> To Dance A Dream > by Poet Knight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > First Steps > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A mare wearing a grey hoodie, with hood raised, trotted slowly down the Manehatten street on an overcast afternoon. The occassional looks thrown her way were not due to her attire, a set of exercise shorts and four legwarmers that matched her hoodie in color completing the ensemble; but rather, the color of tail following behind: Hot pink with lines of electric blue and green mixed in. She ignored the looks and proceeded toward a bistro her cousin had picked for them to have brunch at. It was a little pricier of an establishment than she would have chosen, her personal finances being tighter than she would have liked. Justin's on 23rd was situated on a corner that provided a view of Eminence Tower's golden figurehead for those tourists who wanted to sit at one of the two outside tables. Entering the door, she spotted her cousin sitting at table about midway back on her right looking at a local paper, two cups of tea with biscuits sitting in front of her. Her cousin was a cream-white colored pegasus with freckles and a cerise and mint green mane cut straight at the front, giving her a bookish look. Smiling to herself as she approached the table the gray clothed mare thought, "Some things never change." "Blossomforth, it's good to see you cousin!" The clothed mare pulled her cousin into a fierce hug, causing her to cringe in surprise and fright. "Glamdancer? Is that you?" queried Blossomforth as she pulled herself out of the embrace, eying the figure before her. Her look of incredulity slid lightly toward terror as the mare in front of her reached up and pulled the hood down, revealing a snow-white coat and a pair of golden eyes topped by a unicorn's horn. Blossomforth quickly recovered and smiled sheepishly. Noticing the gambit of expressions on her cousin's face Glamdancer asked her, "What were you afraid there was going to be a hair-splosion or something?" Coughing into her hoof before pointing for Glamdancer to take a seat Blossomforth replied softly, "Umm, maybe...." Then with more gusto she continued, "Well, how have you been? Settled down with a good stallion yet? And what happened to your mane?" Sighing inwardly at the barrage of questions Glamdancer sat down and answered, "Okay, mom, everythings okay. No I haven't found a 'good stallion' yet. And I had to cut my mane for a recent audition, didn't get the part though." Giving a small outward sigh and running a hoof through the object in question, it being the same color as her tail but short and hanging down the sides of her face. Normally she would have styled it to flow down of the right side or left side of her face instead, but since cutting it she just didn't have heart to bother. Looking back at her cousin she raised an eyebrow while sipping her tea, "What about you, Blossom? Still helping the weatherteam in, where was it....ah, Ponyville? Are you still telling everyone you were an orphan?" Cringing Bloddomforth chuckled weakly, "Yeah, I can't do the whole orphan thing since Twilight (our town librarian) began researching geneology. Still on shaky ground with some of my friends and coworkers over that lie. And yes, I'm still working on the weather team there, my specialty is making sure the flower gardens of our florists don't get too much or too little rainfall." Holding up a hoof after taking a sip of her tea she admonished, "And before you ask; no, I haven't found a special somepony yet either... even though I had plenty of offers after our last Tornado Drill." She added quietly, "Even from some mares..." Tapping her chin with her hoof after finishing her biscuit, Glamdancer recalled some of her mother's correspondence regarding that incident along with a particular photo. "You should really stretch more often if your going to try making yourself into a pretzel again! Mom sent me a picture by the way." She teased, wiping her mouth with a napkin. Noticing a trio of young high-class mares entering, a smile played across her lips and she finished her tea. Slowly getting up from her chair and moving backwards she chided, "Thanks for brunch, Blossom! You should give those mares back home a chance, they might surprise you." Spinning around Glamdancer clasped the front-most mare of the newcomers in a passionate kiss, her tongue playing into the other mare's mouth as her left hoof slid down said mare's back to her flank. As looks of shock sprang to life on the faces of Blossomforth and the three new mares Glamdancer purred to her victim, "Well, I hope you found that as enjoyable as I did beautiful." Then breaking away towards the door. "Y-You can't just go kissing someone like that!" Sputtered Blossomforth as Glamdancer opened the door. Stepping outside Glamdancer pointed back to the mare, "It's okay, that was probably the best kiss she ever had." Then smiling wide as a mile Glamdancer cantered back towards home. Sputtering incoherently Blossomforth quickly dropped a tip on the table then bolted to the door. Taking flight as soon as she was outside, not after Glamdancer but, straight back to Ponyville with a deep hint of red on her muzzle. /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ The mare (a unicorn with a pearl colored coat and a mane that was streaked with fiery orange, bright green, and pale blue) stared after the bold assailant, while letting her friends guide her to a booth in the back. While Precious Bits and Silver Fan yammered away about what had occurred and other gossip points to which she answered autonomously, only one thought stayed in the forefront of Opalescence's mind. Actually.....it was. > Hooked on a Feeling > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opalescence quietly closed the heavy oak doors to her family's manor behind her with her magic, the morning's 'incident' still at the fore front of her thoughts. She had left her friends, though she knew that they only hung out with her because of her higher social standing as was to be expected, with an excuse of feeling ill. Silver Fan's comment as to the cause of the fictional illness caused the 'incident' to be more firmly seated upon her thoughts. Spotting Prim Dotage, her family's butler, approaching to see who had been at the door Opalescence waved him off and asked about the locations of her family. "Your father is out on business, Miss Luminescence decided to take a three day trip to Fillydelphia, and Miss Dot is still in school. Your mother is in the front sitting room." The last was a welcome if not startling statement, usually off at a social engagement or community meeting of some kind meant mother was rarely home during the day. Entering the sitting room, Opalescence saw her mother sitting in her preferred high-back chair (her father's sat beside it to the left, a twin to her mother's while to the right sat two couches of similar design forming a small horseshoe facing the door) sipping tea from a silver goblet whilst glancing at a Canterlot newspaper's society section, both of which were held in her mother's aura. Social Eminence's mere presence seemed to demand attention, her royal-purple coat and golden mane shined with perfection and her emerald eyes sparkled as they slid from the paper to look at her third daughter. "Ah, Opal dear. I wasn't expecting you back so soon. I thought you were going to spend the day with Precious and Silver?" "Hello mother, and no." sighed Opal as she crossed the room and sat on the couch closest to her mother. "We went to that little cafe called 'Justin's', and had a....less than perfect snack there. Firstly, it doesn't even sit on 23rd street even though it's in the name. Secondly, the fare was barely adequate. And thirdly,..." She paused a little as her mind raced to keep the rest of the conversation from revealing too much, "a...mare entered while we were there and another strange mare, who we knew she didn't know by her expression, jumped up and kissed her right in the middle of the cafe. Not just a little peck mind you, one could almost call it...passionate. Or, vulgar rather..." Opalescence looked at the front rightmost foot of her mother's chair, not wanting her mother to see the truth in her eyes as she spoke the last of her tale, "The accosting mare then left the cafe, leaving the other one standing there in front of everyone. It was hard to tell, but...it looked like they both enjoyed it." Social raised her eyebrows slightly then promptly neutralized her expression. "They were probably just a pair of those marehemian artists who think that mares should date, and marry, other mares. Like this DJ, who played at Princess Cadence's wedding, and cellist out of Canterlot, you know." she stated nodding at the paper she was holding. "Or that candy maker and musician who moved out to the country a few years ago. I think she played at your cute-ceaƱera....you remember, the green one with the small harp." She pointed at her daughter's cutiemark. Opal glanced at her own cutie mark, a faceted opal resting at the apex of a small pyramid of gold bars, then at her mother's own mark. A pony bust on a pedestal framed by a sunburst greeted her eyes, and she smiled slightly as she remembered that it was the inspiration for the adornment of her father's office tower downtown and part of Manehatten's signature skyline. "Sorry mother, I don't recall her. Though to honest I think I was a little preoccupied at the time." "Well, no matter, what became of Precious and Silver then? I thought you were going to an arcade or something?" "Honestly mother I'm older than that, I'm not Dot. Precious wanted to go see an art expo in Marelem; and I would have gone, but Prism Polish took me on that awful date two days ago and spent the entire time talking about grades of color. So I told her and Silver to go anyways, and decided to come back here and get this morning's excitement out of my head." She sigh exasperatedly as she headed toward her room, kissing her mother's cheek as she walked past. "Oh, so it didn't work out with you and Prism? Shame, his father owns most of Manehatten's glass making business." Social paused and muttered to herself as her daughter's tail slipped round the corner of the doorway. "Excitement?" /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ later that evening... Opalescence screamed silently into her pillow, the thought's of that other mare and the feel of her lips during that kiss refusing to let her rest. She had kissed plenty of stallions, and been kissed by a couple of drunken mares during grammar school, with consent and a couple without; but none of them had affected her like this. If only she had that pink-maned mare in front of her right now, she would tell her exactly how one does not go around kissing well-born, well-educated mares of high social standings. She would....she would....wait! Pink-maned mares with blue and green highlights, bolder yet less elegant than hers, should be easy to track down. Yes, she would find this mare and then tell her exactly what she thought. And with this goal firm in place in her mind, Opalescence finally drifted off to sleep. > Faltering Rhythm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A couple of days later... Glamdancer groaned as the morning sunlight poured in through her small apartment's only window. As consciousness slowly crept on her she noticed her pillow was a little damp. Huh? She wondered about it a little, until the reason came to her. Tear-soaked. My tears. Because of them.... She looked to the dresser by the door and the letters on top of it. A couple were bills, but the other three envelopes were what drew her attention. Three rejections in four days, and rent is almost due.... The thought was enough to make tears start to brim her eyes again. The last rejection was yesterday from a theatre troupe, (and it wasn't even for a dance part!) just gaff work. She knew she could probably get a job working the counter at a McHayburger's, but she knew that would probably be the end of her dream. She got up and walking to the dresser, took one of the letters and re-read it. It was the one that hurt the most. It was the audition that had given her such high hopes before her meeting with Blossomforth. She smiled a little at the remembrance of that day, unfortunately the smile could not hold as Glam's eyes passed over the text. Dear Auditionee, (couldn't even be bothered to put in my name) We regret to inform you that you have in fact not been picked for a position in Miss Shores upcoming tour. Your performance was not up to par with her standards. We are sorry if this inconveniences you, but the decision is final. Signed, Co-Signed, High Signage Sapphire Shores I was better than most of the other there, and they know it! I even cut my mane for this other one! Fuming in anger, she crumpled the letters and slammed them into her trashcan. Stuck up, prissy, too-good for thou celebrities and their managers! She didn't even remember Sapphire being there for the auditions, nor was it magically recorded as she could tell. She just remembered High Signage sitting there, looking bored, as she performed her dance routine. It was based on one of Shores own dance numbers, one of her more challenging ones, followed by a bit of her own interpretations. Seeing as how Sapphire and Signage were both earth-ponies, Glam had made sure her routine included no magic. Grumbling around a half-bowl of water and cereal, she decided she needed to get out and practice. Finishing and cleaning her bowl, Glam donned her legwarmers and hoodie, forgoing her shorts today, and picked up a thick briefcase and balanced it on her back. As she exited the door, she saw a note attached to the outside. "Hey Glam, just reminding you your rent is do (three months worth) at the end of the month. At least pay me one months rent and I can see about giving you another extension. The new owners are on my neck about this. Dusty Broom, Landlord." She groaned after reading it. Dusty was a good pony and had always tried to help out his tenants, most of whom were struggling art-types. But, she remembered him saying that the previous owner had passed away and their heir had taken over. Supposedly the new owner was more interested in profits than ponies and was cracking down hard on rent payments. Closing her apartment door behind her, she trotted out the complex's front door. She turned toward the neighborhood-shared studio building, her thoughts already on the routine she was going to try. She just hoped a room was available. /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ Opalescence watched the mare exit her apartment complex from the corner. She had dressed down today so she would 'blend-in', but she was still better dressed than most. Her large sun-hat and white sport-shirt and shorts look drew more attention than she thought. Ah ha! I was right, it was fairly easy to find her! Opal watched as the other mare turned and started walking down the street away from her apparently lost in thought, but balancing a large briefcase on her back. Why doesn't she just levitate it behind her? Opal wondered this as other unicorns were out in the street and were levitating all kinds of things. Determined not to let her quarry escape her, Opal trotted after the other mare. Opal followed the other mare to an unadorned three-story building, before losing sight of her. She cautiously approached the door and finding it unlocked, entered. She found herself in a long hallway with doors on either side and a staircase at the end. The door nearest her left looked like an office but the lights inside were out a large clock adorned the opposite wall. A board with what looked like room numbers, a few initials, and names on it was hung by a sign with a slot under it. Perusing the sign Opal read, "Please sign up for use of a room. Please indicate time of use. One bit for an hour, please. Remember to clean up afterwards. Not fire of any kind allowed!! (This means you T.L.!!) Please deposit payment in slot below." Glancing at the board, only two initials were signed with time indicators showing that they had been there for a few hours; along with a name bearing a recent time stamp. She felt she could ignore the labels of O.M. and V.S. on the first and second floors respectively, and that the mare she had been following was on the third floor with the name: Glamdancer. Raising an eyebrow at the name Opal proceeded to the stairwell, looking a the room labeled for O.M. as faint cello music reached her ears. Ah, the rooms must be soundproofed. Makes sense for multiple performers to practice here. /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ Glamdancer sighed as she opened the briefcase, revealing an old turntable-player and two LP discs in a sleeve in the top. There used to be more LP's, she remembered, but she had to sell a few to help with bills. She carefully chose one and put it on the player, readying it to play when she was set. She then moved to the center of the dance floor and started a stretching routine. /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ As she approached the door to the room rented by this Glamdancer mare, Opal smiled knowing that the soundproofing would also prevent people from hearing any yelling. Pressing her ear to the door Opal frowned, no sounds came from the other side. Carefully opening the door with her magic, she crept inside and found a heavy curtain blocking the rest of the room of from this little foyer. She quietly shut the door behind her as she peered around the curtain. > Flashdance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opal gazed at the mare before of her. This was the mare from the cafe, the mane and coat giving her away. But now Opal could see her cutie mark. A double horseshoe illuminated by a row of multicolored stage-lights from below. Well she certainly has the cutie mark for a dance pony, Opal thought. /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ The mare in question was curled up on the floor, her hooves tucked under her but still on point. Her hoodie had been discarded, but she still had on her legwarmers. Her head was face-down with her horn resting just above the floor. Her mane flowed over her face loosely. Her breathes were slow and controlled. With a light spark of magic the dance pony started the player. {This song plays} As the first few beats started, the mare did nothing. But as the beat picked up she leapt up, and started a fast-paced in-place prance keeping her head low. Then slowly she raised her head letting her mane fall back. Keeping that fast pace, she then proceeded to raise her front hooves off the ground till they went vertical. Her toned and trained muscles showing the stress of her movements through her coat. Dropping her fore-hooves to the sides fully extended, she proceeded to execute a triple-advancing turn into a leap that ended with her tucked in sitting-style with her right fore-hoof pointing skyward. She remained thus for only a second before snapping out so that her back-legs were splayed with her rump held off the ground and her left fore-hoof now pointed skyward, her weight held on her right fore-hoof. Lowering her rump down she spun a little to the right and pulled her legs in. Giving a quick buck to the ground, she propelled herself into a back-flip ending with her in that fast-paced prance again. As the song looped into a repeat, she slid across the floor in a series of long-struts before resuming standing on her hind-legs. Moving around in a small circle her hips marking a circle of their own in counterpoint, she let a big smile cross her lips. Opalescence found herself unable to look away from the dance-pony's lithe form, following all of her movements like they were treasures. What am I doing? she asked herself as she tried to look away from the figure before her, but what happened next caused Opal's eyes to bulge open and her jaw to drop. With a rapid flashing of light the mare started popping in and out of sight a new dance pose following each flash. She's not blinding with that flash....she's teleporting!! Opal realized that the mare was popping up in the same place every time, just in a different pose. After about twelve of these the mare disappeared from the dance-floor. Opal shrieked when she heard someone behind her yell, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Opal spun around and found herself facing Glamdancer. "Wha...well...um...I was watching you dance." stammered Opalescence as she backed into the room onto the dance-floor, Glamdancer following her. "Your not supposed to enter reserved rooms." Glamdancer's eyes lit up as she recognized the mare from the cafe. "Oh, hey beautiful! You like that kiss so much that you had to find me?" "What? No!! Well, I did like the kiss..., but that's not important! How dare you kiss me like that out in public!" ranted Opal, her mind reeling at the dancer's proximity and the unknown feelings traipsing around inside her. What was it about this mare? "Oh, so you're just upset that it was in public?" Glamdancer grinned, "Well, we're alone now if you want to continue?" "I'd...um...no....thank you, but no." replied Opal looking sheepish. She then blurted out, "How can you teleport like that? I don't know anypony who can do that!" "Um, well, it's about the only magic I can do." admitted Glamdancer. "I'm not even that good at levitation." Glamdancer sat down and didn't look at the other unicorn. "And I can only really do that when I'm dancing. Kind of like building a charge." A virtuoso of sorts thought Opal. "But your obviously good at dancing, your cutie mark and what I've seen are proof enough. So why are you living in...." She waived her hoof indicating the poorer neighborhood around them, as she sat down also. "Because I'm a unicorn who has very little magic." Glamdancer retorted. "Pegasi dancers can do cloud dancing, and earth-ponies have all the other good moves. Unicorns are only known for those stuffy high society dances unless you have a lot of magic to do lights and ribbons and things." "But surely you have some skill in lights?" stated Opal as she pointed to Glam's cutie mark. "And what's wrong with the high society dances? I like them just fine." "Puhlease, your Highness. Unless you a dance pony whose passion IS that type of dancing, it can put the rest of us to sleep. Don't get me wrong, we still know that kind of dancing. It's kind of required, but it's not what we love. Give me something with a heavy beat, something I can groove to." Glamdancer rolled her eyes and tilted her head to look at Opal during this. "Alright, but what about the lights?" queried Opal. Glamdancer sighed, "It means I want to dance in the lights. I know a little about stage lighting do to working as a roadie to a band, and that's was usually pro-bono work. Non-paid in other words." "Well...what about other dancing jobs?" Opalescence had never talked to someone of such low social standing in such a familiar way before. And, she kind of wanted to keep talking to this mare. "Been rejected by almost all. They don't like my dance style, I don't have the magic they want, or they don't want me upstaging the star." Glam brushed a hoof along her mane. "There's one I've been told will take me, but I don't want to go THAT far." She shuddered at the thought. Opal thought it prudent NOT to ask the implications of that statement. "Hrmm. Since I'm here and I interrupted your practice, let me make it up to you. You teach me a little of you not-stuffy dancing, and I'll pay you a tutor's fee." Glamdancer looked at the other mare with a little bit of shock in her eyes. "Um, okay....but I only have the room rented for another (quick check of the clock) hour and a fifteen minutes. Stretching is going to take probably fifteen....so yeah, lets do this!" Glamdancer gave Opal a smile and hopped to her hooves. Maybe she'll even let me do some hooves-on teaching! Opal thought she caught a glimpse of blush on the other mare's muzzle as Glamdancer proceeded over to her player and turned it off. I hope she doesn't try to get hoofsie, Opal wondered. Though would I really mind? > Finding Your Footing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glamdancer was smiling as she approached her her apartment building. Her time instructing Opal in dance hadn't been to bad, that mare had been given some athletic training before. She knew most of the stretch routines, and hadn't complained too much with the footwork of the actual dancing. Sometimes even asking Glam to hoof-correct her form or assist with a flip. Opalescence had even agreed to come by again in a couple of weeks. Opal's coat had been so soft. So soft...maybe.... Glam steered her mind away from that line of thought by remembering the bits Opal had paid her. It wasn't enough to cover her rent, but it would help regardless. Glamdancer saw that Dusty's office light was off but paid little heed as she climbed up the stairs. She paused when she got to her door, another note was attached to it as well as all the other doors on her floor. ATTENTION RESIDENT It has come to my attention that resident: Glamdancer is past due on rent payment of Three Months. If resident does not make payment of Full Payment by month's end, resident will be subject to penalty of Eviction. Also please note: Dusty Broom has been re-leaved of his post and will no longer be supervising the Blissful Glen Apartments. A new site manager will be appointed shortly. Sincerely, Swift Pinch, Owner Tears welled up in her eyes as the message sank in. She might have been able to scrap together enough for one month's payment, but all three? She thought about just leaving the city, but she knew the owner would just send collection ponies to harass her where ever she went. No, her mind told her, there's only one choice. Tears fell from her eyes as galloped out of the building into the night. /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ Opalescence smiled to herself as she lay down for the night. The tennis lessons her mother had made her take as a filly had helped with her dance lessons. Oh yes, she was certain she would be sore in the morning, but that wasn't anything a trip to the spa wouldn't cure. She had found that she enjoyed the presence of the other mare. The closeness of the other mare when she was correcting Opal's positioning had almost made her giggle with filly-ish glee. When had she felt that last? "And her hooves when she helped me with the flips...." Oh Celestia! Am I a filly-fooler now? "If I am, that's going to be murder in the social circles." She frowned for a little, before letting a grin reform on her lips. Well, she had agreed to see the other mare for some more practice in a couple of weeks. "We'll see if things change this time." /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ A couple of weeks later... Opalescence was upset! No she wasn't furious, this did not warrant that level of emotion. But yes, she was upset. Glamdancer had agreed to meet with her today to go over more dance moves, but Opal had been left waiting at the studio-building all day! She even had her hoof smacked by a mare with a wild blue mane and purple shades, when she tried to ask if the mare had seen Glamdancer. The move had shocked Opal by it's unorthodox function that she had forgotten to ask the mare her question. Opalescence approached Glamdancer's apartment building and asked the burly stallion standing by the front door, "Excuse me, but does a mare by the name of Glamdancer live here?" The stallion glared down at her. "What's it to ya? You a friend of hers or somethin'?" Opal decided on a round-a-bout course for the stallion's rudeness, "No, we had a business arrangement and she has failed to show. I am simply looking for her." "Yeah? Well, I aint seen her and her name's only on her door till the end of the month." "Oh? And why only till the end of the month?" That was only four days away, Opal quandered. "Look lady, I don't see how it's any of concern of yours. But, since it probably don't matter, I'll tell ya. She's past due on her rent and the owner's gonna evict her if she don't pay up, just like most of the lazy mooks here." "Well seeing as that is the case, I'll be off. Thank you for your time." Opal turned around and wondered where Glamdancer could have gone. "No problem, toots!" Holding back a growl, Opal picked her pace up to a trot away from the stallion. Toots? Someponies have no class what so ever!! /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ The following night... Opalescence stood outside a downtown nightclub with Precious Bits and Silver Fan. Her two 'friends' were garishly dressed with too much makeup and clothes at least a decade out of style. The two had jumped at the idea of 'slumming' with the night crowd here, but were oblivious to Opal's real reason for picking this seedy nightspot. Her investigation had found that Glamdancer was working here now, apparently trying to make enough bits for her rent. A few bits and a smile had helped the three cut in line, the bouncers being more concerned with fillies and colts trying to sneak in than mares and stallions. The pulsing lights and pounding music made Opal appreciated whichever unicorn was up-keeping the soundproofing spell, as she didn't get the full effect until she had taken a couple of steps in. She quickly got separated from her companions by the crowd, but she didn't mind. They were on course to the bar, but a quick glance told Opal that neither of the stallions tending there were her target of intrest. Instead her attention was drawn towards the center of the club. Most of the club, and where most of the ponies were, was a dance-floor with a sound-stage of to one side. The pony apparently in charge of the tunes tonight was a pegasus who apparently was a few bottles in himself given he's expression and antics. As she approached the dance-floor Opal noticed that scattered around the floor were cages, and in these cages were ponies dancing. Correction, she told herself, there were only mares in the cages dancing. And some of that dancing was raunchy enough to make Opal's face burn with blush at the sight. Hearing a series of loud cat-calls near one cage prompted Opal to take a closer look. The unicorn dancing inside had a red coat and black mane with electric blue and green highlights and a cutie mark of double horseshoes. The mare's eyes were closed as it appeared she was trying to ignore the crowd and concentrate on her dancing. That dancing.... Opal found herself mesmerized by the mare's movements, some of them seemed so familiar. And, assumed Opal, she thought she detected a hint of something under the horseshoes in the cutie mark. An enchantment maybe? Such things weren't unheard of in her gossip groups, an enchantment to confuse one's identity was a known way for celebrities to try and hide their day-to-day activities or their vacations from nosy news ponies. While she was contemplating this mare, Opal found herself with a glass of cider in her hoof. Acting on trained social instincts she took a sip and kept watching the dancer. After taking her fourth sip, Opal body started letting her know that something was off as sounds started becoming blurred and she was swaying slightly a unsure smile on her face. /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ Glamdancer was trying to ignore the crowd around her cage, as she had tried to do every night since she started working at the club. She was supposed to be paid for every hour she danced in the cage, and so she had taken to dancing for as many hours as she could each night with as few breaks as possible. There was two buttons hidden in the top of the cage, one to signal a break request and the other to let security know if there was a problem. Most nights were never a problem, sometimes a stallion tried to get too frisky or would start throwing things into the cage, but tonight wasn't starting out so bad. A sense of disturbance caused Glam to open her eyes a little and focus on a group of stallions surrounding a mare, one with a pearl colored coat and a mane that was streaked with fiery orange, bright green, and pale blue. Opal.... Just as she noticed this, she also noticed the mare swaying uneasily while trying to push the stallions around her away. Oh no.... Reaching up like it was part of her routine, Glam hit the alarm button, but noticed the light didn't change to red. Of course I'd get the cage with the busted connection tonight... Grimacing inside for what she was about to do, Glamdancer reached for her magic. A strobe of white lights blinded the six predatory stallion friends just as quickly as their heads registered the impacts of hooves to their heads. The crowd around the cage and the group of stallions watched in shock as the red coated mare in the cage disappeared in a flash and was quickly replaced by a pair of white mares after another flash. Most gave no heed to the six now unconscious stallions lying on the dance-floor. Ow, teleporting two ponies is a lot harder than just myself. Glamdancer grimaced as she twirled herself and Opal around like it was all part of the act. Oh Opal, you silly socialite pony, to get rooffied on you first night here. Opal looked up at the mare holding her close, not remembering how she got in the mare's embrace, just knowing that she liked it. "Hey you," she whispered sluggishly, "Your beautiful!" She then pulled the mare in question into a deep kiss. At first Glamdancer let herself lean into the kiss, ignoring the encouraging cheers from around them or the flash of a camera bulb, before breaking it off abruptly. Looking around frantically, with tears in her eyes, only one thought graced her mind. Oh sweet Princesses! Not here, not like this. Acting on impulse, Glamdancer hefted Opal onto her back as she teleported them as close to the doors as possible. Charging through the crowd and out the door, Glam galloped the two of them into the night. /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ Glamdancer unlocked her apartment door and deposited Opalescence on the bed. She was glad she had always missed running into the new building supervisor, she really didn't want to explain tonight. She latched the door and turned to the mare passed out on her bed. Sighing with a smile, she covered Opal with the blanket and kissed her on the cheek. Laying down beside her, Glam whispered, "Your beautiful too." Knowing that tomorrow was going to be disastrous couldn't keep the smile off Glamdancer's lips as she too drifted off to sleep. > A stumble, but not a fall? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mid-afternoon the next day..... Opalescence fanned herself as she watched the dashing figure before her. An uncouth band of ruffians had accosted her carriage and would have accosted her person too, if not for the arrival of her gallant cavalier. So it was that she stood there, the breeze blowing the skirts of her dress, watching as her defender dealt with the rogues with style and grace. No sooner had the last bandit fallen than her rescuer turned and strode up to Opalescence. Tossing her plumed hat aside, her pink mane flowing in the breeze, and whipping off the mask that hid her face; the Cavalier drew Opalescence to her bosom and gave a kiss full of fiery passion, to which Opal responded enthusiastically. Her cavalier then proceeded to start tapping Opal on her bared shoulder. Huh?...tapping?...bosom?....* Opalescence's eyes snapped open to reveal herself muzzle-locked with a certain pink-maned dancer. Pulling her head back, Opal queried loudly, "What's going on? Where am I? What do you think your doing kissing me like that?" Glamdancer chuckled behind her hooves at the questions before responding with a smirk. "Not that this wasn't an awesome way to be woken up, but: you kissed me, we're in my bed at my apartment, and that's not my hoof feeling up my flank." Opal glanced at the offending appendage, which had been tracing slow circles on Glamdancer's cutie mark, before withdrawing it amid a heavy blush on her face. She drew the covers over her head in embarrassment. Oh dear.... Glamdancer grinned at Opal's antics before hoping off the bed. "I'm going to take a shower, but I'll leave the door open if you want to talk." Opal waited till she heard the water running for a few seconds then lowered the covers. Clearing her voice and speaking louder to be heard, "Um, were we not in a club last night?" "Yeah, we were." "Were you in a cage? Or was I?" "Yes. Well first it was only me, then it was both of us." "What? Wait...how did I get in the cage?" "I 'ported us into it after that mess with those stallions." "What mess? What stallions? How did we end up here?" "Well, I think those stallions slipped you a tainted drink. A 'roofie' as it's called. Then they started to surround you, and seeing this I saved you. I then 'ported us into the cage, and when I realized how bad off you were I brought us back here and put you to bed. Then I crawled in and went to sleep too." As she was explaining, Glam plodded out of the bathroom while finishing her drying off. Opal caught herself staring at Glam's body and quickly looked away. "So we didn't...?" asked her blush returning. Glamdancer smiled innocently as she responded. "Nope...though if you want to right now, I'm game!" Her smile was wavered as a pillow impacted her face. "There's another towel and some hot water left if you want." Glamdancer offered moving aside to let Opal past. Opal nodded and proceeded to bathroom, only to yelp in surprise as a hoof tapped her cutie mark. Glowering at Glam, Opal entered the bathroom and shut the door. Securing it with her magic, Opal let herself have a quiet giggle and smile at the other mare's antics. Looking at the small bathroom with it's cheap linoleum and aging fixtures Opal groaned in disgust but proceeded with her shower. /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ As Opal was showering, Glam was resting on the bed as a letter slid under her door. Picking up and perusing it caused Glam's happy mood to abate. Glamdancer, do to your action last night specifically the running out with a patron portion; the boss has had to fire you. The boss is also confiscating your wages for the week to cover any problems that may arise from those guys you took down. (I know what they tried and that the buzzer on that cage was faulty, but the boss aint budging on this. Sorry) Ray Cloud Glamdancer sighed and tossed the letter in her trashcan, then proceeded to start packing her things into the bed-covers. /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ Opal exited to the sight of Glamdancer sitting on an uncovered bed, the covers now in a bundle beside her, eating an apple. Glamdancer had also apparently decided to wear a black pleather vest with a collar. After accepting an apple that Glam had levitated to her, Opal pointed to the bundle on the bed and asked, "What's going on? Laundry?" Glam shook her head, "I've packed my things. I'm gonna get evicted." "Why?" Glam pointed to the trashcan. "I lost my earnings for the week, and so I can't make my rent payment this month. And, before you ask, I kind of owed for a few other months too. Got those paid though." Levitating the note out of the trashcan, Opal perused it and muttered, "Oh." Turning her attention to the bundle again, Opal raised an eyebrow. "Is that all your packing?" Glam nodded, "I don't have much left, sold it all." "What about your player?" Opal asked looking around. "Sold it." Opal frowned, then turned to and opened the door. "Well, come along then." Glamdancer raised an eyebrow at Opal. "Um, where are we going?" "Well... you let me stay at your place, so tonight you can stay at mine. Then tomorrow we'll find you somewhere...else." Opal looked around, just realizing how run-down the complex was. Glamdancer paused just a moment then grabbed her 'satchel' with her mouth and followed after Opal. > You have to plod before you trot. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glamdancer gazed out of the taxi Opalescence had acquired for them. The earth-pony stallion pulling it had appeared to be surprised when Opal whispered their destination to him, but had acquiesced in the end. Glam had assumed it was because not many cabs went out where they were going, and she was right. The scenery outside the taxi had changed from Manehattan's heavy urban look to a more palatial setting, with few houses on large gated properties. Manicured lawns and topiaries led to grand houses of very well-to-do ponies. The had been traveling for some time now, however the stallion did not seem to be slowing his pace any which worried Glam that they still had a ways to go. Are we going to Fillydelphia by taxi? Glam's worries were lessened by the fact that Opal was unconsciously holding Glam's hoof in her own. "Back at the club, your coat and mane were a different color when I first saw you. An illusion was it not?" Opal's sudden question startled Glam out of her reverie. "Um, yes. One of the club owner's underling casts it on all the dancers every night if they're willing to pay for it. It's meant to protect the dancer's identity." Glam looked at Opal as she answered, the other mare was absently looking out of her side of the taxi. "But I think I recall seeing you without the disguise in the cage...." Opal's voice trailed off in thought. "Well, the illusion is okay as long as your doing small spells like levitation; but I guess my teleporting broke it." Glam squeezed Opal's hoof, causing the other mare to turn her head. Opal looked first at their held hoofs, before looking up at Glam's face and the smile there. They sat like that for a few seconds before the taxi pulled into a carriageway leading to a very large manor-house. The manor was crafted out of pure white stone and glass with a pair of large, heavy wooden double doors in the front. Glam's jaw dropped open at the sight, she had never been at a house this huge. She wondered first if even the noble manors in Canterlot were as big, and second if the driver had maybe gotten the address incorrect. The second was assuaged when Opal announced, withdrawing her hoof. "Ah, we're here." Opal exited the taxi and motioned for Glam to follow her as she paid the driver. Glam gathered her satchel and, thanking the driver, trailed Opal up to the doors. As they approached, one of the doors opened to reveal and older stallion wearing a tuxedo coat with long tails. The stallion greeted Opalescence with familiarity, "Welcome home, Miss." "Thank you Prim, it's good to be home." Opal then turned and gestured to Glam. "Prim, this is Glamdancer. She is a close acquaintance of ours. Glamdancer, this is Prim Dotage my family's butler." "A pleasure." The older pony smiled. "Ah, Miss. I should warn you, your father is home and does not seem to be in the best of moods. He and the rest of your family, save young Miss Dot, are in the front sitting room." Father's home AND in a foul mood? The only times he's been that were when Iri joined the guards, he lost that huge land bid in Seaddle, and the rumor that Lumi had gotten... oh dear.... "I see, thank you Prim. Glam, can you wait out here till I see if everything is okay?" Opal moved through the doorway and into the manor without even waiting for a response. Prim leaned out and whispered to Glamdancer, while pointing a hoof to the side of the door opposite from the one he stood in. "Best to wait over there, it'll be less awkward and quieter." Glam simply nodded and moved to where he had indicated. Breathing in calming breathes while watching the taxi leave back towards the city. Why do I feel like I'm in trouble? /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ Opal checked her appearance before entering the sitting room. As she crossed the threshold, she could tell something was off. Her father was pacing, a newspaper he wasn't looking at was held in his aura. The russet color of his coat nearing a deep brown as he fumed. More papers were scattered on the the dinette table. Her mother was sitting stiffly with a paper held in front of her, sipping tea from her cup, her face showing strain she would never have let be seen in public. And her older sister Luminescence was lounging on the sofa farthest from their parent's seats. She was also reading a paper, but with a smirk on her lips. Opal decided to not step further in, ans instead announced simply. "Hello family." "YOU!" Her father's bellow as he turned on Opal shocked her. "What do you have to say for yourself, young lady?" "How could you bring this shame upon our household." Her mother chimed in. "I... I don't understand. What are you talking about?" Opal looked bewilderingly between her parents. Her father shoved the paper he held in front of Opal's face. Glaring back at her was a picture or herself and Glamdancer locked in a passionate kiss inside a cage. It was the main feature in the paper's society section with the header: The Eminence of Fillyfoolers! Glancing at the other papers, Opal saw they were from different publishers and tabloids, and all ran similar images. Realizing that the pictures had to have been taken last night at the club, Opal could help but grimace. Reading a bit of the article, Opal balked. It described her willfully entering the cage and not only kissing another mare, but more intimate actions. "It... It's not what happened! I swear it!" "So your saying you did not kiss this mare?" Her mother inquired. "Well, I did but...." "Opalescence Eminence, how could you! To believe that my daughter would willingly climb into some cage in some seedy nightclub and start kissing some random mare!" Her mother screamed her frustration at the end of her rant. Putting her teacup and paper down, Opal's mother stormed up to her. Seeing her sister smirking and giggling at her predicament gave Opal a bolster she much needed. "I didn't climb into the cage, mother, I was teleported into it. And while the club was indeed seedy, the mare was not random. Her name is Glamdancer, and she saved me last night." "What do you mean saved you? And what do you mean teleported?" "I was roofied by some stallions at the club. Glamdancer came to my rescue, first by teleporting out of the cage then teleporting us both back into it. All I remember after is that she got us out of the club quickly." "Where were you sleeping last night?" Her father's tone was softer, but still held an edge. "Glamdancer took me to her place, and I went to sleep in her bed." "You mean to tell me that you spent the night in that mare's bed? Please tell me she had the decency to sleep on the couch or floor." Her mother interjected in a calmer tone. "No, she slept in it too." "Opalescence!" "It's not like that mother! Her place was simply too small for her to sleep elsewhere." Her motherly instincts taking over, Social Eminence pulled her daughter into a hug. "Well, I'm glad your all right of course. But please tell me dear, why in Equestria would you kiss this mare?" Pulling gently out of the embrace Opal blushed slightly, "Because I think I like her mother." "Like? As in like-like?" "Yes, mother, like-like." "But not love?" Her father asked, his anger seeming to have left him. "Well, I haven't spent all that much time with her to know if it's love or not." "How long have you known her, dear." "Well mother, remember that story I told you about the two mares at the cafe a few weeks ago?" "Yes, I... Oh sweet Celestia!" Her mother turned away as pieces fell into place. "And a few days after that I came upon her practicing, we talked and she gave me some dancing lessons." "Well,... at least we can send her a thank you card and you never have to see her again." Her father grinned. "Actually...." Opal almost giggled at her father's reaction to what she said next. "I told her, that since she let me stay her place, she could spend the night here. She's right outside the front door." "You what? Why?" Her sister piped up with disdain as her father looked flummoxed. "Because we are good ponies; and good ponies keep their words, repay their debts, and can be generous to those befitting." Opal replied in haute recital of their fillyhood society lessons. "Well said, my dear." Her mother complemented. As her father was about to say something, Prim Dotage entered and announced that dinner was ready to be served and Dot had returned from school. Her father sighed in defeat. "Alright, Prim. Set Opal's friend up in the first guest room,... and set an extra place at the table." > To hot to trot? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opalescence's father pulled her aside as her mother and sister made their way to the dining room. Looking forcefully at his daughter, he lowered his voice. "She may stay the night, but she will leave tomorrow. And furthermore, I will not tolerate any... shenanigans. Do I make myself clear?" "Yes, father. I will help her find a new residence in the morning." Opal hung her head and ears in defeat. Her straightened up and returned his voice to normal, "Good. I'll send Long Pull back for your use, after he drops off your mother and I. Now,... let's go see this 'dancer' of yours." /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ Glamdancer had been relieved when Prim had reappeared to tell her she was staying the night, apprehensive when he told her that she would be joining the family for dinner, and bedazzled when he led her inside. The entryway melded into a cavernous main foyer with a majestic tiered chandelier suspended over a grand staircase with a balcony extended at the second floor. The staircase itself rose up to the third floor and then separated into two wings that rose to the sides then back towards the front at the fourth and fifth floor respectively. Prim pointed out features as thy entered the foyer. "We have the front sitting room to the left with the ballroom behind, front lounge to the right followed by the dining room with the kitchens beyond, breakfast room and first floor of the conservatory in the back. Your room for the evening is on the second floor to the right, whilst the master and family occupy the upper floors." Prim grinned slightly at the marveled expression on the young vagabond's muzzle. "Ah... here is the Master, himself. I shall leave you here, my young miss, and will deposit your travel bag in your room." Prim bowed and trotted off, leaving Glamdancer standing in front of Opalescence and a stern-looking, middle-aged, stallion with a russet coat, platinum mane (and tail and mustache), and a cutie mark showing a gated mansion framed by a sunburst. He was sporting a beige dinner-jacket and plum ascot. Opal waved a hoof at the stallion, "Glamdancer please let me introduce you to my father, Grand Estates." Looking at her father, Opal waved her other hoof at Glam, "Father, this is Glamdancer. She's the mare who helped me." Glamdancer gave a curt bow, "A pleasure, Mr. Estates." A puzzled look crossed Glamdancer's face, "Grand Estates? As in the Grand Estates who owns Manehatten's Eminence Tower?" "And most of Manehatten itself." Grand boasted with a polite grin. "Greetings, Ms. Glamdancer. I must thank you for bringing our Opalescence back to us, unsullied." "I'm glad to have been of service then, Mr. Estates." Glamdancer said with a nervous smile, while Opal tried to maintain a civilly neutral expression. "Well, let's not keep the rest of the family waiting. Shall we?" And with that the stallion led the two mares into the dining room. /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ Dinner did not go well for Glamdancer. The table had been set for six with Grand Estates and his wife, Social Eminence (whom Glamdancer found out was whom both the famed tower, this palatial mansion, and their daughters were named after), sat at the ends. Glam was seated opposite Opal, and beside her father. Opal's older sister was sat at Glam's right, while the youngest sister (whom Glam learned later was called Dot) was sat beside Opal. If that wasn't bad enough; during the soup portion, Glamdancer noticed an uneasy quite settle over the table before seeing that the family was staring at her. It was then that she noticed that everyone else was utilizing their magic the use their spoons, and not their hooves. Giving an apologetic smile, she then also grasped her spoon in her magic. Throughout the dinner, Glam noticed that Opal's youngest sister kept giving her mixed looks of curiosity/repulsion... while the older sister would give looks of smug superiority. As the meal continued Glam proceeded slowly: first using her magic for her utensil, then setting that down to grasp her water glass (she politely refused the wine when offered with the excuse of keeping to an athletic diet for her dancing), before reversing the process to continue eating. This became more difficult when the main course came out and Glam had to use both a fork and a knife. With the stress of keeping up appearances and the taxing use of her meager magic skills, Glam knew before the dessert course came that she would have a headache before she went to bed. /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ Opal, after excusing herself to her parents, was leaving the dining room. She was feeling she should apologize to Glamdancer, who had left during the dessert course, and was trying to think of what to say when Luminescence cut in front of her. "My word, dear sister, but I didn't realize just how adventurous you were until now." Luminescence chuckled. "What are you referring to, Lumi?" Opal inquired. "Why your previous evening, of course. A night of wanton debauchery ending in the bed of you lover. Though I guess having a mare-friend would be a way to not lose your figure to foaling." Opal had noticed their youngest sister trotting over to join them. "This is not something we should be discussing in front of Dot." "Discussing what?" Dot asked with piqued curiosity. "Mares and beds, of course." Lumi replied, gazing down upon her sisters. "Yes, you're right. Dot is much too young for this discussion. Unless she has a mare-friend she wants to tell us about? Or perhaps she has a stallion instead?" "Dot, go to your room. Lumi, enough, she has no part in this affair." Opal remarked, having noticed the uncertainty in Dot's posture and not wanting to upset her further. Luminescence watched as Dot left them, before turning back to Opal. "Speaking of affairs, I'm hosting a soiree in two days. You and your mare-friend are, of course, both expected. Have a nice night, Opal dear." With that Luminescence left to her rooms. Opal grimaced at the trap she had fallen into, and sighing started up the staircase. /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ Glamdancer was in her room, rubbing her temples in order to sooth the headache brought on by her magical exertions. She was wondering how well she would sleep that night, when she heard somepony knock on her door. Opening it, she was surprised to see Opal standing there. "Hi Opal, I'm sorry about dinner I..." The rest of her words were cut off as she found herself pulled into a deep, fierce kiss. Noticing the overpowering feelings of apology, desire, and a need of control; Glam, at first resistant, gave in to the kiss with her own feelings of acceptance and support. Opalescence ended the kiss after a while, a thankful smile on her lips. "Good Night and sleep well, Glamdancer. We'll be leaving in the morning." Her hoof lingered a little longer on Glam's cheek, before Opal turned and trotted to her own bedroom. Glamdancer watched Opal leave, a deep blush burning her cheeks, before closing the door. Putting her back against the door before sliding down, all the while trying not to giggle like a crazy filly. She bit at her bottom lip as her mouth curled into a smile. Great, how am supposed to get to sleep NOW? > Exit stage... Huh? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glamdancer was awoken by a tapping on her door. Groggily she sat up, looking around her at the unfamiliar fancy decor. Where am I? Her sleep fogged mind wondered. Oh right... Opal's. The fog evaporated as she again heard tapping on the door. "Um, who is it?" she asked cautiously. "It's Prim, Ms. Dancer." the old butler's voice chimed. "Miss Opalescence is awaiting you in the breakfast room." "Thank you, Mr. Prim" she called back. "Please tell Opal that I'll be down shortly." "No problem miss, and you may just call me Prim." he answered with a smile. "Okay. ...Um Prim?" "Yes miss?" "Where is the breakfast room again?" Chuckling he answered, "I'll go tell her Miss that you will be down shortly, then I'll return to escort you Ms. Dancer." Sighing, she thanked him before entering the suite's bathe. During her shower, she recalled the kiss Opal had given her the night before. A smile spread at the memory and she felt her heart beat faster. Could she REALLY like me? After refreshing herself she put on her collared vest again and bagged up her belongings. Picking the bundle up with her mouth, she sighed and headed to the door. Upon opening the door, she saw Prim standing there with an open travel tote held in his aura. Her perplexed look was rewarded with a smirk and a wink from the butler. She smiled and dropped her bundle into the tote. "Thank you, Prim." "No worries miss." And with that he closed the bag, leading Glam downstairs. The breakfast room was open and airy with large windows opening onto the conservatory and back patio, with the rear garden beyond. Opal was sitting at the table sipping tea, her attention on the view. When Prim and Glam entered, she smiled at the other mare and pointed to a seat near her where a nice breakfast was waiting. "Come and eat, Glamdancer. We will have to get going soon." Seating their guest at the table, he whispered to her nodding to the bag, "I'll just put this by the front door, miss." Nodding back, Glam thanked him. As soon as he left, she turned to Opal, "Thank you for the kiss last night. It made the evening worth it." Nearly choking on her tea as a blush blossomed on her cheeks, "Your welcome, then! It was... rather enjoyable." The smile that had been on her face faltered and she turned her attention back to the windows. What am I going to do.... Glamdancer had felt giddy at Opals words her attention having drifted to the diced cantaloupe on her plate, but she looked up upon felling a shift in the other mare's mood and noticed the look of worry in her eyes. "Is something wrong, Opal?" She reached out and touched the other mare's hoof with her own. Looking at their hooves together Opal deflected, "No, no. Nothing for you to worry about." As she said this, she removed her hoof and waived it dismissively. "You go ahead and finish. Long Pull should be back by now, I'll just go and make sure everything is ready." She then left the table and the room at a trot. Frowning at Opal retreat; Glam sighed, shrugged and proceeded to finish her breakfast. What's wrong Opal? quietly echoed in her mind as she ate. /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ Long Pull had driven them back into Manehatten proper, dropping them off in front of a high-rise condominium with it's own door guard. Said guard smiled and rushed to open the door as soon as he spotted Opal. "So nice to see you again Ms. Eminence. I hope your doing well." He tipped his hat with a plastic smile. "Yes, quite well Door. Glam this is Storm Door." Opal said not even looking at the guard as she entered. "Hi!" Glam said with a smile, and his smile grew more genuine in response. Following Opal inside and to an elevator with her new tote on her back Glam was shocked to see them going to one of the upper floors. When the door to the elevator opened, she saw a short hallway with only two other doors on it (one to the left and one to the right. Opal led her to the left door, unlocked it with a key from her mini-saddle bag, and ushered Glamdancer inside. Glamdancer mouthed a silent wow at the luxuriously appointed apartment, she had thought that maybe they had been going to see a realtor to find her another cheap efficiency. This last was dashed asunder when she heard Opal say from behind her, "This is where you'll be staying. The place is normally mine for when I want to get away from the family for a few days. The fridge is fully stocked, I'm leaving your key on the counter by the door, and the maid comes by every other day about two." Glamdancer spun around, finding Opal standing right behind her, and started to voice the confusion in her mind and on her face, "But Opal I...." She was cut off as Opal pecked Glam lightly on the lips before continuing, "You get settled in. I'll be back about ten tomorrow morning, to help you get a dress for Lumi's party tomorrow evening. I'll let Door know you'll be staying here." As she was talking, Opal turn and headed out the door closing it behind her. As Opal left, a stunned Glamdancer could only open and close her mouth wordlessly. Slowly her rump settled to the floor, and she was able to voice, "But... What?... Why?" > coda Buck > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opal fretted as she got ready for bed. Oh, I hope Glamdancer doesn't hate me for treating her like this. I know she doesn't have the funds to pay me back monetarily, but that's not the issue. Are we moving too fast? I just hope she doesn't think I'm using her. /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ Glamdancer had a less than restful night wondering why Opal had put her up in such a fancy apartment room. It has a maid service for pony-sake! She was also mulling over the party she was told she would be attending. But, the thing that worried her most was Opal's distant-ness for most of yesterday. Hopefully nothings wrong. /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ "Okay, let's review. My dress is ready and my appointment with my mane stylist is set. Now we just need to get Glam a dress and styling as well." Opal sighed as she rode up the elevator to her downtown abode. I am now official a filly-fooler in the tabloids, have a live-in marefriend, and am getting ready to take said marefriend to get ready for our first "public" date. Opal sighed again, heavier, at the direction her life had taken; but a small smile graced her lips as well at the notion. Glam was doing stretches on the floor in front of the couch in the main room when she heard the sound of keys in the lock at the front door. Looking up and over to it, she was glad the see Opal enter with a small smile gracing her muzzle. Well, at least she looks happier. I hope everything's okay. Glamdancer mused trying to not let the worry show on her face as she smiled warmly at Opal. "Hey you! What's up?" she happily greeted, while hopping to her hooves. Will I ever get used to her commonality? Maybe... I hope so. "I'm here to get you, Glamdancer. We need to go get you a dress for the party tonight." "Oh, okay." Glamdancer cringed slightly, chewing her bottom lip. "Do we really have to? I mean, I don't want you spending a lot on me Opal. Just this place is more than enough." she said waving a hoof to indicate the condo. Opal smiled patiently back, "I don't mind, dear. And yes we do. We are expected, and a dress will be required." Opal's smiled shifted to a smirk as she waved Glam towards the door. "Now come along you silly mare." Glamdancer sported a wide grin as she playfully vaulted the couch and trotted out the door. /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ "Oh, honey! What do you think of this one?" Opal cringed and glanced towards the mare behind the front counter as Glam's voice drifted across the boutique. Oh dear, what have I done! They had come to the boutique her family usually used, and Glam had made a mad dash to the back of the shop giggling like a little filly. That had earned them a raised eyebrow on top of the look of disdain their mere entrance brought. Of course they have seen the tabloids, why would I have expected they wouldn't. Opal felt her face paling at the thought of what Glam had found, as she heard the mare's hoofsteps approaching; only for it to flare-up into a burning blush as Glam came into view. Glamdancer was sporting a tight, curve-hugging little Neighponese number that left little to the imagination as to Glam's physique. It's red-orange color was broken up by gold filigree in the form of vines and blossoms. And as Glam turned to show of the piece, Opal even saw it had a little peek-a-boo flap nestled up under Glam's dock. Unexpected thoughts and emotions started pelting Opal as Glam sauntered sensually up to her and gave her a small nuzzle. Opal, with a heavy blush and thundering pulse, quickly thrust the saddlebag she had been carrying (holding the bits she had brought) into Glam's hooves. "J-just... f-fine... um... I-I'll... Just pick something, and remember to get you mane styled. I need to go, I'll send a driver to pick you be six!" Opal stammered as she rushed from the store to her waiting cab, and leaving quickly. Glamdancer standing stunned by the reaction, wondered what she had done wrong and if Opal had been angry with her. Slowly going back and removing the dress, Glamdancer chewed her lip in thought. As a idea popped into her head, and after giving the bag a quick estimate, she smiled and ambled to the front of the store. After getting an affirmation from the haughty salespony to hold the dress for a few days, Glamdancer exited the store and galloped towards another more familiar part of the city. /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ Opal paced back and forth in front of her family home, dressed and styled, still trying to deal with the morning's developments. I was wanting to ravish her right there in the store! What kind of pony am I! A lady, let alone any reasonable pony, would not have thought such things! Right? Oh, I hope I didn't scare her; but, I just couldn't trust myself anymore. Am I really such a bad pony... or mare-friend? She quieted her thoughts as her carriage pulled up. /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ Glamdancer was checking over herself in the bedroom's full-length mirror, to make sure her dress and styling were right, when there was a knock at the condo's front door. Wondering as to who it could be as it was still half an hour to six, she opened it to find a stallion waiting for her. "Yes?" she inquired? "Sorry to disturb you ma'am. I have been sent by Ms. Eminence to take you to the party." the stallion replied. "Oh! Very well, let me lock up first and then we'll go?" Glamdancer offered. Huh, Opal must want to make sure I'm on time. "No problems miss, whenever your ready." /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ Glamdancer exited her cab a short time later, outside a posh hotel's ballroom. Assuming it had been rented for the party, Glamdancer walked in looking around the expensive interior seeing many stallions in tuxedo's and a few fancily dressed mares. Not spotting Opal in the throng, Glam proceeded closer inside to try and spot her date. Was she her date? Yes, she has all be called me her marefriend! She must just want our first date to be fancy! Firmly boosting her confidence twith this train of thought, Glamdancer was shocked when a dapper young stallion came up to her and without reservation asked her, "How much?" "Excuse me?" responded Glam, blinking in confusion. "How much for you and me to go up to a room and fool around for an hour?" "I beg your pardon, but I'm not that kind of mare!" Glamdancer nearly shouted, drawing attention. "Yes, she's not!" A voice dripping with sweetness and sarcasm came to Glam's rescue. "She's only into mares." Turning to face the speaker, Glam found herself facing a familiar looking mare surrounded by a few stallions. Thinking back, she recognized the mare as Opal's older sister. "Lady Luminescence, what are you saying!" Glam blanched. "After all, what else could you by my dear? My dear sister pays for a place for you to live, buys you clothes..." Luminescence eyed Glam venomously. "What else are you but my sister's plaything? Her mare-of-the-evening?" "It's not like that!" Glam screamed back, stomping, tears forming in her eyes. "What? Did you really think my sister loves you? Somepony so beneath her station? Don't fool yourself, my dear, you're just my sister's little plaything. She'll bore with you soon enough!" Luminescence barked a laughter behind a hoof, joined by her surrounding entourage. Tears flowing, Glamdancer galloped out of the building. /-\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \-/ Opal was upset. She had stopped by her condo to pick up Glamdancer but had fond it locked and empty, the door guard had told her that Glam had left in a fancy cab. My sister probably... but why pick her up early? Directing her ride to the party, Opal arrived just in time to see Glamdancer galloping away from the party crying. "Glamdancer!" she called out but was unheeded. "Oh don't worry about that vagabond toy of yours, she'll probably come crawling back to you tomorrow." Luminescence chided her sister. "Now come inside, I'm sure we can find a mare more to our station for you." "LUMI!" Opal screamed! "How dare you! No wonder your still a spinster!!" Without another word she galloped after Glamdancer.