> MLDC Origins: Gone, gone, the form of man... > by Michael_Ravencroft > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Fall > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Crystal Kingdom, a land filled with magic, where its people enjoyed many an advancements through the newly evolving study of science, and their already advanced knowledge of magic itself. However, this did not mean that their people weren’t at all unknown to war and violence. Indeed other kingdoms, as well as dark forces, sought to bring down the kingdom, wishing to snuff out the light of hope that it provided. And currently those forces of darkness were endeavoring to bring that kingdom to its knees. The horizon was blackened with dark clouds, juggernauts made of black crystal marched on the Crystal Kingdom, their footsteps thunderous and determined. The amethyst spires that marked the borders of the kingdom began to shine with radiant light, and almost immediately a wall of azure crystal emerged, spanning many miles around to protect the kingdom from all angles of attack. From the center, the middle spire of the palace, a beam of aurora light shot up, and formed a energy field that protected the kingdom from aerial attacks. On the wall, soldiers lined up, bringing forth specially made cannons that fired condensed magical energy equal to that of a lightning bolt. Rows upon rows of cannons fired off shots, sending magical ordinance flying through the skies and detonating against the juggernauts as they approached. Some were shattered on the spot, but others managed to reinforce their bodies before the shots hit them. Despite being able to survive the shots, it was apparent that the blasts did create cracks on their bodies. However, it was not enough, and was more or less slowing them down. In response, the queen sent out her strongest protectors, those dubbed the Knights of Justice. Defenders made up talented mages and magi-warriors who dedicated their lives to defending the Crystal Kingdom, and among them, there were two that were considered the absolute duo. And just like always, they were the first to enter the fray. A man, about late twenties or so, charged in. His armor was a gleaming silver, emblazoned with the Crystal Kingdom emblem, his red cape flapping in the breeze as he propelled himself over the juggernauts. Arcane circles appeared in both of his hands, he then clapped both of them together and pulled away, in the wake a sword formed, made of ruby crystal. The weapon continued to elongate, forming a Bastard sword. With one hand the man charged the blade with magical energy and cleaved the first juggernaut in half with a single stroke of the blade. One of the juggernauts spotted the destruction of its comrade and turned to attack the knight, but it wasn’t in time. The warrior turned his green eyes on the next juggernaut as his black, raven hair flowed from the sudden motion. But before he could unleash his fury, a beam of magical energy cut through the juggernaut and shattered it to pieces. The magi-knight huffed and then smiled as he looked off to his left. “You know I hate it when you steal my prey from me, Radiant Hope.” Above the magi-warrior floated a sorceress, her hair was azure blue, like starlight. Her purple skin tone matching it perfectly, as if the woman was a piece of the night sky given form. She wore a white mage’s cloak and hood, fitted with special armor around her legs, arms, and torso. The woman cast her eyes onto the dark skinned warrior and smiled coyly. “Sorry Sombra, but he was just screaming for me to blast him, an easy target.” Sombra grinned cockily. “Well next time, try for a more challenging shot, something in the distance.” To this Sombra pointed his ruby sword towards the multitudes of black crystal juggernauts still marching from the distance. Radiant Hope shrugged and raised her staff, a piece of white oak, with the top of the staff curled into a spiral. “Caelum desursum iram tuam appello! Arcu Fulgur! ” From Radiant Hope’s staff, a series of lightning bolts were fired off, all of which struck multiple juggernauts at once, some close by and others in the vast distance, utterly decimating them. Sombra shrugged, impressed by her display of power. “Very good, your aim has gotten better. But perchance you might want to rethink your choice in attire when flying overhead.” Radiant’s face became heated as she growled indignantly. “How about spending less time on looking up my robe and more time with the enemy around us!” “Yes milady,” replied Sombra in a teasing tone. Sombra twirled his ruby sword around and thrusted it into the ground, red light shined at the point of contact and almost immediately ruby crystal glaives jutted from the earth. They bolted forward, moving like a snake across the ground and impaling all juggernauts in their path. Another juggernaut tried to attack Sombra, but the knight was quick. He jumped straight into the air, dispelling his ruby sword and in its stead, created an amethyst spear. Sombra spun once in the air and descended upon the juggernaut, piercing the constructs head all the way down into its abdomen. A surge of purple light ran through the spear, and burst of energy fired off, shattering the creature from the inside out. Three more surrounded Sombra, but they made the mistake of assuming he was alone. Despite still attacking the distant black crystal juggernauts, Radiant Hope still had the perception to know what Sombra was doing at all times during the fight. Noticing that he was out numbered, Radiant Hope focused her magic and summoned three magic circles to her right. “Percutite eos; Magicae telum! (Strike them down! Magic bolt!)” From the center of the magic circles, beams of yellow light shot forth and struck all three juggernauts at once, cracking their reinforced bodies. Sombra took advantage of this, using his own combat magic to encase his right fist in a ruby crystal gauntlet, with the fist end of the gauntlet sporting a five inch spike at the end of it. Sombra struck the first juggernaut at the center of its chest, the gauntlet flashed and sent a surge of magical energy into the tip and burst, shattering the first juggernaut. The second came from behind and backhanded Sombra, the Knight of Justice quickly created an amethyst shield on his left forearm, and turned to block the attack. Unfortunately, he was not able to get a proper stance planted as the blow impacted against the shield, shattering it and sending the knight rolling to the ground. “SOMBRA!” Radiant Hope shouted. “Rogamus vos et terra deorsum –!” One of the juggernauts pointed its right hand at Radiant Hope, fingers retracted into the arm, and in its place were dozens upon dozens of sharpened black crystal shards. The juggernaut then fired a barrage of black crystal shards, flying like arrows at the young mage. Radiant Hope quickly threw up a barrier to defend herself, each shard impacted against the side of the barrier with resounding force, infused with dark magic. Another juggernaut came up next to the first and fired a barrage as well, a third joined them and soon a trio of juggernauts were pelting Radiant’s barrier with shards. She quickly looked down to see Sombra, his left arm did not move much, indicating that it might’ve been broken from the harsh blow from the construct. Despite this, Sombra still stared down the juggernaut, switching his amethyst spear for his ruby sword, preparing to fight even with a broken arm. However, before his valiant battle could begin, it was ended when a jet of hellfire washed over the juggernaut and burned the black crystal construct to ashes. Sombra jumped back, not wanting to get swallowed up by the inferno. Before Sombra knew it, something descended from the sky and smashed against the ground, sending a plume of dust into the air. From the plume, a broadsword pierced through the cloud and slashed the third juggernaut before it had time to even react, shattering on the spot. That one swing was powerful enough to make the dust cloud dissipate, revealing Sombra’s savior. The being stood about five feet, his muscular arms covered in scars from battles past. The creature had claws, garbed in a crimson tunic, and armor that covered most of his legs, along with shoulder pauldrons. Clasped around his neck was a long violet cape that flapped in the wind from the movement of his sword stroke earlier. The creature’s face was, for lack of better term, horrifying. Pale yellow skin, where its ears would be, were bat wing-like frills, two small horns, black ashen shadows surrounding his eyes, and his eyes themselves were orange, as if the fires of hell burned behind them. This creature, this demon, Sombra knew it well. This was the familiar demon under his mentor, Starswirl’s, control. The demon, Etrigan. “What are you doing here demon?” Sombra asked. “To battle I have been commanded, to slay the invaders is what Starswirl has demanded,” Etrigan replied. “Of course he did, next time watch where you’re aiming those flames!” Etrigan chuckled as he glared at Sombra. “Your tongue I suggest you watch, lest I make you mewl like a little b –!” A juggernaut appeared before them, deciding to take advantage of their argument. However, the construct soon discovered that that was a mistake. Etrigan and Sombra brandished their swords and in almost perfect synchronicity, slashed the black crystal juggernaut apart. Sombra and Etrigan glanced to each other and snorted, if there was one thing that they could respect about each other, it was each other’s skill with a blade. “Perhaps we’ll finish this conversation another time?” Sombra asked. “Indeed we can, for now we stick to the plan!” Etrigan dashed forth with inhuman speed, charging straight for the juggernauts that were attacking Radiant Hope. The demon threw his sword at the middle juggernaut, the blade whirled as it cut through the air and lodged itself right in the juggernaut’s chest, making it fumble backwards from the impact of the blade. With great agility, Etrigan jumped into the air and descended rapidly, landing on the shoulders of the left juggernaut, and forcing it to the ground and cease its attack. The demonic warrior gripped the head of the juggernaut and with his incredible strength ripped the construct’s head off. He then chucked the head at the right juggernaut, heading it in the head and cracking it. Etrigan got off the beheaded juggernaut and dug his claws into the construct, hefting it over his head. Roaring loudly, the demon threw the juggernaut at the same target, causing both to slam into each other and fall to the ground. Etrigan then inhaled and released a stream of hellfire onto both of them, burning them that not even ashes were left. While he was busy with that, the juggernaut that still had Etrigan’s sword in its chest rose back up and formed a black crystal blade from its left arm. The juggernaut thrusted forward. The construct managed to impale the demon in the gut, red blood pouring from the wound. Etrigan looked down at the blade through his gut, and then back to the juggernaut. With wicked glee he grinned, twisting his body quickly to snap the juggernaut’s crystal blade off its arm. Etrigan removed the broken blade from his gut, coughing up blood as he did so. When he removed the blade, wound healed almost instantly, leaving no trace that he was ever stabbed. Using his demon speed, Etrigan closed the gap and reached out with his right claw, grabbing his sword and removing it from the juggernaut, he then replaced it with the juggernaut’s blade, slamming it into the same place his sword was. The demon then energized his sword with hellfire and gave one overhead slash. The result created cutting fire crescent that sliced the juggernaut down the middle and continued onward cutting several others until it stopped, hitting a hill in the distance. While Etrigan was making short work of the juggernauts, Radiant Hope flew down to Sombra and looked over his left arm. “I can heal it, but proper way would take at least an hour’s time, but there’s also the fast which would…” “Hope, just do it, we’re in the middle of battle,” said Sombra. “I warned you. Celeri sanitatem!” With a sickening snap Sombra’s broken arm righted itself and mended almost instantly. Unfortunately, an accelerated healing spell more often than not is painful since the process is instant rather than gradual. Sombra bit his bottom, a small amount of blood trickling down his chin as growled from the pain that emanated from this left arm. Radiant Hope sighed as she placed her staff against his pained arm. “Iustorum sustentatur dolor!” The pain in Sombra’s arm began to lessen quickly, allowing him to flex digits and make a clenched fist. The young knight stood tall and nodded to his friend. “Thanks Radiant.” “Sombra, you must really pay more attention when in battle, next time I might not be around to help you, nor might Etrigan,” said Radiant. Sombra rolled his eyes, not really liking the idea that he owed the demon. Radiant jabbed the stubborn man in his armored ribs, giving him a scolding look that made Sombra sigh in defeat. “Very well, but let us finish this business!” ***HOURS OF FIGHTING LATER…*** The battle was long fought, but eventually the black crystal juggernauts were either shattered or sent on the retreat. For many this would be the time to celebrate a victory, but that would be so if this was the first siege. This was but one of many other sieges, all of which were thankfully pushed back and thwarted time and again, however, the signs that this was wearing on the Knights of Justice and the soldiers was showing. It came to the point that citizenry were wondering if they could safely venture outside the protective walls of the Crystal Kingdom at all? Queen Amore could see this worry and fear reflected in the Crystal Heart, the greatest source of magical energy in the land, fueled by love and hope, its power both repelled and attracted the darkness, wanting to snuff it out, but unable to get near due to its radiant and divine power. The queen had called a meeting of her trusted knights and the sorcerer supreme, Starswirl. Queen Amore, with her alabaster skin and long flowing crimson hair, sat upon her seat amongst round table, looking each of her realms protector’s in the eye. Starting from her left was War Hammer, a man of great physical stature, with white short hair and dark brown skin. Despite his name his main specialty rested in fisted combat, his weapon of choice were two heavily armored gauntlets that channeled his immense physical and magical energies, making his blows strong enough to blast a hole through solid rock. Up next was Swift Sparrow, a female knight with goldenrod hair and a blue-green complexion, whose power lied in her speed. It was unclear if her speed came from magic or some otherworldly source, but it had proved its effectiveness in battle countless times over. From there was Radiant Hope, her mastery of the mystical arts was second only to Starswirl, her mentor and teacher. It was Starswirl who recognized Radiant’s potential for the mystic arts and brought her into his tutelage. And last but not least, there was Sombra. The only other condition of her studying under Starswirl was if Sombra could come with her, thankfully, the Queen recognized Sombra’s talents in combative arts and eventually promoted both to the status of Knights of Justice. Queen Amore regarded her Knights once more before speaking. “As you all well know, this marks the tenth attack within the year. And with each attack our unknown enemy continues to develop newer ways to attack us.” “That’s putting it mildly, your highness,” said Swift Sparrow. “These buggers are changing form each attack, makes it hard for us to counterattack them, and it’s always with black crystals.” War Hammer nodded. “On top of that this last batch were particularly resilient, I dread what the next siege will bring.” “Exactly, which is why I would like to propose an expedition to investigate where this evil is coming from, and if possible, eradicate it,” said Queen Amore. Swift Sparrow, War Hammer, Sombra, Radiant Hope, and Starswirl began talk amongst themselves, it was a daring plan to attack the evil directly, and effective. However, to this date they have yet to determine if this was the work of a man or a monster, walking in blindly to unknown enemy could be suicide. “Your highness,” Sombra spoke, “is this purely a search and destroy mission, or is it merely a scouting mission?” “If possible I would like for you to rid us of the evil, but I am not a fool. My main concern is putting a face to the faceless evil, to know thy enemy is to better know how to face them. If all you are able to bring me back is a name and description of our enemy, then I’ll be satisfied with that, I have no need for you to risk your lives in a battle now when you may be needed for the war ahead.” Queen Amore rose from her seat and clapped her hands together, she then pressed them against the table and immediately rune markings began to glow. At the center of the table an object appeared, it was a ghostly image of the source of all the kingdom’s wondrous magic. “The Crystal Heart must never fall into evil hands, love and hope can quickly be turned into hate and despair, a darkness that can cover the world. We must not let this happen.” Sombra stood from his chair and place his right fist over his heart. “Your highness, I personally volunteer to go on this expedition to find our foe.” Another chair scooted out and eyes now fell on Swift Sparrow. “I would like to volunteer as well. My speed and Sombra’s skills, we can make short work of any enemies, and get back with haste if necessary.” Queen Amore regarded the two Knights and nodded. “Very well, Sparrow, Sombra, you are both to head out as soon as you are able. Head north, the Crystal Heart senses a concentration of darkness near the mountains, Starswirl, provide them with all they will need to ward them from the evil and hazards they may encounter. War Hammer and Radiant Hope, you two are to coordinate with the other Knights of Justice to figure out proper countermeasures.” “Yes, your majesty!” War Hammer and Radiant Hope acknowledged. With that done the Knights of Justice left the room, save for Starswirl the Bearded. The old wizard walked up beside his Queen and looked upon her wearily. “My Queen, do you believe this to be the best course of action? Provided Sparrow and Sombra are quite skilled, but we have yet to understand what this evil is. A simple scouting party would have sufficed.” Queen Amore smiled tiredly as she and Starswirl walked out of the meeting hall and into the throne room. “I’ve seen visions in the Crystal Heart, some are of futures where we triumph, and others are of the fall of our Kingdom. At the heart of those visions I see young Sombra.” Starswirl raised a bushy eyebrow at that. “Knowing this, and yet you still send him to face this evil?” “It cannot be helped, the Crystal Heart shows me what may happen if the course is not altered. Many years of continuous battle, our people and warriors worn and battle weary, and eventually we fall. At this point old friend, we either suffer now or suffer later, as we are now we’ll be worn out by endless battle and the darkness growing stronger from each one. Unless a change is made, unless a stone is thrown to disrupt the pond, we will fall.” Starswirl did not like to play games with the future, many a time he had peered into it himself, and often times he discovered that those wishing to change their fate often meet that fate by trying to do so. This was a gambit that Queen Amore was taking, one that Starswirl was not sure of. “I will trust in your guidance and clarity, my Queen.” Amore nodded to the old wizard. “Pray for our Knights, Starswirl, pray for the future.” Hope sat on the stable bench, watching as Sombra loaded up his steed with saddle bags full of supplies for the journey ahead. Sombra took note of his friend’s subtle distress and sighed. “I know you worry for me, Hope, but I am not the weak boy from years ago.” The blue haired woman grunted. “I know that, Sombra, but I was the one taking care of you, watching over you, and you me! I…I don’t know if I like you going on such a mission without me…” Sombra smirked as he halted his loading. “Now is it more that you cannot watch my back or because you are a bit jealous of Dame Swift Sparrow?” Hope’s face became red as she turned her face away. “Oh do not be ridiculous, why would I be jealous of Dame Swift Sparrow?” “Well, she does have a svelter frame, which is quite alluring in its own right, not to mention that mix between her girlish and boyish tendencies, and she does have a rather cute smile when she’s –”Sombra was interrupted when a magic bolt fired off towards him, but Sombra managed to dodge it, half expecting a reaction of that sort. Radiant Hope’s left index finger was pointed at him, a few sparks of mana energy still flickering at the tip. “I see, so I have lost my charm have I? Am I not the young girl you once professed attraction to when we were but fourteen so you have found one younger?!” Sombra smirked, then flicked his hand towards Hope, making some sapphire crystals form behind her to push the young woman up off her seat and towards Sombra, where he waited and grabbed hold of her by the waist with one arm, bringing the both of them close together. Hope blushed and tried to remain indifferent despite the smoldering look in her best friend’s eyes. “I-If you are trying to seduce me, I-I’m afraid you are failing,” said Hope as she blushed. Sombra smiled and rested his hand gently brought his left hand to Hope’s right cheek, ever so slightly turning her head so that her blue eyes met his emerald green eyes. “Am I now? Maybe I should try harder?” The crystal warrior planted a gentle kiss upon the sorceress’ lips, a kiss that was returned in kind. Both Knights allowing to lose themselves in this moment. Ever since they were young Radiant Hope and Sombra had been together. Sombra was but an orphan child found on the outskirts of the Crystal Kingdom and was taken in. Many of the children mocked him for being an outsider, and were even suspicious of his being in the Kingdom. However, Radiant Hope was different. She was drawn to Sombra, she saw not an outsider but just another kid who was shunned for no reason. Sombra had gotten deathly ill one day, and thanks to Radiant Hope’s magical abilities, she was shielded from the disease and was able to take care of him. From there their friendship blossomed, eventually becoming Knights of Justice, a station that only strengthened their bond, and from there it deepened into romantic feelings. Radiant separated her lips from Sombra’s and rested her forehead against his. “I wish you would not go. Not without me to watch you, you can be so reckless sometimes…” Sombra held her close, rubbing her back soothingly. “Have faith, Hope, I will return. If I am lucky, the darkness will be snuffed out and we’ll be able to live the rest of our days in the Crystal Kingdom in peace. And…well…” The crystal warrior released Radiant Hope and took a step back. He then presented his open right palm to her, and at the center something formed. Magical energy spiraled until it manifested in the form of a sapphire ring to match her eyes. “I know it isn’t a proper ring…but, if you allow me time after I return I can find you a better one.” Radiant Hope felt tears welling in her eyes as she took the ring and slipped it one, she then rushed towards Sombra and hugged him tight. “You had better return, I’m keeping this ring, but I also expect a proper engagement ring upon your return! Damn it all you have the worst timing…” “I know, things left unsaid and all that,” said Sombra. Suddenly there was a knock at the stable door. “Sombra, it’s time head out. I have some men ready to accompany us as well.” Sparrow raised an eyebrow as she looked upon the tender scene. “If you want, I can delay the expedition so the two of you can snog, or perhaps I may join you?” Radiant fired a magical bolt at Swift Sparrow, and just as soon as she did, the blonde haired Knight disappeared in a flash of lightning. Radiant yelped when she felt something touch her rear, she looked back and spotted a faint remnant of lightning energy. When she looked back, Swift Sparrow was back in the same place, only this time she shot a coy smile towards Hope before disappearing again in a flash. “Now you know why you have nothing to fear about my loyalty towards you,” said Sombra. “How so?” “Let us just say, Sparrow tends to lean towards the fairer for romantic relationships.” It took a moment for Radiant Hope to catch on, but once she did the young woman placed her hands on her rear and blushed indignantly. “She – She – Then I – does that mean – how long have you known?!” “Are you asking how long she’s been ogling you from a distance, or how many times she’s swiftly made a grab for your ample assets and –” All that could be heard after that were several crackles of lightning, and a lot of painful yelping, along with threats of bodily harm to a certain speedster Knight. ***TWO DAYS LATER*** Swift Sparrow and Sombra had tracked over many miles, the Crystal Kingdom was already a distant speck on the horizon, against the looming mountains that laid ahead of them. Many a laugh was had at Sombra’s expense, when the crystal warrior left the stables and was covered in soot, with this long black hair frizzled from the electrical discharge of Radiant Hope’s lightning spells. Despite their two day ride, it remained the subject of much bemusement throughout, especially from Swift Sparrow. “It seems that Dame Hope’s already fitted into the role of berating her husband for his shortcomings.” “You know Dame Sparrow, much of this was started by you, so do not expect you are exempt from Hope’s wrath upon our return,” said Sombra with a bit of glee. “S-She knows I jest! All in good fun…she is a rather attractive woman…” Sparrow saw the raised eyebrow of Sombra. “I would not – nor shall I ever – be the kind of woman who steals another’s happiness, I swear on Crystal Heart!” Sombra smiled kindly at Sparrow, waving his hand as to dismiss her worries. “I know you are more honorable than that, Dame Sparrow. But to be honest, I’m sure you would not have a shortage of…ahem, admirers who would throw down the gauntlet just to have a chance to court you.” Sparrow chuckled. “You think highly of me Sir – do you mind if we skip the formalities, it will get tedious if we have to continue using our honor names.” “I don’t mind,” said Sombra. “Well, as I said, you think highly of me. However…I fear that some don’t take to my tendencies as well as you and some of the other Knights. I also seem to find a lack of prospective woman who would like to enter into a…prolonged relationship. They enjoy the courting, but when I have lay bare my feelings…” Sombra walked closer to Sparrow and clasped her on the shoulder. “Fear not, one day you will find the one, or they will find you.” A cocky smile appeared on Sparrow’s face. “Or I could always play the part of a dual mistress between you two, I certainly don’t mind sharing.” Sombra groaned. “We were having a nice moment, and then you say things like that.” “It’s me, Sombra, what can I say?” Suddenly, both Sombra and Swift Sparrow stopped in their tracks. Both Knights of Justice held up a fist, signaling the rest of their contingent to halt. The horses neighed restlessly, snorting and braying at some source of agitation. “Can you feel that?” Sombra asked. “I can, we’re definitely not alone…” Sparrow answered. There was some rustling in the foliage up ahead, as well as more coming from the sides. The soldiers drew their swords and notched their arrows into their drawstrings, preparing for what was to come. Sombra’s green eyes met those of Sparrows teal eyes, and in an instant they set to work. Swift Sparrow’s body released golden lightning as she zipped away, everything moved in slow motion as creature jumped out of the bushes for one of their soldiers. It looked like a man, or was one. Its flesh was torn, with black crystals rising up from under the skin as some sort of corruption or disease was taking control of them. Their faces were mangled by the black crystal, beyond recognition, more akin to monster now than the man it once was. The black crystal creeper reached out with its long black claws, preparing to rip the rider and horse apart. However, Swift Sparrow raised her right fist, vibrated it to supersonic speeds and smashed that fist right through the creeper, shattering its form into dust. The soldier had blinked for a moment before realizing that he was attacked and subsequently saved by Dame Sparrow. At the same time, two creepers popped out of the bushes and charged for Sombra. The crystal warrior slammed both hands against the ground, causing crystal pillars to shoot out from the ground and strike the creepers in the chest, sending both flying backwards until they hit the rock face of the mountain. Another creeper tried to descend from the trees in a sneak attack on Sombra, however, the Knight of Justice whirled around. Raising his fist in an uppercut, Sombra channeled his magic and formed a ruby crystal blade that extended upward and pierced the head of the creeper. More creepers began to appear from the bushes and trees, surrounding the team and preparing to strike. The soldiers raised their spears, swords and shields, prepared to fight against the creatures. Swift Sparrow sped out, already striking down several with her super speed, the soldiers followed behind Sombra as he summoned twin ruby swords, slicing through one creeper after the other. The soldiers would protect him from the sides, preventing a creeper from blindsiding Sombra while he cut a path through open space to allow them some better offensive options. Once they made it to the clearing, Sombra and the soldiers were able to attack the creepers more efficiently. Meanwhile, Sparrow was quickly speed blitzing each creeper that dared to get her in path. One of the creeper’s black crystal spikes managed to lodge it itself in Sparrow’s left leg, making her tumble about until she came to a stop before Sombra’s feet. The creeper chased after her and prepared to kill its prey, but Sombra formed his amethyst spear and impaled the thing before it got close. At the same time another creeper tried to attack Sombra from behind, however, Sparrow managed to get to her feet fast enough to strike it with a vibrating spear hand thrust, shattering it to pieces. For well over ten minutes the group fought off the creepers until all that was left were black crystal shards. A chorus of panting and tired huffing could be heard from everyone; Sombra got down one knee and looked over Swift Sparrow’s injury. “How is it? I know some healing magic, but…” Sparrow waved off his concern. “It’s fine, my wound is already healing. I don’t just run fast, I heal fast too. But I will need some nourishment afterwards to get my strength back.” Sombra nodded. “We’ll find some high ground and make camp.” The crystal warrior surveyed the battlefield and narrowed his gaze. “We must be getting closer for the darkness to send its minions after us.” “Indeed.” Sombra and Sparrow had continued their journey after resting up, Sombra felt as if he would not eat for a while after seeing witnessing how much food Sparrow could shovel down her gullet in just a short period of time. Sparrow had explained it was due to her speed that in exchange for it she must consume a lot more food to make up for the energy she lost. At first Sombra had thought she’d over packed on the food, planning it to be for everyone. But in reality, it was for her and her alone. Another day’s ride had put them further from the Crystal Kingdom, now a faint speck on the horizon. But now, their destination was coming closer, the dark chasms of the northern mountains, the biting cold that always permeated the area made it hard for a normal person to hide. However, if you were an entity of darkness, it wouldn’t pose a problem at all. Even as they moved through the rough path through the mountains, all were on edge. Sombra had already summoned his ruby broadsword, topaz shield, ready at a moment’s notice to spring into action. Sparrow was already set to attack, her speed gave her the edge in being able to attack straight away. In the meantime she kept her senses sharp, looking for any hint of their enemy. Their men were scanning the walls of the chasm, as well as keeping a close watch on their rear. After facing the creepers, they were eager to keep a 360 degree view of their surroundings. The further in they went, the colder it got, as if the very evil they came to find was doing its best to make them turn back. If nothing else it was a sign that they were getting closer to their prize. After a few minutes of walking, the Knights spotted a cave up ahead, with icicles that hung from the mouth of the cave that threatened to come down and impale any would be adventurers. “What do you think, shall we dare?!” Sombra asked over the noise of the blizzard. “We don’t have much of a choice, freeze out here or risk what’s in there!” Sparrow replied. With the decision made, the group entered the cave. However, upon doing so, the horses immediately began to neigh and snort, fear was in their eyes, a primal fear that went beyond just good sense. The horses bucked off their riders and turned tail quickly out of the cave. Two of the men hurried after them, only to have all the commotion rattle the icicles above. All of icicles fell and impaled the two soldiers in horrific ways that made the others avert their eyes. “No turning back now, we press forward,” said Sombra. With that said they continued onward, flinching at the echoing sounds within the cave as it seemed to on and on. The faint light of the entrance was growing dimmer, prompting them to light torches before going further. The shadows danced as the torch flames flickered in the damp cave, with water dripping and rocks shifting every other minute. Suddenly, Sombra threw up his fist to halt. Sparrow walked up beside him and asked, “What is the matter? Do you hear something?” “No, and that’s the problem.” I know what it is you seek… The band of warriors grouped into a circle upon hearing the voice that echoed from every direction. You come to end the threat to the Kingdom, you come only to your deaths… “We have come to end you!” Proclaimed Sombra. You protect the Heart, the light. I will see its power made mine, and my dream made into reality… “What dream does an evil like you want so badly that it would snuff out the light of the Crystal Heart?!” Sparrow demanded. Tambelon…My grand city, my kingdom, returned to this world to once again rule it! But I do not wish to snuff out the Heart, I need it…! Sombra’s crimson ruby sword glowed in the growing darkness as he channeled his magic. “We will stop you, demon! AAAAAH!!!” The Knight of Justice slammed down the blade of his sword, sending an arc wave of crimson light straight ahead. The light wave continued until it smashed against something, a wall of made of shadows that barely registered the hit. Hmm, you have strength, and pride. Such aggression buried down in that heart…And the girl, such vices you wish to indulge in. Both Knights glanced to each other, worry in their eyes. That worry was enough for the darkness to grow, a symbol formed in the shadows, formed from dark violet light. Its malevolent rays shined over all in the cave, drowning out the world around them and bringing visions to their eyes. Sombra, you are a great warrior and a loyal knight. But deep down, you have greater ambition…You want to rule, you want control. I can see you ruling over a grander kingdom, you can make the Crystal Kingdom even greater than it is now! No one, wielding magic or might, will dare to challenge your rule or the sovereignty of your kingdom! As the voice spoke this, Sombra’s eyes were blinded with a vision of himself, sitting upon the throne of the Crystal Kingdom. At his side was Radiant Hope, as his queen, and their subjects who regarded them with reverence and loyalty. Swift Sparrow, you too are a loyal and quite the capable Knight of Justice. But this is not all that you want…No, you seek pleasure. You seek the things that were denied to you upon the granting of your status. Wanting to love the fairer, but afraid to open your heart. I see you soon drowned in it, you will not have one but many lovers, all unto you and you alone shall they give you the love you seek. Something that I can make happen… Sparrow saw herself, a vision of a large mansion, with the women she longed to be with could not, all of whom adored her and showered her in praise and love, to which she returned in kind, a serene life for herself, the life she wanted. Tambelon calls to you all, but only the worthy can have what they want…who among you is worthy? Sparrow looked at Sombra, her hand vibrating at super speed in preparation to kill her fellow Knight. But something inside told her this was wrong, the image of Radiant Hope came to mind, and of Sombra’s proposal to her. She couldn’t, she swore she would end another happiness, and Sparrow would be damned if she was going to be the cause of Radiant Hope’s. The speedster managed to snap herself out of it, only to witness the soldiers they brought with them begin to fight each other to the death, whites of their eyes were green, with shadowy wisps coming from the corners of their eyes. The color of their irises had changed as well, all of them were now red as blood. Sparrow went to Sombra and shook the Knight to help snap him out of it. “Sombra, listen me, we’re being bewitched by that demon! Whatever you’re seeing, whatever it’s whispering to you, remember Radiant Hope! She awaits you back home!” Sombra’s eyes were closed for a moment, but in the next, Sparrow felt something. Without realizing it, a black crystal blade had run her through, blood began to pour from the wound as her body became cold. Sparrow looked back up to Sombra, who opened his eyes and revealed the color had changed to red, with the same shadow wisps coming from the corners of his eyes. “S-Sombra…?” “What’s the matter, Sparrow? Feeling cold? I noticed that you don’t seem to move as fast when it’s cold, so stygian black crystal is chilled from darkest pits that not even sun nor flames can reach.” Sparrow’s complexion began to turn from its blue-green shade, to just plain blue. Her lips became chapped as the cold spread through her body, numbing the pain and everything else at the same time. “S-Sombra…Please…” “Shhhh, go to sleep little Sparrow.” With those word said, Sparrow’s body had become ice cold. Sombra removed the blade, raising it overhead, and slashing downward. The strike did not cut Sparrow, but shattered her like fragile glass. The pieces of the former Knight of Justice scattered about, garnering the attention of soldiers who were previously busy trying to kill each other. “Now then…” Sombra called forth a black crystal sword to his right hand, and to his left he created a battle ax. “Who’s next?” > The Curse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black clouds were once again on the horizon, and unlike before, there was a greater feeling of dread in the air. Radiant Hope stood with her fellow Knights of Justice, prepared to enter into battle with the incoming enemy. However, her mind was elsewhere. Not but a day ago, was the sorceress studying in Starswirl’s library when the ring that Sombra had made her turned black as night and shattered into pieces. To say that it startled her would be an understatement, it frightened her. The ring was formed from Sombra’s magic, the reaction could have signified his death or something worse. These thoughts plagued her mind, but this was not unnoticed by her mentor and teacher, Starswirl, who stood beside her and gently placed his hand on her shoulder to comfort her. “Do not fret my student, Sombra is a strong and resilient lad. His love for you just makes him that much more tenacious in battle, he will not easily fall,” said Starswirl. “I want to believe your words, Master, but after what occurred…” “A reaction like the one you spoke of could be due to a connection loss, perhaps his travels took him to a place that disconnected him from our realm for the time being?” Starswirl suggested. “Keep your faith my dear, survive this that you may be able to see Sombra when he returns.” Radiant Hope smiled and nodded her affirmation to her teacher. However, Starswirl still felt a twinge of unease at the situation, he too wanted to believe his own words, but something in the air told him that a much worse fate may have befallen Sombra. The attack was about to begin, this time the army was comprised of black crystal juggernauts, creepers, and a relatively old creature from past battles, the terror-gliders. They resembled birds, but with flat wings, long beaks, and a long crest. Within the hour, spells, arrows, and catapult ordinance had been flung out from the behind the protective walls, most of them aiming at the terror-gliders to reduce their numbers and air superiority. Meanwhile, the remaining Knights and soldiers were commencing ground combat with the juggernauts and creepers. During the battle, something seemed off to Starswirl. For a moment the black crystal constructs would push them back, but then the Crystal Kingdom forces would gain the upper hand and push the enemy further back, a kind of strange give and take was occurring and it seemed too well planned. Stardswirl’s cape flapped in the wind as he turned back to see how far they had gotten from the kingdom. “This is not right, we’re getting too far from the walls,” said Starswirl. “I agree Master Starswirl, they’re definitely luring us away, but to what?” Hope asked. “Surely these dull creatures cannot be that smart, tenacious, yes, but wits they have not,” said War Hammer. The old wizard stroked his beard in agitation of the situation, but soon his suspicions were proven correct. The three protectors looked towards the kingdom and watched as a flare of magical energy was sent up into the air and exploded red. “Red flash…ENEMIES IN THE KINGDOM!” War Hammer shouted. “Blast them I knew it! Gather to me you two!” Starswirl ordered. Hope and Hammer stood close to the sorcerer supreme, he twirled his staff around and slammed the butt of the staff against the dirt. A magic circle appeared under them made of white light. Within a second, the circle wrapped them in a bubble of light and made all three of them vanish into thin air. Within a few seconds a sphere of white light shined before the castle keep and revealed Starswirl, Radiant Hope, and War Hammer, with the latter looking a little woozy. “Starswirl…what do you call that infernal spell again?” War Hammer asked. “Teleportation,” said Starswirl. “Never use it again, not with me…ugh…” War Hammer dashed for a potted plant and began heaving into it. While War Hammer was busy losing his breakfast, Starswirl and Radiant Hope took inventory of the area. It was bad to say the least, many buildings had been destroyed, the bodies of the citizens were strewn all over the place. Radiant knelt down before the body of a woman who had a child in her arms, obviously a mother trying to protect her child. However, it seemed that a blade had pierced through both. Hope silently prayed over the two, as well as for the hundreds of dozens who also lost their lives. “This is our fault…our arrogance, we never had the citizens evacuate to safe havens,” said Radiant Hope. “We never believed that the wall would be breached by those constructs, so there was never a need to come up with a proper plan to do so,” said Starswirl as he gently patted the head of his student. “We will avenge their loss, the cur who has done this will see justice done!” War Hammer stated as he pounded his fist into his left hand. Another series of explosions rang out inside the castle, prompting all three to dash towards the entrance, in Radiant and Starswirl’s cases, fly. All three Knights entered the castle keep, and already were confronted by a dozen creepers and seven juggernauts. War Hammer slammed his fists together, activating his gauntlets and making them increase in size and cover over his whole arms. War Hammer dashed towards the first juggernaut and cocked back his fist, magical energy coursed through the runic markings and energized the metal. Upon striking the juggernaut, a burst of magical energy was released, focusing it into a pinpoint shot that pierced through the juggernaut and shattered it. Another juggernaut appeared and began fist fighting with War Hammer, the large man threw in a jab, and right hook to the faceless monster, another juggernaut charged for War Hammer, coming at him with a haymaker. The blow connected, sending the Knight flying to the wall and slamming him into it. A body sized hole was made as dust was kicked up from the impact. However, War Hammer would not go down that easily, his golden magical aura flared up as he dashed out of the hole and grabbed the juggernaut that slugged him with his right hand, clenching his fist in the next instant and crushing its head like brittle glass. Starswirl and Radiant Hope had created a dual protective barrier, but that didn’t make the creepers stop their attack in the least. Below them a magic circle appeared, along with several orbs of blue and white light as both Starswirl and Radiant Hope chanted their spell. “Audi clamorem expugnabat…” “Contritio in lucem…” “Et sciendum quod finis tuus! ” “Edea sagittis!” The spheres of light shot off, with the tips resembling that of arrowheads as they zipped around with great speed. The light arrows hit each of the creepers, weaving around the juggernauts and hitting them with pinpoint accuracy and shattered them where they stood. The light arrows all combined into one giant arrow of light that shot towards one of the juggernauts and pierced it through the chest. “Oh come now you two, I wanted to finish that one!” War Hammer shouted. “Deal with the ones you’re already fighting!” Starswirl shouted back. War Hammer huffed, the Knight channeled his magic once again into his gauntlets. With a swift pivot on his right foot, War Hammer threw a powerful uppercut to the construct’s jaw, hitting it with enough force that it took off its head, the energy of the blow continued upwards and put a dent in the ceiling. The heavy-hitter managed to roll out of the way, scooping up a large chunk of the stone, he then put himself at an optimal distance and held the chunk aloft in his right hand. War Hammer then punched the chunk of stone, putting magic into it and making the stone transform into high speed pellets of stone that flew down the hall and shattered the juggernauts. “Done then, let us continue forward!” The three Knights continued their trek, they knew where the enemy was going and they prayed they were in time. Queen Amore panted, her hair was in disarray, and her throne room in shambles. The mystic queen of the Crystal Kingdom had adorned herself in her regalia armor, her hands glowing with magical energy as she stared down her opponent. Sombra stood a few feet away from Queen Amore, wielding a black crystal scythe in his hand, his grin was malicious,with his canines a little longer than normal. “The mighty Queen Amore, so benevolent, so kind, and so powerful…but so foolish.” Queen Amore’s eyes burned with azure light as she raised her hands and fired a massive beam of magical energy at Sombra. The corrupted Knight spun his scythe around and slammed the butt of the weapon against the floor, a sphere of black crystal formed around Sombra, allowing the beam to wash over him. Queen Amore cancelled out her spell, growling as she saw the crystal cocoon still intact. The shell shattered and turned to dust, revealing a smirking Sombra. “Quite impressive, and here I was afraid you couldn’t do anything for yourself.” “Sombra, I know not the evil that has enslaved your mind, but fight it! You are stronger than this!” Queen Amore pleaded. Sombra chuckled as he twirled his scythe around and assumed a fighting stance. “You’re right, I am!” The corrupted Knight charged for Amore, but the Queen channeled her magic, forming a blade of pure azure light that she brandished against her former Knight. The two weapons clashed with powerful impact of force, sending debris flying in all directions, and causing fissures to form on the floor underneath them. Queen Amore jumped back and slashed with her energy sword, to which Sombra countered with his scythe blade, sending sparks flying into the air. Sombra and Amore focused their magic into their speed, both zipped around the throne room with great speed, stopping momentarily to clash weapons. Sombra swiped with the large blade, missing Queen Amore by just a hair as the scythe scratched the bust of her armor before she pulled away. Sombra quickly reformed his scythe into a claymore sword and entered into close range combat with the Queen. Back and forth they traded blows, with sparking and clashing auras. The flapping of the Sombra’s cape, the crackling of Queen Amore’s magic, the shuddering of the walls and floors, a titanic battle between the fighters raged on, and both the Queen and corrupted Knight were becoming a bit winded, but it seemed that there was a bigger play at work here. “Well, that was a good fight Amore, pity Milord wishes you gone, you would’ve made a fine warrior, and even better consort,” said Sombra. The Queen pulled her hand away from the energy sword, only to pull from it a second sword to dual wield. Sombra dismissed his weapon and widened his stance, when Queen Amore got within range Sombra jumped back, but as he did it appeared as if he was jumping out of his own body. A copy was left behind just in time for Queen Amore to cut it down with her energy blades. That gave Sombra an opening as he reached behind his back and took out a black crystal with a glowing orange center. Focusing on his speed once again, Sombra dashed forth and struck Amore in the center of her chest with the crystal. Queen Amore’s breath caught, the magic blades she had formed quickly fizzled out into nothingness. The crystal began to sink into her body, spreading out from the point of impact. Her body began to lock up, her breath becoming shortened with each passing second. “W-What…h-have you done to me…?” “This is a little gift from one who seeks the heart, a fate worse than death I am afraid,” said Sombra as he circled her like a shark. “The crystal will imprison you, not kill you. In a matter of moments your body will become crystallized and once that’s done, I’ll shatter you and scatter your shards to the winds! Your body and soul will be shattered, and you’ll live an existence that is neither living nor dead.” Queen Amore tried to speak, but she could already feel the crystal work its way into her throat, strangling her vocal cords. A series of explosions went off in the distance, prompting Sombra to turn towards the sound, Queen Amore could sense the energies of Starswirl, Radiant Hope, and War Hammer approaching ,but at the same time of her elation of this fact, even the Queen could tell that they would not make it in time. “Once the crystal has done its work, your connection to the Crystal Heart will be severed, and easily taken,” said Sombra. Before the crystal completely encased Queen Amore, her magical energy allowed her a brief view of the creature behind all this. A being that was not human, a creature with sharp teeth and ram horns, and a collar of bells. The creatures red eyes narrowed with insidious glee as the Queen was completely covered in the crystal. The doors to the throne room were blasted open, allowing the remaining three Knights of Justice to arrive just in time to see their Queen Amore crystallized. A horrified gasp escaped Radiant Hope as she saw the Queen completely crystallized, and the one who had done it. “S-Sombra…?” Sombra smiled, with his right fist the corrupted Knight punched the statue. Cracks spider webbed throughout the statue of Queen Amore, until, the entire thing shattered to pieces. Before anyone could utter a word, the pieces were lifted up from the floor and gathered in a sphere of of black light. “You came to save the Queen, well here she is.” “Sombra, what have you done?!” Starswirl shouted. “What needed to be done, out with the old and in with the new. Don’t worry, she’s not dead, but technically not alive either. You could probably save her, if you manage to put the pieces back together! Happy hunting!” Sombra threw the sphere out an open window, outside the sphere ascended until it blasted apart. Hundreds of shooting star-like streaks of light sailed through the sky and went in every direction. War Hammer, Starswirl, and Radiant Hope watched as the streaks flew off, their heads shaking at the actions that Sombra had taken. War Hamer’s armored fists clenched tight, the metal groaning from the strain he put on them. “Sombra…HOW DARE YOU!!!!” The hulking Knight of Justice took off without a second thought, his right fist set ablaze with his fury in the form of magical energy. Sombra didn’t move, he merely held out his left hand. The moment War Hammer’s fist was thrust, Sombra met it with his left hand. The impact was dispersed to the rest of the area, but Sombra was not moved, barely even registering the attack. “War Hammer, so noble, so hot headed, and so predictable.” All the energy that impacted against Sombra was then sucked back in, condensed, and then released in an enormous burst of dark magic that bathed over War Hammer, and sent him flying against the wall, leaving his body imbedded into it. Radiant Hope couldn’t believe what she had witnessed, she wanted to break down and cry, but the level of danger kept her from doing so, she was also angry about what Sombra did. “What’s the matter, Hope? You look a little angry?” Sombra asked. “You killed War Hammer, and the Queen…HOW CAN YOU NOT EXPECT ME TO ENRAGED?!” Radiant Hope shouted. “Well, there’s that, but soon it won’t matter, I’ll soon be the King, and you the new Queen.” Sombra raised his fist and struck the ground. “Second only to the Kingdom of Tambelon!” Starswirl’s eyes widened at the mention of that name. The magic circle beneath Sombra began to enlarge, with ancient runes written in violet and black light. The circle began to release shadows that coalesced into something inhuman. It was humanoid in shape, but it had fur and colored a navy blue, its lower half was that of an animal, with cloven hooves. Its upper half was muscular, around its neck was a red collar with seven bells, with the center bell silver. The creature’s head was that of a ram, with the horns to match. When it smiled one could see jagged teeth, only adding to its menacing visage. “Grogar, Lord of Tambelon,” spoke Starswirl. “So you remember me, Starswirl? I certainly haven’t forgot about you!” Grogar growled. Starswirl narrowed his gaze as he summoned a magic circle. “I sealed you once, I shall again! Hope, I know your feelings for Sombra, but at this time I need you focused on the greater evil at hand! If not then the whole world will suffer this day, and not just one kingdom!” Radiant Hope still felt her mind and heart were in turmoil, but seeing the monster before her, her love controlled by its darkness, Hope had to fight, if for nothing else than to free her friend, and her lover. Sensing her resolve, Starswirl slammed the butt of his staff against the floor, striking the magic circle beneath him. Another circle appeared before Starswirl, a circle made of fire, and marked with infernal runes with a pentagram at the center. “To me, by order of man! Arise the demon, Etrigan!” The circle bellowed hellfire, and from it arose the demon warrior, Etrigan, kneeled before Starswirl and growling as he stood to his full height. The demon sniffed the air and quickly turned around to see Grogar and Sombra, a sight that made him raise an eyebrow in curiosity. “The adversary of every god and man? Seeking to raise your city again. ” Grogar chuckled, a dark chuckle that made the room drop in temperature. “Lap dog of a wizard, I will never stop! I will see my kingdom rise and claim this world as my own!” Starswirl stood beside Etrigan, and beside Starswirl was Radiant Hope. “Etrigan, the form of Grogar is temporary, it’s not meant to last. My student and I can handle him, however, you friend demon must occupy Sombra.” The orange eyes of the demon warrior fell on Sombra, already brandishing a long black crystal claymore sword. Etrigan huffed at the sight. “Sombra has become one of his thralls, pity, I thought he had more balls.” “Watch yourself demon!” Radiant Hope warned. “Bestill little miss, I will battle your lover. Combating Sombra will be a delightful endeavor,” said Etrigan. Radiant Hope didn’t know how well to trust the word of a high ranked demon like Etrigan, but at this point he was the only one who could match Sombra in combat. Her teacher would need all the magical might he could get to stop Grogar or at the very least banish the creature back to whatever vile place it came from. Without warning, Etrigan inhaled and exhaled a torrent of hellfire at both Grogar and Sombra. Both dodged the attack, with Grogar going to the left and Sombra to the right. After effectively separating the two, Etrigan dashed for Sombra, slamming into him and driving both of them through the stone wall. Sombra and Etrigan continued to smash through one wall after the other until they finally stopped outside of the palace. Sombra and Etrigan fell from several stories up, the wind whistled in their ears as they both glared at each other. Sombra managed to untangle himself from Etrigan and with his left hand formed a long pole made of black crystal that allowed him to land safely on the ground. Etrigan needed nothing, the demon warrior landed on the ground with a resounding “boom” that kicked up a dust cloud from the impact. Sombra dismissed the pole and summoned his claymore construct and readied himself for a fight. Inside the dust cloud, a flash of hellfire went off, and then the familiar ring of a metal sword. With one swing of this blade, Etrigan generated enough force to cut through the dust cloud and reveal himself to Sombra as he walked towards him. “Tis unfortunate you have succumbed to Grogar’s temptation, in this battle I will gain no gratification,” said Etrigan. “I care not for entertaining you, demon! I will end you, and claim the Crystal Kingdom for my own! Have at thee fire demon!” Sombra shouted. Etrigan and Sombra swung their swords, a powerful force wave erupted from the impact and sent both warriors skidding across the cobblestone on their heels. Sombra finally stopped, and growled when he noticed that his sword had a hairline crack in it. Etrigan’s demon magic and knowledge of the mystic arts was uncanny, his rhyming was a mark to his status in the hierarchy of the underworld, and that was not to be taken lightly. Sombra dropped down and slammed his left fist to the ground, sending a wave of black crystal spikes right towards the demon. Etrigan smirked and bellowed out a hellfire jetstream that struck the black crystals and exploded upon contact. Using the explosion for cover, Etrigan leaped into the air and through the flames. He burst forth from the other end and began his assault on Sombra. Etrigan came down with an overhead strike, but Sombra blocked it with his sword. Sombra pushed him off and slashed horizontally, only to be parried by the demon and thrown off balance. Etrigan came in and grabbed the corrupted Knight by his armor, crumbling it like cheap fabric. He then brought Sombra in close and head butted the crystal warrior. Sombra stumbled backwards, reeling from the blow as he tried to regain his senses. However, Etrigan would not allow that, the demon rushed towards Sombra and knocked the crystal sword from his hand. Etrigan then punched Sombra in the face once, twice, three times, and then grabbed him by the cape. Dismissing his sword for the moment, Etrigan used both hands to swing the traitor around like a rag doll and toss him like one. Sombra sailed in the air until he struck up against the side of the palace. The demon warrior would give no quarter as he dashed for Sombra and launched himself in his direction. Etrigan repositioned himself, extending his legs as he aimed for the center of Sombra’s chest. The demon then struck Sombra with a mighty impact, punching a hole in the palace wall and making them once again plow through several walls before stopping in the commons area of the palace. Etrigan leaped off of Sombra and summoned his sword once again, he then snorted out flames, seemingly less than pleased. “Is this all you can muster for this fight? You should feel shame even calling yourself a ‘knight’.” Sombra coughed up some blood as he rose to his feet, he then removed his breast plate, having been reduced to less than scrap metal after the assault he just went through. Sombra focused his magic, and summoned his scythe once more. Taking the reaping weapon into both his hands, the crystal warrior dashed across the room and slashed at Etrigan. The demon met the blow with his own, however, Etrigan gritted his teeth as he felt even greater power behind the blow than before. Etrigan deflected the blade and prepared to counter, but Sombra beat him to it, using the momentum to set himself up for another slash. Etrigan had no choice but to go on the defensive as Sombra continued to slash and in wide arcs, keeping the demon on his toes and preventing him from getting in close. “What’s the matter demon?! You look surprised!” Sombra mocked. Etrigan roared as he bellowed hellfire again, but Sombra slashed through it, although not without some damage to this scythe. Sombra quickly regenerated his weapon and the two clashed again. While Etrigan battled Sombra, Starswirl and Radiant Hope were busy trying to stop Grogar. The demon ram was descending through the castle, not even bothering to use stairs but just blasting a hole one floor at a time. The two mages attacked Grogar several times, some of their spells managed to make contact and slow him down, but others were just as easily shrugged off or he utterly destroyed the spell before it even hit him. “Master, Grogar is too strong! We can’t defeat him!” Radiant Hope shouted. “No my student, we need not defeat him, but merely exhaust his power!” Starswirl loosed a magic bolt that struck against a barrier Grogar erected. “That body is not flesh and blood, its temporal body, formed by magic that he borrowed from Sombra! The more he uses it, the less time he has on this plane of existence!” Radiant smiled. “In other words, we have to merely make him use more of his magic, and hit him harder as well to damage his form!” “Precisely, even getting hit is chipping away at his reserves!” With that known, Radiant Hope brought her hands forward, her white oaken staff glowing bright with runes that coiled around from the bottom to the top as her blue aura raged. “O ignis calamitas, audite vocem meam; Caelestes tonitrui ego levo tibi!” A magic circle appeared before her with a lightning bolt symbol, another formed in front of it, with a flame symbol at the center. “Concurrite iam pura potentia in perditionem, et atterere malis quod extructum est ante me!” Four smaller magic circles appeared, forming an X from their positions beside each circle. Lightning and fire crackled between the circles, along with an influx of mana energy roaring and waiting to be unleashed. Radiant’s eyes shined as she pointed her staff at Grogar, an act that garnered the attention of the demon ram. “EXITIUM!” Two of the largest circles melded together and produced a beam of fire and lightning that roared towards Grogar. The demon ram flinched for a moment upon seeing the large column of power headed his way, quickly, he raised a barrier and allowed the beam to crash upon him. The force generated by it smashed the demon ram through one floor after another, making him grunt from the effort of maintaining the shield. Cracks began to form on the barrier’s surface, making Grogar grit his teeth in anger that a mere human witch was doing this much damage to his shield. Before Grogar knew it, he had been hurled several feet down until he struck bedrock, still being pushed down by the beam. Starswirl brought forth his staff and pointed it at the demon. “Vincula retinent comedentis mundorum ligare surgant et mali! Argentum Gloria Gleipnir!” Silver magic circles appeared on the ground around Grogar, silvery strands of light rose up from the center and lashed out like a cobra. Each strand of string pierced through the ram’s barrier and began coiling around his arms, legs, torso, and neck. The effects of the spell were immediate, already the demon could feel his magical energies being suppressed by the spell, but even with the spell, Grogar refused to release the barrier, but the cracks were becoming more prominent by the second. Starswirl waved his staff before him, white orbs of light immediately formed around the barrier where Grogar was. With a sharp, second wave of his staff, Starswirl unleashed a barrage of magic bolts that struck him from all sides. With that barrage, the barrier shattered allowing the barrage of bolts and the lightning-fire beam to strike Grogar in full. A massive explosion went off that found the ram demon fixed to the spot by the gleipnir string, forced to take all the damage at once. Starswirl and Radiant Hope landed on the ground a few yards from the demon. Both mages looked about, noticing that they had fallen into the catacombs of the Crystal Kingdom underneath the palace, it was also down in the catacombs where the Crystal Heart resided. Both mages summoned more of their magical energy, as their respective arcane circles appeared below them, slowly spinning like gears in a drawbridge as their magic flowed. “Nigrior atra caligo tenebrosa, et tenebrae Obsecro purpura alta miscentur. in tempore excitatio venit. Iustitia, cecidit super certis terminis, ut appareat nunc idemque malam! Volo enim potestas a torrente vi destructiva: a pari delendi vi, sine! Revertere cineres omnibus creaturis, et de profundo! Satani!” Starswirl’s eyes blazed with power as he too recited his spell. “Rubra-nigra flamma, rex decem saecula, quamvis naturam promulgamus, Alias autem et natus sum interitum secundum rationes omnium creaturarum. Et in æternum malleus descende ad me, Satani!” At that moment, orange-red magical circles appeared above and around Grogar, embers lapped off the circles as intense, scalding heat was emitted from them. In the next moment, an explosion erupted around Grogar, sending a column of flaming, magical fury soaring high through the ceiling and continuing onward. An intense blast wave rang out in all directions that made the very kingdom shudder for miles around. In all the Crystal Kingdom, if there was any who could be counted as the strongest mages in the land, it would be Starswirl and Radiant Hope, master and student, duo of incredible, overwhelming magical might. Both master and student panted from the expenditure of their magic reserves, but continued to stand as they did not know what was awaiting them behind the dust cloud. Suddenly, the cloud began to swirl about as a whirlwind was kicked up within the catacombs. With a bellowing roar the cloud burst apart as a violet aura overtook Grogar, his red eyes glowing with anger. “Master…we hit him with some of our higher ranked spells, and yet…” “Hold my student, look closer.” Hope looked upon Grogar, noticing that some of his body was becoming see-through, intangible. The attacks had done damage to Grogar, eating away at his mana reserves and making the ram demon lose his grip on their plane of existence. “I will not be felled by two humans! I am the Lord of Tambelon! My city will rise again, and every human will bow before me and beg for a quick death!” Grogar summoned to his hands a staff with two curved blades on either end, an action which made most of his forearms become ghostly, leaving his hands, and shoulders still intact. The ram demon bellowed and charged towards both mages, twirling his dual blade staff around. The demon slashed at both of them, forcing them to form a barrier to block the attack. The single stroke shattered both of their barriers, Starswirl used an unspoken spell, and levitated in the air. Radiant Hope flipped around until she landed on her feet, and skidded to a stop. Radiant Hope cast a spell over her staff, turning it into a light weapon that hummed with power, focusing her magic into speed, Radiant dashed forth and swung her staff. Grogar met the attack and both weapons crashed into each other, sending a resounding boom through the catacombs. Grogar and Hope traded blows back and forth, sparks flew, and the ground shuttered from each blow, and so far Radiant and Grogar were equal. After another clashing of weapons, Grogar glanced in the distance, and saw his prize. The Crystal Heart was at the center of the catacombs, spinning around and sparkling brilliantly in the dank and dim underground. Grogar knew he could not waste his time, already noticing that parts of his body were becoming ghostly, his time would run out soon if he did not capture the Heart. “I DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS! SOMBRA!” Grogar yelled. A magic circle with the symbol of a ram at the center, appeared before Grogar. Immediately, two figures fell from the circle, Etrigan and Sombra, who were entangled for a moment before separating and clashing with their sword and scythe. “Sombra, keep these mortals occupied while I retrieve the Heart!” Grogar ordered as he leaped a great distance, heading straight for the Crystal Heart. Radiant Hope was about to go after the ram demon, but was stopped by a wall made of black crystal. Hope directed her gaze towards Sombra, her heart growing heavy with sadness and anger for what he been forced to become. “You will not pass, the Crystal Kingdom will be mine, and you will be my queen!” Sombra stated. Suddenly, a stream of hellfire was unleashed upon the crystal warrior, blasting him across the ground until he came to a stop. Etrigan snarled and snorted as he walked towards Sombra. “Do not turn your back on me little troll, for that you’ll pay a hefty toll!” Etrigan and Sombra resumed their battle, however, Sombra’s attention was divided as he tried to release spell after spell to try and stop Starswirl and Radiant Hope from interfering with Grogar. But both mages were already flying after the ram demon, hot on his tail. Sombra slashed in a wide arch with his scythe, making Etrigan jump away from him. That small window allowed Sombra to give chase after his former allies. Etrigan growled in anger and chased after the corrupted Knight. “Return and do battle, you will not escape the sting of my metal!” Etrigan demanded as he too gave chase. A grand race began for the Crystal Heart, with Grogar in the lead and both mages giving chase. Starwirl and Hope would fire off magic bolt after magic bolt at the ram demon, trying to blast the demon out the air. Grogar would dodge some of the attacks, but sparingly would he counterattack, or use his weapon to smash a pillar and use the debris as his weapon. From behind, Hope and Starswirl were also being dogged, with Sombra lobbing one black crystal spear after another. His aim was deadly accurate, coming to within mere inches of hitting them, if it was not for Etrigan’s constant hellfire blasts, they would have surely been skewered a while ago. Finally, all five made it the platform of the Crystal Heart, the spinning heart shaped gemstone radiated a heavenly light, hope and love practically filling the air around them. Grogar hissed and grunted as the light burned at his temporal form, but once it was in his possession, the Heart’s light would become something else, something filled with fear and hate. Sombra and Etrigan were feeling the effects of the Crystal Heart’s light as well, but for Hope and Starswirl, they felt their magic was stronger, with this advantage they could do it, they could beat Grogar and send him back to the other dimension. The ram demon looked to his pursuers, and growled as he raised his right hand and fired a beam of raging magical energy. Starswirl stood fast and blocked the attack, bolstered by the light of the Crystal Heart. Radiant Hope jumped over the barrier and fired a steady barrage of magic bolts, pelting the ram endlessly. Hope turned her staff into its light weapon form and came down on Grogar with an overhead strike. Grogar blocked the attack, sending fissures to spider web from underneath the demon lord. Radiant Hope vaulted off Grogar’s weapon, landing behind him, and whirling her staff around to strike the monster. The Lord of Tambelon saw the blow coming, tapping into his magic once more he used a phasing spell to slip past the sorceress, he then twirled his blade staff around and thrust forward. Her gasp was echoed through the catacombs, making Etrigan and Sombra cease their fighting. Grogar’s blade was now protruding from Radiant Hope’s chest, coated in her blood. Sombra flinched, his hands trembling from the sight. In that moment, Etrigan closed the distance and punched the man in the jaw, sending him to the ground. “Fool be damned, your woman is harmed will you let this stand! Show me now, be you man or a timid lamb?!” Etrigan berated. Sombra looked back to Hope as Grogar retracted his blade and let her fall to the ground as a pool of blood began to form beneath her. Sombra gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, his anger rising inside him as the woman he loved, his first friend, was now lying dead on the ground. “H-Hope…Hope…! HOPE!!!” Sombra released a savage battle cry as his black aura shattered in place of a red one. The crystal warrior dashed forth, passed Etrigan, and passed Starswirl, heading directly for Grogar. The ram demon didn’t have time to react as Sombra summoned his twin black crystal swords and slashed at Grogar in an X pattern. The demon lord cried out in pain as his ethereal ichor bled out from the X pattern wound on his chest. Sombra did not let up as he roared out in pure fury and sadness for the love he lost. Slash after slash, cut after cut, Grogar was made to fall back, having not anticipated his pawn to turn on him like this. With each rage fueled blow, Grogar’s physical form was disappearing, his lower half, arms, and blotches of his chest were all ghostly, save for his head. Grogar blocked Sombra’s twin overhead blows by shooting out both hands and grabbing him by the wrists. The tips of the ram demon’s horns shot out like spears, both piercing straight through Sombra’s chest, causing the corrupted Knight to cough up blood. Grogar smiled evilly as he released Sombra, only to regret it a moment later as the Knight made one last defiant act, stabbing Grogar with both of his blades through his chest. The Lord of Tambelon roared in pain, but that did not last long. Etrigan ran up behind Sombra, jumped into the air, and with a single swing of his mighty sword, sliced the head off the ram demon. A moment passed before the body spouted a fountain of magical ichor, mana bleeding out of the temporal body before disappearing into nothingness. Sombra looked to Etrigan, and Etrigan to Sombra. The former Knight nodded and grinned at the demon before collapsing on to the ground. “You will not win…” spoke the head of Grogar. “I will return and I will raise Tambelon, you have only delayed me! I will see you all burn in –!” Etrigan raised his right foot and stomped on the head, making it disappear into particles of light. The demon snorted flames and looked to Starswirl as he tried to save his pupil but cursed out loud, he was already too late. However, Sombra was alive, barely. Starswirl, with a bit of malice for his betrayal, pointed his staff at the warrior, but a pulse from the Crystal Heart stayed his hand. A wave of light passed over Starswirl, his eyes shining for a moment before the light retreated back to the Heart. “I see, so that is his destiny from now,” said Starswirl. “Friend demon, I’m afraid I must have you accompany Sombra from this day forth.” “A contract written in service to you. That was our agreement tried and true,” said Etrigan. Sombra and Etrigan rose into the air, both under the control and power of the mighty Starswirl the Bearded. Both began to spin around as if in tornado of power as another circle appeared beneath them. “Caught now, imprisoned in the form of man! I bind the demon, Etrigan!” Both the Knight and demon swirled about in the air, until, their bodies were slammed together. Magical energy rushed forth from the circle as the two beings were bonded together. After about a minute, Sombra fell back to the ground, his wounds healed, and his life restored. The former Knight looked up to Starswirl, tears in his eyes as he remembered his fallen love. The old wizard placed a hand on his shoulder, offering what little comfort he could. And in the dim, dank catacombs of the Crystal Kingdom, the only sound was that of a strong man, crying from loss. ***Centuries Later…*** The sun was shining bright upon Canterlot High School. The entire area was a hub of activity, school had started again, for some it was the beginning of their senior year, for others it was the start of new school to make new friends. As the students mingled about on the quad, many fell silent when they saw a tall man stroll down the walkway. He wore a gray business suit with a red necktie and white shirt. His slicked back black hair, and intense red eyes made many of the female students swoon over the older man. He continued on his way inside and stopped as he glanced about. A female student of the school was passing by and the man called out to her. “You there, young miss.” The girl, with silver hair, and azure blue skin turned around and pointed to herself. “Are you talking to Trixie?” “Yes, I am looking for the principal’s office, it’s my first time in this building and I don’t quite know my way around.” Trixie eyed the man suspiciously, but regardless pointed him in the right direction. “Go down that hallway and it will be the third door your left. By the way, who are you anyway?” The man gave a slight bow to Trixie, making the young girl flinch. “Forgive me, my name is Sombra, I recently took a position as the new Physical Education teacher for CHS.” Trixie looked the man up and down, he looked like someone who should be on the cover of some male fashion magazine, or possibly an actor, the fabled “tall, dark, and handsome” kind of man that you read about in romance novels. Either way, Trixie was getting a weird vibe from him. “Alright, Trixie supposes she’ll see you around, Mr. Sombra.” Sombra nodded to the teenager and began his walk to the principal’s office, during the walk, the ancient Knight of Justice could sense that there was a large amount of magical energy surrounding the entire school, however, it was much different from the magic he was used to. It wasn’t dark magic, that much was for sure. It was a type of light magic, harmonious, drawn from aspects, some he recognized, some he wasn’t sure about. Whatever the case may be, we will find her. Isn’t that right, Etrigan? SOMBRA AND ETRIGAN WILL RETURN…