> Endgame > by Tailbiter231 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prison Break > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "And then they restored all the magic of Equestria, and then I was captured, and here I am," said Cozy Glow. "At least my letting the ponies go had nothing to do with it," said Tirek. "But now we're trapped forever. There is even a magic here keeping one from dying of starvation." Cozy Glow grinned evilly. "Oh, I had a backup plan just in case my plan should fail." "You didn't bother telling me?" said Tirek. "That pink pony nearly drove me insane!" "A small price to pay for your freedom, and for taking over Equestria! All we have to do is wait for her." "Wait for who?" At that moment, the doors of Tartarus opened, and Princess Celestia walked in. "What, we force her to release us?" Tirek said quietly to Cozy Glow. "We're not exactly in a position to do that." "We won't have to," said Cozy Glow. "She'll get us out of her own accord. It wasn't easy finding her, but once I did, convincing her to help was a snap!" Celestia flew up to Cerberus. "I'm transferring Tirek and Cozy Glow." As soon as Cerberus nodded, Celestia walked up to Cozy Glow. "It's me, Chrysalis," she said quietly. "Right on time," said Cozy Glow. Chrysalis blasted apart the bars of Cozy Glow's cage with a green spell. "If I may ask, why the elaborate plan? Why couldn't I just release Tirek and bring him to you?" "I needed to see this through myself and make sure you didn't conspire against me." Cozy Glow had pretended to her that her backup plan was her main plan all along. She took an amulet out of her tail and put it around her neck. "Oh, I see," said Chrysalis. "See what?" said Tirek. As soon as Chrysalis blasted open Tirek's cage, Cozy Glow bit his tail, pulling out a hair. She put the hair in the amulet, which absorbed it. "What was that for?" said Tirek. "I heard how you betrayed Discord," said Cozy Glow. "This is the Amulet of Arabus, and it now contains hairs from both you and Chrysalis. As long as I wear it, none of your magic will work on me. And don't even think of trying to take it off. It's enchanted so that only the wearer can remove it, just like the Alicorn Amulet." "All right, fine, you're in charge, but I still get most of Equestria, right?" "Yes. Just remember you answer to me. Now let's get out of here." Chrysalis led Cozy Glow and Tirek to the gates of Tartarus and they walked out, closing the door behind them. > Chrysalis's Return > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Why can't I steal magic now?" said Tirek, who was hiding out at Hollow Shades with his two allies. "Because Chrysalis has to recover her power first," said Cozy Glow. "It would be harder for her if everypony knew you were a on the rampage again." "And how exactly can I do that without my army?" said Chrysalis. "Replace Princess Cadance again," said Cozy Glow. "You'll become as powerful as Tirek through Shining Armor and Flurry Heart's love for her." "She's a princess! I'm too weak to take her on myself!" Chrysalis's eye twitched. "You don't have to fight her head on. Sneak up on her as Celestia or Luna and knock her out when you're alone together. You can be the ruler of the Crystal Empire, and put Shining Armor back under your spell." "That... might work. Why didn't I think of that?" "Because you're terrible at coming up with plans," said Tirek. "And remember, her love is yours but her magic is mine." "We will hide here until it's time," said Cozy Glow. "And make sure you bring back plenty of food. And whatever you do, DON'T blow your cover, or they'll activate the Crystal Heart. You don't want to end up like King Sombra." Princess Cadance and Shining Armor were playing with Flurry Heart at the Crystal Empire when Chrysalis flew in as Celestia. "Cadance, there is a matter I wish to discuss with you," said Chrysalis. "What is it?" said Cadance. "I'll have to take you there." "Can I come?" said Shining Armor. "No!" said Chrysalis. "I mean... You should stay and look after Flurry Heart." "Sounds good." Chrysalis and Cadance walked out of the castle and down a path, away from the Crystal Empire. The weather was sunny and not too cold. "So, what is it you wanted to talk about?" said Cadance. "I want to examine the Hollow Shades and make sure there's no way the shadow half of the Pony of Shadows can ever return." "That shouldn't be a problem. He was banished back to limbo. Someone would need something belonging to him to get him out." "Yes, but I just want to make sure there aren't any other shadow spirits. Luna even said she let another one in to become Nightmare Moon." Of course she had heard this from Cozy Glow, who had heard it from Twilight, who had heard it from Luna following Stygian's redemption. "That's a fair point." They boarded the train and rode it to the Hollow Shades. Chrysalis tried to avoid saying too much, remembering Cozy Glow's warnings to not blow her cover. They got off at the Hollow Shade entrance. As they walked, Chrysalis looked around and saw a mushroom, deciding it was the perfect distraction. "Hey, that mushroom looks delicious. Is it edible?" Cadance took a close look at the mushroom. "I'm not sure..." Chrysalis wasted no time. She bucked Cadance in the head as hard as she could. Cadance fell to the ground unconscious. "Perfect," said Chrysalis. She grabbed Cadance's tail with her teeth and dragged her into the Hollow Shades, where Cozy Glow and Tirek waited. "Well done Chrysalis," said Cozy Glow, clapping her hooves. "When can I steal magic?" said Tirek. "When I'm strong enough," said Chrysalis. Once Cadance was sealed inside a cocoon, Chrysalis took her form and flew back to the Crystal Empire. It only took a few days of love from Shining Armor, Flurry Heart, and the Crystal Ponies for Chrysalis to become more powerful than she had been when she had defeated Celestia. She remembered Cozy Glow's instructions on how to not be mean and blow her cover - she wanted them to love her, and she didn't want to be destroyed by the Crystal Heart. "Now I'm ready to take Equestria," said Chrysalis, resuming her true form as she landed at Hollow Shades. "It's about time," said Tirek, and he walked away. Amethyst Star was walking through Fillydelphia, which was nearest to Hollow Shades. She ran into Tirek, wearing his hooded cloak. "I am Lord Tirek, and I have returned!" Tirek opened his mouth and sucked Amethyst's magic. Amethyst fell to the ground powerless and without her cutie mark. Tirek continued to walk through Fillydelphia, absorbing unicorn magic. > Alicorn Magic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia called Luna, Twilight, and Cadance to a meeting at Canterlot. Unbeknownst to the others, "Cadance" was really Chrysalis. "Something terrible has happened," said Celestia. "Tirek has escaped from Tartarus. We're not sure how, but he's been stealing magic again. He has taken many unicorns' magic, and has started targeting pegasi and earth ponies as well." "It's gone slower without Discord at his side, but he may not be acting alone," said Luna. "I just checked Tartarus, and Cozy Glow is gone as well." "Oh no," said Twilight. "They must be working together. And without Rainbow Power, how can we stop him?" "We could always summon Discord again," said Celestia. "No!" exclaimed Chrysalis. "I mean... Last time we sent Discord to recapture Tirek, he betrayed us! Who's to say he won't do it again?" "She does have a point," said Luna. "But Tirek betrayed Discord too," said Twilight. "Would he let Tirek manipulate him into joining him again?" "We can't take the chance," said Chrysalis. "Why else didn't you call him against the Pony of Shadows, or the Storm King?" "He did help defeat Chrysalis," said Celestia. "He stayed on Starlight's side then. And I don't think he'll turn his back on friendship a second time." Chrysalis's eye twitched. "Very well." She hoped Tirek was strong enough to steal Discord's magic, or else this could all fall apart. Tirek returned from Appleoosa, having stolen earth pony magic, and he was much bigger and more muscular. "Let's see if I can't steal your magic now," Tirek said to Cadance. He opened his mouth and drained Cadance's magic, increasing his size a bit more. He laughed evilly. "Imagine how your poor subjects will feel once they find out Chrysalis is using them for power. And they have no idea!" Cadance looked up in horror. The cocoon was preserving her to keep her from dying of starvation, but it kept her trapped, and she was powerless to stop Tirek and Chrysalis. "I'll spare you for now, but once you've suffered enough, it's game over for you!" Chrysalis flew in, still as Cadance, and resumed her true form. "Be weary," she said. "Celestia has summoned Discord. The next time you steal magic..." Suddenly, there was a flash of bright light, and Discord appeared. "Tirek," said Discord. "We meet again." "You made a grave mistake returning to your imprisonment and enabling the ponies to return me to mine," said Tirek. "What did you expect? You betrayed me! And friendship isn't imprisonment, so don't think that trick will work ag..." Discord was suddenly levitated into the air. Tirek sucked his magic out and grew bigger. "Now for the other princesses," said Tirek, and he stomped off toward Canterlot. A few minutes later, Discord was trapped in a cocoon beside Cadance. "If he's going after the princesses, now is the time I get my revenge on Starlight Glimmer!" said Chrysalis. "Make sure Tirek gets her magic," said Cozy Glow. "Then you can do whatever you want to her." Chrysalis flew after Tirek. Twilight was pacing around in Canterlot. "What if Cadance was right?" said Twilight. "What if Discord betrays us again? Or what if Tirek takes his magic again?" "He won't betray us again," said Celestia. "But if Tirek takes his magic before he can stop him, I have a backup plan. Two, actually." She levitated a box and opened it. Inside were the Elements of Harmony. "Hopefully they have enough power to defeat him and return all the magic he took." Twilight was doubtful. All the Elements could do to the Pony of Shadows was force him backwards into a portal. They couldn't even exorcise the shadow from Stygian the way they had purified Nightmare Moon. Maybe that was why they hadn't considered using them on the Storm King and his army. But maybe the Pony of Shadows was just really powerful to the point of being resistant to them. She hoped they'd work on Tirek. If he was still on the loose, he'd be pretty powerful himself. "Secondly, if Tirek has Discord's magic, he will be coming for ours," said Celestia. "You know what we must do," said Luna. Twilight nodded. "Where's Cadance?" "She should be back soon," said Celestia. "We'll wait for her to..." A stomping sound could be heard. The three princesses looked out the window to see Tirek approaching, and ponies hiding indoors. "It is as I feared," said Celestia. "He may have already taken Cadance's magic as well. We must do this now." Celestia and Luna transferred their magic to Twilight as they had done the last time Tirek was a threat. Their cutie marks disappeared, and Twilight's horn sparked with red, yellow, and dark blue energy, though she wasn't as powerful as before because she didn't have Cadance's magic. "Go get your friends," said Celestia. "If the Elements don't work, make sure Tirek doesn't capture them." "And... if the Elements don't work and you have to fight, don't hold back against him," said Luna. "He is too big a threat." Twilight nodded, a little nervous because she had been unable to defeat him with more magic last time, and flew away with the Elements. A few minutes after she left, Tirek entered. He levitated Celestia and Luna to take their magic, but got nothing. "You think that will work again?" said Tirek. "Unless there's another princess I don't know about, I know exactly where you hid your magic!" Tirek sent the princesses to Tartarus and jumped into the distance. > Twilight and Starlight vs. Tirek and Chrysalis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What?" said Rainbow Dash. "Yes," said Twilight. "Tirek's taken Discord's magic already, and Cozy Glow might be working with him. Celestia and Luna gave me their magic and the Elements. Hopefully one of them can defeat Tirek this time." "If only we could use Rainbow Power again," said Fluttershy. "If only," said Twilight. "But we can't, so we have to make do with the next best thing." Starlight Glimmer walked to the Mane 6's side. "I'll fight with you. From what I heard about Tirek, you'll need all the help you can get against him." "Thank you, Starlight," said Twilight. Her magic sparked a bit. "Let's get out of the castle before Tirek blows it up." "What about me?" said Spike. "Hide in the school," said Twilight. "If we can't defeat Tirek, our students are our only hope." They walked outside of the castle to the edge of Ponyville. Tirek spotted the Mane 6 and made his way toward them. "Princess Twilight. Give me your magic!" "That won't happen this time!" said Twilight. "In formation, girls!" The Mane 6 stood side by side, summoned the power of the Elements, and blasted Tirek with a rainbow. Tirek was forced backward for a few seconds, then brushed the rainbow aside. "Looks like your Elements are weak," said Tirek. "Then we'll have to do this the hard way!" said Rainbow Dash, flying upwards. Tirek shot a magic beam from his horns at Twilight, but Twilight countered with a blast of her own. Tirek began to overpower Twilight. "Starlight!" said Twilight. "Hit him with everything you've got!" Starlight ran to Twilight's side and entered the beam struggle. They were evenly matched. Rainbow Dash smashed into Tirek from above, causing a mushroom cloud explosion. When the smoke cleared, Tirek lay on the ground in a crater, but got back up. Twilight and Starlight entered another beam struggle with Tirek, and this time they were overpowering him. Just then a green magic beam blasted Starlight aside, and Tirek overpowered Twilight, knocking her to the ground and scorching her wings and horn. Starlight turned to see who her attacker was. "Chrysalis!" "We meet again, Starlight," said Chrysalis. "You will pay for taking away my changeling army! You ruined my life, but I have it back now! Tirek and I shall rule Equestria, and I shall have my revenge! Starlight and Chrysalis flew through the air shooting magic beams at each other, leaving Twilight and Tirek to fight in a one on one battle nearly as intense as their previous fight had been. Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity were helpless to do anything but watch, while Rainbow Dash was flying around trying to see if she could help Twilight. Being extremely fast, she was able to keep up with the battle and dodge Tirek's blasts. Twilight smashed Tirek to the ground, but this had less impact than last time. Twilight blasted Tirek as hard as she could, but he got back up. Tirek smacked Twilight out of the air. Rainbow Dash flew up and kicked him in the back of the head. Tirek grabbed the pegasus and threw her to the ground. Rainbow Dash got back up and tried to fly, but felt a sharp pain in her left wing and fell back to the ground. "I think my wing's broken..." As Twilight recovered and flew back to face Tirek, Starlight and Chrysalis continued to fly around trying to blast each other with magic. The fight was more intense than when Twilight had tried to stop Starlight from altering history, resulting in the Nightmare Moon future. Starlight shot a magic beam at Chrysalis. Chrysalis flew out of the way at incredible speed, nearly rivaling Rainbow Dash. She bit Starlight's tail (for the second time) and threw her to the ground. Chrysalis shot a blast of green magic at Starlight, but Starlight blocked with a barrier, and flew upward, using her horn as a spear. Chrysalis flew out of the way and blasted her. Starlight fell, but recovered and shot a magic beam at Chrysalis. Chrysalis countered with a blast of her own, and they collided, causing an explosion that blew them back a bit. They flew at each other again, shooting magic blasts at each other. Their heads collided and they tried to force each other back. Then they backed away and shot two magic beams at each other. At the same time, Twilight and Tirek entered a beam struggle of their own. Slowly but surely, Tirek and Chrysalis started to overpower Twilight and Starlight. "No no no... NO!" said Twilight. Chrysalis opened her mouth in a bloodthirsty smile. Tirek's magic beam hit Twilight while Chrysalis's hit Starlight. There was an explosion, and when the dust settled, Twilight and Starlight lay on the ground, still conscious but unable to get up. "Now, I believe this is mine." Tirek sucked all the alicorn magic from Twilight, increasing his size drastically. Then he drained the magic of Starlight and the other Mane 5, growing even bigger. "All the magic is mine!" he said triumphantly. Cozy Glow flew up to him. "Well done, Tirek! And well done Chrysalis! Equestria is ours now!" "Shall I imprison them as well?" said Chrysalis. "I won't make the same mistake as Tirek. Even though they've used up their only shot at defeating any enemy, we can't have them telling their students anything important. Aside from them, make sure that everypony is alive so we can rule over them. Tirek, seize them!" Tirek snapped his fingers, and the Mane 6 and Starlight were each imprisoned in a bubble. "And Chrysalis," Cozy Glow continued. "Yes?" "You can't turn into Cadance or return to the Crystal Empire again. They can't think she still has her magic, or else they'd wonder why Tirek isn't coming for her. And if you pretend to be powerless, and they try to use the Crystal Heart to restore her, you're done for." "Then how am I to maintain my power?" said Chrysalis. "Turn into Celestia during the day and Luna during the night. Only you, Tirek, and I know they're in Tartarus now. And turn into them without their cutie marks, and don't use magic. You saw they transferred their power to Twilight. The ponies will still love them, and you'll still be powerful." "Got it," said Chrysalis. "Tirek, take the Elements. You did plant the Plunderseeds before coming here, right?" "Of course," said Tirek, removing Twilight's crown and the other Mane 5's necklaces one by one. "I made sure they're stronger than the ones Discord planted. The Tree of Harmony will be dead in no time." "Hear that?" said Cozy Glow. "Even your students can't stop me this time if the Tree isn't around to empower them!" "No!" said Twilight. She wished she had destroyed Tirek last time, or at LEAST taken away his ability to steal magic. "Tirek, take the Elements to Canterlot. Hide them in a chest. Chrysalis, take the ponies to Hollow Shades, then go to Canterlot and hide the Elements below the caves." As Chrysalis trapped each of the ponies inside a cocoon, she said "What if the students go to their leaders for help?" "Let them come," said Tirek. "If a single dragon, changeling, or hippogriff shows their face, I'll destroy them." "And it's not like they'll find out where the Elements are being kept before the Tree dies," said Cozy Glow. "Once the Tree is gone, our victory is secured forever!" "Oh, I am going to have SO much fun with you!" said Chrysalis to Starlight as she easily lifted the seven cocoons at once by their strings and flew toward Hollow Shades while Tirek made his way to Canterlot with the Elements. As Cozy Glow laughed maniacally, a ladybug watched, and then flew back into the school. In a burst of blue light, the ladybug turned into Ocellus. "Something horrible just happened," Ocellus said to Sandbar, Gallus, Smolder, Yona, and Silverstream. > The Final Battle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cozy Glow sat on a throne at Canterlot, Chrysalis and Tirek at her side. Outside, half the sky was day, and half was night. "Tirek, you can destroy some trees," said Cozy Glow. Tirek licked his lips. "I wanted to go first," said Chrysalis. Cozy Glow wouldn't allow both to leave at the same time. The pegasus filly had to have at least one bodyguard at all times. "You're still really powerful," said Cozy Glow. "You can wait a few moments before getting love as Celestia. Until then you can have some fun with your prisoner." "Yes," said Chrysalis. As Tirek walked away, Chrysalis walked over to Starlight, whose hooves were trapped in green slime. "I do have many surprises in store for you. I'll start off with physical torture. Then, once every few days, I'll bring one of your friends over and destroy her in front of you! I'll save Princess Twilight for last!" She licked her lips. "No!" said Starlight. "Why won't you change your ways? You saw what sharing love did for your subjects!" "I saw, and I have no intention of following them! There is no room in my heart for love!" Chrysalis bit Starlight's tail and pulled it as hard as she could. As planned, she tore Starlight's tail off. "This is only the beginning," she said. She blasted Starlight's tail to ash and cackled maniacally. Unbeknownst to the evil trio, six figures flew toward the Hollow Shades. Gallus was carrying Sandbar, and Smolder and Silverstream were carrying Yona. Ocellus was flying beside them. "What if Chrysalis or Tirek are guarding them?" said Silverstream nervously. "They have Equestria now," said Ocellus. "When they're not causing destruction, or in Chrysalis's case, stealing love, they'll be guarding Cozy Glow. They think we don't know where they are." "But what if they there to torture ponies?" said Yona. "I hope they're not," said Ocellus. They reached Hollow Shades, and found the Mane 6, Cadance, and Discord, still trapped in their cocoons. Smolder and Gallus cut the cocoons open with their talons. "I'm so glad you've come," said Twilight. "But you have to watch out for Celestia and Luna. If you think you see either of them..." "It's Chrysalis," said Gallus. "We know. Ocellus heard everything and told us." "Then you'll also know where the Elements are," said Twilight. "We have to return the Elements to the Tree before Tirek's Plunderseeds can kill it." "Then what are we waiting for?" said Rainbow Dash. "Let's get them!" Rainbow Dash tried to take off but fell into a bush. Applejack bit Rainbow Dash's tail and pulled her out, just like at Ponehenge. "Remember, you can't fly no more." "How does that even work anyway?" said Rainbow Dash. "How can he steal flight when I still have my wings?" She groaned as her wing was still broken. "How can we take the Elements back?" said Fluttershy. "Cozy Glow's sure to have Tirek or Chrysalis guarding them." "And Tirek took all my magic," said Discord. "They don't know you found us," said Twilight. "That gives us the advantage. I have a plan, but you'll have to go out alone, because if they see we escaped, they'll be on high alert." Tirek returned to Canterlot. "I'm back," he said, licking his lips as he thought of all the trees he had destroyed. "My turn!" said Chrysalis. She turned into Celestia and flew out the window. Just outside the castle, the Young Six watched the figure of Celestia fly away. "Now," said Sandbar. Inside, Cozy Glow said "It's dinner time!" She walked into the dining room with Tirek at her side. Tirek having enlarged the doors to accommodate his immense size. The Chrysalis-brainwashed guard ponies served her dinner. Chrysalis walked through Canterlot in her original form, and found the entrance to the caves. She was familiar with them, and navigated them until she found the chest. She was certain the Elements were in here. Chrysalis flew out of the chest with the Elements. "Chrysalis!" Chrysalis froze at the booming voice and turned around, her heart beating rapidly. Tirek stood behind her, Cozy Glow riding his head. "Where are you taking the Elements?" said Cozy Glow. "Uh... I'm taking them somewhere where nopony can ever find them," said Chrysalis. "Canterlot will be the first place they look, and surely Twilight and Cadance told a lot of ponies about the caves by now." "All right," said Cozy Glow. Chrysalis flew back to the spot just outside Canterlot where Sandbar, Gallus, Smolder, Yona, and Silverstream were waiting. In a flash of blue light, she turned into Ocellus. "I got them," she said. Sandbar examined the lock. "How do we open this?" "Yak smash!" Yona smashed the chest into pieces. Amidst the broken wood were the Elements. "That works," said Smolder. "Now, let's return them to the Tree," said Sandbar. The real Chrysalis returned to the castle. She walked over to Tirek and Cozy Glow and licked her lips. "That was so delicious. All I needed was a little snack. I'm still incredibly powerful." "Where did you hide the Elements?" Cozy Glow inquired. "Beneath Canterlot, like you said." "Yes, but then you wanted to hide them somewhere else because ponies might think to look there," said Tirek. "I said nothing of the sort," said Chrysalis. Cozy Glow hovered in the air. "I knew I should have captured them!" "What's going on?" said Chrysalis. "Your former subject, Ocellus, tricked us! She must have heard where we were going to hide them! Tirek! Chrysalis! Stop them NOW!" The Young Six reached the Castle of the Two Sisters, and made their way to the Tree of Harmony. "So much STAIRS!" said Silverstream, noticing the staircase. "No drop Yona," said Yona. "Silverstream run down stairs when this over!" "Now, remember what Twilight told us," said Ocellus. "The Plunderseeds will fight back." "Let's see them fight back after this!" said Smolder, and she opened her mouth and breathed fire at one of the vines. It burned to a crisp. "Make sure you don't hit the tree," said Gallus. "Yeah, I will!" Smolder unleashed another blast of flame and incinerated the second Plunderseed. "Now that we've saved the Tree," said Sandbar, "let's put the Elements back to recharge..." "HOLD IT!" They turned around. Cozy Glow, Chrysalis, and Tirek stood at the cave's entrance. Tirek was about the size of the entrance. "Drop those Elements!" said Cozy Glow. Ocellus and Smolder put the Elements of Generosity and Loyalty into the Tree. Then Smolder breathed fire at Chrysalis, who flew out of the way. Ocellus transformed into a giant beast similar to the one she had turned into on the day Chancellor Neighsay had unaccredited Twilight's school, and fought Tirek. Silverstream placed the Element of Laughter on the Tree, and, using her pearl fragment, turned into a big dragon, rushing to Ocellus's side against Tirek. But Tirek was still gaining the upper hand. Silverstream whipped her tail at Tirek, who grabbed it in his hand and threw her at Ocellus. They got back up, but Tirek was showing no signs of fatigue. Gallus and Yona placed the Elements of Magic and Honesty. Sandbar was about to place the Element of Kindness, when Chrysalis blasted him out of the way. Smolder breathed fire at Chrysalis, and Gallus flew at her repeatedly. Chrysalis tried to blast him, but he kept avoiding it. "Forget them! Get the pony!" said Cozy Glow. Chrysalis dodged Smolder's next blast of flame and blasted her aside. Yona ran at Chrysalis, who blasted her aside as well and ran at Sandbar. But Smolder and Gallus had kept her distracted long enough. Sandbar placed the Element of Kindness in the Tree. "No!" said Cozy Glow. The Tree lit up with a magic light which enveloped the Young Six, each glowing with the same color as the Element they had placed in the Tree, Ocellus and Silverstream returning to their true forms. "STOP THEM NOW!" said Cozy Glow. Chrysalis and Tirek blasted the Young Six together. But it did nothing to them. The Young Six unleashed a powerful blast of light blue magic. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" shouted the three villains as the magic engulfed them. Chrysalis and Tirek were vaporized while Cozy Glow continued to scream in defeat. The magic spread to all of Equestria, returning all the magic Tirek had stolen, including Celestia and Luna's magic. As they flew out of Tartarus, the Mane 6 all got their magic back, and did a group hug, knowing the mission was successful. Rainbow Dash realized her wing was no longer broken. The green slime on Starlight's hooves was destroyed, and her magic was returned as well, as was her tail. The guard ponies and Shining Armor were released from Chrysalis's control. Eventually the magic light faded away. The Young Six walked up to Cozy Glow, who stood with her mane and tail frazzled. Near her were two burnt spots on the ground, one large and the other about twice the size of a pony. "Once again, you underestimate the magic of friendship," said Sandbar. "Why didn't it destroy her too?" said Smolder. "I don't think the Tree wanted to destroy a filly, even one such as her," said Ocellus. "Besides, without Chrysalis or Tirek to back her up, and now that we all know her true nature, she's no power anymore," said Gallus. "This isn't the end of it!" said Cozy Glow. "I'll find another way to take over Equestria!" She tried to fly away, but Smolder caught up to her and took her by the tail. "You're going back to Tartarus," said Smolder. "And this time Chrysalis won't be there to get you out!" said Silverstream. Cozy Glow groaned in frustration. This had not gone the way she planned. The Young Six got another stained glass window for saving Equestria a second time, this one showing them blasting Cozy Glow, Chrysalis, and Tirek, and Celestia gave a speech to honor them. Pinkie Pie threw a big party, to which Discord was invited and caused some harmless chaos, but Twilight didn't graduate her students yet, as their semester was not over. As for Cozy Glow, she was imprisoned in Tartarus for the rest of her life. Though the Tree's magic had spared her, she would never reform.