> Glazed Donuts and Creampies > by Flammenwerfer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Step 1: Turn up the Heat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glazed Donuts and Creampies   By: Flammenwerfer   “Of course she would do this,” Spike grumbled as he dragged his feet in the direction of Sugarcube Corner, having just left the Library behind. It had been a grueling—albeit physically satisfying— week of helping Applejack out with harvesting a section of the orchards; every muscle in his body ached pleasantly. Today, Saturday, was supposed to be his day to rest up and enjoy some relaxation (and recovery), as he would be continuing to help Applejack tomorrow and the following week with the next section. His current predicament, however, was the exact opposite of ‘relaxing and recovering,’ all thanks to Twilight.   “And it’s not like I want to say ‘no’ now, and look like a massive asshole…” Spike continued to mumble indignantly to himself. Apparently, while he was out working the previous day, the ever eccentric Pinkie Pie had stopped by to just shoot the breeze with Twilight. It was nothing out of the ordinary, but Pinkie had mentioned  having a rather large order of sweets that she had to finish by the end of the weekend, and had not had a chance to start on it due to a larger-than-normal influx of party planning and customers at Sugarcube Corner. Twilight, naturally, only wished to help her friend and, bless her heart, she decided to volunteer Spike due to his own culinary expertise, not realizing that he would only have one day to relax before getting back to work.   Like he had mumbled earlier to no one in particular, the young man had no intention of backing out of a favor that he was conscripted for, especially since it was for one of the sweetest, and dare he say, cutest girls in all of Equestria. Moreover, she was an incredibly close friend, like all the others, but regardless, Spike would have appreciated a little input on the subject matter. Spike would often make a light-hearted jab at Twilight that, since his eighteenth birthday and subsequent growth spurt (which took him to about the girls’ heights), she had been giving him less control of his life; a joke which the librarian never found amusing.   To Spike, it seemed that sometimes, there was some truth to it.   “Whatever,” he huffed out. “At least Twilight apologized… and Pinkie is always fun, so maybe this won’t be so bad,” he continued to reason. Although his muscles were stiff and still quite sore from the day before (and the entire week before, actually), he maturely noted that what was done, was done, and that moping and grumbling about it would not solve anything. Further, he would rather not make Pinkie Pie feel badly about Twilight drafting him into baking anymore than she already might be… Spike was almost positive that poofy-haired girl heard the beginning snippets of his stern conversation with Twilight as she was leaving.   He ran his hands through his naturally unkempt yet oddly neat emerald hair as he sighed out in concession.   “I better get a large sample of these so-called ‘baked goods,’” Spike muttered as he finally made it to the entrance of Sugarcube Corner, smoothing out any wrinkles on his neon-purple shirt and adjusting his black cargo shorts before gently pushing the door open. He was told it would be unlocked, even though Pinkie got permission to close the shop for the day. The Cakes were out for the weekend with the twins, so it would be just the two of them, supposedly.   “Hey Pinkie! You here?” Spike called out as he entered into the barren eatery. There was no initial sign of the easily-recognizable young woman.   “Spikey!” Pinkie’s excitedly loud, high-pitched voice entered his ears. “I’m getting everything set up, come on back!” Pinkie added in a quick series of words, as per her normal way of speaking at a million miles a second. Spike nodded to himself and pushed past the counter, heading into the cooking and baking areas of the kitchen. He found Pinkie exactly where she said she would be, setting aside all the materials they would need. Once she noticed his presence, she immediately—and bouncily— snapped her posture upright with a beaming smile.   Another prominent part of her anatomy bounced in kind.   “Hey you!” she greeted before crushing Spike against her chest in a vice-like hug. This wasn’t an unusual occurrence, and he gladly reciprocated the gesture, as it wasn’t a bad thing having his chest completely squished against hers.   Spike was a simple man. When he sees tits, he likes… and Pinkie certainly had a pair that he bestowed silent affection upon.   “Heh, hey Pinkie!” he finally greeted with a sincere smile in return, the two separating a few moments later. “So, I heard you needed some help with filling a baking order?”   “Mhmm, yeah, this one’s a doozy,” she noted as she nodded affirmatively. “Which is why I’m SO GLAD you were able to help me! I hope I didn’t ruin any of your plans today…” her demeanor sunk suddenly from ultra-elated to concerned. Anyone who was anyone would be sick to their stomach upon seeing a normally bright, beautiful, and indisputably overclocked girl suddenly don a complexion of sadness. The same was true for Spike, though he found her expression absolutely adorable.   HNNNNNG!   “No… not at all, Pinkie. Besides, if there’s two of us working, it shouldn’t take nearly as long, right?”   “That’s the spirit!” Pinkie replied ecstatically, bouncing in place for a few moments. Taking just a moment to look her over, she was in a fairly standard long-sleeved shirt which was striped on the arms and bright pink on the torso and stomach, adorned with her cutie mark right on her chest. Below the waist, Pinkie was garbed in a pink skirt that fell to about her mid-thigh, though, with her high-octane personality, it was not uncommon for said skirt to ride up her smooth legs.   Spike caught a panty shot once or twice in this manner; wasn’t intentional at all, either.   “Alright then!” Spike said eagerly. “So, what are we starting off with?”   “I just finished getting together everything we’re gonna need. Before we start, though, I’m gonna change into something much more… bake-y!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Don’t go anywhere~!” she followed up in a sing-song voice, bouncing out of the kitchen and Spike’s line of sight. He watched her go with a smirk on his face, shaking his head as he turned his attention to the plethora of materials on the counter: several baking trays stacked on top of each other, bowls, whisks, frosting bags, eggs, flour, and essentially anything else they would need. The sheer volume of materials on display proved that Pinkie was not joking. They would definitely be here a while longer than Spike had initially thought.   He leaned on his forearms against the counter as his mind decided to wander in the moment of complacency.   As much as he complained before, Spike reiterated to himself that this would most likely be nowhere near as bad as he made it out to be. After all, Pinkie was always good company. She never had a shortage of interesting stories to tell with the greatest passion, and the fact that she was absolutely, outstandingly gorgeous only helped things along. Of course, all of their friends were beautiful in their own rites, but Spike had to concede that Pinkie had something… special about her. She radiated a certain aura of happiness—common knowledge, but it only added to her beauty.   Spike finally shook his head clear of his admittedly dreamy thoughts of Pinkie once he heard some footfalls behind him. He turned around to greet her with a friendly smile… but said smile quickly morphed into one of astonishment when he saw what she was wearing… though ‘wasn’t wearing’ would more appropriately describe it.   Spike was greeted with a magnificent view of the hyperactive girl’s backside, distinctly lacking her previous clothing, as she was securing an apron on her front. All that remained was a bright-pink bra and an identically colored pair of lacy panties. The latter, though much more risqué than any typical set of underwear, was more than enough to draw his gaze downward to her incredible hips and large but still well proportioned butt. For the amount of sweets Pinkie consumed on a daily basis, it was wholly surprising that she did not look a single pound overweight, and in fact, she still held prominent back dimples just above her rear, coveted by women all over Equestria. It was as if any fat that would accumulate went straight to her rear and (somewhat less) her breasts in the perfect amounts, while the rest just burned off and evaporated harmlessly.   In a moment of clarity, his mind free from the tunnel-vision caused by her succulent ass, Spike attributed this anomaly to Pinkie’s implicit refusal to follow the fundamental laws of physics, along with the amount of energy it took to run her personality.   Pinkie finished tying the apron and turned around to face Spike with a beaming, ever innocent smile, as if what she was wearing was perfectly innocuous in nature. Said apron covered everything in the front, save for the very tops of her bra-clad breasts, the slightest hint of cleavage making itself known out the top, but nothing more than that.   “You alright Spikey??” she asked excitedly as she made her way to the counter which held all their materials.   “Y-Yeah! It’s just that I’ve never seen you in… ummm.. those baking clothes,” he answered with an honest observation, taking his place next to her so she could show him what she wanted him to do. Pinkie giggled adorably and glanced over at him.   “Well~, you’ve always seen me work in public… this is a bajillion times more comfortable but I don’t wanna give the whole world a show!” she reasoned cutely, snorting a bit at the ridiculousness of such an idea. “Here, I’ll start on the cake. Wanna make the batter for the chocolate donuts?”   “Sure!” Spike affirmed, grabbing the necessary materials and scooting over a bit so the two could have room to work. “And fair enough, but hey, maybe if you baked like that more often, Sugarcube Corner would have quite a few more customers,” he suggested playfully, eliciting yet another bout of laughter from the poofy-haired girl. Both of them began robotically mixing the appropriate batters while they talked.   “True that,” she agreed. “But I’m sure you don’t mind…” she punctuated with a narrowed, jesting gaze, and Spike could have sworn that her demeanor became a bit more sultry, though he immediately wrote it off as a trick of the light and wishful thinking.   “Doesn’t bother me in the slightest, actually,” he answered with a grin, rubbing his cheek against his shoulder to quell an itch all the while. Pinkie, again, giggled and the two of them went about talking of random things, though it was more of the bubbly girl recalling certain stories or ideas and Spike responding in kind. It was funny, when he was younger, as much as he loved Pinkie as a friend, he always found it physically and mentally taxing to hold an extended conversation with her. That changed radically in the last couple of years though, and suspiciously enough, it was around the time where he started giving more credence to the physical beauty of the girls that he surrounded himself with.   Pinkie suddenly interrupted herself with a deep gasp of surprise, causing Spike to jump a bit at the abruptness of it all.   “I FORGOT TO PREHEAT THE OVEN!” Pinkie yelled out and quickly made for the amenity behind her. Due to the sudden interruption, Spike’s attention was still focused on the excitable girl, and he quickly found her bending over to adjust the baking racks and set the appropriate temperature. As a result, he was greeted with her glorious ass (praise be unto it) on display once more. Being realistic with himself, he had no reservations with staring out of the corner of his eyes, especially if it was just sticking out like that. There was definitely some muscle under those curves, if her constant sprinting around town and bouncing all over the place counted for any form of physical activity, but the perfect amount of fat gave her butt just the right amount of contour that jiggled hypnotically whenever she pranced around; even in tight clothing such as jeans.   Besides, Pinkie couldn’t see him… right?   “Like what ya see, Spikey?” she suddenly asked in a playfully sexy tone, causing him to break his internal musings and immediately reorient his mind back into the real world.   “Ummm… wuh-what?” Spike stuttered out, realizing that Pinkie had no line of sight towards him yet was able to somehow call him out.   “When I’m bent over and I get a tiny jitter in my upper back, as well as a tingle in my chest, my Pinkie Sense™ is telling me that someone is checking me out!” she replied as energetically as ever, finally righting her posture and turning to face him. Spike had nothing to come back to with that, and upon seeing him completely red in the face, Pinkie could not help but cover her mouth in a pitiful attempt to stifle laughter at his expense.   “Hahaha Spike, there’s no need to be embarrassed,” she comforted, quickly closing their distance and hugging him tightly. She then pressed their foreheads together so her gorgeous blue eyes stared straight into his emerald ones. “I want you to stare,” she added lustfully, lidding her eyes as Spike’s internal temperature skyrocketed. After a few seemingly tense moments of her holding him close and the two not breaking eye contact, she waggled her eyebrows suggestively and pulled back with a guffaw. Spike rolled his eyes and wiped his face of some moisture that had accumulated due to her brutal teasing.   “Y-You’re terrible, you know that?” he was finally able to say with some accompanying, awkward laughter.   “I’m sorry Spike,” Pinkie apologized, wiping errant moisture from her eyes as a result of her laughing fit. “You’re super cute when you’re flustered,” she admitted, taking her place at the counter beside him once more.   “Uhh, cute? Really?” he asked stupidly in response, still recovering a bit from Pinkie’s overt teasing antics. He faced the counter again and began kneading the massive amount of dough, helping to get his mind back on track, though he silently cursed himself for the stupid question, as he felt he was making himself look imbecilic.   “Pshhh, duh!” Pinkie answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Ever since you hit your growth spurt, the girls and I were all like ‘WOWIE! He’s a CUTIE!’ And I don’t mean that in that ‘AWWW LOOK HOW CUTE’ way, I mean that in the cute way,” she elaborated in her usual manner of speaking, though Spike was more concerned with what she was saying.   “Really now… well, that’s a nice little ego boost, I guess,” Spike conceded, not entirely sure what he could say to that, but he was being honest: it was nice to know that he was, allegedly, somewhat good looking to all of his friends, and not in a patronizing way.   Spike began forming some of the donuts with what batter he had made.   “You know, you never answered my question, Spike,” Pinkie spoke after a few minutes of normalized conversation while she was pouring batter into the cake pan. Spike, who was in the zone and placing freshly-formed donuts on a baking sheet, was at a loss to what she meant by that.   “Oh? What question was that?”   “If you liked what you saw…” Pinkie alluded with another teasing edge to her voice, shooting him a sly sideways glance and mouth upturned in a playful smirk.   “Well, yeah, of course I did!” Spike replied after a moment of deliberation. It wasn’t like he had any reason to lie to her, because it was true: he absolutely loved what he saw; anyone with a decent set of eyes and a brain inside their skull would. Besides, of all of their friends, Pinkie was often the one who would tease everypony, as well as being extra touchy-feely (with Rainbow Dash in close second). Ergo, questions like these to garner hilarious reactions from others were commonplace; it was just her personality, and Spike was pretty much used to her antics... even if he still found himself embarrassed for staring. In the end, if there was anyone with whom he could be honest with in this particular subject matter, it would be her.   Pinkie beamed him another smile, though her expression quickly devolved into one of mischief. However, before Spike could discern the odd facial expression she had, Pinkie quickly turned away and smirked widely, going back to work and humming a happy tune. Her face, this time, did not betray any of her initial thoughts, and Spike cocked an eyebrow at her instantaneous change in complexion. Again, he wrote it off. He never questioned Pinkie Pie’s processes anymore.   He could have sworn that she winked at him.   Work resumed as normal with the usual Pinkie talking and Spike listening, interjecting when appropriate. Spike had filled up about three baking sheets of chocolate donuts while Pinkie was just about ready to place the separate layers of the cake in the preheated oven. He took the following few moments of silence to think about the current situation with Pinkie Pie… if he could call it that. Nothing bad was particularly happening but—and he never thought he’d say this about Pinkie—her antics were a bit unusual, even for her. The eccentric girl, as previously stated, was almost always ‘in your face’ in terms of hyperactivity, and general touchy-feely-ness.   But this time, Spike was not getting the whole ‘joking vibe’ from Pinkie’s normally flirtatious behavior.   Indeed, this time around, Spike was feeling as if all of her behavior had a much more real aspect to it, not present in her expected, joking attitude, and that began to make him a tad apprehensive for a number of reasons. Since he had a rather serious talk with Rarity, his ‘crush’ on her had been waning, and as a result, he had been seeing other girls, including the rest of his close friends, in a much different light; even scoring a few dates with other nice, pretty girls around Ponyville.   Spike was well aware that all of his friends were absolutely gorgeous, but his infatuation with Rarity had prevented him from actually making any sense out of it for his own benefit. With the aforementioned crush essentially out of the question, Spike would almost feel lost when he’d get hit on by other girls, often finding himself lacking words and not having an inkling of an idea of where to go from there. And that would be where the opposing party would pick up the slack. In the end, he couldn’t help but come to what an outside observer could take to be a laughably obvious conclusion.   Is she hitting on me?   “WHOA!!” Spike suddenly yelled out when he felt a set of hands clench on his buttcheeks, jerking forward and dislodging himself to find Pinkie Pie laughing her ass off. “Pinkie, what the hell!”   “Hehehe, I was calling your name for the past ten seconds since I just put the cake in the oven and you were off in lala land,” Pinkie spat out rapidly in a run-on sentence. “So I did something that I just knew would get your attention!”   “Well, that was definitely… different,” he spoke his mind, rubbing both of his asscheeks from the harsh grabbing. Pinkie giggled again, gliding over to her previous position by the counter next to him.   “Oh Spike, you know I’m always touching everypony I love! I give everypony hugs, super hugs, super awesome duper hugs…”   Spike formed the last of the chocolate donuts as Pinkie rambled on about the technicalities of her physical relationship with close friends, placing the yet-baked confectionaries on the third and final baking sheet that he filled up completely, sliding it to the side.   “Yeah, but you’ve never touched me like that. You could’ve just poked me, after all,” Spike reasoned, though he most certainly wasn’t complaining; Pinkie’s hands on his ass actually felt kinda good. He turned to face her and leaned his side against the counter, which, curiously, elicited yet another giggle from the girl… though this one was inherently different.   “That’s super true,” Pinkie conceded pointedly. “But something tells me that you don't mind… and I don’t need Pinkie Sense to see that someone else didn’t mind so much either,” she added slyly, pointing straight at his pants with a mixed expression of hilarity and sultriness. Spike blinked a couple of times and immediately shifted his gaze downward to where she was pointing and, to his horror, he had just realized that he was sporting a raging hard-on. As the blood drained from his face at the revelation, Pinkie was suddenly in complete hysterics, clutching her stomach and actually falling to the floor.   The blood that evacuated from his face quickly returned as his cheeks heated up from pure embarrassment, even more so when, much to his chagrin, the tent in his shorts categorically refused to back down, even in what would be considered a massive boner-kill of a situation. Spike attempted to say something, but every time he opened his mouth, it seemed to dry up and words refused to speak themselves. Thus, all he could do is just turn around towards the counter and wait, wait with a deadpan expression as Pinkie clearly laughed at his expense.   I take it back. Today already sucks.   “Oh Spike, don’t be like that,” Pinkie pleaded amicably, hugging him from the back and wrapping her arms around his stomach with a gleeful smile. Having her apron and bra-clad breasts pressing invitingly into his upper back was surely not helping things along on his end.   “Besides,” Pinkie continued after Spike could not find any words to respond with after a few moments. “I was hoping I could get that kinda reaction outta you…” she added with a gentle purr, running her right hand up and down his stomach and tracing the topography of his abdomen, where a vague four-pack was present under his shirt. Spike’s eyes widened and blood rushed down south in full force, especially when Pinkie’s hand strode past the lower limit she had initially set with her comforting strokes, gingerly palming the tent in his pants that was now there to stay.   “P-Pinkie…? Wh-What’re you…” Spike struggled a bit to inquire on exactly what she intended to do, but was silenced when she brought her left hand up to his face and touched two of her fingers to his mouth, effectively shushing him. Pinkie nuzzled her cheek contentedly into his upper back and continued to explore the curvature of his covered member, as well as allowing her left hand to roam all over his front.   “I know you didn’t want to come here on your own, Spikey,” Pinkie admitted, confirming Spike’s initial suspicions and fears about her overhearing the heated conversation he had with Twilight. “And in the end, you didn’t have to… but you did anyway. That’s super sweet of you.   “But…” Pinkie continued, wrapping her right hand delicately around his covered spire as best as she could, molding the front of his pants around it. Spike let out a shuddered breath, his eyes involuntarily attempting to flutter closed, though he fought the urge valiantly. “…the last thing I ever want is to be a burden on my friends. I’m supposed to make everyone happy, not sad or mad. SO, I wanna make it all worth your while…”   Spike finally regained full control, pushing back the cloud of reciprocating lust that was threatening to veil his thoughts for the foreseeable future. He turned around to face her (instinctively resting both of his hands on her lower back), though Pinkie quickly pressed herself up against him in such a way where she could continue her ministrations. She nipped at his chest just a bit, tugging at the fabric and continuing to palm his bulge before she met his glance with her own gorgeous, teal-blue eyes—a gaze filled with naught but the sincerest of desires.   “W-What exactly do you mean by that Pinkie? I-I mean, why?” Spike asked for clarification of the obvious, wondering why in the world Pinkie was coming onto him this strongly. He did not recall doing anything out of the ordinary to deserve this treatment, so, he fell back on one of his most natural instincts implanted into him by Twilight: Question. Everything.   The excitable girl only giggled into his chest once more, shaking her head.   “Because you’re a sweetie and a cutie… but that’s only a couple of reasons. Either way, don’t worry at all, Spike.” Pinkie explained so tactfully, running both of her hands up his stomach, chest, and resting them around his neck. “Pinkie’s gonna show you just how fun it is to bake with her…”   Before Spike could question things even further, Pinkie did well to pull his head down and softly press her lips to his, initiating a sensual kiss that sent the young man’s mind absolutely reeling with emotion. Though his eyes widened further in surprise (as well as his cock throbbing achingly at the sudden contact) Pinkie’s unbelievably soft lips against his quickly snuffed out any uncertainty, and he decided to ultimately take her advice and just go with it. Two sets of eyes fluttered closed as their mouths molded around each other, Pinkie moaning gently into Spike’s mouth as her tongue forcefully broke through the barrier of his mouth and invaded.   Spike wasn’t exactly ‘inexperienced’ and as such, he knew how to meet such a sexy intrusion into his mouth with aggression of his own, forcing his tongue to meet hers in a fight for dominance between their joined mouths… a fight that he was more than willing to let Pinkie win. His hands slipped from her lower back down to her panty-covered butt, utilizing her rear as a handhold to their spontaneous makeout session. He did well to run his palms over them and give the cheeks gentle squeezes, coaxing a few moans and giggles out of the party-girl’s mouth, of which ended up in his own. She tasted incredibly sweet, as if her saliva itself was constantly sugary, and it only made him want to drink up every inch of her while they remained locked in their embrace.   Spike also wondered if Pinkie tasted just as sweet everywhere else.   Pinkie separated for a moment so she could tug at Spike’s lower lip with her teeth, letting out a few lustful giggles as her right leg rode up his side and effectively pressed their crotches together. Driven by the sexual desire that Pinkie wanted him to give into for whatever reason, Spike allowed instinct to take ahold of him fully. He wrenched his lip from Pinkie’s grip and buried his face in the left side of her neck, planting kisses, licks, and gentle nips in a line from right under her jaw to her collarbone. The girl responded with delighted laughter, quickly followed by coos of pleasure and implicit encouragement for Spike to continue.   “Ooooh~, that’s more like it, Spikey…” she expressed her pleasure explicitly, relishing completely in the counter-treatment that Spike was lavishing her with. His hands gripped her ass tightly but quickly moved to explore the rest of her body. As he alternated between both sides of her neck, Spike made a conscious effort to ensure his fingers traced purposeful lines up and down the bare skin of her back, teasingly tugging at her bra-straps and panty hems when he passed by them… in the end, all roads led straight back to her perfect rump, Spike always delighted to slap his hands back onto her fleshy cheeks and feel the slightest ripple before going back to massaging her. All the while, Pinkie ensured to do her best to stroke him through his shorts, though it was easier said than done.   Pinkie was already beginning to melt in his certainly-somewhat-experienced hands.   “W-Want some vanilla frosting, Spike?” Pinkie asked breathily, drawing Spike from his stupor to find her with a frosting bag in her right hand. She separated from him just a little bit, but ensured that she watched every motion she made when she brought the tip to her mouth. Never breaking eye-contact, she lightly squeezed the end of the bag and allowed frosting to coat her tongue in the most obviously suggestive manner. Spike’s mouth watered and his dick made sure to express its own approval in the form of a few throbs, begging for release from its fabric prison.   “Yeah… I really do,” he finally answered, much to Pinkie’s delight. She placed the frosting bag aside and kept her mouth wide open with her tongue on display, making sure he got the message completely.   “Thahn con’ get sone’” she beckoned him with her mouth full, a request to which Spike fulfilled almost instantaneously. Their lips locked together once more and Pinkie pressed her tongue to the forefront. Spike’s intercepted her and both moaned salaciously as their two intertwined tongues quickly spread the frosting uniformly throughout each other’s mouths, both relishing in the super-sweet taste that suddenly assaulted their combined taste buds. With the sugary aphrodisiac, the two wrapped their arms around each other and did well to attack each other’s mouths, their literal sweet kiss becoming much more heated and ravenous by the minute as evident by their moans increasing in intensity and frequency. In the midst of it all, Pinkie raised a hand behind her neck and undid the apron’s knot, followed by the one behind her back, and let the now-useless garment fall to the floor between them.   With the frosting, their tongues tasted so good, and as much as Pinkie wished to let Spike and them make out until the weekends end, she had much more exciting plans for the both of them… at least until they had to take a few moment’s break when Pinkie would have to remove the cake layers from the oven.   Pinkie separated from Spike with a satisfying *smack* of their lips releasing their holds, and she gently pushed away from him, giving Spike full view of her front side. Spike had seen all the girls in bikinis, so, in hindsight, this wasn’t entirely a new experience, but simultaneously, it was. Like her panties, the bra was lacy, and offered an enticing view of her full breasts that was never possible with the bikini she normally wore. Pinkie happily let him stare, and Spike took every liberty he was offered to allow his eyes to trace her impeccable form. Her veiled tits quickly gave way to an unexpectedly slim stomach. While there was almost no muscle definition, it was nice and flat… and that in turn, led to her panty-covered crotch and the shapely legs that he had been so guilty of eyeing up often.   Pinkie giggled adorably at being the absolute center of Spike’s lust and attention, but quickly garnered his attention by tugging on the fabric of her bra-strap.   “I don’t think I’ll be needing this to bake anymore…” she innocently mused, tugging the shoulder straps just enough to where they slid down her arms. She then, unceremoniously, reached behind her back and opened the clip, letting the tits-holder finally fall freely from her body. Spike’s jaw went slack at the sight of her boobs, free from their lacy confines, bouncing slightly at the sudden lack of support before resting perkily on the girl’s chest. Pinkie’s creamy orbs were adorned with perfectly round, unassuming, pink nipples that stood pert and proud, a testament to her arousal.   She took two slightly overflowing handfuls of her breasts, squeezing them together invitingly to entice a lusty reaction out of Spike. Pinching her nipples between her digits, her excitement peaked (with sopping panties to show for it) when Spike began to advance upon her, he being determined to bury his face in her expansive cleavage. However, she stopped him abruptly.   “Wait…” she suddenly voiced, gliding over to one of the massive refrigerators, opening it and finding exactly what she was looking for: an unmarked bottle of chocolate syrup. Glancing back at Spike, she winked and bit her lip with anticipation, leaning against the nearest counter and making sure he watched her drizzle chocolate topping upon her breasts. Keeping the sultriest look she could, she took her sweet time in decorating her tits with perfect patterns of chocolate with such care and precision that only an expert confectioner would be able to muster.   “Mmmm… enjoying the view, Spike?” Pinkie asked teasingly, flashing her pearly whites to complement her lidded gaze. Spike was going crazy, and it was driving him to new heights of arousal each time Pinkie shuddered at the cool liquid’s contact on her bare skin, her breasts jiggling in kind.   The affixed young man could only nod.   “Hehe, then come and get it…” she beckoned with a curl of her right index finger, and at that moment, Spike was on her like a birthday-boy having a go at his desert. He cared little of the fact that his hands immediately became sticky once he took his own handfuls of her breasts, especially when he tasted the sweet mix of chocolate and her skin when his tongue began running up her right breast. Pinkie stifled her laughter with groan of delight, letting her eyes close on their own accord and one of her hands run through Spike’s hair as he tended to her.   “Mmph… there we go, Spikey…” she cooed encouragingly, wrapping her legs around his torso to keep him right where he was.   Spike’s hands felt right at home on Pinkie’s soft, slick breasts; squeezing them together and running his tongue through her bountiful cleavage to lap up any of the chocolate syrup that remained… and then some; an action Pinkie could not help but laugh at pleasurably. While his tongue and face were busy between her tits, his fingers made sure that her nipples were given equal attention while his mouth was occupied. Spike gently gripped, pinched, and rolled the little nubs while he massaged both of her breasts, and Pinkie responded with another series of breathy sighs and soft moans… as well as rocking her hips, grinding her needy mound against his stomach.   “Mmmmm…” Spike hummed pleasantly into her bosom, having cleaned her cleavage completely and moved onto her clearly still-covered nipples and breasts proper. His hungry mouth latched firmly onto her left nipple, garnering a hearty groan out of Pinkie, and began sucking with abandon. Spike allowed his tongue to escape the vacuum if only to lick up the residual chocolate that surrounded her nipple, but never for long… he was too busy letting it contort around and memorize every little bit of the sensitive skin. It was an identical process for her right breast, but even with most of the syrup cleaned off of her tits, Spike had little intention of releasing her chest from his lusty clutches so soon.   As for Pinkie, she was in absolute heaven; cooing, giggling, and outright moaning loudly at the sexual affection Spike was bestowing upon her. Few had shown this much attention to her boobs, and with how hungrily—almost desperately—Spike was assaulting them, she was more than convinced that he had a natural affinity to them… a little detail that she took note of for the near future.   Spike continued to alternatingly suck on her breasts while ensuring that he was massaging whichever one was neglected; squeezing it, pinching her nipple, or simply smooshing it against her other breast; anything went, really. Eventually, he did tend to the Syrup that remained on her stomach and upper chest, gladly drawing his tongue continuously up her body in such a way that Pinkie had no voluntary choice but to succumb to the shiver that ran up her spine and throughout her body, especially when their eyes locked on his way up.   Oh, she had plans for this one…   With a final pass by his tongue, Spike licked his way through her cleavage once more and punctuated by slurping the remnant chocolate into his mouth, righting his posture entirely. Pinkie, face colored and eyes misted over with lust from the treatment she had just received, pulled him in close for yet another open-mouthed kiss, able to clearly taste the remnant chocolate topping on his tongue. This little escapade was cut short when the timer for the oven went off.   “Oh… I kinda have to get that…” Pinkie said reluctantly, freeing herself and sliding off the countertop. She, however, gave extra sway to her hips as she pointedly sashayed over to the oven, knowing full well that the equally-horny Spike was watching her every move. “You better be undressed by the time I turn around!” she added jokingly, but completely serious at the same time.   “No arguments here…” Spike replied, hastily shuffling out of his clothes to make good on Pinkie’s request. For added encouragement, as the girl opened the oven and bent over, she made sure to flash just how wet her panties were… all before rocking her hips side-to-side and slipping out of the ruined garment. Spike was able to easily catch a fleeting glimpse of her nether-lips, but they were quickly hidden once she pulled out the various layers of the aforementioned cake.   Setting them aside to cool, Pinkie spared a glance over her shoulder and found the same lustful Spike as she left him barely a moment prior, but this time, he was a tad overcome with timidity at his last piece of clothing: his boxers. However, her attention was much more drawn to what lay beneath said layer, namely, the cause of the massive tent he sported.   “Getting shy on me already?” Pinkie teased, sashaying her naked body back over towards him tantalizingly slowly. Spike was, this time around, able to get an unobstructed view of her front, including what was once veiled by her panties. While her large—by Spike’s estimate, D-cup—breasts acted as a powerful magnet for his eyes, he was suddenly drawn down her slim stomach and ultimately, her completely bare flower. Only a single desire entered his mind: get those soaking lips on his mouth as soon as humanly possible.   “Well… n-not entirely… maybe,” Spike mumbled, going red in the face and giving into the sudden urge to scratch the back of his neck, his inner trepidation—however endearing—beginning to manifest itself. Pinkie was not gonna have any of it; she was having way too much fun, and she would gladly intervene and take the lead once more.   “Relax, cutie pie… let me handle the ‘baking’ from here,” she reassured him sultrily, placing both of his hands on his chest before leaning in for yet another kiss. Their lips went at it again for a few more moments, working each other over before Pinkie pulled herself away, sliding her hands down his bare torso. She did well to feel every bit of him up, memorizing the lean musculature Spike sported before her fingers made contact with the hem of his boxers. Unceremoniously, if giddily, she slid them off his waist, letting his rigid spire spring up freely, much to her readily apparent glee.   Pinkie knew exactly what she wanted, and most likely what Spike wanted. However, before she could drop to her knees and get his thick length in her mouth, a sudden idea struck her. It was certainly an outlandish one, but Pinkie’s nethers began leaking down her leg at the very thought that had suddenly consumed her mind.   Her lips curled up into a thoughtful smile and her lidded eyes conveyed the spark of an idea to the curious Spike.   “I’ll be right back,” Pinkie notified, biting the air in front of his face for added effect and giggling as she strut towards the front of the store. She beelined for the confectionary display, which still had some baked goods inside of it since Sugarcube Corner was normally open on Saturdays. Opening it up from the back and glancing in, Pinkie’s face lit up when she found exactly what she was looking for: a large, glazed donut. She reached in and grabbed it, quickly making her way back to Spike who was patiently awaiting her return in the same position she left him in: leaning back against the counter. His own face mirrored the lustful look of her own once he caught sight of her… but quickly devolved into one of curiosity as he saw the donut in her hand.   “Had to get a snack?” Spike asked with trademark cheek to mask the implicit question of ‘what the hell’s the donut for?’ Pinkie only laughed, but such a laugh had the distinctive tune of sexual hunger, and knowing she was about to enjoy herself.   She dropped to her knees in front of Spike, never breaking eye contact with him.   “Needed to make sure I had all the ‘ingredients,’” Pinkie commented, closing her sentence by threading Spike’s throbbing cock through the donut and sliding the doughy sweet down to his base. It was a little bit of a tight fit, but worked nonetheless. As a result, a trail of residual icing was left on his shaft, and the girl wasted little time in dragging her tongue from base to tip, cleaning him off and preparing him for what was to come.   “Whoa—Fuck! Pinkie…” Spike involuntarily groaned out at the sudden wet yet firm contact.   Spike knew exactly where this was leading, and he had to make sure he did not climax right then and there at the sight.   Pinkie pressed onward, continuing to lap his member as if it was one of her favorite-flavored popsicles, dragging her tongue up every conceivable arc of his length and suckling the tip gently once her mouth made its way back up. Pinkie’s tongue working on his head sent involuntary jitters through Spike’s body (and forced staggered moans out of his mouth) as he fought with tooth and nail to prevent creaming in her greedy mouth right on the spot. She giggled maniacally at witnessing the effect she was having on Spike, and ultimately decided to actively suck his cock a little longer, just to get an eyeful of his facial expressions and contortions that she was finding so arousing.   “Mmmmm…”   Pinkie gave into the urge to slip her left hand between her legs and run several of her fingers over her equally throbbing clit and dripping flower, rubbing herself in counterclockwise motions while she trained her eyes squarely on Spike’s face. Pinkie was never shy when it came to any social situation, and the same held true for sex. As such, she had no qualms in expressing her sexual satisfaction with erotic moans and giggles, sending the vibrations straight into Spike’s dick while she sucked him off. Pinkie employed her right hand in stroking him rhythmically while her mouth engulfed half of his pulsating length at any given time, allowing her tongue to taste every inch of him.   Spike did not dare to open his eyes, because he knew for a fact that if he locked onto Pinkie’s teal-blue orbs and the rest of her naked body servicing him, he’d be jettisoning the first ropes of his seed into Pinkie’s mouth (and possibly on her face) at that very instant. He did little in the way to stay his own groans, signs and outright moans of euphoria at Pinkie’s hands, and the pink-haired girl was more than okay with that.   “Pinkie… Hah! I can’t…”   But, every man has his breaking point, and Pinkie was attuned enough to sense the subtle signals of Spike’s inevitable orgasm. She conceded that she had enough fun for the moment, as it would be too early for him to cum… though she salivated at the prospect of feeling his hot, creamy essence in and around her mouth.   “Ahhh,” Pinkie sighed contentedly as she removed Spike’s rod from her mouth with an accompanying, erotic ‘pop.’ For the umpteenth time, she giggled adorably up at the resting young man, flashing him her perfect teeth. “Now for my actual snack,” she alluded, descending a bit further to the donut taking up space around the base of his dick, and began munching with absolute precision. Spike gripped the edge of the counter with both of his hands as he watched Pinkie keenly, feeling naught but sheer arousal (and the slightest hint of fear) at the sight of the gorgeous girl quite literally eating a donut around him.   “Oh… wow...”   Pinkie stroked him gingerly as she took gentle bite after bite of the glazed donut, ensuring that the smallest ring of doughy goodness was left around his dick and utilizing her free hand to play with one of her breasts all the while. Once she was satisfied with the small ring of remaining baked good around his base, she—agonizingly—slowly licked her way back up to the head of his penis, planting the smallest kiss and parting with some residual precum as a souvenir.   “Now… time for the best part,” Pinkie alluded while simultaneously stroking Spike’s shaft. Before Spike could, tremulously, inquire as to what she meant by that, pure, unadulterated euphoria suddenly shot straight through his body when Pinkie nearly swallowed his entire length in one go. His eyes widening almost comically, resisting the urge to cry out was futile, and the last thought Spike had before the words ‘Fuck me!’ tore themselves unbidden from his mouth was the hope that the walls of Sugarcube Corner were sufficiently soundproofed.   Pinkie had to admit to herself that Spike’s length was certainly longer than she had expected it to be; nothing problematic, however. With the subtlest of gags, she pushed past the halfway mark and full-on deepthroated the young man, pushing closer and closer to her target, centimeter by centimeter. She did well to make sure that her tongue massaged the underside of Spike’s shaft, but Pinkie was determined to pull the makeshift donut ring off of his cock with her lips.   “AAH! Slow down there, Pink-IE!” Spike struggled to convey his warning. He was barely coming down from what would have been an inevitably explosive climax, and now Pinkie was pouring everything she had into a final assault on his cock with her mouth, tongue, and throat. There was the primal urge to buck his hips into her face, but he did all he could to ignore that, and it was helped along when Pinkie, suddenly donning a much more determined look, planted her hands on his thighs and attempted to force the remaining section of his cock down her throat.   But alas, his words fell on deaf ears, as this time, it was about claiming Pinkie’s prize in what she felt were fair parameters. He could cum all he wanted to when he was ready, but she would get the remaining piece of the donut beforehand. With one, final push, her lips eclipsed the ring of the donut as she had—finally—taken his entire member into her mouth. Pinkie hummed gleefully, fluttering her eyes closed once more as she enjoyed the sugary treat mixing with the musky taste of Spike’s meat. She broke apart the doughy ring with her tongue and pulled back just enough where she could easily swallow the residual of what was once a full glazed, raised donut.   “Hah… holy crap, Pinkie…” Spike finally spoke, having some reprieve once she had claimed her prize.   “Hmhmhmhmmm...” she replied with some hybrid form of a giggle and an overly-lascivious hum, winking up at him before inching his dick back into her mouth as far as she could take it comfortably... This earned another surprised, if pleading groan out of Spike, and Pinkie was keen on finishing him off for being such a good sport with her. It would not be too difficult a task at this point either, if the frequent twitches and throbs of his rock-hard spire were anything to go by.   Pinkie planted her hands firmly on his thighs again and began sucking him with all the technique she could muster, utilizing her tongue on the head and underside of his shaft to full effect, while working her throat around him the best she could when she would take him deeply. Pinkie soon found a comfortable, cyclic rhythm of bobbing her head whilst her lips kept a firm seal, and she allowed her eyes to close.   Humming and moaning softly in satisfaction, she only allowed herself to feel Spike’s dick in her mouth, and hear his reactions.   Spike’s moans of pleasure soon became struggled whimpers and whines as his impending climax approached rapidly, and Pinkie was there to ensure she upped the ante, speeding up and increasing the intensity of her sucks and other ministrations. She wanted to finish him off quickly for his sake, but also, her mouth watered at the now very real prospect of tasting him in full. The relatively inexperienced Spike did not stand a chance at all against Pinkie’s renewed technique, and before he could even make any sense out of his incoherent moaning and groaning, he was already firing strand after strand of his hot jizz into her eagerly awaiting maw. Pinkie moaned delightedly as, with the culmination of a rather forceful cry of ecstasy from Spike, she suddenly felt her mouth filled to capacity with his creamy load.   Her tongue lapped greedily at what was provided, never ceasing her previous actions in the slightest. All she swallowed was promptly replaced with another spurt targeted straight at the center of her tongue. Pinkie’s muffled moans competed with Spike’s, but soon enough he was finally able to calm down (damn-near leaving indents of his fingers in the counter). The influx of cum from his balls into her demanding gob quickly diminished, and she was sure to keep a small reservoir in her mouth for when she finally pulled off of his now-ultra-sensitive and softening rod.   Pinkie dared not swallow what remained, gazing up innocently at Spike as he reined in control of his breath to return the gaze.   “Oh my Celestia… Pinkie, I don’t even know how to—”   His sweet, if adorably awkward, words of gratitude trailed off as Pinkie opened her mouth with a grand smile, revealing the milky-white contents that completely covered her tongue before exaggeratedly swallowing every drop that remained.   “Mmmm, now that’s some super-tasty frosting,” she praised with a telltale, omnipresent smile, resting her butt on her heels and squeezing her breasts together between her biceps. She audibly clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth a few more times before Spike extended a hand down to her. With a bright, innocent grin, she accepted the gesture and allowed the strong, strapping young man to pull her up, but she did not expect to be immediately hoisted up—letting out an adorable squeal of excitement as a result of the sudden motion—and set down on the counter where Spike was on the receiving end of her oral ministrations. The smooth, cool feeling of the marble countertop did well to cool her off just a bit.   “Oooh~, what are you gonna do?” Pinkie asked knowingly, if rhetorically. Spike ran a hand through his hair before returning an equally giddy smile, a look which both wore immensely well, but fell out in favor of a ravenous one.   “Getting my snack,” Spike countered, slipping both of his hands between Pinkie’s thighs and spreading them apart, revealing her bare and incredibly moist slit to him in all its glory, and at a much more intimate distance than he had the pleasure of viewing them before. After the mind-blowing yet… unique blowjob that he had just received, it would be rude to not return the favor. A mere ten or twenty minutes prior, he was a stumbling mess of awkwardness, but now, Spike needed little coaxing to go ahead with what both parties desired.   Sexual contact may have that effect on people.   Pinkie helped facilitate the position by spreading her legs as wide as she could get them; fairly wide, considering on flat ground, she was able to do a horizontal split with ease. Linking his arms under her legs, Spike did not decide to hesitate, and immediately dove in with a long, lengthy lick up her crescent. The effect was instantaneous as Pinkie let out a gentle coo, followed by another impulsive bout of sexy laughter. Spike’s taste buds were immediately assaulted with a tangy, fruity taste… one he could not discern, but all he knew was that he wanted more of the intoxicating nectar that was the source.   “Damn, Pinkie… you taste pretty awesome,” Spike said, feeling compelled to comment as he lowered his head once more, letting his tongue trace circles around her soaking labia. Feeling Pinkie’s fingers run through his hair and over his scalp, he got the message to press onward. Spike could feel the heat radiating off of her slit, and went all in by burying his face straight into it. His nose pressed into her clit and he began grinding his tongue onto the entrance of her hole, making sure he slurped up as much of her addictive juices as possible and teasing her a bit more before becoming much more forceful with his muscle. Spike nuzzled his nose into her clit but changed plans suddenly, dragging his tongue upward to her little button and circling it with his tip.   “Spikey…!” Pinkie moaned loudly, following up by gripping his head that much tighter. She bit her lower lip and whimpered at every little motion that Spike made with his tongue, and she finally felt him force the tip inside of her before he dragged it back up to her clit. He was about to use his hands to aid him in the conquest of her needy pussy, but Pinkie had to be real with herself: she was so horny at the moment, she felt she would pop the instant Spike slid his fingers into her, or pleasured her on any other front, for that matter. Moreover, having noted that the young man was still quite hard and ready to go, she felt it was time to get onto the main course, especially since she was growing impatient at the absence of a hard erection inside of her at that very instant.   As a result, Pinkie reluctantly pried Spike away from her swollen crescent.   “Huh?” Spike inquired, surprised that she had him stop after she seemed to be enjoying herself. “Did I do something wrong?”   “Not. At. All… but I’m gonna go super crazy if you don’t stuff me right now!” Pinkie whined out, pushing herself off the counter and finding her footing. She then, swiftly, spun on her heels and planted her hands on the edge of the counter, presenting her gorgeous ass and glistening crevice to Spike while gazing ravenously over her shoulder. Spike, naturally, was a bit shocked at the turn of events, and while he was more than grateful, if still somewhat in disbelief, for what went down, he did not actually think things would escalate to the point of actual intercourse. He opened his mouth to question if Pinkie really wanted this, and if this was all okay… but his mouth only hung slack when the hyperactive girl snaked a hand between her legs and parted her aching lips, revealing her love tunnel to him in entirety.   No further convincing was necessary.   Both of them giggled while Spike slid right behind Pinkie, angling his impossibly hard rod straight at the girls awaiting womanhood. Before she thought he would take the plunge, though, he ended up tracing up and down her lips with the head of his cock, eliciting another impatient whimper and involuntary twitch out of Pinkie, in addition to a much more pronounced moan when he made contact with her clit.   “Unh! S-Stop being a teasy-pants, Spike!” Pinkie groaned. Not one to deny a lady’s request, Spike pushed his throbbing cock into her, burying himself inch by inch into her equally throbbing vice. Both parties moaned in pure satisfaction, especially Pinkie, who’s approving coos were indicative of her happiness at finally being filled. Her tunnel held Spike nice and tightly, and both had to take a small breather and relish in the new wet, pleasurable sensation for a few moments before they continued on, lest they finish prematurely.   “Nhhnn… come on, Spike…” Pinkie spoke up, wiggling her butt enticingly. “Give it to me already!”   “Yeah, I’m going…”   At her call, Spike pulled back and thrust his hips forward, hilting himself entirely back into Pinkie and feeling her ass slap against his lap. Planting both of his hands on her hips, he found a steady, building rhythm of fucking. A soft chorus of moans began to diffuse throughout the kitchen as Spike continued on, Pinkie steeling herself against the counter and offering as much resistance as possible for him to plow into.   “Ahh! Oooh right there, Spike… YES! Ahnn!” Pinkie called out behind her, vocalizing her praise and encouragement. Spurred on by her arousing talk, Spike gradually began to pick up the pace, ensuring that he angled himself slightly differently, or buried himself that much more deeply, all while relishing in the building, euphoric feeling emanating from their joined nethers. Spike was having trouble expressing himself outside of his own groans of pleasure, mainly due to feeling every little rib inside Pinkie’s pussy massaging his length every time he penetrated into her.   “Gah! Celestia damn you feel… Nyuhh!... Amazing…” Spike finally voiced, gripping Pinkie’s hunger-inducing asscheeks and using the extra leverage to ensure Pinkie took his entire length each and every time. The slapping of skin became much more prominent, though their competing moans easily eclipsed any other sound in the room. This time, however, Spike was not concerned if Sugarcube Corner was properly soundproofed—the whole of Ponyville could hear them for all he cared.   “That’s it, S-Spikey… just like thAT!”   Spike spied two other targets for his hands that were bouncing freely each time he railed Pinkie’s snatch, and he slid his palms up her body to intercept her breasts, taking each in his hands and giving them firm squeezes. Pinkie cried out louder and, reflexively, began thrusting her own hips rearward to meet Spike each time he plowed forward. If there was anything more arousing and encouraging than Pinkie’s moans and dirty words, it would be the schlicking sound of his cock pistoning in and out of her hungry pussy; their natural lubrication made it all that much more possible, and even though he had cum not long ago, he felt that erstwhile familiar feeling beginning to take form deep in his loins.   His natural reaction was to speed up, as well as applying extra firmness to Pinkie’s jiggling tits, pinching her nipples between his knuckles.   “YESSS! Right there, Spike…!”   “Right there??”   “MHMM! AAHH! Don’t stop, PLEASE don’t stop Spikey!!” Pinkie pleaded, basking in the feeling of Spike ramming himself at higher speed and power into her, and based on his somewhat more erratic movements, she felt he was beginning the ascent to his peak. The good news was: so was she.   “Fuck! I’m not… Mmmph… stopping, Pinkie…” he replied in earnest, paying extra attention to Pinkie’s breasts to help stave off his building orgasm as long as possible. He, too, had made the same inference as Pinkie did, based on her much louder and more frequent moans, on top of her much lewder words of encouragement.   “Don’t make me… Uhhh!... make you Pinkie…MMM!... Promise!” she threatened half-heartedly with an equally lustful smile to boot. Her arms were getting fatigued from the relentless dicking Spike was giving her, and, truth be told, she was quite surprised that he was lasting this long. Their eyes met, and their sexually frustrated, blushed faces silently, mutually agreed to never lose each other.   “I’ll make sure… hAH… you cum, Pinkie…” Spike declared, speeding up his thrusting to as fast as he could muster. His glutes pleaded for rest, especially with the workload they endured the previous day, but Spike ignored all of his muscles’ cries, refusing to give his body any reprieve until the girl he was pleasing came hard.   “Don’t worry…YES!... about me Spikey… Ahh! Ahh! MMM!! You just give me…ooOOH… all your thick custard!” Pinkie nearly demanded in her state. Her tongue began to loll out of her mouth, adding to the comically arousing, open-mouthed smile of unadulterated euphoria.   True to their subconscious agreement, their eyes never left each other. What’s more, Pinkie’s choice of words were a little too appropriate given the circumstances of their fucking, and Spike was further driven by lust as a result. He squeezed both of her breasts together, creating cleavage that he could, unfortunately, not lay eyes upon, while doing his best to angle and spear his cock downward towards that special spot of hers, where Pinkie so desperately kept wanting him to hit. Their combined, natural lubrication dripped onto the floor between them, a testament to both their arousal and salacious desire for one another. However, there was enough clarity through the haze of desire for Spike to confirm what Pinkie was asking of him:   “I-Inside?”   She nodded vehemently, suddenly expressing extra excitement and hunger.   “Please! Uhh! Uhhh! MMM—YES bake me a nice creampie,” Pinkie urged with extra emphasis on that special word, forcing her desires out once she was able to get some degree of handle on her pleasure-filled cries. Pinkie had always been the loudest of the group, but for some reason, Spike was a tad surprised to see that it held true for intimate activities such as this. Pinkie did not just moan when she was getting pleasured… she actively talked and boy was she amazing at it.   Spike nodded, more than willing to grant Pinkie her wish based on her emphatic response, one which he shared, considering he never believed he’d be nailing one of his best friends and hottest girls in Equestria. Spike pulled Pinkie’s breasts back, squishing them against her chest and having them overflow completely out of his grasp, and that extra leverage allowed him to ensure he could slam into her as hard as possible, as fast as possible, and as deep as possible. Spike had a respectable length for one his age, and even though he was by no means long enough for the tip of his dick to kiss Pinkie’s cervix (for better or worse), he was more than able to perform to both of their satisfactions.   Locking her elbows for the final stretch, moans and miscellaneous lewd words flowed unbidden from her perpetually-open mouth, and she held her gaze firmly on her friend pounding into her from behind. Skin loudly slapped together and all original thoughts of necessary baking had been haphazardly cast aside in favor of carnal lust.   “Right THERE! AAHHH! Spike I’m so close…” Pinkie whined out in glee, duly warning Spike of her approach to her personal finish line. Spike himself was right on the verge to losing himself entirely, and, rather than respond to the girl, he focused entirely on the feeling of her slick, tight pussy enveloping his shaft at every thrust forward. Every time he pulled out, it almost seemed as if she was trying to pull him back in. Every contour of her love tunnel became that much more pronounced for his cock. He was right about to cross the path of no return at his own pace, but Pinkie decided to say one last thing:   “Fill… me… UP, cutiepie!”   Those last words sent Spike barreling past said line, and upon those beautifully sexual words processing in his mind, he hilted himself one last time and erupted deep within her. The massive orgasm was on him like a sudden, crushing weight and he painted every wall of Pinkie’s slit with strand after strand of hot cum fired from his buried length. The sudden warm, viscous feeling that made its presence known deep in Pinkie’s depths made her also lose herself to the throes of ecstasy. Her eyes slammed shut and she let loose the loudest, most guttural moan of pleasure that Spike had heard from her yet.   Spike still bucked his hips slightly out of pure reflex while their moans and cries competed for dominance of volume. Gradually, loud moaning became modest groaning, which in turn became panting. Both parties had finally settled down, and all that was left to do was come down from their peak and catch their breath.   Spike released his hold on Pinkie’s breasts, certain he left some sort of a mark with how forcefully he squeezed and squished them, and slid his palms around and onto her back. Pinkie, at the same time, removed herself from her fixed position—both moaning at Spike now slipping out of her. She afforded her arms the rest they so desperately craved, righting her posture at the cost of some of Spike’s handiwork leaking out of her. Immediately testing her legs, she was satisfied to feel that she could not walk properly without wobbling slightly. However, the greatest feeling of all was the sensation of being filled to the absolute brim with Spike’s thick frosting.   Pinkie slid down the side of the counter and allowed herself a moment of rest on the ground, giggling to herself and basking in the post-coital glow.   “Just… wow…” was all Spike had to say when his senses finally returned to him, leaning his back against the counter-side as well and taking a seat next to Pinkie.   “Hmmm…” Pinkie hummed out in approval, uncharacteristically silent in her reflection of the incredible dicking she received. Before she could formulate an actual response, she happened to glance down into Spike’s lap and discovered something that even she—despite her blatant disregard for any reality but her own—thought was unbelievable. She gasped at the revelation.   “Wowie! How are you still hard?!” she asked. Spike, indeed, was still sporting a semi hard-on. It was nothing like him being at full mast, but even he managed to surprise himself sometimes. Being left alone at the castle sometimes when Twilight attended business in Canterlot afforded Spike plenty of one-on-one time with himself, but no one else had to know that.   “Oh… I guess I am,” he repeated the obvious, not entirely sure what to say to Pinkie’s statement. The girl suddenly had other plans. In her mind, there was no use wasting a perfectly good erection from someone as vibrant at Spike. Furthermore, for that incredible orgasm he imparted onto her, she felt a little extra spontaneity was in order.   “Then how about you let Pinkie make sure it stays down?” she asked rhetorically and with a demeanor that Spike had become all too accustomed to today. Not even giving him a chance to react, Pinkie (with a hint of struggle) got to her feet and excitedly fetched one of the vanilla frosting bags from the myriad of baking materials. Making sure he was watching her, she wordlessly instructed him to stay where he was, and proceeded to squeeze the frosting bag and decorate the top of her breasts and her cleavage. She sexily applied a generous amount and began smearing it over the entire area of her tits. With an extra, copious helping for her cleavage, she then added some of her own saliva to help thin it all out.   Satisfied, Pinkie locked onto Spike with the most devious complexion she could muster, and sauntered over to him, having him adjust his lying position so she could comfortably get on her knees between his legs. With a slightly uncomfortable arch in her back being the result, she leaned forward and enveloped Spike’s shaft with both of her tits, and the sudden, slick feeling combined with being smothered by her two soft pillows was more than enough to bring his cock back to full vigor.   “Ohhh…” Spike moaned out involuntarily at the indescribable feeling, desperately trying to find something to grip on the smooth floor but to little avail. With another, adorable snicker and a seductive lip bite, Pinkie ensured his throbbing spire was tightly nestled in her well-lubricated, velvety valley and began masturbating him nice and slowly. Utilizing large, gradual strokes, she dragged both of her breasts up and down the length of his dick, making sure Spike saw how he disappeared between her tits each time on the upstroke. He was also drawn to her face, which was flushed red once more due to the pleasure she was getting out of making him feel this good.   “I know you stare at them all the time…” Pinkie huffed out, switching up her motions and lurching her breasts forward a bit, capturing a more forward motion rather than an upward one. He relished in the feeling, having to bite his own lip to stem the flow of an embarrassing amount of euphoric groans. Pinkie pinched her nipples just a bit, and made the tunnel that much tighter, deciding to move her entire torso up and down, continuing to massage his aching cock with her titflesh.   “Come on, Spikey… slide that big thing between my boobs…” she began egging him on with her comments, never tearing her gaze away from the blissful Spike. He, however, was already letting the feeling get the better of him, made even worse when Pinkie, again, switched up her routine. This time, she opted to alternate her tits up and down his dick, massaging them inward and forcing his rod to tilt pendulously back and forth. He only caught a glimpse of the head of his member poking out, the rest of his shaft nestled deeply in the promised land of her cleavage, and he had to avert his gaze if he wanted to enjoy it all a little longer. “Uhhn… Pinkie, your tits feel amazing…” he so bluntly put it, much to Pinkie’s apparent triumph. It got to the point where he was compelled to start bucking his hips, a message that the girl got instantly, deciding to tighten the passage around him while he fucked her cleavage. Like when he was fucking her outright, the same carnal pleasure quickly built up in his loins, and he eventually opened his eyes to get a final glimpse of the scene. Spike’s hips seemed to have a mind of their own, meeting Pinkie’s perfect tits on the downstroke so the head of his cock made its presence well-known each time he bucked upward. Instinct was in complete control at this point, and hearing the oh so wonderful, slick sound of his rod gliding easily through her expansive cleavage was the proverbial icing on the cake.   “Pinkie… I’m about to lose it!” Spike warned, though such a warning was one that Pinkie was not too keen on heeding. Rather, she allowed Spike to do the work himself, only providing tight, yet well-lubricated crevice for him to beat into. He, too, did not seem too concerned with regaining his sexual fortitude.   “Cum for me, Spike… shoot your tasty frosting all over my chest! Glaze my donuts!” Pinkie demanded, massaging her breasts together as Spike rhythmically ran his dick between them. Those words were all he needed to hear, and with three final, powerful thrusts, Spike came for a third time with another pleasured, borderline painful moan. On that last upstroke, his cock fired four ropes of his cum, nailing Pinkie in the chin—earning a squeal of delight as an immediate response—and dripping back into her cleavage as well as other places she was not entirely sure about, due to letting her eyes flutter shut at the familiar, warm feeling.   Finally fancying a look at the results of Spike’s third and final climax, Pinkie found (or felt) the underside of her chin, the tops of her breasts, and the entirety of her cleavage coated in a mixture of vanilla frosting and fresh cum. She released Spike’s now-completely flaccid member from the vice of her cleavage and held her breasts squished together as they were, admiring the expert ‘glazing of her donuts,’ as she would so eloquently put it.   “There we go Spikey…” she cooed her approval, hefting her tits up to her mouth just enough so her tongue could lick up the ‘remains’ that pooled on the top of her cleavage, as well as the very tops of her now-whiter, creamier orbs. Even seeing the sight of Pinkie licking up his cum did little to physically arouse Spike’s overtaxed cock.   A true sign that he was done for the day.   “Pinkie… you’re an absolute animal,” Spike finally spoke, resting his head against the cabinets as he stared down the gorgeously used girl with a dopey grin.   She snorted before laughing happily.   “See? Baking with Pinkie is fun, huh?” she hinted knowingly, flashing him a beaming smile with a wink. Spike could not hold back his own laughter at that point, though the flow of post-sex serenity and contentedness flooding his brain certainly helped bring that along.   “I think you’ve proven your case, Pinkie… but there’s two problems.”   “What’s that?” Pinkie asked, crawling over to him (despite being a complete mess of fluids and ingredients) and nuzzling her nose against his sweetly.   “For one, I’m definitely gonna be even more sore tomorrow when I work with Applejack… and two, we didn’t bake all that much,” he pointed out. At that last revelation, Pinkie’s eyes widened noticeably, startled at how the initial point of this whole get-together was swiftly forgotten once her plan of comeuppance was put into full effect. Either way, she did not regret anything in the slightest, and was more than satisfied with the result: her needy pussy, which was craving a special scratch for that particular itch, was used and abused—just as she liked it.   “We probably should get back to that… I’m even more behind now! You don’t mind staying a bit later, do you?” Pinkie asked, just to make sure. Her concerns were allayed in full when Spike smiled incredulously, conveying all she needed to know.   “I came over here for a reason, right? That hasn’t changed. Plus, it’d be rude of me to leave after… well, yeah,” he replied, shakily getting to his feet and supporting himself on the counter. After three explosive orgasms, his muscles were not the only thing that ached at the moment. Wiping some residual sweat from his brow with the back of his right arm, he turned to look at Pinkie in full. “But in all seriousness, we should probably get cleaned up for sanitary reasons.”   “But what if we wanna fool around some more?” Pinkie hinted, waggling her eyebrows suggestively with an accompanying, sly smile. She already had a towel in hand and was wiping her chest off of what she did not eat.   “Heh, as much as I love the sound of that, we’d probably be here all damn night if that were the case. We might wanna hold off until we’re done,” Spike proposed level-headedly. He was not going to object if Pinkie did not want to make merely a one-time event out of what had just transpired, but priorities did have to be sorted, after all.   Pinkie sashayed over to her discarded clothes, bending over and ensuring Spike got two nice eyefuls, shooting him an allusive look over her shoulder.   “No Pinkie Promises here!”