> The savior > by Rainbow skies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The ghost fox > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I slowly open my eyes and look around in a daze, I saw I was in a building that liked a white and gold way too much there were stained glass windows with people on them. I also notice I was lying on a marble floor so I tried to get on my feet but gravity had a different idea and I landed on my back and then on my side. I groaned in pain for a bit before I tried again but ended up on my face instead. I put a hand to my face to relieve some pain and when I did I saw a light blue paw on a light blue muzzle I jumped at the sight of it I then looked down and saw I had the same thing with my other arm along with my legs. I looked to my right and saw a mirror leaning against a wall, I got a good look at myself and tilted my head a bit. I had ghost blue like hair with a black Diamond shaped patch running from my head and across my ears and down my muzzle, I had my pitch black eyes that look more menacing than before, I had three tails with a bit of a black shade on the tips. I opened my mouth and saw some sharp teeth that were pearly white but my tongue was black I closed my mouth and looked down to see that I had white paws, on my chest was a symbol that looked like some tribe would put on, it was a black fur diamond with ancient markings and there was a cross in the middle. "What the hell how did I turn into a fox that looks like a ghost...hmm I guess I'm a ghost that's a fox... yeah seems legit" I said to myself ,yeah I was surprised I could talk but in all honesty I got changed into a fox not really a huge detail to think about more like being thankful for. "Now lets run down the list before I got here and turned into this," I said. (Earlier) I was walking in the wood with some torn off clothing and some blood coming down my face. I got into a fight with some asshole because he was stealing a woman's purse, after the fight that I won I gave the woman her purse back and left for the woods for some reason that was the only place I felt safe in, never knew why maybe it was just how much I knew this place. I kept walking deeper until I heard a faint giggle, it sounded like a small girls voice and right behind me. "What the" I questioned quietly, I turned around to see no one I've only seen one movie in my entire life, tell me why it was a horror film, 'ok I'm just gonna leave before anything else happens'. "Who's there?" I said out in the dark forest. Or not. The giggle came back except louder then it said. "Follow me" I stood there for a second, 'Alright I'm staying away from that' I thought but my body just moved on its own. 'Son of a bitch' I cursed in my thoughts as I walked even deeper into the forest and halfway through I felt as though I was actually being pulled instead of me walking. After twenty minutes of walking, I stopped in front of a cave and looked into it. "Enter the cave and start a new adventure," the voice said right in my ear then giggled and vanished. "A new... adventure" I said to myself, I slowly entered the cave and I was surrounded by darkness I leaned up to a wall and continued walking deeper, I suddenly felt something shine in my eyes causing me to look and see a twinkle of light, I got curious and continued walking inside making it in a room that was light by the moonlight and there on a large pedestal were two objects a sword that looked a hundred years old and a ghostly blue gauntlet. "What in gods name?" I questioned again and walked over until I was right in front of it. I reach out to gauntlet and the sword and as soon as I touched it I felt a small zap on my finger making me yelp in surprise. The old blade shook on the pedestal for second and I backed away a little then in an instant it became sharp and clean almost new, it had a sleek black blade and a blue fox head guard and it floated up a bit next to the blue gauntlet that turned a darker ghostly blue color and black lines filled the tips of the fingers and etched itself deeper making it look like claws. "Holy shit!" I shouted but when I did the gauntlet flew at me and opened itself then landed on my right arm and closed and it shrunk to match my arm size but it made it a bit smaller and it hurt like hell. I grunted in pain and gritted my teeth, I let out a louder scream as I felt spikes jabbed inside my arm and spread something in my veins it felt gooey and thick. The sword was next and flew right at with the point facing my chest ready to impale me, my eyes widen as the sword came at unreal speeds making it impossible to dodge. I closed my eyes and waited but nothing happened I did feel the wind get knocked out of me which landed me on my back, I opened my eyes and saw the blade in me but no blood came out nor any pain from the spot, it was right were my heart was and I tried to yank it out but It sank deeper and deeper until I couldn't even breath. It seemed like an eternity as the blade sank in me until it was gone and the only thing left was a black circle filled with ancient text on my chest. "What... have... I... done" I choked out before a bright light came and I passed out. (Present) "Then I woke up on the floor but what was the voice that leads me to the cave," I said then started to think about who it might be. I was thrown out of my thought when I heard a voice. "Hey what are you doing in here!" I turned to see a humanoid unicorn pony how I know its a unicorn because it had a horn sticking out of his head. He wore purple armor with gold on the trim he had a blue mane and a light blue streak going through it he had white fur and a look that told me he wasn't happy to see me. I shot to my paws and he put his hand on his sword, I eyed him a bit with my steel cold black eyes, he went and took a step forward but I took one back and was about to bolt. He saw that coming and he called out for more guards. Now I was panicking I looked around to find an exit but the only one that was there was where the unicorn was I cursed to myself silently then continued looking. I suddenly heard footsteps at the other end of the long hall, I turned and saw about thirty or forty guards all holding swords, spears and bows and arrows. "Well shit," I said out loud, this shocked them and they got into position I continued to look around more until I finally spotted a balcony about a few feet away that was open. 'Yes a way out' I cheered in my thoughts, looked back at the guards and smirked much to their confusion. I suddenly started running to the balcony taking them by surprise but they charged at me after a few seconds, they were fast but I was faster and I got to the balcony first, I noticed there was another section of this building. 'I think it's a castle' I thought to myself then jumped on the railing and launched off it to get to the other part of the castle. When I landed I skidded across it until I was at the edge of the roof causing me to look down and see a city made of marble and gold. I stared in awe at the beautiful city but I have pulled away from that when I heard Pegasus guards land on the building on was on, I frantically looked around and saw a banner with a sun on it that led down into a woods type of place. "Fuck it," I said and ran to the edge, I jumped with all my might until I hit the banner, I used my claws to slide down it slowly. When I was down I got to my paws and ran into the forest. "What the hell is happening first some voice comes out of nowhere tells me about a new adventure, I get a gauntlet and sword, and I pass out then next thing I know I'm a ghost fox thing in some weird land were there are horses or ponies that are unicorns and pegasi and then some regular looking ones" I said as I ran more into the forest until I knew I was safe. When I felt like the coast was clear I stopped running and sat on my hunches and panted trying to regain my breath. "Geez what else could go wrong," I said with a small groan, I then heard a small whimper from a few feet away, my ears perked up and I turned to the noise. "What the..." I said quietly and approached the sound I went through a few bushes and trees until I saw what looked like a baby wolf that was made out of wood I could have said cool and left but I just approached it and stared at it. He looked like he was a few weeks old but he didn't look that big my guess is that he was the runt which is the smallest in the pack. "Hey, a little guy where your pack?" I asked him he looked at me with a bit of fear and he whimpered more. I thought to myself as I stared at the pup then realized I was bigger than him and looked menacing so I laid myself down to make myself look smaller, he took it well as his fear went away he got up, I looked at his glowing eyes when I sat up and he wagged his tail and panted. "Guess your pack abandoned you?" I asked him to my surprise he stopped his tail wagging and he whimpered and nodded. I felt like he was in my shoes or paws alone and left to fend for himself, well I'm not gonna let that happen. "Hey, why don't you come with me bud I'll take care of you," I said and he tackled me with small tears and licking my face with happiness. "Ok ok down boy," I said and chuckled as he got off and sat down wagging his tail. "Alright now let's think of a name for you," I said he nodded. "Um, how about woody?" I suggested he shook his head. "Jessy puckman," I said chuckling he did not find it amusing. "Oh I know how about Ragnarok," I said and he gave a small bark of acceptance. "Alright Ragnarok it is then," I said and then I heard his stomach growl. "Hmm, I guess I need to feed you do you eat meat?" I asked and he nodded. "What about berries" he nodded happily, I got to my paws and walked around a bit and rok followed I then spotted a deer eating grass just a few feet from us, I used one of my tails to stop rok dead in his tracks and covered my mouth with my paw. "Ok I'll kill this one just stay here ok," I said and he nodded and sat. I turned back to the deer I then laid prone and started to slowly crawl to it closer. When I was a few feet from him I pounced the deer didn't have time to react as I landed on its back and bit the back of its neck killing it instantly I jumped off and landed next to it I then signaled rok to come over. He ran over and I told him to dig in and he did I also did too. I mean I would have liked it cooked but I don't want to attract predator or those guard pony guys. When we finished I dug a big grave and put the deer in it and buried it I notice to get dark so I got rock and headed for a spot to sleep we walked for a bit until I found a nice safe spot I laid down and curled in to a ball and rok came and slept on me to make him warm I smiled and soon headed off to sleep. (The next morning) The sun was barely shining through the trees and I so happen to be in the line of fire which hit my face I ground and got up gently laying rok down I then started to walk off to find food I found a river and I went in it to catch some fish. I was completely still and didn't move I saw three fish pass by I used my tails and grabbed them lighting fast and threw them to the shore. I then left the river and headed to the suffocating fish I put them out of there misery and grabbed them with my tail again and headed to were rok was. When I got to him he looked worried but then he saw me and he perked up and barked happily I chuckled and walked next to him and laid the fish down. "Go ahead bud those are for you I'm not use to eating them raw," I said and he happily ate them. I sat there watching him eat until I heard hoofsteps and I shot to my fee but it was too late I and rok were surrounded by spears I got in a low stance and gave a low growl. "Quit your shit creature and come with us," one of the ponies said he took a step but froze when he looked dead in my cold hazel eyes. I saw one of the pony guards was about to impale Ragnarok I jumped at him and broke his spear he backed and I growled louder. "Touch him and you will end up like the stick" I threaten him. I wrapped a tail around rok and held him close to me. "Leave," I said in a low dangerous voice. "Aint happening were here to take you to the dungeon and I guess we're taking that beast also" I looked to see the unicorn I saw yesterday I glared at him but he shrugged it off while I wasn't looking I was struck in the back of the head and knocked the took this chance to grab me and rock and carry us back to that castle. (Canterlot dungeon) "Ugh did someone catch the licenses plate of the bus that ran me over" I groaned out I noticed I wasn't in the forest anymore but in some cell. "What the...wait weres Ragnarok!" I yelled out I heard a small bark behind me and I turned to see rok wagging his tail I picked him up and hugged him for a bit then let go and looked around for a bit. "Where are we?" I asked I heard hoofsteps and I saw an alabaster pegacorn with a long white dress with a bit of a gold trim on the edges and she had weird hair that blew in the non-existent wind it consisted of a light green, blue and pink. "Ooooh, pretty hair," I said staring at the hair like a child seeing something shiny for the first time. "Thank you but how can you talk and what are you?" The mare asked and I shrugged. "Well, one is a fox two I have no idea how I can talk and three let me and rok out of here," I said calmly while sitting and have rok play with one of my tail. The mare saw and was shocked to see rok. "How did you tame a wild timber wolf they are ruthless creatures," she said slightly afraid I looked at rok and back at her. "What Ragnarok pfft he's a sweetheart won't hurt anyone well not until I teach him of course but I will teach him for self-defense besides I didn't tame him I told him I will take care of him since he was the runt of the pack that abandoned him so he's my companion" i said and I felt something new at one of my tail I turned to see rock trying to chew my tail I chuckled and got my tail out of his mouth. "Wait for that easily but you have to be some sort of beast tamer," she said and I shook my head. "Well I don't know what you are but what is a fox?" she asked. "Um a carnivorous mammal that is part of the dog family with a pointed muzzle and bushy tailor in my case tails," I said and waved my three tails shocking her. "Wait carnivorous does that mean you eat meat?" She asked. "Well, I eat both meat and plants so it omnivorous," I said. "Fascinating but there are not any other foxes in Equestria so you're the only one," she said and I frowned. "Damn oh well," I said and looked back at her. "Um, can I please be let out I won't harm you or your guards...well maybe one but out of self-defense because they might kill me," I said she thought about it for a bit but she got a key and opened the cell door. I walked out along with rok I stretched. "Now I would like to ask a few more questions if that's alright," she said I nodded and we walked out the dungeon and into the throne room. (Eight hours later cause I'm lazy) We talked and had a few laughs for hours good thing she didn't ask about my past but she got a letter from her student in the middle of it and we decided to have a little fun but with a hint of seriousness. She ordered her to go to a place called ponyville make sure everything was fine and make some friends while she was at it. I looked out the window to see the sun setting Celestia got up and went to the window and charged her horn. 'Forgot she told me they use magic here's thought I saw the sun go down and the moon rise it was brought half way up and it had a mares face on it. "Hey, Celestia why is there a mares face on the moon ?" I asked but that resulted in a few sniffles. "Sorry that was rude of me to ask such a question," I said frowning a bit. "No its fine it just I had to do something long ago that I wish I could make right," she said and looked at the but tensed up I noticed this. "Uh, what's wrong?" I asked and looked at the moon to see that the mares head was gone then Celestia turned to face me. "Listen I need you to find my student that's in ponyville and tell her nightmare moon is here I'll teleport you there now"she said in a serious tone her horn charged up and there was a blinding flash I covered my eyes and when I opened them I was on the floor in a library with six mares looking at me I saw rok and held him in one of my tails. "What the fuck are you," the one with the rainbow hair said. "Um I'm a ghost fox" > Chapter 2: Nightmare moon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Uh a ghost fox" i said backing up to a wall with rok giving small threatening barks but they sound fuckin adorable. "Please back up i dont do well with others staring at me" i said. "How can you talk and what are you?" A purple mare who assumed was twilight because celestia described her as a purple mare with dark purple hair with a pink strip going threw her man and tail. She wore a white dress shirt and a purple skirt that barely touched her knees. "Um im a fox and i dont know how i can talk but i was sent here by celestia" i said raising my paw up for some reason. "Oh really how can we believe you?" Asked a rainbow haired Pegasus that wore a short blue tank top that showed her stomach and some short shorts. "Really skittles i was teleported by her and im here to deliver a message" i said as i stood on my paws again i put rok down. "Dont attack" i said to him he nodded and sat the girls saw this and was shocked. "Why do you have a timber wolf twilight get rid of it" a mare that sounded posh she had white fur and she wore a purple dress that hugged her and had a little slit cut for her to move her legs and she had a purple mane and tail that curled. "Touch him i rip your throat out" i threatened her and got in a low stance and growled. "Yeah right like you can do tha-" i cut skittles off by jumping on her and pinning her i used two of my tail to hold her feet to tge ground and she looked scared. "Like i said try it i rip your throat out" i said once more before getting off her and went back to rok and let him play with my tails. "Now back to the matter at hand i was to inform twilight of something" i said and she nodded. "Nightmare moon has returned or somethin" i said and they all nodded. "We know she kinda took the princess somewhere" twilight said and i nodded. "Ok do you know how to defeat her cause i have no fuckin clue" i said plainly i felt a slight pain i yelped and looked back and saw that rok scratch my tail i gave him a glare of disapproval he sat there innocently acting like nothing happened. "Really rok i know it was you who would have scratched it" i said plainly he barked saying that 'he has no clue what im talking about'. "Fine I'll let you off this time next time you do it no supper" i said and he groaned. "How are you able to tame him" i turned to see a butter colored Pegasus with a green sweeter that almost covered her skirt that was pink she had long pink hair and tail. "I didnt i he was abandoned by his pack so i asked him if he wanted to come with me he agreed and now i take care of him no taming just showing some love" i said and i felt rok on my head i was preety big so it was easy to hold him up there he then started to naw on my ear and made cute noises while doing it. "Aww thats so sweet" the Pegasus said. "Yep now lets find out how to defeat nightmare moon" i said and they all nodded. We search for a while but found nothing. "Cant find nothin" i said and poked my head out of the stacks of books that were over me. "Neither did i"twilight said. "Elements of harmony a reference guid "pinkie said and shocked both me and twilight. "How did you find it?" Twilight asked moving pinkie out of the way. "It was under e~" she said bouncing around. "Oh" twilight said and opend the book.she reads off the book and it says that there are six elements but only five are known the five are loyalty, kindness, honesty, generosity and laughfter the sixth is a complet mystery. "Alright cool now were are they?" I asked. "There last location was the castle of the two sisters hidden in the everfree forest" she said and all the girls gasped. "The everfree forest" they yelled out. "I dont know what the big deal is its just some forest" i said and they all looked at me. "It may seem like it but it has dangerous creatures and the weather does its own thing thats not natural" rainbow said. "Sounds like one of earths forests" i said they all looked confused. "Im from a different world and i wasnt always a fox but now not the time for chit chat lets get the elements of harmony and save celestia" i said and they all nodded. (Everfree.forest) "So this is it right?" I asked they nidded fearfully. "Alright lets go thankfully i left rok back at the library" i said we all walked in the forest. We were walking for what felt like ours. Until we came across this cliff when we got close we heared a crack then we started to slideof the mountain due to the ground missing. I used my claws to get down and rainbow carried pinkie down while fluttershy carried rarity. They went to get twilight who was hanging off the ledge giving me a full veiw of up her skirt. I quickly turned and thank god i had fur because the blush was furious. Once everyone was down my blush calmed down and we started to move again we walked deeper into the wood to the point were the leaves covered up the moon light making it pitch black "Oops i think i step in somthingc applejack said then rarity screamed at something. "Releax its just mud" applejack said but she bumbed into a tree when she looked at it it had a stupid face that made me and pinkie laugh but made the girls scream. "Guys what are you doing run" twilight said. "Um twilight you know there just trees making stupid faces right" i said and looked at another tree and laughed even more. "He's right twilight you just got to laugh and they will disappear" pinkie said and started to sing. (After the song why cause my story) After the song and the laughing we keeped going and soon came to a clearing with a river and it did not let up and we heared crying. "Oh whooa was me" "We saw a giant purple serpent with great hair and a half cut off mustache. "Yo dude why are ya crying?" I asked and he looked at us. "Oh i dont know i was here minding my own business and then whoosh my mustache was cut clean and now i look simply horid" he said and cried more i gave a face-paw. "Seriously a mustache" i said shaking my head. "Are fucking kidding me *sigh* i hate life some times" i said. "Dude get over it just grow it back" i said and he i smaked in the back of the head. "You cant see true fasion can you" rarity sad and walked over to the serpent and ripped a scale off and cut off here tail and attached it to the sea monster he was over Joy and he made a bridge over the river. We thanked him and continued out journey. As we walked i couldnt help but feel like we were being watched i felt a chill go up my spine once or twice so i looked over my shoulder and saw two glowing orbs one was gold the other dark purple. "What the hell" i said and moved away from the group but they didnt notice. I walked over to the orbs but when i did they moved further away and i got close to it again but it moved more soon i noticed i was chacing the orbs threw the forest and soon found a clearing it was lot by the moon light and i stood in the middle of it. "Welcome newcomer" I spun around and saw a ghost a human ghost be the color of my fur and had gold eyes he stood tall in with hands behind his back. "Hi fox man" i heared next to the man it was higher pitched i saw another ghost but it was dark purple with long purple hair and had black eyes. "I hope you remember us foxy" the lady ghost said. "Wait what i just met you guys and how are human ghost here that seems almost impossible because of all the ponys around?" I asked and they chuckled. "Oh thats because we died here protecting this place" the man ghost said. "Well we didnt technically died but our souls were put into objects and were used here to protect and serve" he said. "Yeah and we kicked alot of ass fox man" the lady said who i just notice has a hyperactive personality ahile the male has a calm one its like yin and yang almost i think. "We were badass on the field and who ever had us were almost unstoppable" she added but i notice something. "You said almost and what do you mean your sould were in objects?" I asked. "Well who ever had us had to train like anyone would do but they soon died in battle protecting this land we were meant for somwone with oure of heart and tbe objects that i was talking about was the sw-" he was cutt off when a thunder clap rang threw the forest. "Sorry but we'll finish this later for now you must save your friend from death" he sadi and his hand started to glow he lifted me up off the ground. "I'll teleported you to your friend and once you beat nightmare moon you must escape to the forest right after for now farewell" he said. "Bye fox man see you soon" the lady said and waved and i think smiled before i was envloped in a bright light and transported somewhere. (Castle of the two sister) I was teleported and landed on the ground with a thud. "I hte teleporting ugh" i groand out and got to my paws i looked around and i was in the castle of the two sister then suddenly i heared a wicked laugh i turn to see a blak furred mare with a horn and wings like celestia she was her hieght to and she had cayn blue eyes with reptilian pupils and a pair of sharp teeth that matched mine. She wore light blue armor covering her self from any damage and her bust was huge. "You'll never get away with this nightmare moon" i turn to see twilight ready to charge at her. "Your kidding your kidding right you think you can take me fool" she said but twilight didnt back down. "Fine it makes your demise faster" she said and summond a sword and charged twilight did the same but her horn flared up when nightmare was close she went to stab twilight but she teleported behind her to these five stones that what i presume is the elements of harmony she then again charged her horn to try and make a spark when she did it nightmare teleported infront of her and kicked her away. I tried to catch her but i remembered i was a fox with paws so i mainly cushion her fall we landed with a thud and a painful one at that. "Oooh not trying to be mean twilight but your kinda heavy well on my ribs you are" i said and ahe looked back at me. "Were did you go we thought we lost you in the woods but we carried on thinking you were already here" she said and got up i also got up and we saw nightmare moon freaking out as sparks of magic went in a circle but soon stoped. "Wait were the sixth element" twilight said now full of fear. "AHAHAHA FOOLS YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD HAVE STOPED ME?!" She laughed out and stomped her hoof on the floor shattering it. "Ah screw it we dont need them" i said 'the hell am i saying?!' I thought. "I'll take her on twilight get the girls and get out of here" i said 'im going to die im really going to die' i tbought. "But what about you?" She asked worried. "Im made of some tough stuff so I'll be fine" i said smirking. 'No im not'. "Now go!" I yelled to her she nodded and went to the stairs but looked at me one more time before going and getting the girls. "So who and what are you peasant" nightmare demanded but i just just glared at her with killing intent. "Fine I'll enjoy killing you welp" she sad and raised her sword again and charged at me i waited until she wasright in front of me. When she was i went underher legs when she brought the sword down i used my tails to grab her legs and pull herto the ground she did so and i jumped on her back and scratched er exposed part. She screamed in pain and pushed me off and she slashed my face but not to bad only going to leave a scar. I jumped back and she readied herself again i soon felt the blood coming out my face and i growled showing my teeth i then ran at her dodging magic blasts when i was close i pounced fast enough and drove my very sharp teeth into her armor shoulder she screamed in agony. "You insolent welp!" She yelled out and used the hilt to hit me off her and then she kicked me away i got olup and saw she was bleeding black blood but zoon healed it. "Now time to die" she said i looked straight in the eye and when i did she backed up a bit in fear. "What i thought i sealed you away you foul beastes to never returned ever" she said and i was confused. "No matter i shall end you here" she saud before oi was engulfed in a golden light an lifted off the floor. "What the hell?" I asked much to nightmares suprise. "You can talk" she said but shook her head and got ready. The light envloped me i felt tingly everywere it felt nice i soon felt something grow and i gelt less hairy i still felt my tail and ears but i felt something else i felt power tons of it and it felt good once the light was gone i was on my back naked completely naked with my gauntlet on my arm and sword next to me.. "Welp i officially hate life alot" i said and sat up when i did i saw my legs my human legs but it had some claws on them small ones i then raised my arm and saw my human arm i felt around my face and no muzzle. "Im human again i wanted to be a fox for a while longer damn oh ta hell with it im buck naked" i said and groand. "What in the name of faust?" I heared nightmare say. "No matter i shall destroy you and those weapons" she sad and charged at me i grabbed my sword that was next to me and got to my feet i felt magic run threw me i liked it when she was bringing her swird down i easily Prairie and punched her with my left arm she flew back. "Huh well damn im liking this more and more" i said and charged at nightmare who barely got up in time to Prarie my attack i kept bringing my blade down qnd she kept blocking them i then heared foot steps so i decide to punch nightmare again and send her fly i jumped back to were the noise was i looked back and saw the girls. "Girls i told you to run i can handle this" i said and blocked a mahic blast with my gauntlet. "I figured out how to use the elements and why are you naked and not on four paws?" She asked with a small blush on her face. "No time to explain but use the elements i dont care how you do ot just get it done" i said and charged at nightmare. "And do it fast" i said and we clashed blades again. I then strated to fell weak nightmare took this chance and sliced my chest and kicked me away. "Hahaha you exhausted yourself to much boy now just lay there and die" nightmare said i laid there on my back infront of the girls bleend from my face and chest. "Use them hurry" i said they nodded twilight was going on about how friendship will prevail and that the elements of harmony reside in the other girls the shattered peices from the elements were brought over to them by magic and they made necklaces for them applejack was honesty, pinkie laughfter, rarity generosity, fluttershy kindness and rainbow loyalty they all had beight shining eyes and floated in the air then twilight was i the middle of them and they all shot a rainbow beam of magic at nightmare moon. "NOOOOOO!" She screamed out as the rainbow surounded her i looked up to see this and soon the rainbow was gone leaving shattered armor peices and a small alicorn girl with a blue shirt and pants she had a light blue fur and hair. "Man i kinda wish i had some cloths" i said as i looked at my naked features ignoring the girls getting up. I looked outside and saw the sun coming up from the horizon. "Hey girls look the suns coming up" i said pointing out a window they all looked and sighedin relief. They then notice the necklaces around there neckes and the tiara on twilights head. "Wow twilight i guess you were right about us being the elements of harmony" applejack said. "That you do" There was flash of light then we saw celestia walking over to us. "Well done my little ponys" she said and twilight went and hugged her i got up but winced at my injuries and walked over to her and used my sword as a cane to stand on. "Princess i thought you said that nightmare moon was an ld ponies tale" she said and looked at her she giggled and i snickered. "Um twilight im kinda the one who said most of that letter but celestia wanted it to make it a bit serious and that right celly" i swid and she nodded before looking at me her eyes widened and she quickly looked away blushing same with twilight and the girls. "Seriously i hate life sometimes but anyway what to do with her" i said and pointed to the little filly looking around confused. "Princess luna" celestia said and the filly jumped and slowly looked at her with a bit of fear in her eyes. "It has been a thousand years we were supposed to rule together little sister" she said the girls went slacked jawed i shrugged. "Will you please accept my friendship?" Celestia asked and the girls were litteraly on ther tip toes or tip hoofs. The filly started to cry and hugg celestia. "I missed you so much big sister" the filly said. "I missed you too" celestia said hugging back i felt a tear wanting to drop but i remembered what happened in the forest. I slowly backed away from thw group and walked slowly to the exit but as i was close to the exit i felt a surging pain run threw me i yelped in pain and they all looked at me. "Were are you going?" Twilight asked and walked towards me but i bolted out of there. "Take care of Ragnarok until i get baaaaack" i yelled out running out of the building but i saw a blue blur pass me and was now infront of me it was dash attempting to stop me but i got close to her to the point where we were cenimeters apart making her back off i took off in the woods to meet those two ghost and get some answers as i ran i heared the girls were searching for me. I ran until i i felt i was at a good distance i then sat down and leaned on a tree panting. "Fuck sake all i want is answers" i said i then heared a branch break thanks to my fox ears still on my head i quickly shot to my feet turned and tackeld the pony to he ground and pind it. I saw it was twilight and she looked very flustered. "Twilight how did you find me?" I asked still pinning her. I used my magic to track you down" she said and i nodded. "Ok why are you here?" I asked. "To ask you questions and your name" she said and i sighed and got off. "Ok can we start with your name?" She asked and i nodded. "Alright well my name is steel fox but call me steel" i said and she nodded. "What are you?" She asked. "A human" i said. "How old are you?" She said. "Um i'd say twenty" i said and that shocked her. "Alright thats enough questions for now right now i need to find something to answer about this" i said poinying to my gauntlet. "And this" i then lifted my black fox blade. "So tell fluttershy to take care of rok for me he eats berries and meat ok now good bye for now" i said and rann more into the forest and twilight left to her friends. (Castle of the two sister) pov twilight. "Twilight did you find him?" Rarity asked i nodded. "Well were is he?" She asked more. "He left before i could make him come back sorry but i did find out his name" i said. "Well what is it" rainbow asked. "Steel fox" i said. "Sounds cool fits him too" rainbow said. "What else did he say ?" Celestia asked. "Well he said he was a human and he was twenty years old and he was going to find answers to about these iteams he had" i said getting the grouos attention. "What were these objects twilight?" Princess celestia asked. "A long black blade with a blue hilt and fox guard with a ghostly blue gauntlet that had black lining filling it until it was at the tips of the fingers it was amazing" i said. "Luna i think we have somepomy very important amongst us" celestia said in a serious tone luna nodded. "Yes it seems they have returned" "You mind filling us in" rainbow asked. "Girls that human is the most important thing in all of equastria" > Chapter 3: Some answers and ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sprinted deeper into the forest trying to find those two spirits. "The hell are those two its almost sun down" i said. I stoped and panted from running all day. "Oh man im out of shape i may have muscles but damn" i said and sat on the floor. I felt really tired and cold due to one running all day and two im stark naked with only a sword and gauntlet. "Wow dudnt know you were this buff" i turned my head and saw the ghost lady looking at me. "Nice friend you got there too" she said and smirked. I blushed and covered my crotch she giggled and walked towards me. "So um i have questions about my gauntlet and sword" i said and she nodded she lifted me up and motioned me to follow her. I complied and we walked deeper into the forest. It was night time and i was still following her. "How much farther away" i asked. "Not that long about a few more feet" she said and continued walking. We soon came to a clearing with a river the moon shined off of it and there was a tree that had fireflies roaming around it. "Were here" she said and i awed at the beauty. "Wow this is amazing but weres your other friend?" I asked. "Right here" I spun around and the guy was right behind me i yelped in suprised and jumped back. "Dude dont do that nearly gave me a heart attack" i said and he chuckled. "My apologies but i hear you have some questions about that gauntlet and sword you have" he said and i nodded. "Well thise are the objects i was talking about" he said and i went slacked jawed. "Our souls are in those weapons you have im the gauntlet the one that protects you from magic blast and can crush anything with ease" he said and i looked to my left arm. "And im the sword i can make you faster than anything and can slice threw anything once you learn how" she said and i raised my sword. "So right now im hold the weapons that have both of your souls and literally kick ass" i said and they nodded. "Thats awsome" i said and gave the sword a few swings. "Glade you think so for now we must train you to properly use them" the man said i stoped and looked at him. "We will teach you how to use them but for the powers that come with it you must prove your pure of hesrt without an ounce of evil in you and will protect this land from any harm" he said and i nodded. "Ok I'll train with you" i said and he smiled he then snapped his fingers and there was pop and rok appeared in his hands. "What the how the hell" i said and and he put rok down rok then ran to me and i picked him up with my tail. "Good to see you too boy but what are you doing here?" I asked him and he tilted his head. "He will also train and learn to gather his own food" the lady said and took rok in her hans rok was panting and she recoiled from the smell. "Whoa lets fix that" she said and snapped her fingers but nothing happened. "There now he has minty breath and not puke breath" she said i chuckled. "Alright when do we start training and how long will it take" i asked. "How good are you so far?" He asked. "Um about as good as an average swords man" i said and he nodded. "If what you say is true than this will be a few weeks can you handel it" he asked. "If i survived nightmare moon than bring it" i said and he chuckled. "Than lets begin". (Twilights house)pov twilight "Wait he he jumped off the castle and onto another section with ease" rainbow asked and the princess nodded. "Yes thats what my guards say when they were chasing him" she said. "But he is kind if you dont threaten him or his pet Ragnarok" she said. "Really that will explain why he threaten to kill us for trying to get rid of his pet" i said and rainbow shivered remembering looking into his death stare. "Yeah im not gonna do that ever" rainbow add. "Dash are you scared of our new friend?" Applejack with a smirk. "No not the slightest i can never be scared of a guy who has eyes that look like tartarus it self" she said and crossed her arms she then realized what she said and faced Palmed. "Ok maybe a little bit but come on he has scary eyes" she said. "Yes thats what i notice to his cold black eyes they looked like they could kill anything" the princess said making all of us gulp. "But to the matter of this discussion you see our friend steel fox has possession two of the most powerfull artifacts thay help my mother long ago there were two other human that lived here and they possessed those artifacts but like every other pony they die but they asked for there souls to be placed inside the weapons and thats what my mother did and after that they were lost in time never to be seen again until now" she said and rarity fainted while all off us just had our mouths hanging. "So you see he is more powerful than myself and luna" she added and now fluttershy fainted. "So steel is more powerful than you and luna" i said and they nodded. "But if the artifacts were lost in time how did he get them?" I asked "That i dont know but if he ever comes to ponyville send me a letter as fast as possible understand" celestia said and i nodded. "Of course the question is when is he gonna show up". (Half a month later) the field of hope pov steel. "Again" manus said and i readied myself for another magic blast. I've been training for half a month i mastered how to sword fight now im mastering how to use my gauntlet. The magic blast went straight at me but i lifted my arm and swatted it away then even more came out i was now using my arm to deflect magic blasts. Soon i there was non left but i kept my guard up just in case. "Excellent job steel you havs now mastered how to use the gauntlet and sword in battle but there is much more in the future powers beyond your imagination but for now mastering basic sword fighting is a good start there is nothing more i could teach you" he said and i smiled. "Cool im glade i finaly finished training but i hope when i do unlock those powers you can help me and teach me more but i thank you for helping me use the sword and gauntlet better manus" i said and held out a hand he took it and we shook. "Aww your finally done with training but i like playing with Ragnarok" lily said while petting a bigger version of rok. He grew over a few because lily accidentally use a age spell on him making him almost into a full grown timber wolf he had tribal marks on him and his body turned snow white which was weird but i just guessed lily changed his color his eyes were now blue too. "Yeah lily im done with training but you know you can play with rok because well your mainly my sword" i said to her and she caught on. "Oh right my souls in there so i can play with raggy when ever i want" she said hugging rok i nodded. "Ya" she cheered. "Alright i guess i should see if i can find that ponyville i was in half a month ago" i said and they nodded theysoon turned into orbs and went into the gauntlet and sword. "Alright common rok lets get her goin" i said and he barked we then marched to ponyville. (Two hours later) "For fuck sak!" I yelled out and fell to the floor. "How long have we been out here?" I asked lily. "Two hours" she said and i got up and hit my head to the nearest tree over and over again. "Alright i get it were lost big woop lets just climb a tree to see were we are" she suggested. "Why didnt i think of that" i said and hit my head on the tree one more time and climbed it lily shook her head and went back into the sword. I climbed to the very top and saw everything and even ponyvilleit was a few feet away. "They hell its literally just a few feet away alright lets go" i said and jumped down next to rok he was laying down once i was on the floor i heared a distanced crying thanks to my fox ears i immediately look towards the direction and looked around rok did the same. "Lets find out what that cryin is bud" i said and he nodded. We walked in the direction of the crying and once we found the source i was shocked to see a lottle Pegasus girl with purple hair and orange fur she had what looked like a neclace around her neck and she wore dirty cloths she was crying so much that she didnt notice me and rok. "Why does my life suck so much" the girl mumbled out." All i want is a nice life like applebloom or sweetie belle but i end up with a bad one" she cried out more. "Hey kid are you ok?" I asked standing right infront of her she looked up and looked afriad but right as it came it left and she just put her head down in her hands. "What are you doing out her?" I asked once more no response i motioned rok to come near her. He nodded and went next to her and he licked her face making her look up as rok. "Hey dont do that" she said and rok did it again she wiped off the slober and glared at rok before he licked her again she then giggled and petted him. "Fine but seriously stop" she said and he nodded. "Smart timber wolf but why are you so kind and why is your wood so different?" She asked him . "Well lets just say it was magic but it seems rok got your attention" i said and she looked over to me. "Now can you please tell me what is it your doing out in the everfree forest" i asked and she frowned. "Its because my life is a living hell" she said and rok wimpered and laid his head on her lap she smiled a bit and petted him. "My so called family doesnt love me they either beat me or just kick me out of my house and they barely feed me i only get by with my friends help but i feel like im being a burden to them". She said and let a few tears drop i quickly hugged her taking her by suprise. "You know me and you are almost the same" i said and she was shocked but hugged back. "And let me tell you one thing your friends if they think you were a burden to them they wouldnt help you or feed you have the most amazing friends and they will always help you in your time of need" i said and felt my shirt feel a bit damp and heared soft crying. "Just let it out no need to hold back" i said and patted her back. "My names...scootaloo whats yours?" Scootaloo asked. "My names steel fox and right now im your new friend" i said and we hugged for a bit longer then we broke it. "So scootaloo do you wanna come back to ponyville with me?" I asked she hesitantly nodded i smiled and got up i then helped her up. "Alright now lets go tell my friends whats going on and maybe they could help you more" i said and she nodded i picked her up and placed her on roks back like horse. We then marchedto ponyville...again (Edge of ponyville) "Alright were here scoots lets go find my friends ok" i said and she looked a bit scared. "Dont worry while im around i wont let nopony hurt you" i said and this seems to help a bit and calmed down we then entered ponyville and walked around abit ponys gave me weird stares and a look of fear to rok while scootaloo rode on his back. "Nothin to see here folks just a fox/man with his giant timber wolf that has a filly on it" i said and they screamed rushed inside. "Huh well damn i thought im not that ugly or badly dressed am i?" I asked scoots she shook her head. "No your not ugly or badly dressed but maybe its the ears and tails" shesaid and pointed to my ears and tails i grumbled. "Well lets see them have cool fox ears and tails" i said and floped my ears against my head. We continued walking until i heared something coming behind me i quickly turned and grabbed what was coming at me but when i did i kinda tripped backwards and me and the mysterious pony went flying and skidded across the street. "Steel!" Scootaloo yelled and rok raced over to me. "Are you ok?" She asked i nodded. "Yeah im good but im wondering about her" i said and pointed to a familiar rainbow headed Pegasus and she sat up holding her head. "Yo you good?" I asked her and she nodded. "Yea im good sorry practicing a new stunt and lost control " she said and shook her head and looked me and gasped. "Its you your the one who took on nightmare moon one on one" she said i chuckled. "Yup thats me i if i remembered correctly your name is rainbow dash" i sad and she nodded. "Well nice to see ya again oh have you met my friend scootaloo " i said and pointed to scoots she turned and saw scoots on rok.. "Holy celestia is that Ragnarok but last time i saw him he was smaller and not snow white" she said and looked at him more. "Wow it's only been half a month and he's this big how?" She asked. "Magic now have you met my friend scoots" i asked and looked ontop of rok and saw scoots giving a small wave. "Squirt were have you been i usually see you looking at me while i do tricks" she said scoots frowned. "She was in the everfree i found her crying because she says her life sucks and that she has an abusive family" i said with some venom dripping from Those words. "So i found her cheered her up and brought her back so i might go to twilights house and just chill there" i said. "Cool im gonna get the girls so we can ask you some stuff and take scoots with you" she said and i nodded. "Cool i see you later" she said and flew off. "Alright lets scootaloo and can you tell me were twilights house is?" I asked and she nodded she then started to direct me to twilights house. We soon came to a giant tree house and i just went uo to it and knocked on it. "One second" a voice said this was much younger. Soon the door opened and revealed a small dragon withpurple scales and a purple shirt with green pants. "What do you want". "Wow rude much" i said and he proceeded to close slame the door i just put my foot against it and he tried to move it and slame the door on it but i wouldnt budge. "Sheesh kid i just want to talk to twilight" i said and taped his head making him stagger back. "I'll just let myself in f you dont mind common rok" i saod and we walked in. "Hey you cant just enter without permission" he said and i shrugged. "By the looks of this place its a public library so i kinda can" i said and leaned against the wall he looked like he wanted to burn me and he actually tried to but i used my gauntlet to block it. "Geez calm down kid im not gonna kill anyone" i said and put my arm down. "Hey twilight get mind coming down here!" I yelled out. I soon heared foot steps coming from the stairs and saw twilight. "Oh its you the one that left after the fight with nightmare moon" she said and raced down stairs she then lifted my arm and studied it then the leather armor i was wearing and finally my sword. "Wow this armor is so amazing hoa did you get it?" She asked. "Made it" i plainly said. "Took awhile but i got it also that dragon kid is really getting on my nerves" i said and caught a book that was coming straight to my face. "Spike what are you doing?" Twilight asked sternly to the young drake. "This guy shows up comes in uninvited and has a timber wolf twilight he could be dangerous" he said and threw another book i caught it again and threw them back landing perfect hits. "Yes but he's also the one that saved me from nightmare moon spike" she stated making the drake confused. "This guy took on nightmare moon by himself" he said and she nodded. "Theres no way he did that" he said i rolled my eyes. "Believe what you want kid im here to see twilight and the others" i said and sat near scoots and rok. "So now we gotta wait for the girls so for now im gonna rake a nap night" i said and closed my eyes. > Chapter 4: Living this life and coming back to an old > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Dream realm) I sat there next to a tree looking at the sky I liked this it was peaceful no nightmares for once. "Are you steel fox?" A voice said behind me. I turned and saw luna but a bit older probably back to my age, I nodded to the princess. "Tis nice to see thou after our first encounter, we would uh... like to apologize" she said. "No need you weren't in control perfectly understandable" I said and patted the spot next me, she gave a small smile and sat next to me. I leaned on the tree and gave a small sigh. "But I wasnt expecting any greeting from those mares or you especially so to what do I owe the pleasure to speak to a moon goddess?" I asked. "Quiet the charmer we see but flatter will get thou no were" luna said. "I know but its true so seriously what brings you?" I asked her. "Well we wanted to see how thou is doing and since this is actually the first time we see thou, we would like to ask thou about thy weapons" luna said the way she used the old english was kinda funny. "Well its called the vortex gauntlet and the stardust sword" I said lifting my arm and sword showing her the objects. "Odd the names we remember them being called twas the holy weapons of the gods" luna said and I chuckled. "Well you may call them anything to me there my friends" i said getting a confused look from luna. "Well there are souls in my weapons and there really cool especially lily she's funny and she acts like a kid" i said making luna giggle. "We see well we hope thou will find some more friends in our land" luna said getting up. "We shall see thou some other time to" luna said before staring to walk off. "Hey wait" i said grabbing her hand and she stoped. " What do you mean make some friends i made one already" i said making her turn to me and she tilted her head. "Who?" Luna asked i let go of her hand and pointed right at her. "You" i said she had a faint blush but shook it off. "Thou thinks of us as a friend?" Luna asked i nodded. "We see...would thou like to come to the grand galloping galla thats in a few days" luna asked me. "Well alright i dont see the harm" i said luna nodded. "Well alrught see you then and we can continue our conversation later till then" i said and bowed she smiled warmly and started walking off again and the dream started melting. I was surrounded by darkness and not just the run of the mill darkness this is advanced darkness meaning no light will enter, i had the feeling of being watch then i started shaking. "No... you left my body for good bastard" i said i heared a dark giggle making me shiver. "Oh sweet steel" a voice said its soft and a little raspy it was a femal voice one i know all to well. "Show yourself bitch and face me like uh...female? No then im calling my self a chick argh...just get out here now!" I yelled at the darkness the voice giggled and i felt something on my shoulders. "Why you seen plenty of times before have you not ehehe...but i do want one thing" she said i felt something lick my ear sending another shiver down my spine. "i want to be free" (Real world) I gasped and jumped a little, i breathed heavily and looked around my surroundings. No was here except for rok, i looked at the ground and i was shaking all over. "It...it cant be her she was gone for so long how can she be back" i said to myself i tried calming down but it didnt work i was still wondering how she came back. "Steel are you alright?" Twilight asked me as sbe came down the stairs. "Ah uh yes im fine thank you twilight sorry if i woke you, you can head back to bed if you like" i said i then had something shine in my eye i covered my eyes from the light and i looked out the window to see it was day time. "Wow slept the entire day i was here sorry i couldnt answer you questions twilight" i said. "Its ok anyways its spikes day off how about we go out and eat my treat since i know you dont have any bits" twilight said i nodded and got up. "Oh and i guess we should take you to raritys and get you some cloths huh" twilight said i looked down and just remembered I've been in this thing for weeks. "Jesus i dont need some I've been in this for weeks" i said and sniffed the shirt then reeled my head back. "Holy shit yeah i say rarity first then food how about that" i asked twilight she nodded and we started walking to raritys Boutique. "Man you really do smell" twilight said pinching her nose and giggled. "Yeah yeah i get it hey i was in the woods for awhile of course im gonna reek anyways how far is raritys house?" I asked her. "Oh actually were here" twilight said, i saw a building that looked like it was litteraly made of a carousel. Twilight and i walked to the door and i gave two firm knocks. "Sooo...lovely weather today" i said. "Oh uh yes very...lovely" twilight said and we entered an awkward silence, we stood there in the silence for a good five minutes before the door opened. "Ah darling so glad to see you and you brought steel coming and...ok who smells like sweat and blood?" Rarity asked. "That would be me mind if i use your shower?" I asked her. "Uh go right ahead but let me get your waist size to make you some boxers" Rarity said i nodded and we entered, the place was nice actually not were i wanna live but its up there. "The bathroom is up stairs to your left but hold still a moment and...done alright you can leave your cloths down here i shall deal with them" rarity said i nodded and took the leather chest peice of and placed it on the table then i removed my shirt. "Oh my" "Say something rarity?" I asked her, rarity shook her head with red cheeks. "Nope not a thing darling honest" Rarity said i shrugged then took off my boots and socks. "Twilight grab my couch please" rarity wispered to her, twilight grabbed a red couch and set it behind her. "Alright now i think i should head to the shower and take the rest off there" i said getting a groan out of the fashion mare. I headed upstairs and went straight to the bathroom were i went in snd closed the door then locked it, i then stripped down and turned the shower on till it was warm. "There that should do it" i said and got in i felt the water hit my skin and this felt amazing its been too long since I've felt this. (Five minutes later) I turned off the shower and dried myself off, i heared a knock at the door so i wrapped the towel around my waist then opened the door. "Yes?" I asked the mare on the other side. "Here you go finished these a few minutes ago hope they fit" rarity said and gave me the bkue bixers i thanked her and closed the door, i put the boxers on and looked myself in the mirror. My black hair and black eyes were the one thing cool about me my torn up body with scars littered all over it and some just below the neck i raised a hand and placed it on my face. I stared at myself for a few minutes but then i saw my figure morph and i saw...her. that small but wicked grin, her steel cold blue eyes the long black hair and pure white skin that matched celestias coat. "No...get....OUT!" I shouted and punched the glass shattering it, i started sweating and i breathed heavily then i looked at my hand. "Son of bitch" i said before hearing a pound on the door. "Steel are you alright in there darling?" Rarity asked through the door. "Uh...aye just uh slipped dont worry i caught myself before i was hurt" i said opening the door. "Im fine really" i said she then gasped. "Steel what in celestias name happened to your body?" Rarity asked me i looked down to see all the scars. "Thats uh kinda touchy so i wont tell you not until im ready" i said she nodded and we went down stairs to put on my cloths. "Also i need some bandages for my hand" i said. "How did you mess up your hand this badly?" Twilight asked grabbing it. "Well i did it while i was falling my bad" i said she looked at me for a second before using her magic to heal my hand. "Forgot there was magic here now then i heared cloths calling my name" i said rarity pointed to the table and i saw a white muscle shirt some black jeans and some blue arm bands i quickly placed them on and noticed the blue bands had some weight in them niow that i think about it so does my entire outfit. "I made it just like your armor except more comfortable and soft i add the weight with my magic so its like you never left the armor behind" rarity said i smiled and shadow boxed in the air testing it. "Thanks rarity i appreciate this really i do now what can i do for you to repay this since i have no money?" I asked her stoping my shadow boxing. "No charge its on the house but just tell ponies about my shop thats it" she said i nodded and i invited her to join us and said twilight would be paying. "Yeah i didnt mind also we can ask you questions" twilight said i nodded and we headed out to were ever a plafe for food was. "So steel what did you do back in your world?" She asked me. "What did i do...hmm well i begged for money or stole it from thugs" i said making them gasp. Weentered the building called sugarcube corner and took a seat. "Yeah i wasnt really wanted...back in my world" i said "Im sorry i didnt know" twilight apologized but steel raised his hand. "Its alright twilight you couldn't have known but please like i told celestia I'll tell you all when im ready" i said giving her a reasuring smile, she seemed to accept this and gave a small smile of her own. "Thanks" twilight said, after a but pinkie hoped to our table with a notepad and pen. "What would you *gasp* foxy your here!" Pinkie shouted enthusiastically. "What are you doing?!" "Ah gettin something eat im starving pinks if you can grab me a burger with bacon that would be the best" i said i then felt the room go completely silent and the ponies around stared at me with fear. "What i eat meat so what not like i would ponies you guys would taste terrible" i said but i guess they didnt hear any if that and started screaming then ran out the place leaving me, pinks, twilight and rarity in silence. "Well i'll be damned didnt see that one coming now about that burger" i said. "Uh steel darling you do know we ponies are herbivores right?" Rarity asked. "Shit i forgot about that whoops my bad but damn i can go for a burger hmm and some ham...damn it why couldnt y'all be humanized ponies" i said they rolled there eyes and ordered me a cupcake. "So how long before a mob comes and tries to kill me?" I asked them. "I give it three minutes" i heared a kid say i looked and saw spike. "Sup shrimp finally calm down after your little tantrum yesterday?" I asked him he just threw a book at me which i caught with ease. "Guess not does little spiky wiky need a nap?" I joked and laughed a little he didnt take to kindly to the and lunged at me only for me to hold my left arm out and grabbed him by the neck. "To slow spike c'mon its like your not even trying" i said tossing him away. "Alright thats it im gonna-" "Gonna what?" I said and turned to him and looked right in his eyes, he felt my eyes cold stare and the piercing hazel was making him shake. "Thats what i thought now stop trying to beat people up got it or i smack you across the face understand" i said. "Y-yes sir" spike said slowly getting up. "Good now go home and think about what you've done" i said spike nodded again and picked up his things before running out of here. "*sigh* sorry 'bout that but I've had my fair share if dealing with kids" i said. "Were you a father?" Rarity asked me i gave a sheepish chuckled and shook my head. "No but I've dealt with snobby brats that dont get enough attention from his/her parents so i scold them then the parents almost went to jail once all because the woman wanted an apology for scolding her son that happened to be a 'perfect little angle'" i said in a sarcastic tone. "Wow well i guess thats good because I've been wanting to date guys for awhile but spike burn's them away from the place" twilight said. "I keep telling him to stop but he doesn't listin" "Just sit him down and ask him why my guess is that he's worried you might get your heart broken by one and get depressed so your both not doing wrong but at the same time you are get what mean?" I asked twilight. "I suppose i guess i should talk with him and actually find somepony that i know...thanks steel that really helps I'll do that later tonight" twilight said i smiked and pinkie came back with the food then said something about a party i wasnt paying attention i was just looking at the cupcake. "The holy gods have blessed me with this food for that i thank them for it and for the person who made it for if they move to the afterlife the world would mourn to the ends of time" i said lifting the cupcake in the and stricking a dramatic pose. The girls started laughing there butts off pinkie fell to the floor holding her stomach and crying a bit. "Geez wasnt that funny" i said sitting back down and downed the cupcake. "Well no one gets that dramatic except for rarity" twilight said calming down a bit. "I do not" rarity whined and huffed i chuckled and got up. "Leaving darling?" "Yeah gotta train for a bit thanks for the food pinkie thanks for buying it twilight I'll see you guys later " i said and walked out sugar cube corner i continued walking until i was at a small bridge leading to an open feilds. "Perfect" i said before jumping across and looked up to the sky i smiled. I fixed myself in a position that manus told me about and i thought i give it a try at least once to see if im able to. "Dio fascio penetrate! (god piercing beam!)" i shouted before raising my hands to the sky and a large blue beam shot out of them the kick was unmatchable to anything I've had to shoot so i took a couple of steps back as the beam went on. "Damn this take alot out of ya" i said before the beam vanished i hunched and started panting sweat dripping on my face. "Steel the hell was that?" Dash asked landing next to me. "Well its something i learned in the forest its called the Dio fascio penetrante in Italian but in English its god percing beam very powerful technique that drains so much out if you i can also fly without wings" i said shocking her. "No pony can do that its impossible" dash said i laughed and jumped a good distance up before i floated ij place. "The fuck?" "Told you took me awhile to do that now then come join me up here will ya" i said as she flew up infront of me. "You know i could get use to flying haven't had a chance to do so in forever but this is as how high i can go im still working in how to fly" i said. "So all you can do i slowly float to places?" Dash asked me i nodded. "Well start practicing cause i wanna race you one day" "Alright but give me time still new to flying" i said she nodded and we both landed back on the ground. "So did you hear about the grand galloping galla thats in a few days?" "Oh yeah the princess gave us tickets to the party so thats where were going but i dont think we can bring you sorry" dash said i just shrugged it off. "Eh luna gave me special permission to go" i said and dash gave a sly smile. "Oh special permission huh what already a week back and got a princess falling for you" dash snickered i blushed a little. "No she does not like me and two if that were true it cant happin because...what would she want with a street rat with no home" i said quietly. "Im sorry i couldnt hear that last part can please repeat" dash asked. "I said she wouldnt want me because im a street rat with no home or family hell were i lived everyone wanted me dead" i said and this put dash in a loss for words. "I'll uh see you later dash i gotta go think for a bit" i said and walked past her to and went straight to the library were i went in my room and locked it. "*sigh* Fuckin hell why did i say that" A day or two past and i haven't gottin out of my room yet i didnt speak and ate very little i get like this if i talk about my past, i then start remembering it as if it was yesterday i shook my head each time i saw a figure walk past me. "Steel...c'mon please come out were all worried about you" i heared twilight over the door i said nothing and just sat on my bed looking out the window. "Go away twilight" i said and sighed i closed my eyes then re-opened them to see her infront of me. "What do you want?" "Isn't it obvious, freedom dumbass what else but i cant have that unless you let me take over" she said i growled at her. "Not gonna happin i remember what happened the last time i did that they all died in that facilitie" i said she slamed her fist on the table. "I helped us escape subject 651!" She shouted i glared at her. "I go by steel fox now asshole not subject 651 now get out of here you ruining my veiw" i said she growled then huffed. "Fine but remember this when you ask for my help i might not be so willing to give it" she said before giggling, i closed my eyes and opened them and she was gone like if she was never there. "I cant remember what they did to me in the damn place all i know is that...i did want to kill them all" i said haning me head down. "You wanted to what?" I heared twilight say i looked and saw she had a spare key and all the girls were with here. "Well cats out if the bag i guess" i said getting up and walking over to them. "What do you want to hear?" I asked them. We all sat around the library pinkie and dash on the round table, me on the couch, rarity and twilight in chairs, and fluttershy and applejack standing next to twilight and rarity. "Alright what do you want to hear?" I asked them. "What you said about wanting to kill everyone of them" rainbow dash asked getting right to the point the group glared at her but i sighed. "My original name...subject 651 of the combination hybrid and mental abillity organization" i said then pulled down my shirt a bit and had three number burned on my skin saying 651. "Darling did they?" Rarity asked staring at the mark i let the shirt go and nodded. "Thats...so awful" "Yes it was...i was born in that facilitie by my 'mother' she was killed right after" i said staring at the ground. "Did she die giving birth to you?" Twilight i asked i shook my head then looked her dead in the eye. "They killed her the second they cut the cord on me" i said and they all gasped and fluttershy passed out. "They saw her as a threat and killed her the reason why was because i was born a half breed" i said confusing them i just waited for there response. "Half breed...how?" Applejack asked me i shrugged. "Never meet my father always assumed he was dead or never existed and my so called mother was a human...then when i was ten they sent me off to the world for awhile to see what lies ahead after i got out, turns out the world knew about us hybrids and shunned me when ever i talked to them...all because one hybrid escaped and terrorize so many people" i said thinking about subject 42. "What was his name and what did he do?" Rainbow asked i couldnt really find the words for it but i have ti give them an answer. "His name was subject 42...he almost wiped out an entire religion but killed himself when he had lost" i said there eyes were wide in the mention of almost an entire religion gone. "Who has that much hate for one religion to try and exterminate it?" Rarity asked i didnt Know the answer they tore that out from the archive when they were still around. "I dont know but what i do know is that his name was Adolf Hitler he was a german politician who lead a part called the nazi's...he was horrible man from what little information i read on him before they burned it all, he used hypnosis on the one who didnt think it was right and used them as pawns" i said thinking back as hard as i could back to what the book said. "He was created in 1889 back when they were still testing he was a failure and he died in 1945 to the United States, Britain, Australia, France, China, the Soviet Union and Canada...they did a great thing bringing him down" i said sighing. "Wow if i got my hands in that guy I'd kick his ass until he's on the floor knocked out" rainbow said i shook my head. "Rainbow you would barely get two steps then get shot immediately after those steps" i said making her ckose her mouth and lose her smirk. "They have guns rainbow what do you have...wings that can be shot or torn off sorry to say but we subjects have barely any heart and rarely feel emotions when we do they are strong and uncontrollable...remember that now if you excuse me i'll be in my room taking a nap c'mon boy lets go" i said and whistled rok walked over and we went upstairs and entered my room then closed the door. "It seems thou has had rough day" i heared someone say i looked and saw luna sitting in a chair wearing a dress that was dark blue and had stars on it. "Greetings sir steel" luna said getting up and walking up to me she was almost my height but still shorter her hair was flowing midnight blue and her eyes were soft baby blue, and her 'assets' were nice and big, i couldnt help but smile seeing her. "The princess of the night very nice to see you...what brings you?" I asked her she pulled out something that was gold and handed it to me, i took it and looked it over. "What is this?" I asked her examining it more. "It thou's ticket for the galla we do hope thou comes it would be splendid to speak with somepony other than our sister" luna said her old english is as heavy as ever i looked back down to the ticket and placed it one the table. "We have also thought thou would like these...we found these weapons in our closet" luna said and placed down two Familiar weapons, my eyes shrunk a bit seeing these tools once again. "Luna...i think...you must go" i said she looked hurt a bit but i was focused on the blades infront of me. "Please...i need time to undrestand" i said picking up the blades then sat down, luna was hurt but understood she flared her horn and teleported away. "Why are you always following me you god forsaken blades...if only i knew what you wanted then maybe you would leave me alone" i said no matter were i go these blades seem to always find me like im a magnet, i gave long heavy sigh before slipping the damned blades on then placed my head down. "Fine...i will put these damned blades on...one last time" i said and ckosed my eyes. "Once it is over i shall be free from you" > Chapter 5: Meeting some new friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was down stairs reading to herself until she heared a knock on the door, she closed the book and went to open the door but spike beat her to it and opened it then slamed it shut. "Spike who was that?" Twilight asked him he just mumbled something and locked the door. "Spike c'mon its no one bad is it you should be opening the door for them now then" twilight said moving her assistant and unlocking the door. "Im terribly sorry sir my little assistant here missed his nap how may i help you?" Twilight asked opening the door and seeing a tall skinny young man his coat was black and his mane was blue, his eyes were green and he was a Pegasus wearing a red long-sleeve and blue jeans with black shoes. "I-i um...m-my names...uh..." the man spoke but was shaking to much out of nervousness then bolted away from them fast leaving twilight and spike confused but shrugged and closed the door. "Hmm wonder who that guy was must be new never seen him here before...oh that reminds me i gotta wake up steel" twilight said before ascending up the stairs. "Alright I'll get started on breakfast" spike said and walked into the kitchen, twilight reached my room and knocked on it a few times. "Steel...steeeelll...man what a lazy guy" twilight groaned then opened the door only to see me sleeping on the desk with my blades, she walked over and examined the blades. "Intresting...oh right c'mon steel get up" twilight said shaking me. "Hmm...damn it Ryle...i told you back off when im...sleeping" i mutter and pushed twilight back. "Whos Ryle...someone from his world?" Twilight questiond then shook me again, i opened my eyes and saw twilight. "Morning twilight" i said stretching. "Whats up you seemed troubled?" I asked her. "Um...who's ryle?" She asked then found her self on the floor pinned by me and a blade to her neck. "Were in the heavens above did you hear that name?" I asked her my voice chilling and my black eyes staring into her purple eyes. "I-i heared you mutter in your sleep while i was waking you up" twilight said scared but i retracted my blade and got up along with her i cleaned her off and took the blades off. "Im sorry twilight its been years since I've heared that name...those were happier times...now there gone" i said closing my eyes. "Alright enough with the depressing stuff c'mon i smell food and im starving" i said my happy voice breaking through with a small smile. I walked past her and went down stairs twilight saw the blades on the desk she picked one up and accidentally activated it and she droped it. "What is this thing its small but strong and looks as though an assassin would use such a weapon" twilight said picking up more carefully then slipped it on slowly. "Hmm it looks like its for a male only...wonder if there's a girl one that would be nice and i could examine it more thoroughly" she said taking it off and placed it down on the desk. "non è bello raccogliere le armi crepuscolo (its not nice to pick up weapons twilight)" i said leaning in the door and making her jump. "Come spike made something called pan-cakes wonder that is" i said. "How do you not know what pancakes are?" She asked me i showed her the numbers on my neck. "Oh my bad" twilight said as i placed the shirt above the numbers and we went down stairs and into the kitchen. "Hey guys I'll be done in just a second" spike said and we sat down. "So what's a pan-cake?" I asked him he seemed a bit shocked but i showed him the numbers making him oh. "So when's that galla thing supposed to happin i kinda wanna be prepared" i said as spike placed the food down, i poked it then took a bite from it and i never tasted anything so good in my life. "By the gods above this is amazing hey get me four more man" i said wolfing down the rest then chugged the juice down. "On it" spike said and went back to the stove to make more. "The galla's supposed to be in two days rarity already got out dressess but we dont have a suit for you...hmm maybe later we can go get that fixed" twilight said as spike placed down more pancakes. "No...thas...goosh" i slurred out eating then i swallowed. "Phew sorry but i said thats fine i dont need a monkey suit my cloths are just fine" i said getting up and placing the dishes into the sink i rolled up my sleeves and began washing them. "Oh steel you dont-" "Non-sense you can take a break spike I'll take care of this besides its the least i can do since you let me stay here and gave me food" i said and continued on, spike seemed to be worried but shrugged it off and went in the library to read a comic book. "Twilight you can go too if you like im just gonna wash stuff wont take me more than a minute" i said. "Well alright...but if you need anything just ask" twilight said before leaving the room and entering the library. As i finished washing the dishes i dried my hands and placed my sleeves down, i walked into the library and saw celestia talking with twilight. "Sup tia what brings ya?" I asked her walking in more she seemed to jump then calm down a bit. "Oh steel you scared me i was just telling twilight that the galla has been moved to tonight im sorry for the sudden changes but we have a meeting tomorrow with the griffion kingdom discussing trades of weapons" celestia said i nodded. "And i know you were gonna get a suit so better do it fast" "Well i wasnt going in a suit all im going in is some long-sleeve, blue jeans and my shoes thats mainly and if your lucky I'll comb my hair back" i said suprising her she never heared of someone going to such a event wearing casual cloths. "Dont worry princess we'll get him in a suit" twilight said reasuring her. "Yeah over my dead body i aint never wearing a suit you can place one on me once im dead other than that nope" i said dead serious i never wanted to wear a suit in my life i saw many people back on earth wear them for stuff but i never really liked them. "Fine mister stubborn dont go in a suit i dont care" twilight huffed and sat down with her book i rolled my eyes. "grazie ora vedrò più tardi tia (thank you i will see you later tia) " i said and walked back upstairs and into my room. "That language...i feel as though i heared it before a very long time ago" celestia said thinking back to a certian man only to see his figure shrouded in shadows. "Ah damn i lost it...well twilight i will see you later at the galla farewell and theres someone coming to see you" celestia said then teleport back to canterlot. Just as she left a knock was heared and twilight opened the door to see the young man from earlier infront of her. "Oh hello its you again how may i help you?" Twilight asked then man began shaking then hit his leg to stop it. "U-um...hi im new to ponyville...my names coal wings its very nice to meet you" coal said holding his hand out twilight grabbed his hand and shook it. "Well welcome to pony coal wing i hope you like it here would you like me to give you a tour?" Twilight asked him he began shaking again. "T-that would be...nice" he said and twilight grabbed her bag. "Spike im gonna be gone for a bit dont wait up" twilight said before closing the door and began giving coal the tour. I was in my room messing with my blades i was bored and wanted to do something, should i go train or walk around for a bit maybe i should practice flying im sure dash would help me but wont do any good since i dont have wings. "Fuck it im gonna go for a walk hey rok stay here I'll be back" i said getting up and opening the window and felt the cool air rush past my face. "Its a good day for a walk" i said before jumping out of the window and began my walk, i past many buildings and had fillys and colts play with my tails and ears i laughed at there curiosity and let them play until there parents came over and took them saying that i would 'eat them' because of my fox like appearance but i didnt mind it to much i was hybrid, but not by a fox still dont understand the meaning for that. As i walked on i was looking at the sky and wasnt watching were i was going then ran into someone. "Ow that kinda hurt" i heared the guy say i looked down and saw a green coated unicorn stallion with dsrk green hair and eyes, he was wearing a blue flannel, blue jeans, and boots. "Hey sorry about that wasnt payin attention here let me help you amico" i said holding out my hand he tokk hold of it and i helped him up. "Thanks names greenie nice ta meet ya " greenie said he had a Irish accent in his voice it sounded cool. "Steel fox nice to meet you mate im suprised usually ponys attack me at this point" i said he chuckled a little. "Because some of the ponys are ignorant and judge ponys by the way they look" greenie said then pointed to three stallions glaring at us and mumbling. "See those big fuckers over there they hate me and by the look there givin both of us they aint to fancy with ya either i bet" greenie said i smirked a little. "Think what they will if they aint got something nice to say then they shouldnt say it" i said greenie patted my back. "Aye mate but you might have said that a bit to loud" green said then i saw the three stallions come over to us looking a bit angry. "Hello ya shite heads how can we help ye?" Greenie asked then was grabbed by his shirt. "Shut it green boy we aint here to talk with you were here for the monkey" one if the stallions said his voice deep and rough also very annoying he was a tall earth pony that had a red coat and dark red hair he wore a white muscle shirt some black jeans and some blue shoes. "Well if your gonna talk with me mind putting my friend down?" I asked them they threw greenie away and into some trash cans. "Now that wasnt nice now was it" i said one of the stallions got behind me and restrained my arms. "Alright you little bastard im gonna teach you who runs things here got it" the red stallion said as a purple stallion with the same figure as the first one came up and cracked his knuckels. "Ready to get the shit kicked out of you monkey?" He asked i said nothing only smirked this got him mad. "You little shit!" He shout and raised his hand up before brining it down. "You ponys have no idea who your messing with" i said canly then moved my head just before the purple stallion hit me only for him to hit the one behind me, i headbutted the one holding me and flipped him over my landing him on his back. "One down...two to go" i said popping my kneck and knuckles. "Hey mate mind if i get in on this action?" Greenie said grabbing the black fured stallion and gave a hard right hook sending him stumbling away. "Be my guest but i guess this should do...so glad i had lilly make this" i said then pulled out a phone. "A phone mate ya know we have those here right?" Greenie said dodging a fist and sending a kick to the guys side. "Yeah but not songs from my world now have a listin to this" i said then pressed Play, as it started it drew in a crowed and surrounded us the purple stallion sent his punch but i blocked it with my left and kicked him in the head making him stumbling a bit then regain his control he tried to tackle me but i elbowed his back and kneed his gut making him let go then i sent a uppercut to his face, he flew up a bit then fell to the ground unconscious. "Shoryuken, street fighter bitch" i said and watched greenie fight, he had a fist hit him in the face then a kick to his side but greenie shook it off and sent two jabs to the chest and a kick to the leg then elbowed the top of his head sending the guy to the ground. "Damn you assholes are tough" greenie panted before kicking the guy in the face finally knocking him out as the song ended. "Phew man ya sure know how to fight lad c'mon I'll buy ya a drink if ya like and talk a little more?" Greenie asked i shrugged. "Sure lets go could use a drink after this little fight we had" i said then tossed him a peice of my shirt i ripped off. "But clean your nose dude" i said he then felt his nose start to bleed then he cleaned himself up. "Thanks amte now about that drink" he said then we began walking down the street for a few minutes passing running ponys going to see the unconscious ponys that we beat up. Then we came to a market place were we saw carts of many different things and ponys entering a building called the bronco pub, before we entered i heared someone running to us i looked and saw applejack. "Steel did ya here there was this big fight just a few minutes ago c'mon let go check it out" applejack said. "Uh we know aj we kinda fought those guys" i said making her look at both of us. "G'day mate the names greenie nice to meet ya lass" greenie said holdin out his hand aj took it. "Oh holy shite ye got a firm grip lass i like that mean ya strong and aint a push over" greenie said letting her hand go. "Wanna come in for a drink lass im payin since me and this lad here kick the shit out of those bastards" greenie said laughing and slappin my back. "Ah dont see why not so sure but not to much ah got a dance ta go too" aj said and we entered the bar and the first thing i heared was the Music and the cheers and laughs of many ponys all drinking. "Wow never been in a pub before this looks like fun" i said as we took a seat at the bar and saw a mare eith pink fur, red eyes hot pink hair and wearing a black shirt and skirt. "What will it be...oh greenie ya want the usual or somethin different?" She asked her voice sound a little Irish accent but not like greenie's. "Aye berry get me two of the usuals what do ya want lass they got anythin" greenie asked as berry pulled two mugs of gold foamy liquid that had bubbles in it. "Well dont be shy now mate haha take a swig" greenie said chugging the drink down till nothin was left, i gave it a look then grabbed it. "Hmm never had alcohol in my life well bottoms ups" i said and began drinking it the drink tasted bitter but i couldnt stop drinking it until nothing was left then slamed the drink back down. "Wow that was... surprisingly good bitter at first but i like it" i said greenie laughed more then ordered two more drinks as aj was drinking something. "Hey aj whats that your drinking doesnt look like what were drinking" i said. "This is hard cider your drinking something called fizz very strong even i cant handle it well" aj said. "Wait that was strong but it was only bitter for a few minutes howis it hard to drink?" I asked her then sipped my drink. "You'll see" aj said. (Six hours later) "C'mon is this the best ya got you bastard" greenie asked slamming the shot glass down. "Go fuck ya self you green bastard i can go on for hours i just dont feel like it" i said my face a bit red from drinking alot, i shot another one down and went for the bottle only to see it empty. "Damn out of whiskey shit" i said greenie groaned he only enough money for a some food but decided not to so we just listen to the music, as we listened i began chuckling to myself. "Oi greenie i got something good you know how to play the fiddle?" I asked him he nodded. "Alright follow my lead" i said and we both went to ponys playing up front. "Hey mind if we play a song?" Greenie asked them they looked at eachother then nodded and handed greenie the fiddle "Alright ya ponys im gonna show yall how my world does things" i said then saw one of them holdin an electric guitar i smiled. "This is an old sea shanty i sang with my mates from time to time alright ya lot follow along" i saud and we began Playing. As we started the ponys that werent payin attention heared the shanty and began crowding us. "Assassin's, theives and slaves the rich and blue blood fear us as we hunt apon the waves!" I sang. "C'mon say it with me now!" i shouted and they all began singing with me. "Applejack whats going on why are there so many ponys here?!" Twilight asked aj as the girls. "Look at steel" aj said then pointed to me banging my head to the music and singing. "The man got himself drunk and singing a sea shanty with those guys" she said. "YO-HO, YO-HO WE ROW BENEATH THE BLACK FLAG A ROLLICKING WE GO WE BLEED THE KINGDOMS DRY!!" The ponys sang with me and thats were we ended they all cheered for us and asked for us to do it again. "Sorry lads gotta head out im to fuckin drunk and this green bastard is out of money maybe next see ya soon!" I said andbegan walking to the exit with greenie and we laughed as we got out the pub. "Oh mate that was the most fun i had in years" i said. "Aye lad same it was fun hanging out with ya steel but Better head home me dog is probably shitting on my carpet as we speak hahah oh well be seein ya mate" greenie said and ran off the sun was setting and i was both drunk and tired, i found a bench and sat down. "You got hammered dude" lilly said in my head. "Aye i did but weres the fun in that lass the hells manus at lilly?" I asked her. "He's sleeping oh yeah he wanted me to tell you that you can remove the gauntlet any time jus hit the button on your wrist" lilly said i turned my arm over and i saw the button. "The hell how did i miss that?" I asked dumbfounded then pressed the button and unlocked the and seeing an arm it was my skin color but on my palm and back side of hand the gostly blue metal stayed began growing a little more. "Uh lilly is it supposed to do that? I asked her a little scared at the creeping metal until i stop at my elbow. "Yeah sorry for not warning you but with this is a way to protect yourself but..." lilly said then stoped. "But what?" I asked her. "It acts like a replacement for your skin so mainly you can never take it off and mainly as i said it replaced ykur forearm with metal...sorry" lilly said and i stared at the ghostly skin armor. I poked it and sighed a littke as i felt the poke and the metal felt like skin. "I never said that you couldn't feel things but in battle your arm is your sheild but only then understand?" She asked me i nodded, "Good now go get some coffee you got a gall to gotto" she said and i froze. "You forgot didnt you?" "Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap!" I said running down the street to twilights place then slammed the door opened scaring spike who was fixing his suit. "Oi spike i need some really strong coffee fast im fuckin drunk and i need ti head to the galla!" I said shaking him and he smelled the alcohol in my breath. "Yeah i can smell that Alright super black coffee coming up" he said and walked into the kitchen i satdown on the couch then set the gauntlet down and waited for spike to come back. "Hey spike were back are you ready yet?!" I heared twilight ask coming in and seeing me sit quietly on the couch. "Steel you ok like sober-ish?" She asked me i nodded. "Yeah even though me and greenie drank a whole bottle of whiskey and had sixteen mugs of fizz" i said as the girls are coming in. "That was some sea shanty were did yall learn it?" Applejack asked me. "come ho detto nel pub sul mare con alcuni dei miei compagni (like i said in the pub on the sea with a few of my mates)" i said they looked confused. "On a boat with a few of my mates" i said as spike came back with a coffee mug and handed it to me, i looked at it and it was pitch black. "Will this help me get sober?" I asked him spike nodded. "But he carefull take some sips it very-" "Bottoms up" i said and downed the drink then began coughing after it went down. "Strong, dude i put no sugar in that i used one dust of a gem and had lemon placed in it" spike said i got my coughing undercontrol and gave him the mug back i was instantly sober in seconds. "Wow...that stuff works but i got an early hang over twilight would please?" I asked her , twilight nodded and tapped her horn on my head and the headach went away. "Take that you headach bastard...alright im gonna get changed into my stuff yall shoud too" i said and went upstairs then into my room were i saw rok sleeping on the bed i walked past him and opened my closet to see a vanilla colored long-sleeve some grey panys and black boots. I grabbed the cloths and placed them on quickly i felt something calling me i looked behind me and saw the blades, i walked over and rolled my sleeves up and placed the blades on then rolled the sleeves back down covering them i walked into the bathroom were i grabbed a comb and began combing my hair back. "Done alright I'll give some berries to rok then ill wait for the girls to get dressed" i said and walked out the bathroom and pulled out some berries i had in my draw then gave them to rok and went back down stairs. "Oh steel uh why are you going in that?" Spike asked as i came down the stairs. "This is my attire for the galla i dont care for suits so were the girls at?" I asked him he pointed outisde were a white pumpkin sat with two Pegasus stallions. "Were have i seen this before... ah well c'mon lets go dont want to Keep them waiting" i said and we left the library and jumped on the pumpkin. "Hey girls ya ready!" I called out To them. "Yes c'mon lets go!" Twilight said excitedly i chuckled and we began making our way to canterlot. "Sorry if were heavy guys" i said. "Ah its fine man dont worry about it" the black fured stallion said he had mont colored hair and was wearing a black shirt, pants and shoes. "The names mint press by the way" mint said. "Steel fox nice to meet you i can tell were gonna be great friends" i said he laughed a bit and we continued onward to the castle. (One hour later) "Jesus that was long" i said hoping off as we landed as did spike. "Here guys thanks for the help" spike said handing them some bits. "Thanks spike see ya later dude" the orange stallion said before flying off mint was stretching and walkijg ti the front. "You got invited mint?" I asked him he nodded. "Yeah your friend rarity had a spare ticket so she gave me the ticket well see you guys inside" mint said before walking in showing them the ticket. "Huh what are the odds alright girls c'mon out" i said opening the door and they walked out and i stared at them completely in a trance. Rarity was in pink colored dress that had gems and pearls on it, in her arms was a salmon color sash and she wore red lip stick and her shoes were red high heels, twilight looked like she ripped the stars out if the sky and placed them on a dress the stars on the bottom of her dress sparkled with tiny diamonds and the dress was light blue with white stars here and there on her head was a small tiara made out of diamonds and she wore flat shoes. Pinkie looked like a candy treat from a store from the way she looked the slamon colored dress that went up to her thigh then her knee high boots strapping to her. Rainbow looked like a greek goddess from the way she is dressed she had a rainbow color dress that went to her knees and at the edges there was cotton made to look like clouds and she had gold sandles, arm bands and a golden leaf crown with her hair in a ponytail. Applejacks dress was like someone found rode cloths and made it into a dress it was green skirt that had little sashes on it and a cloth that looked like her Hat then her boots were green with apples on it. And finally fluttershy she like a nature goddess, mother nature you've been replaced, her dress was a long flowing green dress that had little butterflys on the ends and big pink one in the middle and a blue in her hair, to top it off she had a flower crown. "Well i'll be damned...you guys look beautiful i feel slightly under dressed" i said tugging the shirt they all blushed a little before we began walking to the castle and they Sang the entire way mostly about how this is gonna be the best night ever. I just showed the guy up front the ticket and he let me in as i walked in i could feel the snobby upper class men looking at me. "Who brought the monkey?" A stallion asked his date she shrugged. "Maybe he's lost or something and look at those cloths he doesnt belong here thats for sure" a mare said i began getting irritated. "Alright i can handle as much as i can im gonna explore" i said gently pushing some ponys aside and roam the halls for something entretaining but all i found was dead ends and rooms. "dannatamente divertente c'è nulla qui intorno? (damn is there nothing fun around here)" i said then opened a door only to see a naked mare. "AAAH GET OUT!" She screamed i slamed the door shut and continued walking and burned the image in my head. "Damn those were big...what am i saying thats wrong steel, anyways were should i go?" I asked then i saw a blue figure appear down the hall he was wearing some sort of robe. "Hey who are you?" I asked the man but no response he only bolted right down the hall i chased after him wondering what he's after, as we ran i felt as though this place was familiar in a way but i discarded that thought and continued chasing him. Im sure we reached the deepest part of the castle yet he still ran not even losing breath, "I'll give this guy credit he sure has some stamina but that doesn't mean I'll stop!" I said and rounded the corner he ran past but when i did he was gone. "What is this? He was here a second ago now he's gone but were?" I asked only to hear silence, i looked around the hall but nothing so i decided to walk down the hall until i reach the end once i did something suprised me there was a large door with chains and a lock on curious i reached to it and felt something zap my arm pushing me back, i groaned and sat up rubbing my head then heared chains then the lock fall. I looked at the door and a skull was at the bottom of it i got up and walked to it then i pulled it for some reason, the skull clicked then it turned upside down and the wall cracked open scaring the shit out of me. "The hell what the hells the door for then?" I asked as i walked to the door shaped hole in the wall and saw a human sized statue with Assassin robes, the right arm had fur covering it and the right side had thick metal on the shoulder with a small black cape the entire robe was black and it had a black leather jacket on it that had a sword strapped to it. "What are these robes there nothing I've ever seen before they seem ancient its...calling to me" i said then saw the figure again this time placing the robes on the statue then turned to me and kneeled down bowing his head. "Sir steel ist that thou?" I heared luna say behind me making me look she had sleepy eyes and had a blanket over her head with her horn poking out. "Luna its you...what is this place?" I asked her as i looked around seeing shelfs of books and the robes. "We do not know of this place sir steel this ist our first time in this chamber as well" luna said lookijg around then saw the robes. "My such ancient clothing we wonder who's robes thy are" luna wonder feeling it. "Yes i wonder how robes like these existing in this world" i said coming up next to her. "Luna were you sleeping earlier?" I asked her she nodded and gripped her blanket tighter. "Thats just adorable" i said she blushed a light pink. "We art not adorable sir steel" luna said hidding her small embarrassed blush from me i smiled and chuckled. "If the princess says so" i said then looked back at the robes. "Hey luna close your eyes" i said. "Why dost thou want us to close our eyes?" She asked me then i pulled my shirt off making her blush more and clench her eyes closed. "Thou did not givith a warning" luna said i snickered a bit, then began placing the robes of strapping the boots and top on before placing the jacket on and then slinging the sword over my back. "Ok you can look now luna i swear im not naked" i said and she opened her tired eyes she looked at me then placed a hand on my chest. "Thou feels so warm even in thy robes" luna said feeling my chest more then made her way to my shoulder and our eyes met, we seemed to be in a trance staring at one another unable to move or make a sound. "You...have very beautiful eyes luna" i said making her blush more then i realized what i said. "Oh geez im sorry luna dont know were that came from im sorry " i said feeling my face heat up in embarrassment. "Ist alright...dost thou really think our eyes art bea-" "YOUR GOING TO LOVE ME!!!" Were heared someone yell cutting off luna and gaining our attentions before we knew it we were running to the sound. "That sounded like fluttershy but that cant be right she has a motherly voice not a 'im gonna kill you' voice" i said as we rounded a corner and i accidentally ran into a lady with alabaster fur and blond hair wearing some jeans a short shirt and shoes. "Im sorry ms i was in a hurry here let me help" i said picking her up. "Thank you i guess i shouldnt have tried to wonder a bit anyways i gotta head back to my room oh hey auntie well good night to the both of you" the mare said her voice sounded raspy and tomboyish then walked past us. "Who was that?" I asked luna. "Oh our neice blue belle she ist a splendid pony to be around she cares little of the princess title she was givin" luna said as we continued running. "Huh hope to see her around some time anyways back to the main topic" i said and we came to the ball room and it was chao's with a capital C, there was animals running around ponys panicking about with squirrels or birds on them, the girls looked miserable and i saw a cake fly in the air. I heared rarity scream as the cake was coming down i quickly ran as fast as i could to her and jumped to her and got her out of the way with me breaking the fall. "Steel is that you?!" Rarity asked as i got up then i heared another scream this time from a grey colored earth pony mare with raven black hair and wore a black dress with a pink bow tie. "No someone help me!" She screamed as two bears cornered her she tried to use her cello but they broke it and she screamed more. I ran to her running on tables and jumping off of walls then i brought the katakana out and quickly cut the bears legs making them fall i swiped the blood off my blade and sheathed it before picking up the mare. "Uh thank you mi-AAH!" She screamed as i began running and jumping past some of the animals as i past them i reach luna and placed the mare next to her. "Are thou alright?" Luna asked her. "Yes thanks to him but my cello was destroyed " the mare said. "Im sorry i couldnt save it" i said. "Its alright i guess I'll just buy a new one...oh were are my manners my name is octavia melody very nice to meet you mister?" Octavia asked. "Steel fox a pleasure now then time to get this place sorted a bit" i said then saw twilight walk over with celestia i gave a loud whistle grabbing there attention's and pointed to the exit they all noddee and ran out of the castle. "Its been a pleasure, si prega di avere belle signore notte (please have beautiful night ladies) " i said bowing and octavia fainted, i placed my hood on and ran out of the castle catching up with the others. As we walked they were telling me how awful the gala was and asking were i found the robes which i responded with 'none of your business'. "Hey weres spike?" Pinkie asked we stoped infront of a shop called doughnut Joe's i looked inside and saw soike eating some doughnuts a little sad. "Found him c'mon" i said walking in the shop. "Sup dude why you all mopey?" I asked him. "Well i wamted to show you guys around canterlot and to places me and twilight go too but all of you went to do something and i kinda got bored so i left and came here" spike said as we all sat down in a booth. "Hey twilight how you doin its been forever" i heared a rough voice say and tan colored earth pony stallion droped off some doughnuts his name tag said joe. "And who is this guy a friend?" He asked her. "Yeah his names steel fox thanks for the doughnuts joe" twilight said already eating one. "Not a problem its on the house so eat up" joe said before going back to the counter everyone told spike what happened and he was laughing so hard he was holding his stomach. "Oh by celestia thats to funny you oh man that must have been the worst night ever" spike said. "That was the best night ever!" We heared celestia say coming in with luna who still had the blanket over her head and rubbing her eyes. "Tia we art still sleepy" luna said hugging the blanket. "And thats atill adorable" i said and she hid her face again with a light blush. "Anyways what are you on about celestia from what i saw i had to save two mares one from a cake and the other from two bears by the way you might wanna get some bleach for your floors" i said. "Oh gods...alright other than that it was so much fun" celestia said and twilight went up to her confused. "But princess i dont get it that was a chaos by its self and was horrible" twilight said. "Oh twilight the galas always horrible thats why i asked you six to come but my sister invited steel isn't that right lulu?" Tia said and luna gave her a tired glare. "Well if she didnt then a mare would have been eaten but i guess your right it was fun running on tables and jumping off of walls" i said taking my hood off. "As i always say, sempre vivere per vedere la luna prossima (always live to see the next moon)" i said. "A very wonderful quote sir steel" luna said suprising the others i was impressed. "Ora questo linguaggio così sediamo in acciaio (we also know this language as well sir steel)" luna said i smiled. "Its such a beautiful language is it not" i said she nodded. "What is that language your speaking in its very lovely?" Rarity asked us. "Its called Italian my favorite language but enough about these things i will tell you all later for now let us head home...addio principessa della notte (farewell princess of the night) " i said kneeling down and bowing my head. "Farewell sir steel we wish thou a safe journey home" luna said and placed her hand on my shoulder I stood up and nodded before placing the hood over my head and walking past her with the others. 'Thats right...im a street rat and she's a princess it would never work out between us her subjects will shun her and i felt how sad she was when they shunned her for being nightmare moon...oh well she doesnt even like me to begin with' i said in my thoughts and tighten my fists a bit as we walked to the trian station. As we payed and entered the train back to ponyville i kept thinking back to when me and luna were in the hiddin chamber staring into eachothers eyes. 'I know what its like to be shunned by others luna i dont want you to suffer that pain anymore so i shall take it for you in order to keep you happy' i thought, and leaned back in the seat it was gonna take all night to get home so i was heading to bed frowning a bit then entered the world of dreams. > Chapter 6: talking to a dream walker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I heared eco screams from all around me along with a siren I remembered this place this was the combination hybrid and mental abillity organization many other hybrids ran umuck killing scientists and eachother i felt someone grab hand and began running. "Dont worry 651 I'll get us out of here " I heared a familiar voice but didnt know who the person was, we ran past dead bodies and hybrids fighting until we came to a stop and I saw a wolf his fur was black and his eyes were blood red, his muzzle dripping red along with his teeth. "Let the boy go" the wolf said walking over and the man backed us up. "664 stop I order you!" The man commanded but the wolf pounced on the scientist then tore his throat out killing him, the wolf hopped off the man and shook the blood off. "Hello young one my name is 664 or what I like is Ryle come there is not enough time we must go hop on my back" ryle said I nodded and crawled on his back then he bolted right as I got a grip. "Im sorry you had to see that young one I wish you wouldnt have seen any of this one as young no more than a five year old" ryle said as he smashed through a glass door and saw many people with guns and cameras ryle ran to the right and down a street before entering a small woods type area filled with tree's he set me down and i breathed heavily I felt cold and cough every few seconds. "Seems they placed the serum in you as well fortunately i got some for both of us" ryle said digging into his fur and pulled two needles filled with green liquid then placed some in me and used the other for himself. "Thank...you...ryle" I said he nodded then walked a few feet before his figure was shrouded in darkness but a kid about sixteen years old stood infront. "Its no problem...please rest you need it" ryle said before sitting down I nodded and closed my eyes to enter my slumber. "Ryle!" I yelled as I shot upright I looked around only to see myself in twilights house in my room its been a month since the gala and I still remember it completely. Rok was sleeping and the sun was barely over the horizon. "Why do I keep having that dream?" I asked myself then sighed. "That was the day I met ryle...i miss him" I said wiping a tear away then got out of my bed and grabbed some boxers and pants then went to the bathroom for a shower. There was knock at the door and twilight went to open the door and when she did she saw a green unicorn with a big smile. "Hello lass my names greenie nice to meet ya I was wondering if ol' steel wants to go hang out for a bit maybe grab a drink or two...and see that farm mare" greenie said. "Uh I think steel is still asleep hold on let me check you can come in if you like" twilight said, greenie thanked her and he walked in then leaned on a wall. "Alright wait here please I'll go get him" she said before walking up the stairs and knocking on my door, but no response so twilight groaned then opened the door only to hear a running water going and me washing myself twilight took this chance to look around the room and study what i have she walked over to the closet and opened. "Thats strange he has robes that looks half a century old yet it smells nice and the fabric looks like new" she said feeling the fur on the arm then she saw the large katana next to it, she grabbed the blade and unsheathed it seeing a thick shiny silver blade that has ancient text ingraved on the blade. "Oooh fancy wonder were he got it?" Twilight asked then yelped a bit as i picked her up. "Crepuscolo ho detto di non venire in senza preavviso (twilight i told you not to come in unannounced) " I said and grabbed my blade. "What am I gonna do with you" I said placing her back down the closed my closet. "Sorry but I just wanted to see what you had I'm very curious" twilight said I shook my head and chucked at the mares curiosity. "Oh and a stallion named greenie is here to see if you wanted to hang out for a bit" she said. "Alright I'll be down in a sec gotta put on a shirt and shoes" I said making twilight realize and look down to see my muscles she blushed a bright red before running out the room. "Well then I guess I'll just place the cloths on besides its just muscle nothing special" I said and went to place on a black shirt and socks then slipped my shoes on, I headed downstairs and saw greenie talking to a skinny Pegasus stallion. "Oh there ye are c'mon mate I like ya ta meet this guy here his names is coal wing" greenie asked. "Sup names steel you met greenie, nice to meet you" I said. "By the way you hanging out with us today?" I asked coal. "If you guys want, I know of a few cool parks we can hang out in" coal said I smiled at this its been awhile since I did a little 'run'. "Well alright I'm down lets grab a beer on the way I wanna see that farm mare" greenie said and we set off to get a beer or two leaving a confused twilight. "Men will never understand them" twilight mumbled before opening her book and saw a little card fall on her lap, she opened it and read it. "Awe thats sweet i wonder who wrote it?" Twilight said then made sure spike wasnt around before reading it again. Me, greenie and coal were walking down the market place passing carts and such getting offered samples or being told to leave because greenie just had to grab a quick bite which was the entire cart that I payed for. "Mate you owe me forty bits or six fizz's when we make a trip to the pub next week" I said said he laugjed and handed me fourty bits. "Calm yer self mate theres ye bits and we still goin to the pub the others love ya" greenie said as I placed the bits. "What pub are you guys talking about you mean oh the bronco pub?" Coal asked us I nodded. "Thats how me and this lad here became the bestest pals we drank till we were almost about to oass out and sang a good ol' sea shanty" greenie said. "Yeah I met greenie and we fought three stallions then went to a pub with my friend applejack then git hammered it was fun" I said and coal laughed a bit, we came to a stop as greenie saw aj standing with her goods and hard cider. "Oi lass mind if I get a few hard ciders to go?" Greenie called out running to her with us behind him, aj turned and saw greenie, me and coal. "But Ah thought yall only drank the hard stuff" applejack said but greenie just shrugged. Aye I do prefer it but your cider is good and not one of those cheapy ones that tast like sheit" greenie said making aj blush a little from hearing this. "Well thank ya kindly uh greenie right?" Aj asked him to which he nodded, she then handed him two hard cider bottles. "That will be two bits if you will" applejack said greenie smirked. "Last time I checked lass this cost five whats the change of heart?" Greenie asked her. "Call it a thank for tellin me the ciders good" aj said as greenie handed her five. "Keep the change lass ya earned a thank you from me, lets go lads" greenie said then opened a bottle and start chugging it. "To somewhere fun...weres that at coal?" Greenie asked. "Follow me" coal said and began showing us to this park, as we walked i decided to make a light conversation happin. "So greenie you and aj huh you lucky son of a bitch good for you" I said he slugged me in the arm I laughed. "Shut ya trap foxy I was only bein nice to the lass ya peice of sheit" greenie said and chugged some more cider down. "Oh no you and her got a thing for eachother I can tell c'mon were mates you can tell me man" I said he slugged me again. "Alright ya green bastard stay quiet just ask the mare out already" I said his green fru turned a bit red but he drank on. "Fine but I do it in me own time understand" greenie said I nodded and coal stoped making us stop. "Oi coal ya good mate?" Greenie asked coal then he pointed forward we looked then glared. There was a man arguing with a mare then he hit her. "Stay here I'll handle this" I said gently pushing coal away then began walking to the stallion. "Hey buddy I think you should apologize to the mare" I said grabbing his shoulder but he pushed me off and faced me. "Hold on your that purple stallion I beat up a month ago what are doing here thought you'd skip town by now" I said then dodged a fist. "What no warning?" "Im gonna break your face monkey!" He yelled at me then sent another fist but I quickly raised my right arm with the metal and he hit it dead on. "AH SON OF A BITCH YOU BROKE MY HAND!" He screamed. "I did nothing its all this baby here you see its what you call metal and I can tell you gave everything you had into the punch so with that much force hitting metal and oh boy your hand experiences a pain unimaginable" I said and he looked confused. "In short it fuck your hand up bad" I said then elbowed him before putting my hands together and sent them crashing on his skull knocking him out. "Now then miss are you alright?" I asked the mare and held my hand out she grabbed hold and hoisted herself up. "Thank you dude that guy was trying to make me do horrible things and when i fought back well you know the rest" the mare said her coat was alabaster white, she had blonde hair and wore a tight pink shirt and jeans with black boots. "No problem but have I seen you somewere you look familiar" I asked her. "Oh steel fox why am I not suprised just the man I was lookin for" The mare said I was still confused. "Sorry we only met once but my auntie told you a little about me allow me to re-introduced myself im princess bluebelle and my auntie is princess luna" bluebelle said then i had a past image play in my head showing me and bluebelle running into eachother. "Oh my apologies your highness" I said kneeling down bowing. "Sorry that I had forgotten your name" I said rising ponys around were staring at bluebelle and she seemed a little uneasy. "Oi greenie, coal get your fuckin arse's over here" I called to them and they ran up. "Ya what do ya need mate who's the cutie?" Greenie asked making bluebelle blush a little pink. "Well ya green bastard this is princess bluebelle neice of princess luna" I said and greenie didnt seem to care while coal was bowing up a storm. "Calmare la vostra auto carbone lei è qui per un motivo (calm yourself coal she is here for a reason)" I said getting no response just confused faces. "She's gere for a reason so what brings ya to our little town?" I asked her walking to a stone bench. "Well auntie wants to talk with you about somepony named ryle" bluebelle said and I felt my heart sink. "What does luna know?" I asked her once more placing my hands together and leaned my head on them. "Well only the part were you were in the woods thats it mainly" she said I humed and nodded. "Boys I'll see you later im gonna be gone for awhile gotta see princess luna" I said then began walking to the library. "Your coming to belle c'mon" i said grabbing her hand and walked back to the library then kicked it open. "Spike I said give that card back now!" Twilight demanded chasing spike who was holding a pink card. "No way you don't need these dumb assholes things are better the way they are" spike said then ran into me. "Steel tell her she doesnt need to date anyone right" spike said I grabbed the card then read it. "To the one with the most beautiful hair and eyes, let the gods above hear your name for you are a goddess that has fallen from the heavens I hope you get this card from the person who truly thinks you are these things" I read then looked back at spike. "Look i get you dont want twilight to meet ponys since you see her as a sister but you cant keep lushing stallions away this guy clearly likes twilight so maybe its time to ket her choose soon your gonna be chasin girls if i remember correctly your thirteen right?" I asked and spike nodded. "Its only a matter of time spike let her live a little" I said and spike sighed. "Sorry twilight I just didnt want to see you get your heart broken by some stallion...if you do date one I won't drive them away i pinkie promise" spike said then did the little chant pinkie taught me supposedly you can never break the promise ever or something bad will happin I dont like it but atleast the other pony keeps there word about it. "Thank you spike this means alot...oh uh steel why is princess bluebelle here?" Twilight asked me. "Im heading off to see luna dont know when I'll be back" I said heading upstairs and into my room, I locked the door and went to my closet. "Guess I'll put some new cloths on" I said then opened it but i had nithing but the robes I cussed silently then grabbed them and placed it on, "Didnt want to put this on but I guess I got no choice" I said strapping on the boots then the hiddin blades. "Not to shabby" I heared that bitch say behind me. "Although I think they would look better on me" she said i ignored her. "You know she's gonna ask about ryle you know what are you gonna say he was just some dude me and you both know he was like a brother to us" she said then found a knife next to her head. "He was a brother to me not you now leave me be" I said grabbing the knife and waked out the room with my hood on the girl giggled and smiled like a devil before vanishing. I walked down stairs and saw bluebelle waiting for me greenie and coal were there as well talkin and drinking much to twilights dislike, they heared my heavy footsteps and turned to me. "Bloody hell mate ya look like yer out to kill somepony" greenie said. "Yeah man why are you in that thing?" Coal asked. "I had nothing to were so I put this on now c'mon lets get going" I said to bluebelle who nodded and we began walking the train station. "Why do you have that, not that im complaining its fuckin cool but why do you have it?" Belle asked me. "I had nothing to wear this is all I had didnt even want to put them on" I said gently pushing ponys past me. "It does suit me though doesnt it?" I asked her. "Yeah it really does makes you look fierce and cool" She said looking at me. "Oh by the way who were those two I heared you call them greenie and coal are they your friends?" Belle asked I nodded. "Yeah first ponys not to freak about or attack me...yeah there my friends met someone else his names mint dont know wre the guy ran off to though" I said she humed and we continued walking. We made it to the train station and we boarded it then a few minutes later the conductor called out something before we got a move on to canterlot. "Well its gonna be awhile so might wanna catch some sleep if you need it" Belle said I nodded then got in a comfortable position before closing my eyes to sleep. "Ryle are you ok?" I asked the man who was laying on the ground bleeding from his chest, his skin was a golden tan color his eyes were red and his hair white as the moon he was wearing raggs just like the rest of us and his eyes slowly losing life. "S-steel thank goodness...your alright" Ryle said I felt tears well up and pour out my eyes. "Dont cry...steel Ii kniw this is painful to watch but just remember I...want you to live for me" Ryle said wiping my tears away sirens and footsteps ran to us then a few gunshots were heared. "Please...steel your special...i found something out about your mother before the escape six years ago, your mother wasnt human she was a an-" ryle was cut off by someone shooting him in the head, i stared at his dead body shocked and anguish. "Ryle...ryle please wake up" i begged the corpse in my hands. "NOOOOOOO!" I gave a throat ripping scream of sadness and cried hugging the corpse. "C'mon you gotta get out if here kid!" A man said picking me up then started running leaving ryle's body behind. "NO LET ME GO LET ME GO RYLE! RYLE!" I screamed his named then everything went black. The sound of train whistle brought me out of my slumber and jolting up sweating and crying, I looked around and saw I was still on the train I sighed a little then wipped the tears away. "Hey you alright?" Belle asked me getting up. "Yeah im good c'mon lets go" I said as we exited the train the began walking to the castle. As we walked i felt more and more tears run down my face I wipped them all away trying my best to keep calm ball up and cry in a corner belle seemed to noticed but didnt say anything, We reached the castle and was stoped by some guards. "Identify yourself sir and m'am" the guard said. "Princess Bluebelle and our guest Steel Fox" bluebelle said and the guards raised there spears back up. "Sorry for the interruption m'am please show the invited guest to princess luna's chambers her highness whishes to speak with him alone" The guard said and Bluebelle nodded before showing me inside and guiding me down the halls. "I see luna whishes to speak to me but why alone?" I asked belle she shrugged. "Dont know but don't get any ideas steel" belle teased I felt a small blush appear on me. "Theres nothing between us were just friends nothing more" I said and bluebelle giggled and continued guiding me. We entered some hall way that had blue bricks and bat like pony guards around we passed with a few of them giving me looks here and there until we reach a door with a full moon and stars around it. "This is it have fun" Bluebelle said before walking off I walked up to the door and gave it three firm knocks. "Luna Posso entrare (Luna may I come in?)" I asked her. "Yes please enter sir steel" luna said opening the door slightly, I pushed more open then went in I saw luna a table drinking tea. "Please sit we have very much to discuss" Luna said as I closed the door and took a seat on the chair. "Luna I don't know were you leanred that name but please as a friend-" luna stoped me by raising her hand "Thats why we called thou here...we art thou's friend art we not" Luna asked with worried eyes I looked away from them. "We beg we promise from the bottom of our heart we will not utter a word to nopony else" luna said then grabbed my hand. "Please" "...Alright but please do not tell anyone about him ok" I said luna nodded then I got comfy. "Ryle...was my brother" I said making luna spit her tea out. "THOU HAST A BROTHER!" She screamed I shushed her and she covered her mouth. "We art sorry but we did not know thou hath a brother is it the wolf in thou's dreams?" Luna asked. "How do you know?" I asked her. "We can go into ponys dreams and Sooth them hence our name princess of the night and dreams" luna said I smiled and shook my head. "Why am I not suprised...did you see my other dream?" I asked her but thankfully she shook her head. "Good even you are not allowed to see whats in that dream its to painfull even speaking of it makes me-" Luna placed a finger on my lips. "It is fine sir steel we knowith thou's wishes and will not look into that specific dream" luna said I sighed a bit then she removed her finger. "Grazie (thank you)" I said she nodded and poured some more tea in a separate cup before placing it infront of me. "Grazie again luna now back to ryle...he was my brother yes but not by blood he was step-brother he taught me how to survive, how to fight, read, write, run and never be scared of heights...he was the best brother I could ask for...he died a long time ago and Im never the same" I said picking the cup up and sipping. "Dostnt thou mean wasnt thy same?" Luna asked. "No it may have been a long time ago six years to be exact the same day we escaped the facility, when he died a little piece of me died as well" I said finishing the tea. "I was never so serious in my life my brother made me that happy, it was happier times... those are long but over I wish I could have said goodbye" I said feeling my hands shake a bit and a tear escape, luna wipped it away and hugged me. "We art sorry for this...we asked to much and made thou remember a painful memory" Luna said i hugged her back and closed my eyes. "Thou's heart is full of shadows yet only a speck of light shines through the shadows keeping its self alive" she said pulling away and placing a hand were my heart is. "una melodia calmante può essere formata solo dal cuore thous (a calming melody can only be formed from thous heart)" she spoke then slowly removed her hand but I quickly rested my hand on hers keeping it there. "grazie ... si parla che di vecchio inglese ancora lenisce la mente (thank you...you speak that of old english yet it soothes ones mind)" I said we stared into eachothers for what felt like an eternity. 'Her eyes are so beautiful there like stars' I thought, as continued staring into eachothers eyes we were broken out of it by someone coughing. "Someponys having fun" we heared celestia say as we snapped our heads to her then back to our hands we quickly let go and I pulled up a bit of my shirt covering my blush, luna was beet red and facing the other way. "Steel its nice to see you it seems you are well acquainted with my sister" Celestia said Luna turned more red then ran into her bathroom. "Theres is nothing between us sister thou was here to speakith with us" Luna said from the other saide of the bathroom door. "She's right celestia were just friends nothing more" I said celestia had a smug grin. "Oh really so you didnt say 'you speak with old english yet it soothes ones mind'" Celestia said I got up and began walking to the door. "Luna I will see you later and thank you for the tea" I said and walked past celestia then ran down the hall. Luna opened her bathroom door and walked out still a little red Celestia was still showing her smug grin. "Does my little sister have a crush on a certian human?" Celestia asked then had a vase thrown at her. "LEAVE US AT ONCE!" Luna shouted in her royal canterlot voice and celestia ran out the room slamming it closed, luna put the vase down then laid on bed and hugging her pillow. "Maybe" She said smiling a bit before giggling. I was already outside the castle thanks to a couple of guards helping me out I sat on a bench just outside the walls and made the blush go away. I was now staring at the sky and placing my hand were luna's was then shook my head. "No you cant think of her that way...why does she have to be princess...damn im having a crush on a moon goddess and I cant even tell her" I said slaming my fist on the bench making a small crack suprising myself. "Did I just do that?" I asked looking at my hand not seeing any bruises or cuts. "The hell...hmm I'll look into it later for now I should head home wonder what the others are doing without me there" I said getting up and began walking down the street passing nobles who gave me dirty looks as usual i just ignored them and walked faster then I saw a large crowed around the area all cheering, I was wondering what for until I heared a man scream in pain. "Whats the matter cant take a hit?" I heared another man say then another scream, I couldn't get past the crowd and save the man. "Damn how do I..." I stoped as I saw the blue figure appear again this time next to me he ran up the building then climbed it to the top and ran along the roof's jumping from to another. "Its worth a shot parkour skills dont fail me now" I said running up to the building then firmly placed my foot on a wooden ledge before using that to elevate me up and reach another ledge, I began climbing up to the top and once I was on the roof I ran along it to get a good position to help the man. I jumped from roof top to roof top until I was above the fight, "Mint press he's needs help" I said seeing mint get punched and kneed by one guy I jumped down and rolled on the floor scaring the crowd. "Allontanarsi da quell'uomo (step away from that man)" I ordered making the stallion look to me. "Who are and why are you wearing that stupid outfit?" The stallion asked his fur was pink and his hair was orange, he wore a black undershirt showing his bulky body and green cargo pants with red shoe's. "I said let the stallion go" I ordered once more pulling the hood down making everyone gasp. "S-Steel ... is that you man?" Mint asked me then was punched again. "Who said you could talk?!" The pink stallion said and reeled back again ready to send another hit but I grabbed his arm. "Hey let go" he said I just grabbed mint and pushed the stallion back. "Ugh...thanks man I owe you?" Mint said I handed him a cloth and he took it before wiping himself off. "Thanks" "Not a problem can you run If so wait for me at the train station and be careful it is almost night time" I said mint nodded and began running past the crowds and to the train station. "Hey some grab that bastard!" The pink stallion demanded but no one did out of fear for what I might do. "Your opponent is not Mint Press your opponent is infront of you bastardo" I said raising my fists ready for a fight. "Lets see what you got" I said taunting him, i pulled out my phone then pressed Play. The stallion growled at me then ran at me with his fist raised. "Im gonna beat you till your black and blue!" He said then right as he got infront of me he sent his lunch but I dodged it before kicking his sided with the back of my foot the man tried again only to fail and have a fust shived in his face making him stagger back holding his nose. "Son of a bitch thats it no more mister nice guy" the man said before breaking off a loose pipe that was next to a building I stayed calm not showing any fear, he swung the pipe right at me and I quickly dodged but he got one hit in from my left arm then another as he hit me in the gut with it I fell to my knees holding my gut. "Not so tough now are ya monkey lets see what you look like from the inside!" The man said and sent the pipe down on my back, ponys around were cheering and placing bets on who was gonna win I glared at them then felt another hit from the pipe this time getting a yelp. "Steel dont worry man Im comin" Mint said running past the crowds but stopped as he saw me glaring at him. "C'mon help your pet monkey he's nit worth my ti-" I cut the guy off by slaming my hands on the floor then spun around with my legs out and kicked him repeatedly before jumping back on my feet. "Son of a bitch alright now im just gonna kill ya!" He said and let out a battle cry I kept my glar and as he swung down i side stepped then punched as hard as I could in his face cutting his cry off and shocking the crowd, the man stood still in shock before dropping the pipe then fell over unconscious bleeding from his nose. "Sorry you were beginning to bore me...just be glade I didnt kill you" I said then pulled my hood over and grabbed mint. "Let's go he wont be bothering us again and the rest of you get a job and stop these meaningless fights!" I scolded them all and they booed me, me and mint began walking to the station and he told me what happened. "Yeah he was messing with some kid so I stepped in and got my ass handed to me" Mint said i chuckled a bit. "Well you did it for a reason now that child is safe if it wasnt for you stepping in" I said patting his back. "Now then I thiught you lived in ponyville?" I asked him. "Well no I live in canterlot with my parents trying to find a place but these houses are so damn expensive" Mint said with a groan. "Well I think I solved your problem come live in pony the houses are nice and cheap it's also more friendly there as well what do you say?" I asked him and he thought to himself for a bit. "Well alright I could use a friendly place to live thanks dude" Mint said I nodded, we reached the train station and I paid for the tickets back to ponyville. As we sat down on our seats I checked the spots on my bkdy to see any bruising but nothing it was like the hits never happened I chalked it up to the armor but I knew I felt those hits but why were they not there. "Oh well ... man cant wait to be back in my bed then sleep this off" I said leaning back and watching the scenery pass us by. "Im gonna take a quick nap wake me once we get there alright" I said mint nidded and I quickly closed my eyes and took my nap. (Two hours later, ponyville train station) I felt the train rock as we came to a stop I opened my eyes and saw mint getting up. "Oh your awake was about do it myself" Mint said and we exited the train as the doors opened, the cool night air rushed past us and it felt amazing. "So were am I gonna be staying for a bit until I get my own place?" Mint asked I akready knew of one mare. "I got one in mind follow me" I said and began walking to the carousel boutique, I saw shops closing up and cart being packed up the ponys saw me and waved I waved back and continued. "How long did it take for them to warm up to you?" Mint asked. "Some still hate my guts but others dont like lyra heartstrings nice mare asked alot about my race" I said as we finally made it to our destination. "Hey rarity you there?" I called out knocking on the door, we heared hurried footsteps come to the door and quickly open it. "Steel darling were have you been all of us have been worried sick until twilight told us just a few hours ago what happened?" Rarity asked as she was in a pink fuzzy robe and her hair in a bun. "Sorry rarity next time I'll tell you guys but for now I was qindering if you could let mint press stay gere for ahile until he gets a place" I asked her she looked to mint who waved a little. "Oh well I dont see why not so long as he doesnt try anything" Rarity said and mint chuckled a little. "No need to worry ms. Rarity I will do no such thing to a beauty like you I give you my word" Mint said and rarity gave him a look over before smiling. "Well thats good to hear he is more than welcomed oh and steel you kight wanna head back to the library you look exhausted I will take care of mint press now go on" Rarity said shooing me off. "Alright right I'll see ya later rarity you too mint have a good night" I said and began walking off back to the library, the silence was nice and the cool wind rushing past me settled my mind and thinking only of sleep. "Today was fun got to meet up with mint after awhile and helped him then talked with luna and..." I started then stoped. "Might have a crush on her...might but cant really tell her again steel she's royalty and Im just some street rat .. no stop thinking your a street rat even though you are born that way your her friend at least that is something" I said, I reached the library and entered it I twilight told me what happened that day with alot of crazy stuff happing also meeting a zebra named zecora who is a potion maker, I excused myself and went uo to my room then locked it. "What a day hey rok hows it going?" I asked my timber wolf who yawned and rolled on his side before going back to sleep. "Laziness I tells ya, well time to join ya bud" I said and stripped to my boxers and placed the robes back in the closet, I climbed into bed and closed my eyes and entering the dream world. > Chapter 7: the god of chaos > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was downstairs hanging out with greenie, coal wing and mint press, its been three months since my talk with luna and I was happy to relax that whole time. I've been training non-stop ever since then, I got down my flying and now Im working on the speed, I got down my god piercing beam I almost destroyed a whole section of the ever free, zecora would have been pissed if I did that, then pinkie found some reflection mirror that made multiple copies of herself and the others couldnt find her, but I was hanging out with her the entire time the event was happing and when the clones were placed back into the mirror they were so happy they found her with me mostly its been a crazy three months but it was fun. "Two kings" Greenie said placing down two cards face down. "Bullshit" I said and greenie groaned before flipping it over and revealed two aces he took the entire pile in his hands then coal placed down two aces. "I hate this fuckin game mate cant get a bloody card on the fuckin table" Greenie said and took a swig from his flask filled with wiskey. "A little early for a drink dont ya think greenie?" Coal said as he placed down four two's and I put down one three. "Ah whats the worst that can happin there are no kids around because of some feild trip and the library lass is gone" Greenie said and Mint out down a four and greenie placed down a five. "Her name's twilight greenie" Coal said placing two six's down. "Yeah twilight my bad im still trying to find a way to ask the farm mare what was her name...jackie no apple's... ah damn memory" Greenie said. "Her names applejack greenie the one you've been trying to ask out" I said placing down a seven, greenie 'humph' then took another swing of whiskey. We continued playing until the door busted open and we saw twilight and the girls twilight, applejack, pinkie, and rarity had popcorn in there hair rainbow and fluttershy had cotton candy all over them it was kinda funny. "Hahahahaha weres the party cailíní (girls)" greenie asked laughing I joined im while mint and coal helped cleane them off. "Thanks coal" twilight said. "Thank you mint" rarity said. "So what happened?" I asked them calming my laughes as was greenie. "Well first there was a pink cloud that ran from rainbowdash who found out it was cotton candy, then while at applejacks farm the corn turned into popcorn ... shut up ... anyways I tried to fix it by usimg my fail safe spell but it kinda failed" Twilight said just as she finished spike came rushing in with a letter. "Twilight you got a letter from princess celestia and has both there cutie marks on it" Spike said getting a gasp from them while I was confused. "Cutie what now?" I asked they looked at me confused this time. "You dont know what a cutie mark is?" Twilight asked. "Different world twilight also raised in a facility" I said. "Oh right well a cutie mark is something that tells you if your special talent mine is magic with six stars the one in the middle matching one of the elements, rainbow dash is speed because of the cloud and rainbiw lighting bolt, applejack is three apples and you already know what she does, fluttershy is animals, pinkie is ballons meaning her talent is partys and rarity is diamonds her talent is making dresses" Twilight said as they showed me there cutie marks on there shoulders. "There are two places for were they can be one is on your shoulder the other is...uh well" "The other is yer ass mate is it really hard for ya ta say that twilight" Greenie said going for his flask but twilight grabbed it with her magic and dumped it in a plant. "The hell lass!" He said angrily. "No drinking and yes they do appear on your rear or as greenie said your ass" twilight said I nodded. "Whats your cutie mark steel?" She asked me I shrugged. "No clue in the human world we just try and find something were good at if we don't then we gotta keep searching it's a hit or miss situation" I said and they looked sad. "Thats kinda messed up...but we'll have to talk about at it later c'mon we gotta head to the castle" Twilight said as she tossed the open letter and charged her horn. "Wait cant we take the tra-" I was cut off as twilight teleported us to canterlot. (Canterlot, outside canterlot castle) "Train" I said finishing the sentence then ran to the side were I threw up my breakfast, greenie threw up his booze, while mint and coal were fine just dizzy. "Damn it twilight warnings and im not even wearing a damn shirt!" I yelled at the mare and she looked down then blushed. "Wow...just wow" I heared rainbow say I face palmed before walking into a cloths store and buying a black shirt and coming back out. "C'mon lets go atleast your lucky I had on my shoes twilight" I said walking up to the guards who placed the spears in a X blocking my way. "Steel fox" I said. "Oh so sorry mr. Steel are you here to talk to princess luna?" The guard to my right asked. "Not today boys official busines this time still on for drinks next week?" I asked them they nodded then removed there spears. We walked in the castle with the other questioning how I knew those guys. "How many time have you been here before?" Fluttershy asked me as we entered the throne room. "Enough times to known ponys" I said as celestia and luna teleported in, celestia had a serious look on while luna had a sleepy face and in pj's. "Luna every time I come here your always sleepy why?" I asked her. "Thou try being on the moon for a thousand years with barely any sleep" Luna pouted and sat on her throne summoning a blanket then going back to sleep. "quello che una donna che dorme in una crisi (what a woman sleeping in a crises)" I said and pulled the blanket over her head I shook my head. "Anyways princess celestia we got your letter why did you summon us and steel for?" Twilight asked her. "And do you have any whiskey lass somepony dumped mine out" greenie asked. "Are ya seriously askin a princess fer booze greenie?" Applejack asked him to which he nodded. "Here have mine" she said pulling one out and giving to him. "Since when?" He asked. "Since the first day we meet kept it in my pocket just in case ya need it now be quiet" Applejack said and greenie began drinking from the flask. "Well I was gonna give him some scotch if he needed it but oh well" celestia said. "Damn it!" Greenie groaned. "But we are not here to drink I need you six to weild the elements of harmony again" Celestia said grabbing my full attention as it did the others. "Follow me we must hurry to the chamber were I keep them" Celestia said and began walking in a direction I picked up luna who was still in her blanket and followed them. "Princess why do we need to weild them again?" Twilight asked her as we saw a big door with a familiar Lock. "Celestia let me open the door" I said when we got to the door, I handed her luna then walked up to the door. "Steel only I know how to open it no pony else can" Celestia said I placed two fingers in the eyes then pulled it before turning it to the right, it clicked and opened the door. When it did a cool wind rushed past me and ponys with armor resembling templars charged at me I tried taking out my hidden blades but they weren't on me so I raised my fist and sent it to one of the stallions but he disappear I was shocked and confused. "Steel are you alright its like you were ready to fight something" celestia said I turned around and was completely dumbfounded. "Did-did you not see that army of templars coming at us?" I asked them they looked at eachother confused, I turned around and saw the room I opened expecting to see another man but it was a small room with a lone box covered in jewels. "Whats going on...I feel...weak" I said and the world began spinning I could footsteps behind me I turned only to see everything was pitch black. "What is going on?" "Are you starting to remember" I heared a voice it low and deep. "Who are you and were am I?" I asked the voice. "It seem's he does not know his mentors that have been secretly teaching him" another voice said this time younger and in his twentys. "Mentors, secretly teaching me who are you people?" I asked the voices once more. "You ask so many questions" I heared another his voice sounded raspy. "Cant you just except it?" A voice that sounded like the last said except more older. "We are here to guid you steel fox" the voice said. "Who are you and what do you want?" I asked them. "Please just tell me who you are"I begged them then felt a hand on my shoulder. "Steel...calm down what have I tought you?" I heared a voice that made me hold my breath I slowly turned my head and was speechless. "What do I have something on my face?" Ryle said smiling. "Ryle...is that really you?" I asked him, he pulled up his sleeve showing three numbers. "664...it really is you" I said he nodded and four more people showed up. "Hey hey he know's one us c'mon ryle who's the kid?" Two smaller kids asked ryle. "Who you callin kid shrimps?" I asked the two they stuck there tounges out at me and hid behind a man wearing assassin robes in fact there were two of them that wore the robes. "And why are assassins here?" I asked angrily but ryle stood infront of me. "Steel calm down these two are your ancestors his the one with the kids behind him is connor he fought in the revolutionary war many years ago he didnt want to at first but was brought into it because they were templars that lead the British army" ryle said. "The one next to him is a man named altaïr so far a master assassin" Ryle said before tossing me some hiddin blades, the first Blade was heavy and had metal on the knuckels I placed it on my right wrist. The other Blade looked plain but when I placed it on my other wrist I tested it and found out it can turn into a knife If needed which was cool, they were both heavier than I thought. "Why are they so heavy?" I asked ryle. "The blades you were givin when you were forced into the creed were light weighted and could easily be snapped with a real blade" Connor said bringing out my blade then used his hiddin blade to cut them like butter. "See they were not meant for you they saw your progress and thought you'd turn on them so they gave you fake blades" He said and I stood there shocked and looked at my now old hidden blades. "Yes there were templars in the creed that snuck in as you can already tell...steel fox you maybe the only assassin in this world of strange creatures but you must help them, the templars are here and will eventually show themselves before that happins recruit others to help you fight them and protect the peice of eden" Altaïr said before ryle came up to me. "I know you do not like assassins since they forced us into it and I was killed by rouge assassins but you mist help these ponys" Ryle said with pleading eyes. "...Alright I will become an assassin once more to help these ponys but can you tell me what those kids are doing here?" I asked him pointing to the two kids on my shoulders. "Were your younger ancestors brought here to guid you man" The one on my right said. "Were named gemini which means two face making both of us laugh" gem said as they both laughed a little. "I see so are you five guiding me for something?" I asked them they nodded. "We are but cannot say you see we've been to this land before many years ago it was a peaceful time we did help our friend with wars thanks to our experiences with it" Connor said. "Now once this is all cleared up we will tell you or you will find out on your own now go" he said. "Wait find out what?" I asked him the darkness began fading away and they were vanishing. "Wait dont leave ryle I have so many questions" I said reaching out to him but the world was completely white. My eyes shot open and I noticed I was in a dark blue room, I was wondering how I got here but I felt a hand on my bare chest. "Hmm...warm" I heared a voice say that made my heart pound a bit faster, I turned my head and saw luna snuggling up next to me asleep in her bed. "Dont panic dont panic just gently push her and you'll be fine" I wispered to myself and began pushing her off but I felt something soft in my hand as I was pushing her away. "Please holy gods above this realm dont let this be what I think it is" I begged and squeezed the thing in my hand getting a soft moan from luna. "Damn damn damn" I said panicking luna heared this and began stirring awake I was still holding onto her boob as she fully woke up. "Huh how did we end up...here" Luna said seeing me then felt something on her chest making her look down. She screamed and shoved me off the bed landing me on the wall. "What is thou doing in our room!" She yelled at me with a red face and covering her chest with the blanket. "I-im sorry I didnt mean to be here I swear" I said getting up. "I dont even remember going to sleep or coming in here with you" I said luna was glaring at me with her still red face. "Im just as confused as you are now please calm down" I asked her she looked at me for a bit before losing her glare and getting up, as did I and we stayed silent for a bit. "How did we end up hither?" Luna asked looking around before her gaze rest back on me. "And why art thou not in thous shirt?" Luna asked. "Again I dont know but I think celestia put us here dont know why my shirt is off though...the girls thats right whats going on right now?" I asked luna but she was staring at my chest. "Uh luna...luna!" I yelled snapping her our of her fantasy. "Yes wha-oh we apologize we never seen somepony so...fit" Luna said avoiding her gaze from my body. "But I think my sister and your friends are trying to stop a man named discord" She said gaining my attention. "Who is discord?" I asked walking over to her. "He is known as many but we known him as discord the god of chaos" Luna said making me shocked. "He tried to rule our kingdom by causing chaos we were no more than a child as my sister and us fought discord he beat us many times but we had the elements of harmony that time and we sealed the man in stone that was more than a Millenia ago" Luna said then we saw rainclouds roll in and rain pour down. "He is here and is going to ponyville to face thou's friends" luna said I opened her balcony door and walked out into the rain. "Were is thou going?" Luna asked me. "I gotta help them luna I cant stand here and watch them be beaten or worse I will go to ponyville and beat discord if I dont then I wasnt meant to help this land" I said climbing on the ledge and seeing canterlot city the rain poured down covering me in water and thunder struck down on some houses I gained my glare and looked down seeing a hay pile under me I took a long breath and sighed. "Sir steel what art thou doing?" Luna asked but I dove off the ledge. "STEEL!" I heared luna scream coming out into the rain, I felt the wind rush past me and the hay was getting closer I flipped on my back and landed on it with no damage done to my body, I jumped out the pile and began running to ponyville luna was breathing heavily and went back into her room soaking wet. "Dont scare us that much..." Luna said then looked back out her window to see ponyville. "Please be safe steel" As I ran through the forest to ponyville I was thinking of a plan to help the others but nothing came to mind I had no plan and the bastard was a chaos god how can I beat a chaos god theres no way im one person. 'Foxy dont worry you have us' I heared lily but I heared a giant snore. 'Well you have me that counts right" Lily said. "Ah shit I dont have my swords or gauntlet damn it guess im relying on my hiddin blades" I said looking at them. "Hope these work like connor said they would only one way to find out" I said then stoped and flew above the trees and began flying to ponyville. "You know im a really forgetful guy oh well" I said and began going fast than usual I wasnt complaining I was glad im going faster makes up time I was asleep. "Steel we thought we give you some help remember when we said we were here many years ago?" I heared ryle say making me stop. "Well me and the others decided to give you a little something gemini gave you some as well" Ryle said. "What did yall give me?" I asked them. "We gave you magic dude now you can use it against discord" Gemini said together I was a little bit suprised on hiw they could do that but if it helps me then its better than nothing. "Now hurry up and beat up discord" they said before leaving my mind. "Alright guess im going in blind huh well fine with me" I said before blasting off to ponyville, it took about a few minutes to get home from the speed I was going and landed next to twilights library that had a giant hole in it and the girls with greenie, coal and mint outside the house. "Hey guys what the hell is going on?" I asked them. "Steel dude were have ya been we found discord but he fucked up the girl's personalities now fluttershy is a jerk, rarity is greedy and has a bolder named tom, applejack is lieing up a damn storm, pinkie hates everyone and rainbow dash is somewere not helping or being loyal" mint said "the only one normal is twilight but thats about to be gone if we dont figure something out" he said and I saw the girls walk off and twilight turning gray before walking to the door. "Twilight are you alright?" I asked her she turned to me and her eyes lit up like fire. "Twilight?" "WERE THE HELL WERE YOU!" She yelled at me taling me by suprise and I took a step back. "Twilight im sorry I just-" "YOU WHAT PASSED OUT AND WENT TO SLEEP WITH FUCKIN PRINCESS LUNA YOU SPLIT ME AND MY FRIENDS APART BECAUSE OF THAT, WE NEEDED YOU BUT YOU WERENT THERE WERE YOU!" Twilight screamed more I didnt say anything. "WERE YOU!" "No I wasnt damn it and im sorry!" I yelled back at her and she slapped me hard. "GO BE A STREET RAT AGAIN YOU SON OF A BITCH!" She yelled and stormed back inside slaming the door closed, there was silence only the sound of rain pouring down I stood shocked and felt the sting on my cheek. "Lad...are you alright?" Greenie asked me as they walked over to me. "Its alright mate she aint herself its all that fuckin discords fault messin with our friends I say we go teach that bastard what happens when you with our them" Greenie said. "Yeah...your right" I said turning to them with cold eyes. "Problem we don't got weapons were are we gonna find any?" Coal asked. "I know a guy owes me a favor we can ask him and maybe he'll help us told me he had a crush on rainbowdash so he will be more than happy to help" Mint said I nodded and we began walking to his friends place. As we walked the rain got heavier as though god was saying dont do it but we didnt listin and kept walking, we reached this outdoor blacksmith place were a muscular stallion was hammering away at a sword either venting off frustration or doing his job, his coat was a tan color, his hair black and short and he wore green cargos with a black sleeveless shirt. "Hey jackhammer im callin in that favor" mint said as we walked up to the stallion he looked at us and his eyes were steel blue. "Mint press its been awhile what do ya need?" Jack said he sounded like a guy I knew back in the human world I think his name was luke cage nice guy just don't piss him off. Jack got up and reach about my height at six foot. "Jack we need strong weapons got anything?" mint asked and he motion us inside, we went in and saw many weapons around the shop sharp and durable. "That answers that question" mint said picking up a sword, greenie grabbed two short sword and coal grabbed a axe. "You sure you can handle a weapon like that?" Mint asked him, coal picked it up and threw it at a wall with ease. "Yeah I can handle it heres for the wall" coal said holding some bits for jack but he declined and pointed ti a few scratch marks on the walls. "I see well alright then" he said. "Jack mind if I ask you something" I said getting his attention. "Will you help us fight discord?" I asked him he started laughing and walked behind the desk. "Ya damn right I'll help" Jack said pulling a gaint great sword behind the counter. "Im gonna teach that bastard not to mess with them" he said getting a smile out of me, as the guys were testing there weapons I looked around trying to find a good weapon for me but so far nothing until I saw a Two blades. The large one was as tall as me and the small one looked like a bowie knife. "I see you found my prize possessions steel those two I made out of the strongest medal and asked a unicorn to place a spell on them to never break or grow rust on them" Jack said behind me. "I see what do you call them?" I asked. "Never gave them a name if we live I'll let you keep those two" jack said going back to the others I stared at the blades and picked them both up surprisingly they were light. "You ready cause I sure as hell am" Jack said opening the door and hearing the rain pour down. "Alright lets go kick some ass" I said before we left the shops with our weapons in hand we followed the road up the street were we saw a man sitting on a throne laughing his ass off. The thing was like almost every species on the world his hands were a lions paw a falcon claw, his legs was a horse leg and dragon leg, his eyes were yellow and mismatch and he had a skinny griffion body with a Pegasus wing and bat wing. On his head was white hair and odd horns. "Oh so much chaos is so much fun hahaha!" Discord laughed and made a glass of chocolate milk then drank the glass before throwing the milk away making an explosion. "That him?" Coal askedlifting his axe to his shoulder. "Thats him, well boys I may have been here for a short while but I gotta say your the best friends I could ask for" I said. "We know lad now lets kick this disgusting shites ass and save the girls" greenie said drinking the rest of the hard cider that was in applejacks flask. "I owe the lass ya know might guess this is one way" he said clanging his swords together. "Yeah guess I wont be able to ask rarity out" mint said lifting his broad sword up. "Man I wrote that card for nothing I swear if we die im blaming steel" Coal said and we laughed. "Ah fuck ya too mate what about you jack got any regrets?" I asked him. "Yeah not tellin rainbow I loved her" he said. "Yeah sorry big guy but if we want to save them we gotta fight for them" I said then placed a hand on the numbers on my neck. "They accepted me as there friend the least I can do is fight for them" I said and we began walking again, discord stop his laughing as he heared our footsteps splashing. "What is this four stallions and a monkey with weapons oh please what are you trying to prove?" Discord asked us. "Were here ta kick yer ass ya bastard fer changing our friends" greenie said and discord laughed "Really you defeat me hohoh hahahaha ... alright I'll play your little game of hero come I'll let you have the first swing but use it wisely" Discord said jumping off his throne and a few feet away from us and pulling a Long sword. "Who wants the first hit?" I asked them. "Time ta teach this bastard a lesson" greenie said and charged right at discord then swung down both his sword onto his chest. "Good hit" discord said before kicking greenie back to us and he didnt have a scratch on his body, I helped greenie up and he wiped away some blood. "Now then my turn" he said charged at us as impossible speeds I almost didnt have enough time to block his attack to coal. "In all my years alive only a hand full of ponys were able to stop my attack now that I think about it you look just like them" Discord said then looked me dead in the eyes then on my kneck to see numbers his eyes shrunk and he jumped back. "You I heared you died against nightmare moon how are you alive...wait no you have numbers like him but not exactly like him I was getting worried over nothing" discord said. "Numbers like mine...your talking about ryle arent you" I said gripping my blades tighter. "Was that his name then yes I was" discord said then blocked my strike. "You know I heared that death is cold and painful shall we test it?" He asked then kicked me off before cutting sideways down my chest, i gritted my teeth and jumped back to the others. "Damn he's tough but im sure we can take him if we all rush him together" I said feeling the blood wash off my body and soak into my pants. I pulled out my phone then select a song before pushing Play. "Alright lets do this!" I shouted before all of us and discord ran at eachother the first to get to him was coal who swung his axe down but discord dodged and kicking him but was punched by mint only to have him get cut on his arm, greenie was slashing away but discord blocked them all and kicked greenie in the face jack swung his great sword sideways cutting discords face but it regenerated and discord punched jack hard making him fly and skid across the wet street coughing up blood. "Damn you" Coal said barely dodging his fist and blocking his sword with the handle of his axe but it sliced right through and cut down his chest. "S-shit" coal said before being grabbed and tossed away bleeding heavily. "Coal, ya fuckin asshole!" Greenie yelled but was stabbed in the shoulder and headbutted away leaving me and mint, we both jumped back and looked at our injured friends. "What was that about defeating me you can barely land a scratch hahahah now all of you are gonna die!" iscord laughed he was right he cut us up good Im not sure if were gonna last much longer. "We need a new plan" Mint said raising his sword as did I. "Yeah...but I dont have any" I said spitting some blood out of my mouth. "He's really strong an noticeably skilled if only we had a gun but that probably wouldn't work and I'll tell ya what it is later" I said getting a firm nod from mint. "Steel find the girls I'll by you some time" Mint said I looked at him thinking he was crazy. "Sorry pal cant do that if your dieing to help the girls so am I" I said he chuckled. "It was worth a shot alright c'mon" Mint said. "Yeah ... ugh ... one punch aint takin me out the fight" jack said getting back up then we rushed discord but he vanished. "What the hel-" jack cut off by discord cutting his back and stabbing his hand. "Jack!" Mint called out and tried swinging his sword but it flew out of his hands along with his arm, We both looked at his missing arm and we heared a blood curdling scream from a woman we looked and saw rarity with a look of horror along with the girls mint then finally felt the pain and screamed blood murder dropping to his knees. "You didnt stand a chance your weak all five of you" Discord said grabbing mint I tried to stop him but he pushed me back and threw him infront of the girls. He kicked coal then greenie and jack back to the girls and jack woke up again. "Girls ... Rainbow dash ... we tried ... to stop him and save you but ... I guess thats not gonna happin" Jack said. "If I die hear I have argh ... one thing to say to ... Rainbow dash" he said and she walked next to him. "Jack c'mon man dont say things like that we've been friends since I moved here you cant die" rainbiw said and for the first time had tears in her eyes. "Yeah ... but I dont think I have a choice hehehe ... but I have one thing to say rainbow ... I love you" jack said then closed his eyes. "Jack...jack c'mon dont do this.. you cant say that and leave me wake up!" Rainbow said shaking the man. I began getting angry no furious was the right word I heared discord laugh at this and my anger grew more. "Face it girl he's dead and he left you sayin he 'loves you' how adorable" Discord said and laughed I reached my limit and shot a blast at his face actual getting cuts on him. "You shouldnt have done that boy" discord said turning to me but I was infront of him and grabbed his goatee. "No you shouldnt have done that" I said then headbutted him hard enough to make both of us bleed from our heads, he staggered back and tried healing his wound but it didnt work. "Looking for these?" I asked behind him holding his horns. "How did you-" I cut him off by slicing his chest. "You messed with my friends and started laughing at one thats probably dead" I said and grabbed his face then made him stare into my cold black eyes. "Now im gonna open up somethin crazy lets see whats inside" I said before smashing my elbow on his head sending him to the ground then I kiced him as hard as I could in the air I flew up with him. "Why you little bastard thats it no more mister nice chaos god" Discord said and blocking my swing he sent his fist aiming for my gut but I blocked it with my knee and stabbed him with the bowie knife. "No more mister nice human then" I said and kicked him back. "Twilight heal them and stop mints bleeding!" I called out to her, bother rarity and twilight started healing the guys starting with mint and jack. "This calls for another song one to hide the agonizing screams your about to wail out" I said pulling my phone out again then Hit play. As it started discord went to cut me down but I raised my arm up and blocked it the metal hardened around my arm and grew more to my hand and shoulder I raised my sword up and stabbed his leg. "Damn you!" Discord yelled but I slammed my metal fist into his face sending him sliding back a bit. "Freedom la, la, la ,la" I sang with the song then ran at discord and entered a power struggle that was quickly broken and we started sending attacks at eachother. "Cut!" I shouted and cut his chest again and kicked him to the ground. "What are you?!" He asked I didnt answer only raised my swords up "what is that?" "Heavin slasher" I said and brought them both down sending two smaller versions of my god piercing beam at him discord saw these and couldnt move one landed next to him and the other cuting his leg making him kneel amd drop his sword. "Tu non sei un uomo, non sei bestia sei solo un guscio vuoto pieno di gelosia (You are not a man, you are no beast you are just a empty shell filled with jealousy)" I said landing back down and picking up his sword and claiming it as mine. "Damn you were did you get the strength?" Discord asked trying to get back on his feet but failed and feel back to the ground. "Just stay down and die with what little honor you have left" I said and began walking to my friends but discord summond a dagger and jumped at me. "I will not lose to a something like you!" He shouted and I began extending my hiddin blades bur discord was shot with a rainbow beam by the girls. "What no no NOOOOO!" He shouted out then turned back into stone like how luna said. "Well then that was something" I said. "Ugh...im alive but how I was sure I was gonna die" jack said groaning and getting to his feet only to be tackled by rainbow. "Whoa dash are you crying c'mon dont do that" he said. "I love you too big guy" Rainbow said hugging him more, the guys began waking up and mint freaked out about his missing arm but to his and my surprise twilight reatched something about not losing to much blood andfinding the arm. "Well...we defeated discord and Im kinda banged up" I said looking at my cut up body with them being soon to new scars for the collection. "Ugh...lets see if this magic works" I said and placed a hand on my chest before concentrating and a light black colored aura surrounded my hand then my wounds and closed them up healing them and getting rid of the pain. "Damn...that takes alot out of ya doesnt it" I said panting and using my new sword as leverage to keep me up but was falling and I fell to the floor on my back and breathing heavily. "That magic really does take alot out of ya and adding the fight I just went through with a chaos god I think I deserve a drink and a nap how about it greenie!" I called out to him. "Aye that sound like heaven after what we went through" Greenie said sitting up. "Oh man man a nap sounds better hell I rather go into hibernation" He said me and the guys laughed at this. "Im glad we got here in time" Twilight said. "Yall shouldnt have done that your Ediots fighting discord with just weapons" twilight said I flipped her off. "On time...my ass" I said droping my hand back down the sky was becoming clear and the building went back to normal as did everything else. "Who's the one that almost killed him" I said. "Who was topless with princess luna in bed" Rainbow said making them all laugh and me blush a bit Pegasi moved clouds or kicked them letting the sun shine through and lighting up the land. "Fuck you rainbow" I said feeling my eye lids get heavier, we heared a pop and we looked only to see princess celestia and luna. "Hey your majesty's...the hell took ya so long" I asked them chuckling weakly. "Are thou alright?" Luna asked concerned. "diverso di fronte a un caos dio im buono (other than facing a chaos god im good)" I said getting a sigh from her. "But I need some help getting up my whole body is sore" I said and she nodded before helping up to my feet and placing one of my arms on her for support. "Aye your so good to me I feel spoiled" I said makijg her giggle. "Dont expect thou to do this often" Luna said helping me walk to the others. "Hey guys you ok?" I asked them they nodded. "Good cause I think I might pass out" I said then felt my eyes close and I feel asleep. "Did thou just get heavi-aah"Luna said as I fell asleep on her. "Sir steel please wake up" luna said but I was long gone. "Hold on I got him" Jack said walking over to me and lifted me up over his shoulder, luna got back up and had a small blush on her face. "Man he passed out the second he closed his eyes wish I could do that" coal said getting up and walking to twilight. "This aint the best time to tell you but remember that card?" He said to which twilight nodded. "I wrote it" "Alright coal we already have two love birds over there dont need another" greenie said getting up. "Lets get this lad on a bed he's earned it hell we all do" he said pointing to the guys who nodded. "I believe you are right greenie all of you get some rest and please notify me when steel is awake I want to reward him for saving us" celestia said before she grabbed luna and teleported back to canterlot. "Alright lets get him to bed and see when he wakes up" twilight said before going back to the library and placed me on my bed only taking off my shoes and socks. "Get what ya need you got something your getting steel" greenie said before they all left my room letting me sleep. (Two days later) I felt the sun shine down on my body making me stir awake and open my eyes, I stared at the ceiling for a bit before sitting up. "I wonder how long I was out for?" I asked the door to my room opened twilight came then saw me awake. "Hey twilight" I said "Finally your awake" twilight said walking over. "Now I can tell princess celestia your awake hurry get dressed" twilight said rushing out the room, I was confused as to what celestia want with me when I was awake but just shrugged then went to the bathroom for a shower. After my shower I grabbed some cloths and placed them on it was a white long-sleeve, black pants and shoes. I walked out my room and saw rok sleeping next to the door I scratched behind his ears then went down stairs were I found everyone sitting jack was sitting with rainbow and coal was holding twilights hand. "I see there are some couples here good for you guys now tell me what celestia needs me for?" I asked twilight then heared a pop. "To give you your reward for saving mine and luna's kingdom" Celestia said behind me. "There is no big thing about this reward but I will give you something that was givin to me by a man that spoke just in that same language you do" Celestia said reaching into her bag and pulled out a book with the title was modi di l'assassino e la magiak (ways of the assassin and magic). I took it and read the inside it was completely english with some of the words in Italian in it. "I know its not much to say thank you but I felt as though you should have it" celestia said and I closed the book. "It is fine celestia I will read it when I have the time and saving your kingdom was no problem that means I am meant to help you all after all" I said going back to the stair. "But that will be for another time for now im gonna sleep some more buona notte (good night) " I said going back into my room letting rok in then placing the book on my desk and closing the door, I climbed back on my bed and went back to my still well deserved rest. > Chapter 8: To see the hiddin and the night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Been two months after the fight with discord and I regained my full strength after a few weeks, jack and rainbow are dating now along with coal and twilight, greenie is working up the courage to ask out applejack, and right now im climbing up to luna's room. "Steel what art thou doing?" Luna asked me as I climbed up her balcony and sat on the ledge. "What don't wanna see your friend Im hurt luna" I said entering her room she giggled and placed her book down. "Also I was bored so I came to see if you wanted to hang out for a bit and talk" I said jumping back forst on her bed. "E 'in ritardo di acciaio quasi mezzanotte (It is late steel almost midnight)" luna said I shrugged. "Like I said I was bored and wanted to come see you" I said. "Im still reading that book your sister gave me its guiet intresting and I have to hide the damn thing from twilight so she wont read it" I said making luna giggle. "What has thou found out so far?" Luna asked sitting on the opposite side of the bed. "Eh I can summon things now which is handy and I gottin use to the hidden blades" I said summoning them and showed her. "I got use to the weight rather fast... would you like to try one on?" I asked her sitting up she had an uneasy look. "We do not know if we should but if we do could thou...guid us?" Luna asked I took off my left blade and walked over to luna. "Of course now let me see your hand please" I asked her holding my hand out, she gave me her hand and I slowly put the blade on her wrist then tightened it to match her size. "Alright now I want you to raise your hand slowly up ok" I said sitting next to her and wrapped my arm around her bringing her closer to me and letting me have room to hold her arm still. "A-alright" Luna said blushing a little from being so close to me, she lifted her hand slowly up activating the switch and the blade sprang out making her 'eep' cutely. "See not so bad right?" I asked her and she retracted the blade. "This is quiet fun" Luna said and continued taking the blade out. "We wish we had one just in case if something happins...maybe thou can make one for us?" She said turning to me with puppy dog eyes. "Damn puppy eyes...fine but only one got it" I said she squeed a bit in excitement. "Thank thou" Luna said we both noticed I havent removed arms from her or pushed her away from my body, Before we both knew it I had pinned her to the bed with her blushing heavily and staring into my eyes. "Essere in acciaio attenzione abbiamo lama thous (be careful steel we have thous blade)" She said holding the blade to my cheek I smirked and did the same. "Si dimentica che faccio tok (you forget we have one too)" I replied she giggled a bit, she retracted the blade and took it off as did I, she wrapped her arms around my kneck and brought me closer, I cupped her cheek and started bringing my head down but just as our lips were inches apart the door busted open and we both froze. "Sister! twilight said steel has gone missing we must find him and-" celestia said and saw us on the bed. "Oh um excuse me please, sorry to bother-wait... STEEL WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY SISTERS ROOM NO LESS ON HER BED!" Celestia asked in her royal canterlot voice making both of us jump out the bed and let go of eachother. "Uh no reason just uh thought me and luna would hang out for a bit aint that right luna" I asked nudging her. "Uh yes sir steel um came to hang out as he say's nothing more" Luna said and we both had wide nervous grins. "Yes you know I was uh just leaving yes thats it... I bid thee farewell luna it was nice hanging out with you I hope we can do it-I mean hang out again not do it cause you know um not dating and all, yeah I'll just uh see myself out" I said grabbing my blade and running out to the balcony and dove off landing in some hay, then sprinted into the forest. "Luna what was going on?" Celestia asked her sister who figited in place and began sweating. "It looked as though you were going to kiss steel" she said with a smug grin making luna blush a deep red. "W-we were not sister we were going to give sir steel a hug for letting us use his blade nothing more" Luna said studdering a little. "Awe my little sister has finally found someone to love" Celestia said hugging her but luna squirmed out. "Oh luna im only teasing calm down but if you do like steel fox then tell him you might not find someone that has almost the same life you have" celestia said before leaving the room and luna mumbled to herself. "Stupid sister...we art not in love...well-no we art not" Luna said before groaning then laid down on her bed but heared something fall on the ground, she peeked over her bed to see my hiddin blade. Luna picked up the blade and summond a mannequin hand then slipped it on the hand. "We shall give this back to him If he should visit us again" luna said before turning off her light and going to sleep. I was leaning next to the tree house panting and going through the image of me almost kissing luna, I almost had it. "Damn...it celestia...just need a few seconds and I could have done it now im never gonna have that chance again" I said then growled in annoyance. "Dannazione! (God damn it!)" I yelled in frustration and slaming my fist against the wall. "Steel whats the matter dude?" I heared spike say opeing the door, he was wearing pruple pajamas and a hat. "Nothin spike just a little pissed off is all I'll be inside in a sec" I said. "Is this about luna?" Spike said and I glared at him. "How do you know...celestia of course" I said walking inside grabbing spike then closed the door. "Alright spike im gonna tell you that celestia is lieing" I said trying to lie to him. "But you just said how did I know" Spike said and I facepalmed. "Dammit...tell no one not a soul got it I don't want luna's subjects to shun her again" I said walking to the stairs. "Give me the letter" I said and he did I opened it and tore it into peices then threw it away, I walked back to my room and tossed my blade on the desk. "I hate my life sometimes you know rok, first I cant tell the girl I have a crush that I like her and then I let my emotions run lose tonight making me almost kiss her then theres the part were if I do tell her my feeling and she accepts them she will be shunned by all the ponies that are finally warming up to her" I said plopping on my bed rok whimper a bit then nuzzled my leg. "Ah thanks for trying to cheer me up bud but I think a good night's sleep with help me" I said kicking my shoes off and taking my socks off, I didnt bother taking off my shirt or pants and just laid there until I fell asleep. (Dream realm) "Finally was wondering when you were gonna get here" I heared the girl say I groaned and went to face her. "Alright thats it get the hell out of my head you bitch!" I yelled at her but she was standing next to ryle. "Ryle bro she's evil get away from her" I said. "Calm down steel I know about Brigid" Ryle said as I arch a brow. "Brigid shes named after the goddess of fire...why does that suit her well and I didnt even know she had a name" I said. "You never asked dumbass of course I had a name" Brigid said I growled at her. "Alright you two I didnt bring you here to fight I want yall to be friends" Ryle said suprising us both. "She's been torturing my mind since the day you died how can I be her friend!" I asked ryle. "I dont give a flying fuck about this loser I just want to be out of his damn head!" Brigid said. "SHUT UP!" Ryle roared making us quiet. "The reason why I want you to be friends is because you need eachother, Brigid I know a way to get you free but steel has to gain the experience and magic for it only then will you be set free and have a body to call your, and steel you need her power to go into berserk mode in case you are caught in a corner so please Im your brother which makes both of you siblings" ryle said and pushed Brigid infront of me. "Argh...fine but if I do let you and thats a big 'IF' dont attack my friends" I said holding out my hand. "Fine then dont have them attack me and I wanna fight you when I get out" Brigid said grabbing my hand. "Then its a deal...brother" "It sure is sis" I said we both glared at eachother then shook before letting go. "Aye you two are like siblings alright now since you made a deal you must live up to it so im placing a mark on your bodies that will stay there as a reminder to help eachother also another to hel you remember what were fighting for" ryle said before we both felt a pain on our chests and back. "Im sorry you have to wear the mark again bro truly I am but ponys must know what you are and what you fight for" ryle said and I began screaming more feeling a familiar pain all over my back then a symbol started etching into it. One that marks courage and honor but brings immense pain and loss as well. "SON OF A BIIIIIITCH....ARGH AAAHH!" I screamed as the symbol grew on my back all the way down and stopping just above my waist it glowed a dark orange before it turned black and the pain stopped but pulsated through me each time. I felt another pain but it was shorter and I felt something around my kneck I looked and saw a peice of yin shaped as a necklace I looked to brigid who had a peice of yan. "There it is done and im sorry steel the deal has been sealed by the peices of yin and yang they will be able to come off but only steel can take it off since brigid is here in his mind" Ryle said and we looked at the necklaces. "Alright I think its time for steel to wake up you might have scared your friends... oh and do say hi to your girlfriend for me" ryel said smirking. "She's not my girlfriend bro really were just friends" I said glaring at him. "Is that why you almost kissed her?" Brigid said I flipped her the bird. "Alright Im gonna wake up now and hope that the girls wont find the assassin symbol on my back" I said cloaing my eyes and my body vanished. "I shall take my leave as well good luck to you both" Ryle said but brigid stop him. "How long have you known about me?" She asked him. "When I found out his parents on the day we escaped but never tell him who his father was or his mother he's not ready to handle such things yet" Ryle said before vanishing into the darkness as did brigid. (Real world) I felt something lick my face making me open my eyes and sit up. "Augh rok c'mon man really" I said he barked and wagged his tail I took off my shirt and wiped the slobber off my face then felt something cold land on my skin, I looked down and saw the necklace. "Guess he wasn't lieing and if thats here than that means the mark is on my back as well" I said getting up and looking behind me only to see the mark, I sighed then went to my closet I opened it and saw only my robes again this time I groaned then placed them on. I felt the sting from my back making me yelp a little then I walked out my room after grabbing my hiddin blade I noticed that I left my other blade in luna's room guess I'll go back for it later. I walked down the stairs hood down and saw spike holding a carved pumpkin in his hands, confused I just let it be and walked out the house to grab some food. As I walked I saw ponies putting up decorations some were pumpkins and some were candy corn Still confused I just left it alone, I reach sugarcubed corner and went inside then grabbed a seat. "Hey pinkie can I get a peice of cake and coffee?" I asked her as she popped up infront of me with said iteams. "Thank you heres the bits" I said handing her six bits she thanked me and walked to the counter. "Oh yeah pinkie whats with all the you know decorations is there some holiday today?" I asked her. "Yepperoni tonights gonna be nightmare night I thought you knew this steel?" pinkie said confused as to how I never knew this. "Well pinkie one different world two that sounds like Halloween hmm do all you dress in costumes by any chance and give candy to kids?" I asked her eating my cake. "Yeah and Im guessing that your world has the same thing too right?" Pinkie asked me I nodded. "Yes we do its called Halloween it is a time were souls of the dead roam around for one night so parents tell kids that wearing a costume will make them blend in with the spirits and ignore them whats yalls about?" I asked her drinking the coffee. "Well we have the same thing almost but the souls of the dead is replaced with nightmare moon, parents tell there foals that dressing up will have nightmare moon not eat you" Pinkie said I humed. "Kinda dark dont you think?" I said she shrugged. "Oh so you and luna huh" Pinkie said smiling and I spat out the coffee and coughed a bit. "What no there is nothing between us at all pinkie!" I explained but pinkie kept her smile. "Pinkie I dont know were you heared this but its not true honest" I said. "Are ya sure you and her were thiiiiis close to ki-" I covered her mouth and took her to the back room. "Pinkie please there is nothing alright nothing!" I yelled she was still smiling. "Aye pinkie fine you win...I might have a crush on her but I swear if you tell anyone-" "Anypony" pinkie corrected. "Not anyone" "O...k...anyways tell no pony got it" I said pinkie nodded. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye" She said doing the gestures I let out a small sigh before I opened the back door. "Thanks pinkie I'll see you guys later alright" I said and walked out the building leaving me to wonder by myself. It was kinda boring to say the least ponies putting up decorations and parents walking with there kids to go get a costume I never really got into it then again I was in a facility so maybe thats why. "Man let something happin for god sakes" I groaned then saw the blue figure of altaïr it started running and I felt a smile grow on my face before I raced after it into the everfree forest, altaïr wasnt stoping at all he did was run in one direction. "Were are you leading me?" I asked the ghost, he then took a sharp left making me trip and roll on the ground I got back up before running after him again. We ran for what seemed like hours even though I knew it was a few minutes, these woods are strange but also cool, "I wonder were altaïr is taking me?" I questioned before we stoped at a giant cliff that I almost fell off of. "Oh shit that was close that was really close" I said I looked over the cliff and saw a massive drop to bottom but it didnt really faze me that much. "Wonder why altaïr took me here hmm...guess I have no choice gotta use eagle vision" I said and closed my eye before slowly opening them and they glowed a bright blue. My surrounding area was dark blue and black, I looked around for a few minutes until I found a thin blue trail and footprints on the floor leading to somewhere. I began following the trail passing rivers and trees I didnt know the everfree was so damn big but oh well, I came to a stop and had a crane my kneck a bit to get a the view of the entire castle that was in the forest. "Holy shit...how'd I miss that?" I asked myself looking at the castle It looked quiet old from the way it look some holes on the sides and roof, broken windows and vines growing on it yet through all of this it had a strange allure to it was so strong that I didnt noticed till now I was infront if the door. "Whoa...what is this place it looks ancient almost a hundred years old at best yet what is this allure its giving off" I said and tried ti push the door open but it was sealed shut I couldnt even break it open the door had a protecting spell on it which was suprising. "Guess im flying up then" I said and flew up a few feet but then it was cut off instantly and I fell straight on my back, I groaned while I got up then dusted myself off. "What the hell was that how did it cut off my flying" I said and popped my back. "Damn guess im doing it the old fashion way" I said then ran up the wall up bit before grabbing a loose brick and ascended up grabbing bricks. I made sure that the bricks I grabbed were sturdy enough for my weight then climbed, I grabbed a brick then began hoisting myself up but it came lose and I began fallin thinking fast I summond a knife and dug it into the wall but it broke so for a last ditch effort I used the grapple I had on my blade to sink ito the wall luckily it found its mark and stopped me from falling to my death. "Holy shit... that was really close thank god I read that book and found out what my blades can do and what can be attached to make them better" I said and shot my self up to the roof. "So you've come?" A man said Making me turn but see no one. "Come inside when you are ready I'll be waiting" he said then wind rushed past me and a door opened to my right. "Who...was that and does this man know me?" I asked and walked into the door then closed it surrounding me in darkness. "Ah...im glad you decided to come now finding me will be your first lesson... use only your wits and the things around you" the man said once more his voice ecoing through the building, I used my eagle vision to atleast see thankfully it worked and I started roaming the halls looking for clues or the man. I found foot prints on the floor the glowed a bright gold I decided to follow these steps cautiously just in case, as I followed the man spoke once more. "So you have the famous eagle vision I see hmm maybe you might help this land after all steel fox" the man said, As I followed the trail it lead me to a dead end. "A dead end...or is it?" I said before walking up to it then pressed my hand on it making it go through it with a small ripple around my hand. Smiling at my founding I went through and saw a hallway with a soft orange glow from the torches lined up on the wall, I began walking down the hall feeling the flames and hearing the ecos of my footsteps at the end of the hall was nothing but darkness and a single stand. I stoped on the edge of the small stand and stood at my full hieght looking into the darkness. "Tell me steel fox do you feel fear, regret, sadness, honor, love...pride?" The man asked his voice bouncing off the blackened walls around me. "I do feel these things but some are very little thanks to my life" I answered and I heared a hum from the man then silence. "Is it wrong for me to feel very little of honor and pride, love and regret, and fear?" I asked the man but was answered by silence. "Please...tell me" "If you jump into the pit with little to no thought of it and do what feels natural I will answer your questions" He said and I stood there looking into the darkness then planted my right foot on the edge, putting all my weight onto it I leaped into the darkness and dove head first into the pit. "If I feel fear then I am human and will respond by doing not retreating, if I feel regret that means I have a heart to feel the sadness of others, sadness will never be the down fall of anyones life it will make one strong and fight it with the help of others close to them, love is a special feeling that will give more strength then you can imagine and fight for it no matter what" I said as I fell then slowly flip on my back. "Honor will be more than just up holding your pride but it will also be your down fall if it should take hold of your mind this is what it means to be human and I am a hybrid with a human heart I stand for these things and will embrace them when needed" I said saw the area light up shining with lights everywere the walls looked like from marble and the ceiling was gold but had one Symbol etched into it. I felt the hay hit my back and I landed safely on it I jumped out and looked around the massive room. "I did not need to tell you what you should feel or not for you have already found out yourself during your leap of faith" I heared the man say behind me, I looked to see a old stallion with gray hair and fur he was wearing the mentor robes of assassins. "Hello wise one it seems I was not strayed from the assassin path I see" I said kneeling to him and bowing my head. "Do not bow to me I am just an old man nothing more" He said as I rised. "Who has brought you to our headquarters steel fox?" The man said. "Ours are there others?" I asked him to which he nodded then looked behind, I looked and saw the room full of assassins mostly women and some male all wearing white robes also having the sun and moon sewed on to their hoods. "This is incredible mentor I never thought you would have so many assassins already" I said. "Yes over the years I have gathered ponys, griffins, dragons, zebras, diamond dogs there is still much to do all of them are to be in there own countries to protect them with the knowledge and skill I have gave them I will let two of your choosing to stay and help you for my time is coming" he said and I thanked him. "What should I call you mentor before your time comes?" I asked him he chuckled lightly. "You may call me Aries and im well aware of the name steel fox now please choose" Aries said I nodded and walked up to the assassins who were all lined up. "Hello all my name is steel fox as you can see by my robes I am apart of the brotherhood and aries has asked me to pick two of you to come with me and stay here but I cannot do that without seeing your faces please lower your hoods so I may see them" I said and as if on command they all dropped there hoods and I only saw four males out of them all. "Wow was kinda expecting more guys hmm well twilight did say the main gender here is females so that would explain it" I mumbled to myself. "Are ya gonna pick man cause if not then im gonna go to bed" I heared a mare say to my right i looked to see a vanilla colored unicorn mare with raven black hair and green eyes she yawned and stretched. "C'mon it not hard just point and we'll go simple" She said. "Whats your name miss?" I asked walking to her. "The names vanilla dude been here my whole life got the basics down can run pretty fast and have a nice rack" She said patting her rather large chest. "*ahem* I see well vanilla I guess I found one then get your things ready your coming with me" I said. "See that simple but I cant not without my sister" Vanilla said. "Who is your sister?" I asked her and just as I said that a mare came running in and ran right into me. "Oh im so sorry sir I was just running late and ran as fast as can please forgive me" The mare said and she sounded just like fluttershy except had more volume to it and sounded higher, the mare lifted herself up and I saw the mare she had dark brown fur her eyes were light brown and wings. "Its alright miss might I get your name by any chance?" I asked her as she dusted herself off and helped me up. "My names chocolate chip its very nice to meet you...oh your that human that defeated discord right?" Chocolate asked I nodded. "Thank you for saving us" "It was no problem um random question but are you the sister of a mare named vanilla?" I asked her she nodded. "How do you know her?" She asked then vanilla came up behind her and grabbed her chest. "Because im right here you goof" vanilla said and chocolate screamed from either being scared or being grabbed by her chest possibly both. "Ok uh ladies your infront of a crowed you know and your giving some a show" I said with a small blush, some of the girls whistled at this as did guys. I split them up and chocolate had a red face while vanilla was laughing. "Alright you two that enough I dont think chocolate can take much more...now vanilla, chocolate I want both of you to grab your things your the two assassins I want to come with me and possibly befriend" I said confusing chacolate. "Come with you what does he mean vanilla?" Chocolate asked her sister taking her hood down her hair was both white a brown like an ice cream swirl in a way. "I'll explain dont worry steel we will be back in a few" vanilla said grabbing her sisters hand before walking off . "Hmm those two I will say they are like yin and yang both opposite vanilla lively and outgoing, while chocolate shy and pure but just like Yin and Yang they need eachother" Aries said walking next to me. "Here you will need this if you need help from other assassins in the area" he said handing me a whistle but I declined. "Not to be rude mentor but I can whistle with out that object" I said he nodded and placed it back into his pocket. "Alright now all of you go to your country and protect it from templars come back here if you have any valuable information I pass on the leader ship to steel fox since he has more experience than anyone else" Aries said and they all nodded before running in opposite tunnles. "Steel fox will you end my suffering so I may go to the Heavins and wait for when Im needed again" aries asked me. "If that is what you wish aries then I will honor your request" I said, chocolate and vanilla came back with bags and wearing regular cloths. Chocolate had a small dark brown shirt matching her coat and black jeans with running shoes, Vanilla had one a tight white shirt with blue jeans and running shoes. "Alrigt we got our stuff we should have enough bits to buy a apartment...whats going on?" Vanilla asked. "Vanilla, Chocolate chip I have tought you everything I know I hope you will live a happy life even when the templars come" Aries said. "Mentor are you going somewere?" Chocolate asked him to which he nodded. "Yes I am young one some where to which I may know peace" He said and theres eyes widen. "No you cant die mentor what if we need you again what if we cant find the peice of eden?" Vanilla asked he held up his hand. "I have done my part vanilla I know I raised as children and I even consider the both of you as my daughters but I must go...please take care of eachother and take care of steel fox...steel it is time" aries said then nodded. "As you wish mentor" I said then brought out my blade before placing it into his heart. " Anche se non temete la morte ora dovrei dire ancora non temere solo abbracciarla (Even though you do not fear death now, I should still say do not fear only embrace it)" I said laying him down. "Riposa in pace vecchio amico (Rest in peace old friend)" I said and he took his last breath I closed his eyes and stood back up. "I am sorry he asked me to do it it was his last request I do not blame you for hating me but it was either die alone with no one around or die with those he loved more than anything here" I said turning to them and was embraced by both mares who were crying there eyes out I hugged them back and let them cry as long as they want. "It is alright I know what its like to lose someone close to you close enough to call family" I said and they pulled off my wipping tears away but still crying a bit. "Damn I-I cant stop crying" Vanilla said wipping her tears as best she could only for new ones to replace the old. "Do not think ill of tears they show you have a heart its what I was told by my mentor back in my world, he's gone now but I always kept that in my thoughts" I said and patted there heads. "Your mentor has gone ti a better place I know you would like to see him again but you must wait until we are finished or the second option one that I despise" I said turning back to the doorway. "Come we shall head to ponyville and begin your new lives there I will show you to some of my friends there so you may have other friends besides me" I said and we began walking out if the assassin HQ. I moved a hatch above us and took a peek out only seeing that were outside of ponyville and the sun just setting, I climbed up and helped the sisters out then closed the hatch. "So this is ponyville its nice" Vanilla said looking at the town, we began walking into the town passing foals and parents almost everyone in a costume like zombies, skeletons and witches. "Steel there you are we got worried cause we didnt know were you run off too" I heared twilight say running up to me with coal, she had on some weird wizard outfit even had a white beared and a hat. "Ok one" I said ripping off her beared and throwing it away. "And two Im fine see even found some friends this is chacolate chip and vanilla say hi guys" I said. "Hello its very nice to meet you I hope we can be friends" Chacolate said. "Hey the names vanilla and you already met my sister so we can scratch that off" Vanilla said. "Hey your kinda cute" she said making twilight blush. "Uh...thank you but im already seeing somepony sorry" Twilight said grabbing coal who was in a viking out fit with a beared as well which I ripped off. "So why are you guys in costumes?" I asked them then felt someone behind me, I quickly flew up to them and tackled them out of the sky. "Who are what are you...Dash the hell mate I could have hurt you" I said looking down at her she was wearing something call a wonderbolt suit as rainbow told me once except purple and black. "Geez steel was only gonna pull a prank mind getting off me though" Rainbiw said and I got off then helped her up. "Dash damn it I told you to wait up im not as fast as you" Jack said running up and panting a bit he was also wearing a viking outfit. "Oh steel your here were did you run off too dude?" Jack asked me. "Ah I was bored so i ran into the forest and found these two wondering" I said pointing to vanilla and chacolate. "Hi" chacolate said. "Sup" vanilla said. "Cool hammer" "Thank you made it myself by the way names jackhammer" Jack said. "Please stop showin mares your skills I thought I was your marefriend " rainbow said making him laugh little. "If I didnt know any better dash I said your a bit jealous" Jack said and rainbow punched his arm then rubbed it. "Dont know what your talking about jack I dont get jeans those mares are jealous because your all mine" Rainbow said hitting him once more and rubbed her hand again. "Damn what are you made of iron?" "I hit metal for a living dashie so Im gonna get some muscle" Jack said then felt a apple hit him. "Oi ya big bastard the'ell is steel!" I heared greenie call out walking up with applejack who was a a scarecrow and greenie was also a viking. "Ok one why are you guys wearing viking outfits?" I asked him. "Rarity wanted us to be matching and since we beat discord she decided to make these things to show strength" mint said walking up to us with the others. "How do you know what a viking is?" I asked them. "Twilight read your book" They said pointing to the mare and I glared at her. "Twilight never read my things without permission understand" I said she nodded, "Alright so weres mine?" I asked rarity. "Well I couldnt find you anywere so I need to take your measurements come it should be quick" Rarity said and we all walked to her house to get my costume ready. ( Carousel Boutique) As I stood there with only my pants on rarity took measurements while the others were talking and getting to know vanilla and chacolate. "How you guys doing" I asked them as rarity measured my waist. "How do ya think lad" Greenie said grabbing his flask but was again dumped out. "I hate yountwilight" Greenie said glaring at her. "There are foals greenie so no drinking" Twilight said I laughed at bis misfortune. "You heared the mare greenie no drinking" I said then felt my blade get takin off my wrist. "Hey I need that damn it" I said jumping off the pedestal and snatching it out of the magic. "No one touches the blade I have them for a reason" I said re-attaching to my arm. "Uh steel whats on your back it looks like a giant scar but its kinda hard to see" Fluttershy asked me and I stoped what I was doing. "I got it a long time ago something I got force to do its over now but it wont leave me...now drop it before I get mad" I said glaring at her making her shake like a leaf. "Alright yeesh dont have to make the poor mare shake steel" mint said calming fluttershy down. "Sorry its just this mark holds more than you know" I said and walked back on the pedestal. "Really" Twilight muttered and stared at my back. "We'll see what we can get" "Alright steel it done now please wait here Twilight gave me a drawing of one of the vikings so I'll base the design off it" Rarity said as I put the robes back on. "So anything going on this nightmare night?" I asked them but they shook there heads. "Nah we just watch the foals run around give'em a spook here and there" greenie said sitting down after grabbing his flask off the floor and began cleaning it. "Huh never realky got into these kinds of stuff but im willing to try it" I said. "So I gotta ask were did you yet those robes dude there awesome?" Coal asked. "Well I found them in the castle they were sorta calling me to them and I put them on luna saw this and let me keep them because she didnt know they were there as well" I said getting a smirk from everyone. "What?" "Dont think were stupid surgar cube you like the princess dont you" Applejack and I began sweating a bit. "What no of course I dont were just really close friends " I said hoping they wont preasure on the subject. "Uh-Huh so why were you at her chambers yesterday?" Twilight asked. 'How the hell did she-...spike that son of a bitch!' I yelled in my head before clearing my throat. "Twilight what are you on about I was in the woods walking around for bit nothing wrong with is there?" I asked her and she sighed in defeat. "Fine you win guess spike was making all that up then no gems for week" Twilight said I gave a internal sigh, after a few minutes we heared rarity call down the stairs holding my costume which was really detailed at that. "Whoa uh rarity can I see that picture twilight drew?" I asked and she floated the Picture to my hands. "Whoa twilight this is really good didnt take you for an artist" I said and she blushed a little. "It was nothing really it took me an hour to do it but I got it" twilight said. "Mind if I keep it this looks really cool" I said and she nodded. "Well alright time to fit this thing on" I said grabbing the costume and walked over to a small changung room. I took off my robes and began putting the costume on. (A few minutes later) "There all done now im an assassin viking huh wonder if they had those back then probably not" I said neatly folding my robes and coming out the room only to see no one here. "Geez guys thanks for the compliments" I said and placed my robes on a mannequin then left a note saying dont sell to anyone at all or else, then I left the shop and walked around a bit. Mares and stallions saw my costume and saw how tall I was compared to them, the mares were in awe while the stallions gave me jealous looks even some had a pipe in there hands. "Geez im not that good looking am I?" Asked myself and placed on the helmet before running a bit, as I walked I saw a crowed of ponies around a stage were a mare with a clown costume on came up curious I went over to see whats happing. "Happy nightmare night everypony I hope your having a wonderful time and hope you dont get to scared" The mare said and added a stupid 'boo' to the end. "It would be scarier if you werent in a clown costume" I heared spike say next to me and I stifled a laugh. "Anyways I really do hope you all are having fun and today we have a special pony you all know her as zecora who will be giving a story to the children about nightmare night" The clown said and zecora walked over in a witch doctor outfit with her hair down. "Come children and I shall tell the story of nightmare night that you know so well" Zecora said and all the foals followed her I smirked and followed wondering how this will play out. "Nightmare moon as you know will is allowed one night to bring about fear, thats why little ones you wear these costumes to disguise you" zecora said and brought out some green pouder and blew into it making it all foggy with green mist. "It always happing on this night and this night alone that nightmare moon comes and search for fillys and colts" she said and a figure of nightmare moon appeared searching but couldn't find what she was looking for. "Miss zecora if we wear costumes to hid ourselves why do we have to give her our candy?" A colt said he was wearing a pirate costume and had white fur and brown spots on him. "Excellent question young one the reason is simple the reason to give nightmare moon your candy is so she may eat it instead of eating you" Zecora said and puffed some green smoke and nightmare moon jumoed at them out of reflex I grabbed the colt before the fake got him. "Whoa that was close you good kid?" I asked him. "Uh yeah thank you sir" The kid said and he sounded british, I placed him down and looked around to see ponies staring at me. "Sorry reflex thought he was in danger" I said and saw my friends running to me. "There you guys are the hell have been?" I asked them. "Sorry mate got tired of waiten didnt expect you to be here enjoying a kiddie story" greenie said laughing I punched his arm. "Ow by celestia you have quiet a punch I dont remember it being that strong before" Greenie said rubbing his arm. "Yeah yeah quiet your whinning and besides I got to know a bit about nightmare night" I said and befire anyone could reply there was a loud tunder clap making us all look to the sky and see batponies flying in with a carriage with a hooded pony the ponies all screamed and headed back to town the carriage followed so I follwed it too. The carriage landed on the gorund with the batpony looking menacing and the ponies looked afraid Me and others arrived at the town and saw the hooded pony step out of the carriage. "Citizens of ponyville be greatful that we princess luna has graced your small town with our presence!" Luna yelled out in her royal canterlot voice making the ponies all bow fearfully. "What is that matter with you all we thought you would be greet your ruler of the night kindly not quiver on the ground rise!"she shouted more. "Hey luna whats bring ya here?" I asked her grabbing her attention. "What its me steel you know your friend" I said taking off the helmet and she smiled brightly before hugging me. "Oh it is wonderful to see thou oh thou forgot this in our room" Luna said lifting her hand up and a bkade went next to my cheek. "Ah luna you forget once more" I said and put my blade next to her cheek. "Indeed we will scare thou one day but first we need to atleast get a proper greeting" Luna said and faced the crowed again. "Citizens please do not fear us we only wish to become your friend" Luna said but none of them got up luna walked over to the clown mare she kneeled down and offered her hand but the mare got scared and shook more. "Fine be that way we wont even bother with the royal farewell" Luna said and stormed off grabbing me along the way. "What no dinner?" I joked and she began dragging me through the crowed. "Oh no nightmare moon is gonna eat steel everypony run!" Pinkie yelled out wesring a chickin costume and everyone scattered like roaches. "Pinkie the fuck!" I yelled at her and luna walked faster until we were next to the woods then she let me. "Luna you ok?" I asked her as she sat down next to a small creek. "Why dos the ponies not see I want to be there friends steel all we want is to be accepted" Luna said. "Your our only friend we dont even think the elements of harmony like us" luna said and had a small tear run down her cheek, I sat diwn next to her and wiped it away. "If they dont like you then to hell with them I'll always be by your side luna Im your friend and we help eachother out no matter what" I said she gave me a small smile and scooted closer to me. "Beautiful night is it not?" Iasked her she nodded. "Yes we did make it after all" luna said. "You know I can tell that your old english is being replaced with new English its nice actually" I said and felt her hand grab mine. "Really well we shall try and meet tho-your expectations" Luna said using your instead of thou. "There ya go niw all we gotta do is work on your volume because back there you were linda yelling at them" I said. "But it is tradition that we speak in the royal canterlot voice to show our power" Luna said and I gave her a 'Really' look. "What we have power" She said then I booped her nose. "If you did then you would havs stoped that wouldnt you" I said chuckling but she had a come back and poked my side. "We may not have that power but we have the power to do the same to you" Luna said and booped my nose. "See" she said and we both laughed. "Aye I guess your right but we really do need to work on your inside voice alright"I said and she nodded and leaned on me. "Alright we will" Luna said and I had a blush on my face. "Consider yourself lucky I dont ever do this to anypony" she said and I chuckled. "Wow you spoil me my princess this is to much but I could not saying anything if you dont" I said. "Deal" Luna said and grabbed my arm we sat there just looking into the water watching fishes pass and the moon shine off the water. "I really do love the moon its always comforting just to look up and see it in the sky with all its beauty" I said. "Like a pony I know" I said making her blush a little. "Still the charmer we see but you forget it takes more than charm to get anywere" Luna said and I smirked and faced her fully. "Guess I gotta take a step forward then" I said and cupped her cheek then started bring her head closer to mine she closed her eyes as did I and we waited, just after a few seconds I felt soft lips on mine pressing onto me. She tasted sweet like berries and her sent was like midnight lavender this was amazing thats all I could think of right now. After a minute or two we parted and stared at eachother both of us smiling before kissing one more time. "You are quite something steel fox quite something indeed" Luna said parting from me. "We have something to say steel"una said. "What is it?" I asked but just as she was going to say we heared footsteps running to us so we quickly let go of eachother and stared into the creek. "Princess luna there you are I was worried you might be upset" We heared twilight say. "Oh no we are fine thanks to steel here" Luna said and noticed she was still really close to me and scooted a bit away. "Ok sure but I think I know a way to help you with the being liked by other ponies" Twilight saidgrabbing her attention. After going to fluttershy's house and getting her to finally got luna saying 'I' but twilights first plan back fired on her because luna saw a colt fall into some water then helped him only for pinkie to fuck it up and luna got pissed which lead her to cancel nightmare forever then ran off. "God damn it pinkie what the hell mate we were trying to have her make some friends and it took an hour of waking fluttershy up because she kept passing out at the sight of luna and she finally was able to say 'I', pinkie just stop making her pissed thats all im askin" I scolded pinkie who had her ears flat and silent. "Im sorry I didnt know honest I just wanted to have the foals have fun I didnt mean to make her mad" Pinkie said and I sighed with a little groan. "Alright just... look pinkie you know about my little secret and I want to help her make some friends so please dont-" "Wait thats it!" Twilight cut me short. "I know how to make everypony like her" Twilight said and started dragging me off to find luna, after about a few minutes of searching we found her crying by the creek we were at. "Luna are you alright?" I asked running up to her. "Oh, steel, its fine I knew ponies wouldnt like me even if I showed them kindness" Luna said as tears ran down her cheeks, I wiped them away and hugged her. "Its fine remember you still got me and now you got twilight" I said and twilight ran over both excited and worried. "Princess Luna I know how to get ponies to like you and it wont back fire this time I promise" Twilight said getting her attention once more. "If you think you can then thats a miracle all on its own I dont think I could go back there" luna said but I pattee her head and brought her closer to me. "Hey its fine if this plan doesnt work then oh well its not the end of the world atleast tonight you got two friends with you" I said and she gave me a small smile and huggee me back. "Than you" Luna said. "Ahem not to break up your little romance here but uh we better hurry" Twilight said and I totally forgot about her as did luna and we separated from eachother. "Alright c'mon we gotta hurry nightmare night is almost over" Twilight said and we she had us follow her to the nightmare moon statue then made it removable. "Ok so the foals are to be here in a few minutes princess luna do you think you are abke to form a nightmare moon version of yourself?" Twilight asked her. "Uh yes but I dont see-" "Trust me...here they come on my signal I'll trow a smoke bomb down and remove the statue while I do that I want the princess to turn into nightmare moon and hope on the say 'You were wise ti bring me this candy so I may eat 'it' instead of eating you' got it?" Twilight asked and luna nodded and i started seeing her plan then devised my own. We saw the foals come up all sad and some crying they walked infront of the statue then dumoed there candy the last one was the kid luna helped out of the water. "Goodbye nightmare night forever" He said and dumoed his candy then twilight trew a green smoke bome down then quickly removed the statue from its place and luna transformed into nightmare moon then hopped on. "Citizens of ponyville you were wise to bring me this candy so I may eat it instead of eating you!" Luna said in her royal canterlot voice the foals screamed as did some of the adults I summoned my hood part of my robe then coals axe and walked out from behind the pedestal hood covering my face in the shadows. "What is that?!" A stallion asked almost crapping his pants. "Your worst nightmare" I said my voice disoriented and began walking to them axe raised. "Run you kiddies run ahahahaha!" I laughed as they all started running away screaming I threw the axe at a tree near a stallion who was gone in seconds after that then reached for my hood for the ones that havent run yet. "When I say run I really do mean RUN!" I roared as I pulled my hood down revealing a Black skull . They all turned pale before disappearing I saw the girl's and others come with weapons ready. "Lets go you-wow thats uh yeesh" Rainbow said looking at me I walked over to the tree were the axe was and pulled it out. "Uh-oh uh all yours fellas " Rainbow said getting behind jack. Jack, mint , coal and greenie all got ready and waited. "C'mon ya scary summa bitch lets dance already" Greenie said raising his fists but I vanished. "Were did he-" "AAAHH!" Rarity screamed as I was infront of the girls. "Lookie I found some fresh meat hahahah!" I said my voice still disoriented, they all shook at how I got there so fast then applejack noticed what I was wearing. "Steel why Ah outta punch the livin lights out of ya fer scaring all of us half to death!" Applejack yelled at me and I laughed more except changing my voice back. "Oh that was to good you should have seen your faces priceless" I said laughing, luna and twilight came running over and I made the items go away. "Anyways you guys met princess luna and I have a mind to slap greenie, coal, jack and mint for making her sad" i said glaring at them. "No offense steel but Jacks as hard as metal" Rainbow said. "I beat him in arm wrestling and lifted more than him get on my level" I said turning to luna who spat out some fake teeth. "Twilight I really dont see the reason for any of this" Luna said throwing the teeth away. "Yeah gotta be honest me too at first but then I caught on all they needed was this" I said. "Why so they can run and scream some more?" Luna asked then felt someone tug her dress we looked down and saw the kid I 'saved'. "Uh princess luna I know nightmare night is cancelled for ever but do you think you can come back and scare us again?" The kid said. "Child are you saying you...like being scared?" Luna asked him hd nodded. "Yeah it's scary but fun" he said. "Whats your name little guy?" I asked him. "Pipsqueak the pirate at your service" Pip said. "So can you?" He asked luna again. "Well I suppose but I guess we have to bring nightmare night back dont we" Luna said and pip smiled brightly. "Your my favorite princess ever...she said alright guys" Pip said running back to the other kids. "Aw that was sweet" I said walking next to luna. "Nice kid" "Indeed he is a sweet boy but I guess I should be heading back to the castle its almost morning" Luna said, I looked around to see if anyone was looking only to see the others talking and the foals playing. "We'll how about one more kiss eh no one's lookin so this will be our secret" I said ans brought her closer she smirked before placing her lips on mine and stayed there for a bit. "Aw gross" We heared a foal say making us stop and look. "Geez cant do that behind a tree or something?" Scootaloo said looking at us and we both jumped a bit. "H-hey scoots I didnt see ya there um I thought you were playing with the other kids" I said she shook her head. "No but apparently you were playing smoochy with the princess" Scoots said laughing a bit and we turned red. "Dont worry your secrets safe with me but you gotta take me and my brother to see her" scoots said. "Oh boy alright whis your brother?" I asked her. "Pip the one that asked luna anyways were gonna head off see you later steel"Scoots said and ran back to pip then they both left. "You two know eachother?" Luna asked her face still red. "Uh yeah found her in the woods never mentioned a brother before oh well but I guess I'll ses you kater maybe tomorrow night?" I said. "Hmm that would be nice oh and before I forget" Luna said before tossing my blade back to me. "There now remember your promise to me about that blade" she said. "I'll do you one better I barely was able to finish it a few days ago but I think I got it" I said and held the blade out then had a black aura around it before a small bright flash then another blade came out. "There Phew thats takes alot out of ya" I said and sliped the duplicate on her wrist she squeed and kissed my cheek. "Thank you" she said blushed a little. "Ahem uh I thank you have a nice night steel fox and I'll see you later" Luna said before teleporting away leaving me to think. "Did I really just kiss a moon goddess" I said shocked at myself. "Well my damn emotions got out of line again this time taking full control but im human-ish so I guess I would experience love" I said and turned around to see pinkie smiling widely. "You saw nothing pinkie" I said. "Saw what?" She asked winking before sinking into the ground. "Well Im heading to sleep...night luna" I said looking at the moon before heading back to the library. "So sister how did it go?" Celestia asked luna whi was sitting on her stool brushing her hair. "It was wonderful sister and I finally learned how to talk normal and not old english" luna said. "Steel and twilight helped me make more friends im so happy I could explode" She said squeeing. "Sounds like you had a blast luna but the question is what about steel?" Celestia asked her makijg luna drop the brush. "Oh u-uh he was...very helpful in helping me make friends...we did...however" luna said stoping and using her hair to hid her blush. "What c'mon tell me im curious?" Celestia asked getting closer. "Dont tell did you two you know" celestia asked making the hand motions causing luna to go more red. "Sister we arent even dating him why would we mate with him!" Luna said in her old english. "Oh thank god so what happened then?" Celestia asked. "All we did was...kiss thats it nothing more we were both caught up in the moment and kissed totally different" luna said still blushing. "Aw my sister really has found love" Celestia saud then found a blade near her cheek. "Ok im just gonna leave you for a bit you must be tired so get your rest good night sister" Celestia running out the room. "Damn it celestia I told you once that im not in love...maybe a little" she muteered to herself then got dressed for bed and thought back to when we kissed. "Although that kiss was rather nice" luna said before closing the curtians and going to sleep. > Chapter 9: The past ruins the present > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two weeks have come and gone in a blink of an eye, chacolate and vanilla found a place to settle in and I took scoots and pip to see luna a few days ago they were excited about it but when I hugged her or when my emotions ran lose and tried to kiss her they always made a face or said 'eww', but so far we enjoy there company right now im hearing a faint clicking of claws hitting my floor. "Spike why are you in my room and put my book back" I said to the teen dragon who was trying to sneak my book out of my room. "Damn how did you know it was me steel?" Spike asked me as I sat up. "Easy you dont wear shoes in the treehouse so I hear your claws hit the floor" I said raising my hand and levitating my book back to me. "Anyways why did you want my book?" I asked him getting out of bed. "Well... nah hour gonna think im crazy and stupid" Spike said sighing. "C'mon were mates you can tell me" I said and he looked up to me. "Take a seat spike and tell me why you wanted the book?" I said and he did grabbing my desk chair and sitting down. "*sigh* Alright well since the book tought twilight about viking I wanted to see if I can learn how to fight and use magic like everyone else" Spike said making me raise an eyebrow. "So you were gonna try reading Italian... posso dirvi se il vostro intelligente o stupido (cant tell if your smart or stupid)" I said and frowned. "Alright ya little drake how about this I teach you how to be an assassin" I said and his eyes light up. "Really!...uh what kind of assassin?" Spike asked. "Well I just need to know one thing... will you betray the creed or stay loyal not matter what?" I asked him in dead serious tone. "All you have to do is say one word what will it be?" I asked and he was sweating a bit. "I'll... stay loyal to the creed what ever that means" Spike said and I smirked. "Welcome to the brotherhood spike" I said and surrounded my hand in its black aura I grabbed his hand then focused my magic to in finger. "This will only hurt for a second or two but just as many things in life we must go through last chance spike do you want me to stop or place the mark of the creed?" I asked him. "If it means I'll be able to help protect others then I'll take that mark" Spike said and thats all I needed to hear I pressed my finger on hand and began drawing the symbol. Spike hissed at the pain but held it in preety well but this was little I have one the size of my entire back, once I was done placing the mark on him it glowed an orange before turning black and then back to his purple scales with a scar. "There it is done now I will be your mentor from now until I die spike understand" I said and he nodded. "Yeah steel loud and clear so when can I start?" He asked me and I snorted a bit. "Calm down spike first we gotta get you into shap get rid of some of that fat and turn it into muscle, then when we do that your staminia will build up and you'll be able to run longer and faster, after that I'll teach you to free run and climb anything and never be afraid of heights" I said going to my closet and putting on some cloths which was a black muscle shirt grey pants and boots with a white hoodie. "Hey uh steel when I get done with all of that do I get robes like yours?" He asked me pointing at my assassin robes. "Once you get the basics and the skills I will teach you more about, then yes you will have your own robes I'll make them myself to match your style of assassination and fighting" I said and he looked excited. "We'll start Tomorrow at dawn and no later understood" I said. "Got it I cant wait" Spike sajd before running to the door. "Spike one more thing... this may be hard but tell no one understand and I mean it spike if word got out the templars will know were to find us and kill our friends then try to kill me... they'll even kill rarity" I said making him go pale. "I-I understand not a word at all I super pinkie promise" he said and went down stairs to make breakfast, I grabbed my book and put it back in its secret compartment then placed a lock spell on it. "There... now I wonder what I should do today not alot of stuff going in at the moment but Its worth looking around maybe I'll hang out with greenie and the guys grab some drinks have fun for bit" I saidgrabbing then attaching my blades and walked out the room and down stairs to the kitchen. "Sup twilight" I said grabbing a seat the mare had messy hair and a long shirt covering herself and slumping off one shoulder. "Morning steel *yawn* any plans for today?" Twilight asked as spike placed breakfast down. "Probably hang out with the guys for awhile grab some drinks you know guy stuff" I said eating my food but twilight grew a smirk. "Or you can go see princess luna" She said and I nearly choked on the food. "Ugh twilight not this again c'mon I told you I dont like her understand that" I said leaning back. "Fine geez your impossible cant you just except your feelings towards her?" She asked me. "Can you not butt into peoples problems" I said getting up. "I lost my appetite I'll see you guys later" I said and walked out the library, as I walked some colts and fillies came up to me with a little card saying thank you and had a drawing of me beating discord. "Thanks little guys this means alot I kinda thought yall would forget guess I was wrong" I said, the kids ran off all smiling I put the card in my pocket before walking again I was heading for greenies house to see if he wanted get some hang out for a awhile butbwhwn I got there his windows we'er broken and his door smashed to peices. "Greenie mate are you alright!" I called out to him and as I ran into the building, I found him knocked out with a gash on his head, his arm looked broken and he had a huge cut on his chest, I ran to check his pulse luckily he was still breathing so i picked him up and slung him over my shoulder before bolting to the hospital. "Argh...huh lad is that you...what happened?" Greenie asked me as I pushed ponies out of the way. "Not now greenie your very hurt I gotta get you to the hospital" I said as said building came into view, I pushed the doors open with so much force it cracked a little making ponies jump. "Hey I need some help over here my friend was almost murdered!" I said and seconds after a doctor came out with some nurses then took greenie off. "How did this happen yesterday he looked fine nothing wrong with him so why was he like that?" I questioned sitting down. After a while of thinking I couldn't see any way of someone going after him, if someone did then who and what was there purpose for doing so. As I was finishing that thought the doors swung open I snapped head to see twilight holding coal who looked like shit his hair messy and dirty his face with blood and dirt and just like greenie had a large cut going across his chest. "Help he's been injured please!" Twilight yelled and some nurses came along then took him away to treat him. "Twilight what happened to coal wing he looked like shit" I asked her she looked to me tears filled her worried eyes and she hugged me. "I-I wanted to go see him but when I got there his house was burned down and coal outside on the floor barely breathing, I healed him as much as I could before brining him here steel do you know who did this?" Twilight asked crying most of the words out. "No I wish I did I found greenie in the same position but his house wasnt burned down... if who ever got coal and greenie then... oh god rarity!" I said in a panick before sprinting out of the hospital and straight for raritys house. 'If they got got greenie and coal then there after mint and jack im sure jacjs fine but after mint im gonna go see if he's alright' I thought as I ran. When I got to the house my fears came true the placed looked horrible the top was broken windows smashed and the door in peices, I ran in and started calling out there names. "S-steel in here!" Mint said barely audible behind a closet door, I walked over and opened it. Giving a sigh if relief I saw sweetie belle, rarity and mint but he looked like was fighting four stallions at once. "Hey man were ya been hehe" he said then began to pass out. "Stay with me bud rarity get mint to the hospital who ever did this is still around but wont show hus face in daylight hurry we dont have time" I ordered her and she nodded before taking sweetie belles yand and grabbing mint in her magic and ran to the hospital. "C'mon jack you gotta be ok dude" I said running to his blacksmith shop. "Is that best you got!" I heared jack say in distance and then fighting, when I git iver to jack he was fighting kff two stallions wearing black cloaks and holding sword. "C'mon then argh!" Jack said and swung his hammer at them crashing straight into one of them then was kicked back to the other. "Take your friend and get the hell out of my face" jack said and the man did what he said picking up his friend then took off. "Jack the hell was that about?" I asked running up to him. "No clue steel I saw these guys trying to take my weapons then when I told them to leave they pulled out sword and you know the rest" jack said walking back to his shop with me behind him. "I dont get it who would want to steal my weapons yes there good but they didnt seem interested in the ones on the wall" He said placing his hammer down and sitting on his stool. "Who ever they are they got mint, coal and greenie there all breathing which is good greenie was lucky I was gonna come ask him to hang out for a bit" I said sitting on the floor. "What do they want... have we angered someone?" I asked jack. "Not that I know of, this is fucked I hope dash is ok" jack said. "Well duh why wouldnt I be?" We heared dash say landing next to us. "Whats with the serious looks?" She asked us. "Dash theres something going on around here but I dont know what a few stallions got coal, greenie and mint" I said and she was taken back a bit "What how whi could have done that to them?" Rainbow asked us. "Thats what we want know but so far its all mystery" jack said then we heared someone scoff. "I think they want you guys dead wouldnt blame them" We heared a stallion say we snapped our heads and saw the pink stallion I beaten up a few months ago. "Oh its you the bloody hell do ya want?" I asked him getting up. "I have a name you know monkey but considering you are just a monkey you probably dont have any brain cells so try really really hard to remember that my name is pink lemon" he said and I snorted. "Pink lemon man that sounds stupid the hell you get that name from pink lemon" I said with a small laugh at the end. "From my mother I wouldnt expect you to a proper mother since you and her are both monkeys she's probably a stupid no some idiotic slut that made a terrible mistake about making you" Lemon said then found the bottom of my shoe firmly slamed into his now shattered nose. "DONT YOU EVER TALK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT YOU PEICE OF SHIT!!" I shouted as loud as possible making ponies around look due to my little explosion, after taking a few breaths and calming down I grabbed the fucker by his hair. "Get the fuck out of my face you little shit" I said and threw him to the ground, he scurried to his feet and ran away holding his nose. "Damn Steel where did that come from?" Rainbow asked me but I didnt answer because I didnt know myself. "Sorry lets get back to business... If they are after us whats there reason there has to be a motivate but what?" I asked sitting back down and thinking, after an hour if thinking and going back and forth we came up short. "How the hell are we supposed to figure this out... wait they attacked mint, greenie and coal at night zo maybe they'll come for jack next then me. "I said and jack nodded. "Im gonna check coals house you guys make sure the others are ok" I said then ran off to coals house. "Jack you saw that two right?" Rainbow said and jack nodded, they both began walking to the hospital at a steady pace. "Yeah... I definitely saw them but only for an instant what do you think it was l, those things on his back?" Jack asked her but rainbow had only one answer. "They... looked like wings" I made it to coals house and twilight was right they burned the whole place down there was only ash and scorch marks on the floor, as I walked on the empty lot I moved some ash searching here and there for clues as to why those guys attacked us. As I searched I noticed that there was a shed still intact in the back I walked oger to it and inspected it but found out it was locked from the inside with a quickly step back I kicked the shed open and had dust poof out at me making me cough. When the dust settled I saw the pitch black insides of the shed with a small gulp I walked in then noticed how hit it was and how difficult it was to breath but there was nothing in the shed only a large marble chest that collected dust over the years. "What is this... no it cant be" I said and looked around the chest then found the assassins lock. "This is an assassin chest but why would coal have such a thing he doesnt even know what they are or the templars then who?" I said then found a blade at my kneck. "That would be me... his father" The man said and I stayed still. "On your feet... now" Coals father demanded his voice sounded rough and raspy but strong. "If you are who you say you are then put that sword down or things will get ugly" I said but he didnt budge, I gave a small sigh. "If that is your choice... then so be it" I said then quickly swept his legs making him lose balance and drop to group and loosing grip of his sword, he got up and took a swing but I went around it then grabbed the back of his head and slammed it into the shed wall. "Just listin im your son's friend my name is steel fox" I said but he pushed me off and tackled me out of the shed then started sending punches to my face which I blocked with ease. "I know your the one who almost killed my son now im gonna make you pay" coals dad said then punched my gut knocking the wind out of me I regained the air I lost and grabbed his head before sending a head hut knocking him away leaving me to get up without worry. "Im his friend understand that and lets stop this meaningless fight" I said coals dad wasnt listing to a word I was saying my words fell on deaf ears. "Damn it if you dont stop I have no choice but to knock you out and Im sure coal wing doesnt want to see that" I said but again he didnt listin he grabbed his sword before charging at me and taking wild swing that were easy to read. "Im sorry" I said before using my metal skin making it hardened and break the sword and used my other fist to slam into his face, coals dad fell to the floor completely knocked out I sighed a but and wiped a little blood off my face. "Steel what are you doing here?" I heared twilight, I turned around and saw he with tools for searching I looked at the shed door and quickly fixed the lock and made the spell stronger. "Who is that?" "This is coals father and we both had a little... fight" I said gently nudging him making him groan. "Oh my god you knocked him out that my coltfriends father steel what the hell!" Twilight yelled and ran over to the knocked out stallions. He had a grey coat with grey and black hair with a horn and wearing a black suit. "Oh geez c'mon steel what the hell" "Hey I told him to stop but he didnt so I had no choice he aint dead so thats a plus" I said and walked back to the house. "So why'd you come here?" I asked her. "Well after rainbow and jack came they told us what happened so I came here to investigate what they wanted and why they burned the house down" twilight said coming next to me. "Hows coal?" I asked her. "He said alright they dixed him up and should be able to leave in a week same with greenie and mint" Twilight said picking up her tools then swiped some charded objects away. "They are lucky we found them other wise they might have been... I dont want to think about that" She said and continued looking. "Alright but so far I found nothing and If thats true then there gonna come after me and jack so were gonna stay up at the library and wait for the bastards then get some answers but for now we gotta make sure that the others are ok" I said getting up then took a few steps before the ground gave way and I fell through a hole. "Steel are you alright?!" Twilight called to me from above I sat up and rubbed my back. "Ack yeah fuckin peachy" I groaned and got to my feet. "What the hell this looks like a chamber of some sort but I dont see anything its too dark" I said then used eagle vision to look around the room I started walking around feeling the walls then felt a switch but not a light switch it was like a door switch I grabbed it and lowered it down making a click sound ring then a door open. "I found something twilight...stay there I'll check it out real fast this might be a bit dangerous" I called out to her then walked into the hidden room it was dark and dusty but I kept my vision on and didnt stop I felt as though something powerfull was here but what could it be I know coals not an assassin at least I think and I sure as hell know he's no templar but why do I feel like something amazing is coming and I dont even know it. "Hellooo....helloooo~" I heared brigid say in my head. "Am I getting through to your damn ears dumbass?" "Oh great now im going crazy the hell do you want brigid and hiw are you talking in my head?" I asked. "Alright so you can hear me been trying for an hour but the way im able to do this is because ryle showed me how took awhile but I got it anyways what is this shit hole?" Brigid asked me. "How should I know its under my friends house that was burned down" I said still walking down the hallway. "Im sure you feel something strong coming from there as well right?" I asked her. "Yeah something big but I dont know what it is maybe an enemy" Brigid said I shrugged then finally came infront of a door with the assassins mark. "Well only one way to find out" I said and pushed the door open to see a massive room with statues of ponies with the symbol on there bodys and wearing robes there were six in total but ine was behind bars with a strong looking set of armor made for the assassin robes and a small pouch next to it . "The bloody'ell is this place and why does it seem familiar?" I asked myself then took a step inside the place and the world spun around then I lost conscience. "Were is Charles lee?" I said and felt very weak almost as if i was hit by a cannon ball. "Gone im afraid?" I heared a man I turned then felt his fist land on my face then his knee but I countered his second punch and sent my own landing square on his nose but he kicked me back and I fell on a table. "You know connor this would have to be this way" haythan said pulling out his sword. "Give me Charles lee" I demanded. "No he is the future of the the templars and this so called liberty" haythan said I stood back at full height and took out my tomahawk, we both circled around eachother before haythan went we a slice but I countered it and slamed him in the table with all my might and grabbed a nearby bottle then smashed it in his face right as he got up, Haythan didnt take that to kindly and countered my attack then kneed me in the gut before throwing me to the ground. "Connor I shall kill you here and now and end your silly creed" Haythan said I got up and tackled him to the floor but he pushed me off and kicked me on a table then smashed me through it. "Damn you" I said then he straddle me and started choking me to death. "You wanna know why the templars never die out its because we dont need a creed or others all we need is power to control and thats why someone of your kind must die so we can fulfill that desire!" Haythan yelled at me now using both hands and cutting off the rest of my air support. I started croaking and tried to get his hands away but he had an iron grip but I realized he let go off my hands to choke me, the world started growing daker and blurry so as I used all my strength for this and had one shot. I lifted my hand bringing out my hidden blade and jabbed it into his jugular he stopped choking me and stood up holding his bloody wound. "Sorry but I wasnt going to caress your cheek" I said and coughed heavily gaining oxygen back then stood up using a barrel for support. "Well you done it connor I cant help but feel a bit proud actually you showed Courage. Strength... I should have killed you the day I saw you on that roof" haythan said falling to his knees and on his back taking his last breath before dieing. "Goodbye...father" I said before walking away from him. I sat up so fast I almost hit twilight with my head I looked around and saw I was in the library the mane six and the guys were there but it looked like it was night time and they were all passed out. I noticed that I was laying on the couch so I sat up and got to my feet. "So your finally awake" I heared coals dad say making me turn and try bringing out my hidden blade but they were gone. "Looking for these?" He asked me showing me the blades on his wrist. "Those do not belong to you I suggest you give them back" I said but he gave a low chuckle. "Whats so funny?" "To think you have what it takes to give me orders, I've been here my entire life you seem like you barely know jack" coals dad said and began walking to me blades drawn, I narrowed my eyes and get in a low stance. "Boy you dont know what im capable of and those attacks were caused by me even to my own son " he said and I was shocked. "But why that is your son, why would his father do such a thing to his own son and how were you able to make two versions of yourself?" I asked him gettin a bit angry. "Because his mother was an assassin and he looks almost like her same coat, same hair, same species but has some of my facial features" He said and I looked to coal who was sleeping next to twilight. "And Im a unicorn so I just used a spell" "How do you know what an assassin is?" I asked him and he shook his head. "You still dont get it do you boy... guess I have to spell it out for you" He said and tackled me tk the floor and tried stabbing me but I grabbed his hands but got them a but cut. "Dont tell me" I said and glared at him, I placed my shoe on his chest before kicking him off me I jumoed to my feet and tackled him out of a window making a loud crash and waking the others. "Your a templar" I said with disgust and he smiled evily. "Bravo assassin but can you kill me now that everyone is awake?" He asked me and turned to his right. "Help he's crazy he started saying things and tackled me out this window after he beat me profusely!" He said I turned my head and saw the others looking at the secen but in the wrong way. "Steel what in tarnations are yall doin?!" Applejacked asked me. "Yeah dude thats my dad" coal said leaning on twilight for support I just stared at them. "Lad get off the old timer you probably just had a bad dream, just get up and apologize to him" Greenie said and I was shocked to hear this but I remember I was the only ons that knows what truely happened. "Yes steel get off this old timer and apologize" Coals dad said making me look at him he had a giant smile on his face one that reminded me of him before he got away. "VAI ALL'INFERNO!! "(got to hell)" I said and slamed my fist in his face repeatedly then once he was unable to move I ripped off my blades from his hands and placed them back on my wrist. "riposa in pace figlio di una cagna! (Rest in peace you son of a bitch)" I yelled and stuck bith of my blades in his eyes. "NOOO!" Coal yelled out snapping me out of my rage, I began realizing what I had just done then retracted the blades and got to my feet. "Dad! Dad oh god please no!" Coal yelled limping to his dead father and cried. "You killed my father!" Coal screamed at me and tried punching me but I dodged it was futile but he kept on trying. "Why! Why did you kill him what did he ever do to you!" He yelled more and I said nothing. "Coal stop if you push your body to much you'll re-open the wounds" Twilight begged but he didnt listin he was to blinded by rage. "Please coal stop" I said but those words fell on deaf ears so I grabbed one of his fists and knocked him out by putting some preasure on a preasure point. "Im sorry my friend but I had a reason" I said laying him down gently the others ran over and pushed me away from him. "Why did you kill the old timer he got you out of that basement the one that you fell in and got knocked out" Jack said grabbing me by my shirt I just looked him in the eye and said nothing. "Answer the question lad or this will be ugly" greenie said as mint and him came behind me, I grabbed jacks hand and pushed them off me. "Im sorry... but you wouldnt understand none of you would" I said and walked into the library passing a sleepy spike. "Oh hey steel whats going-" "Im leaving spike I'm Sorry that I cant teach you but ask vanilla and chacolate and say these words exactly" I said and he nodded. "Nothing is true, Everything is permitted... I hope I will see you someday" I said and walked to my room rok was there sleeping on my bed then lifted his head up seeing me, I walked to my closet stripped out of my cloths and placed my robes on then grabbed my gauntlet, swords and my book "c'mon boy were leaving unless you would like to stay with fluttershy" I said but he shook his head and jumped off the bed. "Steel where are you going?" Rainbow asked me coming in with the others and holding coal back. "Why do you have all your stuff with you?" "Im sorry but... good-bye" I said opening the window, me and rok jumped out of the window and went ran tk the everfree forest all the while hearing the others call my name and asking me to stop. It pained me to leave but I had no choice I was going to be a wanted man in the morning because I murdered that man, that templar, I at least have to see one person left before I go and thats were im heading to right now. (Canterlot castle: Lunas chambers) "Rok stay here and be on guard I'll be back" I said then started climbing up to luna's room all the while my heart was breaking with each brick I grabbed, I do have feelings for luna but I cant let her be with a criminal it would make her look horrible in the eyes of her subjects and they would hate her then try to kill me along with her. I reached the balcony and saw luna brushing her hair and huming a tune, she looked so beautiful no matter is she brushed it or not but that's why its going to pain me to say good-bye. I knocked on the glass and luna turned then smiled softly before walking over and opeing the door to let me in. "Steel its good to see you how have you been?" Luna asked closing the balcony door then saw my tears fall from under the hood. "Whats wrong why are you crying?" She asked me. "Luna... I-I... Im sorry so very sorry" I said sitting down and burying my face into my hands. "Why are you sorry what happened please tell me?" Luna asked sitting next to me concerned I couldnt bring myself to say it she would hate me no despise me forever. "Please tell me I wont be mad I promise" luna said grabbing my hand from my face and holding it close to her. "Luna... I have to leave" I said with a pain heart and felt her squeeze my hand tighter. "What" luna said shocked and saddened. "I... killed a man tonight" I said and her grip got tighter and her eyes widen. "Im going to be wanted in the morning luna thats why I must go... but before I did I wanted to see you one last time, I know now that you must hate me or despise me for this but I just had to say goodbye to you" I said looking to her and she had tears in her eyes. "No please... dont go your my only friend what will I do with out you" Luna asked me crying and hicuping the words out. "I dont know but Im truely sorry luna... there is something I want you to know before I go" I said bringing her closer to me and she cried into my chest. "I lo-" "Princess luna a stallion was murdered today by a man named steel fox princess celestia has received a letter from twilight sparkle we were informed to stop the man from entering your room at all cost!" We heared a mare say I turned and saw a alabaster white mare with blue and dark blue hair she was a unicorn and wore light purple armor with a sheild on the breast. "Steel go now!" Luna said pushing me away from her. "But-" "Now!" She yelled and the mare pulled out her sword. "Steel fox you are underarrest for the murder of silver bullet" the mare said and I ran to the window and kicked it open making it shatter I saw the sun coming up and I knew I was here for to long. "Stop or I'll have to use force!" The mare said but I already dove off the balcony and into some hay. "I NEED GUARDS OUTSIDE RIGHT NOW STEEL FOX IS ESCAPING!!" I heared her order out and in seconds I saw six guards emerge from the forest holding spears and swords. "Damn rok lets go through the city!" I said and we both began running to the front gates jumping and helping eachother over obstacles, two guards got in out way but I shut my eyes and stabbed both of then in the kneck and running through the front gates and into the city ponies everywere saw me and rok running from the guards so they quickly got out of the way and gave us a clear shot to the woods but Pegasi guards flew over head and ground guards started cutting me off making me go into alleys and take sharp turns. I was very close to the woods only five more miles away I can make that but I was wrong as I was tackled to the ground by a Pegasus, I kicked him off then got back on my feet I tried to run again but the unicorns and earth ponys surrounded me even on the rooftops, the Pegasi guards flew over head making sure I dont fly away. "Well boy if this is how we go out then lets go out fighting what do ya say bud?" I asked rok and he barked I pulled out lilys sword and used connors blade I attached the gauntlet on and got ready but before I could I saw celestia land infront of me with a sword in hands. "Celestia dont do this I dont want to hurt you" I said but she tried to take my head off. We clashed blades sending sparks flying and kicking up dust dodging eachothers attacks the guards looked at this battle with amazement seeing how I can somehow match celestia but I know I could win in a land slide I was holding back. "Steel fox you have killed one of my subjects and entered my sisters room without permission I have let that slid far to long Im sorry to say but you are underarrest" celestia said and I was speechless as to how quickly celestia would act on this. "Celestia im sorry for killing silver bullet but I had a reason no one else would understand please understand" I begged her but she wasnt having any of it I sent an swip cuting her hand a bit and knocking the sword out of her hand. "Please believe me" I said. "...Im sorry but I cant not after you killed an innocent stallion" Celestia said severing the trust hind she had with me. "Then I guess from now on Im a criminal arent I?" I said sheathing my blade. "Yes you are" Celestia said then shot her hand up. "NOW!" She commanded and chains wrapped around my arms then a stallion placed a chain collar on my kneck and kicked me to my knees. "Im sorry steel fox but we are no longer friends" Celestia said and walked away leaving me. "Nighty night human" I heared the mare from luna's room say walking up to me and punched me hard in my face busting my lip and Creating a cut. "Huh most stallions are knocked out at the first punch" "Im no stallion I am a man that has many fears but this is not one" I said spitting some blood on the floor. "Well im gonna make you fear me" She said and hit me harder this time knocking me out cold. > Chapter 10: You do not plan my death > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sounds of chains and the feeling of my arms being restrained coursed through me and I felt a pain on my lip, I heared voices two of them one male and one female. "So this is him... to think this guy 'saved' us from that discord guy I know it was the elements of harmony that beaten him this guy looks to weak" The man said his voice a little high probably in his teens or twentys like me. "Yeah but I gotta admit the guy sure has a nice body I mean look at all that muscle and all those scars must have went through Tartarus and stayed there" the woman said her voice raspy and tomboyish she sounded young possibly eighteen or nineteen. "How long till you think he's gonna be asleep for?" She asked the man then a loud bang was heared. "Hmm how about now... wake up man your done sleeping!" The man shouted but I kept my eyes closed. "When I say your done sleeping I mean your done now open your damn eyes or I'll make you!" He yelled. "Ah calm down whats he gonna do he's chained to a wall and your gonna take advantage of that when you start beating him I bet if the chains were off then you'd be pissin yourself right now" the lady said. "Ah shut up im sure you just want to fuck the guy" the man said. "I do not besides you asshole I have eyes for another stallion" the woman said, I was starting to get annoyed by the damn chatting. "Hey...you two keep it down im trying to sleep" I said low but audible making them turn. "So the stone speaks does he its a miracle now are you gonna open your eyes like I said ?" The man asked but I kept them closed. "Thats it im showing this guy the respect I deserve" he said and I heared the cage open then foot steps. "I wouldnt take another step if I were you... Im already in a bad mood and I have it building up to anger" I said and opened my eyes and seeing I was in a cell and saw the same stallion from the first time I was here then a mare with a baby blue coat and hair with red eyes. "Really because I wouldnt talk back to a guard who has the ability to kill you here" He said and kicked my arm hard making me grunt. "Dont like it do you how about some more huh yeah you peice of shit killing a poor old man how gutless" He said and kicked me in the face. "How is it gutless if you dont know the reason I killed him you to arogant" I said popping my neck and getting to my feet. "Now then let's see what I can do" I said and tried to take a step forward but the chains on my arms and ankles made me stay put. "Get out of my face I want to be alone right now" I said sitting back down the guy huffed before walking out the cell and locking it. "Whatever your not worth my time anyways" The man said before leaningn on the wall. "So why'd you kill the old man?" He asked me then was punched by the girl. "Dont ask such thing like that man he probably regrets it" She said. "Regret oh yes I feel that very much... but do I feel like I should have not killed him, No he got what he deserved but you wouldnt understand" I said making them start wondering. "You keep saying that what do you mean we wont understand is it a hit and go, a Vendetta, revenge , hatred " The girl said both of them turning to me, I shook my head. "Like I said you wont understand your not part of what I am how can I be sure your not one of them" I said gaining there intrest. "Can you tell us because we have no idea what your talking about" The guy said and I can tell by the tone of his voice that he was confused as to what im saying. "Alright... but you cannot say a word to anyone not even the princesses understand" I said they both looked uneasy before nodding. "Alright get comfy its gonna be a long LONG story" I said and they both sat down for this. "It all started 1000 years ago maybe more and there were two factions one named templars and the other assassins" (Luna's room) pov Luna I sat on my bed looking out the window seeing the blue sky of equis and then looking down to the bottom were I saw the ponies walk about being the snobs they are. I was scared, scared that steel might be in the dungeons forever I dont want him to be there forever every time I think of him in the cell I feel a tear run down my face. "Auntie... are you alright?" I heared bluebelle ask creeking my door open. "Huh oh... yes im fine" I replied not really wanting to talk to anyone right now although talking with those children would be nice. "Auntie I can smell depression from a mile away now c'mon tell me... is this about steel fox" Bluebelle asked me coming in my room and shutting the door. "It is isn't it" "I dont know what your talking he... commit a very illegal crime that hasn't happened in years" I said. "He's in the dungeons were he belongs" I said hearing my voice crack a bit from saying that. "Auntie... I know your in love with him I've known for a long time, and I know its eating away at you for just saying that one sentence and seeing him being chained and caged like an animal" bluebelle said sitting next to me and looking out the window. "Twilight and the others all hate seeing him in that cell all chained up... even coal wing, silver bullets son he may have killed his dad but he's fought with steel and beat discord so there really good friends and greenie he wont talk to no pony at all twilight says that he stays in his house and doesnt come out" she said and I felt that tear again. "It-it pains me to see him in such a way he doesnt deserve to be treated like this and I know my sister hates this as well, she broke her trust with him and sent him in the dungeons and everytime she tries to get answers out of him he only says 'you wouldnt understand'" I said now crying. "Well its because you dont" Someone said behind us, we looked and saw two mares wearing white robes that looked like steels it had mine and my sisters cutie mark sewen on the hood that covered there faces in the shadows. "Steel had a very good reason to do what he did" the mare to the right said and they both walked in my room her voice sounded raspy and tomboyish like rainbow dash "Yes... it is true he did have a very good reason to kill that man, it may not look like it but we dont like to kill but we have to in order to bring peace" The mare on her left said and she sounded like a more louder version of fluttershy and a bit higher. "Who are you and how did you get in here?" Bluebelle asked and going to my sword but I grabbed it with my magic and brought it to me. "Calm yourself bluebelle these mares... they are part of something that steel isin, I can tell from there robes" I said then walked over to my drawer then put on my blade. "Does this remind you of anything" I asked them showing them the blade and bringing it out. "How do you have that it's only usefully in hands of our kind" The tomboy mare said taking a step but didnt pay any mind. "Please give that to us its to dangerous" "Im sorry but no this was a gift from steel he let me have this, but now he's in a cell" I said sitting back down. "Thats why were here to try to convince you to let him go" The mare said again. "If I could I would have made him a free man already, but my sister says otherwise she calls the shots and im... im just her little sister that cant do anything" I said then looked at the blade. "Tell me, what are your names I wont tell anyone else I promise" "If you promise then alright... my name is vanilla and this is my sister chacolate chip we know who you are princess luna you too princess bluebelle" vanilla said and they both bowed. "But how do you not have the right to set steel free your the princess for god sakes" "Well my sister has been ruling longer than I have and the ponies dont think im qualified just yet" I said and this was true someponies want me to take charge once in a while like celestia but others say I should never its a constant battle of what to do. "But if I had a chance to free steel right now I would take it with out any questions or hesitation" I said shocking bluebelle. "Auntie we have ponies wanting you gone already freeing a 'criminal' will make it worse"bluebelle said. "Well not if anyone knows it's her" Vanilla said giggling to herself. "I have an idea, princess do you have a memory copying spell?" She asked me. "Uh yeah why do you ask?" I asked her. "Because I want you to copy all my years of being an assassin" she said and bluebelle was about to scream if chacolate didnt cover her mouth. "Assassin your an assassin?!...but then shouldnt you have killed me by now and not tell me any of this?" I asked her getting a little scared. "Well steel didnt kill did he? And he's our leader plus we would never taint our blades with the blood of innocent civilians that counts for you as well princess" Chacolate said grabbing some tape ans putting it over bluebells mouth were he muffled screams were heared. "Ok just please stay quiet until were gone" "So why me and not bluebelle?" I asked. "Really look at her she's practically screaming her head off behind some tape" vanilla said then sat next to me. "Pluse we heared you love him and we want to help you were not sure he likes you but you will still try and save him wont you?" She asked me and I nodded. "Then copy my skills and lets get going", I charged my magic and tapped it on her head then all of her skills and knowledge of her creed entered my mind. Once it was done I was a bit dizzy. "Alright... it is done but it will take atleast a few days for me to take it all in for now I need to rest that took more magic than I anticipated please all of you leave me for now" I said and they nodded the sisters went through the window, I ripped off bluebelles tape making her yelp and she left promising not to say a word. I laid in my bed then covered myself in my blanket before going to sleep hoping that the spell worked. (Ponyville) pov greenie "What the hell do ya want lass cant you see I just want to be alone" I said seeing applejack at my door. "Greenie Ah know your sad that yer best friend was put into the dungeons chained up but were worried about you ah'm worried about you, yall haven't left the house in weeks and when you do its to get food then you go right back please let me help you" she said I just sighed. "Fine... but I swear lass ya better not tell no one I said any of this, c'mon then get your nice ass inside" I said walking back inside letting aj in. "Look I know I've been avoiding all of ye for a long time but he was me best mate lass like a brother I never had and to see him get thrown into a fuckin cell that breaks me heart believe or not" I said going to the fridge then grabbing two ciders. "Here it will help loosin the lips on me" I said tossing her one and sitting down. "Ah know you think of steel as a brother but c'mon you could have atleast talk with me greenie ah was worried yall might have been dead" aj said and I just chuckled before popping the cap off the bottle. "Is that right... never knew ya cared, but I dont see any of you tryin to get him free twilight could have sent a letter asking damn sun ass to free our mate but no the book worm has to say 'she knows everything and I like to kiss her marshmallow colored ass'" I said mocking twilight then started chugging the bottle. "And another thing the hell is coal in all this shite I know that lad is going through some shite but c'mon ya cant hate the man forever steel had a fuckin reason that we dont know about and I want to know what!" "Greenie simmer down will ya and ah know twilight can be a bit of a hard ass but ya gotta understand she cant just ask the princess to set steel free he has to face justice" aj said. "And Ah dont appreciate you talkin about twilight like that" she said and I just laughed. "I can say whatever lass and you know twilight will like nothin more than to lick celestia dry she's a fuckin kiss ass that wont help the lad until sun ass says so!" I retorted slaming the bottle down aj did as well. "You insensitive jerk!" She yelled at me. "Oh im insensitive lass since day one when have I ever been nice" I asked her. "When me, you and steel went to the bronco pub yall were havin a grand old time getting hammered and seeing who can drink more whiskey both of you are unbelievable!" Aj yelled again and getting up I got up as we and we got in eachothers face. "Whats wrong with havin a drink with yer mates I didnt see you complainin hell you were havin the time if ye life" I said. "Was ah?!" She asked me glaring I gave one back. "Ya damn drunk!" She said and we were silent for a bit. "What was that lass?" I asked her. "Ah said your a damn drunk that only cares for himself!" She said, we started at eachother before we slammed our lips together she moaned a bit and I picked her before pinnijg her to a wall. "Damn it why do Ah love ya?" She asked parting from me and blushing with a glare. "Dont know why would you love a drunk and why would a drunk love ye?" I asked then started kissing her again. "Lets take this somewere more... private" aj said and I started walking upstairs carrying her. "I'll try not to be to rough" "Same" (Canterlot dungeons) pov steel "And thats why I killed silver bullet he wanted nothing more than power and he tried to kill his own son because he was going to be an assassin just like his mother" I said finishing the story and reason, the two were in awe and shock after hear the entire story. "And my arrogance landed me here leaving me to think to myself and see were I went wrong" "Wow so you and silver bullet are part of this hiddin war thats been going on since forever" the girl asked and I nodded. "Whoa thats so cool wait then that means you dont belong here at all, I mean if we just explain what your reason was for killing him then-" "It wont work will it?" The man asked me and I hung my head. "Hmm, theres gotta be a way to make them understand but also not cause any attention to these templars because they sound like bad news" He said as they both got up. "C'mon cinder lets go talk with the princess try to get some answers" he said. "Ok but what about our shift?" Cinder asked him. "We'll say were on lunch break besides I wanna-" "You wanna what private spearhead?" I heared celestia say making us jump a bit I heared multiple footsteps walk over to us and three soldiers plus celestia stood infront of my cage with the chain collar. "You twi are dismissed for today go back to your rooms please we will be having steel fox's trial today" celestia said but she seemed different her eyes werent gold but more like lavender it was the most off thing I've seen but maybe its the light in here thats making my eyes deceive me. The guards opened my cell door and forced me to my feet then unlocked the chain except for the ones on my feet and hands before putting the chain collar on. "I will be waiting in the throne room" celestia said before teleporting to the throne room the soldiers then pushed me to the ground hard and began dragging me to the throne room leaving cinder and spear. "What are they gonna give him god I hope its not the gallows" cinder said fearfully imaging me being hanged then her face turned pale. "C'mon lets follow them" she said and began dragging spear. I was being dragged across the pearly white floors with my bare back rubbing on it making it hurt even more. The guards werent being so nice either when they got the chance they kicked me in the gut and sometimes the face but I didnt let it bother me I've been through worse way worse. "So all of you are just going fo forget what I done for you, I saved you from discord and nightmare moon dies that mean nothing?" I asked them but they all laughed and of course that wouldnt work so I just stayed quiet for the rest of the way taking my beatings from them. We made it to the throne room and I saw lots of ponies and other species all lined up waiting for me I even saw my friends all with sad faces the only ones I didnt see was greenie and aj. 'Huh the green bastard finally grew a pair I knew he had it in him' I thought to myself and chuckled a bit but was then brought to my feet and punched across the face. "What cant have a little laugh either?" "Shut up and start walking" the guard said before unlocking my ankle cuffs. "Thanks oh and heres a present" I said then roadhouse kicked him hard. "I feel better alright here goes nothing" I said walking down the red carpet and coming to a stop at a small stand. "Now the trial shall begin" Celestia annouced and the area got quiet so quiet I could a moth fart. "Steel fox you have been accused of murder to the pony named silver bullet father of coal wing and entering the castle unannounced going into my sisters room and doing god knows what... how do you plea?" She asked me her eyes flashed a bright lavender and I saw this clearly. "She's being controlled but...by who and why do they want me dead, I have to act fast and find them" I thoguth to myself and began looking around using my eagle vision. "HOW DO YOU PLEA!" Celestia yelled in her royal canterlot voice blowing back a few ponies and others. "...Guilty for if I try to explain you and most likely myself will be killed right now" I said making ponies gasp. "Are you threating me steel fox?" Celestia asked me and I shook my head. "No im telling the truth... so I plea guilty celestia" I said and everyone started yelling out things . "Kill him!" "An eye for an eye!" "Leave nothing behind!" "SILENCE!" Celestia demanded making the ponies shut up. "Are you sure your not even gonna out up a fight or say I didnt do it?" She asked me. "Would you belive me if I said those things?" I asked her and she stayed silent. "Thought so, celestia we were friends I saved your kingdom from nightmare moon and discord but it seems you will look past all that because of this and I understand but I wont stand by and say I shouldnt have killed silver bullet he deserved to die" I said starting up another up roar. "That is all now tell me my punishment princess celestia so I may either die in a cell or die another way" I said waiting for her response, my friends all looked shocked at what I said and coal looked angry. "Coal... Im sorry to say but... your father tried to kill you" I said turning to him and he ran at me with killing attend. Right as he got to me he slamed his fist on my face knocing me back on the stand then he continued to beat me. "Damn you he was my only family he took care of me damn it and you killed him in cold blood you son of a bitch!" He yelled at me and slammed both his fists ontop of my head. "He needed to die coal understand that if you cant then your acting like an arrogant child" I said looking at him with cold eyes and blood running down my face. "He tried to kill you" I said and he glared at me, before anything else can happen guard escorted coal back to the others were twilight calmed him down. "Alright I've see enough... steel fox by the order of equestrian law I sentence you..." celestia said leaving us in suspense I heared some doors open I looked to see luna sleepy and holding her pillow. "To death by gallows two days from now!" Celestia said and luna droped her pillow. "Luna" I tried saying words but nothing came out she had tears in her eyes and she ran back through the door crying, I felt my heart shatter seeing this. "Fine... I accept this death" I said then was chained again before being teleported back to my cell. "Im not going to die I am going to find out who's controlling celestia and he will show himself in two days... when he does I'll make him suffer" I said balling up a fist and tighting it so much I almost broke skin and something black formed on my finger tips. "Huh... were am I... steel is that you?" I heared a voice say and we I looked my eyes widen and my jaw hung a bit. "Ce...Celestia?!" (Ponyville) Twilight and the others were silent even when they got to the library they too shocked to speak the only ones that havent heared was greenie and applejack. "...Is he really going to die?" Rainbow dash asked her voice sounded down and he face showed it. "I guess he is... but I guess he deserves it" twilight said making everyone glare at her. "If the princess ordered it then we must accept it he killed an innocent stallion for celestia sakes!" Twilight said. "And thats why I hate ye" Greenie said kicking the door open and carrying aj on his back who looked tired. "Dont mind her we uh... armed wrestled for awhile she won most of the time" greenie said placing her down on the couch next to pinkie and fluttershy. "For six hours... Damn I need to step up my game" Rainbow said then aj stir awake. "Huh... was that just a dream it sure felt so damn good though... wait if it was a dream how come I don't have panties or a bra on?" Aj asked herself looking in her shirt only seeing her bare chest and feeling nothing in her pants. "Well lass I fucked ye so hard you were barely able to move im suprised im moving me fuckin pelvis hurts" Greenie said with a toothy smile. "Oh so we did have sex... better than Ah excepted for my first time" aj said then noticed the others hearing there little conversation, the girls were blushing heavily and the guys were patting greenie on the back. "What I just went ta talk with him then things got... sexual, gotta say though I cant wait to visit again" aj said winking at greenie. "Alright save it for bed room you, now is it true... is our best mate getting killed?" Greenie asked his voice turning serious. "Ye...yes its true in two days time he is going to be executed by the gallows the most brutal and severe punishment ever" Twilight said and greenie nodded. "Your taking this quite well greenie" "Yeah I am because im coming up with a plan to save him and tell celestia whats up" Greenie said leaning on a wall, twilight was shocked as to why greenie would appose the princess. "Twilight if you try to stop me then I dont think I could consider ye a friend" "But were talking about a punishment passed by princess celestia herself you have to follow it and as her loyal student I have the authority to-" she stopped she was grabbed by the shirt by greenie. "Lass I could careless about yer damn title and your kiss ass to your princess... this is your friend who helped you beat discord does that mean nothing apprently now since you want ta kiss your princessess marshmallow colored ass instead of helpin yer mate!" Greenie yelled at her and fossed her back to coal. "Hey that was uncalled for greenie were all upset that steel is going to be killed so apologize to twilight" coal said getting in his face. "Dont think ye are not part of this do you think steel would kill an innocent stallion for the sake of it hell no he had a reason to kill him I dont know how it feels to lose family but I consider that monkey bastard as me brother so im about to in two days" greenie said. "You must know the reason you were there for his trial while I was foolin around did he say anything to you or any of ye at all?" He asked them. "Yeah... the damn street rat said my own father tried to kill me and the rest of you, unbelievable" coal said then was punched in the face by greenie making him fall to the ground. "Wake up you arrogant bastard theres his reason he was going to kill you and us and we all know that cant be a lie me, you and mint were in the damn hospital because of that asshole" greenie said looking down at him. "If you cant see that then whats the point in trying to talk you into savin the lad" Greenie said turning to the other guys. "Greenie you cant be serious we'll become criminals and be on the run for life or be killed trying to save him!" Rainbow said trying to convince him to give up but he wasnt going to he was determined. "Theres no way that we'll-" "Im in" jack said cutting off rainbow and shocking her. "What do you have in mind greenie?" Jack asked him and greenie had a grin on his face. "Jack no you cant what if you get thrown in with steel darling?!" Rarity said. "Im in as well steel is our best friend I dont think without him I wouldnt have meet any of you guys so I owe him" Mint said the girls cant believe what there hearing, there three friends are going to break steel out of his cage and risk everything even there lives. "And he saved us from death I say we all owe him" "All of you are crazy all three of you think for once there are more than 40,000 soldiers and maybe more then there's getting passed celestia and luna to free him and finally me you think I'll just sit here and let you not on your life, im writting to the princess right no-" "Twilight!" Coal blurted out gaining there attention. "Im going to because... greenie is right he wouldn't have killed my dad without reason... im going to help save him and ask him why he did it" coal said getting back up. "Coal no you are not" twilight ordered. "Twilight yes I am and you cant stop me... alright greenie how do we get him out?" He asked him. "Well I was thinkin we could sneak into the castle dressed up as guards then once inside we'll search for a key to open his cell and his robes because I dont feel like bringin any with me pluse he's bigger than me, anyways once we get him out and dressed well lay low for awhile and not bring up any attention to our selves" greenie said. "Sound good?" "Yeah but how long do we have to be in hiding?" Mint asked him but greenie didnt know either. "Well I hope you have a place in mind to stay or should we be one of those travling groups" "I think option two lad but fer now jack get us some weapons, rarity I want you to make us some masks so we wont be detected right away and you two get ready this is gonna be very fuckin difficult" greenie ordered the guys except rarity moved. "Heres a hundred" greenie simply said before tossin a big bag of bit and rarity was already gone. "If you want to say it I suggest saying it now" "Alright your crazy all of you are you think you can go up against an army impossible" twilight huffed but greenie shook his head. "All of you would be killed along with steel" "Twilight... you dont get it" greenie said walking to the door. "We all know that but were willin to risk our lives for our friend, he needs us so were helping him and I thought you were learning about friend ship here's a little lesson called loyalty" greenie said and walked out the door and leaving. "Enough loyalty to a friend to risk there lives for" twilight said. "Wow I know im the element of loyalty even I would risk my life for you guys but there's saving somepony out of friendship and theres saving somepony because there is nothing but the bind of friendship keeping them going" rainbow said. "Are we really going to let steel die... because thats not being loyal at all and were his friends" "Well ah want to save steel yeah he killed that old stallion but somethin was off of what the man sayin he was liein when he said steel was beatin him" Applejack said slowly getting and wobbled a bit. "Damn it greenie... Alright ah'm only gonna ask this once, do yall wanna save steel our best friend or not?" She asked all of them and they all couldnt answer right away. "Alright im in" rainbow said. "Me too" pinkie said. "I want to help" fluttershy said softly. "We know rarity will but that leaves you twilight" Aj said they all turned to her. "You already know my answer and its to stay loyal to my teacher" twilight said. " "Stop bein a kiss ass twilight and be your own mare" fluttershy said clearly annoyed but civered her mouth right after. "Well then... But fluttershy is right stop doing what celestia says for once this isnt right so please help us" applejack said and twilight took a minute before nodding. "Alright lets go after the boys and help them out we only got two days to prepare so let get'er movin now" she said and they all ran after the others. (Canterlot dungeons) steel "Celestia how-what are you-whats going on?" I asked celestia who looked tired and almost all her magic was sapped out making her hair turn pink and stop flowing. "I dont know... First I was working on setting you free then the next thing I know Im here infront of you" celestia said across from me, we were both in the same cell and she didnt look hurt just confused. "Did anything... happen?" She asked and my gace turned grim. "Yeah something did happin... a fake you just ordered my execution two days from now " I said and celestia was flabbergasted at this. "Yeah I know luna isn't taking it so well either I just wish she wasnt there for that" I said and gripped my hand tighter drawing blood this time and the black stuff on my fingertips grew more and had something twinkle in them like stars almost and they moved. "Oh no... Im sorry steel Im sure its eating away at you to not be able ti explain whats happing to my sister" Celestia crawled next to me. "Here let me heal your hand" she said going to my hand but I pulled away. "Your already low on magic celestia and if you lose any more you'll be more exhausted and besides its just a cut on my hand" I said feeling the blood drip off my fingertips. "Hey celestia can I tell you something" I asked her. "Yes" Celestia said and I took a deep breath. "If I was able to... would have I been able to date luna?" I asked her and she seemed to look suprised by the question. "Just a simple yes or no" I said. "Well I dont know we never had a commoner date royalty before but if I had to say... then no in the eyes of other ponies" celestia said and I nodded. "I see hehe... I knew I could never be with her im just some orphaned hybrid I was never wanted in my world and apparently its the same in this world as well" I said wipping away some tears and earing my throat but it didnt work more tears came out and I started choking on my words. Celestia of course saw this and couldn't help but feel awful at the answer she gave me so she slowly wrapped me in a hug and let me cry. "Steel you are wanted here if it wasnt for you being here luna wouldnt have made a friend and tyrn back inti nightmare moon, if you werent here then my kingdom would be in chaos because of discord so dont think your not wanted because there are ponies that will always say you are wanted like me for example and your friends" celestia said quietly and softly I felt like a child being held by there mother only this time I had someone to cry with. "Your always wanted steel fox your my friend and your my sisters friend as well we want you here even if others say they don't " she said I heared her voice get a but shaky. "Im sorry for breaking your trust, I'm sorry for fighting you, I should have believin what you were says Im so very sorry" celestia said and started crying as well, I was kinda glad no one was here to us like this even though we're crying it felt nice being with someone who actually wants me here and apologizing for there wrongs they did against me. "I-Its ok ce-" "No its not! I was fighting the pony I called friend for killing a man that was going to kill you im sorry steel for everything" celestia said and cried more if I could I'd wrap my arms around her for to hug her back. "It is ok celestia I didnt know how you would be broken up about this, I do accept your apologies not because im saying it because im your friend and believe every word" I said she leaned back a bit and stared at me, I was simling with tears still running down my face. Hybrids can be very emotional when there feelings are hurt. "Thank...you" She said and passed out on me and I was about to pass out as well. "No... thank you celestia" I said and passed out as well I was exhausted from all the beatings and dragging that happened today, But I still have two days to break out of here and expose that fake celestia. When I do I hope that this whole mess will just go away and everything will go back to normal. (Lunas room) "Auntie what are you doing" bluebelle asked luna who was standing infront of steels assassin robes. "Making my own robes and since im lazy im just gonna make a duplicate and a female version of this" lhna said and charged her horn then covered it in the robes before another identical set was next to it except more smaller and feminine to match her body. "There and now im gonna go try them on and I will add this to it making my hits harder" luna said showing her a Lunar guard gauntlet . She quickly placed the robes on and looked at herself in a mirror she smiled seeing herself in these robes. "You look good princess" Vanilla said as the assassin sisters jumped in the room from the balcony. "So you copied steel's robes huh, I dont blame ya these robes are awesome... hey wait were did you get these robes?" Vanilla asked luna who laughed sheepishly. "I might have, probably, most likely... stole them out of the royal vault" luna said and there jaws dropped. "What I couldn't help it pluse it was quiet easy to get it out and back here in fact I might have got some other things as well" Luna said and walked over to her closet, she opened the closet and used her magic to bring out all of steel's weapons. "How-when did this?-" "After the trial I was a little heart broken that steel was going to be hanged which hasnt happened in many many years but then I Remembered that Im going to save him, so after everyone left I quickly snuck in and grabbed all of his belongings" luna said and set the objects down on her bed and the sisters looked at the weapons. "Wow so this is what he uses its not every day you can see the mentors arsenal, huh wonder what this is?" Chacolate said and picked up a Axe like weapon. "Thats a tomahawk sis and it looks badass the whole blade is the assassin symbol which is awesome when did he make this?" Vanilla asked grabbed the tomahawk and spinning it around in her hand but it slipped out and flew right to a wall were it got stuck. "Whoops sorry" "Alright enough playing we have to make a plan" luna said and ripped the tomahawk out of the wall and placed it down on the counter. "I was thinking we could save him by cutting the robe right as he is falling then give him his stuff and run to the forest" luna said but there were many ways this could go wrong. "Luna what if the fall breaks his neck and kills him instantly, how about we rig the gallows and when the pull they leaver to mak him fall the rope will snap and he will be safe the question is were can we find the gallows?" Vanilla asked. "I know were it is come before somepony comes to check on me" Luna said before putting the weapons back except for the tomahawk she strapped that on her hip and pulled the hood over to cover her face in the shadows her horn still poked out a bit but her wings were tucked away inside the robes. They all ran out the room swiftly and checked corners to make sure no one was there then ran outside in the back of the castle, the place were they entered looked old and the grass was grey, flowers were dead and trees held no leafs it looked as if death made this place. They came across a hill were they saw the old killing machine ponys were working on it to make it stable to walk on and hang ponies they seemed to enjoy it but they were in canterlot so they would probably be glad to get rid of steel for the right price. "How do we play this?" Luna asked vanilla and chacolate. "Those are not normal carpenters those are templars you tell just by looking, see right there on that mans shoulder its the mark of the templar" chacolate said and I focused on a pure white stallion and on his shoulder was a Tattoo of the templar symbol as well as a necklace around his neck. "We have to kill them it may seem horrible at first but this is what we do and they want to kill steel" vanilla said and luna nodded, the sisters and luna all slid down the small slope and rolled into some tall dead grass they made there way over to the templars and saw two talking infront of them. "Cant wait to see that assassin get hanged heh cant believe there falling for that fake celestia am I right" one if the men say and lunas eyes widen under the hood. "Leave one alive" luna mouthed to the sisters, they nodded and grabbed both of the men and killed only one then knocked out the other they moved out staying out of sight of the templars and picking them off one by one. "Hey were are the others we got work to do" a stallion asked then saw vanilla kill one of his men. "Shit ASSAS-" he cut off by a tomahawk finding a new home in his skull, the remaining templars began runnijg at the small group but they were out matched vanilla jumped up and landed down on two stabbing them both in the head and chacolate used her boot knife to kill two others. Luna grabbed the tomahawk and spun aroun slicing open the three around her and throwing it full force once again at a stallion creeping up behind vanilla, the axe wedged itself deep inside the stallions head and he fell face first making it go right through. "Whoa I dont even know what happened there all the maneuvering and the tossing and damn that was just awesome!" Bluebelle said squeeing a bit at the little performance. "Thank you now help us hide the bodies" luna said grabbing two in her magic and placed them in a bush with some other dead templars, once the place was cleaned up and dirt rested over the blood they grabbed some rope and tied the unconscious stallion up until he woke up. "Huh-what the hell hey let me go you...assassin shit guys assas-" the stallion stoped as he saw none of his fellow templars and found a blade to his neck. "Answer some wuestions and your death will come swiftly " luna said holding the tomahawk near his head. "If you dont I'll just read your mind and kill you without a second thought... so basically its a win-win" she said and the stallion glared at her. "I'll tell you nothing bitch" he said and luna sighed then placed her hand on his head and began reading his mind, there were images of a mare and a disguise ring but when the mare put it on she turned into celestia luna saw something behind her and it was the real celestia weak and drained of her magic then she saw the stallion drag real celestia to the dungeons and then tossed her in with steel who was beaten and bleeding. Once the memory was done playing luna opened her eyes and stood back up, she felt anger at the man for doing something towards the people she cared about. "So now you know but its to late and you cant kill the fake celestia because ponies will think you've turned back into nightmare moon so you lose and that monkey dies hahahaha!" The stallion laughed. "Riposa in pace (Rest in peace)" luna said before using her hidden blade to stab the man in his throat then let him drown in his own blood. "Come we must get ready theres only so much time we have left and I want to use that time to save steel and my sister" luna said then they got to work with the gallows. (Ponyville) Jack was hammering away at a axe that he saw steel make except he was using obsidian and diamonds to cract this it will take him all day and all night for two days to craft the blade and get it just like steels tomahawk. "Alright I'll take a break for now then back to work" jack said putting his hammer down and leaving the axe on a hot plat to keep its orange glow. "Aw and I was just starting to enjoy the show" dash said walking up to jack who chuckled a bit. "Eh it'll start back up soon... what are you doing here?" He asked her. "Well I wanted to see my coltfriend and try ti talk him out of this suicidal plan" rainbiw said but jack shook his head "Well dont waste your breath I made up my mind dash and I intend to go through with it no matter how crazy it is" jack said with determination. "Thats what I thought you'd say guess theres no helping it, alright what can I do to help?" Rainbiw asked hik and he was confused due to the sudden 180. "Me and the girls Decided to help you guys out because your right steel is our friend and we should be helping to get him free so what can I do?" She asked again. "Well you can help me make something special for this rescue mission, you see that axe over there?" Jack asked her and she nodded. "Well I remember steel come by and asking to use some of my steel ingots and my tools, when he was done he showed this tomahawk made in a weird design he even showed me how sharp it was take a look at the wall" he said and pointed behind dash, she looked and her jaw hung a bit. "Whoa thats...wow" Rainbow said in awe a hole was place in the made by the tomahawk that steel made and threw at the wall. "You intend to make something like for him?" "Yeah except im using special type of metal thats made from obsidian and diamonds I learned it from my father it takes two days to make one blade and six hours pluse to sharpen that bastard they way steel did" jack said he pickes up his hammer and went back to work on the weapon. "Dash if you can this will be a big help, please go find the hardest and most durable tree bark you can and a strong grip" jack said and slammed down on the metal. "Alright I need to head to twilights place to find a book on that then I'll start hunting I'll be back" dash said and flew off back to twilights place. Mint was at raritys place helping her with making stealthy outfits as rarity said to sneak into the castle undetected. They were black peices of clothing that pretty heavy but flexible they all latched the sizes on the guys and the girls. "Alright we got outfits ready now we just wait till everyone is ready to go" rarity said and placed the outfits on mannequins. "Alright saving private steel is a go" mint said and they both wlked out the buoding and headed to greenies to see if he was ready and get the others. (Two days later: midnight) "Cinder, spear this is my last night before I die tomorrow morning I want you to do something fir me" I said looking up to the two guards. "Take celestia somewere safe, somewhere only you can find her understand" I said. "Yeah alright we'll take the princess somewere safe c'mon spear help me with the princess" cinder said grabbing and lifting celestias upper body, soear grabbed her legs and they both started running out if the dungeons I crawled my way to the cell and closed it then got back in my original place. "Alright, now we play the waiting game" I said sighing and closing my eyes, I heared thubder bang in there air and rainclouds rolled in not even seconds later rain poured down hard and from what I heared its supposed to mast all night and all day on my execution. Lighting crashed down close to me and it blinded me for a few seconds before I saw a person infront of me a woman to be exact a tall one just a head shorter than me. "So come to kill?" I asked the woman but she shoom her head. "Then why are you here?" "I came to save you steel" the woman said and she sounded like luna, she kneeled down and I noticed she was wearing a smaller version of my robes then she took the hood off revealing luna. "But I cannot right now other wise the fake celestia will send guards everywere to come find you so I need you too kill the fake celestia" luna said. "Sorry my lady but as you can see im chained... your not thinking of taking of this opportunity are you?" I asked jokingly she didnt even crack a smile. "Geez tough crowed" "Look me and your friends vanilla and chocolate rigid the gallows so the rope will break when the lever is pulled but incase that doesnt work vanilla and chocolate are going to be ontop of building and waiting to see if you need their help I will be under the gallows to give something to kill the fake celestia with" Luna said and lighting crashed down more then rain poured into the cell. "I hope all this just goes back to normal after this" Luna said before turning around and took a step but stopped then quickly turned back to. "Tell no one " she said and softly put her lips on mine, she moaned a little and placed her hands on my bare chest and drew her fingers across my scarrs. "That will be our secret ok see you later today" Luna said parting from me with a small saliva strand she wiped it away and walked out the cell then closed it, all the while I was staring at her nice round rear. 'Stop looking steel you know you cant, even if it is nice and rou-ah stop it just dont think of her nice ass...son of a bitch' I thought to myself and sighed I heared a giggle coming from luna i looked up and she smiked evily at me. "I do have a nice ass don't I... See you later steel" Luna said making blood run cold, she giggled and ran off. "Did she read my mind?!" I asked myself. "Oh shit... Hmm I wonder if she can see fantasies?" I asked then thought of you. "Oh steel I had no idea!" Luna called down and I was forming an embarrassed blush. "But maybe next time I am curious about how you feel" luna said and I wenrmt more red. After about and hour of calming down I sat there listing and feeling the rain run down my body I dont know why but rain always felt comforting makes me think to the times were me and ryle were on our own. " Ryle do you know what your mom and dad were?" A little seven year old me asked the sixteen year old ryle. "Yeah actually I do my mother was wolf lady she was released back to her world with my dad they wanted to take me, my dad he was commoner of his race gental and kind they never met a king such as him... he was demon from hell but looked so much like a human when they meet they didnt want to leave eachother it was oike one of those cheesy romance stories they loved eachother and when they had to leave they tried to take me but failed miserably" Ryle said "But you got to know your mom and dad you got to see them... unlike me I don't even know what race they were or how they looked I don't even know if they would have loved or not" I said ryoe patted ky head and smiled. "Dont worry bro... you got me and I'll take care of ya what are brothers for?" Ryle said and I smirled I thej heared a drip next to me then another and soon we were in a rain storm. "C'mon lets head inside dont want to catch a cold" Ryle said and got up but before he turned around he saw something gkow a faint blue he turned ti me and saw one of my eyes turn diamond blue and the water around me stoped pouring down on me. "Steel?" "Hmm whats wrong ryle do I have something on my face?" I asked him. 'He doesn't know... hmm intresting' ryle thought before grabbing my head and running inside. "Alright lets get some sleep gotta get up early to work in the yards tomorrow" ryle said and I nodded ryle noticed my eye went back to normal and that I was staring outside looking at the rain. "I like the rain" I opened my eyes after hearing a thunder clap I noticed I was asleep that whole time and the sun was up but the rain clouds blocked it. Faint footsteps was heared then they became louder. "Get up" a stallion said banged on the door and I looked up to them they seemed to back off a bit like if there seeing a crazy animal, but they glared at me and opened the cell. "C'mon monkey its your execution day everypony is going to be here to see it" The man said and lifted me to my feet and attached the chain collar on, the other took off the ankle cuffs and we began walking to the stairs. "Geez this guy reeks" The man holding the chains said. "Yeah well I didnt see a shower in the damn cell so deal with it" I said then was punched in the back of the head hard. "Is that the best you got cause thats just pissin me off" I growled as we walked, maids and other guards saw me and backed away in fear I dont know why though they all hated me those other days and the guards would have beaten me by this point but they didnt. "What not gonna beat me feelin sorry for this monkey huh?!" I yelled at them and they all ran away in fear except for the ones behind me. We kept walking until we reach the castle door and I saw lines of ponies yelling and screaming at me, the guard pushed me forward and I went down the rows of ponys and other races, they started throwing stuff at me like bottles and sometimes stones all hitting there marks. I saw the gallows up ahead in the middle of the city and celestia was right next to it smiling but hid it very well I looked up to the roofs and saw some my fellow assassins running along them I even saw chocolate and vanilla on a nearby roof I had to crack a small smirk. "Steel fox are you ready to face judgment?" Fake celestia asked me keeping her smile I nodded and went to the middle the man in black clothing came up to me and placed a bag over my head. "Dont worry its me jack" Jack said and I felt my eyes widen a bit. "We're here to get you out" jack said. "Wait 'we're'?" I asked him then used eagle vision, I saw my friends all in the front with glowimg blue. "You guys came to save me... why?" I asked him. "Were your friends man we loyal to the end brotha" jack said and walked over to the lever, he turned to fake celestia and nodded. "Attention everypony today is the execution of steel fox the same one that has invaded my sister princess luna's chambers and did god know what... he is facing his crimes but I will allow him to speak his final words!" Fake celestia said and everyone went silent. "Well alright... hello everyone my name is steel fox im a hybrid of well I dont know really but I'ma tell you guys what I was told long ago from the one I called brother... if the whole world turns there back on you or even if the ones you call friends never speak with you again you still have family to look back to and they will always love you even if you did something terrible they will always find a way to help you live and help you succeed in life because thats what family is for, I never forgot that and if I die here then atleast I can see my mother and maybe find out what she was before she died" I said and felt a small tear run down my face. "So to everyone that wants me dead I will say one thing... alright" I said and smiled, the crowed was not expecting for me to smile or even say something so heartfelt they were seeing what they were watching and stared in horror that they were going to let this happen. "Alright now then time to die steel fox" fake celestia said and nodded to jack he looked at me and I slowly nodded. There was silence only rain can be heared clashing down against the ground then a click and the floor went away the world turned slow and before I fell all the way down I gave a loud whistle signaling vanilla and chocolate then began choking on the noose. "Steel by the gods!" Luna said coming next to me and I heared something get deflected. "Oh no they put a sheild around the gallows we have to cut you down" luna said but I heared heavy footsteps run to me and I heared rope being cut then I fell to the floor coughing up a storm. Luna sat me up and cut the ropes around my hands then broke the chains, I took the bag off my head and saw my tomahawk infront of me. "Go she's getting away!" Luna said and pointed to the fake celestia that was running away out of fear there was a small freak out with the people and my friends came over to help me up. "Must... get... the fake... celestia" I said bgan walking but before I started running jack stoped me. "Here made this for your rescue that should have happened yesterday but greenie got sick bad" jack said and greenie flipped him off I chuckled and jack handed me another tomahawk except it was a dark purple that shined in the cloudy skies. "Now lets get that fraud!" Jack said, me and the guys all ran out and chsed the fake celestia luna ran beside me then climbed a building to get a better view guards came infront of me all of them were templars I can tell just by looking at them plus one was wearing his necklace out I jumped up high and landed down on one getting both my tomahawks in his chest before yanking them out and killing the ones next to me the other templars were coming up to me but the guys all started fighting them with some assassins. "Go we can hold them off" Coal said kicking one behind him, I took off running again and shoving people past me and felt the rain clash on my chest I saw celestia running past ponies as well and shoving them aside but was then stopped by a few guards and the real celestia with cinder and spearhead. "Stop right there imposter your underarrest for impersonating princess celestia!" The lady guard said the one with the purple armor said but I wasnt in the mood for letting templars go so I climbed a bulding and jumped across from eachones until I was right above them. "Hey imposter!" I yelled to the fake celestia who looked up to me fearfully I jumped down and gripped both weapons tightly. "Were doing this like men now get out of that disguise and pick up a sword" I ordered the imposter, he sighed before realsing the disquise and showing a unicorn stallion with dark green hair and a red coat he wore a black templar outfit and his eyes were the same light purple. "Alright we shall do this like men my name is shadow might im the pony whos going to kill you" Shadow said and brought out his broad sword I spun the axes in my hands and got in a stance. "Steel fox I gonna kill ya for hurting my friend" I said the others came and the guys had some torn clothing. "Yo I need a good song and I know one of you has my phone so put one on this is gonna be tricky" I said. "I have it took it from celestia while she wasnt looking" Luna said bringing it out my phone and pressed Play. As it started we circled eachother not even dropping our guards until shadow went to cut me onmy chest but spun around his blade and cut his arm, he grunted then hit me in my face and cut my arm. "So one to hold grudges eh well same with me" I said and charged at him tuen brought both tomahawks down he quicky blocked my attack and we stayed in a power struggle we glared at eachother before he kicked me back, he began sending fats slashes and stabs at me I was barely able to keep up due to my fatigue state from barely getting sleep and constant beatings but I had to win. "Ha it seems you wknt be able to beat me in your state fatigue now time to die and once you die I'll kill your friends and the ones you love!" Shadow said and sliced up my body cuts and scratches were on my body most of them shallow some deep, I stumbled back a bit and panted. "We gotta help him!" Rainbkw said but greenie stoped her. "What are you doing?!" "Look at'im I dont see a man that needs yer help he's fighting not only for us but ta keep his pride even if it is small... if we help him now he will win but his pride will be lost so just sit an wait" greenie said and jack grabbed her so she wont move. Shadow sent more of his attacks and once cut my face leaving a small cut to draw blood on my cheek I swung my axes hard and spun around his country attacks but my damn fatigue we getting the best of me and I slowed down a bit. "Your wide open!" Shadow said and cut me across the chest the world seemed to grow cold and I feel to the ground bleeding heavily. "Any last words steel fox?" Shadow asked but I was silent. "Well said" "No stop it right now!" Luna yelled and ran at shadow with killing intent but was back handed hard and knocked unconscious. "You dumb bitch what were you going to accomplish Im trained you may be an alicorn but I have more fighting experience than you nightmare moon" shadow said and the rain stoped right as he did. "What in the hell?" "No one hurts her" I said they all turned to me and saw water flow on my chest then glowed a bright blue and closed the cuts up almost like if it wasnt there. "Back for more huh well bring it" shadow said turning to me then found a blade made of water in his shoulder. "No one hurts luna and lives" I repeated then started getting to my feet the water formed on my back and slowly created wings but they turned a shining white light. "Hope your ready cause im leaving nothing but nothing but bones left" I said and spread the wings wide the others looked in awe from both me stoping the water and the wings on my back. I took a step and I was behind shadow in seconds he didnt have time to react and with one swift motion I used my tomahawk to cut his left arm off then his right arm. "What the hell?" Fluttershy said in shock then saw me grab shadow by his throat. "Please show mercy" shadow begged. "No... riposare in pace" I said before using the purple tomahawk to slice his head open then let his brains drop to the floor with a sicking splat, I dropped the body and placed the tomahawks on my hips. "I feel...dizzy" I said and the wings vanished, the rain poured again and I fell to the floor passed out meaving a group of ponies in shock to what they just saw. "Holy shit" pinkie said. "What was that?" "I-I dont...know" twilight said and they all surrounded me they woke luna up and healed her cheek befkre she ran over to me only to see me passed out exhausted. "But I do know that was should make sure he's ok c'mon lets head to the hospital" twilight said and jack picked me up befire they alk ran to the nearest hospital. (One week later) I opened my eyes as I felt the sun light warm my cheek and I saw the ceiling of the a bed from one of the castle rooms. I didnt feel like moving so I just rolled over to my right adn was now face to face with luna who was sleeping soundly I didnt freak out or scream I just chuckled silently before kissing the top of her head and closing my eyes and trying to go back to sleep. But that was short lived after the doors were kicked open and greenie came in with a bottle of whiskey and some of my other friends came in. "Oi ye up yet you lazy fuck!" Greenie shouted clearly drunk I groaned and sat up as did luna but kept her eyes closed. "Me... sleep... more" Luna said and I softly hit her face with a pillow. "Me... wake... up... you... do... too" I said in sleep talk I was very fluent in the language luna grabbed the pillow and brought it down. "Not funny" Luna said I smirked. "What are all of you doing in here?" Luna asked the others. "Same can be said for you princess I dont remember you sleeping in his bed" Twilight said grinning and luna blushed a little and brought the pillow up. "I-I dont know what your talking about I was just... checking on him to make sure he was alright but I felt a bit tired so I took a nap in his bed thats it nothing more" luna said this putting the pillow and blanket over her head. "Huh cute" I said pulling them down and she was a deep red. "Calm down luna you were tired no harm" I said smiling warmly she seemed to go even more red. "Alright mate c'mon lets go celebrate yer not a fuckin wanted man anymore lets get shit faced" Greenie said tossing me a bottle I caught it and sighed. "So everything got cleared up huh?" I asked they all nodded. "Yeah but you were asleep for a week" Rainbow said and I just shrugged. "Glad I got some sleep atleast but I think Im just gonna wonder a bit in the castle so greenie " I said and tossed him a bag of bits. "Go buy yall some drinks on me" "Thanks mate... c'mon ya fuckers lets get hammered!" Greenie said and grabbed them all before taking off with them I laughed at his enthusiasm. "Well I would love to go walk for a bit... care to join my lady?" I asked luna who slowly shook her head I got out of bed and toom a quick shower before getting into a vanilla long-sleeve and black pants. "Well lets head to the garden get a nice little view of the garden eh" I said and she nodded again, we left the room and walked down the hallway passing maids and guards who I glared at and they seemed to be afraid of me at least they know I dont tolerate being beaten for no reason. "Relax all the guards are sorry for standing by and watching those recruits beat you" luna whispered to me and I still kept my glare. We reached the gardens and I felt a nice warm feeling like if I knew this place like the back of my hand. It was comforting to see the green grass and flowers along with hearing the small fountain in the middle, we walked to a nearby tree and sat under it and just listened to the nice silence and chirping of the birds. "Such a lovely place is it not?" Luna said and I nodded. "My mother made this garden many years ago and its still in good condition Im glad she made this garden with the same love she gave me and my sister... I miss her dearly but she vanished out of thin air one day and we never saw her again" luna said and I felt her pain radiate off of her, she 'eeped' when I wraooed my arms around her and brought her closer. "I kinda know how you feel luna... I never met my mother but I feel like she would have loved me with all her heart, but she was taken away from me before I got the chance to know her... I cant say that I miss her but somewhere deep down when I was little I always called out for her but she never came" I said and luna frowned a bit. "I wonder sometimes if I had met her one day what would I say, what would I do... well I probably cry like a baby and never let her go for the fear that she might go away again" "I see even though you never met your mother you still love her and if you met her now you would be happy right?" Luna said and I shrugged. "I dont know... maybe I will or maybe I won't" I said. "Human are complex" she said and I chuckled. "Yeah we are but thats what makes us special" I said and hugged her more. "So I feel tired you?" "Yeah even though I fell asleep in your bed Im pretty tired... wanna sleep her for a bit in eachothers embrace?" Luna asked turning to and now sitting on my lap. "Hmm I dont know I could use you as a body pillow but I guess this time I can be your body pillow" I said and she giggled, she quickly kissed me and nuzzled me in the crook of my neck. "Hmm still sweet was that some of my medication because I kinda wanna over dose" "Bad joke" luna said and I chuckled. "Yup... have a nice dream luna" I said closing my eyes as did she. "You too" luna said and waited till I was asleep to kiss me one more time but just a bit longer before resting back into the crook of my neck. "I love you" she said and smiled before falling asleep in my arms. > Chapter 11: I hear wedding bells > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was in the everfree meditating on a lone patch a land in the middle of a lake the air was fresh and the water was cool. It's been a month or so since all that craziness happened and I need to calm my mind for awhile forget that ever happened, but as I meditated on the little island I heared multiple footsteps in the water I slowly opened my eyes and saw three packs of wild timber wolves they all stared at me with curiosity I raised my hand waved a little they all came closer and laid around me and feeling the peace radiate off of me. "You guys ain't so bad just treated unfairly" I spoke softly and one of them nodded. "Well when I come here yall are welcome to join me in my meditation" I said and one licked my face I patted its muzzle and went back to meditating. The wind rush past me hitting my body with cool air and relaxing me even more until I heared a commotion from ponyville I instantly shot up as did the packs and they ran with me to ponyville to see what was wrong, when I got there I saw ponies just a head shorter than me walking down the streets with spears and swords they were all heavily armored as well. "If you wish to go back you may I will take care of this" I said they wolves nodded before running back into the forest I summond my swords on my back then ran into the town following the small army by rooftops until they stopped at twilights house I jumped on the branches and looked down at the stallions down below. "You know this wasnt necessary" I heared luna say in the middle of them all and boy did she look annoyed. "I literally can just walk on my own you know besides im here to see steel and invite him to the castle for a talk" Luna said then felt an arm around her shoulder. "Cenare(sup)" I said and all the guards pointed there weapons at me. "Whoa a little hostile there dont you think?" I asked then but they didnt out the weapons down. "Stand down you ediots he's not here to hurt me" luna said. "Wow someone's pissed today" I said nudging her a bit she rolled her eyes. "Alright come inside we'll talk in my room" I said then found the swords back up again. "What you think were gonna have sex or somethin geez a little to over protective c'mon" I said grabbing lunas hand and walking inside the guards tried to come in but I shut the door and locked it. "Thank you, my god you have no idea how annoying it was just to get here and I just wanted to invite you to the castle" Luna said as we walked up the stairs and we entered my room, she sat on my bed and I sat on my desk chair. "I swear celestia is to protective" Luna said. "Ah she just loves ya no harm with that but I see your point... get the hell off my window I just cleaned that!" I yelled at the guards that were standing on my window they quickly ran off and I groaned. "Luna how would feel about me kicking there assess for a bit?" I asked her. "I would love nothing more but we cant other wise celestia will put you back in the dungeons" Luna huffed and looked really stressed. "Hey you ok you look stressed?" I asked her and she nodded. "Yeah been working alot at night doing paperwork and all that stuff" Luna said laying in my bed now and sighing. "This feels nice to just finally sit back and relax for a bit" She said I chuckled. "Wanna massage my princess Im quiet trained mainly from lilly who said it was necessary to learn... she just wanted free massages didnt know ghosts can get a sore back who knew" I said and luna seemed to have a pink hue over her cheeks. "I won't do anything to offend you I promise if I break it then you can punish me" I said getting up. "Well... alright I do need a good massage never had one before so be gentle" Luna said and laid on my bed fully with her back facing me. "Oh and just to make it easier" She said and closed the blinds then slid the top part of her dress off revealing her bare back I felt my face heat up and I had to clear my throat a bit in order to talk. "Alright uh sh-shall we get started?" I asked her she nodded and laid herself back down. "Alright im gonna start with your shoulders cause thats with the most stress is at" I said and placed my hands on both her shoulders then added preasure to her joints then started rubbing them and loosening the knots in her muscles, luna moaned a little making my face a little more red. "Oh this feels great steel can you go a bit lower please?" Luna asked I nodded and stared rubbing her back now and she gripped the sheets a little trying to contain her moan. "Right there oh yeah thats good" luna cooed and gave a relaxed sigh. "Feeling less streesed my princess?" I asked her, luna nodded and moaned softly from the added preasure. "Can you... possibly go to my wings?" Luna asked embarrassed. "Your wings, isn't that a sensitive place on both alicorns and Pegasi?" I asked her she nodded. "Yeah" luna said and felt embrassed just asking that I was also slightly embarrassed from the request. "I-I mean you dont have to" Luna quickly said. "Do you want me to... go there?" I asked her she blushed more and nodded slightly then buried her face in my pillow. "Alright here goes" I said and slowly made my way to her wings that were really soft and the festhers were smooth. 'Wow they feel amazing' I thought and softly gripped it more but the wings spread out wider. "Sorry but dont think things like that" Luna whinned under the pillow. "S-Sorry I uh couldnt help it... it feels really nice" I said and heared lunas muffled moans. "S-same... it feels so good" she moaned, she let the pillow fall off of her face and it was beet red. "Please dont stop" luna moaned almost out of ear shot but I heared it and continued. "How is your massage princess?" I asked her jokingly she gave a cute hum. "Its very... nice" Luna said and eeped a little as I ran my fingers through her feathers. "Dont tease" she complained. "Im sorry my princess shall I continue?" I asked she nodded and I went back to caressing her soft wings. "Really hope no one comes in here that would be embarrassing" I said. "Quite. " luna said but right as we did there was pop and the door busting open making us jump. "Jesus!" "The hell!" I yelled and luna sat up covering her upper half. "Steel we've been calling you for hours along with princess luna but both of you didnt answer... your..." twilight started then saw the situation they all were looking at. "Its... not what it looks like" I said giving luna my shirt to cover herself up. "Really cause it looked like yall were in the middle of somethin" Aj said and I still had my red face. "Should we leave you two?" "ITS NOT WHAT YOUR THINKING!" Me and luna yelled at them. "Look luna had some stress so I was giving her a massage nothing sexual in the slightest" I said luna backed me up. "So you were not caressing princess luna's as you said 'soft wings'?" Pinkie asked me and I felt my face burn. "Whoa mate ya got to touch the princess you lucky bastard you" Greenie said but I punched him in the nose making it bleed a little. "Ah fuckin hell mate" "Get out!" I ordered and they all ran out of my room shutting it closed. "Ah man luna Im sorry truly" I said turning to her and rubbing the back of my head. "Its ok just dont tell no one else please" luna said getting up and I nodded. "Oh and thats right I was here to invite you to the castle to talk with me and celestia of course its just gonna be us and no guards thankfully... so wanna come?" She asked me. "Got nothing better to do and uh red panties thats an ok" I said grinning she looked down and saw my shirt just barely covered her dark red panties, she completely forgot half her dress was off and the rest slid off when she got up and her face turned dark red. "Dont look! Dont look!" She yelled at me and crouched down covering herself. "Do you have any pants that are my size?" She asked me, I walked over to the closet and took a look then found some black jeans I had should be small enough to fit her. "Here this should be good" I said and tossed her the pants I grabbed some of my own cloths and went to the bathroom. "Im'a take a quick shower be out in a bit" I said and closed the bathroom door then turned in the shower. Luna placed on the pants and felt comfortable in them she walked around a bit to get use to them they fit her really well maybe it was because rarity made them a little small. "Hmm... Im gonna ask rarity if she will make more that would nice walking around in cloths and not just a tight dress" luna noted to herself then got bored so she started looking through my stuff. "Oh what do we have here... wait this is odd I dont remember steel having this Necklace before" luna said holding the object in her hand. "You know its not nice to peek around others stuff" Brigid said behind luna making her jump then quickly turn only to see brigid wearing the necklace. "W-who are you?" Luna asked her. "Names brigid sweet ass nice ta meet ya im steels other self" Brigid said sitting down. "Well more like that little voice in his head that says kill" Brigid said then giggled. "Other self...voice inside his head what are you?" Luna asked brigid still confused. "I told you im his other self, his instincts, his motivation to kill when angered" brugud said laughing a little. "What didnt like littl ol' steel was the sweet angel he is well thats half true hahaha!" Brigid said makijg a stupid pun from being a hybrid. "Oh yeah and I saw that whole massage hope it felt really good" "I-I have...shit forgot your his other self " luna said and brigid laughed. "Brigid get back in my head" I said opening the door with only my pants on and a towel draped over my shoulder. "Fine I was just havin fun" brigid said before vanishing back into my head. "So who's your friend?" Luna asked me handing me a shirt. "My supposed sister" I said slipping the shirt on. "Do you call her that because she is part of you?" Luna asked and I nodded. "She's a pain in my ass" I said then heared brigid giggled. "Love you too bro" she said. "Shut up brigid" I replied to her and groaned. "C'mon lets teleport to the castle dont want to deal with the others" I said she nodded and charged her horn. "Oh wait luna your not-" I covered couldnt finish because she teleported back without me. "Welp guess im going to the train yippe" I groaned and walked my room, I headed downstairs and my friends started asking me questions which I ignored. "Wait dude we wanna know... were you two you know doing a little nudge, nudge, wink, wink *whistle* " coal said and opened the door hard almost breaking it. "Shut up" I growled and slammed the door closed actually breaking the knob then walked off to the train station. "Uh why did you do stupid code names for sex?" Spike asked putting his comic down, they all looked at him in suprise. "You do know Im fifteen right?" "Spike did you go to that dirty comic place?" Twilight asked him but he was gone in seconds. "Im gonna kill him I told him know what does he do goes in" twilight said. "Ah whats the big problem there hell I went there all the time when I was a little bugger" greenie said and twilight looked at him in disgust. "Yeah I dont really see the problem either every man had to go there atleast once and buy one of the comics" Jack said. "Was this before or after you fell for me?" Rainbow asked him. "Oh most definitely" he said and rainbow lightly blushed. "Well I know I went when I came here with my old man we got separated and well I found the store had some bits and had some fun" mint said. "How disgusting!" Rarity said and mint rolled his eyes. "Really every guy has done it once greenie how ever probably bought the whole place" mint said and greenie gave toothy smile. "Ya damn right what about you coal you been there?" Greenie asked him. "Of course he hasn't he even told me" twilight said but coal started sweating. "For the love of..." "I kinda made one of those comics" coal said and greenie started laughing. "Shut up" "I've been there" Aj said nonchalantly. "You too whats next fluttershy, pinkie, rainbow!" Twilight yelled. "Yup" "Y-yes" "Damn right" Twilight groaned loudly before sitting on the couch. "Why do I say these things" "Oh luna how nice of you to come back" I said ontop of a roof just above the train station, luna sat with me and sheepishly grin. "Sorry was hoping to not pass your friends as well" luna said and I chuckled. "Well shall we go my princess?" I asked and grabbed her hand. "Yes we will keep a good hold" luna said and teleported both of us but my hand slipped half way. (Canterlot city) "Watch out!" I shouted as I reappeared in canterlot ponies got out of my way quickly but two unlucky ponies got rammed and I grabbed them both before flipping on back and skidding along the stone floor until we stoped. "Oh man that hurt hey are you ok?" I asked them both they were two mares both pure white one with amazing long pink hair and the other had short light blue hair. The pink haired lady had on a fancy dress while the other wore a black tux with a monocle. "I do say we should be asking you" monocle lady said as they both got up and helped me to my feet. "You took quite the scrapes there sir" she said and I just laughed it off. "Ah takes more than a few scratches to take me out by the way names steel fox" I said holding my hand kut and they gasped. "Your the one that was almost killed a few weeks ago" The pink haired lady said and I chuckled rubbing the back of my head. "Yeah thats me took out that imposter as well which is a bonus" I said and the monocle lady shook my hand. "The names regal splendor and this is my marefriend fluer dis lee" Regao said pointing to fluer. "Nice to meet you both sorry for you know crashing into you both" I said they waved it off. "Its fine besides you took most of the damage Im glade your able to get up" regal said I smiled. "Its nice meeting ponies that arent... SNOBBY ASSHOLES!" I yelled at the other ponies who glared at me. "Yeah im talking to you... sorry about that" "Its fine hated these bastards as well so what brings you to canterlot?" Fluer asked me. "Well uh Im supposed to meet my princess in the castle but... as we were teleporting my hand slipped then ran into you guys" I said embarrassed to say the least they both laughed at my misfortune and I pouted. "Awe... dont be so pouty we just couldnt help it but I must ask who is your princess?" Regal asked me. "Oh uh wasnt really supposed to say that outloud aye lunas gonna kill me" I groaned the face palmed, the two we about to squee but I covered there mouths before they could. "We're not dating just friends and that was just a nickname got it" I said they nodded and I removed my hands. "Man you got my hopes up for nothing hey but maybe we could be your special someponies" regeal said and they both grabbed my arms. "U-uh I-I think I should go" I said pulling away and feeling a blush on my face. 'Man those boobs are soft gotta run to the castle' i thought before running away from them. "Awe what a shame he was so handsome too maybe next time" regal said and they both walked off I jogged down the road up to the castle passing ponies and other species all of them actimg snooty but I ran into one person that got knocked over. "Ow that really hurt" she said getting up and patting the dust away. "Sorry was watchin were I was goin" the woman said I took a long look, she was a griffion girl by the sound of her voice and the noticeable bust she has she was wearing a small shirt that showed a bit of her abs and had short shorts on with boots. "Nah Its my fault I was running... names steel fox whats your name?" I asked her. "Im gilda nice to meet ya you know I gotta ask are you human?" Gilda asked me and I nodded. "Hey thats cool I heared your pretty tough mind if we fight for a bit just so I can-" "Hey the girl stole my money!" A stallion yelled at gilda who's eye shrunk to pin pricks, she hid behind me and luckily I didnt bring any bits just incase she was gonna steal them. "Move that bitch stole my money and I want pay back" The stallion said trying to move me aside and hurt gilda but I grabbed his hand twisted it making the bone snap. "Sorry but I dont tolerate stallions hitting women should ask the last who did that shattered his entire nose now you dont got no workin bone" I said tossing him back. "Gilda if you have the money ease toss it back to the man" I asked her. "Yzyeah im sorry I just needed some food here sorry again" gilda said tossing the money back to the man who grabbed it and ran off holding his broken arm. "Thanks for you know not letting me get beatin up" gilda said and I motioned her to follow me up to the roof. I climbed up to the top while she flew up and met me there. "Gilda why did you take that mans money and I want honesty" I said not beating around the bush, gilda sighed and sat down bringing her legs to her chest. "Well... I needed the money for some food been on my own for my entire life had one friend but well I skrta fucked up kinda got jealous of her new friends and you know us griffins very we dont do well with others being with ponies we know" gilda said I humed a bit hearing her answer. "I see what was this friends name?" I asked her. "Well her name is rainbow dash lives in ponyville we were the best of friends back in our school from elementary to college... I knew her my whole life and she was there when I was down in the dumps almost ended it if she didnt stop me... thats kinda the reason why I didnt want her to leave me or forget me mainky so I dont get like that again, but I messed up and cant even look her in eyes anymore" gilda said choking on her words. "Its hard you know being all alone with no one wanting you around, what am I saying you wont be able to feel my pain your always wanted" gilda saud and started crying. "You know... thats not true" I said she heared my shaky voice and saw me crying a bit myself. "Back in my world the people, the animals, the whole world turned there back to my people and I was never wanted not by other kids not by kind hearted people as well they all hated my kind like a disease that cant be killed so easily... I hated being alone I never knew my mother never knew my father all I had was my step-brother but he was takin away from me too... why? That world never gave me true happiness not even a friend it only gave me dispare and I watched the world go by like a burden to others they even called me the devil for just trying to help a lady getting mugged by some stupid fuckin thugs!" I yelled I didnt even care if ponies heared me. "They all hated me every last one of them, I just wanted something to hold onto something to finally call friend or hell family but it was always taken away!" I yelled more and heared cracks from under me. "Im sorry that you feel this way I shouldnt have said you wouldnt know my pain please calm down" Gilda said hugging me from behind and pulling back so ponies wont see me in my rage. "Your life must have been terrible I know what thats like" gilda said and I started calming down enough to just cry. "I-Im sorry I feel like such a baby crying" I said wipping the tears away and clearing my throat. "Well I should be going then here catch a train to ponyville go see dash tell her I sent you... and I hope you two will make" I said summoning a bag of bits and gave them to her. "See you later gilda and I guess I should thank you for telling you this stuff and telling me what your going through... well be seein ya" I said and began running to the castle jumping from roof to roof. "I didnt know he was alone all this time...just like me... I am going to apologize to dash till I cant talk, I'll tell her what I was going through even now and I hope she will understand" gilda said and started flying to the train station. "Well guess I gotta go in the old fashion way" I said just below lunas room and began climbing to the top were I saw luna holding a small box. "Whats this got me present?" I asked her. "Well I just wanted to apologize for you know all the teleporting fails so I got you this" Luna said opeing the balcony door and handing me the box. I took it and opened the little box then felt a small smile creep on my face it was a small ring with a moon on it and fox in the middle. "Thanks luna this isnt your way of saying marry me is it?" I asked her as I slid tye ring on, she went beet red faster than I can blink. "No of course not I just wanted to show you how sorry I am I've had that for awhile now, showed up in my room one day saying it was from my mother never understood why but I guess I'll it to you since well you have fox ears and tails" Luna said I walked past her and grabbed her with one of my tails then faced her. "Well let me show you my thanks" I said and kissed her, she wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist. I made my way down to her neck and she moaned softly feeling me kiss her neck, luna pulled me to the bed and laid me down. "Whoa luna we're not even dating and you wanna have sex" I said grinning she blushed a little and kissed me again. "Well maybe but then maybe not" She said parting from me. "But we should save this for later celestia is probably wondering were we are right now" luna said getting up I did as well. "Yeah your right she might think were doing it right now and is right behind that door" I said and open said door but saw celestia and the lady guard fall at my feet both blushing and struggling to get up. "I standcorrected, what are you two doing here?" I asked them. "Well we came to get the princess but heared you two talking then it was silent for a bit so we placed our ears on the door then heared moaning" the guards mare said then me and luna blushed. "Its uh not what you think" I said and they crossed there arms. "Were not dating besides even if I wanted too I cant celestia even said so... I see yall in the throne room" I said passing them and heading to the throne room. "Celestia you told him what?!" Luna yelled at her older sister completely angry. "I uh... might have said he wouldn't be able to date you" Celestia said and luna had the face of oure rage making both mares back up. "So uh w-we're uh just gonna see you in the throne room" Celestia said befire the mare bolted after me. "I WILL KILL YOU!" Luna yelled in her royal canterlot voice then chased after them, after about a good hour of chasing we found ourselves in the throne room were luna and celestia sat on there thrones and I stood with the lady guard. "Kinda wanted to sit down but fuck it by the way who's she?" I asked them pointing to the guard. "None of your damn bus-" "Her name is gleaming sheild twilights older sister" luna said bluntly. "Big sister... neat" I said and gleaming groaned. "So what did you wanna talk about?" I asked them and they tissed me a photo, I grabbed it and looked in curiosity. "Who's the dude?" I asked them pointing to the man with wings and water around him. "Are you blind and full on dumbass thats you after princess luna got hurt" Gleaming said and I chose to ignore the insult. "They were wondering how you summond that power" "Honestly no clue but are your sure this is me last time I checked I cant control water or have wings" I said looking back at the picture the guy was me but when did I get wings and how did I control water thats sounds awesome. "Controlling water sounds so badass I can make water spears and other stuff I got some work to do, so anything else ?" I asked them. "Well we wanted to invite you to gleamings wedding thats happing tomorrow but we also were told that somepony tends to send an attack at us so we need to be careful we would like you to scope around canterlot to make sure everything is in the clear" celestia said and I nodded. "Wedding well congratulations who's the lucky mare?" I asked gleaming wrappin an arm around her. "Her name is cadence but were not sure if we just want it to be two girls we can probably have a least a stallion" Gleaming said. "But I'd do anything to make her happy" she said and I patted her back. "Well as long as you make her happy thats all that matters right?" I asked and she nodded. "Alright I'll take a look after I check up on the others and tell them the news I see you later" I said and started taking my leave but as I did I quickly limbo under a sword slash from a stallion. "Hello whats your name mines steel fox" I said dodged another strike then stood up right. "Oh for the love of celestia call off your guards" Luna groaned but saw celestia watch this little show. "Luna watch how he moves doesnt that remind you of how uncle moved in fights?" Celestia said and luna took another look at me dodging the sword slashes swiftly and fast then swept under his leg knocking him over and making the sword fly up which I caught and held to his neck. "Your right celestia but how does steel know of that set of skills?" Luna asked celestia but she can only ask the same question. "Back to your post mate dont try attacking people you dont know ok" I said piercing the sword in the floor like butter then took my leave. "Wonder who that was oh well Time to head back to ponyville" I said then felt a hand grab mine. "Want me to teleport you?" Luna asked me. "Fuck it beats walking but this time" I said then wrapped my arms around her. "Let's do this" I said and she blushed but nodded, luna charged her horn and teleported us back to ponyville. "Ah shit" I said as we teleported above the others who were having a nice picnic, luna screamed and held onto me to break her fall which I did and screamed at the pain. "Oh man that hurts you ok luna?" I asked her she lifted herself up and nodded. "Yes im alright how about you?" She asked me. "Ugh never better man my back hurts" I said staring up at her groaning a bit from the pain. "Alright let me sit up" I said pushing her up with me and rubbed my back. "Fuckin hell alright thanks for the lift luna I'll see you tomorrow" I said she got up and nodded before teleporting back to canterlot. "You good mate that looked like it hurt" greenie said and I nodded. "Oh yeah that hurt like a bitch" I said walking to a tree then sat down leaning on it. "So what going on with you guys?" I asked them. "Well found out that all our friends went to a dirty comic store even spike" Twilight said crossing her arms I can tell coal tried calming her down. "Anyways whats up with you we didnt even see you leave?" Twilight asked me. "Oh just talked with the princesses and your sister" I said. "Really how is gleaming?" Twilight asked drinking some tea. "She's getting married" I said making her spit her drink out and cough a bit. "You uh hehe you good greenie?" I asked the poor stallion because he took it head on while drinking his whiskey. "Oi next time aim for yer boyfriend lass" greenie said cleaning himself off. "Fuckin'ell now I gotta go change I'll be back" greenie said and started walking home not before grabbing aj. "Your comin too" he said. "Up for another round?" She asked him. "Always sweet ass" greenie said and they both walked off, twilight was having a melt down about her sister getting married. "That daughter of a hore!" Twilight yelled loudly, "I can't believe my own sister, flesh and blood, didnt tell me that she is getting married the fuckin nerve... whens the wedding?" Twilight asked me. "Tomorrow so we should pack stuff now then spend the night at the castle to get started im sure celestia will give you a run down on the to do list" I said getting up. "Also calm yourself twilight she's pretty busy right now but talk to her when we get to the castle" I said and began walking back to the treehouse as I made my way I got bored so I plugged in some headphones I summond then Played a song. I felt a sudden urge to run for some odd reason so I thought taking a detour will be nice then began climbing a tallest building which was the hospital building until I would reach the top multiple ponies tried to tell me something but the music was drowning them out. I lifted myself over the edge and stood fully finally at the top of the building letting me see all of ponyville wnd the two forests. "This war is mine, this war is mine... I am a missile I am the fire" I mumbled along with the song then squated down and just gazed at the scenery. "Hey let go of me!" I heared a mare say below me I looked down and saw three stallions grabbijg a mare that seemed familiar. "Help someone, anyone!" She yelled thats when I realized I already dove off the building aiming for the stallions, but I also realized there was no hay at the bottom. "Welp this is gonna hurt" I said moving my position to were my feet faced the floor and I pulled two daggers out and slammed them into the building letting them cut into it and slowing me down. Sparks flew off the blades edge and I made deep marks on the walls, I reached a good distance to jump from then planted my feet on the wall and launched myself straight for the stallion in the front. "Leave her alone!" I yelled out to the making the stallions and mare look only to quickly look back down and see me ontop of the stallion that I kneed, I got up and patted the dust off. "I dont think I appreciate you trying to make a mare do something she dont want now please back off and we wont get into a scrap understand?" I said trying to reason with the stallions but they only got more angry. "Why should we listin to a freak of nature like you" The stallion on the left said letting the mare go. "Yeah he's right why should we?" The stallion on my right asked me, I shook my head trying to understand why I get into so much trouble for helping ponies out. "Look just leave her alone and leave simple no violence and no broken bones sound good?" I said but they got infront of me with angry glares and I noticed they were both taller than me by a head. "Gents c'mon be reasonable who do you think will win lets ask the mare" I said pushing past them. "W-well from past experiences and looking back to you defeating discord that would be you" She said and I smirked. "See fellas the mare has spoken" I said. "Oh shut up you stupid mother fucker that bitch wouldnt know left from right I mean look at those eyes they go one way then the other" The left stallion said and I looked back to the mare, She was wearing a small navy blue mailmare outfit her hair was pure blonde like gold and her coat was a light grey color but her eyes were both crooked yet they made her look cute in a way very cute. "Please stop making fun of me for my eyes its not my fault I was born like this" The mare begged and started crying she crouched down to hid her face and the stallions started laughing. "See thats just some fucked up mare that should just be forgotten" The right stallion said and the one I landed on came too. "Now move out of the way shrimp before you get hurt we were about to have our fun with this fucked up mare" "Alright I've heared enough from you this mare lookes like the sweetest thing right next to fluttershy and all she was doing was her job but your making her feel bad by bullying her about her eyes, I dont know about you but thats what makes her special and cute so if you want this mare your gonna kill me" I said and summond my heavy black gloves made them myself I added some metal to the knuckels to make my hits harder. "Awe did the little human have a hissy fit show him what happens to hero's" The middle stallion said before both the left and right stallion sent a punch to me but I grabbed there fists in my hands. "Last chance leave or else" I warned one last time but they went to send another punch this time I leaned back just enough so they wont hit me, I twisted there hands around making them grunt in pain and make them hold there arms trying helplessly to ease the pain. I rose back up then quickly let go of them and kicked them both in the chest sending them flying back, I jumped back on my feet as did they and ran at me with anger they again sent another punch but I dodged them and countered with my own punch to there chest then I elbowed the left one and I grabbed the one my right and shoved him sending him crashing into his friend then I stomped on them both knocking the one on top unconscious. "I warned you but you didnt listin" I said sending a hard kick to the bottom one making him join his friend as I was distracted the last goon landed a clean punch on my cheek knocking me away. "Oh my gosh are you alright" The mare said coming up to me and looking at my cheek but I just smiled and gently patted her head. "Im fine no need to worry besides I could take a hit for a cute mare like yourself" I said this made her cheeks turn a rose color but I couldnt see it for more than a few seconds because the stallion tackled me to the wall pinning me and sent a few jabs to my stomach but I kicked him off me and ran up the building to get some altitude before jumping off and slaming the heel of my shoe onto his head hard. "Ah son of a bitch thats it!" He yelled at me stumbling back, he gave a loud whistle signaling four more guys all muscle and barely any brains. "Fine if you want to play like that then lets add a little something" I said pulling out my phone then handed it to the mare. "Pick one then hit play alright, just stand back and watch the show" I said popping my knuckels it took the mare a few minutes until she found something and pressed Play. "Well boys lets play" I taunted and they all rushed to me, to came to my right and sent a punch I countered the punch then making it miss my face then I moved it to his friend having him get a broken nose then I spun around the stallion kicking the leader in the face then grabbed his arms and kneed his stomach hard, I tossed him back and he threw up the stallion behind me tried to get a cheep shot but I caught his on coming foot then spun around him once more before smashing my elbow onto his kneecap breaking it he screamed at the pain and fell over holding his knee. The two stallions that I kicked pulled out knifes then tried to cut me but I dodged and blocked them, they didnt give up the left one sent his and I instinctively dodged it but I saw my error as I felt something cut my side I looked to see the right one with a smile and blood on his knife, I felt my wound and growled then continued dodging their attacks. As we fought the others came along after seening and hearing a crowed form around the fight, they pushed through and saw me flip one over my back and send a hard jab to his face knocking him out then I planted my hands on the floor and quickly flipped out of the way from an oncoming stab. "The bloody hell is going on we left him fer a few minutes and he's already in a fight" Greenie said shaking his head whike rainbow was cheering and calling out my name. "YEAH KICK THERE ASS STEEL, C'MON SHOW THEM WHATS UP YEAH!" She cheered excitedly from seeing the display. Three stallions surrounded me the two infront ran at me fists raised then sent them but I blocked them with my arms and quickly grab them, I jolted past the stallions making them turn then start sending punches that I blocked and dodged while sending my own landing perfectly on target they grew tired and weak from then hits and once they sent there last punch I shifted right making them miss, I got in between them and elbowed them both in the face hard knocking them out. I heared a cry from behind me and hurried foorsteps I chuckled and bent forward making the man miss before I spun around and headbutted him hard enough to finally make him go unconscious just as the song ended. "Alright thats that" I said clapping my hands together and turning to the mare with my phone who saw the entire thing, I grabbed my phone and put it away. "Are you alright miss?" I asked her. "My names ditzy doo and yes Im alright thanks to you but what about you your hurt right here" Ditzy said touching the cut mark making me hiss a bit. "Oh im sorry I was just trying to check the wound hold on real fast" She said and ripped half her top off exposing her slim body. "Lift up your shirt" "Alright " I said and lifted it just enough to see the cut, she slowly put the make shift bandage over my cut then tightened it around me to keep it from bleed. "Thank you ditzy and by the way your eyes make you look really cute" I said and her face turned a dark shade of red she hid it with her hands and whimpered a bit. "Oh did that hurt your feelings Im so sorry" I said but she then hugged me. "Your the first pony to ever say that" She said burying her face in my chest, luckily the crowed went away before this but my friends didnt. "Hey steel's getting some boy's!" Mint said making me turn red then glare at him. "Sorry about my dumbass friend Im just glad your alright, oh I know why dont you come with us to the castle for my friends sisters wedding you can be around friendly faces for awhile" I said and she gave a small smile. "That sounds really nice... do I need to bring anything?" She asked me and I just told her to bring some cloths and meet us at the train station, she thanked me once more before flying off. "Steel what happened?" Twilight asked me as the others came running up. "Saving a mare from three stallions trying to rape her im suprised I didnt kill them but I feel super good about saving her oh and I invited her to the wedding to be around friendly faces" I said. "Sure the more the merrier c'mon lets go pack your stuff and maybe not bring your blades please" Twilight said and I rolled my eyes before walking to the tree. (Two hours later) "Jesus twilight how long are you gonna take!" I called up to the mare who was taking so long to get ready and pack her stuff. "Thats it Im comin up and I swear if I see nothing but fuckin books in those suit cases Im'a burn them all" I said walking up the stairs and opening twilights door when I did I saw twilight come out if the bathroom naked and frozen like a deer in headlight, she screamed and covered herself with the Towle she had and I slammed the door. "What the hell steel!" Twilight yelled at me from her room I just quickly left the door and grabbed my backpack and ran to the train station. After trying to erase that memory as to not be a pervert I sat down on the bench a few feet from the tracks and waited for the others, the first was spike who had a small backpack on and a blackhood. "Hey spike guess your the first" I said as he sat next to me. "Yeah and uh twilights a little pissed off at you for seeing her naked and just running off without saying sorry" Spike said and I groaned and slumped on the bench. "Hey man atleast she kill ya" He said trying to make me feel better it wasn't working. "Why do you have a jacket on?" I asked him, he gave me a confused look before noticing I wasnt weaeinfmg a jacket. "What?" "You know its almost hearths warming right?" Spike asked me and I titled my head confused even more. "Heart what now?" I said. "Its hearth warming steel, Hearth's Warming is an annual holiday in Equestria that celebrates its founding. It is celebrated during winter and has some traditional things like decorating trees and exchanging gifts" Spike explained and I could have sworn I heared something similar. "Thats sounds like Christmas" I said. "But a little different its festival thats commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ the son of God" I said and spike looked more intrested. "Thats cool guess our worlds arent so different huh" Spike said and I shoom my head. "Nah there totally different mainly because yall accepted me and didnt care that I was a hybrid in my world they hate us and never gave us a chance" I said and sighed. "Ah well atleast here I have friends back in my world that was like finding a hidin chest... im glad I came here never could be happier" I said making spike smile. "Oh yeah back to the jacket thing its freezing dude how are you not cold?" Spike asked me and I didnt feel all that different. "Dont know maybe thats a perk of being hybrid" I said scratching my ear making it twitch. "Anyways were are the others?" I asked him then heared two thuds. "Hey guys what took you so long?" I asked rainbow and ditzy. "Sorry couldnt find my jacket how come your not cold?" Dash asked me I shrugged. "Hybrid stuff anyways were are the others?" I asked them. "Oh there coming dont worry we just found it faster to fly" Ditzy said sitting on the edge. "Isn't coal a Pegasus?" I asked dash who nodded, she explained that he's maintaining twilight. "I see. Well atleast he's doin something that wont get me killed" I said, we then heared the train whistle and the screeching of the brakes on the tracks. "Aah damn it that hurts" I said holding my ears and waited for the train to stop, once it did I uncovered my ears and snapped in both to make sure im still hearing. "Sensitive ears?" Spike asked I nodded. "Heared this train coming from a mile away oh well hope the ithers get here soon"I said. "Were here sorry it took so long" Jack said running up with the others. "Twilight was trying to pick a weapon from my shop to kill her sister with I just shoved her out and locked the door but thats not important lets get goin while we can" He said and I nodded, I hoisted my bag over my back and stood infront of the closed door. After a few seconds they opened up and before I could take a step Gilda walked out with a nervous look until she saw me. "Steel how did you get here before me?" Gilda asked completely confused. "Ah gilda hows it going also what are ya doin here?" I asked her. "I wanted to patch things up with dash and say im sorry for everything, were you headin?" Gilda asked me seeing the backpack. "Ah wedding in canterlot goin with my friends, speaking of which dash you remember gilda dont-" Before I could finish I got infront of gilda to block a hard punch from dash. "Dash the hell is wrong with you!" I yelled at her rubbing my arm. "This bitch did horrible things to my friends and she yelled at fluttershy no one does that, so im gonna kick her ass!" Dash yelled and tried going for another hit but I caught the fist. "Let go steel!" "Calm down you have no idea what she's been through" I said tossing her back falling on jack, she got up and tried to charge again but found the tip of my hiddin blade next to her throat. "Calm down or I'll make you" I said she didnt move dash was to scared. "Steel please let me handle this" gilda asked and I retracted the blade then stepped back. "Alright... Dash listin I know what I did was horrible, I admit I done things that I shouldnt have and I want to apologize for it... if you hear what I've been through then maybe you will understand" Gilda said then started telling them everything she told me and I had to pay the conductor to hold tight for a few minutes, after explaining the girls except for dash softened and they felt sorry for her. "And ya see I didnt want to end like that again so I got desperate... thats why I lashed out im so sorry" Gilda said I saw pinkie pull a handkerchief from her hair and blow into it then tossed it away. "I dont believe that shit" Dash said making me groan. "Dash c'mon what else do ya want she has no family, lives on the street and lost her only friend how wouod you feel if all that happened to you... I'll tell you right now it aint fun or awesome its like your eternal hell" I said. "Alright look Im sorry gilda... I should have asked you what was wrong and maybe none of this would have happened... friends?" Dash asked holding out her arms and they both hugged. "WILL YA HURRY UP YA FUCKIN GOBSHITE'S!!" The conductor yelled at us. "OLD MAN I'LL BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO SHOVE MY FUCKIN FOOT UP YOUR FUCKIN ASS NOW SHUT UP WERE COMIN!" I yelled back at the man except louder making him quiver a bit. "Alright guys c'mon before I kill the conductor your comin too mate" I said grabbing gilda and walked with the others. "You can go now!" I called to the conductor and we set off to canterlot. I threw my bag down on a seat and laid down using it as a pillow, I stared at the ceiling and felt the train tracks rush by under us the girls were talking about girl stuff, spike and the guys all played cards and I just decided to take a nap. "Ooh so this is what a train looks like" I heared brigid say and felt a sudden weight on my gut. "Damn it brigid get back in my head before-" I felt stares from the others making me look at them l, there eyes were wide and I saw greenie drop his booze. "Brigid get off damn you" I said then shoved her off. "Ooow that hurt the hell bro" Brigid said and Twilight fainted. "BRO!!" They all shouted and I faced palmed. "Yeah... guys meet Brigid... my sister" I said sitting up and pointing to the pain in my ass, she was braiding her hair without a care in the world. "What didnt think little steel here was alone all these years Ha as if" Brigid said vanishing then appearing behind pinkie and fluttershy, the both 'eeped'. "Wow the shy and hyper one have really soft assess " Brigid said before giving both of them a quick swat on the ass making fluttershy 'eep' louder. "Hey get away from fluttershy!" Dash said and went to tackle brigid but she side-stepped and elbowed dash in the side, she fell to the ground and hissed at the pain. "Brigid quit your shit and sit your ass down" I ordered and she huffed before compiling and sitting down pouting. "Good, sorry 'bout that brigid has my fighting skills as well so it's not wise to go up against her" I said and flicked brigid on her head she whinned at this. "Dick that hurt... but yeah Im his sister mainly because im his other self that loud voice that says 'kill everything'" Brigid said with a smile pinkie would be proud of. The gang wasnt to happy to here that at all and saying that I wouldnt kill. "Apparently your a bunch of ediots, look at this" Brigid said then ripped my shirt off. "Warning brigid you made ditzy faint" I said picking up the unconscious mare. "Anyways continue" "Alright so you see thise scar's right" brigid asked. "Yeah so what" Dash retorted and rubbing her side. "He got hurt alot and some of those are from here" She said. "True but the rest oh no thats from something else... we killed hundreds of soldiers trying to kill us" Brigid said giving a dark giggle. "Oh man the rush of killing turns me on" "Ok one gross, and two We agreed not to speak of the little war" I said laying ditzy down and putting on another shirt. "Dark times those were" I said and shivered a bit. "What happened?" Fluttershy asked curiously I didnt really feel like talking about it. "Its... kinda hard to tell I wish I could show yall" I said sitting back down. "I... think I... have a spell" Twilight said coming to. "Give me your hand and I should be able to let us see what happened" twilight said and I gave her my hand, she began focusing and soon a small orb floated off her horn and fell on the floor. "Was that It?" I asked her. "Wait for it... aaaannndddd now" she said and the whole room shifted and turned into a familiar place. "I cant... believe it this is" I started and stared off onto the battle that was just a few miles away. "The hybrid war" I said my voice was shaky and I felt my knees buckle. "Whoa lad the hell is going on over there!" Greenie asked me seeing one side full of assassins and hybrids and on the other were templars and some random people that hated my kind. "Twilight stop the memory " I said, a man walked out holding something in his hand that shined as bright as the sun and has power beyond this world. "Twilight stop this now!" I demanded but they were all hypnotized by the device. "Steel are you ready" I heared the man ask as a teenage boy walked next to the man holding a sword the shined just like the other device. "Steel is that you?" Twilight asked me the others broke out of the hypnosis thankfully and saw me holding the sword. "What are you holding?" "Twilight we must end the memory no-" "CHARGE!!" Teenage me shouted making us all look and we saw the two factions collide in a bloody battle. One after another men and women, little boys and girls all fighting and being killed to be counted as equals to others, in just mere seconds the ground was soaked in blood and battle crys could be heared for miles all around. Two men stabbed a small boy but were torn to bits by a wolf hybrid leaving there guts and brains on the floor for the vaultures. "Jesus... oh man I think I might throw up" coal said and greenie was one step ahead of him, he already tossed out his breakfasts, lunch and whiskey. "Holy celestia" Twilight muttered. "So many... of my kind killed, so many people killed... so much blood for something we wanted" I said staring at the battle with no emotions. "All we wanted was to be accepted, instead it lead to this... We were fighting to be free" "Oh yeah and we won but the survivors were never found except for old steel here laying in a pool of blood with a sword in hand and a broken hidden blade in the other god damn we were badass" Brigid said watching the war go on. "Twilight end the memory there are things you dont need to see any further than this" I said and twilight quickly cancelled the spell making the room shift back into the train cart. "Yeah the remaining hybrids all left to find better things to do after we won the war... yet the norma's still saw us as freaks of nature" I said sitting back down. "Norma's?" Mint asked. "Its what hybrids call normal people sad thing is they accepted that... you have no idea what happened before the war god, so many norma's killing us one by one only thing they left were the children to see them kill the parents... But after the war that all changed" I said then felt the train come to a stop. "Damn dude... Im sorry for what happened to your kind" Coal said and I sighed. "Well lets just forget about that and get ready for a wedding because were here also we passed a giant dome" He said I looked out the window and saw a giant pink dome over head. "Huh well I'll be damned" I said looking at the dome for a bit before feeling the train come to a stop, I grabbed my bag and walked off the train then was met immediately with a sword to my face. "Halt or I'll kill you here!" The guard said I laughed a little before pushing the sword out of the way and continued walking paying little attention to the guard, the others followed me until we reached a fountain were we rested. "Alright Im gonna go find gleaming and guve her a peice of my mind" Twilight said then began walking off but before she did I grabbed her then pulled out a dagger she had in her belt. "Damn fine I'll use my fists see you guys in a bit" She said then walked away mumbling. "Alright you lot go to celestia see what she has planned for you, Im gonna scope out were there might be attacks " I said and flew up before taking off in south east from my location and coming to a stop on a tall building, I grabbed the pole and looked around the entire area not leaving any nooks or cranny un-checked. After about and hour of looking I found nothing I searched high and low even checked on top of the dome but nothing. "What are you planning, what do you hope to gain?" I asked no one as I stood high on top of canterlot castle. "Hey!" I heared someone yell up to me, I looked down and saw luna with the gang. "C'mon down steel you deserve something to eat!" She said I smiled. "Alright but you might have a heart attack seeing this!" I called down to her then stood my height and looked forward I then stared down at the floor and saw my usual hay stack under lunas tower. "Che Dio abbia pietà della mia anima (May god have mercy on my soul)" I muttered before putting my right fokt forward and leaped off the castle aiming for the hay stack. P.O.V LUNA "What is that man doing?" I mumbled a bit seeing steel rise to his full height then mutter something. "Princess what is steel doing he looks like he's gonna jump?" Gilda asked and I heared vanilla and chacolate start giggling. "Whoa were did you guys come from?" "We've been here just very quiet and ya might wanna take a look at steel again" Vanilla said and this made all of us look back up to see steel leap off the castle and dive head first. "Holy celestia and lunas moon!" Coal yelled rarity screamed then fainted along with fluttershy, gilda and dash were abiut to rush to him but I stopped them. "He's fine we'll meet up soon come" I said and began walking to go meet steel at the castle, vanilla and chacolate followed while the others were shocked as to how calm I was being. "Luna could have been more 'oh my god steel!' But no" Vanilla pointed my mistake but I waved it off. "Eh he's fine I dont anything can kill that man not even from that height" I said and continued walking to the castle. P.O.V STEEL I landed in the hay and safely jumped out of it I began climbing up to luna's room and sat on the railing then started playing the waiting game. "Sometimes I feel like you just like scaring your friends half to death" Luna said opening the door I snickered a bit then walked over to her. "Im sorry my princess will I be punished by you?" I asked she tapped her chin and humed to herself. "I dont know... Maybe" Luna said and wrapped her arms around my neck. "But then again I dont want to hurt your handsome face" she mocked lightly kissing my cheek. "I can take it my princess what do you want to have me do?" I asked her, she went into a a deep I chucjled at her facial expression and placed her head on my chest. "How about I just do what you say sound good?" "Perfect and for the first order I want you to kiss me" Luna said, I nodded and brought her head up to mine and kissed her passionately. She moaned in my mouth and made the kiss deeper bringing her body closer to mine I wrapped one arm around her waist and used the other to keep me up on a wall. "Luna" I said parting from her, luna's cheeks were rose red and her eyes gave a dreamy look. "I have to tell you something luna" I said but almost in a whisper. "What is it steel?" "Luna I think... Im in lo-" "Princess luna, princess celestia asked me to come find you and measure you for a dre-" I heared rarity say opening the door then stop what she was saying and saw me with luna in my arm her arms around my neck. "Steel... princess luna wait are you and her-but-I... OH MY GOSH!" Rarity screamed excitedly then started running down the hall. "Damn I'll be back luna" I said and ran after rarity, as I ran after her she seemed to be runnijg faster than I thought she would. "Rarity hold on its not what you think!" I called out to her but she just kept running, I knew at this pace I wouldn't catch so I saw a window that was being constructed and a wooden beam outside of it, I ran to that and jump on the beam as soon as my feet landed on it I began running along the length of it I saw rarity right next to a window. "This is gonna hurt" I said and jumped off the wooden beam and through the window catching rarity off guard and falling on her. "Rarity...jesus help... sorry you ran so fast, look rarity nothing is going on between me an luna what you saw was me catching her from falling" I said getting up with rarity. "To bad maybe I should give you two a push in that direction... bring her" Rarity said suddenly I heared someone fall to the floor behind us I turned around and saw luna knocked out and tied up behind her were two bug pony things that were wearing black armor with a picture of a green wasp. "Luna are you alright... Rarity what are doing?" I asked her, she laughed maniacally and green fire shot out of the ground covering her completely I covered my eyes and face from the brightness and heat, once it was gone I put my arms down and stared a mare that was wearing a black and green dress with three rings on her waist, her hair was sicking light blue almost see through but it was there, her skin was pitch black, her puplis were slit and the iris was dark green, and she was taller than celestia, to top it off she wore a green crown meaning she was the leader of these things. "Ah much better I was growing tired of wearing that disguise... now then little human my name is queen chrysalis of the changeling tribe it should be an honor to meet me" Chrysalis said crossing her arms under her massive bust. "You look so delicious and the love I feel around are towards that mare your protecting" Chrysalis said and kneeled down to us, I glared at her and gave a low growl. "Oh~ I love them feisty" She said purring I realeased my blade and launched at her but she caught my arm suprising me. "How the hell?" I said she rose back up with me in her grasp and lifted me off the ground, I struggled to get free but It did very little and she made her grasp tighter. "D-Damn... what do you want?" I asked her feeling my grasp get tighter and tighter. "You and miss Moon out of the way" Chrysalis said and snapped my arm, I gave a blood curdling scream as I fell to the ground and couldnt feel my arm. "Oh you screamed to loud but when you wake up you wont be able to come out bye-bye hahahah!" She laughed then started walling away as she did the green fire came back and she changed her being to a mare with a pink coat, blue dress, and long purple, vanill and pink hair. "Damn you!" I yelled at then until I felt a hard blow to my head and everything went dark. (Crystal caves) The feeling of something soft was the first thing I noticed then I heared drop's of water ring in my ears except it felt louder almost amplified in some sorts. I still felt something soft on me but I felt what they were they were lips and It tasted like sweet honey, I slowly opened my eyes and was met with light a light pink horn I looked down and saw a woman kissing me. "Alright cadence he's awake you can stop" Luna said and cadence stoped kissing me. "Steel are you alright?" "Huh oh yeah im fine but why did she kiss me?" I asked luna. "Cadence's specialty is healing but this was a special type of healing to make it go faster, she used Estus healing did you taste something along the lines of sweet honey?" Luna asked me I nodded. "Well this tyoe of healing needs lip contact or a kiss to put it simple" she said. "I see thats a nice way of getting medicine, thank you cadence" I said bowing my head. "Did you heal my arm as well I kinda need it" I asked lifting my right arm but saw the silver skin over my entire arm now instead of my wrist. 'Yeah when you broke your arm the silver skin started doing that now your whole arm is your sheild plus its healed" manus said. "Cool... alright lets get the hell out of here" I said they nodded and we began walking down a narrow path luna and cadence were both quiet making me get a bad feeling even faster. "Girls I have a feeling that somethings coming" I said stopping I listin to the quiet hallway trying to figure out if its something coming to us and sure enough there was. "There are five no seven of them coming this way and fast go I will hold them off for as long as I can" I said. "Steel we cant leave you" Luna said. "Luna you dont have a choice now go I will be fine trust me" I said bringing out my blade, they bith began running but luna stop and ran back. "Luna I said ru-" she cut me off by quickly planting her lips on mine. "Here I had this with me now come back alive" She said handing me another hidden blade I took it and slid it on. "I will now go there" I said and luna began running back the other way, I turned back to the other end and saw it full of changelings with weapons. "Alright you changelings Im gonna get one thing straight and thats this... you may kill me here but know there is a whole army" I said then popped my back and neck, I pulled out my phone and picked a song and plugged in my headphones. "Lets do this" I said and pressed Play. When it started I started running to them them scaled the wall a bit then jumped time seemed to slow dow a bit then it came back quickly as the song picked up I landed on a changeling breaking his armor and stabbing him in the neck, I quickly pushed off of him dodging a obsidian blade I grabbed the one on the floor and stabbed the one behind me then I slashed out of his chest cutting another changelings head off. I tossed the blade at an oncoming one making him stop in his tracks and trip the four other changelings the three standing rushed me and got some lucky shots in cutting my arm, back and legs I pushed past the pain and punched one hard with my armored hand making there bone armor crack and sent him flying away, the four that got tripped got back up and now surrounded me taking there swings at me and connecting each time. I brought of my blades and caught two fists the two changelings screeched as the blade punctured through their hands I cracked a smile and slammed the two together before leaning back dodging a fist and jabbing my blade in the attackers neck. "C'mon you were winning before" I said elbowing the ones infront of me. "What happened?" I asked them then everything went cold and something went through me. "Wh...what happened?" I said, I felt the object retracte out of my body letting me fall to my knees and then to my side barely breathing and bleeding heavily. "*humph* Thought you'd make a great challenge... worthless" A man said his voice echoes through my head and the world began going dark. "If only you were a bit strong I'd see you as a threat but you havent even figured out what your capable of... foolish boy" His voice rang again then his footsteps echoed in the halls were I lay waiting for my death. "You were doing a mans job" "Who... are... you?" I asked the man but he didnt respond only chuckled, the world began turning more darker then I closed my eyes. "D-damn it all" I said and passed out, Sole footsteps walked over then stop infront of my body. "You will not die here steel fox you have to much you need to do" The woman said, she had and alabaster white coat her mane was a dark red and both her eyes were mismatched, she wore a long blood red dress that went down to her knees and had on golden roman sandles she was also an alicorn. "Sister is this him?" Another woman asked as came next to her, the womans coat was pitch black and her hair was dark purple here eyes were both diamond blue and she wore a black drees going down to her knees with dark purple roman sandles, and she was an alicorn just like her sister "Yes he is... we must move him somewhere safe in order to heal him he will only have a day to prepare" the older sister said picking me up in a red aura but saw a blue hand placed on my chest. "Allow us to help you... first queen of equestria, Faust" Altaïr said as the other came out in spirit form, Faust warmly smiled at her old friends then nodded. "Its good to see you grandpa altaïr" Faust said. "You to uncle connor, gemini and ryle" "Its good to see you faust and stardust glad to help you once more even if its through him" Ryle said holding me with my other arm. "Now lets hurry my brother aint gonna be able to stay alive much longer" he said and the sisters nodded before teleporting away with us. "Steel... steel bro wake up man dont go dieing yet!" I heared muffled yelling then a sharo pain on my rught cheek. "Ah damnit what the hell!" I shot up holding my cheek and easing the sting, I looked around for the bastard and instead found a bitch. "Damn it brigid that hurt and if Im dieing then you would have faded right!" I yelled at her. "Oh huh never really thought about that... sorry" Brigid said sitting down in a chair. "Hey I was panicking and like you said, you die I die" she said and I mumbled under my breath. "So were are we this clearly isnt that crystal cave thing it looks nicer" I said getting off the table I was laying on. "So your awake good" I heared a voice almost like celestia except more motherly if thats possible, me and brigid turned and saw an alicorn mare with red hair, a white coat and mismatch eyes. "Im sure you have many questions and one them is were you are, who is this mare and how Im alive" the lady said. "Yeah mind telling me?" I asked her. "Not at all my name is faust first queen of Equestria along side my sister queen stardust the second queen of equis" Faust said and stardust came out she looked like a spitting image of luna except for some color changes. "Now for you are this is our prison made by a man that I will not speak of his name but we have the power to leave for a short amount of time and renovate this place to our liking" she said. "We call the void room" "Neat its nice to meet you both" I said bowing. "Oh I like this one" Stardust said giggling a bit, I rose up and stretched. "So how... did I survive?" I asked her looking down to my chest and seeing a straight dark line on my chest. "I was stabbed through the chest" I said. "Yes you were and it took me a whole day to fix you up from the inside and the outside but Im glad your ok that man I spoke of before he's the one that did that to you my guess is he thought you were a threat so he came to try and kill you" Faust said and I furrowed my brow. "Wait what about luna and cadence are they alright?" I asked worried something might have happened. "Oh no the wedding to that changeling queen she disguised herself as cadence and she getting married to gleaming I have to help them!" I said but faust stoped me before I could run off. "In your level of skill you were lucky to beat discord but if you go up against an army and the queen of changelings thats suicide... come with me I have something I want you to wear" Faust said and walked off to the far corner of the room were a some old rags with a hole in the chest. I walked over to them and stared at the . "Faust these look like rags how can they help me?" I asked her she gave a short laughed before opening the case. "These were the cloths and armor of man we called friend but as you see the hole in the chest... he died" Stardust said I gave a low 'oh'. "But that was many years ago and now we will let you have these 'old rags'" "But will they protect me from that bug queen?" I asked them, they nodded. "Alright hand them over I'll try them on" I said carefully taking the cloths and stripping mine off. "And brigid we have something for you as well follow my sister and she will show you" faust said and brigid followed stardust somewhere. "My those look great on you" fasut said as I wore the old armor. "It feels weird plus they have an advantage on me" I said patting the torn hole in the chest and the ripped sleeves. "The boots are old as well worn out and the metal with break first hit" I added looking down at the boots. "Yes but watch this and dont move" Faust said and charged up her horn then then shot a bolt it at me at high speeds, I couldnt dodge and just put my arm up to sheild myself but I felt nothing I only heared a loud crash like glass I lowered my arm and didnt even see the bolt anymore I wasnt even injured. "It has a magical barrier that prevents magic to be forced on you or against you" "Hmm this might work after all but I wonder were my hidden blades are I could have sworn I was wearing them" I said looking at my wrists. "Ah yes we were just fixing them up made the blade longer and more durable, we did however changed the metal" Faust said tossing me the blade. "What did you do to the metal?" I asked her as I slipped them on, I gave them a quick test and brought the blade out. "Oh thats the metal you changed it with but it took jack a couple of days to do diamond and obsidian" I said looking at the sleek purple blade. "I dont know this doesnt seem like me" I heared brigid say as stardust and her came back. "I kinda want something more well sexy" She said looking at her Armor. "Yeah the skirt is nice and the little hole showing my body is alright but I dont know" brigid said, her armor was a shining silver color that shaped her body perfectly it had a metal skirt with a bit of a tear on the left leg and bone like arm guards, chest peice and shoulder guards. "Who you tryin to impress?" I asked her, brigid turned to me and started laughing. "Shut up it has a magical barrier around it so its gonna help me what does your have?" "Well a ting of sexiness, I can move faster and this armor is made from the bones of a powerfull dragon that was said to have bones of pure steel its kinda true" Brigid said grabbing a knife and smashed it on her chest peice. "See" "Yeah yeah its not about which is better it only mattera if the armor will help us... by the way how do we get out of here?" I asked the sisters. "We will teleport you to the castle when you are ready" Stardust said and went over to a bookshelf then slid out a black colored book. "Steel, brigid read this once you do get ready for the worst pain you ever felt" She said tossing us the black book. "What will it do to us?" I asked catching the book and sitting down at a table. "One it will hieghten your senses, two it will allow you to use more magic and control it with ease, and finally this is important it will give you a boost in your fighting gods above knows you need the boost" Faust said I stared at the book and took a deep breath. "Alright... here goes nothing" I said and opened the book. The mane six and the guys failed in retrieving the elements of harmony there only chance of defeating chrysalis now there trapped in the throne room with a defeated princess celestia and cadence. Vanilla and chocolate got luna out of the capturing just in time and the assassins stationed here are goin up against the changelings and trying to free the others. "Ah such a beautiful sight... I can taste the fear every were and the love from the ones fighting along side eachother truly this is a feast" Chrysalis said and licked her lips. "And with the amount of love coming from gleaming Im twice as more powerful then princess celestia herself nothing can stop me" Chrysalis said letting out a wicked laugh. It was true the girls have given up hope to be saved from chrysalis all but twilight and the guys. "Oi bug bitch yer forgettin about our mate, steel's gonna come and kick yer arse flat and wipe that smug look off ya face!" Greenie yelled at chrysalis as did the other guys and began trying to get free. "Greenies right steel will come and defeat you then save us!" Twilight added and chrysalis gave another wicked laugh. "Whats so funny!" "Oh you really think that little human is still alive hahahaha thats to rich oh he is far from alive no he is dead" Chrysalis said and all there faces went pale they stoped thrashing and were completely still. "So sorry my dear unicorn friend but your knight in shining armor is no more than a memory" she said walking to twilight and kneeling down. "You lose... I win but you are quiet the looker I might keep you for 'special' reasons" "Bite me" Twilight growled then felt chrysalis tounge lick her cheek. "Later... but for now I will rid the world of celestia then her sister and all of equis will finally be mine!" Chrysalis shouted in victory then began walking over to celestia picking up celestia's spear. "Its only right to kill you with your own weapon... good-bye celestia" she said and reeled back the spear then started bringing it down just inches from celestia's head, the girls screamed and the guys fruitless attempt to break free. The world had slown down and the spear was about to enter celestia skull was stoped by a large knife breaking the blade to peices and knocking chrysalis back. "Stay away from my sister!" Luna shouted as she, vanilla and chocolate jumped down from the ceiling. "Im bot letting you kill another one not now not ever!" She shouted and charged at chrysalis with the assassin sisters. "Another pain in my ass fine looks like I'll just deal with you now and save your sister for last" Chrysalis said and summond her weapons which was a obsidian claymore, chrysalis swung the massive sword but luna slid under it and sent a spin kick to her face making chrysalis stagger vanilla and chocolate went to her sides and gave them a few cut marks making her hiss at the pain. Luna saw an opening and elbowed chrysalis in the chest hard sending her flying to a wall then she sent six full power magic blasts at the bug queen kicking up smoke from the impact. "Take... it... bitch" luna panted and hunched over trying to catch her breath. "Oh no this was my favorite dress" Chrysalis said swiping the smoke away and revealing her un-scathed body only peices of her dress were torn off. "It seem's you missed the memo... Im stronger than celestia and you combined" she said low, luna glared and ran at her again with the sisters only for them to be knocked on there backs from sheer power chrysalis gave off. "Well moon princess this is the end of the rode and you never got to tell the one you love your feelings" Chrysalis said stomping on lunas chest knocking the air out of her and struggle to get some more. "Any last words?" "Yeah... see you in hell" Luna choked out, chrysalis laughed as she raised her sword ready to bring it down but was kicked right in gut sending her through a wall. "Someone call the exterminator cause im here to kick some bug ass" brigid said landing down. "S-steel?" Luna asked. "Nah sweet ass its me brigid" Brigid said kneeling down and placing lunas head on her lap. "It was kinda stupid to go after someone thats stronger than you you know that right?" She asked her. "Were did you get this armor? And wheres steel?" Luna asked brigid then felt a familiar presence to her right then heared a metal clank. "Are you alright luna?" I asked her looking down to her, she looked up to me and gave a short gasp seeing the armor. "Thats... my grandfather's armor but... how?" She asked me. "A friend... luna You must rest I will handle this so please dont worry" I said then walked over to the gang. "Hey guys I hope I didnt scare you and im sorry for not coming sooner truly" I said. "Aye mate gave me a bleedin heart attack the others will say the same... now kick that bugs ass and get us free" greenie said I nodded and turned to the hole in the wall and watch chrysalis walked out of it. "Im suprised your here little human I thought my men killed you in those caverns" Chrysalis said raising her sword and I unsheathed mine. "Seem's if you want something done right you gotta do it yourself" Chrysalis said I pulled out phone and picked a song then pressed Play. We charged at eachother and clashed blade sending Sparks flying and cracking the ground from the sheer preasure of our might She went for a low stab but I side stepped and repeatedly started punching her in the chest then slashed her arm before she kicked me back a good distance for her to recover. "What the hell... you... your different what happened to you?" Chrysalis asked clenching her blade tighter, I chuckled and swiped the green blood off my blade painting the floor. "Oh you know the essentials... push up's, sit up's and drank plenty of juice" I mocked and laughed a little. "And after all that I decided to read a grand ol' book" I said then vanished the ponies and bug queen blinked once before I reappeared infront of the bug queen and firmly planted my elbow on the top of her head sending her straight to the ground. "Argh you'll pay for that!" She shouted and we began exchanging attacks, while we did brigid ran over to the others and began cutting them free, she first got spike, twilight and cadence. "Cadence go to her she needs you right now" brigid said and cadence nodded before running over to gleaming, I was slamed to a wall and kneed in the gut but I countered with a cut to her cheek and a stab wound with my hidden blade. I kicked her back and she skidded on the floor a bit before stopping and sending full power magic bolts to me I smirked and began walking towards them, they all landed on me and kicking dust in the air chrysalis had a huge smile thinking she had won but it quickly faded as she felt my hand on her face and slamed her to the ground making some tiles bounce up. "Insolent bastard!" Chrysalis yelled and firmly kicked my in the chest with booth her feet sending me flykng up and hitting the ceiling. "Ow ok thats hurts" I said floating off of the ceiling. "I wasnt gonna use these but maybe its better than getting no where" I said and began charging my energy to my back. "What are you planning little human... hahaha what gonna grow wings of pure light on your back?" Chrysalis joked and began laughing. "Yeah I am" I said and felt the burn of the light peice my skin and I screamed in pure agony as the light wings formed on my back burning itself there for eternity. "Get ready cause this makes me twice as fast" I grunted out as the wings finally stoped growing and shinned bright. "My word its like looking at an angle" Rarity said in awe and staring at the wings. "There so beautiful and so pure" "Alright chrysalis this ends now" I said and luanched off the ceiling disappearing as soon as I did, she looked all over trying to scope me out but failed until I placed a hand on her shoulder. "Give up chrysalis you will not win" I said she whipped around and tried to slice me in half but failed. "I will let you live if you stop this now" "No I need to rule over this land... I-I have to my subjects will starve if they do not feed off the love they have!" Chrysalis said. "I see so you were doing this to help your people... I feel as though you never wanted to kill the princesses or my friends is that correct?" I asked her, she whipped around once more swinging her giant blade to which I caught and broke. "Answer me Crystal" I said she dropped her broken sword and started backing away she noticed we were not in cnaterlot any more but in white void with no way out or in. "H-How do you-" "I know everything crystal... your real name, what you are and I know there is still good in you, your mother-" "That whore can rot she abandoned me years ago and I became a changeling because of her freak spell trying to make me, her only daughter, into an alicorn so she can become royalty" Crystal said I nodded confirming this "I know what your feeling crystal... its hate, anguish and depression these three things haunted me for so many years I almost reek of it and now the scent of them is drenched on you" I said and began walking to her. "No stay back... stay back!" She screamed at me but I didnt. "Crystal I have found my salvation out of these horrible things and now I want to help you... I know your step-mother would want nothing more than to see you happy" I said and held out my hand she looked at it and frowned. "All you have to do I take my hand and all your hate with vanish into nothing" I said. "B-But I've done... so many terrible things, even now I tried to kill the two ponies that this world loves oh my god what was I thinking" crystal said and began crying. "Its time to make a choice crystal let me help you... or be alone forever the choice is yours" I said, crystak look back to my hand and then back up to me, she saw a warm genuine smile and not the eyes of a lier but the eyes of a man that keeps his word. "Please... help me" Crystal said taking my hand and grasping it tightly I nodded and made the white void turn back to the throne room. "I will" I said I then felt something powerfull to my right and then a blast rang through the air I got infront of crystal and fired my god piercing light at the beam making it cancel out. "That was close, are you alright crystal?" I asked her she nodded. "Steel why are you helping her she tried to kill us!" Gleaming yelled at me I ignored her and sat crystal down on the floor. "Why is chrysalis being compliant?" "Her name is not chrysalis its crystal and we just had a talk" I said and told everyone everything once they got cut out and had to stop celestia from killing crystal. "Alright you see crystal... is not really a changeling" I said and and they all looked dumbfounded. "Pardon" aj said. "She's actually... a pony that was turned into a changeling on accident by her horrible mother" I said the others gave nasty looks to crystal especially celestia and twilight. "Im sorry... I shouldnt have never done this I was all alone not a pony to help me out other than my step-mother that I lost years ago" crystal said frowning. "That doesnt excuse you for trying to kill me and my subjects and including my sist-Ah!" Celestia yelped as brigid flicked her ass. "How dare you!" "Calm down sun ass you dont know everything, the poor mare had her child hood taken away, her mother turned her into this and abandoned her without a second thought... how would you feel being all alone for so many with hate, anguish and depression hovering over you for years I can tell you its not a pleasent sight" Brigid said. "She's right celestia me and brigid have been alone far longer than you think, we lost everything ranging from my father and mother to our brother it was awful" I said, there was more to it than just that but I decided not to tell them just yet. "B-But she was gonna rule the entire world!" Twilight yelled and glared right at crystal. "I might as well kill her now!" "ENOUGH!" I shouted almost as loud as the royal canterlot voice. "Twilight if I hear those words again you do not deserve to be treated like a friend only a strange with bitter thoughts" I said narrowing my eyes twilight shook a little from the sudden outburst. "Crystal will you let us help you become good again?" I asked her and held out my hand she didnt even hesitate to grab hold of my hand. "Good choice... get some doctors and maids to help clean and heal the ponies around I will take luna to her room brigid stay here with crystal and make sure gleaming doesnt try anything" I said walking over to the unconscious alicorn and picked her up. "Steel what your doing... im not sure if I find this acceptable we should ki-" "Silence not another word" I growled and started walking to luna's tower, luna slept peaceful in my arms and gave soft snores to fill the quiet halls. "Luna I dont know what you'll say when you wake up god forbids you hate me, but I hope you will you understand that this is the right thing to do, your mother and aunt believes it is so i hope you will as well" I said passing many doctors and maids, some the doctors wanted to take luna and make sure she's alright but I walked past them not even glancing at them because I knew luna was perfectly fine no internal bleed, no cuts or broken bones but just some bruises. I reached lunas tower and climbed the stairs until I reached her room as I went to open luna gripped the cloth on the armor and mumbled something. Curious I lowered my head to hear what she was saying. "Steel... I... love you" she muttered and I felt my heart race a million miles. "She... loves me" I said bringing my head back up I felt a smile grow bigger on my face. "She said she loves me I cant tell what this feeling is..." I said and walked into lunas room then removed her robes before setting her in the bed. "I... love you to luna" I said and kissed the top of her head she humed happily and snuggled into her blanket. I smiled warmly before walking to the balcony I sat on the railing and watched the sun move in the sky with clouds floating around minding there own business. 'You did good steel' Manus said I chuckled. "Thanks old man... thanks" I said and got off the railing and teleported back to the throne room. As I appeared everyone rushed me and the girls tackled me to the floor and hugged me. "Cant... breath" I weezed out and they let go. "Steel we were so worried when chry-crystal told us you died we thought we lost you" Twilight said I gave a hearty laugh. "Cant keep me away from my friends I'd do anything for you guys you will never be put in harms as long as I'm alive" I said with a smile. "Oh yeah when are those wings going away?" Rainbow asked me pointing to my light wings. "Dont know why jealous that your not the fastest anymore?" I gloated she huffed. "I dont get jealous Im just wondering if they will grow feathers or something or just stay like that either way its still pretty awesome" Rainbow said. "Oh before I forget how did you know chrysalis was well turned into a changeling?" Celestia asked me and I tossed her a book. "Your mother told me" I said and was grabbed by my my shirt. "You know were mother is tell me this instant!" Celestia demanded. "Sorry I cant you'd die just trying to get to her in her words its to dangerous" I said and celestia looked disappointed as she let go. "She did say she misses you alot along with your aunt" I quickly added. "Thats... comforting, My today has been a mess first the wedding has been ruined and the place is a wreck it will take me a whole day to fix this up" Celestia groaned as she looked around. "I got something to help with that its called the reverse time spell it takes alot out of me so I can only do it once in awhile" I said held out my hand and charged my energy to the center of my palm in just a few seconds little bolts of electricity surrounded my hand then a light orange ball rose out of it. "Alright this should reverse the effects done to the room and around the kingdom" I said let it fall to the ground, once it hit the tile it made a dripping sound like water-droplet hitting a calm lake, the place glowed a hright orange than shined brighter making us cover our eyes and once it faded we uncovered our eyes and saw the castle and the city all un-scathed not even a crack. "Wow this is wonderfully... this also means we can have the wedding today after all thank you steel!" Cadence said and hugged me I smiled then felt myself get weak and fall to my knee's. "Steel are you alright?" "Y-Yeah im fine cadence... just tired is all that spell takes alot out of me thats why I feel so weak... do one of you mind taking me to a room so I can rest for awhile?" I asked them and celestia volunteered. "Thanks... Celestia..." I trailed off as I fell asleep on cadence and she struggled to keep me up. "Alright c'mon you all of you please stay with cadence and rarity please re-make the dress if you will I shall pay you handsomely" Celestia said and lifted me in her magic before teleporting away with me in tow. She appeared right outside lunas room and gave a evil smile before walking in, stripped the armor off my body and layed me down next to luna. "This armor... I will ask rarity to fix it up and ask jack to help with metal and claws on the boot" celestia muttered to herself looking at the old rags then looked back to me and luna sleeping. "Auntie I was wondering if you could show me were some of the rooms... oh my gosh this is so cute!" Cadence squeed quietly seeing me and luna sleeping together, I moved to my right and cuddled with her and she humed. "Come lets leave these two to sleep" celestia said and they both walked out of the room and quiet closed the door. "Now lets go plan your wedding" (Close to midnight) I heared soft snores infront of making me open my eyes and see that I was cuddling with luna in bed, I sat up slowly and looked around only to see that it's dark out. "They must have finished the wedding by now" I said getting out of bed and walking to the balcony and see no after party. "Huh I could have sworn someone said there gonna be a party... whats going on?" I asked and walked back inside closing the glass door. "Steel" luna said sitting up and looking at me. "Yeah luna whats up?" I asked her going back to the bed. "Thank you for saving us... and me" luna said I smiled and patted her head. "Of course luna I'd do anything for you" I said causing her cheeks to turn red. "Do you... really mean that?" Luna asked me I nodded. "Of course its because I love you" I said and she gasped before turning dark red. "Y-You love me?" She stuttered out. "Yes I do I have for a long time luna when we first kissed, at the galla, before fighting discord and when I went to go fight those changelings even now... but my love will mean nothing if you dont love me back... do you love me?" I asked her, luna pulled the blanket over her face and said something in a muffle. "What I can't quite hear you one more time" I asked and she said it again. "Still cant-" "I Love you too ok I always have since we first met and said you were my friend" Luna said and pouted cutely. "Happy you got me to say it" "Im very happy" I said then kissed though this kiss however was different it was, I dont know its a new feeling it was like a spark ignited a flame in me. I felt luna's tounge enter my mouth and feel around I did the same and she shivered I slipped my hand under the blanket and slowly made my way to her soft rear, luna wasnt about to be bested so she felt around my chest and using her finger to draw the scar's. We soon started running out of breath and we parted panting a bit. "But... what if we cant really be together?" Luna asked me I shrugged. "We tell no one and keep this our secret... you know this reminds me of Romeo and Juliet in a way just without the two families" I said gaining luna's intrest. "Whats romeo and juliet?" Luna asked me. "Well its about two lovers one namer Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet they were in families that hated one another and yet they both fell in love at first sight... they did not care about there names they only cared about their love to eachother" I said. "But sadly the two lovers died, juliet faked her death in order to leave her home and run away with romeo, she did not think it through though when she was pronounced 'dead' romeo fell into depression and went to see his 'dead' wife one last time before drinking a whole bottle of poison and died next to juliet. When juliet woke up she found romeo dead next to her and also fell into a heavy depression she grabbed the knife romeo had and stabbed herself in the heart to join her lover in the afterlife... its such a sad and amazing love story" I said. "Wow... that sounded so tragic" Luna said. "Yes and yet even though they both died they still only for there own love to eachother" I said and laid back in bed. "I would love to tell you the whole story if you like" I asked her and she nodded. "Alright this is gonna be a long story, once there was two familys one named the Capulets and the other Montague's" > Chapter 12: The full moon festival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Spike focus your mind other wise you will never concur this trial" I said as we stood at the peak on the tallest tree in the everfree. This was spikes first day of training to become an assasssin this was his first test dont fear the hieght, "Spike let go of me" I said and pried him off me. It's been a few weeks since I saved everyone from crystal and started helping crystal become good again right now she is at canterlot trying to get along with celestia and luna, speaking of me and luna have been keeping our relationship a secret as to not cause any attention to either me or her were being very carefull, I also found out that cadence and gleaming didnt get married yet because they want to find a stallion to form a herd with but when I asked who the luckily stallion they had in mind was they both giggled and walked away. "T-This is to high up steel... I dont think I can do this" Spike said with fear in his voice I sighed and walked out on a branch. "Steel come back dude you might fall!" "Spike I've done this for years its not that hard... well it kinda is for but for me this is a walk in the park" I said I even backflipped just to scare him. "Took me years to do that but anyways spike all you have to do is trust in your center of gravity and balance if you can do that then thats a step closer into becoming an assassin" I said he nodded and took a couple of deep breaths and shakily placed one foot infront of the other and slowly made his way to me almost falling a couple of times. "There see just trust in yourself and you can do it now you see that body of water bellow us?" I asked him, he looked down to the large lake a eight hundred feet bellow us and nodded. "I want you to take a leap of faith" "A what now?" He asked me. "A leap of faith is exactly what it sounds like you leap off this branch and dive head first into the water and this is a test of faith watch me" I said and ran down the rest of the length then leaped off and dove straight into the water. "Are you crazy?!" Spike yelled down. "Not at all every assassin has to do it let your self be guid by god and take the leap!" I called out resurfacing, Spike didnt want to at all but he clearly didnt have a choice it was either climb back down which was almost impossible for him or take the leap of faith. "D-Damn it all!" Spike yelled and jumped off the branch he copied my movement's perfectly and joined me in the water. "I fuckin hate you I could have died!" Spike yelled at me as he resurfaced. "But you didnt c'mon lets head back were done for today but keep practicing who knows you kight be better then me" I said and swam back to land with spike and dried off. We began walking back to town and as got there I had this feeling in my chest something small. "Steel!" I heared two kids yell out and tackle me to the floor, I looked at who it was and pipsqeak and scootaloo. "Hey ya little guys whats up?" I asked them getting back up with them hanging on my shoulders. "We heared from twilight that you beat a lady named chrysalis and saved all of canterlot is that true?" Scoots asked me and sat herself on my shoulder same with pip. "Aye thats true scoots but I did little damage to crystal and made her turn good so now its crystal queen of the changelings im working on a spell that allows her to turn back into her original pony form" I said they 'oohed' at this and continued listing. "So enough about that whats up with you two and your friends?" I asked them. "Well we've been having trouble finding a way to get our cutie marks, pip joined us and still couldn't find something were good at mind helping us?" Scoots asked me. "I dont see why not were do y'all meet up?" I asked scoots, she told me that they made a tree house that applejack gave to them into there base. As we walked I accidentally ran into someone and pip fell off luckily I caught him just in time. "Thank you steel" Pip said I placed him back on my shoulder and looked at who I bumbed into, It was a man in a fancy navy blue suite, he had tan colored fur, blue eyes, grey and black slicked back hair and next to him was a filly about pip's and scootaloo's age her hair was a light purple with a white line going through it, she had a pink fur color and wore a black shirt with a gold color skirt and a gold colored jacket to match. "Hey man im sorry wasnt watchin were I was going" I said and made sure pip was ok. "My names steel this is pip and scoots whats your name?" "Filthy rich and I too am sorry I was talking to my daughter diamond tiara, oh that reminds me we should your mother might blow a fuse if were late sorry again mr. Steel come along diamond" Filthy said and began walking off with filly but diamond looked back and stuck her tounge out scoots did the same and then flipped her off. "Hey now we dont need any of that c'mon lets head to twilights to grab somethin to eat been training spike all morning I needs my foods" I said and began walking off. "So Im guessing that you and that girl hate eachother?" "Immensely" Scoots said clenching her small fists. "She always picks on me, my brother and my friends because we dont have cutie marks... she picks on us because were orphans" She said I kinda hated the little brat now. "You know I was picked on all the time as a kid one for not having my parents and two for being special" I said they looked curious. "What I mean by special is my mother and father were two kinds of breeds that were almost impossible go get along apparently my father loved to kill while my mother I was told she was like an angle always helped others never like violence but did get violent if necessary in there words she was perfect... my parents somehow fell in love with eachother and had me but my father was sent back to his home while my mother was killed right after I was born" I said and they both looked depressed. "Oh im sorry I didnt mean to make you feel sad I kinda got lost in what I was saying anyways the point Im trying ti make is that when those people kept calling me names or told me I was a mistake or you will always be an orphan... I just ignored them and kept looking forward" "But didnt it hurt your feelings and didnt you want to snap?" Pip asked me I nodded. "Constantly but I had my older brother with me so I had some help for a couple of years... just remember if anyone nakes fun of you for being an orphan just ignore them and look forward because one day you might be be a king or have a family your will cherish forever" I said and they smiled. "I wanna be like you steel your so cool and help so many people without any fear" Pip said I laughed a little and ruffled his hair. "Wow never had a kid say that to me before tell ya what pip when you grow old I'll teach your everything I know sound good?" I asmed and he couldnt have smiled any bigger. "Awesome!" He shouted excitedly. "Awe what about me I wanna learn too!" Scoots whinned I chuckled and patted her head. "Alright I'll train both of you" I said they cheered, we reached twilights house and went inside I placed the kids down on the couch and went into the kitchen to grab something to eat. I saw spike slump into the kitchen tired and scared to near death. "What happened to you?" "You is what happened why did I agree to this?" Spike whinned, I grabbed a banana and started eating. "You wanted to get strong I said I'd train you I didn't say it was gonna be easy" I said and went back in the library and took a seat. "So what did you wanna do again?" I asked pip and scoots. "We want to go to the tree house and find out what were good at" Scoots reminded me as I ate the last peice. "Ah yeah well do yall want me to come or nah because I guess I already have a cutie mark" I said they asked it was. "Its on my back hold on I'll show you, found this out awhile back" I said got up I turned around and lifted my shirt up to let them see my cutie mark it was a small assassins symbol with folded wings behind a fox head. "Oh wow thats so cool" scoots said mouth agape same with pip. "How did you get it?" Scoots asked. "No clue guess Its what I do best dont know what that is but I'll find out sooner our later" I said and put my shirt down, I heared a knock at the door so I went over and opened it. "Uh sorry library's closed today come back tomorrow... what the who are you?" I asked the man he about my height wore a brown trench coat and had black gloves a hat. "Im looking for two children both siblings, one has an orange coat with purple hair and the other has a white coat with brown spots and brown hair... their names are pipsqeak and scootaloo lanch you seen them?" The man asked me I looked back and saw the kids cowering and hiding behind the couch. "Sorry dude no I haven't if I did what you do to them?" I asked him His right arm sifted a bit and I saw a small glint coming from his hand. "I wouldnt recommend pulling a knife on me unless you want to be hunted down like an animal... also your not dealing with any normal pony" I said and summond my hiddin blade and released it next to his throat. "Im a human now leave before I paint the ground red" I threatened, I could tell he was glaring at me from the shadows of his hat and he put his knife back. "Fine... and as for your question im going to take them back to there family" He said I was shocked to hear this but hid it until he backed away and left, I closed the door and locked it. "Thanks steel that guy has been after us since forev-" "Answers now and no but's tell me everything" I demanded and sat back down in a serious manner, scoots knew she couldn't play this off so she sighed and sat down next to me. "Alright... me and pip are run aways from our adoptive parents called the lanch family, they were rich, had everything, got everything its mainly what any filly or colt wants... I was five and pip was three so he doesnt remember much but I remember all of it" scoots said and she gave a grim look. "They... killed ponies to get what they wanted, they made mares do horrible things for the asshole step-father and his blood son... they make me sick" "Jesus... Im sorry scoots if you dont want to continue then we can stop" I said she shook her head and continued. "When I was reaching my tenth birthday my Step-brother... tried to do things to me as a 'present' luckily I was able to kick his ass and then I made so were he couldn't try that again... I was in pure rage you have to understand I did this because I almost got raped... I tied him up and grabbed a kitchen knife" "Scoots you didnt kill him did you?" I asked she slowly shook her head. "No I sliced off his dick and feed it to the dog I was wearing gloves so yeah I didnt want to taint my hands with that thing... after that the father threatened to kill pip because I chopped off that rapist son's dick off, when I he told me I grabbed my things grabbed pip and ran away taking half there bits and coming here thinking they wouldnt find me here apprently thats not the case anymore... I guess me and pip have to move again" Scoots said her voice was said and she had tears welling up. "Why did We have to be adopted in that family its not fair" Scoots cried I frowned and hugged her. "Hey its alright you got away thats the most important thing you did and I wont let these bastards get you or pip alright you have my word and I never break it" I said she cried more into my shirt damping it a bit I sat there and let her pip sat next to me and frowned I hugged him as well in hopes to make him feel better. "Thanks steel... I hope that guy doesnt come back" Scoots said with small hiccups I a gave a reasuring smile. "If he does I'll make him leave forever" I said scoots gave a small smile and hugged me more. "Now c'mon I'll take y'all to your club house I can meet your friends as well" I said getting up with them and we made our way out the library and then started walking to aj's farm. I kept an eye for that man and see if he was gonna try anything and as a porcation I gave a silent whistle signaling two timberwolves, I motioned them to make sure that man isnt around they nodded and went to do as they were told. "H-Hey... can I hold your hand?" Pip asked me I nodded and he slowly grabbed my hand I felt another hand grab my other hand I looked and saw scoots hand. "Alright c'mon I got you two" I said I could hear mares whispering and cooeing watching me hold hands with the kids, I just kept walking then and made sure they were safe. We made it to sweet apple archers and the first thing we heared laughing and slurring. "Oh boy" I muttered under my breath and walked in and wouldnt you know it greenie and aj were drinking there fill. "Whush up *hic* steel what brings ya?" Aj slurred and leaned on greenie who looked totally fine. "Aye dont mind her she's just havin a day off but what brings ya here lad?" Geenie asked me then noticed the kids. "Oi you a dad now steel?" Greenie asked me. "No Im not, they wanted to hold my hand so I let them were also here to go see scoots friends at her club house" I said greenie nodded and slowly got up with aj. "Alright I'll take ya to them lad follow me" greenie said and we began walking into the forest passing vines and lots of apple trees until we made it to an older tree with a tree house on it. Infront of the club house was a mare with a dark red coat about the same height as aj a bit more muscle and had the same kind of hair style as aj even the same cloths. "Gosh dang it applebloom ah told ya ta clean your room didnt Ah?!" The mare said her voice was higher than I thought almost like cadence. "Ah swear that filly is gonna be in so much trouble" She mumbled to herself. "Heya sis how ya doin hehe *hic*" Aj asked giggling and hicuping, the mare turned around and she looked exactly like aj even has the white freckles. "Sis ah told ya not to get shit face drunk... oh greenie what do ya want?" She asked with small hints of venom saying greenies name. "Stop bein a bitch macarena im here to guid me mate steel to this 'hide' out" Greenie spat out I saw a flame form in macarena's eyes same with greenie making me take a step back with the kids. "The sam hell did ya just call me ya green son of a bitch!" Macarena yelled at greenie I now took an even farther step back. "I called ya a bitch lass what never had a real man say that to ya I'll say it again yer a bitch!" Greenie yelled back at her, I saw they both get read for a fight greenie placed aj down who was still out of it and macarena popped her neck and knuckles. "Ah'ma make yall eat those words" Macarena threatened and they both slowly made there way to eachother and raised their fists, when they brought them down I was already in the middle and caught then both. "Ok putting a stop to this" I said and shoved them back making them land on there ass's. "There are kids here and you screaming at eachother and cussing is not a good example now get up and apologize" I said greenie grumbled as he got up and walked over to macarena. "Alright... Im sorry I was a jerk forgive and forget lass?" Greenie said holding out his hand macarena furrowed her brow and accepted the hand. "Yeah whatever forgive and forget now tell me why mah sister is drunk off her as-" I cleared my throat making her stop. "What Ah meant ta say was is she drunk?" Macarena asked greenie. "She wanted to relax and so I gave her some of my whiskey two gulps laters she's gone... she really cant hold her liquor" Greenie said going back to the drunk applejack. "Awe... greenie ah say we go back ta mah room and dont come out" Aj suggest giggling her head off and having her face go apple red. "We'll do that later lass" greenie said making her whine. "Well here ya go mate I'll see ya later" Greenie said and walked off with drunk aj. "Ah better head off as well whats yalls name?" Macarena asked me. "Names steel fox I already know yours by the way are you and aj-" "Yeah were twins except for color wise other then that were the same as two peas in a pot... it was nice meetin ya steel and sorry yall had to see that little scrap well Ah'll scold applebloom later take care" Macarena said and walked back to the farm. "Nice mare now c'mon lets head up... Oi! Scoots and pip are here and both your sisters are gone!" I called up and the little latter dropped down two fillys came out. One was a bit shorter than the two she had white coat, green eyes, curly whiteand light purple hair, is wearing a light pink and white stripped shirt, vanilla skirt and both her jacket and boots were hot pink. The filly next to her was taller than both, has a yellow coat, blood red hair tied in a ponytail, 'starting to think they should just cut their hair short', she had on a simple neon green shirt with blue jeans rolled up to her knees and orange shoes. "So if I was a guessin manI guess that your applebloom and sweetie belle correct?" I asked them as they both jumped down. "Yeah whats your name?" Applebloom asked me. "Im steel fox but just call me steel for short, anyways Im here to drop off scoots and pip also to keep an eye on yall to make sure you dont get hurt" I said they nodded and climbed up to their club house I just jumped on the nearest branch and took a small leap in their window. "I'll just be over here if ya need me" I said and went to the corner and pulled out my phone then my headphones and searched for a song and pressed Play. I watched the kids talk and laugh as the music went on scoots and pip looked so happy being with their friends and that guy wanted to take them away from this their own happiness. 'Scoots, Pip I swear on my life that I will do everything in my soul to never have that family come take you away even if it meant kill them to make them stop... I just want you safe and happy" I thought, the song ended and I just sat their listing to their conversation. "Oh did yall hear this week is when princess luna is having the full moon festival" Applebloom said I never heared of the full moon festival must be something special. "Oh I heared that to from rarity she said this is the first full moon festival in a thousand year and she's doing it here!" Sweetie squealed in excitement. "Hey whats the full moon festival?" I asked them taking the earbuds out. "Oh thats right your not from our world, well to be blunt its mainly a huge festival were the princess of the moon aka princess luna raises the moon on the 12th hour and when she does it supposed to shine as bright as celestia's sun" Scootaloo said I nodded at the information. "Sounds fun and this hasnt happened in a thousand years must be a real treat then huh?" I said grinning to myself, 'I think I might take luna out for a small date while the moon is up it will be nice' I thought. "Yeah and she's doing it here in our small village" Sweetie belle said, 'Been wondering what to call it I thought it was a small town Im an ediot'. "But there is a warning to it as well, it's said that out of a billion all over the world there will be only one pony to bring out a terror unreal to anyone" She said I chuckled at this. "Ah its probably just a myth sweetie belle nothin but a fairy tail... but then again I live ina world with anthropomorphic ponies, dragons, griffins, ect. So it possible might be true but who knows" I said, we all heared three knocks from the bottom of the club house making us look over to see twilight. "Steel, macarena told me you were here Princess celestia has asked to meet you back home so when your done come over" Twilight said. "Alright twilight see you there, sorry guys gotta run I'll see yall later" I said. "Hey steel do you think you can tell us stories from your world sometime pip has been wanting to here some?" Scoots asked me I nodded. "Yeah I'll tell ya some stories some other time, well be seein ya guys stay safe" I said and jumped out the window and landed right next to twilight who jumped at the sudden act. "Please stop doing that its dangerous" Twilight said I rolled my eyes. "Twilight I am dangerous now c'mon lets head back and while we do tell me more about the full moon festival" I said and we started back to the library. On our way there twilight told me literallyeverything For example during the full moon festival it reveals the inner soul of a pony or in this case person to see if their good or bad and out of every time they always came up green which meant good and some were red meaning bad, apparently the festival stoped because luna was sent to the moon and this is going to be the first festival in a thousand years just like the sweetie belle said. "And thats mainly everything sounds nice actually anyways were here so lets head on in" Twilight said and opened the door we walked in and not a second later I caught a flying book coming straight to her face. "Oh no" twilight said and I heared shouting I turned to see celestia and coal arguing. "What do you mean I gotta break up with her fuck all that you may be a princess but fuck you!" Coal yelled at celestia. "And Im telling you to do it because I dont think you can handle it she only reads and likes guys with muscle she told me this" Celestia retored I can feel the heat coming off of her. "Oh really she doesnt say that when I fuck her good!" Coal said making twilights face flush a bright red. "You had sex with her! oh I have half a mind to slap the every living shit out of you!" Celestia roared. "Bring it bitch I got nothin to lose!" Coal replied and they glared at eachother. "Alright you two shut up" I said slapping them both upside the head making them wince. "I already dealed with a fight with a green bastard and macarena I came here to have a chat" I said as they both glared at me. "Dont get cocky" I growled making them lose the glares. "Thats right I dont know how I lost my composure my apologies I see twilight as a daughter so I might have gotten a little protective " Celestia admited and calming herself. "Whatever she's my girlfriend and you saying break up with her out of the blue yeah I was pissed off but sorry" Coal said crossing his arms. "Also coal we need to talk about you blurting out us having sex" Twilight said glaring at him he chuckled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head. "But you enjoyed it didnt you?" He asked her making her finally break and stand stock still with a red face. "Oops my bad here let me just take her up stairs" Coal said picking twilight up and going upstairs leaving me and celestia. "So what is it that you wanted celestia, twilight said you wanted to talk" I asked her she nodded and grabbed two chairs and placed them infront of eachother She took a seat while I took one across from her. "I wanted to give you this for starters since it was nothing but rags" Celestia said handing me my Armor faust except the cloth was brand new as were the boots and the metal surrounding the neck, arms, hands and the my legs the one new thing about it was a small gauntlet resting on the shoulder. "This looks badass how did you fix it?" I asked her looking at the armor. "Rarity did the cloth and boots while jack did the metal even added his family symbol to it to show off his work" Celestia said ending with a small giggle I really liked how soft it was and how the metal shined in the light this was amazing almoat the greatest thing I've laid eyes on. "Wow this is... wow" I said, I couldnt form words to express how awesome and how thankful I am. "How do I owe them?" "Nothing I paid for it consider it a gift for saving our flanks at the wedding, now on to the second reaskn im here Im sure you've heared that my sister is coming here for the full moon festival correct?" Cshe asked I nodded. "Well I just wanted to let you know that she will be wearing a disguise ring so she doesn't get surrounded by other ponies, also please watch out for her some stallions would love nothing more than to do things to her so watch her carefully" Celestia said. "Got nothing to worry about you got me and my friends to look out for her also I heared from scootaloo's friends that their will be one pony that will bring terror for thus entire week is that true or justba fairy tail?" I asked celestia she seemed to have an uneasy look like if I was going to rampage if the moon rose at 12. "Well its true actually but... nevermind its not important the animals just get a bit more scary but Im glad we got that dealt with now please you should get ready luna should be here in about twenty to fourty minutes or so" Celestia said looking at her watch she got up as did I and she gave one finally thank you before leaving. "I am going to pound that sweet, sweet plump ass of hers" Brigid said coming out of my head and saton the couch. "But the question is how" "Geez you keep talkin about celestia about hiw she has a nice ass just ask ask her out and her ass will be yours" I said sitting next to her she slouched back and put her hands behind her head. "Ah brother their are somethings that men just dont get to bad you aint a chick other wise you would have understood what Im talking about" Brigid said and giggled. "Yeah but I rather be a boy instead of a chick but thats just me" I said slouching back as well, "Anyways you heared about the full moon festival right?" I asked brigid and she nodded. "Yeah but I will say one thing dont look at the moon" Brigid said then vanished I was wondering what she meant but then I heared a crash from upstairs making me get up run up them, it came from twilights room and then I heared coal scream. "Im comin buddy!" I said and kicked the door open but was blasted in the chest by twilight sending me ti the wall behind me. "Oh god steel are you alright oh Im so sorry that was meant for coal hold on I'll heal you" Twilight said running over to me and began healing me but then stoped and gasped. "The... the wound is closing on its own" twilight said in shock and she was right I felt the skin morph together and the pain went away. "Oh man... that hurt alot" I groaned out and slowly rose back up to my feet, "Damn that hurt alot... what got you so pissed off twilight?" "Well remember when coal said that stuff down stairs... well I kinda went i to a blind rage for telling my own teacher and so I fired off random spells hoping one will kill him, sorry about that, then you busted in and got shot with one of them... worst part is I dont know what spell you were casted with" Twilight said I nodded understanding this information but it also kinda scared me that I was hit with a random spell. "Well I hope you can figure this out twilight because to behonest its kinda scary not knowing what you did" I said and walked over to the cowering coal. "C'mon mate lets go get the guys and we'll get a drink how about it?" "Yeah... sounds good I could use one right about now" Coal said and got up, "And twilight im skrry for saying such a private thing infrontof your teacher its just... she wanted me to break it off with you and I just couldnt help but get angry so Im sorry" Coal apologized walking over to her, she gave him a hug and he gave one back. "Even if it was an order from the princess that would be one thing I wouldnt follow through, I love you that wont change you hear me... now go have fun and forget this happened" Twilight said and pecked his cheek, me and coal left the library not without saying we would be back before we get shit face drunk. "So lets grab greenie, mint and jack" I said coal nodded and we both started heading tk mint first since he was the closest, as we walked I could see the sun drifting down to the horizon. "Better get them quick tell ya what I'll grab mint you get jack and I'll get greenie then met you at the bronco pub sound good?" "Yeah alright I'll head off see you there man" Coal said before flying off to jacks house and I continued to rarity's. When I got there I gave three knocks on the door then heared things being dropped, Curiosity over came me and I opened the door. "Hey rarity have you seen mint I wanted ask he wanted to join me and the guys fo-" As I full opened the door I stoped dead in my tracks as I saw a naked mint hammering away at rarity whi was moaning very loud. "OH FUCK! YES! HARDER SWEET MERCIFUL GOD THIS IS SO GOOD!" Rarity screamed, I just stood there stiff as a board in shock I just stoped working, I couldnt even form words to say that Im here. As mint was ramming into rarity he suddenly turned behind him because of the cold breeze behind him and stopped what he was doing. "Why did you stop I was so close minty" Rarity whinned then noticed me at the door completely still. "Ste-" I slamed the door shut faster than he could form his sentence and just stood there staring at the door, I could hear rarity freaking out and them scurrying to get some cloths. After about twenty minutes the door opened and I saw rarity fully dressed. "Steel! Darling welcome how can I help you today?" Rarity asked me putting on a fake smile I could hear mint whistling behind her. "One... I need whiskey and two I need whiskey and three say it with me now..." I said motioning her to say it. "You... need whiskey?" She asked. "Ding ding ding... mint when your done fuckin rarity come to the pub and hang out with me and the guys for a drink god knows I need one right now after seeing that" I said and began walking off but rarity stoped me. "Please steel dont tell spike, I know the sweetheart has had feelings for me for awhile and if he found out I love someone else it would break his heart" Rarity begged. "Sure I'll keep this under wraps just never mention this ever again" I said she nodded and mint told he will be done in twenty minutes or so then closed the door. "Jesus I need a stiff drink time to get greenie probably doing the same thing to aj or getting a head start well here we go" I said and began walking to sweet apple acres. The sun fully set and the moon rose high into the sky shining beautifully with its magnificent stars, I couldnt help but feel the smile spreading across my face seeing the night sky. 'Man I wish this could be an everlasting night its so beautiful ', I then heared a giggle from behind me making jump but felt someones hand grab mine. "Thank you for the compliment steel" Luna said and nuzzled onto my chest I blushed a little from one being scared infront of my marefriend and two of how she's nuzzling me. "Your adorable when get scared" Luna said and giggled. "Really I think its embarrassing to be scared infront of your marefriend" I said holding her in my arms now, she grew a rad hue on her cheeks and hugged me back. "So what brings you here my princess here fir official busines or just wanted ta see widdle ol' me?" I said. "Hmmm a little bit of number two but Im mainly hear for the full moon festival since this is the first day if the longest nights ever... so you'll get to enjoy this beautiful night sky I made" Luna said. "I see but celestia said you'd be in a disguise but you look normal why is that?" I asked her as she ket go of me and we walked to the Orchard. "Well I havent put it on yet thats why but if you like I could out in on right now" Luna suggest I nodded, I was curious as to what she would look like. She took a step back before pulling out a ring and sliding it on, the first thing that happened was that her fur to a little light blue while her hair was now baby blue instead of tge sparkles, it also stoped flowing and grew shorter, her wings went away leaving her to be a unicorn and she shrunk down to chest level with me. "There we go how do I look?" Luna asked me I was to busy staring at this beautiful mare infront of me. "Steel?... hello~? You ok" Luna asked me waving her hand infront of me. "Wow... you look beautiful" I said looking down to her she blushed and tried to hid her face under her shirt hair which only made her cuter. "Now your just being adorable... hey wanna come with me and the guys to the pub it can be kinda of a date" I said luna face burned red and she nodded shyly. "Ok c'mon your killing me from the cuteness alright keep close" I said and grabbed her hand. "I-Im still a little new to dating so forgive me if I seem a bit shy" Luna said I brushed it off. "Dont worry... I never dated anyone before so were in the same boat... alright were here lets grab greenie and head on over to the bar" I said and walked into the farm with luna until we reached the front door, I gave three firm knock's and waited. "Hold on" I heared greenie call out then footsteps leading to the door, the door open showing a shirtless greenie who looked tired and smelled of sweat. "Oh lad whats happin?" Greenie asked then noticed luna. "And who's the cutie next to ya did ya give up on the princess lad the fuckin'ell Im pretty sure your head or fuckin heels in love with her ah fuck it anyways whats ya name lass?" Greenie asked luna. "Oh Im Indu its nice to meet you steel has told me alot about you I've also heared that you saved him one time, even fought discord along side him" Indu said grabbing my arm. "I love him very luch and I would be terribly sad if he were to die so I trust you to protect him greenie" indu said I blushed a bit by the way my arm went right between her breasts. "Oh yeah got nothin to worry about I'll make sure the bastard doesnt die speaking of the bastard what brings ya lad cant be just showin off yer marefriend right" Greenie asked. "I wanted to invite you to come drink with me and the guys at the bronco pub and hang plus this will be the first date I take indu on" I said greenie nodded. "Aye Im always up for a drink just let me put on some shoes and we can go, c'mon in" Greenie said inviting us in and we took a seat on the couch, I saw the cmc and pip playing a board game until scoots noticed us. "Steel what are you doing here?" Scoots asked me and hugged me I gave one back . "Ah grabbin greenie so me and the guys could go for a couple of drinks have some" I said, "Oh yeah I want you to meet indu my marefriend" I said and pointed to indu who smiled and waved a little, scoots had an unapproved look on her face. "What happened to princess luna I liked her better she was pretty and nice you two seemed to really like eachother" Scoots said pouting I chuckled and patted her head. "Well scootaloo I'll tell you a secret just between me and you ok" Indu said before looking arlund making sure greenie wasnt here then took of the disguise ring turning her back to normal. "Im the pretty and nice princess you were talking about" Luna said and scoots grew a smile. "Yeah I knew you two would hit it off but why is luna wearing a disguise?" Scoots asked me. "Well its to keep unwanted people from getting their hands or finding ot were dating because what were doing is Possibly forbidden, also she is here for the full moon festival" I said and put the ring back on her. "Awe thats so sweet forbidden love I feel like thats the most romantic kind" Sweetie belle said and had a dreamy look on her face probably thinking of someone. "*sigh* Romance" "Uh sweetie you ok?" Applebloom asked shaking her making sweetie belle jump. "Y-yes I-Im f-fine applebloom I was just thinking about yo- I mean uh yeah Im fine" Sweetie studdered out and blushed heavily, applebloom rolled her eyes and went back to playing the game. "Well your secret is safe with me steel" Pip said I ruffled his hair. "Thanks little man and keep your sister from blabbing as well dont need a mob of ponies chasing me with pitch forks and fire" I said, We talked for awhile about hiw their ginna get their cutie makrs until greenie came down with his shoes on and with macarena next to him. "Hope ye dont mind extra ponies lad but the lass wouldnt stop givin me shite" Greenie saud as me and Indu got up. "The more the merry I say, alright lets head on over the guys must be waiting for us and mint will also tell yall something" I said and me, luna, greenie and macarena left the house not before telling then to be safe. We walked down the streets of ponyville and saw the moon shine brighter. "Thats weird the moon is shining brighter wonder why?" "Well I heared that when the night princess is happy or feeling loved she makes the stars and moon brighter to show it kinda of a nice thought right?" Indu said I nodded and grabbed her hand. "Yeah sounds really nice... oh yeah that reminds me greenie how have you and aj been doing fine I hope" I asked he nodded. "Oh yeah mate literally took her on a date last week told her Ill take her anywere she wanted" Greenie said Giving a toothy smile. "Then after that she felt a little frisky so I took'er to my place and boy did we have fun" Greenie said making indu blush I just laughed. "Ah greenie never change mate so macarena found anyone you like?" I asked her she nodded. "Yeah he's a nice fellow if Ah do say so mah self... he's a big sweet heart at times well even bought me some earing's once, now Ah'm not the one to wear them but they look so fancy" Macarena said greenie snorted. "Got somethin ta say yeah lime green asshole?" "Yeah how can a guy like ye one yer over protective and cant take a fuckin joke" Greenie said macarena furrowed her brow. "Wait didnt I b-" "Ah shut up yall never seen mah crush" She said crissing her arms. "Oh really whats the lad's name then" Greenie asked and macarena stumbled appon herself. "Well were waitin" "H-His... name... uh ah dont think ah should" Macarena said shifting a bit. "But Its someone really close... closer than yall think realky" She said turning a bit darker. "Ah forget it yer just gonna say a random name anyways so lets drop it" greenie said as we walked up to the pub and we saw all of our friends, twilight, applejack, pinkie, rarity, rainbow, fluttershy, gilda, mint, jack and coal. "Hey guys whats up also aj how did you get here I thought you were still at the farm?" I asked the farm mare. "Nah was at twilights to grab somethin anyways me and her went to grab somethin ta eat and ran inta coal who invited us" applejack said. "Yeah and when you guys left I wanted to come join you but you guys were gone before I couls" Twilight said I chuckled a bit. "Hows it goin steel?" Gilda asked me. "Gilda whats, im fine nice ta see ya what are you doing here?" I asked her and pointed to dash. "So your her ride then" I said plainly and she nodded. "She can get... out if hand when it comes to drinking" Gilda whispered I snickered and nodded. "Well alright guys I want yall to meet indu she's uh..." I started off and forgot to come up with an excuse on why they never seen her. "Im new to ponyville steel has told me alot about you all also" Indu said and grabbed me before planting her lips on mine for a few seconds then parted. "Im his marefriend" she said making everyone silent. "Come again?" Aj asked as the others were shocked to say the least. "When did yall meet?" Aj asked us. "I'll... tell you guys when were inside where its not cold c'mon" I said as we all went inside and was greeted with a familiar tune, it was the band I played with awhile back. "Hey mates how ya doin?" I asked them. "Steel mate the bloody hell you been?" String called out and put down his guitar, strings was a friend I met after the galla we messed around with some songs here and there with greenie, he was an earthpony stallion with a grey coat short black hair and wore a white dress shirt with a black vest over it and black dress pants with shiny black shoes. "Ah havent seen ya in a week what have ya been up to oh whats this ya brought a party well welcome mates" String said his voice had a slight Irish and British accent. "Oh who's this lovely lass, how do you do m'lady glad to see you in good hands?" Strings asked grabbing fluttershy's hand and kissing it. "S-S-S-Strings... Its g-g-good to see you" Fluttershy studdered silently and hiding her face behind her hair. "Oh man your just to adorable lass" Strings said to the stuttering fluttershy. "Steel mate you didnt say she will be joining us me and you both know she's the cutest girl I ever met" strings whispered to me and I chuckled. "Well how about I give you and her a present you still know how to dance with a girl right?" I asked him, strings nodded. "Alright let me get the girls and me mates settled in and I'll cook something up... alright guys find a booth and have what ever you want on me" I said as they went on to find a seat, I asked strings if he wanted to join and he said alright. "So fluttershy who's that man that was flirting with you?" Rarity asked fluttershy who speaked and blushed heavily. "His name is strings... I met him when I first came here and he's been sweet to me ever since If I remember correctly we were both fifteen at the time" Fluttershy said and strings chuckled as he sat next to her. "We were seventeen flutters cant blame ya for forgetting it was a long time ago" strings said and fluttershy 'epped'. "Whats the matter never got this nervous around me takin a fancy ta me already flutters?" He asked her making her gave small embarrassed whimper's strings just laughed and hugged her. "Ah its good ta see ya after all these years even stoped calling me" "I-Im sorry about that really I am" Fluttershy said strings just patted her head. "Dont worry about it were still friends right?" Strings asked her making her blush more. "Alright you two enough about yall I want ta know how these two got together and why?" Applejack said and they turned to me and indu. "Well we met at the galla and talked for awhile but we were just friends then, so after a month or two I went to fight discord and she healed my injuries when I came to visit and finally after the wedding I told her how I felt about her and now were dating simple really" I said wrapping my arm around her waist. "Yes its true I never really had a true friend before so when I found steel wondering the castle I talked to him and felt a connection between us form... then well as he said he confessed to me and I confessed to him and I couldnt be more happier" Indu said leaning on me, rainbow and aj gave a fake barfing noise while rarity, pinkie pie, fluttershy and twilight awed at this. "Thats so sweet you two are meant for eachother oh by the way indu I love your hair its so amazing how are you able to pull off short hair its incredible I've been trying to do that for years" Rarity asked her, indu blushed lightly at the compliment. "You really think its nice I thought it was a but much guess I was wrong" Indu said, we ordered some drinks and talked for awhile mainly about the full moon festival, twilight even mentioned that on the last day the moon changes the land into something amazing, I wanted to know more but I noticed strings wanted me to do the thing I gave a nod then got up and walked to the band. "Hey guys can I borrow the spotlight for minute I got a request from my friend" I asked them they nodded and went to a near by table the pub went dead silent and waited for me to start, I looked around for the instrument I needed and when I saw it I picked it up then tuned it a bit. "Alright this is something I heared awhile back in my world I really hope you like it" I said and Slid the bow the string before going faster the ponies around started liking it even added in some other stuff like stomping their feet to the beat it wasnt long before I see ponies start doing a dance with their marefriends, I took a glance over to strings and saw him get up before offering a hand to fluttershy she didnt seem to have the same beat for the music so I decided to Switch the song to something slower, the ponies didnt mind the tone shift they rather enjoyed and the couples dancing to it slowed down their pace and even started slow dancing to it. The lights dimed a bit but a spotlight was still on me I looked to who did it and saw berry waving I nodded to her and continued playing. "Uh... fluttershy would you do me the honors and dance with me?" I heared strings ask flutters I took a peek over and saw them walking over then start slowly dancing. 'You planned that... didnt you?' luna asked me I looked over to her and gave I winked. 'Your such a sweet person' Luna said I chuckled and continued to play. I never knew why but as I play the music a certian feeling a familiarity over comes me like if I heared it from someone else before, I started to see this image of two people but they were shrouded in a deep shadow so i couldnt figure out who they were. "So this is what we made... he looks... small" I heared one of them say there voice was deep and full of pride. "Well he has my hair and eyes but the rest is yours" The man said once more. "Really cause I see another you sweetness, he's so handsome like his father" A woman asked her voice was softer and more motherly than celestia like if an angle was speaking. "I dont want to give him up though he's... he's to precious to me" the woman said and I heared her cry. "If they found either you or me they'd kill us without a second thought we must do it... its the only way he'll be safe along with us... I hope one day we will meet him again" The man said again, this felt so heart breaking to me like I knew what they were talking about, I felt dizzy almost faint at best when I did the images faded and I was back to the real world were ponies looked worried. Thats when it hit me hard I dropped the violin and grabbed my head, by this point they all stoped what they were doing and went to watched me. "I-It hurts... make it stop make it stop!" I screamed and collapsed to the floor gripping my head more. "Steel are you alright!" Indu asked me running over but I just kept screaming. "Someone get help now he's in pain!" She yelled out. "Alright I'll be back hang in their steel dont worry lad I'll get ya some help" Greenie said before running out the pub with coal and mint ponies around cleared off a table and had jack set me on it. "Esci dalla mia testa!( Get outta my head!)" I yelled and felt more pain surge through me making the screams more agonizing. 'Steel whats wrong!? manus something is wrong with steel!" I heared lily yell in my head. "I cant figure out whats wrong all his vitals are fine heart beating, blood flowing, brain still intact, flesh not ripped nothing unless..." Manus stooed as he heared a dark chuckle. "So you lived boy thats good... but that doesnt make you any luckier it only made it worse but I'll cut you a break... I want you strong and it seem's that girl twilight messed with your genes making them run rapid and change to your second dominant gene ... have fun" I heared that man say, it was the same one that sent a sword right in my chest. "I need... to get away right now" I grunted out and pushed myself off the table dropping me to the floor, the ponies tried to get me back on but I pushed them away and slowly got to my unbalanced feet, I swayed my way over to door but was stoped by indu. "Steel you need to wait for greenie and the others to come back I know your still in pain" Indu begged but I had to keave right now something bad is going to happen to me, I shoved her back to jack then felt the surge go through me again this time to my eyes and I screamed again. "Steel!" "Stay back!" I shouted looking back at then and they seem to jump back, My eyes turned black while my iris was red. My fox body parts turned to dust and left me normal until something else came out of my back giving me another tail It was like a monkeys tail and whipped around on command, I ignored the changes and ran out of the building not even looking back whatever was happing to me I knew it wasnt good not one bit I felt something evil in me more than anything discord could dish out. I ran to the everfree in order to keep the others safe the evil was growing strong almost as if it was building up all since the day I was born it was so strong, I only made it to some water fall before collapsing face first on the floor. 'This should be a good enough distance to keep the others safe I dont know whats happing but he said that twilight speed up my genes and matured them what could that mean what does he mean!' I screamed in my head , I felt so exhausted like I could pass out any seconds but something told me to flip on my back over and over again. My body moved on its own as I switched to my back and stared at the night sky I was then told to look at the moon I shifted my gaze slowly to the big beautiful moon sky and just stared at it the voice was gone as I gazed at it. "The moon... is... so... pretty" I mumbled, I felt my heart race faster each time I stared longer at the moon for some reason I couldn't look away at all it was like if I was in a trance then thats when it started. I gapsed for air more and more and my muscles ached, my body got bigger and bigger I even started growing a snout but not like a fox no it was like an ape's I tore through my cloths from my size getting bigger and I started getting more hairy from all over save for my palms and the bottom of my feet. I screamed from the growing pain I was feeling but as I grew more and more and my body changed my screames turned into a roar. I felt my consciousness fading slightly until I blacked out then suddenly woke up and finding myself as a gigantic ape I see to have some control of my body like my head, arms and legs but my mind was fuzzy and I couldn't talk. 'What is going on and why am I this giant ape it feels strange' I thought before I took a step forward and climbed up a small moutian only for it to come crumbling down and maoing me land flat on my back giving out a painful roar which was supposed to be a groan. 'What is happening to me' I asked then heared screams from behind, I turned and saw all of ponyville awake and screaming in terror as they saw me I tried to talk to them say that it was me but It only came out as an angry roar, some of the ponies even passed out from this. "Steel what the hell is this?" Brigid asked me from my shoulder I gave a long roar. "Ok he's a monkey but why... thats it dont worry steel I'll be back" Brigid said before jumping off me and flying to ponyville, she looked around for the others and saw them gathering in twilights house, she ran iver and busted the door down. "Twilight that spell I know what it was" Brigid said. "You do what is it?" Twilight asked her. "Its the gene growth and switch spell if your target is hit with it then both sides of the DNA is split, readjusted and put back together only this time bringing out hidden traits and maturing them faster" Brigid said then felt a vibration from the floor. They all ran out said and was greeted with another roar making fluttershy faint same with rarity. "What in gods name is that?!" Spike yelled pointing to me. 'Apparently steel has giant monkey genes weird' Brigid thought before coming back in my head . I continued walking to the village until I saw a mob of people holding torches and swords. "Leave this place you beast or we will have to kill you!" A man yelled and the mob cheered, I stoped and looked at them. "I said leave or do you want to die... fine so be it men to battle!" The man said before pulling a sword out and charged at me but I reached down and flicked my wrist at him killing him and sending him to a mountian. I roared more and even slammed my fists on my chest. 'Really fuck sake now Im an actual monkey' I thought before stopping, I started walking back into the forest and thats when then I saw the horizon become more orange. "Damn and here I thought you'd lose control and destroy a town but I have a fix for that so the fun wont end just yet" That man said and I heared fingers snap then a dark chuckle. I wondered what he did to me but I saw the sun moving up more and the moon going down, My form turned blue and I started shrinking until i was somewere around 6'7, the blue shell around me turned red and shattered off me, I looked at myself and ran to a nearby river to take a closer look at myself when I did my blood ran cold I was staring right back at a smaller version of the great ape form I was in, the black fur all over my body, my outer rim of my iris was black like the puplis while my iris was red. 'What... Whats happing why am I like this still... No he did this to me he kept me like this and now I cant even go back to my friends or luna damn him.... damn him!' I screamed in my head but roared from my mouth, I repeatedly smashed the floor with my fists and roared more I wanted to kill him I want to be my normal self again not a great ape man. I heared footsteps running quickly into the woods I shot to my feet and ran to a small cliff and began climbing it as to not scare the ponies or anyone I know by my form, as the footsteps lessin and became more slower I could make out two sets of feet running I watched carefully as to who it was. "Scootaloo why are we running?" I heared pip asked his sister, I felt my heart quicken hearing his voice I was scared that he might scream if he see's me. "That guy... he came back and I dont know were steel is just keep running pip" Scoots said in a hurried tone. The guy from yesterday quickly emerging from the trees sprint to the two children and tackled pip to the ground. "Alright I got one and he's already in a death sentence from his father now for the whore" The man said and slowly made his way to scootaloo who backed away but triped on a root from a tree, the man pulled out a claw from his trench coat and began laughing to himself like a mad man. "Let pip go and leave us alone!" Scoots said and got back up before charging at the man, he smiled a wickedly and raised his claw before bringing it down leaving a nasty cut mark on scoots cheek it oozed blood and she screamed out in pain. "Hush little baby dont you cry I'll end this in a single swipe hahahaha!" The man laughed, I could feel my blood boiling by this point I jumped down and landed with a few cracks on the floor and growling the man snapped his head to me and glared at me. "What you stupid monkey want some too I'll be happy to kill ya and put your head over a fire" He threatened me I stood up at full height which surprisingly was 6'7, taller than anyone I knew even celestia. I popped my back and growled louder before slowly making my way to the man, pip and scoots were shaking in fear as was the man holding the claw, he even dropped pip who ran to his sister immediately when he did. "Scootaloo... Im scared" Pip whimpered but scoots just held him closer. "You... Hurt... S... Scoots...And... P... Pip... Now... Pony... Dies" I struggled to say my voice was deeper and more scratchy than before. "Wait... he knows our names... s-steel is that you?" Scoots asked me I nodded. "Were safe pip thank god Were safe" She said crying and holding pip more. "Not for long Im going to kill this ape then kill you and say that he killed the whore and bastard hehehahahaha!" The man said before running at me, that was his biggest mistake he launched himself directly at me aimed for my head with his dagger but I slight moved my head making him miss his target. "What?!.... No matter I can still slit your throat!" He boasted but I quickly grabbed him arm holding the dagger and crush it just by flexing my fingers. "Aaah!... you... you bastard!" He screamed as I let his arm go and he fell back. "Stay away... forgive me I promise to not come back I swear!" The man begged I walked over to his weapon and Inspected it. "Claw... Mine... Now... You Die" I said slowly again and attached the claw to my right hand, then walked to the man who backed away with fear in his eyes and his body shaking at my pure size and strength compared to him. "There will be others if you kill me... let me go now and I wont say a word" He said again making me stop, He grew a smile thinking that he has won he got to his feet slowly. "Yes there will be twenty or so more just to get my revenge... so let me go now and I'll-" I stoped him as I slammed the claw in his face making it go right through making blood ooze out of the opening. "Bring... It" I said jerking my hand out of the man and watched him fall to the ground letting his blood make a puddle on the floor. "Im... sorry you had... to see that" I said my english getting better instead if talking like a cave man. "Steel... is that really you?" Scootaloo asked as they see my ape form, I turned around and sat down feeling tired. "Yes... I dont know what happened to me but I just want my old body back, so that man tried taking you huh" I said and they nodded, I stared at the cut marks on her face I frowned seeing them. "Whats the matter steel?" Scoots asked me. "Your hurt, Im sorry that happened to you... let me take you to zecora's so she can patch you up" I said getting up as did they but I towered over them making a shadow creep over them. "Lets go... dint want that to get infected now do we?" I said and I guided them through the forest to get to zecora's but i heared hurried footsteps come in our direction and I got infront of the kids with the claw up and growling. "This way were sure we saw'er come through-oof" I saw applebloom come out and run into me knocking her to the ground, she shook her head and first looked at my legs then slowly looked up to my face. "M-M-M-m..." "Applebloom were did you g-" "MONSTER!" Applebloom screamed in fright and ran to the other voice, another set of footsteps came out of the bushes and and trees revealing my friends. "Applejack monster! And he's got scootaloo and pip!" "Wait do-" I cut off by a hard kick from dash then hit in the face by gilda sending me closer to the river. "How dare you hurt scootaloo and pip there just kids dont you have any sense of reason!" Rainbow yelled at me and tried to kick me again but I dodged her attack and caught her before throwing her back to the others. Gilda tried to rush me but I dodged and jumped away from her, I felt my arms get tied up by some rope from applejack but thanks to my new strength I ripped it off of me. "Tough son of a bitch arent you well you cant take on them" Rainbow said, chocolate and vanilla ran at meready to kill me but when they were close to me they tried to stab me in my chest but before they could I grabbed there hands and threw them back a few feet, once the recovered they charged at me again this time with gilda coming at my side The sisters got to me first and sent there attacks which I dodged and blocked then I was tackled by gilda who sent a few punches to me before I kicked her off and jumped back to my feet, the sisters tried to do the same thing again but this time I ran right through the middle of them making them snap there heads to me before I punched them both in the gut knocking them out. Gilda tried to do some ariel attacks but failed as I used my skills to move out of the way, after a few times I grabbed her by the neck when she came down and she tried to scratch my face she got lucky once making a large cut going down my left eye luckily missing my eyeball. I roared at her and from feeling the oain hefire tossing her to the others. "Stop he's not the one that-" "We know scoots let the adults handle this go back to zecoras its just straight down from here" Twilight said pushing them to the forest. "Whatever you hear just ignore it" "Stop its me steel" I said this seemed to get them angry except for luna who looked intrigued. "Listin to me something happened to my body thats why I look like this, I need help getting back to normal" I said taking a step forward but twilight shot a blast past my head. "Dont take another step you monster your not our friend steel but you must have seen him run by here... your coming with us wether you like it or not" Twilight said and sent more blasts at me to which I dodged I began running away from her so I dont end up being chained again but I was hit in the back with a sleep spell making me fall to the ground and black out. (Twilight's basement) "Do you really think this brute knows were steel is... I mean he's an ape!" I heared someone say I began stirring awake until I was fully up and saw I was in a cage made of diamond in twilights basement. "Alright he's awake... now tells us were our friend is" I turned my head to see everyone looking at me and jack inside the cage with his hammer sitting on a stool. "I am steel, guys can a monkey really talk... actually dont answer that question" I said thinking back to a conversation I had with a monkey, smart little buggar that one. "Just tell us were our friend is and we'll set you free understand" Rarity said slowly thinking I didnt know English so I flipped her off. "Why I never" she huffed and I heared mint bang on the cage door. "Look man I dont wanna keep a ape from his home so will ya just tell us were our friend steel fox is?" Jack asked me I gave a deeo sigh almost sounding like a growl and stood up. "I am steel fox" I said making twilight groan in annoyance. "Were is scootaloo and pipsqeak?c I asked them then I saw rainbow fly right at the bars with a glare that could kill a man in seconds if looks killed. "Away from you and how do you know there names have you been stalking them you creep, If you werent behind theses bars I'll beat you senseless!" Rainbow yelled at me. Applejack grabed her before dragging her away from the bars. "Its because of these bars that you werent killed, he's hidding his true strength but thanks to this cage he ca t get out unless someone with magical abilities higher than mine open it" Twilight said, I felt tired so I sat down looked at them with a bored look not even paying attention to there questions. 'Hey man im sorry I cant help but something is keeping me from getting out" Brigid said in my head I just shrugged. 'Your fine I just need to find out how to turn back to normal maybe I could ask twilight when she realizes its me' I said back to her, I saw the girls getting mad tbat I was ignoring them completely and just staring at them with a bored expression. "Did you need something?" I asked them then was hit in the head with a rock from outside the cage. "Yeah tell us were steel is" Spike demanded and threw another rock this time I caught it and crushed it to dust. "Must I spell it out to you I am steel fox... Greenie c'mon dude if I wasnt steel then how do I know your name?" I asked him. "And jack who got you with rainbow dash me after we fought discord, mint I asked rarity to give you a place to stay and I know about your 'fun time'" I said. "Really then what do we do in these so called 'fun times'?" Mint asked me I rolled my eyes. "You two were having a good ol' rousing round of ram into rarity... still waiting on that whiskey too" I said making rarity faint and mint turned red. "Mint the hell man you knew I liked rarity!" Spike screamed at him completely angry. "Hey man Not my fault that we both love eachother... plus not to be mean but your still just a kid and rarity is like twenty-two, im twenty-three" Mint said then found a hard punch to the face. "You bastard! Spike said and got ready to burn him alive but I broke the cage door and grabbed him by his throat cutting off the fire stream. "Spike how old are you?" I askes him. "F-fifteen" spike studdered out. "Spike you must let go of this petty crush your should be happy that rarity is with someone she loves Im sorry she doenst have the same feeling for you but there are plenty of mares in this world literally almost the entire population is women so you got alot of options" I said and carefully put him down, he looked both angry and sad. "Who knows maybe one of these days you will meet the right one and have a little fun with her" I said patting his back he was blushing as hard as mint was and twilight groaned. "Steel he's still a teenager" twilight said. "Yeah and im a monkey man what else is new" I said. "Well no one could make a joke like that other than steel... Im... sorry steel we were all worried and thought you were hurt and seeing a giant monkey then a smaller version of one is kinda scary dont you think" Twilight said I chuckled a little. "Aye it must have been but now I want to go back to normal weres indu?" I asked them. "She's back at canterlot said that she had something come up but seconds after princess luna showed up and said that she heared a giant ape rampaging in ponyville.. aka you" Twilight said I nodded. 'Well atleast she didnt give away our relationship' I thought before walking up the stairs and opened the door. "God being tall is a bitch how does luna and celestia deal with this? I asked no one. "Well lets just say we lower our heads plus Im shorter than you in your regular form" Luna said sitting in a chair with a looked that said 'you fucked up somehow'. "Yes luna I know I fucked up somehow because I went to save coal from being vaporized by twilight also twilight Im sure brigud told you the spell so please get on that... now were are the kids?" I asked luna then felt something climb to my shoulder. "Hey steel geez your tall" scoots said as her head popped ovee my shoulder as did pips from my other. "Yeah and thanks for saving us from that asshole" Pip said I couldnt help but guve a hearty laugh as everyone was shocked to her pip cuss. " Oh man that was to good... ah man pip were did you hear that from not that Im complaining cause it was hilarious?" I asked him. "From greenie and applejack when they went upstairs there was also this weird banging on the up there then applejack screamed that word" Pip said and this time aj fainted but greenie caught her before she feel to the ground. "We were just playin a game lad... yeah a game" Greenie covered it up, I was on the floor dieing of laughter. "Alright is it me or is his voice way louder than usual?" Twilight asked everyone as I calmed my laughter. "Yeah maybe you should fix him" Spike said twilight nodded before shooting a blast right at me hitting me in the chest. "Ow a little warning twilight... oh yeah I've been wondering how long was I out for?" I asked them. "Well considering you were a powerfull monkey who broke through a diamond magical wall with pure strength... hmm all week literally the last day of the full moon festival" Gilda said and I processed this information then it hit me. "I WAS OUT FOR THAT LONG!" I yelled in shock and had to take a seat. "By god... im one heavy sleeper" I said pinkie laughed a little as did luna. "Geez givin me a heart attack dude thought somethin was gonna happen" Strings said sighing then sat down. "Oh yeah forgot ta thank ya for playin those songs yer a good man boy'o" Strings said. "No problem anything to help my friend" I said, I couldnt help but hear thu der then a light tapping his the window I looked outside to see the grey clouds and the pouring rain. "The rain so beautiful its like a story being told, have you ever heared of ponies saying they love the rain... if they truly did why do they stay inside and use an umbrella to block its touch from there bodies, you cannot truley love it if you continue to push it away and never acknowledge it" I said, I do love the rain its calming and brings me peace. "Thats was lovely steel" Rarity said I continued to look out the window and see the rain flow down the window, a flash of lighting came down along with its brother thunder to make the audible boom and thats when I saw it. There were tons of them maybe about twenty or thirty surrounding us they all wore brown cloaks and held those claws that I used to kill that man with. 'They have come I knew it would have been sooner or later... I must end this and then end them' I thought before getting up and going back down to the basement were I found my claw. I attached it to my hand and then walked back up stairs were, the others were curious as to why I have the claw. "Steel why do you have that claw?" Rainbow asked me. "Get the kids out of here... now" I said walking to the door, they were all confused as to why i would ask that until pip screamed in fright as he saw what was outside. "GO NOW I'LL HOLD THEM OFF GET THE KIDS SOMEWERE SAFE!" I roared out thats when a knife flew in and hit coal in the shoulder knocking him down. "Coal!" Twilight screamed in horror, the windows busted open and two men came in armed with two claws one for each hand. They ran to pip and scoots but I cut them off by sending a hard punch in the face while I stabed the other one in the heart, The one I punched got up before launching at me with his claws raised when he brought them down I grabbed on of his arms and blocked with claw I had I then sent a hard knee to his chest then when he was stund I shoved the claw in his head killing him. "Go now I'll hold them back or die trying just get the kids to safety now" I said jumping out the window and began killing them left and right. Twilight helped coal up and healed his wound before she opened the back door and had everyone run out of there and head to the forest, as they got close some of the men broke from the group and were now infront of them ready to kill them. Greenie and jack stepped up first, jack was holding his hammer while greenie was giving a short sword that was on jacks back, they charged at the men and started going at it blocking and dodging attaks and sending their own when they get the chance too. "We'll hold them off just get yer pretty faces out of here" Greenie said pushing the man back only to be cut in his leg. "Ah ya fuckin shite head!" He screamed before sending the sword the the guys chest. "The bloody'ell are ya still doin here go!" Greenie ordered as he took the sword out and went to help jack. The others ran into the forest taking the kids with them and not stoping at all untik they reached zecora's house. "Zecora we need help!" Twilight said and banged on the door when the door opened they saw her holding a knife to a man the was in a fancy suite with another child about scootaloo age. They both lookd the same except for the age, they had baby blue fur, white hair and hazel eyes. "Leave my home or I will make you leave" Zecora threatened grabbing another knife. "I just want to know were I may find my daughter and son is that so much to ask for?" The older man said taking a step forward then found his cheek cut by a flying knife. "You speak lies, you are a snake that needs to be killed and sent to hell" Zecora spat eith enough venom to kill six hydra's. "Who do you think you are peasant hurting my father I shall have you killed!" The boy said with a high annoying voice almost like a small girls. "Now tell us were scootaloo and pipsqeak are" The boy demanded. "Who are you ponies and what do you want them!?" Rainbow asked them taking the knife out of the wall. "Yes what is it that you wish to do to them?" Luna asked with a glare, the father and son turned and spotted scoots and pip. "Ah my little girl oh how we have missed you and my son still the strong one you are now we can go back home were you belong" The man saw and the boy walked over. "Ah sister and brother its good to see you both father has been worried as was I" The boy saied but scoots kicked him in the dick. "Oops my bad I forgot I cut your disgusting dick off" scoots said. "I'll be glad to rip the tounge out next you rapist bastard!" She yelled at him and pushed him to the ground. "Ah ah ah young scootaloo you have a choice... come back home with your little brother or" The man snapped his fingers before twenty more men came from behind and held pointed there claws at the mane six, the guys, gilda, the sisters and luna. "We kill you friends the choice is yours to make" "Scoots dont worry about us we will be fine we have steel remember" Rainbow said but was slashed on the back by one of then she screamed and fell to the floor, the wound wasnt deep but she needed a hospital. "Tick tock scootaloo next time they wont just scath her they'll kill her" The man said, scoots looked back to her friends and then at the man. She couldn't do anything she was backed into a corner, scoots hung her head in defeat. "Fine... you win, I'll come back with you just let them go" Scoots said, the man had a smug grin before snapping his fingers and his men went back into the woods. "Im sorry for this everyone... but now you'll be happy and not have me and pip as your burdens anymore... thisnwill be the last time you see me" Scoots said choking on her words and had tears streaming down, they started walking off with the man and boy, a carriage landed down and they entered it before taking off. "Girls are you ok?!" Jack called out then saw rainbow on the floor bleeding. "Rainbow, c'mon stay with me we gotta get help" jack said picking her up. "Wait were are the little ones I dont see them" Greenie asked and they all frowned. "By the gods... we failed" Greenie said dropping his sword. "Why... why didnt you fuckin do anythin ya god damn bastard!" Greenie shouted at mint and coal. "Greenie" Applejack said trying to stop him. "No your supposed ta be men well I see two stallions with no fuckin balls to get a little hurt for god sakes!" Greenie shouted more at them, I came running up covered in blood and a broken claw on my hand that was also covered in blood. "Alright I killed most of them but they retreated... weres scoots and pip?" I asked them they all were silent, twilight came over and sighed. "They... took them steel... were sorry" Twilight said, I had tones of emotions running through me one was heart break the other was confusion. But the last one I knew to well. "Steel are... you alright?" "No twilight Im not... im absolutely livid" I growled and dropped the broken claw. "They took scootaloo they took pipsqeak... now they gotta die a horrible and brutal death" I said and some of the rain around me stoped. "Im going to kill them all... no one will be left to try and take them away.... NO ONE!" I roared out. "Were did they go tell me now" I said. "Steel you need to calm down besides in your form they would spot you from a mile away and we need to get rainbow a doctor" Luna said I didnt have time to wait, I walked over to rainbow and put my hand on her wound she hissed at this until the water that stopled around me formed on my hand and poured on her closing the wounds and making it seem like nothing was there before. "Steel... listin to me you need to calm down and let yourself turn back to normal I will send troops to go and get scootaloo and pipsqeak so theres nothing to worry about" Luna said. "Listin to her man we need to plan things out" Vanilla said I just growled more and walked off back to town breaking a few trees out of anger. "Alright we got him to go back to town now we just need to find out how to not go full genocide on those guys" Vanilla said as they all walked back to twilight library, there they found me with half my upper body back to normal along with my head. "Wow the spell is working faster than I thought it would" Twilight said I grunted feeling more of the fur vanish and was replaced by skin. "Steel are you alright... did you calm down?" Luna asked me sitting next to me but I just got up and went to my room. "He's really angry usual I never see him like this he's always full of cheer and hope... now he's full of hate and rage thats ready to blow up like a bomb" Luna said sighing. "Its alright princess ah'm sure he just needs to be alone for a bit... he wanted to protect those two no matter what, now that he failed a peace of his pride was broken off" Macarena said sitting next to her. "Macarena how long have yall been here?" Applejack asked her twin sister. "Hmm the whole time was upstairs asleep" Macarena said. "How did you not here the storm that is still going and the fighting that broke out?" Twilight asked her. "Ah'm a really heavy sleeper once ah'm out ah ain't wakin up" Macarena said. "*sigh* I just hope he's not to angry... I'll send in a few guards to go get those two back and arrest that family" luna said getting up. "Vanilla and chocolate, come with me please I need your help with something" She said and the three of them left the library in a hurry. "Alright all we can do now is wait" Twilight said but greenie had different ideas, when no one was looking he went upstairs and gave a few knocks on my door, I opened it and dragged him in. "Greenie say a word to the others and I swear to god" I Threatened he shook his head. "I want help ya lad I can tell those kids mean the world to ye so thats what I came to do" Greenie said, we heared another knock on the door I went and opened to see the rest of the guys here. "We want to help get those kids back" Mint said as they all walked in, "Me and coal know we fucked up but we wanna make things right and help you save them" he added. "I owe ya a favor boy'o and I dont want ta see children hurt broke me heart just seein the girl cry... Well the bloody'ell are we waitin for lets fet some weapons and over run the place" Strings said with a cocky smile. "It wont be that easy boys, but I think if we sneak in and kill those guys one by one then we got a chance... Yes thats it when we get there we will form a plan and give out the necessary weapons for your rolls, alright lets go I need to change into something real fast as do you guys" I said and went to my closet and pushed a button on the roof of it making it bigger and showing a room with mannequins that were dressed in robes to match each of there sizes. "C'mon we got work to do" I said and we walked in the hiddin room. "Steel... when did you make this and how did we not notice?" Coal asked me as I tossed him black robes with red silk inside, his had some metal on his shoulder and had my mark on the top of his hood. "What is this?" Coal asked me looking at them as I hand them the rest of the robes. "Robes put them on" I said going over to my robes and placing them, I walked over to a table and attached some throwing knifes going across my chest and then I placed lilys sword and my katakana on the sides of my hips then finally I put on my hidden blades and gave them a test. "Alright Im ready how about you guys?" I asked turning around. "Well Im not sure really, but I like the way they feel" Jack said as he wore his robes, they were a tan color matching his fur with black outlines running across his chest I made it to were there was no sleves so he can move more freely and gave a large swing to send a heavy attack. "Yeah these feel strange but nice at the same time" Mint said wearing his robes, they were pure white and has a blue hood to match his mane, on his chest was row of throwing knifes and poison darts. "Dont know what ya talmin about but I like mine" Greenie said as he wore his dark green robes with a white lining, I had remembered what greenie said about his cutie mark being a green leaf clover so thats what I put on the left side of his chest, his sleeves were gone as was the flaps at the bottom of the robes making it look like just a jacket. "Hmm I dont boy'o This seems a bit strange to wear" strings said as his was grey and black with a metal chest peice from some armor I made at jacks, he had a bow and arrows along with a two daggers on his back. "Alright perfect now I just need you to teach you the basics gather around and sit in a circle this is something I learned from one of twilights books and the book of magic and assassination" I said as they all gathered in a circle I stepped in the middle then covered my hands in my magic aura. "This will only last a whole week so this will give us time to find and kill the bastards that took scootaloo and pip... are you ready?" I asked them, greenie nodded then coal, then greenie and mint and finally jack and strings. I placed my hands together and sat there in silence focusing my magic in order to do this right, then when I was finished I separated my hands and small black ball formed I spread my hands wider then fully stretched them out making the ball surrounded us in it then shocked the group making them yelp in shock and pain. Once the shock surge through them and the black ball vanished they stood up groaning, I stood up as well and walked iver to a table. "Man that hurt... didnt say anything about steel what did you do to us anyways?" Mint asked then caught an assassins gauntlet. "What the hell is this?" "An assassins gauntlet or a hiddin blade put it on either arm you should know the rest thanks to the spell" I said as I tossed the others gauntlets as well, they placed them on their dominant hands and looked at them. "Alright we got our equipment lets head out I found out were there at" I said opening the door and walkijg out with the guys before closing it. "How did you find them?" Coal asked me. "Timberwolves plus rok has their sent so he passed it on to the other timberwolves and they told me were their at... alright lets head out dont need to be pestered by the girls through the window" I said opening it and jumping out with a roll, once we were all out I began leading them to were scoots and pip are being held. "There it is boys the lanch family mansion and there resting place" I said as we looked down at it from a cliff just a few feet away from the gates, guards surrounded the inside but most of them were inside to protect the snake and bastard. "Alright greenie you take the west side while jack take east while thats happing I want strings and mint to take the north and south said but once there done with that go protect coal as he shuts off the power from the building once thats done head to the basement but keep greenie and coal outside to get any pony that tries to jump them. As jack, mint and strings go in find pip he should be held up on the far end but there will be guards so kill them and get him out of there understand the plan?" I asked them the gave a firm nod before checking there gear. "Wait you didnt say anything about what your doing and about scootaloo why?" Coal asked me. "Just get ready to protect my ass from all sides coal cause Im comin through the front door" I said getting up and putting on my hood. "Your crazy you may be trained but surely you have a limit" Jack said I chuckled at his comment. "Ah... jack I've been doing this since the day I escaped that facility... I'll be fine just remember to get pip and get out of there I will grab scoots and get her out of there safely dont worry, when you see me walking through the gates thats when you go" I said as they got up, they werent sure but nodded anyways before getting into position I began walking to the front gates were I saw two men holding spears and wearing armor. "Hey your not allowed here this is private property leave now or el-" I stoped the man as I slit his throat then tossed the knife at the guy next to him landing straight in his skull. I walked past there dead bodies and took out both sword I could hear more guards being killed by the others and coal was right next to me wiping blood off his blade. "That was quick" I said he just humed before we continued walking through the garden. "Alright I'll take it from here go help the others" I said not stoping, coal was gone the second I said the sentence I heared the clanking of armored footsteps then a bright light shined on me from above were archers were and on the ground were ponies with spears and swords. " Leave... it... to... me" I said putting in my ear buds and Hit play. As it started one of them charged at me and went for a stab but I circled around it and brought both my blades down on his back knocking him to the ground with two huge cuts before I stomped on the back his throat crushing his windpipe thats when all hell broke lose they came at me from all sides trying to stab me or cut me down but I countered dodged used other men meat sheild and cut down the ones I countered. Two tried to stab my on my right and left but I ducked just in time before they got my head, I sliced off the sharp ends and tossed a knife at one before jumping back on my feet and slicing right another mans head like butter, Thunder clashed in the air as I killed them I fueled by one thing and that was rage. I saw the archers uptop being kicked off from the roof by the sisters and I was moved to the side by luna who killed the one coming behind me. "Whats the matter honey lost your touch already?" Luna asked me while thrown knifes at oncoming guards I blocked some from behind with my swords and spun around it making sparks from the sword before sending them both in the mans chest. "What me pfft not a chance" I said sheathing lilys sword and gripped my katana and slashed side ways cut four in one swing, I spun it in my fingers then gripped it with blade behind me and cut two guards throats. "It was just a warm up lulu besides who knows more about this me or you?" I asked her as she rolled on my back and jabbed her hidden blades into two guy then used a dagger to shove in anothers throat then head. "You but I think Im better" Luna said I laughed as I flipped behind two and smashed their heads together. "Care to wager my moon princess if I win I get a kiss" I said elbowing one infront of me then behind. "Alright but If I win you do whatever I want deal?" Luna asked me grabbing a bow and shooting two Rouge arrows at one man. "Ah what I ask for a kiss if I win you want me to do what you want but fuck it Im in" I said as we killed more and more of the guards, There were two guards remaing so I tackled one to the ground and killed him with my hidden balde then got up to kill the other but luna beat me to it and dropped his body. "I win now you have to do what ever I want and the first thing I want you to do is go get scootaloo back" Luna ordered I nodded and made my way to the front doors, I gave them a hard push slaming them open. I began walming through the dark empty halls the rain from outside pounded against the window as the thunder boomed in the sky. After a few minutes of walking down the halls I saw a boy about scootaloo's age holding a knife in one hand. "Leave this place welp or die by my hand" the boy said I ignored him and walked on. "Last chance leave or else you die" He said and I ignored him again. He chraged at me knife rasied but as soon as he got close I stoped his attack with my own dagger from my boot befire kicking it out the window. "Out of the way" I said pickijg him up by the shirt and threw him out the window and flew to the woods, the boy got up holding his broken arm and standing on his good leg until he heared a growle from behind him. He turned around and saw a four timberwolves he looked over to me to comfirm the kill to which I nodded and they pounced at the boy then started dragging him in the woods. "No please... no, no, NO!" The boy screamed and was completely dragged into the woods. I dont feel any regret killing the boy he was a horrible person and needed to be in hell, I walked down the halls taking off my hood as I reached a set of two doors. I opened them and saw the bastard himself sitting in a chair facing the window, I walked in and closed the door. "Ah son did you take care of that little problem?" The man said before turning around and then jumping seeing me instead of his son. "What... no that cant be how are you still alive... wait that means all my guards are dead along... with my son, you bastard!" He yelled at me and sent his fist aiming fir my gace but I caught it and shived him into a chair next to a wall before pulling up a stool for me. "What do you want?" "Tell me were scootaloo is now and I might be be willing to let you live but considering you took the kids, hurt my friends and was planning to kill scootaloo and pip thats a big might" I said and he started sweating ij the chair. "Well Im waiting" I said impatiently, he tapped his fingers along the arm rests and studdered with his words. "Why do you want them so badly there just some stupid orphans they were not even wanted not by their real parents or by me besides that little slut and bastard are only good for getting more money not to love" he said and I growled at him. "You shut you mouth you trash... scootaloo is a sweet girl who loves to be with her friends and hates seeing them sad and pipsqeak a fine young boy doing what he can to help his only sister make it through life... you and your god forsaken family tried to take that away from her and for what money, you dont deserve to be called a man cause your just a demon thats to hungry with greed to ever show love to anyone, you took them away from rainbow dash, twilight sparkle, applejack, pinkie pie, fluttershy, rarity belle, gilda, princess luna, greenie, mint, jack, spike, coal, strings, vanilla, chocolate, applebloom, sweetie belle and most importantly" I said getting up and grabbing him by his neck my eyes turning black and my iris turned red. "You took them away from me two of the three ponies I care for deeply... I have warned you but you did not heed my warning now you die" I said and released my hiddin blade and sank it into his heart then I shoved it in his neck letting him drown in his own blood. I pushed him back on the chair were he lay dead, I turned around and saw scootaloo at the door looking in. "Steel... you came" Scoots said I smiled as I walked over and kneeled down infront of her. "Of course I did scoots I made promise to you and pip I would never break that promise to tell ya the truth when they took you guys I felt my heart shatter I was a mess of emotions but then I was stuck on one setting... anger something I never wanted to feel ever again, I didnt want my friends or you two to see my absolutely livid but I lost control and kinda committed genocide on this whole place thankfully I didnt kill anyone we cared about... point is, you remind me of me when I was your age fighting to stay alive keeping someone you knew safe from harm the only difference is you keot your brother I didnt and you made wonderful friends that want you to be with them" I said feeling a small tear escape. "So im gonna ask this once... are you ready to come home with your real family?" I asked her, scoots was already trying to wioe her shedding tears away but more just came to replace them. "I-I want to go home with my f-family" Scoots said in her sobs and choking on her words a bit then hugged me making a damp part on my robes I didnt care about that all I care about right now is scootaloo and pipsqeak. I picked up scoots and let her continue crying onto my chest and hugging me, I looked outside to see the grey clouds still their and pouring down hard but it felt as though something was smiling down at me almost like its saying that I did a good thing and I couldnt agree more. "Steel ah thank goodness your alright" Luna said as she ran down the hall way with pip in her arms, he also looked like he was crying but fell asleep in luna's arms. "Is... she alright?" Luna asked me I nodded rubbed scoots back trying to calm her down. It worked a little bit only for her to silently sniffle here and there, "What about that man that snake" Luna spat out. "He's dead along with his bastard son... what of the others?" I asked luna who was soothing scoots. "I ordered them to go back and tell no one about all this and say we went to save them" luna said I sighed a little knowing that luna wouldnt be known as a killer because of this. "Shall we head home to the place where they truly belong?" She asked I nodded and we left the mansion but before we left the area I stoped the rain from coming down on the house and set it ablaze with a fire spell then made it to were the fire wont spread or be snuffed out by the water until its just ash on the floor. "There... now lets go home" I said putting a sleeping scootaloo in some of my ribes to keep her from getting wet lun did the same and we walked back to ponyville with no worries of being followed or killed. "Did you really mean all those things you said back their?" Luna asked me. "Every word" I said and luna leaned on me. "Thats why I love you" Luna said with a small smile I smiled as well and wrapped my free arm around her the rest of the way. "You still have to do what I say for a week" luna said I gave a playfull sigh as we walked back. (Midnight) "Gather around everyone and see what the shining full moon has to iffer on the final day if the longest nights in Equestria!" Luna cheered as did other ponies, the town was decorated in different kinds of things mainly moon based it was quite fun really. The guys asked me what happened back at the masion what that fire was about and i told them what happened leaving a few parts out but mostly everything else I was standing their with pip on my shoulders and scoots holding my hand we watched the moon shine brighter and brighter in sky with all our friends until the land started to glow a soft blue color. "Whoa twilight was this the thing your talking about?" I asked her. "Yes in fact this is happening all over equis right now but each one has a different like the griffins have green, dragons have red, zebras have yellow and we have blue it kinda of a nice thought right" Twilight said I gave a silent whistle. "Wow they each have a different color thats cool" I said then noticed luna walking over holding something hin her hand. "Whats up?" I asked her as she was right infront of me. "This is for you, and dont forget our deal" Luna said handing me a necklace that was shaoed as the full moon and had one side light blue and the other pitch black with a fox and crescent moon in the middle of the moon. "A gift form me to you" She said I gave a warm smile and asked her to put it on me. "Thank you luna its a wonderful gift and very beautiful... just like you" I said she blushed but scoots and pip ewed at this. "What are you ewing for pip your gonna be doing that to mare when you hit puberty" I said. "No Im not" Pip said me and luna chuckled. "We said the same thing when we were young" We both said and he huffed I started laughing at this. "Ah dont worry pip you'll meet someone your a nice young man" I said be pouted even more. "Well Im goad that everything is back to normal and you two are safe" I said they both smiled and hugged us. "And remember this guys no matter what I will always come and save you no matter what" I said. "We know you said it twenty times already" Scoots groaned I rolled my eyes. "Im just saying now lets enjoy the festival because I was asleep for the weak and sorry about that date to luna" I said, luna just shrugged and walked next to me holding my other hand as we enjoyed the festival not knowing of a certian assassin sister. "Oh so thats what you two are Hmm I kinda wanna get in on this" Vanilla said watching us before running to her sister. > Chapter 13: A slight problem girls > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So tell me greenie why did you bring all of us to the everfree?" Strings asked him as we walked passing tones of tree's, vines, spiders and other stuff. "Look I want ta get somethin for me lass for her birthday and thought ta hell with buyin a fancy schmancy necklace to much bits I say, no Im gonna find a rare flower that makes any girl shed a tear in the sheer Beauty of the damn plant" Greenie said as I used a small sword to cut through the Giants leafs and vines. "Steel c'mon lad back me up if ya didnt want ta buy a expensive fuckin necklace why not just find a flower instead for yer girl aye?" "I dont know greenie I mean I just give my girl a kiss thats mainly it because it shows I love her also anything I buy is probably what she has since she's rich" I said laughing a bit we were silent for a bit as we searched for the flower until jack decided to talk. "So uh... *cough* any good sex lately?" Jack asked halting our footsteps. "What?" "Jack you know thats weird to talk about right?" I said but then their gazed shifted to me. "What?" I asked them, "Isn't it weird to talk about how yall fucked your girls?" I asked moving on and cutting more leafs. "Not really.... I mean most guys just talk about how awesome it was and thats it, but I think rarity is better she's how do I say um... she's the master and slave type" Mint said grinning, greenie just laughed. "My lass loves it rough and barely lets up for a damn break" Greenie said yanking some vines down and looked. "What about ye jacka'boy get any from yer athlete?" Greenie asked jack. "Man she couldn't keep her hands off me the day we started datin, but she likes it soft and not ruff never took her for that kinda mare but makes her more cute" Jack said, the guys continued talking about theirs girls except for me. I pushed through some leafs and found this weird patch of blue flowers they were just in one spot. "Oi steel how about you, what does your girl perfer?" Coal asked me as I went to study the flower. "Never done it before" I said and heared their footsteps cease, I turned back to the and saw they all had shocked faces. "What I never had sex before big deal" I said turning back to the flowers and studied them more. "Dude how, I mean look at you how are mares not just sitting on your lap by now and your marefriend how have you guys not done it yet?!" Mint asked still in shock I shrugged. "Well she's far away and she can only see me every once in awhile and only for a short time so we never have time to do the deed" I said standing back up, "Hey greenie are these the flowers you were talkin about?" I asked the man who checked this green book with a white flower on it. "Hmmmm blue, black lines... white dots? Hmmm must be this old book fading... aye this is it the blue diamond flower very rare and so beautiful, it does look nice I'll say that" Greenie said going over and plucking a few flowers out. "Hey give me a hand with this mates" Greenie asked and we all kneeled down to the bundle of flowers and began picking some out. About a half hour later we picked a bouquet of flowers and put them all in one bundle and threw the dieing ones back. "Alright we got your flowers man lets head back and have you give these to aj" I said and we all started back to ponyville with seeing the old vine infested sign that said poison joke. "I still dont understand how your still a virgin dude, I mean have you seen the amount of mares that will want to ride you hell berry has been eyeing you up and she never even liked stallions before... ever" Strings said as we walked back into ponyville and started to greenies house. "Well I dont know guys im kinda already seeing someone you know so I dont think fooling arlund with other women is such a good idea I dont want to hurt indu's feelings" I said, 'Or be killed by a highly trained assassin princess who loves me to the core' I thought. "Well start a herd man" Coal said and I gave a questioning look. "A what now?" I asked him as we made it to greenies house, he unlocked it and let us inside. "The hell is a herd?" "You never heard of a herd before?" Jack asked I shook my head, "Well basically forming a herd is when a stallion has two mares that he's dating and theres also a harem which means more than two can be with you, we do this because the lack of stallions and hope more will come if we do this and surprisingly it does work a little" Jack said and I stood their in a blank. "Huh I'll look more into that but for now lets see help greenie with the flowers" I said as me and jack went to the kitchen to see greenie already having a beer and a snack. "Whats this your havin a drink with out your mates how cruel... ppfft hahaha hand me a beer man god knows I fuckin need it now" I said and greenie pointed to the fridge, I walked over and opened grabbed a bottle of scotch and had a smile creep on my face. "Oi greenie up for a bet?" I asked him making everyone look at me. "What kinda bet lad?" Geenie asked putting his bottle down. "If I beat you in a drinking contest, you have to buy and give aj a very very expensive necklace while you give her the flowers" I said sitting down across from him and opened the bottle. "Alright but if I win I dare ya to grope the princess's " Greenie said and I smirked. "Deal" I said and the guys stared wide eyed at my response. "I got nothin to lose, so mate... lets drink" I said as greenie grabbed two shot glasses and we began our drinking game. (Four hours later) "Fuck... were almost out booze" I said slurring my words the guys were all passed out except for me and greenie. We did not let up and the bottle was almost gone, I grabbed it again and poured the rest of it in our shot glasses. "This decides the game mate" I said hicuping a bit and raising the glass greenie did the same and we slamed it down the hatch. "Oh fuck lad" Greenie groaned and leaned in his seat I wouldnt lie Im shit faced drunk as was everyone in the house. "You know... I got a secret mate somethin I could only trust my best *hic* mate wanna hear?" I asked him leaning in my seat. "Aye I also got a secret that seems stupid as fuck" Greenie said and we both looked back at eachother. "Im fuckin datin macarena" he slurred out and I laughed heartedly. "You mean the one that you fight with and here I thought you didnt like her... anyways since ya told me yours I'll tell ya mine" I said and looked around only to see the others passed out. "Alright now get ready cause this is gonna be a fuckin shocker and dont tell a damn soul understand" I said and greenie nodded slowly. "Alright... Im dating princess luna" I said and greenie straightened up fast but still a bit tipsy. "Ye are datin the princess lad hahaha... I knew that indu lass was the princess plus I looked into'er name a bit and found out it means moon hehehe... dont worry lad yer secret is safe with me" Greenie said and I chuckled before finally passing out and falling out of my chair. "I win hahaha-ah shite" Greenie said before passing out as well and falling to the floor. (The next morning) I slowly opened my eyes as I felt the sun land on my face making me stir awake, I slowly rose myself up and looked around. 'Thats right I had a drinking contest with greenie... but what was the bet again?' I thought as I got to my feet and rubbed my eyes. "Hmmm wha-Oh man what happin last night?" I heared a raspy tomboyish voice say I looked behind me and saw a green coated unicorn mare in the same place were greenie was sitting. "Ah man my chest feels heavy... wait a minute" the lady said and looked at her chest then screamed. "I have boobs, the bloody'ell!!" She screamed more waking the others up, he started hyperventilating then looked to me and her jaw shot to the floor. "S-steel... lad is that you?" The lady asked who I now think is greenie. "Of course mate why woul-what m-my voice is so raspy like a tomboy" I said I felt around my body and my left I twitched at the feeling of two semi large breasts on my chest, I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror I had an hourglass body d-cup breasts and long hair going to my back. I ran back to the others and started shaking a bit then I realized something, I patted the area were my member was but felt nothing. "I... I dont have it anymore why god!!" I screamed at the ceiling and fell to my knees. "Its gone, my dick... its gone" I said. "Hey your not the only lad mine is gone as well... oh my god, steel looked to your left lad" Greenie said and I did only to see the rest of the guys were all girls as well. "Why are we fuckin girls this feels... so wrong" "Fuckin hell why do I have tits and a nice ass... last time I fuckin checked Im a dude but now my dick is gine only to be replaced with tits and an ass why god why!" Strings yelled and looked at himself more. "Why am I the only one thats short?!" Coal asked and we looked down a bit to see him up to our chests. He was also flat chested. "Wow the world fuckin hates me gives you guys giant boobs and leaves me with a high voice, no boobs and looking like Im a damn highschooler again!"coal said and pouted. "Alright everyone calm down... look something happend to us that made us turn into women so far my back fuckin hurts how do women deal with this and my cloths barely fit anymore" I said pushing some hair out of my face. "And whats worse I have long hair but putting that aside... we need to go get twilight and have her come help us" I said and they all agreed. "Uh dude... I dont know about you guys, but I dont want to leave this place with all this baggy fuckin cloths on" Greenie said and the others agreed as well as me. I dont wanna be seen as a girl so I started thinking and I got an idea. "I got it I'll be right back close the windows and lock the doors" I said and used my magic to teleport to canterlot. (Luna's room) Luna was in the shower washing her body and her hair so she could be presentable for applejacks birthday party, the whole apple family was gonna be their and she wanted to look her best. Just as she was going ti reach for the conditioner she heared a pop and felt something soft in her hands. "Uh... lulu, mind letting go of my ass please?" I asked feeling her hand on said place, luna was about to scream but I quickly covered her mouth. "Luna its me steel, I just... well you can guess by now but I need to borrow some cloths for me and the other guys since all of us turned into girls" I said quickly but also slowly, luna looked at me with narrow eyes. "Luna think of this is their any other human other than me in all of equis and last time I checked there were no female humans" I said letting go of her mouth and she crossed her arms. "Steel what did you do?" Luna asked me and I chuckled and rubbed the back of my head. "Well you see... we dont really know" I said and she face palmed, I looked down feeling the water hit my back and saw luna fully naked infront of me. "If I was dude right now... I'd be turned on just by seeing your beautiful body" I said and she blushed. "Fine mr. Smooth I'll lend you some cloths but you will let me do something to you understand" Luna said and I nodded, she came up to my ear and whispered her request making my entire face flush red along with the tips of my ears. "Deal?" "Damn it... deal, you win luna but you only get to play not get carried away" I said and she nodded, we both got out the shower and I waited till luna was done drying off. As she did I looked in her closet and picked out some cloths and put on the ones I needed, luna came out with a towel wrapped around her body and around her hair. "I see you already have your cloths picked out remember our deal though steel" Luna said and I nodded before teleporting back to the others. "Alright guys I got the cloths now hurry up and put them on so we can run over to twilights" I said tossing them their pair of cloths. They quickly put them on and we all stared at the door. "Why cant you teleport us man?" Greenie asked. "Well I kinda cant im a bit drained so were gonna have to run" I said and they all groaned before we opened the door and just as we were going to step out I ran into applejack making her fall to the ground. "Oh sorry aj here let me help you up" I said picking her up and setting her down on her feet. "Uh who are yall and why are yall in my coltfriends house?" Applejack asked narrowing her eyes at us. "Ah swear if he was cheating on me ah'm gonna kick the ever living shit out of him" she said and greenie straightened up then hid behind me. "I would never cheat on ye lass" Greenie said from behind me, applejack blinked a few times before moving me aside and now seeing greenie. "Uh... hi" Greenie said nervously and ajs left eye twitched. "Ok... why are yall mares and a woman now?" Aj asked us still staring at greenie. "No clue aj yesterday we were in the woods looking for a present for your birthday then the next day were like this" I said gesturing all of us. "We were on our way to go see twilights to see if she knows how to fix us" I said and the guys nodded to back me up. "Alright c'mon lets go the family should be here in a few hours so lets make this quick ah what to introduce them to mine and my sisters coltfriend" Applejack said and we all started running to twilights house, well the others did I didnt want anyone else to see me like this so I shot up to the sky and flew as fast as I could to twilights and used the top entrance to get inside. I looked around for a bit trying to find the attic hatch, after stumbling for about a few minutes I found the hatch but I also found it stuck so I stood back up and gave it three hard stomps before it opened up. I jumped down with a small thud and dodged a broom to the face by my student. "Who the hell are you and what do you want?!" Spike asked me but I just sighed before moving him aside. "Hey you cant just-" "Spike, human female think about it for a second, twilight we need to talk!" I called out to her as I made my way downstairs. "Wait... steel?! When did you-no better question how the hell are you a woman?!" Spike basically screamed the questions he followed me downstairs. "No clue thats why Im here to see twilight and the others should be here" I said and just as I got down I heared the door slam open and saw five confused mares, a griffion and five angry former men. "Hey yo ma let me get your numba!" A random stallion called to them and they slammed the door while greenie was in bis fury I was on the floor dying of laughter. "Oh man Im so glad I can fly fast as hell" I said getting up and resorted to light chuckling, the guys glared at me causing me to stop but still keep a grin. "Anyways as you girls can see, your coltfriends are a little... girlish now same goes for me" I said standing infront of the girls. "Alright what did yall do?" Rainbow asked us and looked up and down jack. "And can we keep jack like this never tried it with another mare before" She asked making jack glar down at her. "Alright mr. Serious we'll change you back sheesh" "Aye I wanna go back to bein a stallion not a mare with a nice ass" Strings said while fluttershy just stared at it. "Stop starin flutters!" "Alright calm down guys I know this seems bad but dont lose your shite we came to ask twilight if she can fix this problem aint that right lass?" Greenie asked and twilight nodded. "Now I need to do some tests on you guys to understand this so mainly I need you all passed while I do these experiments... so either you take the pain or down a bottle of bourbon" Twilight suggested and I didnt take her to be a drinker of any sorts. "Ey thats my booze were did you get that?!" Coal asked twilight who just giggled at the small girl version of him. "Little mares arent supposed to be drinking that stuff" Twilight said teasing him but he had a retort. "Oh yeah and if you dont give me back my booze after the tests I will tell everyone you know that you like to play-hmpph!" Twilight quickly covered his mouth and blushed heavily. "Hehehe alright alright you win just dont tell anyone got it... now then lets get started first I'll test on greenie so let me grab the liquor" Twilight said beging to walk but greenie shook his head. "Nah lass I dont want any of that vile stuff to bitter for me" as soon as greenie said that sentence twilight tripped over herself from the sudden shock she just had. "Im sorry mate but did you say you didnt want to drink... liquor?!" I asked also in shock my most heavily alcoholic friend just turned down a free drink. FREE!. "Yeah I dont like any type of alcohol... BY THE SUN ON CELESTIA'S NICE ASS DID I JUST SAY THAT I DONT LIKE LIQUOR?!!!" Greenie shrieked and began panicking. "No no no no this aint right this is not right at all twilight knock me out look into my brain, cells, dna my double helix anything just make this nightmare end!" Grennie said litteraly shaking the poor mare back and forth. "Wait how do you know what a double helix is?" Twilight asked greenie. "I graduated first in my class in pony biology in college now stop yer yappin and start the damn tests!" Greenie shouted. I had to rip him off of twilight and hold him back. "Alright I think I know whats going on" twilight said causing greenie to stop panicking. "Applejack said you guys were in the woods right looking for a present... tell me what were looking for?" Twilight asked and I let go greenie so he can tell her. "Well I was gonna get the lass a blue diamond flower, we found a bundle of these them just lying their so we grabbed a few and headed back" Greenie said and walked over to a shelf before pulling out a green book with the flower on it. "See this right here" He pointed to the picture of the flower and twilight read the description of said flower. "The blue diamond flower is said to be the most beautiful flower in all of Equestria, but it is often mistake for its color and slight detail. The flower that others mistaken this for is call.... poison joke" Twilight read and I grabbed the book and read more. "The description of the flower is dark blue steem, petals, black lines and small white dots on the petals... well I'll be damned how do we fix this?" I asked and searched the book for this poison joke plant. "So far to cure poison joke is to go see zecora only she knows how to fix this" I said and put the book back into the shelf. "Alright lets head to zecora's and fix this up a.s.a.p" Mint said, with all of us agreeing we set out to go ask zecora for help but their had to be some... road blocks. "Hey sweet hearts why dont you come with us and we'll show youa real good time" A man said with three other guys and I sighed before walking infront of the man who spoke. "A volunteer good now just come with us and-aaah!" I cut him off by smashing my armored fist into his nose completely breaking it. "Listin here and you listin good I nor my friends are going with you so do yourself a fuckin solid before I rip off you dicks and shove them down your throat then feed you to my timberwolves" I said and said stallions were shaking. "Boo" I bluntly said and we were left with three dust clouds. "Alright lets get going I wanna change back already" I said turning back to the others and we started walking to the everfree. "Geez steel ya kinda snapped on those guys back their" Gilda said and I grunted. "Whats up your panties?" "I owe someone a favor is all" I said thinking back to what luna said and sighed, we reached zecora's house in no time and I gave two hard knocks. "A moment if you will" Zecora called from the otherside and a few seconds later she opened the door wearing her usual attire. "Ah twilight and friends what brings you to my home with... a female steel?" Zecora questioned. "Finally I dont need to eplain it, look zecora we just your help in fixing us from this poison joke" I said and zecora 'ah' at this then motioned us with a hand to come in. We followed in after her and took a seat then waited for the mare, after a few minutes she came back with a large bottle of water with green leafes and strange multi-colored orbs in it. "This is the cure for the flower of joke, all you do is bath from it and you shall be returned to normal":Zecora said and handed me the water. "Cool thank you zecora hey if you want you can with us to applejacks birthday party at the farm in a couple of hours" I offered and she accepted. "That would be nice to meet other ponies I have been saving a special gift for applejack as well something she requested for awhile now" Zecora said and applejacks eyes lit up like a kid seeing candy. "Its really done zecora?" Aj asked the zebra mare who nodded and she squealed a bit in excitement. "Yes whoo man ah have waited so long for this, yall go on ahead ah'm gonna stay here and pay for the request" Aj said and we nodded before leaving the hut and started walking to the spa since rarity said thats a big enough place to fit all of us. "I wonder what she requested from zecora?" I asked outloud and the others shrugged in confusion. "No clue anyways lets get fixed up and head to the farm for the party Im sure half the apple family is their setting it up" greenie said and I nodded before remembering the deal, we reached the spa and saw two mare that were obviously twins just with different colors, one was pink the other blue and same with their hair except the blue one had pink hair while the pinke one had blue hair. "Poison joke?" The blue mare asked and we all nodded she giggled and began showing us to the large bath in the back, she poured half the water into the bath letting it glow a light green then go back to being clear. "Alright its all ready now then please put all clothing in this basket here and we will bring you some cloths in a bit oh and my name is lotus and this is my sister aloe" Lotus said pointing to her sister and she waved before they both left leaving me and the guys their. "Alright lets get this done" Strings said taking off his shirt as did the others and they placed them in the basket before grabbing a small towel then wrapped it around their waists before they all jumped up. As they were submerged I grabbed the basket and the cure then teleported to canterlot. (Lunas room) I landed with a soft thud and I saw luna combing her hair and humming a little until she noticed me. "Ah did you find the cure to your poison joke problem?" Luna asked turning to me with a smug grin. "You knew the whole time and didnt bother to tell your own coltfriend huh?" I said putting the basket and bottle down on a nightstand. "Alright lets get this over with" I said and she gained a small blush then smiled widely before staring right at me chest. "Not a word to anyone understand" I warned as I took off the shirt and letting my chest breath and giving luna a complete veiw of them. "Wow their the same size as mine, I wonder if their sensitive?" Luna questioned getting up and coming over to me, I still towered over her a bit making my new breasts eye level to her, she raised one of her hands and began groping me ti her hearts content. "Oh wow their really soft, and squishy their like marshmallows... Im sure this is strange to hear since your a man turned into a woman" Luna said and she laid me down on the bed I grumbled a bit as I let her play with them. "You know this feels oddly good for some reason but maybe I should get a turn" I said and pulled down her shirt letting her breasts pop out with her dark red bra. I pushed her onto her back and slid her shirt off along with her bra giving me a full view of her perfectly large perky breasts she had a heavy blush on her face and she wasnt alone. "Well... maybe we should, turn you back into a man so we can continue this little act" Luna said and I nodded but not before going down and kissing her neck then started groping her soft squishy tits. "Ah ha~... s-steel~" Luna moaned at the feeling and panted slightly, after a few minutes of kissing and groping I pushed off her and took off the rest of my cloths then grabbed the bottle. "Care to join me my princess?" I asked her holding my hand out and I dont think she could have gottin her cloths off faster even if she used magic. She took my hand and we walked into the bathroom were luna closed and locked the door before walking over to the large bathtub that was as big as the bed. "We are a princess and we love baths" Luna said letting her old english slip out due to her excitement, I smiled and turned on the faucet letting it flood the tub almost all the way then stoped it before pouring the rest of the antidote in it, luna got in and placed herself just a few feet and let me in. "Alright here we go" I said and completely submerged myself and the tub was deeper then I thought not like we have to keep ourselves aloft but just enough for it to reach my hips. I quickly shot back up and took a deep breath, once I regained my lost air I looked down at myself and saw that I was a man again, I cheered a little and sat back in the water letting it come up to my chest. Luna had a sultry look and floated infront of me then turned her back to me letting me see her damp feathers, "Would my princess like to be washed?" I asked pulling her in causing her to gasp a little but giggle like a little school filly. "Your princess would love that my human" Luna said with a purr and I started running my hands around her body and started kissing her neck causing her to let out audible moans and they echoed off the bathroom walls. My hands stoped in two places one of them on her left breast and the other rubbing her thigh softly she moaned more feeling herself being touched by me and loving every second of it, she even started to play with herself with one hand and used the other to move my head so I now faced her. "I love you steel" luna moaned out and planted her lips on line and we evaded eachothers mouths letting our tounges wrestle for dominance. I had won the little battle and explored her mouth, she moaned eachother time I squeezed her soft breast in my hand and gave and sqeaked in my mouth when I started pinching her hard nipple. "Oh yessss~" She moaned softly parting from me, thats when my right hand moved from her thigh to her soft lips between her legs she bucked herself forward feeling my finger glid back and forth between her lips causing her to start panting and moan louder. "Oh man luna, I dont think I ever wanted something this bad before" I said feeling my rock hard erection pulse a bit from no attention. Luna turned to face me fully and grinded her pussy lips against my rock hard cock making moan slightly from the feeling. "Oh I know your feeling steel, I know it because Im feeling it right now I want your cock inside me and have you fuck me senseless" Luna said still grinding on my cock. "Well maybe we should take this to the bed dont wanna explain this to the maid thats cleans this bathroom" I groaned out luna pouted before getting off me and getting out the tub, I followed after and she used a spell to instantly dry use then swung open the door to the room and used her magic to pick me up and toss me on the bed. "You were not kidding when you said you wanted this as bad as me" I said as she jumped on the bed and grasped my cock in her soft hand then slowly started stroking. 'Im not sure if this will fit in me or in my mouth, its huge!' luna shouted in her head staring at my cock then slowly moved her face towards it, she let her tounge hang out of her mouth and slowly lick up its length making me grunt and grip the sheets from the sudden action. She continued licking my cock up and down and suckling the tip making me so close to cumming, thats when I felt her take in the tip fulling in her mouth then start going down my length gaging only once but continued until she couldn't go any further then started bobbing her head using her tounge to lap around my cock as she did I moaned at this and panted slightly feeling so much pleasure from this blowjob, I couldnt help but use my hand to make her go more down she didn't mind this and let me bobbed her head down my cock making this feel ten times better. "L-Luna... Im gonna... c-cum!" I said and luna seemed to go faster to reach her prize, after a few times of her bobbing up and down my cock I felt it ready to burst. "Im... c-cumming luna!" I yelled and I came inside her mouth hard. Strings after strings of cum filled lunas mouth and she desperately tried to swallow all of it but couldn't, so she took my cock out of her mouth and cum sprayed all over her chest and mouth until I was done cumming. I panted heavily after that hard orgasim while luna used her fingers and magic to clean herself off of my cum then placed it in her mouth and swallowed all of it. "You taste delicious steel its to bad you came I wanted you to put it in my pussy" Luna said about to get up but I grabbed her and pinned her to the bed. "S-steel?" "Who said it was over?" I asked her with a grin and rubbed my still rock hard cock against her clit making her moan. "Y-your still rock hard but I read in books that stallions cant reproduce sperm until a day has passed?!" Luna said clearly shocked. "Well you forget my little princess... Im not a stallion, Im human" I said and aligned the tip to the entrance of her wet tunnel and I felt my heart race faster. "W-Wait steel give me a second to-AAAHH!" Luna screamed as I thrusted into her letting her moist insides consume my cock fully in a tight lock. "Its so tight" I grunted and felt something run fown my leg I looked and saw blood trickling down my leg but this wasnt my blood... it was luna's. "Oh my god I am so so so sorry luna, I-I was so caught up in the moment that I just-oh my god I fucked up bad" I said now panicking and began pulling out of her but she wrapped her legs around me causing me to stay put inside her. "I told you to wait you ediot" Luna said with tears coming out her eyes. "It hurts alot so please... dont move" luna begged and I nodded not even moving an inch. "Luna... I didnt know you were a virgin" I said a littke shocked actually but also happy that I was her first. "Well I never really found anyone I like, let alone loved until I met you and well before that I had many stallions ask for this but I turned them all down causing them to dislike me and even call me bitch for not having sex with them... after that I was scared to even think about having a mate because of all the threats and when I was sent to the moon it was down right impossible to even try when I got back... but when I came back, you were their and I fell in love with you and pushed past my fear to do this with you and only you" Luna said leaving me at a loss for words, she was threatened her whole life because ponies were butt hurt about not having sex with her so they decided to make her suffer. I saw luna now crying and looked like she was ashamed of herself. "All my life I had ponies only think of me as a slut that doesnt have any feelings and is only good for sex, and I showed them nothing but kindness I even wished I died on the moon because of them" Luna said and I had to stop her their. "Luna, look at me" I said but she turned her head from me. "Luna Im begging you please... look at me, look at the man that loves you for you" I said and she slowly turned her gaze to me, I raised a hand to her cheek and wiped her tears away. "Luna... I love you with all my heart, I dont think of you as those things I see a smart, beautiful mare that pushed aside all her fears to do this with a loser like me who cant give you anything but my love" I said smiled. "When I first met you, you were truly my first friend because of you I had a light in the darkness that shrouded my heart and brought me the warmth of friends and... showed me true happiness I cant thank you enough for being with me, I cant thank you enough for giving me friends and hope and most importantly... I cant thank you enough for showing me what love is for the first time in my life" I said caressing her cheek and she smiled back at me. "So please don't say those awful lies about yourself because I know your more than anything to me I will never in my life forget that ever" "S-steel... I never had anyone... say such things to me before" Luna said crying tears of joy and happiness and I was their to wipe them away. "I... never thought you'd think of me that way" Luna said and brought her head up and kissed me passionately letting her sit up and making me hold her up from her nice round ass. "I love you steel fox" luna said parting from me. "And your not a loser your a gentle man who cares for others and your friends dearly" "I love you princess luna" I said we both smiled warmly and kissed one more time, after that I noticed my cock was still inside her marehood. "Should we continue my princess?" I asked her and she gained a seductive smile before pushing me in my back. "Yes we will my human your princess comands it" Luna said and I nodded before putting my hands on her nice jiggly ass and raised her up before sending her back down making us both moan loud. I helped her get started for a few minutes before she placed her hands on my chest and started bouncing faster and slammed down harder, I thrust up eachtime she went down causing her to scream in pure pleasure feeling herself get rammed into. "OH MY GODDESS YES HARDER HARDER IT FEELS SO GOOD!" luna screamed in her royal canterlot voice, I decided to change it up a bit and I swatter her ass hard making her moan in pain and pleasure. "Yes spank me harder steel, I've been so naughty I need it harder!" She screamed i. Her nirmal voice and I slammed my hand down on her and gave her soft jiggly ass a nice squeez letting her give out a loud long moan, thats when I flipled the over hand her face in the sheet while her ass was high in the air allowing me the fuck mercilessly. "Oh steel Im so close to cumming!" She shouted as I rammed more intensely in her I even started rubbing her wings. Thats when I felt the preasure start reaching it limit. "Oh god Im gonna cum luna do you want inside or out?" I asked her and she flipped on her back then wrapped her legs around me and latched her body to mine. "INSIDE OH GODDESS LET OUT EVERY SINGLE DROP IN ME!" Luna screamed in her royal canterlot voice again and with a few hard thrusts luna screamed in pure bliss as she came and I felt her walls tighten around my cock making me give in. I slamed into as hard as I could into her and released tones of cum into her soaking wet pussy. We stayed like this for a few minutes riding out our orgasims until we finally stoped, I pulled out of lunas marehood and fell next to her covered in sweat and sex nit like she was any different. "That... was the greatest sex I ever had" Luna said panting and I chuckled. "That was your first time luna heh that was my first time too" I said and she giggled before looking outside only to see the sun setting. "Guess we did it all day huh luna" I said chuckling and she nodded. "But it was so much fun and felt amazing... Im glad my first was with someone I love" Luna said hanging on my arm and sighed happily. "I feel so tired though how about you?" Luna asked me and I nodded. "I mean I did just please my alicorn marefriend the entire day so yeah... Im beat" I said and luna blushed a little before grabbing the blanket and putting it over our sweaty bodies. "I think... the maids are gonna be pissed off by this but... fuck it" I mumbled before cuddling next to luna who did the same and fell asleep with a smile on our faces. (Ponyville: sweet apple achers) "Huh wonder were steel is?" Twilight asked coal who was eating a piece of apple pie. "Who knows he's probably sleeping, leave the man be he's had a long day" Coal said and watched as ponies from the apple family walked around and met greenie who was having a drinking contest with macarena. "Yeah but I feel like he's doing something... weird.... oh well Im sure uts just a feeling and maybe your right hes probably exhausted lets enjoy this party" Twilight said, twilight and coal both went back to the party while two sister assassins were listing. "Hmm I wonder where steel is" Chocolate asked vanilla who had a devious smile and looking at the castle. "Oh I know were he is and I also know he's having fun with princess luna right now... when do you think we'll tell him?" Vanilla asked chocolate who blushed at the question. "Maybe when the time is right vanilla c'mon we can talk about confessing while we eat" Chocolate said and the assassin sisters went to join the others at the party. > Chapter 14: Two hearts one body both meant for destruction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Its been a couple of months and things were pretty relaxed other than having to help twilight out with dealing against a mare named trixie but she was being controlled by a evil alicorn amulet that I destroyed once it was removed from her. The bad news is that her caravan was destroyed and she now lives with twilight, me and spike and right now I lm looking for a big house I can live in so I dont take up space so far theirs one on the other side of ponyville located just a few feet in the everfree. Its an old mansion thats needs a total make over and alot of things fixed like the walls, roof, doors and the floor and so on, so on. Right now Im reading at my desk and it was nighttime. "Hey steel can you come down here for a second?" Twilight called up to me, I got up from my desk and walked out my room then started down stairs only to find it empty and the lights were off. "Twilight... spike... trixie?" I called out walking in the center then heared the door creep open from behind me I turned and found five men standing infront of me wearing cloaks. "Who are you and were are my friends?" I asked and raised my fists. "Follow us steel fox, there is something we must discuss in private" One of them said their voice was deep and serious. "Not until you tell me were my friends are?" I demanded and glared at them. "They are fine, your friends have been asked to go to canterlot for a day or two now if you will" The one in the middle said, he seemed to be the strongest amongst them so much so that it was compared to mine with ease. "...Fine, lead the way" I said putting my fists down but not lowering my guard, they all walked to the basement door were one of them put a key into the lock then twisted it right. "What are doing?" I asked confused until they open the door and I saw faust and stardust sitting right infront of the door almost like if they were waiting. "What the hell?" "Steel please... come in we need to talk" Faust said her tone and voice serious along with her stare, the five men that were their had vanished leaving only leaving the assassins symbol on the door. I walked in and shut the door only leaving me in silence as the two most powerful beings I ever came across sitting with an atmosphere that hung heavy around them and making it hard to speak. "Steel we need your help its something you and most likely you alone can do" Stardust said catching me off guard at this. "Something... only I can do" I repeated and they both nodded and stood up from the chairs before walking over to a photo of the two of them with ryle, altaïr, the brothers and connor and in the middle was a mare that looked excited beyond belief and was wearing a crystal crown on her head. Her fur was pitch black along with her mane and tail, her eyes were pale green and she was smaller than all of them showing that she was either in her teens or as the same age as scoots maybe just three years older at most and she was an alicorn. The sisters stared in sadness at the picture I walked to the picture and stared at it. "Who is this little girl?" I asked them and they showed me another picture of her holding both of the sisters hands except she seemed smaller. "This... was, our sister she had changed her name to umbra after she had changed" Stardust said and I stared at the photo in Shocked knowing there's another ancient sister except younger and possibly scoots age. "Your sister she looks as old as scootaloo or applebloom at most" I said still staring at the photo but something else came to mind. "You said she changed... in what way?" I asked them. "It... was so long ago yet it felt like yesterday, me and faust were helping her with a few things and our grandfather and uncle's were out on a mission to stop the griffins from attacking. We were in her castle fixing it up and making sure that everything was fine and... then..." Stardust couldn't finish and starting crying faust went to comfort her sister and went to sit her down. "We were not paying attention to her, apparently she felt like we were neglecting her for the longest time and gave her a kingdom just to get her away from us but we thought she would love to rule over a empire to see what its like to be a queen... so she ran into the ice cold tundra that surrounded the kingdom to get us to notice her but she ran away without even saying anything causing us to panic and have every single pony to search day and night for her... until they found her almost half frozen to death with her fur turning half white we thought it was the snow but after we warmed her up and brought her to full health it stayed their. We went into it more to try and help her but what we didnt notice was her changes she had grown taller as tall as us, her eyes went a darker shade of green and her iris went purple... it wasnt until it was to late that we found her completely turned evil and even tried to kill us out of hate and rage" Faust said sitting down and holding her sister who was still crying, I was left in a blank state I couldn't even comprehend how horrible they felt seeing their little sister just turn in them because she felt neglected and they didnt even know. I sat on a chair in a state of shock and wonder if thats how I would have ended up if I hadn't met ryle or came here and met my friends or if I hadn't met luna. "Umbra's real name was actually diamond heart queen of the crystal empire" Fuast said making another question pop up. Whats the crystal empire? "What is this... crystal empire you mentioned it a few times but I never seen it on the equis map much to my knowledge" I asked and they showed me on more picture with a city fully of colorful crystals and diamonds and the sun shined bright in the sky and on the snowy ground, it was beautiful even in this photo. "That is the crystal empire... the place that we sealed diamond she did get out at one point but our daughters went to stop her only for diamond to seal herself away again only this time hidding the one thing that holds all her power and her old self" Stardust said finally calming down but still sniffling. "But their magic was not strong enough so they combined their power and sealed her away again only for it to be broken bringing the empire back... along with umbra" "I see... is their a way to change her back?" I asked and they didnt know, they searched day and night for the past 600 thousand years but still found nothing just an animal name. "It took us that long to only find a name, it was called the frost might its is said in the books that if this beast has struck you, bit you, or frosted your body even by a little your inner most dangerous demons will be set free and you will undergo four stages, one is the fur changing from their original to snow white, the second is the change in attitude, three is body transformation which means changing into your own inner demon almost like luna and nightmare moon, and finally number four full body take over the affected stallion or mare is completely turned into a horrible and brutal beast of their inner most horrific demons they possess and they separate from their good side and trap them in their personal soul object in this case diamond hearts soul object was a heart made of complete crystal with a smaller diamond heart in the center. Their she is trapped and we dont know any way to save her" Faust said handing me the book and the frost might was a large snow white monster standing on two legs that resemble a wolf, a fox and a human due to its six tails, head shape thats matches a wolf, claws of a wolf and the small but muscular tone body of a in shape human man. "This is strange, such a creater that can manipulate your own feelings and turn them into physical beings if I was twilight right now I'd be fan-girling so hard but this is a serious matter... you said its retured correct? If so then for how long?" I asked them. "Its been over four days since its been brought back and your friends cadence and gleaming went to go rule over it and protect the ponies living their Im not sure what celestia is going to do but I hope she acts fast umbra can be quite cunning, she was considered the worlds most smartest mare in all of existence even past us at age sixteen" Stardust said and brought up a crucial matter. "About that um... how old is she?" I asked them and they had to think for a bit scratching their heads. "Id say around... 22 million years old giver take a few years just a few years down me and stardust" Faust said and I felt my left eye twitch a bit and loom at the young girl in the painting. "Is she you know still considered a kid?" I asked and they shook their heads. "Actually if she were here now she be atleast your age if she wasnt immortal " Faust said and I gave a long whistle. "Neat... hmm I wonder is she considered petite by you two since of her small body?" I asked they nodded. "I see... Im kinda hoping that I dont scare the nice diamond" I said getting questionable looks from the two sisters. "What do you mean?" Stardust asked me and I chuckled still staring at the picture. "Simple, Im going to release diamond heart from her crystal and diamond prison and kill umbra" I said causing them to stare at me in shock. "You said she was split from her evil demon right so all I have to do is free diamond and kill her evil self simple as that though Im pretty sure she might put up one hell of a fight" I said and walked to the door back to the library. "Oh that reminds me why are twilight and the others at canterlot and why didnt they bring me?" I asked the sisters. "Dont really know but I do know celestia summond all them but left you out of the letter for some odd reason, maybe it was your fun time with my daughter" Stardust said with a shit eating grin and I turned red. "Honestly I say she picked a keeper even became her first friend even after she tried to kill you" She said and they giggled at how much I was turning red. "How uh *cough* how did you know?" I asked kinda scared she might make me break up with luna though she did say I was a keeper so maybe not. "Just like luna I can enter dreams and lets say she was having a pleasant dream about you and your friend down their" Star said causing me to laugh nervously and cough a few times while she still kept her shit eating grin. "Y-you know I-I think I should um go have a little visit to the castle so uh... thank you for the information and I promise to bring back your sister" I said and turned to the door and opened it but faust stoped me. "Its not forbidden for royalty to date a commoner you know, so if your secret got out then theirs nothing celestia can do" Faust said and I smiled at this before leaving through the portal back and shutting it close. "Thats a relief atleast... lets get going to the castle I hope everyone is ok without me" I said and grabbed a few things like lilys sword and my katana I strapped the katana on my hip while my fix sword was strapped to the left side of me I also grabbed my assasssin gauntlets before using my magic to teleport to the others. (Canterlot castle) Everyone was in the dining hall having a nice dinner in silence although they wished that I was their to start a conversation or share a story from my world hell even crack some jokes. But no it was silent only the sounds of the fork and knife hitting the plates and sometimes a little request from each of them. The silence was heavy until greenie had enough. "Alright who's fuckin idea was it ta not bring steel its to god damn quiet!" He said slamming his hands on the table in frustration rainbow and aj both agreed even the assassin sisters who loved things to be quiet. "Have you forgottin that he was sick today, he was so out of it he didnt even get out of bed so I left him be to rest and so here we are bored out of our fuckin minds... pardon the language" Twilight said moving her plate and put her head down. "Its to quiet I wanted steel to tell a story or something" Rarity said sipping her wine. "Amen" Jack said and requested some whiskey which he got in seconds before chugging the contents. "Never had this stuff in my life but fuck it" he said and drank some more. "I dont see what the big deal is, a dinner is supposed to be quiet not a full of ponies talking that just distracts you from eating" Trixie said messing with her drink. "But I will agree... its boring" "Alright alright thats enough I know you all want steel here and have fun but he is sick so we must let him rest" Luna said then saw her sister and the vanilla giving a shit eating grin while chocolate blushed a little knowing what they were thinking about. "What?" She asked and started drinking her wine. "Oh nothing luna... so when are you and steel gonna fuck?" Celestia asked out of the blue making all the girls blush making greenie choke on his food and jack choke on his drink. Luna, hearing this, spat out her drink and coughed a few times. "CELESTIA!" Luna growled at her and celestia laughed along with vanilla. "Why are you asking me such a private topic for mothers sake" Luna said cleaning herself off with a napkin. "Oh I dont know maybe because you love him" Vanilla said making her go beet red and cough nervously in her hand a few times, the others looked at her in curiosity to see if this was true. "C'mon admit it princess you wish you can tear his cloths off and have him rut you like you were his personal slu-" "Vanilla!" Chocolate blurted out and covered her sisters mouth making but damage was done and Twilight's, rarity's, gilda's, trixie's, chocolates and lunas face flush red. "I-I... um I seem to have lost my appetite I will see you all in the morning good night" Luna quickly said getting up and teleporting to her room. "Vanilla seriously ya went a little far dont you think?" Strings asked her and she shook her head. "No because I know she wants to do that to steel badly, why do you think she was so flustered, she love's steel and I think steel love's her" Vanilla said with a confident smile while the others were curious as to why. "Why would they love eachother?" Twilight asked and rarity was thinking to herself a bit then squeed. "Geez rarity whats got you so excited?" She asked her fashonista friend who was smiling brightly. "Its so obvious how in the world did I not see it, all the signs, all the movements to eachother its all their" Rarity said confusing the others and she noticed they were seeing her fan-girl a bit. "*Ahem* Sorry about that but I just realized that their perfect for eachother!" "What c'mon rares thats crazy talk Im sure that steel and luna are close friends" Rainbow said. "Theirs no way a princess and a badass guy like him could-oh my god they love eachother" Rainbow said and rarity gave a smug look. "See! Steel and luna are perfect they both love the night, they both love history, they love to fighting to help others, they despise snooty nobility, they hang out with eachother all the time, need I say more darling?" Rarity asked them. "Rarity I'm sure steel thinks luna is only a friend like all of us, yes they are closer than they are with us and yes they share similar intrest and both have a dark past but that just makes the friendship bond unbreakable" Mint said and rarity scoffed, they all argued about this until the doors opened up revealing luna with a evil grin. "Ah we can put our rumors to rest luna are you and steel dating if not than you can prove rarity wrong" Mint said. "Oh I dont know whats your answrr steel?" Luna said looking over her shoulder and I walked up behind her with a smile. "Me and lulu here are just really good friends and nothing more" I said wrapping my arm around her then I threw a knife with all my strength letting it pass celestia's head and digging itself into the wall until it was at the guard. "So whats this about me having my way with luna? Celestia, vanilla?" I asked them both as they stoped starring at the knife their eyes wide. "O-oh uh did we say that, I don't recall well its been a nice diner twilight and steel meet me in the throne room bright and early, everyone have your stuff ready and sister I will see you in the morning good night!" Celestia said quickly and teleported faster than I could blink leaving all of my friends shocked while some were still looking at the knife. "Welp thats that I'm tired so Im gonna hit the hay see you in the morning" I said letting luna go and walking to her tower, after a few feet luna caught up with me and we started laughing. "That showed her not to say such things" I said through my breaths while luna was still laughing. "Oh that was to good the way she ran away in such a hurry I was surprised I didnt burst out laughing right then and their, I am suprised your here though twilight had said that you were sick what happened?" Luna asked me and I shrugged. "I did feel a little sick this morning then I took a nap and bam I was as healthy as a horse... no pun intended" I said making her giggle, luna grabbed my hand and leaned on my arm with a sigh I smiled as she did and we walked through the halls next to eachother not really caring about the world until we made it to her room. "Well I think I earned a little sleep dont you think?" I asked and opened the door and let luna in before I entered in myself. "Well we can spend sometime in your dreams if you like shouldnt be to bad right?" Luna asked sitting on her bed, I joined her and took off my weapons then my shoes. "Yeah that would be nice just me and you" I said taking off my shirt then my necklace. "You still have the necklace I gave you how sweet" Luna said with a smile and kissed my cheek I smiled back and kissed her. "Of course like I would get rid of it, not even god himself could make me throw it away" I said and she awed at this before nuzzling into the crook of my neck. "Alright lets head to bed I need to be up early for my morning exercises and meeting" I said and gentle pushed her away from me making her give a adorable pout. "Hey how about we spend sometime with pip and scoots in their dreams you know make sure they know we aint dead" I said getting into bed luna agreed and stripped to her underwear. "I said dream walking not sex time" I said and she rolled her eyes. "Oh ha ha you should be lucky to stare at my body" luna said climbing. "Oh I am lucky that I was the first man to have sex with a beautiful mare" I said causing her to blush heavily then repeatedly hit my arm lightly. "Dont say it like that it was a special moment for me" luna said making me chuckle at her actions they were almost like a kid saying they wont forget how much fun they had at a park. "Calm down my princess I wont forget either because I love you and you wont forget because you love me" I said grabbing her and bringing her closer. "Now lets go check on scoots and pip yeah." "Ok c'mon" Luna said with a playful smile and turned off the lights before we both fell asleep. (Dream world) I opened my eyes and saw rows and rows of doors each one of them different than the next which kinda got me curious as to which door mine was but saved that though for later and began wondering around looking at the many doors. Their was one door that stood out the most actually two doors, the door on the left was pitch black with the words brigid etched in fire and little fountians of lava roamed down the sides and a fire crown floated above it. "Definitely brigids... but whats this one?" I asked myself and saw a ghostly blue door with six chains wrapped around the edges, each one supporting a chilling dark matter color on them and a skull with sharp teeth at the ends, the door itself looked pretty durable at the least and on the top of the door was my name etched in pure light but when it got to fox all of it shifted to black, then finally above that was a black crown molded in pure darkness and behind the crown was pure white wings made in the purest of light. "Wow so this is my door It looks pretty scary from the outside" I said placing my hand in said door and felt it was smooth to the touch. "Yes when I first saw the door It sent chills down my spine, I will admit its kinda intimidating to say the least more than your sisters" Luna said appearing next to me. "Its cool how all the dreams have a door to the stallions or mares mind" I said completely fascinated but felt lunas fingers interlocking with mine then she pulled me to two doors one was a regular white door with brown spots and the name pipsqeak on it in black, the one next to it was a orange colored door with wings on the side and the words scootaloo in dark purple. "Here we go" I said and reached out but felt someone start having a nightmare I looked around and found what I think is twilights door, mainly because it was purple with the words twilight in pink and her cutie mark etched into it. "Seem's our bookworm friend is having a nightmare" Luna said about ready to open the door but I stoped her and went to the door. "Steel what are doing?" "Let me handle this on I'll meet you in the kids dreams" I said and opened twilights door before being engulfed in light for a split second then feeling warm all around. "You have failed twilight sparkle, you are not even worth calling a student you will no longer be attending my school, you wont send anymore friendship reports and you are forbidden to see coal wing again" I heared celestia say behind me, I looked and saw twilight crying as celestia didnt even look at her or even comforted her. "Guards take this... trash out of my sight" Celestia demanded and her own sister came and grabbed her. "No please I swear I-I'll do better please Im begging you princess please!" Twilight sibbed out as gleaming dragged her, this is were I had to cut in. I stood infront of gleaming and swiped my hand across her head and she vanished, twilight was on her knees crying her eyes out because of thus stupid nightmare, I kneeled down and put my hand on her shoulder causing her to flinch but slowly look at me. I had a warm comforting smile almost like I was saying 'everything will be alright', she wrapped herself arlund me and cried in my shoulder. "Your ok twilight... this reality will never happen, if it does just know you got your pal steel to help you pick the pieces up and placed them back together" I said hugging her back, the room was completely black nothing but a void making me have an idea pop in my head. "S-Steel please dont leave your my only friend now... they all left rarity, rainbow dash, pinkie, fluttershy, aj, coal *sob* everyone so please dont go" twilight sobbed out and cried on my shoulder making my shirt damp, I wrapped my arms around her and offered her a smile. "Twilight, Im not going to leave over a stupid test no one is going too do you know why?" I asked her as she looked up to me with bloodshot eyes and raw cheeks. "Because your our friend havent you learned anything twilight?" I asked with a slight chuckle and petted her head softly. "Theirs a saying I heared once and I go by it everyday" I said catching her intrest. "What *sniffle* what was the saying?" Twilight asked me. "Life is designed to knock you down. It will knock you down time and time again, but it doesn't matter how many times you fall... it only matters how many times you get back up and try again" I said and she seemed to be feeling better a little and wipped her eyes from falling tears and separated from the hug. She sat their taking deep breaths and she finally calmed down. "I see what you mean... it doesmt matter if I fail or not because I could always come back and try again but the question remains how many times will I pick myself up each time I fall to the ground?" Twilight asked with a sad frown but I snickered a bit. "I dont doubt you twilight.... your the smartest pony I've ever met and I met the man who taught me that quote" I said lying down on the floor, the darkness was getting boring so I waved my hand and the room was filled up to the brim with a whole field of flowers and a calm river next to it. "Much better dont you think... twilight are why you so scared?" I asked her hoping she would open up a bit because she's more of the keep to herself type of mare but she sighed and began telling me. "All my life I've been casted over by my sister because she was so smart and pretty... I never really gave it thought until a boy asked me for gleamings number instead of mine, after that I sorta just... Shut my girly self away and started studying non-stop, never taking a break and only eating when necessary I was already in celestia's school but I spent my whole life their just studying, not caring what other thought of me. Until me and the girls met, they showed ms kindness and made me feel like an actual pony instead of a shell of one then we met you and well admit I sorta had a crush on you that made me bring out the girly side out and then I met coal... Oh Im sorry I went on a full rant about my life" Twilight said with a bit embrassed but I snorted softly. "Its fine twilight, Im here to listen your problems and help you through them as much as I can" I said and she gave a small smile. "Oh I need to get back to my own dream, just remember twilight if you fall you can always get back up no matter difficult and if you have this bad dream again think of me and I'll fight them off for you... goodnight twilight see you in the morning" I said before a door popped up and I left the dream leaving a happy twilight, but she felt something else in her heart making it beat faster. "Uh-oh" I came out of the dream and slowly closed it before lightly jogging to luna and the kids, I grabbed hold of the doorknob and entered the dream. The dream itself was unexpected, it was when me, the guys, the sisters and luna went to go save them and it was showing me carrying scoots and seeing pip beimg hled up by luna out of the dark house wearing my assasssin robes and having my glowing red eyes. "I will protect and save you and pip from anything no matter what" Dream steel said as scoots smiled happily. She looked so happy as me and luna comforted her and pip and brought them back home to their friends. "Make's you not wanna stop this dream huh?" Luna said sniffling a bit I chuckled softly before bringing her in for a hug. "Aw dont cry luna... c'mon lets go say hi to pip and scoots yeah" I said grabbing her hand, she nodded and wipped away a few tears before we made our way to the dream copies. We moved our hands through them. "Steel? And princess luna what are you guys doing here... and I was having such a nice dream" Scoots said pouting and pip smiled at us. "Ah dont be like that scoots thought youd be happy to see your ol' pal steel and make sure you know Im not dead" I said picking her up while luna picked up pip. "So that dream... care to talk about it?" I asked scoot who laughed nervously. "What dream?" Scoots asked and I rolled my eyes. "The one were me and luna save you guys and take you back to the others" I said and she blushed with embarrassment. "I uh... no reason" Scoots said and I humed before booping her nose. "Dont lie scoots why were you having that dream?" I asked again booping her nose again making her giggle. "Alright alright enough with the booping... well the reason we were having that dream is because me and pip kinda... see both of you as, a mom and dad" Scoots said silent enough to were I couldn't hear it. "One more time scootaloo me and steel couldnt hear" Luna asked and both the kids looked a bit uneasy almost like they were scared to say it. "Dont worry we wont be mad I promise" Luna said and I nodded. "What I said was that me and pip see both of you as... a mom and dad" Scoots said making me and luna to go in a little shock. "You see us as... your parents?" I asked them both and they both nodded slowly. "Wow I... I never thought of myself as... as a father before" I said and feeling a little lump form in my throat. "T-Thank you... thats the nicest thing I've heared in my whole life" I choked out a bit. "I agree... I never considered, well being someones mother and to have these two say they see us as such... melts my heart" Luna said and hugged them both. "Your not gonna say were just a waste of space and time?" Pip asked almost suprised. "I couldnt bring myself to say it even if I was made to, your both amazing kids Im suprised not one family adopted you yet... They are missing out in the two coolest kids I met" I said joining hug, we stayed their for what seemed like years and I didnt want it to end but like every good thing it must end. "Thank you again kids... this totally brightened up my day" I said. "Yes it mine as well, I think Im about to cry actually" Luna said I patted her head and brought her closer. "Dont cry princess not for how we feel" Pip said hugging her to try and make her feel better but she had to let lose a couple. "Alright... alright Im fine, Im fine sorry *ahem* hit a very emotional cord right their nothing to worry about" Luna said, I laughed a little but glad to see her feeling ok. "Alright I think we should wake now it's past 11:00 already" I said putting scoots down and luna put pip down. "We'll see you guys when we get back for now stay out of trouble ya hear" I said messing up their manes. "Yeah yeah we wont... maybe" Scoots said I booped her once more making her giggle again. "I said stop" She said I chuckled before standing at my full height. "Alright little ones we will see you later" Luna said and the world started melting. I felt myself shake a little from my left casuing me to stir awake and see luna nudging me slightly, she looked up at me with a small smile and rose out of bed. "C'mon its time for your meeting Im sure celestia is waiting along with twilight" Luna said, I nodded and got out of bed then stretched popping my limbs. I grabbed a new set of cloths and put on my jacket that I left here then placed my weapons on me. "Alright I'll see you later luna dont go getting into trouble" I said and she rolled her eyes at me as I washed up and left the room making my way to the throne room. As I walked I saw spike talking to a certian baby blue pony spike was a little shorter than cinder only by a few inches, they talked for a bit until they saw me next to them. "Oh uh steel... whats up man?" Spike asked me a bit nervous and I grew a small smile. "Oh you know just headin to see twilight and celestia I see you met cinder" I said and spike nodded then brought me a few feet away from her as she was talking with a maid. "Dude she's awesome I cant really find the words but I think I like her man, we have almost everything in common, we like comic books, we both like purple, we like to play the same games hell she even said she liked dragons better than stallions... only problem is Im sixteen and she's nineteen" Spike said a little down, I looked back up to cinder and see her blushing a little as the maid pointed to spike with a small grin, I chuckled and held out my hand to him. "Alright Im gonna do this only once ya hear, I promised lily and manus never to do this but I'll make an exception" I said and spike looked confused. "Im going to use an ageing spell to make you eighteen but I must know if you are willing to do this" I said and spike grabbed my hand without hesitation. "Dude you said theirs mares out their for me... I think I found her so you know what Im gonna go for it" Spike said and I laughed a little before surrounding our hands in my black aura. "You wish I'll grant it... This is going to take four days five tops and you will feel pain last warning man" I asked him, Spike looked over to cinder who was waiting to talk to him some more. "Alright I got my answer but first" I said stoping my magic and letting go of spike before walking over to cinder. "Whats up steel?" Cinder asked me. "I got a little question cinder so listin carefully" I said and she nodded. "You see I got the purple and green friend who has a little crush on you do you think you'll give him a chance?" I asked her and she thought about it for a bit. "Just a yes or no" "Well... if your friend is purple and green" cinder said and looked over to spike. "And if he likes comics, games and everything I like than... yeah I would" Cinder said winking to spike who turned red. "All I needed to know... he should be here in four or five days so be ready for his visit alright" I said and cinder nodded, I walked back to spike and held out my hand like last time and just like before I had my black aura around our hands before it creeped all over him then zaped his entire body causing him to go a little dizzy. "Their its all done" I said making the aura vanish, I leaned over to spikes ear and whispered. "Have fun dude" I said making him go full red, I got back up and gave a thumbs up to cinder before running off to the throne room knowing Im late. "Sooooo spike... wanna come read some comics with me?" Cinder asked walking over to him, spike nodded and cinder smiled happily before they both walked to the library. "Ay sorry Im late helping spike with something, what did I..." I trailed off as I saw celestia next to twilight with green eyes and purple smoke coming out of it, I was about to attack but she noticed me and stoped her magic turning her eyes back to normal. "Oh steel your late I was showing twilight the crystal empire but had to show her what umbra had done to it" Celestia said as twilight turned around staring at the small crystal in her hands. "You want me to save an entier empire?" Twilight asked uneasy, she sounded unsure and also scared. "I know your feeling scared right now twilight but you are the only one that can do this" Celestia said shifting her gaze to twilight then to me. "I am asking this one thing from you steel so please follow it" she said her tone turning serious. "What do you want me to do?" I asked, 'Though your orders dont apply to me at all since I have more important matters' I thought to myself making sure celestia didnt hear it. "I want you to not go to the crystal empire, in fact I will be taking your weapons" Celestia said grabbing lilys sword and my katana then made them go into the vault. "Celestia you know as well as I do that twilight and the others might be..." I started and stoped as twilight didnt know how strong umbra was and I didnt want to scare her even more. "I know what you are thinking steel but you must remember these are the ponies that helped seal many things away and even became your friends" Celestia said in a starnge tone at the end almost like she was suprised getting a curious look from me. "What do yo mean by that?" I asked her and she just realized and tried to change the subject but I wouldn't let her. "Celestia what do you mean even became friends with me cause it sounds like you were suprised when I made friends with the others... got something to say celestia?" I asked her and she looked nervous but sighed in defeat. "When we first met... I was hoping that nightmare moon would... kill you since I knew you werent a fox but something different, something that would have killed us all" Celestia said getting a glar out of me and shocked look from twilight. "Im sorry! I didnt know what else to do I thought when you reached your full power you were gonna kill us all and I wanted to have someone else kill you so I wouldn't" she said and I didnt know what to say anger nor livid could suffice to this feeling neither disappointed. "Celestia how... how dare you!" I shouted at the alicorn princess and her ears flopped to her head. "I showed you kindness, I shared what I liked and dont like with you I thought you were my friend and yet... you thought I just stab you in the back for what shits and giggles nothing can suffice enough to show how Im feeling nothing... I trusted you and called you friend and your telling me you wanted me dead this whole time, what else have you been hiding celestia cause I know damn well your hiding more!" I shouted more and stomped my foot in anger cracking the ground. "Steel please I-Im sorry but you looked like a threat you have to understand" Celestia said backing up a bit and noticed the cracks on the floor were my foot was. "Understand?!... oh tia what you need to understand is that Im bustin my ass here helping twilight and my friends fight off all the evil that has plague this land and for what so twilight can send you a letter say 'he didnt kill anyone, he looks like he's getting stronger keep a close eye on him'" I said, before she could say anything else I felt something burn on my back it was excruciating but I held in the screams. "Im going whether you like it or not celestia" I said and she seemed to back up and the burning became even more unbearable. This was a long silence until my weapons were tossed back to me by luna and my armor I left at the library. "Luna who gave you permission to-" "I did now shut up, steel wants to help his friends no matter what look at the man he's practically risking everything just to go help them so I say let him and you dont have authority over him" Luna said shutting celestia up quick and I smiled before putting back on my weapons and then using my magic to put the armor on myself. "Alright your friends are all at the train station so you better hurry" Luna said, I nodded and grabbed twilight before teleporting out of their. "You had no right to interfere with important bus-" "Ah shove it sun butt, call me when steel gets back" Luna cut celestia off and teleported back to her room leaving a shocked celestia. "What has steel done to you luna?" We made it to the train station just in time to get abored and sit with everyone and there was nithing but silence during the trip. Twilight would take glances at me from time to time for some reason but I didnt care I did just yell at celestia for her bullshit which I was still pissed at. "So mind filling us in twilight on what were dealing with here?" Dash asked twilight who jumped a little but calmed down. "Yeah sorry... The princess has asked me and all of you to head to the lost crystal empire that was once sealed away from all of equis long ago by a powerfull leader named umbra even her power was enough to give celestia and luna a bit of trouble but in the end umbra was forced to retreat only she took the empire with her" Twilight said and fluttershy started shaking at this. "I bet we can take her, we handled worse before and Im sure steel can beat her" Mint said full of confidence but even I was feeling a little doubt that I could beat such a powerful pony. "Yeah... I can totally beat her" I said trying to play off my doubt luckily it worked and the others didnt press on. After all the awkward silence was gone everyone started talking to one another leaving me in my thoughts and wondering how Im gonna beat someone who is the third strongest and the most smartest being known to any kind. I hadn't noticed I was growling a little as I felt the burning come back to me, but like before held it in not wanting to cause a scene. "I can beat her" I said silently then closed my eyes to take a quick nap. (Two hours later) I felt the train stop with a soft jolt causing me to slowly open my eyes and see the others putting on snow gear. I had gottin up and straightened out my cloth armor before we all headed to the door, I reached for the handle and slamed it open letting a freezing cold breeze to rush in making the others shiver violently but to me I felt fine. "Alright we should be metting gleaming here any minute so she can escort us to the empire!" Twilight said and we waited outside in the cold. Literally every mare came over to me and used me as a heater, first it was twilight, then rarity and rainbow, fluttershy, pinkie, trixie, vanilla, chocolate and gilda I gave annoyed sigh and just decided to ride it out though half of them were blushing I didnt pay any mind. "This is taking fuckin forever, Im gonna try something" I said then used my Eagle vision to see past the snow, thats when I saw a dark figure approaching. I pushed the girls off me and took out my stardust sword then readied myself. "Who's their?" I called to the figure as it made its way to us, it was wrapped up in dark warm cloths with a mask to help see through the snow. "Twily!" Gleaming called out taking off her mask, the sisters ran to eachother and hugged for a few seconds before parting. "Its good to see you guys... but we can talk later we gotta head to the empire" Gleaming said and almost sounded like she was scared. "But first I want to the know the situation" Twilight asked and gleaming looked at the dark clouded sky. "Alright I'll make it sweet and simple, umbra has retured and even more powerful its takin every ounce of magic cadence has to ward off the evil empress and right now were trying to find a way to stop and defeat umbra but so far nothing has come up... hurry we must leave, their are things at night even nightmare moon would be scared of" Gleaming said just then we all heared a long loud roar. "Was that one of the things?" Fluttershy asked looking right about to faint, then were heared it again except louder. "Run!" Gleaming shouted then broke out into a full on sprint with the rest of us behind her, the snow made it hard to see but gleaming used her horn to use as a beacon for us to follow. We rn for what felt like hours not stoping at all, whatever made that roar is chasing after us more specifically. Me... I looked behind my shoulder to only see spike lagging behind along with rarity who was continuously yelling at him not to drop her bags, I sighed a bit then slowed down to match spikes speed which was jogging speed. "Rarity their is a evil empress chasing us and your worried about your damn bags!" I yelled at the mare who glared at me with killing intent but I gave one back. "I am not setting one foot if my bags get dropped to the floor and theurs nothing you or an evil empress can do to make me!" Rarity screamed at me, Thats when I saw black smoke aproaching us from behind. "Stop bein a little foal and but some more or for god sakes make them, you know what!" I yelled back then grabbed the bags off of spike and threw them at the black some casuing it to get a little side tracked. Rarity stoped dead in her tracks and stood their not moving, I growled at the whinny mare before slinging her over my shoulder along with spike then sprinted back to the others. "Oi mint carry your day marefriend for fuck sake!" I said tossing rarity to him to which he caught her and I put down spike. "Were almost their keep on going!" Gleaming called out and we saw a giant blue dome. Twilight was the first to get in then coal, trixie, gilda, the assassin sisters,spike, greenie and jack, rainbow, aj, mint and rarity, pinkie, and strings. The only ones left were me, fluttershy and gleaming just as fluttersht was about to make it through black tendrils wrapped around her arms and legs then started dragging her away. "Someone help!" Fluttershy screamed in fright, strings ran out and was going straight to fluttershy but another tendril tossed him back into the dome. Gleaming was shooting magic blasts out of her horn at the tendrils but was blasted back by a red magic shot hitting her right on the horn before being tossed through the dome as well. "Hang on fluttershy Im coming!" I yelled and ran forward blades drawn the tendrils tried to peirce through me but I dodged and cut them down if the got close to me, more and more came making it harder and harder to reach fluttershy and I know if those things even touch me its game over. "Steel behind you!" Fluttershy screamed to me, I quickly turned and cut down the tendril sneaking up on me. I pushed through the remaining and was right their to grabbing fluttershy my hand stretched out to grab her's just two inches from eachother until. CRACK... CRUSH I felt something tug in my left arm, the side of my chest and just above my heart. A look of horror fell onto fluttershy's face and tears welled up in her eyes, I wasnt falling to the ground yet my body felt as heavy as a rock. I forced myself to look at my left arm and gasped in horror a black tendrils had gone right through the my arm coating it in blood the magic barrier was wrapped around the slender appendage full of cracks. I looked at the rest of my body seeing the same thing. It was growing more difficult to breath and I felt my lungs burning, my head spinning, and everything growing numb. I started violently coughed up blood making it splatter on the pure white snow and even some on fluttershy, the tendrils yanked themselves out of me letting me fall to the floor face first into my own blood. I felt so much pain coursing through my body but couldn't even let out a scream of agony, the wounds oozed out blood painting the snow red and letting me see only the red snow, their was a faint scream coming from above my almost lifeless body. I painfully moved my head and looked up to see fluttershy being tossed through the dome and the black smoke retreating back to where ever it came from the world was turning black and I felt my body start to get cold. 'This is death huh... its so lonely and dark' I thought to myself, I couldnt move nor did I want to from the fear of the pain coming back. This was my second time coming in contact with death and so far I hated it, I dont want to be alone again I dont want to see the darkness like before, "I-If... their... is s-someone out their... please......... help me" I begged silently not really getting my hopes up I knew my life was about to end here but I atleast tried as much as I could, "Goodbye everyone... Im sorry " I choked out before closing my eyes and going unconscious. The blizzard raged on covering most of my body in snow but still being soaked in my blood, but their was a crunch of snow coming closer and closer to my unconscious body. The frost might sniffed my body for a few not knowing if I was dead of alive until he nudged me making me groan, hearing this the beast picked me up and began running through the blizzard to some unknown area. I sprang up in a cold sweat but hissed at the stinging pain shooting across my body, I panted heavily but settled down after a few minutes but thats when I notcied one thing. "I'm... alive" I said, I looked around my body only to see myself in my boxers and my chest and arm covered in tight badages. "Ah younge angel your awake" I heared a feminine voice say almost like gleamings but a little bit deeper. I turned to see who spoke but did a small double take as I saw a human woman staring at me from across the fire. Her hair was long and the color was snow white, her skin was flawless and had looked like it was also snow, her chest was small but her body was slim and toned, I saw one eye glowing burning purple and the other was burning red she looked about my age or cinders age at most and she wore regular white clothing made out of fur from some animal, all in all she was beautiful. "Are you going to speak or just stare at mem" the woman asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh sorry" I said and painfully sitting up and leaning on a wall to fully face her, I noticed that were inside some sort of cave but underneath me was an old mattress meaning this place was her home. "My names steel fox... can you tell me what your name is?" I asked the woman. "My name is frost and that is all I will say younge angel you should be thankful I patched you up, if papa hadn't been their hunting for food he wouldnt have found you and you'd be dead from all the blood that was lost" Frost said in a harsh tone making me flinch a little. "Sorry I asked... you said your father found me, where is he I'd like to thank him" I said she was about to speak again but was cut off by a long howl echoing from down farther into the cave followed by heavy footsteps. They grew closer and closer until I saw a figure and my eyes widen seeing the beast itself. "Papa your awake the young angel just woke up as well" Frost said getting up and walking over to the giant frost might and hugged him. It stared at me with pure white eyes letting me know it was blind but that doesn't mean it cant see through his nose and ears, the frost might patted frost on her head then gently pushed her away before turning to me. "Adolescens tandem excitatus es Angelus autem est tanta temporis fieri (you have awakened at last Young Angel there is so much to be done but there is so little time) "the beast said in a language even I didnt know what it was. "Papa said 'you have awakened at last Young Angel there is so much to be done but there is so little time'" frost said in her harsh tone again but was nudged by her 'papa'. "What he shpuld be great full without you he wouldn't have lived to see the next day" frost said and that reminded me. "Thanks for reminding me frost hold up" I said getting up slowly and kneeled before the beast and bowed my head. "Grazie per averti aiutato nel mio tempo più grave (thank you for helping me in my most grave time)" I said and the beast bowed to me as well out of respect. "Oh man my everything hurts... what happened to me?" I asked. "Well you almost punctured in the heart by a few inches, almost died of blood loss and your armor had been torn to pieces" Frost said showing me only a my boots and pants still intact. "Well thats gonna be a hard explanation to faust" I said and the frost mights ears perked up to this. "tu nosti de Faust (you know of faust)" the frost might asked me. "He asked if 'you know of faust'" frost said and I nodded, thats when the frost might ran back farther in the cave leaving both me and frost in confusion. "Thats strange papa has never ran that fast before I wonder what's wrong?" "Hmm, could be anything a weapon, clothing, potion, scroll" I said and not even a few seconds later the frost might came back holding A helmet. It looked like it was made from bones of a wolf and the dreadlocks had some sort of pelt on it it looked so badass though, the forst might handed me the helmet but frost yanked it out of my hands. "Papa he is not worth of such a thing, this-this is something not even mama would approve of!" Frost shouted keeping the helmet close to her, I was going to say something but he stoped me before walkijg to his daughter. "O vos Angeli mittantur sanctissimum adulescentem haberes glacies ne artificium totius populi (your mama would have let the young angel hold the most sacred artifact in the entire frost might tribes)" the frost might said and frost stared at him with pleading eyes but all he did was hold out his hand, frost looked at me then to her father before slowly handing back the helmet to him. The frost might hugged his daughter before walking back to me giving me the helmet back. "What... does it do?" I asked them but frost pointed to her head. "Put it on and you'll see" Frost said and I looked at the helmet before sliding it on and waited, that burning sensation came back but this time it was stronger than the other times. I felt so much pain coursing through my body causing me to fall to my knee's and scream at that pain, I felt like I would die from this kind of pain but I kept trying my hardest to push through. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists before slowly getting back to my feet holding in the screams of agony, I just grunted and panted heavily feelijg this pain and holding in my pain. Ths frost might and frost stared at me in shock, they never met anyone with enough power to withstand this much pain. With one final scream of agony I felt the burning from my back push out and wind rushed past all of us making the fire go out but the room was still lit up but with a blue flame. "Factum est (it is done)" Frost might said seeing the large Flaming wings. The dark and light blue feathers shined in the blue fire and made it dance lightly, the wings reached down to my legs and as long as fausts wings maybe just a tad more. I stared at the wings intently in awe at what just came out of me, the wings were beautiful and when I touched them they were smooth to the touch dare I say smoother than lunas feathers. "This... is amazing" I said still in awe, frost came over and removed the helmet from my head making the flames go out and leaving just the dark and light blue feathers. Frost might started a new fire and we sat around in silence until frost broke the ice. "So what now papa?" Frost asked him to which the frost might stood up at his full height then motioned for me to come forward. I did and he nudged frost next to me a little to close actually, "Papa what are thinking?" She asked her father who said nothing. "Bite him" He said in clear english shocking both me and frost, his voice was so deep and smooth like honey. "Frost I need you to bite him only then will he learn what ge needs" frost might said and frost looked at me then her father then back to me with a red face. "Do not be embarrassed my little girl, all frost mights do this to new borns and those who come of age so please I'll even give you two some privacy" He said with a grin before walking farther into the cave. "W-Wait p-papa... uh ok this is... I never really done this to anyone before" Frost said going even more red. "Well its just a bite right so nothing to bad about that" I said but she shifted in place and looked at me shyly. "What?" "U-um... well when a frost might bite's you... that means your... their mate or child" Frost said and I jumped back a bit hearing this and grew my own blush. "O-oh... um so I guess its pretty... sacred huh" I said and frost nodded hidding her face behind her hair. It was kinda cute the way she acted shy about this it kinda reminded me of. "OH MY GOD MY FRIENDS!" I screamed just now remembering why Im here, I have to get to the crystal empire before umbra does. "Young angel what is wrong?" Frost might asked me rushing over. "I gotta go to the crystal empire an evil being is going to attack that place and most likely will kill them all" I said and put on my pants and boots, I grabbed my sword then grabbed the helmet. I was about to run off but the frost might stoped me. "Please I need to get back to them Im the only one who can help them" I said. "I understand but you first need to calm yourself think before you act" Frost might said and turned me back to frost. "Once she has bitten you, only then will you be able to defeat umbra" "How can a bite help me?" I asked him but he pushed me forward to frost who stared at me still blushing. "Alright... Im going to trust you two so bite me frost" I said and she slowly moved my head to the side and brought her mouth to my neck then lightly bit down, she did this for a few seconds before something sharp peirce through my neck making me grunt at the sting but I started seeing images all them passing by me one after another only having frost mights and their history run through my head, then some pieces of their fighting abilities then it all came to a stop on one small symbols. It looked like a man with wings, crazy hair and had bright blue eyes. It lasted for a few seconds before vanishing and I was back in the cave gaving out short rapid breaths and falling against the wall, that was something else something I never thought existed yet I saw all of it. "Now you may go fight for your friends young angel, we shall accompany you to the empire frost grab our weapons we must help" Frost might said and frost was ahead of him as she handed him a spear and sheild as she held a short sword and dagger. We all ran out the cave and had the frost might lead the way. "Hold on guys I'm on my way" "Oh poor poor princess you tried oh so hard yet you failed" Umbra said laughing as she sat on her throne with a smile that showed her victory, everyone but twilight and spike had gottin captured and chained to the floor by umbra after she broke the barrier and raided the place with a shadow army letting them possess the crystal ponies. "You... are a monster" Cadence said weakly as she saw her subjects rampage across the empire. "Oh hush you this is simply for shits and giggles if I wanted I could have killed you by now and make your mare friend my bitch, but Im feeling a little kind hearted because of my new found toys I get to play with" Umbra said staring at the everyone to which they glared at her. "Oh whats wrong dont like being called toys how about slaves then that sounds wonderful actually" "You cant get away with this!" Rainbow shouted and screamed at the alicorn empress who just laughed even more. "Oh but I already have little rainbow dash, you see by getting rid of your most powerful in your group I was able to stroll right on in, send in my shadow army and come in here to have a bit of fun" Umbra said getting up and yanking rainbow by her mane to face her. "You here that dashie... its you licking me dry in the next hour or so" She said and tossed her back to the ground. "Oh how I must thank that fool for dieing so easily but I cant go beyond the gates or I'll be trapped their... oh well" "What do you mean... your talking about steel arent you?!" Vanilla asked her anger reaching its limit. "By strongest in your group who the fuck did you think I meant, god your all morons cant stand that" Umbra said in frustration before calming down. "Yeah I killed him, I did it by taking your shy friend as a hostage then right as he was going to grab her I pierced his most vital areas the girl can tell you the rest" She said and they turned to flutterhsy who was cry her eyes out and nodded. "You dirty bitch... he was our friend, and you just had the nerve to take him away If I wasn't in these binds I'd kill you myself!" Jack screamed at umbra who rolled her eyes and sat back in her throne. "Be as macho as you want their is nothing you can do to stop me jacka'boy so better get comfy for me having my fun with your marefriend" Umbra said giggling darkly before stoping and shot to her feet. "No... this cant be right I know I killed him so how?" Umbra said to herself and walked over to a window then jumped back as she saw me floating with my wings out, helmet on and swords out. I kicked the glass making it shatter and wemt through the opening landing with a thud on the floor, I stared at umbra through the helmet keeping her from moving as the frost might and frost got through the window. "You know some help would be nice!" Frost yelled at me but I ignored her as I only had my attention to umbra. I grolwed at the empress who snorted softly and grabbed her jagged sword by her throne and slung it across her shoulder. "So the human lives huh and it seems you gained quite alot of strength somehow... seems their is a frost might that I left by mistake and... a human woman such a weird thing to see but then again Im staring at a man that should be dead" Umbra said then blocked a sword strike from me. "Quick to the trigger huh fine guess I could use a warm up" She said and kicked me back a few feet letting myself get some breathing space. "If we fighting to the death at least know your were you stand and hail to your king" I said quickly taking out my phone then pressed Play. We both shot to eachother and sent strong attacks making sparks fly off the strikes before sending one after another each one growing my dense. She suddenly passed behind me and tried to strike my back but I spun my katana in my hand and deflected it before spin kicking her in the chest sending her to the wall but was quickly gut punched hard by her and kicked to a window cracking it. "Oh thats gonna leave a mark... sorry cadence I probably fix that" I said charging at umbra again entering a power struggle. While I was fighting frost and her father somehow snuck their eay to the others. "Were here to help" Frost's father said scaring the entire group making him sigh and he nudged his daughter. "Papa and I are going to help you get free so please dont be afraid of him" Frost said and had her dad cut the chains wrapped around gleaming who was to weak to even stand, then it was twilight, trixie, gilda, the sisters, rainbow, aj, coal, greenie, jack, mint, strings, fluttershy and pinkie all fell to the floor cowering at the sheer hieght of the frost might. "Papa is not going to hurt you" "How do you know that?!" Rainbow asked frost who face palmed. "Because he was the one who found the young angel laying in the snow" frost said and they all turned to him. But they didnt stare to long as they saw me going flying passed them and crashing into a wall with cuts and scraps all over me umbra was just the same as well even a some ripped clothing. "That all you got?" I asked breaking myself out the wall and popping my back before running right at umbra with no swords in hand and tossing my helmet off, seeing this she decided to play along and tissed her jagged sword and we send hard punches some connecting together and some causing a short numbing to come across us. We dodged, kicked, punched, elbowed and tossed eachother like ragg dolls but I seemed to be losing my injuries have only healed enough to withstand me walking and running but fighting at half full strength thatbwas pushing my limits. But I couldn't give up I had to keep fighting she was going to enslave everyone and kill luna along with my friends thats something I cant allow, "Duck now then hit her side!" The frost might shouted to me, taking his advice I ducked under one of her attacks then punched her side hard casuing her to scream and stagger back. "Spin around then elbow the use full palm!" He ordered again and I swiftly spun around her attack then hit her back full force with the palm of my hand knocking her to the ground with a hard thud. "Whoa how did I-" "When my daughter bit you she gave parts of frost might fighting style all you have to do now is use them!" The frost might said I grinned and gave a thumbs up. "Thanks man!" I said and bent back as umbra was about to punch me in the face, I reached the floor with my hands then used all my force to backflip kick to her chin then I jumped back up to my feet and threw a hard fist to her stomach making the air burst out of her and had her gasping and wheezing for air. "You arrogant little shit!" Umbra yelled getting back up then a black like aura surrounded her then she just vanished into thin air. I frantically look for her but I couldnt find her, thats when I felt a sharp and painfully hit tto the head, then my leg and finally my chest sending me flying away leaving skids on the ground I continuously look again but I just felt fast and hard attacks coming from somewhere. "Whats the matter boy cant see me, because I can see you" umbra said and something hard hit my back making me lose my balance a bit then I felt a hard kick straight on my chest sending me flying to window almost shattering it. "Ang-Steel focus you might be able to see her but that just means your other senses have heightened use them instead of your eyes" Frost might said and It was worth a shot, I closed my eyes and began focusing using my ears and nose to try to determine where umbra is. Thats when I heared the tiniest of cracks and footsteps coming right to me, when I felt something about to hit me directly in my face I felt the force in the attack without it hitting me causing me to dodge and strike in that direction earning a loud groan of pain. "H-how?!" Umbra asked spitting up blood as she staggered back then holding her chest and panting, the aura around her went away and I saw her again. "How did you get this strong no better question is how your alive with this much strength!" "I dont know myself umbra, you see I've noticed something about my strength and how un-natural it is when I defeated discord he injured me pretty bad but in just a week I was up and about and for some reason I felt stronger. There was also a time were I couldn't control my emotions and I went on a full genocide against a family of bastards, the weirdest part my power grew ten times more after I let them lose its like I have some sort of hiddin power deep inside of me that wants to break free" I said staring at her and she looked at me like I'd gone crazy, but she had a thought and after she been humiliated she wanted to go all out. "So you grow stronger everytime you get injured or when you emotions run wild... I want to see" Umbra said and without warning tackled me out of a window. Everyone screamed my name as I started free falling with umbra, we threw wild swings at eachother eachone landing on their mark and hirting like hell, the ground came to veiw and just before we hit it I snapped open my wings stopping us just a few feet from the ground. "You crazy bitch" I said then was grabbed again and thrown at the castle full force letting me go right through it. I groaned and pushed myself back to my feet a little dizzy but I barely had time to recover as I was grabbed again and was now being used a ragg doll as she slamed me to the ground over and over again each one hurting more than the last u til she threw me full force into the snowy tundra. "Show me what you got little human, I want to see this power show me I want to go all out!" Umbra yelled laughing like a mad man and continued her devastating attacks. I began throwing my own attacks and blocking hers as much as possible, but when her fist connected with my arm it stung and almost made it numb. As she continued to try and break open the seal in me the others had ran out riding on the frost mights back until they reached the battle but only saw craters being made as each attack became denser and more powerful than the last. "This... this is unbelievable" Trixie said staring in awe as where the others but the frist might was smiling. "He is the chosen we frost mights spoke of in Legend it is said that a man with only the purest of hearts, the skill of many, and protector of life will come and become the strongest the world of equis has ever seen... even stronger than faust and stardust themselves" Frost might said getting curious looks from the others. "Have you noticed frost... he's holding back" "What your kidding theirs no way steel is holdin back I mean do ye feel those shock waves!" Strings said but the frost might held out his hand. "Papa is right... he's not at his full strength he's being held back by the fear of losing someone precious to him and the fear that his power will consume him" Frost said and they everyone stared back at the fight seeing me and umbra full of scraps, snow, and blood on our body's we both had entered another power struggle but this time it was so intense small jolts of lighting bounced off our body's, a purple and gold flame like aura came off of us and looked like they were battling eachother just like us. "Your good for a monkey to be taking on 70 percent of my power maybe I should up the ante" Umhra said before letting out a powerfull scream and her strength doubled and a small crater formed under us. I gritted my teeth and also let out a scream raising my power to match hers, she had grown a large smirk and gained a small plan in her psychotic head. "You know we shouldn't leave our friends only doing nothing how about we let them have some fun huh?" Umbra said then kicked me away, I was going to stop her but she already made six shadow figures and sent them to my friends. "No call them back dont get them involved with this!" I shouted at umbra who didnt listin and we watched my friends we fighting off the shadow figures but ultimately being beaten to a pulp. Jack and greenie tried to take on two at once but found them selves on the ground being kicked over and over again in the gut hard, three of them surrounded gilda, trixie, and rainbow and they barely were able to fight back but still getting beat on hard, and the last one was going head to head with assassin sisters and spike they were the only ones outting up a fair fight. Frost, her father, mint, strings and coal had moved fluttershy, rarity, aj and stayed their to protect them. I started to run over to help but umbra got infront of me and before I could react she elbowed me in the stomach stunning me and making me lose my breath, I fell to the ground and coughed up blood and panted heavily. "Oh dont worry they wont kill them unless I order them to but I wont let you interfere with this, I want your full power so the best way is to beat your friends to a bloody pulp" Umbra said laughing to herself a bit, I growled at her and got to my feet. I had to watch my friends get beatin all because I couldn't bring myself to go full power. "Stop this umbra I-I lied about the hiddin power this is everything I have so stop it!" Yelled at her then heared a throat ripping scream from greenie as one of the shadow beings broke his arm and hand, umbra giggled to herself then felt a sudden power change from me but it was just a small jolt. "Thats it let it all out steel... alright my pets do what you want with them" umbra said and they started beat on them even harder. "I said stop it umbra!" I screamed at her at the top of my lungs and I raised my power fully she looked at me with an amused face. "Thats it... thats really all your power and here I thought youd make me shiver in my shoes, oh what a waste of ti-" she stopped herself as she saw the frist might just barely inches away from her ready to impale her to which he did but only in the arm. "Oh you filthy mutt!" She screamed at him then charged her hand full of ki then sent it right through his body their was only silence as the shadow figures stoped their assault and the others saw the frost might be blown back to frost with a large hole in his chest. "PAPA!" Frost screamed in horror as she ran over to her now dieing father, tears fell from her eyes as she reached him and gasped seeing the hole. "Papa your gonna be fine w-we can have the others heal you... you just have to hold on" "F-frost... Do not cry" he said lifting his massive hand to her cheek and wipping the tears away. "I knew... my time was coming to an end... so please dont cry" he said I stared at the scene and felt almost every nerve strat to sever. "Papa please don't say that you cant leave, you can't leave me" Frost cried more but the frist might only smiled. "Im sorry my child... but maybe now... I can finally see your mother once more and thank her for letting me take care of you... I have one thing to say... to steel" The frost might said and turned to me but coughed up alot of blood and his eyes became clear and I saw his dark blue eyes stare at my black eyes. "Steel let it go. It is not a sin to fight for the right cause. There are ones that must be killed... umbra is such a being. I know how you are steel. You are gentle, you do not like to hurt. I know because I too have learned these feelings over many years of raising frost. but it is because you cherish life, that you must protect it." The frost might said and smiled. "Please protect... everyone all you have to do is let it all go" He said. "Oh please like a beast like you can cherish life you were givin that human baby by her dieing mother so you have no room to talk animal" Umbra said walking over him and frost. Frost tried to protect him but was knocked unconscious by a hard back hand from umbra. "My name is not animal my name bellator the once proud king of the frost... mights" Bellator said before taking his final breath and dieing by the hands of umbra. "Yet another being you could have saved but dont feel to bad he died as he lived... a bastard" Umbra said and thats when I lost it, the very rational part of my brain went away and I wanted to make her suffer. The top part of my hair rose up slowly and stayed their leaving a bang hanging down I rose to my feet keeping my expression of shock and I felt the ground shake violently, this grabbed Umbra's attention and everyone else's. "What the hell?" 'Steel... you ok man?" Brigid asked a bit scared now as she got no response, the bird of sanity and rationality flew through my head then was shot. 'I feel it slipping... I can't-I wont watch this!' I screamed in my head scaring brigid, my hair started to flash gold a but and my eyes flash crystal blue. Umbra saw this and was watching fascination until she felt killing intent radiate off me. "I WONT WATCH THIS ANYMORE!!!" I screamed at tye top of my lungs and the gold flame aura surrounded me, my hair turned gold and my eyes a fire crystal blue color full of rage my muscles also grew a bit bigger and I felt so much power in me it was intoxicating. Electricity roamed around my body as the gold aura roared furiously, I had nothing but kill running through my head thats when I felt pain run through it. 'Steel you gotta calm down!" Brigid yelled. "The time for being calm is over now get the hell out of my head!" I screamed and shoved my hand in my chest but it didnt go into my body it fazed through, I reached in more and felt a hand I grabbed said hand began pulling out brigid no matter how much it hurt. "Get out of me now!" I roared out until I finally yanked her entire body out me, everyine stared at me in shock as I held a unconscious brigid in hand until I tossed her away and brought my gaze to the shadow figures. "You die first" I said vanishing then appearing at the ones with greenie and jack, I grabbed one by the neck then swung my arm that looked like it wouldn't hurt but it tore off the bastards head scaring my friends, the one Im choking seemed to be begging for his life but I could care less and crushed his throat and tossed him to his dead friend. I shifted my gaze to the rest and saw they were running at me ready to slice me up. The poor fools. I jumped back so they miss greenie and jack and flew right to them as they did then slaughter every last one of them just by using one fist. "S-steel... mate is that you?" Greenie asked me and shook as my eyes right back into his. "Get everyone and leave greenie... now" I said feeling some rational parts come back. "But we cant just-" "DO AS I SAY NOW BEFORE I LOSE WHATEVER RATIONALITY I HAVE LEFT!" I roared at him and both jack and greenie shot to their feet and helped everyone up even brigid, I shot a glare at umbra and she smiled. "Oh how cute you really think I'd let you just walk away like that oh you are dead wrong" Umbra said raising her hand and charging up her ki, I teleported infront of her and grabbed her hand in a death grip making it crack. "You will die umbra or your gonna have to kill me to get to them" I growled at her and kneed her in gut without warning before kicking her up in the sky then flying and smashing my elbow on her back shooting her right back to the ground. "You are the only cannot be forgivin for your crimes" I said kicking her back to her feet and grabbing her by the hair. "You kill him out of cold blood you heartless bitch" I said then felt her send a powerfull punch to my face that turned it to the right she grinned at the free shot but it faded as I turned back to her with nothing but cold eyes. "Is that all you got umbra Im disappointed" I said jabbing her a few times then spun her on her back and slamed her down on my knee making her scream in pain. I let her go and she instant flew back trying her best to get as much distance as possible, when she felt like she was at a safe distance of 100 feet she stared at me with what I think was fear while I held a blank expression. "W-What the hell are you?!" Umbra asked her voice shaking a bit, 'Is this what fear is?'. I said nothing and began to slow walk over to her and stared her dead in the eyes. "C'mon umbra go full power you said you were going 75 percent so use all of it" I said, she stared at me shaking in her shoes. "Whats wrong isn't this what you wanted my full power?" I asked and stoped walking as I was right infront of her, she couldn't even make a sentence only small whimper's I just held my expression and she seemed to shrink even more. Then I heared a dripping noise I looked down to the floor and saw a yellow puddle under her legs, I looked back to her and looked shocked to see her almost about ready to cry in fear. "Why are you crying and why did you piss yourself, bring out your full power now!" I demanded but she fell to the ground and started crying out of fear. "Uh... are you... crying?" I asked her and she scooted back. "N-No... Im not crying..." Umbra said in a shaky voice. "What the fuck this just went into a complete 180 what happened to your Im gonna kill everyone tone huh answer me!" I yelled at her again and she quickly nodded. "I-I didnt want it to escalate this far, I didnt want to kill bellator just injure him but I got a bit mad when he stabbed my arm and went over board Im sorry... I hate to kill ever since I separated from diamond heart her kindness rubbed off on me and I was just gonna replace celestia and luna but not kill them" Umbra said I couldnt tell if she was lieing or not. "Aj is she lieing?" I asked her and she approach cautiously and had umbra tell her story again. "She's... telling the truth" Aj said and I stared at umbra completely disappointed. "Look Im sorry truly I am and I said that stuff just act cool this isnt even my real form" Umbra said and she turned bright red before becoming a little smaller and and her hair becoming shorter. She looked like a teenager maybe about fourteen. "Look I can heal and bring back bellator just dont hurt me anymore" Umbra said and I was just at a loss for words. "I cant believe this I became this poweful being just because some stupid kid trying to act cool, for the love of god and I really wanted to use this power as well damn it!" I said groaning and feeling unsatisfied. "Alright lets go heal bellator" I said picking her up and healing her completely befor dragging her to bellator's body and she quickly went to work on reviving him. "Steel what happened to all the fightin and stuff?" Greenie asked as they all came over even twilight who was holding a blue heart. "Ok this is going to sound very very stupid but... this is umbra" I said turning to the teenaged alicorn reviving bellator. "Umbra!" We heared a a voice say from twilight but this was to high for her voice. "Uh who ever is holding me can you please release me?" The heart said and twilight shrieked letting it go but I caught it before it fell to the snow. "Steel your hair and this energy what happened?" Twilight asked not really staring at my hair or the aura just my exposed chest. "A little girl pissed me off" I said glaring at umbra who was still crying a bit in fear. "Oh... I see" twilight said looking at little umbra, who had finally finished making the new organs for bellator and closed his chest up leaving a patch without fur, not even seconds later he shot up gasping for air then finally caught it then looked around. "What... happened?" Bellator asked then remembered. "Did steel defeat umbra where is he?" Belmator asked. "Wheres my daughter?" "Papa?" Frost asked coming into consciousness and seeing her father, she sorang up and was by him in seconds hugging and crying her eyes out. "Please dont leave again" she cried. "I wont Im sorry I made you worry... but what happened was litteraly at the gates for four hours" Bellator said then finally saw me. "Ah I see... you have ascended so that means umbra is gone?" "Not quite" I said then pointed to little umbra who waved nervously at him. "Your kidding... right?" He asked and I shook my head. "A child... killed me" "Let me tell you the story" I said and gave him a run down of what happened making him and frost glare at the her. "Stop glaring at her she didnt mean it" the heart said which reminds me. "Hey how do I release you?" I asked. "Oh just tap the middle of it then it should let me leave" Diamond said and I did as told, I lightly tapped the middle and large crack went right down the middle and she screamed. "Oh my god im so-" "Got ya" diamond said and black smoke came out of the heart and formed into another alicorn mare that looked juster picutre I saw she was even wearing a tiara. "I suddenly feel like punching you but I'll refrain... so this was a disappointment I was this close to killing umbra and then she turned out to be a teenager trying to act cool what disappointment your sisters will be furious as well do you know how worried they were they even though a rost kight had turned you into this!" I said as umbra and diamonds ears flopped to their heads in shame, I dropping the heart to the floor then felt the pain of the after math. "But... you give one helluva punch I'll say that" "Child what you did is irresponsible and the utmost dangerous game you played, you could have been killed you should be ashamed of yourself making such comments and hurting other ponies only because you wanted to act cool" Bellator said scolding the teenaged alicorn. "Alright we can scold her when I wake up sound good? Good, goodnight" I said and passed out with my hair going back to normal and the aura vanishing. "C'mon lets get him back the hospital... this is gonna be one confusing ending for a chapter" Pinkie said confusing them. "Oops sorry ignore that anyways lets go!" Pinkie said again before they all just shrugged and picked me up before walking back to the crystal empire. "What a weird ending" "Ending for what?!" > Chapter 15: A thank you from friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You know its been four years since we met" A woman said as I heared little rain drops pouring and echoing through some sort of cave. "Yes it has and a year with him" A man said and I recognized these voices they were in my other vision still cant see who they are but I can hear them. "Worst part is... we cant go to another planet and raise him, I want him to be a proud fighter and be the strongest amongst my race" the man said with a light chuckle. "Well mister fighter I want him to be gentle and caring, although I do hope he grows up to look like you it would be nostalgic remembering how young we were when we met in this very cave we were nothing but children such good memories... me just wandering around while you tackled me and tried to kill me for sport *sigh* good times" "I was just glad you fought back other wise I would have vaporized the one woman I love and my race doesn't say that lightly you know" The man said making the woman giggle, their was a thunder clap and I heared a baby start wailing in fright but the mother to the child soothed him by Singing very softly. As she sang I felt very happy I dont know why but the song brought a small smile to my face and the baby stoped crying and gave off soft snores while the mother continued until she had finished leaving a sleeping baby in her arms. "That's my little angel" The woman said, I felt something run down my cheeks and make them raw. I rasied a hand and felt tears running down for no reason I dont understand why Im crying when she just said one word. "He's our warrior, brizo" the man said to the mother named brizo. "Fine logan... he's our angelic warrior happy?" Brizo asked and the man grunted. "Fine you win" Logan said "As always" Brizo said and their voices faded from my ears and I jolted forward and brought into a bright light. I sprang up from the floor and gasped for air before panting heavily and coughing a few times. I tried to open my eyes but a blinding light caused them to stay shut until I gottin use to it, when they did everything was a little blurry but soon it started become clear. "Where am I?" I asked with a dry throat making my voice sound rough and hoarse, I looked around the crystal covered room and slowly started making sense of the place. "This is a hospital... damn what happened, last thing I remember feeling was... rage but by what?" I questioned a bit until I heared soft snoring from my left and right, I looked to my left and saw luna next to the hospital bed her head on my lap and gripping the sheet a little. "My moon princess was worried thats cute, but what was that other snoring?" I asked again then felt something soft on my chest, I slowly lifted the blanket up and found a naked frost sleeping soundly on my bare chest. "Oh shi!-" I cut myself off by slapping my hand to my mouth makijg frost groan a bit before snuggling more. 'The hell is she thinking luna is right their and what will happen if she wakes up to this?!' I thought until I realized her raw cheeks and somewhat puffy eyes I looked back to luna and saw the same thing. "You two... were that worried about me" "Yeah they were asshole" I heared brigid say this time not in my head but it sounded like she was right next to me. "This is for forcing me out of your body which was painful as fuck!" She yelled and punched me in the head I yelped then felt her hug me tightly. "This is for everything else" brigid said her tone turning much softer. "Hey c'mon dont go soft on me brigid and Im sorry I went a little... psychotic back their and forcefully yanked you out of my body, but hey if it makes you feel any better it hurt all the same to me... I think" I said as brigid let go of me and sat down on a near by chair. "Anyways how long was I out for?" I asked her and before she could say anything I felt something coming an all to familiar and... something else. The doors flung open and the room was completely black only the sunlight reached in through the blinds, I jumoed out of the bed and snapped my fingers changing me into my ragged pants and messed up boots and summond my swords. "Ah steel we meet again" Discord said walking in wearing a black suite, he smiled while I glared at him. "Oh dont be so bitter I've changed I have put my selfishness and evil aside and have been reformed to good you'll have to thank fluttershy for that" He said and had a tanned fur hand yank his ear from behind him. "Ah damn it lilac what have I said about-" discord stoped as something was being told to him from behind by this lilac pony. "I see well you should introduce yourself then" discord said getting his ear back and turning on the lights. "Who is it im goung to meet?" I asked I asked discord thats when we saw a tanned coated girl just an inch from my height wearing a sleeveless black shirt, black skinny pants with little holes on the knees and calf high boots, her fur was tanned and her hair was both black and white and in a ponytail leaving some strands of her bangs, her eyes were mismatch one was a pure gold color while the other was an amber color and finally just a small detail but she had a small sharp tooth hanging out making her look kinda cute. "Who is this?" I asked discord. "This is my daughter, her name is lilac melody strange name for a daughter of chaos" Discord said and I stared at lilac a little confused. "Dad made me a month ago and you the expression kids grow up so fast yeah no one told me being part draconequus made you grow up in a month and be immortal" Lilac said taking out her phone and plugged in some headphones. "Oh yeah before you ask Im 23 so no Im not a kid" Lilac said and sat down in a chair leaving me a little... stunned to say the least. "Well... that explains a bit, but where are the others?" I asked discord but was interrupted by me being tackled to a wall by two women one a human female frost might and the other an all powerful moon goddess mare. "YOUR AWAKE!" They both screamed and hugged tighter I was losing breath as was brigid but she was losing air because she was on the floor dieing next to discord. Although lilac was watching with I think was a look of jealousy but I could be seeing things because my vision was getting blurry. "Girls... need... air" I said and they both saw me start turning blue and they quickly let go of me. "Thank you gi-" I stoped after I caught my breath and saw frost completely naked infront of me, I summond a blanket and wrapped her in it. "Why did you cover me up?" Frost asked as I kicked discord out and destroyed his camera. "Because you were naked why else would I cover you up and kick discord out alojg with breaking his camera" I said sitting on the bed and took a deep breath, they all looked a bit worried about me. "Look Im just... I dont know, I didnt know I was gone for so long and made you two worry so much so Im sorry" I said finally calming down. "Hey man we care about you did you not expect us to worry since you kinda went golden warrior on us and almost killed umbra, by the way she has split from her evil side and made her a twin, and you kinda just past out for a month and somethings have change" Brigid said and I groaned in frustration then got back up and headed to the door. "Where are you going?" Luna asked me. "I wanna see something that I just remembered" I said walking out the room and started down the halls passing many nurses and doctors that recognized me and tried to stop me but I pushed them out of the way some of these ponies almost used force until I made it out of the medical wing and into the castle halls their I found guards and maids walking around talking to eachother or staring at me, the maids were blushing seeing my bare chest and the guys looked jealous. I ran through the halls of the castle until I made it to a door leading to a garden area, I saw almost every flower their it was amazing and a big enough for my experiment that is until I saw celestia sitting next to twilight who was reading, most of our friends are in this garden making this even more difficult but I pressed on. "Steel?, holy shit dude yer awake but we thought when ye wake up ye might be tired guess we were wrong huh" Greenie said patting my shoulder but got no response. "Mate... you ok?" "Im fine greenie just gotta see something real fast alright" I said removing his hand and going to the middle of the garden getting everyone's attention, they tried to ask what I was doing out if the hospital but I said nothing and just got into a stance and began powering up my magic and my ki, the gold aura surrounded me but this wasnt the power I gained so I pushed harder and harder eachtime getting it higher and higher. "Steel what are you-" "Shh do not interfere" Bellator said shushing celestia and we all watched, I tried to remember what I was feeling back at the fight and I remembered being full of rage. When I thought of that emotion my hair slowly rose up leaving a small strand hanging and my wings twitched sparking blue fire on them, I thought back more and more until I remembered bellator dieing right infront of me, my friends all about to die and after those thoughts passed I gave a powerfull scream that pushed my power even further and my hair turned gold, my eyes turned crystal blue, the raging gold aura with lighting surrounded me like before. Wind blew outward and hit my friends knocking them to the ground but bellator sat their with a grin on his face and watched as the dust spun around my body until I swiped my hand making it back off. I looked at myself not really sure how to explain this power Im feeling but its intoxicating to say the least, I noticed my muscles were a bit bigger than I remember, I stretched out my wings fully and they popped a little due to not being used alot and glowed a soft blue from the fire. I looked at the aura surrounding my hands and cluch them tightly before I slowly walked up the crater. My friends stared in awe at the sight and celestia was shaking a little confirming the rumor of a golden warrior freeing the crystal empire from umbra. She didnt expect it to be so menacing though, she saw the blank expression on my face but a sharp glare from my eyes, if looks can kill I would have ended up vaporizing the whole place. The aura around me looked like flames calling out in anger, I felt amazing but also I felt very unstable because it was so intoxicating. "That looks so cool!" I heared two familiar voicies and felt myself get nudged a bit everyone looked scared as to what their seeing but I just looked down and saw scoots and pip hugging me with smiles on their faces, celestia saw my hands reach around the kids and tried to stop me but it was to late and I wrapped them in a hug the aura went away leaving me with the golden hair and clue eyes, I had a soft smile on my face as I hugged them. "Whats going you two how'd you even get here?" I asked the two children and I saw applebloom and sweetie belle next to rarity and applejack. "Whoa you brought all the little ones geez whats the occasion someone die?" I asked after I said that one sentence I was tackled to the floor by all of my friends who were saying 'please dont so that again' or 'we thought you were gonna die'. Brigid came out with luna, a dressed frost, lilac and discord, she walked over to a still stunned celestia and brigid smacked on the ass snapping her out of the shock and turned to her with a glare and blush. "I told you to stop slapping my flank brigid" Celestia said and brigid just did it again teleporting behind her causing her to yelp a bit and blush more heavily. "And I said dont assume steels gonna kill everyone or I'll do it more frequently... or maybe your doing that on purpose?" Brigid asked licking her lips and celestia crossed her arms. "You say no but your body says yes, now stop being a tight ass will ya before I loosen it for you" "When are you gonna stop with the dirty jokes?" Celestia asked but brigid shrugged. "When I get you in bed" Brigid said she giggled seeing celestia wings spring out, After a few more minutes of hugging I got back up and started stretching to get my limbs loose. Then I threw some jabs not really knowing the force of it made dents into the wall even made some of the peices fall off. "Wow Im really strong in this form... alright I wanna spar with someone who's willing?" I asked and they all back away from me. "Geez am I that strong?" I asked but brigid came up. "I'll take you on c'mon" Brigid said and I smirked. "We can finally see who's stronger now" I said and Im not gonna lie Im excited for this fight, we started floating up in the air slowly until we were at a good height then got in our stances before charging our magic and ki. My gold aura came back while brigid had a blue aura. "You ready?" I asked with a grin. "As always lets hope this form aint just for shits and giggles" Brigid said before vanishing then appearing behind me, she raised her fist up then brought it down but it didnt hit anything she looked utterly confused then started frantically looking around only to find nothing. "Behind you" I said and she whipped around only to be hit directly in the gut knocking the air out of her and the aura dissipating. I slowly retracted my fist and let her gasp for air for a few seconds before I slamed both my hands on her back making her body fly right down to the ground hard. "I guess I win" I said floating back down with a soft thud but it seemed brigid was acting and tried to hit me directly in the face but I caught it with little to no effort. "Guess not" I said before pulling her to me then kneed her hard in the chest then used the palm of my hand knocking her to celestia totally out cold, I took a deep breath then softly sighed making my hair turn back to black and into its normal style and the aura went away. "Now I won" Bellator slowly clapped as he got up and walked over to me, his form towering over mine. "You have truly done it steel, you gone beyond your limits now you must control it make it do your bidding" Bellator said he then leaned down to my ear. "And take care of my daughter" "What do you mean?" I asked bellator and he simply grabbed frost and nudged her next to me. "She has bitten you so that make her your mate" Bellator said and I blinked a few times before realizing what was just said. "She's... my marefriend now?" I asked and was answered by frost who placed her lips on mine softly before parting, everyone but bellator looked shocked, well, luna was about to lose her shit as frost kissed me. "Yes... and remember when I said you were my first, I wasnt lieing" Frost said and thats when luna slammed her fist into the wall out of anger making a small hole. "Lulu are you alright?" Celestia asked her. "Peachy!" Luna screamed before stroming off back into the castle just as cadence and gleaming came out passing a fuming luna. "Ok whats wrong with auntie?" Cadence asked then was answered by seeing frost clinging to my arm. "I see that explains alot, well Im just here to inform you all that the payments have been finalized and the house has been completely furnished... oops" Cadence said covering her mouth and litteraly everyone even bellator and frost face-palmed. "What house?" I asked them and twilight came over and showed the book of houses I was looking at a month ago. "The house I wanted to buy... why are you showing me this?" I asked them then she took out another picture of a mansion near the pond where I spend my time with my timberwolves and do my meditation along with training spike. The house looked beautiful its chestnut color wood, its amazing black roof with a small grey chimney, white marbled pillars holding up some of the roof, the steps were also marble but they were black with a little hint of blue and the door was like my door from the dream realm except with out the name, crown and chains it did have the ghostly blue door with the black handles. The house was huge from what I can tell and it looked like their was alot of work put into this house but It couldn't be for me could it? "While you were sleeping we went through your room to find you some cloths and accidentally came across this house you circled and we assumed you were going to buy it and fix it so we showed celestia, luna, cadence, crystal and the twins this and as an apology also for all you've done for us... we all bought the house, moved it and started fixing it up, your timberwolves were very helpful in finding the wood needed so for their kindness me and the girls made them a little place to sleep together when they get cold or lonely" Twilight said and I ws shocked to hear this and I looked up to everyone to see them smiling happily at me hoping that I would like their gift and I couldn't help the smile spreading across my face. With out a thought I hugged twilight and laughed a little, "So im guessing you like it?" "Oh man this is the greatest thing I've ever received in my entier life... you have no idea how much this means to me, all my life all the good I've done was just pushed aside and was only thanked, I was fine with that but this, this is just amazing" I said letting twilight go and starint at the picture. "Hey do you know how we can celebrate... pinkie" I said and she grew wide smile. "Party!" Pinkie said excitedly. "Im just the mare c'mon lets go back so I can get started!" Pinkie said and was about to run off but aj grabbed her tail making her stop. "Hold on now sugarcube we gotta wait till steel is givin the all clear alright then we can throw a party" Applejack said making the mare pout. We all went back inside the castle and into the medical wing to make sure I wasnt dieing some of the others went to go pack and while they were gone I was thankfully fine so after that was done I grabbed my stuff and headed to a room to relax in but found frost following me. "Frost you know you dont have to follow me right?" I asked her and she looked at me for bit but said nothing. "Alright well Im kinda new to the whole frost might relationship thing so Im gonna have go explain to luna the gist of the situation alright" I said and frost nodded, we reached one room and I grabbed the knob not knowing their was a sing that said twilight on it. When I opened the door I froze in my tracks as I saw twilight completely naked with a towel in her hands drying her hair giving me an entier veiw, the air was still and everything was silent until twilight scream then shut the door using her magic and pushing me to a wall with the image of her naked. "What happened?" Frost asked coming next to me. "Im so burning that in my head" I mumbled a bit before getting up, "I uh walked in on twilights getting out the shower so Im a little shocked... c'mon Im sure coal would be furious when twilight tells him" I said and we began walking again. Twilight was sitting on her bed with the towel wrapped around herself and blushing to the point where the tips of her ears were red. "H-He saw me... naked, right infront of him... why did I over react I should have just quickly wrapped the towel around me and closed the door not shove him out with my magic and slam the dokr" Twilight scolded herself then groaned more until she heared three knicks from the door. "Twilight can we talk?" Twilight heared cadence asked from the other side of her door and she went to open it still in her towel, when twilight opened the door she let cadence in then closed it before sitting back on her bed. "I heared you scream and I was wondering what happened?" She asked her knowing full well of what happened. "Steel... steel saw me naked and I freaked out" Twilight said blushing a little and cadence giggled at her old friend. "I shoved him out with my all my magic power and slammed the door shut... guess Im still new to finding new love since... me and coal, well" Twilight stoped and frowned a bit, cadence sighed but made a small smile before coming over and sat next to her. "Its fine twilight I felt your heart dwindle a bit and your feelings for coal slowly went away... but when you said steel came into your dream and made you feel... in your eyes he made you feel special and your heart rekindled but not for coal... but for steel" Cadence said and twilight still had her frown but knew cadence was right, she had fallen in love with steel since that dream a month ago. "But... he doesn't even know me and coal broke up and... Im not sure he will even like me Im just... a book worm" Twilight said bringing her knees to her chest, but cadence snickered a bit. "Well... maybe so but look at this, he has one powerful alicorn mare in love with him and and princess of an ancient race that was thought to be lost in history... and you, your a beautiful young mare thats smart, strong and is one of the parts of harmony now what man wouldn't fall for you?" Cadence said finally getting a smile from twilight. "And you have an amazing smile it brightens up the room and you know what, I'll help you get his attention and make him fall head over heels for you that I promise" she said and got up, "Now lets get you dressed and ready for the train ride back home, oh and remember when steel hugged you" Cadence asked then looked down to twilights thighs. "Yeah" Twilight said not really knowing why she brought it up, then she remembered why she got in the shower. "Thats our little secret" Cadence said and twilight blushed heavily totally embrassed. (One hour later) "Luna I know your mad but is this really necessary?" I asked her as she gave me the silent treatment, I tried everything apologizing, trying to get a kiss, telling her I loved her but nothing not a single word. Frost was trying on cloths that rarity made for her a few weeks after they met. "Luna c'mon say something atleast" "Fine I'll say this, you will explain what happened a month ago that involves being a mate to a princess of a lost race over 10,000 years ago!" Luna yelled at me. "Alright look luna its... its complicated and I had to do it save our friends" I said but she went right back to the silent treatment. "Lord help...alright look luna I love you, you know this and I would never betray you" "Doesnt seem that way" Luna shot back and this is were frost came into the conversation "Alright moon princess look, he really didnt have a choice and when I bit him papa told him that it was the only way to save everyone and he was right, if I hadn't had bitten him and become his mate everyone would have been enslaved so dont blame steel for something that was-" I stoped her by placing my hand on her shoulder. "Thats... thats enough thank you frost... I had a choice and I chose to be bitten, bellator told me only female frost mights bite only their children or mates this also gives me the knowledge of the entire race this allowed me to look in myself and ser whay was needed to be awoken, and I knew that was the only way to do anything so... Im sorry" I said silently waiting for a response but was responded with a small kiss to my cheek. "Look... Im sorry steel I got a little jealous and said somethings I didnt mean and I know you love me and I know I love you" Luna said sitting next to me and gave me a gentle hug. "I know you wanted to save your friends and I respect that and I understand, but next time you get another mare or... frost might human let me know before alright?" Luna said and I nodded she gave me a small kiss then went to her bag for the ride home. "And I guess I wont mind starting a herd with frost... still I dont get how female frost mights look like humans very strange" luna said but frost just shrugged. "Well when me and papa were at the capital, I saw many frost mights the way papa is even the women papa said that I was born different yet, I had the same abilities as the rest" Frost said messing with her hair. "Also Im the only princess of all the frost mights so you steel fox are the luckiest man alive cause no frost might has clamined me in my entier life no matter how many times they tried heh except you" Frost said and clung to my arm softly and I felt her breasts even if they are small they were very soft. "He's lucky to have me since no stallion has ever claimed me in over my whole life except this stud" Luna said clinging to my other arm but my arm went right between her breasts. "Ladies, ladies Im lucky to have both of you and your very very special to me and dont forget that now c'mon we cant leave our friends hanging right so lets get a move on" I said breaking free of my soft prison's putting on a black sleeveless shirt then my white jacket and blue jeans, I decided to keep on my boots but placed my armor pants in my backpack that held my swords and helmet. "Alright c'mon Im sure pinkie wants to throw a party for your new house" Luna said grabbing her bag while frost had slung her travel sack over her shoulder. "You want me to carry that frost?" I asked her. "Oh no I dont want you to carry so much weight already" Frost said but I grabbed her bag and smirked. "Geez what are you my madre?" I asked then stoped after I said that but quickly shook it off before I walked to a window with the veiw of the entire crystal empire including the train station. "So what do you think we'll do if the others find out about this secret herd?" I asked them and they smirked. "Tell them to deal with it" They both said and I smiled. "Thats my girls now c'mon I wanna try out these wings" I said opening the window and spreading my wings. "So how do I you know... use them?" I asked luna who poked my back and they flapped a little. "So how do I do that with out reaching back to it?" "Use your instincts" Luna said I was gonna ask her what she meant by that but she took off my bag and Frost's then pushed me out the window 2,000 feet in the air. I screamed a little as I plummeted down all the while luna was watching. "Still mad?" Frost asked. "A little but Im sure he'll be fine... I hope" Luna said picking the bags up in her magic then they left the room. I was still falling I was trying flap my wings but nothing happened so I started playing back what una said about using instinct, so I took a deep breath pulled out my phone Pressed random. As it started I position myself so my face faced the ground then I felt something shoot out almost instantly as the lyrics I saw a ledge coming closer so I nicked my foot it causing me to spin wildly until I sprang my wings out and I started running down the castle walls. The wind rushing past my face and the adrenaline pumping through my veins, this was amazing better then flying without wings. "This is amazing!" I screamed and jumped off the wall letting meget a clear veiw of the entire crystal empire it was beautiful, the music got slower and so did the world this was amazing the sun shining through the clouds and stillness of the air. I floated their for a few seconds my head facing the sky until I closed my eyes and started falling backwards the sun still shining down then I felt it as the music started back I spun around to face the ground and snapped my wings open and just as I was about half way down the castle I was soaring through the sky as I gave one single flap. Ponies looked up to a me laughing and flying across the sky but only saw my shadow figure. I was having so much fun that I didnt notice the train station coming up. "YEAAAAHHHHH BABY!-AH SHIT!!" (Train station) Everyone was waiting at the train station for both the train and me, twilight was talking with gleaming and cadence, rarity was napping on mint who was talking to a eighteen year old spike the drake grew to my height and got a helluva lot stronger, fluttershy was helping strings make a new song, rainbow and jack where arm wrestling while pinkie was keeping score with the kids and so far rainbow won out of pity, trixie was talking with gilda, celestia was letting a still knocked out brigid sleep on her and luna and frost made it to the train before me. "Is steel not here yet?" Luna asked celestia who nodded. "No I thought he was with you we were all here waiting for you, frost and steel but he's not here where could he be?" Celestia asked luna who nervously Laughed causing everyone to look at her. "Well I might have, possibly, maybe... pushed him out the room window" Luna said and everyone's except Frost's eyes widen. "So... I might have gone overboard a little" "A little?! For mothers sake luna you pushed a man who just woke up after a month out a fuckin window thats 2000 feet in the air!" Celestia yelled at luna who laughed nervously again. "Oops" luna said and before anyone could lay into her they heared music. "Is that... music?" Twilight and just before anyone said anything the music got louder. "YEEAAAAHHHH BABY-AH SHIT!" I screamed out then went back first through building just infront of tracks, celestia and cadence quickly put up a barrier and caught the debris but I went right through the barrier and did a few jumps on the snow before skidding across it. Everyone came over to the lump of snow in the ground to make sure I was ok, except for brigid who was still sleeping on celestia. "Steel are you alright?" Frost asked coming closer but found herself wrapped in my arms and trying to hold myself up. "My... god... that was the greatest thing I've ever done in my life!" I yelled excitedly and fell back into the snow with frost. "Oh man did anyone see that I known the empire did, dude Im still shaking with adrenaline" I said laughing like crazy. "Well glad you didnt die and uh sorry for pushing you out a window" Luna said coming over and helping us up. "Man if you didnt I would be able to see how awesome flying was now c'mon I wanna see my house and throw that party" I said and we all walked back to the train station were we waited for it then went started back home. (Six hours later: everfree) The house was amazing it huge inside and so clean, the stairs were made out of the wood from sweet apple archers and the metal was made by jack. Their were to many rooms to count and the kitchen reminded me of twilights but just a bit bigger making it feel more familiar, out back was a large gate area with dog houses for each of my timberwolves and a porche to look at the large pool and pond, this house was way better than what I would have done. "Man you spoil me guys c'mon I will do anything for just name" I said sitting on my white couch it was made it felt so soft sitting on it. "No we couldnt ask for something in return you deserve this steel, this a thank you gift also an apology gift from a certain alabaster princess" Cadence said nudging celestia who was holding brigid. "Look... steel Im sorry for what I said a month ago and I hope you can forgive me for hurting your feelings and breaking your trust" Celestia apologized bowing her head. "Ah its fine dont need to bow to me" I said laying on the couch. "I've heared worse but not coming from my friends so I forgive you this once so were good" I said getting comfortable then felt some both soft and heavy sit on my legs I looked to see frost their I rolled my eyes and then closed them. "So do you want a big party or a small party, cake or no cake, streamers or no streamers oh oh I know how abo-" "Lets save the party for later" Twilight said putting a hand over pinkies mouth and pointing to a past out me, they all stared at me and laughed a little causing brigid to wake up. "Hmmm so soft... oh hey what happened and why is celestia carrying me?" Brigid asked seeing herself in a bridal hold by celestia but was shushed and they pointed to my sleeping figure. "Ah well c'mon let the man sleep Im sure the adrenaline made him exhausted, we can all sleep here since there's plenty of room" Brigid said getting out of her comfy hold and hoisted me over her shoulder and almost collapsed under the weight. "Jesus you are one heavy bastard" She said before walking up the stairs with everyone and went into my massive room that was litteraly the same size as lunas and that pretty big, and the same size bed as well covering some of the wall. She dumped me their and left with the rest leaving luna and frost with me. "You can wake up now" Luna said sitting next to me and I sat up with a grin. "And that my lovely ladies is how you get people to take you to bed with fake sleep now c'mon Im tired" I said stripping to my briefs and entered the bed luna stripped to her underwear and frost well she just stripped in general. "Dont you have panties and a bra frost?" I asked but she shook her head. "Dont you like my body love?" Frost asked with a sultry smile I blushed a little and took a small peak getting a small swat from luna. "What it was just a peak" I said and she rolled her eyes before clinging next to me same with frost and they both went to sleep, I used my magic to lock the windows, close the blinds, lock to door and turn off the lights. "Night girls see you in the morning" I said before drifting off into my own slumber. (Far away planet) "There it was again... can it really be?" A man with dark tan skin with pitch black hair and the same style as on certain person, about 5'11, black iris, large muscles and wearing strange armor passed on by his race. He clicked his scouter once more to go back to were the reading was and his eyes widen. "By the gods this power its... its unbelievable but, I thought I was the only one unless... He's alive" The man said then quickly copied the coordinates in his scouter before spriting to his ship and placed it into it. "I cant believe he's alive after all these years I thought he was gone... how many years has it been since I was givin this immortal life?" The man said getting in his ship and taking off immediately in a certain direction its target. Equis... "Brizo... he's alive" Logan said to himself as he blasted past the stars and thought back to his son. "Steel-our son is alive" > Chapter 16: Lets have some fun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun shined through a crack in the curtians and right at my face, this caused me to start stirring but as my senses were coming back I felt two soft bodies next to me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw both frost and luna there heads on my chest and shoulder, I gave a soft chuckle before rising out of my bed and slowly got out leaving two women sleeping soundly. "Alright, now then time for a little fun" I whispered to myself and quickly put on a black shirt, white jacket, grey sneakers and my helmet. I grabbed my assassin gauntlets before walking out the room quietly and then started my way to the front door. I quietly opened the door and closed before flying to a nearby mountain, the sun felt amazing and the jacket really didnt make it any hotter thankfully, I didnt want anyone to get hurt from what Im about to do which is train myself brutally with this weird form. When I made it to the mountain that was just above my house I took off my helmet and cloths leaving in my boxers and I safely put them in a small hole under a rock and was about to start my training. "Alright here we go" I said and charged up my magic and ki then gave a loud grunt changing me into my golden form. "Seems Im getting use to changing into this form but I still dont know what to call it, but I'll think of it later for now Im gonna try to do a straight hour of training in this form *deep inhale* alright lets do this" I said and began my usual training. I made four clones of myself each in the same form and ready to fight, I got in my usual stance as did they and we launched at eachother, I dodged most of their attacks but was punch hard in the face then kicked in the chest sending me back a few feet. I wiped my mouth and saw some blood on my hand, I smirked knowing this was gonna be good so I sprinted straight back to my clones and we started giving heavy and blurry blows at one another. Our fists were going so fast I couldnt see them that often so this made it more difficult, I landed a clean hit on my first clone knocking him away then I elbowed the second one that was behind me before sending some fast jabs then spun kickedbaway and turning him to smoke, I was suddenly grabbed by my third clone and the second one came running back landing a hard gut punch to me knocking the wind out but I recovered fast and headbutted the third clone then threw him at the first before blasting my second clone turning him into smoke. They got back up and dodged some shots from me and sent their own landing right on their target, I staggered back a bit but wasnt able to recover because they both sent a hard kick sending skidding and skipping on the hard yet smooth Mountain floor. I got back up then spat some blood out but winced at the scratches on my body but I pushed passed the small pain and rushed back to the clones, clone four was going for a low sweep kick but I jumped over it and hit him directly at the top of his head hard then I used it as leverage to launch me at clone three and knock him to the floor hard, both on the floor groaning in pain until they turned into smoke like clone number two. "Guess that leaves you and me huh?" I said turning to clone one but I was cuaght off guard as he sent a devastating right hook to my cheek sending me flying across the floor once more but I dug my hands into the stone then used it to send me in a full sprint to the clone he also went into a full sprint and both of us cocked our arms back and sent them at our faces. Both fists landing on their target and sending a powerfull shock wave through the mountain and strong winds blowing almost every cloud in the area to nothing, we stood their for a few seconds before I pushed his hand out of my face and gave one final uppercut making him fly for a few seconds until he vanished like the rest. I sweating profusely and very tired almost like I ran four marathons and beat dash in six races, I was somehow still in my form but it went away as I was finally out of juice and I fell to my knees then my face. "Holy shit... that was a bit to much I think" I said panting and trying to lift myself up but failed and only accomplished shifting to my back. "Help?" I called out then heared a pop. "Steel you look exhausted" Twilight said walking over and kneeling over me. "Well... I was training in that form and kinda just over did it... alot" I grunted and twilight shook her head. "How did you know I was here and how did you get here?" I asked her not really sure why she was here. "Oh I was walking back to your house because I went to zecora's then I felt the shockwaves, the wind and heared the shouting" Twilight said pulling out a cloth and began wipping the sweat from my face. "Im suprised no one woke up, weird" She said and help me sit up. "Yeah... Im beat and I cant move my arms that much, I might need your help to carry me down" I said and she gave off a light blush. "What?" "Um... were are your cloths?" Twilight asked and I looked down to only see my barw chest glistening with sweat and my boxers. "Ah you know... didnt want to damage my cloths to much so I took them off and out them under that rock overe their which reminds me, can you grab them for me please?" I asked her and she walked over to a small rock were she lifted it off my cloths and brought them over. "Thanks" "No problem... hey steel can I tell you something" twilight asked and I nodded. "Sure go ahead Im all ears" I said getting my breathing under control, twilight seemed to shuffle a little and shaking nervously. "Whats wrong?" I asked feeling a bit concerned. "Well... you know about me and coal right?" Twilight asked me and I nodded. "Well yeah yall are dating eachother so?" I said with a small smile but she seemed to frown at this making me lose the smile. "What happened?" I asked and she had some tears fall run down her cheek, I strained my arm up and wipped away the tears away. "Hey dont cry, c'mon I like it when you smile it brightens up the room or in this case uh... the sky?" I said and she giggled softly and smiled a little. "There we are much brighter, now tell your pal steel whats wrong" I said shifting myself to face her. "Well... me and coal, we broke up" Twilight said with a sigh and I was a little shocked hearing this they bith seemed perfect for eachother wonder what happened. "Its because I... I feel in love with another pony and I kniw its wrong to do that but he made me feel special and safe, with coal he kept me safe and I loved him but... I guess my heart was pointing in a different direction same with him" she said giving off a few sniffles and I strained my body again to wrapped her in a hug. "You know I spoil to much-ah!-because Im straining my body for you... but twilight its not wrong to feel love for someone else as long as both of you understand what you wanted then it fines, besides Im sure youll make that pony happy as heaven itself to be with you I promise you that" I said and pulled away she had a large blush but I just thought it was because I hugged her half naked. "R-Really?" Twilight asked and messed with her hair a bit, she looked very flustered. "Of course now who's the lucky son of bitch?" I asked but I felt my body start to loosen and when twilight was saying the guys name I passed out with a hard thud. I groaned a bit as I felt something painfully slowly run across my body, I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a hospital room and all my friends their either pacing back and forth or just talking amongst themselves. "Fuck sake the hell happened?" I asked sitting up and everyone turned to me. "Geez one second I was talkijg to twilight and the next Im here" "You passed out from exhaustion, I was lucky enough to be their when you did" Twilight said I was gonna ask something else but the doors opened and the nurse red heart came in with a clipboard and was looking through it until she came next to me. "Steel fox right... well it says your fine but the doctor wants to have you no longer do intense physical activities from now on" Red heart said and it felt like Id been stripped of my life. "What do you mean Im completely fine and how am I supposed to get stronger if I lazily walk around, I gotta protect this place I cant just-" "Im sorry but you can no longer do such things it will damage your body to the point where not even magic could help" Red heart said then walked out of the room. "I cant just stop I wanna learn this form even more I have to push past my limits!" I said looking around and spotting my cloths, I got up and quickly put them on. "I have to do this" I said then started for the door. "Steel you heared what red heart said you cant do that intense training anymore" Mint said and the others tried to back me out of doing my training but something inside me wouldnt allow such a thing. "Enough!" I shouted silencing them all, "I want to get stronger, I need to get stronger if I wamt to protect all of you from any danger... the doctor might have said I couldn't train but is that really gonna stop me?" I saidputting on my helmet and walking out the room. "He's right you know" Bellator said causing everyone to stare at him. "He may not know it but his pride wont let him just sit arround and do nothing" He said looking out the window. "But the doctor said-" "Not everything they say is right young sparkle, as you remember they said steel had no way of surviving the brutal beating he got from umbra... broken ribs, arm, wing, hands, knuckles he was basically a dead man on that hospital bed but guess what happened?" Bellator said and they all thought back to that time. "He's not a pony nor a griffion, zebra, diamond dog or dragon he is a human hybrid something not many of us have seen for thousands of years except for the mothers of celestia and luna" he said and the alicorn sisters knew he was right only their mothers knew them the most. "He's right... our great uncles were humans as well and amongst them a hybrid just like steel and many of you know him as Ryle wolfmen he told us his own mother was a human wolf hybrid and his father was an old devil king but thats all we remember of ryle sadly" Luna said. "But one thing does alway pop into mind when I see steel, he reminds me of ryle when I was a little girl and how he would push himself to near death then go right back like nothing happened he also talked alot about this little boy but I cant seem to remember to much though I think I liked him from what ryle told us about him... Celestia would tease me because of it" "Yes I remember that to, it seems that hybrid cant endure immense damage to their bodies and heal very quickly depending on the injures caused to said person... its strange, I wonder if steel knows anything more about ryle" Celestia said. "Well he was his step-brother princess" Applejack said and celestia gave a small laugh. "Yeah right theres no way ryle would be a brother to steel probably just saw him as tool" Celestia said then found a small knife to her kneck by brigid who looked furious. "You dare say that, do you know how much shit we went through?" Brigid asked, "Ryle was the only happiness we had until we got here, he loved us like we were his own, he taught us to survive, he protected us and you think you can say that he wouldnt care for his own siblings?!" Brigid said grabbing celestia by her shirt and coming face to face with her. "Dont you ever say that ever again you hear me or Im gonna rip you fuckin wings off and cut off your horn then make you my bitch" Brigid said but was grabbed by applejack and macarena before anything else happened. "Princess we barely know what steel has went through in his life, they saw eachother as brothers how could you say such things like that?" Rarity asked and everyone turned to her. "Ryle was never that nice to us, he swatted us for reasons that were completely stupid, and it was literally for speaking badly about eachother when we were teenagers I mean c'mon" Celestia said and luna nodded confirming that statement but brigid pushed aj and macarena off her. "Because thats called tough love candy ass, he treated us kindly because we grew up with his methods and we know his pain all to well we never spoke ill to eachother, never fought, never blamed one another for something we did... and you think a small swat to the head was painfull?!" Brigid said and floor started glowing red and melting under her. "WE HAD TO WATCH OUR OWN BROTHER DIE AND BE TAKIN FROM US YOU TRY TOPPING THAT WITH ALL THE SHIT WE WENT THROUGH!" She screamed at her and smashed her fist through the tiled wall. Celestia couldnt really say anything she would open her mouth then quickly close it. "And another thi-Whoa!" There was a huge rumble from the ground knocking everyone to the floor, they tried to get back up but felt another rumble that shook the place violently. "Is it an earth quake?!" Spike asked and they all stumbled out the hospital luckily not crashing into others as the shock waves grew more. They all heared explosions ring off from the distance causing them to look to see a blue bubble of ki then smoke, it was so far off into the distance that they were wondering how a small explosion like that made it all the way over to ponyville. They all started running to the place were they saw the explosions wondering what was going on. (With steel) As my Music played through the forest, I was dodging and blocking attacks from my clone that I fully charged up and in the golden form like myself, we shot ki blasts at eachother and hit eachother pretty hard. I quickly grabbed his fist that was coming to my face then flipped around him and sent him rocketing back to the floor with a loud explosive thud to the floor, he got back up and flew right at me at full speed giving me no time to dodge or block and kneed me in the gut then slamed his fists on my back sneding me flying to ground hard and creating a small crater. He landed back down in front of the crater and waited for me to get back to my feet which took a bit with the pain surging through my body. "Geez... smart... strong, very deadly... thank god your me" I said and rushed out of the crater then we started throwing fists missing and sometimes hitting their targets. I quickly ducked under his attack and sweeped his leg then raised it up and sent it back down on his chest before sending a powerfull ki blast point blank range turning him into smoke and ending the match, I plopped on the floor and went back to normal panting like crazy. "That... was... fun" I said chuckling slightly wiping my head from sweat. "Steel ye alright mate?" I heared greenie shout as everyone came rushing to me. "Im good... man what ever you do never make a clone that has your exact power cause it will fuck you up" I said painfully getting to my feet but wobbled a little. "Whoa, alright Im good... ay hey can someone heal me up real fast?" I asked and cadence came over and started healing me. "Thank you, man I dont know what doc was talking about I felt great training hell I felt even more powerful than before" I said while I saw luna, frost and twilight shake their heads. "What Im fine besides I need to train in order to control this form and last longer in it" I said but luna wasnt so happy with this idea. "Steel I know you feel the need to protect us but think about it you almost died last time, to protect us" Luna said walking up to me I smirked and patted her head lightly. "Who said I wouldnt die for all yall?" I asked just as cadence finished I stretched and popped my joints real fast. "But please understand-" "Luna listin I know all of you worry that my next battle might be my last but Im doing it to protect my friends if anything happened to any one of you I'd be feeling like it would be my fault" I said walking over and picking up my helmet. "Mate even you have limits" Greenie said but I softly snorted a bit. "I know thats why I want to go beyond them" I said then caught brigid fist and blocked dashes kick with my leg. "Why the suprise attack?" I asked "To see if you werent just messing around" Brigid said and I let go of her fist. "To see if you were fast enough... also smart enough" dash said and I quickly grabbed her before throwing her behind me were jack was who was getting ready to put me in a bear hug move but instead got dash. "Nice try, try again for a bit?" I asked then dodged an attack from spike who was quickly knocked out with a sharp chop to a preasure point I pulled out my phone and pressed play Coal and mint went for it but were caught off guard and knocked to the ground as I snapped my wings open and jumped up using them to lift me just above them then brought them to the ground. Vanilla was next but she wasnt alone as gilda was coming down for an aerial assault, as gilda came rocketing down I jumped spun around in the air before delivering a hard kick to her back making her crash to the ground, when I landed I spun around vanilla with enough speed to through her off then I choped her neck like spikes knocking her down. But it wasnt over, gilda got back up and slashed my shirt barely missing my chest by an inch but leaving a large hole, so I jumped back and tore off the shirt. "Wow" I heared frost say and I saw celestia's, lunas, cadence's, fluttershy and even gilda and rainbows wings sprang out while fluttershy grew as red as an apple before fainting along side rarity. "Thank you" I said with a small wink and luna, frost and twilight fainted I blinked a bit before catching a fist, I turned to see who it came from and saw bellator. "Keep your eye on your opponent" He said and I felt another fist hit my side and send me tumbling to a tree just as the song ended. I looked up from my daze to see another bellator except this one was completely black with red glowing eyes then the second I blinked it vanished. "That was a little trick I had to learn in order to become king, it has no name but I prefer the name demon clone" He said and helped me up. "Demon clone sounds cool" I said rubbing my side then heared my friends who fought me groaning in pain. "Oh I uh heh got a little... carried away... sorry" I said and helped eachone of them up and healed them as much as I could. "Look Im sorry but yall attacked first" "Yeah but-ah... could have just ya know held back o'bit" Strings growled but I nervously laughed. "I uh... kinda was" I said and they all looked at me with shock. "Yeah when your going against a clone of yourself with the same power as you, you cant really hold back" I said and walked over to the past out princess and book worm, I shook them all awake. "Alright sleeping Beauties thats enough sleep" I said and they all woke up and groaned. "Welp never had that happened before" Twilight said. "Dos" Luna and frost said as they all got up, as everyone was making sure they were alright bellator motioned me over to him. "Whats up?" I asked and he pulled me behind a tree. "Steel I see great hidden potential inside you and I want to open that potential" Bellator said and I peaked over to my friend who were still helping eachother then back to bellator. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I want to take you to train with my fellow frost mights" Bellator said and I took a step back. "Bellator me train with other frost mights I-I dont know that seems... really dangerous" I said but he gave a reasuring smile. "As long as you dont anger any other frost mights you have nothing to fear plus you are friends with the king and is the mate of the princess of frost mights" Bellator said and I started thinking this over and telling myself how crazy this was. "You want to get stronger then I will help you but only if you will let me" "..... Alright I'll go but what are we gonna say to everyone else and how long will I be gone for?" I asked and bellator thought to himself quickly. "It will take a year and four months to have you fully understand your abilities and train you in the many arts known to equis" Bellator said and I frowned a but hearing this, I will be gone for so long without knowing my friends will be alright. "Steel... I understand how you feel, I will have to leave my daughter and you will have to leave your friends so we may go train... but we both know our pride and our hearts will want nothing more than to keep them safe, and dont fret I will make a way for you to contact everyone that doesn't involve that small phone" "Bellator I... I dont know I wont know what will happen in that span of time something terrible might happen and I wont be able to make it back in time" I said frantically but he quickly stoped me by placing a hand on my shoulder. "I wont be here... to save the people I love dearly" "We must trustin their power steel... and they wont be alone because they have another strong being, your sister" Bellator said and I came back to me that brigid was in the real world now not in my head. "Your right... *sigh* alright we leave at the crack of dawn two days from now, that will give me plenty of time to say goodbye and pack my things" I said with a pained expression filled with sadness and worry. "They will be fine steel that I can promise now c'mon, lets head back Im sure pinkie will be happy to throw you a party to make up for yesterday" Bellator said and I chuckled before we walked out from behind the tree. "Alright everyone to make up for all that fighting how about we have a party and to make up for yesterday how about it?" I asked and they all cheered we quickly grabbed our things made one final check then started making our way to my house. We had finished setting up the party and had ourselves a good time, we had music playing in the background as everyone started chanting 'chug' as me and greenie were having a drinking contest for sixty buts and loser has to do what the winner wants. And we were gone after beer 14. "You *hic* think you can beat me lad I made this game hahaha-*hic*" Greenie said slamming another shot down and I did the same. "Fuck you ya greenie bastard Im winning this time" I said grabbing the bottle and chugging the whiskey down burning my throat. "Whoa... they were not liein when it packs a fuckin punch aye mate?" I said putting it down, everyone was looking at like animals. "What we do this each week sometimes for money" I said. "How are you not an ediot like this guy?" Macarena asked patting greenies head. "No clue, hybrid thing and what not now c'mon bring another bottle" I said slamming my fist down on the table, aj put down a large bottle with words 'extra hard cider'. "The hell is this?" "This is somethin we made and ah want yall ta be the first try it, now dont be give it a go" Aj said and rainbow started snickering. "Fuck it" Greenie said opening the bottle and pouring the shots before we slamed them down the hatch. "Dear god thats strong!" Greenie said coughing a bit and I did as well. "Give another" he said. "Nope... Im out to strong for the likes of me heres your bits mate" I said tossing the bag of sixty bits he gave a smug grin before taking the bag. "What will ya have me do?" I asked and he started thinking. "Well... give me a second" Greenie said and started thinking really hard until cadence came over and whispered something in his, I felt a small shiver run down my spine as he gave the most shit eating smile I've ever seen. "Alright mate I want you take *hic* kiss twilight" Greenie said and twilights face lit up and luna glared at cadence along with frost. "What are we preschoolers?" I asked and he gave me a dead serious I sughed before pushing out of my chair and walking over to twilight. "Sorry twilight a deals a deal" I said and she started backing up but I grabbed her shoulders and quickly gave her a small kiss then let her go. 'I will end you' Luna said in my mind. 'Im sorry but hey I'll make it up to you... in bed tomorrow night?' I asked looking back to her and winked she grew a heavy blush and looked to the ground. 'Fine mr. Smooth but this will only get you so far next time I get to punch you as hard as I can deal?' Luna said and I nodded. "Alright I think we all had enough fun for today Im sure steel is very tired after all thats happened today so lets clean up and head back home" Luna said and pinkie giggled. "Whats so funny pinkie?" Rainbow asked her and suddenly felt a rush of wind run past her along with everyone else. "What mess?" Pinkie said and we all looked around to see the whole place spotless. "Night guys dont let the bed bugs bite!" She said and jumped through an open window, I rushed over but found no pink mare anywere. "Im to drunk for her pinkieness night everyone" I said and everyone started leaving one by one until it was just me and frost. "Oh thats right were dating... well what do you want to do?" I asked and she slowly removed her white shirt showing her small perky tits, I sobered up real quick and gulped. She sauntered closer and closer to me then softly pushed me on the couch were she quickly straddled my waist and gave a sultry look. "I-I think we should... take this to the b-" I said but she placed a finger on my lips and smiled. "I cant hold back much longer" Frost whispered to me and took off my shirt and smashed her lips onto my ketting out a small moan, she forced her tounge in my mouth and started feeling my chest up. "Oh so you want it rough do ya?" I thought to myself and pulled her in more to deepen the kiss and I let my hands roam around her naked torso with one hand finding her small breast, she gasped in my mouth but soon squealed a bit by my touch. I gently gave it a squeeze then flicked my thumb on her nipple making her arch her back and give a long low moan, she separated from my lips and had eyes that were filled with lust and her body seemed to grow hotter, I grinned at her and she grinned back before we went back to kissing and groping. "Steel I was wondering if we can change that apologie to tonight since my sister and everyone else is asleep" Luna said teleporting in and scaring the hell out of me and frost. "Jesus almighty luna, almost gave me a bleedin heart attack I thought it was one of our friends or god help me bellator" I said shuddering at the thought of what he would do to me. Luna looked at the half naked frost and myself then puffed her cheeks making even her anger seem cute. "Your seriously about to do a frost might?" Luna asked and I looked to frost then to luna and nodded. "I mean... you want to join us?" I asked and luna gave a long glare at me kinda making me nervous about the situation but she kicked off her shoes and took of her shirt and pants. "How are you this good at making me get my pants off?" Luna asked walking over and both women gave lustfull smiles. "How am I the luckiest bastard alive getting to do two beautiful women?" I asked and their cheeks turned rosy, just as we were about to started I heared the door start opening making me groan before hidding my girls behind the couch and tossing their cloths with them. I looked back to the door to see twilight standing their with a nervous look, "Twilight? What are you doing here so late I thought you were at home sleeping" I said walking over, she looked like she was shaking for some reason even though it wasnt even cold. "Twilight whats wrong?" "Coal... he was acting somewhat aggressive after we all left, he said never to go near you but I didnt understand why so I asked him... he said that you were the reason we broke up" Twilight said shocking me, I didnt know what to say my best friend accused me of ruining his relationship with twilight. "Twilight theirs no way I could have ruined it, hell I was alseep for a month two days ago how could I-" I stoped after I remembered something twilight said, but I couldn't remember what it was. "Wait... wait somethings coming back to me" I said and walked back to my couch to figure it out then it hit me. "You said you liked someone else... someone other than coal thats why yall broke up but you never told me who" I said and looked at her as she closed the door, she walked over to a nearby chair then sat on it not looking at me. "And if coal said Im the reason you guys broke up then... that means-" "IM IN LOVE WITH YOU OK!" Twilight shouted and began crying, I was left shocked and couldn't form a word not even move. "I-Im sorry Im so sorry... I just felt something in heart pointing to you and I just... cant help but fall in love with you, you make me happy, your the kindest person I've ever met you made me feel like an actual girl for once instead of just someone who reads books and was my actual first friend. I felt special when you said I could think of you and... all my nightmares will be blown away" Twilight said and quietly sobbed to herself and noticed me not saying anything. "You must be thinking 'theirs no way I could feel the same way to', were best friends steel and I even let you stayed at my house until you got this one... but I guess you'll only see me as a friend but I wamt you to know its not your fault me and coal broke up" Twilight said and got up. "Its mine" she quickly said and started for the door thats when I pushed off my couch and grabbed her arm. "Twilight... I had no idea, do you really love me?" I asked and she slowly nodded her head then her ears dropled in shame. "... Twilight I want to show you something" I said and started bringing her back to the couch. "Girls... come on out" I said and slowly luna and frost came out from behind the couch with nervous smiles and embarrassed blushes, twilight was shocked to see luna and frost half naked in my house but also I saw jealousy in her eyes. "Hi... twilight" Luna said covering her chest frost did the same and moved from behind the couch then sat on it. "So, you must have many questions about all... this" she said gesturing her almost named form and twilight nodded with her mouth agape a little. "Well *ahem* you see twilight... we were going to, how do you say it... have sex" "Yeah~ and we also kinda heared your confession to... steel" Frost said and twilight looked about ready to die. "But dont worry we wont tell... but uh how are we going to work this out" frost asked and they all looked to me. "I uh... dont know" I said my voice unsure. "I mean... Luna what do you think?" I asked her. "How about... we give her a chance" Luna said and twilights skipped a beat. "Her confession seemed so genuine and she reminded me of myself when we sought eachothers love so... lets give her a chance" "B-but Im just a bookworm a librarian, Im nothing special like a you two who are princess's" Twilight said shuffling but I smiled a bit then wrapped my arm around her shoulder making her sqeak. "I love them because they love and I wouldnt care if they were normal ponies or frost might I'll love them the same and to be honest" I said and leaned down to her ear. "I always thought you were pretty cute" I whispered and she seemed to grin sheepishly with a small laugh and blush. "Wait so that means you are dating the princess" Twilight said and I gave her a deadpan look. "Right... should have known since shes half naked infront of us... how did you do that so fast?" Twilight asked. "He has a way with words aint that right 'Mr. Smooth?'" Luna said and I chuckled. "Mr. Smooth really?" Twilight said with small giggle. "Dont question his ability he got an all powerful moon goddess and a frost might princess to be his marefriends, and he even made you fall for him" Luna said again making twilight blush lightly. "So steel what do you say should we have twilight join this herd?" "You know what I think we should how about it twilight wanna join?" I asked and she answered with a sudden kiss. "We'll take that as a yes" Luna and frost both said just as twilight parted from me. "Well thats that now then will you join us in our fun twilight?" I asked as I patted her head softly and she turned a deep red. "Ok... now I see why luna said your mr. Smooth but shouldn't we take this somewere more private instead of you know your couch... plus I want it to be special since well..." Twilight started but frost decided to finish the sentence. "Your still a virgin?" Frost asked nonchalantly and twilight faint on me, we looked to frost to see her tilting her head, "What didnt know frost mights can tell things even if their the smallest detail... clearly she didnt want to get pregnant since coal was a pony and ahah well you heared and since she's found the right person she will do it in her marehood seriously I need to teach you three this" Frost said and I picked up twilight then we all started for my room. I placed twilight on the bed and sat on it, after about a few minutes she began to stir awake then 'eked' when she saw she was on my bed. "Its ok twilight I'll be gentle" I said and she gulped slightly but felt hands roam around her body, these hands belonged to luna and frost, luna was wearing her dark red bra and panties while frost wore nothing, by this point they were now undressing twilight. I took of my pants and socks before turning back to see twilight in black lace panties and a bra leaving enough for the imagination, "Oh so the book worm loves lace huh?" "I-I thought I-I t-try something new and rarity said they were comfortable... not gonna lie she was right but their super embarrassing to wear" Twilight said witha large blush. "Dont worry twilight we'll take good care of you" Frost said and licked her neck causing her shiver and moan a little. Luna snaked her hand under twilights panties then started playing with her making her breaths rapidly increase, she squirmed from their touch and gave a long lustfull moan. "You sound adorable when you moan" I said sitting on the edge then felt Frost's hands grab my shoulders then I felt two small soft globs on my back. "Frost I thought we were gonna let twipight go first but since your being impatient I'll let this slid" I said then in a blink of an eye she was face to face with the tent in my boxers. Frost wasted no time in ripping them off, my erected member stood proudly in its full length and frost mouth wattered like if she was seeing food for the first time. "Wow thats big" Frost said astonished as to how a member looks. "Never seen one before so this is new... kinda looks like a mushroom... kinda cute" She said and took hold of my member before slowly stroking my length getting a groan of pleasure from me. "Wow your hands are soft frost, oh man this is good" I said and felt her go faster, I never thought a hand job would feel this good but hell this a world with anthropomorphic ponies so anythings possible at this point. I soon felt a small flick from her tounge on the tip making my breath hitch, I felt her tounge go up and down my shaft for her first time doing this she's pretty good. "Steel I think someone else wants a little attention" Luna said pushing me down on the bed only to be faced with her lips winking at me, she was soaking wet and I heared twilight panting heavily meaning luna made yer cum. I grabbed her nice soft ass and brought her down making her sqeak then moan loudly as I lapped my tounge on her outter lips, I can never get tired of this tast its always blueberries and so far I love it, I felt frost suckling on my tip before slowly taking in the whole thing making me moan as she swallowed my cock whole. "Oh man that is good" I said then went back to the needing moon princess, the room was full of moans and the sounds of sex luckily this was a far from ponyville and hopefully no one will hear this. I used my fingers to open up her lips a bit befire digging right back in sticking my tounge as far as I could and she screamed a little. "Im gonna cum steel please dont stop" Luna said and I wasnt going to, I lapped my tounge inside her and on her outer lips making her quiver thats when I started feeling a sudden preasure coming. "Seems he's ready as well but how about we save that" Frost said taking my member out of her mouth and stopping the preasure. I groaned annoyed by her actions then felt luna lift off of me, "How about we share him luna then twilight can have him for as long as she wants" she said and twilight was beging to regain her composure slowly. Frost laid down on her back and spread her legs showing me her wet pussy and luna positioned herself ontop of her and they pushed their breasts onto eachother, I was just staring with my mouth a bit open and they giggled at my reaction then luna used her magic to tug my hand snapping me back to reality. "Well? Come and get it handsome" Luna said seductively and swished her hips back and forth, I smiled and crawled over to them aligned my twitching member and slowly placed the tip in frost making her gasp then softly moan as I slid it inside her. Luna pouted at this but heared the yelp from frost, luna decided to sooth her pain by distracting her from it by a suddenly kissing her, frost moaned into her sudden kiss making it easier for me to not completely let it all out. "Oh man thats tight... jesus so close yet so far" I groaned out and feeling so much please just from putting it in, she was so warm and tight. "Steel you can move if you like" Frost said looking over lunas shoulder. "Yeah thank you but... give me a sec" I said gripping the headboard almost breaking it, after a few minutes I felt the preasure coming to a low and I sighed a little thankful that I wasnt going to disappoint her."Alright here we go" I said pulling out of her making her squirm from the feel until I stop at leaving only the tip. "Here we go" I said snd slammed back into her she gave loud scream of both pleasure and pain and I continued this motioned making her moan even louder and louder each thrust. I saw luna getting a bit jealous of so I pulled out of frost getting a curious look from both women until luna sqealed in delight as I started raming away inside her making frost pout, as I rammed into luna she was suckling on frosts nipplw making her moan from the sudden action. I continued to switch from my girls getting a little groping out of luna with my free hand, I softly caressed her tit in my hand while I was fucking her brains out making it ten times more pleasing to her she even went a little limp and loiled her tounge out to which frost suck on before going for her lips. Twilight had regained herself and was watching the scene unfold infront of her, she couldn't believe the princess she knew and respected was being fucked by the person who single handedly stoped umbra, and crystal even discord though she knew I had some help. She couldnt help but fell even more horny seeing her princess and frost might princess be fucked so she unlatched her bra and began playing with her breast squeezing it and pinching her nipple all the while slipping her hands in her soaked lace panties and began pleasuring herself even more. She bit her bottom lip then imagined herself riding my cock, she pushed a finger in her wet marehood getting a small moan from her then insterted another getting her sqeale in her mouth. I felt the preasure build up again and this time I wasnt going to stop. "Girls Im gonna cum soon" I said and they were both far gone at this point, I gave two hard thrusts into each of them before cumming deep i side of frost making her scream as she was being filled up then I quickly pulled out and came the rest of my load inside luna making her bit her lip hard and holding her screams. "Soooo gooood~" Luna moaned out before both princess's passed out with their marehoods leaking some cum out. I took this time to cacth my breath and recover real quick but I barely had anytime for that as twilight grabbed me and shoved me on my back. I looked a little up to see twilight flushed red and completely naked with my member in hand aligning it up to her soaking marehood. I felt the heat radiating off of it and her body, she looked very flustered and embarrassed to do this but I just smiled and slowly brought her down sliding my cock in her getting a little gasp then her breath hitch. She fell on my chest with tears in her eyes. "Twilight do you trust me?" I asked her wiping away the tears and she nodded. "Then this will only hurt for a few seconds I promise" I soothed her and it seemed to work as she now relaxed a bit but still felt a bit tense, she gave a cute whine then shut her eyes waiting for the pain. I broke through her hymen making screamed a bit but I quickly muffled it by pressing my lips onto her's, we stayed their for what seemed liked hours untip twilight leaned more into the kiss then parted away. "Better?" "Y-Yeah this is so much more better than... you know what lets not talk about that for now I want to focus on this" Twilight said and 'eeped' a bit as I placed my hands on her hips then began to feel around her soft ass. "Wow you must really like my ass huh?" Twilight teased but I just booped her nose. "Guilty" I said and gave it a small swat, she moaned a little. "Seems Im not the only one that likes your ass" "Guilty, now then rut me like its your last day" Twilight said and I pushed her back on the bed her body facing me and her back facing the bed, I spread her legs out to give me a good veiw of her beautiful body causing her to go red. "Dont just stare" "Alright lets do this" I said with a grin then began giving her the same treatment I was giving luna and frost, almost instantly when we started twilight was giving out loud lustfull moans. she felt so warm inside and it felt so good, she looked like she was enjoying it as well feeling my member go in and out of her. I felt her walls tighten even more letting me know that she just came hard, I was happy knowing she was feeling pleasure from me and I wasnt gonna lie I was super close to cumming. "Twilight oh man... in or out?" I asked then was wrapped her in her legs and her arms around my kneck. "Inside! do it inside!" Twilight screamed and with one deep thrust I came right inside her making her scream my name and cum as well, I couldnt stop and I almost lost all my motor skills but I held myself up until I was done cumming inside twilight making her have a small bulge. I finished and pulled out of her getting a weak kaon from the book worm, as soon as I pulled out I was done how I knew was because I just fell on the bed not moving and just looking up. "Holy shit... Im to fuckin lucky" I mumbled then felt my girls soft bodies come closer to mine making me chuckled and use my magic to to the blanket over us. "Night girls... see ya in the morning" I said and passed out the second I closed my eyes. "Computer how long until I reach this planet?" Logan asked his computer and it started calculating. "You will be arriving at planet equis in one year" The computer said and logan groaned, he felt impatient knowing that his son was still alive after all these years. "How have I been so blind... when I had to leave, your mother... brizo I promise you with all the love in my heart still beating for you I will find our son and I will take care of him just like how we wanted" Logan said digging in his pocket and finding a glowing light blue locket, he carefully opened it up to see His wife. Her short elegant blue hair, skin that was smooth to the touch and eyes as beautiful as the sea itself, her dress was made from what looked like the finest silk and in her hair was a golden locket and on her finger was a golden ring. She was smiling so brightly holding their son in her arms and having the sea behind her, logan remember her heart being so pure and innocent, she was the light in the darkness she was the angel that found him and cared for him. "I miss you brizo, why did he have to send you back... why?" > Chapter 17: Feel the golden warriors rage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "C'mon greenie enough dude she only going to visit some family" I said cheering up my sad drunk of a friend, the girls have to go to applossa for a day to help applejacks cousin with a small errand. We were at the park babysitting applebloom, sweetie belle, pipsqeak and scootaloo. "I-I know mate but... Im just a wee bit worried is all" Greenie said sighing heavily, Thats right when they left applejack seemed a bit uncomfortable but we never got the chance to ask her what was wrong I was a bit... distracted. (Four hours ago: sunrise) Everyone was at the train station getting ready to go to apploosa but me and twilight lagged behind to talk about last night. We didnt have enough time to talk when we got out of the house after leaving luna and frost asleep still. "So twilight... did you, regret having me as your first?" I asked the purple mare who just leaned on my arm. "Nope~" Twilight said smiling happily, her smile could always brighten up my day. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and brought her closer, she was smiling so brightly I needed sunglasses to see. "Alright c'mon book worm Im sure the others... are" I stoped walking when I saw coal staring at us from down the road. "Coal dude whats up meeting the others at the train station?" I asked letting twilight go then began walking but saw his glare and stoped. "Whats wrong?" "Nothing... nothing at all" Coal said and walked away. "Alright then... do you think he's mad about something?" I asked twilight who had an idea about it. "Well he might be mad because... where dating now I guess" Twilight said suprisingly unsure of what to make of 'us'. Twilight your amazing and smart also really cute and you said it yourself last night you love me and Im willing to do this so I guess we are a couple" I said grabbing her hand she seemed to relax when I did and we began walking again. "Though I think the others are gonna say something" Twilight giggled a little. "What are they gonna say 'so this is who you were crushing over'" she said mocking rarity's voice I gave a small laugh then felt somthing tackle me to the ground. "Dude the hell man!" I heared spike yell at me and I quickly pushed him off and got back to my feet. "Spike why did you tackle me?" I asked the drake then saw everyone looking at me. "What?" "When were you gonna tell us?" Rainbow asked me and I got a little confused until she grabbed twilight. "I mean book worm and the badass" She said pushing twilight onto me and I chuckled a little a bit nervous. "Well ya see... she came over last night after everyone left and so we talked, found out some things and now... were dating" I said and they all went quiet. "But you know... she's a book worm and your... well a badass and dare I say more awesome then I am" Rainbow said but I couldn't care less of what twilight was. "I dont care she told me she loved me and I'll be honest I kinda liked her as well so what Im awesome doesn't matter to me and I dont care if twilights a book worm she's cool to me" I said and rubbed behind her ears and she almost fell to the ground. "Whoa twilight you ok?" "Yeah im good, dont know what happened do it again real fast" Twilight asked and I shrugged before rubbing behind her ear and she gave a soft pur. "Huh didnt know ponies can pur its kinda of adorable like a little kitten" I said then stopped, she groaned and grabbed my hand again then placed it on her head. "C'mon do it some more it felt so good" Twilight begged me and just told myself fuck it and went back to it. "Oh yeah" "Hey let me try that!" Pinkie said grabbing my hand and making me do the same. She instantly became putty in my hands, the other girls wanted a try and each one of them were enjoying the treatment getting me to wonder if luna or trixie hell maybe even gilda would be like this. I soon felt eyes boring holes into my skull so I stoped and back away from the girls. "Alright then lets uh stop my... hands getting tired" I said but they wanted me to continue until they heared the train coming. "Oh would you look at that trains here, to bad so sad have a nice trip!" I said just as the train opened and pushed them all in. We waved them off as the train left and I sighed in relief. "Whew that was close" "Mate what did ye do ta them?" Greenie asked and I shrugged. "I just scratched behind their ears nothing to special" I said and sat down on a bench, I felt a sudden dread wash over me but I didnt pay much thought to it nothing seems wrong... right? (Present) "Well I feel a bit concerned as well just before they left... I felt a sudden dread wash over me but I didnt think nothing of it... what could have happened in such a short amount of time?" I asked greenie who was also thinking as well. "We'll ask'em when they get back for now we got four little monsters to take care of" Greenie said with a slight chuckle before getting up. "Applebloom c'mon lets get you home you too sweetie belle, steel mind takin scoots and pip?" "Not at all c'mon guys we'll go see luna" I said to the siblings and they smiled happily, we began walking with scoots and pip holding each of my hands until we made it to my house. I opened the door and found frost laying on the couch bored and luna napping next to her, I gave a few short knocks getting frosts attention. "Sup you two brought home some sweets" I said and let the kids roam around. "Oh their so cute what are their names?" Frost squeed seeing pip and scoots. "Scootaloo and pipsqeak this is frost, frost this is scootaloo and pipspeak" I said then felt her rush of wind past me and saw frost pick up pip. "Oh he's so adorable he's like a stuffed animal!" Frost sqealed and hugged pip who was confused but hugged back. "Hey steel whos the new girl?" Scoots asked sitting on the couch and watching her brother get hugged to death. "Thats frost... princess of the frost mights and my new marefriend, and believe me she's totally not adorable around kids" I said with small grin and she stuck her tounge at me. "The only reason Im so giddy to meet kids is because their just so cute have you seen a baby foal my god I could die from cuteness overload" frost giggled like a little girl getting a new toy. "Huh... whaz up?" Luna said in a daze sitting up with a look of sleep still on her even her magical hair went back to the light blue color. "Hi luna!" Scoots said and the instant she said anything luna perked up and grabbed her. "Scootaloo oh its so good to see you weres your little brother?" Luna asked the suffocating filly. "Luna your killing her for gods sake!" I said ripping scoots away from luna who smiled sheepishly. "He's over their" Scoots groaned out before passing out, I laid her on the couch and placed a little blanket that I quickly summond. "Alright people let the colt go" I said but saw that frost and luna were having a glare off for pip they were so busy glaring at eachother they didnt see me grab pip and take him to scoots. "Alright ladies enough is enough I think we can all go out and walk for a bit so we can clear our heads and give you two something to do" I said getting their gazes shifted to me and they became softer. "Fine I guess we can go for a walk but nothing more" Luna said and went to go put on something same with frost I quickly woke up scoots before the two came back down wearing casual cloths. "Alright lets go oh thats right I had something I wanted to give you" luna said reaching into her pocket and took out a gold arm brace with Celtic runes etched into it and had a my cutie mark in the middle. "Oh wow this is beautiful luna thank you so much" I said grabbing the arm brace then slid it on my metal skin arm. It looked like metal but it stretched and fit comfortably on my arm not to tight not to loose, I gave luna small kiss getting an expected fake barfing motion from scoots. "Like I said your gonna do this one day" "Yeah right like that would ever happen" Scoots said shaking her head, I rolled my eyes and we began walking out the house and into the little town. I was holding the kids hands while frost pouted because she wanted to hold pip but I said no, the mares around were. Looking and cooeing like last time when I was with thr kids but I payed no mind and had to stop frost every time she got close to giving pip a death hug. We reached a little park like before but scoots told me this one had swings and other stuff I just let them wonder while I sat on a bench with luna and frost. "I dont see why I cant hold pip for just a little longer he's just so cuuuutte" frost whined I snorted softly at her whinning and just booped her nose. "I want to hold scootaloo and pipsqeak but no" Luna complained and I chuckled before reaching behind her head. "What are you-ooohhhh thats good~" she cooed and purred as I scratched behind her ears. 'It does work with her' I thought and kept scratching for a bit longer then stoped getting a whine from her. "That pur is adorable" I said and leaned back watching scoots and pip play on the swings,una saw couples walk by holding hands, stallions putting their arms around their marefriends and the mares leaning on them, she wished she could do that with anyony judging. "I wish I we didnt have to hide our relationship from everyone it's stupid, I dont care what others say" Luna said with a small frown I petted her head and sighed. "I was told by a little birdy that we can tell them but... do you really want them to try and split us apart?" I asked them and they shook their heads. "I love you guys you know this and I don't want to lose you... one day we'll tell them that I promise, my friends know about my relationship with twilight but not you or frost" "Alright we understand... you know I just remembered something that your brother ryle always talked about when I was a little girl" Luna said closing her eyes and thinking back. "He would always talk about a little boy about the same age as me well in human years... the boy would always listin to his older brother no matter what, the boy would help others even if it meant being hated by the ones he saved and was the most caring person he ever met... to be honest I fell in love with that boy just because of all the things that ryle had said... but I didnt know the boys name ryle only said his description he was small had short black hair, black eyes and tan skin" she said and looked at me. "Really... I wonder who he was talking about" I said with a smile and luna giggled. "Celestia and my mother would always tease me about it how he wasn't real and it was something to keep me busy and imagine about, but ryle never told a lie and rarely said any stories so I believed every word... and who knows how long I had his description in my mind probably years and thats probably why I didnt mate with anyone a thousand years ago because of the boy and who would have thought the boy I fell in love with was none other than you steel" luna said leaning on my arm I gave a warm smile. I would have never guess that ryle would talk about me so much and even told luna, and its amazing that we were meant to be even though we were in different worlds but lily and manus changed everything sending me here to find luna, frost and twilight to love them and protect them. They sent me here to become their light in the darkness when things got bad and thats something that I will be grateful even past death. "Thank you luna thats means the world to me, I guess we were meant to be and we didnt even know it untill I came here" I said giving her a small hug and she kissed my cheek, frost was pouting next to me feeling neglected so I hugged her as well and kissed her. "Same goes for you" I said with a small smile then leaned back in my seat again, we sat their for a few hours watching the kids or just talking to eachother thats when I felt the sudden dread wash over me once more and a darker look dawned on my face. "Oh a letter from celestia wonder what she wants?" Luna said grabbing the floating scroll from the air it was fancy lookin paper with celestias cutie mark in the middle. Luna opened the letter and began to read to herself huming a little but as soon as she began her eyes had widen and her face had a look of sadness and horror, "Im sorry I must leave at once frost you come as well we need as much political power as possible" she said in a panic "What I was just starting to enjoy myself why do I have to work!" Frost whined but thats when luna had showed her the paper and she got up faster then I could blink. "No no no no! I'll tear them a new asshole for doing such a thing lets go luna!" Frost said crumbling the paper up and teleporting away with luna leaving in confusion and half the park looking at me. "*Ahem* Sorry about that royal... business" I said and the stared for a bit longer until they went back to their evenings, I saw scoots and pip walking over wondering why luna and frost rushed off in a such a way and made such a commotion. "Sorry guys I dont know what got into them" "Maybe it was something off this letter?" Pip said picking up the crumbled up letter and gave it to me. "Thanks pip now then lets see here" I said but as I was about to start reading I felt someone grab my should and start dragging me, I looked to who it was and saw jack but he looked frightened beyind belief. "Wait jack what about pip and scoots?!" "I got them right here mate, and this is urgent were meeting in jacks blacksmith shop" Mint said holding pip and scoots then dragged us off. They kicked open the door and tossed me in causing me to slam into some sets of armor giving out a loud crash. "Oh sorry steel you ok?" Jack asked still in his frightened state, I pushed some of the armor off of me and sat their rubbing my head trying to ease the pain. "Yeah Im good but why are you so scared jack?" I asked the blacksmith but saw the boys sitting around waiting. "Whats going on?" I asked getting out of my armored grave. "Steel we got news of something big happening but I think jack should be the one to say" Strings said looking to the man. "Go on what did yoh want to talk about?" "Alright but y'all promise not to laugh?" Jack asked and we all nodded, he took a large breath then sigh. "My... brother is coming over in a few minutes and we haven't seen eye to eye in a very long time after our fight" jack said and this just got a curious look from me. "Why are ye scared of that Im sure he wants ta apologize or something" Greenie said but jack looked like he was going to shit bricks. "Whoa jack calm down dude how bad can he-" I was cut off by a knife cutting my cheek letting it bleed a bit and was deep enough for a scar. "The hell?" "Oh man Im so sorry about that dude I didnt mean for that to hit" We heared a worried toned voice say causing us to snap our heads to it and see someone at the door the sun was blocking his image but we saw a silhouette of a tall man with a horn. "Uh... Hi my names edge Im jackhammer's little brother" Edge said and stepped in letting us see what I think was a deer due to his coat being brown and white with a muzzle and ears like a deer but I think they were called caribou. He was about jacks height a little less muscular but still noticable, he was missing his left horn but he had a broken right horn on his head and his mane was half gone leaving some of his hair brushed to the side and reaching his right shoulder. He wore a brown muscle shirt with a gold color cross on it, black pants and blue sneakers and his voice sounded a little higher then jack. "Again sorry about that knife I was trying to scare jack a bit" Edge said and we just stared at him then at jack. "*Sigh* Guy's this Is my step-brother Edge sword stone, our mom found him alone and hurt when he was a colt and didnt even see anyone like him so she took him home and he became my brother after two weeks" Jack said walking over to his brother. "Hey edge why did you come by?" Jack asked him and edges expression changed. "Jack you might wanna sit down" Edge said and looked to be holding back tears, seeing his brothers effort he did as he was told and gave edge time to say what he needed. "Edge calm down man take a deep breath" I said removing my hand from my once injured cheek. He nodded and took a long deep breath then gave a heavy sigh, he sat down then pulled out a blue steel ring from his pocket. "Dad passed away jack just this morning" Edge said with a heavy heart and letting some tears drop. Jack sat their with an unreadable expression he just sat their unable to say anything like if he froze in time until saw him tremble a little. "Dad's... gone" He choked out, the room had went silent for what felt like an eternity and I think jack wanted someone to say something, so I did. "Jack... Im sorry man, Im sure your dad was a great man" I said standing behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I... I dont-Its just... he was so" Jack finally had a readable expression one that was full of sorrow and anguish. We all gathered around him and hugged him trying to make him feel better even if it was little we were doing something. "Dad... wanted you to have this jack, it's his most prize possessions second from us" Edge said handing jack the blue steel ring, jack slowly took it in hand and noticed a name on it, that name finally broke him and he was a mess of tears. Edge finally broke as well and joined his brother, we felt helpless at that moment but atleast we can be here to help him and his brother get through it. "This... this is mom's ring she wore this, the day she found you this should be your's" Jack said trying to hand it to edge who shook his head. "They said it should have gone to me but I refused because I know one other pony that helped mom and dad take care of a bastard such as myself for so many years so this belongs to you jack" Edge said and closed jacks hand around the ring. He gave his brother a strong hug before sitting back down, "I know mom and dad would be happy knowing your doing well while I've been just a bother" "Im sure mom and dad would be proud of both of us edge and dont forget that understand" Jack said wipping his tears away as much as he could. "Alright I think we need to lighten up the mood a bit how about we all head toy place for a bit and hang out we can grab the rest of the cmc and let them play" I said and they nodded, I grabbed pip and scoots before we left the blacksmith shop and picked up both sweetie belle and applebloom at rarity's since they wanted to play a prank on the poor fashionista. We finally made it to my house and let the kids play in the back while we sat on some chairs either watching the kids play, my timberwolves, Rok sleeping or just looking at the sky. "Nice place you got here steel" Edge said with a small hijt of jealousy. "Yeah its nice good backyard for the kids to play in, a pool to relax in rooms to keep half of ponyville in and protection from any sort of forest danger thanks to my timber wolves and my dog rok" I said and smiled hewring the kids play with rok or the other wolves it was funny too. Though even though we were relaxing I still felt something nagging at the back of my head, but I dont know what maybe I forgot to tell twilight something or I owe brigid some money. "Hey steel you alright man?" Coal asked seeing my struggling face. "Yeah its just... I have this nagging sensation in the back of my head hut I cant really explain it to well" I said and edge hummed. "Did you forget something important if so try thinking back to where you last were before coming to my brothers shop" Edge said and I nodded then closed my eyes and thought back to being with luna and frost at the park. 'Alright we were at the park with scoots and pip, luna had told me a story of falling for me and then-thats it!' I thought and snapped my eyes open. "I remember now I was talking with luna and frost for a bit when we were looking after the kids then she got a letter, the strangest thing happened as well... when they read it luna said she needed frost for as much political power as possible whatever that means I have the letter right here actually" I said pulling out the folded peice of paper but before I could open it I covered my eyes from a bright flash then saw the mane six standing just below the patio stairs. The walked up and smiled, but I knew a fake smile when I saw one and they were hidding something even pinkie who loved to smile. "Hey guy's" Rainbow said walking over to jack and hugged him, he gave one back and the others got next to their marefriends and leaving edge and coal sitting their. "I thought ya had to be their all day what happened?" Greenie asked as they all sat down. "We were but Braeburn said they had it under control and he apologized for the hassle" Applejack said and gave her fake smile, I couldnt help but just stare at them all. The guys were smiling but the girls were not, not on the outside but on the inside, I wanted to ask if they were alright but I decided to see if they would tell us. "Sorry sugarcube but I'll make up for it later" Aj said with a real smile this time and greenie turned red. "Alright you two do that behind closed doors we have kids here" I said pointing to the cmc still playing with my wolves much to rarity's discomfort but I laughed as I saw a pup walk next to sweetiebelle and nuzzle her leg. "Awe just like rok I wonder if the wolves let you keep her" I said walking over and picking up the pup, the timberwolves trusted me enough to hold their kin and know when theirs a good egg if ponies want to adopt one. "Rarity can I please keep her please!?" Sweetie belle begged rarity who was completely against having a timberwolf in her house since one opal was their and two it could ruin her designs. "Absolutely no-" I handed her the pup and she speaked a little then looked at the pup for a bit then I looked down to sweetie and counted. "Three... two... one" I whispered and just as I hit one she sqealed in delight and hugged the pup. "Oh its so cute how can we not keep her!" Rarity said and the pup licked her cheek happily, sweetie belle came over and grabbed the pup. "*ahem* I suppose we could keep her but only if you pinkie promise to take good care of her understand" Rarity said and sweetie couldnt have done the chant faster even if she wanted to. "So what'er yall gonna name'er?" Aj asked as the others came over. "Lucy that seems like the right name for her" Sweetie belle said and lucy nuzzled her. For the first time since they all got back they all had warm smiles on their faces but in their eyes I saw dread and guilt like if they were about to tell us their secret but no they all hid it well behind their poker faces. "Well I think we should head out I gotta check on tank so I'll see ya later jack" Rainbow said and zoomed off. "Me and sweetie belle have to go back to the beautique and get lucy fitted in good bye darlings and I'll be over in a few hours mint" Rarity said and started walking back to her house with sweetie and lucy. "Yeah ah'm macarena wants to hear whats been happin so c'mon applebloom you to greenie ah still owe yah" Aj said and walked off with greenie, fluttershy and strings took off as well as did coal leaving me, twilight, jack, edge and pinkie. "So jack who's this guy?" Pinkie asked poking edge who squirmed at the touch. "This is my little brother edge sword stone or edge" Jack said then bgan walking away. "Gotta head back to the shop I'll see yall later and edge find a place to crash cause I dont got room thanks to my marefriend and her stuff" he said and walked off. "Lets leave these two twilight, scoots pip c'mon back inside!" I called to them and they ran back in with me and twilight behind leaving the caribou and the pink mare by themselves. "So... hows it going?" Edge asked and pinkie giggled at his awkward small talk. "Its going fine... you know I uh have extra room at my house if your interested plus we could talk their if you like" Pinkie said grabbing edge's hand and started hopping away with him. We sat in the living room with twilight and the kids, but twilight looked troubled by something so I decided to ask her what was wrong and figure out why they gave out fake smiles. "Twilight... are you ok?" I asked her but she seemed to be out of it so I sracthed behind her ear getting a small blush and a pur. "Their we go now tell whats wrong" I said stoping and twilight just looked really down about the subject. "Steel... I... Im sorry" Twilight quickly said and ran away. "Kids stay in the house I'll be back" I said running after twilight, it wasnt long until I reached her and grabbed her arm. "Twilight whats going on, why did you have those fake smiles... please tell me" I begged her but she didnt answer onky just hung her head. "You wouldnt understand" Celestia said teleporting behind me and made me let go of her. "Come twilight lets... go to my castle we will talk their and steel, dont press on this matter we have it under control" she said and teleported away with twilight who looked at me with tears in her eyes. "No... twilight" I fell to my knees and then to my hands, feeling powerless, feeling like something was ripped out of me. "I feel... I need the guys... I need the kids-THE KIDS!" I screamed and jumped back up before rushing back to the house and slammed the door open. "Steel whats wrong you look like you've seen a ghost" Scoots said looking up from her daring do book. "Wheres pip?" I asked her and I was answered by feeling a tug on my wing. "I thought they also took you guys away" "Who?" Pip asked sitting next to scoots, I didnt want to worry them but I also didnt want to lie. "Celestia took twilight away for reasons I dont know and she doesnt want me to know" I said and they both looked confused. "I need to find out what she was talking so I want you to stay here until I get back and if any of my friends ask were I am tell them I went to bed" they nodded and I thanked them before teleporting to canterlot city quickly. I appeared just outside the castle gates and I quickly ran in taking notice of barely any guards at the gate. When I made it to the halls I could hear celestia talking along with the twins, crystal, luna, frost and bellator. "You have no right to take these girls from their home, do you think we would just stand by and watch you do this?!" I heared brigid scream at the top of her lungs. "She is right young sparkle and her friends do not deserve to be separated from their home, and I will take any course of action to prevent such a thing if you choose to take this action" Bellator said with anger that surpassed even brigids. "And you know what happened to your kind when we went to war... this time we will leave only ash" "We will take those girls so we may insure to destroy that beast discord and you have that human if he ever turns evil we can use-" "You will not speak of such a thing in my presence do you understand me griffon king" Frost spat at the griffon king which made him shut his mouth. I finally made it to the door and pushed my ear to the door and listened. "My father has made it quite clear of what is to come" "You have no room to talk bitch" Another woman said. "Oh Im the bitch Im not a fuckin dog diamond ore queen of the diamond dogs!" Frost said angrily, their was more arguing from inside with each leader until their was a fist hitting a table. "SILENCE AT ONCE" Celestia yelled in her royal canterlot voice silencing everyone. "Now I dont want to here leaders outside of my land talk about my student and her friends like a weapon and just an object, you all know that these girls need eachother and without them then nothing but steel fox can defeat evil that threatens all out lands... but I'll damned if you try to take her away from me, her home and the people she loves" "This is not negotiable princess celestia we will take those girls and thats final!" The dragon king said. "And you know what we'll take that monkey as well!" He added and the other leaders agreed. "Alright I heared enough" I said then took a few steps back and gave a powerfull kick to the door shattering it suprising me and the leaders of equis. "Well then that was unexpected" I said and looked around, I saw the dragon king who was blood red, had orange eyes, large muscles and wearinf brown pants with a cape covering his body. The griffon king had brown and purple coat with a large pair of wings and wearing sturdy looking armor. "The human guards seize this man!" The griffon king ordered his guards, they unsheathed their swords and walked to me with confident smiles. They finally reached me and pointed their swords to my kneck. "Come quietly or we will use force... actually we'll do that anyways" The griffon on my right side and they both laughed, I looked around more and saw a dragoness guard, and two diamond dogs in poorly made armor. "So you want to take my marefriend and my friends away huh... along with me question though, what do you plan to do to me if you *ahem* succeeded?" I asked getting a stiffled laugh from my girls. "We will make you our personal slave and you will follow our every comand and die for us if we so wish for it" diamond ore said she was taller than the diamond dogs, she has with a black coat and green eyes wearing better looking armor. I sighed before popping my neck and my knuckles. "What do you think your going to do human?" "Fight of course what else" I said and in a blink of an eye I was sitting on the large round table with a bored look but got shocked looks from the other leaders. "So shall we?" I said pulling out my phone and tossing it to twilight. "Pick a song twilight this is for you" I said with a smirk and getting a little red tint on twilights cheeks before she scrolled through and picked one that made me all to happy. I was already fighting the griffon guards who were actually putting up a decent fight, but since it was two on one it was fair. I dodged a strike from the on my left then saw the one on my right bringing his sword down and I barely had time to react as I lifted my right arm up and once the sword struck the metal skin, I felt it harden and it shattered the sword causing him stagger back and suprise the griffon king a bit but I wasnt done because I dodged another punch but this time from the diamond dogs, now it was four on one. I jumped back a little and smiled feeling excited a little, a good fight with guards selected by their rulers so my expectations were high. I ran at the guard and they ran to me before we started our fight with dodging, kicking, slaming, throwing eachother mostly me throwing them, and punching. I was having fun fighting these guys and I never felt like this before fighting an opponent. The song ended as I stood their panting with a shirt that was in tatters and some cuts from their swords. Twilight gave my phone back to me and I placed it back in my pocket and faced the leaders, "So who's next?" I asked. "You bastard you have disgraced our guards" diamond ore said tending to her men as did the griffon king. "Meh your the one that started this I was just defending myself, their just lucky I didnt use my other form... uh-oh" I said and saw the dragon king giving a toothy smile then stood up from his chair that he was calmly sitting on. "Kanna stay out of this" He said and unlatched his cape from his kneck and let it drop showing off his rippling muscles and large biceps and scarred tattered body, I faced him and we stared eachother down. "So your other form... let me see it" he said with his smile still on his face, I saw fire in his eyes while mine where ice cold. "The coldness from your eyes says it all... you want to let loose but fear for the others safety, pathetic if you care for others then you are weak and they are your weakness" He said walking infront of me and towered over me by two heads. "You are nothing and you'll always be nothing" "If that the case how is your land still here then?" I asked him with a small grin. "We both know how this will turn out... one of us is gonna die if we fight" I said bluntly getting shocked looks from everyone in the room. "You noticed as well hehehe... just makes it all the more fun doesn't it, having the rush of battle fill your veins with pride and adrenaline, to be the strongest amongst anyone this planet has seen... if you join my land along with your friends we can have you see battle like if it was luxurious food what do you say?" The dragon king asked me holding his hand out, silence filled the room and the air became still all were waiting for my answer, then I slapped his hand away. "I chose to be here with my friends" I said then at that moment, he growled at me and tackled me through a wall, I blocked his heavy punches but they still left a bitch of a sting. I kicked him off and jumped up dodging his punch and countered with my own landing straight in face knocking him to the ground for what was like a second, I searched for him only to find a red tail in front of my face. I couldn't react in time and was struck hard in the face with his spiked tail sending me flying out the castle with enough force to break through the solid gold gate. Ponies around saw my body fly and land thankfully in an abandoned house, I pushed the ruble off me and felt my face covered in blood scaring the residents. I got up and ripped off the remains of my shirt getting sqeals from a small group of young mares that included lyra. "Lyra what are you doing-oh shit!" I screamed and did a short backflip dodging a kick from the dragon king. "Now thays just plain rude!" I said elbowing the back of his head and sweeping his leg then raised my foot back up and slammed it down on his chest causing him to cough up some blood. I heared a clip to my right and saw lyra holding a camera, "GO HOME LYRA!" I yelled at the mare who pouted before walking away with her group. "Keep your eyes on the fight human!" The dragon king said before grabbing me by my kneck and shooting to the sky at impossible speeds. Once he thought we were at a good height he stoped and held me out struggling to get free, "This wouldn't have to happen if you just agreed to join the dragon kingdom... but before you die steel fox I shall give you my name, I am ignis regem" ignis said and I glared at him. "No last words I see... well then mister hero, this is were your story ends goodbye" Ignis said and let go of me letting me fall. "Man I was hoping not to use this form but damn it now I have to" I said snapping my wings open making ignis to jump a little then stared wide eyed at me as I transformed into my golden form, I looked up to him with my blue eyes and he seemed to flinch at the sight. "So have you reconsidered taking my friends away from their homes and loved one's cause I can still make the others agree" I said appearing behind him, he tried to punch me but I grabbed his fist then broke it making him scream. "W-What the hell-" "Am oh thats quite simply really" I said and raised him to my eye level. "Im steel fox the lone hybrid human, Im the devil in your eyes while Im an angel of god to others" I said he seemed to shake a bit. "Now lets go check on the others kay" I said and slowly drifted down half way to the castle then throw him through the ceiling and on the table breaking it and scaring all of them half to death. "My lord!" The dragoness screamed in horror from the beaten sight of her king. "Do not worry I shall-" "You shall what, defeat me with the way I am that'd be a miracle" I said floating down hole with the sun shinning on my back and my wings spread full with the fire dancing on them. "He was right *cough* he's the devil in my eyes but looks like an angel" Ignis said painfully sitting up and watched me land to the floor still in my form. "Now all of you listin closely and take heed of my warning cause I will say this once" I said and took a deep breath. "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE AND NEVER TRY TO TAKE MY FRIENDS AWAY OR I WILL BEAT YOU UNTIL THE DEVIL HIMSELF WONT RECOGNIZE YOUR SORRY ASS!" I yelled at the top of my lungs leaving them all wide eyed and shocked. "Well?!" "Y-YES SIR WERE SO SORRY SIR!" They all said frightened and they bowed to me even ignis was scared. "We will never ever do such a thing a again sir steel" The griffon king said shaking. "Look just dont take my friends and were cool alright" I said in a much softer tone making them relax a little. "We are sorry we just wanted to stop discord and any evil that would come to our lands" Diamond ore said but I stoped her, then snapped my fingers making discord appear taking a shower. "Oh my-terribly sorry just getting a good ol shower in hold on" Discord said made the shower go away and changing him into his cloths. "Discord will you stop using your chaos magic on other lands please" I asked him, the leaders were face palming at me for being an idiot. "Sure was getting bored anyways plus I got a kid to take care of and teach her how to us chaos magic... but for good" Discord said and a giant watch appeared infront of him and he groaned. "Alright time for her lesson let me do this real fast, cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye" Discord said in a hurry and quickly did the little chant before teleporting away. "Their problem solved" I said and their jaws were to the floor. "We just saw" "A chaos god" "Do a childrens chant and promised not to spread chaos in out lands" They each said and I chuckled. "And the oy human hybrid thats literally in another form doesnt shock you?" I asked them and they shook their heads. "Alright then... if you do this again remember I will kick your ass" I said bluntly getting another nod from them. (Two hours later) "Again we are terribly sorry for this" Diamond ore said for the billionth time before entering the train and taking off, finally ending this separation thing for good. "Thank you so much steel" Twilight said kissing my cheek then spat a little. "Sorry forgot I still have dried blood on my face" I said and was tossed a wet cloth by brigid. "Thank ya kindly" I said and started wiping the blood off my face. "Sister, bellator you heared that as well right back at the castle?" Celestia asked them and they both nodded. "Yes he yelled in the royal canterlot voice which was suprisingly louder than mine and your combined, the weird thing is... I dont think he even noticed" Luna whispered to cele and she nodded. "Thats all the more reason to go and train him for whats to come because ignis was the second strongest amongst the world while Im the third" Bellator said. "Yes it would be wise to send him to train... but will we be fine without him?" Luna asked hiding her real question, and bellator nodded. "Yes all of you will be fine... I promise to bring him back a new man" Bellator said and they all turned to look at me talking with brigid and petting twilight. "I just prey nothing will bring to much trouble... or else we will have to cut our training short" Logan sat in his pod bored out of his mind and wanted to use his sleeping activation in his pod but decided to do something else. "Computer play track 16 if you please" Logan said and sat back to enjoy his music. "Only a little longer... fuck" > Chapter 18: The year of training begins and trip down memory lane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I finished packing and getting dressed for my training trip with bellator, Im gonna miss them all but I need to learn more about this form... and about myself. I placed on my white jack and tightened my laces on my boots before hoisting my backpack on and flipped the hood up covering my face in darkness. "I'll be back girls, I promise and maybe tell you all about it when I get back... goodbye" I said to the sleeping girls on my bed and grabbed one last thing, my arm brace. Once I slid it on I made my way out my room and to the door, I saw the sun barely shinning over the horizon and showed off a beautiful orange glow. "Amazing isn't it?" I heared luna ask me and cling to my arm. "Do you have to go?" She asked me with a frown. "Yes... I have to do this, I dont want to see any of you hurt becasue I was to weak to save you but when I get back Im gonna be stronger both mentally and physically" I said then reached into my pocket and pulled out a gold key. "Take this and go to my old room at twilights place, when you find my desk look in the third draw I kept something special in their that I want you to have luna" I said handing her the key she smiled softly before pulling me into a passionate kiss to which I happily accepted and fighting for dominance. "Come back safe ok... I love you" Luna said parting from me and resting her head on my chest. "I love you too... I'll see you in one year" I said slowly pulling her off and opened the door before taking off to the train station. I flew through the sky and looked down at ponyville seeing the small village slowly wake up as the helped them, I landed down in the center and walked the rest of the way. 'You know its gonna be tough' Manus said with a yawn. 'I know' I replied and felt something on my right arm, I looked to see my gauntlet, their was another tug but this time on my back I looked again and saw lilys sword resting on my left side. "Thanks guys... time to go!" I said and ran all the way to the train station were I saw bellator waiting with a large duffle bag and a white bag. "Hey bellator you ready?" I asked the beast man and he nodded, it wasnt long before the train came and we started to boared but I heared running footsteps coming to us. "Wait!" I turned to see all my friends running to us in a hurry, I had a warm smile as they made it to me. "Guys what are you doing here?" I asked them and they pulled out gifts. "Guys c'mon their was no need... wait how did you know I was leaving?" "Well... the princess's told us and asked that we get you goodbye gifts to remember your home" Edge said and tossed me a small box. "Thats from me, pinkie and jack well mostly me and jack since we made it" He said getting nudged by the pink mare, I opened the box and saw a ghostly blue ring with their family crest on it. "Thank you guys this is amazing" I said said and slid it on, scoots and pip were next and they held out a bag to which I took and looked inside. "Kids I... I dont know what to say its awesome" I said pulling out a blue scarf and a really detailed drawing of me and my friends together. "How did you guys do this?" I asked them. "Well actually the scarf is from us while the drawing is from applebloom she did it by memory" Scoots said and I looked at the drawing again. "Well tell her I said thank you" I said putting by them in my bag, rainbow got me a daring do book for when I get bored, mint and rarity handed me some extra cloths and some leather gloves. Applejack, macarena and greenie gave me a mask with cool markings on it and they painted it with a dark shade of green, and finally strings and fluttershy thought I might get bored traveling around so they got me a violin from the mare that I saved at the galla awhile back. I was suprised she still remembered me gotta thank octavia when I get back. "Well I guess this is good bye for now" Mint said and they girls got a little teary eyed. "Yeah but don't worry I'll be back lads and lass's, that I promise on my life" I said then heared the conductor give out their last call for boarding. "Well see you all in one year dont go getting into trouble you hear" I said chuckling before turning to the train and boarding it, I took my seat and waved to my friends as I passed them by. Once they were out of sight, I leaned into my seat and watch the scenery flash giving me time to think to myself. "Steel... we should talk about your training regimen I made a list for when we get to my kingdom" Bellator said and pulled out a small scroll. "First thing were gonna do is train you mentaly and make your mind stronger so nothing controls it, then after that we put you through extream physical training starting from sparing to being able to hold your ground in extrem conditions. After that we focus solely on your golden form and have you master it if possible, and finally the main reason for this is to see if you would be to go beyond that form, I hope your ready steel cause this is gonna be hell" Bellator said and I was all the more ready to start, once he finished he decided to get some rest while I decided to break in the new violin. I rosin up the bow and tuned the instrument before doing a few scales to see if I still knew what I was doing, once I was satisfied I closed my eyes and began to play. The train finally stopped with a jolt waking me up from my nap, I quickly regain myself and grab my stuff and noticed that bellator was already gone. I walked out the train and saw him looking beyond the snowy dessert and took a deep breath before sighing. "Good to be home... alright we'll set out now since the sun has reached half way into the sky, lets go" Bellator said and we began our trench through the dessert of snow. We walked for miles upon miles and didnt even take a break but I was holding up pretty well. I suddenly noticed the fog surrounding us making it kinda hard to see but I still saw bellator perfectly so I was fine, he then suddenly stoped me with his hand. "Were here" Bellator said and pushed me through some kind cloak infront of us and I was engulfed with warmth. I looked around and went slack jawed as I saw a giant blue castle with thousands and thousands of frost mights, I couldn't belive my eyes as I saw the beautiful scenery. The buildings looked like pure crystal and gold. And the roads were made of marble, unlike the nobles in canterlot these guys are kind they even helped me up even though they didnt know who I was and they didnt even question what I am. "I see you've met my subjects, they are completely different from the nobles in celestia's canterlot no?" Bellator asked and I nodded, He patted my back and we began walking through the streets getting "hello's" and "welcome back bellator". We walked more down the streets and soon came infront of the castle gates were I saw two large frost mights dawned in hand made crystal armor that looked strong enough to take multiple sword strikes, the guards let us in and we walked down the corridors of the castle. We passed maids, butlers, cheifs and guards trying to get to the place we needed to go, that is until we heared an explosion come from down the hall. We both started running to the source and found a scientist using a fire extinguisher and backing out of the room. "Captiosus are you alright?" Bellator asked the man wore a black shirt and pants with a lab coat on his shoulders. "Ah bellator glad your back and uh yes Im fine just working on some new tech as usual but I seemed to have put to much nitrogen in my formula and well... I blew up" Captiosus said and noticed me behind bellator. "Is this steel fox?, he looks like he's an adventure that got lost like that daring do mare" He said I stepped out from behind bellator and cleared my throat. "My names steel fox as you somehow know and Im here to train under bellator its nice to meet you" I said holding out my hand and captiosus shook it. "A pleasure to meet you young king, Im so glad lady frost has found a mate, couldnt get that girl to do anything but hunt" Captiosus said catching me off guard a little with young king. "Hehehe... what?" I asked nervously and bellator nudged my side. "Since my daughter had biten you your basically together forever until you either propose to her or you die of old age" Bellator said and I gulped a little. "I uh hehehe alllllrighty then I guess we should get training huh bellator" I said and he nodded, we said our goodbyes to captiosus and began walking to a special room to help with the mental training. We reached a regular black door with a white knob and cool ancient celtic markings, I reached for the knob and slowly opened the door only to see a whole new world. (Pov brigid) I was laying on celestia's lap and peacefully trying to nap while she read a book, its been a few weeks since steel left and its gottin kinda boring. Though edge asked out pinkie a few days after steel left and they have been having a god damn ball, it wasnt fair that everyone got who they wanted for a love but I couldn't get celestia to even give me a full fifteen minutes. Though times like now were we just hang out feels nice, especially when she had braided a strand of loose hair that was covering my face alot. "Celestia~" I groaned out and she looked down to me. "Yes brigid?" "How come everyone can get who they want as a love so easily but I cant, its not fair" I groaned and squirmed to get comfortable, the mare giggled at my small antics and whinning. "Well thats hard to say because I don't really know who you like" Celestia said and I gave her a look that said 'really'. "What its true, maybe I can help you find this special somepony anything you like in particular?" "Well, I like nice and caring mares, dont matter if their all three races put together, an amazing body, wont back down from a fight if the need arises and likes the sun" I said mainly listing things that were perfectly match to celestia to give her a hint. Celestia pondered for a while then sighed. "I dont know any mare that has all those qualities except for-" "Jesus celestia Im talking about you" I stoped her and I brought her head down to mine and kissed her. She seemed to be wanting to stop but that grew weaker and weaker as we kissed and soon she was into it, we even started fighting for dominance in eachother mouths but since were both fighters it was harder to win. We slowly parted leaving only a small strand of saliva that kept us connected, celestia was blushing furiously while I was smiling with a small blush. "Geez any denser and I swear I was gonna throw up diamonds" "I-I... b-but... what?!" Celestia asked with a shocked face but I just pushed it back onto mine and kissed her again. And like last time she melted into my arms, after about an hour or so of making out we separated panting a little with the boushed fully equipped on out faces. "Wait so you were in love... with me?" "Yeah kinda made it obvious as well, what with the teasing and ass smacking which was my favorite part and just being next to me made it feel nice and made me less blood hungry" I said and she still seemed shocked. "But I thought you were being playful" "Celestia if someone likes to tease you, say stupid things to make you laugh and smile everytime they see you then they, my sun goddess, have a thing for you" I said and celestia was still kinda shocked somehow understood the logic. "But, wouldnt ponies think its weird that their princess is a human womans marefriend?" Celestia asked me and I just pecked her lips. "Dont care what they think, but if they touch this marshmallow ass Im'a rip their dicks and/or tits off because this ass" I said grabbing and squeezing her soft delicate ass making her moan. "Is mine now" "I guess... It couldn't hurt to try this but if it goes somewhere and it ends up in bed Im making some adjustments to the lower region if you, know what I mean" Celestia said with a sultry smile then she leaned down to my ear her breasts and mine smushed together. "And Im still carrying the card" "Oh Im having so much fun with you" I said with an evil grin then went back to making out with her. (Few hours later) I had fallen asleep on the comfy couch in celestia's room with her lap as my pillow until I heared the door start being banged on and it made me a bit... annoyed. "STOP KNOCKIN ON THE FUCKIN DOOR OR I'LL RIP YOU DICK OFF PEOPLE ARE TRYIN TA SLEEP YA GOBSHITE!!" I screamed at them with my eyes turning orange like fire. Yeeaaaah not my smoothest wake up ever but it'll do, I stomped my way to the door and swung it open with a fist of fire raised until I saw gleaming and cadence shaking uncontrollably in fear, I extinguished the fire fist and sighed calming me down before looking at the mares. "Yeah what do you want?" I asked them annoyed that they woke me up. "W-We uh... got a strang device that had steels name carved in silver" Cadence said in a small low tone one that had fear in it, gleaming handed me a small box shaped device and I know what it was instantly. "This is a tablet... how the hell did he get a tablet, wait no time for that lets see whats going in with steel" I said and let them come in then sat at celestia's desk before turning in the tablet. It flashed on with a small blue light that had the words 'press me to play', I shrugged and lightly tapped the button before it went black then an image of someone's clearly muscular chest making the girls shift in place. After an akward amount of time fighting with the camera we heared a victorious 'aha!' In the backround, then we saw steel sit down in a chair shirtless and completely covered in sweat. "Sweet celestia and luna he's ripped!" Gleaming squealed then composed herself but not her marefriend who was one step away from running to the bath and turning on the water. "Uh-huh... anyways, why is he sweating so much and what has he been doing?" I questioned the little screen but then video steel sighed a little. Before leaning back into his chair. "Hello friends and sister, I am using this newly created tablet made by a man named captiosus a frost might scientist that has vast information and knowledge of things from this world and my world, right now Im actually asking him to teach me everything he knows which will sadly extend my time by two days but don't worry I'll be back before you know. Anyways Im here to tell you what happened for the last few weeks and let me tell you it was brutal and I never felt so alive, bellator had takin me to a special room that can litteraly separate you and your emotions into their own separate beings... but I only had one. This is something I was told not to discuss with you all but I have to... theirs something inside of, like a different me, thats darker and more twisted almost like if every bad thought and every bad encounter that was traumatizing was put together and givin a body that looked exactly like me. It was tough and I had almost died trying to fight it and control it but in the end I was unable to, the way it fought matched mine completely and he knew this thats why he was smart enough to creat his own and use my moves as a weakness. Talk about all bite and bark" steel said and I was suprised to hear that just one emotion alone was able to almost kill him. "Wait pause it" Celestia said and I did, she quickly pointed to the freshly made scars going down his chest, face, arms, and shoulders. "Those look recent... he's been doing this for weeks trying to control his emotion, its like its gaining its own conscience by the way steel is describing it" "Yeah your right and he said that the emotion was made up of both trauma and dark twisted thoughts meaning... bloodlust" Gleaming said and they all looked at me. "Hey I might have wanted to kill alot but I never forced him... ok maybe a little" I said in defeat, we all turned back to the video and resumed it. "He was strange in a way, yet he seemed so familiar like if I had seen him before but I dont know. He's very strong and if I was almost able to die against him then almost nothing can stop him... not even the elements of harmony or the ancient equestrian artifacts hidden away by faust and stardust, they had said so themselves. Only I am able to beat him but its almost impossible, we decided to skip that part and went onto meditation and imagery training if your wondering what that is its basically going through a fight but inside your mind, you think of every possible outcome and you think of ways to counter it like if you were in such a fight, it works wonders since I took down four highly trained frost mights after just visualizing everything... well it seem's that I ran out of time gotta get some rest for tomorrow. I'll be making one everyday after training then send it to you, and uh if you can get luna, frost and twilight here that'd be great for this next part" steel said getting curious looks from us then he waited a few minutes thinking that we wouldnt want to hear first. Then he spoke, "Luna, frost, twilight I miss you all dearly its hard thinking that I have to be away from you girls but Im willing to do this in order to protect you girls and our friends, I know you heared me say it many many times before but its all true" "Wait!" Celestia said and paused the video. "Are we sure we want to hear what he has to say I-I mean... its a private matter" She said and we all looked at her before playing the video again. "I love you girls... please remember that, when I come back from my training I'll be waiting to have you back in my arms... and back in bed" Steel said with a smile that screamed lust before the video ended. This left all of us in the room as red as a tomato even me, I couldnt comprehend what I just saw and heared, I was embarrassed to call him my brother! "Wait... so he's" "Dating frost" "Twilight" "And luna" Celestia said and we all blinked a bit Before cadence squeed in joy. "I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" She repeated and gleamings eye was twitching knowing that her little sister was with him. "M-My... little sister... got a stud, if you'll excuse me Im gonna haaaa~" Gleaming said and fainted with a thud in the floor. "He's... dating my sister and had sex with her, twilight, and with a princess from a forgotten race" Celestia said in both anger and happiness that her sister finally had someone in her life but didnt expect her theory to be right about luna and steel. "I need a moment..." "You know its nothing to be shocked about I mean were trying this dating thing arent we?" I said and cadence almost broke her voice box and the windows. "But I just... wow I never thought twily would go after a man such as steel I thought she was happy with the books and smarts stallions not... such a muscular, sweet, handsome.... you get the point I didnt think she would be up for it since she was with coal for awhile, I wonder what made her fall for him other then... his friend" Gleaming asked coming to and the girl's blushed while I rolled my eyes. "He made her feel special and brought out her girly side that she locked a while back, hell when they first met twilight had a crush on him then after coal and her broke up she went and confessed to him" I said as they all stared at me with eyes as big as saucers. "Wait you knew and you didnt tell us?!" Cadence said and shook me. "I was trying to get candy ass right here who was to dense to take a hint" I said sticking a thumb to celestia who had rosy cheeks hearing this. "Ah that brings up another question, how are you two dating now?!" Cadence screamed making a maid who had gottin fed up with the screaming and shushed cadence with a tired look then slamed the door. "Oops sorry, why are you dating auntie celestia?" "Because I want to and I have a thing for your aunt, better get used to having three aunts cadence cause Im not letting celestia go" I said bringing celestia to my lap and she turned even more red. "C'mon you like it when I do this admit it" "N-No" She said puffing her chest out, I giggled at her reaction then looked back to cadence and gleaming. "Alright, so now we can see what steel is doing everyday but please dont say a word about the relationship between frost and luna with steel because he thinks yall will split them apart, just give him time he'll tell us eventually" I said and they nodded, I grabbed the tablet and used my magic to clone it making two of them, I took one of them in hand then sent it to twilight. "Their now twilight can see her boyfriends actions after every session, now Im tired and I want to sleep so I'll see you two in the morning" (The next day) I heared four hard knocks on the door casuing me to stir awake and sit up, I rubbed my tired eyes and got out of bed not caring that I was in my underwear. I opened the door and saw the mane six, and their coltfriends each of them had turned red and looked away. "Yeah what do you want?" I asked them snapping my fingers and summoning shorts and a shirt. Twilight showed me the tablet, "Oh yeah steel had sent that yesterday's and I made another one so you can see it as well" "I figured as much but is it true... did he almost die the first few weeks?" Twilught asked with worry in her eyes, I sighed and nodded. "Yeah... I think thats partially my fault" I said and she gave a disapproving glare. "Ay dont glare at me I was helping him live in our god forsaken world, maybe when he gets back you can ask him what happened in his life" I said to tired to deal with this but as I was closing the door celestia stoped me and held it back open and I was glad she was wearing night gown. "Now now I think we have another way of seeing steels past if you think about, you are one of his emotions that had their own conscience, can you please show us" Celestia asked me and I looked to the ground. "I-I dont know, its really private and if he found out he would most likely never speak to any of us no matter how much we meant to him... and Its really messed up, you will see things that no man or woman should go through" I said and they all looked at me both with worry and sense of wonder. "Maybe we can ask steel darling... we do have a way of contacting him so lets give it a shot" Rarity said and they all agreed but I was still unsure, it was horrible back then. But since they wont give up I have no choice, I walked to celestia's desk and grabbed the tablet before going to video and pressing record. "Hey steel... listin everyone is here and we're glad your ok but they want to know something about us and when you hear this message you'll know exactly what Im talking about... they want to know but I wont show them unless you say its alright and frankly I dont think its wise but its your call, send a video back saying your answer" I said to the small box then hit stop, it gave me an option to send to steel or save. I hesitated for moment then hit send giving out a struggled sigh, when I sent it we waited he was probably doing some training but a new video poped up with the words answer under it. I pressed the button and we all gathered around, like last time steel was drenched in sweat but his facial expression was completely serious and his eyes were full of sorrow, yet he was still smiling. "Alright guys I listined to the video and thought about your request... I will allow it but be warned what you will see, hear and feel is everything me and brigid went through years ago it was a... difficult time and some of you will hate the people in my memories but that is up to you now, I give you full permission" steel said and the video ended. Everyone felt the atmosphere and it was dense, I turned the tablet off and got up quickly turning to everyone. "I think everyone should be here to see this, lets get the other princess's" I said and we all began walking to the throne room were all the other princess's are and as we walked I felt like throwing up because I was so nervous as to what they will think of us. After pushing that feeling away we saw luna, the twins and crystal talking to nobles and they looked bored to even listin until they saw us, "Alright every noble get the fuck out!" I shouted and they all turned to me with hatefull and disgusted glare. "We have waited all day to have the princess's listen to our requests what gives you the right-" "Ah shut up ya piss ant and just fuck off" I said grabbing him by his shirt and tossing him out of the castle. "Anyone else want a first class ticket to ass kicking ville?" I asked the bastards and they were gone in a blink of an eye. "Alright everyone gather round cause auntie brigid is telling you a sad sad story" "Celestia what is she talking about?" Crystal asked her and I teleported us to a better area to help them relax after. "Celestia what is going on?" "Alright girls... Im gonna tell you all about our past, its not all sunshine and rainbows no... its dark, twisted and down right the most horrifying thing you will ever see in your life" I said sitting down in one of the chairs, they all looked uncertain about going through with it. "Its alright if you wish to leave, me and steel will not blame you for doing so leave now if you wish to not witness this" I said but no body budged not even fluttershy, I gave a small snort and wrapped us all around my orange aura. "Twilight I will be using that memory spell you used awhile back, you will all feel a little dizzy at first but bare with it" I said once more before I snapped my fingers and we all blacked out. (The mindscape) We all appeared in a black void filled with no light except for the fire that was in my hands. "Is everyone alright?" I called out and they all groaned. "Alright your all alive now we can begin our story... were should I start hmmmm... ah yes this seem's like a good start" I stated and clapped my hands together and in an instant we were in a dark metal room with marking in red from either blood or paint. "Where are we and why is it so cold?" Rarity asked as she went next to mint for warmth. "This my friends is the place we have hated for many... many years and yet we called it home" I said with a frown and they all gasped. "The combination hybrid and mental abillity organization" Luna said in horror and everyone was looking around for steel but he wasnt here yet. "Where is ste-" The door busted open and two men walked in holding a young boy, one was in a white lab coat and circle glass and the other, was plated in silver armor. "Throw in the beast he is done for today" The scientists said and they both threw the boy into the room and shut it closed, the boy didnt move a muscle making the others wonder if he was ok until they heared small whimpers from him. He crawled his little body to the darkest corner of the room and started softly crying and mumbling something. "Is-Is that boy alright?" Frost asked me and pointed to the boy in the corner. "I remember this day like it was yesterday... this was the day I was born, and the day steel almost lost his sanity" I said and twilight gasped at this. "So... your saying thats-" "Steel in the flesh" I said and made the room brighter so they can see little steel. His hair was long and messy and he looked a little pudgy and he was shorter then they thought. "Oh he's just the cutest thing Ive ever seen!" Fluttershy cooed at little steel as did the others. "Awe he's so adorable I just wanna grab and squeez him like a stuffed animal" Rarity said I chuckled at their reaction to him but that soon ended as they saw his raw cheek and bloodshot eyes. He looked ready to die but thats where I came in. "Dont cry... I'll be with you" A small girls voice said making steel jump and try to go farther into the wall. Thats when little me appeared infront of him, he was so scared when we met and ever since then he was to afraid to ever see me. "I'll be here no matter what, even if you say disappear I'll be here to let you have your sanity back" Little me said giggling then turned to nothing. Everyone was left shock as to what little me said but I was laughing up a storm, I totally forgot that I was a little devil back then. "Why are you laughing you sounded so creepy" Coal said the other agreed but I was still laughing. "Thats why Im laughing... anyways this is the day me and steel had met, but lets continue the memory's , alright Im gonna fast forward a bit" I said and snapped my fingers and just like that the room had changed, it had light and other hybrids all good and some bad. We walked around the open area for awhile and the group noticed most of them were different species some were even horse's and the girls noticed some half mares and stallions. "Wow that uh... *ahem* Stallion is rather... fit" Fluttershy said and they all looked towards a centaur man who had a sleeveless shirt and a spear on his person, but the girls were looking somewhere else making the guys clear their throats. "Oh my, Im sorry got a little distracted by his muscle" Fluttershy admitted but the girls were looking at something else. I gave a whistle to get their attention and jabbed my thumb out to a table in the back were steel was, he looked older this time but his hair was still long but his body was more skinnier and toned. "How far did you take us brigid?" Celestia asked me and I counted in my head. "About four years, right now steel is six years old" I said as we watched steel sit and eat his lunch which was just a glass of water and gray mush. "That is what we call mush, its shit for taste but kept us alive and its all we had" "Hey runt" A kid called out to steel one that I knew all to well, we all turned to see a kid with half a snake body and half a humans body, his hair was ashy red and his eye color was green. The boy slithered to steel and stood next to the table, "I said hey runt" The boy said again and cut steels cheek with one of his claws, the girls gasped at the small boy's behavior almost like they never seen a kid act like a brat. "What do you want randy?" Steel asked the kid then was shoved face first into his food, the boy laughed and started slithering away. The girls and stallions didnt like how randy treated steel who had done nothing, they all glared at the snake boy for awhile until rainbow grew more frustrated. "Why isnt steel doing anything if I were him I would kick that little shits ass in heart beat!" Rainbow said flaring her wings, and almost as if little steel heared her, he threw the metal tray with all his might at randys head knocking him to the ground. The place went quiet as steel wipped his face clean then popped his knuckles, randy got up and growled at steel. Rainbow stoped her whinning and fist pumped the air finally seeing steel get pissed off and start a fight. The two boys were quickly circled around by dozens of hybrids and were now entered in a fight. Steel raised his fists while randy brought out his claws, they circled eachother for awhile until randy launched at steel but he had flipped around his scaly body and jabbed his spine hard in a certian place making randy lose balance and fall to the ground, steel hit the floor but got back up and dusted himself off before looking back at randy who was struggling to get up. "I faced your kind before randy, and I know exactly were your weak points are... dont talk me ever again" Steel said and sat back down at his seat. "You son of a bitch your nothing but a stupid runt!" Randy screamed at steel then chraged and tackled him out of his seat and onto the floor. He started cutting up his body with his razor sharp claws, causing steel screamed bloody murder for a few minutes until he finally got fed up with the scratching and used all his strength to grab randy's claws then rip them out of his hands. He kicked the boy back and got up showing his many deep wounds on his chest much to everyones horror, yet he stood tall and proud as he crushed the claws under his shoe before being grabbed and tazed by two armored men, he was takin away to infirmary after. The group had never seen steel get so aggressive before, not even in fights or when he turned into that golden form. The ones that was shocked the most was the princesses, "I never knew steel could do this without regretting it once" diamond said. "Oh he did regret it later on but that's only because the boy died in battle trying to escape... anyone that tries to escape is hunted and killed without a second thought, steel had tried to escape once but for some reason he was spared its still a mystery to this day why they had let us live but Im happy they did" I said looking back to celestia who blushed a little. "Anyway so far so good everyone, I'll take some questions if you like" "Uh yes um can you please explain why steel was so aggressive as a child?" Umbra asked me and that was far more easier to explain than I thought. "Well besides myself almost turning him crazy, he was actually born that way... through out his life until we met ryle and some friends he was always aggressive, the scientists didnt know what was wrong so being irresponsible and not caring for the lives of our kind, they threw him into that cell you saw earlier and thought he would have died within a few weeks but they were wrong. He thrashed and screamed and banged his fists against the walls day and night not even stopping to rest" I said and they had grown frowns on their faces. "They tried to leave a stuffed animal with him but... lets just say steel wasnt the type to share his toys with others" I said shuddering remembering the stuffed bear. "What happened?" Twilight asked and I snapped my fingers brining us back to him being little, he was happily playing with an orange colored bear until one of the scientists came in and took the bear away without saying a word. He barely got two steps before steel pounced on him and ripped the guys hand in two to get his bear back, once done he had a smug smile and walked to the farthest corner then continued playing. "Wow... all that just for a bear" Twilight said in shock while fluttershy finally fainted seeing the guys mangled up hand. "Hey not to be that mare but this doesnt seem one bit bad except for the fighting, c'mon show me some action I wanna see what happened to steel that gave him all those scars" Rainbow said her eyes beaming with excitement but was glared at by luna and the other princess's. "Alright... here we go" I said snapping my fingers and we all teleported to a large room with a bloody table and sharp knifes, vials of strange elements, razor edge blades and finally restraints for big or little experiments. Everyone looked around the room not knowing why they were here or what it was all except twilight, who stared at the tools in fascination. "Just so you know rainbow you asked for this" I said with little to no emotion "This is a scientists laboratory but why does it have such a large dissection table and why is it covered in... oh my god" Twilight said and covered her mouth realizing what was going to happen, she had turned ghostly white and hunched over against a wall. "Twilight are you alright?" Trixie asked her rubbing her back to make her feel a little better. Twilight quickly ran over to me and grabbed my shoulders and with eyes that screamed worry. "Brigid please please please! Tell me this isnt what I think it is please tell me!" Twilight asked almost sobbing by this point. All I could do was look at the ground with my hair covering my face in both shame and sadness. "Twilights whats gottin into you?" Chocolate asked her only to be answered with the twin doors busting open with two doctors and scientists that had a boy with a bag over his head and stripped of his clothing save for his underwear. They strapped the boy on the table and started preparation for their examination, the group looked at the humans in confusion while twilight had looked away and shut her eyes then covered her ears. "Huh what the where-AAAAAHHHH!" The boy screamed half way as he was shocked by a tazer then was stabbed with a needle filled with a green substance. "Where am I?! Whats going on!" The boy screamed more but was again tazed and stabbed casuing him to scream in agony. Everyone looked on with a look of shock and horror, the were watching a boy get electrocuted and stabbed repeatedly by these bastards. After a few minutes of thrashing and screaming they removed the bag over the boys head revealing steel panting heavily and sweating profusely, his eyes darted everywhere and taking notice of his surroundings. "Let me go and put me back in my room!" "Quiet bastard son!" A man said coming in and wearing the armor, he back handed steel with his metal hand but was replied with steel spitting on his helmet, getting a smirk from both him and rainbow. "Bastard child!" He yelled at steel them slammed his fist on his stomach making him lose the air in his lungs, "Get to work egg heads, the boss wants him to know what makes him special" the man said to the doctors and scientists who simply nodded and then he left. "Brigid what did he mean by get ta work?" Greenie asked me but I just stared at the painfull sence that had huanted both me and steel for years. "Doctor your orders are to find out what makes him tick and what kind of species he is, do what ever you want to him to find out they can endure quite alot, then once your done heal him up and send him to the ground with the others are we clear?" A scientist said to the doctors who nodded and went over to steel, the scientists left the room and locked it leaving the doc's and steel alone. "Dont worry little one this is only going to hurt alot, hope you can endure pain like he said" The doctor said much to everyones suprise except for twilight and me. Steel was trying his damnedest to break free but it was no use that didnt keep him from tryin. The men grabbed a cloth and stuffed it into his mouth then strapped down his legs and arms tighter before putting on gloves and grabbing a sharp direction knife. "No... no no no no!" Twilight screamed then it started, steel screamed bloody murder as they cut open his chest and stomach to see his insides then used iron clamps to keep it open, for hours upon hours steel screamed and screamed feeling immeasurable pain he had his ribs broken and put back together, his arms cut to the bone then regenerated, even each of his fingers were broken but were put back to place by some blue serum. Rarity had fainted from the sight of so much blood gushing out of steel and onto either the doctors or the floor, gilda and rainbow were shaking uncontrollably in fear and anger seeing such treatment befall to their beloved friend. The stallions watched and clenched their fists holding back the anger and sadness while greenie and jack were holding in their lunches, The princess looked like they wanted to rip the bastards in two while the others wanted to show them pain just like steel had experienced, it soon started getting hotter around us almost burning my skin I looked to the source of it and saw celestia's mane on fire and her eyes were colored in black while her iris was turning a dark orange. "Celestia calm down your going to burn everyone alive!" I said shaking the mare and she soon came back to her senses but felt dizzy. "I-Im sorry I dont know what came over me... but those son of a bitches are... are... dissecting and ripping up his body to see if he would die or not, he was forced to go through such tremendous pain its... its infuriating!" Celestia grolwed and her hair turned back to fire. I quickly stoped the memory and lightly slapped the mare back to her senses. "Celestia you need to be calm, if its to much for any of you I can stop the memory and we can all be back at the castle" I said looking to all of then, Twilight's cheeks were raw from her tears that had fallin but she seemed to be able to regain her composure slowly. "Alright... alright I'll try my best, please continue with the memories" Celestia said and the others agreed, I snapped my fingers deciding that was enough of that memory since it last for fourteen hours and I want to get this done with. The room had changed to a different room one that was full of hybrids big and small all in the darkness with only a faucet, a small window that brought in barely any light and large cloths for blankets. A cell door was open making the group snap their heads to said door and see the same man in armor holding steel by his now cut hair and torn up body littered with scars. "Hey maggots got a new friend for ya try not to kill him, the boss wants him alive just like the rest of you" The man said with a small laugh then threw steel in with all his might casuing the poor boy to slam against the wall then on the floor. He shut the cell door before walking away and leaving the hybrids to tend to steel and help him. "Alright c'mon... get some water for the boy will ya Im sure after all the shit he's been through he needs it more then us right now" A man said walking over to steel picking him up. The man had pale white skin was about six foot six, he had a smooth bald head with a pure white goatee and had on rags that looked to small for his body. He carried steel to a nearby make shift bed but soon noticed the recent scars littered on him, "You poor boy Im sure your barely seven and had to go through so much pain... Im sorry that we couldnt do anything hell if we didnt have these damned bars or those guards, we would have saved you a long time ago" The man said his voice sweet and smooth which would have made any mare fall for him in seconds. "Here you go Jacob" An ebony colored man said holding out a small metal cup full of water. "Thank you Richard, here son drink this" Jacob said lifting steels head up and pushing the cup to his lips. Steel slowly drank the water that was given to him until he finished it leaving nothing behind, he slowly started coming to and he noticed the different area that he was in then the man that held him up. "How you feelin now son?" "Who are you and where am I?" Steel asked jacob in a rather harsh manner, but jacob only chuckled at his sudden rudness and answered. "Well son my names jacob and this is my friend richardson or richard whats your name?" Jacob asked steel who stayed quiet for awhile. "... My name is steel... steel fox, sir" Steel said and jacob gave him a questionable look. "What?" "Tell me son... who gave you that name?" Jacob asked steel who had shrughed at the question. "I did... whenever I have a dream I always here that name being repeated constantly so I decided to name myself that without the scientists knowing" Steel said slowly warming up to jacob, he chuckled a little before helping steel up but he winced at the sudden pain. "Jacob now what have ah told yall about movin injured people?" A woman said in a rather heavy southern accent. Steel had looked to see a woman with tan skin , white freckles, about five foot nine, looked about nineteen, had emerald green eyes and finally her torn up stetson that was placed on her dirty blonde hair. "Oi that looks like applejack except all... humanish" Greenie said pointing to the woman and she indeed looked exactly like applejack. "Thats fuckin cool but I wonder what kinda hybrids they are?" "Well actually they aren't technically hybrids but they were showing signs of such a thing and their blood was tested positive for hybrid blood even though it was very little. This is what we called home for two whole years before the great escape" I said and they awed at this, the turned back to the memory only to find the applejack look alike holding steel like a baby. "Uh miss can you put me down, its embarrassing" Steel said with light red cheeks, the woman giggled and put him down. "Um can you tell your name since you know mine?" "Well ah'll be happy to sugar, mah names sweet apple very nice ta meetcha darlin" Sweet said and sat infront of steel. "Now sugar ah know this place seems all dank and nasty but its kept all of us alive for who knows how long, ah can understand you might be scared-" "Im not scared of anything" Steel interrupted her but soon regretted it when he was hit on the top of his head with her fist. "Sugar was ah done talkin?" Sweet apple asked steel who was rubbing his head and holding back tears. "No ma'm... sorry ma'm" Steel sniffled out much to the groups amusement, dash was holding back her laughter as was applejack. "Sweet apple what have I told you about hurting people?" Jacob asked sweet and sat down next to her. "Oh hush now ah'm teachin him respect jacob god knows we all need that in this world... anyways ah thought you were gonna help Richard and Rosalyn with the others to sort out the food" Sweet apple said and noticed steels ears perk a bit and she grinned. "Oh so little rudness is hungry is he well sugar your gonna have to be a whole lot nicer around here none of that aggressive adittude ya here other wise you'll get another punishment and no food for the day understand darlin?" Sweet asked steel and he nodded, with a smile sweet got up and held a hand out for steel. "Now c'mon time ta eat sugar you to daddy long legs" sweet said as steel took her hand. "What Im not that tall, your just short" Jacob said and sweet giggled. "Yeah but at least ah look mah own age instead of a fifty year old man" Sweetsaid and they all walked to another room. "Its the goatee isnt it its always the goatee, I keep telling people Im twenty" Jacob said groaning while steel and sweet laughed. "This was actually the first time steel has ever been truly happy, he just met those people and yet he felt like he's known them for years... Thank god they all got out when we escaped" I mumbled. "What was that brigid?" Vanilla asked me but I humed hidding my words. "Oh nothing just having some nostalgia seeing those faces again... you know we actually thought of sweet apple to be a mother to us since she taught us everything from reading to writing" I said and the girls awed even rainbow, gilda and vanilla. "Thats so sweet" Chocolate said and I giggled a little. "What did you remember?" Celestia asked me with a smile and I answered her by sending us to the next memory, steel was sitting with sweet apple and another woman about the same color as richard. "Who's that?" "Roaslyn stop messin with the boy ah'm tryin ta teach him here" Sweet said as roaslyn was poking steel who was poking back. "Oh c'mon sweet apple give the boy a break, Im sure he deserves a little fun from all the tests and assignments you give him I still dont understand where you got all those history books, paper, pens and pencils..." Roaslyn said continuing on with the list. "Alright ah get your point but ah have mah ways ya know" Sweet said and roaslyn rolled her eyes. "Yeah asking a guy thats crushing on you for supplies for the last few weeks is having your ways" Roaslyn said and sweet blushed a little pink and covered her face. "A-Ah wouldn't go that far sugar, ah mean he's cute and all but-" "But nothing I know you and him have a thing for eachother just admit it!" Roaslyn said while steel was giggling at the red faced girl. "... Maybe a little, but thats not important right now what is important is teaching steel now turn to page sixty-four" Sweet said in an embarrassed way before opening book, steel was still giggling but opened his book as well. The group liked seeing this memory because it showed them the steel they knew smiling and laughing with his friends, it melted their hearts watching him be happy. "Funny thing about sweet apple she had a hard time with handling her emotions since she had blood of a hybrid in her but steel, richard and roaslyn were their to help her especially jacob" I said and this peaked applejacks intrest. "What do ya mean jacob especially?" Applejack asked me with a sly grin same with rainbow and glida, I giggled a little and thought back. "Lets just they somehow found the time and place one night but that didnt happen until a few months before the escape" I said causing the mare to turn as red as an apple, I was about to show them the next memory but luna stoped me. "What is this escape you keep talking about, didnt you say that if anyone escapes they be hunted down and killed?" Luna asked and the others also found it strange. "Well... thats if we hadn't..." I started but trailed off into a whisper. "If you didnt what?" Frost asked me one after another they kept asking and asking then I finally got fed up. "IF WE HADNT KILLED EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM WE WOULDNT HAVE BEEN ABLE TO ESCAPE!" I screamed at them making them all go quiet, I huffed a little and slowly calmed myself down. "We had a chance and we took it... we started something that took guts and alot of planning" "Wait... you mean you started-" "A revolution... hybrids at war with those bastards who tortured us for years apon years, cutting us up and shoving us into that dark fucked up room with nothing but our insane thoughts bouncing back at us full force and those haunting memories of those examinations can you even understand what that felt like!" I said my voice cracking remembering all the times we had to be cut open like a dead frog or sent to be in solitude for half our life. I didnt know I was crying until I felt celestia's hands wipe the tears away and her arms wrap around me, I hated crying because it made me feel pathetic but it showed that my heart was still their as jacob said once before. "Its ok... we understand you two went through pain we couldn't even compare to and felt alone for so long, but you had sweet apple, roaslyn, jacob, richard, ryle and most importantly you had eachother granted you wanted him to kill everyone but deep down Im sure you two cared for eachother even if you didnt show it" Celestia said making the hug tighter, I soon felt more arms wrap arkund us as everyone gathered in a group hug. "Yay group hug!" Pinkie said excited and lifted all of us in her abnormal strength. "Thank you guys... this means alot to me and Im sure if steel were here, he would have said the same thing" I said as they all let go but I felt another pair wrap around me. "Alright pinkie I get it you want to make me feel better but c'mon I asure you Im fine now" I said but saw everyone's puzzled expression. "Thats not me silly!" Pinkie said standing next to edge, I looked up to see who was hugging me and saw steel smiling down. "Well your right brigid that did mean alot to me" Steel said then was tackled by everyone and forced intona hug. "Alright alright give a man some space guys I've been training my ass off and I feel sore all over... *sigh* man this brings back memories" Steel said as he got out of everyone's grips, he walked over to the sitting figures of sweet apple and roaslyn. "I wonder how their doing after all these years" "Im sure their doing good man" I said coming next to him he had a faint smile on his face seeing sweet apple again after so many years and I wont lie, it was good to see her face as well. "By the way how are you here?" I asked him. "Oh faust and stardust had told me you guys were still here so I asked them to send me in since Im taking a break for a day... its good to see you all again though, but maybe we should hurry this up brigid. Theirs one last memory that made me the broken man I am today and no matter how much it heals it will never stop the pain" Steel said standing up and facing the group, he snapped his fingers and changed the room around us to one where it was actually outside. "Steel... where are we?" Twilight asked him and we gave a long look around taking notice of every person, every insect, every dog or cat, and every tree in the area. And knowing whats about to happen next, "Hello, guys stop leaving us in the dark here" "Oh, sorry twilight... were actually in a park right now in the same place as the hell we lived in" Steel said showing everyone the remains of the combination hybrid and mental abillity organization. "This is ten years after the hybrid revolution and actually our kind gained rights, granted its taking a lot longer for the people to get use to but it was worth it... anyways they tore down that god forsaken building and transformed it into a park and guess who own's it?" Steel asked them. "The small couple of jacob and sweet apple" I said causing cadence to sqee. "Yup... and actually after all that crazy shit happened they asked us to be part of their family to which we said yes but we decided to live with ryle" I added. "Man we were stunned by that... but this isnt a time to get giddy, I did say this is the day I was left a broken man" Steel said causing their smiles to fade including mine. He started the memory and the group searched around for steel and ryle only to find two boys white hoodie's, they were sharing a bag of chips and drinking some water as they watched the people pass by. "You know something ryle... Im glad the war is over, we can go around without being seen as animals or freaks of nature at times... we can be humanish for once in our lives and Im happy about that" Teen steel said pulling down his hood just as ryle did as well, vanilla and rainbow gave a long whistle seeing ryle while the rest of the girls blushed. "Oh my he's so... um..." Fluttershy started but couldnt finish. "He's so handsome darling, his hair, his eyes and his body oh its just so amazing!" Rarity said and fainted in mint arms who had a jealous look, steel laughed at her reaction to our brother. As they day went on ryle and teen steel talked to eachother about many things one specific topic was about women casuing both steels to blush a bright red. "C'mon I saw you staring at the girl in her jogger outfit" Ryle said teasing teen steel. Everyone looked to a beet red steel who hid his face in shame and embarrassment because he actually was staring at the girl, out the corner of my eye I saw luna forming a devilish plan and whispered it to twilight and frost without the others knowing. "I-I was not ryle why do you assume I do perverted things?" Teen steel asked him and he just laughed at the flustered boy the girl apparently heared the boys and turned her head then winked at teen steel before running off. The group saw nothing wrong with this memory it was just two brothers talking about life and girls nothing out the ordinary but as they were to busy watching the two brothers they didnt notice a flat maned pinkie, steel and I staring at something else. "Guys you might wanna cover your ears" Pinkie said covering her own, they wondered what she was talking about until they heared it. BOOM! They all jumped in fright at the loud explosion and saw chunks of rock, trees and body parts fly everywhere. They heared people screaming and saw them running for their lives as a group of men holding guns and wearing black clothing with a red Cross on their chest ran out and started shooting at them. Teen steel and ryle jumped to their feet and charged at the group of men suprising everyone watching even the on lookers, the men spotted the biys and began firing at them. They dodged each bullet that came close to them with ease, ryle was the first to grab a gun men and stab something into his throat before grabbing his handgun and firing off a few slugs into the one next to him, while ryle was taking care of his side he didnt notice one of them was taking aim but before he could pull the trigger teen steel jumped on the guy and used a knife to cut his throat open then threw it at another man that was running towards him. Steel jumped off the man and pulled out his spare knife, the blade was long and thick with a razor sharp edge and tip, the gold texture on the knife had caught rarity's eye as it shined in the sun. Before she could remark on it the boy was running past and cutting up all his enemies that came next to him with that knife, he was so fast not even rainbow could see his movements as he spun around like a out of control buzz saw. He suddenly stoped in his tracks as he faced the last guy and he stood tall before popping his neck and almost instantly all the bodies that steel had cut were on the floor dead. "Holy shit did you guys see that he was like a fuckin saw cutting those guys up, it was so awesome!" Rainbow said fan-girling with gilda who was trying to copy the movements. The guy pulled out his gun and pointed it at steels head but as he was pulling the trigger steel leaned back as far as he could to the ground dodging the point blank bullet that just barely grabbed his nose, steel kicked gun in the air then jumped to his feet and cut open the mans throat and let the blood gush out. "That... was... AWESOME!" Rainbow shouted amazed that teen steel was able to dodge a bullet from that close. One after another ryle and steel had killed almost all of the men but more and more kept coming until they were completely circled around with guns trained in them, steel had lost his gold knife and was holding two Pistols that were completely black save for the grip on them, they were empty but steel had some clips thanks to the dead son of bitch who 'gave' him the guns. Ryle was holding a Galil that was cocked and ready to go, the two brothers had no way of knowing if they were gonna survive but they did have one thing, an unbreakable bond. "Ay how 'bout a bit of music to get the blood flowin" Ryle said pulling out a phone that was escactly like present steels phone he looked through it for a bit then smiled and showed steel who also had smile creep up, steel let his empty clips fall as then slamed in a new set scaring the men around them. "Lets see how they do against us!" Ryle shouted and pressed play. As soon as the music started steel and ryle went back to back and when it picked up they started to unload on the men, circling eachother and shooting the men without a care in the world. The guys didnt stand a chance and barely got off a few stray shots that completely missed them and hit their own comrades, the brothers then pushed off of eachother and took on their own Separate sides ryle threw back his gun then transfromed into his wolf form and began slashing and ripping out throats much to rainbow and gilda's liking but fluttershy had fainted again same with rarity, rainbow and gilda were cheering ryle on but noticed steel after a bit. The boy was stabbing and uploading into his opponents, he kicked off of one of them and the world had slowed down giving the girls and guys enough time to see what steel was doing. He put his knife away and grabbed his other pistol before firing both guns at two men hitting their heads then steel pointed one behind him before firing off more shots hitting all theirs targets. The world had picked up speed and steel landed super hero style, he heared two men running from both his left and right. Without even looking at the men he smirked, raised his guns and fired off his last bullets that hit the guys straight in the skull killing them instantly and causing them to fall to the floor while steel walked away dropping the guns. "Now that was fuckin badass mate" Strings said and steel chuckled a little knowing something that would make rainbow and gilda faint at the sight. While it looked like teen steel was home free one of the guys from ryle's side ran over with a knife ready to scewer the boy but steel just turned his head and when the guy got close he went for a slash but the knife was kicked out of his hands. He stared at steel in confusion before he noticed his golden knife back in his hands. "God you wont give up will you guys?" Steel said yanking out the guys hand gun and on running towards them he ripped out his knife and shot the guy in head letting the brains scatter on the pavement and he did this all in ine swift motion we all heared two loud thuds causing us to look and see a twitching rainbow and gilda repeating 'awesome' over and over again. The song had ended and the killing spree was finally over, steel and ryle were covered in blood and scratches from the bullets grazzing their skin and knifes making their marks, they slumped on eachothers backs before falling to the ground panting heavily and dropping their weapons. "How you doin bro?" "Could be better ya know... damn hadnt felt a rush like that since the war, its good to stretch out these old bones" Ryle said chuckling steel had followed along with them and soin their chuckles became laughter. For a few minutes they laughed onky taking breaths when need until they were finished, they suddenly heared sirens ring around the area and four large trucks with the words S.W.A.T was writtin in large white writting, the doors we kicked open and groups of men poured out each holding a machine gun and pistol that stuck to their heavily armored bodies. "The fuck took you guys so long?" Ryle asked then was approached by one of them and was hit with the butt of the gun leaving a nasty gash on his cheek. "Shut it freak we got word that a full blown shoot out was taking place here and we were told to kill anyone that looked part of it and you two fit the picture nicely say good night asshole's" The man said and pointed his at ryle but was soon brought to the ground as teen steel dis-armed him and held his blood covered knife to the guys throat. "Thats enough steel get off the man" Ryle ordered steel and slowly he got off the man and sat back next to him. "Forgive my kid brother he's very protective around people he calls family and loyal friends" "The freak almost killed me, I have half a mind to put a bullet in his brain!" The man screamed at the two and was about to hold his gun to steels head but was stoped by another man who had placed a hand on his shoulder. "Stand down damn it, these two saved people's lives today all by themselves... Im sorry about my colleague he's a bit quick to the trigger when it comes to people dieing, the names Sargeant Coleman its a pleasure to meet you two" Coleman said removing his helmet letting us see his pale white skin, hazel blue eyes, brown messy hair and to scars running down his chin. "Its no problem sir, we were just doing what was right... now if you'll excuse us we should be heading home and get cleaned up, aint that right steel... steel?" Ryle called out to him but no response, he circled around and saw him holding a small boy in a light blue shirt, black shorts and shoes. He was bleeding from his head but he was breathing and alive for the most part, steel walked back over to the two men and handed the boy to coleman. "Thank you son we'll get him help immediately... get a medic over here asap!" Coleman ordered and walked off with the kid. "Well I guess we should head home ya, after we clean up lets go visit sweet apple and jacob Im sure they'll- SHIT WATCHED OUT!!" Ryle shouted and pushed steel out the way, a loud bang rang through the air as another steel feel to the ground. He sat up slowly trying to recover from the sudden action, after he regained his wits his eyes had widen and his jaw hung, laying faced down in a pool of blood was ryle with a bullet lodged between his lung, he threw up a large amount of blood painting the ground crimson red. Steel shook his head in denile for what he is seeing, he crawled over to ryle and flipoed him over on his back leaving his head to the side to stop him from drowing, tears formed around steels eyes as he watched ryle pant desperately for air. "S-Steel... I dont *cough* I dont think Im gonna make it... theirs *cough* theirs something I have to tell you, its about your mother and father... *heavy cough*" "Ryle dont talk save your energy man... w-we can get help from the medics their right over their we can-" "Steel... I don't have much time just know that I love you little bro, your the best brother I could ask for... it pains me to leave you but I must tell you that your real mother, she was an actual-" Ryle was cut off by a bullet sinking deep into his head, he fell back and his body went cold his hands and bidy went completely limo and steel knew that he had died in his arms. "NOOOOOO! RYLE DONT GO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!" Teen steel screamed his voice cracking and tears rapidly falling donw his now raw cheeks. He hugged the dead body tightly and didnt want to let go, he was screaming in dispare almost ripping his throat raw from the sheer force. "FUCK MORE OF THEM ARE COMING SIR!" A man screamed and another large group of men came running out and used the dead bodies of their comrades as their sheilds. Steel didnt pay any mind as he just cried on ryle's dead shoulder and held onto him for dear life, coleman saw teen steel holding ryle's body in the middle of the battle he cursed to himself before running out and grabbing steel. "NO LET ME GO! LET ME GO! RYLE, RYLE!!!"Steel screamed more as coleman sprinted back to cover but as they were about to get over, through his welling tears steel saw a man wearing pitched black assassin robes with the templare crest etched on the hood and the left breast. He stared at steel with cold green eyes and held out broken sniper rifle in his hands, the man was smart enough to wear gloves because he had dropped the sniper to the ground before turning away and running off disappearing from steels sight. I stoped the memory and met the world fade back into the dark void from where we started everyone had tears rolling down their eyes even the guys who tried to hid but failed, I noticed that fluttershy had came to and she was told about the sence by trixie and she was being held by strings letting her cry on him. I looked back to steel and saw he was still staring off into the black void, I stood next to him and patted his shoukder knowing his pain all to well and seeing this again was... hard. "Steel... Brigid were so sorry for what happened to ryle I wish their was some way we can bring him back" Rarity said and they girls nodded trying their best to control their crying. "Darling if their is anything you need just tell us-" "No... thats quite alright rarity, I told myself over and over again to... to let fate be our guid but that one time in my life I wanted to go back and change everything. My life was completely left in the dark when died, my mind was filled with nothing but negative thoughts and not even sweet apple or jacob could help... so I ran away, leaving behind everything in order to forget... that was twenty years ago and I still remember this event like it was yesterday, and the worst part was that I never... I never got to say good bye" Steel said sighing heavily, pinkie was the first to hug steel then trixie and gilda, rainbow, twilight, aj, jack, edge, fluttershy, strings, greenie, luna, frost, cadence, gleaming, crystal, the twins, rarity, spike, vanilla, chocolate and finally me and celestia. "Im sure ryle is in a better place now and remember he was here for a few years" Celestia said "And you still have your good memories with him, and no matyer what he'll always be in your heart" Rarity said while the girls humed in agreement. Steel had smiled warmly at how much his friends care about him. "Same go for you to brigid you had to suffer with steel and we know how much ryle meant to you as well... just remember darling were alway here to help you" "And thats the truth" They all said briging a few tears out of us, we the greatest friends in the world and nothing would stop us from protecting them. Nothing. (Logan) "Computer... track 19" Logan said and it quickly started up the song. "I feel sad now... fuck" > Chapter 19: Now this is what its like when worlds collide! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (One year later) steel "Super God Piercing Light!" I shouted as I threw my hands forward and shot the blue beam out if my hands. The size of the blast was huge and it tore through the walls of the chamber I was in, the beam it self was powerfull more powerfull then all my other attacks and so far its my favorite move since I've used it all the time. After the beam was done I panted heavily as I kept my stance and looked at the damage I cracked a smile on my serious face but that soon vanished and was brought with shock when I saw the wall closing back up along with the buildings that were damaged by the blast. "Damn it I was so close... I guess I should try again" "Or you can rest once in a while mr. Invincible" I heared a familiar voice say causing me to turn but came face to face with a smiling luna. "Hey steel its good to see you after all this time" Luna said keeping her smile, I dont know when but I was already in front of her and embraced her in a hug that looked back breaking but actually it was gentle. I felt her warmth against my body and beat of her heart. "So...this isn't a dream your actually here" I said still holding onto her, she giggled and hugged me back. "You look so different and you seem to have grown a few inches as well" Luna said amazed at my small growth, I chuckled and finally let her go. "You changed alot as well luna but your still as beautiful as the day I met you" I said with a grin and she flicked her hand on my chest making her eyes widen. "Oh... oh my... steel your body its like its made of diamonds!" Luna said mouth agape as she gave a small poke on my chest getting a solid tap. "Yeah thats kinda what happens when you train non-stop with little to no breaks for a whole year... you like?" I asked her but she was to distracted by the rock solid muscle. "Luna I gotta ask... who brought you here?" "Bellator of course I asked him if he could let me see you for a few days... things have been pretty boring in equis, sure their were somethings here and their but nothing really got the blood flowing you know. And really everyone misses you steel, sometimes we forget that your gone and that your at home reading or playing with rok" Luna said with a small frown, I cupped her cheek and gave her a small kiss getting a smile from her. "What was that for?" "To make you smile, your beautiful when you smile" I said and she gave a playful boop on the nose. "I thought I was always beautiful?" Luna said with a smirk I rolled my eyes and kissed her again. "You are my princess... and you will always be beautiful" "Being a charmer might get you somewhere steel... possibly the bed in your room *sniff* after a shower of course" Luna said grabbing may hand and began leading me to my room. Once their I quickly got into the shower and washed myself clean before coming out in fresh shorts and a towel drapped on my shoulders. "Hold on I gotta let the others know I just finished my training" I said and went to the tablet but found it missing, I heared luna clear her throat making me turn and see her holding the device in hand. "You mean this?" Luna asked with bed room eyes placed it down on the nightstand and slowly took off her light blue shirt. Her large breasts bouncing slightly, "You can send it later for now you have a mare to please" she said I chuckled and locked the door before casting a noise cancelling spell in the room. "Im all yours princess" I said turning back to her only to be met with her lips smashing into mine. She moaned a but and turned a slight pink, it took me a bit but I kissed her back and invaded her mouth getting complete control of her. As our tounges battled I ran my hand up and down her body making her shiver then sqeak as she felt my hand on her thigh but that ended with a sexy moan. After a few minutes of kissing we got urge to breath so we parted leaving a saliva strand and panting heavily. "I want you steel right now" Luna said her tome full of lust I was happy to obliged, l she 'eeped' when I picked her up and tossed her on the bed I climbed on and pinned her arms. "You have no idea how much I want this as well" I said and let go of her hands then removed her dark blue bra letting me look at her amazing chest. I cupped one of them in hand and slowly squeezed and caressed it getting a low moan from luna. As I groped her she used her magic to make my shorts and boxers vanished along with her pants and panties. "Seem's you are bit pent up but dont worry I'll fix that" Luna said then slowly grinded up my member making it rock hard in seconds. "I tried to have fun with twilight but she couldn't really deliver alot but she did enjoy herself when I had fun with her poor dear passed out on the bed after the fourth orgasm" Luna said still grinding on me I smirked at the lusty mare. "Should we do a little playing or do you want it right now?" I asked her and she thought for a second. "Hmm good question how about this!" Luna said then pushed me on my back and straddled my waist grinding her wet marehood on my fully hardened member. "You are going to fuck me till I cant walk right" "As you wish and I take it you want to be ontop?" I asked and she answered by crawling down to eye level with my cock then in a second she downed it causing my breathing to stop for a second and groan in pleasure. "Oh my god I missed that so much" I said gripping the sheets while she bobbed her head taking all of it in without gagging. She used her tounge to circle around my cock then let it sit in the back of her throat before going back to it, I moaned a little as she bobbed making her lips curle into a smile somehow. "Luna... Im so close.... oh god" I grunted out but when I did she stopped and took my member out of her mouth, she giggled seeing me glare at her. "Hmm we'll wait till we get to the main course, for now please your princess if you will" Luna said crawling up and straddled my face showing me her drenched lips. "Dont hold back now I haven't been eatin out in months since twilight or frost couldn't help that much" Luna said and slowly stroked my cock. "Alright I haven't had some fun in a year" I said and without warning I dug right in shoving my touge as deep as I could making the mare scream and start shaking from the pleasure. She almost collapsed on me but she used the headboard to hold herself up, I circled my tounge deep in earning a loud moan but it was hitched as I brought my tounge out slowly and licked around her outer lips. "S-Steel... Oh my goddess this is what I needed!" Luna screamed in ecstasy then softly grinded on my face. "Yes Yes Yes Yes!" She moaned out each time I thrusted my tounge inside her, I could feel her body quiver and her walls began to tighten and I knew she was about to cum but I decided to have a bit of pay back. I ceased everything I was doing and lifted her off my face to let me see her disapproving glare and red blush. "Pay backs a bitch aint it?" I said laughing at the half finished mare. "Hey you stoped when I was about to cum so I decided for a bit of pay back... and you know it was worth it" "I hate you" Luna said coming to eye level with me my member touching her outer lips. "No you dont you love me I can see it" I said slowly moving my hands to her thighs without her noticing. "Yeah yeah... hey I've been meaning to ask this but why are you in your golden form?" Luna asked running a hand through my spiky golden hair. "Training and using this form for a year... so your probably gonna hit me for this" I said with a smirk and she was confused for about two seconds before her eyes widen, she snapped her head behind her but it was to late. I thrusted inside of her getting both of us to moan from the sudden feeling. I felt her walls tighten around my cock and a splash on my waist telling me she just came and it looked like it was hard because her body collapsed on mine. "Y-You... bastard" Luna panted out and digging her nails in my shoulders. "I forgot that your were so big" she said her voice shaky, I began thrusting in her causing the mare to gasp then moan in bliss. "Oh goddess yes... do whatever you want with me!" Luna screamed out so flipped her on her side and raised one of her legs up and let it hang over my shoulder while I slamed into the lusty mare, she gave little pleasurable whines and moans as I thursted deep inside her. Her breaths became short and ragged with each thrust. I needed this so much, day after day all I did was train thinking of getting stronger and seeing my friends back home but totally forgot about my needs. I wanted to have this feeling of bliss back with me for so long and finally it was here, now Im gonna take it. Luna couldnt even form words and her face was completely written in bliss, she wanted this as much as I did. Her walls tightened again for the third time earning a scream from the moon goddess and now I was starting to feel the preasure build up it was taking everything I had to hold it in. "Luna... Im gonna cum!" I warned and she used whatever strength she had to push me on my back and start bouncing wildly on me. "Fill me up completely, I want it so much!" Luna screamed and created a rhythm, I soon joined the rhythm she created and met her half way thrusting hard, after about a few more minutes she slamed down on me and screamed at the top of her lungs as I shot my seed inside her painting her walls white, her body gave little jolts with each spurt that came out and she had on a dreamy smile. We stayed in that position for a bit riding out our orgasms until they ended. "Oh man... thats was the best thing I felt in a year" I said laughing a bit letting luna rest on my chest. "Yeah... same... say how long can you humans go for?" Luna asked with a tired look in her eye but they were still full of lust. "Hours... litteraly hours" I said smirking knowing where this was going. (One day later) I groaned feeling pain on my pelvis and remembering yesterday, I looked to my right to see a sleeping luna and her hair was in its real color, a soft baby blue. 'Honestly I wish she would keep it that color its beautiful' I thought to myself with a smile on my face, I gave her a small peck before getting out of bed and limping to the bathroom for a shower but once their I had to take a break from walking due to the pain being so great. "Jesus Christ almighty she rode me for... damn I dont even know how long a day maybe..." I said panting a bit but soon felt well enough to walk to the shower and start it up. "Oh man that mare's amazing it kinda sucks that I have to stay here for a few more weeks but Im sure it'll go by fast" I said to my reflection and noticed my hair was back to black, I stood their in shock knowing that my marefriend drained me out of my golden form. "I love that mare" I said chuckling then turning back into my other form and went for the shower. (Few minutes later) I exited the bathroom with the towel around my waist and steam coming out behind me. I walked to the dresser and grabbed some boxers and slid them on along with a pair of pants. "Hmm steel... come back to bed lulu wants snuggles~" Luna whinned reaching out to me with a tired hand, I couldnt keep myself from laughing at the childish princess. "Snuggles later for now you need to shower and get dressed while I go and train" I said making her whine louder then pushed the pillow to her head, I shook my head at her then removed the pillow. "Luna need shower, me go train" I said in cave man talk she giggled a little before sitting up and stretching. "Alright you win... I'll come by and watch you train once Im cleaned up then maybe after that we can go look around a bit since I dont really know much about this place" luna said sitting up and winced a bit and rubbed her rear. "Oh wow... how long-" "No clue but when I woke up I felt my pelvis hurt and I was out of my golden form" I said shocking her and blushing like crazy. "Eeyup... got myself a good one" I said stretching a bit but luna poked my side making me squirm. "Training mister" luna said with a small smile. "I thought lulu wanted snuggles?" I asked letting me see the mare play with the blanket and blush. "Your cute when your shy" I said and walked out the room, I headed down to the dinning hall and grabbed some breakfast which was eggs and bacon. "I love this place it has meat!" I said eating my food, once done I placed it on the counter for the maids to clean then set off for the training room. As I opened it I gave out a small sigh of relief feeling most of my stress gone from an awesome day of fun. I decided to go light on my training since luna was gonna be coming soon and was going to watch me, I used my magic to make one clone in my gold form before jumping back a bit and getting into my stance. "Remember to keep your head down!" Lily said in my head. "Lily its keep your shoulders and hands up, how did you get that mixed up with head down?" Manus asked the girl who I felt do a shrug. "Alright plan it steel you got this" "Thanks guys... alright lets get a little music going as well" I said summoning my phone then pressing shuffle. Once it had started I felt a sudden rush of adrenaline run through my veins, I dont know why I got this sudden energy but I like it... alot. Me and the clone rushed eachother and slammed our fists together sending a powerfull shock wave that cracked the ceiling of the room and made a crater in the floor. As soon as we back away we had vanished then re-appeared in the air sneding heavy blows, kicks while also dodging or mimicking each other's attacks to cancel them out. Then clone then gave a loud shout and blasted me in the chest with a small yellow ki blast, I was sent back a few feet but it looked like I took no damage what so ever, when I recovered I flew right at the clone. He noticed me flying right towards him and sent a swing only to find it was my after image gaining a shocked look on the clones face but that soon changed into pain when I rammed my fist in his gut knocking his air out of him. I smirked a bit until I felt a sudden pain ring through my head causing me to give a small grunt, I flew back away from the clone and held my head trying to ease the pain but it grew more painful. "Wow you actually caught me by suprise steel... Im suprised" I heared a familiar voice, I snapped my head to my clone and saw that his skin was paper white, the outside of his iris was black with the iris was red, his long snow white hair went down to his back and flowed in the air as if it was in water. And his creepy smile that looked like it could reach from ear to ear gave me a good look at his razor sharp pitch black teeth, his feet and hands had nails that looked like claws and finally he had a blood red wings spread out fully. "Miss me?" He asked laughing slightly in his usual creepy way. "You... how are you here?" I asked him but he gave no answer, all he did was stretch and sigh. "I asked you a question" I said but he just looked at me without a care in the world. "Like you care all you want is for me to be gone right?" The emotion said in a rather harsh tone but I just glared at him, he gave out a cackle that sent chills down my spine. "Oh foxy, foxy, foxy I've changed my ways no hard feeling about trying to kill you because I wanted to be free right?" He asked spreading his smile across his face. "Oh and its not 'you' anymore... I chosen the name that came to me one day while a shred of light shone through your dark head... lux tenebris" lux said. "Dark light huh... fitting for someone like you" I said standing up straight, he just grinned. "Like it? Took me just that instants to find a suiting name for someone like myself, but all I got was that little shit name... oh yes I completely forgot... how's sister?" Lux said then found a knife fly pass his head. "Oh my, shouldn't a brother know of his own sisters were abouts... I mean I am her real brother after all" Lux said in a mocking tone then caught the knife aiming for his face with his fingers. "Shut up brigid is different she's not-" "She is and you know it, she is the embodiment of your own bloodlust while I..." Lux said and popped his neck. "Am your dark side" "She my be the embodiment of my lust for blood but she got out and changed her ways... but you... your heart, if you can even call it that, is made of pure darkness and nothing could help change your ways... not even the elements of harmony" I spat out then was met with fist to my face sending me rocketing down to the floor hard, I coughed up some blood and layed their gasping for air. "Have you ever thought to try?! You think I like being in you foul head huh, do you!" Lux shouted landing next to me and kicked me to the far wall but then grabbed me with a black tendril. "You really believe that I cant be my own person dont you think I cant change?!... I guess you dont believe in yourself huh?" lux growled at me then raised his claw and shot it down. "Stop!" From hearing the voice lux had ceased his movements completely and became as still as a stone. I looked to who shouted and saw luna and bellator at the door, lux regained his wits and gave a hard punch to my face then flung me to the middle of the room. Luna quickly ran over to me with tears in her eyes seeing the damage on my body. I had only been beaten a little but I could feel that my arm was broken and my head was bleeding profusely. "So... this is your princess luna?" Lux said standing right infront of us, bellator appeared next to him but was met with a foot to his jaw then ki blast to the chest knocking him across the room unconscious . Luna stared at lux with fear in her eyes and shook like a leaf as lux set his gaze upon her. 'H-He's steels... darker side' luna thought to herself, she nearly screamed in fright as she felt him touch her cheek. "Stay away from her you-aaah!" I screamed as lux slammed his fist on my chest, he then used a tendril to push me away a few feet and let him stand infront of luna. He kneeled down and looked her dead in the eye, he could feel her shaking in his palm and from what I can tell he looked... hurt. "So... beautiful" Lux said to luna, she shook a little less but her eyes were still full of fear. "To think someone like steel was able to have such a beautiful woman... look into my eyes and when you are done I will leave all of you be for now" Lux said and lifted her head to have luna's meet his. Their was a long silence, not even a breath was heard just... silence. "L-Luna" I called out for her but she gave no response, thats when I saw tears fall down her cheeks. Lux gently let go of luna and rised back to his feet, he soon started turning to dust and looked to me. "See you again steel... and make sure dad doesn't kick our ass when he gets to this happy go fun place" Lux said smiling then laughed loudly, he soon turned to dust but his laughter was still banging off the walls. "Ugh... steel, are you alright?" Bellator asked coming to, I didnt answer and just stared at luna who was still crying. "Steel?" "L... Lu...na" I called out in a weak tone, my body took alot a damage even if the beating was minor. My call out seemed to have snap luna out of her mind and focus on the now, she frantically looked everywhere until her eyes landed on me. I was on the brink of blacking out, the pain was to much the last thing I saw was luna crying out to me before the world turned black. (Mindscape) "Pathetic, and I call you my son" A said his words dripped with disappointment, I opened my eyes to see the world grey except for a human shaped shadow. "You let a little emotion beat you... like it was nothing, maybe you should just die and get it over with!" the man shouted and I got a but pissed off. "Hey who the fuck do you think your talking, show yourself now!" I called out to the shadow but he didnt move. "Im gonna have you do something to regain my trust... your gonna have to prove to me that where your staying is fit for a saiyan" The man said and I couldn't tell but I think he had giant shit eating grin in his face. "Who are you and why are you in my head?!" I asked him but the world grew brighter. "What the hell is a saiyan and what do you mean by your son?!" (Real world) I jolted a bit feeling a defibrillator on my chest, I could hear muffled screames after each jolt. They kept at it for awhile until I twitched my hand telling them Im alive, the screaming had stoped and all I felt was warmth. "Please... wake up!" A woman screamed I felt something cold and wet on my chest the person that had been screaming was crying on my chest. I cracked my eyes open and saw a bright light, I raised my hand to the womans head and softly patted her. "Dont... cry" I whispered. I could hear the gasp escape her lips but as soon as regained whatever consciousness I had it was stripped away right then and their turning everything to pitch black. Canterlot hospital-pov, brigid We watched as twilight and frost sob on steels unmoving body, he was covered in bandages from head to toe We were told that he had several broken ribs, interal bleeding, a broken arm and leg he was lucky to even be breathing now since his heart stopped at one point. It scared the poor girls half to death thinking they're coltfriend was gonna die, but luckily god had other plans and brought him back to us. "Twilight, frost... we have to leave" Celestia said reluctantly pulling her student off the man, she struggled against her grip but was overpowered by celestia's alicorn strength. Bellator had grabbed frost and ripped her away as well knowing he was going to get a new hole in him soon. "Please girls, we miss him too but we have to let him rest and heal" "Let me go!" The girls yelled but were taking out of the hospital leaving me in the room. The guys still havent heared the new's yet and twilight was supposed to tell the other mane six but when she got the letter she teleported without anyone knowing I was with celestia at court when luna and bellator barged in holding the injured man. "Damn it" I hissed and slammed my fist on the wall. "Look what you've done steel you got fucked up and almost died, scared us half to death, come home looking... looking like a man on his last legs and finally you made your marefriends cry" I growled at steel but he gave no response, I groaned then sighed before sitting down next him. "What happened to you man?" "I'll tell you" A voice said and the room became dark while leaving only one light showing a man in a black cloak. "Hello my sister, its been to long" the man said ripping the cloak off and smiling like a mad man. "Who the hell are you?" I asked shooting to my feet and getting in a fighting stance. He only chuckled maniacally before stepping forward causing the ground to crack making me jump a bit, as soon as he got to his next step he was already at steels bed. My eyes widen and stared in fear at the man. 'He only took two steps how did he get here so fast?!' I thought to myself and shook a little. "Whats the matter sis dont you recognize your own brother?" He asked me smiling from ear to ear, I took a unintentional step back he laughed wildly at this then shifted his gaze to steel. "C'mon now I couldn't have beaten you that easily bro, sure a couple of broke ribs and other stuff was my fault but I know your tougher than this... well piss ant guess I gotta help you out again" The man said and placed his pure white hand on steels chest, while he did that I took in his features a little more and notices that this was an exact copy of steel. "Sorry sis I may look like steel but were complete polar opposites from the inside and out" "H-How did you-" "Read your mind? simple really just used a little magic is all now shut it while I work on our sorry excuse of a big brother" The man said and that crossed a huge line. "Alright asshole who the fuck are you and why do you keep saying your our brother because as far as I know I only have one big brother and thats steel so start tal-ach!" I was cut off by his fingers curling around my throat then lifted me up with unholy like strength. "My name is lux tenebris... Im steels dark side" Lux said throwing me across the room, I slammed against the wall hard and I gave a loud painful yelp, I think he dislocated my arm. "Dark side... wait your the emotion!" I said in shock and he chuckled. "Ding ding ding we have a winner, lux show her what she's won!" Lux said then threw a black knife covered in red fire at me but I was able to barely dodge it, the heat was so intense that even my own heat couldn't compare to his. "Alright... all finished, he should wake up soon... for now lets talk sis just me, you and our big brother" Lux cackled out and summond two chair, he sat on one and forced me to sit on the other. He was like a demon from hell by the way he smiling, talking, acting and how his eyes just glowed in the darkness. 'Is this what pure fear is like?' I asked in my head feeling my body shake slightly. He only chuckled and leaned on his hand, "So your the one that almost killed steel?" I asked him trying my best to hid the shakiness in my voice. "Correct, I hate being in that bastards head and thought killing him would set me free, turnes out that I need him alive so I can live talk about pain in the ass right?" Lux asked and chuckled more. "Oh and just to let you know our father will be coming for a visit... be sure to make him feel at home" "W-wait... father?" I asked my shaking loosening a bit he nodded then yanwed. "You know your quite something, got out of his head and abandoned your ways as a blood hungry little girl... guess were the same in more ways then one ahahahahahaha!" Lux laughed then stoped mid-laugh then shifted his gaze to the door, I did the same and saw celestia staring at lux with fear. "Oh... seem's we have company come sit down... I insist" lux said his voice changing to something I can only compare to what the devil would sound like. He summond another chair next to mine then grabbed celestia in his magic and tossed her on it he turned into red smoke then whisped to door and shut it closed with a loud bang. "W-Who are you?!" Celestia asked scooting closer to me, he walked back to his seat letting the tiles under his feet crack. I tried to calm celestia down but she was shaking to much and my dislocated arm wasnt helping, he cackled at the sight of celestia then sat down. "Oh my dear friend dont you recognize me... Im steel" Lux said mimicking steels voice perfectly then laughed wildy. "Oh man I just kill myself sometimes anyways... my name is Lux Tenebris Im their little brother" "Lies!" Celestia yelled then was met face to face with lux. "No lieing here my dear Im steels dark side... anyways I didnt know my own sister could nab such a pretty little play thing, to bad you all might die in a week" Lux said with a sinister smile. "Do you think we would just sit by and watch you destroy our home... think again" Celestia said disregarding fear and replaced it with anger, her eyes started turning black and orange just like how she changed them when we showed them the memories. I dont know when but lux grabbed celestia by the throat and lifted her out of the chair. "Oh its not me celly... and I see Im not the only dark entity" Lux said then slowly began applying preasure which caused celestia to choke. I barely got a step in before I felt a foot to my chest knocking the wind out of me and sending me through the door breaking the wall. Everyone me and steel knew was outside the room with a look of suprise, they soon saw celestia's being choked out by lux and they ran over to help her. "Oh dear, it seem's we have to stop this little game celly remember our talk" Lux said and dropped her to her knees then spin kicked her out of the room , he looked at the group and laughed like a mad man before turning into red smoke and whisping back into steels body. "Brigid what happened?!" Rainbow asked running over to me and helping me up, I was still shaking in fear and the urge to throw up was too powerfull. I shoved dash away and throw up my lunch on the floor, I couldnt stop shaking it was like I was staring at the devil himself. "H-He w-was s-s-so... terrifying" Celestia studdered out latching onto twilight shaking just as much as me. "Those... those eyes they were just..." "Princess who was that?" Twilight asked her trying to calm her down but she wouldnt. "His name is lux tenebris... he was steels darker side" I said slumping in a chair then popped my arm back into place. "He was like the devil himself... steel was right theirs no way we can beat him, he's to strong and to fast" I groaned out. "I can take him let me at him he may be fast but he's not as fast me!" Rainbow said flaring her wings and throwing punches at the air. "Fool look at me and celestia... were lucky to even be alive" I said causing the marr to deflate a bit. "He's an exact copy of steel from his strength to his speed the only difference is, is the body features, blood red wings, long white hair and paper white skin and so on" "What was he talking about when he said 'dont forget our talk'?" Greenie asked and I remember him saying our father was coming. "He just changed the subject every two seconds but he said that... our father was coming" I said and they gave me confused looks. "But... didnt steel say he didnt know who his parents were or what happened to them?" Jack asked and I nodded, I was just as confused as them. "He said that he will be coming in a week, he also said that we have to make him feel at home then after celestia came in he said we all might die in a week, and I think he meant by my fathers hand" "What!" They all shouted. "Thats what lux said and I dont think he lies at all... anyways I gotta train as much as possible for 'my father's' arrival just incase he does something bad" I said getting up but yelped at the slight pain on my left leg causing me to sit back down. "Damn... can someone heal me up please?" "Yes just give me a second" Cadance said coming over and using her magic on me, I sighed a bit in relief. "I wonder what he looks like?" Crystal asked but was shot with a glare. "Geez sorry cant a girl be curious?" "Yes I can agree on that, I am a bit curious as to what their father might look like" Rarity said and this started a small train going. "I wonder if he is as tall as steel?" "Ooh I wonder if he would look like steel!" Pinkie said. "Nah Im sure he has more muscle and would probably look totally different, steel might have his mom's looks" Rainbow said but applejack scoffed. "Girl were talkin about a man that is comin in a week to try and kill us... and ah bet he has just as much muscle as steel does" Aj said and they all started giving their ideas of what our father looked like. "Geez a second ago they were helping me and celestia calm down... now their talking about what my father looks like, guess we have a week to figure out what to do" I said and closed my eyes as cadance finished her healing. "True that" (One week later- the crack of dawn) I rose out of the soft and warm feeling of my bed and celestia's body. I quickly put on my cloths and walked to the hospital steel was still in, he still wasnt awake and that worried me I mean yes I trained for a week but he has trained for a year so he knows more about fighting then me. I walked into the hospital and went towards steels room after telling the doctor who I was. I wont lie, Im kind of scared because I don't really want to see lux again but if it happens then theirs nothing I can do but be careful. As I entered the room I saw luna sitting beside steel with a look of worry, this is the first time I've seen her in a week and the first thing she does is go see steel. "Luna... I havent seen you in awhile are you, feeling ok?" I asked her walking to the other side of steel. "Uh... oh yes Im fine its just... I want to hear steel again, first he was gone for a year now he's in a hospital bed in a coma" Luna said sniffling a little, she was a mess her flowing hair was disheveled and reverted back to its baby blue color, her cheeks were raw from the tears, and their were bags under her eyes. "Luna I can tell you are feeling... depressed, sometimes talking about it helps and even makes the person or in this case pony feel better" I said and got comfy. "So tell me what's been bothering you other than steel" She sat their still and silent almost like she was a statue but when she opened her mouth I couldn't prepare myself for what she had to say. "I... almost killed myself a few nights ago" "What!" I screamed in complete shock, I was so suprised I couldn't form the word this was by god I dont even know. "Luna are you insane do you know how much that would have destroyed steel, your his second happiness and you almost died because of what!" I shouted at her and she began crying. "I dont know, I really dont know one minute I was wandering the halls of the castle to clear my mind then the next I was holding a knife to my throat... I dont even remember what was going through my mind at that time but I was ashamed of myself for trying such a thing and I hid in my room to make the feeling go away!" Luna cried and laid her head down on steel. "Dont you think I was thinking the same thing when that was held to my throat... steel was the only one that truly thought of me as a friend and the only that understood my pain" "Luna please, if you needed to talk to someone then you should have come to celestia or one of us" I said. "Killing yourself isnt the answer it never is" "But I didnt want to kill myself I just wanted to clear my head" "Oh my dear moon goddess" A voice said then red smoke came out of steels chest and slowly ran behind luna. "Didnt I say that when you looked into my eyes?" Lux said appearing next to her, she went stock still hearing him and I froze up as well. "Y-You mean-" "Yes my dear I almost killed you so I can control this bastards body then kill this god forsaken world while I sit upon the throne watching it burn" Lux said laughing even more. "But I cant do that unless he has nothing to fight for aka... you" he whispered to luna then jumped back dodging my fist, he cackled more until he finally stopped at the wall. "Why... why are you trying to do this!" I shouted at him he only stared until he clicked his tounge. "Damn out of time, he just keeps getting stronger by the minute huh... just so you know you got lucky luna because steel knew my plan he was able to weaken me just enough to take my power of manipulation, if it wasnt for him you would be choking on your own blood by now hahahahahaha!" Lux said then vanished back into steel, luna was clutching steels arm tightly and she didnt want to let of him fearing that lux would came back and kill her. "That son of a bitch... we did get lucky though if steel hadn't fought off lux's hold on you then he would have nothing to live for and would let him free... I tried it once with ryle but I was to attached to him and stoped myself" I said sitting next to luna who whimpered softly, she looked terrified and leaving steel wasnt an option for her. "I'll leave you with him luna, I'll tell the others to not come today Im sure they would understand and when your ready just come back to the castle" I said getting up and walking to the door, I walked back to the castle and told everyone to not visit no matter what. It took awhile but they finally agreed and stayed at the castle and started packing for their trip back to ponyville, its been a long morning and something tells me its gonna be hell today. (Deep in the everfree forest) Logan's ship had 'landed' with large boom and turned the are into a small crater, the pod slowly began opening then beeped and gave off purple smoke from the holes. Logan opened his eyes and stepped out of his pod only to be met with a shining sun and beautiful blue skies, he gave a few stretches letting out loud pops and groans from the man until he was satisfied, but he soon found himself with one question. "Where the fuck am I?" Logan asked as he ascended up the crater and was met with the thick forest he blow away. "Hmm... I wonder where that boy could be" He said and clicked his scouter, it searched for his power level thrn groaned as he found nothing. "Little bastard is probably hidding his power level, no matter I will just search for him the old-" "Who are you?" A woman said from the forest, logan cocked an eyebrow and stared at the forest. "Ok... could've sworn that the forest just talked" Logan said and raised his hand up and charged it with yellow ki. "Welp lets put an end to that shall we... devil ca-" "Wait!" The voice said again and logan cut off his ki flow, he heared soft footsteps and felt his eye twitch seeing a anthropomorphic zebra wearing half a cloth covering her breasts and a loin cloth with panties under it. "Please do not harm the forest for it has done nothing but give life to those who need it" The zebra said to logan he was to confused to realize the situation. "Your... a talking zebra girl... thing" logan said in disbelief, she looked at him with a cocked eyebrow. "And your a human so what its not like I havent seen a human man before I am friend with one" She said and this peaked logans intrest. "Really and who is this... other human?" Logan asked but was met with silence, "Uh you mind answering zebra girl because I got half a mind to turn you to ash" "That is not such a nice thing to say to the one who has shown you nothing but kindness, the least you can do is give me your name" She asked and logan groaned. "Fine... my name is logan Im a saiyan" Logan said to her then was met with more silence. "This is the part were you tell me your name" "Ah yes very sorry my name is zecora as you can see I am a mare and as for the other human I have befriended his name is steel fox" Zecora said and logans eyes almost popped out his skull. "Thank you for tell me uh... zecora and sorry about the forest" Logan said and was about fly off but was met with a hand on his shoulder. "Would you not like to rest? I can see you have traveled quite a distance and from the way you look Im sure you body is begging for an actual nap" Zecora said and logan knew she was right after flying for a year he was pretty exhausted and his eyes were killing him because of the light. He sighed and turned to her then bowed. "Please let me rest at your place for a bit zecora" Logan asked her and zecora giggled. "Come logan I shall show you the way just dont get cocky I may look frail but I can take down a manticore by myself" She said and logan stood up, they began walking into the forest and logan was about ready for a nap at this point. (Zecora's hut) As they entered the house logan took notice of the masks and all the potion brewing stuff around. "Whoa hold on... your not gonna you know use a potion in me are you?" Logan asked remembering a time were he dealed with a woman skilled with potions, zecora just laughed and shook her head. "Heavens no, I would never use a potion on someone unless they request it... now you may use the guest room in the back, its got a bed and bathroom if you need to freshen up I will get tea ready while you get settled" Zecora said and walked to the other side of the room, logan took this chance to walk to the guest room and settle in. Once he felt like no one was around he started stripping from his arm leaving him in a tattered up black shirt and torn up black pants, he walked to the bathroom and saw that zecora wasnt lying so he stripped of his cloths and turned on the shower before getting in and cleaning himself. (Few minutes later) "Mr. Logan I have finished the tea if you are cleaned up" Zecora called out from the other side of the door, logan unlocked it and swung it open but zecroa turned beet red and turned away. Logan was soaking wet and naked infront of the mare, "I-lm sorry I didnt know you were just getting out, um excuse me just come to the front and their will be tea on the table" she said and hurried off, logan just rolled his eyes and dried himself off before grabbing his tattered pants and placing them on then went to were zecora was. He saw he sitting down sipping tea and reading out of a book, he walked over and slumped into the seat across from her and sighed. 'You know for a zebra lady she kinda nice... I wonder what she wants?' logan thought then heared tea pouring, he looked and saw zecora moving it infront of him then pouring her own tea. "Why are you being nice to me woman?" "Its zecora as I said before and why does it matter that Im showing some kindness?" Zecora asked him to which he went brain dead. "Is it wrong to be nice to someone who needs rest or maybe if their sick and dont look well enough to move" Zecora said and logan just blinked. 'Note to self... dont piss of zebra women or mare as she called herself' Logan thought before grabbing his tea and sipping it only to be met with different delicious flavors. "By the gods this is amazing what did you put in it?" He asked and drank more. "Well nothing special just some cleaned leaves from specific plants and water from the waterfall just a few miles from here" Zecora said and logan can hardly believe what he was hearing, he was drinking tea that was made from random plants that this mare picked then just grabbed water. "Is it good?" "Delicious... I never had anything like it" Logan praised then poured some more. 'I might not destroy this planet yet still thought, I wonder where that boy is?" he thought and went on to his tea. (Ponyville train station) pov brigid We all exited the train in silence, not a word was spoken the entire trip back twilight looked depresser as did frost and the others but they knew steel was gonna get better. We all started heading towards steels house then sat on the couches, I had this strange feeling of danger well inside me but that went away as I heared aj clear her throat. "C'mon y'all... Im sure steel is gonna be just fine he wont leave us like that just remember all the times he's saved us" Aj said and made the others think. "That son of a bitch saved my ass from being killed by some asshole in canterlot... even introduced me to rarity" Mint said smiling this seemed to brighten up their mood a bit. "The monkey bastard was me first friend in years, the only one to actually handle my dumb ass and go toe to toe with me in a drinkin contest... he even saved my life as well" Greenie said. "He gave me a chance to fight for someone I loved and even became one of my best friends I trust that man with my life" Jack said. "Yeah but the bastards saved us how many times while jack here just pissed his pants behind him" Strings said giving a playfull shove to the man. "Like you were any different I saw you cryin like a baby when umbra appeared" Jack shot back making everyone laugh. "Ah fuck you ya big bastard!" Strings said making them laugh more, the mood had finally been lifted and their were smiles as far as I can see all but one. Me. "Lass whats wrong c'mon smile and talk about how much jacks a an asshole" "Why you little son of a bitch" Jack said and strings gave a fake shocked face. "Im deeply offended my mother was a diamond dog... that fuck a pony and had this bastard!" Strings said and was dying on the floor greenie joined him. "Ah what not even a giggle tough fuckin crowd" "Alright enough laughing we wanna know why your not smiling brigid?" Vanilla asked me causing the others to turn to my sad face. "Well... I guess Im just the only one that hasnt been saved by steel once or twice and I found my love way before he did" I said and they all cocked an eyebrow. "What?" "Darling you do know that he was the one that separated you two right?" Rarity said and it was like a slap to the face. "He probably thinks your most important person since your basically his little sister you even stuck with him during all the pain he went through" Rarity added and she was right, me and steel were once one person but I was just an emotion created from his bloodlust yet... I guess he did save me from becoming lux who was filled with hate and rage. "I guess in a way he did save me from being nothing but hate and rage" I said gaining a small smile. We talked more and more about the times steel saved us or told them his stories, their was the occasional banter of strings and jack but they would just laugh and continue talking with us. It wasnt long before the sun had set and we all had grown tired, before we all crashed at steels house we heared a knock at the door, I went and opened to find twilight with her same sad look. "... Here to say sorry?" I asked jokingly and she nodded. "Wanna come in and crash at his house?" I asked again and she nodded blushing a little, I giggled at the girls reaction then let her inside I gave frost and twilight steels room while I showed the others where the guest rooms where. Once we all got to a room we turned in for the night with thoughts of steel and hoping he wakes up soon. (The next day) I was up earlier then expected since the sun was rising over the tree's so I decided to make a little food for myself. We a tired groan I got out of bed and put on some pants and a white shirt before heading down stairs only to hear a slight sqeal from down, it didnt sound like it was from the rooms so I decided to investigate. Walking down the halls the sqeals turned into soft moans and cooing from down stairs. I peered over the edge and grinned seeing spike having a bit of fun with cinder while the others were asleep, I decided to have a bit of fun and quietly walk down the stairs then right behind him. "Having a bit of fun are we spike, cinder?" I asked and they both gave a loud yelp of suprise but nit loud enough for the others to hear. "Brigid how long-" "Hmmm I'd say about when cinder here was moaning and cooing as you were getting grabby with her ass and tits" I said with a grin and they both turned deep red. "Dont tell twilight" Spike begged and I thought for a second. "Hmmm... fine just do it in a room and dont get to loud, and when your done wash the sheets and air out the room" I said and walked away leaving the couple, spike shrugged and picked up cinder before going upstairs to do the deed. I entered the kitchen and saw that spike had already made a small breakfast which was eggs and hash browns, I clicked my tounge wishing he put some bacon but fuck it it'll do. Without any other thoughts I grab a plate and fork before showing down on the breakfast. "I see your enjoying a nice breakfast" I heared an all to familiar with voice then felt the nice soft mounds pushing on my back. "Sup sunny when'd you get here?" I asked her looking up and booping her nose. "Just now actually wanted to come check on twilight to make sure she is ok but I can see with the smile on your face you made her feel happy again correct?" Celestia asked and I nodded. "She apologized for being so depressed then asked if she could sleep in steels room so I let her, infact most of us crashed in the guest rooms... but spike and cinder oh they are getting it on" I said making celestia blush, she took a seat across from me and rested her head on one hand. "Somethin on your mind?" "Well... its something that lux said a week ago, you know about how your father was coming and might kill us... Im wondering if we could even stand up to him god forbid I see one of my subjects killed" "Dont worry Im sure he wont kill the first thing he see's if he exists" I said and went back to eating. (Everfree waterfalls- logan) Logan sneezed softly as he sat next to zecora who was setting things up to wash cloths. "Catching a cold already logan?" She asked the man. "Nah... I think someone's talking about me, why am I here exactly?" Logan asked zecora who just pointed at her bloody cloths that was splashed on after logan killed a manticore. "Ah yes I remember now... but I dont see why I had to come" "Would you rather I left you at the hut?" Zecora asked him and he nodded. "Alright I shouldnt be long head on back" she said with a giggle, logan got up and headed towards the woods then face palmed heavily. "If you can find it" "Now thats just playing dirty!" Logan roared at her but she was rolling on the floor laughing, logan just grumbled to himself and sat back down. "Awe did I make the saiyan upset?" Zecora asked him and he growled at her, she rolled her eyes then took off her cloth that was covering her breasts, logan saw this and turned away. "Oh now your shy weren't that shy when you swung the door open while you were naked" "Ah shut up and clean your stuff" (Steels house) I finished my breakfast with celestia who was also starving at that time and when we were done we just sat on the couch and I laid in her lap. It was peacefully for those moments, all the worries were gone and nothing but a nice quiet morning. That is until we heared dishes breaking from then kitchen and tiny gasps and giggles rimged through the air. I sighed a little and got up from the couch before walking to the kitchen where I saw the cmc and lucy covered in syrup and flour along with the floor that had small pieces of a plate on the floor , they stared at me with innocent smiles acting like what Im seeing was an illusion. "Kids... have celestia take you to the shower while I clean this up then tell rarity, aj and rainbow what happened" I said and they all groaned before trenching out the kitchen with lucy in sweetie belles arms. I quickly used my magic to pick up the mess and throw it into the trash, I dont really know much about kids but I know they like to make a mess all the time. I came back out of the kitchen to find most of the gang has woken up and the three I was gonna get to scold the kids were doing their job well aj and rarity did while rainbow just gave pip and scoots a high five. "Alright since everyone is up I think we should do something today maybe a picnic or something" I said clapping my hands together. "Thats sounds lovely havent had one of those in forever and the weather is beautiful today" Rarity said and we all agreed so after when we got everything we ready we were waiting on spike and cinder who were still going at it. "Oh yeah forgot to mention... spike and cinder are kinda... busy at the moment" I said and they cocked an eyebrow then made and into a circle while I had the other as a finger then slowly moved them towards eachother. The girls blushed and they covered the kids eyes who confused by my hand gestures. "I dont get it?" Scoots said crossing her arms, after dying on the floor for a bit we decided to leave spike and cinder at the house. We didnt really leave the area since it was a perfect place for a picnic so we just went to the backyard and set up near the waterfall and pond. "You didnt have to make those hand gestures you know" tia said and I just shrugged and plopped on the ground and sighed in relief. The others sat down and started talking amongst themselves and about half an hour later spike came out with cinder who had a dumb grin on her flushed red face, she laid on spikes back and twitched every so often. Twilight scolded him but he just ignored her and placed the girl down, after that was done I felt at peace this day was practically perfect. All my friends are here and having a good time, the cmc are playing in the pond while sweetie and lucy were just sitting on the patch of land. My marefriend was here and smiling as usual and all that was missing was... steel, when the thought of steel in hospital came into mind along with luna next to him I felt... helpless. Seeing me down in the dumps celestia laid down next to me and kissed my cheek catching me by suprise. "He's alright stop worrying so much and enjoy the picnic, pinkie somehow made edge disappear then re-appear with more food" "That does sound like pinkie... alright I'll try to enjoy myself its not like anything is gonna happen today who knows maybe steel would just pop up during this" I said and sat up with celestia and confirming celestia's description, edge was in a confused state all the while holding another picnic basket full of sweets and drinks along with more food. I giggled seeing this and threw my worries away after awhile, everything seemed fine until we heared a loud scream of pain. "What was that?" Greenie asked as he shot to his feet, not even seconds later their was a loud explosion and a few trees went flying the ground shook violently making the kids get scared and run back to us shaking a bit. I stood up and got ready for anything, in my head I was thinking that a manticore had killed a pony or someone got scared and ran away but that wasnt the case. A blur shot out of the trees holding something in his arms then flipped around to see look back at the forest. "Shit... I think those manticore's are gone, are you ok?" The man asked kneeling and placed down. "ZECORA!" The girls screamed seeing their friend with a large scratch mark on her leg and a sting on her arm. "So much for being able to take down a manticore huh?" The man said chuckling not even bothered by this. Zecora just shot him a glar to which he flinched then he picked her arm, "This is gonna hurt so bare with it" he said began sucking on the arm and spitting out green goo. "C'mon we gotta help her!" Rainbow said and we all began running to the two but as we neared I felt a ting of fear course through me making me stop and almost fall to the floor. I dont know why my body just locked up like that but I pushed passed it and walked up to the others, they saw the man wipe his mouth and spit out what ever poison that left away then tore off his tattered shirt showing his tan skin back and parts of his muscle, he wrapped the shirt around zecoras wounded leg. "Their, but thats not gonna be enough is their something we can use to help ease the pain or do you have any voodoo potions we can use?" The man asked zecora who thought to herself for a bit before glancing at the girls. "Twilight, girls its good to see you again... just whish it was better circumstances" Zecora said to the girls causing the man to look behind him then suddenly shot to his feet letting us see his entire body. "Holy... shit" vanilla said her eyes almost popping out of their sockets seeing his large hardened muscles with scars that have littered around his body his hair was pitch black and had the same style as steel along with his eyes he was shorter then steel by a a few inches but his power was a little passed steels own. "Who are you?" He asked us and slowly began getting intona fighting stance but zecora stopped him. "They can help logan" Zecora said and logan looked at her then back to us before sighing and let his stance drop. "Can someone please heal me... more specifically cadance" "Sure give me a second" Cadance said and made her way to zecora and began her healing magic. She was clearly distracted by logans body and was having a hard time healing zecora but she was able to do it no problem letting the zebra mare get up and walk a bit like nothing ever happened. "Fascinating... thank you for helping my friend pink pony girl... unicorn... pegasus thing" Logan said confused as to what to call cadance. "Im princess cadance Im an alicorn thats apple jack, edge, fluttershy, strings, greenie, celestia, vanilla and chocolate, rarity, spike, cinder, rainbow dash, pinkie pie, edge, jack, coal, gilda, trixie, the kids, twilight, and finally brigid" Cadance said pointing to each one and stoped on me, logan and I stared eachother down almost like we fighting with our eyes. "Pleasure to meet you, now... Im looking for someone his name is steel fox, you seen him?" Logan asked us but mostly towards me, my stared turned into a glar and he gained a grin. "Maybe, maybe not its hard to tell since all the ponys have different names... maybe you should take my word and leave this planet logan" I threatened him, he just chuckled and popped his neck. "Is that any way to talk to someone, I should out soap in your mouth to clean it" Logan said in a mocking way, I growled a little while he gave a toothy smile. Seeing whats going down the girls and zecora steped back a bit to let us handle the situation. "I guess the sayings true... the apple doesnt fall far from the tree aint that right... my little girl?" Logan asked laughing slightly. "I aint your little girl father you abandoned us long ago and we had to suffer thanks to you and mom" I said and his smile disappeared from his face. "Me and your mother did nothing but try and take care of steel... but things came up and we had to leave him" Logan said gritting his teeth, he was positioned in his fighting stance along with me. We were ready to start but I knew I wasnt gonna win,atleast Ill get a few in to satisfy my anger. "Lets see if you truly are of saiyan blood" "I dont know what the hell a saiyan is but I'm not gonna let a fight with my father go to waste... lets see if I can live up to your standards!" I screamed at him then we both charged at eachother then threw a fist as we got close to eachother. (Canterlot hospital-pov steel) Luna was laying her head down on my chest for the tenth time today seeing me not move until she heared me groan. She lifted her head up and saw me slowly opening my eyes, I looked towards her and saw her eyes were beginning to well up. I smiled and cupped her cheek in my and softly wipped her tears away, I sat up in the bed and was greeted with a tight hug. "Please... dont do that again" Luna said crying on my shoulder damping the hospital gown. I shushed her and held her close letting her calm down, I needed this after all the shit I went through in my head. "I promise luna I wont leave you ever not even death could keep me from you" I said as she pulled away then smashed her lips onto mine. I accept her kiss and gently kissed her back until we had to part, she smiled happily and went back to hugging me. "Luna... theirs something I have to do real fast, you think you can handle not being next to me for a few minutes?" I asked her and she looked sad to let me go and slowly unwrapped her arms around me, I walked over to the window and looked at where my house is and saw the clouds disappearing from the skies. "He's here... luna I have to fight him" "But you just woke up!" Luna explained but I didnt have a choice in the matter. "Steel please your to weak right now whatever you have to fight... it would be to powerfull for you" Luna said looking at me with worry, I just cracked a smile. "When has that ever stoped me?" I asked her then snapped my fingers and summond my Armor. I placed the incomplete armor on, it wont be able to withstand the amount of force Im going to give out but its better to test then do nothing with it. "Steel what in the name of mother are you wearing?" Luna asked me seeing the lime green pieces of armor with glowing spots on the head, shourlds, arms and legs. "Well luna this is armor that I've been testing on back at Bellators kingdom, I had to leave it behind due to the fact that I had to leave, but now since Im back and ready for action I have no choice but to use this armor and see what it can do in action" I said then pointed to the crystals. "The crystals allow me to release as much ki or magic energy as I want but at its not finished yet and will probably break from the force and or magic and ki energy I'll be pumping out" I said and adjusted my arms and hand guards. "Steel please you just woke up from a coma one that almost took your life I felt helpless in that situation because I couldn't control it... I dont want to see you in that bed again on the brink of death" Luna said almost begging me not to go, but he wont stop until I beat him or he destroys this planet and I like it here. "Luna... not even death can keep me from you, I might end up in that bed but know that I will always wake up and greet you open arms. If Im on the brink of death then that means I gave it my all... I have to go if I dont everyone we know is going to die" I said and luna's expression grew in defeat. "... Alright go but after you win Im not letting you go for awhile understand?" Luna said frowning, I reached behind her ear and softly scratched it making her coo and smile. With that I took hold of her in one arm and let the other stretch out next to me I then used my teleportation magic to send us to the fight. (Behind the house) Logan kicked brigid hard in the stomach then slammed his fists at the top of her head sending her spiraling to the ground with a loud boom. Brigid was barely able to get up due to her other injuries from the fight but she didnt want to stop, she wanted revenge on logan for so long now but she was to weak at this point to even land a punch or swing her arms. "So you call yourself my daughter huh... I only remember having a son" Logan said looking down at her from the crater he made with her. "How disappointing you turned out to be and your 'brother' is probably the same, he is a coward and a weakling for not showing his face to his own father" "Screw you dipshit... steel is way stronger than me by a whole fuckin lot and when he gets here your gonna have a real fight" Brigid spat out then launched herself one more time to get another hit in but ultimately failed as logan just spin kicked her in the chest then used his ki to raise his voice powerfull enough to blow her away. She was half unconscious and flying through the air, her body was weak and her muscles were sore. "Fuck" She muttered out before being grabbed by her shirt from behind, she cracked her eyes open and saw me smiling down at her. "Steel?" "Who else can pop in like this?" I asked her, she gave a weak laugh before passing out I shook my head as I laid her down on the ground. "You did good brigid now let me finish this" I said then turned to my father, he was smiling up a storm and looked extremely excited. "Cadance take care of brigid" I said. "Theirs my boy I know that saiyan like hair anywhere... damn I wish you got my looks but you got your mothers... I guess you just have my hair and eyes" Logan said and began walking over to me. "You grew to be a tall son of a bitch didnt ya can hardly tell your my son" "I can hardly tell as well" I said and popped my knuckles, "Before we start I want to know my 'father's' name" I asked as he stood infront of me I was taller then him by a few inches casuing the man to look up at me. "Im logan the former last saiyan to exist" Logan said, he then saw luna behind me and his expression turned sour. "Who's the girl son... your play thing?" He asked and felt the presence of danger and took a step back but just saw my glare. "Touch nerve did I?" "Oh you have no idea... why are you here and what is this saiyan thing?" I asked him and he sighed. "I felt a large power level on this planet and it was unreal to most saiyans thats a dream come true to have such a power and since I knew their were none left I gave a gamble and thought of you... I wanted to meet you for many many years but I left because your mother did as well by why havent you concerned this planet yet, you have the power to do so... Im disappointed" Logan said shaking his head. "Is it because you grew attached to these ponies?" "These ponies are my friends and three of them are my marefriends" I said with a hint of venom, logan stared at me in shock. "Your mating with these ponies... have you gone mad what if one of them had gotten pregnant?!" Logan said almost shouting at me, I shrugged. "Then I guess your gonna be a grandpa dad" I said with a grin. "Steel... son, forget these ponies cut the ties you have with them and lets destroy this world, make them bow to us while we sit on our thrones and be kings we can do this as father and son... what do you say?" Logan asked me and my friends started to get worried, my father saw the look in my eye and thought he had turned me over to his side but I already had my answer from the start. "You know I never knew who you were until now, I was wondering where I gained my aggressive nature from, where I got most of my genes from and seeing that it came from you... I can say that Im ashamed to call you father and the only thing that these ponies are my family, I just wish you were too" I said and dodged a furious swing from logan, his eyes told me he was hurt and furious at me but I didnt care I wont let anyone take this from me not anymore even if it means fighting my own father. I caught his fist that was aiming for my face suprising the man but I had kicked him in the chest with all my might sending him across the pond and hitting the tree's. I pulled out my phone and hit random before tossing it to luna then popped my knuckles and got ready. As the song started I barely had time to dodge the onslaught of swings logan threw when he appeared infront of me. I started throwing my own and eachtime we threw a punch or went for a kick we would just cancel it out but sent littke shockwaves through our body as we did. The group just stared in awe at how fast were going, they had no idea I had grown this strong and over just a year ago I was not even this close to what I was now. Rainbow, gilda and vanilla were fan girling as to how awesome this fight was and kept their eyes peeled to see what else was gonna happen. Me and logan were almost equals it was hard to gain the upper hand but its like they say 'like father like son'. Logan ducked under one of my kicks then elbowed me hard in the face then grabbed me and threw me spinning across the lake but I jabbed my hand into the ground and made a small line through the ground until I stoped. I groaned a little from being dizzy but shook it off and readied myself but the guard for my left hand had shattered to peices and fell off my hand. I grunted a little due to the fact all my hard work was beginning to break on me, I sighed a little before sprinting towards logan then gave a hard shoulder to him knocking him back. I took this opportunity to use charge my ki just in case I have to use my gold form to win, logan did a few backflips before landing on his feet then he launched off the ground at break neck speeds. I dodged his punches and kicks for awhile until I sent my own and it was back to the beginning. We were moving so fast that our movements were just blurs making it difficult to see if we were aiming for eachother. I was answered with a pained cry from logan as I landed a punch on his left arm hard enough to break it, he jumped back and kneeled holding his arm and trying to relieve the pain as much as possible. We both panted heavily and took notice of the bruises on our bodies even some blood coming from our noses and mouths, we both meant business and this aint ending until one of us is out for the count. At this point the song had ended and we were left with silence save for the wind brushing past the tree's and the heavy panting. "Damn... brigid was right... you are stronger and Im getting all the more excited" Logan said standing up and let his arm limp around, "Your definitely my son but I know you have more power then that, show me this power so we can truly guve these ponies a show" "What do you mean your arm is broken and your almost out of energy I have won now you can leave" I said but logan just chuckled and popped his neck, black clouds started forming in the sky and a loud clap of thunder rang through the air. Logan spread his legs a bit and put his right arm to his side then began giving a low growl, the ground started shaking and the rocks around us floated up a bit from the sheer power he was giving off. His ki was growing stronger and stronger almost like their wasnt even a limit until he gave a powerful cry that formed a small crater in the ground and shook the world violently lighting struck down near him and blinded us for a few minutes, when the blurriness went away I saw logan with gold flaming energy around him but hus hair was black and his eyes as well it was almost like a false golden form. "Witness the power of a saiyan and what its like to make a small hole in the power barrier" Logan said with an evil grin he was as strong as my golden form but its like its missing something. "This is called a false super saiyan" "Super what... that sounds stupid and tacky" I said with a look that was not impressed. "The name suites it fine Im a saiyan that turned super... wow now that I say it aloud it kinda is stupid but forget that, show me your power show me your saiyan strength!" Logan demanded and I have no choice since I cant beat him in my base form, I looked towards bellator and motioned him to take everyone far away. He nodded before picking up brigid. "Come we have stayed for far to long... we must get somewhere safe" Bellator said and began running it took awhile but everyone soon followed save for zecora who just looked at logan, he looked back at her then turned away. She gave a sad look before running off with the others. "Seem's you made a friend" I said getting in position he just grunted. "She was nothing more then a host and I owe her for letting me stay with her" Logan said with a small frown. "Really cause you look sad when she ran away with a frown" I said and he growled at me, I removed my helmet and rolled my eyes one last time before tossing it and began charging my ki. I growled a but raising it and groaned a bit as the power welled up then with a small cry I changed into my golden form or as he called it super saiyan. He looked at me with eyes that said 'proud', he grew a smile before getting in his stance and I got in mine. We gave no words and just waited for the right moment, a light shower started coming down on us before we didnt flinch... a small droplet rolled down a flower slowly before slipping off and hitting the ground. Almost like it was saing start we flew at eachother and slammed our fists and kicks together creating shock waves through the land and making the wind pick up and blow hard through the trees and water. I noticed he changed his direction of battle so when he went for a punch I quickly dodged it and swung at his chest knocking the air out of him then I grabbed his head and shot it down to my knee. He recovered faster then I thought and he did a backflip kick to my face before close lining me, I fell to the ground hard and cough a bit but that was cut short as logan reeled his foot back and slammed it on my side making me go flying a small distance but I spun around in the air and landed back on my feet just int time to block his attack. "You have truly gotten stronger steel Im proud but now Im gonna have to beat you senseless" Logan said the broke my defense with a ki blast then was followed up by a head but causing me to stagger a bit kicked the ground a bit letting a giant peice of rock fly up then he punched it towards me making the remains block my vision. "Damn it I cant see!" I shouted and tried to look towards him but he disappeared then reappeared behind me and started pushing me to the ground buring us deep underground until we hit some sort of cavern it was barely any light in the roome but just enough to let us see. We splashed down on some water where I kicked my father off me and jumped back breathing heavily and sweating profusely yet I had a grin on my face and adrenaline rushing through my body. "Your quite strong yourself logan" I said and he chuckled a bit. "Thank you but ass kissing wont get you anywhere" Logan said and I laughed a bit myself. "I aint no ass kisser but I do charm my way into my marefriends pants" I said chuckling while logan just shook his head. "I know Im your dad but dont say shit like that around alright" Logan said and I nodded. After that little conversation we got in our stances again and launched at eachother but it was like we were enjoying ourselves almost like we both found someone thats stronger or as strong to fight with and I wont lie Im excited to see what happens. It wasnt long before we started getting into it and we sent our blows harder and harder eachtime. I spun around logan then elbowed his back then jumped up dodging his own attack then I kneed his once... twice... three times in the face before flying back then raced towards his vulnerable body and before he knew it I flew past him with a string punch to the gut. He coughed for a moment then turned to me in anger and spread out his arms and screamed as he let out random ki blasts everywhere. The cavern started to collapse around us and I flew up to avoid being crushed I punched rock after but it a started building on me and surrounded my body. My life flashed before my eyes and I knew I was gonna die, the weight was to much and Im totally drained from the fight. 'Luna... not even death can keep me from you, I might end up in that bed but know that I will always wake up and greet you open arms' I opened my eyes and saw darkness like before but my heart was beating slowly. 'If Im on the brink of death then that means I gave it my all' I said that and I guess I gave it my all since Im close to death again. I started remembering all the good times with all my friends, loved ones, people back on earth like sweet apple, jacob, Rosalyn and richardson then everyone I knew in Equestria my best mates and my marefriends. 'I have to do this or else everyone we know will die!' when I heared that the world came back to me. The cavern was still collapsing and I was in a ball of rock I saw logan at the top of the caver with a smile as he saw me not coming up and I got pissed off. "I WILL NOT LET YOU DESTROY MY WORLD!" I shouted out at the top of my lungs then blew away the rocks covering me and surrounded myself in the golden aura. I began flying through the falling rocks with ease and screaming all the way charging my ki to the max. When I came above ground my look of excitement left me and a more serious and determined look replaced it, logan was smiling like a mad man before flew up with me. (Ponyville) The girls, the guys and everyone in ponyville looked up in the pouring skies to seem me tailing logan high above then fighting with all our might. Punch after puch, kick after kick we battled in the skies furiously and shook the ground with our our attacks that connected. "Celestia almighty they are going at it!" Twilight said and litteraly everyone nodded in agreement. "Go steel! Kick his ass!" Rainbow and gilda shouted as they saw me knee logan in the gut before letting loose a flury of punches on him. "Hey luna put on something to go with this fight an epic fight needs some music!" Rainbow said and luna looked at the phone before clicking on a song that went with the fight. I dodged logans ki blast that almost hit me from point blank range, I countered it with my own and sent him flying for a bit then I appeared next to him and slamed both hands on him sending him crashing to the floor but not even seconds later he shot back up and kicked my side along with my arm hard. I grunted and punched him in the gut then headbutted him hard. This went on for a few minutes until we punched eachother at the same time leaving us in shock. Logan recovered quicker then me and started beating on me with everything he had, I was barely able to block his attacks because he was going so fast. I was being pushed back and this worried all my friends and seeing that I was having a hard time with this but I countered his kick by cancelling it out with my own and after that I sweeped his legs knocking him off balance and allowing me time to give him everything I got. He was letting out painful cries but he growled feeling himself feel powerless right now. I didnt let up and I kept my guard up to a hundred percent but he somehow broke it by jabbing my leg with his knee then punched me in the face hard. I flew back in order to catch my breath and regain some strength it seems logan was as well since he looked dead tired hell I was in the same boat as him. But I kept myself ready and pushed away all the tiredness back. "Seems were both running out of steam huh" Logan said with a grin and we bith chuckled. "I guess the saying is true... the apple doesnt fall far from the tree especially when your a saiyan... I can honestly say that Im proud of you steel along with your sister, still need to talk about that if I live through this... how about we give this everything we got one finally attack to finish this fight and whoever wins... well lets see what happens" He said and I nodded. "Its been fun fighting someone that was a little stronger then me... I guess I could call you father after all... well here we go" I said and he nodded, we both powered up to our to the max with however much power we had left then focused it in our fists coating it in the gold aura. "Dad... I know their is good in your heart, I sensed it when I woke up, when we were fighting and when you turned away from your friend... at that moment you felt sad and I dont know how long you have been alone for but maybe... you wont have to be anymore if you stay here and dont destroy the planet then you can have your son and daughter back along with making new friends" I said his shell looked like it was loosening. "Do you truly believe that steel?" Logan asked me and I nodded without hesitation, logan smiled warmly for the first time in years. "Then I guess we can have that drink... what do ya say son?" "Your god damn right dad" I said and we both charged at eachother fists raised, one moment the world was visible then the next it was like a light bulb went out turning the world black. (Pov brigid) I slow opened my eyes and felt warm all around me I was in twilights library , I noticed that celestia was using her magic to keep me warm but was also looking outside I turned my head to see everyone in the rain and looking up at the sky. I slowly got out of celestia's grasp suprising the alicorn then I limped my way ti the door were I saw steel and our father just floating their. Steel was in his golden form while our father wasnt, they seemed to be talking and I couldnt make out what was on steels face due to the rain but I saw the two charge at eachother then almost in slow motion they both struck eachother as hard as they could. Steels hair turned back to black and his whole body slumped on dad's arm, before steel could fall dad grabbed him by his arm then slung him over his shoulder then vanished. "What happened?" I asked scaring the group a little. "Brigid your awake... how are you feeling darling?" Rarity asked me and I shrugged. "Well everything hurts and Im alive so good" I said thenimoed out to the rain with them. "Steel lost the fight... damn" I muttered and they all hung their heads while twilight huggee celestia. "I wouldnt say that missy" We heared logan say as he appeared in the center of town holding steel. We all ran over as he laid him down on the ground, the sky boomed with thunder as the rain fell harder on the ground, logan looked uo and frowned at the sky. "I know it was painful to watch brizo and I didnt enjoy it either but its over now... and he's givin me a chance and thats... all I could ask for" he said under his breath then fell to his knees and passed out on the ground. The first person we looked at was steel and he was beaten up, bleeding from his head, his nose and mouth, the armor he had was in peices and just barely hanging into his body. "Does this mean... steel won?" Chocolate asked and I nodded. "He won!" She screamed in delight and hugged her sister everyone cheered and whistled hearing the news and finally putting the battle to rest. I looked to our father and saw zecora checking his injuries like we were with steel. "Hmm... I can heal your injuries with the supplies at my hut I can also heal steel but will have to rest at his own home... alright mets see if I can pick you up" Zecora muttered to herself and grabbed logans arm before using all her amazon like strength to hual him over her back then she began walking away. "Hey what the hell are you doing?!" A stallion said and a group of them walked towards her. "Im helping an injured man" Zecora said and the stallion glared at her. "Now move so I may carry on" "Oh no that monkey bastard could have killed us if that other monkey didnt stop him, you saw how worried the princesses were let him die" He said and went to grab him but zecora stepped away. "Drop the monkey or else" "Lets see youtry that or else" Zecora spat out, me and guys were about to stop this when one of the stallions hit her across the face then another grabbed her by the and pushed her to the ground making her drop logan. "Hey get away from her!" I said and started walking over their but the limp was slowing me down. They all began beating on zecora whe was down the guys rushed over and started fighting them off but they're were alot of them and they were being pushed back. The stallion that threatened zecora picked her up and reeled his fist back. "You should have just listined you dumb bit-AAAHHH!" He screamed in agony and dropped zecora to the floor. His arm was completely backwards and had a bone sticking out, logan grabbed the stallion by his mane then tossed him high in the then raised both hands in the air making a purple ki ball form in his hands. "Demon cannon!" He shouted and shot the blast at the stallion in the air turning him to nothing. When the beam died down he slowly turned to the rest of the stallions and had a look of death in his eyes, raising one hand he charged his remaining ki up to make a blast ready. Get out of their!" I shouted the guys and they dove away from the stallions just i time. "Ether sun!" He said and shot a blue ball a ki at the stallions killing them instantly amd making a crater with their ashes in it. His look of death was gone from his eyes and he helped zecora off the floor. "Thank you logan" Zecora said then felt him get heavier then a loud thunderous snore rang out from the man. "And he's asleep... alright time to help him, take steel to his home and heal his injuries I shall tend to logan myself" zecora said and walked away with him. Bellator picked steel up and began walking away with him. "Papa where are you taking him?" Frost asked him. "To his home so he can be healed... cadance I know we asked alot but think you can do it one more?" Bellator asked the mare and she nodded. We all began moving to steels house and ignored the shocked looks of the ponies that saw a group get vaporized. (Steels house) pov steel The first I felt was body feeling all weird but mostly I was soaking wet and cold. I Opened my eyes and saw cadance healing me and everyone around me smiling brightly seeing me awake and not dead. "Sup guys... miss me?" I asked as cadance finished and was brought back to the ground by luna who was neay crying again. "Luna c'mon I told you I'd be fine right... c'mon dont cry" I said and started petting her I tried to get up again but twilight and frost added extra weight to the pile. "Girls c'mon your embarrassing me" I said then was met with a small kiss from luna. "Whats all this then?" Strings asked me. "Why did the orincess just kiss ya?" "Why else she's my marefriend" I said maming rarity faint along with fluttershy mostly everyone was shocked except for the royals, brigid, greenie and bellator. "How long have you two been dating?" Mint asked me and I had to think about it. "Remember indu?" I asked them and their eyes twitched a bit. "Yeah this is her, also we've been dating since ummm.... since I beat crystal" I said and the girls jaws hung to the floor with their coltfrie ds following suite. "Yeah was kinda scared that if yall found out then you would try to break us up since I thought it was against the law sorry 'bout that" I said. "You could have just said your datin the princess for celestia sake we should have known since yall two had a connection from the start" Applejack said snd shrugged. "Who's fault was that?" I asked and she ared at me. "Im sure rarity is gonna ask so many questions when she wakes up so mint get ready to hold her" I said and he nodded they kept asking me more questions until I told them to stop. "Wheres my dad?" I asked them. "Zecora took him so he can heal at her hut... and thanks for, you know saving us though I would like it if you were on time" brigid said and I chuckled. "What didnt want to fight the old man he wasnt that bad... still though it was kinda easy turning him good" I said and brigid grew confused. "I told I saw good in his heart when he was with zecora, when he fighting you and at the end our fight so He asked me if I truly felt like he cod be good and I just nodded and offered to grab a drink with him... to be honest I dont think he wanted to fight me, I think he just wanted me back after being along for so long and not knowing if I was dead or alive" I said and they all grew small frowns, I looked out the window and saw the clouds grow a light gray. "And its strange how the rain is coming down... it was like if someone is crying" (Zecora's hut) Zecora patted logans wounds softly with a damn cloth that had slecial medicine on it. He laid their still and staring at the the ceiling, he did wince everyone in awhole when zecora would go to a new scratch or bruise. "Thank you zecora... for helping me when people didnt even try" logan said and looked out the window, the mare smiled and continued treating his wounds. "Your welcome logan" > Chapter 20: A new princess is born and the assassin's rise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night was young and the air was crisp and cool, the moon shined brightly in the sky and the sounds of peace was heared through the night air. I was sitting on the roof of my house gazing into the night sky, never ceases to amaze me its like a painting that never gets old or like a member of the family you hold dearly. "What are you doing up steel?" Luna asked me as she climbed up from ladder on the house, she sat next to me and I shrugged. "Whats going through that head of yours steel?" "Ah its nothing just admiring the night sky its always beautiful, I like the stars that shine with it without them I'd find the sky boring save for the moon" I said and luna pouted cutely and leaned on my shoulder adding more of her weight. "What are you doing?" I asked the mare as she continued. "You said my night sky would be boring so Im putting all my weight on you as punishment" Luna said and she got a little heavier then she stoped not even close to heavy, I looked at her with an amused grin. "Go ahead I'll just be your pillow to lay on... but I still would think the night would look beautiful and mesmerizing even if the starts weren't their so dont be all upset" I said and she lighten her weight up just a bit. "We should probably head to bed, Im getting a little tired" I said and snapped my fingers making us appear on the bed twilight was home studying and frost had to go to canterlot for business to cover for luna. I stripped out of my cloths and put on some black pajama pants while luna removed her cloths leaving me to stare at a dark blue panties and bra. We got in bed and turned off the light then slowly started going into the dream world however I had a different arrival. (Dream realm- the queens prison) I was poked a few times on the cheek making me groan and open my eyes only to meet a light blue pair. I blinked and they blinked, "Seem's you've woken up" Stardust said and rose back up I got to my feet and looked at the sisters. "Is their something you need girls?" I asked them and was tossed a book and a letter, I looked at the book and it was quite old due to the it had a blue swirl and a golden star etched onto the book and writting in gold letters. "What is this?" "That is starswirl the bearded's journal it is his legacy he left behind but we had to hid in so that it wouldnt fall into wrong hands... ryle was actually the one who gave it to us and said something scary that still haunts us to this day" Faust said and the sisters shivered at the thought, what did ryle say and why did he have the book. "What did he say?" I asked. "Well it actually involves twilight... he said and I quote, 'Give this to a purple mare with dark purple hair with a hot pink and dark violet line through her mane and tail she will know what to do and how to finish it'" Faust said and sent shivers down my own spine. "He knew twilight before any of us knew about her and he had a look that meant seriousness so we took it and hid it away deep in our archive" She said and I looked at the book and flipped through it until I landed on a page with half a spell written on it. "A spell that hasnt been finished... I guess I should give this to twilight tomorrow morning" I said but stardust shook her head. "Why not?" "You must give this book to her without her knowing understand, she might think your up to something and ask you were you got it from and you cant really say, oh sorry just got this ancient book that was written by a famous wizard over a Millenia ago by two all powerful beings... so yeah sneak into her house and plant it" Star said and I shrugged. "I can do that... wait if you had this the whole time, why havent you given it to her yet?" I asked them and they both gave uneasy laugh's. "We kinda, maybe, sorta... lost it a few hundred years ago and just now found it" Startdust said and I just face palmed at the sisters. "Look just know we found it now were asking that you give this to her now hurry" she said and I nodded before walking out the door and began waking up. (Real world) I opened my eyes and felt something cold on my chest letting me know the book was there, I got out of bed as quiet as possible then put on some cloths along with a white hoodie. I brought the hood up to cover my face then I snuck out the house and began making my way to twilights house, a few ponies were up and walking about either on a date or just hanging out at the bronco pub getting drunk. It was almost like my father hadn't even showed up a few days ago but I guess they dont really wanna talk about it since a group of ponies died by his hand, stupid sons of bitches should have saw that coming for hitting zecora. As I walked I felt like I was being followed by someone so I turned only to be met with nothing. I wasnt convinced so being my stealthy self I summond one of my assassin gauntlets and rolled up my sleeve so they know Im armed, when no one came up I turned and began walking away no longer feeling the presence of my stalker. I still had some kind of feeling like if something was going to happen but I decided to put it off for later and jogged the rest of the way to twilights house. "Doesnt that mare ever sleep?" I muttered to myself as I saw the light on through the window. This was gonna be a bit harder then I thought but I got a mission and I gotta carry it out, I looked into the window and saw her talking to spike who was beyond bored and looked very tired. "Wonder what they're talking about?" I said then creaked the window open and noted to myself to seal her windows shut. "Spike Im just saying maybe you and cinder can buy a little house here in ponyville its been a year and some change since you two have been dating" Twilight said and spike groaned. "Look I know its none of my business to get caught up in your love life but it wouldnt hurt to ask her would it" "Then why dont you move in with steel?" Spike retored and she blushed a little. "You two are really close and he's done you I dont know how many times so why not go move in with him and just come here as a job or something?" "Because spike this is my home and all of my stuff is in the basement, in my room, and all my research comes from the books I havent read yet... maybe one day I will move in but so far its not right now... also he has done me once now I wouldnt mind him bending me over and-" "TWILIGHT STOP!" Spike yelped out and made her stop. "I dont need to know about your fantasies of being done jesus, look I'll think about it and ask her if she would be cool living here but she probably wont since she's a guard for celestia, luna, crystal and the twins... alright Im gonna head back to bed you should too your getting bags under your eyes" Spike said and I had to agree she did have heavy bags, with a final goodnight spike went up stairs and into his room which gave me a perfect opportunity to sneak in. "Alright I think I should do a few more hours of research then head to bed still gotta find a place for these things as well... maybe steel can hold onto them... and I can give a little something extra for his help" The mare giggled and walked into the kitchen for what I think was a midnight snack. I snuck in through the window and closed it softly so she wouldnt hear then I made my way to the center of the room and placed the book down along with the note, once done I was ready to leave but I saw a giant display case with the mane six's elements. I walked over and look at the elements and noticed that the element of magic was glowing, I lifted the glass off the pedestal and took hold of it to examine it over more thoroughly. "Strange I never seen it do this before... what does this mean?" I asked myself in a whisper running my hand over the gem then was shocked causing me to yelp a little, "That was suprising... still though what does this mean?". Thats when I heared someone's magic charging behind me, knowing it was twilight I used my magic to quickly disguise my voice and summon the mask greenie gave me and with my weighted gloves. "Put the crown down and I wont blast you with my magic" Twilight threatened. Complying I slowly put the crown back in its place along with the large glass, now back on the pedestal she tugged my hood wanting to see my face but I spun around fast enough to catch her off guard and in one motion I pinched her neck causing her to scream a little at the pain but suddenly fainted in my arms. I soon heared hurried footsteps coming from upstairs and I knew spike had woken up. "Hey what are doing?!" I heared spike say then I backflipped away from a kick with twilight still in my arms, we stared at eachother for a few minutes until I heared a knock at the door. "Hey twilight I wanted to know if spike was still awake, I wanted to give back his comic book he lent me" Cinder said opening the door with a powerpony comic in hand. She was frozen stiff when her eyes laid on me, she looked like she had seen a ghost by the way she saw the mask and how twilight looked like she wasnt moving in my arms. "Cinder quick try and grab twilight I'll deal with him when you do!" Spike said making the mare snap out of it and run toward me in a manner that meant danger. At the last second I side-stepped out of cinders path then kicked her in the back knocking her to the ground with a groan, with a silent apology I looked to spike and leaned back far enough to dodge his fist when he pulled it away to gl for another I took that chance to elbow him in the face knocking him out cold in one hit, I then dodged a fast fist aiming for my head and in one motion I punched her on the chest then chopped her kneck knocking her out cold. I looked at my work and silently apologized again then I put twilight on the couch and picked both spike and cinder up before taking them to their room. "Their, now they should think it was nothing more then a dream... a very painful dream" I muttered to myself then turned to leave but was met with two small black eyes. It gave a small 'who' and titled its head, it was owlicious and she eyed me up thinking I was a threat but I summond a cracker and gave it to her to which she happily accepted and I was out of the house in ten seconds flat. "Didnt know owls liked crackers... the more you know, anyways I should head on back to the house Im sure luna is hugging a pillow and-" "No get away from us!" I heared mare cry out then a scream, I quickly rushed over to the commotion and saw octavia with an injured vinyl cradled in her arms. Three stallions had surrounded them in a small alley and they all looked like they could over power them so with the situation processed I made myself known. "Hey assholes!" I called out picking up a beer bottle, they turned and the middle one was met with a bottle to the face, it shattered and dug into his skin making him scream in pain and fall to the ground. "Step away from the mares or it will get messy" "But you already got to the messy part!" Octavia screamed still shaking in fear, the stallions helped their friend up and picked up random blunt objects, like a pipe a peice of thick wood and a half broken hammer from the alley and started approaching me. I pulled out my phone and pressed start then threw to her which she caught. "I know" I said and let the music take over. All three rushed me and went to hit me in the head but grabbed middle one that was holding the pipe and dodged the other objects from hitting me, with a grunt I picked up the stallion and threw him across the alley hitting the stone wall next to octavia and vinyl. I threw a hard punch at the one to my right then went off on the one to my left kicking and punching him then I grabbed him by his hair and slammed him against the wall hard, I heared a war cry from behind and I quickly spun around and stopped his hammer with my sheild arm then I planted my fist on his chest much to his confusion but I smirked under the mask. "Ever heared of the one inch punch?" I asked him he shook his head then was sent flying to the hard and from where octavia was it looked like I just tapped him with my fist. The one behind me got back to his feet quiet enough for me to not hear and grabbed his peice of wood on the floor. The guy I punched to the wall looked up and looked at him then picked up his hammer. The stallion behind me swung his weapon at me but I quickly duck as the peice of wood flew passed my head and I barely had time to grab the hammer that was heading stright to my face, I was suddenly kicked on my side knocking me on my chest and I felt the sharp pain of the hammer hit me then the wood on my head letting me feel a little drickle of blood run down my eye. I heared them start laughing as they beat on me and even start yelling at the girls thinking they were about to win. "You see this girls if you just came with us then you wouldnt have to see this poor sorry excuse of a stallion that tried to be a hero and when were done with him Ima rip those cloths off and let my boys play with your unconscious friend you got in your arms" The guy holding the wood piece said and I looked up a bit to see octavia crying in fear now while staring at me, I had just about had enough of this shit I gave out a low growl and waited till they raised their objects then I shot to a kneeling position and raised my arms up to block them. Octavia gasped and the stallion yelped in fear as they saw the red and black fire cover around my arms and burn off the sleeves to my jacket luckily not showing my skin, I slowly rose to my feet bringing the objects up with me much to the stallions struggling to put me back on the ground dismay and with a slight flex of my left hand I shattered the pipe to peices and set the guy next to me a blaze burning him to death in seconds. With a small taste of this power shown to the stallion to my right he dropped his weapon and made a run for it but I grabbed a nearby chain and coated it with the red and black flames then sent it towards him cutting deep in his back severing his spinal cord making him paralyzed screaming in agony I dropped the chain and let it turn to ash as I walked to the stallion and kneeled down infront of him. "C-C'mon man I-I dont wanna die yet me and my friends were just messin around you know just good fun!" The stallion pleaded and looked at me with a fake smile hidding his look of horror well. I rasied my left hand up showing him the assassin gauntlet then I released the blade and let the soul sucking black blade shine in the moon. "P-Please dont kill me I swear to god I will never do this again so please Im beggin ya dont kill me!" He begged but I cut his ramblings short as I dug the blade deep in his skull scattering his brains from the inside, I stared at him for a bit then pulled out the blade and cleaned it off with his shirt. I stood up and dusted the dirt off my pants then I heared a click to my right. 'I know that sound all to well' I thought and snapped my head towards it and saw that the stallion that was knocked out had woken up and shoved an old one shot marksman pistol on octavias temple who was about to piss herself. "Dont move, dont you fuckin move or her brains are gonna splatter all over the wall ya hear me!" He yelled at me and I nodded, he slowly started coming towards me motioned me to move so I did and he walked past me quickly spinning around to face me. "Thats good... now me and this little missy are gonna go for a walk and if I see you anywhere near me and her I'll pull the trigger capiche?" He said and I nodded once more feeling a little powerless but I delt with my fair share of gun combat and I did serve in the hybrid revolution as one of their captains. I knew how to make the enemy trust me and mess with their minds, he thinks he will get far because he has a hostage but I created a plan already. Using all my knowledge I gained, I watched the stallion started walking off with octavia with the gun still at her head, I was about to chase after but I felt a tug on my pant leg causing me to look down. "Please... save her... I'll do anything even sex just save her" Vinyla said weakly and cried through her broken shades with blood mixing with her tears. I just picked her up and began running after the stallion that took octavia. "Dont worry vinyl I'll get her back and I dont want any reward just get to hospital and stay safe" I said and she nodded before passing out again. I saw greenie walking out the bronco pub drunk off his ass but I knew he would get her safe so as fast as possible I tossed her in his arms much to his suprise then took off like a bullet. "Vinyl what in the?... oh shite in a hand basket we need ta get ya to a hospital lass hang on!" Greenie said sobering up faster then he could have then sprinted to the hospital. I chased down the stallion in ponyville park, I heared struggling and a smack ring through the air, I hid behind a statue just a few feet from the scene and peaked over to see octavia topless and being forced out of her skirt but she was fighting back while covering her chest. The guy growled at her then struck her with the back of his hand hard, she whimpered a bit and I saw a large gash and some blood run down her cheek coating it red. I was done playing with this guys mind now he's gotta die for a whole lotta reasons. I quietly walked behind him and grabbed his gun Yanking it out of his hands then shoving him to the ground with as much force as possible, this knocked the wind out of him not like he would need it for much longer. I rested one knee on his chest while I crushed his arm with my foot, I looked at the dumb bastard and let the dark clean cut holes in mask borough deep into his soul. "L-Look you dont want to do this man, look, I did some crazy stuff you did some crazy stuff, I said somethings you killed my boys... can we talk about this?" He asked sweating bullets I shook my head and reeled my left arm back and extended the blade then stuck it straight into his throat before making him take the barrel of the gun in his mouth. "Bang" I muttered before pulling the trigger and splattering his brains across the ground, the loud bang echoed through the air and I was sure it was gonna wake most of ponyville up. I got up and stuck the gun in my pocket before turning to octavia, she looked beyond terrified and Im sure this entire thing traumatized her. I slowly walked over to her making her start backing up as far as she can in the seat and shut her eyes as I was right infront of her, she didnt feel anything except for warmth making her open her eyes and see my jacket covering her bare body. "Im sure the guards will be here soon... and vinyl is at the hospital, so with that I hope you have a safe journey home, farewell for now" I said spreading my wings ready to take off but octavia stopped me. "Why did you save me and my marefriends we dont even know who you are and yet you saved us" Octavia said and I shrugged. "How did you know mine and vinyls names?" "Your pretty famous so it wasnt hard... I should leave the local guards are gonna come at any minute" I said and as I did I saw about a giant group of guards mostly mares with swords and Spears. "Farewell octavia melody" I said and spread my wings before flying in the air then flew out of their vision. "Miss are you alright?" A guards mare asked octavia and she nodded then glanced at the dead stallion behind her. "Do you know that stallion if so please tell us his name and what he looks like" "Im sorry but I dont know his name and I was beyond terrified to get a good look at features but he did have a very large build, larger then any stallion I've seen and amazing looking blue wings, he wore a green and black mask and some black gloves with a retractable knife on his wrist" octavia explained and the mare wrote down the vague description, some paramedics arrived and patched her gashed cheek up then escorted her to the hospital where vinyl was. I was Looking down at the ponies and they saw the mess I made, I clicked my tounge then pulled out the pistol the guy had. "How did a gun get into this world... only doc knows how to make objects from my world, questions for later I quess I should head home and get some sleep" I said to myself then put the gun away and flew back to my house where I saw luna still passed out on the bed and hugging a pillow. I stripped of my cloths save for the boxers then swiftly slid back in bed replacing the pillow in lunas arm then closed my eyes to sleep. (The next day, zecoras hut) I sat next to my father who was trying to find something to talk about other then fighting. Which was very hard for him. So we just looked at the small lake for awhile in total silence. "Sooo... mind telling me why your here?" Logan asked me finally saying something. I did have one thing I wanted to know but it was probably a touchy subject. "What cant a son visit his own father?" I joked but he had a straight face and I cleared my throat. "Look I know we know nothing about eachother because you left me all alone for my entire life... but I have to ask you something" I said and he sighed. "You want to know why we left you?" Logan said taking the words right out of my mouth, with a stiff nod he ran his hand through his black then looked deeply into the water. "We loved you... your mother and I, she was the only woman to ever talk back to someone like me and actually fight me. Thats kinda how we met, I was brought to that planet a long time ago and I was left behind just like you, all my hate and rage all grew with each passing day and I swore vengeance on my whole race... but thatt put silence when I met your mother. Like an angel from the heavens she appeared just outside the cave I was living in, after an hour of fighting we laid their and talked for hours upon hours I completely forgot why I wanted to fight her and soon she visited me every day with food and cloths.... sorry, I started rambling point is I loved your mother with my mind, body, heart and soul" Logan and his eyes were filled with sadness and regret. "Your mother had to leave me and you because he took her away from us and I couldn't raise you properly so I fixed my ship and left you behind... something I came to regret over the years" he said with a sad look in his eye but it also shared anger. "I see... but who took mom?" I asked him and he turned to me and said one word. "God" I was left with silence, I had a stunned look on my face and my heart ached. I thought I would be ready to hear this but I was wrong... so wrong. "She was everything a saiyan man like me could ask for... and she gave me something that will remind me of her" "Whats that?" I asked and gave me a quick pat on the back before getting up and began walking. "You" Logan muttered and walked back inside of zecoras hut, I was sitting their feeling bad for him. He lost mom and the look in his eyes when he told me who took mom he looked like he hated him with a passion. Feeling a little satisfied now with the life long question gone, I got up and headed towards my house to meditate and relax for a bit. As soon as I took a step the world went completely grey and I couldnt move my body no matter how hard I struggled it was like if time had stopped on its own. "So this is the man himself eh?" A man said his voice sounded rough and had a growle to it. "It seems so brother... do you think he is worth to be called such a thing?" Another man said this time a little less rough and much more younger like mid-twenties. I felt a poke on my arms from something sharp then on my chest, I could do nothing but be still and try to figure out who these guys are. "He seems fitting, good amount of muscle, tremendous strength, speed almost unbeatable and blood of a-" "Silence you fool, he may be frozen but that doesnt mean he cant hear us" The older brother said then humed to himself. "He doesnt seem to notice it yet... thats good, better he doesn't know now for he will bring chaos if it goes wild. Get the chains" The man said and I heared clinking of chains then something cold but also burning hot wrap around my arms and chest like some sort of armor, it burned my skin but thats when I suddenly felt the chains start sinking deeper and deeper into my skin until they were completely inside of me wrapped around my bones. "Their... now we must go but first we will give you something that will be the embodiment of you" "See you next time oh chosen horesman" The younger brother said then something wrapped around my back and arm something and it felt like a weighed a ton. Their was a ghostly howl behind me then in seconds it was gone leaving me, the world turned back to the way it was and I felt the pain fo my burned skin. After splashing some water on the burn marks I turned to where the two brothers had gone but found nothing, I then looked to my left arm to see what they attached and I felt my eyes widen. The gauntlets on my arm was a dark grey color with lines running through and it shaped my arm perfectly, small strange tubes were connected on the knuckles and wrapped around my arm until they connection to my shoulder. The finger tips were shaper then any blade I had made or seen, in my eyes the only thing that can make this was a god but it didnt look or have such a craftsmanship. I felt around my back and felt something made of bone and metal, I swung the heavy object around and was met with a sword. I stared at the sword in awe, it was beautiful it was a silver-colored longsword with a bluish tint from it and sharps edges. The blade is long and double-edged, with the forward-facing edge curving outward to form the guard. The handguard looks like its designed to resemble a vortex that reverses at the center of the handguard in all honesty this was an amazing sword but why did they give it to me, I then notice it had a small tube on the hilt so I was trying to figure out how to work it. "How the hell do I use it?" I asked myself silently, I looked at the sword then my left arm and came up with a weird idea. "Fuck it might as well" I said and grabbed the sword in my left hand then began pumping some magic in the arm guard, glowing black aura ran through the tubes that were connected to my knuckles and shoulder, it flowed smoothly like if it was blood being taken out and seeped into the tube. As soon as the aura was full the sword turned pitch black and grew a bit longer, I couldnt believe my idea worked. "Right, lets see what this baby can do... this tree seems like it could be good" I said to myself and reeled back the sword with both hands then in a single motion I brought it forth going for a stab. Time slowed down but the magic in the sword shot out of it and flew through the air with tremendous force knocking me on my back and made a crater to where I once was, the speed was close to impossible and I couldn't tell where it was until I heared an explosion come from down the river where a rock was, I snapped my head to it and saw peices of rock falling from the sky and a small trench going through the river and straight towards the rock. I blinked a few times and slowly got back up to my feet staring wide eye at the crater I made with a small magic arrow, I suddenly felt the sword buzz in my hands from the shock of the magic blast. In all honesty I was terrified of the swords power, but also completed amazed as to how amazed. "Holy shit" I said then felt the weapon get a little heavier, I have to get use to the force and weight of this thing if I do then I'd be unstoppable... well for the most part. I placed the sword behind my back then realized I had no sheath for it, as I was about to bring it forth again I heared a click then a warm sensation go over my body, once the feeling was gone I let go of the sword and was surprised thatit stayed in place. "Guess that solves that" I said and looked at my arm and decided to head to raritys to fix up my shirt since the shot kinda exploded my whole left arm sleeve, with the sword secured and in a position for me to run I started my way to raritys place to fix this up. As I walked through ponyville I noticed some of the residents seemed a bit mad or depressed. I usually see smiles and ponies greeting one another but not today, "Geez we need pinkie to lighten the mood a bit" I said then accidentally bumped into a mare. "Hey whatch where your going dick head" The mare spat out and walked away with a huff leaving me in a bit of shock. I never really heared a mare say that to me before usual the mares are sweet but not their sour. "O...Kay then ignoring that, so new objective go find pinkie pie and have her throw a party" I said then made my way to sugarcube corner only to find it packed, after gently pushing some ponies aside I saw fluttershy with a big nervous smile and trying to make these guys smile... they didnt even crack a grin no matter how hard the poor mare tried, strings was their trying to have fluttershy leave with him and rest for awhile thinking she went ill or something. "Flutters what are doing lass?" I asked her and she turned to me and shrinked in fright. "U-Uh... who are you?" Fluttershy asked timidly while catching me and strings by suprise. "And what are you some sort of monkey?" Flutterhsy asked once more and made string do a double take. "Fluttershy, lass whats gotten into ya someone as sweet as yer self would never call yer mate a monkey so casually" Strings said stepping closer to the the shy mare. "But I never seen him in my life strings" Fluttershy said and everything went silent even the ponies watching were shocked to hear this. I stood as still as stone wondering how she could forget me after all the adventures we shared with our friends. "Dude something is wrong with her, she doesnt even remember what you did for me and her... she thinks Im still her best friend instead of her coltfriend" Strings said to me and we watched flutterhsy fail to entertain the crowd. "I dont know whats going on but Im gonna find out, stay here with her in case a pony gets annoyed and tries to attack her while I go find twilight hopefully she will know whats going on and still remembers me" I said back to him, he gave a nod and I pushed my way out of the sweets shop then started running to twilights library. On my way their the weather started getting out of control and I passed through all the seasons multiple times from summer to winter in the span of five minutes, I saw a stallion with half his body covered a sun burn and the other drenched in water. "Oh no, this isnt right maybe if I do this" I heared raritys voice say, I looked in the direction and saw the fashonista moving the clouds to make a checker outline. I ran up to the mare and she almost screamed seeing me. "What in celestia's name are you and wheres your fur and tail!... though you do have a nice tast in clothing" rarity said tugging at my shirt. "Rarity do you remember who I am?" I asked her she looked at me like if I bat shit crazy. "No I never you met you before Im afraid, Im sorry I have to get back to tending the weather excuse me mr. Monkey" Rarity said and walked away with her horn charging up and changing the clouds, I should have exlected that but no time to dwell I gotta find twilight. I finally made it to twilight house and I almost broke the door down entering the house making spike jump in fright with cinder. "Spike wheres twilight theirs something goin on with the girls and so far they dont even remember me" I said "She's upstairs and we ready found out, look at the elements of harmony and you'll see" Spike said with a frown, I turned my head to the glass case and saw all the elements except for twilights had changed. All the colors of their cutie marks had change color which suprised me so I went up to them and examined them more only to find what actually happened. "Their cutie marks have changed" I said gaining both slike and cinders attention. "Think for a second, the elements of harmony represent who the girls are from their very being so if the colors have changed and turned into a different color say aj and pinkie, then that changes what they do and it changes-" "Their destiny" I snapped my head to see twilight at the top of the stairs with a sad look. "Its all my fault, I read out of this stupid book and accidentally chanted a spell now they arent who their supposed be... their destiny's have changed and its all my fault" Twilight cried and ran into her room, I hit the wall a little to let out some anger then gritted my teeth. "Cant she use the memory spell she did when I was fighting discord?" I asked spike and shook his head. "Zecoras cutie poxs cure?" I asked hopefully but ended up with another head shake. "Damn it... how do we fix this?" I asked no one in particular "Maybe they'll grow to like their new lives I mean the guys will have to ask them out once more, and get to know you again and see your past like before but Im sure they would understand right?" Spike said and I shot a raged glare at him. He stopped talking real fast after that. "Spike shut up before he knocks you out!" Cinder whispered yelled to him. I decided to go cheer up twilight even if it would help a little, I walked upstairs and stood infront of her door. I gave a quick knock then opened it, she sat on her bed with tears in her eyes and looking out the window and into the rainy sky, "Twilight its gonna ok we are gonna switch them back" I said shutting the door and climbing up on her bed. "What if we cant what if they stay like this forever... its my fault for chanting that spell Im such an idiot" Twilight said and I wrapped her in my arms. "Twilight please your not an idiot and you couldn't have known... Ive gotta find a way" I said then heared hum to herself. "I wish I could find a way" twilight said then softly sung to herself, saying she's gotta find a way even though its my fault so I joined her. (You can play either one) After the small song I held twilight close and started thinking of way on how to change them all back. "Twilight do you still have that book?" I asked her and she nodded before making the book appear, I grabbed it and read through it and notice this guy had alot of time on his hands. Some of them were silly spells that I never heared of and like silly sounds spell or fart noises, then their were serious spells that was invincibility and magic armor for knights or warriors. But then it just stops like if he had given up on the spell completely, but reading back its like this guy never had someone to hang out with or go to a bar and get drunk. "Thats strange" I said and twilights ears perked a bit. "What?" "Well its nothing really but... it has this weird writing saying, a mark of ones destiny singled out alone fufilled... strange" I said then I saw twilights ears twitch then her eyes widen. "Hey guys you ok up here?" I heared spike ask opening the door and as soon as he did twilight jumped out of the bed and had a big smile on her face. "I know how to change them back!" Twilight screamed excitedly. "How?" Me and spike asked, she ran dkwnstairs with us in tow then walked to the elements. "I may not be able to remind them of who they are but I can show them what they mean to each other. They'll find the part of themselves that's been lost so they can help the friend they care about so much," Twilight said as she walked downstairs and packed the elements into a case and handed it to Spike. "Thats was the sappiest thing I ever heared... lets try it but why do we need the elements?" I asked twilight. "You'll see first up is fluttershy" Twilight said then was almost hit with the door as it smashed against the wall and strings was carrying a scared fluttershy in his arms and had the stallions behind him all confused. "Lads... its a bloody mosh pit out their if you so much as look at another pony be ready to fight" Strings said slamming the door closed as mint was the last ine to come in. "Does anyone know whats going on?" Jack asked. "I went to say hi to rainbow but I find out she said at fluttershy's cottage then the weather goes crazy and I find rarity talking to mint like if she never seen him before, oh and applejack she was making dresses and they are not pretty, and finally pinkie pie isn't at sugarcube corner she was at the apple farm doing 'work' so someome tell me right now before I lose my fuckin mind!" Jack shouted clearly angry and confused but after that little outburst I now know what the girls are doing and jack blew off some steam which calmed him down. "You good?" Coal asked the man who nodded. "Yeah... sorry I lost my cool their but Im still a little upset thay rainbow doesnt remember us dating" Jack said and the guy all said the same thing. "Well your not alone in the department of the forgotten, they dont even know who I am anymore but all of us are going to help change them back first up is fluttershy" I said and we turned to the mare, she gave a confused look then was picked up by strings again. "Well the'ell we waitin for lets go!" Strings said and we all took off to fluttershy's cottage. We reached the small cottage and we knocked on the door. "Ay rainbow open up!" Jack called out then we heared her scream, I pushed jack out the way and kicked the door down without a second thought. She was in a cauldron tied up and all the animals were circling it with forks or knifes rainbow looked scared beyond belief until she saw us. "Hold on dash we got you!" Jack said then took a step but I stopped him. "Twilight cant you use your magic to stop them?!" Fluttershy asked scared for her rainbow headed friend, twilight shook her head. "No I cant, you have to do it your the only one that is able to save her" Twilight said and fluttershy looked scared to even be here. "C'mon fluttershy you can do this" twilight encouraged the mare, with a small determined look she slowly made her way to the chanting animals. "U-Uh... hello little... animals I-I know you all have been giving rainbow dash a hard time but maybe its because she did something?" Fluttershy asked again and was nudged by angel who pointed to his stomach. "Oh... your hungry little guy, well uh... oh!, here you can much on this delicious bowl of lettuce" She said and gave angel the bowl, he happily ate them with a few other bunnies then hopped on flutters shoulder and nuzzled her. "Oh my your so sweet... maybe... all of you are just hungry... here lets do this" After a few minutes fluttershy handed all her critters some food and when they were finished they all went to her and nuzzle her body. The bear however picked her up and kissed her cheek then hugged her, she giggled while strings eyed the bear. "Awe you werent mad at rainbow, you were just a little bit grumpy from not getting any food... wait I think I can hear something" Fluttershy said and her body was outlined with pink, she turned everywhere and her eyes widen. "I can understand them but how?" "Twilight the element... its glowing" I said taking the necklace out and showed it to her, I walked over to the mare and wrapped it around her neck her eyes became blank and laid in the bears arms limp, her element flashed brightly for a split second before it turned back to pink and the cutie mark on her shoulder changed back to butterflies. The animals thought I killed her until she sprung up and blinked in confusion. "Fluttershy?" "Huh... oh steel what brings you here, and why am I wearing my element?" Flutterhsy asked and got on her feet, I was quickly shoved out of the way by strings who just grabbed flutters and kissed her. The mare 'eeped' at this sudden motion, strings parted from her and laughed. "Whats gottin into you strings?" "Im so glad your back to normal!" Twilight said shoving strings out the way and hugging her friend. "Now we need your help" They started singing and it kinda brought a smile to my face, until they almost forgot rainbow dash. "Uh hello friend still trapped over here" rainbow said and after untying her we all had her follow us while the girls sang. The weather was a mess and rarity was almost about to cry, when fluttershy said to give it a chance I grabbed dashes hand and flew up to the messed up clouds. "Watch" I said then turned super saiyan blowing some of the clouds away then I flew to a random cloud with her. "Give it a poke" I said and she moved to the cloud then gave it a small poke making it poof into nothing, she gained a suprised look then she began clearing the skies. Noticing the skies where clearing rarity looked up to see me and rainbow flying back down to her. Rarity was still crying a bit but had some relief now that its over, rainbow glowed a bright red and I quickly used my magic to levitate the necklace on her then held her up as her eyes went blank then her body went limp. Not even ten seconds later she shot out of my arms and looked around in confusion. "Ow... What just happened?" Rainbow asked and her element flashed back to blue and her cutie mark was back to its lighting bolt. "No time to explain but we need your help, applejacks trying to make dresses" Twilight said and with her usual smirk she grabbed rarity. "Say no more" Rainbow said then we rushed over to raritys place and quickly went inside to see sweetie belle looking on in confusion wearing pajamas. "Why is applejack making dresses?" Sweetie asked. "Something happened were here to fix it, go get dressed and find the others we'll have this fixed in no time" I said and she nodded before running upstairs. The girls started singing to rarity to have her go help applejack who was looking stressed out. Rarity went over to the farm mare and used her magic to clean the space then she got to work, feeling relieved to take a break she slumped in a chair and greenie came over with his flask then offered her some. "Thank ya kindly... say have we met before cause ah swear ah think ah met ya" Applejack said and greenie chuckled. "Ya better cause I love my little farm mare" Greenie said and applejack blushed a little and used her hat to hid it. No matter what happens to them they are bound to fall in love, guess its destiny. After a couple of minutes passed rarity finished her dress that looked beautiful and would go well with basically anything. She glowed a soft blue before twilight wrapped the element around raritys neck, she fell on the desk then sprung back up in seconds. "*gasp* Oh my what a terrible dream I had, or... maybe Im still having it" Rarity said staring at one of applejacks works. "Rarity! Pinkie pies about to lose the apple farm we need applejacks help" Twilight said. "Lose the apple farm well we cant have that now can we?" Rarity said then we began heading to sweet apple acres. "Hold on I think I might hold back, I gotta make sure the folks around her smile at least a little or just enough until you get pinkie over here" I said and twilight nodded before the group rushed off to the farm. I ran to the center of town where I found most ponies fighting or arguing with eachother, I saw vinyl and octavia looking around in confusion and vinyl looked almost as good as new save for the cast on her arm and bandages on her head. "Steel whats going on?" Octavia asked me and I can see the bandages covering her gash. "Never mind this what happened to you two?" I asked them already knowing the answer. "Well we were about to be raped by these three stallions until a someone wearing a mask with blue wings and a retractable knife on his wrist saved us... now about the problem at hand" Octavia said and I looked around. "I got an idea, vinyl think you can summon some of your stuff here?" I asked her and she tossed me a blue crystal. "Travel crystal its how I set up my shows, just tap it on the floor and it will appear" Vinyl explained and I did just that, I almost jumped out ot my skin when the dj set appeared behind me and a mic connected to an amp. Vinyl got behind the dj booth and checked it. "Alright whats your plan?" "Im gonna do a little something... Im gonna need your help vinyl" I said tosding her another mic. "I just need you to sing these lines when I point to you alright?" I said giving her the lyrics to her part and she gave a small nodded, both vinyl and octavia looked worried but I assured them it would be ok. I walked back to the little set and plugged in my phone and played a beat then turned it up just enough for the ponies to hear, once it got their attention I looked over to vinyl and crack a smile. "I ever tell you I could sing?" I said then pressed onto another beat and jumped a little then began singing. The ponies that were arguing and fighting stoped and turned to us and came over to listin. I jumped around trying to get a response and a couple of ponies started to actually smile a little, and little by little they all started getting into it. When vinyl sang their jaws dropped hearing someone like her sing something like this but I gotta say her singing voice was amazing if the dj gig doesn't work she can make some songs. I was having fun doing this and it seemed vinyl was as well and this rubbed off on the crowd and they gave small smiles while others had those smiles Im use to seeing all the time. "My grandma smiling down at me like woo, that boy got bars" I sang out and they all loved that part. As we were nearing the end of song vinyl just finished uo her verse and I decided to add a little extra, I walked back to the set and stoped the recording then hit repeat getting curious looks from them. "Whatch" I simply said then removed my sweat soaked shirt along with my sword and tossed it aside. When my verse came on I Took off, they all stared at amazement to how well I danced with the music almost like I done it hundreds of times, the mares all looked at me with hungrys eyes and the stallions looked jealous, I decided why not do something cool for a finale for the ladies so with that in mind I did a backflip and spun in the air and focused on my wings to let loose some small flames that trickled on the ground suprising them. I then turned super saiyan to add the golden aura then I landed back on my feet and I spread my wings full my back facing them and I let them see the fire dance around lightly. "Woo... man I just killed it!" I said giving vinyl a high five, half the ponies that were in the crowd had their smiles back but some of them didnt find it very entertaining so they walked off, I picked up my shirt and sword and watched them leave. "That should have been enough time, the girls should be here any second, thanks for helping me vinyl and feel well soon" I said as the party mare put the dj set up and placed the crystal in her pocket. "Hey maybe you and octavia could join us at the bronco pub mater with me and the others should be fun" I said. "Well... I suppose that wouldnt hurt, you got yourself a deal man I'll see you later gotta rest up later" Vinyl said and walked off with octavia, I noticed the crowd from before had broken up but I spotted them out because they were the only things smiling "Alright girls, pinkie is our last mare so make it count" I said then heared footsteps coming from down the road and I said all the girls except for pinkie pie with their elements on and back to normal. "Girls finally I got just a little to smile but I think their are still some ponies left who could really use a laugh... how 'bout it pinkie?" I said and she had a small smile, I summond some funny glasses and placed it on her. "Then get up their and spread some cheer from here to canterlot!" I said picking her up and setting her down on a statue where all the ponies could see her, their mood brighten up real fast and suddenly I was met with the good ol' poofy haired mare I remember. She glowed a bright blue and twilight put the element around the mare and she only went limp for a second before jumping up with her big smile. "C'mon everypony I wanna see you smile!" "PINKIE!" The towns folk cheered and had their smiles back, every started marching down the street singing that song, I was their walking next to twilight who was finally happy that our friends were back to normal. When everyone stopped singing we huddled for a group hug, it was finally over until twilight gasped then broke from the hug. "Wait a second thats it, I understand now I know how to finish the spell" Twilight said beaaming a bright smile. "Well lets get a move on!" Applejack said and we all ran to the library, twilight opened the door and marched over to starswirls journal then levitated a quill to her hand and opened up to the unfinished page. We huddled around her and let her finish the spell. "From all of us together, together we are friends with the marks of our destinys made one their is magic without end." Twilight said then closed the book. "That was the most cheesiest thing Ive ever heared but... it felt right in a way" I said wrapping and around her. "Why are you shirtless?" Twilight asked. "Not important but since everyones back to normal how bout we head to the pub drinks on-" My voice hitched and my body shook, I feel to my knees and felt a pain in my left eye and arm. It was so agonizing that I couldn't help but scream at the pain, twilight kneeled down and tried to figure out what was wrong. The elements started glowing along with the crown, the girls back up a little bit and tried to take them off but it wouldnt budge. With a final look around I forced myself to push the pain away and sheild twilight as much as possible, five bright lights shot out of the girl's elements and engulfed us in a giant ball until it exploded in a bright flash. Everyone groaned a little and made sure everyone was ok. "*Gasp* Where are steel and twilight?!" Rarity asked and they looked to the spot where we were and saw a scorch mark of mine and twilight cutie marks fused together her star had my folded wings around it and my fox head held it in its mouth. "What happened?!" (The queens prison garden) I felt the sharp pain in my eye wake me up and I noticed I was back at the queens prison but their were pitch black flowers everywhere almost like a garden. I felt a weight on my bare back and I looked to see the strange sword on my back, I then heared talking from a little ways ahead of me and It sounded like celestia and twilight. I slowly got to my feet and walked towards the voicess and then I heared a soft voice start singing. I soon came to a stop just a few feet from celestia and twilight, celestia's showed her the past of all her adventures with the guys, the rest of the mane six, gilda, trixe, cinder and spike and one memory where it showed me the day before we went to the crystal empire, I saw a dream version of myself holding twilight and protecting her from all those nightmares she had before we went to the crystal empire. I noticed that most of her memories were of me saving the them and fighting along side them, it almost brought a tear to my eye seeing all tthose times once more I even saw the one where she went crazy and I had to help her calm down I almost busted out laughing. But their was one memory that stuck out the most but celestia moved on with twilight to let me see, it held me and twilight, luna, frost, scootaloo and pip and everyone we know all together smiling almost like we were taking a picture. Celestia had finished her song and I saw twilight being lifted up with some sort of purple aura then in a flash she disappeared with tones of magic in her possesion now. "So I had fun walking down memory lane" I said making celestia jumped at this then turn to me. "Steel?, how did you get here?" Celestia asked and I shrugged. "Well first thing I know is that I was sheilding twilight then the next Im here... man its been so long since I've been in this land yet it only feels like yesterday I was fighting nightmare moon, umbra, discord and crystal... good times" I said. "Yes its quite something... oh that reminds me, how did twilight get starswirl the bearededs journal I could have sworn I placed it in a secret compartment in the castle that not even luna knows" Celestia said and I figured out why the queens lost the book. "Well celestia I think your mothers had something to do with it" I said then was grabbed and bought closer to celestia. "You got the book from mother?" Celestia asked me almost shouting. "Uh yeah I did, but I didnt know how she got the letter" I said and made celestia let go of me. "Well actually I was going to give twilight the book when she was ready and I made a whole note and everything then this morning I saw a letter with my mothers symbol on it so I opened it and it said that twilight is ready and nothing else" Celestia said and I chuckled a little. "I wonder what happened to her... might as well head back so you can go make sure she isn't freaking out" I said and celestia agreed and she went back to the real world leaving me with my visitor. "Come on out she's gone faust, stardust" I said and both the queens came out, faust had a warm smile from seeing her daughter again. "It must've been hard not saying anything huh?" "You have no idea" Stardust said and got right infront of my face. "What are you doing?" I asked stardust who only humed. "Well theirs something wrong with your eye... its different to say the least" Faust said and summond a mirror then handed it to me. I looked and saw my once black eye was a crystal blue with a green pupil that was in a slit and old celtic markings written across half my faceand circling inside my iris six arrows pointed to the eye and they match the girls elements color, I just stared at my eye it was freaky looking but also fuckin cool. "It might be something done to you when you sheilded twilight like if it brought out some sort of secret inside you " "I dont know what but it looks so cool and I feel a little badass now" I said giving her back the mirror. "But I also felt a pain in my left arm" I said and looked only to see a skull with white flames as eyes and sharp teeth that looked like it could go through anything, on his face was a completely written on with old text that I couldn't make out. "This is so weird... but also cool at the same time, I guess I should head back now huh?" I said and the sisters nodded but had frowns. "You wish you can get out of this place right?" "More then anything, I want to hold my little girl again and get to see some grandfoals" They both said and I chuckled a little. "Alright alright Im not sure about the grandfoals but I will do everything in my being to set you free... I'll even do this" I said summoning a knife then cut my hand. "Steel what are you doing?" Faust asked then sqeaked a little as cut her hand lightly along with stardust. "Its called a blood oath a sacred promise that humans do to kepp their promise it even follows you after death and it won't go away until you fufilled the promise" I said grabbing fausts hand. "I promise to bring you back to break you free from the prison" I said then repeated the same thing with stardust. "Their now it is complete... I should head on back now so I'll see yall later alright" I said then had a door appear behind, I swung it open and went to step through but the queens stopped me for a second. "Steel hold on for a sec, were did you get that sword?" Stardust asked and I pulled it out for them to see. "Oh uh well, two brothers gave it to me but I couldnt see what they looked like" I said and the sisters humed. "What are you gonna name it?" Faust asked and I stared at her confused. "Have you never named a weapon before steel?" "No, no not really I mean the only sword I use is lily" I said and faust gave a little o at this. "Well I guess this should be your first time then, what do you want to name it?" Stardust asked and I looked at the blade for a minute then I remembered it could take my magic and shoot it out like an arrow being shot from a bow so I guess I'll it this. "Rebellions Conquest, it seems fitting for something like this but I'll call it Rebellion for short" I said and placed rebellion back on my back, and after a final goodbye I walked through the door and left the prison. (Outside golden oaks library) The light finally went away and I opened my eyes, I looked around and noticed I was on a cloud. "Heh alright lets go see twilight" I said to myself, I looked over the edge and I just above the library. I straightened back up then let one foot dangle off the cloud then I jumped up, the night air bit at my skin but it didnt bother me and with a slight spin in the air I landed super hero style in front of the girls and celestia. "That... was... AWESOME!, you gotta show me how to do that one day" Rainbow said and gilda wanted to learn as well. "Now now my little ponys, give him some space he did just get back and the first pony that should see him is our new princess" Celestia said confusing me but she stepped to the side and my eyes widen. Twilight stood their with a perfect hourglass body and a slightly bigger bust and hips, she was about my height now and she had beautiful purple wings on her back. She blushed a little from the amount of time I was staring at her, I walked up to her and just kissed her not even caring our friends were their. "Beautiful" I said parting from her and she a dumb grin and dreamy eyes, rarity awed at this along with fluttershy while the others rolled their eyes. "Hey steel whats on your back?" Pinkie asked pointing to Rebellion. "A gift from two friends" I said. "So what now?" I asked celestia's who thought for a second then smiled. "I know what exactly to do!" (One week later, canterlot castle) "Damn it!" I groaned out as I adjusted the white bow tie, I was wearing a pitch black dress shirt with black dress pants and a white bow tie. "God I hate suites... but if its for her then I'll suck it up" I said to my reflection in the mirror and grabbed a comb then moved my hair back and put it in a ponytail. With a final look at myself I walked out my bathroom then walked to my door. "You look good" I turned my head to see my father in a suite and he didnt look to happy to wear it. "Just like your old man" logan said patting my shoulder. "Except not as handsome" he said as we left the room and went down the halls. "Yeah your right" I said and he smiled, we reached the doors to the throne room and I placed both hands on them. "Im better looking" I said then snickered a bit as he glared at me, I creaked the door open and was met with tons of ponies in suites and dresses but the main ones I was looking were my friends and marefriends luna had on a beautiful dark lavender dress 5hay reached to her feet and had gold links to it and on the edges making it shine she also had a golden necklace with a purple moon in bedded in it and I silently cheered knowing she found the necklace, frost had a pure white dress that had a slit running up to her thigh and showing off her flawless pale skin and her hair was in nice little braid that hung infront of her shoulder showing off her smooth white hair. I motioned for logan to go in while I wait for twilight, today is her coronation so I'll walk with her. I felt a tug on my shirt causing me to turn and I smiled seeing twilight in a dress that was pink and gold with her cutie mark etched onto the left breast. "I thought you'd be up their with the rest of them" Twilight said and I just petted her head. "I think it will be more special this way" I said causing her to blush, I held out my arm for her. "Shall we?" I asked and she answered by clinging to my arm. "By the way you look very handsome in a suite but wheres your coat?" Twilight asked. "Dont push it, you got lucky today" I said and we walked infront of the open doors. "You ready princess?" I asked and she nodded, with that I looked behind us to see the cmc in little pink dresses and a black suite for pipsqeak. "Get ready guys" I said then we waited. "*Ahem*... We are gathered here today in celebration of a momentous occasion, my most faithful student twilight sparkle has done many extraordinary things since she's lived in ponyville. She even helped me reunite with my sister princess luna" Celestia said then took a deep breath. "But today twilight sparkle has done something extraordinary she created new magic proving with out a doubt that she is ready to crowned equestria's newest princess, fillys and gentlecolts may i introduce for the very first time..." Celestia paused for effect, I put my hand on the door and got ready. "Princess Twilight Sparkle!" She announced and i pushed the doors open, me and twilight began walking down to the aisle the cmc and pip walked ahead of us tossed the rose petals on the floor while two pegasi mares dawned in celestia's required armor held flages that were a cream color with twilights cutie mark on it. It wasnt a long distance but it felt like it was taking an eternity to get to the others I looked to twilight and saw her unsure expression but I nudged her and smiled warmly when she turned getting rid of her anxiety. We finally reached our friends and I unhooked twilight from me then bowed my head before walking over to greenie and the guys. My father watched from above sitting on wooden beams with zecora who rolled her eyes at the man and watched. A small choir sang as spike went up to twilight with a purple pillow in hand holding her crown with the element of magic in it. Celestia picked up the crown with her magic and Presented it to twilight, she turned herself around and waited until she felt the crown be lowered ontop of her head. She looked so happy like if this was the happiest day of her life, which it kinda was, she extended her wings out and smiled brightly I walked up next to her and spread out my wings she hugged me and nuzzled my cheek lovingly getting an awe from her mom but a got a what I call is a dad glare at me from her father. Me and our friends walked to the balcony where we saw thousands of ponies cheering and whistling. Twilight waved shyly at the crowd and chuckled nervously. "Say something princess" I said softly nudging her forward. "Oh uh... *Ahem* a little while ago my teacher and mentor princess celestia sent me to live in a place called ponyville, she sent me to study friendship something I didnt really care much about " twilight said and looked back to our friends who smiling widely. "But now on a day like today" She said then waved over for our friends to come stad beside us and they did with some tears in their eyes. "I can honestly say I wouldnt be standing here if it wasnt for the friendships that I made with all of you and I would have been able to meet my coltfriend, each one of you taught me everything about friendship and for that I will always be greatful" Twilight said and turned back to the crowd. "Today I consider myself the luckiest pony in Equestria thank you friends, thank you steel, thank your everyone!" She said finishing her speech and all the ponies cheered for her. We headed back inside and all smiling with happiness for twilight thats when I saw gleaming and cadance walke over. "Oh twily Im so proud of you" Gleaming said then began crying and hugged her. "Gleaming are you... crying?" Twilight amused but gleaming cleared her throat. "Of course not its... its liquid pri-oh to hell with it yes Im crying" Gleaming said and hugged her more. After a few minutes of hugging they sepreated and gleaming calmed down a bit. The choir started singing and charoit was waiting outside for us so I had twilight get on it and we all walked through canterlot gardens and the girls began singing. (Night time, canterlot ballroom) After everyone went back home we decided to have a little party to celebrate twilights. With a quick fire of pinkies party cannon that she got out of her it was a breez to set everything up, after that we started partying everyone was having a good time and drinking as much as possible well greenie was. We both got into a drinking contest and I won by a mile since greenie got a head start. I was just having a good time with my friends its been awhile since we all did something like this with everyone here and I wont let anyone ruin this moment. "Im sorry sir but the princess's told us no one is allowed in especially you" I heared a huard say from the entrance and I got up to see what the problem was but the guard was pushed to the ground and out of the way by a stallion about chest level with me, white fur, well attended mane and tail wearing a full white suite. He looked a little angry about something. "Why would auntie not invite me, I am prince blueblood I have authority over someone as yourself you welp" The stallion said in a very harsh tone and walked past the stallion guard. I went over and helped him up to which he thanked me, I looked to thay dick and decided to give him a little peice of my mind. "Hey you know your supposed to say your sorry if you push someone" I said walking up behind him then grabbed his shoulder but he spun around and pushed me away from him. "Whats your deal man" I asked with a glare he looked at me with disgust and looked like he wanted to puke. "What in aunties name are you, you foul creature leave this place or die by my hand" Blueblood ordered me and turned away but I spun him back around and glared even harder. "Dont touch me you insolent welp do you know who I am?!" "No I dont and frankly I couldnt give a damn" I said shoving him to a wall on his way their he landed againat a table of drinks casuing them to crash on the floor. Everyone stoped what they were doing and looked to the commotion, I saw him look at me and it was full of hate. "How dare you ape I could have you beheaded I have the power to do so!" He yelled at me and as I was gonna give this asshole a peice of my mind but then I thought of how to scare him. "Blueblood why have come here we didnt expect you to be back from saddle arabia for another month" Celestia said pushing me lightly to the side, I walked over to strings and whispered my plan to him and he smiled evily. "I couldnt stand that wretched place anymore and when I heared a new princess was born and I had to see it for myself.... where is she and don't tell me its that dumb bitch who was student at one point I expect her to be out of this palace its no place for her" Blueblood said and my blood boiled hearing this and it took everything I had to not crack his skull open. "And who is that stupid ape auntie and why is he in the palace this isnt a zoo for animals or commoners its for royalty!" "Ugh dont ya ever shut?" Greenie said groaning as he woke up from his nap, twilight helped him sober up a little and made sure to get rid of the hang over as well. "The'ell is this prick?" Greenie asked walking to applejack. "I am prince blueblood nephew of your ruler princess celestia and I demand you get back to work butler or I'll have you fired" Blueblood said and waved his hand at him but greenie cocked an eyebrow at the snotty brat. "Listin here ya gobshite I dont work here Im friends with the god damn princess herself, fuck sake Im friends with all four of the lass's!" Greenie said taking off his coat and rolled up his sleeves. "Whoa hold on greenie dont do something ya might regret" Applejack said getting infront of the greenie, he glared at blueblood but the bastard snorted. "Yes listin to your dirty farm mare and leave or else" Blueblood said and both ponies got ready to rip him limb from limb. "And why is the witch here?" He asked and zecora had barely enough time to hold my father back from litteraly killing him. "And-" "Enough Bluey!" Bluebelle shouted at him. "Bell at least theirs one face that Im glad to see, come were leaving this place" Blueblood said and grabbed Bluebelles hand much to her displeasure but coal ripped him away from her. "You dare touch me welp?!" "Ya damn right I 'dare' you dick head, you can clearly see that she doesnt want to go with you" coal said and blueblood punched him across the face but coal played it off and sent one back hitting blueblood in the nose. "That all you got bitch?" "You son of a whore" blueblood growled out turning back to coal with a bloody muzzle. Blueblood pulled out a knife and went to go stab coal but I got infront of coal and took the knife through my hand, the girls gasped and jack was holding greenie back from jumping in. "I dont know who the hell you are bluey but I suggest you leave before you get hurt" I said grabbing the knife with my impaled hand and yanked it away then I took it out with a grunt. "Your playing a game thats to difficult for you boy" I said tossing the knife away. "Am I cause this isnt childrens games welp your playing with the big boys now" Blueblood spat out. "I like the sound of that actually... your playing with the big boys now" I sang out a little then grew a smile. "I guess I have to show you what real power is" I said and pointed to strings we ran over to his guitar and tuned it quickly before nodding to me. "Your playing with big boys now" I growled out then snapped my fingers turning the room pitch black save for two spotlights on strings and blueblood, and thats whe it started. As I started everyone felt a cool chill run down their spines, I chanted in an almost whispering tone until I picked it up then without my own knowledge lux showed his face behind blueblood. "RA!" He growled out before disappearing into the darkness, we circled around him and pushed him every so often much to lux's amusement. The group stared in amazement and in completely focused on my chanting, I was having to much fun with this and I could tell lux was as well. When we finally started singing I appeared infront of him and shoved him a little mocking his so called power then lux came up behind him and gave his maniac like smile and laughed saying he was 'sorry' about it. "You'll know what power is when we are done" "Son hahahahahaha!" We laughed before I picked him up by his collar and repeated the line he tried to intimate me with. As we went on blueblood looked ready to piss himself but I wasnt done yet. My singing got more intense and strings went a little heavier and banged his head to it, we slowly circled the stallion and now were basically giving it everything we had into singing this little song. "By the might horus you will kneel before us, kneel before our splendorous power" "You put up a front" "You put up a fight" "And just to show you we show no spite" "We'll let you be our acolytes" "But first boy its time to bow!" Me and lux said in sync then shoved him to his hands and knees in bowing postion then I used my magic to keep him like that. "YOUR PLAYING WITH THE BIG BOYS!" We repeated and rapidly teleported at high speeds making it look like their were more of us making him look frantically as much as he could move, strings was going overtime trying to keep until we soon began to end it, I picked him up by his mane and opened the door letting the light return in the room then I tossed him out the door letting him be able to move again. "You played with the big boys now!" I growled out then slammed the door shut. I took a deep breath then exhaled deeply I never had to do that much before but it was fun to do it again after so long. I turned back to the others and noticed that lux was gone and my friends and marefriends were looking at me astonished. "Ta-Da!" I said giving crappy jazz hands but they all just clapped, I chuckled a little bit then bowed. "Steel where did you learn how to sing like that?" Rarity asked me. "Its an... embarrassing secret I might keep from y'all" I said with face of red from remembering that faze. "But it was fun showing that prick his place by the way who is he?" I asked celestia who just groaned. "Thats my nephew blueblood and by his name you can clearly take notice of his personality without even meeting him, he is the complete opposite of his lovely sister" Celestia said and hugged her niece who squirmed out of her grip. "Ay thanks for helping me their man it would have gotten pretty... messy back their so to say any ways thanks again" Coal said. "No thanks needed my friend couldnt let that prick do something to harm that face its your only good feature" I said smirking and everyone laughed. "Ah fuck you... oh thats right is your hand ok dude?" Coal asked and I looked back at my hand and shrugged. "Eh a little magic should do the trick" I said and went to heal my wound but I was only able to heal it enough to leave a large cut. "Damn guess thats a little to much magic oh well guess I gotta use bandages" I said walking over to some water and dumped it on it then dried it and wrapped it around with some bandages I summond. "Well this party is ruined since that big meanie walked in" Pinkie said and her mane went flat, I thought to myself for a bit then found a way to revive the part. "C'mon now this the first party I ever been to lets make it last" I said grabbing vinyl then my fatger and brought them over to the stage that was here. I asked vinyl for her crystal and I made the dj set and mics appear. "Alright you two I need to borrow you for a sec" "I am not singing" Logan said backing away. "What you scared or something?" I asked and her turned red with embarrassment. "O-Of course not a saiyan never gets embarrassed!" He barked out. "This one did!" Zecora said. "I will turn you to ash!" "No you wont now hurry up I wanna hear what steel is planning" Zecora said and logan growled at the zebra mare then grabbed a mic. I chuckled a little then handed him a little book of lyrics same with vinyl then I went to lone piano that was just behind the curtians and I brought it out. "Here we go" I said and begans playing. I got up from the piano much to everyones suprise because it kept playing then I grabbed the mic in the middle and patted logans back. "Lets see if we can get this band back together again" I said and I looked to logan who began his singing his part and went for a deep smooth tone for this. The rhythm of the song started making everyone tap their foot or move with it, I hopped in after logan and got a few of my friends bounce a little to the beat but when vinyl finished hers they all started dancing to it the song and they were all having a good time. The song was fun to sing and made people wanna dance the guys were dancing with their marefriends and the others danced as well. I jumped down and grabbed lunas hand before twirling her around and then dipped her before throwing her up and caught her then brought her closer. I then swithched for twilight and danced with her for a bit then I went to frost, they were having as much fun as I was, logan and vinyl decided to join this and they jumped down as well. Vinyl went to octavia and danced with her as she sang, logan however was reluctantly dancing with zecora who was a little bit drunk how we know is because her face was flushed a bit red and she hiccuped every so often. They loved us and when we were close to the end I grabbed luna again and pulled her close. "Welcome to the gospel of dismay" I sang and pecked her a little, our friends cheered for us as we ended and I bowed once more. "Hope that got the mood back" "It sure did lets PARTY!" (Guest room) I laid alone in the large bed because twilight wanted to sleep in her old living quarters and it held enough room for everyone so the rest of the mane six, the guys, trixie, gilda and cinder slept their while I wasnt allowed to enter lunas room for some reason. But I just over looked it and rested in this room, but I couldn't sleep I had a nagging feeling creep in my mind and it just bothered me alot. "Fuck it" I muttered out before getting out of bed and walking over to the balcony. I let out a small sigh letting me see my own breath blow in the wind, I dont know why this feeling is here, I was getting annoyed because I really wanted to sleep until I heared my door open quietly. I thought it was luna or one of the kids but I didnt hear them call my name so I quickly summond my assassin gauntlets and quietly flew to the roof and used my egal vision to see who was here. The man glowed red and he was wearing black armor with clothing and a helmet on his, he had a large broad sword on his back and a small dagger in his hand, her walked over to my bed and stabbed the bed then tossed the blanket away. He grunted in annoyance but jumped when he heared a thud behund him. "You know you shouldnt try to take someone like me on" I said before he had the chance to turn and attack I stabbed his spinal cord then I snapped his neck causing him to go limp in my arms. I laid him down and I began searching him for anything, I ripped open his shirt and found a red cross Necklace around his neck. "Templars... I thought coals father was the only one... guess they have been hidding for sometime and decided now was the time to strike, but why me... unless" I said and snapped my head to twilights tower. "Their going for twilight and the girls!" I said and summond my robes and mask before opening the balcony window then I flew straight to twilights tower and I saw six templars climbing through the window. I snapped my fingers to change the way my robes looked it was a slim pure white assassins robe with a red cloth belt around my waist and a metal chest piece under it. I did this because the girls have seen what they look like before and I even changed my voice just to make sure. Then I flew to the edge of the window and quietly hopped inside. Not a sound was made, it was quiet enough to hear a moth fart but I felt the templars around. I used my eagle vision and spotted all six of them moving quietly abiut the room two were heading to spike, cinder, trixie and gilda while the others went to go to the girls room. I snuck my way over to the two thatwere heading to spike and the others and waited for a perfect moment. "They said we should kill the fake princess and get out simple" One of them whispered but the other snorted. "They also said kill anyone near the fake princess so shut up and get to stabbin" The second stallion said and they both took out their knifes and went to kill spike first. I went up behind them and yanked the knifes away causing them to look behind them and see me but before had a chance to attack me I punched the one to my right as hard as I could then I stabbed the one to my left in the mouth and head killing him. I turned back to the other stallion and Stomped on his neck as quietly as possible but it was still a bit loud. I looked to my sleeping friends and thankfully they didnt wake up, with two out of the way that leaves four left so with that I quickly made my way to a room one of them went into. In the bed peacefully sleeping was applejack, greenie and macarena I saw a shuffle in the room then a shadow swiftly make it way to the three with a sword in hand. He held it uo high and was ready to bring it down but I jabbed his side and he grunted and dropled the sword and I quickly caught it just inchest away from greenies neck, I was so focused on greenie and the girls I almost got stabbed by the man but I blocked the knife with his sword then I slashed his hand slightly making him drop the knife on the floor and luckily didnt wake them up. I grabbed the guy by the neck and shoved the sword in his head killing him then I placed him on the floor and went on to the next room. This one had jack and rainbow dash, rainbow was snoring up a storm and I dont think I could wake her up with the way Im gonna kill this guy. I saw him take out two knifes and he went over to dash's side, before he could even raise the knives I covered his mouth and slit his throat with my hidden blade then I took the knifes out of his hands and went onto the next. When I exited the room I was about to head over to twilight until I heared a creak from above me I stoped and looked up but was shoved to my back hard by the two templars that were on the roof. "I heared so much about you yet you disapoint me for shame assassin" I heared the one from the roof say and hop down from the ceiling and infront of me. "Predators of the nights, stalkers without end, death incarnated... always in the shadows and wait for your prey, to us you are nothing but savages slaughtering our cause" The man said and unsheathed his sword on his back then pointed it at me. "But now you lay on your back helpless against us now... Pathetic I tell you, but I guess my masters will be pleased to hear we killed a savage like you" "God dont you ever shut" I said and he growled at me, I need to be loud so I can get an opening ready. "C'mon why dont you get this asshole off me and we can settle this like true men" I taunted but he didnt accept it. "Do you take me for a fool, you would probably kill the man holding you down once your up" The stallion said and I clicked my tounge. "Fine then suite yourself but I have one thing to say... how do you wanna die?" I asked casuing them both to look at eachother in confusion before turned super saiyan blowing the one holding me down away and crashing through the window and began falling to his death. I quickly went back to my base form and I swiftly dodged a sword slash from the last templar, as he swung his sword I can tell he had a very well trained teacher but I have to end this before the girls wake up. "Die!" The stallion shouted at me then punched me in the face catching me off guard then he slashed my right arm getting a yelp out of me. I placed my hand on the wound and saw it was pretty big and coating my sleeve red. "How did you cut my arm?" I asked him and noticed the cut went to the sheild part of my arm but it quickly regenerated save for the rest of the mark. "Well this little puppy is made from the bones of alicorns horns and wings, its a bitch to find but hey it works wonders can kill any being, even alicorns" He said and I narrowed my eyes at the sword. It was ashy grey blade with hints of jagged workmen ship on it, the blade was only recently forged so they must have just found some. "So you were planning to use that on princess twilight sparkle huh?" I said and he snorted a little to himself then it turned into a chuckle. As he was about to say something a bolt of magic whizzed past us and hit the wall, I looked to see twilught and everyone else armed with whatever they had some with the alicorn bone swords and daggers. "Guess this is the end for you fruit cup" I said with a grin under my mask and cracked my knuckles. "If Im going down Im taking that bitch with me!" The stallion shouted and rushed to twilight but I grabbed him by his tail and threw him across the room making him slam onto the stone wall, I released my hidden blades and began making my way to him. "Wait you dont have to kill him!" Twilight said getting infront of me. "This guy is clearly not fit to battle anymore so just let us handle it" she said I was thinking for a second until I heared a battle cry, I saw the man running to twilight with his sword raisee and ready to bring it down but I pushed twilight out of the way then I ducked under his attack and maneuvered his blade out of his hand and into mine before I flip him over me landing him on his back. I spun the blade in my fingers to make the tip face the ground then with one fluent motion, I drove the blade into the guys head and stoped when it reached the hilt. I panted heavily as I stared at the stallion then I felt all eyes on me, I looked up to see my friends all staring at me in disbelief as to what I just done. I heared the door burst open causing us to snap out heads to it and see all the princess's, gleaming and brigid all in pajamas but holding weapons with a few guards behind them. "Twilight are you alright we heared the sounds of fighting" Gleaming said and noticed the dead bodies around the room then her focus went to me and she saw me holding the sword that was dug into the stallions. "Halt your under arrest for murder and attempting to assassinate the newest princess of equis!" Gleaming said and went to grab me but I kicked her in the chest and made a bee-line for the window dodging spears, arrows and magic bolts. As I made it to the window I looked back and saw them all looking at me but I chuckled a little and spread my wings fully. "Wait think about what your doing you killed six men in cold blood and broke into a royals chamber, do you really think you could get far mr. Murderer" "Yeah pretty far, also its not mr. Muderer its... prophet, see you all soon" I said with a slight chuckle then I fell backwards out of the window and flew back to my room at break neck speed. Once their I quickly took of everything and made them vanish I changed my voice back to normal and I wrapped my arm in some bandages, I then placed on a shirt and shorts before walking out my room and heading to twilights tower. Once I got their I saw the mane six, the guys, the royals, trixie, gilda, brigid, zecora, logan, spike and cinder all talking to eachother and some looking at the window I jumped out of. "What happened here?" I asked greenie who explained that a guy in pure white robes and a black and green mask with a red cloth belt was in here and killed the assassinators then jumped out the window. "Wow, I missed all the fun well I guess that guy saved you lot" I said and walked over to the templar I pinned to the floor with the sword still stuck in his head. I gripped the hilt and tried to take it out but I think I stuck it to deep in his head, with both hands now on the blade I used all my strength to yank the sword out of the stallions head. "What is that thing?" Brigid asked me and we all looked at the blade, I looked at the blood soaked blade that had mine and the stallions bood on it. "Don't know but its pretty strong, it looks like it was made from bones casue look at the dull part it has bones of wings hooked on it and the blade itself had these grooves like a unicorns horn... maybe they used actual bones to forge this, but of what?" I said almost in a mutter, I looked at celestia's horn then her wings then examined the sword. "Its made from alicorn bones" I said causing them all to gasp. "A-Alicorn bones but how!" Twilight asked and I shrugged. "But look at it, the sword looks like a horn because of the small grooves still in them, then the they used the wings of the alicorns to make it light and have better mobility with it... who could be this smart to think of something this deadly" I said and ran my hand against it, I heared a faint whisper as I did then a sharp ring blasted through my head. "Sterl are you ok bro?" Brigid asked and I looked to her with a slight dizziness. "Yeah... yeah Im fine guess I just need rest" I said and everyone agreed, we all left the room and closed off that part of the castle and princess's showed the girls to their new rooms but as I was going to head back to mine I was stopped by brigid and the guys. "We need ta talk" Greenie said and we all went to my room and after throwing the ashes of the dead templar out the window I sat down on my bed and waited for them to start. "We know it was you who killed those guys" Mint said and my eyes widen a little in shock. "What are you talking about?" I asked trying to play it off but strings was next up. "You only had one injury since we last saw you but now you have bandages on your hand" Strings started then lifted my left shirt sleeve to reveal messy bandages on my arm. "And on your arm, the guy that jumped out the had been cut on his left arm" "And once they told me this, I saw you walk in with a look of pain but you hid it well" Brigid added and we all went silent, I gave a heavy sigh before snapping my fingers to summon the robes on me. "Caught me red handed, you guys are very observant... lets just say some old enemies have come out of their hole" I said and brought the hood down. "Why were you trying to hid this from us?" Edge asked and I shrugged. "Didnt want yall to get caught up in this mess, listin please dont tell the girls about this alright dont want them to think I was a murderer" I said brigid humed to herself then got an idea. "Alright I'll keep quiet... if you let me in on this" Brigid shocking me. "Are you crazy what if you got killed, celestia's would be devastated and it'll be my fault" I said. "I want in as well" I snapped my head to Jack who had a smirk on his face. "Same I wanna be an assassin" Mint said. "Dos" Coal said. "I've been training for this for awhile now but I still need to learn more" Spike said. "If it means keepin flutters safe count me in mate" Strings said with a smile. "Hell I'd follow this bastard to war with nothin but me fists" Greenie said punching my arm. "Ay I'll give it a shot" Edge said with a small smile, I looked at all them with complete shock me nor ryle were this willing to join the brotherhood. I shook my shock away and chuckled to myself. "Its gonna be very dangerous" I said and they nodded. "You could die if your not careful" "We understand steel... let us help you man" Jack said and I sighed again then I thought for a bit. "Let me ask someone real fast" I said then passed out and went to the queens prison. (Queens prison) "Ay faust, stardust I need to ask yall something" I called out and was met with the two in just under a second. "Whats it steel?" Stardust asked me. "Well the guys and brigid found out Im an assassin and they also want to join so I came here to ask if you think I should let them join" I asked and the sisters thought for a moment then summond a little gems each with different colors, they handed me the crystals and I looked on with confusion. "Hand them these crystals and tell them to hold them to their hearts, its a way for them pledge to the brother hood but if they dont accept then the crystal will wipe their memory completely" Faust said and I nodded, I quickly thanked them then went back to the real world. (Real world) I sat up with the crystals in hand and scaring the group, "Jesus man you scared half to death" brigud said but I tossed her a crystal that matched her color, after I handed them each of their crystals I stood back. "Alright if you truely want to take part and join the brotherhood put that crystal above your heart and focus really hard on it, if you wish to back out the crystal will wipe your memory of this moment and you can live on with your life... the choice is yours" I said and waited, they all placed the crystal on their chest and closed their eyes. The crystal glowed brightly and I had to cover my eyes a bit, once the light went away I uncovered my eyes and I saw the guys dressed in their robes I made them including spike. His was a dark purple and green robe, with a green cloth belt and a bow slung behind his back. He wore his very own assassin gauntlets and had a saber on his hip. "Whoa this is so cool" Spike said all giddy. Edge looked at himself and walked infront of a full length mirror, his robes were dark blue with hints of purple in it, his hokd was white and his boots were black as the night. He had twin silver revolvers on his hips and a long sword on his back, his gauntlets were pure white leather and had two blades instead of one that comes out. "Wow this is... wow" "Holy shite" Greenie said and we looked to brigid, her robes were dark red and the hood was bright red with dark brown calf high boots, the robes themselves hugged and shaped around her body hood made her eyes glow red and orange like fire. On her hips were a short sword and a long sword the short sword had a thick black blade with some parts cut out to make the cut more jagged and painful while the long sword was double edged with a white blade and grip, it was both thick and thin making her more able to move around with it and swing faster. On her back was an old musket that had black wood and white metal on it, on her face was a mask that covered her mouth and nose and made it to let us only see her eyes. "Damn I look good in this" "Guys" I said gaining their attention. "Welcome to the brother hood remember these words and burn them into your minds" I said then took a deep breath. "I must tell you the three rules of the creed in order for you to understand what Im about to say One. Stay your blade from the flesh of the innocent, Two. Hide in plain sight, be one with the crowd, and Three. Never compromise the brother hood... nothing is true, everything is permitted" I said and had them repeat it. "What does that mean though?" Coal asked. "To say that nothing is true, is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say that everything is permitted, is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic, that is what it means coal" I said and looked out the window. "No looking back now boys and girls, it road we walk will long and dark but I-we will find a way through together" I said and turned back to them and smiled. "Say it with me brothers and sister" I said and they nodded. "Nothing is true, Everything is permitted" > Chapter 21: Runited > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A whole month has past and its been pretty peacefull, news got out about twilights attempted assassination somehow but we got it all called back after I destroyed their printing press they even mentioned me as the masked murderer and hero but what they put on the front paper made me smile it said "Prophet hero or killer?". But other then that its been quiet save for training my fellow assassins, their a little sloppy but I can whip them into shape in no time. "Gosh twilight your first summit as princess sire must he quite excited" Applejack said as we walked through the crystal empire, twilight was summoned for an important summit. "Yeah I am excited but to honest Im also quite nervous" Twilight said and I patted her head. "Your nevousited it’s like you want to jump and down and yell yay me. But you also want to curl up in a teeny tiny ball and hide at the same time we've all been there," Pinkie said ruffling Twilights mane. "Dont we all feel like that once in a while right, fluttershy" Strings asked and the shy mare nodded. "I feel like that all the time" Fluttershy whispered. "Ya got nothing ta worry about sugarcube ah'm sur-" applejack said then was caught off by rarity gasping. "TWILIGHT... oh sorry darling but I noticed your not wearing your crown you haven't forgotten it back at ponyville have you?!" Rarity panicking. "It's in my bag," Twilight said looking back to me and I gave the bag a few pats. "I just feel a little self-conscious about wearing it I haven't really gotten accustomed to these yet either," Twilight said as she lifted herself of the ground but fell on her butt. "Steel has been trying to help me but so far I guess I just need more practice,' Twilight said as I helped her up. "Twilight your a princess now, embrace it heck if I had a crown I would never take it off, I would go as far as to say I would sleep with it on" Rarity said and mint chuckled. "Sounds like somethin you do" I said. Rarity puffed out her chest and stuck her nose in the air, everyone gave small snickers as we walked on. We finally made it to the castle and just as I was passing the crystal heart I stopped and looked, it still amazes me how amazing it is, I soon stopped gazing at the crystal heart and began making my way to the others. "Hello" I stopped dead in my tracks and looked around but found no one. "Behind you silly" I heared the voice again along with an chilling giggle it sounded like a little filly, I spun around and only saw the crystal heart. "Who's... their?" I asked as I walked near the heart thats when I felt a small tug on my shirt. "Im the heart silly" I snapped my head to the crystal heart and justed stared in shock. "Your funny lookin are you that human thing that saved my kingdom from that nice little mare?" "U-Uh... yes I am" I said and the heart giggled, "Who are you?" I asked. "Im the heart Im a part of diamond, I bring peace and love through out all of equis its funny really because your the only pony or person to actually hear me except for umbra and diamond" The heart said and I gave a 'huh' to this. "Anyways I think you should head on back to your friends they think you went crazy since your talking to a crystal heart" "Alright sure but... I gotta ask one thing" I said and she humed. "Woukd you like to be my friend?" "Yeah! I only ever had umbra and diamond and since no one else can hear me I never really had a friend other then them" The heart said excitedly I chuckled and went to boop it but when my finger touch the heart the arrows in my eyes glowed brightly and then my whole eye turned pitch black and black lighting formed around my left arm. I saw figures one giant red monster, the other white I then realized the sky was blood red and the ponies all gray and depressed looking like if some of their life force was taking out of them. I heared powerful war crys behind me, I spun around to see someone with white hair and wings but they were different the top half was blue while the bottom half was red and they gave off immense heat and he wearing something that covered his waist and upper half, but I couldn't make it out but it was black, some sort of red and orange, white and blue. The two beings went to charge back at eachother for the next round but as they got closer I was zapped fully and the arrows form my eye went back to normal and my eye was normal again. I was shot away from the heart and through the door at high speeds and I scared most of the ponies. "Wow... that was something" I said and was helped up by luna and frost. "Thank you girls, I dont know what happened first thing I know is that I went to touch the heart and the next bam Im flying past everyone and breaking down doors sorry about that" I said and fixed the doors as soon as the other came in. "Mate you alright?" Greenie asked as the group walked up with me. "Yeah just a bit suprised is all" I said rubbing my head a little. "Yeah me to!" I heard someone say we all looked around, I skimmed my eyes around the room and didnt even notice the little filly looking up at me smiling. Her coat was light baby blue and her mane was a soft blue and twilight purple streak, she wore a simple green sundress and her eyes were like green emeralds. When I finally noticed her she smiled up at me. "Hi steel!" "Holy crap!" I screamed out in fright and jumped up a few feet, the little filly giggled her head off at this and spread her small wings then flew up to me. "B-but y-you and the heart I booped it and-what?!" I studdered out and flew back down with her. "Silly steel when you touched the crystal heart you gave me magic and it was enough for me to actually physically leave with a body of my own" She said and everyone stared at her she giggled at the awed faces, then she gave me a hug. "Thank you steel your my bestest friend ever now I can actually talk to other ponies and fillys my age!" "Oh she's so adorable!" Pinkie squeed and picked her and gave her big hug, the filly giggled and hugged back. "Twilight I havent seen since the coronation its so good to see you, we have so much to talk about!" Cadance said running over to said mare and hugging her. "Yes there will be time for that later but I think it would be best if you all got some rest, you did travel all the way from ponyville so off to bed with you all" Celestia said like if she was my mother, the filly got out of pinkies hug and went to hug celestia but she was to tall for her so she ended up hugging the alicorns leg. "You act like a mommy" The filly said giggling her head off more as celestia blushed a slight pink, the group held in their laugh's while brigid laughed. "Oh uh... I guess I do sometimes act that way, uh whats your name?" Celestia asked picking up the filly and she thought for a moment. "My name is light heart, I spread joy and love through equis through my other body the crystal heart" Light heart said and celestia gave a small shocked look before smiling. "You have pretty hair" light heart said reached out for it making celestia giggle. "Lets head off since celestia has her hands full with light heart" I said and we all sneaked away from the two and made our way to the bedrooms. I laid by myself once more because the beds here are kinda small but I didnt have a problem with it. But I kept having nightmares of earlier, that weird blue haired guy kept getting clearer but the face was still a blur, he had these weird blue lines going across his bare chest and making a symbol that had rebellion in the middle with wings next to them and a circle in the middle. Thats when the face grew more clearer, the blood red iris circled around the black pupil, the angry scowl and the glar that could kill anything. The face I was staring at was my own, I watched my bloody figure pant heavily and wearing no chest peice or any armor I was wearing white scratched up pants, a blue cloth belt that left a strand hanging on the right leg, on my wrists were black leather wristbands that hugged me and finally a pitch black vest with the colors of the padding around the neck and shoulders a reddish orange. I was holding rebellion in my right hand and lily in the other, with a slight look over my shoulder a bolt of lighting flashed near us and I woke up in a cold sweat. "What... what was happening to me back their, I was like a complete different person, I gotta get some fresh air" I said to myself and put on a black shirt, white hoodie and my black pants. With my boots strapped on my feet I headed out and began walking down the halls, it was quiet and I passed many guards and maids that were still on shift. The guards saluted me and I gave one back but not as stiff, I couldnt stop thinking about how I looked in my dream and that symbol on my chest was weird along with those blue lines running along my chest. I was soon brought out of my thoughts when I heared twilight scream then a mare in a brown cloak run past me. "Stop her she stole my crown!" Twilight screamed and I instantly sprinted after the mare, she heared me coming after and threw the cloak at me but I summond rebellion and sliced through it with ease then I continued my chase after the mysterious mare. "Stop now and give that crown back!" I shouted at the mare with an orange coat wearing a leather jacket and a blue shirt with blue jeans and boots. Her hair was the color of bacon and I can clearly see the horn coming out of her head, we soon stopped infront of a mirror and she turned around and looked shocked. "A human?!, but how... doesnt matter what does matter is that I have this!" The mare said showing me twilights crown and before I could do anything she tossed it in the mirror then turned back to me with a grin. "To bad so sad monkey boy see you never!" She said and walked through the mirror. "Like hell Im gonna let that happen!" I said and began running at the mirror, the group caught up to me and tried to stop me but I already jumped at the mirror and went right through. (Human world) After the bright light was gone I was met with a tree to the face, I fell to the ground with a hard thud. The world was turning black and I felt my body tingle then stop, I heared distant footsteps coming towards me and before I could see who it was I passed out. (???) I shot up in a cold sweat and in a daze, I frantically looked around and noticed I was outside anymore. I was in a nice looking room, a comfy bed and nice veiw outside. I swung my legs out of bed and I made my way to the window and looked out it only to see it was night-time and the stars shined in the sky along with the moon, I was brought out of my thoughts when I heared a knock at the door. "Sugar are you alright in their, ah heared you scream" I heared a women say from behind the door then it slowly opened. I felt my eyes widen and my knees get weak, I almost had tears in my eyes. "Sugar are you alright?" Sweet apple asked wearing a red flannel shirt with blue jeans and boots. "S-Sweet... Apple?" I said in a studdered and let out a few tears, she looked at me in confusion. "I-Its me your friend Steel!" I said and was already hugging her at this point. "S-Steel... no i-it cant be ah haven't seen him in years ever since ryle died" Sweet apple said pulling me away. "Your to young to be steel sugar" "What?, but I am steel fox... wheres a mirror?" I asked running to the bathroom and I looked at myself in the mirror. "W-what the hell!" I shouted seening my teenage self, my hair was shorter and my muscles smaller but I still had my blue eye and tattoed arm. "Is everything alright?" I heared a ruff voice ask and I saw jacob with short white hair and a white beared wearing a black shirt and shorts. "Jacob oh my god its so good to see you after all these years!" I said hugging the man. "Son what are you on about, I never you met you before" Jacob said and I remembered they dont recognize me because Im to young. "Jacob he says he's our old friend steel fox" Sweet apple said and jacob turned to me in shock. "I am steel fox I can prove it to you both ask me anything!" I said and they thought for a few seconds. "Alright if your really our old friend then what happened after the great escape?" Sweet apple asked me and this was to easy. "Me, ryle and couple other hybrids started a revolution" I said making her go slack jaw. "C'mon hon thats history book stuff lets get to the personal ones, if your steel then answer this... what was the band name he created after he left the city?" Jacob asked and my face turned red, as they waited I had to force myself to say the answer. "The name was..." I muttered out but they didn't hear and asked me to say it again. "Alright the bands name was silver bullet happy now jacob, made me say the most embarrassing part of my life" I said glaring at the man but he just smiled. "Its good to see you after all these years steel... welcome home" Jacob said and patted my shoulder sweet apple was in tears at this point and turned the other way to wipe them away. "You dont know how much we missed you steel after ryle died and you left, we broke, we felt like we could have done something to help you cope with the pain but knew we couldn't get to you in time... please forgive us" jacob asked hugging me I gave a warm smile and hugged him back. "Apology accepted old friend... guys I know this isn't much but Im sorry I never got to say goodbye" I said and sweet apple hit me in the head before joing in the hug. "Oh sugar its alright, we knew one day you'd come back... but uh, we kinda have a little surprise" Sweet said and they pulled away and jacob gave a loud whistle. "Kids theirs someone you might want to meet!" Jacob called down the hall and my eyes had widen. "K-Kids?!" I said and sweet giggled and nodded. "Three actually" Sweet apple said and the surprises just keep on coming, I never would have taken sweet apple to be a mother of three same with jacob never took him for a father type. I then heared slowl footsteps coming toward us and the world went cold, I was in complete shock as to who I was looking at. "Applejack, macarena, applebloom meet your big brother steel fox" sweet apple said and I stared at the trio, my head was spinning and my stomach churned a bit. "You alright their sugarcube?" Human applejack asked and she was the spitting image of sweet apple. My breaths became shaky and my knees buckled causing me to fall to the floor, they all surrounded me and had looks of worry. "Steel are you alright?!" Jacob asked then turned to applebloom. "Get him some water fast!" He order and applebloom was gone in seconds. "I dont... I dont feel to good, this is all to-to much to process I think Im gonna-" I stopped and sprint to the window and swung it open before puking up my dinner. I panted like a dog and shook like a leaf, never in my life thought my life could get this confusing. "J-Jacob... I n-need to talk with you in private" I studdered out and tried to get back up but fell back on my knees, applejack and macarena rushed iver and helped me to my feet before laying me down on the bed. "Sugar your shakin like a leaf and you literally puked out the window, this can wait in till the morning right now you need rest understood" Sweet asked putting the blanket over me. "It cant wait sweet Im sorry but I need to-" "Get some rest, do Ah make myself clear darlin?" Sweet asked in a more stern tone, I sighed a little before laying back down. Applebloom came back with the water and I chugged it down in one go. "God I could use some whiskey" I said giving bloom the glass again. "I guess I'll explain things in the morning then huh" I said getting my head undercontrol and my shaking ceased. They all told me good night before leaving the room and told myself first thing Im going to tell jacob what has happened in the last two years since I've been in equis. "I am not looking forward to that" (The next day) I was woken up by a slight poke to my face making me groan a little and swat the hand away, but the person poked me again making me give an even louder groan before I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. It was applebloom and she stared at me with curiosity, "Yeah applebloom whats up?" "Why do you have this sword next to you?" Applebloom asked me and I shot up in a sitting then snaooed my head to the side of the bed and saw rebellion sitting leaning on it. "I-Its nothin bloom just something I was givin to by some... friends" I said grabbing the blade and getting out of bed. I attached the blade to my back and walked to the bed room door until I heared a ruffling noise behind me, then noticed applebloom not speaking or moving I turned to ask her why then she screamed and the room was stormed into in the matter of seconds, aj was holding the bat and held it towards me. "Whoa easy their aj, I didnt do anything applebloom just got scared is all but I dont know why" I said then I felt a twitch on my back causing me to look and see my wings spread out fully. "S-Steel y-you have-" "Wings?, I know thats kinda what I wanted to talk to you about jacob but I guess telling the rest wont hurt" I said folding my wings. "So uh... where do I begin?" (Living room) I sat on the old comfy couch and the rest sat on stools, I took a deep breath and then gave a sigh. "Alright I will say one thing and that is, I am not the same steel as you met long ago jacob, sweet apple... about two years ago I came back to the city to find yall and ask if I could live with you for awhile until I found something I liked" "But I thought you were making money being in that band of yours why come back?" Sweet asked and I shrugged. "Guess I just missed you guys alot and decided to stop running from my problems... but on my way here I helped a lady that was getting robbed by these thugs then wandered into the woods were me and ryle always went to, to try and clear my head... but something happened" I said and chuckled a little. "I uh... heared a voice who I will tell you later, but she asked me if I wanted to start a new adventure" "But you refused... right?" Macarena asked and I shook my head then I took off my jacket and shirt to show them the scars and markings all over my body they gasped a little seeing the scars while jacob and sweet wipped whatever tears they had coming down their cheeks, after a few minutes of showing them the marks I put my stuff back on and stood up. "I went to a land called equestria and by god its so... so wonderful their, the ponies around were I live are nice, the girls and the stallions helped me through thick and thin" I said and human applejack turned to sweet and spun her finger around her temple. "It sounds crazy but trust me, its their and its wonderful... I never been happier and I even found love for the first time" "Aw sugar thats so nice ta hear who's the lucky girl?" Sweet asked. "Well its actually three... and its two mares, one frost might all princess's, their names are twilight, frost, and luna and the last one litteraly controls the moon" I said now the siblings looked at me like I was lieing. "Really, wow where do I go to sign up for that world?" Jacob asked and sweet smacked him upside the head. "Now dont yall be leaven yer wife mister" Sweet said then looked back at me. "And you, your datin three girls at the same I thought I taught you better then to cheat" "No, no, no, no... you see the female and male ratio is completely messed up and so the dominant sex is mares and they have polygamy their to try and give more numbers in colts since fillys are more common" I said putting up my hands in defense and even dodged some of her slap's. "Oh... I guess that would make sense, but do they atleast know?" Sweet asked calming down from her small rage. "Yes they met eachother and I love them all very much, would completely shatter me if they got hurt at any point in time" I said and thought of something to try and prove this then I remembered Im wearing the golden arm brace. "Look this is from my marefriend luna, she gave this to me as a gift to show how luch she loved me" I said, it was hours upon hours of talking about equis and all my adventures with my friends it was nice talking to someone I knew for years. I even metioned seeing the apple siblings their as well and I told them their pony parents passed away a long time ago sadly and sweet shedded a few tears on that. I mean its her children technically so I understand her completely. As the sun soon reached half its body I finished the story and they all looked at me in complete awe. "Wow... you my friend have been through hell and stayed their" Jacob said leaning back in his recliner and running his hand through his hair. "And you almost died from that lux guy or as you called him yer evil self, and he almost killed luna how awful!" Sweet apple said with a glare aimed at no one. "Ma theirs no way any of thats real" Macarena said standing up and was face to face with me. "Look ah dont know why your here now and ah dont care ah will ask ya ta leave and take your stories with you" "Macarena that is your step-brother that has been with as long as Ah can remember, he even helped me when ah didnt want to live anymore and thats when him, jacob and yer uncle and aunt helped me!" Sweet said pulling her away. "Do ya honestly think someone would lie that long and not faulter once, or mix up his story I believe in steels story because he was so vivid with it and had great detail and look at his body it was never like that when me or jacob last saw him-" "Sweet Apple thats enough!" I raised my voice up a bit louder then I wanted but this made everyone quiet, sweet had tears at this point as she turned to me. "You have said quite enough infront of my siblings and I dont want to remember that horrible place... if a story wont help prove then I guess I have no choice" I said and began walking out the door, I motioned them to follow and they did until I stopped them at the porch. I walked a few feet away from them and tossed rebellion to jacob who caught it with one hand, I quickly took a deep breath then sighed heavily. "Do you remember the form I told you about in my story macarena?" I asked looking over my shoulder and the girl nodded. "You became a mythical warrior that had spikey golden hair and large muscles right?" Macarena said with a small annoyed tone but I nodded none the less. "Thats right, but I didnt mention how powerful it really is did I... I may have been gone for your whole lives but I met your pony versions and they treated me like family when I had nothing but my body and my good looks" I said wity a chuckle then turned to them with a serious look, I got in a stance and gave a powerful shout that made wind rush past them even knocking off aj's stetson. "Even now I still will call you family even if you say other wise, so take my word macarena, applejack, applebloom... every word I said is true!" I shouted then growled for a little bit gaining the power needed for this and with enough power I screamed at the top of my lungs and turned super saiyan, dust kicked up around me and circled my arms and body for a bit. I was back to my adult self, my muscles were as large and as solid as I remember, my wings glowed a bright blue and had fire trickle on the ground I grew back to my height and I was two heads shorter then jacob. "Because I would never lie to my friends or family without a good reason" "W-What in the name of god" Jacob muttered out seeing my super saiyan form. "Steel is... is that you?" Jacob asked and froze in place as my soul piercing blue eyes stared back at his brown ones. Macarena looked on with amazement and by the way her face is I can tell she believes every word that I said now. I dissipated the golden arua and walked over to the family with a familiar smile and less serious face. "This golden form you see now is called a super saiyan, something my father hopes to achieve one day" I said with a smile. "Wait... father?" Jacob asked and I nodded with a small frown. "I met him in equis and... lets just say we settled it like how saiyans would" I said and gave a small smile, jacob looked like he wanted to cry but tried to control them with as much power as possible but he was failing. "But you'll still be like a father to me in my eyes" "Steel... this is you became after all those years... the small little boy I remember grew up ta a be a handsome young man and you helped all those people with this power, ah cant find the words to describe how proud ah am" Sweet said and hugged me I hugged her back and smiled. "Ay dont leave me hangin" Jacob said and joined the hug, this lasted for a few minutes before we separated. "Macarena dont you think you have something to say?" Jacob said pushing said girl forward but she looked terrified at the sheer size of my body and my height. "A-Ah'm sorry... ah just couldn't believe... that all that stuff was true" Macarena said slowly and shook a little but I patted her head. "To be honest I think I went a little over board with everything and I didnt take in consideration of how any of you would process it... Im sorry, but just know the words I say are true and I would never lie unless it was for a good reason" I said and hugged her she stopped trembling and hugged back slowly and one after another all three of them gave me a group hug and they soon pulled away. "Its strange though because me and my friend greenie would buy hard cider from you aj" I said with a hearty laugh. "Whats hard cider?" Applejack asked. "Alcohol!" I said almost a little to proudly but aj was frozen with shock. "P-Pardon?" Applejack said then I remembered that human applejack is a teenager while equis applejack is just nineteen so technically that still makes her a teenager but human aj is just a few years younger. "Oh sorry, forgot your human aj and thought of equis aj she's just a little bit older then you is all and is done with school" I said with a akward chuckle, I turned back to my base form and sadly it put me back as a teenager again. "Damn... well I guess I shouldn't be suprised none the less I wish I still kept my muscles, I worked hard for those" I muttered and blew some hair out of my face. "Anyways I have to find twilight soon or else I wont be able to go back to equis" "Dont ya wanna stay here with us, you can grow up again and be apart of the family like we talked about all those years ago plus you can go to school with the kids and-" Jacob stopped sweet apple with a slight raise of his hand before standing infront of me. "He's a man now sweet, nothing we say or do can change that... he is not meant to stay here forever no matter how much we want him to, he has a purpose one that I know he has to fulfill himself... but he has the right to choose either to stay here on earth or go back to equis and save more lives when theirs danger ahead" Jacob said and grinned seeing my smirk. "I have my answer, just know steel we are always with you no matter what be it pony version or human... we will always call you family" "Thank you jacob, years of being alone only to be thrusted into equis and surrounded by people that love me... it was the greatest feeling in the world, but I never forgot about you guys and I always thought you would hate me for lashing out at you guys all because you were trying to help... Im sorry for that" I said. "I guess I was trying to figure out who I was on my own, I didnt even think about how much a friend would help or even family for that matter" "Water under the bridge" Jacob said. "Sugarcube yall always have us and the entire apple family" Applejack said and they gave warm smiles that got some tears out of me. "Now c'mon lets head back inside Im sure we are starvin from all the excitement" "Food sounds good" I said and with that we a headed back inside to eat something all the while I didnt notice the purple arrow in my eye was glowing. (Hours later) I laid on the couch bored out of my mind and exhausted, I went out to try and find twilight but nothing. The siblings had to go to school so I was left alone for that part, I lookee everywhere but nothing. "Dont worry sugar ah'm sure twilight is out their somewhere, ah would like ta meet the girl that got your heart" Sweet said setting a glass of water next to me and I downed it letting my senses feel the cool water flow through me. "She's kind of a nerd sweet and loves to read alot" I said with a chuckle but I sighed. "I dont think I could have survived this long without my marefriends or my friends... they give me the power to do everything I can and give it all I got, Im like a hero in their eyes always arriving when danger is afoot and beating them all just so I can see the smiles on their faces" I said sitting up and leaned back on the couch and stared at the ceiling, sweet apple looked at me with concern but felt like she knew what I meant. "They mean the world to me... I'd give my own life up just to see their smiling faces live one last time" "Yall must really hold them dearly huh?" Sweet said sitting in the recliner. "Dont ya get scared when ya face someone thats... thats to powerfull or someone that can kill you?" "Yeah I do feel afraid, if I didnt then I wouldnt be human... I wouldnt give a damn about my friends or marefriends, or the ponies I saved... but something just clicks in me, something that just makes me move my legs without my own control over them" I said and looked out the window. "Im always afraid yet I charge into battle like some sort of spartan or great warrior... I dont know why" I mumbled out but sweet still heared. "But... I do know that I can shove fear aside, I can come face to face with the devil and stare him down if it means saving everyone because I cant watch someone get hurt or die and knowing someone was in danger I would get off my ass and start sprinting towards them and stop whatever evil their is no matyer how powerfull I will beat them one way or another... they all say run while I say..." I looked to sweet and gave cheesy thumbs up. "Stay and fight" I said and had a big smile and determined eyes, sweet looked at me like I was out of some movie or a hero from a fictional book. 'He's grown up so much' Sweet said and just before she could say anything the door opened and the apple sisters came rushing through panting like crazy. "Girls whats the matter and why are yall out of breath?" "W-we... we oh gosh give me a minute... we found twilight" Applejack said and macarena nodded, I was on my feet and infront of them before any of us could blink. "You did where is she?" I asked. "She's at the school we go to, she hangs out at the library but we saw her with pinkie pie when she said she found out her crown was the prize for winning the fall formal" Applejack said and I flashed back to when that bacon haired girl stole twilights crown and threw it here. "I have to go to that school" I said and just as I was about to I was stopped by applebloom. "Its kinda to late for that, your gonna have to wait till tomorrow morning schools over" Applebloom said and I cursed under my breath. I completely forgot about that, guess I have to wait. "Hey uh steel" "Yeah whats up?" I asked looking down at her. "Well do ya think you can tell us a story from one of your adventures please!" Applebloom asked excitedly and just as sweet apple was gonna scold her I chuckled and ruffled her hair. "Sure why not... hmmm so many and all them dangerous where to start, ah I know how about the time I fought the dragon king head to head and won" I said sitting down on the couch. Applebloom was sitting on a stool and was giddy to hear this story, as I told my story I made small figures of me and everyone to show them in detail. The whole family was watching now and somehow I barely noticed the popcorn jacob had, applejack hated the leaders save for the my friends and marefriends because the pony version of her was being treated as a weapon. But then it got really exciting for them when they saw me staring down against the dragon king the girls were as red as an apple seeing his muscular body while jacob got jealous of him. They watched in awe at how fast we were moving, and how powerful the punches we sent were. It was at the part were I was grabbed by the dragon king did we hear the knocking at the door, I stopped it much to their disappointment but I told them it will be a second. I walked to the door and opened it, then was met with two familiar faces. "Richardson, Roaslyn by the gods its been to damn long!" I said hugging the two. "Uh... who are you?" Richard asked as I let go of them. "Ah, wasnt expecting you till tomorrow morning richardson, how's the arm?" Jacob asked and I forgot that richard lost it during the revolution but we got it replaced with a metal one nothing to complicated but it was hell making the nerves get attached to the arm to have the fingers, wrist and arms to move. "Ah you know still a peice of shit as always but I get by, anyway whos the kid dont tell me ya have another one geez I know you love the man sweet apple but damn four kids" Richard said and laughed a little. "Laugh it up mister but no ah didnt have another child, wouldnt mind having another but we'll see about that later. What brings you guys here?" Sweet asked joining us at the door. "Well Jacob called me and said that steel was back when he said that I got the wife and kid before zoomin down here but all I see are my nieces and a mystery child" richard said and I wasnt suprised hearing that Roaslyn and Richard hooked up or had a kid, they liked eachother since day one. "Yes where is he I want him to met our daughter" Roaslyn said and I sighed. "Guys c'mon I know Im young again but really yall dont even remember what I look like as a teenager!" I said making them all look at me. "Anyways roaslyn, richard your looking at steel fox... let me explain" I said and told the whole story and proved everything was true. "And thats the gist of it" "Lord almighty if it isn't steel fox the man himself well bird man thing... anyways what happened to you, you son of bitch leavin us in the dark even made a band and then now Im seeing you right infront of me" Richard said laughing a little while roaslyn hugged me with all her might. "So... about... that... daughter!" I sqeaked out and was instantly letting me breath, as soon as I got it back I heared little giggles. I looked and saw a ebony colored baby girl with black hair and wrapped in a blanket. "She's beautiful" "Yes... her name is aria foxlyn we tried to name her after you but it was hard enough just thinking of that, would you like to hold her?" Roaslyn asked and I nodded, I took aria in my arms and she stared at me with amber red eyes. "Whats up little one, I hope you grow up to be amazing just like your mother and father. If you are ever face with challenges go to them for support and they will give you the strength" I said and she giggled happily. "If the world turn their backs to you then you turn yours on them and walk forward with a smile on your face and dont let anyone stop you no matter what... my names steel fox and I guess Im your cousin now" I said and waved my finger at her to which she grabbed. "Strong hold she can be a great fighter if she were to be trained, but I can let her decided what she wants" "Speaking just like her father, wants her to be a fighter" Roaslyn said and Richard chuckled. "Anyways what brings you back here steel, last time we saw you it was on stage with your band mates" Roaslyn said and I flushed a little red hearing that they went to a show. "O-Oh... you went to that" I said and they nodded. "Recorded it and everything, I have it here on my phone who wants to watch?" Richard asked and everyone said yes except for me. We all sat down on the couch and on the floor while I reluctantly used my magic to make the screen bigger and we watched. Fans screaming and chanting my name, I was in front of all of them my long messy hair drapping over my shoulder my semi-muscular body and finally a hood covering some of my face. I remember this part of the concert this is were I decided to go back to sweet and jacob, to think an eighteen year old was able to do this. "Alright guys this is when steel gave his last song and he looked like he related to it in a way" "Yeah sorta, this song mainly made think of my life and my choices so much passed through me and after two more years I left and came back here to have a fresh start" I said and 'ahed' at this. "This was actually a song from another band that had a rapper so I thought why not try it... went pretty well and we sold tones of records after we released another album" "Shhh! Its starting" Roaslyn said and I began singing. After the proformance of the younger me I was as red as an apple because I was so into it. The apple siblings praised me for doing something like that but that just made it more embarrassing. After hours of talking and catching up, the sun was starting to set and I was growing tired, I told them to wake me up when it was time to head to the highschool and they nodded before I walked up stairs and into the spare room. Carefully closing it I walked to my bed and removed my clothing then plopped on the bed passing out instantly. (Morning) I was awoken by a slight knock on the door, I sat up in bed before walking to the door. I opened it and saw applejack holding cloths for me it was a hooded leather jacket with red interior linings but it had a small tear on the left arm, a gray tanktop, black fingerless gloves and black faded jeans. "Oh uh, thank you aj, give me a second let me change and hide the wings... where did you get this jacket?" I asked. "Ma made it, though it was a long time ago... ah'd see her work on that jacket every day until it was finished, she said it was for someone she held dear and would always be her friend" Applejack said and I looked at the jacket. "She made it just for you ah, hope ya like it" "This is... wow, I have to thank her once we get back I'll always wear it and sew it back together if it tears, this will be with me for as long as I live" I said then quickly put on the cloths saving the jacket for last. I stepped infront of the full length mirror in the room then slid the jacket on, it was a perfect fit and it felt so... right. "Time to add something else to it" I said and used some of my magic to stop the aging then a spell to make it grow without it tearing. "I look badass, and I dare say more awesome then dash" I said and aj giggled. "We should head out if we want to get to school, macarena will drive us" Aj said and I nodded before making my wings blend in with me and we walked out the house were macarena and applebloom were waiting. We entered the truck and with a slight rev of the engine we were off, I watched the scenery wizz past and I dont know when but I flipped my hood up and passed out. (Canterlot highschool) I woke up when we came to a stop and I felt my body jolt, I looked around and saw that we were infront of a pearly white school with other students who I recognized from ponyville and canterlot but mostly from ponyville. Macarena killed the engine and we all exited the car, with my hood still on I stood out like a sore thumb in the sea of color but I pressed on. "Where did you last see twilight?" I asked shoving the doors open getting some of the people to turn their heads but quickly move out the way as I walked passed them. "Well I think she was heading towards the library so she must be around that area" Applejack said and we all separated in teams of two, me with aj and macarena with bloom we only have twenty minutes until first period so better make it count. Me and applejack lightly jogged to go by faster but as we were I saw a green skin boy with short black hair wearing a dark green shirt, black pants and shoes. He looked familiar very familiar, I slowed down a bit and stared at him for awhile then I noticed he was limping a little. "Hey were do you think your going?" I heared a student shout from down the hall, it was a human pink lemon that asshole is in every fuckin world. "Oh me well Im off ta fuck yer nan ya cock guzzler" I heared a unmistakable voice say and it was from the green boy. He turned and I recognized him as greenie, pink marched over to greenie and punched him in the gut knocking the wind out of him causing him to fall to his knees. "That all ya fuckin got *cough* you shite muncher?" Greenie taunted him and was met with a kick to the cheek, and thats when I snapped. "Hey!" I shouted and noticed I made a crack in the floor but not as noticeable, the shout was loud to loud and it caught everyone's attention including applejack. "So you like beating up the injured huh or did you do that yourself, if you want a fight bitch then you got yourself one" I growled out and my right eye glowed a faint red under the hood. Greenie looked at me and I saw a smile on his face, I raised my fists and got in a fighting stance. "You must be new kid, you see their are two people who run this school yours truly and sunset shimmer... so run along before you get hurt like this weakling" pink said and kicked greenies side. "Now that is enough, you best leave him alone right now pink lemon!" Applejack said coming face to face with him, he chuckled and stomped on greenies hand causing the boy to cry out in pain. "Ah said stop!" Applejack yelled at him and pushed him a good couple of feet the whole place was filled with gasps and whispers, he stopped and gave applejack a glare. "Oh shit" aj muttered and began walking backwards slowly, pink walked slowly to applejack but was stopped by greenie who gave the bastard a mean right hook making him stagger. "Oh sorry for that mate I promised myself I wouldn't hit a woman must have slipped my mind"Greenie joked then was shoved to applejack who caught him. "I am going to send you both to the hospital the girl will be last but you... I'LL BREAK YOUR FUCKIN BONES!" Pink screamed and sprinted to the two, greenie raised his hands for another fight, pink reeled his fist back and greenie waited for the punch. "Im sorry I didnt quite catch that last part?" I growled out in an almost unholy voice as I held his caught fist in my hand, everyone stared in awe but I dont care at the moment. "Dont fuck with my family or my friends if you do I'll personal hunt you down and what was it you said... ah thats right, I'll break ever single worthless bone in your tiny little body" I said and broke his hand then swung my fist to his face making him finally shut up. I dropped him to the floor and began calming myself down when I did I heared photos being takin and students recording then some teachers running down the hall to see the commotion, "I believe the term for this situation is... Run and not get caught!" I grabbed both their hands and sprinted down the halls with them leaving the rest to question what had just happened. We came to a stop when we reached a good distance, we were now infront of the library and we decided to go their for a quick rest. As we went in I looked around in ever nook and cranny to find twilight but nothing so far, I saw the two sitting infront if one another and greenie was crackin jokes and aj giggled a some. "So I said to the fuck if ya want the money ya gotta fuck the chicken" Greenie said and laughed a little while aj just shook her head. "Wow tough crowd, but I have ta thank ya lass for comin to me rescue another hit like that and I would surely passed out from the pain" "Oh it was nothing, Ah just dont like pink lemon always a selfish dick" Applejack said making greenie chuckled. "But why did yall get in a fight with'im in the first place?" "He told me ta go get him some beer but I told him ta fuck off and well... I got a few punches in" Greenie said frowning a little, both me and aj could tell he was lieing. "Your a bad liar greenie tell the truth" I said walking up and sat next to applejack. "Aye ya caught me, well what the cock sucker really asked me was ta go and beat up five girls one of them including the lass right here" Greenie said and I clenched my fists, Im so glad I knocked that guy out. "Anyways I told him ta fuck off because I could never hit women its not right, he said if I didnt then he would send me to the nurses office as a warning heh showed that fuck what I can handle" He said and winced a little feeling the bruises pulse a little. "You were lucky that I was their to catch his fist otherwise you might have been sent to the nurse... names steel fox, applejacks... older brother" I said and held out my hand, he took my hand and shook. "Names greenie thanks for the save as well lad weren't for you we both could have gotten badly hurt... I think I should head on to the nurse ta get some ice or somethin" Greenie said getting up and limped to the door. "Cant believe I got my fuckin ass handed to me, especially infront of cute lass" Greenie said making aj blush a slight pink, he began walking and applejack looked like she wanted to go with him so I cleared my throat and nudged her. "Oh uh.. h-hey wait a minute now, let me help you to the nurse to help you get their faster, shouldn't be long" Applejack said walking up to greenie and put his arm over her to help him walk. "Oh uh, thank ya lass you dont mind steel?" Greenie asked and I just flicked my wrist telling them to leave. With that they both left and I was left alone in the library. "Guess I was right about them being together no matter what, human or pony they will always love eachother... now I just gotta find twilight" I said and removed my hood from my head as to not draw attention and left the library, I chose a random hallway to go down and walked for a bit turning eachtime to a different hallway until I heared three voices. Two seemed to be fighting and one was almost timid. "Leave her alone" I heared a girl say and it sounded like twilight, I rushed down the hall and I was right their was twilight in a blue shirt and purple skirt with her cutie mark and knee high purple boots. "Or what?" The girl infront of her said and it was bacon hair girl from equis, I flipped up my hood and walked towards them. "Or you answer to me bacon hair and you dont want that" I said gaining their attention, as they looked twilight smiled brightly while bacon hair glared at me. "*huff* Whatever just stay out of my way loser" bacon said before walking off, as soon as she was gone I sighed and put my hood down. "Steel is that you, your so... so..." Twilight stoped and seemed to drool a little, I snapped my fingers a few times making her come out of her mind. "Oh Im so sorry its just you look so handsome and you look like a teenager" "I am" I simply said and grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in. "Jesus I got scared for a minute thought I wouldn't see you again or anyone from home" I said chuckling a little then kissed her lightly. "Its different from equis but I still like it it's kinda softer then normal as well" "You sayin they werent already?" "And if I was what would you do?" I asked grinning a little and I saw her lick her lips slightly and hint of lust in her eyes. "Oh my" I heared a timid voice said and I looked to see fluttershy and she was flushed completely red. "Didnt know we had an audience, names steel fox whats your?" I asked turning to her and offering a hand, she slowly took it and I lifted her up to her feet. "Im... Fluttershy" Flutters said quietly but I'll act like I heared her. "Fluttershy huh, matches you completely Im sure you met my girlfriend twilight sparkle" I said bringing said girlfriend over to my side who blushed a little. "Oh yes, she came to my rescue twice ready both was when sunset shimmer was yelling at me, she almost scared the animals" Fluttershy said and opened her bag to let me see some squirrels, birds, and- "Angel?" I said grabbing the bunny who hopped out of my hand and on my shoulder then nuzzled my cheek. "Right different world, its still nice to see you" I whispered to the bunny before grabbing him again and handing him to flutters. "How did you know his name?" Fluttershy asked. "Uh... lucky guess?" I said and she bought it to which twilight face palmed. "Anyways where are your friends at fluttershy?" I asked and she did something I never thought I see in my life. She gave a mean glare at the floor. "Wow never seen her mad before" I whispered to twilight who nodded. "My only friends are rarity and strings, I use to have others but they lied to me and betrayed me... oh Im sorry I just get so mad thinking about it" Fluttershy said coming back to her normal timid self. "Wait only rarity and strings" I said to which she nodded. "That... doesnt make sense, what could have possibly made you five excluding rarity not be friends?" I asked and before she could answer the bell rang and she swooped up her animals. "Im sorry but I have to get to class see you later twilight" fluttershy said and began walking off. "Theirs no way, a world without them being friends is just... weird" I mumbled and felt a sting from the arrows in my eye. "The arrows... they must be connected somehow with this world" "I already talked to the celestia in this world and she said I had to earn my crown at the fall formal thats in two days just enough time to get votes for it or else were stuck here for thirty moons." Twilight said and I sighed a little. "Then lets get these girls back to being friends again" I said and twilight nodded, as we walked down the halls I could have sworn I heared a camera click but I guess it was nothing. (Lunch) Twilight went to the cafeteria to talk to fluttershy while I roamed around in the halls. It was kinda crazy how I never noticed this place, but oh well. As I roamed around I heared something fall over from down the hall and when I looked I had to quickly dodge a broke off peice of a broom stick. "So your the new girls boyfriend huh, Im a little jealous since you got a cute one but I tried to ask her out yesterday and she said no because she was with you and no one says no to me for long and when Im done with you she'll be beggin me to take her" I heared a guy say and I looked. He was a tannish color boy with spikey blue hair wearing a leather jacket, a white shirt, black pants and sneakers. "Oh look an idiot trying to be tough when clearly he's a snotty nose brat that has his mommy and daddy give him everything he wants and expects that from others" I said flipping my hood up then caught the broom stick aiming for my face. I sweeped under his legs and yanked the weapon away from him then tossed it, as we both got back to our feet he raised his fists. A couple of students that were skipping lunch saw this and circled around giving us no escape. "Hey thats flash century and the new kid who kicked pinks ass this is gonna be good" a student said and I groaned before placing in some headphones in my ears then pulled out my phone. "Better call an ambulance because Im gonna throw you in the hospital" Flash said and I decided that wasnt a bad idea and decided to humor him, I raised my phone to my ear and beagn talking. "Hello 911... yeah Im requesting an ambulance... how many... just one" I said taking the phone away from my ear then pressed play. I banged my head a little and right as it picked up I moved my head just in time to dodge a fist much to flash's suprise. I barely looked at him and he was backing up to go for another swing, I dodged his attacks again and kneed his side then planted my fist on his gut making him lose his breath he staggered back holding his stomach but didnt have enough time to block my foot heading to his side again he went to punch me but I caught it and tossed him over me landing him square on his back. The song ended and I took out my headphones, I looked at the boy in pain then started walking away. "Hey get back here and fight me!" "Your done, I dont want to waste my time with you anymore go to the nurse and get patched up, stay away from twilight got it" I said sharping my glare making him flinch. With that I started heading off in a random direction, I felt like I was lost in space for the most part. 'I wonder why the girls arent friends and who could have caused that?' I thought in my head, I was so distracted by that one thought that I didnt noticed I wandered into the gymnasium were a four on four basketball game was being played and I blinked a little when I saw familiar rainbow hair. "Rainbow dash?" I muttered out and saw a few students cheering her on from the bleachers I then couldn't stop myself when I saw two familiar faces. "Jack, Edge!" I shouted causing all them to turn to me, I gave an akward chuckled and began walking to the two teens. The game resumed as did the cheering and when I got to the brothers they looked at me confused. "Who are you and how do you know our names?" Edge asked his body smaller but still muscular, he looked pretty much the same save for the horns, tail and muzzle. Jack was a bit shorter then his usual height and along with his muscle which matched edge. "Sorry its just... nevermind its nothing, anyways whats happening here?" I asked hoping they would change the subject and they did. "Well its a mostly just a regular girls basketball game and everyone here at chs loves sports especially if it involves rainbow dash" Jack said looking to said girl who was wipping some sweat off her head, she noticed him looking and waved to which he waved back. "My brother has a crush on her" Edge whispered to me and I chuckled then heared an air horn ring through the air. "Go rainbow!" A certian hyperactive girl screamed, I looked to see pinkie wearing a cheerleader outfit and blowing the air horn. "The fuck?" I said confused by the girls actions then just sighed. "Its pinkie being pinkie" I mumbled and shook my head. "I didnt know pinkie pie was here, this makes this all the more better" edge said with a hint of excitement, I snorted softly remembering those two date in equis. I looked back at the game and realized it was over with dashs team winning by a mile, she looked disappointed though because she didnt have a challenge through that whole game. "Hey why do you have that smile on your face kid?" Jack asked seeing a big smile on my face. "Hey rainbow dash!" I called out making everyone look at me. "I challenge you to a one on one basketball game!" "WHAT!?" "Dude are you insane, no one and Im not exaggerating on this, no one has every beaten dash at any sport what so ever not even our second top athlete spitfire!" Jack said but I laughed. "Then she clearly hasnt met me" I said making him give me a shocked look, I walked down the bleachers and stood right infront of the rainbow head. "So what do you say dashie?" "Oh you are so on newbie, how do you want to do this?" Rainbow asked and I thought for minute. "First to twenty-one wins sound good?" I asked and she nodded, I took off my jacket getting a few girls from the bleachers to sqeal a little making me a little embarrassed for just wearing a tanktop but I got jealous glares from the guys even some that looked like they were in football, I walked to the bleachers and placed it down before grabbing the ball. "Names steel by the way the one who's gonna win" I said making her give a smirk. "Lets do this" We went to the middle of the gym and I tossed the basket ball up, just as rainbow was gonna grab it I jumped up and caught with ease before landing and taking off to the hoop. Dash was fast but nit as fast as me, when she got infront of me she went in to swipe the ball away but I bounced it over her and caught it before shooting it in. The court was silent as I retrieved the ball, I might have gone a but over board. "*sharp whistle* Ay rainbow your ball" I said she looked at me with determination and as I tossed her the ball she was going straight for the hoop to try and dunk, I let her get half way in the air before jumping up and smacking the ball out of her hands she landed back on the ground with a look of frustration while I was giving a cocky grin. I grabbed the ball and ran to the other side with rainbow behind me, I got close enough to the court and went in for a dunk dash jumped up to try and stop me but I dunked over her and hung on the rim while she landed on her butt. "What'er you doin down their" I laughed out and hopped down before helping her up. She gave a small chuckle and I went to pass her the ball. "You might have gottin lucky newbie, but I can come back from two points" Rainbow said with a cocky smirk. I gave one back and quickly plugged in my head phones then pressed play. Once it started I passed the ball to rainbow and she didnt waste any time, she ran down the court and went to shoot a three but I blocked it and rebounded it before running to the other side of the court, she went to cut me off but I broke her ankles and spun around her before going in for a dunk giving me another point. This went on for a few minutes and rainbow got two points while I had sixteen already, never played a game of basket ball in my life but I like it. I dribbled down the court and decided to get a little cocky and shoot it from half way of course it didn't make it and rainbow caught it then ran back to the otherside. Rainbow looked like she was getting tired and she was sweating alot, I decided to give her a few points just help her confidence stay in place. Finally it was neck and neck the song had ended and we were battling for the orange ball, it was rainbows ball and she went in to try and break my ankles but I was smart enough to see it and take her off balance as I swiped the ball away and ran down the court, I looked back to see rainbow right behind me. 'Sorry RD you may be tired and the top athlet but you never met someone like me until today' "Get dunked on kid ahahahaha!" I laughed as she fell on her butt and watched the ball go through the net earning me the last point needed. I hopped down and panted a little with a smile on my face, the whole room was beyond shocked and stunned I dont even know what their feeling right now, but I do know whats going through their heads is a new kid beat their top athlete like nothing. "Phew, needed a good warm up to start the day... well better go check on my girl, lets do this again sometime and you might wanna work on those side steps helps out alot" I said helping the girl up then walked back to the bleachers and grabbed my jacket before leaving the gym. As I walked down the halls I had wrapped the jacket around my waist and let the cool air run across my body. I havent had that much fun since... well actually I have had that much fun before. "Oi, steel wait up!" I heared someone call out to me, I looked to see greenie running up wearing some bandages and and hand brace. "Greenie, you look like shit" I said ending with small laugh, greenie slugged my arm and we began walking down the halls. "So wheres aj?" "Oh she went to the second gym ta set up the decorations fer the fall formal" Greenie said and I nodded, still gotta find a way for the girls to become friends again but I dont even know were to begin. "Hey greenie, can I ask you something?" I said gaining his attention. "You know those five girls you were almost forced to beat up, what were their names?" "Oh uh, well applejack was one, The other girls names were fluttershy, rainbow dash, rarity belle, and pinkie pie... funny thing is they all used ta be friends in freshman year" Greenie said catching my attention. "You knew those girls since your first day at chs" I asked to which he nodded, "what happened to them that caused them to hate eachother?" I asked and greenie shrugged. "I dont really know lad, when I saw the small group they were like sisters in a way always helping one another and even helping others, including myself Im actually friends with pinkie pie and now Im friends with applejack. Anyways I always see them together... until sunset shimmer came, they wanted ta be the lass's friend but as you heared she 'runs' this school the teachers are scared of her and so are the students. They tried anyways but failed, when I went ta go see pinks the next day she was completely different none of her friends came ta see her save for rainbow dash and I asked her why but she never gave an answer always veered away from the subject" Greenie said. I never knew that, guess I have to get to the bottom of this and that sunset shimmer sounds like trouble. "Hey greenie, I know this is gonna sound strange but I wanna show you something... trust me its not anything bad just follow me" I said and he nodded. We started walking to a less open oart of the school, one were barely anyone looked like went to. We reached the end of the hall and I turned to greenie who looked cautious but I assured him it wasnt anything bad just suprising. "So what did ya want me ta see lad?" "Alright you might freak out but please dont scream alright or tell anyone... every word I say is the truth nothing more nothing less understand" I said sternly and greenie nodded then waited. "Alright... here it goes" I mumbled and took off my shirt. "Whoa lad I dont swing that way!" "Shut up ya green bastard and just look" I said and he did, I snapped my fingers causing the camouflage spell to go away making my folded wings appear. With a quickly pop of my back I spread my wings full letting greenie see them, his eyes slowly went wide and he went slack jawed. "W-What... the... fuck" Greenie choked out, he looked like he was having a hard time breathing. "Deep breaths greenie, its ok man I know this is a shock but calm down" I said and he nodded shakily before take a deep breath then sighed heavily, he did this a few times before getting it under control. "So, yeah I got wings because Im what you call a hybrid" "A-A-A h-h-hybrid!" Greenie studdered out and shook like a leaf. "I thought you guys were just a myth!" "Nope, were real and we live among you as normal people but really we are different species of animals I am part saiyan which is an alien race but the other part I believe is human but Im not sure" I said and it was alot to take in for greenie. "Hell you might be a hybrid offspring man" "S-Seriously... well this is alot to take in, me mother always told me that hybrids were legends you told ta kids ta make them scared" Greenie said and I chuckled. "Tell me what was your mothers name?" I asked. "Daisy sun" Greenie said finally getting his heartbeat to calm down. "Wait your Daisy's kid... didnt think the old girl had it in her to love an actual guy" I said with a small laugh, I heared another click again and waited for a second only to hear nothing. I folded my wings and hid them with my spell before putting on my tanktop and jacket on. "Greenie, I know this is gonna come as a shock to you but... your mom and I know eachother from way back and she was hybrid just like me" I said and it was like greenies whole world turned upside down. "Really then that means Im a hybrid offspring?" Greenie said and I nodded. "Wait... what kind of hybrid is me mom?" He asked and I stifled a laugh. "Well... how do I say this, she's... a cat girl" I said holding back my laugh's and it took greenie a moment to understand then it hit him like a bus. "What" "I told you she's part human and part cat, a cat girl like has the ears and tail can make her finger nails sharper and well *contains laughter* likes laser pointers... just dont give her catnip!" I said finally breaking and began laughing my ass off and falling to the floor holding my gut. "ARE YA FUCKIN SERIOUS IM PART CAT!" Greenie screamed completely livid then black cat ears popped up from his head, we were both silent then I roared with laughter. "I cant *inhale* I cant *longer inhale* I cant breath!" I weezed out and laughed some more, greenie was stomping on my legs and cursing me but I was to busy laughing to notice. After about an hour and some change later I was panting like a dog and just laying on the ground while greenie was sitting against the lockers with his cat ears still present. "Alright... I think thats all out of my system, now you know who I really am and now you know something about yourself as well" "Yeah even though it's fuckin embarrassin, but it dies explain why I like fish alot" Greenie groaned rubbing his cat ears then growled. "How come yer the cool bastard instead of me, damn it!" "Luck I guess but screw it... so how are we gonna get those girls to be friends again?" I asked him and he gave a confused look. "How are we gonna get rainbow dash, pinkie pie, fluttershy, rarity and applejack to be friends again?" I said once more. "Why you askin me lad, I dont know the first clue or know why ya want me help" Greenie said with a clicking his tounge. "Well because I know if they become friends again, twilight can win that crown" I said getting to my feet. "Jack, Edge get out here" I said and heared two loud thuds then the brothers came out from hiding. "How did you know we where their?" Jack asked then sas greenies ears and held back his laughs. "Ah shut it will ya, anyways how in gods name do ya plan on making those five girls friends again?" Greenie asked, edge asked what he meant I gave him the run down to which he looked at me like I was crazy. "Theirs no way, I asked dash and she didnt even answer and edge asked pinkie who did the same thing... they just stopped being friends end of story" Jack said and I shook my head. "I think I know who fucked with them... who is the person who the whole school despises?" I asked and they shrugged. "Sunset shimmer, think about it those five girls loved eachother like if they were sisters and then one day as soon as sunset shimmer came, poof, they hate eachothers guts with a passion for one thing specifically... we need to tell them all it was all her doing, but were gonna need three more guys to do it. Who's with me!" I said holding out my fist, the three looked at eachother in uncertainty but grinned and nodded before fist bumbing me. "Alright, now all we need is to find a guy named strings, coal and mint" I said and they nodded before we all headed off to find the three. (Music room) "Why do you think this strings guy is gonna be here?" Jack asked. "Because I think by his name you can guess that he likes music more specifically a instrument that has strings" I said and opened the up the room and saw the fancy bastard sitting on a chair holding his guitar tuning it. "Told you" "Oi, you strings!?" Greenie asked making strings turn he was kinda different but still the same. We approached him and he looked at each of us. "Yeah what do ya want?" Strings asked standing up. "We need your help strings, I want to have rainbow dash, pinkie pie, fluttershy, rarity, and applejack all be friends again but were going to need your help" I said making him look at me with a small glare. "Why do ya want ta hurt the girl even more, she already went through enough leave her be" Strings said harding his glare then sat back down. Greenie gritted his teeth at the response and went to give him a peice of his mind but I held my arm out. "Is that so... or is it just your scared, scared of losing her if she makes amends with those girls save for rarity?" I asked and he tensed up and went to tune his guitar again. "Admit it strings, if we help fluttershy make amends with them you will feel alone and forgotten right" I said and he played louder to drown me out. "Answer me!" "Fine!, yes I admit it I would feel left out, I would feel like she would forget about me and stop hanging out with me shes the only friend I have... she's all I got not even rarity gives a damn about me" Strings said his anger turning depressed, he dropped his guitar and buried his face in his hands. "I dont want ta be alone again, is that so much to ask for" he asked and let some tears fall, the guys thought I went a but to far but didnt notice we had an audience as well. "You know strings someone only gets this defensive if they love that person as well, and you would feel jealous that her friends will keep you from it" I said and he shot me a glare with tears still coming out. "Admit it, you like the shy girl nothing to be ashamed about hell Im dating a book worm" I said and atrings said nothing. "Is being alone the only thing your worried about or is it you wont be abke to tell her your feelings?" I asked and he slugged my gut I coughed a little and laughed. "Screw you man... am I that much of an open book?" Strings asked wiping his eyes and standing back up "Yup... and look who's here" I said stepping out of her way and strings turned beet red. "Fluttershy what do you say to that great confession?" I joked getting stifled laughed from the guys. "Well I had no idea strings felt that way about me, and why would you ever think I would forget you?" Fluttershy asked him and he frowned. "Because you'll have other friends and wont need me" Strings said and fluttershy lightly slapped him. "Theirs no limit to how many friends I have" "Yeah but... *sigh* your right I got worried over nothing" Strings said and rubbed his cheek to which fluttershy apologized for. "But do you really love me?" Fluttershy asked blushing a slight red this also turned strings red. "I uh-" "Oh just kiss already!" I groaned out and pushed the two together. "Fluttershy loves strings and strings loves fluttershy now we gotta find mint and coal" I said. "Mint and coal, I think I know were mint is and coal is with Bluebelle in cooking class" Fluttershy said. "Alright, do you think you can take us to mint?" I asked and fluttershy nodded before leading us out the room. We walked down the halls like some sort of gang, we sure looked the part and with me at the front this made me look like the leader, I looked at a few students and noticed they were shaking a bit. Fluttershy stopped infront of a class room that said sewing, I peeked inside and sure enough I saw the mint haired son of a bitch but he had his hands full at the moment with a fashonista. "Alright lets head in, Im sure rarity is with mint working in some-Ah!" Fluttershy yelped in suprise causing the two teens to scream in fright and back away from eachother. "Oh fluttershy darling, I uh didn't hear you come in me and mint were-" "Making out, whatever, you guys act like its a big fuckin deal" I said shutting the door and locking it. "Now then for what I came here for, your mint press correct?" I asked to which mint nodded. "I need your help, Im trying to get five girls to become friends again more specifically your girlfriend, fluttershy, applejack, rainbow dash and pinkie pie. You in?" "What do you mean by that and who are you?!" Rarity asked but I walked over to a dress and gave it a small tear making her scream and quickly got to working on fixing it. "She does have a point... who are you?" Mint asked. "My name is steel fox, Im applejacks older brother and-" "Alright heared enough get out!" Mint ordered but I carried on. "And I noticed something off about how those girls, greenie told me that before sunset shimmer came they all used to be friends hell he said they treated eachother like sisters until she came... doesnt that strike you as odd?" I asked mint who took that into consideration. "Im gonna be frank with you, I believe that someone planned to ruin these girls' friendship dont you think so?" "... Your right, I know for a fact that those girls were the best of friends and nothing could split them apart, except for-" "Sunset shimmer" I finished and he nodded. "Rarity, fluttershy by the end of the day we are going to help you mold your friendship back together... because Im going to need your help getting that crown for the fall formal, and its not for me but for my girlfriend twilight sparkle" I said making rarity gasp. "Thats your girlfriend, but you seem so handsome and how do you say, badass, why did you go for a book worm?" Rarity asked and took one of her dresses and torn it in half. "You monster!" "Oh you have no idea" I said and chuckled hearing her whine, thats when I heared the bell ring. "Man that thing has been going off all day whats it supposed to mean?" I asked. "Its supposed to signal next period and this is the fifth period so we better find coal" Greenie said then was stopped by rarity and tugged at his ears. "I HATE THESE FUCKIN CAT EARS!" "Oh its so cute though how can a girl not want to touch them!" Rarity said going for another feel but mint stopped her.   "Yeah and Im sure every girl in this school would want to grab me if I so much as take off my shirt" I said walking to the door, as we all walked down the halls rarity lead us to the cooking class were coal and bluebelle are supposed to be but I heared arguing. I stopped the group infront of the door and creaked the door open to hear and I wanted to throw up. "Blueblood" I spat out, I raised my hood up and told the others to wait outside while I take care of this, thats when I walked in the room was almost empty save for coal, bluebelle and blueblood and trixie which was suprising but she still wore the magician outfit.   "And another thing, I dont want you near my sister she is to good for you and you are just some dirty country boy while she is a civilized girl who knows how to properly dress" Blueblood said and I looked at bluebelle who was wearing tight shorts, a blue croptop, and knee high boots.   "I wouldn't call that civilized attire but what do I know" I said gaining their attention. Blueblood turned around and looked at me and his eye twitched seeing my attire. "Such a brutish and horrid outfit how can anyone walk around in daylight with that on?" Blueblood said. "Yeah screw you too bluey, now then Im here for coal and bluebelle c'mon I dont have all day" I said beckoning them to come but when they took a step blueblood punched coal in the face only to receive one back except harder. "Ladies, Ladies cut the shit I don't have all day" I said. "Shut it peasant and get out of here, this has nothing to do with you" Blueblood said and they heared a loud cracking noise. "So bluey think you have the balls to play with the big boys again, lets see what your made of" I said flipping him off, he charged at me with the intent to knock me out but his movements were sloppy and easy to read. "Please this isnt even a fight" I said side-stepping. "Now show me them pearly whites" I said and knocked his lights out with a vicious left hook. He fell to the ground like a bag of rocks, the looks on everyone's face was priceless. "Holy shit mate" Greenie said opening the door and the others walked in. "You knocked this bastard out cold, is he still breathin?" "Good question... alright bored, now then onto more pressing matters. Coal wing, and bluebelle Im gonna need your help getting five girls to be friends again" I said lowering my hood. "Jesus you fucked him up, shit man I owe you one" Coal ans bluebelle cheeked his cheek. "Ay no sweat hate the bastard anyways, so I want your help with something" I said. "Remember I owe you so ask away" Coal said sitting back down. "I need you to help us expose sunset shimmer for breaking up a group of friends that will help my girlfriend stand a chance at getting the crown for the fall formal. Think you can help?" "You want me to help get a group girls to be friends so your girlfriend can beat the raining queen at her own game... alright sure, better then doing jack shit" Coal said grabbing his bag. "Mind if I bring some friends?" He asked. "Not at all" I said and we left the room with the boys back together with bluebelle and trixie. With the way our group looked I dont think anyone can stop us, thats when I noticed flash standing at the end of the hall with a smug smile, I held out my arm to have the others stop. "What do you want flash here to try and kick my ass to get my girlfriend who doesnt even like you?" "Maybe or maybe not but I do have a request by someome to send you to the hospital or get thrown out the school either one is fine with me" Flash said and two more kid's came out from behind him who I recognized as snips and snails those two seem to love trouble from what scoots tells me. They reached into their pockets and pulled out photos of kicking pink lemons ass, then showing greenie my wings and finally bluebloods unconscious body. "How did you get those... wait those clicks, you son of a bitchs she sent you here to stop me because she knows if twilight wins her plan will as well" I said and balled up my fists. "Why are you following her orders you idiots cant you see she wants the crown more than anything?!" "Mate who you talking about?" Strings asked. "Sunset shimmer is trying to get me out of her way to try and win the crown that doesnt belong to her" I said and heared the three chuckle, I heared a sharp noise ring in my ear and the arrows in my eyes glowed orange, red and blue. "I see... thank you twilight" "What are you on about?" Jack asked and I pointed to the arrows in my eye they saw the four arrows glowing save for the purple and pink. "Who thats freaky" "The arrows are connected to the girls and once we have them together I should be able to go back to my real form at will" I said and they tilted their heads in confusion. "Alright let me makes this easier, twilight got three of the five girls to be friends again now all we need is these two. But we have a annoying problem" "Dont worry steel we got this, its only three guys whats the worst they can do?" Greenie said and lady fate was not on our side this day. Twelve more students each one tougher looking then the last came out of no where and were now behind flash. "You just had to open your fuckin mouth didnt ya" I said glaring at the green boy who shrugged sheepishly. I raised my hood up and stretched, "Guys why dont you head on without me yeah" "No way were got inta this mess now were gonna get the hell out together" Greenie said stepping forward, one by one the guys stood next to me ready to fight and thats exactly what were gonna do. "Its fifteen vurses seven theirs no way your walking out of here intact" A random boy said and they all laughed, but we popped our knuckles and got ready. "Well boys looks like were not going anywhere for awhile" I said popping my neck and fingers loud enough for the twelve idiots to hear. "Hows about we get a work out in" I chuckled and pulled out my phone before pressing play. The boys felt a sudden rush of adrenaline and strength course through them as the song started. The twelve boy's rushed after us ready to fight but they were going to get more then what they bargained for, we rushed the group and I tackled one to the ground and sent hard punches to his face then I flipped over some kid that was going for a tackle and I slammed my foot in his back causing him to fall. Greenie got surrounded by two from the front and the back, the guy infront went for a hit but greenie dodged and grabbed his arm before kneeing him in the stomach and using him as a meat sheild blocking the kick from the one behind him. He tossed the boy onto his friend then delivered a ferocious right hook knocking the two boys out, greenie stared at his fist suprised he had this new strength and chuckled before moving on to the next. Coal and mint were forced to the lockers by four but once one of them went for a punch, mint dodged it before sending his own landing square on the nose then he kicked the guy next to him on the side. Not wanting to look bad, coal used the lockers behind him to elevate himself up and he launched off, he reeled his fist back and slammed it down on the one to his right head then he forced him to the ground were he used the body to elevate himself once more so he can jump up and block the kick heading to his face. He grabbed the leg and punched the guy were the sun dont shine, he gave a girly scream and made some of us cringe before coal went back to fighting. Edge and Jack were blocking and countering each of the boys attacks they did get hit more often then us but they looked like they could take it. Edge elbowed one coming from the side while Jack spartan kicked another coming from the other knocking a few from the ground, the brother's gave a smile and a nod before going back to business. As the song finally ended and the group of twelve boys shriveled down to a mere five boys including flash as the leader who looked unscratched. I noticed that snips and snails were gone but I didnt pay much attention because I still had an ass and some change left to deal with. The boys got pretty banged up but nothing worse then a bruise and busted lip at most. "What now flash, seems your little gang couldn't take on a few teens that barely know eachother, hows about you step aside and let us pass" I said adjusting my gloves and hood, flash laughed before stopping and his eyes lit up. "Whats got you so giddy fruit cup?" "Uh... lad I know this aint the best time but, your kinda wanted by the principals... and look who just showed up" Greenie said and I turned around only to see an angry human luna, she had blue-ish skin with her hair a mix with ethereal blue and baby blue hair, she wore a purple shirt that had a white collar with a crecent moon on it and she wore dark blue pants and heels, she barely came to eye level with me but I was still taller then her. "L-Luna!" I said and she gave me a curious look. "Young man do you have any idea what you've done here?" Human luna asmed me and I looked around seeing the unconscious bodys of seven boys. "You and your little group beaten up ten students and disrupted class's look around!" Luna ordered and I did as told, I saw groups of students all looking in awe and some even taking picture's. "Oh... well uh ya see they actually started this whole thing, I was going to class with my friends and they showed up then flash said he was going to the hospital and or kick me out of the school for no reason. So we told him to leave but he brought out twelve more students and I fought them off.... Im in trouble aren't I?" "Oh you have no idea, come with me mr... uh" "The names fox steel fox, pleasure to make your acquaintance luna" I said then was being dragged by said woman. "Guys find the others get the girls to be friends, I'll try to smooth things out!" I said and they watched as luna dragged me away to her office. "So... luna can you please repeat what you just said?" I asked politely to the blue skinned woman who was my marefriend back home. We were in her office which was kinda dark and all of it reminded me of her room back at the castle save for the bed, bathroom and closet. "I said, you will be suspended for the rest of the week and you will not attent the fall formal" Luna repeated and I felt my heart sink at the very words. "Whoa luna lets not get hasty here theirs gotta be something I can do!" I pleaded but she wasnt having none of it. "Luna Im going to be honest with, I need to go to the formal in case if anything goes wrong like a demon pops up or something" "Why would a demom pop up at a highschool dance mr. Fox" Luna said narrowing her eyes, I sighed and thought of ways to convince her to let me go. Then I remembered if their are two lunas then that means they both should have the same interests meaning one thing. She cant resist me, or Im going to get hit by sweet for trying to woo a vice-principal. I stood up from my chair and pulled down my hood letting her see my face, she wondered what I was doing at this point. "Luna, look into my eyes and tell me what you see" I said coming to eye level with the woman, she looked at me with suspicion before playing along. She stared for a few minutes and her suspicion eyes began to faulter and turn soft. "I... see... something... a man with wings" Luna muttered out, I stood back up and took off my jacket and undershirt. "M-Mr. Fox what are doing?!" Luna asked her cheeks become flushed "Shh... just watch, I havent been completely honest with you luna" I said and gave a relaxed sigh, I turned to the window and closed the blinds. "U-Uh... mr. Fo-Steel what are planning?" Luna asked her face still red, but I answered with a warm smile that made her sit up right and just stare at me. "Im not actually a full blooded human" I said and turned the camouflage spell and spread my wings fully. "Im what you people call a hybrid" I said letting her soak in the fact that she was looking at a real hybrid. ".... Wow" Luna said almost in a whisper and got up to touch my wings. "I havent seen a hybrid since I was a little girl, I even saw one of the youngest captain's before the war" 'Wow Im old!' "Really, what was his name?" I asked knowing full well it was me. "I think his name was..... oh my god" Luna muttered out and stared at me with wide eyes. "Y-Your captain steel fox of the hybrid revolution" "In the flesh... luna I know this must seem weird since Im actually twenty-two, and this is how I looked back in the day" I said turning to the woman who was fanning her face with her hand to get rid of her furious blush. "To be honest if you saw what I really looked like I dont think you would be able to resist me, but were getting off topic listin luna I need to go to that formal because I need to stop a certian girl from winning understand" I said and luna nodded shakily, I was about to say more but I felt a familiar sharp sting go through my eye and a loud ring in my ears. "Yes, they did it... luna just to warn you try not to faint alright" I said much to her confusion then I focused the power I gained back to regain my true form. I grew a head taller, my muscles grew bigger and became as hard as rock like before and my hair shorten to its right style, my right eye turned pitch black for a moment before it shrunk down until it was a complete copy of my left eye no more arrows or slit pupils. "*Sigh* This is so much better, so about that-" THUD! I stared at the unconscious body of luna who fainted seeing my real body, I shook my head and gave a soft chuckle. "Oops... well guess I have to wait till she wakes up" I said picking luna up and setting her back down on the couch next to her desk, I grabbed a seat and turned back to my teenage form before putting on my stuff again. "Now we play the waiting game" (Two hours later) I was playing games on my phone waiting for luna to wake up. Thats when I heared her start to stir, she opened her eyes and sat up looking around in confusion until her gaze rested on me. "Morning sleeping beauty, hope that nap was good" I said turning my phone off. "Ugh... what happened?" Luna said placing a hand on her head. "Well you kinda fainted" I said making the woman blush heavily again. "Yeah should have gave you a better warning, anyways Im sure your wondering why Im here well to tell you the truth Im here to retrieve something that was stolen. And I need to get it back" "A-Alright... what is it?" Luna asked me her blush fading away. "Well, you know about the fall formal correct?" I asked and luna nodded. "Well then you know theirs going to be the winner of a crown as well and what I need to do is insure that twilight sparkle wins that crown" I said catching luna by surprise. "Thats why you wanted to go to the formal so badly... but why go through all this trouble for a plastic crown?" Luna asked. "Well luna that crown you have is not a fake crown it is real crown, and it can only be worn by a true princess... and twilight sparkle is a true princess and Im not saying that just because Im dating her" "YOUR DATING A TEENAGER!" Luna shouted and I placed my hand over her mouth. "She's actually nineteen and out of school with a intellect that beats any scientists or anything that involves studying" I said and she blinked a few times, I removed my hand from her mouth and sat back down in my chair. "So let me get the straight your actually twenty-two and ms. Sparkle is nineteen with the intelligence of the smartest being in this world" Luna confirmed to which I nodded. "Do I need to show you again, I dont mind" I said changing into my adult form, her eyes widen and her blush returned with vengeance. "I-I... uh... w-wow" Luna said. "So can we come to an agreement?" I asked holding out my hand. "I'll keep my lips shut if you do as well" ".... Fine you can go to the formal, but if I see another fight like that try to take it easy on them please. You will still have to be suspended for the rest of the day so who do I call to come pick you up?" Luna asked grabbing my hand and shaking it. "Do you know who sweet apple is?" I asked. (Sweet apple achers) I was smacked across the face hard by sweet who was being held back by jacob, though he was having trouble with that at tye moment. "Of all the stupid shit yall could do, you of all people started a gang fight are ya kidding me, ah have half a mind ta-hmph!" Put a hand over her mouth making her words muffled. "Ok to be fair it was kinda self defense" I said and was slapped again. "Ok that one actually hurt, sweet ya gotta calm down" I said catching her hand this time. "He's right sweet apple, I think he learned his lesson... in a way, by the way how many kids did you beat up?" Jacob asked picking up sweet which made her struggle against the man. "Well their was fifteen and five were left so ten students in total" I said and jacob was kinda impressed by this. "Well I'll be, if you werent in equistria Id say youd make a fine mma fighter" Jacob said and we both laughed. After about a few minutes had passed sweet calmed down just enough to let me explain what happened, she didnt like how I got into four fights in one day but she understood that I was defending myself and my friends. "Alright I understand but... look sugar ah know ya cant stand ta see people ya care about get hurt but for god sake you beaten up ten student's just ta protect them" Sweet said and it was true but I done much worse then start a little fight. "Sweet, do you remember out talk yesterday how I move without a single thought in my mind... thats what happened today, my legs moved by themselves and I couldn't stop. Its something that happens when someone is in trouble or when someone is in need of help, I'm sorry that a little fight made you feel this way but trust me I have done much, much worse... if you need me, I'll be in my room I need to call applejack so she can bring twilight here" I said and walked up the stairs, not a word came from the couple as I ascended up the stairs. I opened the door to my room and walked in, closing the door softly I gave a long heavy sigh. I took off my jacket and under shirt before kicking off my boots and I plopped on my bed, I felt like everything was different now from back when I was an actual teenager. "So much responsibility... but if I dont do it then who will, I have to see this through to the end" I said then pulled out my phone and called applejack. "Hey... its me" (Hours later) "Steel!" Twilight shouted almost breaking down my door and she tackled me on my bed. "Oh man I was so scared something happened, well something did happen and you got suspended, but then I was told their was a big fight with the human versions of the guys helping you and-hmph!" I cut her off with a simple kiss in which made her melt in my arms. "You talk way to fast" I said parting from her and she had a goofy smile, I chuckled and pulled her down to the bed I pulled her down for another kiss this one a bit longer and I got a touchy. "Steel not here, their gonna here us" Twilight said parting from me, her cheeks were coated a rosy red. "Well I can put up a noise canceling spell if that would help" I said raising my hand the black aura surrounded it. "Hmmm, very tempting" Twilight said sliding her hand down my chest and ending up on the edge of my pants. "I might take you up on that offer" She said her smile turning seductive and her eyes were filled with lust, I grinned a little and slid my hand under her shirt causing a shiver to run down her spine. Twilight gave a low hum as my hand moved up her smooth body then she speaked as I reached her bra. "God you have no idea how much I want this" I said pulling her shirt off making her give a cute 'eep', I leanded up and began kissing her neck making her give a small moan, I quickly too my undershirt off and brought her back down to me. Just as things were about to get good the door swung open. "So steel yall gonna introduce your-" Sweet stoped mid-sentence and both me and twilight froze in place. I slowly looked over twilight to see the woman with a furious blush across her face. "A-Ah'll just uh, leave you two to it" Sweet said and closed the door, my face turned completely red at the sheer embarrassment of sweet catching me and twilight getting ready to have sex. Before I could say anything twilight began giggling and then it turned into laughter. "Oh celestia that was good, maybe we should wait till we get to equis huh" Twilight said and we both had disappointment fill our eyes. "Yeah... maybe, we should go see what she wanted" I said and twilight gave a small nod. We quickly got our stuff back on and we went down stairs thats were we heared jacob laughing and saw sweet still flushed red. "H-Hey... guys" "So you were tryin ta get on huh?" Jacob said laughing even more making twilight blush heavily. "Oh man *sigh*, Im just messin... so your steels girlfriend huh" "Y-Yeah... been dating him for awhile" Twilight said. "Twilight.... I like you to meet sweet apple and jacob, parents of three and my family" I said much to her surprise. "Yeah and to make thing's strange, this world's applejack, Macarena and applebloom are my step-sisters" I said making her go wide eye. "Really... but dont you and greenie buy hard cider from applejack and afterwards greenie goes and-" "Whoa twilight not infront of my parents, its still their kid" I said catching the word 'parents'. It felt nice to say that. "Anyways, we have one more day until the formal and I smoothed things out with luna so we should be fine" "Alright, we should be able to get my crown back with the help of the guys together along with the girls" Twilight said, sweet decided to get to know twilight since she was dating me and she thought I was lieing about her being a nerd litterally gave her a lecture on how sweet apple achers was made in equis. She even met richardson, roaslyn and aria to which she cooed over aria and awed when they to her they named aria after me. The night was filled with laughter and love it was something I felt back in equis. "Wow so steel was in a band when he was eighteen" "Geez why did you tell her" I said and twilight giggled before pecking my cheek. "Well at least through everything in my life, I got to meet you and the others" "Aint that sweet, I think I got a cavity" Richard said and I rolled my eyes. "Well I think its time for me and the family ta head on home, it was good seeing you again steel hope we can see eachother soon" "Yes and Im sure little aria loved you" Roaslyn said and aria gave a cute giggle, as we said our finale goodbyes richard asked if he could get a picture with me and boy were they shocked to see adult me. He gave twilight the camera and we bunched up together, after the bright flash faded richard and roaslyn gave me one last hug and they drove off. "Well ah think its time for you two ta head ta bed, you got alot of work ahead of you tomorrow" Sweet said and we nodded before hearing back inside were twilight was approached by applebloom and she began asking all sorts of questions about her pony version catching her by supsrise but answered none the less. I chuckled and decided to meet her upstairs, I returned to my room and changed back to the teenage me and stripped off my cloths before going under the sheets and going to sleep leaving enough room for twilight. I felt my body feel weightless and cold, I dont remember feeling cold or this light before. I opened my eyes to see heavy rain pouring down, the feilds of grass and the air rushing past me, this was not earth this was equestria. "I will not forgive, nor will I forget!" I heared someone shout but when I turned to look I saw no one. "To take from me is a crime only a bastard such as yourself has the balls to do, if your truly all powerful then come down and fight me if not then Ill find a way to come up their and fight you myself.... you hear me, I'll do whatever it takes until I get her back even if it means killing you!" The voice shouted more ans the world began to morph into a land that was filled with what I think was sands of ash and the aroma of death hanging thick in the air. "Give her back" The voice from before said except in a more weaker tone, I looked around again I saw myself bloody and my weak my right arm was nothing but a charred skeleton and silver chains around it. "You were a fool challenging me, now you will die and I'll bring your corps to your..., bastard child heed my words for when you are born into your next life, you should have known the weak always bow down to the mighty" A man with a booming voice said. "Hehe... well you can kiss my fuckin ass because no way in heaven or hell am I bowing to you, your going to have ta make me" dream me said holding lily in hand, with a powerfully war cry I charged at a inky black shadow figure. Thats when it faded to black. (Real world) I awoke in a cold sweat feeling nauseous, my vision was blurry and my hearing was muffled for some time. After awhile my hearing came back and I heared beeping from a heart monitor, I looked around and noticed I was in the hospital. "Why... am I... here?" I choked out and began sitting up, I looked to my right and saw it was the middle of the day. "Good, I wasnt out for that long... who was I yelling at?" I asked only to be interrupted by the door opening and jacob came in he stopped halfway when he noticed me awake. "Jesus Christ... thank god your ok" Jacob said and came to my side. "Thought we lost you their for a second" "What happened?" I asked. "Well me and sweet were in our bed sleepin then suddenly the door burst open and twilight came shaking like a leaf and saying you were screaming in pain, we rushed over and saw you past out in a puddle of blood turned sweet pale as the full moon... how are feeling steel?" Jacob asked. "Dont know, feel nauseous and dizzy but other then that Im fine trust me I've been stabbed through the chest this is nothing" I said ending with a chuckle, I slowly got out of bed and gave a exhale. "Hey they didnt you know, see my wings right?" I asked and jacob shook his head. "Alright good, dont need them panicking... so how long?" "Two days and school just ended, twilight and the girls are at sugarcube corner... sneek out if you can I'll say your asleep" Jacob said and placed some cloths down including my jacket. I gave a stiff nod before walking out the room, I stripped out of the hospital gown and I quickly put on my cloths. A dark blue shirt, black jeans, and my boots and to finish the look I slid the jacket on and just so they dont recognize me I summoned an electrical razor and walked infront of a mirror then got to work. When I was finished my hair was shorter with the sides of my head shaved, forming a mohawk out of the hair at the top of my head, tapering off into a point at the nape of the neck. I tossed the razor away and washed the hair stuck to me then sighed. "Hmm... I like it, think I'll keep it" I said and walked over to the window and noticed I was on the second floor so a drop this height wouldnt hurt that much. "Alright here we go!" I said and jumped out the window before spreading my wings and flying through the sky I was high enough in the air to were people down below and see me as well only a black speck. I flew through air for awhile until I felt twilights magic come from just below me. I quickly flew down and landed on the roof of a familiar building save for it looking like a ginger bread house. I made my way down the building and walked through the front door after hidding my wings, the first thing that filled my senses wer fresh cookies and fresh bread. I walked further in and hesred my stomach growle a little to loud making some of the people around hear it. "Sounds like your hungry deary, here its on the house made to many" mrs. Cake said catching my attention, she held out a vanilla cupcake with purple frosting. I thanked her and took the cupcake then when she turned her back I summond four bits and placed them on the counter. "Now, were is twilight" I said to myself and bit into the cupcake tasting the familiar treat, thus brought a smile to my face. I skimmed through the crowded place until I saw rainbow hair, "Bingo was his nameo" I said and ate the rest of my treat before heading over. And just like I thought, it was rainbow dash sitting with the rest of the human mane six, and the boys. While the girls were talking I saw that twilight looked depressed and had the look of worry, boy was she gonna kill me for doing that. "C'mon twi, Im sure yer boyfriend is fine" Applejack said trying to cheer her up. "Yeah, Im sure he's awake right now and you dont even know it" Pinkie said. "Or he's right behind you" I said coming up from behind and petting her head. "Hey twilight, sorry I gave you a scare" I said and was instantly punch in the gut. "Love... you.... to" I weezed out and fell to the ground. "You jerk do you have any idea how scared I was, you try waking up to someone you love screaming in agony then pass out in blood" Twilight said through gritted teeth and she started to hit me but not as hard as the first punch. "Sorry... I dont know what happened all I know is that I woke up in the hospital and the day was gone before I knew it" I said getting up and coughing a bit. "Also, were did you learn to punch that hard?" "Luna" Twilight simply said and I wasnt that surprised, I pulled up a seat and sat next to twilight. "Whoa hold on back it up, thats your boyfriend" Rainbow asked suprised and I answered her by kissing twilight. "This son of a bitch beat me in basketball yesterday and walked out like it wasnt the biggest deal" "Well it wasnt a big, you just got dunked on kid thats all their is to it" I said with a smirk, rainbow glared at for awhile until rarity cleared her throat. "Well darlings, I believe we should head over to my boutique to get ready for the formal" Rarity said called mrs. Cake over for the check. Rarity was about to hand her the money but I stopped her and gave mrs. Cake six bits, she stared in wide eyes. "Keep the change" I said with a wink making said woman blush a slight pink, she took the bits and walked back to the counter. The others stared at me with surprised expressions. "What?" "Dude do you know how valuable gold is?!" Rainbow said. "Uh, yeah also threw in a rare gem, but lets not dwell on it" I said, they still asked question but soon we put it passed us and we left sugarcube corner and headed to raritys boutique. "Hey steel, when did you cut your hair?" Twilight asked me now noticing my haircut. "When I woke up, decided to go for a new look but besides that why are we going to raritys place?" I asked. "Oh Im going to make suites and dress's for all of us!" Raeity said with a happy smile. "Well I think Im good, I dont wear suites" I said as we finally reached the boutique. Rarity started protesting as we entered but I wasnt having none of it, "Like I told twilight I'll only were a suit if its my own funeral thats it, cant stand the stiffness of it" I said and sat on the couch. "I think I'll stick with what I have on but you guys have fun" I said and was responded with a 'hmph' from the fashionista. "Hey steel" I heared someone say and I looked around until I saw a purple and green puppy sitting next to me. "What don't recognize me, its me spike" spike said and I dieing of laughter at this point. "Your a fuckin puppy!" I said in my laughter making him hunch a bit, then he sniffed the air and his gaze landed on greenie. He began barking at the green boy and greenie stared at him. "Oh... right, Im part cat" Greenie said and his ears popped out again much to his dismay. "Awe dont such a sourpuss, ya look cute... A-Ah mean in a pet kinda way" Applejack said blushing madly and rarity gave the girl a a knowing smile. "Thanks, still hate the damn things" Greenie groaned and tugged at the ears. "I wonder if he purrs like a cat... only one way to find out" Rainbow said and jumped on his back and began playing with his ears. He tried to get the girl off of him only to find himself feeling weaker and a relaxing sigh came out of his mouth, with that he fell to the floor and began purring like a cat. "Awe thats so cute!" Fluttershy said and went to touch his ears as well. I was laughing even harder then before and so were the guys, while the girls surrounded greenie and began petting him like an actual cat. (Two hours later) We were all waiting for rarity to finish the dress's and suites and during that time, twilight and the girl's managed to get mostly everyone on her side and vote for her and finally she had everyone help eachother and forget their little separate groups. I kinda laughed when luna thought twilight destroyed the decorations but it was actually sunset. The sun was down and we only had until midnight to get the crown back. I wonder what everyone is doing right now or if even time had passed in the pony world. Questions for later for the time being I gotta focus on here and now. "All finished darlings!" Rarity called out and had everyone come and get dressed save for me. As me and spike were talking I heared rarity ckear her throat and she held up a suite with a smirk. "C'mon darling it wont hurt just to put it on I even made it less stiff and more flexible" Rarity said holding the black suite, I knew she wasnt going to give this up. "..... I hate you and your pony counter part" I muttered under my breath and got up and yanked the suite away then followed the guys. Rarity squealed in victory and went to change in her dress. "Well ah'll be a monkey's aunt, yall look mighty fine in that suite steel but ah thought ya didnt wear suites" Applejack said wearing a familiar dress that matched the one at the grand galloping galla this went for all the girls but I still havent seen twilights. I tugged at the white tie and fixed the coat. "Yeah but rarity wouldnt stop nagging at me to wear it" I said glaring at her but had a look that said 'I have no idea what your talking about'. "Anyways weres twilight I havent seen her dress yet" "She'll be here any second darling dont get to giddy Im sure you'll have a nice after party at home with her" Rarity said with a wink making the girls go red and the guys nudge me. "How'd you know our plans because after all this Im gonna do it hard when me and twilight get home" I said with a smirk seeing raritys cheeks turn rosy red. Thats when we heared footsteps come closer until it reached the door and I gotta say, I loved the dress. A light pink, purple and white dress going to the middle of her thighs with a white bow wrapped around her waist and three white stars on the pink poofy skirt, her pink and white boots reaching her knees as well but still showed off enough of her thigh. "Hello beautiful never seen you here before" I joked and pulled twilight close. "Same goes for you handsome thought you didnt wear suites" Twilight said and I jabbed my thumb out pointing it at rarity. "Made you wear it?" "Yup... anyways how long till the formal?" I asked and jack checked his wrist. "In twenty minutes just enough time to drive over... uh that reminds me, does anyone know how to drive?" Jack asked and I sighed. "Alright where's the car?" I asked, jack lead me outside with rest behind me and I saw a pitch black truck with enough space for everyone. "Hmm... alright lets see if I still remember" I said. "Wait what" (Canterlot high) I pulled up in the parking lot and hopped out then opened the doors for everyone. Jack looked scared for his life while edge was rolling his eyes at him. "Still got it, anyways lets head inside Im sure people are waiting for twilight" I said and they all agreed before we went inside, I instantly spotted human vinyl playing on her dj set and everyone dancing. "Well guys y'all go ahead and have fun, I'll be on the sidelines till twilight gets the crown a fight starts" I said and the nodded before going off and enjoying thenselves. I sat by myself on the bleachers and wondered back into my thoughts. I felt a ting of panick run through my head and I gave a quick look around withmy eagle vision, but surprise, surprise nothing was out the ordinary. But that panick quickly turned into danger when I felt something coming towards me, I gave a quick glance and saw sunset shimmer come sit next to me with a smug grin. "Can I help you?" I asked her not even looking at her. "Nah just sitting, been on my feet all day... but tell me, how come I never seen someone like yourself around here?" Sunset asked and I can feel her eyes bore into me. "Just transferred, and this is my first dance I've ever been too... who are you though?" I asked her and I can feel the glare she was giving me. "Not until you say your name first cause I don't give out my name that easily" Sunset said and I sighed. "The names... Dante" I said turning to her and held out my hand, she stared at it for a second then gave a shake. "Now its your turn" "The names sunset shimmer, I run this school and make everyone bow to me. Question that stills remains is why havent you?" Sunset asked letting my hand go. "Maybe Im just not afraid" I said leaning back into my chair, she humed at this then stood up. "Leaving so soon I was beginning to enjoy our conversation sunset" I said with a chuckle. "I think I'll keep you" Sunset said with a smirk and walked off, I have no idea what she meant by that but I know it wasnt good. I was going to go into it more but I heared someone clear their throat from a microphone and the music stopped. "Hello students of canterlot high, Im a thrilled to see so many smiling faces today and I'll like to give our very own vinyl scratcha special thanks for being our dj for the evenings" Human celestia said and vinyl gave a thumbs up. "Now then on to what Im sure everyone is waiting for, we will now announce the winner to be crowned the princess of the fall formal" "This is it... wait a minute" I said to myself then used my eagle vision and saw snips and snails holding something that was wriggling around and seemed to be in some sort of bag. I got up and began making my way to them. "Vice-principal luna if you will" Celestia said and moved out of the way from luna. "The winner of the fall formal is... Twilight Sparkle" Luna announced and they all cheered for her. Twilight slowly made her way up the stage and luna handed the crown to celestia. "I congratulate you, princess twilight sparkle" Celestia said with a small giggle and she placed the crown on twilights head. I heared the element in the crown gave a low ring of joy, happy to be back with its master. "Go on, say something" she said nudging twilight forward and she began giving a small speech. I was so caught up in the moment I completely forgot about snips and snails. "Twilight-hmph!" I heared spike cry out then was silenced, we snapped our heads to see both snips and snail's. "Spike-" "Twilight they got spike Im going after, stay with the girls!" I shouted over tk her and ran out the gym and chased after the two teens. We ran down halls and jumped dowm flights of stairs and yet they were still running like the wind. "Damn it I knew I should have worn my boots... wait" I said remembering I still had some magic left, I quickly summond my boots on my feet and got rid of the dress shoes. Now I was gaining some ground. We reached outside the school and thats were we stopped, the boys panted heavily and they held onto spike. I was doing fine with my breathing but I was a little pissed off that they decided to kidnap my student/friend, I made my presence quite known because I cracked my knucles gaining their attention and they backed away in fear. "So you think kidnapping my friend was a good idea huh, what do you hope to gain other then a black eye and some bruises?" I asked and thats when I heared another pair of footsteps come out from behind the stone pony statute. It was sunset shimmer and she was holding a sledgehammer, I heared more footsteps and I turned to see twilight and the others and twilight gasped. "Hand over the crown or I smash the portal back to equis!" Sunset said raising the hammer and aimed for the smooth surface of the satute. "Do you really think I'll give you the chance to do that" I said much to her confusion. "Oh your dante right, damn your with them huh... well Im still gonna keep you as my mate" Sunset said and now I understand why she said that. "Sorry but the names steel fox not dante and I'll never be your mate, I already have twilight" I said and sunset just shrugged. "Alright then how about this twilight, hand over the crown or I break the portal and your little puppies head with it" Sunset said and snips held spikes head out infront of. No one made a sound or even moved an inch, seeing she wasnt being answered sunset reeled her arms back and was getting ready to send it down. "Wait!... you win just give me back spike" Twilight said taking off her crown and walked walked over to snails who yanked it out of her hands. Just as snips was about to let spike go, spike bit down on his hand making the boy scream and let go of him catching the other two off guard and I took that chance to punch snails and take back the crown but I was tackled by sunset and the crown went flying. It was a game of hot potato now it was hard enough to just grab it or take it from snips or snails but that ended once I got fed up with the two and just completely knocked them out with a hard punch and damn did it feel good. After a few minutes of fighting for the crown it was grabbed by sunset who laughed maniacally and raised it above her head. "Yes the power is mine, all mine ahahahaha!" Sunset said and placed the crowm on her head their was a bright flash and a powerful surge of magic. I heared the protested cries from the element as it transformed sunset, her orange skin turned dark red, her iris glowed a sicking dark green while her eye filled to the brim with black. Her hait turned crazy and she grew claws, fangs and pointy ears even leathery wings on her back making her look like a demon. "This is amazing!" Sunset said and shot snips and snails with magic turning them into demons and they rose up from the ground and hissed at me. "Twilight get back!" I ordered then was scratch on my back by snips who laughed as I grunted. "Fuck you too ass wipe, you'll be nothing but a pawn for the rest of your life" I said and rolled out of the way from an ariel strike from snails then I was cut once more by snips but this time I grabbed him hy his wings and slammed him to the ground then pounded my fist on his face knocking him out after the first few then I tossed him to a flying snails going in for a sneak attack. As they slammed into eachother I followed after and kicked snails in the face knocking him and his tooth out. "That all you got sunset, cause this is nothing compared to what I face!" I said and she just laughed. "Really well lets see about that shall we but first!" Sunset said and raised her hand to the sky and in a few minutes the whole front wall of the school was knocked down by the students. "Their now I have an army of mindless minions, fir when I finish up here and rule over equis" "Do you really think celestia and luna would let you do that, that have an army thats bigger then this" I said only for sunset to laugh. "Do you honestly think princess celestia would kill all these kids just to save her stupid crown, she's to soft hearted" Sunset said and she was right celestia wouldn't dare harm children it wasnt in her nature. "Damn it, well I guess I have to stop you here and now" I said and summond Rebellion and Lilly. Sunset rolled her eyes and summond a jagged black black that was as long as her body. "Steel dont hurt her, just grab the crown if thats removed then she will no longer have the power coursing through her!" Twilight said and I gave a nod. I pulled out my phone and hit random and a song started playing. When it started we charged at eachother and blocked, jumped or parried or attacks. I shoulder bashed her and tried to take the crown off her head but she cut my cheek and gave me a sharp right causing me to back off. When the music picked up we grinded our swords for a few seconds before they turned into blurs all I could see was sparks, after a few seconds of countering eachothers attacks sunset planted both her feet on my chest and kicked me to wall making it crack. I had dropped lilly on the way to the wall and now she was stuck to the floor, I tore myself out of the wall and rushed back to her dodging and spinning out of the way from magic bolts and magic arrows. As I grew near sunset she smirked and flew into the air thinking I wouldn't be able to reach her but I tore off the coat and the dress shirt, much to raritys pleasure and dismay, then I took the spell off my wings and flew up to sunset who was shocked to see wings on a human. She spun around my blade and sliced my leg making me grunt then she raised her blade and brought it down cutting my chest, I screamed at the burning pain rippling through my body but I pushed passed it and sent a heavy and devastating punch to the gut only to be met with the same thing, we did this for a few minutes until I was caught off guard by magic arrow hitting my shoulder point blank range then a swift kick to the face rocketing me to the floor with a hard crack. I got up none the less ignoring the pain and noticed that I dropped rebellion by twilight and the other's. I went to go grab him but I sensed danger behind me and I spun around and grabbed the sword aiming for my heart, me and sunset skidded few feet but she held a firm grip on the sword and slowly inched it towards me. It took everything I had to push the sword aside and kicked her against the pony statute making her go in a daze. "Argh... I done with you bastard forget about keeping you, I'll just kill you here and now!" Sunset roared and charged some ki into her hand making a green ball engulf her hand then she blasted the beam at me I didnt have time to dodge or block. The blast hit me square in the chest and I was sent flying through the school walls until I reached an empty hallway. "Steel!" The group screamed, as they looked on with shock twilight felt anger take control of her. She ripped rebellion out of the ground and charged at sunset, getting protests from the others to stop but she didnt listin and went to cut sunset down. This made sunset laugh a little and dodge the sloppy moves twilight was sending and with a flick of her wrist she smacked rebellion out of her hands and threw twilight back to the group. "That was mighty stupud of ya twi, ya could have gottin yourself killed" Applejack said and twilight looked at the ground in shame. "Damn it where the hell is he Ah know it takes more than that ta take steel down" "Still having that false hope of your dead friend coming to save you, please like he could ever match the power that I have" Sunset said and began laughing hysterically until she set her sights on twilight. "Now then why dont you join your little boyfriend twilight sparkle, former princess of equis" She said and charged up her ki then shot the beamem to twilight. It was only for a split second but she saw a black figure come infront of her and take the blow head on, she caught a glimpse of white hair and a menacing aura. When the beam died down the smoke kicked up and sunset smiled thinking that she had won, but she was wrong. "So, little steel was having trouble with you huh.... pathetic and hey idiot your not even using your super saiyan form, guess your lil' bro needs to show an old dog new tricks" Lux said and he swiped his hand through the smoke showing sunset the pale white skine and snow white hair, my eyes were filled to the brim with inky black and my iris and pupil was red. "You got him just weak enough for me to take control for a bit, I do like the new haircut though hated that flowing white shit " "What the hell?" Sunset said and stared at my possed body, lux looked at her and gave his creepy smile making flinch and back away a little. "Who are you, I know your not steel" "Ding ding ding we have a winner show them what she won lux!" Lux said and he held out his hand and rebellion flew into his grasp. "Hello baby hope she didnt hurt you much, cause daddys gonna rip her a new one... c'mon sunny show me something that gets the blood flowin" Lux said and flew right up to her making the girl yelp in suprise then she got the wind knocked out of her as lux rammed his fist on her gut, and before she could recover lux grabbed her by the hair and headbutted her. "W-What the hell are you?!" Sunset said catching her breath and fixing her crown this made lux click his tounge. "Damn thought for sure that was gonna knock that crown off, Oh and for you question girly... Im steels darker side and the names lux tenebris please to meet you" Lux said and held up rebellion he then flicked his hand and the blade was covered in red fire with a strange symbol in the middle of the blade, it glowed a bright gold and more of them each one different from the last covered the sword. "Now then why dont you hand that crown over like a good little girl and who knows maybe you might just live to see another day" lux said and spun the weapon in his hands. "Your gonna have to do much more than that to scare me, Im a litteral demonand you... I dont even know what you are" Sunset said and began raising her sword up but it shattered, everyone stared at the shattered blade while lux had a smile crerp on his face. "Well if your the demon... then Im the devil" Lux growled out and sunset hid her fear quite well but I can see her hands shaking. Lux took this chance and shot a bolt of magic hitting the crown off of sunsets head and landing on the floor, he shot down to the floor and grabbed it and blocked sunsets barrage of ki blasts. "Hey twilight, a gift from my brother" Lux said and threw the crown to twilight then he fell to his knees and my black hair back along with my tan skin. "Ugh... thanks lux, wow never thought I'd ever say those words" I said standing back up and quickly levetates lilly to me. Twilight put the crown on and strated giving a speech but I was feeling to weak to even hear but I saw the mane six turn into ponies well half ponies, they only grew their ears, tails and fluttershy aling with rainbiw got their wings. Even the guys changed to half their pony selves growing the ears and tails, much to greenies delight it got rid of his cat ears but he felt a strange urge to have some cider. I saw sunset charge up her last shot of magic and before she could launch it I quickly ran up the statue and jumped up taking sunset to the ground. I then held her up and put her in a homd bellator taught me. "Twilight do it now!" "But you'll get hurt if we shoot it" Twilight protested. "Forget about me I'll be fine just do it!" I ordered her, she did nothing for a few seconds until she sighed in defeat and the six began charging up their harmonic energy. As the rainbow blast fired I let go of sunset and gave her a hard kick forward making her stumble right into the blast while I had barely enough to rolled out of the way. Sunset screamed in defeat and was engulfed in the harmonic blast, their was a bright flash and loud explosion causing me to go flying towards the girls. When the blast ended it left a large crater and the brainwashing spell put on ths student's was broken, twilight came to my side and held me up. "Told ya I'll be fine" I said and offered her a smile she responded with a kiss instead. "I'll take that to" I said as she parted from me as the moment came it passed when I heared shouting. "Get the freak out of here their is no place for a heathen such as himself!" I heared blueblood say and I turned to see him talking to twilight. "Hey Im talking to you so you better listin to your betters bitch, leave the hybrid freak to die!" Bluey said and was now infront of us, twilight slowly let me down and stood up her fists balled up and I smiled knowing what was going to happen. "Thats a good girl now then leave this disgusting thing here to di-" "Fuck off!" Twilight yelled at him and punched him right in the face with everything she had which was alot considering she broke his nose and made him fall to the floor unconscious. "Thats my girl, now help me up my body hurts" I said and twilight helped me get back on my feet. "I have to thank luna later for teaching you how to hit harder... Ima say this now, dont punch me when we have sex alright it'll either turn me off or break your hand possibly both" I said making her giggle, the students thanked me and the girls for freeing them and the other girls all tried to rip me away from twilight who just glared at them. While everything was going down I heared light sniffling, I turned my head and heared it coming from the crater I unhooked myself from twilight and made my way over to it and saw a crying sunsrt shimmer but the dangerous vibe I was feeling around her had completely vanished like if she was cleansed. Thats when it hit me, she was blasted with the elements of harmony meaning it cleanes anyone with an evil heart and turns them good. I slid down the small crater and walked infront of sunset who stared up at me with fear and she began backing away. "You dont have to fear me anymore sunset shimmer, you have been cleansed of the evil the shrouded your heart for what felt like centuries... your free now" I said and held out my hand the student's around surrounded the circle and glared at sunset save for the mane six and the guys. Sunset looked around and began to ball up but I stopped her, "Dont look at them sunset, look at me I know you were an enemy before but as I heared once from someone silly but wise, an enemy is just someone you havent made friends with yet. So sunset will you be my friend?" I asked and she stared at me for a moment then wipped her eyes and slowly grabbed my hand. "Sunset, Id like you to meet my friends" I said waving my hand towards to my friends who all came down. "I-Im... so sorry" Sunset said and started crying they sgared at her and slowly one by one they all moved in and hugged her. "Please forgive me I've done nothing but bring misery and done horrible things... Im sorry" "Well I know broke up our friendship with eachother, and tormented the whole school and turned into a demon making a brainwashed army head to equis to try and take over... where was I going with this?" Twilight asked and I decided to step in. "But everyone deserves a second chance, now Im not saying it'll be easy but maybe just maybe you'll earn the trust of everyone around here... for now you have mine because I know what its like to feel darkness in my heart" I said. "T-Thank you... I dont know what to say" Sunset said smiling a little. "Well he wont be yer only friend sunset" Applejack joined in and caught her by suprise. "Shoot y'all might have done some things in the past but its all past us now, ah can honestly say ah would love to be your friend and get ta know the real sunset" "Here, here" Rarity said. "Eh why not" Rainbow said. "Yay new friend, hug!" Pinkie said excitedly and hugged sunset. "I-I'll also be your friend, if thats alright with you" Fluttershy said hidding behind her hajr. "Ah what the hell whats the worse that can happen, how 'bout it lad's?" Greenie asled the guys who agreed. Sunset was already in tears by this point, she looked genuinely happy and not frowning or being a jerk. "Just remember sunset, your no longer alone you have friends now and they'll be with you no matter what" I said and she nodded. After everything that happen sunset finally calmed down amd we all got out of the crater. "So I guess this is goodbye for now huh" "Oh, thats right we only have a few minutes left... but I really want to stay and hang out with my new friends" Twilight said frowning, I thought for moment on a way to fix that then I got a great idea. "Wish and you shall receive little sparkle" I said and transformed back into my adult form supplying me with more magic. Rarity and fluttershy litteral fainted due to seeing my real form and every girl including luna and celestia blushed, I held out my hand in the sky and focused as much magic as I could then I shot it up forming a barrier around the school. "Their now we can stay until the end of the formal" "What did you do?" Twilight asked. "Ah nothing to difficult just a time stopping spell I learned while training for a year it has it moments now then how about we all head back inside and forget all the crazy shit that went down" I said and they all cheered before going back inside. "Pinkie you know what time it is?" "Adventure time?" "No its party time!" (Crystal empire) The formal was awesome and everyone had so much fun, though sunset was sittijg in the sidelines she was talking to spike who forgave her. And I learned that twilight cant dance to save her life to the point were I just had to jump in and help her. But after everything we said our goodbyes and I asked applejack to say goodbye to sweet and jacob for me knowing sweet she was going to mad about that butbalso sad, after that we set on back to equis were our friends were waiting for us. Twilight was the first to come out of the portal first then it was me and I sas back to my normal body muscles and all, we saw everyone looking at us with looks of relief. "Im back baby" I said striking a stupid pose only to be tackled by luna and frost who began nuzzling me. "Im missed you girls as well" "Twilight... how is sunset, you didnt you know" "No we didnt princess, we did have to fight but now I think we left her in good hands... Ill tell you all in the morning for now" Twilight said yanked me away from luna and frost. "I'll be taking steel bye!" Twilight said and teleported both of us to her room. "Uh before we start mind healing me?" I asked the mare, twilight quickly lit up her horn and began healing me. "Thanks, so its gonna be an akward conversation to greenie that he's been... having sex with the pony version of my sister" I said chuckling and twilight did as well. "Yeah but I think everyone is gonna be suprised when they find out you have more siblings" Twilight said and I nodded, when twilight finished healing me she quickly went to lock the door but heared the knob turn. When the door opened we saw cadance and gleaming outside the door except gleaming was wearing her usual clothing while cadance was... half naked. "C-Cadance and gleaming what are doing here and why is cadance in her-" "Cadance asked luna and frost if she could join you two and they said it was fine, so have fun " Gleaming said and left us, cadance walked in and closed the door then locked it. "W-Wait of all the people here why me?" I asked. "Well would it be weird if I said I sorta like you?" Cadance said. "Well... no not really, what do you think twilight should we let her?" I asked her and she humed for moment eyeing cadance up and taking in her features. "Well, I suppose we can share him cadance besides you were my foal sitter so I guess I owe you for taking care of me" Twilight and cadance squealed in joy, I didnt have time to register what happened to my clothes. "Now Im sure your super stress after all this time how about we play with him for awhile, I heared from luna that he can go all night" Twilight said eyeing me. "Really... but can he handle two horny alicorn mares?" Cadance asked as they approached me. "You'll be very suprised, now then how about we remove these" Twilight humed and ripped cadance's bra off showing me her small perky breasts her nippls fully ecrect with excitement, her breasts were about the same seize as twilights when she was just a unicorn and to be honest I dont really care about size. "C'mon steel I know you want to touch them give them a little squeez Im sure she'll love it" twilight said giving cadance a slow squeez making her give a small moan, I got up from the bed and walked over to cadance and slowly cupped one in my hand and it fit perfectly. I slowly felt my erection coming to life and it didnt go unnnoticed by twilight. She quickly stripped of her cloths and got on her knees, she didnt give any warnings as she plunged herself down my length and began bobbing her head with her tounhe sticking out and flicking my balls every time she went down. My whole body tensed up at the action and I gripped cadance's breast hard due to the action and cadance moaned at this. Now with my cock fully hardened twilight went faster and even began playing with herself, cadance pulled me into a kiss and felt her soft perky breasts press against mine as she forced her tounge into my mouth. I fought back and won gaining dominance over her mouth, both twilights ans cadance's wings stretched out and I reached behind said alicorn and tugged at her wing making her moaned loudly in my mouth. "Naughty little thing aren't you" cadance said parting from me. "But I know you love it" I countered, cadance smiled and pushed twilights head further down getting a moan from me and twilight. "And I know you loved that steely now how about I have some fun with you friend" Cadance said pulling twilight off my rock hard member and pushed me to the bed. "How twilight skips the fore play?" "Sounds fine to me" Twilight said and straddled my waist taking hold of my cock and aligned it to her dripped marehood, cadance straddled my face and pulled aside a strip of her pink panties showing me her glistening sex to me. I didnt even need her to tell me to start I was already lapping away at her folds, she threw head back and screamed in ecstasy while I celt twilights tight tunnel wrap around my cock. "I missed this so much, I only did it once but now Im gonna ride you all night!" "H-Hey I still get my turn twilight I want to feel him in me!" Cadance cried thriugh her moans. 'So you want to feel me inside you huh, ask and you shall receive' I thought to myself then I lifted cadance off my face for second and parted her soaking lips then drove my tounge right inside her. Candace's body tensed up completely and her pussy started to quiver and I felt her walls tighten, she had came from the sudden action and I baely stuck it in. Her juice's flooded out like damn and she screamed as it did, it tasted like gum and cream soda I liked it alot and drank my fill and even then I continued to play with her. "N-No, s-stop i-its to much I'll c-cum agai-aaah!"Cadance screamed again and like she said another flood came out and I got another drink. Once she stopped cadance was twitching over me with her tounge lolled out and a little drool coming coming out, I slowly pushed her off of me and she fell on the bed face first still in her orgasm high. "W-Wow, you gave her the time of her life now its my turn" Twilight said seductively and started going faster. Her face was sritten with pleasure as she rode me, feeling a little dominated I decided to fix that I grabbed twilight then flipped her on her back with her head down and ass high in the air. "H-Hey I wanted to-" "Sorry twily, but I think I'll take charge I was the one who got beaten up the most and by gods fuckin name am I gonna do it my way" I said with a slight growle and alinged my cock up with her entrance. "W-Wait steel give me a little warning atleeeeeeast-oh sweet celestia!" Twilight screamed as I rammed inside her and began thrusting relentlessly not even giving her body the time to rest. The noises she made was rapidly becoming a mess of sharp inhales and screaming as I fucked her hard, I grabbed both of her arms and pulled up her upper body and used that to help me go in deeper. At this point twilight was a mess of screams and moans of completely utter bliss, she trued to to talk thriugh her moans to try and tell me she was cumming but all that came out was a weak whine thenI felt her walls tighten and her jucies splashed on my waist but I didnt let up I kept ramming into her. Her wings were twitching uncontrollably and I decided to test an experiment I've been wanting to try with luna. I leaned forward and licked the middle of her back were it was the most sensitive to pegasi and twilight body shuddered and she came once more and her body went limp for a split second. I smiled at the results and continued licking that spot, her eyes had rolled up to the back of her bead and had a silly smile mixed with joy and endless pleasure. I soon started to feel the preasure build up and I went over time. "Twilight.... Im gonna cum!" I grunted out and she gave a loud whine and wrapped her legs around my waist keeping me from pulling out. With a few hard thrusts I slamed myself inside her and coated her insides white with my seed, spurt after spurt of cum filled twilight and she was loving every second of it. I came so much that it caused her to cum once last time then pass out as the last string of cum blasted into her I panted heavily as I loosened my grip on her and laid her down on the bed. Twilights face was bright red and her body twitched every so often, I gave a low chuckle thinking I might have over done it until I saw the satisfied smile on her face. "Hmmm.... so much" Twilight mumbled out and gave soft snores, I ripped my gaze off of twilight and turned it to cadance's who was still conscious and watched the whole thing but was still in her haze. "Your turn cady" I said moving behind her, moved her hands to her plump ass and spread her cheeks presenting her wet pussy to me. I grabbed her soft and delicatet rear then shoved my still rock hard cock inside of her, she moaned in bliss as I pounded away inside her. I decided to switch things up and I rolled cadance on her back and put both her legs over my shoulders and I grabbed pounded harder. Just like twilight, cadance turned into a complete mess though cadance was very flexible because I leaned down to lick her pink nipples and she didnt strain once she even grabbed them and pulled them to her head, this sparked an idea in my head. I quickly pulled ouf of her picked cadance up and got off the bed much to her confusion then I set her down stading on her legs then I grabbed one of them and used her flexibility to my advantage. Catching on to what I was doing cadance grbbed her foot and held up for me and leanded against the pole at the foot of the bed, smiling I placed my twitching cock back inside the horny mare and resumed my merciless pounding. I have no idea where this sense of lust came from but I sure as hell wasnt complaining nor was cadance. As I rammed my cock inside the princess of love I decided to test a new theory one that I heared from twilight, she said that a unicorn's horn is very sensitive and shouldnt be touch because it'll bring pain or pleasure which ever way you use it. Cadance looked up to me and saw that I was about to lick her horn she couldnt stop me from doing it but she tried to tell me not to only for it to become a scream of her own pleasure. I stuck my tounge out and gave the pink horn a slow lick it was weird since it had grooves in it but cadance had almost passed out right their from the immense pleasure the electrocuted her body her horn gave off small sparks from just the single like. She had to let go of her foot holding her leg to keep herself from falling to the ground, seeing that it had such an impact I just say said 'fuck it' and took the horn in my mouth much to cadance's whole world of pleasure and began circling around it with my tounge. I lost count as to how many times cadance came in the span of half an hour, but it brought me one step closer to the edge. "Cadance Im gonna cum, do you want it inside or out?!" I asked her and she pulled back onto bed the with whatever strength she had left. "Inside for the love of celestia's sun and luna's moon, fill me up to the brim!" Cadance screamed and that was all I needed, I gave two very hard thrusts then on my third I exploded inside of the alicorn. She gasp for air as another orgasm hit her and she shuddered feeling herself being filled up. "Theres so much... thank you... for being my first" Cadance sqeaked out, after my explosion had been tapoed I pulled out of cadence and fell onto the bed. "Here... let me clean that" Cadance said and took my whole cock down her throat and bobbed her head for a few minutes either licking off the cum or sucking outbwhatever was left. Once she was done she rose up and gulped down the whole thing before smiling at me then passed out. I had already been spent and I could see the sun rising up telling me and these girls spent the whole night having rough sex. "Life is great" I said chuckling with a tired smile then I slowly pushed the two mares on the pillow and I got in between them before pulling the blanket over and closed my eyes for a well deserved rest after a well deserved sex session. > Chapter 22: The Tournament of the One Part. 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike fell to the ground hard as I spin kicked him in the chest, the new assassin's laid in the floor groaning in pain while I was still standing with nothing more then scratches. Its only been a few weeks since I came back from the human world and stopped sunset but it also swirled up something in my head something that got me thinking. Like how Lux helped me and twilight get the crown back, that is something he would never do unless I was either dieing or he was changing in a way, only time will what will happen to Lux but for now I must focus on training the recruits. "I think we have had enough training for the day, get changed and met me at my house" I said pulling my hood down, we had taken the castle of the two sisters as our base of operations it was still a work in progress but it was slowly becoming like a second home to us. We are trying to clean the place up and fix the broken stone so it would look like new and so far it was going smoothly save for a couple of things such as the roof and underground. "Im sure your feeling like crap right about now huh?" "Yup... but it'll be worth it" Mint groaned out and sat up wincing a little, I walked over and offered a hand. He took it and I helped him up, "But damn cant you go just a bit easier on us?" He asked but I shook my head. "Im doing this to try and have you guys fight through the pain as much as you can, because those templars will be givin it their all to kill us and you will die if you are not trained properly" I said and Mint sighed, we helped the rest up to their feet and Brigid looked like she wanted to run a blade through me. "I know its hard and trust me its only going to get more difficult from here on out, you accepted this and now you must live up to it now c'mon lets head on back to my place for some rest. Im sure you all need it" I said and they followed me back to my house through the woods. (My house) We came in through the secret entrance in the back and quickly got into our regular clothes. The sun was now setting and from the looks of everyone they wanted to go home and sleep the pain away. "Alright guy's you did good today, y'all can head on home and rest I'll see you all tomorrow morning" I said and they groaned but nodded none the less and after a quick bite to eat they all left to their respective homes. I went up to my room and took a quick shower before getting ready for bed, I felt tired after that intense ttaining session so might as well hit the hay early. With that I slipped under the covers and turned off the light before heading to sleep. The moon was high in the sky and air was as cool as ice, nothing but the sounds of the wind blowing through the tress and grass except for crunching of leafes under the weight of something. Five shadows came out from the trees and slowly made their way to the front door. They tried to be as quiet as possible as to not wake up the timber wolves or the man inside, once they reached the door one of them moved aside their cloak and pulled out something to pick the lock. The man quickly and quietly picked the locked the door and carefully opened it letting his fellow team mates inside with ease, they raced up the stairs and started checking every room until they reached one that had a fox head with folded wings and three swords behind it. "This is it... get the knock out potion ready" A mare whispered to her fellow members and one of them pulled out a syringe full of purple liquid. They quietly opened the door and stepped inside, their was their prize laying peacfully on a soft bed. Me. They got to each corner of the bed and pulled out enchanted black chains each one for a separate limb. As they went into clasp the chains around my wrists and ankles, the mare from before saw something out the corner of her eye and before she knew it she had been struck in the face with a lamp causing her to scream. "So sorry for that love, but I think Id rather stay in my own bed for the night" I said and jumped out of my bed barely dodging the chains. Turned my eagle vision on to make it easier to see them, they held up their chains while I held up my fists. No one made a move a muscle for a long time, none of us even breathed fearing what might come next. Until the mare from the floor got back on her feet and wipped some blood off her face, "Get'im" She simply said and the four other goones rushed towards me and swung the chains as they got close, I ducked under the oncoming chains and went to send a devastating to the one in the middle but when I barely touched him I felt something cold lock onto my left wrist. As I delivered the blow I sent the guy hurling towards the wall knocking over another lamp and cracking said wall, I jumped back and looked to my left to see a shining black chain clasped around my wrist tightly and I felt myself getting weaker telling me that these were enchanted. I felt a tug from the end of the chain and I saw the one I sent to the wall holding the chain firmly in his grasp. I tried to yank it out of his grip but I couldn't do that without using my other arm, I soon had to dodge another set of chains rushing towards me but when I did I was caught off gaurd by the mare I hit, she kicking me in the chest hard sending me flying out the room door. I got back up and felt a sharp punch sting my cheek but I sent one back and then another and another until the guy was on the ground unconscious it was only then did I notice that my other wrist was wrapped in the enchanted chain now with both arms usless they gained a slight advantage. "Give up human and come with us" The mare said pulling down her hood and showing me her dark red eyes, light grey coat with a short red and velvet mane combed to the side letting it hang off. "I promise I wont bite to much" She said with a small lick of her lips. "I think Im good litteral had the greatest sex last week so to answer your offer, gotta hell" I said and ran at her makimg her chuckle but before she could even strike me I ran up the wall much to her suprise then jumped off it and kicked her right in the face making her stumble to the banister. She tasted blood in her mouth and growled like a wild dog before pulling out two twin knifes and turned to me only to see the rest of her team unconscious. The mare glared at me and spun her knives around before steadying them, I got in the best stance I had and got ready. We charged at eachother and or blocked attacks, I used the chains as a form of weapon to deflect her blades much to her annoyance. Every now and again she did nick me every time I kicked her or got close, and something didnt feel right about that almost like she was doing this on purposes. I back away a bit and saw a small smirk spread on her face and my eyes widen because I just feel into her trap, my body became heavy and my eyelids drooped a bit. "W-Wha.... W-What did you do to me?" I asked leaning against the wall then sliding down to my knees. The mare laughed as she put the blades back in their sheathes and walking infront of me, I looked up to her and glared as much as possible only for whatever was effecting me to make my vision go blurry. "Its called a knock out potion sweetie, I coated it on my knives just for this occasion you should consider yourself lucky. I usually coat the blades with poison" The mare said and I felt her hand rub my cheek. "And every time you kicked me or got to close, I always left a small scratch on your legs or your chest" "W-What do you want with me" I asked slowly losing consciousness. "Oh its nothing personal love, just a job I was offered to come capture you and bring you to my employer... if you make it out alive come find me and we can do this again" The mare said and giggled just as the whole world turned dark and I passed out. (???) I heared muffled arguing and soon screams of agony all but one had survived from what I can tell. I have no idea where I was nor do I intend to stay, the knock out potion was still coursing through me but it was beginning to wear off very slowly for now I must stay asleep until it is gone. (Hours later) I felt a nudge of my shoulder making me groan a little, I began opening my eyes and sit up. When I got bearings in order the first that I noticed was the mare the poisoned me, she was wearing brown dirty raggs as was I but for the moment I didnt care. I had already pinned her to a wall and was slowly closing off her air supplie. "Found you" "W-Wait... dont... Kill me!" She begged then raised her right arm up showing me a cuff and a chain connection to the same ones I have on my left. "If I die, they kill you" she choked out, I glared at her for a moment then released my grip on her. "Thank you" "I dont need your thanks, just tell me where I am and why your here" I demanded and she took a minute to catch her breath. "Look I was only supposed to bring you here and get my pay then I was out of here but... but they doubled crossed me, some of my team mates were in on it and killed two of the only members that I trusted" The mare said getting a little depressed. "Guess were both on the bad end of the stick of life huh... now where are we?" I asked. "I dont know, but I think they said this was for something on an island just a few ways from the main land of equis. If we get out of here and kill the bastards that double crossed me and kidnapped you we can get out of here" she said. "Correction, you did that" "Whatever I was just tryin to get paid its not a nice world with sunshine and rainbows dancing in the sky" She replied with a bit a sass. "Cheeky bitch aint'cha" I shot back and she glared at me. "Its the fucking truth, like you ever lived on the street or fought to stay alive, hell Im sure you were born with a silver spoon shoved down your damn throat while I had to fight to eat, sleep, take care of my sister and now Im stuck here with you while she's at home probably crying her eyes out knowing that Im not coming back!" She yelled at me and kept going on about her sister and her horrible life. "You could never know the pain and suffering I went through just get money to put food on the god damn table" "You dont think I had it bad well let me tell you a tale of the fucked up kid who got disected, stabed and out right called a freak of nature. He had his bones broken to the point were it stuck out of the skin then popped right back into place and finally living in hell for his whole life only to escape with his brethren of 'freaks' and serving in a war at the age of ten on the front fuckin lines. Oh and lets not forget, that stupid son of a bitch saved an entire empire, defeated a god of chaos, saved your people countless of times and finally I turned an evil queen changling good lets see your high horse go up to the top of that mountian and get this many scars from all the shit I went through!" I said well more like screamed at her and tore away the ragged shirt I was wearing. Her eyes were the size of the moon seeing all the scars littered across my body and a long jagged line in the middle of my chest that was still noticable. Her mouth opened and closed as she tried to say anything but she only looked like a fish out of water right now, I gave a heavy sigh and sat back down on the bed. "You think you have it bad well live my fucked up life Im sure you'll think what you have now is heaven, oh and guess what your lucky to have a sister still alive, my brother got shot in the head and died in my arms" "I-I didnt... I-I mean-" "Just... stop alright, for now I just wanna get home and forget this whole thing" I said and we both sat in silence. I took the time to look around the room and I noticed it was completely metal with air holes at the top letting light in, their wasnt a door though, just smooth metal walls. "This is odd for a cage, no doors just air holes, sealed in with two people chained together... I think I know whats going on here" "Really?" The mare asked and I nodded. "Think about it, two people chained together who clearly dont like one another, air holes in a metal box and not wooden because it would make it to easy to break free out of and finally you said the bastards holding us here took us to an island for something right... this is a tournament of survival and we have to work together to survive and this cage is keeping us from starting right away. Their must be others like us here as well" I said then we heared a loud ring and someone clearing their throat. "Fillies and Gentle Colts, we are here today because all of you wanted to see savages of non nobility battle it out and tear eachother limb from limb in order to take a chance at escaping or surving... Death Island!" A stallion said on the speaker and out of no where we heared the cheering of ponies. "Son of a bitch, alright were gonna have to work together for now in order to see anyone we care again" I said getting up she nodded for then we saw the chains disappear but only the the cuffs stayed. "Or not" "And for our contestants ready to bash eachothers skulls in, the chains and cuffs attached to your partner are still in affect but if either one of you dies then you immediately follow through now then... let the slaughter commence!" The announcer said and the roof blew off the metal cage then the whole thing fell showing us we were in the middle of a smooth cement circle surrounded but miles of trees and magic floating stands with almoat every kind of species with atleast twenty or more ponies, griffions, zebras and even children. This was barbaric even for me to involve children in this, thats when the ground started shaking and on the far side of the cricle was a pile of bows, swords and armor each one looking as deadly as the last. "This is bad I know situations likes this and it doesnt play well... we gotta move" my partner said and just as I was gonna protest, a loud bell rang through the air and everyone began charging towards the weapons pile. Some were beating eachother to death while others were fighting for weapons, it not an unfamiliar sight I've seen it to many times it just made me all the more livid at the man behind all this. "C'mon we gotta move!" My partner said and with a bit of reluctance, I followed her into the thick woods running as fast as we can away from the others. It was until she had to take a break to breath that we stopped. "Geez, its fuckin discord out their I didnt know ponies could be that violent if givin the chance" They werent givin the chance, they were forced into doing this. What would you do if you heared that guy say a tournament of survival with only two people alive at the end... Im sure you would have done the same thing just so you could survive" I said and looked around the forest. "This forest, it seems uneasy like its trying to tell us something" "What are you on about its called the forest of death, Im sure it wants us dead within the next twenty minutes" she said. "No its something my friend showed me, she said that everything has a feeling to it even the very ground we step on. The forest itself is both angry and sad, probably it being all the blood spilling on its precious plants and soil" I said rubbing my hand on a tree, the mare just rolled her eyes and looked around more. "Hey this gives the opportunity to ask you something... whats your name?" I asked and she gave me silence. "Or do you wanna be called girl the entire time" "Fine asshole, its... ashy rose mainly because of my red mane and gray coat I already know your name steel" Rose said and I nodded before hearing a crack behind us and something being pulled back. Their was nothing but silence for a minute straight until the crackling of a bow string rang in the air, I quickly turned and caught the arrow just in time. "Whoa thats some skill but putting that aside, who ever is out their show your self right now!" "Die!" A stallion said and jumped down from a tree with a knife, he aimed for me but I swiftly moved out the way and dodged his crude attacks. Another man came out and it was a griffion holding a bow, he dropped it and pulled out a sword aiming it for rose. "Nothing personal, but I rather not die on a fuckin rock in the middle of no where" The griffion said and began swinging the sword at rose, she dodged the attcks with ease but that quickly ended as she tripped on a root sticking from the ground making her land on her back. The griffion held the sword up high ready to bring it down on her, rose closed her eyes waiting for the agonizing pain but it hadn't came. She opened her eyes and saw that I had stab the griffion in the throat and swipped the sword away, I kicked him to the side and let him slowly die while I helped rose up. "Here your gonna need this" I said handing her the sword and she took it, I went over and grabbed the bow and the quill of arrows on the stallion I killed. "Jesus dude, you killed that guy without a second thought" Rose said as we began our trek again. "Well I rather not lose a team mate Im not the only one that has someone to go home to. Plus with the shit that I've seen, this a walk in the park we just have to make sure how many are still alive and how many children we can help stay alive" I said looking over a tree. "Seriously, that bad how are still sane if this is a walk in the park" Rose asked. "Stoped asking that question a long time ago... shh I hear something" I said pulling an arrow out of the quill and got behind a tree. They sounded just a few ways from us and it sound like thier was more then two maybe four at best, I peaked and what I saw wanted to make me vomit. Heads, heads every where on pikes some were recent while others were decaying and bodys hanging from. The trees with sings in some native tounge maybe ponies or who ever lived here did this as a warning. I then heared the talking again and I saw just as I predicted four stallions they were all in some armor but they looked like they were holding something, thats when I saw a colt being tossed infront of them while a filly came running to him, the colt seemed to be twelve while the filly looked no more then five. "Alright you little shits, hand over what you have and you might just live till someone else kills ya got it!" One of the stallions said the colt nodded before tossing over a small dagger and the jaw of a metal helmet. "Thats it, thats all you have a shitty dagger and a piece of a helmet!" "Yes now leave us only I've givin you everything now just get out of here!" The colt shouted at the stallions but one of the looked to the little filly and I can feel the nasty grin under his helmet. The colt caught the mans gaze and traced it back to her he quickly grabbed her and held her close to him. "No you will not take my little sister you sick bastards!" "Hand over the girl now or a fuckin bullet goes through your small little head!" The leader said pulling out a golden m1911 colt from his side then cocked it. It struck me as odd as to how he obtained a gun but then again if I remember correctly the stallion that tried to rape Octavia had one too but how. What if the human world tech is soaking into this world maybe a side effect from using the portal, no time to go into it yet for now I have to save those kids. "On the count of three you little cunt you will be shot if you dont hand over the girl.... one!" I took out three more arrows. "Two!" I drew my bow back and steadied my aim. "Thre-" The stallion was inturpted by an arrow plugging straight in his skull along with his other buddys. The fell to the ground with a hard thud and the two kids stared in shock, me and rose walked over scaring the kids. "Hey their kids glad I was able to make it in time, glad these guys are dead now" I said walking to the leader and taking the pistol then the fourteen clips in his satchel. "Alright rose what do you say we take these two" "But that'll be extra weight, we cant risk it" Rose said swiping some knives and tossing me a chest peice. "We cant just leave them, their kids there is no way Im leaving them" I said slidding the chest peice on. I picked up a thick looking dagger and handed it to the colt also one to the filly. "Just follow us we'll keep you safe I promise" I said and they nodded, I actually got a good look at them and noticed their both unicorns. The colt had a dark blue coat with purple mane and tail and light blue eyes, he wore the same rag's as we did and he seem to have a few scars on him probably from fights. The filly however had a bright yellow with a lime green mane and tail with a darker green line in it, she had soft pink eyes had looked like the most innocent thing in this world. The two reminded me of scoots and pip except the roles were switched, this brought a small frown on my face but I pushed it away and offered them a hand. The filly took it while almost being a teenager the colt didnt, rose didnt like the idea of having the two with us but I kept telling her Im not going to leave them so with that we walked on trying to find somewhere to fend off until we were the only ones left. As we walked I kept a hand on my pistol and keeping the kids close, we listined for amything a snapping vine, a cricked, a stick breaking anything. "Hey that reminds me, what are y'all names?" I asked the two. "Well my name is pitch black odd name for someone that is litteraly blue and my sisters name is lemon lime" Pitch said and I humed. "Alright pitch, my names steel fox and this is my partner/kidnapper rose" I said pointing to said mare. "Hardy har har!" Rose said. "Were trying ti survive just like you, but this makes me angry all of it especially if it involves children they should never be apart of something this dangerous" I said and I felt limes hand grip mine tighter I looked towards her and saw that she was staring at something in fear, I followed her gaze and saw two beady eyes. I stopped and stared at the eyes for a bit, they were almost cat like and I heared a low growle thats when I realized what it was but it was to late. A lion the size of a manticore jumped out aiming for me, I barely had time to push lime out of the way I fired off two shots into the lion before it tackled me to the ground and rolled down a small hill. The both of us fighting me punching it while the lion scratched me, we landed with a hard thud and I pushed the lion off and got back to my feet. I was glad that I was wearing the armor because I saw tones of scratch marks and the ride down the hill wasnt fun either. I went for my pistol but realized I didnt have it then I looked back to the lion and saw the gun behind him. We both got in low stances and slowly circled eachother, everytime I got close to the gun he growled telling if I did then I would die. So I waited for the right moment, the air was thick and the sounds of growles can be heared bouncing off the trees. "Listin bud, theirs only one outcome if you decide to fight me and thats either you die or I die and Im sure both of us can agree we dont want that" I said slowly but the lion didnt seem to care, I soon heared a thud next to me and I saw the knife I gave to pitch. I looked up and saw rose, pitch and lime climbing down but just enough to not get involve, I bent down not taking my eyes off the lion and he seemed to gave me a predatory glare and I know now he wasnt going to let me go. "Last chance lion, walk away or die" I said standing back up with the knife and the blade facing behind me. He roared at me then pawed at the ground getting ready to charge, I popped my kneck and got ready charge for an attack. We both ran at eachother letting out battle crys, I jumped up with blade over my head and the lion getting on his hind legs ready to impale me. It was an epic sight to the three sitting on the hill as they watched me stab into the lions arm as it swung against my side, I was sent rolling away while the lion limped slightly. I got back up and took in deep breaths, the animal charged at me once more but I rolled out of its way and cut his cut side only to be met with a hard kick to the chest making me fly striaght on my back and drop the knife. The lion took this chance and pounced on me, the three up top gasped thinkijg I was done for but just as the lion was bringing his jaw down I held them with my bare hands and I could feel them puncturing my hand while it just hurt on my left. Blood seeped out from my hand and dripped on my face, I had to act fast or else I wont be able to get out of this. I looked around frantically for something to get this beast off of me and thats when I saw my knife just inches away, I let my right hand take the blow and thank god it was in the armor skin cause man did it hurt. I quickly began to reach for the knife and it was just a fingertip away, the lion saw my hand reaching for the knife and so he bit down harder trying to stop me but I looked past it and continued to reach. "Just a... few.... more... inches god let me do this!" I said my voice strained as I reached. The gods answered my plea and I was able to grab the knife, I hurled it towards it shoulder in a blind act of defense he instantly let my arm go and roared at the pain. I stabbed him again in the shoulder before kicking him off and stumbling to my feet, I raised the knife and glared at the lion. He looked back to me with a glare then tried to take a step but fell to his side due to his shoulder. I panted heavily and lowed the knife knowing the fight was over, the lion assumed defeat after trying four times to get up but failing. He accepted death, but I would not allow that. "I'll make you an offer lion... I heal you as much as I can then you take us somewhere safe... deal?" I asked through my panting, I knew the animals could understand what I said and the lion narrowed his glare at me before grumbling and nodding. "Good now then, hold still" I said dropping the knife and walking over to him but rose stopped me. "Dude dont trust him, hes a fuckin lion how do you know it wont just eat us when its healed?!" Rose asked just as the kids came down. "He has his pride and his code, so far if we scratch his back he wont maul ours now... step aside" I said pushing her to the side then kneeling down infront of the lion, I raised my hands up to the wound and used whatever magic I could muster to heal it. After about an hour or so I fully healed his wound leaving only a scar, he got to his paws and turned and looked at me. "Now its... your... turn" I said and fell to the ground passed out from exhaustion. The lion tapped me with his nose and sniffed me before tucking his head under my stomach and hauling me over on his back. He faced the other three and snorted then motioned his head tell them to follow and so they did. (???) I woke up to something dripping on the floor and it the sound bounced off the walls. I open my eyes and sat up feeling a little light headed from using to much magic, I looked around and noticed I was in a cave but I didnt see rose or the kids any where. I slowly stumbled to my feet and began wandering around still dizzy and my vision having a war with blurry and clear. "Can you hear it... the cry for release?" A soft motherly voice said, I didnt answer but the voice almost sounded familiar in a way almost... like someone I knew. "He calls for you to take him and weild him, he may not accept you right away. You must earn it and it will not be easy because your heart is still shrouded with hate and depression" The voice said again and I tripped on a rock causing me to fall face first into the ground. "Why do you not speak?" "Because your not real... just another voice in my head to annoy me like lux" I said finally fed up with this voice. "Yes I still feel hate and yes Im still depressed but its not as bad when I was in the human world, nobody accepted me no matter what I did I dont know why I kept helping even thoughg they would just shift the blame to me but deep down. Somewhere in my heart their was something telling me not to become one of them, not to just look past the danger and save who ever needed my help... I dont know why Im even alive or why god made me!" I screamed slaming my fast on the ground cracking. "And why does this being what me to weild him what is he a sword?!" "Precisely" The voice said just as I was getting back on my feet. I stumbled my way across the cave until I reached what looked like to be a large catacomb with small water falls coming down the sides and the greenest grass I've ever seen. A small hole's were making beams of light come in while one beamed down directly ontop of a large rock that was surrounded by a pond of water. I felt something tugging me by the tattered chest piece making me limp through the pond. But something felt weird, tingly almost mostly on my leg. I soon noticed that my leg was healed somehow, maybe it has something to do with this water but whatever it is I felt some of my strength come back to me and I was able to walk the rest of the way fine. I began climbing up the tall rock until I reach the top and once their I saw an old rusty sword that looked centuries old and it was embedded in some sort of smooth rock. I walked towards it and felt a strong urge to yank it out of the stone, I wrapped both hands around the grip and prepared myself. With barely any form of restraint the sword slowly slid out as I began pulling on it. The sword itself was becoming just like new and the grip was beginning to feel less tattered but I didnt noticed I was to busy pulling it from the stone, I felt my hands vibrate and a steaming hot sensation run through my veins almost like I was on fire symbols began to glow a bright blue from the hilt and just a bit up the blade. With a loud cry I yanked it out of the stone and I fell back with it in my right hand, the symbols vanished and the burning sensation vanished as well. "Holy... shit" I said between pants and slowly sat up, I looked at the blade and finally took notice of its changes. The blade look sharp enough to cut through rock and it was thick enough to with stand any form of attack it may incounter. I ran my fingers across the cold yet warm blade and felt some sort of power, I got to my feet and held the blade up in the air to get a better look. "You look like quite the hero their sir Fox" The voice said again except clearer. I looked around but found nothing, thats when I looked at the sword in my hands. "Hello" "Jesus!" I screamed in fright then dropped the sword and back away a bit. "What the hell lady you dont just do that?!" "Apologies sir fox, it was not my intention to frighten you in any way. But you are the first in hundred maybe even thousands of years to pull the sword from stone if not kept secret you will become very popular" The lady said and a maple red colored ghost appeared just beside the sword it reminded me of lily and manus. "Whoa, you look just like lily except more calm" I said making her tilt her head a little. "I havent heared that name in years how do you know of her?" She asked her voice going normal and not all echoe. "Well, its kind of a long story so I'll shorten it. I was brought here by the ones named lily and manus both a sword and gauntlet that chose me as their master they are very good friends of mine even fixed up my sword play" I said and the lady humed. "Well then I guess that sounds like them... oh! forgive me sir fox I havent quite introduced myself. My name is Alicia spirit of the sword in the stone or as many have called it Excalibur" Alicia said and my whole body froze hearing the last part. "Wait you mean... the sword king arthur used?" I asked and alicia nodded. "The very man, I sometimes miss him always was a bright one and a kind fellow if you werent on his bad side" Alicia said giggling. "That poor viking never stood a chance" "Holy mother of god, I just pulled out the legendary sword that king Arthur himself weilded this is just... wow!" I said laughing a little and I waljed towards the sword and picked it up. "Wait but I only thought he and family were able to weild this weapon properly Im just a regular human" I said. "You young fox are far from just a regular human, you were able to pull sword from stone. Take pride in that young one for you weild powers from the old in your hands and now you can bring it to the new" Alicia said and I stared at the double edged sword. "But be warn, Arthur might have been able to weild it properly but it did come at a sacrifice. When he started out he had visions from his past haunt him until he accept them and that took a very long time, hence why I said 'he' might not accept you so suddenly. Then their is exhaustion, if you weild the weapon for to long it will drain you of everything you have for a whole day until you have gained enough strength to use it freely, do you understand sir fox?" Alicia said. "You hold both the protector and the destroyer" "I understand, I might not be king arthur but I wont bite the dust to fast I'll do whatever I can to weild it properly you can count on it" I said spinning the blade in my hand, alicia stared at me for awhile making me feel a little awkward. "Is something the matter alicia?" "Hmm?... oh my apologies its just... nevermind, you should find your partner and those two foals" Alicia said and she raised her hand and placed on my chest, their was a bright flash then something heavy on my back. I turned my head and saw a sheath that was open in the middle showing off the blade hilted inside it, with that Alicia drifted back inside the sword and I climbed down the rock. "Hmm that reminds me... why did alicia say 'he' when referring to the sword if 'she' resides in it-" I was stopped when I heared a scream from what sounded like lime. I quickly ran towards the scream and soon was out of the caves of the catacomb and brought face to face with about twenty or more pairs of teams and my partner along with the foals tied up to a tree, the lion was no where to be seen and I think some of them have guns mainly pistols. "Ah the man himself" I heared someone say and the ones infront of me moved aside and I saw a dark grey stallion with white hair and blue eyes, he had a average build wearing black leather armor and boots with a long sword behind his back. "My name is skull collector but you shall call me skull, now I presume you have seen what your team has gotten themselves into and that silly little lion ran away like a scared kitten. You have something that I want and its on your back... give it to me and I shall set those three free, alive of course then we will leave you. Sounds fair doesnt it?" "And If I refuse?" I asked grabbing the grip, skull smirked and snapped his fingers making one if his lackies cut like out of her rope and pulled her by her mane and dragged between me and skull. He unsheathed his sword and pointed it to her. "I think you know what happens if you do, besides why do you care if I have that sword?" Skull asked brushing the tip of the sword down limes back and she was on the verge of tears and shaking in fear. "Why do you want the sword skull what do you hope to gain?" I asked switching my eyes from skull to lime. "That is none of your concern" Skull said and pressed the sword on limes cheek a little to hard causing some blood to leak down her chin. "Just hand over the sword and we will let you go... whats it gonna be Steel Fox?" "... Lime listin to me sweetie, whatever you hear, what ever you feel just know that Im going to save you" I said unsheathing Excalibur the air was thick was tension as I was at an impass. 'Sir Fox, use both hands quickly' Alicia said. 'Wait why?' I asked her, skull waited for an answer but only met my glare. 'Just trust me you'll see all you need to do is make sure no dies, reinforcements shall be coming soon' Alicia said and I looked at the sword. "Times up steel, what will it be. The sword or this fillies and your whole teams life?" Skull said but I was stuck I didnt know what to do. "Answer me now steel, will you hand over the sword or have this fillies blood paint the ground red choose!" Skull demanded. Pitch, lime and rose stared at me hoping I would give up the sword, but I couldnt decide. Seeing this skull sighed and gave me a nasty look. "Have it your way" He said and reeled back his sword and began bringing it down. Time seemed to have slowled down as he did. "LIME!" Pitched screamed and struggled to get free while rose was doingnthe same. 'SIR FOX DO IT NOW GRIP THE SWORD WITH BOTHS HANDS!' "Damn it!" I shouted and pushed past every hesitation. "Here goes nothing!" I said and gripped the sword with both hands. > Chapter 23: The Tournament of the One Part. 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pov- Brigid) I roamed the halls with a stack of papers that celestia asked me to destroy so being the kind marefriend that I am, I accidentally burned some of her other files that were thankfully not important. I did feel a disturbance last night though, like something was missing but I didnt know what to think. I just assumed it was probably just a unimportant duty I havent done at the castle just carried on, but now the feeling grew stronger almost nibbling at the back of my brain but I couldnt figure out what. "Brigid their you are!" I turned my head to see the mane six, the guys, spike, trixie, gilda, cinder and even the royals. "Uh yeah Im here why whats up?" I asked quickly burning the papers and turning to them. "Steels gone!" Twilight said and the nagging feeling completely went away and now I know what it was their. My own brother is gone and I didnt even think about it. What do you mean he's gone, I just saw him the other day he cant just up and leave without telling us thats not how steels rolls" I said. "Brigid me and the guys went ta go see him this mornin, we knocked on his door and it opened by itself then when we looked around for a bit we out found that his bedroom door was broken down and his entire room was a mess. Whatever happened Im sure someone had kidnapped steel while he was sleeping but guess he was putting up a struggle for awhile" Greenie said and I processed this information. Someone had to be really sneaky to get the drop on steel, he's not one to just do what he's told or is forced to do something. "We should go bsck to his house and look for some sort of clue to where he was taken" "Yeah thats good idea lets go have a look around Im sure theirs something" I said and I teleported us to his house. We searched every inch of the house trying to figure and found nothing we even searched his room with all the shattered stuff at. But all was found were foot prints on the wall, some specks of dried blood and finally a knife coated with knock out potion. Who ever these guys were, they knew their stuff if they got steel, but what confuses me is the lack of blood or the lack damage save for the door, the wall and the lamps. Well we cant find nothing, who ever did this might have hears of experience with this kind of stuff, but that leaves the question of who could have hired a team of mercenaries to capture steel. From what I know the only ones that hate steel is a a few stallions from here including pink lemon and blue blood but neither one have the access to such a thing" Celestia said sitting down on the couch. "Yes thats true, but it doesnt add up... wait, twilight dont you have that memory spell thing that lets us see what happened during the last 24 hours?" I asked and it hit us like a stone to the eye. "Of course how come I never thought of that, the time replay spell should do the trick perfectly!" Twilight said excitedly and we all rushed back upstairs and went into steels room. Twilight charged her horn emitting a light purple arua to surround the room then with a quick flash of her horn the room turned back to normal and the moon was up with the night sky. We looked around and saw a blue outline of steel laying in his bed asleep, it was a couple of seconds before we heared his door creak and I saw steels eyes slightly open at the noise but closed them once the figures got close, from what I can tell their were two stallions and three mares all in red outlining. Four of them got to his hands and feet holding what looked like chains, just as they were about to clamp them down the lead mare was about to turn her head only for it to be hit with a lamp. "So sorry for that love, but I think Id rather stay in my own bed for the night" Steel said and jumped out of his bed. It was then that fighting had commenced and we now understood how everything got so broken, the fighting had died down to just steel and a mare. Steels arms hung limp telling us it was enchanted chains and he used his feet to fight, but I noticed that everytime steel got a hit the mare scratched him on his foot or his chest with a knife thats when I pulled out the knife I picked up and realised how they got him. And just as I was about to say steel fell to his knees and looked up to the mare. "W-what do you want with me?" Steel asked. "Oh its nothing personal love, just a job I was offered to come capture you and bring you to my employer... if you make it out alive come find me and we can do this again" The mare said then thats where the spell ended it. "Ah bloody hell that told us how he got captured not where he is damn useless!" Strings said and the guys agreed but was scolded by their marefriends. I looked at the marea outline and began taking in the limited features I was givin. "Alright well all we know is that this mare is flat chested, about five-nine in height, is an earth pony and has a short mane reaching her chin and thats all I can figure out so far. Wish this thing was clearer that way we can see the culprit better but that will have to do for now" I said just as the spell reverted everything back to the way it was and the sun shined once more through the windows. "Man their are tones of mares who are like that how are we gonna her, its simply impossible" Rainbow said and she was right it was impossible but as I looked down at were the spot she fell when she was hit I saw specks of dried blood. "Not so fast dash we got something... Tia can you have the boys at the lab figure out whos blood this is?" I asked her and summond a small bag and levetated the dried blood in the bag. Celestia nodded and teleported to canterlot with the blood. "Tia?" Greenie said with and some of them gave small chuckles. "Got a problem with that?" I asked kindling some fire in my hand causing them to shut it fast. I waved the fire away and looked more around the room, after a few minutes of searching I found out that they hadnt taken lily or rebellion or even manus. Guess they couldnt find them, just as everyone else was about to exit the room and go down stairs celestia came back with a scroll and a photo. "Just in time was getting nothing, now let me take have lookie at that" I said grabbing the scroll and undid it telling me the mares name and everything. "Alright so her name is ashy rose, she's an orphan with on sister thats younger then her and has been working as a mercenary for over her whole life" I said to the group and looked at the photo celestia had then blushed seeing the naked alicorn and quickly stuffed it in my pocket. "Seriously you how did you have time for that?!" "A mare has her ways sweetie hope you enjoy it" Tia said with a small wink and giggle. I rolled my eyes and looked over the description again and noticed that her age is unknown and somehow captured the most powerful of ponies and others alike with just a small team of six and thats including herself. "This mare has herself a record right here, was accused of assassinating the senator of baltimare, captured fourteen dragons with nithing but a few scratches and killed a former mayor of baltimare... two killings in the same place thats a bit odd but guess she was paid to do that and so far Im not even down half the list" I said making everyone go in awe. "Wow, steel got himself into some shit this time" Jack said. "Yeah but it still doesnt tell us who payed her to kidnap steel" I said, just as celestia was going to come next to me the ground shook violently and something powerful roamed in the air and some how it reeked of old and new power. I ran out to the balcony and sas a blue beam shooting up the sky and noticed the clouds were swirling around it and became darker, this confused every as to way the weather has suddenly changed. "Was their supposed to be rain today dashie?" Pinkie asked and rainbow shook her head just as a loud thuder clap rang through the air scaring fluttershy. I climbed up the ladder next to us and was able to see farther by just a bit. The beam was still their and it doesnt look like it would be going anywhere for awhile, thats when I felt a familiar power energy. "Celestia we need a boat or something and fast, where ever that beam is coming from steel is on the other end get some guards as well who can stand the ocean cause it looks like it goes out to sea!" I called out and quickly jumped down. "I hope none of you lot get sea sick cause we gotta hurry before the beam vanishes" I said and celestia quickly teleported us. (Pov steel fox, death island a few minutes earlier) "Damn it" I shouted and got ready. "Here goes nothing!" I said and gripped both hands on Excalibur, everything was completely different. My eyes turned icy blue like my super saiyan eyes but I still had the black pupil that shrunk to pin-prick, my breathing became heavier and my whole body tensed I could feel every muscle in my body and the pumping of my own blood. My senses were heighten tremendously my hearing was better and I cloud hear the cheering bastards in the stands even though they were about a long ways in a completely different direction, my sense of smell picked up every aroma on the island and it smelled like a rose for some odd reason, my vision was way clearer then I remember and my sense of touch grew larger letting me feel the exterior of Excalibur and feel the vibrations beneath my bare feet. And finally my sense to pick up danger heighten as well and I was gone before I even thought of what to do, dust had been thrown in the air as I bolted straight to skull blocking his strike from lime. He stared with wide eyes at how fast I approached, I tossed his sword out of his hands with a spin then when I faced him again I slashed upward cutting him in half lland his blood gushed our covering me untill he lay side by side next to his cut body. I didnt stop their I began cutting down each and everyone of his goons, my body moved without thinking and I was a monster to the the three ponies watching me. I dodged a sheild bash from one stallion behind me then I prairied a griffon who was getting to close without even looking, I grabbed the one with the sheild and bashed hik agains the griffion stunning them before I used the hilt and cross-guard of Excalibur and smashed it into their face then I did a spin attack cutting down four more before continuing on my rampage. Blood soaked me, the sword and the ground as I cut each and every single one of them down, spinning, stabbing, jumping, breaking jaws, skulls, teeth, bones I did everything in the quickest and most brutalist way imaginable but only one thing was on my mind, and that was keep the kids and rose safe. It was then that I noticed that rain had started to come down just as I ran my sword through a charging dragon. I ripped it out of his side cutting across a dragoness' chest making her cry out, I grabbed her arm and stabbed the blade through her head spilling the brains out and killing her instantly, my ears flicked hearing a slow battle cry behind me and I twisted the sword in my hand making me hold it like a knife then I ripped it out of the dragoness' head and shove it through a mares heart before ripping it out and cut down two more charging towards me. Just as things couldnt get any better I saw the lion from before jump on a zebra stallion and maul him to death with his razor sharp claws and teeth, then another lion came and another and another. Soon their was a small army of lions all different from the last killing each and everyone one of them as painfully as possible. With them by my side we tore through the rest of them leaving body peices, guts, brains and a whole lot of blood on the floor and over our bodies. After an hour of fighting off fifty ponies, dragons, griffions and zebras it was over all that was left were the dead bodies of fallin warriors. I panted heavily as I stared out at the mass of bodies infront of me and I felt the blood covering my body pool off of me as the rain washed me, my whole body throbbed at the toll of using unknown power for the first time and my senses went back to normal along with my eye color. I slowly made my way over to pitch, rose only to see lime trying to untie them. I pushed her back a bit and cut the rope releasing them, I was on the verge of passing out but for some reason I kept pushing myself. "Sir Fox, your body has takin quite the toll on itself from everything being heighten, you should let your body rest and regain its strength back the lions on this island will keep you safe until you do" Alicia said but I began walking over to the cave. "Sir Fox?" Alicica said and just as I was about to step into the cave my whole body had shut down and I fell to the ground out cold. My eyes were blank and the only thing I could see was darkness, the three ponies raced towards me to make sure I was ok. They flipped me on my back and rose checked for a heart beat and breathing, she gave a relieved sighed hearng my heart beat and feeling my chest rise up and down. "Alright he's not dead... lets get him inside" Rose said and lifted me up having to use all her strength just to move forward, the lions followed after to protect us in the cave but two or three stayed out and hid in the bushes to make sire no one else came. Third person, pov Rose seat steel down next to the small pond were he had pull Excalibur out of and sat down next to the kids. "Is he going to ok?" Lime asked rose, she saw worry in limes eyes and she knew how to handle these kinda situations. "Dont worry sweetie, Im surr steel has been through worse then this so Im sure he's fine but the question is are you ok after seeing all that?" Rose asked lime who looked at the ground she started shaking a little and some tears dripped out of her eyes. "I-I was... so scared thinking I was going to die" Lime said and began crying more. Rose could only imagine what was going on through limes head or even pitchs. Rose scooted closer to lime and wrapped her in her arms then began trying to calm her down. "Hey hey dont cry sweetness those bad ponies are gone now they cant hurt you anymore" Rose said softly and lime seem to take this rather well and soon her tears lessen. Rose then remembered a song she used to sing to her sister when she was a foal it might, it was worth a shot atleast. Rose ran her hand through limes mane to sooth her and cleared her throat softly before humming the melody then started singing. The song echoed on the walls making it more elegant than she had remembered, rose sang very softly soothing lime to the point were she had stopped crying completely. Limes face a small smile and her eyes drooped very lightly, the way rose was holding lime it was like a mother holding her daughter close and singing her to sleep. Pitch had began to feel tired himself and saw his sister already asleep snuggled up in hell roses chest with a small smile. Seeing this and feeling his who weariness, he finally accepted his tired self and passed out but his unconscious body leaned on roses left shoulder making her jump slightly seeing the two asleep on her. But seeing them asleep like this caused her to finish and smile down on the two. "I will do what ever it takes to keep you two alive and get you off this island, I promise" Rose said kissing lime on top of her head then closed her eyes herself and fell asleep. (Canterlot castle, pov brigid) The winds raged on through the city and rain beat down on the ground, whatever was going on angered someone up their. Celestia had been gone for a long time and the beam was somehow still their and I took this chance to use celestias telescope to see where the beam was and I saw a big island with what looked like to be stands floating in the air. I dont know what was going over their but I sure as hell know somethings up over their and with steels luck it must be bad since lady luck and steel have been at eachothers throats for years so it would be a miracle if it was something good. "Brigid... you might wanna see this!" I heared rainbow call from the otherside of the door. We walked down the hall and rainbow lead me to the far end of the castle were a pier for boats were but this had no water, I was high in the air and on the end of it was a massive ship with dark brown wood, shinny silver metal keeping the boat itself together and three massive sails. The thing was a beauty and I felt my jaw go slack a bit seeing the gigantic sky boat, we quickly flew up and boarded the ship were I saw everyone and hundreds of guards on it including crystal, luna, celestia, the twins and light heart. "Tia, what the heavens above is this and how is it flying?!" I asked then heared the sounds of engines from all four upper sides of the boat. "How do you have engines?!" "Oh well this is actually a gift from the griffion kingdom that was givin to us aong time ago, but we never used so it was collecting dust but now we can use this to sail through air and sea to that beam" Celestia said and gave a few astonished blinks before kissing the mare. "Tia you beautiful bitch Im going to wreck you later, for now lets get this thing going!" I said parting from her and looked around the ship unbenounced to me all the guard were staring at me in awe from kissing their princess with no heasitation and saying I was going to wreck her. "Sorry boys and girls she's all mine" I said and two mares and one stallion fainted on the spot. After about a few hours of figuring out how to fly the ship, we took off and flew ovee the city and made it to the ocean in less then half an hour. We softly landed on the water and we began sailing faster then when we were in the air. "Hey!" I heared a shout say and I saw logan with zecora on his back fly towards us and land right infront of us. "What thought you could give your own father the slip huh" "Oh, dad how did-" "I can sense your energy now, something I picked up after my defeat to your brother. And yes I know where he is but its not a pretty sight I will say that, even for saiyan like me I would call it to much" Logan said letting zecora down and walking to the front of the ship and he stared at the beam his arms crossed. "He's their and he's killing everything in sight, I can feel it" "Wow that was... dark, wait if you knew where steel was why didnt you tell me or anyone else" I asked and he scoffed. "We had to find an ingredient, one to help steel with his strain" Zecora said I tilted my head a bit to the side making her giggle. "Logan said steel had used to much of his ki and exhausted himself, so I have made a potion to get him back to full health and energy" she said pulling out a brown clay bottle with blue liquid in it that glowed slightly. "Thats amazing this could help him alot, and were almost their as well it would probably take awhile since the storm is still raging on right now but once we find him we give him the potion and bam were out of their" I said finally having something go our way for once. "All we have to do is keep lady luck on her ass and make get dolled up for a night out" "Lady luck has it out for you as well?" Logan asked and I nodded. "Guess it run's in the family, fuck that bitch" "Amen to that" I said walking up next to him and realized I never got to ask one thing about mom. "Hey old man... what was mom like?" ".... Where do I begin, lets say you look like a spitting image of her save for the long black hair and small chest but other then that exact copy. She was sweet but also sour at times, she was easy to convince but very stubborn a bad combination at best and finally she was the woman of my dreams till this day" Dad said and I caught a small frown from zecora. "She sounds awesome... but what would happen if, I dont know, you found someone else?" I asked and he gave me a side-ways glance then slightly moved it, his gaze aimed towards zecora then he looked back at me and gave a 'tch', before looking firward again. "I didnt hear you wouldnt be able to find somepony else, Im sure she will be ok with it since she's been gone for a long time" "Shut up woman" Logan said with gritted teeth, I looked back towards zecora and gave a wink then jabbed my thumb toward logan making her blush. "Who knows, it could happ-Whoa!" I said stopping as we all felt the boat rock on the raging ocean then a loud high pitch noise making most of the ponies including me, the mane six, the guys and logan cringe. "What is that noise, it sounds like a cry or something but way more painful!?" "What are you talking about I hear no cry or the sound you speak of" Zecora said looking around and trying her hardest to bear what were hearing. "I agree I dont bere this cry you speak of brigid how about you luna... luna?" Celestia looked back to her sister and saw that her face was completely pale and her hair reverted to its baby blue color. "Sister are you alright?" "I-Its him no not again, keep it away from me!" Luna screamed and ran into the captians quarters in fear. Celestia was left befuddled at her sisters actions, she had never seen her act this way before. "Whats going on with luna tia?" I asked feeling the pain go away a little. "Im... not quite sure, the only time I ever saw her this scared was when... A monster appeared" Celestia said and went into deep thought leaving me in a blank. Their was a solid twenty minutes of silence before we heared that sound again this time celestia was able to hear it infact I think the gods themselves can hear this scream. (Play if you want but you might wanna get ready) It sounded like someone had been brought to the shattered wall of their rage, it was filled with anger and I could feel the vibrations from here even though the island was miles away from us. The clouds all became darker and lightning struck the water every so often and some would come close to us. As the scream went on, the waters raged and the winds blew wildly I even saw the clouds circle together making a vortex in the sky with nothing but inky black clouds. I had to cover my ears because the pitch get higher, everyone else did it as well to drown out the sound but we were still able to hear it. "Lords above... what could have set him off to make him become... this strong?!" Logan said and backed away a little scaring me a little. "I can feel his energy from her and-and its massive almost like its infinite that has to be impossible" "Father what are you talking about and whats going on?!" I asked and he turned to me and I saw for the first time he had fear in his eyes. "This power, its steels and I never told you this but half-saiyan children are called the strongest in our race. Some revolve around emotion to tap into hidden power while others get it on the spot leaving the others to work, steel was one of those who had to work and his emotions can run wild if not handled right" Logan said and turned back to the beam only for his eyes to get wide then he spread his arms out and a green force feild surrounded the ship. Just as he did not even a millisecond later a shock wave blew past us sending waves towering mountians over us, it took everything logan had to keep it stable till it ended and he had to sit down to rest. "Something has angered steel and now... he's going all out" Death island, pov. Third, an hour before Little water dropplets fell off the cavern roof, it fell into the pond making little sounds as it did and had ripples disturbe the calm water. A few more came down and landed with a small flick on the floor, one had landed on steels head causing him to suddenly stir in his sleep. I opened my heavy eyes slowly as to not strain them to much, they were the piercing blue color from when I was holding the sword earlier. They stayed for a few seconds until I blinked turning it back to its normal black color, "What happened to me, and how did I get into the cavern?" I asked as I began to slowly get up using Excalibur for support. I stood panting slightly from using whatever strength I regained to lift myself up, I then proceeded to look around only to see rose, pitch and lime all sleeping huddled together against the rock. "Good... their all safe" "Yes, thanfully no gotten hurt during your massacre" Alicia said coming out of the sword and standing next to me. "I must say you handled yourself quite well, why I'd even say you handled it better then Arthur himself for his first time" She praised with a small smile. "Thank you alicia but I think he wouldn't havs been impressed... anyway how did we get back into the cavern?" I asked and alicia pointed to rose. "She carried you in when the strain took its toll on your body" Alicia said and walked over to the mare. "She is a very sweet mare but has had a rough life having to grown up so fast and raise her sister practically from birth... it sickens me to think about why they were given up. Rose trys her very best to keep her little sister out of danger and so far its working, but now she believes she wont be able to see her again and her sister would have to grow up just as fast as rose did at her age" Alicia said with a small frown, I looked to rose and saw the smile she had on her face this goes for lime and pitch as well. "The only thing thats actually keeping her from giving up... are these two" "I see... we gotta get off this island and kill those nobles along with the bastard behind all this" I said went to walk but found myself on the floor. "Your body is still recovering, give it time you should be-" I cut alicia off but pushing myself to get back on my feet. "No, their isnt time for waiting... I have to push myself even harder, I cant-I wont let anyone die as long as their by my side!" I yelled at alicia and used all my strength I had to get me up. My whole shook and my muscles felt weak but I didnt care, "I have to get up, I just sit here and wait to be killed or watch one of them get killed. I promised them I get them off this island and damn it Im gonna do it!" I said through gritted teeth, I finally got to my feet and the first thing I noticed was how unstable I was. I picked up Excalibur and began shakily walking to the opening, my footsteps were unstable and I wobbled slightly as I walked. "Steel dont push yourself to the point where you cant even move, you'll just hurt yourself even more!" Alicia begged but I kept ignoring her. "Steel if you leave now what will that accomplish, you being killed!" "I have to do something and if I do die, then Im going to go out fighting" I argued back and looked back to alicia who gasped and took a step back. I was giving her a determined glare but instead of seeing my black eyes, she saw the piercing blue ones staring right at her. "Steel?" We both stopped as we heared a voice call to me, I looked and saw lime standing just between me and alicia. "Where are you going?" "Uh... nowhere lime, just um... trying to get back on my feet is all" I said lieing to her but she picked up on faster then I thought and she looked at Excalibur then to me. "Lime listin-" "You were going to leave us... why?" Lime asked I felt hurt hearing this from her. "N-No lime, I wasnt going to leave just-" "Just what?" She asked more and I wanted to tell her why I was going leaving but the words wouldnt come. I was choking on them somehow leaving lime with silence, "Fine leave then, its not surprising at the least, me and my brother should be used to this since were nothing but a couple of street rats!" Lime screamed atme and that hit home on the dot. "W-Wait lime no its nothing like that please you gotta beleive me I would never leave you two" I said and it was true I would leave these two especially now. I took a step forward but she ran to the rock and climbed all the way to the top out my feild of vision. "Lime... Lime please I wasnt trying to hurt your feelings its just... you wouldnt understand your to young to understand whats going on" "Ugh, whats going on?" Rose said waking up. "Lime is upset because I was going to leave for a few minutes" I said, rose humed slightly and placed pitch on the floor. She walked over to the rock and looked up. "I guess I should have been more... well, honest then try to lie" "It sucks dont it, lieing to keep them happy" Rose said and I nodded. "Welp, guess I got no choice but to go help her Im sureI could get her down. Go stretch your legs but be careful, their are probably still more ponies and such walking around" Rose said and I nodded before slinging Excalibur over my right shoulder to have the grip on my left. I slowly made my way out of the cavern and felt tge ran pour down on me hard, drenching me in water but for some reason it felt kinda relaxing in a way. "You know this is a bad idea dont you" Alicia said appearing next to me. "Yes I know, but I hate sitting down in one place plus I still gotta find a way to get them off the island and back to equestrian land. For now I gotta get my strength back in my body" I said then felt a nudge from my side and I looked only to see the lion I fought looking at me, we stared at eachother for a few seconds then he nudged his head behind him and began walking in that direction. Trusting the animal that saved me and the others I followed him, we walked for a few minutes giving me the chance to get my strength back a little the rain ws still pouring on us and it made it quite hard to see where we're going and it got to the point were the rain made me loose sight of the lion. It used its mouth to gently bite down on my hand then lead me to where we're going and suddenly the just stopped, not a sound was heared and I could actually see sunlight. The place the lion had lead me to was an area surrounded my thick luscious trees with small dew on them making them sparkle in the sunlight. I felt strangely warm and dry just from being in here for no more then a few seconds, as I was looking I could smell something sweet hang in the air and then I heared small humming. I saw a small trail leading to where the humming was and I looked to the lion only to find him already walking towards it, I caught up and started hearing the melody of the humming and it sounded so familiar and it was so hypnotic after a few more seconds of walking we stoped and heared the humming stop only for it to be replaced with singing. I felt a small gust of wind rush past behind me and I felt something behind me. I turned and saw a woman with long green hair with a crown of pink and white flowers ontop of her head, smooth light green skin that could compare to a goddess, and wearing something that rarity would have loved. She wore a long vine dress with small flowers on the bottom with nothing but her bare feet, she sat on her knees infront of a golden flower and gently rubbing her hands against its petals but as she continued to sing the flower gave a soft golden glow and small pollen pieces flew off of the small flower and roamed in the air. They all landed on my and vanished, but when they did I felt my strength come back to me fully and any pain I was having at the time was gone not even a scratch was left on my face. The lady stopped suddenly and slightly moved her head and got to her feet, she was beautiful and she had small white freckles coating her cheeks and light green eyes matching her skin. She looked at me for a bit before walking forward and poked me in the middle of my chest and she continued to poke me making me chuckle. "Hey that tickles" I said through a chuckle and the woman stopped. "How are you here?" The woman asked her voice as smooth as honey, I raised an eyebrow confused by the question. "No one in this land has been able to get into my sanctuary in well over a Millenia those who have were the queens and princess's" "Wait you know of luna and celestia?" I asked and she nodded. "I have known of them since the day they were born, this island is were they had first came to be" She said. "But that begs the question, who are you?" "My name is Steel fox a saiyan hybrid raised on earth then brought to this land because of my friends lily and manus" I said and humed lightly before running a hand on my chest then sniffed me. "Um what are you doing?" "Hmm... I smell the scents of three mares one of which is princess luna if Im not mistaken, are your in an intimate relationship with her?" The lady asked and I nodded. "I see, how strange to hear, you are of a different species yet you date somepony that is completely different... why?" "Well... I dont... really know" I said honestly confused. "I guess you can say it was meant to be, when we first met she was evil and I was just... there, but after we somehow got a along quite well, we were both outcasted from others and we found common ground with that. After that I guess we just clicked she loved me and I loved her so we just... winged it from their and began seeing eachother for the most part in secret but soon we made it known" I explained and the woman stared at me for a moment before sighing. "My dear boy, you are quite the strange one I have never heared of anything like that in the years I have been alive. It has always been ponies craving for power and have a shot at royalty but you... you seem to not care for power, fame or fortune" And you would be right, I do not care for such petty things such as money and power. They are good but you cannot buy love or will it, it has to come naturally or else it is just pointless. I only care about one thing and thats personality nor looks or weight or even size, I want someone who has an amazing personality just like luna, frost and twilight" I said and the woman stared at me in awe complete taken back by my response. "You are a strange one indeed mr-" "Please call me steel, I dont care for formalities" I said and she nodded. "Although I would like to know your name" "Oh yes forgive me steel my name is Vine, simple and not fancy, I control this whole island and the greenery in it" Vine said and I awed at the thought. "And I have my most prized possession, the healing rose" She said and looked back to the golden flower. "So... that flower can heal people?" I asked and vine nodded. "Thats amazing no wonder I felt as good as new when those pollen specks landed on me, I do have many questions though Im sure one you already know" I said and frown came to her face and she walked back to her flower. "Yes... those vile ponies and nobles of new are horrid and deserve nothing worse then death. I know I shouldnt say such things but they are defiling the birth place of the royal sisters and my precious garden" Vine said with small tear coming down her cheek I walked over and knelt next to her. "Do not worry vine, I shall rid your garden of these bastards and kill the nobles who have defiled such an important place" I said and she gave me a small smile, as I was about to leave she pecked me on the cheek and got close to my ear. "Thank you" "Anytime... alright time to head back to-" I had been cut off by a loud horn then a click. "To anyone that is still alive, we will grant you a chance of a life time... you see their is a filthy ape that needs to be disposed of and if you do that you can leave the island along with your partner and you will be known as nobility even given money and power... so to anyone alive, kill the beast!" The annoucer said and clicked off. Everything just got a whole lot harder now, everyone is gooing to come after my head. "Ah yes,one more thing... We have your partner and those foals mr. Fox" The stallion on the intercom said and all my colored drianed from my body. "You must go, now!" Vine said and opened a tunnel way. "Follow this tunnel it will lead you to where you are needed... be careful steel, ponies like him always get what they want... always" Vine said and I nodded before making sure I had some bullets left then I sprinted down the tunnel. Vine walked over to the lion who was laying down, "Get everyone who will help steel end this suffering" She said and the lion nodded before taking off out of the statuary, she heared dropplets fall into water and her pupils shrunk. "Lords of above... will this island still stand after this, or will it fall?" I ran through the exit of the sanctuary and sprinted towards the middle of the island to try and save Rose and the foals. The rain soaked me in seconds and I tripped a few times causing me go fall in some mud but I got right back up and continued forward. "Don't everyone Im coming!" "Steel this is crazy you cant face all those ponies by yourself, that it utter suicide" Alicia said in my head trying her hardest have me back out. "I cant just leave then damn it, it's my duty to help those in need!" I yelled back at her and jumped over a stump. "If I cant do that then I'm nothing but some ridicules preacher that spouts non-sense!" "Steel think about what your saying its just three ponies and your going against a whole island of different species yet your doing this like your not afraid to die!" Alicia shouted in my head, "Lets think carefully about this we could escape and leave the three or we die either or steel no in between" I rushed out of the tree's and finally made it to the middle and every single captured person was here and in the back was Rose, Pitch and Lime. "Then I guess we're going to die then" I said unsheathing Excalibur but before I could grip it with both hands there was a loud bang and I felt immense pain on my left leg causing me to scream at the sudden feeling. I kneeled and dropped my sword to the floor, I looked at my leg and blood oozed out of the bullet hole I was lucky enough to have it not hit any vital arteries I put pressure on the wound and began trying to stop the bleeding. "Well, well, well if it isnt the monkey himself. You know I had a devil of a time finding you but in the end I did" I heared a young stallion say and I turned to him and saw a grey stallion with a black and wearing a fancy black suite he was holding a smoking handgun in one hand and an umbrella in the other. "Now I can have my revenge for my father and brother you filth" He growled out and kicked me in the face. "What are you talking about, I never met your father or your brother so why do think I would kill them!" I yelled at him and he pressed the barrel to my head. "You dont rember do you... let me refresh your memory" He said and back handed me hard then kicked me. "My name... is Blue lanch eldest son of the proud lanch family that you killed!" Blue said and my eyes had widen. "H-How... I killed them myself theres no way unless- "I wasn't in the house at the time" Blue said finishing my sentence. "All this was for you monkey, you should feel honored to have to have royal do such things for you... I almost spent my whole fortune creating this secret event and payed off so many guards that interfered or just plain killed, and after two years I finally have you kneeling before me like a good peasant should" He said and laughed maniacally, this guy was crazy but fuckin determined. "You psychopathic son on a whore, you put fillies and colts in so much danger and even had them kill to fuel your sick fetish!" I said and he stoped laughing right as I said that then he looked back at me. "You have no idea how much that gets my blood flowing hahahahaha!" Blue laughed wildly and took a deep breath. "You wanna know something, Im feeling a little itch in the back of my mind and you want to save your friends so how 'bout we play a game called hostage, how it works is I walk over to one of your friends and hold them hostage what you have to do is get passed all these filthy low lifes and stop me but if you dont make it in time... I'll blow their brains out of their heads, fun right!" He screamed as he walked passed the crowds of people and grabbed rose. "You'll be first to bad to, I would have made you my play thing" "STOP DONT DO IT!" I screamed and tried to run over but three ponies pushed me to the ground and started stomping on me. I quickly got to my feet after seeing an opening and sent each on of them my hardest punch killing them. "Tick Tock steel you only have ten seconds before your little friend here die's" Blue said cocking the hand gun and watched rose shake in fear but tried her best to look tough. "If only you didn't get in my way, you would have been a great cock sleeve whore" Blue growled out with a sicking smile, I was doing my best fighting my way through the crowds of prisoners but I didnt have enough tims. "Go fuck yourself, you psychotic cock sucker!" Rose yelled at him and shoulder bashed him making him stumble. He recovered from the hit and glared daggers at her, she went for another shoulder bash but there was a loud bang and everything went silent. I stopped fighting as did the others, my stomach sank as I heared the bang. I pushed through the remaining ponies and such, what I saw made my eyes widen and my blood run cold. "Stupid bitch" Blue spat out and kicked roses unmoving body, He even started laughing as he stomped her her arms. "What did you think was going to happen huh, you were going to save yourself, save those orphaned brats, and save this monkey well news flash cunt your fucking dead ahahahaha!" Blue shouted laughing like a mad man. "R... Rose please... say something" I begged falling to my knees. "C'mon do something... get up" "You fool she's dead and soon you will be too... but I'll start with thoseunwanted orphaned brats she calls her foals" Blue said and I shook all over feeling so helpless. I should have been stronger, I should have stayed with them... but I didnt and now rose is dead, gone forever. "Why?" I mumbled making blue stop and turn to me. "Why do the gods above hate me... I did nothing to them, was it because I was born, was it because I biologically made for science... ANSWER ME YOU BASTARDS!" I screamed and slamed my fist to the ground making the whole are shake and cracks form under my hand. "Every time, every fucking time Im sick of it. Im sick of being weak, Im sick of being told Im a monkey if your really up their you old bastards" I looked up to the cloudy sky and stood back on my feet. "HELP ME NOW!!!" I screamed as loud as I could charging my ki at the same time giving it that extra kick. I no longer felt sympathy towards these bastards or the one who killed rose, during my power climb I had turned super saiyan then everything started to feel different. "Awaken... my son" I dont know what caused me to snap but it set me off. A purple glowing shell of ki started to form around my body completely engulfing me, everyone looked on in awe and fear. My tail had fallen off my body and was replaced by a long thin arrow head tail, the feathers on my wings and what was left sunk back into me leaving my bare back. Horns grew from the sides of my head curling ever so slightly up and finally my mouth was filled to the brim with fangs. My body slimmed down but I felt my muscles tone and pulse with power along with my magic. "What in gods name?!" Blue screamed backing away as did the others. "God will no longer answer to you foul creature... he hasn't answered to me so why should he to you" I said my voice cutting through them like swords and it echoed through the air. "You have faced sins far worse then you can possibly imagine Blue lanch son of the bastard who took my friends... your family will cease to exist" The light started cracking and out came a dark purple light shinning out of them. It was difficult for the ones around to move all them were paralyzed with fear, as the last cracks had been made everything stopped no one talked or moved a muscle. One brave individual slowly made there way to my unmoving body and went to touch me. "Die" I growled out and before anyone could see I shoved my fist right through the mans head. The light broke off and scattered around me, I looked like the devil himself. My horns were black and glowing purple on the tips, my eyes sicking baby blue with slit pupils, my hands had small sharp black nails, my muscle mass had shrunk down to when I first got to equis but I still felt the same power I gained from training and I kept my harden muscles. My tail was touching the ground and snaking its way to my leg and finally my expression was blank it looked like I wasnt afriad of anything. I ripped my fist out of the ponys head and swipped the blood off my hand before stretching. Each pop of my joints made the ones surrounding flinch, once I was finished I looked to rose and began walking over to her. "Oh no you don't you-" I barely did a small swat of my hand on blues chest yet he flew right into the foret as fast as a bullet. I kneeled down to roses body and held her up, doing so let me place my ear on her chest and to my relief she was still alive and the bullet missed the heart. "Huh... mommy?" I looked up and saw lime coming too and looking qround in confusion before her eyes landed on me and rose. "Get away from her she's my new mommy get away!" She screamed at me and I broke the emotionless shell and smiled warmly at lime causing her to stop. "S-Steel... is that you?" "In a way lime, yes I am" I said and broke my magic collar on my neck then roses. I began doing a little spell cadance did on me back at the wedding, I lowed myself to roses lips and planted mine on her's letting the magic take its course. Lime gave a low 'oh' seeing this and looked away as I healed rose. Seconds later I saw color form back on roses face and a glint from her eyes. I parted from her lips and saw her blushing madly, I chuckled and let her go before standing back up and popped my neck." S-Steel?" "Go to them rose, I will handle this and we can go back home" I said my expression turning cold again. I held out my left hand and Excalibur rose from the ground and shot directly into my hand, I held out my other hand and waited. (Pov Brigid) "Holy shit that is some powerful magic!" I said as we finally reached the island, we began running towards the crazy power until I felt something heading right towards celestia. I pushed her out of the way and ducked down barely dodging something that flew past us, I got back up and helped tia off the ground. "What was that just now?" "That looked like... rebellion" Luna said confirming steel was here, we started running again and half way through we heared screams of agony and fighting. We finally reached our mark and we froze as we saw steel, his body was menacing and the way he moved around was swift and clean. He spun over a stallion cutting his head open then he cut down a whole row of ponies and griffions all ready to kill steel. But no matter how hard they tried, steel had the upper hand and was a literal beast slashing their bodies apart one by one. We saw a griffion land a hit on steels shoulder causing him to stop moving, the griffion laughed as he went to pull the sword out but steel grabbed it and shoved the blade in the mans face. Steels wound healed instantly not even leaving a scar to be seen, it was scary just looking at him. "What has happened to steel brigid?" Luna asked as she saw her coltfriend tear down four dragons and pony with a small spin attack. "He's completely different" "No... he snapped steel awoken something that was locked deep within him, he has no more sympathy towards the ones he's killing and has quite literally turned into... a demon" Logan said. "But thats impossible he is nothing more than a half saiyan human baby, how was he able to turn into that!?" Zecora asked and Logan had no answer for he did not know either. "H-He... witnessed me almost die" Rose said limping over with pitch and lime, her face was either beading down with sweat or water at this point it could be both. "I attacked... blue and he shot me just above my heart, I barely had time to live and yet steel brought me back to life" "You... your the one that kidnapped steel arent you!" Luna said and roses ears drooped down to her head. "I knew it, once this is done your going to the dungeons for a long time!" "No you leave her alone!" Lime yelled at luna. "Squirt do you know what she has done, how many she has hurt or killed... your just a kid let the grown ups handle this" Rainbow said but lime glared at her. "Its ok lime... I know what I've done was wrong but I had reasons for doing such acts, have you ever had to look after someone you held dear and would do almost anything to keep them safe... I have my sister to take care of and now I want to keep these two safe" Rose said huddling pitch and lime next to her, luna wasnt having any of it and want to just throw her in the dungeon. "Im sorry that you had to do such vile things to get by and did it all for your sister and these two... but this will not go unnoticed, we will be taking those two and your sister and put them in a better home. While you miss ashy rose will spend your days in the dungeons" Celestia said coldly and everything went cold, comder then it already was. "And who gave you the right celestia... because I sure as hell know that you do not do such things unless I order it, I am your better" Steel said as he appeared next to celestia covered in blood. He gripped celestia by her throat and lifted her up, "I have seen to much already, one has died but come back the other was at the deaths door... you will do nothing to her do I make myself clear child?" he said and gripped her neck harder causing her to croak a little. "Y-Yes... S-Sir!" Celestia weezed out and was released by steels grip. He looked back to us and none of us even breathed, "What have you become steel?" Celestia asked and steel grind. "Il Diavolo" He growled out and vanished once more before continuing his killing spree. "That... was not steel" I said going over to celestia to check her neck. "He wouldn't just hurt his own friend like that, somethings wrong" "Damn it woman have you not been listing to your own father, he lost his sense of reason he doesnt care who he hurts... he seeks only the death of those who get in his way, that is what we saiyans do" Logan said tighting his fists. "Damn, being shown up by my own offspring... its embarrassing yet makes me proud curse him!" He said with gritted teeth. "Is there any way for his sense of reason to come back?" Rose asked and was glared at by luna. "Yes... but we need a volunteer because if this doesn't work... lets just say were history" Logan said and began choosing. "I should go steel has been me best mate since day one no way that fucker can forget a mug like this" Greenie said but was smacked upside the head by applejack. "I should do it he's practically like a brother to me" Mint said but was also smacked upside the head by rarity. "Men always trying to get into danger, let a mare handle this dar-hey!" Rarity stopped as she saw greenie sprint towards steel. We all tried to call him back but nothing worked, applejack was about to go but father made her stay in place. "Let me go ya varmint ah cant let him die!" Aj said hitting logan but his gripp didnt faulter. Greenie was now almost right next to steel, and steel spun around with his sword ready to cut him down. "NO!" (Pov steel) Everything was just a blur, nothing but colors and passing by my face. What was happening to me, I could no longer feel my sanity in place and... I had the unbeatable urge to kill. "Well would you look at you, big bro lost his mind after seeing a mare die huh heheh man pathetic" lux said and I was pulled into a white void with him in it. "Lux... this isnt your doing if it is I have half a mind to kill you now" I threatened but lux just laughed. "Nah not this time, but we are giving off an incredible amount of hell it took some of my power too" Lux said making me get a bit confused. "Oh yeah, that guy thats killing everything in sight, thats you with parts of my magic and ki" "What?! But how that should be impossible!" I exclaimed. "I dont know but we look pretty cool out their... uh oh" Lux said getting my attention. "Uh oh... which kind the good one or the bad" I asked afriad of the answer. "The bad... your friend greenie... he's coming right at us and we have nothing but kill in our mind... he will be cut down in seconds befire anything else" He said and I instantly began trying to get myself under control. "It's no use, no matter how hard you try you cant escape from here trust me I tried" No this cant happen first it was rose and now greenie!" I screamed and punched the ground. "No I cant let this happen he's my best friend" I said and continued my assault on the ground while lux scoffed. "Try as you might nothing can get out plus were both stuck here since it took our power... just give up" Lux said but I ignored him and went on. "I said stop you cant do anything here so just give u-" CRACK A loud crack was heared and lux looked to see that peices of the pure white floor began to started cracking. Steel panted and chuckled as he finally got through the floor, the cracks filled the entire room and then with a slight drop of sweat that dripped down steels chin letting it hit the floor. The whole room shattered and steel began to fall. "Ill be damned you got us free... your full of suprises bro but that gave me inspiration to keep fighting to get free... so just you wait steel" Lux said and chuckled ominously before the world turned white again and I was flung back into the real world. "NO!" I heared aj scream and I stopped my blade just inches from greenies neck. "S-Steel... lad you still with us?" Greenie asked and their was silence the girls and the stallions held their breath as they waited for what was going to happen. "... Yeah... Im still here" I said lowering my sword and ended with a sighed, greenie sighed as well and put a hand over his heart. "That was... a close call huh?" I joked and greenie nodded giving an out of breath chuckle. "No kidding... you look good man well minus the horns and demonic look" Greenie said and I looked over myself. "So uh you gonna kill those guys or...c "Huh oh! Yeah sorry give me a second, hold this" I said tossing him Excalibur and focused my magic in rebellion. The blade had a dark red aura surround it and it started to morph in to something, the light broke off the sword and what was left was a long Claymore that was as long as my body and had a dark purple crystal like blade that had had no guard and the hilt was a black pole with old tattered cloth wrapped on it. "This won't take long" I said and my eyes glowed red. Before anyome could say something I took off and swung the massive blade with a mighty cry and it was so fast they only saw me disappear and reappear behind the giant crowd. The claymore gave off a small line of steam and my body was steaming red and sweat covered me, I stabbed the ground with my sword and it reverted back into rebellion. As it did blood gushed out of the crowd of species and one by one they all died tainting the ground with their blood, I poppee my neck and stretched a little letting the knots in my muscles get loose. "What took you so long lion, I finished up here already" I said not even turning to see the lion along with his army of animals. "Vine was that worried huh, cant blame her though her nieces are here along with a couple of my friends" I said looking back to him and he sat down. "Steel what just happened I mean you killed those guys in second and whats with this new form its completely different then your usual on and you slimmed down yet kept your chiseled figure, and might I say its well toned and harden now, can you do other things oh how about using your tail or those claws and-" Brigid covered twilights mouth and dragged her away, I chuckled a little and looked over my body in amazement. "This is quite the form steel its almost scary as to what you've become rught now but I wont lie I sorta like it" Celestia said and licked her lips taking me back a bit. "Hands off princess he's mine!" Twilight said popping up behind me frist got to my left while luna got the front. "Ladies ladies calm down theirs enough for four but their right celestia Im sorta their play thing heheh" I said chuckling and celestia pouted but yelped as brigid swatted her rear. "Did you forget your actual marefriend tia, he doesmt know your speacial sp-" Celestia slapped a hand over Brigids mouth andnlaughed nervous. "Brigid thats personal things that should be left in bed" Celestia said and I chuckled. "Well... I guess everythings fine except for... the nobles" I said and looked up to the stands only to see the bastards running around trying to find a way out. I walked over to greenie and grabbed Excalibur, then I ripped rebellion out of the ground mqking it change into the claymore. "This wont take long" "Steel dont, we can handle this without violence we have seen quite enough of that today as is" Celestia said only for logan to scoff lightly. "Something to add logan?" "Yeah, when are you going to wake up. You cant stop people from doing what they want its just how they act, violence is the second option that is best suited for this." Logan said slowly floating uo and once her reached the same level as the stands he held one hand out and gave an evil grin. "Devils eye!" He shouted and shot a large ball of ki at the nobles, on impact the ball exploded killing everyone inside amd blowing a large gust of wind towards our direction. "LOGAN THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR!" Celestia shouted at the man only to be silenced by me with a quick chop to the neck. "Thats enough celestia, I had a talk with someone on this island and they hate violence but these bastards are desecrating a historical land mark and I wont sit by and let you handle this with words... call me crazy but I think my saiyan blood is kicking in" I said and grunted as pitch black leathery wings shot out of my back. "I will make sure this is the last of the blood that will paint this ground" I growled out and flew right towards another stand and broke through it, everyone inside stopped and screamed im terror as they saw me. "Beast! Beast!" "Its going to kill us all!" "Run away!" "You cant run anymore, now face your sins" I said and fire sparked on my claymore and my eyes turned brught blue giving me power of excaliber. I summond my phone and put on the one that was stuck in my head. As it started I smirked and ran towards the crowds and started cutting them down. One after another they all fell to the ground with their blood painting the walls and some even jumping out the opening to make it to safety but didnt get to far. Father and brigid joined in after a few minutes and blew up a couple of the stands, I finished up in my area and saw anothe one right next to it so I pulled out my pistol and shot the glass a couple of times before sorinting towards it and crashed right through and smashed into the next one and shot a few in the head and threw my claymore right through six of them and slashed a whole line down while shooting a few as I did a spin attack. I grabbed my claymore and coated it with fire and cut the floor in half making the magic holding it up let go, I ran past the nobles and jumped out of the stand and went on to the next. After awhile we killed every last noble, brigid and logan floated back down and saw our friends stare in shock and awe. They heared an explosion come from behind them and they saw me jump out of the exploding stand and crash on the floor and rolled. I stood up and they saw my whole body drenched in blood and some scratches from those who tried to fight back. "Well that was fun" I said out of breath and dropped my swords then sat down. "Jesus man if it wasnt for the rain pouring on you then I dont think the others would want to be next to you" Jack said and I looked to the others and saw them bunch up together in slight fear as the watched the blood pool off me. "Yeah... not my cleanest work but... none of them are alive anymore so theres that" I said running a hand through my wet hair and sighing. "This look is really strange steel you were a completely different person" Rainbow said and the others agreed. "Yeah Im sorry for going... ape shit on yall didnt really have any control over myself but the weirdest thing happened to me while changing into this" I said getting their attention. "I heared some woman say 'awaken my son' sounds a little weird but I have no idea how to react to something like that" I said running a hand over my chest feeling a little itchy. "That does sound strange but I guess we can worry about it later" Luna said and went to go help me up, she offered and hand and I was about to grab it but my rught ear twitched and I shot to my feet. Four loud bangs rang in the air scaring the group, they had covered their ears and flinched each time the bangs went off until it was done. Luna opened her eyes and uncovered her ears only to see infront of her with my arms spread out and shaking slightly, she was to frighten to move and her eyes welled up when I turned and faced her. "Thank... the gods... your ok" I choked out as I coughed up blood and wobbled slightly. "S-Steel" Luna whimpered out as she saw the life in my eyes start fading. Everyone looked on with shock until they heared the sounds a laughter, they all loked and saw blue holding the empty gun and looked close to death. "If Im going out them Im taking you with me you fucked up freak!" Blue shouted and dropped the gun. "And dont worry there are more of us so your friends will follow suite including those bitches we call princesses along with your cock sleeve princess luna and twilight sparkle Ill see you fucks in hell" He spat out and laughed even more. "Silence your arrogant fool" I said my eyes glowing red again, I put my arns down and slowly limped to Excalibur. "If your family touches a hair or even looks at my friends or loved one, I will make the lanches blood line cease to exist" I said spreading my wings and making my pupils slit, he stoped laughing and began backing up as I started making my way towards him. "Your sins reek and god will judge for you have awoken a beast no more crying for help" I said as I neared him he fell to the ground and began crawling away. "No... no please I beg of you" Blue begged but they fell on deaf ears. "The devil has judged and I find you guilty now burn for all eternity" I finished and raised Excalibur high in the air and brought it down on his neck severing his head on his shoulder. "You have reaped what you have sowed" I said and dropped my sword and fell to the ground. Everyone rushed over to me and quickly started to try and heal me but it was no use. I looked to luna and smiled before summoning the golden arm brace and held it over my heart before everything went dark and cold. (Pov brigid) The winds had ceased and the rain had stopped, the clouds hung with dread as we witness a man. My brother give his last breath luna, twilight and frost all cried their eyes out as did the others seeing the friend who had done so much for them die right infront of them. Father was holding back his tears, he hung his head and gave heavy sighs. I was shaking with anger, sadness and hate all at once it was something I couldn't stop feeling, the tears that welled up in my eyes fell and my heart broke seeing my own brother pass on. "This is all my fault... if I wasn't in that mans line if sight steel would still be here" Luna sobbed out and buried her face in her hands. "Its... its not your fault luna its no ones except blue's" I choked out while trying to wipe away my tears. Celestia began waking up and looked around confused, until she saw steels unmoving body. "What... what happened?" Celestia asked me getting to her feet. "Its... he... he's-" "He's gome damn it my son died protecting your fuckin sister from meeting the same god damn fate!" Logan screamed at celestia. "My son is gone... all thanks to the blue son of a bitch!" He shouted more and clenched his fists tightly enough to draw blood. "I failed you brizo but atleast you can finally see him after all these years... DAMN YOU, YOU GOD DAMN BASTARD!" Logan screamed at the top of his lungs his power increased dramatically and his hair rose up and turned gold his eues turned crystal blue and the raging gold aura formed around him. He looked at himself and was even more angrier, "This form is nothing to me if I dont even have a worthy opponent" father saud with a heavy sigh turning him back to normal. "I-I... I see I guess the only thing to do now is... give him a proper burial" Celestia said and I nodded before walking over to steek only to be stopped by luna. "Luna... please" I begged but she didnt move, with a heavy heart I chopped her in a preasure point knocking her out. I walked over to steel and kneeled down, he held the arm brace above his heart giving luna one last message before he departed. I grabbed it and put it on his arm before picking him up and slinging him over my shoulder and used a ki blast to make his grave. "Im sorry its nothing fancy steel... but just know you were a good man, better than any of us I know you dont want to hear that but... its true I hope you can see ryle again along with mother... rest in peace bro" I said as I placed him in the make shift grave. "I cant watch this" Twilight said and celestia went over to comfort her. "Its alright twilight... things may seem dark now but... but" Celestia couldnt finish because her own tears began falling and she choked up. I grabbed his two swords and placed them in each hand before closing his eyes, it didnt take long to put the dirt over him and soon we were met with a small lump in the ground. The animals around us hung their heads including the lion and they all went back into the forest save for the lion who walked towards steels grave and sat infront of it like if he was waiting. "Damn it... damn it me best mate is gone damn it" Greenie said crying on ajs shoulder. "You just had to play the hero damn it stop showing off" Mint cried out as he held rarity. "Damn it you were supposed to be my right hand man yet you bloody lost your life... fuck man" Jack said and edge along with strings agreed. "... I guess its time to... head home" I said and we all slowly made our way back to the ship crying most of the way their. "Why did you have to leave man... we still need you" (3rd pov) The lion sat infront of the hrave of steel fox waiting for something ir rather someone. He heared small footsteps coming up behind him but he didnt move knowing full well as to who it was. "Your time is not yet right steel... I will only do this once or twice but do not get spoiled I am already angering the other gods... except for your mother" Vine said digging up the grave and pulling steel out. She cleaned him off and summoned the healinh rose, she plucked one petal from the plant and stuck it into his mouth before clearing her throat. As she sang steel body glowed a soft hue of gold and golden water rose up from the ground and lifted him up in the air before entering through his mouth, vine stood up and ran her hand across his body as she walked around him guiding the water to his heart. When she had finished Steels body slowly drifted towards the ground and he began coughing heavily before sitting up and taking a deeo breath. He sat up for only a minute before passing out, Vine expected this and knew she had to take care of him and his woubds before he was abke to wake up. The only problem was once someone has died and come back they lose half their memories but knowing Steel, Vine knew he would find a way to remember. "I mist bring him back to the sanctuary come leo we shall treat him at once" Vine ordered and leo hefted steel on his back, he picked up the swords in his mouth adn they both started their way back to the sanctuary. > Chapter 24: Remember who you are! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Island of the princesses, pov Vine) Its been months since Steel has been recovering and I have yet to tell his friend's or the royals about him or his survival. He seemed to be stable now but that could change drastically, Steel was laying on a bed of leaves and flowers completely naked as to have the stems go into his vital areas and heal them. I sat down infront of him and sighed a bit depressed. "Steel... do you think what Im doing is... right?" I asked the unconscious man who said nothing. "I shouldn't have brought you back to life, its against the laws of the gods... but I just couldn't stop myself, I never wanted to see those two sad and I would do anything to keep them happy... I just didn't realize they cared for you that much" I said with a small sniffle feeling some tears well up, I softly wipped them from my eyes and placed a hand on him. His steady heart beat telling me he was still alive, his demonic features highten tramendously and his hair became as white the winter snow his skin had turned a bit more tanish and his eyes had stayed in their slited state. His horns grew a tad bit longer and curled up more, his wing's had grown spikes on the ends and turned more reddish. "But so far you're almost completely healed, well enough to have you up and a 'bout" I said smiling with satisfaction. Ever since Steel killed those wretched nobles the island started to grown once more and no longer had to taste the blood of savages. I owe him everything and this is one part of repaying him, I stood up from the ground and made my way towards the hot springs to wash myself. "I've deserved something as nice as this, healing Steel and taking care of my recovering island I need a small break" I said removing my flower dress and letting it fall. I smiler seeing my curvy body showing off my ample c-cup breasts in the water and my dainty little feet which made me giggle a little, I slowly went in the water and moaned softly as the water creeped up my body. "This is so relaxing Im glad I made you" (Back to Steel, 3rd pov) Steel laid on the flower bed breathing peacefully, the brand new scars were shown on his body. On his left arm was his prize possession, Luna's golden arm brace she gave him and even after death Steel would never take it off. "Well I'll be damned... you owe me twenty buck's" "Oh shut up you and help me lift him, he sure did mess himself up hell even went into his demonic form the ignorant fool" Two men said as they stood infront of Steel, on the left was a man with long white hair and skin, about six foot two, wearing a red trench coat, black pants and boots. To the left of him was a man shorter by an inch, he wore a black shirt with a blue trench coat, black pants and boots while holding a katana. "Jesus Vergil dont get your panties in a bunch" The man on the left said. "Quiet Dante and get his arm's or do you want to have a bet on who can lift him up?" Vergil said to Dante who smirked. "Are you challenging me brother cause you know I never back down right, especially when we fought" Dante said making Vergil give a small glare. "Alright, alright Im grabbing his arm's" he said taking hold of Steel's arms. Virgil went to grab Steels legs but stopped. "Ah geez cant we put some pants on this man for christ sake" Vergil whined. "Hey you said I get the arms so grab the guy's legs and what ever you do dont look at his dick... son of bitch is bigger than me" Dante mumbled glaring at Steel, Vergil rolled his eyes and grabbed Steels legs before the two lifted him up. "See easy, now all we have to do is get him clothed and put him somehwere so she doesnt find out what he is, easy peasy" Dante said and had to duck under a flying acorn aiming for his head. "Whoa that close" "Who the hell are you and why are you kidnapping my friend!" Vine said covered up in a towel and dripping wet. "Damn if I wasn't trying to steal this guy I would steal you instead, but on another topic RUN!" Dante shouted and the two quickly ran off with steel. "Damn it you were right!" "About what?!" Vergil asked. "We should have out pants on him!" Dante said as they broke out of the sanctuary and vergil opened a portal and the two brothers jumped through with Steel and closed it. Vine had barely caught up and couldnt find them any where. "Oh no" (Wonderbolts academy, midnight) A portal opened up and out came Dante, Vergil and Steel. "Well that was fun so now what?" Dante asked as they set Steel down. "Now we seal his power's until he is ready" Vergil exclaimed and put a hand in the center of steels chest. His hand glowed a light blue and slowly Steels horns went back into his head, his wings sunk back inside of him and finally his teeth turned back to there regular form. "There that should hold for awhile, all we have to do is keep those ponies from finding out who is as to not have the gods find him" "Yeah Brizo would be pretty pissed off if she found out we screwed over her son" Dante said chuckling before summoning a pair of black pants and a pitch black trench ckat that matched Dantes. "Alright hold his legs" (Few minutes later) "And... done finally got the bastard in some pants, now than what will we do with him?" Dante asked his brother who thought to himself, he took notice that they were infront of building and a shadow creeped by a lit window. "I think I found out what to do" Vergil said and grabbed a small rock before throwing it at the window making it shatter on accident, a mare screamed in fright before a loud thud was heared. "Oops well then let me make this quick" He said pulling out a ring and slid it on steels finger changing him into a light blue Pegasus pony with white hair and his armored skin turning black with small specks of white in it. "There now than lets go before that woman catches us" Vergil said before opening a portal and the brothers quickly went in and closed it. (Pov spitfire) I was behind my desk holding anything close to a weapon in my hands and felt my heart pounding, I saw and heared the window break so fast I was too scared to even get mad. "Alright spitfire its probably nothing, calm yourself just slowly get up and look outside to see who did it then calmly tear them limb from limb for scaring me" I said to myself and got on my feet, I made a small b-line towards the window and I looked out in the cold night. "Geez got scared over nothing, other than that blue Pegasus stallion laying on the ground unconscious... wait WHAT!" I screamed dropping the blunt object and quickly flew out of the office to make sure the stallion was ok. "Oh man are you ok, hold I'll uh-no damn it the hospitals are closed and the medic had left an hour ago... no choice then" I said flipping the stallion over and gave a small blush seeing his well harden body. "Oh my god this guy is ripped!-no spits you gotta help him now than time to get you back to my place, was done with work anyways" I said lifting him up and slowly flew back to my house. (Spitfires house) I kickes open the door and slowly walked in with the stallion on my back. I closed the door and threw him on the couch allowing me to catch my breath a little, "You... are one... heavy... bastard you know that" I panted out and slumped right next him. He didnt even respond or even looked like he was breathing, I began to get a little scared so I placed an ear to his chest and listened closely. Silence no heart beats of any kind, I started to panick but as soon as it came it left and I sighed in relief hearing the heart beat. "You almost gave me a heart attack" I said sitting back up. "I wonder why you were knocked out infront of the wonderbolts academy... though Im not complaining-stop it spits you just have to make sure he's ok" I said with a sigh and I soon felt very tired, I went to a closet and grabbed an extra blanket then covered the stallion up to keep him warm even if he had a coat. "... L.... un...a" I looked at the stallion thinking I heared him speak but nothing so I just shrugged it off and headed for bed. "... Who... a... am... I " (Four months later cloudsdale plaza, Steels pov) Pegasi ponies chated with one another buying food or jewelry from venders, the stallions hit on mares while the mares ignored them. It had such peaceful music playing from a small in the center and it felt so warm and welcoming as well. The foals played and ran around while the parents watched and smiled. The day was perfect for them until they all heared screaming coming from a little ways down. "YOU DAMN BRAT COME BACK HERE WITH MY BREAD!" An older stallion shouted at a light blue pegasus stallion wearing black pants, had cloth wrapped around his left arm that went up to his elbow, boots and a black trench coat. The stallion laughed as he ran with the loaf in his hands and rushed passed a few ponies as well. "SORRY GRAMPS NOT GONNA HAPPEN IM STARVING AND I DONT HAVE MONEY!" The stallion shouted back and continued on. He stoped running once he reached the plaza fountian, he sat down on the cloud fountian and took a bite of his bread. "Despicable" A mare said with disgusted look on her face, I stopped eating and turned to the mare only to notice all the other pegasi are looking at me. "How are you able to sleep at night?" "Next to a hot mare on a comfortable bed lady so I couldn't careless" I said taking another bite of my bread and felt something perch on my shoulder. "Ah Abu whats going on bud?" I asked my partner in crime, he was a small brown flying monkey with small feathered wings. He wore a small purple vest and a red fez on his head, he had a satchel on his back and reach in only to take out some grapes. "You my friend are awesome" I said with a chuckle and took the little grape and offered him some bread, he took a peice and sat down next to me. "Filthy little bastard" The mare from before said, I grinned a little until I noticed a small little filly behind her holding onto her dress. She had a purple coat and a blue mane and tail, she wore a small yellow sundress and looked so adorable, I waved to the filly and she gave a small wave back. "Grape dont wave to him he's nothing but a petty thief" "Hey kid wanna play with Abu he likes kids" I said and motioned for Abu to fly over and he did. He walked up to the two and climbed on grapes shoulder, she giggled at the antic and petted Abu's head. "Listin lady I couldnt care less about what you say about me but seriously dont make it such a big deal" "Whatever c'mon grape were leaving and tell that fithly monkey to get off of you" The mare said and graped looked sad hut she said good bye to Abu and he in return gave Grape, well a grape, and flew back to me. The mare and the filly left leaving me and Abu were left alone to eat. "You know my friend its funny how we steal instead of just askin her for some bits you know" I said and Abu shrugged and ate some of his bread. "Well this is my last day as free man until I join the wonderbolts academy so I guess I should be training but fuck it I think I might relax toda- "Thats him guards get that bastard!" I heared the old man I stole from shout and when I look four guards started running at me. I quickly grabbed Abu and started making a break for it, cutting through allies and jumping over fences until I felt safe enough to catch my breath. "All this for a loaf of bread?" I said holding some of the eaten loaf in my hand. I heared small giggling and I noticed three mares doing some laundry, "Getting into trouble a little early arent we Steel?" One of them said I chuckled. "Trouble? No, you're only introuble if you get caught" I said and right as I did guard grabbed me and turned me to face him. "Im in trouble" "And this time-ah!" He screamed as Abu spun his helmet around. "Perfect timing Abu as always, c'mon lets get out of here" I said running into a hefty guard and he took a swing only for me to dodge. I started running and dodging many royal guards, they chased me everywhere I went all for a peice of bread. We scaled up a construction tower only to have it be shaken. "I can take a hint gotta face the facts, your my only friend Abu!" I said flying into a womans changing room filled with beautiful mares in their panites and bra's that showed off their beautiful bodys. They rolled their eyes to me because they caught me peeping one to many times, they sang along and gave me a little show to tease me and it was working. I crossed my legs to hide it until I heared the boss mare come in and she swung a broom at me like many times before. "I blame parents except he hasnt got'em!" She said and I glared. "Gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat tell you all about it when got the time!" I sang and sat at window only to be lighty pushed out of the room and I flew in the air. I was once again chased by guards again and we made it to the plaza once more were I blended in with the other ponies, it was difficult since they were searching for me and every pony hated me, but I some how snaked my way passed them. "I think I'll take a stroll around the block" I said only to be met with another guard and I ran into the jewelry section of the plaza were Abu waz trying to steal some necklaces. "Stop thief! Vandal! Scandal!" "Abu!" I shouted grabbing him and ran off only to cornered infront of a house. "Lets not be to hasty" The door opened and some good looking mares came out and put their hands all over me. "Still I think he's rather tasty" They said and I broke away from them and slipped past the guards. I flew to the tallest building in cloudsdale and began scaling up the stairs when I landed. "One jump, ahead of the hoof beat, one hop ahead of the hump. One trick ahead of disaster, their quick but I'm much faster!" I sang as I grabbed Abu and dodged three swords coming down, I ran to a window and looked out only to see how high we are and looked back. "Here goes, gotta throw my hand in, wish me happy landin all I gotta do is juuuuuuuuuuump!" I screamed as I dove out of the building head first, I shot down like a bullet while the guards, who were surprisingly scared to jump, were cursing me to oblivion. I laughed as I fell until I was close to a building with a window open and I was tackled through it and flew through a door while said pony was on the other side. I groaned as the pain sunk in and I got to my feet. "Ow... Abu are you ok?" I asked my friend and he wobbled around with spinning eyes then fell over. I picked him up and slung him on my shoulder, I began walking through the door and saw my worst fear. "Steel!" Spitfire said as she throw off some clothes that landed on her, she got up and marched towards me and I backed away in fear. "Please have mercy on me oh great one!" I pleaded but she glared even harder. "I beg you, spare me and I'll do anything you wish I promise, anything!" I begged more but she wasn't going for it, my back hit a wall and she shoved her fist next to my face causing me to sqeak a bit in fear. "You're so lucky your cute, other wise I would break that nose of yours" Spitfire said backing off but keeping her glare on me. I sighed a little, relieved I was going to live another day. "Steel why do we have to do this every week it gets tiring plus with you joining the Academy tomorrow its been super stressful just to keep the others in check along with leading a flight squad and-" "Spits... calm down, Im sorry for putting so much weight on your shoulders let me take some off yeah" I said hugging her and she sighed. "Fine but lets go home first, I have had a stressfull day with preparing the academy for the princesses arrival tomorrow to meet ths new recruits" Spitfire said and I nodded. "Plus you get to see princess luna if your lucky" she teased and I blushed slightly, sorta developed a crush on the princess awhile back. "Do you really think I could meet the princess?" I asked and she gave a cute pout. "What c'mon you already sleep next to me, am I not good enough are my boobs not big enough but I know my ass is, you cant stop looking at it any chance you get" Spit said and I turned as red as Abu's hat. "Got ya, now c'mon I want that massage and do it like last time as well" "Yes Spitfire" I said and we both flew back to her house. (Spitfires house) "Oh~ thats the stuff" Spits moaned as some pops ecoed through the house, she laid topless on the couch, wings spread and had a face of bliss feeling my hands go to town on her back. "How are you so good at this?" "Dont know but Im glad you like it" I said as I finished up and she put on her shirt again. "I think I might turn in for the night, have a big day tomorrow" I said getting up. "Yeah becoming a studdering mess meeting princess luna" Spits teased even more and I rolled my eye's and began walking up the stairs. "What oh c'mon steel I was joking" "Good night spitfire" I said with a grin and headed to our bed, I stripped of my coat, pants and boots leaving me in my boxer's then I slid under the covers and closed my eye's. As I laid in bed I felt something slid next to me, I kept my eyes closed knowing it was spitfire but I felt something soft press onto my lips but it was only for a second. 'D-Did she just kiss me?!' I screamed internally as O felt her lips come off of mine. "Why cant you love me instead of princess luna... its not fair, but I cant stop how you feel... and neither can I but atleast you wont be able to hear me say I love you" Spits said and went under the blanket with me. "To be honest... I wonder what would have happened if I hadnt met you" She soon drifted off to sleep and I was left laying their with an internal shocked face. She kissed me, ME?! Of all the ponies she could choose and it was me... damn it gonna be very akward at the academy. (The next day wonderbolts academy, afternoon) "Alright listin everyone, today we are expecting some very special guests so be on your best behaviour understand?" Spitfire annouced and we all saluted. "Alright now go give me twenty laps around the academy a.s.a.p!" "Yes ma'am!" The other wonderbolts shouted including the one with rainbow hair and they all took off while I sat their lost in thought. 'I wonder if I should have taken a mint today even if I brushed my teeth cant be to careful but then theirs the off chance that she doesn't like mint ah so much to do but so little time!' I screamed in my head but was soon snapped out of it by a loud whistle blowing in my ear. "Steel what in the fausts name are you doing rookie, get out their and give me twenty no since you were late give me forty" Spitfire ordered and my jaw dropped hearing that, I could barely do twenty let alone forty. "Ah spits c'mon cut me some slack, I barely had time for breakfast and that gets me through the day!" I whinned only for her to cock out her hip and lean on it. "You can eat when you give me fifty steel now get a move on, you can go at your own speed alright" Spits said being a bit merciful but also a demon. It was going to take me a while to do fifty so might as well start them now. I spread my wings and took flight and glided around the academy, the other rookies complained about special treatment because I live with spits but I just ignored them. As I was gliding I soon saw the rainbow headed girl glid next to me and gave me an unamused look. "Hey if youre not going to do your laps then just sit on the ground" She said and I snorted. "Ah quiet Skittles I've had a long day and had no food unless you count a belly full of wanter Im only human..." I said and we both gave a shocked look. "Whoa that was... weird, sorry about that I meant pony but anyways I cant really go my full speed and if I did I would lap you twice" I said being a little cocky, she smirked and crossed her arms. "Really because Im actually the fastest flyier in equestria so theirs no way you would be able to pass me even once" The mare said being very boastful and full of herself. She may be fast but I know Im faster than her but my stamina is weak, "How about this if you can pass me atleast once then I'll admit youre better than me sound fair?" I thought for a moment and shrugged. "I got time to kill" I said and straightened myself out and we both stopped, we gave small stretches then got ready. "Remeber our deal" I said and she nodded. "But its not like you're gonna-" I cut her off as I blasted past the other rookies at break neck speeds only leaving a white line behind me, I passed the mare just as she was half way and again when she finished her lap. I stopped just a few feet infront and waited till she caught up. "H-How did... and the speed" "No idea, guess I was just born fast or something, anyways girly I passed you not once but twice so let me hear it" I said and she sighed. "Fine... I Rainbow Dash admit that you steel, are faster than I happy?" Rainbow asked and I nodded. We continue or laps until dash had finished and I was the only one left in the skie just briskly gliding in the air. "C'mon Captian cant you make him go faster?" A stallion demanded and spitfire shot him a glare causing him to back off before sighing. "Steel mind going a bit faster bud?!" Spits called out to me and I gave a thumbs up. I was only on my forteith lap anyways so ten full speed laps wont hurt, I popped my neck and blasted forward. As I flew I took notice of the loud horn that played and when I looked my heart stopped it was the princesses and that human girl too, even princess twilight was here as well I found her nerdy side kinda cute. "Oh wow so thats what they look like" I said not paying attention to my descent. It wasnt until I heared spitfire called out my name and I looked forward only to see the wonderbolts building. "AH SHIT!" I shouted and broke through the building making the others cringe only to imagine the pain I was feel and to be honest... I didnt really feel anything but I did feel a slight pain on my whole body but nothing to serious. "Steel! Are you ok?!" Spitfire called out and I pushed some of the rubble off of me and got back up. I wobbled to the window and I gave thumbs then fell out of it with a hard thud. "Im good, Im good nothing to see here folks just a man who crashed into a building is all" I said and shot to my feet. I walked to the group and the girls blushed slightly seeing my bare chest and abs. The human woman gave a small whistle making me blush slightly. "Apologies for that but I seemed to have gotten quiet excited forgive me" I said walking up to the princesses and held out my hand. "Names Steel nice to meet you princess luna and celestia" I said and the other ponies jaws dropped seeing Im not bowing or asking them to shake my hand, just held my hand out for them. "Steel I swear I'm gonna-" "It is fine Captain Spitfire he just does not know royalty to well" The human, I think her name was Brigid said and gave a small grin obviously trying to scare me by there small title. "Oh I know royalty all to well ms. Brigid its just I dont care about the title or what they have, I only care about how they act and what they would do for their subjects and be completely opposite of those snotty nobles, instead be gental rulers who care for others and not just themselves, and with all due respect I would rather shake your hand instead of bowing" I stated and two of the only stallions in the group fainted while the mares grew blushes hearing my words. Brigid walked over patted my back and chuckled. "Look at this guy, pretty big balls to say that infront of three all powerfull beings but I like your stuff kid names Brigid but you already know that, its nice to meet you" Brigid said shaking my hand. "You know, you resemble my brother Steel Fox but your hair is longer and you're a pony " She said. My head gave a sharp sting but I hid it quite well and calmed myself. "Really well Im flattered ms. Brigid, it is nice to meet you as well" I said as she let go then next was Princess celestia. "Very nice to meet you Steel its funny you remind me of my marefriends brother as well" Celestia said with a small giggle, she seemed very nice and would make a great mother. "Thank ya kindly Tia" I said feeling another pulse of pain and it was becoming more difficult to hide it. The next one to shake my hand was princess twilight and man was her hand small it was so cute, matter a fact I think I was as tall as her. "Well aint you a cute little thing, your small hands are adorable princess" I said and she blushed a little. "Its nice to meet you Steel" Twilight said and the last one to shake my hand was princess luna. "Its very nice to meet you Steel Fo-oh parten me its just you remind me of him so much" Princess luna said and tears formed in her eyes. The next thing that happened shocked me, the other wonderbolts, the other princesses, Spitfire and Luna. With my free hand I pulled princess luna towards me and before she could say anything I kissed her. It was only for a few seconds then we parted from eachother and turned completely red but didnt started freaking out only spoke. "Im still here" I said making them all gasp and I was back to my senses. "Gods almight I am so so so so sorry I didnt mean for that to happen please forgive me I had no control over my actions-ah!" I screamed feeling the agonising headache pulse in my head. "Damn... it hurts!" I screamed more and fell to my knees. "Steel are you ok?!" Spits asked rushing over to me. 'Wake up" "Who's there and why cant I see you?!" I asked getting back to my feet and backing away. "Remember who you are" "No... no get out of my head, get out of my head!" I screamed and took off leaving behind scared and confused ponies. They all stared in utter disbelief about two things one about me some stallion that just met the princess and out right and kissed her and the next started acting like a mad man that had a voice inside his head. "What just happened?" Spitfire asked the princessess and they were as lost as her. I flew back to cloudsdale and I pushed past ponies to try and make it home but I tripped and fell on the floor. "Wake up" "Who are you show yourself!" I demanded getting back up and gripped my head, the voice started ringing and soon I was screaming in pure agony. "Stop it... I dont want to feel anymore pain... stop!" "Then wake up!" The voice said louder and my vision became blurry. My sense of hearing was replaced with a ringing noise like if I heared an explosion, I looked around and noticed all the other ponies staring at me mostly in fear. "S...el... Ste...el......." "Who's... there?" I asked and felt something cold go through me knocking the wind out of me. I gasped for air and gripped my chest only to feel nothing, I looked down and saw a large glowing red scar. "It... hurts... please... someone... anyone... help me" I begged and soon felt another wave of pain this time all over my body. "Are you going to wake up or are you going to make me do it for you?" I heared the voice say right infront of me and when I looked up I saw man with what can only be described with a chiseled body that looked like no normal human would have wearing my black trench coat and white pants. He had pale white skin and red eyes and had the same exact hair style I have. He glared down at me and clicked his tounge. "Do you even know who I am?" "N-No... but please... can you help me?" I asked reaching out but he kicked my hand away. "Please... it hurts... so much" "I cant stop your pain Steel, because your own body knows this isn't the real you, have you ever wondered why you see royalty as such or why you have such speed and a body like mine?" He asked kneeling down and pulled me up by my hair telling me to look him dead in the eye. "I dont know what you're talking about, Im nothing like you... your human and Im just a pegasus thief who lives with the captian of the wonderbolts and a flying monkey named Abu" I said clenching my teeth a little from the pain. "Im just a petty street rat" "Give the man a gold star because you're excatly right, you Steel Fox are nothing more than a street rat born one and will always be one even if father returned" The man said slaming my face to the ground. He stood up striaght and striaghtened his coat, he turned around and began walking away. "Oh and before I forget" He said stopping and summond two familiar looking swords and a gauntlet that had a ghostly blue look. He tossed them over to me and started walking off again. "Wait... who are you and why did you call me ms. Brigids brother?!" I called out but soon felt my vision fading and for a few seconds I frozen in place until I blacked out and the world was dark. (Cloudsdale hospital, pov Spitfire) I was pacing around in the lobby waiting to hear the news about Steel, he was found passed out in the middle of the plaza mumbling something under his breath. I was scared thinking something bad has happened to him, or whats going to happen to him for forcing himself on the princess I know he liked her but that was way out of line. I heared the doors open and I barely gave the mare enough time to get a sentence out. "How is he, is he going to be ok give it to me straight doc!?" I asked shaking her, but she pushed me lightly and cleared her throat. "Mr. Steel will be fine Captian, he just has a slight concussion and fractured ribs from his little crash against the acadamey building... you may see him if you wish but please keep it down and let him rest for a bit, he is unconscious but he should be waking up any second now" The doctor said and I nodded, she gave the directions to his room and I made my way over. I was sorta shaking at this point a bit anxious to see him but I took a deep breath and walked into his room. The room was cold and pitch black save for the light abive Steels bed, I slowly walked over and pulled up a chair next him. He looked to be in so much pain for such light injuries, cracked ribs weren't a joke but they shouldnt hurt this much mainly from experience. "H-Hey Steel... its me Spits, just came in to make sure you're ok... what you did was stupid and reckless and to top it off it got me scared, I dont know what I would do if you got hurt way worse than you have because-" "You love me" Steel said roughly and cracked his eyes open, he looked over to me and smiled. "I know, kinda did give me time to pass out last night" He said witha slight chuckle, I gave him no time and was hugging the life out of him. "Spits kinda... need... air!" He choked out and I let go of him, he gained his breathing back and sat up wincing a bit. "How are you feeling?" I asked him. "Better than I was before, though the burning still feels open and-ow!" He stopped as I slapped him. "Do you know how worried I was, I thought you got extremely hurt and when they found you I thought for a moment you were dead and I was scared and I didnt know what to do an-hmph!" He stopped me dead in my tracks as he grabbed my arm and pulled me forward and kissed me. (Pov Steel) As I was kissing spitfire she struggled in my grip for a second before accepting and climbed on the bed pinning me to the mattress. We soon parted from eachother and her face was completely red. "Feel better?" I asked and she nodded. "Alright and Im sorry for scaring you so bad Spits guess I was having a meltdown" "One helluava meltdown Steel... I hope the princesses aren't mad about what you did today" Spits said and we heared a giggle. I looked over and saw ms. Brigid leaning against the wall, Spitfire was stammering with her words and was almost frozen ontop of me. "Nah she isn't mad, I smoothed it over with ease" Brigid saud getting off the wall and walking over to us. "But there has been something bugging my mund for awhile every since you kissed Luna... what did you by, "Im still here"?" She asked me and I was silent for a moment before I spoke. "I... think Im... Steel Fox" I said having spits get off of me and Brigid grabbed me by my shoulders. "I want you to repeat what you just said... or your going six feet under pal" Brigid said and started burning my fur making me grunt at the pain. "He told me I was" I said only to feel the heat get more agonizing. "Who did and you better not lie" She threatened but I chuckled. "Or what?" I asked and elbowed her away from me, she held her chest to dull the pain giving me enough time to get up and get ready. "You know sis I expected you to be way more powerful than bro is now, but guess not" I said my voice sounding distorted, Brigid regained herself and lunged at me with a fist aiming for my face. I swiftly dodged it and grabbed it before spinning her a little and threw her to a wall. "Steel what are doing?!" Spitfire yelled at me and I just grinned. "Man bro, I wish had my own body so I can have this mare but what can ya do" I said and pushed her out of the way of a ki blast aiming for me. "I knew I recognized that voice... Lux Tenebris" Brigid said holding her disloacted arm and I started laughing. "Brigid its been so long sis we have to catch up especially when me and Steel died back at the island. Man vine workee day in and out to keep us alive, oh right after you guys left she used the healing rose to bring us back to life and started nurturing us back to health but their was a hiccup and we ended up with Spits over there" I said nonchalantly and Brigid just looked even more pissed off. "Thats impossible, how can steel be alive or you as a matter a fact, no such being is able to do that I think you just possed some poor kid and using their body now!" "If that were true then they would have died the instant I would have entered their mind or gone completely insane, Steel is the only being alive able to handle me in his head and since he's already insane but also sane at the same time he cant go through it again" I shot back, my ear twitched and I shot my head to the door and saw three royal guards and a noble walk in. The nobel was in a clean black suite with a small golden pocket watch, he had a well groomed black mane and tail that matched his red coat. He looked very snooty and I growled slightly at him. "Is this the man who has placed his commoner lips on my princess?" The stallion said and my eyes widen. "Your princess, I think not smart ass she's already going out with someone" I said and took a step towards him but was stopped by the swords aiming at my neck. "Ah yes you see, that filthy monkey was never truely intimate with my princess because only royalty can take the hand of royalty. So you see even princesses have rules to live by and must follow them, since princess Luna is the youngest in her family she is the only suitable for making an heir to the throne and will be crowned queen once she is married to me two day from now" The stallion said and I was ticked off. "If you think I'll just let you ruin my brothers relationship you got another thing coming pal!" I shouted at him and rushed forward dodging a sword swing I countered by grabbing his arm and flipping over him and taking the sword out of his hand and cut him down then stabbed the one from behind me in the shoulder. I was then tackled to the wall but I slammed my fist on the guards head over and over again until he was unconscious, when he was down I looked back to the nobel but he was already running away. "You're not getting away you bastard " I growled out and gave chase after him. We pushed nurses and doctors out of the way and slipped past many other patients. We soon reached the front lobby and he sprinted full speed out of the hospital. I followed suite but as I was just barely outside I was tackled to the ground hard by two guard who put me in chains and struggled to put boxes around my wings. I growled like a wild dog and head butted one of the guards on me then tossed the other one off. I rolled on my back and jumped back on my feet, I got low seeing all the guards cornering me with sword or spears at the ready. "What will you do now peasant? You're cornered and have no chance at winning, so just give it up and face your punishment" The noble said and I glqred daggers at him making him flinch and take a step back. "You know... its dangerous to corner a human cause we will do anything to get free, even kill" I said and pulled against the chains slighty cuasing them to snap with ease. "Now who wants some?" I asked and they all got ready to charge at me. "STOP!" We all heared a thunderous voice say and my vision was filled with navy blue fur. "Put your weapons down at once that is an order" Princess luna demanded and the guards did as they were told, Luna turned to me and I looked down at her. "Whay have you caused so much trouble young pegasi?" "I want to protect my brothers relationship... and these assholes are the only one's keeping me from killing that nobel bastard" I said with blood lust dripping from my words. "Tell me... where is your brother I wish to speak with him" Luna asked and I changed back to normal. "Hello Luna... you wish to speak with me?" I said my voicing back to normal and the princess was takin a back by this. "Luna I have one thing to say and I know this is going to sound crazy but... I am Steel Fox" I said. "Lies!" The stallion noble shouted walking over to Luna. "Do not listin to him princess he is nothing more than delusional, come we musy prepare for our wedding" He said started walking away with luna,the world slowed down as he looked back to me with a smug grin and his hand started reaching for her rear as they walked away and that was the final straw. I rushed forward picking up a sword from the ground and I flew at him at break neck speeds and sliced his arm off. He screamed in agony as blood gushed out of his socket, I turned back to blood thirsty mode and spin kicked him to the ground. "Dont you ever lay a hand on her, do you here me cause if you do I'll chop off your own cock off and shove so far up your ass you'll be sqealing like a pig being slaughtered" I threatened with a maniacal smile, I was then tackled off the man and sent to the ground with a hard thud. "Do not struggle or I will kill you!" A guard said and I grabbed his head before headbutting him as hard as I could and knocked him out. I got back up and went to finish the job but I was grabbed in a golden aura. "This stops now" I heared a angry voice say and I knew it all to well. "Hello Tia, happy to see me?" I asked chuckling, Celestia turned me towards her and stared me dead in the eye. "You gonna give me a big ol' smooch sun butt hahahahaha!" I laughed making her glare at me but it just made me laugh even harder. "Why are you here Lux Tenebris and why posses this poor stallion?" Celestia asked me, I stopped mid-laugh and looked her dead in the eye, the caused her to shiver and she noticed a wide blood thirsty smile creep on my face. "Oh Tia you sweet idiotic naive fool, think for a moment who else can contain my insanity this well and while were at it, ever wondered why this stallion knows one name and started freaking out when you sais his full name?... no well then I guys your just that fuckin stupid the whole lot of you, but you should knows this tia " I said and ripped my arm out of her aura and grabbed her horn then brought her closer to me, I can practically taste the fear washing over her. "No one will take my brother's mate, and if they do I will make their whole family bloodline cease to exist" I grolwed out and gave her a big ol' smooch. She threw me to a wall embedding me in it and spat out my taste from her mouth while I laughed and laughed. "Whats wrong Tia dont like my kisses, spitfire loves them and Im going to destroy her in bed hahahahaha!" I've gone completely insane at this point and saw only red. The nobel was healed by a doctor and was helped up, he glared at me and marched right over to me, on way towards me he picked up a sword and gripped it hard turning his red coated knuckles white. "Whats the matter did I hurt the poor nobels feelings oh how precious, what are you gonna do stab me you fuckin prick go ahead you don't have the balls!" I yelled at laughed even more. He gritted his teeth as he came face to face with me, I looked him dead in the eyes and grinned. "I shall have your head put on a pike beside my throne you psychotic peasent, not only did you plce your filthy hands on my princess but you have also destroyed a part of my perfect body... how do you plea?" He asked holsing the sword above my heart and nothing but silence, he snorted slightly and press rather hard on my chest and started cutting down. "Do you like that filth, its called revenge and it taste oh so good cold dont you think... now than I fit you unworthy to ever have foals to some unlucky mare who would ever want your seed so I shall dispose of these at once" The noble said and drew back aiming for my jewels but in one motion there was a loud ding and the blade landed right infront of luna who got frighten at the act. "What is the meaning of this?!" I started chuckling then went into full blown crazy laugh and lifted my right arm up then tore away the bandages around it. Celestia and luna froze at the sight of the inky black pool on my arm dotted with small specks resembling stars. "I don't think so ass wipe... because I gained a little bit of my memory back and it was this arm, only difference is... that its not a ghostly blue" I panted out as I ceased my laughter, I began ripping my body out of the wall and fell the ground with a slight thud. "I also remember one other thing" I added and grabbed the stallion so fast not even the princessess could react. "Luna will be the one to bear my child so I need these bad boy's but you on the other hand don't because you will never ever put your fuckin dick in my marefriend because if you do then I will throw through the nine circles of hell and drag you back out just to do it again then shove your cock down your own throat" I growled out my eyes turning red. "Y-you're no pony y-y-you're a demon!" The nobel cried out and I threw him to the ground as hard as I could making even the cloud floor crack. "Im more than just a demon you cock sucker, I hope you're ready to die cause death is knocking at your door" I said holding out my hand and summoning rebellion, Lunas eyes were as wide as saucers seeing the blade appear in my hands out of nowhere. But before I could raise the sword up I was tackled to the floor by brigid and jabbed in a pressure point knocking me out. (Pov Luna) 'Do my eyes deceive me, that cannot possibly be Steels sword' I thought as Brigid sat atop the unconscious stallion, captian spitfire was right behind her and was tending to the supposed 'Steel Fox'. "Steel are you ok, oh my gosh I knew something was up when you woke up what could have caused this" Spitfire askee the stallion but no response, she was than grabbed by my 'fiancee' and smacked across her face. "You bitch! You knew this and you told no one I could have you exicuted for hiding secrets against the kingdom what else do yoh know, are you bearing his child as well speak wench!" He demanded and slapped her again, spitfire said nothing which mad him even more angry. "Fine if you wont talk than you will be sent to be only a cock sleeve in the dragon kingdom when Im crowned king, if you are bearing this bastards child then I shall kill it the day it is born and feed it to the hounds!" "Whoa sir dont you think thats a little far?" A stallion gaurd asked the only one brave enough to speak. "You dare question my authority?" The guard stood for moment before nodding slowly. "Yes sir I do, what you're saying is completely insane and killing a foal the day it is born should be publishable by death!" He said and my fiancee shook with anger. "You insolent bastard I own you, and I own your family speak out of line again and I'll have your entire family executed along with your foals do I make myself clear!" He shouted at the poor guard who was inches away from drawing his sword and I prayed to the gods above that he would draw it so I could be rid of this man but he didn't and I frowned as did Celestia. "Good, now pick this trash up and bring him to the castles dungeons for interrogation and put your best god damn lock spell got it understood?" "Argh... Yes sir, right away" The guard said with gritted teeth. 'That stallion is going to get a healthy raise for putting up with this insolent brat I call a fiancee" I thought to myself as he picked up Steel from the floor. The commotion started to die down and when they finally got the stallion to the cage they summoned, he laid their peacefully in his sleep but I couldn't stop looking at his arm. "Now my dear... I think I deserved some stress relief if you dont mind so on our way back I want you to service me is that clear?" My fiancee said walking front of me. "Go fuck yourself Im not ever touching you or your unworthy member my flower is reserved for my one true love" I said and walked towards spitfire and began healing her cheek. "I am sorry captian, but do not worry I shall free your friend once Lux has left his body... but please come with me I need to speak with you alone and do not worry my jackass of a fiancee isn't coming with" I said with an assuring smile, Spitfire nodded and had brigid teleport us to the castle. (3rd pov) Lunas fiancee gritted his teeth as he watched her vanish and once luna was gone he marched towards the cage and demanded to be let inside. "But sir why would you-" "Do not question me boy and let me in thats an order" He hissed and the guard quickly opened the cage door out of fear. The stallion walked inside and looked at Steels unconscious body, he despised him with a fiery passion and he was going to let his anger out on him. He began kicking his body mostly in his face and abdomen as hard as he could getting a some shocked gasps from the guards. "Duke Brinnington you cannot injure the prisoners get out now!" The guard from before ordered. "Shut it, this brat thinks he's hot shit well lets see how hot he feels when hes just a bloody pulp!" Brinnington shouted back and continued his assault. Blood started running out of Steels mouth and nose making Brinnington smile, his kicking turned into punches and head smashing he did whatever he could to try and injure Steel, and its working. "You like that you fuckin brat no one messes with me and lives to tell, no one cuts off my arm unless they are willing to die I will take what you hold dear and destroy it then I'll make those bitches my sex drivin sluts that will be put through so much they would be beggin for my cock" "Duke Brinnington that is enough get out of their now!" The guard demanded climbing inside. "Stay out of this boy or so help me I'll have these men kill you where you stand and just blame it on this bastard child!" "What you're doing isn't right, you cannot act on your own free will even nobles have morals to live by along with rules you're not immortal and no god to the laws so get out of this cage or I will arrest you right here and now for harming and threating a life with your petty anger issues!" The guard shouted making Brinnington glare daggers at him but his glare could not match the guards. "Go ahead... give me five minutes Ill rip him to nothing but blood and pulp on the metal floor, if you dont get out of my cage that is" Lux said opening his eyes and sat up straight scaring the two. "God a man cant get any sleep with the way you two are screaming at eachother so either get out or I make dipshit McGhee here and captian uptight a paste smoothy, thats you two so get out so I can sleep" Lux demanded and the two left the cage instantly, lux chuckled lightly before falling back to sleep. "You win this time captian but if you second guess my orders I'll mount your head on a pike understood?" Brinnington growled and the Captian rolled his eyes. "Kiss my ass fruit cup" The captian said. "What was that?" "Nothin, alright men lets move out" (Canterlot castle, princess Lunas chambers-pov spitfire) We sat in the princess' chambers silently and were sipping tea to calm our nerves a little. Brigid stood next to the door and kept her swords on her to make sure that asshole nobel doesn't come in. "So let's talk shall we" Princess luna began and I nodded a little. "Please calm yourself captian, were you sit now is the safest place you can be so please" "S-Sorry its just... I shouldnt have been so shookin up like this but uh what did you want to talk about?" I asked her and Princess luna summoned a photo then put it infront of me. It was man not a stallion but a human with short pitch black hair, inky pools for eyes and a chiseled body that looked like a world famous sculptor crafter, on his left arm had a golden arm brace and his right look familiar but also not. He smiled genuinely in this photo and looked like he could melt the hearts of any mare even the princess. "Princess who is this man and why does he resemble Brigid over there?" I asked and Luna gave a heavy sigh befire summoning another photo and put it infront of me. It was the same man again except this time, it had other ponies inculding the rookie from tue academy, Rainbow dash if Im correct, and six other stallion plus a caribou. In the middle was the man holding two foals in his arms and had princess Twilight and Frost next to him with luna kissing his cheek. "Oh... I see, Im sorry for your loss" I said my ears going flat against my head as I gazed at the photo. "Are these two your foals?" "Oh no but I wish they were, they're so wonderful and they loved my coltfriend Steel Fox... but now after they found out they... havent spoken to anyone but themselves even Rainbow dash, your new recruite, tried everything to cheer her up mainly because young Scootaloo looks up to the mare but nothing... Im sorry Im just a little worried is anyways what I want to talk about is this Steel that claims to be my dead coltfriend, can please tell us what you know about him?" Luna asked me and I looked down to my tea hoping it with give me an answer but it just stood still. "I... found Steel one day and this wasn't on accident, someone planned it I think, it was a few months ago when I found him unconscious with wounds on his body and wearing only pants and his trench coat. I helped him, tool care of him until he woke up the strangest thing happened though, it was like he didnt have the slightest clue as to were he was or any knowledge of who I was like everyone in clousdale did" I said and started going back in my head. "He was so sweet when he woke up, and was very easy to help when he had trouble walking... it wasnt long before he began walking freely but when I asked if he was going to go back home I kinda teared up a little because not only did he have no memory of what was going on but he had no place to call home or anyone he can stay with he was just... alone" "I see... what did you do when you found out?" Brigid asked this time and I couldnt help but blush a little at this point. "Well... I asked him if he wanted to stay... and he kinda... um" I stuttered and turned beet red. "Lets just say... things got a little intimate that night, and no we're not dating but... well we were both having a bad day and we sorta got some 'stressed relieved' if you... catch my drift" I said with a small chuckle, it took them awhile to figure out what I was talking about and they all turned red. "I-I see *ahem*" Princess luna said with clearing her throat to get rid of the burning red blush on her cheeks. "How was he?" Princess Celestia asked causing me to drop the glass cup in shock, I was about to pass out from the amount of blood rushing to my face. "G-Good... he... really knows how to treat a mare and he did this thing to me with my leg that felt like I was getting tighter and this other thing were he grabbed both my arms and-" "Ok we dont need details... you can tell celestia later though" Brigid said rubbing her pink cheeks a bit. "Anyhow, after that what happened next?" "Well it was normal for awhile nothing to bad happened other than him stealing from vendors at the plaza and running away from the royal guards with Abu, then there was the time he peeked on the whole wonderbolt mares locker room and some other stuff as well that seemed like no stallion would do not unless they had the balls to do them" I said. "And just recently he ran away from a few guard for stealing a loaf of bread, he told me he sang something along the lines of uh give me second... do you want the full or short? "The full version would be nice" Luna said and I nodded then cleared my throat. The other listined and I wasnt one for singing but I was pretty good not the greatest though. Brigid looked to be a little too intrested in the song and when I finished she pulled out a phone and her eyes widened a little. "Such a very intresting song Spitfire, though it was a little upbeat for something like stealing" Luna said sipping her tea. "Yes very... has the stallion been brought to the dungeons yet, I think I might have a chat with him and Lux?" Brigid asked Celestia who nodded. "Alright I'll be back, keep that fuck away from this room yeah and if there is any trouble he's causing send me a letter right away got it" she said and the princesses nodded. "I'll be back" and with that she teleported out of the room. (Canterlot dungeons, pov Steel Fox) I sat in a cold dank cell wrapped in chains and a muzzle over my mouth, my wings had been boxed in and my face was bruised because of the nobel standing infront of me. He panted heavily as he threw another fist at my face landing dead on and knocking me to the left, I got back to my sitting position and looked up at him with an unamused look in my eyes. "This is your punishment you brat, you damaged my perfect body and made me shed my perfect blood on the floor. I wish I could meet the bitch that gave birth to you just so I can kill her with my own hand, right infront of you" Brinnington growled at me and I chuckled. "Whats so funny?" "..." I just grinned and said nothing causing him to get infuriating with me then kick me in the side of my head. "I can kill you now street rat! And I know the crimes you have committed in cloudsdale. Theft, fights, peeping, harbouring an endangered animal then teaching it to steal for you... and the flying slut spitfire, harbouring a criminal, putting said criminal in a military academy for those who posses the skills, and finally for being loved by you" He listed and I could do nothing but listin, I closed my eyes and just sat in silence. "You are nothing, I am everything. Your king. Your better. Your god, I own you and every little thing you hold dear including this" Brinnington said and reached into his pocket and pulled out my golden arm brace. My eyes widen and I struggled in my chains furiously so I may rip my most prize possession from his dead fingers. He laughed as he watch me struggle and slipped the brace on, it didnt fit him but that wasnt going to stop him from wearing it as a bracelet. "What is the matter street rat, are you mad that I've found such a beautiful thing such as this in your house... someone such as yourself does not deserve to wear something as amazing as this, and from the way you're acting I'd say this is your most prize possession" Brinnington chuckled out and looked at it. "HMMMM!" I screamed in my mouth and flopped around trying to get free of the chains but nothing was working, my little show made the nobel laugh and laugh as I struggled even harder. He stopped laughing when he heared a pop behind him, he turned and saw Brigid glaring down at him. "Ah ms. Brigid how are you to-" "Cut the shit and get out cock sucker" Brigid hissed out cutting Brinnington off, he gritted his teeth and began leaving the cell. As he past Brigid he glared daggers at her. "You're going to be nothing but a sex drivin cunt when Im done with you Amazonian bitch" He muttered under his breath and finally left leaving me and Brigid alone. She walked into the cell just as I sat up and just stared at her. "Well... talk" Brigid demanded and I looked down at my muzzle then to her and mentally flipped her off. "Oh right, hold on" She undid the muzzle around my mouth and I rolled my jaw to get the feeling back. "Thanks and also that asshole noble stole my Arm brace!" "What arm brace and how did he steal it?" Brigid asked. "He went into my home, took whatever me and spitfire had and showed me my golden arm brace its to important to lose can you please get it back I'll do anything I'll steal whatever you want, I'll kill whoever you want dead anything!" I begged and she was taken aback as to how far I would go for a small object. "Fine I'll get it back but I just want some answers sound fair?" Brigid said and I nodded. "Ok first question, what do you know about your arm?" "I... I dont really know, but ever since I've woken up in spits house I always though it was some sort of birth defect never really got into why it their, so I wrapped it in cloth and went on about my life" I said and Brigid hummed. "I thought you said you remembered who you were?" She added but I dont know what she was talking about. "Come again? I do know who I am, Im Steel the petty thief" I said and this confused Brigid alot. "Do you remember how you got here or what happened in the past day?" Brigid asked me and I thought for a moment. "Uh... nope not a thing but I do know that fuckin nobel is a prick so does that count for anything?" I asked and she rolled her eyes before pacing around the room for awhile until she stopped dead in her tracks and snapped her fingers. "Do you know this weapons name?" She asked and out of nowhere a sword dropped to the floor embedding head first into the ground. It gave off this dark eery vibe to it yet also a familiar one on top of it, the sleek blade looked sharp enough to cut through anything and the color matched clean grey stone but the one thing that caught my attention... was the small voice in the back od my head telling me to grab hold of it. Brigid stood in silence and slowly raised an eye brow as she saw me start shuffling back and forth then jumped when I fell forward with a hard thud. "..."I mumbled into the floor and rolled on my side not taking my eyes off the blade and began struggling even more. "Rebellion... Rebellion... Rebellion" I repeated making Brigids mind go through four loops and slapped her hard in the face. "Give me Rebellion" I demanded and Rebellion began to shake in the ground, black magical aura creeped out of my body and began making its way to the hilt. Seeing this unfold, Brigid quickly grabbed the blade using all her might to drag it away from me and made it disappear knocking me back to my senses and I shot my head back and forth. "What... just happened?" I asked. Brigid was to confused as to what the black aura was and why I kept repeating the swords name. "I... I think we're done here forget this ever happened" Brigid said sternly and walked out of the cell. "H-Hey what about my arm brace!" I shouted to her and she ignored my question then walked away. "We had a deal you damn bitch, I'll find a way and Houdini my way out of here just you wait!" I shouted at the lieing bitch as she walked away. I struggled and struggled against the chains using as much power as I possibly can. I did this for a good hour but I achieved nothing but some bruises on my arms and body, I sat against the wall with batted breath and felt some sweat run down my face. "Damn it... I will not be cheated out of my own prize possession!" I said with gritted teeth and began stumbling to my feet. I stared at the center of the cell door and saw that it was loose on a few ends and the stone looked old and rottin. I got a stupid plan that just might work, I took a few deep breaths before charging at the door and bashed into it with all my weight making it dent a little I chuckled a little as I back away to do it again. "Im getting out of this mess wither they like it or not!" (Pov, Brigid) I walked down the castle halls to try and clear my mind a bit trying ti get that image our of my head. "The way he tried to get to Rebellion... is he really-" I stoped short when I heared a scream. "That sounded like... Twilight Im coming!" I shouted and sprinted towards Twilights room. I reached her room and kicked the door down and drew my swords. "Twilight whats going on are you ok?!" I asked and stopped when I saw her cornered ripped of her shirt and covering her exposed chest. Brinnington stood infront of her and looked back to me. "You seemed to have caught us about to have some fun ms. Brigid, so please you would be so kind as to leave us... we can carry on" Brinnington said and Twilight was shaking in fear. "Brigid help me he's trying to rape me!" Twilight screamed and was stuck hy Brinnington almost instantly. "Quiet bitch, get out of this room now if you know whats good for you cause you may be Princess Celestias play thing, but your no longer in charge here and neither are they so leave!" "Not without Twilight you sick bastard" I shot back and ignited my swords in red flames. "Give me the mare... now" "Or what, kill me so your princess can live alone for the rest of her miserable life... you no nothing of what the duty for what a princess is made to do... they are good for pleasuring their kings and making an heir to the throne" Brinnington spat out and I gripped my swords even tighter. "So get your disgusting ,low class, unrefined filthy monkey ass out of here right now! "Screw you!" I screamed at him and punched him as hard I possibly could in his face, I could feel the cracks and blood on my fist. He flew back against the wall and was unconscious, I ran over to Twilight without a second thought and summoned a shirt and a jacket for her to wear. "Are you ok Twilight?" "Yes... thank you Brigid, that man is horrible he came in without warning and ripped my shirt off" Twilight said on the verge of tears, I helped her up and we walked out of the room. "I miss Steel, if he was here that bastard would be six feet under by now" "I miss him to Twilight but we have no choice, if I could I would have killed him already but he's right... the youngest princess must be wedded to royalty... and if Steel was here he would even get the time of day to even get close to Luna or you and Frost" I said, Twilight frowned and let a few tears fall. "Come, you can stay with Tia and me for the rest of the time here" I said and she nodded before we started towards mine and Celestias room. (Everfree forest, Pov. Logan) I shot forward and sent a hard punch to a large tree I found in the everfree strong enough to with stand my abilites. I sent fast jabs and threw some sharp kicks making marks on the bark, I soon stoped and wiped the sweat off my head and plopped on the ground breathing heavily. "You have over done it again for that your body burns" Zecora said walking over with a bottle of water and food. "Im good woman, I just need to get stronger thats all that matters now" I said getting back on my feet only to fall to the floor with a hard thud. Zecora giggled and flipped me on my back, "I said Im fine". "I was not going to ask but since you did I might as well ask" Zecora rhymed and poured some of the water on my head then into my mouth. "*Sigh*... I just feel... empty is all... I dont have the sense to fight anymore ever since my son had died, he was the only one able to match my power hell even surpass me. He was the strongest I've ever seen he might have become king if my planet hadn't been destroyed" I said looking up to the sky. "His grandfather, a stricked man he was but was kind and wise. He told me that one day something amazing will happen to me one day but it will also be heart breaking at the same time... that was the last time I ever talked to him befire my planet blew up" I said frowing slightly, Zecora herself nodded following along the little story. "I see, but I have only one question... how would Steel become king of your planet?" Zecora asked I cocked and eyebrow. "Have I not told you woman?" I asked making her tilt her head slightly. "Oh boy, this is going to be awhile get comfy this is going to be a long story" (Canterlot dungeouns, Pov. Steel) I slammed against the door once more allowing the brick to start cracking and letting the metal dent heavily, it bulged out with a few bars missing. I fell to the floor exhausted and in pain, I haven't taking a break in hour's and so far it was worth it. "Almost... there... just a little bit... more!" I panted out and tried to get on my feet but I stumbled and fell. "Body... to weak... and injured... must keep going" "Give it up man" I snapped my head towards the voice and saw a mare in the cell across from me, how I never noticed her was beyond me. "What do mean?" "I mean stop hurting yourself for something so stupid as freedom... I did when they took my sister and my kid's" The mare said slumping to the floor and covering her face with her knees. "Who took your kids and sister... and who are you?" I asked the marr who said nothing. "Look I dont know what happened to land you here but you seem like a nice mare, and I promise when I break out of here I'll let come with me deal?" "How do I know you're not just gonna take off as soon as you do?" She asked. "Because I never go back on my word, I may have been a thief but lords above I will not tolerate breaking promises... you're just going to have to trust me" I said, the mare stared at me for a bit and sighed. "My names Ashy Rose... the ponys who took my kids... were princess Celestia and princess Luna" Rose said making me look on with shock. "I wont sugar coat it I killed for money, I was a mercenary, had a group of my friends and lover but there gone now... killed by a nobel who betrayed us, I got my revenge but someone else had to kill him for me" "Who?" I asked curiously. "A man who hated me for awhile... then became my best friend his name, Steel Fox" Rose said and the ringing came back again. "Tough son of a bitch if I say so myself... sadly he died protecting his marefriend from-" "Lanch... Blue... Lanch!" I said straining my words, this caught Rose by suprise then looked me over once more. "What uh... what did you say your name was?" Rose asked narrowing her eyes towards me like if I was a blurry picture. "Steel... Fox... my name is..... Steel Fox" I said and slowly I felt the gears moving in my head and some of the latches reconnect. "Rose... I will get... Pitch and Lime back for you, I will not allow you to stay in a cage forever" I dragging myself back up on my feet and took a step back. "I will set things right" I slammed against the cell and moved back again. "I wont let him take her" BANG.... BANG.... BANG "I shall redeem my place in equestria, I will not fail, I will get stronger and I will not be cheated out of my own pride and joy!" I shouted and slammed against the cell even harder than last time. "Whoa, take it easy man your just one stallion and you cant possibly be Steel he's dead, shot by Blue himself but that also begs the question... how do you know my children?" Rose asked and jumped when I slammed against the cell harder than last time. "Because I am Steel Fox, I was revived by Vine and nurtured back to health by Spitfire and I dont know how Im a pony even though Im supposed to be human... I have to get out here now!" I growled and charged at the door again hitting it full force. I continued doing this for a few more hours non stop until I reached my limit but even then I ran towards it and slammed against it one nore time befire falling over on the floor in utter agony. "Listin man, I dont know why you call yourself Steel but dont say that infront of the Princesses they would probably kill you if givin the chance" Rose said and we heared a small giggle. "Thats just rude Rose why would kill a stallion for no reason?" I snapped my headed toward the familiar voice and saw Frost. "Frost, thank god c'mon you gotta let me out of here Luna is going to marry a man thats only in it for power, I wont allow him to marry my marefriend and god forbids he goes after you or Twilight" I said excited to see my marefriend here, Frost looked at me and gave a confused look. "Frost c'mon stop messin around help me out" "Who are you? your scent smells familiar but I could be wrong" Frost asked making me freeze then remeber I was a pony, not a human. "Ok, Frost you wont believe me but its me Steel Fox I just somehow turned into a pony but I promise you I am Steel Fox!" I said hoping she would believe me. "Theres no way you're my coltfriend, he died months ago on an island by a Lanch do not lie to the princess of the Frost mights or I'll have papa kill you" Frost threatened but I wasnt going to give up so easily. "Frost please believe me!" I beggee and she glared at me. "Ok, if you're really my coltfriend what are some of the things he knows about me?" Frost asked I started thinking frantically. "Uh... Uh..." I sputtered out and Frost began walking away. "Wait! Uh-Uh... I remember you liked it when I petted your head and called you my little puppy one night!" I shouted out no where and Frost stopped dead in her tracks. "And... I remember your father bellator trained me for a whole year just so I can get stronger, and the time I made you mine and-and I remember you loved it when I cuddled with you until you fell asleep" I listed off and Frost turned to me with a red face. "H-How-?" "I also remember that you like cats more than dogs because they're fluffy and funny, also their was a time when we shared a night together in bed... you liked it when I treated you like a person instead of royalty just like your subjects back in your kingdom and I was the first person to ever claim your and your flo-" "Ok ok ok ok!... I believe you just please stop" Frost said covering my mouth quickly her face completely red and her eyes watery. "Is this really you Steel?" She askee me and rubbed her hand against my cheek. "Yes... it is Frost and I've missed you... I missed everyone so much" I answered and Frost began to cry tears of joy. "No way... Steel thats really you?!" Rose said amazed as how I survived. "Yeah... Vine brought me back to life and I somehow was dropped off infront of Spits house to which she nurtured back to health" I said, Frost almost ripped the cell door open and wrapped me in a loving hug. The warmth she gave off felt amazing and it penetrated through the cold hard chains. "Please... dont leave again" Frost cried out and nuzzled my face. "Domt worry my little puppy, I wont leave again if I did then everything would be boring wouldnt it?" I joked and chuckled a bit. I was cut off from my small laughter by a pair of lips pressing against mine and she pushed me on my back, she tried to go for my pants but the chains kept her from doing so. "Ah... Jesus Christ woman I've only been gone for a few months and your this horny?!" "Oh you have no Idea darling, I want you to rut me for hours on end until Im satisfied got it" Frost demanded and I was both aroused and scared. "Damn chains, cock blocking me" I groaned I then heared small sqeakes from Rose who was watching the whole thing with a beet red face. Frost looked over her shoulder while straddling me. "You wanna join?" Frost seductively asked and Rose was out for the count, I chuckled slightly and got back to my sitting position. "So what now Steel you only have so much time before the wedding?" "I dont know but I need to get out of here and recover my magic can you help me?" I asked Frost and she ripped my chains off. "Thanks sweetness, now one more thing we have to do, and no not sex" Frost pouted at the comment as I walk over to roses cell. "Steel what are you doing you cant set her free" "She helped me and you took the only family she has, now I want you to find us a hiding place so I can recover along with rose. Bring her sister and her kids to the hidding spot" I said looking around and spotting some keys, I grabbed them and unlocked her cell then picked her up. "Steel I understand that she helped but she broke into your home, was the reason why you went berserk, and kidnapped you dont you feel any sort of hate, anything?" Frost asked and I looked down at Rose. "Yes... but also at the same time no I don't, because I would have done the samething if it meant helping the only shred of family I had. I did hate her for bit but when she told me why she did, who she was doing it for and would do it all again just to help her... It reminded me of how I was when Ryle was still alive" I said turning to Frost. "I know you are angry at Rose for this, and I do not blame you, but she is my friend and thats all the reason I need to help get her family back" Frost looked at me with a small frown and thought about my words, she knew I would do the same thing even if we hadn't met Rose. If someone we knew was in trouble I would do anything to get them safe... anything. "You're... You're right, you really are Steel putting others before yourself just like how I remember, alright I'll be back dont worry and I'll bring those foals along" Frost said and took off going to find a hiding place and get the foals. I sat down with Rose's head on my lap, and we waited. It was only for a bit but I noticed the sun setting meaning I only have enough time to get my strength back, then their is also the huge fight Im going to have to face to get Luna. "Its risky and can very well endanger my life once again, but when has that ever stopped me?" I asked no one and closed my eyes. "When my sword was ten inches in your chest" An eerie voice echoed in the dungeons and my eyes snapped open. It was dark, very dark and the only visible thing was a man standing in flowing shadows. He wore a pitch black trench coat with a hood shrouding his face in darkness only leaving grey eyes staring at me, he also wore black pants that hugged but was also loose on his legs, dark red boots and a long black sword that reached to his feet and had a white demonic skull as the guard and for the hilt it looked like a large bone that was whittled smooth and wrapped in black cloth. "Hello again boy, you seem to have grown stronger thats good... very good" The man said and began walking forward. "Who are you, what do you want?" I demanded and stood up, I then winced as I felt something burning on my chest. When I looked I saw a long red mark going down the middle of my chest, and the closer he got the hotter and more agonizing. "Wait... I-I think argh!... I know who you are now" "Really, do tell this man... Im dieing to know" "You... were at the wedding when crystal... was going to take over but when I was going... to get involved you tried to kill me and almost succeeded. Then you just... vanished" I answered and the man stood still, it was quiet for only a moment until I heared his start chuckling ominously. "A good memory you have their Steel, thats right. I am the one who would have killed you but those ghost bastards followed you around and softened the blow, if it wasnt for them you'd me six feet under right now" He said continuing his approach. 'He's strong, very strong, I dont think I can take him he looks skill even in hand to hand. What is he and why is he going for me?" I thought. "Now Steel lets see what you're made of" The man said, he reached up and grabbed his sword then vanished. I got to my feet only to notice that Rose wasnt here and I wasnt in the dungeons anymore. "Keep your guard up Steel" He said and swung his sword but I dodged it in time and I flew back a couple of feet. "Just what in the hell are you?" I asked raising my fists. "Someone you hold dear, now enough talk lets fight" He said summoning Rebellion and tossed it to me. "Why would you-?" I was cut off by him going for a horizontal slash but I deflected it and went for a stab only for him to dodge and punch me in the face. I threw one back but he vanished once more, I looked around frantically but grunted when I felt a sharp sting on my arm. Then another on my leg and once more on my cheek. "What's the matter boy am I too fast? How disappointing you were so much stronger than before where has that power gone I wonder?" The man said sheathing his blade. As soon as the sword clicked to the sheath my body was rittled with cuts and slashes, I was stunned at the sheer amount and I only felt three strikes. "H-How... did you?" I asked, I fell to my knees and coughed up a large amout of blood. "I felt three strikes not this many... how fast are you?" "My dear boy I am something you only dream of being but I'll humor you for a moment... time itself means nothing to me, nor is it strong enough to kill me. I am hundreds maybe even thousands of times stronger than you are, to me you are just an insect, waiting to be crushed under my boot... but at the same time, you are something I need alive and what you just felt now was a warning. Get stronger and when I have decided you have reached a point where you are able to beat me then we will meet again" He said and began walking away. "But if you fail in getting stronger, then I will take matters into my own hands and dont worry... those wounds are healing as we speak all you need is rest so far you are getting enough. Until next time Steel Fox" and with that the man vanished again and I passed out. (Canterlot guest room, Midnight) The feeling of soft heat came off of something next to me. I opened my eyes only for my vision to be filled with white but the smell was like fire roses back in the frost might kingdom. I leaned up a bit and looked around my surrounding, I was in a guest room with Frost but on the couch was Pitch, Lime, Rose and a small little filly probably the same age as pip and looked like a foal version of fluttershy. The filly had short ashy pink hair, yellow fur and wearing footy pajamas, she snuggled up close to rose and I swear I was going to die of to much cuteness. "Wait my wounds" I whispered and looked at my body, I took off my shirt and saw the last of the cuts close up and leave my body rittled with light marks. "I guess it was all true than.... this means I gotta become stronger even if it kills me again" "Hmmm Steel?" Frost moaned turning to me and leaned up a little. "Whats wrong?" "Nothing, go back to bed Frost I'll join in soon" I said and she plopped her head back on the pillow. I got out of bed and went towards the window, I looked out into the cold night sky then at my reflection. "Now that I think about it... I haven't really got a good look at my body, kinda strange since I've been in this body for well over a few months" I said to myself and walked towards the bathroom, I closed the door and turned on the light. I took off my shirt and spread my wings fully, I wasnt that bad looking. The white mane kinda throws me off because I don't remeber it being this long before, and my muscle mass slimmed down quite alot but my harden muscles was there. I looked at my face and watched as pools of black ink stare back at me, all in all I was a pretty ok looking pony nothing speacial and nothing out the ordinary either. "I wonder why Im a pegasus though... wait" I saw a glint from my right hand and raised it up to get a good look. I was wearing a silver and blue ring that had a light red aura inside of it, "Could this be... only one way to find out" I said and lighty grabbed the ring and pulled. "What the? It wont come off" I said as I pulled again this time a little harder but had the same result. "Hmm, very odd i wonder who could have placed this on me and why me of all people?" I stared at the reflection and sighed, the mirror wasnt going to answer me nor was it going to say anything. I walked to the door and went to leave until I heared a small thud, I looked behind me and saw the golden pistol from the island. I took hold of the weapon and inspected it making sure it had no bullets, to my luck it didnt and I stared more intently and even pulled the trigger but as I onew nothing came out. "Why are you here?" I asked the gun, I sat on the edge of the large tub and ran my hand over it. It shone brightly for a moment blinding me, I covered my eyes and dropped the gun in the process. My body felt small pricks here and their and then out of know where it felt like I was punched hard in the gut, I fell to my knees and gasped for air. When the light vanished and my breathing came back I looked around the room and noticed one small thing. Well two large objects. I stared at the black and white guns on the floor, they looked as big as desert eagles and had twisted grips the made a sharp point at the end. I walked over to the two and noticed how amazing the design is not just that but they felt amazing like they were meant for me to weild. "These feel amazing but where is the magazine and the the hammers looks kinda strange" I said and looked it over. But just as I thought, the magazines were gone these are some strange guns but I'll figure them out later. "Hmm... I need to hide my face during the event as to not draw attention or have Frost and gods forbid the little one's captured by Brinnington" I said and thought for a moment. Thats when I remembered something, my black trench coat. I quickly summoned it and threw it on, I felt a little protected by the jacket as well which is nice and they have holsters. I put both guns in there respective places and looked at myself in the mirror, "Ain't you a sight for sore eyes huh Steel... still I guess I should rest I have a wedding to get to" I said to my reflection then walked out of the bathroom with everthing off and I went outside alone. I took a deep breath and flew off to go get some old friends and something else. (Brinnington chambers) The stallion laid in his bed asleep and still wearing my gold arm brand, I glared down at him and carefully took it off of him then made my way back to the window. But as I made my way I heared quiet chirping and when I looked I saw a Phoenix tilting her gently. I pressed a finger on my lips hoping she would get the hint but she gave a loud screech making me start panicking, Brinnington awoke to the sound and looked around until his eyes landed on me. "YOU! GUARDS AN INTRUDER!" He screamed and not even seconds later did four guards rush in one of them being Ember. "Ember?" I blurted out then covered my mouth, the mare narrowed her eyes at me and tilted her head a bit. "How do you-" "Fools get him now I want him dead!" Brinnington wailed and the guards rushed after me, I started my way back to the window and grabbed a vase on my way and threw it through the window giving me an opening. "Dont let him escape!" "Brinnington... you will not have Luna mark my words" I said and jumped out the window. The man gritted his teeth and went to touch my arm band but didnt feel the cold metal and when he looked his face was red with anger. "FIND HIM, LOCK DOWN THE CASTLE DOUBLE THE GUARDS, DOUBLE THE ARCHERS, DOUBLE EVERYTHING HE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO ESCAPE AND LIVE!" Brinnington screamed at the top of his lungs, I heared it from so far Im sure he broke a window by his whinny scream. "Now... to do something I never thought I'd do" I said and raced off in the night. (Afternoon, one hour before the wedding Canterlot throne room) Ponies from all over waited anxiously for the wedding to start, though a certian group of friends were hidding their anger by the girl's stained glass window with them holding the element's, next to it was something similar but it was if a man with golden hair holding a black sword and wearing only pants and shoes beside him was a large pure white timberwolf, the eyes of the man had glowing sapphire stones, the group knew who it was and they felt a bit safe near it. The mane six, the guy's, Gilda, Trixie, The Assassin Sisters, Spike, Ember, Cadance and Gleaming, and "If only Steel were here, he'd show that stupid nobel not to take Luna" Rainbow said with a hint of venom dripping from her words. The others stood silently until Brinnington walked over with a smug look on his face. "Hello peasants how does it feel to know that your monkey friend l, what was his name? Steel Fox the dumbass that died leaving me to have princess Luna" Brinnington said and both Edge and Jack had to hold Greenie back from doing something he would regret. "This will be the last time you will ever set foot into my castle if you do then I will personally throw you out of here... enjoy the wedding" Brinnington chuckled and walked away. "Give me a good minute lad I'll teach the fuck some manners, just one fuckin minute!" Greenie growled through his gritted teeth. "We would love nothing more, but we cant to many guards plus I dont wanna clean up the mess" Coal said as he put down his drink. "Im gonna go find BlueBelle I'll be back" "Y'all been spendin alot of time with princess BlueBelle, is something going on between you two?" Applejack asked Coal and he calmly looked away and his face turned red. "Well... thats not important, I'll see you guys later" Coal said and walked away in a hurry. "Even with all that is happening he still finds the time to find someone... can't really be mad at that" Mint said and Rarity slightly elbowed him. "What I can't... anyways, I wonder how luna is taking all this" "Not well I suppose" (Luna's chambers) Luna sat infront of the small mirror she had resting on her dresser, she wore a beautiful midnight blue dress with small hand picked crystals called moon shards dotted on the lower section and a small crescent moon on her left breast. On her neck was a beautiful Alabaster white necklace that held a certain fox head in the middle, in her hands she held a smaller peice of the golden band she gave Steel. "If only you here" "Princess?" Luna turned and nearly jumped out of her chair seeing the two foals she wanted to see for such a long time. "Scootaloo, Pipsqeak Im so glad your both alright" Luna said to the two and walkes over to them. She offered a hug and they didn't refuse, "I heared about how sad you got after Steel and I wish I could have helped you" "Its ok we just... needed time to cope, Im sure you've seen pips nightmares and mine as well" Scootaloo said and Luna took notice of their dark circles around there eyes. "You poor things, come, you may rest here until the wedding starts" Luna said walking to the two to her bed. "Luna why do you have to marry him?" Pip asked her and Luna sighed. "Its the law and I wish we could get rid of it, that man is horrible and he does not even love me for me only for my power" Luna said and Scootaloo stared at the ceiling. "Unlike Steel, he loved you because your beautiful and amazing... if you two got married that would be awesome!" Scoots said making Luna blush imaging Steel and the mares together for their wedding. "Hmmm... that is a nice thought" Luna said musing the thought. "Can't you stop the wedding everyone knows you dont want to marry this guy" Scootaloo said. "She does not have a say in the matter fortunately" Brinnington said as he stood at the door. "She is a princess and her only job is to bear an heir to the throne nothing more, nothing less you are to young to understand you filthy orphan" He said walking in and Luna glared at him. "Leave Brinnington at once, and do not come near these children or so help me I'll-" "What? Have me thrown into the dungeons, killed at your own hand... you have no free will anymore princess, you follow my orders and if I wanted to I could throw these filthy unrefined foals out the window and you wont do a thing" Brinnington chuckled with a smug grin, he walked over to the bed and looked down at Scootaloo. "Disgusting" he spat out only to have scoots spit in face. "Fuck you too" Scoots replied only to me grabbed by her hair and lifted up. "You'll die first wench then your brother shall follow" Brinnington said and threw he at the wall making her scream. "Scootaloo!" "Shut up whore and let me work" Brinnington growled out and stomped his way towards scootaloo, she felt a sharp pain on her wing and wasnt able to move it. "You're nothing, just a stupid, arrogant, filthy, peice of garbage that needs to be thrown out" he said through gritted teeth as he stomped on scoots, Pip jumped out of the bed and started hitting him. "Get away from her!" Pip demanded but was back handed away. Luna saw blood run down Pips nose and blood coming down from Scoots head. "Stop it... I SAID STOP!" Luna screamed and grabbed Brinnington by the throat and threw him through her door, Luna quickly grabbed both the foals who were crying and in pain and ran out of the room. "Scootaloo, Pipsqeak oh my goodness its alright I'll heal you both as soon as I can dont worry" Luna ran and ran for a 10 minutes straight until she was grabbed and dragged into a room. She was throw on the bed and in a state she's in she charged her magic to fight. "Whoa whoa whoa! Luna its me Frost!" Frost said and Luna took a minute to look around. Frost was infront of her and so was Pitch, Lime, Starfruit and... Rose. "What is she doing here and out of her cell, I'll drag back down their myself this time and make sure she never gets out" Luna spat as she placed Pip and Scootaloo on the bed gently. "Scootaloo, Pipsqeak oh my gods what happened!?" Frost asked running iver to the injured foals. "Brinnington happened, he came into my room and started beating the children after insulting them" Luna said and went on to heal them both. "Luna this has gone long enough, you must cancel this wedding with that man at once he is nothing but filth and using your power for his own" Frost said and she had no idea how much Luna wanted to stop all this, but he duty comes first as she was taught. "I can't... I read the rules over and over again until I passed out... it says I am only allowed to date, mate and be wedded to a noble chosen by the royal family. I haveno choice" Luna sighed and Frost felt sorry for her things were different in her kingdom she could marry who she wanted when ever she wanted. "Please... take care of the children and that mare... I have a wedding to attend" she said and slowly exited the room. "Why didn't you tell her?" Rose asked Frost who was healing the kids. "Because she's already in so much pain... must we try and bring her down more, she would think we are messing with her and I dont want that... can you look after the children please, I have to get ready" Frost asked and Rose nodded. "Star why dont you play with Pip for a bit, Lime you and Pitch can help play with Scootaloo" Rose said and Star was already next to Pip. "Uh... Hi Im Starfruit" Star said sitting next to Pip. "Ello... my names Pipsqeak but my friends call me Pip" Pip replied and the two began talking and really hit it off. "Awe how cute" Frost cooed. "Well I should be going remember dont open the door and hide the kids if anyone gets in" Forst ordered and Rose nodded once more before she left and Rose locked the door. "*Sigh*... here we go I hope you have a plan Steel cause we need a miracle" she said and went to get ready. (Throne room) Everyone was quiet and standing around now awaiting for the wedding fo start. Brinnington stood infront of celestia and the other princess except for Twilight who stood with her friends. Brigid was next to Celestia and glared ice cold daggers at the son of a bitch in the room. Outside of the room was Luna wearing her dress and holding bouquet of fire roses a present from Bellator and Frost. Bellator stood with the princesses but had a strange feeling like something was going to happen but he cant place his finger on it. Octavia looked towards Celestia and in return Celestia nodded, with her cue givin she looked back at the orchestra and they began playing just as the doors opened. Luna walked down the asile and the ponies around mostly the stallions and some mares were awed at her sheer beauty. The group watched as Luna walked slowly and Greenie was the only one that spoke. "Luna ya have ta run, we know you dont want this" Greenie whispered and Luna frowned. "I have no choice... its to protect all of you from Brinnington Im sorry" Luna said and continued. Once she was finally with Celestia and Brinnington, Octavia and the rest of the Orchestra stopped and waited quietly. "We are gathered here today in holy matrimony, today is the wedding of Duke Brinnington and my little sister Princess Luna... we will now hear the vowes from the two at this moment" Celestia said and Brinnington gave his vowes that were full of lies after he was done it was Lunas turn and she said her vowes that held no emotion or anything. As this was going on Frost had quietly entered the room and went over to her father. "What did I miss?" Frost asked. "They are now giving their vowes it's heart breaking that these ponies do not just use some of laws like royalty can marry anyone" Bellator whispered back and felt that odd feeling once more. "Have you been feeling like something is coming... something big" "Yes but that's something I can't place my finger on... when is it coming?" Frost asked and the feeling exploded inside her. "I think it coming... or specifically he is coming and I know just who" "If anyone has any objection speak now or forever hold your peace....... by the power invested in me and my mother's watchful eye, I herby pernouce you-" Celestia was stopped by a big explosion at the front doors causing everyone to duck for cover. "Guards stand ready anything could happen but do not let my sister or anyone get hurt" "He's here~" Frost said a bit giddy. "Who's here? Tell me bitch!" Brinnington demanded only to back down hearing Bellator growel. "Oh just the pony you very much pissed off... or should I say human" Frost said and the group, the princesses, Luna and Brinnington snapped their heads towards the doors. The music started picking up and the smoke cleared revealing a man wearing a black trench coat with a hood over his head, black pants and boots. He gave off a scary vibe one that should not have been messed with. "Who is that and-" "They sent you letter to come back home to play to your dismay this isn't your day, for the happy fun time has begun to fade watch as animate corpses you abandon, were dismantled, were mishandled but we wont be skipped and swayed" The stallion said and his body twitch then looked at Brinnington his eyes glowing red. He smiled with genuine phycotic intent, he held out his hands and three balls of black liquid plopped on the floor and three figures morphed out of them. "I am alive, Immortalized!" the man sang on and the black demon ink monster danced in an old jazz type way. Everyone looked on with confusion as the ink demon and man sang and dance. "Dont just stand their get that peasant!" Brinnington ordered and every guard ran at him only to stop dead in their tracks as soon as the man look at them dead in the eyes. "So you found all the peices to initiate the pain our venom stains the night remains, but the ending always just the same no gain, nod your head head to beat of death as you draw your last eternal breath sensations of an invasion start course right through our veins!" He said and pointed the ink monsters to attack the guards. To which they did and didnt kill them just knocked them out very painfully. The man charged forward and fought dozens and dozens of guard with out even getting a scratch, it terrified Brinnington that such a man existed and started panicking as did the attendees. With ever kick and punch the man gave he seemed to go faster and faster, but always kept perfect tone during the song. As the song ended nearly half of the guards laid on the floor in bruises and knocked out, the remaining shook in their armor. The ink monsters laughed and turned into puddles on the floor, the man stood still and suddenly leaned back as if he was being possed and twitched a little. "Woooowheee now this feels so fuckin good, finally I can move around without a care, say what I want and kill who I please hahahaha! You should've let me take over ages ago Steel!" Lux said pulling down the hood showing his white hair and glowing red eyes. "Man let me stretched out the old legs" He said and pulled one of my legs and throw it up and landed it right on the roof it came back down and he did it with the other. "LUX!" The girls and the guys screamed, Lux spun his head around fully creeping them out. "In the flesh bitches, now then I believe I have some unfinished business with the fuck who takin Luna as his bride" Lux growled turning his head back around facing Brinnington. "Its to late all celestia needs to do now is say a few simple words and I'll be king then nothing can stop me not even you or your pathetic brother who died because he was to weak!" Brinnington said and a loud slap was heared. Brinnington and everyone looked towards the one who hit him and saw luna with fire in her eyes. "Dont you dare talk about Steel like that, he was a better man than anyone stallion I ever met you are just an insolent brat that had a silver spoon shoved down his throat that day you came out of your mothers whore womb, I hate you with every fiber of my being and I wished that you just die already. I prayed day and night that my real coltfriend would come back and get rid of you and they have finally listened so screw you, screw your whole family, and burn in hell!" Luna snapped making everyone go quiet, the only one that made a sound was Lux and he was on the floor laughing his guts out, with a small huff Luna walked over to the man rolling on the floor and kneeled down. "Lux if you be so kind... rip his fuckin head off" Luna asked calmly and Lux was already on his feet. "I thought you'd never ask Princess Luna, and to make things clear Im not doing this for you or Steel... Ah'm doin this for me" Lux said with a toothy grin and summoned Rebellion, as Lux approched Brinnington he hummed a small tune and cracked his bones every so often frightening the stallion. "I told you boy... dont mess the devil or he's gonna cut off your head" With small phycotic laugh he ignited the blade and it burned half the sleeve off showing the rage built up inside of me. "My flames resembles Steel emotion and boy... is he pissed I hope you lived a good life-oh who am I kidding you probably raped your own maids and had people hate you the day you were able to speak shit Im doing the world a favor" Lux said with a grin and stood infront of Brinnington, as Lux raised Rebellion he stopped dead in his tracks and turned just in time to sent back a ki blast. "Damn it, this was supposed to be simple now I have to fight Dad... great Lux groaned and summoned a beer bottle and cracked it open, he took a swig of it while he walked over and stabbed rebellion in the ground. "This is about to get messy... Greenie hold my beer" Lux said tossing the beer bottle to Greenie who caught it. "So you're my son's evil self huh... dont look like much hell you dont even look human" Logan said with Zecora next to him. "But you seem just as strong" "Sorry old man Im runnin the show for awhile, but since you interrupted my free kill guess I should test my fighting... keep the moon woman safe Greenie and if you have time... kill the noble" Lux said removing the Trench coat and removed his holsters holding my guns. "You know... for some one thats evil, he has a really killer body... pun not intended" Gilda said gawking at the toned muscle as were the girls even Celestia. "You know I've noticed something... how come in every fight its always the shirt that gets torn off why not the pants... actually the main thing covering my body is the shirt so I guess that makes sense-" Logan cut lux off by taking a swing only for it to be blocked. "Hmm this should be fun" he smiled and the two vanished. Everyone looked around trying to find where the two went until they saw Lux slam against the wall and catch logans fist again. It was only for a second before the two vanished again, but they could hear the fighting going on. They reappeared againg and slamed their fists against one anothers making thunderous shock waves. The ground cracked and some of the windows broke as they fought, Logan threw his fist landing dead center on Luxs face sending him away at break neck speeds crashing past the thrones and embedding himself in the wall. "There... now that should have stunned him for a bit I need to tell you all something and its-" Logan was cut off by hearing a small war cry and the other side of the room exploding and going up in dust. "Old man... who said that would hurt me heeehahahahaha! Now I got a fire in my belly Steel dont get mad for what happens to daddy dearest!" Lux shouted and pulled out my phone and hit play. It wasnt even seconds after did Lux launch at Logan and threw his punches, Logan was blocking the punches as best as he can but was also being pushed back. Lux landed a lucky punch and stunned Logan for a few seconds but it was all he needed, he slammed his hands on the ground and did an upside down spin kick then flipped back up and sent some fast jabs against his chest and finally he grabbed his face and kneed it as hard as he could then grabbed his leggs and spun him around and threw him up in the air then followed suite and launched him away. Logan flew back for a few moments only to spin and balance himself out then stick the landing. He flew forward as fast as he could and started putting his training to work, he used every part of his body from throwing punches, kicks, Ki blasts and head butting. Lux however was blocking the onslaught of attacks but his defense broke and was punch hard in the stomach making him throw up spit but he had little time to recover as Logan threw slow but effective punches at Lux's face he then charged the ki over his hands and started using them as his weapons making ti super effective then in one swift motion he knocked Lux away with a sharp and heavy punch. In a daze Lux backed away to try and shake off the dizziness but that go as planned. Logan flew back as far as possible then shot forward at speeds unimaginable. "THIS IS IT!" Logan screamed and launched his fist forward, seeing no way out Lux reeled back his right arm and put every ounce of power he had in it to cancel out the tremendous force. The ponies and other species stood on their toes and or talons watching the two go for an ending blow. "I MAY BE EVIL BUT I MADE A PROMISE!!!" Lux screamed and threw hit fist forward coming landing square on Logans fist. There was a loud cracking noise then a gigantic boom and everything went white, dust lifted in the air covering the giant hole covering the crystal caverns. The song ended and soon as the dust settled Logan was left standing his shirt and pants in tatters bruises and cuts on his face but what stood out most to the ponies and other species was his super saiyan form. He breathing was ragged and the arm he used to finish the fight laid next to his side broken and covered in small cuts. Down below everyone only saw a pile of debris, Luna's heart sank and as did Frosts but Brinnington had a huge smile on his face. "Its... over... you truely were... very strong Lux almost sad to know that you're evil but you cant change everybody" Logan grunted his hair turning back to normal and he floated back down next to Zecora and collapsed. "Damn... that took alot out of me plus the ol' arm is broken too, shit" "Logan are you alright?" Twilight asked as the group rushed over, the man just gave a thumbs up and a cheeky grin. "Never better hehe-ah it hurts to laugh" As the everyone made sure Logan was right Luna was kneeling infront of the hole shocked and full of dread. The one chance she had to get rid of this horrid man, was defeated and she wasnt sure wether he was alive or not. "Please... get up Lux... Im begging you..." Luna quietly begged. "Get up and kill Brinnington Lux... please" she began crying as she begged down the large hole. "Oh so sorry that your little plan didn't work Princess... shall we continue the wedding?" Brinnington said planting his boot on luna's back. "Like I said... you no longer... have free will" (Pov Lux) It was dark and dreadful, I laid in a pile of debris defeated by my own father I also felt something like dust in my hands it was strange but right now I feel a bit humiliated. 'You know I tried to warn you" Steel said and I chuckled. I felt like just laying her in my little bed of rubble but I cant because I need to kill someone. 'Wait... do you hear that?' Steel asked and we listened. "Its just like I said princess... you no longer... have free will" "Steel" Lux said angrily. 'Yeah?' Steel asked just as angry. "IM GONNA RIP HIS FUCKIN HEAD OFF!" I roared and began powering up. The ground shook violently as I did and honestly I didnt care at the moment this whole place could crumble for all I care but I will kill this bastard. "First time trying this better not waste it!" I cheered giddy about whats coming next. I gave a thunderous cry and my hair rose up in its spikey golden state then my eyes turned crystal blue. The golden flaming aura spun for moment then blew off the rubble on me, I slowly stood on my feet and took a deep breath. My hair threw down a lone bang infront of my face, I had a look that could scare even the most bravest of warrior more specifically it scared Logan. They all stared at me with their eyes buldging out if their skulls I titled my head slightly and looked down at myself. My eye's slowly widen as I saw my tan skin instead of fur, my nose instead of a muzzle and no tail I was human again and they can all see it. "S-steel... is-is that you?" The princess, Logan, the mane six, the guys everyone asked stunned and happy at the same time. All but one was happy. "This-this must be a fake a spell to hide the stallion... guards get him!" Brinnington ordered but before they could move Ember held out her arm stopping them and threw down her weapon. "You whore you dare defy me gyards kill her and that fake at once!" "... No" The captian from before said throwing down his sword and helmet. "Men stand down thats an order do not attack that human" He ordered and they all threw their weapons down. Brinnington shake with rage but he then felt a tape on his shoulder, he turned and had a bottle smash into his face by Greenie knocking him back a few feet. "That was fer Steel... and this-" Greenie said throwing a hard punch landing on face. "Was fer Luna, and this-" he reeled his leg back and sent the hardest kick he could in between Brinningtons legs making him cry out in a girly way and making every dude here cringe even me. "Was fer hurtin my friends cunt" "You bastard... you dare insult and damage your king?!" Brinnington yelled at Greenie but was kicked in the face by said stallion. "Oh I fuckin dare cause yer no king to me yer nothin but a spoiled little colt wating for a chance at power... you make me sick" Greenie responded and walked back to the others. "I can see why he's your best friend Steel... but now I want to finish up the job im getting tired" Lux said and floated out of the hole and stretched his red wings to its full mass then sighed as he heared the pops come from his joints. "So... how do you want to die Brinnington? Head cut off, your dick chopped off and shoved down your throat then stabbed in the heart or and personally my favorite, just empty my clip in your worthless body... you know what Im just gonna the last one" I said and snapped my fingers then held both of my guns in my hands and pointed it at Brinnington. It wasn't even two seconds later did I open fire and boy was it satisfying seeing him being torn to shreds. After half an hour of shootin the puddle on the floor did I stop and summoned the holster to place them in. "Well bitches this is as far as I go see you next time oh and... holy shit" I said and looked right at crystal who raised an eyebrow. "You know I knew you were hot but damn I wouldn't mind taking you somewhere private if I had my own body jesus Steel why habe you not have a slice of her?!" I said appearing infront of crystal who blushed and nervously backed up. "O-Oh um... thank you Lux" Crystal stammered but it just made her cuter. "Ay when I get my own body how's about we go on little date I'll mwt you be ontop... for a few minutes then I will own you" I suggested making her onix colored face turn dark red, I then leaned over and got close to her ear. "And I cant wait to rut you as much as you want and when you get your body back to normal that will just be a bonus cause your still beautiful now so you'll be drop dead gorgeous but keep that nice little flower for me sound good?" I asked and licked her cheek making her faint from all the blood in her head I chuckled seeing the changling beet red. "Ahem... I uh... wouldnt mind that same treatment" Gilda threw out their. "Trixie seconds that" "Third and chocolate will also join" "Oh dont worry... I plan on it but until then ladies Im out oh and don't forget if you try anything with my brothers mares, I'll rip you limb from limb... bye" I said and went back into Steel mind. (Pov Steel) I blinked a few times and sqinted slightly feeling the light burn my eyes, after they got adjusted I looked around and sighed. "Good to be back" I said and held out my hand, Rebellion shot out of the ground and into my grip then I snapped my fingers and my trench coat was over my body. "Hey you know I feel like Im kissing something... oh yes now I remember" I said and summond my arm band. I slipped it on and now I felt whole again, I turned to my friends and smiled. "Well you gonna give me a hug or are you just gonna stand their?" I asked and I was tackled to the floor by pinkie and dog piled by my friends one by one. "I... missed... you guys... too" I choked out and slowly lifted all them up but I was having a bit of trouble so I threw them next to me and panted. "Steel why and how are you alive!?" Twilight asked nearly shouted in my ear. "Well... that's a long story and to be honest it even confuses me, but I'll tell you later alright for now let me go make sure Lunas ok" I said and I turned and walked over to said mare. "You still look beauti-" I was cut off by the mare smacking me as hard as she could. "You idiot, you bastard, you son of a bitch!" Luna yelled at me and hit my chest, I grinned a little and looked back down to her. "I have half a mind to beat you to a bloody pu-mmmhh!" I stopped her mid-sentence by kissing her shocking every noble here save for the princesses. Luna slowly stopped beating my chest then wrapped her arms around my neck. "Am I forgiven my princess?" I asked parting from her and she had a small blush creep on her cheeks. "Only when you rut me like a bitch in heat" She whispered in my ear and I smiled. "Deal... now then sorry for the mess and Lux destroying your throne room and your thrones" I apologized seeing the mess everywhere. "And uh, sorry about arm dad" "Yeah yeah the woman- I mean... Zecora can fix that" Logan said getting up stumbling a bit then walked over to me. "Its good to have you back, guess your mother tossed your ass back down here huh hehe" Logan joked and I rolled my eyes. "Sorry to ruine the moment boys but I believe Logan has something very important to say so if you please" Zecora cut in and Logan groaned. "Damn it woman I was having a moment with my son... *sigh* alright guess I should start talking" Logan said and sat back down. "Alright you noble assholes and princessess... I heared that since your stupid law only allows nobles and or prince's to marry the princess, I remembered after years and years later that my father, Steels grandfather was King of my planet" he said and this confused many all but the princessess. "Wait this doesnt make sense if your father was king and your a prince then what dies that make steel?" Twilight asked and they all looked towards me, Logan got up again and patted my shoulder. "Steel... by the laws of the saiyan race since you have my blood in you... you are the prince of saiyans" > Chapter 25: The Date Night Before Hearths Warming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke in my house after finally getting a time to myself after a few months of non-stop questions. But everything seemed to go back to the way they were, the kids were happy to see me and litteraly wouldn't let go of me. Though I didn't stop them because I know I had made them quite depressed the last few months so it was fine. I then felt three curvy and soft figures wrapped around me, I sighed a little remembering how happy these mares were when they saw me alive and kicking. I chuckled softly and rose up from my bed then quietly sneaked my way out of their grips. I felt a chill sting my body and I looked outside only to see snow telling me it was Hearths warming eve, similar to earths Christmas eve. I made my to the bathroom for a shower or bath either one is fine at this point. But I stoped infront of the mirror and looked at myself, my long paper white hair draped over my eyes and my muscles were still as hard as ever and Im liking the slimmed version better then my bulky one from before I can move much faster than before so thats a bonus. "I have to admit I look good with white" I muttered to myself and brushed my hair back with a small sigh. I decided a bath was better then a shower so I began running the water to nice warm setting, as I watched the water pool up I felt somthing both light and heavy lay on my back and two blue hands over my chest. "Lulu I thought you were sleeping?" "I wanted snuggles and today is a special day... do you remember?" Luna asked and I thought for a moment but nothing came up. "Uhm... nothing's coming to mind Luna" I said confused and this made her puff her cheeks and nibble my ear. "Hey now that tickles, fine if you wanna play that way then I'll fight back" I said and reached back to the back of her ear and began scratching it. In an instand she was putty in my hands but she didn't let up. But it was no use I was winning this battle by a land slide and she knew it. "O-Ok ok... you win enough scratching" Luna whimpered cutely and slumped off of me and shuffled her way beside me. "You're mean, dont even remember what day it is" "C'mon I was dead for a few months cut a guy some slack and tell me or I'll push you into the water" I said stopping the water. "Oh fine, today is the day we confessed to eachother it was special to me because I never did that with anyone and I certainly didn't expect it to be you" Luna said ending with a small giggle. "Now look who's being mean, and yeah sorry for forgetting how about I make it up to you today ... starting with a bath?" I asked and she snapped her fingers removing mine and her clothes. "Alright after you Lulu" I said pushing her in casuing her to scream a little before being cut off, I just walked in and waited. "*Gasp* You little sneak why I outta... *sigh* I was going to get wet anyways so its fine but now you my dear prince are going to wash your princess" Luna said handing me the soap and sat me down in the water. It was just above my stomach and up to luna's tits and I could have sworn they got bigger, she float over to me and sat directly on my lap and waited. "Get to cleaning" "Right away princess but uh I hope you dont mind my friend joining" I said lathering my hands with soap and feeling an erection start growing. Luna cooed feeling the rock hard member rub against her folds, "How's about I start making up for lost times" I said lifting her up with my lathered up hands and shoved my length inside her, she bit her lip and whimpered blissfully feeling herself get full. Her walls squeezed my dick every so often making it hard not to thrust up, "So... good!" Luna moaned and slightly bounced and grinded on my cock. "Ah ah princess first I have to wash you" I said stopping the mare and began rubbing the soap on her body starting from her back and wings then to her stomach and finally to her large tits that I've been wanting to feel for awhile. When I rubbed past her breasts she moaned in her mouth and bit her lip harder as I had my way with them. "I missed these milk jugs and frankly I just wanna smash your tight little pussy till you cant walk straight but I will save it for later... or I'll just do it right now" I said quickly washing her body and turned her to face me. "Wait Steel... what if the others here us?" Luna asked scared they might be caught in the act. "Then I'll let them join now then I haven't had sex in months so I'm have my fill hope you do as well" I said reaching under her amazing ass and gave it a squeeze then lifted her up, I walked back to the edge of the bath and sat on it. I did short little drops teasing her pussy as much as I can and making her already go crazy. Then after a small pause I took in one of her nipples in my mouth and thrusted inside of her. Luna whimpered and moan feeling herself being filled over and over again, she was so pent up for past few months that she couldnt help herself. She gave small scream of ecstasy as she finally came after months of being sexually frustrated, luna felt bliss and the intoxicating wave of pleasure from her intense orgasm. I continued my thrusts and suckling on her nipple and suddenly I tasted something warm. It tasted like blueberries with a hint of caramel which was odd but hell I didn't mind. I drank what was in my mouth and stopped sucking her breast. "Luna why are you lactating?" I asked sneaking my hand to her other tit and played with it. "M-Mares do that when they feel pleasure or if n-necessary to feed a foal" Luna stuttered out and panted heavily feeling another orgasm coming. "Huh humans usually just have it when the woman is pregnant to feed the baby's and thats basically it" I said and luna shoved my head back to her nipple. "Then start drinking" She said and moaned even louder as I thrusted harder and drank her milk. I slowly laid her on her back at one point and pushed her legs over her head to have me go deeper, "A-Ah! Oh yes I want you to fuck me like a bitch in heat, and fill me to the brim you damn stud!" "Planning on it Luna and man I must say months without sex, I have a lot of work to catch up on" I said with a small playful growle which made her shiver. I was getting close and luna had become of mess, she was giving out small whimpers and moans each thrust I gave her. Deciding now was a good time I thusted as as fast as I could and after two hard thrusts I flooded her insides coating it white with seed. Her body trembled feeling the warm liquid fill her after so long, she laid limp in my arms and twitched every so often. I panted heavily as I gave off my last spurt of spunk, I pulled out of her and laid beside Luna to catch my breath. "Its... been awhile kind of... rusty but I'll get back to it in no time" I said and chuckled a little. "Yes... but it's still very effective" Luna said and sat up a little. "I cant feel my legs but I can still move the feet so thats good" She said wiggling her feet, I snorted a little and sat up with her. "Hey Steel... have we every been on a date?" Luna asked me. "That's a silly question of-" I stopped mid-sentence and had the biggest realization of my life. "Course not... after all this time not one date that's... very weird" I said blinking a little in confusion, in my little shock Luna pressed herself on my back and hugged me. "It's ok Steel what with me running a kingdom and you fighting monster's, death, people trying to kill you. We've been occupied so much that it never crissed our minds" Luna said then kissed my cheek. "But that's ok, I don't need you to take me out to a fancy dinner to show that you love me I already know you do and I love you" Luna said giggling, I smiled a little but thought about this whole dating thing. "Hey... wanna go get dinner later tonight?" I asked catching by suprise. "Steel I told you-" I stopped her with a finger on her lips. "I know but I wanna make it up to you for leaving for so long, so do you want to?" I asked again and removed my finger, Luna pouted slightly but nodded. "Alright but just a small date night, nothing more sound good?" Luna asked and I nodded. "So where do you want to go?" "Well I heared there was a new fancy shamsy restaurant in canterlot, wanna see what its about?" I asked and Luna hummed. "A lot of ponies are gonna be jealous that you're with a princess" She said but I didn't care. "Let them think what they want, I don't care what they think I only care about what you think" I said and felt her nuzzle my cheek. We both cleaned ourselves once more before drying off then exiting the bathroom. The girls were still asleep and the sun was rising up meaning luna lowered the moon before coming to the bathroom. Twilight moaned in her sleep and patted her hand on the bed, as did Frost then when they felt eachothers hand they shuffled closer to eachother and snuggled together. I was holding back my laughter while Luna was cooeing, I quickly took a picture and motioned Luna to follow me. (Living room) "That was so adorable!" "Eh I've seen cuter, but now we got a the morning to ourselves" I said patting Lunas head. "What do you wanna do?" I asked. "Hmm... how about we visit Scootaloo and Pipsqeak Im sure they would be very happy to see you" Luna suggested, I haven't seen those two since I've gotten back so I guess I should go visit them. "Alright let's get going" I said but Luna stopped me. "Um let's put on some clothes first then visit the kids we can take them out for breakfast as well" Luna said and I nodded before heading back to my room. (Ten minutes later, Ponyville road) We walked down the streets of ponyville with the snow crunching under our feet and seeing colts and fillys playing together in the snow. I was wearing a white shirt, grey pants and shoes and my trusty black trench coat to sheild me from the cold. Luna wore a blue dress with black fur boots I stole from Rarity, cant change that fast from old habits, my white jacket and blue ear muffs I stole from Rainbow dash. "We need Rares to whip something up for you, maybe more modern style and less open to the cold" I said seeing the mare shiver, I quickly wrapped my wing around her for making Luna hum. "Well I have been meaning to change my clothing, but never found it intresting, maybe later we can figure that out" Luna said said. As the sun continued to rise we saw ponies start to awaken and getting ready for the day. Opening up shops or stands, rubbing the sleep from their eye's, putting up decorations and finally having some coffee something I wouldn't mind right now. "So this is what happens when Celestia raises her sun, kinda dull at first don't you think?" Luna asked me and I shrugged. "Eh, I'm kind of a morning person so I don't get bothered by it, but from what Brigid tells me ol' sun butt herself hates mornings with a passion" I said causing the Moon mare to giggle. "How strange, Celestia doesnt show it often, but I believe I noticed her stumble almost every day ever since Brigid became her marefriend now I wonder why thats so?" Luna said tapping her chin and I chuckled. "I got a good idea... Im suprised Brigids pelvis isn't shattered to dust yet" I said quite impressed. "Oh believe me, she dragged her self out of the room not because it hurt, but because it felt so good for her, she told me herself" Luna threw in and I snorted softly. "Well just tell her not to over do it... ah we're here" I said stopping infront of the orphanage in ponyville, I knew the mare that worked here beacuse I would visit the kids alot. We walked into the building and saw the oak clean oak wood floor, green and blue stone stairs leading the bedrooms upstairs, a small wooden desk receptionist and finally the mare herself. "Oh Steel, Princess luna what brings you two here?" Sunny said holding a small foal in her arms. Sunny was a bright yellow unicorn mare with a dark yellow mane and tail, green eyes and wearing a white sundress with a blue apron over it. "Hey sunny, we just came by to see Pip and Scoots is all" I said and the mare smiled. "They're outside with the others can you please watch them until I get back, this little guy needs his milk" Sunny said and we nodded before walking it to the back of the orphanage were we saw a large open area with a playground type deal for the kids to play at, tables for them to eat or talk around and in the far corner is a large tree that covers the large yard with its leaves. The kids were playing around in the snos for the most part but we couldnt find Scoots or Pip. We walked around for a bit before spotting the two foals we came to see, they were both sitting at the base of the tree and played around with it. As we came up towards the two foals heared the crunching snow turned and saw us walking towards, to say they were happy was an understatement... litteraly a big understatement. "STEEEELLL!!" The two screamed and tackled me to the floor embracing me in a very tight hug. Luna was giggling in her hand to keep herself from bursting into laughter, she walked over to me and the foals with a small devil like smile. "You knew this was gonna happen... didnt you?" I asked and she gave an innocent smile. "Why darling we have no idea what thou is talking about" Luna said in onld english giving away her trap. I rolled my eyes at the mare and stoop up with the two still clinging to my body. "We thought you had died ans weren't coming back!" Pip said. "Princess luna said you had died protecting her but... why didn't you think of something else to protect her with?!" Scoots said and tears welled up in her eyes, I frowned and set the two down on the ground. "I know I messed up... pretty bad and scared everyone to death, and Im sorry for doing so I had little time to think about the situation. I saw a flash and yes I could have summoned a sheild, used my sword or a magic barrier but I got careless and jumped infront of Luna without thinking" I said wipping Scoots tears away. "Its just something I do sweetness, my legs move before I can think of any sort of plan it's something I told my Step-mom awhile back, if I ever see anyone hurt or in need of my help I would be the first one to go and if it was one of you guy's being targeted I would take an arrow or a bullet just to keep you guy's safe because you're all speacial to me" I finished smiling warmly and I was again hugged but it was only scoots this time. I snorted softly and hugged her back. "Just don't leave again" Scoots sniffled, I sighed andpatted her head. "Its alright Scoots... Im not going anywhere this time... I promise" "Aww isn't this sweet, might give me a cavity" Sunny said walking over with the foal still in hand this time with a bottle. "Hi ms. Sunshine" Pip said waving to the mare. "Hello pip I see you and your sister have caught up with Steel and the Princess" Sunny said ruffling pips head. "Anyways I hope you wouldn't mind but may I steal your princess for a bit" "Just dont say she's in another castle" I said and let Sunny and Luna walk back inside. "So guy's what do you wanna do?" "Well... could show us some of your sword fighting skills please?!" Scoots asked and I chuckled a bit at her enthusiasm, I put her back on the floor ans stretched my arms a bit to get loosened before summoning Rebellion. "Whoa is that your sword?!" "Oh yeah, call him Rebellion can slice through anything" I said stabbing the ground with ease. "So what do y'all wanna see?" I asked and they shrugged. "Um... how about just regular fighting type thing with the tree?" Pip asked and I nodded before getting into a stance and got ready, with a small flex of my hand I took off. (Pov Princess Luna) "Alright girl give me details asap, and dont play coy when I know you two did the ba-boom" Sunny said her personality changing instantly. "I-I have no idea what you're talking about" I retaliated sitting down in the kitchen same with her and the little one. "Honey please, I know when some got rocked hard its in your walk and you smell faintly of Steel. Water and soap maybe good but my nose is better" Sunny said giggling a little. "Alright fine, we might have had a little fun before coming here... and goddess does he still got it even coming back alive he knows how to treat a mare!" Luna squealed. "Man you're so lucky I wish I could have a coltfriend that would do me before going on about our day... but sadly I dont, a mare can dream" Sunny sighed and I gained a slight grin. "Oh a mare can dream... and yours are dirtier than that mouth of yours Sunshine" I said remembering the time she walked in on one of sunnys dreams about a certian stallion. "It would be a shame if Rainbow were to find out" "And it would be ashame if Steel finds out about you peeping on others dreams again" Sunny said and I had no come backs after that. "Play those cards right honey you may be hundreds of years old but girl, I got experience and enough sassiness to go around" "Touche, anyways I got a little news nothing serious so dont get all worked up, but Steel is taking me on a date for the first time" I said and I started to feel a sense of excitement coming from Sunny who had the biggest smile. "No" "Please!" Sunny begged. "I said no and thats final" I stated ending with a small huff, sunny puffed her cheeks out but then got an idea. "You know... I got something that can make him and you feel something amazing and its all in a small potion" Sunny said and my statue cracked a bit. "It'll make you last longer and make him way harder than before c'mon I know you want it" "... Im listing" (Pov Steel) With a simple swing of my arm I cut a rock in half with little to no effort, I feel like I've grown stronger for some reason. It might have something to do with the saiyan blood in me, gotta ask Logan about that later. "Steel that was so awesome you have to teach how to use a sword one day please!" Scoots begged as the two rushed over to me. "Well first you gotta grow a bit short stuff, and Pip has to be a little bigger as well. And no I will not use any aging spells to make you older, your childhood is precious I never had one because I was born different" I said and sat down on the floor. "But one thing I will do is let you have experience your childhood, it'll make you... and myself happy knowing you got to enjoy it" I said looking at my arm and back to the past. Scoots and pip came from my left and right then hugged me. "Were sorry you'll get part of your life back Steel" Pip said. "But look on the bright side, you have your friends, me and pip, three princesses and you're a newly titled princess. I guess you just have to get through the bad days to finally get to the good ones" Scoots added in and I cracked a smile then patted their heads. "Thanks kids for getting me out of the dumps, and Scoots your right I have had terrible if not the most horrible of days in my last... but the second I came here, I met Luna, met the girls, the boy's, Celestia, Frost, Twilight. Made amends with my sister and actually found love in the world... I finally got past the bad days and was thrusted into the good ones, thanks Scoots for the little advice I think I might take it" "That'll be thirty bits please plus tax" Scoots retorted holding out her hand but I rolled my eyes and had them let go of me before getting up. "Alright lets go find Luna we wanted to get some breakfast with y'all before the others wake up" I said. "Really! C'mon pip free food!" Scoots shouted excitedly, I let out a small laugh before we started making our way to Luna and sunny. "Hey uh Steel" "Yeah whats up?" I asked looking down, scoots looked embarrassed to ask but I noticed Pip wanting to hold my hand. I smiled warmly and held out my hands for both of them. "Sure go ahead" I said and both the siblings grabbed each hand before continuing on inside. (Inside) "Luna, you in here?!" I called out and heared chatter coming from the kitchen. I told the kids to wait for me here and I went to go see what the two were talking about. As I grew near the more clearer the conversation got. "So you're telling me, that this small little potion will spike his hormones to make him last as long as I want, and even have one for me I see" I heared luna say, I stoped at the door and listined in. "I dont know sunny, I like how it is now... scratch that I love the way it is now so Im just not sure about this" "C'mon honey it's something I used on my old coltfriend and he said he had the time of his life. Trust your good friend Sunshine Lulu" Sunny said and I could hear Luna shuffling in a seat. "Are you sure he wont be hurt by this?" Luna asked sunny. "Girl trust me, one sip and both wildest dreams come true just dont get a foal in that stomach of yours" Sunny said causing me to go as red as an apple. "S-Shut up... were not even talking about marriage let alone having children" Luna said flustered. I heared sunny hum and giggle. "Dont worry Lulu, I made to were it wont make you pregnant so you can take as much cream as you like without consequences... though I think you two would make great parents, Pipsqeak and Scootaloo said so" Sunny said. All was quiet, so quiet you could here the snow flakes fall from the sky outside the house. "Do you think... you two might think about adoption?" "I am... but Im scared that I nor Steel would be able to handle such responsibility, it would warm my heart to wake up and see Scootaloo and Pipsqeak waiting for me or Steel... I do love them and all three of us went through Steels death hard and I almost shut down completely if it wasnt for them" Luna said warmly and I to have thought of this. Constantly. 'You know, its not such a bad idea... adoption I mean, those two kiddies... they're alright and I can tell you love as much as luna does' Lux spoke in my head. He wasn't wrong and thats what made it worse. 'I cant do it... Im not good enough, they deserve better Im nothing, they deserve- "You" Lux came out of my head and looked me dead in the eye. I walked away from the door, far enough so they wouldnt hear us speak. "Lux... Im scared" I said leaning against a wall, the man simply humed at this. "I want to but I know Im nothing, yet you say they deserve me... why?" "Because they need happiness big brother... and you and Luna are the only one's that can give'em that happiness... so why are you afraid?" Lux asked me. "Because... Because... I dont want them to end up... just like me" I said painfully. "One day I had everything and the next... I had nothing, I was lucky to get a second chance. To come here and start fresh and close up old wounds but some still linger. I love those kids to much to put them through what I have if anything happens to me, the guys, the mane six, the royals, brigid, trixie, spike, cinder, god forbid luna, twilight, frost and spitfire... if all of us one day vanished and they were my own children, then they would end up just like me... alone, angry, scared, confused and yearning for another shred of happiness" I stared at the ground intently with a small tear coming down my face. "Lux... Im asking this as a Brother... what do I do?" There was a long silence that hung thickly in the air, that is until Lux spoke. "I know your pain, I know your suffering, I know everything that makes you quiver in fear... I even know what drives you to go head first into danger... but the one thing that I dont know is" Lux stoped and tapped my forehead with fingers making me look up to him. "What to do" with that Lux went back into my head and I sighed heavily wanting to know this damned answer. But nothing came to mind. "*Sigh* Guess I'll figure it out eventually, for now I'll go find out what Sunny and Luna are talking about" I said and walked back to the door and went beyond. The sunny was giving luna two viles filled with green liquid. 'I think thats the hormone spike Sunny was talking about' I thought before clearing my throat. "Ah! Steel I-I didn't know you were here" Luna said and hid the viles behind her back. Sunny pretended not to know anything but I might as well tell them. "Luna I heared your entire conversation" I said and her ears drooped faster than her color draining from her face. "Steel its not that I dont like how it is now I just-" "I wanna try it out as well" I said interrupting her, the look of shock formed on Sunnys face as she heared the words come out of my mouth. I walked over to luna and reached behind her and took a vile from her hand, "If this is something you wanna try I'm all for it, besides... I need a little boost to destroy your rump the way you want it" I said with a small wink. "You lucky bitch" Sunny said giving me bedroom eyes. "Thank you" I said and stared at the vile. "Whats in this stuff?" I asked Sunny who grabbed some worn out paper. "Its called "Change", I learned it from zecore when I last visited her and its supposed to change how your hormones are to make you change the way you act and how you play in bed" Sunny said and I humed. "Well, I guess I should give this a chance later on tonight we will drink this before leaving... sound good luna?" I asked the mare who seemed a bit dazed. Luna?" I asked again snapping her back to reality. "Sorry Im just wondering how we'll act is all, but yes lets give this a chance." Luna said, we thanked Sunny and told her how the experiment went then grabbed Scoots and Pip then went off for some breakfast. (Pov Brigid) I walked down the warm halls of the castle in a fancy dress that I was forced to wear by celestia. She said she wanted me to be atleast elegant when other royals came by for a metting, I arrived at the door and opened it. "Ay Tia, this dress sucks can I wear my regular stuff?" I called out and noticed the kings and queens from various parts of equis. They stared at me like I was chocolate on a silver plater, Tia was sitting across the other end of the table with Gleaming. I walked over to my marefriend and leaned on the chair she was sitting on. "Uhm... princess Celestia who is this um... mare that inturupted this meeting?" A stallion asked his accent sound like an old british man. His fur was ashy grey and his mane was pure silver, he wore a red top with medals and black pants, he had a scar on his face telling me he has seen battle before. "Dont talk so mighty around this girl" A familiar voice rang through the room said. I looked and saw the dragon king himself, Ignis. "She's the sister of Steel Fox" "Hello Ignis, seems you healed nicely for someone that got his ass handed to him" I said and the leaders all stared in a very judging manner. "How dare you speak to your better like that, you will respect my king!" The dragoness guard threatened but Ignis raised his hand. "Forgive me your highness" "Thats enough for now Kanna, you speak of an alien Prince might I remind you... and the prince that defeated me in combat" Ignis grunted out and this news shocked some of the royals while some shook nervously remembering that time. "If we were to come to blows ms. Brigid, I would surely lose" "Wait if that Steel Fox is a prince, why isnt he hear like the rest of us?" The old stallion said with slight confusion. "You know why king Magnus, The man is still recovering from deaths grips. But knowing him, you can kill him all you want its not gonna stop him from coming back" Ignis said and stared right at me. "Tell me ms. Brigid... Where are the other royals, such as Princess Luna, Frost and Twilight sparkle?" "As you know two live with my brother and Princess Luna has told us not to disturb her when she is visiting my brother. Do not send your guards to retrieve him or they will end up with bruises when they return" I said and King magnus looked puzzled. "This man sound quite dangerous if he were to harm guards only asking to met us for a meeting" Magnus said but both Brigid and the royals alicorns laughed. "Pardon me but, why are you ladies laughing?" "Who said Steel was gonna beat those guards, he has trained Luna to fight even better than she has before. She is still in training as are his other marefriends, but they will surely be upset stealing their toy away from them" I replied through my laughes. "Ms. Brigid please this is a place is important for trade, associating our borders and other political activities. Dont not say such choice and lewd words please" Magnus said and looked over to the queens of neighbouring countrys who had turned red. "Yeah yeah, I know you ladies seen how he looks. I can see you want a peice of him" I joked and made a couple of the mares, female diamond dogs, griffoness, and Kanna shuffle slightly. "Kanna!" Ignis shouted. "A-apologies sir... but... She's not wrong, I would love to have him take me and dominate me with his own strength and feel what his body is like" Kanna blurted out and the other queens nodded. "Trust me, he can please you as long as you want" Cadence said shivering as she remembers the last time Steel was with her. "Amazing" "I wouldn't mind taking him for a ride if all of us are saying what we want from him" Celestia said and I pouted. "Oh dont give me that look, I love what you do in bed better than what Steel can do" "Oh he can do soooo much!" Cadence shivered again. Ahem. Every woman in the room stoped talking about Steel and looked at manus who had a red face. "L-Ladies come now, you are adults way past your unsated state of desire, please show some control and please be mature and keep your fantasies in your heads if you will" Magnus said and their was nothing but silence. "Who wants to keep talking about Steel?" Cadance asked and raised her hand, as did the queens, and celestia. Magnus groaned in his chair and face palmed as the girls went back to gossiping. As they talked and talked, I got a letter from Steel. I opened it up and read what it said. Dear Brigid, Im sending you this letter to inform you that I, and your brother Steel Fox will be heading out for a small date. We ask that you take the present we got for the kids and for all of you to the castle and wait until we return. Please stay safe and warm Sincerely, Princess Luna "Ay Tia, I'll be right back gotta pick up a few things. Remember the presents we got and put them next to the tree" I said to the mare and she gave me a look that said, 'Consider it done'. I rolled up the letter and teleported to Steels house then grabbed the presents in the little space they had and went back to the castle. "Way better than sitting in a room full of horny woman talking about Steel" I said a slight bit of jealously dripping off my words. "Im good to you know" "Yes, you are" Celestia said and wrapped her arms around me. "Dont be such a sour puss Brigid, you know I like it with you anyways" Celestia said resting her head ontop of mine. "Yeah I know, you cant stop screaming my name in the morning" I said causing her to blush, we sat down on the couch and relaxed. "So what happened with the meeting" I asked as I felt her give me another braid. "It was ended early and the rulers are on their way back to their kingdoms as we speak, that big talk about Steel really riled up alot of queens and some of the female guards" Celestia said humming a little as she braided the strand of hair. "What was that letter Luna sent you?" "Oh she and Steel are going on a date tonight, but will be here on time when we exchange gifts" I answered and Celestia giggled. "What?" "My little sister has grown up, and it only took a few thousand years and an Alien to help her... I wonder how they will plan for this date" Celestia said making me think for a bit. "Knowing Steel, probably gonna go with a fancy dinner or something nice I just hope they dont have to much fun" "And if they do?" "We'll save that for later, now let's get this place redecorated for the holidays" (Night time, a few hours till midnight, Pov Steel) I sat down on the couch waiting for luna to get dressed for tonight while holding the potion Sunny gave us. I was dressed in a plain white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a black vest that hugged me, black jeans, and dress shoes. "Damn whats taking her so long its been half an hour" I asked looking at a clock. That when I heared soft foot steps coming down the stairs, I looked over and I felt my heart skip a beat. "Im sorry if I keot you waiting, I asked Rarity if she could make something for me and she seemed to have made it slightly to tight not that it matters I asked to make it stretch able so it should match my figure when we get their" Luna said, she had turned her ether hair to it baby blue color and placed it in a beautiful braid that allowed her bangs to cover her right eye and the dress she was wearing shaped her curvy figure with its breath taking black and snow white design making to seem like clouds in the night sky. She wore red lipstick and an earing that seemed familiar. I was stared breathlessly at the mare who blushed at the attention, no words could describe her beauty. "Wow" I muttered and got up. "You look... breath taking" I said. "Come now... no need to lie I'm not anything special" Luna shyly countered and smiled slightly at my complement. "Luna, you're beautiful" I said again standing infront of her and cupped her cheek. "Keep talking like that and we wont even go to the restaurant" Luna seductively said and grabbed my hand. "Do you... still have the potion?" Luna asked and I showed her the green vile. "I'll dont it only if you want Luna" I said and her face looked worried, but I reassured her with a small peck. "If we do this it will be fine I promise" "... Okay, lets give it a shot on the count of three" Luna said as we sat on the couch and brought out the viles. "One" We uncorked the tube. "Two" Raised it up. "Three!" And downed it in one go, as we finished drinking the potion we sat in silence. For awhile, nothing had happened which seemed odd to us. We looked at our selfs then at eachother. "I dont feel different how about you?" I asked. "No... I dont feel different either... did the potion not wor-" Luna stopped and went stock still. "Luna-!" I shouted and was also as stiff as a bored, I could feel something pounding against my skull and the sounds of laughing. My vision became blurry but I saw Luna faint on the couch and soon I followed. (Third pov) Steel and Luna's bodies laid limp on the white couch for a moment, they were so still and lifeless it looked like they werent even breathing. Then Luna's body twitched and her Blue fur turned pitch black, her baby blue hair and tail turned to the inky black sky rittled with bright stars, her body grew taller by a few inches and bother wings and horn grew exponentially until they were as big as Celestias, her chest and rear have grew bigger as well stretching the fabric even more to the point were it looked like it would rip. Steels Long hair grew shorter and his tan skin turned slightly darker and his wings turned blood red. His iris had turned crimson red and his his muscle mass grew slightly as well. Luna was the first to come to but her Iris was a baby blue and her pupils slitted, she smiled and laughed maniacally. She was no longer Luna, no she was nightmare moon. "Ah~ how wonderful, my otherself has released me and now this body is mine. Now I can bring about eternal night and claim equestria as mine ahahaha!" Nightmare laughed only to be inturpted by a groan, she looked and her eyes widen. She remembers Steel even after so much time had pass. "You... it was you who robed my of my crown" Steels body rose back up and hung forward confusing Nightmare. She went to touch him but his hand shot to hers scaring her tremendously, Steel looked back up and a large smile was on his face along with his blood drivin eyes. "Sorry sweetheart, Steels not in right now... you got the one and only Lux tenebris" Lux said and took in Nightmare like an exquisite candy. " My, My Luna, you sure have grown since the last time I saw you, you're even more beautiful than before" Lux said making nightmare blush slightly. "I-I am not Luna, I am Nightmare Moon the true ruler of equis and I will bring eternal night!" Nightmare said and Lux tilted his head slightly. "What, why do you not tremble in fear or beg for mercy!?" "Because I've seen shit that'll make you fear me Nightmare Moon... I dont really care if your the true ruler, shit I just want your sweet ass to be mine" Lux said and pulled her closer making their bodies hug and their lips almost touching. "You can rule me all you want sweetheart, but I break rules I dont follow them" Lux said and grinned. "U-Unhand me peasent! You dare lay your hands on your queen?!" Nightmare yelled at Lux and pushed him away her face red. "Haha oh man you should see how red your face is! Hahaha!" Lux laughed at the mare who looked ready to destroy him. Nightmare got up from the couch and began looking around familiarizing herself with the house until she saw a photo of Steel and Luna together with twilight, frost, Celestia, Birgid, the Mane Six, The Guys, Gilda, the CMC, Trixie, Spike and Cinder, The assassin twins, and the other royals. "Ah yes,my brother Steel Fox" Lux said peeking over her shoulder, the mare 'eeped' and turned to the man while leaning against the wall. "I-I know who he is... he stopped me from claiming my crown, and whats worse is that my otherself is in a reationship with him" Nightmare said and Lux chuckled. "Yes he has stole much from me to... but I cant really do anything since Im just like you... an emotion with a conscious and physical body" Lux said looking at the picture then to her. "Tell me Nightmare... why do you wish to bring eternal night sounds very arrogant to me" Lux asked and got a heated glare from the evil queen. "Is it because of Celestia?" He asked and grabbed a flying sword coming towards his face. "What made you so jealous hmm, Her assest? Her figure? Her wings? Her horn? Her power? Her way with men and how she can have anyone she so pleases?" Lux's shot every question like a pistol and grabbed all the weapons being thrown at him by Nightmare. "Shut up! You know nothing, she is a selfish narcissist who didnt give a damn until I became Nightmare Moon!" Nightmare shouted at him and now just threw random objects at him all doing nothing. "Like you would know my pain, you werent put on a damn rock for a thousand years, you didnt feel like you were worthless because your sibling got everything just by shaking her flank to get it! You know nothing!" Nightmare gasped as she hit the wall and tried to climb up it like a cat but failed, Lux slammed his hand beside her head making her tremble slightly. (Pov Nightmare Moon) I felt my own body tremble as he slammed his hand near me, I can feel how strong he is even without him touching me. It terrified me. I didnt know such a being was capable of being this powerfull, my pupils went pinprick as his right hand rose up and slid against my arm. It was enough to make my fur stand on the back of my neck, he reached up to my neck and then my cheek. I shut my eyes waiting for something to happen. 'This is what true fear is like?!' I screamed in my head and just waited. But nothing came, I felt some of my mane get gently pulled and pushed out of my face. Then I felt his breath hit my neck making me shiver and almost stop breathing, he placed two fingers on my chin and lifted my head up slightly. And he said three simple words. "Open your eye's." I slowly did as he said and was met with two blood red orbs staring back at me, his eye told me almost everything. He is alone, no one that cares for him, no one to tell him he will be fine... nothing. He was trapped in a dark place alone with only a shred of light that barely lights up the room. It was sadness in his eyes, until he met mine and his eyes grew brighter. "I am not going to hurt you nightmare... I'm just wanting to know why you do the things you do, just tell me what made you, you" Lux said to me. "I... I hated being alone... and having my night sky tarnished by those who didnt even so much as glance or play or did anything when the moon was lit and the stars with it. I spent years upon years building-no, painting the sky with my image of happiness I wanted ponies to see my night sky and loe its beauty such as many others... but they tossed it away like it was garbage and I grew jealous of the ponies prasing Celestias sun more than my Moon... Celestia didnt care at the time and thought I was just going through a faze and I believed it for two whole years before I finally got fed up, told her everything and all she said was. 'Luna its just a faze, it'll pass soon enough', I was furious because I wanted-neigh, I needed help and she sat on her fat white ass and did nothing" I ranted out walking to the couch and sitting down, Lux stayed quiet and his expression did not change he looked to be listing intently. "After a week had past I finally snapped and plunged myself into jealousy creating me. And right then and there I swore I would make the night last forever for all to see its beauty with me ass queen and Celestia in a cage for all eternity" I finished and took a few deep breaths. It was then did I realize Lux was sitting next to me and wrapped his wing around me. "I see... your jealousy and hatred are as pure as Fluttershys heart, Im sorry that you went through this pain and barely had anyone to turn to. If I could I would go back in time and be the one to help you and listin to how you feel" Lux said and stared at the ground. "Because unlike Celestia... I know your pain, its also how I was created jealousy and hatred piled up in one small boy... years of unbridled anger, all because he lost his brother to one single man he can never defeat" Lux said, I was shocked anyone could beat Lux let alone Steel she can tell Lux was even strength, speed, stamina, and basically everything with Steel. "Who... is the being can this Steel Fox not beat?" I asked and he turned to me. "Something no can run from or defeat... and that man is death himself" He said stood up. "I was created by emotions, unlike many I was the only one able to manifest a body and conscious... but I was alone, frightened to the point were I became insane but it was were I also gained my sanity back." Lux said walking towards a window and saw the snow falling from the sky. "I wanted to be free... and be my own person, but I was forced to be in my brothers body unless he separates us which he will never do. I have a dream, it's vague but I can see it clearly... freedom" "I-I see... I guess we sorta had the same intentions, your dream is to be free and I guess mine is to be free from other's judgement" I said getting up and joing him, Lux chuckled at my comment. "Those are completely opposite things Nightmare... but atleast I can see your point, also I think you should stop you quest for eternal night not that I wouldn't mind but we need sun butts sun to grow food and give warmth so we dont starve, freez and in General die a horrible death" Lux said and I went a bit brain dead. "Huh?" "What did you think people were just gonna be hunky dory, Nightmare let me give you a lesson... If you take the sun away the thing that brings warmth and life and gives people food from the ground, what do you think would happen?" Lux asked and I sat their in complete shock. "Oh my goddess" "Their ya go, so for the sake of this land why dont you stop your hellbent quest for eternal night Moony" Lux said and I pouted then swatted his arm makijg him laugh. "Please miss, may I have another?" "Your beyond crazy and sane Mr. Tenebris-" "Please calm me Lux Tenebris" Lux interrupted. "Sorry Lux Tenebris-" "Mr. Lux Tenebris" Lux interrupted again this time with a grin and I saw his little game he was playing. "Fine Mr. Lux Tenebris then you shall call me Queen Nightmare Moon, since you want to be formal" I said making him snort softly. "Are we done with the games Mr. Lux Tenebris?" "Fine... you win Queen Nightmare Moon, now how about a prize?" Lux said and began stripping of his vest and shirt. But before he began talking off the vest I stopped him. "Awe the big bad Queen doesnt like seeing skin huh... afriad I might disappoint my Queen?" "N-No... not really i-its just I never seen a-a mans body.. before" I said getting more silent, I felt a small pat on my head. "Geez for an evil Queen you sure are shy... but I have thing for shy mares you could say if Strings wasnt here the nice buttered colored ass would be mine" Lux said and I knew excatly who he was talking about. I grinned slightly and made my horn charge its magic getting ready for a spell. "OH MY GOSH WHATS THAT?!" I screamed and he turned around. (Pov Mr. Lux Tenebris) I turned around to see what caught Nightmares attention, but I heared a pop behind me and when I looked back I turned a bit red. It was Fluttershy but something was off... very off. "Hello Lux~" Fluttershy said rather seductively, I blinked a few times and slapped myself before looking back at the mare. "What... what happened to Nightmare?" I asked Fluttershy, she wore what Nightmare was wearing but I was a bit distracted by the current situation. Fluttershy gently grabbed my cheek and litteraly hugged my body with hers and I felt her giant Tits press against me. 'AAAAAAAnd good morning woody' I thought to myself. "You know Lux... I may be soft, timid and very very shy... but I'll show you a whole new me when we, have some fun~" Fluttershy said and I grew a bigger blush. "I cant wait to feel just how hard it is... and you can play with me for as long as want but just leave me satisfied sound fair?" "Yeah sounds fair, but I got one problem... I like alicorns more" I said and ripped her dress off. Fluttershy look down and her entire face turned beet red, another flash of light appeared and their stood Nightmare naked and embarrased. "Damn, you look good naked" I said and laughed as the mare glared at me and covered her self with her hands. "Y-You bastard!" Nightmare yelled at me. "Ah calm down will ya, here" I said snapping my fingers and some clothes appeared infront of her. "C'mon get dressed, I know being naked is new to you so get in those clothes I wont look... much" with that said I turned around and waited. Nightmare grabbed the clothes and noticed how casual they are. "Don't you have a formal attire for me instead of regular clothes?" Nightmare asked me but I shook my head. "I see... alright give me a second" She said and quickly started getting dressed. I peeked over my shoulder once or twice and man was she beautiful, and her assets beat Celestias by a mile if only I could have some fun with her. But taking in on how she's so shy, I dont think she would even let me have a simple look at her body let alone have sex. "Ok... Im done" Nightmare annouced and I turned back around to see how she looks. "Hmm... not bad Nightmare" I said seeing her wearing a light blue longsleeve, black pants that hugged her amazing thighs and rear, and some regular sneakers. "You look good in casual clothing" "Don't be so modest, I would much rather have my armor and helm but that blasted Luna was wearing that dress preventing me from doing so" Nightmare said with a small pout. I rolled my eyes and looked at a clock on the wall, it was a few hours till midnight and so far it looks like no ones coming over. "Well... what do you wanna?" Nightmare asked out of the blue. "Um... Im... not to sure, I've never been this free for long to do anything so... I don't know" I said and looked outside trying to think of something. "Well... how about we go for a walk see if we can find something while we do so" Nightmare suggests and it wasnt that bad but it had a problem. "Im not sure thats a good Idea what with you being... well 'us' being evil" I said we both sat and thought. Thats when an idea hit me, I snapped my fingers and two silver rings popped in my hand. "What are these rings?" Nightmare asked and I slipped one one turning me into my Pegasus disguise. "Oh! Disguise rings of course!" She said happily and slid it on. Her hieght had stayed the same but her bust grew drastic smaller all the way down to an A-cup, her horn vanished leaving her wings. Nightmares rear had grown smaller but still remained plump and her fur turned light blue along with her mane and Iris. "Well then... here we come ponyville, the two most dangerous beings have arrived" (Ponyville) We walked down the festive streets of ponyville, the towns pony all seem to be having a fun with their families and friends. I gave nightmare my hoodie and Ihad the hood up covering her face. "How are you not cold?" Nightmare asked and I could see her shivering a little, with a small motion I wrapped a wing around her ceasing her shivering self. "I don't really know either, from what steel says its something only hybrids have in common. So right now it feels warm, he just wears the jacket cause it makes him look cool" I said and looked around taking in ponyville. "So this the fabled ponyville huh? Looks nice a bit smaller than I imagined, have you been here Nightmare" "Yes, but also not you see I can still see what Luna see's and she has been around ponyville alot. I know this place like the back of my hand, hey lets go here I've always wanted to see what was in a bar" Nightmare said excitedly pointing at the Bronco pub. I shrugged and we began walking that way and entered the little establishment, we were hit with warm air and an atmosphere that resembles home. The music was bringing a welcoming warmth and it made me smile. "Oi!" We heared a mare shout, we looked to see a mare with a color plum coat, raspberry pink mane and tail, fandango eyes and a killer body. "Are ya gonna stand there or drink till ya drop?!" She asked and motioned us forward. We walked up to the bar and she leaned on it showing off her fairly large breasts. I was staring so much thay she giggled and I was swatted by Nightmare. "Have ya not seen a mares knockers before?" Berry asked teasing me and got spot on. "Well Im sure your friend here will show ya, after all that ass dont lie" She laughed and made nightmare blush, "Oh Im just pullin your tail lass, anyways what would like we got everything" "Hmm... what would you like nightmaaaaaa-I mean Moon?" I asked getting a look from nightmare. "C'mon then tell the nice mare" I said and nightmare began choosing. "Some white wine would be nice if you have any" Nightmare asked and in about ten seconds flat berry had a wine glass, the white wine, and some cheese and crackers. It suprised us how fast she got all this but I decided to challenge her with the one thing I know equestria doesnt have the balls to bring out. "Hit me with Vodka... straight" I said and the music stopped everyone looked at me like I was a mad man... which wasnt far from the truth. Berry grinned at me and rolled her eyes. "Alright funny joke man now tell me what you really want" Berry said once more and I narrowed my eyes. "Like I said... Straight Vodka, I aint no lightweight unlike you all" I said and they glared at me. With one last look Berry kneeled down and was right back up with a shot glass and the bottle of Vodka that looked dusty. 'Guess no one really did have the balls to drink it'. Berry poured the liquid in the glass ane handed it to me, I could smell the sharp scent from here. And it smelt a little... nostalgic for some reason like I've constantly smelt it before. With a shrug I downed it and it hit me like punch to face but man did it taste good, I grabbed the bottle and chugged the bottled making even the manliest stallions look on in shock. "AAAAAAH~ Oh yeah thats that good shit!" I shouted with batted breaths, I crushed the bottle sighed. "Man that was good... what no more Vodka? Ah shit oh well didn't even give me a buzz" "Holy mother of Celestia and Luna..." Berry awed at me as did everyone else. "Not even Greenie was able ta chug a bottle of Vodka" "Ha... that stallion can drink I'll say that but when it comes to the hard shit, no one can top me" I said and summoned a bag of bits then gave her a big handful. "Keep the change Berry, its also to pay for the wine glass and other things see you next time, c'mon Moon" I said and we both left leaving them in silence. Then I came back in and took a deep breath. "Stay away from my vodka!... what its a classic" I said and walked back out. Nightmare was laughing as we walked through a park, we finished the crackers and wine so we decided to go through. "I can't believe you drank that whole bottle like nothing!" Nightmare said through laughs, I rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah that was the weak shit, though I know something that can get me intoxicated" I said grabbing her and pinned her to a tree, her face was red but she held a glare. "N-Not funny Lux!" Nightmare growled at me and 'eeped' when I close to her face practically almost touching her. "W-Wait what are you-!" I interuppted her hy slipping off her disguise ring along with mine. "We can be seen like this kr the town will panick!" "Its ok... let them, I dont care about only you" I said and made her blush even more. "This is the only time either of us will be free... lets live a little and do something crazy heh not like Im far from that" "B-But what about Celestia and the others, if they catch us they will try to destroy us with the elements of harmony a-and we would cease to exist I-I dont want that to-Hmph!" I stopped her ranting by pushing my lips on hers feeling the softness that I always wanted to feel. I felt Nightmares heart race and her wings sprung out fully, her eyes had went as wide as the moon but slowly closed the longer it went on until she wrapped her arms around my neck and her eyes closed. Fireworks had gone off behind us and we both knew this was right, I hate the thought of us never coming out but maybe one day... we will see eachother again. And be happy together like Steel and Luna, but for now that is a dream that we share now. I wrapped my wings around her and parted from her, her eyes sparkled brightly and her cheeks were coated with crimson. I was no different, my face had grown a crimson color as well. "You worry to much Nightmare" I simply said and that was enough to have her pounce on me. It was long before we parted again, "I guess I should be thanking you for kissing me?" "No because I enjoyed it very much... I wont lie I found you very handsome the moment I saw you and now I know this seems rushed but, I think we are meant to be" "Strange... I felt the same thing as well" I said and smiled warmly. "You should smile more, I like it alot now what else should we do?" Nightmare asked and slipped her ring on. I did the same and thought for a moment, only to be inturpted by a letter popping up infront of us. I looked at nightmare before reaching out and grabbing the parchment, I opened it up and began reading. Dear Steel and Luna, I hope that you two are having fun on your date, I hope you have enough time to come and be with us for Hearths Warming. The children and our friend's are all waiting for you two so please be here soon Sincerely Princess Celestia I looked at Nightmare and she seemed to be saddened, I tossed the paper away and booped her nose. "Dont worry, I'll be right next to you the whole time I promise. If things go south then I'll teleport us away ok" I suggested and Nightmare smiled then nodded. "Lets get out of these disguises and use our magic to change into luna and steel" Nightmare said as we took off the rings and turned into my brother and Luna. I grabbed her hand and she nodded before I teleported us to the castle. (Canterlot castle) We appeared right ontop of the dinning table and noticed our friend's sitting arkund said table waiting to eat. "*Ahem*... sup guys sorry were late Luna took forever trying to change" "Oh? What about the dress I made for you darling?" Rarity asked nightmare. We hopped down and sat diwn next to eachother. "Well you see I did think it would be appropriate for an occasion like this especially if their are children around, I believe it should be for Steels eyes only" Nightmare answered. "Sounds reasonable, it was suppose to be a head turner for stallions or mares. Anyways darlings how did the date go?" Rarity asked us. "Well we just went to dinner, got a few stares at some nobles to which I flipped off then we went back to ponyville hung out in a bar started a fight and won then we ended it with a small walk through the park" I said throwing in a few lies. "Who did you fight?" Chrysalis asked. "Ah just pink lemon, easey pickin anyways enough about us hows it going here?" I asked. "Well we got the kids to play in the other room which was hard enough with them all giddy with candy. Then we grabbed the presents and placed them under the tree, it was rather peaceful besides for the fact that I accidentally started a nations meeting to a 'We wanna bang Steel Fox' meeting with the queens and these guys" Brigid said pointing to the rest of the royals. "Alright... thats weird, anyways what are we waiting for?" I asked and just then the doors open having maids bring out dishes for us with food. Though I do feel slightly hungry I shouldn't eat because of the dinner lie. "Well me and Luna are gonna walk around the castle for a bit so enjoy your food" I said and motioned nightmare to join. "Alright see you two later I guess" Brigid waved and then dug into her food. We both left the dinning hall and began walking down the giant halls, I never really walked in the castle except for the time when I killed brinnington. I looked over to Nightmare and she looked very nervous, I nudged her making her look to me and I booped her nose again. "Whats the matter? Cat got your tounge or did I steal it?" I asked, nightmare just rolled her eyes at me. "Look I just... Im scared of what will happen to us if anyone finds out if Im Nightmare moon and your Lux Tenebris, I habent been this free in my entire life. I dont want to give it up now" Nightmare said her tone was filled with worry. "Its ok Nightmare, if they find out then they'll have to get past me to even touch you... hell I'm the scariest thing they dream of, the true Nightmare of dreams... with you next to me" I said getting sappy with the romance, she smiled and kissed me again. "You know, your the only person that actually became my friend. I wonder how Sunbreaker would think of you" Nightmare said confusing me then I started peicing it together. "Wait... you mean.. and she has a version like you?!" My shock carrying through my words, I then grew a large smile and dirty thoughts came to mind. "Oh this is just to good, no wonder I felt an evil precense in Celestia" "Yes but fair warning, I have seen her do it once and lets just say mother was not happy about it... anyways where should go walk, oh lets go see the kids I've always wanted to see them since I've gottin glimpses from lunas mind" Nightmare said all giddy, I snorted softly at the mare acting like a kid. She grabbed my hand and started pulling me to where the children were at. We neared the door and with one small push we heared a crash and laughter ring out, the room itself was fine but a wall was cracked, windows also painted with either food or paint. And finally the kids. Their was Pipsqeak, the cmc, light heart, Starfruit, Lime, Pitch and a colt with grey fur, a black mane and tail, and silver eyes. As we walked in I noticed Rose passed out on the couch oblivious to everything happing. "Damn you're one heavy sleeper" I said and walked passed the mare and clapped my hands. The kids looked to the sound and I was tackled by two foals, more specifically Pip and Scoots. "Hey guys hows it going?" "Were great Steel, I heared from Twilight that you and Luna went on a date I hope you to didnt have to much fun" Scoots said causing Nightmare to blush. "Nah, and were did you learn that dirty stuff?" I asked the filly and set them down letting me stand up. "Um... when we get babysat by Greenie when we have a cmc meeting" Scoots answere, I chuckled while shaking my head. "That man never knows when to shut up, so whats up with the mess?" I asked pointing to said mess everywhere. They all gave sheepish smiles, I rolled my eyes and waved my hand in the air fixing everything thay was broken and stained. I snapped my finger causing the kids to get cleaned up and wear santa hats with candy canes. "Their all fixed" "Wow! How did you do that?!" The grey colt asked excitedly. "Well my good pegasi I used my magic... by the way Im not sure Ive caught your name?" I asked. "My names Rumble, Im like Pip and Scoots over their but my brother joined the wonderbolts to live his dream. His names Thunderlane" Rumble said and he had alot of praise for his brother but its sad to her about the orphanage. Atleast now he has Pip and Scoots to hang out with. "Well Im glad you can spend Hearths Warming with us Rumble" I said, we let kids go back to playing and we sat on another couch across from Rose and watched them play. "This is nice... I wish we can be like all the time you know" Nightmare said and I couldnt lie I wish I could stay like this but I know sooner or later Steels and Luna are gonna come back in our heads and force us back inside their conscience. I gave out a low yawn as did nightmare, we both started to close our eyes then we passed out next to eachother. (Dream world) I opened my eyes and noticed I was in a black room, the same black room that I've grown to recognise. It was dreadful coming back to this place, and it always felt so lonely. I may be insane and other things but I have feeling too. Which is Ironic. "Why do I have to be alone... its not fair" I mumbled and floated in thought, "I wish I could have my own body, and I wish Nightmare had her own too" I sighed heavily then raised my hand up to my face, it was pure white, like paper. I hated the color white, not because it was devoid of all color... it just stains to easily. "Hmmm... I cant really think of anything except for...Nightmare" I said a d saw a small light. "Guess Im waking up, wonder how long I was out for?" (Real world) I began to open my eyes slowly and I felt something tighten its gring on my chest. I sat up right and rubbed the sleep from eyes and looked to the source, it was Nightmare she looked petrified I realized she was out of her Luna disguise and as was I. She stared at something from across and when I went to see what I barely had time to block a sword aiming for us. "The hell!" I shouted and tossed the person and blade back. It was Brigid, not only her but all of Steels friends with weapons, Including... Father. "Nightmare we have to go... now!" I shouted once more bringing her back to her senses and we went for the door but it was blocked by the royal twins. "I cant believe this... Nightmare moon, in my castle and she fooled all of us. Did you think you could kill us while we slept and take over equestria? Why are you here again havent you done enough by taking over my sisters body once and thats one to many" Celestia demanded angry and weilding a golden spear. "N-No I stopped trying, I know the consequences if I do so" Nightmare answered shaking and getting behind me. "And you Lux Tenebris what are you doing her with the children *gasp* were you planning on hurting them... you disgusting bastard!" Brigid shouted at me and they all raised they're weapons. "No, I merely sat down and took a nap while watching them. And would you put those things down your scaring Nightmare" I said making Celestia snort. "She tried to kill us once, we need to use the element's to purify both of you anf get rid of your evil selfs girls now!" Celestia said and we were spending to much time talking to see the girls getting ready for a rainbow blast. "Hold on!" I grabbed nightmare and teleported just in time to dodge the blast. We appeared behind them and sprinted out of the room and into the hall. We were being shot at with magic bolts and bullets by brigid, we made it outside and had the snow crunch under our steps. I stoped us then picked her up and sprinted to our right, leading us into a small feild connecting into the forest. I sprinted inside said forest and didnt stop until we reached some sort of cemetery. It looked old and decaying, the gates were rusted and the graves had fungi on it in the distance we saw a large hill that curled at the end to make a small spiril. I walked us over their and cleared off some of the snow for us to rest, I panted heavily while Nightmare wore a sadden expression. "Nightmare-" "I knew we shouldn't have gone we should have just sent a letter to say we were going to bed and that would be the end of that... but now we have my sister alomg with steels and lunas friends after us. Lux please dont say its going to be alright when I know its not" nightmare said then buried her face in her hands crying in them. I kept my mouth shut, I didn't want to see Nightmare cry but what can I do to help her calm down. I began thinking and thinking only to turn up blank, how else can this night get any worse. I looked around the cemetery and then the night sky, I was looking for something to try and make nightmare stop crying but I only have this place and the nightsky. Thats when it hit me, Steel used to be a singer so I wondered if I could do it as well since Im just like him with minor details. "Nightmare come here" I asked grabbing her hand and slowly walking her the spiril hill, I looked around and spotted a flower with white petals. "I want you to pluck every petal out saying 'he loves, he loves me not' until they're all gone ok?" I said and nightmares was confused but nodded nome the less. Nightmare plucked the flower from the ground and began plucking. "He loves... he loves me not" Nightmare repeated and I walked down the hill and cleared my throat. "He loves me not...... He loves me, wait Lux are you-" (A few minutes before, Pov Brigid) Me and Celestia raced through the forest looking for Lux and Nightmare as were the others. So far we found nothing they're footprints ended awhile ago, I didnt under stand it but it was probably the snow covering their tracks. "Argh... We have to find them Brigid, Nightmare and Lux are the most dangerous people on this planet, if they team up that could mean the end of equis as we know it!" Celestia said terrified as we ran. "I know but we'll find them whatch!" I called back, we continued running for awhile until we reach a cemetery. It old and decaying but the snow had stopped here for some reason and we saw foot prints, they were big telling us they were from a stallion or a Man. We followed the footprints until we saw the two sitting down on a strange hill. "They're they are lets get them" Celestia growled but I stopped her and ducked down when I saw Lux stand up and grab Nightmare. "What are you doing?!" Tia whisper shouted. "Lets wait until their guard is down then get them" I said and we watched them. "I want you to pluck every petal out saying 'he loves, he loves me not' until they're all gone ok?" Lux asked Nightmare was confused but nodded. She kneeled down and plucked the flower before doing as she was told. "He loves me... He loves me not" Nightmare repeated and Lux walked down the hill and cleared his thoat and waited. "He loves me not... He loves me.... wait, Lux what are you-" "My dearest friend... if you dont mind, I'd like to join you by your side" Lux sang and it was smooth almosy hypnotic and my god it was beautiful. Nightmares cheeks had grown a small tint of pink, suprising both me and Celestia. As he continued singing Nightmare joined and it was bringing a tear to my eye I wasnt alone. It seems Celestia has had a change of heart about Nightmare and Lux a little because she was crying as well. "For it is plain... as anyone can see" They sang and warpped eachother in their wings. Me and Celestia were leaning in for an odd reason but I guess we were just transfixed by the scene. "We're simply meant to be~" and with that they kissed and I never seen such a sweeter thing in my life. More suprising is that its coming from two of the most evil people in equis... or were they evil? "WE FOUND THEM!" We all snapped our heads to the shout and saw Greenie and Applejack with their weapons in hand. Not even seconds later did everyone else come out of the forest and began moving towards them. "Stay back or else!" Lux threatened not letting go of Nightmare. Everyone pressed on until they reached the base of the hill. Give it up mate your out numbered and out matched" Greenie called out and he was right all of them versus Lux. He stands no chance, Lux however growled at the Stallion making him back away a bit. "Wait!" I called out and came out from behind cover. "Dont attack, dont attack!" "Brigid how long-" "Whwn they first got here, look they arent as bad as we thought they were. They're different almost like they changed a little bit" I said and made them confused. "If Lux wanted to, he could have killed you all by now and Nightmare would have joined him as well, but do you see that happing? No" "Why are you helping us, your the one that sent them after us... we did nothing and you tried to have us cease to exist!" Lux shouted at me and I felt a little bad. "I know but after seeing what you did for nightmare to make her stop crying and the singing, the flower it just... changed my opinion about you... you might say your different from Steel but you acted just like him right then and their telling me you are not evil and so is Nightmare" I said. "But... But what about Steel and Princess Luna?" Crystal asked and we looked at them. "We dont know... but Im sure this is not permanent" Lux said letting Nightmare go but still holding her hand. "But you dont know what its like to be us... alone in darkness... shunned away no one to talk to just a black room with a string of light to see yourself. And when we first got out a few hours ago we actually felt free... we understood eachother and it finally felt like we werent alone anymore" "Its true... I dont know when this will end but, I know Im not the only one anymore" Nightmare added. (Pov Lux) "But that still doesnt answer the question, What about Steel and Luna?!" Jack asked and before we could even say anything I felt sick to my stomach. I fell to the ground and panted heavily, my body burned and my head was fuzz. Nightmare fell next and she looked to be shrinking, we stared at eachother and slowly moved our hands to eachother and I smiled. "Simply... meant... to...... be" We said faintly before everything went dark. 'I see you had fun Lux" I chuckled slightly. 'Yeah... I did even met the girl of my dreams suprisingly' I said and I heared Steel chuckle. "Dont worry... we'll get you two back together, but next time in your own bodys. Deal?' "Deal" (Pov Steel, Infirmary) I awoke to a louding beeping sound next to my ear and when I opened my eyes, I saw a white room. I slowly began to sit up and looked around taking noticed of the castles medical wing that Im currently being treated in. "Ugh... my head" I heared someone say, I looked and saw luna sitting up holding her head. "Sup" I simply said and she looked to me with a small smile. "Hey" "Did you talk to Nightmare?" I asked and Luna nodded. "How you and Lux?" Luna asked to which I nodded. "I guess we have a promis to keep huh... would you look at that" I said looking towards a wall and it read Twelve o'clock. "Right on time wouldnt you say?" "Indeed... scouch I want to join" Luna ordered and got out of her bed and slipped into mine. "That was a rather fun experience wasnt it?" "You mean watching our other selves hit it off while we sat back watched?" I said and Luna nodded. "Yeah... though it felt like a very short movie if I say so myself... should we give Scoots and pip our present?" I asked. "Hmm... I dont think I finalised the papers yet it'll take another month or so" Luna exclaimed. "Boy was Sunny happy... wanna go home and do it?" I asked and she slapped my chest slightly. "I was joking... Happy Hearths Warming Luna" "Happy hearths Warming steel... and to you too Lux and Nightmare" With that all said and done we closed our eyes and were out like lights. > Chapter 26: The Assassins move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Dream Realm) A cool dry breeze brushed against my skin awaking me, I was dawned in my Assassin's Robes. An all to familiar sight, a sight to which I despised. It has brought nothing only pain... and sorrow. "Where am I?" But unsurprisingly I heared no response, the sky was clouded and snow gently fell from the sky, all was grey and their was nothing but rocks and a breath taking castle. "It almost seems familiar, maybe it has something to do with my robes?" I questioned. Before I could take a step my shoulder was struck with an arrow, I looked to see where it came from only to see a bald man wearing heavy armor and a fur pelt. Then hundreds of Templars with weapons at the ready, I was surrounded. I went to take out the arrow only to find it gone, a sharp ring flooded my ears causing my to grip my head then my vision gone white. It was only for a few minutes until my vision came back to me, but I was no longer in my body. I stared down a few feet in the air watching myself snap the arrow off my shoulder then another flash of light. I watch another assassin's eyes as he traveled while writing to his sister, he seemed wise and full of power. I was soon then met with the same castle as before, and once again I was struck in the shoulder. I looked on to see the same man along with his Templar soldiers, I snapped the arrow and dropped my shoulder pad and cape as the pawns rushed me. I sprinted up a small rock and kicked down a man stabbing him while doing so, another came towards me with a sword raised, I stabbed him in the throat and rolled over him before catching a halberd then jabbed my hidden blade through his chest. I ripped the halberd out of his grip then spun under another attack, I buried the heavy weapon in his gut letting go as I did to catch the sword slash coimg. I grabbed his arm mid raise and twisted it blocking a soldiers halberd, I kicked him away allowing me to dislocate the mans arm and stab him with his own sword. I spun around and ducked down when the other soldier recovered and I broke his strike then I broke his neck in one swift motion. As I fought my body grew tired slowly, I began breathing heavily but it was then after slicing a templars throat open I saw a man. Pure white robes, a red cloth belt with metal over it and a four fingered hand with a hidden blade. I watched as he walked past the Templars like a ghost, I snapped back to reality soon after. A soldier ran towards me sword raised and I barely had time to release my hidden blade to stop it. But the weight was to much and the blade snapped off the gauntlet and I was pushed down by the shock of the weight. I grew dizzy as I laid prone, but I took notice of all the halberds, swords, bow and arrows, blunt objects and crossbows pointed at me. I had no choice but to surrender, another flash past by my eyes and I was inside the castle. At the very top is where we stood, three openings had large planks to support a person or two over the side of the mountain. I ripped myself out of the Templars grips and made all them draw their weapons, the bald man stopped them and they watched me walk onto the platform. I heared an eagle cry out to my right causing me to look and their was the assassin again walking on the same thing Im on. I soon began to realize that, that was Altaïr in a ghost like illusion. The man looked over and groaned in annoyance, I soon stoped at the edge of the plank and looked down. I closed my eyes and inhaled before I felt my hood get pulled off and bringing up my head with it. I looked old and tired, I was not in my body but in someone elses. I took another breath as I felt the rough exterior of a noose wrap around my neck, another eagle cry out and passed by just as thr man tightened to noose. 'Now!' I thought and as fast as possible I punched the man in the face and wrapped the rope around his neck then jumped off the plank. I stopped midway and I quickly began ripping the noose off, after a few seconds I got it off my neck and a templar cut the rope around the mans neck letting me fall down and super hero land on some a platform. I rose up and looked up before smirking. 'While your up their, Im down here' I thought to myself chuckling while doing so, I brushed myself off and began walking not before I tossed over my hood hidding my face once more. "You take after him very much" I spun around releasing the blades only to find a black void and Altaïr. "Welcome back, I have noticed how strong you've become Steel, we are proud of you" "We?" I asked and my hood was pushed forward and two kids giggledbas they floated past me. I groaned and took my hood off and saw the Gemini brothers, Ryle, and Conner. "Oh, it's been awhile since I've seen y'all" "Hi Foxy!" A loud sqeaky voice shouted making me jump a little and turn around. It was Lily and Magnus, "Its been forever since you've talked to us, I was thinking you forgotten about us. Magnus started getting lonely" Lily said and the man just groaned. "Well theres now way I would forget you guys, but why are you two here including you five here. Is something happening that Im not aware of?" I asked, Ryle chuckled and came up to me. "Stop worrying so much, look we're all here because we saw your dream. The person you were controlling was another Master Assassin his name was Ezio Auditore Da Firenze" Ryle said and suddenly they all turned their heads to their right. "He's here, quicker than I thought" "Wait... who?" I asked and turned as well, a flash passed my eyes blinding me for a few moments until I saw a man wearing my Assassin Robes on the floor, he groaned before standing up and rubbing his eyes. "What is going on, where am I?" Ezio said putting his hand down, his voice smooth and his accent carried with his words like silk. He finally looked around and humed. "Is this the afterlife, well from the blood that I've shed this is no surprise" Ezio muttered to himself then caught us in his veiw. "Who are you people? Are you also those sent here in death?" "No my fellow Assassin, we are in a young man's mind. More specifically we are in his mind" Ryle spoke up, he pointed to me and Ezio gave a confused stare. "Don't worry, we will explain everything for now Im sure you're not fully adjusted to this place so please relax" "The wicked dont rest, and neither do I. Please enlighten me who this young man is and I will do the same" Ezio said his voice clean, stern, and to the point. "... Alright, his name is Steel Fox. Your descendent or one of your descendents I might say" Ryle said and turned me around then lifted up my shirt to show the assassin's symbol burned on my back. "Da Dio, who has done that to you?" Ezio asked. "Your creed... or rouges from your-our creed. Things were different I assure in the future many things, like Templars disguising themselves as members of our allies" Ryle said and Ezio's face crunch up in disgust. "Much like Steel I to have gone through that pain and to make matters worse we were forced into it because of our unique breed" "Breed? Are you not human?" Ezio asked and Ryle nodded at this. "I am as well, but I dont know my other half all I know is that Im a saiyan human. Thats mainly about it for that margin, but anyways now tell us a little bit about yourself" I said and Ezio humed for a while then thought of something. "As you already know I am an assassin, I come from a ling line of them, I had no initial intent of ever joining until my brothers and my father were hanged by a man we once called friend. From their I found a piece of eden hidden away in Roman Catholic church where said man was residing and eben became pope, after that I began searching. Finding our why I was chosen for this and who else would have to after I pass, then I learned of my ancestor Altaïr behind you." Ezio said. "During my travels I met my wife, Sofia and after finding out all I could from Altaïr and the archive I found. I hid the apple with his and setteled down never to hold a blade again. Until I met a young assassin female, I was terribly injured after one final mission, lucky for me she came out alright and now she travels searching for whats next while I... died waiting for my wife and daughter to finish shopping, it was... peacefull to finally live without worries, but it breaks my heart knowing my family is broken now" Ezio finished and that story cut deep. "We all have had our fair share of losses... Connor lost his tribe along with his mother by the hand of his templar fathers goons. Altaïr had to witness his own son be murdered by a corrupted brother hood and I was alone for my whole life only finding salvation with steel and his step-parents... Steel on the other hand" Ryle said and everyone but Ezio looked at me with sad eyes. Ezio gazed at me curiously wondering why they all seemed so sad. "Surely nothing can compare to losing family, what has the boy gone through?" Ezio asked. I shifted my eyes slightly before sighing and rolling up my sleeve to show the numbers branded on my shoulder, just like the Assassin's mark. "I... had no one, I was born a bastard and was treated like garbage my entire life. I was cut open, snapped in half, had my bones broken everywhere, life on the brink of death after days upon days of tests to see how long I can hold out. I was the 'special' kid that got more attention than anyone, I went insane at a young age but found sanity as I was thrown to my new friends and family in that hell." I said and stared off into the black void my eyes blank. "I've... seen to much, I've killed so many, I've been waiting for death half my life and I've been fighting my whole life just to see the next day all because I was an alien" I growled and my hair rose slightly. "Day after day, night after night... I was beaten profusely, I fought in a bloody war filled with children, teenagers, men, women all just to have them leave us alone and live in peace" I said through gritted teeth and clenched my fists tighly. Little flashes from that horrible time flew past my mind, one after another, it felt like I was back in the war. My hair slowly flashed its golden color and my eyes flashed its blue lightly, the small sparks of electricity bounced off my body and my wings. Before I could go into a fit of rage, Ryle planted a hand on my shoulder calming me down. "*Sigh* Sorry... its a touchy subject, all to painfull long story short I'm not a very sunshine and rainbows person. I have had my fair share of fights and witness death, but even so I moved on cursed with those images and my emotion... Lux" I said and Ezio humed. "You have been through much, I can honestly say worse than I have and anyone else here... how you have no become insane is beyond me, but who is this... Lux?" Ezio asked only for us to hear chuckling echo in the black void. "Why that my good man... would be me" Lux said appearing above us, his grin was as sadistic as ever, everyone in the place drew their weapons and held them towards Lux. "Whats the matter guys its just lil ol' me, I cant harm you guys I dont have the heart for it... Is the bullshit working?" Lux asked and laughed himself silly. "That's Lux, my evil self aka... my little brother" I said and felt Lux wrap an arm around me. "Aw c'mon Steel no need to be jealous just because I met one of our ancestors and scared him" Lux said then looked at Ezio who looked a bit annoyed. "Huh... what crawled up his ass?" "Show atleast some respect Lux" I said and he laughed. "Never heared of it, is that a food cause it sounds tasty" Lux joked and chuckled slightly. "Anyways, who's this guy?" "My name is Ezio Audi-" "I was yankin your chain man I know who the hell you are" Lux laughed then was met with a sword point at his face by Ryle. "Oooh scary, what does it do I wonder? Oh oh, I know. You want to run it through my head to kill me huh?" Lux said and bit onto the blade. "Here ya go, give it your best shot" "Alright put the sword down, he aint a harm anymore... well for the most part that is" I jumped in taking out Ryles sword from Lux's mouth. "I dont know Steel I dont trust this guy, he could become dangerous again" Ryle said and looked at Lux only to find a halo over his head. "Okay its highly possible he will become evil "What! Lil ol' me? Why I never good sir I have found salvation in the ways of good. And its all thanks to-" "Foxy?" Lily interrupted causing us to turn to the girl, she pointed to her right and we looked only to see Faust and Stardust themselves. Everyone but Ezio, myself and Lux bowed to the Two goddess entites. "Who are they?" Ezio asked me. "They are goddess their names are Faust and Stardust, Queens of equestria" I said and Ezio humed a bit and bowed his head slightly with a fist over his heart. "Faust, Stardust what brings you to my mind?" "We came because of him" Faust said and pointed to Lux, he was floating and picking his teeth without a care in the world. "We've come to banish him from your mind Steel, he maybe be strong but his is no match for us" "Are you sure about that?" Lux jumped in and his voice was contorted his eyes glew a faint red and his facial expression grew blank. Yet he still picked his teeth. "I wanna see you try" With that little comment thrown at Faust and Stardust. Lily, Manus, Ryle, Connor, Altaïr and the Gemini Twins all surrounded him with their weapons. "We do not wish to fight you, but we will if the need arises" Stardust said summoning a blue katana with a pitch black grip and a full moon at the base. "Bring it, I'll finish this with ease" Lux retorted and turned super saiyan blowing the group back slightly. Stardust glared at the man who only grinned and landed back on the floor, with just a slight flinch of a finger they had launched at eachother disappearing from the untrained eye. Stardust tried to throw fast thrust at Lux but his used a finger to block them all, noticing that wasn't working she channeled her magic on the sword and went a downwards slash. Seeing this move come to play, Lux quickly twisted his body around the dull part of the blade and focused his Ki in his left fist to deliver a fast and hard blow to Stardusts side. A small grunt hissed through her teeth and quickly moved back and cluched her side. Lux grinned slighty at his handy work but it soon flatered as he saw the Queen smirk then snap her finger, with wide eyes Lux turned around to see his back and noticed his shirt had a rip and some of her purple magical aura on his skin. The aura traveled up his body enveloping him fully and began electrifying his body. An agonizing scream ripped through Lux's throat and he was unable to break free of its hold. Stardust chuckled to herself slightly and slowly walked back to the man being electrified, she stood infront of him and raised her sword up ready to cut him down. "Got ya bitch!" Lux laughed through the electricity, he grabbed the mares face and headbutted her with enough force to make the aura dissipate and rendering Stardust in a daze, he focused his Ki in his fists and sent fast jabs some hitting her face and her chest. After a few good punches she wobbled in her stance giving Lux a wide opening, "Sorry but... I win" Lux said and kicked her back to Fauts almost unconscious and bleeding slightly. "Are you alright m'lady?!" Ryle asked rushing over to the alicorn mare, he checked her injuries and only found a scratch and a few brusies and a brusied rib. "You seem to be alright, only minor injuries" "Minor? Ha... I felt like I faced my husband when we met for the first time" Stardust replied and winced as she sat up. She gasped and before she could tell Ryle to move Lux choped him in the neck knocking him out, Lux moved him to the side and kneeled down in front of Stardust. "Do you see now? Queen Stardust, you cant beat me at this level of strength... if you want me dead, then dont half ass your attacks let them have murderous intent" Lux said and raised a hand to her head, he used his magic to heal her injuries fully and went out of his super saiyan form. "But I didn't want to hurt you to bad since, well Im gonna have your daughter" Lux said and the two queens raised an eye brow to this then looked at me. "He's not talking about Luna... sorta" I answered. "He means Nightmare Moon" "WHAT?!" They shouted and he laughed at their shock. "I don't understand? Nightmare moon, the evil entite inside my Daughter Luna?" Stardust asked Lux and he nodded. "Why my Daughter I gave Steel permission to date her but I will certainly not allow you, why not the others like that griffon Gilda or Trixie? What about our little sister and her twin they're both of age a little small in some areas but she's old enough litteraly" Stardust pointed out getting up while doing so. She got lookes from the other inculding myself wondering why she would set up her sisters with Lux. "Sister did you really just try and make Lux go after our own sisters!" Faust yelled at the mare who sheepishly nodded. "No sir, if you touch those two I will burn you alive understand me!" She screamed at Lux who was unfazed. "I kissed your daughter Faust" Lux plainly said and the fire in her eyes was as intense as the sun. "And just so you know stardust, I do want to have nightmare moon and she wants me as well... but I'll take your sisters as well, along with Crystal and maybe The assassin twins" Lux grinned slighty. "We are gonna have the time of our lives" The Queens blushed slightly at the thought of it but quickly shook them off. I was laughing a bit at their reaction, hopefully they would like Lux down the line but for now I guess this is fine. "Steel?" Ryle called out and I turned my head to him to see bim sitting up and rubbing his head. "Yeah whats up?" I asked. "Well I'm just wonder about something, have you found any members for the brother hood in your group?" Ryle asked to which I nodded. "I see, then we have some news for you... in the city of canterlot the Templars have been trading rather frequently but the strange part is, they do it night. Something is off about this and I want you and your group to go find out whats going on, gather info and stop them" "I see... where will this trade take place?" I asked. "It's supposed to happen in the second fanciest party in Canterlot, they will be meeting their with someone to assess their trading goods. Hopefully it's not to dangerous, but we cant take any chances are you ready?" Ryle asked and I nodded. This will be my first mission back in the brotherhood, though I guess it's my brotherhood now so it wont be that insufficient to let fake assassins in. I'll tell the guy's and Brigid whats up, I hope whatever they are selling it's nothing more than just weapons... let me hope to god its not people" I said, I heared a slight ding ring in my head and everything was getting hazy. "See y'all next time" I said then everything went dark. (The real world) I awoke to being alone in my bed, Twilight was studying in her library and Luna along with Frost headed to canterlot for official royal duties aka court. I rose out of bed and stretch a bit getting joints to pop at this act. I did my morning duties of brushing my teeth, washing my face and showering. As I got out of the bathroom I had made my way to the closet and grabbed a black shirt with a white cross in the middle, my shoe's and my white hoodie. "Well on with the day, I need to tell the guys and Brigid about tonight. But for now I guess I should train a little after getting something to eat" I said to myself before continuing my trech through my house. As I neared the living room, I heared hushed voices coming from their but I couldnt make out what they were saying. I quietly sommoned my assassin gauntlets and pulled my hood over my head, I climbed up the side of my wall and shimmied my way to the. I noticed that it was still dark outside so no one should be here right now, the voices grew louder and soon I could finally hear them. "So are you sure its here?" A stallion said, I couldnt make out what he looked like but he was tall and a bit large with muscle. I jumped to one of the pillars then a hook that were supposed to have lanterns, I climbed forward till I was ontop of them. "Shh we have to be quiet, Steel is probably asleep right now we dont need him to wake up. We grab what we need and quickly get out alright" A mare said, it was almost familiar, but I couldnt tell from the whispering. I watched as the shadowy figures walked all the way to theedge of the stairs, thats when I spread my wings open and silently descended. I took one step and was right behind the stallion and elbowed the back of his head hard causing him to cry out and crash to the floor. "What the-Aah!" The mare screamed as I grabbed her arm and held my hand close to her kneck. "W-Wait what are you-" "Shut up! Who are you and what are you doing in my house. Who sent you and I want a straight answer if you dont give me the right answer" I released the blade and the tip touched her kneck slightly. "You die" "W-Wait... d-dont kill me I-I c-came to retrieve something for my friend!" She said trembling in my hold. "Who is this friend?" I asked again. "I-It's T-T-Twilight!" The mare stammered out and I tilted my head to this, I put the blade back and released her. With a loud snap the candels surrounding the stairs lit up and I saw Cinder and a unconscious Spike. "STEEL!!" "Gods almighty Cinder you could have sent a letter or texted me, I know phones arent common but c'mon!" I yelled at the mare yanking my hood off. She looked terrified and was still shaking in fear, I gave a low sigh before calming down. "That was very dangerous, I could have killed you... and Im sorry for scaring you" I apologized and helped her set spike down near the couch. "We thought you were asleep so we came in without thinking, Twilight had left a book here containing some of her notes for a spell she was dying to trying out" Cinder said and I knew exactly what she was talking about. I summoned said book in a flash and looked it over to see if it was okay, "Hey uh... Steel do you think you can take that book to her yourself, kinda need to be here when spike wakes up and you know... explain what happened" Cinder asked and I nodded. I got up from my couch and walked towards my door, with a small wave of goodbye. (Golden oaks library) I walked into the tree house and quickly heared the mumblings of an egg head pony. I followed the sound and was brought upstairs and it lead me to Twilights room, I looked to my left and saw that spike had marked my old room as his when I moved out. Luckily I moved all my stuff out before he could find it, I turned my head back to the door next to me and gave a few knocks. "Mmmmmmmm....." A mumbled hum was all I got, with another knock I was greeted the same way. "Okay Steel, get ready for Armageddon" I said under my breath then reached for the door knob. With one quiet but quick turn, I opened the door and entered the room. Everywhere I looked it had books, and scrolls, pens, pencils and quills, I then saw the alicorn mare wearing an under shirt, no bra, and short shorts. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail and had glasses on which kinda made her look a bit cute. "Now if I tried to mix the Transformation spell with the Gene spell I should be able to contort the spells and make a whole new spell all together. But I have to be careful if I use it and mess up I could cause something very dangerous, hell worse case scenario I lose my magic for a few days.... damn, but it takes two ponies to do it and these weird images dont help at all" Twilight mumbled. She had a small brown note book with sticky notes poking out of it with something written on them. "I should probably see what she needs or what she doesn't need" I said and thought for a second and saw little cups of noodles here and there. I shook my head and snapped my fingers summoning some left over fruit salad I made, I quietly walked over to the mare and when I was just close enough behind her. I slowly moved the salad infront of her making her tilt her head slightly and adjust her glasses, she soon noticed my hand and sighed utterly exhausted with a hint of happiness. "Hey Steel, when did you get here?" Twilight asked as she closed her book and tossed it to her bed. I Rested my head on her shoulder and booped her nose, "Is that for me?" "Yes miss Noodles, now eat up" I ordered and sat her down at her desk with said salad. She took a few peices and chomped down on them and humed with delight, "So what are doing anyways Twilight. I just heared you mumble something about a Tranformation and Gene spell mixing?" I asked the mare. Oh! Sorry, but I was working on a new spell that I found in starswirls journal, it was a very old page that was ripped out and hidden within the cover. I looked over and found this" Twilight said pushing her glasess up more and used her magic to levitate the scrap of paper to my hands. I looked over the spell and noticed how odd the spell was, the spell had strange name. Nothing I ever seen before. And it just gets stranger and stranger the more I look. "The name itself is strange I barely figured out how to say it. My best guess was euqinhcet noisuF" Twilight said almost like she spoke in another language, "Strange isn't it?" "Yeah, but I dont get these images either it looks like some sort of dance like water ballet" I said and gave her back the paper. "Ah yes, that reminds me, I almost killed them on accident, but Spike and Cinder came to get this for you" I said pulling out the book from my pocket. "Oh thank you-wait what do you mean almost killed them?" Twilight asked. "Well if you have had a fucked up life such as mine and been to war, fought demons, put through tremendous suffering, pain and hell then you would understand at night Im a bit, how do you say, jumpy" I answered and she gave me a small look. "They're fine Twilight I swear, just a bit of a scare is all. I apologised and everything" "Well good, next time be a little less stabby and be more talky" Twilight said and opened her book. I rolled my eyes and grabbed her glasses, "Hey I need those!" "I thought you had fine vision twilight, why were the glasses?" I asked and was tackled by the mare onto the bed. She glared at me with a faint blush and grabbed her glasses, "I gotta admit though, you look more cute with them on" "S-Shut up, anyways I should be getting back to work" Twilight said but I stoped her by wrapping my arms around her. "Steel... we cant do it now, what if Spike or Cinder walk in?" "Ok, but let me ease your tension a bit" I said and sat us up, I turned her around and cracked my knuckles. "Steel what are youuuu-oh my goddess!" Twilight moaned as I massaged her shoulders and I can feel all the tension and knots in them. She became like putty in my hands, with every hard press she gave a low satisfied moan. "Man Twilight, ever heared of a break before, " I said. "I know you like to study but atleast have yourself a nap once in a while" I pointed out and pressed a bit hard in the middle of her back making her wings pop out. "Oops, sorry" "Its fine, and yeah I guess I should take a break. I've been up for three days straight trying to figure this spell out... I guess... a small *yawn* nap would help" Twilight muttered before passing out on my chest, I snorted softly and removed the mares glasses then set her gently down on her bed. "Sleep tight Twilight... how long have you been watching Brigid?" I asked my sister as she took her camouflage spell down. "Let me take a guess, when we were talking about the spell and beyond huh?" I said to which she nodded. "Yeah and I have to say, this is kinda confusing. I mean look at this, it doesnt even say what to do its all just movements and some old writting thats just one word" Brigid said holding said paper in hand. It was true, the spell itself would take more than just a mixture of the Gene and Transformation spell. "Something about these movements are simple, yet... difficult" I said and looked it over more, I spread my legs out a bit and moved both arms to my right matching the first part. I then shifted my left leg over my right making my hips move to the right but my body stay straight, my arms went to my left with balled up fists matching the second part. And finally I stretched out my body bending my right leg and leaving my left leg out stretched, my arms shifted to the right letting my right arm bend slightly and my left one going over my head with both pointer fingers out. "Steel.. what did I just witness?" Brigid asked trying to hold in her laughter. "It looked like you did some weird water ballet" She said letting out a giggle. I rolled my eyes and fixed myself and thought for a minute. "Hey... did you notice how strange that all fit altogether when I did those movements?" I asked making Brigid stop giggling and hum. "Well now that you mention it... yes, it look like it was some sort of technique but from the looks of this it needs two people" She said looking at the paper to see another image doing the same thing except flipped. "Its like the two people are like a reflection in a mirror, copying the movements simultaneously and the end just shows them with their fingers touching" "Hmm, I think I know someone who might be able to help us" I said and grabbed the spell from her hands. "Meet me back at my house with the others before sundown got it?" I said, she nodded and I quickly teleported to canterlot. (Canterlot castle, throne room) The court room was full of nobles trying to get petty requests from the Royals. Each one had a line that lead to the back of the door and beyond, the look of boredom was on their faces as they said no to a request to get rid of an orphanage because they dont belong. The royals didnt take that so lightly and sent him off with one warning never to ask such a thing again or else. You dont want to find out about the 'or else'. "Sister, I grow bored of court as are the others" Luna said with a tired look. Celestia had to agree, she wanted to end court early just to be with Brigid but her duty calls and that goes for all royals. "Its just a few more hours Luna, we can make it... though I wish something would- I dont know come crashing through our doors" Celestia dramatically said and sighed. "Agreed" Frost said. "Steel! You cant barge in their the royals are-" a soldier said and a the doors besides the thrones were opened and I walked in with cinders partner Spearhead. "Steel c'mon man you gotta wait for them to finish" he said turning me to him "Sorry spear I just gotta ask a question or two from them. Ill be quick" I said turning around and all these nobles just stared at me. "Why is a monkey in the castle, someone call the guards" "Dont let it touch you, he might have a disease" "This vile creature is disgusting!" The nobles cried out and all gate glares from the royals, especially from Luna and Frost. "Calm down Luna, Frost. Its ok I can handle this, watch" I said and cleared my throat. "So, I want to know one thing and one thing only" I started powering up and gave a low growle, wind kicked up and knocked some of the nobles on their butts and backs. My hair rose up and my eyes turned blue, I gave a powerfull cry and the sheer force from it blew them all away and left me with a small creator in the ground. My arms at my side, hands balled up and a relaxed slant of my shoulder was shown. My golden spikey hair and a terrifying evil grin with my glaring eyes dug into their souls, and topping the sundae was my super saiyan aura. "Who wants to die?" I asked and immediately they all ran out screaming, a couple of guard outside were spooked by this and ran inside to see what was wrong. The Royal Family held in their laughter when they saw the nobles rush out. "Guess they thought I was easy pickings" I added and went back to normal. "Steel, what brings you here is something on your mind?" Celestia asked, I nodded and brought out the paper from my pocket. "What is that, looks like some old parchment" "It is and Twilight found it in starswirls journal through a small tear" I said and walked over to her. "She could only get the name but even that has a mystery itself" I continued and showed her the paper. Celestia might have been old and wise but even she couldn't understand what this meant, she never seen anything close this. "Are you sure starswirl made this spell, because it doesnt look like it involves magic" Celestia said and handed me the paper. "Could you show us what those poses look like perhaps?" She asked and I nodded. I went back a few feet and like before I did the same poses like in the library, the other princess's giggled quietly while Celestia observed until I was done. "This is quite a doozy, it looked like you were doing some kind of incomplete dance like how it takes two to tango kinda deal" Celestia said and went into deep thought. "What was the name of it Steel?" She asked. "euqinhcet noisuF" I answered. "You were right, the name is also another problem left unans-" "Actually Princess, I know that name and its called 'The Fusion Technique', very old and very powerfull" A low voice ran behind me, it was Bellator but he seemed small and more... humanish. "Bellator? How are you human?!" I asked in shock, he gave a slight chuckle seeing my expression. "Its just a small spell I created awhile back, I made it just for my daughter because she wouldnt be used to seeing other Frost mights as giant human like wolfs, so I just quickly made a spell and I hid the wolf gene enough to make me human" Bellator explained then walked over and took the paper out of my hands. "Hmm, ah yes I remember now!" He said as his eyes lit up. "Well what can you tell us about it?" I asked him. "Their was an old story long before faust and stardust became rulers I believe that a mere mortal was fighting a fierce battle with a powerfull and evil being threatening to destroy his world" He said. "He was the only man alive brave enough to face the being one on one, but bravery doesnt give you strength... on the brink of death, his body beaten and drenched with blood he cried out to the gods for help.... and only one came. The god had enough of the evil man and decided to help, he gave the brave warrior his power to use for a special technique that will help him win his fight" He said then looked at the paper. "What he taught him was the fusion technique, two people of equal power must do a certian set of movements that will allow the two to become one. This story is called the fusion of the mortal god, for his power became the most powerfull in the universe, with the will of man and the strength of god nothing stoped him and he defeated the evil being with one blow" The room itself was full of shock and awe, one technique couldn't have existed. And yet here it was right infront of us, I began to wonder what will happen if I were to fuse with someone. "To conclude this story, the man and the god soon split appart and the god asked him if he wanted to become a god so that he can protect others without a second thought, unimaginable strength, skill, speed, knowledge and techniques. The man quickly agreed because he ever only wanted to help others no matter what. But it came at a price, the god will be his fusion partner forever and it was forbidden... but he knew the cost because just like the man, the god wanted to help others no matter what" Bellator finished and handed the paper back to me. "I see, maybe this will come in handy one day if a tough enemy comes and I wont be able to beat him alone I can fuse with someone... only question is who?" I asked. "Hey maybe you can fuse with Brigid!" Celestia sakd excitedly but I shook my head at the thought. "It cant be done, me and her have to have the same power levels. Im sorry to say but she's a bit weaker than me, it'll take tons of training to get her on par with me" I said and celestia got a little sad. "Hey I didnt say it was impossible surely she could catch up and when she does I'll fuse with her" "Oh! I know, what about Logan!" Crystal threw out, she had a point Father is a strong as I am and since we have the same power we could blow away any enemy that trys to defeat us. "I think you're on to something Crystal, Father is as strong as me and I believe if we trained enough we could pull it off. But it will be a last resort ok" I said and they nodded. "Bellator, could you teach me and my father how to fuse?" "It'll be a long process, but its not impossible... to be honest I dont know what your name would be after you fuse" Bellator said scratching his chin. "Maybe... Stelan or losteel, the second one would fit fine I suppose" "Um, why do I need a name for this?" I asked slightly confused about the name changing. "Well what would we call you two?" He asked. "You both will be one person so we have to make a name that has both your names together" "Well I think we should hold off on names for awhile, we still have to make sure we can actually pull this off first. And we need his permission to see if he even wants to fuse with me" I stated to which Bellator agreed, I looked out the window then at my phone to check the time and it was half past four. "I've been here for awhile, I should head back and check on the others" I said putting my phone back, before I was about to teleport away I grabbed from behind by a few set of arms and dragged to the throne. "Look... Steel, we understand that your busy but.... do you think you can stay with us for court just this once, its so boring rejecting the nobles one after another for petty things and out right ridiculous demands" Luna asked and I became a little uneasy. Never thought I'd sit on the throne in my life, and I cant really handle these nobles without trying to kill them. "Please?" Luna begged as did the others and tried to use puppy dog eyes on me. "I've seen cuter, but if y'all really want me to stay then fine... but I dont have a throne so where would I-" before I could finish I was picked up by celestias magic and Luna summond a onyx black throne with my cutie mark at the top like the others and placed right in the middle. I was almost thrown onto the dang thing but I was stopped by crystals magic from falling over. I blinked a few times as I was sitting on my own throne made specifically for me, that was a tad bigger than celestias and luna's, smack dab in the middle. "Oh" was all I could say, I looked around a bit and soon got comfortable enough to relax in my throne. "This is quite, strange to say the least" "Now court shall commence once again, though I think Steel should turn super saiyan to make him look dominate so they sont get any funny ideas or speak badly about him" Frost said. "Frost Im not gonna do that, Ill look like a jerk. I'll just stay in my normal form and just sit quietly until I hear a stupid request and just turn it on then off, sound good?" I asked, the girl pouted but nodded. "Alright... bring them in" (Hours later, midnight canterlot city) I sat atop a building wearing my robes and disguise ring waiting for my tem to get into position. As I did I thought about today and how I sat in court with the other royals, I felt a little out of place. Especially when the people came in, they all gave me dirty looks save for the ones that needed real help those brave souls walked up to me and asked for my help. I would give a warm smile to the ones asking for help and help them I did no matter how small or big. It was from curing their ill family members, rescuing pets, finding lost ponies, giving wisdom to the ones who need it and something I enjoyed was just talking to the elders. Gave me a warm vibe when I talked to them, almost like we had known eachother for years. But putting that aside, I have to focus on the task at hand and thats the giant party going on across town. "Steel me, jack and spike are in postion" Brigid said through a walkie talkie I snagged on my last visit to earth. "Same here me, edge, coal, and strings are in postion" Mint added, I stood up and jumped down from the building a few blocks from the party. "Alright, once Im inside I'll try to spot as many templars as I can, I'll send you all a small vision once done. During your time assassinating them I will search for the cargo and either destroy it or take it understood?" I ordered. "Got it and steel be careful alright Luna will kill me if she found out you got hurt" Brigid said and I smirked a little. "Dont worry, she likes tending them" I lied, and turned off my radio before making my way towards the party. From what Ryle said, the templars gather here to trade their goods from one place to another sometimes slaves to break their minds and join them forcefully. As i walked infront of the entrance I saw a long line heading litteraly behind the gate surrounding the small castle like mansion. They each had a silver ticket with bigs words sayin invite, I had to think of something quick so I can get in undetected. I can try to bribe the Guard upfront and get in through that way, steal a ticket, or sneak inside by climbing up the building and through a window. I didnt bring my money and I dont really like crooked guard so that was out the question, dont wamma hurt anybody other than templars either. "*sigh* Guess we're doin it the hard way, now lets see" I mumbled lightly and looked around. The gate was was tall well over my height and it had spikes on the tips. Im not sure if I'll be able to climbs those without getting a getting from doint it, I continued to look around the building and spotted something between the bushes. It looked like the bars in the back were a bit old and untaken care of so it was rusty and fragile. "Bingo" I said and ripped two bars out then squeezed passed. I immediately started scaling the building and I gotta say, it wasnt easy. The building was tall yes, but sime of the bricks were loose and slippery to grab onto. Though it was hard, I made it a good height up and soon spotted a windos to climb in. I shuffled my way towards it and quickly hopped in before anyone saw me. It was quiet, the sounds of the party were muffled but still loud enough to hear, I made a small flame in my hand so I could see where I was going. I took notice of all the bits and clothing up here all of it was pretty old like old fashion 50s, but it looked brand new ina plastic bag over it. I soon spotted a suite that consists of a black tailcoat worn over a white starched shirt, marcella waistcoat and the eponymous white bow tie worn around a detachable collar. High-waisted blacktrousers and patent leather shoes complete the outfit, and a top hat. "Well then, lets get fancy" (Few minutes later, downstairs) I walked passed the crowds of ponies all as fancy as the others. I had put the suit on and blended in with the crowd, as I walked I used my eagle vision to spot out the Templars and boy their was alot. It was difficult for the others to kill them off, fortunately the others were to ditracted by the party to care so they were dealt with ease. "Now then, where would I be able to find the trade... better check the back" I muttered and began going for the back doors. But I was stopped by a couple of ponies then suddenly I got a faint chill up my spine, I slowly turned around and viewed the crowd with my eagle vision. "Oh... my... god" I said, they were all red. Each and everyone of them and they all stared at one person.... me. 'How did I get spotted so easily?!'. The music was cut off and we were left in silence, it was then that I realized. This whole thing was a trap, their was no trading, no selling others for profit they planned for this and pretended to sell random ponies but it was their own. "It's rude to crash a party you werent invited to assassin" A man called out and I turned to see a man dressed in the fanciest suit I've ever seen it was gold and black with diamonds on the shoulder and tie. He was a red earth pony stallion with a monocle over his left eye, a black and silver cane, and a grey colored tail and mane. "Im suprised you fell for something like this, at first we did have trading good, but they were of no use to us so we tossed them away. Thats when we noticed someone spying on us, we devised this whole thing just for you... are you proud assassin?" He asked. "Not really, but I have one question" I said. "What kinda goods did you get since, you know, I'll be dead in a few seconds" I asked and he was gullible enough to answer. "Might as well... it was something called guns, they started popping up and those dainty little things can barely peirce through armor, but we decided to keep atleast some for us then chucked the rest for scrap metal. We practiced for three weeks with these weapons and I have to say, its not as hard as it looks" The stallion said pulling out a familiar weapon. It was a black m1911, how it came into this world is beyond me but I dont think I can focus on that right now. They soon all pulled out their guns some were glocjs and some were the marksman pistol, I chuckled and turned on my radio. "Thanks for the info, now any last words?" I asked pulling our my phone. They looked at eachother confused. "Well, Im waiting" I said pulling out my sword, they all cocked their weapons and I grinned. "Maybe I should try the spell here" I thought to myself and charged my magic in one hand then threw it in the air, the ball of magic crackled in the air and they all waited for something to happen. And it did. Lighting struck half the templars in the party and once the ball went away, the electrocuted ones looks at themselves then at the other half and I smell the blood lust take over them. It was quiet at first then in a matter of second, I looked at my phone again and hit start. Thats When All Hell Broke Loose. As the song barely started everything was slow, as if the world was going at a few miles per hour. The hypnotized templars pulled out their guns to their own and let the bullets fly hitting a few, I watched as the bullets flew towards the other templars. Their 'Brothers and Sisters' Returned fire flipping over tables and using anything and anyone as a sheild from the bullets. Some of the hypnotized ones charged forward and started fighting them, punches to make even the strongest man cringe and full intent of killing eachother. It was turning into a blood bath, Thats when the music picked up and I shot into gear. I ran towards the fighting and joined in, I grabbed one of the templars and broke his kneck then tossed him towards two hypnotized templars. I was punched in the side hard by a Hypno-Templar who received one even hard, as he fell back I took his pistol and shot one running towards me then elbowed another breaking his face. I heared three shot behind me so I grabbed the man and spun him around making hom take the shots. I ran forward with the dead body and shot one on my left, then to my right right in the head and twice in the middle. One after another they kept coming, I was then tackled to the ground with the woman trying to beat me to a bloody paste. I held my guard up until another man came up from behind and stabbed her in the back. I kicked her off and punched the guy in the throat behind her. I ripped the knife out of her back and swung it across said stallions neck and ripped his gun from his pocket letting off more shots to the ones behind me. I continued forward as fast as I could jumping over tabled and people, each one getting shot in the head. I was then shot in my should and kicked to the ground by a half beaten man, he went to finish me off but I spun kicked him on the floor and stompped his neck killing him. That victory was short lived when I was stabbed in my arm by a mare, I grabbed her threw her out the window then ripping out the knife and charging towards more people. I ran up to one stallion and shoved the knife up the bottom of his mouth then shot him dead in the face, I then tore the knife from the side of his face cutting the griffion he was fighting before across the face then dug it into the mans chest before snapping his neck. I was jumped by two drakes and a griffion causing me to fall to the floor. They began to beat on me until I transformed and blew them off of me, I gave a loud and rage fuelled scream. "BY THE GODS I'LL KILL YOU ALL, YOU WILL NOT SEE THE END OF THIS DAY!" (Pov, Brigid a few minutes before) Me, Jack and spike were sitting on a hill far from the giant mansion wating for Steel to pick up. We just talked for awhile and took turns looking at the place, we had already killed the templars coming towards the party to pick up whatever they came to get, even took their weapons from them along with food. For some odd reason they had guns from my world, I dont understand where they got it, but now we know and now we have them. "*Sigh* What is taking that man so long?!" Jack groaned. "Give it time Jack, Im sure Steel is coming out with cargo. Hell maybe he didnt even get hurt like I told him too" I said, I had meant what I said. Luna and the others think were out for a few days to go train, apparently Luna asked me not have steel get hurt even though it we said we were going to 'Spar'. I told her no promises and she glared at me, I couldn't care less if Steel got hurt just not fatally. But luna wants him without a scratch, but whatever for now we wait for my brother. "I alright Im gonna call in" Spike said grabbing the radio and turning it on. I smacked it out of his hands and smacked him. "Ow what the hell Brigid" "You call him, and he gets killed understand. Just sit and wait. Got it" I growled andhe nodded his faster than he ever could before. After another few minutes had passed we decided to take turns dozing off, first it was Jack, then Spike and me. Now it Jacks turn again and I kept watch while spike sat by the radio. "Damn this is borning, nothing to do but wait for my brother" I said and sighed. Though as soon as I finished that sigh, the radio crackled on and I snapped my head to it. Spike looked at me then to the radio, he turned up the volume and we listined. " "Thanks for the info, now any last words?" Steel said and there was the sounds of multiple guns cocking. Jack woke up and listined in with a daze, after a few seconds we heared the sound of electricity then nothing. Until we heared a familiar song tbat only me and Steel know, It was Freebird. We listined in on it then as soon as the music picked up it sounded like all hell broke loose with screaming and the gun fire going on. It then sounded like Steel had joined in as well, as this went on we heared something get tossed out of the window from the mansion. We turned to see a dead Templar mare, we hurried over and peeked inside. "Oh my god" Jack muttered as he saw Steel firing his gun in three directions in a matter of seconds then slid under a table being thrown chucking the gun at a griffion and slit the throats of two dragonesses. He picked up another gun and fired off more shots, the place was a bloody Massacre, one after another Steel took every single one of them on. As Steel killed another man I saw something black on his hand, more specifically his fingertips. It left a streak behind as he swung his fists and it started to grow. "Uh, Brigid should we... help Steel?" Spike asked and we ducked dodging a dead Templar with a Knife in his head and gunshot to his heart. "To answer your question spike. No. No I dont think we should help him" I said as we watched more. I kept my eye on Steels hand, as the fight went on the chaos lowered and a total of Five Templars remained all beaten and drenched in sweat, tears and blood. We looked at Steel who was tired, beaten, covered in blood, stab wounds, a bullet wound on his shoulder and arm, and finally a bloody nose. We all cringed at how painfull all of that had felt. "Damn and I thought Twilight loosing a book was a monster, he looks like he's been in Tartarus and came back with head of the Demon king" Jack said in awe. The song had ended and all that was left was the panting breaths of the few who remained. (Third pov) "So Assassin. Argh! You think you've won just by killing off this part, making us fight eachother and coming out like a pile of shit. Well bad new boy, we Still have some juuce in us while you are out." The middle stallion said and snapped his fingers causing the remaing five pull out guns and take aim at Steel. "Quit with the bullshit would ya" Steel said spitting some blood out his mouth and wiped whatever was on his lip away, he was dog tired at this point and felt like passing out. Tired and wounded yes, but Steel has had far worse than these minor injuries. He stood up straight causing his height to climb up an inch or two, he took off his disguise ring along with his hood showing them who he was. He gave the Templars the hardest and coldest glare he can ever make, this caused the remaning few to tremble slightly. "So..." Steel started his head down, he removed the top of his robes showing his bare chest and all the injuries he's gained. He had a look of nothing in his eye, once he was staring right at them he transformed into his Super Saiyan form. "Take your best shot" he said and got in a stance holding his hands together. The Templars took aim at the man and got ready to pull the trigger, but they were soon blinded a bright yellow flash and when it faded Steel and the Templars were in a protection feild cutting off anything that wasnt inside the bubble. "Wha... What is this?!" They cried out and snapped their attention to Steel. "Ill be sure to visit your graves... GOD PIERCING LIGHT!!!" Steel shouted and sent the blast towards the group of men. They all screamed in agony as the blast hit them dead on, a loud boom shook the ground and broke the barrier kicking dust up doing so. (Pov Steel) I panted heavily as I stood with my hands out, my body was tired and beaten badly. I dropped my arms to my sides and fell to my knees, I had reverted back to my normal form and almost fell over due to my exhausted state. "There... its done" I weezed out, after a few minutes I stood back up and pulled back out my disguise ring, slipping it on I grabbed my robe top and painfully put it on flipping the hood up with it. "Steel!" I turned to see my team running over. "Hey guy's where were yall... missed all the fun" I said chuckling. "By Celestias fat ass ya look like hell" Greenie commented getting a painful laugh from me. I told them I was fine and I had much worse than this, I had asmed if they checked the supplies in the back but they havent checked yet. "Alright, stay on your guard I may have killed the majority of them. But that doesnt mean their arent any left" I said as we walked towards the back room, I kneeled down grabbing the glock on the floor and checked the clip. Seeing it still full I cocked it and grabbed the handle of the door, I looked over my shoulder and nodded. My team took out their weapons and I swung the door open running in first pointing the gun forward with the others following suit. "By the gods..." I started and lowered my gun seeing all the different kinds of species in this room. They were alive, nearly starved and dirty they all shook in fear as we looked at them. "What kind of savages does this to people?" Coal asked, we heared someone fall to the ground causing our necks to snap towards the noise. We saw a female Griffin holding a small filly in her arms, I began to walk over to the Griffin slowly but she quickly began to scurry away holding the filly even closer. "Its ok... Im not going to hurt you, and neither are my friends. The Templars are dead, you're safe now" I said stopping, we heared the whispers of the other prisoners and they all stood up. "Please, let us help you get you somewhere safe, with food, water, clothes a place to take care of your young" I said holding out my hand to the griffin. She stared at me for what felt like days until she slowly, but surely, reaches out and grasps my hand. I helped her up and was immediately embrassed by the woman, she cried on my chest and kept thanking me over and over again. We escorted everyone out of the hell they had to call home, we began our walk through the empty streets of canterlot until we made it to the castle gates. Two night guards were sitting down playing cards, I took this chance to disappear from the other and quickly switch back to my original form and change clothes. I walked out to the front gates were I saw the freed prisoners being held back by the night guards. "Get back, what business do you have here?!" The mare on the right asked, thats when I stepped in. "Thats enough for now Lilly, stand down" I ordered getting the two to jump. "Sir Steel, we are sorry if we awoken you. These people came from nowhere and say they were brought here by their hero's" Lilly said and I humed, I looked over them to make the two guards buy the shtick. "Please, Mr. Steel sir we have no where to go. We have children who are hungry and sick, so please!" The griffin from before begged and got on her knees. "Help us" she cried. "Let them in" I said pushing the gates open, they all gave me a look of shock. "Come, you are all welcome to join me for dinner" I said and the prisoners all got teary eyed. I was then brought into another embrace by the same griffiness, I chuckled and showed them all inside. (Later, canterlot hall ways, Lunas tower) I havent seen that many smiling faces in years, it gave off that warmth I felt speaking with the elders and helping those other ponies from court. I gave them each a room to sleep in and headed off to hear an ear full from my Moon princess. As I stood infront of the door the night guards looked at me with a small giggle escaping their mouths. "How are you today sir?" "Im feel amazing today Pepper, how about yourself?" I asked. "Oh Im just fine sir, we heared from Lilly you let in people whole looked like they were in Tartarus inside" Pepper said and I nodded. "Geez if Princess Luna wasnt dating you I would have jumped you by now" Lula said giving me a wink and small lick of her lips. "But, I cant defy the princess so I'll let her handle it... for now" "Sure Lula, is she still awake?" I asked receiving a nodded. I pushed against the door and closed it as I walked in. "Lulu Im-" "Steel... we need to talk about this... problem" Luna said wearing only her pink panties and blue pajama shirt. She sat on her bed with her legs crossed and a stern look on her face. "Pink tonight huh never thought you'd like pink" I said chuckling as I watched the mare turn the same shade as her underwear. "Thats not the problem Steel... *sigh* look, I know what you did and I love that you helped those people but who gave you permission to disregard mine or my sisters consent" Luna said, I gave a low sigh. "And... werent you with brigid and your friends away for a couple of days?" "Ya see, thats how we found them... Luna I couldnt just leave them their, they were dieing. You have to understand that authority cant overrule whats right" I said. "But what are we going to doafter tonight?! Huh have you thought of that!" Luna argued back. "They have their talents Luna, they can find jobs they just need to have shelter. Hell they can even work here cleaning around the castle or cooking" I stated. "Steel... I love you, but you cant go around offering the rooms and a meal to people we dont even know" Luna countered, she stood up and walked over to me. "You have to understand... we cant help everyone" "No... but I'll give it my best shot, I've seen to much death in my life luna and I didnt wantto see those poor people starve to death. They have children Luna I couldnt ignore that... Im sorry that I didnt tell you but I knew you would have said no" I finished and walked over to her bed sitting down. "Steel Im... Im sorry, I shouldnt have said any of that. Of course I would help my subjects, Im sorry" Luna said coming to me and sitting down. "Yeah... Im sorry too, next time I'll come ask... forgive?" I asked and she hugged me. "Yeah" "Also... Im kinda in pain from those sparing lessons mind help me" I asked taking off my shirt and Lunas eye twitched. "BRIGID!!!!" > Chapter 27: The Tree of What? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun was shining high in the sky, the birds were chirping, the sky was blood red... wait. I lifted myself off of my bed and looked outside, to see the bloody sky and the black clouds hanging over head. I slowly got out of my bed and walked towards the window, once I was standing infront of the clear glass I placed my hand on it and noticed my hand was covered by something. It wasnt armor nor was it the ghostly glow from my right hand. It was just, Black. Pure Onyx Black, I brought it towards my face to get a better look at it but it suddenly sprung forward and gripped itself on me. It dug into my head from what felt like claws and it burned against my skin. I attempted to pull the claw off of my face but it felt like my own hand weighed a ton. The black gunk on my hand started to spread down my arm and across my body slowly covering my entire body in it. I was finally able to rip the hand away from my face, but instead of standing infront of the window I stood before a tall muscular figure, in his hand was an axe and the other was a pointed shield. "Who are you?!" I called out, I felt my whole body go cold as his head looked down and his blank glowing blue eyes staring down at me. He narrowed his gaze and raised his axe above his head. On instinct I tried to move out of the way but the black gunk over my whole body planted me right where I was and tendrils shot in the back of my arms skewering the ground holding me in place. "DIE" The tower of a man said his voice bellowing and shaking my bones. It was only one word but I became terrified just from the voice. The black gunk began to slowly inch its way up my face, I tried to shake it off but it continued on. With a finally cry out my face was completely covered and all I saw was darkness. Sitting in the darkness made me feel... at peace... alone..... sad. I dont know how long Id have to wait to feel the axe pierce my body, I was answered shortly after thinking and felt the cold but burning blade on my chest. "NOT... YET... SHE DOESN'T... COMMAND IT... YOU ARE LUCKY... SON... OF... BRIZO " The giant voice boomed, his blade didnt let up though. "BUT... I... WILL... LEAVE... THIS... MARK... AS... YOUR... SYMBOL." He continued and pressed the blade further within me, I gave a hollowed scream of agony as he burn and froze my flesh. It felt like an eternity before the blade was broken away from me, I couldnt tell but I was panting violently. "NOW... LEAVE!" he commanded and I was thrusted forward and through the darkness a light shined and blinded me the second I was close to it. (Real world) I burst out of a black, cocoon covered in blue goop. lifting myself up with all my weakened strength I tried to look around but I couldnt see where I was, nor could I hear, smell or even taste anything. I did feel one thing, immense pain. I gave out a cry and fell to my knees then my side gasping for air, the air was thick and the pain was excruciating. I slowly lowered my head to see a large frozen burn mark going down my chest but thats all I could see. I plopped my head back down and breathed slowly, with each breath it felt like the lungs inside of me were burning. I began to get some of my senses back only my hearing, though, I only heared muffled and hurried pounding on the floor. I felt small, soft hands on my arm squeezing and shaking rapidly. "h... hel... p....... m..... e" I choked out and felt the hands grip tighter. More hands bigger and rougher than the ones before they hoisted me off the floor and began carrying somewhere. I didnt stay awake for long, I was awake long enough to hear their muffled conversations until I blacked out. (Hours later) "..Steel~" a voice whispered had said, it was hard to hear it though it was that soft. "..Steel~" there it was again... I wonder what its saying? "Who's... who's their?" I asked cracking my eyes open, but only slightly the bliding light made sure of that. "I feel like crap, I taste the crap, and I wanna puke out the crap" I said and slowly sat up, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked arlund in a haze. "Steel, are you okay?" I was asked again this time the voice much clearer now. I turned and saw Twilight her hair disheveled and looking both miserable and exhausted. "Oh thank the gods, I thought I lost you their for a moment" "Takes more than whatever got me to kill me... something doesn't feel right" I said and began to stand up but fell on the floor. "Ooooooh.... I need some help" I groaned out, Twilight tried to help lift me up but she couldn't get me off the ground even with her magic, she was too tired. "Im sorry Steel, Im to exhausted and I just need some sleep is all" Twilight said and sat down on the bed. "I'll fill you in before I do though, last night black spiked roots started sprouting out of the ground and began covering all of Ponyville if we dont stop it it could very well cover all of equestria thatsbalso the reason Im so tired, mainly because I was looking for a answer to this problem but as you can see outside... didnt work" Twilight said. "The princess's went missing and as did you for a short period of tims, that is... until we found you in the everfree forest covered in goo and a ice blue mark running down your chest" As she said this, I tried once more to get up and succeeded and limped my way to the bathroom to see my topless form and was brought face to face with an icey blue strip going up and down my chest, slowly creeping up my body until it stoped at neck and down my right thigh. I slowly went to touch it but before I grazed it, the mark shocked me causing me to yelp slightly. I checked again after checking my finger, only to find it gone. "Hmm... strange" I said and looked outside to see the black vines. "I gotta find out whats going on dont I?" I asked twilight but she was already dead asleep. "*Sigh* Thats a yes" I said and quickly changed into some clothes and left the sleeping alicorn in her bed. I walked outside of the library and was taken back by how much the black vines have grown. It covered some of ponyville but it looked like it had stopped for a moment, by the rate it is growing it would probably take about a week or two for it to completely cover the whole town. But that was only a theory. I got two steps forward before I was grabbed and thrown across ponyville hitting buildings and grinding against the ground to make my stop. I laid on the ground face first and groaned as I made my way up to my feet, I looked around for a second and was hit once more this time by a fist. "Aaaaah *small hiss* what the fuck?!" I cried and looked at who did it to see-"Lux?" I said in shock and the man stood infront of me not saying a word only rearing his arm back and sending it towards me, luckily for me I caught it just in time. "Ay, who's this handsome bastard?" Lux said inside of my head, I was completely confused at this point, it shocked me to the point where I didnt see the knee coming and landing right in my gut. It was almost enough to puke up whatever was in my stomach at the time. "Pfft ha!" "S-Screw... You" I grunted out and dodged a fist from the fake Lux, "How the hell is this even happening?!" I said blocking a big left hook and sending my own nailing him in the side. "Maybe that cocoon thing was scaning your body and took some blood from said body, manifesting a clone of yourself but since you were cut out halfway it could only get some of my mentality and looks from it.... ya know If we tried to save this body I go in it" Lux said inspecting the body while I fought it. "LUX NOT NOW OK!" I shouted then was grabbed by the arm and flung through town hall and making a trench in the ground as I landed. I groaned as I sat up and a sharo pain made me give a small cry, I looked to see that my wing was hanging limp on my back I couldn't move it and if I tried it hurt like hell. "Fuck... Lux this guy is basically you right, so tell me how to kill it" I asked. "No way, you'll end up abliterating it and then me when I get out of this head I call a home" Lux snapped at me. "Look just knock it out and I should be able to take back whatever was stolen from my mentality" He finished. I groaned slightly and summoned Rebellion, Lux manifested a light blade from his hand and readied himself. We charged towards eachother and clashed blades, sparks were sent flying as was some dust below us. I pushed off eachother and threw more slashes at one another ending with only sparks. I started getting annoyed with little to no progress happening in the battle, I quickly turned super saiyan and fused my magic within Rebellion. "This might hurt... a lot" I muttered to myself and sprinted forward putting my everything into this one shot. The fake lux also charged forward with his sword raised, as we were about to hit strike we both jumped and brought our swords down. Time had almost come to a stop at this moment, but our blades cut through the air like a knife cutting right through butter, I threw all my weight into this attack. Our swords met and time resumed to normal, a loud boom was the last thing I heared before being sent across ponyville in the everfree then getting embedded into a stone wall. I hung for a moment and broke my head loose and chuckled. "Did I win?" I asked in a daze and fell to the ground with a big thud. "I think, you might wanna go check just in case" Lux said and I lifted myself up in pain before making my way back to ponyville. Though I was limping the whole way back, I felt myself questioning the events happening right now. Like why did vines take my marefriend and celestia, why was I taken with them but cut loose before that. "Why are their black vines growing in the everfre-Fuck!" I stopped and was grabbed by my ankle and dragged a couple of feet until I came to a sudden stop. "Steel why are you here, its dangerous out here right now" Logan said severing the vine and lifting me to my feet. "Come we must le-" Logan said before getting cut off by a mare screaming. "Zecora, come boy" Logan said and we rushed off to find the mare. We cut through some of the vines and found the mare trying to fight off the vines grabbing her leg and her cart. Logan wasted no time in helping her, he grabbed the black vine and rippied it in half, I went over and helped Zecora up and freed her cart full of elixirs and her Cauldron. "Thank you for that boys, another minute and I would have been peirced on a point" Zecora said in ryhme. "*Ahem* forgive me, when I get frightened I tend to use my native language, come lets get out of this horrible place" Zecora stated before grabbing her cart and started pushing. As we followed we noticed Zecora was walking a bit funny, I looked at her legs to see what was wrong and I noticed she had been bleeding and large cut had been on her left calf. "Zecora you're bleeding" I said and stopped her, she clicked her tounge and sat on the floor. "Why didnt you say anything?" I asked ripping my sleeve off and cleaning the blood then tore off a big leafe and vine and wrapped it around her calf. "Adrenaline was what kept me up this far and I knew if I stopped Id feel the pain" Zecora said and grabbed a green bottle from her cart and rupped it atop her make shift bandage making glow a soft light green. "Boy, push the cart I'll get zecora" Logan ordered walking over and kneeled down motioning for the mare to get on his back. "Climb on my back, we will get their in no time, and heal your leg properly" "Its not that bad, it is the pain I cant stand... fine" Zecora said rhyming. "It will be fine woman, do not be frightened" Logan assured her, she sighed and climbed on his back. With a small grunt he lifted her up and began walking, as they I gave a small chuckle and pushed the cart. After a few minutes of walking we made it to the town squar of ponyville. Logan sat Zecora down on the fountain in the middle and I stopped the cart next to them. I walked over to the mare and removed the makeshift bandage, the wound had stopped bleeding but it was still deep. "Your going to fine atleast, but my healing magic isnt that good... so we gotta do it the old fashion way" I said and looked up to her, basically asking for permission. She took a shakey breath before nodding, I stood up and went to the cart. From what Twilight had said, Zecora likes to sew so it wasnt hard finding a needle and some thread. I then summoned some alchohol and real bandages, walking back to the mare I told her to lay on her stomach so I can get a better look. Following my directions she laid on the stone fountian showing me her wound clearly. "The good news is its gonna take atleast seven stitches, the bad news its gonna hurt.... you ready?" I asked. "Yes" Zecora said. I grabbed the needle and thread putting them together and then opening the alchohol bottle. Pouring some on her cut to clean it and dabbing it with the needle, she hissed at the burning coming from her leg. I gave a quick breath and went to work. (A few minutes later) "Alright, its down now we just gotta leave those in until we get someone with better healing magic" I said looking at the panting mare who choked down her screaming during the stitching. "You did good, most people would've screamed half way through" "Heh... yeah" Zecora panted out, I grabbed the bandages and wrapped them securely around her calf and slowly sat her up. "T-Thank you Steel... I cant remember the last time I had to get a stitches" she weakly said and tried to stand, with a strained yelp she began to fall forwards but I caught her in time. "No walking, you need to sit and rest you might be strong but going through something like that and just barely getting stitches, you could lose alot more blood or worse" I said sitting her back down. "Now sit and rest" "B-But... Logan!" Zecora looked towards the man but he said nothing. "Argh... fine, I appreciate your kindness and helping me with my leg... I will rest and regain my strength" Zecora said and noticed something was wrong with the sky. "The sky is confused, as the sun and moon stand side by side" She said making us look up and our eyes almost popped out of our heads. The sun and the moon were bothing in the sky making the right side night and the left side day. "What is the meaning of this steel?" Logan demanded and I remembered what twilight had said. "Twilight told me that Luna and Celestia were also captured along beside me, but I was broken free but some of my power was takin... that mean Lunas and Celestias powers arent working and they cant control the moon or sun anymore" I said and Logan looked up at the sky in awe. "I have to get them and set things right, but I dont know where to start!" I said. "I believe... I know a way but it is dangerous" Zecora said and scooted towards her cart, she rummaged for a bit and pulled out a bottle of purple liquid. "This is an concoction I created that is supposed to give you visions for dire times in need... but their is only one catch, it takes a toll on anyone who uses it unless they are a god, strong willed... or" Zecora stopped and looked up at the sky telling me everything. "An Alicorn... we need Twilight" I said, before I began walking towards the treehouse I stopped for a moment. 'Shes in no condition for this type of thing... but shes the only one that can do it....... unless-" "Fuck no Im not doing that!!!"Lux shouted in my head. 'Lux please, your have more will than even me just this once if it doesnt work we can get Twilight... c'mon its to save equis and our friends' I asked but he wasnt having none of it. 'Lux please... you'll never get to see nightmare if you let Luna die' I said and I heared him click his tounge. "We are going to hell, and when we do I will beat you till we kill the devil" Lux said and I chuckled before feeling myself switch with him. My hair turned black and grew shorter, my body mass lessin slightly and I felt rage inside me. "Fuck you man, alright woman give me the damn drink" Lux demanded stomping his way to Zecora. Logan stood infront of him and glared at him, "Like you scare me, besides Im not gonna kill her I just want that damn potion" Lux stated pointing to said potion. "Why?" Logan asked suspicious. "Because your son and my brother told me too now are we gonna get this over with or not?" Lux said irritated, With a hand held out he waited for the potion to be givin to him but Zecora did not. She didnt trust Lux neither did Logan. "I do not think that is wise, I will be blunt. I dont trust you, nor will I ever" Zecora stated and put the potion back, with a small groan of annoyance Lux took a deep breath. "Fine... Stupid fuckin... stupid potion... fuck all that" Lux mumbled to himself before switching back to me. "What happened?" I asked feeling slightly dizzy. "Did he drink it?" "I did not let him, I dont trust him nor will I ever... he is evil and his very being was created by hate and rage" Zecora said. "Im sorry but you have to go get Twilight" Zecora said but before I could even take a few steps we heared the sounds of rushing feet. "Steel, we figured out what caused this!" Twilight shouted running with the others behind her. As they neared I noticed that the vines started moving again, and it shook the ground more knocking all of us except for zecora off our feet. "Oooh... ok that one hurt, is everyone alright?" "Yeah... just some scratches nothing serious" I said, as everyone got back to their feet they walked over to fountian. "Zecora, darling what happened to your leg?!" Rarity asked in horror. "Nothing to worry about, just at the wrong place at the wrong time" Zecora said and looked at her leg. "Steel actually did this, stitching I mean" "Wait Steel knows how to do that?" Greenie asked. "I mean its not hard, learned it pretty fast to be honest but putting that aside" I said turning to Twilight. "You said something about figuring out whats going on?" "Yes! Well kinda, dont get mad but uh... Discord kinda caused this" Twilight said. "Pardon?" I asked. "Did you just say... Discord did this?" I asked again, Twilight nodded and I felt like hunting a draconequis. "Imma kill'em, straight up kill him" I said but before I could try to find him I was met face to face with the man himself. "Hello" He said. I gave a small yelp and fell on my ass, Discord just laughed and lifted me up. "Steel before you try to kill him, he told us he forgot about these things, it was supposed to be used on the princess way before they became the rulers" Twilight added. "Sorry, I'll be honest these things caught me off guard as well. Thought these things would pop out sooner" Discord said giving a small chuckle, though nobody laughed with him not even his daughter. "Yeesh tough crowd" "Alright he caused it, how do we get them to stop growing?" I asked him. "Oh well thats very simple" Discord said and stopped mid-sentence and went into deep thought. "Huh... I can't remember really, its on the tip of my tounge though" he said and I cocked my pistole I took from the templars. "W-Well uh... the answer might be in that potion right over their" he hastily said in a cold sweat. "What is it?" Twilight asked. "Its the key to whats going on, it doesn't fully tell you but by the end you should know what to do" Zecora said. "But only the strong willed or a higher power can consume it without backlash" "Higher power? You mean only Alicorns can consume this potion" Twilight asked walking over to the mare and picked up the potion. "Twilight, we dont know if it will work with you... you were recently just turned into an Alicorn so it might not work" I said. Twilight looked at the potion and then at the black vines and then the sky. "Only one way to find out... just make sure nothing happens to me, ok" Twilight said, sighing at this I agreed. Twilight slowly put the bottle to her lips and and slowly drank the white potion till nothing was left. She grimaced a bit at the taste, we waited a few minutes but nothing had happened. "Huh... I guess it didnt wor-" Her eyes suddenly grew bright and she stood stock still, I almost had a heart attack seeing this but calmed down enough to see that she was still ok. Alot of things had happened during the time she was under. She cried.... alot, got scared and then more crying. After about an hour of her crying, another bright flash was seen and twilight was spinning and looked confused. When she got her bearings, she saw everyone looking at her. "What... happened?" Twilight asked. "You dont remember any of that?" Rainbow asked and Twilight. "Well... you cried... alot" I chipped in and she grew a faint blush to this. "O-Oh you saw that" She asked. "Not only that, you preformed your own one pony show" Discord said and held out pictures showing twilight what she was doing the whole time. "Quite entertaining if I may say" "Alright enough embarrassing the poor mare... twice what did you see?" I asked her. "Well, its hard to explain, I saw both princess fighting in the old castle in the everfree. Before that it was both of them in a ruined equis where discord was the most powerful and before he was in stone, but I did notice something odd" Twilight explained. "It was some sort of crystal tree, in a cave just outside of the princess's old castle... and the elements where attached to it" "Ok, lets go see this tree you talked about" I said and helped up zecora. "Lead the way" (An hour later) We walked to the ditch near the castle of the two sisters, and at the bottom we saw the cave twilight was talking about and it was covered in black vines. So whatever was happening was coming through there. "Alright, this looks pretty crazy" I said as we got nearer to the opening, once we got to the entrance the ground shook and the vines shot out, forming a wall to keep us out of the cave. "Welp... we're in the right spot, the only question is, how do we get pass the thorn wall?" "I could try a fire spell?" Twilight offered. "No, these dont like the type of vines that burn easily or hack off if Im being honest" I said. "Cant you blast the vines Steel?" Fluttershy asked. "I can try but, no promises" I said and moved everyone back, I charged up my god peircing light and shot it at the vines full force, but not even that was making it budge. After awhile of constant blasting, we deemed the blast useless and tried thinking of something else. "Oi, cant brigid use fire to burn the vines?" Greenie asked and we looked at the girl. She gave a shrug before making a ball of fire and threw it at the vine wall, and it worked. "Greenie you beautiful bastard, Brigid throw as much fire as you can, and make it scorching" I ordered, Brigid put both her hands together and shot a beam of red fire against the wall. We heared the vines snapping and crackling as the fire continues to bombard it. "I think I can see something, keep going Brigid!" Twilight said and she was right, some sort of blue crystal was in their and it was huge. As Brigid continued, I noticed something... off. The vines weren't snapping anymore, and the fire felt like it was getting cooler. I looked over to Brigid and saw her shaking like a leaf and her skin pale as the castles wall's, She soon began heavily breathing and then fell over. Applejack and Jack went over to help her. "I-Im... Im fine" Brigid said hoarsely. "No you aint, you're shakin like a leaf sugarcube" Applejack stated and laid her down. "Steel ah dont think she can do anymore, it looks like she was already low on magic as is" I walked over to her and grabbed her hand, I concentrated on her magic power and their was barely any left. "Brigid... you should've told me, we would've found something else" "I know... but Celestia is in their, I had to do something... I dont want to lose her" Brigid said, a small tear ran down her cheek. "I was... scared" "Its ok Brigid, let me handle this ok" I said and transferred more magic into her. "I'll figure something out, but for now just rest. And Applejack make sure she doesnt do anything stupid" "No problem Steel" Applejack said and I walked back to the wall. I saw a small opening in it and I peeked through the little hole, it wasnt much but I saw a few pods infront of some sort of big crystal like before. "You see anything Steel?" Gilda asked and I took a step back from the wall before it closed itself back up again. "Yeah but only a few things, their are a few black pods and giant blue crystal behind them.... I think the pods are holding the princess's" I said getting concerned looks from the others. "Well now what? Brigid is the only one that knows how to use fire, unless Twilight knows any fire spells, were pretty much stuck" Rainbow said and that gave me an idea. ".... Well" "Well?... well what man?" Spike asked and I stayed silent for a minute. "Steel, if it will help we gotta do it" "Well, your not gonna like it guys but here goes" I said and closed my eyes. 'Hey Lux, I need another favor' I thought. 'What do I get out of it?' 'A whole day a freedom, no questions asked, just dont do anything stupid... deal' I thought and a loud groan was heared making me smile. 'Ok' Lux said and we switched places. He opened his eyes and looked around to see the others cowering around him, he smirked and a bit and looked at fluttershy. "Well hello beautiful" He said wisping over to her scaring her to death. "I-I-I'm s-s-sorry?" She question in a low voice, almost inaudible, she sunk even lower as lux was literally face to face with her. "Why are you so adorable, if Strings fucks at anytime... dont be afraid to call" Lux said and grabbed a flying punch from said man, Lux looked at the man and chuckled before swatting his hand, making him go flying to a large rock. "You tried, I'll give you that, but next time I'll leave you as splat insteadof a hurt back" He threatened and looked over to the group. "What up you lot, hows it been since the last time you saw me?" "Were doin just fine Lux, now why did Steel bring yuh out here?" Applejack asked the man. Lux smiled at the fiery woman and pointed to the vine wall, with that he made a finger gun and a small red flame mixed with a black core appeared on it. "Well miss cowgirl, how bout ah... show ya instead" Lux said mocking her accent, he walked over to the girl hand still pointing and swiped her hat away. "What in sam hell do ya think yer doin?!" Applejack roared at the man and greenie along with edge and gilda held her back. He gave a big smirk and put the hat on then let his thumb drop. "Bang" A giant beam of fire blasted out of his finger and engulfed the wall in mere seconds, the sounds of the snapping vines and the the cracking could he heared through the bombardment of fire. Everyone stared on... befuddled by how much fire Lux could create with barely any effort. "Holy hell" coal said and this made the man smirk. "Just you wait lil man, shows about ta get better, hope you brough a fan" Lux quipped and opened his hand fully causing the fire to grow even hotter than before and go even a darker red. As Lux continued his work, he felt something... off he began looking around and even stopped blasting the fire. "Hey! Were almost through, dont stoo now Lux!" Twilight said and noticed the look on Lux's face. "What is it?" She asked. "It could be my imagina-" Lux stopped in his tracks as he saw a figure with red aura brushing off of it. "Everyone... run, right now" He said calmly and they all gave him confused looks and looked towards were he was, and they all froze. "What the hell is tha-" Greenie said only to be interrupt by a ki blast, lauching him away in a ball of smoke. "Greenie!" "RUN DAMN IT RUN!" Lux shouted at the others and was tackled by the figure. Lux and the person went through rocks and small hills before stopping in the middle of an open area that used to be a river bank. Lux pushed the man off of him and jumped back to a good distance and took a look at the attacker. "Oh this day is getting better and better" He said as he looked at the clone of himself, the clone was scratched up and bruised heavily all over his body. And long cut was going down his chest, causing Lux to chuckle. "Looks like Steel got the hit on you, you fake, but when this is over Im take back whats mine and little bit more" Lux finished and the two launched at eachother. The fake Lux threw a punch at Lux only for it to be caught and get kneed in the gut before getting spin kicked towards a boulder and the fake got embedded in the hard rock. Ripping itself out, the fake fly forward and shot off a few ki blasts towards Lux, he dodged the attacks with ease but found himself in a corner. The fake ran up at breakneck speed and threw a heavy right to Lux's gut, he threw up some spit and blood but his mouth was forced shut as The fake uppercuted the man then grabbed him hy the hair and smashed his face into the wall before throwing an onslaught of punches against Lux's face and chest. Reeling his fist back, the fake sent a far left hook towards Lux's left arm and snapped it, making the man scream blood murder. Lux kicked the fake back and fell to his knees, tired an weak. He barely even got a few hits in before the fake overpowered him, and he doesnt look like he broke a sweat! Lux got back to his feet and glared daggers at the fake. "Whats the matter, cant handle a little beating from me?" The fake said with a sadistic smile. And Lux finally figured out what he was missing, it was his most important side of him. His sadistic and violent side. "C'mon we're not done yet dumbass, we're barely getting started" "Oh you little motherfucker, dont get to cocky with me you wannabe bitch" Lux growled getting back up to his feet, the fake had a smile that would make even a clown be scared of itself. "Now give me that fuckin body" He demanded and began powering up, the fake did the same then it was now the start of round two. Twilight and the others watched as the two fought and noticed that the fake was taking the upper hand in the battle, grabbing Lux and tossing him like nothing then blasted him with four strong ki blasts then started taking heavy punches and kicks to the sides and the face. "Guys we gotta do something, Lux is getting his ass handed to him!" Jack said. "I know but can we do, I mean they are both chaotic, I dont think we can get down their even if we wanted to" Mint added, "But have you guys noticed something about the real Lux?" "What do ya mean?" Gilda ask and they all heared a loud boom from the constant explosions of ki blasts. Lux and the fake went into a stalemate but the fakeelbowed his face and kneed his gut before grabbing him by his throat and slamming him to the ground then kicked him through a few rocks. "Yeesh, he's getting demolished out their!" "He seemed to have gotten weaker than he was before, how could that even be possible for Lux?" Strings asked Twilight but even she didnt know herself. He had the body of steel, the strength, the speed, but something didnt feel right to her. "Its... like he's not himself anymore, but more of a calmer version of his violent self" Twilight said and they all looked on with the fight. Lux threw a heavy punch connecting with the fake blowing him back, but the fake shot out and tackled him to the ground. Paving a small trench with Lux's body. "Well my dear you are right in a way" Discord said catching their attention. "You see my dear Twilight, our psychotic friend Lux doesnt have his sadistic and violent side anymore, its in the clone he is facing" Discord said shocking the group. "So yer tellin us that Lux's is... normal?" Applejack asked Discord nodded. "This aint good, not at all" "Ya think?!" Brigid yelled. "We have to help Lux, but how are we going to do that with that damn clone turing him into a bloody pulp?!" Trixie asked and no one came up with a solution. Twilight was the only one still thinking about what to do, she knew that since Lux lost his cruel side he didnt really have the upper hand since he wouldn't hold back. "Wait... hold back" Twilight mumbled and got an idea, she whipped around to Discord and got her eyes lit up. "Discord, do you think you could give Lux a small amout of chaotic energy?" Twilight asked suprising the Chaos being and the group. "Well... I suppose I could, but that would damage the body even if it was just a small amout... why do you ask?" Discord questioned only to be interrupt by Lux screaming bloody murder as The Fake dislocated his arm. "How long?" "Pardon?!" Discord asked and Twilight grabbed his goatee. "How.Long?" She demanded and let go of him. "Alright, alright, itll take me about a minute or so to concentrate long enough to make a small amout of chaos magic" Discord answered and Twilight nodded before running off the cliff and flew towards the fight. "TWILIGHT!" They all screamed as she flew towards the weakened Lux and the fake. Lux was panting heavily as his clone was laughing like a madman. " Jesus man, for being me, you really fuckin suck!" He joked and laughed even more, he began stomping on Lux's dislocated arm getting more cries from the man. Giggling like a little colt he continued his actions until he heared someone land near them, The fake took his foot off lux and looked towards Twilight. "Well, well, well... I get to kill two bitches in one day, this must be my lucky day after all" he said with a big smile. "T... Twi... Light, get... out of... here" Lux choked out before getting kicked in the gut. "Shut it you... here princess, you can have your trash back" The fake said boredly before kicking Lux towards Twilight. Rolling at her feet he coughed violently and she noticed how much blood covered him, she looked at the fake and then slowly kneeled down towards Lux. "Are you ok?" Twilight asked. "Do I *heavy coughing* look ok... anyways, I need you to get outta here... now" Lux demanded but Twilight didnt listin. "Get out of here, now!" "Im not leaving you like this Lux, we need you, I need you" Twilight begged and the fake chuckled to himself. "Lux, you have to win or else everyone here will die" she said. "Me, the girls, the guys, Trixie, Gilda, Spike, Cinder, Discord and his Daughter, Celestia, the twins, crystal, Luna, Steel, Cadance, even Nightmare will die" "Twilight... I dont know if I can beat him" Lux said, his voice no longer distorted, it was smooth and comforting to Twilight. "I did all I could... he has most of my moves, and my mentality on how to use them" "Lux... we need you, we all need you to be strong, what would Steel say if he saw you like this?" Twilight asked. "Im pretty sure he would've gave another inspirational speech... but you're right" Lux said, he very slowly lifted himself up from the ground grunting as he could feel his legs about to give out and the pulsing of his wounds pumping out the blood, I ripped off what was left of my shirt and got into a fighting stance. "I gotta... I gotta win this" he finished. "That was so touching, I think I almost shed a tear seeing that... but petty words cant help you now, Im far stronger than you or your otherself, so I hope your both ready to die" The fake said and held out his hand, a large purple ki ball formed in his hand. "And when you see the devil... tell'em to make some room for a whole planet" "Not today, now discord!" Twilight shouted and Discord shot a small ball of chaotic energy right into Lux, he cried out as the power surged through his body. Red electricity flew off his body and something started happening to his body, his paper white skin started turning into a dark tan color making the scars more visible, his blood red eyes turned into a darker red, and his snow white hair turned into an onxy black color. The cuts on his body closed up and the blood evaporated, sending small red steam particles in the air. Lux kneeled to the ground as the power continued to surge through and with a loud cry to the sky, almost like a roar something started coming out of his body. Or someone. A hand reached out and Twilight quickly grabbed it and began pulling. With as much strenght as she could manage, she yanked me out of Lux's body landing us on the floor. "Steel?!" Twilight asked in her shock, I groaned slight as I lifted myself up, but I was to weak to move anymore. The power surge finally settled inside of Lux and the man was left on his knees looks towards the sky with a smoke trail coming off of him. "What.... what just happened?" "He's... free" I said before passing out (Pov, Lux) 'What... what is this?" I thought as I started into the broken sky, I felt so much energy inside of my body. I felt like a whole new person, my power had shot through the roof... I no longer felt trapped anymore. I took a long shakey breath as I realized what was going on, I raised my hand to my face and my eyes widen. It wasnt white anymore, it was a dark tan color, I lowered my head and looked down at my body to see it completely healed. Getting back to my feet I stumbled slightly before regaining my balance and just stared at my hands in awe. "Im... Free" I softly mumbled and smile touched my lips. "Im finally free!" I cheered and laughed in excitement. "This is... I just.... I dont know what to say anymore!" "Lux?" I heared and turned my head to see Twilight who looked, shocked even though that was an understatement. "You... your..." she couldnt finished and noticed a small pink blush go across her cheeks. "Wow" "Heh... thank you" I said and looked at Steel passed out on the floor next to her. "Thanks for the pick me up Twilight, tell Steel thanks for lending me his body.... I'll take it from here" I said turning back to what we started. As I did, I dodged the punch heading towards my face and saw the fake me gritting his teeth in anger. "How... how did you get your own body damn it!" He roared and threw some more punches only for me to dodge all them with little to no effort, I caught his fight and moved it aside. He struggled to get control back into attack but failed, he threw another punch but I caught it again and moved it as well. "How did you get this strong, I was tossing you around like a rag doll earlier so how?!" "I dont know-" I said and crushed his hand making him scream. "But frankly I dont give a damn, you almost killed my friend" I growled and snapped his arm then kicked the side of his legs making him kneel. "You took what was mine, you took my personality... but honestly I have to thank you" I said confusing him then my knee planted itself against his cheek. "You gave me even more power then I could have ever Imagined" I finished and threw him back. "No... no, no, no, no! I should be the winning not you, your nothing without me you hear me! NOTHING! " The fake roared and sent a ki blast towards me but I smacked it away making it explode on a rock. "No... Im better than nothing, better than what you've offered" I said and glared at him, I slowly walked forward and a red aura slowly lifted into the air. The fake slowly started backing away, he no longer had anger in his eyes, just fear. "Say hi to Satan for me would you" I joked and my psychotic smile returned to my lips. "No! I AM NOT DIEING TO A WEAKLING LIKE YOU!" The fake screamed at me, the hate back in his eyes and he healed his hand quickly before flying toward me. I smirked as he went to punch me, I saw it coming a mile away, I quickly leaned back dodging the punch then did a backflip kick hitting him in the chin sending him in the air. "Oh, but you dont have a say anymore" I shot back and used my magic to grab Steels phone and picked a song. "This should hold for a few minutes" I said and pressed play. When it started I heard a battle cry as the fake came to beat me to a pulp. When he got close enough I jumped towards him and kneed him in the gut, quickly stopping him in mid-air. I elbowed his face before grabbing his hair and repeatedly smashing my fist in his face, one after another till I felt his bone crack and his nose shatter, I continued my onslaught till I reached about 15 then I grabbed him by his throat and chucked him back to the ground. He slammed hard against the floor, hard enough to make him bounce a few feet but I smashed him back into the ground embedding him in it. He spat out his own blood when I stepped off of him, he gritted his teeth and ripped himself out but I punted him across the face launching him against the end of the wall towards the vine wall. Getting back up again, the fake was badly injured. Blood gushing out his reopened wounds, blood running down his face and brand new bruises on his body. The fake clicked his tounge and flew towards me sending wild punches, but I was able to block all of them with just one hand. I broke his stance and threw my own barrage of fists, each one making it look like I was denting his body. I reeled my fist back and clenched it to the point of the skin breaking and sent it against his stomach as hard as I could, making his body bend and showing my fist he threw up blood on my arm before I sent him flying back against the wall. I walked towards him at the same pace as before and he fired off a few ki blasts to which I blocked or dodged. When I got face to face with him he tried again to send a hard punch but I back handed the fist to the wall trapping it in it then smacked the fake and grabbed him by his throat. He went for a left hook only for me to counter by dodging and slaming his head against the wall repeatedly till I saw blood trickle down it. "Is that all you have? I knew I had more power, but I cant believe how much I was holding back. Maybe it was because I was trapped inside of Steels head, and his body couldnt handle my power just yet... or my new found insanity" I said chuckling then turned into a full blown laughter, scaring the clone. "Whats the matter? Scared you soft little bitch, did you forget the original is better than the remix?" Said and kneed him making him grunt. "You had me going their for a minute earlier but you're nothing more than an imitation of me, you know what" I said and let him go, I took a few steps back and left myself wide open. "Im going to give you one free shot" I said as the fake ripped his hand out of the wall. "Dont hold back now, cause if you do-" i said before he cut me off with a hard right making me take a small step back. "Ha! Take that you son of a-" He stoped when he saw me slowly turn to him. A small amount of blood left my lips but that was because he made me bite my tounge a bit. "*Chuckling*... You're gonna regret it" I growled out with a smile. The clone shook with fear and shock, he hit me with everything he had and not even a flinch or any serious damage. "My turn" I announced and reeled back before punching his right arm snapping it like he did mine. "Dont feel good, dont it?" I asked as he screamed bloody murder falling to his knee's holding his arm. "You.... you!-" "Bastard? Why thank you" I said and yanked him up to his feet. "It was fun me, but theirs only room for one Lux Tennebris" I said before throwing him into the air, with no effort I turned super saiyan and held both of my hands out. "See ya later! FULL POWER!" I roared and a giant blue beam came out of my hands and launched itself towards the fake. "Not yet!" He screamed back and sent his own ki blast, when the two means came into contact. My beam cut through it and absorbed it making the attack stronger. When the beam came into contact with him he gave a blood curdling scream then soon faded off as he turned to dust and the song ended. The blast soon disappeared and I was left their standing with small dust particles falling to the ground, I saw Applejacks hat resting on the floor so I picked it up and put it on. "See you later, I hope we never meet again" I said to myself and began walking towards Twilight and Steel. "How is he Twilight?" "He's doing ok, just out cold" Twilight said and I sighed before plopping down, turning back to normal feeling super exhausted. "Hey Lux... thank you, for saving us" She said making a smile form on my lips. "Thats a new one... but, no problem... glad I could help for once" I said and saw the group running towards us. "Well time to see what the others think about me" I said and groaned as i got back to my feet. As the group got closer I noticed that Discord look a bit tired, it was probably that magical surge I felt through me made him exhaust a bit of his magic. "Are you all okay?!" Rarity asked when the group reached us. "We're fine Rarity, Steels just resting, most likely because of getting separated from Lux" Twilight said and motioned her friends to look at me. When they turned they're jaws had hit the floor, the girls stared in awe and I even think I saw pinkie drooling a little. The guy's themselves were just in awe, jealousy and shock. "Uhm... Hey" I said with a little wave, fluttershy and Trixie both fainted just from the sound of my voice. I blushed a little from the constant staring but the first one to approach was discords daughter. "Hi, names Lux's" I said and she began feeling my upper body. "Whoa~" She awed and continued feeling me up, making the other girls jealous. "How can someone get a body this hard, its like diamond- no even harder!" She described. "Uh... Thank you" I said and took her hands off my chest, she blushed heavily and quickly went back to the others. "Alright, I guess introductions aren't required so let's go get that vine wall down" I said and they all agreed. Walking towards the wall, I raised my hand and lit another flam in it. I blasted the wall with my fire and I noticed that it was even hotter than when I was in Steels body, finally blasting the wall away we saw what was finally behind it. "Thats what I saw in the vision!" Twilight called out and it was a giant crystal tree with the inky black pods that was holding the royals. We quickly went to try and get the princess's out of the pods but it was no use and I cant use my fire unless I want a barbecued alicorn. "Now what, we cant get them free and we don't know what this tree is even for" Jack said and I began staring at the tree. "Twilight did you see anything else in your vision?" He asked. "Well, I saw princess celestia and princess luna get the elements of harmony from the tree but thats where the vision ended" Twilight answered. "Great... that didnt help at all" Rainbow heckled but I stopped her when I walked over and stood right infront of her. "Whoa... a little to close their Lux dont you think" she said and I looked down, "Hey! My eyes are up here buddy!" "I know, but thats not what Im looking for" I said and stared at her necklace, I grabbed it and took it off of her. "Im gonna borrow this for a bit" I said and flew up to one of the holes in the tree. "Hey give me back my element you dick!" Rainbow demanded but I ignored her, I ripped the gem out and placed it in the opening. I chuckled slightly getting my suspicions right, the tree closed around the gem matching the shape and a red line poured into the tree. "Girls... give me your elements" I asked and they looked at me with a mix of shock and suspicion. "Trust me... please" I said and held my hand out. They all looked at one another then at their elements. "These are what kept us together all this time... and what if another foe appears and we dont have the elements to stop it?" Twilight said as she looked at her crown, but in the corner of her eye she say Steel. "Thats right, but even without the elements we'll all be connect together no matter what" Applejack said and threw up her element to me. I caught it and placed it in the slot having it close around it and creating an orange line pour in. "Well, I have to agree with you their Applejack" Rarity said and one after another they each hand me their elements doing the same thing as the first two did. The tree started shine brightly from the five corners, but the middle was still missing one, the element of magic. "Twilight" I called out and the mare looked at me with eyes filled with confusion. "Whatever happens to all of us, we will figure it out... so I ask you again" I said holding out my hand, "Will you trust?" "... I will" She answered and levitated her element in my hand and with the final element in, the tree shined as bright as the sun. The cave started to shake and vines from all over started to try and bury the tree under its hard skin, but suddenly the shaking stopped and an explosion blasted the vines away and truned them to ash. Waves of magic pulsed out all across equis, destroying the vines and setting everything back to the way it was. Ponyville was back to its normal state and the everfree was now under control. The magic waves lasted for 20 minutes before the tree stopped and shined elegantly. "Look!" Applejack called, and we saw the black pods start breaking and soon one by one, the royals we released and knocked unconscious. All but one pod, Lunas pod. Everyone hurried over to the princess and Brigid was crying tears of joy seeing celestia alright. I on the other hand was wondering about Luna, and why she hadnt come out. Walking towards the pod, I studied it for a few minutes before placing my palm on it. "Somethings not right" I said getting everyone's attention and they saw the single pod left. "Luna hasnt come out yet" I said, and just as I finished that sentence their was a loud crack causing me to take a step back. The cracking soon showed itself goin down the middle and stopped when it reached the bottom. "Ugh... wha-whats going on?" Steel asked regaining consciousness, everyone was to occupied to even noticed. Steel slowly got to his feet and made his way towards the group and saw all the royals out of the pods. "Hey, there free! But how?" He asked and before anyone could saying anything. The pod cracked open, a loud hiss came from it letting out blue steam like if something was cooking. Steel gently pushed passed the group and stood next to me, with batted breath I walked over and gripped the opening and slowly ripped it open. "Oh my god" I said under my breath, my eyes widening as I ripped the pod open. When it was completely open, Luna came had fell out but... she was different. She no longer had fur, or a tail, only smooth blue skin like her other self in the human world. Her horn was was gone but she still had her wings, she wasnt a pony anymore that much we can tell. "Princess Luna... she's... she's-" "Human" I said. > Chapter 28: The First King > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ruins of the castle of the two sisters, 2 months later P.O.V Lux I sighed blissfully as I walked along the ruins of this old castle, I was wearing a pure white hoodie with crimson silk on the inside, a plain white shirt, black basketball shorts and Steels old sneakers. I was listing to my favorite song while hopping from broken pillars to broken pillar and scaling the walls of this castle. It felt great being free after being trapped in Steels head, now I can do whatever I wish without any consequences. "LUX!" A familiar voice shouted to me as I stood at the top of the castle. "Yeesh, barely the crack of dawn and she's on my ass already" I muttered to myself as I looked down to see Twilight who wearing Pajamas, her hair tied back and glasses pushed up her nose. "Heya Twily! Speak up, I cant hear you down their!" I shouted back. The alicorn groaned and spread her wings then flew up to where I was. "Lux, what have I said about leaving the house?" "Ah calm down Twily Im just stretching the old legs ya know, Im finally free to do whatever I wish so Im taking advantage of it" I said to the book worm. "I know the feeling Lux but please, equestria doesn't know about you yet and we don't want them panicking since you used to be evil" Twilight explained to me and I groaned. "C'mon, lets head back to the library so we can eat" "Fine" I said disappoint and lightly jumped off the ledge landing with a soft thud on the ground. Twlight landed next to me and had a small smile, I sighed before putting up my hood up and had Twilight teleport us back. We landed safely in the treehouse and I slumped onto the couch. "It's not fair Twilight, nothing has changed since I've been free" I groaned. "Well you have sone friends now, and your own body so I think that counts as change" Twilight said. "Well... theirs also the change of age for you as well" she added and I wanted to shoot myself. After the whole mess with the Tree of harmony as we found out later from the royals, except Luna. Because I used discord chaotic magic and destroyed a part of myself, I was brought to the tender of 15. Which is bullshit, since I was also forced to be hidden from the world like cursed treasure. What also happened was a small chest had appeared infront of th tree with six different keyholes. Both mine and Steels magic were sapped into it leaving us dead tired, but Twilight looked up what the chest was in the old books from the castle of the two sisters. It said it needed six keys that resemble apart of the bearers of harmony, leaving us with 3 so far since Pinkie, Rainbow and Applejack got theirs. "Yeah yeah, but I still dont get why I went down a couple of years!" I said angrily. "Atleast I wont have to go to school, thank god" "About that..." Twilight said and I glared at her. "It's not particularly school like, just teaching you the basics is all... from Celestia and the other royals" She said rather quick but I caught it all. "So you're saying you want me to kill people" I said giving her a deadpan look. "Nononono, Lux look... you're a child now so you have to understand that we have lawd that requires children to go to school and learn the basics of life" Twilight carefully explained to me. "Bullshit! Im smarter than most of these ponies and Im sure my intelligence is just as good as yours" I said making the mare raise and eyebrow. "Wanna bet?" (An hour later) "What the hell is this shit?!" I asked seeing some math equation that looked like hieroglyphics. "Its the first question of the test that measures up to my level of intelligence" Twilight said smugly already done with every answer filled with her work shown. "Sorry Lux, Im just smarter than the anverage person" Twilight said smugly before I flicked my pen at here. "Whatever..." I shot before leaning back into the couch. "Do I have to?" "It would be against the laws of equis" Twilight answered and got up. "It'll be fine, not like your gonna be with people you dont know" she assured and I chuckled a bit. "Yeah, thats true" I said sitting up. "So when do I go to these, 'special classes'?" I asked and a loud pop came from behind me and I felt a soft hand on my shoulder. I looked and saw alabaster white fur. "Seriously Twilight" "Sorry, he's all yours Princess" Twilight said and snapped her fingers making a satchel appear and fall in my lap. "Have fun Lux, and dont sneak out of the castle remember what we talked about" "I know, I know, what are you my Mom?" I sarcastically said. "At this point I might as well be, anyways myself and the others will join you shortly because we've been summoned, so we'll see you tonight" Twilight said and waved me off as Celestia teleported us to the castle. Once we had appeared, I landed on my ass due to me being in a sitting position. "Thanks for the warning Celestia" I said getting up. "So how is this going to work?" I asked the mare and she summond a list. "Well young man, were going over everything I can teach" Celestia said excitedly. "It's so good to have another student after Twilight left, I hope you will become just as smart as that mare" she said jokingly before motioning me to follow her. "I dont know about that Celestia, as you recall Im still a bit evil and dont really take kindly to orders" I reminded her but she didnt seem to care. "Well I have Steel and Brigid here in the castle, along with the other royals so im pretty sure with all of us combined we can handle you. Besides your a child now, so it'll just be your testosterone and hormones pumping through your head not evil intent" Celestia said making me chuckle. "*sigh* Teens" We walked for a bit longer down the seemingly endless halls of the castle until we came to a door that looked like it was made from red wood and had golden latches and bolts on it. Celestia lightly pushed on the door and I was met with thousands upon thousands of book, the amount of books here would make the ones at castle of the two sisters seem like nothing. "Holy mother of God" I said in awe and the Alicorn mare giggled before clearing her throat getting my attention. "Welcome to my study" Celestia announced and it echoed through the shelves of the archive. "All of this is yours?!" I asked still in awe, this would be like heaven to Twilight if she were here. It was non-stop with that mare, teaching me equestrian history, other languages, even math and writting cause I didnt really have time to learn that since I was in a head for my whole life. "What Twilight would give to have this place" "Yes, it was hard keeping it out of sight from her but I did it" Celestia said and used her magic to levitate a table, two chairs and a few books. "Now then, lets begin our lesson Lux" she said sitting down and I followed. "Ok whats the first lesson math, reading, writting?" I listed and she handed the first book. "Magic training guide?" I said questioning why she gave me this. "Im your magic teacher, we will be doing the basics of magic and as you get used to them we will continue to more advanced methods" Celestia explained as she got a copy herself. "Now then Im sure you already know how to use magic correct? Since you and Steel shared the same body for so long" "Well... I dont really know how to use magic in this body" I admitted and the mare gave me a suprised look. "I know I have it, but I just cant seem to control it quite well ever since I became young again" "Well thats why were here Lux, now then lets start with the basic levitation spell" Celestia said standing up and placed a book at the end of the table. "I want you to pick up that book with only your magic" She said. I got up from my seat and reached out with a hand, I began concentrating to bring out the magic. But nothing was happening, I concentrated harder sweating a bit trying to get the book to even rise off the table, but nothing. I stopped and panted slightly whipping off some sweat from my head. "I cant" I simply said. "You can, you just have to focuse" Celestia encouraged. "Since you do not have a horn like an alicorn or a unicorn, you have to use your hands just like Brigid and Steel... find a spot on your hand and focus on it then spread it all over" Celestia said guiding me through it and I nodded. I raised my hand again and closed my eyes to focuse properly. I picked the palm of my hand and began focusing on it, it was strange, a small warm feeling grew and just as Celestia said I started making it grow and spread it across my hand. It felt like warm water was washing over my fingers and palm. "Good... now channel that source, to the book at the end of the table" Celestia gently said and I gave a small nod before taking a deep breath. I opened my eyes to see my hand covered in a calming blue aura, at the end of the table I focused my vision on the book and flexed my fingers gently. In a second the book was covered in the blue aura causing me to get excited, but I kept my concentration. I reeled in the book with my magic until it hit the palm of my hand, I clenched it and the magic went away. I gave a small laugh as I smiled, feeling this weird sensation go through me. "I did it!" I exclaimed. "I feel funny, like a good kind of funny" I said noticing I was unable to stop smiling at my small accomplishment. "Well my guess is you're feeling joy" Celestia answered and I gave a small laugh again. "What else do we have?" I asked actually not dreading this school thing anymore. 2 hours later, Dining Hall "Man I've never seen a child so full of energy" Crystal whispered to the twins who nodded as they watched me tell the other royals, Brigid, Steel, the mane six, Spike, the guys, Gilda and Trixie how everything went. "Then after the Twins taught me how to read ancient equestrian, Crystal taught me more of the history of equis which is surprising since I've never taken her for a history person" I said and before I could go on, Steel tossed a roll of bread in my mouth shutting me up. "We get it Lux, it was fun" Steel said laughing as was everyone else. "You know its kind strange seeing a younger me, well sorta... kinda got your own looks their, Im sure you'll be racking in the ladies" he joked and Twilight along with Frost nudged him. "Im just kidding girls... or am I? "I dont know Steel, no one other than all of you know that I exist" I said swallow the peice of bread in my mouth. "So getting a girlfriend would be kinda hard since no mare has seen me" I said. "Ah you'll find someone Lux, your young, you got plenty of time to find yourself a girl" Coal said as Bluebelle leaned on him. "Took me awhile to find one as well" "Dont ya worry, if I found one ya bet yer ass you will surely find a lass to have one day, thats a guarantee" Greenie said as he held up his drink. He was finally able to drink his liquor after the doctor checked his wounds from when he got blasted. Not gonna be able to grow his chest fur back though. "Alright, alright... though I already have a mare in mind thank you very much" I said and started eating again. It was silent for a while making me wonder what was wrong, I looked up to see everyone looking at me. "What?" "Who's the lucky girl?" Pinkie asked and everyone leaned in. "Geez y'all act more like children than I do" I said."But yeah, I got a girl in mind, but Im not telling any of you" "Ah knew he was lying" Aj said making me roll my eyes. "Whatever, anyways I'm tired so Im gonna head to bed... speaking of, where am I going to sleep?" I asked celestia. "Down this hall and last room on the right" She said and I thanked her before leaving. "You know... I wonder what kinda mare he's intrested in" "Its beyond me darling, I keep thinking he was going to stay the way he was when he got himself free" Rarity said. "I mean if he was Steels age again with the way he looked when we first saw him then I would gladly-" Rarity stopped as Mint gave her a look. "*Ahem* show him to some of my other friends" She finished and gave a nervous laugh fanning off a small blush, everyone snickered. "Well if he's another version of Steel then, someone like Twilight, Forst and Luna" Brigid said making the man laugh a bit. "Im sure he's still figuring that out" Steel said and they all continued with dinner. I walked down the halls of the castle, gazing out the windows seeing the stars light up the night sky. It was beautiful, I couldnt help but stop and just stare at the stars and the moon. "So beautiful" I said sighing. "Thank you" A voice said and I jumped back a couple of feet pulling out a butterfly knife I crafted in Jacks shop. It had a white handle with a diamond and obsidian blade curved and painted like the galaxy, took me forever to make it especially in secret. "Who's there?" I called out with the blade at the ready. I looked around the dark hallway for a bit waiting to see if anybody was going to come out, but was met with silence and darkness. I clicked my tounge in annoyance, getting jumpy over my imagination. "Damn mind, guess Im just tired" I told myself as I flipped the blade closed, continuing my way to my room. "Lux, find me" The voice beckoned, I stopped as I felt a chill go up my spin. I turned around to see a purple figure standing a few feet away from me, it was hard to see it since it was dark but I knew it was their. It raised a hand up then gently floated in the air, I felt something pulling me toward it like it was using its magic to grab and pull me. The figure began leading me through the empty halls, cutting corner after corner, climbing stair after stair. I had no idea where it was leading me but I knew that whatever it was, was growing closer... and closer... and closer. After an hour and a half of walking passed, I was left just a few feet away infront of an old door that looked way out of place in a castle like this. The figure turned to me and got close enough to touch me, and only then did I realize who it was that was guiding me. "Nightmare- hmph" I began but was stopped as she kissed me for a moment, and in that moment I felt bliss. I didn't want it to end but it couldn't go on forever. She parted from me and caressed my cheek, I think I felt a tear leaving my eye. "I'll be back one day, but the sad truth is I may never find a way to the real world... even if I tried every waking minute mainly because... Im fading away" she said and I was heart broken. "No" was all I could say. "Because Luna herself has changed, that means theirs little to no shred of me in her anymore... this is what is left of myself and I used it to see you once more" Nightmare told me, her body was beginning to fade away. I reached out to her but my hand went right through. "Lux... my time is up... when I leave this world, I loved when we were together and I hope to never forget it... but promise me something Lux" She said. "Anything... anything!" I exclaimed trying to hold at least one more time, but my efforts were in vain. "I want you to promise me... that you wont forget me when Im gone and find another" Nightmare asked and I was crying at this point. I was unable to get a word out. "Lux, it will break my heart if you don't promise me this" "I promise, I wont, I love you Nightmare..." I said but she giggled a bit, the tears wouldn't stop and I fell to my knees. "We were meant to be..." I choked out, after a moment I realized she was still waiting for me to answer, I would do anything to make ger happy... this is a test of how far I would go just know that she would be happy. So I gave my answer. "I promise... but how will I find new love if all I could think of is you?" I asked. "Its ok lux I understand how you feel, Ive done the same thing... thats why I have to do this, for both of us" Nightmare said before using her other hand and flicked me on my forehead. I felt dizzy, and before I knew it I fell to the ground blacking out. "You may not remember me anymore Lux, but I'll always be right next to you, so when you awaken... I hope you find the little peice of me that is left" she said and faded away leaving behind a silver bracelet with a black gem in the middle. Midnight "Ugh... what happened?" I asked waking up on the cold floor. I had no idea what was going nor do I know why I was laying infront of this weird old door. "Where am I and why are my cheeks wet?" I asked. I rose to my feet after a couple of minutes and looked around, only to find a bracelet. I picked it up and looked it over, it was kinda amazing to look at if Im being honest. The silver metal matched beautifully with the black gemstone in the middle, it also gave off a familiar vibe that I couldn't put my finger on. "Might as well, I dont think anyone would mind" I said and slid it on my right wrist. I looked it over once more and smiled a bit, it felt warm and comforting, it was strange to think a peice of metal would feel like this. "Hmmm, now what about this door?" I questioned. "I could go and tell Steel and the others about this... or... I could look inside myself, it's not technically leaving the castle so Twilight wont get on my ass for leaving" I said and with that in mind, I walked to the door and reached for the handle. "I wouldnt do that if I were you" "Holy fuck!" I screamed and turned around to see a tall black figure standing a few feet infront of me, I couldnt really see what he was wearing all except for a crimson red helmet that made it hard to even see his face, and a weapon that literally gave me chills. I think he noticed me shaking a bit after looking at the weapon. "Dont like it?" The man asked his voice sounding metalic thanks to the helmet, he then reached back and pulled the Weapon off of his back. It was a twin blade weapon, both connected by a thick golden chain, the blades were thick and looked sharp enough to cut down multiple buildings all at one with a single swing. It had alien designs that didnt match this world, it looked like it was from earth somewhere in the medieval times since it had gold markings on it along with ancient drawings. It was amazing to stare at but also completely terrifying. "A nice weapon, but usless in my hands" "T-Then why h-have it?" I asked him and chuckled. "Its not mine kid... it's yours, made by all the essence of your own being" He said piercing it into the ground and left it embedded into the ground. "Come find me once you get the chance, Im sure the others will be thrilled to see you... Lux Tenebris, I do recommend going in alone if you want a better chance" the man said pulling a black hood over his helmet and began walking past me then opened the door. "Wait! How do you-" I stopped once I turned around and saw that the man was gone. The door was wide open, giving me the view inside and to say it gave off a creepy vibe was an understatement. It was a cave leading inside the mountain holding up the castle, I became more curious than creeped out but I became more cautious at the same time. "Maybe I should tell Twilight" I said and almost instantly spat out that idea. "Im no kid running to his mommy just because of a stupid cave" I said and looked back to the blades in the ground. "I have no other weapon except for my knife... and whatever might be in their could be dangerous, so maybe I should take the blades" I said and began walking to it until I was right infront of it. It still terrified me a bit, but if that guy was telling the truth then it should be apart of me, with that in my mind I began to reach for it... until I heared a pop. "Lux, dont touch that!" Steel yelled and pulled me away from it. "What, why!?" I asked but was answered by him teleporting us to one of the libraries were everyone was talking or reading. I shoved Steel off of me causing him to hit the table a bit getting the others attentions. "The hell is wrong with you?!" "You were about to touch a weapon that literally made our skins crawl" He said and fixed himself. "I was protecting you, that thing you saw in the ground could be dangerous" "Could be dangerous, if ya haven't noticed dumbass, I AM DANGEROUS!" I yelled at Steel causing the others to flinch. "And whats up with that cave leading into the mountains?" I asked Celestia. "Dont change the subject Lux" Steel said. "Or what, gonna ground me?" I shot back making him go silent. "Thats what I thought, Im not a little kid" I reminded him and moved him out of the way. "Lux, calm down" Crystal asked and I growled at her. "Lux, suns getting real low buddy" Coal jumped in but I just glared at him shutting him up. ".... did you just quote an avengers movie?" I asked giving him a dumbfounded look. "Whats avengers?" "Oh you motherfu-" I stopped when Twilight stood next to me gaving me a glare. I groaned and took a deep breathe before sighing, calming my anger down. "Whatever, never do that again capisce?" I said to Steel. "Fine, but I dont want to touching those blades" Steel told me and I rolled my eyes. "What is that cave Celestia?" I asked and everyone looked to her. "It's something Luna and I made many, many years ago... it house's a portal to where our father is buried" Celestia said and this piqued everyones intrest. "This is the reason why I had moved our castle to this mountian, its cause we found the portal inside while searching for lands to claim... our mothers never told us what happened to our father only that they buried him in a sacred place somwhere in Equstria... though we vowed to never go in for the sake of not disturbing his peace" She finished and now I was filled with curiosity. "So ya never went in, didnt ye want ta see yer father or at least his grave... pay yer respects?" Greenie asked and Celestia nodded. "For years I've wanted to see his grave, but I decided to break the vow when Luna had returned and become her old self once more... I must've forgotten over the millennia of waiting for Luna while ruling a kingdome" Celestia answered. "This is getting intresting" Edge said. "Hell yes it is, anyone up for a little exploring?" Rainbow asked and most of everyone cheered yes. "I don't know, shouldn't we have Luna with us to see her father's grave as well" Steel threw in and everyone gave an 'o' to the realization. "She's still in a coma since the tree of harmony, maybe we should wait" "You may be right Steel, but I wanna know the name of the guy who was crazy enough to bang two literal goddesses" I joked laughing a bit but was pinched hard by Twilight. "Hey, that hurts!" "Then dont say stuff like that then" Twilight said and let me go. "Well I know now if I ever have kids, I'll be a good mom since I've dealt and took care of lux for a few months" "Or a terrible one" I muttered and was pinched again this time harder. "Aaaah! I'm sorry I'm sorry!" I begged and she let me go. "What does Steel see in you?" "A nerd" Steel said kissing her cheek. "Anyways, the doctor said that Luna should be waking up any day now, so I think we should wait till then" He said. "Agreed? " "Yup" "Aye" "Yes" "No problem" "Yeah" One after another they agreed and all that was left was me. I looked around to see them staring at me waiting for me to answer. ".... Fine" I said a bit disappointed, but what that guy said was still going through head. "Whats wrong Lux?" Fluttershy asked. "Nothing... its just... nevermind Im going to bed" I said and walked out of the library. The night was still young so I decided to do some exploring, didn't want Twilight or the others to know since they're scared of what might happen if Im found. I was roaming the halls, and the room's of the castle trying to see what was fun around here but all their was, was nothing but big empty rooms, the maids quarters and the armory. I was now outside taking in the cold air, though I cant feel it, it felt good being outside. Spending all my valuable time in doors is such a waste for someone like me, I was currently walking through Celestias ginormous garder. No matter where I turned their was a flower right infront of me, to be honest it was really beautiful, peaceful even... never felt like this before. "You know kid, you and I are almost a like" I snapped my head around and saw the man again this time I could fully see what he looked like. He wore a dark red jacket over a whole white metal type of suite with a red bat in the middle and a bright red jacket with the hood over his head, black leather gloves that looked a little ruffed up, black military pants and boots, and finally two brown holsters for his ashy white pistols. He was sitting down on the fountian edge sharpening a long knife. "We were both arrogant, full of rage, thinking we could do anything ourselves, a little selfish but really who isnt... were broken, only barely fixed" He said and stop sharpening the knife. "But the only thing that doesnt make us the same, is that you have your friends and family while all of mine... left me" "Who are you?" I asked him and he put his knife away then stood up. "I go by Red Hood, but my name is Jason Todd, and apparently Im your 'ancestor'" Jason answered and held out his hand, then suddenly summoned the twin blades in his hand. "Your brother doesnt really know what he's talking about, he's to protective because of what happened to that Luna girl... here, take'em" He said and tossed me the blades but as they touched my hands they shattered, I stood their in shock and I know Jason wasnt expecting this either. "Is... is that supposed to happen?" I asked him and he was silent. He put his hand on his chin and humed for a moment, then became silent again. "Not really, those were your blades kid but it seems that that's not the case... but then again if thats not your weapon then what-" Jason started and quickly whipped his head to the right. "Someones here... take this" He quickly said and tossed me a Gun "Wait-" I called out but we heared the person coming closer and he vanished into thin air. I ran over to a nearby bush and waited for the person to appear. I checked the pistol to make sure its loaded and, seeing that it is I got ready. "Strange, I could've sworn I heared someone out here" A somewhat raspy and confident voice rang through my ears. I peeked over the bushes a bit and saw a mare with purple fur, a dark blue mane and tail wearing one of the guards training gear with a wooden sword on her hip. She looked beautiful, I couldn't stop looking at her and I dont think I wanted too. She had different colored eyes, one was green while the other was baby blue, and she had a small fang peeping out of the left side of her mouth. Only thing that was wrong, was that she looked at least a few years older than me. "Geez, making a rookie do the night watch with a wooden sword and the training gear" The mare complained a bit only to sigh. "Apparently every damn mare has a bust size of double d's and up, lucky bitches" She said sitting down and I looked at her small chest. "Wonder if they got a spell to have a bigger bust size" "I dont think they're that bad" I blurted out, I slapped my hand over my mouth as I heared the mare yelp slightly. "Who's their, show yourself!" She demanded looking in my direction. She drew the wooden sword and slowly approached the bush, "Last chance!" She warned. 'Me and my stupid mouth!' I thought. "Alright, just... don't swing that sword ok?" I said putting the gun under the bushes and slowly came out from behind the leaves. "A human?" She muttered lowering her sword a bit only to bring it back up. "How... how is their another human in this world, last time I checked their were only two" she said a little freaked out seeing me. "And a child no less" "Hey lady, Im 15 Im no child" I corrected her, she looked me up and down and gave me an unimpressed look. "Listen kid, I dont know why you're here but Im gonna let you off with a warning ok" The mare said and put her wooden sword back in the sheath. She walked up to me and grabbed my arm firmly then started dragging me through the garden. "But I still have to let princess Celestia know of you, maybe she'll have some answers" she said. "Uh, actually I was wondering if I could just keep walking around the gardens, first time Im not restricted by walls" I said. "And uh... I did mean I said back their in the bushes" I added and we stopped. "You heared... all of that?" She asked turning to me with a small blush and a glare that screamed murder, which made her oddly more attractive. "Has anyone said you look beautiful when you have murderous intent?" I asked and was punched in the gut. "Gonna whizz red" I wheezed out holding my stomach. "Im warning you kid-" "How many times do I have to say it?" I asked getting back to my feet chuckling a little, the guard readied herself. "Im not a kid flat chest" "Oh you asked for it!" She screamed and tackled me to the floor, we slid across the grass and she pinned me to the ground. She sent a few jabs across my face and went to slam both of her fists on my chest, but I blocked then kicked her off of me launching her to a nearby tree. I got up and wiped away a little blood from my lips, I popped my knuckles and ran towards the mare. She saw this and charged at me, as we grew closer I jump up slightly reeling my fist back in order to use the momentum I gained to make the punch harder. The mare slid to a stop as we were right infront of eachother, she reeled her fist back to send a punch with everything she had. And we sent our fists at one another, but they connected and went into a power struggle though I had felt something crack in my hand, I grunted and strained to win the struggle. I looked at the mare and noticed she was hurt as well, but still trying to win the struggle. I grabbed her arm, breaking the struggle, and pulled her into a hard knee and a sharp elbow to the cheek. I let her go to kick her back, but she grabbed my leg and swung me towards the tree hitting it with a hard thud. She wasnt done, as I was recovering she ran up on me kicked my side hard then punched me across the face again. The mare then grabbed my hand and threw me across the grass in a tired and beaten state. "Give it up kid, before you get really hurt" She warned. "You need to find another definition for going easy, but I'm not giving up that easy" I said, I winced at the pain from my hand and side but I got back to my feet and raised my fists. "I can do this all day" I panted. "You asked for it, dont say I didn't warn you" The mare growled before sprinting towards me. I smirked as I looked at the different possibilities of attack she was going to use, and as she got close enough to strike, I dodged it. "What the hell" she tried again and again but continued missing, "Hold still damn it" "Sorry flat chest, but I should've just stopped this fight when it started" I said playful grabbing the fist coming towards my face. She looked at me with suprise and sent a kick to which I caught, "Cause if I took this seriously like I am now, you would have never even touched me" I snorted softly as I finished my sentence. "Really now" She said a bit to cocky and went for a headbutt only for me to throw her fist back at her and she punched herself hard. "Fuckin shit that hurt, cheap bastard!" She yelled until I kneed her again and tossed her away. "Tell me something I dont know" I said chuckling at the insult. She got up on all fours and spat out some blood before getting back to her feet. The mare wobbled slightly trying to steady herself. "Give up while you're still conscious" "Like hell" She spat and made a break for me, but two steps in I was already infront of her with my fists balled up. "What the fu-" I cut her off with a hard uppercut sending into the air slight then I pushed her to the ground. "Yatta" I looked at the mare and checked to see if she was breathing. The armor made it hard to check her neck so I took her chest peice off, once I did I tossed it away and looked back only to her breasts fully exposed. ".......... Shit" I said plainly silently panicking, I quickly looked around my surroundings to make sure no one was watching. I took a deep before checking her pulse. While I did I was looking for signs of breathing, I felt the small pulses and sighed in relief. It was quickly replaced with dread when I heared a gasp from behind me, I turned to see another guards mare. She had the standard guard armor and sword, she had pink fur and a red mane and tail, bright yellow iris and had a good amount of muscle. "What are you doing to lullaby!" The pink mare demanded, her voice was stern and bossy in a way. She unsheathed her sword and glared daggers at me. "Wait a minute! Its not what you think, really!" I tried to assure her but I noticed that my hand slide from lullaby's neck and onto one of her small breasts. My blood went cold and my heart sank, I couldnt even give out a little yelp, all I could do was slowly look back at the mare. Her face was hidden behind the shadow of the helmet and somehow her eyes had turned bright red. "What is this anime plot shit!" I yelled before making a run for it. "Stop you sexual harasser!" The mare yelled at me and chased after me. Luckily I was faster plus I had a head start, so I ran towards the castles forest and flew past the trees. Im sure by now I lost the mare so I stopped half way in and looked behind me, seeing that I was right I sat on the ground to catch my breathe. "Son of a bitch" I panted out. "Great... now Im the bad guy again, pretty sure that pink mare is gonna come after me so I should probably head back inside" I said to myself until I realized I left Jason's gun under the bushes. "Damn it I left the gun behind" "No you didn't" Jason said reappearing behind me, I turned and he held his gun up before holstering it. "Gotta take better care of my stuff kid" "Sorry bout that, anyways, Im sure you saw what happened back their so I think it would be best if I go back to the others" I suggested. "Good plan, but how are you gonna explain that 'sexual harassment' to your friends?" Jason asked and I was left with a blank mind. "Exactly, so you better start coming up with an excuse now" he said before vanishing, leaving me to my thoughts. "Easier said than done, but he's got a point... pretty sure Twilights gonna kill me" I mumbled before turning around and began walking back to the castle. That is, until I heared a small ringing coming from my right. "The hell?" I questioned, without a second thought I began walking towards the sound. As I walked towards the ringing it ecame louder and louder, almost unbearably loud, but I pressed on. After a few minutes of walking, I was now face to face with a tall old wall, it looked like it was here for ages. "Whoa, how long has this been here... how long have we not known about this place?" I questioned silently running my hand against the old cold stone wall. "It feels like... something's in their" I said and began looking for a way inside. After searching for a bit I noticed that the wall had a large metal door, locked and held together with a chain. The door itself felt warm, and emitted a strong magical aura around it. "How do I get inside?" I pondered, I thought for a moment before trying to use magic. I took a step back and held out my hand forming the magic around my hand, I gripped the chain with the aura and began pulling it. The chains themselves looked weak, but they were pretty durable since I was struggling to even get it to crack. I gritted my teeth and used everything I had to break them and through my efforts, I heared a snap and I fell on my back. The broken chain hung from the latches on the door and soon fell to the ground. I got up and dusted myself off before going towards the door and opening it. The first thing I felt was a rush of icy cold air flying past me, I looked inside and saw a dimly lit walkway. I walked in a few feet to see how far it might've been, but just as I was about to test it the door behind me slamed shut and I heared the chain slide back into place and lock itself. "Guess Im not going back that way, I wonder whats down here?" I questioned and began slowly walking deeper in to the darkness. I tried to use my fire to light the way a bit more, but their seems to be a magic dampening spell, that means Im stuck unless a way out is at the end of this path. I continued walking for a bit, to be honest, it felt like Ive been walking for hours. I don't know if I was making progress or not but I'll soon find out. Step after step, minute after minute I finally began to see a bright light. I made a dash for it and seeing the light was the most refreshing thing to witness after walking in the dark for who knows how long. I finally made it to the light and it was an opening leading to a big arena type of place, if was lit by the moonlight and from what I see, it was massive. The size of ten football fields put together with broken weapons, armor, sheilds, skeletons either spread out or hung on the wall. I stared in awe as I saw this, it was amazing and I couldn't help myself as I rushed down the steps to get a closer look. "Woooow, this is so fuckin cool!" I exclaimed excitedly. I kept look at the armor and weapons that look like they've been here for hundreds maybe even thousands of years. The sand had patches of old blood on and was pierced with weapons of the fallen warriors on the floor. "Easy kid, dont get to excited, we gotta find a way out of here" Jason said appearing next to me, I groaned slightly knowing he was right. "C'mon, before something else happens that lead us to fighting a damn beast" he added nudging me forward and I began looking around for an exit only finding the hole above as a way out. "I think I could make that jump, what do you think?" I asked Jason who calculated for a bit. "You might be able to, probably with a boost" He said and I nodded and took a few steps back for a running start. "Alright, on the count of three.... one... two.... three!" I rushed towards him and in one swift motion I launched up to the hole and reached out to grab the ledge but fell short and crashed back on the ground. "That... hurt" I wheezed out, slowly and shakily getting up. "I think I fell on something, felt it when I landed ever so gracefully" I said and looked to see what it was. "What the-?" It was some sort of key shaped blade, that or a deformed sword with no edge to it. The blade was silver and the guard was pure gold and had a great grip on it surprisingly, and it had a chain but was missing whatever was connected to it at the bottom. "The hell is this goofy thing?" I asked Jason. "Looks pointless, doesn't even have an edge or a point" Jason said and seeing his point, I tossed the weapon back and started walking back to him. As I did I suddenly heared a small ping sound in my ear and felt something heavy in my left hand, I looked to see that keyblade thing in it. "I said toss it Lux" "I did, it just reappeared in my hand" I said looking it over. "Dont you think its kinda strange we didn't see a weapon like this sticking out of the ground?" I asked. Jason rolled his eyes under his mask and grabbed the keyblade and chucked it. As it flew through the air, it vanished and reappeared in my hand. "What the hell" he mumble. "Thats pretty cool actually, I think I might keep this thing" I said spinning it in my hand. "Well I hope so, cause its not gonna leave" Me and Jason turned to see who spoke and it was a kid at least two years old than me, with brown spikey hair, blue eyes, wearing a black shirt, gloves, shorts and a jacket with a light red outline and big black shoes with yellow on the sides. "Whats up, my names Sora, Im also a keyblade wielder like you" "Keyblade?" I asked Sora who nodded. "That thing in your hand, its called a keyblade and its a very powerful weapon that has to accept those with pure in order to weild it" Sora said happily, I looked at Jason who looked at me and we both laughed. "Heeey whats so funny, Im serious!" "You think Lux is pure of heart, sorry kid but you got the wrong guy" Jason said. "Yeah Sora sorry to break it to you but Ive hurt alot of people and almost killed my brother and his girlfriend twice" I said. "Im pretty much evil" "That was the old you Lux... do you remember that shred of light you saw in Steels head?" Sora asked yo which I nodded. "That was the good side of you, cause no matter how dark it may seem, their will always be a shred of light in the darkness. And by destroying the darkness inside of your heart, their was only light" He explained but it kinda confused me a bit. "Ok so, what you're trying to tell me is... is that Im not evil anymore?" I asked and he nodded. "I mean... I guess you're kinda right, I felt the changes these past few months but I assumed it was nothing. Guess it wasn't" I said and looked at the keyblade. "You know, its strange really, I usually have my good friends Donald and Goofy with me but I guess they wont be joining me this time. Im not dead, just asleep really" Sora said. "You have some weird dreams my dude, but how can you be asleep? I can touch you" I questioned him after poking him. "Its... a very long story, my friends are also asleep as well so I should've expected them not to be here, anyways I'll tell you later first we have to get out of here" Sora said and we all agreed. After searching for a few more minutes we decided to try the hole once again. I took a couple of steps back and I sprinted towards Jason and launched myself up again, this time I actually touched the edge but it wasnt enough to grip onto. "Damn it, We were so close!" I yelled. "Its just a matter of trying, you were close this time" Sora said trying to calm me down. "Hey wait, can't you fly Lux?" Jason asked I gave him a deadpan look. "Im not Steel anymore Jason, I dont know how to fly and I dont even have wings nor can I concentrate my ki to fly cause I havent learned that yet" I explained before slumping to the ground sighing in defeat. "Theirs gotta be a way out of here" I said as I gazed at the hole in the ceiling. "Hey Jason, lets go look around a bit more... give Lux some time to think" Sora threw out and Jason nodded before the two began searching again. I continued to stare at the hole for awhile longer, it was the only way out but Im just a bit short of reaching it. I sighed knowing it would be almost impossible to grip onto the ledge, I looked down and stared at my keyblade for a bit. Then it hit me like Twilights pinches, I got back to my feet and called back Jason and Sora. "Whats up kid?" Jason asked "Yeah, why are you so excited?" Sora jumped in. "I figured out how to get out of here, Jason get ready to launch me ok" I said to the man who slowly nodded as I stepped back a few feet. I looked at the keyblade then the hole and dashed towards Jason, as I got closer to Jason I was getting ready to be launched but I stopped when we felt the ground shake. "What... was that?" I asked only to be answered with another rumble and this time a roar following it. "Ok, What Was That?" I asked, a little terrified by that roar. "I don't know but I think we spent to much time here" Jason said snapping me back into my plan, I took a few steps then once again sprinted and launched myself from Jason. As I grew closer to the top I reached out with the keyblade and hooked the tip of it to the edge. "Yes! Alright lets get the hell out of here!" I said hoisted myself up, climbing ontop of the roof of wherever I was. I looked around to see that I was still in the forest, although it seemed I was in the middle of the forest. "Alright time to head back to the castle" I said in relief and jumped off the old Coliseum and booked it back to the castle. "And another thing Lux, I've told you plenty of times not to leavr the castle, but you still go and get titled as a sexual harasser!" Twilight yelled chewing ne out the moment everyone found me. To say I was embarrassed was an understatement really, and Steel tried to take my keyblade away but I some how made it disappear from my hands which meant I got lucky. "You are going to apologize to that mare for doing what you did" "And whats that 'mom', making sure was still breathing?" I asked. "In case you haven't noticed, Im the one being tossed all the blame when she's the one that started it so excuse me for not eagerly giving her a written apology" I spat out and the guardsmare glared daggers at me. "You didn't have to rip my armor off kid!" Lullaby growled. "Be thankful I didn't kill you!" I snapped at her before Twilight stepped in. "You two are acting like children... wrong choice of words, but none the less one of you is a child while the other is a grown mare" Twilight said making Lullaby grit her teeth knowing she was right. "And you mr. Im gonna kill everybody, apologize for ripping her armor off now, its 3 in the morning and quite frankly I would rather be sleeping than dealing with two foals" "... Fine, Im sorry I was making sure you were breathing-AAH!" I screamed a bit when twilight pinched my ear. "What was that?!" "Im sorry for ripping off your armor and seeing your chest, please forgive me- let go damn it!" I apologize and Twilight let her death grip on my ear go. "Thats better, now Lullaby Id appreciate it if you will apologize for starting the fight with Lux" Twilight asked kindly and seeing that she wasnt playing, Lullaby sighed in defeat. "Im... sorry for starting a fight with you and I accept your apology" Lullaby said and after a few more minutes of talking we all went our separate ways. Well I would've if Twilight wasn't using her magic to pull me by my arm to my room. "I said I was sorry Twilight" "Well you need to learn to listin to instructions better, and clearly you cannot so Im locking you in your room until we leave" Twilight stated as we got infront of the doors. "Oh really, you do know I have magic too right?" I asked as she opened the door and nudged me inside. "I do, but Celestia told me you haven't fully developed it well enough to disable spells so Im confident you cant leave with my spell on the door" Twilight said snapping her fingers and instantly the doors were blocked off by a lavender colored aura forming a force field. "Their, I will have the maids bring you breakfast, lunch and dinner so get comfortable cause we're here for the whole month" She finished and slammed the door shut. "Im a grown ass man Im no child that should be grounded!" I yelled bashing my fists on the force-field. "God damn it!" "Whoa, Lux you gotta calm down" Sora said appearing behind me. "He's right kid, no sense in wasting energy" Jason added appearing next to Sora. I took a couple of deep breathes but they dont seem to be working. "FUCK THIS GOD FORSAKEN WORLD!" I screamed and pubched the aura as hard as I could only to end up break my hand. "Whats the difference between Steels head and out here, Im just another prisoner" I said, my voice cracking a bit as I fell to my knees, I turned over and sat down with my head looking at the floor. "Lux, I get what you mean and believe me when I say that its a tough pill to swallow... but the world can never be what you thought it might turn out to be" Jason said coming over and sitting next to me. "I was like you, but, I found my way out of what I was becoming" "I can say the same for me as well, my friends helped me when I was on the edge of darkness at one point... but they got through to me and we've been together for as long as I can remember" Sora said sitting down on the other side of me. "In that damn head I was left alone, in the darkness, and I couldn't hear nor could I feel anything except for hatred and rage... now with this new body, I... I dont know if I can handle it" I admitted, for the first time I felt like crying and I felt scared. "Well kid, you got us now... and we aint leavin for a long time" Jason said. "That's right, we'll always have your back Lux" Sora said ending with a big smile, it somehow made me feel a bit better. "Always" Jason said and took off his mask, he had tan skin, short black hair and blue eyes. "Thank's guy's... that mean's a lot" I thanked and got back to my feet. "Gotta look on the bright side, now I can practice my magic and how to use the keyblade" I said and summond said blade. "Right, and I can teach you how to channel magic through it to create different spells" Sora summoning his keyblade. "Its kinda like a big wand, but you can do some pretty crazy tricks with it" he said demonstrating by summoning fire with it and spinned it in his hand before throwing it at the wall, but just before he hit it. The blade came back and Sora caught it, then made the fire vanish. "You gotta teach me that " I said and tried it but only got it bounced back to me hitting my chest. "Yeah... should've seen that coming" I groaned. "Alright, right now we got time so let's get started on this little training of yours" Jason said putting his helmet back on and pulled out two knives. "Im gonna show you how to fight properly" "Alright guys, lets get to work" Half A Month Later "Shit!" I shouted as sora knocked me to the ground for fifth time. I tried to get back up but he kept me down with his keyblade and forced me to yeild. "Damn it! I was so close that time" I spat and fell back to the ground. "You are getting better at handling that keyblade though Lux, it HAS only been half a month and you're almost as good as me" Sora said helping me up to my feet. "Yeah, thats true its probably because of Jason's harsh fuckin lessons thou-" I was cut off with a kick to my back. "Dooooooooodge!" Jason screamed a vut late. "You're supposed to say that before you kick me asshole!" I yelled at the man. "Should've been on your toes Lux, but since I got your attention maybe you should consider cleaning this warzone you call a room" Jason said pointing the the obliterated room. The walls had scratches and holes, the floor had cracks and missing tiles, my bed was literally just a pile of springes and sharp peices of wood with torn pillows. The ceiling wasnt any different and the only thing that was stable, was the bathroom. But Jason had a point, I should probably attempt to clean this room, the maids are to scared to even come inside the room. "Alright, let me see what I can do" I said and threw the keyblade back causing it to vanish. I had worjed o my sword skilles and my magic and from what Sora and Jason say, Ive pretty much got my skills on lock but still need some practice. I snapped my fingers and suddenly everything was in my magic aura, I waved my hand and slowly everything started to go back to how it was when I first got here. "There we go, like nothing ever happened" "Impressive, now then, I believe we should take today off" Jason said. "We've worked you to the bone so I think you deserve a little break today" he finished and I sighed in relief. "Thank the gods, I can get some actual sleep" I said before heading to my bed and falling face first into the cloud I call a mattress. "Feels great" I said in a muffled tone. Before I could go to sleep, I heared my door open I saw Twilight with a tray of food in her magic. "How are you doing Lux?" "Kill me" "So good I presume, well I know I told you you're going to be stuck here for awhile so I just wanted to see how you were doing" Twilight went on as she came in and set the food next to my tired body. "Say... Lux, is that blood on your arm?" She asked and nodded. "Are you okay?" "Peachy, just tired" I groaned out and flipped on my back and Twilight looked a little worried seeing my bruised and scratched up face. "Nothin but boredom Twilight" "Lux... is their something you're not telling me?" Twilight asked as she sat me up and looked at my face. "You know Im not angry anymore so you can tell me what's on your mind" she said. "I know, but Im fine. Really" I said assuring her but she wasnt convinced. "Well you're going to need a healing spell for these injuries Lux, I may be good with magic but not the healing spells" Twilight said and grabbed my arm. "Lets go see the medical staff here at the castle" she said and led me out of my room and kept me in tow till we reached the medical wing of the castle. "Miss Twilight, what brings you by today?" A nurse asked the moment we walked in, the nurse saw me and came over to look me over. "What happened?" "I'll be honest, I have no idea" Twilight said. "Do you think you can help heal him a bit nurse feather weight?" She asked and the nurse nodded. "Come along then, it shouldn't take more than an hour considering these injuries and any other on his body" Nurse feather weight said and the took to one of the rooms and it was the one right next to Luna's. "Have a seat young man, I'll be back with some medicine for your cuts and I'll tend to your bruises with magic" she said and left the room. "Im going to be right back, I gotta go check in with the other nurses and see if they have any news on Luna" Twilight said heading for the door. "And please dont leave room, if you do that I'll let you free for the rest of the month" She said and I sighed. "Alright" I simply said and sat on the bed in the middle of the room. Twilight left and I was left alone with my thoughts. "You can come out guys" I said and both Sora and Jason appear next to me. "So Lux, is that your mom or something?" Sora asked and I shrugged. "Might as well be, acts like my mother" I said and sat up. "I think she's only doing it because Im like this, if I was my actual age Id have every woman falling for me in seconds" I said and Jason laughed. "Keep telling yourself that, anyways, what should we do while we wait?" Jason asked and I began thinking until I heared a small crash and someone moaning. "Sounded like it was next door" "That's Luna's room" I muttered and got up from the bed and summoned the keyblade. "You two go back in my head, I'll see whats going on" I said and doing as told they went back in and I looked out the halls to see if anyone was coming, luckily no one was in sight so I slipped out and rounded myself into Luna's room. The room was empty, save for a naked woman on the floor wearing a hospital gown. "Help... I feel so.... weak" The woman groaned and I quickly went over to help her up. Once she was up I helped back to her bed and sat her down, "Thank you very much... I dont know what came over me... Suddenly waking up in a hospital bed and having no idea how you get there, gives you quite a scare really" She said and I got a look at her. "L... Luna?" I asked hesitantly and she cocked her head to the side a little. "Who else would I be?" Luna asked and squinted her eyes scanning me a bit. "And who might you be little one?" She asked and I was at a loss for words, her human self didnt even come close to this, granted she was also beautiful but... not like this. "Are you sick little one? Your face has become flushed" Luna said putting her hand on my head. It was then I noticed I was blushing rather heavily, more so was because I was embarrassed she noticed it. "Uh- well- y-you see I was just- uh.... *ahem*, Luna this might suprise you a bit but please try to stay calm" I said snapping myself out of my stutter. "Alright, what is it?" "Well Luna, the first thing I should tell is that you're not... you, so to speak" I said and she looked confused. I summoned a mirror and handed it to her, she looked and not even a second later dropped it in shock. "How- why- when did- Im... Im human?!" Luna screamed panicking a bit looking at her creamy white hands and seeing no dark blue fur. "How did this happen?!" She asked me. "Well after I saved everyone from being destroyed by my evil side, we went to rescue you and the other princesses from the vines discord had planted many years ago" I started. "And when we got you free, you were turned into a human... the vines had smelt the secent of Steel on your being so it took some of Steels blood and dna then fused small fragmentsof it with yours, no that doesnt mean you're related to him but you are connected with him on a whole new level" I finished and Luna picked up the mirror and looked at herself again. "This is quite a lot to take in, first thing I remember is Steel waving goodbye then flying off and then I wake up here... turned human" Luna said looking over herself. "I must look hideous compared to other human females" she said but I chuckled. "Well, you'd be wrong... you're actually the most beautiful woman I've ever seen by far" I said without thinking and I blushed a little. "Awe, thats very kind of you to say young one" Luna cooed patting my head and ruffling my hair. "That reminds me, Im sure you despise being called young one so may I have your name?" Luna asked and I felt my heart drop. "My uh... my name?" I repeated and she nodded. "Uh, well Luna... can you guess?" I asked and she looked at me for a moment. As she looked at me, it felt like the seconds had turned to minuted which turned to hours until it finally dawned on her. "Lux?" Luna muttered. "Yeah" I answered and waited for whatever she was going to say or do, what I felt was completely different from what I was thinking. I was expecting her to get angry or attack me, anything really. But all I felt was her arms wrap around me and hug me. "Huh" "Im so happy you're finally free Lux, you have to tell me what you've been doing since I've been asleep, like why you're a young man again, have you found any mares, how is it feeling free to wander about in your new body" Luna said genuinely happy for me. I felt something roll down my cheek as she continued asking me questions, she pulled back from the hug and her happy face was replaced with worry and confusion. "Are you alright Lux?" She asked wiping the tear away. "I just... I can't tell you much it means to finally have someone else say they're happy for me" I choked out and I felt more tears falling out of my eyes. "Im still learning emotions so I dont how to feel right now, I feel like I cant contain it anymore" I said and pulled her back into a hug. "You're feeling happiness Lux, sometimes happiness is so overwhelming, you start crying " Luna explained accepting the hug, and wiped my tears once I stopped hugging her. "How have the others been treating you Lux?" Luna asked still wiping my tears away and drying my face. "I honestly have no idea Luna, sometimes they like me... sometimes they despise me, but most of all, they're scared of me" I said, she offered a seat next to her and I took it. "I've made two new friends these past few months, and they've helped me cope with some of my problems" I continued. "Have you tried talking to anyone else lux?" Luna asked me and I shook my head. "I always clam up and push it down, not very good for me honestly... Twilight has tried and only had a few times where I opened up on how I felt" I answered. "I've been treated like a prisoner all over again Luna, the others told me that 'soon Ill be announced to the public, let them know of my existence'... after that, not a peep" I finished. "Seems you've had a rough couple of months in the world Lux, especially when you've been barely brought into it" Luna said. "I dont think its fair to hide you away from everyone, I believe you have the right to be able to freely choose what you want to do from now on" Luna said pulling me once more. "Dont worry Lux, I'll see to it you have the right, and Ill talk to my sister and that man I call a coltfriend" Luna assured me and I sighed in feeling like the workd was lifted off my shoulders. "Thanks Luna... that means a lot" I muttered a bit, but was loud enough for her to hear it. "Your very welcome young one" she said and I drew back from the hug once more. "Now then, I believe we've been sad for far to long, tell me lux... what has happened to equis since Ive been asleep?" "We've all been waiting for you to wake up really, Steel was a little torn up that you were in a coma and came here everyday asking for updates and just sitting next to you, waiting" I said making the princess awe at this. "Well I cant wait to see him, Lux, can you be a dear and get me something to wear please" Luna asked and I nodded before snapping my fingers and summond a blue dress. "Well... I was thinking something less formal" "I know just the thing" Rarity Carousel Boutique Luna and I appeared in Rarity's house and I sat Luna down before looking around for something that will fit the princess. "What takes your fancy Luna, on me" I asked and she looked around the shop for a moment. I began looking around for something new I should wear. After an hour of searching, I found a black hoodie with short sleeves, a red shirt, black pants showing just a bit of my legs, red and black leather gloves and yellow sneakers. "I look kinda good in this" "Hold up, try this on" Sora said throwing me a smaller version of his crown necklace. I put it on and it fit perfectly. "Now you look good" "Could've added a little more red, but I agree" Jason complemented, the both vanished back in my head and I went to check on Luna. "How's it going on your end Luna?" I asked the woman. I turned the corner and saw her wearing a baby blue sweater that was a little to big but still enough to fit, dark blue pants and purple sneakers. "Looking good Luna" "I could say the same to you Lux, you look rather handsome in your new clothes" Luna complemented back, I smiled a bit and looked in the mirror. "Though that necklace is what really makes it" "And here I thought it was my handsome face" I joked making her giggle. "Anyways, are you ready to head back?" I asked. "Yes please, I still have to get used to the body, but I'd love to see everyone else first... especially a certain someone" Luna said and I rolled my eyes, I held out my hand to which she took and I teleported us back to the castle. We landed in the gardens and instantly we both noticed how many guards were running about, almost like they're searching for something or someone. We looked at eachother for a moment, I was about to say something only for when my mouth opened I was tackled by two guards. "Hey what the hell is-" I was cut off by a hard right to the face. "Silence, you are under arrest for the kidnapping of princess Luna" I heared a familiar voice and I saw lullaby'e friend from last night. "And for sexual harrasing my dear friend, take him away!" "Now just wait minute, I apologized for that and I did not kidnap Luna what do you take me for an Idiot?!" I yelled at the mare as I was brought to my feet. She gave me a disgusted look and another guard punched me in the stomach. "Goddamn you!" I coughed out. "Stop this at on-" "Please princess let us handle this, Steel and his friends are on their way to retrieve you" The mare said and walked off. I struggled against the guard's hold and broke out of it, I jumped back and summoned the keyblade then got ready. "C'mon you buncha cowards, who wants to get their ass kicked by a 15 year old?" I asked. Most of them wanted to back out, but stayed to try and fight me, bad move, I pulled out my phone and headphones then picked a song. "Alright, I'll take on every single one of you pussies!" I exclaimed growing a psychotic smile and hit play. I lunged forward quickly taking out the guard in the middle just as the song began. Following the first strike, I caught a spear aiming for me and snap it in half before punching the guy out cold then swung my blade as hard as I could behind me shooting the guard across the field with a broken chest peice. I backflipped behind another guard and kicked the back of his legs making them buckle, then I kicked him on the side of his head. I soon felt a tingle in the back of my neck, I leaned back far enough back to dodge a sword aiming for my back. I pointed the keyblade at the guardsmare and shot a fireball at her making the mare get blown back against a wall unconscious. I leaned back more planting my hands on the floor and jumped out of the way of an arrow. I saw the one responsible and ran towards the archer at almost impossible speeds grabbing her by the neck and threw her at two other guards. I looked back at the guards and saw all of the rushing towards me. My smile grew to the point of were it hurt slightly. "Need a little help Lux?" Jason asked appearing to my right. "You know we got your back" Sora added appearing on my left. "Alright, just dont kill them alright Jason" I said and we laughed for a minute before launching ourselves towards the army of guards. One after another, with what seemed like no end. Jason was handling 4 guards with just his bare hands, Sora already took down a handful and was working on another. While I was pushing myself to the limits, using all the skills I learned to beat these whimps I handled myself pretty well. My moves were smooth and quick, fast but hard, and felt more alive than I ever have. "Sora, on me" I called and reached out. Sora ran towards me and grabbed my hand and we began going in circles till we created a small tornado hitting guards who got near us with our keyblades and striking them with a small amount of electricity. We did this for a bit before we broke off spearing through the mass of guards. We continued fighting till the numbers started thinning to the two digits, possibly in the 20's. "Jason, finale shot to end this, lets do it!" I shouted wiping off sweat from my head and booked it towards Jason who spin kicked a guard charging at him. He turned and cupped his hands, I reached him and he launched me up as high as he could. "Time to finish this stupid battle!" I said before making Jason and Sora go back in my head as I launched towards the ground covering my whole body in my fire. "HAAAAAAAAA!" I cried out just as I was going to pierce the ground. "I've seen enough" My attack was caught and disrupted by a familiar face. "I thought Twilight grounded you, but you kidnap Luna and fight off an army, then try to finish it with this attack" Steel said pulling me forward and close lining me to the ground. The keyblade disappeared and I was knocked flat on the floor, the song ended and I coughed slightly at the the discomfort coming from my throat. "And here I thought you'd know better" "Fuck... you" I coughed. "Lux, are you alright?!" Luna asked rushing over to me. "He's fine, just in a lot of trouble" Steel assured and dragged me back to my feet. "The blade Lux, hand it over" he said holding out his hand, I looked at it then Steel and spat in his palm. "Bite me" I shot and was kneed in the gut. "Steel that was uncalled for" Luna said giving the man a disapproving look. "Luna, he spat in my hand and literally took out an army" Steel pointed out wiping said spit off. "Understand he's still getting used to things, but he's not a kid mentally so he shouldnt even be acting like one" "Thanks asshole, but unlike you I dont know how to handle emotions so well" I wheezed out and just laid there for a second. "And you are never getting my keyblade Steel, not until you pry it from my cold dead fingers" I said chuckling a bit. "Hand it over Lux, we both know you cant weild a weapon as well as I can" Steel asked once more. "You know what, try an take it" I said summoning it and tossing it to him, he smirked and caught it. He looked it over and before he could do anything with it, it vanished and reappeared in my hand again. "Hahaha... Im the only person that can weild this thing, all because I have a good heart" I joked chuckling even more as I sat up. "No more tricks, the blade, now" Steel demanded but before I could say anything we heared hurried footsteps. "Is everyone alright?!" We heared Rainbow ask as the others ran up to us. "What the hell happened here?" "And why is Lux looking like he fought an army" Edge asked pointing out my tired self. "Well... he did" Luna answered pointing behind her showing them the unconscious bodies of the guards me, Jason and Sora beaten. "If Im being honest, it was quite a sight to behold" "Ill say, I do hope these mares and stallions are alright, but I have to say those clothes look marvelous on you Lux!" Rarity said noticing my clothes. "I knew those clothes would be the right fit for you" "Yeah, though I had to search for them along with Luna's clothes" I said getting to my feet and used the keyblade to hold me steady. "Lux, I thought we told you, you cant have any weapon's" Twilight said crossing her arms. "Thats what I told him but he wouldn't give it up" Steel said. "And didn't you ground him?" "Yes, I did and he's going back to his room right now" Twilight demanded but I just snorted softly. "We had a deal Lux, you stay in the medical wing and you get to be free for the rest of the month" "Yeah, fuck that" I said stretching my limbs and began walking off. "If you need me, I'll be somewhere thinking of how much I wanna kill you all" I said before continuing on back inside. As I walked thtough the halls, I passed many guards who glared at me and looked terrified seeing me. "Buncha wusses, cant handle a punch... or magic or getting tossed around like rag dolls" I muttered. I walked a few more feet before I saw a door open at the end of a hall. Curiosity took over and I walked towards the door, halfway down the hallway I could hear the people talking. It was hard to make out but it sounded like a couple of mares. "Nah, no way anyone is ballsy enough to fuck in the castle while on duty" I whispered to myself and snickered. I continued getting closer and I could make out the voices more clearly, though it was voices I didnt recognize. "Did you see that, he took on that whole army by himself!" An impressed mare said, it sounded close to my age. "Clearly you're blind, oh sister of mine, you didnt see the other two guys who were helping him" Another mare said, her voice sounded smoother unlike the other girl, more mature. I peeked into the room just slightly and saw two mares both wearing armor. One was a Baby blue pegasus, had red spikey hair that poked through a slit on the top of her helmet, and had light red eyes although a little on the short side in height. The other mare had spikey yellow hair and like her sister she also had light red eyes, her fur was a reddish orange color and was just as tall as me. "Not really I was more focused on that kid, he looked awesome out their, you gotta admit that spinning attack was cool" the red head said taking off her helment fully, she looked cute actually. "Okay, I'll admit it was cool" The sister said also taking off her helmet, she was also pretty cute. What stood out the most is that they both kinda looked the same save for one being a unicorn and the other being a pegasus. "But didnt he sexual harass our older sister?" She asked and I froze a bit. "Are you sure lemon wasnt over exaggerating, you know she tends to do that" The red head said sitting down on the couch on the other side of the room. "Besides, that mare cant get any action even if she wanted to, not a lot of stallions go personality ya know, they only see the body and thats it" she spat out. "Well you're right about that, but out of all of them theirs at least one thats good" The orange haired girl said sitting next to her sister. It was at this moment that I realized I should leave, I already spent to much time eavesdropping in these two. As I turned to leave, I ran into what felt like a wall. I felt around it and pushed off of it. "I could've sworn there wasnt a wall here before" I said looking at said wall only to realize it wasnt a wall... it was a person. "What was that you little brat" I heared through girtted teeth. I looked up to see Lullaby giving me the coldest and most terrifying death glare Ive seen by far. "I forgave you for the sexual harassment but not the ass kicking or making fun of my flat chest" "I mean, it's not my fault you're flatter than a marble wall" I jabbed and was grabbed and thrown into the room with the sisters. They both jumped at the sight of me flying to the wall and crashing into it. "*groan*... that's gonna leave a mark" I said falling to the ground then picking myself up. "Whoa, your the kid from big fight outside" The red head said, but was silenced when Lullaby walked in. "Oh, did you call her flat?" "Flatter than a marble wall" I said again, I stretched a bit to ease the pain but it seemed that fight outside is taking its toll. "Sorry for speaking the truth" I said and dodged a sword coming at my head. "Nice try" "Say it again and I wont miss next time" Lullaby warned while I rolled my eyes. "And what were you doing eavesdropping on my sisters" "Well Im sorry that curiosity is my weakness, I saw the door open and looked in, bothing more" I answered truthfully. "I bet you were hoping to catch a peek weren't you?" Lullaby questioned. "What, no, if I wanted to see a naked woman I could just go peep into the mare guards' changing area" I said without flinching or stuttering. "Besides, at least I could see more than what you had" "Oh that is it!" Lullaby growled and tried to make a b-line towards me but was stopped by her sisters. "Let me go Crimson, Flare. I'm gonna break both of his hands and legs!" "You need to calm down Lullaby" The girl with yellow hair said, now knowing it was crimson. "Remember what princess Twilight said, you cant beat up anymore people or lose your temper" The red head reminded her, knowing that she is flare. After a couple of minutes, Lullaby calmed down and just flipped me off. "Why you showing me the only thing that give you action under the sheets?" I joked and was then punched across the face by her. "I'll admit, that was on me" I said laughing a bit. "You annoying little shit!" Lullaby yelled before kicking me in the gut and left the room. I was still laughing but also coughing a bit. "Its fun making her angry" I wheezed holding my stomach. "Why do you enjoy making her angry?" Flare asked me to which I shrugged. "I dont know, it's just fun I guess" I answered. "But, you get hurt when you piss her off" Crimson said. "Why continue doing it if you'll just end up with a bruise?" "Hell if I know, anyways, if you see her again tell her Im sorry for calling her a flatter than a marble wall" I said and began walking towards the door. "Wait... do you really spy on the mares changing room?" Crimson asked and I stopped at the door. I looked back and snickered a bit. "White" I said pointing at flare who blushed. "Pink" I said again pointing at crimson who blushed as well but hid it behind her hands. "See yall later" I waved and walked down towards the throne room. I was finally left to my own thoughts, I never dreamed that I would miss the peace an quiet. Though sometimes I just need to be alone, I sighed a little to relax my body which helped until I heared a small thid behind me. "Not now Brigid" I said, stopping in the hall not even turning around. "To bad, we need to talk" Brigid said and walked up to me. "About what?" I asked. "The amount of shit Im dealing with, it'll take way to long to explain it to you" I said and took a step forward but Brigid stopped me. "Actually... I wanted to see if you would like to talk to your sister about these unstable emotions thats coursing through you" Brigid admitted, I thought about for a second then groaned knowing Im gonna sound like a bitch. "Alright... lets talk about my fucked up emotions" I said and Brigid had the biggest smile I've seen her grow. She grabbed my hand and zoomed us off towards her's and Celestias room. "Didnt think youd be so excited" "I've been wanting to help you figure your emotions out since day one!" Brigid said sitting me down on the couch. "I've talked with Celestia for days about how to go about this, since I myself didnt really have emotions like you at first, then when I became free. I was a mess, if it wasnt for Celestia I'd still be struggling with them" Brigid explained and brought over a big chair, setting it infront of the couch and sat down. "Now, lets begin" "Ok... where should I start?" I asked and Brigid thought for moment. "The beginning, when you were first living with Twilight" Brigid said and I began thinking back on that time. "Well for as long as I could remember, all I understood was hatred and rage, Twilight was the only person that believed I wouldnt hurt anyone anymore" I started. "I began feeling this strange feeling everytime I looked at the others and at Twilight, I later learned that it was guilt" I said. "Were you feeling guilt because of all the things that you had done?" Brigid asked and I nodded. "I bet the next feeling you got was something of the line of a deep pain you chest, like a knife constantly stabbing you" Brigid said and I nodded again. "Exactly what you said, what is that called because for days I cried myself to sleep when I felt the pain" I asked her. "That my dear brother is called, sadness, a very powerful emotion that cant quite literally take over your life if you allow it" Brigid said and I memorized the word. "Sadness... yes, I was... sad for days not knowing why, often cried myself to sleep as I said before, Twilight got worried about me because of the crying" I continued. "She told me because I felt guilt and sadness, as you said, I became overwhelmed by it and she explained to me how to make it stop. She told me I needed to go an apologize to those that I have done wrong to, and I'll admit that I became scared to even face Steel's friends mainly because I was the one that almost killed their best friend and princess" I said digging deeper into my memories. "I soon found the courage to go and apologize to them, though getting yelled at was not what I had in mind... or the ass kicking done by strings" I said. "Strings beat you up?" Brigid asked, disappoint in the stallion. "Why did he do that?" "Like I said, I almost killed his bestfriend and tried taking over Steel's body" I said again leaning back into the soft couch. "After that, it was threats and more yelling... but I knew deep down that if I wasn't this age, and I was my original form, they would've feared me. After apologizing to them all, I still felt the pain in chest so I turned back to Twilight for answers, she said its not going to go away for awhile but it will soon" "But it never did, did it" Brigid asked and I nodded. "I just felt so angry because of that annoying pain, I tried every day to get it out of my system, but every time I tried a memory of myself almost killing someone flashes in my mind. Im forever stuck with guilt and regret for what I've done" I said holding the sides of my head trying to stop the headache I was having. There was nothing but silence for a while, until I felt Brigid's hands grab mine gently and pull them away from my head. "We forgive you Lux" Brigid said and it was like the headache had stopped almost instantly. I looked up to Brigid and I felt the pain in my heart that still lingered, vanish. "I realized through the story you told, that you were never actually properly forgivin you only apologized and because of that you continued feeling the pain" "I dont...*sigh* Im still lost on emotions" I said. "But I feel... a lot better than I have in days, thank you Brigid" "If I'm being honest, I never thought I'd hear those words come from you" Brigid admitted. "Yeah well, I haven't used it as often as I should have" I amitted. "Then again, I never thought I'd end up as a kid again" I said and we both laughed. "I see you both finally talked" We bothered heared and I saw Celestia at the door. She closed the door behind her and sat next to me. "How did it go?" "It went well Celly, by the way, how's Luna adjusting to her new body?" I asked. "Steel is teaching her the basics, lucky for her it wont be hard using magic since she kept her horn, so shes doing good" Celestia answered and I nodded before getting up. "Off to somewhere Lux?" "I need to go practice for a bit, practice makes perfect if I want to use this thing" I said as I walked to the door and summoned my keyblade. "I'll see ya'll later, and Brigid, tell Steel he's a prick" I said with a grin and walked off. "For a fully grown man mentally, he sure acts like a child" Celestia said giggling a bit. "Though it is fun to watch him sometimes" "Agreed, let's go make sure he wont hurt himself" Brigid said and the two began following me in silence. I continued walking down the hall's with my hands behind my head, as carefree as the day I was created. "Dun, dun, dun.. another one bites the dust" Sung to myself as I walked through the halls. "How do you think Im gonna get along without you when your gone" I continued and turned a corner seeing the open area of where I want to train. "Alright, this seems like a good spot, far from the others and just full of grass, Sora, let's go a few rounds" I said bringing out the keyblade and Sora appeared across from me with his keyblade. "First to land a hit wins" Sora stated and I nodded and pulled out my phone and hit shuffle. As it started we wasted no time charging at eachother and clashing blades. Each time our blades hit, it sounded like it was following the beat of the song. We swung at eachother a few more times before we entered a stalemate. Testing out strengths against eachother we continued grinding out blades, once the song picked up again I pushed Sora back and went for a slide dash. Sora flipped over me and tried hitting me from above, but I blocked it and jumped back a few feet. Spinning the keyblade in my hand I rushed towards Sora and threw my blade, it spun and cut through the air at high speeds, but sora saw it coming a mile away. He did an upward slash and deflected it away. I smirked and Sora noticed I wasn't stopping, he turned back to my flying keyblade and watched as it disappeared. Panicking, Sora spun back to me only to be speared in the gut feeling my full force hit him. He flew back a couple of feet and quickly regained his bearings, quickly stabbing the floor to stop himself just as the song ended. "Better than I expected Lux, nice work" Sora said putting his keyblade away as did I. "Still needs some work but, you really got better" "Thanks, anyways, I feel way to tired for anything else today so I'm taking a break" I stated, Sora nodded and went back into my head just as I sat and laid down on the grass. "This is nice" I sighed happily. I laid back, enjoying the nice breeze and the warm sun for the second time this month. This is what I wanted, peace all to myself without anybody telling me what to do. And it was nice, for about 20 seconds. "Lux, we need you to meet us in the throne room" Steel said popping up next to me. "Im busy" I simply said. "With what?" He asked. "Busy not giving a damn" I answered to which he groaned at. "Why do you need me anyways, Im the 'problem child' remember" I asked not really caring about his answer. "The others want to talk to you, as does Luna... she also told me to... apologize for how I acted towards you earlier, I didn't want anyone else hurt, Im sorry" Steek said and I thought for a second. "And why does that apology sound so insincere" I asked. "But if the others want to talk Im game, but let me make things clear brother of mine, we aren't friends not by a long shot got it" I stated rather coldly and Steel nodded. I rose to my feet and popped my back before heading towards the halls. "And you two suck as tailing people, I suggestions less face hugging" I said to the mare and woman currently kissing behind a bush. We walked towards the throne room in utter silence. Not a word needed to be said, I said my peice and Steel said his. Although that didn't stop Celestia and Brigid from trying to get us talking. "So, Lux, you seem to have grown quite stronger with our lessons and training in your room. Maybe you and Steel could trade fighting techniques with one another" Celestia said and I shook my head. "Would rather cut my hand off" I shot making the princess go quiet. "Steel, wouldn't you like to talk with you younger brother?" Brigid asked. "Maybe even take him to see Dad and Zecora" "Steel would rather leave me here, and daddy dearest would kill me on the spot before I can say "hi'" I said before Steel could get the chance. "I think we talked enough for today Brigid, which I do thank you for, but I would love to hear some silence" I said and she sighed before nodding. "Thank you" We continued walking in silence until we reached the throne room, I saw everyone. The mane six, the guy's, gilda, trixie, spike, the royals and luna, cinder, ashy, lime, pitch and light heart. They all stood near the thrones and looked at me once I walked in the room, I looked at each and everyone of them and smirked. "So what did y'all want to discuss, is it my bad behavior?" I asked still smirking. "Actually Lux, we were talking about visiting Celestia and Lunas's father's grave" Twilight said. "But it came to our attention that you've been... acting rather strangely to us these past few weeks, would you mind explaining why?" "I do mind Twilight, but I guess it wont hurt, the fact of the matter is that I despise most of you" I said bluntly. "After talking with Brigid and Luna, I've come to realise that none of you gave a damn about me, except for Twilight, I apologized for my actions towards you all and you respond with a beating and threats against my life" I stated making the others except the royals look down in a bit of shame. "So dont expect me to show you the kindness I've shown to you as much as I have up to this point" I finished feeling rather warm. "Well atleast we can agree on something" Strings said and I chuckled. "You were holding back, I must say then that you have the weakest punch I have ever felt" I taunted making him get riled up. "Wanna take a crack at it again, I can promise you it won't end with me getting patched up with 'Mommy' dearest" I said in a mocking tone and he was about to lose it but thankfully for him fluttershy held him back. "Ok enough with the petty insults" Jack said stepping in. "Lux, I know we haven't been on the best of terms considering our history with you" "Almost killing your bestfriend and the princess, or plotting to destroy everyone and everything that you love" I said. "Honestly I forgot which one you and Rainbow hated me for" I said chuckling a bit. "And I am sorry for that, but what would you do if something like that might happen to you" Jack asked and I before I could answer I stopped. I had no idea what I would do, it's never happened to me before. "No idea how to answer, do you?" "Course he doesn't, he hasnt been here that long, he's never had to protect anyone but himself" Strings jumped in. "Don't know when to shut up do you?" I questioned and cleared my throat. "Though I have to agree, I never really about it and I don't know what I'll do... threating a child doesnt really help does it?" "Alright enough of this conversation, we can settle this argument later" Steel stepped in and we stopped. "No sense in trying to right a wrong with another, we fucked up and made Lux feel... alone and has a valid reason to be angry with us, but we must continue this conversation when we get back from the king's grave" Steel said and silenced all of us. "Then let's head out shall we" I said as I began walking to the doors. "This should be fun" The King's Grave We walked through the portal at the end of the cave like Celestia said and we ended up in an open area covered in every exotic flower known to this world. The sun shined softly and the wind blew briskly pass our bodies, the vibe it gave off was warm and welcoming. We walked along a cobblestone path that still looks brand new until we reached halfway, seeing a massive dark blue and white castle. It outshined everything. "This place is beautiful!" Rarity squealed in delight. "This is your fathers grave, I was expecting something a bit more gloomy and dark, this is so much more than I could've imagined" "Yes, it is beautiful" Celestia said. "I would've never imagined our mothers would go this far for our father" She admitted and Luna agreed. We continued walking down the path until we had reached the castle gates, it was chained shut with a lock infront of it. The princess's tried to use their magic but it didnt even get halfway before it dissipated into the air. "Now what?" Pinkie asked and I looked over it for a second. "Use the keyblade Lux" Sora said in my head. "Its supposed to unlock anything" He said and I nodded then summoned my keyblade. I jumped back a bit and pointed the keyblade at the lock, a small orb formed at the tip of the blade and after a few seconds a beam shot out of the orb and went into the lock causing it to click and come undone. I put the blade away as the lock fell to the ground and the gates opened. "Well then, lets continue shall we" I said walking pass the gates with everyone in tow. Twilight kept asking me how I was able to get the gate open, I just answered with a shrug cause I didnt know either. "We are going to talk about that blade later, but for now I think we should stay quiet" Twilight stated and stopped talking once we set foot inside the massive castle. We walked down the halls that were decorated with golden tiles, pearly white columns and walls, a strange plant that circled around the pillars and touched the ground with red and white flowers on it. It was hard not to be in complete awe walking down the halls, everywhere we turned there was something to make us more impressed. Statues upon statues with the same man either with a sheild and sword or a spear, they wore only the chest peice, leggings, and boots. I stopped walking noticing something with the statues, they didn't have the same facial features like a ponies but more... like a human's. I broke away from the group and walked into the gardens holding the statues to get a closer look. As soon as I set foot on the grass I felt a sudden wave of relief wash over me and I felt like all my trouble had been whisked away. I continued towards the statues and stopped just far enough from one to almost touch it, I looked at the statue and confirmed that it was a humans face. "But the first humans weren't here until Celestia and Lunas mothers had vanished, how can this be possible" I muttered and decided to take another look around the garden. Unbeknownst to me, I was being followed. I continued my search until I reach a fountain literally made of gold and had the clearest water I've ever seen to the point I was tempted to see if it was even there. "No, I shouldn't mess with a dead man's grave" I said to myself before continuing to look around. It wasnt long before I came across something else that caught my eye, it was a small housing area filled with weapons, armor, and magic books so old Twilight would have a feild day just seeing them. Like the castle they all still looked brand new, but what stood out from the collection was a pedestal holding torn dark red and brown calf high boots with some broken metal clamps on the foot and leg, and cracked golden lighting bolts on the ankles. "Looks like you've seen better days, but how come these boots are the only things wore torn instead of everything in this place" I questioned walking up to the pedestal. "Believe me we tried restoring those raggedy things, but that man casted a spell so that no one could fix them" I heared and spun around seeing Faust and Starust looking at the weapons. "Oooh sister remember when he fought that hydra with nothing but that spear!" Faust said excitedly. "I do and remember these swords that helped us defeat the army of rouge dragons trying to conquer our lands *sigh* I think it was that day that he stole my heart" Stardust sighed with a dreamy smile. "So this is your husband's arsenal I presume" I said turning back to the boots. "Yes, he always loved to keep his toys with him, even in death" Faust said picking up a silver helmet with a red ethereal mohawk on top. "For some reason though he always seemed to like those boots more than anything in this place, we honestly don't know why" she said and they both walked over to the pedestal. "Uh, do you mind if I..." I trailed off pointing at the boots and the sisters allowed me to hold them. "Nice weight to them, the design itself is beautifully made and I do love the lighting boots on the ankles... how come he never fixed them?" I asked. "Like we said, he casted a spell and beyond that we dont know" Stardust answered, I looked over the boots more trying to figure out why their husband wouldn't want to fix these boots. "Besides that, why are you here Lux Tenebris and, a questioned Ive been meaning to ask, why are you so young?" "I think he looks cute" Faust said and pinched my cheek slightly. "But yes, Stardust does have a point, why are you here" "Well we've come to pay respects to Celestia said Luna's father" I said. "And for the reason why I am young, is because Discords chaos magic and destroying a peice of myself to save literally everyone" I finished and the sisters gave an 'o' at this. "Well Im glad our daughters are finally going to pay respects to their father" Stardust said. "Way pass due if you ask me, then again way pass due to even mention this place" "Its way passed due for Steel to give us some grandfoals" Faust said making Stardust get flustered. "What? Ist not like you arent thinking the same thing" "Well I do think of it sometimes, but this is my daughter you're talking about she can have them when she's good'n ready" Stardust stated and Faust rolled her eyes. "I hope Luna gets that baby maker going soon, Im not getting any younger and neither are you" "Oh do not cross that line sister" "Uh... child in the room" I butted in making the two stop. "Look it's none of my business wether Luna and Steel make a kid, but ya gotta give'em time really... anyways Im more intrested in these boots and why they're so special" I said. "Well, if I remember correctly, that man said to us one night that his boots can only be worn if the boots have choosen its new master" Stardust said and I got an idea. "Hand me the other boot, I wanna try something" I asked and they complied, handing me the boot I kicked off my shoes. "Ok, hopefully this wont turn out to be a bust or Im putting on a dead mans shoes... still fucked other wise" I said and placed the old boots on my feet. I stood up and noticed they were a little big. No suprise, the idea was a bust and I kinda figured since its mainly Steel that gets to be chosen. "Worth a shot, but guess they don't accept me... maybe it'll work on steel" I said and sat down. "Silly me for thinking I could be chosen for something, ah whatever" I muttered to myself and the sisters looked at me with confusion. "What do you mean by that Lux?" Stardust asked me. "Look at me, I am a literal mistake manifested by hate and rage and the darkest parts that reside in steels mind" I answered struggling to get the boot off. "That is true Lux, but from what we've seen... You've changed recently" Faust said and I rolled my eyes. "Its true little one, yes you've had your downs-" "What happened to the up's?" I asked interrupting the goddess and she gave a nervous chuckle. "*Ahem* As I was saying, you've been at the bottom your whole life and even then you helped Steel protect his friends even though you knew they despised you" Faust continued. "So what a couple of old boots didn't choose you as a master, that strange blade you weild did" "Sora even said so" Stardust joined in. "That is true, and Im the only one that can weild it" I said and stopped trying to take off the boots. I sat down on the stairs, leading to the pedestal, bringing the sisters with me. I summoned the blade and I smiled a little and chuckled q bit as I put it away. "See, now that smile makes you more handsome" Faust said and I chuckled a bit. "Starting to sound like a grandma Faust, couldn't wait till Luna popped one out?" I joked. "Well you're the closest thing Im going to get, but I do believe its time you go back to your friends Lux" Faust said and I nodded. I tried to take off the boots again, but still they wouldn't budge. "Is something wrong Lux?" "Yes it seems as though you're struggling a lot" Stardust said and tried to help me get the boot off. Only to find it difficult as well. "What in the name of us is the meaning of this?" "I... I can't get them off" I said panicking a bit. We all started trying to pry the boots off but not even so much as a rip came from it. "Whats going on?" "Im not to sure myself really, Jonathan's boots haven't moved or been touch in many many years" Faust said absolutely confused. "Wait... how did you get pass the guardian?" Stardust asked drawing me for a blank. "Oh no" "Sister I thought I told you to destroy them, you know Jonathan hated those things!" "I did... well, except for one" Stars admitted and not even a second later we heared a scream and something breaking. "Ok... my bad" "We will discuss this later for now you and everyone must leave this place, the guardian is one of the things that you dont want to fight" Faust said as serious as possible. "Twilight and the others!" I exclaimed and shot to my feet. "I gotta go help them" "Lux be careful, this is something that not even you, Brigid or Steel can take on, it was built to be the one thing that could kill anything on this planet" Faust said. "Buy time for your friends and quickly get out of there, Stardust and I will stay behind and destroy it. "But you said it could kill anything" I said and we heared more crashing and screaming. "Fine but get out of their if you cant kill it, if I see anything go wrong Im coming back" I said and sprinted towards the others before the two could say anything. I raced out of the gardens and quickly began did a full-tilt sprint going as fast as I could. I felt the keyblade pop back in my hand as I ran and went faster. "Almost their, just a few more feet" I grunted and turned a corner seeing Steel and Brigid fighting the guardian. "Whoa... this isn't anything like what Faust said, its a big ass cat" I muttered to myself in awe. The guardian reeled back after Steel and Brigid were backing off to catch their breath and gave out a strange but strong roar. It blew the two back and caused them to crash into the wall unconscious. I saw the others rushing over to them to make sure they were okay, but the guardian went to roar again. "NO!" I screamed and ran towards them. I knew I wasn't fast enough, but I had to at least try to and make it, I had to save everyone. "DONT TOUCH THEM!!!" As soon as those words left my mouth I felt a sudden surge of energy pump through me and in a second I had tackled the beast against the wall. It howled at the pain and as did I cause I think I broke my arm. I heared a crack from the wall we crashed into and soon me and the guardian fell out of the castle. The wall we broke through lead off the tall mountain which we were now currently falling off of. I could hear the other's screaming my name as I fell with the beast to our deaths, if Im being honest with myself. "I could've played this out better" I said and soon I heared a loud splash, then silence, then...darkness. 'Way better' > Chapter 29: Making a new friend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somewhere In The Kings Realm, P. O. V- Lux I heared the dripping of smalk droplets hit the floor, I couldn't move my left arm and my whole body burned if I tried to move. I groaned slowly but surely sitting up, surrounded by trees and right next to a river. "Where am I?" I questioned then hissed unconsciously spinning around to fast. I fell back to the ground holding my right arm and leg which are both swollen to hell. "What happened to me is a better question" I groaned and took short breathes noticing that it was hard to breathe. Not having a choice right now instead wait to be eaten. I took a slow and long deep breath before using my good arm and legs to pry myself off of the floor. The pain itself was like hundreds of daggers piercing me all at once. A grueling scream of agony escaped from my lips and it echoed through the trees. I gave heavy grunts as I strained to my feet, thankfully my efforts paid off and I was now standing again. From something I grown used to day in and day out, I have never worked that hard in my whole life. "Fu... Fuck'n hell *pant* *pant*.... I have to get back home" I choked up and started wobbling towards the trees to my right but fell face first on the ground after two steps. "Everything... hurts" I groaned. I tried to ask Sora or Jason for help but I don't think they can hear me. I laid on the ground for a long time, I needed help but I already knew that wasn't happening. I mustered up enough strength to flip on my back and it kinda made the pain lessen. "Injured, lost and slightly terrified... I guess I die here" I said to myself. "Damn it... so much to do, very little time I guess" I said and sighed a little. The sky look gray and I heared the rumbling of thunder. Wouldn't be long till it starts raining, not a decent way to go out. I just laid their and rested my body for awhile. Until I felt something... fuzzy. I looked to my right hand and saw what looked like a tail next to it. I followed it back to the source and when I reached its end, I looked up only to see the guardian sitting just a few feet from me. It didnt even look like he took any damage from the fall. "Heeeeeey buuuud.... no hard feelings about tackling you off a mountain right?" I asked the overgrown cat thing and it just stared down at me. I nervously chuckled then almost screamed a bit when he lowered his head. He stopped inches from my face and started sniffing me. I began thinking about the worst possible outcome, like getting eatin alive or used as a chew toy then tossed around like a rag doll. The guardian soon reeled back to its original hight and I sighed in relief knowing Im not gonna be eatin yet. "Still unfair that I got hurt... and you didn't" I muttered out making it cock its head a little. "Dont suppose you know how to get outta here?" I asked him and chuckled to myself knowing how silly it was. "Of course you dont, plus, Im sure you don't wanna save me either so... guess we're both stuck here" I said laughing a little. The guardian looked down at me and stared at me, I looked back it and we both stayed still for a minute. The guardian suddenly sneezed throwing me into a laughing fit, it hurt to laugh but this big cat made it hard not to laugh. "Geez you're no harm to anyone, are ya bud... just protecting yourself... or someone" I mumbled and came a realization. "Are you... are King Jonathan's companion?" I asked him and he licked me. "Ugh... ok, good to know... Im sorry for messing up his grave, but the people you attacked... two of them were his daughter's" I explained to the guardian and almost instantly he became sad. "But they're ok now Bud, promise" I assured him. "But me on the other hand bud, not lookin to good at the moment" I choked out, spitting up some blood. "Please, help me put here bud..." I trailed off seeing my vision get tinier and then darkness. The guardian purred slight and picked me up with his teeth gently, he placed me on his back and wrapped his tail around me as to not fall off. Once that was done, he took off north from the castle. Hours Later, inside an old temple I felt a rush of warmth flow through my body. Even from my broken arm, but, it felt like it only came from my left side only. I found it strange really, though I began feeling the pain from the swelling lessen so I shouldn't complain. "Are you are comfortable?" I heared a woman ask me and I hummed. "I am, thank you for asking.... wait" I paused for a moment and opened my eyes and took notice of the wooden ceiling. "What the hell?" I muttered. "Is your arm feeling any pain?" I was asked again, I shifted my head to my left and saw the guardian outside sleeping, then I looked left and saw a the one asking me questions. "If you dont answer I wont know if the spell is working" the woman asked. It was a feiry red dragoness woman, her body was hourglass and cut to what I believe was perfection. She didnt look that tall but she reached my height just barely, she had pur white spikes coming out the top of her head and down to her tail, dark purple eyes that looked amazing, but what really stick out was the short white hair she had on her head. Its rare for a dragon or a dragoness to have hair on their heads, but she look kinda cute with it, and her facial features didnt give a big snout like the other dragons it was like spikes, only more girly. "I-uh... Im doing... fine" I said trying not to stutter. It was hard not to stare at her, she was super pretty. Though that flew out of my head when I looked down and saw both of us naked in the middle of the floor on a futon mattress. "Are you feeling sick?" The woman asked feeling my head. "Ive never seen a human become this red before" she said. "Yeah, Im fine, totally cool!" I said my voice crackin from embarrassment. "You uh... do know your naked right?" I asked now focusing my gaze at the ceiling. "I do, whats the matter, never seen a pair of these before?" The dragoness teased squeezing my arm lightly with her rather large breasts. "So innocent for a boy your age" "I-I-I-I am not a boy, I-I'll have you know that I am a man!" I exclaimed trying not to look at her boobs, or get excited. "Can you tell me why Im naked?" I asked. "Dragons have pretty intense body heat than can be controlled and help get rid of any pain that is caused to them, its why we're so durable, and if we use our heat with someone else then it'll have the same effect" She explained. "That still doesn't answer why Im naked" I said and she gives a little and gave me a sultry look. "Ive heared you humans are... well endowed in certain areas" She purred and I jumped slightly feeling her tail on my thigh. If I wasn't red now, Im pretty sure all my blood is making that happen. "Hahaha! Oh you are so fun to tease, don't worry, I wont take your cherry... yet" "Ok, can you please stop teasing me my face is on fire over here" I said and she laughed again. "Fine, the names Breaker by the way" Breaker said. "Lux... kinda weird that you have what sounds like a guys name, how bout I call you Brie?" I asked. "Do that and you go off the side of the mountain" Breaker said calmly and I nervously chuckled. "Then what should I call you for short?" I suggested and Breaker thought it over for a second "Call me Bee" Breaker suggested. "Bee, like the insect?" I asked and she nodded. "But why would-" I stopped when I caught a certain sent coming from the dragoness. "Is that... you smell just like-" "Honey, yeah I've been told" Bee said and looked down to my arm. The swelling itself has gone away, but a large bruise lingered on my arm. "Ok so your arm should be fine now and your leg as well, you'll feel some pain but that is normal" Bee informed me and stood up giving me a view of her naked body. "That, is also normal" she winked and I quickly sat up covering my erection. "Sorry" I apologized and she rubbed my cheek with her tail. "Its a perfectly understandable reaction after seeing a beautiful woman, suprised you didnt get one earlier" Bee admitted and walked over to a closet near the end of the wall. She opened it and tossed me baggy light brown pants that hugged my ankles, a black cloth belt and black shoes with white on the bottom. "Get dressed please, I'd like to atleast show you around the place since you're going to be here for a while" Bee said and I was left confused but did as I was told and put on what I was givin. We walked around the small temple which kinda resembles an old Japanese place, it was kinda nice seeing this design for some reason. As Bee began showing me the essentials of where I am going to be staying along with where Im going to be bathing myself, washing and drying my clothes, and where the bathroom was. "Thats basically everything, if you dont count the courtyard and Leo's den" Bee said shoving her thumb towards the guardian who picked up his head and chirped. "What is he?" I asked her. ".... I dont know" Bee answered and walked off again. "And I dont mind you staring at my ass, just do it subtly Lux" Bee teased and I blushed once more. "Was it that obvious?" I asked and she nodded. "Sorry, usually Im more composed than this... well actually I was a pretty big pervert, still am actually" I admitted and Bee just giggled. "That makes two of us Lux, anyways, welcome to your new home for a while" Bee annouced again waving her hand dismissively. "Why do you keep saying that, Im sure my friends and my siblings will search for me" I said following her again, Bee however just shrugged and yawned. "I thought that as well when I came here, then minutes turn to day and suddenly you find out that you've been here for thousands of years and-" "THOUSANDS OF YEARS!?!?!?!" I screamed and Bee slapped a hand over my mouth. "Yes handsome, Thousands of years... time works differently here, but your body ages slower than normal" Bee said. "Every day that passes is 1 year in here, but its just a simple day outside this realm... back home.... *ahem* you will still continue to grow but its highly unlikely you will show any signs of it until you are about 20,000 years old , for some reason being 20 years old is the sweet spot for this place" Bee finished and leaned against the wall to the right of us. I stayed still, unable to fully register what Bee had just said, it hurt my brain just trying to wrap the idea of a world with a time hundreds of times faster than normal. It was incomprehensible, but Im living it right now, and its very real. Pain never lies. "Lux... look... I understand what you're feeling right now, you're confused and scared because this shouldnt be real... but it is" Bee said standing right infront of me again. She tapped my cheek to snap me out of my daze. "I was in your shoes when I found out that time was different in this place... I only had Leo to keep me company for most of my life... and now, I got you" "Its just so... unreal" I said breathlessly and Bee hugged me, I couldnt help but return the gesture. "You must've been... so alone" "I was, but now I got someone to talk to after waiting thousands of years" Bee said with a sigh of relief. "Feels good seeing someone" "I bet... can you stop making me touch your ass" I asked as the dragoness placed my hands on her rather soft rear. She giggled and let go of my hands. "Sorry, its also been awhile since I had some action" Bee admitted and I chuckled. "I wasn't joking about that cherry Lux, its mine now" Bee whispered in my ear and I became instantly red. "W-W-Well I-I-I dont know if we should Bee considering that Im 15 and your real age is probably 20 or 25, most people would think that would be taboo considering the age gap and-" I was cut off from my rambling by the dragoness' laughing and pulling away from me. "You are gonna be a treat Lux, I just have to wait 3 more days and your body will be mine.... pffft hahaha, dont worry I was only joking so dont get all worried okay" Bee said still laughing. "C'mon lets get something to eat, hope you like fish" she finished and resumed her walking. I sighed and began following her through the temple but I quickly caught something out the corner of my eye, I turned to see a beautiful katana with a dark red blade and dragon spikes on the back of the blade, the handel was wrapped in an old violet colored cloth covering what looked like dark crimson scales. "Not a bad blade huh?" Bee said breaking me out of my trance, I looked to her and saw a faint frown on her face but was almost completely hidden by the smile. "It was the last thing my father left for me, I maintain that blade everday since the day I came here... its the only thing I have left to remember my home" she said and sighed. "It's beautiful Bee... your father must've been quite the picky shopper when it comes to blades like these" I said and she chuckled slightly bringing out a real smile. "You have no idea, it took him two days to figure out wht kinda blade I should weild, had that custom made to fit the requirements" Bee said. "Alright, enough starin its time to get ta work" She exclaimed and we began walking again. It wasnt long before we came across a stream that was filled with fish swimming through at a constant speed. Bee was fully clothed now save for her upper body which was still exposed, she handed me a wooden spear and started her own little hunt. "The key to this is patience Lux, so if you mess up a few times its fine" Bee said as she caught two of them. I looked around the stream trying to find a straggler, I looked for a second and I threw my spear at a straggler coming up. I pulled it out and tossed it on a blanket Bee brought. "Not bad Lux, keep that up and we'll be eating good tonight. "Alright, I'm on it" I said with determination and continued catching fish. Hours later "Wow Lux, we have enough fish to feed us and Leo" Bee said ad she hefted another bag on to my shoulder. I was now carrying two bags full of fish that I caught after about three hours. "Well, now we're stocked for a while and leo gets a nice meal" I said and began making my way towards the temple. "Lets head back, Im starving and these fish aint gonna eat themselves" I said and Bee quickly caught up to me. "So strong, to much for a meer lady such as myself" Bee joked and took one of the bags. "Im not weak lux, Ive been doing this for a long time" "I know, just being nice is all" I said and we continued walking till we reached the temple and set the fish down at the kitchen. "Alright, Ill get cooking and you will feed Leo" Bee stated and handed me six fishes. I took them and went towards were Leo was and he instantly popped his head up seeing said fish. "Alright feedin time, eat up bud" I said as I tossed him a fish, he quickly caught it and eat it without even chewing it. "Fast eater huh, well if it keeps you fed then who am I to judge" I muttered and continued feeding him. Once he was done eating I washed my hands and went to check on Bee. It was strange that in a few hours I had already become accustom to this world, maybe it wont be so bad living here for awhile. "How's everything going in here Bee?" I asked and smelt something amazing. I followed the smell and it lead to a big iron pot filled to the brim with soup, it looked delicious. Next to the soup was spiced rice next to a grilled fish, everything looked so good I think I was drooling. "Whooooaaa" "You like, it was a little thing I picked up when I was alone for many years" Bee said as she walked in the kitchen with a jug of water. "Well, what are you just sotting their for go ahead and dig in" she said and I didn't waste anymore time and quickly dug into the food. "This is the best thing I've ever tasted... well its the only thing that I've ever tasted that wasnt vegetables or fruit" I admitted and continued stuffing my face. Bee was smiling and giggling as she watched me enjoy the food, she soon joined me and we started to talk about this place and what she's been doing here for so many years. Apparently, before she came to this realm, Bee was training with her father in her homeland to become a guard for the king and princess. She said she had mastered every weapon she had held once she was brought here, hence why she had the katana. I told her that I was a keyblade weilder, had to explain that for a bit and even showed her the keyblade itself. She was so intrigued by the weapon that she wanted to see how tough it was, after dinner she decided to test it. It survived everything, from hammering to slicing. The keyblade was what I'd call indestructible, but Bee thought differently. "It'll break one day, but I guess for now its as good as any blade" She said and sheathed her sword. "Though, I could train you more properly on how to handle a blade if you like" "That would be helpful, sure why not" I said and she smiled happily. "When do we start?" I asked pitting my keyblade away. "Tomorrow morning, just so you know, Im not gonna go easy on you just because you look cute" Bee said geeting inches from my face. "So be sure to keep up, and not scratch up that face to mich handsome" "I-uh... Ok" I said unable to actually answer, I was blishing to heavily and my mind was going 100 miles per second. "Will do- *ahem*- will do Bee" "Thats Master Bee luxy" Bee corrected and back away. "Get some rest, your gonna need it... oh, and skip breakfast or... you'll throw up" She warned and walked back inside. I sighed and felt a cold chill run up my spine, so I decided to heed her advice. I began making my way towards my room and stripped of my pants and shoes, I side as I laid down on the futon and closed my eyes. 'Useless!' 'Mistake!' 'Arrogant brat! 'Why are you still alive you wanna be human!' I sat up in a cold sweat, gasping and cluching my head as the voices echo through my mind. I tried breathing normaly and make the sweat go away, but nothing was working. 'Waste of space, it's better that your gone from everyone's life. You'll just ruin it, like you did to yourself' "Shut up... get outta my head" I whimpered and cluched my head tightly. It was excruciating listing to the voices, like someone was constantly hitting my head with a brick. "Im not... just a waste... of space!" 'You deny it but you know its true' "Shut up!" I yelled and suddenly felt something warm grip my arm and instantly the pain vanished. I looked to what was touching me, and next to me was a sleeping dragoness. I slowly put my hands down and gripped Bee's hand, somehow feeling a whole lot safer just holding it. "Thank you Bee" I said and laid back down. A small calming wave washed over me and I fell back to sleep in seconds. Dawn "Wake up lazy bones!" Bee shouted and pinched me till I woke up. "C'mon its time for your training, so wash up and lets get to work!" "*Yawn* alright, lets do this" I said, I got up and quickly did my morning routine and put on my only pair of pants. I walked outside to were Bee had went and I saw her holding two wooden swords in her hands, one was black and the other was white. "So, what do we do first?" I asked and was tossed the black sword. "We fight, see where you're at in your current state then use what you do know and apply it with the training I have cooked up for you" Bee explained and spread her legs shoulder with apart and held the wooden blade eye level to her. "Enough talk, lets fight" she finished and in a second I felt a sharp pain hit me and I flew back a few feet, I coughed up some warm spit and gasped a few times trying to get my breathing in order. I got to my knees and looked towards were bee was and saw her with a trail of dust coming off her feet. I stared wide eye and looked to my stomach only to see a bruise start to form. "Holy shit" I muttered. "You might wanna dodge" Bee whispered to me and I was barely on time to block her attack. It still sent me flying and my hands went numb from the shock, I recovered in the air but was kicked on my right side in mid-air then was grabbed by my arm and thrown to the ground. I lost grip of my sword as I hit the ground and I saw Bee shooting right towards me, her sword aiming right for my head. I covered my face hoping to block it, but all I heared was a crack right next to me. I uncovered my face and turned to see the wooden sword embedded deep into the ground just inches from my face. To say I was scared was an understatement, I was terrified beyond belief which isn't an easy mind you. "What... what just.... happened?" I questioned lookin at the sky now. "I didn't even have a chance to move" "Rule number one, dont underestimate your opponent. The person you may be facing might look weak and fragile or big and slow, but that doesn't mean they cant gake advantage of that. The weak and fragile probably wont hurt you as much, but they might be quick and have faster reflexes so it'll hinder your brute strength and power useless if you can even touch them. For the big and slow, they might not have speed but they have power and will most likely be stronger than you, thats why you have to plan on how to take him or her down" Bee said pulling the sword out of the ground. "Fighting isn't just about flailing fists or swords around, its an art that can be deadly if used correctly" "I... I see" I said soaking in all the information, I sat up and started remembering what bellator had taught Steel. "Bee... can we spar again?" I asked and she looked at me with a blank face, I stood up and walked to the wooden sword and picked it up. "I want to learn how to use my strength, speed, power and magic properties... will you help me?" I asked and she smiled. "I said I would train you didnt I?" She said. "Let's run this again, this time don't let your guard down, keep your eyes on me and if you see me vanish constantly keep your head on a swivel. Find the enemie as fast as possible, and when you see an opening thats when you break their guard and strike" Bee instructed and I nodded, I got in my stance as did she. "You ready?" "Yes" I said. "And... go!" She yelled and we both charged at eachother. As soon as we got ckose to eachother, Bee went for a upward slash to I quickly and just barely dodged then sent my own upward slash. She blocked it with nothing but one arm, I put everything into that swing and she blocked it like it wasn't shit! I felt more weight as the clash continued and I quickly realized what that meant and I backed away. I felt a sweat come down my face, then suddenly a soft but noticeable coldness went past my face and I turned in time to block Bee's attack. "Nice, you're already learning" Bee praised slightly and we began trading blows, each one blocking the other. I could barely my hands as the vibration rushed to them, even the sword was beginning to break. We end the back and forth with our own hard swings aiming for our side. I got lucky and landed my hit, and I put everything in that swing. When I looked at Bee's face, my whole face went from happy to fear when I saw her glaring at me with a death glare and then... I felt the same amount of pain the glare would've gave off. "Ooooh fu-" I was cut off by the strike launching me through the building and tumbling through trees until I landed in the lake just a few yards away from the temple. I floated in the water for a while trying to let the water sooth the pain burning my side. "My everything hurts" "I am so sorry!" I heared the dragoness call out and I heared a splash before being dragged back to shore. "I didn't mean to get that angry, I tried holding back but I-" "Bee *wheez* Im ok, a little out of breath but Im good" I said coughing a little. "I have to admit, Im not use to having someone else stronger than me so... this will be kinda fun" I said sitting up and chuckling. "Well you did pretty good actually, it's nice to have someone to train under my style" Bee said sitting down with me. "You know this is a good place to teach you how to stay calm" "Yeah, I got that vibe as well I could come here to meditate like how my brother did" I said to which Bee agreed with. "Well I guess we should train some more" "You dont wanna take a break?" Bee asked and I got up. "Nah, cause I need to get stronger if wanna stand a chance against you" I said and saw ny broke wooden sword drifting in the water before it sunk. "Gonna need more of those" "I'll handle, but for now, how about I show some exercises to get you more muscle" Bee said poking my stomach. "It wont make you have super big muscle but more of a ripped and toned type of body, so it'll be easier to move and not struggle with huge muscles in the way" "That sounds good, let's get started" I said and we both went up the pathway, I felt the pain on my side hurt immensely and it was not letting up anytime soon. We reached the top and Bee walked me over to the clearing in the middle of the temple. "Ok Lux, I want you to give me 100 push-ups, sit ups, and squats" Bee instructed. "Seems kinda easy dont you think?" I asked and she shrugged. "Gotta start you somewhere, unless you want me to add more" She said and I sighed before getting down and doing the push-ups. "Dont worry Lux, it will get much harder but we need you to get used to the heat" Bee said with a grin. "But It's not that hot out here-hey! What are you doing?!" I asked as the Dragoness sat on my back. It made coming back up even harder since she weighed more than she looked, it was like two ton weights on my back. I then felt my body continously grow hotter, it was excruciating and my body ache even faster. "Jesus H Christ what the hell are you doing?!" "Im heating up your body duh, if you want to get stronger we have to put you at your weakest and build that up till this heat becomes natural" Bee explained. "Also I wanna see what its like to be ontop before we get to the bad thing" she giggled seeing my red face. "This... is... the worst... pain" I panted out Bee laughed. "Were not even close rookie, c'mon 30 more to go then you still got sit ups and squats" Bee ordered and I continued until I was done then collapsed. She got off and rolled me on my back. "No breaks, c'mon look alive Lux" "Yes ma'am" I said and got in a sit up position, I thought she was going to hold my feet, but she placed one foot on my feet and one foot on my chest. "If my foot doesnt go above your knees, you start all over again" Bee said and I looked at her in shock. "Go" she plainly said and I struggled to even get the first one, it was pain to get the others. Eventually I did them all and my whole body was aching at this point, but I still had to do my squats. I stood up with the help of Bee and she jumped on my shoulders. I didn't even ask knowing what she gonna do so I just started my squats. And man was it torture, my legs felt like they were on fire everytime I went down and my shoulders were killing me. The heat she gave off was something that Im sure only dragons will get used to. It felt like I entered hell, but even with all of that I finished and collapsed on the floor. "'Kinda easy' Huh" Bee mocked and I groaned in exhaustion. She smirked and hefted me up, I felt sore in places I didn't know I could be sore in. "How was the basic work out Lux?" "Hell" "Good cause that will be a daily thing, you want to get stronger dont you?" Bee asked ans I nodded. "Then you're gonna have to live in hell for a while" "My body hurts" I mumbled feeling myself drift off into slumber. "I know, but Im sure you'll get used to it, hell we're aren't even in the advanced stuff yet" Bee said but I was already asleep. "*sigh* Ok, I'll let you sleep but more training tomorrow" bee said and she dragged me inside. ( 4 Months later) "C'mon Bee you even trying?" I taunted the dragoness who rolled her eyes. We were using the wooden swords again and after three months I was able to keep up with Bee. I still need more training, but I believe Im getting better each day. "Say that when you actually beat me Luxy" Bee said and swung again. We continued with the back an forth for sometime, it was a great way to learn her technique and fight someone stronger than you. "If you beat me, I might let you have a kiss" "W-What?" I asked letting my guard down and Bee instantly laid me out. I sighed in frustration and gave the woman a little glare to which she giggled at. "You do that every time, when will you stop the teasing?" I asked. "When you stop falling for it handsome, now lets start again and remember to focus" Bee instructed pulling me up to my feet and handing me the sword again. "Yes ma'am" I chuckled and got in my stance. I actually changed slightly, my legs were still spread out wide but I copied Bee's stance a bit and had the weapon come to eye level and my elbows making an upside down right angle. "Im ready" "Okay then, here I come" Bee warned before we both went at it again. I'll be honest, the first few weeks of training was absolute hell. I wanted to quite after three days, but I pushed myself to keep at it and I made it through. Now I actually look forward to the training, the heat exercises were still a bit hard, but Im started to get use to them. 'I wonder how Steel and the others are doing' I thought for a moment as I grinded with Bee. She pushed off and went for a spin kick, I caught it quickly and blocked a swing just as fast. "You are getting better Luxy, and stronger I might add" Bee praised. "Alright, I think thats enough training for today" she said and we both lowered our guards and sat on the floor. "Man, I still cant get over how strong you are Bee" I said and made the girl blush slightly. "I can say the sane to you too Lux, guess that exercise routine is paying off" She said and poked my chest making a solid tap. "Nice~" she purred. "Thanks Bee, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be like this and I would've gotten a lot weaker just doing nothing" I thanked and Bee smiled. "Well, lets head inside and see who gets the bath first" I said getting up and I walked towards the temple. "Hold up" Bee called out and grabbed my arm. She pulled me next and pecked my cheek. "Thats for a good job today" I turned as red as an apple when did that and I think I felt steam coming off me. I tried saying something but only a mess of words jumbled out. Bee giggled and walked into the temple. "*Sigh* Everytime" I sighed. "I miss Steel and Brigid, I miss Twilight and Luna... I hate to say it but I kinda miss the others as well" I said slumping to the ground. "I mostly miss Sora and Jason, felt like we formed a bond over the months we trained" "Lux, you coming?" I heared Bee call but I just stayed silent. She saw me sitting down and staring off into space. It was a knowing look she was familiar with. "Thinking about your friends?" She asked walking up to me. "Yeah... I wonder if they miss me as well" I said. "The sad part is, Im starting to forget what they sound like, what some of them look like... and their names" I explained making the dragoness frown, she crouched down and hugged me a little. "Well Lux you always got me, and Im not going anywhere" Bee assured me and helped me up. "C'mon lets go wash up, we need ta get cleaned or were gonna smell like Leo" When she said that the beast picked up his head and grumbled. We laughed a little and headed inside. We walked through the halls going over what were gonna go over tomorrow. It was going fine, until I felt a prick on my neck and I suddenly felt dizzy. I stopped in my tracks and held the wall trying to keep myself centered. My hearing had muffled and my senses started going numb, one by one. I was terrified honestly, I looked to where Bee was but all I saw was a blur. Then I passed out. ??? I heared the sounds of muffled rain and heavy breathing. I couldn't move but I could feel someone dragging me through the mud causing it to scrape ainst my skin, whatever was happing this person was in a hurry. "L... him...... Lux!" I heared my name and I opened my eyes slightly, seeing the dark muddy ground and the tattered pants on my legs. I looked around more only to see strange creatures, almost as tall as the trees, holding jagged katana's and broken armor. I looked more and saw an unconscious Bee over one of the giants shoulders. I then felt my body get picked up and I was tossed inside of some cage, Bee was tossed inside another. The giants converse for a bit, it looked like they were trying to figure out what to do with us, when they were distracted I finally had the strength to move but only slight. I sat and stumbled to my feet, and limped my way towards one end of the cage and looked around. We seemed to be in a camp, it was only a handful of giants from what I can tell. There were 5 tents, and it seemed it held atleast two of the giants, a weapons rack was near a fire place in the middle along with some barrels of what was possibly food. "Bee" I said weakly turning my gave across from me, she looked at me in a weak state and tried to get up but failed. I slowly started getting my strength back, but it wasn't enough to break out and kill these bastards, I needed more time. "I need to be patient, these dumbass' wont do anything to Bee from what I can tell, her cell has a bed and an actual floor... I got the shitty one, so they value women more than themselves" I continued making my observations in silent until I saw one of the giants walk towards my cell. Damn was this fucker ugly, grey wrinkly skin, black teeth missing some of the as well, and smelt like someone pissed on dog shit then set it on fire. He opened the cage and grabbed me by the legs, he dragged me put and tossed me in the middle of their little group circle. "Damn you are an ugly bunch, what happen? Momma fuck your brother then you" I said chuckling a little. I was silenced with the back end of their blades, it was blunt but it still tore up my arms and back, I cried out in pain until they stopped and I could feel my knee's buckling. "Fu... Fuckin hell... cant take... a joke, you inbred fucks?" I mouthed off and spat in one of their faces, "Five against one, buncha fuckin cowards!" I screamed at them. I was answered with a slash to the back, I couldn't muster a cry only a loud gasp. I fell to my knee's finally, feeling the burning sting on my back, but luckily I felt worse and I noticed my strength was coming back. 'Just have'ta keep stalling, I can heal myself later, right now I have to get Bee outta here' I thought, I stomped on the ground and got back on my feet much to the giants suprise and annoyance. "You swing like a bitch, Ive felt worse you piece of shit... gimmie a sword I'll show ya how to use it" I growled hidding the pain. I was slashed twice across the chest and back, then hit in the face with the end of the katana. "Lux?" Bee mumbled finally getting some of her strength back, she stood up and wobbled to where she heared me. She looked and gasped in horror seeing my muddy and bloodied body. 'A little more' I thought once, the pain was making it harder to stand but I gritted my teeth and pushed passed it. "Fuck... now I feel a slight tickle" I said laughing heartedly. Bee watched on as I continued to insult and get beatin senseless infront of her. She felt a sudden wave of anger and little by little, her strength was coming back to her. With every swinf and cut, was another ounce of power she got back and the fire in her eye grew more fierce. One of the giants picked me up and threw me full force against Bee's cage making her jump back. She went to help me but the giant dragged me away and slammed my body on the floor. "Lux!" Bee screamed and I coughed up some blood. "Do something Lux!" "Almost done!" I yelled and I finally felt my full strength come back to me. The giant raised his sword and brought it down. A loud clang rang out in the heavy rainstorm, I held my keyblade out blocking the jagged katana. I breathed heavily, the cold moost air made it harder but manageable. "Im gonna rip your heart out" I growled and suddenly swunf right breaking the blade. I grabbed the broken peice then speared it directly into the giants head, it fell to the ground with a hard thud which made the other giants roar with anger. One after another I blocked and dodged all their swings and stabs, all the training with Bee payed off cause I felt as light as a feather. I rushed to one of the giants and gave it a hard elbow stunning it then I jumped up high and spun down with my keyblade aiming for its head. Once it struck, the head itself split open and I kicked off the dead giant and as I did I felt a tingle on my hand and I remembered this feeling. I flipped around and reached out to the sword on the ground and enveloped it with a red aura, I picked up the giant blade and speared it through another giant then sliced upwards cutting it in half. I laughed slightly and aimed for the other three Giants, I threw the blade to the on my right to which he blicked but couldnt move in time for me to smash down ontop him going straight through his stomach, covering me in blood then I parried another attack. I swung again this time for the giants knees, I hit them dead in the middle causing his knees to bend backwards and he fell to the ground. Once he fell I picked up his sword and shoved it through the side of his chest getting his heart in the process. Once that was done I turned to see the last Giant being dealt with by Bee, who was beating this fat bastard to a bloody pulp. Blood covered us both and once Bee was done beating that giant to death we sat in the middle of the dead bodies and panted heavily. "Had no idea these were a thing here" I said. "I know, I've never seen them before... we might've accidentally killed a new species" Bee said and I laughed. "Well they should've picked their targets better huh" I said and laughed even more. Bee soon joined in and we both found ourselves laughing till our stomachs hurt. "Alright... alright lets head on back to the temple, I need a bath after this" "Same... hey Lux" Bee said and I humed. "Do you think, if your friends ever find you... I could come with y'all?" Bee asked and I chuckled. "Of course Bee, you're my bestfriend and I would never leave you here I promise" I said making the dragoness smile and lean on me. I blushed a little and we sat their till we felt ourselves fully get our strength back. We got up and began the walk back to the Temple. It was a silent walk back, we were both tired and weak. I still ignored the pain inflicted on my body and continued moving, the rain still poured down on us and I wish I could give something to Bee so she wouldn't get wet anymore. Sadly I only had my tattered pants. "Hey Bee, you think Leo's okay?" I asked her and she nodded. "Before we got captured, I told him him to flee and only come back when everyone was gone" Bee said and I nodded, happy that he got to safety. "Few more miles then a nice bath, also we gotta dress those wounds" "Yeah I know, but lets get cleaned first huh" I said and she nodded. After a couple of minutes of walking, we made it back to the temple. We made a b-line towards the bath and we were now in a hot bath. It both relaxed and stung us, this was a common thing to share a bath together. "How are your wounds Bee?" I asked. "Mine are just some scratched and a bump on the head, you on the other hand, Im worried about" Bee said with worry, the bath was pretty big as to not get a look at one anothers areas. Bee threw that to the wind and drifted towards me to check my body. "Turn, I wanna see the damage" she ordered and I followed. I turned and heard a small gasp, I felt her hand gently rub close to the cuts. From what I can feel, they were pretty deep and Bee noticed them as well. I suddenly felt something soft press against my back, avoiding the cuts with ease, I saw Bee's arm's wrap around me. "You an idiot" she said. "I know" I said, smiling slightly. "Always have to play hero huh?" She asked and I humed. "You were in trouble, I needed time to get some strength back, a little damage is nothing" I said then felt her bite my ear hard. "I need that you know!" "And you need the rest of you as well you know" She shot back making me flinch a little. "I knew the second I met you you'd get injured like no tomorrow... I didn't realize you were going to be so stubborn as well" "Blame my father" I retorted and she giggled. "Im sorry for making feel like you have to worry, but I promise I am a whole lot tougher than you think" "Just promise you wont do anything without thinking about it" Bee said. "Cant do that Bee" I answered. "Why not!?" She demanded and I shrugged. "Sometimes thinking is a waste of time, thinking about a situation can cause the victim to get hurt or killed durning that time.... rather than think, I act" I said. "That's a stupid logic to live by" Bee said and I snorted softly. "But, I guess I cant stop you from what you were made for" "Yup... now then, lets finish up here and head to bed early" I said getting a nod. Midnight, Lux's room I was quietly sleeping next to Bee after she had helped dress my wounds. Leo was next to my room sleeping and making sure to keep an ear out for anymore kidnappers. As we slept, the wind blew against the old temple causing it to creak and move slightly. I suddenly opened my eyes getting a feeling as if someone was coming. I got out of Bee's hold and summoned my keyblade... then I waited. The wind still blew against the temple more, making the creaks longer and louder. But I could faintly hear... footsteps? I suddenly felt my body get yanked off the ground and I was tossed through the wall. I skidded across the hard floor, ripping my bandages a bit, but I stopped myself after a second or two. I got to my feet and held out my keyblade in my stance, I saw 6- no 9 people lande down infront of me. I could only see their bodies and from their figures, their was only two females. I did realize that if they can barely see me like me, then I could use it to my advantage by using the shaded areas. As we were about to start our fight I heard Leo roar and land infront of me growling at the shadows. "Good boy, now then lets start" I said and rushed forward sprinting towards the one in the middle. I was cut off by the two smaller ones, one slammed a hammer down infront of me and the other used machetes to take a few shot. Luckily I was fast then the two and dodged the attacks with ease then as the machete man swung again I ducked under it and threw a hard jab to his gut then spun around another attack and elbowed him in the face, I threw some more jabs landing dead in the middle of his face then I spun kicked him to floor, unconscious. I didn't have time to gloat because the hammer guy was already on my ass and swun his hammer sideways with incredible speed and power. I ducked down dodging it then swung my keyblade against his side as hards I could and sent a barrage of attacks, hitting him all over. He dropped his hammer and fell to his knees, it looked like he looked up to me but I ended that thought with a hard left across his face, knocking him out. "C'mon you aren't even giving me a challenge!" I heard Bee shout and the sounds of blades clashing rang. "Gotta get to Bee" I muttered and tried to follow where the sound were. "I wish it was brighter, shit I need to go help Bee before something happens" "Might wanna worry about yourself than your friend" I heared and spun around just in time to prairie his attack. He went for another but I countered it by swinging my keyblade against his weapon and destroyed it, then I sweeped under feet making him fall but just as he left the ground, I grabbed his face a slammed it down. I suddenly felt a sharp knife cut against my cheek and I looked to see two more people were running at me. I ran towards them and as we met I slide under their attacks and began a back and forth with them. I blocked and dodged and attack with the keyblade and with my free hand I threw hards jabs at their abdomen and slam the keyblade against theirs legs throwing them off balance. They both suddenly felt their legs buckle under them and they both got a fist to face. "Their you are" I heard Bee say to my right. "You okay?" I asked. "Im fine, those two were an easy match though they got a few hits I'll admit" She said and I felt her body for injuries. "Lux, you can grope me later... for now we have two more of these guys" I stopped looking and turned to were the last two were, the one on the right was taller and looked like he had more muscle while the other was a few inches shorter with an alright build. I felt Bee's hand on my shoulder she went towards the one on the right, I went to the left. "I'll say this once, take your pals and go home... if not, then... your funeral" Bee warned. "We aint leaving until we know what we want" We heard and it kinda sounded familiar. I didn't have time to think about it because Bee was already fighting the guy on the left, I look dead straight and saw the figure walking at a steady pace then went off in a full blow sprint, he held out his weapon and went for a hit. I rolled out of the way and quickly blocked another attack, his moves were kinda sloppy and predictable, but I didn't let my guard down. He jumped back slightly and went for a kick only to have me grab it and throw him to the ground. He got back up and flung his weapon here and their, I dodged and blocked these attacks then I grabbed his wrist and pulled him in for a knee to the gut then I headbutted him making him fall to the ground, dropping his weapon. I stomped on his hand so he would grab it then I kicked him across the face, knocking him out. "Bee gets all the fun" I said and heard the dragoness struggling along with the last guy. I only saw their shadowy figures but I can tell they were both fighting with everything, Bee threw a punch to which the man dodged then swung his sword, but Bee spun around it and swung her katana cutting his arm then she kicked him across the chest sending him hack a few feet. "You have some heavy hits lady, it's kinda ridiculous I must say" The man said and I felt the familiar vibe again. "But I think I've had enough of this, it was fun fighting you" he said and let out what sounded like a small roar before a gust of wind blew passed up. I barely saw it but luckily Bee did cause she blocked the mans fist before it hit her, unfortunately it blew her back against the wall and the man yanked off it then slammed her body against it hard enough for my to hear the cracks and to feel them. He picked her up by the kneck tossing her up then kicking her against her chest, sending her across the temples yard. I rushed over to the dragoness and looked over her body. "Lux... Im fine, just a few bruises really" Bee said and tried to get up but failed. "Thankfully your injuries arent serious, but this guy is tougher than we thought" I said then felt a presence behind me, before I could turn I was kicked with tremendous force and sent across the yard. "So, are you going to give us what we want or do I gotta make you?" The man asked Bee who glared at him in silence. "A womans glare, even in the dark I can still feel it burn" he said before reaching out and his sword flew into his hand, then he raised it. "I'll ask your friend when I'm finished with you... nighty night" Time slowed down to the point where it looked like it stopped. I saw his blade slowly go down, heading towards Bee, I dont know when but I had started running towards the man. Then time resumed. "DONT YOU FUCKIN TOUCH HER!!!" I roared and I felt a sudden rush of power fill me and I got that same feeling I had when I tackled Leo. I planted my feet on the ground and in a millisecond, I rammed the guy through the temple and sent him fly down the mountian just before he killed her. "Bee are you okay?!" I asked, my tone filled with worry. "Yeah, Im okay" Bee said and I just barely noticed that I was able to see her face. "When did you get blonde hair?" She asked and I pulled a strand down to see golden hair. "I... I don't know" I answered, I picked her up in a bridal position and called leo over. Once he came over I laid Bee down infront of him and he did the same but wrapped his body around her. "Keep her safe Bud" I said and he purred. "I... can't believe it" I heard behind me and I turned around to see the man infront of me. "Is... is it really you?" He asked but was answered with a hard gut punch then a spin kick. "Shove it ass-whipe, before I kick your ass I wanna see who you are" I said and raised my hand forming a ball of light in my palm then I tossed it up letting it shine down on across the temple. I finally got a look at him, and I felt my heart sink. Steel pulled off his hood and showed his face to me, with a small smile on his face. "No..." "Lux... we finally found you" Steel said and looked about ready to cry. "We've searched for months, trying to find you... and... here you are" He said in disbelief. "Steel... I cant believe it's you" I said and we looked at eachother for a moment, then I growled. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" I screamed at him and he flinched. "HOW DARE YOU ATTACK ME AND MY FRIEND, I HAVE HALF A MIND TO BEAT YOU TO A GODDAMN BLOODY PULP THEN BASH YOUR FUCKIN HEAD AGAINST THE WALL TILL THEIRS NOTHING BUT BRAINS!!!" I screamed more and stomped my way towards him. "I get that your angry-" I cut him off with a hard right sending him to the ground. "Angry is the most calming thing I can be right now" I growled at him and picked him up by his throat then slammed his to the ground multiple times before kicking him with everything I had. "I changed my mind, Im gonna rip your throat out" I said and before I could kill Steel, I felt Bee hug me from behind. "Calm down Lux, Im okay... you dont need to kill him, so please, calm down" Bee begged and it took a minute or two but I soon found myself calm enough to think rationally. "Thank you, and you mister asshole, who the hell do you think you are!?" "Im *heavy cough* Im Steel Fox, Lux's older brother" Steel explained getting to his feet. "And who are you miss attacker?" "Fuck you thats who, and your the one that attacked first!" Bee yelled at Steel. "Okay, that was my bad... its just my friends and I have spent months searching for Lux and now we finally found him" Steel said and we heard groaning coming from the people me and Bee knocked out. "And speaking of friends, Im sure you remember the guys and the twins" he asked and I looked over to the beaten ponies only to come up to a blank. "Uh... no, no I dont really remember them" I said and Steel raised an eyebrow. "I only remember you, Luna, Brigid and Celestia" I said leaving out Sora and Jason just to be safe. "You're kidding right? You mean to tell me that you've forgotten about our friends?" Steel asked and for some reason I spat at the words. "Friends huh, friends dont threaten eachother" I said making Steel flinch slightly. "I may not remember them, but I do remember that a group of your friends threatened me and one even beaten me till they were done releasing anger" I said and I heard one of the ponies groan slightly and walk over to Steel. "Aye, we were kinda dicks ta Lux don't you think Steel?" The green pony said his voice sounding familiar. "We also kinda just disturbed their sleep, ah'll tell ya right now, ah'd be pissed off as well mate" "Thank you Greenie" I said and got the two to look at me with suprise. "Greenie... I really you, you like to do drinking contests with Steel and was his first friend in equestria, you also bang Applejack for days" I said and Greenie was gonna defend his actions but he stopped and mumbled something while nodding. "Lux not that I don't enjoy this 'reunion', I think I have to re-dress your wounds" Bee said and I looked down to see the bloodied and dirty bandages barely hanging on my body. "I also need a shirt" She whispered and I barely noticed the feeling of her bare chest against my back. Apparently the two heard this and tried to discreetly sneak a peek but I levitated a rock and smacked them both with it. I snapped my fingers and summoned one of my shirt I made when I first got here and slid it on her. "Okay, now I think we've had enough 'fun' for one night" I said. "I'd much ratger be back in bed, sleeping and healing from my injuries than almost murding my brother and his friends" I said and Steel came up next to me. "Im sorry for causing you this much trouble, but let me make it up to you when we get back home... please" Steel begged and I pushed his hand off and thought for a few minutes. I sighed and turned to face him. "Fine, but anywhere I go bee and leo come got it" I said and he nodded. "Okay... let's get our stuff Bee, we're finally free to leave" Canterlot Castle, Medical Wing, 1:25 a.m.- P.O.V: Lux "Alright mr. Tenebris the wounds should heal nicely after a few more days, now if you will can you please fill out this form so if another incident like this happens we will know who you are?" Nurse Feather weight asked handing me a clip board after bandaging up my wounds. "Seriously?" I asked and gestured myself. "Im a legit different species" "Sorry mr. Tenebris, rules are rules" Feather weight said and I grabbed the clip board. "It is nice to see you again Lux" "Likewise feather, though, I wish it was on better terms like the other times" I said and handed back the clipboard. She looked it over to make sure I got everything and tilted her head when she got to age. "Something wrong?" "Uhm... for age, you put on here that you're 380 years old" Feather said with a bit of shock. "Yeah?" I questioned and she looked at me with awe. "I was stuck in a realm that turned a day into a year" I explained and she still just stared at me. "........... Well uh, you look great for your age" Feather said chuckling and I snorted softly. "Anyways, I'll go tell the others they can come in, please wait here" she instructed and walked out the room. Not even a minute later I had to dodge a pink ball of energy aiming for me. "Boly shit your actually alive!" The Rainbow headed girl said flying in and landing next to me. "And, you look like your packed on more muscle even grew" "Uh... thanks?" I said feeling a little uncomfortable. "Who's the pink ball of energy over their?" I asked her pointing to said ball of energy. "Darling you can't tell us you don't remember who pinkie is?" A fancy looking mare said who had three other girls walk in, one I recognized as Twilight. "How ya feelin partner?" The cow-girl who I remembered as applejack asked and I shrugged. "You look like you could carry eight barrels full of apples and even out match macarena in an arm wrestling match" "I'll say darling, he's grown since the last time we've seen him... filled out quite nicely I must say" The fancy mare said and I noticed her biting her lip a bit. I felt my face heat a little seeing this action. "He does like awfully different, but in a good way" A gentle voice said next to me and I looked to see an ashy pink haired girl poking my arm and have her eyes widen. "Oh my..." "Okay girls, give the kid some room" Twilight said and walked up to me and didn't even hesitate to bring me into an embrace. "I've missed you so much" she said and broke off wiping off some tears. "I... missed all of you.... I think" I said making them look at me with confusion. "Well, I missed Twilight, Luna, Steel, Brigid and Celestia but the rest of you... I hate to say it but I dont recognize any of you save for Twilight and Applejack" I said getting shocked gasps. "Its true" Steel said walking in. "The only other person he recognized was Applejack and Greenie" he went to explain what I told him earlier and I wrapped in a hug by the pink ball of energy. "Thats so sad!" She said. "Is their anything we can do to jog his memory?" Twilight asked as I began prying the ball of energy off me. "Stop... pinkie I cant breathe!" I said and yanked pinkie off and I had another memory. "Oh, now I know who you are, pinkie pie... you got any candy, I literally havent had any cand for over 365 years" I said getting a look from everyone. "Oh yeah forgot to mention, Im 380 years old now" "... We'll talk later, but it seems that its triggers randomly so my guess is that we just wait till he gets his memory back" Twilight said and everyone agreed. "For now, I'd like to talk with the dragoness girl that came with him" "Where is she?" I asked. "We showed your friend to a room in the castle where she's resting now" Steel answered and I got up. "Whoa lady killer, I know you want to go to your girlfriend but you're still healing" "Bee helps me with my injuries and... other things" I said. "Lucky" The fancy mare blurted out getting her own looks thrown to her. "I have no idea why I said that" she said and I rolled my eyes before walking tiwards the door not realizing I was ass naked. "Its not what you're thinking Rarity, she helps me sleep at night" I said turning to them and the girls turned bright red their line of sight looking down. "Take a picture, it'll last longer" "Longer is right" Pinkie said making a camera appear and took a picture. I rolled my eyes again and summoned my pants before heading of towards were Bee was, I strolled down the halls and felt more memories come back to me. Not a lot of good ones, mostly just me getting the shit kicked outta me and crying a lot, I soon walked down a hall and accidentally ran into some casuing slip. Before they hit the ground I quickly caught them and got'em back on their feet. "You okay?" I asked what looked to be a guard, they nodded. "Okay, sorry bout that was just looking for a red Dragoness, have you seen her?" I asked. "Oh yeah, I actually took her their my... self" The guard said, who I now knew was a mare, turning around and stopped when she looked at me. "Whoa... thats a lot of muscle" "Thanks, Ive been hearing that a lot... can you show me to her room, she's a close friend of mine" I asked the mare and she nodded. "No problem Lux, follow me" She said catching me off guard. "How do you know my name?" I asked her. "Do you recognize me, Im spikies marefriend, Cinder" Cinder said and suddenly felt a click in my mind. "Oh, the guard that helped Steel when he was in jail waiting to be hung" I said and cinder nodded. Cinder began leading me to Bee's room and after wandering for a few minute, I recognized the room as the one I had years ago. "Thank you Cinder, give spike my regards" I said and cinder walked off just as I entered the room. "Was wondering when you'd show up" Bee said in her usual night attire, completely naked. "Gonna join me?" She asked and I sighed a little, happy that she came back with me. "I think I will" I said turning off the lights an stripped down before getting into bed with her and let sleep take over me. > Chapter 30: Home for the winter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Crack of Dawn, Hearthswarming eve Canterlot Castle, Luna's Room P.O.V- STEEL "Steel, I want you to go apologize to them for disturbing their sleep, attacking them for no reason, and almost killing your brother's friend" Luna demanded glaring at me from her bed. I was standing infront of the mirror trying to cut my hair. "And gimmie those before you cut yourself" she said getting up and grabbing the scissors. "*Sigh* Luna I didn't know she was his friend, we saw a lot of things in that realm and none of them good" I explained but she narrowed her eyes at me and it made me fidget. "Okay, okay... when they wake up I'll go an have a word" "Good boy" Luna teased and finished cutting my hair. It was how I originally use to cut it, the sides short and the top at medium length giving me just enough to not cover my eyes. "Now get dressed, you promised Greenie you would help him look for a present today" "Yes love" I said with a slight chuckle and gave her quick kiss then walked over to the dresser. I pulled out a plain white shirt with light blue jeans and black shoes. "You know I gotta stop helping Greenie at one point" "He's your best friend, you love him like a brother, it's only natural to help him" Luna said and I sighed knowing she was right. I waved her goodbye and left the room, walking down the halls felt oddly strange to me, like I haven't been here in day's. I shrugged it off and continued moving and soon made it to Greenies and Applejacks room. I was about to knock when I heard the door opening. "Where you off to this early in the mornin?" I heard Applejack ask the green man. "Hopefully not out drinking, you usually don't start till the day is over" No lass, ah'm just goin out for a stroll with Steel I promise" Greenie reassured the mare. "Oh alright, but hurry back cause breakfast starts in an hour and were putting ornaments on the tree later" Applejack said and Greenie waved at it. "Dont ya worry, it'll be like I never left" He said and closed the door. "Okay mate, we have exactly an hour to grab the goods and head back here" "You ordered it before hand I presume?" I asked and Greenie nodded, he looked nervous and was sweating bullets. "You alright Greenie, you look a lil... well green" I asked. "I just... I just think its time, and I hope she does too" He said, I patted his back and we headed down the halls. "She'll love it, you two are meant for eachother" I assured the stallion and it seemed to make him feel a bit better. "Now then, what design did you request?" I asked and pulled out a piece of paper and showed me. "... Thats good, thats really good" "I asked me sister ta draw it, teased me for hours about it and even sent a letter to our mother, but enough of that lets get a move on" Greenie said in a hurried tone and we both picked up the pace. Every step that we took was more difficult than the last, especially for Greenie. I had to summon two shirts for the poor man, I tried offering him a drink to calm himself but he said he wanted to be sober the entire time. Seeing him nervous about anything was kinda strange, he's usually not the type to get serious about some. Though I believe I would feel the same way if I was in his shoes. "Okay, where are you gonna do it?" I asked trying to keep him together. "In the center of the castle gardens" He answered. "When are you gonna do it?" I asked once more "Tonight, as we're exchanging gifts" he answered and I could see his confidence coming back to him. "Im goin ta ask'er tonight in the gardens, it's been a good few years and... I think she's the only girl for me" "Atta boy, c'mon let's go grab it and head back to the castle" I said and we raced out the castle. Bee's Room P.o.v- Lux 'Killer' "Silence" 'Mistake' "Mmm..." 'Disappear' "... Stop" 'They were better off when you were dead' "Shut up!!!" I screamed almost flinging myself outta bed, I looked around and searched for the voices only to find a dimly lit room and the sounds of silence. I breathed heavily, my heart racing a thousand miles, my head pounding like hammer bashing my head, and soon came the tears. "They... they wont stop, the voices wont stop" I sobbed softly, holding my head. "Its okay" Bee said sitting up with me and wiped my tears away. "Im here, those voices will soon fade away... trust me" she said and I began calming down. "Thanks Bee... I honestly don't know what I'd do without you" I said and she clung to my arm. "I could say the same, I do hope the voice's stop before you scare anyone aro-" Bee was interrupted by the door literally flying off the hinges and out the window letting in the crisp cold winter air. We looked in blank shock to who did it and saw Luna along with the girls and the guys. "Around" Bee finished and I covered her up. "What happened, I heard a scream and thought you were being attacked in your sleep!?" Luna said and I sighed. "Sorry, I tend to scream in my sleep... a form of night terrors if you will" I admitted and they all groaned, slightly annoyed thinking something had happened, so they left and headed back to their rooms except for Luna, Celestia and Brigid. "Sorry guys, it's... it's something that happens to you when you live in that world" I said and sighed, I felt even more tired and I dont know why. "You look haunted, and exhausted... when did these voices start?" Luna asked sitting on the edge of the bed and examined my face. "When I first started living at the Temple with Bee" I said and they all looked to her thinking she was the one causing them. "It's not her guy's, she told me she had gone through the same thing and almost went insane because of it, Bee told me that it'll last a total of six month's and from what you all told me last night, I have two more month of this shit" I explained to them and they seemed to understand the information. "I've actually been keeping him calm and relaxed each time he hears the voices... though being naked is kind of a bonus" Bee said leaning back letting the blanket fall flash the three. "Aaaaah~ much better" "Who would've thought my brother would score someone this hot" Brigid muttered and was pinched by Celestia who had a bright red blush along with Luna who looked away. "Please cover thyself!" Luna cried her face turning even more red. "Oh calm down will ya, you got some on your chest too" Bee said. "Im just more confident in showing off a bit, though only to women, and Lux, he will be the only man to see... as well as touch~" Bee purred sliding out of the blankets, making Brigid get a nosebleed, and hugged me from behind. "Bee is very... open" I said and they all looked at me with a bit of shock and embarrassment... well a bit jealousy from Brigid. "But Lux, aren't you like, fifteen?" Brigid asked. "That... is something I need to figure out actually" I said. "To explain why, is because time ran differently in that world, we thought that one day out here was one year in their, but we came out after four months as you told us... so I honestly haven't got a clue as to how old we really are" I finished the sister's humed. "Well, we could always pinpoint the age you are with a bit of magic" Celestia suggested. "It should take no time at all" "That would honestly be great, how do we start?" I asked and not even a second later I was enveloped in a gold aura and felt something tingling on my right hand. I looked to see a number and I was left in awe even after the magic was gone. "Well... how old are you?" Brigid asked. "Four thousand years old" I said with astonishment and they all looked at me in disbelief. "To be exact, Im four thousand eight hundred and ninety five years old... so if I did the math right, we skipped four thousand eight hundred and eighty years in four months!" I said laughing at how crazy that number sounds. "Ive been in their for 2 years so that means Im nine thousand seven hundred seventy-eight years old!" Bee said and the two Immortal rulers looked at us with eyes that would put the moon to shame. "Well uh... you look great for your age" Brigid said and we laughed a little. "Anyways, we actually wanted ask y'all if you'd like to stroll around the city for a bit after breakfast" "I-I dont know Brigid... what if everyone is still scared of me" I asked. "Dont worry Lux, everyone has moved on from those times" Luna assured. "I even made sure to have Steels friends get a better attitude towards you, it took a little convincing and some... threatening remarks but they saw the error of their ways" "Thank you Luna... I guess I should familiarize myself with everything" I said and went to get up, but was stopped by Bee. "Something wrong?" I asked. "Well Im no expert on decency, but flashing your brother and sisters girlfriends would be pretty bad" Bee said and I blushed like an apple. "Uh heh, you guys mind leaving?" I asked and they quickly made their way out the room, and fixed the door as well. "Phew, thanks for the save" "No problem, now then" Bee started before heading to the closet. "Lets see what they got" (20 minutes later) "Well it's not great but it's better than nothing" I said and slid on my blue jacket and looked at myself. I wore a cream colored shirt with green cargo pants and blue sneakers. "I know, who made these?" Bee asked wearing a white tank top with a black jacket that had red silk on the inside, some short shorts and red shoes. She even cut her hair, cutting the sides to a slight stubble and cut the top a bit shorter, combing it to the side letting it fall shoulder length. "Well, as long as its something other than fish, Im good" "C'mon, we're gonna be late for breakfast and Im honestly starving" I said, Bee latched onto my arm and I blushed slightly. "C'mon Bee, you're gonna embarrass me" "We wont know that until we walk out the door will we luxy" Bee said and held onto my arm more and turned my gaze to meet her's, our faces inches from eachother. "Maybe I want the other girls here to know that you are mine, and mine alone" She teased, giggling as she saw my flushed face. "Well... I guess that wouldn't be so bad, as long as you're okay with it" I said as we walked towards the door, we opened the door and was instantly blinded by a flash of light leaving us disoriented. "The fuck just happened?!" I demanded. "What, didn't think I wouldn't try to come visit you Lux?" A familiar voice said, and just as my vision came back I smelt something sweet in the air, like a peice of candy. I wiped my eyes a bit and when I opened them, I was met with a small pink colored alicorn, who was very familiar but how I know this is beyond me. "What's the matter Lux, cat got your tounge?" "Uhm... Two questions" I said. "Who are you, and what was that blinding flash of light we just saw?" I asked and waited for the mare to answer, her reaction to my questions made her frown slightly. I didn't think it was that serious, then again, I never took anything seriously for as long as I can remember. "Geez, guess you really did lose some of your memories huh?" The mare questioned then began pondering on what to say. "Well, we actually haven't been probably introduced to eachother before, so I guess I'll let this slide, my name is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza or as everyone calls me, Cadance" Cadance said holding out a hand, I reached out an shook. "Lux, Lux Tennebris" I stated and we both let go. "And for the flash of light, well, thats from this!" Cadance said holding up a camera with a photo of Bee and I. The photo clearly showed my blushing face when Bee was latching to my arm, though the photo didn't really bother me in the least. "You two look so cute together" "You think so? Well just so you know, I intend to keep my plaything to myself" Bee said with a smile. "So no funny business ya hear" she finished and Cadance looked at me with a shit eating grin. "What... hey if you think Im gonna say no to her, than your more insane than I am" I joked, Cadance chuckled at this and began walking off. "Not gonna join us for breakfast?" I asked. "Sorry you two, I only came to see how y'all were doing and it seems like Bee has it under control, me and Gleaming will come by later though so I look forward to talking more with you both" Cadance said looking back and winking at the girl. "Happy hearthswarming, have fun you too~" she said before she teleported away. "What did she mean by that?" I asked Bee who was smirking a little. "What?" "Man, you are so innocent and adorable Lux" Bee said kissing my cheek then started dragging me towards the dinning hall. "Now then, I am dying for some food, c'mon I've always wonder what pancakes tasted like?" "I actually never had any before, but Im thinking soft and warm would be my best guess" I said and we stood infront of the doors to the dining hall. Before I could open the door to said hall, Bee stopped me and had an eerie look on her face, like if she sensed something I hadn't. Thats when I felt it as well, something dark, something filled with rage, something... evil. We looked around for a moment, waiting to see what would happen next, silence fell between us as we waited, though nothing seemed to happen so far. "Yo, you guys gonna come in?" We heard Spike ask us, snapping both of us out of our thoughts. We relaxed once more seeing the drake and gave out a deep sigh. "Yall okay?" He asked. "Yeah, just uh... bit tired this morning is all, aside from that, what is the heavenly smell?" I asked as we walked into the dinning all. "Oh. My. God" I said in awe and looked at all the different foods that were infront of Bee and I. "Lux, is this heaven?" Bee asked with a big smile on her face. "Im beginning to see it as such Bee!" I exclaimed as we rushed towards the table chucking manners out the window and started devouring any and all food on the table. Peices of food flew here and there, plates being stacked ontop one another, and fighting for food was now in effect. "I want the pancake's damn it!" Bee yelled going for said pancakes, but I pushed it aside. "No way, you took my eggs so now Im taking the pancakes!" I stated but before I could eat said fluffy cakes, I caught a knife heading towards my head and used it to deflect another being weilded by Bee. "So it's a fight you want huh!?" I growled then pushed her back before flipping the knife downward and got into a stance. "You better believe it hot stuff!" Bee roared and did the same. "Those pancakes are mine!" She cried out and lunged forward. "Over my dead body!" I cried out following her movements and our blades met, breaking on contact, but that didn't stop us. I grabbed Bee by the arm and spun her around then chucked her across the table, almost hitting Celestia and the others, embedding herself into the giant stone door. "C'mon, I know that ain't even enough to hurt you!" "Like something that weak would hurt me!" Bee growled and ripped herself out the wall. "You even tryin Lux, or do you think being nice will get you those hotcakes?" Bee asked and in a blink of an eye she was infront of me, I quickly blocked her downward kick, but was sent flying by her hard right hook. "To much for you Luxy?" Bee mocked. I caught myself mid-flight and jabbed my hand into the ground, stopping me from moving. We looked at eachother then at the pancakes once more before we both gave a full-tilt sprint towards the food. "Okay, I think that should be eno-" Steel said, appearing in the middle of me and bee. He was quickly tossed out the way with a double kick to the chest and we started fighting again. "Okay... that hurt" he groaned. "You alright lad?" Greenie asked walking in the dinning hall and quickly avoided the fighting. "Yup, a little winded is all" He wheezed as he got up. "Okay... attempt... number two" He coughed out then transformed and barely caught mine and Bee's kick. "Thats... enough.... you two" Steel strained to say. "I want those pancakes damn it, and I intend to get them!" Bee stated. "And I want them because she stole some of my food, so you aint gettin them!" I stated and Steel pushed us back a bit. "Guys, look where your at right now" Steel said and we did a quick once over. "You're in a castle, with maids and personal chefs... can you put two an two together?" "Oh... ooooooh, right" I said and leaned to Bee. "Im not following, are you?" "Just as lost" "*groan* Ms. Chef, can you please make more pancakes for these children" Steel called out and we immediately heard the sounds of the kitchen come to life. "There, you guy's can ask for more food if their isn't enough, but dont get to carried away and remember to always say please" "Okay, please don't talk to me like a 4 year old child" I growled and he seemed to take my advice. "*sigh* Look, we've literally eaten nothing but fruit and fish for the past four thousand years plus, so excuse us if we want food that doesn't involve it being caught" I stated. "I second that, tasting all of these different foods has been a dream come true for me" Bee said. "But I guess we could've shared the food, right Luxy?" "Luxy?" They all repeated in amusement, some even snickering. "Bee I-" "Oh whats the harm of letting them hear your nick name, it's cute!" Bee cooed and nuzzled my cheeck getting an 'aw' from some of the girls. "You know, its kinda crazy how Lux, a guy manifested from the darkest part of steels mind, landed such a cutie" Coal whispered to Jack. "I know right!" He whispered back. "I can hear you, you know" I called out the two and thru fumbled with their forks. "And she's not my girlfriend, just a really close friend" I said. "So what your saying is that, she's single" Spike said and I nodded. "Interesting I would-" "Not into dragons, or pony's, or griffins, or any other species" Bee stated. "Besides, the love of my life died years ago" "Oh, Im sorry to hear" Spike apologized. "Meh, that was years and years ago so your good, I just told myself I wouldn't be able to find love ever again" Bee said in a cheery tone. "That's terrible, Ive been told that no matter what, there is always someone out there for you" Rainbow said and Bee just shrugged. "Maybe, but this guy has to be willing to fight with me and, in some cases, protect me" Bee said making the guy's chuckle a little. "Laugh all you want, but I think I found someone who Im looking for" she cooed and kissed my cheek cause a blush to cover my face. "Huh, you weren't kidding when you said she was really open" Brigid said and giggled seeing my red face, but the girls all awed at that along with teasing me. "Okay, enough talking, we got stuff to do today and we gotta start it off with breakfast, so lets resume that shall we" Brigid stated getting everyone to agree and we all sat down to eat. (1 hour later) "And then, as Lux was about to get sliced up, he jumped into the air and used this weird red aura around his hand to grab one of the giant's blades then killed them all in seconds, I helped as well, but man, it was nothing compared to what Lux did" Bee said finishing her story about me and the giants. "Ah, was nothin to it" I scoffed drinking my water. "Im just glad nothing else happened to you" "So you were able to use magic in there?" Twilight asked and I nodded. "That, shouldn't have been possible since the whole real was nullifying magic, and your magical aura was red instead of blue?" She asked. "No clue, but hey, I'm just glad I was able to use it at that moment otherwise I'd be mincemeat" I said making them cringe a little. "Anyways, I hope showing us around is still good to go Luna" I continued and she nodded. "Yes, but I would like to know more of what you two did in my father's realm" Luna asked. "Yeah, what did ya'll do" Applejack asked. "Being alone together for years, with no one else around" Umbra chipped in with a grin. "We didn't fuck if that's what you're hoping for, not for the lack of trying mind you" Bee said to the disappointed princess. "Then, what did you two do?" Edge asked. "Trained" We both said. "Thats it?" Jack asked and we both nodded. "I find that hard to believe that you just trained that entire time" "Believe it Jack, how else do you think I got so strong?" I questioned the man and leaned back in my chair. "The training was ten times worse than bellators training, but hey, it was so worth it" I finished as I got up from my chair. "Now hold on a minute, you're sayinf that you went through a more intense training than what papa could conjure up?" Frost asked, Bee and I looked at eachother and chuckled. "Should I tell them, or do you?" Bee asked, to which I let her speak. "Well I wont give you all the details, but I will tell you that I literally put him at his weakest and worked from there, slowly but surely making him just as strong or even stronger than me" she explained, seeing as how the others weren't convinced, she decided to demonstrate it. "Y'all might wanna drink something" I said, just as Bee rose her body temperature heating up the room to a familiar exhausting heat that I grew accustomed to. Everyone was already sweating bullets, some panting heavily and others even poured water on themselves. "I trained in this heat for four months straight and let me just say, I felt like I couldve died at any moment" "I-Impossible!" Twilight shouted fanning herself. "You would've died from a heat stroke!" "Not technically, you see Twilight, Bee knows how long to keep the heat going before your body almost keels over, and when my temperature got out of hand, Bee would stop and toss me in a nearby lake" I stated as Bee stopped her small heat wave. "It was absolute hell, but look at me now!" I exclaimed showing them the well earned muscle I've acquired. "I must admit that you are far stronger than what you originally were, maybe even stronger than when you were an adult" Crystal said getting the others to agree. "Perhaps you can demonstrate your skills, if its alright of course" "Sure, I dont mind showing you lot" I agreed. "It'll give me a chance to stretch my legs and get some fresh air" I said stretching as I got up from my chair. "If you're as strong as you say you are, how bout we spar to see if you have some bite to that bar-" "Did you forget what happened last time dick head, he would've killed you if I hadn't stopped him" Bee interjected Steels suggestion. "Besides, now that we're back in our world, Lux and I are going to explore canterlot for a while... just the two of us" Bee said getting up and grabbed my hand. "Speaking of, don't you think we should head off, you can show them your skills later" "But what about Brigid, Luna and Celestia?" I asked, we looked to the three and they waved their hands dismissively. "Sorry guy's, I'll take a rain check on that sparring, let's go explore then" I said. (3rd P.o.v) Bee was quick to pull Lux off and they were making their way out the castle. The other's saw how close Bee and Lux were, seeing them go off hand in hand, they looked at one another and snickered. "Seem's Lux has found a special someone, and a cute one at that" Umbra said making the others murmur in agreement. "I wonder if they even know they like eachother?" Blue belle questioned. "I think it's cute that Lux has someone he like's, especially for a boy his age" Frost said giggling a bit. "Kinda reminds me of how I met Steel, seems so long ago doesnt?" She asked getting a happy hum from the man. "Yes it does Frost, but whatever it may be, it seems our little Lux has finally changed his ways for good... and all it took was falling in love" Steel said with a bit of pride for the boy. "Seem's to easy to change yer way's after meetin some girl" Strings said. "True, but it's not the craziest idea" Steel remarked looking towards Luna, Frost and Twilight with a smile. "How about we give those two something special, something that'll wow them" "Hmm, I think I know just the thing" Luna answered. (Lux's P.o.v, Canterlot City) "Ya know Bee, you seem oddly clingy today, any reason why?" I asked the dragoness as we traversed the streets of canterlot, the smell of gingerbread, the sounds of busy feet stomped across the streets, and the sounds of children laughing filled the air. I was honestly half expecting snow like last time hearthswarming came, but it seems that it might happen on hearthswarming day, still it was pretty cold all things considered. "Oh it's a thing any predator does in this world, if we feel jealous or think someone might take something we hold dear, we tend to become a more clingy as a sign of dominance" Bee explained making 'oh' at this. "You're a dear friend to me Lux, honestly you're my only friend... Im lucky to have met you when I did" "Me too, save from almost dying, I was in a dark and confusing place" I said. "I don't remember much, but I do remember that I felt... so alone, even for someone who knows nothing but solitude and silence, I longed for something- no... I longed for someone who felt how I felt. I may not look like much, and my behavior could use some work, but I'm no different than anybody else... not anymore at least" I ranted, griping Bee's hand a little more tightly, she didn't object to this so I kept my grip. "What do you mean by that?" She asked. "Well, I wasn't really born with a body of my own" I said confusing her, I chuckled seeing her confused head tilt and I guided us to a park nearby and we sat down on a bench. "Where to start.... I guess at the beginning really... I wasn't created like a regular person, I have no parents, I have siblings-" "But Steels your brother isn't he?" Bee asked suddenly. "He call's me his brother because I'm a tiny part of him, as I was saying, I don't really have any siblings, and the reason why is because I wasn't supposed to exist. Two year's ago, Steel went to train at the frost might kingdom so he can learn from his teacher Bellator, a few month's had pass and he started feeling depressed and angry that he wasn't learning as fast as he hoped he would, Bellator saw this and give him two options" I said and looked to see if Bee was still following, only to find her completely captivated, so I continued. "The options we're both difficult to make because one would lead to him leaving and the other would be an experimental potion his scientist had been working on that would negate any negative thoughts the person would be thinking and shape them to be positives" "But that didn't go as planned, did it?" Bee asked and I shook my head. "Steel chose the second option and downed the potion without a second thought, he felt nothing for a few days after that, its like someone hit the off switch to his emotions and left him a hollow shell of what he once was. Just as his emotions left him, they suddenly came back, except this time it was only a more positive than anything else, they believed the potion had worked saying he would no longer feel any sort of depression or think negatively... and that was the day he would soon come to dread, because that was the day I was born" I continued. "All I could see was utter darkness, it felt so cold, I couldn't stop shaking no matter how much I was use to it, the only thing I could see was a single, strand of light. I dragged myself towards the light for any kind of warmth, and that's when I saw myself for the first time... I was a monster, manifested from hate and rage, I felt despised everything and everyone just for the sole fact of their existence, and for days I let it build up until I couldn't take it anymore" I stopped when I felt a tear get wiped off my face by Bee. "You poor man, I think I can guess the other half, so you don't have to say anymore" Bee said with a warm and gentle smile. "You've been through, so much, in such little time... haven't you?" She asked gripping my hand and caressed my cheek, I only sighed feeling the burden of my past leave my shoulders. "I never noticed, but you look so tired Lux" "I am tired Bee, but you give me the energy to keep my mind straight and to keep moving" I said turning to her. "Bee I-I know you probably don't see me as nothing more than a friend, but..." I started. "But?" She questioned, I felt myself choke on my words and a blush had already covered my face. "But... I... I have this feeling in my chest, it aches but there is no wound, my thoughts go awry and I feel my heart race every time Im near you" I said, it was then did I notice we were so close to eachother. "I dont what this is, but it's... not so bad, once you get use to it" I continued. "I... have the same feeling as well, I don't know what it means but, maybe we can find out, together? " Bee suggested holding my hand tightly now, interlocking between my fingers. "I kinda like this feeling" she said, we both noticed our faces were so close to one another, I felt a pull towards her and I didn't try to stop. "Bee... I think I-" "Lux, there you are!" I was interrupted by Twilight calling my name, we literally jumped hearing her call to me and we separated as fast as humanely possible. We both blushed a bright red as we sat next to eachother, not wanting to look to one another as to not be more embarrassed. "Are you guy's okay?" Twilight asked, now standing infront of us with the girls behind her. "YES!" We both exclaimed scaring them a little. "*ahem* Y-Yeah we're fine, thought we'd take a break at this park, what are yall doing here?" I asked the mare. "Well we're finishing up some shopping, thought we see what else we can find before the shops close, you guy's wanna join?" Rainbow asked. "Sure, could be fun" Bee said getting up, a little more stiff than normal. "Who know's, maybe I'll find someone-something, that uh, that I like" Bee stuttered and tried to calm her heating face. "Well thats settled then, c'mon then you two, we got a lot of thing's ta gather" Applejack told us and we were soon off with the group. After a few minutes of walking, we made it to the cities shops. Every where we looked, we saw endless shops and restaurants, Bee and I could hardly believe their was so much here. The girl's decided to split up and meet back up around six near the local pub to rest for bit. They each went with someone and left only Bee and I. An awkward silence fell between us and we stood there wondering what to say to one another. This had never happen between us before, my heart was racing so fast that it was hard to breathe, I had lumps in my throat preventing me to speak, I was sweating even though the air was cold and the sun was behind clouds. 'C'mon you idiot think!' I thought. 'You can do this, just act natural, be sure to not say anything stupid' I thought to myself and cleared my throat getting Bee's attention. "So... I almost killed Luna once" I blurted out getting a suprised look from both Bee and a fair number of people around us. 'SHIT!' "O-Oh... uh, cool" Bee replied not sure how to start a conversation with that. 'You're losing her, save it!' I quickly thought, I looked around and saw a clothing shop right next to us. "Hey, how bout' we go pick some new clothes, you did say you didn't really like these one's anyways" I said which seemed to draw Bee back to me. "Sure, cant always wear one thing for months on end right?" She asked and I was gonna answer but she covered my mouth. "That was a rhetorical question Luxy, c'mon, we can pick a new outfit for you as well" Bee said and we made our way inside the shop, it was pretty big on the inside, and the colors matched really well who knew pink and white worked so well, the walls thenselves had rows of clothing for children, women and men. We saw a bell at the front desk so I walked over and gave it a small swat eliciting a ring. "Hello and welcome to Regal Boutique how may we- oh, I say you look awfully familiar, have we met before?" A mare asked coming from back, she had light blue wavy hair, an amazing suite and she had alabastor white fur. "Tell me young man, do you know of Steel Fox?" She asked. "Uh, yeah he's my brother, why do you ask?" I asked the mare. "I knew it, Regal splendor at your service, Im a friend of your brother and Im the one who supplies Steel with his clothing along with the princess as well" Regal said. "I thought Rarity made his clothes" I said. "Steel knows good taste my good fellow, he asks two of the best fashionistas to make his clothing, and of course we will supply" Regal said smiling happily. "How might I help you then mr?" "Lux, Lux Tennebris and this is my close friend Bee" I answered and regal shook our hands. "We were actually wondering if you could help us with obtaining clothes for ourselves" I stated. "Say no more, please, follow my wife to the back so we may take your measurements" Regal instructed just as a beautiful woman came from the back, her fur was also pure white and her hair was a soft light pink, she wore a pure white dress and gold shoes to match. "My name is Fleur Dis Lee, but please call me Fleur, follow me and we shall be done in no time" Fleur said and with a simple shrug we followed the mare. A Few Hours Later, Canterlot Castle, Bee's Room "I cant believe we spent so much time at that shop, and I thought Regal would never stop making clothes for us" I said exhaustedly falling on the bed, our time spent was mainly at Regal and Fleur's shop for five hours. One after another, we tried on a literal wardrobe each, but it was nice of them to give us a tab with a bonus discount as a hearthswarming present. "But hey, we got better clothes do we, let's be glad its over with" Bee said and I agreed, she soon joined me in my relaxation. "It's crazy how time flies right by when you're having, huh?" Bee asked me. "Yeah no kidding, I don't think I've seen you laugh that much before" I admitted getting a giggle from the dragoness. "Yeah well, I didn't have a reason to laugh before... thank you Lux" Bee said. "For what?" I asked, she softly snorted and interlocked her fingers with mine again. "For taking me out of that horrible world and, bringing me back to the place where I belong" Bee answered, I smiled hearing this and I felt a familiar feeling inside me, I felt happiness. "It was no problem at all Bee, I'd anything to see you happy" I said letting go of her hand and caressed her cheek. "I would even give you the world" "The only thing I need right... is-" Bee was interrupted by three knocks on the door. We waited for a bit to see if they would go away, but another three knocks were elicited and we groaned. "The only thing I want right now is some goddamn privacy" Bee grunted as I got up and opened the door. "You mind telling us why you're bothering us?" I asked the guardsmare, slightly annoyed. "Im terribly sorry sir, you see I- hey wait a minute, you're that asshole groped me four month's ago!" The mare said and I tilted my head a little. "Of all the things they could've sent me to do, why was it to retrieve you!" "Whoa, slow down, look just... come inside and tell me what's wrong" I offered the mare who glared at me for a moment then groaned slightly before walking in. "Now tell me, who are you and what's this about groping?" I asked, closing the door and sat back down with Bee. "I cant believe you- ugh whatever, my name is Lullaby Ryhme, I'm a lieutenant of the castle guards and you fondled my chest while I was unconscious four months ago" Lullaby said sitting at the desk in the corner, I vaguely remember what she was talking about but I don't fully remember. "Do you seriously not remember?" "Only bits and pieces, you see I was in a realm for thousands of years that passed in days, my memory is a bit iffy with some things" I explained which just made her feel a little more angry. "If it helps, Im sorry for what I did" "Honestly it's hard to see Lux fondling your boobs, if you can even call them that" Bee said with a chuckle, Lullaby turned red from embarrassment and gave a small 'hmph'. "But you are cute so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt" "He didn't fondle me because he thought I was cute, he said he was checking to see if I was still breathing after we fought" Lullaby said. "And my chest is not small, they just haven't gotten to grow yet!" she said defensively. "Oh calm down, Im only teasing" Bee giggled at the girls expression. "Who are you anyways, and why are you with that pervert!?" Lullaby asked. "Names Breaker, but I go by Bee" She stated. "I was in that realm Lux was in for two years, and saved his life after my friend Leo almost killed him" Bee finished explaining. "This is all, so much to take in" Lullaby groaned rubbing her eyes. "Before my brain goes numb, I was sent to retrieve you so you can go talk with Princess Twilight" "Whats up with all the talking today, I liked the peace and quiet back in the king's realm" I muttered getting up slowly. "Alright, where is she?" "In the castle's library, say's that she wanted you to show her your magic" Lullaby said and got up. "I want to knkw what happened over those four months, so later I'd like an explanation" "Fine, but get ready to be bored" I warned, with that Lullaby left the room while I walked towards the door. "You wanna tag along, or you wanna chill here?" I asked. "Chill here, have fun with your magic Lux" Bee said laying back down, I snorted softly before leaving the room. Once the door was closed, I made my way towards the castle's library, I did get stares here and there from maid's, guards, and guardsmares. I did run into Cinder and Spike half way to the library and they decided to tag along. "How you adjusting to the world Lux?" Spike asked. "Pretty well, gotta say though, being a good guy feels pretty weird honestly" I admitted. "First you're wanting to burn the world to ash, then next... you're in love" I said, mumbling at the end. "I didn't catch that last part" Cinder said, but I just dismissed it. "Well, how is Bee adjusting?" "She love's it here, back in that realm it was nothing but endless boredom, so finally having something to do other than train is kinda her dream come true" I answered. "Its, nice to see her smile and to hear her laugh" I said sighing happily. "If I didn't know any better Lux, I'd say you're in love bud" Spike teased, while I just chuckled a bit. "... Oh my god" "How cute!" Cinder exclaimed and I rolled my eyes, they teased me about being in love until we finally reached the library where we were greeted by Twilight and Celestia. "So Twilight, you wanted to see me?" I asked to which she nodded. "Well, what did you need?" "I would like for you to demonstrate your magical abilities and skills" Twilight instructed, as both she and Celestia summoned clipboards. "If you'd be so kind" "Alrighty then, lets see" I looked around for something to test my magic on and I decided to pick up a filing cabinet. I raised my right hand and instantly a red aura rushed over it, I looked at it a bit confused but just thought it was nothing. I easily lifted and moved the cabinet across the room, lifted a few books with my other hand and organized them alphabetically. "Incredible, you can move so many objects without strainging your mind or body, you even learned how to read things with your magic as well" Celestia said jotting this down. "This ain't nothin, I can do so much more" I said putting everything back into place and brought my hands together, that's when I noticed one hand had red aura while the other had blue. It didnt seem to harm me so I continued with what I planned, I clasped my hands together and focused in the center where a small ball of magical energy grew and grew until it fit my palm. "You made a ball of magic?" Twilight question, but she soon 'oh'd' when she saw me throw it towards a stain glass window. I then used both hands to carefully pull the peices off the and remolded the metal holding it to create a picture. Concentrating harder, I thought of the picture I wanted to create and slowly closed my hands changing the color if the glass. "This is... extraordinary" Twilight said as the other's awed at what I was doing. "Shifting metal and glass is one thing... but changing the color of what it originally was is... the most rare ability anyone can have" she said just as I finished the color correction. "What are you making Lux?" Spike asked. "Something you will all love" I answered and placed the peices of glass back. "Happy hearthswarming guys, a little early and sudden but I think you will like this" I said and finished the stain glass window. It was a picture of both the sun and moon combined together with black stars in the orange sky with all of our friends together with Steel, Brigid and myself in the middle of everyone. The four were in awe at the beauty and there emotions were flooding with so much that they started sniffling. "Whats wrong, if you dont like I can always do another" I said but they all gave me a group hug, it felt kinda... nice. "Aw geez guy's, I'm glad you like it" "I gotta go tell everyone to get in here, we're going to celebrate hearthswarming in the library tonight" Twilight said quickly teleporting off. "I must get Luna and the others, Spike and Cinder, please get Steel and Brigid" Celestia instructed. "And Lux... thank you, this is a wonderful gift" "It was no problem Celestia, I'm gonna go get Bee so we can set up decorations in here" I said and we quickly went to do our objectives given to us. Bee's room, 10:30 a.m. This will be so much fun, finally a day were I can relax and not worry about being killed!" Bee squeed suprising both of us. "Whoa, didn't think I could make that noise, oh!, should wear something nice?" She asked quickly looking through her new clothes for a dress. "Bee Im sure everyone will just be wearing a jacket or sweater, no need to be all fancy" I said, changing into some new clothes. "I know your excited, and honestly, I am as well" "Well if a dress is to fancy, how about I wear this instead?" She suggested, I looked to see the dragoness and I did a double take. Bee was wearing a tight red crop top with white fur on the edges, a matching short skirt going almost boarderline to her rear and white stockings to complete the entire outfit. "What do you think?" "I... I..." That was all I could say, seeing her like this made my heart race even faster than before. "You look so cute" I blurted making the woman blush. "O-Oh, thank you" Bee said now playing with her hair. "Regal gave this to me free of charge, she said that you might like it since I looked beautiful in it" she said and I wanted to thank Regal for this amazing gift, not to mention that Bee looked adorable all bashful. "I-I love it... but I think this outfit should be for, other things" I said, this got a sultry grin from the woman. "Like what type of things" Bee purred and sauntered over to me. "Are you suggesting I should wear this outfit, when only your around Luxy?" She asked pressing herself onto me. "I-I mean, that is to say, that you would be willing to only wear it around... me?" I said and Bee giggled seductively. "Oh you are a very naughty boy Lux, I heard that if you're under a mistletoe with someone you have to kiss them, I wonder what would happen if you put it..." Bee started and wrapped her arms around me before she leaned towards my ear. "somewhere else~" She whispered and I turned as red as a cherry. "Maybe, you would like to try it later?" I asked and it was her turn to blush, but this time it was more of an affectionate blush. "Should I take that as a yes?" "How bold you have become, but you're still that shy naive boy brought to me all those months ago" Bee said with a her usual smirk. "To think you would be the one asking me to have sex, how shameless" she teased. "Say's the woman thats been trying to get me in bed since day one" I said laughing a little. "It's only right that I ask for consent, is it not?" I questioned. "I would've said yes even if you decided not to ask" Bee stated. "Perhaps we should wait till after the little party, sound fair?" She asked booping my nose. "I've waited this long, whats a few more hours" I said, Bee let go and began getting dressed into another outfit. She decided to wear a black longsleeve shirt that a little to big, grey shorts and white tennis shoes. I wore a blue shirt with black sleeves, camouflage cargo pants and black sneakers. "You look nice, suites you pretty well handsome" Bee complimented. "Not so bad yourself, c'mon, Im sure everyone is waiting for us" I and we headed out towards the library. We both walked in silence for a bit, although it wasn't awkward silence, it more of a good silence, like a silence where we can understand eachother without having to speak. I looked over to Bee and smile warmly, I than looked at her hand with a little more interest. "Hey Lux" Bee said, getting my attention. "Since nobody's around, you wanna... you know" She asked and tapped my hand with her's. "You want to hold hands?" I said and laughed seeing her pout, I lowered my laughter to a light chuckle and grasped her hand. She may be pouting, but I can tell she was happy. "You're adorable when you're shy Bee" "Shut up idiot" "Okay, okay, Im sorry for teasing" I apologized and we contacted holding hands until we reached the library. I could kid's and the others laughing at the other end of the doors. "You ready?" I asked. "More than I'll ever be, let's see how rusty our people skills are" Bee joked and I opened the door. Everyone that Steel knew was there, the mane six, the guys, Chocolate and Vanilla, Frost, the royals, Blue belle, the cmc, pipsqeak, Sunny, Rose, her sister and her kid's, Trixie, Spike, Cinder, Gilda, Bellator, even Logan and Zecora was here. "Hey!, what took you guys so long?" Brigid said coming up behind us with a bottle of soda. "Needed to change, seems like yall are having fun even without us" I said chuckling a bit, we followed behind Brigid then started mingling with the others. "Im glad we don't have to be in that world anymore, it was beginning to bore us" "Did y'all seriously do nothin but train over their?" Applejack asked me and we both nodded. "I dont think I could have lasted one second doing any of that brutal trainin" "I hear ya their" Rainbow agreed and we laughed. "How bout we do a quick arm wrestling match, one match to see how tough you are" she suggested and I agreed, we sat down at a near table and we got into position. "On go, three... two... one... GO!" Rainbow yelled and I didn't even move and inch, but Rainbow looked like she was giving it her all. "Holy shite" Strings said as the others watched me slowly but smoothly pin her hand down. "Lords above you're strong!" Rainbow exclaimed and I chuckled. "Meh, was nothing to it" I said, after an hour of talking with one another and even squaring thing's up with Father, we all sat around telling stories of our past. It funny hearing some of them, especially Greenies because it always ended with, 'And then she whipped me arse'. I fully enjoying myself, I dont think I ever felt this much joy in my life, and with Bee here with me, it felt so perfect. I looked around to see what I could've had from the beginning, this is what I always thought of when I first thought of being a good guy, and I don't regret my decision one bit. "Lux, you look so happy right now" Bee said loud enough for me to hear. "Its almost midnight, how about we head outside, just you and me" Bee said and I nodded, we slipped away when the other's started hearing another Greenie story and we headed outside to the gardens. The peace and quiet reminded me of the king's realm, the one thing I actually miss. We walked hand in hand through the cold winds, though we couldn't feel it, we used it as an excuse to be closer together. We soon stopped infront of a fountain in the dead center and sat at the edge looking up at the star's, leaning on one another. "Today has had more excitement than I have had in two years" Bee said and positioned her head in the crook of my kneck. "It's even better because I have you here" "Today has been great, and honestly Bee, I can't wait for tomorrow" I said and decided to put all my cards on the table. "Hey Bee" "Hmmm?" "Remember what you said earlier, before Lullaby interrupted you?" I asked to which she nodded. "I think I know what you were trying to say... and the only thing I need right now as well... is you" I said getting up and walked away for a second before turning to face her. "I actually wrote down something, to express my feelings... towards you" I said and Bee looked surprised but also happy. "May I hear it?" She asked and I nodded before clearing my throat. I started off low and slow, slowly moving towards bee. As I continued, I began singing louder and picked up the pace a tad bit, and from where I stood, Bee was loving every second of the song. I soon stood infront of her and held out a hand, she took it and I hoisted her before picking her up in a hug and spun us around while picking up the pace of the song. Her laughter and smile was enough to warm my heart, enough to get rid of all the torment an sadness I've felt for years. "Heavins my witness and this is a fact, you live in my soul, your heart is my goal, there's love above love and it's mine cause I love you, there's love above love and it's yours cause I love you" I sand and brought her down to eye level with me, her hand caressing my cheek as a sign of love. "There's love above love and its ours.. if you love me.. as much" I finished and I leaned forward finally kissing her. We locked lips for what seemed to be an eternity, neither of us wanting to part from one another. Though like everything, it must end, we pulled away from eachothers lips and we panted heavily. "Wow... just wow" Bee panted out, not even a second later she went back to give me a quick kiss. "That's really intoxicating, I love it" "I love it too, I've wanted to do that for a long time" I said. "I love you Bee" "I love you too Lux" She replied back and we kissed one more time before we heard two sets of hands clapping. We looked to see Steel and Luna, both with a shit eating grin. "Beautiful, simply beautiful Lux" Luna praised, I let go Bee but kept holding her hand. "For a man who doesn't know emtion that well, you sure as hell kicked romance's ass" "I'll say, and we had this whole plan figured out to give two a special night and use it as an apology for almost killing Bee" Steel said, he tossed me a small black box. "Take a look little brother, made it myself" he said. I opened it up and saw two silver necklaces, one with a drake symbol and one with a black and white fox head. "This is... I dont know what to say" "Don't then, happy hearthswarming you two, and welcome home" Steel said, just as he did looked passed the fountain and smiled. "Well it seems we got three special occasions happening today" he said pointing behind us. We looked to see Greenie on one knee holding out a small box towards a crying Applejack. My eye's went wide seeing the man propose to Applejack, we couldn't hear them but we saw Aj nod while saying something and Greenie slid the ring on her finger before jumping into his arms. "Wow, I did not see that coming... wait you said three special occasions happened, whats the third?" I asked and was tackled to the floor by Scootaloo and Pipsqeak. "Sorry uncle Lux" they both said and my heart skipped a beat. "U-uncle!?" I exclaimed making Luna and Steel laugh a little. "Should've seen Father's expression when he became grandpa Logan" Steel picking the kids up while Bee helped me up. "S-So... you two-" "Yuuup" Luna answered now holding Pip. "We officially adopted Scootaloo and little Pipsqeak" she said. "Holy shit" > Chapter 31: Back In My Personal Hell > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Months After Hearth's Warming, Ponyville Field, 5:28 p.m. P.o.v- Lux Tennebris    "Damn it, I can't hold them off for much longer, need some help over here!" I heard Bee yell, tossing and cutting up more demons coming out the ground. I rushed over to her and began helping her cut down the hordes of living filth.   I grabbed one and tore it's head off before grabbing it's broken sword off the ground and rammed it down another bastards throat as I summoned Excalibur and cut four more in half rushing towards us. I gripped the sword in both hands, letting the ancient power surge through my body and controlled it by sheer will.   I lifted my left hand up with my blue aura surrounding it, and lifted about a dozen of the creatures then threw Excalibur towards them spinning it as it left my hand and let it act as a buzz saw cutting up all the demons into pieces before calling it back to me. Not even a moment had passed and I was already slicing up an endless amount of demons, Bee was holding her own, Steel was holding off that giant centaur with Father and Brigid, and the guys were fighting with everything they had to protect the girls who were charging up their Harmony Magic.   "Everyone, just hold out for a bit longer!" I instructed before getting tackled to the floor.   "LUX!" Bee screamed slowly cutting her way to me. I was trying to push the fuckers off, but it sunk its claws into me locking itself in place, then the other's started dog piling me clawing at my body, leaving deep scratches and tattered clothing.   "GET BACK!" I yelled at Bee who jumped a few yards back. I gritted my teeth and charged up my ki gradually letting it fill to the brim then I let it explode with a blood curdling roar, blowing off all the demon's on top of me. I rose to me feet in my super saiyan form, covered in wounds and blood, my armor was destroyed and all that hung from my torso was broken and torn chainmail. "HAAAAAAA!" I roared once more throwing balls of Ki towards the demons around me, killing them all.   "Lux, oh my god, I thought I lost you" Bee said rushing over and pulling me into an embrace, not even flinching at the blood coming out of my wounds. "I don't know how much more we can handle, there are to many"   "We... We have to hold out-ah!‐ till' Cinder and Lullaby get here" I stated, I tried to take a step forward, but I fell to my knees. "We have to-"   "You're already at your limit Lux, please stop before you get yourself killed!" Bee begged helping me to my feet.   "I-I have to... keep going, even if my body is turned into a hollow shell, I have to keep fighting... if I'm already at my limits, then I have to go further beyond!" I exclaimed forcing myself to get back up and beckoned Excalibur to me.    "But you'll die!" Bee cried, I chuckled catching Excalibur.   "I was prepared to die the day I was born," I said.   "DAMNED APES!" The centaur roared just as Steel, Father and Brigid crashed right in front of us, beaten mercilessly, we quickly helped them to their feet and they looked utterly worn out and drenched in blood. "I SHALL RULE ALL OF EQUESTRIA, BUT FIRST, I WILL START BY KILLING EVERY LAST BEING STANDING IN MY WAY! He roared out charging up a beam of chaos magic.   "We're done, boy's, run!" Twilight shouted and the Girls rose up in the sky, each having new clothing and different hair, shining as bright as their elements. "Give it everything you got!" She shouted, the guys quickly moved out of the way and girl's shot the rainbow beam just as The centaur shot his own blast.   As they collide with each other, it looked as though the centaur was winning the power struggle. The girl's were straining to keep up their end, while he was laughing at their attempt.    I suddenly felt time come to a halt, I took in my surroundings to try and find a way to win this fight, but there was no way. The demons had stopped rising, but myself and everyone else took a great toll from it, Twilight and the girls were at the limit of their harmony magic and I was completely at a loss of what to do.   "Tick… Tock… Tick… Tock" A man mimicked. "Seem's my prediction was right Mr. Tennebris, how oh how will you ever recover from something all your friends will die from?" the man asked with a big twisted smile, showing off his sharp white teeth.   "I… I don't know" I admitted in defeat, the man just chuckled coldly. "You said… there was a seventy-five percent chance of winning" I said making him raise a brow and tilt his head while keeping his smile. "What if… W-What if I told you I can do the other thirty-five percent!?" I exclaimed, there was absolute silence between us, then he hummed.   " What did you have in mind?" 4 Days Earlier, Steels house, 12:30 in the morning   "Kid's, you know I love ya, but Uncle Lux and Aunt Bee are trying to relax" I said laying in my bed with Bee, and my new niece and nephew. "I understand you love us, but we wanted, *ahem*, adult time"    "Awww, but I wanted you to hang out with us today and see Logan!" Pipsqueak pouted and so did Scootaloo. "Pleeeeease~?"   "*sigh* Lux, you know you can't win against their puppy dog eyes, why fight it?" Bee asked me as I combated their pleading eyes.   "Because love, I wanted to lay with you all day!" I whined a little, slowly losing the will to keep fighting. "Arrrrrrrgh!.... *deep sigh*.... give us twenty minutes" I said in defeat and the two hugged me before leaving the room.   "I told you~" Bee said in a sing song tone and I grumbled. "Oh come on ya big baby, you can play with the cookie jar later, for now, we have to babysit those two" Bee said giggling as she got up revealing her naked form to me.   "Still beautiful, not that their was any doubt" I said getting up behind her, also naked.    "Still handsome, some doubt" Bee teased and I wrapped my arms around her. "Lux, we can't right now, the children will hear"   "I swear, today is the day I finally get in your pants" I said remembering how we couldn't do anything since other's were around, a few problems occurred here and there, especially with the girls. Save for twilight, the other's have been saying that objects that they've received are glowing slightly. Because of this, we've been searching and studying what it could mean.    Honestly it could mean anything, but it caught Steels attention so much that he asked both myself and Bee to watch over Scootaloo and Pipsqueak, they were a little shy at first but soon warmed up to us, even started calling us Aunt Bee and Uncle Lux.   "Okay, okay, but not right now" Bee stated breaking free from my hold. "Let's get dressed, the kids are waiting so let's hurry" She said and we both went towards the closet to pick out some clothes.   "Im thinkin longsleeve and sweats today" I said putting on a cream colored longsleeve and black sweats that hugged my ankles, I slipped on some white running shoes and put on the necklace Steel gave me. "How do I look?"   "Comfortable, go wash up and head downstairs, I'll be a minute" Bee said still choosing what to wear. I did as I was told and did my morning routine before heading down stairs, joining Scootaloo and Pip.   "Where's Bee?" Scootaloo asked.   "Ah, she's figuring out what to wear, I just went for something plain" I answered, I stretched out my bones letting a few pops out. "Don't worry, she won't be long" I assured them.   "Hey Uncle Lux, how'd you meet Aunt Bee?" Pip asked and I gave a little whistle.   "That, my friend, is a looooong story, filled with violence, betrayal and lots of lovey dovey stuff" I answered making Scoots pretend vomit at that last part. "Besides, you're too young to hear this story" I told them and they whined.   "He's not wrong kids, our love story is a bit brutal compared to your parents" Bee said hugging me from behind. "But let me tell you the ending, your uncle wrote me a song expressing his love to me on hearth's warming-"   "We know that part" Scoots interrupted only to get flicked on her forehead.   "That's a warning little missy, now as I was saying, he sang it to me and we shared our first kiss in the gardens, and at that moment" Bee sighed in delight. "We knew nothing could keep us away from each other, the end" Bee finished and grabbed my hand.   "That's so sweet" Pip cooed while Scoots rolled her eyes. "Do you think I can find someone one day?"   "Of course, cause if I found love, then anyone can find love" I said making pip smile.   "Well I don't want none of that lovey dovey stuff, I have myself" Scootaloo said with a 'hmph'.    "You know Scootaloo, I thought the same thing at your age, even stood by it for many, many years... but destiny will always find a way to bring two people destined for eachother together, trust me" Bee told the young girl and held out her hand to scoots, but she was hesitant to grab it. "To old for hand holding Scootaloo, my you kids grow up so fast" Bee teased and let pip hold her hand.   "Alright you lot, let's go see Grandpa Logan" I said and we headed off towards the Everfree waving to Rok on the way out, along with Steels other Timberwolves. The journey itself was relatively peaceful, but as we walked through ponyville, I could see mare's and couples looking at us and 'aw'd' quietly as we walked by.   "What a lucky man to have such a beautiful family" I overheard a group say. I couldn't help but smile hearing this, for the first time in my life, I actually had people to call my family.   "You look happy love" Bee said bringing me out of my thoughts. "You say you were created from darkness, but all I see is light coming off of you"    "That's because, I have you, I have Pip and Scoots, my siblings, my friends, my father... my life as of right now is beyond perfect" I told her and kissed her cheek. "I wouldn't trade it for the world" I said and noticed we were being full blown watched by couples.   "He's so... golden"   "He's perfect!"   "I never heard anybody say such beautiful words before"   "Why can't you be like that?"   One after another, mares were talking about me and I felt my cheeks heat up. Bee grew a big devious grin, then she pulled me in for a kiss, making all the mares around us get jealous.   "Sorry ladies, but he's mine and mine alone!" Bee exclaimed before she had us walk faster, quickly having us get to the edge of the Everfree.   "Was that really necessary Bee?" I asked.   "No, but I want them to know who you belong too" She answered before picking up Pip and walked onwards. "C'mon you two, don't get left behind!"   "C'mon Scoots, Logan ain't getting any younger" I said walking a couple of feet, then stopped when I didn't hear Scoots footsteps. I turned around and saw her with a scared look on her face. "You okay kid?"   "Y-Yeah, I-I'm just a little-"   "Scared?" I interrupted and she tried glaring me for saying such a thing, to bad her fear was keeping her from doing so. "You know kid, there's no shame in admitting that you're scared"   "I-Im not!" Scootaloo shouted then squeaked when she felt a leaf gently graze her hair. "I-I'm not scared!" She said almost on the verge of tears.   "Hey, hey, hey, it's alright kid, no crying ya hear" I said, quickly coming over and picked her up, comforting her. "You know, I remember when I was as scared as you when I was brought up against the darkness, I was afraid for my life... how about I teach you a song I sang with Bee when I felt scared" I said and started walking forward. "It'll make you feel better"    "Okay" Scoots choked out wiping her tears away.      Sing along when you can" I said. "In the light of the day, in the dark of the night, when you're rarin to go, when you're tired from the fight, when you're losing your mind, let me give you a thought" I sang walking through the trees of the Everfree. "I'm gonna be right by your side no matter what, c'mon Scoots" I beckoned her to sing along, she started relaxing a bit, and soon she was singing along.   Scoots smiled as she sang with me, completely leaving her fear behind, now she was laughing and smiling. As we continued walking through the forest, singing our song, I didn't noticed how close we had gotten to Zecora's hut.   "Through whoever you been, through whoever you'll be, through whatever you lose, you'll always have me" I sang reaching hut. "At the end of your road, I'll be holding you taught, I'm gonna be right by your side... no matter what" I finished and set Scoots down. "Feel better?"   "So much better!" She exclaimed causing me to chuckle.    "I'm glad, now let's see what everyone's doing inside" I said and knocked on the door. A few seconds passed before the hit door opened up revealing Zecora wearing some new clothing consisting of a striped shirt, black legging shorts and flat white gladiator sandal boots going up her calf, and her hair was no longer a mohawk, but silky smooth and straight hair tied in a ponytail. "Wow Zecora, you sure did change since the last time I saw you"   "I have to thank Rarity, she told me I should get a bigger wardrobe and made me more clothes, even these beautiful sandal boots, even gave me a makeover" Zecora said. "Come inside, I'm sure you two are thirsty" she said and we went inside, joining Bee, Pip and Logan. 4 hours later, Sapphire Lake   "How are you adjusting to life here Lux?" Father asked as we sat in front of a crystal blue lake, not that far from Zecora's hut. "You can be honest with me"   "*Sigh*... I'm adjusting fine, I couldn't ask for a better life to live" I said making him snort softly. "Ever since the voice's have stopped, I've been nothing but happy since"   "I'm glad you're doing good, that woman of yours keeps you in check huh" Father joked.   "More like tortures me with her endless teasing, but that's one thing I love about her" I said laying down, staring at the clear blue sky. "Who knew love was this... wonderful"   "Hmm, I know what you mean Lux" Father said. "When I met your Mother, it was like the whole world lit up, and all the darkness shrouding my heart, completely vanished" he said cracking a smile.   "I bet she was great," I remarked.   "More than you know... Lux, I know you and Brigid are entities created from Steel's mind, but I want you to know that... you and Brigid, are my children" Father struggled to say, unable to find the right words. "What I mean is... you're my son and, I'm sorry for not seeing that till now, whether you accept it or not, I will always be your father and I'll always see you as my son" he said patting my knee.   "I, uh, wow... that means the world to me dad" I said sitting up. "Thank you"   "Don't go telling other about this soft side, ya hear" Father said and I chuckled.   "Sure dad, by the way, are you and Zecora-"   "Nope" He interrupted.   "I didn't even finish" I said making him scoff a little.   "I knew what you were going to say, and no, I am not mating with that woman" Father said grumbling a little. "Yes she's attractive, strong, speaks her mind freely, and can take down a manticore in a few seconds... but it could never happen" he stated.   "Uh-huh sure, Dad Im just gonna throw this out there... are you in love with Zecora?" I asked, nothing was said and nothing needed to be said, because the blush told me everything. "Called it"   "I-I am not in love with her, are you crazy?!" Father shouted and I laughed. "She's a completely different species!"   "Yeah, but look at Steel, Brigid and I" I countered and he crossed his arms. "Who knows Dad, maybe she feels the same way about you"   "Yeah right, I'm not exactly the ideal candidate for a mate!"   "Aw, and Zecora was about ready to confess, ain't that right Zecora?" I said making Father snap his head in every direction, only to see no Zecora, but his son laughing his ass off.   "Never do that again boy" Father growled making me laugh. We continued to talk for awhile after that, seems like dad was a chatterbox, because the second he started talking, I couldn't get a word out. "And after I killed them all, I came back with a net full of fish for your Mother" he finished saying and sighed.   "Yeesh, all that for some fish?" I questioned, to which he nodded and laughed. "You sure do like talking about Mom huh?"   "Am I not allowed to like that?" He asked.   "I'm not saying that, like whatever want, but for real, you killed a pack of wolves to get Mom fish because she requested it?" I questioned with a chuckle. "Seems a bit excessive old man"   "Just you wait Lux, you'll do some crazy things when you're in love" Father said with a chuckle of his own. "Anyway, we should be heading back, it's about 4:30" He said getting up.   "Something happening at 4:30?" I asked following suit.   "Ah, that woman gave me a curfew for training so I don't damage the forest" Father explained making me snickered at this. "Something funny?"   "No, nothing funny, but it seems Zecora wasn't only just worried about the forest getting hurt" I said making him raise a brow, then blushed a second later.   "Shut up boy, now get your ass moving!" He barked before stomping off, I shook my head at the stubborn man and started walking.   "Lux"   "Huh?" I hummed, I turned around expecting someone their, but all I saw was lake, the sun shining from above and the giant tree of the Everfree. "Must've been the wind" I muttered turning back around then barely got one step in before a giant hand made of water shot out of the lake and grabbed me. "OH SHI-" was all I could say before getting furiously dragged into the lake.   "I've been searching for you master, for a whole year I was patiently waiting for you to come get me, but it seems you've forgotten me back at the Island" A voice rang in my head, it sounded female and a little bored as well. "Do you have any idea how boring it is, just sitting on your butt for generations, only to be wielded once, then go back to waiting for a whole year?" she asked, though the only thing coming out of my mouth was oxygen being ripped out of my lungs.   My vision started getting blurry, and the feeling of rushing water beating my body was making me lose consciousness faster.   "Don't worry master, I have someone who can help you when you get here" The woman said before the last bit of my consciousness faded and I blacked out. ???   "Great just great..... barely..... ugh!" I heard a muffled voice say as it faded in and out. "Lion.... the flower" they said and a few minutes passed before I felt a warmth flow through my body, it was soothing and soon I heard... singing?     Hearing this song, it started bringing back memories, the one's I lost in the king's realm, I was suddenly being over flooded with the memories then I suddenly shot my eyes open. I sat up in a blink of an eye then threw up the water I acquired from being dragged under a lake.   "What the *cough*, what the fuck!?" I coughed out, my throat being ripped apart and my chest pulsing with what seemed like endless pain. "Jesus fuckin christ, I thought I was a goner!" I exclaimed calming down a bit.   "As did I when Alicia brought you here" I heard a familiar voice say, I turned to see Vine. "Nice to see you Lux"   "Vine?" I muttered then looked around my surroundings, it the Island of the two sisters, except this time, it was flourishing with life. The trees were green and healthy,and  the grass regrew back to its former glory, the wildlife even sprouted up again most likely thanks to Vine. "This... this is beautiful" I said in awe.   "Im glad you like it, it took me ages to get everything back in order, but thanks to Steel and his friends, I was able to finish my work uninterrupted" Vine said with glee, I was so caught up with the beauty of the island, I didn't take notice of the Lion I was petting. "I'm sure you remember Lion, he sure missed you"   "Oh yeah, Lion!" I exclaimed. "How's it going buddy, been a while since I've seen you"   "Yes, it has been awhile" Vine said standing up.    "Wait, I thought Lion only knew Steel... how does he know of me?" I asked.   "Yes he knew Steel, but he was also aware that you were inside of Steel as well" Vine said. "You see Lux, Lion isn't a normal animal, he's what you call a Familiar"   "What's that?" I asked.   "A highly powerful magical beast that is summoned by another who is also very powerful" Vine explained walking over to me. "It took me awhile to realize that Lion here, was summoned by you the day you manifest in Steel's head" she said making me do a double take.   "I, summoned him?!" I asked in shock, already knowing the answer. "Wow, I-I had no idea, when Steel and I first saw him, he looked like a regular lion" I said playing with Lion's ears. "Who knew we'd be Master and Servant, though I think I'll just call you my friend instead of servant" I said to him to which he purred.   "He seems to really like you, must've grown a bond to you when Steel was here" Vine said. "But putting all that aside for now, there is someone else I want you to meet" she told me then raised her hand, allowing the ground to part and up came Excalibur back in its stone.   "Excalibur, but isn't that Steel's sword?" I questioned, I got up to get a better look at it. "I thought he pulled you out?"   "Well when I have no master for a long period of time, I go right back to the stone, awaiting another person worthy of holding the blade and blah, blah, blah" The sword echoed making me jump.   "A... Alicia?" I asked slowly.   "Perfect, you remember me, now if you will be so kind as to pull me out, that'll be great" Alicia said, slightly annoyed.   "Is she okay?" I asked Vine.   "She's fine, a little mad she was forgotten, but fine nonetheless" Vine answered.   "Okay then, one more question, she does know I'm not Steel right?" I asked once more. "Because if it's not Steel who pulls the sword from stone, then no one can"   "Lux, just pull me out, I'll explain everything once you do so" Alicia said a bit annoyed at this point.   "Fine, if it'll show you that I'm not worthy, then I'll pull you out" I stated before gripping the sword. "Watch as I grasp Excalibur and pull the sword-" I announced being as dramatic as possible, but soon stopped once I gave Excalibur a good yank, causing it to slide out of the stone. "From... stone" I finished in utter disbelief    "Told you"   "All hail King Lux" Vine joked and giggled seeing my shocked expression. "Now to explain why you're able to wield Excalibur" she started, but Alicia stopped her when she popped out the sword.   "I got this Vine, you see Lux, the reason why you're able to pull out the sword from the stone, is because you were chosen to wield the sword since day one" Alicia said confusing myself disbelief self even more. "To put it simply, Steel was never the one to wield Excalibur, it only came out because it sensed you instead of Steel. I to thought Steel Fox was supposed to wield the sword, imagine my surprise when I discovered it was you instead" Alicia said.   "So I'm-"   "The rightful owner of Excalibur, the legendary sword held by King Arthur and King Jonathan" Vine said and I swear I heard a choir singing an angelic song and the sun cast a beam of light unto me through the gray clouds. "Raise the sword so it may regain its original form" Vine instructed, still a little confused I did as I was told.   Once I raised the somewhat rusty and old sword in the air, it glowed a bright blue from tip to the butt of the sword. After a few minutes, it crack then exploded into dust, leaving the new replenished Excalibur.   "Whoa, it's amazing" I mumbled bringing it closer, it was so clean that I was able to see my own reflection, and it looked so sharp, I'm sure it could cut even the thickest of armor. "Wait, the first king of Equestria held this sword?"   "Yup, and I must admit, he was a very handsome man, he wielded Excalibur in some of his most historic battles, such as The Battle of Dragonstone" Alicia said. "A thousand to one, Jonathan drew Excalibur in one hand and a shield made of the strongest metal known to Equis. Jonathan charged towards the hordes of the heavily armed dragon's all by himself, he only had his wit and strength, the battle fought was long and hard for hours upon hours, other's living close by could hear the battle wage, but in the end, Jonathan came out on top with nothing but his sword and shield" Alicia said making both Vine and I silently question that last part, then she sighed. "A magnificent sight… t-the battle I mean, *ahem* anyways, Jonathan won the great war after that battle and it was then did he catch the eyes of both Queen's of Equis, and soon married them both years later" she finished.   "Whoa, this guy was no joke" I said in awe, I looked at the blade I now held in my hands, and I smiled. "You know, I remember complaining to Stardust and Faust about how I'm never going to be chosen for anything... who knew I was chosen for so much without me knowing" I muttered, smiling as I held the blade.   "Ah yes, I need to get something from my Sanctuary, I acquired it when Steel was in his demonic form, but first" Vine started, she waved her hand slightly causing rocks and root's from the ground to come up and twirled around Excalibur creating a sheath with a vine strap to hold it on my back, it was also surprisingly smooth to the touch. "You're going to need something to hold that sword of your's, come along now" she beckoned, letting the ground go back to how it originally was.   We traversed through the Island, passing streams and ponds, animals and insects and various fruit from both the bushes and trees. This island was more beautiful than I could've ever imagined, no matter where I looked, I saw only life. I felt at peace as we walked towards the Sanctuary, something I thought I'd only feel with Bee.    "Here we are, home sweet home" Vine said with a happy sigh. Once we had entered the Sanctuary, I was greeted with the sight of two old friends. "Ladies, our guest has arrived" vine announced seeing Stardust and Faust sitting at her table.   "Welcome young Tennebris, it's been quite some time" Stardust greeted, raising a cup of tea from her seat.    "You look well, considering you were trapped in our husband's realm for a few thousand years, giver take a few" Faust joked. "Come, sit down"   "How are you two here?" I asked walking over them both and took a seat. "I thought y'all were trapped in between the space of reality?" I questioned.   "We are, but this is also another space between reality" Stardust explained. "And Vine has been a good friend of ours for many years"   "It is true, how long has it been?" Vibe asked. "Ninety thousand years?"   "I believe so, but enough about us, Lux, tell us how you're doing" Faust said and I was drawn for a blank.   "Uh, well so far, I'm pretty happy right now" I replied slowly. "I meet this amazing girl named Bee, she's basically my whole world, she makes me feel happy and loved, not that I don't already get love. I can't really explain it, but I know for sure that I love her with all my heart" I ranted a bit.   "Sounds like you met a lovely girl, hopefully she keeps you out of trouble" Stardust teased. "It's funny, just two years ago, you were manifest from literal darkness then changed your ways completely after meeting this woman, was love the only thing able to stop you?" She asked.   "I guess so Star, I never felt truly loved before until I met Bee, the whole world became brighter when we met... I think she felt the same way" I answered the goddess. "Oh yeah, apparently I'm the rightful owner to Excalibur, and I have a pet Lion!" I exclaimed making said Lion plop his head on the table. "See"   "I always knew you were going to be great, who knew this would be what you'd be" Faust chuckled seeing me get all giddy. "The number of your age may have changed, but you're still that cute little boy in the armory"   "Still waiting for those grandkids huh Faust" I teased the woman who gave a fake offended gasp. "Well good news, you have two" I said making them go wide eye.   "Yeesh, must've slept for awhile, we missed two births" Stardust said.   "Not birthed, they were adopted, little Scootaloo and Pipsqueak" I said making Faust squee. "Calm down there Faust, I know you're excited-"   "Excited is an understatement, I wanna meet them, I wanna spoil them, I wanna squeeze them in my arms!" Faust rapidly listed off, it was after number fifteen on the, 'I wanna' list did she stop. "*Ahem* Apologies, I haven't been this excited since Jonathan proposed"   "Must've been one helluva proposal" I chuckled.   "Well when you have quite literally made two goddess like entities fall head over heels in love with you, it's kinda hard not to get excited when your lover proposes with rings made from the rarest metals in the world engraved with our names" Stardust nonchalantly said as she sipped her tea. "But I'm glad Steel and Luna adopted these younglings, they'll make great parents"   "Uh, speaking of, y'all kinda dragged me away while I was babysitting them" I pointed out.   "Won't that make your lover worried?" Faust asked.   "Nnnah, besides, what's the worst that can happen?" Back at ponyville   People were screaming, buildings were collapsing, the ground was shaking and flames roasted a few houses.   "RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!"   "WHERE IS HE, WHERE'S MY BOYFRIEND!" Bee roared as she began tearing up half of ponyville up. People began running for the hills once they glanced at Bee, she was setting fire to building's, flipping houses and even tore apart the ground looking for me. "I WILL RIP THIS WHOLE PLACE APART IF IT MEANS FINDING HIM!"   "Uh, hey, have you seen Uncle Lux?" Scootaloo asked Applejack and Greenie who were both mortified by the acts Bee was committing. "Because Aunt Bee has been tearing the town apart for three hours and-AUNT BEE, NOT THE BAKERY!- and she's upset about him disappearing"   "Really upset" Pipsqueak threw in, as Bee threw another building.   "U-Uh...... Let's uh, let's go ask me mate" Greenie said and the four quickly sprinted towards where Steel was. Back at the Island   "I bet she went to sugarcube corner to get the kid's some treats to calm down when they noticed me missing," I said. "Oh yeah, Vine, you said you had something you got something from Steel in his demon form?"   "Ah yes, one moment please, Stardust, Faust, if you will help me" Vine looked to them and they nodded. "We'll be back in a moment Lux, look around a bit, there's a bookshelf in the other room if you wish to read" Vine told me and the three left the room. Doing as she suggested, I got up and went to the other room to pick out something to read, to my surprise, it had some books from earth as well, all the harry potters, all the witches, game thrones, even had some manga.   Searching around a bit more, I saw something sticking out the side of the bookshelf from the corner of my eye. I turned my attention to the object and was surprised to see a scroll, I looked back to the kitchen making sure no one was there and grabbed the scroll.   "Alrighty then, let's see what's in you," I said, I opened it and felt a chill run down my spine. "Huh, weird,  now let's see here... Hurt Incantation, hmm, ominous" I said aloud. "Looks like an edgy poem... Wither and decay, End this destiny, Break these earthly chains... and set the spirit free" I read in a bored tone then stopped when I thought something would happen, but nothing did. I reread it in my head and thought for a moment.   "Maybe I read it wrong... Wither and decay, End this destiny, Break these earthly chains, And set the spirit free... the spirit free" I read out, I suddenly went as stiff as a board and my breathing turned into ragged and hollow.   I dropped the scroll as I instinctively clawed at my shirt then without warning I dropped to my knees and vomited black ooze violently. I stumble to my feet once I stopped throwing up and took notice of my skin color, it changed, I looked around for a mirror, but once I found one, I was horrified. My skin had turned pale gray and my veins turned as black as coal. Both of my eyes were as soulless a starless night, and finally the tips of my hair turned inky black before it began to spread across my hair until it reached the roots then flowed slowly but wildly up in nonexistent wind.   "Lux!" I heard Vine cry out, I looked at the three and held out a hand.   "HeLp Me" I begged before suddenly giving out an unearthly screech that made the whole place rot at my feet, what scared them the most was how fast I stopped my screeching and stared blankly at the ceiling, unmoving.   "L-Lux?" Faust questioned hesitantly jumping when she heard the sickening snaps of my neck when I looked right at her, she became as pale as I was seeing this horrific transformation. "Lords above" she breathlessly gasped.      The room itself started decaying as I sang, the haunting melody echoed through the sanctuary, scaring Lion enough to run off, the three goddesses stared at me with utter horror and a loss for words. Black ooze came out of my eyes and ran down my cheeks, I reached out to Vine causing the ooze to cover my hand and shoot a spike towards.   "Watch out!" Star shouted, pushing the woman out of the way, almost impaling them both. "VINE, DO SOMETHING!"   "Im on it!" She said and began singing her song, slowly but surely bringing back the life that was dying all around us. Vine quickly ran over to me and let the magical incantation course through me, bringing me out of the hold the hurt incantation had me under. "Lux, oh gods, are you okay?!"   "Wh-what w-was that?" I stuttered feeling my whole body shake violently, Vine pulled me into a hug to calm me down, but I couldn't stop shaking. "I feel so cold" I told her.   "I know, we need to get you somewhere warm and fast" Vine stated, Startups and Faust were quick to come back to their senses and help Vine take me to her indoor hot spring, I didn't even remove my clothes as I stepped into the hot water. The water itself was enough to warm me back up, but I still felt kinda traumatized by what I had just seen and done. "How are you feeling Lux?"   "Better... Vine?" I called. "What was that?" I asked her, Star and Faust also wanted to know.   "It's... it's an incantation that's the polar opposite of the healing incantation, it's supposed to kill and decay anything nearby when its sung" Vine answered making us look at her in shock.    "What possessed you to write such a thing, and I want to know now!" Faust demanded.   "... When the island was taken over by Blue Lanch I became furious, to the point were I as willing to kill him myself... that's when I wrote the Hurt Incantation, but when I used it... I killed every living thing without realizing, and it didn't even matter either because Blue wasn't even on the island, but so many children were here..." Vine choked on her words. "I found so many bodies lying lifeless across the island, and it was all my fault" she said and broke down crying. "I killed those... I vowed to protect"    "It wasn't your fault Vine, you were in pain, you had no idea it would come out to be like this" I said grabbing her hand. "You saw an opportunity to take your island back and you took it, it's not your fault" I assured her.   "Lux is right, but why did you not simply destroy the scroll?" Star asked.   "I hid it away for so long that I... forgot about it completely... but today I will destroy it, it has brought nothing but suffering" Vine answered with determination in her voice. "Lux, will you help me destroy it?" She asked and I was more than happy to get rid of that abomination.   Once I was fully recovered, I pulled myself out of the hotspring and we headed back to the room the incantation was in. Vine grabbed the scroll and opened a deep hole in her home.    "Lux, if you please" Vine instructed, I raised my hand and conjured a black flame, the hottest flame I've ever created.   "With this flame, it will leave nothing behind, not even ash" I stated just as Vine put the scroll in my hand, igniting it. "You will harm others no more" I said and let the burning paper fall into the abyss.   "Bravo Mr. Tennebris, if the Golden Globes existed here, you would've surely won best actor" I heard a man say behind me, his voice as smooth as honey. I spun towards the voice, but I was met with the wall, "Wrong way Mr. Tennebris, I'm right behind you" The man said this time yanking me around to face him, his skin was as white as snow that complimented his devilishly good looks, eyes as golden as the sun, smooth charcoal black hair that was combed back, and he wore a plain red shirt with black dress pants and dark red sneakers. "Soooo good to finally meet you in the flesh, I must say, you're a helluva lot harder to find than your brother" He said as he grew a large smile showing off his sharp paper white teeth.   "Who… are you?" I asked feeling a strange ominous aura from him. "And how do you know my name?" I asked him to which he clicked his tongue a bit.   "You're asking the wrong question Mr. Tennebris, you should be asking, WHAT am I" He corrected me and gripped my shirt before hurling me out of the sanctuary, flying threw trees until I reach an open area where I skidded across it until I hit a boulder, stopping me in my tracks. " So disappointing Mr. Tennebris, I expected more from someone of your, *ahem* history" he said appearing in front of me.   "You, ugh, caught me by surprise is all" I said getting up off the ground. "It won't happen again" I said and got myself ready for a fight.   "Oh my dear friend, even as strong as you are now..." He started waving his hand and tore a chunk of the island off. "You are centuries away from ever beating me" he finished now having my full attention.   "Okay, if you're not here to fight, then, what are you here for?" I asked him and he chuckled.   "To tell you that your friends will die of course" He told me without any hesitation.   "... What" I said slowly letting the realization hit me.   "Blasted to smithereens, quite a spectacular show I must admit, but sadly my friend... all that will be left, is their chard bone's laying beneath your feet" He continued dodging my fist with no effort. "Why so serious Mr. Tennebris? "   "How should I react to being told my friends will die in front of me?" I asked the man getting even angrier by the second. "Should I be dancing for joy?" he growled as I glared at the man.   "I thought you would, since you despise every last one of those people" He answered. "Do you really see those people as your friends, or do you wish you could burn the world they love oh so much?" He questioned.    "Easy, I see them as-"   "Useless fleshes of grotesque meat" He interrupted making me reel back a bit.   "N-No, they're my friends and I-"   "Wish to gouge out their still beating heart and destroy anything and everything they've come to love in front of their lifeless bodies" He interrupted again and it seemed like they were getting worse by the second. "What's the matter Mr. Tennebris, can't handle you deepest, darkest thoughts that you've so unfairly trapped inside your head?" He asked tilting his head making me flinch.   "W-What are you-" He silenced me with a finger to his lips.   "Shhh... very disappointing indeed, I expected more from you" He said chuckling to himself a bit more. "Born from darkness itself, yet you fear it more than the death of your own family, how utterly pathetic" he antagonized dodging more swings from me.   "SHUT UP!!!" I screamed at him continuously throwing punches. " YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME!" I screamed some more.   "Oh but you see my dear friend... I know every aspect about you" He said stopping my fist with his finger. "Allow me to illuminate something for you, the darkness that surrounds us cannot hurt us. It is the darkness in your own heart you should fear" He told me then vanished only to reappear behind me to kick the back of my leg's, forcing me to get on my knees.    "But I changed my ways, I'm no longer evil, I love my family, my friends!" I exclaimed making the man burst out laughing. "But it's true... right?" I mumbled.   "If you hide from your own darkness shrouding your heart, you'll soon be consumed by it" He said patting my head as I thought to myself. "I believe I've broken you enough with your own thoughts, now then, to begin torturing your soul beyond recognition"    "You said my family and friends would die... when?" I asked not even looking at him.   "... Today" He answered causing me to gasp.   "What!?" I shouted.   "Your family has a seventy-five percent chance of surviving, the number my seem good on paper, but in reality, they will die" The man continued and grasped my hair, making me look into his cold dead eyes. "First will be those six girls, next will be those boys, then the twins, then the royals, then the frostmights, then the chaos beings" He listed off making my eyes well up. "Then your brother, and sister and father... then finally-"   "Stop... please" I begged, knowing who was next.   "Those two adorable children, and your true love, in that order" He finished and I was already crying my eye's out. "And there is nothing you could do stop it" he said, throwing me to side almost making me go over the edge.   "No..."   "It's because you are weak and fragile"   "Stop it..."   "A pathetic excuse for a man, if you can even call yourself that"    "Shut up..." I muttered as I got on my hands and knees.   "A mistake that wasn't erased, but told he was special" He ignored me and continued.   "I said ShUt, arrgh, ShUt Up!" I screamed my voice cracking and my anger spiraling out of control. "Leave mE!" I growled trying my best to push down the anger.   "A waste of space" He finished and finally broke me.   "I SAID SHUT UP!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs finally letting my anger run free. I felt something explode inside me when I saw his smiling face, and pure rage consumed me. "Hnng.. ggrrr...RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" I roared out and started transforming.    "Yes, YES!" The man excitedly cheered. "Let the anger loose, and harness it as your own, do not fear the darkness, CONQUER IT!" He shouted and I let out a big explosion of energy creating a crater underneath me, the force made the air violently blow back anything near us, even made a few rocks fly.   "I'm going to beat you, until there's nothing but pulp left on my fists" I said in a very calm tone.   "By all means... give it a shot" The man said and I took one step before I was in front of him and threw a fist. He dodged like before, but this time a cut appeared on his cheek and his big smile grew even bigger. "Incredible" he muttered and we started throwing fists to one another, either blocking or landing, we kept going no matter who was around. "Lux!" I stopped and snapped my head towards the voice and saw Vine along with the Queens looking at us both, until Vine focused her eyes to the man across. "LUCIFER!?" "Hello my dear, it's an honor to finally meet you Ms. Vine" Lucifer said appearing infront of her. "Might I say, you look just as beautiful as the morningstar" He snickered as he caught my fist with little to no effort. "W-What are you doing here!?" Vine asked the man who just chuckled. "To watch this world burn my dear" He answered all the while keeping his smile. "You know Viny, bringing the dead back is a sin worth the ninth circle, to be tortured endlessly by my hand" Lucifer told her and grabbed my face before hauling through the Island. "I-I didn't have a choice!" "Oh my beautiful goddess-" Lucifer started and turned back to her, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "thats what all new sinners say" He whispered to her and snapped his fingers, vanishing without a trace, save for a blushing green goddess. "Where is he!?" I shouted the second I got back to the surface. "H-He's gone" Vine said and rubbed her blush away. "More importantly, why was he here?!" "That bastard wanted to patronize me, and he succeeded, I swear I am going to rip that smile off his fuckin face!" I growled clenching my fist so hard it made my nails break skin and blood ran through my fingers. "Dont think I forgot" Lucifer said landing the hardest punch Ive ever felt across my face when I turned around. "Hm, some peoole die after getting hit with that punch" he said chuckling as I hit the floor unconscious. 3rd P.o.v "Lux! Lords above!" Vine cried out and kneeled down to Lux's unmoving body, making sure he was still alive. "Oh thank the gods, he's okay... ish" "Oh please, that was just a love tap, if I hit him as hard as I could then, well... your beautiful shade of green would turn red in a mere second" Lucifer told Vine who gulped hearing that statement. "I also need this little bundle of sin, so death for him is something even I cant allow for yet" he said kicking his body until he was on his back. "Why are you here Lucifer, it better be good" Star demanded from the man. "Why my dear Queen, I came here for the fact of causing torment for this boy. Honestly Stardust, how you haven't killed him is beyond my understanding... unless you think he can serve as a means for your escape's" Lucifer threw out, eyeing the two guilty goddesses. "Well smack my ass an call me betty, I just guessed and that was the right answer" Lucifer exclaimed right before laughing. "He can help us escape and see our land once more, to see our family" Faust said. "Well that's too bad really, because your only family will be nothing more than ashes to the wind when Tirek returns to full strength" He said and they all went silent. "TIREK RETURNED!!!!" The three screamed alomst causing waves to turn into tsunamis. "That is the other reason why I am here, to put that pile of wasted air back in his cage, and to make sure that he never kills my subjects again because once I get my hands on him, Im going to rip his spleen out of his withering body, tear every piece of flesh off bit by bit, and make him watch as I feed his chopped off ball's to my dog's then restore him JUST TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN, FOR ALL OF ETERNITY!" Lucifer roared, singeing the ground with light green flames and scaring the three. "Wow, and I thought I loved my subjects" Faust whispered to her sister. "Well if you know he's here then why haven't you personally thrown him back into tartarus?" Vine asked and Lucifer sighed. "Because he stole the ring of eternity" Lucifer said losing his smile. "Thats... Thats impossible!" Vine shouted. "You've had that ring under lock and key ever since you took it back from the God's, how did he even get close!?" She asked wanting answer's as to why he was so careless. "Well... you see... I was doing some extensive research for a certain type of organic life, he used that opportunity to take it when I was in the middle of said research and the pile of filth used it to escape" He said coughing into his fist. "And what was so important about this research that you just left the ring of eternity open for the taking?" Vine demanded and Lucifer was silent for a moment. "Roses" He stated. "Roses... you're kidding me" Vine said utterly disappointed. "I have to say, that's a really disappointing answer" Faust said. "Especially when it's to guard a key that can grant you unlimited power from tartarus" Star said, each response felt like a knife hitting Lucifer in the eyes. "You'll do some dumb things when you're in love, but aside from all of that, I need some extra help with Tirek since him and I will just destroy the planet if we ever crossed paths, but if he was a bit weaker..." Lucifer said gesturing to Lux's unconscious body. "I can take the ring back, and send the bastard back to hell" he explained, gaining his smile back. "But why did you patronize Lux so much?" Star asked and the man shrugged. "All sinners must be properly punished, dead or alive" Lucifer answered causing a chill to run down their spines. "In three hours exact, Tirek will be at full strength and will have the power to call upon demons and summon the dark powers of hell, so when I leave, give the run down to this boy and tell him to get an army ready" Lucifer told them as he began walking away from the goddesses. "Will Tirek be that powerful?" Faust asked Lucifer, he just turned and smiled. "Oh..." "We'll tell him, and once this is said and done, we are going to have a very long talk about your carelessness" Vine said in an angry tone, Lucifer just chuckled. "It's a date then" Lucifer said and vanished into thin air, leaving the three to plan. 2 Hours Later, P.o.v- Lux "Lux.... don't.... NOOOOOO!" "Bee!" I awoke with a start, scaring vine who was sitting next to me. "What happened-where's Lucifer!?" I demanded quickly getting up from bed. "Lux, calm down!" Star said quickly setting me back down. "Lucifer is gone, he knocked you out and left" she said and I clicked my tounge. "Lux, now is not the time for sulking, we have a very big problem on our hands right now" Faust stated getting my attention. "An old has shown its ugly head once more, and we don't know how bad it could" "What is it?" I asked and she sighed "His name Tirek, a powerful centaur that almost took over equis and almost defeated our daughters by stealing their magic and using it as his own" Star said. "He was defeated of course by the elements and banished to tartarus for all eternity, but he's escaped and not only that, but he stole the ring of eternity" she said, finishing her piece. "The Ring of Eternity?" I questioned, rather comfused. "It's a very powerful ring worn solely by Lucifer himself as a means to create his demon arm and use them to keep others in check. With this ring Tireks possession, he now has the power over the entire army of the underworld" Vibe explained, quickly after I suddenly felt something draining from far away. "He may have already started while you were here, I don't know if Steel can handle Tirek by himself , he needs help from everyone if he is to make him weak enough to push him back in tartarus" Faust stated then gasped before becoming wobbly. "What, whats wrong?" I asked the mare and she used her sister for support. "He's taken my daughter..." Faust mutter breathlessly. "Lux, you must go now and help your brother" "He's take Luna, Lux, go!" Star exclaimed and I was running out the sanctuary as fast as I could, grabbing Excalibur on my way out. Once I was out, I shot in the air and started flying as fast as I could towards the castle. "Do you think all of them will be enough?" Star asked her sister. "I hope so, because if they aren't, then it's the end for all of us" Canterlot City "Jesus christ" I muttered as descended down to the destroyed city, almost every building was on fire or broken beyond recognition. I saw ponies limping down the streets trying to flee from the city, helping eachother as best as they could. "Someone help, our mom is trapped!" I heard familiar voices, I quickly rushed over and saw pitch lime and ashy roses sister covered in soot next an unconscious Ashy Rose trapped under a wooden beam. "Lux, please help us!" "Stand back!" I told them and quickly rushed to Rose's side and lifted the beam off her then threw it away. "Rose, speak to me girl!" I exclaimed, checking her vitals and seeing if she was breathing. "Is she okay Lux?" Lime asked and I gave a sigh of relief. "She's alive, hurt, but alive nonetheless" I said getting sighs of relief from them. "We gotta get you kids somewhere safe" "Lux, is that you?" I turned to see Regal and Fleur, disheveled and dirty. "Regal, fleur, thank god your both okay" I said. "Listen, I need you two to get these kids and mare out of the city as fast as possible, I need to find out what Im working with here" "Consider it done my boy, come along children" Regal beckoned as she and Fleur picked Rose up and quickly left. I looked at the castle and sprinted as fast as I could, making it to the destroyed gates in no time at all. I traversed inside the broken castle, helping injured guards and guard mares, maids and butlers, cooks and so on. I finally made it to the throne, gritting my teeth seeing all the shattered thrones and glass laying on the ground, a giant hole was where Celestia and Luna sat and Im hoping nothing to bad happened to them. I walked up the steps to the thrones and stared out unto the now blood red sky. "This Tirek guy seem's pretty powerful if he took down a couple of highly trained magic users like the royals" Alicia said and I had to agree. "I know it's obvious he's not here, but where could he be?" she asked and that's what Im trying to figure out. I stared intently out the giant hole and then I looked at the shattered glass on the floor. It was the stain glass window of Twilights ascension to becoming an alicorn. "If he was after the royals to begin with... then he must've only known about Celestia and Luna, thats why their's such a big mess around, they didn't go down without a fight. Knowing he had no knowledge of the other royals, then that means Tirek didn't know about... Twilight" I said and it finally clicked, I snapped my head towards ponyville and I already saw the explosions and a giant red minotaur blasting the town. "I need to go, now" I said hastily, almost forgetting about gathering an army. "Lux, thank the gods your alive!" I heard Lullaby exclaimed in relief, carrying an injured guards mare. "Something big just destroyed canterlot city and kidnapped the royals out of nowhere, what the hell is going on!?" "Something evil Lullaby, listen, I meed you to go and gather any able guards and soldiers willing to fight to get their princess's back" I said and she looked at me like I was crazy. "Lux, how imam I suppose to command an army when I have no idea what we're fighting" Lullaby said and I groaned, I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the giant hole. "Oh" was all she said, seeing the minotaur wreaking havoc on ponyville. "Get everybody, and I mean everybody" I stated. "I'm sure Cinder is helping you with the other guards as well, so get her and anyone else ready to fight for their land" I said, not wasting another second I blasted off towards ponyville at high speed, hoping that Bee and the others were okay. Ponyville "Oh my god" I said breathlessly as I stared at the half destroyed ponyville. Ponies laid here and there unconscious, buildings either collapsed, on fire or both and children looking walking around in a daze trying to find their parents. "That bastard" I growled through clenched teeth. "L-Lux?" I heard some call out weakly, I turned and saw Sunny in scrapes and bruises leading a group of kids behind her. "Thank the god's you're here, the other's went off to fight that giant beast that came here with Discord" Sunny told me. "Discord was here- nevermind that, you look exhausted Sunny I'll gather up the kid's and lead the people out of the town where its safe, go to the edge of ponyville and stay there" I instructed to the mare who nodded. "Lux, give that bastard hell for what he's done here" Sunny told me beforedoing as instructed. "Alright, let's get to work" I said to myself and made my way towards the children walking about. One by one, I had all of them following me from behind and even carrying a few who got injured from the attack, I looked around for more, but it looked like I gathered them all. "Okay kid's, follow me and I'll get you to a mare named Sunny who will take care of you until I find your parents!" I said and they all followed me towards the edge of ponyville. "Mister, what's happening?" I heard a little girl ask me, she looked terrified beyond belief. "Why did that monster destroy our home?" She asked, this time with tears welling up. "I dont know little one, I'm sure my family is handling the monster as we speak, once I get you all safe I'll join them and we'll send that monster packing" I told her, offering the warmest smile I can muster. "Don't worry, I wont let anything bad happen to any of you, as long as Im still here, nothing will harm you ever again" I said and this seemed to make her feel better, along with anyone else losing hope. Once we made it out of town, I saw Sunny trying to calm the children down as best as she could, although she seemed to be at her limit since her legs were wobbling. "Sunny, I got the rest of the kid's from town" I announced, letting the children join the others and putting the injured in the center. "Please rest, you look like your about to faint at any second" I said, but she shook her head. "One of us has to let these poor children know they're safe, and since I know you're going to fight that beast after bringing the others here, Im the only one that can keep them calm until this is over" Sunny said and I wanted to stop her, but she was right. "It's okay, now go get those people in need here and get rid of the bastard" sunny ordered. "Yes ma'am, but once you get a few more people here then take a break" I sternly said and took off, heading right back into town helping anyone I can. As I was helping people out of town, I felt rumbling beneath me and loud wails coming from somewhere not to far from ponyville. "Seems the party started" "You're running out of time my friend" Lucifer said as he appeared right next to me. "Why help these people, you could just leave them here and fight with the others, you could save them" he said with a chuckle. "Because I know my friends and family will hold out long enough for me to get everyone to safety before I show up" I stated, helping someone up. "Head towards the edge of ponyville, you'll be safe there, and if you find anyone else in trouble, please help them" I told the mare who nodded and walked off. "You're so much more different than what the file's have told me, but I still believe you're a heathen in disguise" Lucifer said and I shrugged. "Think what you want Lucifer, but I know Ive changed my way's, I like being the good guy for once... I finally dont feel alone anymore, so you can say or believe anything you want about me" I said, turning to face him. "Nothing you say matter's to me, I only care about what I think of me" I said. "We shall see, but first, I think you might wanna hurry up and head to the fight" Lucifer said, walking past me with his smile still up. "Also, you might need this" he told me as he snapped his fingers and I felt something heavy on my body appear. I looked down to see myself in a full set of armor. The entire thing was completely silver and had chainmail hanging from the torso and the neck area giving me more protection around those vital areas, then there was the armor itself. I felt like I could really move in it, no restrictions at all from what I can tell, though the helmet and the cape looked like it's seen better. "Been a long time since I've seen this hunk of junk" Lucifer said, feeling a little nostalgic. "This is amazing, why would you give me this?" I asked the man and he dismissively waved his hand. "Let's just say you're going to need it, I dont expect it to come back exactly like it was, but try not to ruin my armor" He told me before taking his leave without another word. "He gave me his armor..." I muttered, going into deep thought but was brought out by violent shaking and booming laughter coming from the open field just a little ways off from ponyville. "No time for that now, I think everybody got to safety so I gotta go help the others in the fight" I told myself and put the helmet on before racing towards the fight. As I ran through the small forest, I began thinking of ways to prevent everyone's death. The more that I thought about it, the more I couldn't stop thinking about what Lucifer said to me. "Lux, don't worry about it too much, Im sure that everyone is going to be fine" Alicia said to me, trying to comfort my mind a bit. "You're right... I gotta think positive and trust in my friends, Im sure they are doing just fine without me" I said, but just as I finished my sentence, hands started popping out the ground like daisies. "What the hell" I said to myself and drew Excalibur. The hands soon gripped the floor and ripped the bodies attached to said hands out of the ground. I was mortified as to what I was watching, these inky black thing's came out of the ground looking like bones dipped tar. They had no eyes or ears, only broken horns a top their heads and shark like teeth in their mouths. "K... Kiiiiiiillll... Theeeeeeem.... AAAAAAAAAAAAALLL" One of them screeched at the top of their lungs and immediately, they all gave a bone chillin howl that made even the tree's shiver, and if it couldn't get any worse, they dug into the ground and pulled out broken swords and sheilds. "A-Alright you ugly son's of bitches, if you want a fight, then you sure as hell got one!" I exclaimed and rushed forward, the charged after me and I quickly dove under one attack then swiftly spun around, cutting the disgusting thing in half, killing it. Two more rushed at me with their wespons up, but I as they brought the swords down I blocked it with Excalibur and blasted them both with a key blast. Once they turned to dust, I quickly grabbed their fallen weapons hurled them at a whole group charging towards me. I only killed two out of what I believe was fifteen in total, I took a deep breath before giving out at battle cry and charged forward. "Lux, use both your hands!" Alicia instructed me, trusting her instructions I jumped up and gripped the blade with both hands. I felt incredible amount of power coursing through my body once I did and the second my sword hit the monster, I was on the other side, with all their bodies crumbling to nothing. "You did it, I cant believe you harnessed Excalibur's power!" Alicia shouted in glee. "That power... it was incredible, King Jonathan and King Arthur weilded this power... and didn't go mad from it?" I asked in disbelief, it was hard to believe I didn't either. "Excalibur cannot be weilded by those who are not drivin by power, but only those who seek power in order to protect others" Alicia explained to me. "So should I call you King Lux or is that something we should talk about later?" Alicia asked and I chuckled. "We'll talk later, but for now I have to get to my friends and quick" I told her and raced off again. "Be honest with me Alicia, do we stand a chance against whatever my family is facing?" I asked and she was silent. "It's funny, that's what Jonathan asked me right before... I believe in you Lux, no matter what, I believe we can defeat this beast if we work together" Alicia said, I wanted to ask what she meant about King Jonathan, but she seemed like she was traumatized by it, so I decided not press her for details. "Thanks Alicia, I know we've known eachother for a short while... but I want you to know that no matter what, I am your friend to the very end" I told her as I finally reached the open fields. "Holy-" "Shit" We both said as we saw Brigid, Steel and Father fighting a humongous minotaur, who I assume is Tirek. The guy's we're fighting off the monster's I killed earlier and the girl's along with Discord, Bee and the kid's were running towards the hills that had the tree of harmony. "Shit, everybody's in trouble but I don't know who to go help first!" I exclaimed and looked around. Steel, Brigid and Logan are holding their own with Tirek and the guy's seem to be doing just fine if they kerp working together, so that just leaves the girls, Discord, Bee and the kid's. "I gotta help the girls, everyone seems fine right now so Ill protect them until they reach the hill" I told myself and fly towards the others, swiftly killing the monsters or demons getting my way. "Lux?" Bee questioned as she crushed a demons skull, she saw me running towards them and killing off these things. "Guy's, its Lux!" Bee shouted to the others and they all grew smiles on their faces, and a glint of hope in their eyes. "Are you all okay!?" I asked as I finally reached them, I took off my helmet and used it to back hand a demon breaking its neck by the sheer force. "These thing's are fuckin persistent" I groaned for a bit before getting a hard smack to the face by Bee. "You insensitive, cock sucking, arrogant, stupid, piece of goddamn shit!" Bee screamed at me while continously slapping me. "You vanish out of no where the second sl this shit happens and you come back just when shit hit the fan, your a little fuckin late oh boyfriend of mine, "Dont worry Bee, I'll fight with you through anything", fucking horse shit!" She screamed at me more, the other's took a generous step back from this one sided argument. "Bee, Im-*slap*- Bee- *slap*- damn it woman will you let me speak!" I snapped a little pissed off with the slapping, but all that anger went away when she buried her face in my chest. "Bee... I-Im sorry, I wish I could've been here I something happened and it took longer than I expected" "You damn jerk, making this poor girl worried, and when that son of whore came I thought he hurt you or worse" Bee said and cried into my chest. "I thought I lost you" "Im sorry I made you worry, but I'm here now and I will not leave you or anyone's side so long as I breathe" I asssure her and wiped her tears away. "Now c'mon, we have a monster to stop, does anyone have a plan?" I asked. "Well, we were on our way towards the chest where the tree of harmony is because Twilight got the last key when Discord finally became her friend" Rainbow told me and I shot a glare at Discord. "I-I know I can never be forgiven for my actions, but I never wanted any of this... my daughter is trapped with the other royals, and all I want is to have her back" Discord said trying not to cry his eyes out, he also looked completely out of everything. "So if that chest has a way to bring her back, than I will pry it open with my bare hands if I have to" "We will talk later, but for now I need all of you to get to the tree as fast as you can" I ordered them and they nodded. "Discord" I called too and summoned a sword. "Take this" I said, tossing the sword to him. He caught it and looked me dead in the eye, knowing what he was being told to do. "On my life, nothing will harm these girls and the children" He said sternly and proudly. "Good, kid's I need a word" I said and the two came over to me, they looked absolutely terrified and completely drained physically and mentally. "I need you two to be brave for a little while longer" I said. "Me, your Dad, Aunt Bee, Aunt Brigid and Grandpa Logan are going to send the ugly back to its hole before you know it" I said and Scootaloo still looked scared. "What if you cant win?" She asked. "We will" I simply stated and handed her my helmet. "Protect your bother and dont fall behind, no matter what you hear, dont stop running okay" "Yes sir" They both agreed. "Alright people, I got an army on the way to help us even everything out so we have to hold out till then, you got your jobs, now lets get to work!" I exclaimed. "Yes sir!" They saluted, and we all rushed off to do our jobs. Bee was with me in killing the demons around the surroundings area, while Bee was handling the demons on the outside I handled the one's on the inside. It looked and felt like I was fighting and endless horde, and I wasnt to far off from the truth, but the guy's we're holding their own still which was a hoid thing and Bee seemed to have everything under control as well. "Lux, I hate to say it but if you and the other's keep fighting this endless battle then you'll be dead by either exhaustion, being killed or both!" Alicia told me and she was right, no matter how many times we kill these things more just keep popping up. "Hey, maybe that Ring of Eternity is still in Tireks nose, they said it has the power to control Lucifer's demon army" she said and I looked at the big bastard and saw the black and blue ring dangling from his nose. "Great scott you're Alicia, I gotta my hands on that damn ring" I said as I killed off a few more demons. I stared intently at the battle between my family and waited for an opening, even the smallest windows would be enough for me. "C'mooooon you damn bastard, let your guard down" I muttered and just then I heard an explosion from the hills where the the girl's, Discord and the kids went The girls were all glowing and they all looked completely different than what they were before. New clothes, new hair styles, hell they were all floating in the air. Though the main thing I was concerned with, was the giant window that opened up for me. "Lets go!" I shouted and fly at Tireks nose ring at break neck speed, catching him off guard slamming right into his face, putting him in a daze and I was able to grab the ring, but it was really stuck in their. I dug my feet into his face and began pulling as hard I could to get the ring out, but as I was pulling, my armored boots dug in too deep and with a hard yank, I ripped the key a bit loose but I also tore Tireks upper lip in half. This caused the giant minotaur to wail and roar at the pain, he shook around violent from the excruciating pain he was feeling and was able to shake me off. I was hurled to the ground with enough force to make a small trench as I hit the ground, I even lost my grip on Excalibur on impact. I groaned a little as I lifted myself up to my feet, though I wasn't given a second to breathe as a demon tried to plunge it's broken sword into my chest. I grabbed its arm and elbowed it before ripping the blade out of its hands and shoving it through its skull, britally killing it. "Lux!" I heard Twilight call to me, I turned to see the girl's being protected by the Steels friends. "We need time to charge the attack so hold them off for a few minutes!" She told me. "You got it!" I shouted back. "Damn it, I can't hold them off for much longer, need some help over here!" I heard Bee yell, tossing and cutting up more demons coming out the ground. I rushed over to her and began helping her cut down the hordes of living filth.   I grabbed one and tore it's head off before grabbing it's broken sword off the ground and rammed it down another bastards throat as I summoned Excalibur and cut four more in half rushing towards us. I gripped the sword in both hands, letting the ancient power surge through my body and controlled it by sheer will.   I lifted my left hand up with my blue aura surrounding it, and lifted about a dozen of the creatures then threw Excalibur towards them spinning it as it left my hand and let it act as a buzz saw cutting up all the demons into pieces before calling it back to me. Not even a moment had passed and I was already slicing up an endless amount of demons, Bee was holding her own, Steel was holding off that giant bastard with Father and Brigid, and the guys were fighting with everything they had to protect the girls who were charging up their Harmony Magic.   "Everyone, just hold out for a bit longer!" I instructed before getting tackled to the floor.   "LUX!" Bee screamed slowly cutting her way to me. I was trying to push the fuckers off, but it sunk its claws into me locking itself in place, then the other's started dog piling me clawing at my body, leaving deep scratches and tattered clothing.   "GET BACK!" I yelled at Bee who jumped a few yards back. I gritted my teeth and charged up my ki gradually letting it fill to the brim then I let it explode with a blood curdling roar, blowing off all the demon's on top of me. I rose to me feet in my super saiyan form, covered in wounds and blood, my armor was destroyed and all that hung from my torso was broken and torn chainmail. "HAAAAAAA!" I roared once more throwing balls of Ki towards the demons around me, killing them all.   "Lux, oh my god, I thought I lost you" Bee said rushing over and pulling me into an embrace, not even flinching at the blood coming out of my wounds. "I don't know how much more we can handle, there are to many"   "We... We have to hold out-ah!‐ till' Cinder and Lullaby get here" I stated, I tried to take a step forward, but I fell to my knees. "We have to-"   "You're already at your limit Lux, please stop before you get yourself killed!" Bee begged helping me to my feet.   "I-I have to... keep going, even if my body is turned into a hollow shell, I have to keep fighting... if I'm already at my limits, then I have to go further beyond!" I exclaimed forcing myself to get back up and beckoned Excalibur to me.    "But you'll die!" Bee cried, I chuckled catching Excalibur.   "I was prepared to die the day I was born," I said.   "DAMNED APES!" Tirek roared just as Steel, Father and Brigid crashed right in front of us, beaten mercilessly, we quickly helped them to their feet and they looked utterly worn out and drenched in blood. "I SHALL RULE ALL OF EQUESTRIA, BUT FIRST, I WILL START BY KILLING EVERY LAST BEING STANDING IN MY WAY!" He roared out charging up a beam of chaos magic.   "We're done, boy's, run!" Twilight shouted and the Girls rose up in the sky, each having new clothing and different hair, shining as bright as their elements. "Give it everything you got!" She shouted, the guys quickly moved out of the way and girl's shot the rainbow beam just as Tirek shot his own blast.   As they collide with each other, it looked as though the centaur was winning the power struggle. The girl's were straining to keep up their end, while he was laughing at their attempt.    I suddenly felt time come to a halt, I took in my surroundings to try and find a way to win this fight, but there was no way. The demons had stopped rising, but myself and everyone else took a great toll from it, Twilight and the girls were at the limit of their harmony magic and I was completely at a loss of what to do.   "Tick… Tock… Tick… Tock" A man mimicked. "Seem's my prediction was right Mr. Tennebris, how oh how will you ever recover from something all your friends will die from?" Lucifer asked with a big twisted smile, showing off his sharp white teeth.   "I… I don't know" I admitted in defeat, the man just chuckled coldly. "You said… there was a seventy-five percent chance of winning" I said making him raise a brow and tilt his head while keeping his smile. "What if… W-What if I told you I can do the other thirty-five percent!?" I exclaimed, there was absolute silence between us, then he hummed.   " What did you have in mind?" Lucifer asked, more curious than a cat. "I'll sing the hurt incantation, and use it to weaken Tirek enough so you can grab the ring and have the girls send him back to his cage" I said and Lucifer was genuinely surprised by my plan. "A very risky plan mr. Tenebris, but that does improve your friends survival rate... but that also mean's something like that will come at a high cost" He said and I sighed. "If sacrificing myself so my friends and family can be safe, then I'll gladly do it" I said then felt something holding me back from doing this. "I just want one thing in return" "I don't do favors... but I believe I can make an exception for this one" Lucifer said, already knowing what I wanted to do. He snapped his fingers and brought Bee into the pocket of time Lucifer created. "Huh, whats going on, where am I?" Bee asked rapidly then saw me quickly pulled me in for a hug. "Lux what's going on, e-everything is completely still and who is that guy but most importantly, are you olay?" She asked me. "Bee..." I started, I looked deeply into her eyes and cupped her cheek. "Lux... I know that look, whatever it is I wont let you do it" Bee said and I chuckled. "I-I mean it Lux, you better not go and do something stupid, I swear I'll kill you!" She threatened with tears welling up. "I love you, more than anything in this world" I said, brushing away her tears. "You know I would do anything to keep you safe and happy" I told her. "Lux... please" Bee cried. "Don't do whatever it is you're going to do" she said. "It's the only way love, to keep everyone safe and to keep you safe as well" I said, holding her more tightly now. "I-I don't want to leave you, but knowing you'll be okay is enough for me" "But I want to know if you will be okay, I want you to be with me, I just want to be greedy this one time and keep you to myself forever" Bee choked out. "Promise me you'll come back" she said. "What?" "Promise me, that you will come back to me, just the way you were" Bee said. "I want you to promise you'll come back as the same old adorable Lux, as a matter of fact" she said and grabbed my right hand then cut it to the point where it bled, then she cut her own. "Bee, are you sure you want to do this?" I asked her. "Lux... you're the second man I've ever loved, but your the first man I want to be with for the rest of my life and a blood promise makes whatever the promise is come true" Bee said and gripped my bloody hand with her's. "Now promise me" she said. "I, Lux Tenebris, hereby promise to return to your side no matter what, I will keep fighting until the day I come back to you" I said and I felt a sting from my hand, I turned it to me and saw it burn shut. "This is goodbye for now Bee... I love you" I said, one last time. "I love you too, remember your promise" Bee said, I nodded before rising into the air flew right at Tirek. Time resumed as I flew towards him and without anything holding me back anymore, I began singing the hurt incantation. My body transformed into that horrible being like before, but this time I had a set target for this horrendous song. The moment I grappled onto Tirek, his body started instantly decaying slightly, each muscle getting weaker and weaker, along with his magic. "What is this, NO THIS CANT BE HAPPENING, I'M JUST ABOUT TO WIN!" Tirek cried out now struggling with his magic. Seeing the minotaur in a weakened state, the girls pushed out every magical power they had into their blast, cutting right through Tireks blast and hitting us dead on. "NO, NO, NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" He roared as his magic was torn out of him and sprung free to go back to it's original owner's. "hctib a fo nos uoy rehtegot lleh ot gniog er'eW" I screeched out and just as planned, Lucifer opened a portal back to hell and appeared infront of both of us. "Well color me suprise, you actually did my friend, now... I think you deserve a break" Lucifer said, ripping the ring out of Tireks nose and threw us all into the portal. P.o.v- Bee When the blast had subsided, the sky was returned back to its bright blue color, the sun shined down on us and the demons we were fighting collapsed and turned to dust. Whatever Lux did worked, he saved us all. "It's... it's over" Logan panted out and finally collapsed to the floor along with Steel and Brigid. "We did it" "I cant believe we did it!" I heard spike cheer as everyone rushed over and started celebrating. "Bee!" I heard and saw Lullaby and Cinder with tired and worn out soldiers surrounding residents of ponyville. "Im so sorry we're late, but these weird disgusting things popped out of the ground and started attacking the ponied around her so we stayed with them to protect them" Lullaby explained. "It's okay Lullaby, the important thing is that nobody else was killed today" I said, then looked down. "That's good to hear at least, so, where's Lux?" Hell, P.o.v- Lucifer "Dont worry my friend, you dont belong in this realm anymore, but I will allow you to rest here untill you recover from that hideous incantation my sweet goddess had created" I said to the man who lay naked in the middle of a pond I created as a means to heal major injuries. " Make sure he stays alive and well until he awakens, understood?" I told one of my demons and they saluted. "Yes sir, I will keep him alive and well" She said and I nodded before heading to my chambers. "Do not worry ms. Breaker, I wont allow him to die just yet, Im beginning to this boy more and more, so you'll have him back" I mumbled to myself and chuckled. "Just as promised"