> The Four R's of Love > by Biker_Dash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Love Which They Share > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reconciliation They say that spring is a time of rebirth, renewal, and rejuvenation. It is a time where stallions and mares all over start fresh and new, just as life blooms again in its splendor, filling everypony’s hearts with a wondrous feeling. It is also the season where love blooms, just as the flowers do. Sadly, I am feeling none of those things right now. Just last night, the pegasus whom I love with my whole heart and I ended up in a tiff. Well, more than a tiff, I have to say. It was a full blown argument between her and I, and in the end, Rainbow Dash left the house in a huff. It was, most definitely, the WORST! NIGHT! EVER! Of course, I did the only thing I could do. I cried eloquently on the couch, as I attempted to drown my sorrows in ice cream. Note to self: I must replenish my ice cream supplies. Fortunately, Twilight and Pinkie had been there for me. They came by to console me as best as they could. For that, I am thankful. I do not know how Pinkie Pie does what she does, but she was able to sense somehow my need, and she immediately got Twilight, and hurried to my rescue. I find myself wandering around the park, trying to find to find solace in such a splendorous day. Unfortunately, I find no comfort. Instead, I see happy couples out enjoying the warm springtime air, and all I can think of is the mare whom I miss so much. Is it possible that the joy and love is now gone for good? What happened to the marriage that she and I had entered with so much love for one another, that we wish to share our hearts and our lives with one another for the rest of our lives? I can only pray to Celestia that Rainbow comes back to me, and that she can forgive me. Why did she and I have that fight last night? It feels as if it had been building up, but neither she or I were able to do anything to stop it from occurring, and because of that, she flew off into the night. The tensions that had been building all winter could have been diffused, had the two of us sat down and talked it over. Unfortunately, neither of us saw passed our frustrations. I buried myself in my dresses, and she spent more and more time at work. Sweet Celestia, why could we not just take the time to talk about the issues that had been driving a wedge between us? I find an empty bench to sit. As the occasional couple walk by, I lower my elegant sunhat to shield my gaze from those who pass me on their strolls. This is a day for lovers, and I have proven to be undeserving to be around such feelings and emotions. Through my most un-generous ways, I have become a monster. “Rarity, I’m sorry.” Looking next to me, I find that Rainbow has found herself a place next to me on the bench. I must have been too self absorbed to even notice that the mare that held my heart has come back. What should I say to her? What can I say or do to make up for the horrid inconsideration I displayed to her last night? As I ask myself these questions, she continues with what she has to tell me. “I should never have flown off like that last night, Rare. I should have sat down with you, and we could have talked this over instead. Instead, I let all my frustrations and fears get to me, and when we fought, I was afraid I was gonna lose you,” she tells me, letting out a sigh that seems to convey all the weight on her shoulders straight to my heart. She looks to me, and I can see the tear streaks running from her eyes. “Some Element of Loyalty I've turned out to be. When I should have been there for you, I cut and ran like a coward.” I cannot believe what I am hearing. Clearly, it is I who was to blame, but she is apologizing to me for what happened! The feelings of love for my prismatic maned mare swell inside my chest, and I know I must let her know it was not her fault. Taking her hooves into my own, I tell her, “Rainbow, it is I who should be apologizing. Instead of talking with you sooner about the things which have been on our minds, I instead chose to bury myself in my dress making. If I had come to you and told you about my fears and worries, and asked you of your own, then I am certain we would never have had our disagreement.” Rainbow pulls me into a tight hug, and, by Celestia, it feels so very good having her forelegs around me. “We need to talk about this, Rare. I don’t wanna fight with you. What’s been scaring you, Rarity?” she asks me, once we break the embrace. I wish we could have just stay in each other’s hooves like that, just holding each other, but Rainbow is correct. We do need to talk about this, to ensure that we no longer have this over our heads. I find myself nervous about telling her about my fears though. What if she took it as if I did not trust her? Enough! I have to tell her, for if I did not, then it would be a sign that maybe I am lacking in trust. Rainbow Dash deserved that level of commitment from me. “Rainbow, I was afraid that I was pushing you away from me. With how much I push ‘proper etiquette’ on you at times, and how I get so wrapped up in my work, I became afraid I would drive you to the point of leaving. And I found myself not knowing how to deal with that. So, what I ended up doing was reverting to my old ways, and that, I was afraid, was pushing you away as well. “I feel like I have been a horrible wife to you, Rainbow Dash, and all I wish for is to make it up to you,” I tell her, holding her close to me. “Rarity, that kinda describes the same fears I've been having. Except, with me, it was my frustrations combined with my rather rough ways that made me feel like I was pushing you away from me.” She hugs me tighter to her, and I can feel a wetness upon my shoulder from her tears. “I love you, Rare, and I don’t wanna lose you because of my lack of communication,” she tells me. “I love you too, Rainbow,” I reply through my own tears. These are more tears of joy, knowing that I have not lost the love of my life due to my own failings. She is the very best part of my life now, and I would have been devastated if she her and I had ended up apart. “How about we spend the day together, just you and I, my love?” I ask her. I receive a tender kiss as a reply, and I now know that everything is going to be all right now. ~ ~ ~ Rejuvenation The day suddenly felt so much brighter to me, now that Rainbow and I have reconciled our fears and worries which we had been harboring. Where it was nearly time for lunch, Rainbow and I spent the next twenty minutes thinking of where we shall eat. In the end, she insisted that we dine at the Crown Royal, which is only the most expensive and posh establishment in Ponyville. And, to top it off, she insisted that she was covering the expenses. I know she has a sizable income, being in charge of the Ponyville weather team, but even then, the restaurant would put a sizable dent in her paycheck. Arriving there, I discover that she had already made reservations for a quiet table in the back room. Mother of Celestia, I feel almost ready to faint, not that a proper mare over-reacts in that manner, mind you. I would be lying if I said my eyes did not sparkle at the prospect of dining where the princesses or affluent ponies, such as Fancy Pants or Sapphire Shores take their meals when visiting. “Rainbow Dash, do you realize just how expensive this restaurant is? The least expensive appetizers cost nearly fifty bits! Can we afford this?” I ask her. “I, Rares. And yes, I can. Remember, I still have a lot saved from when I was doin airshows with the Wonderbolts. Besides, I was planning on doin this next week, but as luck would have it, I happen to know the owner, and was able to change the time for today,” she says to me. As we get to our table, I find myself further surprised when Rainbow Dash holds my chair for me, gently pushing it in as I take my seat. I do have to say, I am being treated as if I was royalty today. When Rainbow decides she wishes to make amends with me, she goes all out! After the waiter seats us, he pours each of us some champagne. I notice that it is a Prench vintage from the year 795AB. Mother of Celestia! Such a vintage would normally be reserved for the likes of the princesses themselves. “Rainbow, my love, are you sure about all of this? I mean, this is just—” I’m suddenly interrupted as Rainbow leans across the table and simply kisses me, silencing any and all worries I might have. I feel as if my heart is going to burst, as full of love I am for her right now. When she breaks the kiss, she softly says, “Yes, Rarity, I am very sure.” Over the course of our noontime meal, her and I talk of many things. We talk about how we had first met, and how we had became friends. We also talk about how our feelings had grown for one another, even if at times, we seem to get on each other’s nerves. we reminisce about the courtship, and how nervous she was about finally admitting to me just how she felt, and my own nervousness as well. I think back on that fateful day that she proposed. It had been about eighteen months ago, and her and I had been together for a couple years at that point. It had been at her final performance with the Wonderbolts, and at the end of the show, when she announced that she was choosing to retire from performing, she flew over to my seat, and asked me to marry her. It was very flashy, but romantic as well, for she was showing me that she had found someone she wished to be with even more than flying with the Wonderbolts. She had chosen to be with me. How could I say no to that kind of love, especially considering that my love for her had grown just as strong. As we finish our luncheon and take our leave, Rainbow looks to me pointing to her back. “Climb aboard, Rares, cause there is another place I would like to take you,” she tells me. I have to admit, I am curious as to where she wishes to take me. I do trust her implicitly, even with my own life, and so I climb up on her back, hugging her neck tight, and we take off into the sky. After maybe an hour or so, we arrive at our destination, Rainbow Falls. Later on in the year, the place would be filled with tents and stalls set up for trade. Rainbow and I had only been here twice before. The first time was for the trade show held every year. To be honest, it was almost comical how that day went, and how it nearly ended with Fluttershy being traded off for a book. Fortunately, things did work out in the end. The other time that she and I came here was for a picnic together. I do remember that day fondly. The colors of autumn magnificently adorned the trees of the valley, accenting the masterpiece of the location; the multi-hued waterfalls from which they got their name. It had been a wondrous day together, she and I. It was where we had first become intimate with one another. For that reason alone, this place was special, and I find myself wishing that we came here more often together. On this trip, instead the vibrant reds and oranges of the leaves, Flowers and blossoms of all kinds and of so many brilliant colors greet my eyes, as well as their fragrant scents, which is just heavenly. It never ceases to amaze me just how many beautiful places she takes me, but Rainbow Falls is definitely one of my favorite of all such places. As we sit under one of the many trees, I feel her drape one of her wings over my shoulder as she snuggles up to me. It is not long before this leads to her and I sharing a kiss, and then another. And from there, well, a proper mare does not tell all of her secrets. Later on, as the sun continues its journey towards the horizon, Rainbow and I lay under the tree wrapped in each other’s forelegs. The afterglow of the love shared between her and I warms me and fills me with a feeling of contented bliss. As she would most likely say, this has been the best day ever. Tilting my head, I place a kiss gently to her lips. “I love you, Rainbow Dash. This day may have started out so poorly, but you have made it the most special day possible. You mean the whole world to me, and I would gladly do all of this all over again,” I tell her. “Propping herself up on an elbow, she looks to me, saying, “Then let’s do it again, Rarity.” I give her a mildly puzzled look, wondering just what she means by this. “Let's renew our vows. and when we do this, we’ll make this and even more grand and glorious event, one of the likes that Ponyville has never seen before! Let’s have a ceremony that would be fit for royalty, Rare. What do you say?” she asks. What can I say to this? To hear such love from her, there is only one answer I can give her. “Yes, Rainbow, I shall walk down the aisle for you again, my love.” ~ ~ ~ Renewal The past two weeks have been very busy for the both of us, with all the preparations we had to accomplish, but in the end, all the work was very much worth the effort put forth. The dresses, the decorations, the invitations, and so much else, all needed to be perfect, and it came out exactly so. Standing in the park pavilion, surrounded by all those closest to us in our hearts, is the mare that is closest of all in my own heart. Rainbow Dash looks absolutely splendid in her dress, which I had styled after her gala dress, but made it more suitable for this occasion, as I had done with my own dress. Next to her stands her best mare, Scootaloo, who looks radiant in her own dress. On the other side of the podium is Sweetie Belle, who is standing as my own best mare for this occasion. Spike stands tall and proud next to the podium, bearing the new rings Rainbow and I had selected just for this occasion. He looks stunningly handsome in his new tuxedo. I can see how he caught Scootaloo’s attention. And standing behind the podium is Twilight Sparkle. One of our closest friends, and the mare we have asked to officiate our ceremony. It is amazing how much she has changed over the years. She radiates regal beauty as she wears the full regalia of her station as a Princess of Equestria. I feel I must make a correction. I was incorrect to think that the day two weeks ago was the best day ever. Today is that day which shall forever be remembered as the best day. When I take my place beside my beloved bride, I cannot help but to feel butterflies inside. This moment is even more magical than the first time her and I said our vows together. I cannot find the words to convey just how strongly I feel loved right now. “Good afternoon. Today, we gather here to celebrate and witness Rainbow Dash and Rarity reaffirm their vows and their commitment and love which they share for one another,” Twilight addresses the audience. “When I first met these two, ten fateful years ago, you could not find any ponies who were more polar opposites than they were. Rainbow Dash was wild and nearly insane, while Rarity was very much a prim and proper mare. But instead of clashing, as one might have thought, these two became friends, and over the years, the bonds of friendship grew between them. And one day, they discovered that the bonds had grown into something even stronger. A bond of love that only two ponies could share with each other. They had fallen in love. “A year ago, these two wonderful friends of ours finally made the decision to share their hearts and their love with each other in matrimony. Today, they wish to reaffirm those same vows before their family and friends.” I can feel my eyes misting over in joy as I listen to Twilight speaking to everypony about Rainbow and I, and when I look over to Dash, I can see that she is feeling the very same. Twilight continues telling about the institute of marriage, and what it means for two ponies who love each other this much to join in matrimony. She talks about commitment, caring, trust, generosity with one another, understanding, and faith in each other. She tells of how she sees each aspect in Rainbow’s and my lives together, and how each and every day, the love grows stronger. Twilight then turns to Rainbow, asking her to say her vows. Her and I turn towards each other, and she begins to say the words I very much desire to hear. “Rarity, the past year has been the very best year of my life. When we first met, I was filled with so many dreams of being the best Wonderbolt in Equestrian history. I craved that glory above all else. But, as our friendship grew, I learned new things. I learned that friendship was something to be cherished. As we grew closer in our friendship, I learned just how generous of a heart you have, and I found that what I desired most was slowly changing. As we continued to grow closer, I began to realize that my desire to be with you was even stronger than my dream of being a Wonderbolt. “Even when we had our differences, you have always been there for me. Always giving of yourself, with all of your heart. You have given me the greatest gift of all, Rarity,” she says to me. “You have given me your love.” Sitting down, she takes my forehoof in her own hooves, and continues, “I swear to you, my love, that I will always be loyal to you in my heart and soul. I will always be at your side, forever and always.” With a joyous feeling within my breast, I take her hooves into mine, and I say my own vows to her. “Rainbow Dash. I remember the first time I met you. I do have to say that my own beliefs blinded me to the wonderful mare that you are. While I saw somepony who could never be anything more than a brash, young pegasus, our time as friends taught me otherwise. And as our friendship grew, I was able to see the true mare that you are. I found a wonderful friend who is loyal with all of her heart and soul. I saw a pony who would do anything for those she cared about. And that is the wonderful friend I fell in love with. “Rainbow Dash, I vow to you that I shall love you with every fiber of my being, for now and for always, forever. As you have been loyal in your love with all of your heart, I shall be as generous with my love, giving every ounce of that love to you every day we share under Celestria’s sun.” With the saying of our vows completed, it is time for the wedding bands. Spike comes forth with the pillow that the bands have been resting upon. Traditionally, when two ponies marry, the wedding band they give their spouse is usually based upon the cutie mark they have. It tells the world, when they see it, whom it is that the pony loves. I levitate the one for her with my magic. Where as Rainbow is a pegasus, traditionally, hers would be a small bracelet which would fit around the base of her left wing. For this, I have chosen to have three sapphires set in a white gold setting on a herringbone bracelet. I shall have to remember the kindness Diamond Tiara has shown us in making these bands. She said it is to be her gift to us on this occasion. After I place the bracelet upon her wing, it is her turn to present to me my ring. When Rainbow takes the ring from the pillow, I see that she chose a white gold band with three marquise cut stones; a sapphire, yellow tourmaline, and a ruby. It is simply stunning as she holds it in her hooves, before placing it gently on my horn. Once the rings have been presented, we are allowed our kiss. For once, I forgo any thoughts of being a prim and proper mare, and I pull Rainbow to me, passionately kissing her in front of everypony present. It matters not to me that so many from the clique I had so long desired to be a part of witness me throwing myself at the mare I love in such a fashion. What matters most is that I love her, and I am unashamed to show her, and everypony present, just how much I am in love with my Rainbow Dash. ~ ~ ~ Rebirth Once again, it was a beautiful spring day for Rainbow and I. Somehow, the weather team always manages to ensure that our anniversary has the best weather for us. They say that it is their ongoing gift. I cannot be more thankful. Today, the fifth anniversary of our marriage, Rainbow Dash and I add another wondrous milestone to our lives together. This morning, we are sitting in a waiting room within the town hall of Ponyville, waiting for the final paperwork to be finished. The paperwork is to finalize the adoption of a cute little earth pony filly named Cobalt. She got her name from the deep cobalt blue mane and tail she has, which so perfectly highlights the sandy tan coat she was blessed with. At four years of age, she is simply adorable, if a little shy. A year ago, Rainbow and I decided that we would adopt a filly or colt in need of loving parents. When we heard about the poor foal who had lost her parents in a tragic fire, we immediately asked to be considered adoptive parents for her. We never knew just how long the process would take, but we knew it would be worth it, because we wished to be a family, and the foal needed the love of ponies who wanted her to be a part of their lives. “Dear Celestia, Rainbow, I am so nervous, waiting. How can you be so calm about this?” I ask her. She seems so calm and collected about becoming a parent finally, but that is what she would call ‘being twenty percent cooler’ about it all. Honestly, I know it is her way of dealing with her own nervousness. “Don’t worry, Rare. We’ll be awesome parents for little Cobalt,” she assures me. “Between the two of us, she’ll have the best foalhood ever. Look at us, Rare. I’m a former Wonderbolt, and the fastest AND coolest pony in ALL of Equestria, and you’re one of the very best fashionistias the country has seen in ages. Seriously, Sapphire Shores gets ALL of her outfits from you, and Fancy Pants markets your line in all of his stores. This kid’s foalhood is gonna rock!” she exclaims. Our conversation is interrupted when Twilight and Mayor Mare walk through the door. Between the two of them is little Cobalt. I cannot say it enough, but she simply looks so sweet, with how shy she is. She reminds us of our friend, Fluttershy. “Rarity, Rainbow Dash, here is the paperwork for you to sign. Once you have done so, you will officially be Cobalt’s parents,” Mayor Mare tells us, as she places the papers on the table. The stack is fairly thick, but that does not matter to us. Rainbow immediately grabs the top sheet and signs her name, passing the papers to me for me to sign. We go through this for several minutes. Finally, we have come to the very last page. And with hers and my signatures, we have become a family finally. Twilight can no longer hold in her excitement as she is practically jumping for joy, signing her own name as a witness. Once it is all completed, she nearly tackles us in her excitement. “I’m so proud of you two. I know you’ll make excellent parents,” she says. Disengaging from the exuberant (and very tight) hug, (alicorns do get quite strong as they grow, it seems) Rainbow and I kneel in front of Cobalt. “Hey Cobalt, how would you like to have lunch at Sugarcube Corner today?” Rainbow asks her. “And for dessert, how does a big banana split with lots of chocolate syrup sound?” The foal looks to us, and she smile as she nods yes. It is the most adorable smile I have ever seen, and tears of joy fill my eyes. With Cobalt joining us, we three are now a family, and the circle of love is now complete. As we step outside, the bright skies and a light, warm breeze greets us. The flowers are in bloom now, and the streets are filled with families enjoying the wondrous weather. This is a season of rebirth, as they say, and the love has grown, as Rainbow and I have just experienced a rebirth of our own. Together, the three of us step forth into the glorious day. We do so as a family.