The Gift-Giver

by vazak

First published

Celestia invites Twilight to a small mountain hamlet. Hoping to bond with her student and to reintroduce her to the joy of foal hood tales and fantasy.

Twilight is frustrated when a fight with her friends over the merits of foal's tales like the tooth fairy leaves her more confused than anything else. Worried that she has offended her dearest friends Twilight writes to Princess Celestia for advice, only to discover that Celestia already has an adventure planned for them.

Together they travel to the coldest and most mountainous region of Equestria to visit a town that celebrates a ridiculous story about a magical Gift Giver who flies overhead giving out toys to foals. Naturally Twilight doesn't believe it. Can the Solar Princess show her former student the importance of fantasy?

This story was completed before Season 4 began airing and was initially set to go out around Christmas, but some confusion with different editors left it in the lurch for awhile. Still, it should be Season 4 compliant.

Chapter 1

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The Gift Giver
Chapter 1

Twilight Sparkle let out a low sigh as she levitated another book back to its correct place on the library shelves. Her newly minted wings twitched in agitation as she heard yet another priceless book -all books were priceless- being dragged to the floor with a thud.

The normal peace and quiet that would make even the strictest librarians swell with pride was being painfully disrupted by the ten or so fillies and colts and their supposed chaperones, who did not seem to be of much help. Rarity and Applejack were currently chasing the Cutie Mark Crusaders around, which left all the other foals for Twilight.

Twilight silently practiced the breathing exercise Cadence had taught her, raising a hoof to her chest as she inhaled deeply, then extending it out as she exhaled gently, 'It's alright, just stay calm. They're only foals after all.'

This was not Twilight's best day, Cheerilee had wanted to bring the foals from the school to the library. The pink teacher had even asked Twilight herself to hold a talk on the general importance of libraries in education. Twilight had been ecstatic about it, only for the foals to barely pay attention and instead bombard her with questions related to her new wings, questions that had grown quite tedious over the past months since her ascension.

At first she'd been excited about becoming an alicorn, as had her friends and everypony else. Then there had been some drama when Pinkie had, incorrectly, determined that Twilight wouldn't be coming back to Ponyville with them and had been terrified of being forgotten. Calming her down had taken, well, not long, but there had been a large amount of donuts involved as she tried to explain her role as an 'honorary' princess, as opposed to the politically empowered princesses like Princess Celestia, Luna and more recently, Cadence.

Twilight had been made an honorary princess, much like Cadence had been back when Twilight had known her as little more than the best foal-sitter in the world. Theoretically, that meant she could be called upon to preside over a kingdom, as Cadence had been when the Crystal Empire returned, but for now she was still just mostly Twilight Sparkle, Ponyville librarian and occasional savior of all equestria alongside her friends.

Personally, Twilight had been quite proud of it. The doughnut presentation had been able to hold her pink friend's normally limited attention span long enough for her to explain that not much would be changing beyond her new wings and occasionally going to Canterlot for visits. Something she'd already done when taking lessons with Princess Celestia, if not as often as she would have liked.

Of course, just because her friends understood that, it hadn't stopped a great deal of initial bowing and offers of free meals from other ponies. She hadn't received such attention since she and her friends had first defeated Nightmare Moon, and that had quickly worn out its welcome amongst the Ponyville populace once they saw how big Rainbow Dash's appetite could be.

The 'princess pampering' as Rarity had humorously entitled it, had lasted a bit longer, though it had worn out more quickly in Ponyville than elsewhere. She still couldn't travel to Canterlot or any other city or town without free food and gifts being practically thrown at her hooves. But once all the excitement had worn out and Twilight had answered the same dozen or so questions about her wings, title, ascension and so on, the roar of excitement had dwindled to a dull groan of disinterest. With most of the town and a few reporters,having found that becoming ‘Princess Twilight Sparkle’ had not really changed her all that much. And that a pony who spent her days relaxing with friends, reading and studying was apparently very boring from a gossiping point of view.

Honestly, Twilight was happy for it. She was proud to have earned her wings and title, but she didn't know how Princess Celestia dealt with it all the time, 'Same for those hoof cups,' she thought.

None of that, however, was helping her resolve the foals situation so much as distracting her from it. Twilight internally went over her day, wondering just where things had gone wrong. The fillies and colts clearly hadn't been interested in her lecture on the importance and joys of books.

Still, she'd gritted her teeth and dealt with the fact none of the foals had seemed particularly interested in her twenty page speech on why libraries were obviously the best place to be and the fact not even the charts and graphs showing how important they were had interested them! She'd certainly made it a point to ignore the fact that Applejack, Rarity and even Cheerilee near the end, had seemed either on the verge of falling asleep or simply bored and impatient.

'Guess I should work on cutting down my presentations, or just never give lectures to foals,' she chuckled to herself derisively.

"Wee!" she heard a filly cry from upstairs in her bedroom, probably jumping up and down on her bed as Cheerilee tried to get her back down stairs. Twilight's eyes twitched in annoyance.

"Alula get down!" Cheerilee cried, Twilight could sympathize. A pegasus with a unicorn horn, even with their naturally weakened magic, would be a hassle to manage. More so than the regular chaos brought on by children and looking around her home she felt that, that was more than enough!

Twilight groaned, staring out at the chaotic mess her library had become. Rarity and Applejack were making some effort to reign in the foals, but their efforts seemed focused on the Cutie Mark Crusaders. 'I can't really blame them for that though' she thought. Her faithful ‘number one assistant’ was defying naming conventions and not being of much assistance at all. Initially, she'd hoped that the foals would be more inclined to listen to another child; sadly, the reverse had happened and the foals had invited Spike to join them in their games and he'd happily obliged.

The baby dragon, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and oddly Snails and Snips were currently using her atlases to build a giant stairway to nowhere. 'If they actually step on those books, I'll- I'll, probably cry,' she thought, letting out a low whimper. Twilight subtly levitated another book out of a foal’s reach. "The almanac of forbidden magical theorems is not for foals," she told the young filly, who immediately ran back to the shelves to find something else. "At least somepony is interested in reading," Twilight muttered, some enthusiasm returning to her as she reached out with her magic to ensure the door to her basement hadn't been torn off its hinges.

It would not shock most ponies to know that Twilight wasn't good with foals, she wasn't bad with them either; but the nascent princess had never quite known what to do with them. Treating them like adults sometimes seemed to help, but then the Cutie Mark Crusaders had fed their teacher a love potion. It had taken Twilight a fairly long time to become OK, to good, to princess of friendship in regards to simply being around ponies her own age, and despite having the best foal sitter ever, she'd never really spent much time around other children, which admittedly left her rather unsure of how to deal with them.

Well, except for Spike, but he was something of an exception as dragons matured differently from ponies. Besides, he'd mostly been raised by Celestia and palace staff until coming to work for her as part of an apprentice program.

None of that, however, changed the fact that the moment her speech had ended, the foals had dispersed into the library with mischief rather than education on their minds. All around her, books were being bent and twisted, their spines strained in a way they were never meant to be!

Seeing the damage being done to her library Twilight began silently wondering why she was bothering to subtly protect her books or even bothering to reason with the foal, rather than just levitating the veritable whirlwind of children out to protect the innocent reading materials. This intrsopection led Twilight to being rather unaware of three approaching foals who greeted her by jumping on her back.

"Ah!" Twilight shrieked, her wings flaring in fright as three voices cried out, "Hi Twilight!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders giggled joyfully, evidently unaware of the alicorns desperate attempts to get her heartbeat under control.

"Sorry Miss Twilight, ooh sorry “Ms Princess Twilight”," Applebloom corrected herself before continuing. "We didn't mean to shock ya; we was just wondering if y’all had any books on the tooth fairy? Snails is losing a tooth and we all wanna see if we can catch it!" she enthused.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders, fairy catchers go!" Scootlaoo cheered from atop Twilight's head.

Twilight's tired, and at this point thoroughly frustrated, mind latched onto that sentence and she let out a small chuckle at the three ponies naivety. "Oh girls you can't really capture the tooth fairy," she assured them. A small blush spread across her face as she remembered her own unsuccessful attempts as a foal to capture the elusive trickster. They had lasted up until she was eight and her father had failed to sneak the tooth out from her pillow without waking her.

Twilight been rather put out to discover that she'd wasted so much of her time and energy embarrassing herself trying to capture an entirely fictional thing. 'I'd better put this fire out before it goes anywhere who knows what damage they might cause and they really are a bit old to be believing in foals tales.'

"We totally can, sure nopony's done it before but we're gonna try really hard, but we need to know her movement patterns and stuff," Scootaloo finished awkwardly.

"Yeah! If we're to make a solid strategy we need to do our research!" Sweetie Belle chimed in excitedly, "I bet you understand don't you?" she asked hopefully.

'They'll be so disappointed if they can't catch her; but it's better they learn now than get embarrassed later,' she determined. The three fillies had finally removed themselves from her back, Scootaloo making a special effort to slide down her wings as though she were a piece of playground equipment

Twilight prepared to break it down for them as gently as possible, 'it's for the best.' Sighing she started "That's not what I meant girls; what I mean is that there is no tooth fairy, or any of those other things either, they're just stories..." she trailed off when the three fillies looked like they were about to start crying. 'What did I do!? I didn't react like that,' she screeched internally.

"But, Rarity says all those things are real so long as we believe in them,” Sweetie Belle said, her tone weak and disheartened.

"Yeah! I mean how does your magic explain tooth fairies huh?" Scootaloo interjected, Twilight's concern over the three fillies distress suddenly redirected as she tried to figure out the number of ways that statement didn't make sense.

"Applejack!" Applebloom cried and without a moment wasted the orange coated farmer was by her sisters side, concern evident on her face.

"What's wrong with ya'll, didn't break something did you?" she asked suspiciously.

"Is it true sis, you been lying to us about the tooth fairy and the-"

"Who told ya'll those were lies? It tain't so; just ask any filly and colt or parent and they'll tell you the same," Applejack insisted quickly; her face spread in a desperate sort of grin as she tried to reassure the fillies.

'What is she doing!?' Twilight wondered, but before she could speak Rarity appeared, the purple maned unicorn glared at her with half lidded eyes, 'Why is she glaring at me?' Twilight wondered, accompanied by a painful tightening in her chest.

"Applejack is completely right darlings. Sweetie, when you lose a tooth, isn't there always some money for you the next day?" she asked sweetly.

'That's because you put it there!' Twilight wanted to shout, she idly recalled saying something similar to her own parents when they had presented that equally flawed argument to her when caught red hoofed.

"Well yeah, but Twilight said-" Rarity tittered interrupting her sister.

"Well Twilight might know many things, but certainly not those things dears, trust me when I say that the tooth fairy does indeed exist and I imagine you'll be getting a visit soon, don't expect to catch her though, she's very tricky," Rarity finished, just as Twilight moved to speak the other unicorns tail whipped out and, lightly, slapped her on the side.

"Rarity's right girls. Don't worry bout what ole Twilight here said; she doesn't know what she's talking about. Come on, I think were done here; we''ll pick ya'll up some ice cream on the way home," Applejack said, making it a point to glare at Twilight, who could only respond with her mouth agape and a pain in her chest as she watched her friends leave.

"What did I do?" she whispered.

It had taken a great deal of time and effort, but eventually Twilight and Cheerilee had managed to collect all the foals, perform a head count, and Twilight had sent the pink earth pony and her students on their way, 'some of them even borrowed books rather than trying to destroy them!' she thought with some cheer.

But the alicorn’s mood soured as her mind turned back to her friends, they were angry at her that much was clear, and she wasn't happy she'd almost upset the Cutie Mark Crusaders but they were too old for stories like that and in the modern day superstitions like that were terrible. 'Did they all just forget Zecora?' she wondered, though she knew the situations barely resembled one another.

"Hey Twilight, I was wondering could I go stay over at Rarity’s for the night?" Spike asked suddenly, his words shocking Twilight out of her daze. His nervous tone giving a clear indicator that spending time with his favorite unicorn was likely second on his mind to avoiding the horrific clean up awaiting him a job Twilight would have been happy to saddle him with considering his part in making the mess, but she just didn't have the heart.

"Go ahead Spike I don't think I’ll be very good company this evening anyway, just remember to take a snack," she muttere, she could hear the tiny dragon pitter pattering behind her.

"What's wrong Twilight? I know the foals didn't like the lecture but..." he trailed off seemingly unsure of where to go, or having decided that reminding her of what might have been upsetting her wouldn't be the best idea.

'He's actually learning some tact rather than making jokes,' she realized with some pride, before turning to the baby dragons and speaking, "Do you really want to stay and help me clean up Mister, king of the book throne?" she queried.

Spike opened his mouth to reply, one claw extended as if he were a statesmen, concern warring with the desire to just slack off; Spike turned around and made for the kitchen in a blur, "Thanks Twilight, you're the best, see ya tomorrow!" he cried.

Twilight let out a small huff and levitated a broom to her side, her aura stretching out over the library and stacking up stray books while she swept, First sweep, then re-shelve, then mop, I should know a spell for that, then re shelve again and make sure the books aren't damaged; then maybe I can try to figure out how to make up with Rarity and Applejack.'

Twilight had barely started to straighten out her abused library when there was a knock against the door and somepony let themselves in. Her home being a public library this wasn't a shock but she still grumbled, 'Barely any patrons for weeks and now there's too many.'

Forcing down her weariness Twilight turned and faced the new presence in her home, which turned out to be Applejack, who was looking at her with annoyance clear on her features. The mare's stetson tilted over her eye and her blond mane hanging limply over her face, clearly she'd been working not long ago. "Applejack, I didn't expect to see you, look about earlier today I don't get-" she stopped as the farmer raised her hoof for silence.

Sighing the earth pony spoke, her tone clipped and clearly still irritated, "Look Twi, I don't know how you folks do things up there in Canterlot but the rest of Equestria likes to let foals figure things out for themselves. You had no right to go telling them something like that, Rarity and I had to sweet talk like you wouldn't believe," she groused tiredly.

"This hasn't got anything to do with Canterlot!" she snapped, tiredness and a bad day wearing on her frayed nerves. "My parents told me the same stories and I believed them. I remember how annoyed and upset I was that I wasted all that time trying to study that fairy, finding out that my entire family had been treating me like an idiot and lying to me!" Her hoof thudded against the library floor and Twilight was surprised to see Applejack jerk backwards.

"You calling me a liar?" the orange mare responded harshly, leaning forward and squinting at Twilight.

Twilight immediately backed away, 'Oh no that was the worst possible thing to say,' she thought.

Before she could apologize Applejack spoke again, "Look, that sort of thing, those silly stories, they're important, they're part of our culture and it ain't right for you to just come in and break their little hearts... and don't call me a liar" she ground out firmly.

Breathing hard Twilight spoke without thinking, always a sure fire way into disaster, "But isn't that exactly what you're doing?" she asked, "I was so embarrassed and insulted when I found out and if they keep believing in silly folk tales they'll never grow up," she insisted. Her tone was nervous, this was dangerous ice to be skating.

Grunting Applejack responded, her tone clipped and harsh, "What you feel is right, ain't necessarily what everypony else thinks is right! Stories like that are a part of Equestria and our foalhood; parents tell their fillies and colts those stories and when they grow up they tell their foals, it's important!" she slammed down a hoof for emphasis. "And don't go implying I lie to foals" she ground out harshly. "It's just a story an important one mind, but completely different from lying,” she insisted "Now don't you go flapping your gums like this afternoon; it'll just upset them," Applejack finished, turning and making her way out the door and down the street while Twilight stared gobsmacked.

"How did this happen?" she asked hopelessly, dropping to the floor, her wings and ears drooping miserably. She'd never had a fight with Applejack like that and she knew for a fact her friend could hold a grudge when she wanted to. 'And she still doesn't even see what I was trying to say, she barely let me speak!' Anger warred with sadness as Twilight rose to her hooves and set about cleaning the library, her mind a whirl with contradictory thoughts and feelings.

"Some princess of friendship I'm turning out to be, I go and make two friends angry at me and now I'm angry that they won't listen," she whispered sadly. Twilight glanced over at the case that held their Elements of Harmony, half-expecting them to somehow shatter or crack, but there they sat, perfect as always, her crown glimmered in the light as if teasing her. "A crown? That's it!” she cheered, arms shooting into the air enthusiastically. “One of the best lessons is knowing when to ask for help and I need advice," she decided, a quill and parchment appearing in front of her illuminated by her faintly glowing magic she began to write.

"Dear Princess Celestia,

I fear I've made a mistake I just don't know how or why. I've done something to upset two of my closest friends and I'm not sure what the real problem is or how I should fix it."

"That doesn't seem like a good start does it? Even worse it makes me feel like a lousy friend and it doesn't really explain that they couldn't, or wouldn't talk to me about it. Let's start over," she decided. Crumpling up the letter into a ball and letting it drop to the floor, 'I can clean that up later,’ she thought dismissively, levitating a clean piece of parchment to herself.

Sticking out her tongue Twilight concentrated on the new piece of parchment.

"Dear Princess Celestia,

I hope this letter finds you well and I am sorry if I am interrupting you in your duties, but I am writing to you for advice.

You see, today, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo asked me about the tooth fairy and I tried to explain to them it's just a foals’ tale. They're older than I was when I learnt and I remember how mad I was when I found out my parents had been lying to me for so long and I thought it might be better to tell them before they built their "fairy catcher" device. Old fashioned and childish superstitions have always had a place in story books, but to see them reinforced by a foal’s guardians upset me. It's lying to them, isn't it?

One of my friends came by just moments ago and she were so angry with me, and I'm angry with them as well. We had an argument and as much as I want to go and make it up to her I’m not sure if it would work as I am still so frustrated! But now I've upset my friends and their siblings terribly and I feel awful. I don't think I can talk to the others about this, they either don't have younger siblings or are too angry to speak to me right now. Princess, what do I do?"

Your faithful Student

Princess Twilight Sparkle."

'A little more rambling than I'd like, but I'm desperate right now.' With that Twilight lit up her horn and surrounded the rolled parchment with magic. One quick, but difficult spell later the scroll would find itself in Princess Celestia's private chambers. It was a shame Spike was gone his method was always preferable as it was designed to track the princess wherever she was and tended to, ironically, not singe the parchments on their travels the way teleportation was known to.

With that done Twilight once again set about the job of cleaning up her library. Most of the work was done and she'd have to start on a dinner soon and- "Did I just write that to Princess Celestia!?" she cried, horn flaring as she tried to cast the 'recall sent item' spell only to be rebuffed thanks to distance, her tenuous magical connection with the scroll evidently broken.

Twilight cradled her head in her hooves and groaned, "Grow up Twilight, you aren't her student anymore. " Saying that sent a faint stab of pain into her heart, she was proud but also saddened that, the chapter of her life as Celestia’s faithful student had closed,'No wonder I ran to her the moment I had a problem,' she thought glumly.

Suddenly there was a flash of golden light and a rolled up scroll dropped into the air. Twilight quickly caught it in her aura and unrolled the parchment delicately. Naturally what was contained inside was her -former- mentor’s elegant script.


My Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

I am terribly saddened to hear there is such friction between you and your friends. However while this news troubles me I am heartened that you would still seek me out for advice and in such a direct manner even today, I certainly hope I can be of help to you on this, delicate subject.

I will simply assume Spike is out and that is why you contacted me with this spell? I'm quite impressed with your range my friend, though it did appear a tad scorched around the edges~

I believe I can be of some service to you when it comes to navigating this particularly sensitive issue. I personally believe that you and your friends can work this out between you easily enough, but you have sought me out and I would never think to turn you away.

In light of recent tidings, I would like to extend to you an invitation to a celebration held near the border of Equestria in a small town I am quite fond of. I hope that there you and I can discuss this matter in more detail and come to an understanding which will hopefully help you and your friends reconcile your different viewpoints. I also confess to wishing to simply "catch up" as it feels like an age since we have been able to relax in one another's company.

If you are not interested, please simply send this scroll back and I shall offer you my advice freely. But if you are interested, then I ask that you be ready leave by early morning, seven AM sharp as it shall be a long flight. I shall arrange for a carriage.

Your friend,

Princess Celestia

P.S. I assume you let Spike go for the evening, please enjoy this tray of doughnuts.


"Doughnuts?" she queried, only for a second spell to blaze into existence, perfectly timed of course, and a plastic tray layered with doughnuts and some other assorted pastries slowly drifted down to the floor. Being caught at the last moment by Twilight's magic. 'Not the healthiest dinner but after today I could use some comfort food.' she decided. "Princess Celestia always knows how to make me feel better," Twilight said to nopony in particular through a mouthful of jelly doughnut.

Her heart lighter than it had felt all day, Twilight dug into her dinner. The library could wait, she decided.

Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The early morning rays of the sun were just peeking in through the window, illuminating the darkened room and the struggling lump wrapped up in a blanket.

Twilight pulled herself free from her linens, arching her back and stretching her wings while letting out a deep yawn. She shivered against the cold. Rubbing her eyes, Twilight glanced over at the her bedside clock and gasped. "I'm going to be late!" she cried. In only fifteen minutes Princess Celestia's scheduled chariot would be arriving to pick her up and she hadn't showered or eaten breakfast yet. "No, no, no ,no I can't believe I stayed up so late cataloging!" she ranted, prancing in place. "It's alright Twilight you have time," she assured herself. “Um, shower first! I can't be grotty and bed maned in front of Princess Celestia!" she shouted, making a dive for her bathroom.

The shower lasted barely five minutes and Twilight made it a point to brush her teeth and shampoo her mane simultaneously. Mane still brimming with bubbles and her mouth still slicked with toothpaste the alicorn made her way upstairs, wings twitching in anticipation of a flight they would not get, as she rushed through her thoughts, 'I can’t believe I overslept, I need my hoof cups, even if this is a casual visit.'

Flinging open her small cupboard, Twilight levitated out her regalia and slipped it on hurriedly. 'Almost ready, I don't need breakfast, I'll be fine!' she insisted frantically.

That was when she heard a creak. Somepony was coming into the library, not just the library but walking up the steps she could hear the powerful trot of pony approaching her from the hallway. 'I forgot to lock up!?' Taking only a moment to see her messy figure in the mirror Twilight turned to face the uninvited guest and spoke.

"I'm sorry, but we're not actually open just yet, I’m sure if..." Twilight could feel her eye's trying to to explode out of her head, there in all the radiant glory of the early morning sun was Princess Celestia, flowing mane and all, smiling down at the younger princess sweetly.

"My apologies for arriving so early Twilight. I suppose I was over excited for today and didn't realize you weren't ready yet. The sign on the door was still flipped to open and I simply assumed,” the princess explained.

Twilight was desperately grasping for something to make this less embarrassing. Here she was messy, bubbly wet mane and coat, toothpaste dribbling out of her mouth and her regalia a complete mess. Hardly the sort of state she'd ever want to be in-front of the princess.

"I'm sorry, I-" she was interrupted though when Princess Celestia moved forward. The Princess’s mighty wings spread and gently ran them over the young alicorns head, tickling her horn and somehow drying her. Even this close Twilight couldn't sense what ever pegasus magic the princess was employing, ‘The princess’s skill is as incredible as ever.’ A second wing stroke came and dried off her coat, practically pulling Twilight into a hug, then the princes leaned down and wiped the toothpaste from her chin, Twilight's blush increased a thousandfold while the eldest Alicorn in existence was using her magic to clean toothpaste off her chin'. Celestia only chuckled fondly at her.

"There's no need to be so stressed, my dear," the princess insisted, as her golden aura surrounded Twilight's regalia and straightened it out.

"Thank you princess, I'm sorry I should have gotten up earlier and-" Twilight was interrupted when a mug of hot chocolate was levitated in front of her nose, the sweet overpowering scent completely distracting the hungry mare as her stomach growled.

Chuckling Celestia said, "I assume you haven't had breakfast yet? Don't fret my dear I had something brought with me, we can eat and speak on the flight back to Canterlot. That is when we set off ‘for real’. I have already informed Spike of our plans and he seemed quite excited at the prospect of staying with his 'crush' I believe the term is," the princess said cheerily.

"Oh and you'll need a scarf," the princess instructed, her alabaster horn shone and floated Twilight’s usual scarf to her draping it around her neck gently. The purple alicorn’s ears smacked against her head guiltily at the touch of the lavender material, that scarf had been made by Rarity.

Shaking her head Twilight dismissed her dreary thoughts, ‘You haven't lost your friends it’s an argument but those happen, just stay focussed,’ she reminded herself firmly.

The princess turned and beckoned for Twilight to follow her. Eagerly and with only some embarrassment, Twilight did so. Happily drinking down her hot chocolate as she accompanied the princess into the brisk winter air. en-wrapped her tiny figure, startling her with it's warmth and reminding her of her days as a young filly under Celestia's care. 'The princess is always so warm,' Twilight thought as she stepped into the carriage, parked outside her home.

The chariot was Celestia's favourite, an intricate golden gem studded bracers, connecting the pegasus guards back to the golden framed chariot. Atop the back of the throne there was a vane, adorning it were two diamonds and a golden star topped with a royal flag. Surrounding the miniature throne was a base of solid white, laden with golden star and moon studs, it stretched out and curved around itself at the front; where probably the largest hood ornament in Equestria sat it was a purple, almost see-through orb, jutting out of it were golden points and surrounded by a silver halo. She'd always found the chariot somewhat ostentatious, the level of gold and wealth on display in complex and sophisticated patterns seemed rather out of character for her mentor. Celestia was after all usually a mare of simple tastes. Twilight eyed the large back wheels of the chariot, a great sun sat in the center, but in it's heart, eclipsing it, was a crescent moon. 'If there's one thing the princess likes as much as simplicity, it's symbolism,' Twilight reflected. Celestia stepped onto the wall-less carriage first, resting her form against the plush purple seat.

As Twilight clambered on, Celestia revealed a small pile of bakery delights, their scent showing them to be fresh from either the palace kitchen or Doughnut Joe's. "Thank you princess, I'm so sorry about all the trouble," she said as the pegasi fliers prepared for take off. Around them, a number of ponies had gathered, drawn by the chariot despite the snow, to gawk at the solar monarch.

Chuckling, Celestia responded by giving Twilight an affectionate hug with her wing. "Twilight helping you is never trouble,” the princess assured before smiling mischievously, "Now, are you ready to take off?" With that the chariot seemed to burst into action. The pegasi, whose wings had been rustling lightly in the background sprung into action. They galloped down the street and flung themselves into the sky. The only thing protecting her breakfast was her and the princess's magic holding it in place.

"The flight to Canterlot should only take us half an hour, but I hope we can find the time to talk on the way," the elder princess suggested. Celestia levitated a small muffin to her mouth and, rather than the dainty polite bites Twilight was used to, she took the entire muffin and gulped it down in one bit, licking her lips and smiling.

"Of course princess, even now it feels like it's been a long time since we talked or studied together," Twilight replied, careful not to let her own disappointment regarding that fact slip.

"You know Twilight, I really would prefer it if you simply called me Celestia when we aren't working," the princess replied.

'And just yesterday I was complaining about being called princess,' Twilight reflected, nervously rubbing the back of her head, unintentionally messing up her mane. On some level Twilight wondered when she had come to be so nervous around her mentor, former mentor. When she had lived in Canterlot she'd been proper certainly, but also more relaxed. Since leaving her and moving to Ponyville...Twilight was distracted from her thoughts by the odd look Celestia was giving her. Snapping back to the present Twilight replied, "Of course princ- sorry, hard habit to break, but aren't we doing something 'official' today?" she asked timidly.

"Excellent diversion there Twilight, but I'll get you yet," the princess said good humoredly. "As for where we are going, we shall be visiting the town of Nichola~ it's a small but industrious place that borders onto the Crystal Empire's territory. Even with the empire’s return it is a cold place and I've made it a point to visit there unofficially for years. I find the cool mountain air tends to be quite refreshing. In fact we shall be arriving just in time for their mid-winter gift giving ceremony, something of a local holiday, not dissimilar to Hearths Warming Eve. It's a celebration I'm quite fond of.” The princess's smile as she said this was almost wistful.

For her part, Twilight's brain was frantically going over any and all facts she could remember about the town. History had always been a great interest of hers and the name was ringing some form of bell. "Nichola? Wait, that's one of the oldest towns in Equestria! It even predates the Nightmare Moon legend!" Twilight cheered, only to immediately clamp her hooves over her mouth, worried she had offended the princess.

Looking up her, ‘former’ mentor did not seem to react to the mention of her sisters fall, but Twilight had gotten good, she liked to think, at reading the princess over her apprenticeship, even if there had come to be a distance between them she could still recognize that her mentor was at least reacting if not openly.

Gazing out over the fields and mountains Celestia replied, "You are correct, it predates that dark time and throughout even the most turbulent years of Equestrian history Nichola has stood strong. Luna and I visited the town over twelve thousand years ago and have gone back sporadically ever since."

Twilight gaped, beyond Canterlot she hadn't known of any township that had lasted from early Equestria to modern Equestria and remained unchanged, Stalliongrad was the only close contender and had started as a small fortress but was now a bustling city and it had gone through such a process numerous times.

Smiling affectionately the elder alicorn spoke, "That's quite an understandable reaction, but don't get your hopes up about vast historical knowledge. It is a fine town, with a strong oral tradition. But any and all books written there regarding history would have been copied into the Canterlot archives long ago," the princess assured her.

Somewhat dejected Twilight took another sip of her hot chocolate the strength and sweetness contained within bringing a smile to her muzzle. "Of course," the elder princess spoke, "it does have a number of interesting myths, legends and stories to hear, one of them tied to the festival itself.”

'Stories, legends? This must be why the princess invited me. It all connects!' But a number of questions were already coming to mind and Celestia had said she wanted to talk. Coughing into her hoof, trying to affect appearance of an professional statespony, Twilight asked her first question, "I'm sure even if there aren't any history books there that I haven't read, it will still be a fascinating trip. But if you and Luna, sorry, Princess Luna used to visit this place together, wouldn't you two... well like to go together?" She didn't want to miss this chance to bond with the princess but the question had escaped her lips to fast to stop it.

Quirking an eyebrow the elder alicorn replied, "I'm glad to know you would have liked Luna to come, but she and I visited her first year back. Oh she was so pleased she was practically dancing in the snow! I think the locals liked her royal Canterlot voice as well, even if there were a few small avalanches that we had to deal with.” The princess laughed and Twilight was certain she had scarcely ever seen a more genuine laugh from the princess in her life.

"But as to why she will not be accompanying us today, there are a few reasons, the first of which is that we can't make these visits too often, today is a special exception, but I can usually only go once every two decades or so. If I went more often some noble family would try to bring the holiday to Canterlot or would join me on the visit and they'd suck all the life out of it just like they did the Gala." the princess huffed, she actually huffed in annoyance before turning and winking at the small purple pony.

"Did you know the Gala was genuinely fun once?" the princess asked. Twilight could only shake her head.

"Oh yes back when it first started it was a great party, welcome to everypony who could make it; young and old, rich and poor, pony or none pony. But it didn't last, I made too many appearances and more nobles started arriving viewing it as 'popular'. At some point a committee was commissioned to organize it and most of them were wealthy ponies. You can guess what happened next, all the delicious food was replaced by those tiny salads and I might as well say it, no cake!" the princess cried, though given it was Princess Celestia it still came out graceful and somehow quieter than it should have.

The princess was acting so...casually. Yes, that was the best word, thought Twilight. Given how accustomed she had become to her former mentor maintaining her regal posture it was somewhat odd to see such a turn around.

Sighing, Celestia continued, waving her hoof dismissively. "But as I said that was only one of the reasons, the other is that Luna has been wanting the chance to spread her wings in Canterlot. She has been reacquainting herself with our subjects, modern ways of thinking and magic, as well as that holiday Cadence took her on has slowed our attempts to reintegrate her back into politics."

"I didn't know they went on a holiday," Twilight said.

"Hm, oh yes it was shortly before the Gala. Cadence refuses to attend them anymore unless she absolutely has to and convinced Luna to go and visit some famous tourist spots with her, with your brother as their 'honor guard' of course," the princess winked and Twilight chuckled a little. "I had no objection, Luna wanted to reconnect with her subjects and I can't imagine she'd have enjoyed the Gala. I was proven right this year," she said conspiratorially. "By the way, I'm sorry for not sending you tickets but I thought you and your friends might not enjoy it as much as I did." The princess's tinkling laugh carrying perfectly over the wind.

"I've brought Cadence with me as well, quite a few times and I intended to bring you along some time ago, but I felt you might struggle to appreciate it back when you lived in Canterlot." Twilight blushed, still remembering the abrasive pony she'd been back then. She certainly would not have appreciated being pulled from her books to learn about some town, even the presence of her mentor likely wouldn't have diminished her annoyance.

"You're probably right Pr- Celestia, but why is Luna only just now taking a role in leading the country?" She knew that until recently the singular solar monarch had still been doing most of the public work for the nation.

"That's simple enough my young friend. Political systems are complicated and while I did arrange the government so that Luna would be able to slot back in with relative ease, organizing everything nationwide has taken time. Luna has ’other’ responsibilities that she wished to take care of first such as dreams and other matters of importance that couldn't wait."

Twilight nodded in understanding as Celestia continued, "Besides we still cannot agree on how to break up the court session between us." The princess sounded amused by this.

"Why is there trouble? I'd have thought that you would handle the day and Luna the night?" Twilight asked.

The elder princess shook her head in response. "The Night Court is something of a myth, while many ponies work late at night, handling petitions and such can be difficult and impractical for the most part and Luna certainly does not wish our subjects to avoid their dreams, so the current court system is being maintained, if extended somewhat." Twilight nodded her head, ears twitching with curiosity. The current court was broken up quite simply, the princess would arrive in the morning and there were four court sessions, morning court, midday, afternoon and evening.

"The evening court is now being extended until eight o'clock before we close our doors, but we've debated if I should have the morning and midday, or morning and afternoon. There's some pleasant symmetry to me giving over the reigns as evening comes, but there is also symbolism in me looking after the evenings as well, as the sun sets, and all that."

"Still, Luna said she would appreciate managing the court by herself for the next few days. We've been sitting side by side for the last few months and I'm more than happy to let her be buried in paperwork instead of me, fair enough wouldn't you say?" The princess offered her a cheeky smile and Twilight couldn't help but giggle in response.

Despite her boyed mood Twilight couldn’t help but become focussed on part of what the princess had said when inspiration struck, "Why don't you two just break the days you attend court up?" she asked simply.

Celestia looked at Twilight quizzically. "I mean, you could attend on Sunday, Luna on Monday and so on. Maybe with two princess's working you'd both be able to have Saturday off?" she asked tentatively. .

"That, is a very good idea, I'll have to discuss it with Luna but I do not see her finding fault with the suggestion and a day off would be a nice change of pace,"the princess gave her a lopsided grin and nuzzling Twilight affectionately.

A particularly cold jet of wind struck her in the face and Twilight squinted, scrunching up her face as her eyes stung. Without a moments warning Twilight found herself snugly wrapped in the princess's wings once again, shielding her from the intense cold front, while Celestia herself didn't even seem aware of it.

"My apologies," the princess said, almost awkwardly, "you seemed cold.” Twilight nuzzled deeply into the older princess's coat, something she had scarcely had the opportunity to do in years and just basked in the elder princess's warmth. No matter how cold it seemed Princess Celestia was a bastion of warmth and kindness for her and all of Equestria.

"So, if this isn't a big event and you try to keep it to yourself, what's this 'gift-giving' festival about?" she asked.

Another one of the princess's tinkling laughs met Twilight's ears. “Oh that is a fine legend, and an old one. It starts as most legends do, as a story with a grain of truth," she announced dramatically.

Twilight's leaned in closer, her curiosity was peaked.

"Long, long ago in the cold mountain town, that had yet to even name itself there lived a small family, grand parents, parents and children all living under one roof in a home barely large enough for two,” the princess started, her tone becoming slightly wispy.

"But this year, one like so many others, became a desperate struggle for survival. A terrible storm had come to the land and isolated as the town was, nopony realized how miserable they had become. Icy winds and snow would pelt against the walls never stopping, not even for even a moment.

This was the worst winter in fifty years, maybe even in a century and their stocks and small harvests had not brought the town enough food and all the trade roads had been overwhelmed by sleet. Food was growing scarce as was the warmth in everypony’s hearts. They grew bitter and jealous, wanting what other families had even when no one had anything." Celestia's tone was sad, but still distant enough to remind Twilight this was a story and not a tragedy in the making.

The princess grinned down at her. "But there was one little pony who understood better than others selflessness, but even they would need a lesson to learn the importance of the fires of friendship," Celestia intoned gravely.

"Princess was this pony a filly or a colt? And why couldn't the pegasi clear up the storm?" Twilight asked, certain that the lack of identification had some explanation.

"Nopony remembers, just that they were a very good and kind pony. As for the pegasi, this was a time of great difficulty for the empire, which in-turn affected Equestria and so the storm could not be fought off, there were simply too few pegasi to have any impact and weather magic was not as well understood then as it is today."

"But where was I?" she asked, a golden hoof tapping her chin in thought before she brightened. "Ah yes! You see the young foal saw how cold their family was and so while they slept the child slipped out, despite the storm, certain that their family’s fire would not last long through the night. That child wandered for hours, the cold winds and ice beating against the little foals coat. But thoughts of their family warming by a fire made thanks to their efforts kept the foal going, after many long hours they had finally collected enough wood and returned home."

Now Twilight felt silly for being so bothered by a strong winter breeze and yet she could not find the strength to pull away from her mentor, almost being lulled to sleep by her melodic voice. "What happened next?" she whispered.

"Finally, the foal returned home. They were greeted as a hero by their beloved family and the fire was built higher than it had been in weeks!” the princess explained cheerfully. “But, despite the new warmth of the flames there was still a coldness in their hearts. The foal looked outside and saw the dwindling smoke from other homes, icicles the size of a full grown pony hanging down in front of snow blocked houses, wood and mud are poor protectors against the cold," Celestia's voice became serious again.

"Even amongst their own family with a warm fire between them there seemed to be a chill in the air, a distance between them all far worse than any winter breeze. Despite the foals best efforts sadness still seemed to fill their family and the town would fare no better,” Celestia said.

Twilight, despite the sadness of the story had to resist rolling her eyes at the princess's flowery speech.

Celestia flung one hoof out dramatically panning over the landscape, Canterlot just now coming into view. "So once again the foal set out, intent on finding something to bring the ponies of the town warmth and cheer alike." She smiled, almost proudly, Twilight thought.

"That child travelled deep into the mountain forests. While there they face many dangers, wolves and mountain lions, ice, snow and the most terrible of biting winds. But nothing would stop that pony on their quest," Celestia’s voice dropping to a harsh whisper as she came close to Twilight.

The young pony was starting to get swept away into the fantasy, easily imagining a thin, but strong pony, brown winter clothes wrapped around their frame battling against the elements.

"But as they traveled the young foal found more and more wood for the fire and would drag it back down to the town. But instead of selfishly hoarding it for themselves the foal offered it to the other villagers. Each one gladly accepted, shocked though they were, and would offer the foal a blanket or a something to eat or drink in thanks. The young pony never took too much though mindful of their own family’s difficulties."

"But even then something seemed lacking, so as they traveled the foal would offer the blankets and cloaks they had received to other villagers. The young foal had made it their intent to warm the entire village by their own four hooves.

For all their efforts it seemed that the young foal was more likely to freeze to death before the village was warmed, but somehow over the last few days their story had passed through the houses of the village and it touched their hearts. The cold that had consumed the village washed away by the innocent determination of one child seeking to help as many ponies as they could."

Twilight could tell by the princess's tone the story was about to reach its apex. She pressed herself deeper into Celestia's coat listening intently, while her subconscious silently rallied against the improbability of such a story.

"When the foal returned to town, muddy and exhausted, with only a small pile of logs dragged behind them for their efforts. What greeted that child was a sight to behold!" the princess practically cheered. "The town was out, no longer hiding from the cold within their homes, instead they worked together, building a great bonfire in the town square. Together they coiled together blankets, warm meals and drinks and suddenly the cold didn't seem so unbearable," the princess uttered reverently, her tone joyful and proud.

"They welcomed back the young foal and together they stood against the cold, warmed as much by one another's hearts as they were by the fire. Seeing what their efforts had brought forth that young foal realized what they wanted to do with their life. They wanted to foster the fire of friendship between their fellow ponies and to help warm them throughout the harshest winters forever."

"And so the Gift-Giver received their Cutie Mark, a fire light flame, and with it, a new name. From that point onward each year that foal would travel deep into the woods for weeks and would return to the village at the same time every year, bearing not only wood and blankets but gifts, wooden crafted toys for the foals and even pillows for older ponies." Celestia smiled wistfully.

But then the princess's expression grew shadowed. "But few things can last forever, none that I have seen do, it’s such a long time afterall…” Celestia seemed to trail off for a moment before the light returned to her eyes.

"It had been many years since that fateful day, it was so imprinted into ponies minds that each year the town held their festival, gathering wood, and food and fighting the cold of winter together. But the Gift-Giver had grown old, the wood piles they came back with grew smaller and the gifts fewer in number. They would not think to be angry, each year they welcomed their beloved friend with open arms and basked in each others warmth.”

"But" the princess continued sadly, "one year the Gift-Giver did not return. The villagers searched for months but could find no sign of their beloved idol. Sadness seemed ready to consume their hearts until the very next year.” A small smile of pride edged it’s way onto her face as she continued, “But the Gift-Givers message was too strong to ignore now; so they still gathered the wood, the food and sat together by the bonfire, as much for a funeral as anything else." The princess let out a wispy breath and Twilight resisted the urge to dance around impatiently, something that would be hard to do on a chariot currently wrapped in a giant wing.

Twilight's ears were pressed against her skull in sadness, 'So we're attending a funeral' she thought. Her eyes holding firm against the carriages floor. Twilight’s melancholy introspection was interrupted when the princess blew on her face, an excited smile on her normally regal features, "But that was when something amazing happened" Celestia said breathlessly.

"The townsfolk had gathered by the fire, braziers were lit and the full moon rose into the sky as they prepared to say goodbye to their friend when a roar of laughter could be heard echoing through the mountains, it was the most jolly laugh anypony had heard in years. Up above the village rode a pony in a great red sleigh, they were held aloft in the sky by not by pegasi but by the mighty mountain rams the Gift Giver had befriended long ago.”

Leaning down the princess whispered mischievously, “But in some tellings it’s Star and Solar ponies."

"Star and Solar ponies?" Twilight asked confused.

Waving a hoof carelessly the princess replied, "Ponies made out of stars and space matter and light, similar to Ursa Majors or phoenixes, though a little less corporeal, they show up in quite a few stories.

"It was the Gift-Giver as if returned to their prime, wearing a great green coat that stood out against the stark white mountain tops, and behind them sat a sack filled to the brim with gifts. The villagers welcomed back their beloved hero with a mighty cheer, but after the presents had been distributed and the town warmed by the fire the Gift-Giver told the town that they could not always appear and asked, nay, begged the villagers to keep the flame of friendship burning brightly and they happily swore to do so," the princess said, pride clear in her voice, her tone distant.

"With the presents dispatched and the townsfolk enjoying the blankets, meals, toys and comfort items the Gift-Giver took to the skies once again, disappearing underneath the moonlight. To this day the ponies of Nichola keep this tradition alive, each year on the coldest day of the year they gather in the center of town, create a great bonfire, exchange gifts and enjoy one another's company, friend and family alike." The princess leaned down to whisper in Twilight’s twitching ear as they came in for a landing, "And some years, presents will appear from the skies, sleigh tracks will appear on rooftops and a booming laugh can be heard all over town and many believe that the Gift-Giver, most generous of all ponies is still watching over them."

Pulling away, the two princesses moved slightly apart so that they would appear properly ‘proper’ Twilight thought as they landed. The palace staff were watching as the chariot came to a gentle stop, Twilight's mind abuzz with questions and criticisms at the heartwarming, but absurd, tale she'd just been told.

But Twilight scarcely had the time as the princess hurried her deeper into the palace and into her private chambers, a room Twilight had been quite familiar with in her early years. The doors were open, as they so often were, given Celestia always wanted to be open with her subjects.

She looked around and saw that little in her mentor’s room had truly changed. Artifacts and strange trinkets and items lined the walls and books upon books were gather on the shelve. The princess’s overly large bed still seemed as impartial as ever, though Twilight knew that Celestia barely slept on it, preferring her long cylinder floor pillows and cushions instead.

"Come, come," the princess insisted, "We have to be dressed properly before arriving.”

"Wait, what does that mean?"

Twilight stood ramrod straight as clothes burst into existence over her slight frame, summoned by Celestia's magic. It was all winter gear obviously and despite being a little overly fluffy in some cases very practical. At least they looked comfortable, especially compared to some of the clothes that Twilight had been forced into upon her ascension. She truly wished she could travel further back in time, maybe a few centuries, so she could smack who ever invented the bridle.

All of them were also Twilight's size, "Princess, aren't you going to put anything on?" she asked.

Nodding, Celestia's horn lit up and a ray of light shone at the base of each hoof, spinning like a discus before exploding upwards and engulfing the elder princess's frame with a blinding flash. When the light faded Princess Celestia stood tall and proud. Her hooves were covered in thick fluffy boots with a lavender tinge to them, leaving the rest of her long legs uncovered. A red ribbon wrapped itself around her swan like neck in a bow. Draped over the princess's back was a simple red cloak with a thin white trim and openings that allowed the Princess's wings to move freely. Sitting on her head was a loose red hat that resembled a red and white night cap.

"Is that really going to be warm enough princess?" Twilight asked. It looked so simple and she couldn't even make out the princess's regalia.

"Of course Twilight, as I said, this is a casual visit. Now Nichola is a cold place so you'll need something very warm. Do you mind if I pick, or do you want to choose?" the princess asked.

Shrugging, Twilight allowed the princess the choice. She'd never been good at picking out clothes and the princess knew this place better than her. A set of woolly boots were dropped down in front of her hooves and Twilight stepped forward slipping herself into them easily and finding them almost too warm in Celestia's heated chamber. Then Twilight felt something long and thick draped across her back. It was not a saddle, but instead was a deep royal red cape, with a white trim. 'Is she trying to dress me better than her?!' she wondered confusedly, Twilight glanced at her mentor. Celestia's response was to simply smile back, her eyes closing as she did so. Along with her scarf Twilight definitely felt very warm.

"Are you sure we'll need all this princess?" she asked uncertainly, feeling very overdressed; not an uncommon occurrence these days.

Nodding, the princess replied, "Oh certainly Twilight, I'll also be bringing along some muffs too, just in case, now I have a question for you. How are going to get to the other side of Equestria quickly and without being noticed?" she asked. Her tone was jubilant and very similar to the one Twilight had grown used to as a filly.

Coughing into her hoof Twilight considered her options quickly, 'We can't travel by chariot to slow and we'd be seen, we can't fly even if we were invisible I'm not fast enough, could the princess fly that fast?' shaking her head, 'no, she couldn't' Inspiration dawned on Twilight. "You mean to teleport that far? But it'd take everything I have just to get to Canterlot, once!" she stressed, flailing her hooves.

Chuckling the elder alicorn responded, "Perhaps so, but you've never had me by your side. Combined spell casting should come quite naturally to you thanks to your experience with the Elements, and I'll simply need you to ‘ride’ on my spell."

Excited, Twilight clapped her hooves together and her eyes lit up. ‘Magic!’ was all she could think, rushing to the solar alicorn’s side with enthusiasm.

Chuckling at her student’s enthusiasm Princess Celestia's wing draped itself around Twilight’s body, pressing them coat to coat as Twilight looked up at her teacher and channeled magic into her own horn. Ethereal tethers reached out, barely discernible to the normal eye, but the slightest nod from the princess told Twilight she was doing it correctly. Slowly but surely Twilight's magic pressed up against Celestia's body, an invisible layer of magic already surrounding the alicorn. They twitched and flinched at the contact, before easily melding together like water.

Twilight slowly surrounded her own body with magic, careful to keep her patterns in line with her teacher’s. The connected energies flowing between them and wafting around Twilight like a cloud. Princess Celestia's magic stretched out, no longer just accepting her student’s presence but instead surrounding her. The solar monarch’s magic spread with speed and confidence, like a rolling wave and Twilight found her body consumed. The two energies mingling as the power built up around them. She pressed herself deeper into her mentor’s coat, her eyes shut against the bright light.




"Pop!" With an audible pop and a flash the two alicorns vanished from sight.

chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Twilight's entire world was burning white light. Then darkness, before exploding into a cacophony of spinning and twisting colors. Flashes of everything and nothing at once blared across her mind. Her body seemed to drop out from under her and the world warped itself around her.

Twilight was quite used to teleporting. But she'd never experienced the phenomena for more than a millisecond before now. She couldn't really ’see’ but she could perceive it all. Which was alienating enough. But now she could feel the magic of her mentor besides her, no, all around her. Stretching out and around everything, her power carrying Twilight. There was no cold or warmth but she could still sense the power if only distantly. A power great enough to raise the sun with as much effort as it took a pony to breath. If she could have she would have gasped.

Then it ended. Normal reality returned and Twilight found herself taking her first clumsy steps forward. She almost face-planted in the snow, had a wing not drawn out to steady her. Thick white snow crunched under her boots as she shook her head. It had been a long time since teleportation had left her so disoriented.

'But then I've never really piggybacked on a cross continental teleport either,' she reflected.

"Are you alright, Twilight?" the princess asked gently.

Shaking her head Princess Twilight replied, "Yes I'm fine, sorry just a bit dizzy." Twilight chuckled, feeling embarrassed.

"It can be quite a difficult thing to deal with. I remember being very confused the first time I teleported. In fact I also recall overshooting my mark by quite a margin," the princess grinned. Twilight ears pricked at hearing any detail from her mentor’s early life. Something she, nor anypony, knew much of anything about. But it seemed the princess had already changed topics and was glancing about their surroundings. There was a cheeky grin on her face as if she had seen something terribly entertaining.

'I wonder what she's looking for?' Twilight thought. Glancing around with the princess, she only saw snow, large mountains and lots of bushes and pine trees. Suddenly, the cold hit her, "Bbbrrr!" she let out a small whinny of displeasure, her ears dropping to her her head as she instinctively shook her head back and forth.

"I did tell you it would be chilly. But don't worry we're scarcely ten minutes away from Nichola and it will be much warmer there," the elder alicorn assured. "It seems everything will be ready on time as usual," Princess Celestia said cryptically. Something Twilight had grown very used to in her apprenticeship.

She looked up at her teacher, former teacher, curiosity clear on her face. Celestia had the good manners to look embarrassed and replied, "For the festival of course,” she explained.

'What is she planning?' Twilight wondered, half frustrated at her lack of knowledge and just a little excited. “Of course" she replied, a tiny grin appearing on her face.

"Well then, shall we be off? We've a busy schedule," the princess said. Her right fore-leg stretching out and pointing to the large collection of brown and square houses situated on a wide flat bed of rock on the otherwise hilly, mountain range.

"Of course!" Twilight replied. Still having to push herself somewhat to keep up with her princess's gentle stride. Looking around at their surrounding again it was only now that Twilight saw just what the place was like. Despite living in the mountain city of Canterlot most of her life, this place was completely alien to her. Rough jagged rocks stood up against the sky, thick trees and bushes created forests, far too rough to be from a normal pony village. Dark grey clouds filled the sky more ominous than any normal pegasi storm. And all around them the scenery raised and lowered itself with no thought to the convenience of ponyfolk. She could easily make out the giant mountain slopes, covered in white snow as well as a seemingly impossible number of healthy trees and bushes. The only explanation was earth pony magic, Twilight decided.

As they drew closer to the town Twilight could make out the sight of pegasi flying throughout the sky. They didn't seem to be moving or dispersing the clouds, just inspecting them. In the town itself she could make out the vague impression of hundreds of ponies walking between cobblestone houses, though the specific details eluded her.

"Oh my. It seems hey've performed some renovations on the town hall. And the bonfire is even bigger this year," Celestia commented idly, clicking her tongue in an impressed sounding way.

Twilight looked at the elder alicorn, slightly shocked. She could only barely make out the bonfire or the dark cobblestones houses in the distance. But to notice a detail about one of the homes like that from their current distance was shocking.

Twilight's new wings shot out impulsively and started stretching, likely hoping to warm themselves. She resisted the urge to stop and blow in her hooves.

"Princess, how can you see that far and..." Twilight, despite her mentor’s warm wings, and the winter clothes still felt the cold. But despite wearing significantly less, Princess Celestia didn't even seem aware that she was walking in snow. "Are you even cold?" Twilight asked incredulously.

"Hmm?" the rainbow maned alicorn replied, glancing at Twilight, "suffice to say, not really. It's rather hard to get cold when you're responsible for the sun. I'm sure such a temperature does exist but I don't think I've ever really felt it. As for the sight, well, my senses are quite acute, sometimes a little too much. There are times when I just don't want to hear what's going on in my palace. Nor do I want to hear how my niece and Guard Captain spent their breaks," she winked.

'I wonder why she's never told me that before... wait what did she mean by, oh please no!' she thought suddenly disgusted with herself.

The older princess let out a burst of laughter at the horrified look that crossed Twilight's face.

Twilight’s eyes disappeared under her fringe, her eyes peeling wide open as her jaw hung slack. This was something quite rare, the princess rarely spoke of her own abilities beyond raising the sun. Twilight had learned a great deal in her time with the princesses in Canterlot. But it had all pertained to her own unique nature, not Celestia's. Which also meant she hadn't learnt how the princesses’ manes worked. A fact Cadence had also complained about, if for different reasons.

'Wait, if she can hear that well, then... Oh my!" Twilight thought.

The princess's whimsical laughter broke Twilight from her shocked reverie. "Yes Twilight whatever you were imagining is true. Of course it also makes dealing with the nobility worse, I can hear. Every. Single. Remark. It's quite mind numbing really. I've learned to tune it out both out of respect for others privacy and for my own sanity," she guffawed.

Twilight chuckled along with her. The princess's good mood, was as infectious as ever. 'I'm glad I never complained about the princess behind her back. Not that I ever had much to complain about,' she thought smiling.

One small thought floated across her mind though. 'She's being so candid. Why has she never told me this before?' The thought was immediately cast to the back of Twilight's mind as they finally neared the town. The local ponies taking immediate notice of them, some bowing, or saluting, but most just waving excitedly.

Lining the snow swept stone streets were ponies of every tribe and age, all decked out in thick winter gear. Every few houses there lay a metallic brazier, providing light and warmth. She could even see some foals gathered around one toasting marshmallows. Carts were filled to the brim with food, banners and almost excessive amounts of tinsel. As well as other ‘simple’ decorations. Some of which were already in place connecting the dark brown houses and providing a nice dash of color against the brown and white.

Just as they entered the town proper, small groups or ponies approached them excitedly. Twilight's nerves getting the better of her she almost considered backing up and hiding under her teachers cloak. The unfamiliar environment and ponies triggering her shyness. Of Course Twilight felt the gentle push of her mentors animate, and usually immaterial tale brush up against her encouragingly. It wasn't exactly ‘there’ Twilight reminded herself, it was living physical magic, that also happened to be a tail.

"Princess!" a stallion’s voice cried out. It was deep and thick, the exact sort of voice very much used to shouting instructions and probably belonging to an older pony.

She was drawn out of her revelry when a black coated stallion, wrapped in a thick brown winter vest, a floppy eared beany and thick ugg-boots galloped up to them. Excitement warring with tension on his face as Celestia politely hailed him down.

"Mayor Stone-smith, how have you been?" she inquired cheerily, something in her tone making Twilight suspect mischief was ahoof.

Chuckling, the surprisingly short stallion replied, "I'd be better if I'd have known you were coming princess. My son spotted your arrival by telescope," he said good naturally.

Celestia raised a hoof to her chin in embarrassment, "And truly I was hoping for my visit to be a surprise. I know I don't normally attend so frequently but I haven't yet had the chance to introduce Equestria's newest princess. So this was something of a snap decision,” she explained with decorum.

The stallion wickered, looking more amused than anything else. "You don't make oversights, not like that princess, you're just trying to make me and the other chefs go grey," he replied. Princess Celestia laughed in response.

There was obviously a long standing relationship here. But, as Twilight tried to read into their a hoof to gently tapped her side, causing her wings to flare up in shock as she started. "Oh sorry, I just wasn't sure. What with the cloak and all," a pegasus mare with a lime green coat said, her tone a little embarrassed, but not nervous. 'Casual indeed,' Twilight thought happily.

Bringing one hoof to her chest. Smiling warmly and hoping she didn't look too nervous Twilight replied, "Yes, I am princess Twilight Sparkle, but um, just feel free to call me Twilight." She, chuckled nervously.

The pony smiled in response, "Tis a pleasure to make your acquaintance majesty, I mean Twilight." The pony offered a quick, polite curtsy before rising.

Twilight could already see a collection of foals and other curious onlookers gathering around them. 'I hate being the center of attention, Rainbow Dash would love this!'

"You'll be wanting a tour perhaps?" the mayor asked. Seemingly unsure of who to address as his eyes and posture darted from Twilight to Celestia and back again. Not nervous but certainly unsure

"Oh I couldn't ask you to do that after arriving unannounced like this. If anything we should be offering to help," the princess replied charmingly.

'We?' Twilight couldn't help but feel a little scandalized at that, it wasn't her idea after-all. But before she even could have raised so much as a retort. The newly introduced princess was quickly buried under hooves to shake and foals asking to see her wings.

"Besides I've visited so often, I'll be more than capable of showing Twilight around. And there's more than enough ponies to ask for directions or to tell my companion here about some history if the need arises," Celestia assured. Her voice somehow carrying over the din of the crowd surrounding Twilight.

"You're interested in our history?" the mare who had curtsied asked. Still close enough to be heard despite Twilight having half a dozen adult ponies curiously inspecting her and a dozen of so foals. Two of which were most certainly pulling on her wings.

"Ah, um yes, I am; I was a scholar before anything else," she explained, while gently trying to pry the curious foals of off her. Luckily a savior intervened.

The pegasus mare with a lime green coat and and a dark blue mane offered a rather, Twilight thought, dramatic bow and said. "I'm the local teacher so I know more or less anything you might like to know about our history, of course, you do have princ-" Princess Celestia let out a polite cough and winked down at the mare, who smiled. "Celestia with you so I might not be necessary," she finished rubbing her hoof against her mane and smiling.

"Not at all, I hardly have enough personal experience to explain anything of import. I think we'd both appreciate the offer especially as you seem to be looking after these young ones," Celestia said kindly. Chuckling at the antics of the foals as a few of them gathered around her hooves.

'I’m glad she can laugh' Twilight groused internally. Only for the princess to lower her head and pull the attention of the remaining foals. Who decided querying her about her mane would be more interesting than trying to solicit rides from Twilight herself. The alicorn let out a quiet relieved sigh. Now there were only three around her, patiently sitting by their teacher.

"I'd be delighted to show you both around. I'm looking after these little ones while their parents are out in the woods. I thought we might try and work something educational into the day. Come along children stop trying to climb on the princesses." She waved her hooves in what was likely meant to be seen as a disarming gesture. Her words were met with groans from the foals’

"Don't fret my little ponies, there will be time for ‘horsing around’ later," Celestia said with a wink.

Twilight was left unsure of exactly what to do. 'Why did it have to be foals?' she silently lamented as their now much larger group set off at a gentle canter, deeper into the village.

"I'm not sure how much Princess Celestia has told you. But we were originally a mining settlement that many believed was wiped out by a strong winter. We were ‘discovered’ and invited to join Equestria after a generation or so of isolation," the teacher explained. Together they passed through the streets, a small number of ponies stopping to bow. But most just offering polite acknowledgement or curious stares before going on their way. The place had a festive, relaxed atmosphere.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself, did I?" she asked, stopping them as the teacher turned and put her hoof out once again. This time Celestia took the opportunity and returned the mares hoofshake.

"Princess Celestia, charmed I'm sure," she smiled winningly at the pony. Seemingly unconcerned with the bored foals scampering between their legs.

"I'm Lynch-pin, a pleasure, sorry about my faux pas," she chuckled.

"Not at all, it's a busy day afterall," Celestia replied.

"And I kind of got swamped before introductions could get very far," Twilight chuckled. She was rewarded with a small giggle from both mares.

"That's an interesting name for a teacher though, does it have an added meaning?" Twilight couldn't help but ask. Many ponies chose or added new names to themselves after gaining their Cutie Marks. But even without that ‘Lynch-pin’ still seemed quite unique to Twilight.

"That's an interesting question," the teacher replied. "It's actually something local. A teacher plays more of a role in the community than they might outside, it's why I look after the little ones when their parents can't. There's only two teacher here as our populations is small," she explained as Twilight nodded. Their hooves guiding them deeper into town. "My father was a teacher as well and he said that my name was to remind me of my important role in holding together the community. I teach the junior years and the secondary education is handled by another pony; we both have seats on the town council." she finished

"It's nice to know teaching is regarded so highly here. Education, learning," she let out a small sigh, "it must be a very rewarding job," Twilight continued.

Blushing slightly the mare replied, "Oh it is. One of the best jobs in the world I say, and before you ask we don't have a university here sadly," she chuckled. "There's some mail order qualifications that can be arranged. But most work here is trade related so we usually have to send anypony who wants to attend university away for quite sometime. Assuming they can't be apprenticed like I was."

"There are that many apprenticeship options?" Apprenticeships were common in some lines of work. But for a number of positions, being able to take on an apprentice required very specific training and qualifications.

"Indeed, Nichola is almost entirely self sufficient in many ways," Celestia interjected, before covering her mouth with a hoof. "My apologies for interrupting," she said politely.

"Not at all princess. Oh we're just coming up on the council building now, I know it looks a bit rough but everything here has to be. The weather teams can only do so much and it's still a mountain after-all," the teacher explained.

Lynch-pin stretched out her left hoof and pointed at a large three story circular building. Twilight was almost reminded of Carousel Boutique.

'I can't imagine Rarity would find that very flattering though,' she thought. Yes the shape was similar, especially the roof. But it was darker clearly made from thick stacked bricks and strong mortar, it almost looked like a middle ages throwback. But Twilight could see, from what little she knew of classical building and castles, due to having grown up next to one that was quite a bit. And she could see that it was very well designed, definitely up to modern standards.

Stretching up two stories high, tinsel hung from the overhanging roof and bright braziers glowed against the dark stone work. Hanging just above the giant twin oak doors there was a great thick wooden sign reading simply -Town Council Office- it swayed gently, creaking in the wind.

"It's somewhat sad for a historian, most of our building will likely look pretty modern. We're a stubborn bunch, living here and all. We have to replace things so often that very little of the older town still exists. And don't even get me started on the chances of finding any part of the original settlement."

"Why do you live out here? It's beautiful but even the story of Nichola that princess Celestia told me made it sounded difficult. I mean how does the town support itself? I can't imagine farming is very easy," Twilight asked curiously.

"You haven't been told?" the teacher asked perplexedly.

Shaking her head Twilight replied, "No, Princess Celestia wasn't lying when she said this trip was sudden." Twilight blushed slightly, hating to be seen as ignorant.

"Wel-" the young teacher was cut off by a loud giggle, she moved to look past Twilight. And for the first time in minutes Twilight realized she didn't have foals scampering between or around her legs. And that the warm calming presence of Celestia had vanished leaving her more exposed to the chilly winds. 'So that's why it's so cold' she determined. Turning around Twilight saw Celestia entertaining the foals. Using her magic, hooves and wings to create small snow sculptures for them, much to their delight. And from what Twilight could make out at least one pegasus foal being half supported by the princess's own wing as she tried to fly.

Smiling Lynch-pin turned back to Twilight and spoke, "It seems they'll be entertained for a little while. Would you care to come in and get out of the cold?" Nodding in earnest Twilight used her magic and opened the great oak doors. They groaned against the growing breeze as she followed the teacher into the council chambers.

The inside of the chambers was significantly less foreboding. Warm colors and light permeated the room and much like the rest of the town a large fire place took up a solid portion of the room. Though this particular fire place was half submerged into the floor she noticed with idle curiosity.

Surprisingly the entire building itself was empty of inhabitants, besides the two mares. There was also a large number of empty cardboard boxes stacked up against a back wall.

"Those hold the decorations, most houses have them as well, these ones are for the streets and the like. Sorry about the cold, I know it can be hard to adapt to at first," she added on, seemingly as an afterthought.

Blushing slightly Twilight replied, "Heh, sorry. I’m not really used to this sort of weather," she explained.

"I can always spot it, it's easy enough. The color hasn't left your cheeks yet though, so that's impressive. That must be a fine coat you're wearing," Lynch-pin said. The teacher lowered an emerald colored teapot onto the flat metallic top of the fireplace.

"I'm glad you heard about how our town was first saved by the gift-giver, who we call Nichola, it's an important part of our culture. But you must understand that already, we aren't terribly subtle about it," she smiled.

Chuckling nervously Twilight opted for a diplomatic answer,. "Yes it was a fascinating, legend," she replied, her ears twitching as the tea kettle boiled.

"Oh it's better than any legend, it's true!" the mare replied enthusiastically, serving Twilight a cup of hot tea, it was slightly brown and had a strong smell to it.

"Of... course," Twilight replied carefully. She quickly took a sip of the tea and resisted the urge to scream as the burning hot liquid made it's way down her throat.

"It's a bit strong as I understand it; sorry for not warning you," the teacher replied.

As Twilight let out a very un-princess like choke, before smashing a hoof against her chest and forcing the drink down. "My fault, it was just boiled after-all, it's very nice actually," she noted with some surprise as heat began to spread from her belly outwards.

Smiling Lynch-pin spoke again, "You wanted to know how we support ourselves?" she asked. Taking a much more measured sip of her tea. Twilight nodded and listened.

‘Hming’ the teacher took a moment to think about her answer. "We get our money from a few places, but it's mostly coal and gem mining also some wool, though not so much the latter," she explained simply.

'That's a bit of an underwhelming answer' Twilight thought. As if psychic the young teacher continued her speech.

"We were founded over a millennium ago. A collection of commoners sent of by some fickle lord or lady to try and tap the ‘unlimited’ resources locked in the crystal mountains. This was before the princess's finished uniting united all of Equestria. So there were still petty nobles and tyrants with more influence than brain cells," she barked out a laugh. Twilight joined her with a polite chuckle other own.

"So they set out, a few hundred ponies strong, deep into the mountains. Some think the town itself has moved steadily over the ages and I don't think they're wrong. There's too many scattered landmarks that at least imply somepony building there for them to have been uninhabited. It turns out there weren't as many gems as the nobles wanted, but a lot of coal. So we make a decent amount of that these days, no sensible pony folk would work up here so we don’t have much competition," she grinned.

"Nopony's sure what happened but at some point our ancestors lost contact with the one who sent them here, survival became ‘harder’ but not impossible. In the summer there's a surprising amount that can be grown here even if its not enough to trade. There were other settlements nearby, by that I mean a three week trek down a mountain slope," they both laughed.

"I'm a little surprised there isn't any sort of logging done here," Twilight wondered. There were certainly enough trees for it after all.

Lynch-pin smiled knowingly. "We actually need them here more than anywhere else. Partially to help build frames for houses but besides that, they actually help stop avalanches and help hold everything together. So taking out all the trees would probably destroy us, and the local animal population," she replied. Her tone becoming very -teacher like- Twilight recognized the sound. It was similar to what her friends called her ‘lecturing voice’ it was a unique experience to be on the other side of it. The princess somehow always avoided making Twilight feel like she was being lectured. Unless of course she really needed a lecture, 'I won't be forgetting ‘that’ mess for awhile' she thought. 'Or the Want it Need it Spell debacle'.

To distract herself Twilight broached another subject she'd been curious about. "So does the wool come from farms? I can't imagine supporting something like that would be easy, even connected to Equestria as you are now," she asked.

Letting out a small cooling breath over her tea the teacher replied, "That's actually a little complicated to explain to an outsider. Nothing against you princess, it's just something we grew up with." she added politely. "We don't have ‘farms’ per-se. Instead we have a sort of deal with the High Bighorn Mountain Sheep and the Forest Ewes. In the summer it gets too hot, especially with the empires return, so we shear them and keep the wool. They return to the mountain paths and forest trails and we don't see much of them the rest of the year. Some come down for the Gift Giving, but even that's about as rare as the princess's visits."

Nodding Twilight let the conversation simmer for a time, they were in no hurry after-all. And the comforting roar of the fire, the wind gently beating against the rafters and the smell of hot tea made for a relaxing atmosphere.

"Still most of our money and resources comes from mining coal and gems. We have even more since the empires return, we even had a crystal pony pass through here on a trip to Equestria. Have you ever met one? They're very... mysterious I felt," she whispered conspiratorially.

Twilight let an excited smile bloom on her face, she and her friends had met Crystal Ponies after-all, many times. "I have in fact, my friends and I visited the Empire when it first returned and again for the Equestria Games," she said excitedly. Lynch-Pins ears perked up as the mare leaned forward curiously.

"So how did it return, there's lots of rumors about monsters. But to hear it from a pony who was actually there," the teacher wondered with baited breath.

Settling in against the comfy floor pillow Twilight prepared to tell the story. Lynch-pin had already told her so much after-all, and would probably tell her more in the future. There was no reason not to tell her about their first ‘exciting’ trip to the empire.

"It all started when..."

"After that we all got crystals coats, but they didn't last very long," Twilight chuckled. For her part, Lynch-pin hung on the edge of her seat, mouth agape.

Twilight blushed at being so overtly ogled. Not an uncommon occurrence even before her ascension but still an unnerving one.

"That's incredible!" the mare finally spoke, her words tumbling out like a breeze, as Twilight fought back the urge to blush, again.

"Not really, my friends did amazing work at the fair though, and Spike was very brave and I was amazed at Cadence's shield spell. I don't think i'll ever look at stairs or doors the same way again though," she rambled, trying to divert the matter. 'Maybe if I mention the second time we went, that was more embarrassing than anything else.'

"Well, I guess, but still all of it was just so amazing," she finished, her tone rising in pitch as she seemed unsure of what else to say. "Stuff like that only ever happens in stories, normally anyway."

"Thanks, but I think we've strayed a bit, maybe you could tell me more about Nichola?” the nascent princess asked hopefully.

Blinking in surprise the mare responded, "Oh well, there isn't much to say really. Once the foals are done playing we could continue the tour I suppose. Though it feels a little underwhelming in comparison to you and your friends lives," Lynch-pin stated.

Twilight winced uncomfortably, 'I wanted to avoid something just like this!'

Twilight's thoughts were interrupted when the doors to the council chambers swung open with a bang. In flowed a chorus of giggling foals, flushed red in the cheeks as the clambered closer to the fire. They were followed by Celestia, who smiled bemusedly at the scene.

"Bragging my dear?" she asked, her delicate eyebrows arching. "Tsk, tsk, I thought you knew better than that; especially after that friendship report you sent me. What happened again? Something about a ’Mare Do Well’ as I recall?” the princess laughed.

Twilight's wing flared outwards and she let out a small sequel, rising from her cushion she cried, "No that wasn't what I was doing!" she turned to face the rather stunned teacher and asked "Did I come across like that? I didn't mean to and-" Twilight's rant was put to a stop when she felt the princess press up against her side, lowering her neck around Twilight's as a sign of closeness.

"Twilight, I was only joking," she whispered, sounding apologetic but also slightly amused by her former students antics.

"Oh, oh ok then" Twilight panted in relief. Celestia gently disengaged herself from her student and moved to a small table near the back of the room.

The purple alicorn glanced around the lightly lit office and saw that most of the foals were looking at her with some confusion or amusement. She glanced over at the teacher and saw her pressing one hoof to her mouth in a desperate bid not to laugh.

She smiled and chuckled at her own foalishness, "go ahead it was pretty funny."

That was apparently all the encouragement the teacher required because she immediately burst out laughing. To the point of practically rolling around on her own cushion, howling with laughter.

"Can the little ones have some of these cookies?" Celestia's voice emanated out from the back room. The teachers laughter subsided and she have the good graces to look rather embarrassed at herself while Twilight blushed. The foals immediately forgot what they had been doing, and galloped over to Celestia. Bouncing around her like ducklings expecting their mother to feed them.

"It shouldn't be a problem," she said. The teachers eyes darting from side to side avoiding actually looking at the offered treat. "But those are quite filling, all the food we make is, so they can only have half each," the teacher instructed, her professional demeanor returning to her. The foals let out a collective groan as Celestia levitated the cookies broken in halves and quickly dispersed them amongst the foals. Along with a whole cookie flying over to a grateful Lynch-pin.

Twilight levitated a small pile of pillows and blankets near the fireplace. The foals took to them and bundled themselves up cutely with their tiny snacks. Just as Twilight lowered herself back to her own pillow she felt a large presence next to her. Celestia dropped to the ground without any ceremony, accompanied only by a little sigh as she sat next to Twilight, her barrel resting on the rugged stone floor.

Twilight glanced over at her former mentor and saw a singular brown, chocolate chip cookie clenched between her pearl white teeth. The princes smiled and telekinetically broke off one half and levitated it to Twilight.

Twilight suppressed an embarrassed yelp at the closeness. They were both princess's and Celestia chose to sit next to her, she wasn't going to offend anypony. Gently Twilight took the cooky from the princess and brought it to her lips with a crunch.

"Why so quiet Twilight?" the princess asked, bumping into Twilight's side gently. Of course considering the princess's size and Twilight’s jumpy, mood that was still near enough to knocking her over.

"Oh um, sorry I was just waiting for Lynch-Pin to tell me more about Nichola," she covered.

The school teacher was now the center of everyponies attention as she clearly searched for something to say. Twilight felt a little bad about the teachers discomfort, but she'd had enough of being the center of attention for a little while, it was exhausting.

"We could continue the tour once we’re done eating. I think the next place we should stop off is at the town bonfire. It's one of the most important parts of the Gift-giving and serves as a shining example of what Nichola, as a town and community, represent. As well as symbolizing the importance of friendship and the power of cooperation," she said. Clearly referencing a worksheet of some description.

Twilight was surprised to see the foals actually looking excited about such a trip.

"Teacher, teacher!" One of the fillies cried out. Her yellow coated hoof raised in the air, as she peeked out from her blanket that was shared with three other foals.

"Yes, whimsy?" Lynch-pin replied, motioning to the filly politely.

"Tell them the story of Nichola," she said.

Twilight looked around, 'Surely they've heard it by now, why hear it again?' she wondered. That was when the scent of chocolate once again struck her nostrils. She glanced over the room and saw the foals all nursing small steaming mugs of chocolate, with marshmallows.

'Where in Equestria did those come from?!' Twilight questioned. That was when a mug was levitated under her snout by the princess, who gave her a small wink. 'Ah, that it explains that', she thought. Conjuring nothing out of the air was something the princess rarely indulged in. Twilight took a quick sip of her drink and found it almost identical to her mug from the morning, 'Did the princess make it?' she thought, looking up at the alicorn, who actually seemed to duck her head in a bashful nod.

Twilight was snapped out of her reverie when Lynch-pin's voice made it's way to her ears. "Oh I'm sure they've already heard the story," she commented gently.

Twilight fully intended to agree with this. Despite the story being in of itself quite nice it was rather silly so she didn't feel the need to hear it again. Only to be interrupted, or perhaps preempted, by Celestia.

"From the mouths of foals," she smiled. "I personally would love to hear it told again, I doubt my own brief telling could match that of a local and I find it never truly gets tired. Besides it shall be a fine way to pass the time until they've rested and we set off for the bonfire, don't you think?" she asked. Looking at the small fire place and how so many ponies seemed cuddled up for warmth of companionship. "Rather apropos if I do say so myself," Celestia grinned charmingly.

The foals looked eager. Celestia lay her head down on her for-legs, the fire light dancing in her eye's and Twilight felt mildly confused as Lynch-pin began her story.

"Many centuries ago, before even your oldest great grand parents there lived a pony named Nichola. They resided in a mountain town with no name..."

Twilight reclined on her pillow as Lynch-pin began wrapping up the story of the Gift-giver. The foals were clearly, despite obviously having heard it a number of times, completely entrapped by the telling. Even being a full grown pony Lynch-pin herself seemed to get very into the event. While Celestia simply look relaxed, laying down and gazing at the fire. A small serene smile on her elegant features, it was a state that Twilight rarely saw her in these days.

The princess's expression sometimes looked slightly amused at the unfolding story. But if anything she seemed almost on the verge of falling asleep. Though the solar princess seemed to know ‘just when’ a foal was going to look her way to see how the solar princess was enjoying their teachers story. As well as the student's ‘helpful’ additions, and she would looked roused and excited and pull all the right faces to make them happy.

It seemed that the ‘real’ story of Nichola was significantly more detailed and steeped in mysticism. The message was the same, but with the additions the foals and the even more mythical elements of this particular telling. It seemed Celestia's own version had simply been the bare bones of the matter. There were even other stories, or small sagas regarding the founding of the town and Nicholas involvement. Placing the pony as something closer to a folk hero than anything else. Idly Twilight wondered if Celestia was incorrect or if it was the locals.

The more Twilight listened the clearer it was becoming that Nichola, seemed to have an almost almost spiritual reverence from the townsfolk.

"All-right my little ponies, and princesses," she added jokingly, "It's time to go. We have to show our guests the bonfire ceremony. I'm sure there will be plenty for you to do there," she added encouragingly. The foals cheerfully flung themselves off their pillows and out from their quilts. Quickly re-dressing themselves in their winter-wear and making for the door.

Celestia herself slowly rose from the pillow, letting out a deep yawn and stretching like a cat. Twilight simply cracked her neck slightly before making for the door. Her mind trying to piece together the founding myth of Nichola, so reminiscence of Hearth Warming Eve, but so contradictory. The town itself apparently had a hundred different tales and sagas and traditions all built around this idea, this personality. It was strange to say the least, at least to Twilight.

Preparations for the cold made, Twilight followed the school teacher and her foals as they made their way to the town square. The town seemed even busier than it had before! Ponies rushed from street to street, pulling logs and carts behind them, yet there seemed to be an easy feel to it, as though they worked at this pace all the time.

The snowfall seemed to have decreased even allowing patches of the darkening blue sky to stand out against the oppressive grayness.

"There it is!" one of the foals cried, jabbing a hoof towards a house excitedly.

'What does she...' Twilight looked at the house. Then she craned her neck higher and saw that looming over the two story brick house was the making of the world largest fire hazard. "Oh," she said simply.

Twilight heard a small chuckle emanate from the princess at her side. "It's rare to see you stunned speechless my student," she said cheerfully. Seemingly as much to reassure the filly, who was looking a little disappointed at Twilight's reaction.

'Think of something, fast!' she took in a small breath as they turned the corner. "It's incredible, to see it towering over the housing like that, I've never seen anything like it," she said. Trying to inflect as much enthusiasm into her words as she could, and it was admittedly impressive, if terrifying in it's potential body count. Her word seemed to reassure the foal who pranced back up to the front of the cue with a smile on her face.

Now Twilight could fully see the much spoken of bonfire and it definitely lived up to it's reputation. Easily three stories high, maybe more, she hadn't been able to measure it properly, yet. It stood tall and wide taking up almost as much ground space as Carousel Boutique. Logs, twigs and even entire dried branches were piled up upon one another in a manner that seemed to lean toward both sturdy and precarious.

The bonfire itself was surrounded by a great circle of painted red metal. That was clearly there to stop any fire from spreading too far into the giant town square. It's size likely a call back to the ancient market days of the middle ages. The snow had been swept clear as had the sky above the square, letting the winter sun shine down on the ponies as they worked.

Wooden benches and large cooking pits were scattered around. Carts filled with popcorn and pastries were still sealed shut, evidently waiting for just the right moment to open their doors. 'There's even a well right in front of the bonfire. It must be to help put out fires, though...' she looked up and just imaged it blazing in the night. 'I can't imagine anything but a full blown storm would stop that thing if it went out of control.'

"All the food is free on this day, but most of the ponies who run the stalls are working at the moment," Lynch-pin said. Possibly noticing that Twilight had been eyeing the carts hungrily.

Blushing Twilight replied, "Oh, um that's fine I was just- I had a big breakfast anyway," she smiled.

"You'll want to have a big appetite for this evening, the chefs here are fantastic. The main meal is probably my favorite part of the this celebration," Celestia chimed in conversationally. She gently nudged nudging Twilight as a show of encouragement.

'Since when has she been so casual?!' Twilight wanted to cry. Only to be interrupted by the chirping of about a dozen foals all wanting to explain what ‘their’ favorite aspect of the holiday was. Naturally it mostly related to presents.

"The presents are the best bit princess, princesses!" one cheered.

“Nah! It’s getting time off of school!” cried another.

Chuckling Celestia replied, "Quite understandable.”

"Yeah, last year I got a model train set, i'd show it to you but my house is on the other side of town," another crowed proudly.

"I'm sure it's quite a sight," Celestia said kindly.

"My pogo stick is great, I can bounce really high on it!" one colt said, jumping up and down as if to prove his point.

Feeling a little, something, Twilight interjected, "I can see that, even without it you can jump high,” she said, hoping what she offered was an encouraging smile. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Celestia looking down at her happily.

"Thanks!" the colt replied excitedly, as he started to bounce around them in circles.

"What was your favorite Gift-giving day present princess?" one pony asked her, startled Twilight didn't know quite how to respond. Her wings twitched as she spoke, "Oh, um I never really got one. I had Hearth Warming Eves gifts if those are similar but I'm afraid this Holiday isn't really celebrated where I'm from," she said awkwardly.

The foal shook her head. "Hearth Warming is totally different and not nearly as good as our holiday. Besides even if you don't have the holiday you should get a present if you were good, right?"

"Not really," she mumbled awkwardly. Knowing she was on thin ice as she spoke her natural bluntness warring with her knowledge of exactly where this conversation could go. "You see, I think it's that-"

"Her logic is unassailable Twilight," Celestia interrupted cheerfully, before lowering her head down to the filly's level. Or as close as she could get without dropping to her knees. "But my little pony, I imagine that because this holiday isn't celebrated as far outside Nichola as it should be. That Twilight may not have realized who she got those little extra gifts from. I have heard that leaving a note saying a present is from a long lost cousin is one of Nichola's ways of maintaining the mystery outside of town," she stage whispered dramatically.

Twilight's head snapped to the princess. Her wings spread deftly as she looked over the elder alicorn scandalized that the princess would actually help maintain the charade. she could see the students obviously thought Twilight was just surprised at such a revelation. Lynch-pin was obviously happy Twilight hadn't explained that "Nichola" didn't visit ponies outside of the town. Where it would be easy enough for parents to slip an extra toy into the pile.

"Um, yeah, that must be it," she lied unconvincingly. But that seemed to more than satisfy the foals, who were distracted by the sight of the mayor's approach.

The small stallion galloped up. In-place of the snow hat he was wearing a padded chefs hat over the top of his thinning mane. "Ah you've arrived a little earlier than expected, not all the wood has been stockpiled for the night but everypony is taking a bit of a break. We're preparing the soup to warm up some of the workers, would you all care to join us?" he asked politely.

"I'm sure we'd be delighted," Celestia assured, falling in line with the mayor and making sure to keep her trot slow so she didn't accidentally overtake everypony. Twilight had always wondered if the princess found doing such a thing irritating.

'I need a break, this is all too much, of everything' she thought. Looking at the princess, the bonfire the foals. The change in her mentor ‘former’ mentors behavior, her confusion and irritation over how seriously everypony took a mere holiday. 'I need to think,' she decided resolutely.

"Twilight aren't you coming?" Celestia asked gently having noticed her frozen state; desperately Twilight searched for a polite way to leave this scenario.

"Um, actually... it wouldn't really be fair for me to have any soup if the ponies working are waiting for it. Besides I've been wanting to see some of the mountains wilderness in a bit more detail since I got her. Maybe I should go gather some more wood and then I’ll join you?" This actually seemed to impress the mayor and the students immediately began clambering with their teacher to go as well.

Celestia gave her a considering look, the first one she'd really seen that day. "You raise a good point and I'd be a poor guest if I didn't help out as well, I'll go with you," she said.

'This is exactly what I wanted to avoid!' Twilight's thought with irritation. Being alone with the princess was normally an opportunity she'd relish, normally.

"Can we come too, we never get to go into the mountains, Yeah we want to help!!" the foals seemed to say as a mass.

"I'm really not sure, field trips need more escorts than just me," Lynch-pin said uncertainly. Clearly not looking to deny her students the chance to help.

'Aha!' Twilight cried silently "Why not have princess Celestia go with you? A teacher and two princess's might be a bit much. But there’s no way anything can go wrong with Princess Celestia around,” she assured. Now Celestia was definitely giving Twilight an odd look, subtly though, as the foal practically started dancing around her in excitement.

Twilight could see Lynch-pin looking at her curiously, likely wondering why she didn't want to come along as well. 'Ooh I hope she doesn't take it the wrong way,' Twilight worried, resisting the urge to look away.

"That seems fair enough. Don't worry in the slightest I'll keep my eyes on them as attentively as I do my own sun,” The solar diarch assured confidently. Her wings sweeping out as she gently herded the foals and teacher to the town edge, sending Twilight a polite nod as she went.

Twilight took the distraction for what it was and she summoned her magic enveloping her body in a faint purple light and with a flash she disappeared.

As fast as she'd vanished Twilight re-appeared with a flash. The surrounding forest and snow providing an excellent cover for her. 'Glad I didn't accidentally try to teleport inside anything. That always gives me a headache.' A pony, nor any creature as far as she knew could reliably teleport inside anything. At least not by accident, the caster would just bounce of the object in question and reappear nearby.

Twilight let out a relieved sigh, mist spilling from her mouth as she did so. The snowfall continued unabated and the young alicorn shivered. "It's so much colder with nopony around," she muttered rebelliously.

The forest canopy was covered in snow, Twilights ears twitched and she could hear the small sounds of a few animals not in some form of hibernation. Snow covered the trees and bushes, what little green and brown could be seen standing out starkly against the whitened landscape.

'Guess i'd better find some dry wood,' she thought with a sigh. The alicorn turned and made her way out from the nest of trees and into a wide opening. Grey slabs of stone occasionally jutting out of the snow or from bushes as she walked.

Too lost in her own thoughts Twilight didn't even notice when her walk took a steep incline. The snow crunching under her hooves growing thinner as more and more stone and the occasional patch of dead grass appeared in front of her barely aware eyes.

That was when a snowball collided with the side of her head, flinging her off balance and to the ground with an ‘oomph!’

"Just what I needed," she mumbled. Uncertainly rising to her hooves and out of the wet dirty snow as a group of yearlings galloped up to her.

"Sorry, sorry! I am so sorry!" one of the colts cried, his voice cracking as he and his friends. Another yearling colt and a young mare about the same age galloped to her. Stopping at a respectful, or shocked, distance once the saw her wings, flared in surprise a natural ingrained defense mechanism against attack. 'Which would be really useful if I was being attacked, and a faster flyer,' she thought with irritation.

Twilight could feel her sensitive ears twitching. So used to picking out even the smallest scrap of sound in the library, the three young ponies attempt to have a hushed conversation never stood a chance.

"Oh, Tartarus, we hit a princess!" the first colt whispered, his voice rising several octaves as he tried to remain quiet. He was a mostly creamy colored pony with a sandy blond mane.

"But there's only three princess's how do we know she's not a pegacorn, thingy," the blue coated, brown maned mare replied.

Pegacorns was a pony with pegasus wings and a horn, but usually lacking any sort of extended life span or extra magic. In most cases they were universally weaker than the average pony on magical fronts and some never learned how to harness their full magic at all. They were also almost all universally sterile. The only two Twilight could think of was an ancient apprentice of princess Celestia. She bit her tongue thinking of her, former, mentor and a famous mayor and general, from Stalliongrad.

"That doesn't make a difference does it, besides she's just standing there what if we hurt her?" the third pony asked, he was a tall colt, probably just on the cusp of becoming a stallion. He had an orange coat and a blue mane styled like some smaller version of Rarities.

Shaking her troublesome internal monologue off Twilight spoke to reassure the younger pony's. "It's alright really," she sighed dejectedly. 'I really just need a few minutes to myself,' she reflected rubbing her tired eyes.

"Don't worry, it's fine I was just, getting some fresh air, go back to your game I won't bother you," she said. Far more curtly than she had intended, her ears pressed to her skull as she felt guilty.

"Are you really a princess?" the filly asked, eyeing Twilight's wings with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion.

"Of course I am," she replied, a little offended by the ponies tone.

"How does that work? I mean it's not like princess's just ‘spring’ up from the ground or anything," the middle colt asked. Apparently completely unaware of his friends less than friendly tone.

That was a question Twilight had gotten sick of fielding, if only because she wasn't exactly sure of the specifics herself. "It was, a lot of things, I'm one of the wielders of the Elements of Harmony. I'm also princess Celestia’s, former, apprentice in magic and it was after I, well after I understood friendship on a whole new level. With the Elements, my friends, the spell, it all sort of, combined," she finished awkwardly.

'Honestly, I might as well have said, ‘and now I'm an alicorn!’' she thought. Getting into the starry plane and Celestia's song was somethings significantly more personal, so she had only shared it with her friends. 'Of course, how much do I really understand friendship?' she wondered.

"That is so cool!" the first colt cried out, his own wings flapping in excitement as he looked over her own slightly larger ones with amazement.

"So how come it's never happened before? I'm sure there's plenty of other ponies who could do all that, I mean, what about Nichola? Well I guess Nichola's already something of an alicorn anyway," the filly reasoned. Her tone overly smarmy, looking over her in more detail Twilight could see the telltale signs of being spoiled rotten. Something she was well acquainted with having grown up in Canterlot and having had the unfortunate experience of meeting Diamond Tiara.

'Did she just imply that becoming an alicorn was like some cheap story told to foals to explain their new toys!?' Twilight let out an angry snort and prepared to fall into a tirade, explaining every single flaw in the story. Every single inconstancy and putting this ridiculous matter to bed one way or the other.

She took one firm step forward and looked down at the three smaller ponies, 'I'm a lot taller than them aren't I?' she realized. They were still young, the filly barely out of her childhood years surely.

'And remember what happened last time. This means so much to them even if it is silly. It's just a fantasy an old story but... what if somepony said Clover the Clever was a hack spell-caster?' she wondered. The three foals having scarcely noted her internal dialogue and in fact the other two ponies were in the midst of criticizing their friends poor manners.

"You can't speak to a princess like that," one insisted.

"Don't you know how much the Elements of Harmony have done?" the other asked incredulously.

"It really doesn't matter, don't worry so much you two, but thank you, I really appreciate it." She turned and eyed the young filly down with a small patient smile, "Curiosity's a good trait anyway," she assured.

The three foals calmed down at her respective praise and Twilight started wondering just how to get rid of them. 'So far this ‘relaxing jaunt’ has turned out to be anything but,' she thought.

"But what about... I mean is Nichola an alicorn as well? I know he wouldn't live in Canterlot like other princess's but it only makes sense. How else could all those presents get around except by alicorn magic?" the filly insisted her tone significantly more relaxed than before.

'Oh great, I really don't want to lie to them but anything else and who knows the trouble it might cause.'

"Quite an interesting question there my dear filly," Celestia's lyrical voice appeared from behind a dense cluster of bushes and trees. The solar alicorn slipped through the bushes as though they were water, 'she must be using magic.'

The three foal turned and stood stock still in shock at the presence of another princess. One significantly more well known than, well any other, as she smiled over all of them warmly, her eyes just slightly amused.

"As for dear Nichola, easily one of the kindest and most generous ponies I have ever known. Well I will tell you this much. There are many magics in the world and I wouldn't be surprised that if you look hard enough and in the right places you might see how it can be done," she said.

Then she coughed into her hoof. "But that sort of thing is better left for another day. I believe that the food is being served and you three are likely expected back with by your parents, most likely very soon," she hinted. The amused smirk not leaving her face.

"Oh feathers! We stayed out way later than we should have," the filly muttered. completely engrossed by her silver watch on the outside of a cloth covered hoof.

"We can grab some wood on the way back, come on, we all have to chip in!" the pegasus cried, charging into the undergrowth quickly followed behind by his friends, who cheered goodbye as they went.

"Bye princesses!"

"Thanks for talking to us!"

"Sorry if I was rude," the filly muttered,. clearly embarrassed a she turned and followed her friends, performing a running bow as she disappeared into the undergrowth.

As they disappeared Celestia turned and looked at Twilight her eyes closed as a pleasant smile encompassed her features.

"Weren't you meant to be watching the foals with Lynch-pin?" Twilight asked. Choosing to look anywhere but at the princess.

Blinking the solar diarch replied, "I was actually, along with those three, just to ensure they get home. but the little ones got bored quite quickly and we guided them back to town." She glanced behind her, eye's taking on a luminescent glow as she did so. "I have a small avatar watching over those three. there are few predators here, but even snowfall could be a danger, They should be fine though. truly I came here looking for you," the princess said with finality.

"Twilight," she could hear the princess utter quietly, as the cold wind broke on her face. "I saw that you wanted to sneak away, aren't you enjoying yourself?" the princess asked, almost sounding unsure of herself.

"I know you almost had an argument with those foals but-" Twilight could feel a warm wing stretching over her, readying to embrace her. 'I can't!' Twilight shoved, truly shoved, the eldest alicorn in existence, her mentor and idol princess Celestia.

"Princess!" she cried. But beyond staggering ever so slightly and locking her wings to her side the princess didn't seem physically troubled. Until Twilight looked into the alicorn's magenta eyes, the princess seemed to be almost reeling. Shock and pain were clear on her beautiful features, before sadness took hold, her head dipping. "I'm sorry Twilight, I am not sure what I've done but I'm sorry and what ever it is I can try to make it up to you," she whispered hoarsely.

Twilight wanted to embrace her teacher, to beg forgiveness and apologize for hurting someone who meant so much to her. She'd scarcely ever felt so low as she did now. But her wings twitched and suspicions and frustration forced their way into the forefront of her mind. ‘Don't drop this!’

Twilight tried to summon her anger, some indigence, but the wind was taken out of her sails. To see the princess standing such a respectful distance away on the mountain top, reminding her almost of a lost puppy at that moment. Twilight led out a tired sigh. "It's not anything you've done, today's been good, great even, despite some issues. Spending time with you like this it's been wonderful but..." she was lost for words. The princess's mouth opened as if to advise her but she immediately closed it. She knew that the words had to be Twilight's or they'd have no worth.

"Back when you were my teacher I looked up to you, I still do in so many ways. I was closer to you than anypony and even if I didn't really understand friendship I think you were my friend back then." She glanced at the elder alicorn, awaiting a response.

"Of-course we were, and are, friends Twilight. That's what I've long since felt," the princess insisted.

"That's what I thought as well. But then before I left for Ponyville, a full year before you told me to learn about the magic of friendship you just, changed. You were still kind, still my mentor, but it seemed like you were restraining yourself. Our long talks on magical theory seemed to dry up. Those late night astronomy lessons that kept going way over my curfew. Everything," she stressed.

"Eventually I started thinking. ‘What did I do wrong?’ is she not interested in me anymore? Why has everything changed?" Twilight saw the princess jerk back at her statement.

"Twilight, that wasn't what I ever intended. You've never disappointed me," she replied, her voice strained.

"And then you told me to stay with my friends, I was glad, but upset as well. I so rarely got to speak with you, only through letters and when I went to the Gala, even then we barely spoke... I... but today you've been so friendly so relaxed with me and-" she heard the princess gasp as her wings twitched rising up from her sides despite the cold. "Is it because I’m a princess now?" She asked, her voice on the edge of breaking, "was I not worthy before? Could we only be friends now?"

Twilight had half expected the princess to bundle her up like when she was a filly and had hurt herself or grown scared in a lesson. But she didn't, princess Celestia looked her over, pain clear in her eye's but her poise once again that of the refined princess Twilight had grown up admiring.

Celestia walked up to her in long purposeful strides, the snow crunching under her hooves as she came to a stop barely half a foot away from Twilight. "That is not the case my student," she said seriously her tone level.

'Student?' she almost felt a little giddy being called that again.

"I never intended to make you feel like I didn't care, but I can see that I have made mistakes," she continued sadly. "Twilight if there is one thing you take from this conversation let it be that I adore you. I have for years and your rank, your tribe and sex, those are all equally meaninglessness to me. I consider you my friend, my closest friend," she said breathlessly.

"I am as casual with you as I am now because I want to be closer with you. As it was when you were younger," she said simply and directly, just the sort of thing Twilight needed when she was upset. "If I am closer to you now, if I am being more open it is because you have graduated from being my faithful student,. Had you graduated and not become a princess or become a princess sooner my behavior would not be different."

"So its just because I was your student?" she asked her head dipped low, Celestia sat down next to Twilight and looked over the mountain vastness. She reached down and nuzzled under Twilight chin ever so lightly.

"Not exactly, as it is with all things it's more complicated than that. Tell me Twilight, when you studied under me, when we were so close. How often did you speak to your parents?" She asked, arching a single elegant eyebrow at Twilight. "What about your brother or Cadence? Though she was rarely about at that time, I was surprised you did not try to write her letters. What about Spike, Twilight?" she asked, her tone deep.

The lavender alicorn looked down at her snow covered boots, her memory flashing back to the times she'd ignored Spike. Forgotten to respond to her brothers letters or had simply isolated herself from her parents, who themselves were very busy ponies. All so that she could study, even before the princess distanced herself.

"I didn't, I barely talked to them at all. You were the only thing that mattered to me besides my studies," she admitted, shame welling her stomach.

"That's not so, but you did lose perspective, and you are hardly the first, we all do on occasion. But that was one of the reasons I distanced myself. I feared what I was doing to you, what effect I might have on your life should things continue like that." Celestia almost seemed to be looking through Twilight, to some faraway place or pony.

"Feared princess?" she queried, looking at the elder alicorn as the solar princess gazed off into the mountains her eyes distant.

"I feared it was my fault, I worried that you weren't making friends with ponies your own age, instead studying all the time. That was why I arranged for Spike to be your assistant. I hoped having him around, and being responsible for teaching him would help you connect with others," she revealed. "But there was more than that. I feared I was overshadowing you, that nopony was approaching you out of fear of me and I was certain that even if you didn't realize it then it would lead you to a sad future. Pursuing only knowledge not for yourself but to live up to some imagined standard you felt I had set for you. That would lead to a sad end," the princess revealed mournfully.

"So," the princess sighed. "I distanced myself from you, I would never want you to think I didn't care but I freed up your schedule and tried to encourage you to get out more. To meet ponies your own age, not just an ancient mare like myself," she chuckled self derisively.

"I worried that you would be consumed by me, to live forever in my shadow and I couldn't let that happen to you Twilight. I realized later, after a year of watching you from a distance that whether it was presence or not-"

"It wasn't! That's just what I'm like, don't blame yourself!" She stressed, pressing her hooves up against the princess's chest to get to something closer to eye level.

"Thank you my student, but I imagine I played a role, even if I wasn't alone," she insisted. "I didn't want to lose you, one of the few I could be myself with and so I did monopolize your time even as a friend. As your elder and teacher I should have known better." she replied a small smile appearing on her face as she relaxed. "It was hard to do, but I felt it was the best way for you to grow, I didn't want to be the only thing in your life, that wouldn't be fair to you."

"And without me, the Elements..." she drifted off as Celestia shook her head emphatically.

"I will admit,” she said abashedly. "I had plans for the Elements of Harmony and they involved you. But that was not the only plan and I had no intention of forcing you down any path. There were other possible ways to save Luna. Cadence was one of my alternatives and I had a few options myself, though they were less certain. But, I won't deny that I had that much faith in you," the princess whispered, nuzzling Twilight's mane tenderly.

"Nightmare Moon's return and me sending you out with explicit, rather than implied, instructions to make friends wasn't a coincidence. Neither were the friendship reports. I didn't feel it right for us to be so close, not when I had to be your teacher first and foremost Twilight. But please know I never stopped caring about you," she urged gravely. "But you deserved, no you needed, the chance to grow in a manner that I couldn't help you with."

The princess looked down sadly. "That's why I sent you away, why I distanced myself from you, you needed to grow as a pony and I couldn't teach that to you only life could." The princess's wing tip lifted Twilight's chin up, “But as time passed I saw how you grew, how much wiser you've become with your friends by your side. I could see how you had come out of your shell and become your own mare," the princess whispered with pride.

"But that's when I also detected a change in you. A long forgotten ancestor gene, energized and brought to life thanks to using the Elements of Harmony. I knew you needed to be helped on your way and I made that your final test," she confessed.

"You graduated Twilight Sparkle and you became a princess, but one did not depend upon the other. I consider every pony, ever creature my equal and I have thought of you as my pear and my friend for the longest time. I just felt we needed to close one chapter in our relationship to start the next." The princes brought Twilight into a deep hug, hooves and wings wrapped around the tiny alicorn's frame as she heard the princes lean over her and whisper. "I'm so sorry Twilight, I never intended to hurt you."

They stayed like that for Twilight didn't know how long. As if Celestia was afraid Twilight would simply vanish should she let go. Nuzzling deeply into the princess's warm coat Twilight knew the perfect way to end this ‘chapter’ of their lives.

"Dear Celestia,

Today I learnt a lot about myself and a close friend of mine. I learnt that it's important for me not to bottle up my worries and that I should be open with my friends. Because they always have the best intentions and between friends a little mis-communication is nothing."

"My dear friend Twilight,

Today I was taught a very valuable lesson in friendship, one I have too often forgotten. I learnt that even the best intentions can go awry. And when that happens I should be open with my friends rather than trying to shield them and hide either them or myself from the mistake. Because a true, true friend will understand that I care.

And that I need to trust my friends to be able to understand that I only want to help and that I should accept their help intern.

"Your dear friend,

Celestia, Twilight Sparkle."

They finished their ‘letters’ in unison and leaned against one another, relief clear on their faces as they gazed up at the stars. Then Twilight heard Celestia chuckling, she giggled a little herself before the two of them were laughing as loud as they could. Twilight's energetic and youthful laughter with the princess's surprisingly deep and booming one. Celestia grasped Twilight tightly and flung herself down the hill, wings shielding her from the worst of the snow as they sped down, rolling and laughing all the way.

Upon reaching the bottom Celestia rolled out onto her back, stretching her wings against the the snow. Twilight stayed resting on the princess's left wing. 'No sense in freezing my flank off,' she thought.

"You know Twilight," the princess sighed out, her tone weary. "I was speaking from personal experience when I said living only to learn, or to work was an empty life, I've done it before,” she confessed. “The worst of it was after... the incident one thousand years ago," she said seriously. Twilight rolled over and propped herself up against the elder alicorn, intrigued as to the sudden change in topic.

Celestia was looking up at the stars grimly, "What happened?" Twilight asked, if the princess needed to get it off her chest then she should, Twilight thought.

Celestia glanced at Twilight from the corner of her eye before returning her focus to the night sky, what little was visible through the clouds. "After I banished, Nightmare Moon, I fell into a terrible depression,” the alicorn replied candidly.

Celestia's face twisted, her expression became pained as she spoke, "How could I? Banish the one closest to my heart, the one whom I had always tried to protect. We were meant to spend eternity together and yet I sent her away," the princess bit out. Her voice straining and Twilight was certain she could almost see tears in those magenta eyes.

Twilight leaned into the princess, nuzzling her affectionately. Comforting had never been one of her talents but she felt Celestia let out a small relieved sigh. The older princess reached up and rubbed the smaller ponies back with a hoof, "Have you told Luna about all this?" Twilight asked.

In response she let out a small chuckle. "You always have an easier time being more casual with her," the alicorn smiled ruefully at her. Celestia's flowing mane surrounding and framing her face.

"Uh that is, um because...?" she didn't actually have an answer for that.

"Hahaha, don't fret over it my dear." Celestia leaned back, taking in a deep breaths, in and out, in and out, her warm breath creating plumes of mist as she did so. "And yes before you ask again, I have spoken with my sister about this in great depth, or at least some of it. But my problems should not be her problems even if she has managed to drag much of it out of me." she smirked proudly before muttering, “Even if she has done much for me since her return.”

Her grin immediately turned into a frown as Twilight glared at her. "Given today's lesson, perhaps we should speak more. I simply don't want to hurt her just so I can feel some closure," Celestia explained.

Twilight nuzzled other mare, a decision like that wasn't easy, "I'm sure she can handle it."

Celestia lay her head back against the snow, stretching out her swan like neck as she did so. "I tried to release her," she said, half lidded eyes peaking at Twilight curiously.

"Really?" she'd never expected that, but then even if one of her friends, if Shining Armor had done something of similar scale Twilight could see herself trying to free them. If only in some vain hope of also saving them from themselves.

"Yes," she nodded. "I flew straight there, in a way that no normal pony could survive. Almost nothing can live in deep space and certainly not within the moon itself, not naturally at least.” The solar princess grimaced as she spoke, “I began tearing at the cage immediately. Nightmare Moon screeching at me as I did, swearing vengeance and cursing the ponies for their ignorance. Eventually I found that while I could enter the prison she could not escape.” Celestia leaned back against the snow, closing her eyes, “I went in hoping to... do something, anything!" Celestia said, as if searching for the words.

"I pressed myself to her, I wanted to hold her and chase the demons away as I had done so many times in the past, but I left bleeding," she muttered.

"What!?" Twilight screeched, ever mane hair standing on edge as she did so.

"It's fine Twilight, I healed, as often as it happened. I believe it made me much stronger for it," Celestia replied airily, clearly wanting to move on.

"But she, she's your sister, even as-"

"She was not," Celestia interrupted firmly. "I do not consider Nightmare Moon and my sister one in the same, I know Luna does, but I would not want to, even if it can be unavoidable."

"Moving on," the princess said tightly. "I did discover that the cage could be broken, even the power of the Elements is not immutable. As an outsider it would be, not easy, but simple enough to break the prison with my power. Those binding were specifically designed to keep Nightmare Moon imprisoned and our magics are quite different," she explained. Not taking her eye's of the patch of stars, still not hidden by the winter clouds.

That was news to Twilight she'd scarcely thought the Elements could be defeated by, well anything, but it made sense. Nightmare Moon had escaped, before Discord even, despite being imprisoned for less time. 'That explains the stars aiding her, sort of' she thought. Despite her role as a wielder Twilight knew very little about the Elements. She made a mental note to ask the princess for more details on them later.

"So there it was, after listening to her for hours, feeling her blows rain down upon me I knew I couldn't free Nightmare Moon. She would destroy Equestria, the entire world if I allowed her to go free. But in the same breath I condemned my sister to her cold prison. I visited often, tried to help her, to save her, I even tried some experiments with the Elements but it all led to naught. If I did find a means or somepony to reactivate the Elements she would be free before they could be used on her. and that was assuming they wouldn't simply re-seal her, using the Elements was close to a last resort for me Twilight," the princess explained sadly.

"I never knew princess," Twilight whispered gently.

"Nopony does, or nopony was supposed to and most don't; but I am drifting. I knew I could not free her and saving her seemed to become a distant barely possible dream in the early years of banishment. But I couldn't neglect Equestria, not with the griffon empire waiting in the proverbial wings. The dragons and Diamond Dogs eyeing our lands and our subjects. I had to focus on leadership and bearing the moon, something I never wished to do. With Nightmare Moon and the prison within, moving it was difficult to say the least,” she mumbled as if the very thought of it made her tired.

"So I closed myself off from my subjects, I still loved them dearly but I had no desire to ‘know’ them anymore. The few friends I had I drifted from, it was almost easy," she said, Celestia's tone laced with self-loathing. "There were many reasons, but two chiefly. I resented them," the princess said flatly, glancing at Twilight as if she'd run away in terror at the thought.

'Given how some Canterlot ponies behave I wouldn't blame you,' she thought. She bit her tongue to keep from actually vocalizing that opinion.

"I blamed them for not loving my sister enough, for not appreciating her work and contribution to Equestria. But more, I despised myself for choosing them over Luna, it was the right thing intellectually I knew, but I still hated myself for it. But hate is a weak shield and one I could never endorse, I knew I blamed myself, and that was why I chose distance. I intended to abstain from everything that brought me joy until my sister was at my side again." Celestia whispered, her voice tense.

"What right did I have to be happy while my sister lay in prison? By my own actions!" It wasn't really a shout, but it was definitely above what passed for normal from the solar princess.

"So, I closed myself off, I guarded them, led them, but I refused to know them. I would spend each night trying to aid my sister or simply staring at the moon, when I could at least, an invasion couldn't be ignored after all. It didn't last though, there were a number of reasons but one of them is close to you in particular Twilight Sparkle." Celestia smirked, clearly expecting Twilight to figure it out for herself.

"Cadence?" Twilight wondered aloud, she was rewarded with a slight nod from the princess.

Celestia let out a small warm laugh. "Yes, she was a small filly back then, and it had been some years since we had met. She was being raised within Canterlot and had just received her Cutie Mark. You know Cadence can feel others emotions as clearly as you feel magic don't you?" she asked.

Twilight nodded, remaining silent.

"She came to me, burst into my throne room, past the guards and Duke right in the middle of a petition. She flung herself into my chest and started sobbing, wailing incoherently," the princess said quietly, almost guiltily. "She, well she said many things, only half of them comprehensible even to my ears. I know she begged me not to feel so sad, insisted that that I couldn't be so broken and well, begged to help me," the princess said. Pride in her niece warred with what Twilight assumed was some form of shame over apparently causing her to cry.

"That was sweet of her," Twilight said gently or lack of anything better to add to the conversation.

"It was, the guards tried to remove her, but I shook them off and had everyone leave my court and once the doors were sealed... I wept, no I was outright bawling for the first time since the banishment... and she comforted me. I'd already cared for her deeply and she was one of the few things capable of bringing a genuine smile to my face in those days. It was why I limited my time with her, but after that, I just couldn't. She helped me a great deal and I eventually taught her how to put up walls to protect herself from being overwhelmed by my feelings. I actually lambasted myself for letting my own walls down, so thoroughly that a foal could see through them. But we all have our limits, this was centuries ago now."

"She's that old?" Twilight asked, stunned rigid.

"Hm, oh yes, why do you think I called her ‘mare’ and your brother ‘colt’ at the wedding? Bad joke I know, but still valid. She's still young though, but all alicorns can, shift, their body to an extent. Cadence takes after Luna and has always been good at at it. Especially making herself look younger or older, larger and smaller,” Celestia chuckled. “Once when she was a filly her caretakers called me. She'd sealed herself in her room and refused to leave. Cadence had been experimenting with that power and but had made herself look old and couldn't change back. I spent the rest of the day coaching her through it." Twilight smiled as Celestia chuckled at the memory.

Twilight almost did as well, but she restrained herself out of sympathy for her old foal sitter, she'd had plenty of magical mishaps as well after-all.

"After that, I invited her to Nichola, it was something Luna and I used to do and I felt Cadence deserved the chance to enjoy it as well. There were other factors but Cadence helped me realize I couldn't close myself off like that. I hate what I would have become if I continued down that path. So instead I worked to make an Equestria where Luna could return to, a safe and happy place, with my little ponies help of course." the princess fondly pressed her cheek against Twilight's.

"There were others who helped me whether they knew it or not. An rival of mine, who relished in needling me. Dedicated scholars and workers who amazed me with their developments. It made me feel guilty as though I was ignoring Luna, and I would not let myself forget, but if I was to stop feeling. I would have become a monster,” she whispered.

"That would never happen," Twilight said simply, nuzzling the princess's mane fondly.

"Thank you Twilight." with that Celestia suddenly rose, her wings cradling Twilight's smaller frame as she did so. "But so that I may try and make some form of point out of this confession. I know what it's like to live with only a goal in mind, not allowing anyone to enter one's heart, whether it be leadership, or study. That was why I could so easily recognize it in you, even if our motives were different. One needs to, expand their social circle, to at least be willing to allow others in so that they may grow and that's a lesson I think we can all use."

"Time and time again Pri- I mean Celestia," Twilight chuckled ruefully as Celestia ruffled her mane affectionately.

That was when the sight of Nichola off in the distance appeared more prominently in Twilight's mind, "Ah!" she screamed out, her wings flaring as she collapsed from Celestia's gentle hold to the snowy ground. Quickly rising Twilight proceeded to perform a dance. She didn't realize she was but it always happened when she grew tense, her wings flapping with her tiny jumps as if trying to take off.

"We've been out here for ages, I just said I was going to help get some wood and now. Oh what if they think we left? That would set an awful precedent, I'm sorry I-" Twilight's ‘minor’ meltdown was calmed as Princess Celestia pressed a fluffy boot covered hoof against her chest.

"Don't be so stressed Twilight, we weren't gone that long, and you had every right to want time to yourself. We'll simply gather some wood for the fire and return; of course it will need to be a large amount to compensate for our talk, hmm." the princess dropped to a sitting position and placed one hoof under her chin, rubbing it absent-mindedly.

'OK, maybe chop down a tree? No that sort of wood is awful for fires, maybe Celestia knows a drying spell, genius!'

Before Twilight could speak the Solar princess clapped her hooves together happily and cried out, "That's it!"

"What is?" Twilight asked, maybe they'd had the same idea?

Smiling mischievously Celestia replied, "Wood magnets."

"Wood magnet?" she replied, one eyebrow arching, her tone dead as a pan.

"Wood magnets" Celestia said proudly, puffing out her chest as she spoke, her horn awash with golden magic.


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"That shouldn't have worked," Twilight huffed. She levitated a small pile of dried logs over her head, following Celestia back to town.

"Ah but it did and that's the important thing," Celestia replied, smirking like Twilight's annoyance was the most entertaining thing in the world.

"Doesn't mean it had any right to succeed," she muttered as the snow covered ground gave way to the stone cut streets.

Twilight could hear the roar of the crowd. The heat stemming from the town center was palpable even at a distance. The bonfire was burning, lighting up the sky like some sort of miniature sun. 'A very pointy sun, but still.'

It didn't take the two alicorns long to reach the town center, that was packed to the brim with ponies celebrating. They were singing songs, watching puppet shows and even dancing. Most were eating something and Twilight felt her stomach rumble irritably.

"Don't worry, there will be more than enough for you as well,” Celestia assured. As they passed a cart packed with dry wood waiting for it's chance to join the celebration in an inflammatory capacity. Celestia levitated her tree trunk, broke it in half and dropped it into the cart. Twilight followed her example dropping her branches and thick bunches of twigs in next to the princess's and followed her into the celebration. Where-upon a glass of mead, or something to that effect, was shove into her hooves.

"Don't worry it's quite weak and will warm you up," the pony assured before galloping back to their family.

That was when the mayor trotted up and joined them, bowing as he did so. "Princess's we were worried you'd left us before the celebration," he said. His voice raised over the roaring din of the crowd and fire.

"Not at all, we simply got sidetracked," Celestia assured, while Twilight started nursing her drinks. 'wow! he wasn't kidding about warm, I have to get some of this for the others before I leave.'

The mayor guided them through the crowd, at least half the town seemed to be simply sitting or lying down eating under blankets. Once again they were placed with miss Lynch-pin as well as the foals and now their parents. The mayor returning to a cooking pot, where he ladled out stew for them.

"Celestia you don't have to lie down," Twilight whispered as the princess dropped to the ground without ceremony or blankets. Laying on her side looking over the fire happily.

"But Twilight, I can't block everyponies view now can I?" she teased.

Huffing Twilight replied, "Couldn't you just make yourself smaller?"

The alicorn let out a small whinny, "But I like being tall!" her put-on whine falling into a laugh as she finished.

The night continued on in that manner. playful and familiar jokes at one another's expense. Searching out free meals and even contributing to the festivities by supplying fire works much to the joy of the ponies. 'I'll have to thank Trixie for showing me that one.' Twilight thought.

Twilight watched as elder ponies rose and a choir began to sing, the rest of the town quickly joining them in their song. Twilight even raised her own voice when she could get the words right. Though there seemed to be scarcely any rhyme or reason to the singing in the first place.

The mayor and other members made a brief speech and the locals began hurling small offerings into the fire. Fruit and flowers mostly, it occurred to Twilight she was watching a religious festival as much as anything else. Offerings were made to warm their ancestors. Letters and scrolls burned so that they may two know that their families, their descendant know, love, and remember them.

"This is something old princess, incredibly old. There's more to this than anypony realizes," she whispered in a particularly loud song.

Celestia nodded, "Of-course there is, that is the way most things are, would one think there was more to Nightmare Night?" she asked coyly.

That thought rattled in Twilight's head as she looked over the bonfire and saw the exculpated faces of the citizenry. Huddled with family and friends for added warmth. Lynch-pin had literally dozed off on Twilight's side, apparently completely at ease around this new mare.

She could see the once pegasus cleared sky, was now filled with billowing plumes of smoke that drifted off into the night. Somehow she could still make out the stars twinkling and glittering as the mayor performed the last rites. Announcing how tomorrow the gifts they had prepared for one another, and those ‘left by dear Nichola’ would be opened and a hearty cheer rose up.

It was not long after the ceremony that ponies began falling asleep in one another's arms, apparently having no desire to head for their homes. A small skeleton crew of ponies would stand by and keep the fire lit through the night and a few pegasi were ready to stop any sudden snow falls.

Twilight was still wired from the days events. Her mind ablaze with questions that needed to be answered. And the only pony who could was lying down next to her eyeing her tea cup as though it was the most interesting thing in the world. Though the almost certainly unhealthy amount of hot chocolate and mead probably didn't encourage sleep. So she was still quite awake when Celestia gently nudged her side and indicated it was time to leave.

"Don't worry, I usually leave like this, and maybe we'll come back to help clean up. But I feel there's something you want to talk to me about," she whispered mysteriously. Twilight nodded and gently slipped away from Lynch-pin and slipped an extra pillow and blanket around the mare to keep her warm.

With that the two princess's slipped quietly into the night.

Twilight looked up, she could make out the towns great bonfire in the distance, it's light flickering against the high forest canopy.

"Princess, why are you letting them believe some old story? The entire town seems to buy into at least to some degree and... I'm not even sure if it makes sense from a historical perspective. Those rituals were ancient religious rites and the story is younger than those,” she explained.

Twilight looked up at the older mare and spoke, “I can see how important it is to them, but do they need the story for all that? I mean, the respect you give this festival. You can't really believe some foals tale can you?" she asked, annoyance and confusion tainting her tone.

"Of course not, I think I'm a little old for such stories Twilight. But I see no reason to take it away from those foals or to mire it's importance to this town. Time will do that when they are ready to see it," Celestia replied, her tone pleasant and relaxed as always.

"Well maybe they’re ready to see it now," she insisted, stamping her hoof. But the ire had drained out of her, there was something more here, something deeper that she wasn't seeing. "Why did I stop princess? When I could have told those foals the truth. Why do you want me to not tell anypony, why were my friends so angry? What would have happened if they'd stopped believing in the gift-giver, or all those other silly stories their parents tell them?" she asked, her old mentor only smiled serenely in response.

"Then I imagine tomorrow they would find gifts left to them by their parents and any sense of whimsy or hope that there might be something more out there. Something mysterious and worth seeking would be squashed. The raising and setting of the sun and moon would be little more than balls of gas and rock, forced to move by my and my sisters power. Foals then might never reach out to see where they could go or what they might do," she chuckled as Twilight's wings twitched. "I imagine they would not be very happy to have their fantasy ruined before they can grow to see the greater fantasies of life."

"What, are you saying they need fantasies, to believe in a lie, so that they can be happy?" Twilight demanded.

"Little ponies needs fantasy in order to be ponies. So that they can grow and create wonders. To be that place where the earth and heavens meet and to do that they need to believe the greater lies," her mentor replied. Not sadly, but not warmly either.

"What greater lies?" she asked askance.

Her mentor casually rolled her neck and replied, "Justice, compassion, chaos, order, harmony, good and evil. You know, those sort of ideas," she explained with a careless wave of her hoof.

Sputtering Twilight replied, “But those aren't the same at all, all those things exist, they're important!" she insisted. Celestia smiled down at her pride and joy clear on her beautiful features and she chuckled.

"It warms my heart to hear you say that my dear Twilight, it truly does," she replied kindly. Then her tone grew serious. "But you are a mare of study and research, if we were to grind the universe down to the finest powder and if we were to sift through it with the finest siv. Would we find even one atom of justice, one molecule of mercy?" she asked imploringly.

Twilight's mouth opened and closed as she tried to work out a response, some winning argument that could change what she was hearing.

"Would there be some rightness or basic order or natural chaos that the universe and those in it should be judged by?" the princess asked her, the mares tone growing heavy.

"But if we don't believe in those things, why would we ever..." Twilight drifted off and felt a warm wing wrap itself around her tiny frame as the other princess pulled her into a gentle hug.

"You need to believe in things that aren't there, we need to have hope Twilight. Everypony from farmer to princess need it. How else can any of those things ever become true if we don't believe in them?" she asked faintly, pressing her muzzle against Twilight’s mane as she spoke.

Then the princess whispered, "Given how you've turned out, I think we're doing a good job. So how about you join me in spreading some happiness this evening Twilight Sparkle, I could use an assistant!" the princess enthused. Pulling away from her student and standing only a few feet from her, the princess glowed. Her elegant form bending and shifting, becoming smaller and more delicate, almost frail.

"You!" Then Twilight felt the snap of magic around her and she could sense immediately that she was under an illusion. A green uniform adorned her frame and if Twilight were reading it correctly nopony would be able to recognize her. 'A mirror illusion' she realized. Looking at Celestia the spell on the princess was far more complicated. Her form had genuinely changed, light seemed to emanate from her, shifting from form to form. 'Nopony would be able to recognize her now.'

The princess stamped her hoof against the ground and out from behind a bush a chariot exploded into the sky, before coming to hover before them. It was pulled by similarly shimmering ‘mountain rams’ but Twilight could see through the illusion they were little more than magic shells.

Princess Celestia jumped onto the now massive carriage, a small magical aura, invisible to most, helping hold it aloft. The princess cocked an eyebrow at her student and asked, “Coming my number one assistant? Who knows, maybe there's something in here for you."

Twilight's face broke out into a smile and she skipped aboard the chariot and it took off into the sky. Without warning the chariot exploded into activity. Faster than a crossbow bolt they glided across the sky, bells jingling as they flew across the full white moon.

"A few sleigh tracks, some extra presents lying around with a barely spotted shadow or two and I think we can go back and wait for breakfast," the princess said. She looked down and saw Twilight suppressing a yawn and smiled, “And you can get some sleep my friend."

"Only if you're my blanket," she yawned, pulling the princesses invisible wings tighter around her.

It was early morning, the sun was barely visible as it began peaking over the horizon shyly. The morning dew, what could be seen beneath the snow, was still fresh in the air. And Princess Celestia was waiting to be let inside the Sparkle family tower.

'Of course it's early, but I was to understand that the Sparkles were early risers!' she thought. More amused than truly irritated, the novelty of being made to wait outside was amusingly enjoyable.

She shuffled around in place slightly. Gently re-positioning the sleeping alicorn on her back, held in place by wings as much and Celestia's larger frame. The Alicorn could feel a small amount of drool creeping onto her back and she couldn't decide if it was cute or off-putting.

Finally her gentle knocks bore fruit and the door was opened wide. Twilight's mother, clad in slippers, a nightgown and levitating a cup of coffee greeted her dispassionately through half lidded eyes. Then she saw who it was and proceeded to do a rather amusing spit take. Celestia dismissed the coffee without even twitching her wings, dissolving it into the atmosphere.

"Princess, I- what?" the mare's line of questioning ceased as Celestia raised a hoof to her mouth and politely ‘shhd’ her. Motioning to the unconscious mare on her back, still bedecked in her winter gear.

"Is her room still on the top floor, with the library?" she whispered.

Smiling, the ‘older mare’ nodded and motioned Celestia to the steps. With her long, powerful strides reaching Twilight’s old room was an easy matter. She took it in for a moment, more and more book shelves a giant hourglass that was a family heirloom.

She could see the telescope she'd given Twilight for her birthday years before. She could still remember how shocked and excited the little filly had been. Jumping and bouncing around in excitement at her newest gift, it had been one of the most adorable sights she'd seen in ages.

'Poor thing, she's not used to going with so little sleep and so much socializing. Still she seemed to have fun,' Celestia determined. Celestia gently lowered Twilight's sleeping frame to her waiting bed, the quilt already pulled aside via magic.

Once Twilight was comfortably wrapped in her covers Celestia made to leave. With the intention of greeting the Sparkle parents on her way out and maybe having some tea, if they didn't mind. But there was one thing left to do.

Turning she looked over her friends sleeping frame, 'I've got just the thing for you, my dear Twilight,' she thought.

That was when something else caught her notice, a small rectangle wrapped in dark blue, moon themed paper was lying on Twilight's bed side table. One glance at it revealed it's, first edition hard-back, contents and Celestia had to repress a frown. She snorted, 'Luna!'

A willowy voice emanated from the walls, disappearing as quickly and softly as the breeze. "I am the mistress of dreams it’s only natural i'd have a gift prepared."

Celestia could practically feel the self satisfied wink accompanying her sister as she departed. 'Clever' she thought appreciatively, happily impressed as anything else.

Holding a hoof to her chin Celestia contemplated for a moment before an idea came to her, 'perfect!' she thought. With a flash of magic a book appeared, old and weathered by time. It was a small novel and part of a series that she had long since needed to introduce Twilight to. It was smartly wrapped in purple paper with a golden ribbon and placed down gently next to her sisters gift.

"Good bye Twilight, I hope to see you soon," she whispered gently. Humming as she skipped out into the hallway, a small sleepy voice following her.

"Bye Celestia...was fun,” was Twilight's mumbled reply.

Celestia smiled, 'thank you, my friend.'