> Foal Kingdom > by BubblePuff > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a beautiful, sunny day in the Crystal Empire. Shining Armor and Cadance were taking their foal daughter Flurry Heart out for a morning stroll. All of the Crystal Empire’s citizens loved Flurry Heart. They would stop and coo at the little princess. Flurry paid them no attention however, as she was too busy playing with her stuffed snail whammy. That changed however, when the royal family passed by a candy shop. Flurry looked up and saw a giant lollipop in the shops window. She put down whammy and reached for it. “Iawanee!” She said. Both Shining and Cadance both stopped and giggled. “Now now Flurry.” Cadance said. “We don’t have time for sweets.” Flurry Heart did not like what she had just been told. “Iawanee! Iawanee!” She said louder and with a more angry tone. “Flurry, our answer is no.” Said Shining. Flurry Heart’s face turned bright red. She then let out a scream so loud that every pony within the area had to cover their ears. Shining leaned down towards Flurry Heart. “Flurry, stop. You’re making a scene.” Flurry Heart threw whammy at Shining and hit him in the face. Cadance let out a defeated sigh. “Lets just go home.” Flurry Heart continued her temper tantrum all the way back to the crystal castle. Sunburst was waiting for them by the entrance next to the crystal heart. “I take it your family stroll didn’t go so well!” Sunburst shouted over Flurry Hearts waling. Fortunately, he had Flurrys pacifier with him for this very situation. As soon as he placed it in Flurrys mouth, she quieted down. For the time being. “Everything was going so well until we passed by the candy shop.” Cadance said. “Flurry wanted a lollipop, we told her no, and then she threw a huge temper tantrum. I feel so embarrassed.” Shining Armor stood by his wife. “Don’t get us wrong, we love Flurry but sometimes she can be too much. From always throwing her food to using other foals as toys, She can really wear us out.” “ Don’t forget shattering the crystal heart.” Sunburst added. “Don’t remind us.” Cadance said as she rubbed her temples. “Our little bundle of joy was only a couple of weeks old, and she almost plunged the Crystal Empire into another thousand years of snow and darkness. It’s a good thing that Twilight, her friends, and Celestia and Luna were here otherwise...I don’t even want to think about it.” “What have you’ve done in regards to discipline?” Asked Sunburst. “We’ve tried everything.” Shining said. “We’ve put Flurry in time out, taken away her toys, told her no, and withheld sweets. She just keeps acting up.” As the adults talked amongst themselves, Flurry Heart looked up at them with discontent. “Mommy and Daddy awe dum dums.” Flurry thought to herself. “ I’m pwincess, but tay don’t wet me anyting. If I was in chawge, I would do whateva I wanted.” Flurry then looked at the crystal heart, and a grand idea popped into her head. A devious smile spread across her face.   Concentrating, Flurry Heart focused all of her magic into her horn. She then shot a magical beam at the crystal heart. Shining Armor looked down to see what his daughter was up too. “Flurry, what are you…” Shining was cut off as the magical beam struck the crystal heart, causing a bright wave of magic to spread out and engulf the entire Crystal Empire. A short time later, Twilight was in her castle seated at the cutie map. She was reading one of her thousands of books when she noticed that the Crystal Empire had disappeared from the map. “That’s odd.” Twilight up for a closer look, but all she could see was a bright light. Spike then came running into the room. “Twilight! Celestia and Luna are here to see you! They say that it’s urgent!” “Send them in.” Twilight looked back towards the cutie map. “This must be about the Crystal Empire.” She thought to herself. Spike came back, escorthing Celestia and Luna. Upon seeing Twilight studying the cutie map, the two royal sisters figured out that Twilight knew why they were there. “I see that the cutie map has already alerted you.” Celestia said. “Yes. What is going on with the Crystal Empire?” Twilight asked. Luna stepped forward. “Several hours ago, we lost all communication with the Crystal Empire. Letters cannot be sent in with magic, even train service has stopped.” “Could this be the work of King Sombra?” Asked Twilight. “We do not know.” Celestia replied. “That is why we need you and your friends to travel to the Crystal Empire to find out what has happened.”   Spike stood at attention and saluted the princesses. “You have nothing to worry about! The hero of the Crystal Empire is on the case!” Both Celestia and Luna could not help but giggle a little. “We trust that this mission is in good claws and hooves.” Luna said. Twilight and Spike soon gathered all of their friends. After explaining the situation, they all boarded a hot air balloon and set out for the Crystal Empire. Applejack turned to face Twilight. “What do suppose happened to the Crystal Empire? Could King Sombra really be back?” “It’s possible.” Twilight replied. “But we won’t know for sure until we get there. I just hope that Shining and Cadance are alright. And poor little Flurry Heart..” Fluttershy wrapped Twilight in a gentle hug. “I’m sure that your family is fine Twilight. Shining and Cadance have survived tough odds before, like the Changelings, King Sombra, and Tirek.” “Yeah! And whatever is threatening the Crystal Empire this time, we’ll be sure to woop its butt!” Rainbow Dash added. As the hot air balloon got closer to the Crystal Empire, the group could see that it was surrounded by a pink force field. After touching down in the snow, Twilight and her friends walked to the gates, only to find that they had been replaced by what looked like a giant gate for a playpen. Above the gate, spelled out with giant wooden blocks, were the words FOAL KINGDOM. “Okay, this is getting really weird.” Spike said. Twilight knocked on the gate. It opened, and out crawled two newborn foals dressed as guards. Their armor and helmets were made of plastic, and their swords and spears were made of foam. “Bahaa!” The first one guard ordered, thrusting his sword at the group. “Oh my goodness, they are so adorable!” Rarity gushed. “Pretending that they’re guards while wearing poofy diapers. This is just too cute!” The guard grew irritated and poked Rarity with his sword, which had no effect. The other guard just sat and sucked on his hoof. “Who goes thewe?” A third guard approached Twilight. He was a colt, no more than three years old but wearing pull ups. “State youw business!” Twilight had no idea what was going on. “I am princess Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends. We are here to…” Upon hearing her name, the third guard lit up with joy. “You must da BAE! We heaw about you all da time from da gweat wuler!. Come, I take you too hew!” The third guard then turned around and led everypony inside. Twilight was shocked at what had been done to the Crystal Empire. The entire city looked liked one gigantic pre-school. The streets were made of a soft, foam padding. The buildings were made out of toy blocks, and sold nothing but foal supplies, toys, and candy. Various jungle gyms, slides, sand boxes, and other playground equipment were scattered everywhere. Spike’s crystal statue had even been replaced by a gigantic teddy bear. This made Spike fall to his knees and shout. “NOOO!!!!!!!!”   What Twilight and the others were more concerned about was the ponies of the Crystal Empire. They were all foals! They ranged in age from day old newborns to three year olds. When the group arrived at the crystal castle, it looked basically the same. The crystal heart however was now pink, and appeared to be the source of the force field surrounding the Crystal Empire. The guard led them all through the front gate and into the throne room. The throne room was filled with toys, splatters of foal food on the walls, and a large pile of candy. “Pwesenting hew woyale highness, pwincess Fluwwy Heawt!” The guard announced. To the shock of everyone, Flurry Heart sat on the throne, her whammy by her side. Twilight’s jaw practically fell to the floor. “Flurry heart? What in the hay is going on here?!” “Hi auntie Twilight!.” Flurry heart said cheerfully. “Welcome to the Foal Kingdom!” “Flurry Heart, what have you done?” Twilight demanded. “Mommy and Daddy wewe being meanies, so I used da cwystal heawt to incwease my power and take over! Now evewypony is happy and I can do whatevew I want!” Twilight could not believe that her own niece was responsible for all of this. “Where are your parents now?” Flurry Heart clapped her hooves. Shining Armor and Cadance both came crawling out from behind the throne. They both had been turned into newborn foals, complete with pacifiers and diapers. “They are so cute!” Pinkie shouted. Cadance removed her pacifier. “I’m Cadance! Look at what I can do!” Cadance then started smacking her cheeks, making a loud, hollow clapping noise. Shining just sat on his rump. There was a hissing sound, and the front of his diaper turned yellow. Shining broke out crying. Flurry Heart clapped her hooves and Sunburst came into the throne room, a swirling motion in his eyes. “What have you’ve done to Sunburst?!” Twilight yelled. “He hypnotized! I still need an adult to change diapees and bath me and the other foals.” Sunburst proceeded to change Shining’s diaper. Twilight had seen enough. “Flurry Heart, you have been a very bad foal! What you have done is the worst thing yet! You leave me no choice but to report you to Celestia and Luna. Hopefully they can fix this mess.” Flurry Heart began to panic.  “No! I don’t wanna get into twouble!” The next thing Twilight and the others knew, Flurry Heart had shot a beam of magic at them. There was a bright flash of light, then everything went dark. > Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight awoke some time later. “Uhn, what happened?” She thought to herself. Twilight heard a crackling  noise and felt something wrapped around her. Twilight looked down to see that she was wearing a diaper. “What in Equestwia!?” She shouted. Twilight held her hooves to her mouth when she made a lisp as she spoke. Twilight examined her surroundings. She was in a crib, painted lavender to match her coat. Twilight sat on a blanket that was also lavender, and had her cutie mark sewn all over it. Twilight examined her body. It was short and chubby. A shocking realization then dawned upon Twilight. She had been turned into a foal! Twilight looked through the bars of her crib. She was in a nursery, with the the walls and ceiling painted to look like the sky. There was a changing table, as well as a toy chest. Five more cribs were lined up against the walls, each one painted to match the coats of her friends. Twilight could see them all sleeping, having been turned into foals as well. Twilight tried to find Spike. Instead she saw an egg on a nearby table, sitting in a nest. Looking towards the crib next to hers, Twilight could spot Rarity. “Wawity, wake up!” Twilight shouted. “Five mowe minutes dawling.” Rarity said with a sleepy voice. “Warity! We’ve been tuwned into foals!” Twilight shouted again. Rarity finally woke up and rubbed her eyes. “Wat awe you talking about?” It took a few moments for Rarity to examine herself and her surroundings. The reality of the situation soon dawned on her. “Y am I weawing a diapee?!” Rarity’s shouting caused the others to wake up as well. They were also shocked at what had happened to them. “I can’t be a foal! I have a wondewbolts show soon!” “Who will look aftew my amnimals?” “What about my abble hawvest?” “How am I supposed ta plan pawties!?” Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy all broke out crying. Soon the door to the nursery opened, and Sunburst came in with Flurry Heart riding on his back.   “Yay! U awake!” Flurry Heart cheered. Sunburst walked around, putting pacifiers in every ponies mouths to quiet them down. “Fluwwy Heawt! Y u tuwn us into foals?!” Twilight demanded. Sunburst put a pacifier in her mouth, but Twilight just spat it out. “Because u wewe gonna get me into twouble.” Flurry Heart explained. “I don’t want aunties Tia and Luna to be mad at me.” “U in twouble with me! I thought I was youw Best Aunt Evew!” “U wewe being a scawy beaw again! But now u a foal, and we can play!” Flurry Heart bounced happily on Sunburst’s back. “ I no wanna play with u! I gonna stop u!” Twilight tried to use her magic, but only a few sparks came out of her horn. “Sowwy aunt Twily, but da cwystal heawt diwects all magic diwectly to me.” Flurry Heart then let out a yawn. “I gonna take a nap. Y don’t u play with mommy and daddy until I get back?” Shining and Cadance came crawling into the room. Sunburst lifted the mane six from their cribs and placed them on the floor. He then walked away with Flurry Heart to put her down for her nap, closing the door to the nursery behind him. The foals all sat quietly for a moment. The silence was broken by Shining. “Wanna see my diapee dance?” Shining crawled over to the changing table and opened the cabinet door. He grabbed a bottle of foal powder and poured it down his diaper. Shining then proceeded to bounce around on his diaper, with foal powder puffing out of the leg holes everytime he landed on his butt. This caused everypony to burst out laughing, except for Twilight. “U guys, dis is sewious! How awe we supposed to get out of hewe?” “I just open da doow!” Rainbow said. She tried to fly up to the door handle, but her body was just too pudgy and her wings couldn’t work yet. “Too bad Spike is an eggie.” Said Fluttershy. “He could just send a note with his fiwe bweath.” Twilight thought for a moment. “If only I could get a message to the outside, beyond that force field.” Twilight then had a brilliant idea. She crawled over to the toy chest and dug through it until she found some crayons and paper. Twilight then began to draw, as best as she could, a picture of her and her friends being turned into foals by Flurry Heart. Applejack approached Twilight. “Wat ya doin’ Twily?” “I’m making a pictuwe to ask for help.” Twilight replied. “But how awe u gonna sneak it past Fluwwy Heawt? And get passed the fowce field?” Applejack asked. “I have dat all figuwed out.” Twilight finished drawing the picture, then folded it up and hid it in her diaper. Twilight then crawled over to the door and pounded on it. “Fluwwy Heawt? Fluwwy Heawt!” After pounding on the door for several minutes, Flurry Heart had Sunburst open the door. “So, u weady to play now?” Flurry asked. “U bet!” Twilight answered. “In fact, we wanna play out in da snow!” Flurry Heart smiled and clapped her hooves. “Yay! I love da snow! Let me get u weady!” Flurry Heart zapped everypony with her magic. They found themselves covered in foal size coats and caps, with their diapers still poking out the back. Sunburst then placed them all in a large foal carriage, and walked them outside the castle. Once outside, Sunburst placed all of the foals on the ground. Flurry Heart then used her magic to open up a hole in the force field so that the snow could fall in. After waiting  a few minutes, enough snow had drifted in for the foals to play in. “Let's make a snowpony!” Flurry Heart said. While she and the others were busy making the snowpony, Twilight removed the picture from her diaper. She then folded it as carefully as she could into a paper airplane. “Here goes nothing” Twilight thought. With all of her might, Twilight threw the paper airplane upwords. It soared across the wind until it finally passed through the opening in the force field. Twilight bounced with joy. “Yay! I did it!” She was then hit with a snowball. “Ha! Got you aunt Twily!” Flurry Heart said as she got another snowball ready. “I gonna get u!” Twilight replied as she made a snowball of her own. Secretly, she hoped that somepony on the outside would get the picture and figure it out. > Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna scanned the dreamscape. She could see all the dreams of every pony in Equestria. But when she tried to see the dreams of the Crystal Empire, Luna was blocked by a magic field and saw nothing. The same thing happened with Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. Celestia walked in on her younger sister. “Any luck Luna?” She asked. Luna sighed and shook her head. “None my sister. I cannot peer into the dreams of the Crystal Empire. The same thing goes for Twilight and her friends. A source of great magic is blocking my view of the dreamscape.” Celestia walked out onto a balcony, pausing to take in the view of Canterlot. “I fear the worst Luna. The time has come for us to go to the Crystal Empire.” Luna nodded. “Agreed. We must set out at once.”   Meanwhile, Moondancer was walking through Ponyville towards Twilight’s castle when a paper airplane suddenly hit her in the face. “What in Equestria?” Moondancer adjusted her eyeglasses and then picked up the paper airplane. She unfolded it to find a picture that looked like it was drawn by a foal. Moondancer considered throwing it away, but then a thought in the back of her mind told her to hang on to it. Moondancer placed the picture in her bag and continued to Twilight’s castle. Once there, Moondancer knocked on the massive doors and was greeted by Starlight Glimmer. “Hello Moondancer.” Starlight said. “What brings you here?” “Twilight invited me over to work on some new spells. Is she here?” Moondancer asked. Starlight shook her head. “Twilight had to leave at the last minute to solve a friendship problem in the Crystal Empire. She didn’t say when she would be back, but it has been a few days.” Moondancer thought that this all sounded a bit odd. Then she remembered the picture. She reached into her bag and gave it to Starlight. “On my over here this strange picture flew into my face. Here, have a look.” Starlight examined the picture. “It looks like it was made by a foal. However…” “However what?” Moondancer asked. “Well, the pony that drew this put in quite some detail for their age. The picture looks like Flurry Heart turning Twilight and the others into foals.” “You don’t think it has anything to do with the Crystal Empire, do you?” Moondancer asked. “There’s only one way to find out. We’re heading for the Crystal Empire.” Starlight replied. Moondancer was overjoyed. “Alright! My first friendship mission!” Moondancer waited for Starlight to gather her things, and soon the two were on their way. Twilight and her friends once again awoke in their individual cribs in the nursery. It had been a few days since they were all turned into foals by Flurry Heart.  Even though their adult minds remained intact, they could feel themselves slowly giving in to their foal tendencies. Twilight felt her stomach rumble. She could also hear the rumbling stomachs of her friends. “Fluwwy Heawt! We hungwy!” Twilight called out. Sunburst came into the nursery. He picked up each foal individually and placed them on his back. Sunburst then walked down to the dinning hall where Flurry Heart, along with Shining and Cadance,  were already waiting for them. Sunburst placed them all in high chairs around the long table, with Twilight seated next to Flurry Heart. “Guess wats for bweakfast?” Flurry Heart said excitedly. “I don’t know. Fowmula?” Twilight guessed. “Candy!” Flurry Heart Cheered. She clapped her hooves and a hypnotized Flash Sentry walked into the dinning hall carrying a large sack of candy. He dumped it all onto the table, and Flurry Heart grabbed a giant lollipop and instantly began licking it. Shining nommed on a chocolate bar, and Cadance sucked on a candy cane. Twilight was about to dig in, but then she fought off her foalish instincts. “Shouldn’t we be eating something nutwicious?” Flurry Heart rolled her eyes. “Only dum dum gwown ups eat dat stuff. Dis da Foal Kingdom! We can eat whatevew we want!” “But we gwowing ponies.” Twilight argued.   “I want abble sauce!” Applejack complained. Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy also demanded apple sauce. Only Pinkie Pie wanted the candy. She dove right in, her cheeks filled to the limit with sweets. “Uhhh, fine!” Flurry Heart clapped her hooves. Flash Sentry disappeared to the kitchen. He reappeared a few minutes later with five bowls of apple sauce. When breakfast was finished, Flurry Heart teleported everypony to a gigantic playpen filled with toys. “Play time!” She announced. Rainbow Dash tried to reach for some Wonderbolts action figures, but Flurry Heart snagged them up first. “Hey! I wanna play wit does!” Rainbow complained. “Too bad! I da pwincess, so I get any toy I want!” Flurry Heart bragged. Rainbow tried to snatch them away from Flurry Heart. “Gimme!” Flurry Heart took off flying around the playpen. “Can’t catch me!” Flurry Heart giggled. Rainbow screamed in frustration. Meanwhile, Fluttershy held a rabbit plushie. As she looked at it, memories of Angel Bunny came flooding into her head. Fluttershy then broke out crying. Flurry Heart landed next to Fluttershy. “Y u sad? It play time.” Fluttershy wiped her face. “I miss Angel Bunny and my othew amnimals.”   “But u a foal now. U can whatevew u want.” Said Flurry Heart. Twilight crawled over to comfort Fluttershy. “And Fluttewshy wants to be wit her amnimals! We can’t be foals forevew Fluwwy, we have wesponsibilities!” “No!” Flurry Heart said defiantly. “Being a foal is gweat! And I gonna pwove it!” At that moment, Celestia and Luna both came bursting into the playpen room. The lead guard came running up from behind, trying to keep his pull ups on as he ran. “I sowwy youw majesty, but these two demanded to see u.” Celestia took one look around. Upon seeing Cadance, Shining, Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity as foals, she became furious. “Flurry Heart! What is going on here?” Flurry Heart crawled forward. “Aunt Tia, dis is da Foal Kingdom now. Only foals awe allowed.” “Flurry Heart, what you are doing is wrong.” Said Luna. “We demand that you restore the Crystal Empire and its citizens to their original state immediately!” Flurry Heart shook her head. “Nuh-uh! Dis my kingdom now!” “Then you leave us no choice.” Celestia said. She and Luna both lit up their horns. Twilight tried to warn them. “Wait! Ur magic-” Only sparks came out of their horns. “-Doesn’t work hewe.” Twilight said as she face hoofed herself. “Only I have da magic!” Flurry Heart proclaimed. She then brightly lit up her horn, and blasted Celestia and Luna with a large beam of magic. There was a bright flash, and when the light died down Celestia and Luna had been turned into one day old foals. They were already swaddled in pink and dark blue blankets respectively, and were already fast asleep. Twilight’s jaw dropped and nearly hit the floor. “Fluwwy Heawt, wat have u done?!” Flurry Heart giggled. “Now I da only pwincess in Equestwia! And no pony will evew take away my Foal Kingdom!” > Part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flurry Heart flew to the top of a massive corkscrew slide that had been erected in the center of the Foal Kingdom. She sat her diapered butt down and slid down at top speed. “WEEEE!” Flurry Heart shouted as she slid down the massive slide. Flurry Heart finally arrived at the bottom, slipping off of the slide and into a giant ball pit. “Again!” Close by, Twilight watched and felt defeated. She could only watch as her friends were now fully regressed mentally into foals. Rarity was playing with toy blocks. Applejack was making pictures with hoof paint. Fluttershy was having a tea party with animal plushies. Rainbow Dash was playing with Wonderbolt action figures. Pinkie Pie was bouncing around on a giant ball. Twilight looked over at Celestia and Luna. Both were laid out on a changing mat and being changed by Sunburst. Celestia suckled on a bottle of formula while Luna threw a temper tantrum, crying and waving around all four of her limbs. Twilight sighed. She then looked over at a recreation of her smarty pants doll that Flurry Heart had created for her. “I might as well.” Twilight said with a sigh. She picked up the doll and started playing with it. Her adult mind slowly slipped away as she regressed into foalhood. Starlight Glimmer and Moondancer both arrived at the outer gate of the Foal Kingdom. Moondancer removed her glasses and wiped them off before placing them back on her head. “Are you sure this is the right place?” She asked Starlight. Starlight looked at the map, then looked again at the Foal Kingdom. “The map says this should be the Crystal Empire. I’ve never heard of this Foal Kingdom before.” A moment later, two foal guards charged right at them. The guards struck Starlight and Moondancer with their foam swords. Moondancer and Starlight looked down at the foals, then at each other in disbelief. They both then used their magic to lift the guards up by the waistband of their diapers. “What do you think you’re doing?” Starlight asked. “Where are your parents?” “U a dum dum gwown up!” One of the guards said. “U no allowed in da Foal Kingdom!” “By whose decree?” Moondancer demanded. “By da decwee of pwincess Fluwwy Heawt!” The other guard said. “Well! We’ll see about that!” Said Starlight. She and Moondancer walked into the Foal Kingdom. As soon as they entered however, their magic stopped working. The guards fell and landed on the padded ground rump first, bouncing on their diapers. “What the hay?” Moondancer asked. “Why did our magic stop working?” “Only da magic of Fluwwy Heawt works in da Foal Kingdom.” The first guard said. Starlight turned to Moondancer. “We’d better regroup. It would not be wise to confront Flurry Heart directly if she has become this powerful.” Starlight and Moondancer turned around and left the Foal Kingdom. Just then, they noticed a colt around the age of five tunneling out from under the force field. The colt had a cream colored coat and a dark brown mane and tail. His cutie mark was a coffee bean. Starlight and Moondancer went over to him. “Excuse me,are you okay?” Starlight asked. Upon seeing the two mares, the colt ran up and hugged them both. “Adults! Oh thank Celestia you’re here!” Moondancer knelt down beside the colt. “What’s your name? And why were you tunneling out of the Foal Kingdom?” “My name is Morning Brew, and I left because of Flurry Heart.” Morning Brew then explained everything that had happened, including Celestia and Luna being turned into foals. Moondancer turned to Starlight. “This is more serious than we thought.” “Wait, why were escaping?” Starlight asked. “The Foal Kingdom sounds like a paradise.” “Well, it’s not.” Morning Brew replied. “My mom and dad have become diaper wearing foals. I have no pony to teach me, to read me a bedtime story, or even to cook me meals! Trust me, you get really sick of eating nothing but candy all day. I just want my parents back!” “Are there any adults in the Foal Kingdom at all?” Asked Moondancer. Morning Brew sighed. “Just a hooffull of guards and the royal crystaler, Sunburst. Flurry Heart has them hypnotized.” “Flurry Heart has enslaved Sunburst!” Starlight exclaimed. Moondancer looked back towards Morning Brew. “Are there any other fillies and colts that feel the same way you do?” “Of course.” Morning Brew answered. “But they’re all too afraid of Flurry Heart and her power to stand up to her.” Starlight thought for a moment, then smiled. “I have an idea.”   After going down the slide for the thousandth time, Flurry Heart decided to do something else. It was then that she saw Rarity playing with her favourite toy whammy. Furious, Flurry Heart crawled over to Rarity. “Wat u doin?! Whammy is mine!” “We playing dwess up.” Rarity said. “Go play wit something else.” Flurry Heart grabbed ahold of whammy. “Gimme!” Rarity grabbed whammy and pulled it back. “No!” The two foals tugged back and forth with the snail plushie, neither one of them willing to let go. Eventually, a loud rip was heard. Whammy had a large tear in its shell. Stuffing was falling out everywhere. Flurry Heart’s face turned bright red. She then let out a scream so loud that it almost shattered the crystal heart for a second time. “YOU BROKE MY WHAMMY!!!” Flurry Heart’s magic then went out of control. She created a cyclone that swept up all the toys and foal supplies. Bolts of magic shot out from her horn. Every foal that wasn’t scared and crying were running for their lives. Amidst all the chaos that would have made Discord proud, Starlight and Moondancer both marched up to Flurry Heart. “Flurry Heart! That is enough!” Starlight shouted.   Flurry Heart halted her temper tantrum. Her magic dissipated, and all of the toys and foal products that were swept up in the magic cyclone came raining back down. “Wat do u want!?” Flurry Heart demanded.  “No gwown ups allowed!” “Flurry Heart, your reign over the Foal Kingdom must come to an end.” Said Starlight. “You’ve taken things too far!” “U a dum dum! My Foal Kingdom is gweat! Evewypony is happy!” Flurry Heart stated. “No they’re not. And we can prove it.” Moondancer then waved her hoof, and Morning Brew came trotting over. Behind him were all the colts and fillies of the former Crystal Empire. “Flurry Heart, we want our parents back!” All of the fillies and colts supported Morning Brew by shouting out “Yeah!” In unison. “But Y? Wat wwong wit da Foal Kingdom?” Flurry asked. One by one, the fillies and colts aired their grievances. “I want my mom back to read me bedtime stories!” “I want my dad back so we can play catch again!” “I’m sick of candy! I just want a hayburger!” And on and on it went. When they were finished, Starlight approached Flurry Heart. “Don’t you see? These colts fillies are not happy. You need to turn things back to normal.” Flurry Heart crossed her hooves. “No! Pawents are poopy heads!” “You can’t mean that Flurry.” Moondancer said. “Do you honestly not miss your parents even a tiny bit?” Flurry Heart thought for a few moments. She remembered all of the good times she had with her mom and dad. The times that they played together. The times that they laughed. Most importantly, she remembered the times when here parents told her that they loved her. Flurry Heart broke out crying. “I want mommy and daddy back!” Starlight picked up Flurry Heart and gently rubbed her back. “Then you what you have to do Flurry.” Flurry Heart wiped her eyes and nodded. Pointing her horn at the crystal heart, she shot a beam of magic into it. A wave of white light echoed from the crystal heart and swept across the Foal Kingdom, turning it back into the Crystal Empire. All the Stallions and Mares that had been regressed into foals were turned back into adults. Sunburst, Flash Sentry, and the other guards were un-hypnotized. All of the fillies and colts were reunited with their parents. Morning Brew ran up and gave his mom and dad a huge hug. Spike changed to normal, though left feeling light headed and falling off of the table he was on. Twilight and her friends, as well as Celestia and Luna, also returned to normal. Cadance and Shining Armor were the last to change back. When they did, they looked directly at Flurry Heart with stern eyes. Flurry tried to make an innocent look, but she knew that she was in deep, deep, trouble. Over the next few days, the Crystal Empire was put back in order. Every building, shop, house, and street was restored. Including Spike’s statue (Which he personally oversaw.) As for Flurry Heart, her punishment was just. Her horn was encased in magicite and her wings were tied to her body. Flurry was banned from using magic or flying for one whole year. She also could not have anymore sweets ever, all of her toys were donated to charity, and she had to publicly apologise to every citizen of the Crystal Empire. Most ponies accepted the apology, but some still remained leary. The mane six, along with Spike, Celestia, and Luna, were the last to receive an apology. “I sowwy.” Flurry Heart said with a frown. Twilight stepped forwards. “Apology accepted. Perhaps this time off from your powers will give you a new appreciation for them and your position as a princess. In fact, your parents and I have been talking, and we’ve agreed that when you are older you can come study at my school of friendship.” Rarity then approached Flurry Heart. “I know that all of your toys were given away to charity, but your parents said you could still have one. And from what I remember, this particular toy got a little torn up so I got fixed it for you.” Rarity then used her magic to float over a fully stitched up whammy to Flurry Heart. She smiled and squealed, hugging the snail plushie tightly. Twilight then turned to face Starlight and Moondancer. “Thank you both for saving the day. If you two had never gotten my picture, I might have been stuck as a foal forever.” Starlight and Moondancer both looked at each other and snickered. “I don’t know, you looked pretty cute as a foal.” Said Starlight. “Especially with your little diapered butt.” Moondancer said with a giggle. “Watch it.” Twilight replied with a smirk.