> Cozy Glow's Padded Punishment > by SuperPinkBrony12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Tough Lesson > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Several hours had passed since Cozy Glow had tried to take over Equestria and become Empress of Friendship. She had been captured and placed in a random guest room for holding. Various ponies who thought she was their friend were angry, and some were sad to find out how evil she’d turned out to be. How could she have done all of this and for what? Because she wanted friends? In Cozy Glow’s head she thought she had done the right thing, all she wanted was to make ponies be her friends and complement her. Why did the ponies see this as a bad thing? Friendship meant power, the more friends one had the more powerful they became. And the filly had thought that if she played her cards right, she’d be ableto make everypony be her friend. So where had it all gone wrong? “I don't get it. I just wanted some friends, is that so wrong? Making friends is easier when you have power, power means respect.” She thought as she looked at Twilight from behind, as the filly was pushed into the guest room. For her own safety, she’d been told. What, did they think anypony would want to hurt a defenseless filly like her? “I’d hoped they’d send me directly to Tartarus, I really want to pay a visit to my ‘pen pal’ and tell him how wrong he was,” Cozy thought to herself. Everything had been going great until those nosy creatures and the annoying Sandbar got in the way. But on the bright side she had managed to at least prevent anypony from figuring out her true goal. The magic drain was only the first step, once she’d taken because she saw no other way to get attention. “It's weird since I gave them a few hints. Can’t they figure anything out? They think a filly like me would reach out to Tirek just ‘cause I wanted friends?” She paced around the room and waited. She thought of escaping through the window but that wasn’t a good option. Celestia and Luna had put guards all around to prevent her from escaping. She was in fact a prisoner already. “I guess I have no choice but to wait and see what they do to little ol me.” She said to herself and walked over to the bed and lay down while she waited for the Princess of Friendship. She fully expected Twilight Sparkle to walk in and send her straight to Tartarus, the only thing suitable for a filly like her, especially after what she recently did. And when she did, she’d be sure to give Tirek a piece of her mind for ratting her out. Some friend he turned out to be. Although she sat silently in the room the filly didn't exactly like it, she was surprisingly bored out of her mind. She walked to the wall and tried to see if she could hear anypony from the other side but all she could hear were muffled sounds. Twilight stood in between Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, her thoughts remaining focused on Cozy Glow. The one pony she thought she could trust, the pony no one expected to just betray them. How or why did that filly think it was right? Yet was Tartarus really the best place for Cozy? She had been pen pals with Tirek, after all. And never in Equestria’s history had a child been sent to Tartarus. Then again, a child had never done what Cozy had done. But Twilight couldn’t convince herself that Tartarus was a suitable punishment. “Princess Celestia, Princess Luna,” She gulped. “I know what Cozy Glow did was bad, and what she did deserves serious punishment. But... I think it's going a little too far sending her to Tartarus. Give me time to figure out a new punishment for her. Maybe I could even find her parents to get their side on this. She has to have parents or caretakers somewhere.” The young alicorn spoke up, awaiting the princess’ response. Princess Celestia wasn’t exactly happy about this. Tartarus was a harsh punishment reserved only for the worst offenders, and it was hard for her to stomach the idea of sending a minor there. But Twilight had managed to redeem those that seemed lost before: Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, and even Discord were all testaments to her abilities (even if Discord was more Fluttershy’s doing than anypony else’s). “Twilight, I would gladly let you pick the punishment. But it needs to be one that changes Cozy into a better pony, one that understands friendship,” She declared. “If you need to you can go look for her parents, but I highly suspect her file might not have any. Still, as long as Cozy can do no more damage, take as much time as you need to think of an alternative to Tartarus. I’ll decide if it’s suitable for the crime.” Celestia replied and decided it was time to leave. Princess Luna simply said to Twilight. “I’ll just leave the guards here until you figure something out. Choose wisely. If Cozy’s punishment is too lenient, ponies will think she’s getting off the hook and peace may not be restored.” Then Luna followed her sister back to their castle, leaving Twilight to stand there and think about this mess. A little later, Twilight arrived back at her castle. Spike was already inside, waiting for her. “Hello, Spike,” She greeted the dragon. “I suspect you enjoyed today's Power Ponies issue? Spike only nodded, he knew Twilight doesn't really care much for Power Ponies. Plus he could see Twilight was quite stressed out simply by the look in her eyes. “What's wrong, Twilight?” He asked as he got her a seat. Twilight sighed as she sank into the chair in the castle library. “It's this mess with Cozy Glow, it makes me sad for her. I know it’s probably wrong to feel that way but I can’t help it. That her of all ponies would betray us like she did, using us to get what she wanted. We were going to send her to Tartarus, Spike! Tartarus!” She exclaimed in horror! “But... I thought it was a little extreme for such a young filly, even considering what she did. I need to figure out a better punishment before tomorrow. If I don't," She gulped and finished by saying “She'll have to go to Tartarus! Oh, I am such a failure! Not only did I not notice the warning signs with Cozy, but I also couldn’t give her a punishment that would help her learn about friendship!” “You’re not a failure, Twilight! You just need to fix this,” Spike encouraged. “You’ve been able to redeem ponies no one else thought redeemable. Even Tempest, and she was working for the Storm King. I know you’ll find a solution that works for everypony. If you ask me, I think Cozy needs a little bit of discipline in her life to straighten her out. Maybe if you let her know what fate awaits her if she doesn’t change her ways, you can scare her into going straight.” He suggested and walked back upstairs to his room, deciding to let Twilight work this out by herself (Starlight was still recovering from regaining her magic after being imprisoned inside that bubble). Twilight reluctantly walked to her own bedroom a short time later and looked through some of Cozy Glow’s files. She had to find her parents, maybe get their point of view on this. Surely they would know why Cozy had gone so wrong. Yet as she looked, the princess couldn’t find anything on her parents. In fact it seemed as if Cozy Glow had written everything herself when she signed up to go to the school. Even the signatures looked way too similar to her class writings. “But in order to come to my school you need a parent to help sign these! Please tell me she didn’t sign it on her own!” She mentally pleaded and just re-read everything over and over again. Yet there it all was, plain as day. “Huh, this is most definitely her hoof writing. It seems she either isn’t in contact with her parents or doesn’t have them,” Twilight thought. “And since I have no idea who her parents even are, I guess as School Headmare, I have to give her a suitable punishment, one that she deserves. But what?” She closed the files and walked around the room for a while, thinking about a decent punishment. She first thought of maybe putting Cozy in a cage without having to send her to Tartarus. Let her be locked up as an example, and she would earn her freedom when she was ready to be reformed. But even that felt like too much to Twilight, if she was going to put Cozy in a cage then why not just send her to Tartarus? The punishment needed to be more suitable than that, something that could ensure Cozy learned her lesson. Then, out of the blue, an unconventional idea came to Twilight. “Hm. She's going to hate this but I think this might help Cozy Glow learn to accept friendship in the long run. If she wants to act like a foal then that's exactly how she’ll be treated. And Spike also had a good idea, she will probably need a fair deal of discipline after what she’s done. I just hope she won’t be too much of a hoofful.” The princess said aloud and galloped outside, giggling all the way to the foal store. She smiled, confident of her solution. “I’m sure Celestia and Luna will approve of this rather unconventional method. Foal years are the best time to get them educated.” She thought. A day had passed since Cozy Glow commited the crime, and Twilight and her friends (who had all been filled in on the plan) were preparing a special room in Twilight’s castle for Cozy Glow, a nursery of sorts. “If that filly tries to escape you better have a plan, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash commented in worry. “And what if she tries removing her… you know what?” “Don’t worry, Rainbow Dash, I’ve got both covered,” Twilight reassured her friend. “Though I’d like to leave the spanking to you, Rainbow Dash. You’re a lot tougher when it comes to that type of punishment.” “For a pony like Cozy, she kind of deserves it. Nothing personal.” Rainbow admitted. Twilight just finished putting the toys in the crib and a few stacks of diapers in the closet. “Now then, girls, I need one of you to bring the foal here to begin the punishment. Pinkie, would you mind doing that? You have the most experience with foals out of any of us.” Twilight asked her party planning friend. “Okie dokie loki, one naughty foal coming up,” Pinkie replied and hopped out of the room, surprisingly eager to bring Cozy Glow to her new room. “This is going to be super duper fun. Just when the Cake Twins are starting to graduate from diapers, we get a brand new foal to take care of. And if she acts naughty… well, Rainbow Dash will give her something to think about for sure.” Pinkie was fast at bringing Cozy Glow in. She’d been told they were getting her punishment ready and the filly thought for sure that meant they were going to send her to Tartarus. But she had no idea how wrong she was going to be. Something even worse awaited her. Cozy saw that it was a pink colored room. Pink down to the walls and carpeted floor. Foal toys were stacked all around, some unused pacifiers lay scattered on the floor and worst of all she saw different colored diapers in the closet. “I uh, I don’t understand. What is all this?” She asked, really confused. “I don’t wet the bed if that’s what you’re wondering, and I’m pretty sure they have bathrooms in Tartarus.” “It's your punishment, baby,” Twilight cooed.” You sure love to act like a foal, a foal who still needs diapers I might add. “But… I… don’t understand. Why would you do that? I thought I was going to Tartarus.” Cozy protested. “You were, but Twilight thought this would be a perfect punishment for a misbehaved foal like yourself,” Rainbow instructed. “You don’t know how lucky you are to avoid that. But before we get into the nitty gritty of being a foal, come to my lap and bend over. You will receive a few swats to your behind!” Cozy Glow’s jaw dropped upon hearing this. She thought she was going to meet her pen pal Tirek in Tartarus. But now they wanted to put her back into diapers and spank her like she was a foal that had done something dangerous. Naturally, she protested and stuck out her tongue. “I refuse to listen to your words! If you need me, I’m leaving and going somewhere where a filly like me won’t be a bother to anyone! I hear the Everfree Forest is lovely this time of year.” She began to walk towards the back door, but to her surprise Pinkie and Rarity stopped her by blocking the way! Then she went towards the right and to the window, hoping to get out that way. But Twilight used her magic to close and lock it. Cozy Glow looked around the room for any sort of way that she could escape! She saw one thing that she could hopefully fit into. Next to the wall she saw a vent, she flapped her wings as fast as she could and flew towards it! But she didn’t reach it in time, Rainbow Dash flew over and caught her before she could even get a chance to escape. “Let me go you big bully!” Cozy complained and squirmed in the cyan coated mare's hooves, trying hard to escape from her captor but to no avail. “You know, I’m getting real tired of this. Enough is enough! It's time for you to get what you deserve!” Rainbow Dash declared and put Cozy Glow on her stomach as she gave her some small swats on her rump. The filly squirmed and tried to escape as Rainbow Dash spanked her, but she couldn't get away from this. For the first time in her life somepony actually punished her. She’d always gotten away with things before but this was too much. Cozy Glow gasped as Dash laid her hooves on top of her flank, “Let go of your empress this instance! I demand it!” She cried out, only to be ignored. “My mother used to give me spankings when I acted badly, which wasn’t often but it still hurt. What makes you think you should be treated any differently?” Rainbow asked and continued her spanking attack. “Okay, OKAY! I’m sorry! Please, just stop, ow, spanking me!” Cozy yelled as a few tears flowed off her cheeks. She wasn’t expecting it to be as painful as it was. She rubbed her reddened bottom when Dash released her. “Okay, Dash, I think that's enough for now. But if she does misbehave like that again you can punish her,” Twilight advised. “But for now, let's get the foal into her diapers so her cheeks can cool down. Now come on, Cozy Glow, we wouldn’t want you to make a mess on my floor now would we?” She asked and motioned for the foal to come forward. Cozy sighed, she was in no position to fight back. “Whatever, just because she's putting me back in diapers doesn't mean I have to listen. She wants me to wear those stupid things? Well I’ll make sure to give her a very hard time with her new foal.” She thought and reluctantly laid down on the changing mat. Twilight smiled and cooed at the foal “Okay then, shall we get started?” She asked and gathered the supplies. Cozy knew this was going to be real tough. But what's the worst that could happen? Being a foal couldn’t be that hard could it? She’d just need to do it until they got tired of her attitude and sent her to Tartarus. > First Day Padded > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight used her magic and levitated over a diaper the perfect size for a grumpy little filly, some powder to help Cozy Glow’s bottom after being spanked. She thought about bringing some mittens so Cozy wouldn’t be tempted to remove her padding, but she thought it would be better to let Cozy see what happens if she ever tried taking it off. “She's going to be in for quite the surprise! Foals shouldn’t play with their diapers.” She thought and levitated Cozy up a little bit to slide the purple colored diaper underneath the filly’s rump. Cozy Glow started squirming as the alicorn placed the diaper underneath her. Her breathing started to increase, she (needless to say) didn’t like the idea of having to put diapers back on. Especially since she’d been potty trained for at least ten years. She could remember it had been a nightmare for her parents to potty train her, and now she was being put back into the very thing she thought she’d be done wearing. Twilight got really annoyed with this squirming. “Cozy Glow, stop that this instant, unless you want another spanking from Dash!” She protested as Dash started to walk closer to Cozy. Cozy found herself at a complete loss for words. She didn’t want another spanking, that last one had been more painful than she thought and her rump was still sore. She finally managed to find the courage to squeak out. “I... uh, no I don’t. I… I’ll be a good girl, I swear.” And so she sat completely still for Twilight and let the headmare finish the diapering job. Twilight smiled and put the powder over Cozy Glow’s rump, then taped the diaper up snuggly around her waist. She helped Cozy up and gave her a small pat on the rump. “Aww, you look so adorable in your new diapers Cozy. Now let's get your pacifier in, shall we? If you’re going to wear diapers, you might as well look the part.” Cozy simply pouted and folded her hooves. How had she ended up in this situation? Pinkie Pie, meanwhile, hopped over and just for the sake of it checked to see if Cozy Glow had used her diaper. Everything seemed okay. “Huh, I could’ve sworn I heard a hissing noise coming from this. Oh well, must be my imagination. Even the twins don’t need diapers anymore. Don’t worry, the foal’s still clean, Twilight,” She said all at once, saluting her friend. “But if she needs a change and you need some pointers, just ask me. I have plenty of experience foalsitting Pound and Pumpkin Cake.” “What do you think you’re doing, you idiot? I know how to use the potty!” Cozy Glow snapped. “I don't need these stupid things!” And she slapped Pinkie’s hooves away. Then Cozy started to notice there were a lot of toys in this place, many of them designated for her. She felt like it was a little too much, not even a foal would be able to play with all those toys. Her thoughts were interrupted as a small, purple colored pacifier was shoved into her mouth, making her lose her train of thought. “Wow, somepony’s grumpy,” Pinkie commented. “Nopony likes a pouty baby.” “Pinkie’s right,” Twilight spoke up. “And since you’re going to be a baby, Cozy Glow, you might as well act the part. But first, let's get the rules taken care of. Now sit down and hear me out, Cozy, unless you want to sit on my lap while I read the rules to you?” She asked in an almost motherly tone. Cozy Glow looked at her new guardian with disgust. “I absolutely refuse to sit on your lap!” She hissed and sat down on the floor. The new rules couldn’t be that bad, right? Twilight smiled at the cooperation. “She’ll come around to this stuff eventually, I hope,” Twilight though, hoping Cozy Glow would be a good girl one day (now that's what she was looking forward to the most). She levitated her short list of rules for Cozy Glow to her as she thought. “She's going to hate us for this, but it has to be done!” “Okay, Cozy. The first rule is: You have to go to bed when we tell you to. That means no hissy fits, no temper tantrums, no buts or what ifs about it, and no exceptions. The second rule is: You will from now on drink out of baby bottles and eat only what is served to you. If anypony catches you trying to eat or drink from the grown up plates and cup, you will be put in the timeout corner. And the last and most important rule is: You have to use your diapers, at least until you can prove to us that you’re learning. But if you’re good you might be able to use the potty again someday,” She instructed as she put it away and walked over to Cozy Glow as she smiled. “Now please try to listen and be a good girl, okay?” Cozy Glow got up and out of anger slapped Twilight, there was no way anypony would make her use only her diaper, that was insane! “There's no way I’m going to use my diaper! You might have me in diapers but that doesn’t mean I have to use them!" She screamed, only to be levitated by Twilight’s magic. “Cozy Glow, bad girl!” Twilight scolded. “You do NOT hit ponies! She walked over to the timeout corner and placed her young charge on a stool, plopping her down as her diaper crinkled.She was sure to put a magical strap over her so she couldn’t escape. “Now sit here for ten minutes and think about what you’ve done, baby.” She instructed and then decided to check up on Starlight Glimmer to brief her on the punishment. Not long after Twilight left, Cozy Glow tried to escape. As she did so her diaper crinkled and she blushed deeply. “The moment that dumb alicorn lets me go, I’m going to rip this stupid diaper off and throw it in her face!” She declared, before she noticed the pacifier Twilight had given her was on the floor. Although she didn’t really want to do it, the filly wondered if a pacifier would soothe her. It was better than sitting here with nothing to do, that stupid magic strap held her more or less in place. Reluctantly she reached down, put it in her mouth and suckled on it for a few minutes. “Huh, I guess this isn’t too bad…” She unknowingly said aloud as a flash of light not unlike that from a camera hit her! She spun around and saw that Pinkie Pie had taken a picture. “Aw, little Cozy Glow is enjoying her paci. I’ll be sure to put this up on the wall to show Twilight,” She cooed and put the camera away. “Now be a good girl, Coz. There’s only five minutes left and then you’re free to move.” Twilight returned shortly with Starlight, having filled the unicorn in on Cozy’s punishment and what it entitled. “So, Starlight would you mind watching over Cozy Glow tomorrow?” She asked. “I have to visit the princesses and tell them everything that's going on, as well the punishment we’ll be giving Cozy. It’s certainly better than sending her to Tartarus for life.” She said with a bright smile. “Okay I guess,” Starlight replied. At least as a diapered foal Cozy didn’t seem like she would be able to cause anymore harm. “Maybe could I dress her up and take her out to the park?” She suggested. “I think she’d like her new situation more if she was around other foals,” She waved at Cozy Glow. “I must admit, those diapers do look good on her.” “I know, I had no idea foal stores were in on my popularity too,” Twilight giggled. “And dressing up Cozy could work. It might help her understand friendship a lot more if she’s around foals. They could also probably serve as a role model for her. Just keep an eye on her, because something tells me our new little one is going to be quite the explorer.” Cozy, meanwhile, saw that the magic strap had finally released her. But as it did she tried to remove her diaper with her hooves. Instead of ripping it off however, the diaper became bigger and poofier, making it harder for her to walk. “HEY! What gives?!” She demanded in a confused tone as her diaper inflated. “I knew you'd try to remove it, which is why I took the liberty of putting a spell on the diapers,” Twilight explained. “If you try to remove it, it gets poofy and harder for you to walk. Only the grown ups can remove it, not you silly filly. And don’t even try removing it with scissors, it won’t work. I put everything I had into that spell, and from what I read parents used to place that spell on their little ones' diapers all the time, until foals started inflating their diapers to the size of balloons,” Then she smiled. “Let’s put you down for a nap for now, shall we? You’re being quite the fussy foal today, and I think that’s because you didn’t take your nap. All foals get fussy if they don’t take their naps.” She picked up Cozy Glow with her magic and carried her over to the crib slowly, making sure her foal didn’t fall. Soon, she put her safely in the crib and covered her up with a blanket. “Oh, I almost forgot!” Twilight realized and rushed out of the room. She quickly came back with a warm bottle of milk and put it in Cozy Glow’s hooves so she could drink it. “Drink up little one, it’ll help you sleep.” Cozy Glow sighed, there was no other choice here. She couldn’t get the diaper off, so she had to obey them, for now at least. It didn’t mean she’d completely listen to them, she’d be sure to give them the most uncooperative foal imaginable before long. But for now she was kind of thirsty, so she started drinking her warm milk. Once she’d finished, Twilight picked her up and burped her, then put her back in the crib. “Goodnight sweetheart.” She called and she kissed Cozy on the head, then turned off the lights and left the room. “This is going to be a long and embarrassing stay,” Cozy said to herself as her tummy started growling ominously. “Oh please just be hungry, please don't let it be my other business…” She pleaded and tried harder to sleep, though the extra padding on her rump made it difficult. > Attempted Escape! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cozy Glow tossed and tuned in her brand new bed inside the castle. Being put to bed was humiliating enough. But a crib? That was just too much! The filly refused to be any part of this! She wasn’t going to let them humiliate her, they would never earn that privilege. The filly’s thoughts soon turned to her diaper, namely what Twilight had allegedly cast on it. “Twilight might have a spell on these cursed things, but that doesn’t mean they’re invincible, I’ll find a way to remove these stupid diapers before I’m forced to use them! I’m not stupid, helpless baby!” She thought as she turned around. Her eyes fell upon a huge teddy bear in the room with a big smiley face. She frowned. Clearly, somepony had put that there. She hated it, it looked like it was watching her. And that made it hard to sleep. “How in the world am I supposed to sleep in this thing?!” She thought. She tried her best to find a spot that could work out for her. Out of her own curiosity she poked her diaper, it made a small crinkling noise as she did so. “Wait a second,” Cozy realized. “Those fools think I’m already asleep. I can take advantage of that. I’ll escape!” Then she looked down at her diaper. “Although, I’ll have to find some way to remove this stupid diaper. Maybe I could run to the Everfree Forest! They’d never be able to find me in there.” She said quietly and wiggled out of her crib as best she could. She fell down hard on her rump, but the softness of her diaper prevented any sort of serious damage. Cozy still rubbed her bottom. The fall had been soft but she was still hurting from that spanking earlier. Not even her parents had ever spanked her that hard before. “Curse that Rainbow Trash!” She growled. “I swear when I get complete and ultimate power, I’ll force her to be spanked every single day for the rest of her miserable life! See how she likes it, mwahahaha!” The filly stopped her cackling and started walking to the door. Or at least, she tried to. It was really more of an embarrassing waddle due to the thick diaper she was strapped into. Even so she was able to reach the door. She opened it very slowly and peered out. She saw Spike sleeping next to the door with one of his comic books on the floor in front of her. Cozy, being the curious filly that she was, bent down and picked the comic up. She took one look at the cover and gagged. “Power Ponies?! Yuck, only losers read this garbage!” She declared and tore it into tiny pieces, not even caring about Spike’s feelings. Just looking at the comic made her sick. “If I had won against Twilight and her friends I would've totally banned comics, they’re useless!” Spike’s eyes fluttered open a tiny bit. He could’ve sworn he heard something, but he didn’t notice the padded filly just out of sight behind the door he was guarding. His eyes began to droop and he turned to his side to get more comfortable. As he fell back asleep, he muttered. “Twilight told me to keep an eye on Cozy Glow. But I must be hearing things, she's probably still sleeping.” Cozy Glow watched as Spike fell asleep, then carefully pushed the door open the rest of the way and waddled out. She was surprised at how soft her diaper was. It’s too bad it was stuck on her so tight and added so much weight to her, otherwise she could see being somewhat useful. For now though, there was the dilemma of how she was going to get out without being noticed. “Hm… I could probably climb out the window If I wanted to and not get hurt, but I’ll try that later. They’ll probably be expecting me to do that,” She thought. “I can just escape though the front door, nopony would expect me to do something so obvious! Although, I haven’t planned out what I’ll do once I leave. I just hope nopony sees me like this.” She thought and galloped downstairs. Cozy looked at her diaper as she slowly descended the steps (there were sure were a lot of them in the castle for some reason). “I really don't want to use this diaper, there has to be a way to take it off,” She thought out loud. “Perhaps I can find that zebra everypony talks up and force her to cook up a potion to remove it? I hear she’s friends with those nosy Cutie Mark whatever they call themselves, bet I can use that to my advantage.” She gleefully started rubbing her hooves together. A short time later, Cozy finally got downstairs. When she did she saw Starlight Glimmer just around the corner, sitting in a comfy chair and reading a newspaper. It looked almost like gossip of some kind. Carefully, Cozy snuck behind the wall of the room. She looked towards Starlight, who was indeed a few feet away. The filly had to make sure that pesky unicorn wouldn't even notice her leave. She had no way to trap the unicorn this time. Starlight was unaware of Cozy’s presence. She just yawned as she got up and stretched. “Well, I guess that's enough reading for today. I need to get some fresh water, then I guess I'll check on the diaper baby before bed.” She declared, putting her newspaper down onto the table and going to the kitchen (which was about two rooms away from the main hallway). Cozy Glow smiled happily. “This is too easy! Since that stupid Princess doesn't have any guards, I can easily escape without a problem. Sorry Princess Moron, but I win!” She announced and rushed towards the door at the end of the hallway! But she slipped and fell due to her diaper’s weight! She couldn’t stop her headlong slide, and hit her head against the door. “Ouch! That could've gone a lot better….” She grumbled. “Stupid diaper!” Upon getting back up, Cozy could hear what sounded like hoof steps coming from both the stairs and the kitchen. She had to hurry and escape, otherwise she would be caught! And escaping from this castle next time would surely be harder as a result. Cozy rubbed her head, quickly got back up on her hooves, and opened the door. But just as she took a step outside, she was caught in some type of huge net and dangled off the ground! It was then that she noticed a wire below the doorway. She had tripped it without even noticing. “Those sneaky little..” She grumbled, struggling to break free of the net. As she did she began to notice ponies walking around outside. They would totally see her in her diapers if she did escape, and that struck the filly with a sense of dread! “What will I do if they see me?!” She thought. “I don’t want them to make fun of me!” Spike, Starlight and Twilight came upon Cozy Glow a short time later, and both mares gave a high hoof to each other. They had set the net up just in case something like this happened. But that also meant that Cozy had tried to escape even after she’d been warned not to. So that meant that now somepony had to give Cozy another spanking. It was obvious that giving her a time out alone wouldn’t suffice. Twilight used her magic to release Cozy from the net and set the trap back up. She then brought Cozy back into the castle. As she did she was anything but pleased. She was quite furious with the little foal before her and looked her straight in her little eyes, smoke billowing from her nostrils. “Bad girl, Cozy Glow!” Twilight scolded. “Babies don't get to go outside without a parent to watch them! You could’ve gotten hurt or stuck somewhere! I want an apology, and I want it NOW!” She roared only to have Cozy stick her tongue out at her. “That does it! You leave me no choice, Cozy!” Twilight scolded and raised her hoof, moving it towards Cozy’s bottom. But before she could bring it down she hesitated. After almost a minute she simply sighed. Something inside her was preventing her from doing it. She didn't really like the idea of spanking Cozy, even considering what the filly had just tried to do. “Starlight, could you spank her?” Twilight suggested as she turned towards the unicorn. “I know I should do it, but I really don't want to. I just don't like the idea of it, even though she needs to be punished, especially with the stunt she just pulled.” Then she pulled out a scroll. Cozy Glow took a look at the scroll and gasped at what was written on it! “‘Cozy Glow’s Good Day Scroll’?” She wondered what that was for. Twilight put the scroll on a nearby table and then placed a huge, red X on it! “I was going to give you a check, but you screwed up Cozy,” She then explained. “I was thinking that if you could behave yourself for a week we could see about restoring your potty privileges. But at this rate if you’re going to keep being a naughty foal, you’ll never be able to use the potty like a big girl! You’ll probably be stuck in diapers forever!” She levitated the paper into her saddlebag. “Starlight, you take it from here.” She instructed, and left the room. Starlight smiled at Cozy Glow. “Okay, Cozy Glow come sit on my lap,” She spoke as calmly as she could. “It's time for your spanking. I got spanked a few times as a foal myself. It doesn't actually hurt that bad, though I think that’s because my dad was always gentle with me and was never big on the whole spanking thing to begin with,” She pulled the filly close with her magic. “Now, unlike Rainbow Dash I won't go easy on you. You’ll get three swats from me, but I’ll be using a belt, not my hoof.” She proceeded to levitate a small belt over. She had gotten it from Rarity but had never really seen a use for it, until now. “Three?! No, Starlight, she deserves ten at least!” Spike explained. “I found out that, while I was asleep that Cozy brat ripped my Power Ponies comic into tiny pieces! Sure, Twilight restored It with her magic, but Cozy still ripped it up for no good reason. She deserves more than three!” Spike said as he stormed out of the room, still furious about his comic. Starlight blinked a few times and said. “I guess Spike’s right, Cozy. You shouldn’t touch what doesn’t belong to you. How would you feel if Spike ripped up one of the stuffed teddy bears in your room? Don't try lying to me, I know you love Mr. Snuffles, I saw you holding him in your sleep before.” She brought the belt closer. “I don't like that stupid bear! But I bet you enjoyed being trapped in that magic barrier I had put in back in the school! Take me back there and I can happily put you and everypony else back in!” Cozy taunted with an evil grin. Starlight felt torn up to see the filly act in such a way. “It’s just like when I ran that village in the middle of nowhere.” She thought to herself. But if she could change, then so could Cozy if given the proper guidance. So a spanking was necessary. Starlight knew that with that diaper on Cozy would be protected from the impact of the spanks, so she used her magic to slide it down a bit and then started swatting her with the belt. As she did she could hear little sniffles coming from Cozy Glow. Once she finished her spanking, she put the diaper back on the filly and said. “There, there. That wasn't so bad now was it, Little Miss Fussy Pants?” Cozy just stuck her tongue out as Starlight brought her into a loving embrace, hating the hug. “What does she think I am, a one year old?” She thought as she was released from the hug. Starlight, meanwhile, gladly checked Cozy to see if she had wet her diaper at all or otherwise used it. Remarkably, she was dry. “Wow, I’m impressed, Cozy Glow. You still haven’t gone poopy or wet yourself yet. Not many foals could keep their diapers clean this long, even I had trouble keeping them dry all night as a foal.” “That's because I’m never going to use them! I’ll hold it in for the rest of my life If I have to!” Cozy mentally vowed. She wasn't completely sure how long she could really hold it, but she was NOT going to use the diaper for any means. No matter what, she wasn’t going to break! > Cozy's Accident > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While Cozy was being punished, Twilight decided to get some breakfast ready. She figured that with Starlight taking over punishment, she could at least try doing other things for the poor dear since it had been her idea to treat her as a foal. She could do things like give her bottles, burp her, change her diapers when needed, and maybe even play with some toys alongside her. That last one in particular felt kind of odd to her. “Cozy Glow’s not going to enjoy this, but how else are we going to reform her? At least this way she won't have to go to Tartarus, the poor foal would've gotten scared for sure. It just isn’t right.” Twilight said to herself as she levitated a bowl and some pancake mix over and began making some for her friends. She thought about serving them to Cozy, but decided against it. If she served those it wouldn’t be much of a punishment. “Perhaps some fresh baby food will work, until she acts more mature anyway. Besides, I don’t know what she normally eats. This way I can ensure she gets her nutrition.” She thought to herself. Spike walked into the kitchen while Twilight was in the midst of thinking. He had just put his restored comic on a shelf, now hopefully away from Cozy Glows’ evil little hooves. “I actually wish I could’ve spanked her. I was supposed to be watching her, and it was my comic she ripped up.” He remarked. Then as he took a seat at the table, he also noticed an old looking high chair Twilight had brought out. In fact, it looked like one of his old ones and he cringed. “Twilight….. Did you really keep this old thing for all this time?” Spike inquired. Twilight confirmed with a nod. “W-why did you keep it? I know I used it a lot as a baby. I mean, you can even see some of the burn marks I left on it. Is this safe for Cozy to use? What if it breaks?” Spike asked while blushing deep red. Twilight put the pancake mix down and cooed. “Why of course I brought it. I mean, I did bring some of your old stuff to my castle when I visited Canterlot a long time ago. I’m actually going to visit my parents later today to pick up a special surprise for little Cozy Glow.” “Yeah but did you rea-” Spike began, but was unable to finish his sentence as he saw Starlight Glimmer walk into the kitchen, holding a squirming Cozy with her magic. Spike blew some smoke out of his nose as he saw Cozy Glow. After what she had done to his comic last night, he now didn’t even want to see the naughty filly. She was a brat, plain and simple. “Let's talk about this later, Twi.” Was all he said and sat down far away from Cozy Glow. Starlight stretched her hooves as she brought in Cozy Glow. “Well, surprisingly she's still dry and hasn’t made a mess in her diapers yet. But she can’t hold it in forever, she’ll go eventually. Worse comes to worse, some laxatives should do the trick,” She declared as she used her magic, levitated Cozy Glow into the highchair, and strapped her in nice and snug. “There we go, Cozy. See what happens when you cooperate?” Cozy stuck out her tongue. “Not like I had much choice.” She rubbed her bottom with a hoof, still feeling the impacts from Starlight spanking her with the belt. Even Rainbow Dash’s hooves hadn’t hurt as much. Twilight smiled as she finished making the pancakes and put two each on plates for herself, Spike, and Starlight. But she only gave Cozy Glow one. Since Cozy was playing the role of a baby, she wouldn’t be able to eat a lot like the rest of them. Besides, it was a punishment. Every foalcare book said that parents had to set clear boundaries with their children and enforce them. Twilight levitated each plate over to Starlight and Spike, and proceeded to put some syrup on top of the pancakes. She then got a fork to feed Cozy Glow. However, in the time it had taken to obtain a proper fork, it seemed Cozy had already taken the liberty of trying to feed herself. As a result her hooves, stomach and parts of her diaper were all sticky and covered with syrup. Naturally, Twilight was most upset. “COZY GLOW!” She bellowed at the top of her lungs. “You know the rules! Only big ponies are allowed to feed you, you are just a foal after all. Now look what you’ve done, you’re a mess. And you’re going to need a new diaper, I can’t have you in a sticky, syrup covered one.” She groaned, before she grabbed a few napkins and got them wet, then she went to wipe Cozy Glow clean. Of course that was easier said than done, Cozy kept wiggling about in the chair as Twilight cleaned her. At least Cozy was rewarded for her efforts with a clean and a pristine diaper, much as she hated the undergarments for how thick and poofy they were. They made it impossible to ignore her current status. Once Twilight had finished cleaning Cozy, she decided to get the foal a bottle (with tiny hearts printed on it) of milk. “There we go, I got a special drink for our precious little foal. You probably need something to wash those pancakes down.” Twilight cooed as she brought the drink over. She picked Cozy Glow up out of the chair and put the bottle’s nipple into Cozy’s mouth. Cozy Glow didn’t really want to drink the milk. it wasn’t bad enough that she’d already made a mess of her face, now she really had to go potty. Drinking the sweet liquid would only make her have to go even more. But unfortunately she couldn’t do anything to stop it from being offered. So she ended up drinking it slowly. Once it was down her stomach, she was surprised to have Twilight pick her up and pat her back. What was even worse was that she actually burped as a result. When she was set back down it was all she could do to keep from tearing up as she did the potty dance, trying her hardest not to let anything spill into her diaper. She knew she wasn’t going to be allowed to use the bathroom. “That stupid potty chart! I should rip it up the first chance I get, just like I did to Spike’s stupid comic! That’ll get it through Twilight’s head that I’m not some stupid baby!” She thought to herself. “Oh, I see somepony’s in a good mood. I’m so glad I could make you smile!” Twilight said as Cozy continued to do her little dance. She promptly picked Cozy Glow up. “Now, I know it’s probably hard to use your diaper with everypony watching. So why don’t I give you something to do to take your mind off that, and then you’ll just do it naturally when you stop focusing on holding it in?” She offered. Cozy Glow was then placed into a playpen near the kitchen, along with other toys, puzzles, and plushies. She desperately wanted to take her mind off of using the bathroom, still determined not to go in her diaper no matter how tempting it seemed and how easy it would be to do so. So the diapered filly picked up some blocks and just spelled out various words as Spike, Twilight, and Starlight watched her play for a while. After almost half an hour of playtime, Cozy appeared to be content and under control. So Twilight asked Starlight. “Starlight, I think I should get going to Canterlot. I gotta explain the situation to Celestia and Luna like I promised. Plus, I wanna visit my parents and pick up a few things for Cozy. Do you think you can handle Cozy while I’m gone? Or should I prepare a schedule for you?” Twilight asked as she leaned over the playpen and checked Cozy’s diaper, which was of course still dry. “Hm. Could’ve sworn I heard a hissy sound, must be my imagination. I’m sure our little foal would tell us when she went. Can’t imagine she’d want to get an ouchie diapee rash.” She playfully teased while patting the foal’s head. Starlight looked at Twilight with confusion. “A schedule? Why would I need a schedule? I’ve foalsat the Cake Twins already plenty of times, even if they were already starting potty training by the time I met them. I know how to take care of this big of a foal. It should be easy, there's not much she could need. And unlike a normal foal, she can tell me if she needs something.” “Okay, but don't forget that this big ‘Foal’ tried taking over the world, and nearly succeeded too. Just try to be careful. And if you decide to take her outside at least be sure to keep a good eye on her, I wouldn't want her escaping from Ponyville. There’s no telling what she might do if she did.” Twilight replied and decided to just leave, bidding farewell to everypony and even giving Cozy Glow a small kiss on the cheek. Cozy naturally detested such affection. Her parents were smart enough to stop doing that to her by the time she was three. “Stupid Twilight, stupid diapers, stupid everything!” She grumbled as she spelled “Twilight is dumb” with her blocks. She eventually got bored of that and moved onto playing with her dolls, the very same dolls she’d taunted Chancellor Neighsay with. She grabbed a tiny cloth and put it on the Twilight doll, imaging it was a diaper. “Look at me, I’m Twilight. I’m a big, dumb pony who had to stop Cozy Glow instead of letting her take over the world. I’m such a poopy head, I have to spoil everypony’s fun.” She pretended to take her anger out on the dolls and made them fight each other. Starlight simply observed the whole thing with frightening concern. Cozy’s anger seemed to be getting worse and not better. “Well…. She's definitely still a little sore about losing, not that I blame her. But I’m sure she’ll get over it eventually, right? I did, and so did Trixie. Ooh, I got it! What If I give little Miss Fussy Pants a surprise tickle attack? That’s a sure fire way to get her to stop being so mean and nasty.” She thought, not realizing Cozy Glow was trying her hardest to hold in her bladder. Starlight sneakily trotted up the playpen and when she a few feet away from Cozy Glow she used her magic to pull the target close and began her tickle attack! “Surprise! You should’ve been watching your surroundings, Cozy Glow, because now you have to deal with a new monster…. The tickle monster!” She said proudly as she tickled Cozy all over her little body. Cozy Glow was unable to do a thing. She just kicked her legs, failing to hit anything. “Hey! Get off me, you idiot! You’re gonna make me pee!” She protested even as she couldn’t help but laugh as Starlight started tickling her. Naturally, holding in her pee became a lot more difficult as a result. She held out at first, but then happened to notice Starlight levitate a feather. When she was tickled with said feather, her bladder was unable to hold any longer as she let out a huge surge of pee into her diaper! Her laughter was interrupted as a steady hissing sound could be heard! As Cozy’s diaper became full, Starlight finally got off her. When Cozy got up, her diaper sagged. “What the- Great job, Starlight you idiot! You made me pee my diaper, and I’m not even a foal! I’m so peeved!” She growled as her eyes narrowed, before Starlight grabbed her by the hoof and led her to the nursery, with Spike following them. “First off, you are a foal until the punishment is done. Secondly, don't call ponies idiots, that's not very nice. And three, if you dare to say such naughty words in front of Twilight or I anymore, I’ll have to scrub that dirty mouth of yours with some soap! Applejack and Rarity told me they did all the time when they raised their younger sisters. And even Pinkie Pie had her mouth washed out a few times growing up on the rock farm. The Pies are very strict about discipline, be thankful I’m not like them,” Starlight scolded as she placed Cozy on the changing table and got a fresh, new diaper for her, this one had tiny, little purple hearts printed on it for wetness indicators. “Now, let's change the grumpy foal. We wouldn't want you getting a rash, would we? Twilight definitely wouldn’t like that.” “Just shut up!” Was all Cozy said as Starlight prepared the stuff. Deep down she wanted to cry, but that would show weakness. Instead, she just laid there. “Wait… I’ve got an idea!” She thought with a grin. “When Starlight removes the diaper, I can make a run for It and escape! Those poofy diapers have been holding my wings down, so with them off I can get out of here without a problem!” And so she waited for Starlight to remove the diaper so that she could set her plans into motion. They were going to regret ever thinking they could get away with humiliating her like this. > Twilight's Visit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Convinced that Starlight and Spike would have everything under control, Twilight left for Canterlot. There were two reasons to her visit. The first and most important was to check in with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna and inform them of the punishment she had decided to inflict on Cozy Glow. Hopefully they would approve. The second reason was a bit more personal to the young princess. She wanted to visit with her parents and hopefully pick up some "supplies" to bring back to Ponyville for Cozy Glow. "Everything should more or less fit her," Twilight thought to herself. "Maybe I could even ask Cadence for some pointers if she happens to be around. I doubt she'll be interested in letting Flurry Heart play with Cozy for the time being though, even if she mostly played nice with the Cake Twins." Life in Canterlot had gone back to normal pretty quickly after what Cozy had done. There were more security patrols, but aside from that everything looked and sounded the same as it always did when the city wasn't under siege. It was clear to see just how great of an influence Flash Magnus had been in improving the guards' morale and reputation. They were probably going to be like this for a couple of weeks until ponies could be convinced there would be peace again. With some of the royal guards accompanying her for protection, Twilight was escorted to the palace grounds and upon entering made her way straight to the throne room. Both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were waiting for her, both standing at attention beside their thrones. Princess Celestia clapped her hooves. "Guards, you may take leave and return to your posts. If anything or anyone suspicious should appear, please let us know." "Understood, your majesty." The guards bowed and then departed, the throne room doors closing behind them. As soon as the three princesses were alone, Luna spoke up. "Well, Twilight Sparkle. Have you decided on a suitable punishment for young Cozy Glow yet? Or should we send word to the guards to prepare a cell in Tartarus for her?" "Not necessary," Twilight shook her head. "I've settled on a punishment that is rather unconventional, but I think it's one that will ultimately yield a positive result," And she cleared her throat as she explained. "I've decided that Cozy needs to start over again from the beginning, quite literally in fact. So I've decided to place her in diapers and basically treat her like a foal. She can't even take off her diapers or leave the castle without adult supervision." Celestia questioned with a most unusual expression. "Twilight, are you absolutely sure that's the best course of action? Are you sure you're not doing that simply because you don't want Cozy to end up in Tartarus?" "Exactly how has she taken to the treatment so far?" Luna inquired. At that Twilight gulped. "Not very well, actually. She's actually had to be spanked a couple of times. But she does appear to be slowly adjusting already. This morning, she didn't put up a fight when I had to clean her up after she spilled syrup on herself." Luna appeared to nod her head. "That is a positive sign, though it doesn't automatically mean she's starting to accept her punishment. Still, it does sound like a form of house arrest." "Please, it's only been a day since I started the treatment!" Twilight pleaded. "Give me at least a week or two to try to get results. I've set clear boundaries for Cozy already." Celestia somberly replied. "Well, as long as she doesn't again pose a threat to Equestria like she did with the school, I suppose Cozy's current punishment can be allowed," She then cautioned. "But if a month comes and goes without any signs of progress we'll have to assume the punishment isn't working, and that more drastic measures will be necessary." "Don't worry. If Cozy ever wants to be a big girl again, she's gonna have to learn to behave herself," Twilight promised. "I doubt she's gonna wanna stay in diapers and be treated like a foal forever. And despite what she may think she wouldn't last in Tartarus." The royal sisters reluctantly agreed. "Very well, the punishment is accepted," Celestia declared. "I think Luna and I will come to Ponyville ourselves in about a month to see Cozy's progress first hoof." "You could consider us to be the filly's parole officers if you will," Luna added. "And make sure to let her know that I'll be monitoring her dreams very closely. Should she show any hint of betrayal again, nightmares will be the least of her worries!" Twilight gulped anew. "Don't worry, Princess Luna. I'll make sure Cozy gets the message when I get back," Then she asked. "By the way, where's Cadence? I was kind of hoping she'd be here." "Cadence and Shining Armor are still overseeing the Crystal Empire to make sure the magic drain hasn't produced any lingering side effects," Celestia explained. "And in light of what's happened with Cozy Glow, Shining is taking no chances. He's made it clear that wherever Cadence goes he'll go. I suspect he won't rest until he's absolutely sure things are back to normal." The young alicorn nodded. "That's my big brother for you. He'll always try to protect the ones he holds dear, even if they can take care of themselves. But I bet even he'd get a kick out of hearing what Cozy Glow's going through." Celestia appeared to smile. "You may tell him and Cadence if you wish. But we won't tell either of them unless they ask." And with that the meeting was adjourned. With permission from her fellow princesses to continue to carry out Cozy's punishment (a padded prison of poofiness you might), Twilight leisurely trotted through Canterlot to get to her next destination. She'd already written to her parents to let them know she was coming. Sure enough, Night Light and Twilight Velvet were standing right outside their house as Twilight approached. Velvet in particular couldn't contain her enthusiasm. "Oh, it's so good to see you again, Twilight!" She cooed as she embraced her daughter in a hug. "I know you and your friends go on crazy, world saving adventures all the time, but your most recently one really scared me when I heard about it. You actually went to Tartarus!" Night Light chuckled. "Yeah, but look at her, dear. Not a scratch on her. Our little Twilight's made of tough stuff," Though he still hugged his daughter anyway. "Even so, we're glad to see you safe and sound. And it's always nice to just have a get together where something crazy isn't happening." Twilight blushed as she faintly remembered the zeppelin cruise from a while back. She decided to quickly change the subject before the memories could resurface. "Did you get all the supplies I asked for?" Velvet nodded, gesturing for Twilight to come inside. "Yup. Everything should be in the living room, waiting for you. To think, you're raising a foal and you're not even married. Oh, it seems like only yesterday you and Shining were just little ponies. Where has the time gone?" "Come on, my darling Velvet," Night Light reassured his wife. "There's no need to get all sentimental. We gotta save that for the granddaughter." "Uh, you know Cozy's not actually my child. I may be the one diapering her but it's strictly because of the punishment." Twilight pointed out as she trotted inside with her parents. Night Light grinned. "Oh we know. But we've always believed you'd make a fantastic mother. We really should pay little Cozy Glow a visit so we can spoil her sweet. Maybe we'll even show her some of your baby pictures." "Trust me, you're gonna want to have a way to preserve the memories of the little one," Velvet pointed out. "Besides, in this case you could use the embarrassing photos to keep Cozy from acting up. It always worked wonders for you and Shining." The young alicorn did her best not to whine. "Mom, Dad, you don't need to get carried away. Cozy's only being treated like a foal until she learns to be nice and accept friendship. You already have a granddaughter in Flurry Heart that you can dote on and smother with affection." Then she turned her attention to the reason for her visit. Stacked up in a corner of the living room were a wide assortment of foal supplies that had clearly gone years without usage. Twilight was amazed at how... clean everything seemed to be despite their age. "Wow!" She commented with amazement as she eyed the old toys and even a lovely pink foal swing. "I seem to remember these being a lot bigger when I was a foal." "Probably because you used to only come up to my ankles," Velvet grinned. "Fortunately, your father and I took the liberty of washing everything," And then she ribbed her husband. "I told you we shouldn't thrown the old foal supplies out. I told you'd they be useful one day." Night Light sighed. "Yes, dear, I know. You were right and I was wrong. You don't have to keep rubbing it in." The young alicorn ignored her parents' remarks, however, as she instead concentrated her horn on the objects. "Good thing I brought a bigger saddlebag," She said to herself as she began to float the objects into the air. "I'll size them up to Cozy's height when I get back to Ponyville. This foal swing especially should be just the thing to keep her occupied whenever I need to get some work done," Then she took notice of something most unusual sticking out among the objects. She brought it closer for inspection, and gasped and blushed when she realized what they were. "Mom, are these lactating pills?!" Velvet confirmed with a nod. "I bought them at the store yesterday just in case you decide to nurse. Foals do need their nutrition after all. And a little bit of breastfeeding might help you and Cozy to bond. Or you can just hang onto them in case of an emergency, I still had my pills until you and Shining were in grade school, even though I never needed to use them." "Thanks, I think," Twilight blinked and blushed as she stuffed the lactating pills into her saddlebag. "But I think just plain old bottles will be good enough for a big foal like Cozy. If I start... well... nursing then ponies are gonna start assuming things. I really don't need them thinking Cozy's secretly been my daughter all along or anything crazy like that." Night Light told his daughter. "You're old enough to make your own decisions, Twilight. You do what you think is best for Cozy Glow while she's in your care. Your mother and I learned long ago not to let other ponies tell us how to raise our kids, and you and Shining both turned out just fine." Twilight just replied. "Well, thanks for everything, Mom and Dad. Sorry I can't stay, but I need to get back to Ponyville. I can't be relying on Starlight and Spike all the time to do the foalsitting for me. This isn't like with Spike where I can just unload my problems onto others. If I'm old enough to make my own decisions, then I'm also old enough to not nave to always rely on others to do things for me." And after giving both her parents a hug and a kiss, she left the house and set off to get back to Ponyville. "I just hope Cozy Glow hasn't been giving Starlight and Spike too much trouble in my absence," The princess thought to herself as she flew back to Ponyville. "And I hope Cozy Glow hasn't been continuing to try and avoid using her diapers. It's really not healthy for her to hold things in like that. I'd rather not have to resort to laxatives to get her to go." > A Spike of Revenge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight carried Cozy Glow to the castle nursery to get changed. She was surprised at how the filly wasn't crying or fussing despite her wet diaper. "See, Cozy," Starlight cooed as she floated her young charge onto the changing table. "Isn't it so much better when you stop fighting back and just cooperate? Don't you feel better now that you don't have to hold your pee in?" "Not really. I'll never forgive you for making me pee myself!" Cozy thought but didn't say it out loud. She was just waiting for her diaper to be removed so she could carry out her escape plan. "If you and that stupid princess and her little dragon think you can humiliate me like this, you're dead wrong!" Starlight opened up the drawer of the changing table to retrieve a new diaper, and used her magic to bring forth the wet wipes and the foal powder. "Okay," She declared as she took a deep breath. "Now, I don't want any 'surprises' while I'm changing you so before I take off your diaper, do you need to go again at all?" Cozy shook her head. "Nope. Don't have to pee, don't have to poop. Now can we hurry this along before I get a rash?" "What's the magic word, young filly?" Starlight asked while still using that motherly tone of hers. The little pegasus reluctantly sighed. "'Please'?" She pleaded as sincerely as possible. Starlight smiled. "Why of course, Cozy Glow. Just hold still, and I'll get you all nice and clean." She then used her magic to surround the wet diaper's tabs and undo them, effortlessly pulling it out from underneath the filly's soggy rump. Seizing her opportunity, Cozy sat up and fluttered down from the changing table! "Ha, sucker!" She taunted as she stuck out her tongue before running off. "I'm free!" Starlight Glimmer immediately took off in pursuit of her young charge! "Cozy Glow, you get back here this instant! I haven't cleaned you up yet! If you have an accident on Twilight's floors, Twilight is going to be so mad!" Cozy just continued to run, occasionally flapping her wings in order to gain a little bit more speed. "I don't care! I can take care of myself." The filly insisted as she kept on running. Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Spike was snacking on some gems while reading his Power Ponies comic. The same comic that Twilight had repaired after Cozy had ripped it up the night before. "What is wrong with that filly?" He thought to himself as he grabbed another clawful of gems. "Not only did she try to take over Equestria, but she also hates comics. I have half a mind to give her a piece of my mind. She's lucky to not be rotting in Tartarus right now." Just then, the little dragon thought he heard a commotion and as a result he looked up from his comic. He was just in time to see a diaperless Cozy Glow run past, propelling herself down the hallway with her wings. Spike just groaned as he set his comic down. "I'll catch her." He said to himself since he knew neither Starlight or Twilight were around to hear him. It was a good thing he had wings of his own now, and that Smolder had helped teach him how to use them properly. Cozy didn't know Spike was onto her as she kept running and flapping her wings. Her eyes could see the front doors of the castle, she was so close to freedom! "I'll fly right over that stupid wire that triggers that stupid net!" She thought to herself. "Then once I'm free I'm going to figure out how to get in touch with that double crossing centaur, Tirek. He's gonna pay for ratting me out to Headmare Twilight!" Then she looked down at herself. "After I find a stream to wash off this stain." However, just before the diaperless pegasus could approach the doors and try to force them open, she felt herself being grabbed by a pair of very powerful claws. "Hey, what the-" She began as she was slowed right down to a halt. "You didn't really think you could run away just because Twilight's not here, did you?" Spike remarked with narrowed eyes. "That's twice in less than a day now that you've tried to do that. Do you want to be sent to Tartarus?!" Cozy hissed and spat at Spike. "Anything's better than losing my bathroom privileges and being held prisoner here!" Starlight came on the scene and used her magic to pick up Cozy, holding her close. "Cozy Glow, I'm sure you don't actually mean that. I know you're upset about everything that's happening, but it's for your own good and it serves you right." Cozy shuddered and shivered. "You're not gonna spank me with the belt again, are you? That really hurt!" Starlight shook her head. "I'm just going to clean you up and then put you in time out so you can think about what you've done, young missy," Then she turned to Spike. "Thanks for catching Cozy for me. Obviously, we'll need to be more careful from now on with her diaper changes so she doesn't pull another stunt like that." The little dragon just shrugged his claws. "Hey, that's what friends are for. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some comic book reading to catch up on. I was right at the best part too." And he walked away. Starlight carried Cozy Glow back to the nursery and this time she made sure the door was locked so that Cozy couldn't try to escape again. She then used magic to float over the wet wipes to clean Cozy's flanks. "At this rate, you're never gonna earn a single check mark. And that means you'll never get your potty privileges back." She scolded. Cozy groaned and shivered as the wet wipes made contact with her flanks. "I wouldn't need to worry about that if that poopy head Twilight hadn't put that stupid spell on my diapers." "Well it was either that or giving you mittens," Starlight lectured as she tossed the wet wipes into the trash and began powdering Cozy in preparation for the new diaper. "Besides, if you're going to keep holding things in like that, you're going to end up needing diapers. Just cooperate and you can go back to being a big girl." The pegasus filly only spat again. "Never! You'll never break me! If I have to I'll figure out how to undo that spell myself." Starlight just sighed as she finished the powdering job, taped up a new diaper and then floated Cozy over to a small stand in a corner of the room. She then set up a timer, making sure to place it in a spot where her young charge couldn't reach it. "I'll come back for you when the last drop of sand falls into the bottom glass. Don't even think of trying to knock it over either, because I'll know. Sit here, and think about what you've done." Then she departed, making sure to once again close the nursery door so Cozy couldn't escape. Starlight strolled straight into the kitchen as Spike finished reading his comic. "Cozy Glow is a tough nut to crack," She sighed in dismay. "I really don't want her to end up like Chrysalis. But it seems like she just doesn't wanna listen to me." "That filly isn't right," Spike commented. "We just have to keep up the tough love until she sees sense. Sooner or later she'll break." The unicorn mare just sighed dramatically and strolled out of the kitchen. "Well, I'm going to go lay down and rest for a bit," Then she suggested. "Why don't you make a snack for Cozy Glow when her time out is up? And maybe make something for me too, I'm getting a little hungry." "Great idea!" Spike agreed as he went over to the kitchen cabinets. He decided he'd make some salads, Cozy needed her nutrition after all. But as the little dragon went about gathering all the ingredients, he took notice of an opened shelf above the fridge. Flapping his wings, he flew up to inspect it and found several containers of laxatives. An idea came to him right then and there. "This is payback for ripping up my comic, Cozy Glow!" He thought to himself as he brought down one of the containers. He would put some of its contents into Cozy's salad, the filly would never see it coming. Time seemed to pass agonizingly slow for Cozy Glow as she just sat on that stand. She really couldn't go anywhere or do anything. With the nursery door closed and the diaper weighing her down she couldn't hope to flutter up to the door handle. "I was so close to freedom! And then that annoying dragon had to ruin it all!" Cozy thought to herself. "The only dragon I hate more is that nosy Smolder! If she'd just kept quiet her friends wouldn't have suspected a thing. What is it about dragons that make them want to pick on a filly like me? I bet they never have to wear diapers when they do something wrong." At last the door was opened again as Starlight came trotting in, looking much more refreshed and cheerful. "Okay, Cozy, your time out is over," She declared and then used her magic to bring the filly close for a diaper inspection. "Nope, no pee pees or poo poos. I hope you're still not holding things in. We know what we talked about." "Whatever," Cozy remarked before her stomach began to rumble. "Is it lunchtime yet? I'm hungry!" The unicorn mare smiled. "Lunchtime is still a ways away, Cozy. But don't worry, I had Spike prepare snacks for the both of us. Of course, you know the drill, you're not allowed to feed yourself." And she carried Cozy to the kitchen, plopping her into her highchair that was previously Spike's. Spike brought over two bowls of cut up salad. "Enjoy." He smiled and then sat down at a seat near the table. "Now to just sit back and wait for the stinky fireworks!" He thought while rubbing his paws together. Starlight ate her salad mostly in silence, while using her magic to float over bits of salad for Cozy Glow. "This is all you're getting until lunchtime, young filly," She made sure to point out. "So you can either eat this, or you can go hungry. It's your choice." Although she resented how she was once again powerless, Cozy was too hungry to fight back. So she let Starlight feed her even though she hated it. And was it her imagination or did her salad taste weird? Once both salad bows had been emptied, Spike took them away to wash them while Starlight unfastened a bib she'd placed on Cozy as a precaution. "See how easy it was when you didn't try to fight me?" Starlight told the filly. "Maybe if you keep this up you'll be able to get a full week of check marks and we can start potty training you again. Won't that be nice?" "Yeah, because then I'll be back to how I was before you forced me into all of this!" Cozy protested as she was helped out of her highchair. Starlight sighed. "Baby steps, Starlight. Baby steps. You're getting there." But shortly after Cozy was set down again, her stomach started to rumble quite audibly. She put a hoof to her stomach as she felt it churn. "Oh no!" She cried in horror, realizing what was going to happen! And the worst part was, she was powerless to prevent it. She didn't know where the bathrooms in the castle were and even if she had known she knew that it'd be impossible to take off her diaper (assuming she could make it in time). Starlight sensed what was happening and quickly brought Cozy out into the hallway, then turned her head so as to give the little pegasus privacy. "Just let it all out, Cozy. Don't try to fight it," She instructed. "I know it's not pleasant, but it's going to happen one way or another." Cozy really couldn't fight the urge, especially not when her face turned bright red and her tail hiked upwards. It all happened so fast, her diaper quickly expanding and blowing up like a balloon! It felt like an eternity even though it actually lasted less than a minute. The hallway was soon polluted with the stench of her foul deed. "Oh, you poor thing," Starlight sympathetically declared as she approached Cozy Glow. "But it's all out now and your tummy has to feel a lot better." Spike then poked his head out from the kitchen and laughed while taunting! "Ha, my plan worked! Serves you right for being a brat!" Cozy's eyes widened as she realized her accident was no accident! "YOU!" She roared as she looked at Spike. If not for how heavy her padding felt she probably would've run right up, tackled him and started wailing on him non-stop. "You put laxatives in my salad, didn't you?!" Spike nodded from afar. "You're darn right, I did! Now I've paid you back for what you did to my comic last night." The little filly growled. "Why you... you..." Starlight Glimmer quickly intervened to break up the argument. "That's enough, Cozy Glow," And then she scolded Spike. "Cozy may not be a nice pony, but that doesn't give you the right to put laxatives in her food. You're lucky her diaper contained the mess, or else you would've had to clean it up. And you could've easily made Cozy sick if those laxatives had been stronger. So you're gonna help me change her diaper. And Twilight is gonna hear about this." The little dragon shrugged his claws as he reluctantly came over. "Fine. I guess maybe that was uncalled for. But you should know those were the weakest laxatives we had. If I'd really wanted to I could've given her something much stronger." Starlight and Spike both made their way to the nursery with Cozy Glow in tow. Starlight was able to use her magic to quickly undo the dirty diaper, ball it up and toss it into the trash. But Spike had to pitch in to help with wiping, which took a very long time. It didn't help that Cozy Glow made the whole thing ten times worse by flailing and kicking with her legs. "I don't regret doing what I did to that comic, dragon," She told him. "And I'm never gonna forgive you for the laxatives or the fact that you made me mess." Spike groaned. "You're really getting on my nerves, Cozy Glow. I'm starting to think Twilight was wrong to spare you from Tartarus if is the way you're gonna act." Starlight coughed into a hoof to stop the argument. "Both of you, stop it at once. There's no reason for you two to be fighting," Then she explained to Spike. "I'm gonna take care of the trash so the dirty diaper doesn't stink up the whole castle. You finish up the changing job. Make sure to use plenty of foal powder so she doesn't get a rash." Spike gave a salute. "Will do!" And then he watched as Starlight rushed out of the nursery with the trash bag containing the old diaper held aloft and a ways away with her magic. The little dragon set Cozy upon the changing table as he reached for the powder and the new diaper. But Cozy Glow continued to kick about and kept giving him the stink eye. "Hey, dragon, hurry it up!" Cozy ordered! "If I get a rash because of you I'm gonna cry and cry all day and night!" At that, something inside of Spike snapped. "Ooh, that's it! I have had it with your attitude!" He growled as he picked up Cozy Glow. "If Starlight and Twilight can't get you to change your ways, no one really can." "Oh, are you gonna spank me now too?" Cozy jeered. "You can't possibly hurt me more than Starlight did with that belt. My rump is still sore." "Whoever said I'm going to spank you?" Spike declared as he carried Cozy out of the nursery. "Obviously, a spanking won't make you see sense, and neither will a time out." He made his way down the hallways, eventually entering into one of the castle's bathrooms as he shut the door behind him. The little pegasus wasn't sure why Spike would bring her into the bathroom, not even as she was brought before the toilet and saw him lift up the lid. "So you're making me into a toilet brush? I sure hope the toilet's clean, for your sake." "A toilet brush wouldn't talk back the way you do," Spike remarked as he unceremoniously moved to drop her into the toilet. "There's only one place I can think of where you'll fit in. I hate to do this to a filly, but then again you're no ordinary filly." He proceeded to press down on the lever. Cozy felt something begin to take hold of her, throwing her about the sides of the toilet bowl as she spun helplessly about. Then the water started to pull her down as it retreated down the drain, only for it to stop once her tail had been sucked into the hole. The water flowed over her tail, but only came up to about her rump. Now she was frightened. "What are you doing?! Get me out!" "Oh, I'll get you out alright," The little dragon told Cozy as he now stood over her with a plunger in claw. "You won't be stuck in the toilet for much longer. Twilight magically enchanted this plunger to clear up any blockage after we started having some 'issues'." "No, please!" Cozy pleaded in vain! "You'll regret this, little dragon!" Spike only replied by placing the plunger into the toilet bowl as he then began to push up and down, all the while keeping a claw firmly on the handle to push it down. At very long last his efforts were rewarded as he heard a pop sound, and saw the water retreat down the drain with a curly mane along for the ride. "There you go! Enjoy your new home, Miss Messy Diaper!" He declared and put the lid of the toilet down, then went to wash his claws. However, just as Spike had finished doing so, a very angry looking Starlight Glimmer confronted him. "Spike, I can't believe you just did that. You flushed Cozy Glow!" And she remarked. "If only I'd been a few seconds faster, I could've prevented you from doing that." "She deserved it! She's been nothing but trouble ever since she was defeated!" Spike complained. "I didn't wanna have to resort to such extreme measures, but nothing you or Twilight have been doing is working. Besides, knowing Cozy she'll make friends with the rats that live in the sewers." Starlight only replied by using her magic to take away the plunger Spike had just used. "This plunger is far too powerful to be used," She declared. "I'm going to go rescue Cozy Glow, and you're gonna prepare a bath for her. And for a punishment, I think you can clean all the bathrooms in this castle every day for a whole month." And she raced out of the bathroom! The little dragon sighed, reluctantly doing as he was told. "Maybe Starlight and Twilight see something in Cozy Glow that I don't," He thought to himself. "But now Cozy knows that she can't just do what she pleases anymore. If she's gonna act like a brat she'll be treated like one." Cozy Glow, meanwhile, had struggled in vain to swim back up through the pipes that she couldn't really fit through. "Stupid dragon," She said to herself. "It's not my fault his comics are stupid. He didn't have to flush me just because I ripped one of them up." Reluctantly, the filly had to be pushed along through the pipes until finally she tumbled out into the sewer, splashing down and landing face first. "I almost don't wanna go back up to the surface! If Headmare Twilight thinks I drowned because of Spike, he'll be in so much trouble!" But the little pegasus ultimately didn't get a say in the matter when she saw a sewer grate be opened, and felt herself being pulled by Starlight's magic, held aloft in a magic bubble. "Cozy, I want to apologize for Spike's behavior. He's upset with you, but that didn't give him the right to do what he did." Cozy just stuck out her tongue. "Whatever. I didn't even say I wanted to be rescued, especially not by you." "So you'd rather stay down there with all the rats and dead fish, and get sick?" Starlight pointed out. "Sorry, but I think that's a fate even worse than being sent to Tartarus. Now come on, you're coming back to the castle with me to get cleaned up. And if you antagonize Spike again, you're going to help him clean all the bathrooms in the castle. Do you understand?" Cozy reluctantly nodded. "Yes, Starlight." The unicorn mare smiled. "Great! And once you're bathed and cleaned, you and Spike are going to apologize to each other for being mean to one another. And you're both going to be sincere in your apologies." And that's exactly what happened a short time later once Cozy Glow was clean and smelling nice again. "Sorry for, you know, flushing you and all that." Spike sincerely apologized as Cozy was dried off. "And I'm sorry I insulted your comics and bossed you around," Cozy apologized back. "So I guess if you don't flush me again, I won't destroy your comics. Deal?" "Deal." The little dragon reluctantly agreed as he shook Cozy's hoof with a claw. > Dazzling Diapered Diamond > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the "supplies" in tow, Twilight returned to Ponyville as she tried her best to keep a low profile. The nature of Cozy Glow's punishment had been kept vague to all but those closest to the filly, and Twilight wanted to keep it that way, especially since she was still trying to figure out who Cozy's parents were and why she'd gone behind their backs to attend the School of Friendship. "I hope Cozy Glow's been behaving herself and hasn't given Spike and Starlight too much trouble." Twilight thought to herself as she made her way up the front steps of her castle and through the double doors. Only once she was safely on the other side did she allow herself to sigh, setting her saddlebags filled to the brim down. As if on cue, Starlight appeared with a squirming Cozy Glow held in her magic. And Spike was walking behind while wearing gloves and carrying a toilet brush. "Good, you're home!" Starlight exclaimed with relief! "Cozy's been fussy all day." Cozy just stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry. "Oh, she has, has she?" Twilight commented as she trotted forward with a frown. "Cozy, why are you still putting up so much of a fight? Don't you realize this is your punishment?" The diapered filly only pouted. "I don't care, you poopy head! I'll find a way to break out of here sooner or later! I'd much sooner be thrown into Tartarus than spend another day with you." Twilight only shook her head as she picked Cozy up. "I thought you would prefer something a little less extreme. I'm trying to help you by giving you a chance to fix your bad behavior before it's too late," Then she looked over the filly, inspecting her diaper and finding it clean. "Still dry, huh? You haven't had any accidents at all?" "No, I did! That no good dragon of yours put laxatives in my food!" The filly pointed out! "And you won't believe what else he did! He used a magic plunger to flush me down the toilet, though to be honest I'd rather have stayed in the sewers than be treated like this." Starlight replied. "It's true. And as punishment I'm having Spike clean every bathroom in the castle for a month," Then she added. "Aside from that though, Cozy only wet herself a little and hasn't done anything else. I keep telling her it's not healthy to hold it in but she just doesn't wanna listen." Spike grumbled. "Are you absolutely sure this is the right choice, Twilight? Cozy doesn't seem to be getting any better. Even if what I did was wrong, I did it because I'm tired of her continuing to act like a brat." The young alicorn wasn't convinced, she didn't want to admit Cozy was a lost cause. She'd once thought the same about so many other things and had been proven wrong, who was Twilight to decide that a filly no one really knew was an irredeemable monster without at least trying to understand what would motive her? "We've only just started the treatment. She's got until the end of the month at least to straighten out her behavior before Princess Celestia and Princess Luna show up," She explained. "Let's at least try to make it to there." The little dragon just snorted. "Whatever. Just keep her away from me for both our sakes." And then he went away to resume his bathroom cleaning duties. As for Starlight, she just yawned. "I think I'm gonna go lay down for a little while, Twilight. Plus, I need to get back to the school to see that things are getting back on track. I'm certainly going to have a lot of students who will need counseling after what Cozy did," She hoofed the filly over to Twilight. "You can take over for a while. Maybe you'll have better luck with her than I did." Then she trotted away, yawning again. Twilight and Cozy were now left alone, and Twilight turned her attention first to her young charge and then to all the "supplies" she'd picked up from her parents. "I'm going to get some things set up in your nursery. I'll have to size them up a bit to fit you though seeing as you're kind of big." "Because I'm not a foal!" Cozy roared in protest only to be ignored. "Just stay out of trouble, okay?" Twilight pleaded. "And don't even think about trying to run away. I've set up a new alarm system that'll activate if you try to flee, so I'll know in an instant no matter when you might make another escape attempt." The padded pegasus protested. "You're lying!" To prove her point she immediately tried to run to the door to open it, but as soon as she reached out a hoof to touch it there was a flash of magic and Twilight had appeared in front of her. "But that's not fair! I just can't win!" The young alicorn cooed. "Oh, you can. The only winning move is to just give in and start cooperating. It's the only way you're ever going to be a big girl again. Besides, the diapers aren't coming off until I say so," And she warned. "You already got one strike on your potty chart. Don't make me add more." Cozy only frowned and plopped down onto her rump, she was in no mood to cooperate with Twilight or anyone else. Twilight smiled in satisfaction. "That's a good girl, Cozy. Sit there and think about how you'll improve on that bad attitude of yours. If you need me, you know where your nursery is. And don't be ashamed of using your diapers, they're there for a reason." And then she set off, picking up her saddle bags as she trotted to Cozy's nursery. "Maybe if Cozy got to play with some actual foals she might learn how to behave. I'm sure there are some that could teach her." She thought to herself. The pegasus filly was not along for very long. She'd been sitting in the same spot for only a few minutes at best before she saw the castle doors swing open. Into the hallway trotted an earth pony filly with a dazzling magenta coat. She sported a diamond tiara similar to the one displayed for her cutie mark, had light grayish violet locks for a mane and tail (with white streaks shining throughout) and the most innocent cornflower blue eyes. In a lot of ways this filly reminded Cozy Glow of herself. The headgear wearing filly soon cleared her throat, making herself known. "Hey, aren't you that filly they say tried to take over all of Equestria by draining it of magic? Not even in my bad girl days would I have thought of something like that." Cozy, for her part, just blinked and tried to cover up her padding as she coldly replied. "What's it to you? You don't attend Princess Twilight's school, you weren't there when some of her students thwarted my perfect plan." The earth pony filly just laughed and rolled her eyes. "Oh really? And what exactly did your plan involve after you'd successfully drained all the magic? Not that I mean to make a point, but size kind of makes a difference in confrontations. Without magic you wouldn't be able to fly, and almost anypony could knock you down if they wanted to," She then pointed out. "Not that I would ever do what you did, but if I did I'd at least have thought things out more carefully. Because it sounds to me like your plan wasn't much of a plan." The pegasus filly just scoffed, thinking to herself. "Whatever, that wasn't my real plan." But out loud she only asked her visitor. "Why do you care?" "Well, I just had to come and see for myself if the rumors were true," The headgear wearing filly declared. "Because it kind of reminded me of what I used to be..." A look of shame crossed her face and was reflected in her tone of voice before she perked right back up and said. "But that's all in the past, that's not the pony I am anymore. I'm Diamond Tiara by the way, and you are?" "Cozy Glow." Cozy answered, still trying to keep her padding hidden from view. Diamond nearly gasped in surprise! "No way! The same Cozy Glow the Cutie Mark Crusaders helped?" "Oh, so you know those good for nothing fillies?" Cozy spat at the ground. Diamond's eyes narrowed. "Hey, they're not 'good for nothing'! I owe them my new outlook on life, they really are the most amazing ponies ever!" Then she took notice of something that, despite being in plain sight, she hadn't thought much of even though Cozy wasn't doing a good job of hiding it. "Hey, how come you're wearing a diaper? I thought most ponies stopped wearing them by the time they were three, or at least that's when I had to give them up." At that the little gears in Cozy's mind began to turn as she started scheming, thinking to herself. "She doesn't know about my punishment! Which means I can take advantage of her like I took advantage of this idiotic crusaders!" And with practiced precision she began to sniffle, putting on the same display she'd used on the Cutie Mark Crusaders. "You promise you won't laugh at me or call me names?" Tiara shook her head. "That's something the old me would've done." Still sniffling and pretending to cry, the pegasus filly whimpered. "I still wet the bed sometimes. So I have to wear diapers before bed or before naps. Everypony always made fun of me for it, calling me a stupid diaper baby and things like that." The headgear wearing filly let out a gasp! "That's horrible! How could anypony do such a thing to you?!" "Because someponies are just mean like that," Cozy whimpered. "I wanted to get back at them, and I thought the best way to do that was to bring them down to my level. I thought if I took away all the magic in Equestria, everypony would feel as weak and helpless as I do when I'm like this." Tiara reached out a hoof to her fellow filly. "I'm sorry to hear that. If I were teased all the time over something like that, well I guess I'd be as nasty as you are regardless of whether it was the old me or the new me." Then Cozy made a proposal as that scheming mind of hers prepared to lay her trap. "Do you think you could put on one of my diapers and play with me, just for a little while?" Diamond blushed. "Well... I don't know. I haven't worn a diaper in years." "Please? Just for me?" Cozy pleaded as her eyes grew wide. "I'll help you put it on and everything. It'll just be our little secret, okay?" The filly with a dazzling magenta coat reluctantly agreed in spite of something inside her telling her to say no. "The Cutie Mark Crusaders would do it in a heartbeat. And I'm supposed to have turned over a new leaf." She thought to herself as she told her fellow filly. "Alright, you got a deal. But it's only this one time, got it? If anypony ever saw me with a diaper, I'd never live it down." "Oh, is that so? Well that's unfortunate... for you." Cozy thought to herself as she fought back the urge to snicker. "Come on, I think Princess Twilight keeps a few of my spare diapers in the library." And with that she rose to her hooves, waddling along. Tiara, suspecting nothing, followed close behind. Sure enough, within the castle library was a small stash of strangely colored diapers (as opposed to the usual plain white kind). Cozy soon retrieved one of the purple colored ones with her mouth and offered it to her fellow filly. "Just lay down and put it on." She instructed. Diamond did so, finding that the padding felt kind of... strange and yet also comfortable. It was surprisingly easy to slip it under her rump and pull it up so that it hugged her rear nice and tightly, her tail poking out through a hole in the back. "Never thought I'd be back in diapers again," She thought out loud. "Well, at least not until I was a really old pony." Cozy used the thought as cover to snicker. "That's it, you fool! Now you're in my world! You'll never be able to use the bathroom again!" She thought to herself as her smile grew wide. "So, what exactly do we do now?" Tiara questioned as she stood up and waddled over to her fellow padded pony. "How about a game of hide and go seek?" The pegasus filly proposed. She would've recommended some foal toys, but all of them were currently in the nursery with Twilight (no doubt still working on sprucing up the nursery with those mysterious "supplies"). Diamond nodded. "That's a great idea! Why don't I go hide since you probably know this castle better than I do? Then we can swap roles for the next round." Cozy Glow nodded back. "Sure, let's do it! Better go hide now, because I'm gonna start counting," And she put her hooves over her eyes, counting aloud. "One... two..." The headgear wearing filly waddled her way out of the library to look for a place to hide. As she did so she became aware of an ever so faint twinge in her bladder. "I'm sure I can hold it in until this game's over. Then I can take off the diaper and ask Cozy Glow where the bathrooms are. I never said I'd use the diaper." She thought to herself. Even with her new outlook on life there were some things the former bully wouldn't do no matter what, going against her toilet training was one of them. Cozy kept on counting, slowly reaching up to one hundred before finally lifting her hooves and quietly saying. "Ready or not, here I come!" She didn't really know where Diamond Tiara might be hiding and she didn't really care. All that mattered was drawing out the experience for as long as possible, to make sure she'd be around to witness the humiliation when Diamond would learn too late what made the diaper she was wearing special. Sure enough, by the time the padded pegasus found her fellow padded pony, Diamond was greatly relieved. "Oh, thank goodness!" She declared, wiping the sweat from her brows. "Now, before we swap roles, can I take a bathroom break really quick? I mean, this castle has to have bathrooms somewhere, right? Who would ever build a castle without bathrooms?" "You can't go!" Cozy protested! "Spike's cleaning all the bathrooms, you'll interrupt his work." Tiara wasn't convinced. "I'm sure I can find one he hasn't touched yet. Besides, I really really have to go. I may have agreed to wear the diaper, but using it is out of the question! Rich ponies don't wet themselves!" Yet when she moved to try to take off her diaper, it happened! As soon as a magenta colored hoof made contact with one of the padding's tabs, it blew up like a balloon! "Hey, what gives?!" The filly shrieked! The padded pegasus could hold back no longer, she dropped her sweet and innocent persona and started laughing. "Ha, welcome to my world! I don't actually wet the bed at all, I've been forced into wearing these stupid diapers as part of my punishment," Then she added. "And guess what, they've been enchanted so that only a grown-up can take them off. If a non grown-up tries, the padding inflates itself. So tough luck, you're gonna have to pee in your diapee like a helpless little foal!" "Noooooooooo!" Diamond whined in protest, a protest that was in vain as her bladder could hold back no longer. An audible hiss could be heard as her already swelled up padding absorbed the contents of her bladder like a sponge. It only lasted a few seconds, but for the filly it might as well have been a lifetime. Fortunately for the rich filly, help was soon on the scene in the form of Twilight. She had heard the cry and had come rushing, afraid of a disaster. What she saw made her heart sink. Cozy Glow was displaying a smile of almost sadistic glee at having tricked another pony into one of her diapers. And meanwhile, a now humiliated Diamond Tiara was stuck in a swelled up and soggy diaper. Twilight quickly moved to reduce the swelling in Diamond's diaper and then removed it, balling it up and tossing into the nearby trash. "I'm sorry about this, Diamond Tiara," And she told her guest. "There's a bathroom just down the hall from here, first door on your left. Why don't you go wash up while I deal with Cozy Glow?" Diamond nodded and ran off, too embarrassed and ashamed to say anything other than. "Thank you, Princess Twilight." Cozy soon stopped laughing as she was picked up by Twilight and held in front of the alicorn. "Cozy Glow, I can't believe you just did that! Have you really no shame?!" The padded pegasus scoffed in reply. "It's your own fault for forcing me to wear these stupid things all the time! I just felt somepony else should experience the shame and humiliation I feel." The young alicorn groaned in annoyance. "Cozy, why do you continue to do this? You know you're only making your punishment worse. At this rate you'll never get out of diapers," Then she turned the filly around and used her magic to pull down the diaper. "You know what's coming! Keep acting like a naughty foal and you'll be punished like one." "Whatever! You're too soft to actually spank me! Even Spike was tougher on me than you are!" Cozy growled in defiance. But her boast was soon proven to be premature when she felt a solid smack on her rump courtesy of the princess who held her. Two more quick swats soon followed, resulting in a rump that had soon reddened again. Now it was Cozy's turn to start crying, more so from the pain than anything else. "I'm not bluffing, Cozy!" Twilight firmly protested as she pulled the filly's padding back up. "I don't want to give up on you. I really don't. But I can't help you if you refuse to help yourself. So you'd better start changing soon, otherwise it'll be too late. If you get thrown into Tartarus you'll never be able to escape." The padded pegasus said nothing, but in her mind she was thinking. "Why does this princess care so much about me? She's not my mom!" Yet strangely, a part of her began to feel something akin to wishing. "She's better than my actual mother. My real mom spanked me way more often, and my dad did too." She blinked and shook her head, wondering where that reflection had come from. Why did she care who was and wasn't her mother? "Well, I think it's time for a certain naughty filly to take her nap," Twilight scolded as she carried Cozy to the nursery. "And from now on, I'm not letting you out of my sight. You clearly can't be trusted to behave yourself without a grown-up supervising you." > Unexpected Visitor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Cozy was brought back to her nursery a short time later, she was surprised to discover just how much had changed in so short a period of time! That "Good Day Scroll" that doubled as a potty chart had been hung up neatly in a corner of the room near the closet for all to see. The crib's sheets had been changed to look more like something a child Cozy's age might have with a mobile that had seen better days high above it. A cream colored stroller sized up for a pony of Cozy's size was parked by the changing table. There were several onesies and one piece pajamas stylized in all kinds of foalish designs. And even a sized up foal swing. "Do you like it, baby?" Twilight cooed. "All of these were donated to me by my parents, and I sized them up just for you. Isn't that lovely?" Cozy made a face and stuck out her tongue. "I hate them all! They're so stupid and embarrassing! I can't believe you actually went and did all of this." Twilight only cooed more as she laid Cozy upon the changing table. "Aw, come on, Cozy. This is so I can keep you out of trouble. I wouldn't have to do this if you just cooperated instead of doing what you did to Spike and Diamond Tiara." The little filly only responded by pouting. "They totally deserved it. I don't care what you or anypony else says, I'm not going to be some stupid diaper baby just because you want me to be!" And then she complained. "You don't have to check my diaper, I'm dry." "Are you sure about that?" The young alicorn replied as she sniffed the air. "Because I thought I smelled something stinky," After sniffing around a bit and pulling down Cozy's diaper for an inspection, however, she declared. "Hm, must've just been my imagination. Or maybe you just had gas," She then lifted her young charge off the table, floating her to the crib while dressing her in one of the one piece pajamas. "Now, you just be a good little foal and take your nap, okay? I have a foal monitor, so you can let me know if you need anything." "And how do you know I won't try to escape again? I did it once before." The pegasus protested. Twilight grinned. "Oh, you wouldn't dare. I don't think you'd want anypony to see you like this. Besides, I've enchanted your pajamas just like your diapers. If you try to escape they'll trap you right on the spot and prevent you from moving," Then, after kissing the filly on the forehead she declared. "Sweet dreams, Cozy. Maybe when you wake up you'll be a nicer pony. And if not there's always tomorrow. We've got a whole month to fix that bad attitude of yours." And with that she turned off the light and closed the door. Try as she might, Cozy couldn't muster up the wing strength necessary to fly out of the crib. Besides, her rump was sore all over from the spankings she'd already gotten today and she didn't want to receive any more. "I guess I don't have a choice," She thought to herself. "So what if I'm not behaving like a 'good girl'? Pretending to be nice just made those creatures suspicious and jealous of me because I was more popular than they were." And so it was that she reluctantly drifted off into a deep sleep. As Cozy slept, Twilight got a chance to hear back from Starlight about how things were going at the School of Friendship. "It looks like almost everycreature's gotten back into a normal routine now, especially since finals are approaching in about two weeks." Twilight's eyes widened in realization! "Oh my gosh, I'd completely forgotten with all that happened with Cozy Glow! I still have to finalize some of the exam plans, and make sure Cozy didn't sabotage what I'd already let her help me with." Starlight couldn't help but question. "Why did you let that filly become your helper at the school in the first place, Twilight?" The young princess confessed. "She started doing so well in all her classes, and she told me specifically she wanted to be helpful. I couldn't just keep having her do odd jobs like book stacking all the time," She put a hoof to her forehead. "Oh, if only I'd been paying attention, maybe I would've noticed something was wrong with that filly before it came to all of this." Starlight quickly reached out to put a hoof around her former mentor. "Hey, Cozy Glow had us all fooled, Twilight. She did a pretty good job of hiding her true intentions from us just like she's been really good at holding in her need to go. But just like when she has her accidents, the truth about her is bound to come out sooner or later." "Even so, I'm gonna have to get back into the headmare's office tomorrow to catch up on the workload. And there's no way I can leave Cozy alone with Spike after what happened today." Twilight declared. "I'm afraid I'm gonna be busy tomorrow too," Starlight informed Twilight. "There are still a few students in need of counseling, and teachers for that matter." At that Twilight forced back a gulp as she realized that meant there was only one thing she could do. "I'm gonna have to take Cozy with me into work. It's the only way I can be sure she won't get into trouble." And she then thought to herself. "Guess it's a good thing I got that foal swing when I did." From then on through the rest of the day, little else unfolded. Spike mostly avoided Cozy Glow while he continued to devote himself entirely to his punishment. That left Twilight and to a lesser extent Starlight to deal with the padded pegasus, who seemed to have more or less resigned herself to her fate (though it was too late to take away the marks on her scroll/chart). Night time eventually rolled around, but Cozy was still dry when Twilight tucked her charge in for the night. "Cozy, it's okay to use your diaper. It's there for a reason." "I'm not using it and you can't make me! I only did it today because I was forced to by Starlight and that poopy head Spike!" Cozy hissed. "And if not for the stupid spells you put on my diapers, I'd rip them off and tear them up!" Twilight rolled her eyes and stuck a baby blue colored pacifier into the filly's mouth. "I think that's enough out of you for one day, missy. Hopefully tomorrow you'll be a little bit nicer." In protest, Cozy rolled over on her side and threw the blankets over her head. She was fast growing tired of this treatment and resented how she was powerless to escape it. This was going to be a very long and agonizing month. Yet she was also thinking to herself. "This isn't as bad as my actual foalhood was. Never thought I'd say that." The next day dawned and Cozy was woken up not by the rays of Celestia's sun (which she ignored) but by a somewhat delicate hoof prodding from Twilight. "It's time to wake up, Cozy Glow. We've both got a big day ahead of us. I'm going back to school." "And leaving me with that little dragon of yours," Cozy muttered through her pacifier. "He'll probably just toss me out on the street and be done with it." "Spike's learned his lesson," Twilight protested as she used her magic to scoop Cozy up. "Besides, he's still busy cleaning all the bathrooms in the castle. There are a lot of them. And since Starlight's going to be working at the school as well, you're going to be coming with me." At that the padded pegasus pony became frightened, squeaking as she fluttered into the air! "No! I don't wanna go back there! All those creatures will surely mock me and make fun of me if they see me like this!" "And if they do they'll answer to me," Twilight firmly insisted. "This is not up for argument, Cozy Glow. Until I know I can trust you I can't leave you in anypony else's care," She fluttered up to pick up the filly, and brought her gently back down to the ground. In the process she noticed something Cozy had apparently not realized yet. "We'd better get you changed first, no telling how long you've been in that damp diaper for." "WHAT?!" Cozy gasped as her moderate scarlet eyes fell upon her padding, taking notice of how the patterns had faded (of course they were those stupid diapers with wetness indicators)! Now that she thought about it, the filly thought she'd heard a hiss in her sleep at some point but had thought little of it. Yet now she had apparently wet herself just like a foal would, completely unbeknownst. The princess wasn't bothered though, she just set to work on getting her charge cleaned up and ready for the day. "It's alright, foals wet themselves in their sleep sometimes, especially when they try to hold it in for too long. Didn't yesterday teach you anything?" The pegasus just grumbled and cursed under her breath the whole time she was being wiped and powdered. "I can't believe I did that! The last time I had an accident in my sleep I was three!" She thought to herself, though a small part of her was glad to be rid of that cold, damp and clammy feeling that she'd begun to develop before the change. Once the old diaper was balled up and tossed into the trash, and Cozy was in a spotless diaper once again, Twilight began to pack up some supplies from the nursery to take with her to the school. Most of them were just things like wipes, powder and extra diapers. But it did also include the sized up foal swing, a few jars of foal food, a plastic spoon and a bib. "This way I won't have to teleport back to the castle to get you food." She cooed again. Cozy just made a gag face. She really hoped she wouldn't have to eat any of the surely foul tasting stuff contained within those jars. Bad enough she'd surely be in that foal swing for who knew how long? Fortunately, some normal food was on the menu for breakfast as Cozy briefly caught a glimpse of Spike who was taking a break from his punishment. The little dragon didn't bother to say anything to Cozy Glow as he looked at her with a glare, but it was clear he still didn't like her and hadn't forgiven her for ripping up his comic book the other day. Well, that was okay. As long as Cozy never had to talk to or give that dragon another thought anytime soon that was fine by her. There was only one dragon she was at all colder towards, a dragon who had teamed up with some other creatures just to stop Cozy from achieving her goal. Those were the creatures Cozy hoped to avoid being seen by today. Considering how Spike had retaliated against her who knew what those creatures would be capable of if given the chance? It seemed like good fortune on Cozy's part when the filly was brought in to the headmare's office without any of the School of Friendship's students spotting her. But her good fortune ended once the doors to the office were closed and Twilight brought out the foal swing, setting it up near the headmare's desk. "I've got a lot of important paperwork that needs to get done today, and I don't wanna risk you wandering off or causing trouble," She instructed, before patting the filly on the forehead. "Don't worry though, I won't forget about you. I made sure to pack plenty of toys for you to play with." Cozy frowned. "I'm not playing any stupid foal toys!" "Then you can just bounce in that swing and keep yourself occupied, okay baby?" Twilight instructed. Reluctantly, Cozy obeyed, more so because she didn't want to go out in the school's hallways and risk anyone spotting her in a diaper than any desire to do what the princess told her. It was so frustrating and humiliating to basically be held captive like this. "This really is worse than being stuck in Tartarus!" She thought to herself. "Maybe once I find a way out of this predicament, I should make Princess Twilight wear diapers all the time and see how she likes it!" Twilight, convinced that Cozy was under control, set to work on the various tasks that she wanted to tackle today. "Once finals are done I should have all the time in the world to devote to Cozy's punishment," She thought. "I just hope it'll be enough time to keep her from being sent to Tartarus. I don't know how I'd ever explain that to her parents, assuming she has parents." She paused briefly to make a mental note to look further into Cozy's potential parenting problem at a later date. It might offer some clues on how to correct Cozy's behavior in the present. As for the captive padded pegasus, she occupied herself over the next several minutes by thinking about all the ways she was gonna get back at Twilight, Spike, Starlight and most of all those six creatures for what they'd done to her. She thought so much about these scenarios that she didn't seem to notice she was subconsciously bouncing up and down in the foal swing like an actual foal would do. However, the silence that had befallen the room as a result of both occupants focusing on their own situations was suddenly interrupted when there was a knock on the door. "Headmare Twilight?" A familiar male voice called. Twilight looked up from her work. "Yes?" "Is it alright if I come in? I wanna know why you haven't been teaching classes here the past few days, and I just found out you were coming back into the office for the first time since what happened with Cozy Glow." The male voice called again. Twilight paused and bit her lip. What should she say? She knew who the voice belonged to and she knew they probably weren't going to be satisfied without getting an answer. After thinking over her options for a bit though, she decided that this could serve as a good teaching moment for both Cozy Glow and for the student she was about to see. "You can come in if you want, but you have to promise me that you won't tell anycreature about this." The door soon swung open and then shut again as a familiar earth pony colt with a coat the same yellow color as sand on the beach strolled in. "Tell anycreature about what?" He asked, before the colt's sea green eyes fell upon Cozy Glow and grew wide in disbelief. Cozy, for her part, eeped and tried in vain to cover up her diaper! Her secret wasn't a secret anymore. "Leave it to that good for nothing Sandbar to be the first to find out! He always stuck his nose where it shouldn't be. All he had to do after I convinced Chancellor Neighsay to lock up his friends was to stop asking questions." She thought to herself. Sandbar's response to seeing Cozy Glow was to put a hoof to his muzzle and try to stifle a laugh. "So Cozy, are you... you know... 'cozy'?" He seemed to tease with that grin forming on his face. "Shut up! It's your fault I'm in this mess!" Cozy whined! "You and your pathetic friends!" Sandbar only shook his head. "My friends aren't pathetic, Cozy Glow. We did what we had to do to stop you. You were a bad pony. And we didn't have any involvement in how Headmare Twilight chose to punish you," He was quick to point out. "You're actually pretty lucky. I thought for sure you'd be turned over to the royal sisters and thrown into Tartarus. I hear it's not a very nice place." Twilight was quick to explain. "Well, I was able to persuade Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to let me have a chance to try and change Cozy Glow's behavior, even though so far I've mostly been changing her diapers." The little pegasus just stuck out her tongue. "And I've hated every moment of it. I can't believe I've been forced into this." Sandbar only smiled. "Why? I think you look cute. You kind of remind me of my baby sister, Coral Currents," And he teased. "I'd invite you over for a playdate, but I don't think Mom and Dad would want you hanging around her and being a bad influence." "Stop treating me like I'm a two year old! I'm not!" Cozy protested and whined. "Hey, if the diaper fits, wear it!" Sandbar pointed out. "Headmare Twilight clearly wants you to change your ways, and I think that would be a great thing for you. I'll bet even my friends would like you if you apologized for all the nasty things you said and did to them." The padded pegasus shook her head. "As if. I know what they really think of me, and I don't care." That left the earth pony colt feeling a little confused. "Why not, Cozy? It's not a bad thing to be mindful of how other creatures view you. After all, part of friendship involves understanding how your friends think and feel. How is it possible we attended the same classes with Headmare Twilight, and yet you seem to have not learned what friendship truly means?" The pegasus filly merely snipped in response. "Why do you care? We hardly even knew each other. You never bothered to include me in your circle of friends." "You seemed to have no trouble making friends on your own," Sandbar pointed out. "It didn't take much for you to convince the school that you were right and Chancellor Neighsay was wrong. You could've used that for the greater good instead of trying to take over all of Equestria." Cozy only frowned, turning her head. "Whatever. You got your laugh, so you might as well leave now. And in a month you'll never have to worry about me or give me another thought ever again." Sandbar only sighed, shaking his head as he turned and trotted away. "You just don't get it, do you, Cozy? True friendship isn't about power or control." And with that he soon departed the headmare's office. Twilight then turned to Cozy. "Sandbar has a point, you know. You really should listen to him." But Cozy was in no mood to agree. She just went back to bouncing in the foal swing. "A pony like Sandbar could never understand what it's like to be me, no one could. Not everypony's lucky enough to live in the friendship capital of Equestria and make friends with strange creatures nopony really understands much." She thought to herself as a hint of jealousy began seeping its way into her thoughts. > Double Trouble > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rest of the day passed uneventfully for Twilight and Cozy Glow, aside from the occasional diaper change. No other students entered into the headmare's office, Twilight worked like clockwork to get everything done that needed to be done and Cozy reluctantly occupied herself as best as she could. "I hate the fact that I'm starting to get used to all of this," She thought to herself. "And what's even worse is that I have to put up with this all month long before I can get the princesses to send me to Tartarus. That'll teach Princess Twilight how wrong she is about me!" And she gleefully rubbed her hooves together in delight. Twilight glanced up from her work occasionally to keep an eye on her young charge. She smiled upon seeing how well behaved Cozy seemed to be. "Guess she's not as much trouble when she's got no place to go. But I can't keep her locked up and cooped up forever," She thought to herself. "There's got to be a way to get her to change and open up, especially about her parents." At last, when the day's work was over, Twilight brought herself, Cozy Glow and all the foal supplies back to the castle. "Since you were a good girl today, you'll get a check mark on your chart," She cooed, floating it over to demonstrate. "Maybe if you behave well for a second day in a row, we can see about lowering it to five straight days of good behavior before we restore your potty privileges." "Couldn't you just restore them now?" The padded pegasus pleaded. "I can't imagine it's fun changing my diapers, especially when you force me to use them all the time." Twilight wasn't persuaded. "Sorry, Cozy. I can't reward you just for one day of good behavior, that's not how this works. I need to know that you can keep it up. And since I don't have something you obviously care about you're never going to be motivated to behave," Then she kissed the filly on the forehead. "Now go to sleep." Pouting, the little pegasus reluctantly obeyed even as she shot Twilight a dirty look. "Does she really think her threats work on me?" She thought to herself. "She can keep me in diapers and spank me all she wants, my own mother couldn't get me to behave and neither can this poopy head of a princess!" The next morning, Twilight woke up and tended to Cozy Glow as usual. Any hope she might have had about the filly's behavior improving was immediately dashed by how much of a fight Cozy put up as her diaper was changed. She squirmed and kicked about, striking Twilight in the face more than once. Small wonder Spike had ended up doing what he'd done the other day, not that Twilight condoned it. Still, the change was eventually completed. But Twilight was exhausted, her mane and tail messy and out of shape. So after serving breakfast to her charge in the form of cut up pancakes, the young alicorn decided to step out for a little bit of "me time". "Thank goodness it's a weekend." She thought to herself, relieved at the fact that this meant Starlight would be on call to watch Cozy for a little while. Twilight soon made her way over to Sugarcube Corner. If today was any indication she was going to need a lot of coffee to make it through. Mrs. Cake soon came over with that motherly smile on her face. She always seemed to have this habit of trying to cheer up customers and Twilight was no exception. "Hello, Twilight. Forgive me for noticing but you seem a bit... well... frazzled." "It's really that easy to tell, isn't it?" Twilight replied with something akin to a yawn. "Well, these past few days have been rather difficult. What with dealing with the aftermath of Cozy's attempted take over and everything. I'm actually surprised the rest of the students are taking it so well." Mrs. Cake smiled. "I think that's a sign of how well you and your friends have taught them. Besides, time helps the shock of things to wear off, and no one's really seen her since." Twilight then answered. "Yeah, but I've only got until the end of the month to fix her bad behavior or she's going to be sent to Tartarus. I don't want to give up on her, I really don't. But so far I haven't met with a whole lot of success." The plump baker replied in a whisper. "I imagine it'd be quite difficult for any child in Cozy Glow's situation to suddenly start changing their behavior on a dime." The young alicorn almost gasped and leaped into the air, but she didn't want to make a scene since the nature of Cozy Glow's punishment was supposed to be a secret. "You know?!" When Mrs. Cake nodded, Twilight demanded. "How?! Who told you?" "Pinkie Pie," Mrs. Cake whispered back. "When she came back late from your castle the same night she was supposed to be foalsitting the twins, I had to ask her where she'd been," Then she added with a knowing wink. "It's alright, I 'Pinkie Promised' I wouldn't tell anypony else. Your secret's safe with me." Twilight felt tempted to wipe the sweat from her brows (even though she hadn't actually sweated at all) but decided against it, still not wanting to draw unwanted attention. The plump baker just continued to whisper. "You know, maybe what Cozy Glow needs the most is a role model or two. Someponies more on her level." It didn't take a genius to figure out who Mrs. Cake had in mind for the job, and Twilight was understandably hesitant about it. "Are you sure that's a good idea? What will the twins think at seeing somepony older than them in a diaper?" Mrs. Cake giggled while maintaining that whispered tone of voice. "They've seen stranger things from Pinkie Pie. And knowing them, they'll probably be delighted to have somepony they can be the 'big ponies' to," She then instructed. "You bring Cozy by a little later, okay? I might have some pointers on how to get Cozy to behave the way you want her to." Thus it was arranged. Cozy was of course anything but happy with the prospect of "playing" with foals that she was supposed to be older and bigger than, but she had no real choice in the matter. "I am so glad I weaseled my way out of having to foalsit them in class once," She thought to herself as she recalled what few faint memories she had of the Cake Twins. "Those foals are even crazier than Professor Pinkie Pie! I'll bet she taught them how to drive me up a wall!" Twilight brought Cozy over to Sugarcube Corner discreetly, making use of an enchantment on the stroller so that no passing by ponies would actually see the padded pegasus (they'd just see a random foal). "Now Cozy, I want you to be on your best behavior with Pound and Pumpkin Cake. Mrs. Cake was kind enough to invite us over, so don't make her regret her decision or else you know what will happen." "Fine, I'll play with them for a while," Cozy frowned and stuck out her tongue as she was brought up to the nursery. "But they'd better not laugh or make fun of me for their sakes." The twin toddlers were quite excited to see their new playmate, and once she was lowered into the playpen they waddled over to her. "Hi, I Pound Cake." The pegasus colt introduced himself. "And I Pumpkin Cake." The unicorn filly introduced herself. Cozy continued to frown as she swished her tail and plopped onto her padded rump. "You know my name, and I know your names." Pound Cake smiled. "Ya Cozy Glow, the pony the big ponies treating like a foal. They say ya did something really naughty." Pumpkin Cake added. "It must be really bad if grown ups want to treat you like you younger than us." Cozy Glow only pouted and folded her hooves. "I hate those dumb grown-ups, especially Princess Twilight. She just had to do this to me even though she's not my mother!" Pound just replied. "Wow, ya such a grumpy pants." "Ya definitely acting like a big foal," Pumpkin pointed out. "Besides, Princess Twilight's nice. She play with us sometimes and she friends with our Auntie Pinkie Pie." Pound added. "And she not the only princess we know. We also got to meet Flurry Heart, she a princess too," Though he frowned. "But she break our favorite toy the last time she play with us." "But aside from that she nice." Pumpkin smiled. The padded pegasus just protested. "Well I'm not Princess Twilight or that Flurry Heart you speak of. Just because I've been forced to be treated like a foal doesn't mean I have to enjoy it." "Aw, come on, quit being such a poopy head," Pound waved a hoof at his new guest. "Ya lucky you get to be a foal again. There not many foals around here for us to play with." Pumpkin then offered. "Why don't ya play with us? We've got lots of great toys. We could build the biggest block tower ever together!" Cozy groaned in reluctance. "Fine, whatever," Under her breath she added. "You dumb babies." About an hour or so ticked by in agonizing slowness for Cozy Glow, the crinkles of her diaper seemed to be amplified in her head as she uncomfortably wiggled about. The Cake Twins either intentionally ignored it to focus on their block tower, or somehow didn't hear the noise. But the twins did delight in toppling over the block tower when it could go no higher, and were quite dismayed when Cozy didn't aid them in their duet of destruction. "Ya no fun at all. Even Flurry Heart play with us." Pound pointed to Cozy with narrowed eyes. Pumpkin added. "We older than you now, you gotta do what we tell you to do. So when we tell ya to play with us, you play with us." "I helped you build your block tower, isn't that good enough?" Cozy frowned. "Ya gotta do more!" Pumpkin pointed out! "Ya a foal, so start behaving like one!" Pound then declared. "At least start bouncing on ya diaper, we used to love doing that when we wore diapers!" With a smile he boasted. "But now we in potty training and it's the best!" Pumpkin nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we get to be big ponies! Mommy, Daddy and Auntie Pinkie Pie say so. You still wear diapers though, so ya not a big pony at all." And then she and her brother giggled. At that something inside of the padded pegasus pony snapped! "You think I'm not a big pony?! I'll show you how much of a big pony I really am!" She prepared to lunge at the twins in the hopes of teaching them a lesson (probably by forcing them back down to her level). However, Twilight moved to intervene before Cozy could do anything. Picking the filly up with her magic she scolded. "Cozy Glow, that's not very nice! Just because the twins teased you doesn't mean you have to attack them." Mrs. Cake, meanwhile, scolded both her children. "Pound Cake, Pumpkin Cake, you know better than to make fun of others because of what they wear. Big ponies don't brag about their big pony privileges. Apologize to Cozy Glow this instant!" And she shot them a very stern glare that silenced any will the twins might have had to disobey. Whimpering ever so slightly, Pound and Pumpkin both said at the same time. "We sorry, Cozy." Mrs. Cake was satisfied with the answer. "That's better," Then she decided. "I think now might be a good time for a snack." "Yay, snack time!" The twin toddlers cheered while Cozy remained silent, watching them be picked up and taken out of the nursery. Cozy expected to be brought downstairs to join the twins, but to her surprise she was brought closer to Twilight while the two remained in the nursery. "What, now I don't even get to have snack time?" She rolled her eyes. "So now you're gonna starve me into submission? Or maybe you just wanna give me some more spankings." Twilight shook her head. "I'm not going to spank you, and I'm not gonna let you starve. You'll get your snack. I have something in mind," Her tone of voice indicated that she was rather hesitant to do what she was about to do. "I hope that by doing this we can draw closer together, like when a mother does this with her own foal." The padded pegasus blinked before realization slowly set in and her eyes widened! "You wouldn't!" The young alicorn just replied by pulling out some tablets that left little doubt as to what they were for. She hesitated for a couple of moments, before popping the tablets into her mouth and swallowing hard. Within minutes her teats began to grow heavy and full. "Come on, Cozy!" She instructed, groaning under the increased weight. Try as she might, Cozy was unable to keep herself from being pulled close to the princess' teats, until finally her mouth was firmly wrapped around a nipple. "Please let me nurse you," Twilight pleaded when Cozy didn't budge. "This is so uncomfortable!" Cozy opened her mouth to protest, a mistake that cost her dearly as warm and creamy milk suddenly poured down her tongue. Try as she might she couldn't bring herself to stop once she had gotten that first taste, it brought back memories of a more blissful time. A time when it didn't matter what her grades were like or how she appeared. A time when the only expectation she faced was simply being a happy foal who got along with other foals. Twilight, for her part, seemed to settle into a sort of blissful state of her own as the nursing continued uninterrupted. "Is this what my mom felt like when she nursed Shining Armor and I when we were foals?" She thought to herself. "She says she actually only stopped breastfeeding Shining because he told her to." Suddenly, however, a surprised Mrs. Cake came into the nursery and happened to gasp upon seeing the sight before her very eyes! That brought the blissful scene to an end alright! Cozy ceased her suckling and began to spit and gag! "I can't believe I actually had to drink that!" She protested. And as for Twilight, all she could do was blush! "I... I'm so sorry, Mrs. Cake! I should've at least locked the door or something! Oh, what I was thinking breastfeeding Cozy Glow? She's gonna hate me even more now because of this!" However, the plump baker put a hoof around the princess and reassured her. "It's alright, Twilight. I was just... startled," She then blushed. "I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I still occasionally store my breast milk in bottles just in case. I haven't nursed in public or private in a long time though." "That's different, you have actual children who needed that breast milk. Cozy most certainly didn't," Twilight protested. "I could've made her sick or something." As if to confirm the point, Cozy began to double over as she put a hoof to her stomach. "Oh no! Not again! I've been trying so hard not to do this!" She lamented aloud, before her tail hiked up and her face turned red. She was relieved it was over so quickly, even as a familiar stench filled the air. "Oh, this is all my fault! I should've tossed those lactating pits away the moment I laid eyes on them!" Twilight mentally kicked herself as she prepared to change Cozy's diaper. Mrs. Cake thought otherwise. "You were doing what you thought was best for Cozy Glow. Perhaps a bit of dependence would do her good, because from what I've seen she's trying very hard to be independent and not necessarily because she wants to." The padded pegasus growled despite her messy diaper. "How would you know that? You don't know me!" "I am a mother, and that means I see things that other ponies don't necessarily see. Mothers have unique perspectives on some things," Mrs. Cake commented to Cozy. "Mind you, I could be wrong. But it seems to me that you're not just trying to be a filly but in fact a full grown mare in a filly's body even though you're just a school aged foal." "I wonder if that's the case," Twilight mentally pondered to herself as she went about changing Cozy into a fresh diaper. "Is that why she came to my school instead of the schoolhouse?" > Broken > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Cozy, you really need to stop trying to hold back what it is you need to do," Twilight lectured once the diaper change was finished. "We talked about this. Holding it in is gonna lead to infections, and then you're really going to need diapers." Cozy just spat and stuck out her tongue yet again. "It wouldn't be a problem if you just let me use the bathroom again. I hate how you forced me into all of this!" Twilight just sighed. "I've told you that I did this to spare you from being thrown into Tartarus. I thought for sure even a child as messed up as you wouldn't want that. Being in Tartarus is a fate worse than even death or being turned to stone." The padded pegasus protested and pouted. "Well, I only have to put up with all of this until the end of the month," Then she added. "And if you even try to breastfeed me again, I'm gonna run away and never come back!" "Oh, and where would you go, Cozy?" Twilight questioned. Cozy Glow hissed. "Anywhere as long as it's far away from you!" The young alicorn just shook her head. She had slowly gotten used to such claims by now, and knew that Cozy knew that escape would be impossible. Even if the filly somehow thwarted the security systems back at the castle, there was no way she'd be able to thwart the enchantment on her diapers and she would most definitely not want to be seen by anypony in her padded state. Aside from that little back and forth argument, Cozy surprisingly behaved well (or at least decently) for the duration of her little playdate with the twins. Mrs. Cake was impressed, and so was Twilight. "I think that's worth another check on your 'Good Girl Scroll'," She declared as she discreetly brought the filly home that night. "So I think I'll go ahead and lower the requirement to five straight days of good behavior before we can start potty training you again." "Assuming I still know how to potty like a big pony." The little pegasus muttered under her breath, hoping that would be true. She really didn't want to imagine the possibility of being entirely reliant on diapers for the rest of her life. "After all, what would your parents think after they worked so hard to get you out of diapers as a foal?" She thought to herself and shuddered at the mental images it conjured up as a result. There was a reason she hadn't talked about her parents and why she had lied about having their permission to attend the School of Friendship. Twilight just cooed, tucking the filly into bed once again. "I'm sure you will if you keep resisting using your diapers as much as you do now," Then she kissed her charge on the forehead. "But I'll see what Starlight and Spike think tomorrow. And if you start acting up again I won't hesitate to keep it at ten days. So you'll need to decide how much you really wanna get your big girl privileges back." Cozy only snorted and rolled over, turning away from the princess. "You know how badly I want them back, don't act like you don't know!" She thought before throwing the sheets over herself and closing her eyes. Today was a day she just wanted to forget, that way she wouldn't have to think about what had happened or how much she had actually not hated it like she made it sound like she did. The padded pegasus woke up surprisingly early the next morning, even before the sun had come out. She briefly thought of again trying to make a run for it but quickly ruled it out. She knew of the precautions Twilight had taken to prevent it. And with the enchantments on her diaper Cozy knew she wouldn't be able to remove it no matter how much she wanted to or regardless of what she intended to do. Still, there was nothing in any of that which prevented her from just wandering the hallways of the castle. No reason she couldn't maybe see about having an early breakfast that consisted of something besides pancakes or foal food. She still had the use of her wings to help her reach those tall shelves, even if it was harder to fly with a thick and bulky diaper weighing her down. "I'll show Twilight and the others that they can't reduce me to a helpless little, diaper wearing baby!" Cozy thought to herself as she strolled through the hallways in the early morning darkness. She was still feeling very bad tempered about the events of yesterday, especially since she couldn't stop thinking about them no matter how hard she tried. Why did it matter so much that she had kind of enjoyed playing with other foals? Why had she not been completely repulsed at the idea of Twilight breastfeeding her? The more the padded pegasus thought about such things the grouchier she became, and her mood soured considerably as a result. "Stupid diapers! Stupid princess! Stupid everything!" She now complained aloud while stomping her hooves before swinging them wildly about. "I hate them all!" Suddenly, however, Cozy felt her hooves swipe at something and the next thing she knew there was a terrible crash. To her horror she suddenly saw what appeared to be the remnants of an old vase on the floor in front of her! In her state of blind rage and fury she had failed to take notice of her surroundings. And the consequences of it now lay before her moderate scarlet eyes. Almost immediately feelings of regret, guilt and worst of all fear began to wash over the filly! If Twilight, Starlight or Spike stumbled upon this they would most definitely blame her for it. She was sure to be spanked for it and she wouldn't blame them, her own parents had spanked her over less even as Cozy had developed a tolerance. And worse than the inevitable spanks would be another x on her 'Good Girl Scroll', setting her back to square one and now having to endure at least five (more likely ten) days of trying to be good before she'd get a chance to use a bathroom again. But as minutes slowly ticked by the padded pegasus noticed something: She couldn't hear the sound of hoofsteps or footsteps. She hadn't heard the faint voices of Twilight, Starlight or Spike wondering about the crashing noise. It appeared that they were all still asleep, none of them had heard and thus known none of them knew yet what had happened. That was just the sort of opening Cozy needed. Zooming away as quickly yet quietly as she could, Cozy went to find some glue! "If I can just put that vase back together like it never broke, I won't be punished!" She thought in desperation! "I always was good at arts and crafts in kindergarten, my old teachers said so!" Fortunately for the frightened filly, there was some glue readily available near the kitchen, not far from where she'd been when she had knocked over and broken that vase. Unfortunately, Cozy couldn't remember what that vase was supposed to look like and had little clue what pieces should go where. The dim light of the early morning didn't help matters, and she wasn't about to try and turn on the hallway lights for assistance, that would surely give her away. Cozy did her best to glue the vase back together to the best of her memory. It wasn't like Twilight ever paid attention to little details like that, who would notice a vase that wasn't exactly like it had been before? As long as it was in one piece what difference did it make? After several minutes or so of gluing together pieces to form something akin to a pattern, the whole process hindered by the wobbling hooves of Cozy, it seemed like the vase was more or less "good as new". Anxiously, the padded pegasus tried to place it back where it had been before it had been knocked down. She couldn't leave behind any traces of the accident, no one could know. It had to be like it had never happened (even if Cozy herself would know better). But then suddenly an all too familiar voice called out just as the first rays of Celestia's sun were starting to seep in through the castle windows. "Cozy Glow, what do you think you're doing?" Frightened anew, the filly lost her grip on the vase she'd just glued back together and watched as it fell to the ground and shattered anew! All her hard work had been for nothing! "You ruined everything, again!" Cozy snapped and yelled as she turned to face the disapproving glare of Twilight. The young alicorn just frowned as she examined the glue bottle and the broken fragments of what had been a poorly put back together vase. It didn't take a genius to deduce what had happened here. "I don't know what's worse, Cozy Glow," She remarked in a disappointed and angry tone of voice. "That you wandered out of your nursery without permission, or that you thought you could cover up the fact that you broke this vase." "But... but..." Cozy stammered in disbelief. Starlight happened upon the scene at that very moment, and she spoke not a word as she scooped up the vase fragments and the bottle of glue with her magic. "All you had to do was come and get either Starlight, Spike or I," Twilight pointed out to her young charge. "Accidents like this happen. You're not the only one who's broken vases here without meaning to," Then she added. "But you chose to try and cover up your mistake. And now Starlight's gonna have to spend time trying to repair the vase to how it was." Starlight then pointed out. "And I think you know what that means, Cozy." The filly gulped and froze on the spot as she was pulled close to Twilight. "Please, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I don't wanna have to start all over again on earning back my big girl privileges!" "I'm sure you are sorry, Cozy. And I'm not going to give you a mark because of this. But you still did bad things by sneaking out and lying. And for that you must be punished." Twilight explained as she rose up a hoof while her magic pulled down Cozy's diaper, exposing the filly's rump. Starlight Glimmer respectfully looked away even as she could hear the swats on Cozy's rump when they landed. Three quick swats were all it took to reduce the filly to tears. Cozy was still in tears after Starlight went away to work on the vase, and Twilight left to prepare breakfast. Although the filly was relieved she was alone now and wasn't going to be marked down because of a stupid vase, she was still upset and still reeling from the impact of the spanks. It was like her parents all over again, except this time it was worse because she had been punished for not coming forward and telling her captors about the broken vase. "When I resist they put me in diapers and treat me like a foal, and when I try to be independent they spank me and scold me," The filly thought to herself, even though it wasn't really true. "I can't win no matter what I do! Am I really destined to be like this for the rest of the month or even longer?!" Suddenly, who should appear in the filly's line of vision but Spike? She hadn't seen the dragon or spoken to him ever since that little "incident". Against her better judgement she hissed at him through tears. "What do you want, dragon?! Come to stick the knife in some more?" But to Cozy's surprise the little dragon replied. "You know, not everyone who comes to see you wants to laugh at you or look down on you. And then you wonder why you couldn't make true friends." "I had friends until those creatures showed up!" Cozy hissed even more even as her attempt to appear in control was clearly not working. Spike just came over, delicately putting a claw around the padded pegasus. "Look, you're not the only one who's had to deal with Twilight's tough love before. I've been in similar situations over the years, even long after I stopped being in diapers." As he spoke he could well recall the incident where he'd tried (rather unsuccessfully) to frame Owlowisicious out of jealousy for what the owl could do. The padded pegasus was surprised by this statement. "What do you mean? Twilight isn't your mom! She never raised you!" "And she's not your mom either," Spike pointed out. "But Twilight did still kind of raise me a little. And when she didn't it was usually her parents that did. And they spanked me if I did something really bad." He decided to leave out the fact that dragon scales had reduced the sting of the spanks enough to where they'd barely registered. Cozy only sniffled (and this time it was genuine). "Why do you care? Why would you tell me this? You still hate me for what I did to your comic." "Hate is a very strong word," The little dragon replied. "I don't like what you did or the way you behaved, but I can't bring myself to hate you for it. You're clearly misguided, and I wish I knew why. But I've had time to think, and I've come to realize that it's not gonna do me any good to stay mad at you. Twilight's started taking more of a hooves on approach to correcting your behavior." The little pegasus whimpered. "Emphasis on the hooves." Spike just explained. "Well, I think Twilight's been maybe a bit too hard on you. At least she should be offering you a bit more encouragement to change your ways," And he then declared. "I think you've been enough of a good girl to deserve a chance to prove yourself. If you want to be a big pony again you have to show that you can actually act like one." Cozy's ears perked up ever so slightly. "Does that mean..." The little dragon appeared to smile. "If you're up for it. I just thought I'd offer." "How do I know this isn't all a trick? He could have found that magic plunger again for all I know." The young pegasus thought. But against her better judgement she lowered her guard and declared. "Well, I'm ready to try if you think I am." "Splendid!" Spike eagerly declared! "Come on then, let's get you to a bathroom. Preferably one I didn't just finish cleaning." The two approached a bathroom that looked similar to the one Cozy could've sworn that incident with the magic plunger had taken place in. But maybe all bathrooms in the castle looked the same? Well, either way, she was soon in a familiar position. Her diaper removed, herself before a toilet as the lid was lifted up and no one but herself and Spike around. She was completely at the little dragon's mercy again. "You need any help getting onto the seat? I think there's a step stool around here somewhere." Spike appeared to sincerely offer. Cozy protested, instead opting to flap her wings. She didn't fully trust the little dragon in spite of all he'd been willing to do so far today. It took a little effort but she managed to get herself onto the toilet seat without trouble. It felt so weird to be sitting on it again after all this time. Had it really been so long since she'd used a toilet? Strangely, despite the length of time that had passed and despite having gone in diapers so many times already, Cozy still found it easy to use a toilet. And it felt strangely more rewarding to do it now and wipe herself clean with toilet paper afterward. "Okay, and now we flush," Spike instructed with a sincere smile. "Do you wanna do it or should I?" The filly did it herself just to be safe. And once she'd flushed she hopped down, flew over to the sink and washed her hooves. "I guess you're not as bad as I thought you were, dragon." She told Spike afterward. Spike just replied by putting Cozy's diaper back on and giving it a pat to ensure it was secure. "At least now we know you can actually be a big girl again when you prove you know how to behave like one." > Training and Dreaming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cozy wasn't too thrilled to be put back into diapers after what she'd just done. She'd proven that she still had the self control necessary to use a bathroom, what point was there in her staying in diapers? Alas, the filly was powerless to change the terms, and once padded up again she clumsily waddled her way to the kitchen where Twilight was waiting. "Ah, there you are, Cozy Glow," Twilight smiled. "And you're just in time for breakfast too. I figured that since you behaved so nicely yesterday you could have a reward, waffles." The padded pegasus just frowned. "I still have to eat out of a high chair though, don't I?" Twilight nodded as she floated the filly over to said highchair. "That's the rules, Cozy. I can't change them just because you've had a few days of good behavior, and that holds true for your whole potty re-training as well," She then cooed. "But if you keep this up, hopefully you'll be able to show enough progress for the princesses to decide not to throw you into Tartarus." "Better than being stuck in diapers and treated like a stupid foal who doesn't know anything!" Cozy bitterly thought but knew there was no point in saying it out loud. She just stayed quiet as she had that annoying bib tied around her neck in preparation for the morning meal. And unfortunately she wasn't going to be allowed to feed herself either. As Twilight went about cutting up the waffle on Cozy's plate into small pieces, the alicorn sensed this was as good a time as any to start talking about some troubling issues she had discovered. "I've been looking over your application papers, Cozy. And there's something I've noticed that I can't believe I didn't notice sooner," She told the filly. "You forged your parents' signatures so that you'd be able to attend my school. You weren't actually supposed to be one of my students, were you?" The diapered filly just spat and rolled her eyes. "Why does it matter? Your school was way better than any old school my parents would've sent me off to." Twilight narrowed her eyes. "Cozy, I don't think you realize just how much of a problem that creates for both of us. If you're not supposed to be here I could be accused of kidnapping or child abduction! And if anything were to happen to you, your parents would be in the dark until I could find out how to contact them! I can't imagine they'd be thrilled to find out all of this happened without their knowledge or consent." Starlight (who was seated at the table across from Cozy) couldn't help but chime in. "I used to 'copy' my friend's homework all the time, until my teachers found out. And let's just say my dad wasn't very happy when he learned I'd been cheating my way through." Cozy rolled her eyes. "I don't care. Do you really think I worry about whether or not my parents know where I am? They're a bunch of poopy heads who know nothing! As far as I'm concerned I'm better off without them. I wanted to attend the School of Friendship specifically so I wouldn't have to listen to them tell me what to do all the time." "So you have parents," Twilight concluded. "I assume their names are as they appear on your application: King's Knight Glow and Queen's Knight Glow?" The pegasus nodded. "Yeah, and that's all you need to know aside from the fact that they don't really care about me. They just see me as something to control. They tried to tell me how to live my life, so I ran away and haven't looked back since. If they haven't bothered to come looking for me here or anywhere else, then they obviously don't care enough to want me back." Starlight and Twilight both gasped! Starlight in particular could hardly believe her ears. She could well remember her own experience of having run away from home when she wasn't much older than Cozy was now, and how it had driven her down a path of self-destruction that surely would've landed her behind bars if Twilight hadn't intervened when she did. "Cozy, do you even realize what you're saying? How can you just turn your back on your own family?" "If you knew them as much as I did you would understand!" Cozy huffed. "And I'm not gonna bother telling you anything else. You're supposed to be these super smart grown-ups, you figure things out on your own." Then she folded her front hooves and turned away, refusing to say another word. And that was that, Twilight and Starlight couldn't get their charge to say anything further on the subject of her parents (not that they wouldn't continue to try, they both made a silent agreement to keep pressing the issue whenever they could). Aside from that little "discovery" the days passed relatively uneventfully. And much to the annoyance of Cozy Glow they soon grew into a routine that even she became used to. Every morning she'd be woken up, often by Twilight. And after a quick diaper inspection (and a change if necessary) it was off to the kitchen for breakfast. On some days Cozy would be left in Starlight's care while Twilight worked at the School of Friendship, and on other days the filly would be cared for by the young alicorn herself. Spike rarely appeared, still carrying out his punishment. Even though the days ticked by at an agonizingly slow pace for the padded pegasus, her behavior did start to slowly improve. She'd given up any hope of trying to run away or have her diapers removed, it was clear to her that she was stuck like this until at least the end of the month and any attempt to deviate from that course would result in spankings and big x's on her "Good Girl Scroll", setting her path to potty re-training back. Twilight and Starlight did their best to keep Cozy's punishment secret. They rarely took her out in public and whenever they did it was always through the use of that enchanted stroller so no one would know from afar or up close that it was actually a school aged filly. When not out in public, Cozy would usually be kept occupied from the safety of that sized up foal swing or some other means of limiting or restricting her movements. At last, enough days passed with check marks on the scroll for the padded pegasus to be promoted to potty training. Never did she imagine that she would grow to appreciate that majestic porcelain throne. She was never going to take it or her ability to use it for granted ever again, that was for sure. It felt so degrading to be watched over though. As if to drive home how little control she still had over her situation, Cozy would always be forced to ask for permission to use the bathroom in the most polite tone possible. And then Twilight, Starlight or sometimes even Spike would take the liberty of escorting her to a bathroom (always within the castle, she wasn't allowed to do it in public for risk of being exposed). And what always followed was the same embarrassing and degrading routine: She'd have her diapers pulled down to her knees, a step stool would be provided and she would be placed upon the toilet seat with only the bare minimum of privacy. She wasn't even allowed to wipe herself up afterward, to say nothing of flushing or washing her hooves. Progress on the potty training front was slow, just as it had been when Cozy had actually undergone potty training. She seemed to not make it in time as often as she did, and the times she didn't make it made her feel worse than when she had been left with no choice but to use her diapers. Still, the padded pegasus always felt proud whenever she could successfully potty like ponies her age were supposed to. It really made her feel like a "big girl" even if everything else about her situation reminded that she really wasn't, or at least wasn't being treated like it. No amount of pleading or progress could change the minds of the filly's captors either, even though she tried her best. "I've proven I can be a big girl again. I haven't acted up as much as I used to," Cozy said one day after yet another successful trip to the potty, this one under Twilight's care. "So I can please be allowed to get out of these stupid diapers now? What's the point of continuing to treat me like I'm two?" Twilight only giggled as she helped Cozy to wipe, flush and wash her hooves. "You're making progress, that much is true. But what you did isn't something that can just be forgiven with hugs and rainbow lasers. The whole point of this is to try and get you to change your ways. That's not something that happens overnight, it takes time. Even Starlight is still working to be a better pony." "Yeah, but you don't treat her the way you treat me!" Cozy hissed. "Why does she get special treatment? Heck, why didn't you punish Spike the same way you're punishing me after what he did to me all those weeks ago?" "Both of them are old enough to make their own decisions and understand the consequences of their actions. And both were willing to atone for them," Twilight explained. "What you did was basically treason. And for a child like you to do something so serious, it calls for extreme measures. And as I told you before, Cozy, it was either this or a life sentence in Tartarus. I went with what I felt was the lesser of two evils." The pegasus just pouted as her padding was pulled back up. "But you didn't even ask me what I wanted! You decided to just stick me in diapers and treat me like a foal without even giving a flying feather about how I'd feel! You make me so peeved sometimes!" A tense and awkward silence fell over the bathroom as Cozy gasped, realizing her mistake! Twilight only shook her head. "I don't know how a filly like you could learn such foul language, but I won't allow it to continue on my watch," She levitated over a bar of soap to her young charge. "You know what's coming. We're going to clean that dirty mouth of yours one way or another." The filly gulped as the bar of soap was placed on her tongue, shuddering at what was to come next. "I'm surprised Twilight's being this generous. My parents would've spanked me for saying such bad words," She thought to herself. "Heck, they'd spank me for less." That outburst meant that Cozy's potty training would be on hold for at least five days now, five more days of struggling to and (if the filly was being honest) forcing herself to be nice. Just her luck. The padded pegasus passed the rest of the day without saying a word to anyone. At least there was some good news though, the month was almost up and that meant she wouldn't have to suffer for much longer in this current state. Wherever she ended up afterward she didn't really care, anything was better than this current situation of embarrassment and humiliation. Then, that night, as the filly slept she was greeted by a most unusual sight and one that she had never seen before. Before her stood none other than Princess Luna in all her royal glory. "Greetings to you, Cozy Glow." She spoke in a warm yet somber tone. Cozy blinked and rubbed her eyes. "Golly!" Now there was a phrase she hadn't said in a while. "Your reaction is expected. You are not the first young one whose dreams I have visited so suddenly and unexpectedly," Princess Luna explained. "It has taken me until now to overcome the mental barriers you erected to safeguard your dreams." The filly frowned. "Yeah, and for good reason. If you'd have been able to see into my dreams you would've known what I was going to do and would've stopped me by warning other ponies. Why are you even here now?" The night princess simply explained by lifting a hoof. "My sister and I will be arriving in about a day's time from now to evaluate your progress and determine your fate. I just wish to see if there is really any point to doing so, or if you are truly a lost cause despite what Twilight seems to believe." "Well go ahead, have a look around!" Cozy snorted in a cold tone of voice. "There's nothing for you to see here! My dreams are my business and my business alone!" Princess Luna wasn't deterred by Cozy's defiance. "Why do you resist so much? Why do you work so hard to hide who you really are? Your defenses in both the dream realm and the waking world are far beyond those of a child your age. There must be something about you that makes you so hesitant to trust others." The little pegasus only turned her head. "Why do you care so much? I'm just a filly like so many others. I'm sure there are plenty who'd love to talk to you in their dreams." The princess only pressed further as she flew towards Cozy. "No other filly has done or attempted to do what you've done. And I suspect that your reaching out to Tirek and your desire to take over Equestria didn't come from nowhere," She began to wonder. "Perhaps it's tied to your past. I know first hoof that wounds we hope will fade to time seldom do, they can slumber deep inside of us until the time is right. And when they awaken they can take hold of us and make us do things we come to regret." In a low, growling and yet hurt tone of voice, Cozy replied without turning her head around. "You're not gonna go away until you get an answer, are you? You're just gonna probe whether I want you to or not. Well, fine! If you really wanna know so badly, go ahead and look around!" Luna did so, taking notice of what appeared to be a rather posh looking room for a child to have. And it seemed like the kind of room that only a pegasus living in Cloudsdale could have. Posters of not just the Wonderbolts but also of Flash Magnus and the legion he'd once commanded were proudly displayed everywhere. Instead of the traditional cloud floor there was a tiled one with a princess sized bed tucked neatly into a corner. Yet there were few toys to be found despite the ones that did exist looking as if they'd rarely been touched. What appeared to be a younger version of Cozy Glow (she didn't even have her cutie mark yet) was in this room while two figures blurred and obscured stood overhead. They seemed to be talking about "Expectations" and "Marks". And the child standing before them seemed to be frightened and ashamed. "I...I'm sorry..." She stuttered as one of the figures picked her up. "I didn't know it was so important. I was bored. I didn't mean for it to break, it just tipped over." The plea fell on deaf ears as the sound of a hoof striking the child's rump echoed throughout the room. More followed until the child's rump was red all over, all the while the figure that hadn't been conducting the punishment just stood there and appeared to say something indicating support for the punishment. "Good girls get rewards, bad girls get punished." And then just like that, the two figures were gone, leaving the whimpering child alone with her thoughts and sore rump. Everything slowly faded away, replaced by an almost inky black darkness. "All that ever mattered to my parents was how much I lived up to their expectations. If I did I was a good girl, and if I wasn't... well, you saw what happened. If I was out of line even the slightest they would punish me," Cozy bitterly explained with her moderate scarlet eyes narrowed and her teeth clenched in anger. "Nothing was ever good enough for them though. I'm convinced they only had me because they wanted to have something they could show off as an achievement." "Is that why you don't retain a clear image of them in your dreams?" Princess Luna pondered. "For most ponies it is because they can't remember who their parents are." "My parents might as well have never existed as far as I'm concerned," Cozy hissed. "I couldn't wait to get away from them! And when I learned Princess Twilight was opening her own school in Ponyville, I saw an opportunity. My parents didn't think so, they were convinced I was 'too good' for that school and said they were gonna ship me off to the finest boarding school in all of Equestria. So I fled, and after I fooled Princess Twilight into letting me attend her school of friendship, I thought I had it made." Princess Luna then questioned. "What changed?" The filly hissed anew. "It was those creatures! I couldn't understand how they'd all become friends so easily when I could barely make any without pretending to be nice. They even got to be tested by some stupid tree. If anyone should've been given that honor it should've been me. I thought if I impressed Princess Twilight with how smart I was, she'd take me under her wing. Silly me for thinking she'd take the hint!" If Luna was shocked or concerned by the resentment in Cozy's voice she didn't show it outwardly. She instead just seemed to nod her head. "I see. And it was that jealousy and resentment that drove you to reach out to Tirek and drain all the magic in Equestria." "Duh!" The pegasus pointed out, growling, hissing and panting quite furiously as she seethed with anger. "Although I wasn't actually going to make all the magic disappear. I was going to keep it all for myself, and then I'd be able to make anyone do whatever I wanted. I could've even made Tirek bow down and kiss my hooves!" Luna watched as Cozy paused for a moment to catch her breath before continuing. "But oh no, those same creatures who thought they were better than me just had to start asking questions, and so did that no good Chancellor Neighsay who thought he could use me for his own goals. And the worst part of all is, thanks to Princess Twilight I wasn't even allowed to get my revenge on Tirek for ratting me out! Seriously, why couldn't he have just kept his big mouth shut?!" Only once she was certain that Cozy Glow had finished and had gotten everything off her chest did the princess of the night speak up again. "All this because of how your parents treated you?" "All I wanted was to be able to make my own decisions, make my own friends on my own terms!" Cozy bitterly remarked. "But even when I tried it felt like something or someone else was getting in my way. I was told friendship was the most powerful magic there ever was." The night princess shook her head. "Friendship does not literally translate into power and control. Forcing others to befriend you will not grant you the satisfaction you seek." The pegasus filly replied by struggling to hold back tears and maintain her angry composure. "So just what's wrong with me?! It has to be me then, it can't be anything else! Clearly there must be something about me that makes me unable to have friends, unable to move beyond the trophy that I was for my parents to show off and then ignore." Yet for several minutes there was no reply, Princess Luna was deep in thought. When she finally spoke the words that left her mouth did so very slowly. "Clearly, there are scars left on you from your childhood. Scars that haven't been treated properly, scars that even you yourself have ignored. What you need most..." She paused for a considerable period of time. "Is something that no amount of padding or discipline can fix. I shall have to speak to my sister to see what she thinks, but I believe that only therapy can truly help you." "So, does that mean the visit tomorrow is off?" Cozy hopefully asked. Princess Luna shook her head. "No. We will still show up to evaluate your progress. And if my sister still believes you to be beyond salvation, I will reluctantly second the motion," Then she explained. "I will do my best to vouch for you, and I'm sure Twilight will do the same. Whether it will be enough to convince my sister, I cannot say as that's for her to decide. Still, it would probably help if you were on your best behavior and showed a willingness to atone." > All Better? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day dawned all too soon for Cozy Glow and for Twilight. This was it, the day that would determine Cozy's fate and what (if any) future awaited her. As the royal sisters were already aware of Cozy's treatment and what it entailed there was no need to hide what was part of it. When the two alicorns entered the castle they quickly saw the pegasus all padded up and with a raging blush as she growled at the hopelessness of maintaining her dignity. Princess Celestia seemed to briefly smirk despite her best efforts to keep from losing her composure. But it didn't last for long and she soon cleared her throat. "Well, Cozy Glow. How has your month of... punishment gone?" Cozy growled further. "Humiliating! I'm just glad I've never really been taken out in public like this or I would've died of embarrassment. Given the choice I'd rather have just been sent to Tartarus," And then she inquired. "That's where I'm going to end up though, isn't it?" "Not necessarily," Princess Celestia protested and turned to Twilight. "This punishment was your idea. You seemed convinced it would get Cozy to change her ways. So tell me, have there been any changes? You know, besides the diaper changes?" Twilight cleared her throat. "Well... Cozy did lash out a lot early on, but over time as the reality settled in she seemed to resign herself to it," And she explained. "The worst Cozy did since being put into diapers was try to run away once, rip up one of Spike's comics and then play a nasty trick on Diamond Tiara. And all of that was early on." Princess Luna then questioned in a serious and somber tone of voice. "And be honest, Twilight Sparkle, do you feel like this unusual method of punishment has worked as you intended?" The young alicorn was silent for a moment, deep in thought at the question posed to her. But at last she settled on an answer and spoke. "I think I've made some progress. I was able to find out about her family situation and how she ran away from home when her parents wouldn't let her attend my school. It was probably a stretch to think I could change an attitude years in the making in the span of just a month, but I had to do something. I didn't want to just give up on a child, even one like Cozy Glow." The pegasus filly pointed out. "You're really every bit the goody two horseshoes they say you are, Princess Twilight. It sounds like you let all kinds of creatures get away with bad behavior." "If that was true then why is your 'pen pal' still locked up in Tartarus?" Twilight corrected. "Part of the reason why I tried to spare you from the same fate is because I got to see for myself what Tartarus is like. It's no place for a child, no matter how much of a monster they may be." The sun princess only shook her head and said to Twilight. "It seems like you haven't made much progress. You may have tempered Cozy's aggression, but you have only scratched the surface on the forces that could drive her to commit crimes such as collaboration with an enemy." The night princess nodded her head in agreement. "I'm not sure if this punishment is truly going to be enough to get Cozy Glow to mend her ways, not even if you were to keep it at for months." Twilight gulped and swallowed hard. "Does this mean she's beyond salvation then?" "A-ha! So I am going to Tartarus after all!" Cozy realized! "And once I'm in there, I'm gonna find old Tirek and give me a piece of my mind. In fact, I might just give him more than that." However, Princess Celestia protested as she raised up a hoof. "It wouldn't be right to resort to such an option without a trial, and that could take a while to set up," And she was quick to add. "Plus, it does sound as if Cozy has been started on the right track, Twilight. It's just that your 'solution' alone won't be enough. She needs help beyond what you can offer, especially when you're running a school on top of your princess duties." A reluctant sigh escaped the young alicorn's lips as the realization slowly set in. Princess Celestia was right, the kind of help Cozy Glow needed was not the kind of help any princess could truly offer. All of them had their own duties and responsibilities, and to take in and try to raise a child as problematic as Cozy would be almost impossible. "Therefore," Princess Celestia continued. "It would be best if she were placed into long term care with ponies that had more time to devote to her. More time to teach her right from wrong and try to guide her back to the light." At that, Cozy's eyes went wide and she was stricken with fright! "Oh please, please don't send me back to my parents!" She pleaded and protested, throwing herself before the mighty alicorn! "I don't want to ever go back to them! The whole reason I came to Ponyville was so I could get away from them!" Princess Luna soon pointed out. "Whoever said you'd be going back to your parents? What my sister has suggested is foster care. You would no longer be your parents' child." Twilight nodded in agreement. "I'll have to talk it up with Mayor Mare, but I'm pretty sure I can pull some strings and have you legally be removed from the custody of your parents. That would mean they couldn't claim you or take you back even if they wanted to," And then she cautioned. "But whoever ends up adopting you, I'm going to give them permission to continue your punishment if they want to." The padded pegasus frowned but sighed in reluctant agreement. "Fine, I guess it's better than the alternative," Then she questioned. "But what about the School of Friendship? Will I still be allowed to attend?" Twilight shook her head. "No. After what you did it's probably for the best if you didn't come back, not just for your sake but for the sake of the students. Your education will probably be either home schooling, or attending classes at the schoolhouse here in Ponyville." Cozy frowned anew. "Aw man, that stinks!" "Well maybe you should've thought of that before you decided to steal those artifacts and become pen pals with Tirek, Miss Messy Diaper." Spike called and teased from afar. "I heard that, dragon!" The filly hissed but received no reply. The royal sisters then prepared to leave, but not before Princess Celestia sternly warned. "Make no mistake, Cozy Glow. You're not off the hook for what you did. If you slip up or give us any reason to believe you'll betray Equestria again, you'll probably be either sent to Tartarus for life or be turned to stone. So if I were you I'd watch my step and do my best to keep good behavior." A few days after the visit from the royal sisters, the paperwork was filed and processed. Cozy Glow was officially and legally removed from the custody of her parents and placed into the foster care system in Ponyville. Surprisingly, it wasn't long before there was a couple willing to adopt her despite knowing what she had done. Things moved quickly from there and soon all of Cozy's "supplies" were being loaded into saddle bags and boxes in preparation for her move. "You be a good filly for your new family now, Cozy," Twilight cautioned. "I hope you won't give them reason to break out all the foal stuff again." The little pegasus just replied. "Whatever, at least I can finally get out of those stupid diapers and the stupid enchantments you put on them." The young alicorn only giggled. "The enchantments are still there. They're not going to fade any time soon." Cozy groaned. "And you're going to insist on coming over to foalsit me whenever you get the chance, aren't you?" Twilight just winked in response. "Maybe, maybe not. It all depends on how much of a big girl you can prove yourself to be and how much trouble you give your new mom and dad. I've asked them to write to me every day if possible so that I can monitor your progress. Think of me as your parole officer if you will, and the same goes for Starlight since I'll be giving her permission to do all of that if I'm not around." The only reply from the pegasus filly was a faint growl. Still, she could at least appreciate that she would have some freedom again, hopefully. And anything was better than going back to her parents. With any luck they'd already moved on and forgotten all about her. She didn't want to think about what she would have to endure if they showed up and tried to take her back. As bad as things had been while being treated like a foal at the mercy of Princess Twilight, Cozy knew that it was nothing compared to what she would go through with her parents. And now, hopefully, she could start living her life in her own way. Free from the expectations of others.