• Published 7th Apr 2019
  • 1,592 Views, 39 Comments

Shadow Rising - Shadow Hound

What happens when a visitor from the north of Equestria comes for a visit. A event that will change the Kingdom forever. Secrets get exposed, dimensions get crossed And the sun may never rise again. Find out in this adventure story.

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Prologue: The Prince of Shadows

Shadow laid in bed while staring up at the ceiling. “It has been five years since I have seen her,” he told himself. Shadow looked outside a window in the room and looked at the moon. Shadow thought about the last time that they talked. She had said that she was going to meet a pony named Twilight Sparkle. Shadow growled and in a low voice he said. “If Twilight hurt her I am going to destroy Twilight Sparkle.” He shut his eyes and breathed out calmly. “I need to calm down. Celestia wouldn’t do that to one of her citizens? Would she?” Shadow held his paw in front of the window and looked at his nails. “Are the ponies really as vicious as the stories say they are?”

Shadow flopped backwards onto his bed and said, “I miss her.” He rolled over onto his stomach and sighed, “It feels like five hundred moons since I have traveled outside the Lycan Kingdom,” he said to himself. Shadow knew he was exaggerating. Only an Alicorn like him would know what five hundred moons felt like. Most Lycans didn’t live that long. Shadow tried to decide why his father would treat him like a pup by not letting him leave the kingdom.

Shadow felt drained of his energy. He wanted to leave the small room. All that was in the room was a chest, a large floor mirror and a bed.

But if he left the room, where would he go?

Shadow didn’t want to live in the castle with his father so he chose to live in an average one-bedroom house like the rest of the lycan kingdom.

Shadow looked in the dark corner of the room to see two cyan eyes looking at him. When Shadow sat up in the bed the eyes disappeared.

Maybe his father realized that he had grown numb to the typical punishments he had received in the past. After a few hundred years, everything gets boring. Even the lashings that he would receive for disobedience had turned mundane. If anything, Shadow welcomed the pain. It was just a sign that he knew he was still alive. Now his father just doesn’t let him leave the kingdom like some pup. It was insulting.

It had been five years since Shadow has traveled to Equestria. Shadow still could not understand why he had to listen to the pup in charge. That is what they all were to him, Pups. Shadow was over one thousand years old. It shouldn’t matter that the pup in command was a general. How dare his father expect him, a prince of the Lycan Empire, to listen to some pup that was only 40.

The worst is that he didn’t know how much longer before his father would let him leave again. Luckily Shadow met with someone he knew and gave them a mission of his own before they left for Equestria.

Shadow worried. If anyone discovered that Shadow was giving Lycans missions, they would be in danger. He knew he could only trust a handful of Lycans to keep a secret. Shadow knew that if they were all found, his father would make sure that they would not be able to do it again.

Shadow wished he could leave the lycan kingdom. “After all, the only Lycan that he could trust to complete a mission was himself for safety reasons and because in the kingdom his father had many spies.”

Shadow watched the shadows dance on the wall. After too many minutes, he realized that he couldn’t figure out what was casting the silhouettes. As if on command, one of the shadows blinked. Two cyan orbs stared at him again.

Shadow yelled out loud. “I can see you.”

The orbs stared at him. A toothy grin formed on the wall. Shadow growled, “What do you want from me?” And then the eyes blinked out of existence.

Shadow turned over in the bed to look out the window at the moon. Shadow sat up and begged the moon to ensure that the few Lycans loyal to him would have safe travels. If anything happened to them, then Shadow would indeed be alone.

Shadow looked in the floor mirror that was beside the window. In the mirror, he could see the reflection of the back wall. Shadow could see that the cyan orbs watched him from the corner of the room in the mirror.

Shadow turned around and got up to have a closer look. The cyan orbs melted into the wall like a stick of butter.

Shadow walked over to the wall and sniffed the air. Something had been there recently. The scent was familiar, but it was as if Shadow had smelled it over a thousand moons ago. It was hard to remember where he last smelled it. Shadow made a point to remember this scent in case he ever smelled it again. Shadow touched his front paw to the ground and shut his eyes. Shadow’s paw laid against the floor, in the darkness that sat under a table, but his mind went inside the darkness to scan beyond what his eyes could see. After searching the corner of the room for the entity that he smelled, Shadow gave up.

Shadow opened his eyes and said disappointingly, “Welp, whatever it was, it is gone again.”

Shadow laid back onto his bed. He could have sworn he still saw the cyan orbs watching him. Shadow couldn’t sleep. He was uneasy because when he started to calm down, the cyan eyes would reappear and start watching him. Shadow wondered why they were watching them. What were they thinking? And who did the eyes belong too?

Shadow laid in bed, getting more and more frustrated. When he put his head against the pillow, he could hear his heartbeat. Is this normal? He asked himself.

Shadow tried to relax, but he found it challenging. He felt like he was waiting for the dark form to grab and shake him. He wished that it would stop tormenting him and do it.

Shadow considered shooting a magic blast at the wall but quickly dismissed the idea. Whatever it was, it kept disappearing. He would only destroy the wall in the attempt. What if the neighbors hear that? The last thing he would need was to hear from any guards in the area. That would be an awkward explanation. I was shooting the shadows before they grab me. Who would believe me?

Shadow's ears picked up when he heard the guardian horn blast into the night air. That would only mean one thing. There was a pack returning.

Shadow shot up in bed and listened for an answer. He heard one howl which signaled that a pack was returning and was telling the guards to open the main gate. Maybe one of his few loyal supporters would bring him some good news.

Another blast from the horn answered the howl. The horn blast was a sign that the door was clear and it would be opening shortly.

Shadow leaped from the bed and pranced to the door. Once he opened the door, he calmly walked into the night sky the way everyone would expect a prince would walk. When he started to shut the door, he thought he heard giggling coming from the back of his bedroom. Shadow looked back to see that the room was empty. Whatever it was, it would have to wait. If Shadow couldn’t get any sleep, maybe somepup would bring him some good news. At this point, he could use it.

Shadow walked up to the main gate just as the motor that drove the hydraulics whirled to life. The iron roof on a giant metal hinges slowly lowered, creating a ramp to the outside world. Slowly a wagon full of wooden barrels and crates full of merchandise rolled down the ramp and into the Lycan Empire.

After the pack had entered the kingdom, the hydraulics raised the ramp. Once the ramp was in place, a team of flying lycans locked the gate into position. Everyone started to relax because now they were safe.

Shadow wagged his tail because he knew the barrels could only be one thing. Blaze jumped off the wagon. She confirmed his suspicion when she yelled, “Cider!!!” She grabbed Shadow by the neck and put her face to his. “Isn’t it exciting!? We can now throw a big cider party.” Blaze let go and hopped away.

Shadow looked back at the wagon and saw a familiar earth Lycan. Whittwolf stood by the wagon and rolled his eyes. Whittwolf looked at Shadow and pointed at Blaze, “I have been listening to her for the last 3 hours. I am surprised that the titans left us alone. She was making so much noise.”

Shadow walked over and greeted him. “Buddy, it is great to see you back.”

Whittwolf gave him a grin. “It is great to be back.”

Shadow whispered into Whittwolf’s ear, “Let’s go take a walk.”

A group of Lycans started unpacking the wagon. Among them, a muscled teenaged dragon jumped on the wagon. The dragon picked up two barrels on his own and then jumped off the cart.

Whittwolf looked at the dragon. “Bring two of those to Ruby’s.”

The dragon grinned, “Whatever you say, sir.”

Whittwolf looked at Shadow as he said, “There is something that I need to tell you.”

Shadow whispered back to him, “Not here. Wait until we are alone.”

Whittwolf whispered back to Shadow, “I need to tell you right now.”

Shadow replied, “Not now but in a few minutes. I fear someone could hear us. For your safety, please wait.”

Shadow walked away from the main gate and waved Whittwolf to follow. Whittwolf looked back at his pack who were still too busy talking with the guards to notice that he left. Whittwolf slipped out behind Shadow.

Shadow walked on the cobble path that led around the ravine that made up the Lycan Empire. Eventually, he reached a point where the cobblestone road branched out and partly went underground. Shops and stalls lined the pathway. Shadow started to salivate at the smell of meat cooking on open flames.

Whittwolf asked, “Why are we taking the long route?”

Shadow whispered to Whittwolf, “incase we are being followed. If we are I want to see them before we talk.”

Shadow and Whittwolf walked into the busy area that housed the different food stalls.

Shadow looked around at the different stalls. Shadow yelled loudly, “Isn’t the smell of the cooking meat wonderful. I bet you missed this.”

Whittwolf replied, “The jerky was ok, but I do miss the taste of fresh meat.”

Shadow walked down the path and past some stalls. One of the Lycans gave him a large metal spoon full of soup and said, “Try it. I made it this morning, my prince. It is excellent.” Shadow gently grabbed it and bowed his head slightly. He sipped all the liquid and smiled at the stall owner. “Thank you. That was delicious.”

The stall owner smiled and bowed to where his head almost hit the table. “Thank you! I am glad you like it.” Shadow hovered a few ingots onto the stall’s counter and walked away, spinning the spoon with his front paw. Shadow switched to using magic to levitate it in front of him.

Whittwolf looked at Shadow, “Why are you acting strange?”

Shadow barely looked at Whittwolf and grinned. “Look behind us. Two of the packmates from your last mission have been following us.”

Whittwolf replied, “Maybe they are just hungry.”

Shadow looked into the spoon and moved it around until he saw behind himself. “Not likely. They keep looking at us. They haven’t stopped at any of the stalls either.”

Whittwolf said, “Well, you did just steal that guy’s spoon.”

Shadow shrugged. “I needed something reflective, and he didn’t seem to mind.”

Whittwolf replied, “You don’t need it. I have seen you do that shadow thing.”

Shadow looked into the spoon. “Don’t worry. I am going to do that too.”

Whittwolf asked, “Then why do both?”

Shadow grinned, “I wanted to see what they looked like.”

Shadow touched his paw under a stall and, ‘looked into the shadows.’ His eyes glossed over and turned a light yellow color during this time. “Correction, I count three Lycans following us.”

Shadow walked away from the stall and looked at his pal Whittwolf. “It is rather funny?”

The Lycan paused before replying, “What is?”

Shadow chuckled, “They think they can follow me. Nobody can get the drop on me.”

Something moved in front of Shadow. Shadow jumped and dropped the spoon.

“Hello, sir. Why don’t you try some of my fish?” A different stall owner held out a wooden skewer with fish chunks on it.

Shadow looked back to see a row of Lycans lined up at the stall. It was a sea of disappointment. They all frowned and looked at him.

Shadow replied, “Sure. How much?”

The shop owner said, “You are the prince. It is free for you.”

Shadow frowned. “This looks so good you deserve to get paid.”

The shop owner held out more and said, “It is delicious if you like it. why not have more?”

Shadow said, “It is ok.”

The shop owner said, “Better than ok. Why don’t you eat some right now?”

Shadow looked at the group of Lycans waiting in line. They were either gritting their teeth or drooling. Shadow was sure that if they didn’t risk not getting fed for the day, they would have walked over and told him where to go.

Shadow stuck one of the meaty chunks into his mouth and rolled it over his tongue. He responded, “It is delicious.”

The shop owner laughed in joy. “I am so glad that you like it. Have some more.” The shop owner gave him two more. The Lycans in line all groaned and complained.

Not knowing what else to do, Shadow walked away instead. While he did, he looked back at his friend.

Shadow said to Whittwolf, “I wish they would stop doing that.”

Whittwolf said, “Why did you take it?”

Shadow responded, “I don’t want to seem rude.”

Shadow walked into a group of lycans. Quickly he grabbed Whittwolf and dashed into an alley. There he hid behind a pile of boxes and covered Whittwolf’s mouth.

Shadow watched as the three guards from the gate walked by. A slim one said to a small one. “Let’s keep going. He couldn’t have gone far.”

A big one replied, “How did you lose him?”

The small one said, “The king is not going to like this.”

The small one sniffed the air and pointed down the alley. “I think Shadow went this way.”

Shadow looked at the two meat sticks that he was holding. The scent of the meat danced in his nose. Shadow debated shoving them in his mouth to stop the smell but they were still dripping with grease and Shadow did not want to make a sound either.

The large one answered, “It is a dead-end. Why would the prince go down a dirty alley?”

The small one replied, “I am telling you I smell him down here.”

The slim one replied, “We are wasting time. The prince has not left the kingdom for five years. His scent is all over this kingdom.”

The other two lycans tilted their heads in confusion.

The slim one replied, “We need to get going. If you are wrong, then we are going to lose the prince and, if we lose him, I doubt the king will pay us the chicken that he promised.”

All three Lycans walked further down the street.

Shadow breathed out and let go of Whittwolf. Shadow grinned at Whittwolf.

Whittwolf said, “Yikes! Someone was following you.”

Shadow said, “Yeah. You can tell how much my father trusts me.”

Shadow and Whittwolf continued down the path which passed the training cages.

Shadow and Whittwolf watched as an adult Lycan held a piece of meat above two pups at the training cages. The pups looked to be about ten. One was short and skinny, and the other was tall with visible muscle. The pups were all starved for days at a time so they could become better fighters. And then they would fight for food. The winner would eat. The loser would remain hungry.

The Adult blew a whistle. Both pups ran at each other with their claws out. They growled and hissed when they met in the middle. The muscled one dug his paws into the ground and flipped the other onto his back. After that he stepped on his throat. The skinny pup tried to free himself but failed. The adult lycan blew the whistle again. The Lycan threw the meat to the victor. The muscled pup caught the meat chunk and devoured it in a few minutes.

The pup that lost the match left the ring and started kicking the ground. He sat on the floor near the cobblestone sidewalk and lowered his head in defeat. He put his head into his paws and said, “I am never going to get it.” The pup screamed, “I am so hungry.”

Shadow looked at the pup. The pup was frail and didn’t have hardly any muscle. Shadow thought no wonder he lost so quickly. The match wasn’t even fair.

Shadow looked around and saw that everyone had left. He went up to the pup and asked. “How long has it been since you have won a match?”

The pup groaned, “It has been five days.”

Shadow reassured, “Don’t worry. They should feed you your weekly rations in a few days. Someday you will be a brave warrior.”

The pup complained, “Not if I don’t eat!”

Shadow looked around and saw that nobody was looking. Shadow handed the pup the food that he had received from the stall. Shadow whispered, “Do not tell anyone because you know the punishment.”

The pup replied, “Thanks, but I don’t have anything to give you.”

Shadow spoke to the pup under his breath, “Stick it in your mouth or I will take it back.”

The pup plopped the meaty morsel into his mouth and devoured it while barely chewing.

The pup shouted, “Thanks.”

Shadow growled at the pup, “No thanks is necessary. Now, you will never speak of this again.”

Shadow spoke with an angry hiss, “Don’t forget, young one. It is a crime to feed a failed fighter.”

Shadow looked around to see that a small crowd was forming. Shadow picked up the pup and gave him a stern look. “You need to train harder. Win a fight and then you can eat. Just like my father has ordered. You can not whine and cry. It is a disgrace to your parents.”

Shadow put the pup back on the ground, so the puppy was now standing. Shadow pat the young one on the back.

Shadow walked away and looked back. “Remember, you need to stand like a proud warrior.”

The pup turned serious and straightened his back, “Yes, sir.”

The crowd quickly broke up as Lycans started ignoring the young one.

The pup watched as Shadow walked away. The young one wanted to ask Shadow to stay, but he knew that he shouldn’t.

Shadow looked back at his Whittwolf and said. “Make sure to keep this to yourself as well. I don’t want to have to punish you.”

Whittwolf smirked. “You know I won’t. And I don’t judge. That is why I like you.”

Shadow turned back and encouraged, “Come on. You can use a better role model than me.” He snickered.

Whittwolf shrugged. “Besides, I let it happen. If I told anyone in my hide would get whipped too and I don’t heal as fast as you do.”

Shadow walked down a small path and jumped down two staircases. He landed with a thud as the cement broke.

Whittwolf walked down the staircase and shouted, “Showoff.”

Shadow walked with Whittwolf into a small room. Whittwolf said, “Really, we walked through the kingdom away from the tavern where everyone expects us to go to a broom closet. How much safer could it be?”

Shadow calmly asked, “How long can you hold your breath?”

Whittwolf replied, “About 10 minutes if I don’t move.”

Shadow’s horn admitted a glow. They become surrounded in a blue sphere. Shadow said, “Then we have 8 minutes to talk.”

Shadow touched the ground that was in the sphere. “The shadows are clear. We are alone.”

Whittwolf replied, “You know, it freaks me out when you do that.”

Whittwolf knocks a paw against the sphere.

Shadow looked at Whittwolf and said. “You need to stay calm or we will run out of air. The good part is nobody on the outside can hear us. The bad news is we have 5 minutes of air.”

Whittwolf said, “I couldn’t be calmer. I trust you.”

Shadow looked up. “You really shouldn’t. I saw a pony use a shield like this to trap a group of lycans.” Shadow looked into Whittwolf’s face, “then he sucked the air out of the bubble. He nearly suffocated the group of lycans.”

Whittwolf replied, “Well, I guess I should thank you then. My grandfather was one of them.”

Shadow half smiled and then chuckled.

Whittwolf stated, “And you wonder why the Lycans don’t trust ponies. You only need to hear about that to understand how cruel the ponies can be.”

Shadow spoke, “I don’t blame the pony. I blame my father who just smiled and watched.”

Whittwolf said, “We are wasting time. Do you think the shield is needed?”

Shadow replied, “Yeah. The walls have eyes. Even though my father is cruel, he has many followers. I can not risk my father finding out that you or anyone are doing work for me.”

Whittwolf said, “Yeah, that does sound like it would be excruciating.”

Shadow smiled back at him. Shadow requested, “So I need for you to tell me about the mission that I gave you. Also speak casually and look friendly. I want anyone who sees us to think we are just talking and be friendly.”

Whittwolf replied, “I thought that is what we are doing.”

Shadow said, “I would hope so, but the walls have ears and eyes. You don’t know who could be watching or listening to us.”

Whittwolf finally told Shadow, “There was a problem with the mission. When we got to Ponyville, Chief assigned Blaze to deliver to the farm. I offered to switch deliveries with her, but you know how she feels about cider.”

Shadow shrugged, “Yeah. Blaze does like her cider.”

Whittwolf said, “the good news is you can ask Blaze about that. I am sure she will say that the family is fine.”

Shadow sighed. “It is true. Blaze is someone I trust but do you expect her to keep a secret?”

Whittwolf put his head down and looked at the floor. “I am sorry.”

Shadow put a claw under Whittwolf’s head and lifted it, “Well, not all is lost. She would not deliver iron and pick up cider from an empty farm, so the family should be ok. Or at least the family that is left.”

Whittwolf said, “I don’t know why you don’t just leave the kingdom. Get away from your father.”

Shadow said, “My father loves power, and what has more power than an Alicorn? He would never let me leave. If my father found out, he would most likely set fire to the farm and leave it destroyed. If he is feeling generous, he will leave the farmers alive. If they are unlucky, they will end up just like their parents.”

Shadow looked down at the ground and shut his eyes. Shadow breathed in slowly.

Whittwolf replied, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

Shadow looked at him and yelled, “What are the Three rules of the Lycans?”

Whittwolf grinned, “Never give up, always go for the throat, and never apologize.”

Shadow grinned back. “Great answers.” Shadow turned to the door. “I need you to leave first. I am going to leave next so I can make sure that nobody is following you. Once you get to the tavern, I am going to head to the nursery and read to my little brother.”

Whittwolf said, “You have to go to the tavern. There are five barrels of fresh apple cider. Think of the cider! We don’t get cider every moon. Everyone is going to be mad if you don’t show up.”

Shadow sighed. “Everyone is going to be mad if I show up. Why go?”

Whittwolf said, “You have an image.”

Shadow said, “I don’t care about my image. They are all only here for a little while anyway.”

Shadow put both of his paws down and raised his voice. “You heard them groan. Would they protest if I was my father?”

Whittwolf answered, “No, but they are also terrified of him. Terrified enough to put a barrier spell up.”

Everything was quiet.

Shadow broke the silence. “I am not worried about myself. I am worried about you. Do you know what would happen if my father caught you?”

Whittwolf sighed and said, “Why do you think I agreed to the shield? He scares me.”

Shadow groaned, “If I could leave, I would have checked out the farm on my own. I can’t leave the kingdom for anything. Not even to hunt. And the kingdom needs food. I bet that cart is going to run out of food before all the Lycans in line get fed. No wonder they all groaned. Because of me, someone is not going to eat.”

Whittwolf replied, “And you care about that? And that is the kind of king that you are. Once the kingdom figures that out, they will like you too but they can’t figure that out if you don’t interact with them.”

Shadow sighed, “I don’t want to be king.”

Whittwolf responded, “Then can you at least go as a friend?”

Shadow said, “Ok fine! I guess I can have one cup of cider.” Whittwolf and Shadow bump paws.

The Lycan put a paw over his heart and bowed in front of Shadow, “I am here to serve Luna and her family. Anything you want, my prince.”

Shadow raised his voice. “What have I said about you calling me prince?”

The Lycan said, “What happened to acting casual in case anyone is watching?”

Shadow smirked. “Fine.”

Whittwolf left the room after Shadow lowered the shield. Shadow watched Whittwolf walk down the cobblestone path. Shadow reached under the table and touched the darkness. Through it, he noticed that he could not feel anyone in the nearby area. When Whittwolf was out of eyesight, Shadow walked down the cobblestone road toward the tavern.

In the tavern, Lycans were dancing and having a great time. Blaze drank a large mug of cider. Blaze reached down and grabbed her lighter. “Hey, does everyone want to see a trick?”

Blaze then took a big sip of cider and placed the lighter in front of her mouth.

The Tavern owner grabbed Blaze’s arm and put ther lighter away from her face, “Let’s not do that indoors. I just repainted. Again.”

Eclipse turned to Shirwolf and relied. “We had such a good haul of Sapphires today. I counted at least 11 Sapphires in the new mine.”

Shirwolf took a sip of his cider. “For the last time Eclipse they were not Sapphires. Since they were red, they were rubies.”

Eclipse held a paw up. “Oh Pish Posh, Sapphires are just rubys without corundum. So, technically, they were still Sapphires.”

Shirwolf sighed, “Technically ... I don’t care!”

A group of Lycans that were nearby all laughed.

Whittwolf walked up to the table and grinned, “I see that Eclipse has been keeping you company.”

Shirwolf got up from the table, “Brother, you are back.” Shirwolf slapped Whittwolf on the shoulder. “Come sit down. Tell us about your adventure.” Shirwolf and Whittwolf sat down at the table with Eclipse.

The tavern owner raised a mug, “Congratulations to Blaze for bringing the cider. As a reward she gets one free.”

The crowd in the tavern erupted in a sea of cheers and howls.

One Lycan in the corner said, “What about me?”

The tavern owner replied, “You pay double.”

Everyone in the tavern laughed.

The bartender smiled and replied. “You and your team are awesome. You saved my business.”

A few minutes later, Shadow walked into the tavern. The cheering stopped. Everyone grew quiet.

Shadow requested, “Ruby can I order a cider?”

Ruby filled a mug and slid it in Shadows direction. Shadow caught the mug in one of his front paws. Shadow gulped down the cider quickly. He then held up the empty cup and shouted, “Congratulations to Blaze and the team that brought back the cider.”

Blaze pat Shadow on the back and said, “Thanks, boss. You are the best.”

Shadow could hear some low grumbles coming from the back of the pub.

Shadow turned to Ruby and asked, “How much do I owe you?”

Ruby said earnestly, “The king and his family eat and drink free.”

Someone yelled from the back, “Typical!”

Ruby yelled back. “The royal family deserves a little respect.”

A Lycan sitting in a corner booth spoke. Cider spilled from the side of his mouth. He yelled back, spitting at the same time. “I am giving them as little respect as I can!”

Shadow gritted his teeth and walked toward the door.

The corner Lycan responded, “Oooo, I am so scared. Some guardian you turned out to be!”

Shadow turned around and left the tavern. The door slammed behind him. The glass in the window of the door broke.

Ruby pointed at the corner lycan and said, “You better apologize.”

The corner lycan responded, “What are you going to do?”

Ruby pointed to a magic lycan behind the counter and said, “No more cider for him.”

The corner lycan responded, “Good! The five that I had tasted like dirt.”

Ruby walked out the door after Shadow.

Ruby saw Shadow standing outside. Shadow was staring up at the moon. Ruby walked up to Shadow and asked, “What are you doing?”

Shadow said with a snarl. “What does it look like I am doing?” Shadow turned around, “I am leaving.”

Ruby said sweetly, “Don’t go. He was just angry.”

Shadow looked into the sky and responded, “Do you blame him for being angry?” Shadow looked at Ruby, “Do you blame any of them for being angry?”

The owner said, “Not really. They work hard for little.”

Shadow said, “Things used to be different. I deserve everything that he said. My father sits in his castle and eating well while Lycans starve.”

Ruby was not sure what to say, so she remained silent. Blaze walked through the door. The door fell from its hinges.

Ruby grit her teeth, growled, and then sighed, “I just bought that door.”

Whittwolf and Shirwolf picked up the door and moved it out of the way of the entrance. Blaze, Whittwolf and Shirwolf sat behind Ruby quietly.

Shadow looked up to the sky and said, “The Lycans used to be a proud nation. We had plenty of food, and we were safe. Then the Pony of Shadows attacked. Ever since then, it is like the kingdom is slowly dying. The magic is leaving. Now the kingdom has to work hard just to scrape together what they can. I want better for the kingdom.”

Shadow looked down and turned to Ruby, “I deserve to be hated. I failed to protect the kingdom. And, because of me, the kingdom is dying. Everyone is suffering.”

Ruby pat Shadow on the shoulder, “Nobody should take that burden on their shoulders. It is not just your fault.”

Ruby pointed to the tavern, “You don’t need to take that. Why don’t you give him a piece of your mind? You are an Alicorn. You can wipe the floor with that jerk.”

Shadow yelled back, “Don’t you think I want to?” Shadow spoke through his teeth with a sinister smile on his face. “I want to rip him to pieces. I want to watch the light leave his eyes as his body falls limp.” Shadow looked at Ruby menacingly. “I am an alicorn. I would do it with the snap of my claw.” Shadow then snapped his teeth shut.

Shadow sighed and then spoke softly, “But all that would do is make me just like my father.”

Shadow spoke with a low growl and a look of indifference on his face, “I am not my father. I need to be better.”

Ruby shrugged. “No fur off my hide, but you shouldn’t let him get away with that. Don’t be like your father but don’t be a pushover either.”

Shadow turned around and started walking down the cobblestone path. “I need to go.”

Ruby responded, “Don’t do anything stupid without me.”

Shadow yawned and then said, “I am going to go visit my brother in the nursery. Probably read to him. I always do.”

Whittwolf asked, “Are you sure you want to do that? When he comes of age to fight in the pit, it doesn’t matter how book smart he is. If he loses his coming of age battle, he will have to leave the kingdom.”

Shadow said, “Like my father would do that. He wants as many Alicorns as he can in his army. Because my brother is the first natural-born Alicorn of the kingdom, I am sure he is safe. Besides, these stories might be what gives him a better future.”

Ruby places her paw on her heart and bows to him. “Whatever you want to do, my prince.”

Whittwolf, Shirwolf, and Blaze all bow as well. “Whatever you want to do, my prince,” they said in unison.

Shadow snarled and said, “Oh, you are just saying that.”

Ruby responded, “So? You are the prince. Why wouldn’t we?”

Shadow growled and then walked toward the nursery.

Ruby walked after Shadow for a few steps. She stopped and looked at Shadow as he walked away. Ruby Shouted, “Good luck. I hope you find what you are looking for.”