> A Lesson in Bloom > by PrinceUniversa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Final Lesson > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Letter, I am not so certain if this will be my final letter but should it be, this last lesson I learned will be the perfect way to end my… writing spree shall I say. Perhaps I should start this letter with an introduction of myself again. Hello everyone, my name is Princess Celestia. Sun Deity, Princess of the Sun, Lightbringer, all those titles that the citizens could think of. As much as it pleases me to hear all these titles, it’s not enough to heal the grief I feel in my own beating heart. You all know why I am like this, but I will answer anyway. I am grief-stricken over the banishment of my sister Luna. As much as I would tell every one of you of the tale, I think all of you know it enough for it to be in your thoughts. It would still be like this, until I met my student, Twilight Sparkle. Ever since seeing her, she was the light that I needed to find in my darkness. Everything about her reminded of Luna in her youth and although it does pain to be reminded of my sister, it also fills me with hope that she may end one day be able to redeem my sister. But did you know that she was not the first pony to touch my heart in my hour of need? Surprising, isn’t it? There was another that, like me was stricken with grief over a loss of a relative. While mine, I can see in a thousand years, his was not so lucky. It was during his time of need that I was finally able to break free of my shell and learn a valuable lesson. I wish to write down the final lesson and moral I learned during my sister’s absence. The lesson in mind? Now why would I say it now when I can leave you all in the suspense? Haha, don’t worry my little ponies, I will tell you what I’ve learned but it would best to recall the experience from my perspective. This all started before I met Twilight Sparkle… One Century Ago I was outside the Canterlot Gardens to relax and smell the aroma of the flora there. The gardens were once Luna’s favorite place to calm herself down and for me; it was both that and a fond reminder of the old days. Smelling the scent of the flowers always put a smile on my face. Just the smell of the flowers makes me want to go eat up some cake. It was during this time that I found a lone stallion sitting in the center of the gardens surrounded by all the fauna. He looked depressed, lonely, troubled, any words that formed in my head for this poor pony. He looked like he needed some support in his troubled life. Knowing who I am, I went to help him in his time of need. I walked up to him ready to do what I needed to do, “Hello there pony, what brings you here?” The pony did not heed my voice as he seemed to not have the intent to discuss. This was rather bold of anypony to do but it did not hinder me. I moved to his left side and sat there with him. That seemed to have caught his attention but his reaction? It was rather unexpected. His reaction was sorrowful, his face showing signs of anguish. This troubled me for a bit and from his look of despair, I can see how much he was in, “Dear pony, what seems to trouble you?” My choice of words seemed to have managed to elicit another reaction from the stallion, one I did not like to see. Even his words suggested it otherwise, “Please leave me be Princess Celestia… I… want to be left alone please.” As much as I would love to do what he wishes, I’ve seen ponies… no, people go down this road before and I do not wish it to happen to this pony. I unfurled my right wing and let it cover the stallion. He was rather surprised by my action as he let out a small gasp and locked eyes at me. I let a small serene smile form as my wing embraced him, “I would like to do as you wished but I have seen people go down this road and I can tell that you are but one step closer to accepting that fate.” I saw him still, perhaps pondering about something as he looked away from me. I looked into the flowers surrounding us basking in the aroma. I began to furl my wing back into place when I felt his hoof stopping it. I looked at him again curious as to why when I saw tears welling up in his eyes. He hurled himself towards me and hugged me as he let out his tears. I was a bit caught off guard by that but nonetheless still bore my smile. I stroked his head trying to comfort him, “Hush now… it’s all right.” “I…feel…so…lonely… my parents died and my only sibling…” Despite him choking on his own words, I was able to understand his situation. Death was a topic that we alicorns tend to shift away from. We may be immortal, but we can still face death itself. Even then, me and my sister would still talk about what it feels like to lose something that we cherish and it isn’t surprising that we go through the pain of it all so we very much understand how much the loss of a loved one would pain someone. I was still comforting the poor stallion as his tears streamed down my coat. As he was slowly gaining control of himself, I unfurled my wing and used my magic, pulling the nearest flower to him. He gazed upon the green flower then to me wondering what this was for. Still bearing my smile, I explained, “This flower is called a magnolia. The magnolia tree symbolizes magnificence, perseverance, dignity, and a love of nature.” I pulled out his hoof and put the magnolia on it. He looked upon me again as I continued to explain, “The colors of the magnolia flower have a different meaning. The white magnolia flowers stand for purity and perfection. The pink magnolia flowers symbolize youth and innocence together with joy and the purple magnolias send out vibrations that support your wishes for alignment with your truth and physical wholeness.” The stallion looked upon the magnolia flower given to him and noticed the color being not of the ones I mentioned, “But what about this magnolia you gave me? This is green, not of the colors you mentioned…” I let a small chuckle escape from me, “I was getting to that. Do you know why I chose green instead of the other colors?” He shook his head trying to understand. A smile formed on my face as I told him, “That is because the green magnolias represent joy coupled with health and good fortune.” His eyes widened upon my revelation. Looking back at the flower and to me a few times, he let a few tears develop once again as he put the flower to his ear and hugged me again. I comforted him again as he choked on his own words again, “Thank you… Celestia.” I was surprised by this stallion lack of using the royal title. I stopped comforting him for a while looking at him once, “You…did not use the royal title…” The stallion’s reaction was expected as he was trying to undo his mistake. I put a hoof in his mouth as he was about to speak. A smile formed again on my face, “You are treating me more of a friend than as something to worship. Please, let us keep it that way.” As I pulled my hoof away, he too was now smiling as he backed away, the green magnolia on his ear. We stood there from some time as a silence formed. After some few moments admiring the flora, he decided to interrupt the silence, “So… how do you wish to know that I am still faring well in my life? I will not be staying in Canterlot for long.” “Truly, my friend?” This was interesting to learn. I looked upon the garden as I pondered on how to handle this predicament. Gazing upon the vast array of flowers gave me an inspiration as an idea slowly begun to form in my head. I looked at my friend once, “Wait here, I have an idea.” He nodded as I teleported to my room. Looking upon the stack of papers, I grabbed one of them and proceeded to return back by teleport. I gave the paper to him as I explained, “Write a letter to me anytime possible. Do not worry, the paper is enchanted so that it returned to me when you are finished writing.” He smiled once again as he put it aside, “Thank you my friend… Ha, it seems so awkward to call you, the Princess of the Sun, a friend.” He scratched his head in embarrassment as he let a few chuckles escape. I joined in his laughter sharing his understanding. He cleared throat as he looked at me one more time, “Well, it is time for me to depart. Again, thank you Celestia for giving me new reason to live.” One more smile formed on my face, “It is a pleasure, friend of mine.” We both bowed to each other as he waved to me and left the gardens. For the first time in my entire life, I had broken from my shell thanks to a simple yet caring stallion. Three Decades Later It has been three decades after meeting with my stallion friend. Ever since he left Canterlot to go elsewhere, things within the city seemed so different now that I have a different perspective of them. He would still write letters to me from time to time and I would write back saying how proud I am to see his letters. But that happened for only for so long. Fifteen years before, there were no new letters from him which made me worry. With each year passing by, my worries begun to escalate to the point where I could not think straight with meetings and such. Around the last year before the thirtieth year I met the stallion, I learned about why he had stopped writing letters. And I was right to be worried. During Hearth’s Warming Eve, I had recently discovered that my friend was located in Manehatten and he was losing to two enemies. His troubled life had resurfaced and he was losing to something regular people cannot defeat, time. The doctors told me that he was within death’s throes and he only had about one day to live. I felt so guilty for not being there for him when he needed me most. I was when he stopped sending me letters and I should have looked for him but y duties prevented me from doing so! But now, all I can do is make his last day worth all the strife he has undergone through. To be there for him at his last moments of his wonderful life would be the one wish I can grant for him. I was at the hospital in front of the very room he was designated in. I still had this feeling of guilt welling inside me, just like what happened with Luna only this time, I won’t be able to see him again. It was night time too and this was something I wanted to do for him. I knocked on the door hoping that he would respond. Silence was my answer for a few minutes. I had truly thought that he did not want to see me and I was ready to leave until I heard his voice once, “H-Hello? P-Please come in…” His voice was so fragile, so weak from age, I felt even guiltier than ever. But despite my thoughts of despair, I knew that this was not what he wanted. I opened the door and met him face to face, “Hello my friend…” A smile formed on his face as he gestured me to come closer. I obliged as I stepped closer to him. I was close to him as I saw him stretched his hoof out and touched my face. I raised my right hoof in response to his, grabbing it gently letting a few tears escape. He still wore his smile as he noticed me shedding some tears, “Celestia… don’t cry… I am just glad…to see you here.” I was sniffling still shedding my tears as my grip tightened a bit, “These tears are of two emotions, sadness and joy. Sad that I was not able to help you in your time of need again… And joy, because I got to see you one more time.” I wanted to leap out to him and hug him so badly but I kept my composure for some time. He saw me struggling to do that thing as chuckled at it, “Celestia, you can’t hide the fact that you want to hug me this time…” He lifted his two hooves, leaving them open for my embrace, “I am allowing you, my old friend.” Those words broke my composure as I felt myself push forward and hugged him letting my tears flow. This time, I was the one in need of comfort, “I am so sorry… I am truly sorry my friend…” I felt his right hoof comforting my head as the same words I used to comfort him were used for me now, “Hush now, it’s all right.” I let out a choked sob from hearing those same words used for me. I have never felt this much joy and sadness at once in my life. Doctors came by and saw the scene of us two and were in awe of seeing a regular pony like him comforting me, the Princess of the Sun. I felt his grip weaken as he let go of me. I backed away from him wiping a few of my tears looking upon the old body of my friend, “I am… truly happy… to have met you as a friend.” “As do I, Celestia… I have but one small request for you my friend, but I want to hear if you will approve of it.” I nodded as the doctors stayed wondering what this request was going to be. He let out one deep breath, “Can you take me to the place we first met? Back to the gardens of Canterlot?” I fell silent for a while. I looked upon the doctors wondering if this was okay for me to do. One of them was wiping a tear gesturing me to do what he desires. All of them agreed with that one doctor despite his condition. I let a smile form on my face, “Thank you my ponies, I shall take it from here then.” They nodded and left the two of us be. I used my magic as I lifted him onto my back. I was curious as to which way of transportation would he like. I ended up asking him about it, “Which way do you wish to get to the gardens, magic or flight?” “Flight please…” I let a smile form as I nodded to his answer. I walked out of the hospital and begun to soar back to Canterlot. The flight there took some time as I felt his breathing get heavier. I knew that his time was coming to an end but I did not hasten myself. I flew there slowly and gracefully as possible. We had arrived at the gardens a few hours before the Sun rises. I sat myself first and laid him down with me at the center of the garden where he was surrounded by the entire flora. A smile formed on his face seeing that he was back here, “Just… like old… time… right, Tia?” My ears perked upon hearing that. He used my shortened name… I couldn’t help but let one small tear escape from the usage of that name. It had been so long since someone called me by that name since… almost like an eternity, “Yes… just like old times. You know, you arrived just in time to see me rise up the Sun.” `He let his smile linger longer as I put his head on my body letting him see a good view of what’s to come. My horn glowed with magic as I felt the connection from me to the Sun. As it was locked, I raised the Sun high in view of the horizon. A warm, beautiful orange bathed the both of us and the garden. He let out an outstretched hoof as if trying to reach out for the Sun, “It’s so beautiful, seeing the Sun beyond the horizon.” “It is my friend…” I looked around the garden and in the corner of my vision; I saw just the flower I was looking. I let my magic go of the Sun for a while and focused it on the flower. I pulled that specific flower from the tree putting it in front of him. He saw the flower and was looking at me with the smile still there, “Another… magnolia Tia? How kind…of you.” My smile formed slowly as I let my right wing cover him, “Thank you, but this is not a magnolia this time, I gave you a different flower.” He looked at me quizzically wondering what flower I gave him. I put the flower on his ear as I explained. Memories flooded back to the first time I told him about the magnolias and now, I’m telling him of this flower, “This flower is called a myosotis and to alicorns like me, this flower also has another name…” I let silence perpetuate between the two of us for a second before respond, “The other name, is called a forget-me-not.” I saw fresh tears welling up in his eyes as he put a hoof on my hoof. He looked so glad, so joyous of me being here and of my help. I couldn’t but let tears well up in my eyes as well, “Thank…you…for the…flower… Celestia, I’ll always… treasure it.” A single tear fell down my cheeks and landed on a stray myosotis, “And I’ll always treasure this moment forever, my friend…” I saw his slowly escaping from him as his eyes were beginning to close themselves. Before he was ready to face his fate something in my mind clicked and I asked him before he passed away, “Wait, what is your name? I never got it since we first met.” A small but glad smile formed on his face, “Just… call me… Magnolia Myosotis…” I let one more tear fell as I felt his life escape from him, “I’ll treasure your name and our meeting forever in history.” I felt the grip on his hoof weaken as his eyes closed. His smile never faded as his soul was now passed on into heaven. I gripped his hoof as I hugged his body one last time, “May you find peace in Elysium… Magnolia, my friend.” Present Time That’s how he forever changed my life. So what was the lesson and moral I learned from all of this? If you want to help a pony, then do it properly and do something that can help the pony solving its problems, don't just do the first thing that comes to your thoughts, because doing just that is not going to help the pony with its troubled life and the problems will just stay. I’ll simplify the moral here; don’t try helping a pony with the first thing that comes to mind. Do it right because you can change that ponies… no, a person’s life for the better. A small sigh escape from me as I on the gardens again. With me this time though was my former student, now Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle. The two of us were at the center of the Canterlot Gardens. Here, there was a single statue made after his passing. Surrounding the statue were a bunch of magnolias and forget-me-nots symbolizing his name and of the flowers given to him. Etched on the statue was his name carved in limestone. Here Lies Magnolia Myosotis A Friend of Celestia and Light within her Darkness As Twilight was silent from finding out about this, Celestia walked forward and placed a green magnolia and a myosotis on the statue. She backed away as she said her words, “My friend, Magnolia, how I miss you so much, I wish you can see me now but… I know you can see me in heaven. I wish to thank you for all for what you did and for being the light I needed to see.” As she finished, she saw Twilight shedding a few tears. She came to her side and comforted her. Twilight put her head on Celestia’s body sad from hearing this revelation and reading that letter she wrote, “I… I didn’t know you went through something like this. I’d feel bad if my friends had to die while I couldn’t.” “Do not worry about immortality Twilight; you will not outlive your friends so you can face your fate with your friends. I only bought you here so that you can learn one final lesson from me.” Celestia looked to see Twilight brighten a bit from the lesson she learnt. She knew in her heart, that she was going to forever cherish this. A smile formed on her face as they both turned around, “Come Twilight, let us return back. We wouldn’t want to leave your friends waiting for you.” They left the statue and gardens as they returned back home.