> Twilight the foal > by BubblePuff > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Twily > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike stood with a foalified Twilight in his arms. She was crying hysterically, and his so called “friends” had all just ran out on him. He was not having a good day to say the least. Spike gently rubbed Twilight’s back. “Shh, it’s okay. Please stop crying.” Spike spoke in a calming tone. Twilight had stopped screaming, but tears still ran down her face. Spike placed her down on the bed and proceeded to make a series of silly faces. Twilight finally stopped crying. She clapped her hooves and laughed. Soon Starlight walked into the room. “Hey Spike, is Twilight feeling any be-” Starlight stopped once she saw Spike making faces at a now foal Twilight. “Um, why is Twilight a foal?” Spike explained everything that had happened. “ Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack all came over to check up on Twilight. Unfortunately her sickness caused her to sneeze magic out at them. Pinkie then came by with a cure made by Zecora. It worked, but the side effect was that it turned Twilight into a foal. At that point they all just ran out and left me here with her.” Starlight was appalled at what she just heard. “They ran out on you? Ugh, the nerve of some ponies! Don’t worry Spike, I’ll stay with you through this.” Twilight had soon taken notice of Starlight. She then flew over to her pupil and began nomming on her mane. “So what do we do first?” Spike asked. Starlight used her magic to pull Twilight off of her mane. This caused Twilight to start crying again. “First we need to get Twilight into a diaper. We really don’t need to be mopping up her messes all day. Fortunately I know where Twilight keeps all of the foal supplies for when Flurry Heart comes over.” Spike covered his ears to drown out the crying. “Can we hurry? This crying is starting to give me a headache.” Starlight found the foal supplies in one of the many spare rooms of the castle. The first thing she did was place a pacifier in Twilight’s mouth to stop her crying. She then laid Twilight down on a changing mat and proceeded to put foal powder on her bottom. Starlight finally strapped Twilight into a thick, poofy diaper. “There, nice and secure.” Starlight said as she patted Twilight’s bottom. “At least she stopped crying.” Spike said. “ I should probably head over to Zecora’s and inform her of what happened. Hopefully she can make a cure for her cure.” Starlight nodded in agreement. “I’ll stay here and look after Twilight.” Spike stretched out his wings and flew out of the castle towards the Everfree forest. Starlight picked up Twilight with her hooves and heard her tummy growl. “It sounds like a certain filly is hungry.” Starlight cooed. “Let's get you something to eat.” Starlight took Twilight into the kitchen and placed her in a high chair that was usually reserved for Flurry Heart. Starlight then looked through the cabinets to find the reserve foal food. “Here we go, mashed peas.” Starlight opened the jar and took out a small spoonful. “Okay Twilight, open up for num nums.” Twilight turned her head away. “Nuh uh! Yucky!” “But it’s good for you!” Starlight then pretended to take a bite. “Mmm, yummy!” Twilight shook her head. “No!” “Come on, just try it.” Starlight pleaded. She flew the spoon around through the air. “Make way for the wonderbolt, coming in for a landing.” This made Twilight giggle a little. With her mouth open, Starlight put the spoon into it. “There, that wasn’t so bad now was it-” Before she could finish, Twilight spat the green goop out all over Starlight’s face. Starlight sighed as Twilight laughed at the sight. “Alright, let’s try something else.”   After trying several different jars of foal food, most of which ended up on the floor, Starlight was finally successful in getting Twilight to eat some apple sauce. “Okay, now that we have you fed, how about some play time?” Twilight bounced up and down in her high chair. “Pway pway!” Starlight carried Twilight over to her bedroom. She set her down and then dug through a box of toys. “Here Twilight, how about you play with this ball?” Starlight rolled the ball over to Twilight. Twilight picked up the ball, then threw it right at Starlight’s head. Twilight laughed as the ball smacked Starlight right between the eyes. Starlight rubbed her face. “How did Cadence ever put up with you?” Starlight tried other toys including a rattle, plastic stacking rings, blocks, and teddy bears but Twilight just kept tossing them aside. Starlight then had an idea. “Twilight, would you like to play a game?” Starlight cooed. Twilight smiled and nodded her head. “Alright, how about a game of peek a boo?” “Peek a boo!” Twilight said with delight. “Okay then.” Starlight covered her eyes. “Where’s Twilight?” Twilight looked at Starlight with a look of confusion. Starlight then uncovered her eyes. “Peek a boo! There she is!” Twilight laughed loudly as Starlight recovered her eyes. “Where’s Twilight? Peek a boo! I see you!” Starlight then blew a raspberry onto Twilight’s tummy. Twilight squealed with joy as she wildly kicked around. Starlight covered her eyes for a third time. “Where’s Twilight? Peek a b-” Starlight uncovered her eyes only to find that Twilight wasn’t there. Starlight panicked, and searched the entire bedroom. Twilight was missing! Starlight ran out into the hallway, calling out for Twilight. “Twilight! Where are you?!” Starlight then heard a giggling sound and looked down the hall to see Twilight. Starlight ran up to her, but as she got closer Twilight lit up her horn and vanished in a flash of light. Starlight stopped and groaned. “Of all the times for her magical foal surges to kick in.” Starlight soon heard the giggling again. She looked up to see Twilight crawling on the ceiling. “Twilight! Get down here before you hurt yourself!” Starlight used a levitation spell to get up to the ceiling. Just as she was about to grab her, Twilight teleported again. Starlight chased Twilight throughout the castle, with Twilight teleporting away everytime Starlight was about to catch her. Starlight suddenly had an idea. She went back to Twilight’s room and searched through the box of toys until she found what she needed: Ms Smarty Pants.   “It’s a good thing Big Mac got tired of this and gave it back.” Starlight raced to the cutie map room. “Twilight! I’ve got your favorite toy!” She called out. Twilight appeared in a flash on the cutie map and wobbled her way over to Starlight. She gave Ms Smarty Pants to Twilight, who hugged the plushie tightly. Starlight picked up Twilight and held her close. “When is Spike going to get back? It feels like he's been gone for ages.” A bulge then formed in Twilight’s diaper, followed by a hideous odor. “ Smells like you need a changing.”  Twilight blushed as she smiled innocently. Starlight took Twilight back to her bedroom and layed out a changing mat on the floor. She undid the straps on Twilight’s diaper. Starlight’s face turned green and she almost barfed at the sight of Twilight’s mess. “Sweet Celestia! How did you turn applesauce into that?!”  She threw away the soiled diaper and wiped down Twilight’s bottom. She then used plenty of foal powder before finally strapping Twilight into a fresh diaper. “There, all nice and clean.” Starlight then kissed Twilight on the horn, causing Twilight to giggle. Spike then flew in through the window, holding a vial of blue liquid. “I’m back with the cure for the, um, cure. Was everything alright while I was gone?” Starlight looked like a tattered mess. Her mane and tail were both matted, and dried foal food was stuck to coat. “What took you so long?! Twilight has been an absolute hoofull! First she threw foal food everywhere, then she had me chasing her all over the castle thanks to her magical outbursts, and just now I had to change a diaper so stinky that it would put both Cake twins to shame!” “Starlight, I was only gone for an hour.” Spike said. “Well it felt like forever.” Starlight sat down and let out a sigh. “Now I know how you and Twilight feel whenever you two foalsit Flurry Heart.” “Trust me, Flurry Heart is WAY worse when it comes to foalsitting. If she were here half of the castle would have been destroyed by now.” Starlight took notice of the vial that Spike was holding. “So is that going to return Twilight to normal?” Spike nodded his head. “Yep. Zecora said that this should counter the side effects of her previous potion.” “Only one way to find out.” Starlight uncorked the bottle and placed a rubber nipple on it. She then gave the potion to Twilight who drank it down fast. Twilight hiccuped, and in a flash of light she was back to normal. Twilight looked around the room in confusion. “What’s going on? Why am I sucking on a bottle? Why are there tattered remains of a diaper on my butt? And why does Starlight look so terrible?” Spike and Starlight both explained what happened after Twilight took the first potion. Upon hearing that their friends just up and left them, Twilight became furious. “They just left you after I turned into a foal?! Well, I think a little payback is in order. Spike, do we still have any of the original potion left?” “Yeah, why?” “I have a plan.” Twilight said with a sly smile. That evening Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy all showed up at the front door to Twilight’s castle. “Does any pony know what’s going on?” Rarity asked. “I certainly hope that Twilight is back to normal.” Applejack spoke up. “I heard that she’s back to normal. In fact, she’s the one who called us all here. Said something about a surprise.” “I just hope that Twilight isn’t upset that we ran out on her and Spike when she turned into a foal.” Said Fluttershy. “I still feel bad about what we did.” “Hey, there was no way that I was going to look after a foal.” Rainbow Dash said. “Especially an Alicorn foal. I had enough with Flurry Heart.” Pinkie Pie Spoke up. “Yeah I mean Pound and Pumpkin can be a hooffull, but Flurry Heart really takes the cake. The instant I saw Twilight turn into a foal I knew that she would be trouble.” Rarity knocked at the door and Spike answered. “Ah good, you’re all here! Twilight and Starlight are waiting for you in the cutie map room with tea and cake.” “Oh boy! Cake!” Pinkie Pie dashed in immediately. The others walked in slowly. They could sense that something was up, they just couldn’t tell what. After they all took their seats at the table, Spike went around and filled up their cups with tea. Twilight and Starlight then entered with a cake covered by a lid. “Twilight! It is so good to see that you’re back to normal.” Rarity said. “We do apologise for running out on you like that, but we just couldn’t take anymore magical outbursts.” Twilight smiled and waved it off. “Oh don’t worry about that. Besides, Starlight did a great job of taking care of me.” Starlight rolled her eyes. “Yeah, a job that left a complete mess.” “A mess that I had to spend all day cleaning up.” Spike added. “Anyway, let’s focus on the future. Bottoms up!” Twilight raised her tea cup and her five friends all drank the tea. “Now we can have the extra special cake!” “Oh boy! Special cake!” Pinkie pie cheered. “What makes it so special?” Rarity asked. “This!” Twilight removed the lid to reveal the cake. It had a message on it written in frosting. I PUT THE POTION IN THE TEA. All of Twilight’s friends gasped. “Don’t worry, I measured enough so that will only last a few hours.” Twilight said. “And I’ve already contacted your families to come pick you up. Hopefully this will teach you not to run out on your friends when they need you.” In a flash Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie were all transformed into foals. They all broke out crying instantly. Twilight, Starlight, and Spike all had some cake while they waited for their friends’ families to show up.