> Happy Birthday Jackie > by Sipioc > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Birthday Surprise > --------------------------------------------------------------------------           Celestia's sun was setting in the horizon as creatures, large and small prepared for the coming of night.  The Farm pony, was no exception.  Another long day of repetitive apple bucking and hauling,  hauling and bucking had been the focus of her day; a couple of days if Applejack truly thought about it. Thankfully, this year, she wasn't alone out in the orchard, as Big Macintosh helped shoulder the timely responsibility of the latest apple bucking season.  She would never complain, tired though she was.  Apple farming was in her blood, her passion, so much so as to be reflected by the trio of bright red apples adorning her flank would attest.  Still the work was demanding and thoughts of supper and a rest called to her, a pleasant respite to another day of the same toil to come tomorrow. Entering the barn, almost in a daze she unhitched herself from the wagon. Readjusting her trademark Stetson, and wiping away the reward for the day's labor from her brow. Where was Big Mac? She thought to herself.  The barn, though lit, was noticeably missing the presence of her elder sibling.  Typically he would be here helping set up for tomorrow to insure a quick start to following day's work.  The red stallion's absence was indeed unusual but overall irrelevant as the bulk of the morning set up could be easily done by one pony. Still it was nice to have the company, monosyllabic though it may be. Whispers floating in the air, brought the orange mare out of her stupor. "Some pony there?" She said to the open air. The whispers faded for a moment, but years of country life had taught her to trust her instincts, and right now they were saying: she was not alone.  She felt no inherent danger, but the thought of being spied on was unnerving enough.   "All right now, I know yer here so come on out, now!"  Her voice betrayed no hint of fear, only sternness that belies the promise of flank whoop in' for non compliance. When no answer came in the form, either a Big Macintosh rounding the corner or an Applebloom with two other Cutie mark Crusaders, out past there curfew, Applejack's patience began to wear thin. Eyes and Ears keenly searching for signs of any intruders, she had cornered the whispering coming from the back of the barn, where a closed door prevented further moment. In one fluid movement, Applejack had the door flung open, only to be assaulted with a blast of confetti and a comical party horn chirp. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY APPLEJACK!" Chimed the voices of five mares and one baby dragon, who had set up what was clearly a well planned surprise party within the back of the old building. Realization dawned on her as the confetti fell from her yellow mane, the anxiety and suspicion, long forgotten as she came to grips with the undeniable truth; Pinkie Pie had got her once again.   Every year since Pinkie moved to Ponyville, it seemed, she had always managed to throw Applejack a surprise party, in which she would always be legitimately surprised by.  Any other pony would be slightly annoyed at the bouncy pink mare for it, even go so far as to go out of there way and "de-surprise" the party. "Did we Surprise you!? Huh? Huh? Huh?" But, that delighted face and excited manner Pinkie Pie held when that real look of shock hit Applejack's face was enough to dissuade any thoughts of party sabotage, even at the cost of a little pride. " I knew it was gonna be tricky to surprise you when we decided to have the party here.  But what better place to surprise someone who expects a surprise party in a place where they don't expect to be surprised! So how'd we do? Surprised?" Said Pinkie, in one breath. "Ah was surprised, got me again Pinkie" Applejack drawled with a chuckled at the party pony, to be met by a fit of animatedly giggling and excited hopping. "To be honest" she continued, entering the room fully to formally greet her friends. "Kinda forgot that my birthday was coming up." "We also thought you could use a break from work." A lavender Alicorn by the name of Twilight Sparkle approached, giving the guest of honor a warm hug,  "We haven't seen much of you for the last few days." "Well." The Farmer shrugged rubbing the back of her head. "The trees won't buck themselves." "All the more reason to relax in the company of your closest friends for an evening." A white unicorn named Rarity stated, giving her own embrace to the Birthday mare. "Enough with the mushy bonding" exclaimed a rather impatient Rainbow Dash who took to the air and hovered over a colorfully decorated table that held wrapped packages and baubles. "We got presents for ya ta open!" She motioned with an excited smirk. -------- The next hour went by delightfully among the six mares and the now snoring dragon. Laughs were shared as well as birthday gifts.  Spike had given Applejack a small box of gems, some of which had "taste test" bites taken out of them, but where appreciated all the same. Rarity had given her a new set of stylish, beautifully ornate, kerchiefs, which Applejack was then corrected to call "pashminas". To no ones surprise, Twilight gifted Applejack with a book; the recently updated "History of Ponyville". A pleasant surprise would be found that the Apple family had several pages devoted to there struggle and success in the homesteading and settling of the town on the edge of the dangerous Everfree. Though she new her family's history like the back of her hoof, seeing it spelled out in a official pictured text gave Applejack a sense of pride in what her forebears had accomplished. Rainbow Dash had given her a glass bauble which contained a small storm cloud that would cause the glass to hum and resonate when small sparks of lighting collided against the confined space.   "Thanks 'Shy its a lovely..."smiled Applejack as she tried to make sense of the seemingly misshapen wire mesh bowl. "Egg basket!" The butter colored, Fluttershy, responded in her traditional soft spoken manner. "Elizabeak told me its all the latest craze among the other hens, and I thought...well... you...could..." She trailed off, now having second thoughts about her apparent "brash" choice of gift. "Its great sugarcube." Applejack reassured her.  "It'll sure turn some heads down by the 'ol coop." She added with smile to the meek Pegasus who had regained much of her relaxed and confident posture. "Good. Just be sure not to put all your eggs in it." Fluttershy warned.  Whether this was a joke or not was lost in the continued laughter and overall good vibe in the room. A frIzzy pink mane sharked it's way through the remains of the discarded wrappings only to pop up with a semi dejected face "Awwwww I think that's it! No more presents. That's always so sad." Said Pinkie, her ears and trademark curls slightly wilting, only to pop back up. "Oh well, there's always cake!" Despite the day starting with the usual grind of an apple farmer in the thick of harvest time, Applejack had to admit that this was a good way to end the day.   "Thanks again for comin' out girls, it sure makes me..." She began, before being interrupted by a knock at the door. Twilight, being the closest, answered the door to be met by the half wandering stare of the local mail mare. "Special Delivery!" Chirped the grey pegasus, who held a well worn parcel from her mouth by the packing string. "Oh! Thanks." Said Twilight, a little confused as she took the package from the pegasus with a magenta magical aura emitted from her horn. "Still out delivering packages at this hour huh?" She said giving the mail mare a sympathetic look. The grey mare sank a little, an embarrassed blush evident on her face.  The moment was short lived however, when Pinkie offered her a frosted cupcake for her trouble. 'Not a muffin.' Derpy thought. 'But, at least they aren't mad about the late delivery.' After waving the walleyed mare goodbye, and then pointing her in the right direction she needed to go, the party of friends returned to the recently received package. It was a decent size, perhaps as big as Spike, the now slightly stirring purple dragon who talked in his sleep about how he would one day profess his undying love for "Rar" something.  It was wrapped in a thick brown paper that was waxy to keep water out, and was tied neatly with a traditional packing twine.  The upper right corner adorned numerous stamps and postmarks, mementos of its journey to Sweet Apple acres, which just so happened to be written neatly in the center of the parcel care of one "Applejack Apple" "O-o-o what do you think it is?" Pinkie queried whimsically, the mystery of what lay beneath the paper sending her imagination into overdrive. "Well, it appears the gifts just keep on coming after all." Rarity chortled, her own curiosity bubbling at the surface of her refined exterior. "Who is it from?" Wondered Fluttershy in a timidly inquisitive voice Scanning the top left corner yielded nothing but a blank unadorned patch of wrinkled wax paper. "Dunno.  No return address." Applejack stated flatly. A nagging thought tugged at her mind as she attempted to deduced the contents. After carefully scrutinizing the right corner of the package, Rainbow Dash scrunched up her face "I recognize those stamps but what are those marks above it?" She asked to the group. Closely examining the marks in question, Twilight's eyes widened in amazement. "Wow. Those are Bovinian post marks!" She exclaimed. "This package came from outside of Equestria!" She added in amazement. As a whole Equestria, was one of the larger more dominant nations in the world.  However, one of the neighboring nations was Bovinia, homeland to the oxen and cow races of the world.  Though, they shared many similarities to there equine neighbors, including an eight-hundred year old ally treaty, and a semi open border, the society there was more based on brute force over intellectual matters, a well known fact, if not a slightly biased stereotype that cause the yellow pegasus to be a bit anxious about the nature of the package. "Is it...safe to open?" She squeaked, keeping the cyan daredevil between her and the potential time bomb of uncertainty that laid on the table. Applejack lifted the package and examined it.  "Don't feel dangerous." She surmised, carefully feeling the weight in her hooves and listening for anything that would merit caution over curiosity. Not particularly liking having a mystery hanging over her head the rainbow maned mare piped in. "No ticking, no wires, no Pinkie Sense, I think we're in the clear. So open it already!" She added, her own excitement spilling out at the end of her contribution to the matter at hoof. Carefully, Applejack cut the string with a forceful nip of her teeth. The parcel seemed to breath a sigh of relief as it was freed from its constraints, a sentiment shared by a certain butter colored mare.  Removing the paper revealed another layer of softer tissue paper that, despite its long journey, remained pristine, a testament to expert wrap job.  Pulling the paper aside, revealed the contents of the package.  Applejack raised it to better inspect it, the others took a moment to do the same. "Oh my, how thoughtful!" Fluttershy cooed breaking the initial silence. "Sssssuhweet!" Squeed the rainbow mare in admiration. "Wow, Thats a great looking Jacket!" Added the princess of Magic, being the first to verbalized the identity of the newest gift. "That's not a jacket!" The fashionista gasped. "It's a Montèbon! " her eyes wide, mouth agape as she expertly examined every stitch and curve, seeking to authenticate something she thought impossible.  "They are the most expensive and well made tailored wear in all the world! They're suppose to be fade proof, tear proof, shrink proof, and even nearly fire proof." She exclaimed practically salivating at the hallowed outer wear, her refinement temporarily cast aside.  "I've only read about them! Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would actually see one!" Rainbow Dash, ever being the voice of practicality, "Well if it's all that rad, then try it on already." Following her friend's advice, Applejack went about the task of putting on the coat.  It was brownish-red in color made from a smooth material that slightly shone from the light in the barn. The inner lining, a thin layer of wool that seemed to embrace the Orange mare's forelegs and shoulders perfectly.  Despite being clearly brand new, it smelled of ink and...clover? A small smile graced her lips as the identity of the gift giver came clear to her.  A series of "oohs" and "ahhs" snapped her back to the farm at Sweet Apple Acres. "Just as I suspected." Rarity said proudly, admiring her friend's new trendy accessory. "Fits you perfectly!" "Looks great on you!" Complimented Fluttershy, her trepidation of the mysterious package long forgotten. "Feels great too," Flexing her forelegs in sleeves, testing there range of motion and finding that it seemed to move with her perfectly. "Real... comfy." She added with a thoughtful smile. Taking notice of that all too familiar dreamy expression, Dash grew one of her own, only this one was far more mischievous in its intent. "So," she smirked.  "Some pony out in "cow country" knows your measurements?" Raising her eyebrows, her intended implication of this comment more than a little transparent. "Rainbow!" Twilight scolded, after noticing the rise in color in Applejack's face. The result only encouraged the cyan mare, further creasing her snide smirk "What? We were all thinking it." She said, indeed voicing the ideas that now flowed into the minds of the five friends. "She does bring up a good point  darling," Rarity pointed out. "That Jacket is tailor made to your figure, so someone must know you very well in order to get you such a personalized gift." She stated putting sultry emphasis on 'personalized' while adding her own smug grin directed at the now completely red faced, orange mare. "Yeah, what she said. So...WHO IS HE?" Responded Rainbow, taking a little joy in having her usually so composed friend in a personally un-composed position. Flustered at first from the onslaught of one of her secrets coming out in a time not of her choosing, Applejack regained her composure. "Now wait a minnit ladies, don't y'all go readin' too much into th-".  She paused, and reached into the chest pocket, pulling out a small piece of paper.  Three words were neatly scribbled on the note, that warmed her heart but also told her the jig was up:          'Happy Birthday Jackie' "Who calls you Jackie?" Pinkie Pie's uncanny eyes had spotted the damning line of the note;  his nickname for her. "I don't call you that.  I call you Applejack, or AJ or sometimes... -gasp-." A sharp intake of air from the pink earth pony punctuated the arrival of a thought that flickered across Pinkie's mind; this was it. "Or maybe this is a jacket just for birthdays!   A "Happy Birthday Jackie! How fun!!!" "Seriously?" Applejack gave her friend a deadpan look, in utter disbelief at how her correct train of thought had led her off a cliff. "Anyway" Said Twilight trying to get the conversation back on...track.  "AJ? Is it true? Have you... met some pony?" She looked into her eyes with honest and true care for her and the implications that this information would entail. Applejack was still reticent to give up the ghost "Well ah...yah see......" She uncomfortably rubbed the back of her mane, not wanting to make eye contact, till she managed to squeak out one word "...kinda." "Kinda'? What kinda answer is 'kinda'?" Dash, no longer wishing to embarrass her, rather to instead learn more about this "some pony", whom had her usually stalwart friend keeping secrets. Coming up to her side, Rarity offered Applejack a comforting hug.   "Darling, this is a wonderful thing, nothing to be embarrassed about. We are your friends, you can tell us about him." Applejack, looked to her friends and saw that she was indeed in good company. They're eye shone with the bright compassion that had seen them through the worst of time and back.  She had planned to tell them all about 'him' soon, she never could figure out the right way to bring it up. 'Hey Fluttershy, pass the salt, I'm in what could potentially be a relationship.' Applejack snickered at her own funny thought. Realizing no one else was in on the joke, she took a deep sighing breath.  "Ah know I can talk to you girls about anythin', but this?" She paused "Ah don't even know how to talk about this." She admitted, feeling a little silly, but the looks of understanding remained, unwavering. "Well," peeped Fluttershy. "It's a lovely jacket, did you and Trender Hoof...actually manage to hit it off? Recalling the skinny colt model and his crush on her made her chuckle a little, further easing the knot in her stomach. "Hmmph, naw, that tall drink of water was sweet-n-all but definitely not mah type." "Then who is? Braeburn?" Said Rainbow Dash, recalling the Appleloosan Stallion and his similar affinity for all things 'Apple'. "N-Braeburn?!" Jerked Applejack. "I shouldn't hafta remind you that he and ah are related." Finishing with a scowl that said 'I don't like what your implying'. "So who then?" Twilight interjected, quick to save Rainbow Dash from her most recent 'hoof-in-mouth' incident. "Some pony we met in the crystal empire?" "Nope." Applejack simply put; a dead ringer for her brother. "Well for goodness sake, Applejack just tell us already!" Exclaimed Rarity, a combination of wanting to help mixed in with no small bit wanting to have this juicy piece of gossip; that she would keep absolutely confidential, of course. Applejack sat on her haunches. 'Well here goes' she thought opening her mouth only to be interrupted by a very pink shot in the dark. "Oh! Is it that super cute Centurian who came here, like, a year ago when Big Mac went all wibbly wobbly when he was digging a new well and it turned out he had stumbled upon a super scary cave that had a mean old book of freaky deakie spells from over 1,000 years ago?" Silence. The Pink shot hit its mark with uncanny precision. "....yeah, that's him." Applejack replied, dumbfounded at how the train of thought had crashed, only to bounce back up to the rails and land with all the passengers alive and well, in the place they were going. The five fillies got over this miraculous feet of an 'amazing guess' rather quickly, after all 'Pinkie just does that sometimes.' Replacing her scared and awestruck face with her previous, snide face, Rainbow Dash gave Applejack a playful nudge. "Heh- got a thing for the armored silent types huh 'Jackie'? She chuckled, putting great emphasis on the nickname. This awarded the mare a green eyed glare. "Wait, 'Book of Spells'?" Piped in Twilight, not going to Dash's rescue, but rather pulling out the part that stuck out in here mind, nearly missing the whole point of the revelation in the process. "You mean the 'Book of Ominous the Darkstar'?" "That's the one." A somber Applejack replied. Kicking the dirt at the memory. "I remember when they brought it to Canterlot. Huge security, I heard they found it in a farmer's field; it was here at Sweet Apple Acres? "Yup." Once again the orange mare was the female equivalent of her Brother. Then she continued,  "Despite all the stuff we've all seen 'n done, that 'xperience was one've the most terrifyin'." Her eyes trailed off, remembering the whole event in a flash, only for her features to soften and a shy grin to appear on her face. "But Ah got to meet Quill, so,... it tw'ernt all bad." "So....'Quill' must think you some pony really special to buy you something like this." Said the white unicorn, giving AJ a reassuring smile, hoping to continue steer the conversation to more pleasant venue. Applejack narrowed her eyes but allowed the grin to widen. "Hmmmph. Way yer goin' on an on 'bout it I don't think ah kin accept....?" Once again she is cut short by the feel of paper in her front pocket.  Opening it reveals another short, but meaningful message to the farm pony;      You can accept it.           See you in a few weeks,                        Quill "We so gotta meet this guy." Said Dash, barely stifling a snicker. "He's telling you off all the way in another country!" "A few weeks?!" Exclaimed a now worried Pinkie Pie. "That's only a few weeks from now! I've so much to plan and do.  I've got to get more streamers and party favors and get banners made... Hmmm, what's sounds better 'Happy Visit Applejack's Colt Friend' or 'Welcome back to Ponyville to hang out with your Marefriend.'" "Now hold on there Pinks!" Interrupted Applejack attempting to reign in the entire situation.  "I don't want any pony tah make a fuss about this.  I've only told Granny about 'im, until now.  He 'n I are still trying to figure things out, takin' this relationship thing slow. No 'Marefriend' or 'Coltfriend' titles, just yet anyway." "We wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable Applejack, but you can't blame us for being a little bit curious about this guy." Said Twilight "If this stallion is becoming an important part of your life, then we'd just love to meet him dear, and his eligible friends". Reassured Rarity, adding the last part half under her breath. It was all out in the open now, and the Apple farmer felt better for it.  "Well, I suppose."  She said only to look down and take a sudden interest in her hooves.  "It's just, bein' so far apart from each other for weeks on end makes it 'difficult.' Some days I can't help but feel foolish tryin' to make things work with some pony I can only write to most of the time and see every few weeks when his schedule and mine allow it." "A long distance relationship can be a burden, but we can help you with it. Let us meet him, we can help you both." Said the lavender mare, placing a hoof gently on her sunken orange shoulder.. "It would be great to see him again without the dangerous book thingy trying to zombify ponies. Smiled Pinkie in agreement, joining the two in a growing circle. "He sounds really nice, and seems to make you happy." Added Fluttershy, who joined the circle. "We are here for you, darling." the fashionista said, joining the circle. "He could probably teach me some secret military moves to take down a herd of squealing Boars using nothing but a toothbrush." Rainbow Dash said excitedly, closing the final place in the group hug.. Her circle of friendship completed, it was time for Applejack to take a chance.  "Well, alright girls I'll send him a letter back thanking for the Jacket and lettin' him know that when he comes by he's got some Meetin' and Greetin' ta do. An if that doesn't have him running fer the hills, well shoot, all the better for it." Laughs were shared among the circle of Elements, who had braved darkness and danger and come out the best of friends, and who were just beginning to take a new step into a far more dangerous battlefield: Love. Applejack deep down worried how her friends would take to the colt she was rather smitten with, that was, however a problem for another day. Meanwhile, miles and a nation away, on the deck of The Royal Sisters Aeronaut Windsweeper, Captain Quilpont Cloverhoof, looked up from his charts and felt oddly nervous. > RSA Wind Sweeper > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moving through the air as peacefully as the clouds it glided through, RSA Wind Sweeper made its way back to port. The completion of her patrol duty on the Bovinia-Svineland border had gone about without incident. True enough, it had been five years since the WarThog Uprsings, however, the brass felt that a presence was still needed to remain vigilant in case a "resurgence of hostilities" began a new. The Aeronaut itself was a middle sized vessel, with a crew compliment of just over thirty. Four decks and a formidable arsenal of long range to short range cannons. A massive propeller, that stretched a good ten feet taller then the ship itself, was placed in the exact middle of the main body and provided much of its forward propulsion. Two smaller pivoting props were mounted on the wings which stood out like raised arms, which served for the maneuvering thrusters. She was golden brown in color and grey on her belly. Displayed on her nose was a scandalous bit of aircraft graffiti; A curvaceous pegasus mare, Riding a broom with a fierce, yet alluring, look painted on her face, her name "Windy" written in flowing silver letters by her open (stiff) wings. While the Sweeper wasn't the most advanced ship in the Royal Navy, she still cut a dashing figure in her own right. The crew busied themselves with there work, mostly maintenance and general up keep. Still the atmosphere was rather lax. They would pass through the border into Equestria early this evening and would be at there destination shortly after nightfall. Currently, Aeroswane, Donkey Xote and his assistant, Serene, were fine tuning the Heliumite batteries that kept the ship aloft. A risky procedure to do whilst several thousand feet in the air, but strictly routine to the donkey engineer and his adopted diamond dog daughter. The silent machination, known only as 'Sprocket' to the crew, having finished his duties on the gun deck hours ago, remained at his post, a statue in more than one meaning of the word. Down the tight corridor, the Post Master, a plucky young Wyvern by the name of 'Vern', had just received today's mail delivery. With a belch of green flame the last letter turned from ethereal mist to tangible paper and was neatly placed in the dragon's mail basket. He took a moment to peruse the list of lucky recipients of today's mail call, reviewing in his mind which crew member got what letter and where they currently could be found. This allowed him to plan his path accordingly and get everyone there treasured letters from home as fast as dragonly possible. He paused as he looked at the care of line in one letter from... Ponyville? A grin found its way across his beak, as he decided he would stop at the bridge first and deliver this letter to the captain. ----------- The sky spread out before them like an endless sea of blue and white. In between openings in the clouds below lay the city of Istanbull, one of the larger cities of the Bovinian nation. It's skyscrapers built somewhat modestly, but solid to withstand the bovine's sturdy nature. Above were the heavens, unobscured in a blanket of thin crisp air. This was once a sight only a Pegasus could enjoy but through the wonders of aeronautical engineering the sky was open to all. All this, and more was the furthest thing from the mind of Captain Quill Point Cloverhoof. He was a grey unicorn, his blue mane and tail were tied back neatly to regulation. His uniform, pressed and neat. It was his eyes, however, that were easily his most distinguishing feature. They shone a bright orange, "a gift from my mother" he would say, but would then leave it at that. His eyes held a steady calm that the crew would gain strength from even in the worst of times; and they'd seen there share. Those same eyes found themselves pouring over various papers, reports, and charts he had strewn in a storm of organized chaos on the large map table nearest his captain's chair. He would study a certain report while simultaneously scribbling down notes with a quill held in a green telekinetic aura emitted from his horn. Looking at his note, then refer to his pocket watch sitting on the table, examine the map, scratch out another note. He would then reflect on the gauges of windspeed, velocity, and current output of the solar power plant. He had been at this process for hours, and, apart from the fifteen minute step out on the open deck to 'get fresh air' and acceptance of coffee, which was now quite cold, he didn't seem like he was stopping soon. The Sweeper was due for a refit on there return to the Las Pegasus shipyards, which meant a well deserved shore leave for the crew. Three weeks, to return home and be with family and friends. Quill and his officers, on the other hoof, were headed for Canterlot at Central Command; 'two day ride by train' he noted. Aerial shots taken by the Sweeper's new camera of the Svineland capital of Boara-Boara would need to be developed and examined by the colts in Military Intelligence and Quill would be on hand to answer any lingering questions the pictures couldn't answer, as well as provide a briefing on the mission; 'three days, hopefully'. Further debriefing meetings as well as a Captain meeting on the Changeling Containment Action; 'three more days.' He was also requested to accompany Captain Galea in her briefing to the princesses; that would take most of the afternoon, 'Galea likes to talk' he frowned, knowing all too well his former CO's delight in talking, at least with those just as or higher ranking than her. Prince Blueblood also was holding a charity ball for the Canterlot elite and Military Officials; 'one evening I will never get back' he sighed. To say it was depressing to watch his free time dwindle away; a sacrifice to appease the insatiable beast of obligation and the two headed hydra of responsibility, was an understatement. Still, this was the role in life he chose and despite all of it, when he was here among the clouds, with his crew, on his ship, it was all worth it. It better be too, he had given up a life of relative ease back home to be here. The Cloverhoof family was descended from the infamous Clover the Clever lineage and as such held respectable influence and wealth in the Green Isles, a small chain of loosely populated villages off the coast of the Equestrian mainland. Despite there prestige, the Cloverhoof children grew up 'proper', as his father would say. A strict work schedule in the clover fields to learn the lesson of hard work, a well rounded education, and plenty of time to rough house and play in the lush green thickets of the small island community. His life trajectory, though happy and wrought with its own rewards, would have been on that of his family's reputation. Quill had wanted to strike out on his own make his own name for himself, and to that he had so far succeeded. He had earned his mettle during the WarThog Uprisings, been apart of the team during the Dark Well incident, and his recent participation in the Changeling campaign, each had earned him acclaim justifying his rank of Captain at the age of twenty three. Yet, looking over the numbers and his schedule it seemed that he would have four whole days to himself; or rather four days he could spend with 'her'. He ceased his writing and allowed his mind to wander to the road that lead to the outskirts of that small hamlet just outside of Canterlot. The dirt road would meander till the outlying oak and chestnut trees changed into Apple. A white picket fence corralled the orchard, where fields of apple trees lay in neat little rows. The top of a small hill in the road and the old red barn would come into view, framed perfectly between the trees. It would be Apple bucking season which meant 'she' would be hard at work. Her mane and tail tied back in her pony tail. Her pappy's hat adorning her head. He would come down the road and she would spot him and her freckled face would grace him with that smile that melted his heart every time. "Captain." She never called him that, not sure he hated it though. "Sir?" It was at this time, that the orchard had seen fit to change back into the steel and grating of an Aeronaut bridge, the rustling of leaves devolving to the hum of propellers, and the mare in question grew wings and a beak coupled with a concerned look. Quill blinked as his mind made the trip back to the waking world. "You alright sir?" Vern said, concern in his voice. "Yes...yes, ah'm fine. S'rry 'bout that Vern." Quill reassured the winged dragon. A year of elocution at the officers academy had merely dimmed his Islish brogue. In casual conversation he could speak with the best of Canterlot society but this was his ship, so buck it. "Alright." Said the dragon forgetting the dreamy look the captain had had on his face. "I have a letter for you sir." The post master proudly handed the captain the letter, and watched for his reaction. Quill took the letter in his magic and examined it. The recipient was indeed him and the return address was none other than one Applejack 'Jackie' Apple, Sweet Apple Acres, Ponyville. A tug at his heart caused a warm smile to betray his lips. He took in every flourish of her writing in that red ink she always used, also including his name for her; a name she hated originally when they first met. "She responded fast, she must of really liked the jacket, sir." The little dragon beamed. It was with his help that the Captain was able to orchestrate the special delivery, it took specific timing and some cashed in favors, but for the Captain and his 'friend', Vern went all out to help. Any chance to fan the flames of love. Realizing where he was, Quill dropped the smile and resumed his 'captainly' composure. "That will be all, Mister Vern." Vern stood at attention, and let off a crisp salute. "Aye, aye." The dragon scurried his way off the bridge, to continue his route, the smile never leaving his face. Delivering 'those' kinda letters made his job all the more worthwhile every time. " Aww, come on Cap. No need to be embarrassed ." Came a curt voice from the winged pony at the helm. The Soaring Master went by the name Cavalier Fortune. All too often the Los Pegasus born pilot, had a bad habit of speaking his mind in lieu of rank and etiquette. Still his flying skills spoke for themselves and he had pulled the crew through more than one nosedive in his tenure at the helm. "So, is it from your pen pal? Anymore saucy pictures?" Cavalier gave a backward glance at Quill from where he sat behind the controls. A smug grin plastered on his face, ready to pounce on this opportunity to make the 'oh so stalwart captain' blush. Quill recalled the pictures in question. According to Jackie they were a prop used in teaching a friend a lesson. Afterward she felt that they would be safer with him. His jaw nearly hit the deck when he got them. Applejack had always been down to earth, conservative, and not much of a show pony for her looks. Those pictures were a grand departure from the mare he knew, and he couldn't help but notice that there were moments in those snapshots that seemed like she enjoyed that little deviation. Still how would anyone else know about them? More than likely Cav was bluffing, he was good at that. Still, on the off chance, the grey unicorn had since hidden them away on his quarters, for safe keeping. Quill narrowed his eyes in response, but then smirked at the haughty gold pegasus. He opened his mouth to rebuttal with a searingly accurate comment on how the last friendly letter Cavalier had received from a mare was from his mother, when a smaller yet sterner voice injected herself between the two. "As usual, Mister Fortune, you are proving to the world that you could stand to learn a little more difference and a lot more class." The higher pitched voice came from Commander Whisper. She was the faintest light blue in color, her silver colored mane held in a tight conservative bun, a stern look cemented to her face, a crisp and trim uniform, and she had the most intriguing pair of butterfly wings. Commander Morning Whisper was a Breezie, and stood only a few inches tall, but the presence she carried moved mountains. For all intents and purposes she should have been the captain, but few military admirals would put someone in command that could be taken down by a slight breeze. The idea of that being remotely true was laughable to Quill. 'Wisp' commanded respect and the winds themselves wouldn't dare cross her. He had once see her make a Stallion twice his own size cry in shame for dereliction of duty. Still when the chips were down she too was an invaluable asset to the crew, a well of knowledge, and Quill's closest friend. "I don't need to go to class to know I'm different, mam." Cavalier stated sarcastically, but being certain to add the 'mam', he wasn't that stupid. Whisper glared at the pilot before she turned toward the cluttered chart table. She leap forward, fluttering and coming down gracefully to stand at her post; a miniature seat that over looked the bridge. She bristled at the pilot's lack of discipline. Despite Cavalier's clear talent, it boggles her mind why the Captain put up with him as much as he did, more so why she did. She shuddered to think she might be getting used to him. She looked over to see her friend and CO open the letter he had received. A part of her wanted to remind him he was on duty, but seeing him pour over the letter like a schoolcolt on Hearts and Hooves day made her smile. 'And he thinks he's so nonchalant.' She chuckled to herself. She continued in her duties, there wasn't much of anything that needed doing but, regulations and the like said otherwise. The sun was still high in the sky and the turbulence was minimal. Solar power intake was working optimally as was engine efficiency. The crew was enjoying the uneventful ride home. It would be the perfect time for a drill she thought. She glance over at Quill Point to bring it up, but halted when a small look of apprehension had replaced his normally stoic features. "Everything alright sir?" She queried, genuinely concerned. "It appears she did indeed receive the jacket, and likes it a lot." Quill said flatly not even looking up from the letter. "That's good isn't it?" "It tis." Now looking up from the letter with a shrug. "Apparently, the other Elements wer' present on its delivery, guess that changes things a bit." Whisper paused at hearing this. For nearly a year now she was one of the few, privy to the fact that Captain Quill Point was in contact with the elemental embodiment of Honesty. She saw in him the signs of his growing affection for the mare and was savvy to girl's subtle reciprocations; as if snapshots were subtle. She had never herself met this Applejack, but the six avatars of Harmony were world famous for there adventures and there knack for saving the world. Trouble also had a knack for finding them, making the normally quiet town of Ponyville the center of chaos. Whisper emerged from her thoughts and addressed her friend in the most encouraging manner she could muster. "Battle Stations, Captain?" Upon hearing this Quill, sat up in his chair and eyed the horizon. Where he was going would be wrought with uncertainty. Unpredictability a certainty, but the reward? His thoughts drifted back to that sweet smile, emerald eyes that he had gotten utterly lost in, the...kiss shared. "Damn the Torpedoes, Commander." The serenity of the clouds yielded away to the sound of klaxon as the Wind Sweeper picked up speed for simulated maneuvers. The crew jumped to their stations prepared for what may come. Her Captain could do no less. "Here I come Jackie." > One year and Six months ago - The Dark Well Incident > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The walls of the cavern held the memory of millennia. Carved out, through countless drops of water, eroding away at the rock, making it smooth as marble. Stones that been present for the rise and fall of empires, the countless births of rulers and ruled, slaves and free; eternally stock and still, unknowing, uncaring of the world above. Sunlight by the hand of nature or Goddess had never shone here, and would likely never will. The only sound heard by no ears was the dripping of water seeping through the soil above and the rapid rush of the under ground waterfall droning on with in its perpetual white nose. A new sound joined the tranquility of ages. A cacophony of racket made by those whose lives were as brief as the drops of water that fell to the cave floor. Two figures were running as fast as they dared in the pitch black, a ball of white light hovered near the head of one, glowing in tandem with the energy emitted from his horn. There steps were rushed and clumsy, tripping over rocks that had lain there for eons, heedless of the disturbance as they made there way through the testament of earth and time. They remained close together, enveloped in the bubble of luminescence, lest they dare be swallowed up by the darkness. "Did.... we.... lose 'em?" One spoke, in between breaths, her voice softly echoing from the high roof above. "I... I don' know." He spoke, out of breath himself, he dimmed the light and strained to hear for any sound that was behind them. The rush of the water made it difficult to pull out any other sound, and the pounding of his heart didn't help either. He took some time to catch his breath and to remove the one hindering sound he could control. She had come up with much of the same idea, allowing her own breath to slow while her ears twitched in different directions to detect any danger that may have pursued them. They themselves, where ponies; she a orange, sturdy earth pony, and he a medium built grey unicorn. Her blonde mane and tail tied in a ponytail held at bay by red bands, a Stetson cowpony hat her only piece of attire. He on the other hoof, was decked out in heavy navy blue armor that covered his body with a Corinthian style helmet that had a plume of light blue fur that adorned the headpiece. They were both, however, dirty and wet, mud smeared throughout there coats, mingling with bruises and blood they had received from there erratic stumbling through the darkness. "I've ne'er seen anythin' like that before." He spoke, risking the noise, eyes fixed in confusion at the way they came. "The barrier should'a held." He spoke softly, more to himself than to his companion. "Galea said it was 'reactin', even said it wer 'angry'. Do them things do that?" She said curiously, her voice as soft as his. "The relic was o'er a thousand years old, long enough for most of the bad aura ta dissipate." He paused, admitting to himself he was out of his depth. "But knowin' who that book belong to, I don't suppose a thousand years is long enough." Realization dawned on them, but she vocalized it first. "We've gotta git to the surface, warn everypony, get the princess ta help stop it. He nodded in agreement, but stopped as he picked out the distinct sound of wing beats echoing off the cave walls, only for it to stop suddenly. The rest was instinct, as he lunged forward and pulled the orange mare to the ground beneath him. From the corner of the dim light a winged figure swooped where she had been. It's hooves just scraping against the back of his armor making a terrible screeching noise. Wasting no time they returned to there hooves, in a defensive posture, side to side, looking in opposing directions. The unicorn soldier expanded his light to illuminate the cave, sacrificing stealth to stand a chance spotting there assailant. The attacker shielded her eyes from the light, then after a moment lowered her fore hooves and came down for a soft landing ten feet away from the mare and stallion she so nearly throttled. She wore the same armor as him, only lighter to accentuate her pegasus gift of flight. She lacked a helmet, allowing her face to be seen. She was disheveled to say the least, her mane tangled, her face dirty and scrunched up. Her mouth moved as if she was mutely arguing with someone, but her eyes belied the malignancy within as they were bloodshot red with white replacing the black of her iris's. "Hoplight!" Exclaimed the grey unicorn as he recognized his sister in arms, while at the same time positioning himself in front of his orange charge, ready to strike regardless of who she was. The orange mare stared into those possessed eyes and searched for any shred of familiarity. "Come on girl! Fight it!" She pleaded. Hoplight's face twitched and contorted, clawing its way back to sanity. Her eyes then bulged and her teeth clenched. "THEY'RE OVER HERE!"she shrieked, more beastly sounding then pony. A blast of green ethereal energy hit her square in the chest. She then crumpled to the floor, thrown back by the force of the unicorn's over powered stun spell. Without words or second glances, the pair retreated further into the labyrinth. Behind them came the growing sound of more hoof steps and wing beats. Those following on hoof fared little better then the unicorn and earth pony they sought, falling and bruising, gashing, and even breaking limbs in the dark uneven terrain. Their minds protested allowing pained howls and screeches to escape there lips, but there commandeered bodies refused to give up the chase, dragging them along. The pair made it deeper into the cave, the sound of the rushing underground river becoming a roar. The two stayed in the light, switching off looking over there shoulders with running, until the path they were on ended in a sheer drop off into blackness. In front of them was a white rushing torrent of water that cascaded down into the void. The mare stayed on the edge peering down into the black, while the soldier physically reeled away from the edge. He quickly regained his composure and positioned himself between the drop off and the direction they had come. His horned blazed with green fury as he took a threatening defensive position, prepared to blast anything that wandered into his sight into oblivion. The Stetson wearing mare quickly examined her surroundings, looking at the rushing water and about the cave as far as the orb of light would allow her to see. "Where are we?" She asked firmly. "What!?" The stallion exclaimed, his eyes temporarily gravitating towards her voice only to return to the sound of there enthralled pursuers growing louder over the noise of the water. "Ah mean, where are we? What's above us, right here?" She said clarifying, having her own theory working in her mind. The stallion thought deeply despite the dire straights they were in. Taking into account which direction they ran from the containment area, the distance they traveled from there, the maps he had committed to memory. "Above us should be the eastern part of the Everfree. Nearest the river, judgin' by the abundance of all this Celestia forsak'n water!" He said angrily as the stress of the situation was apparently getting to him. She thought for brief moment, a shot rang out as the stallion blasted another possessed pegasus soldier, into a catatonic stupor. "Take off yer armor." She almost calmly said as she looked down the stream of falling water. This time he managed to tear his gaze completely away from the blackened corridor. "What are yah...?" He paused as he saw where she was looking, putting the pieces together. "No." He stated flatly, returning his focus to the bottle neck they had made for their attackers to come at them. "We ain't got no other choice." She said. "If this is where ah think it is, we can jump in and ride this current all the way till it opens up to the mouth of the Ponyville River." The stallion, turned his head. His eyes darted from the mare, to the water, to the drop off, back to her. He turned back to the bottle neck, outlines of the slower going pursuers now vaguely visible in the dim light. "You go! I'll hold them off, buy ya some time." He ordered, firing off another shot of green magic in to the darkness. The mare stepped forward "Ah ain't leavin' you behind here, Lieutenant!" She responded indignantly, approaching the soldier who had fired another spell, hitting a charging earth pony right between his crazed red eyes. "I'll just slow yah down. GO!" He said in a voice that started weak but regained its regular command. "It'll be a cold day in Tartarus before that'll happin. Take. Yer. Buckin'. Armor. Off!" She firmly stated each word and punctuated it with a stamp of her hoof. Another shot from the grey unicorn took down a flying manic soldier. He turned to face the orange mare. Her expression changed as she took in his features. Her jade eyes looked into his bright orange and saw something that the Lieutenant had controlled up to now: shear...terror. "Applejack...I can't swim." The tremble was evident in his voice, despite his body language still stalwartly maintained its proud dignity. All the training, physical and mental, strategic planning and tactics, and all of that meant nothing in the face of the thing he didn't know how to do, the thing he couldn't do. Applejack nearly scoffed in his face. " Pride of the Navy you are." Giving him a sympathetic grin. "The Aeronautical Navy." He correct with a chuckle. "And let the record show that I offered to let you get away, so I could stay 'n get ripped apart." He said adding a nervous grin. From the darkness a screeching earth pony came bounding toward the Lieutenant. He snapped his attention toward the oncoming opponent only for a pair of peach colored hind hooves to connect with the Centurion's head. 'Thank Celestia you wore your helmet, Halberd.' The grey pony thought to himself, cringing at the Apple-buckers devastating blow. "Ain't got anymore time ta debate it, sugarcube." She said removing her lariat from her hat, which she then proceeded to tie around herself, the hat to was secured in the loops; no way was she gonna lose it. "Now or never!" The unicorn weighed his options. He had already taken down four assailants, the fifth, that she had so expertly bucked, lay drooling at his hooves, red eyes half lidded. That still left a dozen others to deal with including the other unicorns of the team, who had been strangely absent thus far. He thought briefly of using his magic and simply pushing her off to the 'safety' below, continuing with the plan he had originally come up with. One fact prevented him from doing this. 'I don' want ta die here.' He thought, ' or worse.' He looked into the unconscious face of the soldier before him, his subordinate, his brother in arms. He looked to the drop off that lead to the embodiment of his greatest fear. He came to a quick decision as his magic engulfed his armor. Each piece fell to the wayside, save for his helmet, which he gently placed in front of Halberd. "I'm comin' back fer that!" He said to the dazed pony, but more to reassure himself. Applejack wasted no time as she went about tying the other end of the rope around the unicorn's midsection. She sured up the knot and they both stepped to the edge. He looked down and regretted it instantly. "This is a really stupid idea" he breathed indignantly. "They'd be really stupid to try and follow us." She chucked, the gravity of what they were preparing to do settling in as there hooves came to the edge. "I-I don' think I can do this Jacki....Applejack." He said breathlessly, all valor and pride gone from him. "Quill..." She shocked him by calling him by his given name, then proceeded to shock him further by wrapping her hooves around him, nuzzling her head into his neck. "Ya can call me 'Jackie'." She practically whispered, holding him tightly to her. All other sound became lost after that, save for the rush of the water. He brought his hooves around her, and held his body to hers. The next thing they knew, the world was turning, shifting away as the stone ledge left there hooves. The sound of the falls drowned out all else as three heads peered over the edge after them, their crazed eyes not believing the crazier act the two had just committed. The light flickered, but remained as the blackness surrounded them. He felt her heart pounding in her chest, and held tighter. She felt his heart racing in his own, and nuzzled in closer. Later in their lives, they would reflect back on this moment, saying that they came to a new realization about themselves and the pony they held in that desperate freefall. The heartbeats they felt in the other, beat as one the instant before they hit the water. With a splash unheard over the roaring of the falls, the white light snuffed out.