> Innocence, Equestria > by Quantum Trip > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Before Innocence > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Button Mash's jaw dropped wide open. "What? That... WHAT?! Mom, ugh, that—it's just so gross!" said the little colt, recoiling against the wall in horror. Love Tap smiled and suppressed a giggle. "It's perfectly natural, dear. That's just the way it works." She continued doing the dishes. "But... you didn't do that with Dad, did you?" "Well, you're here asking me that. So that should answer your question." "Oh, oh, barf. Barf. BARF!" said Button, making a gagging gesture with his muzzle. "Mom, I'm really, super-seriously going to be sick." Button's Mom sighed. "I should have discussed this with you sooner, Button. I heard some of the misinformation you were getting from your friends, and I knew it couldn't wait any longer," she replied. "But I kept putting it off because I knew you would react like this." Button immediately felt ashamed. "I'm s-sorry," he said, and stood upright. "It's just super nasty, and I'm trying not to think about it." Shrugging, Love Tap nodded. "It's okay. You're right. It is nasty, in a way. But it's also beautiful. When you're older, you'll understand." "Uh, no. I'm not going to change my opinion, Mom. It's gross. Why would I change my mind? That doesn't make sense. You're not making any sense." One of Button's hooves nervously fidgeted against the floor. "Well, when you grow older you'll start to have... special feelings inside of you. These feelings can be very strong," she explained. "You need to be prepared for them, because if you're not ready the feelings can overpower you." "I don't care how strong they are, I am never doing that!" he said. "I'm not even... I'm not even touching it. I know that's what older boys do. That whole belly-slapping thing. I never will, it's just sick." "Never say never, Button," cautioned Love Tap. "I hate it when adults tell me I'm going do stuff I'll never do! You can't make me!" he screamed. "Wait—" called his mother, but Button Mash turn and ran. He galloped into his room and slammed the door behind him, feeling a queasy sensation overflowing his stomach. It was horrible, he thought. Even the simple idea of it was horrible. She had to be lying. But somehow he knew it was true. Instinctively, deep down inside, he just knew. Because there was something even more horrible, something he couldn't run away or hide from, not even in the sanctity of his own room. A piece of that queasiness was causing adrenaline to flood his body. Briefly thinking about Sweetie Belle was making it much worse. "No," he said, and closed his eyes tight, willing the heat in his veins to ice. I can't let this happen to me, he thought. The adults were wrong. He would never, ever, ever give in. He would never touch it, and he would never do anything with it with another pony. That didn't mean he didn't want a fillyfriend. He still liked Sweetie Belle. Special someponies were fine. Holding hooves was fine. Normal kisses were fine. But that was the line. Anything beyond that... "I'll never be a monster," he whispered as he leaned his back against the wall and slowly slid down to the floor. "I won't." Button Mash sat rocking on his haunches and cried very softly, lest his mother hear. "You're leaving?" gasped Sweetie Belle. Button frowned and nodded. "Yeah. They're gonna pay for a new house for us and everything. It's more of a cabin than a house, though," he said. "Is... is that Role pony going to be your special somepony now?" asked Sweetie, her eyes downcast. "What? No! Look, Sweetie Belle, she's just a quillpal. I mean, she's the reason they're letting us move there, but it isn't like that. I still really like you. I... Maybe someday we could be, um..." he said, nervously rubbing the back of his neck with a hoof. "Did you hear the part where I said I like you?" Sweetie Belle sniffled and wiped away a tear. "It's okay if she is. I just can't believe I'm never going to see you again!" "You'll see me again plenty! We'll visit Ponyville a lot. You can visit us too!" said Button, his voice excited but quivering with nervousness. "Role's really close to Upendo. I'll bet she can convince him to let you come visit—she says she can convince adults to do pretty much anything. You could even move there someday." "That... might work, actually," said Sweetie Belle, her eyes brightening. "I mean, my parents made a bunch of money, and Rarity helped them out a lot, and they're looking to retire early. Do you really think you could get permission? I never heard of a gated village in the middle of a forest before." "Me neither, but it's not really gated. Not physically, I mean. They're just super careful about who can visit. I've been quillpals with Role for almost a year. They started getting paranoid or something a few months ago," he said. "But she had no problem getting me permission, so I'm sure they'll let you move there if I ask nice." "Maybe. Just... promise to write me, at least?" asked Sweetie Belle. "I don't want you to forget me!" Button hugged her tight to his chest. "I'll never forget you," he said. "And I won't have to, because I'm going to get you to Innocence with me no matter what it takes." > New Kids > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well, there it is," said Wayfarer, pointing to the clearing. "Are you able-bodied enough to take the cart from here?" before Love Tap or her son could answer, he detached himself from the harness. "We'll be fine. Aren't you going to come into the village?" asked Love Tap, carefully hooking herself up to the large wagon containing all her family's belongings. Wayfarer shook his head. "I'm not allowed past the perimeter, I'm afraid. I used to visit here pretty regular, but back in February Upendo enforced a residents-only ban every day except for Tuesday... and today ain't Tuesday." He paused for a moment in thought before adding, "You foalks be careful in there, alright? As far as I can tell, everything's on the up-and-up, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about all this secrecy." Button Mash gritted his teeth and tried to keep his knees from knocking together. "I'm sure we'll be fine," said Love Tap, gently pulling her son into a side-hug. "They probably just enjoy their privacy. It's one of the benefits of living out here, after all." Looking at the ground, Wayfarer nodded a few times. "Of course. Well, be safe," he said. Without making eye contact, he turned and trotted away from the village. "I'm a little w-worried Mom," said Button. "It's not too late to turn back is it?" "I'm sure we'll be fine, dear. Since you put me in touch—" "Large welcome!" came a deep and sonorous voice. Trotting towards them was a horse in a cloak. "Oh! You must be Upendo?" asked Love Tap. Removing the hood of his cloak, the zebra stallion smiled and motioned toward the village. "Love Tap and Button Mash, we have been expecting you. Let me welcome you to our fine community." "Wow, you're big," said Button. "And I thought zebras were supposed to rhyme?" Upendo chuckled. "Lacking rhyme is not strange, as that quirk of speaking is but one particular vow taken by members of our culture. Little does it matter, yet I would be happy to discuss my people with you at another time. Let me first show you to your new home." The zebra walked mother and son to a beautiful one-storey cabin which resembled a larger, flatter version of Button's old home from Ponyville. "Wow, this place is a mansion!" he said. Love Tap chuckled. "Like it, do you now?" said Upendo. "Luxury it may not be, but there is electricity, running water, and a heating unit." "This will be perfect. I can't begin to thank you for actually giving us a home here! I still don't understand why, though. Your need for childcare can't possibly justify building me a cabin," said Love Tap. Button sensed hesitation in his mother's voice. "Love Tap, the moment I heard of your name and saw your cutie mark in Button's pictures sent to our dear Role, I knew we needed to have you in our community. Let me be forthright: Innocence is a village for family above all else, and the service you provide will help us immensely—as well as the addition of your son to our population. Lessons are also planned for our foals, as we would prefer you to adopt the role of teacher," Upendo said, then winked at Button Mash. Button blushed in response. "Ah, now that makes more sense. Well, I don't have experience as a grade school teacher, but I'm relatively well-read and I work well with children. I should be able to teach them properly with the right materials," said Love Tap as she removed the harness. Upendo began to help with the unloading of the cart. Button's ear swiveled as he heard a soft sound from behind him. "H-hello?" He turned around to see a small green colt with a long, bright blue mane, younger than Button and scarcely half his size. He had no cutie mark, but that was a guarantee at his age. "Oh, um, hay there! I'm the new kid in town," said Button. "So am I!" said the little colt, his face lighting up. "I heard you were gonna show up today. We just got here a few days ago. Oh, um, My name's Softhoof." "Button Mash. Do you like video games?" "Yeah! I got a Gamecolt, do you wanna see?" "Maybe after I check out my new house. I have a Neightendo," Button bragged, grinning. "With a vactube to play it. You should come over sometime." Softhoof bounced in place. "That's so cool! Wow, I was worried about meeting other kids here..." Button raised a brow. "I don't get it. There's like, four other foals here, right? That's what Role told me, and she's one of them." "There are, but they're on a special camping trip right now. Me and my parents and Upendo are the only ones around. I haven't met anypony else since I got here." "That's weird. I mean, it kinda feels like we're already camping, right?" said Button. With a nod of his head, Softhoof replied, "That's what I said! Um, but they're supposed to come back today, so we can meet them together." He paused for a moment. "Do you wanna play together later? I'll be in the playground. It's right over there." "Sure thing!" said Button, smiling. "I'll be there later today, once my stuff's all unloaded." Softhoof waved to Button and trotted off. Then somepony tapped Button on the shoulder, and he turned around to see his mother. "See? Everything's going to be just fine," said Love Tap. She lifted her son up and carried him into the cabin. "Mom, can you help me hook my Neightendo up to the vactube?" called Button Mash. "I need to do the thing on the back of it and it isn't working for some reason." Button's mother peeked her head inside her son's room. Like every other part of the cabin, the walls and furnishings were made of wood. The small vacuum tube used for home video games was the most high-tech thing they'd brought with them on the move, since the cabin came with a clothes washer and dishwasher. "Sweetie, Mommy needs some time to finish setting up the rest of the house. Why don't you go hang out with your new friend at the playground? Upendo told me the rest of the children are due back this afternoon, so you can wait there for them." "Okay! I can't wait to meet them all," Button said. He pronked in place, grabbed a plastic bottle of Colta-Cola in his mouth, then ran past his mom and out the door—almost knocking over a box along the way. When Button Mash reached the playground, he saw Softhoof standing there with four other kids. He spit out the capped bottle and cautiously approached one who looked familiar. "Role Reversal, is that you?" asked Button. Role Reversal turned around and smiled, flashing her braces. She was a tall unicorn filly with a white pelt and a shiny, straight black mane. Her cutie mark was a pair of gold and silver rounded arrows pointing at each other. "Button Mash?!" said Role, then she enthusiastically leaped into him, bowling him over. "Ow, oof!" complained Button, as Role squeezed him tight enough to stop his next breath. "I'm, um, I'm not the strongest colt around," he admitted. "Sorry! I've just been waiting so long to finally meet you!" she said, kissing him on the forehead. "Welcome to Innocence!" Button Mash immediately blushed. "I, um... S-Sweetie Belle," he coughed. Role released her captive and stood up, then helped him up with a hoof. "No worries, kid. I'm not gonna steal you from your special somepony," she promised, "but there's nothing wrong with having more than one of those, y'know." "What?" said Button Mash, shaking his head clear. "S-she's not really my special somepony yet, but... that's... weird." Turning his head, he saw Softhoof watching him. The other three earth pony foals were giggling, and Button blushed again. Role Reversal sighed. "It's fine, Button. They're not laughing at you. They just think you're cute!" "You don't have to lie. I know I'm not that cool..." said Button, looking down at his hooves and holding back tears. "Dude, you're fine. We're all friends here!" said Role, gently tapping him on the shoulder. "This is one place in Equestria where you don't need to 'be cool' to fit in." "Besides, she said 'cute' not cool," added the other filly. "This place is gonna be so awesome!" said Softhoof, running around in circles. Role smiled again, flashing her braces. Her grin was infectious enough that Button caught it almost immediately. He even forgot what they were talking about. "Oh, okay... Um, hi everypony else! I'm Button Mash," he said. "Yeah, they know," said Role Reversal. "All that info about your Sweetie Belle and the Cutie Mark Crusaders you sent us was really useful! We'd start a chapter here, but there aren't really enough ponies in the village." "Well, I'm Softhoof!" shouted the runt. "Grey Space," said one of the two other colts, standing up straight and tall. "That's with an 'E'." He had a grey pelt with white spots and a pink mane that dangled into his eyes. His cutie mark seemed to be a subtle grey spot a different shade from the rest of his body, framed by thin black and white arcs. The other colt said, "Shoe Drop." He was a little chubby, with a yellow pelt and a frizzy red mane and tail, and didn't have a cutie mark. He blushed and hid partially behind Grey Space. "Amber Vision," said a filly with eyes and hair of gold, and a silver coat. Her muzzle had a barely-detectable smile, and her cutie mark was a bullseye. "Hay, I know," said Role Reversal. "Let's show the new kids the treehouse!" "You got a treehouse?" squealed Softhoof. "This place has everything!" "Eh, not really," said Shoe Drop. Grey Space tackled Shoe Drop and tickled him. "We've got everything you'd ever want, though," he said. "Stop it!" giggled Shoe Drop. Grey Space smiled and stopped, then just sat on Shoe Drop for a moment as they looked into each others' eyes. "Boys, save it for later," said Amber, punching Grey in the shoulder. "Now onward, fearless leader!" Apparently, Role Reversal was the fearless leader in question. She grabbed Button's soda with her magic and started walking toward the tree line. "I guess she means Role Reversal?" Softhoof whispered to Button Mash, as Role herself began leading the pack into the woods. "Seems that way. She used to tell me she ran things around here, but I didn't know she meant it literally!" "I can see why she's in charge. She's pretty, and she's big for a foal, and she's a unicorn," said Softhoof. "Everypony else is an earth pony. Oh, or a zebra." "W-what are you two talking about?" asked Shoe Drop, trotting up alongside the pair. "I heard them talking about Roley up there," said Amber Vision. Grey Space chuckled. "I bet they both got crushes on her already." "Nuh-uh!" countered Softhoof, blushing. "Maybe Button Mash does, he seems to know a lot about her." It was Button's turn to blush. "We just noticed what a cool leader you are." Role turned around and walked right up to Button Mash, then bumped muzzles together. Her nose was warm and soft, and her breath was moist and pleasant. Something tickled deep down in Button's tummy. "Yeah, I get that a lot," she whispered up against his lips. Then she smiled as though nothing had happened, turned around and continued the march. Softhoof giggled while Button's cheeks burned, and as they walked to the treehouse, his mind wandered. Maybe Sweetie Belle was right? No. Role was obviously too weird to be special someponies with, and right now Button missed Sweetie more than ever before. He'd find a way to bring her family out here, no matter what. "Even if I have to sweet talk Role Reversal to do it," he mumbled to himself, although that felt a little bit like an excuse. > The Treehouse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The treehouse was within visual distance of the village, just beyond the treeline. A large wooden ramp led to a small platform about twenty hooves away from what appeared to be a raised drawbridge with a target set on the top. On the platform rested a wooden bow and a quarrel of suction-cup arrows. Amber Vision held the bow in her teeth and braced it against the platform, then nocked an arrow with one hoof and shot it square into the center of the target. The drawbridge fell down onto the edge of the platform, and Role walked across it and opened the door into the treehouse. "Wow!" said Softhoof. "That is so cool!" Button Mash just stared in wonder. These kids really were cool, yet here they were, letting him join their club. It felt too good to be true. The inside of the treehouse was nearly half as large as Button's cabin, and it was filled with a bunch of games, recliners, and a large couch. "This place is enormous," said Button. "How long did it take the adults here to build it?" "It took almost as much time as a cabin," said Grey Space. "Eh, it wasn't even a thing," said Role Reversal. "I've got the adults in this village wrapped around my little ergot." She lifted her hoof backwards, flashing a bump beneath her fetlock, then winked at Button. In part to distract himself, Button unscrewed the cola and held it toward his lips for a drink. "Hay, you wouldn't mind sharing, would you?" asked Amber. "We don't get soda here very often." "Oh, sure! Heh, you caught me just in time. I almost put it on my lips," said Button. "We don't care about that," said Shoe Drop. "How else are we gonna share it?" "You don't have any cups? But... all our lips are going to touch it, and there's backwash..." Button looked nervously left and right at the other kids. Role chuckled. "Look, Button. You need to get over that fear of 'cooties' right now. We're close here." "Yeah, there ain't no such thing as cooties," said little Softhoof. "It'll be okay!" "I've never done this before..." said Button, but he hoofed the soda to Role. "Okay, there's a first for everything. You can have the first sip." "I guess you don't mind getting cooties from one pony," said Grey Space. "Hay! I have a special somepony already," said Button Mash. "Well... she's almost a special somepony, but I was gonna ask her soon, and I want her to move out here." "That can be arranged," said Role Reversal, taking a small swig of soda and passing it to Softhoof. "Like I said, kid, don't worry. I'm not gonna get in the way of your romance." "Sorry," said Grey Space, taking the soda from Softhoof once he'd had a sip, and taking one himself. "I didn't mean to tease you." He handed the soda back to Button Mash. "It's okay," said Button Mash. "I shouldn't be so uptight about... stuff." He stared down at the used soda, closed his eyes tightly, and took a sip. It was just like every other sip of soda he'd had in his life. "Hay, this isn't so bad," he said, and passed the cola to Amber, who drank some and passed it to Shoe Drop. "New experiences are something to celebrate," said Amber with a gentle smile on her muzzle. "New experiences... Oh! Um... Role, could I do the thing?" asked Shoe Drop, as the soda made a second round. "That would help to... reduce some tension." "Maybe when we got some tension to reduce, sure. I got an idea first," she said. Button Mash took the soda which was close to empty, and winced as he took a sip, trying not to think about backwash. "It's no different than the spit from your own mouth," said Grey Space. "We don't have any diseases." "What's the idea, Role?" said Softhoof, as Amber and Shoe polished off the soda. "Well, I figure since Button doesn't formally have a special somepony yet, he could use some practice for when he needs to kiss Sweetie Belle for the first time," said Role Reversal, with an evil-looking grin on her face. "So let's practice that." Softhoof giggled, but Button Mash blushed like fire. "Um, w-wait. I... I want the first filly I kiss to b-be Sweetie Belle," he said, breathing a sigh of relief at the excuse. "It doesn't need to be a girl. You can practice with one of the boys," said Amber. "It feels exactly the same." "Yeah, see? said Grey Space, leaning down to briefly kiss Shoe Drop on the lips. Shoe blushed but kissed back. "Eww," said Softhoof. "Boys are gross." "You don't think we're gross, do you?" asked Shoe Drop. "Well... I guess not. I guess it's okay then," said Softhoof. "I d-don't like boys enough to do that," said Button Mash. "We can solve that too," said Role. "Come over here." In the corner behind the couch rested a pile of dresses. "We've even got one in short stuff's size." "New experiences," said Amber, placing a hoof on Button's withers. "Don't worry so much about it." Button swallowed a mouthful of air. "Ohmygosh." "Since Button's the only one who seems to have issues, we only need to dress up Softhoof," said Grey Space. Softhoof's ears lay back against his head. "This isn't gonna turn me into a girl, is it? I like bein' a colt." "Nah, it doesn't mean anything," said Shoe. "It's just practice." Amber walked over and pulled an outdated-looking dress onto Softhoof. "He almost looks like a filly already," she observed. "Make sure you use the special lipstick," said Role Reversal. Shoe Drop rummaged through a small basket while Softhoof blushed. "But... I don't mind new stuff but I don't wanna wear lipstick," he complained. "It's not lipstick," said Amber. "It's lip balm. It's mostly to retain moisture, with only a little bit of color." "Oh, well that's different," said Softhoof, and his tail began to bounce. Button Mash began to rapidly tap one hooftip repeatedly against the floor. "I'm, um, a little nervous about kissing a boy, guys. I don't mind new experiences either, but are you sure this is a good idea? I don't like colts this way." "It'll be just like kissing a girl once we're done with her," said Role. "Besides, you're both straight boys, so it's okay for you to both kiss each other. That way it isn't gay or anything." Shoe Drop walked over and put the lip balm on Softhoof. It wasn't very brightly colored, but there was a definite pink sheen on his lips. Softhoof stepped back and smacked his lips together. "W-wow. This feels really nice," he said. "It's kinda relaxing." "Alright Button, give her a kiss," said Role, pushing Button Mash forwards toward the little colt. "I'm still a boy," countered Softhoof. "But I'm ready for a kiss!" It's just a kiss, thought Button. It'll be over and done in a second, even faster than the soda thing. Button closed his eyes and leaned down, wondering how he could have gotten himself into this predicament. Something gripped the back of his head and held him in place as Softhoof's moist lips mashed up against his own. The moment they made contact, Button felt something electric in his muzzle. Somehow, the lipstick really did feel nice. It was relaxing him, and the sensation distracted him as the kiss continued. He barely noticed that several seconds had passed with his own lips quivering in place. The grip left his neck, and he backed up, breaking the kiss. "That was awesome!" said Softhoof. "It's like I'm a big kid, and everything. And it's okay because Button Mash is awesome too." "Y-yeah. I didn't expect it to feel weird like that," said Button, as he noticed his lips were still tingling. After a few moments, he wiped them off against a fetlock, leaving a tiny trail of shiny pink against the fur. His lips still felt warm. Grey Space clopped his forehooves together. "That was one Tartarus of a kiss," he said. "Nice one." "We can do it again if you want," said Softhoof, batting his eyes. "I think once is enough for today," said Button Mash, gasping for breath. "It was nice, though. So can we do something else now?" Something inside his tummy was stirring, and despite the gentle sensations from the kiss, he was starting to feel very uncomfortable inside. "Thanks for trying something new," said Amber. "You guys are pretty cool." Softhoof beamed, and Button smiled slightly. "I take it you haven't hit puberty yet?" Shoe Drop said to Softhoof. "I dunno," he said and shrugged. "How would I know?" "Well, belly-slapping it feels ten times better, for one," said Grey Space. "Eww. I'll never do that, ever," said Button Mash. "I don't even want to talk about it." "I used to do that when I was only six years old," said Shoe Drop. "But it got a lot better last year when I finally hit puberty." "It seems weird and gross to me," said Softhoof. "I guess you get older and you start wanting to do it." "I'm past puberty, and I'm never doing it," said Button. "Never, period." "Why not?" asked Amber Vision. "It's normal and healthy. For you weird colts, anyway." "I just don't want to. It's gross," said Button Mash. "I think I know how you feel, Button," said Grey Space. "When I was younger, I used to tell people 'I don't belly slap' even though I did. It wasn't technically a lie because what I meant was 'starting now', as in 'I won't do it ever again', and I actually believed it when I said it. I got over that nonsense after I moved here." "It's a silly thing to be embarrassed about," said Role Reversal. "You don't have to be ashamed of doing it, not with us." "I'm not ashamed, I'm telling the truth. I've never done it and I never will, and I'd like to talk about something else now." Button frowned. Even thinking about it made him feel uncomfortable. That plus the kissing was stirring something deep inside him. "I... I think I need to leave and take a nap," he said. "We're sorry, Button. You don't need to leave," said Role, stepping in front of him. "You can nap here if you want. I think we have something that can help you feel better, though. Do you trust me?" Button's muzzle scrunched up in frustration. "I... I guess. I think only a nap is going to help me though." "Nah, this'll be awesome," said Shoe Drop. "Both of you lie down on the couch." "No more kissing," said Button Mash. "Aww," said Softhoof. Grey Space quickly kissed Softhoof on the lips, making him giggle. "No kissing or talking about anything gross," said Role Reversal. "This will feel just like a nap, and work ten times better." Reluctantly, Button Mash lay down on the opposite side of the couch from Softhoof. "What are we doing?" asked the little colt. "I'm gonna hypnotize you both," said Shoe Drop. "Wow. That does sound kinda cool," said Button. "Wait, you're not going to make us act like chickens or something?" "Nah, that's not how it works," said Shoe. "It's just relaxing and fun. Both of you close your eyes. I'll do the induction and then we can work with you separately afterwards." "I'll be helping out. I'm the one who taught Shoe Drop everything he knows," said Role Reversal. "Heh, sure did. Okay, guys, just relax," began Shoe. "Feel your rear hooves, and imagine they're slowly filling with lead, getting numb and heavy. Slowly, the numbness is going up your legs..." Several minutes passed as the induction proceeded. It was certainly pleasant. Button felt like every part of his body had turned to lead, and his entire pelt tingled gently. "Now you're in a dark movie theater with only two chairs. You're sitting next to each other, but you don't know it, because you're focused only on the black screen in front of you. The number ten appears on the screen, glowing white, as the rest of the theater goes completely dark. Then you see it replaced by the number nine... then eight... seven... six... five... four... three... two... one... finally, zero... and then the word SLEEP—" That was the last thing Button Mash remembered. "...waking up, remembering only the induction. Five, four, three, two, one, and open your eyes," sounded Role Reversal's voice. Button Mash opened his eyes groggily. It felt like he'd just woken from a nap, but something else had changed. All the tension within him was gone, just like that. "Wow," he said, sitting up and shaking his head. "I... I can't believe it. I feel amazing," he said. "Seriously, I feel great. Thanks!" Softhoof yawned and stretched, sitting up. "Yeah, it was okay I guess. It was fun going under, but I don't remember anything else." "Button Mash was bound to get more out of the session because he had more... tension to take care of," said Amber Vision. Grey Space giggled. "You'll experience more effects from it later, though," said Shoe Drop. "We put in some commands to help you relax more." This seemed weird to Button, but he couldn't complain about the results. "Yeah, okay. This was great. You guys are really, really awesome," he said. "I was actually worried when we did the kiss thing that you were making fun of us..." "Oh, we're not like that," said Shoe Drop. "We're your friends! There's only six of us kids in Innocence, and a couple of babies I guess, so we have to stick together." "Yeah, that's cool," said Button Mash. "I gotta head home now, but can I come over again?" "Well, duh! You're both welcome to the treehouse anytime," said Role Reversal, putting her face right up near Button Mash. Her breath smelled foul, but she had a disarming grin with those shiny braces. Something about that seemed strange to him, but he couldn't quite remember what. > Warning Signs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Button Mash arrived home to find almost everything had been put in order. "Your Neightendo is working now," his mother told him, with a sigh. She sat in her chair, reading from a romance novel. "Mom, is everything okay?" asked Button. "Hmm? Oh, it is. It's just... you know not to gossip, son, right?" asked Love Tap, setting her book down. "Sure, Mom. You can tell me anything." Button Mash walked up to his Mom and sat beside her on the couch. Love Tap nodded. "It's probably nothing, but... you know your new friend, Softhoof?" "Yeah, he's a neat little kid. He's not in trouble or anything?" "No, nothing like that. I met with his parents today, and tomorrow around noon there will be a private lunch just with the other parents. Upendo will sit for two of the babies, and the rest of you will be under Role Reversal's watch," she said, shifting her hips against the couch. "I'm more than a little curious about what the lunch will entail. They want me to bring a photograph of you for some reason, but I suppose I'll take the entire album with me." "That's... weird. But what about Softhoof?" "Oh, right. Well, Softhoof's parents are surprisingly, how should I put this... 'hooves-off' when handling their own son." "What does that mean?" asked Button, cocking his head to one side. "I'm not exactly an air-balloon parent, but when you were Softhoof's age I wouldn't let you out of my sight. A six year-old can get into a lot of mischief," she said. "I'm surprised they're comfortable letting him run around unattended when the parents don't know the other children very well." "Oh, I met the other children! They're really cool," said Button Mash. "Softhoof is totally safe hanging with them." "Well, that's fine then, but it goes a little beyond that. They let him set his own bedtime, and don't have many boundaries for him. That may make it difficult to discipline him in the future," she said. "The strange thing is that they said they learned to be more 'carefree' parents by spending time with Upendo. And... well..." Love Tap blushed and turned her head away. "What is it?" asked Button Mash, leaning forwards. "They seem to think it's fine for Softhoof to learn about 'the birds and the bees'... by watching. Watching them, I mean," she said. "It's never happened, but they said they might let him watch in the future. Doesn't that sound odd?" "Eww, gross! Uh, yeah it's odd! Watching your parents do it is like, no offense Mom, but it would turn me off that kind of thing forever," said Button. "If I wasn't already turned off forever, I mean." Love Tap chuckled. "Well, it's not common in Ponyville, that's for certain. Again, they said spending time with Upendo 'opened them to new experiences'. I'm a little concerned that they'll try to 'open' me to new experiences, too," she said. "It's probably a silly thing to worry about, though. We all learn to accept who we are within time, and you will too one day. It's not something I should push you toward." Button grimaced. "Actually... the other kids here are kinda open about that sorta thing too. Not like, doing it or anything, but kissing and stuff." "Well, it seems we have a bit of culture shock to get used to. But as long as they don't try to control how I raise you, and they keep their children safe, we shouldn't have any problems," said Love Tap. "Just remember that sometimes ponies have different opinions, and even if they feel confident about them, that doesn't make them any better than your opinions." "Well, duh. You don't have to worry about me, Mom," said Button, "I always stand up for myself, you know that. I'm sure everything will be fine." Button's mom hugged him with her forelegs, which felt remarkably nice. It was a hug with no expectations, no gross implications, nothing like kissing Softhoof was—which he planned never to tell her about. I'll always feel safe in your legs, Mom. After Button's mom left for the meeting, he cantered over to the treehouse. It looked empty, so he went to the playground next. Role Reversal and Softhoof were there chatting. Softhoof was wearing a small set of saddlebags. "Hay guys!" Button called out, running over to them. "Where is everypony else?" "They're at the meeting with the adults," said Role. "I'm about to join them, now that you're here to watch over the squirt here. If anything happens, like timberwolves or something, come get us in the main building, okay?" "T-timberwolves?" said Softhoof. "Don't worry, scamp," added Role, "they won't come into town. Upendo uses some kind of wolfsbane to keep them at bay around the perimeter. I'm just foolin' with you." "Why aren't we coming too?" asked Button Mash. Role Reversal looked left and right, then leaned in as though sharing a secret. "It's a surprise," she said. "We have a special party planned tomorrow just for the two of you, since you're new kids. So we gotta prepare. But don't tell anypony I gave you the heads-up." She winked at the colts. "Awesome!" shouted Softhoof, who then immediately covered his muzzle. "I mean, awesome," he whispered. Button Mash laughed. "Yeah, it sounds like fun. I can manage him fine, go on to the meeting." Role Reversal nodded and trotted off. Button turned toward Softhoof and noticed he still had the lipstick on. Softhoof reached over and pulled the lipstick tube out of his saddlebags, and applied a fresh coat to his lips. "You're still wearing the lipstick?" asked Button Mash. "Lip balm," corrected Softhoof. "And it's great! My lips always used to be chapped, but this makes them smooth, and it feels really nice, and it smells like cherries." Button leaned in a little and sniffed. It smelled almost like cherries, but it was distinctly different. It was closer to the smell of clouds and rainbows mixed together. "Huh. Well, I guess it's okay, but it does look just a little like lipstick. Didn't your parents freak out about it?" Softhoof shook his head. "Nope, they thought it was awesome too! They've been really nice to me lately, hugging and kissing me and stuff, and they let me stay up late," he said. "Hay, do you want some lip balm? Role said I could have this tube because she can always make more of it." "Make more of it?" said Button, and he took the tube and looked it it. The stick was in a white plastic tube that looked like it had seen lots of use. "Weird. Why would they make lip balm here? Probably Upendo knows how to do it." "So do you want some? Go on, try it! It feels really good." "I don't want Mom to know I was using something... um, that looks like this," Button said, rubbing the back of his neck with a hoof. "So? Just wipe it off after," said Softhoof. Button Mash sighed. "I can't believe I'm doing this," he said, then gingerly applied a layer of the lipstick. It felt warm and tingly going on, and the scent made him feel uncomfortably girly. But the discomfort quickly faded to a strange feeling of belonging. Or maybe just longing... "This... this is weird. I wonder what they put in this stuff?" said Button. "I dunno, but I can't stop using it," said Softhoof. Button Mash bit his lip. "Maybe you can't, for real. It almost feels like there's a drug in this. I feel... I feel like..." "Like we're best friends?" "Yeah, that's it exactly," said Button. "Ugh, I'm sorry. I guess there's nothing wrong with that, is there?" Button spent the rest of the afternoon laying back with Softhoof and looking at clouds. He almost forgot to wipe off the lipstick before leading Softhoof to his home to play Neightendo together. The meeting didn't end until early evening. Button briefly met Softhoof's parents, who seemed perfectly normal. Button's own mother acted thrilled to see him, almost as though she hadn't seen him in years. She waited until they were alone in the kitchen to express herself fully. "Oh, Button, I'm so glad we joined Innocence!" said Love Tap, as though the village were some kind of a club. "You and I are going to have so much fun together!" She picked up her son in her forehooves, reared back, and spun him around. "Heh, y-yeah," said Button, tottering dizzily after being set back down. "So I guess the lunch thing was fun?" Button's mom nodded and smiled with shining eyes. Button knew that look well: she was intensely proud of him. But I haven't done anything, have I? "Um, I'm gonna play Neightendo for a while," said Button. "Of course, dear. Have fun! We'll chat over supper." Button was busy defeating the Dark Lord of Azerbious with the Crystal Sword of Ultimate Power when a knock rang on his door. "Suppertime, sweetie!" called his mom. Button Mash hit the pause button on his controller, jumped up, and trotted out to the dining room table. Then he hit the pause button on his brain. Something wasn't right. For one, it was dark. All the lights were off. The small dining room table was lit by a pair of candles, and rose petals were scattered across its surface, as well as on the floor around the table. Looking up, he saw that Mom had that look on her face again. She was also wearing a dress he'd never seen before. It was sheer and pink, tight around the legs, blousey around the barrel, and ruched up around the tail in a way that kept it lifted. Oddly enough, it covered everything but the area below her tail and part of her belly. "Mom, um... why are you wearing... like, night clothes?" asked Button, unsure how else to say it. "Oh! I'm so sorry dear, I hope it doesn't disturb you. I never get a chance to show it off to anypony, and I thought maybe you would think Mommy is pretty..." "Of course you're pretty, Mom," said Button. "It's just a little weird. Are you inviting somepony over for a date?" Love Tap walked up to her son and booped him muzzle to muzzle. "Just a date with my most special little stallion ever, shmoopy-woopy." She picked him up and placed him into one of the two chairs, then walked into the kitchen to retrieve the food. "Something isn't right," Button whispered under his breath, shivering in place. What happened to Mom? Love Tap returned to the dining table with a dish in her mouth and another in one hoof. She set them both down on the table. "I made your favorite! Rice and fescue with a white and tomato sauce," she said. "It was a little tricky to find the ingredients but I wanted tonight to be special." Button's stomach rumbled. "Oh, wow. Thanks Mom!" he said, then tasted the rice. "It's perfect. You didn't have to go to so much trouble..." he said, then started shoveling food into his face while his mother watched. After a moment he paused to take a gulp from a glass of milk and gasp for breath. "Aren't you gonna eat any?" he asked. "If you want me to, sure. I just love watching you eat. You're so... I know you hate hearing this, but you're adorable, sweetie. You'll always be my baby boy." "Ah geez Mom, you're gonna make me gag while I'm eating," joked Button, rolling his eyes. He returned to eating, while his mother ate more slowly from her plate, eyes fixed on her son. Button finished his meal and took another gulp of milk, then sighed contentedly. "That was great." "I'm so pleased you liked it," said Love Tap, smiling and on the verge of tears. "Why are you so sentimental, Mom? Is it Dad's birthday or something?" Love shook her head. "No, darling. But then I suppose it is, in a way. I finally see how grown-up you've become. You're ready to be the stallion of the house, to fill your father's horseshoes," she said. "I know you can handle the responsibility." "I'm still just a kid, Mom. I don't want a ton of responsibility yet," said Button. "I mean, I can try to protect you and stuff, but I'm still small, and I can't get a job or anything until I at least get my cutie mark and learn what I'm good at..." Button's mother reached across the table and placed a hoof to her son's lips. "Shhh," she said. "You're more of a stallion than you realize, honey, and we're a team. We're here to help each other." Button smiled. "I think I can live with that." "I heard you were practicing kissing with the other children," Love Tap giggled, as she played with her food with a fork. "I think that's very mature of you." "Oh, um..." Button Mash said, blushing. "It was just kind of weird. I don't really want to talk about it." Gosh, I hope she doesn't know it was with Softhoof... "Not a problem, my little dove. I'm proud of you for taking such a difficult step toward growing up, though. You know, if you ever needed to practice..." Love Tap's voice trailed off as she blushed, and then she batted her eyes at her son. "Um, what. I don't get it," said Button Mash. "I mean I could help you practice kissing. For when Sweetie Belle comes here, of course," she offered. "Oh, that's all. Wait, what? Oh, Mom, no! Like, boy-girl kissing? Us?" said Button, feeling something catch in the back of his throat. "That's... that's like super, duper gross! You're my MOM," he said. "You know you're my Mom, right?" "I'm your mother, and I love you. It's just practice, sweetie," she explained. "Can't you just relax?" Without warning, Button suddenly felt his body relaxing against his will. His muscles felt heavy and numb, and it was very difficult to move. He struggled to break free from the compulsion. "It's okay if you don't want to now, but the offer is always open," his mother added. "I th-think I need to go to bed now," gasped Button, forcing his body to respond. He pushed himself away from the table and ran into his room. > Farewell to Innocence > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Button Mash waited until his mother was asleep, then sat down at his little writing desk. Dear Sweetie Belle, I'm in trouble. This place is crazy! Like, literally crazy. Don't tell your parents about this because I need them to come here so you can rescue us, but I think the parents here let their kids watch them "do it". Yeah, I mean what you think I mean. And my Mom is acting super-weird now too, so I think they've done something to her, and I'm really scared. I think they may have done something to me, too. I can't explain it, but I feel like I'm not in complete control over my body. I think there's some evil force taking over the town. You're related to Rarity so you're good at dealing with evil forces and stuff, right? I think Role Reversal already wants to bring you and your family here for a visit, so I'll try to make her let you come here soon. Just play dumb, and when you get here we can plan an escape, or find out a way to fix my Mom. I'm really worried. Don't write me back with any details, though. I'll bet they'll read my mail before they deliver it, and it'd be better if they thought you didn't know about all this. Your friend forever, Button Mash P.S. I kissed a boy but it wasn't for real. It's a long story. He folded the paper and stuffed it in an envelope, then addressed it to Sweetie Belle. For the return address, he wrote: Role Reversal Innocence Village White Tail Woods, Equestria "Hopefully that will get it through the mail without anypony reading it," he mumbled, sealing the envelope closed with a lick and adding a stamp. After briefly stopping by his mother's room to make sure she was still asleep, Button headed into the night and slipped the envelope into the mailbox at the center of town. It didn't look like anypony had followed him. He returned to his cabin and lay down in bed, exhausted but unable to sleep. At least an hour passed before the darkness claimed his mind. Button awoke to the sound of birds chirping. He yawned, stretched, sat up, and saw his mother seated at the foot of his bed, just watching him with a smile on her face. "Yipe!" he said, throwing the covers off of him. "W-what are you doing, Mom?" "Just watching my favorite little stallion sleep, my sweetie-weetie cutie-patootie," she said, tilting her head to one side and resting it on her forehoof. "Okay, I'm not gonna sugar-coat it. That's like super creepy, Mom. How long...?" "Oh, maybe an hour," said Love Tap, adding a yawn of her own. "I probably should have slept in more myself, but I couldn't stop thinking about you. We have a very special day today, you know." "Special day? Wait, is this the party for Softhoof and I?" Silently, Button cursed himself. He wasn't supposed to reveal that he knew about that. Then again, keeping party secrets wasn't exactly at the forefront of his anxious mind. "It is! I promise, you're going to love it baby. Do you want to shower together like we used to?" "N-no, I'm pretty sure I can do that by myself," said Button, jumping out of bed and galloping past his mother to the bathroom. He locked himself inside and sat down on the floor, shaking. "Maybe it's all in my head?" he said to himself, tugging at the edge of the shower rug with two hooves. "M-maybe Mom's just being sappy for some reason, and everything will be fine. This is fine. It'll all be fine. We're just going to a party, and nopony's going to be weird or anything." Button settled on a bath instead of a shower. It helped him calm down and stop hyperventilating. Button Mash breathed a sigh of relief as he and Love Tap walked up to the central cabin. After Mom had her shower, everything seemed to be okay again. She was acting relatively normal, they were both nude as usual (with the exception of his favorite beanie hat), and the fact that they were going to be in public would help keep Mom from embarrassing him. Upon entering the cabin, Button saw nearly everypony in town: all the adults and children, with the exception of the babies and Upendo. Most of the adults he'd never seen before, but it was obvious who was who, because families were seated together. The tables in the main area had been pushed to the sides of the room, and in the middle were several futons. Each family sat on a futon, except that Role Reversal stood up in the center of it all, surveying everypony with a critical eye. Button deduced that the lone pair of parents in the corner were Role's family. One empty futon was clearly reserved for Button and his mother, so they walked over and sat down together. Button tried to ignore the fact that his mother began playing with his mane. "Baby, may I go to the restroom?" asked the stallion who must have been Role Reversal's father. "Only after you kiss my hooves," said Role, eyes narrow as she held out one hoof to him. "But darling..." "Obey," said Role. Her father's eyes widened and his body stiffened. Almost mechanically, he leaned over and kissed each one of her hooves. "Yes, honey," he said in a soft voice. Role smiled sweetly. "Off you go! But don't take long, the show's about to begin." Role's mother giggled. Her father blushed and headed over to a small bathroom adjoining the main area. "Oh nuts. This is not good," said Button Mash. "What's wrong?" asked Softhoof. His parents were currently cuddling him on the futon next to his. Button Mash leaned over and whispered to Softhoof. "I think something evil is going on in this town. My mom's acting really weird and affectionate, like she thinks I'm her boyfriend or something. And then Role just forced her dad to kiss her hooves! Did you see that?" he asked. "Are your parents acting weird?" "I think it was just a game," whispered Softhoof. "My parents have been hugging and kissing me a lot, but they just love me. It isn't weird, it's nice." "Now what're you two up to?" asked Role Reversal, reaching over and pulling Button's chin up toward her. She flicked the propeller on his beanie with her other hoof, making it spin. Button frowned. "I don't know what's going on here, but everypony is acting weird. What did you do to my mom?" "He's pretty smart. He was bound to figure it out eventually," said Shoe Drop. Amber Vision shrugged. "There's no harm in telling them now. It's already too late to stop it." Role Reversal turned around and walked away, then dramatically did an about-face. "Alright, we can do this one of two ways. One, you can follow directions without questioning us. That's the easy way," she said, pouring what looked like a bubbling, pink juice from a carafe into a plastic cup. "Just drink the juice, that's all there is to it. Two, we can tell you everything before you drink. That's the hard way, but it might be more fun that way. I'd love to see the look on your little faces when you learn what's about to happen to you." Role giggled and took a tiny sip of the juice. "Good stuff." "I already know some of what you've done," said Button Mash. "You hypnotized me and your parents so we'd obey you, didn't you?" "We don't want you to obey us," said Grey Space. "We just want you to be happy." "Same thing for parents, although obeying us kids makes them happy," said Role Reversal. "This all started before we became quillpals. I learned how to hypnotize ponies, and I used it to control my parents. But eventually they figured out what was going on and I got in a lot of trouble." "And we're very sorry about that now," said Role's mother. "Of course you are. Anyway, we have you to thank for what happened next, Button Mash. Without your information about the Cutie Mark Crusaders, none of this would be possible." "What? What infor—oh no. That's the love poison!" said Button Mash, pointing at the concoction with a shaking hoof. "But, how? Love poison makes you totally unable to do anything!" "Yes, but that's where Upendo comes into the picture. Upendo comes from a culture where foals are treated like adults at a much younger age, and he liked the idea of me running wild," said Role. "So he helped me modify the potion. All it does now is make ponies fall in love with each other. I used it to make my parents fall in love with me so that they'd do my bidding. I didn't realize they'd use it on me later, but I'm glad they did." "We're all in love," said Amber, leaning over to kiss her father. "The whole town, but especially the families." "I don't get it. How is being in love different than loving?" asked Softhoof. "I already know my parents love me." "Softhoof, I think it means boyfriend-girlfriend love," said Button Mash, his face visibly paled. "The gross kind. They're gonna make us do that." "What? That's nasty!" said Softhoof, pulling away from his parents and walking back off of the futon. "You wouldn't do that. You're joking and stuff." Amber walked up to Softhoof, holding the cup of poison with her magic. "Once you drink this, it won't be nasty anymore. It's that simple," she said. "Don't you want your parents to be happy?" "Please, son," said Softhoof's mother. "We want to show you we love you. To really show you, for the first time in our lives." "It's important to us, Softy," said his father. "You can be a girl, too. It'll be so much fun to be a filly." "They're trying to change you!" said Button Mash, stepping back away from his mother. "Don't let them!" Role Reversal rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. It's not that extreme. You've both already had some of the love poison, anyway." "What?" said Button. "That lipstick she's wearing," she said, pointing to Softhoof. "You've both tried it on. What do you think it's made out of? You don't feel like different ponies, do you?" A sick feeling hit Button in the pit of his stomach. "I knew there was something wrong with it!" he said. His mind whirled in fear. How much have I been changed already? Softhoof looked back and forth between his parents and Button Mash, and rubbed his coated lips together. Then he sighed, hung his head low, and walked back to his parents, embracing them. "No! Don't do it!" shouted Button Mash. "They're my parents!" said Softhoof as he started to cry. "If I can't trust my parents I can't trust anypony!" "You can trust me..." said Button. "No, I can't. I can't lose my parents. I'm sorry," said Softhoof. Role grinned and levitated the poison to him. Softhoof held it in both hooves and drank it in one slow, steady gulp. "Button, it's okay," said Love Tap. "This way you can see how happy Softhoof is, and that'll make the process easier for you." Almost immediately, Softhoof began to smile. "You have to do it Button, it's... it's awesome," he said, as he leaned up to kiss his father on the lips. Button Mash turned his head to the side so he wouldn't have to see. First came the echo of a few soft, tender kisses and spirited gasps, but moments later it sounded like the colt was trying to eat an ice cream cone before it melted on a hot Summer day. "Guys, we don't want to gross Button out, so why don't the three of your go to the guest bedroom next door?" asked Role Reversal. "I'm already grossed out and it's not getting better," said Button, eyeing the distance between himself and the door. Role and his mother both blocked the way. "Honey, why don't you just try a little sip? You'll see, it's not so bad!" said Love. That was the last straw. Button panicked and made a beeline for the door. He leaped over his mother where she sat on the futon, and tripped Role with one leg as he passed her by. Throwing the door open, he spotted the treeline and galloped as fast as he could for it. Behind him, he heard commotion, and Role's voice. "Grey Space, get him before he reaches the trees!" "On it." Button Mash wasn't exactly an athletic colt, but he was running faster than he'd ever run in his life—faster than he even thought was possible. It hurt his chest, but it didn't matter. His body was acting on instinct, without even needing to think. He reached the treeline but heard hoofsteps behind him getting louder. Dodging around tree after tree, he raced for what seemed like a minute. Then he hit a tree root with his hoof, and flew through the air end over end until his head cracked against a tree. The pain was blinding. Button whined and reached up to his forehead, feeling a goose egg but no blood. He began to cry as he tried to stand and found himself unable, lying on his back, completely enervated. Grey Space ran up to him with a worried look on his face. "Got him!" shouted Grey Space. "You okay?" "I-I'll n-never be okay," sobbed Button Mash. "It's G-Game Over, isn't it?" "Relax. Let me get a look at you," said Grey Space. Button felt himself calm down and the tears stopped. He sniffled and winced when Grey touched the bump on his head. "That's a bump alright, but I think you're gonna be fine. I need to check you for a concussion, though. How many sticks is this?" he asked, holding up three sticks. "Three," said Button, dispassionately. Grey breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness. You're not dizzy or gonna throw up, are you?" Button shook his head, then regretted it as the pain returned. "No... but I might throw up if I ever see my mom again," he said, and wondered why he wasn't still crying. Role Reversal trotted up through the trees, carrying a first aid kit with her. "Oh wow. I took this as a just-in-case but he's hurt, isn't he?" Grey Space cuddled Button up in his legs and kissed the bump. "Yeah. No concussion. I think he's hurt more mentally than physically." Role pulled out a small tube of cream and opened it. "No poison," begged Button. "It's not poison, it'll stop the pain," said Role. "We're not going to poison you, okay?" Role gently applied the cream to his forehead, and the pain subsided to a dull ache. "Th-thank you," said Button, out of reflex rather than sincerity. "Now what?" said Grey Space. "We just force him to take it, I guess? Maybe rub the stick on all of his holes until he relaxes more?" Role shook her head. Her face looked sad. "No, we don't need to force him, that would suck even more than this sucks. Button, I'm going to give you a choice. You like choices, right?" Button nodded slowly. "You don't have to drink the poison, but if you don't, you can't ever leave. That's the deal: if you want to leave Innocence, you have to fall in love with us." "If I can't leave, I'll n-never get to see Sweetie Belle again," he said softly. "That's almost as bad." "No, we can let Sweetie Belle visit as long as you don't tell her or her parents about the love poison or the hypnotizing," said Role Reversal. "Hay. Show him the pill," said Grey Space. Role nodded and smiled slightly. "Here," she said, pulling a pink-colored pill out of the first aid kit. "This is a concentrated form of the poison. If you take this and think about your mother, it'll be just like drinking the poison, except it only takes a split-second to do. Just swallow and it's all over." "I don't want to take the poison." "Your mom doesn't have a boyfriend, Button. She needs you to be the stallion of the house," whispered Grey Space. "It's time for you to accept some responsibility and grow up." "Exactly. Your mom is so happy right now. Don't you want to be happy with her?" she asked. "I know you don't want to take the poison, but the pill makes the decision easier. Put it in your mouth, just to see what it's like. Then all you have to do is choose to swallow, or spit it out. Bam, less than one second, no thought involved. Let your gut decide what's right." Button stared at the pill, then at Role Reversal, then back at the pill, taking tiny breaths through his nostrils. Button Mash pulled Sweetie Belle into his room and shut and locked the door behind them. "This place seems pretty normal to me. What's wrong?" asked Sweetie Belle. Button's room was a mess. A stick of incense was burning on his desk, which at least helped the smell. "I know it's not obvious, but we're in danger right now," said Button Mash. "Fortunately I've had a lot of time to think about it, and I have a plan to fix everything." Sweetie Belle's jaw tensed as she gritted her teeth for a moment. "Okay. I'm here to help you, Button. I'm just happy you're okay," she said, and hugged him. Then she sniffed at the air. "That incense is nice, but there's something about it..." she said. "Yeah. It's got a weird name, but it's very calming." "Button, that scent is really familiar. I know I've smelled it before, but I can't remember where. What's it called?" "Insurance," said Button Mash, with a smile. "And hay, I got you this lipstick..."