> Courtin' Trouble > by xInspiredxOptimismx > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Two Unicorns > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ((Okay, a quick author note before I go on. :) This is mainly based off an RP I have going with my girlfriend. I'm Applejack and she Rps as Flim. I said something about how AJ, attracts unicorns in my head, since i ship her with Trend, Flim, Flam, and Rarity xD So, then I started to think seeing her get courted by Flim and Trend would be kinda cute.)) Courting was something every girl in the Apple Family would go through. Colts would line up for miles just to try to win the hand of one of the gals. Why? Apple women were famous Equestria over for their hard work ... and of course, their pies. Granny Smith had gone through it. Her daughters had gone through it. And now, it was Applejack's turn. But, courting didn't interest the hardworking farm girl. What use did she have for a man? It was her job to run the farm. Sure, Big Mac was the oldest, and odds are SHOULD be in charge, but, why not let him go off and start his own family and farm? Applejack knew he would want to stretch his legs one day when he found his own special somepony. She could lead a life of hard work and apples. It was all she needed. Despite her obvious disinterest, several Colts had shown up, wanting to take Applejack out. Every last one where shown the door. "Now, Applejack ... ya can't 'spect to live alone forever. Why'd ya think I married ya grandpappie? I was jus' like ya. Didn't think I needed nopony. Somepony's gonna sweep ya off yer feet someday, suga." "Granny, I really don't need anypony. I can't run a farm with worryin' 'bout what time the pie's gonna be outta the oven for my husband." ***~~~*** Outside of Ponyville a familiar cart was heading into town. Two unicorns walked beside it, pushing it with their magic. "Brother, do you really think we can show our faces here again? Everytime we do, we get called out on our scam." "But, this time, dear brother, the scam can't fail! Think of it, Sweet Apple Acres can be ours. All we have to do is court the lovely Applejack, win her heart, and bam! All the apples we can dream of! Apple cider, the tonic, anything we want to make. Heh, we might even sell some of my little wife's pies on the side, to make her happy you know." Flam frowned, and tugged at his mustache with the edge of his hoof. "What makes you think Miss Applejack is even going to give you the time of day?" "Oh, Applejack, my brother and I are so sorry. We've given up selling our cider and tonic. We know now that tricking ponies out of money isn't the way to do things. We humbly ask that we can set up on your land, and work on a new buisness. We could sell your pies and apples for you, giving you more time to work the farm. We can split the profits 60/40 with you getting the sixty of course. After all, we will be living on your land, and the ten percent can go to our land rent, what do you say?" Flim smirked. He had obviously been planning what to say for a while now. "... Even I bought that!" Flam said, utterly surprised. His bother was a good actor, and he knew just the right about of pity to add to his voice without sounding fake. "Naturally. Just play along, Flam. Soon, it'll be all ours~." ***~~~*** On the other side of Ponyville, a train from Canterlot was arriving. Rairty stood waiting on it, eagerly bouncing on her hooves. She felt as excited as Pinkie Pie! Applejack was going to be so surprised! And this time, things would work out fine! Rarity had talked out everything and explained things to him. She was going to coach him every last step of the way. Pony by pony pilled out, and finally, the last one stepped onto the platform. "Trend!" Rairty exclaimed rushing to his side. She nuzzled at him happily and smiled. She had become good friends with Trenderhood through letters and such after he left Ponyville last time. She understood he thought of her as a friend, and he really did like Applejack. Rairty had been coaching him in letters. He needed to be himself. He needed to know that she didn't WANT someone who was just like her. Applejack wanted someone true to themselves. Who likes farm life for farm life. Not for the farm girls. Nervously, he played with his hooves. "Are you sure about this, Rairty? I've only sent her a few letters and I get the feeling she doesn't want to be courted ..." "Oh NONsesne, darling! Everypony wants to be courted! Why, Big Mac's been after my hoof and I adore it! Applejack just ... she's the kind of girl who has to be swept off her feet. Trend nodded. "Thank you for the help, Rairty. I appriciate it. Do I have any competition?" "None at all! I know Doctor Hooves was trying, but I think he's gone to find Ditzy Doo instead.Applejack somewhat brushed him off." They walked, heading for the farm. He eyed the surrounding, feeling a bit more on edge. Would Applejack be upset? "Alright. So not another Pony after her?" "Not at all!" "Then, how do you explain that?" Trend pointed his hoof towards the cart heading for Sweet Apple Acres. The Flim Flam brothers had resorted to pushing it naturally, Flim figuring Applejack would appreciate that more than magic. "Flim and Flam?!" Rarity exclaimed. "Ohhhhh, don't worry about them. They must have a new scam in the works." > Ain't Interested > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What in Equestria are you two doing here?" Rarity demanded of the Flim Flam brothers. She knew they had to be up to something, just like every other time they came to Ponyville. "If it isn't the lovely, Rarity." Flam said, bowing in flourish, tipping his hat to the lady. "We have simply come to apologize for our behavior. My brother and I feel horrible and we are hoping Miss Applejack will forgive us, and let bygons be bygones." "So true." Flim responded, nodding solemnly. "Applejack is such a kind soul. And quite the lovely pony." He eyes traveled to the colt next to Rarity. He recognized the face. This was Trenderhoof. Flim had followed his writing for a while - a personal little secret of his. But, what on earth was such a pony doing at Sweet Apple Acres ...? Wait ... hadn't Flim read a recent piece by Trenderhoof? That mentioned Ponyville and Sweet Apple Acres? 'There I met a pony so lovely, I could hardly believe my eyes. A hard worker, who only wanted what was best for her farm and family. Not to mention her friends. I witnessed her getting apples together, hosting a cider auction, AND helping out her dear friend. She is a pony I will not soon forget.' He couldn't have meant ... Applejack?! Flim's eyes narrowed. If this fellow was here to court A.J. as well, Flim might have some issues. His plans hadn't taken into account OTHER colts might be after her hand. He assumed winning her over would be as easy as an apology, some late night work, and some cider. But, if he had to contend with another colt ... "Very lovely." Trend replied to Flim's earlier statement. "Do you know Applejack?" "Oh yes. She's set us straight many times." Flam nodded as he spoke. "But, we've done our fair share of wrong to her." He looked at Flim. He could see a twitch in his twin's eye. Flim was getting angry. "My brother has ... ahhh ... liked Miss Applejack from the moment we first came to Sweet Apple Acres. Dare I say, he sees her as the 'apple' of his eye." "You've come to court Applejack as well?!" Trenderhoof exclaimed, with a shot look at Rarity, who seemed as confused as he was. "You can't be serious! Applejack would NEVER go for someone like you!" Rarity stomped her front hooves and glared. "She's got class!" "And I'm certain she'll go for someone as stuck up and prissy as our friend Trenderhoof here." Flim sneered. "Applejack would prefer a hard worker." "HARDWORKER?! You wouldn't know hard work if it smacked your horn sideways!" Rairty was heaving, she took a deep breath to calm down. "I apologize, Trend. A lady should never shout like that." "I'll say. I could hear ya'll all the way over in the south field. Jus' what's goin' on here?" The four ponies turned around, seeing the golden coated one they were all discussing. Her hoof tapped impatiently at the ground, a basket of apples sitting on her back. Her gaze turned to Rarity. "Explain?" "Oh! Yes, why of course, Applejack. You see, Trenderhoof wished to visit you, and to be quite honest - I know how you are with honesty - he wants to try courting you. I've been coaching him~" Applejack sighed. "Trenderhoof listen, I ..." "But! Then these two ... SCAMMERS!, showed up and ... well, they're up to something Applejack! I just know it! Look at those sneaky faces! Why, they give unicorns a bad name!" "Rairty, would ya ...!" "Seriously! He had the NERVE to say Trenderhoof was prissy! He isn't prissy! Sure, he enjoys looking and feeling good, but he isn't afraid of a little hard work!" "Rarity, can ya please ...!" "Can you belive FLIM wants to court you! After all the things he and that brother of his have put you through!? He wants to court YOU! As if he's your type!" "Rarity?" Trenderhoof spoke up, watching Applejack fail to get the pony's attention. "I think Applejack has something to say." Applejack gave Trenderhoof a thankful smile as Rarity went quiet. "Thank ya, Trend." She looked at the four before her, gaze lingering on Flim and Trenderhoof. "I ain't interested in anypony." With that, she turned to trot back to the homestead, leaving the four others staring after her. "... Well! That was quite rude!" Rarity huffed. "Don't worry, Trend. I'll go talk to her. Why don't you go and check into the hotel in town? I suggest you two just leave. Its obvious Applejack doesn't want to see you." Flim and Flam rolled their eyes in unison, but turned to head back to their cart. Well, they could check into the hotel for the night. Flim could speak to Applejack in the morning about living on the farm. > The Fellas > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ((This chapter and the next chapter will be fairly short.)) "I say, Flim." "Why, yes, Flam?" "Do you think that fellow stands a chance?" "Not at all! If he couldn't win her heart before, what could he possibly have to offer now?" Trenderhoof glared at the twins. "I'm sorry, have I done something to offend you?" "Yes." Flim responded, all merriment gone from his voice. "Several things. For one, you're blocking the door - that's rude. Two, you think you stand a chance with Applejack. Three, you're making my plans harder to work with. Four, you're articles have been going downhill since last year." "Brother!" Flam said, eyes wide. "You mentioned the plans!" He hissed at his brother's ear, who in turn, hissed back. "Oh, he won't catch that bit. If anything he'll think its my plans to court A.J. that he's messed with." "Well, from what I've heard about you two, I'd say I stand a better chance. Applejack wrote of you two in her last letter to me." Flim froze and stared. "She ... writes you?" "Yes. We exchange letters here and there. Which, I believe is more than you do with her." Flim's eyes narrowed and he slammed his bits down on the counter of the inn. "Two rooms ..." He muttered, getting the keys and slamming one at Flam, who took it, a bit confused. He followed his brother soon after leaving Trenderhoof alone in the lobby. "... I've got to figure out what those two are up to ..." He muttered to himself, getting his own room key and heading off. > The Gals > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Applejack, please! Don't be mad!" "I ain't mad ... I'm disappointed. I told ya I wasn't interested in anypony. I told ya I ain't interested in bein' married." "Darling, be reasonable! Everypony needs somepony." "Not me. I've got to run this farm, Rarity. Thats all I gotta do. I don't need to be gettin' married and havin' fillies. I gotta focus on the farm." "But! I'm sure Granny Smith wouldn't mind some great grandfillies!" "... Big Mac and Apple Bloom can provide 'em for her." "Applejack ... please. I don't want you to be alone ..." Rarity looked at her friend. She could sense that Applejack was lonely. Even if she had friends, she was lonely. She might not know she wanted somepony ... but Rarity knew. "... Ya ain't gonna let up till I give 'em a chance, are ya?" "Nope~ Well, at least Trend. You really don't have to give Flim ... or Flam ... I forget which - a chance." Applejack laughed a bit. "Alright. I've give 'em some tests. Go tell 'em to meet me here at sun rise tomorrow mornin' and no later. If they ain't here by the sun's peekin' over the ground, they don't get a chance." Rarity squeaked happily and rushed out, pausing only at the doorway as Big Mac came in, to give him a kiss on the cheek. The pony of few words stared after Rarity as she rushed out. "That pony's got her someplace to be?" He asked. "Eeyup." Applejack responded with a faint smile. > Celestia Risin' > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack stood, waiting patiently. Did she expect them to be on time? Of course not. This was going to be easy. Both would fail to show and she'd get back to her farm work. Simple as that. The first rays of light were starting as Luna lowered the Moon and Celestia brought the sun. A small, semi-proud smirk formed on the honest pony's lips. One more minute. They had ONE minute. But, what was that on the horizon? Was that ...? "Trenderhoof! Flim!" She stared in amazement as the two colts rushed up, stopping just short of running her down. Both had heavy dark bags under their eyes. She was certain for Trenderhoof this was not his first early morning. He seemed tired, but peppy and fresh. She figured with deadlines and such, he probably was use to late nights and early mornings. Flim, however, looked as though he had never been up this early in his life. He was swaying, and honestly looked a bit cranky. He gave off a heavy yawn. She had figured Rarity wouldn't alert him to the early morning. Oh well, she was a good girl to at least give the boy a fighting chance. "A ... Apple ... Applejack ..." Flim yawned, rubbing at his eyes with his hoof. His hat sat on his head, askew on the white and red hair. "M-may I ask something before the day starts?" "Not now." She said. Time to put the boys through their paces! "Ain't no time for chattin' or questions now. Ya'll wanna court me, right?" Both nodded. "If ya'll plan to marry me, then ya gotta be ready for some hard work. I ain't leavin' Sweet Apple Acres for no pony, and my husband best be prepared to work the farm to." Again they nodded. "Alright. First off, we gotta feed the pigs, corral the sheep, all that stuff. After that, we gotta go make breakfast for the family. Big Mac is already awake and workin' out there. Ya'll will be helpin' him. Apple Bloom - since she's so young - an' Granny Smith - since she's so old - sleep in. We gotta have the pigs and such taken care of BEFORE we make breakfast, and we gotta have breakfast ready before they get up. Got it? Gettin' here was yer first test." More nods, and another yawn from Flim. "Ya next test is finishin' everythin' to Big Mac's satisfaction before six thirty. If ya ain't in the kitchen ready to make breakfast, OR if Big Mac tells me ya'll ain't worked the hardest ya can, ya can move along. I don't need no lazy colt on the farm." Both colt's nodded. Flim sighed inwardly. Great. Big Mac didn't like him much, and he knew he'd be gunning for Trenderhoof, since Rarity was soooooo in love with him. If he wanted this plan to work, he had to at least get past these stupid tests. If he could get time alone with Applejack ... he was certain he could sweep the simple country pony off her feet. "Get to it!" She said, trotting off to do her own chores. If Flim made it through, Applejack would honestly have to rethink her opinion of him. The two colts followed after Big Mac. "Sheep." He motioned to Trenderhoof. "Pigs" He motioned to Flim. "Of course ..." Flim muttered. Trenderhoof smiled and paused before the group of sheep. "Hello. I'll have you know my sweater is made of one hundred percent sheep wool. I love how it feels! You all do such amazing work!" "Baaa ... You don't have to suck up, ya know." One responded, earning a little bit of a stare from Trend. "S-Sorry! I didn't mean to offend. Just saying." "If you want to, BAAAA, win Applejack, flattery won't get you anywhere. She doesn't respond to that. Its honesty. Be honest with her and yourself." "Thats what Rarity said! Could ... Do you mind if I ask you to move on into the pen there? I want to help Big Mac finish with his chores." "No trouble." The sheep moved, entering the enclosure and allowing the gate to be shut. "Thank you!" A bit of a ways away, Flim was sitting in a puddle of mud situated between two pigs, an obvious look of displeasure on his face. "... I hate farms." He muttered, moving to stand up. He shook himself off, looking around frantically for his hat. "Great! I need that hat!" He began to dig in the mud, only to hear a small chuckle from beside the fence. He looked up to see Trenderhoof, standing and watching him. "Need some help?" "No!" Flim snapped. "Come on. If I help you, we'll both get there in time for breakfast. You might be my competition, but that doesn't mean we can't help each other out. May the best colt win, right?" "... Don't you have your own job to do, pretty boy?" "Finished. Its not that hard. You just have to know how to handle them. What are you trying to do exactly? Feed them your hat?" "No. I went to fill the bins and they charged forward. They knocked into the fence and I fell over it into the mud." "No, are you trying to feed them your hat. Because that one over there is eating it." "WHAT?!" While Flim wrestled with the pig for the return of a half eaten hat, Trenderhoof filled the bins with bruised apples and a few other things to eat. By the time Flim looked up, his chore was done, and he was covered in mud. But, he did have half of his hat back. Slowly he placed it onto his head, mud dripping out of it and down his hair and face. "I really hate farms ..." --- The three colts headed for the house. Big Mac was debating on what to say. Trenderhoof had done both jobs, technically. But ... the jobs were done. And Flim HAD tried ... "So, whats for breakfast?" Flim asked as they entered the kitchen. He had expected to be greeted by the smells of fresh cobbler or some oats cooking. Instead, he was greeted with Applejack just then entering the kitchen. Her left cheek was smudged with mud, and her normally tied back mane and tail were loose and free. Flim and Trenderhoof stared at her for a moment, both with mouths agape. Applejack shook her mane loose and smiled. "Sorry, boys. Hope ya'll weren't expectin' ME to have breakfast ready. I had my own chores to get done. On the farm everyone does their part. If Big Mac had gotten here first he would have started breakfast. If I got back here first I would have. And sometimes Applebloom even wakes up early to make it. A farm is about teamwork. How'd the boys do, Big Mac? Do they pass the hard work test?" Big Mac frowned a second. Well, teamwork had been involved ... "Eeyup." "Alright. Then, lets let them handle breakfast. Ya go get Apple Bloom up and I'll get Granny up. Boys, ya got breakfast covered?" They were both still staring at her. For Trenderhoof, she had always been beautiful like this. Hard work showing on her in every way. The smudge of dirt ... it added charm. Her loose hair? It made her seem free. For Flim, he was just now noticing that Applejack WAS quite lovely in her own backwoods way. Were those freckles? Did she have freckles? Had she always had those? Yes? Well, at least when his plan worked out he wouldn't be saddled with an UGLY bride. However, both colts nodded, and went to prepare things. This was going to be interesting. > Granny Chat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Granny? Ya awake?" Applejack smiled as she entered the familiar bedroom. How many times had she come running in here, especially after the accident ...? Granny Smith slowly moved, getting up out of bed with a grunt and groan. She was no filly anymore. Applejack did worry. Granny Smith wouldn't be around forever ... Odds are she wouldn't be around much longer at all ... "Can I ask ya somethin' before we go downstairs, Granny?" The elder pony looked at her granddaughter and nodded. It was time for, what she always called a 'Granny Chat'. They were popular when Applejack was growing up. Something she did when she was upset or confused. The last one had taken place before the Cider Competition. "Do ya think I really need to get hitched?" Granny Smith sighed and patted the spot next to her on the bed. She may have been able to sit up, but getting out of bed hadn't happened quite yet. "Dearie, I think ya need to do whats best for ya. It ain't always about the farm. I don't want ya gettin' my age and regrettin' not going out and finding somepony. But, I also don't want ya jumpin' into somethin' ya ain't ready for, or don't want. I might want ya married and makin' me great grand babies, but it ain't about what I want. Its 'bout what you want. Understand?" Applejack nodded slowly. "It ain't like they ain't sweet guys ... At least Trenderhooof is sweet. Flim ... I gotta question his motives. Is that wrong of me?" "Not at all! That one's a sneaky one, I'd watch out for him to." Granny Smith smiled and finally climbed out of bed. "Ya know ... when I'm gone the whole farm is yers." "But, what about Big Mac? And Apple Bloom?" "They'll get parts, but ya get the big share. I already talked it out with Big Mac. Ya know him. He ain't to big on bein' in charge. He likes how ya run things. And, Apple Bloom, well, she might want to do somethin' else. We never know. She's got a blank flank. Ya know that means potential." Applejack nodded. She didn't like this kind of talk though. The 'when I'm gone' talk. It made her fear the worst. "I only tell ya because I know how ya like to plan. Yer parents would be proud. 'Specially yer momma." "Thanks Granny. I needed to hear that." She kissed her granny's cheek. "I love ya. Meet us down for breakfast when yer ready. We'll see how those boys can cook." > Breakfast Challenege > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You sure its suppose to be that ... brown?" "Well, maybe not THAT brown. I've seen so many apple pies ... I think thats right?" "What? You go to all these places and you never pick up recipes? Some traveler you are." "And you're saying YOU have apple pie recipes?" "May I direct your attention to my cutie mark?" "Its really an apple slice? I assumed you painted that on your flank or something. I thought your cutie mark would be a dollar sign or something and you covered it up with an apple slice." Flim and Trenderhoof were looking over the fruits of their labor. So far, breakfast was a bust. They had tried oats and milk, only to find the milk had soured. This next idea had come from Trenderhoof, who insisted he could make an apple pie. However, the mixture was a dark dark brown. Not the soft brown they both usually saw. This was more like mud mixed with wood. It wasn't right at all and they both knew it. "Ugh, I think I'm going to just cut up some fruit. A nice fruit plate will do wonders." Flim used his magic to lift the knife, only to see a kind of judging stare come from Trenderhoof. "What?" "You're trying to win the hand of an EARTH pony. Don't you think AJ would be happier if you ..." He stopped. WHY was he helping Flim? They were both trying to win over the same girl. "Never mind. Just do what you want to do." He turned back to his pie. He could fix it ... it tasted alright. Maybe a bit to much cinnamon. But he could fix that with another apple or two. Make a fat pie. "Ya'll are both awful at this." It was Apple Bloom. She sat at the table watching the two unicorns. "The fruit thing is a good idea. Pie, not so much. Applejack won't let me have pie for breakfast. If ya made some kinda crumble with oats, that woulda been a better choice." Flim smirked, obviously proud of himself and his choice. Trenderhoof looked around. "T-this is for later. Just making it now as a surprise?" He offered the last bit weakly. Apple Bloom giggled. "I like ya, Trendy. I hope Applejack picks ya!" "No one asked you, kid." Flim said, obviously displeased now. "Well, its clear ya don't feel nothin' fer her. Even I can see that. If ya really cared about Applejack and WANTED to be her special somepony, ya'd look at her with hearts in yer eyes, not dollar signs." Flim stared at the filly. How was she so ... perceptive? He looked at Trenderhoof, who in turn, glared at him. Great, if this kept up ... everyone would catch onto his plan. He needed to think of something else ... and fast. > Plans Change > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next few days went by in a blur for the two colts. They worked far into the night, and got back up early in the morning to help. The hours were showing on their faces. The normally prim and kept up colts were showing their wear and tear. Flim's cloths were torn, and his hat long gone. His mane and tail were disheveled and nothing he did got it back into place. Trenderhoof had abandoned his fancy cloths, and took to walking around without a sweater. Applejack was running out of tests. They were both fighting pretty hard and she knew soon they'd want a decision. "Ya two take the day off. You've been workin' awful hard and I know ya ain't use to it. Go rest and meet back here tomorrow bright and early." She had serious thinking to do, and she couldn't do so with those two underhoof. Trenderhoof headed straight for Rarity's boutique. Flim headed back to the hotel to see Flam. He had tried several times to ask Applejack if they could live on the farm, but, she had refused every time. So, the hotel was where they lived. "You look horrible." Flam said, as his brother entered the room. "Did you look into what I asked?" "I tried at the library. But, that Pinkie Pie is in charge while the Princess is in Canterlot and ... she's not any help. Drove me about crazy. But, I think I found what you were looking for." Flam produced a book and Flim quickly took it. He began reading over and smirked. "Perfect!" "So?" "See, dear brother, Sweet Apple Acres is ... well, its how Ponyville was founded. By a technicality most of its land is actually owned by Canterlot. Though, I don't think anyone knows it. Especially not the Apples." "So?" Flam asked again. "So, that means, if we paid our friend in Canterlot to over look things, we could buy Sweet Apple Acres from under the Apples." "Well! Lets go to Canterlot, brother!" "No." "No?" "See, its a matter of pride, dear Flam. I've worked this hard for her attention. She has to make her choice tomorrow. She gave us both today off, when we show up in the morning, she'll have made her choice. I know that and I knew Trenderhoof knows that. I don't have much of a doubt who she'll pick. She's been quite impressed with my improvement! BUT, should she chose him ... well, I simply corner her later and bring up this information. If she refuses to head to city hall, then, we'll go to Canterlot." "But, why do you need her so much?" "Pride. As I said. Plus, we two can't run a farm all our own, and it will cut into profit to hire help. IF I marry her, I get the FREE help of her family." "Ohhhhh! Brother, you are a genius!" Flam smirked and clapped his hoof against the other's. Yes, this new plan would work out just fine for Flim. All he had to do was wait and see her choice. > Decision and Regret > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack stood in front of the two colts. The sun was rising behind her as the new day dawned. She knew she had to chose one of them. Word was already spreading that she was being courted by two colts. She even got a letter from Celestia making a suggestion. But, this was all on her, and she knew it. "... Now, ya'll two know ya've been doin' some hard work on the farm. At the start of this whole thing, I didn't expect either of ya to last past a day. But, here we are. An' ... to be honest ... to me that shows ya actually are TRYIN' to be the best colt Sweet Apple Acres ... I mean, I, can have." She looked from one to the other. "Granted, I think one of ya is more trustworthy than the other -" Her eyes stayed on Flim, who only smirked. What did he have to worry about, after all? "Much as it pains me to chose between ya two, I guess I gotta, huh? Can't have ya both tryin' to marry me!" She took in a deep breath. "An' ... I chose ... Trenderhoof. Sorry, Flim. Ain't nothin' personal. We'll I guess it is. We've got some bad history, ya and me. I don't think I could get past that." Well, that was a deflate to the ego. Flim had been CERTAIN the name to fall from her lips would be his! Oh well, he had his ace in the hoof. "Ah, no hard feelings, dearest Applejack. Shall I take my leave?" He eyes locked on hers, and she felt a cold shiver run down her spine. "U-uhh ... yeah. Thank ya." Why did she get the feeling she had just made a huge mistake? --- The next few days were somewhat fun. She half expected Trenderhoof to head off back to writing now that he was officially her special somepony, but he stayed on the farm, helping with the chores as though he enjoyed it. And he did enjoy it. He was working with the pony he cared for and he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world! But, something was off. Despite her sending him away, Flim was staying around Ponyville. Flam was nowhere to be seen most of the time, and when he was seen, Pinkie Pie was usually at his side, poking and prodding him. Trend was certain he had fled back to wherever they came from after a few days. But, Flim stayed around. And, he didn't like that one bit. --- Applejack had noticed Flim around as well. A week passed and she headed to speak to him. What was keeping him in Ponyville? --- Just as Flim thought. Applejack was coming to him. Oh, this was perfect. He sat in his hotel room, idly looking over receipts and such as a knock came to the door. "Come in~" He sang out, not at all surprised when the golden earth pony entered. "Flim? Are ya settin' up shop in Ponyville?" There was no hiding the slight aggravation in her voice. If he was setting up some kind of shop, odds were it would be something to scam the residents. "You could say that. I'm actually looking to get my hooves on some land." "Land? There ain't no land available in Ponyville. Less ya want near the Everfree forest." "Oh, no? I've been looking over these maps from Canterlot." He put the receipts away and lay a map across the table. "This bit of land isn't owned by anypony." "Yes it is!" What he pointed to was a vast section of Sweet Apple Acres! "The Apples own that land!" "Oh? Not according to public record. Apparently that land was never really put into the Apple name. Its free to purchase." A slight sneer spread across Flim's face. "Oh! Didn't you know?" "N-no! Ya can't buy that land! Our best apple trees are planted there! And that land is where the zap apples grow!" "Oh! Really? Hmmm, imagine the cider I could make with those apples ..." "Flim! Please!" "I'm sorry, Applejack. Maybe if you had chosen me I wouldn't be so bitter~"