> Evil is a Toy > by nohen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Boredom breeds Contempt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Your sure you wanna do this?" "Why not? All the others have fun in their playgrounds. Why shouldn´t we?" "Well, because they do not tend to do...what we do..." "Oh, come on! Let´s not pretend like what we kill our time with is soooo deplorable. Sure it teeters on the edge of morality..." "More like waltzes over it." "So? Why is this any worse than starting a war or letting lose another ancient evil? At least with us, they have a bit of fun!" "Yeah, if you do not count the rape, mental issues or even things like bestiality and..." "Hey! I do not want to hear this from the guy, who released a fucking tentacle-beast last time! Couldn´t walk straight for days..." "Fine...but we seal off this dimension, before we do this, okay? No need for anything of this to reach the others." "Sure thing! Wasn´t planning on letting them in on this, anyway. Now, how do we wanna do this?" Well, at first we need to find a suitable target..." Ponyville, Friendship Castle It was a peaceful day in Equestria. The sun laughed in the blue sky. Birds sang their songs and everypony was happy. Well, almost everypony. Because in a crystal castle in Ponyville sat a purple alicorn on the window to her room and sighed. She had just gone through her "Paragablials Personal Pastryspells" for the third time. Before that she had dug through her archives for mysteries or ancient prophecies that might be of interest. And even before that, she had even scanned the countryside for any imminent doom that might approach unseen. But nothing. Equestria was quiet and peaceful. The map didn´t need her, as it had just called her protege Starlight to a mission and her alone. Her friends were also busy. Applejack was in the middle of harvest season with her family. Rarity had just gotten a lucrative deal from an important noble from Saddle Arabia and was up to her mane in work. Pinkie Pie prepared Thunderlanes "Most Popular Stallion in Town for the fifth year in a row-Anniversary" party, while Rainbow Dash was occupied with her training in Wonderbolt Academy. This left only Fluttershy, who was away on a tea party in Discords dimension. Multiple layers of reality away from any outside contact. To put it simple, Twilight Sparkle was bored. She was unbelievably, stone-shatteringly bored. One would think a princess would have no shortage of duties, but the reality was different. In truth, most of the administrative duties were taken up by Mayor Mare, who had run the town even before Twilight became a princess. And politics and such were Celestia´s duties, who only called upon Twilight when she thought she could use the purple alicorn´s affinity to make friends, which seemed to not come up too often in the last few months. So most of the paperwork that made its way to Twilights desk were small things, like minor disputes or legal questions. All done in a flash and no stimulation for the underchallenged mind of the bookworm. She had also read every book in her library. To the point, where she even went through things like a fucki- dry lecture over pastry spells. At which point, she had realised what she was doing and decided her time was better spent staring holes into the summer air. Which she now had grown tired of as well. With a yawn, Twilight stretched out her arms and stood up. She turned around and looked over her room. Her bedroom was her most private sanctuary in a castle that was bursting with open, empty spaces. Here, she could retreat from everything and be herself for a time. Not the perfect princess or the best friend a pony could ask for. Just Twilight Sparkle. A young alicorn with her own needs and desires. Her eyes wandered over her to her kingsized bed. She had bought it after her castle popped up. Mostly because she always had wanted to sleep in one, but also because she had hoped quietly to one day have the opportunity to let somepony else sleep with her on it. A hope that had not come to pass until now, unfortunately. Not for her lack of trying, though. Twilight walked over to the big mirror, that leaned against the wall opposite of her. She wasn´t exactly ugly. Her long purple mane with colorful streaks in it, was neatly groomed and shimmered. Her face was, by her own accounts, rather pretty. But it was the rest of her body that dashed her hopes over getting noticed by a stallion. Her bust was a measly B-cup. Her hips were small and her buttocks unimpressive. That, coupled with her rather thick thighs, which was mostly fat, and her overall scrawny body and the fact that she was living in a town that was bursting with pretty mares, meant that she rarely got attention because of her looks. She wasn´t a juiced up sex-bomb like Rarity, what with her expertly applied make-up and her sexy, yet not slutty, clothes. She didn´t have Fluttershy´s massive jugs or Applejack´s amazonian body or Pinkie Pie´s bubbly butt. She couldn´t even hope on impressing anypony with her athletics skill and toned body like Rainbow Dash, who was the wet dream of any sportsfan. The only thing she had was her brain and she had quickly noticed that a sermon over the Marealantian Anti-Gravity Matrixes were not the best ice-breaker. She also seemed to be cursed whenever she did find one, who was interested in her. Her relationship with Flash Sentry had gone nowhere. Then she had tried Sunburst, but Starlight´s relationship with him had made that dead end. Lastly she even tried to flirt with Thunderlane of all people, but the famous casanova of Ponyville had promptly friend-zoned her. The princess of friendship unable to make more than friends. How ironic... Twilight sighed and threw herself on her bed. Her eyes found the magazine beside her. It was "Stallion´s Health", a cheap fitness magazine for stallions. Twilight would normally not have bothered it, but at this point she was so sexually frustrated that she was glad to have anything to take edge off. Even if it was only a fitness magazine for buff, muscly stallions. Her fetish. A fetish that continually paid more attention to her friends than her. The best she could hope for was some nerdy students, who spent his time in a library like her. Or an arrogant noble, trying to score big by wooing her. Either way, no particulary "stimulating" options. Twilight gave another deep sigh before turning on her belly and pulling up the magazine. No other choice but to pass the time while looking at pictures of stallions she would never be able to flirt with. She flipped through the pages of half naked stallions posing their toned bodies and showing off the fruits of their training. Muscled pecks and glistening six-packs all around. Twilight´s finger traveled down her body and sneaked between her legs, before... FDUNK! Suddenly, a heavy object fell on her head. Twilight´s face was pressed into the soft confines of her mattress and she saw stars blinking before her eyes. The object rolled off her head and with a loud clattering, tumbled down to the floor. Twilight slowly pushed herself upward, rubbing the back of her head, which began to swell painfully. She crawled over to the edge of her bed and looked down on what had so rudely interrupted her "reading". It was disk, around the size of her head. The surface looked like it was made out of black glass, reflecting her face. On the side she could see red runes stetched into it, that glowed faintly. She couldn´t decipher them, but they looked sinister. "Sinister!?" "What? You designed it!" "Yeah, but this way she is gonna throw it away. Or worse, take it apart!" "Ugh. Fine, I´ll change it." Then suddenly, before her very eyes, the strange disk shrank and changed shape. It took on edges and the runes themselves disappeared, before being replaced by shiny chrome. After a few seconds, the disk was gone and before her laid a phone, not unlike the ones she had seen in stores. "What the..." Twilight tilted her head. What in tartarus was that thing? She looked up. Her ceiling was untouched. So where did it come from? Did it just materialize out of thin air? Her feet touched the rug that she laid on the cold crystal floor, as she stood up from her bed. She then knelt down and hovered with her hand over the strange device. Then she thought better of it. Who know what this thing could do? It was certainly not safe to touch. So she flared up her horn and enveloped it in her aura to lift it up. A mistake, as the surface suddenly lit up. Twilight yelped in suprise and her aura dissipated. But the device continued to float in the air. Then a light flared up on the top of it and beam stretched itself across the room. A scanner noticed Twilight as the beam traveled over her face and body. Then the scanner went out and the screen, because it was one, showed a message. "New owner registered. Name: Twilight Sparkle. Occupation: Princess of Friendship." "Owner?", wondered Twilight loud, "What are you?" To her suprise, the device answered. "This is the IDesire. Where all your dreams come true. This device´s purpose is to serve and fulfill your needs." "My needs...?" Twilight was baffled. What was this thing talking or, more accurately, writing about? Then she shook her head. It didn´t matter! This was clearly suspicious. She was bored and discontent and then suddenly an artifact appeared out of nowhere that promised to fulfill her desires? If anything, it sounded to good to be true. She grabbed the device and held it up. She should probably ask Princess Celestia about this. Maybe she knew where this thing came from. And even if not, she most certainly could seal it away before it could do some harm. Either way, Twilight would not fall something that was clearly a trap. "Shit! What are we gonna do? She is going to throw it away!" "Actually, she wants to contact Celestia..." "Who cares!? If she does, we´re fucked!" "Calm down. I got this." "Spike? I need you to write a letter to Princess Celestia!", yelled Twilight into the corridor. Her voice was carried deep into the castle by the crystal walls. Nothing happened. "Does this little dragon have his headphones on again?", grumbled the princess and walked out of her room. It only took her a few minutes to arrive at Spikes room. She could already hear noise coming through the door. Twilight rolled her eyes and opened it. She was greeted by Spike sitting in front of his computer, with his small penises in his claws. Jacking off to a porno, that ran on the screen. It depicted a white unicorn, getting ravished by two burly dragon look-a-likes. Spikes eyes were glued to the screen, so that he didn´t saw Twilight at first. Twilight just stared for a second. Spike stopped his hands as he felt her look. Slowly he turned around to face her. When their eyes locked, both were thrown out of their shock. "By Celestia!" "Fuck, Twilight!?" The alicorn threw herself back, while Spike scrambled to his computer to close the window, before practically flying off his chair. "I´m sorry, I thought you heard music. Oh gods! Ew ew ew!" Twilight shook her herself in disgust at seeing her surrogate brother like this. Spike therewhile desperately tried to cover himself. "Did nopony ever taught you to knock!?" "I´m sorry! I didn´t know you...why did you do it in broad daylight anyway?" "Because you told me I had a free day! Besides, it´s my room, for crying out loud!" Twilight shook her head again, trying desperately to get the picture of Spikes twin penises out of her mind. The dragon seemed pretty embarrassed as well, judging from his luminiscent blush, that glowed through his scales. Suddenly the device blinked in Twilights hands. "Awkward situation? The reset-function could help there." A button with the word "reset" appeared in the bottom right corner of the screen For a moment Twilight hesitated. Spike still apologized, stumbling over his words. "It really wasn´t on purpose. I only got on that site by accident. I totally didn´t search for pornos about Rarity. Not that they existed in the first place..." "Too much information!" Twilight closed her eyes and pressed the button in panic to escape this dreadful scene. Before her eyes, everything suddenly flowed backwards. First slow, but soon much faster. As if somepony hit the rewind-button on a TV. Spike flew from the ground to his chair, his hand traveling down to his crotch again, before turning towards his screen. Twilight herself stepped out of the room and the door closed itself. The rewind stopped and she stood once again before the door, with the noise coming through it. Twilights hand sank, as she stared at the device. This should be impossible. Traveling through time without a major spell matrix shouldn´t be possible! And not only did this device do just that, it did it with relative ease. No residual energy or arcane feedback. Not even a hint, that it interacted with magic at all. It just...rewrote reality! "W-What are you...?", she asked completely baffled. "This is the IDesire. Where all your dreams come true. This device purpose is to serve and fulfill your needs.", it repeated. "No, that´s not..." Twilight shook her head, trying to get her thoughts straight. "I mean, how did you do that? What kind of spell was that?" "No spell. The IDesire works outside conventional magical laws. We adjust reality to suit the owner.", it answered. "But, that makes no sense. If you could do that..." The alicorn stopped short, before looking down again, this time lowering her voice to a whisper. "W-What can you do?" Just one word appared on the screen. "Anything." ... The princess stood in the hallway, stunned. This couldn´t be true. She must´ve imagined things. There was no way a device with the power to ignore all laws of reality would just appear like that. It couldn´t even exist! A part of her mind screamed at her to contact Princess Celestia immediately. That this thing was dangerous and needed to be disposed of, before it could get into the wrong hands. But another part told her to wait. That she should at least confirm this devices powers. Maybe it was just a powerful illusion or mental trick. Or some other hidden arcane secret. But now her curiosity was piqued and she wanted to figure out how this device achieved it. And besides, sending a message to Celestia would mean talking to Spike. And she wasn´t sure, if she really wanted to live through this embarrassement a second time. With this in mind she walked back to her own room. Once she stepped inside, she closed the door and locked it. Then she sat down and laid the "phone" on her desk. "How do you do that? Where do you come from? Who made you?", she asked it. Nothing happened. Twilight frowned. She hadn´t expected an actual answer, but this lack of an reaction seemed even more fishy. But then the screen flared up again. "The IDesire can rewrite reality to suit its owner. It can also change its owner, is she so desires." A picture of Twilight popped up. It was a fully rendered 3D-Model of hers, including her current clothing. On the side appeared multiple stats and small texts with information. They depicted things like her intelligence, stamina, strength and so on, as well as private information about her. To her light embarrassment saw the princess that the device had even picked up on her fetish, putting it in a Like/Dislike window. All in all, she wasn´t half bad, when she looked over it. Her intelligence was through the roof, as expected, but her physical stats were subpar. The device had made an accurate assessment of her abilities, to the point it got kinda creepy. Then saw the window depicting her body blink and without much thought, tapped on it. It flared up and soon several sliders appeared beside her body. They seemed to be connected to the model. As Twilight touched one, she could see how her models body changed as well. Shrinking or growing, depending on which slider she touched and how she adjusted it. Twilights heart beat faster upon seeing this. Could this be? Could this actually work? She hesitated for a moment. This could still be an elaborate trap. A way to lure her in. But then her eyes fell on the reset-button. She could always tap it, in case something went wrong. And if anything, she still knew Starswirls Time Travel Spell, so she could in an emergency use it as well. And considering her future self hadn´t popped up to warn her about something, because paradox... The princess sighed, and closed her eyes. Then she made her decision and touched the sliders. It took a bit fiddling and adjusting. The sliders had clear upper limits, which was a bit annoying. Was this something she needed to unlock? Like in a game? Twilight didn´t know, but even with these limited options she quickly found a look she was comfortable with. "You want to save this design?", appeared the message on the device, when she was done. Twilight swallowed and clicked on "Yes". Suddenly she felt her body swell. Her blouse strained against the force from inside and she heard her pants rip. With a yelp Twilight fell from her chair, as her buttocks expanded. Buttons flew off her blouse and bounced everywhere. It took several uncomfortable seconds, but soon the changes stopped. With wobbly steps, considering the new weight, walked Twilight up to her mirror. And what she saw led her jaw fall slack. Looking back at her was a completely transformed Twilight. One with big C-Cup breast, that had burst out of her ruined blouse. Her waits had shrunk, while her hips expanded, leaving her with the hourglass figure, she had always wanted but never achieved. Her buttocks now had a small jiggle to them and her thighs were not quite as fat as before. Twilight couldn´t believe her eyes. What she saw was an accurate respresentation of what she had created on the IDesire. No magic, no spell, no arcane technique at all. Quickly, she bolted to her desk, to the photos she had framed. It depicted her with her friends and, to her shock and wonder, showed her with the exact same figure as she had now. Twilight sat down, staring at the picture. The device had rewritten reality, present and past. Her mind reeled upon this realization, as it tried to calculate just how much energy was necessary to do this. Such a powerful artifact. And it was in her hands now... "Are you satisfied?" The alicorn looked down on the screen. Then over to the photos again. Her new body. Her new, sexy body. "I...yes...", she admitted, still not entirely sure wether to be scared or happy. "Princess Celestia needs to see this.." She wanted to grab the device, but then stopped short, when she noticed that a new window popped up. It was labeled as Persons, as opposed to the previous one, Ego. It opened and hundreds upon hundreds of portraits appeared. They depicted her friends, family and associates. Even people she hadn´t met yet, but heard about or read in the news. Twilights hand hovered over the screen. Doubts fought a hard battle in her mind with her curiosity. She should contact Princess Celestia. She should not deal with an unknown entity without knowledge or preparation. She should... She grabbed the device. "Just...just a quick experiment.", she told herself. "Just to know what you´re capable of. Nothing more. I-I can always reset it." Like to answer, the reset button blinked. Reassuringly. If anything went wrong, she would just press it. She had this under control. Totally. So, Twilight Sparkle stood up. Still a bit wobbly, as she was not used to the shift in her balance. With careful steps she walked again through the hallways of her castle. Her naked feet touching the cold crystal beneath her, sending shivers up her spine. Then she arrived at Spikes door, once again. From what she heard, he still watched that...video. Twilight tried not to think about it and instead focused on the device again. She searched around until she found Spikes picture and tapped on it. A model of her dragon brother appeared on the screen, with the same interface like herself. The physical stats were all accounted for and accurate as far as Twilight could tell. But his mental stats and information boxes were empty. Did she need to scan him? Or was it something else? The alicorn decided to shelf that question for later and instead focused on his body. To her embarrassment the 3D-model was naked and even depicted Spikes genitalia. She had seen him naked couple of times in the past without being bothered to much. But ever since he hit puberty things had been different. Dragons had an explosive, but unreliable growth-cycle. On that still wasn´t fully researched. And for some reason Spike hadn´t grown at all, all the while his brain continued to mature. So it hadn´t taken long until her baby brother had shown interest in the opposite sex, while still looking like...well a baby dragon. It had made things really awkward between them. And now Twilight had the possibility of changing that. To kickstart his growth. To finish his maturing. This for his own good, she told herself. Spike surely suffered immensly under his small body. Kinda like she had suffered under hers. And wasn´t it her duty as a sister to help him? If she had the option of finally adjusting his body to match his brain, wasn´t it a huge disservice to not take that opportunity? "This is...just for Spike. Just to see, if this thing really works..." Twilight mumbled to herself. Then she tapped on the window and carefully adjusted the sliders. When she was finished, she waited for the confirmation to pop up. Instead, to her suprise, the IDesire beeped and a new message popped up. "Payment needed." "Payment?", repeated Twilight confused. That hadn´t happened before. "Changes need to be paid in order to fuel the IDesire. Multiple forms of payment available. We suggest Exchange." Curious Twilight tapped on the questionmark accompanying the message. "For adjustments to be confirmed please exchange one stat for another. We suggest for the sake of balance and security, to start with highest in order to minimize potential repercussions." Twilight pondered this new information. So she couldn´t just change things without paying for it. That made sense to her. More than this reality-bending, anyway. The laws of Equivalent Exchange were one of the fundamentals in the universe, so it seemed logical that she needed to pay with something equal if she wanted to aquire her change. She looked over Spikes stats. The physical ones were sealed off, given that she was trying to change them in the first place. But the mental ones were open. They were hidden, but Twilight wasn´t too worried. She knew Spike well enough to not have to rely on the information of the device. So she tapped on his loyalty meter. If any of Spikes stat could take a hit it was this one. Spike would follow her everywhere and was obedient to a fault. Surely, she could a reduce a little bit without changing him too much, right? She adjusted the slider down to two thirds of the bar. A quick look showed her that it was enough and that she could now confirm her changes. With racing heart she tapped on the "Yes"-button. "Payment received. Beginning change. Unlocked: Mature dragon!" A purple light suddenly burst out of Spikes room. Again Twilight felt no arcane signature, but she saw how the light burned through cracks of the door and the small slit under it. Then it disappeared. The video still ran and nothing else could be heard. No scream or grunt. Did it work? With her heart pressing up her throat, Twilight stepped forward and gingerly knocked on the door. She could hear shuffling and a small curse. "Wait! I-I...I´m coming! Just a moment.", said Spike. Did his voice change? It was difficult to hear through the door. Then she heard heavy steps and the crystal door opened. Twilight looked upon some green scaled legs. Then she slowly looked upwards, her eyes traveling over a slightly toned chest, until her eyes finally found Spikes face. The dragon looked down on her, almost half a head bigger than her. His face was a bit rugged, but still young and with hints of the child he was before. His body was lean and had a slight tone of muscles, enough to hint that he didn´t spend all his time in his room. "What is it, Twilight? Do you need me for anything or why are you staring like that?", asked her Number One Assistent, with a deep, mature voice. He looked at her like this was normal. Like he had always been that way and not just grown because of an artifact of unknown origin. "It worked...", mumbled Twilight in awe. "What worked?" Twilight took a few steps back. "It worked. It actually..." She shook her head. "No, still don´t have all the data. Could be a fluke, maybe something else. Still have to figure out..." Spike tilted his head and looked at her with worry. "Twilight, is everything alright? You look like you had seen a Nightmare." "A Nighmare?", Twilight looked at Spike. Then a light grin appeared on her face. "Oh no, Spike. Quite the opposite." "Really, okay...if you say so.", said Spike. Then he coughed and tried to look away from her. "Ehm, Twilight... your...clothes...", he mumbled awkwardly. Twilight looked down on herself and to her shock discovered that she had forgotten to change her clothes. She was still wearing her bursted blouse and her ripped jeans, giving Spike a clear view on her new body. With embarrassed yelp she covered herself and bolted back to her room, leaving a very confused Spike standing in his underpants. Back in her room, Twilight closed the door and leaned against it. It worked! This thing actually worked! A miracle, right before her eyes. Her baby brother, a full grown dragon now. And all she had to do was press a few buttons. All the shame from before was forgotten, as her mind was overwhelmed by the implications of all that. The IDesire blinked again. "Trial run has expired. Would you like to purchase?" Twilight looked down on it. She chewed a bit on her lip, unsure. This could still be... Her eyes fell on the mirror. On her new, enhanced body. She could go even further. She knew, she could. There were still options she hadn´t dicovered yet. And besides, she was a responsible mare. She could quit anytime she wanted. With this in mind Twilight focused again on the IDesire. Her finger hovered over the button, before pressing it. A victorious tune played and the device lit up once more. "Pears Industries thanks you for your patronage. Enjoy you new Pears IDesire, Twilight Sparkle!" "We got her." "Indeed..."