> All Hallow's Demons > by jidbrony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Demon Girl Power! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Halloween time in the city of Canterlot, this was to be a special night of terrors and tricks for tonight would be Twilight Sparkle's first halloween with her friends, well actually her first halloween period considering she didn’t really celebrate the holiday at all. Most of the day however she did spend in her room preparing for the big party that Pinkie Pie was throwing tonight at Sugarcube corner, it was going to be fun. Only problem was she didn’t have a possible. “Hmm...Maybe I can dig something up in my closet.” Twilight headed to her closet and open the door, but standing there in front of her was a tall mysterious figure wearing nothing but an old world war I gas mask staring down at her, silent, deadly the only thing looking at it was Twilight’s own purple eyes. Until finally, it spoke. “Are you my mommy?” “AAAAAAAHHHHHHH” Twilight slammed the door and ran under the covers shaking. A few seconds later the door opened again as the figure took off his gas mask, and Twilight’s fear turned to anger. “Shining!” “S-Sorry...Twily.” He said still chuckling. “I couldn’t help it...It’s the only time of year I can do this and not get in trouble.” Twilight groaned getting out from under the covers. “Well….Don’t do that! I’m trying to find something for my first Halloween party and I wanna be presentable.” “Alright...Alright...Don’t get your hair in a bun.” “It’s already in one.” Twilight huffed. “Now please...I need to think of what to do.” “Alright...Fine….Tell me when you're ready to go.” With that Twilight took a deep breath and groaned, she had no costume, and didn’t know what she was going to do at this party, but she knew one thing, she hated getting pranked by her brother ******** Sunset Shimmer walked down the streets of town, she couldn’t help but love seeing all the decorations covering the buildings, from cobwebs to make believe spiders to ghost made of bed sheets. She never liked the holiday season till she was reformed, but now she always got giddy. “Plus this is the one night of the year I can embrace my darkside just a little bit again.” She said smirking a bit. Course back in Equestria they had a holiday called Nightmare Night, based around the legend of Nightmare Moon, which as Princess Twilight had explained was the pony version of Vice Principal Luna, in all honesty she should have seen that coming but I guess years of living in the human world were making her a bit slow. But during those years in Canterlot she loved pranking people, scares and screams galore, however her pranks were a lot more, mean spirited than the one’s that Pinkie liked the through on her friends, and because of this, Sunset always had a bit of shame on some of her past actions, but her past wasn’t today as she always told herself, as she’d shoulder forwards. Finally she arrived at Sugarcube corner. As she opened the door to Sugarcube corner to be greeted by a loud pitch… “BOO!” Sunset didn’t even flinch. “Pinkie I know it’s you.” She said to her friend who was under a white cover sheet with two holes for eyes. “Aww...I thought I had you.” Pinkie moaned taking of the sheet. “But do you like costume, see nice and simple.” “Cute.” Sunset replied smiling. “Not sure what to go as myself. Though I did have a few ideas.” “Well….Hope it’s something awesome for my party!” Pinkie smiled. “Also just FYI Rainbow is planning on pranking Twilight big time.” “Oh really?” Sunset said raising a eyebrow. “Yep…, it’s a rite of passage, one major scare for the new girl. Nothing mean spirited just scary to give her a jump. She normally apologies afterwards” Pinkie explained as she began to set up the orange and black streamers. “What do her pranks usually involve.” Sunset asked sounding curious. “Why haven’t I got one?” “She was going to, but the girls though that you might punch her in the face afterwards or something.” Pinkie explained. “Oh really?” Sunset began to rub her chin thinking. “So Rainbow plans on pranking Twilight, hmm….Don’t think she’d appreciate that, maybe it be more fun to turn the tables.” Turning around she saw a bus head towards the buss station. “Um...Pinkie I gotta run” As she ran she saw Principle Celestia walking down the streets. “Sunset Shimmer good to see you, have any plans for Halloween.” She asked quite kindly. Sunset stopped to pause and think. “Actually yes, and maybe you could help.” “Me?” Principal Celestia asked sounding surprised “How?” “Um...Remember the crown from the Fall Formal, not Princess Twilight crown but the one I...um….um..” Sunset paused remembering what she had done as she felt the shame come back to her again. “Stole.” She finally blurted looking down. “Yes?” Principal Celestia asked. “Why?” “Um...W-What ever happened to it. I know I brought it back, but….is it still at the school.” Susent asked Celestia nodded. “Yes, but we plan on using a new model soon anyhow...Why do you ask?” “Um….Well….” ******** Twilight continued going through her clothes, still nothing that would make a good costume, not even her lab coat was good enough. “Ugh! My first halloween party and I’m going to be a complete idiot.” She groaned. Suddenly her door began to open slowly again, this time she was ready. “Shining if that’s you I told you I don’t like being… “Hey Twilight.” Sunset Shimmer popped her head through, looking at the disheveled room. “Geez, though you be more organized than this.” “Oh I am.” Twilight explained adjusting her glasses. “But sadly, I’ve caused a hurricane of cloths looking for a good costume, but since I’ve never been much of a halloween person, well….” Sunset looked around to see nothing but old uniforms and pre steim cloths. “I see, well don’t worry. I may be able to help you.” “How?” “Well first off I came to warn you. Rainbow Dash plans on giving you a Halloween scare tonight.” “What!” Twilight jumped getting nervous. “Ugh...First my brother now her….Now I remember why I don’t really like this holiday.” “I know...Trust me..Back in the old days I loved pranking people, course it was normally to get back at them or just to humiliate them, at least you're brother and Dash are being friendly about it. “Yeah that’s true.” Twilight sighed. “But I get pranked EVERY year by my brother...last thing I need is more pranks to deal with.” “I hear you Twilight. Still... i was thinking.” Sunset put her arm around her and smirked. “We give her a run for her money and turn the tables on her.” She leaned in and began to whisper in Twilight’s ear. As she did Twilight's’ heart raced, eyes bulged and face blushed. “Um….Sunset I don’t know if I feel comfortable doing that?” Sunset nodded in understanding. “I know trust me. I will be a tad difficult for me too, but trust me...You’ll have me there and besides it will be therapeutic for both of us. And satisfying to see Dash’s face when it happens.” Twilight thought about it for a few seconds not sure if she wanted to go through it. “TWILY HELP! MY AAAAARM.” Shining burst through the door showing his arm was cut off squirting with blood!” “AAAH!” Twilight jumped getting behind Sunset. “Pffft….Ha...Sorry...Sorry.” Shining then showed the bloodied arm was a prop. “Sorry...Sorry...I couldn’t resist.” Twilight groaned now she was mad. “Ok...Let's do this.” “Good!” Sunset then got out her phone and made a phone call. “Hey Rarity….Do you have any hair gel.” ***** **** Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Fluttershy were finally ready for the party, each in costume, Applejack went as a scarecrow, Fluttershy as a butterfly, and Rainbow Dash was sporting herself a good old fashion dracula costume, puffy shirt, black cape and fangs. “And that’s why girls, Vampires back in the day are WAY cooler than the ones in modern day movies.” Rainbow finished her long rant on the vampire movie genre Applejack and Fluttershy could not have cared less. “Yeah….So anyway, we're almost there at Sugarcube corner.” Applejack said pointing to the cafe. “Oh yeah!” Rainbow Dash said looking eager. “Oh I got myself a good prank for Twilight. Her first Halloween Rainbow scare, it’s always my favorite thing in the world.” “I-I hope it’s not to scary though.” Fluttershy said. “I remember when you did one on me...I cried for a week.” “I said I was sorry Fluttershy.” Rainbow moaned. “It’s not like I’m intentionally being mean.” “Yeah but you're pranks still go pretty far...I mean...You made it look like the animals had turn to zombies.” Fluttershy whispered. “Hey...They enjoyed it.” Rainbow Dash moaned opening the door to Sugarcube corner. “Hey Pinkie.” “Hey Rainbow Dash.” Pinkie said in her sheet, also there were both Rarity wearing a skimpy yet impressive Cleopatra outfit. “Hello Darlings...Love the costumes.” She commented. “Thanks...So where's Twilight and Sunset.” Rainbow said looking around. “I got some pranking to do. “They must be preparing their costumes or something.” Rarity said still setting up. “They wanted some hair gel form me earlier, must be quite the affair.” “Oh...I’m getting a text from Sunset.” Pinkie said looking at her phone. “It’s says they want us to meet them at the school, said they have a surprise for us. Oh cool!” “The school?” Applejack asked raising an eyebrow. “Why the hay do they want us their?” “Who knows.” Rainbow shrugged but let's go so I get down to pranking!” The girls headed off towards the school, the night was finally dark enough that the moon was at it’s very peak, everything was quiet and eery by this time. Gave most of the girls the spooks a bit, but it was nothing they weren’t used to. “Well we’re here.” Applejack said looking around. “Any sign of them.” Pinkie’s phone buzzed as she took it out. “They said to wait right here, they’ll join us soon.” “Well I hope they hurry up. I wanna party down and party hard!” Rainbow boasted. “Plus not to mention prank the living daylights out of Twilight.” “Oh they’ll be daylights alright...But you're the one who’ll have them scared out of you!” The girls looked up it was Twilight, but, her skin was darker, her hair was all floaty and flamy, her eyes were glowing and she had large bird wings. “What?” They all screamed. “But who huh...Whuh….” Rainbow Dash muttered. “That’s right girls...I have magic again. You didn’t think I forgot how good it felt, so I just rebult the pedant and got new forms of magic for myself” Twilight cackled. “But I brought back up this time!” WOOSH another flying figure came and. “Sunset Shimmer?” Applejack gasped seeing her friend once again turned into a fiery redheaded demon wearing a golden crown her head. “Not you again to. “Like the look.” Sunset smirked as she was once again in her demon form again. “I think it quite suits me really.” “Wait….Wait a minute.” Rainbow said. “This is a prank isn't it….You're just in your costumes on strings...am I right.” Twilight chuckled. “Well if these are costumes...Then explain this!” Suddenly a blast of energy emanated from her hand and blasted its way towards Rainbow who ducked a few burst of smoke hit the ground. “Ok...Ok I believe you.” Rainbow said. “Arrrrgggghhhh..” Suddenly out from the dust Snips and Snails looking dead and brainless started to slowly march towards them. “Mind controlled zombies...again!” Pinkie jumped into Applejack arms. “First of many.” Sunset smirked floating above them. “Then once we're done wit this world...it’s off to Equestria for us!” “We shall rule both WORLDS!” Twilight exclaimed. “Evilly of course.” Sunset and Twilight high fived. “Woo..Go girl demon power!” “Wait….Um….What if you spare us.” Rainbow pleaded the others to scared to talk. “Hmm...Well….” Twilight tapped her chin. “Perhaps...perhaps, but we have some request.” “Oh...Ok.” Rainbow said, still talking on behalf of the others. “L-Like what?” “Well...For one thing.” Sunset replied. “You have to declare absolute loyality to us.” “Done!” All the girls said. “And you have to mention our superior skills.” Twilight added “Done!” “And third.” Sunset smirked as she and Twilight looked at one another, their faces turning to that of genuine similes. “You have to declare we are the best pranksters in Canterlot.” The last one caused everyone to blink, especially considering Sunset voice sounded normal compared to how she was talking earlier. “What?” They all said in both shock, confusion. Suddenly Twilight and Sunset came hovering down chuckling and giggling like school girls. “Thanks Flash.” Twilight said then from behind a bush, Flash Sentry emerged holding two strings. “Uh..N-no problem Twilight.” He said blushing, causing Sunset to roll her eyes. “What...Who...How why?” Rainbow just blinked not sure what to think. Suddenly Sunset opened her eye and took out what revealed to be eye contacts which were causing her eyes to look distorted. Twilight followed suite. Sunset still was laughing while all the while. “Ooooh we got you so goooood!” She said tauntingly. “I have to admit ...that was exhilarating.” Twilight said. “So-So I WAS RIGHT!” Rainbow exclaimed. “I was right...they were just costumes!” “But how did you do the magical blast.” Applejack asked still holding Pinkie Pie. “Oh...That was just a laser effect...I used to event them when I joined the film club for a semester.” Twilight said showing them a little device attached to the palm of her hand. “And Snips and Snails agreed to be our zombies for the day...Thanks guys.” Sunset said looking at the two boys. “Any time.” Snails said. “Reminds me of the good old days.” “Um..Don’t you mean bad old days.” Snips asked. “Oh...Um…..” Sunset just rolled her eyes in exhaustion as she returned to the conversation at hand. “Bu...Bu… “How can you think of such a horrible prank.” Rarity scolded. “Thinking you two had gone evil again...all for ….for ...a prank!” “Yes.” Sunset nodded. “I wanted to make Twilight’s first Halloween special, and plus it’s therapeutic.” “Huh?” Applejack raised a eyebrow finally putting Pinkie down. “How so?” “Simple...When you turn into a monster, you are riddled with guilt, but Nightmare Night...I mean Halloween, is the one time of day where you can embrace the monsters, and actually laugh at it instead of worry about it.” “You know Sunset….I do actually feel better doing this.” Twilight said. “Though I have to say all this gel in my hair making it like this is kind of weird.” “Well it’s only for one night.” Sunset replied smiling. “So...You did this to ...get some sort of closure?” Rainbow Dash asked still in shock. “Yes.” Twilight nodded. “Well maybe for Twilight...I just wanted to scare the daylights of you.” Sunset smirked. “They didn’t call me Queen of pranks back in Equestria for nothing.” “Sunset.” Applejack muttered. “You...are nuts.” “Yes….Yes I am.” Sunset nodded. "Hey Sunset." "Yeah Twi." "Let's go freak my brother out now." END