, Twilight turned to Luffy, who seem to be sitting nearby being oddly patient. The young mare had a thought about what it was, and she had an answer for him. She approached the stallion, smirking slightly, and prepared mentally for what she was about to say. Once they were face to face, her brother was looking at her curiously. She then began to speak. “Okay, Luffy, I’ll be your First-Mate,” Twilight told the red Earth pony confidently. Luffy grinned. “I knew you would come around.” “Not at first, but I think I understand better why you picked me.” “Don’t worry, Zoro can cover for anything that you don’t know,” Luffy cheerfully said bluntly. “Well then, Captain,” stated Twilight playfully. “Since we’re all back together, you’re back in charge.” Then, lifting her hoof, Twilight began to levitate one of the lacrima crystals nearby towards her. As it floated next to her, the young unicorn looked content. “I’m going to do some research on these lacrimas. I have a few ideas on how we can use them.” “Typical Twily,” Luffy stated teasingly. Thus, Twilight took her leave of her brother and headed towards the library. Content, Luffy joined the others as they reminisced over their recent adventure. Each group began explaining what had happened during their brief period of separation. That was when some pony finally reminded Nami of something important. "We Forgot To Get Paid Again?!" One adventure was done, but more were on the way for the Straw Hat Pirates. The ocean is vast and full of mystery and discoveries from an island where every kind of pony can be magical to who knows beyond that. Dangers and peril would be fraught on every new island. And in the distance, a storm was looming over them. There is so much more that awaits you, Straw Hat Pirates, and new friends to make along the way! Meanwhile, on an island covered in black stone resides the city Los Nachos, the capital of the Black Empire. It was night, or perhaps perpetually dark, as only the city lights showed the location of the metropolis. It at the tallest building, almost like a mountain, that we find a certain gaseous pony speaking to someone in a room fervently. “…and by using these lacrima crystals, a pony can use that corresponding. No matter if they are an Earth pony or Pegasus. The crystals will completely act in according to the will of the user as long as it fits within its natural magical nature.” Another pony in the room replied with glee. “Excellent!” On the other side of the room, sitting on a throne, was none other than the emperor of the Black Empire, Blackbeard. “So, what do you need so I can outfit every soldier with one of those crystals.” Caesar Clown grinned. Everything was coming up his way. TO BE CONTINUED... > Ending Song > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the song begins being played by a guitar softly, the scene is set upon the open ocean blue. The Thousand Sunny is sailing across a calm sea on a bright new day. There will come a Captain, who laughs at every storm. He will rule over the seas, o lei o lai o lord. Tapping his hoof to the beat, Luffy stands at the helm with a wide grin. O lei, o lai, o lei, o lord. Through his mind, the young captain thinks of his happy friends, and their faces flash across his mind: Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, and even Funkfreed. He will rule over the seas, o lei, o lai, o lord. At the helm still, Luffy's crew now stands around him and are watching him contently. Then, in a moment of excitement, Luffy rapidly spins the wheel. Most all the group except for Robin, who only laughs, scream at the Earth pony for his reckless decision. The ship immediately turns away to reveal the pure blue sky above. There will come a magician, skilled in the arts of yore. She will put a spell on you, o lei o lai o lord. Panning down, it is Ponyville and walking her streets is none other than Twilight Sparkle. Though her attention was on writing upon a sheet of paper, doing so cheerily, she trotted to the beat of the song. O lei, o lai, o lei, o lord. Like her brother, she too was imagining her friends' happy faces, even while writing: Spike, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy. She will put a spell on you, o lei o lai o lord. Now, her friends are walking around her. Each one is talking, but all are looking to be having a joyous time. Twilight finishes writing, rolls up the scroll, and hands it to Spike. She and everyone then stop, and the purple unicorn suddenly teleports all of them from view. They all then reappear on the Thousand Sunny, in front of the Straw Hat Pirates. Together, both groups cheerfully greet each other. The Thousand Sunny continues on sailing. There will come a dragon, who wields a monstrous roar. Spitting unrelenting flames, o lei o lai o lord. In the countryside of Fiore, Natsu Dragneel is skipping down a road. He was grinning happily and laughing out with fire shooting forth. O lei, o lai, o lei, o lord. Same as before, the pictures of Natsu's friends and guildmates crossed his mind; this time in groups, all of them mirthful. First Happy and Lucy, then Erza and Gray, Wendy and Charle, Gajeel and Panther Lily, and finally the rest of Fairy Tail. Spitting unrelenting flames, o lei o lai o lord. Joined by all of his guildmates, Natsu continues to skip down the path with everypony walking alongside with him. The three Exceed are flying above him. O lei, o lai, o lei, o lord. Fairy Tail travels down the path for a moment before stopping. All of them look surprised. Natsu then begins grinning, everyone else starts smiling, and they all rush together. A team of equine heroes three, o lei o lai...oooo lord For just down the road, the Thousand Sunny had docked along the coast. On board, the Straw Hat Pirates wave to the group welcomingly. The final scene; the Straw Hat Pirates disembark from their ship to meet Fairy Tail on land. Both groups look excited to see the other. One last shot; Luffy, Twilight, and Natsu are together. The stallions are laughing boisterously, and Twilight is smiling contently. My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic The Friendship Chronicles Part 1 “A Fairy Tail Misadventure” END > First Series, Part 2 - Opening Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The World What a glorious place It is a world of colors, mysteries, and new encounters A world inhabited by many strange and unique species The Ponies: Earth, Sky, Magic, & All Zebras, Donkeys, Buffalos, & Reindeers Fishponies, Griffons, and Hippogriffs Diamond Dogs, Changelings, & Centaurs Satyrs, Minotaurs, Gremlins, Goblins, & Orcs Dragons and Sleipnir And in such a wide world, there are many more species still out there. Yet... One species remains relatively unknown to the world One of myth and legend With powers unlike any other Beyond the realm of reality Creatures of great destruction And even greater peace And it's time for them to make some new friends... “Let’s go!” shouted Twilight and Luffy together excitedly. As we all travel across the sea, raising our voices We take in the beautiful blue world Luffy and Twilight take off galloping forward cheerfully towards a cliff. Ahead of them on the Thousand Sunny, their crewmates and friends turn towards them, grinning or smiling also. First group; Franky with Spike on his shoulder, Nami, Rarity, Sanji, and Applejack. The second group; Zoro, Rainbow Dash (in the air), Chopper and Fluttershy sitting on top of Funkfreed, Pinkie Pie, Robin, and Usopp. Our spirits ready to go everybody rejoices Now let's go, get the sails all unfurled Luffy enwraps Twilight with one leg before launching his free leg forward. It stretches all the way to the Sunny. He grabs hold of the railing. Hopping up, he and Twilight shot forth to the ship. As they soar to the boat, Luffy’s hat flies off. La la la la la la-la My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic The Friendship Chronicles La la la la la, yeah~ Then, Luffy’s leg stretches up and grabs his hat floating among the title. Here we are in between the sea and the sky Ready now for adventure, we're itchin to try The Thousand Sunny is sailing peacefully on the sea. Get ready to row, so all aboard now, we're set to go At the bow of the Sunny, the crew stands together awaiting their next adventure. In order; Luffy, Twilight, Zoro, Spike, Nami, Applejack, Usopp, Rainbow Dash, Sanji, Rarity, Chopper (on the stationary Log Pose), Fluttershy, Robin, Pinkie Pie, and Franky at the helm. Set sail, to the ocean so deep Ready for a truly Grand Adventure There is a storm. It is making the sea rough. Lightning flashes across the sky to reveal land. On the coast, there is a small town. Further back, a forest that ranged into the mountains. There were only two peaks that centered a view of a giant tree off in the distance. Well don't ya think that sounds really fun? All this excitement's second to none Suddenly, a tiny shiny light broke through the darkening sky. Upon seeing it closer, it is a silver feather of a unique design. As it floats down, the storm clouds began to disappear and let forth the sunlight. The feather continues to fall, underneath it is a group of not only new characters but new creatures watching it fall. As they appear, all three are looking up with fascination. Left corner: a small blue, bipedal dog Right corner: a brown fox with a ponytail Center: there is a little yellow mouse-like creature with a black bent-shaped tail and two lightning zigzags over his pink cheek As we all travel across the sea, raising our voices We take in the beautiful blue world Our spirits ready to go everybody rejoices Now let's go, get the sails all unfurled One by one, the Straw Hat Pirates (besides Luffy and Twilight) show off their fighting styles. Franky fires his Beans Left technique. Pinkie Pie fires her Party Cannon. Robin crosses her forelegs causing pink petals to spin around. Fluttershy holds a sword which then transforms into Funkfreed whom she immediately sits upon. Chopper goes into Arm Point and strikes. Rarity winks before summoning gemstones and firing them. Sanji launches out a few kick attacks. Rainbow Dash flies around, leaving a rainbow trail behind, before punching into the ground. Usopp shoots his slingshot but then quickly runs away in fear. Applejack jumps in and performs a few kicks as well ending with a bucking kick. Nami steps in swinging her Clima-Tact before attacking with electricity. Spike hops up and spews out green fire. And finally, Zoro charges in with all three swords in a slash La la la la la la-la La la la la la, yeah~ If there's something that I just won't ever forget It's the way that I felt when our journey was set Scene 1: The crew is traveling through a jungle led by Twilight and Nami. Behind them, Sanji and Applejack are carrying the gear, with Rarity swiping away the stallion’s attention. As this group moves, it reveals Franky and Robin with Fluttershy sitting on top of Funkfreed behind them. Zoro is somehow on top a cliff behind them with Rainbow Dash pointing out the direction, shocking the stallion. Luffy, Spike, Usopp, Pinkie Pie, and Chopper are running off wildly. Scene 2: The crew is now in a town: most of the Straw Hat mares were window shopping except for Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy has Funkfreed in his sword form on her hip. As Luffy, Spike, Usopp, and Chopper run by the group, Pinkie Pie notices them and quickly joins them. Meanwhile, Zoro and Sanji are arguing, two of Zoro’s sword drawn and Sanji blocking it. The stalemate breaks as the swordspony attempts to hit the chef with his second sword only to jump-flip out of the way. In Sanji moving, Franky, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash are shown to be watching the two and looking very baffled by their argument. Now I won't be scared, as long as I keep that feeling there All the Straw Hats are walking down a street and having conversations. Luffy leads while conversing with Twilight, Applejack, and Nami. Chopper, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash are next with the reindeer excitedly explaining something. Zoro, Usopp, Rarity, and Robin are in a conversation as well. Finally, Sanji is talking to Franky, Spike, and Pinkie Pie at the back of this group. With that, let us keep up the pace While enjoying every Trip from place to place Scrolling-up showcase of enemies to the Straw Hats; Alvida ((sexy) Minotaur), Buggy the Clown with his two cohorts Cabaji and Moji (Earth ponies), Smoker (Pegasus), Tashigi (unicorn), Discord, Aokiji (Earth pony), and finally Blackbeard (also Earth pony) and all his group. Our timid hearts get the rhythm engraved So let's keep going, adventure awaits Scene: Dark images of creatures are gathered together, each very different from the other. Among the group are giant birds, dragons, monsters floating on clouds, large deer creatures, and beasts. At the top, taking the center is a big equine creature with a golden cross-wheel around its midsection. As you view more closely at it, you see its red pupil begin to glow, looking very angry. Then, suddenly, a fist bursts through the eye like ripping through a piece paper. A whole-body follows through, revealing a large, muscular mosquito man. It then poses and flexes egotistically before the next images appear. Images of allies appear: Celestia with Roger, Garp, and Whitebeard, Jack Silver and his crew, Ace, and finally Shanks and his crew So many treasures await, so now let's raise our voices in pride, laughing out when they are found In the air, Luffy smashes his stretching out hind leg down upon a Black Navy Battleship, destroying completely. Next, to it, another ship explodes in rainbow smoke as Rainbow Dash flies through With all the riches in hand everybody rejoices Party on, 'cause we stand tall and proud On another ship, Twilight teleports onboard, smirking confidently while her horn continues to glow with magic. Upon seeing her, the Black Navy soldiers’ courage falters. The purple unicorn then uses her magic to rain down lightning upon all the soldiers. Life is “Adventurous” [On the helm, the dial is turned from “0” to “1”] Be aware it's “Dangerous” [At the helm, Sanji pulls on the lever. Then, on the side of the Sunny, the doors change correspondingly] Who's gonna be “One of us” [The door opens] And a trip goes on because [Inside, it is revealed to be Nami’s Skypeia waver, now designed with a horse motif] We're the pirates of the “Mass” [Now, Sunny’s figurehead opens its mouth to reveal a cannon] To the West, To the East [Underwater, there is a small submersible that looks like a shark] Gotta find my way, Sail away [The Coup de Burst engine charges up] All the way to “One Piece”! [Once it finally finishes, the Thousand Sunny Coup de Bursts into the sky] Bring all your dreams with you now, fill the void in your heart Spread your wings, and believe that you can soar Just let the breeze guide the way till your ready to start Up once again, now your ready for more Now night, the Thousand Sunny is soaring through the sky. The crew is on the upper deck looking out forward towards the unknown. All of them looked excited and ready for whatever comes next. So many treasures await, so now let's raise our voices in pride, laughing out when they are found With all the riches in hand everybody rejoices Party on, 'cause we stand tall and proud Now on a cliff facing the ocean, the whole crew stands together to watch the sunset over the gold-colored ocean. Together as friends and crewmates, the smile knowing well that while the sun sets today, it’ll always rise again for another adventure! > Episode 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some time after their last adventure, the Thousand Sunny continues to sail through the ocean towards its next unwitting adventure. Until then, the Straw Hat crew had much downtime to use. One deck, some crew members were fishing; Luffy and Spike. Not to eat but to fill their fish tank with more colorful fish species. They had yet to catch anything. Behind them, Fluttershy and Chopper were cleaning up Funkfreed together. Others were enjoying the peace and serenity like Nami and Rarity, who were both sunbathing. Likewise, though not sunbathing, Rainbow Dash was taking a nap on a cloud-tethered to the crow’s hangar. At the same time, Zoro was in the nest lifting a combined thousand pounds. The rest were doing something else: something exciting. All around, many of the crewmates were running around the Thousand Sunny. Pinkie Pie hopped around inside the ship cheerfully having much fun. As she did, she stuck little domes with crystals within them along the corner of the wall and ceiling. Giving them even spacing as she jumped along skillfully. In another part, the upper cabins, Applejack was doing the same task. She too had these crystals spaced out. Others were doing the same in different areas of the Thousand Sunny; Sanji in the kitchen, Usopp setting them up on the exterior of the ship, and Twilight and Robin the same around the deck. Finally, there was Franky installing something near the helm, opposite the lever to the Soldier Docking System. What he was installing was something similar to the compass post behind the helm. Only this time, within the dome, there was a large, glowing crystal inside. After a little tinkering and a few adjustments, the cyborg Minotaur finished his contraption. “Alright,” Franky said with a smirk proudly. He then turned to look out onto the deck. He hollered out, “You guys done yet?” Applejack was the first, coming out of the kitchen cabin. “All done here,” she replied loudly. Twilight answered next. “Robin and I just finished,” she stated. From high above, Usopp was walking on the yard to its end. He quickly placed his last crystal at the end and then looked downwards. “Got it all set up here,” he shouted down. Finally, with the hatch opening up, Pinkie Pie popped up. “What’s up, Doc?” she asked cheerfully. Since he was nearby, Chopper looked over. “Hi Pinkie,” he greeted happily. “Hiya Chopper,” Pinkie replied. “Well, Pinky?” asked out Franky impatiently. Shooting out of the utility hole, Pinkie Pie then landed on the deck giving the Minotaur a dutiful salute but with a goofy smile. “All the thingies are set,” she declared. Franky grinned. “Good,” he said enthusiastically. He then stated, “It’s all set then…” Having garnered their attention, those on the deck soon stopped what they were doing. The group joined the others who had placed the crystals around the ship to walk up to the helm deck. Once there, they all gathered around Franky with Twilight joining next to the male. They both stood around the newly positioned crystal post. Both of them looked pretty excited and proud. “So, what is it that you had us run around the Sunny like prairie dogs,” Applejack asked out curiously. First, Franky began to grin proudly. “Well, since you asked, remember what I told about the properties of the wood used to make the Sunny?” he asked back encouragingly. Sanji answered nonchalantly, “Something about how tough it is.” “I recall that you had mentioned something about imbuing magic,” Rarity spoke up. “That’s it, Sis,” Franky stated. Spike asked, “Is that why you guys have been attaching these lacrima things we got from Magnolia?” “Yes,” Twilight answered. She then further explained, “Seeing how lacrima can be used, and recalling the properties of the Adam Wood, Franky and I have potentially devised a special new ability for the Thousand Sunny…” “Making her even more super than she already is!” declared Franky proudly. “Whoa! Awesome!” shouted Luffy amazed. “Cool!” Pinkie Pie shouted as well. On the other hand, Nami looked a little skeptical. “What is this ‘new special ability’?” she asked out, silencing the enthusiastic group. Snickering, Franky grinned and happily obliged to the mare’s skepticism. To do so, he turned to Twilight with a knowing smirk. “You’re on, First Mate Sis,” he told the mare. In response, Twilight nodded readily. She stepped forward towards the crystal and stuck her hoof on the glass. Breathing out calmly, Twilight began to focus using her new technique she had learned from her friends at Fairy Tail. Instead of sending the magic from her horn, she now channeled it through other extensions like her leg in this case. Thus, magic fluidly but slowly flowed from her hoof into the crystal which made it glow. After a minute of doing so, Twilight eventually stopped feeling exhausted but was okay. “Oooh,” said many in the crowd impressed. Franky then got to explain. “So, once the magic is stored in the main lacrima here…” he then places his hands on the rim of the device, “...we can disperse the magic across the ship thanks to all the receivers you guys placed.” Then, the Minotaur turned the rim around the glass. For a moment, the lacrima crystal shined before becoming dull though still alight with magic. Meanwhile, all around the ship, the little crystal “receivers” began glowing brightly, every last one of them. As they did, a white glow began to spread over the wood from each crystal. It spread quickly enough until each one meet and filled every space with a white aura, including the ponies and creatures themselves. All over the Thousand Sunny, this occurred until the whole ship was glowing dimly with magic aura. Everyone onboard, even Zoro, marveled at the sight of magic flowing around and on them. “Whoa,” Sanji said amazed. “This magic stuff feels pretty nice.” Luffy spoke up amazed as well, “Wow, Twilight! You made all this magic?” “Actually,” Twilight began to state knowledgeably, “we - Franky and I - discovered that Adam Wood doesn’t just take in magic easily, but it also enhances the magic it absorbs as well.” Twilight then further explained, “By placing lacrima crystals in strategic spots in and around the Sunny, we can cloak the entire ship, and anyone on it, in magic.” At that moment, Robin realized what her student was implying. “Does that mean that, through that post, a spell can be used on the whole ship?” she asked intelligently. Instantly, Twilight began to beam happily. “That’s exactly what it means, Sensei!” she stated excitedly. “Whoa,” awed many in the group. “Wait,” Nami said aloud with realization. “That means we could-” Before the orange-mane Pegasus could finish her sentence, Twilight stuck her hoof back onto the dome. Without hesitation, she had her magic connect to the overflowing magical energy. Finally, she willed forth a spell she knew very well, and that would be all too important for escapes. In a flash, the entire Thousand Sunny and all on her disappeared. Completely vanished without a physical trace. Moments later, the Thousand Sunny reappeared now several feet from its original spot. Everyone was still where they had stood before as if nothing had happened with Nami about to finish her sentence. “...teleport away from danger at any time?” Taking her hoof off the glass, Twilight smiled and nodded. “Well, yeah,” she stated. “Wait a minute,” blurted Usopp. As he looked around, he asked, “Did we just teleport a moment ago?!” “Yeah,” Twilight admitted. After looking around, most of the crew looked confused. Fluttershy thus asked out, “How can you tell?” “Hey!” Rainbow Dash’s shout attracted everyone’s attention. They all looked off to the left to see the cyan Pegasus flying over to them. Once she had reached them, she looked at all of them confused. “Why you guys leave me back there?” Rainbow Dash asked first. She then followed up with another question, “And how’d you guys get over here?” Realizing quickly, Twilight made a bashful smile. “Whoops,” she said, “forgot to factor in that the magic field only works on anyone touching the Sunny directly.” “At least we only traveled a couple of feet,” Franky stated mildly. Rainbow Dash scoffed in disbelief. “A couple?!” she repeated, “Try a hundred!” “Oh good,” Twilight said relieved. “That is how far I attempted to teleport us.” “That’s so cool!” Luffy exclaimed excitedly. Usopp added to that sentiment, “It may not be much, but that’ll be awesome in maneuvering.” “Nice work, guys,” Applejack complimented. Nami also complimented, “Yeah, it’s a pretty good idea.” She also had some more thoughts about this new ability. Most of them being about how potentially dangerous it could be as well as some more practical problems. Except, Nami suddenly felt a shift in the atmosphere and a very sudden one at that. So much so that she even had to take a second take of the situation. “What the…” she began to say. Without warning, a massive wave rocked the boat violently. Everyone onboard was nearly thrown off balance. Then, another came and almost did the same. The Straw Hats soon began to grab ahold whatever was nearest. As they did, Nami finally shouted out her realization. “Storm!” Instantly, too instantly even, dark storm clouds began to form. Already, thunder flashed across the darkening sky. Lightning danced through the clouds. Some even touching down into ocean presumably but very far away. A low rumble as evidence. The wind began to pick up, tossing the helpless ship even more so. The waves helped as well as they grew larger and rougher. Rain soon fell fast and sharp with a cold sting upon the group. So much that it felt almost like they were in the water already. It all happening in the span of just a few seconds. As he held onto the seat in front of the helm, Usopp looked utterly frightened.“Wh-Wh-Where did this storm come from?!” he shouted. There was no time to answer the terrified unicorn. Everyone quickly got into action. Twilight gave out orders quickly, and the crew followed them with haste. They first secured themselves by tying on safety lines. When each line was secured correctly, several members began to climb the mast to secure the sails. Being closest to it, Franky took to the helm to keep the Sunny from capsizing altogether. There were many close calls, but each of them supported each other. Even in this storm, the Straw Hats teamwork was unstoppable. Unfortunately, the hurricane was not letting up. Over wind and rain, Twilight called out loudly, “Franky! We need to use the paddles now!” Just barely hearing her, Franky replied as loudly as possible, “You got it!” From the helm, the cyborg Minotaur turned a lever on the wheel. He quickly changed the number from ‘1’ to ‘0’. Then after, he pulled the lever to his right. The internal mechanisms soon came to life as they began to rotate and move into place. All this adding up to the rotation of the rooms that made up the Soldier Dock System. Like on the turning lever, the numbers too rotated in the same order until reaching zero. At which point, the doors opened to reveal large paddle wheels that extended out into the water. They immediately began to turn and thus propel the Thousand Sunny forward. Unfortunately, despite this added benefit, the waves were just too strong. The ship could only move forward a few a feet as the swirling, rough sea began tossing the boat around like it was its plaything. The experience tough for the Straw Hat pirates. Now done with their tasks, the group could only now hold on as the wild sea and the raging storm-battered and bashed them endlessly. Still the same, there came many close calls — too many. Eventually, someone’s luck was going to run out. As another wave crashed over the Sunny’s deck, many of the crew held on tightly to something secured. Some unfortunately slipped and nearly fell off, but they were fortunate it enough to have a security line keeping them on board. Except, one of them broke. “Luffy!” shouted Nami; the first to see. Everyone soon looked out as best they could to see their captain as he was about to fall into the ocean. His flailing rope in the air and taunting the group like so many of their enemies. The most any could do as a first reaction was a gasp and call out Luffy’s name in fear, but some were able to act. Removing her safety line immediately, Twilight surprisingly moved to rescue her brother in all but blood. Nami too had shot forth, also removing her safety line, in a mad flight to her captain’s rescue. Neither female knew of the other’s attempt and both soon jumped or flew into the ocean after their friend. “Nami!” shouted one half of the crew (the original Straw Hats). “Twilight!” shouted the Mane Six and Spike group. Now, in the water, the two mares swam against the motioning, swirling, darkened water to reach their sinking captain. As he is a Devil Fruit user, Luffy lost the ability to swim altogether. He had managed to catch some air into his lungs before falling in, but it was only a little. Twilight and Nami knew this and hurried tried their best to get to the stallion before he ran out it. With all their strength, Twilight then Nami was able to reach him. Luffy struggled for a second, but his instinct quickly told him that he was in good hooves. Together, both mares pulled and swam towards the surface. They tried hard; unfortunately, they were fighting the strong currents and tiring out fast. Neither one was going to give up, not for their important pony. As hard as they tried to reach the surface, their air had run out, and they were losing consciousness. Then, just as all three lost consciousness, a melodic and yet titanic roar echoed through the sea. Beautiful yet commanding. Before blacking out, the two mares saw something in the water. It was large and swimming towards them. They were unable to see it clearly but there was one distinctive feature they both could see just before everything went dark. ‘Silver…’ Guys… Twilight could hear something in the distance. What? Guys. The second time the voice was louder and became very familiar. Who is that? “Guys!” Now the voice was very audible, and soon, Twilight recognized the voice. It was Usopp’s voice, and he sounded anxious. Immediately, Twilight began to wake up. The first thing she did consciously was to start coughing out some of the salty water she had unconsciously ingested. She quickly released the extra water onto the deck, where the grass and dirt would absorb it. Once finished, she opened her eyes to see her surroundings. Slowly, her vision began to clear up. She soon could see her where she had landed; back on the Thousand Sunny. All her friends were around, including Zoro. They all were looking worried at first and then relieved; though, not all sentiments directed directly at her. Off to her side, she saw that Luffy and Nami were also recovering. She was relieved to see they were okay, but she now was confused about how they got back on the ship. Thus, Twilight tried to speak up. “How…?” she asked out hoarsely. The entire group heard the unicorn, but they all seemed troubled by the question. Eventually, someone did speak. Robin told her, “We’re not very sure how Twilight.” Recovering, Twilight looked at her teacher with an arched brow of confusion. “What?” she asked. After coughing, Nami looked to the crew confused as well. “You mean one of you didn’t rescue us?” she asked astonishedly. “It’s not that we weren’t,” Applejack told the pegasus. “With how dat storm was harassing us, we could barely move to do anything without nearly being thrown off ourselves.” Spike then spoke up, “But then, there was this sound and the storm just calmed down like that…” The baby dragon then snapped his claws in a demonstration. “It was so beautiful,” Rarity added dreamily. Zoro then spoke, “We were right about to go after you, but then you appeared on the deck suddenly.” The three formerly drowning ponies blinked with surprise. “What?” they voiced out confused. “That’s what we thought,” Usopp stated. “We even thought Twilight had used her magic…” Chopper then spoke, “But I checked your horn, and there was no sign that you had used magic.” Twilight thought over the situation for a moment. “No,” she said calmly to the surprise of everyone. She then followed up by saying, “I was blacking out. There was no way I could use magic in any way to get us out of that situation.” Concerned, Sanji asked, “Then how did you guys get back onboard?” As she rubbed her head, Nami began to recall something. “I remember hearing something,” she stated unsurely. “It sounded beautiful... I think it might have been what you guys heard.” “And then,” Nami continued as she tried hard to remember. “I remember seeing something...silver…” As Luffy recovered finally, he sat up and looked around confused. He had missed much of the conversation already. As he looked around though, as a bit of sunlight shined between the space within the grey clouds, something caught the stallion’s eye. Curious, he looked over at Nami and stretched his hoof out into Nami’s tail. He had grabbed something but did not realize how his action could be perceived. First, Nami turned to see who was touching her tail, and gasped in surprise.“Luffy?!” she shouted confoundedly. Second, Sanji immediately kicked the Earth pony’s face. “What the hell do you think you’re doing to Nami-swan?!” he both shouted furiously. Luffy recovered quickly, gaining a pretty sizable bruise from the kick (despite being rubber). “Ow!” he shouted out firstly. He then immediately responded indignantly, “There was something in Nami’s tail.” Everyone looked at their captain confused. Luffy thus held up the item that he had grabbed from his navigator’s tail. To their surprise, the thing their captain held up was marvelous. It looked like a feather yet it seemed like no feather anyone here had ever seen. From the stem, it looked normal enough; yet, midway it split into two ends curving outward. Though its shape was unique, its most impressive feature comparably was that it was entirely silver in color. The entire crew was near speechless at the sight of it. “A silver feather....” Rarity said amazed. “It’s so beautiful…” Rainbow Dash was astounded entirely as well. “There’s not a single Pegasus I know of with silver feathers or fur, especially not with that design,” she said. “It looks completely otherworldly,” Robin stated with intrigue. Seeing the feather herself, Twilight was utterly perplexed. “I’ve studied tons about birds…” “What for?” asked Usopp disbelievingly. “And I’ve never seen a feather like that,” Twilight continued. “So then,” Nami asked out confused, “what and where did it come from?” For once, Luffy looked to be actually thinking of the situation. “Whatever it is,” he spoke up to the intrigue of everyone. He then stated seriously, “It’s definitely a mystery feather.” Nearly everyone face-faulted, dumbstruck by the obvious statement. Then, after recovering, Zoro looked out towards the sea. “Hey,” he spoke up concerningly, gaining everyone’s attention. He then gestured his head in the direction he was looking. He told them, “There’s land that way.” Immediately, everyone looked out. In the distance, the crew could see land as it covered the entire horizon line. Everyone could tell, this was no small island but an entirely new land. The storm had blown the crew off course severely; not like they had a destination beforehand. This new, mysterious land attracted them like moths to a flame. Both scary and exciting, the Straw Hat crew regardlessly sailed towards this land. They voyaged to it in the hope of recovering after that vicious storm. Their only concern was that whoever called this land home would be friendly enough to them when they docked. Little did they know of what awaited them once they make landfall… Part 2 An Ultra First Encounter > Episode 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mysterious! Arrival at a New and Unknown Island “This is really weird,” Nami commented as she peered above. She saw that there was nary a cloud in the sky which made her suspicious. A little while ago, the Straw Hat Pirates had been caught up in a powerful storm. It somehow calmed, and they were able to sail forth towards a nearby island properly. Then, a moment later, the sky cleared up. It appeared as if there had never been a storm in the first place. Nami found this fact especially strange. The weather was not the only thing bugging her; the island they were heading towards was on no map that she had currently. It made worst when Robin too lacked any information about this island. Nami began to suggest that they continue sailing, but Luffy had no intention of changing their course. “Sounds like a great adventure to me!” Luffy stated excitedly. “We get to explore an island that no one else has ever been to.” “Plus,” spoke Franky concernedly, “I should check the Sunny out for any damages or else we may not make it to the next island at all.” Nami found that Franky had a point and conceded the notion of turning them around. “I guess if any problems arise, we can probably handle them anyway,” she noted cautiously. Soon, all the crew began to prepare to go ashore. Many were excited to be on dry land again after a week of being out at sea. Most were packing lightly with only a few essential items of their choice to bring along. However, Twilight Sparkle was never one to be unprepared. In one large bag the size of a Minotaur – Franky being the comparison – she had collected all that she felt needed for an adventure into an unknown place. “Let’s see, compass, check! Rope, check! Water canteens, check! Paper and pen for mapping, check! Books on plant and animal identification, check! Sanji will take care of food rations…” “Of course,” Sanji stated dutifully. Twilight continued, marking it down on her scroll. “Check! Chopper’s got the medical kit…” “Yep!” chirped the reindeer excitedly. “Some extra paper, check. Gems for currency, and a few extra for Spike, check! Tents, check! Sleeping bags, check! Pots and pans, check! Utensils, check! Extra rope, check! Extra compass, check! Extra canteens, check! Extra…” As Twilight continued listing off, Nami was both impressed and overwhelmed by how much the crew’s First-Mate packed. “I’m glad we’re finally going into something prepared, but why do I feel like we’re overprepared instead,” she commented aloud. Luffy and Robin along the rest of the Mane Six and Spike instantly laughed; they already understood that this was merely Twilight being herself. Once after Robin convinced her young student to reduce her bag by half, the Straw Hat Pirates were officially ready to explore. It would only be a little while longer before they would reach the shore, but they could see something already. “Hey,” spoke Rainbow Dash sounding baffled. She then pointed and asked, “Is that a town?” Everyone looked out with surprise. Near the mouth of a river, the Straw Hat Pirates could see a town built upon elevated grounds along a cliff. The buildings appeared simple but colorful looking to be made mostly of adobe and wood. Trees were scattered sparsely around. They could see stone pathways built around buildings and lead towards the beach at the foot of the hill. Near the cliff face, there was a small peninsula of land that was home to a lighthouse. And above it, sitting atop the cliff, the largest of all the buildings looking almost like a castle or fortress. Everyone was intrigued. “Let’s go there!” proclaimed Luffy eagerly. The Thousand Sunny sailed to as close to the beach as it could. They were able to get close enough that they did not necessarily need the Mini Merry 3 to reach the shore, but it was suggested by Twilight to help carry her stuff. Once ashore, Fluttershy asked Funkfreed to hold their supplies. All the crew went ashore, fearing no foreseeable threats or dangers to the Thousand Sunny. Moreover, how would they, when the whole town was appeared utterly deserted? “Oh no, not another silent port,” commented Rarity worriedly. Together, the group cautiously entered the area. They remained spread out but close to the group as they traveled up the hill. As a precaution, Twilight gave Applejack and Rarity their respective weapons: a rope and a rapier. She wanted everyone to be on guard, in case of a potential attack like what occurred in Fiore*. While some looked around, Fluttershy remained close to Funkfreed by sitting on his back with the gear. Rainbow Dash floated above the group to keep a larger picture in sight. Luffy and Pinkie Pie let their curious minds lead them as they zipped from building to building. “Wow, these buildings are…” Pinkie Pie then gushed, “so small and cute!” Approaching one building, Robin analyzed it carefully. “These buildings are small, much smaller than even for one fully grown pony to live in.” Spike approached the same building as Robin, heading for the door. It was precisely his size. “Maybe so, but I kinda like it,” said the baby dragon drolly, which made the mare smile. Looking for himself, Franky too commented. “You think we’re in Munchkin Land? You know, like in that movie?” “Well, we were in a storm,” Applejack said suspiciously. Zoro then spoke, “We did also see a witch go flying by.” “We did?” questioned Rainbow Dash. “What she look like?” “You know, orange hair. Yellow-” Zoro was immediately cut-off when a hoof suddenly whacked him on his head. “Ye-ow!” Of course, it was from Nami, currently enraged by the stallion. “Another crack like that and I’ll send you straight to Oz myself,” she stated intensely. Everyone else continued further, chuckling a little, and ignored Zoro’s grumblings. They also further looked at more buildings trying to find some clue. Even looking inside the inside, they could not spy a single pony or creature. Further, they walked through this ghost town until they reached something the peaked everyone’s interests. The Straw Hat Pirates took notice that they had walked into the town’s center. It was discerned so through both Robin and Twilight’s knowledge as four major roads lead out from this particular spot. There were also any buildings around the center that looked distinctly like shops. Each shop had an appearance of an animal that no one – not even Fluttershy – knew of thoroughly. One looked like a chameleon, another a cat wearing a gold coin, one that looked like a steely ghost, and two that appeared like dragons. Then, even more curiously, the group noticed that directly in the center of this plaza there was a statue. It had four different sections stacked up together. The parts were comprised of, from bottom to top, a purple fish, a red bull, a pink bug, and a yellow bird head at the top. “What is it?” asked Fluttershy curiously. Tilting his head, Usopp had an idea. “It looks to me like a totem pole,” he suggested. “What’s that?” asked Chopper and Spike. Robin explained, “Totem poles are monuments made by the ancient ponies or creatures to symbolize any number of events like a story or history.” “Oh~,” said several Straw Hat Pirates amazed. Having taken a moment to look around it, Twilight had discovered something at the base of the pole. “Sensei, I found an inscription!” “Oh,” Robin said intrigued. As her teacher walked over, Twilight began to explain her discovery. “It looks like a plaque for a statue, but it’s not written in any language I’ve ever read. However, I bet you could read it, Sensei.” Never one to brag about her ability, Robin was undoubtedly confident in her knowledge of ancient writing. “We’ll see,” Robin stated playfully to her student. She then looked down at the spot where the other unicorn found the text. Suddenly, she let out gasp. Twilight was astounded. “Sensei?" “That can't be...?” uttered Robin bewilderedly Before anyone could ask further, a shout came from Usopp. “Aah!” Everyone but Robin turned to see the unicorn looking frightened. When asked, he responded shakily. “T-T-The top of the t-totem! It moved!” Quickly, everyone including Robin looked up at the top of the totem. It did nothing for a moment but then began to move to everyone’s surprise. The bird-head section began to clap its beak mouth before suddenly floating off the monument. Soon to follow was the pink one below it, then the red one, and finally the purple section joined them. The crew did not know what was happening, but everyone quickly got on the guard. The four parts of the totem pole began to float around the group for a short while before stopping. Then, all four totem sections transformed before the group’s eyes. It was a simple change. Starting with the purple fish section, it opened like a clam to reveal a black monkey creature inside. It had light blue hair-like appendages flowing out from its head. Its thin arms had three webbed fingered hands. The shoulders each had a purple structure encircling them and were slanted inwardly towards the creature’s midsection. It had a white T-shaped marking on its face which highlighted the creatures turquoise and purple colored eyes. It had an overall fish-like appearance like a merpony but without the pony part. The second one, the red bull, was similar. Both red sides opened to the top revealing a black bull creature. It too had white markings under its red marks under the eyes and on its chest. The creature's hands looked like hooves, its shoulders encircled by a red structure, and its lower body like a bull’s tail and bell. In its nose, it had a white ring. Its eyes were of turquoise and yellow. Its overall appearance was similar to a bull. Next came the pink section. It was unlike the previous two creatures for instead of its body separating into two; it popped out of the top making the rest of its form its body. However, like the last two beings, it was also a black monkey-like creature with pink and curly hair-like appendages sprouting from under its cone hat. Two strands in particular, which had made up the antenna for the bug totem, were longer and hanging from the front. Its hands looked normal but had two pink bracelets on each wrist. It also similar colored eyes as its kin only pink as well as the white markings. Finally, the yellow bird head was last. It split apart to reveal another black creature with an astounding orange and bristled plume. The shell was shown to be a part of its arms and that the beak was, in reality, its claws. Around its shoulders, it had a yellow structure encircling them. The lower half of its body was orange with four-pointed projections: one short spine on the front and two short spines in the back, with one longer spine between them. Like the others, it too had the same type of eyes only with a yellow color, and white markings on its body. The Straw Hat Pirates were caught entirely off guard by these displays. Most of them were slightly unnerved by the creatures, but some had other thoughts. “So cool!” exclaimed Luffy. Others had questions. “What are these things?” asked Sanji. Fluttershy nervously spoke, “I’ve never seen animals like these before.” Then, the yellow creature began to chirp. It appeared to be addressing the group and sounding angry as well. As it communicated, it used one of its arms to point to the group and then move to point out towards the sea. However, its language skills only made the group confused. “Fluttershy,” Chopper spoke cautiously, “Do you know what it said?” The pink mane Pegasus shook her head. “I couldn’t understand a word,” she told him worriedly. “Are they not animals then?” questioned Twilight. To answer, Fluttershy quickly asked for Funkfreed’s opinion. The elephant only shook its head, which Fluttershy understood as him not knowing anything about these beings. Again, and more fervently, the bird masquerading creature chirped and pointed at the group. It then gestured back towards the sea. This time, its other members began to make a sound as well. The bull sounding bullish, the pink one a high-pitch chirp, and the totem fish making an angelic but stern crooning. Robin quickly discerned their meaning. “I believe they want us to head back out to sea.” “What!” Luffy said annoyedly. “But we’ve barely started our adventure.” “Luffy, I don’t think these guys want us ‘adventuring’ around here,” Nami whispered forcefully. “Oh yeah,” said Luffy loudly. “Well, who made them the boss of adventures.” Rainbow Dash flew lower to join her crew. “Yeah! What gives them the right to tell us to leave?” “Guys!” Usopp whispered urgently. Zoro, Sanji, and even Franky agreed with both their captain and Rainbow Dash. All of them looked ready to fight at a moment’s notice. Likewise, the creatures appeared prepared for a fight. In seeing this, everyone else prepared as well. Rarity prepared to pull out her rapier via magic telekinesis and Applejack grabbed her rope. Nami and Usopp pulled out their weapons next with Usopp aiming at the bull creature. Chopper even transformed into Heavy Point and guarded Fluttershy and Funkfreed. When they saw Chopper transformed, all four creatures took an interest. All of them immediately acted. Each one began charging unknown attacks; the yellow one had electricity, the pink one looked to be using magic, the bull yellow energy like the sun, and the purple one puffing her cheeks. Then together, they all launched out their attacks: the yellow shooting out electricity, both pink and the bull shooting energy, and the purple firing a large stream of water. “Move!” shouted Twilight quickly. On command, everyone separated right as the attacks hit the road. An explosion erupted, and smoke and dust surrounded everyone. Barely anyone could see what was going on around them. Then there came shout. “Help!” It was from Chopper, but no one could see the currently large reindeer. With the smoke as their cover, the four creatures now had Chopper. The pink being had him captured in her pink-purple magic. It was lifting him as if he weighed absolutely nothing and took him above the smoke. Chopper struggled to break free and even tried to transform into his other forms. None worked and ended up returning to Brain Point feeling exhausted. The creatures then approached Chopper curiously. They spoke in their unique and different ways, but they all appeared to understand each other. Chopper could not make out what they were saying, only that they seemed to be interested in him for some reason. Then, they attempted to talk directly to him, but not surprisingly, the reindeer could not understand. “What do you want with me?!” Chopper cried out in distress. Then, something yellow rushed out of the smoke and snatched Chopper out of the energy field. The creatures were confused for a moment but then looked over to their side. They saw their catch now in the hooves of Fluttershy, who did not look happy at all. “Who do you think you are picking on my friend like that,” spoke the Pegasus sternly. As all four creatures moved quickly towards them, Chopper let out a yelp. “Look out!” Interestingly, Fluttershy only closed her eyes; her frown still evident. Right as the creatures prepared to strike the pony, the Pegasus opened her eyes to reveal a super intense stare: the Stare. Upon meeting her gaze, the four beings stopped in their place and froze. All four were now in a trance. Below, the smoke and dust were still scattered, but that was changing quickly. From within the cloud, a small whirlwind began to form. It started growing until it was nearly a tornado. Black smoke began to mix with a rainbow “wind” as it began to ascend into the sky. The rainbow streak soon lifts the rising wind storm and stops to reveal that it was Rainbow Dash. “I think I’ll call that my ‘Rising Rainbow Tornado’!” the Pegasus stated proudly. Chopper then called out, “Rainbow!” Rainbow Dash looked over to see Chopper and Fluttershy and noticed that the latter of whom was currently Staring down their attackers. “Imma comin’!” Rainbow Dash shouted before blitzing towards the creatures. Fluttershy caught sight of her incoming friend and backed away, breaking her power of the creatures. As these flying beings came to, none of them expected to bash together by a Pegasus. All four had been struck hard making their floating dip momentarily before they regained control. They all then turned and glared at the flying pony. “How did you like my ‘Dash Charge’ attack!” boasted Rainbow Dash confidently. The creatures regained their composure and began moving to attack. The female-looking beings separated from the others; meanwhile, both the yellow one and the bull charged back at Rainbow Dash. The pony saw them coming and prepared to defend and fight. “Pistol!” “36 Caliber Phoenix!” Quickly, the yellow creature saw a red hoof coming straight at it and dodged. The bull was less fortunate as an air slash struck it. It sent the beast flying back. The other being immediately looked to the ground to see its other attackers; Luffy and Zoro. “Alright!” shouted Rainbow Dash victoriously. Then, she saw the bull being, barely hurt, come charging at her and looking pretty angry. “Uh oh!” she said before taking off. Soon, everyone was engaging each of the creatures. Zoro followed after Rainbow Dash, and the two of them fought the bull and its strange plant-themed powers. They were joined by Applejack and Chopper – after thanking Fluttershy for the rescue – who provided much muscle against this physical attacker. Fluttershy and Funkfreed soon joined them adding more power. However, the bull creature did not waver to the challenge; in fact, when it attacked it seem only to recover more so. Also, with each connecting physical attack, that member of their group hit seem to lose more energy as well. Things became hotter when Spike entered the fray and began spewing fire. The creature seemed immediately apprehensive over the flames which gave the group the edge over the beast. The yellow being was very speedy and often hard to pinpoint. It also had attacks based on electricity. Luffy was the prime opponent as he could keep up with its speed and be unaffected by its voltage. He took this battle alone. Both of them were jumping and floating from building to building attacking the other. The being quickly learned that its electrical attacks were of no use against its opponent. It still could fight back claw to hoof. The pink being was actually a very playful creature. It took on several of the Straw Hat Pirates at once without much problem. Everything the group through at it seemed to get blocked by its magiclike power. Usopp’s and Franky’s shots and bullets were duds and Rarity could not pierce through with her rapier. Thus, Robin attempted to fight too as she began sprouting her hooves upon the tiny body. The creature knew not what was happening, but it was scared. Before Robin could attack, the beast performed some magic – as Robin observed – that produced a ring around her and her fellow fighters. The circle started sprinkling dust upon them, and Robin’s summoned appendages disappeared. She and everyone fighting the creature was baffled. Unfortunately, they did not have much time to think as the pink being began firing a pink energy beam at them. Finally, Twilight and Nami aided Sanji and Pinkie Pie against the water-spewing purple creature. The situation was exactly reverse to the previous one in positions; while the purple fish totem creature harassed the group with a power torrent of water, Twilight's magic shield protected them. Once the beast finished, Sanji attempted to strike back. Unfortunately, its feminine looks made the mare-lover unable to attack it. Pinkie Pie had no problem as she tried surprising the being left and right. When Nami began summoning lightning and Twilight attacking with the same, the creature looked distressed and stayed on the defensive. Everyone seemed evenly matched. However, there suddenly came a cry, “Ampfy!” And soon after, a bright flash illuminated the whole square. Both the ponies and the creatures were blinded by the light, stopping their fight. They flash soon died down, and everyone’s sight adjusted back to normal. Once so, everyone found that two more had entered the town center. One was a bipedal, yellow giraffe-like creature with a sheep-like head with a red jewel on its forehead. Its black-striped tail also had a red gemstone but larger. It was even wearing a small pair of bifocals on its nose. Next to it was a creature even weirder than the previous despite being smaller. It looked like a bipedal and tan reptile but had a skirt made from its fur. Most discerningly, and most creepily, it had a large and oversized black extension sprouting off its head. It appeared like a mouth with razor teeth protruding out viciously. “Who are they?!” asked Spike panicky. “What are they?” asked Nami cautiously. Suddenly, the four totem creatures gathered over to the new monsters. The four seemed to be in conversation with the giraffe-sheep creature while the smaller animal spoke sparingly. Of course, none of the Straw Hat Pirates understood as each was speaking their language. Eventually, through what the pirates believed it to be “persuasion,” the four beings allowed the two creatures to go forward towards them. The Straw Hat Pirates quickly went on guard as the new animals approached them. They stopped a fair distance away. The tall yellow creature took a moment to prepare itself before it began looking at the group cheerfully. And it spoke. “Hel…lo, po…nies!” TO BE CONTINUED… > Episode 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Lively Introduction! Welcome to the Town of Monsters “Did that thing just talk pony?” That was the question on all the Straw Hat Pirates’ minds – while Nami vocalized it – as they all stared dumb and confused at the creature in front of them. Moments ago, they had been fighting against four powerful beings that were capable of taking on many of them together — even giving Luffy, their strongest fighter, a hard time despite an advantage. The whole battle ceased when two more creatures, different from the ones they were fighting, intervened. These newcomers – a tall, yellow giraffe-sheep and an imp with a large ponytail like a flytrap – were not only able to convince the Straw Hat Pirates’ opponents to stop their attack but also approach them with little fear. And then, the most shocking event occurred; the giraffe talked like a pony. Het even spoke again. “Hel…lo, poniessss,” the creature said again, only slightly better sounding. Not many of the Straw Hat Pirates wanted to respond. They thought it was both unusual and slightly creepy. Much to their surprise, some did talk back. “Hi!” replied Luffy cheerfully. “Luffy!” shouted most of his crew except Pinkie Pie. The pink mare also greets the creatures. “Hiya!” she said cheerily. “Pinkie!” the same group shouted now towards the Earth Pony. Regardless, the response from both ponies made the talking creature joyous. It then spoke in, what they assumed to be, its native tongue to its partner. The monster, its tone sounding feminine, spoke back in her language. They appeared to finish speaking to each other as both looked back at the group. The tall creature then began to talk again in their language. “Wel…back, ponies! Mine name…is Amp-or-ros, and wel…back too Liver Town!” None of the Straw Hat Pirates understood what the creature said. Everything it said sounded broken and wrong, which confused most of them. Noticing this, the tall creatures partner stepped forward. She too began to speak, “I’m sorry for our leader’s poor language skills. We’ve only recently been able to…” she seemed to have some difficulty finding a word, “interpret your language.” The tall creature let out a chuckle. “Sore-ee,” he replied bashfully, having understood his partner's words. Again, everyone was speechless. Not only had one of these creatures learned their language, but another did and was more fluent in speaking it. They had never had such an encounter before. The imp creature, noticing the silence, thought it would be best to continue. “I am Mawile, and this the leader of the Expedition Society, Ampharos.” “Hiya!” greeted Ampharos cheerfully. Before anyone could speak further, the yellow being that had fought Luffy began to crow with disdain. Ampharos immediately rushed over to the creature and began to speak in his native tongue again to the beast. Not only the yellow creature but the others with it joined in speaking out, potentially against whatever it was he and Mawile were attempting to do with the Straw Hat Pirates. For the moment, none of the pirates made any quick actions less they incur the wrath of those four creatures. Sensing these worries, Mawile approached the group slowly with a friendly smile “Please forgive the Tapus,” she told the group apologetically. “They are our guardians, and they only thinking of our town’s best interests.” Of course, none of the group understood what Mawile meant, despite speaking their language. She thus began to explain to the group; firstly, by pointing to the four creatures communicating to Ampharos. “Those are the Tapus. The yellow one is Tapu Koko. Pink is Tapu Lele. The red is Tapu Bulu. And finally, Tapu Fini is the purple one.” “What are they?” asked Twilight immediately. “And for that matter, what are you and…Amp-far-ros? Exactly?” “Oh, I guess a more proper introduction is in order,” Mawile stated politely. “We are the Pokémon, most of our species live here on the continent of New Earthia, and this is our home, Lively Town.” “Pokémon?” repeated Twilight confused. “New Earthia,” Robin said seemingly recognizing the name. “Oh, Lively Town,” Pinkie Pie said relieved. “For a while, I thought this place really was called ‘Liver Town.’ Wouldn’t that be weird.” “Again, I apologize for his crude language skills,” Mawile said apologetically. Then, the Straw Hat Pirates noticed that three of the four Tapus took off flying, leaving behind Tapu Koko. The rest were heading towards the mountains. As for Tapu Koko, it sent a glare towards the pirates before flying off as well but only into the forest nearby. Ampharos was approaching the group now, grinning with triumph. “Lo-ooks like I bou-ght you all some time,” spoke Ampharos proudly. Nami immediately asked, “What do you mean?” Ampharos was about to speak but immediately stopped itself. He looked as if he had not a clue on how to talk to the group. So, he spoke to Mawile using his native tongue. The creature known as a Pokémon nodded and then addressed the group. “It appears that our leader has convinced the Tapus to report your arrival to Lord Arceus, which is a three-day trip by flying.” Robin asked, “Who is ‘Lord’ Arceus.” Mawile took a moment to think before answering. “He is…the Original One. The great Alpha Pokémon that rules and guides us along with many Legendary and Mythical Pokémon that serve as his assistants in watching over our lands.” Immediately, Usopp let out a gasp. “This sounds a little too awfully familiar,” he whispered frightenedly. “Meanwhile, Tapu Koko will keep track of you all to make sure you do not try anything deemed evil or bad while in our care,” Mawile continued bluntly. “That’s…assuring,” Rarity stated with some nervousness. Then, Ampharos suddenly let out a squeal in delight, which nearly scared the group. “I cannot…be-leave it! Fine-al-ly! We haa-ve a cha-ance to le-urn aboot the mist-ter-ious ponies dat live be-yond our shores! Wat a dr-eem come true!” While the Straw Hats were confused by Ampharos exclamation, they turned to Mawile who was giggling at the same scene. “Excuse our leader. He is a very boisterous soul who loves to uncover new mysteries,” she told the group. Twilight smiled instantly. “That sounds familiar,” she said before eying her brother, who only chuckled in return. Now that their introductions were out of the way, Ampharos and Mawile both felt it best to invite their guests inside their base, the building at the top of the cliff. There they could provide them with food, and in exchange, they hoped they could swap information. Luffy instantly accepted the offer, on account of food, but everyone else felt it would be a good idea regardless. They all joined the two Pokémon and traveled up the road straight ahead. It would be a slight walk, but it gave the Straw Hat Pirates a chance to notice their surroundings again. For all around them, the town seemed to come quietly to life. All manner of creatures began peering from behind their hiding places. Some from within the buildings, some from atop buildings, some from around buildings and objects, and some even coming up from underground. Many creatures were slightly showing themselves everywhere around the group as they somehow gained the courage to do so. Zoro then asked the question on everyone’s minds. “What are those?” “They are Pokémon too,” replied Mawile. She then explained, “We come in all shapes and sizes.” Ampharos spoke as well. “They…are the city-zens of Lively Town,” he explained. The crew was amazed by their surroundings. The pirates could see that these creatures were truely of many shapes and sizes. Some appeared like animals, others similar to plants, some looked like bugs, and many others seemed like living objects. Many were small, but some were big, surprising that they felt the need to hide. Eventually, the group reached the compound that was the Expedition Society’s base. It looked very different up close than it had from the sea, more like an observatory. The walls surrounding it were, in reality, large stones cut or made into rectangular shapes. At the front of the building, next to the door, there was a billboard with many posts attached to it. On their way in, some of the group looked it over out of curiosity. Not surprisingly, they could not read it; but more surprisingly, it appeared that their way of written communication was nothing more than a paw print. “How does anyone read this?” asked Applejack baffled. Mawile quickly explained, “We Pokémon are very intuned to each other. Its how we can all speak so differently yet completely understand each other. Everyone sounded impressed by the answer; however, Robin remained skeptically. For her, the creature’s explanation did not account for the plaque in the center of town. It had a written language that was not what the modern-day Pokémon was utilizing. However, for now, she kept quiet and would bide her time for an opportunity to search for answers. Once inside, with Funkfreed being asked to stay outside, everyone got to see the spacious hall of the Expedition Society. Franky could even fit inside but just barely. The room was very cozy and comforting with a circling desk opposite of them. On both sides of the counter, two doorways lead further into the building. As the Straw Hat Pirates became settled, Ampharos and Mawile seem to be preparing for something. “And now,” started Mawile in a showy manner, “meet the rest of our Expedition Society.” “Ampharo!” Ampharos called out immediately, directed towards the inside of the building. Suddenly, the Straw Hat Pirates could feel the floor rumble with movement. They all looked at the doorways in anticipation of what kinds of Pokémon would come out. It was only a few seconds of waiting when nine creatures dashed out from the back. While they stumbled a little over themselves, they quickly got in line and stood before their guests. Of course, Luffy and many others were amazed. “Unfortunately, not many of our members have been able to pick up your language quite yet,” Mawile stated evenly. “So, I’ll be giving the introductions.” First, there was pink Pokémon that looked like a star wearing red teacher’s glasses, Clefairy. As most members had jobs or positions, she had a job as the secretary for the society. She collected rewards, missions, and handled much of the paperwork. Next came an orange weasel, Buziel. He played the part of being the group’s underwater expert, and confident in his title. To the pirates' surprise, the bird Pokémon Trumbeak was also a member and used her flying capabilities to be their stoic air specialist. Then came a very tough-looking, steely, and large mole creature, Excadrill. He took his job as an underground professional serious. The chipper Dedenne, a little mouse Pokémon with red cheeks with whiskers on them, acted as the society’s communicator. There was a green bearlike creature, who was currently munching on an apple, whose skill as a chef was unmatched in town, Munchlax. Also, there was the angelic creature with feathery ears with two long and curled earlobes, Audino. She took care of the injured and sick for not only the society but all of Lively Town. Finally, there came the group’s last three members. “And these are our newest members to join,” Mawile said before introducing them one by one. “Pichu…” He was also very mouse-like but stood only slightly taller than Dedenne with a black bent-shaped tail. His head had a tuft of yellow fur sticking out, and his cheeks had a black zigzag on each one. “Eevee…” This creature looked similar to a fox but was mostly brown. She also had some fur tied into a small ponytail that hung off the side of her head and behind her ears. “And lastly, Riolu.” The group could recognize this creature as being a black-and-blue, bipedal dog. It stood the tallest out of its group with piercing but gentle red eyes. Most of the females except for Robin gushed over these three creatures. “They’re so cute!” they all stated in unison. Ampharos then spoke jovially, “And dat’s most of our grr-oup!” Mawile quickly explained, “We have one more member, but he’s probably still sleeping in the observatory.” “He’s…scare-ee if he’s wo-ken up earl-lee,” Ampharos stated with some nervousness. “Oh, like Zoro,” Chopper stated innocently. “Oi!” shouted Zoro. The Straw Hat Pirates immediately introduced themselves back to the Pokémon of the Expedition Society. Ampharos then declared, both in his language and Ponish, that there would be a feast in honor of their guests. Of course, being the Straw Hat Pirates, they would never turn down a party and free food. It seemed that, likewise, the Expedition Society members were also exuberant about throwing a party. In moments, the whole Expedition Society building was erupting to joyous laughter and cheerful shouts. Within the society’s banquet hall, the pirates feasted with the Pokémon and made new memories. Being the chef, Munchlax prepared all the food. He also nearly ate half of it but settled on a quarter as he also had to deal with Luffy’s equally ravenous appetite and a knack for stealing food. When Munchlax was not trying to eat the food, he was instead showing Sanji the food he prepared and how it cooked. Once Sanji showed him his ability to cook, the two together cooked up a storm to fill all stomachs. The others sat around the mat – not a table – and enjoyed themselves with the other Pokémon much like Sanji had. Luffy took a liking to not only Ampharos but to the three newcomers that made up a team, Team Indigo. Thanks for Ampharos partially, but also badly, translating, he learned of the group’s exciting missions to discover new places and help out other Pokémon. Usopp, Chopper, and Spike joined in too, and they all told stories, both real and lies, to the group of their adventures out at sea. Many of the mares sat around some of the cuter Pokémon like Dedenne and Clefairy and occasionally conversed with others around the dining mat. Clefairy seemed to have a firm sense of organization and tidiness with an educator’s attitude. It shocked no one that Twilight got along considerably with her. The rest cuddled with Dedenne, who did not mind whatsoever. Zoro seemed to have sensed a warrior’s spirit in both Excadril and Buziel. All three sat together and shared a drink, called merely “Berry Juice,” only to make a competition out of it. Franky soon joined them, even sharing some of his stash of emergency cola. The two Pokémon found the new taste exhilarating. Rainbow Dash took an interest in the bird Pokémon Trumbeak. She even wanted to do a sky obstacle race with her to see her skills in action. While soft-spoken, Fluttershy and Audino were a perfect conversational pair. Both were a little shy, but it would seem that shyness had its own language that allowed them to communicate with each other. That left Robin and Mawile practically by themselves. Despite their noisy friends all around them, both held a refined and patient appearance. They equally displayed their comfortability in such a chaotic setting. Moreover, while everyone else had their fun, they were probing each other for information. “Where is that you come from?” “Equestria, a land full of ponies,” replied Robin. She then asked her own, “How many kinds of Pokémon live on this continent?” “Over 800 confirmed, but New Earthia is a big and wide place.” Mawile then asked her next question, “Do you have a position within your group?” “Archeologist.” Mawile reacted with surprise, stopping Robin from asking her question. “I too am an archeologist.” Robin immediately smiled. Both then raised their drinks, sharing the comradery as seekers of the knowledge from the past. The action did not go unnoticed by Luffy, who instantly copied the gesture but only as a sign of cheer. Soon, everyone around the dinner mat began to do the same. Neither Robin nor Mawile minded, and they too joined in the toast. Meanwhile, none of the group had noticed the audience they had unintentionally gathered. The town Pokémon had allowed their curiosity to rule our their fear and stood around the Expedition Society building. Small, tall, short, broad, and all sorts of shaped and sized Pokémon wanted to see these new creatures they once were so afraid of. From their observations now, they began to feel less worried over their guests. They all could feel the positive energies coming from the building and the dining hall specifically. And they came to realize; no creature that laughed and smiled like these “ponies” could be entirely bad. TO BE CONTINUED… > Episode 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Living Underneath the Same Sky You and Me and Pokémon! The sun rose on a new day for the continent New Earthia. The first to be greeted by the early sunlight was none other than Lively Town as well as the Thousand Sunny. The sleepy berg was only barely waking, but there was on already up. Floating atop the Expedition Society’s building, Tapu Koko looked out unwavering and stoic at the town. Everything was as it should be; at least, that is what the Pokemon would like to believe. Much to its chagrin, there was something different, and they were currently sleeping inside the building. The banquet held last night had been quite the party for both the Straw Hat Pirates and the Expedition Society. It was not every day that two species meet each other for what seemed like the first time. The party had lasted long into the night and ended when everyone fell asleep in the hall. Now, as the sun’s rays shined through the windows near them, they all began to awaken. Ampharos, as the leader, rallied his group of Pokémon together. The members began to follow his lead as he leads them all through stretches. Some of the Straw Hat Pirates like Pinkie Pie and Luffy even joined in as they were curious. Then, together, they let out a cheer that appeared to raise everyone’s spirits. All the Pokémon then began to head out except Ampharos and Mawile and then the three recruits to the Expedition Society, Pichu, Eevee, and Riolu, by their leader’s request. “As we-ee hava full da-ay of wur-ck, I am lea-ving our new mem-bers to be your gu-ides,” Ampharos told the Straw Hat Pirates cheerfully. The pirates were okay with this. Franky asked if he could head back to the Sunny and check on her, and then gather any supplies he would need. Ampharos approved and summoned up Munchlax to aid the Minotaur. Sanji also spoke up about joining the shipwright and Pokémon, wanting to ask about the ingredients used last night as well gathering food. Applejack thought she would tag along as well, as an extra hoof to help either of her friends. Robin and Twilight had decided to remain within the building as they wanted to learn what they could about Pokémon from Mawile and vice versa. Everyone else decided they would take in the sights. Disappearing for a moment, Mawile soon returned with a book. “If you’re curious about the townsfolks, you may inquire within this book,” she said as she offered up the book. “What is it?” asked Spike, accepting the item. “It is a collection of all known Pokémon,” Mawile stated. “I’ve also taken the task to mark the ones that live in this town.” “Wow! Thanks,” Spike said eagerly. Afterward, Pichu and his team lead the group out of the building. Once so, Fluttershy asked if Funkfreed would join Franky and his group in collecting what they need to which he complied. Now, the group walked into town, and it was entirely the opposite of what they had seen yesterday. The once vacant streets were now teeming with life as various Pokémon went about their day. Gone was the fear they once had for the group and replaced with a cheerful attitude. Many of them greeted not only the expedition team but the group of pirates, none concerned over the language barrier. The Straw Hat pirates were utterly amazed by this; meanwhile, Spike listed many of them off. “Espurr. Spoink. Aipom. Croconaw. Furret. Cacnea. Simisear. Machop. Wow! There are so many!” Following the team’s lead, the group headed for a large building near the town center. Its roof looked like a brown animal head with two horns sticking out. Pichu excitedly leads the group inside. Everyone was astounded to find that the building appeared very much like a café. Pokémon of all kinds was sitting at tables or stood at stalls and sat in chairs, mats, or floated in the air. Ahead of them, they saw that the counter had the largest Pokémon they had seen so far overseeing the customers, standing taller than even Franky. It was serving the Pokémon patrons food and drinks. It also had a helper, a little version of itself only light purple. “Aw, what a cutie,” Fluttershy commented complimentarily. After flipping through the book, Spike found the page on the creature. “That’s a Kan-gas-kan! It’s the Parent Pokémon and a Normal-type.” “What does that mean?” asked Nami confused. Spike shrugged. “I don’t know, but all of them have some sort of typing going on. A lot even have two types.” While Riolu went to order – the Straw Hats were okay with anything – Pichu and Eevee attempted to find everyone seating. They choose an empty corner of the building with many tables and chairs that they could give their friends. As the pirates took their seat, they began to become curious over their guides. “Hey Spike, what does that book say about our guides?” asked Usopp. Quickly, Spike searched through the book. Being an assistant to a bookworm like Twilight Sparkle had given him the skill to sort through information swiftly. He thus flipped through the book three times before finally responding to Usopp and the group. “Pichu is called the Tiny Mouse Pokémon, and he’s an Electric-type. Eevee is the Evolution Pokémon, and she’s also a Normal-type. And then Riolu, he’s named as the Emanation Pokémon and is a Fighting-type.” Rarity hummed with thought. “Electric, normal, and fighting. These do certainly mean something, right?” “Yeah,” Nami said baffled. “Also, what does that book mean by ‘Evolution’ Pokémon?” Not really understanding either, Luffy turned to Pichu with a thought. “Hey, are you Electric or something?” he asked bluntly. Pichu looked at Luffy confused. Spike then got an idea. “Try pointing to this lightning symbol, Luff.” Luffy immediately did so and showed Pichu as well. To everyone’s surprise, the little Pokémon excitedly nodded his head as if it understood. He then hopped onto the table, much to Eevee’s dismay. Once settled, Pichu began to clench its tiny paws and focus hard. Everyone watched with surprise as the rodents pink cheeks started to glow and spark with electricity. Then, his whole body was covered with the energy and withstanding it, amazing the group. It only lasted a short moment for Pichu suddenly began to appear hurt and abruptly stop altogether. He then collapsed on the table to everyone’s shock. “Pichu!” Quickly, Eevee called out. Riolu was the one to respond, and he swiftly approached the mouse. While Chopper was ready and about to check over him, he stopped when he saw the bipedal dog Pokémon’s paw begin to glow with pink energy. They all watched as the Emanation Pokémon fired it at Pichu. The pink power covered the mouse, seemingly not affecting him. However, in moments, the few scraps that Pichu had received were gone. Again, the group was shocked. “H-How?” Chopper said with utter amazement. The next moment, Pichu was immediately up and energized. Everyone was impressed with Riolu looking relieved. On the other hand, Eevee looked mad. The small fox swiftly gave Pichu a whack with her tail before she began scolding him. Pichu did not like this and yelled back at the fox. It soon became an argument between the two, both sounding childish. The Straw Hat Pirates watched on unsure what to do. Riolu eventually put a stop to his two friends’ argument but not settling it. In a huff, Pichu quickly scurried off from the group and outside. “What do you think that was about?” asked Fluttershy worried. “Reminds of a certain reckless captain and hot-headed navigator,” Zoro commented aloud. Nami immediately crossed her front legs with resentment. “It’s not like he doesn’t deserve to be scolded,” she then added swiftly, “and you as well.” “Whatever,” the swordspony said disinterestedly. “Where do you think he’s going?” asked Usopp, looking out the window. Riolu gave the group some indication that he knew where his friend was heading. He even assured them that things would be okay and that this was a common occurrence. As for Eevee, she was also in a huff but remained with the group, taking her duty seriously. Kangaskan and her child soon delivered them their drinks. The whole group gulped down the contents fast, which they all agreed had a sweet fruity and energizing taste. Only one cup remained, one saved for Pichu. Once finished, Riolu wanted them to follow him to which they did. To their surprise, Eevee took the cup meant for Pichu and carried it along with them. When asked, the little Evolution Pokémon responded by looking away stubbornly. On the edge of town, the group came upon the last building. It was a pavilion structure with a large fenced area with some training equipment scattered throughout. Two similar appearing Pokémon ran the front of this area, Sawk and Throh, and both were Fighting-types. Within the fenced area, the group could see many Pokémon training in some form. Strength, aiming, speed, and agility to name a few. “Looks like a gym,” Rainbow Dash uttered fascinatedly. The two Pokémon let the group in, once Riolu explained to them the situation. The group continued to follow their two guides. Everyone looked around to see the fantastic abilities these Pokémon had as some lifted boulders twice their size and some jumping as high as the trees. None of the Pokémon seem to mind their presence, most of them were too focused on their training. Being excited, Luffy took off to see everything. Spike, Usopp, Pinkie Pie, and Chopper joined after him. In doing so, the baby dragon left the Pokemon book with Nami. Rainbow Dash too took an interest when she saw many flying Pokémon training. Then, Zoro took off as well which left Nami, Rarity, and Fluttershy to follow their guides. For Zoro, he had taken an interest in something he had heard. It was an all too familiar sound that he recognized instantly: the clash of blades. He veered off from the group, as he was in the back, and trotted around the training equipment to find the source. Once he got around a climbing wall, he was instantly surprised to see a familiar scene of a rock garden with raked lines in the gravel. The garden was the border for a small but spacious field that made its center. On the area were four Pokémon that Zoro did not recognize from the few listed earlier. One was a giant bug with blades as hands, another a green lizard with three leaves growing out the sides of its arms, a blue otter holding two shells, and a creature with a skeletal appearance mixed with armor. He watched with great interest as he saw the first three square up in a spare; he somehow knew this as a fact. The three exchanged attacks, each using a unique style fitted to their capabilities. The bug using its sharp appendages, the lizard its arm leaves, and the otter by using its shell. Every time, their weapons would glow with an energy matching their colors, light green, green, and blue. As he watched their exchange, he could tell that the three were skilled. He also made the realization that the one Pokémon watching over them was most likely their teacher, and probably far more experienced than them. It made the swordspony grin with excitement. Zoro took a path that led to the area, which attracted the Pokémons’ attention and stopped the spar. None of them moved as the pony entered their zone, drawing two of his swords in the process. Still grinning, he looked at the group and asked, “Mind if I join?” Returning to the group, now consisting of Nami, Rarity, and Fluttershy, they continued to follow Riolu and Eevee further through the gym area. After going around some boulders, used for pushing, the group came upon an open space with many standees made from either rocks or logs. It was here that they saw sparks of electricity fly and strike a wooden dummy. They did not have to look far to find Pichu. He was nearby, huffing with exhaustion, with a tall dragon creature adorned with scales worn like chain mail standing nearby. “Who’s that Pokemon?” asked Fluttershy. Flipping through quickly, Nami soon found the answer in the book. “It’s…Kommo-o! The Scaly Pokemon, and a Dragon-Fighting type.” “It certainly looks like one,” Rarity commented. Riolu immediately called out towards his friend. Pichu turned to them and smiled for a moment, but his attitude changed upon seeing Eevee and he scoffed. His action made Eevee angry again, but she still approached the little mouse. She set the cup of juice down near her friend, said a few things, and then turned away. “Oh dear,” Rarity commented worriedly, “it looks as if their situation hasn’t quite patched itself up yet.” The group then watched as Pichu begrudgingly accepted the drink. After he finished drinking, he appeared blissful and completely energized once again. They witnessed as Eevee’s grouchy frown morph into a small smile. She then turned around, and the two seem to share a sweet moment. It looked very much like reconciling. Nami – and Rarity and Fluttershy – smiled at the scene. “Looks like it worked out,” she stated happily. Unfortunately, the happy moment did not last long. Despite have seemingly made up, Pichu still appeared ready to continue training. Eevee immediately voiced her concern, but the Electric Pokémon was not listening. Even Kommo-o gave out a soft growl in worry over the mouse. The yellow Pokémon continued not to hear, and he soon began to charge up for another attack. “Oh no, not again,” Fluttershy said dismayed. Then, there came a cheerful shout. “Ya-hoo!” The mares looked back towards the front, where the yell came from before they gazed up. To their surprise, they saw Luffy hurdling through the air, but unlike the usual, it did not look to be of his own doing. Gravity soon took its effect, and the Earth pony came down towards where Pichu was practicing. Quickly, all three mares shouted, “Look out!” Riolu too shouted with similar urgency. The shout, while not knowing what the ponies said, reached Eevee and Kommo-o and they looked at the group. They both were confused, but then they noticed a shadow over them. Once they looked up, they quickly moved out of the way. Pichu had not seen the incoming pony yet. Luffy crashed in front of the Electric Mouse, and Pichu yelped with shock, both surprise and electricity. The electrical sparks flew out and hit Luffy, who had been otherwise okay. In realizing he was attacking his friend, Pichu ceased his electric energy output. Much to the mouse’s surprise, the pony was still okay. “Pi?” “Oh, I’m made of rubber,” Luffy told Pichu with a grin. He then did his trick of pulling his cheek and stretching it. Pichu gasped with amazement. In seeing what the pony did themselves, the other three Pokémon were shocked to see what the pony was doing. None of the ponies were surprised by all this. It was the usual reaction that new friends would often make. The little mouse was so excited that he began to pull on the pony’s body and to stretch it. Luffy did not mind, but then he had an idea. “Hey!” The Earth pony then hopped up on all fours, and he got himself ready for a fight. “Do you know how to fight?” Again, despite not knowing what the pony said, Pichu seemed to understand his intent. The mouse Pokémon thus smirked determinedly, and his cheeks began to spark. While the Straw Hat mares had some concerns, much like Eevee and Riolu did, none of them could stop the two from having their spar. Kommo-o understood the two’s intent and also encouraged it out of interest. Before the two fighters began, Eevee had some words for her friend. She appeared to be showing much concern towards the little mouse, but the mouse himself looked confident. “Luffy,” spoke Nami as she approached him. She had concern expressed as she asked him, “Do you think this is a good idea?” “Sure!” Luffy stated confidently. “He looks like he’s training. What better way than to spar a bit.” Nami did not look convinced but knowing there was little that could convince him, she relented. “You’ll at least hold back, right?” she asked. Luffy laughed. “I don’t really know how to hold back!” “Don’t Kill Him!” Nami roared out furiously, which only made the stallion laugh more. Kommo-o led the group aside from the field of dummies. He brought them to a clearing devoid of grass. On the ground were white lines painted to form a wide rectangle out of the area. At the center, there was a white circle in a bigger ring. A line extended out from the middlemost circle and went all the way to the edge of the field. Luffy looked excited, stating that this area looked cool spot to fight. The dragon and the mares and Pokemon stood outside the zone on different sides, one to judge and the others to watch. Luffy and Pichu then positioned themselves opposite from the other end of the rectangle space. Both grinning eagerly, readied for the signal to begin. “Ko…” said Kommo-o placing his claw in a downward position. He looked at the two combatants and then raised the same arm. He then set it swiftly down to midway down and shouted, “Kommo-o!” TO BE CONTINUED... > Episode 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the other side of the cliff which the Expedition Society building stood upon, there is a grove of trees each bearing their fruit of unique shape and color. The sign outside called this area the “Berry Grove.” Right next to it, sleeping soundly beneath a tree was the grove’s guardians. They are massively large creatures appearing like an overstuffed bear, Snorlax. While they laid slumbering peacefully, much was going on within the field of Berry trees. Earlier, Sanji and his group were following Munchlax into this area. They were now walking through the grove with baskets in hoof and trunk. Franky had taken off to find some wood that was not these fruit-bearing trees; most of them were too small and thin to be useable. The others collected the new food these trees bore. Applejack was a natural pick for this task, having been born and raised on a farm. Also, with Funkfreed as their carrier, they could collect plenty for everyone to try these strange but interesting tasting fruits. “Yee-howdy!” exclaimed Applejack, carrying a bucket of red-and-yellow Berries on her back. “I don’t know what these are, but they nearly taste like apples!” Sanji, carrying a bucket with a variety of Berries, smirked with content. “All these other Berries are pretty interesting too. I can’t wait to start testing dishes out.” Trailing behind them, Funkfreed held a blue Berry in his trunk. He immediately ate it, and he began to trumpet happily at the taste. Both Applejack and Sanji glanced back with a smile as the elephant’s trumpeting became like a song of joy. Munchlax was even jumping to the rhythm with a spiky purple Berry he was munching on. Then, there came a shout. “Yo!” The group looked over to see Franky walking towards them with many pieces of lumber over his shoulder. “I’ve got all I could get. Looks like you two collected a whole super heap of fruit.” “Ya darn tootin’!” replied Applejack jollily. “Munch munchlax!” spoke the Pokémon happily. Suddenly, after they all convened together, there came a flash of light. The group’s conversation paused as they all instantly took notice of the event. An unearthly sound, like whizzing, drew all their attention back towards from where Applejack, Sanji, and Munchlax came. In the middle of the path they took, there was now a tunnel-like hole that appeared as if it had broken through a painting, causing many cracks to form around the gape. “What is that?” asked the entire group; Munchlax speaking similarly. Then, without warning, a red muscular arm reached through the opening. The sight of it bursting through shocked the group thoroughly. The arm tried to pull the rest of its body out of the small hole but it could not. It then retreated inside for the moment only for a bulbous and muscular red body with a pair of orange insect wings to enter through instead. Despite its bigger size, the creature was able to force its way through the tunnel, backward. It immediately landed on four legs that lacked any foot. The being began to stand, now seen clearly taller than Franky but not quite at Funkfreed’s height. It then turned around to reveal its full muscular physique, its metallic proboscis that appeared like a needle, and its head that was of that of an insect’s own. Upon seeing the group with its compound eyes, the creature let out a loud grunt and flexed its entire body, making its muscles protrude out threateningly. Immediately, Sanji stepped forward in front of everyone protectively. He also shouted with confusion, “What the hell is that?!” “Snor!” A new roar attracted the group’s and the creature’s attention. They looked over towards the entrance of the grove where all three Snorlaxes now stood awake and angry. The group of Pokémon began to walk forward, eyeing specifically the newcomer to the orchard. Sanji’s group quickly stepped aside to let these big guardians take care of the unknown being. For some reason, it allowed the slow-moving Pokémon to surround it, but it did not look afraid. In fact, this creature – Buzzwole – looked to be relishing the challenge. Battle! The Intense Fight of Pony and Pokémon “I think he went over here!” shouted Spike to the others. In the gym area, the other Straw Hats except Zoro were approaching the others, Nami, Rarity, and Fluttershy as well as Eevee and Riolu. They had been found by Spike who had been looking for Luffy after he went flying. The group was not alone as they trotted over. They had with them many more Pokémon that had taken an interest in them. Among the group was a Nuzleaf, a Marill, a Machop and Machoke, an Aipom, Staravia, a Tranquill, a Pancham, a Crabrawler, and a Bagon. They all walked over to the sidelines near the other ponies, who were watching something ahead. “Hey, guys!” called out Usopp to their friends. “Have you seen Luff-” “Pi-chu!” The shout grabbed Usopp’s group’s attention and looked out onto the field. The Straw Hat Pirates gasped with surprise when they saw their captain fighting the little mouse Pokémon Pichu. However, more so, they were amazed to see what they were gazing on. On the field, under the watchful eye of Kommo-o, Luffy and Pichu’s battle was well underway. Pichu was encircling his pony opponent with blinding that was causing multiple images of himself to appear around, all merely afterimages. Luffy stood in the middle watching this with utter amazement, almost forgetting he was in a fight. Altogether, the Pichus began charging at the Earth pony, jumping into the air and hurtling towards him with the same attack ready. “Gum-Gum…” However, Luffy already knew what to do for this kind of technique. “Gatling!” Luffy struck out wildly with a flurry of hooves out at the many Pichu images. The hooves hit a Pichu one by one but never hitting the real target. Eventually, one of his hooves connected and he punched the little mouse back, ending the afterimages. The electric mouse soon got back up, looking to fight still. “Whoa!” shouted Usopp with surprise, as he joins the audience. “The little guy sure can take a hit!” “What’s going on?” asked Rainbow Dash. Nami explained, “Luffy thought it would be fun to spar with Pichu since he appears to be in training.” “I’m surprised Pichu could take a hit from Luffy,” Chopper commented with amazement. Fluttershy only frowned. “I hope he can avoid taking any more hits. I don’t know if my heart can take anymore.” “I agree with Fluttershy,” Rarity said evenly. “While the little cutie is undoubtedly tough, this match-up is hardly fair. “He is trying to help, right?’ asked Spike worriedly. “That’s how I figured,” Nami stated though sounding slightly unsure. “Ah, come guys!” Pinkie Pie chirped. She then zipped away for a quick second and then reappeared back now dressed as a cheerleader. She then told the group enthusiastically, “We just gotta give the little guy our support! Cheer him on!” The Pokémon around them, who – of course – did not understand what the ponies were saying, at least understood partially what the pink Earth pony was conveying to them. All the Pokémon except Eevee and Riolu began calling out towards the little mouse. It surprised the Straw Hats Pirates and Team Indigo, but soon Pinkie Pie along with Chopper, Rainbow Dash, Usopp, and Spike began cheering too. Even Riolu became swept up in the support. And though they were not as vocal, the others also were giving their support in spirit. It was only Eevee that remained worried, not sure what to do in this situation. Back on the battlefield, the two fighters had noticed the commotion going on. Both took a momentary look to the side to see everyone cheering. It was all for Pichu, but it made Luffy begin to grin proudly. On the other hand, Pichu was looking confused and looked back at his opponent to express it. Luffy understood but snickered cheerfully, showing that he had no problem with the cheering section. It made Pichu feel better, and now, more determined than ever to win this battle. Like new energy was building up inside of him, ready to explode. Unfortunately, right when the two were about to trade attacks again, the sound of an explosion echoed from a distance on the other side of town. Everyone instantly noticed, even Zoro and the Pokémon that were with him. The battle was put to a halt immediately, and all the Pokémon began to hurry towards the center of town. As they were both equally as concerned, all the Straw Hat Pirates joined them. In town, Pokémon were gathering in the square with members of the Expedition Society trying to keep the crowd calm. Along with Ampharos and Mawile, Twilight Sparkle and Robin were with the society members looking around for their crewmates. They soon spotted them coming in with every Pokémon from the gym area and moved to join them. Once so, everyone began asking questions, but neither they nor Ampharos and Mawile knew anything about the explosion earlier. Then, suddenly, the group of pirates felt the ground shake beneath them. It immediately grabbed their attention bringing them to look down the road opposite them. The Pokémon soon noticed this as well and looked down the same direction. It was a far stretch to see, going all the way to the ocean almost. But then, turning the corner, there came a panicking Funkfreed carrying the others and three more in a one-elephant stampede. Everyone was surprised, and then confused as someone on the elephant began to shout. “Guys!” shouted Sanji, looking visibly fearful. “We’ve got a problem!” Before anyone could ask, a stronger quake rocked the square. From where Funkfreed had fled from, an explosion of dust, dirt, and loose leaves blew in from the side. Then, from this cloud, the significant figure of Buzzwole erupted forth with a mighty grunt and glowing with orange energy. It saw its prey – poor Funkfreed – and it flew straight after him. “Who’s that Pokémon?!” shouted Twilight in shock. Spike flipped through the book quickly. “I can’t find anything?!” he stated panicky. As she stepped forward along with Ampharos, Mawile also appeared ready for a fight yet baffled. “I’ve never seen any creature like that before.” “I don’t care what it is,” Luffy said as he too stepped forward. He then roared out, “He’s not messing with any of my crewmates!” Without warning, Luffy threw his hoof back, stretching it far. “Gum-Gum…!” All the Pokémon, including the Expedition Society members except Team Indigo, saw this and were shocked at the sight. They then watched as the pony retracted his arm to send his hoof stretching forward. “Pistol!” Luffy’s hoof smashed right into the unexpecting Buzzwole, just as it was about to reach his friends. The hoof struck right to its chest and sent it flying back down the path. It then crashed into the ground, looking confused. Funkfreed thus made it safely with Straw Hats, comforted immediately by Fluttershy. Those on his back quickly got off the elephant. “What’s going on?” asked Twilight Sparkle immediately. “And what is that?!” pointing back towards the Buzzwole. “No idea, Magi-Sis,” Franky stated, aiming his left arm now a cannon towards the beast. Applejack attempted to explain, “We were headin’ back over with our haul when that big feller over there came out of nowhere!” As Sanji began carrying down three odd things off Funkfreed, he too explained. “These guys tried to fight him, but they lost.” Once the last of them were down, it was revealed to the Pokémon to be the Snorlaxes from the grove. They now appeared like slim and drained versions of their former selves but very much still alive. Sanji further explained how. “That shitty bug sucked them until they were dry. Franky distracted him, and we retreated with these guys in tow.” “I’ve never see-en an-nee kind of Po-kay-mon that co-ood do this?” Ampharos stated concernedly. He then turned to Audino and spoke to her in Pokémon. The nurse Pokémon understood. She then had the Machoke and Machop help carry the drained Snorlaxes away from the fight. Many of the Expedition members went with her out of concern. There was now only Ampharos, Mawile, and the members of Team Indigo to remain with the Straw Hats. Many of the Pokémon townsfolk quickly took off with just a few remaining. Buzzwole soon recovered. It stood back up and stared at Luffy, who was gazing fiercely back at it. The creature suddenly began to flex, filled with joy to find such a strong challenger. The bug-like being immediately charged forward at the pony, wanting its fight. “Here he comes!” shouted Usopp frightenedly. Luffy was ready to fight. Even as the bug’s fist began to glow, the Earth pony would handle it. He was not, however, prepared to see Ampharos and Mawile jump ahead of him. He quickly noticed that both had their fists glowing with Ampharos’ sparking with electricity. Both launched their fists out at the same time Buzzwole did, and the resulting connection not only stopped the creature but caused an explosion to erupt from it. Both members of the Expedition Society jumped out of the resulting smoke, looking uninjured. It was the same for Buzzwole as well. All of what happened only made Luffy confused. “Why’d you guys do that?” Mawile answered, “We saw he was using Focus Punch, so we were concerned.” Twilight then replied, “Physical attacks won’t be effective on Luffy. He’s made of rubber.” “I see,” Mawile said relieved but solemn. “Regardless,” Ampharos said seriously, “we can-not allow another Pokémon to attack our new friends.” “So that is a Pokémon,” Robin said surprised. “But it is not in the book,” Spike stated. “It might be a new species,” Mawile guessed unsurely. She then started to shake her head and spoke aloud, “No, this Pokémon is far stronger and more unusual than an average one.” “It almost looks alien,” Pinkie Pie commented. The Deceiver Pokémon nodded, finding the description apt. “Judging by its look and attack style, I think it’s a dual-type, Bug and Fighting.” “Oh!” Ampharos shouted. “The-n all wee ne-eed is some Flying-type ass-sist-tance!” Then, as if accepting the task, the four sword-technique using Pokémon from the gym stepped forward. All their blades began to glow as to show that they were willing to take the problem on. Following their lead, Zoro too joined them. “What are you doing, Zoro!?” shouted Usopp worriedly. The swords-pony smirked. “I’m not going to be shown up by these amateurs,” Zoro stated enthusiastically. Though they did not understand a word, the four sword Pokémon could feel a challenge through the pony’s tone. As Buzzwole began again to charge, the four Pokémon took off running straight at it. Zoro remained behind, bringing both his two swords out – as his third was in ruin – and raising them both horizontally to his shoulders. The first to strike was Scyther, stopping Buzzwole’s charge instantly. The next attack to follow after came from Grovyle, knocking it back further. Dewott came after, pushing the creature even more so. And finally Bisharp, who gave it one more slash to send it further backward. Each attack looked effective as the bug-like Pokémon could barely move, giving Zoro the moment to strike. “72 Caliber Phoenix!” Zoro immediately launched out his attack. The air blade sailed pass the other Pokémon, and it hit Buzzwole. An explosion erupted, and the beast became shrouded in smoke. “Aw, yeah!” shouted Rainbow Dash exultantly. “Way to go Zoro! However, Zoro did not feel victorious. “It’s not over yet,” he warned. Even the other Pokémon fighting could sense that this battle was not over, and they prepared for what was to come next. When a white glow shined through the smoke, silhouetting the large Pokémon, and feathers scattered from the black cloud. The fighters instantly went on guard. Buzzwole then rushed out of the smoke in a flash. It immediately struck the first two Pokémon, Scyther and Grovyle, into a clothesline and using its momentum to slam them into the ground one after the other. Both were instantly knocked out, and Buzzwole began to glow with fierce orange energy. It then fearlessly charged to its next opponents. Dewott attempted to attack first, but the brute Pokémon overpowered him with his fist. The result was the same as before with Buzzwole glowing more. Bisharp went on the defensive, but it was useless against another punch from the creature. Another knockout and the bug becoming more invigorated and shining. It then turned to Zoro, who could quickly tell that this beast was now more powerful than before. “Oh, shit-” Zoro could not even finish his sentence when he had to block the Pokémon’s fist immediately. The pony used all his strength to hold back the beast. They were dead even, but Zoro was slowly losing. Suddenly, Zoro began to glow with purple-colored magic, even over his green variety. He then disappeared, and Buzzwole’s fist smashed into the ground. It started looking around immediately, confused by the sudden vanishment of its opponent. As for Zoro, he found himself back with the group. While puzzled for a moment, he looked over to see Twilight, hoof aglow with magic for a moment before ceasing. “Thanks,” Zoro said evenly. Twilight nodded happily before becoming more serious. “So, judging from all that, I think that this…Beast, is powering up after every defeated opponent.” “That’s 7!” exclaimed Nami fearfully. “That thing is gotta be ultra-powerful by now!” “Definitely,” said Mawile agreeing. “But whatever it is, it is some kind of Pokémon as it used the healing technique Roost to heal itself after everyone attacked it and just attack with the moves Vital Throw and Dynamic Punch.” Ampharos stepped forward in front of the group. “All the more ree-son to not let this…Ultra Beast, duu what-ever it whants.” Luffy then stepped next to the Light Pokémon. “You can count me in to fight, Amphy!” “Pi-chu!” Pichu scurried forward as well, joining the two leaders. It looked as determined as others. While not stepping forward, everyone – more or less – agreed that they should fight together against this creature dubbed “Ultra Beast.” Said Beast took notice of the large group now unified to defeat it, and it made it all the more excited. It began to flex again, showing its willingness to fight them all. Orange aura was coursing through its body and giving it an aura-like glow. It was a challenge worthy of its increased strength. Also, from above, Tapu Koko watched on. Its stern glare was keeping an eye on both the pirates and the new Pokémon as well. TO BE CONTINUED… > Episode 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miraculous Evolution! Defeat the Ultra Beast We return to Lively Town, where a mighty battle was about to begin. An “Ultra Beast” – known to the reader as Buzzwole – was facing against the combined forces of the Straw Hat Pirates and their new friends from the Expedition Society. They stood opposite each other, neither making a move. Everyone was ready to fight, but not everyone was present. “Well?” spoke Pinkie Pie suddenly, making everyone look at her confused. “We’re waiting?” “Who’s waiting?” asked Chopper. “We are!” Pinkie Pie answered with a musical tone. Buzzwole let out a loud grunt and charged forward. Ampharos and Luffy were the first to react and met the creature midway through its charge. Buzzwole threw out a punch, and the two fighters countered with the same. In doing so, Ampharos’ fist began sparking with electricity. The three fists collided and the combined effort of both Luffy and the Light Pokémon, along with the added sting of electrical energy, knocked back the Ultra Beast. The two combatants then separated away, allowing a clear line of sight for the others. “Exploding Star!” “Weapons Left!” “Party Cannon Blast!” Usopp. Franky, and Pinkie Pie all fired their respective weapons. The unicorn fired from his slingshot, the Kabuto. The pink Earth pony shot an assortment of items you had somehow collected like rocks, broken wood, fruit, and a rubber duck. The Minotaur fired from his cannon built into his arm. All three attacks hit Buzzwole resulting in an explosion engulfing it. The creature still stood, looking to have been barely affected by the blasts. “Damn,” Franky commented. “That barely did anything to it.” Ampharos believed the same, which made him contemplate a back-up plan. He shouted out to Team Indigo, speaking in Pokémon. From his gesture, he was telling the team to head towards the Expedition Society building. When finished, Riolu nodded, and he took off for the structure. Pichu and Eevee remained with the group, ready to fight. “What did you tell him?” asked Robin. “I asked Riolu to co-lect some i-tems. In case we need more power.” Robin asked no further questions, deciding to trust the Light Pokémon’s judgment. She instead focused on the battle ahead, which was still at a stalemate despite their numbers. It was time to change that, Robin thought. “Doce Fleur,” she said crossing her forelegs. Instantly, pony legs sprouted over Buzzwole, sixteen in total. The Ultra Beast was immediately confused seeing these abnormal appendages appear on it. Then, the legs began to interconnect and lock the creature’s movement. “Clutch,” spoke Robin. Now at a standstill, while also resisting impressively, Buzzwole was now open for attack. Applejack, Sanji, Chopper, Mawile, and Funkfreed charged on the Pokémon. Robin immediately disengaged her ability as she could get her through her summoned limbs. Only free for a moment, Funkfreed reached the Ultra Beast first and caught him in his tusks. The elephant trumpeted ferociously and tossed the creature back. There, waiting for it, was Chopper, now in Heavy Point form, and Mawile whose fist was glowing. “Heavy Gong!” Chopper shouted as he threw a strong punch. Having been captivated with the yelling of attack names, Mawile too joined in. “Power-up Punch!” Both fists hit Buzzwole and sent it flying up. Now in the air, before it could recover, Sanji made his own attack along with Applejack. He jumped and spun to be above the creature. Meanwhile below, Applejack positioned herself under the beast. Both then launched down and up respectively with their back legs launched out. Sanji shouted, “Confiture* de…” “Apple!” finished Applejack. The two strikes met in the middle with Buzzwole caught between them. The creature let out an audible grunt in pain. Sanji then jumped away from the Pokémon grabbing his partner in the process. With the two fighters out of the way, it allowed another of their group to attack. Rainbow Dash, who has been gaining momentum, was flying straight at the bug being. *French for jam “Rainbow…” shouted the Pegasus as she reeled her hoof back. As she met the falling bug, she threw out her hoof. “Smash!” The moment her hoof hit Buzzwole, the rainbow-colored sonic boom – better known as a “Sonic Rain-boom” – exploded out from the impact. The hit sent the Pokémon hurtling back down and crashing into the ground, forming a crater as a result. “Alright!” cheered Usopp, Spike, and Pinkie Pie. Pichu also did the same. Then, Buzzwole began to glow. Floating feathers appeared around it, and then everything all together disappeared. The creature immediately stood up and vigorously began to flex, showing off its recovery. “Aw,” said the same group disappointed. Sanji gritted his teeth. “Shitty bastard,” he cursed. “Its defense is impressive, and as long as it has Roost, it’ll recover quickly,” Mawile stated observantly. “Perhaps we should use some Special Attacks.” “What does that mean?” asked Spike. “This!” shouted Ampharos excitedly. The Light Pokémon’s whole body began to spark with electricity, impressing the pirates. “T-underbolt!” All the electricity produced by Ampharos was shot forth in one single strike. It hit the distracted Buzzwole and electrified it. “I get it,” Twilight said understanding wholly. She then raised her hoof, and her magic began to form around it. She then commanded, “Magic Lightning!” Like with Ampharos, lightning shot forth. The magenta bolt struck Buzzwole immediately after her Pokemon ally’s attack ended. Again, the Ultra Beast was in complete shock: literally. Then, once Twilight finished, everyone noticed a dark cloud form above their opponent. Everyone saw that it was of Nami’s doing, who kept feeding the cloud more and more until she felt it reached a suitable size. As soon as she finished, she then sent out a Thunder Orb into the cloud. It absorbed the energy and immediately began to thunder. “Thunderbolt Tempo!” she shouted. On command, several lightning bolts struck down from the cloud and hit Buzzwole. Everyone began to cheer; they were all a safe distance away from being hit by the attack. Once the lightning stopped, the crater started smoking from the charred earth and – potentially – their defeated opponent. Before anyone could check, a ball of light began to shine through the black smoke. It then dissipated to reveal Buzzwole still standing, though slightly singed. In its palms held close together, it was forming its next attack. “Oh no!” Ampharos shouted in fear. Unfortunately, it was too late; Buzzwole thrust its hands out and launched the sphere. No one could react fast enough to stop or destroy it. The attack flew nearly straight towards them, but it, fortunately, had been aimed too low. The ball instead hit the ground near the group, but it exploded in front of them. The blast scattered and injured everyone. It was an enormous burst of explosive energy that knocked even the large Funkfreed backward onto the ground. Buzzwole immediately let out another grunt, like proclaiming its victory. At the same time, it became more evident of its success when the creature began to glow again with orange aura, doing so only three times. The group slowly recovered, but they quickly noticed that the move had severely damaged a few of their number. Funkfreed was wholly out, Fluttershy got knocked out as well, and finally, Eevee had fainted entirely. Pichu noticed his friend immediately and attempted to wake her up to no avail. Chopper swiftly went to work attending to everyone starting with Fluttershy. “Anyone who can’t fight, stay back!” shouted Twilight immediately, attempting to control the situation. “That ‘Ultra Beast’ has already powered up thrice now! We can’t let any pony else be defeated.” Everyone agreed to the notion. Those that could still fight – Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Franky, and Mawile – would continue to keep the Pokémon at bay through their strength. Both Usopp, Twilight Sparkle, and Ampharos were well enough to support them, leaving the others to help Chopper attend to the fallen. Unfortunately, for them, Buzzwole used the move Roost once again to bring it back to health, making this battle far more difficult. The group of fighters once again attacked with all their strength and power, but the now ten times-enhanced Pokémon was too powerful. Many of the group’s strikes no longer affected it as before. It was even handling the firepower from the support group. It was not long before it began to add to its victories: first came Applejack with a single punch. The result was an enraged Sanji attempting to avenge her, but that only lead to his defeat with a well-placed Dynamic Punch. The power of Buzzwole was growing exponentially. “Dammit!” cursed Luffy angrily. After another of his friends get hurt (Sanji), he had enough holding back. He got into a familiar stance and placed his fist on the ground. The pony’s legs began to pump unnaturally, while natural for him being a rubber pony. His skin started to sheen and steam began forming off his body; he was ready to fight more seriously now. “Second Gear!” the Earth pony roared out before disappearing. He instantly reappeared in front of Buzzwole, ready to attack. “Jet Pistol!” The red pony’s hoof smashed into Buzzwole at an incredible speed. The bug creature had not the time to defend itself; yet, all the attack did was force it back. It was still holding steady, but now it was more invigorated to fight. Watching this, Ampharos became worried. “I hoo-pe Riolu gets he-ear soon wh-ith t’ose Mega stones.” No one knew what the Pokémon was speaking of, but they were hopeful that whatever it was would bring the fight to their favor. Regardless, watching the battle as is was frustrating. Pichu especially appeared dismayed as he stood next to his recovering friend. Eevee was slowly recovering but still in no condition to fight. She was able to open her eye to see Pichu, who was immediately relieved at her recovery. The little fox creature also caught sight of the battle behind her friend and that it was utterly one-sided. Looking back to her teammate, she felt the need to help in any way. Eevee uttered out softly, “Vui… Vui-vui.” She then began to glow. The light around then condensed into a ball and floated over to Pichu, much to his surprise. The sphere then bursts and covers the mouse in the same white aura once on Eevee. Pichu was startled by the action and looked to his teammate confused. Eevee said one last thing with a proud and confident smile. “Vui…” Pichu gasped but then nodded his head determinedly. He turned around and saw the fight still raging on with little change. As his cheeks began to spark, his determination to help was evident with his expression. “T-un-” Ampharos was about to fire another Thunderbolt when he suddenly saw a small but bright ball of energy sped past him. Despite its speed, the Light Pokémon recognized it. “Pichu?!” “Pi-pi-pi-pi!” Pichu roared as he sped towards Buzzwole with its whole body covered in electricity. Despite the energy hurting him, the little mouse Pokémon was determined to hit its opponent with everything it had. As for the fighters, they all saw Pichu rushing towards them. The attack looked powerful, which caused all of them to grin. A glance passed between each other, and they all understood what they needed to do. Without hesitation, they all attacked Buzzwole. The goal was not to defeat it quickly but to keep it in place for the incoming attack. The group’s attacks were quick, coming at the Ultra Beast one at a time to distract it. The bug creature had no time to defend itself from Pichu's attack. “Pi-Chu!” shouted Pichu as he collided dead center to Buzzwole’s chest. Buzzwole let out a grunt but remained standing. It then flexed knocking Pichu back, who was caught be Luffy. Looking unfazed by the attack, the creature began emitting a noise that sounded much like mocking laughter. It did not last long. Fortunately, as when the Pokémon brute tried to move forward, its entire body became covered in electricity that instantly halted its movement. All the pirates were confused, even Pichu too, but luckily, Ampharos had the answered. “Sta-tic!” he exclaimed. “Da Ul-tra Bee-st is par-lyzed!” “What?” asked Rarity. Mawile explained, “Pokémon have Abilities that can aid us under certain conditions. Pichu’s is Static, which means any physical contact may result in paralysis.” “Witch will re-str-ict its speed!” concluded Ampharos. Everyone was impressed, especially Luffy. Being understand enough, the young captain placed the mouse down and flashed it a cheerful grin. “Good work, Pichy!” he said proudly. Despite the language barrier, Pichu understood the pony's gesture. He was utterly happy to have helped his friends. The joy and comradery swelled inside the mouse’s body that felt like new energy for the Pokémon. And then, Pichu began to glow blue. The whole battle paused as everyone’s attention focused on the glowing Pichu. None of the pirates understood what was going on, but the Pokémon knew full well what was happening to their member. “He’s evolving!” Again, none of the pirates understood what Ampharos meant until Mawile quickly explained it. “When we Pokémon reach a critical point, whether in life or in battle, and-or we meet certain conditions, we can transform or ‘evolve’ into a stronger version of ourselves.” The group was flabbergasted by the information, but none looked away from the spectacle they were witnessing. The little Pichu before them was growing, though only slightly. The proportions of its body were shifting into a new shape. The triangle ears straightened, and his tail elongated into a lightning shape. Finally, the blue light around the newly transformed Pokémon bursts off him, revealing the new Pokémon in front of everyone. “Who’s that Pokémon?” asked all the Straw Hat Pirates. Ampharos and Mawile answered excitedly, “It’s Pikachu!” “Vui-vui!” called out Eevee happily. The newly formed Pikachu then posed holding up the victory gesture. “Pi-Pikachu!” Having waited long enough, Buzzwole let out another loud grunt-roar. It attempted to move forward, but the effects of Static were still working against him. Pikachu saw his opportunity. With his red cheeks sparking, the Mouse Pokémon jumped into the air and performed his next move. “Pi-ka-Chu!” He produced a massive lightning bolt that struck the paralyzed Buzzwole. Unlike before, the attack was doing more damage to the beast than before. “Keep it up!” shouted Rainbow Dash before bursting forward fast. Immediately, all the fighters and support attacked. Rainbow Dash performed a quick punch, Mawile used an attack with her upper body glowing steely called “Iron Head,” and Zoro slashed at Buzzwole with all three swords with the “Oni Giri” technique. Both Franky and Luffy shot forth their extending-arm moves, “Jet Rifle” and “Strong Right,” hitting the bug creature squarely in his chest. Twilight, Ampharos, and Usopp all then laid down suppressing barrage of attacks to finish off the Ultra Beast hopefully. As the smoke cleared, Buzzwole was still standing, but it now looked incredibly damaged and exhausted. That changed as it once again performed the move “Roost” and regained some of its health. The action frustrated all the fighters, who were becoming increasingly tired. “We just ne-ed one more pu-sh,” said Ampharos encouragingly. Then, there came a bird sound. “Koo-kooo!” Everyone, even Buzzwole, looked up to see Tapu Koko floating above them. Before anyone could comment or speak, the Guardian Pokémon dropped down to where Luffy and Pikachu stood together. It then took Luffy’s hat, much to the pony’s surprise, and placed it on Pikachu. Before Luffy could angrily retort, the Tapu gave him a crystal shaped like Pikachu’s tail and a black lightning bolt inside. “Huh?” asked Luffy baffled by the crystal. Tapu Koko then began to perform a stance. First, it fist-bumped, then high-five, and then threw its fist out. Neither Luffy nor Pikachu understood what the Pokémon was saying, but they were fortunate to have some guidance. While Ampharps spoke to Pikachu in Pokémon about what it meant, Mawile spoke to Luffy to explain. “It’s a Z-move! Perform those gestures together with Pikachu to unlock a powerful move.” Luffy understood and looked to Pikachu curiously. Like him, the Mouse Pokémon did the same. While neither could communicate with the other, the two fighter’s determination and willpower spoke for them. They knew what they were going to do. “Alright!” Luffy shouted with a grin. “Pi!” Pikachu said happily. Then, Pikachu and Luffy fist-to-hoof bumped before high-fiving with Pikachu using its tail. The Pokémon and pony then stood side by side and threw their fists out as Tapu Koko did. Suddenly, Pikachu began glowing with a yellow aura, ready to attack. Luffy too then prepared himself. “Gear Third,” the pony said before biting into his hoof, the same one holding the crystal. “Bone Balloon.” He then began blowing in a large amount of air that began to inflate his body part to a gigantic size. Pikachu then jumped high into the air. Storm clouds began to form in the sky above as the Mouse Pokémon started to produce an overwhelming amount of electricity. Not only this but he was also pulling in various colors of the same energy from the storm above. Everyone watched with sheer amazement at the scene. Even Ampharos and Mawile were astonished by what their new member was about to perform. As for Buzzwole, it began to panic at what both were doing, For once, it did not want to face these attacks. It attempted to run away, but its paralysis stopped it from going anywhere. “Pi ka-ka-ka!” “Giant…” “Pika-pika!/Pistol!” From Pikachu, all the electricity it had gathered was finally let free. From its body, seven colors of electrical energy burst out into spheres and fly towards Buzzwole. Luffy merely threw out his enlarged hoof – and partial leg – forward at the same target. The two attacks then combined to form an electrically-induced hoof the size of a building with the balls gathering around at the head of Luffy’s attack. Together, the two attacks hit the immobile Ultra Beast. BOOM! The combined attacks both smashed and exploded at the same time. Buzzwole had no time to recover, and the attack blew it away. The creature sailed high into the sky, unconscious, until it vanished into the blue, leaving only a twinkle of light behind. Before long, it soon began falling back towards the ground. It was about to land in the Berry Grove, but it instead crashed through the opening it originally exited. The small bit of electricity left on it immediately affected the portal, and it closed soon after. The group had only witnessed their opponent soaring into the sky and disappearing. Much relieved by its disappearance, the entire group collapsed to the ground tired. Luffy and Pikachu even fell over from near exhaustion. Tapu Koko looked over the scene with some intrigue but decided to leave the group alone for now. It then flew off into the forest, presumably to check where the creature landed. Despite being tired himself, Ampharos wanted to say something. He lifted his arm as he proclaimed weakly, “And vic-tory goes to…” he paused a moment and fell over, but his arm remained raised, “us.” “Yay,” said everyone equally as weak. Meanwhile, far from Lively town... From any location on the vast continent New Earthia, there is one landmark that was always in sight. From seas to the forests, on the mountains, in the deserts, across the grasslands, and through snow and wind. It is a monument as Canterlot was for the ponies of Equestria, both similar in many regards. It was a massive tree yet not a plant. It is the carved out top of a lone mountain located in the exact center of this land. The design looked very much like a tree as it had foliage growing and covering most of its surface. Gaping holes made the structure more treelike while also revealing a broad network of caves that crisscrossed throughout. In many of the tunnels, crystals protruded out that provided dim light through the caverns. It was indeed a magnificent place and one that holds profound importance for the Pokémon of this continent. That is why, when an echoing screech, like nails on a chalkboard, reverberated through the mountain, shaking it to its core, the Pokémon of the surrounding area became frightened. All manner of Pokémon fled from the place with great urgency. None wanted to be around to see the owner of that horrifying sound. Then, from a large opening at the base of the treelike structure, a creature began stepping out. It was a substantial being as tall as the actual trees growing in the area. The being had an equine-like shape with golden pointed hooves. A massive, golden, and cross-like wheel was around its midsection with green jewels on each point. Before stepping into the light, its red pupil was already glowing like fire with rage in its green eyes. Once entirely out of the cave and in the open, the creature let out the same screech heard earlier. It was even louder this time and felt as if it were coursing throughout the land and making it quake. When it finished, everything was silent for a moment. It did not stay quiet for long. The wind suddenly began to pick up, and the ground started shaking even more violently than before and echoing cries in the distance called back in response. Soon, shapes of other creatures began to appear from afar both in the sky and within the forests. Some, much smaller, were also exiting the tree structure. Among them were the three Tapus, Bulu, Fini, and Lele. All were heading for the creature like obeying a command. That is because this being was none other than the lord of all Pokémon itself. The Original One, the Alpha Pokémon Arceus. And it was furious. TO BE CONTINUED... > Episode 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Descend! Lord Arceus Arrives The Pokémon of Lively Town rejoiced at their triumph and celebrated for the rest of the day. Riolu had returned with the items Ampharos requested, along with Audino as medical back up. However, by the time they arrived, the Ultra Beast was vanquished, and everyone was utterly exhausted. Audino quickly got to work in helping everyone's recovery. Using both a variety of Berries and her attacks that provided healing, the group was soon back on their feet and hooves within a short time. Of course, having just saved the town from a significant threat, the Pokémon of Lively Town threw a celebration for the group. By the time evening began, the Pokémon had already decorated the town festively and prepared all manner of entertainment and food. Never the group to turn down a party, the Straw Hat Pirates showed these creatures how the ponies like to party. Luffy ate to his heart’s content along with the recovering Snorlaxes of Berry Grove. Zoro drank and shared alcohol with his fellow sword wielders, whom most could only barely handle the hard cider. Usopp, Chopper, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Spike played games with Pikachu, Eevee, and Riolu. Franky brought out his guitar and played it along with many other Pokémon that could perform musical sound. Applejack and Sanji hanged around the chef Pokémon, watching how they cooked up the various berries. The rest sat around with the members of the Expedition Society conversing mostly with Ampharos and Mawile. Everyone was having a great time. Then, a newcomer appeared. It was a little white creature shaped somewhat like a star, at least at the head. It floated over from the Expedition Society building, looking as if it had just awakened. The members of the Expedition Society were amazed at the sight of this new Pokémon, whom the Straw Hat Pirates did not know. Mawile quickly explained to them. “This is our final member, Jirachi. He’s a Mythical Pokémon and our astronomer.” Once the Pokémon Jirachi arrived at the group and became fully awake, it greeted its friends and fellow members. It then noticed the company they were keeping and appeared surprised. It talked to Ampharos and Mawile for a moment before approaching the group smiling. “Hello!” spoke a voice through the ponies’ mind. “I’m Jirachi. Thank you for helping my friends against that Ultra Beast.” All the ponies there were shocked. “W-What the…?” said Nami confused. Twilight, however, was quick to understand. “Telepathy,” she concluded evidently. Jirachi nodded. “Correct!” “But how can we understand you and vice versa?” asked Twilight. “Oh, this isn’t the first time I’ve communicated with ponies. It has been a while though, like, centuries.” Again, the ponies were shocked. Besides the royal Alicorn family, none of them had ever heard of any other being that was as long-lived. Robin was especially intrigued. She wanted to ask questions, especially ones about that exact time, but the Mythical Pokémon appeared to have something in mind for the group. “You guys deserve a gift,” said Jirachi surely. “How about I grant you all a special ability?” “What do you mean?” asked Twilight. Jirachi did not say – via its telepathy – anything. It closed its eyes, began to hum, and started floating above the group. Everyone watched – the Pokémon too – as the little creature began to glow a brilliant white. The whole party began to witness the Pokémon; and then, Jirachi’s body revealed something strange: a third eye. It was seen only for a second before a bright light blinded everyone. The brightness only lasted for a second before fading away. Everyone quickly looked back to see the Pokémon floating back down to the group, its third eye now closed. Once at head level to the ponies, Jirachi opened its eyes and smiled. “All done!” spoke the Pokémon cheerfully. The group of pirates gasped. “You can talk?!” Then, all the Pokémon around them gasped. “You can talk?!” Also, for a second time… “You can talk too?!” Immediately, Jirachi explained what it had done to the group: the whole group. It had granted all of them the ability to communicate with all Pokémon and be understood by them in turn. It amazed the group, and they all gratefully thanked the creature for its gift. Most of the Pokémon were thankful as well except Ampharos and Mawile were a bit shellshocked. After all, they had taken the time to learn Ponish just for this occasion. In the end, their feelings of regret faded into amusement as open communication with their new friends reached a new zenith of intrigue. Every Pokémon wanted to talk to one or all of the pirates. However, it would not last long. “Hey!” a shout interrupted the conversations, and everyone looked over to the stage. There on it were a troupe of Pokémon. There was a Meowth, Mime Jr., Cacnea, Wobbuffet, Arbok, Chimecho, Ludicolo, a Stuful and Bewear, and three Whismur and a Loudred. The Meowth then spoke again, “Dat’s enough yappin’! It’s time for the Poké-party Dance!” All the Straw Hat Pirates wore the same blank expression upon hearing the cat. “The Poké-what?” they all asked. On cue from Meowth, both the Mime Jr., the Ludicolo, and the Cacnea stepped forward and held their arms in the air. They both began to glow, and immediately, music started playing from nowhere. “Yeah!” Meowth exclaimed playfully. As the song began, the Pokémon around Meowth started to grunting to the tempo. At the same time, the same glow on the three Pokémon dancing soon started to covering everyone including the Straw Hat Pirates. Everyone immediately stood up and commenced nodding their head to the beat like the Pokémon on stage. No one could fight this notion which made a few members of the group scared. “What’s happening?!” shouted Usopp confusedly. “Alright!” Pinkie Pie yelled out with excitement. “A song! I love those!” Rarity then asked the question on everyone’s minds, “Why can’t we move?” “It’s Teeter Dance,” Ampharos explained, while also under its effect. “It makes you wanna dance!” “Really?!” replied the group shocked. “Just enjoy it,” Mawile said begrudgingly. “It’ll only last for a little while.” “Everybody,” shouted Meowth as he twirled a baton. “Let’s go!” “Wooooobuffet!” announced Wobuffet. Moreover, from there, the Pokémon on stage began to sing and dance while everyone else just danced. Here's your ticket, Hit the floor and kick it! Meowth: No sense stayin' in a chair, no! Chorus: Music, pumpin', Now the joint is jumpin'! Meowth: Slidin' and glidin' through the air! Meowth: Now's the time for shakin', For turnin' 'round and wakin' The sleepyhead that's in your bed; the fun is for the takin'! Forget about the snoozers, 'Cause snoozin's for the losers, Since everything is lookin' up then let's party down! Every single Pokémon That knows what is goin' on Is there to sing and shake that thing until the break of day, hey! Check out the way my friends are spinnin', It keeps us all a-grinnin', And giddy in a Pokémonic way. Chorus: Here's your ticket, Hit the floor and kick it! Meowth: No sense sittin' this one out, yo! Chorus: Don't be tardy, Join the Poké-party! Meowth: Time for the Poké-party dance! Through the song, and even after the singing ceased for a while, Pokémon and pirates continued to dance with complete synchronization. Never had any of the ponies, Minotaur, baby dragon, or elephant dance in such a way. Many of them were disturbed by their inability to control their movements along with what dance moves they miraculously knew. Others, like Pinkie Pie, were far more willing to lose themselves to the beat and dancing, even if it was not their own. Then, the music shifted tone. It became more formal and downbeat. The response from the crowd soon matched that as Pokémon and pirate began to pair up suddenly. Among those that had paired up were Sanji and Applejack, both blushing. Zoro and Scyther, both doing so begrudgingly. Pinkie Pie and Ampharos were greatly enjoying dancing together. Robin and Mawile were completely straightfaced while dancing. Luffy was very confused as he danced with one of the Snorlax. Nami and Rarity, while also baffled, were at least okay with their partner. Fluttershy was happy enough to dance with Funkfreed. Chopper was downtrodden as he wanted to dance with Fluttershy but got stuck with Pikachu. However, soon, the music picked back up to its original tone and everyone separated. Everyone still had to dance the same moves as before, but now, they were less embarrassing than what occurred earlier. Soon, the Pokémon troupe on stage began to sing again. Chorus: Here's your ticket, Hit the floor and kick it! Meowth: No sense stayin' in a chair, no! Chorus: Music, pumpin', Now the joint is jumpin'! Meowth: Slidin' and glidin' through the air! Meowth: Now's the time for shakin', For turnin' 'round and wakin' The sleepyhead that's in your bed; the fun is for the takin'! Forget about the snoozers, 'Cause snoozin's for the losers, Since everything is lookin' up then let's party down! Every single Pokémon That knows what is goin' on Is there to sing and shake that thing until the break of day, hey! Check out the way my friends are spinnin', It keeps us all a-grinnin', And giddy in a Pokémonic way. Chorus: Here's your ticket, Hit the floor and kick it! Meowth: No sense sittin' this one out, yo! Chorus: Don't be tardy, Join the Poké-party! Meowth: Time for the Poké-party dance! The song ended, and all the Pokémon went into a roar of cheer. Most of them had very much enjoyed the dance and song. As for the pirates, all of them collapsed either tired or utterly embarrassed. Once they recovered though, the party continued. The troupe even continued dancing and singing, but without the use of Teeter Dance to control everyone else to dance. Franky and Luffy also joined them as Franky strummed his guitar and Luffy taught everyone his weird dance with chopsticks placed between his nose and lower lip while holding out a basket. It quickly became a hit among the Pokémon who quickly copied the Earth pony. Pokémon and pirate both laughed at the sight but enjoyed the entertainment very much, and the party continued well into the night. Eventually, Lively Town had at last fallen asleep. The music was over, the lights all out, the food and drink consumed, and every creature was now sleeping where they collapsed. It was the same for even the Straw Hat Pirates and the Expedition Society members. Most of them remained resting in the streets while a few had turned in early back to the Thousand Sunny; they were Nami, Twilight, and Rarity. But not all were napping; in fact, there were still three creatures awake at the moment. Ever the night owl, Robin had remained firmly active to ask her questions eventually. It appeared Mawile was similar in her night routines, and Jirachi simply was not tired yet. When she found the moment, she asked the two to join her in front of the plaque where she and her crew met the Tapus. There now, with only the three of them, Robin began to ask her questions. “This plaque,” she mentioned with a gesture, “it is written in a language I am all too familiar with, but why is it here? What is the Pokémon’s connection to the Poneglyphs and the Void Century?” In the morning, the third day, the Straw Hat Pirates prepared to leave the continent of New Earthia. All the Pokémon of Lively helped them out by gathering supplies for their journey across the sea. It was Pokémon’s way of showing gratitude to their friends for protecting their home and fellow Pokémon. The group received whole barrels full of Berries, one of every kind. Sanji was most appreciative for this as he wanted to experiment with these fruits. Soon, they were all ready to leave, but they still had to say good-bye to all their new friends. Now being able to talk to them, the two groups had significantly bonded between each other. Zoro had especially done so with the group of Pokémon practicing the way of the sword. Still, they were especially close to Ampharos, Mawile, and Team Indigo. “Do you really have to go?” asked Pikachu glumly. “You could join my team, and help Pokémon all over New Earthia.” “That would be fun,” Luffy said, now having second thoughts. Twilight politely interceded. “Sorry, Pikachu, but we have family back home to see, and from what I recall about your leader, he doesn’t sound all too friendly to ponies.” “Well, don’t let that stop ya from visiting again,” Ampharos stated happily. “The fact that Lugia let you through in the first place shows that you all are definitely worthy of our friendship.” “Lugia?” asked the two blood siblings. Mawile explained, “He’s the Legendary Pokémon that oversees this part of New Earthia and is the guardian of the current. Nothing comes in without his good graces.” Twilight then had a moment of epitome. “So, the creature that rescued me, Luffy, and Nami was this ‘Lugia’ Pokémon.” “Maybe,” Ampharos said with a shrug. “It’s hard to tell without proof.” Luffy then shouted, “Hey, Nami!” when the orange-mane Pegasus showed herself he then followed up with a question. “Do you still have that weird feather?” “Yeah!” Nami flew down and revealed to the Pokémon the oddly shaped silver feather Luffy had once found on her. To the group’s surprise, all the Pokémon marveled at the sight. “That is indeed Lugia’s feather,” Mawile confirmed with certainty. “Astonishing!” Ampharos exclaimed joyfully. “This is clear proof that your arrival was more than just happenstance!” While the Straw Hat crew was confused over what their friend meant, they soon had little time to delve into it. Suddenly, the wind began to pick up from inland, catching everyone off guard. On the wind, mighty cries, roars, and screeches echoed with great ferocity. The wind began to die down and everyone quickly recovered, but they all soon noticed the presence of many. “Holy!” shouted Rainbow Dash in shock. In the skies and the town, many beings had arrived. They all varied in size and appearance, but all of them looked dangerous. Among them, floating in the center of the group, was the white equine creature with the gold wheel on its abdomen. It glared down upon the group, along with the others, with vicious anger. “Who are all these guys?!” shouted Nami frightenedly. Jirachi nervously answered, “Its Lord Arceus, and many of the Legendary and Mythical Pokémon!” And those of with Arceus: Landorus, Tornadus, Thundurus, Cobalion, Terrakion, Virivion, Keldeo, Cresselia, Darkrai, Tapu Bulu, Tapu Lele, Tapu Fini, Suicune, Entei, Raikou, Reshiram, Zekrom, Latios, Latias, and Rayquaza. “What are they all doing here?!” shouted Munchlax in a panic. Clenching his teeth mad, Ampharos pulled out an armband and a bow, each holding the same kind of stone with a DNA helix pattern. “I didn’t expect to have to use these,” he muttered. The Light Pokémon then turned to his friends. “Go! Now!” he shouted. The Straw Hat Pirates did so immediately. They all hurried onto their ship as the Pokémon around them began to flee except the members of the Expedition Society and the Way of the Sword Pokemon. Taking the lead, Ampharos then tossed the bow to Mawile, who caught it and placed it on her head where her second mouth was connected. Ampharos put the armband on his arm. The stones began to glow and the two Pokémon were suddenly encased in a pink orb. The casing then bursts and reveals two new but similar Pokémon: Mega Ampharos and Mega Mawile. The pirates were utterly amazed by their transformation while hurrying to set sail. These Pokémon stood between the Legendary and Mythical Pokémon and their friends, much to the chagrin of Arceus. “Move aside,” commanded the Alpha Pokémon severely. Mega Ampharos remained defiant. “We won’t allow you – any of you – to hurt our friends!” “Please, listen!” shouted Jirachi, floating up to be more clearly seen, “These ponies are-” “Trespassing!” roared Arceus furiously. He then commanded out, “Rid them from our lands!” The Legendaries and the Mythical Pokémon roared out in readiness. From the town, a pack of canine-like creatures following one that was larger and silver charged forward. It is Silvally and Type: Nulls. Above them, a squadron of purple and red flying saucers followed as well: they are Genesect. They were the vanguard, and would not stop until they accomplished their mission. Immediately, the two Mega Pokémon and the Sword Pokémon attacked the pack of canine-like Pokémon. Jirachi and the rest of the Expedition Society attempted to stop the Genesect. Together, they were able to repel the group. “Kokoo!” To the Pokémon and pirates’ surprise, Tapu Koko also joined in repelling the attack. As it turned out, it had grown to trust them after all. Unfortunately, seeing their comrades getting defeated prompted the other Legendaries and Mythical Pokémon to attack. The group of regular Pokémon and Tapu Koko tried their best to hold even one back, but they could not match these Pokemon in strength. It would appear that they would catch their friends and likely destroy them. “Almost there,” Twilight said painstakingly. Currently, Twilight Sparkle and all the other unicorns were around the mechanism that absorbed magic and giving it thus. Having noticed how dangerous the situation was turning, the Straw Hat first-mate had requested that all the unicorns pour their magic into it to hopefully escape with teleportation. Zoro abstained from doing so to protect the ship. The others agreed quickly and gave as much as they could. Usopp and then Rarity were the first to finish before Robin next. Twilight was the last but had to be careful as she was the one who had to cast the spell. However, the Legendaries and Mythical Pokémon were already upon them, and Twilight was not yet ready to cast her spell. Would this be the end for the Straw Hat Pirates? Suddenly, a mighty current of water began to lift the Thousand Sunny. Not only raising the ship but also forcing back the now confused Pokémon. The stream stopped but then carried the vessel out to sea. As it did, the melodic call that the pirates had heard before arriving in New Earthia echoed through the torrent. Immediately, Luffy and Nami looked over the railing. Neither one could see the Pokémon, but they finally knew what it was. “Lugia…” The Legendaries and Mythical Pokémon were soon back to attack the group. Before they could strike, attacks of fire, ice, and lightning struck them first. The Straw Hat Pirates looked up to see three birds, each representing one of those elements, flew past them and attacking the other Pokémon. Right behind them, the group then saw many, smaller Pokémon floating down to help those birds. Many of them were cute in appearance; yet, they all could repel the much larger Pokémon from attacking them. It was astonishing. “Pokémon really are interesting creatures,” Robin commented amusedly. Spike then added, “But dangerous too!” “I hope we get to see them again someday,” Luffy said with a smile. A sentiment shared among his entire crew. He then turned to Twilight, who looked ready. “Twi, get us outta here!” “You got it!” Twilight then twisted the nod and placed her hoof on the dome. “Emergency Escape, Magical Teleportation!” The Thousand Sunny immediately became immersed in magic, various colors mixing since four sources of magic were donated. A second later, the entire ship vanished off the top of the water tornado. Noticing the boat’s disappearance, the creature controlling this torrent ceased doing so. Before the water column could collapse, it swam up the stream and revealed itself to all the Legendaries and Mythical Pokémon around; it was Lugia. Greatly angered, Arceus floated over and approached the Legendary Pokémon. The fighting all stopped as every Pokémon focused on these two individuals. Once close enough, Arceus stopped before the birdlike Pokémon and demanded only one thing of it. “You will explain this, Lugia.” TO BE CONTINUED... > Part 2 Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disturb Not the Harmony The Danger that Lies Beyond A few days later, after the Lively Town incident… “What gave you the right to let those ponies into our land?!” “Don’t you remember the atrocities they committed against Pokémon kind?!” “Why did all of you help them escape?!” Inside an enormous cavern, many Legendary and Mythical Pokémon were gathered together and shouting. Many were angry over the actions of some individuals within their ranks that had broken a taboo. The main culprit was Lugia, but he appeared to have many accomplices. The Legendary Bird trio: Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. There were also some Mythical Pokémon; Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Shaymin, Victini, Meloetta, and Hoopa. Finally, there was also Tapu Koko, who was surrounded by his fellow Tapus with confused stares. The other Legendaries and Mythical Pokémon present were sitting around the cave in individual seats representing their presence. Standing before the accused was none other than Arceus itself, gazing down at them with tempered anger. Another Pokémon soon began to shout. It was a giant red lizard creature: Groudon. “What reason is there, Lugia, to let those things into our land when we worked so hard to make sure they never got in?!” Finally, Lugia spoke. “I did so to help protect our home,” he answered calmly. Another roar of argument erupted. Eventually, Arceus had enough of the bickering going on around him, and he commanded for them all to be silent. Every Legendary and Mythical Pokémon obeyed without question. Then, Arceus began to ask the questions. “What made you believe that allowing the creatures of this world passage to our home would protect it?” spoke the Alpha Pokémon evenly, with only a hint of anger laced in its voice. Lugia closed its eyes for a moment, collecting its thoughts and recalling what it was that made its decision. It then opened its eyes, showing both confidence and concern. “I foresaw our home under attack,” it stated. All the Pokémon around the room began to talk but between each other. Arceus ignored their whispers and continued to question further. “Attack by whom?” “I do not know,” Lugia answered truthfully. All the Pokemon in the room were surprised in hearing this, especially to Mew. “You’re saying that the Ultra Beast attack wasn’t what your vision was about?” The dragon-like Pokémon shook its head. It then started to explain, “What I saw was much worse than that Pokémon’s appearance.” “What do you mean?!” shouted a large bull Legendary, Terrakion. “Aren’t the Ultra Beasts and their master the very reason we’ve had to come to his world in the first place?” “I agree with Terrakion,” spoke a birdlike Legendary with a moon theme, Cresselia. “If those Beasts have found us again, they will begin to invade as they did before.” Lugia began to speak more gravely, “What I saw was not merely the destruction of Pokémon, but their enslavement.” “What?!” shouted many including Zekrom and Mewtwo. “Are you suggesting the creatures of this world are going to enslave us?!” shouted a smaller bull Legendary that was red, Heatran. “And you allowed them to enter our home to what? Give them time to select which place to attack first?!” “Outrageous!” shouted a brown Legendary Pokémon floating on a cloud, Landorus. As the room of Legendaries and Mythical Pokémon began to argue, Jirachi soon floated up next to Mew. It started shouting which silenced everyone. “I don’t believe Lugia felt like those ponies were some vanguard or something for an army. They were all really nice and fun, and helped my friends to defeat the Ultra Beast.” “I and my friends wouldn’t have come to aid Lugia otherwise if we sensed evil intentions,” Mew stated, with his group also nodding in agreement. Tapu Koko then joined the trio in the air. And it spoke, “I have watched them for the three days that it took for you, Lord Arceus, to arrive and deal with them. I didn’t trust them at first. But in all that time, I saw them connect with the Pokémon of Lively Town much like how our old friends from the old world did with us long ago. They were not evil creatures.” “Koko…” spoke Tapu Lele with surprise. The other two Tapus were the same. Lugia then spoke next. “I would think you, Lord Arceus, would understand their ability to connect to others despite being different.” All the Pokémon looked to their leader, awaiting its answer. Arceus took Lugia’s words to heart, and its rage began to cool down. It closed its eyes as it searched its long memory for what the Diving Pokémon was so obviously referencing. There was a cave with no way out. There was itself and two others stuck inside. Arceus had its wounds tended and wrapped in bandages. The only light was the magic produced one of the other creatures in the room. It was a pony but more specifically, an Alicorn. The pony had a white coat and ethereally mane with the mark of the sun on her flank. She was offering food to him, smiling with great intention. It was one of the only positive memories that Arceus could find on the ponies; yet, it still spoke volumes and moved its heart a little. “Very well,” Arceus finally spoke, to the surprise of everyone. “I will overlook this breach as long as you no longer allow any more to cross into our border without my permission.” Lugia smiled and nodded. Many of the Pokémon in the room took some issue with this proclamation, but Arceus swiftly silenced their objections. It then continued to what it believed was a more pressing manner. “Vision or no, the Ultra Beasts have discovered our location. We must prepare for their eventual arrival.” Soon, once plans were made to counter the impending threat, Arceus dismissed the Pokémon. Many began to fly, float, dive, or teleport out of the cavern room. Eventually, all that was left was Arceus and Mew. As they were now alone, Mew floated over to the Alpha Pokémon. Once level with its eye, they began to converse familiarly. “You’re pretty scary when your angry, Papa,” Mew stated playfully. Arceus let out a sigh. “Recalling that war and all our struggles just to find a home brings about bad memories, my Child.” “Still,” Mew continued, “I think its time to move on from that. No Pokémon remembers it except all of us, and from what Jirachi told me about one of the ponies, nearly all the ponies have forgotten it too.” “A pony is curious about that awful war?” Arceus asked suspiciously. Mew immediately shook its head. “No, more like she just wanted to learn and know the true history of this world.” Again, Arceus sighed. “Some things are best left forgotten.” Both Arceus and Mew traveled through one of the large tunnels leading out. After a few turns, they both exited to the outside, revealing to be the enormous stone tree and mountain from before. Together, they looked out over the land as the sun began to set on another day. Everything around them was peaceful. “Oh, by the way,” Mew said happily. “I sent one of the Mythicals to follow those ponies.” Arceus nearly face-faulted. What was it to do about its maverick of a child? Meanwhile, far from New Earthia, there lied a unique prison within the domain of the Black Empire. All pirates and criminals, and even the Equestrian Armed Forces knew of this place, Impel Down. It was a super-secure facility similar to Equestria’s own Tartarus with one key difference: a preference for torture. This prison also was well-known to be inescapable compared to Equestria’s own, which was meant to house and contain dangerous magical beings and creatures. Regardless, all feared Impel Down the most, never wanting to become one of its hundreds of inmates. Now, deep within the prison, there is a floor so dimly lit, barren, and dull that it was practically torture by boredom. Very few knew of this place’s existence or visited. It was a place for the worst criminals of the Black Empire. Those sent there were said to be completely erased from history; at least if you lived in the Emperor’s domain. However, today, there came a visitor. Despite the little light, a male pony was able to find his way through around the cages and cells. The pony appeared completely unaccompanied as the equine traveled further into the floor. The little horse soon stumbled and began to rant before continuing. He went around looking through the cells, shining a light created through his magic. Every time, the prisoners ignored his presence, and the stallion continued searching. Eventually, he found whom he was looking for and began to smile evilly. “Well, hello there,” said the pony revealing to be Spandam, “Crocodile.” In the cage, the one named “Crocodile” began to move. He stepped forward into the light revealing his tall stature and crocodilian appearance. Across his snout, he had a horizontal scar. The creature’s skin was dirt yellow with sand yellow stripe patterns all over his body with a white underbelly. Chains adorn both his legs and arms which stopped his movement a few feet away from the door. It then pointed its large and golden hook hand towards the pony, looking not at all pleased to see him. “What do you want, Government Dog.” “I want you to help me with something,” Spandam spoke connivingly “Why would I help you?” “Because, I can get you out of here,” Spandam tempted. “Forget it,” Crocodile immediately stated. “I’m done being the Empire’s lapdog.” “But I can also take you back to your home.” The creature suddenly became slightly interested but remained cautious while he continued to listen. Spandam thus sweetened the deal, “I can also help you with the revenge that you so desperately want.” Crocodile (the shiny Krookodile) now had his full interest. Meanwhile, somewhere else entirely. It is a dark world with very little light shining forth. The only source being the crystals scattered around and the lightning dancing in the sky above. The world is void of many things that would are necessary: foilage, water, life. It was nothing but rock. Despite these flaws, some creatures called this world home. Somewhere within the world, the Ultra Beast Pokemon known as Buzzwole was on the ground, looking to be begging. As it knelt in a valley, the walls had many other creatures watching on. Each one was weirder than the next at many different sizes. There were not the beasts, however, that Buzzwole was kneeling for; that creature floated before it. At the other side of the gorge, there was a giant creature made of black crystal. It stood bipedal with massive arms and sharp claws. The beasts head protruded out behind it, and its face made up of colors flashing in different ways. At this moment, it was currently angry. It let out a piercing screech that made every creature in this geologic structure flinch and kneel before the monster. What was it so angry about? Finally, within the space between worlds, two little clouds were floating and playing as they traveled through the pathway. The little beings bodies looked almost gaseous with two appendages sticking out at the top of their heads. Neither seemed to have a care in the world as they continued moving forward towards their unknown destination. Where are they heading? TO BE CONTINUED… > Ending Song 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun begins to rise over the horizon. The land below, New Earthia, is greeted to the first sunlight of the day. Come back to me, oh yeah In Lively Town, the Pokemon arise and greet the day. In the Expedition building, its members are already hard at work doing their tasks. Ampharos and Mawile are in an office as they hang up a picture of their new friends, the Straw Hat Pirates. Come back to me Team Indigo - Pikachu, Eevee, and Riolu - rush out of the Expedition Society building. Pikachu is holding a scroll in its mouth as they scurry forward. He is also wearing a baseball cap with a symbol that looked like half a ball on it with coloration similar to Luffy's straw hat. The group seems excited as they head out of town to do their mission. Meanwhile, at the same time, the Thousand Sunny is sailing on the sea. We've been through so much, you and I But I'm sure we've seen the same blue sky While both groups rest together, Pikachu and Luffy separate from their group. At the same time, they both look up to a blue sky, very similar in both locations. I will wait, wait for you Do what you need to do The two leaders then lean back, appearing as if they were supporting each other. Both look happy as they thought about the other and what adventures they may be going on with their group. Then, with determination, both quickly stand up, run, and leap out. I know you have a lot to do But know that I'll always wait for you no matter Pikachu leaps into a battle with a Drapion. Behind the big Pokemon, there is a group of Teddiursa huddling together in fear. The Electric Mouse runs forward between his two teammates, becomes covered in electricity, and slams right into the Pokemon. Where you go, and need to be Just make sure that you come back to me, oh yeah Luffy reels his hoof back as he and his crew were fighting off Black Navy soldiers. All of his group was fighting and winning against three battleships worth of enemies. The red Earth pony then uses his Gear Third and quickly smashes a battleship. La la la-a la la la la-aahh From beneath the sea, Lugia watches the battle. It is unconcerned about the destruction or the danger and soon swims off. Go, but you better come back to me, oh yeah In Canterlot, Celestia looks out the stain-glass window that held the images of her student and her friends defeating Discord. She is smiling, not only for her student but also for all her friends, shown and not. La la la-a la la la la-aahh Back in New Earthia, Arceus stands outside the mountain tree with Mew flying around it happily. Its son's antics very much amuse it. Go, but you better come back to me, oh yeah Now in Ponyville, the Apple Family is out in town along with Derpy Hooves. The Cutie Mark Crusaders - Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo - are together. They place their hooves together, and the group then lifts them up in cheer. My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic The Friendship Chronicles Part 2 "An Ultra First Encounter" FIRST SERIES END