> School of Love > by HauntingSpiritRisingMoon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Getting Packed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cactus Fruit blinked, trying to process what his parents had just informed him. "You did what?" Tumble Weed, his father, grinned from his chair as he spoke. "We applied to send you to college! And they accepted!" Cactus could only stare. That meant he would have to leave home. He loved the little house they called home. Sure, it was hot, but that was because they lived in Marejavneigh Village, a small town in the Marejavneigh Desert. That also meant he would have to leave his family behind. He would have to leave his sister, Corn Husk. "But what about you guys? And Corn?" His mother, Sand Storm, gave him an understanding but reassuring smile. "We already discussed it with her. She said she was okay with it." His twin sister, Corn Husk, was the one pony he knew he could count on. She looked strange with her bright green coat and yellow mane and tail, but that never stopped her. She kept their supply of corn, which they farmed, in check. She was laid back, but hard working, And the dark green stallion new that she could keep secrets for life. After all, she still kept his. "Where is she?" Tumble pointed to the large array of corn outside their home. "Where do you think? If you want to talk to her, I understand." The brown maned stallion walked in to the fields, listening for the faint noise of corn being husked. As soon as he did, he ran towards it, determined to talk to his sister. As suspected, she was carefully pulling the corn out of it's green leaves. "Hey, Corn." Corn stopped as she heard his voice. "Sup brother! What's on your mind?" He could tell from the way she avoided his gaze that she new exactly what he had on his mind. Cactus got straight to the point. "Why did you agree with Mom and Dad? We're always together." She bit her lip and turned away. "Tell me, Corn. Please." She seemed to psyche herself up before turning to him. "You should have another chance." The unicorn's eyes widened. "B-But-" His sister cut him off. "Stop. You've ignored anything after that, and I hate it. You gave up over one mistake. That isn't like you." Cactus Fruit frowned. "You really want me to take another chance?" Corn looked him straight in the eye. "Yes. I truly want you to do this. As for the college part..... You're a unicorn. You deserve proper training for magic." The solemn stallion sat silent, before answering quietly. "Okay, Corn. I trust you." He walked towards the house, unaware as his sister wiped tears from her eyes. -------------------- Cactus slowly packed his bags, carefully choosing what to bring. Most of his items had sentimental value. A picture of him and his sister when they were foals. One of his high school graduation. A few magazines, which were made sure to be buried under some books. No pony was allowed to know he had those. A couple records that he had received from his grandfather, who had passed away. And, finally, a little flag with a rainbow on it. He put on his stetson, a gift he had received from his cousin, and went to exit his room. When he opened it though, his father stood there, a sympathetic expression on his face. "Son, I know this is hard for you. I don't expect you to be super excited, but we just want you to achieve your full potential." That was the only reason for his parents. They didn't know. Cactus forced a smile. "It's fine dad. It'll be fun." He was painfully aware that he hadn't closed the suit case, leaving the colorful bag in the open. He tried to maneuver in front of it. Luckily, Tumble was oblivious. "You all packed?" Cactus nodded, still grinning nervously. His dad seemed to take his nervousness a different way. "Don't worry, you'll be fine. The expenses are paid. All you have to do is show up." His dad left the room, and Cactus sighed in relief. He closed the suitcase, lifted it in his gray aura, and started heading towards the train station. On his way he reminisced. He stared longingly at the spot where he had gotten his Cutie Mark, a white rose. The place was just a simple garden. A mare had been trying to sell bouquets but they were under grown. His mother had always taught him to help a pony in need, so when he had heard her gripe about having no customers he had lent a hoof. He had tried just pulling the petals so they looked more in bloom, he had ended up actually making it grow. He chuckled as he spotted a hole in the ground. He remembered that day. His sister had gotten her head stuck in the hole, and after a long while of laughing, he had pulled her out. He grew sad as he arrived at the station. He couldn't withhold it anymore. Cactus walked up to the ticket stand. "What can I get ya?" The mare asked politely. "One ticket to Trottingham." He replied, and she looked shocked as he said it. She quickly recovered before she spoke. "I apologize, I just didn't expect a farm pony to go to one of the most sophisticated places in Equestria." Cactus shrugged as he pulled out bits to give her. "It was a surprise to me too." She raised an eyebrow. "Oh?" "My parents applied me for college without telling me, and told me to head to the college there." Cactus said. "Tarvus Academy." She grinned as she handed him the ticket. "I've heard great things about ponies who graduated there. You take care now!" He nodded, a smile on his face from her compliment. "I will!" He then entered the train. > Arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cactus lazily watched as Trottingham came in to view. It was huge, and he could see many ponies there, each with many accessories and clothes. He felt somewhat under dressed, but he ignored it as the train slowed down. He walked off the train, and headed down the crowded streets. To say he received some stares was an understatement. He was awfully burly for a unicorn. He had had no magical training from his family, so he was trained to act as an Earth pony. He had to train himself in magic. As he walked he admired the scenery. There were huge buildings, and plenty of shops and apartments. He sparked his horn as he spotted some dead flowers on the ground. 'Probably a bad date, or something...' He brought them closer to his snout, and carefully used his magic to bring them back to life. He jumped as he heard a whistle behind him. "Wow, that's some powerful magic you got there." Cactus turned to see a zebra walking along side him. "Thanks. It's what Ah got my Cutie Mark for, after all." He moved the flowers toward the white rose on his flank. "Heavy accent, I see." The strange pony replied. "Not from here?' He shook his head. "Nope. Came all the way from Marejavneigh village. My family are corn farmers." He continued walking, and he noticed the suitcase on the stallion's back. "Who are you? And where ya goin' with a suitcase?" The zebra smiled at him. "Name's Black Stripe. I'm off to Tarvus Academy. You?" The unicorn smirked. "I'm headed there too. My name is Cactus Fruit." The two continued in silence as they entered the campus. It was filled with ponies. Some large groups, some small, some loners. A set of houses was seen in the distance. "Those must be the dorms." Black Stripe nodded. "Yeah. First, though, we should probably find out who our roommates are." They entered, and greeted the mare at the front desk. "Hello." She said in a kind voice. Cactus could tell instantly from her half-lidded eyes and posture that she was flirting. "How you two fellas doing?" Black put a hoof to his forehead. "Not now, Sweet Dream. Can you just tell us who our roommates are?" The mare sighed. "Fine." She checked a piece of paper. "Says you'll be with a pony named Cactus Fruit." Cactus chuckled. "That settles me then! I can't believe my first friend here just happens to be my roommate." The tow exited the building, heading towards the dorms after she had given them their room number. Cactus raised an eyebrow at him as they entered the apartment. "How do you now her?" Black rolled his eyes. "She's my friends older sister. My friend, Shining Star isn't coming here though." The two decided who got what room, before Cactus excused himself for the bathroom. Black smiled at the stallion as he exited the room, before the zebra walked towards Cactus' suitcase. Black had a bad habit of checking through luggage. He could never explain why, but he loved venturing through other ponies' stuff. He opened it and gaped down at the inside. There was a bunch of books, and some photos. That wasn't what had caused the zebra to look surprised though. There was a small flag. And it was colored like a rainbow. Black quickly shut it. 'Okay, just pretend you never noticed...' He thought. 'Unless he gets a crush on me..! I'll just let him down easy....' It was too late. "Were you looking through my stuff?" The zebra whirled around to see Cactus, an angry look on his face. "Um... Uh.... No...?" Cactus stared at him for a bit, then shook his head. "Don't look through my stuff. And in case you are worrying, Ah'm not interested in zebras." Cactus walked past Black and started unpacking. "So..." Black said awkwardly. "You're-" Cactus cut him off. "Yes. Ah'm gay. Get over it." The zebra shut up. -------------------------- Cactus carefully walked out of the classroom. He always did every thing carefully. As he exited the room, he held his books before him in gray magic, not watching where he was going. It was inevitable really. THUMP! A stallion's voice was heard as Cactus lost his magic grip and his books were dropped to the ground. "Oh no! Are you alright!?" Cactus looked up and spotted the stranger. He was an odd pony. He was a small unicorn, as most were in this school with a bright orange coat that contrasted his baby blue mane and tail. His eyes were dark orbs like the one from Sasuneigh from an old anime called Narucolt. His Cutie Mark was a blurry image of an oasis. The stranger's horn was glowing with silver magic as he picked up the dropped books. The burly unicorn's metaphorical wings suddenly outstretched. "Y-Yeah. Ah'm fine." The books were floated over to Cactus, who caught them in his aura. "Hi. I'm Mirage." The stallion spoke in a friendly tone, but it was quiet, as if he was shy. Cactus tore his gaze away from the area around Mirage's Cutie Mark. "H-Howdy. Ah'm Cactus Fruit. Nice to meet ya." Mirage smiled. "You too. It was kind of funny, I was actually looking for you!" Cactus raised an eyebrow, and resisted the urge to smile. "Oh?" Mirage blushed heavily. "N-Not like that! I-I just saw that you were struggling in the math and science part of the lessons, and felt like you should have a tutor, considering you're new and all." Cactus allowed a small smile to peek through his tough demeanor. "Sure, I'd like that." The two then went their separate ways, unaware of the events that would occur because of those words. > I won't say it. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black grinned as Cactus told him about meeting Mirage. He silently noted how Cactus was smiling and blushing faintly as he told him about the unicorn. Cactus finished his story. "And then he invited me to be tutored." The zebra's grin turned mischievous as he walked towards the green unicorn. "Well then, that's quite friendly of him." Cactus seemed to blush deeper and turn away. "Oh be quiet! It's n-not like that!" Black Stripe pretended to check off a checklist. "Smiling like an idiot, check. Blushing, check. Stuttering, check." Cactus glared at him. "And what is that supposed to mean?" The zebra grinned at him. "You're in love." At those words, Cactus grew serious. His faced turned a shade whiter and he turned away, a memory playing in his head. "You're in love!" The zebra had said. "You're in love!" His sister had said. The stallion spoke up. "No. Ah'm not." Black lost his grin. "You okay, man? If you're not you're not." Cactus sighed and shook his head. "No.... I just..." He closed his eyes before continuing the conversation, now gazing out the window. "If there's a prize for rotten judgement, I guess I've already won that. No man is worth the aggravation. That's ancient history, been there, done that!" The zebra cut in. "Who'd ya think you're kidding? He's the Earth and Heaven to ya! Try to keep it hidden, Cactus I can see right through you!" "Oh no...!" Cactus sighed. "Dude ya can't conceal it, I know how ya feeling, who ya thinking of!" Black grinned. "No chance! No way! I won't say it, no, no!" Cactus shook his head. The zebra put on the dramatics and reacted his lyrics. "You swoon, you sigh, why deny it? Uh oh!" Cactus punched him in the shoulder. "It's too cliche! I won't say I'm in love." Cactus glanced down. "I thought my heart had learned a lesson! It feels so good when you start out... My head is screaming 'get a grip, kid! Unless you're dying to cry your heart out!'" Black cut him off. "You keep on denying, who you are and how you're feeling! Cactus I'm not buying, dude I saw ya hit the ceiling! Face it like a grownup, when you gonna own up? That you got, got, got it bad!" Cactus looked pained. "No chance! No way! I won't say it, no, no!" Black walked forward. "Give up, give in! Check the grin you're in love!" Cactus grimaced. "This scene won't play! I won't say I'm in love!" The zebra grew a cocky grin. "You're doing flips! Read my lips! You're in love!" Cactus closed his eyes in frustration. "You're way off base! I won't say it! Get off my case, I won't say it!" Black put a comforting hoof on the stallion's shoulder. "Kid, don't be proud! It's okay, you're in love!" Cactus whispered his next words. "Oh, at least out loud.... I won't say I'm in love..." Black finally relented. "Fine.... We have to get to sleep." They both walked to their respective rooms, a plan already forming in Black Stripe's head. --------------------------------- Cactus looked up as the teacher called himself to attention. "Hello students! My name is Professor Lance, and hear is your first lesson!" The professor had a chocolate coat and a black mane. He wore a suit and tie, and his magic was a light yellow. "My class, Magic Arts, takes things a bit differently. You each will be paired up with a partner, and you will help each other grow with your special magical talents." There were eager looks. "Each unicorn has their own special sets of skills involving magic. Like Rarity, the Element of Generosity, can find gems easily with her horn. Now, as seeing how this could get destructive, we will be heading outside." Cactus followed the teacher and the other students. He surveyed the competition, keeping a calm look on his face. There were some cocky stallions, and plenty of nervous mares. Some were stone faced, like him, but there were even some nauseous looking ones. Soon enough, they had arrived. "Now, get with your partner as I call you up!" The teacher started listing names, and Cactus perked when he heard his. "Cactus Fruit and Hurricane!" The teacher pointed to a nearby picnic table, and he went there to wait for his partner. To his dismay, a cocky unicorn stallion, who was two varying shades of blue, walked towards him. "Hey, loser. This starting fight is magic only, so you'll have to choose your petty magic." Cactus tried hard not to smile. By no means was his magic petty. The teacher's voice called out as the two got in to position. "Get ready! Start on go!" Cactus spread his hooves, making sure they were flat on the ground. "3!" He watched as Hurricane used magic to float two barrels of water over to himself. "2!" He closed his eyes, allowing his senses to only know the ground. "1!" "GO!" Cactus felt everything as he stood, his eyes closed. His horn glowed, charging a massive spell as his opponent chucked balls of water at him. As the spell finished charging, he let it loose in a flash of gray light. Quickly, the landscape changed around him. Trees popped out of the ground. Roots laced the ground. Flowers and grass swarmed the ground like a wildfire. He heard several shrieks as he summoned venus flytraps. He finally smirked as he heard a surprised yelp from his opponent. He wasn't done yet, though. He summoned all the magic he had and brought the most dangerous thing he'd ever summoned. A timber wolf. There were screams as he forced it to roar. Ponies ran, abandoning the battle as it closed in on his cowering opponent. Cactus casually walked past it, eyes still closed. "Do you surrender?" The timber wolf roared, to get the point across. "S-SWEET CLESTIA YES!" The shivering stallion said as he laid on the ground in fright, two cracked and spilling barrels forgotten as it laid on the ground. Cactus smirked and un-grew the sudden forest. As he dismantled the timber wolf, he made sure to bury the twigs far under ground, where they wouldn't be able to reform. He opened his eyes to see all the ponies staring at him, Professor Lance at the front. The professor clapped his hooves. "My, my, we have an expert on our hooves. But next time, please don't send a timber wolf after my students." Cactus tilted his head, a small smile on his face. "You want more than one timber wolf?" He laughed, joined by his teacher, and they set off for the classroom. As Cactus reveled in his victory, he completely forgot the earlier conversation.