The Protectors of Peace

by HauntingSpiritRisingMoon

First published

The Mane 6 are the most powerful ponies in the world! Right?

Harmony. Friendship. Those things have helped defeat great enemies. They defeated Lord Tirek. They cleansed Nightmare Moon. They imprisoned Discord.

Yet, what about other monsters? The ones who face the not-quite-as-big baddies?

Hoof Stomper, code name: Earth Quake. Earth pony. She's a mare who will crack the Earth as she breaks your bones.

Camp Fire, code name: Flame Thrower. Unicorn. She'll blast you with the heat of a thousand suns.

Creeping Mist, code name: Water Fall. Unicorn. His waters will wash away your tears, along with the rest of you.

Gentle Breeze, code name: Raging Storm. Pegasus. She will blow you away, literally and figuratively.

Soft Shine, code name: Shining Light. Pegasus. His light shall blind or heal, whatever it takes to get the job done. Even if it means summoning the spirits of those forgotten.

Night Sky, code name: Shadowy Darkness. Earth pony. He will blind you or make you fall to slumber, whatever is necessary to keep his friends safe. Even summon demons of the past.

They are an elite group of ponies, hired by Princess Luna to protect ponies under the veil of night.

Here are just some of their adventures. Not all are adventures in fighting, though.


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Night Sky stood up as he heard a knock at his door. His long black mane tumbled around his shoulders as he shook his head to clear his thoughts. He had been thinking about that again.

He padded across the floor, his dark-purple coat moving slowly as he moved. He didn't rush things, like other ponies. He liked to do things carefully.

His purple mist Cutie Mark was nearly lost in his coat, but was saved by being only a shade lighter. He opened the door, the soft smile under his purple eyes falling as he spotted the two bat ponies outside his front door.

"Y-Yes?" He said nervously. "Can I help you?"

The first guard smiled. "Don't worry, sir. You are not in trouble. You have been requested to meet Princess Luna."

Night's eyes widened and he stepped back a hoof. "W-What? P-Princess Luna wants to see me?" 'I'm just a random Canterlot stallion!' He thought. 'What could she want me for? And in this weather, none the less!' It was snowing softly outside, the moon rising from the horizon. It was cold, but he thought it looked romantic.

A romantic evening for a hopeless romantic. He shook his head to clear his thoughts as the next one spoke. "She has requested for you personally."

He gulped loudly, but nodded. He wasn't afraid of the Princess of the Night. Not at all.

The Lunar guards were kind enough to walk with him on the ground as he made way towards the castle. He wondered what a Princess could want with him. Suddenly, it flashed to his mind and he paled. 'Is she going to use me because of my talent?' He shook his head. 'No, she wouldn't do that. She would use it's powers for good and of my own free will.'

The two guards shared a glance behind the stallion's back. They agreed on one thing. This stallion was strange.

He kept quiet and seemed to get absorbed in to his thoughts before shaking his head to clear them. He also walked in a more.... Feminine way. He slightly shook his hips. Now, normally two bat ponies would not be staring at a pony's hips, but these were guards. They assessed any pony who would be a threat to the Princess. He also lightly swished his tail. Very feminine.

But he was definitely a stallion. He had the vocal cords, and he was the right form for a male. That only left one thought in the two guards' minds.

Before long they arrived at the castle. They walked in to the Princess' home, their hoofsteps echoing through the halls. They led the Earth pony towards an adjacent room.

Night Sky looked around the room. It was a dining hall, and ponies sat at the different tables, no Princess in sight. He spotted a tough-looking mare with a clay-colored coat and sandy mane. Next, a stallion with a dark blue coat and navy mane, sipping from a champagne filled glass, levitating it with his blue magic. Then a fire red mare with an orange mane that was walking around impatiently. She had a mug of cider in her red magic. And flitting around the ceiling was a sky blue Pegasus with a white mane. She looked impatient. Finally, he turned his eyes to-

He stopped.

He stared.

His jaw dropped, his eyes widened and he wasn't moving, save the move of his chest as he breathed.

The guard ponies looked at the pony Night was staring at in confusion. He was a white stallion with a gold mane and tail. His wings were folded, and his blue eyes sparkled with laughter as he conversed with the blue Unicorn. As said stallion heard the sound of the ponies, he turned around- and stopped cold.

He gulped. He looked nervous. The Unicorn walked up to him. "What's got your tail in a twist?"

He didn't have time to answer.

For when the guards felt a gust of wind and saw a purple-ish blur tackle the Pegasus to the ground, it was already too late. Everypony in the room stared in shocked silence as Night attacked the pony in a strange combination of yelling, slapping, and..... Kissing?

"WORRIED ME SICK-!" Slap. Kiss. "TOLD ME THE NEWS-!" Slap. Kiss. "WE HELD A FUNERAL-!" Slap. Kiss. "CRYING FOR DAYS-!" Slap. Kiss. "HATED MYSELF-!" Slap. Kiss.

The Pegasus took it like a stallion, letting the enraged Earth pony take out his rage. At one point though, he held out a hoof to stop Night. "Wait, funeral?" He asked disbelievingly. "You thought I was dead?"

It was then that the ponies noticed the tears streaming down the dark colored pony's face. His voice was raspy as he spoke. "That's what they told us, Shine." He was obviously, and failing too, keep back his tears. "You disappeared off the face of the Earth."

'Shine' seemed to notice the tears down Night's face, because he spoke softly, and comfortingly. "I'm sorry, Night. I really am." He hugged the shivering and sobbing stallion, leaving the room in almost complete silence. Soon, luckily enough, Night Sky stopped crying and sat next to Shine at the end of the room, leaving the others to converse.

Out of nowhere, a throat cleared across the room. They all turned to see Princess Luna at the entrance of the room, a smile on her face. When she spoke, it was soft, as if she also tried comforting the dark stallion. "I know you all wonder why you are here, especially Shine." Night seemed to lower his guard, witch had gone up when the Princess of the Night had entered the room. "You see, I am worried. I know the Mane 6 are powerful, but they only use their magic on huge enemies and their friendship magic isn't useful all the time. I have decided to hire a group of powerful ponies to fight these not-so-big baddies. Oh, and you'll all have code names."

Shine raised an eyebrow but didn't comment.

Luna continued her monologue. "Now, then. Let's introduce each of these ponies. We have Hoof Stomper, a pony who excels more than a regular pony with magic of the Earth." The clay colored pony stood up to show herself before sitting down. "Camp Fire, a pony who excels more than a regular pony with Fire magic." The red mare grinned victoriously as she stood up. "Creeping Mist, a pony with outstanding Water magic." The wine-drinker stood up and raised his nose as well as his glass. "Gentle Breeze, the inappropriately named pony with an amazing ability to control all storms, better than any Pegasus." The mare swooped down from the ceiling before flying back up. "Soft Shine, a pony who shines light wherever he flies." Shine simply nodded, not allowing himself to move from Night's side. "And finally, Night Sky, a pony who can bring Darkness and sleep to his enemies." Night nodded curtly. It was obvious he was angry, though he veiled it with a mask of calm that made Shine's heart flutter quickly.

Luna sweeped her gaze around the room. "Now, it is the middle of the night, so you must be tired. Get some rest and I'll answer all your questions in the morning." She nodded to one of the bat ponies who led them down a hallway to show them their rooms. However, once Night had discovered his room, he pulled Shine in with him without a single word.

Night turned around, glaring at Shine as the door locked behind them.

Shine gulped nervously. "Why did you lock the door...?"

Night stalked toward him, his face formed in to a snarl, his voice deep and predatory. "Because," He began. "We are going to have I'm-sorry-for-making-you-worry-and-upset-for-three-straight-years-in-a-row sex. And you are going to do," He stalked toward Shine in a predatory stance. "Everything. I. Say."

Shine grinned excitedly as he was backed on to the bed. He truly felt bad for making Night Sky worry so much over these years, but he couldn't help it when Night was like this.

Because the best type of sex with Night was Angry Sex. And boy was Night angry.