> Journey Further > by Basic Information > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > For Thy Father > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         Sitting atop of a modest throne decorated with colorful fabrics and expensive fur. A lord of virtue sits in rapt attention as the only pony to keep his focus for more than a minute is now pacing back and forth in front of him, throwing one of her famous tantrums. The lord couldn’t help but to compare the mares rainbow features to his own. Her mane and tail were the exact shade of multi-colored hues as his were, if not even more messy and bright. Still he could be doing anything else right now, like going through tax policies or organizing the next tournament that's coming up. But no, his daughter comes first.         Sighing deeply, he started to slouch further into his chair before speaking a word. “Dash… Please, my headache is returning.”         “Well my headache has never stopped since you thought you could just ship me off!” The daughter of said lord spoke angrily towards him. Her attitude was enough to make the Pegasi guards in attendance more than a little nervous. After all she was known for her rather grating and aggressive nature.         “Thought? No, don’t you understand daughter of mines. This is something you must undergo for our people,” At this point, the lord was nearly beyond trying to reason with his daughter. “We have to do this, otherwise those crafty Unicorns will just sweep right in after time!”         “What of it! We’ll go to war, show them what for!!!”         “ENOUGH!” He was at his wits end, having to slam his hoof down on the arm of his throne just to get his point across, his headache was back in full force.         Several of the less experienced guards shifted uneasily in their light iron plated armor as their lord rarely showed that much raw emotion. Even Rainbow Dash was slightly taken back by his display, while uncomfortably flying in her rather simple dress that was forced upon her by none other than her father. She’d prefer to go raw as much of the Earth Ponies do on their farms, but her father insisted ‘forcefully’ that nobility doesn’t dress in such simple manners, or not at all for that matter. That was an argument that she could never win, and this one was another one that was going to fly through her hooves.         “Fluttershy… Could you please escort… My daughter back to her chambers.” The lord said dismissively to a maid that was blending in quite well with the background.         Fluttershy was a young yellow Pegasus wearing a simple, yet demurring maids outfit. She had been serving the family for as long as she could remember, and her upbringing had been nothing short of a mystery. But she’d never been the one to cause problems, and actually she was possibly the only one the lord could trust to calm his daughter down when needed.         The Pegasus in question squeaked when she was addressed. As she has always been accustomed to due to the fact that she was rarely spoken to, unless it was with her friend Rainbow. Looking up timidly from behind her long pink mane, she nodded lightly to the lord as she trotted silently to Rainbows side. Instead of moving along, the fiery mare sat for a few extra moments in defiance. That was until she found herself defenseless to the shy maids pleading eyes. Knowing no other way of defeating the pitiful onslaught, Rainbow sighed in defeat and started to begrudgingly leave the main room of the manor.         Out of sight of her father and his guards, she began ranting once more. “I can’t believe him! He’s so… SO!”         “Oh, I think Lord Blaze is only thinking of all of us…” Fluttershy meekly spoke, doing her best to defend the lords decision.         “Ha, he’s just turning into a money hungry noble like the rest of those Unicorns…” Instead of walking down the corridors she was adamantly flying aggressively the whole way. Making it extremely hard for the yellow Pegasus to keep up.         “But Rainbo-”         “But nothing Shy, I don’t care how things work… He just can’t ship me off to marry some stuck up Pegasus in the north!” Rainbow yelled, ignoring all the servants that were giving her strange looks as they always do. “I mean look at this DRESS!”         The flying mare pointed down at the entirety of her equine body. She was nearly covered neck to hoof in a itchy purple dress that could easily be described as frilly. There weren’t many other defining features to it as Rainbow requested it to be plain, and simple. Yet that had seemed to fall on deaf ears as her father only wanted the best.         “I-I think it looks nice…” Fluttershy stuttered slightly, making sure she didn’t offend her friend in any way.         “...Fluttershy, you think everything looks nice.” Dash could barely be mad at the mares attempts to cool her down, she never knew why she even tried most of the time. It was almost always best to stay out of Rainbows way when things got heated, but the maid would always find herself talking her down.         Shaking her head lightly at the thought, Rainbow Dash immediately stopped flying when she reached the door to her chambers. Opening it with a swift buck just to let out the rest of her tension, she trotted heavily to her overly decorated bed before jumping up on it with a cushiony thud.         “Not as good as clouds…” Rainbow was waiting for a response, but didn’t receive one. Wondering why, the Rainbowed Pegasus looked up from her bed to see her friend meekly looking at her from the other side of her door. Facehoofing at the sight, Rainbow hated it when she always did that.         “You know you're welcomed in here.”         “Oh I’m sorry…” The timid mare apologized.         “Sorry, for what?”         “I-I… Um… Sorry” Fluttershy was at her point of an endless repeat, a place Rainbow found herself in with her all too often.         “You know what, stop talking and just listen… Alright.” To the dressed mare that was a fair compromise. She would talk about her feelings, as long as her friend stopped saying sorry for everything.         Nodding her head in agreement as she sat down on one of the assorted pillows Rainbow had thrown around her room, Fluttershy was ready to listen. Seeing this, that forced Rainbow to spill the beans once and for all.         “I don’t care about none of this stuff ya know, I mean I do, but I don’t. Father says there is always a reason for things, and right now I don’t understand mines. Why is it that I have to go off and marry some Pegasus prince I don’t even know, I mean why can’t I just take up arms and protect my father like some Knight or something.” Sighing, Rainbow looked to her friend to find her listening like the friend she was. “I hate to say this, but where is the romance in it all…. Not to say I’m looking for it, but if I’m going to marry, I want to marry that one stallion that can sweep me off my hooves. Not some puffed up bloat in some puffed up castle....”         Fluttershy understood completely, she nodded in agreement. Not at all forgetting about the no talking rule, her job was to listen. It wasn’t like she was forcing herself to just because she was in service to her father. No, it was much more than that. Rainbow Dash use to listen to her problems and issues, even every once and a while she would go out and do something about it. Rainbow had saved Fluttershy on more than one occasion, she even remembered when they both earned their Destiny marks together. However her attention was back to her friend as she was going to continue.         “I love him shy, but he makes it so hard. Now he is throwing a tournament for any vassals of our land to prove they are worthy enough to escort me to the north… All these knights are going to be fighting for a long shot chance, but refuse to see the danger right in front of us… COWARDS, THE ALL OF THEM!!!” Rainbow Raged.         There was nothing more to discuss, the one sided conversation was done and Rainbow was reduced to yelling murder into her poor pillow. Her shy friend did the best to console the raging Pegasus by gently rubbing the back of her head, whispering light words into her ears. ~Around the same time, east of the Rainbow Throne~         There were few houses that would openly support the Rainbow Throne, even fewer still that would even go as far as to raise the Rainbow’s banner over their own. House Fire, Thunder, and Snow were all loyal Pegasi houses that would do such a thing, but one house with in the protection of Lord Rainbow Blaze was equal to their ranks as well, yet were far different. For off in the hilly countryside close to the Rainbow Blueblood borders sat a small fief dedicated to metal works and armor crafting. The productive fief belonged to a Unicorn house, but not any Unicorn house, it was one that served the Rainbow Throne, house Belle.         House Belle had served the Rainbow Family for generations, even after the King's policies begun to rule the lands. There smith-works had provided much needed armor and weapons for their lord's cause, and the loyalty of their house had never been questioned. For the head of the House, Grand Belle had raised his sword many times to protect their land. But age can do things to a Stallion, and with only two Daughters he felt as though the strength of his family would falter in the future. It was a well placed fear due to his wife now being infertile and his oldest daughter showing a strange obsession with clothing and design.         But he had a plan, all great stallions have plans for disaster. He still had many years left to bring up his oldest daughter, to train her to be what she must me. Looking from his old wooden chair he sees his oldest daughter whose only about seven. Playing gently with her baby sister who is babbling with delight at the royal purple curls bouncing before her.         “Rarity, I’d like to show you something.”         Grand Belle couldn’t stop reminiscing about when he confronted his Daughter fourteen years ago about learning about knightship. To this day he still doesn’t regret a single action taken, all the tears shedded by his daughter… It all came up to the point where they are now, preparing to protect what they firmly believed in.         “Grand I know you want the best for the family, but is this right?” The elder wife of Grand asks with clear skepticism in her tone.         “Darling, you know with this strife the Lord needs us now more than ever. With no sons to send him, Rarity will have to do,” He says sternly from his chair overlooking the training grounds he had built himself behind his small manor. But any doubt he could have had was instantly washed away as he looks off to see his daughter in question skillfully practicing her sword techniques. “I have trained our daughter for fourteen years, her magical prowess may not be much to speak of, But her form and technique with the sword is flawless… She will win the tournament without a doubt.”         “Oh yes, I am sure of that dear. But like me she is still a mare Grand, they won’t let her just waltz right in there.”         “Hush now, all that has been taken care of. Let's just enjoy our morning and think of greater futures.” The stallion made it clear the conversation was over, and his wife obeyed.         He always knew what he had done would make him a laughing stock to many nobles, even he thought about calling the whole thing off for many years. Yet his daughter showed great telekinetic control and sustainability, despite her being unable to master a wide array of spells, limiting herself to only three. Her unorthodox sword style coupled with her telekinetic control gave her an almost omnipotent offense. Although it was practically unheard of, he knew that his Daughter would become a great knight for the Rainbow Throne one day, he almost wished he could say the same for his youngest daughter. Who happened to be encroaching onto the scene.         “RARITY, RARITY, RARITY!!!” The little filly was shouting the entire way to her older sister, who remained blissfully unaware of her incoming presence while practicing.         Rarity’s unorthodox sword style actually consisted of utilizing a heavy broadsword which was approximately forty five inches long with a sharp double edged blade. Much to her father's charging, Rarity spend a lot of her time customizing the hilt and sheath of her weapon to better express her creative tastes, all while still maintaining functionality. But her broadsword wasn’t the only part of her arsenal, she also had a small dagger floating by her waist with the use of her telekinesis. Unlike her broadsword that was cutting and slashing across the practice dummies, Rarity would only use the dagger to penetrate the weak points that would usually be found on armor. It was a rather basic strategy really, have a distractedly large blade assault you and then right when you least expect it, there is a dagger penetrating your neck. But at this point, the offensive mare is so engrossed with her practice nothing else really mattered at that point.         As soon as the happy younger sister unfortunately stepped into Rarity’s range, time stood still as the sharp dagger found its way centimeters away from the middle her younger sister's eyes.         “Uh… Hi…” The younger sister squeaked. Realizing instantly her own fault, Rarity’s rigid stance immediately broke down into that of a caring sister. “Oh my, Sweetie I am sooo sorry! I told you about interrupting me while I’m practicing.” “Yea, but I found this flower and I wanted to give it to you!” Sweeties demeanor reverted back to happy as she presented the strange, but colorful flower to her older sister with a hoof. “I found it while I was playing with Scootaloo and I thought what if I gave this to Rarity, you know, because flowers mean good luck and all…” “That’s a Orange Blossom darling, it means fertility…” “Fer what?” “Erh.. um NOTHING!” Rarity quickly responds, snatching up the flower to avoid any further prying of the matter. If Sweetie didn’t know her own sister, she would have thought of her becoming a Knight some type of fantasy. Actually from previous experience, she couldn’t honestly deny the fact that she still does. Cause she could clearly remember last week, when Rarity was screaming in her room over some spider and father was berating her for being overcome by some bug. It was awkward dinner afterwards. Still the young Belle had just as much faith in her own sister as her father did. Even though Rarity would never tell her why she had to train so hard everyday, the curious filly knew one thing though. She had the best sister in the world. “Rarity, cease training.” Both sisters recognized the stern voice immediately as their fathers, and they knew better than to keep him waiting. “Yes father.” The reply was standard, however what wasn’t was Sweeties look of disappointment. The young Belle knew where her older sister was getting ready to go, and she really hated it. Her mother would always say everything was going to be fine, but she was young… Not stupid. The little filly saw knights before, but she never saw the same ones twice and she always listened in on the Pegasi who’d buy armor from there father. They only spoke of killing and quests, something that Sweetie would never want her sister to do. But she could tell by Rarity's obedience to their father there was nothing she could do, she was going to lose her big sister. “Do you have to go…” “Darling,” Rarity’s response seemed a little scripted, but Sweetie could tell that she wasn’t going to get much more. Watching her sister sheath her weapons and dust of her light leather vest made the younger sister wince a bit. Then watching her trot off back to the manor was just soul crushing. Rarity knew what she was doing to the little filly, but her family depended on her success and if her own fantasies were to be sacrificed then so be it. > A Parting Gift > --------------------------------------------------------------------------   “You do know the tournament starts tomorrow right?” A beyond annoyed Grand Belle called out from the other side of his eldest daughter's chambers.         Sitting with a very miffed expression on his old face, he was considering bucking the door down in a matter of seconds if he didn’t at least receive a response. Stroking his grey mustache, he heard the clopping of hoof steps from down the hallway. Turning towards the noise his expression softens when he realizes it’s no pony else than his faithful wife.         “Rose, she’s been in there for nearly forty five minutes…”         “Are you worried.” His wife's statement stung a bit, but not enough for him to lay off the issue.         “No, you know I’d never worry about our daughter… It’s just that she’ll be late for banquet before the tournament.” Grand tried his best to not look completely angry, but it was a tall feet considering what was at risk. “This is our family's name at stake here.”         “I see.”         “Rose, talk to her, I got other things to attend to. But if she’s prepared, she must talk to me before she leaves, understand?”         “Yes dear, don’t you fret.” Her voice was calm and reassuring. The two of them had been married for over thirty years and Grand had never came to a reason to question his wife. Sometimes he even believes his own level headed personality came from having her at his side, he couldn’t imagine day by day life without her.         Taking her word for it, the old stallion took from his position in front of his daughters locked chambers and slowly made his way around the corner. Completely satisfied with his absence, Rose took a long look at the door. Igniting her horn in a pale blue glow, she instantly heard a slight click from the other side. Taking the sound as an open invitation, the old mare simply nudged the door with her hoof before walking inside. She only had to walk through the threshold of the door to see exactly why Rarity hadn’t answered her father, or even failed to detect that her sanctity had been breached. For directly across from the old mare sat her daughter at a tattered workbench. painstakingly replacing the old leather padding and insulation from the metal plates of her armor. She could easily see new leather padding and some other foreign string like silk she didn’t recognize. With her interest piqued, the mare had decided to not say a word, instead patiently watch her daughter work.         Rarity, not noticing her silent audience continued to work diligently on her new modifications on her father's designs. Yes, her father was a savant blacksmith and he had made armor for an entire generation of the Thunder and Snow families. Yet those families were Pegasi wanting armor made in the traditional styles of Pegasi Knights, she wanted something different. She had been working secretly tweaking her armor for months, swapping plates and even added more chain mail in the common weak spots that were exploited by Unicorns. Even though it had been no easy feat, she’s even managed to acquire just enough spider-goat silk to boost her magical resistance. It had been an old technique passed down by the Earth Pony Knights or Vanguards as they were more commonly known, and she was lucky enough that her father was able to get her old Vanguard texts to study. It wasn’t his first choice for practice, but Rarity had proven multiple times she was possibly the worse Unicorn ever when it came to magical inclinations.         Calmly using her telekinesis to thread the priceless silk through the newly replaced padding underneath her chest plate, she could say for certain that it all would be worth it in the end. Even if she’ll be a little late for her little greeting, which she is sure it will go swimmingly for many of reasons.         Despite her witty nature, Rarity had mostly been isolated all her life. Her training and unorthodox lifestyle compared to that of others in the surrounding lands had nearly made her an outcast. When she was young, Unicorn propaganda was running rampant and most Pegasi colts around her age feared her simply for the horn on her head. Then when she grew older, being able to understand more about the world. She realized no mare was suppose to receive the training that she was getting, or even be as good at it either. Thanks to her father's connections, Rarity had many chances to spare with reluctant opponents, and she did fairly well every time considering most of her scrimmages were with opponents that could fly. That quickly earned her a reputation around areas surrounding her father's fief, ponies begun to act courteously in her presence. Effectively making most appointed knights or nobles in the area resent her presence for being a mare of such stature. She personally had no idea if her reputation had reached Airedale, the capital of their Lords land. Rarity could only hope that Lord Rainbow Blaze would be more accepting than most, as her father had placed all bets on her success.         “You have done well, considering none of those enhancements are of your fathers design.” Rose Belle spoke up, finally breaking the silence.         “You know, most ponies knock before entering a lady’s room.” If Rarity was startled in the slightest, she did well of not showing it.         “I am your mother, not some common pony…” Her mother responds with clear indignation. “Also you're no lady, but a Knight to be.”         The last comment got a reaction out of the working mare for her telekinesis instantly sputtered out as she turned around to face her mother. However Rarity quickly regretted her action as she saw the piercing gaze her mother had settled down on her. The young mare always seemed to forget where her mother hailed from, the highlands of the Unicorn king himself… Sombra. She never understood how her parents came to meet or why most ponies in the area are so accepting of her mother's condescending attitude. But right then Rarity could see what most ponies feared in Unicorns by the look in her mother's deep blue eyes, it was a look neither Rarity or her father possessed.         “We all don’t get to choose our paths Rarity, don’t delude yourself with fantasy.” Her mother's features were stoic and her voice icy.         “I-I understand, but I don’t know how well received I’ll be, walking into the tournament that is… I am still a mare after all.” The younger Unicorn wore a face of uncertainty as she spoke to her mother.         “But not a lady.” Her mother reassured.         Rarity couldn’t help but to tilt her head in confusion. Her mother always seemed to leave her with cryptic statements like that, sometimes she couldn’t tell if her mother truly believed in her abilities or not. She had always proven to be a more traditional Unicorn, and often times berated a younger Rarity for her lack of magical potential. Secretly stating it was because she wasn’t raised in the King's rightful lands, her feelings were no secret and sometimes Rarity wondered how her parents live without strife. The only argument the young mare could ever remember her parents having was when her father had finally decided to personally train her in swordsmanship. The fighting lasted for days before her mother had relented for unknown reasons, but now Rarity just understands it to be pure indifference.         “Finish what you’ve started there, your father wishes to speak to you before your departure.”         With that said, Rarity's mother took her leave, disappearing past the threshold of her unlocked door. Turning back to her armor, she could safely say her improvement were complete and it was time to gear up. Putting on her arming coat to prevent chafing from her armor, she was prepared to get down to business.         She first levitated her steel plated flanchard to her rear, gently laying it ever so perfectly on her flanks so she could properly lace the straps while slipping her tail through the back. After that she took her steel chest plate and conjoining chain mail and levitated over her body. Letting it sit properly for a second she took back to her flanchard to connect the mail seamless with it, effectively taking away several weak points on her underbelly and sides. Once all that was fitted properly she made sure to use her magic to wrap her hair in such a fashion that it wouldn’t be an intrusion for her neck plates, despite her father's charging, the young mare could never bring herself to cut her mane. With that out of the way, she finally put on her three piece neck plates that had mail covering the exposed areas and her newly added leather and silk underneath for the added protection. She repeated the process once more with her vambraces and steel hooflets.         Taking the time to adjust a few pieces for better comfort, Rarity turned to the only mirror in her room to expect her work and what she saw made her the tiniest bit proud despite her former thoughts. For what she saw was a pony ready to serve their lord and family, being covered head to hoof in rounded functional armor made her feel that much more stronger. She had no idea why, but she always had the feeling there could be more fashionable designs etched into the plates of her armor. Yet her father always prevented her from doing such things, she still couldn’t believe that she had been modding her armor for months without his recognition. The mare turned to expect her destiny mark etched onto each side of her flanchard, the only thing her father allowed to be displayed upon the plated armor. The thought made Rarity flick her blue swirled tail out of aggravation as she could remember how decorated some Unicorns had their armor, she had always envied their artistic culture… If she overlooked the high and mighty disposition most of them had.         No matter, she turned from her mirror and trotted to her steel bascinet, the last piece to her armor. Instead of putting it on immediately, the mare decided to levitated by her side before trotting proudly out of her room to find her father. If she was to be honest, it wasn’t really a case of finding him if it was more so the case of trotting clear across the fief to meet him. There was no doubt in Rarity’s mind that her father would be tasking himself with personally overseeing and handling most of the work in at least on of there smith works. Rarity heard all to often of the peasants complaining of her father's unrealistic standards, which she was no stranger to.         As she trotted out of the manor, she could see a few of the families children that worked for her father flying freely about above her head. Rarity could help but to smile at the freedoms they enjoyed, despite her father's demeanor, he treated everypony under him fairly and with respect. The peasants don’t even recognize that they are a Unicorn family, her father's loyalties to the Rainbow Throne allowed them to put complete faith in his intentions. Even though her mother doesn’t communicate all that often with them, her little sister Sweetie Belle enjoys the company of the children. Something she never got to do when she was growing up, but if giving it up then was the gateway to letting her little sister have a childhood now, then she would give it up a thousand times over. Looking around as she walked, she could at least take in the serenity of the progressing day before she would make her journey to Airedale.         Arriving near the closest smith work she instantly spotted her father's white coat amidst the plums of smoke coming from the boilers. With her armor clanking with each step it didn’t take long for her father to turn in her direction. At first he looked relieved to see his daughter, but then his face morphed into confusion once he inspected her armor. Noticing his swift change, Rarity work a slight frown as she continued to approach her father.         “Was my designs not good enough for you?” He asks with some form of sarcasm         “Father, must you always act like that when I work on my armor…” Rarity swiftly retaliates with her own little quip.         “Well at least you’ve learned how to assemble your armor properly.” He adds in, now taking the time to closer inspect his daughter's work. Looking her up and down, the old stallion had a general impressed look on his face. Her craftsmanship melded seamlessly with his own, it didn’t look like some scavenger had pieced it together.         “I did learn from the best now, didn’t I?”         “Well I can’t deny,” The old stallion stated with a hint of pride. But his face instantly retorted back into that of a serious father. “This may be the last time I’ll see you for quite a while now and I just want to tell you how proud I am of you. I may have helped you become what you are now, still it was your strength and conviction that carried you through. I haven’t a doubt in my mind you’ll get the respect you deserve in Airedale, as there is no pony more fitting to be a Knight in serves to Lord Rainbow Blaze than you my daughter.”         “Thank you father.” There wasn’t much more she could say, she’d never heard her father speak like that before.         “No, thank you and I forged you a new dagger. I know you’ve taken great care of your broadsword, but I wanted to take the time to make something you’ll remember us by… It may be smaller than your former one, but when I say we’ve all had a hoof in making it for you, I mean all of us.” Grand Belle turned around and levitated the hidden dagger in view.         Rarity’s eyes nearly blew when she saw the intricacies of the designs on the hilt and sheath of the small dagger, it even had two strange blue gems on both sides of the sheath. It almost looked like it was glowing a bit, but she couldn’t be for sure.         “Your mother placed a sealing enchantment on it, and those gems are apparently used to charge it.” Grand elaborated, hoping it would banish his daughters suspicious look.         “She placed an enchantment on it, what is it?” Rarity quizzically responded while taking the dagger in her magical grasp.         Her father looked at her hesitantly before responding with two words.         “Blood Curse…”         “Wha-what, why would she place such an enchantment on that… Wait, how does she even know that spell, I thought that was only learned by Lunar cultists?”         “I can tell you now, she was never a cultist and I hope that you’ll never mention that again around here. But she’s well versed, you must understand she only wants to see you safe,” Her father re-affirmed. “Still that’s not the only thing, the peasants mined only the best ore for this dagger and your sister help inscribe the hilt even. Don’t forget that we're all here in this together, even though we might not be at your side… We’ll be on your side always.”         Looking past her mother's enchantment on the weapon, Rarity almost wanted to tear up at the sentiment. Yet now and days she hadn’t been able to shed a single tear, it’s hard to think that one could be trained to hold back such emotions. Placing the dagger in a leather loop on her side, she also takes a prepared saddle bag from her father and her trusty broadsword which she angles properly on her back before latching the sheath to the armor. Even with nearly sixty pounds of weight on her, the young knight to be showed no signs of struggle. As she could possible boast to being one of the most physically capable Unicorns in all the land considering she doesn’t know any of the fancy weight shifting spells that most Unicorn knights can cast to lighten their load. She had always been accustomed to carrying her own, something that had seemingly transferred over to her telekinetic abilities as she was able to wield heavy weapons with ease. Choosing them over the common sword and shield combo most Unicorn knights fought with.         “Where is Sweetie Belle, I wish to bid her farewell.” Rarity was a little surprised she had not seen her enthusiastic sister all day.         “She had been playing with the peasant child Scootaloo the last time I saw her, but I think it’s best you don’t confront her. I’m afraid she’ll try to follow you all the way to Airedale if she sees you.” Sadly, Grand had a valid point. It wasn’t beyond the younger sister to attempt such foolish acts.         Acknowledging her father's words, Rarity accepted the painful fact that her little sister needed to get past her obsession with the older Unicorn and become her own lady. So if stepping out now, without a farewell was the first step, if not a cruel one. It was necessary, Rarity couldn’t stand to see her little sister weeping at her hooves again, begging her not to leave. For now was the time she left this life behind if not for a while, to pursue honor for herself and her family.         Giving her final thanks to her father, Rarity turned to the rising sun, looking past the road leading from her father's fief and into the forest. It is the time that her journey begins and she travels forth to aide in the conflict against King Sombra and serve th