> Let's Make a Deal > by Knight of Crows > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Morningstar > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We all have something we desire, it's in our nature to want something and unfortunately some people can't suppress their desires. Sometimes the price is higher than we can afford, other times we pay ANY price for it. Those people who will pay any price are either greedy or foolish and deserve what they get. In the past thousand some odd number years I've been in this world I've come to realize this truth among others. Among those truths I've also learned of what it truly means to be what I am now. I can't remember my real name so you can call me Morningstar, and right now I am currently in an interrogation room with the princesses for reasons you wouldn't expect. Well okay, being human is one reason. Funny thing really, I let them have me. I was growing bored of all the running and hiding so I decided to just turn myself in and escape later if I'm found guilty of whatever I get charged with. Hell, I let them know of my existence almost 600 years ago, part of a deal I made and boy was that fun. "Mr. Morningstar." Celestia said, breaking me from my thoughts. "Yes princess?" I believe that sounds more respectful than her name so I won't be using that for the foreseeable future. "When the guard searched through your belongings we found a notebook containing names, cutie marks, and other details as well, for what purpose did you have this?" She asked pulling it out. "I used it to keep track of all my deals, specifically who and what was involved." I answered. "Many of these 'deals' are questionable and some are very illegal. How long have you been making these 'deals' and why?" She asked reading the first page. "I've been at this since before the rise of Nightmare Moon." She shut the book immediately and slammed her hand on the table. She was about to shout at me, but quickly regained her composure. "Did you have anything to do with my sister's corruption?" She asked with no attempt to hide her rage. "No I didn't. I did make a deal with her yes, but as you'll find in the book she received the ability to copy the constellations from my home. In exchange for this I received a small percentage of her wealth whenever it came in. I would receive a week's worth of bits here and there for my travels. I had nothing to do with Nightmare Moon." She calmed down before asking her next question. "So you never had anything to do with her you say?" She asked to be sure. "I'll admit to making 1 deal to reach her on the moon and 1 deal for a promise on her part. I put her to sleep for until she returns and in exchange she promises she won't severely injure or kill anyone when she returns. Had I not put her to sleep she would have endured the full thousand years instead of what to her only felt like less than a decade." She calmed down a little more and looked apologetic. "You helped her, and in exchange the safety of our subjects guaranteed?" That is what I said Celestia. "Yes, most of those deals were to make adjusting to a new world easier on me in the form of convenience or to even the playing field in a world ruled by walking myths and legends, though some of them were in preparation of future deals." "Could you explain 'The Deal' to me in your way?" She asked curiously. "If you want. Basically the two of us decide what we want and depending on our desires the deal itself will ensure both of us are satisfied, other times I have some control on how I keep 'my side' of the deal. If I so desired I could grant you armor that is immune to damage and in exchange I would receive immunity to the harmful and corrupting effects of dark magic, the deal would see us both satisfied as neither of us can actually give the other what they want." She hummed in thought. "So basically the two of you simply need to agree to the terms laid out?" That is what I said yes. "Basically, I didn't actually find out I had this ability until my 5th or 6th deal, the others including that one I could keep my word for one reason or another. I promised to help a wood supplier and after losing the wood it literally came back to me, or a knife that was stolen from me on delivery found it's way back to me even though it should have been 4 blocks away." She looked as confused as I did back then. "Your book doesn't mention either of those at all, did you start keeping track later?" Good that you've noticed. "Correct. If memory serves the first 'true' deal I made was with a colt named Icebrand, his sister who was also his caretaker was dying of an incurable illness and in exchange for curing her and reversing the damage I would have a place to stay until I left later that week." She looked in the book and found the name then summoned a small pile of papers, looking through them as well. "We never did find out how she recovered, but it seems what you've told me matches with our records." She said, smiling a little as she set the papers down. "I try to be a good guy, I like to think what me and my client receive is fair." She took on a serious look. "A few of these are cause for alarm and even illegal as I've said, on the third page you wrote 'resurrection', 'justice', and 'Soul Eater' under the name 'Desert Rose'. Would you care to explain this?" She asked as if fearing I had done something unthinkable. "Good filly she was, nice family too. Let me tell you all about it, fair warning, there is violence." > Desert Rose > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morningstar POV, 1,000+ years ago Leaving the town of Red Rock took a little more time than intended, there were a few other deals I wanted to make first. New clothes that don't rip or need to be washed was kind of a must have that I didn't get sooner. I also needed alchemical knowledge for the field and immunity to mind altering magic. I had received some combat and medical magic a while ago so I should be set on my way to a town called Silver Springs. Some of you might be wondering how I make these deals, call me a bad person, but let's just say foals will believe just about anything. I 'gave' one suspected disabled pegasus the gift of flight in exchange for directions of all things. Moving on the trip to Silver Springs was about a day and a half away from Red Rock, dangerous too. Those timberwolves are fucking persistent, relentless even as they're burnt to a crisp, manticores aren't much better, one almost stung me! Anyway I got a ride with a friendly couple on a carriage, a griffon and a pony at that, so the next few hours went by fast enough. Arriving in town the first thing I did was buy something to hold me over until dinner, I eat enough to not be hungry, but not enough to be slowed down by it. After buying some vegetables for some soup later I got myself a room at the inn, stored the food away, put a few shock runes on the door, and looked for some jobs. The first thing I looked for was a bounty board, the money is nice, but taking a small pay cut for something like night eye is much better in the long run. Finding what I was looking for was easy thanks to it being on the other side of the street from the inn. Wanted Dead or Alive: Blood Thorn Race: Unicorn Gender: Stallion Appearance: Dark red coat, yellow eyes, dark grey mane, often seen wearing barbed armor Cutie Mark: Cluster of thorns dripping blood Crimes: Theft, murder, arson, ponynapping, banditry, treason. Reward: 250 bits + 10 for each of his accomplices See either Moon Rose on Sweet Honey Acres or Sergeant Blue Flame at the guard station for details. I think I'll go see this Moon Rose first, I wouldn't expect a civilian to be the person to talk to about this unless it's personal and/ or she has something useful. "Excuse me." I said to the inn keeper. "Something I can help you with?" He asked. "Could you give me directions to Sweet Honey Acres?" "Make a right out the door, take your third left, go across the bridge, and take the second right after that. It's a straight path from there." "Thank you." Finding the farm was easy enough. Looking around I see a filly, probably no older than 7 being taught by her father on how to properly approach the bee hives they've got. One of the biggest differences between this world and Earth is how much more intelligent animals are, how much instincts don't kick in. I've seen one pony hold several extremely venomous spiders without a care in the world, one even befriended a megaconda! That was a terrifying experience to say the least. Looking at the father I doubt he's Moon Rose, usually appearances match the names and cutie marks. Brown stallion, black and yellow mane, honey pot for a mark. The daughter was a light brown, gold mane, no mark. "Excuse me. Can one of you tell me where I can find Moon Rose?" I asked making my presence known. "Who wants to know?" The stallion responded, sending the filly inside. A little concerning, but proving at least one of my suspicions true. I slowly set my bag down before reaching inside it. Just as I found the bounty paper I heard a mare shout from the home. "Honey Pot, could you bring him inside already?" The mare I'm assuming is Moon Rose shouted to her husband. "But he cou-" He started. "If this gentlestallion wanted trouble he would have already gotten it. Now bring him in!" Honey sighed before telling me to enter the farm house with him. Entering the home I was told by Moon Rose to have a seat as she took her daughter upstairs. She came back down in about a minute. I pulled out the bounty and showed it to them as they took their seats. "I came to ask about this. I wouldn't expect civilians much less farmers being who to go to about a dangerous criminal like this. I'm assuming it's personal? Maybe some form of help or advice to give?" I asked. Moon Rose started shaking, tears running down her face as she buried her face into her husbands neck. "Moon left town a week and half ago to visit her sister. On her way back to her home after a few errands one night she saw her sister's home on fire with Thorn dragging her out. She broke free, but was hit in the back by a few arrows killing her. Thorn and his friends saw Moon and would have gotten her too had the guards not shown up. Believing she could be a target now we have 2 guards guarding the farm with 2 more making rounds between here and the town." Honey Pot said doing his best to comfort his wife. "It is personal then. I'll do it, but I do need something first." Deal time. "And that is?" He asked. "I just need you to say 'yes' to what I'm about to say no matter how crazy or stupid it sounds. Humor me." "Just say 'yes'?" He asked like I was crazy. "I want to be unable to get drunk, I want the strongest achohol in town, and Blood Thorn's exact location, all in advance. In exchange you keep 50% of the bits you would be paying in the bounty and you keep 50% of the profits made from the possessions of the bandits." "Is this a joke?" He asked clenching his fist. "Just say yes." "Fine, yes!" The second that word came out my bag made a sound of glass hitting something and I saw a trail like clairvoyance in Skyrim. "I'll be seeing you later, first I want to prepare a few poisons. Be back in the evening or later tonight, bye!" I said getting out of the chair. Getting back to the inn took longer than it would have had I not forgotten what paths I took. Why I didn't ask for directions I have no idea. The inn keeper let me use his kitchen to prepare the paralytics poison I have in store for the bandits. The process took until after sunset and another half hour of thorough cleaning for this makeshift alchemy lab to be use for it's intended purpose. On my way back to the farm I saw a lot of light, more than one would expect from a farm. Looking through the trees I saw flames, running up I was stopped by a guard with the filly whose screams were muffled by his hands. As I was going to them I heard a scream to behind me and immediately sent back a blast of energy that sent the bandit flying into a tree, killing him on impact. "Are Honey and Moon alright?" I'm just now getting that. "No, neither am I right now." He showed me his side and the knife in it. "Where are the bodies then?" "In the corn field behind the house." He winced in pain. "This is going to hurt." I pulled the knife out and closed the wound faster than he could react. He checked himself over and found nothing wrong with him. "A little warning next time??!!" I ignored him and went to the location of the bodies, their eyes still had color so that's good. I went back and saw the filly broke away from the guard. I stopped her, put a barrier sound bubble around us, and knelt to eye level with her. "Hello, I don't think we introduced ourselves earlier. My name is Morningstar and I am going to help you, but I need two things from you." She struggled in my grasp. "Let me go! I need to see mom and dad!" She yelled. "And you'll see them, but do these two things for me real quick and you won't regret it. Just say 'yes'. I want Soul Eater, in exchange I'll revive your parents and avenge them." "YES! PLEASE LET ME GO!" She shouted as loud as she could. I lowered the barrier as a dark wing shaped sword with a cyan colored eye appeard in my hand. I willed it to disappear as I ignored the guard and went with the filly to her parents. The thing about resurrection is there are certain conditions for it. The color in the eyes determines whether or not it's even possible, the more color, the better the connection. Also as part of an agreement I made with Death after I revived a kitten that I need something to draw from. A life for a life in a way. I can see other peoples life spans, but they only count natural causes. I take some of the remaining life spans of creatures nearby. The guard has 30 years left if he isn't killed and the filly has another 73, much longer than the average pony considering they live to 50-60 tops. Seeing 2 bandits barely alive on the other side of the field who will live for another 12 years total I took their remaining life spans and killed them, 6 from the guard, and 23 from the filly. Having 41 years to split I revived them and gave both parents 20 years and 6 months to live. After a few seconds they sprung back to life and were immediately tackled by their daughter. "You will speak nothing of what just happened!" I said to everyone. I tapped the filly's shoulder to get her attention. "And you still owe me. So tell me, what's your name?" I asked. "Desert Rose." She said through the crying. "Alright that's all. Now if you'll excuse me I have a few bandits to turn into manticore food." And with that I took my leave, following the trail to Blood Thorn. I followed the trail for a few hours before finally seeing someone, two guards right outside a small wall, both indicating this is a camp instead of a moving group. Neither of them could see me so I had the perfect chance for this. Stepping out of the woods I greeted them the only way they would positively respond to as they held their weapons at the ready. "Excuse gentlemen, do you have a moment to speak of the God of Tits and Wine?" I asked with a straight face holding the drinks from earlier (it's wine by the way). They lowered their weapons and started laughing before someone from the inside came out to see what was going on. Spotting me he immediately drew his weapon. "Pull yourselves together! And you, how do you want to die tonight?" He asked. I had the perdect response. "Well... At the age of 80... On my bed... With a belly full of wine... And a mare's mouth around my cock." I also said with a straight face. "Heh... Hehehe... Hehahahaha! Oh you'll fit right in here! What's your name?" He asked putting his weapon away. "Why, you can call me Morningstar." He wrapped an arm around my neck. "Well Morningstar I can promise the fellas are going to love you!" He said leading me into the camp. All according to plan. (Time skip) We're all sitting by a fire having an amazing time. Of the 34 bandits I've seen 31 of them have drank enough to be paralyzed in a minute from now and the drunk ones will die. The best part is Blood Thorn is one of the to be paralyzed and the other 3 are sleeping. "I once brought a bee hive and a jackass to a brothel-" One of the bandits dropped his wine and fell, others soon following his example. "Oh, there it is. About time." I said standing up. "*cough* What did you do?" Blood Thorn asked noticing nothing wrong with me. "I poisoned all the wine, some of you are now dead or dying while others are just paralyzed. I drank the antidote before drinking any in case I got unlucky. And now you'll die for your crimes." I said summoning Soul Eater. "YOU'LL P-" He tried, but the rest of the paralysis kicked in. I took the opportunity to kill his 3 sleeping friends before killing him and the others, saving him for last. "You could have been so much more, shame you chose the life of a traitor and a bandit." I said piercing his heart and making my way back to town. Present time "So you actually revived them, but because of an agreement with the Reaper himself you needed to draw from the lives of others and killed Blood Thorn after that?" Celestia asked, not happy about how someone is resurrected. "Yes, though with the exception of animals and criminals guilty of crimes punishable by death or life in prison I only take enough years that they can still live full lives. I once revived a still born foal a few hundred years after that, but I had to take a total of about 40-50 years from both parents give or take a few. They would have lived into their 70s, but I took 20 some years from each and gave them to the foal who immediately cried and clung to it's mother." "You are aware that borders on black magic right? You could still be charged with recklessly using an illegal magic." Celestia warned me. "The difference between that and my resurrection is I transfer pure life, black magic takes, corrupts, and destablizes it in some cases which is one of the reasons necromancy exists." I said. "And Soul Eater?" She asked. "It's just a weapon from a fictional series back home, it's not really any different from a sword except for what it's made from, but even that doesn't make it any more or less dangerous." I showed her the sword and she immediately got out of her chair ready to defend herself as Luna and 2 guards burst through the door. "Relax, I'm just complying with a request I knew she was going to have. I'm not going to hurt anyone who doesn't attack first." I flipped the blade and held the hilt to Celestia who took it. After inspecting it for a minute it disappeared. "Would you allow us to study it." She asked. "I wish I could say yes, but I don't want anyone learning how The Deal works from it nor do we want the weapons industry to drop because of weapons like this. Not only that, but unless I'm holding it, it will disappear on it's own in a minute." "Do you not trust us?" "I don't trust the people working in or around the castle, every royal family has servants who are more loyal to a noble and neither of us want word of my gift reaching the ears of power hungry individuals." Happened once already, not again. "They are all sworn to secrecy on such matters." She tried to convince me. "They can still break that oath or whatever, unless you use a geis which last I checked is black magic, I won't trust any of them. The only reason I trust you and your sister is because I've lived long enough and seen enough history to know I can trust you to not take advantage of me!" We all took a moment to calm down before Celestia sat back down and the others left the room. "I'm sorry." She said. "It's fine. Anything else you want to ask or are we done?" I asked leaning back in my chair. "Just one. Under the name 'Pureblood' who is an ancestor of my nephew, you have 'ascension' and 'family'. What exactly does that mean?" Bad, but fun memory. "Oh, that douchebag. I enjoyed what I did to him, and you will find it has a fitting end." > Pureblood > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morningstar POV 1,000+ years ago I suppose it's time I visited Canterlot. I can't really think of anything I'd want so the capitul might help, favors are always an option I suppose, and having nobles or royalty in my debt would certainly be useful if the entire bloodline will inherit it. Counting the bits I've got saved up I have enough for a ride to the nearest town to the city, or rather if I want food and a night at the inn I have just enough. Because I like to have more than I need I did a few jobs here in Silver Springs. Practically the whole town and even the guards helped rebuild the farm. I knew the farm was important and the family liked by everyone, but I wouldn't have expected something like this to happen on Earth during our equivalent of this time period. After the farm was rebuilt and the tools replaced the family welcomed me into theirs. To say I was shocked was an understatement, I wouldn't have been surprised about a home and free food with a little help around the farm, but for Desert Rose to start calling me uncle and the parents to be perfectly fine with it was what got me. I stayed with them for a while as I did jobs around town, one that payed well was the blacksmith, and conveniently he was having some trouble. I had to make a few deals to truly learn what I was doing but it was worth it. Now I know what you're thinking, I didn't do anything to those weapons. In fact I helped him make new ones that the guard and if he does well enough the royal guard will want. Damascus steel, twinblades, crossbows, shotels, glaives (not the warframe ones), and chainmail which hadn't been invented yet surprisingly. I made a few days worth of bits in just a few hours, I decided to keep some chainmail as I had worn no real protection against anything that might hurt me as part of the payment. I would be set after another deal or two or another job. Finishing my business here I left early in the morning, but not without saying goodbye first. I left Desert Rose a present in the form of a necklace that offered protection to heat and cold as well as give a painful shock to anyone trying to hurt her. There was a carriage in town at the moment, turns out that couple from before were visiting family here, in laws to be specific and were heading close enough to where I was. There was a village near the Everfree and that was as far as I needed them to take me which they happily did so, apparently the griffon's wife was blinded in one eye thanks to Blood Thorn. I offered to restore her eye, but unfortunately someone would've had to lose the sight in their eye and she didn't want her husband to lose one of his for her sake. He's a lucky guy getting a wife like her. We didn't have too much trouble on the road, one of the wheels broke, but it wasn't anything that couldn't be fixed thanks to the couple having tools and a spare wheel. I know I would have forgotten about that. It took us two days to reach what was at the time still unknown to me whatever the village's name was. I'm sorry let me correct myself, it took them two days, I was bathing in a nearby river before something hit me and made me lose consciousness. I don't know how much time passed before I woke up, all I know is it was long enough to be dragged to a basement, locked in a cage, tied to a chair, and a foul tasting rag wrapped around my head. I wanted to get out, but I didn't want to take any chances so I sat still for a while. I probably should have made a deal for invisibility or better yet access to some magic from Skyrim and some of Phenderix's spells, dark and fire worked so well together especially when you have a weapon with the enchantments from Vrangr and any of the other 3 colored fire swords. I liked Zar'Rook and Brisinblue. I definitely need to get spell enchantments for that like in Dark Souls on Soul Eater. A whole hour passed before I started hearing voices from out of the basement. About damn time I thought as a white stallion with a blonde and light blue mane entered with a mare and her 2 foals no older than Desert being thrown in here just seconds after he opened my cage and removed the rag. "Took those useless mud ponies long enough. I am Prince Pureblood and I have been trying to find you for quite a while Morningstar." The prick introduced himself. "And why were you looking for me?" I asked already not liking where this is going. "There is a deal I want to make with y-" "Yeah I kind of figured that part out so get on with it." I interrupted and got slapped for it. "NEVER interrupt me again! And you will address me properly you mongrel!" He said angrily. "Let me make a few things clear: First off you are not Gilgamesh so never call me a mongrel again. Second why would I make a deal with you?" Oh the things I've got in store for you. "You would play an instrumental part in not just restoring Equestria to it's former glory, but helping it take it's rightful place on top! You should feel honored you were chosen." Really now? "I doubt that." If you don't get on with it I'm going to kill you. "Of course you would so allow me to enlighten you. The princesses have ruined this country and have even fallen so far as to 'befriend' the savages and share our lands with them! First they take the sun and moon from us, dare to allow mud ponies and those bird brains in OUR city, then take OUR wealth and give them 'equality' to their superiors and noble titles! And that's just the start!" So you're one of those guys huh? "In other words they were making the country better and building stable, mutually beneficial relationships with other countries instead of what you wanted? Instead of keeping pegasi off the ground and forcing them to be weather planners, they gave them the same rights, freedoms, and opportunities as unicorns? Did the same to earth ponies too and didn't chain them to farms right?" I got slapped again. "You will be silent!" Sorry, my voice is my gift to the world. "They took your only leverage over the other races, forcing you to take more active rolls which in the end not only significantly improved production, but improved relations with other races and economy as well. In other words you don't care about the improving economy, increased production, better interspecies relations, or the overall improvements to Equestria in the long run- AAAAAGGGHH!" I screamed as he stepped on my foot and stabbed me in that same leg with a dagger. "If you won't be silent then you will scream!" You die first. "You can't stand change, you can't stand actually having to WORK for your share, you can't stand the fact unicorns aren't ruling the world with an iron fist even with all the power you have." I said through gritted teeth as he applied pressure to my foot and the blade. "Precisely, Equestria needs a new ruler, one who will lead it to a shining future." Why you though? "Need I remind you it was because of others like you that the wendigos invaded and fucked up everyones days?" "They are no more though, so the only thing I need is the power to take the throne and take back the sun and moon. I want you to make me an alicorn, my wife and foals would be more than happy to give themselves up for the cause." He said gesturing to the still bound family. "There is always a price for such power, and it will take more than your family to acquire it." Forget about killing you, I've got something better planned. "Ha! That shouldn't be a problem considering how The Deal works." You're about to get fucked. "I want to be free from these restraints first, then I want a small but equally strong Coffin of Eternal Darkness and I want it set to my preferences." "Done!" Now a few things happened after this. 1. My restraints were removed. 2. His eyes started glowing and light was pouring out of him. 3. He went from shouting 'yes' to screaming in agony. 4. When the light died down he was trapped in a giant ball of crystal with his horn charred and a pair of extremely deformed wings. 5. The Coffin appeared next to me. 6. The guards attacked me and died shortly after. 7. I popped his soul out and tethered it to 5 ft of the coffin before trapping him and setting it so only a combination of my blood, the princesses blood, Soul Eater, and an eclipse could open it. 8. I released the 'offerings'. "What happened?" The mare asked. "Basically I intentionally fucked up the ascension and left it incomplete. It's supposed to break your body down and rebuild it just as fast by changing you instead of just giving you the attributes of the other 2 races, but if something like this happens the magic becomes unstable and you are left with a failed alicorn suffering a magic surge. He's an alicorn now make no mistake, but because of this he will be inferior to the other races in every way. A unicorn with wings strapped to his back is now closer to True Ascension than him, where it matters anyway." She moved her foals behind her. "What happens now?" She asked fearfully. "We are in or near Canterlot yes? Go back, tell the guards you and your family were kidnapped, one of the prisoners escaped and helped you, but while he helped you escape your husband was killed, his body destroyed." I said on my way out, but stopped next to the door. "You know about my gift right?" I asked. "Yes." She responded. Perfect. "In exchange for helping you reach the guards safely, I want 3 favors from your bloodline, the Darkness spells I'm thinking of, and to be able to temporarily enchant my weapon with any of the same effects as Vrangr, Zar'Rook, Tamberline, and Brisinblue. I also want my injuries healed." Get them while I'm thinking about it. "What?" She asked, probably not getting what I'm asking. "Just say 'yes'." I'd like my foot to stop throbbing and my leg to stop bleeding. "Yes?" And like a wave hitting me I just knew how to use these spells and my injuries were no more. I enchanted Soul Eater with Vrangr and Zar'Rook and oh my god that looks so edgy, but so cool on it. "Stay close to me." I said as we began to leave the building. Present time. "So that's what really happened with my nephew?" Celestia asked, not happy in the least about Pureblood and alarmed at the fact I can make alicorns under the right circumstances. "He tried to sacrifice his own family for enough power to steal the throne, but I had no interest in letting that happen. I like Equestria under the rule of you and your newly returned sister more. I gave him exactly what he wanted, I just didn't let him enjoy it." "What about that Coffin and the dark magic? You've just admitted to using such magic and what would be a forbidden artifact." Okay, ignore part of the story. "The Coffin was a 1 time thing, the original locked away ten of the most powerful demons to exist. The soul tether was a 1 time use and was part of his eternal torment, and the dark magic I have isn't exactly 'dark magic'. The magic I got was from I guess you could say an unofficial add on to a video game. The closest it has to corruption is it makes the victim weaker to fire as it damages them, nothing happens to the user and nothing else happens to the victim." "It is still forbidden magic!" She argued. "Magic that was not only used responsibly, but was safe to me, safe to the others in the room, saved this country and by extension the world. I may be partly to blame to the extent of him learning about me however he did that, but I fixed that problem, punished him appropriately, dealt with at least 2 dozen co-conspirators, and saved the lives of his wife and children who he was more than willing to sacrifice for his ambitions. If it weren't for me you and your sister would be his slaves or even dead!" I shouted. The room was silent as Celestia took in my words, realizing Equestria had what I think would be called an unsung hero in front of her. She thought back to everything I've told her before and reopened the book, looking for others like this deal. "If the name is black it was a regular deal, blue means I just made the deal to help them, green means I got a favor which chances are I haven't cashed in, and red means they were something like Pureblood." I told her. She looked for any red names and found no others. She looked back at me, unable to find the words to speak. "I don't want to be your enemy, but while it was fun for a while, I'm tired. I'm tired of running just for helping people. I'm tired of running just because I'm benefiting in a way that doesn't harm anyone from some of these deals. I'm tired of being a criminal simply because my gift can give anything to anyone, especially when I didn't even ask to be taken from my bed and dropped in an unknown world." She placed her hand on mine as she had an apologetic look on her face. "I'm sorry, I-" "Is it really so wrong that I wanted to give myself a fair chance after being stolen from my home? Is it really so wrong that I felt like I deserved fair compensation for being taken from my home, my family, dropped in a world where magic exists, the most advanced technology at the time was a catapult, the world is ruled by walking myths and legends, and I'm the only human here?" I'm just venting at this point. "Mr. Morningstar if y-" "I came here not just because I was tired of running, but because I was tired of being alone. There are limits to my gift as I've said. I can't return home, time travel is out, and I can't use it to die or lose my eternal life to name a few, it doesn't work." Her eyes shot open as I said this. "You had only one thing to lose, and you knew she would return. I had everything taken from me, even my own name, and I can't get any of it back." Tears streaming down my face for the first time in over 1,000 years and they aren't stopping. "Morningstar, I'm sorry, for everything. From this moment on you are free, and the castle will be open to you." Celestia finally said, leaning across the table to place a hand on my shoulder, a hand a gladly took into mine. "Thank you." Was all I could say through my crying. > New Day, New Deal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morningstar POV The interrogation turned into a friendly conversation after a little while. Celestis still asked about a few other deals I've made like when I fixed an old thestral queen's infertility problem in exchange for some favors that still haven't been cashed in, and that one time I helped an old Apple family ancestor through a famine. She invited Luna in after a while and not even the guard's made a move to stop her. I felt... Content if that's even the right word... I'm no longer a wanted man, I might finally have a home and somethimg to live for other than just living. She continued looking through until one name she skipped over caught her attention, to say she wasn't expecting Discord was an understatement. Long story short he wasn't always a draconequus, Discord isn't even his real name, he was once an orphaned child thanks to a corrupt guard back then and I gave him the power to drive that guard beyond the point of insanity. This was one of the few deals that could be violated and punished greatly, I specifically told him to drive him mad, not torture and kill him, if he had managed to control his bloodlust he wouldn't have become deformed and insane like he is now. Now I doubt he even remembers his previous life. Eventually I was released and offered a room, I accepted because I really wanted to enjoy this. Before she went back to her duties, Celestia returned my book to me and ordered a maid to bring me something to eat. After receiving the book I sat down on the bed and looked through recent deals, I'll have to meet back up with a few of them, especially since two of them are in this city. Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis actually made a deal with me that resulted in them dating and eventually marrying each other, neither knew the other was interested. I was disappointed honestly, I was also interested in Fleur, but whatever, if I'm really desperate I could probably literally make a marefriend with the right deal. Reading a few other names I saw another that caught my attention, I used another ability I got from a griffon hunter a few centuries ago to let me see her. I actually forgot she lived in Canterlot as well, her name is Twilight Velvet, like the thestral queen, she had an infertility problem and I'd say the results are satisfactory. How could they not be when her and technically my children are the captain of the guard and an element bearer, not that her husband or kids even know of my involvement with their birth. I wonder how Celestia will react when she learns that her student technically has another dad and that she also sort of has me to thank for her sister's return. After a while I set the book down under the mattress and stepped into the bathroom for a shower, as I was finishing up I heard the bedroom door open, probably the servant bringing food. Nothing else really happened for the rest of the day, I overheard a guard talking about some kind of drug bust happening the next day so that's something I'll have to look into and warn Shining about, loose lips sink ships after all. I'll deal with that tomorrow. *Knock knock knock* *door open* 'Huh? When did I fall asleep?' I thought. "Sir Morningstar? The princess wishes to speak with you." A female voice said. "Which one? Nevermind. Be out in a minute." I responded between yawns. I heard the door close and eventually got up. I conjured a small mirror that has quite a few features. It's sort of a mini wardrobe that also lets me change certain aspects of my appearance, I can't change my face, skin, height, weight, but most if not everything else can be changed. I really just dyed my hair silver, changed my eyes to red, and wore a coat like Izayah's from Durarara, but with more black and red. I don't know why, but I felt like dressing up as a passable edge lord. Exiting my room the guards and the servant were shocked at my appearance, so much so that the guards demanded I tell them where Morningstar is as the servant stood there like a deer in headlights. "What? You don't recognize me? It's Morningstar, I'm just trying a new look. Now, miss, would you kindly guide me to the princess?" I asked. "Um, yes, right away!" She responded. The guards tried to stop it, but I just paralyzed them for a minute. After arriving at the throne room the servant took her leave as I entered. Celestia and Luna were both here and looked at me alarmed. "Who are you?" Celestia asked cautiously. "I AM EDGE ITSELF! Okay in all seriousness I am Morningstar, just trying out a new look. We can make a Deal if you need proof." I offered. They both calmed down after hearing mention of the Deal. "That won't be necessary then." Luna said. "Okay then what'd you need? Not that I mind being summoned." "I would like you to meet my student. She should be here soon." Celestia said. "Huh? Funny enough, I was actually thinking about her the yesterday, I wonder how she'll react when she meets me." "Do you have a history with her family?" "You never read through the whole book did you? Believe it or not, Twilight Velvet used to be infertile until I came along, as far as I know and until now it was just between me and her. Her brownies are the best if you've never had them." I answered. Celestia and Luna were surprised to say the least. "I must have misheard you, did you say-" Celestia started. "I am technically the father of your guard captain, student, and technically your niece's soon to be father in law? Yes. I had actually forgotten about that until I was skimming through my book and found her name. It was the same for that thestral queen a long time ago as well if you'll recall, even though it wasn't part of the deal she did want me to be the father so another Deal had to be made for that as well, great woman she was. Because of reasons I don't think I need to say I didn't record that other Deal nor was I able to do too much to raise the kid, though he turned out great, a hero and a damn good king in his time. I really should visit their graves some time. But that's enough of that. When can I officially expect to meet my technical daughter for the first time?" Just as she was about to answer the throne room doors opened back up. "Princess, I came as soon as I could! Is there another test? I brough all my notes a" Twilight tried to keep going, but Luna sealed her mouth shut. "Twilight, there is no test. You were summoned because we wanted you to meet somepony." Luna gestured to me. "This is Morningstar. He has been in Equestria for almost as long as my sister and I have been on the throne, he even had a hand in some parts of history." She introduced as she unsealed Twilight's mouth as she took notice of me. "Wait! Really??!! Oh my gosh I already have so many questions! What are you? How long specifically have you been in Equestria? How are there no records of you?" She went on uninterrupted as the princesses shared a look of amusement. After a point I had to do something, so I decided to have a bit of fun with my 'daughter'. "Oh my precious Twily, It warms my heart to see you all grown up! Night Light and Velvet certainly did the job better than I could have!" I said as I hugged her just enough to ensure she had a little difficulty breathing. "Now tell me you've found a nice stallion by now. I would hate to hear my daughter has nopony to snuggle with during the cold nights ahead!" The princesses now look even more amused, actually they're trying to hold back their laughter. "What? What are you going on about? How do you know my parents? Who are you exactly?" Oh you just had to press those buttons didn't you? "Ask your mother." I said quickly. "What does she ha-" "Ask your mother what the name 'Morningstar' means to her." "But-" "Bye!" *Shattered glass falling*. I've always wanted to do that. Forget smoke bombs, disappearing with shards of glass falling in your place is more fun. I flicked her in the back of her head before leaving the throne room. I'll indulge her later, right now I should speak with my 'son'. Finding Shining wasn't too difficult, I didn't even need the Farsight or whatever it's real name is. I just looked around until I saw him in the training field with what I'm assuming are recruits doing laps. "Captain! A moment of your time please?" He turned to face me then back to everyone else. "Alright, everypony take a breather! I'll be right back." They responded 'sir'. We moved away from them and he looked at me serious. "I'm only giving you my time because the princesses seem to trust you to an extent, I can't say the same though. Try anything funny and you'll answer to me! Understand?" He asked threateningly. "You're right not to trust me, after all, I just as much a Devil as I am a merchant among other things. Now it would be in your best interest to never threaten me again. I evaded you all for a LONG time with minimal effort, not to mention I've had just as long to make all sorts of Deals, any number of which I might not have recorded, any number of which could have given me power that makes Discord and the princesses look like complete and utter weaklings. For all you know, I might have Discord's magic, I might have my own perfect counter to the Elements. Don't threaten me again boy, I'm more than capable of making you miserable within the boundaries of the law, and more than capable of doing so without the law finding out if it is illegal." I warned "Out with it!" He said impatiently. "I heard from a blabbermouth guard last night that there was going to be a sting operation today, something about drugs, a lot of them." "Sounds like a breach in security, if what you say is true then I'll need to correct this issue." "What would you say if I could get you all the drugs, the money, and the criminals?" It's time for another one. "I'd call you crazy and tell you to stay out of business that doesn't concern you." "Let's make a Deal, shall we? I get you everything I promised unless I feel another Deal needs to be made, and in exchange you include me on any other cases that interest me, sound fair?" I offered a handshake to seal the Deal. Temptation is evident on his face, he might just accept it.