Equestria Gear Rising: Nano Machines and Magic

by Thisguyhere

First published

So what happens when you get sent to Equestria as a Metal Gear style cyborg ninja and accidently introduce the already potent Phlebotinum of Nano Machines to Magic? Short answer: A LOT.

So what do you think happens when the two examples of weapons grade Phlebotinum that are Nano Machines and Magic meet? Short answer: A LOT.

In retrospect it would have been a lot simpler to just dress as one character instead of a mash up of most the Metal Gear Rising characters plus the little bits of my other favorites that felt ever so necessary at the time, but NOOOO; I just had to be different. You can probably guess the rest after that: ran into a helpful stranger that was secretly a total dick, ended up in Equestria with a brand new body, ponies and princesses were met, then drama happened and I was sealed away in an elaborate temple prison for a thousand plus years- blah blah blah. Now I’m just trying to figure out just what the hell it is I’m supposed to do in an Equestria that's much different than it should be.

My name is Maze, I’m a magical ninja cyborg, and this is just the beginning.

[Displaced story]
(Cover art done by one "Giantmosquito", so full credit and whatnot to them for that)

Prologue: It was just a hair clip…

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“Hello mien gud cybernetic cozplayer!”

A young costumed individual jumped as someone suddenly said with a thick German accent behind them.

“I vould call you by name, but it vould seem you’d have many, yes?”

“Oh um... yeah," the cosplayer smiled back at the balding man as they regained themselves "I tried to get a bit of everyone in here. Thought I’d try something different, y’know? Dress as a whole game instead of just a single character from it. Not that yours isn’t a fine recreation ‘Doktor’

“Vhy zhank you! But yes, I zee Raiden, Sam, Mistral, and even a few small bitz to convey some ozzers from earlier games… Zough not much in zee vays of Mr. Sundowner or Monzoon…”

“Alas, they got demoted to token parts. I do have a couple of ‘Downer’s shields on the back and Monsoon’s Sai here” The cosplayer replied “but yeah, I had to prioritize a bit. Especially if I wanted to add the little touches of my other favorites like Solid Snake. And yeah, I know he wasn’t Metal Gear Rising but c’mon! It’s Solid Snake! David Hayter’s Solid Snake thank you very much; Sutherland can do a fine Big Boss, but Hayter will always be the true Snake in my ears.” They rambled off with a friendly smile.

“I wholeheartedly agree and approve” the ‘Doktor’ agreed with a small laugh “Zough, I am vondering vhat zee large orange blade on your back iz…”

“Oh that would be RAY's Heat Blade” The cosplayer announced proudly “It was such a hyped up and iconic fight for the game; I figured I should get something to represent it. Plus, I just thought it looked cool. I just really wish I had something to better represent Sunny. I wanted something like her little flower hair clip but couldn’t find anything similar enough and my attempts to make it… well, let’s just say jewelry isn’t my forte…”

“AH! Vell then! I zink you are in luck today mien fine friend!” He said with jovial flair while taking out a perfect replica of Sunny’s hair clip. Holding it out to the cosplayer, he offerd “I believe zis to be vhat you are looking for.”

“Oh, No Way! That’s it EXACTLY! How much did you want for it?!” The cosplayer asked excitedly.

“Oh pleaze, I coun’t zink of charging you for such zimple trinket vhen it vould finish your ensemble so perfectly” He explained “Besides, I vouldn’t be much of a ‘Doktor’ if I didn’t provide you vith your ezzential upgradez, now vould I?”

“Oh dude, you are The Best! Thank you so much!” the cosplayer practically squeed as they took the clip and immediately shoved into their hair, not caring that they just messed up the feathering they tediously gave it that morning. As they were looking though they noticed a very strange shift in the clouds, especially since there should have been a ceiling there

“…Did you just-” they began to ask before noticing that not only was the ‘gud Doktor’, the convention center and everyone else gone; but that ground was also suspiciously missing.

‘Oh no wait, there it is… all the way… down… there’ they thought before they even realized they were already falling.

Along with the typical panic falling to one’s death brought, the cosplayer had a disturbingly clear realization.

‘Wait- Helpful Stranger? FREE? Sudden location change to a far more saturated world?’




“Oh fuck m-”


Several Hours Later

With a groan the cosplayer awoke in a crater, in the dark and in pain. A LOT of pain. But still alive at least and in relatively functional condition.

They sat up and immediately noticed several symbols and statistics running across their vision; condition readouts, body damage indicators, even blood sugar levels along countless other confusingly informative indicators. The cosplayer slammed their eyes closed only to still see them and started shaking their head willing them to go away, followed by their immediate disappearance.

“Oh, ok that was easy enough” they said as the got up and looked around, quickly finding a small sign indicating they fell near the ‘Small Trot Away Oasis’

“Ok, I just survived terminal velocity and have a bad feeling about where I think I might be” they muttered to themselves. It seems they landed in an aired region along the borders of a foreboding forest. Still in a good deal of pain, they hobbled to the nearby pond to finally get a proper look at themselves.


It wasn't the face they had grown up to know. They now looked to be their costume... in a manner of speaking. It wasn’t as bad as they could have feared; They weren't some mixed and mashed together Frankenstien's monster but the change was NOT a subtle one.

An mostly unfamiliar young woman stared back at them. She had fair skin, brown hair and was admittedly quite attractive; perhaps not drop dead gorgeous but they doubted many would ‘kick them out of bed’ at it were. She also seemed to have central heterochromia; the majority of the eye was brown but the center of the iris was a kind of emerald green. The most surprising thing however was the seeming lack of a cybernetic body, at least in appearance. She seemed to be wearing more of a slimmed down exosuit instead.

She knew that she certainly still had to now have at least a partially cyborg body though, surviving that fall and the heads up display were proof enough of that. There was also the fact that she could just FEEL it; the dense weight of her body, the super strong ‘not quite muscle’ that felt threaded through more natural muscle, and subtle movement of what had to be nanomachines coursing through her veins. Yet, other than a few covered ports and seams here and there, she still LOOKED human… or a more natural, non-cyborg human at least.

“Well let’s see, I did have pieces of Snake, Sam, Sunny and guess you can count Armstrong as a more human part of the costume. Not to mention Mistral’s ‘Natural Torso’ that they made sure to make a point out of in the game. Stay classy Kojima.” She listed off to herself, the last bit with an amused smile “I guess that could be enough natural, organic people to tip the balance a bit, but then what am I? Some kind of hybrid? Then again, for all I know this could only be skin deep, if this is even real skin…” She said while her hands glided over her form, as if it would yield the answers she sought. It just felt like skin though, meaning she’d probably have to delve into that HUD for answers.

She sighed and rubbed at her temples, and then placed her hands on her hips and she looked out over the desert… only to notice her temples were still being rubbed. She gave a small shriek and slapped the hands away only to find them attached to her shoulders. It would seem the many arms of Mistral from her costume were now fully functional, and most of them were now holding weapons pulled from nowhere.

An HF blade she didn't recognize as any character's in particular, a pair of sai, Sam’s Murasama, the large heat blade of Metal Gear Ray, a few throwing knifes and firearms of different types and finally the explosive shields of Sundowner. She was about to wonder where they all came from but decided it was best to just not think about it.

She sat down and rested; thinking of her family, of her friends, and of the fact she would probably never see them again. Granted, she didn’t really like her life back home, but she still loved the people she shared it with.

‘Even if I did find a way to see them, they wouldn’t even recognize me anymore… Hell, I don’t even recognize me anymore’ She thought tiredly. She ended up sitting there for a while longer, a rather good while longer, just staring at her reflection in the water. Some tears were shed, an occasional curse as the truth threatened to overwhelm her but eventually, after the moon passed it's apex, she got up and decided it was to time to get moving.

She wasn’t ready, she knew she hadn’t really moved on yet, and she sure as hell wasn’t happy; oh sure, there were the stupid little day dreams and fanfics, but she never actually expected it to happen. She was here now though, and she wasn’t going to stop living because some fucker decided to screw with her life.

“Ok then! ah… um… hmm,” She started but quickly faltered as a simple thought occurred to her.

“Who are you?” she asked looking back at her reflection. She was about to tell herself to get moving but her old name just didn’t feel appropriate anymore. That name belonged to someone else now, who would have gone on to live a much different life.

“Hmmm… what do you call a jumbled mess of pieces that somehow still works out to a functional whole?” she mused and thought for a moment before smiling “Maze, short for Maisie.”

“It’s nice to meet you Maze.” She said with one last look at her reflection before whipping around the High Frequency Blade and pointing it at a mountain range to the north, trying to muster courage she didn't really feel.

“Alright now Maze, bring me that horizon! Without fear or hesitation!” She announced flamboyantly to no one before failing to suppress a giggle.

“Besides, I’m a fucking cyborg now…” She started, twirling the sword as she started walking. An old meme popped in her head and she just couldn’t resist…

“I mean, what could go wrong?”

Chapter 1: Rules of Nature

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“Why do I say stupid things?”

“Are watching those again!? You’ve seen them over a dozen times! And that’s just in the time we’ve been on this expedition! What more can you learn from them!?” the bespectacled mare asked the aquamarine engineer in a huff.

“YES! I’m watching them again! What else am I supposed to do!? The answers are either in the recordings or on that damn wall, and I don’t see you making any progress!” Lyra snapped back as she glared at the one and only A.K. Yearling. The famed author gave her another irritated sneer and then went back to studying the symbols before her. She didn’t mean to be nasty; neither of them did, but it had not been a long few days.

‘Things were going so well,’ the mare thought to herself ‘We got to the thunder temple easily enough and found that two of the locks were already solved! Then proceeded through the rest way faster than we expected even with the latest tech! But now we’re one Celestia damn door away from what could be one of the most important discoveries in nano magic history and at the rate we’re going, Tartarus will have frozen over by the time we open it!’

Her thoughts were interrupted when the pair heard a yawn from the third member of their party sitting up from her nap.

“You two fighting again?” Rainbow Dash asked, still rubbing the sand from her eyes. She had pretty much forced her way onto the expedition after learning Lyra would be traveling with her all-time favorite author and, other than some occasional perks of her reputation, really hadn’t been much help.

'Still,' Lyra figured 'if anything thing did go wrong it would be nice to have one of the elements around. There isn’t much outside of the princesses that can best them.'

“Everything is fine Miss Dash, just letting off a little steam. You can go back to sleep” The author answered the bearer of Loyalty dully, hoping she could avoid more pestering from her ‘number one fan’ if that fan just stayed asleep.

“Nah, I’m good” the colorful pegasus answered, missing the slight grunt of annoyance from Yearling “So any progress on the magic door lock… puzzle… thing?”

“None since you fell asleep Rainbow, sorry…” Lyra sighed and started to review the earlier records again to see if she missed something. Aquamarine fingers danced upon the improvised switches and keys hooked into the ancient IG, or ‘UG’ as its own systems seem to identify it.

At first glance it was just a simple Dwarf Gekko, not exactly rare as far as IGs went, but there were some things about this one that just made it special. First was the fact that is that it really did seem to be ancient. Lyra guessed it was well over a thousand years old, from a time well before these models were even produced.

‘Though I guess I should say reproduced if it is as old as I think’ she thought not for the first time.

Next was its classification as an ‘Unmanned Gear’ instead of an Independent Gear; a classification barely even known about anymore, let alone still used. Finally, the big draw of it was that it was made without magic! It’s not just that magic wasn’t used to make but it had also virtually NO magic of its own! It was PURE technology! Lyra knew things like that didn’t just happen with models this complex.

Once again the unicorn was grateful BonBon hadn’t stopped her from buying it from those snake oil selling brothers before they were driven out of town. Everypony thought she was crazy, but then she found the first recording and continued to find more and more of the little IG's secrets. Well, everypony still thought she was crazy, but at least now she knew better. Inputting the last command she brought up a projected display from the gekko.

“Well might as well do another one. Gigi, begin recording, log 003:” A feminine voice spoke though static, and though parts where still just bursts of white noise and the image was terrible, it was clear enough to make out most of what was said and a vaguely bipedal form walking along as the gekko recorded “I’ve been in walking north for a about five days now and finally ran across a decent sized band of traveling ponies in wagons and made an interesting discovery. The ponies here seem to be anth-TSHHkK-phic, as in Bipedal and with hands. I guess Ly-KKITSHHHHH –sessed with them, though I’m hoping she’ll still be at least a little bit eccentric. Anyway, they do still have hooves, but just the two on their legs. They also seem to still live up to the ‘little’ aspect of the SHHHKT- seem to About half a head taller than most, and I am not a tall person. I think I’ll stay to the shadows for now, with this change I may need to reevaluate my pla-SSKKKKSHSHST-“ *Click* the video cut out as a –Data Corrupted- warning blinked on the display.

“See, that’s something I still don’t get,” The author spoke up and went to sit with Miss Heartstrings. The recordings are what got Miss Yearling interested in helping Lyra on this little endeavor in the first place. It turns out she was quite the archeologist in addition to being an author “She talks like she somehow knew about us. She even seems to reference somepony directly but then is still surprised by our appearance. I mean, of course we have hands and walk on two legs, why wouldn’t we? I know there are those theories that we evolved from quadrupeds, but even if we did that would have been eons ago."

The author paused, looking over the temple walls and runes again before continuing.

"How would she have known about us but not these obvious details? Then she goes and refers to herself as a ‘Person’ instead of pony, and even with the image so poor she didn't look like any race I'm familiar with; so what was she then?” She asked before giving an exasperated sigh “I can’t write about all this if I don’t have the answers for any of it.”

“Maybe she’s just an alien working off bad intel?” Lyra offered with a tired smile, earning a small laugh from the other two mares.

“Aliens are lazy writing, way too Deus Ex Machina. They’re even a step below ‘inter-dimensional beings’, and that’s saying something” she stated, earning more laughter out of the group. With yet another sigh she stood and looked to the pair “Come on, let’s go back to the village and regroup. We’ve been out here for days and aren't making any more progress like this.”

“But we can’t just give up when we’re this close!” Lyra sprung to her hooves to protest.

“We’re NOT giving up, but we’ve done everything we can right now; we’ve solved the other locks and puzzles and then most this one. We read the runes, broke the outer seal and placed our hand on that awkward button just to find we needed a final passphrase all along; a passphrase that could be ANYTHING Lyra. It could be grand words of power, complete gibberish or even the lyrics to a song no one has heard in centuries” Yearling argued.

“Well I guess we can't just start saying random stuff with our hand in the groove until we get it right then, huh?” Dash asked.

“Well, hopefully we’ll be able come up with a better plan than that,” the author answered “But we’re certainly not accomplishing anything here as we slowly run out of supplies. Come on Lyra, let’s at least get some decent food that doesn’t contain the word ration in it. We'll get some proper rest so we can come back clear headed and ready to open this damn door” she concluded with a confident smile.

“Buck Yeah! A brief tactical retreat followed by a swift resupply and then we're taking this door down!” Dash boasted in her typical manner, even punching the air a couple times for emphasis. This of course earned slight eye roll from Yearling, but also a nod of agreement.

Lyra looked back and forth between the two mares, ready to protest again until her shoulders finally slumped with a sigh.

“You’re right, I know you’re right” she relented as they walked to the exit and stepped into the light of the setting sun “At least it’s not like this place is that hard to find or anything”

The Thunder Temple was dominated by a massive tower above the central chamber that could be seen for miles, with the lock chambers all segregated into smaller temples surrounding the main one, each with their own, much smaller tower. The main chamber itself was just up a large flight of stairs in the middle of a large flat expanse of brick work atop that center construct.

“What in the world would they need this much space for?” Dash wondered aloud.


Rainbow's question was immediately answered by a massive construct smashing to the ground in front of them.

“Wha- is- IS THAT A RAY?!” Lyra shouted as the dust began to settle to reveal the massive IG, which sure enough was a Metal Gear RAY; a modified Metal Gear RAY at that.

“Even the Royal Army only has a few of them! Where did this even come-” Dash began to ask before being cut off by a very sinister laugh. The ponies looked up to a large figure riding a top the gear.

“Ahuizotl?! HOW?!” Yearling demanded.

“Oh Daring, you're always so focused on the big cheese at the end of the maze! You always look over the consolation prizes along the way, like our little temple guardian here!” The Dog-Ape thing shouted down as he patted the machine with heavily modified, cybernetic arms. “But don’t worry! We made lots of improvements while you three were bumbling about in front of the big door, just to make up for lost time!”

Sure enough the RAY was now adorned in large blades, extra armor plating and spikes running along its tail. Primitive enhancements to say the least, but that wouldn’t make them hurt any less. To make matters worse, a gaggle of Ahuizotl’s minions started appearing along the edges of the platform. With all their modifications, each one looked more machine than beast then the one before it.

“You always were a fan of quantity over quality Ahuizotl” Daring mocked.

“Wait! So you’re like actually the real Daring Do?!” Dash asked with a mix of shock and excitement.

“PRIORITIES DASH!” was the adventurer’s only response.

“Oh right! Big walking death machine! Got it!” She righted herself, pulling out a pair of High Frequency Kabutowari, only to see the gear open its maw to start charging what seemed to be a massive magic energy cannon.

“RUN!” Dash shouted as she flew off to draw its fire. Daring grabbed Lyra’s arm and started dragging her back to the main chamber building, unsheathing an HF Machete to ward off the minions in the way.

“YES!” the Gear’s rider cried with a laugh “Run and struggle! Let’s make our last dance one to remember!”

The pair ran only to find more resistance inside. Daring gripped her Machete tighter while upholstering her old revolver as what appeared to be a pair of large mechanized gauntlets flashed magically onto Lyra's hands. They had managed to fend the beasts off well enough at first but soon found themselves backed against the sealed door; bruised, bloodied, and bereft of all but one gauntlet.


The pair heard Dash cry out as she was thrown in the room, bouncing and tumbling along the ground until she ended up between the pair, slumped against the wall. The entrance and ceiling were quickly smashed away as the IG forced its way through the temple after her, only the sealed door’s remaining wards keeping the trio from being crushed by debris.

“So this it then, isn’t it Miss Do? What a bonus to be ending one of the Elements of Harmony with you as well” Ahuizotl chuckled as he looked down upon them. He smiled at the sight of the unicorn trying to help the element bearer stand, braced with her hand splayed along the stone work and looking up at him with a delicious fear in her eyes.

His nemesis though, she stood tall and just glared right back at him.

“Defiant to the end, I would expect nothing less. Don’t feel bad Daring, the strong have always conquered and the weak have always fallen,” He stated, as the RAY opened it jaws and began charging its cannon again “Those are just the Rules of Nature.”

And then the music started

A blaringly loud song that seemed to be coming from everywhere at once could be clearly heard over the rumbling of the now shaking temple. It seemed as if the very jungle was quaking for miles around.

Ahuizotl could see the temple's other towers crumbling down and exploding from his seat atop the gear. Then all eyes were drawn to the temple’s massive main tower as it began to glow, with each of its floors beginning to rotate as magical energies started to swirl and dance around it.

‘Of course! That’s why we were able to best the other towers so easily, even ones that big would still wear down after so long and weaken the seals’ The aquamarine mare thought ‘But the central tower still dwarfs them by at least a factor of ten. You don’t put that much power to seal away anything good…’

“They’re not towers! They’re Magic Amplifiers!” Lyra tried to shout to the others over the music and rumbing.

“This much power would never be used to keep anything out,” Daring stated gravely as the doors keeping whatever darkness was locked away started opening "But to keep something in..."

The doors finally opened enough to reveal a lone skeletal figure holding a sword. Patches of loose grey skin spider webbed over dusty and degraded synthetic muscle and bone. The only remaining flesh of substance was a flaky patch stretched across the face, not even covering the jaw but somehow still allowing the eyes to stay closed. It was as if someone propped up a corpse to stand like some kind of macabre scarecrow.

Even if Ahuizotl hadn't come to the same conclusion as them he must have still seen that whatever the skeletal figure was it shouldn't be allowed to leave, because with a look of anger and not a little fear he repositioned the cannon's aim right through the door.

Just as he was about to fire the music suddenly shifted, the rumbling stopped and the figure’s eye snapped open with a flash of red.

The was an explosion of movement as the skeletal figure burst out of the open doors and the RAY was suddenly flying back outside, the figure drifting down with its arm still extended.

A look of disbelief rested upon the faces of cyborg beast and pony alike.

“Did it just?”
“No way!”
“It just freaking PUNCHED IT!”
“Did you see how far it flew?!”
“That is so cool!”

The figure was immediately swarmed by the augmented minions upon landing, only for all of their weapons to be parried at once when the figured leapt above them. It spun and stopped in mid-air facing the group below to unleash countless lightning fast slashes.

It landed in a spinning crouch and looked to be snatching something from each of the cyborg animals. It then rolled out of the grouping just as they all burst into sparking chunks of meat falling into a heap.

The figure stood clutching the beasts’ cybernetic spines, their cores glowing a bright neon blue. Its stare locked on the massive gear as it began to right itself after the considerable distance it had been thrown. The skeletal cyborg almost seemed to be waiting for something as it observed the mech.

The gear stood with its rider somehow still seated, and aimed every one of its sizable guns at the figure, causing Dash and Daring to grab Lyra and take flight to avoid the line of fire. The skeletal cyborg crushed the spines, instantly absorbing the energy, and sprinted with incredible speed straight at the Gear as it opened fire.

Without even a pause the cyborg ran straight through the hailstorm of rounds like it was but a gentle rain, deflecting the shots with its sword without even conscious effort. The cyborg leapt to the face of the gear and once again unleashed a volley of cuts almost too fast to see. The warrior then paused for but a moment as seams began to form across the entire gear.

Ahuizotl looked into the cyborg in the eyes with pure disbelief before it delivered a brutal snap kick to the IG’s snout, sending the gear reeling and shattering nearly all of the behemoth machine’s armor. Even the armor beneath the improvised armor the ape-dog’s minions had applied failed against the assault.

“H-How? W-What?” Ahuizotl began as the cyborg landed, but quickly snapped out of his stupor, choosing rage over disbelief.

“CRUSH IT! SHED IT! JUST SMASH IT TO BITS!” he screamed as the gear spun to slam its spiked tail into the figure. The cyborg slid along the stone work, giving Ahuizotl hope of victory. Only for the Gear to screech to a complete halt,

And then begin to lift,

And then begin to spin.

“THIS IS SO AWESOME!!!” Dash yelled as the illustrious Daring Do, despite all her adventures and all she had seen, could just hover in shocked silence hardly believing her eyes. A degrading, ancient cyborg that wasn’t even a head taller than her was hammer throwing an IG more than a hundred times its weight and size.

The figure let go, sending the gear smashing through the top of the amplifier tower countless stories up. The IG only barely managed to grab the tower with its tail to keep it from continuing to sail through the sky.

“YOU WILL NOT DEFEAT ME! NOT WHEN I WAS SO CLOSE! I’LL THROW EVERTHING THIS GEAR HAS AT YOU IF I HAVE TO!!” Ahuizotl screamed from the tower, miraculously still seated as he motioned for the gear to attack. He delivered on his promise by unleashing another wall of lead and emptying the gear’s missile reserves down upon the impossible cyborg. What happened next rendered even Dash unable to respond with anything but short, excited giggles.

The skeletal figure leapt to meet the first missile only to flip on top of it and begin hopping from one missile to the next until it reached the tower; running straight up, cutting away missiles and bullets all the while.

With another scream of abject rage Ahuizotl overloaded the gear’s cannon and unleashed a chaotic torrent of death straight down the tower. The figure met it straight on with its blade, gathering the energy around itself like a shroud of fire and launched itself at the gear and its rider with even greater speed than before.

In a final desperate act of retreat, Ahuizotl made the gear leap up from the tower to try and avoid the beings wrath, only to see the cyborg brace itself as it reached the top. Enshrouded in pure destructive energy, it met his eye and time seemed to stop for just a moment.

‘So this is how the mighty Ahuizotl dies?' he thought before the world sped back up and the figure was suddenly above the him and the gear. An incredible pain erupted from his right side as he mentally cursed Daring Do and her devil's luck in finding this impossible savior.

“Why is everypony just kind of floating there?” Lyra asked as the trio landed and looked up, the other two wondering the same thing,

Until the Gear Split in half.

The two halves exploded as the tower’s ruble began raining to the ground, two figures standing out amongst it.

Ahuizotl landed in a heap before groggily rising, clutching the stump that was now his right shoulder. He froze as he saw the skeletal cyborg standing silently in front of him.

The seconds seemed like eternity unit it suddenly raised it blade straight up to meet the gear’s massive spine, glowing a neon red-orange.

The RAY’s core violently erupted into a vortex of energy that swirled chotically as it began funneling into the figure. Ahuizotl took a single, involuntary step back from the display when the creature was suddenly shot out of the vortex.

It stopped a hair's breadth away from him; no longer skeletal, no longer degraded, and looking very much alive.

“What?! WHAT ARE YOU?!” the disarmed villain demanded from what he could only assume was a demon.

“The Strong” It stated smugly.

"...Good comeback" Ahuizotl couldn’t help but mutter as the cyborg smirked and delivered a devastating straight palm thrust into Ahuizotl’s chest, the shockwave alone shattering the nearby rubble and sending the Ape-Dog-Cyborg soaring clear into the horizon.

The trio of ponies that had been cautiously approaching froze as the now skin covered cyborg looked over her shoulder at them. Resting her blade on the other shoulder, it turned to face them.

Then with enough ego to make even the ‘Great and Powerful Trixie’ roll her eyes, and as naked as the day she was born; the Cyborg gave the trio the slightest of bows and the biggest shit-eating grin they’d ever seen just as Ahuizotl twinkled out of view, calmly proclaiming:


Chapter 2: Only a Little Crazy...

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There they stood; the cyborg in a naked bow, Lyra and Daring’s brains still in the reboot phase and Dash emitting the small continuous squeal of a short circuited fan girl. The moment lasted a heart beat too long before the figure stood straight again.

“Okay, this is just getting awkward now” the cyborg stated and then started walking back toward the base of the partially destroyed tower. The shift snapped the ponies out of their stupor and they were immediately running to catch up to the mysterious cyborg.

“OhMyGoshOhMyGoshOhMyGosh-OH-MY-GOSH! That was SO AWESOME!” Dash started gushing before the others could get a word in “The way you were knocking the bullets aside like they were nothing! And Jumping on the Missiles?! And-and it was just IN HALF ! And-and-and I mean you just freaking PUNCHED IT! and-and-and-and-“

“I am pretty impressive, huh?” The woman said with not a little ego and stuck her chest out more proudly as she walked.

“More like TOTALLY BITCH’N you mean! And to top it all off you ended up turning into a TOTAL HOTteeee- hehehe, um…” Dash faltered with a large blush beginning to spread across her face “I’m uh… I'm gonna go find the bags to help with the uh, whole… naked thing.”

Dash quickly flew off still stammering as the woman just laughed, warmly amused by the element's awkwardness.

“What are you?” Lyra finally asked as she looked over the strange creature. She was well built and taller than most ponies; with the shapely and well toned body of someone in unnaturally good shape. She also seemed to be lacking any substantial hair other than the brown mane atop her head, leaving her skin free to the elements.

“That’s... kind of hard to explain.” The cyborg replied as she started shoving a large piece of debris away from the chamber’s door “My species is called human, or homo sapien if you wanna get all scientifical. With all my cyborg bits and shiny inside parts though, I’m not sure if that entirely applies anymore. I still like to think I'm human though...”

Her brief rambling petered off as she walked back into her former prison and toward a small pile of things at the back.

“My name though, is Maisie. My friends call me Maze, or at least they would if I had any friends” She said as she grabbed a large, somewhat complicated sheath, a pair strangely shaped metal contraptions and a small, slightly chipped and worn flower clip on a small chain that she hooked on the sheath. She then walked to the exit without a second glance.

“I’ve never heard of a human before, and I’ve encountered a lot of strange things on my adventures but not a whole lot like you. If I had to guess though, I would have said you’re some kind of ape” Daring stated, the last bit causing a disgruntled look to appear on Maze’s face.

“I think I remember something like you in a footnote for some of the old myths. I mean the old, OLD myths. A reference to something I think was called a 'Megan', but that was about it.” Lyra offered “But if anything I’d say you look like a changeling, just a bit more squishy… and a lot more pink.”

“Wait, WHAT?!” Maze asked, taken back.

“Oh yeah! She totally looks like Chrysalis!" Dash exclaimed as she met them at the entrance with not only the group’s bags but their weapons as well "Sure the features are different, but clump up the hair and paint her grey and she could totally pass for a changeling.”

“Yeah, I can see that” Daring agreed as Lyra just nodded "It does fit a bit better than a primate."

“Hey now wait a minute!” Maze interrupted “I know I might not be the hottest piece of plot under the sun, but I’d hardly consider myself a giant bug monster!”

“Oh come on, we don't mean the feeder drones or birthers; that would just be mean” Daring explained “No, from like the infiltrator or royal castes. You’re missing the carapace plates they have here and there, but the flat face with a small nose and the little ears on the side… you’re really not too far off from a changeling. A lot of them even have those floppy things you have instead of hooves.”

“Changelings look like humans?” She asked as she took the handful of clothes Dash was offering her “Since when?”

“Since like, forever I guess” Dash answered simply.

“They didn’t before I was…” She tailed off looking back at the chamber “How long has it been? I know at least a thousand years because of… no wait, with all these other changes that may not even of… but these three are still…” Maze began to start and stop, just holding the clothes with a very worried expression. Her gaze then suddenly shot back up.

“Has the Nightmare Moon event happened?” she asked, earning stunned looks from the three ponies.

“How could you know about-” they began ask before Maze cut them off.

“Has it happened?!”

“Well, do you mean her being banished for a thousand years or us turning her back into Luna about a year ago?” Dash asked.

“Both actually,” Maze said as she began donning the borrowed clothes. They were a little tight but beggars couldn't be choosers “You mentioned Chrysalis, so the Royal wedding between Shining Armor and Princess Cadenza already happened?”

“Well it would have if the changelings hadn’t invaded. That kind of thing has a habit of messing up a pony’s plans doesn’t it?” Lyra answered.

“They didn’t get married after?” Maze asked.

“Well they were going to, but there were…” Dash started “…complications.”

“Scandal more like” Daring corrected.

“He didn’t know! He thought it was her!” Dash argued in what Maze could only assume was Shining Armors defense “And they’re still together even if they didn’t get married!”

The adventurer just returned an apologetic shrug as Maze's expression grew more concerned.

‘All these changes... events are still happening but their results aren’t guaranteed. That could complicate things’ Maisie thought as she was adjusting the bands around her ankles and arches; it would be easier with a pair of shoes or boots but it would do for now.

“What are those for?” Daring asked still not having a clue what the metal contraptions did, as they didn’t seem to protect or cushion the human’s… floppy leg things much.

“They’re extendable heels. They let me wield my sword with my feet but still walk and move comfortably when I’m not” The cyborg stated as if wielding a sword with one’s legs was a perfectly normal thing.

“Ok so they’re called feet, I guess that answers why you were pointing out our hooves as a notable variable” Lyra mused more to herself than the human.

“Pointed out what now?” Maze stood up a bit confused. She didn’t remember mentioning their hooves, but then she wasn’t too sure of anything anymore.

“Oh! Sorry, I was talking about your logs” Lyra told her trying to suppress a smile at the ‘hyumins’ look of befuddlement as she began digging through the bags “I found a number of old recordings that you made about your travels here, most were corrupted beyond repair but I recovered enough to lead us here and solve most of the temple's seals. We learned lot but there were only so many answers to be found on this little fello-”

“GI GI!” Maze practically screamed as she snatched the ancient IG from the mare and gave it a big hug “Oh, I never thought I’d see him again! I sent him away just before the final seal was placed and the doors finally shut for good…”

She looked down at the IG in her arms with a genuine, if sad smile that looked to hold a good bit of regret.

“Well, I’m sure you girls have a lot more questions, and I’ll be happy to answer what I can, but there are three things you should know first,” She told the ponies and handed Gigi back to Lyra “One: We need to get moving right away. Two: I may not be able to answer all your questions, and not all for the same reasons; so please don’t push too hard. And finally, Three: I really hope you lot are in good enough condition for a little physical labor.”

“Why?” They unintentionally asked in unison only to a jump back from a sudden sparking pop that washed over Maze, followed by her collapsing to the ground.

“Because someone is gonna have’ta carry me.”

“Oh my god! Your fur is sssoooo SOFT!” Maze cooed loudly as she cuddled closer into Lyra’s back.

They had discovered that, while capable of the extraordinary feats they had witnessed, Maze could easily overexert herself if she wasn’t careful. Added to the fact she had only just been released after what they deduced had been about twelve hundred years of her just sitting there without food or activity, she didn’t really have much in the ways of reserves.

MMMM- I forgot how cuddly you ponies are! You’re like puppies wrapped in velvet!” She cooed again as she nuzzled against Lyra’s cheek.

They had also quickly discovered that she reverted to a more childish personality in this state… at least they hoped that was cause of it.

“Will you stop that? I already have a marefriend” Lyra requested trying to move her head away as Maze gave her a lecherous grin.

“Oh yeah? Is she soft too-AH!” the cyborg yelped as Lyra dropped her.

"I think it's somepony else's turn now" the unicorn announced.

“Maisie fall down” she whined sadly as Dash sighed and lifted her by her belt and kept flying along as Maze gave a rather weak “wheee…”

“So how did you cut a RAY in half with a sword like that? It’s like a needle compared to it!” Dash asked her new passenger.

“I used the pointy end.”

“I’m being serious!” Dash stated and gave a grunt of annoyance .They had already received a number of such unhelpful answers already. It’s not that she was being particularly secretive about everything, it's just a lot of her answers just didn't seem... complete.

“It’s an HF blade” Maze relented “With enough power and force they can cut through pretty much anything, especially how the ones here have the magicz.”

“Yeah, I know that! I mean how did you cut it all the way through something so BIG?” Dash reiterated "I've never seen the cutting field stretch That much before!"

“That’s just practice. With the right technique and again enough energy you can ‘extend and manipulate the cutting field potential’ pretty much as far as you'll ever need. Either that or the rule of cool is a literal thing here.”

“Well yeah, I’m all the proof anypony needs that it is!” Dash exclaimed, her ego showing reemerging since the setback from RAY “I mean, I would have still taken that RAY down it you hadn’t shown up… y’know… eventually…” she admitted.

“I’m sure” Maze replied with a small laugh that caused Dash to drop her thinking she was being sarcastic again. Daring rolled her eyes and picked up the cyborg; preferring the over the back method Lyra used, only a bit more careful as to not crush her wings.

“I’ll have you know I’m still adjusting to my cybernetics! It takes time to relearn awesome, even if it’s just from ninety percent back to a hundred!” She spouted trying to sound nonchalant but failing to hide the slight blush that crept up.

Sure enough, now that Maze was behind Rainbow she could see some slight cybernetics spread though her wings. She activated her AR vision and saw they were even more extensive internally.

“I wasn’t being sarcastic Dash; you come off more than competent, if still a little cocky” Maze said sincerely “Though I’m surprised someone like you would let someone even touch your wings, let alone operate on them.”

“There was an… accident. I don’t really wanna talk about it...” Dash said, looking away with a somber face and a little anger hidden in her voice. The group just kind of went quiet for a while after that.

‘Oh well done Maze! Keep that kind of stuff up and you’re bound to make loads of friends!’ she thought bitterly to herself.

“Well I have a question,” Daring spoke up to finally break the tension “What was with the music?”

“Music? Oh, that just happens sometimes. I don’t even really notice it half the time anymore” The cyborg answered plainly.

“It just happens? You mean you don’t control it?” Lyra asked to clarify.

“Nope, or not much at least. I can suppress it sometimes, and occasionally even choose what song; but usually it’s just out of my hands. Doesn’t happen too often though, usually only when something big happens to me or when it would be really appropriate for a situation.”

“So you have involuntary theme music?” Daring looked back with an incredulous smile.

“Pretty much.”

“That’s… actually kind of cool!” Dash commented, her mood slowly improving. Her face suddenly blanched however at the sight behind them, causing the others to turn around too.

What was left of the temple's main tower was pulsing erratically and throwing off arcs of unstable magic, trembling in place until it started floating slowly upward. It didn’t get too far before it erupted in a massive explosion; an expanding ball of magical destruction that erased all that was left of the temple from the world. The wave thankfully stopped just beyond the temple's boundaries, well away from where the group was now.

“And that’s why us needing to get moving was my first condition” Maze said very matter-of-factly, quite satisfied at seeing her former prison obliterated in such a fashion.

The ponies were about to argue but after noticing the look on Maze’s face, they figured there wouldn’t be much point. The group continued on for a bit, asking and answering questions from all parties until they reached the ‘village’. It was really more of a transportation hub than a village but it had what they needed; an airship.

They decided that disguising Maze would be for the best; even in the modern, cyberneticly influenced Equestria, ponies could still be a bit xenophobic. Not to mention that with the ruckus caused in the jungle and the legends of the ancient evil sealed in the temple, they didn’t want anypony putting two and two together and causing a panic.

They hoped to leave before there were too many questions about the explosions and why the temple was now no more than a giant crater so they boarded the first airship that passed near Ponyville and were on their way.

“HOLY TARTARUS, I FORGOT!” Dash suddenly shouted as they loaded their gear into their cabin. Startled, everyone looked to Dash to see what was wrong.

“YOU’RE TOTALY DARING DO!” she scream-squeed at the adventuring author as Daring’s face sunk with the sudden dread of just how long this trip was now going to be.

“It really took you that long to remember that?” Lyra asked but was completely ignored as Dash began gushing and battering the mare with questions.

"Well good Luck! I'm off to finally get something to eat after a millennia!" Maze laughed and flashed Miss Do a sympathetic smile before stepping out of the cabin. Her smile however was almost immediately lost to a somber worry now that she was finally alone.

'Twelve hundred years...' she thought, a tired regret clear on her face 'You think it's been long enough? Have I paid my debt? Will they forgive me? ...Can what I did even be forgiven?'

A heavy sigh escaped her before she shook the thought away and resumed her path to dinning cabin. She would just have to deal with whatever came when it came.

--One long airship ride later--

“So you’re really not going to tell me?” Daring asked the cyborg as the two leaned against the ship rail, trying one last time for answers before they parted company.

“I did tell you; Magic” Maze answered simply.

“There are all kinds of magic in this world Maze, and I’ve never encountered one even close to giving somepony the almost precognitive knowledge of this world's events you have.”

NINJA Magic” Maze added with a slight flourish of the hands and wiggling of the fingers.

“Right” Daring replied dully.

“Honestly Daring, if I told you the truth you wouldn’t believe me. Very few have and those that did ended up having major existential crises. It’s for the best you don’t know, really.” Maze explained just before she stood on the railing and looked down over the fields. She had learned pretty quickly it was best to not reveal the existence of the show to anyone.

“You really are insane aren’t you?” Daring asked amused.

“Oh, almost certainly!” Maze confirmed with her own wide eyed smile before leaping off the side. Daring’s gaze just followed the cyborgs path as she grew smaller the closer she approached the ground.

‘Sweet Celestia what have we unleashed upon the world?’ she thought with a grin before Lyra and Dash approached with packed bags.

“Where’s Maze?” Lyra asked to which Daring just flicked her chin at the railing. Lyra stared for a couple of moments before putting it together “You’re kidding! Is she insane?!”

She ran to look over the railing just in time to see a small puff of dirt fly up and a small crater form.

“See you around kids, I’ve got a book to start working on” Daring chuckled as she patted a dumbfounded Dash on the shoulder on her way back to the cabin, not able to help smiling all the while.

Maze dusted herself off as she stepped out of the new dent in the landscape and took in the scenery. She landed a little ways away from the outer boarders of the Everfree south of Ponyville. It was actually not as dark and twisted as the show made it out to be, from here it just looked like a dense, pretty forest. She knew it was a horrible death trap of crazy happenings, but still nice to look at for the moment.

Alas, her revere was soon cut short as Dash glided down holding Lyra by the arms. She dropped Lyra once she was a safe distance from the ground, which Maze noticed was quite a bit higher than she would expected.

‘Maybe the cyber bits I saw in Lyra were more capable than I thought’ she mused before Dash flew up to yell at her.


“I just answered that!” She shouted back playfully “You don’t really think someone can spend twelve hundred years in an empty room by themselves without going at least a little bat-shit do ya?”

Dash hadn’t thought that, the slowing of her wings and worried expression gave away that maybe bringing her to Ponyville wasn’t the best idea.

“Relax Dash, I was well aware I could survive that. And I even if I am a bit crazy that doesn’t mean I’m some violent, dysfunctional villain; just look at Luna” She consoled the pegasus as she strolled toward the town, re-donning the hooded scarf Daring had given her as a disguise.

As they neared the towns borders Maze noticed that it was quite a lot bigger than she’d been expecting, and that it was a good deal more ‘fortified’ as well. There were a few guard towers here and there and a small, roughly chest high wall that circled the city. It wasn’t a major obstacle but enough to slow any land based enemy a step or two, which is often all one really needed.

The sudden sound of automatic fire and explosions quickly drew the trio's attention.

“Oh boy, seems like the guards’ve run into a bit of trouble” Dash said before flying ahead toward the commotion.

‘Ponies with guns, that just doesn’t sound right’ Maze thought once again as Lyra and her ran to catch up, finding Dash directing the efforts of what looked more like a town militia than the royal guard. They seemed to be fighting a motley assortment of broken down and oddly configured Independent Gears.

“Parasprites, lovely” Lyra muttered more annoyed than worried as she slowed her pace to hang back from the fight “They've got this.”

“Those are Parasprites?” Maze exclaimed as a purple tinted, armless dwarf gekko with tiny wings tried to lazily ram into Dash to just get cut in half and explode. Rainbow then went to assist a guard that had a green tinted one wrapped around his face, it wasn’t really hurting him but he couldn’t help if he couldn’t see.

“Yeah, little buggers like to burrow into old IGs and cause mischief. I have no idea where they always seem to find so many or how they reconfigure them like that, I just know they’re a pain to keep out of my workshop most of the time.” Lyra explained and continued to watch the very one sided skirmish.

The militia finally managed to herd the remaining IGs into a small group when what looked like a glittery cannon ball blasted into the center of them, blowing the remaining IG-Sprites into scrap in a large and very colorful explosion that caused confetti to rain down upon everypony. It didn’t take a genius to guess the source.

“DASHIE!” everyone heard the joyous scream as a bright pink pony with an as equally pink bazooka strapped to her back tackle-glomped her friend.


Pinkie suddenly stopped dead as she caught sight of the approaching Maze, her eyes wide and expression blank. The rest of the ponies started to look worried on as Pinkie stayed like that for a few moments too long.

“Um… Pinkie?” Dash started before Pinkie suddenly beamed with an over-exaggerated and very happy gasp; disappearing with a speed that made even the pegasus a bit envious.

“Well it looks like somepony is getting a party tonight” Lyra said, flashing Maze a knowing glance.

“So much for keeping a low profile…” Maze returned.

‘Still,’ she thought contently as Lyra lead her into town ‘it’s nice to know some things haven’t changed.’

Chapter 3: Tactical Trolling Action!

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“AH! NO I- GAH! STOP! PLEASE!” Maze begged through stinging tears “I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!”

“Such a big, tuff cyborg aren't you?” Lyra commented, the sarcasm almost palpable.

“Now really darling, show some composure!” The purple maned mare shouted over the screams and begging “I’m almost through with you!”

The two unicorns flinched with flattened their ears, Maze's shrieks loud enough to wake the dead. The hands and sparkling blue aura that had poked and bent her so for what felt like an eternity, finally receded; leaving Maze panting for breath, slumped awkwardly in the chair.

“I didn’t even think cyborgs could be so ticklish” Rarity huffed as she wrote down the measurements and notes on how the human's feet moved so much differently than hooves.

“So much for the Big Bad-Ass Ninja” Lyra teased.

“Shut up…” was all Maze could pant between breaths.

“I’ll be just a moment, you two behave” Rarity giggled and started toward the back.

Maze finally caught her breath and stood. The boutique was, like most things in Ponyville, a lot bigger and more developed than she was expecting. There were dresses of course, but also more casual wear and work clothes, even a small display of combat apparel with a couple exosuit designs.

‘And here I thought it would just be dresses and some weird, unwearable ‘high fasion’ pieces; but this is rather practical’ she thought as Lyra was loitering in the seasonal section, sifting through costumes and props, mostly those with ‘on sale’ signs.

“We only have a few days left Lyra, I do hope you’re just looking for finishing touches” Rarity said, coming out of the back room with a pair of lace up sandals “I’m afraid they’re quite simple but at least they’ll look nice with the ensemble I gave you for now. I promise have something more proper by tomorrow, the next day tops.”

“Really Rarity, they’re more than enough. You don’t even have to do the res-”

“Nonsense Darling, I can’t stand by and let someone live off borrowed clothes and duct tape shoes. The crime against fashion is reason enough!” Rarity cut Maze off.

“But I can’t even pay y-” Maze tried to start again, she knew Rarity was the element of generosity but she didn’t want to take advantage.

“Don’t worry dear! It’s all mostly left over martials anyway and I’m Happy to do it!" The fashion mare stressed "Besides, Lyra has helped me more than enough times for me to aid a friend of hers in need.”

“That and she also wants to experiment with you, she just loves new body types” Lyra told Maze.

“I do so hope she’s not just talking about fashion” Maze practically purred.

“Stick around town and you might just find out darling” the seamstress returned with a sly smile and a wink before leaving to attend to her other customers.

“Oh she’s fun” Maze grinned.

“Simmer down there Maze, that's an element bearer” Lyra quipped "I thought you were going for a low profile?"

“Oh it’s just a little harmless flirting. It's refreshing really, considering most you ponies used to be such prudes before I was put away.”

The pair left the boutique, headed toward Lyra’s home workshop. They didn’t have much difficulty with the crowds, most gave Maze a bit of a berth. The only thing they had to really avoid was Pinkie zipping about with decorations.

“I don’t suppose you’ll dress up?” Lyra asked.

“Well, I didn’t know I’d be freed just a week before Nightmare Night but I think I’ve got something we could throw together easily enough” Maze replied.

‘Not to mention give me the chance for a bit of fun’ she thought with a wicked grin.

Maze coughed, the dust taking on almost a life of its own.

“Sorry, things have a habit of getting forgotten in here” Lyra apologized, taking the blanket Maze had just liberated from the top of a large pile of equipment.

“Just don’t forget I’m here… I know she won’t” Maze referred to the aquamarine unicorn’s marefreind. She was still nice enough but certainly wasn’t expecting a sudden house guest, particularly one like Maze.

“Oh don’t mind her, she’s just like that” Lyra assuaged as she cleared off her work space for her expedition bags; shifting IG parts, tools and papers to wherever they fit.

“This what Rarity was saying about you helping her?” Maze asked, holding a pair of the sheets; one a very stylized drawing of a rather ornate exosuit and the other a rendered schematic of the innards of that exosuit, several notes denoting reworked placements and alternate components.

“Yeah, her designs are quite effective, sometimes even more so than the military’s. However, they often require some… inventive manipulation of components. That’s where I come in” Lyra said with a little pride “They can be pretty cool looking sometimes too.”

Maze nodded, still exploring the room as Lyra set up her little corner. She found pretty much what she had been expecting; Half built Dwarf Gekkos, designs for prosthetic limbs and enhanced eyes, but then there were also things like magical power sources and even a couple broken toasters.

‘A regular Misses Fix-it’ Maze thought, “I guess just because a cutie mark represents your talent doesn’t mean it’s your passion.”

FINALLY, someone else gets it!” Lyra exclaimed, flashing Maze a grateful smile.

“Did I say that out loud?”

“You did, but still, thanks” Lyra answered, still smiling.

‘So much time alone I can’t tell what are just thoughts and what are words, I'll need to work on that’ she thankfully just thought that time as Lyra moved to the shelf of dismantled IGs next to Maze, setting Gigi in his own specially marked slot.

“That reminds me, where’d you find Gigi anyway?”

“I bought him from a pair of swindlers that tried to trick the Apples out of their orchard. Bonbon threw a heck of a fit when she learned how much I spent on him, but I’ve made her eat those words haven’t I?”

‘So the wedding invasion already happened AND Flim and Flam were already here?’ Maze contemplated ‘they weren’t supposed to be until well after Luna’s first Nightmare Night back. Great, now things can not only turn out differently but apparently not everything in the show was in chronological order either.’

“You alright Maze? You’re looking pretty serious there” Lyra snapped Maze out of her introspection.

“Oh… yeah, I was just… Thinking about what must have happened for Gigi to have ended up with them, still somehow in one piece.” she lied, though now was actually curious.

“Well, mostly one piece. There were a number of other records besides yours; it seems like he broke down and was repaired pretty much continuously for about 600 years, until he finally shut down for good. Most of them seem to indicate he was well taken care of, if you'd like to know” Lyra offered.

“Yeah?” Maze asked hopefully, placing a hand on her old companion ‘Good for you buddy…’

“I suppose I could try to fix him, I mean I already did try but that was just for data. Bringing him back online might be possible with your help. Y’know, if you wanted” Lyra offered further, leaving Maze to shake her head slowly.

“I don’t know, he lived his life; went on to new masters and adventures and I don’t even know what to do with myself yet, let alone him” she admitted, still caressing the old bot “Still, maybe. Give me some time to think on it.”

“Well ok, if you-” Lyra started before Bonbon called for her “Uh YEAH! BE RIGHT THERE” She shouted back and flashed Maze a small smile before leaving.

Maze just nodded before sitting in on a nearby box hugging the remains of her only friend left from before her imprisonment, feeling more alone in that moment then her whole time sealed away.

The party had cheered Maze up considerably, the ponies having warmed to her at Lyra and Dash's prodding. She had already gotten to know Dash a bit and the elements were about what Maze expected, though not without a few surprises.

Twilight was predictably fascinated by the fact that Maze was pretty much an alien; asking questions of all topics from culture to biology to science. She was also curious about the implications of Maze’s very existence and what it meant for the history of cybernetic and nanomagic origins. She pouted as Maze reminded her that Lyra had first dibs on publishing any findings. It also turned out she was pretty big into gaming, both table top and Equestria's only now budding video games.

‘Adorkable as always’

Rarity did end up being a pretty big flirt, but certainly not easy to get. A respectable, dignified mare with standards and personal guidelines, but still a good sense of fun. Maze could respect that, her flirting and perversion was mostly just for fun too… mostly. Still the fashionista was not nearly as afraid to get her hooves dirty as her cartoon counter part.

‘Will have to keep an eye on that one’

Pinkie on the other hand was VERY into flirting and innuendo, at least the innuendo she was able to catch; becoming very touchy feely once any interest was expressed as her bubbly innocence just melted away. Maze may even have been able to get an ‘after party’ had she been so inclined, but figured it was best not to push it and hope it was just exaggerated playfulness. Otherwise she was still the happy go lucky, and oblivious to sarcasm mare that Maze knew from the show; only now with an actual arsenal to go with her celebratory one.

‘Stay Classy Pinks’

Fluttershy was perhaps the biggest surprise. Her personality was still that of a meek doormat, but her interests and style where what caught Maze completely off guard. She had this kind of punk vibe to her. Her clothes were a comfortable looking modest but still not nearly as reserved as one would expect of her. She was also a huge metal fan; Maze even got the names of some good bands to look out for. She was now very interested in finding out if this ‘Maretallica’ measured up.

‘And here I thought we’d have nothing in common’

And finally, Applejack was… Well, Applejack was Applejack.

‘Nice girl that Applejack’

The rest of the party went fairly well, other than constantly having to tell everyone she wasn’t ‘some kind of changeling’. She got to learn were the fandom got it right and wrong, like that Derpy was actually named Derpy and was just as cute and lovable as she hoped. She actually had to practice quite a lot of self-control to avoid trying to hug her all night. She failed a few times but Derpy seemed to enjoy it, so it still worked out. Cheerilee and Mac shared a subtle tension, though what kind Maze couldn’t say for sure. She also kept trying to get 'Time Turner' to slip up, but he proved to be quite the crafty stallion.

Holding Gigi as she lay on the couch that night, Maze thought over the conversations and days since her release. She didn’t know what she was doing and she knew it. She doubted that once her jailers became aware of her release that they would just leave her alone. And it wasn’t like she was really suited for a normal job or life, her being the way she was.

‘Plus the whole crazy thing! Can’t forget that!’

She sighed, thanks to her nano-machines helping with any imbalances she actually wasn't that crazy. Then again, even with them she wasn't sure she could still be called sane anymore either. Now if they stopped working... she didn't even want to think about how she'd been when they started to wear out. So before the thoughts threatened to overwhelm her, she closed her eyes to focus of something she did know she could do and those wondrous little machines set along their new goal and with startling efficiency, Maze found herself falling fast asleep.

Nightmare Night

“Very well then! Be that way! We won’t even bother with the traditional royal farewell!” The Princess of the Night stormed off from the cowering ponies.

Her head suddenly snapped to the side, her gaze lingering on an alleyway. She then tossed her chin up and continued on her way a moment later, ignoring the distraction.

‘I could have sworn I saw… no, that would be silly’ she thought, all the while Maze tailing her; trying not to laugh.

“Yes, take us to this Fluttershy” Luna commanded of Twilight as the latter lead her toward the shy mare’s cottage.

“~We’re whalers on the moon~…”

The Princesses’ ears shot up; spinning she surveyed the area. Seeing only the statue of her corrupted past self, she shook it off and continued with Twilight.

“No children wait…” Luna delivered meekly as she fell to her knees in the road, however her expression of desperation quickly abolished as she leap to her hooves and looked around, her ears on end.

“~We carry our Harpoons~…”

“Twilight Sparkle did you…” Luna began to ask before seeing Twilight’s bewildered expression “Never mind, tis nothing.”

“Well, come on then Princess! Time for plan B!” her sister's student encouraged.

“Yes, I can tell by all the adoring shrieks of the children as they run away!” Luna exclaimed before trotting off, her head hung low.

“~But there ain’t no whales, so we tell tall tales and sing our whaling tune~”


Rainbow Dash flew off, trailing smoke as Luna floated down on the storm cloud, sharing a laugh with Twilight and Spike.

“I’m sorry you didn’t get to meet our new friend Princess. She’s so strange in such a fascinating way, but can be particularly hard to find when she doesn’t want to be.”

“It quite alright Twilight Sparkle, I’m sure we’ll meet someday. It has been a most eventful night as it was anyway.”

“She was even dressed as some kind of Moon wh-” Twilight began before a twig snapped, triggering Luna to round on the source, eyes glowing bright.

“SHOW THY SELF SAILOR OF DEPOSITION MOST SALTY! WE-um… oh, our apologies littlest of Pips” Luna petered out of the royal Canterlot voice as Twilight looked on stunned “We had believed you to be- No matter, what may your princess do for you little colt?”

“I just wanted to say thank you again before I had to go to bed!” the young colt squeaked, making Luna smile warmly “Oh! And I wanted to ask; are they’re really no whales on the moon?!”

“I… how -Where did you…? WHAT?!

“There you are! You missed Princess Luna!” Twilight cried as she saw Maze walk out of an alleyway.

“No I saw her, she looked like she was having fun” Maze answered simply “Besides, we're already acquainted.”

“Really?! How?”

THATS.... a long story, It’s getting late though and I should get back before I’d end up bothering Lyra and Bonbon by getting in too late. See you later Starswirl!”

“Oh hey! Somepony else got my costume!” Twilight cried joyfully.

“Oh believe me Twilight…” Maze muttered grimly as she walked away, unheard by the smiling unicorn “I’m familiar...”

Canterlot Castle, the lowering of the moon

“Looks like you had a good night sister, even if it had a bit of a rough start” Celestia handed her sister a cup of tea after stepping on the balcony to raise the sun, a friendship report floating to her side as she placed the paper on the small table.

“I did, it was still quite the enjoyable event. Even if it served as another reminder of just how long I have been gone.”

“Did you meet Twilight’s new friend by chance? The changeling-like creature?” Celestia asked looking over the letter.

“Alas no, she did not show herself. Though I was reminded of- No, never mind... ‘tis a silly thing.”


“Well, I kept catching glimpses of a harpoon wielding, bearded sailor all night.”

“I’m sure it was just a costume Luna.”

“But of course, yet there also was this ridiculous song I kept hearing somepony sing and at the end of the evening a young colt asked me if there were ‘really no whales on the moon’” Luna explained, a slight red creeping on her features as she remembered her reactions “It all just reminded me of, well… her.”

“Funny enough, I was just reminded of our old adversary as well,” Celestia offered, giggling at her sisters blush “Between Twilight's letter and Agent Sweetie Drop’s report on Miss Heartstrings’ new acquaintance, I'd be lying had I said certain memories hadn't come to light. But I just reminded myself of the impossibility of her-”


“Sister?!” Celestia jumped at Luna’s cup shattering on the ground, her sibling's eyes unblinking at the paper’s headline.

Explosions in the Jungle! Ancient Thunder Temple Destroyed!

The royal sisters met eyes, pupils the size of pin pricks. Realization passed between them an instant before they burst into action; Luna sprinting through the castle halls as Celestia vanished in a flash of golden light.

Luna barreled into her room, eliciting several concerned looks and inquires from passing guards. Ripping open the dusty display case, Luna stared down in horror. With another bright flash, Celestia appeared next to her sister as she removed its contents.

“It’s true, there’s just a crater. I don’t understand how…” Celestia panted until she saw what her sister did.

The long, curved red blade lay in its unusual sheath, the small light on its hilt now glowing a faint red after a millennium of darkness. The ‘bio-lock’ signaling the return of its master.

“Call the guards.”

Maze stumbled about her new friends' home, searching for sandals and caffeine. Finally achieving her simple goals she went to greet the day and look for her current benefactor.

Hair disheveled and borrowed jammies rumpled, she yawned as she opened the door.

The silence was deafening.

One wouldn’t think forty armed guards, six elements of harmony, and two princesses with the whole town blockaded off behind them could be so quiet, but they proved themselves that day.

First she looked left,

Then right,

Then met Celestia’s righteous glare in the middle,

and closed the door.


Captain Shining Armor braced with his squad in the alley as they heard those around front breach the door, the sound of automatic rifles soon following. The creature crashed through the back window as they predicted, fumbling with an old duffle bag.


The ‘hue-min’ cyborg charged them, the shots defecting off the creature’s sword as she halved the distance between them in an instant. She took three of them down with the back of her sword before they could even draw their blades.

She danced about them as they stalled her progress, still trying to find something in the bag as she knocked out two more stallions with what seemed to be some sort of taser device built in to the back of the blade. She then began a what Shining considered a most devious of strategies.

“Is… Is she stripping?!” a guard next to Shining stood dumbfounded, their opponent having rolled backward and entangled a guard’s weapon with her newly liberated pajama bottoms.

“Don’t let her tactics distract you!” The guard captain called as he stood back from the group and waited for his opportunity.

‘NOW!’ he lunged as the female got the top caught pulling it over her head, only to have his strike still deflected as he received a swift kick to the chest plate. Armor denting under the impact, he flew halfway back to the alley's mouth.

Despite all his training and discipline, even the veteran unicorn was stalled by the sight as he regained his hoofing; the creature now only in its underwear was hopping on one foot, wielding the sword in the other, and struggling with an old shirt stuck on her head and yet still fending off guards she couldn’t see.

A quick slice followed and the top released its captor. She cartwheeled back to ready an offensive pose when an order was suddenly issued from all sides,

"Stand Aside!"

A princess stood at each of the alley’s ends as the elements looked down from the roof tops with pegasus guards at their backs.

“Sorry Shiny, I guess play time's over” The surrounded figure shrugged and launched herself at him with a small explosion.

Shining Armor braced behind his shield, lashing out once the figure was in range only to have her disappear in a sharp purple flash.

A very familiar purple flash.


“I’m sorry! She just seemed so eager to learn!”

‘God, this fits like a glove!’ Maze admired Rarity’s craftmareship, looking over the sleeveless tactical ensemble; it reminded her a little of a the BnB Unit attire or a sneaking suit with fewer harnesses and less latex 'And you’d never know she had never made a pair of boots before, well done Rares. It’s no exosuit, but it’ll do.'

A faint shimmer danced about the outfit, her nano-machines studying and saving for the repair and magical storage of the outfit.


The woman nearly jumped out of her skin, knocking over the mirror as she stumbled away and fumbled with her blade.

“Ly-LYRA?! Holy hell girl, and I thought I was the stealthy one…” She said, a heavy blush blossoming on her face. She moved to the window to see if the guard noticed the noise.

“What in Tartarus is going on Maze?!” Lyra exclaimed as Maze frantically gestured for her to quiet down “They're saying your some kind of traitor and murderer! A threat against world stability! That can’t true can it?”

The cyborg opened her mouth to defend herself but flattered. She relented with a sigh, having trouble meeting the engineer's gaze.

“I'm not gonna lie to you Lyra, while there are certainly some important modifiers I could add, they're still not wrong. I was sealed away for a reason” Maze said, moving from window to window looking down at the street “But it’s a long story and I'm no-SHIT!

“HEY, somepony's up there!” Lyra heard the guard shout just before she found a large darkness shoved on her head, forcing her into an awkward crouch. A loud bang followed as the guards breached the door down stairs “Spread out, I’m sure I saw something!”

“Maze, this’ll never-” Lyra started to whisper, trying to look out the small grip hole when a small message appeared above it.

-Do Not Underestimate The Box-

Lyra rolled her eyes but froze when a guard entered from the door opposite their hiding place, flanked by none other than the Princess of the Sun herself.

“Check everywhere” She ordered, surveying the room.

‘This is never gonna work This is never gonna work This is never gonna work This is never gonna-BUCK!’ her internal mantra braking when Celestia’s head snapped in her direction, the monarch taking quick, determined strides straight toward her. Lyra nearly jumped out right then when the message returned with a vengenge, over the box's entire interior.


Lyra held her breath, Celestia stopping scant centimeters from her fragile protection. The seconds stretched for an eternity until the guard called an all clear. Storming out of the room, Celestia muttered several things what Lyra never even considered hearing from royalty, let alone the pony symbol of patience herself.

After a more moments that felt even longer still, Maze finally stood from under the box; it dissolving back into nano-magic the moment it left her.

“Holy Celestia, that actually worked?!” Lyra climbed from under her own box as Maze shoved a finger straight at her muzzle, her expression serious as the plague.

“Never. Underestimate. The Box.”

“Ooookaaay…" Lyra stood blinking "whatever, Maze what do you mean they’re not wrong about you? What happened? Why were you sealed away?!”

“Lyra, it would take too long to explain but needless to say things are not nearly as black and white as the princesses would have their subjects believe” Maze short the mare a glance as she moved back the window, more cautiously this time “How’d you find me anyw- you put a tracker on me didn’t you?”

“Finding you and opening the temple was a pretty big investment, I wasn’t about to just let you disappear on me!” Lyra defended herself “Now I want some bucking answers!”

Maze groaned, sliding a hand down her face.

“Fine..." She hesitated, before finally asking "You ever hear of the Bloodletter?"

"Yeah, she's a boogy-mare; a story to scare little fillies. Based on some traitor from back during the..." Lyra's eyes widened with realization "Oh..."

"Yeah... hell of an investment, huh?" Maze asked sadly, she glanced outside "Listen as much as I'd love to explain myself, now isn't exactly the best time or place if you noticed. If you need more than take the last train south bound tonight and I’ll try to answer what I can. It might be a one way trip though Ly’, if they find out you’re still associated with someone like me... Or you could tip them off to secure your innocence, I really wouldn't hold it against you.”

Lyra somberly nodded, conflict clear in her eyes.

"And until then? They've got the whole town locked down...” the mare stated "I mean I'm sure you could slip out but I'm surprised I even made it in here. How am I-"

“Trust me Ly'," Maze interrupted, gaining back a small smile "they won’t be looking at you.”

With that she jumped out the window, eliciting shouts and gunfire to erupt again. Lyra looked outside to find her already running out of another building, just to be launched back through it by a hurled Warhammer wrapped in a golden glow.

‘Hopefully the whole town won't be destroyed before then...’

Luna ran toward the fallen cyborg, unsheathing the straight blade at her side as it took on her signature aura from point to basket hilt. Her foe sprung to her feet to meet the blade as it bore down on her.

“Maisie the Human! You have been found guilty of treason, murder and conspiracy! Surrender at once!” the decree rang out in the royal voice, their blades grinding against one another.

“Is this about the Moon Whaler thing? You used to have a sense of humor!” Maze bantered as she parried another blow, the pain it sent up her arm considerably more than what the guards had thrown at ther “You’ve gotten stuffy in your old age Moon-butt.”

Luna practically snarled, her horn flaring as a she thrust out her hand. The whole street shuddered, windows shattering as the shock wave carried Maze through the town.

“Why do I say things…” Maze groaned after she finally tumbled to a stop, nearing the northern side of Ponyville.

‘Ok, these two can definitely still kick my ass,’ she considered thoughtfully, wiping a trickle of blood away from her eyes. Luna’s form quickly growing as she flew to meet her prey ‘a distraction would be reeeally convenient right about now’

“MAISIE!” Celestia bellowed from above, hurling a rather large mass of fire down at her, the very air seeming to burn in its wake.

“That’ll do!”

Maze launched herself straight at Luna, her hand on her hilt. A foot out of Luna’s range she blink teleported right behind the moon princess and, with a swift back kick, sent her right into the path of her sister’s miniature sun.

“I can’t believe you guys fell for that TWICE!” she shouted back, running from the pair as fast as she could.

"LUNA!!" Celestia blanched, diving down as a large mass of shadows devoured the flames from within. Her expression changed as she saw Luna stomping toward her through the dwindling fires.

“DAMNIT TIA! I HAD HER!” Luna shouted, the guards and Elements catching up to the pair.


“Um… Princess?” Twilight tried to reach the bickering siblings.



“Your Majesties!” the rest of the elements tried.


“PRINCESSES!” The six finally shouted in unison.

WHAT!?” The rulers demanded in unison, rounding on group. All but Pinkie flinching back from the two.

“She’s getting awaaaay!” the pink mare sung still joyfully oblivious, pointing to the east.

The two rulers blinked and glanced at one another before rolling their eyes and began issuing orders.

“She’s heading toward the Everfree! Set up a perimeter!” Celestia ordered.

“She cannot be allowed to reach the forest, lest we never find her!” Luna added, stressing the urgency as the group rushed off in formation.

A lone cardboard box nearby, marked simply ‘The Apple’, shook slightly with a stifled giggle.

‘Bonbon is going to kill me’

Lyra sighed as she walked down the train aisle and looked out over the busy platform to the guards hassling passengers, both out going and in bound. Lyra’s bags were searched no less than four times, as if she could be somehow be hiding Maze in a duffle a third her size.

The cyborg’s theatrics had lasted all day, giving the citizens a glimpse off just how much power their leaders had; and another glimpse of how little it could matter when they couldn’t use it. True, the last sighting she had of Maze showed the human was certainly worse for ware, but even bruised and bloodied she fended off and avoided the princesses with a smile.

They were allowed back to their homes around an hour after it was deemed that Maze must have reached the Everfree, though a large contingent of guards were still left behind as the Princesses began their sweep of the forest.

She sat at the back of the last passenger car, looking at the tracker even though she already knew Maze had disabled the beacon. She then nearly launched it across the room as a familiar beeping assaulted her inner ear.

“H-hello?” She answered the unknown caller tentatively.

“Oh cool, it is a codec signal!” she heard Maze spout in her head.

“Maze!? but how did you get my-”

“You really shouldn’t keep you tracker and codec on the same frequency, it can used that against you” Maze started very matter-of-factly.

“Thanks for the lecture Twilight” Lyra mocked, hearing a chuckle from the other end of the line.

“Fair enough." Maze chuckled "Well it doesn't seem like you've set me up, so thanks. But like I said before, if they find out you’re helping me there's not much I can do for your legal standing. You still have time to back out.”

Lyra hesitated until she heard the first whistle, signaling their eminent departure.

"I want to help you Maze, I want to know what this is all about. You've become a friend but..." She said quietly "Are... are you really...?"

"It depends on your point of view; there more to all of it than what the princesses are saying" Maze answered truthfully "But yes, that was me back then."

"You don't seem at all like the monster from the history books..." Lyra admitted "What little they actually say about it anyway."

"I'm trying not to be, but it's a long story" Maze offered just before the final whistle sounded "Last chance Heartstrings, you sure you wanna stick this out? Just to ensure your investment?"

Lyra took a moment, eyes closed for one last consideration. Then a new determination took over as they reopened, if still not an entirely confident one.

“No, I’m not sure at all. But I don't think you're an evil pon- an evil person, and I believe when you say there’s more to this then the princesses are telling us. A lot of weird things have been happening around Equestria when it comes to nano-magic and cybernetics, even before you were freed. Besides, I started this whole mess when I opened that door and I aim to see this through… for better or worse.” Lyra's monologue ended, the train car thankfully empty so nopony would think she was talking to herself, or figure out she was actually talking to someone else "And now we've got bit of a trip, so I could do with a long story."

“Well alright then. I suppose the whole mess started back where I’m from, a place called Earth, when I met this unassuming douche of a 'Doktor'…”

Chapter 4: Crazy Train

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“So... You pretty much created Nano Magic?” Lyra asked, wide eyed and disillusioned as they stepped off the train platform, the pair having somehow convinced the guards Maze was just some kind of albino changeling.

“If I did, it certainly wasn’t intentional” Maze answered, back in the head scarf disguise and an outfit far less conspicuous than her tactical suit. It was still quite stylish though, being another gift from Rarity “My new body already had nano machines when I arrived here and, being the adaptive little buggers they are, they ended up melding with this world’s over saturation of magic to create something new. I guess that they eventually evolved into what you call nano magic today, though whether it happened naturally or not… I can’t say.”

“So you’re like, What? The Mother of nano magic then?” Lyra asked, still not quite believing what she was hearing.

“Oh no, I wouldn’t go that far. For one I still have no idea how they managed to spread. It’s not like I was running around injecting everything I saw with my blood. For another is while I have already encountered some with code similar to my own that could indicate my nano machines were the parent source, I’ve also found a lot of others that don’t, so that’s a thing.”

“History says the original origin was a massive explosion that sent a wave of nano machines across the land, though I suppose they never did discover the cause…” Lyra trailed off.

“And that could still very well be the case, for all I know that happened an instant before I arrived here, or while I was knocked out just after. I do know I wasn’t the only thing with nano machines that ended up here from somewhere else, Gigi is enough proof of that.” Maze consoled Lyra, trying not to destroy her WHOLE world view.

“Still,” Lyra pulled out what looked kind of like a steam punk iPad covered in runes “I can’t wait to observe and study the abilities of a potential parent source and get a few new schematics and designs going! The possibilities are fascinating!”

“Oh, well here then” Maze said snatching the pad from the mare and spread her left hand arcoss the screen.

“That’s not how it wor-WHOA!” Lyra’s focus broke, seeing countless designs, schematics and all around data flashing one after another on the screen, faster than she could keep track of. The pad gave a slight, groaning buzz just before Maze handed it back to the stunned engineer.

“You… You filled it!” Lyra said checking the pad before digging for a secondary storage runes to move some of the new data “These things usually take me a couple years to fill, you did it in a couple seconds… Just how much do you have on your drive?”

“More than I gave you” Maze answered cryptically “But you still got some pretty good stuff on there, it should help give you some ideas and keep you busy.”

“I’m gonna need more Storage runes” Lyra noted absentminded as they passed a rather attractive, if very pissed off looking changeling.

“That’s the third one I’ve seen now. Honestly, I’m surprised how accepting you ponies are of them, particularly after the whole royal wedding thing” Maze mentioned still watching changeling. Sure enough, they looked like grey humans with horns and random bits of bug like plating. Though, this one had a very slight tint of wine red to her skin and a kind of pinkish, vivid burgundy hair streaked with a few black highlights. It’d would almost look goth if one didn’t consider she was a changeling.

“Well, obviously the Chrysalis hive is now barred from the cities, but the other hives have always been pretty neutral” Lyra explained as the station’s crowds gave the shape shifter a wide berth “I’ve never had a problem with them, but most other ponies… well, I still wouldn’t say they’re exactly welcome.”

“Why don’t they just shift to look like ponies then?”

“As I understand it can be kind of a strain to keep the form up, especially with the detection and disillusion spells in place at the check points after the invasion; where they’re usually registered and flagged. So I suppose there wouldn’t be much point after that.”

“I guess that makes sense and good lord! Are we still in the train station?!” Maze asked shifting topics suddenly. She spun around, still seeing only trains, tracks and cranes in all directions.

“Well yeah, it’s Dodge Junction. They’re known for three things; The Rodeo, Cherries and the biggest train yard in Equestria. Nearly all the kingdom’s trains are built and maintained here” Lyra spouted, not realizing Maze hadn’t been exactly privy to what was considered common knowledge in modern Equestria.

“The tracks loop around and through the entire town, serving as a testing platform and tourist attraction. We can even see the latest prototype, the ‘pegatrain’, once we reach the town center” Lyra explained further, failing to hide her appreciation of the scientific progress.

“Yeah well, I say we first find a place where we can design ourselves a meal” Maze proposed before the pair went looking for a place to eat.

“Wow, there is some really cool stuff in all this Maze” Lyra ignored her meal as she continued to browse through her new data “Though… it seems to be missing a lot of files and has extensions that don’t lead anywhere...”

“They’re not missing, I just didn’t give them to you. Now eat your food before it wilts” Maze answered, trying to talk over a stallion with a very boisterous laugh at another table.

“Why not?"

“Because there’s some pretty nasty stuff in here” Maze explained, flexing her left hand “Stuff that I don’t think Equestria is quite ready for yet and other stuff I believe should never see the light of day, Equestria or otherwise.”

“If it’s so bad why not just, y’know-” Lyra made a small cutting motion along her harm “get rid of it?”

“I’ve tried, and it backfired MASSIVELY. That’s a story for another time though. Also it just came back later somehow, so I figured it was best to simply keep it a secret.”

“Then why tell me?” Lyra asked, her now having to speak up as the boisterous laugh started again, louder than before.

“Because you freed me” Maze stated simply “You have no idea just how deep of a debt that puts me in with you... plus something just tells me I can trust you with it.”

“Oh please, you don’t have to repay me for that. I would have done it anyways” Lyra said just short of yelling, the stallion was being particularly loud and constant in his laughter, even his own group seemed a bit weirded out by it. “Geez, Pinkie just might have some competition for her element.”

“He doesn’t seem to be laughing at anything in partic-!” Maze’s expression grew sharp, the room itself almost seemed to jump at the sudden clatter of shattering dishware.

The stallion had fallen out of his chair clutching the table cloth, continuing with his now almost manic cackling. The restaurant staff moved to intervene, their customers looking on in confused awe. Lyra began to move to assist but halted at a gesture from Maze.

“Somepony call for help!” one of the staff members called out, as another ran outside to flag down a guard.

The stallion began panting between guffaws, his face turning red with pained tears streaming down his muzzle. He gave a final desperate gasp for air before finally passing out; further disturbing the crowd as even unconscious, he still gave out occasional, weak laughter. The guards finally arrived with a couple medical ponies moments later and moved to separate him from the crowd.

“What in Tartarus was that all about?” Lyra asked staring after them, befuddled and even a little scared.

Maze didn’t answer as her gaze remained locked on the stretcher bound stallion as they took him outside, a stern scowl on her features as she glimpsed a flash of vivid burgundy through the door just beyond them.

-The Next Morning-

Maze yawned for the fourth time in the past ten minutes.

“-And the latest gyro metric, internal cloud matrix ensures far improved balancing; meaning that even the tightest turns at the greatest speeds pose little risk of derailment or turn overs! And what speeds it can-” The mare behind the podium continued to boast about the train parked at the podium.

“Blah blah blah” Maze muttered a git grumpily.

“Oh shut up, you can’t tell me you don’t find this at least a little interesting” Lyra protested Maze’s apathy. She had insisted that as long as they were in town they should attend the train’s first full test run through the city. Maze felt they should have gotten more sleep as they would probably have to walk from now on. Still, Lyra wanted to come so she came; Maze couldn't afford to disappoint her only friend and ally over a little more sleep. So she just grumbled quietly, trying to be at least a little personable.

'Or would it be Ponyable? ...Whatever.'

“And don’t think we’ve forgotten about comfort, our passenger cars all have the nudist-hehe, excuse me- Newest amenities of relaxation for those long trips” The spokespony tripped up a bit, eliciting a few snickers and giggles from the crowd “Ahem- As I was pppfffffftttttttt!Nudist!”

Maze froze, eyes wide and suddenly very much awake.

“Something’s wrong” She said even before the announcer lost herself in a fit of giggles and the chortles of the crowd began to rise.

“Maaaazzee...” Lyra asked, a note of cation in her tone "what’s happening?"

“Lyra, just how prolific have nano machines and nanomagic become in ponies?”

“Is that really important right now?!” the engineer asked seriously questioning the human’s priorities.

YES!” Maze snapped, stunning her cohort as the laugher grew louder in all directions.

“Uh, I guess somewhere around three fourths of the population has them in one form or another,” Lyra shouted in response just as the prototype train’s whistle rang out and began moving down the track, quickly picking up speed “Why?”

“Because that’s how many ponies are about to lose their shit.”

The pair ran through the town, weaving past cackling ponies and dodging the trains of conductors clearly within the affliction’s throes of mania. They ran across a group of guards firing their weapons blindly into the air and laughing like madmen. The two quickly subdued the unhinged guards before they had a chance to level those weapons closer to the ground.

“Maze what’s going on?! How are their nano machines causing this?!” Lyra asked, her mechanical gauntlets exaggerating her gestures.

“They have the potential to affect brain chemistry, suppressing and amplifying emotions most notably” Maze explained looking to the sky, thankful the town had a low skyline and that most of the town’s pegasi had remained grounded despite the panic “The original idea was to suppress fear and increase aggression to help make more effective, less burdened soldiers. Needless to say, the end results could be highly inconsistent.”

“And mix in magic and hundreds of years of evolution and we get this, got it” Lyra deduced the rest “But this can’t be natural, not for it to hit everypony at once!”

“No something’s triggering this, and keeping at levels just high enough to cause this reaction without overloading the brain to cause blackouts. We just gotta find-FUCK!” Maze swore as she slammed face first into the pavement, part of a crashed taxi cart pressed on the back of her head.

“Maze wha-ACK!” Lyra choked, lifted from the ground by a lamppost wrapping around her neck.

“Hehehe, now what do we have here?!” A disturbingly chipper voice laughed as the cart bent and twisted into a multi limbed figure “Now I know you have nano machines little pony, but I can’t make you laugh!”

Maze spun and leapt to deliver a somersault axe kick, blade in foot only to stop dead against a long tendril of wood and concrete.


“HAHAHAHA! OH You’re tougher than I thought! Not many could take a sidewalk to the face without a scratch!” The assailant’s camo reset, revealing a getup that was very familiar to Maze.

Laughing Octopus?!

“OOOO! GOOD NAME! THINK I’LL TAKE IT!” The masked attacker chortled as three metal tentacles lunged at Maze, the last still holding Lyra aloft. Maze deflected what she could but unable to counter attack in fear of harming Lyra, they eventually broke through. One grabbed her by the head and sent her rocketing through a wall.

The metal gear villain lookalike cackled as Lyra continued to struggle, bringing the mare to her face her “Well now soft one, laugh with me…” She purred through the mask, the tentacle tightening around Lyra's throat.

“Laugh at this!” Lyra spat raising her gauntlets to bear, two large booms ranging out over the cacophony surrounding them and launched the tentacled figured down the road. It quickly caught itself however and began firing what looked to be kinetic pulses from the tendrils. Lyra scrambled, diving from cover to cover as each was pulverized by the pulses.

“So you like shockwaves huh?” Octopus heard from the rubble.

“Then how’s this?!” Maze shouted as she performed a heavy palm thrust from several feet away. The shockwave bypassed the figures tentacles and carried it right into the path of one of the speeding trains, the impact still audible even over the engines.

“Well that’s one way to do it” Lyra commented as she ran up.

“But that still doesn’t solve though whole town losing its mind… thing…” Lyra cursed as giant bug creatures of varying varieties began dropping around them, mandibles and teeth gnashing as claws and exoskeletons clacked. A low buzz signaled more flew overhead "...aw crap."

“See! This is what changelings should look like!” Maze exclaimed as her back met Lyra’s “Not that I mind the cuter ones, it’s just-”

A massive squealing assaulted their ears as the train began to slow and tilt. A pair of tentacles tossed the engine aside with a flick, a massive explosion roaring out before the exosuited cephalopod charged them.

“You got this right?” Maze asked Lyra, not waiting for a response before charging back at the lookalike, snatching a guards’ fallen weapon along the way.

“What?! NO!” Lyra shouted but couldn’t protest further as the first monstrosity lunged at her, being punch blasted back even as another took its place.

Maze tried to leap over the attacker only to get caught in midair and slammed back into the ground, then slowly dragged toward the main body, the other tentacles weaving menacingly.

‘Please don’t let this about to go all hentai on me’ Maze thought desperately before the figure, spun and hurled her straight toward the center of town ‘oh thank goodness!’

Her appreciation faltered however as she smashed through hard metal and glass, and appeared to be moving rather fast all of a sudden. She glanced outside to see it was last car of the one and only ‘pegatrain’ taking the turns at breakneck speed just as promised. Her reprieve was short lived as the back was torn out, the laughing one clawing her way in.

“Okay, so I’m a confused, super powered human fighting a crazy, mechanically tenticled freak on a train. I’ve suddenly become Spider-Man” Maze mused, knowing that despite their size, she’d be at a disadvantage in the enclosed space against the metal limbs.

And then the music started

“Really?!” Maze shouted to the sky.

The villain stopped to listen for just a moment, searching for the music’s source before laughing again as Maze opened up on full auto with her commandeered weapon. Tentacles wove back and forth in a blur, the rounds bouncing harmlessly away.

“So this is what it feels like to fight me” Maze lamented just before the octo-fighter coiled a limb abound cyborg, shoving her straight up through the car’s roof before following. Maze dropped her blade to her feet and slashed upward, forcing the videogame boss the release her and leap back. The tentacles keeping her from being swept off the train, Octopus unhooked a pair of submachine guns and opened fire upon the cyborg, still laughing like a mad woman.

Fun fact; when trying not to fly off the top of a speeding train when a tentacled freak firing at you full auto, concentrating on deflection isn’t the easiest thing. Bullets made it past Maze’s defense as the shooter made matters worse by releasing small, homing explosives that also had to be dealt with. She cut through a clump of the small bombs only to have them explode into a cloud of ink, an eight-limbed attack suddenly bursting through and shoving Maze down though the next car and then spinning in place; seats and handrails shattering as Maze was forced through them.

Once the car was thoroughly demolished, Maze was once again thrown back atop the train, quickly running out of cars until the engine up front.

‘Ok, so guns don’t work, not with the limited amount of dakka available, and speed with tricky tactics doesn’t work…” Maze ran through her options as her opponent rose out of the trains new sunroof “Guess I’ll just have to brute force it.”

Her opponent laughed and sped forward, a tendril coming in at a wide sweep when she was solidly deflected by a sudden a flash of condensing nano magic, enough force carried behind the blow to knock her off balance despite the mechanical appendages clamped on the train.

“Wh-WHAT?! THAT’S NOT FAIR!” the masked female whined, not laughing anymore as she saw the cyborg was now holding a massive, two handed heat blade with a red orange electric aura streaking across her form “WHERE’D THAT EVEN COME FROM!?”

“A little gift from a RAY” Maze smiled smugly. A small explosion marked her charge, the giant blade finally giving her the heft to simply bash her opponent heavy tendrils away. “Round two chuckle-fuck!”

“NO! THIS ISN’T FUNNY ANYMORE!” the masked defender screamed as she was pushed back, her tentacles only barley keeping her safe as they began glowing red hot from the blade’s namesake.

She finally managed to grab the cyborgs ankle and throw her from the train, only for her to land feet first against a building. A sharp current sparked and the wall buckled as she launched herself back at her opponent, who only just managed to layer her metal limbs against the attack that sent her flying off the train herself.

Maze wasn’t about to let the involuntary music go to waste however. A flash of purple light and she was behind her opponent delivering another massive swing, sending her back through the last train car before the engine; ripping it from its connection and knocking it off the rails.

Another flash and she was under her prey, shooting straight up ward with both legs and sending her foe flying to the front tip of the train, landing with a bounce and tumbling back to towards the edge.

The masked villain stood uneasily, a large rip revealing a very haggard looking changeling underneath with locks of burgundy hair falling loose. She tried to steady herself only to have two of her metal limbs slide and spark uselessly across the metal. She brought them to bear, releasing a nervous giggle as she saw two cleanly cut, sparking ends of burnt circuitry.

She froze at what she saw past them. Maze walked calmly towards her as the train sped on, not missing a step even as the train listed and groaned on another tight turn.

“You’ve stopped laughing” the cyborg said, sounding almost disappointed.

The changeling stumbled back, unsheathing a small blade with wild panic in her eyes. Maze took one more step, and was suddenly a face to face with the changeling. The quick gasp escaped her before Maze disappeared with another flash. The changeling’s head jerked all directions, searching panicked for the eminent attack until she glanced a dot further down the track.

Maze stood in a wide stance, HF katana held level with her shoulders. A single upwards cut and a bisected train split, passing with sparks and thunder past her harmlessly as the changeling became suspended in the gap by her own tentacles. Maze leapt to face her, sword held forward in a traditional, if airborne, ready stance. Time slowed as a cascading vortex of energy surrounded them. Looking down on her foe, a single word was uttered.


The changeling gasped as the flurry of cuts rained down upon her, slices and seams striking across her exosuit and metal appendages. The cyborg paused before flipping midair and delivering a massive axe drop, the kick striking like lightning.

The pavement buckled as the defeated party slammed into the ground, countless shards of her former protection raining down around her.

Maze landed in a crouch, the glowing vortex coalescing about her as she slowly sheathed her blade, dissipating with a violent burst at the final click.

The changeling gave a final, weak laugh and saw nothing but darkness.

Lyra ran toward the source of the loud crash and music, figuring it couldn’t be anyone else. She slowed; her mouth agape at the carnage.

The brand new pagatrain was in ruins, its passenger cars crushed and twisted against a service crane and the engine in two halves on either side of the road with broken glass and small fires everywhere.

She was picking up one of the severed tentacle ends when she found the conductor, rolling around on the ground and giggling like an idiot but very much still alive. She searched the area to find Maze crouched over an injured, unmoving changeling.

“Is she...?” Lyra asked, approaching tentatively.

“No, she’s alive” Maze answered, lifting the changeling's arm, lacing its fingers though her own. She then placed her other hand against its forehead, its horn resting between her spread finger “You might want to cover your ears.”

Maze sent a current of magic into the changeling through both hands, eliciting a blood curdling scream from the unconscious bug woman.

No, not just her; Lyra realized it was coming from everywhere, having replaced the laughter. She could see the conductor writhing as he clutched his head, screaming with the bug like woman.

“Maze stop! You’re killing them!” Lyra shouted, to which everything became deathly silent.

“Quite the opposite actually” Maze said, rising to her feet and began walking towards the towns border. “I was rebooting their nano machines. I figured little miss giggle pants over there was the focal point, probably didn’t even know it herself until she was triggered.”

Lyra digested the explanation, seeing the unaffected ponies cautiously peering out of their hiding places to see if everything was over. “So they’re just unconscious?”

“Yep, will probably have a hell of a headache when they wake up, and probably some interesting stories but their minds should be their own again” Maze explained, acting as if this whole debacle was just a simple misunderstanding between friends.

“And the changeling?” Lyra inquired.

“She’ll wake up too.”

“No, I mean are we just going to leave her there? She could still be dangerous!”

“For all I know she was just another victim in all this. Besides, as a criminal wanted by the very highest levels government, it’s not really my place to turn in bad guys” She stated with an amused smile.

“You’re insane” Lyra told her halfheartedly, shaking her hear with a small shrug.

“So I’ve gathered” Maze countered, looking Lyra over “Y’know other than some scrapes and scratches you don’t look to much worse for wear.”

“Well I was still trained for the militia, like everypony else in Ponyville. I know how to hold my own, and my inventions help with the rest” Lyra offered, not realizing the subject had been changed intentionally.

“Good to know” Maze said offhandedly as the pair reached the edge of town, a large forest stretching out before them. “I guess we’ll be walking for a while.”

“I guess everyone will walking for a while” Lyra added, looking back at the smoking city solemnly.

“HA! Good one, now let’s get the hell out of Dodge!” Maze punned with a far too proud look on her face.

“We didn't grab our bags” Lyra stated plainly, unamused.

“Ah… well... fuck" Maze sighed as stalked back toward town, shoulders slumped "I’ll go get them.”

‘Damn it! That was such a perfect last word too…’

-Canterlot- Exact Location Classified-

"The Junction experiment triggered without incident” A shadowy figure appeared from a clump of darkness, and floated next to a taller, far more expensively dressed pony “However the results were far more unpredictable than expected, the wrong emotions enhanced without others being suppressed.”

“Analysis?” The other asked simply.

“Current results indicate the process is not yet viable; until further development and understanding are achieved, further large scale experiments are ill advised. It is suggested we focus on the other projects for the time being”

The figure gave an annoyed sigh “Agreed. Clean up?”

“Simplified if worrisome; evidently the new 'human' variable not only eliminated the primary focal point but then somehow reversed the trigger. Other than a lot of questions and headaches, we project relatively few casualties, and as of yet no fatalities.”

“She reversed it? All at once? Hmmmm… she may be more useful than we thought. We’ll have to keep an eye on that one. See if we can convince the Night Princess to send her hounds, they should be up to the task.” the fancier figured instructed “Then shift focus and continue as planned. You are dismissed.”

“At your leave” the shadowy one nodded and disappeared again.

“So then Maisie, seems you’re far more serious and cunning then we thought” the figured mused, looking out over the capitol city.

“Look!” Maze cheered happily wrapped around a tree, her entire appearance and even texture having shifted to mimic the bark. Except for the blood on her bandages and some scraps of loose gauze the camouflage was nearly flawless, she looked like she was just another part of the tree "I’m Fluttershy!"

“Yeah okay, that’s actually pretty cool and all Maze, but how? Have you always been able to do this? I’m pretty sure Rarity didn’t give you Octo-camo for free; even she’s not THAT generous” Lyra asked, pausing from her tinkering with the severed tentacle end.

“I got it from the changeling’s nano machines, or maybe her blood I’m not really sure” She said dislodging herself from the wood as she turned back to normal.

“I also got these!” Maze said as she crossed her arms across her chest, a cloud of nano magic condensing around her. She suddenly threw her arms out as four mechanical tentacles flashed into existence, anchored to her back and shoulders.

“Teeeennntaaaaclesssss” Maze cooed lewdly, wiggling the appendages at Lyra.

“Stop that!” Lyra snapped shortly, though very much interested in how this happened “So you can copy your opponents abilities?”

“Not always, but if they’re compatible or adaptable enough and I have enough energy to provide for them I can assimilate nano machines and magic from pretty much anything I cut or touch. Granted, it doesn’t necessarily give be the knowledge of how to actually use or control what I’m imitating, but it’s still pretty neat. I used to have all kinds of abilities but most of them either were taken away or lost overtime in my cell” Maze explained “Octo-camo was just one of them, the tentacles are brand new to me though! They may not be as big or versatile as hers were, but they’ll still be undoubtedly fun!”

“Please tell me there's the specification for this on my pad” Lyra hoped.

“Some of it yeah, though a good deal of it is magic too, so there may still be a lot to figure out about it” she said, to which Lyra beamed and start searching for the information. Maze chuckled and they continued on.

Maze was still playing with her new toys when a manila envelope suddenly smacked her in the face, knocking her on her ass as the tendrils disappeared in a puff of magic.

“Did you just get knocked down by mail?” Lyra ask incredulously, picking up the envelope and checking the contents “Well it looks like it’s been copied from a copy from another copy one too many times, but I think it’s for you” she said handing Maze the first page.

“Let’s see; To you who find this *mumble mumble* Displaced, something about a merchant dick bag, blah blah blah… signed some guy with way too many titles.” Maze skimmed through the letter “So, that explains some stuff I guess.”

“Only half of this is even readable but I think it says something about alternate universes and... Discord? This seems like his brand of crazy, did he send this?” Lyra asked looking over the notes that came with the letter.

“Well the Discord thing'll make more sense in time, hopefully...” Maze answered, cryptic as always.

“This seems important," Lyra handed the page to Maze, who read it over a bit more carefully than the last one "it’s in different hand writing and is talking about some kind of tokens you should send out.”

“Okay, I guess… Lyra you know any spells that let someone change the size of something at will?” Maze asked.

“Uh sort of, it will only get so big or small and I can only get it to work on relatively simple objects but yeah. I actually have it cast on a number of my tools” Lyra answered honestly as Maze summoned one of her trusted cardboard boxes. She kept tapping the side, changing the outward appearance until it landed on a simple logo of ‘The Apple’ and gestured for her to cast.

“Alright then, it seemed I’ve got to have a message with this?” Maze guessed, looking over the paper as she placed her hand on the box “God, I’m terrible at leaving messages, they always come out so awkward.”

"Hi, my name is Maze, I’m a magical cyborg ninja. I do a number of things well; Combat, Stealth, Peeping and I’m a half decent cook. If you need help and I'm available and willing; I will endeavor to arrive quickly. Though I will expect compensation; I have my own ideals and will not fight on the behalf of yours for free. I'm also not an assassin; you do your own dirty work."

Finished, Maze folded down the box, shrunk it to about the size of a playing card and hurled like a shuriken. It disappeared in a flash almost the instant it left her hand.

“You’re just sending out the one?” Lyra asked.

“Evidently that’s all that’s needed” she said looking back over the notes “It’ll end up splitting or duplicating or something I guess, this says I just need to send out the one and those who need or want it will find it.”

“And just who will ‘They’ be?”

“I have no idea.”

Chapter 5: Dancing with Wolves

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“It would appear that her behavioral patterns have reverted to baseline parameters after her release, are we certain she still poses a thre-”

“Yes!” Luna interrupted “We cannot risk a repeat of the Spire Summit Incident, lest it spark another war!”

“My analysis suggest that she was attempting to resolve the situation in Dodge Junction, contrary to early reports. This may indicate the-”

“We would normally indulge your questioning nature, but in this we must be absolute! Find and apprehend Maze by any means required, Lethal force is hereby authorized. Now take your hounds, end the threat posed to Equestria and complete your mission” Luna demanded.

“At your order Princess, I cannot refuse” The speaker replied and led the pack to the south as Luna sighed and began back toward the castle.

‘I am sorry, I desperately wish Maze was no longer a threat to the kingdom, to believe her crimes had somehow not been her own. But we believed that once before to only have it end in greater bloodshed. We cannot make that mistake again’ Luna thought tiredly as she rendezvoused with one of the kingdoms many tactical advisers. She was surprised to see it was Shining Armor, up much later than what Luna could assume wasn’t much appreciated by his fiancé.

“Do you think they're up to the task Princess? From your descriptions she can be quite difficult to find even when you do have an approximate location” the captain of the guard asked.

“We believe they will track her down, and perhaps even be able to overwhelm her in her current state.” Luna stated “Though whether their leader will be able to remain focused... While a portion of his memory has been degraded after so long in hibernation, he still remembers her to a degree and has already posed many questions against the need to apprehend her.”

Shining Armor merely nodded, wondering if it was best to send the unknown element against the cyborg; He would however refer to the Princesses' judgement as usual. While neither princess had divulged much of their history of the cyborg, one could gather all they needed from the recorded history of the Spire Summit Incident.

Shining suppressed a shudder, how anypony could perform such atrocities he could barely fathom.

“Has the guard been recalled from the Everfree?” Luna asked, snapping Shining out of his reprieve.

“Yes you highness; many have already returned to their original posts, the rest are assisting with the repairs in Ponyville. The only ones left in the forest are the small contingent left to set up the quarantine around the artifact, as you instructed. You’re certain it’s not her handy work though?” Shining Armor informed her.

“Yes; while Maze certainly has a good deal of power, her magic has typically been more instinctual and pragmatic. She would learn what she could use or entertain herself with; she was never one for the actual crafting aspect of spells beyond simple reworking and occasional, accidental discoveries. She certainly never worked on artifacts such as the orb.” Luna explained, thinking of the strange sphere found near their old castle.

It had seemed rather simple at first, but with her and her sisters trained senses, they found exceptionally sophisticated magic behind it. A very dark feeling magic at that, dark but also with an ancient quality to it; hence their only precaution of the quarantine. The sisters had found that, in their great experience, most artifacts often were of little concern so long as one simply left them alone. The examples to the contrary were actually rather rare occurrences, relatively speaking. There were actually several ancient, potentially dangerous artifacts all around Equrtria and the only one to cause any real trouble in a thousand years was Discord.

“If we are fortunate, it is merely another oddity of the Everfree. The detection spells will warn us of any changes, should it prove otherwise. If we were to warrant a guess, it has most likely been there and unresponsive for some time, and we suspect it will remain so for quite some time to come.”

“I certainly hope so your highness. I also suppose she wouldn’t have been able to place the object as it was, as she never actually fled to the forest. My sister also said she hadn’t left the city once she got there.”

“How are your sister and her friends fairing after the conflict?” Luna asked, trying to make the question of the elements’ status less obvious. Shining had become somewhat of an unofficial liaison between the princesses and elements after the loss of Maze.

“Doing well, if conflicted. Much like the one you just sent off, they are confused and somewhat unbelieving of the stories that their new friend was actually the monster of the great synthetic wars. They keep saying she seemed perfectly nice, if a little odd. Rainbow Dash in particular is having trouble with the idea of her as an enemy” Shining offered with a sigh.

“She is the element of loyalty; it can be a difficult position when they find their loyalties torn.” Luna mused “Very well then Captian, we are sure the rest of the report can wait until the morn. You are dismissed, go attend to you own princess” Luna relieved the captain with a warm smile

“At your leave your highness” Shining gave a bow and headed toward his quarters as Luna took a detour from the throne room to a small balcony overlooking the mountain side.

“What happened to thee Maze? Why did you betray us? You were among the only ones we… That I…” Luna trailed off with a sigh, the empty silence of the balcony offering her no answers. She looked up to her night sky, lost in thoughts she had not had in a millennia.

-The Forest East of Dodge Junction, several days after the train yard battle-

“Maze I think we're being followed” Lyra cautioned as they continued on the path, making sure to avoid the roads south to the swamp.

“We are, pretty sure it’s that cute red headed changeling” Maze answered, her tone somewhat bored.

“WHAT?! You mean the one that tried to kill us?!” Lyra exclaimed, understandably more disturbed than her companion.

“Well she couldn’t kill us before, and that’s when she was all hopped up on crazy magic and tentacle hats; I’m not really worried about her trying to kill us now” Maze explained “And if she was going to attack us, she would have last night when I drifted off during my watch.”

Lyra stared at her like she was some kind of alien; she was but that was beside the point. She was about to press the issue when Maze suddenly tensed and raised a finger to shush her. She seemed to listen for a moment then take off down the path at a sprint.

Lyra caught up a few moments later panting, seeing Maze atop of a small incline overlooking a small town with her hand on her hilt. Lyra then saw why; the entire town seemed to be overrun by wolves. Maze ran straight into the fray while Lyra sighed, hands on her knees for a moment before panting after her.

A young mare tripped and looked back just in time to see the beast lunge at her, fangs barred. She screamed and slammed her eyes closed against the coming pain, tentatively cracking them when it never came. They flew open at the sight of a tall, changeling looking female holding the struggling wolf at the end of her sword, studying the creature before looking down a her.

“Well… Run!” Maze told the mare, who immediately gave a rushed thank you and ran off, waved into a cellar by a group of ponies. Maze went back to the struggling canine covered in foliage; other than it not being able to remove itself from its suspended position, it didn’t seemed aware of any pain. If anything it just seemed pissed off.

“Timber wolves?! Here?!” Lyra panted as they caught up to Maze, now looking very perplexed.

‘These are Timber wolves?!’ Maze thought, only then seeing the branches of wood woven through synthetic muscle under the scattering of leaves she now realized where attached, not just caught. What she hadn’t missed were the glowing, blood red eyes to match the sickly aura surrounding the wooden cyber wolf. Maze activated the tazer element of the sword and shorted out the wolf's system, it falling limp to the ground after.

“Something's wrong, these aren’t normal Timber Wolves” Lyra said just before they heard more commotion a block over.

The pair rounded the corner only to be almost struck by another wolf, hurled past them covered in a glittery blue aura. The pair looked to what seemed to be a small town hall, armed guards in defensive positions surrounding a large wagon parked to block the doors. More guards firing form the windows as the figure standing on the wagon boasted, dressed in a star covered cape and tall wizard hat.

“Are you pitiful beasts mad? You attack The One and Only Unicorn Slayer of the Ursa Major! The Great and Powerful Trixie!” The stage magician laughed arrogantly, even with a hand raised with a limp wrist like some kind of anime cliché. The boast was soon delivered on as Trixie thrust out a hand, a large dome appearing between the wolves and guards. The shield pulsed out violently as the wolves struck it, most shattering from the force alone, the rest weakened enough to be picked off by the guards.

“Huh… seems like they have this well in hand” Maze admitted, impressed by the power behind the offensive shield. However the pieces started reforming, not individually but as a single, huge canine. The new beast slammed into the shield hard enough to leave countless cracks across its surface “Or maybe not.”

The huge cyber wolf struck the shield again, shattering it and leaving the showmare taken aback. It raised its sizable claw to strike when it suddenly fell back to the ground, severed so cleanly it hardly even noticed at first.

“Mind if I cut in?” Maze delivered as she flashed a proud, shit eating grin and Lyra could be heard groaning to the side.

Before the beast could react Maze delivered another slice. Removing the beast’s head before leaping to deliver two quick kicks to send the parts flying. As the beast reassembled itself Maze looked to the gathered defenders.

“Any ideas? Cause I don’t think this is a permanent solution!” Maze shouted back, the guards looking clueless. Trixie rose a hand to her chest and looked away to begin another boast but even she faltered before Lyra spoke up.

“We have to destroy the core, whatever’s driving them mad has rendered the brute force tactic moot” She explained, surprisingly calm. “If I had to guess I’d say aim for the heart, but we’ll have to completely destroy it; a simple cut won’t d-”

Lyra’s plan was interrupted by a pair of monstrous howls. The rest of the timber wolves piled on the beast, doubling not only its size but appendages as well. Two heads growled at the group from in front of eight sets of claws and two tails ending in jagged blades, several jagged spines running the length between all of the above.

“That’s new” Maze muttered before dashing away from the group, thundering bounds closing fast. Her new metal appendages flashed in to existence just in time to catch the first head's jaws as she snapped out her blade to deflect the other's. The reprieve was short lived as the first set of clawed paws slammed into her from both sides, sandwiching her as they lifted her toward the waiting maws; only a pair of straining tentacles keeping them at bay.

She was suddenly thrown free as the beast was ripped from its feet, a large blue sphere violently exploding against its wooden hide. Trixie’s hands and horn covered in a fiery aura matching her signature glow, guards rushing to position and opening fire at the monstrous wolf as she prepared another spell.

“Maze! Make me a gap!” Lyra shouted hefting what looked like some kind of RPG.

‘Where the hell did she pull that from?’ Maze thought as Trixie fired off what looked like giant shards of light, pinning the creature’s many limbs to the ground. Lyra instructed the guards to cross their firing lanes, forcing the beasts two heads apart to give Maze a clear path between.

“This is almost too easy” Maze muttered with a small frown, never the less launching at the opening with the typical explosion propelling her. Instead of cutting along the beast she drove straight in, suddenly snapping her tentacles out half way through, exposing a large glowing red mass of swirling, corrupted nano magic.

An audible whoosh sung out as the explosive zeroed in on it target unerringly, impacting with a satisfying boom.

Burnt wood, shattered metal and synthetic muscle rained all around cheering guards and haughty showmare as Lyra jogged to meet Maze.

“Geez girl, just what the hell do they teach you in that militia? Surprised they didn’t send you lot after me in Ponyville, maybe they would have actually caught me” Maze complimented the mare with an honest smile.

“Yeah, we were wondering that too; and there would have been no ‘maybe’ about it” Lyra answered with a confident, but joking smile of her own as the magician sauntered over.

“While the Great and Powerful Trixie had the crisis well in hand she is not above thanking others for their assistance” Trixie proclaimed, a superior smirk on her face “So be humbled as you receive the appreciation of Trixie! Slayer of Ursa Major!”

“Yeah, accidental slayer maybe” Lyra scoffed, Trixie’s expression pulling a one eighty. The daggers she glared at Lyra may have even given Fluttershy’s Stare a run for its money.

“Ah yes, you must be one of the ignorant peasantry of Ponyville; all of you so blinded by that special snowflake Twilight Sparkle and her little element posse they can't see real skill. It might surprise you but some ponies earn their skill and ability; we're not all handpicked to be lavished with attention by a princess or given great power just because they laugh a lot” Trixie countered, returning to her dignified tone “And the slaying of the Ursa just proves Trixie’s brilliance is so great it even surprises herself at times!”

“She does have a point; the whole chosen by the elements thing seems a little arbitrary when you really think about it. I mean lots of ponies are generous, or honest, and the majority of the guard are loyal to a fault” Maze agreed with the magician’s latter point “Plus Celestia and Luna used to wield them and don’t exactly embody the elements like what’s supposedly required, and there were only the two of them. Hell, Celestia wielded them all by herself when Luna went all Nightmare Moon on the land. Those elements can be pretty sketchy when it comes to details if you ask me.”

“Exactly!” Trixie said triumphantly as Lyra looked very contemplative all of a sudden, evidently she hadn’t ever really thought about it. She opened her mouth a moment as if to ask something only to stop, and then look even more conflicted.

The guards moved the wagon and the citizenry started cautiously exiting back out into the town, a portly older pony jogging up to the group, a few guards in tow.

Trixie took the lead and soaked up the mayor’s praises and congratulations as Lyra blushed and looked very uncomfortable being a center of attention. Maze hung back a little, just glad word of her wanted status had yet to spread this far. She looked about the town now that it was calmer; it was a lot more like she was expecting Ponyville to be like. Not tiny but just large enough to function as a community, a nice little hamlet secluded in the woods.

She paused as she thought she saw something in her peripheral, a strange air ripple atop a nearby home. A quick glint of a reflected sunlight only just warning enough as a trio of red hot blades pinged of her blade, startling the crowds.

“Get Everyone Back Inside! NOW!” Maze ordered jumping back, another grouping of blades burning into the dirt where she had just stood.

The ponies were quick to return to their shelters, Trixie’s horn flashing a moment before her wagon moved itself back to block the doors. The guards huddled around the cyborg and unicorns facing out to complete a defensive formation.

“Pulse Chaff!” Lyra called a warning as several small cylinders shot out from her gauntlets and crackled above them like metal fireworks, countless slivers of metal and pulse waves of disruptive magic showered the area. Trixie raised a quick barrier to protect the group from the effects as their opponents’ began appearing, their stealth camouflage failing to Lyra’s counter measures.

Fenrir units?! But aren’t they regulated by the night princess?!” One of the guards asked rhetorically as they saw no less than seven of the robotic hounds surrounding their position, some jumping down to circle Trixie’s barrier, others remaining were they were.

Matters worsened when several Dwarf Gekko began spilling out of nooks and crannies all around them and three large, bipedal IGs controlled by the integrated Gekko smashed to the ground of the town square.

R-Raptors?” Maze heard Trixie ask weakly, a definite note of worry in her voice. Maze didn’t have time to consider it however, as the synthetic wolves suddenly howled in unison and all but one of the guards fell to the ground, screaming and clutching their heads in agony. They could also hear more screaming from inside the hall as well.

Trixie stumbled back into the remaining unaffected guard as her shield was shattered by the sudden impact of one of the Fenrir, one larger and more customized than the others. It poised itself to strike before holding fast, the rest of the Independent Gears following its lead.

“It’s been a long time Wolf, didn’t think attacking citizens was your style” Maze delivered solemnly.

“The Timber Wolves were not our doing, merely a convenient distraction as we positioned ourselves to strike” The unit called Blade Wolf stated in its mechanized voice.

“It doesn’t have to be this way…” Maze stated but already suspected the inevitability of violence.

The Music only confirmed it for her.

“I have been ordered to eliminate the threat you pose to Equestria, I cannot disobey” Wolf returned and propelled itself at Maze and the battle began, more than half the IGs focusing on Maze while the others struck at her companions.

One of the Raptor units was almost instantly obliterated by a blast powerful enough to destroy it three times over, an intense looking Trixie panting with exertion. She stumbled back again, only a quick punch from Lyra's gauntlet keeping a Fenrir from eviscerating her. The remaining guard tried to get a bead on it with a large, anti-armor rifle only for one of the gekko latch on to his face and throw off his aim. The shot going wide but still hitting another gekko in consolation, shattering the small IG.

Maze had her hands full with the Fenrir and Wolf, their chainsaw flourishes combined with the constant pestering of the Gekko was keeping her on the defensive. Brandishing her heat blade Maze gave a spinning sweep, forcing her attackers back. One lunged at what seemed a like an opening only to be caught by rapidly deployed tentacles. Wolf retreated back as the Fenrir was torn in half above Maze.

“Unforeseen upgrades: reevaluating” his synthetic voice calculated, observing Maze standing ready as her companions were managing to keep their opponents at range. A Fenrir fell to the guard’s oversized rifle after being knocked back from what Wolf hypothesized was some form of shotgun or explosive built into the aquamarine mare’s large fist weapons.

“Primary target lacks ranged potential; pressure the additions into close combat, ranged units switch to unconventional projectiles” Wolf ordered, several units switching targets and primary weapons. The Fenrir switched to large plasma rails along their backs, the steady whine foretelling their charging as the Raptors opened up on Maze with their shoulder cannons.

Maze deflected the Raptors’ fire but had to flash away to avoid the plasma bolts, knowing they’d just splash through any attempt to block. Unfortunately, Wolf had apparently been briefed on her new blinking ability, landing on her chest as she reappeared and somersaulting off.

“I assure you Maisie, this fight will not be ‘too easy’ like your last” Wolf taunted as Maze slammed into the ground, blood seeping from the new gashes in her torso. One of the Raptor units then jumped forward to finish her off.

“Maintain Distance!” Wolf ordered too late, the Raptor’s leg blade striking nothing but dirt as Maze rolled out of the way. She lashed out and grabbed the IG controller Dwarf Gekko, ripping it from its compartment before crushing it back into place; disabling the IG and preventing another Gekko from reactivating it.

Trixie meanwhile had recovered and erected another shield, laughing behind it as the Fenrirs’ HF Chainsaws sparked and bounced uselessly against the smooth barrier. The three units growling static at the deterrence and redoubled their efforts, still to achieve no effect as Lyra and the guard reloaded their arms.

“Idiotic machines! Can’t you see you are simply no match for the great and powerful Trixie?!” She boasted. Her laughter cut off into a scowl as shield cracked, the Fenrir having turned their saws into drills in a swirl of Nano Magic. The pony trio watched three holes widen as Trixie gave an irritated *Hmph*

“Persistent Mongrels!” She insulted and shattered the shield outward, showering the IGs in magic shrapnel. Two of the robotic canines suffered minor damage as they were thrown back, the third took the full brunt and was torn to shreds. The guard unslung his standard rifle to suppress the two as Lyra ran forward to the shredded hound and ripped the plasma rail from the remains.

“Four down!” She called and took aim, blowing out the torso of one of the distracted Fenrir harassing Maze.

“Three to go!” the guard finished as Lyra retreated back to the groups defensive position, the Fenrir circling them waiting for an opportunity.

Maze deflected another group of heated knives when all the IGs suddenly retreated before the remaining Raptor dropped in front of her and threw its head back, a sharp crackling an electrical build up singing to the sky.

‘Ah SHIT!’ was all Maze could think before she went stiff and began to fight to just keep her balance, the Electro Magic Pulse overloading her bodies systems and rendering her essentially helpless. The Pulse spread out, engulfing Lyra to a similar effect as Trixie tripped and scrambled back from the wave, utterly panicked.

Maze lost her footing and fell to her knees, arms limp at her side. The shielded IG looked down at her and raised its bladed leg as it continued emitting pulses, ready to finish this fight when a huge hole suddenly exploded out of its chest, followed by several more in rapid succession.

The guard, fully unconcerned with the pulses' effects, charged straight forward through them firing his anti-tank rifle again and again at the last Raptor unit. The controller Gekko was obliterated and the IG crumpled, the pulses stopping as the guard went to help Maze to her feet.

The Fenrir however gave them no reprieve as the last two sprinted at the still downed Lyra before anyone could react.

“LYRA!” Maze called out when one of the cybernetic canines abruptly face planted into the ground, a short blade pierced though its neural matrix by a living statue holding one of the fallen guards’ rifles. The statue road the IGs momentum and leapt off over the fallen unicorn, opening fire on the second dog in midair. The IG fell and tumbled, stopping just short of the unicorn, bereft of its head.

The statue roughly hefted Lyra up by her arm as its surface changed to that of an irritated looking changeling with vivid burgundy hair.

“You resist the disabling signal only to falter at a little E.M.P.? And here I thought you actually knew your nanos” The changeling snarked with a slight accent before prepping for the next attack.

“Too many unforeseen variables, must complete primary mission and retreat- initiating ‘Final Strike’ protocol” Wolf concluded before a burst of erratic energy covered his form and he sprinted at Maze, large divots left with every over powered bound. It detached its HF Chainsaw and sprang at Maze in a miniature maelstrom of energized somersaults.

Maze shoved the guard back from the attack and leapt to meet it; only half recovered and bleeding, she still summoned the vortex of her magic for a final attempt, unsure of her chances.

The guard staggered back away from the push and tripped over the fallen Raptor, accidently discharging the weapon’s last round straight past Maze, missing her head by mere centimeters.

The round struck the spinning wolf’s saw, shattering the weapon and halting his momentum as he was left floating defenseless beneath a posed and ready Maze.

“I fear I have miscalculated.”


The flurry of cuts met wolf as any other before him, his form scattering into countless pieces as it struck the ground. Maze landed and caught the canine’s head, still intact save a large crack though it’s neural matrix.

The last remaining hound scanned the field and its opponents, taking a few tentative steps back before making a full retreat back to the forest as the guards stopped writhing and the music died.

Maze looked down to the quiet head in her hand, sighing at the loss of yet another friend from her past. She looked over to her new allies; Trixie was regaining her hoofing and ego quickly enough, the changeling scowling apprehensively at the recovering guards and Lyra was already running around collecting any salvageable parts from the IGs.

Maze gave a small tired smile and went to join them as the mayor burst from the hall, redoubling his praises from before.

“Johnny? That’s kind of an odd name for a pony” Lyra mentioned to the guard, looking over the small workshop home the mayor had been only too happy to allow them to use after they saved the town.

“Well, it’s a family thing; all the first born in my family have been Johnnys. Usually the colts but I did have a great grandma Johnny… she didn’t really care for it though...” the sandy maned guard elaborated “I’m just glad you ladies showed up and weren’t affected by whatever it was that knocked out the other guards.”

“It was a disabling signal, a counter measure one can use against simplified or standard nano machines to disable aggressors.” The changeling explained “I know this one wasn’t effected because she’s customized hers, however sloppily-”

“Well I’m soooo sorry we can’t all match the changelings’ obsessive specialization, some of us also focus on cybernetics. Y’know, the stuff your lot can’t use without losing your shapeshifting” Lyra taunted back “Though she does bring up a point, why weren’t you effected?”

“Oh well, I don't have nano-machines *hehe*… I’m uh… Kind of afraid of needles. So, I just faked sick on shot day” The guard admitted bashfully “I know, not much of a soldier am I?”

“Hey, it takes balls to charge a Raptor like you did, let alone sticking around and holding your own against those kind of odds. Don’t sell yourself short kid” Maze countered “Besides you have the one thing any enemy would be smart to fear, the thing I’d give up every single one of my other abilities for.”

“What’s that?”

“Can’t tell you, might ruin it” Maze answered cryptically.

“What?! Why No-ahhhh oooohh” Johnny suddenly hunched over clutching his stomach, a loud gurgle escaping his grasp “I GOTTA GO, BYE NOW!”

The ladies looked on as the guard sprinted from the room, confusion and disbelief on thier faces.

“That’s the stallion who saved your life and who you’d trade all your advanced cybernetics to?” Lyra asked incredulously.

“The guy has the most dangerous quality in existence: Sheer. Dumb. Luck” Maze explained now that Johnny had left “Never underestimate what that can do. It can slay dragons, save entire worlds and even fell gods themselves. It’s not something to be trifled with lightly.”

The others just shook their heads, not quite understanding Maze’s belief. Instead they just went back to work, Lyra sifting through the piles of scavenged parts the guards helped her lug in, Maze reapplying new bandages to new and old wounds alike, Trixie however stomped up to the changeling.

“So then, Miss ‘Crystal’, what was it you refused to talk about with the guards around, and what does it have to do with Trixie?” The magician demanded of the slightly tinted changeling.

“It has nothing to do with you, it has to do with her” Crystal answered, her eyes narrowing dangerously at Maze “There’s someone experimenting on my people, someone with an intimate knowledge of nano machines as they can overcome even my own highly customized units. They’re turning Changelings and ponies alike into ultra stimulated, violent caricatures of certain emotions.”

“Hey don’t look at me! I’ve only been out and about for a few weeks now!” Maze defended herself .

“She’s right though” Lyra spoke up “Like I told you before; strange things are happening all over Equestria, and not the normal ancient evils and disharmony kind of strange either.”

“Wait, you mean when somepony randomly begins crying or screaming for no reason? Or the unusually high number of feral gears Trixie has been witnessing lately” Trixie asked “That’s all intentional?”

“Yes. I was tracking down a lead to what I thought would be another trigger event. I had no idea it would on such a scale, or that I was the focal point until it was too late. Some one set me up to take the fall” Crystal answered the magician, a furious scowl dominating her expression before she looked to Maze and seemed more inquisitive “But You somehow reversed it and, for better or worse, you’ve gotten swept up in all of this; so I’ve been following you for whatever information I could get.”

“Sorry Cryss, I’m just trying to stay one step ahead of the princesses to stay free while Lyra is here to secure her investment as she puts it; we’re not really investigating whatever’s going wrong with Equestria’s nano magic” Maze told the Changeling.

“Well… maybe we should” Lyra interjected, earning an arched eyebrow from Maze “Well it’s certainly not going to hurt your reputation to expose a conspiracy and, like she said, they’re hurting innocents! So long as we’re out here traveling we may as well investigate too.”

“Either way, I’m coming with you” Crystal declared “I still have no clue who’s conducting these experiments or why, other than they’re most likely working behind the scenes of the royal guard and Canterlot. If nothing else than perhaps I can least discover some kind of defense for my people from your abilities.”

“Whoa! Hang on you two! Let’s not forget some of us are wanted by the very highest levels of government, not to mention bereft of any funding for this crusade for nano freedom or whatever you’re hoping to achieve” Maze tried to keep the two from getting ahead of themselves.

“Perhaps that’s where Trixie may be of assistance” Trixie offered “While a perfectly capable, independent mare, even Trixie can admit she could use the company on the increasingly dangerous roads, and our little changeling here can play a part in selling Trixie's wares. Perfectly functional trinkets of course, but random pony volunteers can be... difficult at times. Her show could also use a little more… variety these days; Trixie may pride herself on being so great and powerful without the aid of cybernetics or nano machines, but she is not against a lesser attraction to gain wider appeal.”

“Oh yeah, I’m sure if your fans found out you were using synthetics it would just break their hearts” Maze emphasized, Trixie scrunching her brow at her odd statement.

‘Either she didn’t catch it or she's an even better actor that I thought’ Maze thought.

“So then it’s settled! We rest up here and head out once we recover, to whatever end this path takes us” Lyra summarized, the two other natives of the world nodding their approval as Maze faced palmed.

‘How do I keep getting dragged into these things?’

“You sure about this Maze?” Lyra asked, looking over the schematics Maze brought up on her pad.

“Very” Maze answered confidently “And be sure to remove the obedience protocols.”

“And you’re sure it won’t try to kill us again?”

“Hey, when haven’t I known what I was doing?” Maze asked, immediately receiving a dead pan look from the engineer “Fair enough.”

“What do mean by sloppy?! That’s the second time you’ve said that!” Lyra shouted at the changeling's quip.

“I mean sloppy, how else can I put it? Even Maze fell to the emp, and she didn’t take twice as long as you to recover” Crystal answered plainly.

OH and I suppose you know how to shield against the most effective nano magic counter measure?” Lyra asked.

“Let me see you pad” Crystal told Lyra simply, her hand already waiting for Lyra’s compliance. Lyra hesitated for a moment before huffing and handing the pad over, Crystal making a few notes and simple diagrams overlaid on the nano machine schematic before handing it back.

“This… Okay this isn’t too bad actually… could we also apply this to Maze’s?” Lyra admitted only a little begrudgingly.

“I don’t see why not, plus I could always whip up something up to strengthen the effect when needed; I’m pretty good with alchemy” the changeling said in a bored tone as Lyra looked over the equations, waiting a moment as she grew less and less offended before pressing further.

“…Do you know any other improvements to make ours ‘less sloppy’?”

“That depends” The Changeling countered “How good are you with non-integrated limbs?”

Maze leaned on the balcony of the small home they were allowed to stay in, looking up at the stars. She often admired Luna’s night sky, she always made these subtle little changes night to night to try and make things a little more fun. She never thought anypony noticed but more always did than she believed.

“How did you know?” Maze heard from behind her, glancing back to see Trixie holding a loose fist to her chest as she stared at Maze with very obvious concern in her eyes.

“Enhanced vision; I used to be able to see through all kinds of stuff but lost most of it with my other upgrades when I was sealed away, but I can still analyze a targets cybernetics if they’re close enough and unshielded.” Maze explained “When I noticed your concern over the raptors and later your panic at the pulses, I didn’t even really need to check to know you had some kind of prosthetic.”

“It’s not for power” Trixie stated, breaking eye contact and looking down “I’ve always strived to prove I’m worth something more, that I could stay natural to be the best… but then I had to go and be born wrong.”

“We all have imperfections, some worse than others but you can’t choose them. You had a problem and dealt with it, never regret choosing to live... it’s only natural” Maze countered, coaxing a very small chuckle from the magician before she grew distant again.

“Please don’t tell anypony” she nearly begged.

“It’s not my place to” Maze replied simply without looking back, Trixie accepting that and turned to reenter the home.

“Although…” Maze continued, Trixie going rigid at the addendum “I would suggest eventually asking Lyra and Crystal about it, they seem pretty good with that kind of stuff. There’s no shame in getting a little help from time to time.”

“I will… consider it” Trixie replied, her posture relaxing as her continued through the door “Good night Maze.”

“Goodnight Trixie.”

“Say it!”

“I don’t even know what it’s from.”

“SAY IT! Pleeeeeaaassse!”

“Ugh… mine is the drill that will pierce the heavens” Lyra delivered dully, her gauntlet’s new drill feature raised lazily to the sky. She was normally up for goofy stuff like this, but she was tired and had no idea what this show Maze was rambling on about was.

“You’re no fun” Maze pouted, wishing she had a drill. She would have said the fuck out of that line, that's for damn sure!

The group stood just outside of town, testing their new toys one last time before leaving. Along with the spare gear and firearms given to them from the local guards reserve, Lyra and Crystal had been quite busy for the week and a half they spent recovering in the town.

The two made several small improvements to the groups’ general nano facilities, though Maze wasn’t able to convince Trixie to try them; the magician’s pride still preventing her from telling anypony else. Her wagon on the other hand now had a couple automated weapon placements and an automated puller that could collapse and fit underneath when not in use. Maze was very disappointed they didn’t make to look like a horse though.

Lyra made several upgrades to her gauntlets and appropriated one of the Fenrir’s stealth camo units. She also managed to convert one of the plasma rails to collapse into a much smaller, less assuming shape she could easily keep slung on her back.

Crystal was testing the strength of her new mechanical tentacles, which Lyra had designed in a more over the shoulder and off the back configuration like Maze's. She seemed quite satisfied with the results, especially considering she could summon and dismiss them like Maze could, despite their greater complexity.

Maze was inspecting the HF chainsaw she had appropriated from the Fenrir nano machines, unsure of what it would add to her offensive abilities other than maybe a fear factor. She could already cut things well enough without it, per why she still wished it was a drill.

“I am sure you will still enjoy its loud noises and the inappropriate laughter you illicit when operating it” A large mechanical dog consoled her in his usual monotone, his new body gleaming in the sunlight.

“You sure you want to come with us? You’re your own master now Wolf” Maze asked of the robotic canine again.

“I am certain: not only do I now have a debt to repay, am still curious concerning your reverting to original emotional parameters” Wolf confirmed “In addition, while I am no longer bound to obey them, my original orders were to eliminate the threat posed to Equestria; with these recent anomalies you have briefed me on, I have deduced that accompanying you may be the most effective, if not the most expedient way to resolve those orders.”

“I think you just like hanging out with me” Maze teased.

“We were once considered friends” Wolf responded, his lack of inflection giving no hints to his position on the statement.

“Are you done playing with your silly toys?! Trixie insists we move before the sun finishes rising if we are not to bask in the farewells!” Trixie complained from a top her wagon. The group nodded, stowed their new gear, and moved out. They decided to leave before the town woke up to avoid the fanfare, much to Trixie’s chagrin. They only made it a short distance however, before they heard someone shouting behind them.

“Hey! HEY! HOLD UP” a sandy maned Stallion ran up to the group, panting for breath.

“Hey Johnny, decide you want to come with us after all?” Lyra asked the stallion.

“Oh no, I’m just a guard thank you very much; running around after conspirators and fighting super cyborgs is a little out of my league” Johnny confirmed. They had decided that, while traveling with a guard could backfire, they could trust Johnny after he covered for them when the royal pegasus core scouted the town in search of them. They invited him more than once to join them, but he declined every offer.

“You should really stop being so down on yourself Johnny” Maze told him “Just came to say goodbye then?”

“Yeah, but I also wanted to give you this” Johnny explained as he handed a small box to Maze “It belonged to a close friend of my grandfather’s, a soldier who saved his life more times than he could count. I don’t use it and it just feels right giving it to you.”

Maze opened the box and found a tactical looking pistol with a detached silencer and a few spare magazines. If she didn’t know better, Maze would have thought it was a Mk23 like Solid Snake’s; but pony firearms didn’t follow the same designs as earth, even if some of the royal guards’ rifles looked a little like stylized XM8s.

“Thanks Johnny, I’m sure it’s come in handy” Maze holstered the sidearm and tucked the box away, now very grateful as she didn't have to lug around one of the rifles “You sure you don’t want to come?”

“No, but I think should stay here for now anyway. Besides, I doubt you’ll want to be stopping every little bit for-Oh speak of the nightmare-” Johnny cut off and clutched his stomach as it gave another exaggerated growl before running off, waving a rushed goodbye as he went.

They shared a laugh and the newly formed motley set off,

A ‘great and powerful’ Show Magician with a secret,

A young engineer looking for excitement,

A callous changeling trying to unravel a conspiracy,

A robotic canine looking to explore its new freedom,

And a human cyborg that had no fucking clue what she was doing.

“Tally-ho...” Maze muttered, the group starting their wayward quest

Chapter 6: Stupidity Breeds Stupidity

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“No! I know I’ve followed you on everything so far but this I where draw the line!” Lyra shouted.

The crowd looked on at the heated argument in the road between the two unicorns and a pair of changelings. They were shouting quite loud and heatedly but nopony knew what about, except that it seemed incredibly important.

“You’re just saying what you want without considering us!” Maze countered.

“It is you who is being inconsiderate! Trixie agrees with Lyra, ours is the best course of action! Trixie has done considerable research and has personal experience in the matter!” Trixie proclaimed.

“You’re not the only one who’s traveled Trix! I’ll have you know I’ve done my own research and experienced it myself, and you’re greatly over selling it!” Crystal matched the showmare.

The crowd grew as the fight seemed to reach a climax, baited breath as they grew quiet in anticipation.

“I’m telling you! The best place to eat in Baltimare is-”

“The Corner Fleet Street Grille!” The Changelings interrupted in unison.

“The Alta Woodberry Kitchen!” The unicorns shouted back.

Exasperated sighs and many rolling eyes swept through the rapidly dispersing crowds, muttering and complaints of wasted time heard more than once. The arguing group however remained steadfast, either not noticing or not caring as Lyra shouted again,

“They have a wide variety of delicacies! Exotic fruits freshly imported and meals prepared by top notch-!”

“And NO MEAT! We can’t live of grass and flowers Lyra! We need protein!” Maze cut her off.

"*Tch* Carnivores!” Trixie huffed, turning her head in disgust.

“You have any idea how hard it is to get a hold of dragon meat legally?! Let alone someone who actually knows how to prepare it?!” Crystal countered.

“Dragons are intelligent creatures!” Lyra scolded them, shocked at their barbarity.

“Yeah and they taste really good too! Besides not all of them are intelligent, most sea dragons are just destructive beasts!” Maze countered.

“What about that Steven fellow always traveling around Equestria? He’s a sea dragon!” Trixie asked.

“He’s a sea Serpent, they’re classified as sea monsters, not dragons!” Crystal corrected.

“Alright that’s enough!” Maze suddenly stepped forward, trying to lower her voice to a more diplomatic volume “Obviously we’re at an impasse, why don’t you two go to your little kitchen and enjoy your steamed oats or whatever and we’ll just meet up later?”

“Fine! We’ll do just that! Enjoy your bloody flesh! Come then Lyra, let us get some civilized food” Trixie accepted less than graciously as she and Lyra went their own way before calling back “You can find your own hotel tonight too!”

“Fine!” they shouted back.

*Tch* herbivores” Crystal added.

Wolf merely sat there as the two pairs stomped off.

"I do not require the ingestion of organic material for energy" he stated to no one in particular before wandering off to entertain himself.

“In all honesty it’s not a bad likeness” Maze said, examining the wanted poster with her face sketched on it. “And they even did it in color; they must want me bad to shell out for colored wanted posters.”

“You realize any changeling will see straight through your ‘disguise’ with nothing more than a second glance” Crystal mentioned, referring to Maze’s octocamo disguise of just changing her skin color grey and slightly altering her features “You don’t even have a horn.”

“Then I guess it’s a good thing I’m not trying to fool changelings then isn’t it? Besides, I’ve seen changelings without horns before and most ponies are embarrassingly unobservant anyways” Maze answered before releasing a little squee as their food arrived “And we can’t all be as lucky as to just have a black silhouette with a question mark, Miss ‘Unidentified Changeling’.”

“That does help” Crystal replied with a small smirk as the two dug into the smorgasbord of exotic dishes, with several very content and vaguely suggestive sounds following.

“So, if changelings need to eat normal food too then what’s with the whole feeding on emotions thing?” Maze asked curiously, cutting into a straight forward, but no doubt delicious dragon steak wrapped in tatzlwurm bacon.

“The emotions are for our magic, we don’t NEED to feed on them parse; we can survive and even use magic without, but it’s… not a pleasant existence. We also don’t need as much as most ponies think; passive feeding is enough for most changelings unless they plan on using a lot of magic. Why do think I insisted we sit near the family showing off their new foal?” Crystal answered, examining a ‘Dragon spring roll’ before popping it in her mouth, a not entirely innocent sounding *mmm* escaping her just after.

“Excuse me ladies” A rather large griffon pardoned as he approached “I represent a very influential party in town and you two seem like you are certainly more than capable of handling yourselves; I don’t suppose you would be interested in making a large some of bits for some off the record work, would you? I know food like this isn’t exactly cheap.”

“When were done eating, and if he picks up the tab maybe” Maze answered simply and continued eating, Crystal ignoring the griffon as if he weren’t even there as Maze addressed her “Ooo, you wanna split the basted Jackelope?”

“Oh, I uh… Okay I suppose I’ll just uh… go wait in the lobby?” The griffon asked to get no response, shortly retreating to wait slightly dejected.

“Those two don’t know what they’re missing” Lyra smiled happily as the waiter placed the Mint raita chickpea burgers and Artichoke Barigoule before her “Oh this looks soooo good!”

“Trixie agrees, those two would not know a fine meal if they prepared it themselves even!” Trixie agreed as she also hungrily eyed her stuffed portobellos and ratatouille terrine.

“Excuse me my fine mares, but if I may have a moment of your time” a surprisingly well spoken diamond dog politely interrupted as he approached their table in almost wizard like robes.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie always has time for her fans, but her journey has been long with few luxuries such as this meal, so she asks you make any autograph requests and praises as expedient as possible” Trixie requested, irritated but not about to alienate a fan.

“Actually madam, I work for a rather important individual with much influence over the ports. He’s looking for capable individuals to help with a… unique matter. I believe with your reputation, you and your friend would be most able. You would of course be compensated, my employer can be quite generous indeed” the diamond dog propositioned.

“Well we only just got our food so he’ll have to wait” Lyra answered unapologetically, savoring the first bite “MMMm, oh Trixie you just have to try a bite of this!”

“Uh… very well, I will… just... meet you out front I suppose?” The bipedal canine mumbled, withdrawing to the door.

“So you mean you’re empathic then?” Maze asked.

“To a certain degree yes, all changelings have some ability to sense emotions. It’s usually not sensitive enough to tell of someone is lying or anything advanced like that, but we wouldn’t know what we were really eating if we couldn’t sense it at least a little” Crystal responded informatively.

“Ahem, ladies? As Mr. Smith was saying…” the griffon interjected, confused as to why one changeling was asking questions about her own race, but figuring that maybe they were just from different hives.

“My name is Rail Smith, as my body guard has no doubt informed you. You’re here because of a pony named Shady Port who owes me for a lost wager, and has refused to pay” The mansion owner explained in a deep, if somewhat nasally voice. He was a slightly shorter stallion, plump with a large mustache and a thinning mane, a very typical railroad tycoon look to him.

“So you just want us to be debt collectors then? Couldn’t you just bring this dispute to the guards?” Maze asked, wondering why he would hire them “Honestly with what you’re paying us, it must have been one hell of a wager.”

“Oh this is no longer about the money my girl, it’s about respect and the lack he has shown me! That little whelp even accused me of cheating! An insult I simply cannot stand!” the angry tycoon ranted as he paced about the office.

“So you want us to kill him?” Crystal asked bluntly, not entirely clear as to if she was for or against the idea.

“Oh no, nothing that extreme” the griffon answered “Mr. Smith has been embarrassed by Mr. Port and he seeks to even their standing; hopefully once Mr. Port has realized his error this will all blow over.”

“I’ve heard he’s been looking for mercenaries of his own to embarrass me further, so we must strike first! What I want you to do is find his ruffians of his and…”

“Oh this it simply awful- JUST AWFUL! First I lose my friend and now he seeks to destroy my reputation?! He set me up! A friendly wager indeed, the backstabbing cheater!” the tall, lanky stallion fluttered about the room, flamboyantly exaggerating his gestures “I simply cannot let him think he can just do this to someone like me! I Cannot!”

“Calm yourself Mr. Port! The great and understanding Trixie is here to assist you! She too knows what it is like to be set up for failure over a mere wager!” Trixie assuaged the lord of the manor, Lyra rolling her eyes at her partner’s delusion.

“We have word that Mr. Smith, the trickster behind the bet has hired a pair of goons to attempt to further diminish Mr. Port’s reputation, you will stop them” the diamond dog explained “Do not kill them of course, this could get very messy legally speaking that way.”

“Stop his mercs and make him back off; got it. Come on Trix” Lyra summed up and dragged the magician from the room, Mr. Port continuing to swoon and complain even after they left.

Wolf sat on atop a tall roof, watching as each pair of his companions passed each other on different streets on their way to the others’ employer’s home. He found a better vantage point where he could see both homes and settled in.

“This is proving to be a most interesting turn of events.”

“Yeah, that bitch queen Chysalis really screwed the orthros when she invaded Canterlot. I know there are rumors that her hive can live off emotions alone, but she just got greedy. Love isn’t even the best source of power; sure it tastes great but damn it, did she ever make life a lot more difficult for the rest of us” Crystal vented at Maze’s latest question.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to hit a sore spot” Maze apologized as they reached the manor’s gates.

“No, it's not you; we’ve never really been welcome in pony lands as it was, she just made it more irritating” Crystal calmed down as a diamond dog jumped over the gate, stance low and ready.

“Cease and desist, servants of Smith! You will not besmirch my employers name so long as I stand at his side!” The dog announced as his paws became engulfed in a fiery brown aura “That is right dishonorable shape shifters! Magic is no longer the sole domain of unicorns and changelings! With my nano magic I can weild far greater than-URK!”

The diamond dog rocketed back into the gate, a kinetic pulse from one of Crystals tentacles nearly breaking it off its hinges as it carried the dog into the metal. The bodyguard slid down, tongue lolling out of his mouth and his eyes rolled back.

"Wasn't this supposed to hard or something?" Crystal asked, a note of irritated disappointment in her tone.

“You didn’t kill him right?” Maze asked as the poked the body guard with a twig, a small whine escaping the still unconscious canine “Yeah, he’s still breathing. That should be good right? Let’s head back.”

“You shall not best me in combat tiny ponies! You are not even Pegasi!” The griffon boasted as he took to the sky above the showmare and engineer “You cannot hope to match my speed and agility when I fly, now feel my wrath dive down upon… you?”

The griffon jerked to a halt mid-dive, a light blue glow enveloping him. He suddenly met the ground hard, and then met it again 5 more times. He was knocked out by the third drop, beak to the ground and plot in the air as the two mares just glanced at one another.

“He really wasn’t too bright was he?” Lyra asked rhetorically.

“Of course not, all are inferior to Trixie and her allies! This one was a particularly evident example though, Trixie agrees” the stage magician turned and the two went to collect their pay.

“Took care of it?! You took care of nothing! Just look at my body guard!” Mr. Smith berated his new hires as his guard lay unconscious and heavy bandaged on the couch “You call that embarrassing the enemy!?”

“Hey calm down, so we just missed them in passing” Maze said casually “We’ll just head back and wreck their shit, easy-peazy.”

“Well then go do it! I’m not paying you to sit around here!” Rail Smith shouted as they left the mansion and Maze summoned one of the few tools the princesses didn’t take from her.

“What’s with the Musket?” Crystal asked, eyeing the ancient firearm.

“Well first off, this isn’t just any musket, it’s a Tanegashima; and you’ll just have to wait and see what that means!” Maze answered with a mischievous grin, leaving the changeling to wonder.

“You! You! You! You didn’t embarrass him at all! So you beat up his body guard! Big deal! They beat up mine and you weren’t even here to protect me!” Mr. Port Screamed at them, his servants doing what they could keep him calm as he floated about the room distraught.

“Trixie regrets the state of your body guard, but we were unaware that our opposition had hired others. It is a simple matter, we will merely have to retaliate” Trixie responded, her tone impressively even despite their employers… eccentric personality.

There was a small pop outside that caused the group's ears to stand on end, a moment later the room became a hurricane. Windows and doors crashed open as ponies were forced to grab on to anything stable, the winds tossing papers, furniture and ponies alike as if they were nothing but leaves.

“Holy Hate! Just how the hell did a musket ball do that!” Crystal exclaimed as she watched house become engulfed in a massive whirlwind as soon as the unassuming lead ball hit the door.

“I can’t say” Maze answered simply as she laughed, thoroughly entertained.

“I’ve been answering all your questions!” Crystal reminded the cyborg.

“No really! I can’t say, I have no idea how! It’s just something it can do!” She answered as the pair ran before anyone in the house could recover.

“Why don’t you use that all the time?!”

“Well A: It causes a lot of collateral damage, B: it takes like ten fucking minutes to load and C: It wouldn’t be as fun if I did it all the time!” Maze answered.

“You’re insane!” Crystal yelled smiling.

“So I’ve been told!” Maze grinned back.

“Hmmm yes, that does sound quite effective! I only wish I could have witnessed it myself!” Mr. Smith announced happily “Now let’s just discuss your paymm-m-m-m-m-OH w-w-when d-d-d-did it g-g-get so cold!?”

The mansions occupants shivered as the air itself seemed as to stick to them, chilling them to the bone. A loud cracking noise could be heard throughout the mansion, the light through the windows growing dim and filtered. When looking out they could see nothing but a solid blur.

“And that my dear Lyra, is how it is done!” Trixie laughed at the mansion now completely incased in ice “Isn’t Trixie just the most clever mage in Equestria?”

“Yeah, yeah good work,” Lyra admitted with an amused smile “Now let’s get going before they figure a way out!"

As the two mares ran off, a muted whirring noise could be heard crying out through the ice as they left earshot and a glowing spot began ripping though the ice. Large block slid out of place as Maze looked down at the red hot chainsaw, glad to have found it useful after all.


“So, they want to play dirty do they?” Crystal mused menacingly “They should know better than to try and best a changeling at playing dirty...”

“Ahaha! Fantastic! They blow us around so you freeze them in place! Very good!” Mr. Port sung joyously “Now then, we should be ready to arrange your… your… By the sun what is that smell?!”

The gathered ponies all scrunched their muzzles at the increasingly vile smell when the source suddenly burst through the broken windows.


“There’s actually quite a few hives other than the big ones everyone knows about, though most are still just off shoots of those. There’s actually the hagfish hive just along the horseshoe bay near the city here; they’re the ones with little fins and gills, one of the only amphibious changelings hives in the world. A very level headed and pragmatic breed, like their queen. They can come off a little too calm sometimes though, kind of creepy.” Crystal answered Maze’s latest question.

“That’s cool” Maze commented, then looked to the squishy, mucus covered egg-thing in her hand “So what is this stuff again?”

“Y’know those slimy pods you sometimes see or at least hear about when it comes to changelings, the ones filled with all kinds of gooey goodness?” Crystal asked as she poured a few more out of a vial she had been preparing.

“Yeah… I thought those were for birthing you guys though” Maze answered hesitantly.

“Well for hatching the lower castes yes, the higher castes give live births for the most part. These though, are like those pods but nastier failures of alchemy; though in this case, I’d say they’ll be a rousing success” Crystal delivered with a grin most wicked, throwing the first few at the manor as if egging a house.

They chucked the last one, the muted splats against the wood the only signs of progress.

“Sooo… What now, is that- FIND ME IN THE ALPS!” Maze jumped back as the small blobs exploded, large sacks of vicious fluids covered in sludge stretching across the walls and burrowing through broken windows and doors. Maze reeled back with a hand slamming down on her nose and mouth, the stench an almost corporeal threat it was so vile. The house looked more like a gangrenous wound then a dwelling by the time the twisted, bastard child of alchemy stopped spreading.

“Come on! You do not want that smell to get stuck in your hair!” Crystal cried happily as she dragged Maze away.

Trixie and Lyra staggered up to the mansion, still looking rather queasy.

“That was awful…” Lyra mumbled with all color drained from her face, a purely traumatized expression dominating her features.

“Even through the barrier Trixie could smell it, even AGAINST the barrier it was if Trixie could feel it” Trixie shuddered, rubbing her arms as if to wipe away the imagined sensation.

“Thanks again for that, I’d hate to think how much worse that could have been if you reacted even a second later…” Lyra thanked the quick acting magician.

“Not at all my engineer ally, Trixie only regrets that she couldn’t include anypony else… that’s bound to affect our pay…” Trixie trailed off, thinking of how they didn’t even wait for Mr. Port stop retching and tell them to retaliate.

“Alright, nothing clever this time. Just a good ol’ straight forward buck you” Lyra stated as she raised her gauntlet, a large canister popping up and rocketing straight through the wood of the front door. The pair didn’t even look back when the canister filled the entire mansion with tear gas, too tired of this game to even care as they walked away.

The occupants and staff quickly burst through the doors stumbling out of the mansion, coughing and sputtering as they gasped for fresh air. The gas still spilling out of windows and doors, they looked teary eyed upon the still growing cloud as they retreated to a safe distance.

“This is unacceptable!” Mr. Smith shouted as soon as he was able “No! No more of these games! This gets finished here and now! I will issue a challenge; you two will meet his goons in the town square and settle this once and for all!”

“Whoa hang on there, boss man! The squares’ a bit public for that kind of thing, don’t you think?” Maze argued “I’m not sure it’s the best place-”

“You will meet them there or you won’t get paid! End of discussion!” Mr. Smith issued the ultimatum and flagged down a servant to issue the challenge.

“Sorry if all my questions are bugging you, I know I can be pretty ignorant sometimes” Maze offered Crystal in case the changeling felt she was badgering her.

“Surprisingly, they’re not. Truth be told, it’s actually rather refreshing to have someone who’s just genuinely curious in learning about changelings. Most outsiders either don’t bother looking past the stories or interrogate us out of fear and suspicion” Crystal responded truthfully, leaning against a lamppost in the square as they tried to not draw too much attention to themselves.

“I find it refreshing to talk to someone who uses words like everybody instead of everypony” Maze admitted “Not that I hate it or can’t stand it or anything, it’s just a little… eh...”

“Yeah… that can take a bit of getting used to” Crystal agreed.

“Hey!” The pair heard someone shout, seeing Lyra and Trixie walking up though the square as the latter looked to be scanning the area.

“How were your steamed oats?” Maze asked jokingly, no longer upset. She was just glad to see some friendly faces after the day they’d had.

“The food was great! I only wish the rest of the day had been that way…” Lyra trailed off.

“Yeah, ours hasn’t been so great since the meal either” Maze replied “So what’re you doing here?”

“They are here to meet your employer's challenge” A large metal wolf informed as he approached the group.

“Meet our…? - Oh fuck me!” Maze cursed “REALLY?! You’re Shady’s goons?!

”Why I- Trixie might be considered many things but she certainly no Goon!” Trixie looked appalled by even the thought “You two however must be, to ally yourselves with devious ponies like Rail Smith!”

“Wait, so you two tear gassed us?" Crystal demanded then rounded on the cyber dog "And you knew?!”

“I have been aware of the coincidence since just after the four of you were hired and have been observing the conflict the entire time” Wolf informed the changeling.

“Why didn’t you tell us?!” Lyra shouted.

“It has been a most humorous turn of events, I was curious to see how it would resolve” Wolf stated simply, his usual monotone failing to enforce his amusement.

“I don’t know whether to be pissed off or proud now” Maze admitted, quite ambivalent to the reply.

“So what the fuck do we do now?! We need to get paid here!” Crystal cursed.

“Well, it’s obvious isn’t it? You two go running off and tell your boss the Great and Powerful Trixie whipped your plots and we can move on from this embarrassing affair” Trixie told the non-ponies of the group.

“Bullshit! Why should we give up?!” Maze demanded.

“You’re the ones who had to go and escalate it with that whirlwind and that… that… horribleness I can’t even describe” Lyra argued.

“I was wondering where that smell was coming from” Crystal giggled just a little too proudly “Besides, you got us back with the ice and tear gas.”

“Yeah but I’d still say they got it worse, that stuff you threw at ‘em was pretty fucked up Cryss” Maze relented, only for Crystal to puff out her chest even more proudly.

“MAISIE THE HUMAN!” a shout rang out, several guards rushing into the square and leveling their rifles at the pair of gray humanoids.

“And now this is happening” Maze said dully as she dropped the octocamo disguise, not bothering to waste the energy if she was already found out.

“You and your changeling accomplice are under arrest! Surrender your weapons or we will open fire!” the guard surrounded the group, though keeping their weapons only trained on Maze and Crystal. She gave the two unicorns and Wolf a sharp glare, hoping they got the message to not intervene.

‘The longer we can keep them off the radar the easier our lives will be’ Maze thought as the guards circled them.

“Any ideas Maze? This isn’t exactly a winning scenario” Crystal asked quietly as they met backs.

“A distraction would be nice” Maze mused, the guards inching ever closer.

They all suddenly stumbled however as a building exploded at the other end of the square, ponies running away in a panic straight at the gathered guards.

“That’ll do!” Maze yelled as the group fled in the direction of the harbor, the guards unwilling to open fire and risk hitting the fleeing civilians. They ducked through a few alleyways and past a couple streets and more ponies ran directionless as more explosions and alarm bells rang out.

“What in Tartarus is happening?! It’s not another emotion trigger is it?!” Lyra asked, looking toward the growing smoke and out toward the bay. She could see an unusually high density of ships packed into the harbor, small puffs of smoke as some fired on each other and the city “What the-?”

“PIRATES! PIIIIIRAAAATTTEEEESSSSS!!!” One hysterical stallion screamed as he ran past.

Three surprised expressions met, along with the typical emotionless visage of Wolf. One face however held nothing but joyous excitement,

“PIRATES?!” Maze asked exhilarated.

“Maze don’t you dar- aaand she’s already gone” Lyra lamented as she watched the human sprint off, her sword held high in a dramatic charge and screaming like an idiot.


Chapter 7: Meet the Monster

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Maze ran giggling across the rooftops straight toward the harbor. She spotted several ships exchanging fire in the bay, four of them with black flags adorned with Jolly Rogers. It seemed that they hadn’t made land fall yet and that the explosions and fires where caused by their exchange of fire with the guard ships and harbor guns.

Maze braced on the last building and vaulted clear over the water, a resounding crack filling the air as the deck buckled on her landing. The pirates leaped back, shocked at the audacity as Maze rose flourishing her blade

“Aye and A Vast Ye Scurvy Cyber Dogs! Shut Yer Scoppers and Bare Your Steel! Ye Be Dealing with a Ninja Now!” Maze delivered in an exaggerated pirate accent, the actual pirates staring on stunned and thinking the woman mad.

“Don’t jus' stand there ya id-jits! KILL ‘ER!” A young pegasus commanded from above, her in a long coat ripping in the air. The pirates charged, relieved of their stupor. It was an impressive mix of races; griffons, ponies, diamond dogs, zebra and even some minotaur.

“If there’s one thing to be said about pirates, you certainly don’t discriminate!” Maze touted as she parried another saber, relieving its wielder of his consciousness with the back of her blade. The commanding pegasus dive bombed her in response, their blades sparking as they met.

“What’s a’matta ninja girl? ‘Fraid of kill’n?” The mare taunted, the blades grinding against one another

“You have no idea who you’re talking to do you?” Maze bantered “But no, not afraid; I just don’t like too.”

“Well we do, right Spigot?” The mare jumped back as a minotaur grabbed Maze from behind in a bear hug, locking her arms to her sides as he tried squeezing her like an orange “You ever hear somepony slowly crushed? Sounds just like bubble wrap.”

“Sort of I guess, but it’s not the closest thing I’ve heard” Maze commented casually, a pair a black arms appeared on the anchors her tentacles usually sat; a red hot, HF chainsaw in their grasp and headed back at the hugger.

‘Thank you Lyra!’

The minotaur quickly dropped her and leapt back from the saw's spinning teeth, only to receive a back kick that sent him crashing into the mast. The pirates scowled and readied another charge when their opponents extra arms were suddenly replaced with four metal tentacles, a revving chainsaw at the end of each to match the two now in each her hands.

“RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!” Maze screamed and spun across the ship, pirates panicking as they fled the whirling blender of ripping death. Maze was actually being particularly careful to not kill them, despite the appearances; sure a few cybernetic limbs were lost but pirates lose limbs all the time, right? The ship on the other hand, well that wood was already dead.

“Alright ya id-jits! We bought the Cap’n enough time! Git mov'n!” the pegasus shouted as the pirates began taking off in what seemed to be rocket propelled lifeboats, abandoning the now half destroyed ship. They leapt to the sands the instant the small but fast crafts met the shore, charging the now much worse off city. Maze looked over the railing to see four more ships crashed straight though the docks and into the harbor as well.

“What the hell?! They were outnumbered a least three to one, how could they have broken through?!” Maze asked herself, only then realizing the truth. One of the ‘docked’ ships had royal guard markings but pirates at the helm, and some of the remaining guard ships in the water were still exchanging fire on each other. These pirates were a lot more cunning than Maze had expected.

A quick slice later and Maze was running up the falling mast, once again launching herself over the water towards the way she came. A glint of light and a whistling sound the only warning as a cannon ball flew right at her. She raised the tentacles in defense but was still thrown hard to the ground, short of her goal.

She landed ungracefully between a group of fleeing ponies and the trio of diamond dogs pursuing them. The dogs fell before they even got a shot off, but the sounds surrounding her told of how short sighted she’d been. She looked down to see three of her four tentacles laying limp and mangled, she dismissed them in a flurry of particles until they could be repaired later.

“Maisie” A synthetic voice calmly addressed her from above, Wolf leaping down to meet her “The others are a few blocks over, follow me.”

Wolf led Maze to a small barricade set up against a short, gated wall of the large courtyard in front of the town’s clock tower, the group along with a few citizens holding off the waves of pirates from both sides as best they could.

“Really wishing we hadn’t left the wagon at the edge of town, those guns would be really helpful right about now” Lyra lamented, firing another plasma rail to suppress a cluster of pirates behind the courtyard debris.

“So nice of you to join us!” Crystal spat at Maze after deflecting a burst of shots with her metal appendages, a stream of blood trickling down her face. She tossed Maze a rifle as Wolf moved to perimeter defense when a loud, deep voice rang out over the city from the clock tower.

“THERE BE RUMORS ABOUND THAT THE BLOODLETTER ‘ERSELF HAS RETURNED FROM THE LAND OF THE DEAD AND WAS ‘EADED NORTH! NOW CAPTAIN IRON JAW AIN’T USE'LY ONE FER ‘ERESAY-” a large minotaur boomed from the top of the tower, wearing the longest coat, the biggest hat and a jagged, metal plate welded to his jaw. He hefted a bloodied guard mare by her head with a massive metal arm ending in huge, serrated claws.

“BUT THIS LITTLE POPPET WENT AN’ CONFIRMED IT! SO COME ON OUT MONSTER OF THE SYNTHIC WARS! LET’S ‘AVE A LOOK AT’CHA!” he yelled tossing the guard to the side as he scanned the city, not realizing his prey was just below him at the edge of the courtyard.

‘What the hell?! This was all just to get to me?!’ Maze thought as the minotaur ran from railing to railing, looking for her. Her thoughts and the defenders' attentions were quickly diverted however as the pirates mounted another charge on their position. Trixie’s shield repelled them well enough for the rest to be driven off, but it ate enough time for the pirate captain to grow impatient.

“WELL ALRIGHT THEN BOYS, GUESS WE’LL JUSS ‘AVE TA FLUSH ‘ER OUT!” He called as several large orbs of cackling energy flared to life over the city. Before anyone could react they blossomed out, expanding and overlapping over the entire city in seconds.

Maze felt as the waves hit them and the disorienting tingle coursing through her. She felt some of her systems shutdown and others malfunction but they were already recovering much quicker than before; Crystal’s upgrades were doing their job. It was a short lived relief as the realization hit her, a single thought dominating her mind:


Maze managed to catch the unicorn just as her knees gave out, the mare panting and clutching at her chest. Somehow she was managing to remain conscious, in fact she almost seemed to be having small seizures. Maze hit her enhanced vision and saw things were much worse than she feared; the synthetic heart hadn’t shut down but was instead malfunctioning with a vengeance. It was randomly slowing, stopping and speeding up all while sending out jolts of errant electricity, sending the mare into a fit with each one.

“Maze, what’s happening?!” Lyra shouted as she knelt next to Trixie, searching for a cause of the showmare’s pain.

“She has a prosthetic heart, it’s malfunctioning from the pulses” Maze quickly told the engineer “She’s basically being electrocuted while having multiple heart attacks! So yeah, bad things!”

“Why the hell didn’t she tell us when we were shielding our systems!?” Crystal yelled between bursts of gun fire.

“I could… couldn’t… shame...” Trixie panted between breaths and spasms before they seem to edge off and she started trailing off, her eyelids drooping “Makers, I’m gonna die a failure, a boastful con-mare… couldn’t even… prove my…”

Trixie quickly lost consciousness, her implant having finally shut down as Lyra started trying to resuscitate her.

“This wasn’t supposed to happen” Maze muttered looking around; only fire, pain and death meeting her eyes. The city was a blaze, a sickly orange illuminated the bloody streets under dark skies as cries and gun fire echoed from all around “It’s not supposed to be like this here…”

‘This is Equestria! Ponies and Harmony! Not THIS! Maze thought, realizing just how asinie it was before she even finished thinking it.

“THEY’RE PIRATES MAZE!” Crystal shouted at her while Lyra continued pumping against Trixie’s chest “WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU EXPECTING TO HAPPEN?!”

What was she expecting? Swashbuckling good fun? A hot wave of shame coursed through her, she should have known better. She DID know better and ignored it; running off to play and mess around while her friends were fighting for their lives. She’d seen war here already, why couldn’t she just-

“WHAT DI’YA THINK OF THAT BLOODLETTER?!” the pirate captain bellowed before cackling manically, fully enjoying the suffering his crew had wrought.

Maze’s head snapped up; a red glinted gaze locked on the laughing sadist and the cause of Trixie’s pain. The only other one she could blame besides herself.

“Take care of her” Maze told the others simply, rising from her crouch.

So everyone wanted her to be the villain again? The demon that haunts their nightmares? The Bloodletter?

‘They all want to meet the monster so much?’ she thought grimly ‘Then let them.’

She didn’t even notice when the music began to play

Maze stalked straight out of the protective barrier, ignoring the calls from her allies as a red haze began to envelop her. She didn’t even bother drawing her sword; a cold, almost passive glare on her features as she moved toward the closest target. A zebra hefted his large rifle and leveled it at the stupid changeling looking girl walking toward him, aiming for her center mass.

The round punched clean through Maze’s chest, she didn’t even flinch.

The zebra blanched as the cyborg was suddenly on him in a violet flash, wrenching his gun up right under his chin. The shot rang out as a fine red mist sprayed into the air, the rest of the pirates immediately recognizing the new threat. Maze watched almost passively at a now charging minotaur, her expression unwavering as he swung his huge war hammer at her.

“Spigot, wasn’t it?” Maze asked calmly as her rolled over the hammer, using its momentum to add weight to her swinging leg. The minotaur choked as the tip of her boot dug into his throat with a disturbing crunch. A cruel gurgling sound issued forth as he struggled to breathe. He fell the ground as he clawed at his neck in vain, already drowning.

A sudden blade pierced right through her shoulder to her back as a griffon dive-bombed his prey, laughing as he looked to her face to see her pain. What met his eyes however was merely Maze staring coldly back, no concern or even recognition of the injury shown as the flyer’s blood ran cold. A hand wrapped around his face and he suddenly found himself looking up with massive pain shooting from the back of his head.

Maze looked down as the griffon's head cracked the cement, his eyes wide and strained at the impact. With a quick flex her hand was flat against the pavement and the eyes were never to be seen again.

She stood, flicking the remains off her hand as a chimera swung a vicious arc at her with a meteor hammer. The head of the weapon stopped and the multi-headed beast jerked forward, the chain finding itself around the two upper heads.

A pair of cracks echoed across the courtyard as the chain tightened and then slacked as the two heads slammed against each other. Maze let the beast fall behind her, ignoring the desperate cries of the snake headed tail trapped beneath its deceased siblings. Maze reached the doors as a challenging scream issued out behind her.

“YOU BITCH!” the long coated Pegasus arced into an attack at the cyborg. Maze lazily side stepped and let the mare’s own momentum slam her into the door. The pegasus began to push away but was shoved back into it, her face grinding against the wood. Her struggles immediately ceased as she felt a steel grip upon one of her wings.

“You know what sounds even more like bubble wrap?” Maze asked to the mare, the snaps and pops audible even over the bloodcurdling scream that followed. The pegasus dropped like a stone, cradling the twisted limb as tears streamed down her face.

Captain Iron Jaw looked down in awe as his top lieutenants were felled in mere moments by the unarmed woman, his diamond dog first mate slowly backing away from the railing in fear. A sharp flash of light strobed behind him and he rounded to see the dog lifted into the air by a metal tendril, it pincers clamped around his head and face. The sickening crunch that followed made even the sadistic captain flinch, his first mate's body landing in a heap as the tentacle vanished.

“Bloodletter Maisie, tha Dread Caller…” The large minotaur started, taking a step forward as he stood tall, a good two heads taller than the cold eyed cyborg encased in a red aura “Ta think I’d ever get ta meet you...”

Maze remained silent as she looked about the tower. A pair of bloodied and abused guard mares sat huddled in the corner, clinging to each other as they wept; their male counterparts lay dead about the open space. She looked past the minotaur to the burning city, the peaceful city turned hellish landscape in less than a day. Her eyes snapped to pirate as he began talking again.

“Ta think of da infamy ta be had when I mount yer head upon me ship! Now com’ON BLOODLETTER!” he challenged, brandashing a long, electrified whip as the servos whirred in his giant mechanical claw “LET US SEE WHO HISTORY WILL REMEMBER AFTER THIS DA-”


The pirate paused, confused as he looked down to see a small hole in his chest just above his heart before looking back up at the cyborg. Maze stared back holding Johnny’s gun covered in the same red aura surrounding her, a seething scowl on her face behind the sights.

“W.. Wha-”


Showers of red blossomed forth from the pirate's chest as the shots rang out, forcing him back as the rounds hammered into him. A look of disbelief dominated his features; the rounds shouldn’t even have scratched his dermal armor, let alone punch straight through. He fell against the railing, looking up at his foe with a pleading expression.

“No, I can’t… It can’t end like this… we… WE WERE SUPPOSED TO FIGHT!” He cried clutching at the ragged wound, his cybernetics the only thing keeping him alive and from going into shock.

“You show your opponents no respect and you will receive none” Maze replied simply, the icy words hanging in the fiery air. She walked up to the fallen villain, looking past through the railing to her companions. Wolf and Crystal still holding the line as Lyra continued CPR to keep Trixie with them.

“Look at her…” Maze told him to only be ignored. She lashed out, grabbing the minotaur’s horn and smashing his face into the metal bars “LOOK AT HER!”

The minotaur grunted painfully, blood seeping between his fingers from the sudden movement. Maze leaned in as the pirate looked on, whispering into his ear

“Do you know what the only difference between you and her is right now?” Maze asked, her calm hate chilling the captain to the core “No one's going to try to save you.”

Maze dropped the horn and walked away, disregarding her fallen foe as she left him to reflect on his failure, slowly bleeding out.

There was no celebration, no banter or joke, no victory in that moment. Maze sighed, the anger rolling over her, unsatisfied but no longer fed.

Another violet flash and Maze was gone.

The world faded in and out, blurry shapes and distorted sounds coming and going for brief moments of consciousness. She could feel a close heat contrasting with the chill on her back and a painful thrusting repeating against her chest. A pair of lips were suddenly on hers, air being forced into her lungs then more pumping.

‘I’ve had better kisses, but none as appreciated’ a thought wisped past before the world faded again.

The world blurred back, out of focus. She could smell antiseptic and squinted through bright, humming lights as strong arms now held her. She could just barely make out a large, multi-limbed shape holding a vaguely pony shape at the end of the long bendy shape.

“THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN’T ADMIT HER! SHE’S DYING!” she heard a female shout from what sounded much further away than it should, the voice echoing through her head.

‘Crystal? No it can’t be, she’s too much of a bitch to care about me…’ another thought drifted around her mind as she heard the whir of a chainsaw.

“You will save her or no one will be able to save you” She heard someone say coldly over the loud, weaponized tool.

“And she would still die! I’m sorry but she’s hardly the only one hurt! You may have noticed the whole pirate invasion thing going on!” a voice shouted back.

The was a loud crash of wood followed by a groan, followed by the familiar shouts of ‘Stop there!’ and ‘Seize them!’

‘I know those sounds well enough’ she drifted back into the darkness again.

She was then being shaken and jostled as she was being carried by someone running. The strong arms still held her but now it was dark, a blurry moon behind the head of the one carrying her with a face she couldn’t see through the hazy, double sight of her vision despite her best efforts.

She could hear waves though, and the rapid crunching sand being run upon. She relished the gentle mist she could feel on her skin, and light smell of the ocean.

‘This is nice, except for the bumpy ride this wouldn’t be such a terrible way to d-’

“Hold on Trix, hold on! Don’t you dare go gently into that good night!” She could hear Maze pant quietly above her, her face now much more clear. She didn’t seem to notice she was awake though. Trixie looked at the human’s brown and green eyes, a look of angry desperation held within as she stared ahead and redoubled her pace.

Trixie suddenly felt angry as well, a rage she couldn’t explain that boiled as the darkness tried to retake her. She still lost consciousness again, her mind screaming against the fading moon.

“HOLY SUN BUTT!” Lyra fell back out of her chair in surprise, the blue unicorn suddenly jolting up from the bed with a giant gasp of air.

“Wh-What!? WHERE AM I?!” Trixie demanded, scanning the room for threats and recoiling at the monstrosity in the corner staring at her. The sheet clutched in a death grip as she slid back on the bed.

“Trixie calm down!” Lyra jumped up between the two, her hands extending toward the magician in a calming gesture “You’re safe; safe and happily still alive.”

The showmare glanced cautiously between the engineer and the slimy thing. It walked on two legs and held a clip board in a pair of webbed hands poking out of a long white coat, and while the torso appeared vaguely pony-ish, the similarities ended there. A think, long and finned tail dragged along the ground as an equally thick neck swiveled and contorted, a round whiskered mouth hanging slightly open at its end.

“Ohhhh-HOHO!” The thing spoke in a flanged voice, a jolly mirth that was matched in small dark eyes could still be heard under a slightly gargled delivery “The treatment seemed to work! Very good! And here I was worried we couldn’t adapt it to work for a pony!”

“Trixie, this is Dr. Inidae, a changeling of the Hagfish hive” Lyra explained in a soothing voice with which one might address a child “He’s been helping us treat you.”

“And what a treatment it has been! A malfunctioning cardiac prosthetic reprogramed remotely while stimulated directly!? Hooo, I really don’t get to work with enough cybernetics! They’re just so… so… singularly shaped!” The excitable slug monster rambled “Oh and Lyra, we prefer to be called the Myxini hive, much less… mucky sounding.”

“Sorry” Lyra apologized with a small shrug.

“Not at all my dear, I know how hard some titles can be to lose” He dismissed, moving toward the door “I am sure the others of you group would like to know you’re awake, I will go alert them of the good news.”

Trixie watched as the excitable doctor exited, finally letting the tension leave her shoulders to look around the room properly. It seemed to be an almost entirely metal room, the white paint hiding the fact at first glance. It had tiled and slightly slick looking floors, and over all looked surprisingly clean, not what she would have expected from a changeling hive. Medical equipment and a few other beds the only other things to see except-

“It is a significant relief so see you once more conscious, Miss Trixie” Wolf delivered in his usual monotone.

“Thanks, it’s good to be conscious again” Trixie admitted, a little embarrassed she didn’t notice the large black and metal wolf in the bright room. Then again, her doctor kind of dominated her attention quite easily. She reached for a nearby glass of water, impossibly thirsty “How long have I been out?”

“Approximately fifty six hours” Wolf answered. That would explain the thirst and her suddenly ravenous hunger, that could wait a few moments longer though.

“So what’s happened? How did we end up here?”

“Well, Maze… defeated the pirate captain and they quickly lost their moxie after that, retreating back to their ships. We tried to get you to the hospital but there were some… obstacles that prevented that. I tried some quick and sloppy nano modifications and I got lucky; managing to buy you a little more time. Crystal then dragged us toward the harbor and set us running along the beach, hoping she could convince the changelings to help. The queen wasn't exactly jumping at the chance but Maze managed to turn her around with a... meaningful gesture...” Lyra explained before trailing off.


“She asked” Wolf said simply before Lyra elaborated, retelling the tale.

-2 days earlier-

“We simply cannot let you pass based on the mere fact you are a changeling, you’re not even supposed to know about this entrance cousin!” a human like face answered from beneath the half helmet as his shark headed partner growled at the group. Maze was about to speak up, completely unconcerned with the guards aggressive stance and rows of razor sharp teeth, when Cyrstal stepped between them and pulled something from her bag.

“By the royal caste of the Apis hive, I demand an audience with your queen!” Crystal commanded in a tone with shocking authority, displaying a hexagonal sigil covered in changeling symbols and writing. The guards immediately stood at attention, the passageway opening as another pair inside motioned for them to follow. Cyrstal took the lead with Lyra continuously monitoring Trixie’s condition as Maze still carried her and Wolf took up the rear.

“Just how far up in the castes are you?” Lyra asked tentatively, earning a sharp glare from the burgundy haired changeling “Right, priorities.”

They were led to a large cavern adorn with banners, rugs and statues; various shades of blue and green dominating their pallet. At the back of the chamber was a raised section home to a number comfortable looking chairs, chief among them a surprisingly simple and empty throne.

A clang reverberated through the stone cavern as a door behind the throne opened and a tall, attractive but very stoic looking changeling exited, flanked by a quartet of guards. She, like what Maze understood was common for the upper castes, had a human like face. Almond shaped eyes were surrounded by skin with an unusual, sub-dermal pattern that gave the illusion of subtle scales. Even the colorful tresses hanging draped around her horn were more like a fighting fish’s weaving tail than strands of hair. She was wearing a long, modest nightgown, only a few symbols of status and a very tired and irritated frown. When she spoke it was even and calm, with little inflection despite her implied irritation.

“Siss-prea Crystal, you dare to call an audience at this hour, demanding aid and bringing outsiders into this hive as if it were your own?” the queen asked of the ‘Siss-prea’ Crystal, whatever the hell that meant “You’ve got some nerve girl.”

“My apologies Queen Nagisa, I would not have been so impertinent if the situation were not so dire” Crystal addressed the changeling queen with a diplomatic tone Maze didn’t know she was capable off “One of my companions in the investigation of our people's exploitation is-”

“I can see the pony is hurt Siss-prea, but I can also see that her survival would do us no benefit despite her role in your mission. I see no reason to-” The queen began before a furious voice snarled an interruption.

“How about the benefit of not becoming bloody chunks of sushi in the most painful manner I can think of?!” Maze snapped, quickly growing tired of the political bullshit, Trixie needed help now and Maze going to get it for her or die trying.

“Ah yes, the Bloodletter. Another infraction against us to bring her here” the queen stated, unintimidated “We know of you 'monster of the synthetic wars', and while you could possibly end a good fraction of our hive it would gain you little beyond death and the still ultimate demise of the unicorn.”

“Then at least she wouldn’t be going alone” Maze countered, calling the queen's bluff. At least, she was hoping it was a bluff.

“How do I know you will not simply proceed with that plan anyway? Why would I risk my hive against the princesses than against you? No, you must prove your intent...” The queen stated, stoic as ever. She tilted her chin up to look down her nose at the woman “Bow to me.”

Maze eyes widened as she continued to glare. She didn’t bow, the only exception she would make was after showing off, and that was a performer’s bow; a bow of gratitude. The queen wanted something different, something she had never just given away. She didn't believe in voluntarily forfeiting one's equality.

“She who would not bow to kings, dragons, or even gods. The former servant of the Princesses of the Sun and Moon but who never once kneeled before them…” The queen quoted as she sat upon her throne “Is your little friend’s life worth your pride Dread Call-”

The queen froze, along with the rest of the room as Maze gingerly placed Trixie on Wolf’s waiting back. She walked toward the queen, the guards tensing as her hand neared her blade. The queen’s eye widened further as the weapon clattered against the floor still in its sheath. Broken tentacles were summoned and detached, followed by every other weapon and upgrade she could separate from herself. She even dismissed her tactical suit.

She stopped short of the raised section, standing there unarmed and nearly naked. Even the queen sat shocked to the see the fabled demon of last era's greatest war, the one that could instill fear in even the rulers of ponykind, falling to her knees before her. Maze sat on her heels and fell forward, hands braced as her nose hovered a hairs breadth from the floor.

“Please,” Maze asked, the question muffed by the floor "will you please help her?"

The queen stared on, uncertain of how to feel. She was queen, she was in a position of reverence constantly; but here was a woman that could potentially end her entire hive, begging for her help. Ambivalence barely began to cover it.

“...Very well then.”

Lyra finished the story as the door opened, Crystal walking in holding the magicians signature cape and hat followed closely by the slug headed doctor.

“Well ’Bout time your lazy ass got up” she shot as soon as she saw the magician, though not as menacingly as usual. She tossed the clothes to the magician and sat next Wolf “Maze is still talking to the queen, trying to secure us passage to avoid unwanted attention but smiled pretty big when she heard you were up.”

“Yes, yes; she has made quite the recovery! We may still want to keep an eye on her for a day or two, but I don’t expect anymore problems” the doctor commented as Trixie donned the hat, looking down with the pretense of fiddling with her cape. She was quite grateful for the hats large brim, it was doing well at helping hide the tears threating to escape her eyes. She thought long and hard for a moment before speaking.

“So… Maze said you two were pretty good with this kind of stuff… do you… do you…” Trixie tried to keep her voice from cracking, finally swallowing her pride and continuing “Do you think you could help me with my heart?”

“Of course!” Lyra answered brightly.

“You should have asked us before” Crystal grumbled, earning a disgruntled glance from the aquamarine mare “But yeah, whatever. No problem...”

“OOOO! Do you think I could assist! I do so love to learn more about outsider anatomy, and it’s always helpful to have a second opinion when it comes to nano machines” The doctor exclaimed, earning a competitive scowl from Crystal.

The three began consulting resources and exchanging ideas as Trixie grabbed the edge of the hat and pulled it down to hide herself further.

“Is there something the matter, Miss Trixie?” Wolf inquired as he moved to the side of the bed.

“It just… I don’t know how to react to all this… I keep thinking of something Maze said as she carried me, about gently in to the night” she stated meekly.

“And you, my father, there on the sad height
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light”

“It is an excerpt of a poem from the Earth” the robotic canine explained after the quick recital “It is often used as notable example of the typical human response to try to reject their eventual demise. A foolish, yet often noble sentiment.”

She thought of Maze trying to deny death of her prize and sacrificing her pride for her, of Crystal’s air of cynicism dropping as she threatened the doctor to treat her, of Lyra pushing herself past exhaustion just to keep her going a little longer and of Wolf ensuring their safety so they could keep trying.

A strange feeling coursed through her as she clutched the hat more desperately. A feeling she hadn’t experienced in a long time, since even before she started traveling and performing. With the long forgotten sensation adding on top of nearly dying, the dam finally broke; tears streamed down her face and small sobs escaped her as she finally recognized the emotion. A single thought entered her mind as Wolf lay his head consolingly across her lap.

‘I’m not alone anymore’

Chapter 8: Reign in Blood

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Luna yawned as she waited about the throne room, it may have been late in the day but it was early for her. The sun was still setting so she had only just begun the moon on its path for the night. This would be the first night in a week she was back at the castle, her sister and her having been kept away by the Baltimare relief efforts.

The situation had been far worse than they had feared when they first received the news. The Dodge Junction incident was unfortunate, but there were very few casualties. Most of the damage was to property and yes, there was still significant clean up to be done but it was still manageable.

‘But this though…’ the thoughts weighed heavily on Luna’s mind; ponies bleeding in the streets, fires raging across the city and at least one subject still weeping openly every block. This was one of the worse incidents to happen to Equestria in quite some time, one that could have been much worse had it not been for a certain group's intervention.

She sighed again as she stared at one of the stain glass windows, one further back in the hall behind the throne. It was one of the few that had survived the long centuries since the synthetic wars. It depicted the two sisters and the princess of the crystal empire all standing back to back as the other races approached from the sides and above, flanked by what were the most advanced war machines of the time. At the bottom stood their subjects; earth ponies, pegasi, unicorns, and their crystal pony counter parts, all ready to defend their homelands.

One very familiar figure demanded Luna’s attention though. Near the bottom corner of the mosaic, Maze’s image faced off against the image of Queen Umbra, King Sombra’s devious sister. Maze had been crucially instrumental in weakening the evil siblings’ hold over the northern lands, before she lost herself at least... before she betrayed them.

“Still pondering the reports, I see” Luna jumped at her sister’s voice suddenly behind her, so lost in thought she hadn’t noticed her arrival. Luna sighed as her heart rate returned to normal, nodding at her elder sibling.

“Yes, what once was long forgotten has been repeating in our mind again as of late; especially with his resurrection now as well” Luna said, a small hint of remorse in her voice “The bearers are to arrive soon then?”

“Yes, I was just told their train is arriving. They should be here momentarily” Celestia answered, moving to study the window as well “You know we cannot allow the possibility of it happening again Luna.”

“But we do not even know if it is a possibility anymore. She clearly showed the brutal cruelty as before yes, but it was entirely focused this time; even the reports-”

“Reports from a pair of… abused and traumatized mares Luna, I am unsure if even their memories can be trusted” Celestia delivered evenly, emotions kept in check.

“Do you really believe that sister? Do you really think that they will ever forget exactly what happened that night?” Luna asked her sister grimly “And theirs is hardly the only testimony; nearly all reports state Maze was fighting against the pirates and defeated their captain nearly as soon as he revealed himself. She was not the villain that night sister!”

“A captain who would not have been there had he not heard the rumors of her release” Celestia countered “Even when not actively sowing anarchy she still attracts death.”

“She can hardly be blamed for the insane motivations of a mad-”

“ENOUGH LUNA! DO YOU BELIEVE ONLY YOU WISH TO IGNORE THE PAST?!” The sun princess snapped, surprising the younger ailcorn. Catching herself with a sigh, Celestia continued more understandingly “I am sorry sister-”

“No, I am sorry… I know I wasn’t the only one to lose someone dear when Maze turned against the kingdom back then” Luna admitted.

“Do not think that I don’t understand your pain Luna, she one of the few that have ever gotten so close to either of us. Even many of my students I cannot consider as close to as I was with her” Celestia offered, regret in her voice “But we must think of our subjects first Luna, we cannot allow our personal hopes to cloud our judgment when it comes to their safety.”

“I know Tia, I was just hoping this may have meant there was a chance of her returning to us… as she was” Luna agreed, the safety of their ponies always came first “I still wish we knew why...”

“As do I, but we were unable to even fathom why then, and ultimately the why is unimportant. The sins have been already committed and there is no true changing of the past. We can never forget that, and such betrayals cannot simply be forgiven because we desire it” Celestia stated, the strength returned to her voice as she turned back to the glass artwork.

The pair looked on a moment longer before Luna spoke, the thought refusing to remain unspoken.

“…You forgave me” Luna said sadly, regret clear on her face. Her gaze remained forward at to the battle mural but no longer seeing it.

Celestia stared stunned at her sister, mouth slightly agape as words failed her. Her shock was only broken by the sound of the hall’s large doors and a guard announcing the arrival of her student and her friends. Luna gave Celestia a quick, regretful glance as she moved past her to meet the elements.

“Greetings bearers” Luna offered the six “We regret having to recall you from the celebrations of your victory prematurely. I do recall the Crystal Empire’s parties were often ones to remember.”

“Not at all Princess, we only regret we couldn’t be here to help against the invasion” Twilight returned with a bow, the other five following suit as her teacher stepped forward.

“Do not blame yourself for events you can’t control my faithful student, even Luna and I did not know of the tragedy until it was too late” Celestia consoled the purple unicorn as she approached “And I would say your efforts in defeating King Sombra and freeing the resurfaced empire took priority. Further congratulations are in order I daresay.”

“Aw shucks yer majesty, all we really did was cheer some folks up and hold the big baddie off long enough for Spike to get the heart to Cadance, that little guy is tha real hero” Applejack delivered humbly, to which Luna was quick to respond.

“Do not belittle your achievement here bearers, Sombra was no mere beast. To even hold the line against such power is a heroic feat all its own. Young Spike may earn the fame, but one often finds the glory behind history’s truly heroic acts are rarely one’s alone” Luna countered the farmer’s humility, though certainly not trying to discourage it “But on to the matter at hand…”

“We have called you here today to prepare a rapid response spell, one that will teleport those selected beforehand to where we expect Maze and her changeling accomplice to be next. Based on the sighting pattern so far, we believe her to be headed north to Fillydalphia” Celestia explained “The destination aspect of the spell is already in place and we have guards equipped with the latest long distance communication methods there as well. When she appears we can be there immediately, all we need to finish is to cast the spell on its targets.”

“So Maze was involved in the Baltimare incident?” Rainbow Dash asked, her usual enthusiasm absent.

“She was involved but we don’t believe she was the aggressor in this case, never the less we must still see to the potential threat she poses to our lands” Luna confirmed for the Pegasus before Rarity followed up on her friend's question.

“And we are certain they didn’t flee to the hive along the bay? Her accomplice is a changeling after all, it’s not farfetched to assume they’d seek sanctuary there” the designer inquired, to which Celestia gave a subtle shake of her head.

“The changeling is of a different hive and Queen Nagisa is a very pragmatic and practical leader; she would not risk a conflict with us by harboring a fugitive of such renown. If anything we may actually have to thank her and her changelings. According to many of the guards who became trapped in the water, there seemed to be unseen forces helping them stay afloat and make it to shore. Some even mention guards being literally thrown out of the water into lifeboats” Celestia explained “Even if there were also reports of the fleeing pirates suddenly disappearing beneath the waves to never resurface, there would have been many more casualties without the shape shifters’ assistance.”

“Is there any other way to track her though?” Twilight asked “I know you said she’s virtually untraceable by magical means but perhaps we’ve over looked something. Surely you’ve haven’t ruled out trying to observe her dreams, have you Princess Luna?”

“Maze’s dreams can be... difficult to navigate” Luna began as she searched for the right words “She’s a semi-lucid dreamer; so while she often doesn’t realize she’s dreaming, she does often realize she has a degree of control. It’s not absolute however and can lead to very unpredictable scenarios that are, at best, nonsensical confusion; and at worse, very dangerous. It would seem that humans just dream a bit differently than we do, as likely as to reflect real life events as they are to be utterly random... Discord would love it... That combined with Maze's already erratic sleep schedule, it can be very difficult to even transverse her dreams, let alone gleam any useful information from them.”

“Perhaps if we were to join you, provide greater stability and influence” Twilight suggested.

“Oooo Yeah! I wanna see what Mazey dreams about!” Pinkie squealed, hopping up and down as the sun princess replied.

“I do not think that would be wise; seven mares suddenly appearing in her dreams may cause a certain shift in their focus. Even for my sister and I, the influence of another’s dreams can be difficult to resist while dreaming yourself.” Celestia turned down the idea cryptically and with a small blush, earning several confused stares.

“As one may accurately assume, most individuals lose a great deal of their inhibitions when sleeping. Maze is no exception. If anything her dreams can sometimes be, even for the dreamscape, particularly… well, lewd” Luna elaborated as a far more obvious redness crossed her features “And seeing some of you have already experienced certain dreams involving our adversary, I suspect it would be a poor course of action.”

A collective blush spread across the group, heavier on some than others. Luna tried to never pry into such exceptionally personal dreams; but as the element bearers, it was important to ensure their mental stability. Such things were natural though and one can rarely choose what they dream. Besides, she was hardly one to judge in this case.

“Oh now I Definitely wanna go!” Pinkie said in an excitedly sultry tone, biting her lip.

“Moving on then!” Rarity spouted trying to shake off the embarrassment “Surely there must be something we can use beyond just trying to predict where she’ll based on where she’s been.”

“Princesses, forgive me if it’s too forward to ask” Twilight started somewhat meekly “But perhaps if you told us a bit more about her, more personal information, it could help us understand her better. The texts do say she worked directly under your majesties.”

Celestia looked like she was about to deflect the question again, but Luna’s words echoed through her mind, forcing her to reconsider. Like her betrayal, perhaps it was best to confront the past instead of burying it.

“The historic texts are only partially correct my little ponies… She didn’t merely serve in our efforts to end the war; she was in fact, exceptionally close to the both of us, a very dear friend…” Celestia finally answered, summoning chairs for them all; it was going to be a long story.

“It is what made her eventual betrayal all the more shocking… and painful” Luna continued for her sister, moving to one of the chairs but only bracing against it instead of sitting. “And we still have very little as to why she lost herself; and what we do have is conjecture at best.”

“Well, just how close are talking here?” Rainbow asked, her typical lack of tact still undeterred.

“Close enough” was all Luna responded.

“When she first arrived in Equestria there was predictably a bit of an uproar; a member of a new race appearing at the same time as many of the metal killing machines? Many jumped to the easy conclusion” Celestia explained “She was understandably weary when we approached her, but was willing to give us the benefit of the doubt. Though one interesting aspect of her conditions was that she never bowed to us; not unless she was showing off, and that was 'just a performer’s bow' as she qualified it.”

“But… But you’re the princesses, isn’t it um… disrespectful to not bow?” Fluttershy asked concerned, fidgeting in her seat as the group turned to look at her.

“She said to bow is to relinquish one's equality to another, and that she did not believe in rulers. She would follow us as leaders so long as we proved able and just, but would not accept somepony ruling over her. Her freedom was very important to her, even if she did spend most of it following our orders; she always maintained her right to choice. It was a condition we had no problem accepting” Luna explained to the yellow mare “It was actually quite refreshing to be truthful, and what opened the door to develop the friendship we had.”

“She was also too invaluable in the war efforts. Her understanding of the impossible machines alone made an immeasurable difference. With her help we could sometimes even construct new war machines with magic alone. She’d merely hold out her hand as we fed magic into her and, much how we can now summon and store weapons and equipment with nano magic, these machines would just coalesce into existence. Something we have yet to replicate in even a thousand years” Celestia spoke with a mild awe “And that didn’t even begin to touch on her prowess in combat and espionage. And yet…”

“And yet?” Rarity spoke up after a few moments too many passed after the princess trailed off.

“There was this genuine warmth to her. She was kind and curious, she enjoyed the thrill of battle but hated having to kill; despite it seeming to be was she was made for” Celetia finished.

“She was also quite funny; sarcastic as all Tartarus yes, but she could always find a way to brighten even the darkest of moments” Luna added “She stated it was maybe just was a ‘human thing’, something they had adapted as to better cope with life’s hardships. But we have known many with such a gift, it’s just a quality some beings have more than others we suppose.”

“The war grew more heated after her involvement, and having seen the destruction that involvement had wrought she attempted to remove any further risk of even more devastating forces being released to the world. She cut out the device that stored the knowledge of the new technology and attempted to destroy it. A noble but ultimately poor decision” Celestia divulged “Some of the information was salvaged and used by the races allied against us, causing more and more dangerous and destructive machines and magics to surface as the war raged on. And then there was that fateful battle of the southern swamps.”

“One of the changeling queens had devised a way of sending her troops into an insane rage, making them even more violent and brutal, as well unresponsive to pain” The night princess stated.

“They were eventually beaten back but Maze was lost in the battle, several of the surviving soldiers reported seeing her fall. We were unable to recover a body however, and we knew the enemy had not taken her as the maddening effect forced us to eliminate them to the last” A grim expression crossed the sun princess's features.

“It was shortly after the rumors began to spread; rumors of a cackling demon cutting a bloody swath across the battle fields, uncaring of which side those it killed were on. The monster's habit of disabling its prey and leaving them to bleed out earned the unseen force the moniker ‘Bloodletter’” Luna finished.

“We should have known then but refused to believe one so cruel could be our friend… a mistake we paid dearly for…” Celestia added “With the sudden unknown element and the increasing aggressions from King Sombra and his sister against our own kingdom and the allied races alike, a summit was called on neutral ground to propose a truce.”

“The Spire Summit Incident” Twilight surmised, a faint chill in her voice

“Yes my student,” Celestia nodded to her apprentice “Though ‘incident’ is never the word I’d use to describe it…”

-Roughly twelve hundred years earlier-

“We do hope this will prove fruitful, there has been more than enough bloodshed for one lifetime in this war” The princess of the moon spoke as the chariot carried the royal siblings though the sky, adorned in their ornate battle regalia.

“I believe their hopes are the same sister; as amongst our adversaries, only those two truly relish in pain and death. Our soon to be allies surely see that as well, or they would not have agreed to the summit” Celestia replied, seeing the city's lights glowing from the valley on the other side of the mountains.

“I do not remember the city’s lights being so bright” Luna mentioned as they drew closer.

“Perhaps there is a celebration of the summit, for the possible end of the hostilities between our…” Celestia trailed off, her eyes narrowing as they approached “Is that smoke?”

The pair gasped as they rounded the mountain, raging fires and great plumes of black smoke meeting their gazes. The orange glow over the landscape beneath the dark clouds gave a hellish quality to the crumbling city.

“By the creators!” Celestia heard her sister exclaim, her gaze upon the great black tower known as The Spire. It had stood for long before even the sister’s rein over the pony lands, as a symbol of neutral peace between the races.

“King Ragnorix…” Celestia whispered in disbelief as she saw the massive dragon against the mighty tower. The once proud king of the dragons hung dead, his head impaled upon one of the tower's spikes jutting to the heavens. Blood ran down the side of the monument of equal ground, pooling at the tower base and around the bodies of his cohorts the princesses only now saw below.

“Guards! To the lower balcony! Now!” Luna ordered those pulling the chariot, the balcony of the main hall having been blocked by the remains of the dragon. The guards landed and were instructed to go for help as quickly as they could; the siblings doubted they’d be any use against a force that could slay the powerful dragon king.

They entered the halls to find a massacre; bodies of guards, servants and nobles alike lay bloody and dismembered along their path to the meeting chamber. They could hear a rapid pattering begin to fall against the tower's windows, the smoke finally reaching a point to force a downpour of acidic rain.

They froze when they heard a haunting melody and terribly familiar voice singing along to it, echoing through the halls

~Chasing these fools as they’re fleeing and dying
Taking great pleasure in screaming and crying
Now they’re just puppets detached from their strings
These are a few of my favorite things…~

The pair redoubled their pace as the music changed slightly, becoming louder and more ominous

~Peaceful young races with fire on their houses
Millions of voices all silenced like mouses
Watching the cowards bow to their new queen
These are a few of my favorite things!~

They burst through the main chamber’s doors to find a far more macabre scene; where the bodies in the halls simply lay dead, the corpses of the races’ respectful leaders were posed and strung up with deliberate purpose.

And there in the middle of it all was Maisie, dancing with the limp body of the crystal princess herself

~Slashes and gashes and blood covered stitches
Kings end as corpses despite all their riches
Hanging their nobles and watching them swing
These are a few of my favorite things!~

Maze sung boisterously, the music suddenly stopping as she spotted the pair and dropped the princess’s remains mid-step; her body tumbling away most tragically.

“TIA! LULU! YOUR MAJESTIES! WELCOME!” Maze announced with an exaggerated bow, the only one she had ever given the pair and a complete mockery of her former ideals. She spun with her arms out, gesturing to her surroundings “So what d'ya think!? I’m not quite used to the medium but not a bad piece for a first attempt, wouldn’t you say?”

“Maze what is this?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” The purple alicorn demanded, a pained anger escaping her.

“…you don’t like it” Maze stated in a mock disappointment “I did this for you, and you won’t even humor me…”

“Maisie WHY!?” Celestia asked, her sorrow nearly palpable “This isn’t you! How could you think we wanted this!?”

“Actually, I didn’t care if you showed up or not, I just felt like killing all the world's most powerful beings in one go” Maze answered with a disturbing smile “Y’know? Just to see if I could do it.”

“You just crushed all hope of ending this war tonight! Do you think this is some kind of game?!” Celestia demanded.

“YES! And it is just EVER so much fun!” the psychotic cyborg squealed “Besides, now no one ‘cept the incest twins can stand against you! Then again, I don’t suppose the others can stand with you anymore either huh?”

Maze moved over to the crumpled crystal princess, nudging her with her boot slightly to look at her face.

“Yeah… may have gotten a little over zealous here” Maze muttered passively “Pity too, she was quite the looker for a shiny pony. But then… I do still have the two of you now, don’t I?”

The princesses were taken back but the casual tone amongst the butchery. This was not their friend. It wore her face but looking into those eyes they saw nothing but cruelty; a sick, sadistic pleasure that couldn’t be allowed to exist anymore.

“Maisie the Human” Celestia spoke with a grim authority, a regretful determination in her voice as she summoned her weapons; a huge, gilded great sword and a fiery, one handed war hammer “You are guilty of crimes too heinous to state. You are hereby sentenced to be executed, surrender to your fate or we will carry it out here.”

“You know you cannot defeat us even with your power” Luna finished, her own blades materializing like her sisters; her straight fencing long sword and an HF blade a mirror to Maze’s own, save for its dark purple hue.

A new song issued from nowhere as Maze began to chuckle

“Oh now you two, with all these rulers and court mages and ever so many guards…” Maze returned unconcerned, a crimson haze enveloping her figure “You really don’t think I’d let all that power just go to waste, now do you?!”

With a small explosion Maze was upon them, their defenses readied only just in time. Sparks and raw power were thrown about wildly as the princesses held off the unending assault. The fourteen synthetic arms uncoiled from the woman, many holding weapons of their own to compensate the imbalanced odds.

A massive orange heatblade met Celestia’s great sword as a crimson, curved blade glanced off a hastily erected barrier. Luna dodged a flying sai then matched her HF Blade against the cyborgs. They held this position until four of the black arms shot forward, unleashing a barrage from the small rapid fire cannons Maze had introduced them to. Both sisters disappeared in flashes of gold and purple, their foe laughing at their retreat.

“Oh you’re proving to be much more fun than the others!” Maze cried joyously as the pair dive bombed her from above, trying to shift to the offensive.

Maze gave a small giggle as she slid back, the sisters shifting their attacks as they landed and launched at the elusive cyborg. Maze arched an eyebrow as she aimed a large firearm with a rotating set of tubes at the pair. A solid thump escaped it before all three were thrown back by the sudden explosion amplified by Maze’s own magic.

The siblings rose with matching groans, wiping the soot off as Maze rolled on the ground giggling like an idiot. Her grenade launcher laid a twisted scrap pile as she spun on her back to end up standing on her hands, one blade held by the many black arms as the other twirled about her feet.

Luna growled before charging, well aware of Maze’s undiminished skill no matter which limb she used the blade with. She reached her and leaned back quickly, the blade only just missing throat before she delivered a kick of her own and bore her own HF blade down on the cyborg.

“Oh please…” Maze scoffed as she caught the hoof and spun, using it for leverage as she swung back into a stand and her sword met Luna’s in a shower of sparks “You really think you can beat me with a sword I taught you how to use?!”

Maze leapt and planted her foot on Luna’s chest before kicking off in a somersault, her other foot slamming solidly against Luna chin and sending the unbalanced mare sliding across the bloody floor.

A light flashed above her and she had to instantly raise her blade to stop Celestia’s great sword from cleaving her in two. The massive sword smashed against her own as a wave of sweltering heat washed over her and across the floor as it gave easily to the massive strike.

“Shit!” Maze spat as she fell with the crumbling floor, Celestia’s arm raised to the gathering flames above her. The fireball slammed through the hole and into Maze before her red aura flared. Celestia waited for the flames to dissipate when a flash to side caught her off guard; a flaming fist smashed into her face, sending her flying toward her sister. She caught herself in the air with a powerful flap of the wings as Maze landed at the edge of the new hole, smoke still wafting from her cooling form.

“As fun as this is, let’s stop fucking around shall we?” Maze asked as large chunk of the ceiling crashed to the floor. The chamber was an absolute wreck; all the furniture and bodies scattered to the edges. Nearly all the windows blown out and the walls were cracked and crumbling; the sheer force of the blows traded between the princesses and cyborg compromising the Spire’s very foundations.

The Princesses stood opposite the room from her, a fiery haze and dark, starry aura developing around Celestia and Luna respectfully. They took a few steps away from each other; never once taking their gaze from the former ally before taking off, each in a different angle.

“Now that’s more like it!” Maze called the sisters struck at her in a pincer attack. Celestia fiery haze ignited as she swung the hammer at an opening to the human’s back with all her might. A thunderous clang rang out as the hammer stopped dead.

“Oh no...” Celestia blanched at the sight of her hammer resting against the rectangular plate, it’s orange glow flaring before exploding outward. The sun mare hurled straight back into the wall, the force of her strike multiplied exponentially as it rebounded back at her.

Luna meanwhile struggled against the multitude of arms striking and shooting at her from the cyborg’s front. As soon as she’d deflect one series of strikes, a final fist would find its way through to her. She knew it was better to trade for the lesser injury but it didn’t make that injury hurt any less. She was managing to score minor hits against the cyborg in turn but the fight was still too evenly matched for any real progress to be made.

Celestia rose to her feet when she saw her sister jump back as several of the synthetic arms detached from Maze to form a long polearm that she was now keeping Luna at range with. Celestia started to gather energy for another fireball when a sharp pain pierced her shoulder. She looked down to see a bloody sai jutting out just before debilitating jolts wracked her body, forcing her to her knees and disrupting her magic.

Luna saw an opportunity as Maze lunged with the long weapon, the tip passing just past her head as she dodged instead of deflecting. Maze smirked and Luna realized her error too late as the staff weapon suddenly coiled around her neck painfully. She felt herself jerked forward and an indescribable pain erupting in her abdomen.

“LUNA!” Celestia screamed as she saw the crimson blade sticking out her sister’s back. Blood shook free from the sword as the blade twisted, eliciting a torturous shriek from the younger princess. Luna fell against the cyborg as the latter ripped the blade harshly from the alicorn.

“Pity…” Maze muttered as she brushed the hair from Luna’s face before delivering a devastating palm thrust. Luna crashed straight through the tower wall, a notable trail of blood in her wake. She didn’t reappear.

An unearthly scream of unrelenting rage echoed though the chamber and out across the mountainous valley. Entirely bathed in solar flame, Celestia launched herself at the cyborg, the sai forgotten as it literally vaporized in her furious wake.

The top of the tower exploded in an inferno, the flames turning the night into a temporary day. Celestia stood panting as the remaining bottom half of the dragon king finally fell to the ground. She began running toward the tower's edge to look for her sister when she froze at the shifting behind her.

“Where do you think you’re running off to?” She heard the psychotic voice ask ominously, turning with an expression of pure disbelief Celestia viewed a swirling black vortex before her.

“No…” She gasped as a new song began to ring out across the city and the thunder took on a strange echo as the powerful dragon’s remains mixed with the clouds, producing a most gruesome effect…

It was raining blood.

A maniacal laughter sang out as the black energy finally coalesced around the bleeding cyborg, shifting to a dark red aura that otherwise looked identical to her sister’s. Maze raised her hand as the song rang out and more thunder issued above, her figure silhouetted by the low hanging moon.

“One down…” She said and snapped her fingers, the moon suddenly turning a deep red behind her “One to go.”

Maze exploded toward the bewildered princess, the stolen aura threatening to snuff out Celestia's flames as the fight raged on. Celestia tried to use the new open space to her advantage by taking flight; Maze could still attack her with those hand cannons but would lose her close combat advantage.

Celestia then blinked though as Maze disappeared in a crimson flash. She kept on her guard knowing her opponent would never just run away. She was proved right as she barely deflected an attack to from the side but was unable to counter when Maze disappeared again. The pattern repeated until the constant streams of smoke began swirling rapidly until they formed a massive, black tornado round the confused princess.

“HOW?!” Was all Celesita managed as a blade shot out of her shoulder and a heavy weight slammed into her back. She smashed into the side of the tower; the impact driving the sword through the stone, pinning her.

“Pegasi, Gryphons, your sister… there's lots of places I could have picked up cloud walking and weather control… pick one” Maze whispered into the princess’s ear before wrenching the blade out brutally, the spray of red lost in the macabre downpour.

“Why?” Celestia asked weakly as Maze held her to the side of the building.

“Because it’s fun!” Maze answered, pulling back and smashing the mare’s face back through the stone before dragging her down the tower by the head; chunks of blood covered stone flying in their wake. Maze let her prey go as she leapt away from the tower, Celestia falling limply to the ground.

The solar princess looked up groggily, blood seeping from countless cuts and gouges across her face and torso. All that met her sight was Maze looking down on her as she braced against a low gathering of smoke.

“Dear Princess Celestia: Die” She mocked as she launched at the fallen leader, sword raised. Celestia scowled up at her killer when a massive purple light slammed into the cyborg, sending her clean though into the base of the tower.

Luna stood panting in the fire lit street, one arm out stretched as the other held the still bleeding wound. She hobbled to her sister, painfully lifting her and supporting her as Celestia hung from her shoulder. The pair looked to the gaping hole in the side wall, knowing they were spent but unable to simply flee.

Their wait was not long as the entire city began to rumble and a massive light started building throughout the Spire. It shone through every window and crack along the mountain height tower, the solid beams burning away the stone at their edges.

“We’ve failed…” Celestia spoke, her tone devoid of hope. The tower vaporized as a massive firestorm erupted out, joining the still burning city. It was all the sisters could manage to bring up a small barrier to protect themselves, their hair still singeing from the heat.

“Ohhh YES! This is the feeling! The only problem now is there’s no one left to use it on!” they heard Maze exclaim from the center of slowly growing mass of power where the tower once stood. Maze laughed out as the firestorm grew larger and larger, the flaming aura growing brighter and brighter around her.

“Luna, we have to move! NOW!” Celestia urged, summoning all that was left of her power to begin their rapid retreat. Maze didn’t even notice as she reveled in the combined powers, all feeding one another in an unstoppable chain reaction. Another cackle rang out behind the princesses, the fires growing higher still as they began forming a virtual hurricane of flame above the city with Maze as the eye.

“AHAHAHA-AUGH! WHAT?!” Maze suddenly exclaimed as a spout of flame erupted from her shoulder, a glowing crack suddenly shattering onto sight. Several others broke across her now completely glowing form “WHAT?! NO! NOO! THIS ISN’T WHAT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN! I’M IN CONTORL! I’M- IIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

The scream carried even through the still growing storm, now gathering more densely around Maze at its center. The scream grew louder still, near deafening even outside of the city as Celestia and Luna crashed down into the mud, scrambling to the nearest cover behind the mountain.

There was a sudden silence as the firestorm contracted into a single point all at once, the moment seemingly frozen in time. The point ruptured, instantly expanding out a thousand fold; engulfing the city and entire valley in pure golden oblivion.

The siblings cowered under a small alcove, the intense heat and power bearing down on them even on the opposite side of the enormous, natural wall. They held each other desperately with their ears pressed flat, the sound unrelenting and all encompassing.

It was if the world was ending, and for all they knew it just might have been.

As suddenly as the devastation began, it stopped. An unnatural, inappropriate calm hung in the air as the sisters slowly opened their eyes. They couldn’t even go inspect the results they were so hurt and exhausted. They passed out, falling into the dreamless dark.

“We were found unconscious several hours later by the help the guards brought back, grievously injured but alive” Celestia stated as the story proper seemed to end “The entire valley; city, Spire and mountainsides in all, was completely glassed.”

“The guards found Maze somehow still alive among the blackened expanse, horribly burnt to a near skeletal state” Luna finally spoke as she looked vacantly out one of the throne room’s windows, absently rubbing a point on her stomach. Their physical scars had faded away long ago, but the memories would stay with them forever.

“The other races were furious at the loss of their leaders and nobles, blaming us for their deaths. The war raged for years to come thanks to Maze’s actions. The Crystal Empire fell quickly after the loss of their princess, despite our best efforts to support them” Celestia stated “I believe you’re well aware of how the rest of that story played out.”

The gathered elements all nodded grimly, fresh from their own conflict with the mad unicorn king. A couple even shuddered as they imagined his wrath without true resistance.

“We enlisted the aid of Starswirl the Bearded to assist us in designing a prison to hold Maze, one that would slowly drain all the power she had gained while suspending her outside of time” Celestia explained “We kept her sedated as her body still seemed to be recovering until the first portion of the prison was completed, the time phase. She was nearly whole again by the time we placed her and what few of her belongings we could find into the temple.”

Celestia thought back as Maze first regained consciousness behind the barrier, her movement appearing unnatural from the time distortion. How she would never stop glaring at them as they completed the rest of their work.

“There was a pretty serious scare when she managed to throw the IG she called Gigi through the barrier a day before the final seal was finished; but it still succeeded in freezing her in time, leaving her unaware of the passage of the world outside” Luna added “Starswirl theorized that it was only possible since the machine wasn’t technically alive as it was.”

“But she wasn’t frozen in time!” Dash blurted out.

“What?!” both sisters gasped.

“She was active and aware the whole time! She told us herself!” Dash explained with a hint of desperation “Something must have gone wrong with the spell!”

“Miss Dash, she must have been lying. Luna and myself double checked Starswirl’s work; and while admittedly our knowledge of time magic was nowhere near as specialized as his, we know he wouldn’t be cruel enough to let somepony suffer like that for what we thought might be eternity” Celestia told the young flyer “Even if he and Maze never really did see eye to eye.”

“I was there! She was a decayed mess when the door opened!” Dash argued “He may not have done it on purpose but the spell still failed!”

“She would have gone completely mad… let alone decayed to dust long ago…” Luna muttered. Her own imprisonment had locked her away in a kind of suspension; it was not as if an instant passed but she could still hardly imagine being aware, helpless, and alone for what very well Could have been eternity. Maze’s crimes were great but she still didn’t believe that ANYPONY deserved that kind of fate.

“Either way the fact remains unchanged; she still poses a very great potential threat against the world and must be apprehended as quickly as possible” Celestia interjected, steering the group back on track.

“Well golly Princess, wer’ ready ta fight an’ all but if she was able to best even the two a’ you, what chance to do we got?” Applejack offered honestly, not unwilling but certainly unsure.

“Equestria has changed dramatically over that past thousand years Applejack, the infusion of nano magic has led to a sizable increase of power in virtually everything in our world, be it by direct intervention or natural adaption to survive the increasingly dangerous environments and threats” Celestia consoled the freckled mare.

“My sister and I are also significantly more powerful than we were as well; despite my reformation I still retain a majority of the nightmare’s power and am readily adapting to modern technology and magics” Luna stated.

“And I have remained vigilant in my own growth all this time, as well as guiding and studying the slowly developing sciences. Do not doubt your own prowess my little ponies,” Celestia addressed the elements “You may be surprised to learn you all are not far off from what our own power was back then, even surpassing it by a notable degree when using the elements.”

“Seriously?!” Dash asked awestruck before regaining herself, blushing as she began to try and save face “I mean, I knew we were awesome already but still great to hear it… hehe…”

“Wait a minute!” Pinkie interrupted in a joyful but curious tone “If we’ve had a thousand years to work on this stuff, why does Mazey’s tech still seem more all future-like than ours?”

“Ah, well after the war finally ended, many treaties were signed. Most declared the ban of the new, otherworldly technologies; the majority of the remaining machines and the knowledge of how to create and even maintain them were scoured from the world. This created a bit of a technological dark age, one that lasted longer than it probably should have” Celestia explained “There was also the issue that once real progress and study was allowed again, most of the information was gone and its main provider was still locked away. Much of it was just too advanced; several other scientific and magical breakthroughs were required to even to begin to understand it. Reverse engineering is far more difficult than most stories make it seem.”

“But eventually the natural world showed more signs of nano infusion and the technological progress, both by requirement and natural advancement, began speeding up until we arrived were we are today” Twilight finished for her mentor, earning small smile of pride from the white alicorn.

“Very good my faithful student; In fact several innovations have been made completely unlike those of Maisie’s technologies. Gaps and problems solved by magic that were left unsolved by other means” Celestia stated with pride in her ponies’ progress over the centuries.

“We fear Maze is already adapting to the new world as well though, which is again why it is so important to finish this preparation so as to intercept her before her power grows too great again” Luna concluded, earning determined nods almost all around; only Fluttershy’s still falling a little short of confident but still willing all the same.

“We’ll be ready Princess, she won’t escape this time!” Twilight announced, her and her friends heads held high.

-Later that Night-

Luna gave a grunt of annoyance, her blade once again stuck in the dense mannequin. She had enchanted the equipment in the training room herself to withstand their attacks better, now she feared she may have casted too well.

It had proven to be a very uneventful night since the elements left and her sister retired to her room, so she decided to work off some the negative weight that had come from reliving of one of the worst events in her life. She pulled the straight blade free with some effort before casting a quick mending spell so to try again.

‘Alright Luna, focus. The blade is merely an extension of your arm, enforce the metal as any other part of yourself… let the movements flow naturally and… STRIKE!’ She processed internally, the glowing blade cutting into the mannequin deeply… before stopping short yet again.

Another grunt and Luna kicked over the target, running her hand down her face in frustration. She dismissed the blade, mended the inanimate figure again as she stood it back up and prepared to leave it for the night. She walked toward the exit, thinking maybe she would just find something to read when an impulse struck her.

She paced back to the target, twirling a lock of her starry mane. She plucked a single strand easily before examining it. She held the strand aloft, as if wielding it before sharply swiping her hand down. The top half of the mannequin slid down slightly before finally toppling to the mat, bisected diagonally at the middle.

Luna looked down to the curved, dark purple blade. She had not summoned it in ages, even before she was sent to the moon. She rejected it after her defeat at Maze’s own blade, not wanting to remember the pain that kind of sword had wrought.

Yet now as she held the blade, she felt no anger, no regret; if anything she remembered the pleasant lessons she received from her friend. The excited glee she had when she bisected her first mannequin, the gentle touch of closeness as Maze guided her stances, the missed step that sent them both tumbling to the mat laughing, before their gazes locked and-

“Stop it” she told herself, knowing the memories would only lead to eventual grief; no matter how pleasant they started out.

She gave the blade one final glance before dismissing it and moving back to the door, now lost in the 'what ifs' and wishful thinking.

-Morning in The East Equestrian Sea-

“Is she still in that damn box?” Crystal asked the engineer, annoyed at the cyborg’s brooding. The ship swayed slightly as a fresh mist of salt water sprayed the deck and its passengers, earning a deeper frown from the changeling.

“She hasn’t had to face her past like this since she was freed, and I think she thinks we’re afraid of her or something” Lyra answered, looking back at the cardboard protector “It not like it was really her… it was her nano machines, right?”

“Well… yes and no…” Crystal started, a bit reclusive herself now “It’s not like they’re sentient. They don’t have a mind of their own, they just do and adapt based on their programing and environment. They never really add, just enhance and suppress. I may not be the cackling maniac the two of you stopped back in Dodge, but she is still a part of me. That darkness was indeed still Maze, the absolute worst parts of her brought to the surface as the rest was buried beneath… It’s what makes the guilt so real; because it is you, even if just the parts you deny.”

Lyra looked back, an unsure look covering her features. Maze always said the box made her feel better, she was never sure why but it did. But she had been avoiding them for days now, ever since she told them the story of her fall. Lyra was about to try to get her out again when a cape suddenly slapped across the face, Trixie stalking past purposefully.

“Maze come out from under there this instant! You’re being childish!” Trixie demanded as she stood over the cardboard barrier, only to get no response “Trixie does not care about your past, it is not what matters in the end!”

“Trixie!” Lyra scolded the magician, appalled by her lack of compassion.

“I would suggest letting her continue Miss Heartstrings, she has yet to attempt while all of ours have been unsuccessful. As some would quote, ‘It could not hurt’ Wolf suggested, the aquamarine mare’s shoulders slumping in acceptance.

Trixie squatted down, peering into the boxes handles. She could see a faint, shadowy outline of the human; her head tucked behind her knees as the only movement seen was her breathing. She sighed before continuing.

“Maze, do you think you’re a monster?” Trixie asked to see the shadow finch in response “I don’t see a monster in this box.”

Trixie dropped into a cross-legged sit before continuing, losing the third person to her speech as she continued to look into the box. Maze scarified her pride for her, now it was time to return the gesture; at least this wouldn't be as public for her.

“I see somepony- someONE who spares an opponent who just tried to kill her and an entire city, based on a hunch they weren’t really that bad”

“I see someone who revives their oldest friend even after HE just tried to kill her too, giving him freedom of choice knowing he could very well he just chose to try to kill her again”

“I see someone who leaps to the defense of strangers who could just as likely turn her in to those chasing her”

“I see someone willing to help her friends no matter the cost… willing to ignore her own serious injuries to help some pretender of a con-mare she only just met… even willing to sacrifice her pride and submit to another for just a chance at saving her.”

“And I see someone wracked with guilt over actions she didn’t even have a real choice in making… monsters don’t do those things, monsters don’t fear they’ve become monsters…”

“I don’t see a monster in this box Maisie… all I see is a friend I don't really deserve... all I see is you” Trixie finished softly, the honesty shocking the engineer and changeling. A sad but accepting look entered her eyes as she finally saw the shadow raise its head to look back out the slit at her, searching for confirmation.

“First Johnny, now you… Why are ponies always so down on themselves around me?” Trixie heard Maze ask weakly, but with a hopeful glint of humor to be heard.

“Now why would Trixie ever degrade her great and powerful achievements?!” Trixie returned to her usual air of superiority before standing again to look back down “Now get out of the damn box Maze! Trixie can smell you though it from across the ship!”

The box slowly fell to the side as she finally stood, squinting at the sunlight. As her vision adapted she could see that her companions- her friends looked on with warm smiles, except Wolf but she thought he seemed happy... or at least content. She returned the smiles, still unsure but knowing they weren’t about to abandon her now. Not when they could have as soon as they heard her story.

“Thanks Trix” Maze told the magician bashfully, still not really feeling too much better but knowing brooding wouldn’t do any more good.

“But of course, the Wise and Sympathetic Trixie isn't all glamor and fireworks after all!” Trixie boasted “She can always see when somepony is in need of comfort.”

“You really do stink though” Crystal told Maze with a flat look, but still an amused tone

“Well fuck you too Cryss” Maze returned before they all began to laugh, the tension dissolving as they returned to what they were doing as the ship continued on course, oblivious to the drama of it passengers.

Maze smiled a moment longer before heading toward the cabins to a shower she really did need; getting lost in thoughts of ‘what ifs’ and ‘what nows’.

Chapter 9: Miss Fortune

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A quick flash of gold enveloped Lyra and her new pet project, a low hum could be heard seconds later as she looked around for the source. She removed the tiny, vibrating screwdriver from behind her toolbox before returning it to its normal size and tightening the latest screw.

“Ah, so you are a proper unicorn after all!” Trixie teased “And here Trixie believed you’d forgotten that you even had a horn!”

“I use telekinetic magic all the time Trixie, you’ve seen it” Lyra answered flatly “practically required for some of the delicate parts I use.”

“Yes, but that would have to be the first proper Spell Trixie has seen you use,” Trixie countered “Always relying on your little toys instead.”

“Not every unicorn is a master mage Trixie, if they were you’d be out of a job” Maze intervened.

“Trixie is well aware not eveypony can be as great and powerful as herself” Trixie stated proudly before continuing with her training. It always impressed Maze just how much effort Trixie actually put into her craft. She wasn’t just milking a bit of natural talent; she worked hard to improve herself. She had a reason to be proud, maybe not as proud as she always boasted, but still.

“You don’t think they’ll just blow it up and you’ll have to make a new one?” Maze asked the engineer about the unassuming box.

“Most of the vital components are reinforced and the rest gets constructed by nano magic; as long as I have magic to feed it, it should be fine. And since I’m such an inadequate unicorn I’ll have magic to burn, right?” Lyra explained, the last part said pointedly at Trixie.

“Trixie was only teasing,” the magician countered “She actually finds your ability quite encouraging; she has encountered far too many unicorn with less magical ability than even that diamond dog of… mr…!”

Both Trixie’s and Maze’s pupils shrunk to pin pricks as the they stared at each other in terrible realization.

“WE NEVER GOT PAID!” the pair shouted in unison before slumping dramatically. Lyra just rolled her eyes and continued her work, having realized that truth long ago. She was just glad they got everyone out of there alive.

“Oi! Start packing up, the captain says we’re getting ready to dock!” The trio heard Crystal shout as she and Wolf were carrying some large crates up from below deck, the telltale click of glass hinting at their contents.

“Did they only just realize you never received your payment?” Wolf inquired regarding the pair's stupor, earning a shrug and a nod from the aquamarine mare.

“Enough lamenting!” Trixie suddenly brightened, a new fire of determination in her eyes “Tis’ merely proof that we must redouble our efforts this day!”

Trixie ran to the edge of the deck and leapt to climb her wagon already prepped to disembark, tripping as she reached the top but quickly regaining herself.

“THE SHOW MUST GO ON!” She shouted striking a heroic pose. Maze cheered a confirmation as the rest just ignored her, used to the theatrics by now.

“Let’s just hope this little show today doesn’t get us all caught…” Crystal muttered.

Celestia stood upon the docks, watching as the changeling ship docked; it was the last one from Baltimare that the guards hadn’t been able to search. With the ship secured and the boarding planks down she unclipped the handset from her belt, a burst of static crying out before she spoke.

“Harbor unit, begin the screening” She ordered simply, a static response answering to the affirmative. She sighed as she returned the boxy radio to her belt, wishing codecs were more prevalent and easier to make standard issue. They were just too difficult to configure per pony; as it stood only she, her sister, the elements, a few high ranking guardponies and certain wealthy ponies had them.

“Harbor unit reporting, all clear” the radio crackled. Celestia scowled at the report; she was sure Maze must have stowed away. Even Maze couldn’t have evaded the multitude of border spells and guard patrols saturating the coastal city and its surrounding areas without some kind of alert.

“Princess!” A pegasus guard shouted as he landed nearby “There’s a large disturbance on the south side of the city!”

Celestia nodded and took flight with the guard, heading towards the commotion and...


“Behold one and all, The GREAT AND POWERFUL TRRRRRIXIE!” The showmare bellowed, rolling her ‘R’ as the dancing lights and fire erupted into the sky around her and the crowd cheered. The fireworks rained down upon the park, though instead of the trees and spectators catching ablaze, the sparks and embers popped and fizzled in impressive displays of alchemy.

Maze watched as Lyra ran back and forth behind the curtain adjusting valves and lights as Trixie continued the show, having been charged with the technical side of things. Crystal gave her a little wave as she donned the disguise of a yellow pegasus before leaving to blend into the crowd for her part. After a short while of the ‘ooos' and 'ahhs’ of the audience, Maze donned that last part of her costume, glancing up to see Wolf’s tail lazily wagging through the branches above the stage.

‘Good, still no problems then’ Maze thought contently before she heard her cue from Trixie 'Well, here goes nothing.'

“And as a special treat, it’s not just the amazing feats of Trixie you will witness today Mares and Gentlecolts, No! Trixie has prepared a show of physical greatness and skill for you as well!” Trixie teased the audience “But first Trixie will need a volunteer!”

The crowd exploded into raised hands and calls, several jumping up and down at the chance to join the magician on stage. Trixie scanned the mass of ponies with a shrewd smile before picking out the familiar shape, pointing out their plant.

“You there! The pegasus with the green mane and yellow coat! Trixie chooses you!” Trixie called, the disguised changeling faking excitement with impressive skill as she ran up to the stage. Trixie helped strap their volunteer in to a large round plank suspended just slightly off the stage.

“Now Mares and Gentlecolts, with our volunteer in place Trixie must introduce you! All the way from the harsh sands of Mexicolt, the master of blades and bullets-” Maze stepped out from behind the curtain, enshrouded in a large poncho, masked under a huge, matching hat and absolutely covered in bandoleers and throwing knives

“La Mariachi Misterioso!”

“~The Super-Duper Party Pony! That Pony Is Me!~”

Celestia watched as an earth pony with a curly brown mane and a rubber chicken zipped about, having somehow turned four entire city blocks into one massive celebration. Fireworks exploded above her every few moments and a seemingly limitless amount of confetti drifted through the air around them.

“This guy could give Pinkie Pie a run for her element…” Celestia muttered, sighing at the false alarm.

“Princess, we’ve received reports of strangers selling suspicious goods in the park to the north!” her radio crackled again, Celestia trying not to get her hopes up as she sprinted in the direction of the call.

“Yes Mares and Gentlecolts! From potions to plushies to personal protection; Trixie has a wide variety of personally certified goods you didn’t even know you needed!” Trixie boasted as the table unfurled before her; several trinkets, colorful bottles and even a few stuffed Trixie dolls lay upon the blue cloth. “But you don’t have to take just the Great and Honest Trixie’s word for it! Perhaps a demonstration is in order? You there! How you like to cast some magic?!”

"Me?! but ah don’t have no horn, ah can't cast any magic” a shy looking earth pony with tan coat replied, fiddling with her blonde braid.

“You can now!” Trixie announced as she dragged the blushing mare behind the table “With but a swig you will be able to cast all kinds of magic, maybe not as great as the powerful Trixie, but easily surprise your unicorn friends!”

“BULLSHIT!” A voice cried out, a maroon mare with a vivid burgundy mare stepped forward “Probably nothing more than a simple telekinetic potion! You can get one of those for half the price at a convenience store, let alone an apothecary!”

A murmur ran through the crowd, their blind faith in Trixie now shaken. Trixie scowled at the maroon naysayer before she pushed the small cup to the shy mare’s lips. As soon as she drank the shot of potion, a glowing blue stick flew at the mare like a javelin. The mare shrieked and threw her arms up when the twig suddenly exploded in a puff of tan smoke, a faint glow of matching color could be seen in the mare’s eyes as she lowered her arms

“D-did... Did Ah do that!?” she asked in disbelief.

“Of course! The great and powerful Trixie would never allow her name placed on a shoddy product!” Trixie confirmed, a small but exited smile forming on the tan pony’s lips.

“And how do we know she isn’t a plant?!” The burgundy maned critic demanded, several other spectators calling for proof as well. The tan mare looked confused and a little frightened as Trixie merely filled a row of shot glasses with the potion, smiling triumphantly at the gathered customers.

“Try me.”

Celestia watched as the guard fruitlessly interrogated the pair of red maned snake oil sellers in front of their strange automobile. She picked up one of the ‘miracle tonics’ the brothers were selling, looking over the ingredients; it was basically vitamin water. The results were nothing more than a vitamin boost mixed with the placebo effect, dishonest certainly but not exactly illegal.

She placed the bottle back down as the guard began to come to the same conclusion; with the tonic not being a legal concern and cider, along with some flimsy nick-knacks the only other things they were selling, they would be forced to let them go. Celestia still gave the pair a look of scathing disapproval though; causing them to quickly excuse themselves.

‘By the creators Maisie! You were supposed to have come to Fillydalphia! SO WHERE THE BUCK ARE YOU!?

“This is Adorable!” Maze squealed as she snuggled one of the Trixie plushies “Thank you Wolf!”

“I recalled you enjoy soft and ‘cute’ things and I have little else to purchase with my share. You are welcome though” Wolf replied flatly. He had insisted on still paying Trixie for the doll because of the effort she had put in to making them.

“This is one bitch’n haul! I didn’t think you took in nearly this much Trix” Cyrstal admitted as they continued counting their newly earned bits as they waited for room service “granted my recipes reduced the cost of the potions but still…”

“You doubt the draw of the great and powerful Trixie?! Ponies know quality when they see it!” Trixie boasted before allowing a crack of humility to seep through “…not that the new variety wasn’t a welcome addition. Trixie always does well but even she must admit; bringing in this much would have been a challenge on her own.”

“So you weren’t the blonde then?” Lyra asked Crystal curiously.

“Oh no, most changelings know better than to pose as an Apple; some don’t even pose as earth ponies on the off chance they’d still look like one” Crystal confirmed “There's always the risk that one of them will blow your cover, and damn near half of all earth ponies are part of that damn family.”

“Well, casual racism aside” Lyra continued with a small chuckle “Why did you challenge the product then? That earth pony did perform magic, ponies would have seen it works.”

“It’s one thing to show that something works, it’s quite another to show that it can stand up to a challenge” Trixie explained “The first makes them believe in the product, have them tell others that it works; the latter makes them believe in the seller and have them defending them if it doesn’t work. Little tidbit Trixie figured out after she started performing.”

“I am relieved the guard did not cause us conflict” Wolf added.

“Yeah, I guess we really didn’t need you on watch huh?” Lyra admitted “Still, better safe than sorry in our situation. You sure you don’t want a bigger cut though? You still played your part.”

“What I took is more than enough; I require very little in the way of material goods or energy input. I am sure the remainder of my cut will be put to good use in furthering our journey” Wolf replied “If I require more for any unforeseen event, we seemed to have procured much more money than needed already.”

“It helps that we’re in one of the most expensive cities in Equestria” Maze added, still hugging the doll but quickly diving into the bathroom as room service arrived with their food. She cautiously came back out when they left, hoping they didn’t catch sight of her when Trixie finally responded.

“But of course! This is where the real money is! To Manehatten!” she toasted, raising her glass. The rest followed suit, even Wolf with an empty glass.


“Well I’ll be damned, those blow-hards were right; they did just skip Filly and head straight here” the female said as she looked through her scope at the celebrating group “I can still take her out right now you know.”

“No, we need her alive. That means we follow the plan; you retrieve the package and deal with the cyborg when she’s drawn to the commotion” the shadowy figure instructed “She must be captured though. We still don’t know how she accesses or even stores the remaining data we need.”

“Yeah, yeah…” the female relented “Wouldn’t be as fun anyway… you did just say alive right? Not one piece?”

“Do what you must to disable her, she can survive much worse than most opponents; just don’t kill her” the shadow elaborated, hesitating before adding “And don’t let her kill you, we’ve lost enough assets to this cyborg.”

“Sweet of you to care so much” the female replied, sarcasm dripping from her words “And you should know better; no one can touch Lady Luck.”

“We will see” the figure concluded before simply vanishing from sight.

“I really wish he would just use standard communication…” she muttered.

“You didn’t tell me you guys had cars like this!” Maze exclaimed as several oddly configured but more modern looking automobiles flew past Trixie’s comparatively less impressive wagon “I thought it was just those old jalopies we've run across. Why the hell does everyone still use wagons then?!”

“We haven't been many places really designed for them or stayed long in those that were. Besides, they’re expensive and hard to maintain,” Lyra explained calmly “There also the issue that the military has most of the manufacturers busy building almost exclusively for them lately.”

“Still, we could have just stolen one or something! There would have been so much less walking!” Maze complained.

“Trixie has been considering converting her wagon for some time now; she could easily keep one with a magical fuel source charged but she has lacked the funds or mechanical know how to maintain one” The magician answered plainly.

“I could probably design you something simple enough, heck most of it would just need periodic mending spells. Anything big you’d still need to get fixed professionally but yeah,” Lyra told the magician “It’s what I’m doing with my motorcycle.”

“You have a motorcycle!?” Maze exclaimed “What the hell Ly!?”

“What? You never asked. I’m still rebuilding it anyway, it’s what was under that tarp in my workshop” Lyra replied nonchalantly as they parked the wagon in a side alley and walked to the courtyard of one of the city’s tallest buildings “And here we are! World Marshal incorporated: The largest independent research and manufacturing company of nano magic, IGs and cybernetics on the continent.”

“It’s also head of one of the top ranked PMCs in the world” Crystal added in an irritated tone “We’ve been trying to get operatives inside for a while now, with only minor success; if the ones behind the experimentation aren’t hiding behind the government than WM is our best bet.”

“Wait, World Marshal?!” Maze asked slightly shocked.

“Yeah… Why, something wrong?” Lyra asked confused.

“Well um… no, just… a weird coincidence I guess” Maze stuttered before clearing her throat and redirecting her focus “So I’m guessing we’re here to take a more direct approach?”

“Not the violent kind of that’s what you’re asking,” Crystal clarified “Like I said we’ve had minor success but the real records require too high of clearance for our plants to gain access to. They can get us close enough to get it ourselves though… assuming we can get in and out quietly enough.”

“We’ll take the tour today; I’ve done some freelance work for them in the past so I’m sure I can arrange something. Trixie, Crystal and myself will scope out everything we can from inside while you two see what you can gleam about the security from out here” Lyra stated “Sorry, but you aren’t exactly the most unassuming pair.”

“A surprising amount of intelligence can still be gleamed from even limited reconnaissance. I am just glad we are actually going to devise a strategy beforehand” Wolf replied “Our methods of late have been exceptionally overt and this would not be a situation where ‘going in guns blazing’ would be wise.”

“Yeah, it would be nice to do some actual stealth again. Everything's been all explosions and sword fights sine we left Ponyville,” Maze agreed, about to continue when as if on cue-


“Well, that’s a bit of a hiccup in the plan isn’t?” Lyra asked calmly after the front of the building exploded outward, showering the courtyard in smoke and debris.

The group withdrew from the courtyard as four large, bipedal shapes rolled out from the dust surrounding a single lone figure at their center. A chocolate brown earth pony with a curly, bright blonde mane strode out confidently hefting a massive rail gun, completely unconcerned with the gathering security and guard forces converging on her and her escorts. She stopped and stood, almost amused as she allowed them to surround her and the towering, bipedal tanks; their rifles and mounted guns atop armored vehicles all aimed squarely at her.

Grads” Maze muttered, recognizing the transforming IGs as the group peered around the edge of a nearby alley.

“You are surrounded!” one guard stallions announced, both the guard and WM security forces in prime tactical position “Relinquish what you have stolen and surrender immediately or we will open fire!”

“And here I thought you were going to threaten me” the mare cooed and brought the massive firearm to bear, the first round brutally bisecting an APC as if it were paper mache.

“OPEN FIRE!” the entire remaining force began to empty their clips at the mare, her mechanical escorts quickly converting to their ‘bunker mode’ as rounds pinged uselessly off their heavy armor.

The mare laughed as yet a single round had even come near her, the guards agape as their bullets looked to literally veer away once they neared their target. Seeing as their rifles were doing little good a few unicorns in the group unleashed magical beams at her only for those too to form near perfect arcs as they curved and bent harmlessly past their target.

“That’s no ordinary deflection field” Trixie told the rest as they watch the rail gun continue to tear holes through the gathered forces, the Grads now joining in to make quicker work of their opponents.

Most didn’t even notice when the music began to echo though the streets.

Maze burst from the alley in a beeline right at the mare, streaking straight past the hunkered down machines with ease. Enemies by circumstance or not, she wasn’t about to just let the defenders be slaughtered. She leapt at the mare who merely smirked up at her, her blade crashing to a halt just short of her prey.

“And there she is!” The mare announced as a large hammer materialized beneath the human's sword, a grunt heard as it swung out and threw her clear. Maze landed just in time to see the hammers wielder briefly appear before his stealth camouflage reasserted itself, a large minotaur in a very heavy exosuit. She caught a glimpse of at least two more distortions in the air before she had to dodge one of the Grads attempting to ram her.

“Berserkers, Grads and Fortune herself” Maze bantered as she tried to move to a more tactically sound position “All for little' ol’ me?”

“What can I say? My employer thinks you’re special” she replied with a shrug “Personally I'm not impressed, even if you did know my name without even a hint. I expected so much more, not some pink changeling with a sleeveless sneak suit and outdated hair.”

“Big words from someone in a leather leotard” Maze taunted, trying to buy more time for the guards to retreat as the Grads reverted to their bipedal forms “And those long thin parts of your jacket? Those are sleeves; they’re for your arms.”

“I expected better banter too” Fortune scoffed, hefting her massive rifle “You can die now.”

Maze barely leap out of the way as the round flew past her at blinding speed, receiving no respite as the Grads opened fire as well; machine guns, cannons and missiles all pressuring Maze as she was slowly driven back.

‘Lots of bullets! Lots of bullets! Lots of bullets!’ Maze thought frantically, feeling the micro shrapnel of the shattered rounds peppering her ‘Too many bullets! RAIL GUN!'

The magnetically accelerated slug smashed through a flash of violet light, its target vanishing only just in time. Maze reappeared to find a hammer careening straight at her face, watching it sail past as she bent backwards. Maze back flipped as the armored minotaur reversed his momentum trying to catch the cyborg on the return. The shaft rest on his shoulder as he wrenched down a section below the top, several parts of and around the hammer’s head shifting and snapping into place with the action.

“It turns into an AXE?!” Maze asked genuinely surprised as she dodged a down ward swing, preferring evasion over risking damaging her blade with parries “THAT IS SO COOL!”

She leapt on the shaft of the transforming weapon to deliver a knee to the minotaur’s face, sending the heavy soldier flying from the cyborg and his weapon. Maze’s minor victory was short lived as the Grads continued their overwhelming assault as several pops rang overhead, glowing metal shards and short pulses indicating the use of pulse chaff.

“So much for teleporting” Maze muttered, wishing she had her other sword to help deflect the wall of various death flying at her and shredding the streets behind. A sudden jolt of pain made her flinch, the wound from the zebra pirate’s rifle reopening under the stress. Even the momentary distraction was enough as she felt the rounds start to pierce her and one of the heavy cannon rounds glance her shoulder, knocking her back off her feet.

Maze’s pupils shrank to mere dots, seeing the curly maned pony in almost slow motion as she leveled her charging weapon. Her blood running cold at realization she was about to die, her typical easy going façade dropping as the fear set in.

A bright flash blinded her for a moment, forcing her eyes closed as she waited her fate. A loud shattering sound met her ears as she hit the pavement, blinking up at the sun wondering why she wasn’t dead.

“WHY THE BUCK DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO RUN OFF AHEAD!?” Trixie screamed back at her, a bright magical shield suspended before her hands defecting the lesser rounds with ease. Another rail slug slammed into the barrier, shattering on impact as Trixie slid back slightly but kept the shield intact.

“How did you teleport through the chaff?!” The rail gun wielder demanded as she continued firing at the blue glow, not understanding how it could withstand the assault.

“You expect the Great and Powerful Trixie to be deterred by those pathetic pop grenades?!” Trixie mocked haughtily behind her protection “A simple bypass for one as skilled as her!”

Fortune flinched as one of her minotaur guards deflected the rush attack of a large black Fenrir unit, only then seeing one of her Grads struggling with the tentacles of a changeling trying to rip it apart from atop its back. She started to take aim at the multi-limbed annoyance but stumbled as an explosion suddenly rocked another of the Grads, an aquamarine mare grinning at her as she fired another RPG, bisecting the gear.

‘Seriously, where the hell does she keep getting those?!’ Maze thought as she uneasily regained her footing, seeing the rail gun swing toward Lyra only for its wielder to stagger back covering her eyes against a blinding flash. Several more canisters launched from Lyra’s gauntlets as she sprinted toward one of the undamaged Grads, its AI confused by the unforeseen targets. Smoke shot from the canisters, covering the battle field and choking the unprepared adversaries as the Unicorn leapt on the IG, crawling up its defenseless back.

“Trixie cannot understand why eveypony is so obsessed with you when she is right here” Trixie complained as the remaining Grad crashed against her shield. She looked up in annoyance at the towering mech, snapping her fingers before her shield sent a torrent of electricity into the IG. “Seems like they set this all up just to counter your abilities… they must be mad if they think the same tricks would work on the one and only Trixie!”

The Grad rolled away, smoking but still functional as it prepared its guns. A heavy round suddenly tore through its armor from behind, followed by a pair of missiles knocking the Grad to the ground as they heard a short from the smoke.

“Rule number one when using assembly line IG!” Lyra called from the top of the other Grad as it came rolling out of the smoke and continued to fire on its former ally, a series of wires and cable spilling out of its ‘head’ and into Lyra’s gloves “Make sure you’re not fighting an engineer!”

Lyra yelped when the leg of her commandeered IG suddenly tore free from the rest of the mech, a rail slug flying from the smoke. Lyra topped from atop the mech and scrambled to get behind Trixie’s shield as more hypersonic rounds crashed around her.

“Rule number two! Don’t give away your position yelling like a fool!” Fortune mocked as she stepped from the smoke, glaring determinedly despite the tears running down her cheeks. She fired several more rounds against the blue barrier, cracks beginning to form against the relentless assault regardless of Trixie’s efforts.

“Forgetting someone?” Fortune heard behind her as the ground twisted up, a four tentacled figure seemingly made of the pavement standing behind her. One of the appendages lashed out at the mare; who just smirked in response as the limb halted and fell limp, the octocamo failing as it hit the ground.

“Not at all” She retorted to the confused changeling, swinging her rifle around to fire point blank when the dark blur of the fenrir knocked her target back into the smoke. She fired several rounds anyway but doubted she hit them “Hmmm…”

She stood looking around at the destroyed courtyard and street as the smoke finally cleared, giving an annoyed scoff at the sight of the last grad and minotaur guards on the ground not moving. She wasn’t surprised she couldn’t see the pair anywhere either, she did remember the file saying something about exceptional stealth skills; but she figured it was only referring to the cyborg.

“I always have to do everything myself” she muttered as she returned her attention to the trio behind the shield, knowing the tentacles and metal dog couldn’t get close to her. Trixie had restored the barrier but could focus on little else if she wanted it to hold.

“I can't keep this forever you two!” she urged the pair, the loss of her third person speech pressing the point as several more slugs shattered against the failing barrier.

“Can you keep her attention off me? That Grad still had some missiles in it” Lyra asked, earning a questioning look from the magician while Maze was still to winded from her injuries to really respond.

“Are you kidding?! Everything that gets close either veers off or shuts down!” Trixie berated the unicorn “We can’t even touch her!”

Close is all we need…” She retorted, matching the magician’s stare. A sudden realization dawning on Trixie’s face as she gave a confident nod, Maze following suit as she stood straighter. A familiar red haze enveloped the cyborg as she spoke through her codex.

“Hear that you two? Distraction tactics on Lyra’s mark” Maze relayed as Lyra unhooked a smallish box from the small of her back, hurling it over the shield to clatter to the pavement a few paces from the hard to touch mare. She braced to sprint to her target, waiting only a moment until their chocolate colored adversary glanced curiously at the unassuming box.

“NOW!” She shouted as she rushed toward the fallen IG, Fortune snapping back to attention to adjust her aim. A sudden wave of magic distracted her as Trixie’s shield rushed toward her like a battering ram. A simple wave of her arm and the shield split before her, but served its purpose as Lyra slid behind the mech’s heavy armor.

“What are you hoping to achieve?! Nothing can touch Lady Luck!” she boasted as she tracked the sprinting cyborg, laughing at the pathetic peppering from Maze’s pistol “You could at least try something a little bigger, that’s just sad!”

“How’s this then?!” Crystal shouted from behind, hefting half of one of the destroyed APCs with her tentacles. The mass of twisted metal careened through the air until it practically shattered under the impact of the mare’s quick shots. Another wave of her hand and several knives clattered to the ground at her feet, Wolf sprinting past before her could get a bead on him.

The loud hiss of rocket propellant filled the courtyard as half a dozen missiles launched skyward from the commandeerd mech. Quickly righting their path they reared back toward the ground, pulling up to sail straight to their destination. The small box suddenly bounced into the air and a haze of nano magic danced across its surface as parts aligned and the whole landed as small turret, already firing at the villain from her side. The mare arched a skeptical eyebrow as both the bullets and missiles began to veer and tumble around her.

“It doesn’t matter how many angels you attack from little filly! You can’t touc-” Fortune froze mid rant, the rapid pings of bullets against metal sending a chill down her spine-

‘Clever Bitch!’ was all she could think before the missiles ruptured; fire, force and shrapnel slamming into the mare holding her massive rifle up in a futile attempt to shield herself. Her body flew from the fire and smoke, thrown free by the explosions. She landed in a heap, her weapon a pile of twisted slag next to her bleeding, unconscious form.

The group gathered around Lyra, still digging through the innards of the one legged Grad. Crystal looked over at the mare’s fallen form with a scowl as Trixie puffed her chest out triumphantly.

“Poor girl never stood a chance!” she announced.

“Yeah, you could almost say her luck ran out” Maze quipped with an entirely too proud smile “Rather Un-Fortune-ate break for her, eh? EH?”

The rest just groaned as Maze nudged Crystal over and over, eventually earning a shove and curse laden threats from the changeling.

The abrupt rattle of a machine gun fire forced them scrabbling for cover, a heavily armed chopper racing in between the buildings to hover over the fallen mare; the side gunner kept the suppressing fire going as several masked soldiers repelled down.

The group exchanged quick signals and braced to move when overwhelming sound and pressure assaulted their senses. The four females fell to the pavement clutching their heads, intense pain obvious on their faces.

“What is happening? I do not understand, I see no attacker” The girls could barely hear Wolf over the screaming in their heads, the mechanical hound sounding miles away. It was if something was tearing their brains apart from the inside out, disabling everything but their ability to feel pain. For an instant an image of what looked like a gas mask flashed by and as quickly as the pain started, it ceased.

“What in Tartarus was that…” Lyra asked weakly as the group rose on shaking limbs, sweating and gasping in complete exhaustion. They peered over the edge of their cover to see the chopper and Fortune were gone.

“You collapsed, clutching at your heads and screaming in pain” Wolf explained “Without knowledge of the proper course or a clear target, I remained to defend you as the helicopter extracted our opponent.”

“Good move” Crystal muttered, still trying to shake off the internal assault as she stood “That was no disabling signal.”

“No…” Maze returned, contemplating her brief glimpse of the mask and the implications that went with it “That was… something completely different.”

“I am afraid we cannot linger, I am detecting a massive heat source approaching from the south at incredible speed” Wolf informed them “Even if it is not who I suspect then I am sure the guards will not delay in their effort to regroup.”

Most of the group nodded and headed toward the alley where they hid Trixie’s wagon, faltering when they saw one of them had remained behind.

“LY! COME ON! LEAVE IT ALREADY!” Maze shouted as she ran back up to the engineer nearly shoulder deep inside the large IG.

“Just one more… GOT IT!” Lyra announced jubilantly as she pulled a large complicated component from the machine “Now with this we can-AH!”

“YeahgreatwhateverLET’S GO!” Maze rambled as she hefted her over her shoulder and ran the rejoin the others, snatching the unicorns turret along the way. She could almost taste the immense power headed their way.

The street's very foundations shuddered as Celestia slammed into the courtyard, immediately rising with her weapons held ready. She glanced about, quickly taking in the important aspects of the scene; demolished entrance, four fallen Grads, a trio of switch axes without owners, several destroyed vehicles, a lot of collateral damage and most importantly, no enemies in sight.

“DAMNIT!” She cursed as she punched straight through the thick armor of a nearby Grad; she arrived too late. She was relieved to see the absence of bodies, ally or otherwise; but she had still missed the battle, once again been unable to protect her people. A dark anger far greater than was warranted burned at her core until a shout drew her from her trance, returning her to the moment at hand.

“Princess!” A guard called out from an armored carrier, both royal guards and WM security personnel unloading from the back to secure the area. The guard dismounted as more carriers arrived and snapped off a salute “Lieutenant Shining Lance Ma’am, ready for instruction.”

“What happened here Lieutenant? Where’s your Captain?” Celestia asked quickly, her tone commanding and professional.

“Our second captain is in critical condition after the first assault Ma’am, our first was recalled to Fillydalphia” The captain answered and continued to explain the events of just moments earlier, Celestia interrupting at the mention of Maze.

“She was here?!”

“Yes Ma’am, the last we saw was her charging the primary suspect” The guard answered “We used the distraction to secure our injured and withdraw to regroup. My sincerest apologies for our inability to apprehend either the suspects your highness.”

“You got your ponies out alive Lieutenant; you did not make the wrong decision. I doubt you would have been able to detain her long anyway” Celestia consoled the stallion “Now, once your guards secured the perimeter, call in any available back up; I want a sweep from here outward throughout the city as soon as possible. All of this damage is still fresh, they can’t have gotten far.”

Maze ducked back behind the wall as another guard vehicle drove past, its lights sending searching beams across the darkening street as the sun dipped below the sea. She sighed and moved back to the group, they ended up back near the docks in a warehouse district; an old, rundown warehouse district. The maze of buildings and cranes would conceal them for a while but it was only a matter of time until they needed to move again.

Trixie sat atop her wagon recasting the cloaking spell for the third time today. It wasn’t easy sneaking around the city with the large, colorful wagon but with a quick spell Trixie managed to disguise it as something far lower key. It also helped keep them from showing up on any scrying spells; while that was something Maze didn’t have to worry about, the others weren’t so lucky.

Crystal and Wolf paced and kept watch while Lyra tinkered with the component she took from the Grad, saying it might give them a clue of who Fortune was and what she was after. Maze sat next to the focused engineer, slightly surprised by how non-chalant she was about this whole situation.

“Come to think of it, Lyra’s been a lot less panicky the past few weeks” Maze thought.

“Lyra can hear you too” Lyra pointed out “I thought you stopped that whole thinking aloud thing… And I’m not panicky. I’m just not used to this nomadic lifestyle or having to fight for my life every other week.”

“Oh, so you’re normally this unflappable?” Maze asked teasingly.

“Growing up around Twilight you get used to weird stuff happening a lot, and Ponyville wasn’t exactly uneventful either” Lyra answered back “even before Twi moved there.”

“You got to attend Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns?” Trixie asked from above.

“Yeah, wasn’t a top student or anything though” Lyra answered, not noticing the slight envy hidden behind Trixie’s question “I’m surprised you didn’t, I mean I know there are other good schools out there but-”

“I didn’t live in Canterlot and my parents couldn’t afford to have me study abroad. I tried for a scholarship but was too late, later learning the last had gone to little miss perfect… We can’t all be handpicked by a princess, I suppose.” Trixie delivered the last bit bitterly “And after I los- *Ahem* …After that I began to teach myself, eventually studying abroad all over Equestria; wherever my show took me.”

Maze looked up at the magician to see a slight sadness to the stoic look Trixie was wearing. Maze was about to ask something when Trixie suddenly changed the topic.

“Though Trixie has no doubt Ponyville conditions a pony to the unusual, all the odd ones sent there after all” she delivered, back to her usual, protective façade.

“Oh don’t tell me you actually buy into those ridiculous rumors” Lyra scoffed.

“What rumors?” Maze asked.

“Everyone knows that Celestia sends or subtly encourages all the biggest weirdos to move to Ponyville, so that they’re all in one place to keep an eye on” Trixie announces confidently “And Trixie doesn’t need rumors, she’s seen it firsthand!”

Lyra was about to retort when there was the clopping of running hooves, a guard bursting around a corner with his weapon leveled. The group all responding in kind as the guard’s gun light illuminated them, Crystal right up front preparing her metal appendages for action.

“Siss-prea!” The guard shouted, instantly lowing the rifle as he ran to the changeling “Thank the makers I found you first!”

The group lowered their weapons, confused until the stallion’s features began to rearrange. They settled into a still rather ponyish muzzle, only now a dark grey and covered in yellow streaks across sleek chitin. He gave a slight bow when he reached the burgundy haired ‘Siss-prea’.

“Quickly, we have somewhere you and your minions can retreat to. Siss-prea Amethyst will be most pleased to see you” the changeling quickly delivered beneath the stolen guard helmet before gesturing them to follow “It is this way Siss-prea.”

“Minions?! Trixie is no minion!” Trixie complained as the group quietly followed the changeling guard’s lead, Crystal deflecting or just ignoring the group’s questions and looking very annoyed. They reached an old warehouse that looked just like all the others, only without any visible entrance. They parked the wagon in a large dark room through a hidden door that showed no difference from the rest of the wall; silhouettes of boxes and machinery barely seen as their escort lead them to a service elevator, pressing down as soon as they were all in.

“CRYSTEE!” a bubbly voice called before the gate even opened, Crystal groaning as she dragged her hands down her face. They could see a tall changeling at the other end of a large, but comfortably adorned cavern, leaning over a scaffolding. She fluttered down on gold tinted wings set by her shoulders, above a large stinger protruding near the base of her spine. The light caught her bright golden hair as she descended, looking almost like honey flowing delicately from her head.

“It's so good to see you little sister!” squealed the changeling as she gripped the blushing changeling in a rib crushing bear hug. She was strikingly attractive with clearly similar features to Crystal and at least half a head taller, reinforcing the older sibling image even further “But where are your wings?! And your Stinger!? You’re not even showing your streaks or carrying your glaive! Really now, it’s like you have no pride in your hive at all!”

“Hello Amethyst” Cyrstal replied dully as a snicker escaped the group. She glared daggers over her shoulder at them before continuing “Thanks for the assist and all but-”

“Ah ah ah!” the elder sibling interrupted, wagging her finger “We will not speak until I see the real you.”

Crystal literally growled at the older changeling, an entirely futile gesture as Amethyst just continued to stare expectantly back. After a few beats Crystal finally relented, rolling her eyes as she changed; a pair of red tinted wings unfurled from her back as a small stinger barely poked out from beneath her skirt. She shook her hair, revealing several golden streaks that did kind of clash with her natural burgundy.

“There, now listen we really need-”

“And your glaive? I know you lack a kinsect sister but we all still have the glaives- I have to know it’s really you after all” The elder sister interrupted again, the thorough enjoyment at the younger sibling’s embarrassment all too obvious. Crystal snapped her fingers and a mass of chitin appeared in her hand, with a flick the pieces detached from one another and extended into an impressive, embroidered glaive.

“Happy now?!” Crystal snapped, the irritation wafting off of her in waves.

“Yes!” Amethyst answered cheerfully “You’re a princess dear, fifth in line or not you should still represent your hive properly.”

“You’re a PRINCESS?!” Trixie shouted, not the only one taken aback but the sudden revelation “Trixie knew you held some clout but… a princess?”

“It’s not important!” She snapped back at the group, silencing any further inquiries for the moment and continuing before her sister could argue “Not now Ami! We’ve got the sun princess herself burning our backs she’s getting so close and a mysterious third party coming at us again and again from the front. Our best lead just literally went up in flames and unless you have something actually helpful to say then save it! I don’t have the patience for your Bullshit right now!”

The cavern froze, everyone looking back and forth between the two changeling princesses. Amethyst's gaze darted around, never meeting her sister's intense stare. Crystal finally broke the tension, sighing as she turned away.

“Whatever… thanks for the help Amethyst, it’s been nice seeing you again” she delivered solemnly as she retuned to the elevator and traveled back up.

She leaned against the window of the old forepony’s office she now found herself in upstairs, the glass cool against her head and horn. She looked out over the dark warehouse, not really seeing anything, not that she really could in the dark.

“Big sisters huh?”

GAh!” Cyrstal yelped as she stumbled away from the unexpected voice, her back splayed against the glass as she clutched her chest, panting “Holy hate Maze… It isn’t easy to sneak up on a changeling, how did you-”

Ninjaaa” the woman sang a small smile.

“Oh… right” Crystal sighed, sitting on the old office desk “Sorry I stormed off… she just never takes anything seriously, none of them do. Our people are being toyed with while she’s bitching about how I look.”

“Yeah, I have two older sisters myself… or had I suppose by now… Not that I don’t love them, but they could be a real pain in the ass sometimes” Maze agreed, joining Crystal on the desk “Granted, we weren’t princesses, but I think I can sympathize with the sibling part at least.”

“I’m glad she’s here, I am. We’d be under Celestia's hoof right now otherwise” Crystal admitted “And it is nice to see her safe; but whenever I see one of my family it always brings up the same old crap of why I stay away from the hive in the first place.”

“That why you hide the fact that you’re a princess?” Maze asked.

“I don't tell anyone because it doesn’t matter; I’m fifth in line for the throne, meaning I’m not going to get it and honestly, I don’t even want it. So I just try to be myself and live free from all the crap I don’t have the power to influence anyway. Even if I tried to start my own hive like Diamond did, I’d still have to answer to Mom” Crystal ranted “So fuck it all, y’know?”

“At least you rarely have to bow to anyone, that’s always a plus” Maze offered “And if it’s any consolation, I don’t care if you’re a princess; you can still go fuck yourself.”

Crystal just burst out laughing, very glad Maze was who she was right now. She hadn’t made too many friends in her life, too many were either intimidated by her status or put off by the fact she was a changeling; but Maze really didn’t care what she was. The others didn’t either she realized, sure it took a little time with Lyra and Trixie, and Wolf was as hard to read as ever but she hadn’t realized until now just how uncomfortable she’d been with others in general before meeting them.

“Thanks Maze” She muttered, not elaborating. She still had an image to protect after all.

“No problem, we all have our hang ups; I’m pretty sure I’m at least a little insane, like ACTUALLY insane after my imprisonment. Plus I’m straight up terrified of dying” Maze admitted, earning a skeptical look from the changeling “Yeah I know, it's a pretty common fear but it always seems to surprise people that the big bad cyborg is scared of becoming nothing. Not just scared either, straight up terrified… it keeps me up nights.”

“And if there is an afterlife?” Crystal asked.

“Then there are a lot of really pissed off people waiting to have a word with me… still, would definitely be better than simply not existing anymore” Maze concluded as the pair heard someone climbing the steps, Amathyst appearing in the doorway looking a bit abashed “I’ll leave you two to talk.”

Maze returned to the cavern below and busied herself trying to get any information from the changelings. None were being too forthcoming without their Siss-prea around so she sat with the others and just watched them buzz about. There was definitely a kind of honey bee or wasp theme going on with this hive, some even had the big stripped bulbs before their stingers.

“I wish we had snagged a couple of those axe hammer things” Maze commented.

“We could use more blunted weaponry and less lethal options” Wolf agreed “Given our tendency to avoid killing, it might be best to expand beyond our current cutting and piecing focus.”

“You don’t need those out-of-date designs,” Lyra offered, not looking up from her pad “I can add additional aspects to your current load out Wolf and I could probably integrate something into that Bo-staff made of arms… thing you’ve had me looking into Maze. And we can always just carry more stun ammo or tranq pistols or something too… we certainly have options; we don’t have to scavenge Everything we end up using after all...”

Maze listened as Lyra went on listing options while still working on the Grad core. She and Wolf did have a point; they often did avoid killing when they didn’t need to and a sword wasn’t always the best option for that, even with the tazer backside on hers. She considered what would be best for her as she watched one of the changelings buzz about the ceiling, a thought eventually making its way to her lips.

“I’ve never seen Crystal fly, it seems like a pretty good tactical advantage... I wonder why she doesn’t” Maze mused after a while.

“Because it’s difficult to use my tentacles without hitting my wings, not impossible but it’s easier to just do one or the other” Crystal answered unexpectedly, she and her sister stepping off the elevator “It's the same reason I don’t use my glaive often; a big pole tends to get in the way of long flexible appendages.”

“Just letting all that training go to waste...” Amethyst muttered, earning a glare from the younger Siss-prea “But it’s your choice, if it works for you then whatever.”

“So what’s the word?” Maze asked.

“Ami said we’re cool to stay here and recover for as long as we need. Even with the probability of World Marshal being behind everything being significantly less now, Ami has decided to keep her unit here to continue investigation and maintain a local outlet for the hive.”

“Well that and I like it here” Amethyst admitted without shame “It’s a very cushy post and pony made or not, there’s a lot to keep a girl busy in this town.”

“What about us though? Trixie cannot continue performing shows in the same city! Ponies can grow bored of anything eventually, even Trixie! As impossible as that may seem... ” Trixie asked, before a thought struck her and sent her spirits plummeting “assuming Trixie is even still able to perform openly after how many guards saw her fighting alongside criminals…”

“We need to go to Canterlot” Lyra suddenly declared calmly, still not looking from her pad “I just found data signaling this units home base as a compound hidden beneath the city.”

“Convenient timing” Maze commented, the engineers gaze finally drawn from the pad to shoot her a look “Just saying.”

“The city does have an extensive sewer system with many abandoned sections; it is certainly feasible that a decent sized operation could be maintained therein” Wolf added before the elder changeling princess interjected.

“So what? You expect to just waltz right through the multitude of guards, the most advanced detection and barrier spells in Equestria, past countless citizens who all now know your faces and crawl around a labyrinth of sewer tunnels ALL under the noses of two of the most powerful beings in the world?” Amethyst asked “Sure it wouldn’t be the first time, but only one of you is a changeling; and sorry little sis but even we Siss-prea are still a long way from a queen.”

“Between the princesses alone we’d never make it past the front gates” Crystal agreed, the group looking increasingly less hopeful except Maze; she seemed surprisingly upbeat.

“Well... what if they weren’t there?” she asked simply “I don’t suppose they have a distraction from Saddle Arabia coming up do they?”

Her companions stared at her confused, wondering where she pulled that random question from. Amethyst and the surrounding changelings however looked completely stunned; staring at Maze with curious disbelief.

“Actually yeah… The Saddle Arabian diplomats were originally scheduled to visit next month but with the recent incidents it was decided that the pony representatives would go to them. Celestia will be going herself while Luna stays to watch over the kingdom…” Amethyst answered still baffled “We only just received that report from our network this morning, how could you have possibly known-”

“Magic” the entire group answered dully over Maze, all too used to the smartass answer by now.

“Don’t bother, she won’t tell you” Crystal added to her sister as Maze wiggled her fingers mysteriously.

“Well one is still better than two, and if she still has what I think she has on display then I should be able to hold her off well enough if need be” Maze declared “We’ve got a month to prepare then!”

“Prep or not Maze, we still won’t force our way through those defenses on our own” Lyra pointed out to the cyborg.

“We’re not going to force or even sneak our way in” She said proudly “We’ll going to get them to brings us right through the front gates for all to see…”

-One Month Later: Ponyville-

Twilight looked around the town hall at the crowd; the entire militia had been called by the sudden detachment of guards that arrived in the town just moments ago. She stood next to the stage with her friends, fiddling with the recently converted Element of Magic around her neck. It wasn’t easy but they had managed to reshape the element into a necklace like the others; Twilight having pointed out the impropriety of it being a crown several times. She also enjoyed that it would be much less likely to fall off like the crown occasionally would.

“Twi! It’s your brother!” Dash nudged her as the guard captain did indeed appear from behind the curtain and stepped to the podium. Twilight stared on, confused at why her brother was here without calling ahead.

“Thank you all for responding so readily, I would expect nothing less from a group so able” Shining Armor addressed the gathered militia “I apologize for the sudden call to action but we've just received crucial information as to the immediate whereabouts of the kingdom's top fugitives.”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed in focus, it was nearly a month after the Manehatten incident and there hadn't been even a whisper of Maze since. Twilight knew it was time to put an end to this, one way or another.

“We are going to try a new strategy in apprehending our illusive foe and we need your assistance. As your militia is not technically part of the guard though, I am first required to ask; do we have your aid?” Shining asked to which the cramped room immediately replied with thunderous confirmation “That’s what I like to hear! Now I must please ask you to wait just a moment longer, our specialist will be in momentarily to brief you all on your parts while I take the elements to prepare them for theirs. The Princesses thank you for all your support... we’ll get her this time.”

Shining gave a salute to the gathered ponies who most returned before he moved to the side of the stage, gesturing for the six friends to follow. They exited the building and began moving toward a guard vehicle in the large community space in front of the hall, a small squad of guards gathered around it.

“Do we actually have her this time BBBFF?” Twilight asked, sounding worried “Every time we’ve come close in the past she’s always managed to slip away...”

“Well Twily, that’s up to the six of you” Shining answered somewhat mockingly, pulling ahead of the group to join the guards.

“Stop!” Twilight held her arm out, Shining would never talk to her like that. She looked closer at the group of guards, sensing some sort of illusion “Something wrong! DASH! GET BACK INSIDE AND-”

Twilight was cut off as there were several loud bangs behind them, large boxes surrounding the building exploding in giant plumes of swirling cables. The large back cords crossed and weaved around the structure before smashing into place with a sudden jerk. She took a single step toward the net like devices and a crack of electricity echoed through the air, a vibrant orange glow encasing the town hall and trapping those still inside.

“T-T-T-Twilight” Fluttershy stuttered as she pointed behind them to the guards, drawing the groups gazes back toward the imposters.

“Sorry Twily” a changeling said as she tossed away a guard helmet, several metal tentacles materializing and hefting the burgundy haired imposter off the ground “But I’m not your BBBFF.”

“Madam I don’t know who you think you are, but I don’t believe you truly realize who you’re dealing with” Rarity threatened the changeling, a basket hilted straight blade flashing into her hand.

“Actually Rares…” One of the stallions said in a terribly familiar feminine voice “…We know exactly who we’re dealing with.”

“No way…” Dash muttered as the beat of her wings slowed. The air shimmered as the illusion fell away; two unicorns, the changeling and a large black fenrir IG stood side by side with the number one most wanted of Equestria. Maze stepped forward and drew her sword, pointing it challengingly at the mane six.

“The question is: Do you?

Chapter 10: Elementary

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Well I mentioned it before and here we are, a few sketches of some of our story's characters. Just one of our main protagonists at the moment but I think it’s the one that matters most! :raritywink:
A fair warning: I know this story has been going for a while now and most of you probably have pretty solid mental images of the cast by now, so if you don’t want to conflict or corrupt those images then you may not want to partake- I certainly won’t be upset if you want to maintain your personal view of the characters.
They are still kind of sketchy and yes, references were use pretty liberally, but I think they turned out pretty nice. They’re not quite how I imagined them but close enough.

First we have a couple of the mane six
Rarity – Had a lot of trouble coming up with an outfit that worked so I just dressed her up in a modified Mitsuru outfit, I think it suits her.
Fluttershy – Feathers are a pain in the ass… loose clothing at odd angles too
And yes Ladies and Gentlemen, our leading lady now has a face – I give you:

If you guys like these (hoping at least Some of you do) and would like to see more, let me know in the comments.
But for now; back to our irregularly scheduled story.

Twilight stared at Maze and her little group in front of what looked like Trixie’s wagon, only now it seemed to be some kind of van. She mentally berated herself for allowing them to trick her so completely, only seeing the illusions once they didn’t care to maintain them.

“What the buck Maze?!” Rainbow shouted, hovering a couple feet off the ground “You think you can just come back here and pull something like this?!”

“I think we just did” Maze replied smartly.

“An’ what about the rest of ya!? Lyra yer from this town!” Applejack scolded the unicorn “Fer Celestia’s sake, Bon Bon is in ther Ly!”

“The hall occupants are completely unharmed” Wolf informed the farm mare as he and the rest fanned out slowly, surrounding the clustered six “They are simply detained.”

“We grew up together Lyra!” Twilight shouted at the mare.

“Sorry Twi, but you’re on the wrong side of this; you can’t see what’s really happening” Lyra answered back, adamant resolution in her voice.

“Well then just tell us silly!” Pinkie suggested joyfully, though her usual smile was tinged with a wary concentration. Even she knew better than to not recognize the seriousness of this.

Pfft, as if you’d believe us” Crystal scoffed, her tentacles carrying her as they continued to circle the group “Or like it would matter even if you did. Sunbutt’s had it out for us since day one!”

“We don’t have to do this” Twilight began.

“Ah yes, because Little Miss Perfect always has the solution, doesn’t she?” Trixie taunted “Face it Sparkle, there are forces bigger here than your ‘Magic of Friendship’. You’re just too blinded by your mentor to see the truth.”

Twilight was about to argue when Rarity stepped forward, hand on her shoulder.

“Don’t bother darling, they’re right… this is only ending one way” Rarity stated grimly, gripping her rapier tighter “Friend or not, we know their crimes and we have our responsibility to the princesses and all of Equestria.”

Twilight nodded sadly, a faint aura surrounding her as her eyes began to glow with the necklace around her neck. The others following suit as they all rose slightly off the ground.

“Oh no you don’t! I know better than that girls!” Maze called as she launched herself at them with an explosion. Closing the distance between them almost instantaneously, gripping her blade in preparation as what seemed to be embers trailed in her wake.

“So do we!” Dash darted to the front, her blades ready to strike.

“Dash wait! It’s another-!” Twilight tried to warn too late as Dash lashed out, her blades passing right through Maze as if she wasn’t even there. Dash stared confused as the cyborgs image grew faint and translucent, a subtle bust of smoke and embers forming a shape at the back of the group.

“Sorry Flutters” Maze delivered remorsefully as she pressed the back of her blade into the surprised pegasus. A scream escaped the mare as the volts coursed through her. She fell back already unconscious before Rainbow crashed full force into Maze, her twin Kabutowari grinding against Maze’s much longer HF sword as they slid away from the group.

Applejack caught Fluttershy before she hit the ground, her glow fading from the disruption between the linked elements. The rest moved to assist Dash before a cylinder landed in their midst, exploding in a great plume of smoke and forcing them to split up in retreat.

Applejack and Pinkie burst through the smoke in front of the hall were they found Lyra and Wolf waiting for them. The party mare stepped in front of the farmer who turned to expose as little of the unconscious Fluttershy as possible. Wolf and Lyra merely waited and stared, Pinkie standing ready while Applejack cautiously moved to place the yellow mare at the top of the steps.

“There ya go Suger Cu-” the apple mare found a metal fist smashing against her face as soon as the pegasus left her grasp, the force sending her through the railing and tumbling across the yard.

“HEY! You can’t just-EEP!” Pinkie squeaked as she narrowly dodged a glowing chainsaw as Wolf spun past her. She pulled her bright pink bazooka from her cotton candy mane, leveling it at the pair “Why you little!”

Twilight heard the explosion and tried the run around the smoke until a lance of light exploded against the ground in front of her. She was tossed back, landing on her plot as she looked up to the caster.

“Oh no you don’t Sparkle, you’re mine!” Trixie threated as she threw another lance at the fallen mare, the element disappearing in a violet flash before it could connect. Trixie scowled and with a flare of her horn snapped her hand out and clutched the air, a very surprised Twilight reappearing short of her goal.

“When did you-” Twilight began before Trixie thrust her other hand out, a blue force wave sending Twilight flying. The bearer managed to flip and land on her hooves as Trixie raised her hands for another spell, foregoing her usual boasting. Twilight steeled herself; hijacking spells was no easy feat, and Trixie took hers in an instant “Well this is new.”

“You have no idea” Trixie taunted as they began their duel proper, spells and counter spells flying across the battle field as each mare fought for superiority.

Rarity braced against the dark streak that flew out of the smoke at her, the metal tentacle ringing out against her blade. The changeling exited the cloudy cover, lithely gliding over the ground as her extra appendages walked for her.

“You think you can intimidate me with those ridiculous contraptions?” Rarity spat as she held her sword aloft, a cluster of magical imitations sparkling into existence surround her; glowing a light heliotrope and bathed in the mares signature blue aura “I doubt even I could make those fashionable.”

Ooohh nooo, the village bicycle thinks my weapons are unfashionable” Crystal delivered in a false whine, batting one of the floating blades away with ease “Strong words from a pony wearing a fur coat to a fight.”

“Please, what would you know about fashion anyway?!” the designer lunged, the blade dancing between the tendrils as she struggled to find an opening she could reach “The gothic look went stale ages ago darling.”

“I know fashion is the only form of ugly so hideous we have to change it every few months” she taunted, dodging a swirling ring of magic blades sent after her.

“How DARE Yo-EK!” Rarity sputters as the changeling ducked her attack, slinking close enough to the ground to kiss it; one of the tentacles slipping under her guard, its pincers clamping around her neck as it lifted her off the ground.

“I also know form follows function; for what they may lack in looks they make up for in ability” Crystal taunted as the unicorn’s blade swung harmlessly at her out of reach “But what you know about style and grace?”

Rarity’s eyes practically burned, her scowl so enraged. Several of the pinkish swords flashing above her and shot straight down at her foe. Crystal swore as her metal limbs wrenched her away, forcing her to drop the coughing Rarity.

“OH, IT-IS-ON!” the mare challenged as she caught her breath, sprinting at the changeling as the magic blades spun like a buzz saw. Crystal’s tentacles pulled her away as Rarity ducked an errant spell from the two mages, the rapid clang of blades to be heard behind her.

“That was not the teleport Twilight taught you!” Dash yelled, she blades spinning and striking at the cyborg with blinding speed. Sparks flew between razor edges as Dash grew frustrated at Maze’s defensive focus.

“Technically it was actually” Maze bantered as she parried the blows, glad it was her fighting Dash over some of the others; the pegasus’s speed enough to match even her “Just modified a bit by some changeling tricks.”

Dash managed to catch Maze's blade in the hook at the front of her own, forcing it down she swiped the other out in a wide arc. A flash of violet stunned Rainbow, forcing her to blink away the distortions as she looked for her opponent.

“See?” Maze asked from behind the rainbow maned mare “Same spell, just less flashy.”

Dash snapped a wing out and caught Maze by surprise across the face, the stunt mare smirking at her reward of a small blood trail running from the human’s nose. The cyborg hadn’t expected her to use her wings offensively; she flashed away again as Dash spun with her blades and leaving her striking nothing but air again.

Dash’s head snapped back and forth until she spotted Maze wiping the blood from her face and launched herself at her again; falling through a puff of smoke and embers before hitting the ground. She sprung off the ground with a single flap of her wings and hovered in place, glaring at the reappearing cyborg who smiled mischievously at her.


“NO!” Maze replied playfully as she continued teasing the flyer, blinking about the battlefield as the mare fruitlessly kept trying to land a hit. Both she and Dash had to dodge what looked like a barrage of arrows made of fire and ice, shooting a look back at the impressive light show between the two magic specialists to their side before returning their attention to one another again.

“T’were some mighty cheap shots you two! And here Ah thought we might have an honest rumble” Applejack called out the two as she stood back to back with Pinkie.

“We did wait until you had set your friend down” Wolf pointed out as he and Lyra circled the pair, covered in glitter and confetti from pinkie’s cannon ball.

“Got the right ones loaded this time Sugar Cube?” AJ whispered to the excitable party pony over her shoulder, hands twitching near the holsters on her hips.

“YEPPERS!” Pinkie cried as she launched the explosive ball at Lyra, the latter’s fist flying out in response and the ball flew back at Pinkie as a kinetic pulse reversed its momentum. The party mare simply ducked under it as she charged Lyra and pulled a comically large mallet from nowhere, leaping into the air for an overhead smash “WHACK-A-MOLE!”

Lyra leapt out of the way as the hammer left a sizeable dent in the ground, its wielder still hanging in the air awkwardly and giggling like filly. Lyra raised her gauntlet at the pink earth pony but gasped when the hammer’s head snapped open and suddenly expelled fire.

“WWHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!” Pinkie screamed as the rocket propelled mallet spun her like a top. Threatened by both blunt trauma and fiery exhaust Lyra could only retreat from the spinning party planner, waiting until either the fuel ran out or Pinkie grew too dizzy.

Wolf had his own paws full with the Apple farmer, dodging shots from her oversized revolvers. He tumbled and flipped through the air, even the rounds he deflected somehow managing the ricochet right back at him. He decided a close quarters fight may be more preferable and launched at the farmer, a cone of orange energy surrounding him mid-flight.

“Nice try!” AJ shouted as she met the Fenrir with a clothesline, halting his advance as a rope uncoiled form the earth pony’s belt. She flipped the metallic hound over and in record time had his entire form hogtied; she rose clapping the dust off her hands “Ya may be one of tha princesses’ dogs but Ah’ve tussled with bigger varments than you”

“An impressive, but ultimately pointless display” Wolf replied, the blades on his legs snapping out and easily freeing him from the simple binding. His tail flipped him off his back as several oddly shaped darts launched from his form. Applejack batted most away with a swing of her pistol but missed one as it embedded barely skin deep into her shoulder.

“How’re ya supposed ta hurt anypony with these?” AJ scoffed at the minor injury. She reached to knock it away when she suddenly tensed, electricity coursing into her and causing her to convulse.

“It is not my intent to kill” Wolf informed her plainly as he sat to observe her managed to overcome the current and wrench the Taser out, glaring at the relaxed IG “An impressive fortitude you have. Shall we continue?”

Pinkie finally stopped spinning, stumbling about with her hammer as she fought to keep her balance. She bumped into a small box mounted on a tripod and quickly stepped back, only to see several more surrounding her.

“Whoopsie” She chuckled uneasily as Lyra just smirked, snapped her fingers and the turrets rattled off at the surprised mare. Pinkie quickly jumped and shot her bazooka at the ground, propelling her above the turrets’ lines of fire; somehow doing so without the explosion hurting her “ROCKET JUMP!”

“HOMING BARRAGE!” Lyra imitated the earth pony’s announced attack voice as she launched a multitude of tiny rockets from her gauntlets, Pinkie gulping audibly as she hung helplessly in the air.

“Pinkie!” Dash called, losing sight of her friend in the dust of the several small explosions.

“PRIORITIES DASH!” Maze shouted as the pegasus received a knee to the stomach for her lapse of concentration. She scowled at the smirking cyborg and renewed her attack, sparks still flying as Maze continued to parry.

“Are you even gonna fight back!?” Dash demanded, frustrated at the strategy Maze was taunting her with “You’re the one who started this after all!”

“Oh fiiiine” Maze answered with false exasperation and performed her typical palm thrust, the shock wave carrying the pegasus away from her. Dash growled until she saw Maze draw a bead on her with an advanced looking pistol; with a small ‘eep’ she began cutting the rounds away as Maze stalked slowly towards her.

“I’m impressed Dash!” She called after the Pegasus as she took flight, still having to block the rounds as Maze kept firing “I haven’t met many others who can deflect like that unassisted, bravo!”

“I don’t need you to remind me of how awesome I am!” Dash shouted angrily back as she rose higher out of Maze’s reach. She drew a small pump shotgun from her back, the element of loyalty flaring around her neck as her eyes began to glow with concentration. She fired but instead of fine spray, a dense slug of prismatic light shot out that blew a small crater into the ground where Maze stood moments before.

“CRYSS! SWITCH!” Maze called as her flying opponent pumped the weapon to fire again. A cloud of inky, black smoke suddenly erupted in front of the mare and broke her concentration and line of sight.

“WHAT!? GET BACK HERE-AH!” Rarity began as her tentacled foe threw herself into the air but was quickly cut of as Maze appeared right in front of her in a burst of embers, her blade crashing against Rarity’s “Oh fine, whatever!”

Dash flinched as metal tentacles burst from the smoke, their grippers headed right at her face. She let herself fall a ways to avoid the attack but found herself punched further towards the ground by the kinetic pulses now raining down from above.

Dash landed in a crouch with her wings held high and immediately shot back into the air at the hovering changeling, a rainbow trail in her wake. Dash knew with those heavy tendrils she couldn’t hope to match her maneuverability and speed. She collided into the metal appendages at full speed, delivering a heavy cross slash that stopped dead on impact.

“What the buck?!” Rainbow cursed, flapping away from the uncoiling limbs before they could grab her. She scowled as she saw a pinkish-red aura encasing the obstructions fade “I should have cut right through!”

“You really think I’d just let you hit my babies with armor breakers directly?” Crystal asked incredulously “What are you? SLOW?”

Dash went from upset to straight up pissed as she unslung the shotgun again and emptied it at the changeling. Crystal yawned as a pair of her tentacles coiled into a shield against the buckshot. Dash growled in frustration and moved to engage again when a frenzied wind threatened to blow the two fliers away.

All the combatants braced as a gigantic sphere of chaotic energy swelled at open space’s center. Two forces of violet and blue swirled and sparked as the ball grew, sending shockwaves and random bolts of magic in all directions.

“WHEN DID YOU GET SO MUCH POWER!?” Twilight demanded as she struggled against the onslaught, the sky seeming to darken in comparison to the still growing maelstrom of magic. She knew Trixie was actually no slouch but she never expected this!

“WHEN DID YOU BECOME SUCH A PUSSY?!” Trixie shouted back as sweat drenched her brow, both casters being steadily shoved away from the conflicting forces. Trixie’s sleeves tore away, revealing the amplifying runes drawn across the arms; runes that began to glow as she fed even more power into her attack. Twilight responded in kind as the element of magic gave light to her eyes.

The rest of the fighters could only brace against the forces assailing them, staring on at the dazzling display. The two mages screamed with exertion as twin beams of pure magic erupted into the sphere and a virtual hurricane of arcane power began surrounding them.

A single, white spark of lightning arced suddenly across their creation and both mares blanched as the winds grew even more chaotic.

“Oh Buck” they said in unison as the forces exploded outwards; sending everyone scrabbling for any available cover. Most failed as they were lifted by the shockwave and thrown from its center.

Trixie groaned as she lifted a large piece of wood off of herself and looked over the barrier around the town hall to see it shimmer but hold; she tried to divert the blast skyward and it seemed Sparkle had done the same. She now just had to hope Crystal was alright.

Twilight coughed, crawling out from under her own chunk of debris before looking up to see Trixie searching the sky for her ally. The two met eyes in matching scowls, sighed and charged each other once more; the magic about their hands and horns far fainter than before.

“Well that was a thing” Maze muttered before a pink sword shot past her face, inches from her nose. She readied her blade against a disheveled but still very able Rarity.

“To think I actually flirted with the likes of you!” Rarity spouted as she thrust her main weapon at the cyborg. Maze knocked the blade to side and spun with surprising grace around her counter. Rarity snapped her blade out to find it thrust back at her, Maze pressed against her shoulder as she fought to regain control.

Somepony’s been emulating Moonbutt I see” Maze commented softly into the designers ear “I supposed you do have the grace and focus for it.”

“The princess saw my potential and offered to teach me herself!” Rarity retorted as one of her magic copies thrust at Maze, forcing her back. The pair exchanged several more strikes with neither landing a hit, though Rarity noticed her opponent didn’t seem to be trying to: Her mistake she thought as her horn sparked “Lessons I intend to put to use!”

A flash of blue light surprised Maze as Rarity suddenly disappeared and reappeared next to her prey. Maze leapt back as the sword pieced the air before her, Rarity quickly adjusting to swing at the retreating cyborg. Their blades locked and Maze quickly stepped forward; thrusting not only the blades up but the two swordswomen against each other, their faces and bodies now intimately close.

“Let me guess… late night in the training room, Luna pressed against your back as she gently guided your movements, her entire being invading your senses” Maze whispered sensuously as her lips hung a hair’s breadth from the unicorn’s “A slight misstep and you both tumble to the mat, laughing until your eyes meet and…”

Rarity’s eyes widened as her pupils shrunk to almost nothing, a heavy blush flooding her face as her mouth sputtered in a failed response.


“SHUT UP!” Rarity snapped at the laughing cyborg as she kicked her away, glaring at her expression of pure amusement. She snapped her head up and brought a dignified hand to her chest “A lady does not kiss and tell!”

“So you ACTUALLY DID THEN?!” Maze asked through gasps of laughter. Rarity somehow grew even redder before she swung the blade at the seemingly out of range Maze, the separating sections proving otherwise as they whipped out to reach the human.

“Okay, Lulu never had That” Maze ducked the attack as she sheathed her blade and fired a quick burst from her pistol. Rarity’s blade whip swirled with a flick of her wrist and small sparks and pings issued as the rounds hit the sudden grinder of blades.

‘So that’s two that can do that now’ Maze thought absently, knowing the whip would make getting close difficult. She smirked and summoned her newly reincarnated weapon to counter the sword whip’s reach ‘I was hoping to get a chance to test it right away.’

“And just what is that supposed to be?” Rarity asked sardonically, one of her blades duplicates forming in her other hand. It looked like some kind of staff or spear made of thin, reinforced gekko arms “How could you ever think that could be a proper weapon?”

Maze just smirked as she spun the staff at the fencer, Rarity responding in kind with her sword whip and poking at Maze with the magic copies whenever she drew too close. She snapped the whip whole again before shooting it out to its full length at Maze, gasping as it became tangled around her spinning staff.

Rarity stumbled as it was ripped from her grip, narrowly dodging the point of the arm spear as it sailed past her head. She readied her blade against the fully extended and exposed Maze, but faltered at the victorious smirk on the ninja’s face.

“Don’t feel bad” Rarity heard before the staff coiled around her neck, roughly yanking her forward into Maze’s waiting strike “Luna fell for it too.”

All the air left Rarity’s chest as her opponents knee drove into her stomach. She would have fallen to the dirt if Maze’s palm hadn’t punched into her a moment later, sending her flying and bouncing off the town hall barrier. She groggily rose to her elbows as she coughed and gasped.

Maze started casually strutting toward her opponent now across the battle field, glancing about to see how her friends were doing against their own targets. She first saw Rainbow and Crystal land ungracefully to the ground on opposite sides of the space, both looking pretty haggard from the arcane explosion earlier. Maze did see that most of it must have exploded upward. Neither combatant seemed very eager to continue just yet; Crystal sporting a broken tentacle and Dash missing all her weapons save one of her armor breakers.

Lyra and Wolf seemed to be keeping Pinkie and AJ on the ropes, switching back and forth to continuously force them to change their tactics. She paused as Trixie and Twilight tumbled across her path; clawing, slapping and pulling hair as they rolled about. Evidently their exhausted magic had relegated them to a childish slap fight, several curse laden barbs to be heard. They finally came to a stop with Trixie straddled on top of Twilight as the latter flailed against the showmare’s attempts to rub her face in the dirt.

‘At least Trixie seems to be winning’ Maze thought. She turned back and froze, paralyzed by the sight before her.

A pair of bright blue eyes under pink locks GLARED at her, burning into her and threatening to scorch her very soul. She had always thought of it as a cartoony joke, a pouty little stare to scare woodland creatures; but seeing those fury filled orbs chilled her straight to the core.

‘Holy hell, that is TERRIFYINGwas all Maze thought before the yellow mare as on her, slamming her stunblade into Maze’s sword with enough force to buckle the ground beneath the cyborg ‘FUCK ME!’

Fluttershy hovered as she slammed strike after devastating strike against Maze’s defenses, electric bursts from the disabling blade washing over her with each blow.

“YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST TAKE OUT THE WEAKEST LINK AND ATTACK MY FRIENDS?!” the yellow pegasus accused as she continue to GLARE into her enemy, her furious assault unending.

“You call this being the weakest link?!” Maze unwisely bantered before having her parry bashed to the side and a yellow fist find her face. Fluttershy slung her blade and moved in too close for Maze to effectively use her sword, landing blow after blow with very practiced martial skill. Maze simply dismissed her sword to match the caretaker’s unarmed assault, still not making much purchase against the enraged element.

Maze felt strong and rapid jabs against several very specific spots, using the opening to deliver an elbow strike before tossing the mare back over her shoulder. She took several quick steps back, severely thankful her cyborg status made her resilient to pressure points. She readied her sword only to see Flutter fall into a rather advanced ready stance as her eyes glowed brightly, matching the other element bearers around her.

“Oh that’s not good” Lyra muttered before she was launched across the battle ground by Applejack's sudden kick. She stood shakily until she felt arms wrap around her chest from behind; AJ somehow having closed the distance in an instant and lifting her as she bent back “OH-NONONONONO!”

Lyra swore she heard something crack as the apple farmer landed her suplex. Wolf ran to assist but tumbled along the ground as countless explosions peppered him with electric shrapnel, Pinkie launching a rapid assault from her party cannon at the fenrir.

Maze blocked as best she could against Fluttershy’s charge, only just keeping herself from being cut in half by the supposedly less-lethal blade as she was hurled back. She skidded along the ground until coming to a stop near Crystal, who was still exhausted but steadily regaining her footing. Their heads snapped to the side as they saw Trixie crash into the side of her newly converted van, magical smoke still wafting from her as she bounced off.

“I wouldn’t have thought it’d be the quiet one” Crystal delivered with dark humor as she rose clumsily on her tentacles, the elements moving to surround them “Way too cliché”

The bearers began to levitate off the ground, the elements radiating power from their necklaces. Rainbows swirled around them as wind kicked up dirt, leaves and debris; the forces beginning to dwarf even the magic display from before. The rainbow arced up before slamming down in front of the pair, creating a colorful vortex around them and beginning to obscure their view.

“Well Cryss…” Maze said sadly as the rainbows surrounded them completely, blocking their sight of mane six completely “This is it.”

The rainbows finally coalesced in a blinding flash that forced Lyra and Trixie to turn away. They turned back to see the lights and colors dissipating, two stone figures standing clear for all to see once the dust settled. The elements of harmony slowly drifted back to the dirt as a static pop rang out and the militia trapped in the hall finally broke free, spilling out into the light.

Trixie and Lyra didn’t even put up a fight, the latter even dismissing her gauntlets as the militia ponies roughly forced inhibitor bands on their horns and hands. They stood silently as the element bearers moved to join their released allies, a short purple and green dragon weaving through the crowd to meet them.

Twilight bent down to hug her assistant, reassuring the dragon they were fine before she noticed an immediate absence. She shot back up and swung her head in every direction, searching for her target.

“Where’s the fenrir!?” She asked almost frantically.

“It was there until the flash of the elements ma’am” a pair of pegasus sisters answered her “But afterwards he was gone, we didn’t even see the blur of active camouflage.”

“DAMNIT!” Rainbow cursed as she threw her blade into the ground.

“Language Rainbow” Rarity gently scolded “Without Maze or her allies, it is of little concern anymore. It will be found in due time.”

“That’s right Sugercube, we’ll still get ‘em in tha end” Applejack added.

“Yeah, I guess” she relented, glancing over at the two stoic unicorns.

“What do we do about them?” Fluttershy asked softly, her earlier rage seeming as if it never existed.

“I could throw them a final going away party” Pinkie suggested literally, not realizing how truly dark and depressing the idea really sounded.

“We bring them to Canterlot with the statues, let the princesses decide their fate” Twilight stated firmly, squinting at the pairs lack of reaction in slight confusion “Spike, take a letter for Princess Celestia.”

“Uh… Sorry Twi, I can’t send letters THAT far” the adolescent dragon informed her.

“Oh… right… She’s in Saddle Arabia” Twilight remembered, realizing that must have been why Maze chose this moment to attack “Princess Luna then, inform her we’ve sealed Maze and her changeling accomplice and will be arriving soon with prisoners.”

“I missed you” Lyra cooed softly as she rested her head on the shoulder of her personal escort, the airships engines humming around them. She be hugging her but her bindings leaving the leaning the closest she could do.

“Lyra stop,” Bon Bon delivered halfheartedly, but doing nothing else to discourage the contact. “Don’t you realize what’s about to happen?”

Lyra didn’t respond as she just nuzzled closer to the earth pony, drawing concerned glances from the militia guard present. The elements had insisted they and the militia be the ones to deliver the group, having just been fooled by fake guards already.

“They’re going to take you away Ly” Bon Bon sighed as she rested her head on Lyra’s, ignoring the guard’s scowl “Why did you follow that monster?”

“You remember that little food cart we ate at on our vacation to Manehatten?” Lyra asked, still ignoring her questions “It’s still there! I ate there almost every day as I waited to see you again. Remember those spring rolls you were so iffy about? They were actually really good, you should try them if you ever get back there.”

Tears began to run down Bon Bon’s cheeks, hearing the ‘you’ instead ‘we’ told her that Lyra knew exactly what was about to happen. She kissed the top of the unicorns head and hugged her closer, knowing whatever time they had left wouldn’t be enough.

“It’ll be okay Bonnie… don’t worry” Lyra told her calmly, returning the kiss “I was doing what I thought was right… my only regret is not having more time with you.”

The militia pony finally huffed and moved to intervene when a tan hat suddenly filled his view.

“Leave it” Applejack ordered, blocking the stallion’s path.

“But-” he started to object.

“Ain’t noth’n gonna happen, juss let ‘em have their time while they still can” she stared out from under her hat; it may not have been anywhere near Fluttershy’s level, but the stallion still faltered under her gaze “Bon Bon knows whut’s at stake here, and she ain’t gonna try anything. Even if she did, ya really think she’d ever get away with it?”

The stallion mumbled something along the lines of an apology before making himself scarce. Applejack sighed as she glanced back at the couple, Bon Bon still crying as Lyra snuggled under her chin. She left the room, leaving the door open just a crack before she saw Twilight tiredly walking out of another cabin.

“Any luck?” The blonde earth pony asked.

“No, I never thought I’d want Trixie to ever NOT be quiet” Twilight lamented “The only words she spoke were a request for a glass of water… how about you?”

“Naw… Lyra just keeps talking to Bon Bon an’ ignorin' tha questions” Applejack sighed again as they moved to a nearby bench, giving them a view of Dash and Pinkie guarding Maze's and the Changeling's statues at the other end of the ship “I did'n' think this would feel so crummy.”

“I know… I knew it’d be a little awkward with Maze being sort of a friend and all, and I still know what she did a thousand years ago was horrible but… This just doesn’t feel right” Twilight admitted “And now Lyra… I knew it was most likely she HAD joined up with Maze, it was way too much of a coincidence her disappearing at the same time but still… I didn’t see THIS coming…”

“Ah don’t think any of us saw this comin’ Twi, especially goin’ down like it did” Applejack offered.

“That’s what I don’t get, what was the purpose of all this? First they lock everypony up, except us and then drag out the fight. They didn’t even have to fight really; They could have just taken us out while under the illusion or blown up the hall!” Twilight ranted “I just don’t… I don’t get it.”

Applejack didn't have an answer so the two just sat there, the hall silent other than the occasional stifled sob from the other side of the door. Yet another heavy sigh escaped both as they wondered if it really had to end this way.

Luna sighed as she waited at the front gate with a contingent of guards, this didn’t feel right. She had received the letter and to say she was ambivalent would be an understatement at best; any comfort that this was all finally over was a very cold one indeed.

She mostly just felt confused; according to the preliminary report in the letter, Maze had declared an open attack against the elements for no discernible reason. By Spike’s own admission she hardly seemed blood thirsty or cruel, if anything she was playing with them. Attacking the six served little purpose outside of maybe trying to obtain the elements, which Luna was fairly certain Maze couldn’t wield. There was also the fact they had no lethal intent, Applejack reported that her former fenrir even plainly stated that ‘It is not my intent to kill’.

Her thoughts were broken as the gates opened, the gathered crowds of citizens mumbling as the first ponies marched through the opening. The first sight was a colorful van being towed, what Luna assumed to belong to the Trixie the letter mentioned. She remembered hearing guards mention a popular showmare in passing, one with a unique talent much like her sister's pupil.

‘Great’ She lamented internally ‘now we must waste that obvious potential as well.’

Next she saw what everyone had gathered for; there on the back of a flatbed, flanked on all sides by guards and militia ponies, were the two unicorn and a pair of statues surrounded by the six element bearers. Some ponies murmured either excited or frightened, others merely stared in awe at the sealed bloodletter and her allies;

Brought through the front gates, for all to see.

Luna stood in the hedge maze gardens studying the statue that was once her old friend as it reflected the pale moon light, her sister's sun having set nearly an hour ago. She had sent the majority of the militia back to Ponyville, only the elements staying along with Agent Sweetie Drops, still under her Bon Bon cover. She had only then remembered she was the significant other of the prisoner Lyra Heartstrings.

‘Poor mare’ Luna thought, even the most lenient stance on her association with Maze would still most likely mean treason. While Equestria didn’t practice capital punishment, even in the most extreme of cases, things still didn’t look very good for the mare’s future.

“Oh Maisie” Luna bemoaned “Why did it have to end this way?”

The statue, of course, didn’t answer.

“What happened to you? Even the nightmare gave me little insight into your sudden madness back then…” Luna continued “And even now after a thousand years slumber, your motives still allude us… allude me...”

The stone face continued to stare blankly back, still not revealing the secrets of the woman sealed within.

“You seemed better, like your old self… if a little insulting” Luna jested, remembering the old age crack so many months ago “I tried to convince Tia of an alternative but… she was right; I am truly sorry, but we could not risk a repeat of the past…”

Luna trailed off as she placed a hand upon the stone, thinking of how her sister mentioned a possible attempt to rehabilitate Discord. It was one of the few things that still gave her hope for her friend.

“If it works for him then perhaps there is hope for redemption yet…” she unintentionally muttered aloud. She gave one final glance into the stone eyes, sad resolve held in her own “Goodbye Maze… I can only hope this isn’t the end of your story.”

Luna abruptly turned away, passing the stationed guards without a single glance back.

“It probably just doesn’t come through in the stone work Spike” Luna overheard Twilight tell her assistant. She walked into the throne room to find them standing in front of the changeling’s statue, the guards having been instructed to place it here until they decided what to do with it.

“I could have sworn one of those tentacles was all broken up” the young dragon grumbled and pouted, Luna suppressing a giggle at the adorable sight “And we’re sure she’s really a statue?”

“Yes Spike; if the elements worked on a demi-god like Discord, they would work on a single changeling” Twilight assured the dragon warmly.

“But that’s just it! She’s a changeling! Couldn’t she have just disguised herself as a statue!?” The young dragon asked with poorly hidden worry.

“There is nothing to worry about young Spike” the young dragon jumped as he only then noticed the princess behind him “The city’s security spells detected her presence pass though as you brought her to the city and would have dispelled the shift of all but the most high caste changelings. We also performed several disillusion spells on both statues; they would not have been able to fool such advanced magics.”

“Not without some heavily enchanted octocamo and exceptionally serious alchemy at least” Twilight added off-handedly, not noticing the princess stop dead at her words.

“Princess Luna?” Spike asked the unmoving leader, her face having shifted several shades paler “You feeling okay?”

Luna suddenly sprinted from the room, barreling through the halls until she reached the garden. She flew right over the hedges and landed hard at her destination, leaving deep trails as she skid across the grass.

All that met her were two unconscious guards and an empty pedestal. She numbly stumbled forward, seeing a small scrap of parchment fluttering under a stone on the raised display. She picked it up to find only a single line etched across its surface.

DAAAWWW!!! You Still Care!

She read in disbelief as music began to ring out across the city

“Oh Fuck Me…”

Chapter 11: Go Ninja Go Ninja Go!

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Luna stared at the note blankly as the nonsensical music continued to play. She noticed it wasn’t the normal ‘from nowhere’ sound of Maze’s involuntary theme music but rather pumped through the city’s own PA system.

She finally snapped out of her stupor and ran to the fallen guards. She let out a small sigh as she saw they were unharmed and just unconscious. She unclipped one of the radios from their belts and switched to the command frequency.


“Dungeon guard report! ...dungeon unit this it Princess Luna what is your status?” Luna waited as only dead air met her, she sighed and switched channels again “We need immediate response and reinforcements to the prisoner cells, they are not responding to calls. We also need a medical team to the gardens, we have two guards down; they seem unharmed but we cannot seem to wake them.”

Luna thankfully received confirmations to those orders and hooked the radio to her waist, activating her codec next.

“Twilight Sparkle, can you read me?”

“Princess? Uh Yes, the girls and I can hear you, what’s going on? The guards suddenly went nuts” Twilight answered in her ear.

“Maze was not locked in stone, her appearance was a ruse” Luna informed.

“But that’s impossible! We saw it ourselves! Just like every other time; Rainbows- Up, Rainbows- Down, BOOM- Magic of friendship and she’s was stone!” Rainbow countered.

“I am well aware of the process Miss Dash, in case you have forgotten” Luna replied calmly, raising from the fallen ponies “Find a radio to remain abreast of any developments, stay together and prepared. She needed to access the city and made us walk her right through the front gates, we must stop whatever she has planned.”

“Princess, the dungeon guards are down and the prisoners are gone, we’re beginning our search now ma’am” She received from the radio, unsurprised by the news.

“We heard that Princess, we’ll go help with the search” Twilight responded before dropping the call.

Luna glanced back at the empty pedestal, finding herself quite ambivalent once more, but unable to help feeling a little relieved.

“You always do make things interesting Maze, sometimes I don’t think even you know what you’re doing…” Luna muttered before taking flight, heading to her chambers to prepare for battle and issuing orders all around in the meantime.

An unseen pair of eyes watched her leave as their owner peaked around the hedge, a stony texture across her features.

“You have no idea Lulu” Maze muttered before disappearing back into the garden, headed toward the city proper.

-Canterlot Castle: Dungeon Cells, about ten minutes earlier-

“I was expecting more of a dark and damp vibe, but this is rather cozy for a prison” Lyra mused, her accomplice across the hall and a couple cells down. Two guards each stood to either side of both their cells as two more waited at the end of the hall. She also knew at least five were waiting on the other side of the door upstairs.

“Trixie deserves far better than to be locked up like some rabid animal! No matter how accommodating a cell!” the blue unicorn complained.

“Shut up down there” one of the stair guards shouted.

“And this slop isn’t even worthy of being called food! Trixie’s hat would taste better!”

“I said shut up traitor!”

“And now Trixie has this ignoramus of a guard shouting at her like some common whorse!”

“Oh I’ll show you a whorse” The guard finally stormed over, banging his baton on the bars “I told you to- WHAT-THE-FU-!”

The guard yelled as the magician’s cape suddenly burst into a trio of metal tendrils, smashing through the bars and constricting a guard in each. The others moved to help when a kinetic pulse slammed one into the opposing wall and the other was wrenched against the engineer’s cell, a heavy metal gauntlet wrapped around his neck from behind.

“H-how?!” She struggled out “Your bands-”

“Oh please, these?” Lyra asked, sliding the ring off her horn and flicking it away “I can disable these my sleep, they're the militia's: I helped make them.”

“It also helps to put them on the right horn” the other prisoner added as her tentacles carried her over the now unconscious guards. The guard blanched as one horn slid to the side and receded as another, far more jagged one took its place. The mare's face then flattened and change radically in color, the inhibitor band pinging sharply as it struck the ground “Sleepy time little pony”

Lyra sent a current through her captor and let him slide down the bars, stepping out smugly after Crystal ripped the cell door off.

“Five down…” She said as they looked to the last guard at the end of the hall, his rifle shaking violently as he struggled to keep his courage. He fired a prolonged burst down the hall at the two, yelling in defiance at their escape.

“Really?” Crystal scoffed as a tendril wiped erratically in front of the pair, the rapid pings lost under the cacophony of echoed gun shots in the stone space. The guard’s magazine clicked dry and he stared uneasily at the two; they smirked back until he booked it upstairs.

“SHIT!” The pair ran after him, trying to reach him before he could call the alert prematurely. His fear apparently worked for him as he burst through the door and the escapees were only half way up.

The pair crashed through the door ready to fight only to see the guards already knocked out and the runner slumping to the ground before them. A beige earth pony stood opposite to them holding a pair of stun batons.

“I am so fired for this” the blue and pink maned mare sighed grimly.

“BONNY!” Lyra squealed as she tackled the mare in an ecstatic embrace, planting a giant kiss on the pony’s lips. Bon Bon broke the embrace and tensed when the music started blaring though the castle

“Can I assume this means there’s more to whatever you have planned?” she asked as Lyra giggled and grabbed her hand, running down the hallway as Crystal lead the way. She tried to keep pace as Lyra dragged her onward, hoping there was more to all this then running and annoying music. She suddenly noticed something wrong however,

“Wait! What about Trixie!?”

-Canterlot Secure Impound Garage-

“Sucks we’ll never see her show again” one guard grumbled as he glanced back at the van.

“I never did” the other responded plainly.

“Oh dude you’ve missed out! This big stage folds out from just this tiny little side panel and launches off all kind of fireworks and stuff! And that’s before she even comes out!” The first guard ranted excitedly before explaining his latest viewing of the unicorn's show.

“Yeah well she won’t be putting on any-” the second guard stopped at what sounded like something clattering behind them. They did a quick sweep of the dark garage and found nothing “Like I was saying, looks like her entertainment days are over. Wouldn’t want to go see a traitor's show anyway.”

“Yeah, I guess; still kind of a bummer though. I wish I could have seen her perform at least once more, it really was a heck of a show” The first lamented as they leaned against the van.

“Oh those who have so little faith in the Great and Powerful Trixie! Her flame is not extinguished yet!” the guards heard a mare shout from atop the vehicle “Though she does thank you for the kind praises!”

The guards jumped back from the van and leveled their rifles only to have their target disappear in a puff of smoke. Another puff plumed behind them as the heavy hatted mare burst forth with fingers aglow.

“Nighty night!” Trixie sang as the tips of her fingers brushed the foreheads to the two guards. They stumbled back from the showmare, who stood confidently as they tried to draw their now incredibly heavy feeling sidearms.

“Wha..wut?” was all one of them managed before they both crumpled to the ground, sleeping like a pair of foals. Trixie dusted her hands off and moved toward the van when a sudden light spilled into the room.

Trixie froze as a balaclava wearing guard stared back as still as she; a faint flushing noise echoed from behind him as they stared at each other. They stood frozen like that for a beat longer before a radio crackled on the guard’s belt.

“Garage team, you’re late with your check in. Please report” the voice ordered. Trixie tensed at the unexpected obstacle, this could ruin the whole plan “Is something the matter?! Garage team respond!”

Trixie’s eyes widened as the guard slowly unclipped the radio and brought it to his covered muzzle. Her hands and horn flared as her face delivered the silent threat to the guard who seemed to… smile in response?

“This is the garage team, everything’s clear here” The guard reported, Trixie’s magic immediately dispersing as she heard the guard's voice.

“What took you so long to respond?” the radio blared.

“We accidently kicked the radio under one of the vehicles sir, sorry about that” the guard lied easily as he glanced at the fallen guards, then back at the unicorn.

The corners of Trixie’s mouth began to twitch and rise at the guard as the radio crackled again, a genuine wonder in her eyes as she realized the odds.

“Who is this?! Where is your radio pony, Private Storm?!” The voice demanded.

“Private Storm is sick sir...” Trixie beamed brightly at the stallion as he removed the balaclava and spoke clearly with a knowing smile under a sandy blonde mane.

“This is Johnny, Johnny Sasaki.”

Luna donned her newly updated battle regalia, once again sighing at the awkward feeling of it. She was used to proper metal, mail and leather enchanted with traditional magic; not this body hugging, exoskeletal covering. Granted it did still have plating, but now it was made of some kind of new mithril alloy and merely accented the complex suit below.

“At least it still looks nice and regal; not so utilitarian as some of the specialist guard armors” Luna muttered to herself, glad she commissioned young Rarity to design the suit. Several technical improvements and enchantments had been added since but Luna was just glad that it looked like the armor of a royal leader, not a futuristic soldier “She does have a unique way with form and function.”

‘Along with… Other talents’ She added internally, a slight smirk and blush creeping on her features. She shook away the thoughts, now was not the time and she had no idea if it was to become anything serious anyway. She moved back toward the balcony and leapt off to join the search, all the while failing to notice the subtle bending of air behind her most prominent trophy case.

She flew over the city as the music seemed to change slightly; it was the same song only now in a language she could understand. She wasn’t sure if that made it better or worse.

A scream suddenly echod from nearby but she couldn’t figure out the direction, it seemed that many citizens had begun celebrating the perceived capture of the Bloodletter and believed the music was part of it. The rest ran calling for guards in all directions, the two factions of celebrators and runners confusing the entire situation further.

“MAZE SPOTTED NEAR THE SHOPPING DISTRICT! I REPEAT MAZE SPOTTED NEAR THE SHOPPING DISTRICT!” Luna’s radio spat and she immediately flew toward the location. She blinked as she did indeed see Maze running down the street clear as day.

‘She should know better that this’ Luna thought but landed before the cyborg with a crash.

“HALT!” She cried as the human stumbled and attempted to turn but failed to escape the princess's grasp. Maze struggled as the alicorn lifted her in the air by her chest holster, surprised it had been that easy “I have no idea what you hoped to accomplish in this act Maisie but-”

Luna stopped as the cyborg began to giggle, and then laugh proper in a disturbingly masculine voice

“Sorry Princess” the male voiced Maze told her with a shit eating grin “But your villain is in another castle!”

“What?!” Luna exclaimed before another Maze streaked past her, passing what looked like two Lyra’s and a burgundy hair changeling before they all ducked between buildings. She stared back in the direction the second Maze fled, her mind reeling “WHAT?!”

Her arm suddenly jerked as the weight she held lightened considerably. Her head snapped back to see the first, man-voiced Maze running away as she held the unhooked holster. She glanced at the belts before looking back up the see the Maze change shape, turning into Trixie as she high fived yet another Maze as they passed.


“This is corporal Copper Hoof, we’ve cornered the suspect Lyra Heartstrings” her radio announced as she stood in her stupor.

“Impossible! We’re in pursuit of Lyra Heartstrings and the red headed changeling!” another voice argued.

“I’m looking at a Trixie and the reddish changeling right now, having tea with Princess Luna as the Bloodletter plays violin with a pair of guards.” a third guard delivered exasperated.

“I’ve seen three Trixies, a Twilight Sparkle, five Lyras and two princess Lunas” a final voice said in an obviously befuddled tone. Luna looked down the street to see a guard step into view holding a handset before he looked at her and slumped his shoulders “Make that three.”

Luna dropped the holster as the music changed yet again, now blaring through the radios and disrupting all communication.

She had no idea why, it really wasn’t a bad song, but it made the whole thing so much more irritating.

‘Maze you clever bitch…’ she thought tiredly as she started flying back toward the castle to gather the elements and prepare a response for whatever Maze ultimately had planned. She knew being down in the city alone was pointless with all the confusion, and seeing as they weren’t attacking anyone she was confident the guards wouldn’t escalate to violence. She glanced down to see more of the doppelgangers dancing on the roof tops or celebrating with the confused citizenry.

“Bucking trolls…”

-Old Canterlot Sewers-

“So how did you unseal yourself? I pretty sure if Discord can’t then you shouldn’t be able to” Bon Bon asked as the mostly now assembled group walked down the damp, stone tunnel.

The brief introductions had been made already; though Bon Bon had been quite concerned about ‘meeting’ Wolf. She as actually quite familiar with the IG, having worked with him before on a few missions. He seemed to be keeping her true identity to himself for the time though, much to Agent Sweetie Drop’s relief.

“We didn’t, because we weren't sealed” Maze told the earth pony as she cast a simple mage light spell, the statement prompting a questioning look “We pulled the old switcheroo.”

“We complemented Maze’s octocamo with a special stone skin concoction. We blinked out with a triggered, precast teleport spell of Trixie’s. Then, before the dust could settle, Maze blinked back in with a premade statue of me and took the potion. We were never actually hit by the elements.” Crystal elaborated.

“And I'm guessing those were changelings up there?” Bon Bon continued.

“Yep! They’re disguised not only as us but guards, the princess and even a few of the elements too. They’re the misdirection until we get deep enough in this surprising big and clean sewer system” Maze answered, looking at the abundance of space as they all walked comfortably side by side in the shallow waters “The smell is far less offensive than I was expecting, just a kind of wet stone and mossy smell.”

“The new systems have been separated from these older aqueducts, these typically only move small amounts of clean water through enchanted means and allow easier access to the city’s subterranean systems now” Wolf informed the cyborg “These haven’t been used for sewage or purification for nearly 20 years.”

“There were rumors the enchantments didn’t mix well with the sewage and started causing all kinds of mutations and filling the tunnels with monsters” Lyra added.

“Mutants living in a sewer…” Maze said wistfully “Ah, nostalgia.”

“Probably just lies to keep ponies from wandering too deep and finding this facility we’re looking for” Bon Bon added, having no idea what the human could be talking about. “How long do you suspect before Trixie catches up?”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie has already completed her task! It is you who is catching up to her!” a voice boasted from around the bend. The group hurried to see the magician standing triumphantly on a small crate before leaping down next to a familiar guardspony with a balaclava hanging at his hip.

“Johnny?” Maze asked at the sight of the stallion, before dashing up and hefting him into a crushing bear hug “JOHNNY!”

“What the hell are you doing here?!” Crystal asked with a genuine smile as she moved to the crate, popping it open and lifting a new tentacle from within.


“Maze put him down” Lyra told the cyborg before she moved to help Crystal replace her damaged tentacle. The guard caught his breath for moment before answering as Maze released her hug.

“Well, a little while after you guys left I was called to Fillydaphia as part of the force meant to catch you. When you didn’t show up I put in a request to remain part of the effort so I could stay updated on your status, but with my track record I ended up being stationed here in Canterlot. When I heard you were petrified I tried to pull some strings, though the best I was able to do was get put on guard duty for Trixie’s van”

“And it proved to be the best outcome!” Trixie interrupted “He encountered Trixie after all, and our departure preparations were made much simpler by his assistance.”

“You sure about this Johnny? I mean Bon Bon -Oh by the way, Johnny this is Bon Bon, Bon Bon this is Johnny- She has a personal stake in this but you’re a guard, and you weren’t too sure befo-” Maze began to ask before Johnny cut her off.

“I’m sure, I know I said this is out of my league and honestly it still probably is but I don’t believe you’re the bad guys. I really hate to go against the princesses but the stuff I’ve seen these past few months tells me they just can’t see what’s really happening” Johnny interrupted, partly just to keep her from talking him out of it “If nothing else I don’t want to regret doing nothing when I could have at least tried to do the right thing.”

“And thus five become seven” Lyra stated happily as she bumped Bon Bon affectionately. The freshly expanded group finished repairing and resupplying from the crate, ready to head out in their search.

“So any of you have an inkling of which way to head first? Because I certainly-” Maze stopped mid-sentence as a faint rumbling met their ears “That a train or something?”

“We’re not under the train station… no, that sounds more like…” Bon Bon offered as they peered around the bend and down the long passage. The other end was far of and filled with an encompassing darkness, darkness that seemed to be drawing closer and now reflecting what little light there was in waves of-

“RUUUUUUN” Bon Bon screamed as they bolted down the passage way. The surging water closed the distance before they even made it back around the bend, the massive torrent engulfing them as it carried them through the underground labyrinth.

Lyra coughed and sputtered as she groggily pushed herself off the cold stone. She remembered being hit by the cascade and being swept along until she couldn’t hold her breath any more, followed then by the sensation of hitting the floor and walls until she passed out. She guessed the torrent began to equalize over the length of the tunnels and dissipate until it stretched into the shallow trench along the floor.

‘Or maybe we just hit a big drain, who knows?’ she thought as she squinted around, quickly spotting a beige pony with blue and pink hair not moving near her.

“Bon! Bonnie!” She stumbled to the mare as quick as she could and fell harshly to her knees as she lifted her into her arms. Bon Bon stirred and woozily opened her eyes to look up at her “Oh thank Celestia!”

“Well that wasn’t fun...” Bon Bon muttered before a chest was shoved into her face as Lyra hugged her tight. She struggled to talk as she tried to pat the unicorn on the back “Easy Ly, I’m okay.”

“I’m fine too, thanks so much for asking” Crystal coughed sarcastically at their side, rising to an unsteady sitting position. She looked around to notice they weren’t far off from a dead end “I don’t see anyone else.”

“Well, unless we want to- really Lyra, you can let me go- Unless we want to try crawling through one of these drain tunnels in the walls, then we’ve got one direction they could be… Assuming we didn’t get pulled through a side passage or something” Bon Bon answered as she managed to pull away from her marefriend and stand the two of them up.

They started back down the way they assumed the current carried them until they heard the rapid bounds of something closing in fast. They ducked behind the rim of one of the tunnels arches as best they could, tension bridged between them almost palpable.

A large black Fenrir bounded into sight and a collective wave of relief washed over them as they stepped out into the open.

“Maze, I found them” Wolf announced over his codec as he approached the trio of females “It is a relief to see you unharmed.”

“You too, you seen any of the others?” Lyra asked the cybernetic hound, her query quickly answered as Maze appeared around the bend carrying a very water logged Trixie on her back.

“All but Mr. Sasaki have now been accounted for” Wolf answered.

“If we were lucky enough to pull through, then Trixie is sure Mr. Sasaki has as well” Trixie offered weakly, her words muffled by Maze’s back.

“She okay?” Bon Bon asked.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is always okay!” She said with a little more pep before coughing up a light spray “She is just a little… saturated at the moment. She could walk just fine but Maze can admittedly run quite faster than she.”

“And I won’t let her; not until her nanos are done filtering the water out of her lungs” Maze added, bouncing the unicorn back into a more comfortable position “Bet you’re doubly glad you let us give ‘em to you now, huh?”


“Well let’s go look for- Oh Fuck Me, not again!” Maze cursed as another rumbling sound headed their way.

“I do not believe it is another flood, I am picking up multiple signatures inbound” Wolf informed them. Maze set Trixie down, who despite a small teeter did manage to stand and move on her own. The rest braced, drawing or summoning their weapons.

A flood did appear around the bend, a flood of Independent Gears swarming over one another to get to them; Raptors, Dwarf Gekko, Fenrir and at least half their number looked like towering, armored gorillas with wrist mounted grenade launchers.

“Mastiffs!” Bon Bon shouted as she fired her appropriated guard rifle into the horde. The rounds did little to dissuade the wall rushing at them but there wasn’t much else they could do as they were forced to retreat.

“We have to block them somehow! This way’s a dead end!” Crystal called as she knocked a volley of grenades back with a pulse from her tendrils. Sure enough Maze could see a wall approaching quickly.

Maze turned to buy the others time when Trixie suddenly stepped in front of her, powerful arcane waves wafting off of her form. She shouted something Maze couldn’t understand and flashed her hands out; bright, glowing runes appeared covering the walls, ceiling and floors in a great ring between them and the swarm.

The runes flared a moment before exploding outwards in a brilliant maelstrom of lightning, fire, ice and pure, unrestrained chaotic magic. The first wave of the gears shattered under the onslaught as those behind crumpled against the lingering energies.

Trixie slumped and fell back into Maze’s arms, thoroughly spent. Maze carried the blue pony away from the piles as the others readied against the already buckling wall of destroyed machines. The dam broke, the remains barely stemming the tide until a cluster of rockets slammed into the middle, craving a small hole at the center of the shifting horde.

Lyra raised her other gauntlet and launched a much larger rocket straight into the opening, the projectile piercing straight into their midst. A second later a EM wave erupted out and washed over the defenders; their senses and systems tingling but fairing far better than those at the blast’s epicenter.

IGs fell and tumbled as they shut down, their systems not properly shielded against Lyra’s empowered EMP. The group recovered as the combined barrier of Lyra and Trixie’s efforts began to buckle yet again. Trixie regained her hoofing and gave the others a quick nod that her heart was fine.

Maze met the first Mastiff as it punched a hole through the remains of its fallen allies, her blade crashing against its massive fist. Others poured in after it; though less overwhelming than before as the barriers managed to bottle neck them, they still forced the others back by numbers alone.

Maze kicked off her opponent as Wolf barreled into its torso, his chainsaw ripping into it as it fought to remain standing. Maze’s blade pieced through at head of a raptor that lunged at the friendly IG before tossing its controller Gekko at the gap Wolf made; the small IG detonated on contact and shredded the mastiff’s insides.

Trixie shot a bolt of electricity at another Raptor as it slipped past the pair, collecting the charge against the IG’s armor before releasing it in a burst of plasma to melt a deep crater in the IG’s body. A shower of sparks erupted next to her head as Bon Bon bashed away a cloaked Fenrir that lunged at the distracted mage. A small rocket finished off the fallen unit as Lyra pulled the two back from the growing mob.

Crystal wrested with a mastiff as its tree trunk sized arms thrust against a pair of her tentacles. Sweat drenched her brow as she was easily pushed back, her tendrils were bashed away by the IG’s massive strength. She scowled and latched back onto the IG before it could level its launcher at her, unleashing a barrage of shocks and point blank kinetic pulses into the gear.

The machine eventually fell back with a crash, its insides pummeled and burnt into synthetic hamburger. She faltered as her overtaxed tentacles struggled to pull her back, sluggishly scraping about as they tried to recharge.

“This isn’t looking good” She said as she backed into the dead end’s wall with Bon Bon and Lyra. Wolf and Maze managed to take down another Mastiff in short order only to see there were still several more waiting to take its place. An errant swipe managed to catch an airborne Maze and send her into the stone between them.

“Yeah, this could be bad” Maze concured with a slight wince as she rose and Wolf retreated to join them.

The gathered IGs suddenly halted their advance as a unique mastiff emerged from the group, one at least a head taller than the others and custom equipped. The launcher on its wrist was removed and large, slashing claws on each arm replaced it, matching as a very distinct bladed helmet.

“Wait a minute, I know that helmet…” Maze muttered.

They braced as a mastiff broke from the line and charged. Their eyes shot wide and a collective waver of confusion weaved through the remaining units as it stopped dead, standing in place with a sai jutting out from its head.

Grates covering the dark side drains flew off as a quartet of figures flew out of them, rolled up into somersaults. One landed against the Mastiff and launched off after reclaiming its weapon’s twin. The bipedal figures landed and stared confidently at the assembled gears from under their masks of blue, red, purple and orange.

Nnnnoooo…” Maze said in amused disbelief and began giggling as the four rounded figures raised their weapons in ready stances.

“Are they Ninjas?” Crystal asked as Mazes giggles turned to chuckles.

“I think they’re cyborgs” Lyra added as Maze began to laugh whole heartedly.

“They would appear to be turtles” Wolf added as Maze finally stopped, thrusting her fist into the air.

“TURTLE POWERRRRR!” she yelled in fan-girl glee as the music rang out and the cybernetic reptiles launched themselves at the opposing force.

The one in blue flashed between a pair of raptors and immediately ignored them as he charged the large, helmeted mastiff commander right after. The two raptors slowly bisected behind the turtle as his swords met the towering gear's claws, sparks flying as its allies had their hands full with the other turtles.

The red one leapt upon the back another mastiff as it tried to pass and drove his sai straight up under its chin, removing it from the fight before catching the blade of a raptor in with his weapon's prongs. He ducked under the gear’s head, snapping the blade as he twisted the sai and driving the other into the other into the control unit. The unit fell dead as the turtle already moved to its next target.

The orange masked turtle knocked away wave after wave of dwarf gekko as his purple masked brother messed with a complicated hunk of scrap metal behind him. The nunchuck wielder shouted something in japaneighs as he caught a pair of Gekko that leapt at him and jammed them on either ends of each nunchacku, turning them into sparking flails. He charged a mastiff and the flew back as the IGs detonated and removed the gorilla gear's torso.

A raptor charged the tinkering turtle only to meet a large, static cone as it shot from the inventor’s makeshift device. The sparking cone passed straight through the raptor and expanded to affect nearly a third of the remaining IGs, who all teetered in place for a moment before immediately attacking the nearest target; friend or foe alike.

“That’s an interesting trick…” Lyra muttered before shaking her head and turning ask Maze “Shouldn’t we be helping them?”

She blinked as she saw the human already gone, running straight into the fight and shouting something about her childhood dreams. She looked over to the others who just shrugged before running into the fray as well.

With their combined force, it didn’t take long until there was only a few mastiff left. The four turtle ninjas faced the now heavily damaged mastiff leader as the one in blue shouted something in what also sounded like Japaneighs and brandished his sword threateningly. The mastiff roared before it launched several flash bangs from barrels hidden under its armored pauldrons. By the time they recovered the remaining IGs were gone, the distant thumping of their retreat heard down the passage.

The red one moved to peruse when Blue held out his arm, shaking his head at the more aggressive ninja. An argument ensued that was definitely in japaneighs; Maze knew a little and could tell the fight was basically what one could grab from the context, but she was too rusty to make out the rest.

“HEY!” They spun to see a familiar stallion hanging out of one of the holes the turtles emerged from “You guys will not believe what I found!”

“Ninja turtle cyborgs?” Crystal asked rhetorically as she gestured to the still arguing turtles, the other two having gotten involved in the sibling squabble.

“No! Er, well yeah, but not just them!” Johnny began his short, abridged tale “I was pulled down a drain and nearly drowned when one of the turtles pulled me from the water. I found myself in a surprisingly well furnished section of sewers and came face to face with a large bipedal rat. I think he’s their father or teacher or something.”

“Master Splinter” Maze stated with a confident smile.

“YEAH! That’s what he said! Wait, how did you…?” Johnny asked but continued on when Maze just beamed back at the four mutants “Uh, anyway… the brothers barely know any Equestrian but the Splinter guy knew a little and once we heard the explosions he sent the four to help us; a real nice guy.”

“But what and who are they?” Bon Bon asked as Maze stood and walked up to the ninja.

“Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo and Raphael” Maze listed off each as she pointed to the respective brothers. They immediately stopped bickering and stared at Maze, looked at one another and then stared at her again clearly surprised.

“…How?” Leo asked curiously in Equestrian; Johnny did say they didn’t know much, not none.

“Ninja Magic” Maze replied as she wiggled her fingers mysteriously.

The turtles returned blank, unamused looks; glancing at each other before resuming the stare.

“Bullshit” Raph said clearly, causing Maze and the rest of the turtles to laugh.

“Yeah, I guess I can’t pull that on you guys huh?” Maze chuckled as she scratched the back of her head. The rest of the group just looked at each other before shaking their heads, only Johnny and Bon Bon still confused.

“Tell you later” Lyra told them before taking out her tablet “Maze can you ask if they can help up find the lab.”

“My japaneighs is incredibly rusty, I’d be lucky if I didn’t end up insulting them” Maze replied when Don suddenly hurried past the woman up to Lyra’s tablet, clearly fascinated by the compact computer.

The two quickly managed to achieve an understanding through the shared language ‘tech geek’ and the turtles led them to a large pipe jutting slanted out of the floor. They gestured for them to slide down, getting some uneasy looks from a few of those present.

“I shall scout ahead” Wolf offered before climbing in, a muted squeal echoing up as metal scrapped against metal during his decent.

“The way is unobstructed, it seems to have led to a small maintenance area; the room is clear” Wolf alerted the others over the codec. They piled one after another until it was just Maze left above with the teenagers. They seemed apprehensive about joining them so Maze didn’t push the issue and gave them an understanding nod.

“Cowabunga dudes!” she flashed the hang ten sign and slid down, but not before seeing Mikey return the gesture with a grin.

“My eight-year-old self is losing their shit right now!” Maze giggled with an exceptionally excited smile “You have no idea!”

They had continued through the halls of the complex, gathering what intel they could from anything notable they passed. They passed what seemed to be barracks, an IG storage and refueling area, along with a few offices and a garage of some sort. They were currently moving through a large research and development lab as Maze continued to gush.

“Yeah sure that’s great Maze-Where the hell is everybody!?” Crystal asked “This is a massive underground lab! Don’t they need workers and scientists to run everything?”

“They’ve evacuated, looks like in a hurry too. They must have realized the IG’s didn’t stop us” Bon Bon explained as she looked around the room; nothing was terribly out of place but there was enough to tell the story. A few fallen pencils and papers and knocked over coffees; Bon Bon lifted a still upright cup and sniffed the contents “Still rather fresh and warm, they haven’t been gone long.”

“But what about all the data and evidence? They must have known that’s what we were coming for, wouldn’t they have wiped everything?” Lyra asked.

“Maybe they didn’t have time” Bon Bon replied as she pulled the cover off a lump on one of the tables “What the… wait a minute, this is the one of Princess Luna’s!”

The other gathered around the table, a large Fenrir unit lay intact but deactivated on top as cable and wires poured from its ports and hatches. Lyra ran a hand across its leg to remove the light layer of dust covering the subtle symbol underneath.

“Royal Hound Unit 004: Rex” Wolf stated as he observed the Fenrir “He was part of the pack I brought to apprehend you. He should not be here; with no chance of success against overwhelming odds, the hound units are supposed to either maintain covert surveillance until reinforcements arrive or retreat and report all data to Princess Luna herself.”

“He did run away, I remember that,” Johnny confirmed “the rest were destroyed, but he- wait! You don’t think this means Princess Luna is involved in all this somehow do you?!”

“Luna has the entire military available to her, and it wouldn’t explain shutting the unit down. It would give anything to the princess freely, with no hesitation” Maze countered the guard’s worries “Right?”

“Correct, the obedience protocol would prevent the need for this.”

“There’s stuff about you in here Maze… on all of us actually” Lyra drew the attention the of the group to a small computer connected to the wires and cables plugged into the Fenrir. “Combat analysis, movement tracking, even partial data on a blood sample from you… someone intercepted this thing for data on us… data on you.”

“It’s always about you, isn’t Maze?” Trixie teased lightly, still quite exhausted from before.

“Hang on let me see,” Lyra moved to another computer, one with a more impressive tower attached that linked into a data port in the wall. She began typing and interfacing with her tablet while the others waited.

Maze still wondered at Equertia’s strange mixture of technology and magic, which seemed to be epitomized in this room. Some of it looked like a modern Earth R&D lab or something while the rest looked like some wizard’s spell vault; magic runes mixed in mathematical equations and ancient scrolls hung next to projector displays; it all gave a rather surreal feel the to lab.

‘Not too many more years and they could start creating things more complex and advanced than what was actually in Metal Gear’ Maze thought.

“There! I think I got it… They’re studying emotional suppression and amplification, just like we’ve seen” Lyra said as she activated the project and transferred the readout to there.

“Yeah, except now we have proof!” Crystal smirked triumphantly “Let’s see the princesses ignore us now!”

“But we still have no idea who these ponies are. Plus most of these kind of operations are smart enough to use employee numbers and code names to disguise even the janitors’ identities, let alone the big bads” Bon Bon pointed out, quickly stuttering as she realized she may have revealed too much of her training “I mean, I could only assume; I could be completely wrong… heh...”

“No, you’re right” Lyra answered, oblivious while Crystal squinted somewhat suspiciously at the mare “The files and documents referrer to ponies called simply ‘the CEO’ and ‘Nice Leggings’, most everypony else is just a number or another codename”

“We can use Rex” Wolf stated, still looking at the Fenrir “We can reactivate him and review his reports and recordings.”

“He tried to kill us Wolf” Crystal pointed out.

“I should still be recognized as pack leader if he never made it back to Luna. I’ll be able to override the specifics of his orders; not only allowing us to access his data but gain another, if only temporary ally” Wolf explained to them “And if he did make it to Luna, then we can assume her involvement this; either way, intelligence is gained.”

“And if he does try something it’s not like you ladies couldn’t handle it; you beat like six of them before, Wolf included!” Johnny added “Er-No offence.”

“None taken.”

“Well alright then, let’s turn this puppy on then” Lyra punned, face palming immediately after she realized it “Oh dear Celestia it’s contagious…”

“Shhh,” Maze whispered as she gently hugged the mare “Don’t fight it.”

The screen showed a blurry, disjointed view of running through a forest. The video sped up as inconsequential travel time passed and a box appeared in the upper corner showing a map and the viewer’s current location.

“Should we be able to see that? Isn’t it all calculated internally?” Maze asked next to the Fenrir called Rex, sitting obediently as they viewed what were essentially its memories in the darkened room.

“AI Neural networks work differently than traditional computers; they’re designed to mimic organic brain processing, meaning they don’t just pull information from a static database. It forms memories and still needs a HUD for specific, internal information like we do” Lyra answered informatively.

“It is what allows us to think creatively and develop more individuality” Wolf added “It also allows the potential to grow and improve beyond predetermined limits, unlike traditional AI.”

“It does have some draw backs though, such as needing to learn even the most basic functions and understanding. The blurry picture is caused by an undeveloped visual processor- or in laypony terms; just how Rex hasn’t learned how to talk, he also hasn’t completely learned how to create clear memories of what he's seen yet. There's also the small risk of rampancy.”

“Yeah yeah, enough with the lessons; something’s happening” Crystal interrupted as something sent the view spinning before the screen went blank. The view switched back on and was now of the same room they were in, a pony in a lab coat to be seen talking silently to someone off screen.

“Hang on, I’m trying to sync the audio” Lyra said.

“-and the process should begin shortly after that sir. Until then it we will keep the unit active to prevent data corruption.” The science pony finished as the subject stepped into frame and got close enough to the Fenrir to make out clearly, even with the blurry screen. The stallion blew a large puff of smoke from his cigar into Rex’s face.

“You have a unique honor little pup, you get to help us bring true peace to the world” the expensively dressed pony with a dark, slicked back mane said in a somewhat gruff voice before laughing.

“But that’s Filthy Rich!” Lyra exclaimed “he’s the CEO of World Marshal… Why would he attack his own company?”

“Deniability” Bon Bon answered, a disapproving irritation piecing through her even tone “In the event something ever suggested his involvement, he could dismiss any minor claim by posing as just another victim”

“Is that really necessary?” a cultured voice asked from off screen. Another, even more expensively dressed pony stepped into view and gestured at the fenrir “It’s my understanding the princess’s hounds are smart enough to have feelings, do you really need to taunt the poor dog?”

“Wait! Fancy Pants?! Ok THAT one I did not see coming” Bon Bon exclaimed.

“Calm you britches, I’m just having a little fun. I dare say most ponies will grow rather dull once we take control. You making any progress out in the dirt?” Rich asked the monocle wearing stallion.

“More than your little projects here,” Fancy Pants answered joyfully, earning a slight frown from the brown bussinesspony “I’m just teasing Rich, but yes; all that’s left is that little piece of yours.”

“Yes yes, the psycho went to ensure the retrieval himself” Rich stated before giving a small shutter “As much as I dislike his company he gets the job done so I’m sure we’ll have it soon enough; even if that mercenary girl fails.”

“Excellent! If nothing else then Peace Walker will make us a force that even she would fear” Fancy Pants delivered in a tone far too jovial for the devious statement.

“Mr.CEO, Mr. Leggings; we are ready to begin” was all the video showed before the screen went blank again, and the Fenrir Rex looked to Wolf, a series of low tones to be heard.

“He informs me there is no more” Wolf relayed for the voiceless IG as the lights came back on. As soon as Rex had reactivated, Wolf overrode his orders; they were still to eliminate the threat to Equestria but he managed to relay that Maze wasn’t a part of that threat. If one of the princesses countered those orders themselves there wasn’t much to be done, but until then it would be nice to have the extra support.

“Peace Walker…” Lyra muttered as she activated more protocols on the tablet, the computer whining in defiance of the infiltrating software. Lyra punched through the security with another tap and found a single file labeled ‘PW’ “It’s… something.”

“Well no shit” Crystal snarked at the simple explanation.

“Sorry but that’s all I got, it’s something Big and they’re building in another facility to the south near Appaloosa. I can only assume they wanted to keep everything separate…” Lyra guessed “I don’t suppose you have any of your clairvoyance on this matter, do you?”

“Maybe, but we should get moving; we’ve spent enough time in this room already and we still don’t have much on of just what all they were doing here” Maze stated to which the others quickly agreed.

“Yeah, the rest on here is either inconsequential to us or corrupted; I guess they were able to wipe a bit after all” Lyra made a quick copy of the important files as well as the most heavily encrypted ones she had yet to crack “okay ready, let’s go.”

After more unrewarding searching, the group found a massive room filled with tall stacks of parts and crates as a long assembly line dominated one side of the room. A complex crane and construction system filled the ceiling as its main claw hung close to the higher stacks of crates.

“Everything in the room seems too big to get out” Johnny noticed.

“They most likely use teleportation. I can see a few amplifiers of the walls and floor that suggest long range focal points” Trixie answered “It certainly explains how they could move four Grads from here to Manehatten without anypony seeing them.”

“WELL DEDUCED LITTLE MAGE!” the group staggered as the voice thundered through their minds. Wolf and Rex readied against the unseen attack while unable to hear the echoing, mental assault.

The organic members of the group recovered as a figure rose from behind the crates to hover high above them. At best all they could see it was an earth pony in a full body leather suit and a gas mask.

“Well, well, well,” the figure hisses through the mask “At last, I get to see you with my physical eyes.”

Bon Bon snapped a quick burst from her rifle at the levitating pony only for him to dismiss the effort, sending the rounds careening off target with but a wave of the hand. Maze’s eyes widened as the realization hit her, she hadn’t wanted to believe it before but here he was; the psychic FOXHOUND member’s counterpart clear as day.

‘Psycho Mantis’ the overwhelming thought passed through her mind.

“Very good Maisie. Except unlike your fictional little earth game, this Psycho Mantis is very real and far more powerful.” The psychic chuckled as he invaded the human’s thoughts.

“KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HE’S IN MY HEAD!” Maze feigned panic before glaring bluntly at the psychic.

“Amusing…” Mantis deadpanned and raised his hand toward the group “Now, I want to have a little fun before you all die… so dance puppet!”

Maze felt an usual sensation course through her as she turned back to face the group.

“Guys…you’re gonna want to run” Maze stated, even Wolf twitching at the serious tone.

“What? Why?!” Crystal demanded as Maze began to draw her sword, her body turning to point it menacingly against them.

“Because I’m not doing this!” Maze informed them.

The group scattered as the cyborg exploded toward them with lethal intent as the masked puppet master cackled down from above.

Chapter 12: Mind Games

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Lyra fell back at the shout, Maze’s sword flying over her head and nipping the tips of her hair. Bonbon stepped in and met the return swipe in the cross of her batons before Maze threw her to the side, her strength easily overpowering the mare’s own. Maze repositioned for a downward stab on the prone unicorn.

“PULSE NOW!” the cyborg screamed.

Lyra flung her gauntlets up just in time to catch the human in the kinetic wave. A waiting pair of tentacles caught the puppeted cyborg, Crystal constricting against Maze’s struggles as best she could. A third of the metal appendages joined when she still nearly broke free, the fourth struggling to just keep them both in one place.

“I was a little disappointed when I could only tap into her body, but now I love how her little warnings are dragging this out!” The masked pony cackled above, deflecting any assaults against him with ease.

Trixie glared up at the deranged psychic as she broke away from the combat, the shallow cut in her shoulder staining her cape. Her horn flared as several of the rooms heavy crates rose ready to strike. The madpony’s head snapped to her, her body growing stiff as eyes behind the mask locked onto her own.

“Ah yes, Miss Lulamoon and her pretty tricks” he cooed as he drifted down to meet the frozen magician “The poor little orphaned filly still trying to prove her worth to a world that never cared.”

‘GET OUT OF MY HEAD!’ the stage mare screamed internally, her counter spells failing spectacularly.

“Your pathetic barriers won’t keep me out girl, magic may beat magic but I have none to combat” Mantis replied.

‘WHAT?! But only magic can-’

“The world is changing all around you and yet you still carry such blind faith in your out dated art! I admire your dedication! It’s foolish of course… but admirable all the same” Psycho praised before leaning in close to the frozen mage “Though now I see you have gone and embraced some of the new world, only for it to bite you in the plot; I wonder how long you can keep the pain a secret. Do you even know what’s happening? Let me tell you, they certainly won’t… luckily you won’t live long enough to worry about it.”

The leather clad pony lifted his arms and commandeered the suspended crates, his form floating up above it all again. Trixie’s eyes bulged as much as the psychic’s hold would allow when the crate soared at her helpless form.

A thundering crash echoed throughout the space as a black mass hit the crate, pausing a moment to gather energy before launching off midair. The crate crumpled against the cement next to the stumbling Trixie.

“Damned Mongrel!” Psycho cursed the Black Fenrir, its chainsaw cutting only air as it spun past. The pony thrust out and sent the robotic canine into the assembly line, activating it with a passing thought. Wolf dodged robotic arms and sparking welders as he tried to escape the rapid conveyors.

Bonbon leveled her rifle at their floating opponent when a searing shock screamed from her brain to her hands. The rifle's the upper rail slammed her in the face before she could react, thrown back by her own arms.

“And now the other professional liar wants her fortune read as well!” Psycho cried to Bonbon as Trixie flew off the ground towards him, floating of the ground and clutching her throat “This one deceives herself enough that others believe, but You! The one you love doesn’t have the faintest clue when even I would be hard pressed to keep such truths from her mind.”

Bonbon blanched as the psycho threatened her cover, hearing Lyra and Crystal gasp behind her as they too lifted in the air and glided past to join Trixie’s struggles for air.

“DODGE!” she heard scream behind her, barely leaping sideways just in time to avoid Maze’s now freed blade.

“Such an odd couple, as she may be one of the most honest ponies I’ve come across actually; her worst secret is eating some silly little treats you were saving… Imagine her reaction to what you really are” she said, lifting Lyra’s chin “Why even just the IDEA of you lying to her is hurting her!”

“Now most of this one’s secrets are already known to you all” Mantis continued casually as he ran a finger along Crystal’s cheek. Bonbon managed to avoid losing her arm by sacrificing the rifle, thanks to another of Maze’s warning “Too bad, I figured you for something more juicy. She still has a few, one's particularly shameful but still ultimately irrelevant...”

“You’re irrelevant!” A cacophony of thundering shots rained down on the masked maniac, the guardpony scowling beneath his mask. Johnny let out a short lived victory call until Maze blinked in front of his shots, her blade cutting them away as she screamed obscenities at her controller.

“You really think I couldn’t hear your simple plan little gua-”

“YOU’RE PSYCHIC! WE GET IT!” Maze screamed, as her body turned to face Bonbon again “What’s next?! You gonna tell me I like Castlevania?!”

“Oh now now Maze, everyone gets their turn- though I’m honestly surprised how few lies you tell, choosing omission over deceit” He gestured and Maze launched at the earth pony again as the others were thrown from the psychic. Johnny landed harshly from atop the crates as the others gasped for air, Bonbon being slowly forced to the ground by Maze’s blade caught between her batons.

“She even knows your little secret ‘Bonbon’, though you’d never guess how!” Mantis taunted, Maze flashing an apologetic smile under a stressed brow as Manits began to hiss out a mockery of singing “~My Little Pony~, ~My Little Pony~ ~AaaahhAAHHHHHH- DAMNED MUTT!”

Mantis screamed as a knife pinged off the filter of his mask, the blur of a four legged form knocking Maze off Bonbon before disappearing back into the labyrinth of crates. All the organic members of the group suddenly stood ridged, their heads scanning the room from left to right.

“You think you can hide from the power of my mind?! You own ally’s eyes and ears betray you to me!” Mantis yelled after the hound, waiting. A large shadow darted to and fro between gaps until all heads snapped to a stack of wooden boxes “THERE!”

The robotic canine smashed through the boxes, its chainsaw growling threatingly as it charged the psycho. An invisible wave pushed back through the wall of splinters and struck the IG, sending it careening back into the collapsing pile. The pile rustled as the canine shook off the tinder…

Revealing a silver fenrir with a single, bright red eye staring back.

“WHAT?! But that means-” Mantis reeled around to see a blur of bending light fly at him, a metal claw colliding with his mask before he could thrust the cloaked threat away.

Wolf flipped in the air as the cracked gas mask fell in his wake, the psychic clutching his bald, heavily stitched head.

“You fucking dog! I can’t keep them out without it!” He screamed as the others regained control and Maze launched herself at the scared pony “Your thoughts are poison!”

Maze flew back as the others moved in, pressuring him while he seemed vulnerable. Bonbon caught Lyra as she rocketed back and Crystal fought through swirling IG parts; sparks and shrapnel flying as she failed to make progress. Johnny hung back with Rex waiting for a shot as Wolf charged again.


The entire room shook as everything within crashed against the walls, the furious Psycho Mantis floating at the now empty center. He rose high above the floor flinging his hands up as the others were wrenched into the air around him, the telekinetic forces pressing into them.

“I am Done with this game!” he delivered menacingly, the pressure on the group increasing as his anger boiled “Your pathetic thoughts will not invade my mind after your brains pour from your ears!”

The earlier fury that assaulted their minds before returned tenfold; screams and tears flowed freely as they withed in the air. The Fenrir struggled fruitlessly as they tried to fight the psychic hold.

“I shall crush you two like tin cans…” Mantis slowly clutched his hand into a fist, the pressures increasing exponentially on the pair of canines; their plating began to creak and crack under the forces.

A sudden rattle of automatic fire distracted the stitched pony, his assaults only mildly lightened as he glided swiftly from the shots. Johnny fired off another blind burst, the shots going high and wide before Mantis ripped the rifle from the guard’s hands.

“Valiant attempt for a toy soldier, but-” A shower of sparks exploded above them, the cranes control panel shredded by the rounds. The crane malfunctioned and sped along its rails straight at the group “Your luck is proving quite irritating Mr. Sasaki.”

The psychic thrust both of his palms out and waved the threat off course, the massive claw grazing Wolf as it passed. A deep gouge showed across his armor as he tumbled in the air toward Rex.

Mantis laughed at the sight until Wolf jerked and snapped the plasma rail off the other fenrir’s back with his tail, the weapon leveling at the hovering earthpony. Mantis scoffed and wrenched Maze between the two before the weapon could charge, shielding him from the assault.

“Don’t you get it, I cannot be-!” Mantis began until-

‘It looks like we just won.’

‘Oh, poor choice.’


‘Well this is gonna hurt.’

The weapon fired, the thin rail spike cleanly over penetrating through Maze’s shoulder and glancing across the Psychics head. The group fell free as their leather bound foe reeled through the air, somehow maintaining his flight through will alone. He glared down at the as he righted himself, blood streaming from the mangled gash.

“I will not be-HURK!” the psychic faltered as the glowing orange chainsaw punched right into his chest.



The sound of tearing meat echoed with the spinning of metal teeth as Mantis’s mouth hung agape in a silent scream. The chainsaw finally fell free as the mutilated villain plummeted to the ground.

“That was unexpectedly gruesome” Crystal stated plainly, trying to wipe the spatter of blood from her cheek.

A gurgling cough issued forth as the psychic stirred, still clearly alive despite the spreading pool of blood.

“Sweet Celestia! What does it take to kill this guy?!” Lyra exclaimed.

“P-Please… my mask” he burbled faintly, a single arm lifting weakly.

“Like we’d do anything for-what? Maze you can’t be serious!” Lyra started before the cyborg strode past her, gas mask in hand as she held her shoulder “After all he did, you’re not gonna-”

“He’s not a threat anymore, he’s just a dying pony now” Maze cut her off, Wolf sitting patiently next to the psychic as Maze knelt in the blood “if wants to be alone in his last moments, then I say let him.”

She placed the mask over the pony’s head as he spoke again

“They… they don’t understand… y-yet they argue no further… They don’t merely follow but -*COUGH*-… but believe” Mantis delivered between breaths “I have no faith in my employers goals… *COUGH-COUGH*… they are fools fighting for ignorance. I followed to just have the chance to… to kill and corrupt… this world is sick… power is the only true solution…”

“Power to Take…”
“Power to Create…”
“Power to End…”
“Power to… to…”

The psychic suddenly lashed out, clutching the cyborgs injured shoulder and stared with intense eyes through cracked lenses. The world froze and fell into the blackest pitch in an instant; only the cyborg and Psychic existed in that moment.



The psychic draw closer, the thundering voice softening to the faintest of whispers in her mind

“You fight your nature; all your lies reserved for yourself, the joys denied in the illusions you feed yourself…”

“But I know the truth…”

“The Bloodletter still lives…”

“And you can’t keep her caged forever…”

The world snapped back as suddenly as it had receded, light and time returning as she learned to breathe again.

She stared down at the limp figure lying before her, already gone.

“Maze?” the human's head jerked back at the worried Lyra; the engineer flinching at the cyborg's intense, panicked look. Maze purposely relaxed herself, tension ebbing as she settled back to reality.

“What… What happened?” Maze asked through a dry throat, her obvious unease reflected in the face of her friends.

“You tell us” Crystal quipped.

“Mantis grabbed you, and you two went ridged and just kind of… stared at each other for a second… we moved to help but he was already falling back… already dead” Lyra explained “We have no idea what just happened… did he do something to you again?”

“I…” Maze faltered “I don’t know… he- he said I… it doesn’t matter, just the last jeers of a psychopath. We should get going.”

“Are you certain you are-” Wolf began before blaring alarms abruptly cut him off.

“The heck? Surely the intruder alert isn’t THIS slow” Bon Bon asked. A calm, female voice spoke clearly over the alarms to answer her.


“Oh fuck me” Maze lamented as the voice alerted them of the facility’s rapidly approaching end.

“How the hell are we supposed to get out!? I’ve seen no exits and we came down a fucking pipe!” Crystal cursed.

“Can we use the teleport focal points or whatever they are?!” Johnny asked.

“Even if they’re not compromised from the fight, I doubt we could figure out the proper key spells” Trixie shot the idea down “And without knowing how far down we are I can’t use a traditional teleport either, not without a scrying we don’t have time for.”

“I think I saw an emergency elevator back by the IG storage, let’s just hope the voice is right about the locks.” Bon Bon announced calmly.

“Then let’s move!” Maze followed as Wolf and Rex took point through the halls.

“It could at least give us a countdown…” Johnny muttered as they ran, screeching to a halt before large double doors.


“You just had to say something!” Crystal shouted as Bonbon hit the lift’s release… and the doors stayed motionless.

“FUCK!” the earthpony cursed as Lyra moved forward, ripping open the panel and rapidly wiring in her pad.

“This is why they didn’t wipe any of the data, if Mantis failed they were just going to blow us up with all the evidence” Maze grumbled. The system alerted them they had less than four minutes to escape before Lyra finally spoke, the doors opening with a ping behind her.

“I’ve ended the lockdown but I can’t restore power!” she panicked, tears threating to gather in her eyes “I don’t… I don’t know what to do!”

“STOP THAT! Don’t start breaking down now; you’re unflappable remember!?” Maze scolded “Is there any way to stop the self-destruct then, or is there any other way to power the lift?”

“No! The system’s been completely cut! It doesn’t even register a power connection anymore!” Lyra replied, trying to calm herself “At best all I can do is keep the explosives in the shaft from detonating”

“Explosives…” Crystal muttered, drawing the groups gaze “Wolf, assuming they wouldn’t want to destroy the whole city; what kind of explosives are we looking at?”

“I would suspect multiple, pressurized immolation detonations. The pressures would force the most likely enchanted flames through the facility without compromising the city’s foundations” he answered calmly before Crystal’s attention snapped to Lyra.

“Can you make it so only those below the car explode?”

“Pr-Probably but the others will just go off when the wave reaches th-” Lyra started before Cyrstal cut her off.

“Even better, get it ready! You three!” she pointed at Maze and the two Fenrir “You have two minutes to get up that shaft and get as many of those bombs from above the car to below it”

“You heard the lady!” Maze grinned as she followed the Changeling’s instructions, the trio punching through the elevator car’s roof before rushing up wards “I like this plan!”

“Trix, get ready to direct as much magic as we can funnel into you; we’re gonna need one hell of a shield spell.”

“This is insane” Bonbon pointed out before Trixie could argue.

“Something you’ll learn pretty quick with Maze…” she countered, glancing at Johnny and hoping Maze was right about his luck; they were going to need it.

“Sometimes insane is the best thing for to you be.”

Luna glided over the city, it had been over an hour since Maze escaped.

They had managed to restore communications and turn off the music. She was disappointed by just how few of the changelings they’d managed to apprehend, most managing to slip away and disguise themselves before capture. She still wondered just how they all got through the barriers.

A sudden rumbling shook throughout the city, breaking her suspicions. Her head shot up the mountain side, fearing a rock slide until he realized it was coming from below. Before she could even wonder at the source, sewer covers launched through the air as great streams of fire spewed from beneath the city.

She dove to protect the citizens only to be nearly struck by a large, flaming metal box as it punched through the street and rocketed toward the castle with a faint, glowing trail in its wake.

“Was that an elevator?!”

Luna landed softly amongst the guards fanning out around the surprisingly intact elevator car. She witnessed it smash straight through the pavement in a roar of fire from who knows how far down below the city. From the looks of things it bounced and skipped along the ground and rooftops before finally embedding itself into the castle’s courtyard.

‘Must have been a mighty protection spell indeed to have prevented so much damage’ Luna thought, not a little impressed.

“Princess!” Luna heard Twilight’s voice as the elements arrived, moving to join her amongst the guards “How can we help?”

Luna’s reply never came as colorful lights and fireworks spilled into the sky all around them.

The subtle ping of the door signaled the start of music guiding the rhythm of the lights’ dancing and flashing.

A single figure rose slowly from the dented elevator car, arms spread wide as she looked around to her surroundings. She smirked triumphantly as she saw the car landed on a large glowing X on the ground, laughing at the chances.

“Maisie, I have no idea what it was you hoped to accomplish tonight or why you felt the need to purge the Canterlot sewers, but you must know that even you cannot escape us now” Luna announced, curious to the otherwise empty lift car.

Luna braced as Maze raised her hand to the air, only to hold it open in place as she smiled at them. The heavy tones of the music couldn’t drown out the explosion above them a moment later, one of the windows exploding outward in debris.

‘Wait, isn’t that my-‘

“You blew up my room?!” Luna yelled “WHY?!”

“Because this’ll be totally worth it!” Maze snapped her fingers and a second explosion occurred above, launching a particular piece of debris down at-

“NO!” Luna flew forward in an instant, realizing her couldn’t allow Maze to reclaim her-

Lighting struck as a massive eruption of nano magic threw the entire gathered forces to the ground, a maelstrom of swirling power surrounding Maze the instant her hand grasped the blade.

Luna stood and braced against the hurricane of energy pushing the defenders back. She erected a barrier before slowly advancing through the magic, seeing holographic displays floating all around the human; readout displaying progress bars and percentages, one in particular standing out to the Night Princess,

-Restoring Backups-

Luna didn’t have time to react when the vortex suddenly reversed direction, a the entire chromatic palate shifting in a gradient throughout as the message changed to what Luna never considered; a message that made her blood run cold despite the simple meaning-


‘By the Grace of Mother Faust!’ Luna blanched ‘She can improve it all too?!'

As suddenly as the power had erupted, it coalesced into Maze; silhouetting the cyborg in pure light before shattering to reveal the form beneath.

“Oh yeah, that’s the feeling” Maze cooed as she ran her hands over the newly undated exosuit now covering her form “A bit different looking, but I like it!”

The human peacocked and admired the form fitting suit, shaking her plot teasingly as the ponies recovered.


“Hey Lulu!”

The night princess glared at the not only restored but improved cyborg as she dropped into an Iaido stance, pulling the trigger on the recovered blade's sheath.


Luna buckled as Maze was instantly on her, the stone ground behind her demolished as the crimson blade crashed against the rapidly summoned sword. Luna stared wide eyed into Maze’s shit eating grin, as if time dragged to nearly a halt just to allow her that glimpse before Maze vaulted over the alicorn.

Luna turned to see Maze sprint into the city under the dancing lights, quickly springing into the air after her. The rest of the gathered forces stared after in awe, even Dash’s mouth agape at the cyborgs new speed. Another moment of silence past until another clang of steel triggered a panicked scrambling after the pair.

“Even at your peak Maze, we still hold the power to defeat you!” Luna bellowed in the royal voice, her blade shattering the pavement as she dive bombed Maze. The cyborg disappeared in a whiff of smoke and embers before reappearing a step ahead and continued to run, laughing joyously the whole way.

Maze leapt straight up, a multichromatic blur passing under her in great surprise. Dash flipped over in flight to catch the human in her decent only to see her running straight up into the air on exhaust from the fireworks.

“She can cloud walk?!” Dash exclaimed “SINCE WHEN CAN SHE-"


Luna dismissed the loyalty bearer as she pulled up to intercept Maze, knowing Dash has inflicted far worse upon herself before this than merely running into the side of a building.

“You may still be stronger than me Moonbutt! But that doesn’t mean you can catch mmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” Maze giggled as she caught a pair of the larger fireworks that carried her back to the castle, Luna huffing in irritation at the chase.

The rockets burst into fiery flowers when the purple beam struck them from below.

“So, the re-mane-ing Five huh?” Maze asked happily as she landing in the circle they formed “Sorry 'bout this girls”

Maze exploded forward, the tazered silver blade careening toward Applejack before she even realized it already hit Twilight. Two halves of a cannon ball flew past Maze at the yellow and white mares behind her after Pinkie suddenly found herself tied in AJ rope.

The girls stared up in defeated awe at the human resting the blade on her shoulder; a sight short lived as a dark blur slammed into Maze and carried her crashing into the castle.

Marble floors turned to gravel as the night princess and cyborg grinded to a stop, Maze’s two katana held against Luna’s sword and heavy mace.

“The mace is new, been craving a little bludgeoning Lulu?” Maze bantered “you always were a little too blunt.”

Luna growled as she summoned spectral copies of her blade, controlled with far more precision than those Rarity summoned against her just half a day earlier. Maze blinked away from the blades only for Luna to round and aim her horn at the reappearing Maze.

"Eep!" escaped Maze as the light lanced over her bent back form; the walls, décor and anything on the other side cleanly cut by the immolating beam sweeping only a hair’s breadth over the cyborg.

“And here I believed you could be redeemed!” Luna shouted as she flashed above Maze, gripping her suit and hurling her straight up through several floors. Maze hung in the air as another flash strobed to her left, the mace hurtling towards her with alarming speed.

Luna went pale as the thundering clang rang out, the heavy weapon stopped dead against a glowing metal plate.

“…Oh fu-” the orange light erupted out, redoubling the force of the blow against the alicorn.

Colored glass rained down as the window failed to stop the flying mare. She opened wincing eyes just in time so see Maze land on her chest, pushing off and sending Luna into the balcony below. Luna sprang to her hooves before the cracks even finished spreading and flew at the freefalling cyborg.

“God I’ve missed those!” Maze cried as she braced against a sparking rune formed in midair, flying off with her typical explosion before her blade met Luna’s “All this power and no room to roam! How do you two even stand it?!”

“As if you are truly holding anything back” Luna countered, her actual flight giving her the clear advantage. “And we have learned much of control since our last meeting!”

Luna knocked the human down and raised her hand high, a large ball of bright silver light gathering above. The second moon streaked down to meet Maze, blasting her down and making a new crater in the courtyard.

A second crater followed with a tremor as the Princess of the Night landed hard and shot into the dust. The pair slid out of the opposite side of the cloud, Maze sporting a fresh red trickle down her face.

“OH YOU GOTTA ADMIT LU, THIS IS FUN!” Maze cried as the pair struck, parried, dodged and cast in a grand display of combat; sparks and shockwaves caused by every meeting of their blades as they danced about one another in rapid blurs.

Synthetic arms appeared as both limb and weapon in swirling mass of magic, Maze’s polearm striking out before it even finished constructing. Luna countered her opponent’s new reach with the dancing blades while summoning a field of frozen spikes to harass the human as she struck out again.

The polearm’s blade flew straight at the leader's face, only just passing as she dodged.

“I will Not fall prey to that again Maisie!” Luna shot as she spun further away and battered the unusual staff aside before it could contort, snapping her blade out at the cyborg in retaliation. The sword cut empty air as the cyborg streaked past her, the other end of the staff flying at her face.

“Sure about that?” Maze taunted as the staff’s back end coiled at the mare. Luna managed to avoid a full constriction but cursed when the hand clutched the plating of her armor.

Luna closed her eyes as she was pulled back, waiting for the familiar pain of the blade piercing through her. Something soft hit her back as she collided with the cyborg… and nothing followed.

Cyan eyes snapped open in curiosity; she glanced over to see Maze resting her chin on her shoulder as she held the princess’s weight against her. A small, amused smile graced the human’s expression.

“So you and Rara huh?”

“W-WHAT!?” Luna shouted before her power coalesced, breaking away from Maze’s hold. The cyborg skidded back as a glow erupted out with Luna’s flight, the Princess twisting midair to land facing her opponent; her face several shades redder “HOW COULD THOU POSSIBLY-”

“Just call me Twilight, cause I read her like book!” Maze announces proudly, two synthetic arms on her hips as her grin burned into Luna “I'd complain you stole my move, but I'm not even mad. Soooo... how was it?”

Luna dove at the cyborg again, her natural purple was all but lost as the redness grew with a life all its own. She slammed her mace down as the multitude of spectral blades met at its apex, creating a massive, almost pick axe like strike before lashing out in all directions along the ground.

Maze was forced the leap as the blades dragged a violent rage in their wake, shredding the courtyard grounds as the sections shifted and split. Luna smirked as her horn glowed and a hazy, viscous darkness rose from the soil.

“Aw shit…” Maze muttered before thick, black tendrils shot up and ensnared her floating form, her limbs spread out as they hoisted her up.

“Looks like you remembered these a little too late” Luna said smugly as she straightened and sauntered over in her assumed victory. Maze ceased her struggles as she spoke and rolled her shoulders sensuously in response.

MMmmmm… But how could I forget?” Maze purred, a deviant smirk on her lips.

“By the makers Maze, is there nothing you regard seriously?!” Luna snapped, a slight blush returning to her face. As a retort Maze just inhaled sharply through her nose, to the point of eliciting a loud snort “Well, now you are simply being chilDISH?!”

Luna braced, summoning a heavy shield against the massive, concentrated torrent of molten sparks unleashed from the cyborg's maw.

Heat washed over Luna as the flames erupted against her defense and pushed her back, her concentration strained into nearly losing both spells. The stream subsided only as the cyborg’s breath petered out.

“OH GOD MY SINUSES!” Maze exclaimed, sputtering and sniffling profusely as the tendrils held their grasp on the struggling human “HOW DO DRAGONS DO IT?!”

“They’re fire proof on the inside too” Luna answered flatly, dismissing the shield and striding up to her suspended opponent “I see you’ve recovered your stolen abilities as well then.”

“I’ve recovered enough…” Maze left hanging as the music died down, signaling the end of their fight as she continued to sniffle with watering eyes.

“Princess Luna!”

Luna turned to see the elements running to join her, the jewels on their necks glowing brightly in preparation. The non-fliers had some difficulty getting around the broken grounds and over a particularly large slab of earth jutting up at an angle, but made it all the same.

Maze looked around and took stock, knowing her stall tactics we’re now coming up short. While she could probably free herself, she knew it would do her little good against Luna and the now prepared six;. Even with what of her old upgrades was restored and the modest power boost that came with it, she was running off fumes of that alone now; her only reprieve of the day was being paralyzed in the stone skin octocamo. Hell, even if she had been at full strength she still doubted she could actually beat the lunar princess.

“Well Maze,” Luna began as the mane six surrounded the cyborg, the darkness parting as the night princess approached “I cannot claim to be unimpressed, but it would appear your antics are finally at an end. Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

Luna could see Maze lightly panting in exhaustion, evidently her battles against her and the elements weren’t as easy as she lead them to believe. Luna had nearly forgotten how well Maze used her blathering tendencies to unbalance her opponent.

She found her head tilting when Maze suddenly stilled, her head cocked as if hearing something.

‘Codec?’ Luna deduced quickly before Maze replied.

“I’d say it looks like them Duke Boys got themselves into a real pickle this time” The cyborg stated with a slight southern accent. Luna blinked; of all the things Maze could have said, she certainly wasn’t expecting that.

“…What?” Luna asked before a blur streaked past her and several pillars of light shot up around the group, painting the sky a light blue before streaking back down to a gathering glow behind the suspended human.

Maze fell free, a loud whirring startling the gathered ponies as a violent orange blur severed the tendrils.

Luna ducked, wide eyed and searching as something launched off the broken land mass and over her head.

A swirling bloom of magic surrounded a sparkling van soaring through the air.


The robotic hound appeared before leaping atop the flying vehicle, Maze’s own mechanical tentacles flashing into existence to grasp its underside.

Luna sprung into the air after the human even as the van collided with the gathering light, sinking in but not through with Maze trailing in the glowing wake.

With a blown kiss and a wink, Maze and the van vanished in a massive plume of glittery smoke; A novelty horn blaring out for all to hear.

With a short scream of fury the smoke was expelled in a simple burst of power. The princess of the night’s head scanning wildly, nothing but the six and destroyed grounds to be seen as the royal voice cried out


The confused fury abruptly shattered, Luna's blood flash freezing at the loud crack sounding behind her. Luna turned slowly in the air, shrunken pupils in wide eyes confirming the scraping of stone against stone. After a slow grind, the upper half of the southern tower fell free, bisected by the alicorn’s earlier beam.

The massive portion shook the whole city, landing hard before rolling over the barriers and plummeting down the mountain side; but not before flattening the already devastated gardens.

“Ah sure hope nopony was in there” Luna barely heard the apple farmer beneath her, finally seeing the state of the grounds around the shattered windows and sizable holes in the castle.

‘The sewers blew up, the castle’s a wreck, there are changelings all over the city, and not only did I lose Maze but now she has her old powers back…’ Luna thought grimly, a distant grumble raising to meet her ears as the tower met the base of the mountain.

“Tia’s gonna kill me…”

Maze sat heavily against the van’s interior as the others celebrated; fireworks, food and jubilations attracting all passersby to join as well. They hadn’t prepared anything for this but as it turned out, when they exited Trixie’s portal, they ended up nearly hitting somepony; somepony with a brown curly mane and a rubber chicken.

Maze chuckled as the accordion player managed to coax Lyra and Bonbon into dancing, the undercover mare glowing with embarrassment.

“Trixie believes you have the right idea” the magician climbed in and joined her in pony watching through the back. She sat opposite Maze and handed the human a slice of cake before resting back herself, nearly as wiped out after casting such a demanding spell.

“So they know you’re involved now…” Maze offered quietly

“Trixie knew what she was getting into Maisie, she has no regrets over that decision. Besides, is she can’t be famous than infamous will just have to do!” the stagemare proudly proclaimed, then broke the front to smile knowingly at Maze.

“You know what’s weird? That all happened in just one day!” Maze said in amused disbelief, watching she saw a pair of fillies giggling joyously from the backs of the robotic canines “They don’t seem to recognize us… just how far did you bring us?”

“Far enough that we’ll actually have to head north to reach the area Lyra told us about. I managed to use the city’s own magic grid to amplify the spell. These ponies may not have even gotten the news you were captured yet.” Trixie explained and began on her own cake.

“They might have been saving the official announcement for the morning, or until Celly came back” Maze mused.

The pair sat quietly content as they ate and watched the party. Each followed the same patterns of expressions as they remembered the multitude of events over the past several hours; satisfaction, exhilaration, fear, confusion, anger, and panic until they both settled on a pensive, if wary calm.

“Everything Mantis said…” Trixie finally began “You don’t think… well…”

Maze’s brow furrowed ever so slightly, her gaze focusing as she spoke despite her tired voice.

“Let’s just have tonight…” Maze delivered before a yawn took over “I’d say we can take care of all that later…”

Maze eventually drifted off, leaving Trixie staring at the party without actually seeing it. A small but sharp pang drew her focus, forcing her gaze down.

The veins of her forearm darkened and budged as they pulsed, the muscles spasming up and down the arm's length. She cradled the limb close, waiting for the pain to subside as her heart pounded rapidly in her ears.

The moment soon ended and Trixie examined her arm, confirming whatever it was had passed; at least for now. She scowled and shook her head free of the distraction; she just had to hold out against it for now. She wouldn’t slow them down again with her problems, not now when they were so close.

“Yeah… later…”

Chapter 13: Full Circle

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“So let me see if I have this straight…”

Luna, the elements and guard captains stood sheepishly in front of the pacing princess of the sun.

“Two days ago, Maze attacks you six in Ponyville a day after I leave. You defeated her and encased both her and her changeling accomplice in stone” Celestia stopped pacing and asked disturbingly calm.

“Y-Yes Princess” Twilight answered after a very audible gulp.

“They were then brought back here with two additional prisoners, after letting our former alpha fenrir escape.”

“Yes Princess” the six answered together.

“After which you realized it all might be too convenient and rushed back to the gardens to find her statue missing just before annoying music began playing throughout the city” the princess asked turning to Luna.

“Yes Sister” Luna replied, having trouble meeting her sibling’s eyes.

“Then she and all of her accomplices escaped in the confusion brought on by countless changelings disguised as them and guards” Celestia continues “Changelings we still have little clue of how they infiltrated the city.”

“They were also disguised as us!” Pinkie added brightly.

“Thank you Miss Pie” Celestia delivered, still with the eerie calm “Then after nearly an hour she reappears, alone and after a massive explosion in the city’s sewers. She reclaims her blade which apparently held a backup of her old abilities, and proceeds to battle you; severely damaging the castle in the progress.”

“…Yes Sister” Luna answered meekly, a small trickle of stones falling from the ceiling to emphasize the sun mare’s assessment.

“During which her accomplices were fighting off the guards and casting an already prepared portal spell with the city’s own power grid. Then drove the one named Trixie’s van into said portal with Maze, stealing away your victory and allowing Maze to not only escape us yet again, but in a grad display for all to see...” Celestia concluded “Does that about sum it up?”

“…Yes Princess” the group responded grimly.

Her calm finally ebbed as she released a heavy, exasperated sigh and shook her head, pinching the bridge of her muzzle. She stopped herself, inhaled deeply through her nose with a hand to her chest before slowly exhaling as she pushed the hand out. Reopening her eyes, she continued

“Well there is little to be accomplished in dwelling on the past and we must regain control of the situation; we repair the castle, find out what Maze was doing down in the sewers and redouble our efforts to end any threat she poses” Celestia proclaimed, easing some of the worry of the gathered ponies “There is no telling what deviancy she is committing with her restored powers even as we speak”

“Nice cutie mark”

Bonbon snapped up straight, hands slamming down on the back of her skirt as she glared back at Maze. The cyborg just returned a lecherous grin until a fist bopped her lightly in the back of the head.

“Stop ogling my girl” Lyra scolded calmly before she hit another command, a sharp pop filling the van as a static haze covered Maze’s form before dissipating.

“That was different,” Maze exclaimed “What are you doing back there?”

“Well other than a lot of detailed technical stuff you would just zone out to anyway; I’m basically just cleaning the restoration up” Lyra answered “This is a real mess though; I’m surprised you got anything back at all.”

Lyra continued shifting through the jumbled layout on her tablet, sending instructions through the cables connecting it to the ports at the base of the cyborg’s neck. The van gave a slight jostle as Trixie hit a bump in the road, further accentuating the closeness of everyone cramped inside.

Maze was once again grateful for Trixie's magical skill; even if it was just by a little, they wouldn’t have all fit if the van was the same size on the inside as it was on the outside.

“I was facing down twenty guards, six elements and a very pissed off alicorn; there wasn’t really time for a clean install and full defrag Ly” Maze delivered smartly “Plus it was sitting for a good twelve hundred years; there was bound to be some degradation. How much did I lose?”

“Well without knowing exactly what was here to begin with I can’t say precisely, but I’d wager at least forty percent, maybe even closer to fifty.”

“Yeah that’s what it feels like, and it wasn’t even a full back up as it was…” Maze sighed before brightening “Still! Better than nothing, right!?”

“We won’t have to worry about you wiping out any mountainsides or valleys anytime soon though, will we?” Crystal teased, but not without a hint of genuine concern hidden beneath.

“The backup was from before I got any of the princesses’ powers; if there's anything left then it’s at best just a spark that survived the temple, one I don’t plan on feeding” Maze answered “But no, I wouldn’t worry about it. I mostly focused on of the important stuff, general improvements and some old favorites. Well, that and my media; I’m really glad to have all that back!”

Pfft- yeah really important stuff there; most secure part of the files and you fill it with double backups of movies and music” Lyra teases “Stellar priorities there Maze”

“You weren’t complaining during movie night thank you very much!” Maze retorted. She had shared a few of her more favored films with the group as they were recovering that past couple days.

“We could make a killing if we sell all that; I really doubt those copyright warnings apply over alternate universes and even with them staring humans, those stories would sell” Crystal offered “Especially that space wars thing… although making everyone start on episode four with no explanation of the first three would be a hard sell. You sure there weren’t more before it?”

“Very. The director was kind of limited when we had the opportunity to make them and choose what he thought was the better story” Maze answered, a vague sadness behind her eyes.

‘They must never know…’

“But you did say you there was more after that one right!? More sci-fi? Oh, there are just so many ideas I never considered!” Lyra spouted with glee in her eyes, Maze turning to eye her suspiciously “…What?”

“You’re gonna try to build a lightsaber aren’t you?”

“WHO WOULDN’T WANT ONE OF THOSE!?” Lyra yelled, eliciting a laugh from the group.

“As entertaining as this all is, perhaps we should get back to the matter at hand” Wolf interjected “You had mentioned you may know what PEACE WALKER is.”

“Well, if it’s what I think it might be, then it’s like a Metal Gear but with a different design” Maze started.

“Metal Gear?” Trixie asked from the driver’s seat, obvious confusion in her tone.

“Yeah, you know like a RAY or REX” Maze answered.

“REX?” Lyra asked behind her “I think I saw references to that in the files but it was one of the one’s you didn’t give me.”

“Oh that’s right… The only Metal Gears you guys have ever built are RAYs. Well, other than that REX and ZEKE that the sisters completely obliterated back when… and I think they weren’t built here and just showed up like I did …” Maze trailed off, before considering how to explain

“Well basically a Metal Gear is the designation given to various models of bipedal tanks; they’re typically huge and able to completely outclass most other, lesser machines. They also usually have the distinction of being nuclear capable; firing warheads without need for missiles or a launchpad. This allows them to attack targets from anywhere in the world, on any kind of terrain.” Maze described.

“Now Peace Walker technically isn’t a Metal Gear, as it lacks the means to launch a nuke by itself, but it is still a nuclear armed AI weapon that can shift between bipedal and quadrupedal movement. It’s also armed to the teeth and smart to boot. It would be better to take it out before it’s done” Maze finished “Assuming they haven’t finished it already...”

“But RAY doesn’t have this nuclear ability either whatever it is; why call that a Metal Gear then?” Bonbon inquired.

“Because even though it can’t fire nukes, it was still conceived under the premise of nuclear strategy and as part of another ‘true’ Metal Gear’s arsenal. It was a Metal Gear designed to fight other Metal Gears.” Maze clarified.

“Okay, that’s interesting and all, but what is Nuclear?” Johnny asked curiously, to which Lyra piped in.

“Nuclear reactions are methods of energy production; methods that rarely occur on any significant scale on Equis naturally, and that we haven’t bothered to develop scientifically. Modern theories suggest it’s a very unclean and dangerous process that would create extremely harmful wastes and radiation. There are several more effective, not to mention far safer and cleaner, magical methods of producing energy” Lyra explained “As it stands the only thing that really comes close is Celestia’s sun magic, and she doesn’t really share the details on that.”

“It can also be used to create some of the most terrible weapons Humanity has ever conceived; bombs that can erase entire cities and poison the air for generations… It’s not something we’re really proud of… well the science part yeah, were all about that… but some of the applications, not so much…” Maze trailed of as they stared at her.

“You… You’ve actually created weapons that destructive?” Trixie asked slightly frightened, mirroring the expression of everyone else in the van. Even Wolf and Rex seemed a little uneasy despite their lack of expressions.

“Well you have to remember that we don’t have magic on Earth, not any kind we’re aware of at least. Plus the weapons hadn’t been used for over half a century since I was last on Earth” Maze tried to defend her species “And we certainly never built Metal Gears, not on the Earth I'm from at least. They’re from another world entirely.”

“Whatever! Whether humans are insane or just out of context doesn’t matter! If those two chuckle fucks Pants and Rich have figured it out or something like it, then things just got a whole lot worse” Crystal steered the focus back on point as the others righted themselves.

“But were could they have possibly gotten data on Peace Walker? I didn’t even put it on your pad” Maze wondered.

“I think I may have found something on that actually; a reference to an artifact from the synthetic wars that pops up again and again” Lyra turned the tablet around to face them; an odd, very damaged and incredibly old component displayed on the screen “It seems it was destroyed in one of the restoration attempts but a small bit of data was recovered from it beforehand. They’ve been working off of that ever since… what kind of data exactly I can’t say, but if it’s from that time in history it could be anything.”

“Even my old data drive” Maze scowled down at her left hand; all the pain and death even just the smallest part of her had spread didn’t seem to have been enough if that’s what the artifact was.

The van grew quiet, each considering the implications what they were heading off to face. It was one thing to face danger; it was another to go against something that could obliterate a city.

“Even if it’s not as strong as a RAY, it could just detonate the nuke anyway couldn’t it? Assuming we even get past whatever other defenses they have, how are we supposed to fight something like that?” Johnny asked.

“Like we fight everything else” Maze answered simply, grabbing a bicep as she flexed “We hit it really hard!”

The others just stared at her dumbfounded. They could very well be facing down a nuke or maybe even something worse and Maze just wanted them to punch the damn thing. Lyra was the first to crack.

“Well if that’s all we have to do!” she laughed, soon joined by the rest as they all broke down. Rex looked to Wolf who merely returned the Fenrir equivalent of a shrug as he shook his head.

“Come on guys, since when have we ever been afraid of doing something stupid? We just invaded Canterlot right under Luna’s nose!” Maze added “I think we can handle a walking tank; I mean it’s not even a real Metal Gear.”

“Yeah, even if we fail, I’m sure the princesses can still stop it” Johnny added “Other than us all dying, what could possibly go wrong?”

The van fell silent, all faces shifting to awkward unease.

“All in favor of pretending that was never said?” Trixie asked, everyone responding simultaneously-


“Princesses!” a guard burst into the throne room, nearly tripping over a chunk of rubble as he rushed to the leaders “We just received word of Lulamoon’s van! It’s headed north through the desert west of Appaloosa!”

“You are certain?!” Luna asked.

“Absolutely you highness” the guard confirmed.

“Ready the airships! Call the elements and gather as many troops as you can!” Celestia ordered the surrounding guards “I want to be on our way yesterday! Do you understand me?!”

“YES YOUR HIGHNESS!” the guards answered in unison.

“We will not lose her this time sister.”

“Sir! We have reports that Maze and her accomplices have just crossed the facilities outer most borders!” the griffon mercenary reported “We will commence our attack immediately!”

“NO!” Filthy Rich snapped “Tell your troops to oversee the evacuation! Only provide enough resistance to slow her down!”

“But sir!” The griffon argued before being cut off again.


The griffon scowled through the screen but debated no further before the connection dropped.

“You lot!” the well-dressed pony pointed to a scrambling group of technicians and scientists “Begin the activation sequence!”

“Wait-WHAT?!” Fancy Pants finally rose from his relaxed lounging “Those aren’t our orders!”

“Screw our orders! I’m tired of that letting others fail to complete a simple task! Tired of letting our work going to waste and I am damned tired of that fucking cyborg!” Rich ranted, turning to stride down the hanger's lengthy catwalks and yelling at another tech as she ran past “And you! Get back to B-Wing and activate the H-Series! The ones with the new Nano self-repair… things!”

“But sir, the only combat testing they’ve had was from that ape-dog beast and his goons before they disappeared! And most were already transferred earlier today! Yes, they’ve have shown notable improvement in controlled environments but-” the tech rambled off before Rich cut her off.

“Well then we’ll just test them now! Get whatever’s left ready to support us!” Rich spat, the tech scrambling away once he let her go.

“Now hold on Rich old boy!” the well dressed unicorn called as he jogged to meet the pony, walking backward ahead of him trying to talk him down “Surely this is a little extreme! We still have the last facility and we do still need the-”

“Fuck what that pompous, royal blowhard wants! It’s only a matter of time before we figure it out on our own anyway!” Rich argued as he opened the cockpits hatch before turning back to Fancy Pants; a calmer but far more malicious grin broke across his lips “Besides, Fancy Pants, it’s not like anyone can stop us in this!”

“But the main weapon isn’t even finished! We don’t even begin to know HOW to finish it!” Pants continued

“We don’t need that waste of resources! This thing can already wipe out a city!” Rich laughed maniacally as he crawled into one of the pilot seats. Fancy Pants merely sighed and crossed his arms watching his ambitious partner flicking switches and calibrating everything like the techs showed them.

“Well in for a bit, in for a pound as they say” Fancy muttered throwing hands up in a surrendering shrug before joining his partner, the warning sirens signaling everypony to leave the platform.

Trixie flinched as another round shattered across the windshield, thankfully halted against the reinforced glass like the others before.

“And why can’t I use my spells?!” She screamed out the window at the cyborg standing on the hood, a sparking current on her feet to hold her in place despite the vans hectic pace.

“This is just the appetizer Trix!” Maze shouted back, deflecting the as much as she could with her dual blades “We’ll need to save our strength for the final boss!”

“This isn’t some game Maze!” Bonbon shouted as she fired another burst from the window at the defending forces.

“Not that I’m complaining or anything,” Johnny called from the van's mounted gun panel “But I figured we’d hit a bit more resistance, even if we hadn’t lost the element of surprise.”

Maze pondered the same thing as Wolf and Rex ran alongside the van, dodging fire and returning it with rail slugs of their own. They should be hitting a lot more resistance than a few entrenched guns and a smattering of IGs.

The cyborg leapt from the hood and charged the entrenched ponies and griffons, bursts of electricity flashing with her every step. The soldiers fell in quick order under the combined assaults of the cyborg and two fenrirs, few having more than token augmentations.

Maze looked around at the unconscious soldiers and empty landscape as Lyra leapt from the van and moved to the small building’s door, trying to find an access point.

“So underground then?” Crystal asked rhetorically, her metal tendrils scanning the surroundings as well.

“It would make sense, even this far into the desert any larger a facility would be too overt” Wolf added.

“There’s an evacuation alert here” Bonbon announced, examining a small pad she found on the guards “How many of these places do they have that they can just abandon them at the first sign of trouble?”

“I don’t like this, it’s too-”

Maze’s thought faltered when the music suddenly blared and the ground began to quake.

“YOU WERE GONNA SAY EASY WEREN’T YOU!?” Crystal yelled as Lyra and Bonbon stumbled back to the van with Trixie.


She was.

Giant cracks formed across the expanse as the quaking grew worse, sand pouring down as the soil beneath began to rise. A massive form began to appear as the slabs of earth and mounds of sand fell away from the truly massive construct.

“Maze, I know you said this peace walker thing was big and all but-” Lyra crackled over the teams codec.

“That’s not Peace Walker” Maze returned, a dull and slightly frightened disbelief in her voice. She wouldn’t have believed they’d jump straight to this technological level but here it was, and even bigger than it already was in the game.


The ground rumbled again as the massive spider like Metal Gear, easily dwarfing constructs even as large as RAY, began to turn its attention to the group. It then actually threw its head back with a high pitched roar as two giant heat blades extended from its forearms.

“SCATTER!” Maze screamed as one of the blades careened down, separating two halves of the group as is cut into the earth. Then as if matters weren't bad enough, IGs and Cybernetic soldiers began to climb out of the hole in the Metal Gear’s wake.

Maze cursed as a huge lance of plasma flashed across the expanse behind her, the very sands burning as she felt the heat sear her back. She heard a muffled explosion in the distance but had to shift focus as mastiff charged her from the front.

“Maze Jump!” Wolf called through the codec with as much urgency as his synthetic voice allowed.

Maze ignored the gorilla like IG and vaulted into the air as another wave of heat rushed at her from behind. Both the gear’s blades swept along the ground, only just barely missing her below and obliterating the mastiff as they struck.

“Very impressive human!” a voice rang out from unseen speakers, Filthy Rich chuckling smugly from within the mechanical behemoth “But just how long can you and your little friends hold out?”

A small explosion detonated harmlessly against the gear’s head, drawing its attention to the van weaving about its legs.

“Well it would seem we can test the maneuverability too, eh Pantsy?!” Rich shouted, a heavy sigh following before the mech started after the van. Bonbon veered wildly as she avoided stomping legs and thrusting blades as Lyra and Trixie struggled to keep rockets and spells on target.

“GAH!” Fancy Pants’ yelped as a Black Fenrir filled his view screen, its tail swinging a chainsaw at the gear’s “eyes”

“Don’t mess yourself Fancy” Rich scolded as he flicked a switch.

Wolf only just managed to scratch the hardened optical port when the current struck him; his metal body convulsing before being launched off into the air by a burst of electricity. He landed hard against the dirt, a shadow suddenly covering him as EXCELSUS’s fore leg hovered over him.

A streak of lightning shot across Wolf just before the massive foot connected, the shockwave pushing him back with his savior.

“Johnny! Rex! CATCH!” Maze called as she threw the disabled canine to the silver Fenrir and the Stallion riding on its back.

Maze dashed back before the foot could rise again, running up the leg towards the joint.

‘Well this worked in the game’ Maze hoped as she flipped over the joint guard, her own blade mode activating as she wailed on the armor with both swords.

The swirling energy subsided, showing her barely a scratch in the metal. She prepared one final cross slash, energy collecting along her arms and blades before releasing enough force to pushed her back into the air and leave cuts even far below in the ground… but still not the leg.

‘Not good!’

PFFT- HA!” Rich scoffed “You really think we didn’t consider HF Blades?! You can’t cut this armor girly!”

The leg shot up with alarming speed, catching the cyborg in the air and knocking her up like a hacky sack. She landed on the gear’s back, unable to separate herself before the defensive current hit her like Wolf before.

She fell towards the ground when a deafening whir filled her senses, the mech spinning faster than anything that big had a right to move and slamming the flat its blade right into her.

Maze crashed into the ground, curled up with the exterior of her exosuit glowing red hot in the pit of the crater. She rolled groggily to see EXCELSUS’s twin plasma cannons bearing down on her, fiery orange power collecting and allowing her to see her doom.

“And to think you’ve eluded us all this time! And that these fools followed you into the jaws of death believing you all actually stood a chance. Some leader you are; honestly, what can you even do?” Rich taunted, clearly cracking mentally from the power he now wielded “I wonder if it’s still genocide if there was only one of you to begin with.”

Maze stared confused as the gear fired; plasma beams glassed the sands above her before dragging off in an erratic arc, a large and quite showy explosion forcing the gigantic machine to stumble.

“TAKE THAT FUCK HEADS!” Maze heard Lyra yell victoriously. She painfully rose to see her and Trixie poking though the vans roof. The pair held a launcher between them covered in a potent vortex of energies matching the two unicorns respective magics.

Lyra loaded another RPG as Bonbon kept driving, the magic flaring and growing excited as they fired again. The mech stumbled back further as the flames scorched across its armor, leaving warped but unfortunately still very intact metal behind.

Maze couldn’t enjoy the spectacle further however, as several Soldiers and IGs converged on the crater. The first mastiff lost all its limbs before a raptor found itself without a head. Dwarf Gekko tried to slink through and leap at the cyborg, attempting to ensnare her before a metal tentacle crushed it mid-air.

“They can’t keep it busy for long with that!” Crystal announced as she joined Maze’s defense. Even as she said it they heard Filthy Rich curse across the desert and swipe the heat blades at the van “The hell are we supposed to do here Maze?!”

Maze didn’t have an answer for her, even if she weren’t distracted by the swarm of attackers. She parried a fury of strikes from a pair of the soldiers, their flat masks and bulky bodies showing they were augmented to a far greater degree; she realized they might even be the first proper cyborgs besides herself she’s seen since her release.

“What the hell is this shit!?” Maze heard the changeling exclaim behind her. Maze shot her a quick glance to see her splattered with a glowing blue goo from the raptor torn in half in her tendrils above.

‘Wait, that looks like-’

Maze didn’t get to finish the thought as the van rocketed past their fight trailing smoke. EXCELSUS cried out again enraged, the gear’s head swinging widely as the cannons charged.

“CRYSS DOWN!” Maze cried as she tackled the shape shifter, the beams sweeping across them and the gathered forces. The whole were either sent flying or simply vaporized.

“DAMNIT RICH! STOP KILLING OUR OWN TROOPS!” Pants shouted at his partner before another enhanced RPG rocked the mech, only encouraging the rich pony’s rampage further.

Maze pushed off the ground, blood flowing freely from her nose and mouth. Crystal lay unconscious but alive beneath her, though for how long that would last for any of them Maze began to doubt.

‘Really wishing we had let Lulu follow us now…’

She stood shakily to find more troops and IGs bearing down on them as another explosion echoed out; the van spun through the air aflame as the beams arced up into it, carrying it along as it tumbled over the glassed sands.


The scream distracted even the enemy troops as a hurricane of power erupted from the enraged magician. An entire crate’s worth of RPGs swept up into the flowing magic, glowing brightly as Trixie’s fury poured into them.

With a final scream Trixie unleashed her wrath against the seemingly invincible machine, even its massive form lost in the fire and light.
Trixie soon collapsed to her knees, panting with exertion as Lyra and Bonbon hobbled over holding each other up.

Hearts and faces sank as they heard laughter pierce the cloud of smoke and dust, laughter turning to a full cackle as EXCELSUS stepped back into view.

Maze looked around desperately for something, Anything to draw the gear’s attention; if only for long enough to let the others escape. She saw Johnny and Rex struggling with IG opponents of their own, Wolf uneasily rising to his paws behind them, Crystal beginning to stir behind her as troops closed in, and the only other sight a mangled trooper with something glowing sticking out of its back. There was nothing she could-

‘Wait’ Maze turned back to the corpse ‘…well find me in the alps’

“Not bad little mage!” Rich called out, EXCELSUS dented and scorched but no more impaired as it repositioned “But I’m afraid your tricks end here!”

EXCELSUS reared up, raising the blade high as it extended. Lyra and Bonbon snapped their eyes shut as they clutched one another tight; Trixie just glared defiantly at the burning doom crashing down at them.

But then the music changed

A deafening clang issued forth as the blade stopped dead, a very pissed off human holding the strike between crossed blades beneath.

“What the-?” the speakers delivered in confusion.

With a single strike Maze threw off the heated blades, the huge machine stumbling back several paces as it tried to compensate for the sudden imbalance.

“THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE!” a pair of voices cried out as they lashed out again, the cyborg knocking the blow away in a massive shower of electric sparks. Followed by another defected blow, and another.

The pair put the mech in full reverse from the impossibly strong cyborg in pursuit, not understanding where she gained such immediate, overwhelming power from.

“KILL HER!” They shouted, every IG and soldier turning from their targets to swarm the cyborg as EXCELSUS nearly tripped back into the hole from whence it emerged.

Maze spun and rolled through her opponents, every one falling to pieces as she passed. The pilots looked on in awe as she emerged from the swarm, clutching a mass of what looked like large metal worms glowing neon blue.

The spines shattered with a single flex before she charged the massive construct again, an electric storm crackling along the ground in her wake.

“YOU THINK YOU CAN DO THIS TO ME!? DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?! DIIIIEEEEE!” Rich screamed as he overcharged the gears cannons and unleashed chaotic torrent of death straight at the empowered human.

“Haven’t seen that in a while…” Lyra muttered as the human met the beams straight on with her blades, scattering the hellfire before them as it was absorbed. The collecting forces saturated the swords their wielder, surrounding her in a shroud of electric flames.

The panicked pilots gave one final desperate swing of the heat blades. Fancy Pants broke down into tears when he saw the cyborg actually catch one with nary any effort while Filthy Rich screamed though red faced fury at the monitor at the impossible cyborg.

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!?” he demanded as Maze pulled with the violent energies coursing through her; stands of synthetic muscles bulging and snapping across her suit under the strain.

The others looked on in awe as the gargantuan mass of armor and death fell forward, yanked off its feet

And then begin to lift,

And then begin to spin.

“Yeah I’m not sure I’m ever gonna get used to this…” Lyra muttered as the figure she now knew as Maisie the human was hammer throwing a Metal Gear well over a thousand times her weight just like RAY all those months ago.

Maze shifted the angle up before abruptly jerking down, the Metal Gear soaring straight up into the sky as its heat blade snapped off like a twig.

The pair of well-dressed ponies could only see the sky on their screens until a blinding flash appeared above them, fading to show the human floating above them holding the gear’s enormous blade.


“YOU ASKED WHAT I CAN DO!?” She called back, bracing against a rune flashing against her feet


‘Luffy style bitches’

With massive explosion the blade was nothing more than an orange blur as it shot down, passing straight through the Metal Gear and devastating the ground as it struck.

The now gathered group watched as EXCELSUS hung in the air, all but one brow slightly furrowed.

“…Why’s it just kind of floating ther-”

“Just wait for it…” Lyra interrupted her marefriend, all the other members of the group still staring on confused.

Until the gear split in half.

The two halves exploded and scarp rained from the sky; the music fading as a large black ball chief among the debris crashed to the ground.

The hatch flew off and two incredibly haggard ponies scrambled out to make a break for it. They made very little ground before a silver Fenrir cut off their path. They turned only to see a sandy haired guard pony leveling a rifle at them.

They sprinted in the opposite direction until a towering, flaming blur landed hard in front of them. Rich fell to his knees in terrified surrender as Fancy Pants simply fainted at the sight of the golden clad alicorn glaring down upon them.

“It would seem we’re just a moment too late…” Luna muttered as she joined her sister in front of the pair “We always do miss the real fun…”

Airships landed in quick succession as guard ponies poured out to secure the area and wreckage.

Celestia scanned the region, about to call out to the fugitives when a panel of the fallen heat blade exploded skyward. The gathered forces braced and readied their weapons as a figure slowly climbed out.

Maze righted herself atop the blade’s frame, what little of her exosuit that hadn’t been burned or sheered away now falling free; leaving her standing there in all her glory for everyone to see.

She took one slightly dazed look around at the gathered ponies, stopping as she spotted the princesses and the mane six behind them.

Then with enough ego that made even Trixie roll her eyes, and as naked as the day she was born; the Cyborg gave a slight and incredibly shaky bow with the biggest shit-eating grin they’d ever seen, and before immediately passing out after, proudly proclaimed with arms spread wide:




Chapter 14: Nano Machines, Son

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Distant voices echoed through the darkness, exacerbating the slight pounding in her head. The darkness began to fade, revealing a blurry scene above. It looked like a stylized night sky shifting into day, all made of tiny squares.

“I believe she is waking up” a synthesized voice announced.

Maze blinked, seeing the mosaic ceiling for what it was before trying to rise. The world spun for a moment, the cyborg clutching the sheet as she teetered.

“Whoa easy there,” Maze could hear Crystal in the swirling room “take it slow dumbass.”

She tried again, much slower and thankfully, with much greater success. She first saw Wolf sitting patiently next to the bed and gave him a small pat on the head as she took in the rest of the room.

It was a pretty decently sized room and very nicely furnished; it even had a balcony with a rather spectacular view of the capitol city now bathed in the orange light of the setting sun. She could hear running water through a door behind her, the only other one in the room the exit.

She spotted Crystal lounging in a chair with wet hair and wearing a puffy bathrobe while Trixie was digging through a scorched footlocker. She was holding what looked like an old, well-worn portrait that she quickly stowed before smiling at the cyborg.

“Lyra’s in the shower, but she said to give you one of these” the magician handed a glowing spine to the cyborg “They found a whole room of them in a part of the facility that hadn’t caved in and she convinced the princesses to spare a few for your recovery. I’m not sure what she did with the others though…”

“Probably stowed them somewhere to study later” Maze chuckled as the glow began to drain from the vertebra; there was no point in losing energy by rushing the absorption now “So I can’t help notice were not in prison or locked in stone.”

“Nope, not yet at least. After seeing that we’re sorta the good guys first hand, the princesses weren’t too sure about what to do” Crystal explained “They’ve been pretty accommodating so far though.”

"Where are the others?”

“Private Sasaki and Miss Bonbon are speaking with the Princesses; they were rather particular to speak with them before you woke up” Wolf informed her “A fact that Miss Crystal has been most vocal about.”

“Johnny I get; He’s a guard. But why Bonbon?” Crystal scowled “There’s something… hidden about that mare, and I’m not just talking about what Mantis said.”

“She would appear to be dedicated to Miss Heartstrings above all else; so long as we have her loyalty, I believe we have Miss Bonbon’s as well” Wolf vouched for the undercover mare. It seemed to placate the changelings concerns, if only for the time being.

“And the van?” Maze turned back to Trixie, earning a heavy sigh from the unicorn.

“Well… it wasn’t quite as bad as I feared. It was still in… mostly one piece and I managed to recover a decent amount of our stuff with the help of the guard… but she’ll never be whole again…” Trixie delivered solemnly “I’m basically homeless…”

“Oh shut up, we’ll get you a new van” Crystal lightly scolded the mare “Home’s where you are, not where you’ve been; it’s the memories that matter and they’ll will be with you either way. Plus you still got your little keepsake trunk; the rest was just razzle dazzle anyway right?”

“Razzle dazzle seems to be all I’m good for…” Trixie lamented

“Now that would be, as Maisie would say, bullshit.”

All heads turned to the smiling princess of the night silhouetted in the doorway with Rarity and a downtrodden Bonbon standing behind her.

“The magical feats I have personally witnessed surrounding your little group alone have shown their caster as no mere showmare; I dare say my sister’s pupil has earned herself a worthy rival indeed” Luna praised a speechless Trixie, the unicorn's mouth fumbling for words as her blush grew “It is good to see you awake in time for dinner Maze, it will give us ample opportunity to speak of matters more thoroughly. However until then, I dare say Miss Rarity will be too demanding for any of us to converse otherwise... Good luck.”

The night princess gave a slight nod as she smirked and moved along as Rarity strutted into the room, a large trunk being magically dragged behind her. Bonbon gave an uneasy glance after the princess before dejectedly following the seamstress in.

“Now then darlings, we can’t have you all wearing these tattered tresses to a royal dinner, so…” the designer’s trunk burst open with a flourish, countless dresses of all styles pouring out and becoming suspended before them “Tell me what speaks to you!”

“I like the new hair,” Maze offered, adjusting the simple and sleek black dress; moving the slit along the side to somewhere more comfortable “it’s a lot more active than that pastel pink you had before.”

“It’s not exactly new anymore, but thank you Maze” Celestia accepted the cyborgs compliment. She seemed… weary but the fact she called for the celebratory dinner and hadn’t set Maze on fire yet encouraged the cyborg that things might finally be turning around.

“So I’m guessing the guards mean we’re still not completely in the clear yet huh?” Maze asked as she examined the guards along all the surrounding walls of the dining hall.

“Merely precaution insisted upon by the attending nobles” Luna answered simply.

“As if both the kingdom’s princesses would not have been more than enough to protect them” Celestia grumbled.

“True enough” Maze admitted, cutting into one of the steaks specially prepared for her and Crystal “but we won’t be putting us in a new temple prison will we?”

“Your recent actions against those conspiring against the kingdom have earned you at least a reevaluation of your status” the sun monarch relented, a small smile finally forming “Perhaps some sort of… parole would be more appropriate, with some community service maybe.”

“I have the feeling I’m getting my old job back…” Maze deadpanned.

“Just like old times Maisie” Luna winked at the human, further easing the tension of those gathered at the table. She looked down to see the elements conversing happily with her group, save for Trixie and Twilight; the former seemed to be purposefully avoiding the latter’s attempts. Next to Maze, Fluttershy sat quietly eating her food completely unfazed by the human's meaty entree.

“Probably one of the few ponies who hasn’t at least frowned at my diet”

“Well I work with animals for a living; I wouldn’t be very good at my job if I couldn’t accept that carnivores eat meat” the yellow mare countered Maze’s spoken thought, the practiced rhythm signaling she'd answered the question more than once before.

‘Damnit, seems like I still have to work on that more’

“So I was uh, was wondering… that um… that song… that was playing during your escape?” The shy pegasus continued “the Hit the Lights one?”

“That would be Metallica.”

“You mean Maretallica” Dash piped in from next to Fluttershy.

“No, ME-tallica. They’re a human band and straight up gods of rock. And yes Flutters, I would be more than happy to make you a copy of their albums. I’ll even throw in a bunch of other earth metal bands with it” Maze answered the next question before it was asked, earning a smile and squee from the yellow pegasus.

‘Adorable as always, never change FlutterButter.’

“Speaking of, doesn’t your music usually have lyrics? We could only hear the music itself as we approached” the night princess inquired “Other than that shift at the end of course.”

“You could hear it from that far away?” Maze asked wide eyed “It’s usually just localized to the immediate area.”

“Hard to localize anything to an area with a threat so large I daresay” Luna offered.

“Yeah I suppose so... And yeah it usually does have lyrics, but not always. Though, come to think of it that song does actually have lyrics…” Maze realized “I wonder why it only gave the instrumental…”

“Perhaps because they were not the one’s truly behind all this” Celestia offered, her expression growing serious again.

“Yes…” Luna added “That ‘royal blowhard’ comment during the pair's argument certainly carried some disturbing implications.”

The princess glanced down to the other end of the long table, the gathered nobles chatting quietly amongst themselves. Their ‘nephew’ Blue Blood currently complaining about both the champagne and having to eat with known criminals. Yet he was hardly the only one arrogant enough to turn against them, any one of them or one of dozens of others could be the puppet master of this whole affair.

“Now let’s not ruin this fine meal with suspicions of conspiracy shall we Princess? It could merely be a random oddity of a power we don’t even know the true origin of” Rarity offered, retuning them to more pleasant topics.

“Oh she knows where it’s from; She didn’t have until the second year after her arrival after all” the lunar monarch corrected her newest student.

“What?!” Dash exclaimed “But you told us-”

“I told you I didn’t have much control over it. I never said I didn’t know where it comes from” Maze interrupted “I picked it up from some sirens we contracted during the war; though needless to say they had significantly more control over it than I ever have.”

“Ah yes… Those three” Celestia grumbled, earning a chuckle from the cyborg.

“Hey at least they were easier to clean up after than Smooze” Maze commented.

“Ugh… we’re we truly so desperate back then?” Celestia bemoaned.

“You hired me didn’t you?” Maze quipped, earning a laugh from most the table.

“She has got us there Tia.”

The rest of the dinner went by surprisingly well, Pinkie and Trixie even managed to get most of the nobles to loosen up after a while. Blueblood still turned his nose up as he passed her but at least didn’t say anything or make a scene of it.

The group was gathered near the hall’s entrance as ponies began heading off to bed, most of the elements having already said their goodnights as well.

“I honestly never thought I’d see you in a dress” Crystal snarked.

“HEY FUCK YOU! I CAN BE PRETTY SOMETIMES!” Maze snapped, blushing as she straightened her ensemble. Crystal just laughed.

“Oh don’t listen to her, you look fabulous darling” Rarity consoled her “And I’m not just saying that because I made the dress.”

“Damn straight!” Maze proclaimed as the princesses approached.

“Yes, we were always surprised how easy it was to get Maze into dresses, considering her typical attire” Luna said.

“And how easy it was getting me out of them?” Maze smiled smugly as Lyra sighed behind her.

“Ugh, has she always been like this your highness?” Lyra asked, earning a pair of giggles from the sisters.

“You have no idea Miss Heartstrings” Luna laughed “Though we’d be lying if we said she doesn’t appear to have changed for the better as of late.”

“So you do still care” Maze smiled warmly at Luna and Celestia, before a yawn caught her by surprise.

“She sleeps half the day away and she’s still tired; perhaps less has changed than you thought Luna” Celestia jested “I am to retire myself for the night actually, shall I escort you back to your room Maisie? I suspect you’re not yet as familiar with this castle as you were the last.”

“Uh, yeah sure” Maze answered awkwardly as followed the elder sister out, the younger sibling smiling warmly after them.

“Your highness?” her attention was brought back as the blue unicorn addressed her from the head of the group “Are you still planning to question the prisoners yourself tonight?”

“How did you-?” Luna began, shooting a look to the earth pony hanging of Lyra’s arm before receiving wide eyes and the slightest of head shakes in response. Her brow furrowed until “Rex… You do realize Wolf is no longer your pack leader, correct?”

The silver Fenrir hung his head abashed behind her.

“Please Princess” the young Siss-prea stepped forward, her rarely used dignified tone escaping “I know it might be too much to ask but may we accompany you? We all know this all isn’t quiet over yet, and we want to see this through.”

The night princess looked the group over, determined and focused faces meeting her own. She considered it a moment longer before relenting. She internally admitted that it would be more than wise to allow their participation; they’d been following this conspiracy far longer than she had.

“Very well, but I ask that you remain in the observation room during the questioning. I warn you also this may simply end as a waste of time; our sister has made very little progress with them so far” Luna allowed, seeing grateful faces light up. She turned to the mare behind her “You will accompany us as well Rarity, I have concluded it will be a good opportunity for you to learn from after all.”

“Uh, yes princess! If you believe it to be prudent” Rarity rambled, quickly shaking off the abrupt change of plans.

“We must first change into more appropriate attire; Mr. Sasaki?” Luna addressed the guard hiding in the back “Will you escort them to the observation rooms?”

“O-Of course! Yes Ma’am!”

“Very good, we should be there and ready by the time you arrive” Luna concluded before her and Rarity disappeared in a flash of light.

“What are you two trying to accomplish?” Luna asked simply, standing before the pair in her full battle regalia. She had decided that as questioning the two separately hadn’t worked for her sister thus far, then perhaps she could work them against one another instead.

Filthy Rich just glared at her as Fancy Pants seemed intently focused on a scuff on the floor all of a sudden.

“T’was it for money? Power? Were thou simply bored?”

The two remained silent.

“We are going to learn the truth eventually, one way or another” the night princess announced calmly “Surely you must realize this. It would be to your far greater advantage to confess sooner than later.”

“Or what? You’ll kill us? Pfft, the kingdom hasn’t had the gall to execute anypony in centuries” Rich taunted back.

“And I have not been here for centuries.”

Rich shifted uncomfortably and as Fancy Pants’ eyes went wide at the princess’s cold tone.

“We can’t talk if we’re dead” Rich spat.

“There are ways of obtaining the information without you saying a word Mr. Rich” Luna delivered “though such methods often have rather… unpleasant side effects.”

Rich continued to glare back at her tight lipped. Pants continued fidgeting, his cuffs jingling slightly with every twitch; he kept glancing at her before looking at his partner nervously.


“Perhaps a separate line of questioning then; how did it all operate? Rich provides the funding while you do all the real work?” she asked the unicorn “He obviously could not complete his own projects to any satisfaction, given the number of failures we alone are aware of. We could only imagine how many are still buried in the salvaged data.”

“Hey I can handle my affairs just fine!” Rich snapped. Luna suppressed a smile “Those failures were from those incompetent workers!”

“It is of truly bad form to blame your subordinates for your own short comings Mr. Rich, you can take the word of a princess on that. In fact, their failures hardly seemed the case in the recordings and files… or the testimonies of the other prisoners” Luna bluffed; they hadn’t actually managed to find anypony else in the desert facility, but he didn’t know that.

“What?! But they were all supposed to telepor-” Pants fumbled before Rich snapped at him.

“Shut up! Can’t you tell she’s lying!? She doesn’t have anypony!"

“Well apparently they didn’t follow their orders any better than you followed yours” Rarity joined in, earning a smile from her teacher “I seriously doubt that metal spider was supposed to make its appearance yet, was it Mr. Rich?”

The slick maned pony's face blazed red with anger, his partner looking more and more stressed by the second.

“And thanks to your mistakes, you’ve not only lost two facilities and your giant gear but now your boss is hanging you all out to dry. How long do you think it will be before one of them cracks and tells us everything?” the designer taunted

“Go head! Waste your time with deals and pardons! They know nothing!” Rich yelled “They didn’t even know there’s somepony above-eep!”

The business pony caught himself too late, his anger letting more than he intended out. It unfortunately wasn’t enough; they already suspected the puppet master was only known to these two. And now he knew better than to let his anger get the better of him. Still, Luna pushed on.

“So assuming you’re not yet again mistaken… you can surmise that there is only one deal to consider then, is there not?” She asked “It is now only a matter of which of you will take it.”

“You can’t protect us…” Pant moaned meekly

“Shut up Pants! We’ll be fine!”

“How can you possibly believe that?! We failed! We won’t be forgiven! We’ll just be converted with the rest now!” Pants began panicking, sweat dripping from his brow.


“NO! HOW CAN ANY OF THIS BE RIGHT?! WE WERE TOLD THIS WOULD BRING PEACE BUT LOOK HOW MANY HAVE DIED! HOW CAN THAT BRING PEACE?! AND NOW WE’RE NEXT!” The unicorn raved before his head wiped back and wild, desperate eyes locked on the princess's “SHE TOLD US WE’D BE PATRIOTS! SHE TOLD US-”

“SHUT! UP!” The earth pony slammed his head into the unicorns, earning himself a shallow gash from his partner's horn before a dark purple aura wrenched him away. Rarity moved to inspect the now weeping stallion, a small patch of blood gathering at the abrasion where Rich struck him.

The group stood looking through the one way mirror as the scene unfolded before them. Pants devolved into an incomprehensible, unresponsive mess as Luna held Rich against the wall; who had now completely shut down, keeping deathly silent.

“This seemed way too easy” Bonbon muttered “It’s as if they weren’t questioned at all earlier; how could they have not gotten anything out of these idiots?”

“She told us we’d be patriots?” Lyra repeated.

“…Oh no” Trixie gasped just a moment before she saw realization hit Crystal as well. She immediately spun around “WOLF! GO FIND-!”

The mechanical hound was gone, the floor empty were he sat just moments ago. She moved to the door to follow when pain suddenly wracked her, forcing her to her knees and clutching her chest.

“Oh come the fuck on! NOW?!” She cursed as Crystal leapt to her side and hefted her up, immediately leading the group down the hall in a sprint.

“What’s going on? Why are we running!?” Lyra panted as the rest of the group caught up.

“Because we need to leave!” Crystal announced “NOW!”

“What about Maze?!” Johnny called from the rear.

Crystal glanced down to Trixie to see the same look of defeated regret she knew she carried. Against the power they now knew they faced… The group’s hearts sank as the magician spoke.

“There’s nothing we can do.”

“Admit it, you've missed me at least a little” Maze teased.

“Alas, I would be lying if I said claimed otherwise” Celestia relented.

“And you still have that kind little smile I see. It’s not as bright as your big smile but just as warm” Maze cooed.

“At least you didn’t say motherly.”

“What’s wrong with motherly? I mean you are one” Maze countered “Several times over if I remember correctly.”

“Well yes, but still…” she tried to cover a slight blush, swearing she saw one of the guards smirk at as they passed “It always makes me feel so old.”

“Oh please, you’re too hot to ever be old.”

“Still the master of subtle flirting I see” Celestia joked.

“My subtly is reserved for stealth, and that requires too much patience as it is”

Celestia giggled as she opened the door for Maze, allowing the cyborg to enter before following her and closing the door behind.

A surprising sense of brightness hit Maze, the room seeming lit up even with the lights dimmed as they were. A large and extremely comfortable bed dominated the large room full of rows of regalia and gifted representations of peace between nations.

“Well now this looks more like your room Celly, and here you were saying I lack subtly. I know you’re beginning to trust me again but I didn’t think you were coming around this-”

The sharp gasp was lost beneath a sickening squelch that filled the room as the music began to blare.

Maze’s breath hitched as she weakly looked down.

The bloody tip of a gilded, golden great sword met her gaze, jutting from her chest.


“Always with the banter” she heard Celestia sigh behind her.

Hard, searing heat slammed against the base of her skull, throwing her off the blade and careening into the far wall.

“You hear that?” Celestia asked with her sword and warhammer held out to the room “Lyrics!

Maze clambered up against the crumbling wall, just trying to stand straight as her HUD scrambled erratically across her vision. A burst of solar flame filled her sight, suddenly blinding as the heat approached.

“Aw crap-”

Stone rained from the tower as the wall exploded out into the night, a golden streak soaring out and into the mountainous forest opposite the city before most ponies could blink.

A single spark snapped and the entire mountain side became an inferno.

“There, now we can have some proper privacy” Celestia purred as she hefted Maze from the crater by the throat. She smirked up at the dangling human, a vision of righteous wrath bathed in solar flame.

The cyborg’s lungs protested as the hand grew tighter, her feet kicking nearly a foot off the ground. A flash of magic strobed and a metal tendril shot at the princess only to be caught in an instant. Shattered circuitry scattered as the tentacle crumpled like a tin can and tore free from its anchor.

“Really now Maze” the human could breathe again as she was thrown into the air; a reprieve short lived as her former appendage met her midair and sent her through several of the burning trees “You’re just embarrassing yourself.”

A terrible angelic vision found Maze’s now skyward gaze; a radiant Celestia hovered above before diving, massive plumes of smoke blotting out the sky behind her.

Maze flipped back as the monarch collided with the ground with her first burning straight into solid stone as if it wasn’t even there. Another mist of nano-magic condensed and Maze pulled the trigger, her crimson blade launching from its sheath in a vicious arc.

The sword swept up in a tide of red, Celestia’s head snapping back as it sparked against her face.

‘Sparks?!’ Maze immediately slammed the blade back down at the thought, all the rest of her rapidly draining strength put behind the strike-

Which stopped dead in a hand bathed in gold.

Maze blanched as the solar ruler slowly brought her face back to bear; a wicked, malicious grin painting a face half covered in gold. Red, stressed flesh and veins bordered the reactive sheen; the wrong color or not Maze knew it shouldn’t possible on this level, it would require too much power. But here it was staring back at her, her thoughts screaming the only analog she knew through her mind as the hand gripped the blade tighter.




“BEEN THERE!” A knee met Maze’s stomach, painting the ground with fresh blood before the back of a fist launched her away again “DONE THAT!”

Maze didn’t even get a chance to tumble before a hoof collided with her chin, forcing her back up right and setting her up for an elbow crashing against her face. The ruler’s weapons remained forgotten or discarded in favor of armored skin, instead relishing in the visceral feel of the bare handed violence.

Even Sombra would have flinched at the sight and sound of the bloodied hoof forcing the human’s knee to bend inwards. Maze's standing buckled and let her to drop into yet another hooved kick, more trees shattering to burnt embers as she crashed through.

Gold light strobed beyond her sight and a steel grip caught her ankle before she met the ground. She then met the ground elsewhere much harder instead, and then met it again... and then met it at least five more times; she was having trouble keeping count after that. She half expected a ‘puny human’ quip as she was lazily tossed above the alicorn.

She instead received a spiral agony that speared into her stomach.

Celestia stood content with the impaled human draped atop her head for a moment, blood streaming down her horn and face with the manic smile growing more sadistic still.

A heat abruptly flared within Maze’s core.


The torturous sheik shot across the valley whole; even the raging firestorm failed to suppress the scream, chilling all that heard it in spite of the towering flames.

The searing bolt continued toward the heavens as Celestia tossed the cyborg from her burning form. Her fiery aura dwindled as she strode up to the fetal cyborg cradling her sizable new orifice.

“You just always have to fuck everything up, don’t you Maisie?” she lifted the human back up, her hands weakly grasping against the one on her neck. Celestia chuckled as she saw her new punching bag still gripping the hilt of her broken sword.

“…whyyy?” Maze opponent coughed with tears flowing from her one unswollen eye.

“For PEACE Maze! FOR ORDER! Something you’ve never understood! Your freedom being nothing but anarchy!”

Another knee to Maze’s gut punctuated the point.

“I will make a world without indecision or pain! With these wonderful little machines you brought to us I will free my ponies from the chaos of their lives, from the burden of SORROW AND CHOICE!” the unhinged princess raved as she brought Maze closer “Imagine all ponies not just without sadness, but without even the ABILITY to feel it! An entire population united against any threat as one, without fear or hesitation! Every citizen working and living as one to their fullest with singular purpose! With perfect cooperation! Perfect Unity! PERFECT HARMONY!"

“Yeah,” Maze’s legs wrapped around the alicorn as she quickly struck out “You’ve lost it!”

Celestia reeled as the hand smashed into her head, a palm blocking her sight as fingers straddled her horn. A surprised shriek rang out as current flowed into the would be Tyrant, the bleeding Maze holding the flow for dear life.


A voice screamed in Maze’s head as the current was forcibly reversed. Red and green eyes with slitted pupils found her own, glaring into her very soul as darkened flames engulfed the monarch. The corrupted black and purple fire exploded out, breaking the cyborg’s hold as a flare of magic condensed and arced up viciously.

“YOU WILL NOT TAKE HER FROM ME!” a flanged voice screamed from the great sword wielding Celestia “NOT NOW!”

Maze bounced and rolled along the ashen ground, distant calls from above only vaguely registered in the haze.

‘So she’s suppressed and possessed… okay yeah, that’s a bad.’

She pushed against the embers to just fall back, unsupported. Another tentacle summoned for the currently grand task of just standing; her simple dress in tatters and mind barely conscious as she struggled to just stay awake. A fragmented and disorienting HUD devolved into chaotic static as nearly every one of her systems screamed alerts; she looked down to confirm the cause, the asymmetry threating her fragile balance.

Her left forearm was missing, cleanly severed just below the elbow.

“Well shit…”

“CELESTIA!! TIIIAAAAA!!!” the pair could hear the Luna calling out above as she desperately fought to see through the smoke and fire “CELESTIAAAAAAAAA!!!”

Celestia stumbled, clutching her head as her aura burned gold again. Her senses quickly returned to her and with determined, magenta eyes, she found Maze again.

“Sounds like our time is up”

“Celly, this isn’t you…” Maze pleaded, unable to even back up as the ruler rose a glowing hand. A new sun grew between the pair before her “You have to fight this!”

“Goodbye Maze”

Red hot knives suddenly pinged off gold covered wings, the monarch rounding toward their source when a black blur streaked past her neglected side.

“WHAT?! NO!” The miniature sun soared after the metal hound as he collided with the human. Shocked confusion broke through even suppressed thoughts as the two fell into a box suddenly appearing in their path.

The flames rolled over and completely incinerated the cardboard obstruction, continuing on ignored to demolish all it passed. Celestia sprinted forward, even falling to her knees to frantically sift through the ashes for the remains… and finding none.

“DAMNIT!” golden fists shook the very mountain as they struck again and again “FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUUUUUUUUUCCK!”

‘FORGET IT!’ the voice she could no longer recognize as not her own halted her rage ‘She no longer matters!’

The corrupter leader stood with a huff and made her way back toward their prize, still hearing her sister’s calls as she circled above.

‘Even if she recovers it will be far too late. She will die in the end all the same… besides…’

She bent down and took ahold of the severed limb, eyeing it intently as she stood.

‘We have what we came for’

Chapter 15: Truth

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Luna stepped gingerly through the ash and glass, the moon inching closer to the horizon as her night began to wane. She sighed as she looked to the castle across the valley; it would not be long before her sister raised the sun and weakened her thestral guards. She knew this kind of work was well below the elite unit’s abilities, but they were amongst the few she dare trust at the moment. Even the royal guard was not above her suspicions lately.

She had been at this for just over a week now, every night and often through the day combing the ever expansive fields of ash across the mountain; and she’d yet to find any sign of what truly transpired. Her sibling claimed Maze had used their lowered guard as an opportunity to once again try and claim her power for herself. For the safety of the city she drove the cyborg across the valley where she could finally use more of her power without endangering anypony.

That last part made sense but still did not account for this kind of destruction, Luna had not even been aware of the attack until the mountain was already completely ablaze. Even the reports say a single streak shot out and then it was an immediate inferno. It was almost as if her sister intentionally masked what she was doing so as to fight Maze alone; which brought Luna to the true reason she was out here.

She knew her sister was lying.

She knew that the Maze she ate with just moments before the battle was no Bloodletter, no longer a demon caring only for power and sadistic pleasure. She could see it, hear it and most importantly feel it; their friend had returned after long last and her sister saw fit to kill her all the same. She however, had no proof or even a reason why. So night after night, here she came to sift through the ash.

“Princess Luna” Her lieutenant called out as he landed deftly at her side “It will not be long now before your sister wakes; we are willing to continue into the day your highness, if you so desire.”

“I know lieutenant, I will remain but you may take your troops and retire for the day.”

“If you remain princess, then so do we. We have many hours left in us yet your highness; the nights are still quite short these days after all” the thestral replied with a small smirk. It was true her nights were still short even if they were once again growing longer, her sister’s solstice already past not long ago. She gave the soldier a grateful nod as he saluted and took back off in his sweeps.

She had been exceptionally shocked when she learned the thestral guard had persevered throughout the centuries; maintaining their vigil over the night and proving that the ‘creatures of the dark’ have nobility and righteousness as well. Her second night back she’d been led to a barracks to find the elder Thestral waiting with their whole gathered force. He had strode up to her without a word and gazed upon her pensively before asking but a single question.

“The nightmare has passed?” to which she gave a meek confirmation, earning an immediate chain reaction of bows from the gathered ponies “Then we are yours to guide once again Princess.”

It was a truly humbling experience; despite her fall and long absence they remained loyal and ever ready to follow her again. Humbling and comforting, as the transformative rituals left them often a good deal more powerful and capable than the average guard; and with the new technologies their abilities had grown greater still. She was eternally grateful she still held their confidence.

She sighed as she saw the slight rim of orange breaching the horizon, her sister would be up and her own forces would arrive to "assist" them soon enough. Her shoulders slumped but she soldiered on all the same, determined in her search no matter its end.

“You sure about this Twi?” the rainbow maned mare yawned, looking away from the scenery passing by the train under the rising sun. Twilight met her gaze from her seat next to the element of kindness.

“She’s never tried to issue nano upgrades to the militia before; never without foreword and a good explanation at least” Twilight stated firmly “And while I’m admittedly not AS adept with the technical side of things as say Lyra, I DO know for sure that something’s really weird with the magic side of the upgrade.”

“Well, they have offered us upgrades in the past… I mean, it’s not like we’ve never taken them” Fluttershy added quietly.

“Yes but it’s never been this direct… or forceful. They’ve also only been instructions and designs, things our own techs would work with and adapt. These were just injections; injections of nano magic carrying some very disturbing possibilities. Not to mention no modifications to meld with what we already have” Twilight explained “It’s as if they’re just meant to replace what’s there with no explanation of what this upgrade actually does…”

“It sounds like you’re saying the Princess is trying to pull a fast one on us Twi” Rainbow said worried.

“Oh no! Oh no no no, I don’t mean anything like that!” Twilight quickly corrected herself “All I’m saying is that they may not have considered the full implications of these changes. Perhaps she’s merely shaken by last week’s confrontation and feels the need to rush these advancements, causing some oversights in the process.”

“Then why are we headed to the capitol? Can’t we just tell the guards to pass the message along? Or send her a letter with Spike?” Rainbow asked.

“I have done all that, but the guards assure me nothing’s wrong and she’s yet to give a… thorough response to my letters…” she sighed “But I’m convinced this isn’t something to just grin and bear.”

“Is it really that bad Twilight?” Fluttershy asked, concern clear in her blue eyes.

“It could be; these new ‘features’ I’ve observed seem to delve into some very questionable territory. It’s nothing new for nano machines to deal with the balance of nutrients and chemicals but these new ones creep into the territory of the brain” Twilight explained.

“Don’t they already?” Dash inquired.

“No. Not directly and certainly not like this! They can enhance reaction times and focus attention and the like sure, but These kinds interactions were barely even theorized about last I read of it!” Twilight began to grow slightly frantic “The kind of damage these machines could do to a pony’s brain chemistry, perhaps even structure… These kinds of advancements require years of testing, even if the process and results seem perfect it would be massively irresponsible to release this kind of development to the public without knowing with absolute certainty…"

“Yeah, it does sound pretty bad when you explain it like that…” Dash began to agree “And you’re right about the guards; they’ve never tried to push an upgrade on us like that before. Those guards said they already got the upgrade and they were getting pretty dang pushy.”

“They did seem to be getting a bit impatient with us… and they looked rather upset when we asked them to leave” Fluttershy added “Maybe you were right to tell the militia to wait…”

“…Thanks for coming with me girls, I know you didn’t have to.”

“Eh forget it, what’s a day of hanging out at the capitol for a friend?” Dash smirked at her before the other pegasus piped in as well.

“I know I wouldn’t want to make the trip alone, even if it wasn’t for something so important” Fluttershy said with a warm smile “...I do hope we won’t be bothering the princesses too much though.”

“I’m sure even if this ends up just being nothing that she’ll still be happy for the distraction,” Twilight consoled her before a small giggle escaped her “When I was a filly Celestia even used to have me interrupt particularly tedious meetings just so she could have a break!”

The friends shared a laugh as the train’s PA announced they’d be arriving within the hour.

“Your highness I assure you, we haven’t missed anypony; nopony that could feasibly aid them within the kingdom at least” the advisor informed the solar monarch as she strode about the exceptionally busy throne room now turned command center. Scientists and workponies darted about between consoles and workstations in preparation of the launch.

“You’ve checked with maybe a dozen ponies, how could that be everypony?” Celestia growled back at the passive agent.

“Because that’s all there is Princess; Sasaki’s acquaintances are all within the guard, Lulamoon seems to have only her elder sibling who’s currently in the Neighpon, the changeling is practically an unknown element and you would know Agent Sweetie Drop’s situation better than any of us” the stallion continued calmly “It would seem Miss Heartstrings is the only one with significant contacts, of which most reside in Ponyville. We’ve already put surveillance on the few school friends still here in the city and haven’t seen mane or tail of them.”

Celestia scowled at the pony to only receive a blank stare back. She finally let out a heavy sigh, glancing out the window to see the dark specks fluttering about the ashen mountain.

“She’s still at it then” she muttered. Ever since she informed Luna of Maze’s ‘betrayal’, the younger sibling had become drastically more distant; the spark of trust between them instantly extinguished after the event.

“Yes your highness, it would seem she still does not believe you” he confirmed “The other guards present, as well as the undercover agents amongst the restoration crew, will inform us of any developments though.”

Celestia’s scowl grew even deeper. She knew her sister would find nothing of Maze; she had scryed the entire mountain herself after the cyborg's disappearance and even had her own guards comb the ashes to be sure. Yet it still troubled her that her sister had remained this persistent. She had been hoping to have her voluntary support in this matter; especially considering she may be too powerful for forceful compliance.

“Princess!” a guard called from the halls great doors “They’re here!”

A smile far too convincing graced the princess's face as she strode toward to the doors opening to reveal both Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and her head of security and special somepony Shining Armor. Celestia met the much younger Alicorn with a hug as Shining stood rigid in salute. Celestia giggled and hugged him as well, catching the unicorn by surprise.

“It is good to see you and have your support in this momentous occasion” Celestia said joyously as the pair marveled at their surroundings.

“I knew this to no mere day trip Auntie, but I certainly wasn’t expecting anything like this!” Cadence spouted, watching the ponies dash about to double check calculations and coordinate efforts elsewhere.

“It looks like you’ve turned the hall into some kind of… War room” Shining added, a good bit more concerned at what he was seeing; particularly the unusually large number of guards and special agents surrounding the hall.

“Oh, oh no! Quite the opposite Shiny; we’re standing in the new Control Center of PEACE!” Celestia beamed, spinning with her arms out to the surrounding stations “In mere hours we’ll be launching the newest innovation of unity and harmony! We'll be connecting our ponies in ways scarcely even imagined and ushering a new era free of pain and doubt!”

The pair looked at her with expressions wonder and bewilderment.

“How?” they asked in unison. Celestia rounded back to face them, a nearly manic smile plastered across her face.

“Let me show you…”

Twin gasps were muffled by hands suddenly clasping tight across their muzzles, strong arms seizing the pair from from behind.


Luna jumped slightly. Her attention was so focused on the royal guards now meandering around a specialist examining a patch of seemingly untouched flora, she hadn’t even noticed her captain’s approach.

“Now captain, it’s past midday; you really should not risk your ponies’ heath just to help satisfy my own-”

“Princess” he interrupted, a rare enough occurrence even without the dead serious tone “You need to see this.”

Luna nodded quietly and followed without question, giving only a quick glance to the guards to see if they noticed.

“We wouldn’t have found it if private Night Wind hadn’t noticed the smell” the thestral explained as he lead her through the varied landscape. It was odd how fire sometimes acts; parts of the mountain seemed little more than flat plains of ash while others still held dead, blackened tree trunks and bushes. Then there was the small patch like the one the specialist was studying or the one they walked through now; ash still dominated the area but the trees and bushes still held leaves somehow, even if brown and unhealthy.

“Smell?” she asked as the captain lead her to a small clearing where another two thestrals waited. Whether it had been a natural clearing or one burned away, she couldn’t be sure but one could already see it had seen damage beyond mere flames. Charcoaled thatches of shattered trunks littered a ground spotted with divets and miniature craters… this is where the battle took place, she was sure of it.

“Blood, your highness” the youngest of the trio, Private Night Wind, answered for his captain.

“Blood? Something else was harmed here after the fire?”

“No Princess, this is not a fresh smell” he replied solemnly “I almost didn’t notice it at first but…”

“Surely any trace would be gone by now private, for any to still be detectable after a week there would have had to been an awful lot of…” Luna petered off as her face grew pale, the trio’s sad looks confirming her own fears “By the makers…”

“That’s not all Princess” the captain continued, gesturing to the last of the three. The bat-pony carried something bundled in a cloth now caked in ash, he held it out the night bringer as he revealed its contents.

Luna’s pupils shrunk to dots as she took in the sight. Her shoulders slumped as the weight of the truth hit them; she gingerly reached out and took the cloth, lifting up the broken, crimson metal to better inspect it.

“Was this all you found?” she asked grimly.

“Yes your highness, I’m afraid so…” the subordinate soldier answered.

Staring down at the partial blade, her brow furrowed slightly. The pattern of the break was wrong; she had been privy to a great many battle in her long life and knew too well this kind of break was caused by no simple blow. It was almost as if it had been snapped, but one didn’t not simply grip a High Frequency blade let alone snap it.

'And to have snapped This blade…' Luna’s mind reeled at the implications.

“We’ll begin anew from this clearing outward Princess. If there is anything to find then-” the captain began before Luna held up her hand.

“Thank you Captain, but there will be no need for that now. This should be enough” Luna stated, lifting the shard as her magic began to flare. It was true that finding Maze or any of her tools with magic was an exceptionally difficult thing to do, if one carried a significant portion of one however; well, it wouldn’t necessarily lead to Maze but...

The blade rose above the cloth, swirling slowly as is the dark glow danced over its form. It suddenly shot out across the clearing, a sparkling trail in its wake. They followed it through a path of shattered trees, further deepening her concerns as they came across another fallen log the blade had bounced off of. Handing the shard back to one of the guards she easily hefted the burnt wood, a good deal crumbling away as she did so.

There underneath, lying in the compressed soil and ash, is where she found the blade’s other half. Her face fell further as she picked up the hilt, seeing dried blood still caked upon its surface. She inspected one spot in particular, brushing away some of the flaking brown to see the bio-lock indicator light; nothing but a flat black met her gaze.

A heavy sigh escaped her as tears began to threaten from behind her eyes, the reality finally sinking in. Unless Maze had found another way to escape the weapons range, a rather unlikely event, then she really was gone. Reverting to a stoic sadness, calling a strength reserved for only for her most undesired royal obligations, she turn to address her thestrals; her mourning would not be theirs or any other’s to see, not yet at least.

Her words never came as the hilt suddenly beeped, the bio-lock glowing a bright white. As she stared wide eyed at the dot, a small whine issued from the hilt accompanied by the loud click of the bio-lock releasing. A cool female voice spoke in an even tone.

“Analyzing… Genetic and Magical Signature Recognized- Beginning Playback”


Luna instantly recognized her sister’s voice as the recording began, followed by the sounds of a what seemed to be a very one sided fight. She looked up to see the equally bewildered faces of her troops when they all suddenly jumped at the shriek that cried out from the hilt.

‘I thought I had imagined that’ Luna face blanched as she remembered what could have been the sound, distorted by the roaring flames and dense smoke. Guilt wracked her as she thought of herself dismissing it at the time.


The group stared on in awed silence, the night princess’s face growing ever paler and appalled at her sister’s insane rant. The sounds of further violence followed the ramblings until a deathly calm came through, even in the recording.

“Goodbye Maze.”

Another click echoed and the playback cut out with four ponies still staring slack jawed at the hilt, shocked horror upon their faces; one would never have thought such dark ponies could turn so white. The guards’ gazes panned over to a long, wide trench melted into the mountain side, now realizing it must have been the solar monarch’s final strike against the human; it was no wonder nothing was left.

The thestrals suddenly jumped as the hand abruptly clenched the hilt, a violent aura erupting from their princess that threatened to rend apart the mountainside anew.

Her head snapped to the castle, furious cyan eyes burning as she glared at its walls.

Twilight paced back and forth as her friends fidgeted in the room’s chairs.

“Twi we’ve been waiting for hours!” Dash exclaimed “Maybe she’s just doesn’t want to see us.”

“I can’t believe that Dash! And even if that were true, this is far too important to just let drop because of a little wait!” Twilight snapped before realizing it and sighing “I’m sorry, it’s just… it feels like we’re being ignored.”

“That was kind of my point Twi. We don’t even know if she’ll listen” Dash added “This whole operation seems A LOT bigger than just some sudden nano machine updates now that we’re here. I haven’t seen the castle this busy since the wedding invasion!”

Twilight was about to respond when the door opened, a guard alerting them the princess was at last ready to see them. The walk was quiet to say the least, not that the guards weren’t usually diligent but they seemed exceptionally stoic today. They would usually at least smile or nod to her, today they just stared straight ahead blankly.

“TWILIGHT!” She heard her mentor cry happily as they entered the throne room, ponies dashing across her path oblivious as she ran up to hug her student “What was I thinking not inviting you?! Of course you should be here for this!”

“And just what is this exactly?” Dash asked looking around at all the consoles and diagrams.

This, Young Rainbow, is PEACE! The path to a new tomorrow, full of ponies united in ways they’ve never even considered!” Celestia cried as she strode back up to her throne past a very still unicorn.

“Shiny?! Cadence?!” Twilight asked surprised as the two smiled… warmly? back at her. Something was seriously wrong here “Princess, I hope this doesn't have to do with that new nano magic that’s being dispersed.”

“Of course it does Twilight!” Celestia stated slightly amused “They’re the linchpin to the entire process!”

“But Princess these machines have fundamental flaws! They tap directly into several control centers of the brain!” she exclaimed “They have the potential to radically alter one’s perceptions and emotions!”

“Well I would certainly hope so! They wouldn’t be any use otherwise!” Celestia exclaimed, Twilight looking on aghast at the princess's joy. The monarch’s expression fell to one far more serious “You haven’t upgraded yet, have you? I sent a crate to Ponyville with specific instructions, did you not take the injections?”

“Of course not!” Dash called “Why would we willingly take something that would screw with our heads!?”

“For PEACE! How many times do I have to say that!?” the princess snapped, the trio flinching back “Don’t you understand?! I’m creating a world without fear or pain!”

“HOW?! By getting rid of our ability to feel?!” Dash questioned.


The three stared on in horror as those surrounding them continued on as if nothing was even happening. Fluttershy was, surprisingly, the first to speak.

“But… B-But that’s-” she stammered “That’s MONSTEROUS!”

Celestia looked back at her like the pegasus was out of her mind.

“Fluttershy, I would expect you of all ponies to appreciate this!” she said “All of your anxiety, fear and shyness? Gone without a second thought! No more doubt or sadn-”

“IT’S MONSTEROUS!” she screamed back, the guards straightening sharply at the outburst.

“Princess you can't seriously be considering this! It's MADNESS!” Twilight cried “CADENCE! SHINY! How could you possibly just stand there at a time like this!?”

The pair just stared back at her passively, nary a response between them.

“Shiny!” she yelled striding up to her brother “Shiny what’s wrong with you?!”

The guard pony no longer even met her gaze, staring blankly forward.

“What did you do…” she began, glaring back up at her mentor as she tried to step past him “WHAT DID YOU DO TO HI-”


“TWILIGHT!” the two pegasus called before the guards snapped forward, their weapons leveled at the two.

Twilight pushed herself up from the carpet, bringing a hand to her muzzle to find it coated with blood as she pulled it away. She looked up horrified at the blank faced sibling staring back down at her, a light spatter of red on the back of his gauntlet.

“Shiny… Shiny no…” she sobbed weakly, scrabbling backwards on her hands and hooves until she backed into her friends still surrounded by guards. They quickly helped her to stand, tears already joining the light trickle of blood from her nose as she looked up to the corrupted ruler “WHY?!”

“I’m disappointed in you Twilight,” Celestia stated grimly, stepping forward to stand at the top of the steps “As one who values rational thought so much, can’t you see this is the only true path to harmony?”

“YOU CALL THIS HARMONY?!” she spat, the trio glaring defiantly back with eyes darting about to the slowly approaching guards.

“All that grooming to just have you betray me in such a way” the sun mare muttered “I had hoped to keep you as you were, aiding in guiding the new world order. Still, I will not let such an intellect go completely to waste; Take them.”

The guards suddenly rushed forward, the three element bearers bracing in defense when a second, far deeper crack suddenly boomed though the hall.

A streak of pure black lightning flashed and they found themselves in the eye of a virtual maelstrom of dark energy; ponies, consoles and equipment alike flung about like mere leaves. They looked on in awe as Princess Luna materialized before them and the royal voice began shaking the rooms very foundations.

“TIA!” she screamed at one of the few figures still standing against the arcane currents “THIS MADNESS MUST END!”

Celestia shielded herself against the forces assailing her, staring back at her enraged sister through gold covered feathers.

“I see the Nightmare was never truly gone then!” she shouted back, fully lost in her delusions “DO YOU NOT SEE THIS IS FOR THE GREATER GOOD SISTER?! DO NOT STAND AGAINST PEACE LIKE THE CYBORG!”

“YOU BRUTALLIZED HER!!” Luna shrieked, the forces growing ever more furious; even within the relative safety of the eye, Twilight still had to cast a barrier to protect them against the younger sibling’s wrath.

“Do not force me to do the same to you” Celestia replied darkly, runes and magic circles appearing across the windows and walls throughout the hall. The elder alicorn’s magic flared, bathing her in golden flame as she approached. Her own aura began to encompass Luna’s energies, the younger leader pressed back against her sister’s pressuring forces as best she could, but she could already feel them begin to give as the runes began draining her relentlessly.

“I had suspected you would not be an easy sell dear sister, but I am still saddened to see my preparations were not in vain” Celestia said grimly. She crossed her arms in front of her face before slashing through the air, her sister’s storm literally shattering as is was dispelled. Luna stumbled back toward the elements, panting as her power dwindled “You did not truly believe to best me did you? During the day and in front of my own throne no less?!”

Luna merely growled in response, her weapons flashing into existence as her horn glowed. A spark shot across her body, sending her to her knees as her spell rebounded.

“You really think I’d just let you teleport away after this?” Celestia asked coldly, slowly stalking toward the group. The guards began standing again as well, their injuries completely ignored as they surrounded the mares again.

“What is wrong with you dear sister?! What evil has taken you to drive you to this insanity?!” Luna pleaded.

“You will not stop me from bringing peace to my world!” she snarled, her own weapons flashing into sight as she pounded forward. She halfed the distance before abruptly stopping, bewildered as her ears shot up.

Even several stories up as they were, a muffled tune seemed to be blaring from just outside the windows.

One of the rune covered walls exploded, a guard Humvee crashing through and skidding across the tile. Celestia didn’t have time to respond before the fish-tailing vehicle’s back end slammed into her. She immediately sprung back to her hooves only to find an rpg colliding with her chest, launching her back though her throne and shattering it into splinters to rain around her tumbling from.

She quickly rose again covered in a golden sheen to see a quartet of glowing lances fire of into the walls surrounding the group. A current sparked between the four javelins, forming a great ring of magic around her prey.

“STOP THEM!” she ordered. The guards opened fire, their rounds peppering harmlessly against the ring's barrier. Others charged with spears ready only to be thrown back as soon a they made contact.

Celestia growled and took to the air. Flying at the circle, she dodged another rocket fired from the unicorn atop the mangled Humvee as she rapidly closed the distance. Only too late however did she see the heavy hatted mage chanting at the ring’s center.

Furious, purple eyes snapped open, matching her glare just before the final command word was uttered and the ring erupted into a great pillar of blazing blue light. Celestia’s flight halted as she brought her wings against the blinding rays, a thunderous boom shaking the room as it blinked out of existence a second later… with nothing but a charred spot of stone left in its place.

Celetsia looked on in stunned silence, her face growing ever redder as her flames burned pure white.

Ponies throughout the capitol abruptly stumbled and cowered at the enraged scream now suddenly bellowing across their city and beyond.

Chapter 16: Eclipse

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Mayor Mare was just finishing up the last of the day’s paper work. It had been a bit of a dozy to say the least; dodging questions about the recent crate from Canterlot, explaining that they would just need patience until the situation was resolved, trying to fathom why Twilight was so desperately insistent on them waiting until she talked to the princess... and all the while trying to handle a normal day’s work load as well.

Not to mention Derpy was having a particularly clumsy day, even for her. She of course couldn’t stay mad at the girl, nopony could; but that didn’t remove the cleanup required afterwards.

‘How she does what she does on the field when she acts like that off of it I’ll never know’

She signed the last budget report and dropped it in the out box before standing and stretching. The work day wasn’t quite over for her yet, but at least she could relax a bit more through the rest of it.

‘Yep, easy going for the rest of my day!’ she thought happily.

At least until an explosion outside shook the whole town, knocking her on her plot and sending her good vibes down the drain.

‘I swear to Celestia, if that was Dash AGAIN…’ she stomped to the nearest balcony to find a great ring burnt into the buildings courtyard, a rather mangled guard vehicle barely visible through the smoke. She stared on befuddled even as one of the last ponies she expected stumbled out of the smoke.

“Ms. Heartstrings?!”

“MAYOR! Activate the Phalanx protocol! NOW!” the aquamarine mare yelled up at her, the elder pony taken back by the sudden demand.

“Ms. Heartstrings, I do not take orders from fugitives! To even think of you exploding into town and expecting-” she started before another familiar voice cut her off, Twilight Sparkle now stumbling from the smoke as well.

“MAYOR! THERE’S NO TIME! START IT NOW!” the element of magic shouted.

“Twilight? Just what in Equestria is going on?!” she exclaimed as the smoke began to clear, showing the rest of the party; Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Bonbon and a sandy haired guard pony flanked by a changeling holding what looked like a passed out Trixie. Finally she saw the last, notably taller alicorn pony- “Pr-Princess Luna?!

“Lady Mayor! While I am certain I understand your confusion, time is of upmost desperation! I must insist you activate this Phalanx with the greatest of haste!”

“Uh, Yeah- I mean Yes! Yes of course your highness, right away!” she stammered out before dashing back inside. Twilight quickly turned back to the other bearers, snapping off the key tied around her neck and handing it to the blue pegasus.

“Dash, go get the elements. Fluttershy take the others inside and help the mayor with the startup while I go get the girls” she spouted rapidly before disappearing in a strobe of violet light while Dash took off in a blur.

“I can help with the activation too” Lyra announced as they rushed in after the yellow pegasus, through the auditorium to a stair case leading into the hall’s basement. There they found a large contraption that pretty much WAS the room, dominated by a central spike jutting through the ceiling. The yellow and aquamarine mares rushed over to help the mayor frantically twisting dials, flicking switches and inputting codes.

“WA-HA!” an abrupt yelp escaped a white unicorn falling from a purple flash above them a moment later, now rising indignantly rubbing her plot “Wh-What in the?! OH! Princess?! I certainly didn’t- not that I mean to say-”

“WHEE!” a pink pony popped in with another violet flash, saving Rarity from her bubbling. A third violet flash soon followed as both Twilight and the bearer of honesty appeared, the latter still holding a crate of cider.

“What ‘n Tarnation?! Twi?! What’s got yer tail inna twist?!” AppleJack exclaimed as Rainbow barreled through the door with the chest, already passing the elements out as the apple farmer finished talking.

“NO TIME!” Twilight shouted, rapidly donning the necklace and taking her position by the machine with Rainbow and Fluttershy “Just trust me girls! They could already be on their way!”

The other three quickly took up their own positions, completely lost but trusting their friends wouldn’t lead them astray. The six rose slowly from the ground, their elements shining brightly about their necks as they prepared the cascade of harmonious magic.

“I sure hope this actually works” Lyra muttered amongst the bystanders, earning several worried looks “What?! You think we’ve actually done this before?!”

Rainbow streams erupted from the necklaces, swirling in a great tornado as the contraption whirred and whined with exertion. Before anypony could ask if it was working the tornado streaked straight into and up through central spike, burning through the roof as it continued upwards.

They all quickly ran outside, craning their necks up to just in time to see the multi-colored beam fire from the hall’s spire, shooting straight up into the sky before bursting high above them. Great waves of magic poured down over the town like a fountain and surrounding country side in a great dome.

“WHOOOOOOOOOO!!!” Lyra cried, throwing her hands up in victory. The others simply stared in awe at the protective barrier. It carried the appearance of countless, hexagonal shields overlapping and stacked several layers thick, all shimmering in a very faint, translucent gradient of colors. It surprisingly left barely even any distortion of the sky, save for the now pure white beam still feeding into the field.

“It may be a bit premature to celebrate Ms. Heartstrings” Luna stated, examining the magic and seeing a fluffy white blob pass lazily through “It would appear that it cannot stop even the clouds.”

“No that’s the beauty of it!” Lyra exclaimed excitedly “It’s a HARMONIOUS barrier! I only blocks against what it deems threatening! Enemies will smash against it while friendlies can pass right through! AND IT WORKS! IT ACTUALLY WORKED!”

“At least with clouds…” Dash commented, Lyra’s excitement faltering a little in response “it’s not like somepony is trying to force through make sure of that right now.”

“Well… no” the unicorn admitted “But it’s the best we’ve got without somepony powering something all the time. Just the fact that it didn't explode means the theory has value.”

“Yes Lyra, it is a grand achievement that may or may not last,” an exasperated Mayor Mare began “but can somepony please explain just what in the name of Celestia is going on now?!”

“I fear my sister is precisely the problem dear Mayor” Luna stated sadly “Gather your ponies, and not merely the militia. They will all need to hear this firsthand to understand, nor should this be hidden from a single one.”

“You can’t be serious!”

“Celestia would never do a thing like that!”

“But this is Princess Luna! Why would SHE lie to us!?”

“Maybe she’s Nightmare Moon again!”

“Yeah! Maybe SHE’S the corrupted one!”

“Ponies! Ponies Please! We must have order!”

Luna stared on amazed as the mayor tried to bring order to the unbelieving masses. Did her sister truly incite such blind faith? Did she actually bend the kingdom to one where so few dare even think of questioning their leader? She struggled with the thought and the implication of just how long she may have been under the guise of sanity as Twilight stepped forward on the balcony.

“I was there! She has lost herself to madness! I’m her personal protégé and I'm still telling you that she is no longer the Princess she once was!” the lavender unicorn pleaded with the crowd, making little head way.

“How do we know you’re even the real Twilight?!”

“Yeah we’ve already been fooled once! There’s a changeling right there!”

“Why should we take the word of fugitives!”

“They’re as bad as the Bloodletter!”


An arc of black lightning shook the ground, sending some ponies ducking for cover as Luna’s aura exploded out to darken the entire town. Stalking forward she slammed the broken sword through the railing as the hilt clicked on once again.

“Beginning Playback”

The crowd stood deathly silent as the recording rang through the courtyard. Ponies grew pale and fillies clutched to their parents, burying their faces as they tried to shut out the sounds of battle and the insane alicorn’s rant. The motley crew of fugitives stood in pained horror, Lyra soon leaning on Bonbon for support. Even they had not imagined their friend and leader’s last moments being so torturous.

The recording ended but nopony dared to speak yet. The light slowly returned to them as Luna’s aura receded and she spoke again.

“The one you call the Bloodletter, that ‘monster’ as you name her is the only reason we have this piece of truth. Even as she was being brutalized, even as she was DIEING! She made sure there was something left to warn us against this threat!” Luna scolded, the royal voice carrying through the town “And these fugitives?! Not only have they spent the last half year pursuing one of the greatest threats against Equestria as we unknowingly tried to stop them, but half the elements nor even myself would be standing here had it not been for their actions this day!”

The crowd stared in frightened awe to the balcony; at the princess, elements and unsung heroes. The princess continued, her voice falling to a more even, and deeply saddened tone.

“I will not lie to you my little ponies. These are truly dire times we are now facing, and now we must face them after the loss of a champion who did not deserve such a fate” she delivered remorsefully before straightening with determination “But we cannot let her sacrifice be in vein! We cannot let this madness that has possessed my sister spread any further! We must-”

Several distant explosions drew the crowd’s attention, ending Luna's speech. Several cloudy streaks now arched from the distant capitol hanging from the mountain side in all directions amongst the darkening sky. Several soared over and past the dome headed southbound, save one that passed right through the barrier before hurtling straight toward the gathered masses.

Ponies ran stumbling away from the impact zone, a massive spike driving its way into the ground in front of the hall. They slowly stood and regathered themselves, warily approaching the town’s new feature; a large metal pillar adorn with what looked like television screens and speakers on all sides.

“How could it get through the barrier?!” Lyra asked confused “It should have stopped-”

“It is not an attack” Luna stated simply, eyes narrowing at the multitier display.

“But why would she send these out?” Twilight asked “It’s not like televisions are rare anymore… We even have the giant screen right above us here…”

Another much louder rumble drew their attention to the distant mountain range again, only this one turned into a dull roar heard from even so far. A single much larger streak slowly launched up into the heavens until it appeared as little more than a star.

The sun finished setting, plunging the sky into night as the speck flashed and at least a dozen beams shot out across the darkness in all directions until abruptly stopping at different points above the horizons. Small lights shined in these new spots, distinct from the stars now twinkling into view.

“…They’re satellites!” Lyra gasped from the back of the group, they couldn’t even ask what that meant when the screens of the large pole as well as the halls public screen turned on and the speakers crackled. Several Celestia’s now looked out upon the town, flanked by none other than Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. The sound system blared as the solar monarch spoke.

“Do not be alarmed my little ponies! I, your humble princess, have now bestowed upon all of you the first step in us ensuring global peace and harmony!”

The crowds watched in confusion as the group glared from the balcony at the mad royal's image.

“You have no doubt seen the streaks of light across the sky after these wonderful devices landed among your cities and towns. These are the newest satellites of the Perfect Harmony initiative! No longer will we be bound to a smattering of astral aids and spotty communication towers, no! We will soon be able to communicate and bring one another together as never before! And that, my beloved subjects, is only the beginning! Within the coming weeks and months, even more wondrous new developments in both technology and magic will begin easing lives and thoughts universally! This is a time of revolution my dear ponies, for the new age is upon us and we will all have our part to play”

“Mother fucker…” Crystal cursed “She’s going to try to infect them all without giving them even a hint of what it means, let alone giving them a choice...”

The others frowned at the concept, even a few of the townsfolk glancing up in worry as they heard the announcement. Their attention quickly detoured however as the princess spoke again.

“But alas good ponies, it is not all good news I bring you” she stared as several pictures began scrolling across the bottom of the screen.

“Hey it us!” Pinkie cheered.

“That’s not a good thing Pinkie” the rainbow haired mare informed her.

“It would seem at the dawn of this new age we already have our detractors. Most of you are already aware of the Bloodletter’s allies, and it would seem even after the loss of their monstrous leader they still seek to sow anarchy through the kingdom. But I’m afraid they are no longer alone… it is with the greatest of sorrow to inform you that they have turned the Elements of Harmony against us in a twisted mockery of what they stand for… and yet even that is not the worst of it my ponies…” she trailed and looked away, selling her act with impossible ease “This is all only possible by the second betrayal of my dear sister… taken once again by the Nightmare.”

Luna’s eyes widened as she saw her darker self’s image displayed for all to see.

“But fear not my little ponies! These dark times we face will only make the end all the brighter! For we have already forced her and her treasonous supporters on the run. Her powers have proved far too weak to oppose the new world and our soon to be Perfect Harmony. This world will be without her kind and the pain they bring soon enough. I promise you, we will have peace.”

The screens went dark as the speakers clicked off. It did not take long for the crowd to start mumbling and grow frantic.

“Ponies!” Luna called out, all head turning to her with desperation “This was not unforeseen! They are but mere words we can easily weather! For her’s are hollow falsehoods holding no true merit!”

“But we ARE hiding! You DID run away!”

“If you couldn’t even stand against her, what in tartarus could we hope to do!?”

“We cannot let doubt cloud our purpose!” Luna tried “We must have faith in-”

“She can move the freaking SUN!”

“As soon as the dome breaks we’re all doomed!”

“Hey calm down! It’s not that bad!” one militia member called over the crowd.


“Oh shut up you two! What do you know?!”

“Ponies please!” Luna tried “This in no time to be-”


Luna’s words faltered as a mare muscled past her, completely taken aback by the heavy hatted unicorn interrupting her to yell at the crowd.

“Where was all this coward talk when Trixie was here?!” the showmare demanded “The last time she saw you, a freaking Ursa Major attacked and you all barely bat an eye! You showed up even the great and powerful Trixie and drove that beast off like it was a damned teddy bear!”

A few mummers rumbled through the mildly abashed crowd.

“So she can move the sun! Big deal! Unicorns were doing it centuries before the princesses were even born! Trixie’s sure even Sparkle here could do it!”

“HEY! What do mean ‘EVEN ME?!’

“This is freaking PONYVILLE for HARMONY’S SAKE! Trixie has no doubt rumors are true now! Celestia MUST have gathered all you weirdos and over powered ponies in one place to keep an eye on you!” Several ponies began to protest but she continued unhindered, and completely ignoring Twilight’s offence “And do you know WHY?! Because she’s AFRAID OF YOU! And she damn well should be! RIGHT?!”

“YEAH!” some of the crowd yelled in confirmation, one heavy muscled stallion in particular giving the word all he had.


“NO!” more joined in this time.

“We will fight this tyrant! Like she said it’s time for REVOLUTION! WE WILL EXPOSE HER LIES! WE WILL BLOCK OUT HER SUN!” Trixie roared, riling up the gathered ponies with every word before issuing one final promise-


The whole crowd erupted into cheers as the Lunar mare looked on impressed, though Twilight was actually the one to state the shared sentiment aloud.

“She certainly knows how to work a crowd, doesn’t she?” she muttered, earning a chuckle from the changeling siss-prea next to her.

“You have no idea.”

“So we're really doing this then?” the gray mare asked in her cultured, upper-class accent, standing next to her far less talkative roommate “We are really going against Celestia and the royal military?”

The group stood in the halls meeting room with the mayor and a few of the militia’s ranking members as Luna looked over a map showing the projected borders of the barrier. The group looked to Octavia as she gazed back calmly, her question more one of confirmation than concern.

“Eeyup” the red stallion, the one pony in the room matching the princess’s height, answered simply.

“Ah don’ see that we have much of a choice really” the younger sibling added “Even if we weren’t inclined ta help anypony, we still couldn’ stay here forever… They’d find ah way through this fancy bubble eventually.”

“Indeed” the monarch spoke “Nor can we assume that we would be able to escape my sister’s grasp for long were we to let her achieve this ultimate goals of hers. If she hasn’t already that is.”

“She hasn’t” Lyra interjected “From what we learned only Canterlot has received the upgrades, and only the royal guard at that. It would seem she’s not able to rush the production.”

“Come to think of it, they did only send the one crate of injections here for the militia” Twilight pointed out “And there wasn’t even enough for every one of us.”

“You have a crate?” Lyra scrunched her brow at the purple mare before her eyes shot wide “A crate of the Nano Machines?!”

“Um, yeah…” Twilight stared back as Lyra got uncomfortably close “I noticed some weird effects so I locked them in the library basement before we left for Canterlot.”

“That’s perfect! We weren’t able to get a sample…” she muttered “We may even be able to devise some sort of defense or interference… I doubt we could come up with a reversal with just samples, not without Ma…ze…”

Lyra trailed off, her face falling dramatically. The princess took the moment to inquire something.

“Where did you get this information?”

“My sisters” Crystal stated simply, Luna blinking in mild shock in contrast.

“The changelings are willing to aid us in this?”

“Not exactly; my mother isn’t willing to take any direct action against Celestia or even support us openly” the shapeshifter explained before a small smirk graced her lips “Buuuut, as siss-prea, my sisters and I still have complete access to our undercover network.”

“Though that’s about it unfortunately, the other hives are even less inclined to do anything to risk their neutrality” Lyra added.

“Except maybe Queen Nagisa” Trixie commented, earning inquisitive looks from the others “Maze uh… she made a pretty notable impression on her…”

“And what about you?” Rarity asked of the grey woman.

“What about me?” Crystal asked in turn, before realizing the intention behind the question and snapping back “Hey don’t question my motives here! That bitch killed my friend and aim to see her answer for it! I figured your little friendship alliance would understand th-”

“Enough- we can’t start suspecting each other… now be it active support or just information, the changeling assistance remains a valuable boon” the lunar monarch shot her student a look “I do not suppose you’ve uncovered how my sister could have accomplished creating these impossible machines so quickly?”

“We didn’t have to; we know exactly how she’s done it” Lyra answered grimly “She has Maze’s body, or at least her arm. Even if she’s been preparing this for decades, she wouldn’t have been able to make this big of a leap in progress without it.”

“Her arm?” Fluttershy muttered as the princess’s eyes grew wide “Why would she need her arm?”

“Her data core…” Luna growled, ashamed of herself for not even considering it. The group jumped as the wood of the table suddenly splintered under the princess’s grasp “I’m such a fool! …it’s the catalyst all over again.”

“The Catalyst?” Twilight asked, her own visage growing frightened immediately after “You don’t mean-!”

“The very same,” the monarch answered grimly “The core that sent the synthetic wars into such disastrous new heights is now in the hands of my corrupted sister, and with a thousand years of progress to push it even further… so long as she holds that our obstacles will only grow in threat.”

“Then we get it back!” Bonbon suddenly announced.

“Bonny we’ve been over this,” Lyra sighed at her partner “Not only do we have no idea where it is but even if we get it back we can’t make her unlearn what she already has.”

The earth pony scowled as she held her eyes tight, fighting with herself over the decision. Ignoring her lover she stepped forward; she’d held back for long enough.

“Princess I-”

“No.” the alicorn cut her off.

“Princess I can do this! It may take some time and sacrifice but-”

“Sacrifice?! It is a suicide mission! One I wouldn’t even send Maze on with any expectation of success!” the group stared on at a complete loss at the two argued.

“And I know my duty! I have more training than half this militia combined! I-”

“WHICH IS EXACTLY WHY I NEED YOU HERE! NOW STAND DOWN AGENT!” Luna roared back, the mare quickly shrinking under her authority.

“...Agent?” Johnny piped up.

“Oh I fucking knew it...” Crystal snarled, the unicorn next to her numbly stepping forward.

“B-Bonbon?” she asked meekly, the earth pony not meeting her gaze. The silence lasted a few beats too long, Bonbon finally deciding the secrecy wasn't worth what she could offer without worry of exposure.

“…My name isn’t Bonbon” she began “It’s Sweetie Drops; Special Agent Sweetie Drops of the Equestrian Secret Service.”

“This isn’t funny Bonny!”

“I was assigned here to keep an eye on the town's inhabitants and passively investigate the high number of unusual events” she finished before finally glancing at the aquamarine pony. The mare took a few steps back, shaking her head as tears welled in her eyes. Next thing anypony new she had already stormed out into the night.

“Lyra!” Pinkie moved to follow when an orange hand caught her shoulder.

“Let ‘er go sugar cube, ain't nothin' any of us could say to her... we’ll just have to catch’er up later” she said solemnly before turning the two of them back to rest, Sweetie Drops struggling to hold her poker face.

“So the rumors are true then? Celestia really did collect us all here intentionally?” Octavia proposed.

“I have no idea, that was never a part of my assignment” the agent answered quietly “Either way, you can’t deny the unusually high number of ponies that, even our culture, have unique talents and abilities here... it would be foolish to let something like that go unobserved.”

The majority of those present all begrudgingly relented. Whether by their own volition of not; they all agreed Ponyville was hardly normal, and it had certainly stood out in the world as of late. The monarch that had stayed relatively passive since the exchange now spoke, still pouring over the barrier map.

“This extends a fair amount past the town’s borders, which will be useful in temporary shelters for refugees if the time comes for that” the lunar mare noted, guiding the group back on topic “But with the exception of this bit overlapping the Everfree here, I see little cover for anypony against agents of my sister that will surely be waiting. The fact they will be able to observe us is troubling enough without them laying in ambush.”

“Actually” Twilight cut in “I had the idea of leaving the outer most layer of the barrier without a lighfilteross sync.”

“Oh” Luna stood impressed “That’s… incredibly clever. Though I suppose you are her student after all.”

“Um” Rainbow interrupted “Can we non-unicorns get a translation?”

Twilight blushed slightly as rubbed the back of her head, about to explain when Trixie spoke up.

“It means ponies can see out but not in, while also saving a tiny bit of power to reinforce the shield. On a small scale it causes instability, but in such a large field the matrix gets stretched and flattened, fixing the problem…” she explained, before begrudgingly adding “it actually is a pretty decent idea…”

“Lyra said we should still be able to use teleportation as well” Crystal added “Though considering our opposition, that also carries its own risks; namely someone tracing or even hijacking the spells.”

The princess stood straight and moved to the window, looking out over the town as she thought. A small sigh escaped her as she realized another small oversight and glanced up to confirm. The moon was off course and behind schedule in a half blank, disorganized sky. It was true that they didn’t technically Need to move the sun and moon, but their effects on life and the weather could become quite unpredictable without guidance.

“I have neglected the night” she delivered, the ponies now hearing just how tired she was for the first time that night “I do not wish to reinforce my sister’s accusations by leaving the sky in such a state. I will return shortly so we may continue thinking of methods to out fox my sibling’s hounds.”

The others didn’t balk at the chance for a break, nor did they begrudge Luna taking the moment as she exited with her horn already aglow; they knew her burdens were now the greatest of any of them.

Dash however stalked toward the retreating Sweetie Drops, ready to demand answers. She faltered however when the outted pony turned to a chair in the corner and collapsed with her face in her hands, streams escaping her grasp as her composure finally began cracking. Vinyl shouldered past the pegasus and took the seat next to the agent, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Dash shook her head, regathering her intent only to falter again as the posh unicorn spoke behind her.


“Rares?” Dash asked in response to the designer’s mutter “You got something?”

“I may…” she answered, then flashed her friends a victorious grin “But we’re going to need a lot of gems.”

~“What are you doing?”~

~“Sitting on a bench. What does it look like?”~

~“…Upside down?”~

~“Just trying to get a new perspective!”~

“Stupid Lyra…” the pony sitting with her knees to her chest whimpered to herself “Why did you come back here…”

The unicorn buried her face deeper, trying to will the memories away. She didn’t even think as she ran from the town hall, she just kept going until she found herself here. Not at her home, not at the edge of town, but right here to the bench; their bench.

“You are quite lucky to have such a lovely comfort spot” the well-known voice caused her head snap up to the alicorn surveying the surrounding park as the sky slowly shifted behind her glowing horn “Sorry, I did not mean to intrude.”

“Princess! No I-”

“Please, no need to get up” Luna quickly stopped the mare now slowly shifting back into her curled stance. Taking the spot next to her, the taller pony looked to her work above as she continued “May I surmise this is the place of your first meeting?”

Wide, teary eyes stared at the princess, who warranted a glance at the silence. A giggle escaped her at the mare’s confusion.

“My apologies, but I have been alive for quite the long time young Lyra. In that long life I’ve learned that, while there are of course exceptions, many ponies tend to follow patterns in matters of the heart” the leader explained “I take it I was right then?”

“Yes… Over four years ago…” Lyra confirmed before burying her face again, a fresh wave a tears escaping “and she’s been lying to me the whole time!”

“Four years…” Luna muttered “is that right…”

“Mm-hmm” Lyra nodded from behind her personal barrier.

“After her betrayal I looked into her service history; I already knew a good deal, having taken over some of the kingdom’s more… covert affairs, but I was still absent for quite a while” Luna stated somewhat cheerfully, confusing the young unicorn “I knew she had worked with our late Blade Wolf on a number of occasions; some of the guard surmised he may have played a role in her treason. Though they neglected to take her record of the past few years into account.”

Lyra sat listening to the royal pony, her heart aching yet still yearning to learn the truth about the mare that held it for so long. Luna kept her gaze pointed up, still crafting a sky that grew steadily more beautiful.

“Agent Sweeite Drops had a virtually flawless record; one mission after another completed, perhaps not Always without issue, but completed all the same. From shortly after her enlistment, which we later learned she lied about her age to join early, she was always among the best of the best and simply flew through the ranks. Then seemingly out of the blue her record started to plummet.”

“What, did she snap under the pressure?!” Lyra spat bitterly, glaring down at the grass “She obviously didn’t stop wanting to lie to everypony!”

“She started turning down missions” Luna stated calmly “You know how in spy stories they say ‘Your mission, should you choose to accept it’? We truly do ask that, and she began declining more and more. We of course managed to coerce her into some, she did work for us after all. But she’s been taking less and less over the past four years, all to the determent of her service record…”

Lyra’s pupils shrunk as she realized where this was going. She shook her head and scowled.

“It doesn’t matter… she still lied to me, the whole time! I knew she was hiding something, even before that gas mask wearing psycho said anything… but I just.. I didn’t want to… I didn’t think it was…” she retreated deeper behind her knees again. “I don’t know anything about that mare, that Agent Sweetie Drops… She’s not my Bonbon…”

“I’m not saying it shouldn’t hurt or that things can just go back to how they were, even with time; but what I can tell you, is that you’re wrong” the princess said bluntly “That pony knowingly risked everything to help you, committing high treason in the process. She didn’t even deny it when we confronted her before the banquette; she met our gazes and without a single doubt declared she’d do it all again in an instant. The service was her entire life, her singular purpose… until we sent her to Ponyville…”

With a small chuckle Luna stood and finally looked to the unicorn, Lyra staring back at her with conflicted pain in her eyes.

“You may not know everything about her Ms. Heartstrings, and her name may not be Bonbon…” Luna told her, an amused smile on her lips “But she is most definitely yours.”

Lyra’s sight fell to the grass again, her eyes shifting and glazed. Her head snapped back up to the princess, mouth open in question before freezing. Luna was completely still, her entire body tensed.

“Something’s coming” she said sharply, immediately sprinting back toward the town hall. Lyra leap from the bench, giving chase as the powerful alicorn easily outpaced her. She stumbled up to the courtyard panting, seeing the princess standing with a mass of dark magic swirling before her.

“EVERYPONY GET OUT HERE! SOMETHING’S COMING!” Lyra yelled at the hall while Luna stood fast as the energy flared and grew.

The others barreled out of the double doors as the shadows coiled into a small dome. They all braced and summoned weapons as the dark mass suddenly burst, a shrouded figure crouched in its stead. He slowly rose, leathery wings unfurling as his eyes panned over the group leveling their weapons at him.

“Your Highness!” the figure fell into a quick bow the instant he spotted the princess “Thank the makers! We feared the worst!”

“Lieutenant!?” Luna exclaimed, making a quick motion for the group to stand down.

“Yes ma’am, very good to see we didn’t misjudge your magic's signature-” the thestral delivered rapidly “But forgive my urgency, with the barrier up the rest are trapped outside and we are already being pursued! We must-”

“The barrier should not impede them, instruct them to proceed" the princess cut him off, suspecting their hunters would not hesitate once they arrived. Within moments of the lieutenant giving the order on his codec, dozens of the bat-winged soldiers began descending through the phalanx.

“The thestrals are with us?” Twilight asked surprised, turning her attention back to the night guard “You weren’t given the nano-upgrades?”

“Upgrades?” he met the princesses former pupil with confusion "Is that the cause of all this?"

“The thestral’s maintain their own cybernetics and nano-facilities separate from the military’s other branches” Luna informed Twilight “There is much to explain lieutenant, but it is very good to see we have more support than first believed.”

The bat pony stood slightly ill at ease as Luna strode past him to rejoin the group as they headed back into the hall. Lyra choosing to remain on the opposite side of the group as her partner.

“Support for what exactly?”

“You'll see soon Darling…” Rarity began as she gave a quick glance back to the heavy hatted mare moving through the doors before returning her gaze to him

“Welcome to Eclipse.”

The bed creaked slightly under the weight of the alicorn now seated on its edge. Her form stood out amongst the rooms pale pink walls and swirling hearts designs. The young Sweetie Bell was currently sleeping over at the Apple family's farm, freeing up the room for the night. Luna had been hesitant to stay with her new pupil, though the arrangement was only for the day. Even then it took some convincing to have Rarity not give up her own room, Luna felt enough of a burden as it was.

She at least took solace in seeing Lyra return home with Agent Sweetie Drops. Granted, she was still rather hurt looking and silent as death... but it was something at least.

The night princess let out an exceptionally tired sigh; she’d been awake for nearly four days, with only a smattering of short naps to keep her going. She desperately wanted to sleep but her mind objected, still looping the recent events again and again.

‘Eclipse…’ A weak scoff escaped her as she looked down to the broken blade in her hands. ‘Sounds like something you would have come up with…’

Her fists clenched against the hilt and now thankfully wrapped metal as her shoulder’s hunched and began to tremble.

‘Maze… Tia…’ The day had been distracting and the rage had long since dwindled, but now there was nothing but her and her thoughts. Struggle as she may the dam still began to give, its streams now staining her coat. For all her power and strength, all she had experienced in her long life, she never managed to rise above the burden of her emotions.

A couple doors down Rarity sat up I her bed with her knees to her chest, trying to stay strong as she listened to the royal’s repressed, choked sobs drifting down the hall…

Chapter 17: Kept you waiting, huh?

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Wait what? A new chapter?! Yep! Maze finally got a crossover we needed and I’ve even sort of gotten over my writer’s block! If you want to see where Maze has been, go check Chapter 19 of Monkey Business. It’s just a short little drop in but is something we needed all the same so big thanks to Frosthewolf for the opportunity! Sorry for the long wait readers, I’ll endeavor to do better; but for now, I hope you enjoy!

Luna flinched as another explosion washed over the town hall’s shield, the element necklaces dangling from her arms glowing bright as she fed their power into the hall's spire. Any relief she felt was short lived as she saw more soldiers and IGs pass through the town’s main defense.

‘How could she have known?! How the buck could she have prepared all this for right NOW?!

They dropped the shield’s outer layers for twenty minutes to re-calibrate and reinforce the whole and now it was all she could do to just keep out the towering RAYs and her sister burning against what remained. Matters were only gradually worsening as their enemies were still slowly gaining ground into the town.

‘Bucking Tartarus is using all six difficult!’ Luna struggled to keep up her focus as she found a new respect for her sister’s ability to wield all the elements on her own; so much she missed the small click at her waist.

Below the lunar alicorn trying to maintain what little of the shield they had, Twilight did her best to guide the militia in their struggle against the onslaught of soldiers and lesser IG swarming through Ponyville. Among the ever growing distractions she ran option after desperate option through her head, each seeming less plausible than the last. Her focus briefly shifted to a small pack of enemy Fenrir trying to push pass the defenders to where the town’s non-combatants fled. The ground turned to a dense swamp beneath their paws and before they could even begin struggling against its pull it re-solidified, trapping the IGs and letting her refocus.

She was considering calling Trixie from her efforts on the other side of the hall to help in an assault against her former mentor. It’d be weakening that front and while she knew she they probably wouldn’t be able to actually hurt her, if they could just push the monarch back Luna could reassert the shield.

“GET DOWN!” a shout rang out ahead, snapping her attention back to the barrier. The solar princess’s aura began to spread across the dome, making it appear as if the very sky was on fire. She then saw the true reason of the warning, the two RAYs firing continuous beams against the now wildly fluctuating barrier.

“GET TO COVER AND RAISE SHIELDS!” the unicorn screamed at the gathered troops “SHIELDS NOW!”

Fractured beams cut sweeping arcs across the battle field as gaps fluctuated through the dome. The first volley shattered across the front lines where they were thankfully stopped by the gathered casters' barriers, but they wouldn’t hold out against many more attacks like that. However, as the dust began to clear she could now see the beams were only the second worse things making it through the barriers.

“What the hay are those?!” She heard Rainbow shout from above as a quartet of bipedal silhouettes dropped down from the towering gears. As soon as they landed they shot forward, splitting in to pairs to assault different parts of the front. The first was intercepted by a pair of changeling siss-prea as the latter ran into a squad led by a very pissed off aquamarine unicorn.

The pair leapt back as an explosion bloomed in front of the mare’s gauntlets. The dust cleared enough for the rest to see them; while they looked still unfinished, their intended shape was clear. Smooth alloy over slim frames without hooves on their legs or snouts on their heads; these gears had feet, single knee joints, and a flat, faceless visage. These IG’s were not based on ponies, these were based on a human.

They were based on the unicorn’s friend.

“You think you can take her from us and then steal her form for these weapons?!” Lyra screamed as her squad took formation around her, weapons raised “FIRE!!”

The ponies opened up on the IG’s, only for the first to raise its blade and deflect every round with mechanical precision. The one behind held no hesitation as it vaulted over its partner, bringing its large heat blade down against the squad leader.

Lyra nearly buckled as she caught the blade in the cross of her gauntlets, her arms screaming in protest as the heat washed over her. The air left her as a metal foot found her chest and the ground met her back a moment later. She knew better than to give even an instant to something that fought like Maze and immediately threw up her gauntlets, the IG flying backward from her explosive retaliation. She rolled to her hooves ready to face the next when she caught it retreating, the reason immediately becoming clear as she heard the building whine of power gathering above.

“LYRA!” a weight slammed into the unicorn’s side as the RAY’s beams cut across her squad’s position and launched those lucky enough to avoid a direct hit far the impact. She groggily stirred beneath her blue and pink maned savoir, seeing a notable stream of red down Bonbon’s face. The earth pony tried to lift them back to their hooves but fell to a knee, a deep gash shining down her leg.

“Bonny!” Lyra reached out to find she didn’t fare much better, as pain sparked through a bicep. Still they supported one another best they could until a terrible sight met their gaze; the pair of Maze based IGs returning and sprinting straight at them. Without enough time to even prepare a defense the pair clutched each other tightly, awaiting the first strike… That never came.

A dark blur shot over them with a deafening mechanical revving meeting the pair’s weapons, forcing them back and liberating one of an arm. The ponies’ stared stunned as the quadruped continued its furious spinning assault, not believing their eyes.

“W-Wolf?” the unicorn muttered, the question answered almost immediately-

As a blaring song swept across the battlefield.

The IG, Royal Guard and town Defenders alike all paused as they registered the sound, the assaulting force halting their advance as their programing prioritized locating the known threat. The eyes of a particular few defenders growing teary as smiles grew wide at the realization.

An expression not shared by the monarch pressing against the barrier.

“No… no no no no No No NO NO NO NO NO-FIND HER!” Celestia screamed at her soldiers, not seeing how it could be possible; not after so long.

A sudden beep flared on her HUD’s motion tracker, immediately behind her. She rounded on the blip just in time to see its source decloak.

’Clever Bitc-’ a massive heat blade crashed across her face, sending her rolling against the barrier.

The princess spun back with her warhammer as the cyborg ducked past her, only for the weapon bounce off the town’s shield her opponent now stood within. The blade swept up to meet her chin, sending her reeling back off balance just enough to be carried back by the suddenly expanding barrier.

Deep trenches streaked the ground for several yards before Celestia stopped its advance again. The princess glared up see her troops had been pushed back some distance from the defenders, as well as her sister glaring right back at her from the town hall. Her furious sight snapped back to meet her adversary’s exposed eye.

‘Wait, why is she still so injured!?’ the monarch’s mind reeled. The mere fact that she survived meant Maze should have recovered far beyond this by now, even with the beating she had given her. Yet here she was still bandaged and bloodied with all the same wounds Celestia inflicted; a covered eye, countless wrappings around her center, a braced knee, and of course her left forearm still severed with the heat blade hefted with one hand across the cyborg’s shoulders ‘This doesn’t make any sense!’

“KILL HER!” she screamed at her troops, three of the IG doppelgangers barred the cyborgs path as she charged the monarch. The first of her new weapons fell instantly as Maze’s thrown heat blade smashed straight through its head. The next two fared a little better at impeding the one armed human, until sudden arcs of flame swept through them from a new red hued blade lit ablaze in the cyborg’s foot. The first lost three limbs before hitting the ground as the other found its head skewered from its jaw to its crown.

The monarch scowled at the human charging her once again. She braced her wing against the barrier still struggling to push her back, waiting as the cyborg snatched the heat blade to redouble her assault. Maze braced within the protection of the barrier already mid-swing when the alicorn’s magic exploded outward, forcing the town’s shield back; just enough to expose her opponent.

'Aw fuck m-’ nearly torn off her feet, the human spun fighting for balance as a fiery Warhammer struck a direct blow across her face. The corrupted ruler grinned only to have her victory cut short as the cyborg's foot planted and spun the strike’s momentum around, launching the hammer from her grip when it struck. A bright flash followed and a gilded great sword crashed against Maze’s own two-hander, the ruler’s massive strength steadily pressing down on her.

“I won’t fail to finish the job this time Maze” she delivered coldly in stark contrast to the ever growing aura burning against the barrier and pressing into the cyborg. Her scowl flared as Maze met her gaze, little more than deep gash to show for her hammers blow. The fact it should have caved half her face in however, quickly stopped being a priority.

“What?! H-How!?” She… She was holding her back! Maze stood nearly crouched from her pressure but… she was weathering the magics and now not only stopping her progress but actually starting to push back.

‘THIS- THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! WHERE IS SHE GETTING THIS POWER?!’ she increased her assault as her mind continued to swim. Her opponent now stood straight as their blades trembled against one another, evenly matched. A growl escaped her while the human gained a small smirk… and a fiery glow to her eyes. Shock seeped through the monarch’s rage, this wasn’t Maze’s power- ‘IT'S MINE!’

The alicorn immediately broke the stalemate, leaping back to see the remains of her left behind flames pour into the cyborg. Her hammer soaring back to her she readied her defense, she didn’t know how Maze augmented her absorption abilities like this but she wasn’t about to feed her anymore.

“Heh” was all the warning the ruler received however, Maze’s stance dropping and her blade vanishing in a flurry of particles. The entirety of the stolen power siphoned to her hand now tucked back… in an open, clawed palm.

“NO!” Celestia dashed forward just as the cyborg’s arm shot out. She could actually follow the ripple running through the ground ahead of the burning wave and for all her invulnerability, even she couldn’t resist the singular focus of so much power now forcing her off her hooves.

She tumbled and clawed against the charred soil after finally landing, unbridled fury painted across golden skin as she glared back toward the town with a mass of solar flame already gathering in her hands; only to see a rapidly approaching mass of IG flying back at her. The clumped machines shattered and melted as they collided with her wrath, just to reveal the wall of magic behind them. Failing to halt the momentum she found herself carried with like the rest until the barrier stopped, throwing all free before shimmering brightly.

NO! NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO!” Celestia screamed, pounding fruitlessly against the distorted reflection now before her. The remaining IG and guard ponies regaining their footing as the towering RAYs righted themselves above. The town defenders' cheered victoriously, loud enough to be heard even over the princess’s Canterlot voice shrieking at the town she could no longer see.

Finally letting her stance drop and slumping tiredly, Maze turned toward the rapid pounding of hooves coming up behind her. She quickly dodged an aquamarine horn threatening her one good eye as its owner slammed into her, squeezing tightly.

“Hey… easy there Ly, I’m fine” Maze returned the embrace, seeing Johnny helping an injured Bonbon hobble up and Wolf uncloak at her side.

“And you had believed they would not be so-”

“WOLF!” the robotic canine was cut off as the unicorn leapt on to him next. An abrupt burst of light flashed before Maze as she had to dodge another horn while her vision was blocked by a blue sea of stars and moons.

“We thought… we thought…” she could hear Trixie weakly sputtering into her chests as a slight wetness began to soak through her shirt. The human awkwardly tried to calm down the mare now somehow squeezing her even tighter than Lyra had. She could hear more of the militia gathering on the other side of the mage’s hat before the light suddenly found her again as the red eyed unicorn was wrenched away, revealing a burgundy haired grey woman.

“Heya Cr-”


The gathered ponies all jumped as Maze stumbled to keep her footing, looking back at the changeling while holding a hand to the new palm shaped mark across her face.

“DON’T YOU EVER DO THAT TO US AGAIN!” The shapeshifter screamed with her fists balled up and trembling, her shoulders shaking and her eyes doing a very poor job of fighting off a stream of tears.

“I’m… sorry?” Maze nearly fell over when the scene finally broke and she had a third rib crushing embrace in so many moments. She had expected a warm welcome but this… she hadn’t expect this! And certainly not from Crystal, hell even Trixie was a bit of a surprise. The embrace didn’t last long with the changeling's embarrassment finally getting the better of her.

“Maze? That really you?” she heard from the group as Rainbow stepped forward with a look of confusion… and a whole new lattice of cybernetics through her wings and chunk missing out of one of her ears. Now that she actually had a moment to take it in, everyone seemed a bit more worse for wear; some new scars on jaded faces and new cybernetics throughout. The town had several extra defense points set up and even refugee housing. A hell of lot more than what you think could happen in just a week!

“What-” Maze barely began before the world began to spin. Falling back into Lyra’s arms she quickly lost consciousness just as the familiar silhouette of an alicorn hesitated in its approach and began running.

“It’s okay! I think she just exhausted her systems with that last trick. She’s fine, she’s-” Lyra blanched as countless spots of red began to grow under the human’s numerous bandages “On no, no she’s not- MEDIC!

Once again Maze found herself slowing rising up through the darkness to the faint sounds of a hospital echoing through the voids. Beeps and hums with the occasional air pump and odd smell finding her senses as she stirred. The light slowly came back to her as a blurry room came into focus.

The first thing she noticed was that she was covered with new bandages and her HUD noting a higher readiness percentage than before; meaning she’d been more appropriately repaired. She also noted something clamped on the stump of her left arm and that both it and her new bandages had a wet sensation that almost felt like it was flowing in place.

“Hey, there she is” she heard a voice next to her, a familiar grey face breaking through the haze “Take it easy, you were surgery for a good few hours.”

“Yeah, here I…” Maze stopped as her sight finally came back and just stared at the woman in the chair next to her bed for a moment “You’re not Crystal.”

The honey haired changeling giggled, flashing an amused smile at her; one that turned a little mischievous a moment later.

“That’s Amber” another familiar voice interrupted from the displaced’s other side. Bonbon sat in a bed with her leg wrapped up and laid across a stack of pillows.

“Thanks for ruining my fun Agent Buzz Kill” the changeling shot playfully at the mare before readdressing the cyborg “No I’m not Cryss, I just look like her.”

“Agent?” Maze stopped “You’ve been outed then?”

“I decided I could be of more help without having to hide it. Not that it hasn’t caused some difficulties of its own though…” the earth pony grumbled “I assume Wolf told you?”

“Nope!” Bonbon’s brow furrowed at the response.

“...Then how-”

“So! Siss-prea number six huh?” Maze smiled as she turned back at her friend’s near duplicate. She remembered Cryss telling them about all her sisters after they met Amethyst and now learned that in Amber’s case, she hadn’t been kidding; she looked the exactly the same as Crystal save for their hair color and the lack of red tint to her skin. Not that such a thing would be terribly difficult for a changeling but was notable for their natural forms all the same.

“By two whole minutes” she returned with glib humor.

“Well with your sister it may as well be fifth” Maze offered as she looked herself over. Her bandages seemed to be lightly soaked in some kind of blue gel that was also sloshing around in the canister clamped on her arm stump “So how’d you get stuck on babysitting duty?”

“The others know the town a lot better than I do so they’re more useful for the cleanup and recovery and such. Plus with the hive mind spell we have going, Cryss already knows you’re up” Amber explained tapping the side of her head “She’s gathering your friends as we speak.”

Maze smiled, which immediately turned to a sharp wince. She brought up her codec screen; while not very useful for its intended purpose with Equestria’s tech as it is, its outgoing image made for a decent mirror. She immediately noticed just how dark half of her face looked.

“Holy crap, I look more fucked up than Jon Bernthal did in Daredevil” she muttered inspecting the mass of blue, black and red covering half her face.

‘I guess my new aura really doesn’t do much here huh? At least my absorption seems to be enhanced… hmmm, I wonder if that’s my semblance… whatever, an upgrade’s an upgrade’ Maze turned to inspect her other, less bandaged side as the thoughts flashed through her mind. Considering she took a warhammer to the face it wasn’t really that bad, though she could just barely make out a slight bruising where Crystal slapped her.

“I really wasn’t expecting that kind of reaction from your sister” Maze admitted. Amber shrugged with a knowing smile.

“Well you are basically her best friend. When you died she took it pretty hard, even if she tried her damnest not to show it. She’s a lot softer than she tries to come off” the younger twin offered, be for a wider smile to grace her “Only further proven by the fact she’s screaming in my head to stop talking. What she doesn’t know is if I was actually trying to embarrass her, I could just tell you about the time when we were twelve and she stole our mom’s-”

“WILLYOUSHUTTHEFUCKUP!?” a familiar voice shouted as a burgundy blur burst into the room and tackled the changeling. A trio of unicorn walked in a moment later as Amber managed to get out from under her sister, laughing all the while.

“Hey all! Just you three?” Maze waved with her stump. Rarity rolled her eyes and answered.

“Yes dear. Private Sasaki is on patrol and Wolf is with the princess, who sends her deepest apologies for not being he-” she found herself cut off as Maze began waving off the last bit.

“No no- no need for that. Needs of the many and all that; I get it. This is hardly the first time I’ve had to talk through one of her students after I got myself hurt…” Maze paused before quickly adding “Not that it isn’t nice to see you that is.”

Rarity rolled her eyes again and chuckled as Lyra broke away from two to deliver a quick peck on Agent Sweetie Drop’s forehead.

“Well you forgive quick, don’cha?” Maze quipped, the new arrivals’ faces falling to concern.

“…You didn’t tell her?” Lyra looked back and forth between the mare and changeling.

“We’d figured it be best coming from one of you” the agent returned. Lyra took a seat next to her partner on the bed with a sigh and looked back up at the human, trying to find the right words. Finally she spoke back up.

“Wolf told us you think only a week has passed since you died-er- disappeared.”

“From the context I’m guessing that's wrong?” the cyborg cocked an eyebrow, her gaze snapping back and forth between her obviously distressed friends. Lyra sighed again.

“Maze it’s been over four months.”

Lyra spoke plainly and directly, there was no mistaking her. Yet even then-

“Four Months?!” Maze repeated.

“The best we can figure from what Wolf told us is that after the two of you fell into your box, you kind of… drifted for a time. He said ‘the duration did not seem long but was distinctly immeasurable’ and that his chronometer stopped functioning until you landed in that other world. So… wherever it was you were, there's a strong chance time did not flow normally there, if at all” Lyra explained, though Crystal spoke up right after.

“That or time moves just that much slower wherever this ‘Wukong’ is” she offered.

“Though considering the crazy emanations and readings we’ve gotten from the surface of your box, we’re more inclined toward the former” the engineer finished. Maze however was still too stunned to respond, her eyes growing distant as they snapped about unseeing across her the bed’s sheets.

‘Four months!? They’ve been here fighting and probably dieing while I was... what?! Goofing around with Sun?! Floating uselessly in some damn box?! Even if it was just a week I shouldn’t have-’

“Maze?” the cyborg jumped when her eyes snapped up and found a pair of stern violet eyes nary a foot from her own, their owners hand on hers as she sat on the bed “Stop it.”


“Stop. It.” Trixie repeated, focused and resolute “You’re back now, so stop it.”

And Maze did, but for an entirely different reason. Her own failures had become immediately secondary as she reached out to cup her friends face, eyes wide and searching.

“Trix what’s-?” she asked under a deeply creased brow. The mare tried to turn away but couldn’t hide it now. Subtle but still quite visible lines of dark grey webbed across her skin, following the veins from the depths of the pony’s collar, up one side of her neck along the jugular to stop only just past the jaw line. She quickly spotted more across one of the unicorn’s hands and up the forearm “…What’s happening to you?”

Maze looked to Lyra and Crystal when Trixie didn’t answer, only to have them avoid her gaze as well. Finally the finely groomed mare that was still standing, the only one who’d meet her eyes, spoke.

“We don’t know darling,” Rarity sighed “Apparently it started even before you disappeared and has been growing gradually worse…”

Maze looked back to the showmare confused, until she saw the tired shame on her face as she stared sadly at the floor holding her arms close. Maze put her head in her remaining hand and sighed before dragging it down across it.

“You could have told us Trix, we wouldn’t have thought any less-”

“That wasn’t it.” The interruption hung in the air a moment “I… I already slowed you all down once with my defects, I wasn’t about to do it again. I’m not completely disabled by this… It’s just pain so far, and I can deal with it.”

‘God damnit Trixie…’ Maze sighed again and turned to the engineer “Do we have ANY idea what this is?”

“We know it’s not a disease, not in the traditional sense at least. It didn’t start until after we gave her the custom nano-machines but from what we can tell there’s nothing wrong with them. If anything they’re exceeding expectations! So much that we actually can’t monitor everything they’re doing, so we still tried filter them out but… well…” Lyra faltered and Crystal finished for her.

“Let’s say it wasn’t a pleasant experience” Trixie visibly clenched at the thought, her eyes shut tight in a pained wince. “Other than that all her prosthetics are working great and she’s in perfect health… on paper. The best we can tell it’s like something’s trying to change her from the inside out… and it’s almost certainly our fault.”

“Trixie already said stop it!” the mare proclaimed sternly, eyes closed and chin high “She would not be alive today were it not for these upgrades. We don’t truly know what’s happening so it is no use paying it so much mind. We will simply have to deal with whatever comes as always. And as we now have a source returned to us, Trixie has no doubt our efforts with prove more fruitful.”

“Is she always… so…?” Amber whispered to her sister.

“Yes” Crystal answered plainly “but it does have a way of refocusing things.”

“Speaking of though” Lyra spoke up “I’m sure with your knowledge and abilities, not to mention your back up data base, we have a good chance of finally turning things around! Hell if we can get you close enough we may even be able to un-suppress the princess like you did Cry-”

“It won’t work” Maze stated bluntly.

“Well it may not be easy Maze, but we shouldn’t just dismiss-” Rarity began to just get cut off as well.

“It won’t work because I already did it” Maze reiterated, the group looking at her stunned “and sorry I keep interrupting you.”

“Wait, so you mean the Princess has just lost her mind?!” the earth pony agent exclaimed “I can’t believe that!”

“Oh no, her nano-machines are screwing her up alright; But there’s something… else keeping the reboot from going through. Something dark but very much sapient” Maze clarified, the blonde changeling the first to ask,

“So she’s suppressed AND possessed?” Amber received a shrug and a nod from the human.

“Well fuck…” her twin muttered.

“Yeah, that was pretty much my reaction” the cyborg agreed.

“STILL!” Lyra nearly shouted, her cheer stubbornly resisting the barrage of bad news “We have you back! You can already see the boost in morale, even after such an attack!”

“Morale? Ponies are actually glad I'm here? They aren’t up in arms about the Bloodletter being alive?” Maze asked skeptically. Crystal gave an amused scoff from her other side.

“Not only has Luna quashed pretty much any Bloodletter talk but you’ve been talked up to almost being considered a martyr. Yeah that was my reaction-” the changeling smiled at Maze’s perplexed face “but you did kind of die making sure we had that warning you left us in your sword’s hilt.”

“Yeah, except I didn’t” the displaced admitted “It was almost a complete afterthought. I was mostly focused on trying to not die.”

“Shut up, that’s not what matters. I’m not saying there aren’t the wary whispers, but there’s no denying you’ll be a shit ton of help and have just secured us a much needed win…” Crystal paused with a small sigh “And it’s been a while since we had one that’s felt like it’s been worth a damn...”

“Besides,” Trixie spoke, still in her boasting tone “Who better to fight Celestia than one of the very few who’s already beaten her before?!”

“Just a big god-damn hero aren’t I?” Maze muttered as her friends smiled at her, appearing a lot more confident than she certainly felt. She glanced down at the reminder of just how outclassed she was now. She couldn’t even hurt Celestia. She wasn’t sure if she even could be hurt anymore.

“I should have you a prosthetic ready in a few days. And while I’m not deriding how they saved your life over there; now that you’ve had surgery with the proper components and our fancy new nano-gel your recovery should be a lot faster” Lyra misinterpreted, she opened her mouth to continue when they all suddenly paused with a few heads tilting to listen “Eh, sorry Mazey. We have to get back out there.”

Lyra gave one last squeeze of Bonbon’s hand and rose to leave with Trixie and the twin siss-prea.

“We’ll catch up with you after movie night!” Crystal called back from the hall. Maze arched an eyebrow at the remaining unicorn.

“Movie night?”

“Don’t worry darling, Agent Drops and I will do our best to get you caught up.”

Maze leaned against the railing of Rarity’s balcony, playing with her food as she watched the crowd in front of the town hall down the road. The designer had left her to her own devices to help Bonbon home after she was discharged, and the cyborg’s friends had yet to meet back up with her; of course it didn’t help that she wasn’t supposed to leave the hospital. But hey, she was bored. A small holographic screen shone next to her in sync with what was playing on the hall’s large screen, but she was more interested in watching their reactions than seeing Toy Story again for the however many-th time.

Apparently Lyra managed to salvage her media backups from the Muramasa’s hilt and thought it could help keep up morale if they could keep the ponies entertained. Turns out humans made better movies and TV shows than ponies… or at least made a hell of a lot more of them.

‘Probably because we were a lot more advanced media wise’ Maze mused. Equestria had gotten pretty far in cybernetics and other such things, somewhere between the tech levels of MGS2 and 4 if she had to guess; but they only had a relatively small, though still steadily growing, entertainment industry. On top of that the closest thing they had to the internet, well… sucked, at least compared to what Maze left behind on Earth. The cyborg kept watching the reactions until she felt a familiar presence behind her.

“Hey Lulu, finally found a moment for me huh?” Maze delivered playfully without turning back. Her brow creased when she didn’t get a response, but before she could turn around she felt an arm slip around her waist and then another across her collar. A pair of dark purple wings followed and encased her as she was gently pulled from the railing.

No words were said as Maze felt the taller pony's head drape on her shoulder with a cheek against her own. She just placed her arm across the one on her stomach and leaned back into the embrace to simply enjoy it; Alicorns are the Best huggers. They stayed like that for at least a couple minutes until a heavy sigh escaped the night princess and she finally pulled away to take up the space next to the human. Luna looked toward the crowd with a small smile, one of the only truly content ones she had in months.

’It really is amazing what just a simple hug can do.’

“So…” the leader began quietly “You were suppressed by a fail-safe…”

“It’s not an excuse.” Maze let out a sigh of her own; she should have figured this would be the first topic.

“Isn’t it?” Luna countered.

“No, it really isn’t.” Maze bent over, arm braced on the railing “Look at you sister; she’s possessed on top of whatever her nanos are doing to her head and she’s so far only become a benevolent tyrant. Even if in a ruthless and absolutely terrible way, she’s still trying to help her ponies. Whereas I just became a sadistic psychopath taking pleasure in letting my victims bleed out; Not a very encouraging true self. Personally I’m surprised you bothered with the temple at all and didn’t just kill me… I would have.”

“Have you ever considered that makes you all the more impressive? Maintaining your actual true self, as you are now, with such a darkness broiling beneath?” Maze simply rolled her eyes at the fantasy babble, but Luna continued undeterred “A poor excuse is still an excuse… and yours still certainly better than mine.”

The humans eyes flew wide before rolling again, only this time in a mild shame “God damnit…”

“Well now don’t I feel like an ass” Maze straightened. Luna gave a small chuckle as her wing dragged the embarrassed cyborg closer.

“Forgot about that did you?” the monarch shot with a sly look “I remember a saying from one of the stories you shared with us oh so long ago: ‘Redeption is a path, not a destination. A road much longer for some, and one with no end for others.’ We both have blood on our hands, but at least we no longer have to walk that road alone.”

“To be fair I wasn’t around for either time you went all nightmare on the land, and the details of what happened are sketchy at best” Maze returned “I don’t even know what you looked like for sure.”

A quick snap of black flame washed over the younger monarch as the wing retracted. Standing next to the brunette was now the darker half of her oldest friend. Subtly glowing cat-like eyes stared smugly back at her from above the dark and ornate armor adorning her notably more imposing form as her mane grew evermore ethereal. The were also… other notable increases and a far less modest air to her, and not just because the accentuation of her figure.

“…sexy” Maze offered, more observationally but still a compliment. Luna gave a halfhearted smile as she examined her hands and form.

Egotistical. ‘Twas nearly a year after my transformation before my sister bested me with the elements, and just short of a week after my return before young Twilight and her friends accomplished the same. Though I admit my wrath was not as overtly violent as yours, there is no doubt a comparable amount of blood that stains these hands” Luna delivered calmly, the small note of regret carried by the words tempered by acceptance “We both served our time Maisie, and while that doesn’t undo what we’ve done it does allow us a chance to try to make some of it right and do good once again…”

Maze stood listening to Luna’s attempts to console her. It was sort of working, though Maze still couldn’t accept it was just that simple. Plus she was distracted by the form the princess still held, one aspect in particular…

“You really are jealous of your sister’s height aren’t you?”

A dark wing smacked her in the back of the head as soon as the words left her mouth, a far more familiar face giving her a scathing look as the dark flames returned their caster to her natural appearance. Maze just chuckled as she smiled back unashamed, it now being Luna’s turn to roll her eyes.

“Moving on, and speaking of imprisonment” Luna relented in favor of curiosity “You friends confirmed you were aware while within yours. How are you even still alive?”

“Well to be honest, I’m not sure for just how long I was aware for. Star Swirl’s spell wore down, but not all at once and I have no idea when or if it was ever completely inactive. For all I know it was actually only a couple hundred years instead of the full twelve. I just know it was probably at least that since that’s what my chronometer said when it shorted out. There were also periods of inconstant time; like I’d drop something and it’d take an hour to hit the ground, stuff like that.” Maze elaborated “So that may be an explanation of why I’m not a pile of dust; my perception was faster than my actual decay. Or maybe it was just magic, I don’t fucking know.”

“And how are you not lacking far more of your sanity? And for that matter how did you overcome the fail-safe?”

“The nano machines help, a lot. You ever turn those off then I’m sure you’d see me a lot closer to what you’d expect. But no, for a while I kept myself entertained with my media and ran through my VR training routines about a billion times. Then after my systems degraded past a certain point they put me into a kind of low power mode; basically a shitty form of stasis wrapped in a sudo-coma. As for the Bloodletter, without any thing to act on she eventually just kind of faded into the back of my mind, periodically creeping up to scream at me.”

Luna pondered the implications, realizing that had her sister only perused her current technological avenues more ethically this could have been turning point in their culture. ‘But no doubt Tia’s actions may forestall progress like the aftermath of the synthetic wars all over again…’

The princess snapped out of her revere by the sudden motion beside her, the cyborg giving an exaggerated wave to the pair of mares next to a guard pony down the road. The aquamarine unicorn gesturing they’d meet up later as she supported her partner on their way to the hall.

“It is good to see you with such close friends. You were not the most social when we last knew you” Luna said with a warm smile.

“How have they been holding up?” Maze asked genuinely, still watching the group heading towards the hall.

“Aside from this being the happiest I’ve seen them since the banquet? Well… apart from her condition and her constant head-butting with Miss Sparkle, Miss Lulamoon seems to be remaining steadfast. She’s also seemed to have found common ground with Miss Fluttershy where it comes to disappointing siblings. Young Lyra’s and Agent Drop’s relationship is gradually mending; they have a ways to go but they are thankfully past the silent and screaming stages. Mr. Sasaki is as persistent as ever. And I believe the young Siss-prea and I have begun a rather rewarding friendship, not terribly dissimilar to how the one between you and I began. I suspect her status helps bridge a gap more typical between the kingdom’s citizenry and myself. She’s also struck up quite the report with Miss Pie of all ponies…”

“I can see that…” Maze spouted “Pinkie doesn’t seem the type care that she’s a changeling, a princess or even a bitch; which is a really easy way to earn points with her. Plus that bottomless positivity of hers must be like a buffet to her and her sister.”

“Yes, I had considered that...” Luna agreed “It is also quite humorous that while you and Star Swirl were so adversarial, you’ve now become so close to one of his decedents.”

“Wait, what? Who!? Oh don’t tell me it’s Trixie, that’d be way too predictable.”

“Miss Heartstrings.”

“Lyra?! Seriously?! You’re sure?”

“There are a great number of prodigies in his line, both magical and otherwise and she is certainly keeping the tradition alive” Luna grinned at Maze “And I am certain Miss Lulamoon is not. No, she is one of mine.”

Maze stared dumbfounded at the alicorn.

“You and Trix are related?”

“Descended from my dear little Star Chaser in fact, whom you should remember” Luna clarified before noticing the human’s face and laughing “You act as this is some extraordinary thing! I assure you Maze there are more than plenty of ponies that share a connection to my sister and I. Why off the top of my head here in Ponyville alone there is Fluttershy, Mayor Mare, and even that adorable little hayseed Miss Hooves. Twilight Sparkle is herself descended from both myself and Celestia.”

“... Heh, nepotism at its finest I guess” Maze quipped after a moment “And ponies joke that the Apples are inbred-”

The wing found the back of her head again, Luna giving her a flat look that snapped up into a huff.

“I assure you that by the time any of our lines had crossed, whatever slivers of our genes that remained were far too derivative to have any negative impact. Apple family or otherwise” Luna delivered with royal dignity. Maze just shot her a bright smile, earning another huff. The human simply went back to watching the crowds, ignoring the pouting princess.

“Ugh, you never did give in…” Luna finally relented after the silence lasted a few moments too long “Did I see that you have already replaced your damaged blades? I still have the remains of your Murasama if you wish to attempt a restoration. Wolf also mentioned your other blade could use some work.”

“Oh yeah,” Maze summoned both her new and old katana, handing the first to Luna as she looked over the chipped, dented and bent blade herself “and you know as well as I do you can’t just reforge a brake like that and expect it to hold up like it used to. You’d basically have make a whole new sword.”

“I suppose there is some truth in that…” Luna trailed off as she inspected the cyborg’s new red hued blade. It was well made, not exactly a masterpiece but still a fine example of smiting “A respectable piece, though 'tis not as strong as your previous blades…” She muttered before a thought came to her “Come!”

The heavily damaged blade was wrenched from the human’s grip by a purple glow as the princess moved away from the railing. Maze turned to see the two halves of her Murasama and the new blade floating with it as a glowing, rune filled circle formed beneath. The remains of the two older blades began slowly rotating around the new red tinted sword as Luna looked at her expectantly.

“Come and…?” Maze asked still leaning on the railing, Luna returning a flat look.

“Just take your place,” she answered as Maze relented and moved opposite the floating weapons from the monarch “now close your eyes.”

“Oh, are we blessing my blades? So my new sword may inherit their righteous spirits and-” Maze began in a playful tone.

“Shut up and close your eyes Maisie” Luna cut her off. Maze just giggled and she closed her eyes “Good, now envision yourself wielding your blades. Know the weight, the feel and the balance; the strengths and weaknesses of each. Think of your pivotal battles, your victories… and your losses. Of those whom you’ve ended, and of those spared.”

Luna watched as the blades danced around one another, their paths no longer led by her efforts. Each trading places as she guided Maze through the memories, the one that kept taking prominence of little surprise to the monarch. Though a saddening sight she found in the expressions across her friends face as she reflected on the weapons, changing in subtle waves but always receding back to same: Regret. An expression she’d come to know all too well since her own return.

“Now reach out, trust your hand to guide you, and take your blade” Maze, with her eyes still closed, snatched a blade with a flourish as the gathered magic flashed and dissipated. The cyborg tentatively cracked open an eye to see the other two gone... and Luna giggling at her.

“My my, how Dramatic!” the alicorn laughed. The human shot back a blushing scowl before she looked down to the sword and saw… her old silver blade.

“Wait, we were fixing this one? but I thought…” she asked, the monarch replying with still a good deal of mirth.

“We always knew you cared more for that ‘boring utilitarian sword’ than you cared to admit” Luna grinned at her before nodding her head to the weapon “Look closer.”

Maze inspected it more closely, now noting it wasn’t exactly the same. The tsuba was reinforced to work with her gun-sheath and beneath the binding the hilt seemed to be a mix of the two now absent blades; the bio-lock and storage of the Murasama and the flame triggering mechanism of the sword she received from Raven. True it was now flawless and perhaps a bit more shiny but the rest appeared little different than the unnamed grey blade that had always been at her side. It even had the Taser weave along the back.

“So… it absorbed them?”

“In a manner of speaking. The ritual combines the weapons into the one that most reflects the wielder. While I had prepared it to have the new katana as the core it seems you’re more bound to that particular sword than you believed. Not terribly surprising actually, though it did shine red momentarily during your little flourish,” Luna explained “Did you not once tell us that it was the only of your weapons not a copy of somepony else’s?”

“I guess I did…” Maze muttered, wondering if this all had some deeper meaning until “WAIT! Is this the big secret behind the ‘Legendary Royal Weapons’?! You just combine a bunch until you’ve got something good enough?”

Shhhhh” Luna shushed playfully with a finger to her lips until the pair burst out laughing, only relenting as they began to draw looks from passersby. Another quiet, content moment passed until Luna spoke again "I doubt I could express how glad I am to know you are with us again, and not just for the support you can offer to the effort. There has been an undeniable sense of absence among your friends… and myself. I had not thought of you for so long, but as soon as we lost you again after that diner… It is heartening to have you back.”

“I just wish I had made it back sooner, even the week from my perspective-”

“You were dying Maze, not to mention learning some of the depths to this new ‘displaced’ development. Nary a soul here faults you for time that could not help but be missed, let alone a single week for recovery” Luna cut her off again. The Cyborg just shrugged, begrudgingly agreeing and quietly muttering her response.

“Well, unless Pinkie finds out I missed my birthday-”


The pair’s eyes shot wide as the shriek shot all the way from the hall far down the road, and a growing dust trail veered straight towards them a moment later.

“Sorry” Maze offer bluntly “I should have known better.”

“Well, I suppose another party couldn’t hurt morale…”

-The next morning-

Maze sat in the back of the town hall’s main room, once again using her codec screen as a mirror as the resistance leaders discussed strategy. She was currently using her octo-camo to see how she’d look with different colored hair, she was in need of a cut and wondered if a change was in order. A bright blonde covered her head as she looked to the changeling next to her, her own honey colored coiffeur bouncing as she returned a small shrug.

“Don’t you have any input on this?” the siss-prea asked, her twin speaking up next to her as Maze shook her hair back to its natural brunette.

“Maze isn’t really a long term strategy kind of gal” Crystal stated plainly.

“I more the type you point at a problem and say ‘do the thing’ to” the human admitted “I try to focus on tactics and take things as they come; the big picture stuff is best left to people that are good at it.”

“Oh I don’t know. Your plan to get us into Canterlot was pretty decent. Along with some of your other clever inspirations here and there, I think you do alright” Crystal offered.

“Yeah but that’s usually about as far as I get. I didn’t say I was necessarily BAD at it but I’m better at the ideas themselves than the long term specifics of ‘em” Maze offered before the princess spoke up.

“Did you three have something to add” Luna asked sternly, not accusatory but with her intention clear.

“No, sorry Lulu. Please continue” the human answered, the dream guardian returning to Twilight’s proposal.

“Well as I was saying, the prospects of the reconfiguration project may now warrant further-” Maze’s mind wandered off again as she scanned the hall and it inhabitants. First she caught Pinkie waving at her energetically. Maze just smiled back; she had managed to convince the pony to put off her party until she at least had her arm back, for whatever that was worth. Her gaze wandered over the rest of the elements and her friends but “-Do you think we may be able to pull that off Maisie?”

“Hmm?!” her head snapped back to Twilight.

“I said do you think your data could let us devise a parallel program to Celestia’s to offer the upgrade without the control?”

“Uh… yeah probably, I don’t know if it could resist another replacement upgrade once they figure out the ruse but it’s worth a shot” Twilight beamed at the response ‘looks like I guessed right. Good job following the context Maisie! Thanks Maisie.’

“I assume you’ve already deduced the most opportune time-” Luna began as Maze’s attention wandered again. Her gaze came to rest on a Q and A board behind her. It appeared to have been re-purposed as a community requests board; comments on ration allotment, housing concerns, refuge management and other smaller requests and questions were pinned to it surface. It was currently so over burdened with notes only the ‘Q’ was visible beneath.

“-At the very least it’ll cause a little confusion in the ranks and buy us more time” Crystal added to the plan Maze that really should have been paying attention to.


“True but it still leaves the matter of what to do until then; my sister is becoming increasingly more ruthless and efficient in dragging the masses into this madness she calls harmony” Luna added.


“We um… we could try to find more allies again…” Fluttershy ‘spoke up’ “The Diamond Dogs have been very helpful… at least, I think they have been…”

’Fluttershy- Holy shit it is about that time isn’t it?!’ Maze’s gazed snapped back to the ‘Q’ board and let out a wicked laugh. Her friends immediately stiffened at the chortles.

“Uh oh, I know that laugh” Lyra lamented.

“I told you I was better at ideas” She shot at the changelings quickly before standing to address the group “Fluttershy’s absolutely right, what we need are allies! Or to be more accurate; ally.”

The group seemed wary but interested as Fluttershy blushed heavily and tried to hide from the confused glances her idea earned her.

“With Celly so completely focused on harmony and control, then our response should be obvious shouldn't it?!” Maze built up as the ponies grew more interested “What we need…”

’Pause for effect…’

“Is a little Chaos.”

Chapter 18: But… That’s the wrong game

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HEY! Holy Crap we're back?! AGAIN!? Yep! And THIS time I plan on staying (and like, for realsies this time. It was my resolution and everything). Also for those of you who missed it, Maze actually had herself another jaunt through the voids and was summoned to I Am Not a Charlatan! I Am Mysterio, Master of the Arcane Arts!, Issue 11 to be exact. It actually came out pretty dang good and it's just a fun story to boot so check it out! or don't, whatever.

Also yes, I know this chapter is kind of silly. I don't care. Anyway, enjoy!

Maze absently traced the scar on her chest as she watched the landscape pass by, the fingers of her new arm gliding smoothly over the rough flesh. Despite its rather obviously synthetic appearance, Lyra did a good job making it feel and move naturally. She hadn’t been able to recreate the complexity of her natural body what with it already being an unprecedented blending of organic and cybernetics, but had still managed for the most part to come up with a substitute capable of ‘keeping up with the rest of her’ and not stand out too much.

The others chatted over the low rumble of the transport as they had reached the edge of the Rock farm and the human was once again reminded how much more… she guessed one could say ‘sensibly complete’ this Equestria was compared to the show’s. Kind of how Canterlot actually sat in an actual mountain Range opposed to what seemed like a single peak, the ‘Rock farm’ was really more of a quarry near a number mines dug into a sharp incline on the opposite end of the expanse.

“So Mazey!” Pinkie pulled the cyborg from her thoughts “You haven’t told me what kind of cake you want!”

“I prefer the lighter cakes, like vanilla or white” the cyborg answered a little tiredly “But like I keep saying, a party’s really not necessar-”

“OF COURSE IT IS!” the party mare interrupted “You haven’t had a birthday in so long, I actually have to use numbered candles so they can all fit!”

“Maze doesn’t count her time locked away Ponk, remember?” Crystal answered from next to her, sparing Maze from once again repeating herself.

“So how old are you then anyway?” Dash asked as the truck started rumbling as the road proper ended and became a far more gravelly path.

“Thirty-Seven” Maisie answered plainly.

“No seriously” Rainbow laughed, until she she saw that the human’s expression didn’t waver “Seriously?”

“I was twenty eight when I first got here, it was another eight after that until I was sealed away and it’s been about a year since my release so yeah… although I don’t look it, I’m thirty seven” she finished with a sigh, mentally adding ‘fuck, am I really almost forty? When the hell did that happen?’

“...Wow” Dash muttered “Yeah, I don’t know much how humans age but I hadn’t figured you were that much older than us.”

“Jeez Dash, it’s not 'that' much” Maze chuckled “I mean Cryss here’s thirty two.”

“Thanks Maze…” the changeling offered dryly, earning some giggles from the girls. The conversation was cut short however when one of their threstral escorts called from the front.

“Coming up to the extraction point.”

Pinkie understandably grew even more excited, bouncing in her seat until they finally stopped and she bolted out the back. The rest could hear her already fawning over one of her sisters as they started to climb out themselves.

“Yeah, hey there Pinkie” Limestone delivered gruffly to the mare nearly crushing her, though not completely without warmth. Maze could see they placed several large boulders all along the extraction rune circles, creating a good layer of cover. Hopefully they wouldn’t need it.

“Marble!” the pink Pie latched herself onto her twin next, rambling off more information and questions than any of them could hope to keep up with.

“Mmhmm” the slightly younger sister simply hummed in response while Limestone rounded on the group.

One changeling? Oh sure, we’re only recovering the sealed remains of a freaking demigod! That’s not important at all, right?!” she sneered, words positively dripping with sarcasm “The night princess really didn’t see fit to send any more mage support than this?”

“She wanted to keep our magic profile as low as possible,” the human countered “We’re already going to be setting off a pulse strong enough they’ll be able to pick it up in Griffonstone when we drop the matrix, so the longer ‘till they detect us and figure out what we’re doing, the better. That’s why they’re having the distraction mission up in Manehatten right now, to cover for us. Hell, if we’re lucky enough we’ll be gone before they can even form a response.”

“Yeah, leaving our home to be razed by an enraged alicorn… lucky fucking us” the gruff mare muttered nastily. Maze didn’t have a response, she knew they were asking a lot of the Pies. They may had of already agreed to hide away the statue in the first place but this certainly not what any of them expected at the time. Though at least Maze heard the small consolation Limestone sigh under her breath “At least we managed to hide away Holder’s boulder with the rest of our stuff…”

“Where’s the rest of Your support?” the siss-prea asked, trying to keep her tone neutral as she attempted to steer them back on track. The aggressive Pie threw a thumb over her shoulder toward what looked like a hastily made mine entrance not too far, but a notable distance from the circle nevertheless.

“Waiting for the go ahead. Mom and Pop know the quickest ways through the mines and Maud can move the statue faster than any of us,” she explained while slinging the light machine gun from her back and finishing “So it’s just Marble and me stuck with you until they’re topside, lucky us huh?”

“They coming up through that one?” Maze asked, nodding toward the closest shaft dug into what could be called either a large hill or small mountain in the direction Limestone had pointed in and not a little concerned by the distance and lack of cover.

“Nah that’s something Maud was working on, they’re coming up from right there” the miner pointed at a camouflaged hole only visible now that it was pointed out. It wasn’t right next to the extraction circle but it was much better than the one she thought “That’s as close as we could get it without compromising this teleporting nonsense you had us carve out here.”

Maze nodded and took in the situation one last time before they started things up. Both Marble and Limestone were donned in fairly standard tactical gear, the former also holding a rifle almost as long as she was tall. Dash hovered above, squinting towards the Canterlot range as the thestral pair appraised their cover, grumbling that it would only help so much against an air assault. Other than the circle and the other open shaft it was a mostly flat expanse with the occasional boulder; good for them, bad for any attackers. All things considered, it really wan't a bad set up so long as they didn't have to abandon the circle.

“No…” Dash suddenly grew rigid for a moment before her wings caught her again. She immediately drew her blades as she called down “We need to get started! We’ve got company inbound!”

As they all ran for the boulders as Limestone started yelling into a handset, the group’s flyers hovering above and bracing for the assault. Maze followed the pegasus’s gaze, her zoom having to catch what the pegasus had already seen. She really didn’t want to believe it but felt her heart drop a bit when her HUD confirmed it: a mass of flying infantry moving in at speed.

“Cyrss! Get airborne! They’re gonna need you more than us!” Maze called out to the next boulder. The siss-prea shot her a less than happy look but didn’t argue as she took to the air. She’d lose a number of her advantages off the ground but could still do a lot more up there than the rest of them could. She stayed lower than the others who had risen to divide the assault’s focus, her tentacles summoned to help cover any gaps between the two defending groups.

Four signatures suddenly broke off from the approaching group, closing at an incredible speed. Rainbow barely raised her defense when a streak of flame slammed into her and tried to carry her from the group. The flames dispersed to reveal a fiery maned mare with a yellow coat struggling with Dash as several more distinct trails struck at the flying half of the group.

“The Wonderbolts… perfect” Maze muttered dejectedly. To make matters worse she could now see the troops that hung back dropping large pods at the edge of the property. As the first struck it blossomed into a fount of arcane magic and began releasing ground troops and I.G. at regular intervals. Even a pair of RAYs stepped forth when several pods burnt themselves out to form portals large enough.

“You gotta be fucking kidding me…” Limestone cursed as she took in the overwhelming force before a magical pulse shook the circle beneath them,. Thankfully it seemed this was finally something in their favor as the runes illuminated their only chance of escape “Alright! The seal’s broken! We just gotta hold out ‘till they get that rock topside and your mages can port us out of here!”

‘Okay, so maybe this isn’t That bad-’ Maze’s thought was cut off as her HUD suddenly blinked a warning

A warning of a massive heat source coming in fast, straight from Canterlot.

“So that ‘hell’ thing Maze uses as a curse is like Tartarus then?” Twilight asked her former classmate.

“From what I’ve gathered yeah, sort of” Lyra answered as she prepared the radio. They were to maintain radio silence with the statue team until the seal was broken and wait for instruction for the teleportation team to cast the extraction spell. “It’s an afterlife for bad humans that some of them believe in.”

“Hmmmm” the lavender unicorn hummed thoughtfully. Lyra smiled at the fact that after so long and all she’d been through, Twilight hadn’t lost any of the curiosity she had back in school. While Lyra was admittedly enthralled by the technology from Maze’s world, even the simple things like grammar and idioms managed to fascinate the bookworm.

“We should keep our attention on the circle, Sparkle!” Trixie scolded from her point along the runes outside the town hall, the other casters near her simply ignoring her tone. They’d long grown used to the show magician’s attitude toward the princess’s pupil.

“It was just a question Trixie. Beside we have plenty of time-” the target zone abruptly flared to life in front of them, cutting her off. “Oh no, they’re way ahead of schedule. Princess Luna! Something’s wrong!”

As Twilight called back to the hall, Lyra immediately hit the radio… and received nothing but dead air. Luna burst for the hall doors and quickly made her way to her position forming a triangle between her, Twilight and Trixie, forming the foundation of the spell.

“We’re being jammed” the unicorn informed from behind her, eliciting a sigh from the lunar alicorn.

“Alright everypony” she quickly addressed the mages and gathering recovery team with calm authority “Evidently our schedule has been accelerated, but our response is the same; once they activate the signal rune we need to be prepared for immediate extraction. Understood?!”

A chorus of affirmatives met her as they all began feeding the spell.

‘Now we just have to trust they can hold out long enough to use it’ Luna left unspoken.

“Marble!” the shy mare jumped as she was lining up a shot, returning a worried look to the cyborg “Load your hardest hitting rounds and concentrate all your fire on the Princess! Focus on her wings and hooves! We can’t let her close!”

“Hmmm?!” the Pie hummed worryingly, gesturing all around her with her expression and eyes.

“We’ll take care of the infantry Marble!” Limestone called from her other side between the booms of Pinkie’s bazooka “but she's right! Our chances will plummet if the princess reaches us and you're the only one of us geared for range!”

“Don’t worry Marb! You can do this!” Pinkie cheered and launched another volley of airbursts, relieving some of the pressure on their own aerial support. Mable nodded to her sisters, gaining a more determined look as she caught the alicorn in her sights.

Celestia grinned as she dove down between the RAYs, the dust they kicked up swirling around her as she glided over her troops towards the rock formation. She had prepared the response team and nearly sent them toward the disturbance in Manehatten when she received word of the transport headed toward the Pie's rock farm and immediately redirected them. She had no idea what the resistance hoped to accomplish with Discord other than some desperate threat of mutually assured destruction, but she knew she couldn’t allow it. And now with Maze here, she could eliminate the two threats at once.

A glint at her destination caught her eye followed by a small flash. The next thing she knew she was tumbling across the ground covered in her golden sheen, her wing stopping dead in mid-flight as if it crashed into a solid wall. A fenrir unit moved to cover her as she pushed herself up, only to virtually shatter as her hand was swept out beneath her. She sprang back up with a barrier surrounding her… for her hoof to be be swept out from under her all the same. This was going to be annoying.

“Where the hell did you get Dark Stone?!” Crystal shouted from above. Dark Stone was an incredibly rare mineral basically giving an incredible advantage against any magic user. To be able to mine it alone was one thing but to shape it into bullets without completely losing its potency was beyond her.

“It’s a Rock Farm.” Limestone pointed out with an irritated sneer before she turned back to continue covering her sister’s front, leaving any flanking troops to Maze and Pinkie. They all had to duck back however as twin beams from the RAYs swept over their position.

The fliers above avoided the brunt of the assault, some waves of heat the lone threat from the RAYs unless they decided to start risking their own forces. Rainbow swept back into the formation with Spitfire hot on her tail, the other Wonderbolts occupied with the thestrals and Crystal’s weaving tentacles. Dash noticed the rest of the enemy pegasi seemed to be keeping their distance and only taking pot shots when they had a clear line of fire.

‘She’s still trying to capture us’ Dash thought bitterly, the notion of forced betrayal of her friends making her blood boil. Spitfire returned to press the attack against the colorful mare, sparks flying as each of the pairs own armor breakers crashed against each other. Rainbow held a speed advantage over the Wonderbolt, but the captain’s superior training and experience was more than enough to strain her defenses. It wouldn't be long until Dash wouldn’t be able to outpace her ’I can’t win this with speed alone…”

A curse sounded from behind and below her that signaled Crystal wasn’t having any better luck. Pushing off the Wonderbolt, Dash flourished her next strike with a quick spin to catch a glimpse of the others. The Thestals were busy with what looked like Soren supported by the standard aerial troops. While their superior augments and forms offered them an advantage, the Wonderbolt was still one of Equestria’s elite. Crystal meanwhile was struggling against the remaining two, her weaving appendages wrapped in her magic’s red aura the few things keeping her from being overwhelmed. The familiar sight however sparked an idea under the pegasus’ rainbow locks.

“What’s a matter Spitfire? Your the Wonderbolt captain! Can’t you hit me directly?!” Dash called out loudly, a small scowl reaching the military pegasus “What are you? SLOW?!

Spitfire redoubled her assault but when their blades stressed against one another Rainbow coiled her knees up and kicked her hooves out against her opponent, creating not only a second of breathing room but propelling Dash downward. With but a spread of her wing Spitfire halted mid air and the following beat snapped her right back at the element of loyalty, a small trail of flame in her wake as she spun into her next attack.

Which stopped dead against a pair of metal tendrils suddenly bursting from an inky, black cloud that enveloped her target. A gasp was all she managed when a third burst out and latched onto her face. She felt her neck strain as her attacker pivoted in the air before hurling her to down to the dirt below with a quick roll. The Wonderbolt captain growled as she pushed herself up, standing to see Crystal join Dash in her defense against her subordinates. She scowled deeped and braced into a squat with her winged spread.

“It’ll take more than that to ge-GEH!” Spitfire jerked back up as the tasered backside of a blade slammed into her, convulsing until the blade withdrew. Maze was already turning back to her own fight when the elite pegasus fell back to the ground with a groan.

They were holding well enough though she knew it wouldn’t last much longer. The RAYs were still intentionally holding distance, choosing to continue swiping their position with fire over risking themselves against the well known threat Maze posed up close. For as hasty as this counter attack seemed, there was some competence in their deployment yet. Though it seemed like they hadn’t accounted for the possibility that Celestia could actually be stalled, but Maze knew Marble’s dark stone rounds couldn’t be endless. She was frankly amazed she had this much at all.

A deep rumble began beneath their feet, giving the cyborg a brief hope the others would be joining them soon until her heart fell with the sound that rolled over them.

“ENOUGH!” Celestia’s Canterlot voice roared across the field, a sphere of pure solar flame surrounding her as she stood. The following round from Marble merely vaporized in the fire’s corona, even the dark stone proving to be nothing against that kind of power. The defenders blanched as Celestia then crossed her arms and wings in front of her and the ball of flame condensed.

With a furious scream she snapped the appendages wide, causing the miniature sun to explode into countless flares. Massive ribbons of flames cut great gouges in the landscape as they raced toward the rings of stone, burning though some of the guard’s own forces that were unfortunate enough to stand between her and her pray.

The first ribbon crashed against the defenses and a sharp scream rung out as the flare blinded them in its passing. After the second burned over them the human heard something fall near her with a grunt. As the final flare passed and and her vision returned she could see Crystal taking a knee within the circle while clutching her arm. A trail of blood streamed down from a smoking cut in her shoulder as a severely burnt wing hung open and limp on her back, now missing the pair of metal appendages on the same side.

“Ah shit…” the Changeling muttered as her gaze focused on something behind the cyborg.

“MARBLE!” Maze turned to see Limestone scramble over to her prone sister, a deep gash smoldering across the youngest Pie's chest. The mare's rifle and the very cover she had hid behind cut clean through by the devastating assault. The elder sister ripped the pack from her back and began frantically digging out her medical supplies as she screamed to the last sibling, tears starting to well in her eyes “PINKIE! COVER!”

As the party mare moved to stand over the pair another tremor shook the farm. The gruff mare glanced up from her sister and froze at the sight of Celestia hooves kick off from the ground as she prepared to resume her earlier charge. A silhouette however, suddenly stood between her and the building light.

Stepping outside the circle, Maze held her blade ready as the princess exploded towards them. It took everything she had to not tremble and stand her ground; There’d be no barrier to hide in this time, no power core to boost her abilities and no repaired exosuit to soften the blows.

A small gust hit her as Rainbow moved to hover beside her. The pair shot each other a quick, uneasy glance before looking back ahead. The crazed ruler halved the distance in that brief moment, her aura of fire growing ever hotter.

The two resolved themselves with a grimace and braced for the alicorn when the ground between the two forces erupted and all the defenders could see is Celestia’s flames splash out in all directions like a wave crashing against the cliff side. The only sight besides the wall of light was a lone statue of a armored knight holding the princess at bay, forcing but a single, confused thought into the human’s head as the her music began to play.

‘That’s not from Metal Gear...’

Celestia returned a furious glare at the unmoving, stone figure as her mind boggling at how a mere statue could have stopped her momentum so completely, her golden fist having left nary a scratch on its raised shield.

‘No matter!’ she thought as she leap to the side to bypass the impossible obstacle when it abruptly shifted, lifting a massive curved club against her ‘IT’S ALIVE?!’

Further thoughts were cut short when as ground actually cratered slightly when the princess's face suddenly met the dirt for a third time in as many moments. Kicking away as she stood and summoned her weapons, she immediately retaliated with a vicious swing of her war hammer. Which once again stopped dead against the stone knight’s heavy shield.

“THAT’S NOT POSSIBLE!” Celestia roared at her opponent and continuing to press her assault, yet vaguely aware of the near forgotten sensation now tingling on the side of her face. Her eyes bulged when it slowly but surely began pushing her back and then actually threw off the attack. The monarch deflected the armor’s follow up with her great sword while using the momentum to thrust out the head of her hammer into its belly, catching the opening the attack provided. Even as the the figure stumbled back with bits of it’s now cracked outer armor Celestia pressed her advantage, her foe could match her strength but she still had speed and millennia of experience at her disposal.

“I WILL NOT BE BESTED BY A MERE SET OF ARMOR!” she declared, spinning with her molten hot blade to melt a gash deep into her target’s shield. Stumbling under the force, the defender had no chance to stop the wide swing of the blazing warhammer as it struck and shattered the whole side of its helmet. Celestia smirked triumphantly as she search the opening for the desperate look of her opponent’s face, merely to find the almost bored gaze of a mare staring blankly back. “...a simple earth pony?!”

Celestia flinched when the remains of the hemlet slammed into her muzzle, permitting the pony to prepare another swing. Easily catching it, Celestia's brow furrowed as the hit struck loose and the club began to fall. The reason immediately clear as a gauntlet of stone gripped the collar of her chest plate.

“You hurt my sister.” Was all Celestia heard in an unsettlingly neutral tone as the world turned upside down and the circle was quickly shrinking into the distance. She tried to slow but all she accomplished was her wings snapping to her sides before she felt something collapse in her path and was engulfed in darkness. With wooden barrier finally slowing her enough to halt her flight she touched down against the cold stone of the shaft, glaring back out at the only light from the entrance. She stalked toward the opening wondering what the point of it was until a cascading series of detonations sounded from deep in the mines. Detonations that rapidly grew louder and closer.


Maud watched passively as the small mountain collapsed into itself and then calmly turned to retrieve her club, the others simply staring on with wide eyes. The princess’s troops quickly moved in, having retreated to avoid the crossfire of enraged alicorn's furious assault. Maze and Rainbow retreated to the circle to help Pinkie guard her sisters, forming a tight circle among the little remaining cover though it soon become clear who the primary target was.

Maze started to call out when a mastiff leap at Maud as the earth pony bent down to pick up her weapon. The words died in her throat when its arm completely shattered on impact, sending it spiraling to the ground without a scratch on it opponent to show for it. Without batting an eye Maud casually stepped on the I.G., its entire torso completely crumpling under the weight of her armor. With only a slightly raised shield to cover the exposed portion of her face, the aspiring petrologist paid no mind to the relentless onslaught of IGs and gunfire pouring harmlessly over her as she turned toward the bigger threat.

Another beam struck out from the RAYs, striking against the mare’s stone barrier while the second Gear charged forward with the machines’ signature call. As soon as the beam cut the point of the Gear’s pointed head speared down at its target, the full momentum of the charging behemoth management to push the adversary back. About a whole ten feet.

“What the hell is that armor made of?!” Maze exclaimed.

“ROCKS!” Pinkie happily called back over her shoulder with a giggle.

A clang reverberated across the field as the crouched Maud snapped up, throwing the war machine off and swinging her club in a vicious arc. A small ‘eep’ escaped Dash as a metal tendril snatched her from below, pulling her down just in time to avoid the RAY tumbling over them and crashing mere feet from their position. Laying half within the runes and blocking any further advance from flanking troops, the Gear’s head hung limp with a torn of mandible and a massive crack through its neural matrix.

“Pinkamena!” a stern voice drew their attention to the Pie parents emerging from their mine, dragging the reason they were all there in the first place. Maze quickly closed the distance and helped push the pedestal of the sealed demi-god, easily doubling their pace. As soon as they crossed the outer circle the entire countryside shuttered as a new volcano was born, and standing in the middle of the falling ash and molten rock was the pony princess, bathed in black and purple flame.

“YOU INSOLENT PEASANT! I WILL MELT THIS FARM TO GLASS AND FLAY YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY ALIVE AS YOU WATCH!!! The earth itself burned away beneath as the miniature black star that was the possessed Celestia streaked forward. A cold sweat washed over the cyborg and she could actually see as the chill ran up Crystal’s spine. The human followed her gaze and was shocked to see it didn't land on the alicorn.

The small gap in the side of her helmet showed wide eyes with pin-prick pupils under a furious brow… Maud actually looked Mad.

Unfazed or ignorant to the meaning of such a simple expression on the mare, Celestia continued immolating everything in her path until the very air seemed to burn in her wake. A malicious grin spread across her face as she saw her enemy drop their shield, assuming she knew that she couldn’t possibly escape the wrath bearing down upon her. An expression that shattered as the mare did the unthinkable when the flames approached.

The possessed monarch reeled as she tried to stop when the armored mare abruptly stepped Into the flames with her club griped in both hands, already in full swing against the princess’s nonexistent defense. Celestia’s currently slitted pupils nearly disappeared as her red and green eyes found those of bright turquoise, her blood freezing as the owners monotone breached the fire.

“You will not.”

The weapon exploded as it struck and sent Celestia soaring straight away from the circle, colliding with enough force to topple the remaining RAY as she struck. The Gear quickly righted itself and stooped protectively over the prone ruler. Maze and Pinkie moved to help Maud as she stumbled erringly to the circle over the shattered remains of her club, all collapsing to a knee as soon as they crossed.

“WE'RE IN!” the human called and the circle flared as Crystal’s horn sparked the final component of the spell, signalling their comrades on the other end. Maze turned to watch as the remaining troops retreated to secure their princess now trying to stand.

Maze froze in awe at the last sight before the spell completed; a stumbling Celestia pulling a blood soaked hand away from a crooked muzzle, her once more magenta eyes rolling back as she collapsed back to the ground.

The flash of light began to fade and Maze could already hear the rapid shouts and movements of the response ponies directing each other and calling out medics. Blinking away the spots she saw the Eclipse mages quickly moving aside for the doctors and nurses as they tried to make their way around the disabled RAY that somehow got dragged along in their escape.

She found he had to quickly leap back when Maud’s armor released a hiss of steam and opened from the back. The earth pony struggled out to hit the ground hard, clutching her face. Blackened and raw skin showed around what the hand couldn’t cover as even more, less serious burns peaked though still smoldering holes all along her side. Medic ponies quickly moved to assist only to find themselves waved off or shoved away.

“N-noo… Marble f-fir” was all she could manage, tears running freely from her good eye as her face contorted in pain.

“Maudy they’re already with her! Let them help you!” Pinkie begged from the mare’s other side. Relenting, the eldest sister allowed the healers to roll her onto the stretcher. Maze’s gaze followed them as they met up with other teams quickly rushing Marble, Crystal and one of the thestrals toward the hospital.

‘Oh shit, I didn’t even notice he was hurt’ Maze lamented, only taking solace in the thought of just how crazy things got towards the end.

“Careful, she’s still under the effects of the upgrade” the remaining Thestral warned the nurse currently crouched over a stirring Spitfire. A gentle wave of purple washed over the Wonderbolt as Luna approached, the mare’s fidgeting stopped as a more peaceful sleep claimed her. Stepping up to the remaining defenders, the princess scanned the warped and melted side of the stone armor before surveying the statue of the sealed Discord and then finally turned her sight back to the team.

“I see things didn’t quite go to plan” she stated calmly, earning a scoff from the element bearer.

“You can sure as hay say that again...” Luna looked past Dash to the anxious Pie family, noting the constant glances in the direction the sisters had been taken.

“Please, go see to them. The debriefing can wait” relieved expressions of gratitude were returned at the princess’s words, the remaining rock farmers quickly running after the medic teams. Save for Limestone, who stopped to stare back at the human and Pegasus with a conflicted look on her soot covered face.

“...What?” Dash asked with an arched brow. The hint of a blush crept into the Pie’s cheeks as she broke her gaze and fidgeted as she looked to the ground.

“Uh… Thanks.” she finally managed after a few awkward moments and half glances. She immediately turned and sprinted away after the rest of her family, leaving the bewildered pair.

“What was she thanking us for? Maud saved the day. Heck, if anything by just being there it’s kind of our fault they were hurt in the first place.” Rainbow rambled, only receiving a shrug from the cyborg.

Luna called to have the area cleared while the mages moved to the Manehattan group’s extraction runes. Meanwhile Lyra examined the interior of Maud's armor, which now that it was open revealed it to actually be a sort of power armor. Not a simple exosuit under some rocks either, but rather impressive and advanced support system merged with the hardened stone.

“Oh, well that makes a little more sense” Maze muttered looking over the layers of synthetic muscle and reinforcement that allowed Maud to not only move the ridiculously heavy suit but readily match even an alicorn’s strength ‘and at least that’s sort of still in the vein of Metal Gear, I guess…”

Her focus was broken however when she heard Luna order the demigod's statue to the element vault beneath Twilight’s library.

“Wait, what? Why are we locking him away when we’re just gonna have to take him right back out when Pinkie gets back?” she interrupted and made her way over to the princess.

“Why would we be taking him back out?” Luna returned with equal bewilderment, at least until Twilight spoke up after realizing the actual intent

“Maze you can’t seriously be suggesting we release him!” the purple unicorn stared at the cyborg like she had lost her mind.

“Of course I am! That was the whole point of all this!” the human exclaimed when her engineer friend spoke up next.

“Maze we can’t let him out! Even sealed, his presence is causing distortions in the barrier!” Lyra pointed out as she gestured to the dome above. Sure enough they could see the faint colors beginning to swirl and strain slightly “If we let him out then it’ll totally collapse!”

“Then we’ll have him make a new one! Why do all this only to keep him locked up?!”

“For the threat of it! What possible reason could you have to think he ever would consider aiding us?” Luna asked, continuing to cut off Maze’s quick response “Other than ‘you just know’ or your ‘ninja magic’ nonsense.”

The words caught in her throat as the night bringer called her out. A growl of frustration escaping the cyborg as she fumbled with her gestures.


“No. We are not having this argument now. Especially not in front of the statue.” Luna finalized.


“Maze,” a softer voice interrupted this time. Trixie stood with the other mages, looking back at her friend with a concerned, almost pleading expression “Stop.”

That’s when she could see the others, the gathered ponies all starting at the exchange. Their eyes darting between the cyborg, Princess and statue with looks ranging from slight unease to legitimate fear. Releasing a sigh, Maze relented and allowed the issue to drop as her shoulders slumped.

“We can discuss this later” the lunar alicorn offered in small consolation before returning to the clean up. Maze just rolled her eyes at the platitude as she felt a tug on her arm.

“Come on Maze, lets go check on Crystal” Lyra said as Maze allowed herself to be dragged from the scene. They walked in silence for a while, Lyra quietly staring to the ground as Maze brooded.

“This could all be over if they just trusted me…” the human grumbled.

“We do trust you Maze, but you have to understand they’re afraid. You weren’t here the last time Discord got out. As obvious as it may sound, it was literally chaos. Practically nothing made any sense. Ponies weren’t just afraid to leave their homes they were afraid to stay in them too. Afraid to do the simplest things like eat or sleep, because who knows what your bed might turn into or what your food would do to you?” Lyra explained “I trust you when you say you believe he’ll help us, and after so long seeing just how scary accurate your predictions can be I’m certainly not going to dismiss the possibility. But honestly? ...It’s just hard to see how a creature like that could ever be controlled.”

Maze’s expression softened as the words sank in. She had the benefit of having seen the show and given the safe perspective of Discord, not as some terrifying demi-god but of a playful if very disruptive being capable of being reformed. She could note the lesser extremes filtered through a cartoon world that showed Discord to be more of a neutral force than an evil one. The ponies didn’t have that though.

“Well now I just feel like an ass again…”

“Eh, I sure Luna and at least some of the rest understand that you’re just trying to help.” Lyra consoled her spoken thought “And if it's any further consolation, I think you might be overestimating Discord's abilities. Celestia and Luna nearly beat him the last time he was free and had he not caught them by surprise they probably would have. Plus after they were defeated there were still ways to route him, ways not including the elements at that too. So it’s not like he could just snap his fingers and fix all this if we did manage to convince him to help us. It's not like the first time he showed up anymore.”

'Well shit… there goes that idea...'

“So how’d the recruiting go?” Maze asked the honey haired siss-prea sitting on the other side of Lyra. It’d been just over a week since they recovered Discord’s statue and the hospital was releasing both Crystal and Maud. Marble would have to stay a while longer but she was thankfully stable and steadily recovering, much to the joy of the pink pony bouncing impatiently next to Maze in the waiting room. The four of them where the only ones not currently involved in Eclipse efforts and free to meet the pair as they left the hospital.

“Oh, about as well as expected” Amber answered “Most of the hives themselves don’t want anything to do with us and the one besides ours that does still won’t do anything openly. But we did get the support of a decent number of individual changelings willing to act independently of their hives at least. So y’know, not great but not the worst either.”

“What about those colorful pastel ones? They seem pretty friendly with everyone” Lyra asked, glancing up from her tablet.

“Colorful pastel ones? Wh-oh, OH! Right… Them” Crystal’s twin finished rather unenthused “Yeah, we uh… we don’t really talk to them much… They’re weird.”

“Ooookaaay” Lyra returned perplexed but didn’t push the issue and returned to her work.

“Well anyway that was my week. How goes your efforts with Luna about Discord?” Amber perked back up and shot back at the human.

“About as well as expected too. Without a concrete reason, which I can’t give, she won’t risk it on faith alone. My only progress being the consolation that if the shit hits the fan, like “everything is so totally fucked it couldn’t make things any worse” levels of bad -My words, not hers obviously- then I’m allowed to release him.”

“Aww, that’s too bad.” Pinkie pouted on the cyborgs other side “I was really hoping for some more of that chocolate rain. I think Maud would really like it too!”

“Speaking of, I hear her and Crystal have become pretty buddy-buddy during their time here.” Maze changed the subject.

“Oh yeah! Crystal seems to totally get her!” Pinkie beamed “Not a lot ponies seemed to be able to do that.”

“It's probably a lot of help that she's empathic” Lyra muttered offhandedly. It took her a moment to catch up with her mouth though as Pinkie started looking hurt “Oh, OH! Oh no Pinkie I'm sorry, I really didn’t mean any offense by that. It just, er I mean… Maud’s pretty hard to get a read on is all.”

When Lyra finished trying to remove her foot from her mouth, Pinkie’s opened to offer a defense when her shoulders abruptly slumped in acceptance, her hair deflating a bit.

“Yeah, I know” Pinkie admitted solemnly “Maud’s always had a lot trouble expressing herself and while she really has gotten better in the past few years, she still has a lot trouble connecting with ponies. That’s why I always try to exaggerate my reactions to her reactions, so maybe ponies can start picking up on her subtleties. Because she really is a great mare once you get to know her. I don’t think she likes when I do it very much but I’m just trying to help. That’s why it’s so nice when she can actually get close to somepony on her own, like with Crystal.”

The group sat in a pensive silence for a moment until a small creak echoed from the hall, causing Pinkie’s hair to re-inflate as she barreled down the corridor.

“HEY!” the station nurse called after her.

“You said I only had to wait ‘till they left the room!” the party mare’s voice echoed back to the irritated worker.

“And I don’t care” Amber offered as she strolled past. Maze and Lyra on the other hand merely returned the nurses glare with a pair of smiles as they stayed in the waiting room, the cyborg watching the earth pony pounce on her sister.

“It’s so easy to forget there’s actually a rather intelligent mare under all that poofy hair and excitement.” the human commented.

“I know right?” Lyra agreed “We’ve worked together on tons of projects and I still forget after seeing it first-hand.”

“What, like building stuff together?”

“Oh yeah, she one of the militia's best engineers, and easily our top explosives expert.” Lyra praised before the pair rejoined them with the newly released patients in tow.

“Heya Cryss, how ya doing?” Maze asked the bandaged changeling.

“Hey Maze,” the red tinted changeling returned tiredly “I’ll survive. We changelings don’t scar easy and while I won’t be able to use this wing for a while I can always shape-shift another on top of it until it’s better.”

“You guys can really do that?” Lyra asked with a little awe showing through.

“Why do you think we have such a scary reputation?” the siss-prea twins both smirked at them. Not a little impressed herself Maze then turned to the other patient, half of her face covered in the militia's nano-gel soaked bandages.

“And how is our savior holding up?” Maze asked genuinely.

“They say the nano-gel should keep the scarring to a minimum, and that even my hair should grow back fairly evenly so long as I’m vigilant with the treatments” Maud delivered in her usual monotone “Though they’re uncertain of I’ll ever get my sight back in the injured eye. They’re fairly certain that I might end up losing the whole eye anyway.”

The group collectively frowned, even the seemingly neutral tone failing to downplay the consequences of her fight.

“Well if that happens you can always come to me about a replacement” Lyra offered, trying to bring the mood back up “They work as well as anything else on the market and I’m pretty good at matching the pony’s natural pigment, if I do say so myself.”

“And if you let her put in one of her crazy prototypes, she’ll do it for free!” Crystal teased as she nudged the unicorn with her elbow.

“Oh you could get one that changes colors! Or projects holograms! Or has a built-in microscope to see all the minerals in your rock studies!” Pinkie listed off eagerly next to her sister.

“I’m not some mad scientist guys…” Lyra murmured in defense before returning to Maud with a more genuine tone “But seriously, anything you might need would be comped, either by the militia or just me if need be. It’s the least we can do.”

“Thank you Lyra, I’ll keep that in mind.” Maud droned while Amber’s watch went off.

“Ah damn, I thought I had more time. Sorry ladies, I’ve got a briefing” the younger twin apologised.

“I’ll go with, couldn’t hurt to have both of us there. Catch you guys later” Crystal added and set off with the other siss-prea.

“6 O’Clock!” Pinkie called after them.

“6 O’Clock” the pair confirmed without looking back. Pinkie then rounded on Maze with an accusatory finger and a stern look… or at least as stern a look as Pinkie could manage.


“Yeah Pinkie, I’ll be there. Calm down.” Maze consoled the mare “Though you sure you don’t wanna wait ‘till Marble-”

“No! No more delays! It’s been put off so much it’s celebrating six different things now! Besides, Marble really doesn’t do too well with big gatherings… she’s actually worse than Fluttershy… ” Pinkie trailed off, then refocused and re-aimed the finger “But You! You’re getting your dang party!”

“Okay I get it, I’ll be there. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” Maze promised with the full gestures and everything “There, a bonafide Pinkie Promise.”

“Good!” Pinkie beamed, then squinted “And don’t be late!”

Maze was visually taken aback. With a huff she indignantly raised a had to her chest.

“A ninja is never late! Nor is she early! She always arrives precisely when she means to!” she delivered with a false dramatic flare that would have made both Trixie and Rarity proud.

“That’s Wizards.” Pinkie returned unfazed.

“Shit! I mean- wait, when did you see Lord of the Rings?” the human fumbled.

“Oh like three years ago, give or take” Pinkie waved off casually.

“Three? But how-”

“OH Maudy lookie! Limey got off early! LIIIIIIMMMMEEEEEEEYYYYYYY!!!” Pinkie dashed off without answering.

“Doesn’t feel so good being on the receiving end, huh?” Lyra taunted the bewildered Cyborg.

“...Whatever, it’s Pinkie.” Maze dismissed before seeing the mare gumply roll her eyes, trapped in Pinkie’s obligatory hug “I still don’t know why your sister thanked us...”

“Because you stood between them” Maud said plainly, elaborating further as she saw her confused look “When Marble was hurt, you and Rainbow stood between her and the princess as she took care of her.”

“Well, with how you showed up and all it’s not like it really matters right?”

“It does” Maud respond immediately, and while he expression remain as neutral as always they could still feel a kind of intensity behind that one exposed eye “You didn’t know I was there, and despite knowing you didn’t stand a chance and that any hindrance would be temporary at best, you and Rainbow held you ground to face Celestia’s assault to protect them… we won’t forget that.”

The pair simply stood there ambivalently as the earth pony finished, an almost imperceptible weight pressing from the statement.

“MAAAAAUUUD! Come on! We gotta get things finished up before the party!” Pinkie called from down the road. Maud glanced to her sisters a moment before turning back to give the pair a nod.

“Lyra, Maisie.” she offered simply and departed to join her family.

“So,” Maze finally said after a moment “Was there a lesson in all that for me?”

“What am I? Twilight?” Lyra joked “Come on, let’s go get ready.”

“Yeah…” Maze followed, but not after one last glance at the retreating Pie sisters “Yeah, sure.”

'Whatever, they're related to Pinkie'

Chapter 19: One for Many

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“She totally kicked your ass”

“She didn’t kick my ass, she just… caught me off guard is all.”

“I don’t see how, I warned you she was easily the militia’s best fighter. I’m not surprised she won.”

“She didn’t win. We didn’t even get to finish.”

“Sheee Wooooonn”

“Shut up.”

“All of you shut up! We’re in the middle of a mission!” a final voice hissed over the codec line.

"Yes Ma’am.” three flat voices answered back simultaneously. Sweetie Drops just huffed as she was reminded how unprofessional this group could be.

Maze meanwhile was rather jubilant despite her recent near defeat. She was finally working with almost the whole gang again minus Trixie, who was begrudgingly stuck back at base helping prepare their extraction. They were opting for an actual portal this time as opposed to a teleport. Last month’s mission to the rock farm left too much doubt they could keep doing it without it being hijacked. Plus the Diamond Dog tunnels were too vulnerable if they had to make an escape while under fire and they had still somehow managed to keep them a secret from Celestia’s forces. They preferred to keep it that way.

She was also quite pleased because her exosuit had finally been repaired, along with a new little cylinder addition at the small of her back.

“Approaching target” Sweetie Drops announced quietly over the channel as they reached the alley behind their destination, a large factory in downtown Fillydalphia. If they were successful they could be reprogramming potentially dozens of nano-machine shipments with their own non-controlling upgrade and really throw a wrench in the princess’s whole operation.

“Understood, proceed as planned” Luna’s voice sounded over the command line. She too was back at base as usual, now monitoring the mission through a new experimental setup devised by the militia with Maze's data; a visual link up tied to head cams and even Maze’s own vision augments. The cyborg was a little uncomfortable about them seeing everything she saw and did through her own eyes while not having the same directional disconnect of the head cams. She knew it was important though so she didn’t make a fuss. Well, not much of a fuss at least.

It also didn’t keep her from having a little fun with it. A blushed creeped over Twilight’s face as she sat in front Maze’s monitor, the cyborg once again adjusting the freshly repaired exosuit over her chest with a bit more ‘gusto’ than necessary.

“I really wish she’d stop doing that.”

“She keeps doing it because you keep blushing” Trixie added boredly from in front of Crystal’s feed.

“She can’t even see it!” Twilight protested.

“And yet I still know it’s happening” Twilight’s blush grew deeper as the human’s voice came through.

“A-Approaching entry points.” Johnny’s voice apprehensively intervened over the codec before Sweetie Drops could snap at them again.

Maze’s merely smirked as she took up position outside the west entrance of the building with her tranq pistol ready while Lyra and her Bon-bon moved on the south entrance. Crystal and Johnny were already at the one on the opposite side from Maze while Wolf and Rex scouted the rooftops. Luna’s voice once again graced their inner ears when they were all in position.

“Ready… Move.” she calmly ordered and the team moved as one as they breached the compound. Maze had already darted one of the two startled guards before moving to disarm the second, another quick dart delivered with the up close specialty of her VR taught CQC. The pair passed out in less than a minute, unable to even lift their weapons as the enhanced sedative, enchanted by the night princess herself, knocked them out even quicker than normal. Her special dream magic also gave the added bonuses that not only could they not overdose but wouldn’t remember even falling asleep, let alone how.

Maze quickly climbed to take care of the guard on the upper catwalks as Crystal and Johnny made their way to the pair at the front. Lyra and Bon-Bon had a small bit of trouble with an augmented security chief but still managed to subdue him, even if it took a couple extra darts and a stun baton to the face. With one final sweep of the area, the team relaxed.

“All clear” Maze confirmed and called down softly to the rest “Any problems?”

“Nah, half of ours we’re already asleep on the job” Crystal smirked back up. Lyra gave a thumbs up as the human turned to them.

“Well done, move on to primary objective” Luna instructed.

Lyra unslung her pack and made her way to the factory’s primary programming station. The other’s continued to patrol the compound as Sweetie Drops stuck close to guard her partner.

“...I knew it was him in that Hearth’s Warming play.” the engineer grumbled to herself as she worked, a heavy sigh coming from the special agent behind her.

“So you were pausing because of the theater poster. I already admitted it was him.”

“I still don’t understand why you couldn’t say you were an orphan, I wouldn’t have cared.”

“That’s not how covers work Ly. They can’t have too many similarities with the real you.”

“Oh so like the rest of your cover.”

“Hey I told you that other than my name what was between us was all real, and completely separate from my cover. And a lot of other stuff wasn’t fake either, heck even my candy shop is legitimate. Yeah, all the out of town deals being set up for me, but I still made and shipped all that candy myself! It is still my cutie mark after all!”

The rest of the team awkwardly kept their distance to avoid being dragged into another one of their spats. The couple may have started trusting each other again but there was still plenty of hurt feelings and issues to work through. There was some solace that they weren’t arguing over the codec but their head cams were still picking most of it up.

“Even if they weren’t your real parents you could have just told me he was an actor.”

“If I told you he was an actor you would have wanted to go see him after the show.”

“Tis’ not the time or place ladies, you are in the middle of a mission” Luna finally interjected, echoing the agent’s earlier words. The pair quickly snapped back to their duties, Lyra scowling as Sweetie Drops seemed to be scolding herself internally for the slip. A small sigh escaped the princess as she moved to watch another feed Fluttershy was currently monitoring.

“Her candy really is quite good” the shy mare muttered to her purple friend, not realizing the princess looming over her.

“Oh I know, right? Even Pinkie say her's are some of the best she’s ever had” Twilight whispered back.

“Wolf move back to the edge, let me see the street again” Fluttershy gave a loud squeak as Luna’s voice was right next to her head all of a sudden, the alicorn having leaned in to better view the screen. The feed moved to overlook the the avenue as Luna squinted at the image “Rex go to take a look at the next street over, on the other side of the alley. Wolf maintain position, keep a vigilant eye”

“Acknowledged your highness” Wolf’s synthetic monotone replied as Rex gave an affirmative tone. The night bringer squinted back and forth between the screens, expression growing harder as Rex’s feed showed the other street.

“Something up Lu?” Maze’s voice piped in.

“Stand by” Something was wrong and the fur began to stand up on her back when Twilight spoke the shared thought.

“That’s strange. The sun hasn’t even started setting yet, where is everypony?” Luna’s eyes bulged as soon as the words left the unicorn’s mouth.

“ABORT THE MISSION! HEAD TO THE PZ IMMEDIATELY! YOU’VE BEEN COMPROMIS-” the alicorn’s order was cut short as two opposite walls of the factory exploded inward, showering the team in rubble. As the dust settled a wave of heat flooded the room along with several troopers and I.G.s, followed by Celestia herself striding in triumphantly. She stood watching as the team backed away from the new entrances, staying quiet as they scowled at the surrounding threats now cutting off their escape.

“What, no defiant insults? Not even a little banter? And here I was expecting at least a little more fanfare. Oh well...” the possessed alicorn shrugged “At least after nearly a year I finally have all of you. Well, nearly all of you. I suppose I’ll still have to wait a bit longer for the con-mare and those traitorous hounds.”

Their reaction was immediate if subtle, but a slightly confused look washed over the cornered group. Her brow furrowed until the human cocked an eyebrow back up at her.

“Not as long as you think” as she smirked a series of pings sounded behind her, followed by several explosions and the static pops of pulse chaff. Celestia’s confidence shifted to irritation as the forces opposite her fell to the decloaking fenrirs after the onslaught of grenades. The ponies and changeling rushed at the opening before they noticed the absence of the human among them.

They turned to see Maze standing her ground between them and the princess, sword drawn. They hesitated with a glance to one another when Wolf spoke up, their opening closing.

“Quickly, while she covers our retreat.” they shared another solemn look but still ran after the robotic hounds, sorrowful looks all around as they were once again leaving their friend behind to face the corrupted alicorn “She is far better prepared than last time, I am certain she can hold long enough to catch up.”

Celestia glared at the cyborg but remained steadfast. With a lazy flick of her her finger she signaled her troops to pursue of the stragglers, she had the main prize to deal with herself. Maze’s readied as the alicorn stepped forward...

But then stopped as heavy chords filled the air.

“Oh my Maisie, how appropriately... Violent

Maze braced to launch at the monarch only for her to beat her to it. Unable to even raise her blade in time, the fiery warhammer crashed against her face, sending the human through the hole behind her and making a new one into the next building over.

The rest of the group was forced into the main streets on their path to the portal zone, the side alleys blocked by the princess’s forces. Unfortunately the street wasn’t looking much clearer, meaning they’d might be have to move through the buildings themselves sooner rather than later.

A raptor I.G. dropped from above to block their path when a window shattered behind it, the group’s leader giving a fine example of defenestration as she tumbled to the pavement. The cyborg quickly rolled to her feet and snagged the raptor’s leg as she spun back to the opening, hurling the machine at the corrupted monarch trying to follow her through the crumbling wall.

“Keep Going!” Maze shouted and launched back into the building, a small trickle of blood left behind by a gash across her face. The melted remains of the raptor scattered as Celestia met Maze’s blade bearing down on her, easily keeping the human suspended in the air balanced against her sword. An ach of her hammer swept up in a near miss as the cyborg flipped over her, a quick kick to the back of her knee enough to knock her off balance. She twisted the fall into a spinning crouch, sweeping out her wing and bringing down the already raised hammer behind her to see Maze not pressing the attack. The keening sound of a cutting blade drew her attention to the sight of a crumbling wall and her target leaping up the the next building’s fire escape.

“This is going to be tedious” Celestia growled and flew back out to the streets.

Several stories up Maze sliced out a new entrance for the building to find herself in an open floor office space with both sides bordered with ceiling high windows. The windows on her side shined with an unreasonable amount of glare-

“FUCK ME!” the cyborg dashed down the hall as fireballs and fiery beams shredded through the whole floor just behind her. The Alicorn hovering outside chuckled darkly as she swept the maelstrom of flame across the building after the cyborg. Maze, covered in shrapnel and ash hit the end of her line and disappeared in a bright purple flash, reappearing in the next building over to continue the retreat and disappear when me met a wall again.

Except that second time she blinked back to the unexpected sight of the open sky above her, filtered through a subtle golden glow. She twisted in the magical hold to the smirking Celestia behind her.

“Oh yeah…” Maze muttered before the aura slammed her down into the street several stories below.

“No harmony barrier or power armored mare to hide behind this time Maze,” Celestia taunted as she gracefully descended to hover above the new crater in the asphalt “No more tricks to save you now.”

The aura wrapped around her again to lifted her from the hole when something shot out of the cylinder on the small of her back. Celestia caught but a glimpse of the glowing device before it shattered in the cyborgs hand and a violent current washed over her, breaking the magic hold.

“You sure about that!?” Maze shouted suddenly face to face with the monarch, her massive heat blade reared back.

Lyra yelped as she was wrenched back just as Celestia's gold covered form crashed through the wall in front her. Engulfing herself in flame the princess launched back toward the street with a snarl, oblivious to the team’s presence.

“That could have ended poorly” the engineer spouted before they were spurred back into their retreat by the rapport of a rifle, their pursuers relentless in their chase. Dodging bullets and plasma rails alike, they made it another block when they were forced into the buildings by the countless enemies moving to outflank them. Crystal did what she could by collapsing the stairs behind them as they climbed but it would only slow some of the troops.

“STICKY!” the changeling shouted as they barreled through a door, shattering a vial against the ceiling once everyone had passed. A second later the goo inside burst into a webs of honey colored slime, entrapping the trio of pegasi that bypassed the unusable stairways. Given the scant moment of peace the group paused to regroup, seeing they had emerged into the upper floor of some kind of department store.

Johnny leaned against a sales counter to catch his breath when a shadow burst from a clothes rack and leveled a handgun. He responded with his rifle but froze as he saw the blank stare and the pony it belonged to. A heavy weight tackled him to the side when the assailant opened fire, a series of loud pings echoing over the shots. The blacked armored fenrir ignored the small rounds as he whipped his tail at the shooter, a stun dart sticking right into the pony’s chest.The group moved to inspect the fallen mare, the short burst of current having easily knocked her unconscious.

“Back to tranq rounds team…” Sweetie Drops ordered darkly.

Back at base, the thestral now monitoring Crystal’s head-cam cursed as he watched the feed that was miraculously continuing to reach their screens.

“Makers, she’s throwing civilians at them!” Luna spun at the report, eyes wide as she took in the glimpse of young mare “Damn girl’s barely in her teens!”

“She couldn’t be more than a year or two older than Sweetie Belle…” Rarity muttered horrified from behind the lunar princess. A new problem arouse however when a wave of magical static washed over the room, the source clear as the portal team. The head pair of the team turning to her in near panic.

“We can’t stabilize it! Celestia is causing too much interference!” Twilight cried back.

Said monarch meanwhile was busy destroying the better part of a mall in her pursuit of Maze. The cyborg felt bad for whoever worked at or owned the stores but couldn’t afford to keep fighting the princess where she could fly freely. Another lance of flame gouged a smoldering line across the cement a hair’s breadth from the displaced, forcing her to risk another blink. She released a sigh relief that it wasn’t hijacked again only for it to catch in her throat when a golden flash strobed in front of her, the spell traced instead of claimed.

A loud clang reverberated off the open space as Celestia’s hammer found the glowing metal plate anchored to her opponent’s back. The cyborg’s smirk faltered however when the alicorn returned a vicious grin of her own, leaping away with her horn ablaze. Maze paled when a magic bubble snapped into being around her, an instant before the plate reflected the strike.

The barrier popped as the redoubled force was redoubled again within and compressed against the trapped woman before throwing her free. Maze was jerked from her smoking flight when the princess snatched the arm of the melted plate, swinging her around above her head like a lasso and throwing her through the mall’s upper windows.

Maze stuck the pavement and bounced back into the street, the protective aura of what was already her second absorbed core fizzling away. She mentally noted that she only had three left as she pushed her bleeding form from the now graveled asphalt. The whoosh of a rocket streaked past her head as it soared into an approaching Grad, saving the cyborg from the unseen attack.

“Oh, hey guys” Maze forced a smile to the rest of the team cornered in the empty lot behind her, a closed off space at the end of the street that was supposed to be home to a small portal right now. The team flinched back, fear filled eyes looking up and past her now. Maze already knew the sight as she finished rising, readying her blade and the last three cores against the alicorn drifting down to the street.

“Well now, what a treat to end both you and your friends at-” all three cores shattered, the cyborg wasting no time as she exploded toward the shocked princess mid-monologue. She didn’t have the patience for that kind of shit with her friends at risk.

The first strike was a solid fist to the alicorn's muzzle, launching her far back down the boulevard with the displaced right behind her. The retaliating cross of the great sword and hammer stopped against the massive heat blade summoned again. The pressure grew exponentially when the swords glow intensified and finally shattered, the explosion of the sacrificed blade ripping the princess’s weapons from her hands.

The monarch’s eyes widened as a frightfully familiar red aura sparked across the cyborg and her blade shifted to a dark crimson. A vortex of nano magic flurried up around them as the Maze’s eyes locked onto her own with an unbreakable, almost mechanical focus. She crossed her arms and flung her wings around herself in defense against the impending assault, not having time for anything else.


Celestia couldn’t keep track of the barrage of strikes hammering against her and slowly driving her back. The edges around her defense showed nothing but blurred waves of red, washing over like a bloody mist. However neither of these facts were what concerned the alicorn; it’s that she was starting to feel it hurt. She realized too late the two focal points of the assault when her hoof suddenly slipped with a loose piece of gravel and a set of fingers stuck through the space between her wings

The alicorn grasped as her feathered wall was wrenched apart and then thrown back behind her by the cyborg, its blade spinning in the air between them. The still off balance Celestia took solace in the fact that with her opponent’s arms outstretched in to expose her, Maze couldn’t catch the blade before she could retaliate. Until her pupils shrunk to dots at the sight of the blade landing between in the nook of the human's foot and heel.

With a furious cry Maze unleashed a flurry of bladed kicks that would have made Chun-li proud. With merely her arms to protect her, Celestia felt the full brunt of the displaced's full offensive potential. The street behind her becoming gouged with countless lines even through her impossible armor. With the last ounce of the rapidly draining charge, Maze flipped the blade back up to her hands and unleashed a final chop that split the very ground beneath them for the entire block.

The aura sputtered away leaving Maze gasping for air as she held the blade against the ruler’s raised arms. Celestia slowly raised her head as dozens of short red lines began to appear across her from and lightly drip, a seething glower reaching the exhausted cyborg. As a stream of red seeped down the sword and dripped between them, a burning fury flared back.

“ENOUGH!” the Canterlot voice roared across the city. She snapped her arms wide as a wall of force caved in the buildings and street all around and caught the cyborg head on. Thrown free, Maze tumbled as the enraged monarch hovered over the crumbling landscape, her burning gaze drilling into her.

She raised a hand to the sky and created a spark, one that grew rapidly into a miniature sun. She stretched back, ready to erase her human nuisance once and for all. So focused on the woman she was that she didn’t see the sparking blur that shot past Maze until it was already on her.

The rapid revving of a chainsaw filled the air as the robotic hound slammed into the princess with a miniature maelstrom of energized somersaults, the final strike protocol finally landing against the true threat to Equestria he had been pursuing for so long.

The small victory however, was short lived. The alicorn's other arm struck out before her new star lost more of its cohesion, sending the custom I.G. bouncing along the pavement and sliding to a stop next to his human friend. Yet he still rose to stand between the two despite his side caved in and a leg dangling by a scant few wires. There was another angry shout and the sun hit the ground, grinding through the street as it streaked straight to them.

With only a moment to act Maze spun back up with a sweep of her blade, kicking away with all the energy she had left. It wasn’t far enough though as a searing wave of heat caught her in the air, sending her flying much further after the ball struck the fenrir’s body. Hitting the ground hard the cyborg tried to push herself up with her friend's head in the nook of her arm but fell harshly back to the searing pavement. She rolled to find a large, jagged chunk of Wolf's armor pierced straight through her thigh.

“Ah, so that’s a thing” Maze hissed out, trying to scoot backward as best she could with one leg. She didn’t dare break her gaze of the slowly clearing smoke, the faint glow of the alicorn’s burning aura showing through.

A heavy gust slammed into her, dispersing the smoke instantly and revealing Celestia hovering above the massive hole of the streets now collapsed into the sewers below. Maze paled as she no longer saw enraged wrath, but instead met eyes filled with a controlled and disturbingly calm fury.

The princess's wings stopped but she stayed suspended in the air. The appendages snapping wide as she took on an almost angelic stance, hooves together and hands almost welcoming open as they rose from her sides. The air then began to shimmer and grow hazy as the temperature abruptly skyrocketed.

Cool metal tendrils wrapped around the human and wrenched her away, Crystal covering the distance back to the portal zone as fast as she could. Maze simply stared back in shock.

A sphere of immense heat and pressure grew around the alicorn; all that was just along the field's outer edges, from the buildings to the street lamps, quickly began to melt away. Everything within however, save Celestia herself, simply burned. Asphalt, wood, cement, and even metal turned to ash… and even that seemed to just fade away within.

As horrifying the sight was the defenders grew nearly panicked when the ball slowly started to glide forward as it followed its creator, cutting off any escape and incinerating everything in her path.

“We can do an exchange!” Trixie announced among the frantic mages trying to create a stable portal.

“Trixie you can’t be serious!” Twilight balked at the suggestion.

“It’s one for many! Even you can understand that logic Sparkle!” the stagemare snapped, yet Luna now objected next.

“Ms. Lulamoon we can’t simply ask somepony to make that kind of sacrifice wi-”

“You don’t have to ask! I’m volunteering! Besides I’m one of the only ones that can make a mana surge strong enough to account for all of them!” Trixie countered before looking down to her darkened veins "And it's not like I'll be around much longer anyway."

“You don't know-”

“Princess please! They running out of time! Let me help them!” the unicorn pleaded. Luna hesitated, her mind frantically trying to decide as she studied the mare. Tears began to well in Trixie’s eyes as she almost begged,

“Let me do something that actually matters…”

A heavy sigh escaped the princess.

“Very well... We’ll do the exchange.”

“Luna we can’t just sit by and let her-” Twilight tried to protest.

“This is not open for debate! Everypony, prepare the spell!” Luna ordered and moved to stand behind the heavy hatted mare. She saw the girl trying to steel herself against what she was to face but failing to control the trembling that took hold of her. Luna laid a hand on her shoulder, its effect on the shaking minimal at best.

‘You matter Miss Lulamoon… and to those you’re trying to save, more that you may ever know.’ the alicorn thought and her horn flared to life.

The team pressed themselves against the alcove’s back wall as tight as possible, trying to stretch the time as much as they could before the encroaching heat was upon them. Then it suddenly dropped as a white void blossomed forth to envelope them, catching the group off guard.

They felt less of a pull backward than so much as the space around them was sliding past them as they fell back. A dark shape demanded their attention as it stepped past in the other direction.

Despair washed over the team as the horned pony turned back, a sad smile on her face as she watched their escape.

“NO!” Maze screamed and reached out, only to find her hand stretched out to a scorched wooden wall. The team's eyes searched the empty space, wide and disbelieving, only vaguely registering the state of the room. Every pony and piece of equipment was pressed against the walls and windows, thrown from the entry point.

The only ones left in the center were the team…

And the unconscious, heavy hatted unicorn lying next to them.

“Luna…” Celestia whispered, her younger sibling's head snapping to her with a chilling glare.

“Not ‘Nightmare’? Well I suppose it nice to know you haven’t fallen far enough into your madness to believe your own lies” Luna countered. She swept a wing out and sent out a freezing gust in its wake, completely dissipating her sister’s burning sphere. The older alicorn, for her part, merely smirked and shrugged.

“Really now Luna, surely you haven't forgotten the logic of spending lives” Celestia mock lectured “You’re not supposed to sacrifice the leader to die in the place of a few grunts.”

“You seem to be under the wrong impression sister. I am not here to take their place,” she corrected, summoning her weapons “I’m here to stop you. This has gone on long enough.”

“I agree” A wave of soldiers and I.G. filled every nook and cranny that allowed them a shot at the younger princess.

“Call them back Tia” Luna warned with deathly seriousness “I’d much rather we keep our subjects from further harm.”

"Oh? And what if I refuse?” the elder sibling taunted.

Luna’s horn suddenly erupted with light as her wings closed around her. Celestia braced as her sister’s wings snapped back open and unleashed a massive arcane wave that washed over nearly half the city. When the tingling sensation across the skin of solar alicorn's faded, she righted herself with a couple quick flaps and she surveyed the damage.

Every I.G. in the wave’s radius was crumpled against whatever they happened to hit first as they were thrown by the wave, building, wall or otherwise. All the living troops however, seemed perfectly unharmed.

At least until they started dropping unceremoniously to the ground, every last one falling into a deep and peaceful slumber. The corrupted monarch straightened with a grimace; Luna had just successfully neutralized half the city and nearly all of her support with but a single casting.

“You face no mere human anymore sister” Luna declared. Celestia just returned a disgruntled scoff, her formally lost weapons flashing back into her hands.

“You forget yourself Luna. I was always the more powerful.”

“And I always the better fighter. And ‘twer that not the case, nopony would even have to read your magic to see how much of a toll Maze left on that power” Luna smirked herself now “...You’re bleeding Tia.”

With a snarl the elder alicorn launched at the younger, the sweep of her greatsword smashing into the cross of Luna’s weapons and sending her into the air. The night princess flipped to meet her sibling's follow up, turning both the sword and hammer with a couple flicks of her rapier before returning her own mace up into Celestia’s chin.

Kicking away, Celestia shook her head to drive away the increasingly familiar sensation. A scattering of searing beams lanced from her horn as she tried to rise over her opponent. She gasped as a shadowy tendril wrapped around her hoof and threw her clear through a skyscraper. She spun to reorient when a silver flash stunned her and the sparking ball mace struck her again, sending her into the pavement below.

“It would seem you’ve thought yourself invincible for too long Tia!” Celestia heard her sister deliver, along with several small, comet-like magic missiles streaking at her in winding curves. A transparent wall of her golden aura sprang up before her to absorb every last missile, but her blood ran cold as a quiet voice sounded right behind her “You’ve grown complacent.”

A massive purple and silver beam erupted from the night princess’s horn, carrying her sibling into another tower and then up and into it as the assault persisted. She lamented the destruction of their pony’s homes and workplaces, but knew even if her sister did acquiesce to the request to relocate, she couldn’t allow her that much of a reprieve to regain her strength.

A hole was blasted out the side of the building, disrupting Luna's beam as her sister flew out. She began to snarl but then caught herself, with a deep breath she calmed and refocused. She stayed her position in the air as Luna rose to face her again.

“I dare say you may be right sister” she admitted calmly before exploding forward “A mistake I will not repeat!”

Luna caught her sibling’s weapons with her own as their auras clashed for dominace. She was now not only aware of her folly but Luna still knew skills from more than a millennia of experience could only grow so dull. This was going to get harder the longer she allowed it to continue, she had to finish this quickly.

“So you say,” the night princess pulled her weapons in, forcing her sister’s into a cross as she stopped her wings for just a moment and allowed herself to drop. Resuming her flight she slid beneath her sibling as she dragged her weapons up, exposing her sister's center mass “yet you still fall for this after so long!”

A pair of hooves drove themselves into the monarch’s gut, knocking the wind out of her despite her armor. As the kick separated the pair, Luna was quick to seize the opportunity by summoning another dark tendril and whipping her sister to the ground. She descended gracefully while the older sibling struggled to rise, her power seriously starting to flag under the constant, back to back assaults from both her and Maze. Luna couldn’t help but notice her sister's reactive armor seemed less effective as her power waned as well, telling that even it had limitations yet.

The moment she touched down a dwarf gekko leaped from the shadows at her. She didn’t even warrant it a glance as her wing casually bashed the unfortunate gear away, though it did remind her of her sister’s most recent crime. Scowling, Luna stalked toward the recovering alicorn.

“Really now Tia, to manipulate the citizens is bad enough but to throw them into battle like this!? To send children to fight for you!? How could have let yourself fall so far!?” she accused but didn’t receive the reaction she expected. Instead Celestia stared back almost completely bewildered.

“Children? What in Equestria are you talking ab-UHG!” Celestia stumbled back grasping her head as she fought for balance. Luna’s eyes widened as the elder sibling was engulfed in flames of purple and black.

“Now now now Lulu, we can’t have you breaking through when she’s finally so close to being completely mine” a second voice spoke over Celestia's own in a disturbing flanged effect as their eyes met, eyes of green sclera and red irises with slitted pupils and exuding a constant purple mist of dark magic. A ripple of disgusted realization coursed through the younger alicorn; she knew this power, and she could never forget that voice.

“Umbra” Luna growled.

“In the flesh,” she smiled smugly “Even if it is somepony else's.”

“This isn’t possible, the Empire resurfaced less than a year ago! How could you have gained so much control over-” Luna was cut off by malicious laughter.

“Do you think me foolish enough to bind myself to that smattering of shiny rocks as strongly as my brother?” Umbra chortled “Please…”

The corrupted princess suddenly exploded forward, slamming into Luna. Deep trenches were carved into the black top as the night watcher struggled against the new dark power added to her sister’s, restoring the armor and renewing the struggle. A muzzle drifted uncomfortably close to hers as the double voice spoke almost sensuously.

“I was able to free myself long before him” she purred “I’ve been in your dear sister for Decades!.”

The point was accentuated with a burst of dark magic from the taller ruler, blasting the younger off balance and leaving her open to attack. She barely deflected the more serious threat of the great sword but wasn’t so lucky against her sister's other chosen tool. Notably less effective than her sister’s golden sheen, Luna's defensive enchants could only absorb so much of a strike from the molten hammer. She was thrown a considerable distance before a massive black tendril not of her own making slammed her back to the ground.

She skid and flipped to her hooves, seeing they’d managed to drag their fight all the way to the dock along the city's river. A rapidly approaching heat warned her of the assault long enough to for a memory to spark. She formed a small ball of silver light above her and left it floating as she dashed to meet Umbra’s charge. The inflamed alicorn grinned at the fool hardy move.

Until her prey disappeared into a burst of black smoke as soon as she lashed out, the dense darkness blinding her. A hoof connected with her back sending her straight into the silver orb, detonating it on impact. She cracked the pavement as she hit and rolled to rise but found Luna’s weapons bearing down on her, forcing her to a knee as the younger princess continued to push down on her.

“I’m surprised you so easily forget Maze’s tactics, given how much you claim to hate her ” Luna taunted as her horn began to glow. Umbra’s magic flared in kind against the build up but found it rebounded against her, Luna already protected with a reflective casting. Her red and green eyes flew wide as they searched for a way out, finally landing on-

‘That’ll do!’

Luna flinched at the triumphant, wicked smile that found her and risked a glance to follow her possessed sister's gaze. She immediately paled at the sight; A terrified group of their subjects were trying to flee the docks to escape becoming casualties of their battle. The corrupted alicorn’s hand shot out with a flare of her horn and a current of pure black lightning sparked out, arcing unerringly at the innocents. Shifting her stored spell Luna erected a quick dome to deflect the bolts out to the river.

Which made an opening for her opponent.

A point blank fireball ripped Luna off her foe and freed the ball mace from her grip. A dark aura caught it and rotated it to face its master as a multitude of runic circles appeared layered all around it. The blunt weapon shot forward with enough force to carry anything caught in its wake along with it, smashing through a flash of light as the night princess just barely blinked away in time. The weapon itself was now unfortunately far beyond her reach.

Given no reprieve, she caught the older sibling's weapons in a fortunate cross against her remaining blade. Fortunate until Umbra completed the swing against the rapier, stressing it far beyond even its limits. As her sword shattered, the whine of rapid power build up signaled an attack before she had any chance to react.

A gold and black arcane ray struck her dead on and carried her into the sky, mirroring her prior attack. She was knocked free of the current as she clipped the edge of a rooftop a couple dozen stories over the city streets. She unsteadily rose with her exosuit frayed and slagged across most her body, perhaps the only thing that saved her.

A delighted titter alerted her of the enemy’s presence, her sister’s commandeered form soon floating into view.

“You may control the moon Lulu, but the light will always drive back the dark” to underscore the point the setting sun began to rise back into the sky behind her. The next moment flames of gold erupted in her right hand as those of black covered her left “And I control Both!

Luna grimaced down to the remains of her broken blade. An unpleasant and incredibly risky thought crossed her mind, but she now had no other choice. Gripping the hilt tightly, she gave a final look of resolve to her sister’s form before streaking up towards the heavens above. With a disgruntled hum the elder alicorn followed, able to match the younger’s speed but not catch up.

The air grew cold and thin as they passed the clouds and began transversing the realm that danced between the sky and space. The city was little more than a blurred grid below when Luna finally stopped, sending out a wave of force before her opponent could close. The dark sky held the moon behind Luna as the sun stayed it place behind its thief, halting the dark’s advance.

“Oh, so a final stand then? A last desperate move away from the masses? How quaint.” Umbra mocked arrogantly as Luna’s features remained stoic and focused “But you want your chance? Go ahead, it will be pointless I assure you."

“Your knowledge of my realm of mastery is flawed Umbra” Luna announced, a slight echo ringing around them “It is not merely the moon under my dominion, but the stars, the voids and all else that is the night! IT’S THE VERY HEAVENS THEMSELVES THAT ANSWER MY CALLS!”

An overwhelming aura exploded from the alicorn, her eyes radiant with a pure silver as the stars within her mane brightened and multiplied until nothing else could be seen within. She raised her sword's hilt, held as if the blade remained to sit horizontal before her. She even held her other hand out as if to steady it against her palm.

Umbra struggled within the sudden hurricane of arcane forces, gathering as much of her own magic as possible to combat it. She searched Celestia’s memories for any hint of this power, finally coming upon an event of the long distant past.

A mistake made as they were testing their then fledgling abilities, a push too far by the younger sibling as she tried to tame the untamable. A mistake barely contained, one that could have easily wiped out at a large swath of the country.

“YOU WOULDN'T! YOU DID NOT EVEN RISK THIS AS THE NIGHTMARE!” Umbra screamed, the sweeping forces now trying to drag her toward the dark alicorn. Luna’s eyes closed as she focused, completely unaffected by the storm of ancient magic that held her as its eye. “NO! I WON’T LET YOU!”

The panicked screech was followed by the monarch’s hammer, soaring like a comet at the mealstrom's creator.

The arcane storm vanished when Luna’s eyes snapped open and the legendary hammer of the sun simply ceased to be. Not vaporized or disintegrated, but entirely vanished. Disappeared into the pure white nothingness that now extended from the broken hilt.

“All that is light, from the smallest sparks to even the mightiest suns, must eventually return to the dark…” Luna’s voice sounded echolessly among the silence.

A cold terror ran through the corrupted monarch’s veins, for she knew what lay within the center of that blank void. Thinner than the most delicate hair, was a strand of pure, unyielding black stretched along its length. Luna brought the impossible blade to bare, held straight up with poise.

The area erupted into chaos again as the solar princess exploded with power. Gold and black flames tore through the air as great glowing cracks spread across her form, intentionally creating the chain reaction of overlapping powers Maze did by accident so long ago. However unlike the cyborg, these seemed far less out of control.

“I CONTROL BOTH THE LIGHT AND THE DARK! I WILL MAKE THE VERY HEAVENS TREMBLE AT MY GLORY IF I HAVE TO!” she roared across the expanse and soared at her last true obstacle “NOW DIE!”

“Forgive me sister…” Luna mourned, streaking to meet the charge.

History would never forget the massive flash of gold and black that spread across the sky, over nearly the entire kingdom.

When night clashed with day.

All of ponyville stood silent within the town hall’s courtyard under a blank sky.

Not a disorganized or moonless sky, but one devoid of substance. An empty, black expanse that cast an oppressive darkness across the whole of Equestria. However it wasn’t the featureless void that held the town’s attention, but the courtyard’s lone source of light.

They stared up to the pillar of screens, the very same Celestia sent into their midst so many months ago.

For there on the screen was the image of a bloodied, defeated Princess Luna with a constant repeating scroll beneath her.

-Nightmare Moon Captured!-

-Execution at Noon-

“Get the elements.”

“Maze, Wh-”


Chapter 20: Culminations

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The crowds and cameras spread out before the two raised platforms in the castle courtyard. From behind her podium, Celestia glanced down to the lower stage on her side to see her sister hunched over before the headspony’s block, a notably large inhibitor ring on her horn. The two hooded ponies beside her stood at attention, holding their axes steady.

‘Nearly time’ she thought with glance to her sun, only slightly distorted through the shimmering barrier around the capital. She gave a satisfied hum that she resisted the urge to inch it to its peek early. No, she promised her subjects noon; so they would wait until noon ‘only a few minutes more, time to start the speech’

Clearing her throat, the crowds fell silent and the cameras focused. Even the trio of RAYs patrolling the city stopped to watch. They all stared up at her expectantly, some scared or worried, and some stoic. The rest, those already under the upgrade’s thrall, simply stared.

“We gather this day to ensure an end to the threat that is Nightmare Moon. I believed after the intervention of the Elements of Harmony there was hope for redemption, but it is with the greatest humility that I must admit my mistake. And even with the promise of greater sorrow, I must as always, put the needs of my ponies first…” the monarch paused and looked down to her sister. The younger alicorn wearily raised her head to meet her sisters eyes, feeling Umbra staring down at her sadistically from behind their facade “Nightmare you have been found guilty of treason, and are hereby sentenced to death. May the makers have mercy on your-”

The words caught in her throat as the shield shuddered, vibrating the whole city…

And sending music blaring through the capital.

One of the heads-ponies abruptly flew off the back of the scaffolding, the subtle crack of a distant rifle heard a moment later.

“DO IT NOW!” the alicorn screamed down and the remaining pony quickly hefted his axe before being torn off himself. She leapt down to the lower staging while summoning her weapon before her attention was focused skyward when the shield shook again, a loud and disturbingly familiar laugh echoing through.

‘They couldn’t have! They wouldn’t!’ she thought as she poured more magic into the barrier, stunned they’d be mad enough to actually go through with it. A cry from her side made her head snap to her sister, now flying back as another echo of a shot reached her. She watched unbelieving as the younger alicorn, face obscured by her hair, pitched off the back of the platform like the guards before her... a small trail of red left in her wake.

‘But… I don’t… WHY?! her mind struggled until the shield shook again, another laugh echoing through the city as the distraction proved just enough. The barrier shattered and sent the monarch stumbling as enemy forces poured into the city with a sudden blizzard rushing in after them. A blizzard of…

“Marshmallow fluff?” Celestia questioned as a glob of the sticky white struck near her hoof. She shook off the last of her confusion, the planks of the platform splintering as he launched off to meet the draconequus now cackling over the city.

The wood however continued to split and erupted beneath her as several tendrils of shadow ensnared her, smashing their prey to the pavement below in an instant. They burned away as the alicorn stood and turned to at her bedraggled sibling, noting the bleeding, ring shaped gash at the base of her horn.

‘They hit the ring at that distance?!' she marveled before huffing.

“Now Luna, you couldn’t beat me at your best! How could you have any hope in this state, let alone after we’ve taken or destroyed all your arms and armor!?”

Despite her confidence Celestia flinched when her sister rushed towards her covered in silver brilliance. The elder princess barely reacted in time to block, a shower of sparks washing over her from the harsh meeting of metal on metal. She looked past the sword grinding against hers to see Luna now clad in the armor of Nightmare Moon and wielding a blade that, save for its dark purple hue, was a mirror to Maze’s own.

“NOT ALL, TIA!” the night watcher called as their battle began anew.

Across the capitol Maze raced through the streets with Rarity and several militia troops in tow. They hesitated as a squad of guards moved to block them before a great blob of fluff engulfed the soldiers, gluing them to the asphalt with its unnatural and sugary goodness. The cyborg smiled as she saw houses and IGs beginning to float or transform among other untold happenings of chaos.

“Well, whether he’s really with us or not, I suppose I can’t argue with these results!” Rarity called from behind. There path however didn’t remain clear for long as the resistance grew denser as they neared the palace. They managed well enough until a heavy shadow blanketed them, one of the royal RAYs bearing down on them from above. Maze cursed as she steadied her blade, holding little fear of the GEAR but knowing Luna could only hold out for so long.

Deafening clangs bounced off the buildings as the street’s manhole covers abruptly rocketed into the sky and a quartet of cannon balls crashed into the offending GEAR. Cannon balls that grew heads and limbs before swarming over the war machine, allowing the the group to slip past. Maze laughed as she heard the RAY struggling against the turtle quartet and followed her squad before catching sight of the guard’s second RAY harassing Derpy’s and Twilight’s group up ahead.

‘And of course she outpaced us...’ Maze thought slightly bitter before the pavement quaked and another massive shadow thundered past them. The screech of scraping metal filled the air when a fourth, freshly painted RAY crashed into the offending GEAR, knocking it off its feet before unleashing a torrent of plasma upon its prone form. Not hesitating, the RAY raced off ahead with its yellow pegasus charge still perched on its shoulder.

The street’s shook as the city’s last guardian RAY smashed in the ground behind it, the escalating whine of building power signalling its own assault aimed squarely at the Militia GEAR’s back.

“WOLF! YOUR SIX!” a cry warned through the command codec line just in time for the the massive machine leap out of the way. A bright flash suddenly engulfed the hostile machine, forcing all gazes away before the transplanted IG could even consider a counter. When the defenders looked back, they could only gawk or laugh at the sight.

The ground shook as a massive wind-up toy METAL GEAR stomped around, rotating in place and forcing the royal troops beneath it to scatter. Maze caught a glimpse of the serpentine spirit rolling with laughter in the sky above. As she watched she caught sight of Crystal and Dash’s squad shoot past, encouraging their own efforts forward again.

A fountain of arcane forces erupted from the palace courtyards, squelching the moment of levity to refocus the fight. The city shook as the alicorns clashed once more, Luna’s readopted blade trembling her her grasp as another piece of her dark armor was broken away. The younger princess fell to a knee as her sibling settled into a lazy hover before her.

“The sword my still be useful but I fear your armor is a bit obsolete, dear sister” Celestia taunted before a shadow filled her peripheral. Chunks of marble and dust filled the air an instant later as a hurled statue of the princess herself crumbled against her fist. “Really Discord? Isn’t that a little blunt for you?”

“It just means it’s that much more unexpected!” the spirit of chaos countered with a titter “Just like your power! I can’t believe I actually had to get this close! You two really Have become more troublesome haven’t you?!”

With that he abruptly shot through the air, twisting in an erratic path toward the alicorn and prompting Celestia’s brow to furrow. Even with his power, Discord risked much attacking her directly. If he wanted to suffer her wrath up-close however, then she was all too happy to oblige.

A searing wake trailed behind her blade, arching to the draconequus.


The demi-god split straight down the middle… and continued unabated, slithering around the befuddled princess to coil around the other. Then, with a blown kiss and a wink, he snapped his fingers and his one flash was replaced by many.

The music shifted as Celestia spun to her new adversaries as they surrounded her.

“No running away or hiding behind your human this time little ponies?” she taunted to Maze’s little band of fugitives, who merely scowled back. She smirked as she looked over her opponents; A pair of unicorn, a changeling, two earth ponies and an undoubtedly still spent Maze “So be it!”

She spun to meet the source of a muffled explosion sounding behind her, a crimson colored Maze now meeting her glare.

“Predictable” Celestia couldn’t help but scoffed her blade sliced through the air and straight through the cyborg like she wasn’t even there, her image twisting and flickering “A hologram?!”

A grunt escaped her as her knee hit the ground, a kick slamming into the back of it before a heavy round round hit the other. Strong arms and metal tentacles restrained her from behind before a pony barged through the hologram and filled Celestia’s sight before a metal fist met her jaw with a small explosion. The aquamarine blur spun away before a stun baton followed the strike before it, the two ponies spinning around one another delivering constant, full momentum strikes.

A snarl rippled through princess before she flung the tentacled changeling off and into the couple. A foot met the base of her neck, promoting a backward sweep of her wing that missed the cyborg now rolling over her shoulder. Maze grimaced as her attempted sweep stopped dead against a golden hoof. The alicorn stared down smugly until her sight was filled with the sky as a blade swept up into her chin. Her head shot back down as her eyes locked onto the nuisance with a seething fury, eliciting an audible gulp from the human.

The woman was torn off her feet when the back of a golden fist crashed against her cheek, allowing Maze only a glimpse in her peripheral of the sword coming down at her. Celestia blinked as blade cut into the ground, missing her target as it disappeared in a blue flash. The sudden spalt of what felt like an egg against her face left her little time to consider the spell’s change in color. She felt reached for the gooey sack before pulling it away with long, slimey stand trailing behind.

“Ugh, what-” A disgusted wail pierced the sky as the alicorn was engulfed in unspeakable horribleness. So overwhelmed with revulsion, she couldn’t muster a defense against the metal tendrils ensnaring her and pounding her into the ground. She hit the ground twice more before conquering the urge to retch and regaining her senses.

Crystal flinched away from the alicorn erupting into flames, letting out a surprised scream as the fire rushed at her an instant later. She righted herself as she was thrown into the air, her form lightly smoking as half her tentacles melted away. Still trying to shake off the heat still clinging to her skin and chitin, she paled at the din of building magic. Celestia beamed triumphantly as the lance of fiery brilliance escaped her horn. At least until her latest target disappeared in a flash of blue just like the last.

A golden, arcane luminescence stretched out following the princess’s growl, seeking the spell point when a massive metal tail crashed into her. The stone work scattered as she ground to a stop, growing as she her head snap back but only to find the her entire vision fill with the open maw of a RAY.

It’s plasma cannon overcharged mere inches from her muzzle.

A torrent of destruction ripped into the courtyard and the gardens beyond, even the gleam of golden armor was lost within its wrath. The current of death continued until one of Wolf’s mandibles abruptly broke free, the beam sweeping across the stonework as he found his new body flying through the air. Another tremor shook the ground as a blast of solar power found the GEAR midfall, the sizzles and pops of melting metal and circuits filling the space soon after.

She staked forward to finish off the GEAR when mist suddenly enveloped her. She spread her wings to clear the distraction when a spear of ice shattered against her flaming aura and a surge of magic flared and rapidly closed behind her. The keen of her blade cutting through the air followed as she spun to meet the source only to strike at nothing. She turned towards another sense of magic when a shadow appeared in her peripheral and an arcane bolt dispersed the false image of a unicorn into the mist.

More and more arcane signatures began darting around her, out of sync with the multiple Trixies fading in and out of existence as they peppered her with spells. She couldn’t trace the spells or even the unicorn’s signature and every attempt to retaliate was met without success. Her situation became more chaotic when the ground began to shift beneath her, the courtyards stone tiles sliding beneath her hooves leaving her struggling for balance.

‘YOU’VE BEEN BEWITCHED!’ screamed within her mind. The pop of static followed as the the spell was dispersed by Celestia’s quick casting. With her mind and mist cleared and she as she found her footing could at last trace the unicorn’s aura.

And found it directly above her.

Her head whipped up just in time to see the the showmare’s horn gleam and both her hand thrust down. The princess’s knee crashed into the ground as her weight skyrocketed, the gravity increasing exponentially down upon her. She struggled to stay standing as her magic stretched out, the pressure increased but she would not relent.

A yelp escaped the heavy hatted mage when the flow to her spell was abruptly cut and she was ensnared by the alicorn’s magic hold. A much louder cry issued forth as she was slammed into the edge of the new trench. She squinted up to see the alicorn’s great sword poised overhead. A series of shots rang out somewhere to their side as rounds hammered into the princess to no avail, the bothersome peppering quickly blocked by an extended wing. The showmare’s eyes slammed shut as the blade swung down.


“GAAAAAGGHHHHH!!!” Trixie’s eyes snapped back open at the cry before flinching away, the burning sword cutting into the ground scant inches from her head. Glancing past the shorn brim of her hat she witnessed Celestia clawing at a scrunched muzzle, eyes tightly shut as they began to water. She marvelled at the sight until an uncomfortably warm metal tendil coiled about her waist and wrenched her away.

Another more subtle ping followed a very unprincess-like snort, leaving the alicorn staring down incredulously as the mucus covered rifle round now rolling across the cracked stonework.

A sandy maned stallion gave a nervous laugh as two wrathful orbs locked on to him, now slowly backing away. Tripping over his own hooves, he fell back as the princess exploded towards him, igniting with white-hot fury. She was on him in an instant, her fist an inch from his muzzle when a heavy body crashed into her from the side.

The pair rolled over each other before their blades met with a shower of sparks. They traded strikes again and then again, neither gaining headway even though Maze seemed to be barely holding her at bay. Even if the group’s assault had only lasted at most a couple minutes altogether, the constant interruptions and embarrassments finally hit a tipping point.

“Enough of this!”

A shriek escape the cyborg as a hoof drove into her thigh, straight into the still fresh wound from Wolf’s shattered armor less than a day before. The cry cut short as the humans breath hitched in her throat, the world going quiet for but a moment save for the small beeping on her HUD warning of the sudden absence of her pulse.

“Didn’t miss it this time...” the flanged voice purred in the displaced woman’s ear. Maze’s eyes shot up from the sword buried in her chest to see a bright flare before she was ripped off the blade.

“MAZE!” somepony shouted as their leader was blasted away from the monarch who followed the flight with the utmost glee, taking in every moment of it she could. Umbra’s vicious grin grew wider as she saw the ever persistent and exceptionally troublesome thorn in her side finally fall. She basked in the cyborg's attempt to open the one eye in the remaining half of her face to look back at her glorious form… and then look past her… and smile? Umbra rounded to meet the threat-

And blanched, her pupils nearly disappearing as she took in the wall of rainbow radiance rushing towards her.

Her golden sheen fluctuated as the beam collided with a barrier raised in blind panic. The possessed alicorn’s eyes bulged and darted frantically along the rapidly dissolving edges of the protective wall, Umbra feeling her influence dwindle as the shield failed.

‘NO, THIS CAN’T HAPPEN!’ she screaming inside Celestia’s mind as her eyes slammed shut



The bearers floated above the ground with eyes glowing pure white, suspended by the Elements as they unleashed their majesty. Twilight’s brow furrowed at a small deviance that flared immediately after, a minuscule spark of feedback that only caused an almost imperceptible flinch.

Unfortunately, it was still enough.

There was a collective gasp from the bearers as the princess’s form shot above the beam, her glowing white eyes mirroring their own. The blood drained from Maze’s face, staring uncomprehendingly at the impossible feat before she was engulfed by the now unimpeded rainbow.

Twilight didn’t even register the music being cut off before a golden hoof crashed against her cheek, sending her bouncing along the stonework below. The rest elements fell as their connection broke, the closest mare to the alicorn striking back as soon as they landed. Applejack gaped as her hoof stopped dead in in the princess’s grip before she was used as a flail against her rainbow maned ally mid-dive. The remaining trio couldn’t make it a step before being snared by the golden aura, wrenched high off the ground and making three new craters as they were reunited with it.

“Celestia wielded the Elements alone for Centuries!” Umbra roared at the fallen mares “Did you truly believe she had lost all influence over them?!”

A line of purple, arcane fury streaked across her back, proving futile against the reactive armor but drew her ire all the same. The young unicorn gulped as her teacher’s stolen gaze slowly turned to her.

“Youuuuu…” pure venom dripped from the word. Twilight was ripped off the ground covered in a black haze “the one that kept breaking through, that kept stalling my advance.”

Small whimpers escaped the student as she squirmed against the growing pressure. The flanged voice of her mentor chuckled darkly while she slowly closed her fist.

“So long I’ve waited to twist your power to my gain, but I guess I will have to settle on this” the malicious, sadistic grin widened “I will not make this quick.”

The whimpers turned blood-curdling scream as a series of snaps and cracks filled the air. Her friends tried to call out but were themselves being pressed harder into the ground. The alicorn’s breathing grew heavy as she took in the delicious sounds of pain, exhilarated at the sight of the tears streaming down the bearer of magic's face.

“GAh!” a barrage of silver streaks detonated against Celestia’s side, forcing her to drop the tortured pony as another alicorn demanded her attention. A burning hand swiped up with a wave of flame, sending the exhausted younger princess into the nearest wall, no formalities to be had.

With the last annoyance dealt with, Umbra paused for a moment with her gaze going distant. A smug smile formed on her lips as her link to the suppression network fed her the image of an irritated looking Discord being harassed by the kingdom’s last alicorn and her would-be prince. She knew they couldn’t hope to defeat the draconequus but they’d nevertheless stall him long enough. Her smile grew again as she turned her attention back to the unicorn going fetal as she curled up crying.

“So then, where were-”

The words died in her throat as a new song blared around her.

Pupils contracted to dots as the possessed ruler began to literally tremble with rage, her visage twisting into a look of pure, unrelenting hatred.


The sentiment withered before the multichromatic hurricane she turned to find behind her. She unconsciously retreated a couple steps back as the miniature tornado pulsed and began to condense around a familiar silhouette. The prismatic wall shattered into a flurry of nano magic particles that began to rapidly wash away the human’s injuries, showing her to be just as shocked and confused as any of those witnessing the event.

Maze flinched back with her eyes closed as, all at once, the power of the elements rushed into her. Umbra stood transfixed by the rolling, multi-colored waves wafting off her form until the displaced’s eyes snapped back open and locked onto her own.

She was immediately struck by the sensation of her hooves lifting off the ground and something burbling up her throat. A violent cough ripped itself from her and misted the air with a weak splatter of red.

“Wha-” the back of a fist slammed into her muzzle with a sickening crunch, launching her across the courtyard. She jerked to a stop when a steel grip caught her leg before she could meet the ground. She instead met it abruptly somewhere else, and then several more times before she vanished in a bright golden flash. Reappearing above, the monarch’s horn pulsed before a searing beam encompassed the human.

“FUCK ME!” Umbra reared back as a hand burst from the attack, the magic wafting over the cyborg like nothing more than a warm breeze. The hand reached the retreating horn and second wet crunch filled the space between them as her muzzle was ripped forward into a raised knee.

A blaze of light strobed as the alicorn’s greatsword appeared back in her hand, slicing through a cloud of smoke and embers as her target blinked away. The corrupted Celestia hit the ground, shaking away the disorientation. Not a second later she caught the ghost of a blur in her peripheral before narily deflecting Maze’s blade. She caught the return and held it firm as she stared wide eyed back at the infused cyborg before a she felt the small drip from a stinging line in her cheek.

‘She didn’t even hit me!’ she screamed internally. It was one thing to have the attacks go straight through her armor as if it wasn’t even there, but this? While Celestia’s fear and ‘lesser’ emotions were repressed Umbra now learned that her's were in fact not, and the reality of her position truly sunk in… and something snapped.

She leapt back from her opponent with blade and wings flailing erratically as her mind went blank. Random, errant spells and fear fueled instinct alone was all that protected her as she dodged and defended in a blind panic. Another tremor rocked the city as Umbra’s latest outpouring of unfocused rage swept over her opponent with a new result and as quickly as her senses left her, they snapped back at the sight. It was small, and incredibly brief but it was enough.

It was a wince.

The monarch’s malicious smile returned full force as she saw her opening, pushing the attack past its limits and at last impeding the cyborg. Maze pressed on and took her shot, blade thrusting out first at the alicorn. However, instead of dodging, Umbra cut her spell off and actually stepped into the cyborg's attack. The sudden loss of resistance pitched the human off balance as a deep gash tore into the princess’s side, the accepted attack leaving Maze open for the full swing retaliation of a greatsword into her side.

She managed to tumble before the momentum sent her sliding and catch the pursuing Celestia’s follow up, feeling the harmonious aura around her sudder in response.

“That’s the real problem with the Elements, isn’t Maze?! They were never meant for this kind of drawn out fight!” Umbra taunted, taking great glee in the new, shallow slice in her opponents exosuit now faintly dripping with red “Always a one an done kind of attack!”

She’d quickly exhaust herself at this rate and the gash in her own side certainly didn’t go unnoticed, but it didn’t matter; after Maze there was no one left to challenge her.

“Just a set of ONE!”

A heavy strike emphasized the word


Another burst from her horn.


A final overhead swing forced Maze to her knees as the colorful aura all but disappeared, her trembling blade slowly lowering as corrupted ruler bore down upon her.

Not far from the conflict Twilight laid prone watching the conflict through blurry eyes as the edges of her vision darkened. Her entire being was pain but still she focused everything she had on her element, even ignoring her own injuries, knowing that if the flow failed that would be it. But she was quickly losing that fight, and even worse could feel her friends faltering in their connection as well. A heavy lethargy washed over her as the pain eased with the dying light…

Until somepony wrenched her up and the world exploded back life with a fresh wave of pain as she fell against them… but then it calmed, and retreated. Not completely but Some- somepony was pouring magic into her, driving away the pain and restoring her focus. But who-

“DAMNIT SPARKLE!” Twilight flinched away from the sudden yell next to her ear “We didn’t come this far just for you to pass out at the finale! Now feed that damned Element or Trixie will take it from you and do it Herself!”

And it wasn’t only Trixie. The injured unicorn shot a quick glance to her side to see the rest of the elements, her friends, being supported by Maze’s own and their connections strengthening; even from the ones being supported by those without magic! The Elements erupted back to life with all their previous fury… and then, for reasons Twilight couldn’t begin to consider at the moment, more. A whole hell of a lot more.

Umbra’s attention snapped over confused to the display before the sword was ripped from her hands and sent spinning into the sky. Breaking her gaze following the rapidly shrinking blade she looked back down to her opponent, finding glowing eyes of pure white amongst an aura burning tenfold stronger as before.

“Oh-*GRK!*” a steel grip locked on her throat and she felt something crumble against her back. A fine white powder drifted around her as she realized she was against the castle walls, moved quicker than she could process. She looked up to see they were at the base of the tallest tower when a foot struck next to her and the hand tugged upward “NOOO-”

Her strained yell was drowned out by the rumbling cacophony of stone being pulverized against her back. Marble chunks rained down from the cyborg dragging the corrupted alicorn back first up the gleaming white pillar. A wave of air stung her shredded back and tattered wings as they broke through the top and the hand left her neck. The quick gasp of air turned shocked as the hand latched onto the collar of her armor and she felt herself spinning before being hurled further into the air.

An explosion sounded below before a hand slammed into her face, driving her even further skyward. Fingers straddled her horn as the human’s legs clamped around her middle, pinning her arms to her side. Her one eye not covered by the cyborg’s hand glared at her adversary as she felt the power of their aura press against her defences.

“You’ve already tried this human! So long as I hold her, even the Element’s power can’t reach her!” Umbra taunted.

“No? Well, maybe her’s can!”

“Please, any power you’ve gained from our fight will have been tainted by mine!” She smirked… until Maze returned one of her own.

“Not a problem…” the displaced said calmly before the aura of the elements mixed with a bright blaze of gold; the long denied spark buried deep within, finally fed again after so long. Umbra simply redoubled her scowl.

“I won’t let her go! All you’ll do is kill us BOTH!

“Correction!” Maze snarked back “KILL US ALL!

Between the Maze’s manic smile and the rapidly expanding aura growing more erratic, it was then Umbra realized the true implication and paled.

She couldn’t control of it.

And Umbra knew She couldn’t control it either. The only chance of containment was Celestia herself.


“TIME’S UP!” was all she heard before bright, glowing cracks shot up the cyborg’s arm and the mixed power of the Element of Harmony and the Sun itself slammed into her entire being.

Below on the ground, Luna stood with the gathered defenders staring up at the speck in the sky. She began to fear why Maze felt the need to draw them both so far above the castle when she saw the spark as the music cut short.

“GET DOWN!” she immediately called and erected as strong a barrier as she could muster around the others now cowering around her. Even she had to turn away from the blinding ball of burning light rapidly expanding toward the city. The lunar princess crouched with the others, her eyes closed tight against the all encompassing light and heat as she prayed Maze knew what she was doing, that their world wasn’t about to end.

And then the heat stopped rising, and then steadily begin to fade. She squinted up through the remaining haze to see that, save for the melted tips of the castle towers and perhaps some of the mountainside overlooking the city, the ball had stopped just in time.

“Is it over?” she heard somepony ask while she searched the falling embers of the fading magic “Where’s Celestia? Maze?”

The group jumped when the younger alicorn broke into a sprint. Ignoring her pain, Luna shot straight toward the castle steps, eyes tracking a glimmering figure falling among the drifting lights and embers. Her limping gait prevented her from reaching it before it hit the ground, leaving her to approach the edge newest dent in the courtyard…

To see the gold slowly recede off her sister’s unmoving form, her wings protectively wrapped around herself as she lay on her side. She hobbled forward as her form began to stir and finally rollover… revealing a very pink skinned human within the wings’ embrace.

"Ta-daaaa~" it delivered weakly.

“MAZE!” she heard from behind as the displaced’s friends joined her as she reached the pair. Luna bent to cradled her still unconscious sister’s head as the others helped move Maze off her wing.

“Sorry Ly...’” Maze delivered exhausted and held up the shattered, charred stump of her prosthetic “I broke the arm you made me.”

A small, tired laugh echoed through the group before they all fell silent for a moment. Luna keep her gaze down to her sister’s calm face.

“She saved you…” she said before looking up to Maze with hopeful eyes.

“I told you she was was still in there, we just needed to get that bitch out of the way first” the human returned with smile and shrug. The six bearers managed to close the distance to them when they belatedly noticed the sounds of battle were gone, the cities converted released form their suppression with their focal point now reset “WOLF!” Maze called out “YOU OKAY?!”

“I AM STILL FUNCTIONAL.” the hound’s synthetic voice boomed from the the fallen RAY “BUT THERE IS AN OBJECT CLOSING QUICKLY FROM THE SKY.”

Not a moment later there was a large crash at the top of the castle steps above them, a smoking heap stirring among the dust. The defenders tensed as the shadow pushed itself to its hands and knees and jerked its head up at them, a recoil of shock and disgust rolling over group.

Queen Umbra, finally in the flesh, struggled to her feet leaning heavily on one hoof, her entire other side horribly burned and bleeding as it still wafted with the smoke of dark magic and solar flame.

“ARMOR! CADENZA!” she screamed with a gurgle. Twin flashes strobed behind the dark unicorn and, still bearing the blank face of suppression, the pair appeared. A third flash appeared between them and the group revealing an annoyed looking Discord. Umbra’s scowl deepened.

“This isn’t over.” she growled before the trio vanished in another burst of light.

Maze looked over the group letting out a collectively held breath; bloodied and beaten and reeling from a victory not as complete as they were hoping for. It was a start though, and it simply meant there was still work left to do. Guards and medics were soon seen approaching so there was only one thing left for her to do.

“Okay… I'm gonna pass out now.”


Act 1 Epilogue: Declaration

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“I know those sounds” the woman thought as the world drifted back to her. She slowly opened her eyes to a blurry ceiling with a calming cloud motif. Blinking away the haze, Maze caught the tops of the surrounding equipment and IV stands feeding tubes and wires into her various ports.

“Heeeeyyy…” she heard weakly from her side. She turned her head to see a very tired looking Twilight lying in the bed next to hers, a small smile on her lips despite the multitude of wrappings and tubes covering her form “...There you are.”

“Hey” Maze returned and tried to sit up and found it much more difficult than expected. She tired bringing up her HUD only to see a blurry [System in Repair] flash for a second, promoting a projected hologram of her status to pop up before her instead to say she only had a combat readiness of... “SIX PERCENT!?”

A chuckle escaped Twilight before turning into a small cough.

“Between the Elements and…” She paused to take a breath “Celestia’s power, you burnt out the vast majority of your systems... And when I say burnt, I mean literally.”

“I can see that” the cyborg returned before looking over at the unicorn with concern; she may not have seen much of what Umbra did to her, but she had certainly heard it “How are you doing?”

“I’ll live... don’t worry. It may be a little while but they say I should... make a full recovery…” a larger smirk graced the unicorn’s lips “Though I might end up with a couple ‘Shiny inside bits’ like you.”

Maze shot back with a smirk of her own before taking a better look around. They were a very upscale yet small ward, and based on the equipment and security she guessed they were in a private ward for nobles and guests. While Maze wasn’t really familiar with this one’s layout she could still tell they were in the castle, and knew the Princesses kept their own personal medical wing. Plus she doubted they’d give Celestia’s personal student anything but the best care.

“How long have I been out?” she asked after a moment.

“I want to say three days, but I’ve been in and out for a lot of that myself” her wardmate answered “At least two though, I know that much.”

“And Celestia?”

Twilight’s gaze fell, though her expression didn't quite reach worried.

“Still unconscious, but alive… beyond that though, well...” she delivered a bit monotone after the brief hesitation, however as Maze was about to inquire she was cut off by the sound of double doors and several murmuring voices over steps of varying types.

“I got an alert from her support systems that she’s awake.” a familiar voice echoed to them.

“I just checked a moment ago and she-” a nurse peaked around the corner and stopped at the sight of the cyborg “...apparently is awake. Very well, but do be mindful not to get them too excited. I’ll call the doctor to assess her recovery.”

“Well I can do that” an aquamarine pony stepped out from behind the nurse, followed by Trixie, Crystal and a somewhat jury-rigged looking Wolf “There she is!”

“Hey guys” Maze gave a small wave as they approached, noting they had they had their own fair share of bandages and limping gaits “Seems like none of us got away without a beating eh?”

“Well, except Johnny” Crystal countered, select areas of her exposed skin wrapped in familiar blue soaked bandages. The rest of her seemed okay other than some warped and burnt chitin.

“Can’t you just shapeshift the burns away?” Twilight asked, back to a more chipper tone, while Lyra stepped forward with her pad and interfaced with Maze’s systems.

“I could but the cells would still be damaged, so they’d just be healing somewhere else. Like when my wing was burned.” Twilight oh’d at the explanation while the changeling refocused on the cyborg “So how you feel’n?”

“Well I feel fine, but my HUDs telling me different.”

“That would be the bed,” Lyra piped in “Some real fancy spellwork and meds for suppressing pain and such. Either of you leave your bed though and you’ll definitely start feeling it.”

“It would be best if you avoided your typical rebellious recovery behavior” Wolf added as Maze tried not to smile too big at his large head not matching standard fenrir body. He seemed to be dealing alright though.

“You have fun stomping around as a RAY?”

“It was a curious experience, but my standard form is far more suitable for my primary function.”

The human just rolled her eyes before they drifted over to the remaining, uncharacteristically quiet pony. Trixie had her arm in a sling and heavy bags under her eyes below a curious, cakey cream almost completely encasing her horn.

“Yeah…” the showmare noticed the look “Pushed my magic a bit too far during the fight.”

“Ugh, mana burn is the worst.” Twilight commented, though didn’t elicit any response from the blue unicorn.

“Speaking of, what was with that second burst of power?” Maze remembered.

“Ugh!” Crystal’s head fell into her hands before the others could answer. With a wry smile Lyra explained.

“Well, during the fight we noticed Twilight and the rest were in pretty bad shape so we went to try and help any way we could, even if not all of us had magic to heal or syphon to them. But as it turned out we already had a far better magic for the job…”

The changeling groaned into her palms, making for a very confused Maze until Twilight softly sang,


“It’s so LAME!” Crystal’s head shot back up as Maze and the others just burst out laughing. As the titters died out and Crystal slumped dramatically, Twilight finished for Lyra.

“In addition to just the extra power, the Elements were better able to sync with you since your connection to your friends was stronger than it was with the girls and I.” she paused before adding with a small smirk “Don’t worry, we didn’t take it personally.”

“Thanks” the cyborg returned before looking over to the grumpy changeling “Hey hammy or not, at least it worked right? Besides I figured you changelings would have come around to its potential, what with Chrysalis being beaten by it and all.”

“Chrysalis was beaten by love.” Crystal corrected.

“Technically speaking” a new voice entered the conversation, all heads turned to see Princess Luna making her way towards them “Friendship is love, it’s simply not a romantic kind… usually.”

“Princess” several members of the group bowed as she approached, Maze just waved her still stump of an arm.

“Hey Lulu!” a small chuckle escaped the alicorn.

“Maisie” she returned with a smile before regarding the others “Would all mind giving her and I a moment?”

“Oh, um yes, of course your highness. We should probably get back out there anyway.” Lyra quickly acquiesced and tried to herd the group away as she gave Maze a call back as they were leaving “We’ll catch you up on everything later… or Twi can tell you, yeah?”

The purple unicorn gave her old classmate a thumbs up while Luna focused on the cyborg and took a seat the the end of the bed.

“My apologies, I thought we could converse better on our own.”

“Um, should I just plug my ears or something?” Twilight asked concerned, prompting a smile from the dream guardian.

“Oh no, you’re fine Twilight. I just haven’t a lot of time and they can easily return later where I may have more difficulty in it. That and I expect my presence would have left them just hovering around timidly. It happens quite often really.” she elaborated and redirected to the human again “How are you feeling?”

“Well I feel fine,” Maze repeated with a furrowed brow “but my system says I’m only running at six percent…”

“Oh that’s good! You were only at two yesterday…” seeing the concerned look deepen, Luna placed a comforting hand on Maze’s “Don’t worry, both the doctor and Lyra say you’ll be fine. You will have to stay here for a little while, but you’ll recover. At an exponential rate as well, they inform me.”

A sigh escaped the unicorn next to them.

“Hey don’t worry Twi, I’m sure they’re trying to share as much of me as they can to help everyone. Hell if Lyra keeps up at the rate she’s going you’ll all be just like me before too long… well maybe not just like me.”

“A whole population of Maisies? Makers help us” the alicorn teased. Maze stuck her tongue out as the pair just giggled “Though speaking of sharing… I’d very much appreciate if you’d share what happened between you and Discord.”

The tone didn’t turn ominous but the was a definitely a sudden tension in the air.

“Um… I’m sure the others told you how it went down, right?”

“They did…” Luna left hanging in the air for a moment “But they still don’t understand exactly what happened or why, only that it seemed like you did.”


“No? Well perhaps I shall tell it as I understand, and then we can fill in the blanks together...”

The Night before the Attack on Canterlot

“Y’all sure about this Maze?” Applejack asked as the statue was wheeled into the center of the group.

“Luna’s been captured and we have no other option to end this before it’s too late. I’d say that’s a ‘shit’s hit the fan moment’ if there ever was one.” the cyborg said.

“But…” Fluttershy squeaked “Won’t this just make things worse?”

“He’ll help us” Maze stayed resolute.

“How do you know that?!” Rainbow demanded.

“Because that’s… ugh, I just do okay! I can’t explain it!”

“So, what!? We’re just supposed to unleash a god of chaos on the world because of your gut feeling!?” Dash continued.

“I didn’t say it was a feeling. I said I know.”

“Do you?” Pinkie asked meekly. Maze turned to see the pony’s mane halfway deflated “Don’t get me wrong, the chocolate rain was fun and all but… well, you’ve been wrong about this stuff before Mazey, and there’s a lot of scared ponies here...”

Seeing the jubilant pony so hesitant shook Maze, but she remained steadfast. Twilight stepped forward to offer a more practical argument.

“Maze, Discord isn’t a conventional threat” the unicorn began “fighting him wasn’t like fighting Chrysalis or Nightmare Moon. If this goes wrong you can’t just swing your sword at him, because by the time you try he’s already turned the ground beneath you to weasels or twisted your mind against your friends. Or both. I don’t think... No… We can’t do this Maze.”

Twilight met Maze’s resolute stare with her own, knowing she couldn’t do this without the Element’s cooperation. She blinked confused however when the human just shrugged with a lopsided smile.

“Hey that’s cool, I didn’t Really need you to free him anyway.” the group stood perplexed until a familiar titter chilled them to the bone.

“Ohohoho! Yes!” the gathered defenders all whipped their heads to the statue, having ignored it within the tunnel vision of the argument. There on the base sat the chaos spirit himself, hunched over with his chin in his hands watching the exchange as it if were a play. The next moment he was shooting off to coil about Maze, bringing the two face to face “Oh I do so love how deliciously devious you humans can be when you want to. One moment a caring friend and then not a second later the mask changes to the master manipulator… Ah, the chaos your kind does so naturally is just...”

“But, wha-...” several members of the group began to stammer as the draconequus gave an italian chef kiss to the air


“HOW?!” Twilight Demanded when her shock waned.

“Oh please Twilight” Discord disappeared in a flash before appearing next to her, his arm draped across her shoulders “All it took last time was that trio of fillies having a little spat to let me loose. Meanwhile your little cybernetic betrayer over there has managed to get the whole town up in arms, all arguing over little ol’ me.”

Betrayer might be a little strong…” Maze grumbled.

“Oh but you are the Bloodletter aren't you?” the chaos spirit slinked back up to the human “See now that one got a reaction. Perhaps you’re not such a natural when is comes to chaos... what with the unexpected so often getting the better of you...”

Maze matched Discord’s smug with a steady stare. This was a different tone than she- ...she sighed mentally ‘...than I had been expecting.’

Maze shot a side glance to the bearers, not as a signal but Maze knew better than to try and predict chaos... even with the knowledge of the show. Their element necklaces however were already glowing slightly in preparation.

“Oh will you all calm down” Discord straightened as his tone shifted to casually playful once more and emphasised “I’m in.”

Another wave of befuddled looks swept through the gathered ponies. Maze simply arched an eyebrow as Twilight asked.

“You’re in?”

“Yes! In for this whole little rebellion things of yours! It’ll certainly be more entertaining than doing nothing but listen as just another rock underground” the draconequus grumbled.

“Just like that?” Applejack asked.

“No dear Applejack not ‘just like that’...” Discord’s attitude grew irritated, for just a moment before brightening again “buuuut I know how this story goes, or at least how it’s supposed to go. It seems nice, so I’m willing to give it a shot… for now”

Maze’s brow furrowed as her eyes widened, piercing the chaos bringer with an exceptionally concerned look. His smirk however never wavered.

“Gotta love that ‘Ninja Magic’, eh Miss Displaced?” Discord winked at her and and turned on a heel to start strutting toward the town hall.

All the while humming a very familiar theme song…

“Is that about the sum of it Maisie?” Luna’s tone hand remained calm and even, the information delivered simply and matter of fact. Yet it couldn’t cover the almost accusatory note beneath the recounting.

“Um, Yeah! That’s uh, that’s about it!” Maze offered a little too enthusiastically with a shaky smile. This had hardly been the first time she’d been confronted about her knowledge, but it seemed Luna really meant business this time.

“I very much doubt that” Luna replied flatly “As your friends informed me, as Discord walked away he was humming a tune they had only heard once before. However it was during a very significant moment… when the psychic beneath the city was probing your minds, specifically yours.”

Maze didn’t answer, her eyes locked with the princesses. She folded first, her lips tightening as she broke the contact. Luna however, remained solid.

“There is also the fact that, from what else they’ve informed me of both during these recent inquiries and over the past several months, it would also seem that your knowledge of THIS era is far more specific than the vague understanding you had shown when you first arrived in this world.”

Again, Maze didn’t respond. The moment hung in the air, stretching until Luna asked directly,

“Did you know Celestia would be possessed?”


The answer was given directly and without hesitation as Maze’s gaze snapped back to hers, sure and unwavering. The night princess processed and continued.

“...Did you know Sombra and Umbra would return?”

Maze didn’t answer as her eyes fell again. Luna’s narrowed.

“Did you know it would be now?”

Again, no answer. She only saw a minor tug at the corner of the humans mouth as her head almost imperceptibly tilted. She had seen the complete expression so many times she could still perfectly hear Maze’s ‘Well, not exactly...’ in her head.

In the past Maze’s ‘ninja magic’ knowledge was typically quite ambiguous; she knew of the princesses, of several other notable figures both current and historical, of the intent for Canterlot castle and its city and general knowledge one wouldn’t expect of what was basically a newly arrived alien. But while notable, it was also imperfect. It failed against seer tests and never extended beyond the surprise that she already knew some small detail. But now, in this new age, even if it was sometimes off or just wrong…

Luna’s expression grew almost angry.

“You know the future.”

It wasn’t a question.

Maze quickly opened her mouth to respond but hesitated, the breath coming out slow and defeated as her shoulders slumped.

“...no” she gave, still refusing to meet her gaze. Luna’s own head tilted as she studied the cyborg; it wasn’t a complete truth but nor was it a complete lie.

“Unsure or not Maze, it has become abundantly clear you have some kind of intimate knowledge of current and coming events” Luna accused “Yet you’ve seen fit to conceal it until useful for your own advantage.”

“It’s not like that-” Maze started.

“Then why keep it a secret Maze? Why leave the rest of us to the mercy of avoidable tragedy? Why not share these ‘Secrets of ninja magic” she asked, growing more intense.

“I- I can’t Lu. It… It’s not...” Maze struggled.

“Can you not just trust us with it?” Luna asked, her tone now more hushed… and hurt.

“Can’t you just trust me?” the human that was her now oldest living friend other than her sister countered, catching her off guard. Shaking off the minor recoil, she regarded Maisie with softer eyes before finally letting go of a weary sigh and letting the tension drop.

“I trust your intentions Maze, but with this...” she paused “I fear I may not trust your judgement.”

“It’s not just mine” Maze said, but offered no further elaboration. A tired huff escaped the Princess before she rose.

“I must return to my duties. We will discuss this more later. Try to get some rest you two… no doubt you’ll be needed again soon enough” she began to make her way out of the ward, leaving behind the quiet cyborg and rather uncomfortable Twilight. She hesitated as a realization struck her however and, despite knowing she may not want the answer, she turned.

“...Did you know I would fall?”

It was barely a glance, but it was enough. The regret and sorrowful guilt shown in just the briefest meeting of their eyes was all the answer she needed. She exited without another word.

Maze buried her head in her hands before sliding them to the back of her neck, the image of Luna’s face, the pain of betrayal only half hidden under centuries of well practiced composure now burned into her mind.

She fell back into the pillow and just stared at the ceiling.

The rhythmic clacking of a high heeled stride echoed through the castle halls as the cyborg made her way toward the ballroom, the skirt of her puffy sleeved black dress giving a teasing bounce with every step as she followed the decorations and fake spider webs to their destination.

“And you’re sure you can still see well enough with that?” Twilight asked again before adjusting the armor of a royal guard costume that didn’t quite fit in her wheelchair. It had been just over a week since the human regained consciousness and, with a bit of convincing, the pair had been declared healthy enough to at least join the party.

“Well enough to see you almost hit Gil in the beak with your helmet plume” Maze’s grin shined below a layered blind cloth and the silver bob cut of her hair.

“Oh I’m sorry Gilbert!” Twilight spun to the armored Griffon pushing her along, almost hitting him again in the process.

“Not at all Miss Sparkle” the old soldier returned in good humor and a vaguely scottish accent. At least that’s how Maze heard it, she wasn’t sure what it was relative to Equestria. “It’s too bad Princess Celestia still hasn’t woken up for this...”

Twilight simply hummed in response and let her expression fall, as had become the norm whenever the princess was mentioned. Maze had gotten to know Twilight a good deal better during their past week stuck together but still hadn’t managed to broach the topic successfully yet. The moment passed almost instantly however when the mare brightened again.

“How is it that I always seem to get you as my guard, even after all this time and all your promotions? I’m sure somegriffon of your rank isn’t just assigned simple guard duty anymore” Twilight smiled back at him. Gilbert was one of the very few of the already small number of Griffon in Equestria to serve in the guard, and over time achieved quite the authority (and reputation) regardless of his species.

“I guess you’re just lucky Miss Sparkle.”

“Gilbert you’ve known me since I was a filly, call me Twilight” He was also one of Twilight’s old teachers.

“Sure thing Miss Sparkle.”

“Ugh!” Twilight rolled her eyes as Maze shared a chuckle with the vet. They quickly reached the great doors leading into the ballroom, opening to find a plethora of costumed ponies and even a few changelings mingling amongst far more elaborate decorations and samplings of spooky themed food and candies.

“Thank you Gilbert, I can use my crutches now” Twilight informed as she summoned a her walking aides.

“If you’re sure ma’am,” the griffon helped her stand and folded down the chair “I’ll be nearby if you need me.”

“There you are!” Lyra’s voice drew their attention to the nearest table. Next to it stood the Aquamarine mare done up in an over long lab coat and heavy goggles, her hair sticking up in almost electrified angles. A true mad scientist a-la Frankenstein with even there next to her, stood Bon-bon as her monster “Here!” she handed the newcomers each a wrapped box of custom candies. “Bonny made them!”

“Oh, so I finally get to find out how well earned that cutie mark is huh?” Maze teased.

“Well you certainly tried to peek at it enough...” Sweetie Drop returned bluntly, though not completely without humor.

“The Princess not back yet?” Twilight inquired looking around.

“Not yet, but the guards said she’s already on her why back with the others” Lyra explained. While Nightmare night had seemed to be only a Ponyville thing on the show, here it had spread across most of the kingdom and Luna had decided to make it a point to visit the place her now personal holiday had originated. Personally, Maze thought she had just grown fond of the town during her time running the resistance and wanted the excuse to celebrate there first.

“Come on, I think I saw the others back this way” Lyra led them away and they soon found the rest of cyborg’s band, save for Wolf who was currently escorting Luna and the rest of the Elements. Johnny was done up as a cardboard Metal Gear RAY while Crystal and Trixie appeared to have just dressed as eachother for their costumes; the changeling was wearing the unicorn’s signature hat and cape while the mage was sporting some very gothic fashion and a jagged cover over her horn. The dyed burgundy hair didn’t do her coat’s natural blue many favors, though if any of them had to guess, the showmare didn’t mind the extra attention.

“Yeah, it was Crystal's idea. Amber’s actually also around here somewhere dressed as you” Trixie responded to Maze’s amused look.

“Really?” she asked surprised just before horns blared all around the room.

“Announcing the Matron of this darkest of nights, Queen Nightmare Moon!” a stallion called boisterously over the crowd as the corrupted persona of the night princess appeared in a blaze a black flame… before quickly reverting to her natural form to start calming all the now slightly panicked ponies nearest to her.

“Hmmm, that went over better in Ponyville” from seemingly nowhere the voice of Pinkie Pie was just suddenly in the middle of the group, along with the rest of her. Not a moment later she glomped onto Twilight “Twilight! Happy Nightmare Night!”

“Hi Pinkie” Twilight laugh as she returned the hug of her unpredictable friend, the other Element’s now joining the group through the more conventional means of walking up “Hey girls.”

The group mingled amongst themselves, sharing anecdotes of their weeks and earlier in the night until the Princess herself made her way over to them with Wolf, a large pair of bunny ears on his head to match the cotton puff skewered on the end of his tail. Maze glanced over to Fluttershy, who just smiled back sheepishly.

“It’s wonderful to see you back on your hooves Twilight, even if not quite completely yet” the princess smiled at her sister’s pupil, obviously enjoying her night. Her smile barely fluttered when she looked to Maze even. While she hadn’t been avoiding her, Luna had been rather notably... formal with the cyborg ever since their conversation “I’m sorry you were not able to make it back to Ponyville, but am glad you were able to make it to the ball. I was in fact hoping to talk to you about something, and to you as well Miss Lulamoon.”

Me Princess?” Trixie stood straighter.

“Yes, it came to my attention over the last months that while you’re both quite adept in magic in general, your combat abilities and knowledge, particularly your physical prowess in that realm is… well simply put, lacking” the pair shuffled in place a bit “Now while your magic should be enough usually, it certainly does not hurt to have other options available. So I would like to invite you to partake in the rest of Rarity’s lessons to help improve upon those deficiencies.”

“Wait, the rest of her lessons?” Trixie interrupted turning to the bearer of Generosity “Is your apprenticeship almost over already?”

“Oh I’m not an actual apprentice Darling, just temporary student” Rarity returned “Her majesty simply noticed how I had, shall we say, ‘fallen behind’ the other bearers in certain areas and offered to teach me.”

“I am well aware the study of greater magics is not Rarity’s calling and I would never wish to interfere with a pony's chosen path. I merely felt I could provide guidance in achieving the skills more accustomed to or even expected of those that wield the Elements; such as the ability to fight beyond what it granted by their harmonious boons. So no, she is not a long term student. Though...” Luna elaborated before regarding the stagemare more directly “I have certainly seen a potential and drive for such endeavors in you Miss Lulamoon. Should you wish to continue your studies beyond these initial lessons, I would be happy to be the one to guide you.”

“Are you… are you asking if I want to be your apprentice?” Trixie asked slowly, weary of any misconceptions.

“Yes, if you are interested” Luna answered simply.

“I-uh.. um-YEAH! -er, I mean, Yes. Yes of course Princess, I’d be honored!” Trixie fumbled out, eyes wide and almost scared.

“Excellent!” Luna smiled warmly “And will you be joining us Miss Sparkle? When you’re well enough of course.”

“Oh, uh yes, if you think it could help Princess then of course. I mean you know me, always up for more studying.”

“Well it will certainly be more than simply studying Twilight but you will find out soon enough. Now my apologies but it would seem my self-indulgent entrance still has some of the guests a bit nervous, so if you would please excuse me.” Luna disengaged the group with well wishes. Maze tried to not let the fact she barely made eye contact bother her, so her instead focused on on the dazed unicorn in their midst.

“Looks like someone just got ‘hand-picked-by-a-prin-cess’!” Maze leaned in with a shit eating grin, earning a giggle from the gathered ponies.

“Guess she can’t toss that one at you anymore, huh?” Lyra nudged her old classmate.

“Well at least there’s that” Twilight agreed with a small shrug but then offered in full earnestly “Congratulations Trixie, you earned it.”

“Oh uh, yeah thanks…” Trixie mumbled staring off into the void, still a bit too stunned to even register that the comment came from her rival. She seemed to snap out of it finally at a sudden realization “You don’t Trixie’s fans will mutiny over more limited tours do you?”

The group burst out laughing as the cyborg draped an arm around the mare’s shoulders and hugged her close.

“Oh Trix, never chang-” She froze as a warning from the IG network flashed on her HUD, earning a hushed “No...”

“What?” somepony asked worriedly as every guard in the room suddenly tensed.

“Something’s coming.”

Not moment after the screech of the city’s remaining RAY called out before the party goers witnessed its plasma beam streak pass outside.

“GET DOWN!” the guards shouted an instant before the windows shattered with several winged forms bursting through. Blinding flashes stunned any onlookers and the room filled with noxious smoke, scattering the inhabitants in all directions.

“TWILIGHT!” the wielder of Magic heard just before a blur dove between her and a silhouette raising a weapon. She summoned a barrier before the body between them slammed into her as a heavy shot rang out and flew straight through the magic protection. She pushed up as much as she could to see a masked griffon pump the weapon and walk right through the barrier like it wasn’t even there. The shield destabilized completely as the assailant brought the gun to bear, the downed mare’s eye slamming shut against the flash erupting before her.

“AUGH!” something warm splattered against her face as the shot went wide. Her eyes flew back open in time to the see the top and bottom half of her would be assassin slide apart, cut clean through diagonally and falling away to reveal the ninja cyborg behind. Twilight caught the sight of a shadow erupting from the smoke behind her.

“Maze!” she shouted but the human rounded on the threat a moment too late, her attacker’s blade an inch from her before the side of their face exploded with the rapport of a rifle. She looked to the injured griffon clutching his weapon in one claw and the bleeding hole in his armor with the other. He tried to push his way off Twilight only to fall back as she started casting a healing spell.

“Careful Lass! These are Griffon Tengu! Not to be underestimated!” he shouted at the cyborg before his gaze drifted, looking lost “I don’t understand though, we’re allies…”

On the other side of the ballroom, Luna was having her own troubles in the form of a half dozen assassins. She sent a shockwave out as she covered the retreating guests only for the elite troops to bearly stumble. She could feel the magic just break against them like nothing more than a breeze.

“DARKSTONE!” the Canterlot voice sounded over all the commotion “USE INDIRECT MAGICS!”

Leading by example, the floor beneath her opponents took on the moon guider’s aura and ripped free, rocketing its passengers straight into the ceiling. One yet managed to roll off before impact though and took aim back down at the alicorn, her horn flaring as the tables surrounding her took on her glow as well.

However before either could act the smoke scattered in an instant and while the ammo remained, the rest of the assailants’ weapons simply disappeared in a flash.

“I’m all for party crashing but this…” the familiar tone of a draconequus filled the air, the spirit of chaos drifting down as he surveyed his surroundings. The conflict had only lasted all of a minute yet injured and dead now littered the floor as the rest of the guests cowered under tables or still stood ready against attack. Taking on an almost disgusted tone Discord finished “This is just poor form.”

The remaining griffons slowly backed away and those airborne drifting to the ground, save for one with a distinguishing stripe across his gear and helmet. With a shared glance to the leader above, the disarmed special forces all straightened, dropping all semblance of resistance.

“FOR GRIFFONSTONE!” they all shouted and clicked their beaks beneath their masks. The next thing anyone knew they had all fallen to the ground, convulsing violently with the sounds of gargled choking.

“For Griffonstone” the leader repeated above before clicking his own beak. Unlike the others however, his convulsions didn’t make him fall. He instead kept aloft somehow without even a beat of his wings. Then, he began to glow.

The crowd gasped as he abruptly burst into emerald flames and his entire being burned away, leaving behind the sparkling particles of nano magic. The cloud of sparks slowly gathered to form the image of another, far more regal Griffon.

“That’s the king…” Maze heard Gilbert mutter from next to her. She didn’t have time to consider the meaning before a booming voice nearly overwhelmed her, overshadowing even Luna’s own Canterlot voice.


The magic rearranged itself to now take a new shape, that of a changeling woman Maze didn’t recognize.

“Queen Miasma?” Crystal asked rhetorically before a new feminine voice replaced the first


Again the figure changed to a hulking minotaur.


Now a different Changeling queen.


The magic rapidly shifted between all its previous forms before mixing into and twisted amalgamation of them all and every voice shouted together.


The energy shifted one last time, expanding to form the massive head of a very ancient looking dragon, that calmly stated:

Prepare for War…

The audience stood silent, not even daring to move as the particles dispersed.

Until the small utterance from a familiar voice.


“So that’s a thing...”

To be continued in Act 2:

Equestria Gear: Guns of Harmony